The subject coers arious contemporary arts practices of the re!ion where the school is located. "t aims to proide students with an
appreciation of a broad ran!e of styles
in the arious disciplines with consideration on their
elements and principles# and en!a!e them to an integrative approach in studying arts. Throu!h this subject# students will broaden and ac$uire the necessary creatie tools that open opportunities in pursuin! their indiidual career !oals and aspirations.
The subject coers arious contemporary arts practices of the re!ion where the school is located. "t aims to proide students with an
appreciation of a broad ran!e of styles
in the arious disciplines with consideration on their
elements and principles# and en!a!e them to an integrative approach in studying arts. Throu!h this subject# students will broaden and ac$uire the necessary creatie tools that open opportunities in pursuin! their indiidual career !oals and aspirations.
ss gnmen over weekend
◎Look for an example of a contemporary art piece (Filipino). ◎ You You may choose an artwork mentioned mentioned in the book. ◎Look for a digital copy and post it on our Facebook page as a comment with the reason why you chose it. ◎Gie the following! "itle#$ame of the artwork% $ame of the &rtist% Year made ◎'eadline! onday% pm
Activity 1: 1 whole sheet of paper – upper half
◎ *rite your expectations for this class (+ expectations) ◎ *hat do you know about &rt, ◎*hy do you think we need to study the &rts especially -hilippine &rts,
Projects ◎ &rt unt in the /ity 0 by pair#triad ◎ $ational &rtist research 0 one to two pages with picture of the &rtist 0 details will follow ◎ Group 1eport ◎ Final -ro2ect (Finals) 0 production 0 to be decided 0 as a batch or by group or by section 0 details to follow ◎ -erformance "asks 0 fashion show3 mini art pro2ects 0 by pair#triad
Other Requirements ◎ *eekend assignments 0 digital 0 Facebook or "witter 4 indiidual ◎ 5nline polls#discussion 4 indiidual ◎ 6nstagram post on /on&rt account 4 indiidual
Why study art?
7 ! Art is " N"t#r"$ H#m"n %eh"vior
7 &! Art is Comm#ni'"tion
(! Art is He"$ing
)! Art Te$$s O#r Stor*
,! Art is " Sh"red E-.erien'e
What is ConArt?
)aily Grind# *i!uel +eltran# Photo!raphy *i,ed *edia# %&1'
◎ Look "t the "rtwork on the s$ides! ◎ %"sed on wh"t *o# h"ve re"d in the /ook 0."ges )1234 te$$ whether the "rtwork is "n e-"m.$e o5 Contem.or"r* Art 0ConArt3 or not 0N6A7Not A..$i'"/$e3 ◎ E-.$"in *o#r "nswer /* giving one 'h"r"'teristi' o5
◎Identification of the type of art-1 point ◎Characteristic of contemporary art – 2 points ◎Reflection/Reaction to the artwork – 2 points
◎5 points per artwork
Spoliarium Juan Luna
-ie of artwork '.%% meters , 0.02 meters "t was painted by 3una in 144' as an entry to the presti!ious 5,posicion de +ellas Artes 6*adrid Art 5,position# *ay 144'7 and eentually won for him the 8irst Gold *edal.
Additional $uestion for the -poliarium 6( points7 %( sentences 1. ;hat is the meanin! of the artwork !ien its historical conte,t< %. =eep the historical conte,t of the piece in mind
“Heart Pete Jimene!
-ie of artwork %4 , (' , 4 inches
“#$ternoon %eal o$ Rice &or'ers (ernando #morsolo 1>10
) e h c a p A # n o s c e T h p e s o ?
“#pache Joseph *ecson
“,alagoong -lmer ,orlongan
. t r A i t i f f a r G o i c a f i n o + t r o 8
“%other /ature0 (our Seasons ee Jae Paeste 3ocation: +onifacio @i!h -treet Central 6stairs !oin! to @i!h -treet from %4th -treet7
3 s r e t r a u $ d s a a e ! @ i t l r e u ! i * n a -
San %iguel 4orporation Headquarters Ortigas ,y the %a5osa ,rothers "nspired by the BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 8rancisco +obbyD *aEosa
;hat place or cultural landmark in the Philippines somehow resembles the buildin!<
#rt7or' 8y Josua 4a8rera # 4e8uano contemporary artist
8hen 9ose.h Te'son :rst ."inted in .rison4 he w"s do#/t5#$ he wo#$d m"ke something good o#t o5 it! He ."inted initi"$$* "t the insisten'e o5 his /rother "nd /e'"#se there w"s "n #rge to ."ss time .rod#'tive$*! Th"t w"s the sim.$e re"son! E"'h week4 thro#gho#t the 5o#r *e"rs "nd twent* d"*s he w"s in'"r'er"ted 5or " '"se he wo#$d $"ter /e "';#itted 5or4 his 're"tions4 whi'h he 'onsiders " ."rt o5 himse$54 wo#$d get o#t "nd o''"sion"$$*
9ictorio -dades
*he ,uilders: 1;26
(ernando #morsolo
(ernando #morsolo
4esar Legaspi
Ch"r"'teristi's o5 Contem.or"r* Art
%o$d strokes4 /right 'o$ors A/str"'t4 E-.ressionist < S#rre"$ist
& (
Art /e'"me .#/$i'!
Some "rtists were se$51 t"#ght!
=i>erent m"teri"$s were #sed inste"d o5 the tr"dition"$ ones!
Origin"$it* is not "n iss#e in ConArt!
2 ?
Pro'ess is im.ort"nt!
/ontemporary &rt is a statement that an artist makes about life% thoughts% ideas% beliefs and many other things that de8ne human life.
9trictly speaking% the term :contemporary art: refers to art made and produced by artists liing today. "oday