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Civil Engineering Project

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PROJECT REPORT on PLANNING AND DESIGN OF NET ZERO ENERGY RESIDENTAL BUILDING Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY in CIVIL ENGINEERING by KARTHIK V (1010910090) SASIDHAR K.V (1010910092) NEERAJ PORWAL (1010910118) ABHINAV N (1010910119) Under the guidance of Mrs. VASANTHI.P Assistant Professor (O.G) DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY SRM UNIVERSITY 1 (Under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956) SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur- 603203 Kancheepuram District MAY 2013 PROJECT REPORT on PLANNING AND DESIGN OF NET ZERO ENERGY RESIDENTAL BUILDING Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY in CIVIL ENGINEERING by KARTHIK V (1010910090) SASIDHAR K.V (1010910092) NEERAJ PORWAL (1010910118) ABHINAV N (1010910119) Under the guidance of Mrs. VASANTHI.P Assistant Professor (O.G) 2 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY SRM UNIVERSITY (Under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956) SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur- 603203 Kancheepuram District MAY 2013 BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE Certified that this project report titled “PLANNING AND DESIGN OF NET ZERO ENERGY RESIDENTAL BUILDING” is the bonafide work of KARTHIK.V(1010910090), REDDY.K.V(1010910092), NEERAJ PORWAL SASIDHAR (1010910118), ABHINAV. N (1010910119) who carried out the research under my supervision. Certified further, that to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of any other project report or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion or any other candidate. 3 Signature of the Guide Signature of the HOD Mrs. VASANTHI .P Assitant Professor (O.G) Department of Civil Engineering Engineering SRM University Kattankulathur- 603203 Dr. R. ANNADURAI Professor & Head Department of Civil SRM University Kattankulathur- 603203 INTERNAL EXAMINER EXAMINER EXTERNAL DATE: ABSTRACT The proposed Net zero residential building is located at Urapakkam. The NZERB has G+1 floor. The total land surface covered by the Net zero energy residential building is 99 square meters. A complete design shall be done for the proposed NZERB using Indian standard codes. There are three main phases in a construction project which are planning, designing and estimation. The first stage in a project is planning, in which preparation of layout of plot has to be done. To conclude the project a detailed estimate of the residential building has also been prepared. 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to alma mater for congenial cooperation and granting me permission to accomplish a work on “PLANNING AND DESIGN OF NET ZERO ENERGY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING” The author is grateful and records his sincere thanks to Dr. T. P. GANESAN Pro Vice Chancellor (P&D) and Dr. C. MUTHAMIZHCHELVAN, Director, (E&T), SRM UNIVERSITY for providing all the necessary facilities for carrying out this work. 5 The author expresses his sincere thanks and Gratitude to HOD Dr. R. ANNADURAI, Department of Civil Engineering, for his valuable suggestions and advice in carrying out this thesis work. The author expresses his sincere thanks to Department Coordinator/Civil Dr.K.GUNASEKARAN, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, for initiative and motivation during the course of this work. The author hereby acknowledges with deep sense of gratitude the valuable guidance given by the Guide Mrs.VASANTHI P, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, for initiative and motivation during the course of this work. The author is extremely grateful to the valuble advices given by the class incharge Mr.K.PRASANNA, Assistant professor,Department of Civil Engineering, for constant support. The author is grandly indebted to all the Faculty Members of Department of Civil Engineering, for their valuable help rendered during the course of study. Finally, the author expresses his hearty thanks to Friends for their kind help and encouragement throughout the course of this thesis work. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE ABSTRACT 6 PAGE iv 1 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT v LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES x ABBREVATIONS xi OVERVIEW 1 1.1 OBJECTIVE 1 1.2 NECESSITY 1 1.3 SCOPE 2 1.4 METHODOLOGY 2 1.5 MAJOR DESIGN EXPERIENCE 2 1.6 REALISTIC DESIGN CONSTRAINTS 3 1.7 REFERENCE TO CODES AND STANDARS 3 1.8 APPLICATION OF EARLIER COURSE WORKS 4 1.9 MULTIDISCIPLINARY AND TEAM WORK 4 1.10 SOFTWARE USED 5 1.11 CONCLUSION 5 1.12 FUTURE SCOPE 5 INTRODUCTION 6 2.1 GENERAL 6 2.2 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.3 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL RULES FOR CHENNAI 2.4 METROPOLITAN AREA, 2004 8 2.3.1 8 Primary Residential Use Zone CONFORMATION TO NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2.4.1 9 Fire Safety, Detection And Extinguishing System 10 7 2.4.2 3 4 Security Deposits 10 OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE 11 3.1 OBJECTIVE 11 3.2 SCOPE 12 3.3 MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY 12 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 13 4.1 PLANNING 13 4.1.1 Selection of Site 13 4.1.2 Plot Layout 14 4.1.3 Plan of the Building 15 4.2 DESIGNS 16 4.2.1 16 Design of Hall 4.2.2 Design of Bedroom 20 4.2.3 Design of Bedroom 23 4.2.4 Design of Bathroom 27 4.2.5 Design of Portico 30 4.2.6 Design of Kitchen 33 4.2.7 Design of Dining Room 37 4.2.8 Design of Wall 40 4.2.9 Design of Footing 44 4.2.10 Design of Hollow Brick Wall 44 4.2.11 Design of Footing (Hollow Brick) 49 4.2.12 Design of Stair Case 51 8 4.3 DESIGN OF SOLAR PANEL AND ITS COMPONENTS 54 4.3.1 Solar power system components 54 4.3.2 Working of Solar Panel 55 4.3.3 4.3.4 Description of Individual Solar Panel components 55 Solar Panels 55 Solar Regulator 55 Power Inverter 56 Solar Batteries 56 Designing of Solar Panel 57 4.4 RATE ANALYSIS OF SOLAR PANELS 59 4.5 INFRARED THERMOMETER 60 4.6 HOLLOW BRICK 62 4.6.1 Parameters of Hollow Brick 62 4.6.2 Advantages of Hollow Bricks 64 4.7 ESTIMATION 65 4.7.1 65 Abstract Estimate of Conventional Building 4.7.2 Abstract Estimate of NZERB 67 4.7.3 5 Rate Analysis 70 CONCLUSION 72 5.1 CONCLUSION 72 5.2 FUTURE SCOPE 72 REFERENCES 73 9 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE TITLE 1.1 Codes Used 3 1.2 Earlier Course Work Used 4 10 2.1 Front Setback 8 2.2 Rear Setback 9 2.3 Side Setback 9 4.1 Values of slenderness ratio 48 4.2 Stress reduction factor for slenderness ratio 48 4.3 Calculation of permissible stress 49 4.4 Safe allowable load 49 4.5 Calculations of loads 57 4.6 Abstract Estimate of Conventional Building 65 4.7 Abstract Estimate of NZERB 67 4.8 Rate Analysis of Proposed Conventional Building 70 4.9 Rate Analysis of Proposed NZERB 71 11 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE TITLE PAGE 4.1 Plot Layout 13 4.2 Ground Floor Plan 14 4.3 First Floor Plan 15 4.4 Footing Design 51 4.5 Working of Solar Panels 54 4.6 Infrared Thermometer 60 4.7 U- Values 63 12 ABBREVIATIONS deff - Effective depth c.c - Clear cover D - Total depth b - Width Mu,lim - Ultimate limiting moment of resistance fck - Characteristic compressive strength of concrete Mu - Ultimate moment Pt - Percentage of tension reinforcement Pc - Percentage of compression reinforcement Ast - Area of steel in tension zone Asc - Area of steel in compression zone 13 Sv - Spacing of stirrups fy - Yield stress of steel Asv - Total cross sectional area of stirrup legs kt - Modification factor for tension reinforcement kc - Modification factor for compression reinforcement kf - Reduction factors for flanged beams Pu - Ultimate load τc - Permissible shear stress Ag - Gross area of cross section Ly - Length in y direction Lx - Length in x direction Wu - Ultimate load αx - Bending moment coefficient for short span αY - Bending moment coefficient for long span Mx - Moment in short span direction My - Moment in long span direction dreq - Required depth dprov - Provided depth Mu,max - Maximum ultimate moment Ast( reqd) - Area of steel required Ast (min) - Area of minimum steel required ast - Area of 1 bar D.L - Dead Load L.L - Live Load Φ - Angle of internal friction NC , NY, Nq - Bearing capacity factors CMDA - Chennai metropolitian development authority PWD - Public works department NBC - National Building Code 14 KKNP - Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant W.h - Watt hour A.h - Ampere hour CHAPTER 1 15 OVERVIEW 1.1 1.2 OBJECTIVE i. Design a building with Net zero energy concept. ii. To eliminate the necessity of active energy loads on the building. iii. Comparing the net zero energy building with conventional building. NECESSITY The basic necessities of such a building are: i. As the country is developing day by day the consumption of power is also very high. ii. Now if we are going for NZERB building we can save energy locally which mean to save energy in global level. iii. The use of this technology used in residential buildings has shown huge amount savings in the electricity bill. iv. The proper design and alignment of the building can make the building cheaper than that of the conventional type of buildings. v. Usage of hollow bricks and avoidance of columns and beams will result in lowering of temperature inside the building vi. 1.3 To achieve sustainability. SCOPE i. Functional planning of G+1 Residential building 16 ii. Design of load bearing structure using hollow bricks iii. Design of solar panels iv. Comparison of room temperature between NZERB and conventional building v. Comparison of energy consumption between NZERB and conventional building. 1.4 METHODOLOGY This entire project is an planning and design in nature and the methodology followed in this project is listed as below. 1.5 i. Selection of site where renewable energy is available ii. Study the climate conditions of area iii. Aligning the building to utilize maximum amount of renewable resources iv. Planning and design of proposed NZERB building v. Comparison of the NZERB building with other conventional building MAJOR DESIGN EXPERIENCE Design experience in the following areas has been gained during the course of the project 1.6 i. Design of slabs ii. Design of footings iii. Design of wall using Hollow bricks iv. Design of solar panels REALISTIC DESIGN CONSTRAINTS 17 i. Economic: Building shall be designed such that the entire energy requirements are met by solar energy only due to shortage of conventional energy. ii. Sustainability Constraints: The design shall be such that the requirement of cooling do not fluctuate throughout the year. iii. Economic Constraint: The materials adopted for construction are economical compared to conventional materials. 1.7 REFERENCE TO CODES AND STANDARDS The codes for design of buildings and structures, Design co-efficient, Limit state design method and Fixing of dimensions are shown in Table 1.1 Table 1.1 Reference to codes and standards Codes /Standards Context IS 875 :1987 -1,2 Design loads for buildings and structures (Dead load , Imposed load ) IS 456 :2000 Design co-efficient, Limit state design method used for slab and footing IS 2572-1963(R 1997) Design of Hollow bricks IS 1905 :1987 Structural use of Unreinforced Masonry SP 20 :1991 Handbook of Masonry design and Construction 18 1.8 APPLICATION OF EARLIER COURSE WORK The codes for Computer aided building drawing, layout and planning and Byelaws, Setbacks, Open space, Floor area ratio are shown in Table 1.2 Table 1.2 Application of earlier course work Course Code and Name CE 0104- Computer aided building drawing CE0102- Elements of building science and Architecture Computer aided building drawing layout and planning Byelaws, Setbacks, Open space, Floor area ratio R.C.C Design R.C.C Design CE0209- Building technology CE0303-Structural Design II CE0304-Structural Design III 1.9 Context MULTIDISCIPLINARY COMPONENT AND TEAM WORK i. This project involves in multidisciplinary team work and helps interacting with the builders who deal with the non conventional building methods and use of waste and cost effective building materials. ii. It also involves interaction with software people to learn about the function and operation of the software‟s used in this project for the design, analyse and estimation of the parts of the structure. 1.10 SOFTWARE USED i. Auto CAD ii. MS EXCEL iii. MS WORD 19 1.11 CONCLUSION The two types of buildings are analyzed with respect to cost, time, availability of skilled labour and ease in construction. AVAILABILITY COST ELECTRICITY OF RESOURSES NORMAL CONVENTIONAL Low BUILDING NZERB 1.12 High It requires an Easily Available active source Produced on its Difficult own FUTURE SCOPE OF THE PROJECT The building is designed as a NET ZERO ENERGY BUILDING which produces its own electricity, thus we can save a huge amount in electricity bill. 20 CHAPTER 2 INTRODUCTION 2.1 GENERAL Fast rate of urbanization and increase in the consumption of electricity has become a major problem in Tamil Nadu. Due to increase in consumption of electricity the Tamil Nadu electricity board is unable to fulfill the requirements of the public and industrial sectors .In Tamil Nadu, This is the major problem faced. Officials were banking on a number of projects, which would generate 14,000 MW of power, from thermal, nuclear and other power projects. Most of these should have been completed by 2012. But the projects have got delayed, with the KKNP turning out to be a big challenge .Hence requirement has brought in new building technologies by utilizing the renewable energy resources. In housing aspects it is necessary to design the material adopted structurally in a proportion with reference standard codes. Designing of building is the most essential work to be proposed in any projects. Before starting the project it is necessary to prepare layout and plan in a plot as per the Government Rules and Regulation for getting an approval without any delay and to execute the project. Overall cost of the project should be economical so estimation of building is very important. As a whole we have incorporated all the needs for a building to be built with efficient, eco-friendly and economic, also abiding by the Government Rules. 21 This project envisages the preparation of a Residential layout by incorporating the Tamil Nadu Government rules and the preparation of a plan for a residential building in a plot by using software AutoCAD. Finally this project will end up with the preparation of an estimation of the prepared plan (Ref 1). 2.2 LITERATURE REVIEW Anna Joanna, Aalborg University, Department of Civil Engineering, According to ANNA, “With energy conservation arrangements, such as highinsulated constructions, solar heating system. Extra Energy supply for the electric installations in the house is taken from the municipal mains” (Ref 2). Saitoh, (1988) (JAPAN) According to SAITOH, “… a multi-purpose natural energy autonomous house will meet almost all the energy demands for solar panel and cooling as well as supply of hot water. For this purpose, solar energy, the natural underground coldness and sky radiation cooling are utilized.” i. Solar panels are designed to harness. ii. Solar energy in buildings include systems that capture heat (such as Solar water heating systems and passive heating). iii. It converts solar energy into electrical energy, its done with the help of photovoltic (PV) systems (Ref 3). 22 2.3 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL RULES FOR CHENNAI METROPOLITAN AREA, 2004 2.3.1 Primary Residential Use Zone In this primary residential use zone, buildings shall be permitted only for the following purposes and accessory uses. (a) Professional consulting offices of the residents and incidental uses there to occupy a floor area not exceeding 40 square meters. (b) Petty shops dealing with daily essentials including retail sale of provisions, soft drinks, cigarettes, newspapers, tea stalls, mutton stall and milk kiosks, cycle repair shops and tailoring shops. (c) Nursery, primary and high school. (d) Parks and playgrounds occupying an area not exceeding 2 hectares. (e) Taxi stands and car parking. Front setback according to the CMDA code is shown in Table 2.1. Table 2.1 Front Set Back Abutting Road Width Front Set Back Above 30m 6.0m Above 15m but less than 30m 4.5m Above 10m but less than 15m 3.0m Below 10m 1.5m Rear setback according to Chennai Metro Development Authority (CMDA) code is shown in Table 2.2. 23 Table 2.2 Rear Set Back Depth of Plot Rear Set Back Up to 15m 1.5m Between 15m to 30m 3.0m Above 30m 4.5m Side setback according to CMDA code is shown in Table 2.3. Table 2.3 Side Set Back Width of Plot Side Set Back Not more than 6m 1.0m on one side More than 6m but not more than 9m 1.5m on one side More than 9m 1.5m on either side 2.4 CONFORMATION TO NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA In so far as the determination of sufficiency of all aspects of structural designs, building services, plumbing, fire protections, construction practice and safety are concerned the specifications, standards and code of practices recommended in the National Building Code of India (Ref.4), shall be fully confirmed to any breach thereof shall be deemed to be a breach of the requirements under these rules. Every multi-storied development erected shall be provided with (i) Lifts as prescribed in National Building Code; (ii) a stand-by electric generator of adequate capacity for running lift and water pump, and a room to accommodate the generator; (iii) a room of not less than 6 meters by 4.5 meters in area with a minimum head room of 3 meters to accommodate electric transformer in the ground floor; and (iv) at least one meter room of size 2.4 meters by 2.4 meters for every 10 consumers or three floor whichever is less. The meter room shall be provided in the ground floor. 24 2.4.1 Fire Safety, Detection and Extinguishing Systems All building in their design and construction shall be such as to contribute to and ensure individually and collectively and the safety of life from fire, smoke, fumes and also panic arising from these or similar other causes. In building of such size, arrangement or occupancy than a fire may not itself provide adequate warning to occupants automatic fire detecting and alarming facilities shall be provided where necessary to warn occupants or the existence of fires, so that they may escape, or to facilitate the orderly conduct of fire exit drills. Fire protecting and extinguishing system shall conform to accepted standards and shall be installed in accordance with good practice a recommended in the National Building Code of India, and for the satisfaction of the Director of Fire Services by obtaining a no objection certificate from him (Ref.4). 2.4.2 Security Deposits The applicant shall deposit a sum at the rate of Rs.100 per square meters of floor area as a refundable non-interest earning security and earnest deposit. The deposit shall be refunded on completion of development as per the approved plan as certified by CMDA, if not, it would be forfeited. 25 CHAPTER 3 OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE 3.1 OBJECTIVE i. Design a building with Net zero energy concept. Net-zero energy buildings start with energy-conscious design A zero-energy residential building is a building with zero net energy consumption A net-zero energy (NZE) building is one that relies on renewable sources to produce as much energy as it uses, usually as measured over the course of a year. ii. To eliminate the necessity of active energy loads on the building. Solar panels is one of the technologies used to achieve net-zero status. To eliminate the necessity of active energy loads solar techniques are used which include the use of photovoltaic panels and solar thermal collectors to harness the energy. iii. Comparing the net zero energy building with conventional building. The comparison of NZERB and conventional building is shown in Table 3.1 Table 3.1 Comparison of NZERB and Conventional Building 1 Brick Material NZERB CONVENTIONAL Hollow brick Normal brick More than NZERB 2 Temperature 4 to 5 degree less compared To conventional building 3 Electricity Produced on its own 4 Initial Cost High 5 Solar Panels 250 w panels Provided in NZERB Not provided 6 Energy Efficient Uses less energy Uses more energy 26 It requires an active source Less compared to NZERB 3.2 SCOPE i. Functional planning of G+1 Residential building. ii. Design of load bearing structure using hollow bricks. iii. Design of solar panels. iv. Comparison of room temperature between NZERB and conventional building. v. 3.3 Comparison of energy consumption between NZERB and conventional building. METHODOLOGY This entire project is an planning and design in nature and the methodology followed in this project is listed as below. i. Selection of site where renewable energy is available Urappakam has a tropical wet and dry climate. The weather is hot and humid for most of the year. The hottest part of the year is late May to early June. Hence solar energy is available on the site which makes the site suitable to harness solar energy ii. Study the climate conditions of area The city lies on the thermal equator and is also on the coast, which prevents extreme variation in seasonal temperature. The weather is hot and humid for most of the year. maximum temperatures is around 35– 40 °C (95–104 °F). The highest recorded temperature is 45 °C (113 °F) iii. Aligning the building to utilize maximum amount of renewable resources Elongated east-west and oriented to astronomic south (Ref 5). South-facing windows harvest solar energy. iv. Planning and design of proposed NZERB building v. Comparison of the NZERB building with other conventional building 27 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 PLANNING The key plan of the residential building is drawn by considering the alignment of the building with respect to the CMDA. The key plan of the site is shown in Figure 4.1 Fig. 4.1 Key Plan 28 The ground floor of the building consist of one hall, two bedrooms, one dinning, one kitchen. The allocations of the rooms in the plan has been done with due consideration of sun diagram as per the requirement of zero energy building. The plan has been prepared using Auto CAD software. The Ground Floor plan is shown in Figure 4.2 Fig.4.2 Ground Floor Plan 29 The first floor of the building consist of one hall, two bedrooms, one dinning, one kitchen. The allocations of the rooms in the plan has been done with due consideration of sun diagram as per the requirement of zero energy building. The plan has been prepared using Auto CAD software. The First Floor plan is shown in Figure 4.3 Fig.4.3 First Floor plan 30 4.2 ANALYSIS AND DESIGNS SLAB DESIGN (Ref 6) The analysis and designs of the slab for Hall, Bedroom, Bathroom, Dinning, Kitchen, Stair case, Portico are done with proper considerations as per IS 456:2000. 4.2.1 Design of Hall Using M 20 Concrete Fe 415 steel Live Load = 2 (Ref 7) 1. Effective Span Lx = 3.26 m Ly = 5.1 m Aspect ratio = = 1.56<2 Hence Two Way Slab 2. Load Calculation Assuming Slab Thickness Assume 10 bar, Clear Cover 20mm Actual Depth (d) = 130-5-20 = 105 mm Assume Floor Finish = 40 mm Weight of Floor Finish = 0.04 × 24 = 0.96 Imposed Load = 2 Total Load (Ref 8) = 6.21 31 Factored Load (Wu) = 1.5 × 6.21 = 9.315 Consider 1m width of slab Load per meter Length = 9.127 3. Finding Design Bending Moment Refer Table 26, Page No.91 of IS456 Two adjacent edges are discontinuous (already found out ) Refer Table 26 Short Span αx = 0.068 Long Span αy = 0.037 [Note that Lx only to be taken, where it is long span or short span only coefficient varies]. = Wu × Co-efficient × Lx2 Mu (4.1) Mu is calculated by equation 4.1 Where, Mu = Moment in short span direction Wu= Ultimate load Lx = Length in x direction Mu(+) Short = 0.068 × 9.315 × 3.262 = 6.731 kN.m (Ref.9) Mu(+) Long = 0.037 × 9.315 × 3.262 = 3.662 kN.m Take the Highest Moment and check for adequacy of the section. * Mu,lim= + (or) = 0.138fckb d2 Mu,lim is calculated by equation 4.2 Where, 32 (4.2) Mu,lim = Ultimate limiting moment of resistance fck = Characteristic compressive strength of concrete b = Width d = Effective depth = 0.138 × 20 × 1000 × 1052 =30.42 kN.m (Mu Limit) > (Mu Short) Hence its ok 4. Calculation of Steel Ast(+) Short = [1 - 1-4.598 ] Ast(+) Short is calculated by equation 4.3 Where, Ast(+) Short = Area of steel required b = Width d = Effective depth fck = Characteristic compressive strength of concrete fy = Yield stress of steel = 6.731 × = 0.6105 R= Ast(+) Short = 1000 × 105 × ( ) × 415 [1 - 1-4.598 = 184.27 mm2 Minimum Steel = 0.12% × D × B Ast,min = ( )× 130 × 1000 = 156 mm2 Ast(+) Short (Mu Short) Hence its ok 4. Calculation of Steel Ast(+) Short = [1 - 1-4.598 ] Same as equation 4.3 36 R= = 4.1 × × 1000 = 0.41 Ast(+) Short = [1 - 1-4.598 × = 116.37 mm2 Minimum Steel = 0.12% × D × B Ast,min = × 125 × 1000 = 150 mm2 Ast(+) Short (Mu Short) Hence its ok 4. Calculation of Steel Ast(+) Short = [1 - 1-4.598 ] Same as equation 4.3 = 7.203 × 106 R= = 0.460 Ast(+)Short = 1000 × 125 × ( ) × 415 [1 - 1-4.598 × = 164.08 mm2 Minimum Steel = 0.12% × D × B Ast,min = ( )× 150 × 1000 = 180 mm2 Ast(+) Short (Mu Short) Hence its ok 4. Calculation of Steel Ast(+) Short = [1 - 1-4.598 ] Same as equation 4.3 R = = 4.1527 ×( ) = 0.574 Ast(+) Short = 1000 × 85 × ( ) × 415 [1 - 1-4.598 × 43 ] = 139.92 mm2 Minimum Steel = 0.12% × D × B ) × 110 × 1000 = 132 mm2 Ast,min= ( Ast(+) Short (Mu Short) Hence its ok 4. Calculation of Steel Ast(+) Short = [1 - 1-4.598 ] Same as equation 4.3 R= = Ast(+) Short = 1000 × 125 × = 0.805 [1 - 1-4.598 × ] = 184.27 mm2 Minimum Steel = 0.12% × D × B Ast,min = ( )× 130 × 1000 = 156 mm2 Ast(+) Short (Mu Short) Hence its ok 3. Calculation of Steel Ast(+) Short = [1 - 1-4.598 ] Same as equation 4.3 R= = 2.735 × = 0.55 Ast(+) Short = 1000 × 65 × × 415 [1 - 1-4.598 × = 103.56 mm2 Minimum Steel = 0.12% × D × B Ast,min × 90 × 1000 = 108 mm2 Ast(+) Short (Mu Short) Hence its ok 4. Calculation of Steel 53 Ast(+) Short = [1 - 1-4.598 ] Same as equation 4.3 R= = 2.79 × Ast(+) Short = 1000 × 80 = 0.435 × 415 [1 - 1-4.598 ] = 99.15 mm2 Minimum Steel = 0.12% × D × B Ast,min= × 105 × 1000 = 126 mm2 Ast(+) Short 0.2 m2 Ka = 1 ( From clause 6. Stress Reduction Factor: ks = 0.46 ( from table 9) 7. Permissble Stress Fc = Ks × Ka × Kp× Basic compressible stress Fc is calculated by equation 4.4 Where, Ks= Stress reduction factor Ka= Area reduction factor Kp= Shape modification factor 56 (4.4) Fc = 0.44 × 0.48 × 1 × 1 = 8. Safe Load Q=( ) = = 63 9. Wall Area Outer wall = Total Perimeter x 3(floor height) = ((11.31×2) + (8.93×2))×3 = 40.83 m3 Inner wall = (4.87×3) + (4.87×3) + (3.5×2×3) = 29.22 + 21 = 50.22 m3 = 91.05 m3 Total wall volume 10. Deductions: Outer Deductions = 1.098+1.089+2.226+1.089+1.4884+1.4884+1.4884+ 1.4884+1.4884+1.098 = 14.042 m3 Inner Deductions = 1.89+1.89+2.496+1.746+1.746 = 9.768 m3 Total Deduction =23.81 m3 Total wall volume – Total Deductions = 91.05 -23.81 = 67.25 m3 % Opening = = 35.4 % Thickness = 1 Brick thick wall (using nomograms) 11. For Hall : Wu= × {3- ( ) 2} (4.5) Wu is calculated by equation 4.5 57 Where, Wu= Factored load W=Load from the slab Lx=Short span Ly=Long span ( Wu =( )) * } Wu = 13.11 103 For bed room: * Wu= = (9.127 × ( ) } ( )) × {3- * + } = 11.055 103 For dinning room: × {3- *( )+2} Wu= = ( ( = 9.81 )) ( ) 2 × {3- [ ( ) ]} 103 Total : 13.11 + 11.055 + 9.81 = 33.98 103 63>33.98 Hence the design is ok 4.2.9 Design of Footing Load from Walls = 126.7 10% for the weight of the Building = 63+6.3 = 70 58 1. Area of Footing = Assume SBC = 150 = 0.47 m2 A = Consider 1m Length room Breadth of the Footing Required = = 0.47 2. Minimum Width = (2w+300)mm = (2x230+300) = 760 mm Provide Width of P.C.C= 760 mm It is customary to provide 150 to 300 mm P.C.C thickness Provide = 300 mm The Projection of P.C.C beyond the brick work should not be more than ½ of the thickness of P.C.C Projection = = 150 mm Actual work of Brick work = 760 – 300 = 460 mm Brick work projection beyond the wall 1.Depth of the Brick work = 115 × 2 = 230 mm These depth has to be Provided by means of series steps The thickness of each step is given by modular brick = 200 mm The offset in the brick is also given as modular 4.2.10 Design of Hollow Brick Wall Step 1: Calculation of loads Maximum short span = 3.6 m Height of the storey = 3 m Live load =2 Step 2: Assumptions 59 = 100 mm Height of the Plinth from ground = 0.5 m Height of the Plinth above Footing =1m Height of the Parapet Wall =1m Thickness of Roof Slab = 0.120 m Hollow Brick Size = 0.40 × 0.20 ×0. 20 m EFFECTIVE LENGTH OF WALL (From Table 5 of IS 1905-1987) Wall A = 3.82×0.9=3.438 m (continuous on one end & discontinuous on other end) Wall B = 3.23×0.8=2.584 m (continuous on both ends & supported by cross wall) Wall C = 3.7×0.9 =3.33 m (continuous on one end & discontinuous on other end) Wall D = 3.2×0.9 =2.88 m (continuous on one end & discontinuous on other end) Wall E = 2.57×0.8=2.056 m (continuous on both ends & supported by cross wall) Wall F = 2.8×0.9 =2.52 m (continuous on one end & discontinuous on other end) Wall G = 3.7 m (discontinuous on both ends and braced by cross wall) Wall H = 3.23×0.9 =2.907 m (continuous on one end & discontinuous on other end) Wall I = 3.82 × 0.9=3.438 m (continuous on one end & discontinuous on other end) Wall J = 3.438 m (continuous on one end & discontinuous on other end) Wall K = 3.72 × 0.8=2.976 m (continuous on both ends & supported by cross wall) Wall L = 2.15 × 0.9 =1.935 m (continuous on one end & discontinuous on other end) Wall M = 5.07 m (continuous on one end & discontinuous on other end) 60 Step 3: Slenderness ratio and stress factor Ground floor: H = 2.6+0.6+1 = 4.2 m Effective height = 0.75 × H = 3.15 m Slenderness ratio = = = 15.75 Step 4: Shape modification factor Crushing Strength of Hollow Brick= 4.1 = =1 Shape Modification Factor = Kp =1.2( From table 10 of IS: 1905-1987) Step 5: Stress Reduction Factor ks = 0.74( From table 9) Step 6: Area reduction factor Gross area = 200 × 1000 = 200000 mm2 A = 0.2 m2 Ka= 1( From clause Step 7: Permissible stress Fc= 0.74 × 1.2 × 1× 0.44 = 0.39 Safe allowable load per meter length is q = 0.39 × 2 × 105 = 78 Step 7: Slenderness ratio and stress factor First floor: H = 2.6+0.8 = 3.4 m 61 Effective height = 0.75 × H = 2.55 m Slenderness ratio = = = 12.75 Step 8: Shape modification factor Crushing Strength of Hollow Brick = 4.1 = = = 1 Shape Modification Factor = Kp =1.2 Step 9: Stress Reduction Factor ks = 0.81 Step 10: Area reduction factor Gross area = 200 × 1000 = 200000 mm2 A = 0.2 m2 Ka= 1 Step 11: Permissible stress Fc= 0.81 × 1.2 × 1 × 0.44 = 0.427 Safe allowable load per meter length is q = 0.427 × 2 × 105 = 85 The values of slenderness ratio for effective length and height of the building is given in Table 4.1 Table 4.1 Values of slenderness ratio (Ref 10) Brickwork Ground floor First Floor 62 H L S.R H L S.R A 3.15 3.44 15.75 2.55 3.44 12.75 B 3.15 2.58 12.92 2.55 2.58 12.75 C 3.15 3.33 15.75 2.55 3.33 12.75 D 3.15 2.88 14.4 2.55 2.88 12.75 E 3.15 2.056 10.28 2.55 2.056 10.28 F 3.15 2.52 12.6 2.55 2.52 12.6 G 3.15 3.7 15.75 2.55 3.7 12.75 H 3.15 2.90 14.5 2.55 2.9 12.75 I 3.15 3.44 15.75 2.55 3.44 12.75 J 3.15 3.44 15.75 2.55 3.44 12.75 K 3.15 2.976 14.88 2.55 2.976 12.75 L 3.15 1.935 9.7 2.55 1.935 9.675 M 3.15 5.07 15.75 2.55 5.07 12.75 The values of stress reduction factor for slenderness ratio of the building is given in Table 4.2 Table 4.2 Stress reduction factor for slenderness ratio Wall type Ground floor First floor A 0.74 0.81 B 0.81 0.81 C 0.74 0.81 D 0.75 0.81 E 0.89 0.89 F 0.83 0.83 G 0.74 0.81 H 0.75 0.81 I 0.75 0.81 J 0.74 0.81 K 0.75 0.81 L 0.88 0.88 The calculation of permissible stress of the building is given in the Table 4.3 Table 4.3 Calculation of permissible stress 63 Wall type A B C D E F G H I J K L M Fc=ks×kp×ka× basic compressive stress Permissible stress- ground Permissible stress- first floor(N/mm2) floor(N/mm2) 0.528×0.74=0.390 0.528×0.81=0.427 0.528×0.81=0.427 0.528×0.81=0.427 0.528×0.74=0.390 0.528×0.81=0.427 0.528×0.75=0.396 0.528×0.81=0.427 0.528×0.89=0.469 0.528×0.89=0.469 0.528×0.83=0.4382 0.528×0.83=0.4382 0.528×0.74=0.390 0.528×0.81=0.427 0.528×0.75=0.396 0.528×0.81=0.427 0.528×0.75=0.396 0.528×0.81=0.427 0.528×0.74=0.390 0.528×0.81=0.427 0.528×0.75=0.396 0.528×0.81=0.427 0.528×0.88=0.4646 0.528×0.88=0.4646 0.528×0.75=0.390 0.528×0.81=0.427 The values of safe allowable load for the building is given in Table 4.4 Table 4.4 Safe allowable load Wall type A B C D E F G H I J K L M 4.2.11 q = fc×2×105 kN/m(ground floor) 78 85 78 79.2 93 87.6 78 79.2 79.2 78 79.2 92 78 q = fc×2×105 kN/m(first floor) 85.4 85.4 85.4 85.4 93.8 87.6 85.4 85.4 85.4 85.4 85.4 92 85.4 Design of Footing for Hollow Brick wall: (Ref 11) 64 Load from Wall = 78 Load from wall (critical wall M) +10% for the weight of the Building + weight of slab (hall, bed room & dining) + floor finish = 78 + 7.8 + 4.6575 + 4.125 + 4.5635 + 1 =100.236 =100 Factored load= 1.25 × 100=125 1. Area of Footing = = 0.833 m2 = Assume SBC = 150 Consider 1m Length room 2. Minimum Width = (2w+300) mm = (2 x 200+300) = 700 mm Provide Width of P.C.C = 700 mm It is customary to provide 150 to 300 mm P.C.C thickness Provide = 300 mm The Projection of P.C.C beyond the brick work should not be more than ½ of the thickness of P.C.C = = 150 mm Actual work of Brick work = 700 – 300 = 400 mm Brick work projection beyond the wall Depth of the Brick work = 200 x 2 = 400 mm These depth has to be Provided by means of series steps 65 The thickness of each step is given by hollow brick = 200 mm The footing design is shown in the Figure 4.4 Fig.4.4 Footing Design 4.2.12 Design of Stair Case: Length =4m Live load =2 Rise = 150 mm Thread = 250 mm Using M20 Concrete and Fe415 Step1: Calculation of self weight Assume waist slab thickness = = 200 mm D = 200 mm Self weight = × × 2 = 5.83 Self weight is calculated by equation 4.6 Where, 66 (4.6) D =Diameter R =Rise T =Thread Step 2: Calculation of load on waist slab 1. Assume 40 mm Floor finish Floor Finish = × 24 = 1 2. Weight of steps= ×R×T× 3. Live load =3 4. Self weight = 5.83 × 25 = 1.875 Wu = 11.075 Wu=1.5 × 11.075 =17.55 Step3: Calculation of Mu Mu = = 35 kN.m Mu,lim = * + 35 × 106 = 0.36 × 0.48(1-0.42 × 0.48) × 1000 × d2 × 20 d=113 mm Assume Clear cover 20 mm Diameter of bar = 20 mm D= 113+20+10 = 143 mm D= 150mm (approximately) d= 150-20-10 = 120 mm Step 4: Calculation of Ast 67 R= = 2.43 Ast = = 970.6 mm2 Number of Bars = Ast actual = 4 × Pt = = 4 bars × 202 = 1256 mm2 × 1000 = × 1000 = 1.04% Step 5: Check for deflection Basic value = 20 Fs = 0.58fy = 0.58 × 415 × = 185.89 For Pt =1.04% , Modification factor = 1.2 (Fig 4 of IS 456-2000) drequired = = = 104.166 mm dactual = 120 mm Step 6: Providing distribution steel Astmin= × Spacing of 8mm diameter = Main steel = 480 mm2 × 82 = 270 mm × = 4No.s 20 bars Distribution = 8 mm dia bars @ 270 mm c/c 68 4.3 DESIGN OF SOLAR PANEL AND ITS COMPONENTS 4.3.1 Solar Power System Components Brief revision of the major components found in a basic solar power system. A basic solar powered system is shown in Figure 4.5 Fig.4.5 Working of solar panels The solar panel consists of solar regulator it is connected to DC storage battery and then DC is converted to AC by an inverter. AC can be directly used for the appliances. 69 4.3.2 Working of solar panels The solar panel converts sunlight into DC power or electricity to charge the battery. i. This DC electricity (charge) is controlled via a solar regulator which ensures the battery is charged properly and not damaged and that power is not lost/(discharged). ii. DC appliances can then be powered directly from the battery. iii. AC appliances need a power inverter to convert the DC electricity into 220 Volt AC power. 4.3.3 Description of individual solar power components Solar Panels Solar panels are classified according to their rated power output in Watts. Different geographical locations receive different quantities of average peak sun hours per day. As an example, in Tamil Nadu, the annual average is around 6am sun hours per day. This means that an 80W solar panel based on the average figure of 6 sun hours per day, would produce a yearly average of around 480W.H per day. Solar panel output is affected by the cell operating temperature. Panels are rated at a nominal temperature of 25 degrees Celcius. The output of a solar panel can be expected to vary by 0.25% for every 5 degrees variation in temperature. Solar Regulator The purpose of solar regulators, or charge controllers as they are also called, is to regulate the current from the solar panels to prevent the batteries from overcharging. Overcharging causes gassing and loss of electrolyte resulting in damage to the batteries. A Solar regulator is used to sense when the batteries are fully charged and to stop, or decrease, the amount of current flowing to the battery. Most solar regulators also include a Low Voltage Disconnect feature, which will switch off the supply to the load if the battery voltage falls below the cut-off voltage. This prevents the battery from permanent damage and reduced life expectancy. Solar regulators are rated by the amount of current they are able to receive from the solar panel or panels. 70 Power Inverter The power inverter is the main component of any independent power system which requires AC power. The power inverter will convert the DC power stored in the batteries and into Ac power to run conventional appliances. There are three waveforms produced by modern solid state power inverters. The simplest, a square wave power inverter, used to be all that was available. Today, these are very rare, as many appliances will not operate on a square wave. True Sine wave inverters provide AC power that is virtually identical to, and often cleaner than, power from the grid. Power inverters are generally rated by the amount of AC power they can supply continuously. Manufacturers generally also provide 5 second and ½ hour surge figures. The surge figures give an idea of how much power can be supplied by the inverter for 5 seconds and ½ an hour before the inverter‟s overload protection trips and cuts the power. Solar Batteries Deep cycle batteries are usually used in solar power systems and are designed to be discharged over a long period of time (e.g. 100 hours) and recharged hundreds or thousands of times, unlike conventional car batteries which are designed to provide a large amount of current for a short amount of time. To maximize battery life, deep cycle batteries should not be discharged beyond 50% of their capacity. i.e. 50 % capacity remaining. Discharging beyond this level will significantly reduce the life of the batteries. Deep cycle batteries are rated in Ampere Hours (Ah). This rating also includes a discharge rate, usually at 20 hours. This rating specifies the amount of current in Amps that the battery can supply over the specified number of hours. As an example, a battery rated at 120A.H at the 100 hour rate can supply a total of 120A.H over a period of 100 hours. This would equate to 1.2A per hour for 100 hours. 4.3.4 Designing of Solar Panel Power rating of each appliance that will be drawing power from the system. Calculation of Loads The calculation of loads for the Solar Panels are given below in Table 4.5 71 Table 4.5 Calculation Of Loads (Ref 12) PARTICULA RS HALL BED ROOM 1 BED ROOM 2 KITCHEN DINING ROOM TOILET 1 TOILET 2 WATER PUMP WASHING MACHINE ITEMS CFL (Ref 13) FAN T.V CFL FAN CFL FAN OVEN CFL EXHAUS T Mixer AUTOFRIDGE CFL FAN CFL HEATER CFL UNITS USAGE IN HRS VOLTA GE W CONSUM PTION INVER TORS 4 5 20 400 80 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 5 5 3 10 3 10 1 4 50 80 15 50 15 50 900 15 500 400 90 500 90 500 900 180 100 80 30 50 30 50 900 45 1 4 50 200 50 1 1 450 450 450 1 18 150 2700 195 3 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 1 2 15 50 15 150 15 180 150 15 150 30 45 50 15 150 15 1 1 750 750 750 1 2 90 180 90 8365 3175 72 Power Invertor Sizing Appliance total power draw = 3175 W To provide a small buffer or margin your minimum size inverter choice should be around 3500W. A modified sine wave inverter with a 3500W continuous power rating will therefore be your obvious choice in this specific solar system design. Determining the Size And Number Of Solar Panels Divide the total daily power requirement by the number of charge hours for that geographic region eg. (8365×1.2)\6=1673 WATTS 250 Watt Solar Panel Total watt/ 250 watt solar panel = =7 PANELS = 7 x 250 W panels. Number of Batteries 250W panels produce 4.8Amps, thus 14x 4.8 A = 67.2A x 6 Hrs = 403.2.Ah 105Ah batteries, should be discharged to no more than 50%, thus we divide total amps by 105A x 50% = 50A.h = 8.08 x 105Ah batteries. For ease of possible 24V or 48V configuration, this would mean 3 in series of 3 batteries. Size of Regulators Let‟s say we had 20A regulators at our disposal. One 250W panel produces around 4.8Amps. The regulators are put in series 14 x 4.8A=67.2 So 14 solar panels would need 4 x 20 A solar regulators . Complete the solar power system Well we have the following: i. 7x2x 250W solar panels ii. 4 x 20A solar regulators 4.4 iii. x 105A.H deep cycle batteries( 3 in series) iv. 1 x 3500W modified sine wave power inverter RATE ANALYSIS Solar panels =Rs.32/W Regulator = Rs 1800 Batteries = Rs 8000/series Inverter = Rs 4800 Total Cost Solar panels =14x250x32=Rs 112000 Regulator = Rs 1800 Batteries = Rs 8000x3=24000=Rs 24000 Inverter = Rs 4800 Total=112000+1800+24000+4800= Rs. 142600/- The total cost of the solar panel is Rs. One lakh forty two thousand six hundred for our residential building .In these solar panel cost is based on the solar panels, regulator, batteries and inverter. The output of solar panel can be expected to vary by 0.25% for every 5 degrees variation in temperature. In NZERB, decrease in temperature for using of hollow bricks and solar panels produces the electricity. When compared to conventional building, the intial cost is high but in future the electricity cost is reduced. 4.5 INFRARED THERMOMETER ii Fig.4.6 Infrared Thermometer The instrument Infrared Thermometer is shown in Figure 4.6 I. An infrared thermometer is a thermometer which infers temperature from a portion of the thermal radiation sometimes called blackbody radiation emitted by the object being measured. II. They are sometimes called laser thermometers if a laser is used to help aim the thermometer, or non-contact thermometers or temperature guns, to describe the device's ability to measure temperature from a distance refer Figure.4.6 III. By knowing the amount of infrared energy emitted by the object and its emissivity, the object's temperature can often be determined. IV. Infrared thermometers are a subset of devices known as "thermal radiation thermometers". V. The most basic design consists of a lens to focus the infrared thermal radiation on to a detector, which converts the radiant power to an electrical signal that can be displayed in units of temperature after being compensated for ambient iii temperature. This configuration facilitates temperature measurement from a distance without contact with the object to be measured. VI. Infrared thermometers can be used to serve a wide variety of temperature monitoring functions. A few examples provided to this article include: VII. VIII. Detecting clouds for remote telescope operation Checking mechanical equipment or electrical circuit breaker boxes or outlets for hot spots IX. X. Checking heater or oven temperature, for calibration and control purposes Detecting hot spots / performing diagnostics in electrical circuit board manufacturing XI. XII. Checking for hot spots in fire fighting situations Monitoring materials in process of heating and cooling, for research and development or manufacturing quality control situations XIII. The distance-to-spot ratio (D:S) is the ratio of the distance to the object and the diameter of the temperature measurement area. For instance if the D:S ratio is 12:1, measurement of an object 12 inches (30 cm) away will average the temperature over a 1-inch-diameter (25 mm) area. The sensor may have an adjustable emissivity setting, which can be set to measure the temperature of reflective (shiny) and non-reflective surfaces. XIV. XV. The most common infrared thermometers is the: Spot Infrared Thermometer or Infrared Pyrometer, which measures the temperature at a spot on a surface (actually a relatively small area determined by the D:S ratio). iv 4.6 CHARACTERISTICS OF HOLLOW BRICKS 4.6.1 Parameters of Hollow Brick Used In Net Zero Energy Residential Building I. LENGTH : 400 mm II. WIDTH : 200 mm III. HEIGHT: 200 mm IV. WEIGHT: 11.1 kg V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. DENSITY: 694 kg/m³ COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH : 4.1 WATER ABSORPTION : 15% U-VALUE : 1.1 W/m² SOUND INSULATION : 46 DB FIRE RESISTANCE 240 min Available Sizes I. 400 X 200 X 200 mm II. 400 X 150 X 200 mm III. 400 X 100 X 200 mm IV. 200 X 200 X 200 mm V. 200X 150 X 200 mm VI. 200 X 100 X 200 mm Hollow Brick Bigger Size I. II. Hollow brick is same in size as that of concrete blocks 1 Hollow brick = 9 Clay Bricks III. Less mortar joints, hence less plumb & alignment IV. Faster construction Light Weight I. II. Ease of handling, Transportation Saves labour III. Less dead load, Savings in Structural Cost IV. (Steel & Concrete) by 10 to 15% v Thermal Insulation I. II. Savings on mortar Low „U‟ Values – 1.0 W/m² III. Better Thermal Insulation = less energy loss through walls IV. Savings on Energy consumption ,Comfortable inside temperature U-value determines thermal Insulation.Lesser the Value higher the Insulation and vice versa. U-values are mentioned in Figure 4.7 Fig.4.7 U-VALUES 4.6.2 Advantages Of Hollow Bricks i. Highly Durable: The good concrete compacted by high pressure and vibration gives substantial strength to the brick. ii. Low Maintenance, Colour and brilliance of masonry withstands outdoor elements. vi iii. Fire Resistant iv. Provide thermal and sound insulation: The air in hollow of the brick, does not allow outside heat or cold in the house. So it keeps house cool in summer and warm in winter. v. Environment Friendly, fly ash used as one of the raw materials. Constructional Advantages i. No additional formwork or any special construction machinery is required for reinforcing the hollow brick masonry. ii. Only skilled labour is required for this type of construction. iii. It is a faster and easier construction system, when compared to the other conventional construction systems. iv. Savings on RCC-Frame structure (steel/concrete). v. Faster construction and ease for handling at site. vi. Hollow brick consist of four elements earth, water, fire, air which makes easy work of construction. 4.7 vii. Less wastage through half bricks. viii. Excellent thermal insulation. ix. Reduction in energy consumption. x. World class and best walling materials. ESTIMATION 4.7.1 Abstract estimate of conventional building The quantities of the various materials in conventional building are calculated as shown in the Table 4.6 The abstract estimate of conventional building is given in Table 4.6 Table 4.6 Abstract estimate of conventional building S.No 1 Description Nos Length Breadth (m) (m) Depth (m) Quantity (m3) 0.53 0.53 15.9 9.06 24.96 Excavation Exterior wall Interior wall 1 1 vii 39.48 22.51 0.76 0.76 2 3 3 4 5 6 P.C.C Exterior wall Interior wall 1 1 39.48 22.51 0.76 0.76 0.3 0.3 9 5.13 14.13 1 1 39.48 22.51 0.46 0.46 0.115 0.115 2.08 1.19 1 1 39.48 22.51 0.31 0.31 0.115 0.115 1.4 0.8 1 1 39.48 22.51 0.23 0.23 7.5 7.5 68.1 38.82 112.39 Deductions Window W Window W1 Window W2 Door D Door D1 Door D2 Spacing S1 Spacing S2 1×2 1×5 1×2 1×2 1×3 1 1 1 1.22 1.22 0.9 0.84 0.75 0.9 1.2 0.9 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.9 1.22 1.21 2.1 2 2.1 2.08 2.1 0.51 1.71 0.5 0.81 1.035 1.035 0.57 0.43 6.6 Earth Filling Hall Water closet Bed Room1 Bed Room2 Dinning Kitchen 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.03 3.62 3.62 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.87 2.15 3.72 3 2.37 2.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 7.378 3.89 6.73 5.25 4.147 4.55 31.649 Flooring Concrete Hall Water closet Bed Room1 Bed Room2 Dinning Kitchen 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.03 3.62 3.62 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.87 2.15 3.72 3 2.37 2.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.48 0.778 1.346 1.05 0.829 0.91 5.473 R.C.C Lintel & Sun shades Door D 1×2 1.4 0.23 0.15 0.078 Brick work 1st Footing Exterior wall Interior wall 2nd Footing Exterior wall Interior wall Wall Exterior wall Interior wall viii Door D1 Door D2 Sun Shade Window W Sun Shade Window W1 Sun Shade Window W2 Sun Shade 7 8 9 1×3 1 1 1×2 1×2 1×5 1×5 1×2 1×2 1.05 1.2 1.2 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.2 1.2 0.23 0.23 0.45 0.23 0.45 0.23 0.45 0.23 0.45 0.15 0.15 0.075 0.15 0.075 0.15 0.075 0.15 0.075 0.108 0.04 0.04 0.104 0.103 0.2622 0.26 0.083 0.081 1.1592 Roof Slab Hall, Water Closet, Bed Room1 Bed Room2,Dinning,Kitchen 1 1 6.65 3.5 4.87 7.97 0.1 0.1 3.24 2.79 6.8496 Plastering Exterior wall Interior wall 1 1 39.48 22.51 - 7.5 7.5 296.1 168.8 464.92 Deductions Window W1 Window W2 Window W3 Door D Door D1 Door D2 Spacing S Spacing S1 1×2 1×5 1×2 1×2 1×3 1 1 1 1.22 1.22 0.9 0.84 0.75 0.9 1.2 0.9 - 0.9 1.22 1.21 2.1 2 2.1 2.08 2.1 - - - - 2.196 7.442 2.178 3.528 4.5 1.89 2.496 1.89 26.12 438.8 438.8 Depth (m) Quantity (m3) White Washing Colour Washing The abstract estimate of NZERB is given in Table 4.7 Table 4.7 Abstract Estimate of NZERB S.No 1 2 Description NoS Length Breadth (m) (m) Excavation Exterior wall Interior wall 1 1 39.24 22.51 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.5 13.734 7.87 21.604 P.C.C Exterior wall Interior wall 1 1 39.24 22.51 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.3 8.24 4.72 12.96 ix 3 3 4 5 6 Brick work 1st Footing Exterior wall Interior wall 2nd Footing Exterior wall Interior wall Wall Exterior wall Interior wall Deductions Window W Window W1 Window W2 Door D Door D1 Door D2 Spacing S1 Spacing S2 1 1 39.24 22.51 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 3.13 1.8 1 1 39.24 22.51 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.2 1.96 1.12 1 1 39.24 22.51 0.2 0.2 7.5 7.5 58.86 33.76 1×2 1×5 1×2 1×2 1×3 1 1 1 1.22 1.22 0.9 0.84 0.75 0.9 1.2 0.9 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.9 1.22 1.21 2.1 2 2.1 2.08 2.1 0.4392 1.4884 0.432 0.705 0.9 0.378 0.504 0.378 95.02 Earth Filling Hall Water closet Bed Room1 Bed Room2 Dinning Kitchen 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.03 3.62 3.62 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.87 2.15 3.72 3 2.37 2.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 7.378 3.89 6.73 5.25 4.147 4.55 31.649 Flooring Concrete Hall Water closet Bed Room1 Bed Room2 Dinning Kitchen 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.03 3.62 3.62 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.87 2.15 3.72 3 2.37 2.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.48 0.778 1.346 1.05 0.829 0.91 5.473 R.C.C Lintel & Sun shades Door D Door D1 Door D2 Sun Shade Window W 1×2 1×3 1 1 1×2 1.4 1.05 1.2 1.2 1.52 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.45 0.23 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.075 0.15 0.0684 0.0945 0.036 0.0405 0.07512 x Sun Shade Window W1 Sun Shade Window W2 Sun Shade 7 8 9 1×2 1×5 1×5 1×2 1×2 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.2 1.2 0.45 0.23 0.45 0.23 0.45 0.075 0.15 0.075 0.15 0.075 0.1026 0.228 0.0256 0.072 0.081 0.8237 Roof Slab Hall, Water Closet, Bed Room1 Bed Room2,Dinning,Kitchen 1 1 6.65 3.5 4.87 7.97 0.1 0.1 3.24 2.79 6.8496 Plastering Exterior wall Interior wall 1 1 39.24 22.51 - 7.5 7.5 294.3 168.82 463.12 Deductions Window W1 Window W2 Window W3 Door D Door D1 Door D2 Spacing S Spacing S1 1×2 1×5 1×2 1×2 1×3 1 1 1 1.22 1.22 0.9 0.84 0.75 0.9 1.2 0.9 - 0.9 1.22 1.21 2.1 2 2.1 2.08 2.1 - - - - 2.196 7.442 2.178 3.528 4.5 1.89 2.496 1.89 26.12 437 437 White Washing Colour Washing xi 4.7.3 Rate Analysis The rate analysis for various description of work are calculated based on the PWD. The rate analysis proposed for conventional building is given in the Table 4.8 Table 4.8 Rates Proposed Conventional Building S.NO QTY in m³ DESCRIPTION OF WORK QTY in cft RATE PER AMOUNT 1 Earth Work Excavation 24.96 882.33 9.50 Cft 8382.00 2 Sand Filling with good river sand 31.65 1118.82 35.00 Cft 39158.00 3 PCC 1:5:10, 14.13 499.51 90.00 Cft 44955.00 4 Brick Work in C.M. 1:5, using country brick For Basement level 112.39 3973.00 90.00 Cft 357570.00 Flooring Work PCC 1:4:8 5.50 194.23 90.00 Cft 17480.00 6 R.C.C (LINTEL,SUNSHADES & ROOF SLAB) 7.19 253.91 350.00 Cft 88868.50 7 Plastering in C.M 1:4, Inside and outside wall surface 439.00 15518.60 30.00 Sft 465559.00 White washing 439.00 15518.60 3.00 Sft 46555.80 Colour washing 439.00 15518.60 5.00 Sft 77593.00 Steel 501kg 60.00 kg 30060.00 5 8 9 10 TOTAL xii 1176181.30 The rate analysis proposed for NZERB building is given in the Table 4.9 Table 4.9 Proposed NZERB Building S.NO DESCRIPTION OF WORK QTY in m³ QTY in cft RATE PER AMOUNT 1 Earth Work Excavation 21.60 763.56 9.50 Cft 7253.82 2 Sand Filling with good river sand 31.65 1118.80 35.00 Cft 39158.00 3 PCC 1:5:10, 12.96 458.10 90.00 Cft 41229.00 4 Brick Work in C.M. 1:5, using country brick For Basement level 95.50 3376.00 125.00 Cft 422000.00 Flooring Work PCC 1:4:8 5.50 194.23 90.00 Cft 17480.50 6 R.C.C (LINTEL,SUNSHADES & ROOF SLAB) 6.84 241.55 350.00 Cft 84542.50 7 Plastering in C.M 1:4, Inside and outside wall surface 463.12 16371.29 30.00 Sft 491139.00 White washing 437.00 15448.00 3.00 Sft 46344.00 Colour washing 437.00 15448.00 5.00 Sft 77240.00 Steel 501.00 60.00 kg 30060.00 5 8 9 10 11 Solar Panel System 142600.00 TOTAL CHAPTER 5 xiii 1399046.82 CONCLUSION 5.1 CONCLUSION In this project we has completed the design of the Conventional building by using modular bricks and Net Zero Energy Residential Building by using Hollow Brick .The plan of the building was prepared by Auto-Cad software. IS 456:2000 code book was used to design Slab and Footing. Design of wall was done by using IS 1905:1987. The Comparison of the Conventional Building and NZERB was completed by using the parameters such as the temperature by using instrument infrared thermometer which was found to be 4oC less in NZERB compared to conventional building under same condition. Hence by using the renewable resources the impact on the active energy loads can be reduced, Thus we can conserve electricity locally and globally. 5.2 FUTURE SCOPE OF THE PROJECT The building designed as a NET ZERO ENERGY BUILDING produces its own electricity, thus it can save a huge amount in electricity bill. These kind of buildings are environmental friendly reducing the environmental hazards (eg. It would release zero carbon content that would help in controlling global warming).The design for the building should be such that the requirement of temperature regulation does not fluctuate throughout the year. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. xiv 4. National Building Code of India (NBC) and Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA). 5. S.P. Arora and S.P Bindra .(2010), Building Construction , Fifth edition, Dhanpat Rai publishing company limited, New Delhi. 6. IS: 456 : 2000, Indian Standard Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (Fourth Revision ), Bureau if Indian Standards, New Delhi 7. IS: 1905 (1987), Code of Practice for Structural use of unreinforced masonry. 8. IS 875 : Part 2 : 1987 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures: Part 2 Imposed loads 9. IS 875 : Part 1 : 1987 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake)for buildings and structures Part 1 Dead loads - Unit weights of building material and stored materials (Incorporating IS:1911-1967) 10. SP 20 (S & T):1991 Handbook on masonry design and construction. 11. IS 2572:1963(R 1997) Code of practice for design of Hollow bricks 12. xv