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Action Tracking





Studies include HAZOP. HAZID, ISD, WHAT


accessible via baku portal on amecnet.Safety Review On-line Database System SCOPE Develop On-line Database System to cover the whole Safety Review process. currently not recorded on database This way all reviews are easily accessible online and you can compare hazids and hazops etc for similar scopes on work on the various BP platforms . auto-reporting. PROBLEM Sending spreadsheets and emails is time consuming and out of date Requires data entry at several points in process. single data entry. BP Technical authority and project engineers require to: • • • search database for system integrity/design history review “decision making” comments.

nearly 500 Actions/year) • • • • • • reduce paper wastage (less hardcopy issues) allow greater access ( search facility) provide Action tracking (auto overdue notification) produce Safety Review close-out KPI’s and statistics improve quality. history will be readily Available.Safety Review On-line Database System SOLUTION Database System will: • promote efficient use of time (expected to save at least 10min’s per Action . . when people leave the history stays in one place. availability & traceability of AMEC business processes provide historical view of various projects (for BP TA & Project Engineers) This will enable the engineering team to keep track of what safety engineering decisions has as taken place on the various BP platforms.

H. M D = Drop down box required A = Automatic numbering required ACTIONS A Study Type A MINUTES Node No. M Supporting Documents M Consequences C. M Possible Cause Meeting Time M Drawing No. M Checklist / Guidephrase R Location NODE Response By D Close Out Response M C. D Legend Scope Document Type D Scope Document No.H. M Approved By D Drawing Type D Potential Problem R. M Review Report Rev. OUTPUT Review Report Status D Review Report Location M =Safety Review Report =Attendee's List =Review Minutes =Rev 0 Action Sheets =Rev 1 Action Sheets . Group entry. M Systems Covered M Drawing Rev. M Scope Document Title M Scope Document Rev.M Approved Date M D Node Design Intent M Action M Status D Meeting Scribe D Future Development Action By D Attendee Name D Action No.E. A Attendee Company D Attendee Position M Close Out Requirements D Future Development C = For CHA H = For HAZOP R = For Design Review M = Manual entry Review Report Title M NOTE: All drop down boxes to have facility for Risk Eng.H. M Response Date M M Safeguards C. M Reference Documents M Review Report No.Field Hierarchy of data base PROJECT Project No. M Dangerous Disturbance C.M Meeting Location D Line / Tag No. STUDY MEETING Guidephrase / Keyword D M System No. Project Name M Study No. Minutes Revision M Meeting Leader D Meeting No. A Meeting Date Client D CTR M Asset D Initiator / P.

) •Asset no. Backed up. Reduces "double handling". •WHAT IF. Position) •Drawings list (Title. Similar to EDMS fusion Auto report generation . HAZID .. Design Intent) •Attendees list (Name. Basis of Design. Rev. Report & minutes approved online..Technical Note. No. OTHER ) •Minutes (Node. Rev. Type. No.. Safety Review meeting (scribe to record minutes) DATA •Study type (HAZOP. Design Review . Comments also captured. ISD.time reduced. . Co. PHSSER. Drawing. Conceptual Scope Definition (Title. Type. & CTR •Location •Date •Scope documentation . Backed up to directory. Reduces time.) •Project No. Post meeting review of Minutes (Scribe & Leader) Write Report (Word template) Lead Safety Engineer to approve Minutes may be issued at this stage (before Report) depending on project schedule requirements Reviewed on-line -no paper wastage.How it will work in reality -1 Lead Safety Engineer to review & signoff Preparations Technical Note Checklist Keywords Guidephrases Keywords & Guide phrases stored in database for reuse. Minutes recorded direct to database.

Minutes & Action sheets at Rev A1 to Project Engineer Produce Action sheets for inclusion to Report Lead Safety Engineer to review & sign-off Database revised with previous revision downloaded to directory for reference / backup. P. . Backup to Risk directory. informed of updates.E.How it will work in reality -2 Issue Report & Minutes for squad check at Rev R1 to all attendees Revise Report and Minutes with comments from squad check Receive back all squad checks Issue Report. Auto Action sheet generation & distribution ( auto email notification of actionees).

Response entered into Actions Database (all Actions printed upon completion of all Actions) Step eliminated Report & Approved Actions issued at Rev A2 to Project Engineer Review close-out once all Actions approved. Supporting info to be sent to be uploaded. for project close-out. Hardcopy issued to P. .How it will work in reality -3 Disagree Actionee to respond to Action with appropriate response and supporting info Responses entered via software online. For HAZOPs ONLY SIGN HARD COPY REQUIRED Lead Safety Engineer to review Action response Approve Online.E.

Transfield Worley Software Development / Proposal Assessment WAY FORWARD Approach 3 software developers in BAKU with what is required Can provide spec and get budgets and we can decide from there Likely to cost at least 5000 pounds OPPORTUNITIES • Database to be promoted to outside clients and amec business units expected to improve likelihood to secure additional work .