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Bowes, Oliver - The Grimoire Of Oliver, Part 2

Description: Thoee who have my first book, 'THE GRIMOIRE OF OLIVER', well this folloNs on from that one, In this one I go to my darker psyche and write another master piece, its funny how things fatl ln to pl...




Thoee who have my first book, 'THE GRIMOIRE OF OLIVER', well this folloNs on from that one, In this one I go to my darker psyche and write another master piece, its funny how things fatl ln to place, one action could lead to an even more greater state of affairs. This book Is about while and black magic mixed together as In grey magic, but to me magic Is magic regardle8s what colour you use. Many books go on about theory, but I say where are the rituals, always when I was 13 years old I S8II'Ched for the perfect book, never found It, so I quit going to book stores, even some works my CmNIey were good, but to much written rubbish just to get passed ant bore you with story, s of success as do other writers, as for It Is you who needs this information and I you can test It for yourself, I must have wasted a lot of money buying other books, but the real knowledge for me came from my spirit guides and my inner self and great occult ancient manuscripts, but I tell you the truth when I write Uke, I feel someone is guiding me as In trying to control me in what I am writing, but the rest of the book and all my books the spells come from supernatural beings that reside In Egypt which is where my powers come from, maybe one day I may tell you more.