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1. Electrical - Ijeee - Improvement Of Power Quality In An A Induction Generator Based Wind - Vidya Shekar

Description: This paper s tudy about power quality improve ment of the wind energy s ys tem connected to grid. For the power quality imp rovement we us ed UPFC. UPFC is a vers atile FA CTS (Fle xib l...




This paper s tudy about power quality improve ment of the wind energy s ys tem connected to grid. For the power quality imp rovement we us ed UPFC. UPFC is a vers atile FA CTS (Fle xib le AC Trans mis s ion Sys tems ) device that is the mos t s ophisticated and comple x power electronics equipment and has emerged for control and optimization of power flow and als o to regulate the voltage in the electrical power t rans mis s ion s ys tem. This project propos e the real, reactive power and voltage control through a trans mis s ion line by placing UPFC at the s ending end us ing MATLAB s imu lation. The control s cheme has the fast dynamic res pons e and hence is adequate for improving trans ient behavior of power s ys tem after trans ient conditions . When no UPFC is ins talled, rea l and reactive power through the trans mis s ion line cannot be regulated. A control s ystem wh ich enables the UPFC to fo llo w the changes in reference values like AC voltage, DC voltage and angle order of the s eries voltage s ource converter is s imulated. In this control s ys tem, a generalized puls e width modulation technique is us ed to generate firing puls es for both the converters . Simulations will be carried out us ing MATLAB/SIMULINK s oftware to check the performance of UPFC.