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1_what Is Con Art

Introductory lecture in Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions




CONTEMPORARY PHILIPPINE ARTS ARTS FROM THE REGIONS The subject coers arious contemporary arts practices of the re!ion where the school is located. "t aims to proide students with an appreciation of a broad ran!e of styles in the arious disciplines with consideration on their elements and principles# and en!a!e them to an integrative approach in studying arts. Throu!h this subject# students will broaden and ac$uire the necessary creatie tools that open opportunities in pursuin! their indiidual career !oals and aspirations. The subject coers arious contemporary arts practices of the re!ion where the school is located. "t aims to proide students with an appreciation of a broad ran!e of styles in the arious disciplines with consideration on their elements and principles# and en!a!e them to an integrative approach in studying arts. Throu!h this subject# students will broaden and ac$uire the necessary creatie tools that open opportunities in pursuin! their indiidual career !oals and aspirations. ss gnmen over weekend e ◎Look for an example of a contemporary art piece (Filipino). ◎ You  You may choose an artwork mentioned mentioned in the book. ◎Look for a digital copy and post it on our Facebook page as a comment with the reason why you chose it. ◎Gie the following! "itle#$ame of the artwork% $ame of the &rtist% Year made ◎'eadline! onday% pm Activity 1: 1 whole sheet of paper – upper half  ◎ *rite your expectations for this class (+ expectations) ◎ *hat do you know about &rt, ◎*hy do you think we need to study the &rts especially -hilippine &rts, Projects ◎ &rt unt in the /ity 0 by pair#triad ◎ $ational &rtist research 0 one to two pages with picture of the &rtist 0 details will follow ◎ Group 1eport ◎ Final -ro2ect (Finals) 0 production 0 to be decided 0 as a batch or by group or by section 0 details to follow ◎ -erformance "asks 0 fashion show3 mini art pro2ects 0 by pair#triad Other Requirements ◎ *eekend assignments 0 digital 0 Facebook or "witter 4 indiidual ◎ 5nline polls#discussion 4 indiidual ◎ 6nstagram post on /on&rt account 4 indiidual Why study art? 7 ! Art is " N"t#r"$ H#m"n %eh"vior 7 &! Art is Comm#ni'"tion 7 (! Art is He"$ing 7 )! Art Te$$s O#r Stor* 7  ,! Art is " Sh"red E-.erien'e What is ConArt? )aily Grind# *i!uel +eltran# Photo!raphy *i,ed *edia# %&1' ◎ Look "t the "rtwork on the s$ides! ◎ %"sed on wh"t *o# h"ve re"d in the /ook 0."ges )1234 te$$ whether the "rtwork is "n e-"m.$e o5 Contem.or"r* Art 0ConArt3 or not 0N6A7Not A..$i'"/$e3 ◎ E-.$"in *o#r "nswer /* giving one 'h"r"'teristi' o5 ◎Identification of the type of art-1 point ◎Characteristic of contemporary art – 2  points ◎Reflection/Reaction to the artwork – 2  points ◎5 points per artwork  1 1 Spoliarium Juan Luna -ie of artwork  '.%% meters , 0.02 meters "t was painted by 3una in 144'  as an entry to the presti!ious 5,posicion de +ellas Artes 6*adrid Art 5,position# *ay 144'7 and eentually won for him the 8irst Gold *edal.  Additional $uestion for the -poliarium 6( points7  %( sentences 1. ;hat is the meanin! of the artwork !ien its historical conte,t< %. =eep the historical conte,t of the piece in mind 2 2 2 “Heart Pete Jimene! -ie of artwork  %4 , (' , 4 inches " " “#$ternoon %eal o$ Rice &or'ers (ernando #morsolo 1>10 )   e    h   c   a   p    A  #   n   o   s   c   e    T    h   p   e   s   o    ? ) “#pache Joseph *ecson + + “,alagoong -lmer ,orlongan .    t   r    A    i    t    i    f    f   a   r    G   o    i   c   a    f    i   n   o    +    t   r   o    8 . “%other /ature0 (our Seasons ee Jae Paeste 3ocation: +onifacio @i!h -treet Central  6stairs !oin! to @i!h -treet from %4th -treet7 3   s   r   e    t   r   a   u   $    d   s   a   a   e   !    @   i    t    l   r   e      u   !    i    *   n   a    - 3 3 San %iguel 4orporation Headquarters Ortigas ,y the %a5osa ,rothers "nspired by the BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB  8rancisco +obbyD *aEosa ;hat place or cultural landmark in the Philippines somehow resembles the buildin!< 36 6 #rt7or' 8y Josua 4a8rera # 4e8uano contemporary artist 8hen 9ose.h Te'son :rst ."inted in .rison4 he w"s do#/t5#$ he wo#$d m"ke something good o#t o5 it! He ."inted initi"$$* "t the insisten'e o5 his /rother "nd /e'"#se there w"s "n #rge to ."ss time .rod#'tive$*! Th"t w"s the sim.$e re"son! E"'h week4 thro#gho#t the 5o#r *e"rs "nd twent* d"*s he w"s in'"r'er"ted 5or " '"se he wo#$d $"ter /e "';#itted 5or4 his 're"tions4 whi'h he 'onsiders " ."rt o5 himse$54 wo#$d get o#t "nd o''"sion"$$* 9ictorio -dades *he ,uilders: 1;26 (ernando #morsolo (ernando #morsolo 4esar Legaspi Ch"r"'teristi's o5 Contem.or"r* Art %o$d strokes4 /right 'o$ors A/str"'t4 E-.ressionist < S#rre"$ist  & ( Art /e'"me .#/$i'! Some "rtists were se$51 t"#ght! ) =i>erent m"teri"$s were #sed inste"d o5 the tr"dition"$ ones! , Origin"$it* is not "n iss#e in ConArt! 2 ? Pro'ess is im.ort"nt! 7 /ontemporary &rt is a statement that an artist makes about life% thoughts% ideas% beliefs and many other things that de8ne human life. 9trictly speaking% the term :contemporary art: refers to art made and produced by artists liing today. "oday