GW100 SAP NetWeaver Gateway Consuming a Gateway Service in JavaScript March, 2012
At the end of this chapter, you will understand: ! How Use the SAP UI5 JavaScript Libraries to Create a Gateway
Service (Read-only)
Agenda "
Consuming an OData Service using the SAPUI5 JavaScript Libraries
Setup Eclipse Workspace Create a new folder within your workspace. This will contain your SAP OData developments. Underneath this folder, create: • An !"#$%&'()* file • Three more folders named +,#$*-, .!$/- and 0,"(1,**$1-.
Define a Basic Web Page – 1/2 It is assumed that the SUPUI5 libraries are already installed on your web server under 2-345!6. Edit !"#$%&'()* and add the following coding to start with: 789:0;<=> '()*@ 7'()*@ 7'$3#@ Here’s the important part 7)$(3 '((4A$B5!CD!"#$%#&'()*+,-./! 1'2+/2+3!453/67/! 89 7(!(*$@EF= :93(32EF=GH6 #$),72(!(*$@ Boot up SAPUI5, load a theme
then load the required libraries
78AA I,3# EF=GH6J -$*$K( L,*# 1$M*$K(!," ('$)$ 3"# *,3# ('$ K,)),"-J (3N*$ 3"# 5%O *!N131!$- AA@ 7-K1!4( !#D!:*)#;,#-''+:+<*)! +=)/3!+/>+8?*@*:1<,)+! -1KD!8:*);,A8F!9G8 :1<,)+9 &&& -"!4 &&& 7N,#P K*3--D!:*)$,H'6=!9 7#!C !#D!:I/..%*!9G8 6,@9 72N,#P@ 72'()*@
The output from SAPUI5 will be written here
Define a Basic Web Page – 2/2 After the 7-K1!4(@ tag to boot up SAPUI5, add the following JavaScript file references: 78AA
9$K*31$ +.0 M!*$- !" 1$C$1-$ ,1#$1 ,M #$4$"#$"KP +,#$*- M!1-(J ('$" K,"(1,**$1-J ('$" C!$/- AA@ 7-K1!4( (P4$D!+/>+8?*@*:1<,)+! :<13!B8J'6/.:8D.,7I+42D'J'6/.B?:!9G8 :1<,)+9 7-K1!4( (P4$D!+/>+8?*@*:1<,)+! :<13!B8&'2+<'../<:8D.,7I+&'2+<'../+8?*@*:1<,)+! (P4$D!+/>+8?*@*:1<,)+! (P4$D!+/>+8?*@*:1<,)+! (P4$D!+/>+8?*@*:1<,)+!
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The coding for models, views and controllers is separated into different files in order to make it easier to manage.
Create a JavaScript Closure for the Model In the &2+,#$*- folder create M*!L'(H"M,+,#$*&R-. The following code creates a closure around the declaration of the OData model object hiding it as a private property and exposing it through method L$(+,#$*TU. The statement to create the OData model is highlighted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d #M*(W-$1C!K$J $"-.+J #M*(W5-$1J #M*(W43--/,1#U] #+(%#& V
L$(+,#$* Z $%&'()*&TU V #+(%#& ,+,#$*] `J L$(+$(3#3(3 Z $%&'()*&TU V #+(%#& ,+,#$*&,+$(3#3(3(3E$1C!K$-&-K'$)3abc] ` ` `TUU]
Create a Controller In the &20,"(1,**$1- folder create M*!L'(0,"(1,**$1&R-. In this example, the coding in the controller does nothing more than return an anonymous object having methods that return the name of each of the entity types. This functionality is used by a utility that creates a UI table for an entity type. 22 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 22 9$M!"$ 3 K,"(1,**$1 M,1 '3"#*!"L S*!L'( H"M,1)3(!," 22 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ -34&5!&K,"(1,**$1TY-34&(13!"!"L&L/ebb&K,"(1,**$1,S*!L'(H"M,YJ T$%&'()*&TU V #+(%#& V Each controller is named using L$(S*!L'(>"(!(Pf3)$Z $%&'()*&01 2 #+(%#& 3S*!L'(34 56 an arbitrary namespace. L$(\,,g!"L>"(!(Pf3)$Z $%&'()*&01 2 #+(%#& 3\,,g!"L34 56 L$(F!14,1(>"(!(Pf3)$Z $%&'()*&01 2 #+(%#& 3F!14,1(34 56 `] `TUU U]
Create Views for each Entity Type In the &2.!$/- folder create a file for each view called -',/F!14,1(-&R-, -',/S*!L'(-&R-, and -',/\,,g!"L-&R-. Here, we’ll use a utility function to create the required UI table using the methods found in the controller that return the entity type name. Each view needs to know the identity of its associated controller. 22 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 22 F!14,1(- C!$/ 22 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ -34&5!&R-C!$/TY-34&(13!"!"L&L/ebb&C!$/&-',/F!14,1(-YJ V L$(0,"(1,**$1f3)$Z $%&'()*&TU V #+(%#& Y-34&(13!"!"L&L/ebb&K,"(1,**$1,S*!L'(H"M,Y] `J K1$3($0,"($"(Z $%&'()*&T,0,"(1,**$1U V #+(%#& N5!*#;3N*$S1,)+$(3#3(3T,S*!L'(+,#$*J ,0,"(1,**$1&L$( F!14,1(>"(!(Pf3)$TUU] ` ` U]
This value is then passed to method K1$3($0,"($"(TU
This function is repeated for each view with the entity type name changed as required.
Utility to Create a UI Table from OData Metadata – 1/2 In the &2.!$/- folder create the file 5!W5(!*!(!$-&R-. 22 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 22 01$3($ 3 GH (3N*$ N3-$# ," -544*!$# >"(!(P ;P4$ "3)$ 3"# :93(3 )$(3#3(3 22 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ !"# N5!*#;3N*$S1,)+$(3#3(3 D $%&'()*&T,+,#$*J $"(!(Pf3)$U V !"# ,+$(393(3 D ,+,#$*&L$(+$(3#3(3TU D ,+$(393(3&"3)$-43K$ d Y&Y d $"(!(Pf3)$] !"# ('!->"(!(P;P4$ !"# ('!->"(!(PE$(f3)$ D YY] D ac] !"# K,*I!-( !"# ! D bJ R D b] 22 I,,4 31,5"# $"(!(P (P4$$*# T!Db] !7,+$(393(3&$"(!(P;P4$&*$"L('] !ddU V 22 h3C$ /$ M,5"# ('$ $"(!(P (P4$ /$i1$ *,,g!"L M,1j )$ T,+$(393(3&$"(!(P;P4$a!c&"3)$ kk ,+$(393(3&$"(!(P;P4$a!c&"3)$ DDD $"(!(Pf3)$U V 22 G-$ ('$ M5**P B53*!M!$# $"(!(P "3)$ (, #$($1)!"$ ('$ $"(!(P -$( "3)$ $*# TRDb] R7,+$(393(3&$"(!(P0,"(3!"$1abc&$"(!(PE$(&*$"L('] RddU V )$ T,+$(393(3&$"(!(P0,"(3!"$1abc&$"(!(PE$(aRc&$"(!(P;P4$ DDD ('!->"(!(P;P4$U V ('!->"(!(PE$(f3)$ D ,+$(393(3&$"(!(P0,"(3!"$1abc&$"(!(PE$(aRc&"3)$] ` `
Utility to Create a UI Table from OData Metadata – 2/2 Continuation of the coding in &2.!$/-25!W5(!*!(!$-&R-. 22 I,,4 31,5"# ('$ $"(!(P (P4$ 41,4$1(!$- K1$3(!"L 3 (3N*$ K,*5)" M,1 $3K' $*# TRDb] R7,+$(393(3&$"(!(P;P4$a!c&41,4$1(P&*$"L('] RddU V 22 S,1 -!)4*!K!(PJ )!-- ,5( K,)4*$% (P4$)$ T,+$(393(3&$"(!(P;P4$a!c&41,4$1(PaRc&(P4$&-5N-(1!"LTbJlU DD Y>#)&YU V K,*I!-(&45-'TV*3N$* Z ,+$(393(3&$"(!(P;P4$a!c&41,4$1(PaRc&"3)$J ($)4*3($Z ,+$(393(3&$"(!(P;P4$a!c&41,4$1(PaRc&"3)$`U] ` ` ` ` 22 01$3($ 3 (3N*$ 5-!"L ('$ K,*5)" *!-( K1$3($# 3N,C$ !"# ,;3N*$ D &+, -34&5!&(3N*$&93(3;3N*$TV K,*5)"-Z K,*I!-( `U] 22 N!"# ),#$* (, ;3N*$ ,;3N*$&-$(+,#$*T,+,#$*&L$(+,#$*TUU] ,;3N*$&N!"#FLL1$L3(!,"TY1,/-YJ ('!->"(!(PE$(f3)$U] 1$(51" ,;3N*$] `]
Complete the JavaScript Coding in the Web Page – 1/4 The remainder of the !"#$%&'()* web page now needs to be completed. After the last 7-K1!4(@ element, add the following: 7-K1!4(@ 22 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 22 H"-(3"(!3($ C!$/- #$K*31$# !" ('$ 3N,C$ &2C!$/-2Q&R- M!*$ 22 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ !"# M*!L'(-.!$/ D -34&5!&R-C!$/TY-34&(13!"!"L&L/ebb&C!$/&-',/S*!L'(-YU] !"# 3!14,1(-.!$/ D -34&5!&R-C!$/TY-34&(13!"!"L&L/ebb&C!$/&-',/F!14,1(-YU] !"# N,,g!"L-.!$/ D -34&5!&R-C!$/TY-34&(13!"!"L&L/ebb&C!$/&-',/\,,g!"L-YU]
Create an instance of each view. Notice that views need to be identified by their fully qualified name.
Complete the JavaScript Coding in the Web Page – 2/4 The UX3 Shell object defines the entire screen layout. The /,1g-$(H($)- array holds the menu structure. 22 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 22 01$3($ ('$ 5%O -'$** T"3C!L3(!," 3"# K,"($"( K,"(3!"$1 U 22 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ !"# ,E'$** D &+, -34&5!&5%O&E'$**TY)PE'$**YJ V 344HK,"ZY'((4Z22///&-34&K,)2L*,N3*2!)3L$-2EF=I,L,&L!MYJ 344;!(*$ZYEF=GH6 H"($1M3K$ (, [3($/3PYJ /,1g-$(H($)-Za &+, -34&5!&5%O&f3C!L3(!,"H($)T V g$PZY/!WS*!L'(H"M,YJ ($%(ZYS*!L'( H"M,1)3(!,"YJ -5NH($)-Za &+, -34&5!&5%O&f3C!L3(!,"H($)TVg$PZY/!WS*!L'(H"M,WS*!L'(-YJ ($%(ZYS*!L'(-Y`UJ &+, -34&5!&5%O&f3C!L3(!,"H($)TVg$PZY/!WS*!L'(H"M,WF!14,1(-YJ($%(ZYF!14,1(-Y`UJ &+, -34&5!&5%O&f3C!L3(!,"H($)TVg$PZY/!WS*!L'(H"M,W\,,g!"L-YJ($%(ZY\,,g!"L-Y`U c `U cJ 43"$\31H($)-Z a &+, -34&5!&K,1$&H($)TVg$PZY4NW4$,4*$YJ ($%(ZY=$,4*$Y`U cJ *,L,5(Z $%&'()*&TU V 3*$1(TY\P$ NP$&&&YU] ` ` U]
Complete the JavaScript Coding in the Web Page – 3/4 The L$(0,"($"(TU function examines the key of the selected menu item and returns the appropriate view instance. 22 =3L$ K,"($"( K1$3(!," A M,1 $3K' /,1g-$( !($) ('$ K,"($"( !- #$M!"$# '$1$ !"# )0,"($"( D V`] !"# L$(0,"($"( D $%&'()*&Tg$PU V
22 HM K,"($"( !- 3*1$3#P K1$3($#J 1$(51" !( #!1$K(*P )$ T)0,"($"(ag$PcU #+(%#& )0,"($"(ag$Pc] Tg$P DDD Y/!WS*!L'(H"M,W\,,g!"L-YU V )0,"($"(ag$Pc D N,,g!"L-.!$/] ` )$ +-.+ )$ Tg$P DDD Y/!WS*!L'(H"M,WF!14,1(-YU V )0,"($"(ag$Pc D 3!14,1(-.!$/] ` +-.+ )$ Tg$P DDD Y/!WS*!L'(H"M,WS*!L'(-YU V )0,"($"(ag$Pc D M*!L'(-.!$/] ` #+(%#& )0,"($"(ag$Pc]
The returned view instance is then displayed in the UX3 shell’s content area.
Complete the JavaScript Coding in the Web Page – 4/4 Attach a function to the UX3 Shell’s ^,1g-$(H($)E$*$K($# event that returns the selected view instance, then set the initial view. 22 ^'$" ('$ 5-$1 -$*$K(- 3 /,1g-$( !($)J 45( ('$ 1$-4$K(!C$ K,"($"( !"(, ('$ -'$**i22 )3!" 31$3 ,E'$**&3((3K'^,1g-$(H($)E$*$K($#T$%&'()*&T,>C$"(U V !"# g$P D ,>C$"(&L$(=313)$($1TYg$PYU] ,E'$**&-$(0,"($"(TL$(0,"($"(Tg$PUU] `U] 22 E$( ('$ !"!(!3* K,"($"( ,M ('$ E'$** A ('$ h,)$ :C$1C!$/ !- -$*$K($# !"!(!3**P ,E'$**&-$(0,"($"(TL$(0,"($"(TY/!WS*!L'(H"M,WS*!L'(-YUU] 22 =*3K$ ('$ E'$** !"(, ('$ 7#!C@ $*$)$"( #$M!"$# N$*,/ ,E'$**&4*3K$F(TY-'$**F1$3YU] 72-K1!4(@ 72'$3#@
Finally, place the output of the UX3 Shell into the HTML 7#!C@ called -'$**F1$3.
Finished Application
Hands-on Exercise
Exercise 14 Create a Gateway Application Using SAPUI5 JavaScript Libraries
You should now understand: ! How Use the SAP UI5 JavaScript Libraries to Create a Gateway
Service (Read-only)
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