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Amadeus E Ticketing Manual | Ticket (admission) | Financial Technology

Amadeus E - Ticketing Course. 1. Informative Pricing. The Amadeus Informative Pricing transaction (FQP) is a fare calculation tool, that allows you to estimate the fare for an itinerary. This is especially useful at times when you need to find the price for an itinerary, but you are not yet ready to make a reservation. You can add ...


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WELCOME 1 COURSE OBJECTIVES 1 INFORMATIVE PRICING 2 Adding Options 5 Informative Pricing GUI 7 Canceling/ Splitting a TST 10 Displaying TST History 10 MANUALLY CREATING A TST 12 AMADEUS CENTRAL TICKETING 15 Agreement Tables 15 Procedure for Printing a E - Ticket 15 ELECTRONIC TICKETING 16 E-Ticketing Airlines 16 Conditions for E-Ticketing Airline-Specific Conditions ET Eligibility Indicator in Availability ET Eligibility Indicator in PNRs 17 17 19 19 Mandatory Fare Elements Form of Payment Validating Carrier 20 20 21 Optional Fare Elements Endorsements/Restrictions Commission Fare Discount Tour Code Issuing E-Tickets E - Ticket Printing Options 22 22 23 23 23 24 26 Itinerary Receipt 27 Displaying E-Ticket Records TWD Options Redisplaying an Active ET Record 29 31 32 Revalidating E-Tickets Displaying an ET Record List Displaying an ET Record History 33 36 36 Voiding E-Tickets 37 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 1 E-TICKET EXCHANGE / REISSUE E-Ticket Exchange / Reissue First Exchange First Exchange (Conjunction Ticket) Second Exchange AMADEUS AUTOMATED VIRTUAL MCO Introduction Features Transitional Stored VMCO Automated VMCO Functionality Fare Elements 39 43 43 44 45 46 46 46 50 51 51 VMCO PROCESSING 52 VOIDING (CANX) VMCO 52 VMCO Reporting REINSTATE A VOIDED MCO VMCO Cancellation VMCO Refund Automated VMCO History 53 54 54 54 55 SALES REPORTS 56 Printing Reports Sales Report Types 56 57 AUTOMATED REFUND 59 Introduction Features Refund Record Data Security Measures 59 59 60 Refunding E-Tickets The Refund Record in cryptic Mode 60 64 Partial Refunds Partial refunds fields 65 66 Refunds in Sales Reports 68 2 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Welcome Welcome to your Amadeus Fare Quote and Ticketing Course. This course is designed for travel agents that are going to be using the Amadeus Fare Quote functions and issuing IATA BSP tickets. This course assumes that you are familiar with the basic rules of fare. Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: • Use Informative Pricing • Price PNR itineraries automatically and manually • Produce daily query reports and summary sales reports • Issue, void, revalidate and reissue electronic tickets • Issue and void automated VMCO’s • Issue automated refunds Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 1 Informative Pricing The Amadeus Informative Pricing transaction (FQP) is a fare calculation tool, that allows you to estimate the fare for an itinerary. This is especially useful at times when you need to find the price for an itinerary, but you are not yet ready to make a reservation. You can add options to your entry, and the more specific you are, the easier it is for the system to target a specific fare. If you prefer, you can create a mask, and let the system guide you through the different options. You may calculate discount fares, including cumulative discounts. From a pricing response, you are able to: • Display fare rules • Display reservation requirements • Request a list of airlines that have carrier fares • Select a fare from a fare list • Request a full breakdown of the taxes included The table below describes the types of journeys you can price: Journey Type Limits A round or circle trip can contain a maximum of: 16 flight segments, or 14 flight segments and 2 surface segments, or 15 flight segments and 1 surface element, or 15 fare break points A one-way trip can contain a maximum of: 15 flight segments, or 13 flight segments and 2 surface segments, or 14 flight segments and 1 surface element, or 14 fare break points You can price an itinerary using format entries, or from a pricing mask. 2 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course You can perform informative pricing on an itinerary by entering the transaction code FQP, followed by a city pair, or several city pairs. To request informative pricing between Paris and Kuala Lumpur, enter: FQP PARKULPAR System Response: FQPPARKULPAR * FARE BASIS * DISC * PTC 01 F * * 1 02 C * * 1 03 Y * * 1 04 YEE6M * * 1 05 YPX3M * * 1 *5*RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY/CHECK FQN > * FARE * 17045.50 * 10915.50 * 9176.00 * 4715.00 * 3160.00 * MSG *RB *RB *RB *RB *RB PAGE *T *Y *Y *Y *Y *Y 1/ 1 The following table describes the components of the response: Component Explanation FARE BASIS Indicates the fare basis for the fares shown DISC Discount code column, if applicable PTC Passenger type code column, if applicable FARE Fare column and currency code the fares are shown in * MSG Message column and the applicable message codes The codes you can see are: RB Reservation Booking Designator RE Reservation conditions RO Booking Designator Override SR Sales Restrictions Apply FL Flight Number Restrictions FQ Frequency *T Tax column, and applicable tax code The codes you can see are: Y Tax Included N Tax Not Included E Tax Exempt Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 3 From the fare display, you can display the ticket image. To display the ticket image for the fare on line number 5, enter: FQQ5 System Response: FQQ5 05 YPX3M * * 1 * 3160.00 *RB *Y -----------------------------------------------------------AL FLGT BK T DATE TIME FARE BASIS NVB NVA BG PAR KUL YY Y Y 03JAN YPX3M 03APR 20 PAR YY Y Y YPX3M 10JAN03APR 20 EUR 1905.00 03JAN07PAR YY KUL1266.70YY PAR1266.70NUC CHF 3091.00 2533.40END ROE0.751949 CHF 21.00QX XT CHF 11.50FR CHF 14.50FR CHF 15.50MY CHF 6.50IZ CHF 41.50XT CHF 3160.00 RATE USED 1EUR=1.62250CHF TICKETS ARE NON REFUNDABLE AFTER DEPARTURE ENDOS NONREF/PEX VOLUNTARY CHNGS RESTRICTED > PAGE 2/ 2 You can also display the booking code information. For example: FQS5-1 OR FQS5-2 System Response: FQS5-1 5 - PTC 1 ADT FARE COMPONENT 1 ADT PARKUL YY YPX3M PU 1 S PRIME BOOKING CODE WHEN NO EXCEPTIONS APPLY M 4 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Adding Options You can make your search for fares more narrow, and precise, by including options in your entry. Place options that relate to a segment between the city codes, and options that relate to the whole itinerary at the end of the entry. The table below describes the options you can add: Request Option Position Specific airline /A BA Between cities Same airline all segments /O BA End of entry Date /D 02JUN Between cities Booking code (RBD) /C C Between cities Fare break point /B Between cities Turnaround point /T Between cities Global route indicator /V PO Between cities Create a mask /S End of entry Display fares and mask /P End of entry Lowest priced ticket image /L End of entry Mirror image /M End of entry Passenger discount /R ZZ End of entry Passenger type code /R VAC End of entry Passenger type code only /R MIL,*PTC End of entry Companion passenger /RCMP,W End of entry Point of sale override /R,LON End of entry Ticketing city override /R,.LON End of entry Tax exemption /R,ET End of entry Expanded parameters /R,*NAP End of entry Rules source override /R,IATA End of entry Stopover indicator - Between cities Surface sector indicator -- Between cities Stopover and surface sector --- Between cities Cabin code /K C Between cities Aircraft type /E 320 Between cities Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 5 The following table describes the expanded parameter codes you can indicate: Code Explanation NAP No Advance Purchase Information NDA No Day or Time Information NMX No Maximum Stay Information NMN No Minimum Stay Information NPE No Penalty Information PE Penalty Information NR No Restriction NMM No Minimum and no Maximum Fare NRF Non-Refundable Fares RF Refundable Fares Here are some examples of using the options: FQPLONPARLON/R,BNE/OAF/L Display the lowest price for Air France with point of sale in Buenos Aires FQPSYDSINSYD/RCH*IN Pricing request for a child and an infant discount FQPBNE/D15MAR/AQFSINLON---PARLON/VEH/D31MARSYDBNE-/R,*RF Pricing request departing Brisbane on March 15 with Qantas to London, transfer in Singapore and stop in London, with a surface sector London to Paris, Eastern Hemisphere route from London to Brisbane and for only refundable fares FQPSTO/D10JUN/ASKFRA/D20JUN/ASKSTO/L Request the lowest price from Stockholm on June 10 on SAS to Frankfurt, returning June 20 on SAS to Stockholm FQPLON/D10AUG/ABA/CSFRA/D20AUG/ALH/CSMUC/D27AUG/ALH/CSLON Pricing request departing London on August 10 on British Airways to Frankfurt, then on August 20 on Lufthansa to Munich, then on August 27 on Lufthansa to London, all in S class 6 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Informative Pricing GUI Click on the fare tab to work with Amadeus Fares and Pricing choose “informative pricing” You will see the shown screen an have to fill in. The yellow fields are mandatory, the white one`s are optional. You can add every option like in the command page. For example Airline,Stop,Class etc. By clicking on the arrow at the end of each line you can add an additional line. For more input options just click on the lupe icon. Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 7 Displaying a TST You can activate the graphic ticket mask in Amadeus Selling Plattform to avoid having to use cryptic entries. Go to “Command Page” and click “Customize” or enter “Ctrl Z” Go to the configuration tab and click “Stored ticket (TST)” Confirm with OK The TQT transaction will now automatically trigger the graphical TST mask. If you want to deactivate it, repeat above steps and remove the tick on “Stored ticket (TST)”. Throughout this manual, the TST entries correspond to cryptic and garphic mode. Here is an example of a TST in cryptic mode: 8 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course TST00002 ZRH1A0901 AA/03MAY I 0 LD 20JAN08 OD ZRHZRH SI TFXP/S3-4 1.AMADEUS/W MR 1 ZRH LH 5063 C 20JAN 0715 OK CRT 30K 2 O MUC LH 3738 C 25APR 0650 OK CRT 30K ZRH FARE F CHF 885.00 TX001 X CHF 67.00YQAC TX002 X CHF 41.50CHAE TX003 X CHF 24.00RAEB TX004 X CHF 9.50DESE TOTAL CHF 1027.00 ZRH LH MUC361.79LH ZRH361.79NUC723.58END ROE1.223060 10.FP INV 11.FV LH Explanation of top line: TST0002 TST number of passenger ZRH1A0901 Office ID AA/03MAY Agent Sign and creation date or last date of modification I Pricing Indicator for automatically priced TST 0 Fare Calculation Mode Indicator (FCMI) for an automatically priced TST – for more information enter HE FCMI LD 20JAN08 Last date to ticket according to AP paragraph in fare notes OD ZRHZRH Origin and Destination points SI International Sales Indicator (no longer displayed in automated TSTs) T- Ticket type indicator field Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 9 Canceling/ Splitting a TST The TTE transaction allows you to cancel a single, multiple, or all TSTs. The following table describes the entries you can make: Entry Deletes TTE/T3 A specific TST TTE/ALL All TSTs TTE/S2-3 The TST for specific segments TTE/P3 The TST for a specific passenger TTE/P1/T2 A specific passenger from a TST TTS/P1 Split passenger from TST TTS/P1/T2 Split passenger from specific TST Displaying TST History Cancelled TSTs are transferred to TST history. Before you can display history, you must display the PNR. After you retrieve the PNR and make the TQT entry the system responds with the following display: T P/S NAME SEGMENTS 1 .1 MEYERS/RALPH MR 2-3 DELETED TSTS 1 A MEYERS/RALPH MR > TOTAL FRF FRF FOP 6650 6650 It indicates that there is a deleted TST, therefore there is TST history. Note, from the graphic page it is not possible to display the TST history 10 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course To display TST history, enter: TTH ** CURRENT HISTORY CT I/M FC/ AUTOMATICALLY PRICED *0* CC AMS KL MAD661.71KL AMS661.71NUC1323.42END ROE1.70692 006 RF-CM CR-NCE1A0900 SU 0801CM 01AUG/0815Z AS AMS KLOPEN C 23MAR97 CD AMSAMS 008 RF-CM CR-NCE1A0900 SU 0801CM 01AUG/0821Z CB CRT1 CB CRT1 MAD KL 364 C 20MAR97 1510 OK CA 30K AMS KL 363 C 18MAR97 1035 OK CA 30K MAD KL 364 C 20MAR97 1510 OK 009 RF-CM CR-NCE1A0900 SU 0801CM 01AUG/0821Z ** HISTORY A XN ABOU/RENE MR XT I XS AMS KL 363 C 18MAR97 1035 OK XA 30K AMS KL 363 C 18MAR97 1035 OK XB CRT1 AMS KL 363 C 18MAR97 1035 OK XS MAD KL 364 C 20MAR97 1510 OK XO MAD KL 364 C 20MAR97 1510 OK XA 30K MAD KL 364 C 20MAR97 1510 OK XB CRT1 MAD KL 364 C 20MAR97 1510 OK XD AMSAMS XF/F EUR1025.08/EEUR1040.46/XEUR3.81NLSE/TEUR1044.27 XK 0.46 XP XC AMS KL MAD300.27KL AMS300.27NUC600.54END ROE0.77 FC/ AUTOMATICALLY PRICED *0* 005 RF-CM CR-NCE1A0900 SU 0801CM 01AUG/0813Z If there is more than one TST, you need to specify the number in your entry. For example: TTH/T2 If more than one history exists for TST number 1, a letter is attached to the deleted TST. If you want to display only one history, you add the letter to your entry: TTH/T1A Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 11 Manually Creating a TST The TST Create (TTC) entry is used to manually create a TST. You use this function when the system cannot price an itinerary for a special fare that is not in the fare quote data base, or if the itinerary is too long. The system displays either a cryptic or panel mode TST, depending on your default, that reflects the flight details. The following table describes the options you can add to the TTC entry. Entry Explanation TTC Creates a TST for all passengers and segments in the PNR /D Individual TSTs TTC/D Creates individual TSTs for each passenger in the PNR. /P Passenger Select TTC/P1,3 Creates a TSTs for specific passengers in the PNR. /S Segment Select TTC/S3-6 Creates a TST for specific flight segments in the PNR. TTC/S3-6/P2 Creates a TST for specific flight segments and passengers in the PNR. System Response: 12 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course With the yellow arrow you can apply data entered into the first line to each field. Click on the tax breakdown and enter the taxes Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 13 You can now manually amend the fare calculation line: By ticking the “build” box the system will automaticly create the fare calculation from the TST but without the correct amounts. You have to enter they manually Once you have updated all fields, click “Update” again to store your ticket mask. To store the “updated TST” in your PNR it is important to enter ET or ER to save all the changes! If you type IG or IR after creating a new TST all information will be lost. To update an existing TST simply display it by entering TQT and retype all fields as required (e.g Endorsement), just as described in chapter “Manual TST Creation” By clicking this icon, you can display the “tax per country” information Clear all fields Don’t’ forget to save the information you have entered by clicking Please note that by building the fare calculation outline, all other data will be lost. 14 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Amadeus Central Ticketing The Amadeus Central Ticketing system complies with IATA ticketing regulations and the requirements of the national Bank Settlement Plans (BSP), and the Airline Reporting Corporation (ARC). Agreement Tables Entry Example Explanation TGBD-CH Display settlement plan for switzerland TGGSD-CH Display general sales table for switzerland TGAD-LX Display ITA table for LX (interline) TGAD-LX/A3 Display ITA status between LX an A3 (interline) Procedure for Printing a E - Ticket The basic steps to print a ticket are: 1. Retrieve the PNR 2. Price the PNR if you do not have a TST stored 3. Add the mandatory fare elements and any optional fare elements if required 4. Add a received from element 5. Enter the transaction code to print the ticket Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 15 Electronic Ticketing An electronic ticket (e-ticket or ET) means that paper coupons are replaced by an ET record that is stored in the Amadeus e-ticketing system or the carrier’s own ticketing system. Only flight coupons are stored electronically; for accounting and legal purposes, an ET sale generates the other normal ticketing documents (such as agent coupon and/or credit card charge form) on blank paper or print to file. In Amadeus, agents can access existing ET records to modify or cancel e-tickets, even if the ET records are stored in the carrier’s own ticketing system. E-Ticketing Airlines For information about which airlines support e-ticketing in Amadeus in SWITZERLAND, agents can consult the AIS pages by entering the following: TGETD-CH System Response: COUNTRY CH ELECTRONIC TICKETING CARRIERS AA AR BE CO EK GF IG JU LH ME OK QR SN TK UL VR 8U AB AT BI CX ET GY IN KC LO MH OL RE SQ TN UN VT 9B AC AV BR CY EY HM IR KE LT MK OS RG SS TP UP VU 9W AF AY BT CZ FB HR JJ KL LW MS OU RJ SU TS US VV AH AZ BW C9 FI HU JK KM LX MX PG RO SV TU UU YM AI A7 CA DE FV HY JL KU LY NH PS SA SW TX UX YO AM BA CF DL F7 IB JM LA MA NZ QF SE S4 T7 VG 0O AP BD CI EI GA IC JP LG MD OA QI SK TG UA VN 2J Details can be found in GGAMACHETK 16 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Conditions for E-Ticketing In order for an agent to issue e-tickets, the following conditions are required: • The office is authorized to issue e-tickets. The ELT field in the office profile must be set to Y (Yes); this field determines whether or not the office can issue e-tickets. A new or retrieved PNR is present. • The agent is NOT in temporary ticketing (TY) mode. • The following condition is required for the itinerary in the PNR: All flight segments to be e-ticketed are eligible for e-ticketing in Amadeus. • The airline shown in the itinerary and the validating airline are the same or an e-ticket interline agreement exists These airlines must support e-Ticketing in Amadeus. • The airline's record locator is present for all flight segments to be ticketed. For information about the ET eligibility indicators that appear in availability displays and PNRs, see page 19. Airline-Specific Conditions In addition to the general conditions required in Amadeus, every airline that supports e-ticketing has its own conditions, and these conditions may vary between markets. For information about the airline-specific conditions and rules that apply in a particular market, agents can display the online help page for e-ticketing in Amadeus by entering the following: HE ETT BA System Response: BA E-TICKETING MARKET -----AG AW BB BM BS CA DM GD BW SN GY JM KN LC TT MS VC MU SI EN 18MAR08 1517Z REFERENCE --------MS 22 AR BR CL CO MX VE AT AU EG FI GB IE IN JP NZ PH SG TH TR TW ZA MD UG TZ KE CY OM BH AE BA QA NA MY JO MA UA LK BD KH PK ZM MS 64 MS106 MS148 BE CH BG DE DK ES FR NL AN US MS190 MS232 MS274 MS316 MS358 MS400 MS442 MS484 MS526 MS568 HK ID CZ EE GR HU IL IT IS KW MT PL RO SK RS HR ME MW RU NO SE LV LT AL PT GP GF MQ RE Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 17 To display the information page for a specific market, the agent enters the appropriate line reference. For BA e-ticketing in CH, the entry is: MS 232 System Response: BA E-TICKETING EN 18MAR08 1517Z >MD BA ELIGIBILITY RULES FOR E-TICKETING IN THE FOLLOWING MARKETS: CH (Y - SUPPORTED, N - NOT SUPPORTED) ABP ALLOWED INF TICKET ALLOWED UMNR TICKET ALLOWED CONJUNCTION TKT ALLOWED MULTI TOUR CODES ALLOWED FY BULK (US ONLY) ALLOWED IT/BT FARES ALLOWED NET REMIT ALLOWED NEGO FARES ALLOWED COMPANION FARES ALLOWED :N :Y :Y :Y :N :N :Y :Y :Y :N FOID MANDATORY MAX NUMBER OF PASSENGERS GROUP PNRS ALLOWED MAX NUMBER OF SEGMENTS OPEN SEGMENTS ALLOWED CONF SEG MANDATORY WITH OPEN WAITLISTED SEGMENTS ALLOWED CONF SEG MANDATORY WITH W/L PASSIVE SEGMENTS ALLOWED E INDICATOR WITH PNR CLAIM :N :99 :Y :16 :Y :Y :Y :Y :N :N PLEASE REFER TO TGAD-BA PAGE TO SEE CARRIER'S INTERLINE PARTNERS FOPS NOT ALLOWED: GTR/SGR MD The letters MD at the bottom of the screen indicate that more information is available. To display it, the entry is: MD System Response: BA E-TICKETING EXCHANGES ALLOWED: EN 18MAR08 1517Z E-TKT TO E-TKT:Y E-TKT TO PAPER:Y PAPER TO E-TKT:Y TRANSACTIONS: DISPLAY (TWD): /ORG: /FTI: /FOP: /TKT: HISTORY (TWH) :Y PRINT (TWP) (US ONLY) :N REVALIDATION (TTP/ETRV) :Y N Y Y Y /TVL: /FLT: /RCI: /FOID: Y Y N N VOID (TWX) REFUND (TWREF) :Y :Y NOTE: FOR INFORMATION ABOUT GENERAL CONDITIONS AND FORMATS FOR E-TICKETING IN AMADEUS, ENTER: HE ETT 18 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course ET Eligibility Indicator in Availability Airlines that support e-ticketing in Amadeus can show which flights are candidates for e-ticketing, for information purposes only, when an agent requests an availability (or schedule) display. The letter E appears in the display immediately before the number of stops in the flight line. For example: AN2AUGZRHNYC/ALX ** AMADEUS AVAILABILITY - AN ** NYC NEW YORK.USNY 117 WE 02AUG 0000 ** MILFORD PLAZA*NEAR ALL POPULAR NYC ATTRACTIONS >HAUZNYCMIL ** NEWLY DECO RMS*HI SPED INTRNT*COMP FTNS CTR*RTS FM 149USD 1 LX 016 F9 A0 C9 D9 Z9 J9 Y9 /ZRH JFK 4 1000 1240 E0/332 8:40 B9 M9 H9 U0 G0 Q0 2 LX 014 F9 A0 C9 D9 Z9 J0 Y9 /ZRH JFK 4 1300 1540 E0/332 8:40 B9 M9 H9 U3 G0 Q0 3 *LX 018 C9 D9 Z9 J9 /ZRH EWR B 1655 2000 E0/73H 9:05 OPERATED BY PRIVATAIR 4 LX2804 C9 D9 Z9 J9 Y9 B9 M9 /ZRH GVA M 0945 1035 E0/320 H9 U9 G9 Q9 K9 V9 L9 W9 T9 LX 022 F9 A8 C9 D9 Z9 J9 Y9 /GVA M JFK 4 1215 1445 E0/332 11:00 B9 M9 H9 U9 G9 Q9 K9 V9 L9 W9 T9 5 LX2802 C9 D9 Z9 J9 Y9 B9 M9 /ZRH GVA M 0750 0835 E0/321 H9 U9 G9 Q9 K9 V9 L9 W9 T9 LX 022 F9 A8 C9 D9 Z9 J9 Y9 /GVA M JFK 4 1215 1445 E0/332 12:55 B9 M9 H9 U9 G9 Q9 K9 V9 L9 W9 T9> ET Eligibility Indicator in PNRs After an agent sells a flight that is an e-ticketing candidate, an indicator appears in the face of the PNR at the end of the flight segment, as follows: --- RLR --RP/ZRH1A0980/ZRH1A0980 CS/SU 7APR06/1410Z 2KVPQF ZRH1A0980/1508CS/27FEB06 1.MEIER/ANNA MRS 2 LX1574 C 15SEP 5 ZRHVIE HK1 0730 0850 15SEP E LX/UU4WFH 3 LX3557 C 20SEP 3 VIEZRH HK1 1740 1910 20SEP E LX/UU4WFH OPERATED BY SUBSIDIARY/FRANCHISE 4 AP ZRH 41 44 217 97 20 - AMADEUS MARKETING SCHWEIZ AG - A 5 TK TL01AUG/ZRH1A0980> This ET indicator is returned by the airline or obtained by Amadeus from schedule information stored in the system and is checked by the system during the process of issuing an e-ticket. Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 19 Mandatory Fare Elements Amadeus Central Ticketing requires you to enter certain mandatory elements in the PNR before a ticket can be printed. The table below describes the mandatory elements: Code Element FP Form of Payment FV Validating Carrier FM Commission Form of Payment The entries in this manual are IATA standard forms of payment. Each ticketing system has its own entries which may be different to the entries shown here. Please consult your local Amadeus help desk, or NMC AIS pages, for more details. When a form of payment is entered in the PNR, the system verifies it against the form of payment table valid for that market. Amadeus standard forms of payment are cash, check, and credit card. Amadeus receives credit card approval directly from the following credit card companies: (see also HE FP.215) Code Name Code Name AX American Express DC Diners Club VI Visa DS Discover Card CA Mastercard TP/TP UATP/Airplus EC Eurocard JC JCB XS Access BZ Bank Card New Zealand Here are some example of form of payment entries: 20 Entry Example Explanation FPCASH Cash FPCHECK Check FPCCVI4500196876543478/1008 Credit card FPCCVI4500196876543478/1008/N1111 Credit card, with manual authorization FP CASH+CCAX371412345602002/1208/ 1450.00 Partly Cash - Partly Credit Card FPNONREFINVOICE Free Text preceeded by NONREF Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Validating Carrier The ticketing airline element (FV) is mandatory for ticket issuance by a travel agency, unless you are printing airline stock. It is used to identify the ticketing airline, which is also called a validating carrier. FV AF The validating carrier is checked against the BSP table to check whether the airline participates in the BSP or not. Another check is made to verify if an interline agreement exists between the validating carrier and the airlines in the itinerary. To get a list of airlines for which Amadeus checks the interline agreement, see GGITA Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 21 Optional Fare Elements The table below describes the optional elements: Code Element FE Endorsements/Restrictions FD Fare Discount FT Tour Code (mandatory for IT tickets) Endorsements/Restrictions The endorsements/restrictions element (FE) is used to identify any restrictions, airline comments, or rules that may apply to a ticket. All comments entered after the transaction code consist of free flow text with a maximum of a 126 characters excluding passenger, passenger type, and/or segment association. The most frequent comments shown are: • Not refundable • Not endorsable • Not reroutable • Refundable only to • Reservation requests/waitlisted flights • Fare subject to government approval • Validity or travel restrictions The system automatically appends an FE element to a PNR when a restriction results from specific pricing conditions obtained from the fare server. The element can also be manually modified to enter more restrictions. 22 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Commission The commission element (FM) is used to report the commission earned when a travel agent issues a ticket. The commission is entered either as a percentage: FM 7 or as an amount: FM 35.00 A Fare Discount You can store fare discount information (FD) in PNR fare elements. The system automatically takes into account the stored codes in any pricing entry, so that you do not have to enter the discounts each time you price a PNR. You can store up to three discount codes per passenger and segment, in either a single FD element, or in multiple FD elements. You can segment-associate an FD element, even if no TST is created. These passengers are entitled to different discounts, which you may store as fare discount elements in the PNR. Here are some examples: FDZZ/P1 FDCD/P2 Tour Code The tour code element (FT) is used when a published tour or a special negotiated fare is sold in conjunction with a ticket. The maximum length is 12 characters excluding the transaction code and passenger/segment association. If the tour code begins with IT, then the maximum number of characters allowed is 14. For example: FT PAX IT 4 LH 1 TOUR99 If th tour code is in any other format, you enter: FT*FREE FLOW TEXT Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 23 Issuing E-Tickets The agent issues an e-ticket from a new or retrieved PNR. For information about the eligibility of itineraries for e-ticketing, refer to page 19. Here, for example, is a PNR that contains an eligible itinerary, as indicated by the ET eligibility indicator in the flight segment: --- TST --RP/ZRH1A0901/ZRH1A0901 AA/SU 7APR06/1415Z YKCKM4 1.SMITH/ANTHONY MR 2 LX1574 E 15SEP 5 ZRHVIE HK1 0730 0850 *1A/E* 3 LX3557 E 20SEP 3 VIEZRH HK1 1740 1910 *1A/E* OPERATED BY SUBSIDIARY/FRANCHISE 4 AP ZRH 41 44 217 97 20 - AMADEUS TRAINING COLOMBO - A 5 TK OK07APR/ZRH1A0901 6 FE PAX FARE RETRICTIONS APPLY/S2-3 7 FP INVOICE 8 FV LX To issue an e-ticket, the entry is one of the following: TTP System Response: When the agent makes a TTP entry in Amadeus to issue an e-ticket, the system sends the flight coupons as a message to the airline. If the airline accepts the ET request, the information is stored in the Amadeus e-ticketing system or the airline’s own system as an ET record. The agent receives a message similar to the following: --- TST --RP/ZRH1A0901/ZRH1A0901 AA/SU 7APR06/1415Z YKCKM4 1.SMITH/ANTHONY MR 2 LX1574 E 15SEP 5 ZRHVIE HK1 0730 0850 *1A/E* 3 LX3557 E 20SEP 3 VIEZRH HK1 1740 1910 *1A/E* OPERATED BY SUBSIDIARY/FRANCHISE 4 AP ZRH 41 44 217 97 20 - AMADEUS TRAINING COLOMBO - A 5 TK OK07APR/ZRH1A0901 6 FE PAX FARE RETRICTIONS APPLY/S2-3 7 FP INVOICE 8 FV LX >TTP/ET OK ETICKET > If the airline does not reply to an e-ticket request within approximately 30 seconds, the system cancels the ticketing process and displays the following message: >TTP/ET ELECTRONIC TICKET ABORTED - RESUBMIT REQUEST > If the e-ticket request is rejected by the airline, a reject message from the airline is displayed. For example: >TTP/ET BA: UNABLE TO PROCESS ETICKET ERROR CODE 132 > 24 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course When an e-ticket is successfully issued, the following elements in the PNR are updated: Element Update TK As for a paper ticket, plus the e-ticket indicator (ETXX, where XX is the two-letter airline code). FA As for a paper ticket, plus the e-ticket indicator (ETXX, where XX is the two-letter airline code). After an e-ticket has been issued, you cannot cancel the FA element. This restriction is necessary in order to keep the PNR in sync with the ET record. To reissue an e-ticket, therefore, you must include segment or passenger association in your TTP entry. As for a paper ticket: the AIR sequence number, the entry used to generate the AIR, and the passenger and segment association. FB For example: --- TST --RP/ZRH1A0901/ZRH1A0901 OC/PR 7APR06/1416Z YKCKM4 1.SMITH/ANTHONY MR 2 LX1574 E 15SEP 5 ZRHVIE HK1 0730 0850 *1A/E* 3 LX3557 E 20SEP 3 VIEZRH HK1 1740 1910 *1A/E* OPERATED BY SUBSIDIARY/FRANCHISE 4 AP ZRH 41 44 217 97 20 - AMADEUS TRAINING COLOMBO - A 5 TK OK07APR/ZRH1A0901//ETLX 6 FA PAX 724-2000017258/ETLX/CHF139.00/07APR06/ZRH1A0901/00060 034/S2-3 7 FB PAX 0700011177 TTP/ET/XF1 OK ETICKET/S2-3 8 FE PAX FARE RETRICTIONS APPLY/S2-3 9 FM PAX *C*0/S2-3 10 FP INVOICE 11 FV LX> For airlines using Amadeus central ticketing, e-ticket sales are automatically included in sales reports and reported to the BSP or ARC. For airlines using local ticketing systems, e-ticket sales are reported by the local ticketing system providers. IMPORTANT !!!! After an E-Ticket has been issued, you cannot make either of the following changes to the PNR: • Change the Name Element • Cancel the FA Element This restriction is necessary to keep the PNR in Amadeus in sync with the ET record in the airline system. To re-issue an e-ticket, you must select passengers or segments in your TTP entry, since the existing FA element cannot be cancelled. For example enter: TTP/S3-4/ET Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 25 E - Ticket Printing Options You can include optional elements in the ticketing entry. Multiple ticket options can be combined in a single entry. The options are separated with slashes and can be entered in any sequence. However, TST select cannot be combined with passenger element select, infant/adult passenger options, and segment select. Below is a table that describes the options you can add to the basic TTP entry: Entry Explanation TTP/RT Issues the eticket and retains the PNR Note: To retrieve the PNR, enter the RT transaction code after the eticket has been issued. TTP/S2,4 * Issues a eticket for specific segments TTP/S3-6 * Issues a eticket for a range of segments TTP/P1,2 Issues a eticket for specific passengers TTP/P1-4 Issues a eticket for a range of passengers TTP/P1-3/S7,9,11 Issues a eticket for a range of passengers and specific segments * Issues eticket(s) for infant passenger type(s) TTP/INF TTP/OPEN Issues a eticket with a mirror image open return * TTP/S2AFCFRACDG * Issues a eticket with a specific open segment Note: When requesting more than one open segment, you separate each open segment with a comma (,). You can request a maximum of four open segments in your entry. TTP/T3 Issues a eticket for a specific TST number. TTP/O Override past date TST. TSTs are active for one day only. If you want to issue a ticket for which the TST has expired, you can do so by either creating a new TST with the FXP entry, or by adding the option O to thee ticketing entry. The TST pricing indicator changes from automatic to manual, M TTP/IBP TTP/IEP Prints an itinerary together with the eticket TTP/[email protected] Print eticket and send eticket itinerary receipt by email to customer TTP/ITR-EMLA Same if email address is stored in the PNR . 26 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Itinerary Receipt The Itinerary Receipt is printed together with your E-Ticket or send by email. Here is an example ELECTRONIC TICKET PASSENGER ITINERARY RECEIPT A.G. TRAVEL (1) 205 MAIN STREET 8001 ZURICH SWITZERLAND IATA : 912 34611 TELEPHONE: 09-818 8832 (2) (3) (4) (5) ISSUING AIRLINE TICKET NUMBER ETKT CONFIRMATION NUMBER DATE: 05 MAY 2008 AGENT: 0888 NAME: SMITH/JOHN FQTV: FFLX1234567890 (6) : SWISS (7) : ETKT 724 1234567890 (8) : LX/0123456789 BOOKING REF.: 1A/123456, LX/123456 (9) (10) FROM/TO (11) (12)(13) (14) FLIGHT CL DATE DEP BRUSSELS LX333 Y 23JUN 1915 YRFISE (20) FLIGHT OPERATED BY: SWISS (21) SEAT: 13D (22) LAST CHECK IN TIME: 1830 16JUN 30JUN 30K OK LX444 Y 15JUL 2015 YRFISE FLIGHT OPERATED BY: SWISS SEAT: 25E LAST CHECK IN TIME: 1930 08JUL 22JUL 30K OK ZURICH TERMINAL:1 ZURICH (23) TERMINAL:1 BRUSSELS (15) (16) (17) (18)(19) FARE BASIS NVB NVA BAG ST (24) AT CHECK-IN, PLEASE SHOW A PICTURE IDENTIFICATION AND THE DOCUMENT YOU GAVE FOR REFERENCE AT RESERVATION TIME. (25) ENDORSEMENTS : NON ENDORSABLE, NON REFUNDABLE, NON REROUTABLE TOUR CODE : ABC 123 456 789 PAYMENT : CASH (26) FARE CALC.: BRU LX ZRH ZRH387.42P ZRHBRU28.97NUC 416.39END ROE44.423739SOTO AIR FARE TAX TOTAL : : : EUR EUR EUR 184.00 (27) 54.00BE 246.00 (29) 12.00CH (28) PASSPORTS ARE RECOMMENDED TO MAKE THIS JOURNEY (30) CARRY ON BAGGAGE LIMITED TO 2 PIECES PER PERSON (31) .CARRIAGE AND OTHER SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CARRIER ARE SUBJECT .TO CONDITIONS OF CARRIAGE, WHICH ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED BY .REFERENCE. THESE CONDITIONS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE ISSUING .CARRIER. (32) Amadeus E - Ticketing Course PAGE 2/2 27 EXPLANATION OF THE E-TICKET ITR 28 (1) Six lines of agency information (2) The date on which the E-Ticket ITR is issued (3) Sign of the agent issuing the E-Ticket ITR (4) Passenger's surname and first name (5) Frequent Flyer number (if available) (6) Name and tax/trade registration number of the validating carrier (7) Electronic Ticket number (8) Electronic Ticket confirmation number (if available) (9) Amadeus Record Locator, followed by airline Record Locator (10) Departure/Arrival cities, airports and terminals (11) Flight number (12) Class of service (13) Day and month of departure (14) Departure time (15) Fare Basis (16) Not valid before date (17) Not valid after date (18) Baggage Allowance (19) Reservation status code (20) Flight operating carrier (21) Seat number taken (if available) (22) Check-in time (if available) (23) Additional air segment(s) included with this Electronic Ticket (24) Standard advice to the passenger about documents required for identification (25) Endorsements, Exchange Rate, Tour Code and Form of Payment (26) Fare Calculation (27) Base fare currency code and amount (28) Tax amounts and codes (29) Tax and fare together (30) Up to five lines of remarks taken from the RIZ element in the PNR (31) Legal notices (32) Current page and total number of pages, repeated on each page of the E-Ticket ITR. Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Displaying E-Ticket Records When an agent successfully issues an e-ticket, the ET record is stored in the airline's electronic ticketing database (ETDB). Once the ET record has been stored in the ETDB, it can still be displayed by the agent in Amadeus. Here, for example, is a PNR for which an e-ticket has been issued: --- TST RLR --RP/AKLN22CTS/AKLN22CTS OC/PR 6MAR00/1151Z ZIN6WX 1.SMITH/MARY MRS 2 QF 033 Y 20AUG 7 MELAKL HK1 I 0800 1325 *1A/E* 3 AP 2134234 4 TK OK06MAR/AKLN22CTS//ETQF 5 FA PAX 081-1688283501/ETQF/NZD906.00/07MAR00/AKLN22CTS/24000 012/S2 6 FB PAX 0700000006 TTP/ET OK ETICKET OFFER ITIN/RCPT*ADV PHOTO ID REQUIRED/S2 7 FM PAX *P*9/S2 8 FP CASH 9 FV QF > When an e-ticket is issued, Amadeus sends the following information from the PNR and the TST to the ETDB: • The e-ticket number (from the FA element) • The passenger name • The flight segments (from the itinerary) • The fare, taxes, and total amount (from the TST) • Frequent flyer information (if applicable) The response from the ETDB is used by Amadeus to build the ET record display. Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 29 To display the ET record, when there is a single FA element in the PNR, the entry is: TWD System Response: The ET record display is automatically formatted by the system to resemble a cryptic TST, as follows: TKT-0811688283501 RCI1A LOC-ZIN6WX OD-MELAKL SIFCMI-0 POI-AKL DOI-07MAR00 IOI-24000012 1.SMITH/MARYMRS ADT ST 1 O MEL QF 033 Y 20AUG 0800 OK Y1 O 20K AKL FARE F AUD 686.00 EQUIV NZD 868.00 BSR 1.265182 TAX NZD 38.00AU TOTAL NZD 906.00 /FC MEL QF AKL447.70NUC447.70END ROE1.532242 FP CASH > The following table explains the components in the header line: Component Explanation TKT-0811688283501 E-ticket number RCI- Confirmation number (if returned by the eticketing system) LOC-ZIN6WX Record locator Here is the first line of the ET record display: OD-MELAKL SI- FCMI-0 POI-AKL DOI-07MAR00 IOI-24000012 The following table explains the components in the first line: Component Explanation OD-MELAKL Origin and destination FCMI-O Fare calculation mode indicator POI-AKL Place of issue DOI-07MAR06 Date of issue IOI-24000012 IATA number of the issuing office Here is the itinerary, including the passenger name, the flight segments, and the status of each segment: 1.SMITH/MARYMRS 1 O MEL QF 033 AKL ADT Y 20AUG 0800 OK Y1 ST O 20K The following table explains the possible status codes of a flight segment in an ET record display: 30 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course THE STATUS CAN BE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: A AIRPORT CONTROL C CHECKED IN P PRINTED R REFUNDED S SUSPENDED G CONVERTED TO FIM (SEE NOTE) I IRREGULAR OPERATIONS L LIFTED/BOARDED Z CLOSED O OPEN FOR USE N NOT SHOWING FINAL STATUS E EXCHANGED/REISSUED F FLOWN/USED U UNAVAILABLE T PAPER TICKET V VOID X PRINT EXCHANGE Y REFUND TAXES/FEES.CHARGES ONLY NOTE: A FIM (FLIGHT INTERRUPTION MANIFEST) IS ISSUED WHEN FLIGHT CANCELLATION MEANS PAX MUST BE REROUTED. Here is the fare information, including fare, taxes, total, and the fare calculation: FARE F AUD 686.00 EQUIV NZD 868.00 BSR 1.265182 TAX NZD 38.00AU TOTAL NZD 906.00 /FC MEL QF AKL447.70NUC447.70END ROE1.532242 Finally, here is the form of payment: FP CASH TWD Options The TWD entry without any options is used when there is a new or retrieved PNR present and there is only one FA element. Here is the option that can be used with the TWD entry to display an ET record from a PNR: Entry Explanation TWD/L10 Display the ET record for a specific FA element, by line number. This entry is required when there is more than one FA element in the PNR. Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 31 Here are the options to display ET records when a PNR is not present: Entry Explanation TWD/TKT005-1234567890 Display a specific ET record by the e-ticket number. TWD/VDL/ORG999888777/20AUGSMITH/MARY Display a specific ET record by phone number, date, and name. The validating airline (/VXX, where XX is the two-letter airline code) must also be specified. Display a specific ET record by frequent flyer number and date. TWD/VDL/FTI123456/20AUG The validating airline (/VXX, where XX is the two-letter airline code) must also be specified. TWD/VDL/FOPCCVI400000001111 2222/20AUG-SMITH/MARY Display a specific ET record by credit card number, date, and name. The validating airline (/VXX, where XX is the two-letter airline code) must also be specified. TWD/VCO/TVL12APRNYCCHISMITH/MARY Display a specific ET record by trip information: date, city pair, and name. The validating airline (/VXX, where XX is the two-letter airline code) must also be specified. TWD/VLA/FOID-FF12345678 Displays a specific ET record by the FOID element (form of identification) Note: Display by FOID is only available for airlines using the Amadeus ETS. The validating airline (/VXX, where XX is the two-letter airline code) must also be specified. Redisplaying an Active ET Record When an ET record is displayed, it remains active for 60 minutes or until the agent displays another ET record, whichever comes first. An ET record can be re-displayed at any time while it is still active. The entry is: TWDRT 32 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Revalidating E-Tickets A e-ticket can be revalidated after a change to the itinerary in the PNR has occurred. Individual airlines have their own rules for revalidation. In Amadeus, however, revalidation is possible after any of the following changes, as long as there is also no change to the fare: • Different flight number • Different flight date or time • Different airport (within the same city) • Here, for example, is an PNR for which an e-ticket has already been issued: --- TST RLR --RP/AKLN22CTS/AKLN22CTS OC/PR 6MAR06/1207Z X2QQOK 1.SMITH/GINA 2 QF 033 Y 20AUG 7 MELAKL HK1 I 0800 1325 *1A/E* 3 QF 034 Y 25AUG 5 AKLMEL HK1 I 0625 0820 *1A/E* 4 AP 2134234 5 TK OK06MAR/AKLN22CTS//ETQF 6 FA PAX 081-1688283504/ETQF/NZD1774.00/07MAR00/AKLN22CTS/2400 0012/S2-3 7 FB PAX 0700000009 TTP/ET OK ETICKET OFFER ITIN/RCPT*ADV PHOTO ID REQUIRED/S2-3 8 FM PAX *P*9/S2-3 9 FP CASH 10 FV QF > Assume that the date of the return flight has been changed and the flight segment re-booked, as follows: --- TST RLR --RP/AKLN22CTS/AKLN22CTS OC/PR 6MAR06/1207Z X2QQOK 1.SMITH/GINA 2 QF 033 Y 20AUG 7 MELAKL HK1 I 0800 1325 *1A/E* 3 QF 034 Y 26AUG 6 AKLMEL HK1 0625 0820 E NOTE * ALL SEATS NON-SMOKING THIS FLIGHT. SEE RTSVC 4 AP 2134234 5 TK OK06MAR/AKLN22CTS//ETQF 6 FA PAX 081-1688283504/ETQF/NZD1774.00/07MAR00/AKLN22CTS/2400 0012/S2 7 FB PAX 0700000009 TTP/ET OK ETICKET OFFER ITIN/RCPT*ADV PHOTO ID REQUIRED/S2 8 FM PAX *P*9/S2 9 FP CASH 10 FV QF > Before revalidating the e-ticket, the agent must display the ET record. For information about displaying ET records, see page 29 - 32. Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 33 For this example, here is the ET record: TKT-0811688283504 RCI1A LOC-X2QQOK OD-MELMEL SIFCMI-0 POI-AKL DOI-07MAR06 IOI-24000012 1.SMITH/GINA ADT ST 1 O MEL QF 033 Y 20AUG 0800 OK Y1 O 20K 2 O AKL QF 034 Y 25AUG 0625 OK Y1 O 20K MEL FARE F AUD 1372.00 EQUIV NZD 1736.00 BSR 1.265182 TAX NZD 38.00AU TOTAL NZD 1774.00 /FC MEL QF AKL447.70QF MEL447.70NUC895.40END ROE1.532242 FP CASH > To revalidate the e-ticket, the ETRV option must be used in the TTP entry, as follows: TTP/ETRV/L10/S3-4/E3-4 TTP Transaction code /ETRV Slash followed by the e-ticket revalidation option /L6 Slash followed by the letter L and the line number of the FA element in the PNR that contains the eticket number /S3 Slash followed by the letter S and the number of the changed segment in the PNR. Multiple segments can be specified (/S2-3, for example). If the PNR does not contain an FA element with the original e-ticket number, it must be added to the PNR in an FH element before revalidation. The FH entry must include both passenger and segment association. In this case, segment association in the TTP entry is not required. /E2 34 Slash followed by the letter E and the number of the original coupon in the ET record. Multiple coupons can be specified (/E1-2, for example). The coupon numbers in the /E option must correspond to the segments specified in the /S option. Amadeus E - Ticketing Course System Response: TKT-0811688283504 RCI1A LOCX2QQOK OD-MELMEL SIFCMI-0 POI-AKL DOI-07MAR06 IOI24000012 1.SMITH/GINA ADT ST 1 O MEL QF 033 Y 20AUG 0800 OK Y1 O 20K 2 O AKL QF 034 Y 25AUG 0625 OK Y1 O 20K MEL FARE F AUD 1372.00 EQUIV NZD 1736.00 BSR 1.265182 TAX NZD 38.00AU TOTAL NZD 1774.00 /FC MEL QF AKL447.70QF MEL447.70NUC895.40END ROE1.532242 FP CASH >TTP/ETRV/L6/S3/E2 OK PROCESSED > A new FA element is added to the PNR but with the same ticket number as the original e-ticket. Here is the PNR after revalidation: --- TST RLR --RP/AKLN22CTS/AKLN22CTS OC/PR 6MAR06/1211Z X2QQOK 1.SMITH/GINA 2 QF 033 Y 20AUG 7 MELAKL HK1 I 0800 1325 *1A/E* 3 QF 034 Y 26AUG 6 AKLMEL HK1 I 0625 0820 *1A/E* 4 AP 2134234 5 TK OK06MAR/AKLN22CTS//ETQF 6 FA PAX 0811688283504/ETQF/NZD1774.00/07MAR00/AKLN22CTS/2400 0012/S2 7 FA PAX 081-1688283504/ETQF/07MAR00/AKLN22CTS/24000012/S3 8 FB PAX 0700000009 TTP/ET OK ETICKET OFFER ITIN/RCPT*ADV PHOTO ID REQUIRED/S2 9 FM PAX *P*9/S2 10 FP CASH 11 FV QF > Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 35 Displaying an ET Record List When the agent makes a TWD entry to display a specific ET record, without a PNR present and without specifying the ticket number, the system may find more than one ET record that matches the search criteria. In this case, a list of the matching ET records is displayed. For example: TKT NBR NAME 1 0811688283502 SMITH 2 0811688283501 SMITH 3 0811688283503 SMITH > DOT FLT NBR 1ST SEG 20AUG QF033 MELAKL 20AUG QF033 MELAKL 20AUG QF033 MELAKL The agent can display an individual record from the list by making the TWD entry again, along with the line number. To display the second ET record in the list, for example, the entry is: TWD/2 System Response: TKT-0811688283501 RCI1A LOC-ZIN6WX OD-MELAKL SI-SOTO FCMI-0 POI-AKL DOI-07MAR06 IOI-24000012 1.SMITH/MARYMRS ADT ST 1 O MEL QF 033 Y 20AUG 0800 OK Y1 O 20K AKL FARE F AUD 686.00 EQUIV NZD 868.00 BSR 1.265182 TAX NZD 38.00AU TOTAL NZD 906.00 /FC MEL QF AKL447.70NUC447.70END ROE1.532242 FP CASH > To redisplay the list after displaying an individual ET record, enter: TWDRL Displaying an ET Record History Once an ET record is displayed, the history of that record can also be displayed. To do this, the entry is: TWH System Response: ETKT NO. 0811688283501 SMITH/MARYMRS CP ACTION OLD NEW CR FLT CL DATE BRD OFF 1 ISSUED QF 0033 Y 20AUG00 MEL AKL 1A 081709 24000012 A0001AASU 16MAR00 17.43Z > Note that the format of the ET record history display varies between airlines. 36 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Voiding E-Tickets After an e-ticket has been issued, an agent can void the unused e-ticket coupons the same day. Before an e-ticket can be voided, the ET record must be displayed. Here, for example, is an ET record display: TKT-0811688283501 RCI1A LOC-ZIN6WX OD-MELAKL SIFCMI-0 POI-AKL DOI-07MAR00 IOI-24000012 1.SMITH/MARYMRS ADT ST 1 O MEL QF 033 Y 20AUG 0800 OK Y1 O 20K AKL FARE F AUD 686.00 EQUIV NZD 868.00 BSR 1.265182 TAX NZD 38.00AU TOTAL NZD 906.00 /FC MEL QF AKL447.70NUC447.70END ROE1.532242 FP CASH > To void the e-ticket, the entry is: TWX System Response: The TWX entry causes Amadeus to send a void request to the airline. When an e-ticket has been successfully voided, the following message is displayed to the agent: TKT-0811688283501 RCI1A LOC-ZIN6WX OD-MELAKL SI-SOTO FCMI-0 POI-AKL DOI-07MAR00 IOI-24000012 1.SMITH/MARYMRS ADT ST 1 O MEL QF 033 Y 20AUG 0800 OK Y1 O 20K AKL FARE F AUD 686.00 EQUIV NZD 868.00 BSR 1.265182 TAX NZD 38.00AU TOTAL NZD 906.00 /FC MEL QF AKL447.70NUC447.70END ROE1.532242 FP CASH >twx OK ETKT RECORD UPDATED SALE IS CANCELLED IN REPORTING SYSTEM > Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 37 Some airlines may also return a Settlement Authorization Code (SAC). In this case, the code is displayed in the message as follows: >twx OK ETKT UPDATED SAC-0060590436275 SALE IS CANCELLED IN REPORTING SYSTEM > Once the e-ticket has been successfully voided, the status of all voided coupons in the ET record is changed to V (Voided), as follows: TKT-0811688283501 RCI1A LOC-ZIN6WX OD-MELAKL SIFCMI-0 POI-AKL DOI-07MAR00 IOI-24000012 1.SMITH/MARYMRS ADT ST 1 O MEL QF 033 Y 20AUG 0800 OK Y1 V 20K AKL FARE F AUD 686.00 EQUIV NZD 868.00 BSR 1.265182 TAX NZD 38.00AU TOTAL NZD 906.00 /FC MEL QF AKL447.70NUC447.70END ROE1.532242 FP CASH > In the PNR, the existing FA element for the canceled ET record is removed, stored in the PNR history, and replaced by a new FA element that includes the EV status code, indicating that the e-ticket has been voided. For example: 5 FA PAX 081-1688283501/EVQF/S2 Note: Once an e-ticket has been voided it cannot be restored.Refunding ETickets 38 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course E-Ticket Exchange / Reissue • Display E-Ticket record with TWD function • Delete Existing TST (TTE) • Reprice (FXP,FXB etc.for unused tickets only) • Press the Exchange Button • Update TST as shown on page 13+14 The following TST is displayed to the agent: Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 39 Fare type is changed from FARE to Re-issue Total amount is set to 0.00 CHF Taxes are changed to “paid” Is marked with an O/ for old form of payment. You still have to check and adjust the following fields: TOTAL TAXES FARE CALCULATION Here is an example of the form of payment field when ADC is to be charged: Below is the FOP format when the fare remains unchanged (no ADC) After you did all the necessary changes, click on update and exit TST. 40 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Back in the PNR you will need to create the original issue element (FO) TWD with only 1 FA element existing TWD*L5 with specified FA Line After displaying the electronic ticket record you have to enter FO* This entry will only display the FO line. For completely unused tickets, leave the appended E1(first coupon with status O for open on TWD display) and add passenger association (/P1 etc.) at the end of the FO line and press enter. For partially used tickets replace E1 by the number of the first coupon with O status from the TWD (E2 etc.) and specify passenger association ( /P2 etc.) FO 057-2288001729ZRH27SEP07/00284550/057-22880017296E1/P1 Print the reissue by TTP. Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 41 You can modify the TST itinerary automatically, or manually. When the itinerary or the name has been changed, the system automatically adds a message (PNR CHG) to the TST. The system also changes the pricing indicator from automatic (I) to manual (M). The following is an example of a partial TST with a PNR change flag, fitted to the size of the screen. TST 1 PC NCE1A0900 CM/30SEP M 1 LD 15OCT03 OD AMSAMS SI 1.JONES/K 1 AMS KL 363 B 08JAN 1035 OK YBB 2 O MAD KL 364 B 20JAN 1510 OK YBB AMS T- 08JAN08JAN 20K 20K This message is a warning to the agent to check the stored fare and make sure it still applies to the passenger and the itinerary. This PNR change flag must be removed before you can issue the ticket. For example, enter: TTU/T1/S3 TTU /T1 /S3 transaction code TST selection segment selection System response: UPDATE - OK 42 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course E-Ticket Exchange / Reissue This chapter provides example FO element formats for different types of e-ticket exchanges. When an agent is exchanging an e-ticket, the following rules apply to the original ticket (FO) element in the PNR: • The E coupon indicator, coupon number, and check digit are required for the original issue document and for all exchange documents. • The coupon number to be entered is the number of the first unused coupon with status O (Open for use). • For conjunctive e-tickets, the first ticket number must be entered. The last ticket number is not required, however, since it is determined by the system automatically. An e-ticket (or paper ticket) that is issued in exchange for an e-ticket cannot be voided. For information about exchanging tickets in general, agents can display online help pages in Amadeus by entering: HE EXCHANGE Follow these steps: • Display E-Ticket record with TWD function • Reprice PNR and ER • TTI/EXCH (cryptic mode) • Update TST (e.g. TTI/VXX30NOV to update Not Valid after/cryptic mode ) Then insert FO element as follows: First Exchange Here is an example of the FO entry for the first exchange of an e-ticket: FO006-12345678901E1MIA20AUG00/00112233 OR AVAILABLE OR FO* AUTOMATICALLY UPDATES IF FA ELEMENT FO* L22 (IF MORE THAN ONE FA ELEMENT) FO Transaction code 006- Carrier code, dash Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 43 1234567890 Original issue e-ticket number 1 Check digit E1 ET coupon indicator (the letter E) followed by the number of the first coupon with status O or A MIA20AUG00 City and date of original issue e-ticket /00112233 Slash followed by the issuing agency’s ARC/IATA number First Exchange (Conjunction Ticket) Here is an example of the FO entry for the first exchange of a conjunction eticket: FO006-1234567890E1-91MIA20AUG00/00112233 44 FO Transaction code 006- Carrier code, dash 1234567890 Ticket number of the first conjunction ticket 1 Check digit E1 ET coupon indicator (the letter E) followed by the number of the first coupon with status O or A -91 Dash, last two digits of the last conjunction ticket number MIA20AUG00 City and date of original issue e-ticket /00112233 Slash followed by the issuing agency’s ARC/IATA number Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Second Exchange Here is an example of the FO entry for the second exchange of an e-ticket, when the first exchange document was also an e-ticket: FO006-12345678901E1MIA20AUG00/00112233/006-12345678921E1 FO Transaction code 006-1234567890 Original issue e-ticket number MIA20AUG00 City and date of original issue e-ticket /00112233 Slash followed by the issuing agency’s ARC/IATA number /006-1234567892 Slash followed by the first exchange e-ticket number 1 Check digit E1 ET coupon indicator (the letter E) followed by the number of the first coupon with status O or A Here is an example of the FO entry for the second exchange of an e-ticket, when the first exchange document was a paper ticket: FO006-12345678901E1MIA20AUG00/00112233/006-12345678921C1234 FO Transaction code 006-1234567890 Original issue e-ticket number MIA20AUG00 City and date of original issue e-ticket /00112233 Slash followed by the issuing agency’s ARC/IATA number /006-1234567892 Slash followed by the first exchange paper ticket number 1 Check digit C1234 Coupon indicator (the letter C) followed by the coupon numbers Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 45 Amadeus Automated Virtual MCO Introduction Automated VMCOs can be issued for the following key travel services (amongst others): • Collection for TOD/PTA • Air or surface transportation • Excess baggage charges • Reissue service fees • Additional collections • Tax payments • Hotel Payment Features The Amadeus Automated VMCO product provides system-users with the following key features: 46 • Automated VMCO creation from a new or existing PNR • Supplementary passenger names facility • Split PNR Automated VMCO ture • Full TSM history • Automated MCO PNR retrieval transactions Amadeus E - Ticketing Course There are three basic stages to issuing an VMCO, these are creation, completion and processing, all of which are described in detail below There are two types to create an VMCO in the fastest way. To create an VMCO for either TOD or PTA follow this steps. 1) create your PNR and price the flights 2) enter the TST and click on the button “Create MCO” Here you can see the MCO mask with all data taken from your TST: Update the VMCO (service charge, form of payment, etc) and click on “Update” to store the data. After you finish, you can close the VMCO mask and you get back to your TST. Close this as well and you are back on the PNR in the command page incl. the VMCO element as shown. ZRH1A0901/0001AA/18SEP07 1.AMADEUS/WOLFGANG MR 2 AF5111 Y 20MAY 2 ZRHCDG HK1 0720 0915 20MAY E AF/ OPERATED BY CITYJET 3 AF5102 Y 26MAY 1 CDGZRH HK1 0950 1130 26MAY E AF/ OPERATED BY CITYJET 4 MCO AF *** 20MAY/CHF 1501.50/*CH PTA OR TOD 1 FP INV 5 AP ZRH 41 44 217 97 20 - AMADEUS TRAINING COLOMBO - A 6 TK OK18SEP/ZRH1A0901//ETAF On line 4 is your MCO Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 47 For all other types of VMCO you can use the graphical page for creation or update. Click on the Click on screen: tab to switch to “graphic page” to start the creation. The following mask is shown on the top of your The yellow fields are mandatory and have to fill out before you could click on . The fields in white are optional. The type of MCO is always M in Switzerland, don’t change it ! Choose the reason for issue by clicking on the blue box, ”issuance code” Select one and click ok 48 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Update the VMCO manually, click on “update” and “close” The PNR is shown in the graphic page: You can change the VMCO anytime. Just “double click” on the VMCO element in the graphic PNR page. Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 49 Return to the command page by clicking on the VMCO information in the PNR. after you switched back enter RT to receive Transitional Stored MCO (TSM) >TQM Once the MCO entry has been accepted, Amadeus stores a Transitional Stored MCO, much in the same way that a TST is stored. The TSM can be easily displayed using one of the following entries: >TQM Displays a single TSM >TQM/L6 Displays a TSM on a particular line of a PNR >TQM/P1 Displays a TSM for a particular Passenger >TQM/M2 Displays a particular TSM from a list TSM00002 TYPE M ZRH1A0901 AA/19MAY 1.AMADEUS/WOLFGANG PRESENT TO: AT: TYPE OF SERVICE: A *CH AIR TRANSPORTATION ADD INF/RKS: ISSUED IN CONNEXION WITH: FARE F CHF EXCH VAL CHF TOTAL CHF CARR 1A 500.00 500.00 500.00 1.FP INV List Display >TQM M 2 3 50 P .1 .1 R NAME A AMADEUS/WOLFG+ 1 AMADEUS/WOLFG+ TOTAL CHF CHF FOP 500.00 INV 1502.00 L 4 T M Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Automated VMCO Functionality Fare Elements In addition to the VMCO fields there are several fields stored in the front of the PNR; these are the same fields as a TST. The only difference is that these have to be associated to the VMCO line number, the fields that can be updated are: • • • • • Form of payment (FP) Endorsements (FE) Commission (FM) Tour code (FT) Original Issue (FO) Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Optional Please note that the validating carrier is not necessary as the system takes this information from the Present to area in the TSM. In order to fill out these fields there are several ways of linking them to the correct VMCO, for example >4/FPCASH >FT IT4BA1234/L4 Adding in a form of payment where 4 is the VMCO line in the PNR Adding a tour code for an VMCO on line 4 of the PNR The line specification has to be done even if there is only one VMCO in the PNR otherwise the system will attach it to the TST. In panel mode it is possible to fill in all of these details within the TSM display. An example of the PNR with the VMCO details stored can be seen below RP/ZRH1A0901/ZRH1A0901 CS/SU 14DEC04/1458Z ZBEDWM 1.MUELLER/PETER MR 2 BA 709 L 05MAY 4 ZRHLHR HK1 M 0750 0840 *1A/E* 3 BA 710 L 09MAY 1 LHRZRH HK1 4 0650 0935 *1A/E* 4 MCO BA LHR 09MAY/CHF 200.00/*CH UPGRADING 1 FE *M*VALID BA ONLY 2 FP CASH 3 FT IT4BA1245 5 AP ZRH 41 1 217 97 20 - AMADEUS TRAINING IER ATB2 - A 6 TK OK09DEC/ZRH1A0901 7 FM *M*7 8 FP CASH 9 FV BA To modify any or cancel any of the fields in the PNR but within an MPD there are a few options > XE4.1 > 4/FP INVOICE > 4/FEVALID IB ONLY Amadeus E - Ticketing Course To cancel the first element in the VMCO on line 4 Changes form of payment element in the VMCO on line 4 to invoice Changes the FE element for the VMCO on line 4 51 VMCO Processing Once the TSM has been completed and all of the mandatory fields are present the VMCO can be issued using the following command: >TTM There are numerous options that can be included in the TTM command for example >TTM/P1 >TTM/L8 >TTM/RT >TTM/TMN Prints all VMCOs for passenger one Prints the VMCO on line 8 of the PNR Prints all VMCOs and retains the PNR Prints the VMCO and the supplementary name list Voiding (canx) VMCO 1. To void from a retrieved PNR using the line number that corresponds to the FA line, enter: TRDC/L10 2. graphic mode On the tab bar click on the 52 icon and the on the menu Amadeus E - Ticketing Course VMCO Reporting >TJQ Once an VMCO has been issued the reporting process is the same as with airline tickets. Details of the issued VMCOs can be seen in the TJQ report with the code MD50, as can be seen below. AGY NO - 00060034 QUERY REPORT 14DEC CURRENCY CHF OFFICE - ZRH1A0901 SELECTION: AGENT - ALL 14 DEC 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEQ NO A/L DOC NUMBER TOTAL DOC TAX COMM FP PAX NAME AS RLOC TRNC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------000076 724 1924000005 200.00 0.00 0.00 CA MUELLER/PE CS ZBEDWM MD50 000077 125 1924000006 120.00 0.00 0.00 CA KELLER/MAJ CS ZBLL5C MD50 000078 125 1924000007 200.00 0.00 0.00 CA ROTH/KLAUS CS ZBLL5C MD50 It is also possible to search just for MCOs that have been issued, in this case the entry is >TJQ/SOF/QTC-MD50 This entry can be combined with most of the other TJQ options. Full details of the VMCO issuance can be found with the Transaction Report (TJT), as can be seen below. >TJT/I-76 AGENCY OFFID/ASDOC TYPEAL/PROV DOCUMENTPASSENGER TOUR FOP1 FOP2 FOP3 TAX DOC1 DOC2 ORIGIN PURCHASER FARE CALC AUTOMATED PRICED 00060034 14DEC04 ZRH1A0901 CS CS ITEM - 000076 AUTO MCO CURR - CHF 724 - CH STATUS - PENDING 1924000005AUTO MCO : : : : : : : : : : : 0.00 CREDIT 200.00 CASH 0.00 TAX 0.00 COMM PNR ZBEDWM MUELLER/PETER MR IT4BA1234 INVOICE : CA 200.00 CASH FARE CHF200.00 TTL CHF200.00 It is also possible to use most of the other sales report transactions e.g. TJX, TJI, TJD and TJS. The exception is the BJI entry which is limited to ticket issuance. To void an VMCO from query report enter the TJQ report and >TRDC/sequence number AGY NO - 00060034 QUERY REPORT 14DEC CURRENCY CHF OFFICE - ZRH1A0901 SELECTION: AGENT - ALL TC-CANX 16 DEC 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEQ NO A/L DOC NUMBER TOTAL DOC TAX COMM FP PAX NAME AS RLOC TRNC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------000076 724 1924000005 200.00 0.00 0.00 CA MUELLER/PE CS ZBEDWM CANX 000077 125 1924000006 120.00 0.00 0.00 CA KELLER/MAJ CS ZBLL5C CANX Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 53 Reinstate a Voided MCO 1. To reinstate from a retrieved PNR using the line number that corresponds to the FA line, enter: TRDR/L10 2 graphic mode On the tab bar click on the icon and the on the menu VMCO Cancellation An VMCO can be simply cancelled by using XE and the line number. To cancel individual fare elements in the VMCO again use the XE command for example: >XE4.3 This cancels element three for the VMCO on the fourth line of the PNR. To cancel multiple elements the entire reference needs to be added, for example >XE5.1,2 Cancels elements one and two for the VMCO on the fifth line on the PNR. VMCO Refund VMCOs may only be refunded via BSPlink refund application. Where the Agent still holds the Exchange coupon, such Exchange coupon must be submitted with the Refund Application. You can download the IATA manual for MCO’s from the following link: 54 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Automated VMCO History >TMH >TMH/L8 >TMH/M2 Once an Automated VMCO/TSM has been created and stored in a PNR it has an ongoing history which is updated each time a change is made. Amadeus displays TSM history in chronological order so the latest changes are always added to the bottom. The changes are pre-fixed with codes that clarify the kind of change made; for example ‘AN’ add passenger name and ‘XN’ cancel passenger name; for example ‘AG’ add type of service and ‘XG’ cancel type of service. When an active TSM is modified the history is altered to record the changes. The TSM history documents the change made, the date and time of the change, the system-user that made the change and the office location. TSM history cannot be deleted. An example of the VMCO history can be seen below ** TSM HISTORY 003 RF-AGNT CR-ZRH1A0901 SU 1508CS 14DEC/1328Z 004 RF-AGNT CR-ZRH1A0901 SU 1508CS 14DEC/1333Z CF/F CHF200.00/WCHF200.00 AF/F GBP106.00/WGBP106.00 005 RF-AGNT CR-ZRH1A0901 SU 1508CS 14DEC/1345Z CF/F GBP106.00/WGBP106.00 AF/F GBP106.00/ECHF238.00/XCHF4.20QX/XCHF2.40GB/WCHF244.60 AK1 2.23910 006 RF-AGNT CR-ZRH1A0901 SU 1508CS 14DEC/1345Z Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 55 Sales Reports Central ticketing transactions generate the storage of data in the Document Database (DOCDB). Sales report data is stored in the system for two months, and you can display sales reports up to two months in the past from today’s date. The storage time may vary depending on your market. You can also print the sales reports. You can request reports and queries of the DOCDB, which include statistics for office accounting, statistics for the completion of sales reports, and ticketing activity data generated during the current sales period. Six different types of reports exist. The following two reports are for closed sales periods: • Summary Sales Period Report TJS • Item Sales Period Report TJI The following four reports are for the current sales period: • Daily Report TJD • Query Report TJQ • Transaction Report TJT • Cross Reference Report TJX • Net Remit Report TJN • History Report TJH Printing Reports The following table describes the entries you can make to print the sales reports: Transaction Explanation Entry TJP Prints the report that you have displayed on your screen TJP WRA/report entry Prints a report that is not displayed WRA/TJI/SOF/D-10FEB 56 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Sales Report Types Below reports contain information about all central ticketing transactions that are stored in the Document database. Sales Report data is stored in the Ticketing Sales Report database for a maximum of 75 days from the date of transaction. Report Explanation Entries and Options TJS Summary Sales Period Report TJS/SAS-0894IS Agent sign TJS/SOF All agents in one office TJS/SOF-NCE1A0900 For a branch office TJS/SAN All offices sharing the same data TJS/H-7 Period number TJS/HNU-123 Report number Item Sales Report TJI/SAS-0894IS Agent sign List of all documents TJI/SOF All agents in one office TJI/SOF-NCE1A0900 For a branch office TJI/SAN All offices sharing the same data TJI/H-7 Period number TJI/HNU-123 Report number Daily Sales Report TJD/SAS-0894IS Agent sign Summary of all documents issued for a single day by cash, credit, refund and adjustment totals. TJD/SOF All agents in one office TJD/SOF-NCE1A0900 For a branch office TJD/D-16FEB Specific date Query Report TJQ/SAS-0894IS Agent sign List of all documents for a single date or date range issued within the last 45 days. TJQ/SOF All agents in one office TJQ/SOF-NCE1A0900 For a branch office It includes the sequence number, airline code, document number, total fare, tax, commission, form of payment, agent sign, PNR record locator and transaction type TJQ/D-16FEB Specific date TJQ/V-19FE25FEB Range of dates for voids TJQ/QFP-CA Form of payment cash TJQ/QFP-CC Credit card TJQ/QFP/NT Net Remit TJQ/QFP-MS Miscellaneous TJQ/QCC-AX Credit card company Summary of all documents issued within a single sales period by cash, credit, refund. TJI TJD TJQ Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 57 TJT TJX TJN TJH TJQ/QVP-AA Validating carrier Transaction Report TJT/I-123 Sequence number Query Report From a query report you can display a transaction report with extended data about a specific item TJT/TK-4568889990 Document number Cross Reference Report TJX/SAS-0894IS Agent sign Refers ticket numbers with stock control numbers (SCN) TJX/SOF All agents in one office TJX/SOF/XTS Tkt numbers/stock control TJX/SOF/XST Stock control nbrs/tickets Net Remit Report TJN/SAS-0894IS Agent sign List of all documents issued using an incentive ticketing method such as nego, IT and net remit. TJN/SOF All agents in one office TJN/SOF/D-27MAY Specific date TJN/SOF/D-11FEB18FEB Specific date range TJN/F-1234567890 Document number TJN/SOF/QTC-TKTB Transaction type TJN/QFP-CA Form of payment cash TJN/QVP-LX Validating airlines History Report TJH/I-123 Sequence number Query Report Gives you the complete history of a document including sale and refund information. TJH/TK-4568889990 Document number It is available for up to 180 days in the past. 58 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Automated Refund Introduction Amadeus Automated Refunds provides a user-friendly, flexible and highly efficient time saving method of refunding Electronic tickets. Refund transactions automatically search for original ticket sales data that is stored in the Amadeus Document Database and this is used to populate refund records. Automated Refunds can be processed without intervention or manually updated for partial refunds. Electronic ticket sale data is available for 12 months and the refund process is also interactive as the system simultaneously requests an authorisation to refund from the validating Airline. Successful communication results in a ‘Settlement Authorisation Code’ (SAC), which Amadeus then uses to populate the refund record along with the sales data. Automated refunds are included as part of the Travel Agency daily sales reports. In addition to this refund, notices are printed on plain paper. The Amadeus Central Ticketing Reporter (CTR) then completes the refund process by reporting automated refund data in the reporting tape (RET). RET or as it is also know as Agent Reporting Data which is the information from the Central Reservation Systems (CRS) to the Bank Settlement Plan (BSP). The Agent Reporting Data to BSP who then settle the refund directly between the Travel Agency and the Airline. Features The Amadeus Automated Refunds product provides Travel Agency system-users with the following key features: • Interactive automated refund of Electronic tickets • Document Database ticket data repository • 12 months for Electronic tickets • Automatic population of a refund record using stored ticket data • Refund record display in cryptic/graphic mode format • Refund record update with cryptic/graphic transactions • Full and Partial refund capability • Ability to specify cancellation penalties • Ability to calculate commission or cancellation penalty • Automated reporting to the stock provider (RET) and Airline (HOT) • 2 refund notices are automatically printed out, one for agents and one for BSP Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 59 Refund Record Data Security Measures • • • • For security reasons the system automatically locks the ‘Agent Code’ field and the ‘Agent’ field each time a refund record is generated in both Panel and Cryptic mode These establish respectively the IATA number of the Travel Agency, the agent performing the refund and the date of refund The indicators are reported in the RET The ‘Data Source’ field provides clarification upon the origin of the data that is used to populate the refund record. The indicators are as follows: F Automated data received from Document Database and processed without intervention L Mixed data received from the Document Database and updated, for example a partial refund M Manual data only, established by the agent in a blank refund record Refunding E-Tickets To refund the e-ticket, the entry is: TRF System Response: If the refund request is successful, the refunded coupons or the ET-REA (depending on the agent’s market) will be printed. The agent receives a message similar to the following: TKT-0811688283502 RCI1A LOC-X2QQNV OD-MELAKL SI-SOTO FCMI-0 POI-AKL DOI-07MAR00 IOI-24000012 1.SMITH/JOHNMR ADT ST 1 O MEL QF 033 Y 20AUG 0800 OK Y1 O 20K AKL FARE F AUD 686.00 EQUIV NZD 868.00 BSR 1.265182 TAX NZD 38.00AU TOTAL NZD 906.00 /FC MEL QF AKL447.70NUC447.70END ROE1.532242 FP CASH >TWREF OK ETKT RECORD UPDATED SAC-0081000804145 PROCESS REFUND MANUALLY > 60 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course The status of all refunded coupons in the ET record is changed to R (Refunded), as follows: TKT-0811688283502 RCI1A LOC-X2QQNV OD-MELAKL SI-SOTO FCMI-0 POI-AKL DOI-07MAR00 IOI-24000012 1.SMITH/JOHNMR ADT ST 1 O MEL QF 033 Y 20AUG 0800 OK Y1 R 20K AKL FARE F AUD 686.00 EQUIV NZD 868.00 BSR 1.265182 TAX NZD 38.00AU TOTAL NZD 906.00 /FC MEL QF AKL447.70NUC447.70END ROE1.532242 FP CASH SAC-0081000804145 > In the PNR, the existing FA element for the refunded e-ticket is removed, stored in the PNR history, and replaced by a new FA element that includes the ER status code, indicating that the e-ticket has been refunded. For example: 5 FA PAX 081-1688283501/ERQF/S2 TRF 125-6700000001/FULL without penalty TRF 125-6700000001/FULL/CP200A 200,- CHF cancellation penalty TRF 125-6700000001/FULL/CP10P 10 % cancellation penalty TRF 125-6700000001/FULL/TAX tax only Or within a PNR TRF/L5/FULL (L5=line of the FA element) Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 61 For partial refunds in the graphic mode please proceed as shown: On the tab bar click on the icon and the on the menu Here is the display: Insert your ticket number either in the e-ticket or paper ticket section and click on display or on the refund button for paper tickets. After that click on the sort of refund you want to do and the following mask will appear: 62 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Update all the necessary fields and click on “save changes” To finish the refund click on “process refund” Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 63 The Refund Record in cryptic Mode • The information displayed using cryptic mode REFUND RECORD NM NAME I ISSUED D1 DOCUMENT F U XT AGT-00060034 AA/23JUL01 F TKT-Y SACHER/T MR 23JUL01 085 2000015121 6 CPNS 1200 FARE PAID FARE USED FARE REFUND TAX REFUND REFUND TOTAL CHF FM COMMISSION FP1 CASH S • 1496.00 0.00 1496.00 48.00 >TRFT 1544.00 7.00P 1544.00 ITINERARY INTERNATIONAL To view further taxes enter TRFT REFUNDABLE TAXES SACHER/T MR 085 2000015121 - 121 UNUSED TAXES ---------------------------------------------------------------T1 23.00 CH T2 18.00 ZY T3 7.00 AT REFUNDABLE TAX TOTAL • CHF 48.00 XT In order to process the automated refund, report and print the refund notices then simply enter TRFP >TRFP OK - REFUND PROCESSED 64 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course Partial Refunds When a partial refund is required, the data can be changed by using cryptic transactions 1. Work out the partially used fare using the FQP entry 2. Display the refund record TRF 3. Update the fare used (press enter) 4. Enter TRFT to access tax panel and delete the non refundable taxes (press enter) 5. Change the CPNS field to show only the unused coupons (press enter) 6. Add in any applicable cancellation penalties 7. Enter TRFP 8. You will get 2 copies of a printed refund record Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 65 Partial refunds fields • • • In cryptic mode all of the updates are made using the basic command TRFU along with either a one or two letter action code and the value that you wish to enter Fields can be updated one at a time or simultaneously as desired. When the transaction is transmitted the refund record is redisplayed with the relevant data updated The cryptic transaction field identifiers are listed below: Passenger name NM Date of issue I Ticket/Document number or range D Delete ticket/document number DXn-n Document check digit DnDGn Update ticket/document number of coupons DnCn Document type TKT Itinerary S Fare paid F Fare used U Commission FM Cancellation fee CP Cancellation fee commission CM Miscellaneous fee MF Tax (Tax Add) TA Delete Tax Number TXn-n Tour code TC Net refund NF Form of payment FP Form of payment amount FPAn Original issue FO Remarks RM Airline authority AA TRFU/NMMERCIER TOM MR update the passenger name TRFU/I25JAN00 update the refundable documents date of issue 66 Amadeus E - Ticketing Course TRFU/D1C34 refund document 1 coupons 3 and 4 TRFU/DA2 add 2 consecutive docs to the refund record TRFU/DX2 delete 2 consecutive docs from the refund record TRFU/TKTY identify doc type as a ticket sale (P or E) TRFU/TKTN identify document type as other sale (e.g. MPD) TRFU/SD identify doc as domestic sale (only one letter) TRFU/SI identify doc as intl sale (only one letter) TRFU/F1000.00 update the fare paid TRFU/U500.00 provide the fare used TRFU/FM9.00 provide percentage commissions rate TRFU/FM100.00A provide amount commission rate TRFU/CP50P provide percentage cancellation fee TRFU/CP500.00A provide amount cancellation fee TRFU/CM100 provide amount cancellation fee commission TRFU/CM25.00P provide percentage cancellation fee commission TRFU/TA16.50CH add unused refundable tax CH TRFU/TX1-3 Delete used taxes 1 through 3 TRFU/TCIT1LH2TOUR1 provide a tour code TRFU/NF1000.00 provide net refund amount TRFU/FP1CASH provide form of payment 1 TRFU/FP2CCCA5370031003456784 provide form of payment 2 TRFU/FP1A2000.00 provide value form of payment 1 TRFU/FP2A 2000.00 provide value form of payment 2 TRFU/FO1253700000007ZRH17JUL81293989 provide original issue data TRFU/AA10504Q59QBXE9C provide Airline refund authority TRFU/U500.00/D1C34/TX2/CP50.00/ TCIT1LH2TOUR1 multiple field update Fare used 500.00, refund coupons 3 and 4 , and delete refundable tax 2, cancellation penalty 50.00 and tour code. Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 67 Refunds in Sales Reports • All automated refunds are display in the sales report with the transaction code RFND • If you just need to see the refunds that have been processed this can be done using the normal Query Report entries Response after TJQ/SOF AGY NO - 00060034 QUERY REPORT 26APR CURRENCY CHF OFFICE - ZRH1A0901 SELECTION: AGENT - ALL 26 APR 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEQ NO A/L DOC NUMBER TOTAL DOC TAX COMM FP PAX NAME AS RLOC TRNC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------084964 139 4899871040 1157.00 104.00 73.71 CC MELDRUM/IN MM Y8XOYB TKTB 084965 724 4899835521 -706.35 -70.35 0.00 CC KULIGOWSKI BD ZHEBQW RFND 084966 724 4899871041 4590.50 294.50 0.00 CC HUNSCHEIDT MM 2EZFMU TKTB 084967 220 4899871042 1126.50 109.50 0.00 CC KUMAR/PRAT CA 2ILODE TKTT 084968 724 4899852665 -926.50 -136.50 0.00 CA ZOUHAIR/AB BD YIY6MX RFND 084969 724 4899852664 -926.50 -136.50 0.00 CA OZSAHIN/ES BD YIY6MX RFND 084970 724 4899852663 -926.50 -136.50 0.00 CA GUETTY ALB BD YIY6MX RFND • Alternatively if you would only like to view the refunds that has been processed , type in the following entry TJQ/SOF/QTC-RFND Display all refunded records in the office • From the sales report it is possible to carry out all of the normal entries to cancel, reinstate and display more details • In the below entries the numbers relates to the sequence number displayed in the SEQ NO column on the left hand side of a TJQ report TRF/I-851 68 To display the details of a refund Amadeus E - Ticketing Course A Automated Refund partial refunds.................................................... 65 Automated Refunds ............................................... 59 C Canceling a TST..................................................... 10 Central ticketing mandatory fare elements ................................. 20 commission................................................... 23 form of payment ........................................... 20 validating carrier........................................... 21 optional fare elements ...................................... 22 endosements/restrictions carrier ............... 22 fare discount ................................................. 23 tour code ....................................................... 23 procedure for issuing ........................................ 15 sales reports ...................................................... 56 Commission fare element ..................................... 23 D Displaying booking code information from a pricing request ................................... 4 ticket image from a pricing request ................................... 4 TST history......................................................... 10 E Edorsements/restriction fare element.................. 22 Electronic ticketing airline-specific conditions ................................. 17 conditions for e-ticketing .................................. 17 displaying E-ticket records............................... 29 eligibility indicator .............................................. 19 E-ticketing Airlines ............................................ 16 E-tickets reissue................................................ 43 exchanging E-tickets ........................................ 43 issuing e-tickets................................................. 24 refunding E-tickets ............................................ 60 revalidating E-tickets ........................................ 33 voiding E-tickets ................................................ 37 types of priceable journeys ................................2 Itinerary pricing mually creating a TST ...................................... 12 M MCO cancel MCO .................................................. 54 MCO fare elements................................................... 51 MCO history ............................................................ 55 MCO Refund MCO ................................................ 54 MCO reporting ........................................................ 53 MCO void MCO ....................................................... 53 O Options itinerary pricing ....................................................5 printing a ticket .................................................. 26 P Pricing an itinerary adding options .....................................................5 displaying the booking code information..........4 displaying the ticketing image ...........................4 entry ......................................................................3 explanation...........................................................3 response...............................................................3 Printing sales reports ...................................................... 56 R Refund Record Data Security Measures............. 60 S Sales reports explanation......................................................... 56 printing sales reports ........................................ 56 T Fare discount fare element ................................... 23 Fare elements mandatory for ticketing ..................................... 20 optional for ticketing.......................................... 22 Fare quote informative pricing............................................... 2 Form of payment fare element ............................. 20 Ticket image displaying from a pricing request ......................4 Ticketing printing a ticket options........................................................... 26 Tour code fare element ......................................... 23 Transitional Stored MCO....................................... 50 TST canceling ............................................................ 10 displaying history............................................... 10 manually creating cryptic mode response ................................ 12 explanation ................................................... 12 TST history.............................................................. 10 I V Informative pricing explanation........................................................... 2 pricing an itinerary............................................... 3 Validating carrier fare element.............................. 21 F Amadeus E - Ticketing Course 69