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A Ordem Oculta Na Arte, Anton Ehrenzweig
Reading Seminar Xi Lacan 039 S Four Fundamental Concepts Of Psychoanalysis The Paris Seminars In English Suny Series In Psychoanalysis And Cultur
Karen Horney - Culture And Neurosis
Bellour, Thierry Kuntzel And The Return Of Writing (camera Obscura 1983)
The Master-slave Dialectic
Rosenfeld The Superego And The Ego-ideal
David Lomas - Notes On Dali And Leonardo
Andrew Elder Robert Gosling Harold Stewart Michael Balint Object Relations, Pure And Applied New Library Of Psychoanalysis 1996
Canopy Of The Upturned Eye-writing On Derrida's Crypt
Shakespeare. Una Indagación Sobre El Poder. Estanislao Zuleta
Elisabeth Roudinesco-por Qué El Psicoanálisis
Stavchansky, Liora (2012). Tejiendo La Clinica - Entre El Niño Y El Otro. Ed. Paradiso Editores