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Complete Book | Preposition And Postposition | English Language

PREFACE. This Data is collected & Compiled from Internet and other sourcesBy. Ch. Yasir Shahzad( Gujrat). Book For FPSC It will helpful for preparation of all PPSC, FPSC, NTS, PMS & CSS Tests. Best Of Luck You Can Not Help Every one But Every One Can Help Someone 'FPSC Custom Inspectors BS16 & Preventive ...


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PREFACE This Data is collected & Compiled from Internet and other sourcesBy Ch. Yasir Shahzad( Gujrat) Book For FPSC It will helpful for preparation of all PPSC, FPSC, NTS, PMS & CSS Tests Best Of Luck You Can Not Help Every one But Every One Can Help Someone 'FPSC Custom Inspectors BS16 & Preventive Officer BS16 Prepartion group Federal Public Service Commission has published the Syllabus for the 227 posts of Appraising/Valuation Officer (BS-16) and Inspector Federal Board of Revenue Division Note: There are 5 Parts every Part contains Equal Marks No Negative Marking Part 1 English ( 20 Marks) Part 2 2.1 Basic-Arithmetic ( 20 Marks) 2.2 Current Affairs including World and Pakistan ( 20 Marks) 2.3 Pak Affairs and Islamyat (10 +10 each total 20) 2.4 Genreal Knowledge ( 20 Marks ) Part 1 English Subject of English has a great importance in all types of examination like Css,Pcs or other general exams. A candidate should try to prepare this subject carefully. Mostly jobs tests contains English question type as following  Synonyms,  Antonyms Analogies Preposition, Phrasal verbs, Word meanings, Grammar Questions, Tense Questions, Direct Indirect, Active Voice,  Passive Voice, Questions on a give Passage,         Synonyms And Antonyms What are Synonyms? When two pair of words mean exactly same in their meaning or nearly same or similar are termed as Synonyms. Thereby a single word can carry many synonyms. For example; Simple, Smooth, Easy are Synonyms of each other. The formations of synonyms changes as per the changing form, let it be either verb, adjective, adverb, preposition etc. On can understand better with the help of examples. Verb: Walk and Stroll Adjective: Beautiful and Charming Adverb: Easily and Comfortably Preposition: On and Upon Given below are a few handful tips which shall be helpful to you to solve synonyms. Tips & Tricks to solve Synonyms correctly in exam: 1. If one does not know the exact meaning of the word, try understanding it in the context of the paragraph. 2. In case the meaning of the word is not clear, going through all the available options can certainly be considered as a good idea. By doing so, one can start getting idea about the given question & start negating the available options one after the other. 3. Sometimes it so happens that a particular word sounds more like a tongue twister, so try & break it into meaningful parts. Chances are there that the full word might start making more sense in this way. 4. One of the effective ways of knowing & scoring well in this section is to keep a regular tab & enough involvement of reading synonyms & making one’s own list. Revising the list regularly helps one in remembering the synonyms more often. 5. While replacing a particular word in sentence, using its synonym, please see to it that the context does not change nor the whole meaning of the sentence. Example: What is the synonym of Philanthropy? a) injury b) misappropriate c) charity d) endaemonism e) cling The correct answer is option c) charity. Moving on to Antonyms. Let us understand what do we mean by saying Antonyms. What are Antonyms? Antonyms are the words, which mean opposite to the given word. Example: Antonym of Benevolent is Malevolent or Unkind. Given below are a few types of antonyms for better understanding of the students. Types of Antonyms: 1. Gradable Antonyms: Both the words lie in a continuous spectrum. eg: hard and soft. 2. Complementary Antonyms: Over here, both the words do not lie in a continuous spectrum. eg: push and pull 3. Relational Antonyms: Few kinds of antonyms are the ones, who make sense only when they are read together. eg: teacher and pupil In context of the examination, antonyms are being asked directly & at times based on the paragraph. Tips & Tricks to solve antonyms shall remain same as that of synonyms. Let us take a look at the following passage for better understanding: The railroad was not the first institution to impose regularity on society, or to draw attention to the importance of precise timekeeping. For as long as merchants have set out their wares at day break & communal festivities have been celebrated, people have been in rough agreement with their neighbours as to the time of day. The value of this tradition is today more apparent than ever. Were it not for public acceptance of a single yardstick of time, social life would be unbearably chaotic: the massive daily transfers of goods, services, information, would proceed in fits & starts the very fabric of modern society would begin to unravel. Question: In the above passage find out the antonym for the word stated in bold. a) lawless b) untidy c) jumbled d) calm The answer to the above question is d) calm. Thus a regular study & revisions of both synonyms & antonyms can give an answer to your long lasting question on how to crack synonyms & antonyms questions in exams. Keep in mind the above tips & techniques for better performance. Send us your feedback for the same. Good Luck Some Other Techniques for Solving Synonyms and Antonyms Questions This part of the aptitude carries 8 marks in HCL and Infosys its like half of the verbal is synonyms and antonyms. So a little concentration should be provided to this area. Most of the words used are GRE high frequency words and if not they are going to new words. For early preparation lets say you have couple of months before Infosys or HCL its better you read the editorial column in the news papers and follow the below stated steps. i. Experiment with synonyms After you see the meaning of a word, look up its usage in the sentence that is usually present in the dictionary. Note down this sentence. Prepare a new sentence after understanding the meaning of the word. ii. Prepare sentences with antonyms So the next step is to find the antonym of the word, this further helps you to store the word well in your mind. Now try to form a sentence or couple of sentences with the antonyms. iii. Compare synonyms and antonyms Use both the synonym (a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word) and the antonym to construct sentences using the same context or situation. This procedure enables you to see a word from both sides. If you can follow this strategy, it would definitely solve your problem of learning new words without forgetting their meaning. iv. Important: Use the same context You should always use the same background to write sentences using a new word, its synonyms and antonyms. If you use different circumstances, events or situations to get acquainted with the meaning and the usage of a word, there is a strong possibility that you may get confused. It is the context that will always remind you of how the word is used, and will ensure you don’t forget the meaning easily. This part will work only if you have a sufficient time to work out. Most of us don’t follow these steps so we need a shortcut. Shortcuts work, you can’t expect 100% result when your gonna use shortcuts and most of these tricks are tricky too… GRE Techniques can be used: Week before the placements go for the online test link and apply these techniques and see if they are working out for you… These tricks are enough for all companies, but Infosys it won’t work out Trick 1 Try to put the word in a sentence or a phrase and guess its meaning Trick 2 When you have a word try to guess all its synonyms and from the answers see the exact word which has the same meaning, in the case of antonym the opposite meaning Trick 3 Read all the options, most of us think of time and come up with the answer which has close match to the word. But there is an actual word with the same meaning hidden there. Trick 4 First know the part of the speech the word is used in… For example the word run can be used as a verb but it could also be used as noun like ‘home run’ so make sure you know the part of speech before answering. Trick 5 Some words are eye catchy, you immediately think its going to be the antonym/synonym, but most of the guesses are not gonna be right so go through the options once again unless your sure of the answer Some Synonyms and Antonyms Word Synonym Synonym narrow confined restricted nature aspect character necessary mandatory requisite negate contradict refute negligent careless remiss negotiate bargain deal nice affable benign noble aristocratic distinguished novice beginner nonprofessional nuisance annoyance offense obedient faithful loyal objection disapproval protest obligatory compulsory required observe notice watch obvious conspicuous definite offend anger irritate offer bid proposal omen premonition sign omit exclude remove opportune advantageous auspicious pacify appease placate pain ache discomfort paramount chief leading partisan biased dogmatic passive inactive lethargic pause break cease permeate diffuse disseminate perpetuate endure preserve perplex astonish baffle persecute afflict harass radiate effuse emanate radical basic fundamental range anger furor rank arrange classify realize accomplish fulfill recalcitrant obstinate stubborn receptacle container repository reconcile atone conciliate regret deplore grieve reliable dependable trustworthy sanction approval permit scope aim extent section division portion settle adjust compromise shallow superficial trivial shrewd careful calculating significant distinctive important slight delicate slender spontaneous impromptu unplanned spread announce broadcast stabilize balance steady tame domesticate subdue tangle intertwine twist temper mood nature tendency inclination trend term cycle duration thrift conservation prudence tough aggressive unyielding transfer convey exchange tumult agitation commotion turbulent disordered violent vain boastful inflated valid authorized legitimate variety assortment diversify verify authenticate substantiate Serial 1 Word Combat Antonyms Synonyms Harmony , Peace , War , Fighting , Battle , Encounter , Contest , Concord , Amity , Fight , Conflict Cooperation , Surrender , Compromise 2 Brevity Confused , Short , Laconic , Concise , Brief Longevity , Loquacious , Verbosity , Garrulity 3 Alarming Hopeful , Comforting Frightful , Dreadful , Terrible , Shocking , Ominous , Auspicious , , Awful , Threatening , Scary Encouraging , Optimistic 4 Feeble Strong , Forceful , Weak , Fragile , Impotent , Languid , Frail Vigorous , Firm , Muscular , Powerful , Robust 5 Miserable Happy , Jocund , Forlorn , Melancholy , Unhappy , Sad , Dismal , Cheerful , Glad , Pathetic , Wretched , Oppressive Joyous , Prosperous , Dignified , Blessed 6 Splendid Dull , Ordinary , Resplendent , Marvellous , Radiant , Magnificent , Dark , Humble , Dim Brilliant , Wonderful , Shining , Great , Excellent , Dreadful , Cloudy , Terrible 7 Vague Clear , Evident , Dim , Obscure , Nebulous , Indefinite , Doubtful , Defined , Obvious , Ambiguous , Unclear , Abstruse Sharp , Certain , Distinct , Definite 8 Controversy Agreement , Peace , Dispute , Strife , Argument , Discord , Contention , Compromise , Conflict , Debate , Quarrel Concord , Accord , Serial Word Antonyms Synonyms Harmony 9 Elegant Inexpensive , Ugly , Luxurious , Polished , Dignified , Fine , Graceful , Simple , Awkward , Refined , Exquisite , Polite Usual , Rough , Vulgar , Rude , Coarle 10 Horrible Agreeable , Frightful , Horrid , Ghastly , Horrifying , Fearful , Attractive , Terrific , Ugly , Awful Pleasant , Fascinating , Delightful , Pleasing , charming 11 Fame Disrepute , Esteem , Repute , Credit , Prestige , Glory , Dishonour , Honour , Reputation , Renown Notoriety , Obscurity , Oblivion 12 Scanty Ample , Plentiful , Deficient , Narrow , Slender , Limited , Meagre , Excessive , Sparse , Poor, Inadequate , Few , Small , Abundant , Sufficient , 13 Worthless Excellent , Useful , Cheap , Futile , Base , Useless , Valueless , Good , Worthwhile , Contemptible Valuable , Admirable 14 Inclement Genial , Temperate , Rough , Severe , Stormy , Harsh , Unpleasant , Mild , Favourable , Unfavourable Pleasant 15 Hazard Certainty , Surety , Danger , Threat , Jeopardy , Peril , Venture , Risk Protection , Security 16 Brutal Tender , Merciful , Savage , Inhuman , Bestial , Merciless , Cruel , Compassionate , Barbarous Humane , Serial Word Antonyms Synonyms Sympathetic , Gentle , Kind 17 Audacious Courteous , Intrepid , Adventurous , Daring , Bold , Humble , Polite , Courageous , Insolent , Impudent Modest , Fearful , Timid 18 19 Wicked Abhor Just , Moral , Good , Malevolent , Evil , Heinous , Criminal , Vicious , Virtuous , Upright , Corrupt , Immoral , Bad Devotion , Fondness Disdain , Hate , Abominate , Dislike , Scorn , , Passion , Love , Despise Attachment , Admiration , Affection 20 Filthy Immaculate , Clean , Nasty , Foul , Unclean , Putrid , Dirty , Impure , Virtuous , Pure , Polluted , Corrup Decent , Spotless Serial Word Synonym Antonym 1 Abandon Leave Pursue 2 Abash Humble Conceited 3 Abate Decrease Increase 4 Aberration Shorten Lengthen 5 Abduct Kidnap Deliver 6 Aberration Distortion Truth 7 Abhor Dislike Like Number Serial Word Antonyms Synonyms 8 Abject Servile Arrogant 9 Abjure Give Up Accept 10 Abridge Summaries Expand 11 Abscond Disappear Present 12 Accumulate Gather Scatter 13 Acquaintance Familiar Ignorant 14 Adversity Misfortune Good Fortune 15 Allay Relieve Worsen 16 Allure Charm Repel 17 Ally Friend Enemy 18 Ample Enough Limited 19 Annex Take Possession Give Up 20 Annihilate Destroy Establish 21 Apparent Clear Unclear 22 Ascend Go Up Come Down 23 Assent Agree Disagree 24 Auspicious Fortunate Unfortunate 25 Awkward Unskillful Skilful Serial Word Antonyms Synonyms 26 Bankrupt Penniless Prosperous 27 Benevolence Kindness Cruelty 28 Bewilder Confuse Enlighten 29 Bliss Joy Sorrow 30 Blunt Insensitive Sensitive 31 Boost Help Hinder 32 Brace Support Weaken 33 Brevity Brief Enlarge 34 Brusque Curt Courteous 35 Calamity Disaster Prosperity 36 Casuality Accident Intentional 37 Celibate Unmarried Married 38 Clumsy Awkward Elegant 39 Clutch Grasp Release 40 Coarse Rough Refined 41 Coherence Solidity Break 42 Combat Battle Peace 43 Compassion Sympathy Cruel Serial Word Antonyms Synonyms 44 Compress Condense Expand 45 Concord Accord Discord 46 Confine Limit Extend 47 Conscientious Principled Disbelief 48 Considerate Thoughtful Careless 49 Contemptible Detestable Admirable 50 Creed Belief Disbelief 51 Cripple Disable Able 52 Cynical Distrustful Believing 53 Dainty Delicate Coarse 54 Deception Fraud Honesty 55 Decline Decrease Enhance 56 Deed Action Passivity 57 Delicacy Elegance Crudeness 58 Denote Imply Conceal 59 Dependence Reliance Independence 60 Despair Dejection Elation 61 Despise Hate Admire Serial Word Antonyms Synonyms 62 Deviate Stray Abide 63 Diligent Laborious Lazy 64 Dissolve Break Up Join 65 Diversity Variety Unify 66 Dreadful Frightening Pleasing 67 Ebb Decline Increase 68 Enchant Fascinate Disgust 69 Encroach Intrude Withdraw 70 Endanger Risk Protect 71 Envious Jealous Content 72 Evasion Avoid Defend 73 Exert Strain Rest 74 Extravagant Wasteful Economical 75 Fanciful Imaginary Real 76 Feeble Weak Strong 77 Filthy Dirty Clean 78 Foresight Foreknowledge Short sight 79 Fundamental Basic Secondary Serial Word Antonyms Synonyms 80 Gorgeous Magnificent Simple 81 Grasp Hold Release 82 Hazard Danger Surety 83 Humid 84 Humorous Funny Serious 85 Hypocrisy Pretend Honesty 86 Ignoble Servile Noble 87 Imitate Copy Original 88 Imminent Impending Unlikely 89 Inclement Unfavourable Favourable 90 Induce Persuade Discourage 91 Insert Put In Remove 92 Integrity Honesty Dishonesty 93 Intensify Increase Decrease 94 Jest Joke Serious 95 Kindle Ignite Put out 96 Miscellaneous Various Identical 97 Modest Humble Arrogant Moist Dry Serial Word Antonyms Synonyms 98 Mourn Grieve Rejoice 99 Nimble Fast Slow 100 Notion Belief Truth 101 Numerous Various few 102 Obligatory Necessary Voluntary 103 Oblivious Unaware Aware 104 Obscure Unclear Plain 105 Onerous Difficult Easy 106 Ooze Drip Pour 107 Ooze Hopeful Pessimist 108 Outbreak Tumult Order 109 Pacify Appease Irritate 110 Partial Unfair Fair 111 Peculiar Odd Usual 112 Persist Continue Discontinue 113 Predominant Prominent Subsidiary 114 Predicament Problem Decision 115 Prediction Forecast Conceal Serial Word Antonyms Synonyms 116 Premature Untimely Timely 117 Privilege Favour Inhibition 118 Profess Declare Conceal 119 Prohibit Ban Authorize 120 Prolong Lengthen Shorten 121 Queer Strange Ordinary 122 Radical Basic Superficial 123 Remorse Regret Exult 124 Repentance Regret Satisfaction 125 Riddle Puzzle Solution 126 Scatter Disperse Gather 127 Scanty Limited Abundant 128 Scold LimitedRebuke Praise 129 Slander Defame Praise 130 Solemn Pious Impious 131 Solitary Lonely Popular 132 Spiteful Malicious Benign 133 Stimulus Incentive Hindrance Serial Word Antonyms Synonyms 134 Sublime Noble Mean 135 Systematic Methodical Casual 136 Terse Short Lengthy 137 Timid Shy Brave 138 Transparent Lucid Obscure 139 Treacherous Unfaithful Faithful 140 Transient Temporary Permanent 141 Tremble Vibrate Steady 142 Tyranny Oppression Pity 143 Unanimous Unison Disagreement 144 Vehement Earnest Mild 145 Versatile Clever Dull 146 Wavering Unsteady Steady 147 Yoke Link Abandon 148 Zeal Dedication Apathy Analogy 1.a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparisonmay be based: the analogy between the heart and a pump. 2. similarity or comparability: I see no analogy between your problem and mine. 3. Biology. an analogous relationship. 4. Linguistics. a. b. the process by which words or phrases are created or re-formedaccording to existing patte rns in the language, as when shoon wasre-formed as shoes, when -ize is added to nouns like wint er to formverbs, or when a child says foots for feet. a form resulting from such a process. 5. Logic. a form of reasoning in which one thing is inferred to be similar toanother thing in a certain respect, on the basis of the known similaritybetween the things in other respects. Solving Analogies Solving analogies is a terrific way to sharpen your thinking skills and prepare for standardized tests. An analogy is a type of word problem that consists of two word pairs. To solve the analogy you must find a word that correctly completes the second pair. At first glance, the words in an analogy may seem to have nothing to do with each other, but the words are always logically related. The first pair of words has a relationship similar to the second pair of words. To solve the analogy, you need to figure out that relationship. Example: GRACEFUL : CLUMSY :: HOT : _______ 1. Read the analogy like this: Graceful is to clumsy as hot is to ‘blank.’ 2. Then ask yourself: What's the relationship between graceful and clumsy? These words have opposite meanings – they are antonyms – so the second pair of words must also be antonyms. 3. Fill in the blank with a word that means the opposite of hot, and you’ve solved the analogy. The best answer is COLD. Common Analogy Types The word pairs in an analogy often have one of the following relationships: Antonyms: Words that have opposite meanings, as in HOT : COLD Synonyms: Words that have the same or similar meanings, as inUNHAPPY : SAD Descriptive: One word describes the other word, as in FAST : CHEETAH Part to whole: One word is a part or piece of the other, as in PIECE : PUZZLE Item to category: One word is an item in the category named by the other, as in BASEBALL : SPORTS BALLS Some analogies will not fit into the categories above. Example: PUPPY : DOG :: KITTEN : _______ 1. Read the analogy like this: Puppy is to dog as kitten is to ‘blank.’ The first pair of words are not related in any of the ways listed above. 2. Try reading the analogy as a sentence that expresses the relationships between the words: A puppy is a young dog, as a kitten is a young....? 3. To solve this analogy, fill in the blank with a word that best completes this sentence. CATis the best answer. Some other Three--Step Method ffor Sollviing Anallogiies Probllems The best way to solve analogies problems is to attack them using this universal method. Each of the following steps outlined in our Five-Step Method will work with any analogy you may encounter, regardless of the relationship shared between the word pair. Sttep 1:: Build a strong bridge sentence relating the words in the question pair. The bridge should be as short and clear as possible. Functtiion Briidge:: 1)) bag : buy 2)) baby : cry 3)) cloud : rain 4)) fork : eat 5)) car : stop In the question to the left, the question pair is SHOVEL : DIG. First, think about a necessary relationship shared between this pair: A shovell iis used tto diig.. Remember, no proper analogies question will put words in the question pair that do not share a diirectt and necessary relationship. For example, you will never see the words MAN :: STRONG used in the question pair, because they do not share a necessary relationship. A man may or may not be strong. Sttep 2:: Now, use this bridge with each answer choice, inserting them in place of the words in the question pair. 1)) A bag iis used tto buy.. Perhaps, but this is not necessarily true. You may use a shopping cart to buy something. Or, you may use money to buy something. So this doesn’t work. 2)) A baby iis used tto cry.. This doesn’t work; a baby isn’t used to do anything. 3)) A clloud iis used tto raiin.. A cloud produces rain, but a cloud isn’t used to rain. Again, a cloud isn’t necessarily used to do anything. 4)) A ffork iis used tto eatt.. Here we have a strong relationship. A fork is definitely used to eat. This seems to be the correct answer, but let’s try the last one just to make sure. 5)) A car iis used tto sttop.. One of the operations of a car is to stop. However, a car is not necessarily used to stop. A car is used to travel, or to transport. So, this doesn’t work. Therefore, answer choice #4 must be the correct answer. Sttep 3:: If after completing steps 1 and 2 you still have not found an answer pair that works, then it may be necessary to adjust the bridge sentence. Let’s look back at our original example: Functtiion Briidge:: 1)) bag : buy 2)) baby : cry 3)) cloud : rain 4)) fork : eat 5)) car : stop It may be that our original bridge was not strong enough. Imagine if our bridge was: A shovell may be used tto diig.. Now, it is possible to come up with two correct answers: 1)) A bag may be used tto buy.. 4)) A ffork may be used tto eatt.. Our original bridge wasn’t strong enough. Therefore, we need to strengthen our bridge by making it more specific, and repeat steps 1 and 2. Prepositions Definition A preposition is a word that indicates location (in, near, beside) or some other relationship (about, after, besides) between a noun or pronoun and other parts of the sentence. A preposition isn't a preposition unless it goes with a related noun or pronoun, called the object of the preposition. Examples: Let's meet before noon. Before is a preposition; noon is its object. We've never met before. There is no object; before is an adverb modifying met. Rule 1. A preposition generally, but not always, goes before its noun or pronoun. One of the undying myths of English grammar is that you may not end a sentence with a preposition. But look at the first example that follows. No one should feel compelled to say, or even write, That is something with which I cannot agree. Just do not use extra prepositions when the meaning is clear without them. Correct: That is something I cannot agree with. Correct: Where did you get this? Incorrect: Where did you get this at? Correct: How many of you can I depend on? Correct: Where did he go? Incorrect: Where did he go to? Rule 2a. The preposition like means "similar to" or "similarly to." It should be followed by an object of the preposition (noun, pronoun, noun phrase), not by a subject and verb. Rule of thumb: Avoid like when a verb is involved. Correct: You look like your mother. That is, you look similar to her. (Mother is the object of the preposition like.) Incorrect: You look like your mother does. (Avoid like with noun + verb.) Rule 2b. Instead of like, use as, as if, as though, or the way when following a comparison with a subject and verb. Correct: You look the way your mother does. Incorrect: Do like I ask. (No one would say Do similarly to I ask.) Correct: Do as I ask. Incorrect: You look like you're angry. Correct: You look as if you're angry. (OR as though) Some speakers and writers, to avoid embarrassment, use as when they mean like. The following incorrect sentence came from a grammar guide: Incorrect: They are considered as any other English words. Correct: They are considered as any other English words would be. Correct: They are considered to be like any other English words. Remember: like means "similar to" or "similarly to"; as means "in the same manner that." Rule of thumb: Do not use as unless there is a verb involved. Incorrect: I, as most people, try to use good grammar. Correct: I, like most people, try to use good grammar. Correct: I, as most people do, try to use good grammar. NOTE The rule distinguishing like from as, as if, as though, and the way is increasingly ignored, but English purists still insist upon it. Rule 3. The preposition of should never be used in place of the helping verb have. Correct: I should have done it. Incorrect: I should of done it. Rule 4. Follow different with the preposition from. Things differ from other things; avoiddifferent than. Incorrect: You're different than I am. Correct: You're different from me. Rule 5. Use into rather than in to express motion toward something. Use in to tell the location. Correct: I swam in the pool. Correct: I walked into the house. Correct: I looked into the matter. Incorrect: I dived in the water. Correct: I dived into the water. Incorrect: Throw it in the trash. Correct: Throw it into the trash. Phrasal Verbs Phrasal verbs are usually two-word phrases consisting of verb + adverb or verb + preposition. Think of them as you would any other English vocabulary. Study them as you come across them, rather than trying to memorize many at once. Use the list below as a reference guide when you find an expression that you don't recognize. The example sentences will help you understand the meanings. If you think of each phrasal verb as a separate verb with a specific meaning, you will be able to remember it more easily. Like many other verbs, phrasal verbs often have more than one meaning. phrasal verb meaning example sentence ask someone out invite on a date Brian askedJudy out to dinner and a movie. phrasal verb meaning example sentence ask around ask many people the I asked aroundbut nobody has same question seen my wallet. add up to something equal Your purchasesadd up to$205.32. back something up reverse You'll have toback up your car so that I can get out. back someone up support My wife backedme up over my decision to quit my job. blow up explode The racing carblew up after it crashed into the fence. blow something up add air We have toblow 50 balloons up for the party. break down break down stop functioning Our car broke down at the side of (vehicle, machine) the highway in the snowstorm. get upset The womanbroke downwhen the police told her that her son had died. break somethingdown divide into smaller Our teacherbroke the final parts project downinto three separate parts. break in force entry to a Somebodybroke in last night and phrasal verb break into something meaning example sentence building stole our stereo. enter forcibly The firemen had to break intothe room to rescue the children. break something in wear something a few I need to breakthese times so that it doesn't shoes inbefore we run next week. look/feel new break in interrupt The TV stationbroke in to report the news of the president's death. break up end a relationship My boyfriend and I broke upbefore I moved to America. break up break out start laughing The kids justbroke up as soon as (informal) the clown started talking. escape The prisonersbroke out of jail when the guards weren't looking. break out insomething bring someone down develop a skin I broke out in a rash after our condition camping trip. make unhappy This sad music isbringing medown. bring someone up raise a child My grandparentsbrought me upafter phrasal verb meaning example sentence my parents died. bring something up bring something up start talking about a My mother walks out of the room subject when my fatherbrings upsports. vomit He drank so much that hebrought his dinner up in the toilet. call around call someone back phone many different We called around but we weren't places/people able to find the car part we needed. return a phone call I called the company backbut the offices were closed for the weekend. call something off cancel Jason called the wedding offbecause he wasn't in love with his fiancé. call on someone call on someone ask for an answer or The professorcalled on me for opinion question 1. visit someone We called onyou last night but you weren't home. call someone up phone Give me your phone number and I will callyou up when we are in town. phrasal verb meaning example sentence calm down relax after being angry You are still mad. You need to calm downbefore you drive the car. not care not like (formal) I don't care forhis behaviour. get to the same point You'll have to run faster than that if as someone else you want to catch up with Marty. arrive and register at a We will get the hotel keys when hotel or airport we check in. leave a hotel You have tocheck out of the hotel forsomeone/something catch up check in check out before 11:00 AM. checksomeone/somethingout check look at carefully, The companychecks out all new investigate employees. look at (informal) Check out the crazy hair on that outsomeone/something cheer up guy! become happier She cheered upwhen she heard the good news. cheer someone up make happier I brought you some flowers tocheer you up. chip in help If everyonechips in we can get the phrasal verb meaning example sentence kitchen painted by noon. clean something up tidy, clean Please clean upyour bedroom before you go outside. come acrosssomething find unexpectedly I came acrossthese old photos when I was tidying the closet. come apart separate The top and bottom come apart if you pull hard enough. come down withsomething become sick My nephewcame down with chicken pox this weekend. come forward come fromsomewhere volunteer for a task or The womancame forwardwith her to give evidence husband's finger prints. originate in The art of origami comes from Asia. count onsomeone/something rely on I am counting on you to make dinner while I am out. cross something out draw a line through Please cross out your old address and write your new one. cut back onsomething consume less My doctor wants me to cut back on sweets and fatty foods. phrasal verb meaning example sentence cut something down make something fall We had to cutthe old tree in our to the ground yard downafter the storm. interrupt Your father cut in while I was cut in dancing with your uncle. cut in pull in too closely in The bus driver got angry when that front of another car cut in. vehicle cut in start operating (of an The air conditioner cuts in when engine or electrical the temperature gets to 22°C. device) cut something off cut something off remove with The doctors cut off his leg because something sharp it was severely injured. stop providing The phone company cut offour phone because we didn't pay the bill. cut someone off take out of a will My grandparentscut my fatheroff when he remarried. cut something out remove part of I cut this ad outof the newspaper. something (usually with scissors and paper) dosomeone/somethingover beat up, ransack (BrE, He's lucky to be alive. His shop phrasal verb do something over meaning example sentence informal) was done overby a street gang. do again (AmE) My teacher wants me to domy essay overbecause she doesn't like my topic. do away withsomething discard It's time to do away with all of these old tax records. do something up fasten, close Do your coat upbefore you go outside. It's snowing! dress up wear nice clothing It's a fancy restaurant so we have to dress up. drop back drop in/by/over dropsomeone/somethingoff move back in a Andrea dropped back to third position/group place when she fell off her bike. come without an I might drop in/by/over for tea appointment sometime this week. take I have to dropmy sister off at work someone/something before I come over. somewhere and leave them/it there drop out quit a class, school etc I dropped outof Science because it was too difficult. phrasal verb meaning example sentence eat out eat at a restaurant I don't feel like cooking tonight. Let's eat out. end up fall apart eventually We ended uprenting a movie reach/do/decide instead of going to the theatre. break into pieces My new dressfell apart in the washing machine. fall down fall to the ground The picture that you hung up last night fell downthis morning. fall out fall out figure something out separate from an The money must have fallen outof interior my pocket. (of hair, teeth) become His hair started to fall out when he loose and unattached was only 35. understand, find the I need to figure out how to fit the answer piano and the bookshelf in this room. fill something in to write information in Please fill in the form with your blanks, as on a form name, address, and phone number. (BrE) fill something out to write information in The form must be filled out in blanks, as on a form capital letters. (AmE) phrasal verb meaning example sentence fill something up fill to the top I always fill the water jug upwhen it is empty. find out discover We don't know where he lives. How can we find out? find something out discover We tried to keep the time of the party a secret, but Samanthafound it out. get somethingacross/over communicate, make I tried to get my understandable pointacross/over to the judge but she wouldn't listen. get along/on like each other I was surprised how well my new girlfriend and my sistergot along/on. get around have mobility My grandfather can get aroundfine in his new wheelchair. get away go on a vacation We worked so hard this year that we had toget away for a week. get away withsomething get back do without being Jason alwaysgets away noticed or punished withcheating in his maths tests. return We got backfrom our vacation last week. phrasal verb meaning example sentence get something back receive something you Liz finally gother Science had before notes back from my room-mate. retaliate, take revenge My sister got back at me for get back at someone stealing her shoes. She stole my favourite hat. get back intosomething get on something become interested in I finally got back into my novel something again and finished it. step onto a vehicle We're going to freeze out here if you don't let usget on the bus. get over something get over something recover from an I just got overthe flu and now my illness, loss, difficulty sister has it. overcome a problem The company will have to close if it can't get over the new regulations. get round tosomething get together get up finally find time to do I don't know when I am going (AmE: get around to get round towriting the thank tosomething) you cards. meet (usually for Let's get together for a BBQ this social reasons) weekend. get out of bed I got up early today to study for my exam. phrasal verb meaning example sentence get up stand You should get up and give the elderly man your seat. give someone away reveal hidden His wife gavehim away to the information about police. someone give someone away give something away take the bride to the My father gaveme away at my altar wedding. ruin a secret My little sistergave the surprise partyaway by accident. give something away give something back give in give something out give something up give something to The library wasgiving away old someone for free books on Friday. return a borrowed I have to givethese skatesback to item Franz before his hockey game. reluctantly stop My boyfriend didn't want to go to fighting or arguing the ballet, but he finally gave in. give to many people They weregiving out free perfume (usually at no cost) samples at the department store. quit a habit I am giving upsmoking as of January 1st. give up stop trying My maths homework was too phrasal verb meaning example sentence difficult so Igave up. go after someone follow someone My brother tried to go after the thief in his car. go after something go against someone try to achieve I went after my dream and now I something am a published writer. compete, oppose We are going against the best soccer team in the city tonight. go ahead start, proceed Please go ahead and eat before the food gets cold. go back return to a place I have to go back home and get my lunch. go out leave home to go on a We're going outfor dinner tonight. social event go out with someone date Jesse has beengoing out withLuke since they met last winter. go over something review Please go overyour answers before you submit your test. go over visit someone nearby I haven't seen Tina for a long time. I think I'llgo over for an hour or two. phrasal verb meaning example sentence go withoutsomething suffer lack or When I was young, we went deprivation without winter boots. stop being friends My best friend and I grew over time apart after she changed schools. grow back regrow My roses grew back this summer. grow up become an adult When Jackgrows up he wants to grow apart be a fireman. grow out ofsomething get too big for Elizabeth needs a new pair of shoes because she has grown out of her old ones. grow into something grow big enough to fit This bike is too big for him now, but he shouldgrow into it by next year. hand somethingdown hand something in give something used I handed my old comic to someone else booksdown to my little cousin. submit I have to hand in my essay by Friday. hand something out hand something over to distribute to a group We will hand out the invitations at of people the door. give (usually The police asked the man tohand phrasal verb hang in hang on hang out hang up meaning example sentence unwillingly) over his wallet and his weapons. stay positive Hang in there. I'm sure you'll find (informal) a job very soon. wait a short time Hang on while I grab my coat and (informal) shoes! spend time relaxing Instead of going to the party we are (informal) just going tohang out at my place. end a phone call He didn't say goodbye before he hung up. holdsomeone/somethingback hold something back prevent from I had to holdmy dog backbecause doing/going there was a cat in the park. hide an emotion Jamie held backhis tears at his grandfather's funeral. hold on wait a short time Please hold onwhile I transfer you to the Sales Department. hold hold firmly using your Hold onto your hat because it's ontosomeone/something hands or arms very windy outside. holdsomeone/somethingup rob A man in a black mask held the bank up this morning. phrasal verb meaning example sentence keep on doingsomething continue doing Keep on stirring until the liquid comes to a boil. keep something fromsomeo not tell ne keepsomeone/somethingout We kept our relationshipfrom our parents for two years. stop from entering Try to keep the wet dog out of the living room. keep something up let someone down let someone in continue at the same If you keepthose results upyou rate will get into a great college. fail to support or help, I need you to be on time. disappoint Don'tlet me downthis time. allow to enter Can you let the cat in before you go to school? log in (or on) log out (or off) look sign in (to a website, I can't log in to Facebook because database etc) I've forgotten my password. sign out (of a website, If you don't log off somebody database etc) could get into your account. take care of I have to look after my sick aftersomeone/something look down onsomeone grandmother. think less of, consider Ever since we stole that chocolate inferior bar your dad haslooked down phrasal verb meaning example sentence on me. look forsomeone/something try to find I'm looking fora red dress for the wedding. look forward tosomething look into something be excited about the I'm looking forward to the future Christmas break. investigate We are going tolook into the price of snowboards today. look out be careful, vigilant, Look out! That car's going to hit and take notice you! look out be especially vigilant Don't forget tolook out forsnakes forsomeone/something for on the hiking trail. look something over check, examine Can you look over my essay for spelling mistakes? look something up search and find We can look her phone information in a numberup on the Internet. reference book or database look up to someone make something up have a lot of respect My little sister has alwayslooked for up to me. invent, lie about Josie made up a story about why phrasal verb make up meaning example sentence something we were late. forgive each other We were angry last night, but we made up at breakfast. make someone up apply cosmetics to My sisters mademe up for my graduation party. mix something up confuse two or more I mixed up the twins' names again! things pass away die His unclepassed awaylast night after a long illness. pass out faint It was so hot in the church that an elderly ladypassed out. pass something out pass something up pay someone back give the same thing to The professorpassed the many people textbooks outbefore class. decline (usually I passed up the job because I am something good) afraid of change. return owed money Thanks for buying my ticket. I'll payyou back on Friday. pay for something be punished for doing That bully willpay for being mean something bad to my little brother. phrasal verb meaning example sentence pick something out choose I picked outthree sweaters for you to try on. pointsomeone/somethingout put something down indicate with your I'll point my boyfriend outwhen he finger runs by. put what you are You can put the groceries downon holding on a surface the kitchen counter. or floor put someone down insult, make someone The studentsput the substitute feel stupid teacher downbecause his pants were too short. put something off postpone We are putting off our trip until January because of the hurricane. put something out extinguish The neighboursput the fire outbefore the firemen arrived. put somethingtogether assemble I have to putthe cribtogether before the baby arrives. put up tolerate withsomeone/something put something on I don't think I can put up withthree small children in the car. put Don't forget toput on your new clothing/accessories earrings for the party. on your body phrasal verb meaning example sentence run intosomeone/something meet unexpectedly I ran into an old school-friend at the mall. run oversomeone/something run over/throughsomething drive a vehicle over a I accidentallyran over your bicycle person or thing in the driveway. rehearse, review Let's run over/throughthese lines one more time before the show. run away leave unexpectedly, The child ran away from home escape and has been missing for three days. run out have none left We ran out of shampoo so I had to wash my hair with soap. send something back set something up return (usually by My letter gotsent back to me mail) because I used the wrong stamp. arrange, organize Our boss set a meeting up with the president of the company. set someone up trick, trap The police set up the car thief by using a hidden camera. shop around compare prices I want to shop around a little before I decide on these boots. show off act extra special for He alwaysshows off on his phrasal verb meaning example sentence people watching skateboard (usually boastfully) sleep over sort something out stick to something stay somewhere for You shouldsleep overtonight if the the night (informal) weather is too bad to drive home. organize, resolve a We need to sortthe bills outbefore problem the first of the month. continue doing You will lose weight if youstick something, limit to the diet. yourself to one particular thing switch something off switch something on take after someone take something apart take something back stop the energy flow, The light's too bright. Could turn off you switch itoff. start the energy flow, We heard the news as soon as turn on we switched onthe car radio. resemble a family I take after my mother. We are member both impatient. purposely break into He took the car brakes apartand pieces found the problem. return an item I have to takeour new TVback because it doesn't work. phrasal verb meaning example sentence take off start to fly My plane takes off in five minutes. take something off remove something Take off your socks and shoes and (usually clothing) come in the lake! remove from a place Can you takethe garbage outto the or thing street for me? pay for someone to go My grandparentstook us out for somewhere with you dinner and a movie. rip into pieces I tore up my ex-boyfriend's letters take something out take someone out tear something up and gave them back to him. think back think something over remember (often + to, When I think back on my youth, I sometimes + on) wish I had studied harder. consider I'll have to thinkthis job offerover before I make my final decision. throw somethingaway dispose of We threw our old furnitureaway when we won the lottery. turn something down decrease the volume Please turn the TV down while the or strength (heat, light guests are here. etc) phrasal verb meaning example sentence turn something down refuse I turned the jobdown because I don't want to move. turn something off turn something on turn something up stop the energy flow, Your mother wants you toturn the switch off TV offand come for dinner. start the energy, It's too dark in here. switch on Let's turnsome lights on. increase the volume or Can you turnthe music up? This is strength (heat, light my favourite song. etc) turn up appear suddenly Our cat turned up after we put posters up all over the neighbourhood. try something on sample clothing I'm going to trythese jeans on, but I don't think they will fit. try something out test I am going totry this new brand of detergent out. use something up finish the supply The kids usedall of the toothpaste up so we need to buy some more. wake up stop sleeping We have towake up early for work on Monday. phrasal verb meaning example sentence warmsomeone/somethingup increase the You can warmyour feet up in front temperature of the fireplace. prepare body for I always warm up by doing sit-ups exercise before I go for a run. fade away Most of my make-up wore warm up wear off off before I got to the party. work out exercise I work out at the gym three times a week. work out be successful Our planworked outfine. work something out make a calculation We have towork out the total cost before we buy the house. Part 2 2.1 Basic-Arithmetic            Averages Numbers HCF amd LCF Ration and Proportions Profit ans Loss Square root and Cube root Chain Rule Area Percentage Decimal Fraction Simplification Profit and Loss Formulas IMPORTANT FACTS Cost Price: The price, at which an article is purchased, is called its cost price, abbreviated as C.P. Selling Price: The price, at which an article is sold, is called its selling prices, abbreviated as S.P. Profit or Gain: If S.P. is greater than C.P., the seller is said to have a profit or gain. Loss: If S.P. is less than C.P., the seller is said to have incurred a loss. IMPORTANT FORMULAE 1. Gain = (S.P.) - (C.P.) 2. Loss = (C.P.) - (S.P.) 3. Loss or gain is always reckoned on C.P. 4. Gain Percentage: (Gain %) Gain x 100 Gain % = 5. C.P. Loss Percentage: (Loss %) Loss x 100 Loss % = 6. Selling Price: (S.P.) SP = 7. 100 x C.P (100 - Loss %) 100 x C.P. Cost Price: (C.P.) C.P. = 9. (100 + Gain %) Selling Price: (S.P.) SP = 8. C.P. 100 (100 + Gain %) x S.P. Cost Price: (C.P.) C.P. = 100 (100 - Loss %) 10. If an article is sold at a gain of say 35%, then S.P. = 135% of C.P. 11. If an article is sold at a loss of say, 35% then S.P. = 65% of C.P. x S.P. 12. When a person sells two similar items, one at a gain of say x%, and the other at a loss of x%, then the seller always incurs a loss given by: Common Loss and Gain % Loss % = 2 10 x = 2 10 13. If a trader professes to sell his goods at cost price, but uses false weights, then Error Gain % = x 100 (True Value) - (Error) %. 1. Alfred buys an old scooter for Rs. 4700 and spends Rs. 800 on its repairs. If he sells the scooter for Rs. 5800, his gain percent is: 4 A. C. 4 % 7 10% B. 5 D. 12% 5 % 11 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Cost Price (C.P.) = Rs. (4700 + 800) = Rs. 5500. Selling Price (S.P.) = Rs. 5800. Gain = (S.P.) - (C.P.) = Rs.(5800 - 5500) = Rs. 300. 300 Gain % = 5500 x 100 % =5 5 11 % View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2. The cost price of 20 articles is the same as the selling price of x articles. If the profit is 25%, then the value of x is: A. 15 B. 16 C. 18 D. 25 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let C.P. of each article be Re. 1 C.P. of x articles = Rs. x. S.P. of x articles = Rs. 20. Profit = Rs. (20 - x). 20 - x x 2000 - 100x = 25x x 100 = 25 . 125x = 2000 x = 16. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3. If selling price is doubled, the profit triples. Find the profit percent. 2 66 A. 3 1 105 C. 3 B. 100 D. 120 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let C.P. be Rs. x and S.P. be Rs. y. Then, 3(y - x) = (2y - x) y = 2x. Profit = Rs. (y - x) = Rs. (2x - x) = Rs. x. x Profit % = x 100 x % = 100% View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4. In a certain store, the profit is 320% of the cost. If the cost increases by 25% but the selling price remains constant, approximately what percentage of the selling price is the profit? A. 30% B. 70% C. 100% D. 250% Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let C.P.= Rs. 100. Then, Profit = Rs. 320, S.P. = Rs. 420. New C.P. = 125% of Rs. 100 = Rs. 125 New S.P. = Rs. 420. Profit = Rs. (420 - 125) = Rs. 295. Required percentage = 295 420 x 100 % = 1475 21 % = 70% (approximately). View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 5. A vendor bought toffees at 6 for a rupee. How many for a rupee must he sell to gain 20%? A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: C.P. of 6 toffees = Re. 1 6 S.P. of 6 toffees = 120% of Re. 1 = Rs. 6 For Rs. 5 , toffees sold = 6. 5 For Re. 1, toffees sold = 6x 5 6 = 5. . The percentage profit earned by selling an article for Rs. 1920 is equal to the percentage loss incurred by selling the same article for Rs. 1280. At what price should the article be sold to make 25% profit? A. Rs. 2000 B. Rs. 2200 C. Rs. 2400 D. Data inadequate Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Let C.P. be Rs. x. 1920 - x Then, x - 1280 x 100 = x x x 100 1920 - x = x - 1280 2x = 3200 x = 1600 125 Required S.P. = 125% of Rs. 1600 = Rs. 100 x 1600 = Rs 2000. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. A shopkeeper expects a gain of 22.5% on his cost price. If in a week, his sale was of Rs. 392, what was his profit? A. Rs. 18.20 B. Rs. 70 C. Rs. 72 D. Rs. 88.25 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: C.P. = Rs. 100 122.5 x 392 = Rs. 1000 1225 x 392 = Rs. 320 Profit = Rs. (392 - 320) = Rs. 72. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 8. A man buys a cycle for Rs. 1400 and sells it at a loss of 15%. What is the selling price of the cycle? A. Rs. 1090 B. Rs. 1160 C. Rs. 1190 D. Rs. 1202 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 85 S.P. = 85% of Rs. 1400 = Rs. x 1400 100 = Rs. 1190 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. Sam purchased 20 dozens of toys at the rate of Rs. 375 per dozen. He sold each one of them at the rate of Rs. 33. What was his percentage profit? A. 3.5 B. 4.5 C. 5.6 D. 6.5 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 375 Cost Price of 1 toy = Rs. = Rs. 31.25 12 Selling Price of 1 toy = Rs. 33 So, Gain = Rs. (33 - 31.25) = Rs. 1.75 Profit % = 1.75 31.25 x 100 = % 28 % = 5.6% 5 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 10. Some articles were bought at 6 articles for Rs. 5 and sold at 5 articles for Rs. 6. Gain percent is: A. 30% B. C. 35% D. Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: 33 44% 1 3 % Suppose, number of articles bought = L.C.M. of 6 and 5 = 30. 5 C.P. of 30 articles = Rs. 6 6 S.P. of 30 articles = Rs. 5 11 Gain % = x 30 = Rs. 25. x 30 = Rs. 36. x 100 25 % = 44%. 11. On selling 17 balls at Rs. 720, there is a loss equal to the cost price of 5 balls. The cost price of a ball is: A. Rs. 45 B. Rs. 50 C. Rs. 55 D. Rs. 60 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: (C.P. of 17 balls) - (S.P. of 17 balls) = (C.P. of 5 balls) C.P. of 12 balls = S.P. of 17 balls = Rs.720. 720 C.P. of 1 ball = Rs. 12 = Rs. 60. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. When a plot is sold for Rs. 18,700, the owner loses 15%. At what price must that plot be sold in order to gain 15%? A. Rs. 21,000 B. Rs. 22,500 C. Rs. 25,300 D. Rs. 25,800 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 85 : 18700 = 115 : x 18700 x 115 x= = 25300. 85 Hence, S.P. = Rs. 25,300. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 13. 100 oranges are bought at the rate of Rs. 350 and sold at the rate of Rs. 48 per dozen. The percentage of profit or loss is: A. 14 2 7 % gain B. 15% gain 2 14 C. 7 % loss D. 15 % loss Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 350 C.P. of 1 orange = Rs. = Rs. 3.50 100 48 S.P. of 1 orange = Rs. Gain% = 0.50 3.50 = Rs. 4 12 x 100 = % 100 7 2 % = 14 % 7 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. A shopkeeper sells one transistor for Rs. 840 at a gain of 20% and another for Rs. 960 at a loss of 4%. His total gain or loss percent is: 15 A. 5 C. 6 17 2 3 % loss % gain D. 15 5 B. % gain 17 None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 100 C.P. of 1st transistor = Rs. 120 100 C.P. of 2nd transistor = Rs. 96 x 840 = Rs. 700. x 960 = Rs. 1000 So, total C.P. = Rs. (700 + 1000) = Rs. 1700. Total S.P. = Rs. (840 + 960) = Rs. 1800. Gain % = 100 x 100 1700 % =5 15 17 % View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 15. A trader mixes 26 kg of rice at Rs. 20 per kg with 30 kg of rice of other variety at Rs. 36 per kg and sells the mixture at Rs. 30 per kg. His profit percent is: A. No profit, no loss B. 5% C. 8% D. 10% E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: C.P. of 56 kg rice = Rs. (26 x 20 + 30 x 36) = Rs. (520 + 1080) = Rs. 1600. S.P. of 56 kg rice = Rs. (56 x 30) = Rs. 1680. 80 Gain = x 100 1600 % = 5%. Average Formulas 1. Average: Sum of observations Average = 2. Number of observations Average Speed: Suppose a man covers a certain distance at x kmph and an equal distance at y kmph. 2xy Then, the average speed druing the whole journey is x+y 1. In the first 10 overs of a cricket game, the run rate was only 3.2. What should be the run rate in the remaining 40 overs to reach the target of 282 runs? A. 6.25 B. 6.5 C. 6.75 D. 7 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 282 - (3.2 x 10) Required run rate = = 40 250 40 = 6.25 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2. A family consists of two grandparents, two parents and three grandchildren. The average age of the grandparents is 67 years, that of the parents is 35 years and that of the grandchildren is 6 years. What is the average age of the family? A. 28 C. 32 4 7 1 7 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: years B. years D. 31 None of these 5 7 years kmph. Required average 67 x 2 + 35 x 2 + 6 x 3 = 2+2+3 = 134 + 70 + 18 7 222 = = 31 7 5 years. 7 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3. A grocer has a sale of Rs. 6435, Rs. 6927, Rs. 6855, Rs. 7230 and Rs. 6562 for 5 consecutive months. How much sale must he have in the sixth month so that he gets an average sale of Rs. 6500? A. Rs. 4991 B. Rs. 5991 C. Rs. 6001 D. Rs. 6991 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Total sale for 5 months = Rs. (6435 + 6927 + 6855 + 7230 + 6562) = Rs. 34009. Required sale = Rs. [ (6500 x 6) - 34009 ] = Rs. (39000 - 34009) = Rs. 4991. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4. The average of 20 numbers is zero. Of them, at the most, how many may be greater than zero? A. 0 B. 1 C. 10 D. 19 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Average of 20 numbers = 0. Sum of 20 numbers (0 x 20) = 0. It is quite possible that 19 of these numbers may be positive and if their sum is a then 20th number is (-a). View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 5. The average weight of 8 person's increases by 2.5 kg when a new person comes in place of one of them weighing 65 kg. What might be the weight of the new person? A. 76 kg B. 76.5 kg C. 85 kg D. Data inadequate E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Total weight increased = (8 x 2.5) kg = 20 kg. Weight of new person = (65 + 20) kg = 85 kg. 6. The captain of a cricket team of 11 members is 26 years old and the wicket keeper is 3 years older. If the ages of these two are excluded, the average age of the remaining players is one year less than the average age of the whole team. What is the average age of the team? A. 23 years B. 24 years C. 25 years D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Let the average age of the whole team by x years. 11x - (26 + 29) = 9(x -1) 11x - 9x = 46 2x = 46 x = 23. So, average age of the team is 23 years. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. The average monthly income of P and Q is Rs. 5050. The average monthly income of Q and R is Rs. 6250 and the average monthly income of P and R is Rs. 5200. The monthly income of P is: A. 3500 B. 4000 C. 4050 D. 5000 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let P, Q and R represent their respective monthly incomes. Then, we have: P + Q = (5050 x 2) = 10100 .... (i) Q + R = (6250 x 2) = 12500 .... (ii) P + R = (5200 x 2) = 10400 .... (iii) Adding (i), (ii) and (iii), we get: 2(P + Q + R) = 33000 or P + Q + R = 16500 .... (iv) Subtracting (ii) from (iv), we get P = 4000. P's monthly income = Rs. 4000. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 8. The average age of husband, wife and their child 3 years ago was 27 years and that of wife and the child 5 years ago was 20 years. The present age of the husband is: A. 35 years B. 40 years C. 50 years D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Sum of the present ages of husband, wife and child = (27 x 3 + 3 x 3) years = 90 years. Sum of the present ages of wife and child = (20 x 2 + 5 x 2) years = 50 years. Husband's present age = (90 - 50) years = 40 years. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. A car owner buys petrol at Rs.7.50, Rs. 8 and Rs. 8.50 per litre for three successive years. What approximately is the average cost per litre of petrol if he spends Rs. 4000 each year? A. Rs. 7.98 B. Rs. 8 C. Rs. 8.50 D. Rs. 9 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Total quantity of petrol consumed in 3 years 4000 = 7.50 + 4000 8 + 4000 8.50 litres = 4000 + 2 + 1 15 litres 2 8 17 76700 = litres 51 Total amount spent = Rs. (3 x 4000) = Rs. 12000. Average cost = Rs. 12000 x 51 = Rs. 6120 76700 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum = Rs. 7.98 767 10. In Arun's opinion, his weight is greater than 65 kg but less than 72 kg. His brother doest not agree with Arun and he thinks that Arun's weight is greater than 60 kg but less than 70 kg. His mother's view is that his weight cannot be greater than 68 kg. If all are them are correct in their estimation, what is the average of different probable weights of Arun? A. 67 kg. B. 68 kg. C. 69 kg. D. Data inadequate E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Let Arun's weight by X kg. According to Arun, 65 < X < 72 According to Arun's brother, 60 < X < 70. According to Arun's mother, X <= 68 The values satisfying all the above conditions are 66, 67 and 68. Required average = 66 + 67 + 68 3 = 201 3 = 67 kg. 11. The average weight of A, B and C is 45 kg. If the average weight of A and B be 40 kg and that of B and C be 43 kg, then the weight of B is: A. 17 kg B. 20 kg C. 26 kg D. 31 kg Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let A, B, C represent their respective weights. Then, we have: A + B + C = (45 x 3) = 135 .... (i) A + B = (40 x 2) = 80 .... (ii) B + C = (43 x 2) = 86 ....(iii) Adding (ii) and (iii), we get: A + 2B + C = 166 .... (iv) Subtracting (i) from (iv), we get : B = 31. B's weight = 31 kg. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. The average weight of 16 boys in a class is 50.25 kg and that of the remaining 8 boys is 45.15 kg. Find the average weights of all the boys in the class. A. 47.55 kg B. 48 kg C. 48.55 kg D. 49.25 kg Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Required average 50.25 x 16 + 45.15 x 8 = 16 + 8 = 804 + 361.20 24 1165.20 = 24 = 48.55 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 13. A library has an average of 510 visitors on Sundays and 240 on other days. The average number of visitors per day in a month of 30 days beginning with a Sunday is: A. 250 B. 276 C. 280 D. 285 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Since the month begins with a Sunday, to there will be five Sundays in the month. Required average 510 x 5 + 240 x 25 = 30 8550 = 30 = 285 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. If the average marks of three batches of 55, 60 and 45 students respectively is 50, 55, 60, then the average marks of all the students is: A. 53.33 B. 54.68 C. 55 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Required average 55 x 50 + 60 x 55 + 45 x 60 = 55 + 60 + 45 = 2750 + 3300 + 2700 160 8750 = 160 = 54.68 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 15. A pupil's marks were wrongly entered as 83 instead of 63. Due to that the average marks for the class got increased by half (1/2). The number of pupils in the class is: A. 10 B. 20 C. 40 D. 73 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let there be x pupils in the class. Total increase in marks = x 2 = (83 - 63) xx x 2 = 20 1 2 x= 40. = x 2 Problems on H.C.F and L.C.M Formulas 1. Factors and Multiples: If number a divided another number b exactly, we say that a is a factor of b. In this case, b is called a multiple of a. 2. Highest Common Factor (H.C.F.) or Greatest Common Measure (G.C.M.) or Greatest Common Divisor (G.C.D.): The H.C.F. of two or more than two numbers is the greatest number that divides each of them exactly. There are two methods of finding the H.C.F. of a given set of numbers: I. II. Factorization Method: Express the each one of the given numbers as the product of prime factors. The product of least powers of common prime factors gives H.C.F. Division Method: Suppose we have to find the H.C.F. of two given numbers, divide the larger by the smaller one. Now, divide the divisor by the remainder. Repeat the process of dividing the preceding number by the remainder last obtained till zero is obtained as remainder. The last divisor is required H.C.F. Finding the H.C.F. of more than two numbers: Suppose we have to find the H.C.F. of three numbers, then, H.C.F. of [(H.C.F. of any two) and (the third number)] gives the H.C.F. of three given number. Similarly, the H.C.F. of more than three numbers may be obtained. 3. Least Common Multiple (L.C.M.): The least number which is exactly divisible by each one of the given numbers is called their L.C.M. There are two methods of finding the L.C.M. of a given set of numbers: I. II. Factorization Method: Resolve each one of the given numbers into a product of prime factors. Then, L.C.M. is the product of highest powers of all the factors. Division Method (short-cut): Arrange the given numbers in a rwo in any order. Divide by a number which divided exactly at least two of the given numbers and carry forward the numbers which are not divisible. Repeat the above process till no two of the numbers are divisible by the same number except 1. The product of the divisors and the undivided numbers is the required L.C.M. of the given numbers. 4. Product of two numbers = Product of their H.C.F. and L.C.M. 5. Co-primes: Two numbers are said to be co-primes if their H.C.F. is 1. 6. H.C.F. and L.C.M. of Fractions: 1. H.C.F. = 2. L.C.M. = 8. H.C.F. and L.C.M. of Decimal Fractions: H.C.F. of Numerators L.C.M. of Denominators L.C.M. of Numerators H.C.F. of Denominators In a given numbers, make the same number of decimal places by annexing zeros in some numbers, if necessary. Considering these numbers without decimal point, find H.C.F. or L.C.M. as the case may be. Now, in the result, mark off as many decimal places as are there in each of the given numbers. 9. Comparison of Fractions: Find the L.C.M. of the denominators of the given fractions. Convert each of the fractions into an equivalent fraction with L.C.M as the denominator, by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by the same number. The resultant fraction with the greatest numerator is the greatest. 1. Find the greatest number that will divide 43, 91 and 183 so as to leave the same remainder in each case. A. 4 B. 7 C. 9 D. 13 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Required number = H.C.F. of (91 - 43), (183 - 91) and (183 - 43) = H.C.F. of 48, 92 and 140 = 4. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2. The H.C.F. of two numbers is 23 and the other two factors of their L.C.M. are 13 and 14. The larger of the two numbers is: A. 276 B. 299 C. 322 D. 345 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Clearly, the numbers are (23 x 13) and (23 x 14). Larger number = (23 x 14) = 322. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3. Six bells commence tolling together and toll at intervals of 2, 4, 6, 8 10 and 12 seconds respectively. In 30 minutes, how many times do they toll together ? A. 4 B. 10 C. 15 D. 16 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: L.C.M. of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 is 120. So, the bells will toll together after every 120 seconds(2 minutes). 30 In 30 minutes, they will toll together + 1 = 16 times. 2 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4. Let N be the greatest number that will divide 1305, 4665 and 6905, leaving the same remainder in each case. Then sum of the digits in N is: A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 8 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: N = H.C.F. of (4665 - 1305), (6905 - 4665) and (6905 - 1305) = H.C.F. of 3360, 2240 and 5600 = 1120. Sum of digits in N = ( 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 ) = 4 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 5. The greatest number of four digits which is divisible by 15, 25, 40 and 75 is: A. 9000 B. 9400 C. 9600 D. 9800 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Greatest number of 4-digits is 9999. L.C.M. of 15, 25, 40 and 75 is 600. On dividing 9999 by 600, the remainder is 399. Required number (9999 - 399) = 9600. 6. The product of two numbers is 4107. If the H.C.F. of these numbers is 37, then the greater number is: A. 101 B. 107 C. 111 D. 185 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let the numbers be 37a and 37b. Then, 37a x 37b = 4107 ab = 3. Now, co-primes with product 3 are (1, 3). So, the required numbers are (37 x 1, 37 x 3) i.e., (37, 111). Greater number = 111. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. Three number are in the ratio of 3 : 4 : 5 and their L.C.M. is 2400. Their H.C.F. is: A. 40 B. 80 C. 120 D. 200 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Let the numbers be 3x, 4x and 5x. Then, their L.C.M. = 60x. So, 60x = 2400 or x = 40. The numbers are (3 x 40), (4 x 40) and (5 x 40). Hence, required H.C.F. = 40. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 8. The G.C.D. of 1.08, 0.36 and 0.9 is: A. 0.03 B. 0.9 C. 0.18 D. 0.108 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Given numbers are 1.08, 0.36 and 0.90. H.C.F. of 108, 36 and 90 is 18, H.C.F. of given numbers = 0.18. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. The product of two numbers is 2028 and their H.C.F. is 13. The number of such pairs is: A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 10. The least multiple of 7, which leaves a remainder of 4, when divided by 6, 9, 15 and 18 is: A. 74 B. 94 C. 184 D. 364 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: L.C.M. of 6, 9, 15 and 18 is 90. Let required number be 90k + 4, which is multiple of 7. Least value of k for which (90k + 4) is divisible by 7 is k = 4. Required number = (90 x 4) + 4 = 364 16. The H.C.F. of two numbers is 11 and their L.C.M. is 7700. If one of the numbers is 275, then the other is: A. 279 B. 283 C. 308 D. 318 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 11 x 7700 Other number = = 308. 275 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 17. What will be the least number which when doubled will be exactly divisible by 12, 18, 21 and 30 ? A. 196 B. 630 C. 1260 D. 2520 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: L.C.M. of 12, 18, 21 30 2 | 12 - 18 - 21 - 30 ---------------------------3 | 6 9 - 21 - 15 ---------------------------| 2 3 7 5 = 2 x 3 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 5 = 1260. Required number = (1260 ÷ 2) = 630. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 18. The ratio of two numbers is 3 : 4 and their H.C.F. is 4. Their L.C.M. is: A. 12 B. 16 C. 24 D. 48 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let the numbers be 3x and 4x. Then, their H.C.F. = x. So, x = 4. So, the numbers 12 and 16. L.C.M. of 12 and 16 = 48. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 19. The smallest number which when diminished by 7, is divisible 12, 16, 18, 21 and 28 is: A. 1008 B. 1015 C. 1022 D. 1032 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Required number = (L.C.M. of 12,16, 18, 21, 28) + 7 = 1008 + 7 = 1015 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 20. 252 can be expressed as a product of primes as: A. 2x2x3x3x7 B. 2x2x2x3x7 C. 3x3x3x3x7 D. 2x3x3x3x7 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Clearly, 252 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7. 26. The greatest number which on dividing 1657 and 2037 leaves remainders 6 and 5 respectively, is: A. 123 B. 127 C. 235 D. 305 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Required number = H.C.F. of (1657 - 6) and (2037 - 5) = H.C.F. of 1651 and 2032 = 127. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 27. Which of the following has the most number of divisors? A. 99 B. 101 C. 176 D. 182 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 99 = 1 x 3 x 3 x 11 101 = 1 x 101 176 = 1 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 11 182 = 1 x 2 x 7 x 13 So, divisors of 99 are 1, 3, 9, 11, 33, .99 Divisors of 101 are 1 and 101 Divisors of 176 are 1, 2, 4, 8, 11, 16, 22, 44, 88 and 176 Divisors of 182 are 1, 2, 7, 13, 14, 26, 91 and 182. Hence, 176 has the most number of divisors. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 28. The L.C.M. of two numbers is 48. The numbers are in the ratio 2 : 3. Then sum of the number is: A. 28 B. 32 C. 40 D. 64 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let the numbers be 2x and 3x. Then, their L.C.M. = 6x. So, 6x = 48 or x = 8. The numbers are 16 and 24. Hence, required sum = (16 + 24) = 40. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 29. 9 The H.C.F. of 12 18 , 21 , 10 and 25 40 3 A. 252 B. 5 5 3 C. is: 35 63 D. 1400 700 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 30. If the sum of two numbers is 55 and the H.C.F. and L.C.M. of these numbers are 5 and 120 respectively, then the sum of the reciprocals of the numbers is equal to: 55 A. 601 B. 601 55 11 C. 120 D. 120 11 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let the numbers be a and b. Then, a + b = 55 and ab = 5 x 120 = 600. The required sum = 1 1 + a a+b = b 55 = ab 11 = 600 120 Square Root and Cube Root Formulas 1. Square Root: If x2 = y, we say that the square root of y is x and we write y = x. Thus, 4 = 2, 9 = 3, 196 = 14. 2. Cube Root: The cube root of a given number x is the number whose cube is x. We, denote the cube root of x by x. Thus, 8 = 2 x 2 x 2 = 2, 343 = 7 x 7 x 7 = 7 etc. Note: 1. xy = x x y x 2. 1. x = y y x = y x y y = xy . y The cube root of .000216 is: A. .6 B. .06 C. 77 D. 87 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 216 (.000216)1/3 1/3 = 106 6x6x6 1/3 = 102 x 102 x 102 6 = 102 6 = 100 = 0.06 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2. x What should come in place of both x in the equation 128 A. 12 B. 14 162 = . x C. 144 D. 196 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: x 162 Let = 128 x Then x2 = 128 x 162 = 64 x 2 x 18 x 9 = 82 x 62 x 32 =8x6x3 = 144. x = 144 = 12. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3. The least perfect square, which is divisible by each of 21, 36 and 66 is: A. 213444 B. 214344 C. 214434 D. 231444 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: L.C.M. of 21, 36, 66 = 2772. Now, 2772 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 11 To make it a perfect square, it must be multiplied by 7 x 11. So, required number = 22 x 32 x 72 x 112 = 213444 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4. 1.5625 = ? A. 1.05 B. 1.25 C. 1.45 D. 1.55 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 1|1.5625( 1.25 |1 |------22| 56 | 44 |------245| 1225 | 1225 |------| X |------- 1.5625 = 1.25. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 5. If 35 + 125 = 17.88, then what will be the value of 80 + 65 ? A. 13.41 B. 20.46 C. 21.66 D. 22.35 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: 35 + 125 = 17.88 35 + 25 x 5 = 17.88 35 + 55 = 17.88 85 = 17.88 5 = 2.235 80 + 65 = 16 x 5 + 65 = 45 + 65 = 105 = (10 x 2.235) = 22.35 6. If a = 0.1039, then the value of 4a2 - 4a + 1 + 3a is: A. 0.1039 B. 0.2078 C. 1.1039 D. 2.1039 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 4a2 - 4a + 1 + 3a = (1)2 + (2a)2 - 2 x 1 x 2a + 3a = (1 - 2a)2 + 3a = (1 - 2a) + 3a = (1 + a) = (1 + 0.1039) = 1.1039 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. 3+1 3-1 If x = and y = 3-1 , then the value of (x2 + y2) is: 3+1 A. 10 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: (3 + 1) x= (3 + 1) x (3 - 1) x = (3 - 1) (3 - 1) (3 + 1) 3 + 1 + 23 = (3 + 1) (3 - 1) y= (3 + 1)2 (3 - 1)2 3 + 1 - 23 = (3 - 1) = 2 + 3. 2 = (3 - 1) = 2 - 3. 2 x2 + y2 = (2 + 3)2 + (2 - 3)2 = 2(4 + 3) = 14 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 8. A group of students decided to collect as many paise from each member of group as is the number of members. If the total collection amounts to Rs. 59.29, the number of the member is the group is: A. 57 B. 67 C. 77 D. 87 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Money collected = (59.29 x 100) paise = 5929 paise. Number of members = 5929 = 77. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. The square root of (7 + 35) (7 - 35) is A. 5 B. C. 4 D. 2 35 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: (7 + 35)(7 - 35) = (7)2 - (35)2 = 49 - 45 = 4 = 2. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 10. 5 10 If 5 = 2.236, then the value of - + 125 is equal to: 2 5 A. 5.59 B. 7.826 C. 8.944 D. 10.062 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 5 10 (5)2 - 20 + 25 x 55 - + 125 2 = 5 25 5 - 20 + 50 = 25 35 5 = x 25 5 355 = 10 7 x 2.236 = 2 = 7 x 1.118 = 7.826 11. 625 14 x 11 11 x 25 is equal to: 196 A. 5 B. 6 C. 8 D. 11 25 x Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Given Expression = 11 14 5 x 11 14 = 5. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. 0.0169 x ? = 1.3 A. 10 B. 100 C. 1000 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let 0.0169 x x = 1.3. Then, 0.0169x = (1.3)2 = 1.69 1.69 x= = 100 0.0169 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 13. 1 2 3- simplifies to: 3 3 A. 4 B. 4 3 4 C. D. 3 None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 1 1 2 3- = (3)2 + 1 2 -2x3x 3 3 3 1 =3+ -2 3 1 =1+ 3 4 = 3 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. How many two-digit numbers satisfy this property.: The last digit (unit's digit) of the square of the two-digit number is 8 ? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: A number ending in 8 can never be a perfect square. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 15. The square root of 64009 is: A. 253 B. 347 C. 363 D. 803 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 2|64009( 253 |4 |---------45|240 |225 |---------503| 1509 | 1509 |---------| X |---------64009 = 253 Chain Rule Formulas 1. Direct Proportion: Two quantities are said to be directly proportional, if on the increase (or decrease) of the one, the other increases (or decreases) to the same extent. Eg. Cost is directly proportional to the number of articles. (More Articles, More Cost) 2. Indirect Proportion: Two quantities are said to be indirectly proportional, if on the increase of the one, the orther decreases to the same extent and vice-versa. Eg. The time taken by a car is covering a certain distance is inversely proportional to the speed of the car. (More speed, Less is the time taken to cover a distance.) Note: In solving problems by chain rule, we compare every item with the term to be found out. 1. 3 pumps, working 8 hours a day, can empty a tank in 2 days. How many hours a day must 4 pumps work to empty the tank in 1 day? A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 12 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let the required number of working hours per day be x. More pumps, Less working hours per day (Indirect Proportion) Less days, More working hours per day (Indirect Proportion) Pumps 4 : 3 :: 8 : x Days 1 : 2 4x1xx=3x2x8 (3 x 2 x 8) x= (4) x = 12. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2. If the cost of x metres of wire is d rupees, then what is the cost of y metres of wire at the same rate? xy Rs. A. d B. Rs. (xd) yd C. Rs. (yd) Rs. D. x Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Cost of x metres = Rs. d. d Cost of 1 metre = Rs. x d Cost of y metres = Rs. yd .y x = Rs. x . View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3. Running at the same constant rate, 6 identical machines can produce a total of 270 bottles per minute. At this rate, how many bottles could 10 such machines produce in 4 minutes? A. 648 B. 1800 C. 2700 D. 10800 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let the required number of bottles be x. More machines, More bottles (Direct Proportion) More minutes, More bottles (Direct Proportion) Machines 6 : 10 :: 270 : x Time (in minutes) 1 : 4 6 x 1 x x = 10 x 4 x 270 (10 x 4 x 270) x= (6) x = 1800. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4. A fort had provision of food for 150 men for 45 days. After 10 days, 25 men left the fort. The number of days for which the remaining food will last, is: 1 29 A. C. 5 42 1 37 B. D. 4 54 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: After 10 days : 150 men had food for 35 days. Suppose 125 men had food for x days. Now, Less men, More days (Indirect Proportion) 125 : 150 :: 35 : x 125 x x = 150 x 35 x= 150 x 35 125 x = 42. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 5. 39 persons can repair a road in 12 days, working 5 hours a day. In how many days will 30 persons, working 6 hours a day, complete the work? A. 10 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let the required number of days be x. Less persons, More days (Indirect Proportion) More working hours per day, Less days (Indirect Proportion) Persons 30 : 39 :: 12 : x Working hours/day 6 : 5 30 x 6 x x = 39 x 5 x 12 (39 x 5 x 12) x= (30 x 6) x = 13 6. A man completes finish the job? A. of a job in 10 days. At this rate, how many more days will it takes him to 5 B. 6 1 C. 7 D. 7 2 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 5 Work done = 8 5 Balance work = 1- 3 = 8 8 Let the required number of days be x. 5 3 Then, 5 : 3 = :: 10 : x 8 xx= 8 8 3 x= x 10 8 8 x 10 x 8 5 x = 6. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. If a quarter kg of potato costs 60 paise, how many paise will 200 gm cost? A. 48 paise B. 54 paise C. 56 paise D. 72 paise Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Let the required weight be x kg. Less weight, Less cost (Direct Proportion) 250 : 200 :: 60 : x 250 x x = (200 x 60) (200 x 60) x= 250 x = 48. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 8. In a dairy farm, 40 cows eat 40 bags of husk in 40 days. In how many days one cow will eat one bag of husk? 1 A. 1 B. C. 40 D. Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let the required number of days be x. Less cows, More days (Indirect Proportion) Less bags, Less days (Direct Proportion) 40 80 Cows 1 : 40 :: 40 : x Bags 40 : 1 1 x 40 x x = 40 x 1 x 40 x = 40. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. A wheel that has 6 cogs is meshed with a larger wheel of 14 cogs. When the smaller wheel has made 21 revolutions, then the number of revolutions mad by the larger wheel is: A. 4 B. 9 C. 12 D. 49 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let the required number of revolutions made by larger wheel be x. Then, More cogs, Less revolutions (Indirect Proportion) 14 : 6 :: 21 : x 14 x x = 6 x 21 6 x 21 x= 14 x = 9. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 10. If 7 spiders make 7 webs in 7 days, then 1 spider will make 1 web in how many days? 7 A. 1 B. C. 7 D. 2 49 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let the required number days be x. Less spiders, More days (Indirect Proportion) Less webs, Less days (Direct Proportion) Spiders 1 : 7 :: 7 : x Webs 7 : 1 1x7xx=7x1x7 x = 7. 11. A flagstaff 17.5 m high casts a shadow of length 40.25 m. The height of the building, which casts a shadow of length 28.75 m under similar conditions will be: A. 10 m B. 12.5 m C. 17.5 m D. 21.25 m Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let the height of the building x metres. Less lengthy shadow, Less in the height (Direct Proportion) 40.25 : 28.75 :: 17.5 : x 40.25 x x = 28.75 x 17.5 28.75 x 17.5 x= 40.25 x = 12.5 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. In a camp, there is a meal for 120 men or 200 children. If 150 children have taken the meal, how many men will be catered to with remaining meal? A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. 50 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: There is a meal for 200 children. 150 children have taken the meal. Remaining meal is to be catered to 50 children. Now, 200 children 120 men. 120 50 children x 50 200 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum = 30 men. 13. An industrial loom weaves 0.128 metres of cloth every second. Approximately, how many seconds will it take for the loom to weave 25 metres of cloth? A. 178 B. 195 C. 204 D. 488 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Le the required time be x seconds. More metres, More time (Direct Proportion) 0.128 : 25 :: 1 : x 0.128x = 25 x 1 25 x= 25 x 1000 = 0.128 128 x = 195.31. Required time = 195 sec (approximately). View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. 36 men can complete a piece of work in 18 days. In how many days will 27 men complete the same work? A. 12 B. 18 C. 22 D. 24 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let the required number of days be x. Less men, More days (Indirect Proportion) 27 : 36 :: 18 : x 27 x x = 36 x 18 x= 36 x 18 27 x = 24. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 15. 4 mat-weavers can weave 4 mats in 4 days. At the same rate, how many mats would be woven by 8 mat-weavers in 8 days? A. 4 B. 8 C. 12 D. 16 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let the required number of bottles be x. More weavers, More mats (Direct Proportion) More days, More mats (Direct Proportion) Wavers 4 : 8 :: 4 : x Days 4 : 8 4x4xx=8x8x4 (8 x 8 x 4) x= (4 x 4) x = 16. Time and Distance Formulas 1. Speed, Time and Distance: Speed = 2. Distance Time , Speed , Distance = (Speed x Time). xx 5 xx 18 km/hr. 5 If the ratio of the speeds of A and B is a : b, then the ratio of the the times taken by then to cover the same distance is 5. m/sec. 18 m/sec to km/hr conversion: x m/sec = 4. Distance km/hr to m/sec conversion: x km/hr = 3. Time = 1 a : 1 b or b : a. Suppose a man covers a certain distance at x km/hr and an equal distance at y km/hr. Then, the average speed during the whole journey is 2xy x+y km/hr. 1. A person crosses a 600 m long street in 5 minutes. What is his speed in km per hour? A. 3.6 B. 7.2 C. 8.4 D. 10 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 600 Speed = 5 x 60 m/sec. = 2 m/sec. Converting m/sec to km/hr (see important formulas section) = 18 2x km/hr 5 = 7.2 km/hr. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2. An aeroplane covers a certain distance at a speed of 240 kmph in 5 hours. To cover the same distance in 1 hours, it must travel at a speed of: A. 300 kmph B. 360 kmph C. 600 kmph D. 720 kmph Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Distance = (240 x 5) = 1200 km. Speed = Distance/Time Speed = 1200/(5/3) km/hr. [We can write 1 Required speed = hours as 5/3 hours] 1200 x 3 5 km/hr = 720 km/hr. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3. If a person walks at 14 km/hr instead of 10 km/hr, he would have walked 20 km more. The actual distance travelled by him is: A. 50 km B. 56 km C. 70 km D. 80 km Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Let the actual distance travelled be x km. x Then, x + 20 = 10 14 14x = 10x + 200 4x = 200 x = 50 km. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4. A train can travel 50% faster than a car. Both start from point A at the same time and reach point B 75 kms away from A at the same time. On the way, however, the train lost about 12.5 minutes while stopping at the stations. The speed of the car is: A. 100 kmph B. 110 kmph C. 120 kmph D. 130 kmph Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let speed of the car be x kmph. 150 Then, speed of the train = 75 x 75 75 3 = 2 50 - x 25 x24 x kmph. 125 = (3/2)x x x= 100 x 10 x 60 = 5 24 = 120 kmph. 5 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 5. Excluding stoppages, the speed of a bus is 54 kmph and including stoppages, it is 45 kmph. For how many minutes does the bus stop per hour? A. 9 B. 10 C. 12 D. 20 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Due to stoppages, it covers 9 km less. 9 54 6. In a flight of 600 km, an aircraft was slowed down due to bad weather. Its average speed for the trip was reduced by 200 km/hr and the time of flight increased by 30 minutes. The duration of the flight is: A. 1 hour B. 2 hours C. 3 hours D. 4 hours Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Let the duration of the flight be x hours. 600 Then, 600 - x 600 x + (1/2) 1200 - x 2x + 1 = 200 = 200 x(2x + 1) = 3 2x2 + x - 3 = 0 (2x + 3)(x - 1) = 0 x = 1 hr. [neglecting the -ve value of x] View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. A man complete a journey in 10 hours. He travels first half of the journey at the rate of 21 km/hr and second half at the rate of 24 km/hr. Find the total journey in km. A. 220 km B. 224 km C. 230 km D. 234 km Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: (1/2)x (1/2)x + 21 x 21 24 x + 24 = 10 = 20 15x = 168 x 20 x= 168 x 20 = 224 km. 15 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 8. The ratio between the speeds of two trains is 7 : 8. If the second train runs 400 km in 4 hours, then the speed of the first train is: A. 70 km/hr B. 75 km/hr C. 84 km/hr D. 87.5 km/hr Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let the speed of two trains be 7x and 8x km/hr. 400 Then, 8x = = 100 4 100 x= = 12.5 8 Speed of first train = (7 x 12.5) km/hr = 87.5 km/hr. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. A man on tour travels first 160 km at 64 km/hr and the next 160 km at 80 km/hr. The average speed for the first 320 km of the tour is: A. 35.55 km/hr B. 36 km/hr C. 71.11 km/hr D. 71 km/hr Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 160 Total time taken = Average speed = 160 + 64 80 hrs. 2 320 x 9 9 = hrs. 2 = 71.11 km/hr. km/hr View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 10. A car travelling with speed of the car. A. 17 C. 30 km/hr of its actual speed covers 42 km in 1 hr 40 min 48 sec. Find the actual 6 km/hr 7 B. 25 km/hr D. 35 km/hr Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Time taken = 1 hr 40 min 48 sec = 1 hr 40 4 5 min = 1 51 75 hrs = Let the actual speed be x km/hr. Then, 5 7 xx 126 75 = 42 126 75 hrs. 42 x 7 x 75 x= = 35 km/hr. 5 x 126 11. In covering a distance of 30 km, Abhay takes 2 hours more than Sameer. If Abhay doubles his speed, then he would take 1 hour less than Sameer. Abhay's speed is: A. 5 kmph B. 6 kmph C. 6.25 kmph D. 7.5 kmph Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Let Abhay's speed be x km/hr. Then, 30 x - 30 =3 2x 6x = 30 x = 5 km/hr. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. Robert is travelling on his cycle and has calculated to reach point A at 2 P.M. if he travels at 10 kmph, he will reach there at 12 noon if he travels at 15 kmph. At what speed must he travel to reach A at 1 P.M.? A. 8 kmph B. 11 kmph C. 12 kmph D. 14 kmph Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let the distance travelled by x km. Then, x 10 - x =2 15 3x - 2x = 60 x = 60 km. 60 Time taken to travel 60 km at 10 km/hr = 10 hrs = 6 hrs. So, Robert started 6 hours before 2 P.M. i.e., at 8 A.M. Required speed = View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 60 5 kmph. = 12 kmph. 13. It takes eight hours for a 600 km journey, if 120 km is done by train and the rest by car. It takes 20 minutes more, if 200 km is done by train and the rest by car. The ratio of the speed of the train to that of the cars is: A. 2:3 B. 3:2 C. 3:4 D. 4:3 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let the speed of the train be x km/hr and that of the car be y km/hr. Then, And, 120 x 200 x + + 480 1 =8 y 400 = y 25 x 1 3 x + + 4 y 2 y = = 1 ....(i) 15 1 ....(ii) 24 Solving (i) and (ii), we get: x = 60 and y = 80. Ratio of speeds = 60 : 80 = 3 : 4. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. A farmer travelled a distance of 61 km in 9 hours. He travelled partly on foot @ 4 km/hr and partly on bicycle @ 9 km/hr. The distance travelled on foot is: A. 14 km B. 15 km C. 16 km D. 17 km Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let the distance travelled on foot be x km. Then, distance travelled on bicycle = (61 -x) km. So, x 4 + (61 -x) 9 =9 9x + 4(61 -x) = 9 x 36 5x = 80 x = 16 km. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 15. A man covered a certain distance at some speed. Had he moved 3 kmph faster, he would have taken 40 minutes less. If he had moved 2 kmph slower, he would have taken 40 minutes more. The distance (in km) is: A. 35 36 B. 1 37 C. 2 D. 2 3 40 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let distance = x km and usual rate = y kmph. Then, And, x y x y -2 x y+3 x y = = 40 60 40 60 2y(y + 3) = 9x ....(i) y(y - 2) = 3x ....(ii) On dividing (i) by (ii), we get: x = 40 Area Formulas FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS 1. Results on Triangles: i. Sum of the angles of a triangle is 180°. ii. The sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side. iii. Pythagoras Theorem: In a right-angled triangle, (Hypotenuse)2 = (Base)2 + (Height)2. 2. iv. The line joining the mid-point of a side of a triangle to the positive vertex is called the median. v. The point where the three medians of a triangle meet, is called centroid. The centroid divided each of the medians in the ratio 2 : 1. vi. In an isosceles triangle, the altitude from the vertex bisects the base. vii. The median of a triangle divides it into two triangles of the same area. viii. The area of the triangle formed by joining the mid-points of the sides of a given triangle is one-fourth of the area of the given triangle. Results on Quadrilaterals: i. The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other. ii. Each diagonal of a parallelogram divides it into triangles of the same area. iii. The diagonals of a rectangle are equal and bisect each other. iv. The diagonals of a square are equal and bisect each other at right angles. v. The diagonals of a rhombus are unequal and bisect each other at right angles. vi. A parallelogram and a rectangle on the same base and between the same parallels are equal in area. vii. Of all the parallelogram of given sides, the parallelogram which is a rectangle has the greatest area. IMPORTANT FORMULAE I. 1. Area of a rectangle = (Length x Breadth). Area Length = II. III. IV. V. 2. Breadth Area of a square = (side)2 = (diagonal)2. Area of 4 walls of a room = 2 (Length + Breadth) x Height. 1. Area of a triangle = 2. Area of a triangle = s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c) x Base x Height. 6. 4. Radius of incircle of an equilateral triangle of side a = VIII. Radius of incircle of a triangle of area 2. Area of a rhombus = 3. Area of a trapezium = 1. Area of a circle = 2. Circumference of a circle = 2 R. 1. a 23 a 3 and semi-perimeter s = . . s x (Product of diagonals). x (sum of parallel sides) x distance between them. R2, where R is the radius. 2 R Length of an arc = Area of semi-circle = , where 360 1 Area of a sector = Circumference of a semi-circle = 2. x (side)2. 4 Radius of circumcircle of an equilateral triangle of side a = Area of parallelogram = (Base x Height). 4. 3 Area of an equilateral triangle = 1. 3. (a + b + c). 3. 5. VII. . Length Perimeter of a rectangle = 2(Length + Breadth). where a, b, c are the sides of the triangle and s = VI. Area and Breadth = 2 is the central angle. (arc x R) R. R2 2 . = R2 360 . 1. The ratio between the length and the breadth of a rectangular park is 3 : 2. If a man cycling along the boundary of the park at the speed of 12 km/hr completes one round in 8 minutes, then the area of the park (in sq. m) is: A. 15360 B. 153600 C. 30720 D. 307200 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 12000 Perimeter = Distance covered in 8 min. = 60 x8 m = 1600 m. Let length = 3x metres and breadth = 2x metres. Then, 2(3x + 2x) = 1600 or x = 160. Length = 480 m and Breadth = 320 m. Area = (480 x 320) m2 = 153600 m2. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2. An error 2% in excess is made while measuring the side of a square. The percentage of error in the calculated area of the square is: A. 2% B. 2.02% C. 4% D. 4.04% Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: 100 cm is read as 102 cm. A1 = (100 x 100) cm2 and A2 (102 x 102) cm2. (A2 - A1) = [(102)2 - (100)2] = (102 + 100) x (102 - 100) = 404 cm2. Percentage error = 404 100 x 100 x 100 % = 4.04% View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3. The ratio between the perimeter and the breadth of a rectangle is 5 : 1. If the area of the rectangle is 216 sq. cm, what is the length of the rectangle? A. 16 cm B. 18 cm C. 24 cm D. Data inadequate E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 2(l + b) 5 = b 1 2l + 2b = 5b 3b = 2l 2 b= l 3 Then, Area = 216 cm2 l x b = 216 2 lx 3 l = 216 l2 = 324 l = 18 cm. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4. The percentage increase in the area of a rectangle, if each of its sides is increased by 20% is: A. 40% B. 42% C. 44% D. 46% Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let original length = x metres and original breadth = y metres. Original area = (xy) m2. 120 New length = 100 120 New breadth = New Area = 100 6 5 xx 6 5 y x m y m2 6 = 5 6 = m = The difference between the original area = xy and new-area 36/25 xy is x 5 36 25 xy y m. m. m2. = (36/25)xy - xy = xy(36/25 - 1) = xy(11/25) or (11/25)xy 11 Increase % = 25 1 xy x x 100 xy % = 44%. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 5. A rectangular park 60 m long and 40 m wide has two concrete crossroads running in the middle of the park and rest of the park has been used as a lawn. If the area of the lawn is 2109 sq. m, then what is the width of the road? A. 2.91 m B. 3m C. 5.82 m D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Area of the park = (60 x 40) m2 = 2400 m2. Area of the lawn = 2109 m2. Area of the crossroads = (2400 - 2109) m2 = 291 m2. Let the width of the road be x metres. Then, 60x + 40x - x2 = 291 x2 - 100x + 291 = 0 (x - 97)(x - 3) = 0 x = 3. 6. The diagonal of the floor of a rectangular closet is 7 feet. What is the area of the closet in square feet? 5 A. C. 1 feet. The shorter side of the closet is 4 4 27 D. 1 13 B. 2 37 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Other side 15 2 2 = - 9 2 2 ft = - 225 81 4 4 ft = 144 4 ft = 6 ft. Area of closet = (6 x 4.5) sq. ft = 27 sq. ft. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. A towel, when bleached, was found to have lost 20% of its length and 10% of its breadth. The percentage of decrease in area is: A. 10% B. 10.08% C. 20% D. 28% Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let original length = x and original breadth = y. Decrease in area 80 = xy - x 100 = xy - 90 x 100 y xy 18 25 7 = Decrea se % = xy. 25 7 xy x 1 x 100 = 28%. % 25 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum xy 8. A man walked diagonally across a square lot. Approximately, what was the percent saved by not walking along the edges? A. 20 B. 24 C. 30 D. 33 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let the side of the square(ABCD) be x metres. Then, AB + BC = 2x metres. AC = 2x = (1.41x) m. Saving on 2x metres = (0.59x) m. Saving % = 0.59x 2x x 100 % = 30% (approx.) View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. The diagonal of a rectangle is 41 cm and its area is 20 sq. cm. The perimeter of the rectangle must be: A. 9 cm B. 18 cm C. 20 cm D. 41 cm Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: l2 + b2 = 41. Also, lb = 20. (l + b)2 = (l2 + b2) + 2lb = 41 + 40 = 81 (l + b) = 9. Perimeter = 2(l + b) = 18 cm. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 10. What is the least number of squares tiles required to pave the floor of a room 15 m 17 cm long and 9 m 2 cm broad? A. 814 B. 820 C. 840 D. 844 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Length of largest tile = H.C.F. of 1517 cm and 902 cm = 41 cm. Area of each tile = (41 x 41) cm2. 1517 x 902 Required number of tiles = = 814. 41 x 41 11. The difference between the length and breadth of a rectangle is 23 m. If its perimeter is 206 m, then its area is: A. 1520 m2 B. 2420 m2 C. 2480 m2 D. 2520 m2 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: We have: (l - b) = 23 and 2(l + b) = 206 or (l + b) = 103. Solving the two equations, we get: l = 63 and b = 40. Area = (l x b) = (63 x 40) m2 = 2520 m2. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. The length of a rectangle is halved, while its breadth is tripled. What is the percentage change in area? A. 25% increase B. 50% increase C. 50% decrease D. 75% decrease Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let original length = x and original breadth = y. Original area = xy. x New length = . 2 New breadth = 3y. x New area = Increase % = x 3y 2 1 2 xy x 1 xy = x 100 % 3 2 xy. = 50%. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 13. The length of a rectangular plot is 20 metres more than its breadth. If the cost of fencing the plot @ 26.50 per metre is Rs. 5300, what is the length of the plot in metres? A. 40 B. 50 C. 120 D. Data inadequate E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option E Explanation: Let breadth = x metres. Then, length = (x + 20) metres. Perimeter = 5300 m = 200 m. 26.50 2[(x + 20) + x] = 200 2x + 20 = 100 2x = 80 x = 40. Hence, length = x + 20 = 60 m. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. A rectangular field is to be fenced on three sides leaving a side of 20 feet uncovered. If the area of the field is 680 sq. feet, how many feet of fencing will be required? A. 34 B. 40 C. 68 D. 88 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: We have: l = 20 ft and lb = 680 sq. ft. So, b = 34 ft. Length of fencing = (l + 2b) = (20 + 68) ft = 88 ft. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 15. A tank is 25 m long, 12 m wide and 6 m deep. The cost of plastering its walls and bottom at 75 paise per sq. m, is: A. Rs. 456 B. Rs. 458 C. Rs. 558 D. Rs. 568 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Area to be plastered = [2(l + b) x h] + (l x b) = {[2(25 + 12) x 6] + (25 x 12)} m2 = (444 + 300) m2 = 744 m2. Cost of plastering = Rs. 744 x 75 10 Numbers Formulas 1. Some Basic Formulae: i. (a + b)(a - b) = (a2 - b2) ii. (a + b)2 = (a2 + b2 + 2ab) iii. (a - b)2 = (a2 + b2 - 2ab) iv. (a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2(ab + bc + ca) v. (a3 + b3) = (a + b)(a2 - ab + b2) vi. (a3 - b3) = (a - b)(a2 + ab + b2) vii. (a3 + b3 + c3 - 3abc) = (a + b + c)(a2 + b2 + c2 - ab - bc - ac) viii. When a + b + c = 0, then a3 + b3 + c3 = 3abc. 1. Which one of the following is not a prime number? A. 31 B. 61 C. 71 D. 91 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: 91 is divisible by 7. So, it is not a prime number. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2. 2. (112 x 54) = ? = Rs. 558. A. 67000 B. 70000 C. 76500 D. 77200 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: (112 x 54) = 112 x 10 2 4 = 112 x 104 2 4 = 1120000 16 = 70000 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3. 3. It is being given that (232 + 1) is completely divisible by a whole number. Which of the following numbers is completely divisible by this number? A. (216 + 1) B. (216 - 1) C. (7 x 223) D. (296 + 1) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let 232 = x. Then, (232 + 1) = (x + 1). Let (x + 1) be completely divisible by the natural number N. Then, (296 + 1) = [(232)3 + 1] = (x3 + 1) = (x + 1)(x2 - x + 1), which is completely divisible by N, since (x + 1) is divisible by N. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4. 4. What least number must be added to 1056, so that the sum is completely divisible by 23 ? A. 2 B. 3 C. 18 D. 21 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 23) 1056 (45 92 --136 115 --21 --Required number = (23 - 21) = 2. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 5. 5. 1397 x 1397 = ? A. 1951609 B. 1981709 C. 18362619 D. 2031719 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 1397 x 1397 = (1397)2 = (1400 - 3)2 = (1400)2 + (3)2 - (2 x 1400 x 3) = 1960000 + 9 - 8400 = 1960009 - 8400 = 1951609. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 6. 6. How many of the following numbers are divisible by 132 ? 264, 396, 462, 792, 968, 2178, 5184, 6336 A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 132 = 4 x 3 x 11 So, if the number divisible by all the three number 4, 3 and 11, then the number is divisible by 132 also. 264 11,3,4 (/) 396 11,3,4 (/) 462 11,3 (X) 792 11,3,4 (/) 968 11,4 (X) 2178 11,3 (X) 5184 3,4 (X) 6336 11,3,4 (/) Therefore the following numbers are divisible by 132 : 264, 396, 792 and 6336. Required number of number = 4. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. 7. (935421 x 625) = ? A. 575648125 B. 584638125 C. 584649125 D. 585628125 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 8. 8. The largest 4 digit number exactly divisible by 88 is: A. 9944 B. 9768 C. 9988 D. 8888 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Largest 4-digit number = 9999 88) 9999 (113 88 ---119 88 ---319 264 --55 --Required number = (9999 - 55) = 9944. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. 9. Which of the following is a prime number ? A. 33 B. 81 C. 93 D. 97 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Clearly, 97 is a prime number. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 10. 10. What is the unit digit in {(6374)1793 x (625)317 x (341491)}? A. 0 B. 2 C. 3 D. 5 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Unit digit in (6374)1793 = Unit digit in (4)1793 = Unit digit in [(42)896 x 4] = Unit digit in (6 x 4) = 4 Unit digit in (625)317 = Unit digit in (5)317 = 5 Unit digit in (341)491 = Unit digit in (1)491 = 1 Required digit = Unit digit in (4 x 5 x 1) = 0. 11. 5358 x 51 = ? A. 273258 B. 273268 C. 273348 D. 273358 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 5358 x 51 = 5358 x (50 + 1) = 5358 x 50 + 5358 x 1 = 267900 + 5358 = 273258. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. The sum of first five prime numbers is: A. 11 B. 18 C. 26 D. 28 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Required sum = (2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11) = 28. Note: 1 is not a prime number. Definition: A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number that has exactly two distinct natural number divisors: 1 and itself. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 13. The difference of two numbers is 1365. On dividing the larger number by the smaller, we get 6 as quotient and the 15 as remainder. What is the smaller number ? A. 240 B. 270 C. 295 D. 360 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let the smaller number be x. Then larger number = (x + 1365). x + 1365 = 6x + 15 5x = 1350 x = 270 Smaller number = 270. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. (12)3 x 64 ÷ 432 = ? A. 5184 B. 5060 C. 5148 D. 5084 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Given Exp. = (12)3 x 64 = (12)3 x 64 432 12 x 62 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 15. 72519 x 9999 = ? = (12)2 x 62 = (72)2 = 5184 A. 725117481 B. 674217481 C. 685126481 D. 696217481 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 72519 x 9999 = 72519 x (10000 - 1) = 72519 x 10000 - 72519 x 1 = 725190000 - 72519 = 725117481. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 16. If the number 517*324 is completely divisible by 3, then the smallest whole number in the place of * will be: A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Sum of digits = (5 + 1 + 7 + x + 3 + 2 + 4) = (22 + x), which must be divisible by 3. x = 2. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 17. The smallest 3 digit prime number is: A. 101 B. 103 C. 109 D. 113 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: The smallest 3-digit number is 100, which is divisible by 2. 100 is not a prime number. 101 < 11 and 101 is not divisible by any of the prime numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11. 101 is a prime number. Hence 101 is the smallest 3-digit prime number. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 18. Which one of the following numbers is exactly divisible by 11? A. 235641 B. 245642 C. 315624 D. 415624 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: (4 + 5 + 2) - (1 + 6 + 3) = 1, not divisible by 11. (2 + 6 + 4) - (4 + 5 + 2) = 1, not divisible by 11. (4 + 6 + 1) - (2 + 5 + 3) = 1, not divisible by 11. (4 + 6 + 1) - (2 + 5 + 4) = 0, So, 415624 is divisible by 11. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 19. (?) - 19657 - 33994 = 9999 A. 63650 B. 53760 C. 59640 D. 61560 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 19657 33994 ----53651 ----- Let x - 53651 = 9999 Then, x = 9999 + 53651 = 63650 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 20. The sum of first 45 natural numbers is: A. 1035 B. 1280 C. 2070 D. 2140 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Let Sn =(1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 45). This is an A.P. in which a =1, d =1, n = 45. Sn = n 2 [2a + (n - 1)d] = 45 2 x [2 x 1 + (45 - 1) x 1] = 45 2 x 46 = (45 x 23) = 45 x (20 + 3) = 45 x 20 + 45 x 3 = 900 + 135 = 1035. Shorcut Method: Sn = n(n + 1) 2 45(45 + 1) = = 1035. 2 21. Which of the following number is divisible by 24 ? A. 35718 B. 63810 C. 537804 D. 3125736 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: 24 = 3 x8, where 3 and 8 co-prime. Clearly, 35718 is not divisible by 8, as 718 is not divisible by 8. Similarly, 63810 is not divisible by 8 and 537804 is not divisible by 8. Consider option (D), Sum of digits = (3 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 7 + 3 + 6) = 27, which is divisible by 3. Also, 736 is divisible by 8. 3125736 is divisible by (3 x 8), i.e., 24. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 22. 753 x 753 + 247 x 247 - 753 x 247 =? 753 x 753 x 753 + 247 x 247 x 247 A. 1 253 C. 1 B. 1000 506 D. 500 None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Given Exp. = (a2 + b2 - ab) = 1 = 1 = 1 (a3 + b3) View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum (a + b) (753 + 247) 1000 23. (?) + 3699 + 1985 - 2047 = 31111 A. 34748 B. 27474 C. 30154 D. 27574 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: x + 3699 + 1985 - 2047 = 31111 x + 3699 + 1985 = 31111 + 2047 x + 5684 = 33158 x = 33158 - 5684 = 27474. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 24. If the number 481 * 673 is completely divisible by 9, then the smallest whole number in place of * will be: A. 2 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Sum of digits = (4 + 8 + 1 + x + 6 + 7 + 3) = (29 + x), which must be divisible by 9. x = 7. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 25. The difference between the local value and the face value of 7 in the numeral 32675149 is A. 75142 B. 64851 C. 5149 D. 69993 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: (Local value of 7) - (Face value of 7) = (70000 - 7) = 69993 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 26. The difference between a positive proper fraction and its reciprocal is 9/20. The fraction is: 3 A. 4 C. 3 B. 5 10 4 D. 5 3 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 1 Let the required fraction be x. Then x 1 - x2 9 = x 9 -x= 20 20 - 20x2 = 9x 20x2 + 9x - 20 = 0 20x2 + 25x - 16x - 20 = 0 5x(4x + 5) - 4(4x + 5) = 0 (4x + 5)(5x - 4) = 0 4 x= 5 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 27. On dividing a number by 56, we get 29 as remainder. On dividing the same number by 8, what will be the remainder ? A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 28. If n is a natural number, then (6n2 + 6n) is always divisible by: 20 A. 6 only B. 6 and 12 both C. 12 only D. by 18 only Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: (6n2 + 6n) = 6n(n + 1), which is always divisible by 6 and 12 both, since n(n + 1) is always even. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 29. 107 x 107 + 93 x 93 = ? A. 19578 B. 19418 C. 20098 D. 21908 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 107 x 107 + 93 x 93 = (107)2 + (93)2 = (100 + 7)2 + (100 - 7)2 = 2 x [(100)2 + 72] [Ref: (a + b)2 + (a - b)2 = 2(a2 + b2)] = 20098 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 30. What will be remainder when (6767 + 67) is divided by 68 ? A. 1 B. 63 C. 66 D. 67 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: (xn + 1) will be divisible by (x + 1) only when n is odd. (6767 + 1) will be divisible by (67 + 1) (6767 + 1) + 66, when divided by 68 will give 66 as remainder. 31. On dividing a number by 5, we get 3 as remainder. What will the remainder when the square of the this number is divided by 5 ? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 4 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let the number be x and on dividing x by 5, we get k as quotient and 3 as remainder. x = 5k + 3 x2 = (5k + 3)2 = (25k2 + 30k + 9) = 5(5k2 + 6k + 1) + 4 On dividing x2 by 5, we get 4 as remainder. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 32. How many 3-digit numbers are completely divisible 6 ? A. 149 B. 150 C. 151 D. 166 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 3-digit number divisible by 6 are: 102, 108, 114,... , 996 This is an A.P. in which a = 102, d = 6 and l = 996 Let the number of terms be n. Then tn = 996. a + (n - 1)d = 996 102 + (n - 1) x 6 = 996 6 x (n - 1) = 894 (n - 1) = 149 n = 150 Number of terms = 150. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 33. How many natural numbers are there between 23 and 100 which are exactly divisible by 6 ? A. 8 B. 11 C. 12 D. E. None of these 13 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Required numbers are 24, 30, 36, 42, ..., 96 This is an A.P. in which a = 24, d = 6 and l = 96 Let the number of terms in it be n. Then tn = 96 a + (n - 1)d = 96 24 + (n - 1) x 6 = 96 (n - 1) x 6 = 72 (n - 1) = 12 n = 13 Required number of numbers = 13. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 34. How many of the following numbers are divisible by 3 but not by 9 ? 2133, 2343, 3474, 4131, 5286, 5340, 6336, 7347, 8115, 9276 A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Marking (/) those which are are divisible by 3 by not by 9 and the others by (X), by taking the sum of digits, we get:s 2133 9 (X) 2343 12 (/) 3474 18 (X) 4131 9 (X) 5286 21 (/) 5340 12 (/) 6336 18 (X) 7347 21 (/) 8115 15 (/) 9276 24 (/) Required number of numbers = 6. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 35. (963 + 476)2 + (963 - 476)2 =? (963 x 963 + 476 x 476) A. 1449 B. 497 C. 2 D. 4 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Given Exp. = (a + b)2 + (a - b)2 = (a + b ) View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2 2 2(a2 + b2) =2 (a + b ) 2 2 36. How many 3 digit numbers are divisible by 6 in all ? A. 149 B. 150 C. 151 D. 166 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Required numbers are 102, 108, 114, ... , 996 This is an A.P. in which a = 102, d = 6 and l = 996 Let the number of terms be n. Then, a + (n - 1)d = 996 102 + (n - 1) x 6 = 996 6 x (n - 1) = 894 (n - 1) = 149 n = 150. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 37. A 3-digit number 4a3 is added to another 3-digit number 984 to give a 4-digit number 13b7, which is divisible by 11. Then, (a + b) = ? A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 15 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 4 a 3 9 8 4 13 b 7 | } | ==>a + 8 = b Also, 13 b7 is divisible by 11 ==>b - a = 8 (7 + 3) - (b + 1) = (9 - b) (9 - b) = 0 b=9 (b = 9 and a = 1) (a + b) = 10. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 38. 8597 - ? = 7429 - 4358 A. 5426 B. 5706 C. 5526 D. 5476 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 7429 -4358 ---3071 ---- Let 8597 - x = 3071 Then, x = 8597 - 3071 = 5526 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 39. The smallest prime number is: A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: The smallest prime number is 2. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 40. (12345679 x 72) = ? A. 88888888 B. 888888888 C. 898989898 D. 9999999998 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 12345679 x 72 = 12345679 x (70 +2) = 12345679 x 70 + 12345679 x 2 = 864197530 + 24691358 = 888888888 41. On dividing a number by 357, we get 39 as remainder. On dividing the same number 17, what will be the remainder ? A. 0 B. 3 C. 5 D. 11 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let x be the number and y be the quotient. Then, x = 357 x y + 39 = (17 x 21 x y) + (17 x 2) + 5 = 17 x (21y + 2) + 5) Required remainder = 5. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 42. If the product 4864 x 9 P 2 is divisible by 12, then the value of P is: A. 2 B. 5 C. 6 D. 8 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option E Explanation: Clearly, 4864 is divisible by 4. So, 9P2 must be divisible by 3. So, (9 + P + 2) must be divisible by 3. P = 1. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 43. Which one of the following is the common factor of (47 43 + 4343) and (4747 + 4347) ? A. (47 - 43) B. (47 + 43) C. (4743 + 4343) D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: When n is odd, (xn + an) is always divisible by (x + a). Each one of (4743 + 4343) and (4747 + 4347) is divisible by (47 + 43). View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 44. -84 x 29 + 365 = ? A. 2436 B. 2801 C. -2801 D. -2071 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Given Exp. = -84 x (30 - 1) + 365 = -(84 x 30) + 84 + 365 = -2520 + 449 = -2071 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 45. A number when divided by 296 leaves 75 as remainder. When the same number is divided by 37, the remainder will be: A. 1 B. 2 C. 8 D. 11 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Let x = 296q + 75 = (37 x 8q + 37 x 2) + 1 = 37 (8q + 2) + 1 Thus, when the number is divided by 37, the remainder is 1. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 46. In dividing a number by 585, a student employed the method of short division. He divided the number successively by 5, 9 and 13 (factors 585) and got the remainders 4, 8, 12 respectively. If he had divided the number by 585, the remainder would have been A. 24 B. 144 C. 292 D. 584 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: 5 | xz = 13 x 1 + 12 = 25 -------------9 | y - 4 y = 9 x z + 8 -------------13| z - 8 x = 5 x y + 4 -------------| 1 -12 = 9 x 25 + 8 = 5 x 233 + 4 = 233 = 1169 585) 1169 (1 585 --584 --Therefore, on dividing the number by 585, remainder = 584. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 47. In a division sum, the divisor is 10 times the quotient and 5 times the remainder. If the remainder is 46, what is the dividend ? A. 4236 B. 4306 C. 4336 D. 5336 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Divisor = (5 x 46) = 230 10 x Quotient = 230 230 = 10 = 23 Dividend = (Divisor x Quotient) + Remainder = (230 x 23) + 46 = 5290 + 46 = 5336. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 48. 4500 x ? = 3375 2 A. 5 1 C. E. 3 B. 4 3 D. 4 5 None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 4500 x x = 3375 337575 x= 4500100 = View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 49. What smallest number should be added to 4456 so that the sum is completely divisible by 6 ? A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 6) 4456 (742 42 --25 24 --16 12 --4 Therefore, Required number = (6 - 4) = 2. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3 4 50. What least number must be subtracted from 13601, so that the remainder is divisible by 87 ? A. 23 B. 31 C. 29 D. 37 E. 49 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 87) 13601 (156 87 ---490 435 ---551 522 --29 --Therefore, the required number = 29. 51. 476 ** 0 is divisible by both 3 and 11. The non-zero digits in the hundred's and ten's places are respectively: A. 7 and 4 B. 7 and 5 C. 8 and 5 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let the given number be 476 xy 0. Then (4 + 7 + 6 + x + y + 0) = (17 + x + y) must be divisible by 3. And, (0 + x + 7) - (y + 6 + 4) = (x - y -3) must be either 0 or 11. x-y-3=0 y=x-3 (17 + x + y) = (17 + x + x - 3) = (2x + 14) x= 2 or x = 8. x = 8 and y = 5. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 52. If the number 97215 * 6 is completely divisible by 11, then the smallest whole number in place of * will be: A. 3 B. 2 C. 1 D. E. None of these 5 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Given number = 97215x6 (6 + 5 + 2 + 9) - (x + 1 + 7) = (14 - x), which must be divisible by 11. x=3 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 53. (112 + 122 + 132 + ... + 202) = ? A. 385 B. 2485 C. 2870 D. 3255 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: (112 + 122 + 132 + ... + 202) = (12 + 22 + 32 + ... + 202) - (12 + 22 + 32 + ... + 102) 1 Ref: (12 + 22 + 32 + ... + n2) = 6 20 x 21 x 41 = 10 x 11 x 21 - 6 6 = (2870 - 385) = 2485. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 54. If the number 5 * 2 is divisible by 6, then * = ? A. 2 B. 3 C. 6 D. 7 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 6 = 3 x 2. Clearly, 5 * 2 is divisible by 2. Replace * by x. Then, (5 + x + 2) must be divisible by 3. So, x = 2. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum n(n + 1)(2n + 1) 55. Which of the following numbers will completely divide (4915 - 1) ? A. 8 B. 14 C. 46 D. 50 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: (xn - 1) will be divisibly by (x + 1) only when n is even. (4915 - 1) = {(72)15 - 1} = (730 - 1), which is divisible by (7 +1), i.e., 8. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 56. 3 9+ 2 +7+ 4 17 7+ A. - 719 9+ C. 719 E. 15 817 1020 7+ D. 1020 =? 9+ B. 1020 1 9+ 817 1020 None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Given sum 3 =9+ 2 +7+ 4 = (9 + 7 9) + + 3 - 17 9+ - 2 4 =7+ 1 15 1 17 15 765 + 120 - 68 1020 =7+ 817 1020 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 57. 1- 1 n 1- 2 n 1 A. C. + n 2 1 2 Answer & Explanation + n(n - 1) 1- 3 + ... up to n terms = ? n B. D. 1 2 None of these (n - 1) Answer: Option B Explanation: Given sum = (1 + 1 + 1 + ... to n terms) =n- n 2 1 - n + 2 n + 3 n + ... to n terms [ Ref: nth terms = (n/n) = 1] +1 1 n n+1 =n- = 2 1 (n - 1) 2 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 58. On dividing 2272 as well as 875 by 3-digit number N, we get the same remainder. The sum of the digits of N is: A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 13 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Clearly, (2272 - 875) = 1397, is exactly divisible by N. Now, 1397 = 11 x 127 The required 3-digit number is 127, the sum of whose digits is 10. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 59. A boy multiplied 987 by a certain number and obtained 559981 as his answer. If in the answer both 9 are wrong and the other digits are correct, then the correct answer would be: A. 553681 B. 555181 C. 555681 D. 556581 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 987 = 3 x 7 x 47 So, the required number must be divisible by each one of 3, 7, 47 553681 (Sum of digits = 28, not divisible by 3) 555181 (Sum of digits = 25, not divisible by 3) 555681 is divisible by 3, 7, 47. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 60. How many prime numbers are less than 50 ? A. 16 B. 15 C. 14 D. 18 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Prime numbers less than 50 are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47 Their number is 15 61. When a number is divided by 13, the remainder is 11. When the same number is divided by 17, then remainder is 9. What is the number ? A. 339 B. 349 C. 369 D. Data inadequate Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: x = 13p + 11 and x = 17q + 9 13p + 11 = 17q + 9 17q - 13p = 2 2 + 13p q= The least value of p for which q = x = (13 x 26 + 11) = (338 + 11) = 349 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 62. (51 + 52 + 53 + ... + 100) = ? 2 + 13p 17 17 is a whole number is p = 26 A. 2525 B. 2975 C. 3225 D. 3775 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Sn = (1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 50 + 51 + 52 + ... + 100) - (1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 50) 100 = 2 50 x (1 + 100) - 2 x (1 + 50) = (50 x 101) - (25 x 51) = (5050 - 1275) = 3775. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 63. (800 ÷ 64) x (1296 ÷36) = ? A. 420 B. 460 C. 500 D. 540 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option E Explanation: Given Exp. = 800 1296 x 64 36 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 64. Which natural number is nearest to 8485, which is completely divisible by 75 ? A. 8475 B. 8500 C. 8550 D. 8525 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: On dividing, we get 75) 8485 (113 75 --98 = 450 75 ---235 225 --10 --Required number = (8485 - 10) // Because 10 < (75 - 10) = 8475. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 65. If the number 42573 * is exactly divisible by 72, then the minimum value of * is: A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 E. 8 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 72 = 9 x8, where 9 and 8 are co-prime. The minimum value of x for which 73x for which 73x is divisible by 8 is, x = 6. Sum of digits in 425736 = (4 + 2 + 5 + 7 + 3 + 6) = 27, which is divisible by 9. Required value of * is 6. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 66. Which of the following numbers is divisible by each one of 3, 7, 9 and 11 ? A. 639 B. 2079 C. 3791 D. 37911 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 639 is not divisible by 7 2079 is divisible by each of 3, 7, 9, 11. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 67. Which natural number is nearest to 9217, which is completely divisible by 88 ? A. 9152 B. 9240 C. 9064 E. None of these D. 9184 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: On dividing we get, 88) 9217 (104 88 ---417 352 ---65 ---Therefore, Required number = 9217 + (88 - 65) // Because (88 - 65) < 65. = 9217 + 23 = 9240. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 68. (4300731) - ? = 2535618 A. 1865113 B. 1775123 C. 1765113 D. 1675123 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let 4300731 - x = 2535618 Then x, = 4300731 - 2535618 = 1765113 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 69. n is a whole number which when divided by 4 gives 3 as remainder. What will be the remainder when 2n is divided by 4 ? A. 3 B. 2 C. 1 D. 0 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let n = 4q + 3. Then 2n = 8q + 6 = 4(2q + 1 ) + 2. Thus, when 2n is divided by 4, the remainder is 2. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 70. (489 + 375)2 - (489 - 375)2 =? (489 x 375) A. 144 B. 864 C. 2 D. 4 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: (a + b)2 - (a - b)2 Given Exp. = ab 71. 397 x 397 + 104 x 104 + 2 x 397 x 104 = ? A. 250001 B. 251001 C. 260101 D. 261001 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Given Exp. = (397)2 + (104)2 + 2 x 397 x 104 = (397 + 104)2 = (501)2 = (500 + 1)2 = (5002) + (1)2 + (2 x 500 x 1) = 250000 + 1 + 1000 = 251001 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 72. (35423 + 7164 + 41720) - (317 x 89) = ? A. 28213 B. 84307 C. 50694 D. 56094 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: 35423 317 x 89 = 317 x (90 -1 ) = 4ab ab =4 + 7164 + 41720 ----84307 - 28213 ----56094 ----- = (317 x 90 - 317) = (28530 - 317) = 28213 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 73. (xn - an) is completely divisible by (x - a), when A. n is any natural number B. n is an even natural number C. n is and odd natural number D. n is prime Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: For every natural number n, (xn - an) is completely divisible by (x - a). View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 74. Which one of the following numbers is completely divisible by 45? A. 181560 B. 331145 C. 202860 D. 2033555 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 45 = 5 x 9, where 5 and 9 are co-primes. Unit digit must be 0 or 5 and sum of digits must be divisible by 9. Among given numbers, such number is 202860. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 75. Which of the following numbers will completely divide (325 + 326 + 327 + 328) ? A. 11 B. 16 C. 25 D. 30 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: (325 + 326 + 327 + 328) = 325 x (1 + 3 + 32 + 33) = 325 x 40 = 324 x 3 x 4 x 10 = (324 x 4 x 30), which is divisible by30. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 76. A number when divide by 6 leaves a remainder 3. When the square of the number is divided by 6, the remainder is: A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let x = 6q + 3. Then, x2 = (6q + 3)2 = 36q2 + 36q + 9 = 6(6q2 + 6q + 1) + 3 Thus, when x2 is divided by 6, then remainder = 3. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 77. The sum of the two numbers is 12 and their product is 35. What is the sum of the reciprocals of these numbers ? 12 A. 35 35 C. 1 B. 35 7 D. 8 32 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Let the numbers be a and b. Then, a + b = 12 and ab = 35. a+b ab = 12 1 35 b Sum of reciprocals of given numbers = View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 78. What will be remainder when 17200 is divided by 18 ? A. 17 B. 16 + 1 a = 12 35 12 35 C. 1 D. 2 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: When n is even. (xn - an) is completely divisibly by (x + a) (17200 - 1200) is completely divisible by (17 + 1), i.e., 18. (17200 - 1) is completely divisible by 18. On dividing 17200 by 18, we get 1 as remainder. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 79. If 1400 x x = 1050. Then, x = ? 1 A. 4 2 C. E. 3 B. 5 3 D. 3 4 None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: 1400 x x = 1050 1050 x= = 1400 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 80. (12 + 22 + 32 + ... + 102) = ? A. 330 B. 345 C. 365 D. 385 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: 1 We know that (12 + 22 + 32 + ... + n2) = Putting n = 10, required sum = 1 6 6 n(n + 1)(2n + 1) x 10 x 11 x 21 = 385 81. The difference of the squares of two consecutive even integers is divisible by which of the following integers ? 3 4 A. 3 B. 4 C. 6 D. 7 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let the two consecutive even integers be 2n and (2n + 2). Then, (2n + 2)2 = (2n + 2 + 2n)(2n + 2 - 2n) = 2(4n + 2) = 4(2n + 1), which is divisible by 4. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 82. Which one of the following is a prime number ? A. 119 B. 187 C. 247 D. 551 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option E Explanation: 551 > 22 All prime numbers less than 24 are : 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23. 119 is divisible by 7; 187 is divisible by 11; 247 is divisible by 13 and 551 is divisible by 19. So, none of the given numbers is prime. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 83. The sum all even natural numbers between 1 and 31 is: A. 16 B. 128 C. 240 D. 512 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Required sum = (2 + 4 + 6 + ... + 30) This is an A.P. in which a = 2, d = (4 - 2) = 2 and l = 30. Let the number of terms be n. Then, tn = 30 a + (n - 1)d = 30 2 + (n - 1) x 2 = 30 n - 1 = 14 n = 15 Sn = n (a + l) = 2 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 15 x (2 + 30) 2 = 240. 84. The difference between the place value and the face value of 6 in the numeral 856973 is A. 973 B. 6973 C. 5994 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: (Place value of 6) - (Face value of 6) = (6000 - 6) = 5994 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 85. If a and b are odd numbers, then which of the following is even ? A. a+b B. a+b+1 C. ab D. ab + 2 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: The sum of two odd number is even. So, a + b is even. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 86. Which one of the following numbers is completely divisible by 99? A. 3572404 B. 135792 C. 913464 D. 114345 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: 99 = 11 x 9, where 11 and 9 are co-prime. By hit and trial, we find that 114345 is divisibleby 11 as well as 9. So, it is divisible by 99. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 87. The sum of how many terms of the series 6 + 12 + 18 + 24 + ... is 1800 ? A. 16 B. 24 C. 20 D. 18 E. 22 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: This is an A.P. in which a = 6, d = 6 and Sn = 1800 n Then, 2 n 2 [2a + (n - 1)d] = 1800 [2 x 6 + (n - 1) x 6] = 1800 3n (n + 1) = 1800 n(n + 1) = 600 n2 + n - 600 = 0 n2 + 25n - 24n - 600 = 0 n(n + 25) - 24(n + 25) = 0 (n + 25)(n - 24) = 0 n = 24 Number of terms = 24. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 88. (51+ 52 + 53 + ... + 100) = ? A. 2525 B. 2975 C. 3225 D. 3775 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: This is an A.P. in which a = 51, l = 100 and n = 50. Sum = n (a + l) = 50 2 2 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum x (51 + 100) = (25 x 151) 89. 1904 x 1904 = ? A. 3654316 B. 3632646 C. 3625216 D. 3623436 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 1904 x 1904 = (1904)2 = (1900 + 4)2 = (1900)2 + (4)2 + (2 x 1900 x 4) = 3610000 + 16 + 15200. = 3625216. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 90. What is the unit digit in(795 - 358)? A. 0 B. 4 C. 6 D. 7 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Unit digit in 795 = Unit digit in [(74)23 x 73] = Unit digit in [(Unit digit in(2401))23 x (343)] = Unit digit in (123 x 343) = Unit digit in (343) =3 Unit digit in 358 = Unit digit in [(34)14 x 32] = Unit digit in [Unit digit in (81)14 x 32] = Unit digit in [(1)14 x 32] = Unit digit in (1 x 9) = Unit digit in (9) =9 Unit digit in (795 - 358) = Unit digit in (343 - 9) = Unit digit in (334) = 4. = 3775. So, Option B is the answer. 91. Which one of the following is a prime number ? A. 161 B. 221 C. 373 D. 437 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 437 > 22 All prime numbers less than 22 are : 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19. 161 is divisible by 7, and 221 is divisible by 13. 373 is not divisible by any of the above prime numbers. 373 is prime. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 92. The smallest 6 digit number exactly divisible by 111 is: A. 111111 B. 110011 C. 100011 D. 110101 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: The smallest 6-digit number 100000. 111) 100000 (900 999 ----100 --Required number = 100000 + (111 - 100) = 100011. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 93. The largest 5 digit number exactly divisible by 91 is: A. 99921 B. 99918 C. 99981 D. 99971 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Largest 5-digit number = 99999 91) 99999 (1098 91 --899 819 ---809 728 --81 --Required number = (99999 - 81) = 99918. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 94. 768 x 768 x 768 + 232 x 232 x 232 768 x 768 - 768 x 232 + 232 x 232 A. 1000 B. 536 C. 500 D. 268 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Given Exp. = (a3 + b3) = (a + b) = (768 + 232) = 1000 (a - ab + b2) View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2 95. The smallest 5 digit number exactly divisible by 41 is: A. 1004 B. 10004 C. 10045 D. 10025 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: The smallest 5-digit number = 10000. 41) 10000 (243 82 --- =? 180 164 ---160 123 --37 --Required number = 10000 + (41 - 37) = 10004. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 96. How many terms are there in the G.P. 3, 6, 12, 24, ... , 384 ? A. 8 B. 9 C. 10 D. 11 E. 7 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Here a = 3 and r = Then, tn = 384 6 3 = 2. Let the number of terms be n. arn-1 = 384 3 x 2n - 1 = 384 2n-1 = 128 = 27 n-1=7 n=8 Number of terms = 8. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 97. If x and y are positive integers such that (3x + 7y) is a multiple of 11, then which of the following will be divisible by 11 ? A. 4x + 6y B. x+y+4 C. 9x + 4y D. 4x - 9y Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: By hit and trial, we put x = 5 and y = 1 so that (3x + 7y) = (3 x 5 + 7 x 1) = 22, which is divisible by 11. (4x + 6y) = ( 4 x 5 + 6 x 1) = 26, which is not divisible by 11; (x + y + 4 ) = (5 + 1 + 4) = 10, which is not divisible by 11; (9x + 4y) = (9 x 5 + 4 x 1) = 49, which is not divisible by 11; (4x - 9y) = (4 x 5 - 9 x 1) = 11, which is divisible by 11. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 98. 9548 + 7314 = 8362 + (?) A. 8230 B. 8410 C. 8500 D. 8600 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 16862 = 8362 + x x = 16862 - 8362 = 8500 9548 + 7314 ----16862 ----- View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 99. In a division sum, the remainder is 0. As student mistook the divisor by 12 instead of 21 and obtained 35 as quotient. What is the correct quotient ? A. 0 B. 12 C. 13 D. 20 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Number = (12 x 35) Correct Quotient = 420 ÷ 21 = 20 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 100. 2 + 22 + 23 + ... + 29 = ? A. 2044 B. 1022 C. 1056 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 22 This is a G.P. in which a = 2, r = Sn = a(rn - 1) = (r - 1) 2 x (29 - 1) (2 - 1) 2 = 2 x (512 - 1) = 2 and n = 9. = 2 x 511 = 1022. 101. The sum of even numbers between 1 and 31 is: A. 6 B. 28 C. 240 D. 512 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let Sn = (2 + 4 + 6 + ... + 30). This is an A.P. in which a = 2, d = 2 and l = 30 Let the number of terms be n. Then, a + (n - 1)d = 30 2 + (n - 1) x 2 = 30 n = 15. Sn = n (a + l) = 15 x (2 + 30) = (15 x 16) = 240. 2 2 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 102. If the number 91876 * 2 is completely divisible by 8, then the smallest whole number in place of * will be: A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Then number 6x2 must be divisible by 8. x = 3, as 632 is divisible 8. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 103. 2056 x 987 = ? A. 1936372 B. 2029272 C. 1896172 D. 1926172 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 2056 x 987 = 2056 x (1000 - 13) = 2056 x 1000 - 2056 x 13 = 2056000 - 26728 = 2029272. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 104. On multiplying a number by 7, the product is a number each of whose digits is 3. The smallest such number is: A. 47619 B. 47719 C. 48619 D. 47649 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: By hit and trial, we find that 47619 x 7 = 333333. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 105. 3 If 60% of of a number is 36, then the number is: 5 A. 80 B. 100 C. 75 D. 90 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let the number be x. Then 3 60% of 60 100 x= of x = 36 5 3 x 5 36 x x x = 36 25 9 = 100 Required number = 100 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 106. If x and y are the two digits of the number 653xy such that this number is divisible by 80, then x + y = ? A. 2 or 6 B. 4 C. 4 or 8 D. 8 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 80 = 2 x 5 x 8 Since 653xy is divisible by 2 and 5 both, so y = 0. Now, 653x is divisible by 8, so 13x should be divisible by 8. This happens when x = 6. x + y = (6 + 0) = 6. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 107. The difference of the squares of two consecutive odd integers is divisible by which of the following integers ? A. 3 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let the two consecutive odd integers be (2n + 1) and (2n + 3). Then, (2n + 3)2 - (2n + 1)2 = (2n + 3 + 2n + 1) (2n + 3 - 2n - 1) = (4n + 4) x 2 = 8(n + 1), which is divisible by 8. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 108. What is the unit digit in (4137)754? A. 1 B. 3 C. 7 D. 9 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Unit digit in (4137)754 = Unit digit in {[(4137)4]188 x (4137)2} =Unit digit in { 292915317923361 x 17114769 } = (1 x 9) = 9 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 109. 587 x 999 = ? A. 586413 B. 587523 C. 614823 D. 615173 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 587 x 999 = 587 x (1000 - 1) = 587 x 1000 - 587 x 1 = 587000 - 587 = 586413. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 110. A number was divided successively in order by 4, 5 and 6. The remainders were respectively 2, 3 and 4. The number is: A. 214 B. 476 C. 954 D. 1908 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 4 | xz = 6 x 1 + 4 = 10 ----------5 | y -2 y = 5 x z + 3 ----------6 | z - 3 x = 4 x y + 2 ----------| 1 - 4 111. Hence, required number = 214. If (64)2 - (36)2 = 20 x x, then x = ? = 5 x 10 + 3 = 53 = 4 x 53 + 2 = 214 A. 70 B. 120 C. 180 D. 140 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: 20 x x = (64 + 36)(64 - 36) = 100 x 28 100 x 28 x= = 140 20 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 112. Which one of the following can't be the square of natural number ? A. 32761 B. 81225 C. 42437 D. 20164 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: The square of a natural number never ends in 7. 42437 is not the square of a natural number. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 113. (22 + 42 + 62 + ... + 202) = ? A. 770 B. 1155 C. 1540 D. 385 x 385 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: (22 + 42 + 62 + ... + 202) = (1 x 2)2 + (2 x 2)2 + (2 x 3)2 + ... + (2 x 10)2 = (22 x 12) + (22 x 22) + (22 x 32) + ... + (22 x 102) = 22 x [12 + 22 + 32 + ... + 102] Ref: (12 + 22 + 32 + ... + n2) = = 4x 1 6 1 6 n(n + 1)(2n + 1) x 10 x 11 x 21 = (4 x 5 x 77) = 1540. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 114. 854 x 854 x 854 - 276 x 276 x 276 =? 854 x 854 + 854 x 276 + 276 x 276 A. 1130 B. 578 C. 565 D. 1156 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: (a3 - b3) Given Exp. = = (a - b) = (854 - 276) = 578 (a + ab + b2) View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2 115. 35 + 15 x 1.5 = ? A. 85 B. 51.5 C. 57.5 D. 5.25 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 3 Given Exp. = 35 + 15 x 2 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum = 35 + 45 2 = 35 + 22.5 = 57.5 116. The sum of first 45 natural numbers is: A. 1035 B. 1280 C. 2070 D. 2140 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Let Sn = (1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 45) This is an A.P. in which a = 1, d = 1, n = 45 and l = 45 n (a + l) = 45 x (1 + 45) = (45 x 23) = 1035 Sn = 2 2 Required sum = 1035. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 117. 666 ÷ 6 ÷ 3 = ? A. 37 B. 333 C. 111 D. 84 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 1 Given Exp. = 666 x 6 x 1 3 = 37 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 118. The sum of all two digit numbers divisible by 5 is: A. 1035 B. 1245 C. 1230 D. 945 E. None of these View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 119. The difference between the place values of two sevens in the numeral 69758472 is A. 0 B. 6993 C. 699930 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Required difference = (700000 - 70) = 699930 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 120. On dividing a number by 68, we get 269 as quotient and 0 as remainder. On dividing the same number by 67, what will the remainder ? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Number = 269 x 68 + 0 = 18292 67) 18292 (273 134 ---489 469 ---202 201 --1 --Therefore, Required remainder = 1 121. What is the unit digit in the product (365 x 659 x 771)? A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 6 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Unit digit in 34 = 1 Unit digit in (34)16 = 1 Unit digit in 365 = Unit digit in [ (34)16 x 3 ] = (1 x 3) = 3 Unit digit in 659 = 6 Unit digit in 74 Unit digit in (74)17 is 1. Unit digit in 771 = Unit digit in [(74)17 x 73] = (1 x 3) = 3 Required digit = Unit digit in (3 x 6 x 3) = 4. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 122. 3251 + 587 + 369 - ? = 3007 A. 1250 B. 1300 C. 1375 D. 1200 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: 3251 + 587 + 369 Let 4207 - x = 3007 Then, x = 4207 - 3007 = 1200 ---4207 ---View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 123. 7589 - ? = 3434 A. 4242 B. 4155 C. 1123 D. 11023 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let 7589 -x = 3434 Then, x = 7589 - 3434 = 4155 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 124. 217 x 217 + 183 x 183 = ? A. 79698 B. 80578 C. 80698 D. 81268 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: (217)2 + (183)2 = (200 + 17)2 + (200 - 17)2 = 2 x [(200)2 + (17)2] [Ref: (a + b)2 + (a - b)2 = 2(a2 + b2)] = 2[40000 + 289] = 2 x 40289 = 80578. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 125. The unit digit in the product (784 x 618 x 917 x 463) is: A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Unit digit in the given product = Unit digit in (4 x 8 x 7 x 3) = (672) = 2 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 126. If the number 653 xy is divisible by 90, then (x + y) = ? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 90 = 10 x 9 Clearly, 653xy is divisible by 10, so y = 0 Now, 653x0 is divisible by 9. So, (6 + 5 + 3 + x + 0) = (14 + x) is divisible by 9. So, x = 4. Hence, (x + y) = (4 + 0) = 4. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 127. 3897 x 999 = ? A. 3883203 B. 3893103 C. 3639403 D. 3791203 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 3897 x 999 = 3897 x (1000 - 1) = 3897 x 1000 - 3897 x 1 = 3897000 - 3897 = 3893103. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 128. What is the unit digit in 7105 ? A. 1 B. 5 C. 7 D. 9 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Unit digit in 7105 = Unit digit in [ (74)26 x 7 ] But, unit digit in (74)26 = 1 Unit digit in 7105 = (1 x 7) = 7 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 129. Which of the following numbers will completely divide (461 + 462 + 463 + 464) ? A. 3 B. 10 C. 11 D. 13 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: (461 + 462 + 463 + 464) = 461 x (1 + 4 + 42 + 43) = 461 x 85 = 460 x (4 x 85) = (460 x 340), which is divisible by 10. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 130. 106 x 106 - 94 x 94 = ? A. 2400 B. 2000 C. 1904 D. 1906 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 106 x 106 - 94 x 94 = (106)2 - (94)2 = (106 + 94)(106 - 94) [Ref: (a2 - b2) = (a + b)(a - b)] = (200 x 12) = 2400. 131. A number when divided successively by 4 and 5 leaves remainders 1 and 4 respectively. When it is successively divided by 5 and 4, then the respective remainders will be A. 1, 2 B. 2, 3 C. 3, 2 D. 4, 1 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 4 | xy = (5 x 1 + 4) = 9 -------5 | y -1 x = (4 x y + 1) = (4 x 9 + 1) = 37 -------| 1 -4 Now, 37 when divided successively by 5 and 4, we get 5 | 37 --------4 | 7 - 2 --------| 1 - 3 Respective remainders are 2 and 3. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 132. 8796 x 223 + 8796 x 77 = ? A. 2736900 B. 2638800 C. 2658560 D. 2716740 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 8796 x 223 + 8796 x 77 = 8796 x (223 + 77) [Ref: By Distributive Law ] = (8796 x 300) = 2638800 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 133. 8988 ÷ 8 ÷ 4 = ? A. 4494 B. 561.75 C. 2247 D. 280.875 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Given Exp. = 8988 x 1 8 x 1 4 = 2247 8 = 280.875 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 134. 287 x 287 + 269 x 269 - 2 x 287 x 269 = ? A. 534 B. 446 C. 354 D. 324 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Given Exp. = a2 + b2 - 2ab, where a = 287 and b = 269 = (a - b)2 = (287 - 269)2 = (182) = 324 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 135. 3 + 33 + 333 + 3.33 = ? A. 362.3 B. 372.33 C. 702.33 D. 702 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 3 + 33 + 333 + 3.33 -----372.33 -----View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 136. Which one of the following can't be the square of natural number ? A. 30976 B. 75625 C. 28561 D. 143642 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: The square of a natural number nerver ends in 2. 143642 is not the square of natural number. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 137. (1000)9 ÷ 1024 = ? A. 10000 B. 1000 C. 100 D. 10 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: (1000)9 Given Exp. = = (103)9 1024 1024 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum = (10)27 = 10(27-24) = 103 = 1000 1024 138. {(476 + 424)2 - 4 x 476 x 424} = ? A. 2906 B. 3116 C. 2704 D. 2904 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Given Exp. = [(a + b)2 - 4ab], where a = 476 and b = 424 = [(476 + 424)2 - 4 x 476 x 424] = [(900)2 - 807296] = 810000 - 807296 = 2704. Decimal Fraction Formulas 1. Decimal Fractions: Fractions in which denominators are powers of 10 are known as decimal fractions. Thus, 1 10 = 1 tenth = .1; 1 100 = 1 hundredth = .01; 99 100 2. 7 = 99 hundredths = .99; = 7 thousandths = .007, etc.; 1000 Conversion of a Decimal into Vulgar Fraction: Put 1 in the denominator under the decimal point and annex with it as many zeros as is the number of digits after the decimal point. Now, remove the decimal point and reduce the fraction to its lowest terms. 25 Thus, 0.25 = 3. 100 = 1 ; 4 2008 2.008 = 251 = 1000 125 . Annexing Zeros and Removing Decimal Signs: Annexing zeros to the extreme right of a decimal fraction does not change its value. Thus, 0.8 = 0.80 = 0.800, etc. If numerator and denominator of a fraction contain the same number of decimal places, then we remove the decimal sign. 1.84 Thus, 4. 184 = 2.99 8 = 299 13 . Operations on Decimal Fractions: i. Addition and Subtraction of Decimal Fractions: The given numbers are so placed under each other that the decimal points lie in one column. The numbers so arranged can now be added or subtracted in the usual way. ii. Multiplication of a Decimal Fraction By a Power of 10: Shift the decimal point to the right by as many places as is the power of 10. Thus, 5.9632 x 100 = 596.32; iii. 0.073 x 10000 = 730. Multiplication of Decimal Fractions: Multiply the given numbers considering them without decimal point. Now, in the product, the decimal point is marked off to obtain as many places of decimal as is the sum of the number of decimal places in the given numbers. Suppose we have to find the product (.2 x 0.02 x .002). Now, 2 x 2 x 2 = 8. Sum of decimal places = (1 + 2 + 3) = 6. .2 x .02 x .002 = .000008 iv. Dividing a Decimal Fraction By a Counting Number: Divide the given number without considering the decimal point, by the given counting number. Now, in the quotient, put the decimal point to give as many places of decimal as there are in the dividend. Suppose we have to find the quotient (0.0204 ÷ 17). Now, 204 ÷ 17 = 12. Dividend contains 4 places of decimal. So, 0.0204 ÷ 17 = 0.0012 v. Dividing a Decimal Fraction By a Decimal Fraction: Multiply both the dividend and the divisor by a suitable power of 10 to make divisor a whole number. Now, proceed as above. Thus, 5. 0.00066 0.11 Comparison of Fractions: = 0.00066 x 100 0.11 x 100 = 0.066 11 = .006 Suppose some fractions are to be arranged in ascending or descending order of magnitude, then convert each one of the given fractions in the decimal form, and arrange them accordingly. 3 Let us to arrange the fractions 3 Now, 6 = 0.6, 5 5 , 6 7 and 7 7 = 0.857, 7 in descending order. 9 9 Since, 0.857 > 0.777... > 0.6. So, 6. = 0.777... 6 7 > 7 3 > 9 5 . Recurring Decimal: If in a decimal fraction, a figure or a set of figures is repeated continuously, then such a number is called a recurring decimal. n a recurring decimal, if a single figure is repeated, then it is expressed by putting a dot on it. If a set of figures is repeated, it is expressed by putting a bar on the set. Thus, 1 3 22 = 0.333... = 0.3; = 3.142857142857.... = 3.142857. 7 Pure Recurring Decimal: A decimal fraction, in which all the figures after the decimal point are repeated, is called a pure recurring decimal. Converting a Pure Recurring Decimal into Vulgar Fraction: Write the repeated figures only once in the numerator and take as many nines in the denominator as is the number of repeating figures. 5 Thus, 0.5 = 53 ; 0.53 = 9 ; 0.067 = 99 67 , etc. 999 Mixed Recurring Decimal: A decimal fraction in which some figures do not repeat and some of them are repeated, is called a mixed recurring decimal. Eg. 0.1733333.. = 0.173. Converting a Mixed Recurring Decimal Into Vulgar Fraction: In the numerator, take the difference between the number formed by all the digits after decimal point (taking repeated digits only once) and that formed by the digits which are not repeated. In the denominator, take the number formed by as many nines as there are repeating digits followed by as many zeros as is the number of non-repeating digits. Thus, 0.16 = 7. 1. 16 - 1 90 = 15 90 = 1 6 ; 0.2273 = Some Basic Formulae: i. (a + b)(a - b) = (a2 - b2) ii. (a + b)2 = (a2 + b2 + 2ab) iii. (a - b)2 = (a2 + b2 - 2ab) iv. (a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2(ab + bc + ca) v. (a3 + b3) = (a + b)(a2 - ab + b2) vi. (a3 - b3) = (a - b)(a2 + ab + b2) vii. (a3 + b3 + c3 - 3abc) = (a + b + c)(a2 + b2 + c2 - ab - bc - ac) viii. When a + b + c = 0, then a3 + b3 + c3 = 3abc. Evaluate : (2.39)2 - (1.61)2 2273 - 22 9900 = 2251 9900 . 2.39 - 1.61 A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: (a + b)(a - b) = a-b (a - b) View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum Given Expression = a2 - b2 = (a + b) = (2.39 + 1.61) = 4. 8. 2. What decimal of an hour is a second ? A. .0025 B. .0256 C. .00027 D. .000126 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 1 Required decimal = 60 x 60 = 1 3600 = .00027 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. 3. (0.96)3 - (0.1)3 The value of (0.96)2 + 0.096 + (0.1)2 A. 0.86 B. 0.95 C. 0.97 D. 1.06 is: Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Given expression (0.96)3 - (0.1)3 = (0.96) + (0.96 x 0.1) + (0.1)2 2 = a3 - b3 a2 + ab + b2 = (a - b) = (0.96 - 0.1) = 0.86 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4. 10. The value of 0.1 x 0.1 x 0.1 + 0.02 x 0.02 x 0.02 is: 0.2 x 0.2 x 0.2 + 0.04 x 0.04 x 0.04 A. 0.0125 B. 0.125 C. 0.25 D. 0.5 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: (0.1)3 + (0.02)3 Given expression = 1 = 23 [(0.1)3 + (0.02)3] View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 8 = 0.125 11. 5. If 2994 ÷ 14.5 = 172, then 29.94 ÷ 1.45 = ? A. 0.172 B. 1.72 C. 17.2 D. 172 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 29.94 = 2994 14.5 299.4 = 1.45 1 x 10 14.5 [ Here, Substitute 172 in the place of 2994/14.5 ] 172 = 10 = 17.2 6. When 0.232323..... is converted into a fraction, then the result is: 1 A. 23 C. 2 B. 5 9 23 D. 99 100 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 23 0.232323... = 0.23 = 99 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. .009 = .01 ? A. .0009 B. .09 C. .9 D. 9 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: .009 Let = .01; .009 Then x = x View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum .9 = .01 = .9 1 8. The expression (11.98 x 11.98 + 11.98 x x + 0.02 x 0.02) will be a perfect square for xequal to: A. 0.02 B. 0.2 C. 0.04 D. 0.4 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Given expression = (11.98)2 + (0.02)2 + 11.98 x x. For the given expression to be a perfect square, we must have 11.98 x x = 2 x 11.98 x 0.02 or x = 0.04 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. (0.1667)(0.8333)(0.3333) is approximately equal to: (0.2222)(0.6667)(0.1250) A. 2 B. 2.40 C. 2.43 D. 2.50 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Given expression (0.3333) = (0.1667)(0.8333) x (0.2222) (0.6667)(0.1250) 1 3333 = 6 x 2222 2 3 2 1 x 6 = = 2.50 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum x 5 6 6 125 x 3 = 5 x x 1000 3 2 x8 5 2 10. 3889 + 12.952 - ? = 3854.002 A. 47.095 B. 47.752 C. 47.932 D. 47.95 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let 3889 + 12.952 - x = 3854.002. Then x = (3889 + 12.952) - 3854.002 = 3901.952 - 3854.002 = 47.95. 11. 0.04 x 0.0162 is equal to: A. 6.48 x 10-3 B. 6.48 x 10-4 C. 6.48 x 10-5 D. 6.48 x 10-6 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 4 x 162 = 648. Sum of decimal places = 6. So, 0.04 x 0.0162 = 0.000648 = 6.48 x 10-4 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. 4.2 x 4.2 - 1.9 x 1.9 is equal to: 2.3 x 6.1 A. 0.5 B. 1.0 C. 20 D. 22 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: (a2 - b2) Given Expression = (a + b)(a - b) = (a2 - b2) (a2 - b2) View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 13. If 144 0.144 = 14.4 , then the value of x is: x A. 0.0144 B. 1.44 C. 14.4 D. 144 = 1. Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 144 14.4 = 0.144 x 144 x 1000 x= 14.4 = 144 14.4 x = 0.0144 1000 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. The price of commodity X increases by 40 paise every year, while the price of commodityY increases by 15 paise every year. If in 2001, the price of commodity X was Rs. 4.20 and that of Y was Rs. 6.30, in which year commodity X will cost 40 paise more than the commodity Y ? A. 2010 B. 2011 C. 2012 D. 2013 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Suppose commodity X will cost 40 paise more than Y after z years. Then, (4.20 + 0.40z) - (6.30 + 0.15z) = 0.40 0.25z = 0.40 + 2.10 2.50 z= 250 = 0.25 = 10. 25 X will cost 40 paise more than Y 10 years after 2001 i.e., 2011. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 15. Which of the following are in descending order of their value ? A. C. 1 3 1 3 , , 2 5 2 5 , , 3 7 3 5 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: , , 4 5 4 6 , , 5 6 5 7 , , 6 7 6 7 B. D. 1 3 6 7 , , 2 5 5 6 , , 3 5 4 5 , , 4 7 3 7 , , 5 6 2 5 , , 6 7 1 3 16. 3 Which of the following fractions is greater than 1 A. 4 ? 6 3 9 D. 5 5 2 B. 2 C. 4 and less than 10 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 3 5 = 0.75, 4 6 1 = 0.833, 2 = 0.5, 2 3 4 = 0.66, 5 9 = 0.8, = 0.9. 10 Clearly, 0.8 lies between 0.75 and 0.833. 4 3 lies between 5 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4 5 and . 6 17. The rational number for recurring decimal 0.125125.... is: 63 A. 125 C. 119 B. 487 D. 999 993 None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 125 0.125125... = 0.125 = 999 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 18. 617 + 6.017 + 0.617 + 6.0017 = ? A. 6.2963 B. 62.965 C. 629.6357 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 617.00 6.017 0.617 + 6.0017 -------629.6357 --------View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 19. The value of 489.1375 x 0.0483 x 1.956 0.0873 x 92.581 x 99.749 is closest to: A. 0.006 B. 0.06 C. 0.6 D. 6 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 489.1375 x 0.0483 x 1.956 489 x 0.05 x 2 0.0873 x 92.581 x 99.749 0.09 x 93 x 100 489 = 163 = 9 x 93 x 10 279 10 0.58 = = 0.058 1 x 10 0.06. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 20. 0.002 x 0.5 = ? A. 0.0001 B. 0.001 C. 0.01 D. 0.1 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 2 x 5 = 10. Sum of decimal places = 4 0.002 x 0.5 = 0.001 21. 34.95 + 240.016 + 23.98 = ? A. 298.0946 B. 298.111 C. 298.946 D. 299.09 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 34.95 240.016 + 23.98 -------298.946 -------View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 22. Which of the following is equal to 3.14 x 106 ? A. 314 B. 3140 C. 3140000 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 3.14 x 106 = 3.14 x 1000000 = 3140000. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 23. The least among the following is: A. 0.2 B. 1 ÷ 0.2 C. 0.2 D. (0.2)2 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: 1 1 ÷ 0.2 = 10 = 0.2 = 5; 2 0.2 = 0.222...; (0.2)2 = 0.04. 0.04 < 0.2 < 0.22....<5. Since 0.04 is the least, so (0.2)2 is the least. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 24. 5 x 1.6 - 2 x 1.4 =? 1.3 A. 0.4 B. 1.2 C. 1.4 D. 4 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Given Expression = 8 - 2.8 1.3 = 5.2 1.3 = 52 13 = 4. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 25. How many digits will be there to the right of the decimal point in the product of 95.75 and . 02554 ? A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Sum of decimal places = 7. Since the last digit to the extreme right will be zero (since 5 x 4 = 20), so there will be 6 significant digits to the right of the decimal point 26. The correct expression of 6.46 in the fractional form is: 646 A. 640 C. 64640 B. 99 1000 640 D. 100 99 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: 46 6.46 = 6 + 0.46 = 6 + 594 + 46 = 99 99 = 640 99 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 27. The fraction 101 27 in decimal for is: 100000 A. .01027 B. .10127 C. 101.00027 D. 101.000027 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 27 27 = 101 + 100000 100000 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 101 28. = 101 + .00027 = 101.00027 0.0203 x 2.92 =? 0.0073 x 14.5 x 0.7 A. 0.8 B. 1.45 C. 2.40 D. 3.25 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A . Explanation: 0.0203 x 2.92 203 x 292 = 0.0073 x 14.5 x 0.7 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum = 73 x 145 x 7 4 = 0.8 5 29. 4.036 divided by 0.04 gives : A. 1.009 B. 10.09 C. 100.9 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 4.036 403.6 = 0.04 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum = 100.9 4 30. 3.87 - 2.59 = ? A. 1.20 B. 1.2 C. 1.27 D. 1.28 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: 3.87 - 2.59 = (3 + 0.87) - (2 + 0.59) = 87 3+ 99 87 =1+ 99 =1+ = 1.28 Odd Man Out and Series Find the odd man out. - 59 2+ - 99 59 99 28 99 1. 3, 5, 11, 14, 17, 21 A. 21 B. 17 C. 14 D. 3 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Each of the numbers except 14 is an odd number. The number '14' is the only EVEN number. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2. 8, 27, 64, 100, 125, 216, 343 A. 27 B. 100 C. 125 D. 343 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: The pattern is 23, 33, 43, 53, 63, 73. But, 100 is not a perfect cube. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3. 10, 25, 45, 54, 60, 75, 80 A. 10 B. 45 C. 54 D. 75 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Each of the numbers except 54 is multiple of 5. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4. 396, 462, 572, 427, 671, 264 A. 396 B. 427 C. 671 D. 264 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: In each number except 427, the middle digit is the sum of other two. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 5. 6, 9, 15, 21, 24, 28, 30 A. 28 B. 21 C. 24 D. 30 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Each of the numbers except 28, is a multiple of 3. ind the odd man out. 6. 1, 4, 9, 16, 23, 25, 36 A. 9 B. 23 C. 25 D. 36 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Each of the numbers except 23, is perfect square. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. 1, 4, 9, 16, 20, 36, 49 A. 1 B. 9 C. 20 D. 49 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: The pattern is 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72. But, instead of 52, it is 20 which to be turned out. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 8. 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, 50, 64 A. 50 B. 26 C. 37 D. 64 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: (1*1)+1 , (2*2)+1 , (3*3)+1 , (4*4)+1 , (5*5)+1 , (6*6)+1 , (7*7)+1 , (8*8)+1 But, 64 is out of pattern. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. 10, 14, 16, 18, 21, 24, 26 A. 26 B. 24 C. 21 D. 18 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Each of the numbers except 21 is an even number. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 10. 16, 25, 36, 72, 144, 196, 225 A. 36 B. 72 C. 196 D. 225 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Each of the numbers except 72 is a perfect square Find the odd man out. 11. 331, 482, 551, 263, 383, 362, 284 A. 263 B. 383 C. 331 D. 551 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: In each number except 383, the product of first and third digits is the middle one. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. 835, 734, 642, 751, 853, 981, 532 A. 751 B. 853 C. 981 D. 532 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: In each number except 751, the difference of third and first digit is the middle one. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 13. 41, 43, 47, 53, 61, 71, 73, 81 A. 61 B. 71 C. 73 D. 81 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Each of the numbers except 81 is a prime number. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. 3, 5, 7, 12, 17, 19 A. 19 B. 17 C. 5 D. 12 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Each of the numbers is a prime number except 12. Find out the wrong number in the given sequence of numbers. 1. 582, 605, 588, 611, 634, 617, 600 A. 634 B. 611 C. 605 D. 600 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Alternatively 23 is added and 17 is subtracted from the terms. So, 634 is wrong. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2. 22, 33, 66, 99, 121, 279, 594 A. 33 B. 121 C. 279 D. 594 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Each of the number except 279 is a multiple of 11. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3. 8, 13, 21, 32, 47, 63, 83 A. 47 B. 63 C. 32 D. 83 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Go on adding 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20. So, the number 47 is wrong and must be replaced by 46. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4. 1, 8, 27, 64, 124, 216, 343 A. 8 B. 27 C. 64 D. 124 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: The numbers are 13, 23, 33, 43 etc. So, 124 is wrong; it must have been 53 i.e., 125. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 5. 1, 2, 6, 15, 31, 56, 91 A. 31 B. 91 C. 56 D. 15 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 1, 1 + 12 = 2, 2 + 22 = 6, 6 + 32 = 15, 15 + 42 = 31, 31 + 52 = 56, 56 + 62 = 92 Last number of given series must be 92 not 91. Find out the wrong number in the given sequence of numbers. 6. 52, 51, 48, 43, 34, 27, 16 A. 27 B. 34 C. 43 D. 48 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Subtract 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 from successive numbers. So, 34 is wrong. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 9 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Each number is a composite number except 11. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 8. 105, 85, 60, 30, 0, -45, -90 A. 0 B. 85 C. -45 D. 60 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Subtract 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 from successive numbers. So, 0 is wrong. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. 5, 16, 6, 16, 7, 16, 9 A. 9 B. 7 C. 6 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Terms at odd places are 5, 6, 7, 8 etc. and each term at even place is 16. So, 9 is wrong. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 10. 125, 127, 130, 135, 142, 153, 165 A. 130 B. 142 C. 153 D. 165 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Prime numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 are to be added successively. So, 165 is wrong Find out the wrong number in the given sequence of numbers. 11. 46080, 3840, 384, 48, 24, 2, 1 A. 1 B. 2 C. 24 D. 384 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: The terms are successively divided by 12, 10, 8, 6, ...etc. So, 24 is wrong, it should be 8 (48/6 = 8). View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. 6, 13, 18, 25, 30, 37, 40 A. 25 B. 30 C. 37 D. 40 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: The differences between two successive terms from the beginning are 7, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5. So, 40 is wrong. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 13. 36, 54, 18, 27, 9, 18.5, 4.5 A. 4.5 B. 18.5 C. 54 D. 18 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: The terms are alternatively multiplied by 1.5 and divided by 3. However, 18.5 does not satisfy it. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. 56, 72, 90, 110, 132, 150 A. 72 B. 110 C. 132 D. 150 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: The numbers are 7 x 8, 8 x 9, 9 x 10, 10 x 11, 11 x 12, 12 x 13. So, 150 is wrong. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 15. 25, 36, 49, 81, 121, 169, 225 A. 36 B. 49 C. 121 D. 169 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: The numbers are squares of odd natural numbers, starting from 5 up to 15. So, 36 is wrong. Insert the missing number. 1. 16, 33, 65, 131, 261, (....) A. 523 B. 521 C. 613 D. 721 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Each number is twice the preceding one with 1 added or subtracted alternatively. So, the next number is (2 x 261 + 1) = 523. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2. 10, 5, 13, 10, 16, 20, 19, (....) A. 22 B. 40 C. 38 D. 23 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: There are two series (10, 13, 16, 19) and (5, 10, 20, 40), one increasing by 3 and the other multiplied by 2. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, (....) A. 54 B. 56 C. 64 D. 81 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Numbers are 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72. So, the next number is 82 = 64. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4. 2, 4, 12, 48, 240, (....) A. 960 B. 1440 C. 1080 D. 1920 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Go on multiplying the given numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. So, the correct next number is 1440. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 5. 8, 7, 11, 12, 14, 17, 17, 22, (....) A. 27 B. 20 C. 22 D. 24 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: There are two series (8, 11, 14, 17, 20) and (7, 12, 17, 22) increasing by 3 and 5 respectively. Insert the missing number. 6. 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, (....) A. 43 B. 47 C. 53 D. 51 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Numbers are all primes. The next prime is 43. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. 8, 24, 12, 36, 18, 54, (....) A. 27 B. 108 C. 68 D. 72 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Numbers are alternatively multiplied by 3 and divided by 2. So, the next number = 54 ÷ 2 = 27. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 8. 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, 42, 56, (....) A. 61 B. 64 C. 72 D. 70 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: The pattern is 1 x 2, 2 x 3, 3 x 4, 4 x 5, 5 x 6, 6 x 7, 7 x 8. So, the next number is 8 x 9 = 72. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. 4, -8, 16, -32, 64, (....) A. 128 B. -128 C. 192 D. -192 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Each number is the proceeding number multiplied by -2. So, the required number is -128. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 10. 7, 26, 63, 124, 215, 342, (....) A. 481 B. 511 C. 391 D. 421 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Numbers are (23 - 1), (33 - 1), (43 - 1), (53 - 1), (63 - 1), (73 - 1) etc. So, the next number is (83 - 1) = (512 - 1) = 511. Insert the missing number. 11. 5, 10, 13, 26, 29, 58, 61, (....) A. 122 B. 64 C. 125 D. 128 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Numbers are alternatively multiplied by 2 and increased by 3. So, the missing number = 61 x 2 = 122. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, (....) A. 513 B. 511 C. 517 D. 523 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Each number is double the preceding one plus 1. So, the next number is (255 x 2) + 1 = 511. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 13. 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, (....) A. 354 B. 343 C. 392 D. 245 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Numbers are 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 63. So, the missing number is 73 = 343. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. 3, 7, 6, 5, 9, 3, 12, 1, 15, (....) A. 18 B. 13 C. -1 D. 3 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: There are two series, beginning respectively with 3 and 7. In one 3 is added and in another 2 is subtracted. The next number is 1 - 2 = -1. Find out the wrong number in the series. 1. 7, 8, 18, 57, 228, 1165, 6996 A. 8 B. 18 C. 57 D. 228 E. 1165 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let the given numbers be A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Then, A, A x 1 + 1, B x 2 + 2, C x 3 + 3, D x 4 + 4, E x 5 + 5, F x 6 + 6 are the required numbers. Clearly, 228 is wrong. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2. 1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 96, 720 A. 720 B. 96 C. 24 D. 6 E. 2 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Go on multiplying with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 to get next number. So, 96 is wrong. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3. 196, 169, 144, 121, 100, 80, 64 A. 169 B. 144 C. 121 D. 100 E. 80 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option E Explanation: Numbers must be (14)2, (13)2, (12)2, (11)2, (10)2, (9)2, (8)2. So, 80 is wrong. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4. 445, 221, 109, 46, 25, 11, 4 A. 221 B. 109 C. 46 D. 25 E. 11 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Go on subtracting 3 and dividing the result by 2 to obtain the next number. Clearly, 46 is wrong. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 5. 190, 166, 145, 128, 112, 100, 91 A. 100 B. 166 C. 145 D. 128 E. 112 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Go on subtracting 24, 21, 18, 15, 12, 9 from the numbers to get the next number. 190 166 145 127 112 - 24 21 18 15 12 = = = = = 166 145 127 [Here, 128 is placed instead of 127] 112 100 ... and so on. Therefore, 128 is wrong. Find out the wrong number in the series. 6. 19, 26, 33, 46, 59, 74, 91 A. 26 B. 33 C. 46 D. 59 E. 74 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Go on adding 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 respectively to obtain the next number. So, 33 is wrong. It must be 35 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. 1, 3, 10, 21, 64, 129, 356, 777 A. 10 B. 21 C. 64 D. 129 E. 356 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option E Explanation: A x 2 + 1, B x 3 + 1, C x 2 + 1, D x 3 + 1 and so on. So, 356 is wrong. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 8. 6, 12, 48, 100, 384, 768, 3072 A. 768 B. 384 C. 100 D. 48 E. 12 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Each even term of the series is obtained by multiplying the previous term by 2. 2nd term = (1st term) x 2 = 6 x 2 = 12 4th term = (3rd term) x 2 = 48 x 2 = 96. 6th term = (5th term) x 2 = 384 x 2 =768. 4th term should be 96 instead of 100. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. 40960, 10240, 2560, 640, 200, 40, 10 A. 640 B. 40 C. 200 D. 2560 E. 10240 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Go on dividing by 4 to get the next number. So, 200 is wrong. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 10. 3, 7, 15, 39, 63, 127, 255, 511 A. 7 B. 15 C. 39 D. 63 E. 127 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Go on multiplying 2 and adding 1 to get the next number. So, 39 is wrong. Find out the wrong number in the series. 11. 64, 71, 80, 91, 104, 119, 135, 155 A. 71 B. 80 C. 104 D. 119 E. 135 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option E Explanation: Go on adding 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 respectively to obtain the next number. So, 135 is wrong. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. 15, 16, 34, 105, 424, 2124, 12756 A. 16 B. 34 C. 105 D. 424 E. 2124 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option E Explanation: 2nd term = (1st term) x 1 + 1 = 15 x 1 + 1 = 16. 3rd term = (2nd term) x 2 + 2 = 16 x 2 + 2 = 34. 4th term = (3th term) x 3 + 3 = 34 x 3 + 3 = 105. 5th term = (4th term) x 4 + 4 = 105 x 4 + 4 = 424 6th term = (5th term) x 5 + 5 = 424 x 5 + 5 = 2125 6th term should 2125 instead of 2124. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 13. 10, 26, 74, 218, 654, 1946, 5834 A. 26 B. 74 C. 218 D. 654 E. 1946 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: 2nd term = (1st term) x 3 - 4 = 10 x 3 - 4 = 26. 3rd term = (2nd term) x 3 - 4 = 26 x 3 - 4 = 74. 4th term = (3th term) x 3 - 4 = 74 x 3 - 4 = 218. 5th term = (4th term) x 3 - 4 = 218 x 3 - 4 = 650. 5th term must be 650 instead of 654. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. 2880, 480, 92, 24, 8, 4, 4 A. 480 B. 92 C. 24 D. 8 E. 4 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Go on dividing by 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 respectively to obtain the next number. Clearly, 92 is wrong. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 15. 3, 7, 15, 27, 63, 127, 255 A. 7 B. 15 C. 27 D. 63 E. 127 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Go on multiplying the number by 2 and adding 1 to it to get the next number. So, 27 is wrong. Percentage Formulas 1. Concept of Percentage: By a certain percent, we mean that many hundredths. Thus, x percent means x hundredths, written as x%. x To express x% as a fraction: We have, x% = 20 Thus, 20% = To express a b 1 Thus, 2. a as a percent: We have, 4 = 1 a = b x 100 4 = 100 . 5 x 100 b . 100 1 %. = 25%. % Percentage Increase/Decrease: If the price of a commodity increases by R%, then the reduction in consumption so as not to increase the expenditure is: R x 100 (100 + R) % If the price of a commodity decreases by R%, then the increase in consumption so as not to decrease the expenditure is: R x 100 (100 - R) 3. % Results on Population: Let the population of a town be P now and suppose it increases at the rate of R% per annum, then: 1. Population after n years = P R 1+ n 100 P 2. Population n years ago = 4. R 1+ n 100 Results on Depreciation: Let the present value of a machine be P. Suppose it depreciates at the rate of R% per annum. Then: 1. Value of the machine after n years = P R 1- n 100 P 2. Value of the machine n years ago = 1- 3. If A is R% more than B, then B is less than A by 4. If A is R% less than B, then B is more than A by R (100 - R) x 100 R (100 + R) %. R n 100 x 100 %. 1. A batsman scored 110 runs which included 3 boundaries and 8 sixes. What percent of his total score did he make by running between the wickets? A. 45% 54 C. 45 B. 6 11 % D. 5 11 % 55% Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Number of runs made by running = 110 - (3 x 4 + 8 x 6) = 110 - (60) = 50. 50 Required percentage = 110 x 100 5 % = 45 11 % View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2. Two students appeared at an examination. One of them secured 9 marks more than the other and his marks was 56% of the sum of their marks. The marks obtained by them are: A. 39, 30 B. 41, 32 C. 42, 33 D. 43, 34 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let their marks be (x + 9) and x. Then, x + 9 = 56 (x + 9 + x) 100 25(x + 9) = 14(2x + 9) 3x = 99 x = 33 So, their marks are 42 and 33. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3. A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40% apples and still has 420 apples. Originally, he had: A. 588 apples B. 600 apples C. 672 apples D. 700 apples Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Suppose originally he had x apples. Then, (100 - 40)% of x = 420. 60 x x = 420 100 420 x 100 x= 60 = 700. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4. What percentage of numbers from 1 to 70 have 1 or 9 in the unit's digit? A. 1 B. 14 C. 20 D. 21 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Clearly, the numbers which have 1 or 9 in the unit's digit, have squares that end in the digit 1. Such numbers from 1 to 70 are 1, 9, 11, 19, 21, 29, 31, 39, 41, 49, 51, 59, 61, 69. Number of such number =14 14 Required percentage = 70 x 100 % = 20%. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 5. If A = x% of y and B = y% of x, then which of the following is true? A. A is smaller than B. B. A is greater than B C. Relationship between A and B cannot be determined. D. If x is smaller than y, then A is greater than B. E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option E Explanation: x% of y = x 100 xy A = B. 6. If 20% of a = b, then b% of 20 is the same as: = y 100 xx = y% of x A. 4% of a B. 5% of a C. 20% of a D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 20 20% of a = b b% of 20 = b 100 a = b. 100 x 20 = 20 100 ax 1 100 x 20 = 4 100 a = 4% of a. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. In a certain school, 20% of students are below 8 years of age. The number of students above 8 years of age is of the number of students of 8 years of age which is 48. What is the total number of students in the school? A. 72 B. 80 C. 120 D. 150 E. 100 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option E Explanation: Let the number of students be x. Then, Number of students above 8 years of age = (100 - 20)% of x = 80% of x. 2 80% of x = 48 + 3 80 of 48 x = 80 100 x = 100. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 8. Two numbers A and B are such that the sum of 5% of A and 4% of B is two-third of the sum of 6% of A and 8% of B. Find the ratio of A : B. A. 2:3 B. 1:1 C. 3:4 D. 4:3 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: 5% of A + 4% of B = 2 3 (6% of A + 8% of B) 5 4 A+ 100 1 20 100 1 A+ 1 20 B 25 3 100 4 - 75 B 100 4 A+ 1 25 B B 75 100 4 = 75 B 75 1 A= = 8 A+ 1 25 A= 100 B 6 = 1 A 2 B 25 1 - = . 3 Required ratio = 4 : 3 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. 3 A student multiplied a number by 5 5 instead of . 3 What is the percentage error in the calculation? A. 34% B. 44% C. 54% D. 64% Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let the number be x. 5 Then, error = 16x Error% = 15 x x- 3 3 5x x 100 3 5 16 x= 15 x. % = 64%. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 10. In an election between two candidates, one got 55% of the total valid votes, 20% of the votes were invalid. If the total number of votes was 7500, the number of valid votes that the other candidate got, was: A. 2700 B. 2900 C. 3000 D. 3100 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Number of valid votes = 80% of 7500 = 6000. Valid votes polled by other candidate = 45% of 6000 = 45 100 x 6000 = 2700. 11. Three candidates contested an election and received 1136, 7636 and 11628 votes respectively. What percentage of the total votes did the winning candidate get? A. 57% B. 60% C. 65% D. 90% Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Total number of votes polled = (1136 + 7636 + 11628) = 20400. 11628 Required percentage = 20400 x 100 % = 57%. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. Two tailors X and Y are paid a total of Rs. 550 per week by their employer. If X is paid 120 percent of the sum paid to Y, how much is Y paid per week? A. Rs. 200 B. Rs. 250 C. Rs. 300 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let the sum paid to Y per week be Rs. z. Then, z + 120% of z = 550. 120 z+ z = 550 100 11 5 z= z = 550 550 x 5 11 = 250. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 13. Gauri went to the stationers and bought things worth Rs. 25, out of which 30 paise went on sales tax on taxable purchases. If the tax rate was 6%, then what was the cost of the tax free items? A. Rs. 15 B. Rs. 15.70 C. Rs. 19.70 D. Rs. 20 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let the amount taxable purchases be Rs. x. Then, 6% of x = 30 100 30 x= 100 x 100 6 = 5. Cost of tax free items = Rs. [25 - (5 + 0.30)] = Rs. 19.70 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. Rajeev buys good worth Rs. 6650. He gets a rebate of 6% on it. After getting the rebate, he pays sales tax @ 10%. Find the amount he will have to pay for the goods. A. Rs. 6876.10 B. Rs. 6999.20 C. Rs. 6654 D. Rs. 7000 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 6 Rebate = 6% of Rs. 6650 = Rs. x 6650 100 10 Sales tax = 10% of Rs. (6650 - 399) = Rs. 100 x 6251 = Rs. 399. = Rs. 625.10 Final amount = Rs. (6251 + 625.10) = Rs. 6876.10 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 15. The population of a town increased from 1,75,000 to 2,62,500 in a decade. The average percent increase of population per year is: A. 4.37% B. 5% C. 6% D. 8.75% Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Increase in 10 years = (262500 - 175000) = 87500. 87500 Increase% = 175000 Required average = Problems on Numbers Formulas Some Basic Formulae: x 100 % = 50%. 50 10 % = 5%. i. (a + b)(a - b) = (a2 - b2) ii. (a + b)2 = (a2 + b2 + 2ab) iii. (a - b)2 = (a2 + b2 - 2ab) iv. (a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2(ab + bc + ca) v. (a3 + b3) = (a + b)(a2 - ab + b2) vi. (a3 - b3) = (a - b)(a2 + ab + b2) vii. (a3 + b3 + c3 - 3abc) = (a + b + c)(a2 + b2 + c2 - ab - bc - ac) viii. When a + b + c = 0, then a3 + b3 + c3 = 3abc. 1. If one-third of one-fourth of a number is 15, then three-tenth of that number is: A. 35 B. 36 C. 45 D. 54 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let the number be x. Then, 1 3 of 1 of x = 15 4 x = 15 x 12 = 180. 3 So, required number = 10 x 180 = 54. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum ix. 2. Three times the first of three consecutive odd integers is 3 more than twice the third. The third integer is: A. 9 B. 11 C. 13 D. 15 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let the three integers be x, x + 2 and x + 4. Then, 3x = 2(x + 4) + 3 x = 11. Third integer = x + 4 = 15. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3. x. The difference between a two-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the positions of its digits is 36. What is the difference between the two digits of that number? A. 3 B. 4 C. 9 D. Cannot be determined E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let the ten's digit be x and unit's digit be y. Then, (10x + y) - (10y + x) = 36 9(x - y) = 36 x - y = 4. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum xi. 4. The difference between a two-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits is 36. What is the difference between the sum and the difference of the digits of the number if the ratio between the digits of the number is 1 : 2 ? A. 4 B. 8 C. 16 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Since the number is greater than the number obtained on reversing the digits, so the ten's digit is greater than the unit's digit. Let ten's and unit's digits be 2x and x respectively. Then, (10 x 2x + x) - (10x + 2x) = 36 9x = 36 x = 4. Required difference = (2x + x) - (2x - x) = 2x = 8. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum xii. 5. A two-digit number is such that the product of the digits is 8. When 18 is added to the number, then the digits are reversed. The number is: A. 18 B. 24 C. 42 D. 81 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 8 Let the ten's and unit digit be x and Then, 8 10x + x respectively. + 18 = 10 x x 8 x +x 10x2 + 8 + 18x = 80 + x2 9x2 + 18x - 72 = 0 x2 + 2x - 8 = 0 (x + 4)(x - 2) = 0 x = 2. 6. The sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 15 and the difference between the digits is 3. What is the two-digit number? A. 69 B. 78 C. 96 D. Cannot be determined E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let the ten's digit be x and unit's digit be y. Then, x + y = 15 and x - y = 3 or y - x = 3. Solving x + y = 15 and x - y = 3, we get: x = 9, y = 6. Solving x + y = 15 and y - x = 3, we get: x = 6, y = 9. So, the number is either 96 or 69. Hence, the number cannot be determined. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. The sum of the squares of three numbers is 138, while the sum of their products taken two at a time is 131. Their sum is: A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Let the numbers be a, b and c. Then, a2 + b2 + c2 = 138 and (ab + bc + ca) = 131. (a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2(ab + bc + ca) = 138 + 2 x 131 = 400. (a + b + c) = 400 = 20. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 8. A number consists of two digits. If the digits interchange places and the new number is added to the original number, then the resulting number will be divisible by: A. 3 B. 5 C. 9 D. 11 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let the ten's digit be x and unit's digit be y. Then, number = 10x + y. Number obtained by interchanging the digits = 10y + x. (10x + y) + (10y + x) = 11(x + y), which is divisible by 11. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. In a two-digit, if it is known that its unit's digit exceeds its ten's digit by 2 and that the product of the given number and the sum of its digits is equal to 144, then the number is: A. 24 B. 26 C. 42 D. 46 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Let the ten's digit be x. Then, unit's digit = x + 2. Number = 10x + (x + 2) = 11x + 2. Sum of digits = x + (x + 2) = 2x + 2. (11x + 2)(2x + 2) = 144 22x2 + 26x - 140 = 0 11x2 + 13x - 70 = 0 (x - 2)(11x + 35) = 0 x = 2. Hence, required number = 11x + 2 = 24. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 10. Find a positive number which when increased by 17 is equal to 60 times the reciprocal of the number. A. 3 B. 10 C. 17 D. 20 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Let the number be x. 60 Then, x + 17 = x x2 + 17x - 60 = 0 (x + 20)(x - 3) = 0 x = 3. 11. The product of two numbers is 9375 and the quotient, when the larger one is divided by the smaller, is 15. The sum of the numbers is: A. 380 B. 395 C. 400 D. 425 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let the numbers be x and y. x Then, xy = 9375 and xy (x/y) y2 = 625. y = 25. x = 15y = (15 x 25) = 375. = 15. y = 9375 15 Sum of the numbers = x + y = 375 + 25 = 400. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. The product of two numbers is 120 and the sum of their squares is 289. The sum of the number is: A. 20 B. 23 C. 169 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let the numbers be x and y. Then, xy = 120 and x2 + y2 = 289. (x + y)2 = x2 + y2 + 2xy = 289 + (2 x 120) = 529 x + y = 529 = 23. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 13. A number consists of 3 digits whose sum is 10. The middle digit is equal to the sum of the other two and the number will be increased by 99 if its digits are reversed. The number is: A. 145 B. 253 C. 370 D. 352 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let the middle digit be x. Then, 2x = 10 or x = 5. So, the number is either 253 or 352. Since the number increases on reversing the digits, so the hundred's digits is smaller than the unit's digit. Hence, required number = 253. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. The sum of two number is 25 and their difference is 13. Find their product. A. 104 B. 114 C. 315 D. 325 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let the numbers be x and y. Then, x + y = 25 and x - y = 13. 4xy = (x + y)2 - (x- y)2 = (25)2 - (13)2 = (625 - 169) = 456 xy = 114. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 15. What is the sum of two consecutive even numbers, the difference of whose squares is 84? A. 34 B. 38 C. 42 D. 46 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let the numbers be x and x + 2. Then, (x + 2)2 - x2 = 84 4x + 4 = 84 4x = 80 x = 20. The required sum = x + (x + 2) = 2x + 2 = 42. Simplification FORmulas 1. A man has Rs. 480 in the denominations of one-rupee notes, five-rupee notes and ten-rupee notes. The number of notes of each denomination is equal. What is the total number of notes that he has ? A. 45 B. 60 C. 75 D. 90 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let number of notes of each denomination be x. Then x + 5x + 10x = 480 16x = 480 x = 30. Hence, total number of notes = 3x = 90. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2. There are two examinations rooms A and B. If 10 students are sent from A to B, then the number of students in each room is the same. If 20 candidates are sent from B to A, then the number of students in A is double the number of students in B. The number of students in room A is: A. 20 B. 80 C. 100 D. 200 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let the number of students in rooms A and B be x and y respectively. Then, x - 10 = y + 10 x - y = 20 .... (i) and x + 20 = 2(y - 20) x - 2y = -60 .... (ii) Solving (i) and (ii) we get: x = 100 , y = 80. The required answer A = 100. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3. The price of 10 chairs is equal to that of 4 tables. The price of 15 chairs and 2 tables together is Rs. 4000. The total price of 12 chairs and 3 tables is: A. Rs. 3500 B. Rs. 3750 C. Rs. 3840 D. Rs. 3900 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let the cost of a chair and that of a table be Rs. x and Rs. y respectively. Then, 10x = 4y or y= 5 2 x. 15x + 2y = 4000 5 15x + 2 x 2 x = 4000 20x = 4000 x = 200. So, y = 5 2 x 200 = 500. Hence, the cost of 12 chairs and 3 tables = 12x + 3y = Rs. (2400 + 1500) = Rs. 3900. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4. If a - b = 3 and a2 + b2 = 29, find the value of ab. A. 10 B. 12 C. 15 D. 18 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 2ab = (a2 + b2) - (a - b)2 = 29 - 9 = 20 ab = 10. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 5. The price of 2 sarees and 4 shirts is Rs. 1600. With the same money one can buy 1 saree and 6 shirts. If one wants to buy 12 shirts, how much shall he have to pay ? A. Rs. 1200 B. Rs. 2400 C. Rs. 4800 D. Cannot be determined E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let the price of a saree and a shirt be Rs. x and Rs. y respectively. Then, 2x + 4y = 1600 .... (i) and x + 6y = 1600 .... (ii) Divide equation (i) by 2, we get the below equation. => x + 2y = 800. --- (iii) Now subtract (iii) from (ii) x + 6y = 1600 (-) x + 2y = 800 ---------------4y = 800 ---------------Therefore, y = 200. Now apply value of y in (iii) => x + 2 x 200 = 800 => x + 400 = 800 Therefore x = 400 Solving (i) and (ii) we get x = 400, y = 200. Cost of 12 shirts = Rs. (12 x 200) = Rs. 2400. 6. A sum of Rs. 1360 has been divided among A, B and C such that A gets gets of what B gets and B of what C gets. B's share is: A. Rs. 120 B. Rs. 160 C. Rs. 240 D. Rs. 300 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let C's share = Rs. x x Then, B's share = Rs. x 6 , 4 A's share = Rs. x + 17x x= x 3 x 4 = Rs. + x = 1360 4 12 2 = 1360 1360 x 12 = Rs. 960 17 Hence, B's share = Rs. 960 4 = Rs. 240. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. One-third of Rahul's savings in National Savings Certificate is equal to one-half of his savings in Public Provident Fund. If he has Rs. 1,50,000 as total savings, how much has he saved in Public Provident Fund ? x 6 A. Rs. 30,000 B. Rs. 50,000 C. Rs. 60,000 D. Rs. 90,000 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let savings in N.S.C and P.P.F. be Rs. x and Rs. (150000 - x) respectively. Then, 1 1 x= 3 (150000 - x) 2 x x + 3 = 75000 2 5x 6 x= = 75000 75000 x 6 = 90000 5 Savings in Public Provident Fund = Rs. (150000 - 90000) = Rs. 60000 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 8. A fires 5 shots to B's 3 but A kills only once in 3 shots while B kills once in 2 shots. When B has missed 27 times, A has killed: A. 30 birds B. 60 birds C. 72 birds D. 90 birds Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Let the total number of shots be x. Then, 5 Shots fired by A = Shots fired by B = 1 Killing shots by A = 16 1 2 = 27 or x = Birds killed by A = of 3 Shots missed by B = 3x of 27 x 16 5 8 3 24 = 5 24 x 8 x 8 = x = 5 24 3 16 x x = 144. 3 5x x 8 3 x 144 = 30. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. Eight people are planning to share equally the cost of a rental car. If one person withdraws from the arrangement and the others share equally the entire cost of the car, then the share of each of the remaining persons increased by: A. 1 7 B. 1 8 1 C. 7 D. 9 8 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 1 Original share of 1 person = 8 1 New share of 1 person = 1 Increase = - 7 (1/56) Required fraction = 1 (1/8) = 8 1 = 1 56 x 7 56 8 1 = 1 7 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 10. To fill a tank, 25 buckets of water is required. How many buckets of water will be required to fill the same tank if the capacity of the bucket is reduced to two-fifth of its present ? A. 10 B. 35 C. 62.5 D. Cannot be determined E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let the capacity of 1 bucket = x. Then, the capacity of tank = 25x. 2 New capacity of bucket = 5 25x Required number of buckets = = (2x/5) 5 x 25x x 2x 125 = 2 = 62.5 11. In a regular week, there are 5 working days and for each day, the working hours are 8. A man gets Rs. 2.40 per hour for regular work and Rs. 3.20 per hours for overtime. If he earns Rs. 432 in 4 weeks, then how many hours does he work for ? A. 160 B. 175 C. 180 D. 195 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Suppose the man works overtime for x hours. Now, working hours in 4 weeks = (5 x 8 x 4) = 160. 160 x 2.40 + x x 3.20 = 432 3.20x = 432 - 384 = 48 x = 15. Hence, total hours of work = (160 + 15) = 175. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. Free notebooks were distributed equally among children of a class. The number of notebooks each child got was one-eighth of the number of children. Had the number of children been half, each child would have got 16 notebooks. Total how many notebooks were distributed ? A. 256 B. 432 C. 512 D. 640 E. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let total number of children be x. Then, x x 1 8 x= x x 16 2 Number of notebooks = 1 x2 = 8 1 8 x = 64. x 64 x 64 = 512. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 13. A man has some hens and cows. If the number of heads be 48 and the number of feet equals 140, then the number of hens will be: A. 22 B. 23 C. 24 D. 26 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let the number of hens be x and the number of cows be y. Then, x + y = 48 .... (i) and 2x + 4y = 140 x + 2y = 70 .... (ii) Solving (i) and (ii) we get: x = 26, y = 22. The required answer = 26. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. (469 + 174)2 - (469 - 174)2 =? (469 x 174) A. 2 B. 4 C. 295 D. 643 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: (a + b)2 - (a - b)2 Given exp. = ab 4ab = ab = 4 (where a = 469, b = 174.) View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 15. David gets on the elevator at the 11th floor of a building and rides up at the rate of 57 floors per minute. At the same time, Albert gets on an elevator at the 51st floor of the same building and rides down at the rate of 63 floors per minute. If they continue travelling at these rates, then at which floor will their paths cross ? A. 19 B. 28 C. 30 D. 37 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Suppose their paths cross after x minutes. Then, 11 + 57x = 51 - 63x 120x = 40 1 x= Number of floors covered by David in (1/3) min. = So, their paths cross at (11 +19) i.e., 30th floor. Ratio and Proportion Formulas 1. Ratio: 1 3 3 x 57 = 19. The ratio of two quantities a and b in the same units, is the fraction and we write it as a : b. In the ratio a : b, we call a as the first term or antecedent and b, the second term orconsequent. 5 Eg. The ratio 5 : 9 represents 9 with antecedent = 5, consequent = 9. Rule: The multiplication or division of each term of a ratio by the same non-zero number does not affect the ratio. Eg. 4 : 5 = 8 : 10 = 12 : 15. Also, 4 : 6 = 2 : 3. 2. Proportion: The equality of two ratios is called proportion. If a : b = c : d, we write a : b :: c : d and we say that a, b, c, d are in proportion. Here a and d are called extremes, while b and c are called mean terms. Product of means = Product of extremes. Thus, a : b :: c : d 3. (b x c) = (a x d). Fourth Proportional: If a : b = c : d, then d is called the fourth proportional to a, b, c. Third Proportional: a : b = c : d, then c is called the third proportion to a and b. Mean Proportional: Mean proportional between a and b is ab. 4. Comparison of Ratios: a We say that (a : b) > (c : d) > b 5. Compounded Ratio: 6. The compounded ratio of the ratios: (a : b), (c : d), (e : f) is (ace : bdf). 7. Duplicate Ratios: Duplicate ratio of (a : b) is (a2 : b2). Sub-duplicate ratio of (a : b) is (a : b). Triplicate ratio of (a : b) is (a3 : b3). Sub-triplicate ratio of (a : b) is (a1/3 : b1/3). If 8. a b = c d , then a+b a-b = c+d c-d . [componendo and dividendo] Variations: We say that x is directly proportional to y, if x = ky for some constant k and we write,x We say that x is inversely proportional to y, if xy = k for some constant k and y. c d . 1 we write, x . y 1. A and B together have Rs. 1210. If amount does B have? of A's amount is equal to of B's amount, how much A. Rs. 460 B. Rs. 484 C. Rs. 550 D. Rs. 664 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 4 A 15 2 = 2 A= B 5 15 x 5 4 B 3 A= B 2 A 3 = B 2 A : B = 3 : 2. B's share = Rs. 2 1210 x 5 = Rs. 484. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2. Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% more than a third number. The ratio of the two numbers is: A. 2:5 B. 3:5 C. 4:5 D. 6:7 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let the third number be x. 120x Then, first number = 120% of x = 100 150x Second number = 150% of x = Ratio of first two numbers = 6x 5 : 3x 2 100 = = 6x 5 3x 2 = 12x : 15x = 4 : 5. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3. A sum of money is to be distributed among A, B, C, D in the proportion of 5 : 2 : 4 : 3. If C gets Rs. 1000 more than D, what is B's share? A. Rs. 500 B. Rs. 1500 C. Rs. 2000 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let the shares of A, B, C and D be Rs. 5x, Rs. 2x, Rs. 4x and Rs. 3x respectively. Then, 4x - 3x = 1000 x = 1000. B's share = Rs. 2x = Rs. (2 x 1000) = Rs. 2000. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4. Seats for Mathematics, Physics and Biology in a school are in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8. There is a proposal to increase these seats by 40%, 50% and 75% respectively. What will be the ratio of increased seats? A. 2:3:4 B. 6:7:8 C. 6:8:9 D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Originally, let the number of seats for Mathematics, Physics and Biology be 5x, 7x and 8x respectively. Number of increased seats are (140% of 5x), (150% of 7x) and (175% of 8x). 140 100 x 5x 7x, 150 , 100 x 7x 175 and 21x 100 x 8x and 14x. 2 21x The required ratio = 7x : 2 : 14x 14x : 21x : 28x 2 : 3 : 4. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 5. In a mixture 60 litres, the ratio of milk and water 2 : 1. If this ratio is to be 1 : 2, then the quanity of water to be further added is: A. 20 litres B. 30 litres C. 40 litres D. 60 litres Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Quantity of milk = 2 60 x 3 litres = 40 litres. Quantity of water in it = (60- 40) litres = 20 litres. New ratio = 1 : 2 Let quantity of water to be added further be x litres. 40 Then, milk : water = 40 Now, . 20 + x 1 = 20 + x 2 20 + x = 80 x = 60. Quantity of water to be added = 60 litres. 6. The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a college is 7 : 8. If the percentage increase in the number of boys and girls be 20% and 10% respectively, what will be the new ratio? A. 8:9 B. 17 : 18 C. 21 : 22 D. Cannot be determined Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Originally, let the number of boys and girls in the college be 7x and 8x respectively. Their increased number is (120% of 7x) and (110% of 8x). 120 100 x 7x 110 and 42x 100 44x and 5 42x The required ratio = 5 : x 8x 5 44x 5 = 21 : 22. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. Salaries of Ravi and Sumit are in the ratio 2 : 3. If the salary of each is increased by Rs. 4000, the new ratio becomes 40 : 57. What is Sumit's salary? A. Rs. 17,000 B. Rs. 20,000 C. Rs. 25,500 D. Rs. 38,000 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Let the original salaries of Ravi and Sumit be Rs. 2x and Rs. 3x respectively. 2x + 4000 Then, 40 = 3x + 4000 57 57(2x + 4000) = 40(3x + 4000) 6x = 68,000 3x = 34,000 Sumit's present salary = (3x + 4000) = Rs.(34000 + 4000) = Rs. 38,000. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 8. If 0.75 : x :: 5 : 8, then x is equal to: A. 1.12 B. 1.2 C. 1.25 D. 1.30 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: (x x 5) = (0.75 x 8) 6 x= = 1.20 5 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. The sum of three numbers is 98. If the ratio of the first to second is 2 :3 and that of the second to the third is 5 : 8, then the second number is: A. 20 B. 30 C. 48 D. 58 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let the three parts be A, B, C. Then, A : B = 2 : 3 and B : C = 5 : 8 = 5 24 A:B:C=2:3: B= 3 5x 5 98 x : 8x 3 =3: 5 = 10 : 15 : 24 15 49 = 30. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 10. If Rs. 782 be divided into three parts, proportional to : : , then the first part is: 24 5 A. Rs. 182 B. Rs. 190 C. Rs. 196 D. Rs. 204 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Given ratio = : : = 6 : 8 : 9. 1st part = Rs. 6 782 x = Rs. 204 23 11. The salaries A, B, C are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5. If the increments of 15%, 10% and 20% are allowed respectively in their salaries, then what will be new ratio of their salaries? A. 3 : 3 : 10 B. 10 : 11 : 20 C. 23 : 33 : 60 D. Cannot be determined Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let A = 2k, B = 3k and C = 5k. A's new salary = B's new salary = C's new salary = New ratio 115 100 110 120 10 110 : 33k 10 x 3k 100 120 of 5k = 100 x 2k 100 of 3k = 100 23k 115 of 2k = x 5k 100 : 6k 23k = 10 33k = 10 = 6k = 23 : 33 : 60 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. If 40% of a number is equal to two-third of another number, what is the ratio of first number to the second number? A. 2:5 B. 3:7 C. 5:3 D. 7:3 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 2 Let 40% of A = Then, 40A 100 3 = B 2B 3 2A A B 5 = 2B = 2 x 3 3 5 5 = 2 3 A : B = 5 : 3. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 13. The fourth proportional to 5, 8, 15 is: A. 18 B. 24 C. 19 D. 20 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let the fourth proportional to 5, 8, 15 be x. Then, 5 : 8 : 15 : x 5x = (8 x 15) (8 x 15) x= = 24. 5 View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. Two number are in the ratio 3 : 5. If 9 is subtracted from each, the new numbers are in the ratio 12 : 23. The smaller number is: A. 27 B. 33 C. 49 D. 55 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Let the numbers be 3x and 5x. Then, 23(3x - 9) = 12(5x - 9) 9x = 99 x = 11. The smaller number = (3 x 11) = 33. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3x - 9 5x - 9 = 12 23 15. In a bag, there are coins of 25 p, 10 p and 5 p in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3. If there is Rs. 30 in all, how many 5 p coins are there? A. 50 B. 100 C. 150 D. 200 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Let the number of 25 p, 10 p and 5 p coins be x, 2x, 3x respectively. Then, sum of their values = Rs. 60x 100 = 30 25x 100 x= + 10 x 2x 100 + 5 x 3x 100 30 x 100 60 Hence, the number of 5 p coins = (3 x 50) = 150. 2.3 Current Affairs including World and Pakistan = Rs. = 50. 60x 100      PM and CM of countries Armed Forces Head Head of other Departments World Current Events Head of Economics Agencies Pak Current Affairs  Governor of State Bank of Pakistan Ashraf Mahmood Wathra  Head Of Naval Staff Admiral Mohammad Zakaullah  Director General ISI Gen Rizwan Akhtar  DG ISPR Asim Saleem Bajwa  Director General Military Intelligence (MI) Major General Sarfraz Sattar  Current Chief Justice of Balochistan High Court Justice Mir Muhammad Noor Meskanzai  Chief Justice of Lahore High Court Mr. Justice Manzoor Ahmad Malik  Air Chief of Pakistan Sohail Aman  Current Chairman of NAB Qamar Zaman Chaudhry  current IG of Motorway Police Muhammad Saleem Bhatti  Attorney General of Pakistan Salman Aslam Butt  Current Chief Election Commissioner Sardar Muhammad Raza  Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Jawad s Khawaja  Chief Justice of Lahore High Court Mr. Justice Manzoor Ahmad Malik  Governor of Punjab Muhammad Rafiq Rajwana  Governor of kpk Sirdar Mahtab Abbasi  Governor of balochistan Muhamad khan Achakzai  Governor of gilgit baltistan Chaudhry Muhammad Barjees Tahir  Chief minister of gilgit baltistan Hafiz Hafeez ur Rehman  Chief minister of balochistan Abdul Malik  Chief minister of AJK Tehmas Khan  IG Punjab Mushtaq Sukhera  IG Sindh Ghulam Haider Jamal  IG KPK Nasir Durrani  IG Baluchistan Muhammad Amlish.  IG Islamabad Tahir Alam khan  IG Gilgit Balgistan Zafar Aqbal Awan Federal Ministers 1.Lt. General (Retd.) Abdul Qadir Baloch Federal Minister for States and Frontier Regions 2.Mr. Ahsan Iqbal Federal Minister for Planning, Development & Reform 3.Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan Federal Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control 4.Mr. Ghulam Murtaza Khan Jatoi Federal Minister for Industries and Production 5.Mr. Kamran Michael Federal Minister for Ports and Shipping 6.Khawaja Muhammad Asif Federal Minister for Water and Power, Defence 7.Khawaja Saad Rafique Federal Minister for Railways 8.Mr. Muhammad Barjees Tahir Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan 9.Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar Federal Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization 10.Mr. Pervaiz Rashid Federal Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage, Law, Justice and Human Rights 11.Pir Syed Sadaruddin Shah Rashidi Federal Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development 12.Rana Tanveer Hussain Federal Minister for Defence Production 13.Mr. Riaz Hussain Pirzada Federal Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination 14.Sardar Muhammad Yousaf Federal Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony 15.Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Federal Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources 16.Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research 17.Mr. Zahid Hamid Federal Minister for Science and Technology 18.Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan Federal Minister for Commerce 19.Akram Khan Durrani Federal Minister 20.Abbas Khan Afridi Federal Minister World Leaders List ● Afghanistan : Capital Kabul; President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani ● Albania : Capital - Tirana; President - Bujar Nishani; Prime Minister - Edi Rama ● Algeria : Capital - Algiers; President - Abdelaziz Bouteflika; Prime Minister - Abdelmalek Sellal ● Angola : Capital - Luanda; President - Jose Eduardo Dos Santos ●Antigua and Barbuda : Capital - St. John's; Governor General-Sir Rodney Williams, Prime Minister Gaston Browne ● Argentina : Capital - Buenos Aires; President - Cristina Fernandez De Kirchner ● Armenia : Capital - Yerevan; President - Serzh Sargsian; Prime Minister - Hovik Abrahamyan ● Aruba : Capital - Oranjestad; Governor-Fredis Refunjol; Prime Minister - Mike Eman ● Australia : Capital - Canberra; Governor General-Sir Peter Cosgrove; Prime Minister - Tony Abbott ● Austria : Capital - Vienna; President - Heinz Fischer; Chancellor-Werner Faymann ● Azerbaijan : Capital - Baku; President - Ilham Aliyev; Prime Minister - Artur Rasizade ● Bahamas, The : Capital - Nassau; Governor General-Marguerite Pindling; Prime Minister Perry Gladstone Christie ● Bahrain : Capital - Manama; King-Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa; Prime Minister - Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa ● Bangladesh : Capital - Dhaka; President - Abdul Hamid; Prime Minister - Sheikh Hasina ● Barbados : Capital - Bridgetown; Governor General-Elliot Belgrave; Prime Minister Freundel Stuart ● Belarus : Capital - Minsk; President - Aleksandr Lukashenko; Prime Minister - Alexander Lukashenko ● Belgium : Capital - City of Brussels; King-Philippe; Prime Minister - Charles Michel ● Belize : Capital - Belmopan; Governor General-Sir Colville Young; Prime Minister - Dean Oliver Barrow ● Benin : Capital Porto-Novo; President Thomas Boni Yayi ● Bhutan - NDE : Capital - Thimphu; King-Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck; Prime Minister-Tshering Tobgay ● Bolivia : Capital Sucre; President Juan Evo Morales Ayma ● Botswana : Capital - Gaborone; President - Seretse Khama Ian Khama ● Brazil : Capital Brasília; President Dilma Rousseff ● Brunei : Capital - Bandar Seri Begawan; Sultan-Sir Hassanal Bolkiah; Prime Minister - Sir Hassanal Bolkiah ● Bulgaria : Capital - Sofia; President - Rosen Plevneliev; Prime Minister - Boyko Borisov ● Burkina Faso : Capital - Ouagadougou; President - Michel Kafando (Acting); Prime Minister Yacouba Isaac Zida (Acting) ● Burundi : Capital Bujumbura; President Pierre Nkurunziza ● Cabo Verde : Capital - Praia; President - Jorge Carlos De Almeida Fonseca; Prime Minister Jose Maria Pereira Neves ● Cambodia : Capital - Phnom Penh; King-Norodom Sihamoni; Prime Minister - Hun Sen ● Cameroon : Capital - Yaoundé; President - Paul Biya; Prime Minister - Philemon Yang ● Canada : Ottawa; Governor General-David Johnston; Prime Minister - Stephen Joseph Harper ● Central African Republic : Capital - Bangui; President - Catherine Samba-Panza (Acting); Prime Minister Mahamat Kamoun (Acting) ● Chad : Capital - N'djamena; President - Idriss Deby Itno; Prime Minister - Kalzeubet Pahimi Deubet ● Chile : Capital Santiago; President Michelle Bachelet ● China : Capital - Beijing; President - Xi Jinping; Prime Minister - Li Keqiang ● Colombia : Capital Bogotá; President Juan Manuel Santos ● Comoros : Capital Moroni; President: Ikililou Dhoinine ●Congo, Democratic Republic of The : Capital - Kinshasa; President - Joseph Kabila; Prime Minister Augustin Matata Ponyo Mapon ● Congo, Republic of The : Capital - Brazzaville; President - Denis Sassou-Nguesso ● Cook Islands : Capital Avarua; Prime Minister Henry Puna ● Costa Rica : Capital - San José; President - Luis Guillermo Solís ● Cote D'ivoire : Capital - Yamoussoukro; President - Alassane Dramane Ouattara; Prime minister: Daniel Kablan Duncan ● Croatia : Capital - Zagreb; President - Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic; Prime Minister - Zoran Milanovic ● Cuba - NDE : Capital - Havana; President - General Raul Modesto Castro Ruz; Prime minister: Raúl Castro ● Cyprus : Capital Nicosia; President Nikos Anastasiadis ● Czech Republic : Capital - Prague; President - Milos Zeman; Prime Minister - Bohuslav Sobotka ● Denmark : Capital - Copenhagen; Queen-Margrethe II; Prime Minister - Helle ThorningSchmidt ●Djibouti : Capital - Djibouti; President - Ismail Omar Guelleh; Prime Minister - Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed ● Dominica : Capital - Roseau; President - Charles Savarin; Prime Minister - Roosevelt Skerrit ● Dominican Republic : Capital - Santo Domingo; President - Danilo Medina Sanchez ● Ecuador : Capital Quito; President Rafael Correa Delgado ● Egypt : Capital - Cairo - President - Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi; Prime Minister - Ibrahim Mehlab ● El Salvador : Capital - San Salvador; President - Salvador Sánchez Cerén ● Equatorial Guinea : Capital - Malabo; President - Brig. General Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo; Prime minister: Vicente Ehate Tomi ● Eritrea : Capital Asmara; President Isaias Afworki ● Estonia : Capital - Tallinn; President - Toomas Hendrik Ilves; Prime Minister - Taavi Roivas ●Ethiopia : Capital - Addis Ababa; President - Mulatu Teshome; Prime Minister - Hailemariam Desalegn ● Fiji : Capital - Suva; President - Epeli Nailatikau; Prime Minister - Frank Bainimarama ● Finland : Capital - Helsinki; President - Sauli Niinisto; Prime Minister - Juha Sipila ● France : Capital - Paris; President - Francois Hollande; Prime Minister - Manuel Valls ●Gabon : Capital - Libreville; President - Ali Ben Bongo Ondimba; Prime Minister - Daniel Ona Ondo ● Gambia, The : Capital Banjul; President Yahya Jammeh ● Georgia : Capital - Tbilisi; President - Giorgi Margvelashvili; Prime Minister - Irakli Garibashvili ● Germany : Capital - Berlin - Fed. President - Joachim Gauck; Chancellor-Angela Merkel ● Ghana : Capital Accra; President John Dramani Mahama ● Greece : Capital - Athens; President - Prokopis Pavlopoulos; Prime Minister - Alexis Tsipras ● Grenada : Capital - St. George's; Governor General-Cecile La Grenade; Prime Minister Keith Mitchell ● Guatemala : Capital - Guatemala City; President - Otto Fernando Perez Molina ● Guinea : Capital - Conakry; President - Alpha Conde; Prime Minister - Mohamed Said Fofana ● Guinea-Bissau : Capital - Bissau; President - José Mário Vaz; Prime Minister - Domingos Simões Pereira ● Guyana : Capital - Georgetown; President - David A. Granger; Prime Minister - Moses Nagamootoo ● Haiti : Capital - Port-Au-Prince; President - Michel Martelly; Prime Minister - Evans Paul ● Honduras : Capital - Tegucigalpa; President - Juan Orlando Hernandez Alvarado ● Hungary : Capital - Budapest; President - Janos Ader; Prime Minister - Viktor Orban ● Iceland : Capital - Reykjavik; President - Olafur Ragnar Grimsson; Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson ● India : Capital - New Delhi; President - Pranab Mukherjee; Prime Minister - Narendra Modi ● Indonesia : Capital Jakarta; President - Joko Widodo ● Iran - NDE : Capital - Tehran; President - Hasan Fereidun Ruhani; President : Hassan Rouhani ● Iraq : Capital - Baghdad; Supreme Leader-Ayatollah Ali Hoseini-Khamenei; President - Fuad Masum; Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi ● Ireland : Capital - Dublin; President - Michael Daniel Higgins; Prime Minister - Enda Kenny ● Israel : Capital - Jerusalem; President - Reuven Rivlin; Prime Minister - Binyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu ● Italy : Capital - Rome; President - Sergio Mattarella; Prime Minister - Matteo Renzi ● Jamaica : Capital - Kingston; Governor General-Sir Patrick Allen; Prime Minister - Portia Simpson-Miller ● Japan : Capital - Tokyo; Emperor-Akihito; Prime Minister - Shinzo Abe ● Jordan : Capital - Amman; King-Abdallah II; Prime Minister - Abdullah Nsour ● Kazakhstan : Capital - Astana; President - Nursultan Nazarbayev; Prime Minister - Karim Massimov ● Kenya : Capital Nairobi; President Uhuru Kenyatta ● Kiribati : Capital South Tarawa; President Anote Tong ● North, South NDE : Capital - Pyongyang; Supreme leader: Kim Jong-un ● Korea, South : Capital - Seoul; President - Park Geun-Hye; Prime Minister - Hwang Kyo-ahn ● Kosovo : Capital - Pristina; President - Atifete Jahjaga; Prime Minister - Hashim Thaci ● Kuwait : Capital - Kuwait City; Amir-Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jabir al-Sabah; Prime Minister Jabir Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah ● Kyrgyzstan : Capital - Bishkek; President - Almazbek Atambaev; Prime Minister - Temir Sariyev ● Laos : Capital - Vientiane President - Lt. General Choummali Saignason; Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong ● Latvia : Capital - Riga; President - Andris Berzins; Prime Minister - Laimdota Straujuma ● Lebanon : Capital - Beirut; President - Tammam Salam (Acting); Prime Minister - Tammam Salam ● Lesotho : Capital - Maseru; King-Letsie III; Prime Minister - Pakalitha Mosisili ● Liberia : Capital Monrovia; President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf ● Libya : Capital - Tripoli; President - Aguila Saleh Issa; Prime Minister - Abdullah al-Thani ● Liechtenstein : Capital - Vaduz; Head of State-Prince Hans Adam II; Prime Minister - Adrian Hasler ● Lithuania : Capital - Vilnius; President - Dalia Grybauskaite; Prime Minister - Algirdas Butkevicius ● Luxembourg : Capital - Luxembourg; Grand Duke-Henri; Prime Minister - Xavier Bettel ● Macedonia : Capital - Skopje; President - Gjorge Ivanov; Prime Minister - Nikola Gruevski ● Madagascar : Capital - Antananarivo; President - Hery Martial Rajaonarimampianina Rakotoari ● Malawi : Capital Lilongwe; President Peter Mutharika ● Malaysia : Capital - Kuala Lumpur; King-Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah; Prime Minister Najib Razak ● Maldives : Capital - Malé; President - Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom ● Mali : Capital - Bamako; President - Ibrahim Boubacar Keita; Prime Minister - Modibo Keita ● Malta : Capital - Valletta; President - Marie Louise Coleiro Preca; Prime Minister - Joseph Muscat ● Marshall Islands : Capital - Majuro; President - Christopher Jorebon Loeak ● Mauritania : Capital - Nouakchott; President - Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz; Prime Minister Yahya Ould Hademine ● Mauritius : Capital - Port Louis; President - Ameenah Gurib; Prime Minister - Anerood Jugnauth ● Mexico : Capital - Mexico City; President - Enrique Pena Nieto ● Micronesia, Federated States of : Capital - Palikir; President - Peter M. Christian ● Moldova : Capital - ChișInău; President - Nicolae Timofti; Prime Minister - Chiril Gaburici ●Mongolia : Capital - Ulan Bator; President - Tsakhia Elbegdorj; Prime Minister - Chimed Saikhanbileg ● Montenegro : Capital - Podgorica; President - Filip Vujanovic; Prime Minister - Milo Djukanovic ● Morocco : Capital - Rabat; King-Mohammed VI; Prime Minister - Abdelillah Benkirane ● Mozambique : Capital - Maputo; President - Filipe Nyusi; Prime Minister - Carlos Agostinho do Rosário ● Myanmar : Capital Naypyidaw; President Thein Sein ● Namibia : Capital - Windhoek; President - Hage Geingob; Prime Minister - Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila ● Nauru : Capital - Yaren District; President - Baron Divavesi Waqa ● Nepal : Capital - Kathmandu; President - Dr. Ram Baran Yadav; Prime Minister: Sushil Koirala ● Netherlands : Capital - Amsterdam; King-Willem-Alexander; Prime Minister - Mark Rutte ● New Zealand : Capital - Wellington; Governor General-Jeremiah Mateparae; Prime Minister John Phillip Key ● Nicaragua : Capital - Managua; President - Daniel Ortega Saavedra ● Niger : Capital - Niamey; President - Issoufou Mahamadou; Prime Minister - Brigi Rafini ● Nigeria : Capital Abuja; President Muhammadu Buhari ● Norway : Capital - Oslo; King-Harald V; Prime Minister - Erna Solberg ● Oman : Capital - Muscat; Sultan-Qaboos bin Said Al Said; Deputy Prime Minister - Fahd bin Mahmoud al Said ● Pakistan : Capital - Islamabad; President - Mamnoon Hussain; Prime Minister - Mohammad Nawaz Sharif ● Palau : Capital Melekeok; President Tommy Remengesau ● Panama : Capital - Panama City; President - Juan Carlos Varela ● Papua New Guinea : Capital - Port Moresby; Governor General-Michael Ogio; Prime Minister Peter Paire O'neill ● Paraguay : Capital Asunción; President Horacio Cartes Jara ● Peru : Capital - Lima; President - Ollanta Moises Humala Tasso; Prime Minister - Pedro Cateriano ● Philippines : Capital Manila; President Benigno Aquino III ● Poland : Capital - Warsaw; President - Bronislaw Komorowski; Prime Minister - Ewa Kopacz ● Portugal : Capital - Lisbon; President - Anibal Antonio Cavaco Silva; Prime Minister - Pedro Manuel Passos Coelho Mamede ● Qatar : Capital - Doha; Amir-Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani; Prime Minister - Abdallah Bin Nasir Bin Khalifa Al Thani ● Romania : Capital - Bucharest; President - Klaus Iohannis; Prime Minister - Victor-Viorel Ponta ● Russia : Capital - Moscow; President - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin; Prime Minister Dmitriy Anatolyevich Medvedev ● Rwanda : Capital - Kigali; President - Paul Kagame; Prime Minister - Anastase Murekezi ● Saint Kitts and Nevis : Capital - Basseterre; Governor General-Samuel Weymouth Tapley Seaton (Acting); Prime Minister Timothy Harris ● Saint Lucia : Capital - Castries; Governor General- Dame Pearlette Louisy; Prime Minister Kenny Davis Anthony ● Saint Vincent and the Grenadines : Capital - Kingstown; Governor General-Sir Frederick Nathaniel Ballantyne; Prime Minister Ralph Everard Gonsalves ● Samoa : Capital - Apia; Prime Minister - Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi ● Sao Tome and Principe : Capital - São Tomé; President - Manuel Pinto Da Costa; Prime Minister Patrice Trovoada ● Saudi Arabia : Capital - Riyadh; King-Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud ● Senegal : Capital - Dakar; President - Macky Sall; Prime Minister - Mohammed Dionne ● Serbia : Capital - Belgrade; President - Tomislav Nikolic; Prime Minister - Aleksandar Vučić ● Seychelles : Capital Victoria; President James Alix Michel ● Sierra Leone : Capital - Freetown; President - Ernest Bai Koroma ● Singapore : President - Tony Tan Keng Yam; Prime Minister - Lee Hsien Loong ● Slovakia : Capital - Bratislava; President - Andrej Kiska; Prime Minister - Robert Fico ● Slovenia : Capital - Ljubljana; President - Borut Pahor; Prime Minister - Miro Cerar ● Solomon Islands : Capital - Honiara; Governor General-Frank Ofagioro Kabui; Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare ● Somalia : Capital - Mogadishu; President - Hassan Sheikh Mahamud; Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed ● South Africa : Capital - Pretoria, Cape Town, Bloemfontein; President - Jacob Zuma ● South Sudan : Capital Juba; President Salva Kiir Mayardit ● Spain : Capital - Madrid; Monarch - Felipe VI, Prime Minister - Mariano Rajoy ● Sri Lanka : Capital - Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Colombo; President - Maithripala Sirisena; Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe ● Sudan : Capital - Khartoum; President - Umar Hassan Ahmad Al-Bashir, Field Mar ● Suriname : Capital - Paramaribo; President - Desire Delano Bouterse ● Swaziland : Capital - Lobamba, Mbabane; King-Mswati III; Prime Minister - Barnabus Sibusiso Dlamini ● Sweden : Capital - Stockholm; King-Carl XVI Gustaf; Prime Minister - Stefan Löfven ● Syria : Capital - Damascus; President - Bashar Al-Asad; Prime Minister - Wael Al-Halqi ● Taiwan NDE : Capital Taipei; President Ma Ying-Jeou ● Tajikistan : Capital - Dushanbe; President - Emomali Rahmon; Prime Minister - Qohir Rasulzoda ● Tanzania : Capital - Dodoma; President - Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete; Prime Minister - Mizengo Kayanza Peter Pinda ● Thailand : Capital Bangkok; King-Phumiphon Adunyadet ● Timor-East : Capital - Dili; President - Taur Matan Ruak; Prime Minister - Rui Maria de Araújo ●Togo : Capital - Lomé; President - Faure Gnassingbe; Prime Minister - Komi Sélom Klassou ● Tonga : Capital - NukuʻAlofa; King-Tupou VI; Prime Minister - Akilisi Pohiva ● Trinidad and Tobago : Capital - Port of Spain; President - Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona; Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar ● Tunisia : Capital - Tunis; President - Beji Caid Essebsi; Prime Minister - Habib Essid ● Turkey : Capital - Ankara; President - Recep Tayyip Erdoğan; Prime Minister - Ahmet Davutoğlu ● Turkmenistan : Capital - Ashgabat; President - Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow ● Tuvalu : Capital - Funafuti; Governor General-Iakoba Italeli; Prime Minister - Enele Sopoaga ● Uganda : Capital - Kampala; President -Yoweri Kaguta Museveni; Prime Minister - Ruhakana Rugunda ● Ukraine : Capital - Kiev; President - Petro Poroshenko; Prime Minister - Arseniy Yatsenyuk ● United Arab Emirates : Capital - Abu Dhabi; President - Khalifa Bin Zayid Al Nuhayyan; Prime Minister Muhammad Bin Rashid Al Maktum ● United States of America : Capital - Washington, D.C., President - Barack Obama ● United Kingdom : Capital - London; Queen-Elizabeth II; Prime Minister - David William Donald Cameron ● Uruguay : Capital Montevideo; President Tabaré Vázquez ● Uzbekistan : Capital - Tashkent; President - Islom Karimov; Prime Minister - Shavkat Mirziyoyev ● Vanuatu : Capital - Port Vila; President - Baldwin Lonsdale; Prime Minister - Sato Kilman ● Venezuela : Capital Caracas; President Nicolas Maduro Moros ● Vietnam : Capital - Hanoi; President - Truong Tan Sang; Prime Minister - Nguyen Tan Dung ● Yemen : Capital - Sana'a; President - Fd. Mar. Abd Rabuh Mansur Hadi; Prime Minister Khaled Bahah (Acting) ● Zambia : Capital Lusaka; President Edgar Lungu ● Zimbabwe : Capital - Harare; President - Robert Gabriel Mugabe United States US Current Affairs President Vice President Government Political System Geography Civil War World Wars Cold War Elections Religion Language Sports Economy Sports Capital Washington, D.C. Largest city New York City National language English Government Federal presidential constitutional republic President Barack Obama Vice President Joe Biden Legislature Congress Upper House Senate Lower House House of Representatives Area Total 9,826,675 km2 or 3,794,101 sq mi Population 2010 census 308,745,538 Geography The United States is the world's third or fourth largest nation by total area (land and water), ranking behind Russia and Canada and just above or below China. The Mississippi–Missouri River, the world's fourth longest river system, runs mainly north–south through the heart of the country. Political Divisions The United States is a federal union of fifty states. The original thirteen states were the successors of the thirteen colonies that rebelled against British rule. UN organizations  Food and Agriculture Organization o Director-General - José Graziano da Silva, Brazil (2012–present)  International Atomic Energy Agency o Director-General - Yukiya Amano, Japan (2009–present)  International Civil Aviation Organization o President of the Council –DrOlumuyiwaBenardAliu , Nigeria (2013–present) o Secretary-General –Dr Fang Liu, China(2015)  International Labour Organization o Director-General - Guy Ryder, UK (2012–present)  United Nations o Secretary-General-Ban Ki Moon,South Korea(2007–present) o President of the General Assembly - Sam KahambaKutesa,Uganda(2014 – till date) o Security Council members-China,France,Russia,United Kingdom,United States(permanent members); Chad, Chile, Jordan, Lithuania, Nigeria (elected for 2015); Venezuela, Spain, New Zealand, Malaysia, Angola(elected for 2016)  United Nations Children's Fund(UNICEF) o Executive Director - Anthony Lake, United States (2010–present)  United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) o Director-General - Irina Bokova, Bulgaria (2009–present)  United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights o High Commissioner –Prince Zeid bin Ra'ad, Jordan(2014–present)  United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR) o High Commissioner - AntónioGuterres, Portugal (2005–present)  United Nations Industrial Development Organization(UNIDO) o Director-general –Li Yong, China (2013–present)  World Food Programme(WFP) o Executive Director –Ertharin Cousin, United States (2009–present)  World Health Organization(WHO) o Director-General - Margaret Chan, China (acting) (2007–present)  World Meteorological Organization(WMO) o President –David Grimes o Secretary-General - Michel Jarraud, France (2004–present)  World Tourism Organization(UNWTO) o Secretary-General - TalebRifai, Jordan (2010–present) Political and economic organizations  African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States(ACP)o Secretary-General - Mohamed IbnChambas, Ghana (2010–present)  African Uniono Chairperson1. YayiBoni,Benin, (2012–2013) 2. HailemariamDesalegn,Ethiopia, (2013–present) o Chairperson of the Commission–Robert Mugabe,South Africa(Jan 2015– present) o President of the Pan-African Parliament–Bethel NnaemekaAmadi,Nigeria (2012–present)  Andean Communityo Secretary-General –Pablo Guzman Laugier(Bolivia), (2013–present)  Arab Leagueo Secretary-General - Nabil Elaraby, Egypt (2011–present)  Commonwealth of Nationso Head-Queen Elizabeth II(1952–present) o Secretary-General - Kamalesh Sharma, India (2008–present)  Commonwealth of Independent States o Executive Secretary - Sergei Lebedev, Russia (2007–present)  Council of Europe o Secretary General–UweCorsepius,Germany(2011) o President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Anne Brasseur,Luxemberg(2014–present) o President of the European Court of Human Rights–Dean Spielmann,Luxemberg(2012–present)  East African Communityo Secretary-General - Richard Sezibera, Rwanda (2011–present)  Economic Community of West African States o President of the Commission –Kadre Desire Ouedraog, Burkina Faso(2012) o Chairman –John DramaniMahama, Ghana (2012–present)  Eurasian Economic Community o Secretary-General - TairMansurov, Khazakstan (2007–present) o Chairman of the Interstate Council - NursultanNazarbayev, Kazakhstan (2001– present)  European Free Trade Association o Secretary-General –Kristinn F. Arnason, Iceland (2012–present)  European Union(EU) o Presidency of the European Council–Donald Tusk(Poland)(1 dec 2014– present) o Presidency of the European Union Council 1. Ireland(2013) o President of the European Commission–Jean Claude Juncker,Luxemberg(2014–present) oPresident of the European Parliament –Martin schiilz oSecretary-General of the Counciland High Representative for theCommon Foreign and Security Policy–Federica Mogherini,Italy(2014–present) o President (informal) - David Cameron, United Kingdom (2013)  Gulf Cooperation Council o Secretary-General –Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, Baharain(2011– present)  Ibero-American Secretariat(Segib) o Secretary-General - Enrique V. Iglesias, Uruguay (2005–present)  Indian Ocean Commission o Secretary-General –Jean Claude de'Estrac, Mauritius(2012– present)  Non-Aligned Movement(NAM) o Chairman - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran (2012–present)  Nordic Council o Secretary-General –DagfinnHoybraten, Norway (present)  North Atlantic Treaty Organisation o Secretary-General - Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Denmark (2009–present)  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD) o Secretary-General - José ÁngelGurría, Mexico (2006–present)  Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe(OSCE) o Secretary-General - LambertoZannier, Italy (2011–present) o Chairman-in-Office –IricaDacic Kosovo(2012–present) o High Commissioner on National Minorities –Astrid Thoss, Finland(2013– present)  Organization of American States o Secretary-General - José Miguel Insulza, Chile (2005–present)  Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States o Director-General –DrDidacus Jules Barbados (2014–present)  Organisation of the Islamic Conference (from July 2011 known as theOrganisation ofIslamic Cooperation) o Secretary-General –Iyad bin Amin Madani, Saudi Arabia (2014–present)  Pacific Community o Director-General –Dr Colin Tukuitonga, Kiribati (present)  Pacific Islands Forum o Secretary-General –Dame Meg Taylor (present)  Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO) o Secretary-General –Dmitry F. Mezentsev, Russia (2012–present)  South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation o Secretary-General –Arjun BahadurThapa, Nepal (2014–present)  Southern Cone Common Market(Mercosur) o Director of the Executive Secretariat –DilmaRousseff, Brazil (present)  Southern African Development Community o Executive Secretary - TomazSalomão, Mozambique (2005–present)  Union of South American Nations(Unasur/Unasul) o President - OllantaHumala, Peru (2012–present) o Secretary-General - Alí Rodríguez Araque, Venezuela (2012–present)  Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization(UNPO) o Secretary-General - Roberto Azevêdo, Brazil (2013–present)  World Trade Organization(WTO) o Director-General - Roberto Azevêdo, Brazil (2013–present) Financial organizations  African Development Banko President - Donald Kaberuka, Rwanda (2005–present)  Asian Development Banko President - Takehikonakao, Japan (2013–present)  European Bank for Reconstruction and Development o President - Suma Chakrabarti, India (2012–present)  Inter-American Development Bank(IADB) o President - Luis Alberto Moreno, Colombia (2005–present)  International Monetary Fund o Managing Director - Christine Lagarde, France (2011–present)  Islamic Development Bank(IDB) o President - Ahmad Mohamed Ali, Saudi Arabia (1975–present)  World Bank o President - Jim Yong Kim, Korea (2012-present) pecialized organisations and agencies of the United Nations No . Acronym s 1 FAO 2 Agency Establishe d Headquarters Head Food and Agriculture Organization Rome, Italy José Graziano da Silva 1945 IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna, Austria Yukiya Amano 1957 3 ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization Raymo nd Benjamin 1947 4 IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development 5 ILO International Labour Organization 6 IMO International Maritime Organization Montreal, Cana da Rome, Italy Geneva, Switzerl and London, United Kingdom Kanayo F. Nwanze Guy Ryder Koji Sekimizu Comment Associated agency 1977 1919 1948 Originally part of League of Nations 7 IMF International Monetary Fund 8 ITU International Telecommunication Union 9 UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 10 UPU Universal Postal Union 11 WBG World Bank Group 12 Washington, D.C.,USA Christin e Lagarde 1945 Geneva, Switzerl and Hamad oun Touré 1865 Irina Bokova 1946 Bishar Abdirahman Hussein 1947 Paris, France Bern, Switzerland Washington, Jim D.C, USA Yong Kim WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization Geneva, Switzerl and Gurry 13 WMO World Meteorological Organization Geneva, Switzerl and David Grimes 14 UNWTO World Tourism Organization Madrid, Spain 15 UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Vienna, Austria 16 WHO World Health Organization Geneva, Switzerl and Francis Taleb Rifai 1945 1974 1950 1974 Yuri Fedotov 1997 Margar et Chan 1948 Departments and offices of the United Nations Secretariat[edit] The United Nations Secretariat carries out the day-to-day work of the Organisation. It services the other principal organs of the United Nations and administers the programmes and policies laid down by them. At its head is the Secretary-General, who is appointed by the General Assembly. The Secretariat administers a number of notable Offices and Departments. Departments and Offices of the United Nations Secretariat No . Acronym s Agency Headquarters Head Establishe d Commen t 1 UNOCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 2 UNOOSA United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs New York, USA Vienna, Aus tria Valerie 1991 Amos Simonett a Di Pippo 1958 Treaty organisations[edit] The United Nations maintains, administers or has a working relationship with a number of organisations dedicated to the administration of a variety of international treaties and conventions. At times these perform specific administrative functions while also providing a specific forum for discussing issues around a particular treaty. The organisations themselves generally report to the member states of the treaty rather than to the General Assembly. Organizations with a working relationship with the United Nations No . Acronym s 1 ISA International Seabed Authority 2 CTBTO Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization 3 OPCW Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Agency Headquarters Head Established Comment Nii Allotey Odunton 1994 Vienna, Austria Lassi na Zerbo 1997 (preparatory commission) Provisional organisation The Hague, Netherlands Ahm et Üzümcü 1997 Related organisation Kingston, Jamai ca Research and training institutes[edit] There are only five officially recognised training bodies of the United Nations System. Irrespective of what does or does not constitute a United Nations organization, many other institutions serve a research or training purpose, and some are part of other organisations and funds. These are also contained below. Research and training bodies of the United Nations No . 1 Acronym s UNIDIR Agency United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Headquarters Geneva, Switzerl and Head Theres a Hitchins Establishe d 1980 Comment UNU United Nations University UNITAR United Nations Institute for Training and Research Geneva, Switzerl and UNRISD United Nations Research Institute For Social Development Geneva, Switzerl and 5 UNICRI United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute Turin, Italy 6 UNSSC United Nations System Staff College Turin, Italy 7 UPEACE University for Peace 8 ICTP International Centre for Theoretical Physics IRC Innocenti Research Centre International Child Development Centre 2 3 4 9 Tokyo, Japan David M. Malone 1969 Sally FeganWyles Sarah Cook Jonath an Lucas Jafar Javan 1965 1963 1968 2002 Francis co Rojas Aravena 1980 UN mandated Trieste, Italy Fernan do Quevedo 1964 IAEA, UNESCO, Italian Govt Florence, Italy MarieClaude Martin 1988 Part of UNICEF San José, Costa Rica Subsidiary bodies of the General Assembly[edit] The following entities were established by the General Assembly. Subsidiary bodies of the United Nations General Assembly No . Acronym s 1 ICSC Agency International Civil Service Commission Headquarters New York, USA Head John P. Hamilton Establishe d 1975 Comment 2 ACPAQ Advisory Committee on Post Adjustment Questions New York, USA 2 4Pakistan Affairs and Islamayat  Pak History  Pak Geography  Pak Current Events Pak All Affairs Wolfgan g Stöckl Part of ICSC Islamic Republic of Pakistan · Fath Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (1876-1948) · National Poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938) · Head of the State Asif Ali Zardari, President · Head of Government Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister · Capital Islamabad · Area Total 796,095 Sq. km. Punjab 205,344 Sq. km. Sindh 140,914 Sq. km. North West Frontier Province 74,521 Sq. km. Baluchistan 347,190 Sq. km. er of the Nation Federally Administered Tribal Areas 27,220 Sq. km. Islamabad (Capital) 906 Sq. km. · Population 149.03 million · Administrative Setup Pakistan is divided into four provinces viz., North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan. The tribal belt adjoining NWFP is managed by the Federal Government and is named FATA i.e., Federally Administered Tribal Areas. Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas have their own respective political and administrative machinery, yet certain of their subjects are taken care of by the Federal Government through the Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Northern Areas. Provinces of Pakistan are further divided into Divisions and Districts Divisions Districts NWFP 7, 24 Punjab 8, 34 Sindh 5 ,21 Baluchistan 6 ,22 While FATA consist of 13 Areas/Agencies and Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas have 7 and 5 Districts respectively. · Religion 95% Muslims, 5% others. · Annual Per capita income Rs. 28,933 (US $ 492 approximately) · GDP 5.1% · Currency Pak. Rupee. · Imports Industrial equipment, chemicals, vehicles, steel, iron ore, petroleum, edible oil, pulses, tea. · Exports Cotton, textile goods, rice, leather items carpets, sports goods, handi-crafts, fish and fish prep. and fruit · Languages Urdu (National) and English (Official) · Literacy rate 51.6% · Government Parliamentary form · Parliament Parliament consists of two Houses i.e., the Senate (Upper House) and the National Assembly (Lower House). The Senate is a permanent legislative body and symbolises a process of continuity in the national affairs. It consists of 100 members. The four Provincial Assemblies, Federally Administered Tribal Areas and Federal Capital form its electoral college. The National Assembly has a total membership of 342 elected through adult suffrage (272 general seats, 60 women seats and 10 non-Muslim seats). · Pakistan National Flag. Dark green with a white vertical bar, a white crescent and a five-pointed star in the middle. The Flag symbolises Pakistan's profound commitment to Islam, the Islamic world and the rights of religious minorities. · National Anthem Approved in June, 1954 Verses Composed by: Abdul Asar Hafeez Jullundhri Tune Composed by: Ahmed G. Chagla Duration: 80 seconds · State Emblem The State Emblem consists of: 1. The crescent and star which are symbols of Islam 2. The shield in the centre shows four major crops 3. Wreath surrounding the shield represents cultural heritage and 4. Scroll contains Quaid's motto: Unity Faith, Discipline · Pakistan's Official Map Drawn by Mian Mahmood Alam Suhrawardy (1920-1999) · National Flower Jasmine. · National Tree Deodar (Cedrus Deodara). · National Animal Markhor. · National Bird Chakor (Red-legged partridge) · Flora Pine, Oak, Poplar, Deodar, Maple, Mulberry · Fauna The Pheasant, Leopard, Deer, Ibex, Chinkara, Black buck, Neelgai, Markhor, Marco-Polo sheep, Green turtles, River & Sea fish, Crocodile, Waterfowls · Popular games Cricket, Hockey, Football, Squash. · Tourist's resorts Murree, Quetta, Hunza, Ziarat, Swat, Kaghan, Chitral and Gilgit · Archaeological sites Moenjo Daro, Harappa, Taxila, Kot Diji, Mehr Garh, Takht Bhai. · Major Cities Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, Rawalpindi, Hyderabad, Faisalabad, Multan and Sialkot · Major Crops Cotton, Wheat, Rice and Sugarcane · Agricultural Growth Rate 4.15% in 2002-03 · Total cropped area 22.0 million hectares · Industry Textiles, Cement, Fertilizer, Steel, Sugar, Electric Goods, Shipbuilding · Energy Major sources Electricity (Hydel, Thermal, Nuclear) Oil, Coal, and Liquid Petroleum Gas Power Generating Capacity 18,062 MW · Health Hospitals 947 Dispensaries 4,800 Basic Health Units (BHUs) 4,820 Maternity & Child Health Centres 1,084 Rural Health Centres (RHCs) 581 Tuberculosis (TB) Centres 357 Hospital Beds 82,844 Doctors (registered) 101,635 Dentists (registered) 5,068 Nurses (registered 44,520 Paramedics 22,714 Lady Health Workers 6,397 · Education Primary Schools 164,200 Middle Schools 19,100 High Schools 12,900 Arts & Science Colleges 925 Professional Colleges 374 Universities Public Sector (including one WomenUniversity) 29 Private Sector 10 · Transport & Communication Total length of roads 251,845 km Pakistan Railway network 7,791 km Railway stations 781 Pakistan International Airlines Covers 33 international and 21 domestic stations with a fleet of 44 planes. Major Airports 8 (Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Quetta, Peshawar, Multan, Faisalabad and Gwadar) · Seaports International 2 (Karachi and Bin Qasim.) Fish Harbours-Cum-Mini Ports 3 (Minora, Gawadar, and Keti Bandar) · Communications Post Offices 12,267 Telephone connections 4,589,000 Public Call Offices 1,14,527 Telegraph offices 328 Internet Connections 1.9 million Employment Total Labour force 42.38 million Employed Labour Force 39.41 million Agriculture Sector 18.91 million Manufacturing & Mining sector 4.51 million Construction 2.25 million Trade 5.27 million Transport 1.97 million Finance, Community & Social Services 5.90 million Others 5.87 million · Media Print Media (In accordance with Central Media List) Dailies 414 Weeklies 392 Fortnightlies 50 Monthlies 259 Annually 01 Quarterly 03 News Agencies Official APP Private PPI, NNI, On Line and Sana. Electronic Media TV Centres Five TV centres at Islamabad, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta and Karachi covering 88.58% population and 29 re-broadcasting stations. Pakistan Television 4 channels (PTV-I, PTV-II (PTV World), PTV-III & PTV-IV) Registered TV sets 3,604,000 Radio Stations Public: Total 25, Home services in 19 languages. External Services cover 81 countries in 15 languages Private: Radio stations 3, TV transmitter channels 3 Cable Operators 900 · Banks Central Bank State Bank of Pakistan Other Banks National Bank of Pakistan Habib Bank Ltd. United Bankn Ltd. Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd. Allied Bank of Pakistan Ltd. First Woman Bank Mehran Bank The Bank of Punjab Bank of Khyber Specialized Banks Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan Federal Bank for Co-operatives Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan The Punjab Provincial Co-operative Bank · Famous MountainPeaks K-2 (Mt. Godwin Austin) 28,250 ft./8611 m (2nd in World) Nanga Parbat 26,660 ft./8126 m (8th in World) Gasherbrum-I 26,470 ft./8068 m (11th in World) · Famous Mountain Passes The Khyber Pass NWFP The KurramPass FATA The TochiPass FATA The GomalPass NWFP The Bolan Pass Balochistan The LowariPass Chitral (NWFP) The KhunjrabPass Northern Areas · Rivers The Indus 2,896 km Jhelum 825 km Chenab 1,242 km Ravi 901 km Sutlej 1,551 km Beas (tributary of Sutlej) 398 km Famous Glaciers Siachin 75 km Batura 55 km Baltoro 65 km Deserts Thar Sindh Cholistan Punjab Thal Punjab · Lakes Manchar Sindh Keenjar Sindh Hanna Balochistan Saif-ul-Maluk NWFP Satpara Northern Areas Kachura Northern Areas · Major Dams Mangla Dam Punjab Tarbela Dam NWFP Warsak Dam NWFP Capital Area Population Islamabad Total: 796,096 Sq. km. Punjab: 205,344 Sq. km. Sindh: 140,914 Sq. km. Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa: 74,521 Sq. km. Balochistan: 347,190 Sq. km. Federally Administered Tribal Areas: 27,220 Sq. km. Islamabad (Capital): 906 Sq. km. 180 million (estimated)-132 million (1998 census) Pakistan is divided into four provinces viz., Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa, Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan. The tribal belt adjoining Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa is managed by the Federal Government and is named FATA i.e., Federally Administered Tribal Areas. Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas have their own respective political and administrative machinery, yet certain of their subjects are taken care of by the Federal Government through the Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Northern Areas. Provinces of Pakistan are further divided into Districts. 95% Muslims, 5% others. Religion Annual per US $1207 capita income GDP 2.4% Currency Pak. Rupee. Industrial equipment, chemicals, vehicles, steel, iron Imports ore, petroleum, edible oil, pulses, tea. Cotton, textile goods, rice, leather items carpets, sports goods, Exports handi-crafts, fish and fish prep. and fruit Languages Urdu (National) and English (Official) Literacy rate Government Parliament 57% Parliamentary form of Government Parliament consists of two Houses i.e., the Senate (Upper House) and the National Assembly (Lower House). The Senate is a permanent legislative body and symbolises a process of continuity in the national affairs. It consists of 100 members. The four Provincial Assemblies, Federally Administered Tribal Areas and Federal Capital form its electoral college. The National Assembly has a total membership of 342 elected through adult suffrage (272 general seats, 60 women seats and 10 non-Muslim seats). Pakistan National Flag National Anthem State Emblem Pakistan's Official Map National Flower National Tree National Animal National Bird Dark green with a white vertical bar, a white crescent and a fivepointed star in the middle. The Flag symbolizes Pakistan's profound commitment to Islam, the Islamic world and the rights of religious minorities. Approved in August, 1954 Verses Composed by: Abdul Asar Hafeez Jullundhri Tune Composed by: Ahmed G. Chagla Duration: 80 seconds The State Emblem consists of: 1. The crescent and star which are symbols of Islam 2. The shield in the centre shows four major crops 3. Wreath surrounding the shield represents cultural heritage and 4. Scroll contains Quaid's motto: Faith, Unity, Discipline Drawn by Mian Mahmood Alam Suhrawardy (1920-1999) Jasmine. Deodar (Cedrus Deodara). Markhor. Chakor (Red-legged partridge) National Game Flora Fauna Popular games Tourist's resorts Archaeological sites Major Cities Hockey Pine, Oak, Poplar, Deodar, Maple, Mulberry The Pheasant, Leopard, Deer, Ibex, Chinkara, Black buck, Neelgai, Markhor, Marco-Polo sheep, Green turtles, River & Sea fish, Crocodile, Waterfowls Cricket, Hockey, Football, Squash. Murree, Quetta, Hunza, Ziarat, Swat, Kaghan, Chitral and Gilgit Moenjo Daro, Harappa, Taxila, Kot Diji, Mehr Garh, Takht Bhai. Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, Rawalpindi, Hyderabad, Faisalabad, Multan and Sialkot Major Crops Cotton, Wheat, Rice and Sugarcane Total cropped 25.01 million hectares area Industry Textiles, Cement, Fertiliser, Steel, Sugar, Electric Goods, Shipbuilding Mountain Of Pakistan Peak Mountain Range Height (m) Years of conquered 1. K2 Karakoram 8611 1954 2. Naga parbat Himalaya 8126 1953 3. Crasherburm I Karakoram 8068 1958 4. Board Peak Karakoram 8047 1957 5. Karakoram 8035 1956 Crasherburm II 6. sherburm III Karakoram 7952 1975 7. Crasherburm IV Karakoram 7925 1958 8. Pakaposhi Karakoram 7788 1958 9. Tirch Mir Hindu Kush 7690 1950 10. Noshaq Hindu Kush 7484 1960 Provinces 1 Balochistan Established 1 July 1970 Provincial Capital Quetta Largest city Quetta Area- Total 347,190 km2 (134,050.8 sq mi) Provincial Assembly seats 65 Districts 30 2 Khyber Established July 1, 1970 Pakhtunkhwa Capital Peshawar (NWFP) Largest city Peshawar Area-Total 74,521 km2 (28,772.7 sq mi) Assembly seats 124 Districts 25 3 Punjab Established 1 July 1970 Capital Largest city Area Total Lahore Lahore 205,344 km2 (79,283.8 sq mi) Assembly seats for minorities) 4 Sindh Districts Established Capital Largest city Area- Total Assembly seats 371 (Including 66 for women and 8 36 1 July 1970 Karachi Karachi 140,914 km2 (54,407.2 sq mi) 168 Districts 23 5 Islamabad Districts-------------------------1 Capital Territory Area( Population----------------------805,000 6 Federally Districts-------------------------7 tribal agencies and 6 frontier Administered regions Tribal Areas Area(,220 (FATA) Population----------------------3,176,000 7 Azad Kashmir Districts-------------------------10 Area(,297 Population----------------------2,972,500 8 Gilgit-Baltistan Districts-------------------------7 Area(,971 Population----------------------1,800,000 Important Rivers Of Pakistan Punjab Indus , Jhelum , Chenab , Ravi , Sutlej Sindh Hub , Mir Nadi , Arl Nadi Khyber Kabul , Swat , Bara , Chitral , Zhob , Panjkora , Gomal , Pakhtunkhwa Kurram Balochistan Hangol , Nari , Bolan , Dasht , Mula , Rakhshan , Pashin Lora FIRST IN PAKISTAN First Person who received Nishan-e-Haider Captain Raja Sarwar First Lady Major General in the Pakistan Army Dr. Shahida Malik First Governor General of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam First President of Pakistan Iskandar Mirza First Prime minister of Pakistan Nawab Liaqat Ali Khan First elected President of Pakistan Field Marshal Ayub Khan First elected Prime Minister Z. A. Bhutto First Vice President of Pakistan Nur-ul-Amin First Chief Justice of Pakistan (Federal court) Justice Sardar A. Rashid First Chief Justice Federal Shariat court of Pakistan Justice Salahuddin Ahmad First Chief Minister of Punjab Iftikhar Hussain Memdoot First Chief Minister of Sindh Ayub Khoro First Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Dr. Khan Sahib First Chief Minister of Balochistan Sardar Atta ullah Mengal First Governor of Punjab Sir Francis Moody First Muslim Governor of Punjab Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar First Governor of Sindh Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah First Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (NWFP) Sir George Cunningham First Muslim Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sahibzada Mohammad Khurshid First Governor of Balochistan Lt Gen Riaz Hussain First Governor of Gilgit-Baltistan Shamma Khalid First Joint chief of Staff committee General Muhammad Sharif First Commander-in-chief of Army Gen.Frank Meservy First Muslim Commander-in-chief of Army G.M. Ayub Khan First Commander-in-chief of Air Force Air vice Marshal Allan Perry Keene First Muslim Commander-in-chief of Air force Air Marshal Asghar Khan First Commander-in-chief of Navy Rear Admiral James Wilfred Jefford First Muslim Commander-in-chief of Navy Haji Muhammad Sadique Chaudhry First Cruise missile Hatf VII (Babur) August 11, 2005 First constitution of Pakistan was enforced March 23, 1956 Second constitution of Pakistan was enforced 8 June 1962 Third constitution of Pakistan was enforced 14 August 1973 First Foreign Minister of Pakistan Sir Zafarullah Khan Chief Election commissioner of Pakistan F.M. Khan First Chief Scout commissioner of Pakistan Quaid-i-Azam First SOS village of Pakistan Lahore (1977) Pakistan first private Channel STN (1990) First Pakistan Postal stamp issued July 1948 First constructed Barrage of Pakistan Sukkur Barrage (1932) First DNA Test laboratory Islamabad (March, 2006) First Motorway of Pakistan constructed in 1997 Islamabad Lahore Motorway First governor of State Bank of Pakistan Zahid Hussein First martial law was imposed in Pakistan 7 October 1958 First captain of Pakistani cricket team Hafeez Kardar First female chancellor in the Pakistan Begum Ra’na Liaqat Ali Khan First female vice chancellor in Pakistan Najma Najam First female university of Pakistan Fatima Jinnah Women University First female gold champion in Pakistan Shehzadi Gulfam First female representative of Pakistan in the UN Shaista Ikramullah First Pakistan to win the prestigious Pulitzer Prize Adrees Latif First female governor State Bank of Pakistan Shamshad Akhtar First women Pilot in Pakistan Shukriya Khanam First Secretary General of Pakistan Ch. Muhammad Ali First Administrator of Karachi Syed Hasham Raza First Chairman of senate Habib ullah Khan President of first Constitution Assembly of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam First female deputy speaker in Pakistan Begum Jahanara Shahnwaz First female member of Parliament Begum Shaista Suhrawady Ikramullah First female minister of education Begum Mahmooda Salim Khan First female minister of Population Dr. Attiya Inayatullah First Pakistan minister of information Syeda Abida Hussain First female Pakistani minister of finance Benazir Bhutto First female minister of law and human rights Shahida Jamil First female “foreign ministry spokesperson Tasleem Aslam First private Airline of Pakistan Hajvery Airline First public airline of Pakistan Orient Airline First capital of Pakistan Karachi First TV Station Lahore First Nuclear reactor of Pakistan Karachi nuclear power plant 1972 First Woman Judge of High Court of Pakistan Majida Razvi First Speaker of Constitution Assembly Molvi Tameez ud Din First Sports channel of Pakistan Super Geo First Pakistani who received noble Prize Dr. Abdus Salam (1979 in Physics) First Pakistani who received Lenin Prize Faiz Ahmad Faiz (1961) First woman Prime Minister in Pakistan Benazir Bhutto Youngest Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto First female Speaker of National Assembly Fahmeeda Mirza First Finance Minister of Pakistan Ghulam Muhammd First Census in Pakistan 1951 First natural gas reserves were discovered in Pakistan Sui (1952) First time won the cricket world cup 1992 Pakistan’s First cabinet sworn August 15, 1947 First news agency of Pakistan APP First Pakistani female athlete who won gold medal in SAF Games Naseem Hameed First state to join Pakistan Bahawalpur First railway track Karachi and Kotri (1861) First Five year plan of Pakistan 1955-1960 First Pakistani who climbed mount Everest Nazir Sabir (2000) First Pakistani who draw Pakistani flag in North pole Numira Saleem First emergency was declared in Pakistan July 25, 1948 First rocket launched by Pakistan Rahbar First missile launched by Pakistan Hat 70 First female Governor of Pakistan Begum Ra’an Liaqat Ali First Chief of staff of the Armed Forces Gen. Tikka Khan First Chief of staff of the Air Force Air Marshal Zaffar Ahmed First Chief of staff of the Navy Hafeez Ahmed COLEST, HIGHEST, LOWEST, BIGGEST, TALLEST, SMALLEST AND OLDEST IN PAKISATN Larges Oil refinery Pak-Arab Oil refinery Biggest mosque in Pakistan Faisal Mosque Islamabad Tallest building of Pakistan Muslim commercial Bank Building (Karachi) Oldest forest of Pakistan Janipur (Found between Loralai And Ziarat Longest Motorway in Pakistan M-8 Biggest Hockey Stadium of Pakistan National Hockey Stadium Lahore Biggest industry of Pakistan Textile Biggest industrial unit in public sector Pakistan Steel Mills Longest railway tunnel in Pakistan Khojak Longest tunnel Lawari Tunnel Province which have longest coastline Baluchistan Largest language Punjabi (48) Pakistan’s largest museum Karachi museum Biggest park in Pakistan Ayub National park Larges Dam in Pakistan Terbela Dam Largest Earth filled Dam in Pakistan Terbela Dam Oldest Nuclear reactor of Pakistan Karachi nuclear power pant (1972) Biggest fort of Pakistan Rani Kot Fort (Haiderabad) Oldest fort of Pakistan Daraward Fort Coldest place in Pakistan Skardu Highest dam in Pakistan Mangla Dam Highest glacier of Pakistan Siachen Longest glacier of Pakistan Siachen Largest Island of Pakistan Manora Oldest Barrage of Pakistan Sukkur Barrage Highest mountain peak K-2 (8611 meter or 28251) Highest railway station of Pakistan Khan Mehtarzai Highest Road Sharah-e-Karakorm (Sharah Resham) Oldest news agency of Pakistan APP (Associate Press of Pakistan) Biggest cricket stadium of Pakistan National Stadium Karachi Largest shipping company of Pakistan Pakistan national Shipping Corporation Largest university of Pakistan Punjab University Largest (biggest) province by area Balochistan Biggest province by population Punjab Biggest library found in Pakistan Punjab Library Biggest airline of Pakistan PIA Biggest railway workshop in Pakistan Mughalpura (Lahore) Largest city of Pakistan Karachi Largest District of Pakistan Chaghi Biggest desert found in Pakistan Thar Highest battle field in Pakistan Siachin Glacier Hottest place in Pakistan Jacobabad Biggest airport of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Airport Karachi Biggest Commercial Bank of Pakistan Habib Bank Limited Biggest Barrage of Pakistan Sukkur Barrage (1932) Oldest airline of Pakistan Orient Airline Oldest private Airline of Pakistan Hajvery Airline Largest & longest river Indus (2896 Km) 1800 miles Biggest man-made lake found in Pakistan Keenjhar Lake (Thatha) Biggest natural lake in Pakistan Manchar Lake (Dadu) Pakistan’s largest Stock Exchange Karachi Highest pass Mustagh Pass (6000 meters) Biggest Gas field Sui Gas field Biggest hydroelectric power station Tarbela Dam Largest jungle of Pakistan Changa Manga Highest military award Nishan-e-Haider Highest civil award Nishan-e- Pakistan The Longest Coastal area in Pakistan Balochistan (771 kms long) (total 1046 km) The Longest Frontier Pakistan-Afghanistan border |(2252 kms) The Longest Railways Platform Rohri (Sindh) Length, 1,896 feet The Longest Railway Track in Pakistan Karachi to Landi Kotal The Longest Road in Pakistan Karachi to Peshawar The Longest Tunnel (Railway) in Pakistan Khojak Balochistan (Length 2.43 miles) The Longest Tunnel in Pakistan Lowari (Length 5 miles) The Longest (Water) in Pakistan Warsak Dam Tunnel (Length 3.5 miles) The Tallest Tower in Pakistan Minar-e-Pakistan (Hight 196 feet 8 inches) The Tallest Minaret in Pakistan Four minarets of Shah Faisal Mosque with a height of 286 feet each. The Tallest Mountain Pass Pakistan Muztagh Pass (Nothern Areas) height 19,030 feet The Tallest Mountain Peak Pakistan K-2 (Karakoram) height 28,269 feet The Tallest Railway Station Pakistan Khan Mehtarzai (height 2,221 feet) First Loin of Pakistan was designed by Brandley The area lowest rainfall in Pakistan Nokkundi The oldest Pakistani TV Station in located in Lahore Largest mobile company in Pakistan Mobil ink Largest sector of Pakistan’s economy Agriculture sector Largest Trade partner of Pakistan USA Lowest point below the sea level in Pakistan Indian Ocean Biggest Thermal power station founded in Pakistan Kot Addou Biggest export item in Pakistan Textile (Cotton) Highest rainfall area of Pakistan Murree Largest min excavated in Pakistan Salt mines Khewra Largest stadium of athletics of Pakistan Islamabad Highest population density rate in Pakistan Islamabad Lowest population density rate in Pakistan Chaghi district Largest seaport of Pakistan Karachi Largest radio station in Pakistan Islamabad Highest radio station in Pakistan Gilgit Longest road in Pakistan Pakistan Highway Largest Division of Pakistan Kalat Smallest Division of Pakistan Karachi Shortest river of Pakistan Ravi River Largest Canal of Pakistan Llovd Barrage Canal Largest Hospital in Pakistan Nishtar Hospital Largest mausoleum in Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Tomb, Karachi Largest circulating Daily Newspaper of Pakistan Jang Largest circulating English Daily Newspaper of Pakistan Daily News Largest Nuclear power plant of Land of Five River Pakistan KANUPP Punjab NEW Name City OLD of Name Colleges Lahore Hyderabad Neroon Kot City of lightening Karachi Quetta Shal Kot of Pakistan Manchester Faisalabad Jaccoabad Khan Garh Gateway of Pakistan Karachi Sialkot SalwanofKot Brasilia Pakistan Islamabad Attock Cambell pur of Flowers Valley or city Peshawar Faisalabad Lyallpur City of Textiles Faisalabad Sahiwal Montgomery Switzerland of Pakistan Swat Bin Qasim PepriPakistan Little Bradford Muslim Bagh Hindu Bagh Gateway of Invaders Khyber Pass Pakpatten Ajodhan Pearl of thepur Himalaya Kaghan Valley Islamabad Nanga Parbat Karachi Raj Shahi Killer Mountain of the world Kalanchi Lahore Salt Home ofpur the world Mahmood Pakistan Gujranwala Land pure people KhanofPur Pakistan Zhob City greeneries FortofSanemars Islamabad Peshawar Bread Basket Persha pur of Pakistan Punjab Swat Queen of crops Rowdayana Punjab OLD AND NEW NAMES OF CITIES OF PAKISTAN DISTINCTIVE NAMES OF CITIES OF PAKISTAN Pakistan Studies, Information About First in Pakistan Mcqs IRAN was first to open its embassy in Pakistan. (chk) • First governor of State Bank Zahid Hussain. • First Lady governor Rana Liaquat Ali (Sindh) 1973-1976. • First lady federal minister Vikarun Nisa Noor (Tourism). • First state to join Pakistan was Bahawul Pur, 1954. • Pak: cricket team first visited England.(chk: India) • First captain of cricket team Abdul Hafeez Kardar. • First century Nazar Mohammd against India in 1954 in Lacknow. • First Woman University is located in Rawalpindi. • First governor of Punjab=Francis Moody. • First CM of Punjab=Iftikhar Hussain Mamdot. • First Governor of Sindh=Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah. • First CM of Sindh=Ayub Khoro. • First Governor of Baluchistan=Lt: General Riaz Hussain. • First CM of Baluchistan=Attaullah Mengal. • First Chief Justice of Pak: Sir Abdur Rasheed. • First PM of Azad Kashmir=Abdul Hamid Khan. • First President of AJK=Sardar Ibrahim Khan. • First Commander-in-Chief of Pak: Army was Frank Miservi. • First chairman Joint Chiefs of Staf Committee was General Mohd: Sahrif. • First chief of Staf of armed forces was General Tikka Khan. • First governor State Bank was Zahid Hussain. • First daily newspaper is Amroz 1947. • First lady pilot was Shukriya Khanum. • First museum of Pak established in Karachi in 1950. • First Bank was United Bank (7th August, 1947) • First Agriculture Reforms in Pak: Jan: 24, 1959. • First Chief Election Commissioner of Pak: Mr. Khan F.M.Khan (25th March, 1956) • Election Commision was created on 23rd March, 1956 under Article 137 of 1956 consititution. • First Muslim Commander in Chief of Pak: Ayub Khan. • First Radio Station established was of Karachi. • First T.V station was setup at Lahore on Nov: 26, 1964. • First lady Lady Major General in Pak: Dr. Shahida Malik. • First Space satellite was launched by Pak: in 1990. • First private TV Channel STN launched in 1990. • First Chairman Senate was Habibullah Khan. • First woman judge of High Court: Majida Rizvi. • First constructed barrage of Pak: Sukkur Barrage. • First Secretary General of Pak: Ch: Mohd: Ali. • Agro museum is at Lailpur. • First bio-gas plant was installed in 1974. • First woman bank established on Dec: 1, 1989. • Badshahi mosque built in 1670 A.D. • Designataion of GG changed into President on 23rd March, 1956. • Largest Hockey stadium is National Hockey Stadium Lahore. • First minority minister of Pak: Joginder Nath Mandal held the portfolio of law. • First Atomic Reactor established in Islamabad in 1956. (chk). • Largest railway tunnel is Khojak. • Smallest dam of Pak: Warsak dam. • Largest fort of Pak: “Rani Kot”. • City Bank is the largest bank in the country.(chk: Habib Bank) • Nishan-e-Pak: is the highest civil award of Pak: • Second highest civil award is Hilal-ePak: • Ayub National Park (Rawalpinidi) is the largest Park in Pakistan. • Lahore Museum is the biggest in Pak: (chk) • Largest Railway station is Lahore. • Highest Pass is Muztag Pass which connects Gilgit to Xinkiyang. • Largest canal is Lloyd Barrage Canal or Sukkur Barrage or Lance Down Pull built in 1936. • Largest Cement Plant is Lucky Cement Plant near Luki Marwat. • Largest road is Shahrah-e-Pak: • Shortest river is Ravi. • Smallest division is Karachi. • Largest division is Kalat. • Largest division of Sindh is Therparkar. • Habib Bank Plaza Karachi has 23 stories (345 ft) • Minar-e-Pak: is 196 ft, 8 inches high. • Pakistan has its longest boundary with Afghanistan. • Pakistan is 34th largest country in the world, 6th population wise. • Smallest civil award is Tamg-eKhidmat. • First census of Indo-Pak: 1881. • Highest dam is Mangla dam. • Pak: expedition to Antarctica reached on 5 Jan, 1991 established Jinnah Research Station • Longest tenure as Governor General was Ghulam Mohammad. • Longest tenure as President was Ayub Khan. • Longest period of rule was of Zia. • Longest tenure as PM was of Liaquat Ali • Shortest tenure as PM of Ayub Khan (3 days) then Shujaat Hussain (47 days). • Shortest tenure as President is of Bhutto. • Shortest tenure as Governor General is of Quaid. • Longest tenure as Governor General is of Ghulam Mohd: • Largest library is Quaid-e-Azam library. • Largest University is in Punjab. • Oldest university is in Punjab. • The only non-military shaheed to receive Nishan-e-Haider was Subaidar Lalik Jan he belonged to NLI. • Highest peak of Sulaiman mountains is Takht-e-Sulaiman. • Highest peak is K2 (Goodwin Austin 5,611 meters) • 2nd largest glacier of Pak: is Batura. • Largest Island of Pak: is Manora. • Smallest city is Jehlum. • Longest tunnel rail= Khojak (2.43 miles) (Baluchistan), road=Lowari Tunnel (5 miles), water=Warsak Dam Tunnel (3.5 miles). • Rainiest city is RawalPindi. • Rainiest place is Muree. • First Medical College was Nishtar Medical College. • Smallest Dam is Warsak dam. • Largest mountain range is Karakoram. • First to receive Nishan-e-Hyder was Mohd: Sarwar Shaheed. • First private airline of Pakistan is Hajvari. • Pak’s Second largest city is Lahore. • Abdur Rasheed was the first chief Justice was the first chief justice of Pakistan. • Zafarullah khan was the first foreign minister of Pakistan. • Keenjhar is the largest man made lake in Pakistan. • Manchar Lake is the biggest lake of Pakistan. • Trich Mir is the highest peak of Hindu Kush. • Largest coal mine is in Quetta. • In Pakistan, first woman bank was established in the year 1989. • Pakistan’s first geo-scientific laboratory is functioning in Islamabad. • The highest point of the Khyber Pass is Landhi Kotal. • The first atomic power station of Pakistan was installed in Karachi. • The First President of America who made an official visit to Pakistan was Dwight D. Eishenhower • Largest airline is PIA. • Largest airport is Quaid-e-Azam Internationl Airport, Karachi. • Largest canal is Lloyd Barrage Canal. • Largest dam is Terbela. • Largest desert is Thar. • Largest district is Khuzdar (Baluchistan). • Largest industial unit is Pak: Steel Mill. • Largest industry is Textile. • Largest island is Manora (Karachi) • Largest Jungle is Changa Manga (Kasur). • Largest lake (artificial) is Keenjhar. • Largest lake (natural) is Manchar. • Largest library is Pujab Public Library, Lahore. • Largest mine is Salt Mines of Khewra. • Largest motorway is Lahore- Islamabad. • Largest museum is National Meseum, Karachi. • Largest circulated urdu newspaper is Jang, Enghish is The News. • Largest nuclear reactor is KANUPP, Karachi. • Largest oil field is Dhurnal Oil Field. • Largest park is Ayub National Park, Rawalpindi. • Largest Radio Station is Islamabad. • Largest university is Punjab University, Lahore. • Longest coast is of Baluchistan (771 km) • Largest railway platform is of Rohri. • Longest railway track: Karachi to Landi Kotal. • Longest road: Karachi to Peshawar. 1-Iftikhar Hussain Khan August 15, 1947 to January 25, 1949 Muslim League Governor's rule January 25, 1949 April 5, 1951 2-Mian Mumtaz Daultana April 15, 1951 to April 3, 1953 Muslim League 3-Feroz Khan Noon April 3, 1953 to May 21, 1955 Muslim League 4-Abdul Hamid Khan Dasti May 21, 1955 to October 14, 1955 Muslim League Post Abolished October 14, 1955 June 30, 1970 Part of West Pakistan province Martial law July 1, 1970 May 2, 1972 5-Malik Meraj Khalid May 2, 1972 to November 12, 1973 Pakistan Peoples Party 6-Ghulam Mustafa Khar November 12, 1973 to March 15, 1974 Pakistan Peoples Party 7-Hanif Ramay March 15, 1974 to July 15, 1975 Pakistan Peoples Party 8-Sadiq Hussain Qureshi July 15, 1975 to July 5, 1977 Pakistan Peoples Party Martial law July 5, 1977 April 9, 1985 9-Nawaz Sharif April 9, 1985 to August 13, 1990 Pakistan Muslim League 10-Ghulam Haider Wyne November 8, 1990 to Islami Jamhoori Ittehad April 25, 1993 11-Manzoor Wattoo (1st time) April 25, 1993 to July 19, 1993 Pakistan Muslim League (J) 12-Manzoor Elahi (caretaker) July 19, 1993 to October 20, 1993 13-Manzoor Wattoo (2nd time) October 20, 1993 to September 13, 1995 Pakistan Muslim League (J) 14-Sardar Arif Nakai September 13, 1995 to November 3, 1996 Pakistan Muslim League (J) 15-Manzoor Wattoo (3rd time) November 3, 1996 to November 16, 1996 Pakistan Muslim League (J) 16-Mian Afzal Hayat (caretaker) November 16, 1996 to February 20, 1997 17-Shahbaz Sharif (1st time) February 20, 1997 to October 12, 1999 Pakistan Muslim League (N) Governor's rule October 11, 1999 November 29, 2002 18-Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi November 29, 2002 to November 18, 2007 Pakistan Muslim League (Q) 19-Shiekh Ejaz Nisar (caretaker) November 19, 2007 to April 11, 2008 20-Dost Muhammad Khosa April 12, 2008 to June 8, 2008 Pakistan Muslim League (N) 21-Shahbaz Sharif (2nd time) June 8, 2008 to February 25, 2009 Pakistan Muslim League (N) Governor's rule February 25, 2009 March 30, 2009 22-Shahbaz Sharif (Restored) March 30, 2009 to Incumbent Pakistan Muslim League (N) National Symbols of Pakistan Flag Flag of Pakistan Emblem Faith, Unity, Discipline Anthem Qaumi Tarana Animal Markhor Bird Chukar Flower Jasmine Tree Cedrus deodara Juice Sugarcane juice Sport Field hockey Dress Shalwar Kameez Geography Of Pakistan MCQS Geography of Pakistan Pakistan is divided into how many physiographical division ? A.Three B.Seven C.Five D.Six Answer is = D What is the total area of Pakistan( excluding Azad jammu and Kashmir ) ? A.796,096 B.796,098 C.796,097 D.796,091 Answer is = A In which side of sub continent Pakistan is situated ? A.East B.West C.South D.North Answer is = B In which year boundary agreement was signed between Pakistan and china ? A.1960 B.1961 C.1963 D.1962 Answer is = C Name the area which separates Pakistan from Tajikistan ? A.Pamir knot B.Khyber pass C.Wakhan D.Hindukush mountain range Answer is = C Area of wakhan is under the control of which country ? A.Russia B.China C.Afghanistan D.India Answer is = C The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is called A.Duran line B.Sir Radcliffe line C.17th parallel line D.24th parallel line Answer is = A The border of Pakistan and india between Pakistan Punjab and Indian Punjab is known as? A.Duran line B.Sir Radcliffe line C.17th parallel line D.24th parallel line Answer is = B Runn off kuchh boundary line is known as A.Duran line B.Sir Radcliffe line C.17th parallel line D.24th parallel line Answer is = D The Border agreement between Pakistan and inda on Runn of Kuchh was singed in which year ? A.1966 B.1968 C.1967 D.1969 Answer is = B When cease – fire line came into existence? A.1947 B.1950 C.1948 D.1949 Answer is = D In which greement the cease – fire line name was changed as line of control? A.Geneva Agreement B.Simla Agreement C.Delhi Agreement D.Tashkent Agreement Answer is =B What is the total length of Pak – China border? A.595 kilometers B.605 kilometers C.795 kilometers D.805 kilometers Answer is = A What is the total length of Pakistan Afghanistan border? A.2450 Kilometers B.2252 kilometers C.2218 kilometers D.2352 kilometers Answer is = B What is the total length of Pakistan and Iran border? A.595 Kilometers B.695 Kilometers C.795 Kilometers D.805 Kilometers Answer is = D What is the total length of Pakistan and India border? A.1610 Kilometers B.1670 Kilometers C.1810 Kilometers D.2250 Kilometers Answer is =A What is the total length of land border with different countries? A.5262 Kilometers B.5260 Kilometers C.5287 Kilometers D.5231 Kilometers Answer is = A What is the length of coastline of Pakistan? A.1046 km B.1235 km C.1456 km D.1052 km Answer is = A Which country is located North and North East of Pakistan? A.Iran B.India C.China D.Afghanistan Answer is = C Which country is located in East of Pakistan? A.Iran B.India C.China D.Afghanistan Answer is = B Which country is located in west of Pakistan? A.Iran B.India C.China D.Afghanistan Answer is = D Which is located in south of Pakistan? A.India B.China C.Afghanistan D.Indian ocean Answer is = D How much area of the total is covered by Islamabad? A.906 Sq km B.921 Sq km C.995 Sq km D.915 Sq km Answer is = A How much area of paksitan is covered by mountains and plateaus? A.58 % B.47 % C.41 % D.52 % Answer is = A How much area of paksitan is covered by plains and deserts? A.58 % B.47 % C.42 % D.52 % Answer is = C How much area of Pakistan is covered by forests? A.3.8 % B.5.0 % C.4.3 % D.7.5 % Answer is = B Through silk Road , Pakistan is connected with ? A.Iran B.India C.China D.Afghanistan Answer is = C Which is the lowest point of Pakistan? A.Indus plain B.That C.Indian ocean D.Karachi Answer is = C Which is the highest point above the sea level in Pakistan ? A.Pamir B.Nanga parbat C.K 2 D.Rakaposhi Answer is = C What is the total area of Gilgit Baltistan ? A.72,496 Sq km B.8500 Sq km C.4200 Sq km D.7564 Sq km Answer is = A Land situated between two rivers is called A.Bar B.Khaddar C.Desert D.Doaab Answer is = D Pakistan is situated at the western side of the A.Indus plain B.Himalyas mountain range C.Indo gangetic plain D.Thar desert Islamic Republic of Pakistan ‫( اسلمی جمہوریۂ پاكستان‬Urdu) Islāmī Jumhūriyah-yi Pākistān Flag Emblem Motto: Īmān, Ittiḥ ḥād, Naẓ ḥm ‫ نظم‬،‫ اتحاد‬،‫( ایمان‬Urdu) "Faith, Unity, Discipline" [1] Anthem: Qaumī Tarānaḥ ‫قومی ترانہ‬ "The National Anthem"[2] MENU 0:00 Area controlled by Pakistan shown in dark green; claimed but uncontrolled territory shown in light green. Capita l Larges t city Islamabad 33°40′N 73°10′E Karachi Officia Urdu (official and National)[3][4][5] l English (co-official) langua ges Regio Punjabi, Pashto,Sindhi, Saraiki,Balochi, Kashmiri,B nal rahui, Hindko, Shina,Balti, Khowar,Burushaski Yidg langua ha,Dameli, Kalasha,Gawar-Bati,Domaaki[6][7] ges Religi on Demo Islam Pakistani nym Gover Federal parliamentaryrepublic nment Presid Mamnoon Hussain(PML-N) -ent Prime Nawaz Sharif (PML-N) -Ministe r Chief Nasir-ul-Mulk -Justice Chairm Raza Rabbani (PPP) -an Senate Speak Ayaz Sadiq (PML-N) -er Nation al Assem bly Legisl Majlis-e-Sḥoora ature Upper Senate -house Lower National Assembly -house Independence from the British Empire Conce 29 December 1930 -ption [8] Declar 28 January 1933 -ation Resolu 23 March 1940 -tion Domini 14 August 1947 -on Islamic 23 March 1956 -Republ ic Fall of 16 December 1971 -Dhaka Area Total 803,940 km2[a] (36th) - 310,403 sq mi Water ( 3.1 -%) Population 2015 e 191,715,847 [10][11](6th) -stimate Densit 234.4/km2 (55th) -y 607.4/sq mi GDP ( 2015 estimate PPP) Total $928.433 billion[12](26th) Per $4,886[12] (136th) -capita GDP ( 2015 estimate nomina l) Total $250.136 billion[13](42nd) Per $1,342.7[13] (153rd) -capita Gini (2 30.0[14] 008) medium HDI (2 0.537[15] 013) low · 146th Curren Pakistani rupee (₨) (PKR) cy Time PKT (UTC+5) zone Summ (UTC+6b) -er (DS T) Drives left[16] on the Callin +92 g code ISO PK 3166 code Intern .pk et TLD The Largest in Pakistan The Longest in Pakistan coast : Balochistan (771 kms long) Frontier : Pak-Afghan border (2252 kms) Railway Platform : Rohri (sindh),Length 1894 feet Railway track : Karachi to Landi kotal Road : Karachi to peshawar Tunnel (railway) : Khojak baluchistan (2.43 miles) Tunnel (road) : Lowari (5 miles) Tunnel (water) : Warsak Dam Tunnel (3.5 miles) Air Lines : PIA Air Port : Quaid-e-azam International Airport , Khi Bank : State bank Of pakistan.The largest commercial bank is Habib bank Ltd with Rs. 194.6 billion desposit Barrage : Sukkur Barrage City : Karachi, Estimated population 9.9 millions Canal : Lloyd Barrage Canal Dam : Tarbela Dam (vol 148 million cubic metres) Desert : Thar (sindh) Division : Kalat division (baluchistan),Area 1,38,633 sq km District : Khuzdar (baluchistan) Fort : Rani Kot (sindh) Gas Field : Sui Gas Field, Baluchistan Hospital: Nishtar Hospital , Multan Hydro-Electric Power Station : Tarbela (3478 MW) Industrial Unit : Pakistan Steel Mills , Karachi Industry : Textile Industry Island : Manora (karachi) Jungle : Chhanga Manga (kasur) Lake (Artificial) : Keenjhar Lake (sindh)Lake (natural): Manchhar Lake, Dadu (sindh) Library : The punjab public Library,Lahore (punjab) Mine : Salt Mines , Khewra (punjab) Mosque : Shah Faisal Mosque , Isl Motorway : Lahore-Islamabad,motorway Museum : National Museum, karachi Newspaper : Jang (urdu) ; The news (eng) Nuclear Reactor : Karachi Nuclear Power plant (KANUPP) Oil Field : Dhurnal Oil Field Park : Ayub National Park , Rawalpindi Radio station : Islamabad Railway station : Lahore River : Indus river University : Punjab University , lahore The first general elections under the 1973 constitution were held in 1977. • First biogas plant established in 1974. • Ahmadis declared non-Muslims in 1974. • Colour transmission started on 20th Dec: 1976. • First electric train started in 1970. • Steel Mill founded in 1973 (USSR aided) in Bin Qasim. • Pakistan recognized Bangladesh in 1974. • Pakistan joined OIC in 1974, NAM in 1979, PTBT in 1978, SAARC in 1985. • Hudood ordinance enforced on 10 Feb: 1979. • Dr. Abdul Salam awarded Nobel Prize in Physics in 1979. • Faiz Ahmed Faiz got Lenin Prize. • Zia successed ex-President Fazal Ellahi Choudhri. • In dec: 1981, Ziaul Haq announced Majlis-e-Shoora with 350 members. • Zakat & Ushr ordinance promulgated in 1980. • Wafaqui Mohtasib was created in 1983. • 8th amendment introduced in 1985. • Gen.Zia lifted Martial Law on 30th December, 1985. • Nuclear cooperation pact with China was made on 15th Sep: 1986. • Ojri camp tragedy occurred on 10 april 1988. • The Junejo government was dismissed on 29th May, 1988. • Zia died on 17 August, 1988. • US ambassador who died with Zia was Arnold Raphael. • Ghulam Ishaque Khan became president of Pakistan in 1988. • Pakistan’s re-entry in common wealth in 1989. • First test tube baby at Lahore in 1989. • PTV2: 1992, PTV Morning: Jan 6, 1988, PTV:Sep: 2000. • Kargil Crisis in 1999. • Musharaf elected president (10th) on 20 June, 2001. • Durand Line agreement b/w Sir Martimur Durand the FS of Britain and Amir Abur Rehman, the Afghan ruler November 12, 1893 at Kabul (2050 km, 1300 miles) • HBFC was set up in Nov: 1952. • First satellite Badr-I launched on 16 July, 1990. • On 28 May, 1998 five blasts made at Chagi, the day is known as Yum-e-Takbir. • On 17 May, 1998 India blasted in Pokhran (Rajistan). • Pak: entered nuclear club on 28 May, 1998. • First bank of Pak: = Habib Bank. • Defece day=6th Sep: • Defence day of Pakistan is celebrated on Sep: 6 since 1966 • Airforce day= 7th Sep: • Navy Day=8th Sep: • Kashmir Day=5th Feb: • Friday was declared holiday in Jan: 1977. • EBODO promulgated in 1959. • PRODA came in 1949-1954. • Wheat crisis occurred in 1952. • Number of basic democratc was 80,000. • Ghuauri is Surface to Surface missile. • Anza is Surface to Air missile. • Age of senator is 30. • Age of PM is 35. • Number of tribal areas is 11. • Pakistan Withdrew from SEATO in 1973. • Pakistan left CENTO in March 1979. • Nasir Shabir was first Pakistani to conquer Mount Everest. • Capital of was shifted from Karachi to Islamabad on 1 August 1960. • Indus Basin Treaty was concluded on 19th Sep 1960. • KANNUP was established in 1971. • Tashkent Declaration was signed on 10 Jan 1966. • Saudi King Shah Faisal visited Pakistan in the year of 1966 and 1974. • Pakistan was suspended from commonwealth on 18 Oct 1999. • Mr. Ghulam Muhammad was finance minister before becoming governor general of Pakistan. • Badr I launched on 16th July 1990. • First Agriculture University was established in Faisalabasd. • Pakistan joined SEATO in 1954 but later withdrew from it in the year 1973. • Moraji Desai, former PM of India was the only Indian leader awarded the highest award of Pakistan for a civilian. • • FIRST IN PAKISTAN • Iran was first to recognize Pakistan. • Pakistan opened its first embassy in Iran. • Egypt was first to open its embassy in Pakistan. (chk) • First governor of State Bank Zahid Hussain. • First Lady governor Rana Liaquat Ali (Sindh) 1973-1976. • First lady federal minister Vikarun Nisa Noor (Tourism). • First state to join Pakistan was Bahawul Pur, 1954. • Pak: cricket team first visited England.(chk: India) • First captain of cricket team Abdul Hafeez Kardar. • First century Nazar Mohammd against India in 1954 in Lacknow. • First Woman University is located in Rawalpindi. • First governor of Punjab=Francis Moody. • First CM of Punjab=Iftikhar Hussain Mamdot. • First Governor of Sindh=Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah. • First CM of Sindh=Ayub Khoro. • First Governor of Baluchistan=Lt: General Riaz Hussain. • First CM of Baluchistan=Attaullah Mengal. • First Chief Justice of Pak: Sir Abdur Rasheed. • First PM of Azad Kashmir=Abdul Hamid Khan. • First President of AJK=Sardar Ibrahim Khan. • First Commander-in-Chief of Pak: Army was Frank Miservi. • First chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee was General Mohd: Sahrif. • First chief of Staff of armed forces was General Tikka Khan. • First governor State Bank was Zahid Hussain. • First daily newspaper is Amroz 1947. • First lady pilot was Shukriya Khanum. • First museum of Pak established in Karachi in 1950. • First Bank was United Bank (7th August, 1947) • First Agriculture Reforms in Pak: Jan: 24, 1959. • First Chief Election Commissioner of Pak: Mr. Khan F.M.Khan (25th March, 1956) • Election Commision was created on 23rd March, 1956 under Article 137 of 1956 consititution. • First Muslim Commander in Chief of Pak: Ayub Khan. • First Radio Station established was of Karachi. • First T.V station was setup at Lahore on Nov: 26, 1964. • First lady Lady Major General in Pak: Dr. Shahida Malik. • First Space satellite was launched by Pak: in 1990. • First private TV Channel STN launched in 1990. • First Chairman Senate was Habibullah Khan. • First woman judge of High Court: Majida Rizvi. • First constructed barrage of Pak: Sukkur Barrage. • First Secretary General of Pak: Ch: Mohd: Ali. • Agro museum is at Lailpur. • First bio-gas plant was installed in 1974. • First woman bank established on Dec: 1, 1989. • Badshahi mosque built in 1670 A.D. • Designataion of GG changed into President on 23rd March, 1956. • Largest Hockey stadium is National Hockey Stadium Lahore. • First minority minister of Pak: Joginder Nath Mandal held the portfolio of law. • First Atomic Reactor established in Islamabad in 1956. (chk). • Largest railway tunnel is Khojak. • Smallest dam of Pak: Warsak dam. • Largest fort of Pak: “Rani Kot”. • City Bank is the largest bank in the country.(chk: Habib Bank) • Nishan-e-Pak: is the highest civil award of Pak: • Second highest civil award is Hilal-e-Pak: • Ayub National Park (Rawalpinidi) is the largest Park in Pakistan. • Lahore Museum is the biggest in Pak: (chk) • Largest Railway station is Lahore. • Highest Pass is Muztag Pass which connects Gilgit to Xinkiyang. • Largest canal is Lloyd Barrage Canal or Sukkur Barrage or Lance Down Pull built in 1936. • Largest Cement Plant is Lucky Cement Plant near Luki Marwat. • Largest road is Shahrah-e-Pak: • Shortest river is Ravi. • Smallest division is Karachi. • Largest division is Kalat. • Largest division of Sindh is Therparkar. • Habib Bank Plaza Karachi has 23 stories (345 ft) • Minar-e-Pak: is 196 ft, 8 inches high. • Pakistan has its longest boundary with Afghanistan. • Pakistan is 34th largest country in the world, 6th population wise. • Smallest civil award is Tamg-e-Khidmat. • First census of Indo-Pak: 1881. • Highest dam is Mangla dam. • Pak: expedition to Antarctica reached on 5 Jan, 1991 established Jinnah Research Station • Longest tenure as Governor General was Ghulam Mohammad. • Longest tenure as President was Ayub Khan. • Longest period of rule was of Zia. • Longest tenure as PM was of Liaquat Ali • Shortest tenure as PM of Ayub Khan (3 days) then Shujaat Hussain (47 days). • Shortest tenure as President is of Bhutto. • Shortest tenure as Governor General is of Quaid. • Longest tenure as Governor General is of Ghulam Mohd: • Largest library is Quaid-e-Azam library. • Largest University is in Punjab. • Oldest university is in Punjab. • The only non-military shaheed to receive Nishan-e-Haider was Subaidar Lalik Jan he belonged to NLI. • Highest peak of Sulaiman mountains is Takht-e-Sulaiman. • Highest peak is K2 (Goodwin Austin 5,611 meters) • 2nd largest glacier of Pak: is Batura. • Largest Island of Pak: is Manora. • Smallest city is Jehlum. • Longest tunnel rail= Khojak (2.43 miles) (Baluchistan), road=Lowari Tunnel (5 miles), water=Warsak Dam Tunnel (3.5 miles). • Rainiest city is RawalPindi. • Rainiest place is Muree. • First Medical College was Nishtar Medical College. • Smallest Dam is Warsak dam. • Largest mountain range is Karakoram. • First to receive Nishan-e-Hyder was Mohd: Sarwar Shaheed. • First private airline of Pakistan is Hajvari. • Pak’s Second largest city is Lahore. • Abdur Rasheed was the first chief Justice was the first chief justice of Pakistan. • Zafarullah khan was the first foreign minister of Pakistan. • Keenjhar is the largest man made lake in Pakistan. • Manchar Lake is the biggest lake of Pakistan. • Trich Mir is the highest peak of Hindu Kush. • Largest coal mine is in Quetta. • In Pakistan, first woman bank was established in the year 1989. • Pakistan’s first geo-scientific laboratory is functioning in Islamabad. • The highest point of the Khyber Pass is Landhi Kotal. • The first atomic power station of Pakistan was installed in Karachi. • The First President of America who made an official visit to Pakistan was Dwight D. Eishenhower • Largest airline is PIA. • Largest airport is Quaid-e-Azam Internationl Airport, Karachi. • Largest canal is Lloyd Barrage Canal. • Largest dam is Terbela. • Largest desert is Thar. • Largest district is Khuzdar (Baluchistan). • Largest industial unit is Pak: Steel Mill. • Largest industry is Textile. • Largest island is Manora (Karachi) • Largest Jungle is Changa Manga (Kasur). • Largest lake (artificial) is Keenjhar. • Largest lake (natural) is Manchar. • Largest library is Pujab Public Library, Lahore. • Largest mine is Salt Mines of Khewra. • Largest motorway is Lahore-Islamabad. • Largest museum is National Meseum, Karachi. • Largest circulated urdu newspaper is Jang, Enghish is The News. • Largest nuclear reactor is KANUPP, Karachi. • Largest oil field is Dhurnal Oil Field. • Largest park is Ayub National Park, Rawalpindi. • Largest Radio Station is Islamabad. • Largest university is Punjab University, Lahore. • Longest coast is of Baluchistan (771 km) • Largest railway platform is of Rohri. • Longest railway track: Karachi to Landi Kotal. • Longest road: Karachi to Peshawar. • First TV station in Pakistan started at Lahore. • Pakistan’s first radio station was set up at Karachi. GEOGRAPHY MISCELLANEOUS • Steel Mill is in Bin Qasim • Old name of Jacobabad is Khangharh. • Kot Digi Fort is in Khairpur district. • Peshawar means city of flowers. • Warsak dam (near Peshawar) is built on Kabul River. • Tirich Mir mounts of Hindu Kash separate Afghanistan and Tajistan from Pak: • Islamia College Peshawar was founded in 1914 by Sahibzada Abdul Qayum. • Quaid Azam Medical College is in Bahawalpur. • Choukundi toms are located near Karachi. • Atock Fort was built by Akbar. • The land b/w Indus & Jehlum river is called Thal Desert or Sindh Sagar Doab. • Ruins of Harapa found in Sahiwal. • Lahore Fort was built by Akbar. • At Toonsa Sharif the borders of three provinces meet. • With Gilgit & Baltistan the frontiers of three counties meet. • Tochi pass connects Pak: with China. • Pak: has 6 international airports. • Pak: has 27 Radio Stations. • —- district, —- divisions. • Pak: railways factory is in Risalpur. • Chitral is famous for gold. • Port Qasim is the largest seaport of Pak: smallest is Gawadar • The chairman of National Economic Council is PM. • National flower of Pakistan is Jasmine. • National bird of Pakistan is Chakore. • National tree of Pakistan is Deodar. • National animal of Pakistan is Markhor (a type of goat). • National emblem of Pakistan is Cresent. • National sport of Pakistan is land Hockey. • Oldest cantonment of Pak: is Kohat. • HQ of Pak: Army is at RawalPindi. • HQ of Airforce is at Chaklala. • HQ of Navy is at Islamabad. • Islamabad is 8 miles from Rawalpindi. • Photograph on the coin of one rupee is Quaid’s photo. • “ ::two rupee is Badshahi Mosque (chk) • “ ten rupee note is Khyber Pass. • “ 5 rupee note is • “ 50 rupee note is • “ 100 is Quaid’s Residecy, Ziarat Quetta. • “ 500 is Badshahi Mosque, Lahore. • “ 100 is Jehangir’s Tomb. • “ 5000 is of Faisal Mosque, Islamabad. • 4.8% of total area of Pak: is forests (standard is 25%) • Hub dam and Thadho Dam are in Malir Karachi near Gadap Town. • Map of Shah Faisal Mosque was made by Wahdat Diloky of Turkey. Important Information About Pakistan • Largest railway station is Lahore. • Highest Pass is Muztag pass which connects Gilgit to Xinkiyang. • Largest canal is Lloyd Barrage Canal. • Largest cement plant is Lucky Cement Plant near Luki Marwat. • Largest road is Shahrah-e-Pak. • Smallest division is Karachi. • Largest division is Kalat. • Largest division of Sindh is Therparkar. • Shortest river is Ravi. • Habib Bank Plaza Karachi has 23 stories (345 ft). • Minar-e-Pakistan is 196ft,8 inch high. • Pakistan has its longest boundary with Afghanistan. • Pakistan is 34th largest country in world, 6th population wise. • Smallest civil award is Tamg-e-Khidmat. • First census of Indo-Pak was 1881. 1. The president of China arrived in Pakistan for two day visit on _______ . A. 18 April 2015 B. 19 April 2015 C. 20 April 2015 D. 21 April 2015 Ans C 2. The bill for 21st amendment in the constitution of Pakistan was passed from the national assembly of Pakistan on __________. A. 4 January 2015 B. 5 January 2015 C. 6 January 2015 D. 7 January 2015 Ans C The provisions of the 21st amendment shall remain in force for a period of __________ year(s). A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 Ans B 3. 4. The president of China on his visit to Pakistan signed development projects of worth __________ billions. A. $40 B. $46 C. $50 D. $54 Ans B 5. The proposed motorway from Gawadar to Kashghar is about __________ km. A. 2600 B. 2800 C. 3000 D. 3200 Ans A 6. Turkish Justice and Development Party has been in power since __________ . A. 2002 B. 2003 C. 2004 D. 2005 Ans A 7. Dr Ishrat-ul-Ibad has been Governor of Sindh since __________ . A. 2002 B. 2003 C. 2003 D. 2004 Ans A 8. The 21st has amended the first schedule of the constitution and the article __________ . A. 172 B. 173 C. 174 D. 175 Ans D 9. International Court of Arbitration sets minimum flow of __________ m3/sec into the Neelum River. A. 5 B. 7 C. 9 D. 11 Ans C 10. The Installed Capacity of Neelum–Jhelum Hydropower Plant is __________ MW. A. 948 B. 955 C. 962 D. 969 Ans D Ans C C B B C A A D C D 11. Diamer-Bhasha Dam has been planned on the river _________ . A. Indus B. Jhelum C. Chenab D. Sutlej Ans A 12. Mirani Dam is located in __________ . A. Sindh B. Punjab C. D. Ans D KPK Baluchistan 13. Salt Mine, Khewra is located in _________ district. A. Jhelum B. DG Khan C. DI Khan D. Gujrat Ans A 14. Which river does NOT flow from Jammu and Kashmir? A. Indus B. Jhelum C. Chenab D. Ravi Ans D 15. Who serves as the acting president in the absence of president? A. Prime Minister B. Speaker National Assembly C. Chairman Senate D. Foreign Minister Ans C 16. Largest source of electricity in Pakistan is __________? A. Hydal B. Thermal C. Coal Energy D. Geo Energy Ans B 17. The national flower of Pakistan is __________? A. Rose B. Jasmine C. Sun flower D. Lily Ans B 18. The headquarter of Navy is located in __________? A. Karachi B. Lahore C. Islamabad D. Rawalpindi Ans C 19. The Head Office of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) is in __________? A. Karachi B. Lahore C. Islamabad D. Rawalpindi Ans A 20. Total number of seats in National Assembly of Pakistan are __________. A. 306 B. 326 C. 332 D. 342 Ans D 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. A D A D C B B C A D 21. The national animal of Pakistan is __________ . A. Tiger B. Lamb C. Markhor D. Horse Ans C 22. By population, Pakistan is world's _________ largest country. A. 5th B. 6th C. 7th D. 8th Ans B 23. "Faiz Mahal" is located in _________ district. A. Khairpur B. Bahawalpur C. Rajanpur D. Shikarpur Ans A 24. "Noor Mahal" is located in _________ district. A. Khairpur B. Bahawalpur C. Rajanpur D. Shikarpur Ans B 25. Chairman senate is __________ . A. Farooq H. Naiq B. Rana Bhagwan Das C. Sardar Ayaz Sadiq D. Raza Rabbani Ans D 26. The height of K2, the second highest mountain, is __________ feet. A. 27651 B. 28000 C. 28251 D. 28651 Ans C 27. Shalamar Garden, in Lahore, was built by __________ . A. Jahangir B. C. D. Ans B Shah Jahan Akbar Aurangzaib 28. Anjuman Himayat-e-Islam was founded in __________ . A. Punjab B. Sindh C. Bengal D. Kashmir Ans A 29. The first constitution of Pakistan was enforced in __________ . A. 1948 B. 1952 C. 1954 D. 1956 Ans D 30. The constitution of __________ named Pakistan as Islamic Republic of Pakistan. A. 1948 B. 1956 C. 1962 D. 1973 Ans B C B A B D C B A D B 31. The GSP Plus status to Pakistan has been granted till __________. A. 2015 B. 2017 C. 2019 D. 2021 Ans B 32. The first session of All India Muslim League was presided over by _________ . A. Sir Saleemullah B. Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk C. Sir Aga Khan D. Sir Adamjee Pir Bhai Ans C 33. The first president of All India Muslim League were __________ . A. Sir Saleemullah B. Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk C. Sir Aga Khan D. Sir Adamjee Pir Bhai Ans C 34. The GSP Plus status will allow Pakistan to export products without duties to __________ European States. A. 25 B. 26 C. 27 D. 28 Ans D 35. The largest source of electricity generation in Pakistan is __________ . A. Thermal B. Hydal C. Wind D. Solar Ans A 36. Pakistan has a coastline of about __________ kilometres. A. 1046 B. 1100 C. 1146 D. 1184 Ans A 37. The Jhimpir Wind Power Plant is located in __________ district. A. Karachi B. Badin C. Thatta D. Khuzdar Ans c 38. Pakistan's national tree is __________ . A. Neem B. Peepul C. Sheesham D. Deodar Ans D 39. Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband was founded by __________ . A. Maulana Mehmood-ul-Hassan B. Maulana Hussain Ahmed Madni C. Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanautawi D. Maulana Rasheed Ahmed Ans C 40. Sindh Madrasah-tul-Islam, Karachi was founded by __________ . A. Aga Hassan Ali Afandi B. Sir Aga Khan C. Khalifa Hameeduddin D. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Ans A B D C D A A C D C A 41. Muhammad bin Qasim entered Sindh in __________ A.D. A. 612 B. 660 C. 712 D. 760 Ans C 42. The objective resolution of Pakistan was passed on _________ . A. Mrach 12, 1948 B. August 12, 1948 C. Mrach 12, 1949 D. August 12, 1949 Ans C 43. _________ allowed East India Company to reside and build factories inSurat. A. Jahangir B. Humayun C. Akbar D. Shah Jahan Ans A 44. Muhammad Ali Bogra's formula was presented to the constituent assembly on __________ . A. March 7, 1952 B. October 7, 1952 C. March 7, 1953 D. October 7, 1953 Ans D 45. The constitution of 1973 was came into effect on __________ . A. March 12, 1973 B. March 23, 1973 C. August 14, 1973 D. September 06, 1973 Ans C 46. A total of __________ amendments to the constitution of 1973 have been passed by the Parliament. A. 19 B. 20 C. 21 D. 22 Ans C 47. Faisal Mosque was built by a/an _________ architect. A. Saudi B. Turkish C. American D. French Ans B 48. The governor of Punjab is __________. A. Chaudhry Sarwar B. Salman Taseer C. Shehbaz Sharif D. Rafique Rajwana Ans D 49. Tarbela Dam is located in __________ District. A. Wazirabad B. Jhelum C. Mirpur D. Haripur Ans D 50. Mirani Dam is located in __________ District. A. Turbat B. Swabi C. Khuzdar D. Pashin Ans A C C A D C C B D D A 51. The Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline was officially inaugurated on _______. A. March 11, 2013 B. March 13, 2013 C. March 15, 2013 D. March 17, 2013 Ans A 52. The Iran–Pakistan gas pipeline is also called __________. A. friendship pipeline B. future pipeline C. peace pipeline D. unity pipeline Ans C 53. Foreign Secretary of Pakistan is __________ . A. Jalil Abbas Jilani B. Tariq Fatimi C. Salman Bashir D. Aizaz Chaudhry Ans D 54. Number of Districts in Sindh province are __________ . A. 21 B. 22 C. 23 D. 24 Ans D 55. Who chose the name of Pakistan? A. Quaid-e-Azam B. Allama Iqbal C. Hafiz Jalandhri D. Chaudry Rehmat Ali Ans D 56. The national anthem of Pakistan is written by? A. Quaid-e-Azam B. Allama Iqbal C. Hafiz Jalandhri D. Ans C Chaudry Rehmat Ali 57. Who was convicted in Rawalpindi Conspiray Case? A. Faiz Ahmed Faiz B. Habib Jalib C. Shorash Kashmiri D. Hafiz Jalandhri Ans A 58. Pakistan purchased Gawader from __________ . A. Oman B. Iran C. Kuwait D. None of these Ans A 59. Natural Gas was discovered in Sui, Baluchistan in __________ . A. 1948 B. 1950 C. 1952 D. 1954 Ans C 60. The foundation stone of Diamer-Bhasha Dam was laid by __________ . A. Pervaiz Musharraf B. Yousuf Raza Gilani C. Shaukat Aziz D. Asif Zardari Ans B A C D D D C A A C B 61. Coal-based power project is approved at _________ . A. Khairpur B. Thatta C. Karachi D. Jamshoro Ans D 62. Contract to operate Gwadar Port was given to __________ . A. United States B. China C. Saudi Arabia D. Dubai Ans B 63. Iran to set up oil refinary in _________ . A. Gwadar B. DG Khan C. DI Khan D. Quetta Ans A 64. Before General Elections 2013, who was the caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan? A. Mir Hazara Khan B. Najam Sethi C. Fakharuddin G. Ibrahim D. Rana Bhagwan Das Ans A 65. Who serves as the acting Prime Minister in the absence of Prime Minister? A. Federal Senior Minister B. Speaker National Assembly C. Chairman Senate D. Foreign Minister Ans B 66. General Elections 2013 were held on __________ . A. 10 May 2013 B. 11 May 2013 C. 12 May 2013 D. 13 May 2013 Ans B 67. Pakistani film __________ won best film award in United States. A. War B. Sargam C. Lamha D. None of these Ans C 68. Nawaz Sharif sworned in as Prime Minister of Pakistan on __________? A. 02 June 2013 B. 05 June 2013 C. 07 June 2013 D. 09 June 2013 Ans B 69. President Mamnoon Hussain took oath on __________ . A. 05 September 2013 B. 07 September 2013 C. 09 September 2013 D. 11 September 2013 Ans C 70. The newest district of Balochistan is __________ . A. Sheerani B. Jhal Magsi C. Washuk D. Lehri Ans D D B A A B B C B C D 71. The first Pakistani woman to scale Mount Everest is _________ . A. Saba Khan B. Samina Baig C. Ayesha Ishaq D. Shiza Bilal Ans B 72. Gomal Zam Dam has been constructed in __________ . A. South Waziristan Agency B. North Waziristan Agency C. Khyber Agency D. Mohmand Agency Ans A 73. Gomal Zam Dam was inaugurated on 12 September 2013 by ________. A. Nawaz Sharif B. Asif Zardari C. Gen. (R) Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani D. Khawaja Muhammad Asif Ans D 74. The first private Hydel Power plant, constructed by Laraib Energy Limited is located at ___________ . A. Hub B. Mangla C. Gwadar D. Mianwali Ans B 75. Who is the chairman of NAB? A. Saeed Ahmed Sargana B. Chaudhry Qamar Zaman C. Chaudhry Rashid Ahmed D. Rao Tehsin Ans B 76. Who is the Attorney General of Pakistan? A. Irfan Qadir B. Munir A. Malik C. Justice (R) Anwar ul Haq D. Salman ASlam Butt Ans D 77. India has constructed "Baglihar Dam" in __________ district of Occupied Kashmir. A. Udhampur B. Poonch C. Jammu D. Doda Ans D 78. India is constructing "Kishanganga Dam" on the __________ River. A. Indus B. Ravi C. Jhelum D. Sutlej Ans C 79. The total number of Agencies in Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (FATA) are __________ . A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 Ans C 80. General Raheel Ashraf took oath as Army Chief on __________ . A. 23 November 2013 B. 25 November 2013 C. 27 November 2013 D. 29 November 2013 Ans D B A D B B D D C C D 81. Militants attacked Quaid's residency in _________ . A. Karachi B. Quetta C. Ziarat D. London Ans C 82. The deadly Earthquake striked Balochistan on __________ . A. 22 September 2013 B. 24 September 2013 C. 26 September 2013 D. 28 September 2013 Ans B 83. Who is the Chief Justice of Pakistan? A. Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry B. Chaudhry Aijaz Ahmed C. Justice Nasir-ul-Mulk D. Justice Tasadduq Jilani Ans D 84. The new Chief Justice of Pakistan sworned in on __________ . A. 06 December 2013 B. 08 December 2013 C. 10 December 2013 D. 12 December 2013 Ans D 85. Who is the leader of the opposition? A. Imran Khan B. Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman C. Khursheed Shah D. Farooq Sattar Ans C 86. Who was the first Muslim Nobel Laureate? A. Dr Abdus Salam B. Anwar Sadaat C. Dr Muhammad Younus D. Shah Faisal Ans B 87. Who is the writer of Urdu Book "Pakistan Naguzeer tha"? A. S.M. Ikram B. I.H. Kureshi C. Professor Khalilullah D. Syed Hasan Riaz Ans D 88. Global Islamic Finance Awards (GIFA) 2013 was awarded to? A. Raja Nazrin Shah B. Abdullah Badawi C. Shaukat Aziz D. Ishaq Dar Ans C 89. Who is the acting governor of The State Bank of Pakistan? A. Ashraf Mahmood Wathra B. Salim Raza C. Ishrat Husain D. Shahid Hafeez Kardar Ans A 90. Who is the President of The National Bank of Pakistan? A. Yaseen Anwar B. Asif Hassan C. Ziaullah Khan D. Shahid Hafeez Kardar Ans B C B D D C B D C A B 91. Who is the Pakistani Ambassador to the United States? A. Riaz Mohammad Khan B. Jalil Abbas Jilani C. Sherry Rehman D. Salman Bashir Ans B 92. Who is the Federal Minister of Religious Affairs? A. Pir Muhammad Amin B. Sikandar Ismail C. Sardar Muhammad Yousaf D. Muhammad Farooq Ans C 93. India has constructed Baglihar Dam on the __________ river. A. Chenab B. Indus C. Sutlej D. Jhelum Ans A 94. The altitude of K2, the second highest mountain on the Earth is __________ feet . A. 28251 B. 28451 C. 28651 D. 28851 Ans A 95. The Nehru Report was published in __________ . A. April 1927 B. August 1927 C. April 1928 D. August 1928 Ans D 96. Rowlatt Act came into operation in __________ . A. 1917 B. 1918 C. 1919 D. 1920 Ans C 97. "All India Khilafat Committee" was formed on __________ . A. 05 July 1919 B. 05 August 1919 C. 05 September 1919 D. 05 October 1919 Ans A 98. The Khilafat in Turkey was abolished on __________ . A. 03 March 1922 B. 03 March 1923 C. 03 March 1924 D. 03 March 1925 Ans C 99. The Indian Councils Act (Minto-Morley Reforms) was enacted into law in __________ . A. 1909 B. 1910 C. 1911 D. 1912 Ans A 100. In March 1920, an Indian Khilafat Deputation visited England. The Deputation was headed by? A. Sir Aga Khan B. Mohsin-ul-Mulk C. Maulana M.A. Johar D. Sir M. Shafi Ans C B C A A D C A C A C 101. The current speaker of KPK Assembly is A. Asad Qaiser B. Ayaz Sadiq C. Wazir Baig D. Siraj Durani Ans A 102. The total area of Sindh province is A. 120,914 B. 140,914 C. 130,914 D. 150,914 Ans B 103. The Pakistan National Anthem's lyrics were written by A. Allama Iqbal B. Ahmed G Chagla C. Hafeez Jhalandri D. None of these Ans C 104. A Lahore based lawyer Salman Aslam Butt was appointed as the attorney general of Pakistan making him to the_______attorney general to have been appointes since March 2008. A. fifth B. third C. fourth D. sixth Ans A 105. The KPK government bifurcated Kohistan district into upper and lower Kohistan raising the number of districts in the province to A. 35 B. 36 C. 25 D. 26 Ans D 106. Northern areas districts are A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 7 Ans C 107. In Pakistan by religion A. 99% Muslims, 1% others B. 95% Muslims, 5% others C. 98% Muslims, 2% others D. 97% Muslims, 3% others Ans B 108. In pakistan literacy rate is A. 33% B. 43% C. 63% D. 53% Ans D 109. On Jan 20, 2014 Ameer Bakhsh Bhutto resigned from his post was a adviser of A. President B. Prime Minister C. Speaker of Assembly D. None of these Ans B 110. Federal cabinet allowed import of electricity despite internal opposition from A. China B. Bangladesh C. India D. None of these Ans C A B C A D C B D B C 111. FATA consists of Areas/Agencies A. 15 B. 11 C. 17 D. 13 Ans D 112. Pakistan's Official Map was drawn by A. Sir James Doglas B. Ch. Rehmat Ali C. Mian Mahmood Alam Suhrawardy D. Quaid-e-Azam Ans C 113. On Jan 21, 2014 Saeed Ahmed assumed the charge of the office of Deputy Governor (DG), State Bank of Pakistan for A. 3 years B. 2 years C. 5 years D. 1 year Ans A 114. The total area of Pakistan is A. 796,558 B. 796,095 C. 796,065 D. 896,065 Ans B 115. Who is the current president of Pakistan A. Dr. Nazir Saeed B. Mamnoon Hussain C. Asif Ali Zardari D. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Ans B 116. The National Tree of Pakistan is A. Magnolia B. Oak C. Pine D. Deodar Ans D 117. Pakistan ana Saudi Arabia signed Hajj agreement 2014 at Hajj Ministry on A. Jan 22 B. Feb 22 C. March 22 D. April 22 Ans A 118. The Tochi Pass is in A. NWFP B. Kashmir C. FATA D. Punjab Ans C 119. The United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan (USEFP) opened a Fullbright Centre at the A. Government College Lahore B. Forman Christian College C. Punjab University D. None of these Ans B 120. The total area of Punjab province is A. 205,344 B. 305,344 C. 244,544 285,347 Ans A D C A B B D A C B A 121. Which pass connects Pakistan and Afghanistan A. Khyber Pass B. Khunjerab Pass C. Tochi Pass D. Gomal Pass Ans A 122. The length of Jinnah Barrage is A. 1122.68 m B. 1152.45 m C. 1175.95 m D. 1120.67 m Ans B 123. Sukkur barrage is located on A. Chenab River B. Indus River C. Ravi River D. Sutlej River Ans B 124. The estimated population of Pakistan is A. 169.7 million B. 170 million C. 179.2 million D. 174.5 million Ans C 125. The tune of Pakistan's National Anthem is composed by A. Khawaja Khurshid Anwar B. Abdur Rab Nishtar C. Ahmed Ghulam Ali Chagla D. None of these Ans C 126. The GDP of Pakistan is A. 6.8% B. 7.8% C. 4.8% D. 5.8% Ans D 127. The total area of Balochistan is A. 347,110 B. 347,190 C. 387,190 D. 347,120 Ans B 128. Who is the current IG of Federal Police A. Sikandar Hayat B. Ahmed Khan C. Zeeshan Siagra D. Tahir Aslam Ans D 129. The current IG of Punjab Police is A. Mr. Khan Baig B. Haji Mohammad Habib ur Rehman C. Mr. Tariq Saleem D. Mushtaq Ahmed Sukhara Ans D 130. Makran Coastal Highway is _______ km long A. 653 B. 650 C. 509 D. 609 Ans A A B B C C D B A D A The height of Tarbela Dam is 133.75 m 143.83 m 141.53 m 165.14 m Ans B The Marala Headworks is located on Ravi River Indus River Jehlum River Chenab River Ans D Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and former President Asif Ali Zardari jointly performed the ground breaking of a coal project in Islamkot Rahim Yar Khan Hyderabad Kanpur Ans A Which one of these is a River of Sindh Province Indus Nari Hub Mula Ans C Girls's access to basic education got an empetus with the opening of around ______ schools in six districts of Sindh with a Japanese grant of Rs. 829 million 30 20 40 50 Ans A Who is the current IG of Balochistan Police Mr. Tariq Umar Khittab Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed Sukhera Rao Amin Hashim Mr. Hussain Karrar Khawaja Ans B Who is the current Chief of Army Staff, Pkistan General Raheel Sharif General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani General Rizwan Shahzad General Ahmed Shafiq Ans A Karachi Nuclear Plant was built with the help of Germany France China Canada Ans D When the Indus Water Treaty was signed 19th September 1962 19th September 1963 19th September 1960 19th September 1965 Ans C What is the installed capacity of Chashma Nuclear Plant 3.20 MW 32.8 MW 325 MW 3.10 MW Ans C 131. B 132. D 133. A 134. C 135. A 136. B 137. A 138. D 139. C 140. C 141. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans A 142. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans B Chashma Nuclear Plant is located near Chashma Barrage at Mithan Kot Dera Ghazi Khan Mianwali Tarbela Which is second Nuclear Plant of Pakistan Karachi Nuclear Plant Chashma Nuclear Plant Islamabad Nuclear Plant Kahuta Nuclear Plant 143. On 9 Feb, 2014 the Provincial Government of_______ launched Green Growth Initiative (GGI) to end power outages in the province 1. Punjab 2. KPK 3. Sindh 4. Balochistan Ans B 144. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans A 145. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans A 146. Who is the current Chief of Naval Staff Muhammad ZakUllah Admiral Muhammad Ahsan Shehzad Admiral Muhammad Ali Hameed Admiral Muhammad Zeeshan Asghar Who is the current Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Sohail Arman Air Chief Marshal Tahir Rizwan Butt Air Chief Marshal Tahir Rafique Butt Air Chief Marshal Tariq Rizwan Butt Who is the current Director General ISPR 1. Major General Asif Saeed Bajwa 2. Major General Asim Saeed Bajwa 3. Major General Asif Saleem Bajwa 4. Major General Asim Saleem Bajwa Ans D 147. The media watchdog group " Reporters Without Borders" said in a report that "________ remains one of the most dangerous countries in the world" for working journalists 1. India 2. Iran 3. Pakistan 4. Afghanistan Ans C 148. Animals Husbandary University is working at 1. Lahore 2. Faisalabad 3. Karachi 4. Peshawar Ans A 149. How much of the total area is cultivated in Pakistan 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans D 150. 1. 2. 3. 4. 34% 25% 55% 45% Which one is the dominant source of Foreign Exchange Earning Manufacturing Cement Textile Agriculture Ans D A B B A C D C A D D 151. Which one of the following is the largest sector of Pakistan's economy A. Agriculture B. Manufacturing C. Banking D. Industry Ans A 152. Which crops are sown in Rabi season A. Barley and Mustard B. Wheat, grain C. Tobacco, oil seed D. All of them Ans D 153. How much of the total area cultivated is under irrigation system A. 75% B. 70% C. 60% D. 65% Ans B 154. The period of Rabi season is A. January-May B. October-June C. October-May D. January-June Ans C 155. Which is the biggest Thermal Power Station in Pakistan A. Multan Steam B. Faisalabad Gas Turbine C. Jamshoro Steam D. Guddu Ans D 156. Who is the current Head of ISI, Pakistan A. Lt. General Zaheer-ul-Islam B. Lt. General Zeeshan-ul-Islam C. Lt. General Zahid-ul-Islam< D. Lt. General Zubair-ul-Islam< Ans A 157. Who is the current Director General FIA A. Muhammad Akbar Khan Hoti, PSP B. M.Ali Ahmed Bandesha C. M.Akram Ali Bandesha D. M.Ashraf Ali Bandesha Ans A 158. In Pakistan Glaciers covers the area of A. 17680 sq km B. 13680 sq km C. 12680 sq km D. 14680 sq km Ans B 159. What is the total length of Baltoro Glacier A. 56 km B. 56.5 km C. 58 km D. 54 km Ans C 160. Siachen glacier is present in the region of A. Skardu B. Shigar C. Chitral D. Baltistan Ans D A D B C D A A B C D 161. Name the highest glacier of Pakistan A. Siachen B. Hispar C. Butura D. Baltoro Ans A 162. What is the total length of Hispar glacier A. 63 m B. 61 m C. 57 m D. 59 m Ans B 163. Who is the current Director General Military Intelligence (MI) A. Major General Sarfraz Sattar B. Major General Asjad Shiekh C. Major General Hameed Sultan D. Major General Zeeshan Asghar Ans A 164. Who is the current IG of Azad Kashmir AJK Police A. Khan Baig B. Zulfiqar Ahmed Cheema C. Malik Khuda Bakhsh Awan D. Nasir Khan Durrani Ans C 165. Who is the current IG of Motorway Police A. Mushtaq Sukhera B. Sikandar Hayat C. Malik Khuda Bakhsh Awan D. Muhammad Saleem Bhatti Ans D 166. Who is the current Chairman of NAB ( National Accountability Bureau) A. Fasih Bokhari B. Qamar Zaman Chaudhry C. Abdul Rauf Ch. D. Khushnood Lashari Ans B 167. What is the total length of Siachen Glacier A. 72.5 km B. 71.5 km C. 67 km D. 63 km Ans A 168. Which of the following glaciers are present in Karakoram range A. Siachen,Hispar and Biafo B. Batura C. Chogo Lungma and Yengunta D. All of these Ans D 169. How much area of Mountain region is covered by glaciers in Pakistan A. 17% B. 21% C. 13% D. 20% Ans C 170. Baltoro galcier is situated in the mountain range of A. Hindu Kush B. Karakoram C. Himalayas D. Sulaiman Ans B 161. A 162. B 163. A 164. C 165. D 166. B 167. A 168. D 169. C 170. B 171. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans B 172. How much total production of oil is produced by Dhulian and Balkassar oil fields 70% 90% 80% 85% Kalabagh is famous for the mineral of 1. Iron 2. Sulphur 3. Salt 4. None of these Ans A 173. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans D 174. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans C 175. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans A 176. 1. 2. 3. 4. 177. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans D 178. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans D 179. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans D 180. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans C 171. B 172. A 173. D Copper is used in the production of Brick kilns Children toys Kitchen utilities Electric wires Who is the current IG of KPK police Ihsan Ghani Mahmood Ali Khan Chaudhry Nasir Khan Durrani Ali Ahmed The current Chief Justice of Balochistan High Court is Justice Muhammad Noor Meskanzai Justice Syeda Tahira Safdar Justice Jamal Khan Mandokhail Justice Qazi Faez Isa How much of the total Natural Gas is obtained from Sui 43% 38% 40% 33% Ans A The first gas field discovered in 1952 was at Dhulian Mial Pirkoh Sui Which of the following areas are important for mineral wealth in Pakistan Areas of Wazirastan Chitral Northern Eastern Balochistan All of these Which area has the biggest deposits of iron ore Koh-i-Sultan Chitral Koh-i-Sulaiman Kalabagh The current Honourable Wafaqi Mohtasib (Ombudsman) of Pakistan is Qazi Faez Isa Tassaduq Hussain Jillani Salman Farooqui Justice Muhammad Anwar Khan Kasi 174. C 175. D 176. A 177. D 178. D 179. D 180. C 181. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans C 182. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans D 183. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans A 184. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans D 185. 1. 2. 3. 4. The Mineral Development Corporation was established in 1979 1981 1974 1978 Sulphur is found in Koh-i-Sultan Hyderabad Chitral All of these How many oil refineries are working in Pakistan 4 2 8 6 Chromite is found in Pakistan in the area of Kalat Chitral Kalabagh Muslim bagh The current Chief Justice of Lahore High Court is Justice Nasir Saeed Sheikh Mr. Justice Manzoor Ahmad Malik Justice Sheikh Najam ul Hasan Justice Khawaja Imtiaz Ahmed Ans B 186. Who is the Federal Minister of Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization 1. Senator Muhammad Ishaq Dar 2. Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan 3. Mr. Pervaiz Rashid 4. Mr. Ahsan Iqbal Ans A 187. Who is the Federal Minister of National Food Security and Research 1. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi 2. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan 3. Sardar Muhammad Yusaf 4. Sadaruddin Shah Rashidi Ans B 188. Who is the Federal Minister of Interior and Narcotics control 1. Khawaja Muhammad Asif 2. Rehman Malik 3. Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan 4. Rana Tanveer Hussain Ans C 189. The deposits of copper, gold and silver have been discovered at 1. Aghari 2. Dadhak 3. Dakhni 4. Saindak Ans D 190. 1. 2. 3. 4. When the production of iron ore started in Pakistan 1949 1957 1951 1958 Ans B 1. 2. 3. 4. Who is the Federal Minister of Information Broadcasting and National Heritage Mr. Pervaiz Rashid Sardar Muhammad Yousaf Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan Mr. Zahid Hamid Ans A C D A D B A B C D B 191. 192. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans B 193. 1. 2. 3. 4. 194. Who is the Federal Minister of Railways Khawaja Muhammad Asif Mr. Pervaiz Rashid Mr. Ahsan Iqbal Khawaja Saad Rafique Ans D 1. 2. 3. 4. Name the biggest Hockey Stadium of Pakistan Hockey Stadium Faisalabad Hockey Stadium Islamabad National Hockey Stadium Lahore National Stadium Karachi 1. 2. 3. 4. Name the biggest Commercial Bank of Pakistan Muslim Commercial Bank United Bank Ltd Al-Falah Bank Habib Bank Ltd 1. 2. 3. 4. Which is the biggest Desert found in Pakistan Thar Cholistan Rohi None of these Ans C 195. Ans D 196. Ans A 197. Who is the Federal Minister of Industries and Production Muhammad Ishaq Dar Mr. Ghulam Murtaza Khan Jatoi Mr. Pervaiz Rashid Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan Name the biggest Park (area wise) in Pakistan 1. Bagh-e-Jinah Lahore 2. Ayub National Park 3. Changa Manga 4. None of these Ans B 198. Minister of Zakat and Usher, Excise and Taxation, Industries and Minerals in Gilgit-Baltistan 1. Mr. Deedar Ali 2. Mr. Muhammad Naseer Khan 3. Eng. Muhammad Ismail 4. Mr. Muhammad Jaffar Ans B 199. Minister of Health and Population Welfare of Gilgit-Baltistan 1. Mr. Muhammad Naseer Khan 2. Mr. Deedar Ali 3. Haji Gulbar Khan 4. Raja Azam Khan Ans C 200. Ministers of Works in Gilgit-Baltistan 1. Haji Gulbar Khan 2. Mr. Aftab Haider 3. Dr. Ali Madad Sher 4. Mr. Bashir Ahmed Ans D 191. A 192. B 193. D 194. C 195. D 196. A 197. B 198. B 199. C 200. D 201. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans B 202. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans A 203. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans B 204. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans C 205. Chief Minister of Gilgit-Baltistan is Mr. Muhammad Jaffar Haiz Hafeez ur Rehman Mr. Deedar Ali Mr. Muhammad Ali Akhtar Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock in Gilgit-Baltistan is Shiekh Nisar Hussain Serbaz Mr. Bashir Ahmed Mr. Aftab Haider Dr. Ali Madad Sher Minister of water and power in Gilgit-Baltistan Mr. Muhammad Jaffar Mr. Deedar Ali Mr. Muhammad Ali Akhtar Syed Mehdi Shah Governor of Gilgit-Baltistan is Syed Mehdi Shah Mr. Muhammad Jaffar Chaudhry Muhammad Barjees Tahir Mr. Aftab Haider Which is the biggest mosque in Pakistan 1. Jamia Mosque Karachi 2. Shahi Mosque Lahore 3. Chandni Mosque Peshawar 4. Faisal Mosque Islamabad Ans D 206. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans D 207. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans C 208. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans A 209. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans C 210. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans A Which one of the following is the biggest man made lake found in Pakistan Hub lake Manchar lake Halegi lake Keenjhar lake Which one of the following is the biggest natural lake found in Pakistan Lalusar Saif-ul-Muluk Manchar Sat Para The biggest airline of Pakistan is PIA Blue Airways Ithiad Airline None of these Which is the biggest cricket stadium in Pakistan Iqbal Stadium Faisalabad Qaddafi Stadium Lahore National Stadium Karachi None of these Where is the biggest hydro-electric power station found in Pakistan Tarbela dam Khanpur dam Mangla dam Warsak dam B A B C D D C A C A 211. The biggest market of Pakistan exports is A. USA B. China C. Saudi Arabia D. U.K Ans A 212. Who was the first Chief Minister of Sindh A. Muhammad Sharif B. Ayub Khoro C. Zafarullah Khan D. Ali Saeed Ans B 213. Who was the first Commander-in-Chief of Army A. B. C. D. Ans D G.M. Ayub Khan Gen. George Murphy Gen. Sadique Chaudhry Gen. Frank Meservy 214. Who was the first Chief Minister of Punjab A. Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar B. Ayub Khoro C. Iftikhar Hussain Memdoot D. Muhammad Sharif Ans C 215. Which one of these is first Cruise Missile of Pakistan A. Ra'ad B. AGM-65 Maverick C. Hatf VII (Babur) D. None of these Ans C 216. Who was the first Commander-in-Chief of Air Force A. Air Marshal Frank Murphy B. Air Marshal Asghar Khan C. Air Vice Marshal Zafar Khan D. Air Vice Marshal Allan Perry Keene Ans D 217. Who was the first Governor of KPK A. Sir George Cunningham B. Muhammad Sadiq Chaudhry C. Muhammad Sharif D. Frank Meservy Ans A 218. Who was the first President of Pakistan A. Malik Ghulam Muhammad B. Iskander Mirza C. Muhammad Ali Jinnah D. Sir Khawaja Nazimuddin Ans B 219. Who was the first Governor of Balochistan A. Lt Gen Riaz Hussain B. Sahibzada Muhammad Khurshid C. Ayub Khan D. Muhammad Sadique Chaudhry Ans B 220. When was the first Pakistani Postal Stamp issued A. August 1948 B. December 1947 C. February 1948 D. July 1948 Ans D 211. A 212. B 213. D 214. C 215. C 216. D 217. A 218. B 219. B 220. D 221. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans A 222. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans B 223. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans C 224. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans D 225. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans C 226. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans B 227. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans A 228. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans D 229. The Kabul river merges into Indus river Jhelum river Kuram river Kaghan river Baran river is flowing in the province of KPK Sindh Balochistan Punjab Ras Koh range is situated in Indus plain Karakoram Balochistan Kirthar range The Ravi river falls in Indus Sutlej Jhelum Chenab Indus river originates from Kashmir Ladakh Tibet Jammu The number of barrages constructed on river Indus are 7 6 4 0 The first bio-gas plant was installed in 1974 1975 1972 1978 The smallest dam in Pakistan is Tarbela Mangla Chashma Warsak Largest hospital in Pakistan is 1. Nishtar hospital multan 2. Service hospital Lahore 3. Jinnah hospital Lahore 4. Shaukat Hanam Lahore Ans A 230. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans B A B C D C B A D A B 231. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans A 232. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans A 233. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans D 234. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans C 235. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans B 236. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans D Bolan and Rukshan are the rivers flowing in KPK Balochistan Punjab None of these The Chaghi hills are located near Near Quetta Near Sibi Pak-Afghan border At China border In which of the following provinces Swat, Gomal, Karum and Kabul river flow KPK Balochistan Sindh Punjab The length of Ravi river is 730 km 725 km 760 km 720 km The number of rivers in Balochistan is 10 8 7 9 Gomal river starts from Iran Afghanistan KPK Balochistan Which of the following is the oldest dam of Pakistan Tarbela Mangla Gomal zam Warsak 237. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans B 238. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans C 239. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans D 240. 1. 2. 3. 4. The number of rivers in Sindh is 3 4 2 5 Warsak dam is situated on river Indus Swat Kabul Chenab The Indus plain covers an area of about 205,000 sq. miles 206,000 sq. miles 207,000 sq. miles 200,000 sq. miles River Ravi originates from Himachal Pardesh Northern areas of Pakistan Tibet Jammu and Kashmir 231. A 232. A 233. D 234. C 235. B 236. D 237. B 238. C 239. D 241. AWular lake is situated on the river A. Jhelum B. Gomal C. Kabul D. Ravi Ans A 242. The lower Chenab canal starts from A. Rasul B. Khanki C. Trimun D. None of them Ans B 243. Taunsa barrage is situated on A. Ravi B. Jhelum C. Zhob D. Indus Ans D 244. Who became second Prime Minister of Pakistan A. Choudhry Mohammad Ali B. Mohammad Ali Bogra C. Khwaja Nazimuddin D. Malik Feroz Khan Noon Ans C 245. Which country accepted Pakistan first A. Iran B. Iraq C. Indonesia D. China Ans A 246. For how much rupees Ranjit Singh sold the Kashmir A. 80 lacs B. 75 lacs C. 70 lacs D. 65 lacs Ans B 247. Which headworks of canals irrigating Pakistani areas were unlawfully given to India A. Madhopur B. Ferozpur C. both of them D. none of them Ans C 248. India made a cowardly attack on Lahore which resulted as war between two countries. When this war broke out A. 9th Sep 1965 B. 7th Sep 1965 C. 8th Sep 1965 D. 6th Sep 1965 Ans D 249. After the war of 1965 which pact was signed between India and Pakistan A. Bilateral Pact B. Tashkant Pact C. Moscow Pact D. Soviet Pact Ans B 250. Who represented Pakistan in Tashkant Meeting A. Gen. Ayub Khan B. Gen. Yahya Khan C. Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto D. Gen. Iskander Mirza Ans A A B D C A B C D B A 251. When PPP was established A. October 1967 B. August 1967 C. November 1967 D. December 1967 Ans D 252. Which incident took place in 1971 which provided India chance to attack on Pakistan A. Attack on Indian parliament B. Indian drama of hijacking their own plane C. Skirmishes on Border D. All of them Ans B 253. What was the name of Indian plane that was hijacked in 1971 A. Ganga B. Jamna C. Bangla D. Lanka Ans A 254. When East Pakistan separated from West Pakistan A. 26th December 1971 B. 22nd December 1971 C. 16th December 1971 D. 19th December 1971 Ans C 255. India recognized the provisional Government of Bangladesh on A. December 6, 1971 B. December 16, 1971 C. January 1, 1972 D. December 18, 1971 Ans B 256. Under which Article of Contitution of 1973 is Governor Rule imposed in case of failure of constitutional machinery in the province A. Article 234 B. Article 149 C. Article 189 D. Article 192 Ans A 257. What was the main difficulty which delayed the constitution making in Pakistan A. Exact nature of the State B. Lack of intererst among members of the Constituent Assembly C. The distribution of powers between Federal and Provincial Governments D. Corrupt administration Ans C 258. The largest chunk of Punjab Government's Budget (1999-2000) went to the social sector. Which field got the lion's share A. Industry B. Health C. Education D. Housing and Roads Ans A 259. Governor - General Ghulam Muhammad dismissed the Prime Minister Kh. Nazimuddin on April 19, 1953 due to A. Prime Minister Kh. Nazimuddin proved to be incompetent to grapple with the difficulties faced by the country B. Patronage of corruption C. Vote of no - confidence was passed in the Consituent Assembly D. Political tension created by partisan appeal Ans A 260. Who had the shortest tenure as Governor - General of Pakistan A. Iskendar Mirza B. Ghulam Muhammad C. Kh. Nazimmuddin D. Muhammad Ali Jinnah Ans D D B A C B A C A A D 261. Which country is situated in the east of Pakistan A. China B. India C. Afghanistan D. Iran Ans B 262. The Objective Resolution of March 12, 1949 was passed by the Contituent Assemble with what significance A. It is a Magna Carta of the contitutional history of Pakistan B. It does not provide solution to economic problems of the people C. It mixes religion with politics D. It makes working of the Governmet complicated Ans A 263. Abu-al-Fath Daud was the Ismail ruler of A. Lahore B. Depalpur C. Multan D. None of these Ans C 264. An agreement for cooperation was sighned during Turkish President Kennan Everno's visit to pakistan in Feb 1980 in the field of A. Defence production B. Tourism C. Research and Development D. Shipping Ans C 265. Sindh Muslim League passed on of the following resolutions in 1938 A. Federalism to continue B. Muslims to join other communities for political progress C. Concentration on education D. Resolved to have division of India on the basis of Two Nation Theory Ans D 266. How many times did squash player Jansher Khan win World Open A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9 Ans C 267. Which Pakistani Prime Minister received Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee when he arrived by bus to Lahore A. Nawaz Sharif B. Benzair Bhutto C. Shujat Hussain D. Shaukat Aziz Ans A 268. When did Pakistan become a Republic A. 14/8/1947 B. 23/3/1956 C. 16/12/1971 D. 12/10/1999 Ans B 269. Which Indian Cardinal was from Karachi A. Ivan Dias B. Simon Pimenta C. Anthony Padiyara D. Valerian Gracias Ans D 270. Who succeeded Zia Ul Haque as President of Pakistan A. Rafiq Tarar B. Farooq Ahmed Khan Leghari C. Ghulam Ishaq Khan D. Benzair Bhutto Ans C 261. B 262. A 263. C 264. C 265. D 266. C 267. A 268. B 269. D 270. C 271. Pakistan opened its first embassy in 1. China 2. Afghanistan 3. Iran 4. India Ans C 272. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans A 273. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans A First head of state to visit Pakistan in 1947 was Ameer of Kuwait Ameer of Saudi Arabia Ameer of Iran None of these India stopped the passage of water from the rivers Ravi and Sutluj in April 1948 February 1948 March 1948 June 1948 274. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans B Quaid-e-Azam relief fund was set up in September 1948 September 1947 September 1946 October 1947 275. India and Pakistan mutually came to an agreement that Pakistan would get_______ Rs. as her share 1. 700 crore 2. 650 crore 3. 600 crore 4. 750 crore Ans D 276. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans C 277. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans B Pakistan Fund was setup by Quaid in Jan 1947 Feb 1947 June 1947 July 1947 State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated by Quaid in June 1948 July 1948 Feb 1948 Jan 1948 278. White strip in the flag was added in August 1947. When was moon and star added in the flag 1. Jan 1949 2. June 1949 3. July 1949 4. Feb 1949 Ans D 279. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans B 280. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans D 271. C 272. A 273. A 274. B 275. D 276. C 277. B 278. D 279. B Who was called the iron man of NWFP Ayub Khoro Khan Qayyum Khan Liaqat Ali Khan None of these Peer Sahib Manki Shareef founded the following party in September 1949 PPP PML-N MQM Awami Muslim League 280. D 281. First Finance Minister of Pakistan was A. Ghulam Muhammad B. Fazlur Rehman C. Fahmeeda Mirza D. None of these Ans A 282. First Interior Minister of Pakistan was A. Fahmeeda Mirza B. Ghulam Muhammad C. Fazlur Rehman D. Benazir Bhutto Ans C 283. Youngest Prime Minister of Pakistan was A. Fahmeeda Mirza B. Benazir Bhutto C. Ghulam Muhammad D. None of these Ans B 284. First Chairman of the Senate was A. Syeda Abida Hussain B. Shahida Jamil C. Tasleem Aslam D. Habib Ullah Khan Ans D 285. First TV station was at A. Karachi B. Lahore C. Multan D. Faisalabad Ans B 286. First public airline of Pakistan was A. PIA B. Blue Airways C. Orient Airline D. None of these Ans C 287. First private Airline of Pakistan A. PIA B. Blue Airways C. Hajvery Airline D. Orient Airline Ans C 288. First female minister of law and human rights was A. Shahida Jamil B. Tasleem Aslam C. Dr. Attiya Inayatullah D. Syeda Abida Hussain Ans A 289. First female Minister of Population A. Dr. Attiya Inayatullah B. Tasleem Aslam C. Shahida Jamil D. None of these Ans A 290. First female deputy speaker in Pakistan A. Shahida Jamil B. Dr. Attiya Inayatullah C. Begum Shaista Suhrawady Ikramullah D. Begum Jahanara Shahnawaz Ans D 281. A 282. C 283. B 284. D 285. B 286. C 287. C 288. A 289. A 290. D 291. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans A 292. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans B 293. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans C 294. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans D 295. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans A 296. First Lady Major General in the Pakistan Army was Dr. Shahida Malik Shehzadi Gulfam Shaista Ikramuliah Benazir Bhutto First Vice President of Pakistan was Liaquat Ali Khan Nur-ul-Amin Ayub Khoro None of these First Joint chief of Staff Committee was Gen. Frank Meservy G.M. Ayub Khan General Muhammad Shariff Lt Gen Riaz Hussain First governor of Gilgit-Baltistan was Shehzadi Gulfam Shaista Ikramuliah Dr. Shahida Malik Shamma Khalid First Foreign Minister of Pakistan was Sir Zafarullah Khan Lt Gen Riaz Hussain Liaquat Ali Khan None of these First SOS village of Pakistan was 1. Karachi 2. Sialkot 3. Lahore 4. Multan Ans C 297. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans B 298. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans C 299. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans D 300. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans A           First DNA Test laboratory was established at Lahore Islamabad Karachi Quetta First female vice chancellor in Pakistan was Shaista Ikramuliah Begum Ra'na Liaqat AN Khan Najma Najam None of these First female representative of Pakistan in the UN was Shamshad Akhtar Benazir Bhutto Najma Najam Shaista Ikramuliah First women pilot in Pakistan was Shukriya Khanam Shehzadi Gulfam Shahida Malik None of these A B C D A C B C D A   GEOGRAPHY OF PAKISTAN • Steel Mill is in Bin Qasim • Old name of Jacobabad is Khangharh. • Kot Digi Fort is in Khairpur district. • Peshawar means city of flowers. • Warsak dam (near Peshawar) is built on Kabul River. • Tirich Mir mounts of Hindu Kash separate Afghanistan and Tajistan from Pak: • Islamia College Peshawar was founded in 1914 by Sahibzada Abdul Qayum. • Quaid Azam Medical College is in Bahawalpur. • Choukundi toms are located near Karachi. • Atock Fort was built by Akbar. • The land b/w Indus & Jehlum river is called Thal Desert or Sindh Sagar Doab. • Ruins of Harapa found in Sahiwal. • Lahore Fort was built by Akbar. • At Toonsa Sharif the borders of three provinces meet. • With Gilgit & Baltistan the frontiers of three counties meet. • Tochi pass connects Pak: with China. • Pak: has 6 international airports. • Pak: has 27 Radio Stations. • —- district, —- divisions. • Pak: railways factory is in Risalpur. • Chitral is famous for gold. • Port Qasim is the largest seaport of Pak: smallest is Gawadar • The chairman of National Economic Council is PM. • National flower of Pakistan is Jasmine. • National bird of Pakistan is Chakore. • National tree of Pakistan is Deodar. • National animal of Pakistan is Markhor (a type of goat). • National emblem of Pakistan is Cresent. • National sport of Pakistan is land Hockey. • Oldest cantonment of Pak: is Kohat. • HQ of Pak: Army is at RawalPindi. • HQ of Airforce is at Chaklala. • HQ of Navy is at Islamabad. • Islamabad is 8 miles from Rawalpindi. • Photograph on the coin of one rupee is Quaid’s photo. • “ ::two rupee is Badshahi Mosque (chk) • “ ten rupee note is Khyber Pass. • “ 5 rupee note is • “ 50 rupee note is • “ 100 is Quaid’s Residecy, Ziarat Quetta. • “ 500 is Badshahi Mosque, Lahore. • “ 100 is Jehangir’s Tomb. • “ 5000 is of Faisal Mosque, Islamabad. • 4.8% of total area of Pak: is forests (standard is 25%) • Hub dam and Thadho Dam are in Malir Karachi near Gadap Town. • Map of Shah Faisal Mosque was made by Wahdat Diloky of Turkey. • Largest radio station of Pak: is Islamabad. • Tarbela dam is in Abot Abad. • Raeewind is in Kasur. • Baitul Maal established in 1992. • General sales tax, under the constitution 1973 is a Federal subject. • Pak: national flag was adopted on 11 August, 1947 • Jasmine adopted on July 5, 1961. • National drink is Cane Juice. • Railway stations in Pak: = 965. • Rabi crops are grown b/w months of Oct-March. • Under Indus Water Basin Treaty Pak: got Jehlum, Chenab & Indus. India got Ravi, Sutlaj. • Chenab and Jehlum flow from Kashmir. • Tirchmir is the highest peak of Hindukash. • A bicameral legislature was proposed for the first time in 1973 constitution. • Length of Pak-India border is 1,610 km. • Length of Pak-Iran border is 805 km. • Length of Pak-China border is 595 km. • Length of Pak-Afghan border is 2052 km or 1300 miles. • 5 rivers flow in Punjab Ravi, Sutlaj, Chenab, Indus & Beas. • Warsak dam is on Kabul River. • Rawal Dam is on Kurrang River. • Khanpur dam is on Haro River. • Tanda dam is in Baluchistan. • Tarbela deam was completed in 1969. • Length of Indus is 2900 km. • Source of Indus is Mansoorowar Lake in Gilgit. • Muztag pass connects Gilgit-Yarkand (China). • Khankum Pass connects Chitral-Wakhan (Afghanistan) • The Shandur Pass connects Chitral and Gilgit. • Khyber Pass connects Peshawar-Kabul • Kulk pass connects Gilgit-China. • Bolan pass connects Queta-Afghanistan. • Tochi pass connects Pak:-China. • Length of Silk Rourte (Korakorum Route) is 965 km. • Geneva Pact was signed on 14th April, 1988. • Simpla Pact was singed on 3rd July, 1972. • Numb: of words in anthem=50. • Numb: of lines in anthem=15. • Numb: of ammendements made 17. • Numb: of troops in a division are 12000 to 20,000. • Numb: of troops in brigade is 4000 to 5000. • Barrages built on Indus = 8. • Tarbela dam is in NWFP (Abotabad) on Indus river.(Largest) • Mangla dam is in AJK on Jehlum River(Highest) • Warsak dam is in NWFP near Peshawar on Kabul river. • Direct dialing system was introduced b/w Lahore and Rawalpindi for first time in 1964. • Rivers of Pakistan—– Punjab== Ravi+Chanab+Sutlaj. • :::: Sindh ===Indus, Hub. • NWFP==Kabul, Sawat, Zhob. • Baluchistan==Bolan. • Baluchistan is 43% of total Pak:. • Geographical divisions of Pak: are 1.Northern Mountains, 2. Western off-shoots of Himalayas, 3. Baluchistan Plateau, 4. Potohar Plateau & Salt range, 5. Lower Indus Plain, 6. Thar desert. • Pak: has 3 stock exchanges (confirm it). • Broad Peak I is on Karokarum range. • Colonel Sher Khan belonged to Sindh Regement. • Kot Diji is a fort in Khairpur. • Ancient mosque of Pak: is at Bhambhor. • Time taken to sing National Anthem is 1 minute, 20 sec. • Instruments used are 38. • Texila is in Punjab and NWFP. • Rashid Minhas martyred in August 1971. • Mangla dam is on river Jehlum. • Old name of Supreme Court is Federal Court. • 10 persons have received Nishan-e-Hyder. • Kharif (Summer Season) crops include—Cotton, rice, sugar cane, maize, Jaur and Bajra. • Rabi (Winter OCT-March) crops are wheat, gram, barley and tobacco. • Jhat Pat is the old name of Dera Allah Yar. • There are 7 rivers in Baluchistan. • Mast Tawakkal was the poet of Balochi. • Khanpur dam is near Haripur. • Skardu is also called “Little Tibet”. • Swat became part of Pakistan in 1969. • The most precious gemstone “Emerald” are found in Swat. • Gilgit is the capital of Northern Areas of Pak: • Khushhal Khan belonged to English period. • The alphabet of Pushto was prepared by Saifullah. • First poet of Pushto was Amir Karar. • Saiful Maluk is near Naran. • Dera Adam khan is famous for Gun factory. • Durand line is b/w Peshawar and Afghanistan. • Pakistan Forest Institution is located in Peshawar. • Bala Hassan Fort was built by Babrat at Peshawar. • Saidu Sharif is a lake in NWFP. • British took Peshawar from Sikhs. • Population-wise NWFP stands 3rd. • Area-wise it is 4th. • Lands down Bridge connect Sukkur with Rohri. • Guddu Barrage was completed in 1932. • Real name of Qalandar Lal Shahbaz is Shaikh Usman Marvindi. • In 1973 constitution there are 290 articles. • Pak: comprises of 61% of mountainous area. • National Assembly has 342 seats & Senate has 100 seats with 14 for each province. • Provincial Assembly seats Punjab=371, Sindh=168, NWFP=124, Baluchistan=65. • Name of Ustad Bukhari is Syed Ahmed Shah. • Real name of Shaikh Ayaz is Shaikh Mubarak. • Barrages on Indus are Toonsa, Jinnah, Sukkur, Gudo, Kotri & Ghulam Mohd:. • Ports and harbours are Kimari (Kar: ), Bin Qasim (Kar: ), • Jinnah Naval Base (ormara), Gawadar (Baluc: ), Panjgore (Baluch: ). • Deserts of Pak: Thar (Sindh), Thal (Punjab), Cholistan (Punjab). • Famous glaciers are Siachen, Batura, Baltoro. • K2 (Karakurum Range) with 8610 meters. • Mountain Ranges are Himaliya, Koradoram, Hindu Kash, Sulaiman and Salt Range. • Tomb of Babur is in Kabul. • Real name of Noor Jahan (Wife of Jahangir) was Mehrun Nisa. • NADRA was setup in Feb: 16, 2000. • The master plan of Islamabad was prepared in 1960 by MIS Constructinos Doxiades (of Greek). • National Institute of Oceanlogy Karachi =1982. • Pak: test fired Ghauri missile in April 6, 1998. • First nuclear reactor was setup in Karachi. • Pak:’s first agriculture university setup in Faisalabad. • Chomas festival is held in Kalash valley near Chitral. • Nearest provincial capital from Islamabad is Peshawar. • Tomb of Hamayoon is in Delhi. • Tomb of Jahangir is at Lahore. • National Assembly has 60 women seats. • National anthem was written in 1954. • Gandhara civilization discovered from Texila. • Social Action Plan launched in 1992-93. • Rahmat Ali suggested name of Pakistan on 28th Jan: 1933 in “Now or Never” pamphlet inLondon. • Rehmat Ali was born in 1893 in a village Mohar district Hoshiyarpur (East Punjab). • Rahmat Ali died at the age of 58 in 1951 and was buried in Cambridge University. • Ancient name of Peshawar was Phushkalvati. • India framed its constitution in 1950. • Kara korum Highway (Silkroute) B/w Pak: & China was completed on 18th June, 1978. • Jamrood Fort (Peshawar) was built by General Hari Singh Nalwa in 1836. • Landi Khani is the end of the main line of Railway system of Pakistan. • Cholistan desert is in Bahawlpur district. • Harpa is in Sahiwal. • Bhambhore is in Thatta. • Firdousi, the Persian poet (Shah Nama) was the member of Sultan Mehmood’s court. • Tomb of Baba Farid is in Pak Patan. • Tomb of Sachal is in Ranipur. • Nishtar Hospital is the largest hospital in Pakistan and was built in 1953. • A.H means Anne Hegirae (Latin Term) =13th Sep: 622 A.D. • Nanga Parbat is situated in Himalayan. • Total arable land of Pakistan is 27%. • Pakistan is situated at the West End of the Indo Gangetic. • Wakhan separates Pakistan from Tajikistan. • Hindu-kush range is also known as Little Pamirs. • Sub-Himalya is also known as Siwaliks. • The Sindh Sagar Doab is also known as Thal Desert. • Takt-I-Suleman is the highest peak of Sulaiman Mountains. • The length of Indus River is 2900 km. • Six barrages are constructed on the River Indus. • Hispar Glacies is located in Hunza. • The famous Umar Kot fort was built in 1746. • Katch and Gawadar are the districts of Makran Division. • Punjgore is the district of Makran division. • Meaning of Quetta is fort. • Gomal River is in NWFP. • The total length of coastline of Pakistan is 1046. • Cease Fire line came into existence in 1949. • Pakistan can be divided into six natural regions. • High of K2 is 8611 Meters. • The coldest place in Pakistan is Sakardu. • Most of the Hosiery Industry is located in Karachi. • The Heavy Mechanical complex was established with the help of China at Taxila. • The first Census in the subcontinent took place in the year 1901. • Wheat is the major Kharif Crop of Pakistan. • Kotli is the city of Azad Kashmir. • The SOS village built in Faisalabad. • Pakistan celebrated Quaid’s year in 2001. • Pakistani Cricketer Saeed Anwar declared to join Afghan Jehad. • Maulana Shibly wrote books on Islamic History. • The first translation of the Holy Quran was in Sindhi. • Qutab Minar is in Delhi. • Cholistan Desert is in Bahawalpur. • Pakistan can be divided per climate into 4 regions. • Hashim Shah wrote Sassi Punnu. • The British Communal Award was announced in 1932. • Land between two rivers is called Do, aba. • Shah Jahan Constructed Jamia Masjid Thatta. • Sindh River flows from Bolan River. • Kohat is the oldest cantonment of Pakistan. • Muslims were interested in the art of Calligraphy. • The length of Durand Line is 2240 km. • The length of Pakistan’s common border with Iran is 805 km. • Chinese province adjoining Pakistan is Sinkiang. • Jinnah Barrage is originated on the river Sindh. • The height of Tarbela Dam is 500 feet. • Wah city of Pakistan is linked with cement, arms and ammunition industry. • Sukkur barrage is completed in 1932. • Khanpur Dam is near Islamabad. • Simly Lake is near Islamabad. • Tanda Dam is located in NWFP. • Khanpur Dam irrigates Attock and Abbotabad. • Sassi was born in Bhutta Wahan. • Baba Farid Shakar Gunj died at Pakpattan in 1265. • Nishtar hospital is the largest hospital in Pakistan. • Sahiwal is the new name of ‘Montgomery’. • Noor Mahal is located at Bahawalpur. • The founder of Suharwardi silsila in Pakistan is Rukn-e-Alam. • Baheshti Darwaza is located in Pakpattan. • The tomb of Anarkali is situated in at Lahore. • Shahjehan built Shalimar Garden. • Hazrat Data Gunj Baksh came in Lahore in 1039 A.D. from the city of Ghazni. • Minar-e-Pakistan is also called Minto park • Data Ganj Baksh is the author of Kashful Mahjoob. • Badshaahi mosque was built in 1674. • The construction of Islamabad began in 1952. • Sher Shah built G.T. Road. • Imperial Highway is the old name of G.T. Road. • Karakoram highway passes through 3 ranges. • Nanga Parbat is commonly known as Killer Mountain. • Karakoram highway was completed in 1978. • Karakoram was completed in the total period of 20 years. • The word Karakoram means ‘crumbling rock’. • Karakoram is a Turkish word. • Karakoram highway passes through khunjrab pass. • Punial is said to be the place where ‘heaven and earth meet’. • Siachin glacier is located near Astor. • Hunza is called real Shangrilla. • Khyber Pass connects Gilgit with Chitral. • Totally Punjab has 8 divisions. • The contribution of forestry to the agriculture sector is 0.4%. • Use of Boron and Zink can improve cotton yield. • National Arid and Land Development and Research Institute is located at Islamabad. • Arid Zone Research Centre of PARC is situated at Quetta. • Thar Coalfield is the biggest coalfield of Pakistan. • An M-1 motorway is Islamabad-Peshawar. • NEC (company) set up Pakistan’s first T.V. station. • 3 radio stations were working at the time of partition. • Total length of Indus Highway is • The new name of Debal is ‘Bhanbhore’. • Gharo Creek is a lake. • Kalakot Fort is situated near Thatta. • Ranjit Singh sold Kashmir for 75 Lakhs. • Poonch, a state of Kashmir, fought with Dogra by obtaining arms from tribal areas. • 10 seats are reserved for non-muslims in National Assembly. • Frank Meseri was the first C-in-C of Armed Forces. • The religion of Tamil is Hinduism. • There is only one female university in Pakistan. • Kohat is the oldest cantonment of the country. • Shalimar Garden was built in 1642 A.D. • Faisalabad is commonly known as little Manchester. • Harrappa is located at Sahiwal. • The tomb of jehangir is located a Shahdara. • Tomb of Noor Jehan is located at Lahore. • Attock Fort was built byAkbar. • Heer Ranjha was written by Waris Shah. • Sohni Mahiwal was written by Hashim Shah. • Sindh is called Bab-ul-Islam. • Chack was the father of Raja Dahir. • Keti Bunder is the name of a coastal area. • French Beach is located at Karachi. • Ranikot Fort is located near Hyderabad. • Kotri barrage was built in 1955. • Al Mawardi was born in Basra. • Nizam-ul-Mulk tusi was famous for his wisdom. • “USA is ruled by a power elite,” said C.Wright Mills. • Hub dam supplies electricity to Sindh. • The number of divisions in the province of Sindh is five. • Total districts in the province of Sindh are 22. • Naib Subedar is the lowest commissioned officer of Pakistan Army. • River Kabul joins Indus river at Attock. • Meerani Dam is under construction near Turbat. • Chashma right bank canal on the Indus River provides water for Jhelum River. • Jinnah station was established in continent Asia on January 25th, 1991. • National institute of silicon technology was established in 1991. • Rawalpindi, a region of Punjab, is free from the problem of water logging. • Jhelum River joins Chenab River near Trimmu. • River Ravi originates in the Indian state of Hamachel Pradesh. • Chashma barrage was built in 1971 on river Indus. • Warsak dam was built in 1960 on river Kabul. • Rawal dam was built in 1965 on river Kurang. • Pakistan’s oldest archaeological site is situated near Larkana. • Ayoub Park covers an area of 2300 acres. • Khewra is the main source of gypsum in Pakistan. • Sainadak is famous for copper, silver and gold. • Attock oil refinery is located in Rawalpindi. • 43% of the gas is obtained from Sui. • Peshawar means ‘city of flowers’. • Lahore Fort was built in 1560. COOLEST HIGHEST LOWEST BIGGEST TALLEST SMALLEST AND OLDEST in Pakistan largest Oil refinery Biggest mosque in Pakistan Tallest building of Pakistan Oldest forest of Pakistan Pak-Arab oil refinery Faisal Mosque Islamabad Muslim commercial Bank Building (Karachi) Janipur (Found between Loralai and Ziarat) longest Motorway in Pakistan M-8 Biggest Hockey Stadium of National Hockey Stadium Lahore Pakistan Biggest Industry of Pakistan Textile Biggest Industrial unit in public Pakistan Steel Mills sector longest railway tunnel in Pakistan Khqjak longest tunnel Lawari Tunnel Province which have longest Baluchistan coastline Largest language Puniabi (48%) Pakistan’s largest museum Karachi museum Biggest park in Pakistan Ayub National park Largest Dam in Pakistan Terbela Dam Largest Earth filled Dam in PakistanTerbela Dam Oldest Nuclear reactor of Karachi nuclear power plant Pakistan j Biggest fort of Pakistan Rani Kot FortJHaiderabadl Oldest fort of Pakistan Daraward Fort Biggest nuclear power station Chashma Pakistan Coldest place in Pakistan Skardu Highest dam in Pakistan Mangla Dam Highest glacier of Pakistan Siachen Longest glacier of Pakistan Siachen Largest Island of Pakistan Manora Oldest Barrage of Pakistan Sukkur Barrage . Highest mountain peak K-2 (8611 meter or 28251) Highest Railway station of Pakistan Khan Mehtarzai Highest Road Sharah-erKarakoram (Sharah Resham) Oldest news agency of Pakistan APP (Associate Press of Pakistan) Biggest cricket stadium of Pakistan National Stadium Karachi Largest shipping company of Pakistan national Shipping Pakistan Corporation Largest university of Pakistan Punjab University Largest (biggest) province area Balochistan Biggest province (population) Punjab Biggest library found in Pakistan Punjab Library Biggest airline of Pakistan PIA Biggest railway workshop in Mughalpura ^Lahore) Pakistan Largest city of Pakistan Karachi Largest district of Pakistan Khuzdar Biggest desert found in Pakistan Thar Highest battle field in Pakistan Siachin Glacier Hottest place in Pakistan Jacobabad Biggest airport of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Airport Karachi Biggest Commercial Bank of Habib Bank Limited Pakistan Biggest Barrage of Pakistan Sukkur Barrage Oktest airline of Pakistan Orient Airline Oldest private Airline of Pakistan Hajyery Airline largest & longest river Indus (2896 Km! biggest man-made lake found in Keenjhar Lake (Thatha) Pakistan biggest natural lake found in Manchar Lake (Dadu) Pakistan Pakistan’s largest Stock Exchange Karachi . highest pass Muztagh Pass (6000 metres) biggest Gas field biggest Gas producing province biggest hydroelectric power station 4 Largest jungle of Pakistan Highest military award Highest civil award Sui Gas field Baluchistan Tarbela Dam Changa Manga Nishan-e-Haider Nishan-e-Pakistan 2.4 Islamyat     Gazwats Hazrat Muhammad life Islamic History Islamic Rukne Islam 1. In Miraj Jibrael called Aazan in Baitul Muqadas. 2. Prophet led all the prophets in a prayer in miraj at al-Aqsa 3. Fatima died after 6 Months (age=31,11 A.H) Prophet. 4. Youngest daughter Fatima. 5. Islamic official seal started on 1st Muharram, 7 A.H 6. Seal of Prophet was made of Silver. 7. What was written on the Holy Prophet (SAW) seal? Allah Rasool Muhammad 8. Prophet performed 1(in10 A.H) Hajj and 4(in7 A.H) umras. 9. Change of Qibla occurred on 15 Shaban,2 A.H(Monday)(during Zuhr) 10. Construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi started Rabiulawal, 1 A.H. 11. Namaz-e-Juma became Farz in Medina. 12. First man to embrace Islam on the eve of Fatah-e-Makka was Abu Sufyan. 13. Second woman to embrace Islam Lababa bint Haris (chk Ummay Aiman) (chk Nafeesa) 14. First to migrate to Madina (first muhajir) Abu Salam. 15. Last to migrate to Madina was Abbas. 16. First non-arab to embrace Islam Farwah bin Umro 17. Facsimile of the Prophet Mus'ab bin Umair. 18. Kalsoom bin al_Hadam gave land for Quba mosque 19. The title of ammenul ummat is of Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah.(conqurer of Damascus) 20. Prophet offered congregational prayer in Kaaba in 6th Nabvi. 21. The day when Prophet delivered his last Khutab was Juma. 22. Idols in Kaba before Islam numbered 360. 23. The largest idol named Habal. 24. Prophet preached Islam openly in 4th Nabvi. 25. Year of deputation was 9th. 26. Bilal called first aazan of Fajr prayer. 27. The Hadith, which is transmitted with continuity and enjoys such abundance of narrators that their statement becomes authentic, is called Matwatar. 28. The grave of the Prophet was prepared by Hazrat Abu Talha 29. Qasim was first of the Holy Prophet's children to be born. 30. The first Namaz-e-Janazah performed by Rasoolullah was that of Asad bin Zaraara (radi Allahu anhu). 31. The first Namaaz to be made Fardh was Tahajjud Namaaz, which was later made Nafil. 32. At Masjid-e-Nabvi first Muslim University was established. 33. Holy prophet labored in the formation of Masjid-e-Quba. 34. Masjid-e-Zara was built by Hyporcrites at Madina. 35. Nabvi Mosque constructed in 1 A.H Rabi-ul Awwal. 36. 25 Doors are in Masjid –e-Haram, the most important door of Kaaba is Babul Salam. 37. Qibla change order came in Mosque Zul Qiblatain 38. The flag colour of the Holy Prophet was white and yellow at the time of conquest of Makkah. 39. Friday is known as Sayeed Ul Ayam. 40. Shab-e-Barat is celebrated on the 15th night of Shuban. 41. 26th night of Rajab is the night of Accession. 42. In 256 Imam Bukhari died. 43. 6 Lac Ahadith collected by Imam Bukhari. 44. The camel driver of Prophet at the fall of Mecca was Usama bin Zaid bin Haris. 45. Prophet issued order of killing Abdul Uza bin Khatal at the fall of Mecca. 46. At Koh-e-Safa, Prophet addressed after conquest of Makkah. 47. The name Muhamammad was proposed by Abdul Muttalib while the name Ahmed was proposed by Bibi Aminah. 48. Migration from Mecca to Abyssinia took place in the 7th month of the 5th year of the mission i.e 615 A.d. The total number of migrated people was 15 49. Second migration to Habshah took place in 616 A.D. 50. Second migration to Abyssinia 101 people with 18 females. 51. After Amina's death, Ummay Aimen looked after Prophet. 52. After Harb-e-Fajjar, Prophet took part in Halaf-ul-Fazul. 53. Prophet made second business trip to Syria in 24th year of elephant. 54. Friend of Khadija Nafeesa carried message of Nikah. 55. Surname of Haleema Sadia was Ummay Kabtah. 56. Surname of Prophet was Abu-ul-Qasim. 57. Da'ia of the Prophet was Shifa who was mother of Abdul Rehman bin Auf. 58. Abdul Mutalib died in 579 A.D. 59. Masaira a slave of Khadija accompanied Prophet to Syria. 60. Foster mothers of Prophet were Haleema, Sobia & Khola. 61. First forster mother was Sobia who was mother of Hamza. 62. For six years Haleema took care of Prophet. 63. For two years Abdul Mutalib took care of Prophet. 64. Prophet had two real paternal uncles i.e Zubair & Abu Talib. 65. Zubair died before Prophethood. 66. After 7 days the Aqeeqa ceremony of Prophet was held. 67. Prophet belonged to Banu Hashim clan of Quraish tribe. 68. Among uncles Abbas & Hamza embraced Islam. 69. Amina was buried at Abwa b/w Makkah & Madina. 70. Six months before the Prophet's birth his father died. 71. Prophet had no brother and no sister. 72. Abdullah died at Madina. 73. Prophet had six aunties. 74. Foster father of Prophet was Haris. 75. At the age of 15, Herb-e-Fajjar took place. 76. Herb-e-Fajjar means war fought in the probihited months. 77. First father-in-law of Prophet was Khawalid. 78. Aamina belonged to Bani Zohra tribe. 79. Umar accepted Islam in 616 A.d. 80. Social boycott of Banu Hashim took place in 7th Nabvi. 81. Shi'b means valley. 82. Social boycott continued for 3 years. 83. A group of Madina met Prophet in 11th Nabvi. 84. Uqba is located near Makkah. 85. The group of Madinites belonged to Khazraj tribe. 86. Accord of Uqba took place in 13th Nabvi. 87. On 27th Rajab, 10 Nabvi the event of Miraj took place. 88. 10th Nabvi was called Aam-ul-Hazan (year of grief). 89. Name of the camel on which Prophet was riding in migration was Qaswa. 90. Omaar bin Hisham was the original name of Abu Jehl. 91. Abu-al-Hikm is the title of Abu Jehl. 92. When did Hazrat Hamza (RA) embrace Islam Fifth Nabavi 93. Persons included in Bait-e-Uqba Oola 12 and in Bait-e-Uqba Sani 75. 94. Cave of Hira is 3 miles from Makkah. 95. Hijra took place in 13th Nabvi. 96. Second convent of Al-Aqba arrived at Makkah in 12th Nabvi. 97. Medina is 448 Km from Makkah. (250 miles) 98. Makkah conquest occurred in 8th year of Hijra. 99. Prophet performed Hajj in 10th Hija. 100. Prophet was buried in the hujra of Ayesha. 101. Prophet was born in 1st Year of Elephant. 102. Ambassadors sent to Arab& other countries in 7th Hijra. 103. King of Iran tore away the message of Prophet. 104. King of Byzantine in 7th Hijra was Hercules. 105. After 6 years of the birth of Holy prophet Bibi Aamna died. 106. After 8 years of the birth of Prophet Abdul Muttalib died. 107. 632 A.D Charter of Madina. 108. Holy Prophet demised at the age of 63. 109. Hijrah year began with 14th Nabvi. 110. 10th year of prophet hood is known as year of grief. 111. First Azan was called out in 1. A.H. mportant Islamic History Events Knowledge Questions 1. 545 Birth of Hazrat Abdullah, the Holy Prophet's father. 2. 571 Birth of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Year of the Elephant. Invasion of Makkah by Abraha the Viceroy of Yemen, his retreat (military forces go back). 3. 577 The Holy Prophet PBUH visits Madina with his mother. Death of his mother. 4. 580 Death of Abdul Muttalib, the grandfather of the Holy Prophet (PBUH ). 5. 583 The Holy Prophet's journey to Syria in the company of his uncle Abu Talib. His meeting with the monk Bahira at Bisra, who foretells of his prophet hood. 6. 586 The Holy Prophet (PBUH) participates in the war of Fijar. 7. 591 The Holy Prophet (PBUH ) becomes an active member of "Hilful Fudul", a league for the relief of the distressed. 8. 594 The Holy Prophet (PBUH ) becomes the Manager of the business of Lady Khadijah (R.A) and leads her trade caravan to Syria and back. 9. 595 The Holy Prophet (PBUH ) marries Hazrat Khadijah. 10. 605 The Holy Prophet (PBUH ) arbitrates in a dispute among the Quraish about the placing of the Black Stone in the Kaaba. 11. 610 The first revelation in the cave at Mt. Hira. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) is commissioned as the Messenger of God. 12. 613 Declaration at Mt. Sara inviting the general public to Islam. 13. 614 Invitation to the Hashimites to accept Islam. 14. 615 Persecution of the Muslims by the Quraish. A party of Muslims leaves for Abyssinia 15. 616 Second Hijrah to Abyssinia 16. 617 Social boycott of the Hashimites and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) by the Quraish. The Hashimites are shut up in a glen outside Makkah. 17. 619 Lifting of the boycott. Deaths of Abu Talib and Hazrat Khadijah (R.A) ,Year of sorrow (1OH) 18. 620 Journey to Taif. Ascension to the heavens. 19. 621 First pledge at Aqaba. 20. 622 Second pledge at Aqaba. The Holy Prophet (PBUH ) and the Muslims migrate to Yathrib. 21. 623: Nakhla expedition (journey or voyage for a particular purpose ). 22. 624 Battle of Badr. Expulsion of the Bani Qainuqa Jews from Madina. 23. 625 Battle of Uhud. Massacre of 70 Muslims at Bir Mauna. Expulsion of Banu Nadir Jews from Madina. Second expedition (journey or voyage for a particular purpose) of Badr. 24. 626 Expedition (journey or voyage for a particular purpose) of Banu Mustaliq 25. 627 Battle of the Trench Expulsion of Banu Quraiza Jews. 26. 628 Truce (temporary agreement to cease hostilities) of Hudaibiya. Expedition (journey or voyage for a particular purpose ) to Khyber. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) addresses letters to various heads of states. 27. 629 The Holy Prophet PBUH performs the pilgrimage at Makkah. Expedition (journey or voyage for a particular purpose) to Muta (Romans). 28. 630 Conquest of Makkah. Battles of Hunain, Auras, and Taif. 29. 631 Expedition (journey or voyage for a particular purpose) to Tabuk Year of Deputations (delegations). 30. 632 Farewell pilgrimage at Makkah. 31. 632 Death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH ). Election of Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) as the Caliph. Usamah leads expedition (journey or voyage for a particular purpose) to Syria. Battles of Zu Qissa and Abraq. Battles of Buzakha, Zafar and Naqra. Campaigns against Bani Tamim and Musailima , the Liar. 32. 633 Campaigns in Bahrain, Oman, Mahrah Yemen, and Hadramaut. Raids in Iraq. Battles of Kazima, Mazar, Walaja, Ulleis, Hirah, Anbar, Ein at tamr, Daumatul Jandal and Firaz. 33. 634 Battles of Basra, Damascus and Ajnadin. Death of Hazrat Abu Bakr. Hazrat Umar Farooq becomes the Caliph. Battles of Namaraq and Saqatia. 34. 635 Battle of Bridge. Battle of Buwaib. Conquest of Damascus. Battle of Fahl. 35. 636 Battle of Yermuk. Battle of Qadsiyia. Conquest of Madain. 36. 637 Conquest of Syria. Fall of Jerusalem . Battle of Jalula. 37. 638 Conquest of Jazirah. 38. 639 Conquest of Khuizistan. Advance into Egypt. 39. 640 Capture of the post of Caesaria in Syria. Conquest of Shustar and Jande Sabur in Persia. Battle of Babylon in Egypt. 40. 641 Battle of Nihawand. Conquest of Alexandria in Egypt. 41. 642 Battle of Rayy in Persia. Conquest of Egypt. Foundation of Fustat. 42. 643 Conquest of Azerbaijan and Tabaristan (Russia). 43. 644 Conquest of Fars, Kerman, Sistan, Mekran and Kharan. Martyrdom ( ÔåÇÏÊ) of Hazrat Umar. Hazrat Usman (R.A) becomes the Caliph. 44. 645 Campaigns in Fats. 45. 646 Campaigns in Khurasan, Armeain and Asia Minor. 46. 647 Campaigns in North Africa. Conquest of the island of Cypress. 47. 648 Campaigns against the Byzantines. 48. 651 Naval battle of the Masts against the Byzantines. 49. 652 Discontentment (anger) and disaffection against the rule of Hazrat Usman (R.A). 50. 656 Martyrdom of Hazrat Usman (R.A). Hazrat Ali (R.A) becomes the Caliph. Battle of the Camel . 51. 657 Hazrat Ali (R.A) shifts the capital from Madina to Kufa. Battle of Siffin. Arbitration proceedings at Daumaut ul Jandal. 52. 658 Battle of Nahrawan. 53. 659 Conquest of Egypt by Hazrat Mu'awiyah (R.A). 54. 660 Hazrat Ali recaptures Hijaz and Yemen from Hazrat Mu'awiyah (R.A). Hazrat Mu'awiyah (R.A) declares himself as the Caliph at Damascus. 55. 661 Martyrdom of Hazrat Ali. Accession of Hazrat Hasan (R.A) and his abdication. Hazrat Mu'awiyah (R.A) becomes the sole Caliph. 56. 662 Khawarij revolts. 57. 666 Raid of Sicily. 58. 670 Advance in North Africa. Uqba bin Nafe founds the town of Qairowan in Tunisia. Conquest of Kabul. 59. 672 Capture of the island of Rhodes. Campaigns in Khurasan. 60. 674 The Muslims cross the Oxus. Bukhara becomes a vassal state. 61. 677 Occupation of Sarnarkand and Tirmiz. Siege (blockade) of Constantinople. 62. 680 Death of Hazrat Mu'awiyah (R.A). Accession of Yazid. Tragedy of Kerbala and martyrdom of Hazrat HussainÑÖì Çááå Úäå) . 63. 682 In North Africa Uqba bin Nafe marches to the Atlantic, is ambushed and killed at Biskra. The Muslims evacuate Qairowan and withdraw to Burqa. 64. 683 Death of Yazid. Accession of Mu'awiyah II. 65. 684 Abdullah bin Zubair declares himself as the Caliph at Makkah. Marwan I becomes the Caliph' at Damascus. Battle of Marj Rahat. 66. 685 Death of Marwan I. Abdul Malik becomes the Caliph at Damascus. Battle of Ain ul Wada. 67. 686 Mukhtar declares himself as the Caliph at Kufa. 68. 687 Battle of Kufa between the forces of Mukhtar and Abdullah bin Zubair. Mukhtar killed. 69. 691 Battle of Deir ul Jaliq. Kufa falls to Abdul Malik. 70. 692 The fall of Makkah. Death of Abdullah bin Zubair. Abdul Malik becomes the sole Caliph. 71. 695 Khawarij revolts in Jazirah and Ahwaz. Battle of the Karun. Campaigns against Kahina in North Africa. The Muslims once again withdraw to Barqa. The Muslims advance in Transoxiana and occupy Kish. 72. 3) 8th Century 73. 700 Campaigns against the Berbers in North Africa. 74. 702 Ashath's rebellion in Iraq, battle of Deir ul Jamira. 75. 705 Death of Abdul Malik. Accession of Walid I as Caliph. 76. 711 Conquests of Spain, Sind and Transoxiana. 77. 712 The Muslims advance in Spain, Sind and Transoxiana. 78. 713 Conquest of Multan. 79. 715 Death of Walid I. Accession of Sulaiman. 80. 716 Invasion of Constantinople. 81. 717 Death of Sulaiman. Accession (taking over) of Umar bin Abdul Aziz. 82. 720 Death of Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Accession of Yazid II. 83. 724 Death of Yazid II. Accession of Hisham. 84. 725 The Muslims occupy Nimes in France. 85. 732 The battle of Tours in France. 86. 737 The Muslims meet reverse at Avignon in France. 87. 740 Shia revolt under Zaid bin Ali. Berber revolt in North Africa . Battle of the Nobles. 88. 741 Battle of Bagdoura in North Africa. 89. 742 The Muslim rule restored in Qiarowan. 90. 743 Death of Hisham. Accession of Walid II. Shia revolt in Khurasan under Yahya bin Zaid. 91. 744 Deposition of Walid I1. Accession of Yazid II1 and his death. Accession of Ibrahim and his overthrow. Battle of Ain al Jurr. Accession of Marwan II. 92. 745 Kufa and Mosul occupied by the Khawarjites. About SAHABA KARAM General Knowledge Questions 1. Hazrat Asad died first among the Sahabah. 2. Hamza & Hussain are known as leader of Martyrs. 3. Hazrat Usman Bin Talha was the Key holder of Kaaba. 4. Hazrat Saad bin Ubi waqas conquered Persia firstly. 5. Qabeela bin Qais is known as cup bearer of Zam Zam. 6. Abbas was instrumental in bringing abu Sufiyan in Islam. Periods of Caliphs 7. Abu Bakar 632-634 8. Hazrat Umar 634-644 9. Hazrat Usman 644-656 10. Hazrat Ali 656-661 11. Abu Bakar 2y 3m 12. Hazrat Umar 10y 5m 21d. 13. Hazrat Usman 12y. 14. Hazrat Ali 4y 9m. 15. Hazrat Abu Bakar was the merchant of cloth. 16. Real name of Hazrat Abu Bakar was Abdullah. 17. Apostasy movement took place in the khilafat of Abu Bakar. 18. Hazrat Abu Bakar died in 22nd of Jamadi-us-Sani 13 AH. 19. Hazrat Umar embraced Islam at the age of 33 or 27. 20. Abu Lulu Feroz, the slave martyred Hazrat Umar Farooq. 21. Hazrat Umar Farooq was martyred on 1st Muharram 24 A. H. 22. Hazrat Umar introduced Hijra Calender. 23. Hazat Usman is known as Zul Noorain because he wedded with two daughters of Prophet: Rukya+Umme Qulsoom. 24. Usman accepted Islam at the instigation of Abu Bakar. 25. Asadullah & Haider-e-Karar were the epithets of Hazrat Ali. 26. Ali married Fatima in 2nd Hijra. 27. Hazrat Ali was born at Khane-e-Kaaba. 28. Hazrat Ali was martyred on 21st Ramzan 40 A.H. 29. In Ghazwa Uhad Hazrat Ali was awarded with Zulifqar. 30. Hazrat Umer accepted islam in 616 A.D. 31. Hazrat Umar established the office of Qazi. 32. Hazrat Umar added As Salato Khairum Min Noum. 33. Hazrat Umar embraced the Islam at the age of 34. 34. Usman migrated to Habsha 35. Hazat Usman participated in all battles except Badr. 36. In the reign of Usama, Muwaviah established naval fleet. 37. Only sahabi without seeing Prophet Awais Karni. 38. Umar levied zakat on horses. 39. Ali lifted zakat on horses. 40. Abu Bakr had knowledge of dreams. 41. Usman added 2nd Azan for Friday prayers. 42. Atique is the title of Hazrat Abu Bakr. 43. Hazrat Umar established Department of Police. 44. Hazrat Umar formed a parliament, namely Majlis-e-Aam. 45. Ghani was the title of Hazrat Usman (RA). 46. Hazrat Ali has the title the gateway to knowledge. 47. Hazrat Ali remained Caliph for 4 years and 9 months. 48. Hazrat Ali is buried at Najaf. 49. Ameer Mavia established the postal system. 50. Amer bin Aas embraced Islam in 7th Hijra. 51. Khalild bin Waleed embraced Islam in 7th Hijra. 52. First Moazin of Islam, Hazrat Bilal. 53. The home of Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansaari was the first place where the Prophet stayed in Madina Shareef. 54. The first person sent to spread Islam under the instructions of the Prophet was Mus'ab bin Umair who was sent to Madinah. 55. The first person to make Ijtihaad was Abu Bakr Siddique 56. Hazrat Abu Zirr Ghaffari is known as the first Dervish. 57. Abdullah ibn Maz'oom:first person buried in Jannatul Baqi. 58. Hazrat Umar was the first person to perform Janazah Salaah in Jamaat with four Takbeers. 59. First census of Islamic world in Umer's period. 60. The first person to become murtad (out of the folds of Islam) was either Muqees bin Khubaaba or Ubaidullah bin Jahash. 61. Salah-udin Ayubi conquered Bait ul Muqadas. 62. Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani is buried at Baghdad. 63. Shah Jahan Mosque is at Thatta. 64. Indonesia is the biggest Islamic Country Population wise. 65. Maldives is the smallest Islamic country area wise. 66. Hazrat Data Ganj Bux is buried in Lahore. 67. Abyssinia is an old name of Ethiopia. 68. Mesopotamia is the old name of Iraq. 69. Constantinople is and old name of Istanbul. 70. Persia is an old name of Iran. 71. Albania is Europe's only Islamic country. 72. Sinai Peninsula is only land bridge between Asia and Africa. 73. Egypt connects Africa with Europe continent. 74. Al Azhar University is in Cairo. 75. Shah Faisal Mosque is in Islamabad. 76. Jibraeel will be first person questioned on Day of Qiyamah. 77. From amongst the animals, the first animal to be brought back to life will be the Buraaq of Prophet Muhammad. 78. The first meal in Jannah will be fish liver. 79. The first Ibaadat on earth was Tauba (repentance). 80. The first Mujaddid of Islam is Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz. 81. First book of Hadith compiled was Muata by Imam Malik. 82. Mosque of Prophet was damaged due to fire in the reign of Motasim Billah. 83. Jamia mosque of Damascus was built by Walid bin Malik. 84. Badshahi mosque Lahore was built by Shah Jahan. 85. Faisal mosque was opened for public in 1987. 86. Umm-us-Saheehain is Imam Malik: Mauta. 87. Mohd: bin Ismael Bukhari comprised of 4,000 hadiths 88. Bukhari Sharif & Muslim Sharif are called Sahihain. 89. Imam Tirmazy was a student of Abu Dawood. 90. Imam Nisai=Ahmed bin Shoaib. 91. Kitab-ul-Kharaj was written by Imam Abu Yousuf. 92. Mahmood Ghaznavi called kidnapper of scholars. 93. Dara Shakoh was a mystic. 94. Mullana Nizam-ud-Din founded the school of Dars-e-Nizamia. 95. Rabia Basry was born in 95 A.H. 96. Baqee Billah revolted against Akbar's deen-e-Ilahi firstly. 97. Shaikh Ahmed Sirhandi was given the title of Mujadid alf Sani by Mullana Abdul Hakeem. 98. Baba Fareed Ganj Shakr married to the daughter of Balban. 99. Toosi built Margha astronomical observatory. 100. Mamoon of west is al-Zahrawi. 101. Shah Waliullah wrote Mawahb-ur-Rehman. About Namaz General Knowledge Questions 1. 48 total numbers of Rakats are in Farz prayer. 2. Namaz-e-Khasoof is offered for Moon Eclipse. 3. Namaz-e-Kasoof is offered for Solar Eclipse. 4. Namaz-e-Istasqa is offered for Rain. 5. Holy Prophet offered Jumma Prayer in 1. A.H. 6. Namaz-e-Istasqa is offered with backside of hands upward. 7. Holy prophet offered first Eid Prayer in 2. A.H. 8. Eid Namaz is Wajib. 9. Madurak is the person who starts prayer with Immam. 10. Musbaq is the person who comes after one rakat. 11. Fajar and Isha were essential in the early period of Islam. 12. Tahajud mean abandon sleep. 13. Qaada is to sit straight in Salat. 14. Jasla is short pause between two sajdas. 15. Qaumaa is standing straight during Rukus. 16. A person who performs prayer alone is Munfarid. 17. Farz in wuzu=4, Sunats=14. 18. Farz in Ghusual=3, Sunats=5 19. Types of Sunnah prayer are of two types. 20. In Fajr, Maghrib & witr no chage in farz rakaat in case of Qasr. 21. Takbeer-e-Tashreeq is recited in Eid-ul-Uzha. 22. Jumma prayer is Farz salat. 23. Conditions of Salat are Seven. 24. takbeer-e-Tehreema are to be said in the salat: one. 25. Jasla is wajib. 26. To sit straight in Salat is called Qa'ada. 27. Qa'ada is farz. 28. Two persons are required for a Jamat prayer. 29. Salat Juma became Farz in Madina. 30. Five salat made compulsory in 10th Hijri About ZAKAT General Knowledge Questions 1. Zakat means to purify. 2. Zakat was made obligatory in 2. A.H. 3. 7-1/2 is the nasab of gold and 52-1/2 tolas for silver. 4. Injunction of utilization of zakat is in Surah-al Tauba. 5. Number of heads for distribution of zakat are 8. 6. Zakat mentioned along with Namaz in the Quran 22 times. 7. 5 Camels, 40 goats, 30 cows and buffaloes is nisab for zakat. 8. 1/10 is the nisab of irrigated produce. 9. Zakat is treasure of Islam; it is the saying of holy prophet. 10. Usher means 1/10. 11. Khums means 1/5. 12. Word Zakat occurs in Quran for 32 times. 13. In 2nd A.H the rate and method of distribution of Zakat was determined at Madina. 14. Kharaj is spoils of war. 15. Fay is income from town lands. 16. Zakat on produce of mines is 1/5th. 17. Ushr on artificially irrigated land is 1/20th. 18. Al-Gharmain means debtors. 19. There are two types of zakat. About FASTING General Knowledge Questions 1. Fast means to stop. 2. Fasting made obligatory in 2nd A.H. 3. Fasting is commanded in al-Bakarah. 4. Feed 60 people is the atonement for breaking the fast or sixty sontinuous fasts.. 5. Bab-ul-Riayn is the door for fast observing people. 6. Tarrawih means to rest. 7. Battle of Badr was fought in very first of Ramzan on 17th. 8. Umar arranged the Namaz-e-Tarrawih. 9. Month of Ramzan is known as Sayeed us Shahoor. 10. Five days are forbidden for fasting throughout the year. 11. Wajib means ordained. 12. 1st Ashra of Ramzan=Ashra-e-Rehmat. 13. 2nd Ashra=Ashra-e-Maghfirat. 14. 3rd Ashra=Ashra-e-Nijat Hazrat NOOH A.S ki kashti ka name kia tha In which sura the creation of human being is mentioned? ARK +80 people Surah hijr Kis suhabi ne ghazwa uhd mein hazrat SAW k hatho mein shahadat pai?? _____________ zaid bin harsa r. A tguzwa mota me shaheed huye In which sura the regulations for prisoner ofwar is mentioned? Surah Nisa Which sura is having the laws aboutmarriage? Surah nisa 1) When Holy Prophet PBUH was born2) Hazrat Usman R.A belong to Which Tribe--3) Treaty of Hudaibia made for how many years-4)First Revealed Surah-5)Word SALAT is of which language-6)Mekaeel has duty of-- 571 A.D Ummayed 10 Alaq Arabic rain 7)hazrat Adam is called--8)Sura Momin in which Para? 9)Khilafat of Hazrat Abu Bakar consisting of how many years? 10)What was Title of Hazrat Ibrahim? 11) Name of Hazrat Umar’s Qabeela? 12) Name of Mother of Hazrat Usman? 13) Who was first Hafiz Of Quran? 14) Which is first revealed Book? 15) In which Ghazwa the Holy Prophet first time participated 16) Namaz e Khasoof? Abu al bashar 24 2 khaleel ullah Banu Adi Urwa bint Kariz Hazrat Usman r.a Touraet Abwa (Lunar eclipse) (1)How many time Besmillah Al-Rahmaan Al- Raheem is repeated in Quran 114. (2) How many Sura start with Besmillah Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem? 113. (3) How many time the word 'Quran' is repeated in Holy Quran ? 55. (4) Which is the longest Sura of Holy Quran ? Al-Baqarah. (5)Which is the best drink mentioned in Holy Quran? Milk. (6)The best eatable thing mentioned in HolyQuran is? Honey. (7)Which is the shortest Sura of Holy Quran? Qausar. (8)The longest verse of Holy Quran is in which Sura? Al-Baqarah No.282 (9) The most disliked thing by the God though Halal is? Divorce (10)Which letter is used for the most time in Holy Quran.? Aliph (11)Which letter is used for the lest time in Holy Quran? Zaa. (12)Which is the best night mentioned in Holy Quran? Night of Qadr. (13) Which is the best month mentioned in Holy Quran? Ramdhan. (14)Which is the biggest animal mentioned in Holy Quran? Elephant (15)Which is the smallest animal mentioned in Holy Quran? Mosquito (16)Which Sura of Holy Quran is called the mother of Quran? Sura Hamd (17)How many Sura start with Al-Hamdullelah? 5 Hamd, Inaam, Kahf, Saba & Fatr. (18)Sura has the same number of verses as the number of Sura of Holy Quran? Taqveer, 114 verses. (19) How many Sura's name is only one letter? Three, Qaf, Sad & Noon. (20)How many sura are Makkahi and how many are Madni? Macci 86, Madni 28. islami saal ka pehla mahina Muharam ul haram kis khalifa ki tajveez par rkha gya?? Hazrat Usman r.a. Hazor akram ny akhri dor men masjid nabvi k ander kholny waly logon k gharon k drwazy bnd krwa die thy siwaye ............... Hazrat Abubakar r.a. Mountain where Hazrat Musa(A.S) received ALLAH's message ? Toor 1)Which sura is on the name of tribe of Holy Prophet? Quresh 2)Which sura is called the heart of Holy Quran? Yaseen. 3) In which sura the name of Allah is repeated many times? Sura al-Haj. 4) Which sura are named Azaiam ? 5)Which sura is on the name of one Holy war ? 6)Which sura is on the name of one metal ? Sajdah, Fusselat, Najum & Alaq. Sura Ahzaab. Sura Hadeed 7)Which sura does not starts with Bismellah ? Sura Tauba. 8)Which sura is called ' Aroos-ul-Quran ? Sura Rehman. 9).In which sura Besmillah came twice ? Sura Naml. 10)How many sura start with the Initials( Mukette'at ) 29 surah. Maooz a teen ki surah ko kaha jata ha?? surah naas and surah falak sulah e hudaybia k bad kin ko HAZOR SAW ny makah sy bhag any k bad wapis ni kia ta?Umme Kulsoom r.a Who added 2nd azan for Namaz e jumma? Hazrat Usman r.a 3. A Verse of the Holy Quran indicates the name of: Hazrat Zaid 4. A Muslim female is coffined in: Five Sheets 5. The original name of Imam Bukhari is: Muhammad bin Ismail 6. Makka was conquered in: 8 A.H 7. Qurbani (Holy Slaughtering)is made during Hajj at: Mina 8. Jami-i-Quran is taken from Hazrat Usman (R.A) 9. Pious-Caliphate lasted for about: Thirty Years 10. Gathering on Arafat during Hajj is made on: 9th Zil Hajjah sahibul mout kis nabi ko kahte hn Hazrat Yousaf kitne din well mai rahe( qowain) Hazrat Noah ki kashti ka kia name hy Malika saba ka asal name kia hy bab-ul-Quran kis surah ko kahte hn Hazrat Idress kis daria (river) ke kinary peada hue Hawari Rasool kis sahabi ko kahte hn haZRAT UZAI a.s 3 din ______________ Bilqees Surah Fatiha _____________ _____________ • Last wahi written by Abi Ibn Kaaf. • Last wahi came on 3rd Rabiul Awal 11 A.D • event of Miraj is mentioned in 15th Para • Except one name of no other woman has come explicitly in the Quran. Hazrat Mariam A.S. • Iblees will not be punished with fire but Cold • Iblees’s refusal to prostrate before man is mentioned in Quran for 9 times. • Iblees means “disappointed one”. • Al-Kausar relates to death of Qasim and Hazrat Abdullah • Jibrail came into the court of the Prophet. 24000 times • Quran has been translated into 50 languages to date. • If a woman marries the second time, she will be in Jannah with the second husband. (Hadith) Tomb of Hazrat Nizam ud din Aulia(R.A) in? Delhi Akhri wahi 3 rabi ul awal 11 hijri mein kis surah mein??? Surah toba hazrat umar R.A na bait ul maal ki bunyad kis hijri ma rkhe?? 15 hijri masjid a nabvi ma pehli azan kis hijri ma hue?? 1st hijri Q5-Surah Muhammad SAW Kis paara me hai? 26 Hajr e Aswad ko konsay Nabi jannat se laye thay? Hazrat Adam A.S Taurat is revealed in which language ? Hebrew-Abrani Quran majeed main konsa hrf istamal he nae hua ? Noah a.s preached by ............ Years ?? Q-1 Prophet stayed in Ayyub Ansari’s house for...............?. Q-2 Prophet stayed at Makkah for.......... days after its conquest. Q-3 Prophet was staying at the house of ........... on the night of Miraj. _______________ 950 1.7 months 15 Umme hani who was first ameer a hajj?? Hazrat Abubakar r.a. -------------- was the second wife of Holy Prophet. Hazrat Soada r.a Khateeb –ul-Anbia as a title of….. Hazrat Shoaib r.a When Tayammum was ordered? after which incident? _______ Spiraas start with Bismillah ??? 8 how many letters in holy Quran (letters not words ) 3236700 Hazrat Maryam k mangeter ka name??? Yousaf njaar Last parah how many sorah ??? 37 FIDAK garden was bestowed to the holy prophet pbuh as? Fay surah kahf means...???? cave The charter of Medina consisted of……..articles 53 Khatey esstiwa kon se muslim mulk se guzarta ha?? First institution of islam was..............? Indonesia Sufa the place where pbuh taught the followers sulah. Hudaibia k kaatib ka Nam btayen? Hazrat Ali r.a Dawood a.s was a good player of ???? Flute Hazrat Idrees a.s set up ......... Cities ?? 100 Surah namal me Kis parinday (bird) ka zikr h? HUD HUD The Holy Prophet (PBUH) took part in…..battles 27 Which Surah are called Muzetain? Falaq n naas Who exempted horses from zakat? Hazrat Ali r.a. Which year is called year of sorrow 10 nabvi 3rd source of islamic fiqah? Ijma Prophet (A.S) discovered hijr e Aswad? HazrAT Ismail a.s Namaz e taraweeh kub ba. Jmaat shru hui? 12 hijri Tehleel (TEHLIL) kisy kehty hen? 1st Kalma 1). Which Surah starts without Bismillah: Al-Toba 2). A male is coffined/wrapped in __ dressed sheets: 3 3). Amount of zakat cannot be used in _____ Mosque 4). What is Sahihain: Bukhari and Muslim 5). Jehad become mandatory in ___Hijra: 2 AH 6). Which one is called Masha’ar-ul-Haram: Muzdalifa valley 7). Who was the first martyre in Islam(female): Hazarat Sumaya (RA) 8). Who first embraced Islam among women: Hazrat Khadija (RA) 9). What is Istelam: kissing Hajre Aswad 10). Who collected Quranic verses in one place: Hazrat Usman (RA) The battle was forbidden in Arabs in the month/months of… 4 monthes: (Three are in succession; Dhul-Qa`dah, Dhul-Hijjah and Muharram, and (the fourth is) Rajab . Besides Hazrat Haleema (RA) Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that also my mother. umm.e.aimen ghazwa tabook kis hajre ma hoi.. Rajjab 9 hijri. which bird conveyed Sulayman’s (A.S) message to Saba queen Kis khalifa ne salana ghelaaf Kaaba utarne ki bunyad dali??? woodpecker (hudhud) Ameer mavia Pakistan ne ghelafa e Kaaba banane ki Saadat kis sal hasil ki??? 1963 Muslima kazab ka taluq??? Yamamah Kis khalifa ne bheek mangna jurm qarar dia tha??? Waleed bin Abdul mulk name the first revealed Surah of Quran pak ?? surah Alaq Apollo 15 placed the copy of the Holy Quran on the ?? MOON surah fatiha has .... ayats ? 7 Madani Surah were revealed in how many years? number of sahaifs on Hazrat Ibrahem as?? 10 3 number of sahaifs on Hazrat Idrees as?? Number of Aayats in al-Bakara is ? 30 286 longest makki surah ?? Aaraf Namaaz e istisqa is prayer for? Rain Which Surah was revealed twice? Surah Hamd fatiha means ?? openning Tarjama-ul-Quaran is written by ?? Modudi Tarjuman-ul-Quaran is written by ?? in which 2 surah miraj incident is explained? Abu alkalam azad bni israiel n najam kis sorah ma ant (chewnty) ka zikr aya hy Surah Namal In how many years Makki Surah were revealed? 13 In how many years Madni Surah were revealed? 10 How many surahs are start with Initials ? 29 number of angels mentioned in Quran ?? 7 longest ayat of holy Quran ?? Ayat ul kursi who translated Holy Quran in punjabi language ?? hafiz lakhvi meaning of ayat ? sign tayamum k kia maani hen? Aim or purpose Adam is the word of ------- language? Hebrew Qiyamat k din sb se phly kis se pooch ho gee??? Hazrat Jibraeel a.s length that makes it permissible for one to offer shortened prayer (Qasr Namaz)? 48 miles shaqul QALb ka waqya kitni bar pesh aya? 4 time …. 4 years, 10 years, prophet hood time, miraj Miraj ul Nabi SAW ka waqia kb pesh aya? types of cases according to the shariah ????? Farishton mein sab se pehlay kis ne sajda kiya? 27 rajb, 10 hijri 5 Hazrat Israfeel a.s. surah kusar has .... ayaats ?? 3 First surah revealed in Madina was?? Fatiha sab say ziada ehkamaat wali surat? Surah bakra Can you name the surah in which the name of ALLAH is repeated in every verse?? Mujadala Umm-ul-Masakeen was the title given to one of the wives of the Prophet (SAW):HAzrat Zainab Bint JEhash who is called the leader of commentators? Abdullah ibn abbas From where Holy Prophet openly called people for preaching Islam???? Kohe safa Book Injeel is revealed in which language ..?? siriac Roza kb farz Hua 2 hijri, 10 shban Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) gave the key of Bait Ullah permanently to Hazrat: Usman bin Talha oldest islamic eductional institute of the subcontinent which is still present darul ulum deoband in india(qasim) Last sermon of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was made on which mountain? jaBLE rehmat In which year of Nabuwat did hazrat Omar ra become a Muslim 6th nabvi what is meant by qasas? Retaliation Periods of Caliphs 1)Abu Bakar 632-634 2) Hazrat Umar 634-644 3)Hazrat Usman 644-656 4) Hazrat Ali 656-661 (2y 3m) (10y 5m 21d.) (12y.) ( 4y 9m.) adam saani kis nabi ko kaha jata hai? Hazrat Nooh A.S Hazrat Musa and Haroon are,by relation? Brother • Last wahi written by Quran Kareem me yom-ul-huq kisy kaha jata ha? Abi Ibn Kaaf. Fatah Makkah Saif UL Islam kis sahabi ko kaha jata hai?? Hazrat saad bin abi waqas R.A Umm ul arab?? Hazrat Hajra abul arab?? Hazrat Ismail ibrani language seekhnaz ka hukam kis ko dia gaya? Usama bin zaid The word Muhammad (SAW) as a name has been mentioned in Quran only: 4 sulah e udhebiya was written by Hazrat Ali r.a Masjid-E-Quba(Ist Mosque) in Islam was built in 1st hijri Who was born on the prayer of Hazrat Zakriya? Hazrat Yahya A.S ISLAMIAT MCQs PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) • Holy Prophet was born in 571 A.D 22nd April ( Day__ Monday). • Father’s name, Hazat Abdullah. • Mother’s Name, Hazrat Amna. • Maternal Grand Father’s name Wahib bins Abdul Munnaf. • Maternal Grandmother, Batarah. • Real name of Abdu Mutalib was Shaba. • Grandmother name, Fatima. • 10 is the number of Uncles and 6 aunts. • Prophet journeyed to Syria with Abu Talib at 12 years. • At 25 Prophet married to Hazrat Khadija. • Hazrat Khadija accepted Islam first in Women and in all. • Hazrat Abu Bakar accepted first in Men. • Hazrat Ali accepted first in Children. • Varqa Bin Naufal verified Prophet for the first time. • Holy prophet had 4 daughters and 3 sons. • At age of 40 holy Prophet received first Wahi. • In 622 A.D Holy Prophet migrated to madina. • Hazrat Haleema was the foster mother of Holy Prophet. • Besides Hazrat Haleema (RA) Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that Umme-e-Aemon is also my mother. • Name the foster mother(s) of the Holy Prophet (SAW)-- Hazrat Halema (RA), Hazrat Sobia (RA) and Hazrat Khola (RA) • How many years after the birth of Holy Prophet (SAW), Hazrat Aamina died? Six years • Sheema was the foster sister of Holy Prophet. • Hazrat Haleema looked after the holy prophet for 4 years. • 35 was the age at the time of Hajr-i-Aswad incident. • Hazrat Bilal Habshi was the first slave to accept Islam. • Wife of Abu Lahab used to spread throne in the way of prophet in 4th year of prophethood. • Home of Hazrat Arqam (RA) used as the centre of secret preaching by the holy prophet. • In 7th Nabvi boycott of Banu Hashim began. • Hazrat Adam met with Holy Prophet on the first heaven. • Hazrat Isa and Hazrat Yahya on 2nd. • Hazrat Yaqub on 3rd. • Hazrat Idrees on 4th. • Hazrat Harron on 5th. • Hazrat Musa on 6th. • Hazrat Ibraheem on 7th. • Al-Kaswa is the name of Camel on which prophet traveled. • Prophet purchased mosque land at medina from two orphans (Sehl and Sohail). • Charter of Madina was issued on 1 A.H it had 57 Articles. • Transfer of Qibla was ordered in 2nd A.H (18 month). • 27 total no of Ghazwas. • First Ghazwah of Islam was Widan (Abwa), fought in 12th month of First Hijrah. • Jang Badr occurred in 2 A.H. 313 Muslims fought in battle. • No of Hadith Collected by Abu Huraira (RA) 5374. • Prophet hazrat Noah (AS) known as Shaikh al Anbiya • Aby Ubaiduh Bin Jiirrah was entitled Ameen-ul Ummat. • Hazrat Umar proposed Azan for the first time. • The dome over the sacred Grave of the holy prophet is known as Gumbad-e-Khizra. • Baitul Mamur is a place where seventy thousand angles were circumambulation during the Holy Ascension. • Baitul Mamoor is on 7th Heaven. • 4 kings accepted Islam when holy prophet sent them letters. • Mosque of Zarar was demolished by prophet. • Hazrat Ali Conquered the fort of Qamus. • Lady named Zainab tried to poison the Holy Prophet. • Prophet recited surah Al-Fatha at the conquest of Makkah . • Hashim was grand father of prophet & brother of Muttalib. • The name Muhamammad was proposed by Abdul Muttalib while the name Ahmed was proposed by Bibi Aminah. • Migration from Mecca to Abyssinia took place in the 7th month of the 5th year of the mission i.e 615 A.d. The total number of migrated people was 15 (11 men and 4 women). • Second migration to Habshah took place in 616 A.D. • Second migration to Abyssinia 101 people with 18 females. • After Amina’s death, Ummay Aimen looked after Prophet. • After Harb-e-Fajjar, Prophet took part in Halaf-ul-Fazul. • Prophet made second business trip to Syria in 24th year of elephant. • Friend of Khadija Nafeesa carried message of Nikah. • Surname of Haleema Sadia was Ummay Kabtah. • Surname of Prophet was Abu-ul-Qasim. • Da’ia of the Prophet was Shifa who was mother of Abdul Rehman bin Auf. • Abdul Mutalib died in 579 A.D. • Masaira a slave of Khadija accompanied Prophet to Syria. • First forster mother was Sobia who was mother of Hamza. • For six years Haleema took care of Prophet. • For two years Abdul Mutalib took care of Prophet. • After 7 days the Aqeeqa ceremony of Prophet was held. • Prophet belonged to Banu Hashim clan of Quraish tribe. • Among uncles Abbas & Hamza embraced Islam. • Amina was buried at Abwa b/w Makkah & Madina. • Six months before the Prophet’s birth his father died. • Prophet had no brother and no sister. • Foster father of Prophet was Haris. • At the age of 15, Herb-e-Fajjar took place. • Herb-e-Fajjar means war fought in the probihited months. • First father-in-law of Prophet was Khawalid. • Aamina belonged to Bani Zohra tribe. • Umar and Hamza accepted Islam in 615 A.d (5th Nabvi). • Social boycott of Banu Hashim took place in 7th Nabvi. • Shi’b means valley. • Social boycott continued for 3 years. • A group of Madina met Prophet in 11th Nabvi. • Accord of Uqba took place in 13th Nabvi. • On 27th Rajab, 10 Nabvi the event of Miraj took place. • 10th Nabvi was called Aam-ul-Hazan (year of grief). • Name of the camel on which Prophet was riding in migration was Qaswa. • Omaar bin Hisham was the original name of Abu Jehl. • Abu-al-Hikm is the title of Abu Jehl. • Persons included in Bait-e-Uqba Oola 12 and in Bait-e-Uqba Sani 75. • Cave of Hira is 3 miles from Makkah. • Hijra took place in 13th Nabvi. • Medina is 338 Km from Makkah. (210 miles) • Makkah conquest occurred in 8th year of Hijra. • Prophet performed Hajj in 10th Hija. • Prophet was buried in the hujra of Ayesha. • Prophet was born in 1st Year of Elephant. • Ambassadors sent to Arab& other countries in 7th Hijra. • King of Iran tore away the message of Prophet. • King of Byzantine in 7th Hijra was Hercules. • After 6 years of the birth of Holy prophet Bibi Aamna died. • After 8 years of the birth of Prophet Abdul Muttalib died. • Holy Prophet demised at the age of 63. • First Azan was called out in 1 A.H. • Bahira Syrian Christian saint recognized prophet as last prophet. • Harb-i-Fajjar was a war fought b/w Quraish and Bani Hawazin Prophet was of 15 years and participated in it. • Prophet visited Taif in 10th Nabvi. • Tribe of Taif was Saqaif. • Prophet with Zaid bin Haris went Taif & stayed for 10 days. • Bibi Amna suckled Prophet for 3 days. • After 18 month at Madina of change of Qibla occurred. • Old name of Zu Qiblatain is Banu Saleem. • Cave of Hira is in Jabal-e-Noor Mountain. • At Masjid Al Khaif (Mina) almost 70 prophets are buried. • Month of migration was Rabiul Awal • Qiblah now-a-days is called Khana-e-Kaba. • Prophet addressed Khutba-e-Jum’aa for first time in 1st Hijra • Year of Deputation is 9th Hijrah. • Moawakhat (the brotherhood) took place in 2nd Hijra. • Jehad was allowed in 2nd Hijrah. • Ashaab-e-Sufah: Muhajirs who stayed near Masjid-e-Nabvi. • Hurrirah means a cat. • Bait-e-Rizwan took place in 6th Hijrah. • Jewish tribe of Banu Nuzair expelled from Madina in 4th H. • Bait-e-Rizwan is also known as Bait-e-Shajra made under Keekar tree. • Companions of Prophet at Hudabiya were 1400. • Prophet stayed at Makkah for 15 days after its conquest. • 1 Lac companions accompanied Prophet at last Hajj. • Prophet spent his last days in Ayesha’s house. • Cave of Soar is located near Makkah 5 miles. • Quba is 3 miles away from Madina. • In sixth year of Hijrah, Prophet intended for Umrah. • Prophet stayed in Ayyub Ansari’s house for 7 months. • Prophet performed Umrah in 7th A.H. • Zaid Bin Haris (R.A) was the adopted son of the Holy Prophet. • Year 570 known as year of Elephant or Amal Fil. • Hazrat Khadija and Hazrat Abu Talib died in 619. • First place from where Prophet openly started his preaching Jabl Faran or Mount Safa. • Prophet did covert messaging at House of Arkam upto 3 Nabvi. (i.e for 3 years) • Prophet preached openly in 4th Nabvi. • Prophet narrated the event of Miraj first of all to Umm-e-Hani (real sister of Ali) • Prophet was staying at the house of Umme-e-Hani on the night of Miraj. • In miraj Prophet traveled from Baitul Muqadas to Sidratul Mantaha. • During Hijrat Saraqa bin Sajjal spied. • In Miraj Jibrael called Aazan in Baitul Muqadas. • Prophet led all the prophets in a prayer in miraj at al-Aqsa • Fatima died after 6 Months (age=31,11 A.H) Prophet. • Youngest daughter Fatima. • Islamic official seal started on 1st Muharram, 7 A.H • Seal of Prophet was made of Silver. • What was written on the Holy Prophet (SAW) seal? Allah Rasool Muhammad • Prophet performed 1(in10 A.H) Hajj and 4(in7 A.H) umras. • Change of Qibla occurred on 15 Shaban,2 A.H(Monday)(during Zuhr) • Construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi started Rabiulawal, 1 A.H. • Namaz-e-Juma became Farz in Medina. • First man to embrace Islam on the eve of Fatah-e-Makka was Abu Sufyan. • First to migrate to Madina (first muhajir) Abu Salam. • Last to migrate to Madina was Abbas. • First non-arab to embrace Islam Farwah bin Umro • Facsimile of the Prophet Mus’ab bin Umair. • Kalsoom bin al_Hadam gave land for Quba mosque • The title of ammenul ummat is of Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah.(conqurer of Damascus) • The day when Prophet delivered his last Khutab was Juma. • Idols in Kaba before Islam numbered 360. • The largest idol named Habal. • Bilal called first aazan of Fajr prayer. • The Hadith, which is transmitted with continuity and enjoys such abundance of narrators that their statement becomes authentic, is called Matwatar. • The grave of the Prophet was prepared by Hazrat Abu Talha • Qasim was first of the Holy Prophet's children to be born. • The first Namaz-e-Janazah performed by Rasoolullah was that of Asad bin Zaraara (radi Allahu anhu). • The first Namaaz to be made Fardh was Tahajjud Namaaz, which was later made Nafil. • At Masjid-e-Nabvi first Muslim University was established. • Holy prophet labored in the formation of Masjid-e-Quba. • Masjid-e-Zarar was built by Hyporcrites at Madina. • 25 Doors are in Masjid –e-Haram, the most important door of Kaaba is Babul Salam. • The flag colour of the Holy Prophet was white and yellow at the time of conquest of Makkah. • Friday is known as Sayeed Ul Ayam. • Shab-e-Barat is celebrated on the 15th night of Shuban. • The camel driver of Prophet at the fall of Mecca was Usama bin Zaid bin Haris. • Prophet issued order of killing Abdul Uza bin Khatal at the fall of Mecca. • At Koh-e-Safa, Prophet addressed after conquest of Makkah. UMMUL MOMINEEN • Umat-ul-Momineen is called to Wives of Holy prophet. • Zainab bint Khazeema is known as Ummal Masakeen. • Abu Bakar gave the collection of Quran to Hazrat Hafsa. • Khadija died on the tenth of Ramadan 10 Nabvi. • Khadija was buried in Hujun above Makka • In the Cottage of Hazrat Ayesha, prophet spent his last days. • Khadija died at 65 years age. • Last wife of Prophet Um Maimoona. • Khadija belonged to the tribe of Banu Asad. • First woman to lead an Islamic army Ayesha (Jange Jamal) • Ayesha narrated maximum number of ahadith. • The second wife named Sauda. • Zainub bint Jaish (Surah Ahzab) was married to the Prophet though Allah’s revelation or will. • Daughter of Umer who married to Prophet was Hafsa. • Hazrat Khadija was the first person to read Namaz amongst the Ummah of the Prophet. • Umm-e-Salma was alive at Karbala tragedy. She was the last of the wives of Prophet to die. • Ummul Momineen Ummay Habiba was daughter of Abu Sufyan. • Ummul Momineen Ummay Habiba migrated to Abyssinia and Madina as well. • Ummul Momineen Hazrat Safia was the progeny of Hazrat Haroon. • Hazrat Maria Qibtiya gave birth to Hazrat Ibrahim, son of Prophet. • Hazrat Khadija was buried at Jannat-e-Moalla in Macca. • Najashi was the king through which Prophet married to Ummay Habiba. • The Umm-ul-Momineen Javeria’s actual name was Barrah. • Hazrat Khadija received salutation from Allah. • Third wife of Prophet was Hazrat Ayesha. • Sauda said about Ayesha “My soul might be in her body” • Hazrat Khadija was the only Ummul Momineen who was not buried in Jannatul Baqi. • Prophet not offerd funeral prayer of Khadija due to Allah’s will. • Ayesha is called Al-Tayyabeen. • Hazrat Ruqia died on the day of the victory of battle of Badr she was the wife of Usman. • After Ruqia’s death Ummay Kalsoom married Usman. • Qasim was born in 11 years before Prophethood. • Hassan is known as Shabbar which means handsome. • For 14 months Hasan remained Khalifa. • Hasan is buried at Jannat-ul-Baq’ee. • Eldest son of the Prophet Qasim. • Third son-in-law of Prophet was Abul A’as. • Hazrat Asad died first among the Sahabah. • Hamza & Hussain are known as leader of Martyrs. • Hazrat Usman Bin Talha was the Key holder of Kaaba. • Hazrat Saad bin Ubi waqas conquered Persia firstly. • Qabeela bin Qais is known as cup bearer of Zam Zam. • Abbas was instrumental in bringing abu Sufiyan in Islam. • Periods of Caliphs • Abu Bakar 632-634 • Hazrat Umar 634-644 • Hazrat Usman 644-656 • Hazrat Ali 656-661 • Abu Bakar 2y 3m • Hazrat Umar 10y 5m 21d. • Hazrat Usman 12y. • Hazrat Ali 4y 9m. • Hazrat Abu Bakar was the merchant of cloth. • Real name of Hazrat Abu Bakar was Abdullah (befor Islam- Abdul Kaba). • Apostasy movement took place in the khilafat of Abu Bakar. • Hazrat Abu Bakar died in 22nd of Jamadi-us-Sani 13 AH. • Abu Lulu Feroz, the slave martyred Hazrat Umar Farooq. • Hazrat Umar Farooq was martyred on 1st Muharram 24 A.H. • Hazrat Umar introduced Hijra Calender. • Hazat Usman is known as Zul Noorain because he wedded with two daughters of Prophet: Rukya+Umme Qulsoom. • Usman accepted Islam at the instigation of Abu Bakar. • Asadullah & Haider-e-Karar were the epithets of Hazrat Ali. • Ali married Fatima in 2nd Hijra. • Hazrat Ali was born at Khane-e-Kaaba. • Hazrat Ali was martyred on 21st Ramzan 40 A.H. • In Ghazwa Uhad Hazrat Ali was awarded with Zulifqar. • Hazrat Umer accepted islam in 616 A.D. • Hazrat Umar established the office of Qazi. • Hazrat Umar added As Salato Khairum Min Noum. • Usman migrated to Habsha • Hazat Usman participated in all battles except Badr. • In the reign of Usman, Muwaviah established naval fleet. • Only sahabi without seeing Prophet Awais Karni. • Umar levied zakat on horses. • Ali lifted zakat on horses. • Abu Bakr had knowledge of dreams. • Usman added 2nd Azan for Friday prayers. • Atique is the title of Hazrat Abu Bakr. • Hazrat Umar established Department of Police. • Hazrat Umar formed a parliament, namely Majlis-e-Aam. • Ghani was the title of Hazrat Usman (RA). • Hazrat Ali has the title the gateway to knowledge. • Hazrat Ali is buried at Najaf. • Amer bin Aas embraced Islam in 7th Hijra. • Khalild bin Waleed embraced Islam in 7th Hijra. • First Moazin of Islam, Hazrat Bilal. • The home of Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansaari was the first place where the Prophet stayed in Madina Shareef. • The first person sent to spread Islam under the instructions of the Prophet was Mus'ab bin Umair who was sent to Madinah. • The first person to make Ijtihaad was Abu Bakr Siddique • Hazrat Abu Zirr Ghaffari is known as the first Dervish. • Abdullah ibn Maz’oom:first person buried in Jannatul Baqi. • Hazrat Umar was the first person to perform Janazah Salat in Jamaat with four Takbeers. • First census of Islamic world in Umer’s period. • The first person to become murtad (out of the folds of Islam) was either Muqees bin Khubaaba or Ubaidullah bin Jahash. • Salah-udin Ayubi conquered Bait ul Muqadas. • Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani is buried at Baghdad. • Shah Jahan Mosque is at Thatta. • Jibraeel will be first person questioned on Day of Qiyamat. • From amongst the animals, the first animal to be brought back to life will be the Buraaq of Prophet Muhammad. • The first Ibaadat on earth was Tauba (repentance). • The first Mujaddid of Islam is Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz. • First book of Hadith compiled was Muata by Imam Malik. • Mosque of Prophet was damaged due to fire in the reign of Motasim Billah. • Jamia mosque of Damascus was built by Walid bin Malik. • Umm-us-Saheehain is Imam Malik: Mauta. • Mohd: bin Ismael Bukhari comprised of 4,000 hadiths • Bukhari Sharif & Muslim Sharif are called Sahihain. • Imam Tirmazy was a student of Abu Dawood. • Kitab-ul-Kharaj was written by Imam Abu Yousuf. • Mahmood Ghaznavi called kidnapper of scholars. • Mullana Nizam-ud-Din founded the school of Dars-e-Nizamia. • Baqee Billah revolted against Akbar’s deen-e-Ilahi firstly. • Shaikh Ahmed Sirhandi was given the title of Mujadid alf Sani by Mullana Abdul Hakeem. • Baba Fareed Ganj Shakr married to the daughter of Balban. Al-Quran MCQS • Kalima Tayyaiba is mentioned in Quran for 2 times. • The word Quran means “read one”. • 114 total number of Surah • Surah means city of Refuge. • 86 Makki Surah. • 28 Madine Surah. • 558 Rukus. • Al-Baqrah is the longest Surah. • Al- Kausar is the shortest Surah. • Al-Nass is the last surah. • 14 bows are in Quran. • First bow occurs in 9th Para i.e Al-Inaam Surah. • Al-Faitha is the preface of the holy Quran. • Five verses were reveled in the first wahy. • Namaz commanded in quran for 700 times. • Al-Mudassar-2nd Revealed Surah. • Al-Muzammil- 3rd Revealed Surah. • Al-Tauba does not start with Bismillah. • Al-Namal contains two Bismillahs. • Three surah starts with curse. • 6666 is the number of Ayats. • 29 total number of Mukata’t. • Hazrat Usman was the first Hafiz of the Holy Quran. • Hazrat Khalid Bin Saeed, the first writer of Wahy. • 12 Ghazawahs described in Holy Quran (total 27). • Abdullah Ibn Abbas, the first commentator of the Quran and also known as interpreter of the Quaran. • In surah Al-Saf, Hoy prophet is addressed as Ahmed. • Ghar-e-Sor is mentioned in Surah Al-Tauba. • 5 Surhas start with Qul. • Hazrat Umar proposed the compilation of Holy Quran. • Al- Nasr is known as Surah Widah. • Abdul Malik Marwan applied the dots in the Holy Quran. • Hajjaj bin yousuf applied diacritical points in Quaran. • 37 total number of surah in last parah. • Al- Baqrah and Surah Al-Nissa is spread over 3 Parahs. • Al-Falq and Al-Nas revealed at the same time. • City of Rome is mentioned in Holy Quran. • Surah Yaseen is known as Heart of Quran. • Suran Rehman is known as beauty of Quran. • First revealed surah was Al Alaq, 96 in arrangement • Complete revelation in 23 years. • Subject of Holy Quran is human. • Risalat means to convey message. • 26 prophets mentioned in holy Quran. • Holy Quran consist 105684 words and 3236700 letters. • Longest Ayat of Holy Quran is Ayatul Kursi. • 6 Surah start with the name of prophets. • Surah maryam wholly revealed for a woman. • In Bani Israeel and Al-Najaf the event of Miraj is explained. • Last revelation descended on 3rd Rabi-ul Awal and it was written by Abi- Bin Kab. • Language of Divine Books. • Taurat Hebrew • Injil Siriac • Zubur Siriac • Holy Quran Arabic. • Taurat was the first revealed book. • Holy Quran was reveled in 22y 5m 14 days. • There are 7 stages in Holy Quran. • Abdullah Ibn Abbas is called as leader of commentators. • Apollo 15 placed the copy of the Holy Quran on the moon. • Tarjama-ul-Quaran is written by Abdul-Kalam Azad. • First Muslim interpreter of Quran in English is Khalifa Abdul Hakeem. • Shah Waliullah Translated Holy Quran in Persian and Shah Rafiuddin in Urdu in 1776. • Hafiz Lakhvi translated Holy Quran in Punjabi. • Surah Alaq was revealed on 18th Ramzan. • Number of Aayats in al-Bakar is 286. • Longest Makki Surah is Aaraf. • Second longest Surah is Ashrah/Al-Imran. • Surah Kausar has 3 Aayats. • First Surah compilation wise is Surah Fatiha. • Fatiha means opening. • Fatiha contains 7 aayats. • Fatiha is also called Ummul Kitab. • First surah revealed in Madina was surah Fatiha. • Surah Fatiha revealed twice-in Makkah & Madina. • Angles mentioned in Quran are7. • Meaning of Aayat is Sign. • Stone mentioned in Quran is ruby (Yaakut). • Longest Surah (al-Bakr) covers 1/12th of Quran. • Madni Surahs are generally longer. • Madni Surahs consist of1/3rd of Quran. • Makki Surahs consist of2/3rd of Quran. • Surah Ikhlas is 112 Surah of Quran. • First complete Madni Surah is Baqarah. • Names of Quran mentioned in Quran is 55. • Surahs named after animals are 4 in number. • Namal means Ant. • Surah Inaam means Camel. • Surah Nahl means Honey bee. • Surah Ankaboot means spider. • The major part of Quran is revealed at night time. • Generally aayats of Sajida occur in Makki Surahs. • 10 virtues are blessed for recitation of one word of Quran. • Surah Anfal means Cave. • In Naml two bismillah occur (2nds one is at aayat no:30) • Surah Kahf means the cave. • Muzammil means Wrapped in garments. • Kausar means Abundance. • Nasr means Help. • Ikhlas means Purity of faith. • Falak means Dawn. • Un-Nass means Mankind. • Al-alq means Clot of blood. • Alm Nashrah means Expansion. • Uz-zukhruf means Ornaments. • Surah Rahman is in 27th Para. • Bride of Quran is Rahman Surah. • Surah Yasin is in 22nd and 23rd Para. • Present shape of quran is Taufeeqi. • Quran is the greatest miracle of Prophet. • Word surah has occurred in Quran 9 times. • First seven aayats of quran are called Tawwal. • The alphabet Alf comes most of times and Alf, Zuwad Alphabet comes least number of times. • Quran is written in Prose & Poetry. • Quran is also regarded as a manual of Science. • Surah Alq is both Makki and Madni. • Name of Muhammad is mentioned in Quran for 4 times. • Adam is mentioned in Surah Aaraf. • first Sindhi translation of Quran by Aakhund Azizullah Halai • Torat means light. • Zaboor means Pieces/ Book written in big letters. • Injeel means Good news. • 99 number of aayats describe Khatam-e- Nabuwat. • Command against Juva & amputation of hands came 8th A.H • Laws about orphanage revealed in 3 A.H. • Laws about Zina revealed in 5 A.H. • Laws about inheritance revealed in 3 A.H. • In 4th A.H wine was prohibited. • The order of Hijab for women reveled in 4th A.H. • Ablution made obligatory in 5th A.H. • In Surah Al-Nisa the commandment of Wuzu is present. • Procedure of ablution is present in Surah Maidah. • In 4 A.H Tayammum was granted. • Interest was prohibited in 8th A.H. • During ghazwa Banu Mustaliq the command of tayamum was reveled. • Quran recited in Medina firstly in the mosque Nabuzdeeq. • Quran verse abrogating a previous order is called Naasikh. • First man to recite Quran in Makkah: Abdullah bin Masood. • Forms of revelation granted to Prophet were 3 (wahi,Kashf,dream) • First method of revelation of Quran Wahi. • Kashf means Vision. • Initially Quran was preserved in memory form. • After Umar’s death, copy of quran was passed on to Hafsa. • Only Sahabi mentioned in Quran Zaid bin Haris.(surah ahzab) • Paradise is mentioned in Quran for150 times. • Section of Paradise in which Prophets will dwell Mahmood. • Doors of Hell are 7. • Subterranean part of hell is Hawia. • Number of angles of hell 19. • Gate-keeper of hell Malik. • Gate-keeper of heaven Rizwan. • Place of heaven at which people whose good deeds equal bad deeds will be kept in Aaraf. • A tree in hell emerging from its base is Zakoon. • Name of the mountain of hell is Saud. • Heaven on earth was built by Shadad. • The word Islam has been used at 92 places in the holy quran. • Except the name of Maryam the name of no other woman has come explicitly in the Quran. • Iblees will not be punished with fire but with cold. • Iblees’s refusal to prostrate before man is mentioned in Quran for 9 times. • Iblees means “disappointed one”. • Al-Kausar relates to death of Qasim and Hazrat Abdullah • If a woman marries the second time, she will be in Jannah with the second husband. (Hadith) • The Earth and the Heaven were created by Allah in 6 days, it is described in Surah Yunus. • Zaid bin Thabit collected the Quran in the form of Book. • Tarjumanul Quran is called Abdullah bin Abbas. • In Surah Muzzamil verse 73 reading quran slowly and clearly is ordained. • Jibraeel is referred in Quran as Ar-rooh. • In Quran Rooh-al-Qudus is Jibrael it means holy spirit. • In Quran Rooh-al-Ameen is Jibrael. • Incharge of Provisions is Mekaeel. • The angel who was sent to Prophets as a helper against enemies of Allah was Jibraeel. • The Angel who sometimes carried Allah’s punishment for His disobedients was Jibraeel. • Jibrael is mentioned in Quran for three times. • Old Testament is the Torait. • New Testament is Injeel. • Psalms is Zuboor. • Gospal is Injeel. • Prophet is called Farqaleet in Injeel. • Taharat-e-Sughra is Wuzu. • There are two types of Farz. • Saloos-ul-Quran is Surah Ikhlas. • Aroos-ul-Quran i.e bride of Quran is Al-Rehman. • Meaning of Baqarah: The Goat • In Surah Waqiya the word Al-Quran ul Hakeem is used. • Surah Baqara & Ale Imran are known as Zuhraveen. • Wine is termed in Quran as Khumar. • The first authority for the compilation of Ahadis is . • Sahih Bukhari contains 7397 ahadis. PROPHETS OF ISLAM • Adam was created on Juma day. • Adam landed in Sri Lanka on Adam’s Peak Mountain. • Adam is a word of Syriani language. • Adam had 2 daughters and 3 sons. • Kabeel killed Habeel because he wanted to marry Akleema. • The first person to be put into Hell will be Qaabil. • Sheesh was youngest son of Adam. • Age of Adam at Sheesh’s birth was 130 years. • Adam walked from India to Makkah and performed forty Hajj. • Adam knew 100 000 languages. (Roohul Bayaan) • Abul Basher is called to Hazrat Adam. • Hazrat Adam built first mosque on earth. • Height of Adam was 90 feet. • Age of Adam at the time of his death 950 years. • Hazrat Adam’s grave is in Saudi Arabia. • Second prophet is Sheesh. • Sheesh passed away at the age of 912 years. • Noah got prophethood at the age of 40 • Noah’s ark was 400 x 100 yards area. • Ark of Noah stopped at Judi Mountain (Turkey). • Noah preached for 950 years. • Nation of Noah worshipped 5 idols. • Nation of Noah was exterminated through the flood. • Pigeon was sent for the search of land by Hazrat Nooh. • Noah was sent to Iraq. • 2242 years after Adam, Toofan-e-Noah occurred. • About 80 people were with him in the boat. • Duration of storm of Noah was for 6 months. • Noah lived for 950 years. • Nooh is called predecessor, Naji Ullah; Shaikh ul Ambiya. • Abu ul Bashr Sani is title of Noah. • After toofan-e-nooh , the city establish was Khasran • Ibrahim was thrown into the fire by the order of Namrud. • Hazrat Ibraheem intended to sacrifice Ismaeel at Mina. • Ibrahim was born at Amer near Euphrate (Iraq) • Ibraheem was firstly ordered to migrate to Palestine. • First wife of Ibraheem was Saarah. • Second wife of Ibraheem was Haajirah. • Azaab of mosquitoes was sent to the nation of Ibrahim • Abraham is called khalilullah, father of prophets and Idol Destroyer. • Age of Abraham at the time of his death 175 years. • Ibrahim is buried at Hebron in Jerusalem. • Abrahem invented comb. • Hazrat Loot was contemporary of Hazarat Ibraheem • Abraham remained in fire 40 days. • Terah or Aazer was the father of Ibraheem. • Grave of Lut is in Iraq. • Luut died at Palestine and is buried at Hebron. • Ibraheem was the uncle of Luut. • Loot was maternal grandfather of Ayub. • Luut resided at Ur near Mesopotamia. • Ismaeel is called Abu-al-Arab. • Mother of Ismaeel was Haajrah. • Ishaaq built boundaries of Masjid-e-Aqsaa. • Ishaaq was sent to Jews. • At Muqam-e-Ibraheem, there are imprints of Ibraheem. • Ibrahim was first person to circumcise himself and his son. • Hajra the wife of Ibrahim was daughter of Pharoah of Egypt. • Ibrahim was 86 years old when Ismael was born. • Ibrahim was ordered to migrate along with family to valley of Batha meaning Makkah. • Ibrahim was sent to Jordan after leaving Haajrah and Ismaeel • Age of Ibraheem at the birth of Ishaq was 100 years and of Saarah was 90 years. • First wife of Ibrahim resided at Palestine. • Ibrahim intended to sacrifice Ismaeel at Mina on 10th Zul Hajj. • As a result of sacrifice of Ismael, Ibrahim was gifted a baby from Saarah named Ishaq. • Zam Zam emerged from beneath the foot of Hazrat Ismaeel in the valley of Batha (Makkah). • Hazrat Ismail discovered Hajar-e-Aswad. • Zabeeullah and Abu al Arab are called to Hazrat Ismaeel. • Ismael divorced his wife being discourteous. • Jibrael brought sacred stone to Ismael. • Original colour of the sacred stone was white. • Hazrat Idress was expert in astronomy. • Uzair became alive after remaining dead for one hundred years. • Hazrat Yaqub has the title of Israel • 1 Lac 24 thousand- total number of prophets. • Hazrat Idrees was the first who learnt to write. • How many Sahifay were revealed to Hazrat Idrees (AS)? 30 • Prophet Yahya A.S was sent to people of Jordan. • Hazrat Idrees (A.S) set up 180 cities. • Hazrat Dawood could mould iron easily with his hand. • The event of ring is related to Hazrat Sulaiman. • Hazarat Moosa(A.S) had impediment in his tongue • Moosa was granted 9 miracles. • Musa crossed the Red Sea. • The prophet mentioned in Quran for most of times is Moosa. • Ten commandments were revealed on Moosa. • Moosa died on Abareem mountain. • Grave of Musa is in Israel. • Teacher of Moosa was Shoaib. • Moosa was brought up by Aasia Bint Mozahim. • Elder brother of Moosa was Haroon. • Moosa had only one brother. • In Toowa valley Moosa was granted prophethood. • An Egyptian was killed by Moosa. • Haroon was an eloquent speaker. • Haroon is buried at Ohad. • Haroon & Musa both were prophets and contemporaries. • Hazrat Ayub was famous for his patience. • The miracle of Dromedary (camel) is concerned with Saleh • 4 prophets were sent to Bani Israeel. • 722 languages were understood by Hazrat Idrees. • Hazrat Saleh invented Soap. • Kalori: hill, from where Isa was lifted alive. • Zikraiya was carpenter. • Harzat Zikraiya was cut with the Saw. • Adam & Dawood are addressed as Khalifa in Quran. • Sulaiman & Dawood understood language of the birds. • The tree of date palm grew on the earth for the first time. • Prophets attached with the profession of weaving are Adam, Idrees & Shaeet. • Hazrat younus was eaten by shark fish. • Younus prayed LAILAH ANTA SUBHANAK INI KUNTUM MINAZALIMIN in the belly of fish. • Grave of Dawood is in Israel. • Yahya’s tomb is in Damascus. • Bilal Habshi is buried in Damascus. • Prophet with melodious voice Dawood. • Alive prophets are Isa & Khizr. • Zunoon (lord of fish) & Sahibul Hoot : Younus. • The prophet whose people were last to suffer divine punishment Saleh. • Suleiman died while standing with the support of a stick. • Ashab-e-Kahf slept for 309 years. • The number of Ashab-e-Kahf was 7. • Hazrat Essa (A.S) was carpenter by profession. • Besides Essa, Yahya also got prophet hood in childhood. • Baitul Laham is the birth Place of Hazrat Essa (AS) is situated in Jerusalaem. • Isa would cure the victims of leprosy. • Zakria was contemporary of Isa. • Isa was the cousin of Yahya. • Romans kingdom was established in Palestine at Esa’s birth. • Romans were Atheists. • Ruler of Palestine at the birth of Esa was Herod. • Maryum grew up in the house of Zakaiyya. • Besides Esa , Adam was also a fatherless prophet. • Esa born at Bethlehem. • Yahaya was the precursor of Eessa. • Yahya is buried at Syria. • Our prophet has the title Habibullah. • Prophet Dawood has the title Najeeb Ullah. • Prophet Jesus crist is called Rooh-ul-Ullah. • Tur-e-Sina was the mountain where Hazrat Musa (AS) received Allah’s message. • Hazrat Musa was Kalimullah. • Science, astronomy, writing with pen, sewing and weapons were made by Idrees first of all. • Aad was the nation of Hood. • After seven day’s continuous rain and storm the nation of Hood destroyed. • Nation of Samood was preached by Salih. • Miracle of pregnant female camel was sent to Samood. • 3 Sahifay were revealed to Ibrahim. • Israel was the son of Ishaq. • Israel was 147 years old when Ishaq died. • Mountains would break by the miracle of Yaqoob. • Musa married the daughter of Shoaib. • Due to Zakria’s prayer Yahya was born. • Yousuf remained in jail for 10 years. • Yousuf and Yaqoob met each other after 40 years. • Yousuf was the son of Yaqoob. • Yousuf’s family was called the Israeelites. • Real brother of Yousuf was Bin Yamen. • Yousuf was sold as a slave in Egypt. • Yousuf had 12 brothers. • Yousuf was famous for his beauty & knew facts of dreams. • Mother of Yousuf was Rachel. • Yaqoob lost his eye-sight in memory of Yousuf. • Nation of Shoaib committed embezzlement in trusts. • Shoaib called Speaker of the Prophets.(Khateeb ul ambiya) • Shoaib got blinded for weeping over destruction of his nation. • Ilyas prayed for nation it rained after a period of 312 years. • Uzair reassembled all copies of Taurait. • Taloot was the father-in-law of Dawood. • Dawood was good player of flute. • Fountain of Copper flowed from Sulayman. • Woodpecker conveyed Sulayman’s message to Saba queen. • Younus remained in fish for 40 days. • King Herodus ordered the execution of Yahya. • Politus on Roman governor’s orders tried execution of Isa. • Dawood is called as Najeeb Ullah. • In quran ten commandments are named Awamir-i-Ashara. • Teacher of Hakeem Lukman was Dawood. • Prophets lifted alive Isa,Idrees&Ilyas. • Idrees was directed to migrate by Allah to Egypt. • Idrees was the first man to learn to write. • Idrees was taken alive to Heavens at the age of 365 Y. • Gnostics regarded Sheesh as a divine emanation. • Gnostics means Sheesinas and inhabited Egypt. • Idrees was sent to Gnostics. • Idol worship was forbidden by Idress to people. • Idress was special friend of one of the angels. • Idrees remained in 4th heaven. • Idreess died in the wings of the angel. • Pigeon was sent for the search of land by Noah. • Sam, Ham & Riyyafas were the children of Noah. • Bani Aad settled in Yemen. • Shaddad was famous king of Bani Aad. • Glorious palace near Adan built by Bani Aad was known as Garden of Iram. • Shaddad kingdom was extended to Iraq. • A violent storm was sent to Bani Aad. • Grave of Hood is at Hazarmoat. • Oman, Yemen & Hazarmoat are in Southern Arabia. • In Rajab, Arabs visit the grave of Hood. • Bani Samood lived in Wadi al-Qura & Wadi al-Hajr. • Wadi al-Qura, Wadi al-Hajr are in Syria & Hijaz. • Volcanic eruption was sent to Bani samood. • Contemporary of Ibrahim was Lut. • Hood was the uncle of Ibraheem. • A dreadful earthquake was sent to people of Luut. • Native area of Ibraheem was Mesopotamia. • Surname of Terah was Aazar. • Father of Yaaqoob and Esau was Ishaq. • Father-in-law of Ayyoob was Yaqoob. • Ishaq is buried in Palestine. • Age of Ishaq when he was blessed with twins was 60 Y. • Yunus was the twin brother of Yaaqoob. • Prophet bestowed with kingship of Allah: Dawood. • Dawood was a soldier of Talut. • Dawood lived in Bait-ul-Lahm. • Talut was also known as Saul. • Dawood is buried at Jerusalem. • Youngest son of Dawood was Sulaymaan. • Mother of Sulayman was Saba. • Sulayman ascended the throne of Joodia. • Sulaymaan was a great lover of horses. • The ruler of Yemen in the time of Sulayman was Saba. • Hud Hud informed Sulyman about the kingdom of Yemen. • Saba means Bilqees. • Whose kingdom came under a famine in the times of Ilyas: King of Ahab. • Ilyas’s nation worshipped idol namd Lal. • Ilyas disappeared mysteriously. • Successor of Ilyas was Al-ya-sah. • Cousin of Al-ya-Say who was prophet was Ilyas. • Uzair remained died for 100 years. • For 18 years Ayyoob suffered from skin disease. • Real name of Zull Kifl is Isaih and Kharqil bin Thauri. • Yunus died in Nineveh. • Father of Yahya was Zakariyya. • Trustee of Hekal was Zakiriyya. • Zakariya hid himself in the cover of the tree and was cut into two pieces by Jews. • Maryum lived at Nazareth before Esa’s birth. • Maryum migrated to Egypt after Esa’s birth. • Number of Hawarin of Moosa was 12. • Jews and Romans were worried about Esa’s influence. • Dawood’s real name was Abar. • Ahsan ul Qasas is the life history of hazrat Yousif. • Nebuchadnezzer was ruler of Babylon, he founded Hanging garden which is one of the wonders of the world. • Qaidar was one of the sons of Ismail who stayed at Hijaz. • Idrees used the first pen. • Four Ambiyah are still physically alive they are Esa and Idrees in the skies and Khidr and Ilyaas are on the earth. BATTLES OF ISLAM MCQS • First Ghazwa is Widdan or Abwa in 1 A.H • 624 Battle of Badr.2hij • 625 Battle of Uhad. 3hij • 626 Battle of Rajih.4hij • 627 Battle of Khandaq (Ahzab).5hij • 628, Treaty of Hudaibiya, Hazrat Khalid bin Walid Accepted Islam, Conquest of Khyber.6hij • 629, Battle of Mutah, Preaching of Islam to various kings.7hij • 630, Battle of Hunain, Conquest of Makkah.8hij • 631, Battle of Tabuk. 9hij • 632, Hajjat-ul-Wida.10hij • 680, Tragedy of Karballah.61hij • Badr is a village. • Battle of Bard was fought on 17th Ramzan. • Battle of Uhd was fought on 5th Shawal. • Battle Badar Ghazwa is named as Furqan. • Uhd is a hill. • Yom-ul Furaqn is called to Yom ul Badar. • Fath Mobeen is called to Sulah Hudaibiah. • Number of soldiers in Badar, Muslim 313 Kufar 1000 • After Badr conquest, Prophet stayed for 3 days there. • Badr was fought for 3 times. • Martyr of Badr Muslims 14 Kufar 70 • Leader of the Kufar in this battle was Abu Jahl. • Number of Muslim martyrs in the battle of Uhad 70 • In Uhad quraish were laid by Abu Sufwan. • In Uhad number of Muslim soldiers 1000 kufar 3000. • Ahzab means Allies. • Ditch dug on border of Syria with help of 3000 companions in 2 weeks. • Muslim strength 1600. • Khyber was captured in 20 days. • During Ghazwa Bani Nuzair wine was prohibited. • The battle of Khandaq is also known an battle of Ahzab. • Conquest of Makkah was took place on 20 Ramzan. • Battle in which prophet not participated is known as Saria. • Hazrat Hamza was the first commander of Islamic Army. • In Uhd battle Muslim women participated firstly. • Battle of Mauta was the first non Arab War. • 3000 was the number of musims at the battle of Ditch. • 10,000 at the conquest of Makkah. • 30,000 at the time of Tabuk. • Last Ghazwa- Tabuk. • For 20 days Prophet stayed at Tabuk. • Total number of Sarias is 53 or 56. • Porphet was the commander in the expedition of Tabuk. • First Islamic Non Arab was battle of Mautta 8. A.H.. • The person killed by the Holy Prophet was Ubay Bin Kalf. • In Battle of Uhad, the teeth of Holy Prophet were martyred. • Khalid bin Walid was titled Saif-ul-Allah in battle Moata. • Abu Jahal was killed in Battle of Badr by Maaz (add) • In Hudabiya Sohail bin Amru represented Quraysh. • Battle of Hunain fought b/w Muslims and Hawazin Tribe. • Batttle of Tabuk was against the Roman Emperor Heraclius. • The first Shaheed (Martyr) was Amaar bin Yaasir • First female martyr: Summaya (mother of Amaar bin Yaasir) • The first person to be martyred in the Battle of Badr was the freed slave of Hazrat Umar : Muhaj’jah • Khalid bin Walid was removed from the service in the reign of Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA). He was removed in 17 A.H. • Battle of chains was fought b/w Persians and the Muslims. • Umar bin Abdual Aziz is considered as the 5th Khalifa. • Abdul Malik was the poet ruler of Ummaya. • Karballa took place on 10th Muharram 61 A.H/ 680 A.D • Salahuddin Ayubi was of Abbasid dynasty. • Halaku Khan came to power after Abbasids. • Al Qanun was written by Ibn-i-Sina. • Ibn Khuldun is called founder of sociology. • Tahafut-al-Falasifah was written by Al-Khazali. • Halaku Khan sacked Baghdad in 1258 A.D. • Al Shifa a book on philosophy was written by Ibn Sina. • prophet stayed at Makkah for 53 years & in Medina 10 years • Mubha: an act which brings neither blessings nor punishment. • Naval Commander of Islam, Abu Qays under Hazrat Usman • Battle of Camel was fought b/w Ali and Hazrat Aysha. • Hazrat Khalid bin Walid accepted Islam in 8th A.H. • Hazrat Ali established Bait-ul-Maal. • During the caliphate of Umar (RA) Iran was conquered. • Abu Hurairah has reported largest number of Ahadith. • Masjid Al Aqsa is the first Mosque ever built on the earth. • Sindh was conquered during the reign of Walid 1. • Kharajit is the earliest sect of Islam. • Battle of Yermuk was fought in 634 A.D.: • Khyber conquest made in 7th Hijra (628 A.D) • The Ghazwa in which the Holy Prophet Pbuh missed four prayers was Ghazwa Khandaq. • First woman martyr Samiya by Abu Jahl. • First man martyr Haris bin Abi Hala. • Jihad means to strive hard. • Jihad made obligatory in 2nd A.H. • The battle was forbidden in Arabs in the month of Muharam. • Ghazwa Badr is named as Furqan. • Ohad is located near Madina. • Ohad is 3 miles from Madina. • Abdullah bin Ubai accompanied with 300 men. • 50 archers were posted to protect the pass in Ohad mountain. • Ummay Hakeem was grand daughter of Abu Jehl. • Banu Nuzair tribe settled in Khyber after expelled from Madina. • Prophet dug a trench along the border of Syria. • 3000 men dug the ditch. • In battle of Ahzab a piercing blast of cold wind blew. • Khyber is located near Madina at 200 km distance. • The centre of Jewish population in Arabia was Khyber. • Against Khyber muslim army was 1600 men strong. • Khyber was captured in 20 days. • Khyber is located near the border of Syria. • Moata was situated in Syria. • Army of 3000 men was sent to Moata under Zaid bin Haris. • After the death of Zaid bin Haris Hazrat Jaafiar was made the army leader at Moata. • Under Khalid’s leadership, battle of Moata was won. • Battle of Moata took place in 8 Hijra. • Tribe of Khuza joined Muslims after Treaty of Hudaibia. • Battle of Hunain fought in 8 Hijra. • Muslim army for Hunain was 14 thousand. • Siege of Taif was laid in 9 A.H. • Tabook expedition took place in 9 A.H. • In 9 A.H there was famine in Hijaz. • In 9 A.H there was scarcity of water in Madina. • In Quran Tabook expedition is called expedition of straitness. • Conquest of Makkah is called Aam-ul-Fatah. • Ghazwa-e-Tabook was fought in 9 A.H. • Hazrat Abbas was made prisoner of war in Badr. • Abu Jehl was killed by Ma-ooz and Ma-aaz. • The leader of teer-andaz at Jabale-e-Yahnene in the battle of Ohad was Abdullah bin Jabeer. • Comander of infidels in Ohad was Abu Sufyan. • Battle of Tabook came to an end without any result. • 2 weeks were spent to dig the ditch. • In a battle of Trench Hazrat Safia killed a jew. • Qamoos temple was conquered by Ali during Khyber war. • For battle of Tabook, Abu Bakr donated all his belongings. • In the battle of Ditch, the wrestler named Umaro bin Abad-e-Wad was killed by Ali. • In Hunain Muslims were in majority than to their enemy: • Hazrat Jaafar was martyred in Moata war. • In Tabook ghazwa muslims returned without a fight. • Gazwa Widdan was fought in the month of Zil-Hajj 1 A.H. • In Hunain battle Prophet was left alone. • The participants of Battle of Badar were bestowed with highest reward by Allah. • In Badr martyrs were Muhajirs=6 & Ansars=8. • In the battle of Taaif, catapult was used first time by Muslims. • Against the Syrian tribe the battle of Al-Ghaba was waged. • First Sariya Ubaidah bin Haris was fought at Rabakh in 1 A.H. • Last Sariya Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas was fought at Syria in 11 A.H. ISLAM MCQS • Istalam is kissing of Hajr Aswad. • Islam has 2 major sects. • There are 5 fundaments of Islam. • 2 types of faith. • 5 Articles of faith. • Tehlil means the recitation of Kalima. • Deen-e-Hanif is an old name of Islam. • First institution of Islam is Suffah. • Haq Mahar in Islam is fixed only 400 misqal. • Ijma means ageing upon any subject. • Qayas means reasoning by analogy. • There are four schools of thought of Islamic Law. • Janatul Baki is situated in Madina. • Masjid-e-Hanif is located in Mina. • JANAT UL MOALA is a graveyard in MECCA. • Qazaf: false accusation of adultery punishable with 80 lashes. • Lyla-tul-Barrah means the Night of Forgiveness. • Karam-un-Katibin means Illustrious writers. • Oldest mosque on earth is Kaabatullah. • 1st Kalima=Tayyab, 2nd =Shahadat, 3rd =Tamjeed, 4th =Tauheed, 5th =Astaghfar, 6th =Rade Kufar • Qiblah means anything in front. • Saabi is one who changes his religion. • Sidrat-ul-Mantaha means last tree of the Eternity. • Jaabi is one who collects Zakat. • First collection of Ahadith is Sahifah-e-Saadiqa. • Saying of Prophet are called Wahi Ghair Matlloo. • In iman-e-Mufassal essential beliefs are 7 in number. • The most exalted angels are four. • Greatest angel as per Islam is Jibra’eel. • Each human being is attended permanently by two angels. • Barzakh: time period between death and Day of Judgment. • Another name of surah Ali-Isra is bani Israel. NAMAZ MCQS • 48 total numbers of Rakats are in Farz prayer. • Namaz-e-Khasoof is offered for Moon Eclipse. • Namaz-e-Kasoof is offered for Solar Eclipse. • Namaz-e-Istasqa is offered for Rain. • Holy Prophet offered Jumma Prayer in 1. A.H. • Namaz-e-Istasqa is offered with backside of hands upward. • Holy prophet offered first Eid Prayer in 2. A.H. • Eid Namaz is Wajib. • Madurak is the person who starts prayer with Immam. • Musbaq is the person who comes after one rakat. • Fajar and Isha were essential in the early period of Islam. • Tahajud mean abandon sleep. • Qaada is to sit straight in Salat. • Jasla is short pause between two sajdas. • Qaumaa is standing straight during Rukus. • A person who performs prayer alone is Munfarid. • Farz in wuzu=4, Sunats=14. • Farz in Ghusual=3, Sunats=5 • Types of Sunnah prayer are of two types. • In Fajr, Maghrib & witr no chage in farz rakaat in case of Qasr. • Takbeer-e-Tashreeq is recited in Eid-ul-Uzha. • Jumma prayer is Farz salat. • Conditions of Salat are Seven. • takbeer-e-Tehreema are to be said in the salat: one. • Jasla is wajib. • To sit straight in Salat is called Qa’ada. • Qa’ada is farz. • Two persons are required for a Jamat prayer. • Salat Juma became Farz in Madina. • Five salat made compulsory in 10th Nabvi. ZAKAT MCQS • Zakat means to purify. • Zakat was made obligatory in 2. A.H. • 7-1/2 is the nasab of gold and 52-1/2 tolas for silver. • Injunction of utilization of zakat is in Surah-al Tauba. • Number of heads for distribution of zakat are 8. • Zakat mentioned along with Namaz in the Quran 32 times. • 5 Camels, 40 goats, 30 cows and buffaloes is nisab for zakat. • 1/10 is the nisab of irrigated produce. • Zakat is treasure of Islam; it is the saying of holy prophet. • Usher means 1/10. • Khums means 1/5. • Word Zakat occurs in Quran for 32 times. • In 2nd A.H the rate and method of distribution of Zakat was determined at Madina. • Kharaj is spoils of war. • Fay is income from town lands. • Zakat on produce of mines is 1/5th. • Ushr on artificially irrigated land is 1/20th. • Al-Gharmain means debtors. • There are two types of zakat. FASTING MCQS • Fast means to stop. • Fasting made obligatory in 2nd A.H. • Fasting is commanded in al-Bakarah. • Feed 60 people is the atonement for breaking the fast or sixty sontinuous fasts.. • Bab-ul-Riayn is the door for fast observing people. • Tarrawih means to rest. • Battle of Badr was fought in very first of Ramzan on 17th. • Umar arranged the Namaz-e-Tarrawih. • Month of Ramzan is known as Sayeed us Shahoor. • Five days are forbidden for fasting throughout the year. • Wajib means ordained. • 1st Ashra of Ramzan=Ashra-e-Rehmat. • 2nd Ashra=Ashra-e-Maghfirat. • 3rd Ashra=Ashra-e-Nijat. HAJJ MCQS • Hajj means to intend. • Hajj made compulsory in 9 A.H. • First Hajj offered in 9 A.H. • Hajj ordained in Surah Bakr. • The holy prophet performed only 1 Hajj in 10th A.H. • There are 3 types of Hajj. • One tawaf of Kaaba is known as Shoot. • Tawaf begins from Shoot. • Number of Jamarat is 3. • Mosque located in Mina is Kheef. • At Meekat, Hujjaj assume the state of Ihram. • Kalima Tauheed is recited during Hajj. • At Mina the ritual of offering sacrifice is performed • Jamart-throwing of pebbles, it is performed on 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th of Zul Hajj. • Maghrib and Isha both prayers are offered together at Muzdalifa on 9th Zil Hajj. • Yome-Afra is called to Hajj day. • Name of the place where the pilgrims go from Arafat: Muzdalfa. • First structure of Kaaba was built by Adam. • Ibrahim & Ismail rebuilt Kaaba 4500 years ago. • Yum-e-Nahar is called to the Day of Sacrifice. • Yum e Arafat is 9th Zul Hajj. • One khutba is recited during Hajj. • Al-Imarn is the surah in which Hajj is commanded. • Holy prophet sacrificed 63 camels during hajj. • Adam and Hazrat Hawa performed the first ever Hajj. • Running b/w Safa & Marwa seven times is called Sayee. • Most important step of Hajj after assuming Ahram is Wuquf. • Waqoof-e-Arfah is the Rukn-e-Azam of Hajj • With the performance of Rami on the 10th Zil-Hajj, the most of the bindings of Hajj on the pilgrim are released. • Three upright stones are called Jamarat. • After Waquf the most important step is Tawaf. • In Hajj there are three obligations (Farz). • Umrah can be performed at any time throughout the year except 9th to 11th Zil-Hajj. • Hujjaj stat at Mina for one day, the second day at Arafat and the final day, encampment is done for a night at Muzdalfah, it is called Wuquf. • Who said that Hajj is greatest of all worships:Imam Malik. • How many undesirable acts of Ihraam are there: six. • How many permitted acts of Ihraam are there:Four. • Prohibitions and restructions of Ihram are 8. • The first and the foremost Farz of Hajj and Umrah is Ihram. • The first and inner most circle around Ka’ba is Masjid-e-Haram. • The second circle around Kaba is Makkah Mukaramah. • The third circle around Kaba is Haram. • Who firsly fixed boundaries of Haram, the third circle around Kaaba: Adam. • The fourth cirle around Kaba is Mowaqeet. • The place where no one can advance without putting on Ihram is Mowaqeet. • Two thousand years before the creation of Adam, Kaba was constructed. • Angels built Kaba firstly in the universe. • During the Noah’s time Kaaba disappeared due to flood. • The gate which is the best for the pilgrims to enter in Kaba is Bab-e-Salam. • Hajr-e-Aswad means black stone. • Actual color of Hajr-e-Aswad was white. • The small piece of land b/wk Rukn-e-Islam and Rukn-e-Yamani is called Hateem. • The place where offering prayer is just like offering prayer inside Kaba is Hateem. • There are five types of Tawaf. • Hajji go to Al-Multazim after completing the seven rounds. • Al-Multazim means the place of holding. • The portion of the wall of Kaba which is b/w its door and Hajr-e-Aswad is called alMultazim. • Sayee is commenced from Safa and ends at Marwa. • After performing Say’ee Hujjaj go to Mina. • Muzdalfa is a plain. • Muzdalfa is located b/w Mina & Arafat. • Muzdalfa is located six miles from Makkah. • From Mina Muzdalfa is three miles away. • Muzdalfa is called Sacred Monument in Quran. • At Muzdalfa Maghrib & Isha prayers are offered together. • Pebbles are collected from Muzdalfa. • Jamarat which is nearest to Makkah is called Jamarat-ul-Uqba. • Smallest Jamarat is Jamarat-al-Sughra. • Rami is held at Mina. • Talbiah is stopped after Rami. • Afrad, Qar’ran and Tamatae are the types of Hajj. • Dhulhulaifah is the Meeqat for the people of Pakistan. • Dhulhulaifah is a point six mile from Madina. HADITH MUBARAK 1. Name the book in which name, activities and characters of the transmitter were given? Ismaur-Rajjal 2. What is the main purpose of Isma-ur-Rajjal? For Authenticity of Hadith 3. Name the member of Ashaab-e-Sufah who had narrated maximum Ahadis? Hazrat Abu Hurrairah (R.A) 4. Name the Sahabi who narrated maximum number of Ahadis? Hazrat Abu Hurrairah (R.A) 5. Hazrat Abu Hurrairah wrote 5374 narrations of Ahadis. 6. The book of narration which Abdullah bin Umar wrote is name as Sahifah-e-Saadiqah. 7. Who is the best interpreter of the Book of Allah? Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) 8. What is Hadith? Sayings of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) 9. What is Sunnah? Actions of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). 10. What is the literal meaning of Sunnah? A mode of life, A manner of Acting, and A Rule of Conduct. 11. From where the word “Hadis” is derived? Tahdis 12. What is the meaning of Tahdis? To inform 13. Who used to write down every word of the Holy Prophet’s speech? Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar 14. How many methods are there for the compilation of Ahadis? Many 15. Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal was the founder of the………school of law. 4th 16. How many Ahadis does Musnad of imam Ahmed bin Hanbal contain? 40,000 17. How many Ahadis does Al-Mauta contain? 1720 18. Who was the compiler of Al-Mauta? Imam Maalik bin Anas 19. Who was the founder of the Maaliki School of Law? Imam Maalik bin Anas 20. Name the first authority for the compilation of Ahadis? Imam Maalik 21. What an authentic Hadis is called? Sahih 22. What is the meaning of Sahih? Authentic 23. How many Ahadis does the “Sahih Bukhari” contain? 7397 24. Which was the most authentic book on Hadis literature? Sahih Bukhari 25. Which was the second book, after the Holy Qur’an for the Muslim World? Sahih Bukhari 26. How many Ahadis did Imam Muslim Ibn-e-Hajjaj compile? 12,000 27. The collections by Bukhari and Muslim are known as. Two Sahihs 28. The Author of Al-Jami is……Al-Tirmizi 29. The author of Ibn-e-Majah is……Al-Nasai 30. How many books are there in Al-Kutub-al-Sitta? Six 31. What is the meaning of Al-Kutub-al-Sitta? Six Sahihs 32. Hadis is the narration and record of the…?Sunnah 33. Which is the second source from which the teachings of Islam are drawn? Sunnah 34. How many parts of each Hadis are there? Two 35. What is the meaning of Sanad? Support 36. What is the meaning of Matan? Substance 37. How many kinds of Sunnah are there? Three 38. Which city Became the first centre of Islamic tradition? Medina or Hijaz 39. How many methods did the traditionalists apply for the authenticity of Hadis? Two 40. What is meant by Sunnat? Way (path) 41. What is the terminological meaning of Sunnat? The doings of Muhammad (PBUH) 42. What is meant by Hadith-e-Taqarar? Muhammad (PBUH) saw some body doing something and remained silent. 43. What is meant by Hadith-e-Qauli?The sayings of Muhammad (PBUH) 44. What is meant by Hadith-e-Faili? Hadith in which any doing of Muhammad (PBUH) has been explained. 45. How the orders of Quran will be explained? By Hadith-e-Rasool (PBUH) 46. Name any Majmooa-e-Hadith of Ehd-e-Nabvi? Sahifah Sadqa 47. Who wrote Sahifah Sadqa? Hazrat Abdullah-bin-Umro-bin-Al-Aas. 48. Were the Hadith composed after the death of Muhammad (PBUH)? No 49. Did the Sahaba used to write Hadith in the presence of Muhammad (PBUH)? Yes. 50. Which Khalifa ordered in 99 Hijri to collect Hadith? Hazrat Umar-bin-Abdul Aziz (R.A) 51. What is meant by Sahih Sitta? Six Compact Books of Hadith. 52. What is meant by Saheyheen? Sahih-al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim 53. Which are the two famous books of Hadith of 2nd century? Motta Imam Malak, Kitab AlAssar 54. What is the name of writer of Kitab Al-Assar? Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa Naman bin Sabat 55. What is the name of the writer of Sahih-al-Bukhari and his date of death also? Imam Abu /Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail Bukhari, death 256 Hijri. 56. What is the name of the writer of Sahih-al-Muslim and his date of death? Imam Muslim bin Hajjaj Neshapuri, death 262 Hijri 57. What is the name of the writer of Jamia Tarmazi and his date of death? Abu-Essa bin Muhammad Essa Tirmizi 58. What is the name of the writer of Al-Moota and his date of death? Imam Malak bin Unis, death 179 Hijri 59. What is meant by Isma-ul-Rajjal? The secret of the describers of Hadith 60. Name the Um-mul-Momineen who described maximum Hadith? Hazrat Aaysha Siddiqua 61. When did the work of editing the Hadith start? During the Ehd-e-Nabvi 62. Mashkaat Sharif belongs to which subject? Hadith 63. Write the name of first collection of Hadith? Sahifah Sadiqa 64. Write four basic pillars of Islamic Laws? Quran, Hadith, Ijma, Qiyas 65. Which is the Mazahib Arbab? Hanfi, Shafie, Malaki, Hanbali 66. What is meant by Hadith Mutfiq Aly? This Hadith is explained in Bukhari and Muslim both. 67. Which is the first age of editing of the Hadith? Ehd-e-Nabvi 68. Which is the second age of editing of Hadith? Sahaba Tabayeen’s Age 69. Which is the Third Age Of editing of Hadith?150 Hijri to 450 Hijri Islam: 70. Literally the word “Islam” means Submission to Allah 71. Which religion is the favourite of Allah according to the Holy Quran? Islam 72. Which two Prophets prayed to Allah to become the “Ummati” of the last Prophet (PBUH) and whose prayer was granted? Hazrat Isa (A.S) and Hazrat Musa (A.S)….Hazrat Musa’s Prayer was granted 73. Religion of Hazrat Adam (A.S) was Islam 74. Fundamentals of Islam are Five 75. What is the name of 1st Kalima? Kalima Tayyaba 76. Kalima Shahadat is the Kalima number 2nd 77. Kalima Tamjeed id the Kalima number 3rd 78. Kalima Tauheed is the Kalima number 4th 79. Kalima-e-Astaghfaar is the Kalima number 5th 80. Kalima Rad-e-Kufr is the Kalima number 6th 81. Number of types of faith is…….Two (2) 82. What is the meaning of the word Allah? Only being worth worship 83. Who is above any sort of limitations? Allah 84. The word Tauheed stands for…….. Ahad, Wahid, Wahadaniat 85. The concept of Tauheed has been given by Hazrat Jibrael (A.S) 86. What is Tauheed? Oneness of Allah 87. Which word is opposite to Tauheed? Shirk 88. The Holy Quran considers as an unpardonable sin? Shirk 89. The Zoroastrians believe in of God. Duality 90. All h Prophets emphasized on……..Tauheed 91. Christians believe in……………of God. Trinity 92. Name the types of Tauheed. Tauheed-fi-Zat, Tauheed-fi-Saffat, Tauheed-fi-Afal 93. Name the religion which denies Allah as an unknowable entity? Buddhism 94. Which is the first belief of Islam? The unity of Allah 95. Which is the second belief of Islam? Prophethood 96. The Prophethood is belief in………….the Prophets of Allah. All 97. Prophethood has been finished on the Prophet……….Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) 98. What is the meaning of Risalat? To send message 99. How Prophethood is attained? Bestowed by Allah 100. What is the meaning of Rasool? Messenger 101. In which Surah of the Holy Quran the word “Khatimum-Nabiyyeen” is mentioned? AlAhzab 102. Who is known as Rehmat-ul-Aalameen? Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) 103. What is the meaning of Rehmat-ul-Lil-Aalameen? Mercy for all worlds 104. Which is the third belief of Islam? Belief in the Angels 105. What is the meaning of Malaika? Angels 106. How many the most exalted angels are there? Four 107. Who is the greatest angel according to the teachings of Islam? Hazrat Jibrael (A.S) 108. The angel is created out of? Noor 109. What is the meaning of Noor? Divine light 110. Who acts as Allah’s agent? Angels 111. By how many angels each human individual is attended permanently? Two 112. In which category Iblees lies? Jinn 113. Who is referred in the Quran as Rooh-ul-Ameen/Ar-Rooh/Rooh-al-Qudus? Hazrat Jibrael (A.S) 114. Who is the in charge of rain? Hazrat Mekael (A.S) 115. Who is the in charge of provisions? Hazrat Mekael (A.S) 116. Who is called as Malk-ul-Moot? Hazrat Izraeel (A.S) 117. How many Holy Books are there? Four 118. What is the most important subject of the Holy Books? Human beings 119. The Torat (the old testament) was revealed on………..Hazrat Moosa (A.S) 120. The Zaboor (Psalm) was revealed on…………..Hazrat David (A.S) 121. The Injeel or Bible (New Testament) was revealed on…………….Hazrat Issa (A.S) 122. The Holy Quran was revealed on…………. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) 123. Of the Holy Book, which is superior? Holy Quran 124. Of the Holy Books Allah takes responsibility for the everlasting preservation? Quran 125. What are those people called who do not believe in Islam? Kafirs (disbelievers) 126. Who is known as “Apostate”? A person who has read the Kalima of Isam, even then, he speaks ill of Islam and does not see harm in his ill speaking of Islam. He is called “Apostate”. 127. Who is called “Hypocrite”? A person who reads the Kalima of Islam verbally and calls himself Muslim but disbelieves it heartily is called a “Hypocrite” (Munafiq). 128. What is the alternative name of Islamic Qaeda/Belief? Eman-e-Mufassal 129. What is the basic Aqeeda of Islam? Eman on Allah, Eman on Angels, Eman on Prophets, Eman on holy Books, Eman on Day of Judgement Day 130. Which word is opposite to Islam? Kufr 131. What did the Holy Quran say about Shirk? Zulim-e-Azeem 132. What is meant by Wahi? Hidden message (Prophetic Experiences) 133. What is the terminological meaning of Wahi? Allah’s message which He sent to his Prophets 134. What is the meaning of Prophet? Messenger 135. What is the terminological mining of Nabi? To whom Allah bless with Prophethood is called Nabi. 136. What is the difference between Nabi and Rasool? Rasool brings new Din whereas Nabi did not do so. 137. Who was the first Prophet? Hazrat Adam (A.S) 138. If somebody after Muhammad (PBUH) claims for Prophethood, what will we say to him? Kazzab (Liar) 139. What was the source of Prophet’s teaching? Wahi-e-Elahi 140. To which Prophet Angels offered Sajda? Hazrat Adam (A.S) 141. Is the word Rasool also used for Angels? No 142. Write the names of four famous Angels. Hazrat Gabriel, Hazrat Izraeel, Hazrat Israfiel, Hazrat Mekael 143. Who is the two ministers od Muhammad (PBUH) at sky? Hazrat Gabriel, Hazrat Mekael 144. What is the duty of Hazrat Gabriel? To convey Allah’s message to Nabi.(Brought the revelation from Allah to Prophet). 145. What is the duty of Hazrat Izraeel? To capture Rooh. (He is called the angel of death) (Malaki Maut) 146. What is the duty of Hazrat Mekael? To manage rains and eatings for creature. 147. What is the duty of Hazrat Israfiel? To blow Soor. (Israfiel will blow the trumpet at the end of the world on the day of Judgement). 148. Name four Holy Books. Torat, Zaboor, Injeel and Holy Quran 149. To which Prophet Zaboor belonged? Hazrat Dawood 150. Which book belonged to Hazrat Musa? Torat 151. To which Prophet Injeel belonged? Hazrat Essa (A.S) 152. In Torat by which name Muhammad (PBUH) were called? Tayyab 153. In Zaboor under which name Muhammad (PBUH) were called? Farooq 154. Zaboor was first to deliver or Torat Torat 155. In which language Torat, Zaboor and Injeel were delivered? Abrani 156. What is the meaning of Akhirah? A thing coming later 157. What is the opposite word to Akhirah? Dunya (word) 158. What is the meaning of Dunya? A thing in hand 159. Which two names of Hell are described in Holy Quran? Jahanum, Jaheem 160. Explain the first and the last Aqeeda (Belief)? Aqeeda-e-Tauheed, Aqeeda-e-Akhirah 161. What is the heading of Surah Ikhlas? Aqeeda-e-Ikhlas (Belief in Oneness of Allah) 162. “None deserves to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad (PBUH) is the Prophet of Allah “. It is the translation of…………….Kalima-e-Tayyaba 163. How many Kalimas are in Islam? 6 164. Name the Kalima which is necessary or a Muslim to recite? Kalima-e-Tayyaba 165. What is the meaning of Tayyaba? Purity 166. What is the meaning of Shahadat? Testimony 167. What is the meaning of Astaghfaar? Penitence 168. What is the meaning of Rad-e-Kufr? Repudiation of infidelity 169. What is the meaning of Salat? The recitation of Darood. 170. Namaz (Salat) means………… Rehmat, Dua, Astaghfaar 171. Namaz (Salat) was made obligatory during the Prophet’s Miraj in…………..of the Nabvi. 10th 172. The number of ‘Nafl’ Namaz is Five 173. Namaz-e-Kas00f is offered when………. Moon eclipses 174. “Kasoof” is a prayer of Solar eclipse 175. Namaz-e-Istasqa is a prayer for……Rain 176. Salat-e-Istakhara is offered for………. Coming Hajat 177. Salat-e-Hajat is offered for…….. Prevailing Hajat 178. When a Muslim is bestowed with a blessing by Allah, Muslim should offer……Salat-eShukar 179. Salat-e-Khauf is offered during War 180. Total number of Rakaats in the Farz prayers is………..48 181. ………….prayer (Salat) is not preceded by Azan. Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Azha, Funeral 182. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) offered First Jumma prayer in the year……….1 A.H 183. The Jumma prayer is not compulsory for…………Women 184. Which two prayers have no Azan? Janaza and Eid 185. Which prayer is offered with backside of hands upward? Istasqa 186. The Holy Prophet offered First Eid prayer in 3A.H 187. Six additional Takbeers are offered in following prayer Eid 188. Only one of the following category is exempt from Farz prayer Lunatic 189. Eid prayer is a Wajib 190. Wazu for Namaz has……….Farz. Four 191. The command for Ablution is present in the Surah An-Nisa 192. The permission for Tayammum was granted in…….4 A.H 193. Namaz-i-Tarawih is…………Sunnat 194. The parts of prayer (Salat) which are compulsory are called…….Farz 195. That part of prayer (Salat) which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to do is called…… Sunnat 196. What name is given to the direction towards which the Muslims face during Salat? Qibla 197. The funeral prayer is……Farz-e-Kaffaya 198. The Salat Witr is a part of….. Isha 199. The act of shortening one’s prayer while on journey is called……….Qasr 200. What is the number of Rakaats in all five time prayers? 48 201.The reward of which prayer is equal to the reward of Hajj or Umra?Namaz-i-Ishraq 202. Which prayers were essential in the early period of Islam? Fajr and Isha 203. Standing straight for a short while after Rukuh is called…….Qauma 204. Qauma is……….Wajib 205. The short period between two Sajdas is called………Jalsa 206. Jalsa is……..Wajib 207. To sit straight in Salat is called…….Qaada 208. How many times Salam is performed in the Salat? Two 209. How many Sajdas are in Salat-e-Janaza? Zero 210. Zakat literally means Purification 211. Zakat is the…….fundamental pillar of Islam? 2nd 212. Which is the second of the most important pillars of Islam? Salat 213. When Zakat was made compulsory? 2 A.H 214. Who said that there was no difference between Salat and Zakat? Hazrat Abu Baker (R.A) 215. How many times the word Zakat occurs in the Holy Quran? 32 216. Caliph………..did Jihad on the issue of Zakat. Hazrat Abu Baker 217. Without which act the prayer is useless? Zakat 218. One who disbelievers in Zakat is a Kafir 219. Person who is liable to pay Zakat is called…………Sahib-e-Nisab 220. How many camels render are to par Zakat? 5 221. How many goats render are to pay zakat? 40 222. How many sheep render are to pay zakat? 40 223. How many cows render are to pay Zakat? 30-40 224. How many bulls render to pay Zakat? 30-40 225. How may buffaloes render are to pay zakat? 30-40 226. Jiziya is also called……..Poll tax 227. How much of the produce of mine owners have to pay? 1/5th 228. What is the meaning of Khums? 1/5th 229. What is the compulsory tax on the produce of agriculture land? Ushr 230. How many kinds of Muslims are eligible to receive Zakat according to the Holy Quranic Verse? 8 231. Zakat is payable on gold of…….7.5 tolas 232. Zakat is payable on silver of…….52.5 tolas 233. Nisab for irrigated produce is…….10/100 234. “Zakat” is the treasure of Islam, who said this? Holy Prophet (PBUH) 235. Literally Roza (fasting) means……To stop 236. The fasting became compulsory in……A.H for the first time. 2nd 237. The function of fasting is….. To purify heart from worldly desires. 238. The commandment for observing Fast has been stipulated in the Surah…… Al-Baqara 239. What is atonement for breaking the Fast? To feed 60 people 240. It is a door through which fast observing people would enter paradise. Bab-ul-Riyan 241. Which important night falls in Ramzan? Lailat-ul-Qadr 242. How many days are forbidden for fasting throughout the year? 5 243. In which month virtues flourish and evil is suppressed? Ramzan 244. What is the meaning of Aitekaf? Seclusion 245. Aitekaf during the month of Ramzan is Wajib 246. Which Rukn-e-Islam is called as shield? Fasting 247. Which is the Third fundamental pillar of Islam? Fasting 248. When Siyyam of Ramzan was ordered? 2 A.H 249. Tarawih is a prayer of Ramzan. It means To stand 250. Which important Ghazwa was fought in the very first Ramzan? Badr 251. Who arranged Namaz-e-Tarawih in the leadership of Imam? Hazrat Umar (R.A) 252. Literally meaning of Hajj is…The will of visit 254. Hajj was made obligatory in…… 9 A.H 253. Yome-Afra is called…………Hajj Day 254. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed……Hajj in his life. One 255. Hajj is a pilgrimage of……………Holy Kabba 256. When did the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) offer Hajj? 11 A.H 257. There are………..types of Hajj. Three 258. In which Surah Hajj has been commanded? Al-Baqara 259. How many camels the Holy Prophet (PBUH) scarified? 63 260. Shoot means One tawaf of Kabba 261. The day of sacrifice during Hajj is called…….. Yum-e-Nehr 262. The rite of offering sacrifice is performed at Mina 263. Jamarat on 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th of the Zil Hajj is performed in……….Mina 264. Which two prayers are offered together at Muzdalifa on the 9th Zil-ul-Hajj? Maghrib-Isha 265. The number of Khutbas during the Hajj is………..One 266. The first Hajj was performed by Hazrat Adam (A.S), Hazrat Hawa (A.S) 267. Who built the first structure of the holy Kabba? Hazrat Adam (A.S) 268. What is the fundamental pillar of Islam which requires both physical and financial sacrifices? Hajj 269. Literally Jihad means To strive hard 270. Jihad was ordained on Muslims through a Quranic verse in……(A.H) 2nd 271. The battle was forbidden in Arabs in the month of…………Muharram 272. The word Jihad is derived from the word Juhada 273. The meaning of Jihad fi Sbil Allah is……….. Fighting in the way of Allah 274. What is the meaning of Qital? Fighting 275. How many encounters took place between the Muslims and non-Muslims during the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? 82 276. What is the meaning of Rukn? Support 277. What is the plural f Rukn? Arkan 278. What is said to Namaz in Arabic? Salat 279. What are the meanings of Salat? Rehmat, Barkat 280. When Namaz was ordered? On 27th Rajab 10th Hijri on the occasion of Mehraj 281. What is the difference between Kufr and Islam? Namaz 282. Name the five Namaz Fajar, Zuhar, Asar, Maghrib, Isha 283. Describe the Farz Rakaats of each Namaz Fajar 2, Zuhar 4, Asar 4, Maghrib 3, Isha 4 284. What are the Farz of Namaz (Salat)? Qayyam, Rakoo, Sajda 285. Which kind of worship is liked by Allah? Namaz 286. When Wazoo was ordered? 5 Hijra 287. When Azan was started? 1 Hijra 288. When Tayammum was ordered? 5 Hijra 289. Namaz-Ba-Jamaat is how much better than individual Namaz? 27 times 290. In which timings the Namaz is prohibited? Sun rising, suns setting, sun at the mid 291. When first azan was read in Kabba? 9 Hijri, on the occasion of conquest of Makah 292. Which Namaz Allah likes among Nafli Namaz? Namaz-e-Tahajat 293. What the Namaz-e-Jumma and Eids create in Muslims? Collectiveness (Gathering) 294. When is Namaz-e-Kasoof read? At the time of Solar eclipse 295. When Namaz-e-Kauf is read? When no rains 296. How many Takbeers are in Namaz-e-Janaza? Four 297. When the order for Tahweel-e-Qibla was made? 2 Hijri 298. When first Namaz of Eid-ul-Fitr was read? 1st Shawal, 2 Hijri 299. On Judgement Day, what will be asked first? Namaz 300. How many times word Zakat is used in Makki Surahs? 22 times 301. What is the rate of usher for canal irrigated Zameen? 5 per cent or 1/5 302. Who are not entitled to get Zakat? Parents, Husband, wife and children 303. What is the 4th Rukn (pillar) of Islam? Roza (fasting) 304. How many Arkan Roza has? Three, to restrict eating, drinking and sexual intercourse 305. What are the objectives of Roza? Taqwa, Zabti-Nafas, Shukar 306. What we say to 1st Ashra of Ramzan? Rehamt-ka-Ashrah 307. What we say to 2nd Ashrah of Ramzan? Maghfrat-ka-Ashrah 308. What we say to 3rd Ashrah of Ramzan? To get rid of Hell’s fire 309. From which Prophet’s age Hajj was started? Hazrat Ibrahim 310. Describe the Arkans of Hajj There are two Rukns, Stay at Arafat and Tawaf-e-Kabba 311. What is meant by Tawaf? To take seven rounds around Khana Kabba. 312. What to read while entering Haram Sharif during Hajj in Ahram? Talbia (Talibiyah) 313. Which stone of Kabba wall is kissed? Hajjar-e-Aswad 314. What is named to run between Safa and Marwa? Sayee 315. What is said to throw stones at three spots? Rami 316. What is Yum-ul-Tarvia and what is done on that day? 8 Zil-Hajj, Stay at Mina 317. What is meant by Yaum-e-Arafat and what is done on that day? 9 Zil Hajj, Stay at Arafat before Maghrib 318. What is meant by Tawaf-e-Qadoom? First Tawaf on presence at Kabba 319. What is Tawaf-e-Zayarat? To offer Tawaf between 10 to 12 Zil-Hajj 320. What is meant by Tawaf-e-Wadah? Last Tawaf before leaving home 321. What is meant by Yum-ul-Nehr? To offer sacrifice of goats on 10 Zil-Hajj after throwing stones at Mina. 322. How many rounds are paid between Safa and Marwa? Seven 323. In which dress Hajj is offered? Ahram 324. What is Miqat? Where Ahram has to put on. (A pilgrim must put Ahram before reaching a point called Miqat) 325. What is meant by Shoot? One round around Khana Kabba. 326. Who was the Ameer-ul-Hujaj on 9th Hijri? Hazrat Abu Baker Siddique 327. How many Sahaba were along with Muhammad (PBUH) during Hajj? More than one Lac or (1, 24,000) 328. How many camels were scarified by Muhammad (PBUH) on that Hajj? 100 camels 329. How many camels were sacrificed by Muhammad (PBUH) with his own hands? 63 camels and the remainder by Hazrat Ali (R.A) 330. What is the difference between Haj and Umra? Hajj is offered between 7 to 13 Zil-Haj whereas Umra can be performed any time. 331. What is meant by Mabrood? That Hajj which is performed to obtain the goodwill of Allah 332. What is the distinctive mark of a Muslim colony? Mosque 333. Which is the oldest mosque on the Earth? Kabba 334. Who is the oldest mosque builder? Hazrat Adam (A.S) 335. Which mosque was built first of all in Islam? Quba. 336. Who laid the foundations of Quba? Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) 337. Where Prophet (PBUH) did hold his court? Masjid-e-Nabvi 338. Where was established the first Muslim University? Masjid-e-Nabvi 339. The Prophet (PBUH) himself laboured for a mosque. what’s its name? Quba 340. How many mosques are discussed in the holy Quran? 4 341. The Prophet (PBUH) used to go to a particular mosque on every 17th of Ramzan. What’s the name of that mosque? Quba 342. When was the construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi started? 1 A.H 343. How many doors are of Masjid-e-Haram? 25 344. The Prophet (PBUH) prayed several times for victory in the war of ditch. Name the Mosque? Masjid Fatah 345.Which Surah starts without Bismillah? Al-Toba 346. A male is coffined/wrapped in 2 and female dressed sheets: 2 and Female :3 347. Amount of zakat cannot be used in _____ .Mosque 348. What is Sahihain: Bukhari and Muslim 349. Jehad become mandatory in ___Hijra: 2 AH 350. Which one is called Masha’ar-ul-Haram: Muzdalifa valley 351. Who was the first martyre in Islam: Hazarat Sumaya (RA) 352. Who first embraced Islam among women: Hazrat Khadija (RA) 353. What is Istelam: kissing Hajre Aswad 354. Who collected Quranic verses in one place: Hazrat Usma (RA) 355. How much Surah the Quran contains:. 114. The 356. Nisab of Zakat in gold is: 7 ½ Tolas. A Verse of 357.the Holy Quran indicates the name of: Hazrat Zaid. 358. A Muslim female is coffined in: Five Sheets 359. The original name of Imam Bukhari is: Muhammad bin Ismail 360. Makka was conquered in: 8 A.H. 361.Qurbani (Holy Slaughtering)is made during Hajj at: Mina 362.Jami-i-Quran is taken for: Hazrat Usman (R.A). 363.Pious-Caliphate lasted for about: Thirty Years 364. Gathering on Arafat during Hajj is made on: 9th Zil Hajjah 365. How many stages the Quran contains? 7 366. Who was the first writer of "Wahi" in Quraish? Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA) 367.Kitab-ul-Assar is compiled by: Imam Abu Hanifah (RA) 368. Imam Shafi took the office of "Religious Judgment" in the age of: 15 years 369. What was the name of foster sister of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? Hazrat Shima (RA) 370. Namaz-e-Istisqa" is prayer for: Rain 371. Who is called "saqi zam zam"? Hazrat Abbas (RA) 372. What is the number of Ramzan in the Islamic Calender? 9th 373. Who advised Abu Bakr (R.A) to compile the Quran: Hazrat Umar (R.A) 374. The Prophet made Hazrat Muaaz bin Jabal the Governor of: Yaman 375. Who are the “Sahibain”? Abu Yusuf and Imam Shaibani 376. Hajj is not completed unless you go to: Arafat 377. “Kitab-al-Umm” is written by: Imam Shafi 378. The foundation of Bait Ul-Hikmah was laid down during: Abbasid Period 379. What is the number of month “Rajab” in Islamic Calendar? 7th 380. First Mujadid was Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Who was the second one? Ahmad Sirhindi 381. Sahifa Hammam bin Munabih was found by: Dr. Hamidullah 382. In which Surat of Quran there is mention of Zulqarnain? Alkahaf 383. Muslims are the best of all due to: Moderation 384. Sahib Us-Ser is the nickname of: Hazrat Khuzaifa (R.A) 385. Masjide Khief is located in: Minna 386.Ghaseel ul Malaika is the title of: Hazrat Hanzala (R.A) 387. Who was appointed as Usher for Hijrat-e-Madinah? Hazrat Abdullah bin Ariqat (R.A) 388. Who was a historian jurist, philosopher, as well as a politician? Abdur Rehman Ibni Khaldoon 389. When law of inheritence was revealed? Four Hijree 390. Who was the last Commander in Chief for Ghazwa-e-Mautah? Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) 391. Imam Dar ul Hijrat is the title of: Imam Malik 392. The word Muhammad (SAW) as a name has been mentioned in Quran only: Four times 393. Khateeb –ul-Anbia as a title of: Hazrat Shoaib (AS) 394. Hazrat Umer (RA) appointed as custodian of Bait-ul-Mal: (Abdullah bin Masud) 395. The effective Zakat System can ensure the elimination of: Poverty 396. A Verse of the Holy Quran indicates the name of: Hazrat Zaid (RA) 397. Masjid Zu Qiblatain is situated in : Madina 398. Who was a Historian, justice, philospher as well as Politician? Abdur Rehman bin Khaldun 399. Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah twice: Al Namal 400. Had -e- Qazaf (False Accusation) is: 80 Lashes 401. Ada Bin Hatam Thai embraced Islam in: 9 Hijri 402. Wealth obtained from a mine is liable to: Khumus 403. Sadaq-e-Eid-ul-fitr has been proclaimed in the year: 2 Hijri 404. Imam-e-Dar-ul-Hijrat was a title of: Imam Malik 405.The seal affixed on important letters by prophet (SAW) was in the Custody of: Hazrat khuzaifa (RA) 406.Ameen –ul-Umat is the title of Hazrat: Abu-ubaida bin Al jaraah (RA) 407. River Neil was declared as Sayed-ul-Anhar by Hazrat: hazrat Umer (RA) 408. Umm-ul-Masakeen was the title given to one of the wives of the Prophet (SAW): Hazrat Zainab benet Khuzima (R.A) 409. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) gave the key of Bait Ullah permanently to Hazrat: Usman bin Talha 410. Arafat gathering is held on: 9 Zil hajj 411. Saad Bin Abi waqas is included amongst the Ushera-e- Mubhashera: 412.Batha Valley is situated in: Makkah 413.The longest Surah of the Qur'an is: Surah al Baqarah 414.Al-Maeen is a Surah in which there are: 100 or more ayahs 415. "Arbaeen" is the book of Hadith in which there are: 40 Ahadith 416. Fatwa Qazi Khan is an authentic Fatwa of: Fiqh Hanafi 417."FIDK" garden was bestowed to the Holy Prophet as: Fay 418.QUBA mosque has been mentioned in: Surah al Tauba 419. The tile given to the pioneers of Islam was: Assabiqoon al Awwalun 420.The meaning of YA SABAHAHO is: Oh, Morning danger 421.The Master if Hazrat Bilal (MABPH) during embracing Islam was: Ummayia bin Khalaf 422. Splitting of the moon occurred in: Mina 423.The "IFK" event is described in the Qur'an in: Surah Noor 424. The Prophet's stamp comprises of these words: Allah,Rasool,Muhammad 425. MAUWAZATAIN means: Two specific Surahs of Quran 426. Ozza was the name of: A specific goddess of Quraish 427.LEA'AN is: A clause of Islamic law 428.Ashabus sabt means: Jews 429. The number of famous months are: Four 430.Jabal-e-Noor is situated in: ghar –e-hira 431.The number of Haroof e Maktat : 29 432. Roza was made obligatory: 02 Hijra 433.Jang e Badar was fought : 02 Hijri 434. Jang e Motta was fought: 07 Hijri 435.Jang e Ohad was fought: 03 Hijri 436.Jang e Khandak was fought: 05 Hijri 437.Ghazwa a Tabuk was fought: 9Hijri 438. Sulah a Hudabiya in : 06 Hijri 439.Tayumum was made obligatory : 04 Hijri 440. In Islamic mode of interest-free banking: Modarabah 441. Dower is paid to the wife as a:- token of respect 442. The total period of Abbasids caliphate was __ 508 years 443. “Keemya-e-Saadat” is authored by Imam Ghazali 444. How many doors are of Masjid-e-Haram? 25 445. How many mosques are discussed in the holy Quran? 4 446. What is Tahleel? Recitation of 1st kalima 447. Name the 8th months of Islamic Calendar__Shaban 448. 9th Zil-Hajja is also called: Yaum-e-Arfat 449. To which tribe did Hazrat Khalid-bin-Waleed (R.A) belong? Banu Makhzoom 450. The word Muhammad (SAW) as a name has been mentioned in Quran only four times 451. Imam-e-Dar-ul-Hijrat was a title of Imam Malik 452. Ameen –ul-Umat is the title of Hazrat Abu-ubaida bin Al jaraah (RA) Khuzir (RA) (d) Abu Saeeed 453. Which one of the following is included amongst the Ushera-e- Mubhashera Saad Bin Abi waqas 454. Masjid Zu Qiblatain is situated in :Madina 455. Had –e- Qazaf (false Accusation) is. 80 Lashes 556. River Neil was declared as Sayed-ul-Anhar by Hazrat: hazrat Umer (RA) 457. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) gave the key of Bait Ullah permanently to Hazrat Usman bin Talha 458. which book is called old testament? injeel 459. Name of the son of Hazarat Yaqoob (A.S) whose off-springs are the Yahooda 460. Injunction of utilization of zakat is in which Surah ? Surah-al Tauba 461. Who advised Abu Bakr (R.A) to compile the Quran: Hazrat Umar (R.A) 462. The Prophet made Hazrat Muaaz bin Jabal the Governor of: Yaman 463. Who are the “Sahibain”? Abu Hanifah and Abu Yusuf 464. “Kitab-al-Umm” is written by: Imam Shafi 465. The foundation of Bait Ul-Hikmah was laid down during: Abbasid Period 466. Ghaseel ul Malaika is the title of: Hazrat Hanzala (R.A) 467. Sahifa Hammam bin Munabih was found by: Dr. Hamidullah 468. Who has been titled as “Saviour of Islam”? Caliph Abu Bakar 469. “Conqueror of Egypt” Was:- Amr Bin Al’as 470. who called as “Muslim Alexander” ? (a) Sa’d Bin Abi Waqas (b) Khalid Bin Waleed Uqba Bin Nafah 471.Immam __ was born in Egypt. Shafi 472. The Battle of Badr was fought in the month of ---------? Ramadan 473. Allah says, "Wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are mothers of believers" in which Surah? Surah Ahzaab 474. Muhammad (PBUH) is called with the name "Ahmed" in Surah ---- Saff 475. In the beginning of open preaching towards Islam, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stood up on Mount As-Safa one day and called out loudly "Ya Sabahah!". The meaning of Ya Sabahah is? Draws the attention of others to some dangers 476. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) granted a very special privilege, He said " May my father and mother be ransomed for you" to ----------? Saad bin Abi Waqqas (R.A) 477. " Muhammad is the messenger of Allah" is stated in Surah ----- Fath 478. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sent his messengers to the kings beyond Arabia calling them to Islam. In order to authenticate the credentials of his messengers, a ---------- seal was made. Silver 479. Who established Stipends for the poor among the Jews and the Christians? Umar Farooq (R.A) 480. Name the wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who was daughter of Umar Farooq (R.A)? Hafsah (R.A) 481. Qibla was changed from Jerusalem to Khana-e-Kabba in? Shaban 2 A.H 482. The foundation of the city of Baghdad was laid in 762 during the reign of Abbasid caliph AI Mansoor. 483. In the Battle of Uhud, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) selected ------------- skillful archers to stay on a mountain (side). 50 483. Khosroe Pervaiz was a/an --- Emperor of Persia 484. Ibrahim (R.A) was son of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The mother of Ibrahim (R.A) was ---Maria (R.A) 485. When did Hazrat Hamza (RA) embrace Islam?Fifth Nabavi ( also Hazrat Umer(RA) ) 486. Which pillar of Islam is declared as an armour?Soam 487. What was the important event in the month of 13th Nabavi?Hijrah Madina 488. What is the seventh belief in Iman-e-Mufassal?Good and bad is predetermined by Allah 489. The conqueror of Central Asia was Qutayba bin Muslim. 490. The last caliph of Ummayyads was Marwan II. 4491. She was the wife of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and the daughter of the pharaoh of Egypt Hazrat Hajira. 492. How many Ahadis does Masnad of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal contain? 35000 493. How many Ahadis does Al-Mauta contain? 1720 494. Name the first one whose expression of pride was liked by the Holy Prophet (SAW) Abu Dajjana. 495. Who was the compiler of Al-Mauta? Imam Shafee 496. Who is called as “Alexander of Muslim World”? Uqba bin Nafah (R.A.) 497. How many Rukus are there in Qur’an? 558 498. First Ghazawa (Battle) took place between Muslims and Kuffar is Abawa. 499. When did Holy Prophet (SAW) go to perform Hajj? 10th Hijri 500. Kingdom of Khwarzim was destroyed in 1218-20 AD by Changaiz Khan 501. Name the battle in which Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) participated for the first time Mota 502. Name the first person among infidels of Arabia whose gift was accepted by the Holy Prophet (SAW) Abu Sufyan 503. Abdullah bin Ubay was a Hypocrite 504. Hazrat Zakariya (AS) was the contemporary of Hazrat Issa (AS) 505. Which Prophet (A.S.) was the carpenter by profession? Hazrat Zakariya (AS) 506. The only Surah of the Holy Quran which is not started with ‘Bismillah’ is Surah AlTaubah 507. The Holy Book revealed to Hazrat Daud (AS) is Zubur 508. Holy Prophet (PBUH) delivered his farewell sermon at Arafat on 10th Zulhajj. 510.The nation of Samood was preached by Hazrat Salih (AS Mother’ Name, Hazrat Amna. • Maternal Grand Father’s name Wahib bins Abdul Munnaf. • Maternal Grandmother, Batarah. • Real name of Abdu Mutalib was Shaba. • Grandmother name, Fatima. • 10 is the number of Uncles and 6 aunts. • Prophet journeyed to Syria with Abu Talib at 12 years. • At 25 Prophet married to Hazrat Khadija. • Hazrat Khadija accepted Islam first in Women and in all. • Hazrat Abu Bakar accepted first in Men. • Hazrat Ali accepted first in Children. • Varqa Bin Naufal verified Prophet for the first time. • Holy prophet had 4 daughters and 3 sons. • At age of 40 holy Prophet received first Wahy. • Hazrat Zubaida (RA) was the second wife of Holy Prophet. • In 622 A.D Holy Prophet migrated to madina. • Hazrat Haleema was the foster mother of Holy Prophet. • Besides Hazrat Haleema (RA) Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that Umme-e-Aemon is also my mother. • Name the foster mother(s) of the Holy Prophet (SAW) Hazrat Halema (RA), Hazrat Sobia (RA) and Hazrat Khola (RA) • How many years after the birth of Holy Prophet (SAW), Hazrat Aamina died? Six years • Sheema was the foster sister of Holy Prophet. • Abduallh Bin Abu Sheema was the foster brother of Prophet. • Hazrat Haleema looked after the holy prophet for 4 years. • 35 was the age at the time of Hajr-i-Aswad incident. • Hazrat Bilal Habshi was the first slave to accept Islam. • Wife of Abu Lahab used to spread throne in the way of prophet in 4th year of prophethood. • Home of Hazrat Arqam (RA) used as the centre of secret preaching by the holy prophet. • In 7th Nabvi boycott of Banu Hashim began. • Hazrat Adam met with Holy Prophet on the first heaven. • Hazrat Isa and Hazrat Yahya on 2nd. • Hazrat Yaqub on 3rd. • Hazrat Idrees on 4th. • Hazrat Harron on 5th. • Hazrat Musa on 6th. • Hazrat Ibraheem on 7th. • Al-Kaswa is the name of Camel on which prophet traveled. • Prophet purchased mosque land at medina from two orphans. • 45 Companions were with Prophet in migration to madina. • Charter of Madina was issued on 1 A.H it had 53 Articles. • Transfer of Qibla was ordered in 2nd A.H. • 27 total no of Ghazwas. • First Ghazwah of Islam was Widan, fought in 12th month of First Hijrah. • Jang Badr occurred in 2 A.H. 313 Muslims fought in battle. Types of Hadith are 10. • Imam Zuhri (RA) became the first to consolidate Ahadith. • No of Hadith Collected by Abu Huraira (RA) 5374. • Prophet hazrat Noah (AS) known as Shaikh al Anbiya • Aby Ubaiduh Bin Jiirrah was entitled Ameen-ul Ummat. • Hazrat Umar proposed Azan for the first time. • The dome over the sacred Grave of the holy prophet is known as Dunbade-Khizra. • Baitul Mamur is a place where seventy thousand angles were circumambulation during the Holy Ascension. • Baitul Mamoor is on 7th Heaven. • 4 kings accepted Islam when holy prophet sent them letters. • Mosque of Zarar was demolished by prophet. • Ume Salma was present at the time of the battle of Khyber. • Hazrat Ali Conquered the fort of Qamus. • Lady named Zainab tried to poison the Holy Prophet. • Prophet recited surah Al-Fatha at the conquest of Makkah . • Hashim was grand father of prophet & brother of Muttalib. • The name Muhamammad was proposed by Abdul Muttalib while the name Ahmed was proposed by Bibi Aminah. • Migration from Mecca to Abyssinia took place in the 7th month of the 5th year of the mission i.e 615 A.d. The total number of migrated people was 15 Islamiat Mcqs Test Posted by staff on 26 December 2014, 2:17 am Islamiat Mcqs Test 1) Imam Bukhari was born in 194 and and died in 256 A.H 2) the mosque of the Prophet was damaged due to fire in the reign of Motasim Billah. 3) Hazrat Sulaiman founded the Al-Aqsa famous Mosque 4) Israel was 147 years old when Hazrat Ishaq died. 5) The Nation of Hazrat Hood was Exterminated through the scourage of flood. 6) Hazrat Adam’s grave is present in Saudi Arabia 7) Fast was made obligatory in the 2 A.H 8) Namaz-e- khasoof is related to Lunar eclipse 9) The holy books is the fourth belife in Iman-e- Mufasal. 10) science, Astronomy, writting with pens , sewing and weapons were made by Hazrat Idrees first of all. 11) Hazrat Shees was the youngest son of Hazrat Adam(AS). Islamiat basic knowledge MCQs Posted by staff on 27 November 2014, 10:32 am Islamiat basic knowledge MCQs • Haq Mahar in Islam is fixed only 400 misqal. • Ijma means ageing upon any subject. • Qayas means reasoning by analogy. • There are four schools of thought of Islamic Law. • Janatul Baki is situated in Madina. • Masjid-e-Hanif is located in Mina. • JANAT UL MOALA is a graveyard in MECCA. • Qazaf: false accusation of adultery punishable with 80 lashes. • Lyla-tul-Barrah means the Night of Forgiveness. • Karam-un-Katibin means Illustrious writers. • Oldest mosque on earth is Kaabatullah. • 1st Kalima=Tayyab, 2nd =Shahadat, 3rd =Tamjeed, 4th =Tauheed, 5th =Astaghfar, 6th =Rad-eKufar • Qiblah means anything in front. • Saabi is one who changes his religion. • Sidrat-ul-Mantaha means last tree of the Eternity. • Jaabi is one who collects Zakat. • First collection of Ahadith is Sahifah-e-Saadiqa. • Saying of Prophet are called Wahi Ghair Matlloo. • In iman-e-Mufassal essential beliefs are 7 in number. • The most exalted angels are four. • Greatest angel as per Islam is Jibra’eel. • Each human being is attended permanently by two angels. • Barzakh: time period between death and Day of Judgment. Important Articles of Islam There are five fundamentals of Islam namely:1. TOuheed (believe in Oneness of Allah) 2.Salat (Namaz) 3.Zakat 4.fasting/Saum (Roza) 5.Hajj. Kalimas There are six Kalimas 1.Kalima Tayab 2.Kalma Shahdat 3.Kalma Tamjeed 4.Kalma Tauheed 5.Kalma Istighfar 6.Kalma Rad-e-Kufr Rakats in Namaz 1. Fajr ( 4 Rakats) 2 Sunnat+ 2 Farz = total =4 2.Zuhr= 4 SUNNAT+4 FARZ+2SUNNAT+ 2 NAFL = 12 RAKATS 3..ASR= 4 SUNNAT + 4 FARZ = 8 RAKATS 4.MAGHRIB= 3 FARZ + 2 SUNNAT+ 2 NAFAL 5.ISHA= 4 SUNNAT+ 4 FARZ+ 2 SUNNAT+ 2NAFL+ 3 WITR + 2 FARZ = 17 SOURCES OF ISLAMIC LAWS 1. QURAN 2.HADITH 3.IJMA 4.IJTEHAD 5.QIYAS INFORMATION ABOUT QURAN 1. No of surahas in Quran 114 surahas 2.NO of Paras in Holy Quran = 30 Paras 3.No of Ayats= 6666 4.First Surah of Quran = Surah-e-Fatiha 5.Last Surah of Quran= Surah-e-Nas 6.Longest Surah of Quran= Surah-e- Bakar 7.Shortest Surah of Quran= Surah-e- Kausar 8.First Reavled surah = Surah Al- ALaq 9.years to COmplete Quran= Approximately 23 years 10.Rukoos= 558 Rukoos 11. Number of Makis Suraha= 87 surahs 12.Number of Madni Surhas= 27 13. subject of Holy Quran= Human Being is the subject of HOly Quran HAJJ • HAJJ • HAJJ MEANS TO INTEND. • HAJJ MADE COMPULSORY IN 9 A.H. • FIRST HAJJ OFFERED IN 9 A.H. • HAJJ ORDAINED IN SURAH BAKR. • THE HOLY PROPHET PERFORMED ONLY 1 HAJJ IN 10TH A.H. • THERE ARE 3 TYPES OF HAJJ. • ONE TAWAF OF KAABA IS KNOWN AS SHOOT. • TAWAF BEGINS FROM SHOOT. • NUMBER OF JAMARAT IS 3. • MOSQUE LOCATED IN MINA IS KHEEF. • AT MEEKAT, HUJJAJ ASSUME THE STATE OF IHRAM. • KALIMA TAUHEED IS RECITED DURING HAJJ. • AT MINA THE RITUAL OF OFFERING SACRIFICE IS PERFORMED • JAMART-THROWING OF PEBBLES, IT IS PERFORMED ON 10TH, 11TH, 12TH AND 13TH OF ZUL HAJJ. • MAGHRIB AND ISHA BOTH PRAYERS ARE OFFERED TOGETHER AT MUZDALIFA ON 9TH ZIL HAJJ. • YOME-AFRA IS CALLED TO HAJJ DAY. • NAME OF THE PLACE WHERE THE PILGRIMS GO FROM ARAFAT: MUZDALFA. • FIRST STRUCTURE OF KAABA WAS BUILT BY ADAM. • IBRAHIM & ISMAIL REBUILT KAABA 4500 YEARS AGO. • YUM-E-NAHAR IS CALLED TO THE DAY OF SACRIFICE. • YUM E ARAFAT IS 9TH ZUL HAJJ. • ONE KHUTBA IS RECITED DURING HAJJ. • AL-IMARN IS THE SURAH IN WHICH HAJJ IS COMMANDED. • HOLY PROPHET SACRIFICED 63 CAMELS DURING HAJJ. • ADAM AND HAZRAT HAWA PERFORMED THE FIRST EVER HAJJ. • RUNNING B/W SAFA & MARWA SEVEN TIMES IS CALLED SAYEE. • MOST IMPORTANT STEP OF HAJJ AFTER ASSUMING AHRAM IS WUQUF. • WAQOOF-E-ARFAH IS THE RUKN-E-AZAM OF HAJJ • WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF RAMI ON THE 10TH ZIL-HAJJ, THE MOST OF THE BINDINGS OF HAJJ ON THE PILGRIM ARE RELEASED. • THREE UPRIGHT STONES ARE CALLED JAMARAT. • AFTER WAQUF THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP IS TAWAF. • IN HAJJ THERE ARE THREE OBLIGATIONS (FARZ). • UMRAH CAN BE PERFORMED AT ANY TIME THROUGHOUT THE YEAR EXCEPT 9TH TO 11TH ZIL-HAJJ. • HUJJAJ STAT AT MINA FOR ONE DAY, THE SECOND DAY AT ARAFAT AND THE FINAL DAY, ENCAMPMENT IS DONE FOR A NIGHT AT MUZDALFAH, IT IS CALLED WUQUF. • WHO SAID THAT HAJJ IS GREATEST OF ALL WORSHIPS:IMAM MALIK. • HOW MANY UNDESIRABLE ACTS OF IHRAAM ARE THERE: SIX. • HOW MANY PERMITTED ACTS OF IHRAAM ARE THERE:FOUR. • PROHIBITIONS AND RESTRUCTIONS OF IHRAM ARE 8. • THE FIRST AND THE FOREMOST FARZ OF HAJJ AND UMRAH IS IHRAM. • THE FIRST AND INNER MOST CIRCLE AROUND KA’BA IS MASJID-E-HARAM. • THE SECOND CIRCLE AROUND KABA IS MAKKAH MUKARAMAH. • THE THIRD CIRCLE AROUND KABA IS HARAM. • WHO FIRSLY FIXED BOUNDARIES OF HARAM, THE THIRD CIRCLE AROUND KAABA: ADAM. • THE FOURTH CIRLE AROUND KABA IS MOWAQEET. • THE PLACE WHERE NO ONE CAN ADVANCE WITHOUT PUTTING ON IHRAM IS MOWAQEET. • TWO THOUSAND YEARS BEFORE THE CREATION OF ADAM, KABA WAS CONSTRUCTED. • ANGELS BUILT KABA FIRSTLY IN THE UNIVERSE. • DURING THE NOAH’S TIME KAABA DISAPPEARED DUE TO FLOOD. • THE GATE WHICH IS THE BEST FOR THE PILGRIMS TO ENTER IN KABA IS BAB-ESALAM. • HAJR-E-ASWAD MEANS BLACK STONE. • ACTUAL COLOR OF HAJR-E-ASWAD WAS WHITE. • THE SMALL PIECE OF LAND B/WK RUKN-E-ISLAM AND RUKN-E-YAMANI IS CALLED HATEEM. • THE PLACE WHERE OFFERING PRAYER IS JUST LIKE OFFERING PRAYER INSIDE KABA IS HATEEM. • THERE ARE FIVE TYPES OF TAWAF. • HAJJI GO TO AL-MULTAZIM AFTER COMPLETING THE SEVEN ROUNDS. • AL-MULTAZIM MEANS THE PLACE OF HOLDING. • THE PORTION OF THE WALL OF KABA WHICH IS B/W ITS DOOR AND HAJR-E-ASWAD IS CALLED ALMULTAZIM. • SAYEE IS COMMENCED FROM SAFA AND ENDS AT MARWA. • AFTER PERFORMING SAY’EE HUJJAJ GO TO MINA. • MUZDALFA IS A PLAIN. • MUZDALFA IS LOCATED B/W MINA & ARAFAT. • MUZDALFA IS LOCATED SIX MILES FROM MAKKAH. • FROM MINA MUZDALFA IS THREE MILES AWAY. • MUZDALFA IS CALLED SACRED MONUMENT IN QURAN. • AT MUZDALFA MAGHRIB & ISHA PRAYERS ARE OFFERED TOGETHER. • PEBBLES ARE COLLECTED FROM MUZDALFA. • JAMARAT WHICH IS NEAREST TO MAKKAH IS CALLED JAMARAT-UL-UQBA. • SMALLEST JAMARAT IS JAMARAT-AL-SUGHRA. • RAMI IS HELD AT MINA. • TALBIAH IS STOPPED AFTER RAMI. • AFRAD, QAR’RAN AND TAMATAE ARE THE TYPES OF HAJJ. • DHULHULAIFAH IS THE MEEQAT FOR THE PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN. • DHULHULAIFAH IS A POINT SIX MILE FROM MADINA. FASTING • FASTING • FAST MEANS TO STOP. • FASTING MADE OBLIGATORY IN 2ND A.H. • FASTING IS COMMANDED IN AL-BAKARAH. • FEED 60 PEOPLE IS THE ATONEMENT FOR BREAKING THE FAST OR SIXTY SONTINUOUS FASTS.. • BAB-UL-RIAYN IS THE DOOR FOR FAST OBSERVING PEOPLE. • TARRAWIH MEANS TO REST. • BATTLE OF BADR WAS FOUGHT IN VERY FIRST OF RAMZAN ON 17TH. • UMAR ARRANGED THE NAMAZ-E-TARRAWIH. • MONTH OF RAMZAN IS KNOWN AS SAYEED US SHAHOOR. • FIVE DAYS ARE FORBIDDEN FOR FASTING THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. • WAJIB MEANS ORDAINED. • 1ST ASHRA OF RAMZAN=ASHRA-E-REHMAT. • 2ND ASHRA=ASHRA-E-MAGHFIRAT. • 3RD ASHRA=ASHRA-E-NIJAT. ZAKAT ZAKAT • ZAKAT MEANS TO PURIFY. • ZAKAT WAS MADE OBLIGATORY IN 2. A.H. • 7-1/2 IS THE NASAB OF GOLD AND 52-1/2 TOLAS FOR SILVER. • INJUNCTION OF UTILIZATION OF ZAKAT IS IN SURAH-AL TAUBA. • NUMBER OF HEADS FOR DISTRIBUTION OF ZAKAT ARE 8. • ZAKAT MENTIONED ALONG WITH NAMAZ IN THE QURAN 22 TIMES. • 5 CAMELS, 40 GOATS, 3 COWS AND BUFFALOES IS NISAB FOR ZAKAT. • 1/10 IS THE NISAB OF IRRIGATED PRODUCE. • ZAKAT IS TREASURE OF ISLAM; IT IS THE SAYING OF HOLY PROPHET. • USHER MEANS 1/10. • KHUMS MEANS 1/5. • WORD ZAKAT OCCURS IN QURAN FOR 32 TIMES. • IN 2ND A.H THE RATE AND METHOD OF DISTRIBUTION OF ZAKAT WAS DETERMINED AT MADINA. • KHARAJ IS SPOILS OF WAR. • FAY IS INCOME FROM TOWN LANDS. • ZAKAT ON PRODUCE OF MINES IS 1/5TH. • USHR ON ARTIFICIALLY IRRIGATED LAND IS 1/20TH. • AL-GHARMAIN MEANS DEBTORS. • THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF ZAKAT. NAMAZ NAMAZ • 48 TOTAL NUMBERS OF RAKATS ARE IN FARZ PRAYER. • NAMAZ-E-KHASOOF IS OFFERED FOR MOON ECLIPSE. • NAMAZ-E-KASOOF IS OFFERED FOR SOLAR ECLIPSE. • NAMAZ-E-ISTASQA IS OFFERED FOR RAIN. • HOLY PROPHET OFFERED JUMMA PRAYER IN 1. A.H. • NAMAZ-E-ISTASQA IS OFFERED WITH BACKSIDE OF HANDS UPWARD. • HOLY PROPHET OFFERED FIRST EID PRAYER IN 2. A.H. • EID NAMAZ IS WAJIB. • MADURAK IS THE PERSON WHO STARTS PRAYER WITH IMMAM. • MUSBAQ IS THE PERSON WHO COMES AFTER ONE RAKAT. • FAJAR AND ISHA WERE ESSENTIAL IN THE EARLY PERIOD OF ISLAM. • TAHAJUD MEAN ABANDON SLEEP. • QAADA IS TO SIT STRAIGHT IN SALAT. • JASLA IS SHORT PAUSE BETWEEN TWO SAJDAS. • QAUMAA IS STANDING STRAIGHT DURING RUKUS. • A PERSON WHO PERFORMS PRAYER ALONE IS MUNFARID. • FARZ IN WUZU=4, SUNATS=14. • FARZ IN GHUSUAL=3, SUNATS=5 • TYPES OF SUNNAH PRAYER ARE OF TWO TYPES. • IN FAJR, MAGHRIB & WITR NO CHAGE IN FARZ RAKAAT IN CASE OF QASR. • TAKBEER-E-TASHREEQ IS RECITED IN EID-UL-UZHA. • JUMMA PRAYER IS FARZ SALAT. • CONDITIONS OF SALAT ARE SEVEN. • TAKBEER-E-TEHREEMA ARE TO BE SAID IN THE SALAT: ONE. • JASLA IS WAJIB. • TO SIT STRAIGHT IN SALAT IS CALLED QA’ADA. • QA’ADA IS FARZ. • TWO PERSONS ARE REQUIRED FOR A JAMAT PRAYER. • SALAT JUMA BECAME FARZ IN MADINA. • FIVE SALAT MADE COMPULSORY IN 10TH NABVI. ISLAM ISLAM • ISTALAM IS KISSING OF HAJR ASWAD. • ISLAM HAS 2 MAJOR SECTS. • THERE ARE 5 FUNDAMENTS OF ISLAM. • 2 TYPES OF FAITH. • 5 ARTICLES OF FAITH. • TEHLIL MEANS THE RECITATION OF KALIMA. • DEEN-E-HANIF IS AN OLD NAME OF ISLAM. • FIRST INSTITUTION OF ISLAM IS SUFFAH. • HAQ MAHAR IN ISLAM IS FIXED ONLY 400 MISQAL. • IJMA MEANS AGEING UPON ANY SUBJECT. • QAYAS MEANS REASONING BY ANALOGY. • THERE ARE FOUR SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT OF ISLAMIC LAW. • JANATUL BAKI IS SITUATED IN MADINA. • MASJID-E-HANIF IS LOCATED IN MINA. • JANAT UL MOALA IS A GRAVEYARD IN MECCA. • QAZAF: FALSE ACCUSATION OF ADULTERY PUNISHABLE WITH 80 LASHES. • LYLA-TUL-BARRAH MEANS THE NIGHT OF FORGIVENESS. • KARAM-UN-KATIBIN MEANS ILLUSTRIOUS WRITERS. • OLDEST MOSQUE ON EARTH IS KAABATULLAH. • 1ST KALIMA=TAYYAB, 2ND =SHAHADAT, 3RD =TAMJEED, 4TH =TAUHEED, 5TH =ASTAGHFAR, 6TH =RAD-E KUFAR • QIBLAH MEANS ANYTHING IN FRONT. • SAABI IS ONE WHO CHANGES HIS RELIGION. • SIDRAT-UL-MANTAHA MEANS LAST TREE OF THE ETERNITY. • JAABI IS ONE WHO COLLECTS ZAKAT. • FIRST COLLECTION OF AHADITH IS SAHIFAH-E-SAADIQA. • SAYING OF PROPHET ARE CALLED WAHI GHAIR MATLLOO. • IN IMAN-E-MUFASSAL ESSENTIAL BELIEFS ARE 7 IN NUMBER. • THE MOST EXALTED ANGELS ARE FOUR. • GREATEST ANGEL AS PER ISLAM IS JIBRA’EEL. • EACH HUMAN BEING IS ATTENDED PERMANENTLY BY TWO ANGELS. • BARZAKH: TIME PERIOD BETWEEN DEATH AND DAY OF JUDGMENT. • ANOTHER NAME OF SURAH ALI-ISRA IS BANI ISRAEL. BATTLES BATTLES • FIRST GHAZWA IS WIDDAN OR ABWA IN 1 A.H • 624 BATTLE OF BADR.2HIJ 17 RAMDAN • 625 BATTLE OF UHAD. 3HIJ 5 SHAWAL • 626 BATTLE OF RAJIH.4HIJ • 627 BATTLE OF KHANDAQ (AHZAB).5HIJ • 628, TREATY OF HUDAIBIYA, HAZRAT KHALID BIN WALID ACCEPTED ISLAM, CONQUEST OF KHYBER.6HIJ • 629, BATTLE OF MUTAH, PREACHING OF ISLAM TO VARIOUS KINGS.7HIJ • 630, BATTLE OF HUNAIN, CONQUEST OF MAKKAH.8HIJ • 631, BATTLE OF TABUK. 9HIJ • 632, HAJJAT-UL-WIDA.10HIJ • 680, TRAGEDY OF KARBALLAH.61HIJ • BADR IS A VILLAGE. • BATTLE BADAR GHAZWA IS NAMED AS FURQAN. • UHD IS A HILL. • YOM-UL FURAQN IS CALLED TO YOM UL BADAR. • FATH MOBEEN IS CALLED TO SULAH HUDAIBIAH. • NUMBER OF SOLDIERS IN BADAR, MUSLIM 313 KUFAR 1000 • AFTER BADR CONQUEST, PROPHET STAYED FOR 3 DAYS THERE. • BADR WAS FOUGHT FOR 3 TIMES. • MARTYR OF BADR MUSLIMS 14 KUFAR 70 • LEADER OF THE KUFAR IN THIS BATTLE WAS ABU JAHL. • NUMBER OF MUSLIM MARTYRS IN THE BATTLE OF UHAD 70 • IN UHAD QURAISH WERE LAID BY ABU SUFWAN. • IN UHAD NUMBER OF MUSLIM SOLDIERS 1000 KUFAR 3000. • AHZAB MEANS ALLIES. • DITCH DUG ON BORDER OF SYRIA WITH HELP OF 3000 COMPANIONS IN 2 WEEKS. • MUSLIM STRENGTH 1600. • KHYBER WAS CAPTURED IN 20 DAYS. • DURING GHAZWA BANI NUZAIR WINE WAS PROHIBITED. • THE BATTLE OF KHANDAQ IS ALSO KNOWN AN BATTLE OF AHZAB. • CONQUEST OF MAKKAH WAS TOOK PLACE ON 20 RAMZAN. • BATTLE IN WHICH PROPHET NOT PARTICIPATED IS KNOWN AS SARIA. • HAZRAT HAMZA WAS THE FIRST COMMANDER OF ISLAMIC ARMY. • IN UHD BATTLE MUSLIM WOMEN PARTICIPATED FIRSTLY. • BATTLE OF MAUTA WAS THE FIRST NON ARAB WAR. • 3000 WAS THE NUMBER OF MUSIMS AT THE BATTLE OF DITCH. • 10,000 AT THE CONQUEST OF MAKKAH. • 30,000 AT THE TIME OF TABUK. • LAST GHAZWA- TABUK. • FOR 20 DAYS PROPHET STAYED AT TABUK. • TOTAL NUMBER OF SARIAS IS 53 OR 56. • PORPHET WAS THE COMMANDER IN THE EXPEDITION OF TABUK. • FIRST ISLAMIC NON ARAB WAS BATTLE OF MAUTTA 7. A.H.. • THE PERSON KILLED BY THE HOLY PROPHET WAS UBAY BIN KALF. • IN BATTLE OF UHAD, THE TEETH OF HOLY PROPHET WERE MARTYRED. • KHALID BIN WALID WAS TITLED SAIF-UL-ALLAH IN BATTLE MOATA. • ABU JAHAL WAS KILLED IN BATTLE OF BADR BY MAAZ (ADD) • IN HUDABIYA SOHAIL BIN AMRU REPRESENTED QURAYSH. • BATTLE OF HUNAIN FOUGHT B/W MUSLIMS AND HAWAZIN TRIBE. • BATTTLE OF TABUK WAS AGAINST THE ROMAN EMPEROR HERACLIUS. • THE FIRST SHAHEED (MARTYR) WAS AMAAR BIN YAASIR • FIRST FEMALE MARTYR: SUMMAYA (MOTHER OF AMAAR BIN YAASIR) • THE FIRST PERSON TO BE MARTYRED IN THE BATTLE OF BADR WAS THE FREED SLAVE OF HAZRAT UMAR : MUHAJ’JAH • KHALID BIN WALID WAS REMOVED FROM THE SERVICE IN THE REIGN OF HAZRAT UMAR FAROOQ (RA). HE WAS REMOVED IN 17 A.H. • BATTLE OF CHAINS WAS FOUGHT B/W PERSIANS AND THE MUSLIMS. • UMAR BIN ABDUAL AZIZ IS CONSIDERED AS THE 5TH KHALIFA. • ABDUL MALIK WAS THE POET RULER OF UMMAYA. • KARBALLA TOOK PLACE ON 10TH MUHARRAM 61 A.H/ 680 A.D • SALAHUDDIN AYUBI WAS OF ABBASID DYNASTY. • HALAKU KHAN CAME TO POWER AFTER ABBASIDS. • AL QANUN WAS WRITTEN BY IBN-I-SINA. • IBN KHULDUN IS CALLED FOUNDER OF SOCIOLOGY. • TAHAFUT-AL-FALASIFAH WAS WRITTEN BY AL-KHAZALI. • HALAKU KHAN SACKED BAGHDAD IN 1258 A.D. • AL SHIFA A BOOK ON PHILOSOPHY WAS WRITTEN BY IBN SINA. • PROPHET STAYED AT MAKKAH FOR 53 YEARS & IN MEDINA 10 YEARS • MUBHA: AN ACT WHICH BRINGS NEITHER BLESSINGS NOR PUNISHMENT. • NAVAL COMMANDER OF ISLAM, ABU QAYS UNDER HAZRAT USMAN • BATTLE OF CAMEL WAS FOUGHT B/W ALI AND HAZRAT AYSHA. • HAZRAT KHALID BIN WALID ACCEPTED ISLAM IN 8TH A.H. • HAZRAT ALI ESTABLISHED BAIT-UL-MAAL. • DURING THE CALIPHATE OF UMAR (RA) IRAN WAS CONQUERED. • ABU HURAIRAH HAS REPORTED LARGEST NUMBER OF AHADITH. • MASJID AL AQSA IS THE FIRST MOSQUE EVER BUILT ON THE EARTH. • SINDH WAS CONQUERED DURING THE REIGN OF WALID 1. • KHARAJIT IS THE EARLIEST SECT OF ISLAM. • BATTLE OF YERMUK WAS FOUGHT IN 634 A.D.: • KHYBER CONQUEST MADE IN 7TH HIJRA (628 A.D) • THE GHAZWA IN WHICH THE HOLY PROPHET PBUH MISSED FOUR PRAYERS WAS GHAZWA KHANDAQ. • FIRST WOMAN MARTYR SAMIYA BY ABU JAHL. • FIRST MAN MARTYR HARIS BIN ABI HALA. • JIHAD MEANS TO STRIVE HARD. • JIHAD MADE OBLIGATORY IN 2ND A.H. • THE BATTLE WAS FORBIDDEN IN ARABS IN THE MONTH OF MUHARAM. • GHAZWA BADR IS NAMED AS FURQAN. • OHAD IS LOCATED NEAR MADINA. • OHAD IS 3 MILES FROM MADINA. • ABDULLAH BIN UBAI ACCOMPANIED WITH 300 MEN. • 50 ARCHERS WERE POSTED TO PROTECT THE PASS IN OHAD MOUNTAIN. • UMMAY HAKEEM WAS GRAND DAUGHTER OF ABU JEHL. • BANU NUZAIR TRIBE SETTLED IN KHYBER AFTER EXPELLED FROM MADINA. • PROPHET DUG A TRENCH ALONG THE BORDER OF SYRIA. • 3000 MEN DUG THE DITCH. • IN BATTLE OF AHZAB A PIERCING BLAST OF COLD WIND BLEW. • KHYBER IS LOCATED NEAR MADINA AT 200 KM DISTANCE. • THE CENTRE OF JEWISH POPULATION IN ARABIA WAS KHYBER. • AGAINST KHYBER MUSLIM ARMY WAS 1600 MEN STRONG. • KHYBER WAS CAPTURED IN 20 DAYS. • KHYBER IS LOCATED NEAR THE BORDER OF SYRIA. • MOATA WAS SITUATED IN SYRIA. • ARMY OF 3000 MEN WAS SENT TO MOATA UNDER ZAID BIN HARIS. • AFTER THE DEATH OF ZAID BIN HARIS HAZRAT JAAFIAR WAS MADE THE ARMY LEADER AT MOATA. • UNDER KHALID’S LEADERSHIP, BATTLE OF MOATA WAS WON. • BATTLE OF MOATA TOOK PLACE IN 8 HIJRA. • TRIBE OF KHUZA JOINED MUSLIMS AFTER TREATY OF HUDAIBIA. • BATTLE OF HUNAIN FOUGHT IN 8 HIJRA. • MUSLIM ARMY FOR HUNAIN WAS 14 THOUSAND. • SIEGE OF TAIF WAS LAID IN 9 A.H. • TABOOK EXPEDITION TOOK PLACE IN 9 A.H. • IN 9 A.H THERE WAS FAMINE IN HIJAZ. • IN 9 A.H THERE WAS SCARCITY OF WATER IN MADINA. • IN QURAN TABOOK EXPEDITION IS CALLED EXPEDITION OF STRAITNESS. • CONQUEST OF MAKKAH IS CALLED AAM-UL-FATAH. • GHAZWA-E-TABOOK WAS FOUGHT IN 9 A.H. • HAZRAT ABBAS WAS MADE PRISONER OF WAR IN BADR. • ABU JEHL WAS KILLED BY MA-OOZ AND MA-AAZ. • THE LEADER OF TEER-ANDAZ AT JABALE-E-YAHNENE IN THE BATTLE OF OHAD WAS ABDULLAH BIN JABEER. • COMANDER OF INFIDELS IN OHAD WAS ABU SUFYAN. • BATTLE OF TABOOK CAME TO AN END WITHOUT ANY RESULT. • 2 WEEKS WERE SPENT TO DIG THE DITCH. • IN A BATTLE OF TRENCH HAZRAT SAFIA KILLED A JEW. • QAMOOS TEMPLE WAS CONQUERED BY ALI DURING KHYBER WAR. • FOR BATTLE OF TABOOK, ABU BAKR DONATED ALL HIS BELONGINGS. • IN THE BATTLE OF DITCH, THE WRESTLER NAMED UMARO BIN ABAD-E-WAD WAS KILLED BY ALI. • IN HUNAIN MUSLIMS WERE IN MAJORITY THAN TO THEIR ENEMY: • HAZRAT JAAFAR WAS MARTYRED IN MOATA WAR. • IN TABOOK GHAZWA MUSLIMS RETURNED WITHOUT A FIGHT. • GAZWA WIDDAN WAS FOUGHT IN THE MONTH OF ZIL-HAJJ 1 A.H. • IN HUNAIN BATTLE PROPHET WAS LEFT ALONE. • THE PARTICIPANTS OF BATTLE OF BADAR WERE BESTOWED WITH HIGHEST REWARD BY ALLAH. • IN BADR MARTYRS WERE MUHAJIRS=6 & ANSARS=8. • IN THE BATTLE OF TAAIF, CATAPULT WAS USED FIRST TIME BY MUSLIMS. • AGAINST THE SYRIAN TRIBE THE BATTLE OF AL-GHABA WAS WAGED. • FIRST SARIYA UBAIDAH BIN HARIS WAS FOUGHT AT RABAKH IN 1 A.H. • LAST SARIYA HAZRAT SAAD BIN ABI WAQQAS WAS FOUGHT AT SYRIA IN 11 A.H. PROPHETS B • ZUNOON (LORD OF FISH) & SAHIBUL HOOT : YOUNUS. • THE PROPHET WHOSE PEOPLE WERE LAST TO SUFFER DIVINE PUNISHMENT SALEH. • SULEIMAN DIED WHILE STANDING WITH THE SUPPORT OF A STICK. • ASHAB-E-KAHF SLEPT FOR 309 YEARS. • THE NUMBER OF ASHAB-E-KAHF WAS 7. • SALEH INVENTED SOAP. • IDREES WAS EXPERT IN ASTRONOMY. • PROPHET BEFORE MUHAMMAD WAS ISAAC. • HAZRAT ESSA (A.S) WAS CARPENTER BY PROFESSION. • BESIDES ESSA, YAHYA ALSO GOT PROPHET HOOD IN CHILDHOOD. • BAITUL LAHAM IS THE BIRTH PLACE OF HAZRAT ESSA (AS) IS SITUATED IN JERUSALAEM. • ISA WOULD CURE THE VICTIMS OF LEPROSY. • ZAKRIA WAS CONTEMPORARY OF ISA. • ISA WAS THE COUSIN OF YAHYA. • ROMANS KINGDOM WAS ESTABLISHED IN PALESTINE AT ESA’S BIRTH. • ROMANS WERE ATHEISTS. • RULER OF PALESTINE AT THE BIRTH OF ESA WAS HEROD. • MARYUM GREW UP IN THE HOUSE OF ZAKAIYYA. • BESIDES ESA , ADAM WAS ALSO A FATHERLESS PROPHET. • ESA BORN AT BETHLEHEM. • ESA WAS BORN IN 4 B.C. • YAHAYA WAS THE PRECURSOR OF EESSA. • CONTEMPORARY OF YAHYA WAS EESSA. • YAHYA IS BURIED AT SYRIA. • OUR PROPHET HAS THE TITLE HABIBULLAH. • PROPHET DAWOOD HAS THE TITLE NAJEEB ULLAH. • PROPHET JESUS CRIST IS CALLED ROOH-UL-ULLAH. • TUR-E-SINA WAS THE MOUNTAIN WHERE HAZRAT MUSA (AS) RECEIVED ALLAH’S MESSAGE. • HAZRAT MUSA WAS KALIMULLAH. • SCIENCE, ASTRONOMY, WRITING WITH PEN, SEWING AND WEAPONS WERE MADE BY IDREES FIRST OF ALL. • 30 SAHIFAY WAS REVEALED TO IDREES. • AAD WAS THE NATION OF HOOD. • AFTER SEVEN DAY’S CONTINUOUS RAIN AND STORM THE NATION OF HOOD DESTROYED. • NATION OF SAMOOD WAS PREACHED BY SALIH. • MIRACLE OF PREGNANT FEMALE CAMEL WAS SENT TO SAMOOD. • 3 SAHIFAY WERE REVEALED TO IBRAHIM. • ISRAEL WAS THE SON OF ISHAQ. • ISRAEL WAS 147 YEARS OLD WHEN ISHAQ DIED. • MOUNTAINS WOULD BREAK BY THE MIRACLE OF YAQOOB. • MUSA MARRIED THE DAUGHTER OF SHOAIB. • DUE TO ZAKRIA’S PRAYER YAHYA WAS BORN. • YOUSUF REMAINED IN JAIL FOR 10 YEARS. • YOUSUF AND YAQOOB MET EACH OTHER AFTER 40 YEARS. • YOUSUF WAS THE SON OF YAQOOB. • YOUSUF’S FAMILY WAS CALLED THE ISRAEELITES. • REAL BROTHER OF YOUSUF WAS BIN YAMEN. • YOUSUF WAS SOLD AS A SLAVE IN EGYPT. • YOUSUF HAD 12 BROTHERS. • YOUSUF WAS FAMOUS FOR HIS BEAUTY & KNEW FACTS OF DREAMS. • MOTHER OF YOUSUF WAS RACHEL. • YAQOOB LOST HIS EYE-SIGHT IN MEMORY OF YOUSUF. • NATION OF SHOAIB COMMITTED EMBEZZLEMENT IN TRUSTS. • SHOAIB CALLED SPEAKER OF THE PROPHETS.(KHATEEB UL AMBIYA) • SHOAIB GOT BLINDED FOR WEEPING OVER DESTRUCTION OF HIS NATION. • ILYAS PRAYED FOR NATION IT RAINED AFTER A PERIOD OF 312 YEARS. • UZAIR REASSEMBLED ALL COPIES OF TAURAIT. • TALOOT WAS THE FATHER-IN-LAW OF DAWOOD. • DAWOOD WAS GOOD PLAYER OF FLUTE. • FOUNTAIN OF COPPER FLOWED FROM SULAYMAN. • WOODPECKER CONVEYED SULAYMAN’S MESSAGE TO SABA QUEEN. • YOUNUS REMAINED IN FISH FOR 40 DAYS. • KING HERODUS ORDERED THE EXECUTION OF YAHYA. • POLITUS ON ROMAN GOVERNOR’S ORDERS TRIED EXECUTION OF ISA. • DAWOOD IS CALLED AS NAJEEB ULLAH. • IN QURAN TEN COMMANDMENTS ARE NAMED AWAMIR-I-ASHARA. • TEACHER OF HAKEEM LUKMAN WAS DAWOOD. • PROPHETS LIFTED ALIVE ISA,IDREES&ILYAS. • IDREES WAS DIRECTED TO MIGRATE BY ALLAH TO EGYPT. • IDREES WAS THE FIRST MAN TO LEARN TO WRITE. • IDREES WAS TAKEN ALIVE TO HEAVENS AT THE AGE OF 365 Y. • GNOSTICS REGARDED SHEESH AS A DIVINE EMANATION. • GNOSTICS MEANS SHEESINAS AND INHABITED EGYPT. • IDREES WAS SENT TO GNOSTICS. • IDOL WORSHIP WAS FORBIDDEN BY IDRESS TO PEOPLE. • IDRESS WAS SPECIAL FRIEND OF ONE OF THE ANGELS. • IDREES REMAINED IN 4TH HEAVEN. • IDREESS DIED IN THE WINGS OF THE ANGEL. • PIGEON WAS SENT FOR THE SEARCH OF LAND BY NOAH. • SAM, HAM & RIYYAFAS WERE THE CHILDREN OF NOAH. • BANI AAD SETTLED IN YEMEN. • SHADDAD WAS FAMOUS KING OF BANI AAD. • GLORIOUS PALACE NEAR ADAN BUILT BY BANI AAD WAS KNOWN AS GARDEN OF IRAM. • SHADDAD KINGDOM WAS EXTENDED TO IRAQ. • A VIOLENT STORM WAS SENT TO BANI AAD. • GRAVE OF HOOD IS AT HAZARMOAT. • OMAN, YEMEN & HAZARMOAT ARE IN SOUTHERN ARABIA. • IN RAJAB, ARABS VISIT THE GRAVE OF HOOD. • BANI SAMOOD LIVED IN WADI AL-QURA & WADI AL-HAJR. • WADI AL-QURA, WADI AL-HAJR ARE IN SYRIA & HIJAZ. • VOLCANIC ERUPTION WAS SENT TO BANI SAMOOD. • CONTEMPORARY OF IBRAHIM WAS LUT. • HOOD WAS THE UNCLE OF IBRAHEEM. • A DREADFUL EARTHQUAKE WAS SENT TO PEOPLE OF LUUT. • NATIVE AREA OF IBRAHEEM WAS MESOPOTAMIA. • SURNAME OF TERAH WAS AAZAR. • FATHER OF YAAQOOB AND ESAU WAS ISHAQ. • FATHER-IN-LAW OF AYYOOB WAS YAQOOB. • ISHAQ IS BURIED IN PALESTINE. • AGE OF ISHAQ WHEN HE WAS BLESSED WITH TWINS WAS 60 Y. • YUNUS WAS THE TWIN BROTHER OF YAAQOOB. • PROPHET BESTOWED WITH KINGSHIP OF ALLAH: DAWOOD. • DAWOOD WAS A SOLDIER OF TALUT. • DAWOOD LIVED IN BAIT-UL-LAHM. • TALUT WAS ALSO KNOWN AS SAUL. • DAWOOD IS BURIED AT JERUSALEM. • YOUNGEST SON OF DAWOOD WAS SULAYMAAN. • MOTHER OF SULAYMAN WAS SABA. • SULAYMAN ASCENDED THE THRONE OF JOODIA. • SULAYMAAN WAS A GREAT LOVER OF HORSES. • THE RULER OF YEMEN IN THE TIME OF SULAYMAN WAS SABA. • HUD HUD INFORMED SULYMAN ABOUT THE KINGDOM OF YEMEN. • SABA MEANS BILQEES. • WHOSE KINGDOM CAME UNDER A FAMINE IN THE TIMES OF ILYAS: KING OF AHAB. • ILYAS’S NATION WORSHIPPED IDOL NAMD LAL. • ILYAS DISAPPEARED MYSTERIOUSLY. • SUCCESSOR OF ILYAS WAS AL-YA-SAH. • COUSIN OF AL-YA-SAY WHO WAS PROPHET WAS ILYAS. • UZAIR REMAINED DIED FOR 100 YEARS. • FOR 18 YEARS AYYOOB SUFFERED FROM SKIN DISEASE. • REAL NAME OF ZULL KIFL IS ISAIH AND KHARQIL BIN THAURI. • YUNUS DIED IN NINEVEH. • FATHER OF YAHYA WAS ZAKARIYYA. • TRUSTEE OF HEKAL WAS ZAKIRIYYA. • ZAKARIYA HID HIMSELF IN THE COVER OF THE TREE AND WAS CUT INTO TWO PIECES BY JEWS. • MARYUM LIVED AT NAZARETH BEFORE ESA’S BIRTH. • MARYUM MIGRATED TO EGYPT AFTER ESA’S BIRTH. • NUMBER OF HAWARIN OF MOOSA WAS 12. • JEWS AND ROMANS WERE WORRIED ABOUT ESA’S INFLUENCE. • FIRST PROPHET TO DEMARCATE MASJID-E-AQSAA WAS ISHAAQ. • DAWOOD’S REAL NAME WAS ABAR. • AHSAN UL QASAS IS THE LIFE HISTORY OF HAZRAT YOUSIF. • NEBUCHADNEZZER WAS RULER OF BABYLON, HE FOUNDED HANGING GARDEN WHICH IS ONE OF THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD. • QAIDAR WAS ONE OF THE SONS OF ISMAIL WHO STAYED AT HIJAZ. • IDREES USED THE FIRST PEN. • FOUR AMBIYAH ARE STILL PHYSICALLY ALIVE THEY ARE ESA AND IDREES IN THE SKIES AND KHIDR AND ILYAAS ARE ON THE EARTH. PROPHETS A PROPHETS OF ISLAM • ADAM WAS CREATED ON JUMA DAY. • ADAM LANDED IN SRI LANKA ON ADAM’S PEAK MOUNTAIN. • ADAM IS A WORD OF SYRIANI LANGUAGE. • ADAM HAD 2 DAUGHTERS. • KABEEL KILLED HABEEL BECAUSE HE WANTED TO MARRY AKLEEMA. • THE FIRST PERSON TO BE PUT INTO HELL WILL BE QAABIL. • ADAM HAD 3 SONS. • SHEES WAS YOUNGEST SON OF ADAM. • AGE OF ADAM AT SHEESH’S BIRTH WAS 130 YEARS. • ADAM WALKED FROM INDIA TO MAKKAH AND PERFORMED FORTY HAJJ. • ADAM KNEW 100 000 LANGUAGES. (ROOHUL BAYAAN) • ABUL BASHER IS CALLED TO HAZRAT ADAM. • HAZRAT ADAM BUILT FIRST MOSQUE ON EARTH. • HEIGHT OF ADAM WAS 90 FEET. • AGE OF ADAM AT THE TIME OF HIS DEATH 950 YEARS. • HAZRAT ADAM’S GRAVE IS IN SAUDI ARABIA. • SECOND PROPHET IS SHEESH. • SHEESH PASSED AWAY AT THE AGE OF 912 YEARS. • NOAH GOT PROPHETHOOD AT THE AGE OF 40 • NOAH’S ARK WAS 400 X 100 YARDS AREA. • ARK OF NOAH STOPPED AT JUDI MOUNTAIN (TURKEY). • NOAH PREACHED FOR 950 YEARS. • NATION OF NOAH WORSHIPPED 5 IDOLS. • NATION OF NOAH WAS EXTERMINATED THROUGH THE FLOOD. • PIGEON WAS SENT FOR THE SEARCH OF LAND BY HAZRAT NOOH. • NOAH WAS SENT TO IRAQ. • 2242 YEARS AFTER ADAM, TOOFAN-E-NOAH OCCURRED. • ABOUT 80 PEOPLE WERE WITH HIM IN THE BOAT. • DURATION OF STORM OF NOAH WAS FOR 6 MONTHS. • NOAH LIVED FOR 950 YEARS. • NOOH IS CALLED PREDECESSOR, NAJI ULLAH; SHAIKH UL AMBIYA. • ABU UL BASHR SANI IS TITLE OF NOAH. • AFTER TOOFAN-E-NOOH , THE CITY ESTABLISH WAS KHASRAN • IBRAHIM WAS THROWN INTO THE FIRE BY THE ORDER OF NAMRUD. • HAZRAT IBRAHEEM INTENDED TO SACRIFICE ISMAEEL AT MINA. • IBRAHIM WAS BORN AT AMER NEAR EUPHRATE (IRAQ) • IBRAHEEM WAS FIRSTLY ORDERED TO MIGRATE TO PALESTINE. • FIRST WIFE OF IBRAHEEM WAS SAARAH. • SECOND WIFE OF IBRAHEEM WAS HAAJIRAH. • AZAAB OF MOSQUITOES WAS SENT TO THE NATION OF IBRAHIM • ABRAHAM IS CALLED KHALILULLAH, FATHER OF PROPHETS AND IDOL DESTROYER. • AGE OF ABRAHAM AT THE TIME OF HIS DEATH 175 YEARS. • GRAVE OF ABRAHAM IS IN ISRAEL.(SYRIA CHK IT). • IBRAHIM IS BURIED AT HEBRON IN JERUSALEM. • ABRAHEM INVENTED COMB. • HAZRAT LOOT WAS CONTEMPORARY OF HAZARAT IBRAHEEM • ABRAHAM REMAINED IN FIRE 40 DAYS. • TERAH OR AAZER WAS THE FATHER OF IBRAHEEM. • GRAVE OF LUT IS IN IRAQ. • LUUT DIED AT PALESTINE AND IS BURIED AT HEBRON. • IBRAHEEM WAS THE UNCLE OF LUUT. • LOOT WAS MATERNAL GRANDFATHER OF AYUB. • HAZART LOOT WAS THE FIRST TO MIGRATE. • LUUT RESIDED AT UR NEAR MESOPOTAMIA. • LUUT MIGRATED TO SODOM AND GOMORRAH • ISMAEEL IS CALLED ABU-AL-ARAB. • MOTHER OF ISMAEEL WAS HAAJRAH. • ISHAAQ BUILT BOUNDARIES OF MASJID-E-AQSAA. • ISHAAQ WAS SENT TO JEWS. • AT MUQAM-E-IBRAHEEM, THERE ARE IMPRINTS OF IBRAHEEM. • IBRAHIM WAS FIRST PERSON TO CIRCUMCISE HIMSELF AND HIS SON. • SARA WIFE OF IBRAHIM AND MOTHER OF ISHAQ WAS SISTER OF LOOT. • HAJRA THE WIFE OF IBRAHIM WAS DAUGHTER OF PHAROAH OF EGYPT. • IBRAHIM WAS 86 YEARS OLD WHEN ISMAEL WAS BORN. • IBRAHIM WAS ORDERED TO MIGRATE ALONG WITH FAMILY TO VALLEY OF BATHA MEANING MAKKAH. • IBRAHIM WAS SENT TO JORDAN AFTER LEAVING HAAJRAH AND ISMAEEL • AGE OF IBRAHEEM AT THE BIRTH OF ISHAQ WAS 100 YEARS AND OF SAARAH WAS 90 YEARS. • FIRST WIFE OF IBRAHIM RESIDED AT PALESTINE. • IBRAHIM INTENDED TO SACRIFICE ISMAEEL AT MINA ON 10TH ZUL HAJJ. • AS A RESULT OF SACRIFICE OF ISMAEL, IBRAHIM WAS GIFTED A BABY FROM SAARAH NAMED ISHAQ. • ZAM ZAM EMERGED FROM BENEATH THE FOOT OF HAZRAT ISMAEEL IN THE VALLEY OF BATHA (MAKKAH). • HAZRAT ISMAIL DISCOVERED HAJAR-E-ASWAD. • ISMAEEL HAD 15 SONS. • ZABEEULLAH AND ABU AL ARAB ARE CALLED TO HAZRAT ISMAEEL. • ISMAEL DIVORCED HIS WIFE BEING DISCOURTEOUS. • JIBRAEL BROUGHT SACRED STONE TO ISMAEL. • ORIGINAL COLOUR OF THE SACRED STONE WAS WHITE. • GABRIEL GAVE THE NEWS OF ISHAAQ TO IBRAHIM. • ISHAQ MARRIED REBECCA. • OLD NAME OF MAKKAH WAS BATHA. • HAZRAT IDRESS WAS EXPERT IN ASTRONOMY. • UZAIR BECAME ALIVE AFTER REMAINING DEAD FOR ONE HUNDRED YEARS. • WHALE SWALLOWED HAZRAT YOUNUS (AS).(CHK) • HAZRAT YAQUB HAS THE TITLE OF ISRAEL • 1 LAC 24 THOUSAND- TOTAL NUMBER OF PROPHETS. • HAZRAT IDREES WAS THE FIRST WHO LEARNT TO WRITE. • HOW MANY SAHIFAY WERE REVEALED TO HAZRAT IDREES (AS)? 30 • PROPHET YAHYA A.S WAS SENT TO PEOPLE OF JORDAN. • HAZRAT IDREES (A.S) SET UP 180 CITIES. • PROPHET ISHAQ A.S LOST HIS EYE SIGHT IN OLD AGE. • HAZRAT DAWOOD COULD MOULD IRON EASILY WITH HIS HAND. • THE EVENT OF RING IS RELATED TO HAZRAT SULAIMAN. • HAZARAT MOOSA(A.S) HAD IMPEDIMENT IN HIS TONGUE • MOOSA WAS GRANTED 9 MIRACLES. • MUSA CROSSED THE RED SEA. • THE PROPHET MENTIONED IN QURAN FOR MOST OF TIMES IS MOOSA. • TEN COMMANDMENTS WERE REVEALED ON MOOSA. • MOOSA DIED ON ABAREEM MOUNTAIN. • GRAVE OF MUSA IS IN ISRAEL. • TEACHER OF MOOSA WAS SHOAIB. • MOOSA WAS BROUGHT UP BY AASIA BINT MOZAHIM. • ELDER BROTHER OF MOOSA WAS HAROON. • MOOSA HAD ONLY ONE BROTHER. • IN TOOWA VALLEY MOOSA WAS GRANTED PROPHETHOOD. • AN EGYPTIAN WAS KILLED BY MOOSA. • HAROON WAS AN ELOQUENT SPEAKER. • HAROON IS BURIED AT OHAD. • HAROON & MUSA BOTH WERE PROPHETS AND CONTEMPORARIES. • PROPHET AYUB SUFFERED FROM SKIN DISEASE. • HAZRAT AYUB WAS FAMOUS FOR HIS PATIENCE. • THE MIRACLE OF DROMEDARY (CAMEL) IS CONCERNED WITH SALEH • 4 PROPHETS WERE SENT TO BANI ISRAEEL. • 722 LANGUAGES WERE UNDERSTOOD BY HAZRAT IDREES. • HAZRAT SALEH INVENTED SOAP. • KALORI: HILL, FROM WHERE ISA WAS LIFTED ALIVE. • ZIKRAIYA WAS CARPENTER. • HARZAT ZIKRAIYA WAS CUT WITH THE SAW. • ADAM & DAWOOD ARE ADDRESSED AS KHALIFA IN QURAN. • SULAIMAN & DAWOOD UNDERSTOOD LANGUAGE OF THE BIRDS. • THE TREE OF DATE PALM GREW ON THE EARTH FOR THE FIRST TIME. • AT HANIF MOSQUE AT MINA ALMOST 70 PROPHETS ARE BURIED. • PROPHETS ATTACHED WITH THE PROFESSION OF WEAVING ARE ADAM, IDREES & SHAEET. • HAZRAT YOUNUS WAS EATEN BY SHARK FISH. • YOUNUS PRAYED LAILAH ANTA SUBHANAK INI KUNTUM MINAZALIMIN IN THE BELLY OF FISH. • GRAVE OF DAWOOD IS IN ISRAEL. • YAHYA’S TOMB IS IN DAMASCUS. • BILAL HABSHI IS BURIED IN DAMASCUS. • PROPHET WITH MELODIOUS VOICE DAWOOD. • ALIVE PROPHETS ARE ISA & KHIZR. AL-QURAN B • IKHLAS MEANS PURITY OF FAITH. • FALAK MEANS DAWN. • UN-NASS MEANS MANKIND. • AL-ALQ MEANS CLOT OF BLOOD. • ALM NASHRAH MEANS EXPANSION. • UZ-ZUKHRUF MEANS ORNAMENTS. • SURAH RAHMAN IS IN 27TH PARA. • BRIDE OF QURAN IS RAHMAN SURAH. • SURAH YASIN IS IN 22ND AND 23RD PARA. • PRESENT SHAPE OF QURAN IS TAUFEEQI. • QURAN IS THE GREATEST MIRACLE OF PROPHET. • WORD SURAH HAS OCCURRED IN QURAN 9 TIMES. • FIRST SEVEN AAYATS OF QURAN ARE CALLED TAWWAL. • THE ALPHABET ALF COMES MOST OF TIMES AND ALF, ZUWAD ALPHABET COMES LEAST NUMBER OF TIMES. • QURAN IS WRITTEN IN PROSE & POETRY. • QURAN IS ALSO REGARDED AS A MANUAL OF SCIENCE. • SURAH ALQ IS BOTH MAKKI AND MADNI. • NAME OF MUHAMMAD IS MENTIONED IN QURAN FOR 4 TIMES. • ADAM IS MENTIONED IN SURAH AARAF. • FIRST SINDHI TRANSLATION OF QURAN BY AAKHUND AZIZULLAH HALAI • TORAT MEANS LIGHT. • ZABOOR MEANS PIECES/ BOOK WRITTEN IN BIG LETTERS. • INJEEL MEANS GOOD NEWS. • 99 NUMBER OF AAYATS DESCRIBE KHATAM-E- NABUWAT. • COMMAND AGAINST JUVA & AMPUTATION OF HANDS CAME 8TH A.H • LAWS ABOUT ORPHANAGE REVEALED IN 3 A.H. • LAWS ABOUT ZINA REVEALED IN 5 A.H. • LAWS ABOUT INHERITANCE REVEALED IN 3 A.H. • IN 4TH A.H WINE WAS PROHIBITED. • THE ORDER OF HIJAB FOR WOMEN REVELED IN 4TH A.H. • ABLUTION MADE OBLIGATORY IN 5TH A.H. • IN SURAH AL-NISA THE COMMANDMENT OF WUZU IS PRESENT. • PROCEDURE OF ABLUTION IS PRESENT IN SURAH MAIDAH. • IN 4 A.H TAYAMMUM WAS GRANTED. • INTEREST WAS PROHIBITED IN 8TH A.H. • THE ORDER OF HIJIAB REVELED IN 8TH HIJRAH. (CHK) • DURING GHAZWA BANU MUSTALIQ THE COMMAND OF TAYAMUM WAS REVELED. • QURAN RECITED IN MEDINA FIRSTLY IN THE MOSQUE NABUZDEEQ. • QURAN VERSE ABROGATING A PREVIOUS ORDER IS CALLED NAASIKH. • FIRST MAN TO RECITE QURAN IN MAKKAH: ABDULLAH BIN MASOOD. • FORMS OF REVELATION GRANTED TO PROPHET WERE 3 (WAHI, KASHF, DREAM) • FIRST METHOD OF REVELATION OF QURAN WAHI. • KASHF MEANS VISION. • INITIALLY QURAN WAS PRESERVED IN MEMORY FORM. • AFTER UMAR’S DEATH, COPY OF QURAN WAS PASSED ON TO HAFSA. • ONLY SAHABI MENTIONED IN QURAN ZAID BIN HARIS.(SURAH AHZAB) • PARADISE IS MENTIONED IN QURAN FOR150 TIMES. • SECTION OF PARADISE IN WHICH PROPHETS WILL DWELL MAHMOOD. • DOORS OF HELL ARE 7. • SUBTERRANEAN PART OF HELL IS HAWIA. • NUMBER OF ANGLES OF HELL 19. • GATE-KEEPER OF HELL MALIK. • GATE-KEEPER OF HEAVEN RIZWAN. • PLACE OF HEAVEN AT WHICH PEOPLE WHOSE GOOD DEEDS EQUAL BAD DEEDS WILL BE KEPT IN AARAF. • A TREE IN HELL EMERGING FROM ITS BASE IS ZAKOON. • NAME OF THE MOUNTAIN OF HELL IS SAUD. • HEAVEN ON EARTH WAS BUILT BY SHADAD. • THE WORD ISLAM HAS BEEN USED AT 92 PLACES IN THE HOLY QURAN. • FIRST REVELATION WRITTEN BY KHALID BIN SAEED • LAST WAHI WRITTEN BY ABI IBN KAAF. • LAST WAHI CAME ON3RD RABIUL AWAL 11 A.D • IN 15TH PARA THE EVENT OF MIRAJ IS MENTIONED. • EXCEPT THE NAME OF MARYAM THE NAME OF NO OTHER WOMAN HAS COME EXPLICITLY IN THE QURAN. • IBLEES WILL NOT BE PUNISHED WITH FIRE BUT WITH COLD. • IBLEES’S REFUSAL TO PROSTRATE BEFORE MAN IS MENTIONED IN QURAN FOR 9 TIMES. • IBLEES MEANS “DISAPPOINTED ONE”. • AL-KAUSAR RELATES TO DEATH OF QASIM AND HAZRAT ABDULLAH • JIBRAIL CAME 24 000 TIMES INTO THE COURT OF THE PROPHET. • QURAN HAS BEEN TRANSLATED INTO FIFTY LANGUAGES TO DATE. • IF A WOMAN MARRIES THE SECOND TIME, SHE WILL BE IN JANNAH WITH THE SECOND HUSBAND. (HADITH) • THE EARTH AND THE HEAVEN WERE CREATED BY ALLAH IN 6 DAYS; IT IS DESCRIBED IN SURAH YUNUS. • ZAID BIN THABIT COLLECTED THE QURAN IN THE FORM OF BOOK. • TARJUMANUL QURAN ABDULLAH BIN ABBAS. • IN SURAH MUZZAMIL VERSE 73 READING QURAN SLOWLY AND CLEARLY IS ORDAINED. • 4 MOSQUE MENTIONED IN HOLY QURAN. • JIBRAEEL IS REFERRED IN QURAN AS AR-ROOH. • IN QURAN ROOH-AL-QUDUS IS JIBRAEL IT MEANS HOLY SPIRIT. • IN QURAN ROOH-AL-AMEEN IS JIBRAEL. • INCHARGE OF PROVISIONS IS MEKAEEL. • THE ANGEL WHO WAS SENT TO PROPHETS AS A HELPER AGAINST ENEMIES OF ALLAH WAS JIBRAEEL. • THE ANGEL WHO SOMETIMES CARRIED ALLAH’S PUNISHMENT FOR HIS DISOBEDIENTS WAS JIBRAEEL. • JIBRAEL IS MENTIONED IN QURAN FOR THREE TIMES. • OLD TESTAMENT IS THE TORAIT. • NEW TESTAMENT IS INJEEL. • PSALMS IS ZUBOOR. • GOSPAL IS INJEEL. • PROPHET IS CALLED FARQALEET IN INJEEL. • TAHARAT-E-SUGHRA IS WUZU. • THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF FARZ. • SALOOS-UL-QURAN IS SURAH IKHLAS. • AROOS-UL-QURAN I.E BRIDE OF QURAN IS AL-REHMAN. • MEANING OF BAQARAH: THE GOAT • IN SURAH WAQIYA THE WORD AL-QURAN UL HAKEEM IS USED. • FIRST WAHI WAS REVEALED ON 17 RAMZAN. • TWO SURAHS ARE NAMED WITH ONE LETTER HEADING. • SURAH BAQARA & ALE IMRAN ARE KNOWN AS ZUHRAVEEN. • WINE IS TERMED IN QURAN AS KHUMAR. • THE FIRST AUTHORITY FOR THE COMPILATION OF AHADIS IS . • SAHIH BUKHARI CONTAINS 7397 AHADIS. ISLAMIAT Paper 2013 ISLAMIAT Paper 2013 Q.No.1. Select the best option/answer: 1. The largest Surah of the Quran is: a. Al-Baqrah b. Aali Imran c. Al-Taubah d. Surah Younus e. None of these 2. Fidk Garden was bestowed to the Holy Prophet (SAW) as: a. Fay b. Booty c. Gift d. Loan e. None of these 3. Arbeen is the book of Hadith in which there are: a. 40 Ahadith b. 50 Ahadith c. 30 Ahadith d. 20 Ahadith e. None of these 4. The heads of Zakat are: a. 8 b. 9 c. 7 d. 5 e. None of these 5. Mauwazatain mean: a. A Collection of Ahadith b. Two specific Surah of Quran c. A book of Jafferi Fiqh d. A book of Hanafi Fiqh e. None of these 6. The numbers of famous months are: a. 4 b. 6 c. 7 d. 2 e. None of these 7. Jabal-e-Noor is situated in: a. Arafat b. Ghar-i-Hira c. Ghar-i-Saur d. Madinah e. None of these 8. Which country is known as the “Land of Prophet”? a. Iraq b. Saudi Arabia c. Palestine d. Syria e. None of these 9. Zou-Shahadatein is the title of Hazrat: a. Khuzaima Bin Sabit (RA) b. Huzaifa Bin Yaman (RA) c. Ammar Bin Yasir (RA) d. Imam Abu Hanifa e. None of these 10. Sura Saba i: a. Makki b. Madani c. Iraqi d. Makki Madni e. None of these 11. Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah twice? a. Al-Nahal b. Al-Namal c. Al-Ahzab d. Al-Noor e. None of these 12. Imam-e-Darul-Hijra was a title of: a. Imam Ahmad b. Imam Maalik c. Imam Shafai d. Imam Muhammad e. None of these 13. Masjid Qiblatain is situated in: a. Madinah b. Makkah c. Taif d. Jabal e Noor e. None of these 14. Which is a religious book of Hinduism? a. Injeel b. Taurat c. Ramain d. Bibel e. None of these 15. The first Islamic month is: a. Muharram b. Zil Hajjah c. Safar d. Rajab e. None of these 16. Which was the total number of idols were in the Kaaba? a. 260 b. 360 c. 460 d. 560 e. None of these 17. Batha Valley is situated in: a. Makkah b. Madinah c. Iraq d. Jordan e. None of these 18. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) gave the key of Bait-Ullah permanently to: a. Ummrah bin Utba b. Hanzla bin Abil Amir c. Usman Bin Talha d. Abdullah bin Amir e. None of these 19. AshabusSabt mean: a. Jews b. Christians c. Muslims d. Sabieen e. None of these 20. The word Muhammad (SAW) as a name has been mentioned in Quran only: a. Two time b. Four time c. Six time d. Seven time e. None of these Islamiat-General Knowledge Mcqs Islamiat-General Knowledge Mcqs Islam definaion The word Islam is derived from the Arabic Word “salam” is to obedience or the peace it is named Islam because it commands obedience and submission to the will of Allah. Important Articles of Islam There are five fundamentals of Islam namely:1. TOuheed (believe in Oneness of Allah) 2.Salat (Namaz) 3.Zakat 4.fasting/Saum (Roza) 5.Hajj. Kalimas There are six Kalimas 1.Kalima Tayab 2.Kalma Shahdat 3.Kalma Tamjeed 4.Kalma Tauheed 5.Kalma Istighfar 6.Kalma Rad-e-Kufr Rakats in Namaz 1. Fajr ( 4 Rakats) 2 Sunnat+ 2 Farz = total =4 2.Zuhr= 4 SUNNAT+4 FARZ+2SUNNAT+ 2 NAFL = 12 RAKATS 3..ASR= 4 SUNNAT + 4 FARZ = 8 RAKATS 4.MAGHRIB= 3 FARZ + 2 SUNNAT+ 2 NAFAL 5.ISHA= 4 SUNNAT+ 4 FARZ+ 2 SUNNAT+ 2NAFL+ 3 WITR + 2 FARZ = 17 SOURCES OF ISLAMIC LAWS 1. QURAN 2.HADITH 3.IJMA 3.IJTEHAD 4.QIYAS INFORMATION ABOUT QURAN 1. No of surahas in Quran 114 surahas 2.NO of Paras in Holy Quran = 30 Paras 3.No of Ayats= 6666 4.First Surah of Quran = Surah-e-Fatiha 5.Last Surah of Quran= Surah-e-Nas 6.Longest Surah of Quran= Surah-e- Bakar 7.Shortest Surah of Quran= Surah-e- Kausar 8.First Reavled surah = Surah Al- ALaq 9.years to COmplete Quran= Approximately 23 years 10.Rukoos= 558 Rukoos 11. Number of Makis Suraha= 87 surahs 12.Number of Madni Surhas= 27 13. subject of Holy Quran= Human Being is the subject of HOly Quran Islamiat Solved Importan Mcqs From Past Papers For PSC,PMS, CSS Exam Islamiat Paper – 2005 Solved MCQs 1). Which Surah starts without Bismillah: a) Al-Baqara b) Al-Nisa c) Al-Toba d) Al-Ikhlas c) Al-Toba 2). A male is coffined/wrapped in __ dressed sheets: a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 c) 3 3). Amount of zakat cannot be used in _____ . a) Madrassah b) Mosque c) Hospital b) Mosque 4). What is Sahihain: a) Mishkat b) Bukhari c) Bukhari and Muslim d) Ibne Majah c) Bukhari and Muslim 5). Jehad become mandatory in ___Hijra: a) 1 AH b) 2 AH c) 3 AH d) 4 AH b) 2 AH 6). Which one is called Masha’ar-ul-Haram: a) Mina valley b) Muzdalifa valley c) Arafat b) Muzdalifa valley 7). Who was the first martyre in Islam: a) Hazrat Hamza (RA) b) Hazrat Yasir (RA) c) Hazarat Sumaya (RA) c) Hazarat Sumaya (RA) 8). Who first embraced Islam among women: a) Hazrat Fatima (RA) b) Hazrat Zainab (RA) c) Hazrat Khadija (RA) d) Hazrat Ayesha (RA) c) Hazrat Khadija (RA) 9). What is Istelam: a) Salam to Kaaba b) Salam to Hajre Aswad c) Kissing Hajre Aswad d) Praying at Muqam –e-Ibrahim c) kissing Hajre Aswad 10). Who collected Quranic verses in one place: a) Hazrat Umar (RA) b) Hazrat Abdullah ibne Abbas (RA) c) Hazrat Abdullah ibne Masud (RA) d) Hazrat Usman (RA) d) Hazrat Usman (RA) Islamiat Paper – 2006 Solved MCQs 1. How much Surah the Quran contains: a.124 b.109 c. 114 d. 220 c. 114 2. The Nisab of Zakat in gold is: a.18 Tolas b. 24 Tolas c. 7 ½ Tolas d. 35 Tolas c. 7 ½ Tolas 3. A Verse of the Holy Quran indicates the name of: a. Hazrat Usman b. Hazrat Muaaz c. Hazrat Saad d. Hazrat Zaid d. Hazrat Zaid 4. A Muslim female is coffined in: a. Eight Sheets b. Five Sheets c. One Sheet d. Ten Sheets b. Five Sheets 5. The original name of Imam Bukhari is: a. Saeed bin Hatem b. Ali b. Zaid c. Ismail d. Muhammad bin Ismail d. Muhammad bin Ismail 6. Makka was conquered in: a. 5 A.H b.10 A.H c. 2 A.H d. 8 A.H d. 8 A.H 7. Qurbani (Holy Slaughtering)is made during Hajj at: a. Arafat b. Mina c. Muzdalifa d. Safa b. Mina 8. Jami-i-Quran is taken for: a. Hazrat Ali (R.A) b. Hazrat Saad (R.A) c. Hazrat Usman (R.A) d. Hazrat Masood (R.A) c. Hazrat Usman (R.A) 9. Pious-Caliphate lasted for about: a. Eighteen Years b. Twenty Years c. Thirty Years d. Five Years c. Thirty Years 10. Gathering on Arafat during Hajj is made on: a. 9th Zil Hajjah b. 3rd Ramazan c. 2nd Safar d. 18 Shawal a. 9th Zil Hajjah Islamiat Paper – 2007 Solved MCQs 1. How many stages the Quran contains? (a) 8 (b) 7 (c) 9 (d) 12 (b) 7 2. Who was the first writer of “Wahi” in Quraish? (a) Harat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA) (b) Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA) (c) Hazrat Abdulla bin Zubair (RA) (d) Hazrat Ibn Masuod (RA) (b) Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA) 3. Kitab-ul-Assar is compiled by: (a) Imam Abu Hanifah (RA) (b) Imam Shafi (RA) (c) Imam Malik (RA) (d) Imam Humbal (RA) (a) Imam Abu Hanifah (RA) 4. Imam Shafi took the office of “Religious Judgment” in the age of: (a) 13 years (b) 14 years (c) 20 years (d) 15 years (d) 15 years 5. What was the name of faster sister of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? (a) Hazrat Salmah (RA) (b) Hazrat Raqiyyah (RA) (c) Hazrat Mariah (RA) (d) Hazrat Shima (RA) (d) Hazrat Shima (RA) 6. Namaz-e-Istisqa” is prayer for: (a) Blessing of God (b) Pardon (c) Rain (d) Sleep (c) Rain 7. Who is called “saqi zam zam”? (a) Hazrat Abbas (RA) (b) Hazrat Hamzah (RA) (c) Hazrat Muaz bin Jabal (RA) (d) Hazrat Muawiyah (RA) (a) Hazrat Abbas (RA) 8. The “Kissing of the Hajr-e-Aswad” is called: (a) Saee (b) Mabroor (c) Istelam (d) Shaut (c) Istelam 9. What is the number of Ramzan in the Islamic Calender? (a) 8th (b) 9th (c) 10th (d) 11th (b) 9th 10. Give the name, who compiled first work of Hadith “Sahifa-e-Sadiqa.” (a) Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) (b) Imam Muslim (RA) (c) Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr (RA) (d) Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA) (d) Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA) __________________ Islamiat Paper – 2008 Solved MCQs i. Who advised Abu Bakr (R.A) to compile the Quran: a. Hazrat Umar (R.A) b. Hazrat Uthman (R.A) c. Hazrat Ali (R.A) d. Hazrat Zaid (R.A) a. Hazrat Umar (R.A) ii. The Nisab of Zakat in Silver is: a. 40 Tolas b. 50 Tolas c. 50 ½ Tolas d. 52 ½ Tolas d. 52 ½ Tolas iii. The Prophet made Hazrat Muaaz bin Jabal the Governor of: a. Kufa b. Makkah c. Medina d. Yaman d. Yaman iv. Who are the “Sahibain”? a. Abu Hanifah and Abu Yusuf b. Abu Hanifah and Imam Shaibani c. Abu Yusuf and Imam Shaibani d. Abu Hanifah and Imam Shafi c. Abu Yusuf and Imam Shaibani v. Hajj is not completed unless you go to: a. Makkah b. Medina c. Mina d. Arafat d. Arafat vi. “Kitab-al-Umm” is written by: a. Abu Hanifa b. Imam Malik c. Imam Shafi d. Ahmad bin Hambal c. Imam Shafi vii. The foundation of Bait Ul-Hikmah was laid down during: a. Abbasid Period b. Ummayad Dynasty c. Fatmid d. Sub-Continent a. Abbasid Period viii. What is the number of month “Rajab” in Islamic Calendar? a. First b. 7th c. 5th d. Eleventh b. 7th ix. First Mujadid was Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Who was the second one? a. Ibn-e-Taimya b. Imam Ghizali c. Ahmad Sirhindi d. Shah Waliullah c. Ahmad Sirhindi x. Sahifa Hammam bin Munabih was found by: a. Mufti M. Abduhu b. Rasheed Ahmad Raza c. Dr. Hamidullah d. Dr. Zakir Naik c. Dr. Hamidullah xi. In which Surat of Quran there is mention of Zulqarnain? a. A’ssuff b. Alkahaf c. Al Mujadala b. Alkahaf xii. Muslims are the best of all due to: a. Justice b. Moderation c. Truthfulness b. Moderation xiii. Sahib Us-Ser is the nickname of: a. Hazrat Khuzaifa (R.A) b. Hazrat Uqba (R.A) c. Hazrat Saad (R.A) a. Hazrat Khuzaifa (R.A) xiv. Masjide Khief is located in: a. Muzdilifa b. Arafaat c. Minna c. Minna xv. Ghaseel ul Malaika is the title of: a. Hazrat Abu Talha (R.A) b. Hazrat Abu Dahana (R.A) c. Hazrat Hanzala (R.A) d. Hazrat Saad (R.A) c. Hazrat Hanzala (R.A) xvi. Who was appointed as Usher for Hijrat-e-Madinah? a. Hazrat Saad bin Ubada (R.A) b. Hazrat Utab bin Usaid (R.A) c. Hazrat Abdullah bin Ariqat (R.A) c. Hazrat Abdullah bin Ariqat (R.A) xvii. Who was a historian jurist, philosopher, as well as a politician? a. Shams uddin Ibni Khalkan b. Abdur Rehman Ibni Khaldoon c. Abu Bakar Muhammad Ibni Yahya b. Abdur Rehman Ibni Khaldoon xviii. When law of inheritence was revealed? a. Three Hijre b. Four Hijree c. Five Hijree b. Four Hijree xix. Who was the last Commander in Chief for Ghazwa-e-Mautah? a. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) b. Abdur Rehman bin Auf (R.A) c. Abdullah bin Rawaha (R.A) a. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) xx. Imam Dar ul Hijrat is the title of: a. Imam Ahmad bin Hunbal b. Imam Malik c. Imam Shafee b. Imam Malik Islamiat Paper – 2009 Solved MCQs 1). The word Muhammad (SAW) as a name has been mentioned in Quran only: (a) Two times (b) Four times c) Six times d) Seven times (d) None of these (b) Four times 2). Khateeb –ul-Anbia as a title of: (a) Hazrat Idress (AS) (b) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) (C) Hazrat Yaqoob (AS) (d) Hazrat Shoaib (AS) (e) None of these (d) Hazrat Shoaib (AS) 3). Hazrat Umer (RA) appointed as custodian of Bait-ul-Mal: (a) Abdullah bn Irqum (RA) (b) Abdullah bin Umar (RA) (c) Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) (d) Abudllah bin Zubair (RA) e)None of these e) None of these (Abdullah bin Masud) 4). The effective Zakat System can ensure the elimination of: (a) Poverty (b) Interest (c) Class Distinction (d) Ignorance e) None of these (a) Poverty 5). A Verse of the Holy Quran indicates the name of: (a) Hazarat Muaaz (RA) (b) Hazrat Bilal (RA) (c) Hazrat Saad (RA) (d) Hazrat Zaid (RA) e) None of these (d) Hazrat Zaid (RA) 6). Masjid Zu Qiblatain is situated in : (a) Madina (b) Mukkah (c) Taif (d) Jabal-e-Noor (e) None of these (a) Madina 7). Who was a Historian, justice, philospher as well as Politician? (a) Shams ud din bin Khalkan (b)Abdur Rehman bin Khaldun (c) Abu Bakar Muhammad Yahya (d) Muhammad bin Essa (e) None of these (b) Abdur Rehman bin Khaldun 8). Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah twice: (a) Al Nehal (b) Al Namal (c) Al Ahzaab (d) Al Noor (e) None of these (b) Al Namal 9). Had -e- Qazaf (False Accusation) is: (a) 50 Lashes (b) 70 Lashes c) 80 Lashes (d) 90 Lashes (e) None of these (c) 80 Lashes 10). Ada Bin Hatam Thai embraced Islam in: (a) 3 Hijri (b) 6 Hijri (c) 9 Hijri (d) 11 Hijri (e) None of these (c) 9 Hijri 11). Wealth obtained from a mine is liable to: (a) Zakat (b) Khumus (c) Sulus (d) Rubah (e) None of these (b) Khumus 12). Sadaq-e-Eid-ul-fitr has been proclaimed in the year: (a) 2 Hijri (b) 3 Hijri (c) 4 Hijri (d) 5 Hijri (e) None of these (a) 2 Hijri 13). Imam-e-Dar-ul-Hijrat was a title of: (a) Imam Ahmad (b) Imam Malik (v) Imam Shaafi (d) Imam Muhammad (e) None of these (b) Imam Malik 14). The seal affixed on important letters by prophet (SAW) was in the Custody of: (a) Hazrat Ali (RA) (b) Hazrat Qais RA (c) Hazrat khuzaifa (RA) (d) Hazrat Bilal (RA) (e) None of these (c) Hazrat khuzaifa (RA) 15). Ameen –ul-Umat is the title of Hazrat: (a) Emar bin Yasir (RA) (b) Suleman Farsi (RA) (c) Abu-ubaida bin Al jaraah (RA) (d) Abu Saeeed Khuzir (RA) (e) None of these (c) Abu-ubaida bin Al jaraah (RA) 16). River Neil was declared as Sayed-ul-Anhar by Hazrat: (a) Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) (b) hazrat Umer (RA) (c) hazrat Usman (RA) (d) Hazrat Ali (RA) (e) None of these (b) hazrat Umer (RA) 17). Umm-ul-Masakeen was the title given to one of the wives of the Prophet (SAW): (a) Harat Sauda (RA) (b) Hazrat Zainab benet Jehash (RA) (c) Hazrat Zainab benet Khuzima (RA) (d) Hazrat Safia (RA) (e) none of these (c) Hazrat Zainab benet Khuzima (R.A) 18). Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) gave the key of Bait Ullah permanently to Hazrat: (a) Umara Bin Utba (b) Hanzla bin Abi Aamir (c) Usman bin Talha (d) Abdullah Bin Aamir (e) None of these (c) Usman bin Talha 19). Arafat gathering is held on: (a) 8 Zil hajj (b) 9 Zil hajj (c) 10 Zil hajj (d) 12 Zil hajj (e) None of these (b) 9 Zil hajj 20). Which one of the following is included amongst the Ushera-e- Mubhashera: (a) Saad Bin Ubaid (b) Saad bin Abada (c) Saad Bin Abi waqas (d) hazrat Hamza (e) none of these (c) Saad Bin Abi waqas Islamiat Paper – 2010 Solved MCQs (i) Batha Valley is situated in: a) Makkah b) Madina c) Egypt d) Jordan e) None of these (a) Makkah (ii) The longest Surah of the Qur’an is: a) Surah al Baqarah b) Surah al Imran c) Surah al Tauba d) Surah Yunus e) None of these a) Surah al Baqarah (iii) Al-Maeen is a Surah in which there are: a)100 or more ayahs b) Simple orders c) Hard orders d) Less than 100 ayahs e) None of these a) 100 or more ayahs (iv) “Arbaeen” is the book of Hadith in which there are: a) 40 Ahadith b) 50 ahadith c) 30 Ahadith d) 20 Ahadith e) None of these a) 40 Ahadith (v) Fatwa Qazi Khan is an authentic Fatwa of: a) Fiqh Hanbali b) Fiqh Maliki c) Fiqh Shafi d) Fiqh Hanafi e) None of these d) Fiqh Hanafi (vi) “FIDK” garden was bestowed to the Holy Prophet as: a) Fay b) Booty c) Gift d) Loan e) None of these a) Fay (vii) QUBA mosque has been mentioned in: a) Surah al Tauba b) Surah Anfal c) Surah Dhuha d) Surah Al-Muzammil e) None of these a) Surah al Tauba (viii) The tile given to the pioneers of Islam was: a) Mushahidoon al Awwalun b) Muslimoon al Awwalun c) Assabiqoon al Awwalun d) Al-awwalun al awwalun e) None of these c) Assabiqoon al Awwalun (ix) The meaning of YA SABAHAHO is: a) Good Morning b) Good Morning declaration c) Oh, Morning danger d) Wishing Good morning e) None of these c) Oh, Morning danger (x) The Master if Hazrat Bilal (MABPH) during embracing Islam was: a) Abu Jahal b) Ummayia Bin Harb c) Ummayia bin Khalaf d) Oqabah bin Abi al Mueet e) None of these c) Ummayia bin Khalaf (xi) Splitting of the moon occurred in: a) Arafat b) Mina c) Muzdalifa d) Haram e Pak e) None of these b) Mina (xii) The “IFK” event is described in the Qur’an in: a) Surah Baqarah b) Surah Tauba c) Surah Noor d) Surah Yaseen e) None of these c) Surah Noor (xiii) The Prophet’s stamp comprises of these words: a) Allah,Rasool,Muhammad b) Muhammad, Rasool,Allah c) Rasool,Muhammad,Allah d) Rasool,Allah,Muhammad e) None of these a) Allah,Rasool,Muhammad (xiv) The heads of Zakat are: a) Eight b) Nine c) Seven d) Five e) None of these a) Eight (xv) MAUWAZATAIN means: a) A collection of Ahadith b) Two specific Surahs of Quran c) A book of Jaffariah fiqh d) A book of hanafi fiqh e) None of these b) Two specific Surahs of Quran (xvi) Ozza was the name of: a) a specific goddess of Quraish b) Honour and Respect c) name of a tree d) name of a snake e) None of these a) A specific goddess of Quraish (xvii) LEA’AN is: a) A clause of Islamic law b) To receive a reward c) A term of trade d) To bargain e) None of these a) A clause of Islamic law (xviii) Ashabus sabt means: a) Jews b) Christians c) Muslims d) Sabieen e) None of these a) Jews (xix) The number of famous months are: a) Four b) Six c) Seven d) Two e) None of these a) Four (xx) Jabal-e-Noor is situated in: a) Arafat b) Ghar e Hira c) Ghar e Saur d) Jabal Uhud e) None of these e) None of these Islamiat Paper – 2011 Solved MCQs (i) Mention the religious book(s) of Buddism: (a) Weena pataka (b) Sata pataka (c) Abhi dhaman pataka (d) All of these (e) None of these (Tripitaka ) (ii) What was the Religious of the majority of the Arabs before Islam? (a) Buddhism (b) Jewish (c) Idolatrous (d) Christianity (e) None of these (iii) Name of the son of Hazarat Yaqoob (A.S) whose off-springs are the Jews. (a) Tibrani (b) Yahooda (c) Ishaq (a.s) (d) Yousaf (a.s) (e) None of these (iv) which book is called old testament? (a) zuboor (b) torait (c) injeel (d) quran (e) none of these (v) What was the total number of idols which were fixed around the Kaaba?(a) 260 (b) 360 (c) 460 (d) 560 (e) None of these (vi) Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was born about three thousands years, after: (a) Hazrat Ismaeel (A.S) (b) Hazrat Ibraheem (A.S) (c) Hazrat Moosa (A.S) (d) Hazrat Eessaa (A.S) (e) None of these (vii) Who suggested name “Ahmed” for the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? (a) Hazrat Abdul Mutalib (b) Hazrat Abu Talib (c) Hazrat Abdullah (d) Hazrat Hamza (R.A) (e) None of these (Hazrat Abdul Mutlib suggested Muhammad and Bibi Amina suggest Ahmed SAW) (viii) When Hazrat Umer (R.A) embraced Islam? (a) 600 A.D (b) 608 A.D (c) 612 A.D (d) 616 A.D (e) None of these (ix) Zou-Shadatian is title of Hazrat: (a) Khuzaima bin Sabit (R.A) (b) Huzaifa bin Yaman (R.A) (c) Ammar bin Yasir (R.A) (d) Ahmed bin Hanbal (e) None of these (x) Which country is known as the “Land of Prophets”? (a) Iraq (b) Saudi Arabia (c) Palestine (d) Syria (e) None of these (xi) What is Tahleel? (a) Recitation of 4th kalima (b) Recitation of 3rd kalima (c) Recitation of 2nd kalima (d) Recitation of 1st kalima (e) None of these (xii) Name the 8th months of Islamic Calendar. (a) Rabi-ul-Awal (b) Rajab (c) Ramzan (d) Shaban (e) None of these (xiii) 9th Zil-Hajja is also called: (a) Yaum-e-Arfat (b) Waquf-e-Arafat (c) Yaum-e-Mina (d) Waqufe-e-Mina (e) None of these (xiv) Name the 1st man who issued regular order to collect and write Ahadis: (a) Hazrat Umer bin khattab (R.A) (b) Hazrat Usman bin Affan (R.A) (c) Hazrat Ali bin Abu Talib (R.A) (d) Hazrat Umer bin Abdul Aziz (R.A) (e) None of these (xv) The duration of third period of the compilation of Hadis is: (a) 171 to 220 A.H (b) 171 to 221 A.H (c) 171 to 222 A.H (d) 171 to 223 A.H (e) None of these (xvi) Surah Hajj consist of 10 Rukus and _________ Ayats. (a) 70 (b) 75 (c) 78 (d) 82 (e) None of these (xvii) Surah Saba is: (a) Makki (b) Madni (c) Iraqi (d) Makki madni (e) None of these (xviii) Who considered the Quran as the creature of Allah? (a) Khawarji (b) Mo,atazila (c) Shami (d) Kuif (e) None of these (xix) To which tribe did Hazrat Khalid-bin-Waleed (R.A) belong? (a) Banu Ummayya (b) Banu Asad (c) Banu Zuhra (d) Banu Makhzoom (e) None of these (xx) Which Sahabi was died in the hands of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the battle of Uhad? (a) Hazrat Haris-bin-Haris (R.A) (b) Hazrat Haris-bin-Azima (R.A) (c) Hazrat Haris-bin-Hassan (R.A) (d) Hazrat Haris-bin-Hakeem (R.A) (e) None of these Islamiat Mcqs For PSC,PMS, And CSS Exam 1. On Judgement Day, what will be asked first? Namaz 2. How many times word Zakat is used in Makki Surahs? 22 times 3. What is the rate of usher for canal irrigated Zameen? 5 per cent or 1/5 4. Who are not entitled to get Zakat? Parents, Husband, wife and children 5. What is the 4th Rukn (pillar) of Islam? Roza (fasting) 6. How many Arkan Roza has? Three, to restrict eating, drinking and sexual intercourse 7. What are the objectives of Roza? Taqwa, Zabti-Nafas, Shukar 8. What we say to 1st Ashra of Ramzan? Rehamt-ka-Ashrah 9. What we say to 2nd Ashrah of Ramzan? Maghfrat-ka-Ashrah 10. What we say to 3rd Ashrah of Ramzan? To get rid of Hell’s fire 11. From which Prophet’s age Hajj was started? Hazrat Ibrahim 12. Describe the Arkans of Hajj There are two Rukns, Stay at Arafat and Tawaf-e-Kabba 13. What is meant by Tawaf? To take seven rounds around Khana Kabba. 14. What to read while entering Haram Sharif during Hajj in Ahram? Talbia (Talibiyah) 15. Which stone of Kabba wall is kissed? Hajjar-e-Aswad 16. What is named to run between Safa and Marwa? Sayee 17. What is said to throw stones at three spots? Rami 18. What is Yum-ul-Tarvia and what is done on that day? 8 Zil-Hajj, Stay at Mina 19. What is meant by Yaum-e-Arafat and what is done on that day? 9 Zil Hajj, Stay at Arafat before Maghrib 20. What is meant by Tawaf-e-Qadoom? First Tawaf on presence at Kabba 21. What is Tawaf-e-Zayarat? To offer Tawaf between 10 to 12 Zil-Hajj 22. What is meant by Tawaf-e-Wadah? Last Tawaf before leaving home 23. What is meant by Yum-ul-Nehr? To offer sacrifice of goats on 10 Zil-Hajj after throwing stones at Mina. 24. How many rounds are paid between Safa and Marwa? Seven 25. In which dress Hajj is offered? Ahram 26. What is Miqat? Where Ahram has to put on. (A pilgrim must put Ahram before reaching a point called Miqat) 27. What is meant by Shoot? One round around Khana Kabba. 28. Who was the Ameer-ul-Hujaj on 9th Hijri? Hazrat Abu Baker Siddique 29. How many Sahaba were along with Muhammad (PBUH) during Hajj? More than one Lac or (1, 24,000) 30. How many camels were scarified by Muhammad (PBUH) on that Hajj? 100 camels 31. How many camels were sacrificed by Muhammad (PBUH) with his own hands? 63 camels and the remainder by Hazrat Ali (R.A) 32. What is the difference between Haj and Umra? Hajj is offered between 7 to 13 Zil-Haj whereas Umra can be performed any time. 33. What is meant by Mabrood? That Hajj which is performed to obtain the goodwill of Allah 34. What is the distinctive mark of a Muslim colony? Mosque 35. Which is the oldest mosque on the Earth? Kabba 36. Who is the oldest mosque builder? Hazrat Adam (A.S) 37. Which mosque was built first of all in Islam? Quba. 38. Who laid the foundations of Quba? Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) 39. Where Prophet (PBUH) did hold his court? Masjid-e-Nabvi 40. Where was established the first Muslim University? Masjid-e-Nabvi 41. The Prophet (PBUH) himself laboured for a mosque. what’s its name? Quba 42. How many mosques are discussed in the holy Quran? 4 43. The Prophet (PBUH) used to go to a particular mosque on every 17th of Ramzan. What’s the name of that mosque? Quba 44. When was the construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi started? 1 A.H 45. How many doors are of Masjid-e-Haram? 25 46. The Prophet (PBUH) prayed several times for victory in the war of ditch. Name the Mosque? Masjid Fatah 70. Literally the word “Islam” means Submission to Allah 71. Which religion is the favourite of Allah according to the Holy Quran? Islam 72. Which two Prophets prayed to Allah to become the “Ummati” of the last Prophet (PBUH) and whose prayer was granted? Hazrat Isa (A.S) and Hazrat Musa (A.S)….Hazrat Musa’s Prayer was granted 73. Religion of Hazrat Adam (A.S) was Islam 74. Fundamentals of Islam are Five 75. What is the name of 1st Kalima? Kalima Tayyaba 76. Kalima Shahadat is the Kalima number 2nd 77. Kalima Tamjeed id the Kalima number 3rd 78. Kalima Tauheed is the Kalima number 4th 79. Kalima-e-Astaghfaar is the Kalima number 5th 80. Kalima Rad-e-Kufr is the Kalima number 6th 81. Number of types of faith is……. Two (2) 82. What is the meaning of the word Allah? Only being worth worship 83. Who is above any sort of limitations? Allah 84. The word Tauheed stands for…….. Ahad, Wahid, Wahadaniat 85. The concept of Tauheed has been given by……… Hazrat Jibrael (A.S) 86. What is Tauheed? Oneness of Allah 87. Which word is opposite to Tauheed? Shirk 88. The Holy Quran considers………… an unpardonable sin. Shirk 89. The Zoroastrians believe in……………….of God. Duality 90. All h Prophets emphasized on…….. Tauheed 91. Christians believe in……………of God. Trinity 92. Name the types of Tauheed. Tauheed-fi-Zat, Tauheed-fi-Saffat, Tauheed-fi-Afal 93. Name the religion which denies Allah as an unknowable entity? Buddhism 94. Which is the first belief of Islam? The unity of Allah 95. Which is the second belief of Islam? Prophethood 96. The Prophethood is belief in………….the Prophets of Allah. All 97. Prophethood has been finished on the Prophet………. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) 98. What is the meaning of Risalat? To send message 99. How Prophethood is attained? Bestowed by Allah 100. What is the meaning of Rasool? Messenger 101. In which Surah of the Holy Quran the word “Khatimum-Nabiyyeen” is mentioned? Al-Ahzab 102. Who is known as Rehmat-ul-Aalameen? Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) 103. What is the meaning of Rehmat-ul-Lil-Aalameen? Mercy for all worlds 104. Which is the third belief of Islam? Belief in the Angels 105. What is the meaning of Malaika? Angels 106. How many the most exalted angels are there? Four 107. Who is the greatest angel according to the teachings of Islam? Hazrat Jibrael (A.S) 108. The angel is created out of? Noor 109. What is the meaning of Noor? Divine light 110. Who acts as Allah’s agent? Angels 111. By how many angels each human individual is attended permanently? Two 112. In which category Iblees lies? Jinn 113. Who is referred in the Quran as Rooh-ul-Ameen/Ar-Rooh/Rooh-al-Qudus? Hazrat Jibrael (A.S) 114. Who is the in charge of rain? Hazrat Mekael (A.S) 115. Who is the in charge of provisions? Hazrat Mekael (A.S) Islamiat Sample MCQs Paper For Subject Specialist & Lecturer Public Service Exam Q.1 To which Prophet the Zabur was revealed by Allah?(A) Prophet Ibraheem (A.S) (B) Prophet Dawood (A.S) (C) Prophet Moosa (A.S) (D) Prophet Essa (A.S) Ans B Q.2 Which companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of “The sold of Allah”? (A) Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) (B) Umar Farooque (R.A) (C) Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) (D) Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) Ans D Q.3 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had ——- sons? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 Ans C Q.4 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had ——- daughters? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 Ans D Q.5 What was the name of Imam Bukhari (R.A)? (A) Muhammad bin Ismaeel (B) Muhammad Ismaeel (C) Muhammad Ibaheem (D) Ismaeel bin Ibraheem Ans A Q.6 Name the Angel who was appointed to deliver messages to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Allah? (A) Jibrael (A.S) (B) Mikael (A.S) (C) Israfeel (A.S) (D) Izraeel (A.S) Ans A Q.7 Which companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of “The lion of Allah”? (A) Umar Farooque (R.A) (B) Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) (C) Hamza bin Abdul Mattalib (R.A) (D) Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) Ans C Q.8 The first Msjid (Mosque) on the surface of Earth is? (A) Masjid-ul-Haram (B) Masjid-e-Nabavi (C) Masjid-e-Aqsa (D) Quba Masjid Ans D Q.9 Name the wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who was daughter of Umar Farooq (R.A)? (A) Aisha (R.A) (B) Juwairyyah (R.A) (C) Hafsah (R.A) (D) Maimoonah (R.A) Ans C Q.10 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) married Khadija (R.A) at the age of ——— years? (A) 23 (B) 25 (C) 27 (D) 30 Ans B Q.11 Who was the founder of Sipah-e-Sahaba? (A) Maulana Muhammad Ahmed Ludhianvi (B) Maulana Azam Tariq Shaheed (C) Maulana Haq Nawaz Jhangvi Shaheed (D) Maulana Zia-ur-Rehman Farooqui Shaheed Ans C Q.12 What was the relation between Umar Farooq (R.A) and Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A)? (A) Umar Farooq (R.A) was father-in-law of Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) (B) Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) was father-in-law of Umar Farooq (R.A) (C) Umar Farooq (R.A) was brother-in-law of Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) (D) Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) was brother-in-law Umar Farooq (R.A) Ans B Q.13 What was the relation between Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A)? (A) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was father-in-law of Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) (B) Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) was father-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (C) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was brother-in-law of Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) (D) Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) was brother-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Ans B Q.14 What was the relation between Prophet Ismail (A.S) and Prophet Ishaq (A.S) (A) Prophet Ismail (A.S) was father of Prophet Ishaq (A.S) (B) Prophet Ishaq (A.S) was father of Prophet Ismail (A.S) (C) Brothers (D) Cousins Ans C Q.15 The first migration of the Companions and relatives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was to ———— ? (A) Makkah (B) Madina (C) Abyssinia (Ethopia) (D) Baghdad Ans C Q.16 Allah says, “Wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are mothers of believers” in which Surah? (A) Surah Al-e-Imraan (B) Surah Yaaseen (C) Surah Muhammad (D) Surah Ahzaab Ans D Q.17 Khadija (R.A) was passed away when she was —— and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was —— years old? (A) 58 – 43 (B) 60 – 45 (C) 63 – 48 (D) 65 – 50 Ans D Q.18 The Battle of Badr was fought in —— A.D? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 Ans B Q.19 The Battle of Badr was fought in the month of ———–? (A) Ramadan (B) Muharram (C) Shawwal (D) Rabi-ul-Awwal Ans A 20. Khadija (R.A) bore all the children of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) except?(A) Ibrahim (R.A) (B) Abdullah (R.A) (C) Fatima (R.A) (D) Ruqaiyah (R.A) 22. Qibla was changed from Jerusalem to Khana-e-Kabba in? (A) Ramadan 1 A.H (B) Shaban 1 A.H (C) Ramadan 2 A.H (D) Shaban 2 A.H Ans D 23. The Saiful-Bahr Mission to intercept a caravan belonging to Quraish, was occurred in? (A) Ramadan 1 A.H (B) Shaban 1 A.H (C) Ramadan 2 A.H (D) Shaban 2 A.H Ans A 24. The color of the first flag, in the history of Islam was? (A) White (B) Black (C) White and Black (D) Green Ans A 25. The Nakhla Mission took place in? (A) Rajab 1 A.H (B) Shaban 1 A.H (C) Rajab 2 A.H (D) Shaban 2 A.H Ans C 26. The first invasion under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was? (A) The invasion of Al-Abwa or Waddan (B) The invasion of Buwat (C) The invasion of Safwan (D) The invasion of Dhil-Ushairah Ans A 27. The phase of secret invitation was lasted for ——— years. (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 Ans C 28. Cave Hira is in the mountain? (A) As-Safa (B) Sil (C) Uhud (D) An-Noor Ans D 29. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived in Madina for ——— years. (A) 8 (B) 9 (C) 10 (D) 11 Ans C 30.There were —— men and —— women in the first migration to Abyssinia. (A) 6 – 10 (B) 10 – 6 (C) 4 – 12 (D) 12 – 4 Ans D 31. In the beginning of open preaching towards Islam, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stood up on Mount As-Safa one day and called out loudly “Ya Sabahah!”. The meaning of Ya Sabahah is? (A) Beginning (B) Good morning (C) Draws the attention of others to some dangers (D) Come to the religion Ans C 32. During the phase of secret preaching, the meeting place of Muslims where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught newly converts, Islam and Islamic wisdom was? (A) House of Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) (B) House of Usman Ghani (R.A) (C) House of Salman Farsi (R.A) (D) House of Al-Arqam (R.A) Ans D 33. Al-Hudaibiyah Treaty was concluded in ——- A.D. (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 8 Ans B 34. Hamza bin Abdul-Mattalib (R.A) (Asadullah) was assassinated in the battle of ———–? (A) Badr (B) Uhud (C) Khandaq (D) Mu’tah Ans B 35. The ——- year of the Prophethood, was the year of grief. (A) 7th (B) 8th (C) 9th (D) 10th Ans D 36. The Battle of Uhud was fought in —— A.D? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 Ans C 37. The Battle of Uhud was fought in the month of ———–? (A) Ramadan (B) Muharram (C) Shawwal (D) Rabi-ul-Awwal Ans C 38. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) granted a very special privilege, He said ” May my father and mother be ransomed for you” to ———-? (A) Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) (B) Umar Farooq (R.A) (C) Saad bin Abi Waqqas (R.A) (D) Hamza bin Abdul-Muttalib (R.A) Ans C 39. Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) was founded on ————–. (A) September 06, 1985 (B) August 14, 1985 (C) September 06, 1990 (D) August 14, 1990 Ans A 40. ————- is that evil city where, there is NOT a single mosque for Muslims, and Muslims are NOT allowed to build a mosque for prayer. (A) Tehran (B) New York (C) London (D) Paris Ans A 41. Muhammad (PBUH) is called with the name “Ahmed” in Surah ————–. (A) Ya-Seen (B) Muhammad (C) Saff (D) Muzzammil Ans C 42.” Muhammad is the messenger of Allah” is stated in Surah —————. (A) Ya-Seen (B) Muhammad (C) Muzzammil (D) Fath Ans D 43. Al-Hudaibiyah Treaty was scribed by ————–. (A) Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) (B) Umar Farooq (R.A) (C) Usman Ghani (R.A) (D) Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) Ans D 44. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sent his messengers to the kings beyond Arabia calling them to Islam. In order to authenticate the credentials of his messengers, a ———- seal was made. (A) Golden (B) Silver (C) Metallic (D) Wooden Ans B 45. The seal was engraved with the words ——————. (A) Allah, Rasool, Muhammad – Vertically (B) Allah, Rasool, Muhammad – Horizontally (C) Allah, Muhammad, Rasool – Vetically (D) Allah, Muhammad, Rasool – Horizontally Ans A 46. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sent his messengers to the kings beyond Arabia calling them to Islam in —————. (A) Muharram 6 A.H (B) Shawwal 6 A.H (C) Muharram 7 A.H (D) Shawwal 7 A.H Ans C 47. The Khaibar was conquest in —————–. (A) Muharram 6 A.H (B) Shawwal 6 A.H (C) Muharram 7 A.H (D) Shawwal 7 A.H Ans C 48. In the Battle of Uhud, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) selected ————- skillful archers to stay on a mountain (side). (A) 20 (B) 30 (C) 40 (D) 50 Ans D 49. In the Battle of Uhud, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) selected skillful archers to stay on a mountain (side) under the command of ————–. (A) Abdullah bin Zubair (R.A) (B) Saad bin Abi-Waqas (R.A) (C) Amir Muawiyah (R.A) (D) Hatib bin Abi Balta’ah (R.A) Ans A 50. In the Battle of Uhud, Muslim army was re-attacked from mountain (side) under the command of ————–. (A) Abdullah bin Zubair (R.A) (B) Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) (C) Abu Jahal (D) Rustum Ans B 51. What was the relation between Prophet Moosa (A.S) and Prophet Haroon (A.S)? (A) Prophet Moosa (A.S) was father of Prophet Haroon (A.S) (B) Prophet Haroon (A.S) was father of Prophet Moosa (A.S) (C) Brothers (D) Cousins Ans C 52. ———— is that evil country, where a Muslim CANNOT occupy a key post in Government and Army (as constitution stated). (A) Iran (B) America (C) UK (D) Nigeria Ans A 53. The founder of Shia religion was ————–. (A) Abu Jahal (B) Abu Lahab (C) Abdullah bin Sabah (D) Satan Khomeini Ans C 54. Khosroe Pervaiz was a/an —————. (A) King of Rome (B) King of Bahrain (C) Emperor of Abyssinia (D) Emperor of Persia Ans D 55. The relatives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the first migration to Abyssinia were ————–. (A) Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) and Aisha (R.A) (B) Umar Farooq (R.A) and Hafsa (R.A) (C) Usman Ghani (R.A) and Ruqaiyah (R.A) (D) Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) and Fatima (R.A) Ans C 56. The Hijra Calender was innovated by —————–. (A) Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) (B) Umar Farooq (R.A) (C) Usman Ghani (R.A) (D) Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) Ans B 57. Who established Stipends for the poor among the Jews and the Christians? (A) Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) (B) Umar Farooq (R.A) (C) Usman Ghani (R.A) (D) Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) Ans B 58. Makkah was conquest in —————–. (A) Ramadan 8 A.H (B) Shawwal 8 A.H (C) Ramadan 10 A.H (D) Shawwal 10 A.H Ans A 59. Ibrahim (R.A) was son of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The mother of Ibrahim (R.A) was —————. (A) Khadija (R.A) (B) Aisha (R.A) (C) Hafsa (R.A) (D) Maria (R.A) Ans D 60. ———— wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH); the mothers of all muslims were died in the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 Ans A Answer: Answers:1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. B 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. C 16. D 17. D 18. B 19. A 21. A22. D 23. A 24. A 25. C 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. C 30. D 31. C 32. D 33. B 34. B 35. D 36. C 37. C 38. C 39. A 40. A 41. C42. D 43. D 44. B 45. A 46. C 47. C 48. D 49. A 50. B 51. C 52. A 53. C 54. D 55. C 56. B 57. B 58. A 59. D 60. A zIslamic Studies Important Terms For PSC,PMS & CSS Exam • Yousuf and Yaqoob met each other after 40 years. • Yousuf was the son of Yaqoob. • Yousuf’s family was called the Israeelites. • Real brother of Yousuf was Bin Yamen. • Yousuf was sold as a slave in Egypt. • Yousuf had 12 brothers. • Yousuf was famous for his beauty & knew facts of dreams. • Mother of Yousuf was Rachel. • Yaqoob lost his eye-sight in memory of Yousuf. • Nation of Shoaib committed embezzlement in trusts. • Shoaib called Speaker of the Prophets.(Khateeb ul ambiya) • Shoaib got blinded for weeping over destruction of his nation. • Ilyas prayed for nation it rained after a period of 312 years. • Uzair reassembled all copies of Taurait. • Taloot was the father-in-law of Dawood. • Dawood was good player of flute. • Fountain of Copper flowed from Sulayman. • Woodpecker conveyed Sulayman’s message to Saba queen. • Younus remained in fish for 40 days. • King Herodus ordered the execution of Yahya. • Politus on Roman governor’s orders tried execution of Isa. • Dawood is called as Najeeb Ullah. • In quran ten commandments are named Awamir-i-Ashara. • Teacher of Hakeem Lukman was Dawood. • Prophets lifted alive Isa,Idrees&Ilyas. • Idrees was directed to migrate by Allah to Egypt. • Idrees was the first man to learn to write. • Idrees was taken alive to Heavens at the age of 365 Y. • Gnostics regarded Sheesh as a divine emanation. • Gnostics means Sheesinas and inhabited Egypt. • Idrees was sent to Gnostics. • Idol worship was forbidden by Idress to people. • Idress was special friend of one of the angels. • Idrees remained in 4th heaven. • Idreess died in the wings of the angel. • Pigeon was sent for the search of land by Noah. • Sam, Ham & Riyyafas were the children of Noah. • Bani Aad settled in Yemen. • Shaddad was famous king of Bani Aad. • Glorious palace near Adan built by Bani Aad was known as Garden of Iram. • Shaddad kingdom was extended to Iraq. • A violent storm was sent to Bani Aad. • Grave of Hood is at Hazarmoat. • Oman, Yemen & Hazarmoat are in Southern Arabia. • In Rajab, Arabs visit the grave of Hood. • Bani Samood lived in Wadi al-Qura & Wadi al-Hajr. • Wadi al-Qura, Wadi al-Hajr are in Syria & Hijaz • Volcanic eruption was sent to Bani samood. • Contemporary of Ibrahim was Lut. • Hood was the uncle of Ibraheem. • A dreadful earthquake was sent to people of Luut. • Native area of Ibraheem was Mesopotamia. • Surname of Terah was Aazar. • Father of Yaaqoob and Esau was Ishaq. • Father-in-law of Ayyoob was Yaqoob. • Ishaq is buried in Palestine. • Age of Ishaq when he was blessed with twins was 60 Y. • Yunus was the twin brother of Yaaqoob. • Prophet bestowed with kingship of Allah: Dawood. • Dawood was a soldier of Talut. • Dawood lived in Bait-ul-Lahm. • Talut was also known as Saul. • Dawood is buried at Jerusalem. • Youngest son of Dawood was Sulaymaan. • Mother of Sulayman was Saba. • Sulayman ascended the throne of Joodia. • Sulaymaan was a great lover of horses. • The ruler of Yemen in the time of Sulayman was Saba. • Hud Hud informed Sulyman about the kingdom of Yemen. • Saba means Bilqees. • Whose kingdom came under a famine in the times of Ilyas: King of Ahab. • Ilyas’s nation worshipped idol namd Lal. • Ilyas disappeared mysteriously. • Successor of Ilyas was Al-ya-sah. • Cousin of Al-ya-Say who was prophet was Ilyas. • Uzair remained died for 100 years. • For 18 years Ayyoob suffered from skin disease. • Real name of Zull Kifl is Isaih and Kharqil bin Thauri. • Yunus died in Nineveh. • Father of Yahya was Zakariyya. • Trustee of Hekal was Zakiriyya. • Zakariya hid himself in the cover of the tree and was cut into two pieces by Jews. • Maryum lived at Nazareth before Esa’s birth. • Maryum migrated to Egypt after Esa’s birth. • Number of Hawarin of Moosa was 12. • Jews and Romans were worried about Esa’s influence. • First prophet to demarcate Masjid-e-Aqsaa was Ishaaq. • Dawood’s real name was Abar. • Ahsan ul Qasas is the life history of hazrat Yousif. • Nebuchadnezzer was ruler of Babylon, he founded Hanging garden which is one of the wonders of the world. • Qaidar was one of the sons of Ismail who stayed at Hijaz. • Idrees used the first pen. • Four Ambiyah are still physically alive they are Esa and Idrees in the skies and Khidr and Ilyaas are on the earth. Islamait Mcqs For Public Service Commission Exams 1. The largest Surah of the Quran is: a. Al-Baqrah b. Aali Imran c. Al-Taubah d. Surah Younus e. None of these 2. Fidk Garden was bestowed to the Holy Prophet (SAW) as: a. Fay b. Booty c. Gift d. Loan e. None of these 3. Arbeen is the book of Hadith in which there are: a. 40 Ahadith b. 50 Ahadith c. 30 Ahadith d. 20 Ahadith e. None of these 4. The heads of Zakat are: a. 8 b. 9 c. 7 d. 5 e. None of these 5. Mauwazatain mean: a. A Collection of Ahadith b. Two specific Surah of Quran c. A book of Jafferi Fiqh d. A book of Hanafi Fiqh e. None of these 6. The numbers of famous months are: a. 4 b. 6 c. 7 d. 2 e. None of these 7. Jabal-e-Noor is situated in: a. Arafat b. Ghar-i-Hira c. Ghar-i-Saur d. Madinah e. None of these 8. Which country is known as the “Land of Prophet”? a. Iraq b. Saudi Arabia c. Palestine d. Syria e. None of these 9. Zou-Shahadatein is the title of Hazrat: a. Khuzaima Bin Sabit (RA) b. Huzaifa Bin Yaman (RA) c. Ammar Bin Yasir (RA) d. Imam Abu Hanifa e. None of these 10. Sura Saba i: a. Makki b. Madani c. Iraqi d. Makki Madni e. None of these 11. Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah twice? a. Al-Nahal b. Al-Namal c. Al-Ahzab d. Al-Noor e. None of these 12. Imam-e-Darul-Hijra was a title of: a. Imam Ahmad b. Imam Maalik c. Imam Shafai d. Imam Muhammad e. None of these 13. Masjid Qiblatain is situated in: a. Madinah b. Makkah c. Taif d. Jabal e Noor e. None of these 14. Which is a religious book of Hinduism? a. Injeel b. Taurat c. Ramain d. Bibel e. None of these 15. The first Islamic month is: a. Muharram b. Zil Hajjah c. Safar d. Rajab e. None of these 16. Which was the total number of idols were in the Kaaba? a. 260 b. 360 c. 460 d. 560 e. None of these 17. Batha Valley is situated in: a. Makkah b. Madinah c. Iraq d. Jordan e. None of these 18. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) gave the key of Bait-Ullah permanently to: a. Ummrah bin Utba b. Hanzla bin Abil Amir c. Usman Bin Talha d. Abdullah bin Amir e. None of these 19. AshabusSabt mean: a. Jews b. Christians c. Muslims d. Sabieen e. None of these 20. The word Muhammad (SAW) as a name has been mentioned in Quran only: a. Two time b. Four time c. Six time d. Seven time e. None of these Islamiat Mcqs i) mention the religious book(s) of Buddism: (a) Weena pataka (b) Sata pataka (c) Abhi dhaman pataka (d) All of these (e) None of these (ii) What was the Religious of the majority of the Arabs before Islam? (a) Buddhism (b) Jewish (c) Idolatrous (d) Christianity (e) None of these (iii) Name of the son of Hazarat Yaqoob (A.S) whose off-springs are the Jews. (a) Tibrani (b) Yahooda (c) Ishaq (a.s) (d) Yousaf (a.s) (e) None of these (iv) which book is called old testament? (a) zuboor (b) torait (c) injeel (d) quran (e) none of these (v) What was the total number of idols which were fixed around the Kaaba? (a) 260 (b) 360 (c) 460 (d) 560 (e) None of these (vi) Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was born about three thousands years, after: (a) Hazrat Ismaeel (A.S) (b) Hazrat Ibraheem (A.S) (c) Hazrat Moosa (A.S) (d) Hazrat Eessaa (A.S) (e) None of these (vii) Who suggested name “Ahmed” for the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? (a) Hazrat Abdul Mutalib (b) Hazrat Abu Talib (c) Hazrat Abdullah (d) Hazrat Hamza (R.A) (e) None of these (viii) When Hazrat Umer (R.A) embraced Islam? (a) 600 A.D (b) 608 A.D (c) 612 A.D (d) 616 A.D (e) None of these (ix) Zou-Shadatian is title of Hazrat: (a) Khuzaima bin Sabit (R.A) (b) Huzaifa bin Yaman (R.A) (c) Ammar bin Yasir (R.A) (d) Ahmed bin Hanbal (e) None of these (x) Which country is known as the “Land of Prophets”? (a) Iraq (b) Saudi Arabia (c) Palestine (d) Syria (e) None of these (xi) What is Tahleel? (a) Recitation of 4th kalima (b) Recitation of 3rd kalima (c) Recitation of 2nd kalima (d) Recitation of 1st kalima (e) None of these (xii) Name the 8th months of Islamic Calendar. (a) Rabi-ul-Awal (b) Rajab (c) Ramzan (d) Shaban (e) None of these (xiii) 9th Zil-Hajja is also called: (a) Yaum-e-Arfat (b) Waquf-e-Arafat (c) Yaum-e-Mina (d) Waqufe-e-Mina (e) None of these (xiv) Name the 1st man who issued regular order to collect and write Ahadis: (a) Hazrat Umer bin khattab (R.A) (b) Hazrat Usman bin Affan (R.A) (c) Hazrat Ali bin Abu Talib (R.A) (d) Hazrat Umer bin Abdul Aziz (R.A) (e) None of these (xv) The duration of third period of the compilation of Hadis is: (a) 171 to 220 A.H (b) 171 to 221 A.H (c) 171 to 222 A.H (d) 171 to 223 A.H (e) None of these (xvi) Surah Hajj consist of 10 Rukus and _________ Ayats. (a) 70 (b) 75 (c) 78 (d) 82 (e) None of these (xvii) Surah Saba is: (a) Makki (b) Madni (c) Iraqi (d) Makki madni (e) None of these (xviii) Who considered the Quran as the creature of Allah? (a) Khawarji (b) Mo,atazila (c) Shami (d) Kuif (e) None of these (xix) To which tribe did Hazrat Khalid-bin-Waleed (R.A) belong? (a) Banu Ummayya (b) Banu Asad (c) Banu Zuhra (d) Banu Makhzoom (e) None of these (xx) Which Sahabi was died in the hands of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the battle of Uhad? (a) Hazrat Haris-bin-Haris (R.A) (b) Hazrat Haris-bin-Azima (R.A) (c) Hazrat Haris-bin-Hassan (R.A) (d) Hazrat Haris-bin-Hakeem (R.A) (e) None of these Islamiat Important MCQs For CSS & PCS 201. The reward of which prayer is equal to the reward of Hajj or Umra? Namaz-i-Ishraq 202. Which prayers were essential in the early period of Islam? Fajr and Isha 203. Standing straight for a short while after Rukuh is called……. Qauma 204. Qauma is………. Wajib 205. The short period between two Sajdas is called……… Jalsa 206. Jalsa is…….. Wajib 207. To sit straight in Salat is called……. Qaada 208. How many times Salam is performed in the Salat? Two 209. How many Sajdas are in Salat-e-Janaza? Zero 210. Zakat literally means Purification 211. Zakat is the…….fundamental pillar of Islam? 2nd 212. Which is the second of the most important pillars of Islam? Salat 213. When Zakat was made compulsory? 2 A.H 214. Who said that there was no difference between Salat and Zakat? Hazrat Abu Baker (R.A) 215. How many times the word Zakat occurs in the Holy Quran? 32 216. Caliph………..did Jihad on the issue of Zakat. Hazrat Abu Baker 217. Without which act the prayer is useless? Zakat 218. One who disbelievers in Zakat is a Kafir 219. Person who is liable to pay Zakat is called………… Sahib-e-Nisab 220. How many camels render are to par Zakat? 5 221. How many goats render are to pay zakat? 40 222. How many sheep render are to pay zakat? 40 223. How many cows render are to pay Zakat? 30-40 224. How many bulls render to pay Zakat? 30-40 225. How may buffaloes render are to pay zakat? 30-40 226. Jiziya is also called…….. Poll tax 227. How much of the produce of mine owners have to pay? 1/5th 228. What is the meaning of Khums? 1/5th 229. What is the compulsory tax on the produce of agriculture land? Ushr 230. How many kinds of Muslims are eligible to receive Zakat according to the Holy Quranic Verse? 8 231. Zakat is payable on gold of……. 7.5 tolas 232. Zakat is payable on silver of……. 52.5 tolas 233. Nisab for irrigated produce is……. 10/100 234. “Zakat” is the treasure of Islam, who said this? Holy Prophet (PBUH) 235. Literally Roza (fasting) means………… To stop 236. The fasting became compulsory in……A.H for the first time. 2nd 237. The function of fasting is….. To purify heart from worldly desires. 238. The commandment for observing Fast has been stipulated in the Surah…… Al-Baqara 239. What is atonement for breaking the Fast? To feed 60 people 240. It is a door through which fast observing people would enter paradise. Bab-ul-Riyan 241. Which important night falls in Ramzan? Lailat-ul-Qadr 242. How many days are forbidden for fasting throughout the year? 5 243. In which month virtues flourish and evil is suppressed? Ramzan 244. What is the meaning of Aitekaf? Seclusion 245. Aitekaf during the month of Ramzan is. Wajib 246. Which Rukn-e-Islam is called as shield? Fasting 247. Which is the Third fundamental pillar of Islam? Fasting 248. When Siyyam of Ramzan was ordered? 2 A.H 249. Tarawih is a prayer of Ramzan. It means……. To stand 250. Which important Ghazwa was fought in the very first Ramzan? Badr 251. Who arranged Namaz-e-Tarawih in the leadership of Imam? Hazrat Umar (R.A) 252. Literally meaning of Hajj is…… The will of visit 254. Hajj was made obligatory in………… 9 A.H 253. Yome-Afra is called………… Hajj Day 254. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed……Hajj in his life. One 255. Hajj is a pilgrimage of…………… Holy Kabba 256. When did the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) offer Hajj? 10 A.H 257. There are………..types of Hajj. Three 258. In which Surah Hajj has been commanded? Al-Baqara 259. How many camels the Holy Prophet (PBUH) scarified? 63 260. Shoot means One tawaf of Kabba 261. The day of sacrifice during Hajj is called…….. Yum-e-Nehr 262. The rite of offering sacrifice is performed at Mina 263. Jamarat on 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th of the Zil Hajj is performed in………. Mina 264. Which two prayers are offered together at Muzdalifa on the 9th Zil-ul-Hajj? Maghrib-Isha 265. The number of Khutbas during the Hajj is……….. One 266. The first Hajj was performed by Hazrat Adam (A.S), Hazrat Hawa (A.S) 267. Who built the first structure of the holy Kabba? Hazrat Adam (A.S) 268. What is the fundamental pillar of Islam which requires both physical and financial sacrifices? Hajj 269. Literally Jihad means To strive hard 270. Jihad was ordained on Muslims through a Quranic verse in……(A.H) 2nd 271. The battle was forbidden in Arabs in the month of………… Muharram 272. The word Jihad is derived from the word Juhada 273. The meaning of Jihad fi Sbil Allah is……….. Fighting in the way of Allah 274. What is the meaning of Qital? Fighting 275. How many encounters took place between the Muslims and non-Muslims during the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? 82 276. What is the meaning of Rukn? Support 277. What is the plural f Rukn? Arkan 278. What is said to Namaz in Arabic? Salat 279. What are the meanings of Salat? Rehmat, Barkat 280. When Namaz was ordered? On 27th Rajab 10th Hijri on the occasion of Mehraj 281. What is the difference between Kufr and Islam? Namaz 282. Name the five Namaz Fajar, Zuhar, Asar, Maghrib, Isha 283. Describe the Farz Rakaats of each Namaz Fajar 2, Zuhar 4, Asar 4, Maghrib 3, Isha 4 284. What are the Farz of Namaz (Salat)? Qayyam, Rakoo, Sajda 285. Which kind of worship is liked by Allah? Namaz 286. When Wazoo was ordered? 5 Hijra 287. When Azan was started? 1 Hijra 288. When Tayammum was ordered? 5 Hijra 289. Namaz-Ba-Jamaat is how much better than individual Namaz? 27 times 290. In which timings the Namaz is prohibited? Sun rising, suns setting, sun at the mid 291. When first azan was read in Kabba? 9 Hijri, on the occasion of conquest of Makah 292. Which Namaz Allah likes among Nafli Namaz? Namaz-e-Tahajat 293. What the Namaz-e-Jumma and Eids create in Muslims? Collectiveness (Gathering) 294. When is Namaz-e-Kasoof read? At the time of Solar eclipse 295. When Namaz-e-Kauf is read? When no rains 296. How many Takbeers are in Namaz-e-Janaza? Four 297. When the order for Tahweel-e-Qibla was made? 2 Hijri 298. When first Namaz of Eid-ul-Fitr was read? 1st Shawal, 2 Hijri 1. On Judgement Day, what will be asked first? Namaz 2. How many times word Zakat is used in Makki Surahs? 22 times 3. What is the rate of usher for canal irrigated Zameen? 5 per cent or 1/5 4. Who are not entitled to get Zakat? Parents, Husband, wife and children 5. What is the 4th Rukn (pillar) of Islam? Roza (fasting) 6. How many Arkan Roza has? Three, to restrict eating, drinking and sexual intercourse 7. What are the objectives of Roza? Taqwa, Zabti-Nafas, Shukar 8. What we say to 1st Ashra of Ramzan? Rehamt-ka-Ashrah 9. What we say to 2nd Ashrah of Ramzan? Maghfrat-ka-Ashrah 10. What we say to 3rd Ashrah of Ramzan? To get rid of Hell’s fire 11. From which Prophet’s age Hajj was started? Hazrat Ibrahim 12. Describe the Arkans of Hajj There are two Rukns, Stay at Arafat and Tawaf-e-Kabba 13. What is meant by Tawaf? To take seven rounds around Khana Kabba. 14. What to read while entering Haram Sharif during Hajj in Ahram? Talbia (Talibiyah) 15. Which stone of Kabba wall is kissed? Hajjar-e-Aswad 16. What is named to run between Safa and Marwa? Sayee 17. What is said to throw stones at three spots? Rami 18. What is Yum-ul-Tarvia and what is done on that day? 8 Zil-Hajj, Stay at Mina 19. What is meant by Yaum-e-Arafat and what is done on that day? 9 Zil Hajj, Stay at Arafat before Maghrib 20. What is meant by Tawaf-e-Qadoom? First Tawaf on presence at Kabba 21. What is Tawaf-e-Zayarat? To offer Tawaf between 10 to 12 Zil-Hajj 22. What is meant by Tawaf-e-Wadah? Last Tawaf before leaving home 23. What is meant by Yum-ul-Nehr? To offer sacrifice of goats on 10 Zil-Hajj after throwing stones at Mina. 24. How many rounds are paid between Safa and Marwa? Seven 25. In which dress Hajj is offered? Ahram 26. What is Miqat? Where Ahram has to put on. (A pilgrim must put Ahram before reaching a point called Miqat) 27. What is meant by Shoot? One round around Khana Kabba. 28. Who was the Ameer-ul-Hujaj on 9th Hijri? Hazrat Abu Baker Siddique 29. How many Sahaba were along with Muhammad (PBUH) during Hajj? More than one Lac or (1, 24,000) 30. How many camels were scarified by Muhammad (PBUH) on that Hajj? 100 camels 31. How many camels were sacrificed by Muhammad (PBUH) with his own hands? 63 camels and the remainder by Hazrat Ali (R.A) 32. What is the difference between Haj and Umra? Hajj is offered between 7 to 13 Zil-Haj whereas Umra can be performed any time. 33. What is meant by Mabrood? That Hajj which is performed to obtain the goodwill of Allah 34. What is the distinctive mark of a Muslim colony? Mosque 35. Which is the oldest mosque on the Earth? Kabba 36. Who is the oldest mosque builder? Hazrat Adam (A.S) 37. Which mosque was built first of all in Islam? Quba. 38. Who laid the foundations of Quba? Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) 39. Where Prophet (PBUH) did hold his court? Masjid-e-Nabvi 40. Where was established the first Muslim University? Masjid-e-Nabvi 41. The Prophet (PBUH) himself laboured for a mosque. what’s its name? Quba 42. How many mosques are discussed in the holy Quran? 4 43. The Prophet (PBUH) used to go to a particular mosque on every 17th of Ramzan. What’s the name of that mosque? Quba 44. When was the construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi started? 1 A.H 45. How many doors are of Masjid-e-Haram? 25 46. The Prophet (PBUH) prayed several times for victory in the war of ditch. Name the Mosque? Masjid Fatah • Kalima Tayyaiba is mentioned in Quran for 2 times. • The word Quran means “read one”. • 114 total number of Surah • Surah means city of Refuge. • 86 Makki Surah. • 28 Madine Surah. • 558 Rukus. • Al-Baqrah is the longest Surah. • Al- Kausar is the shortest Surah. • Al-Nass is the last surah. • 14 bows are in Quran. • First bow occurs in 9th Para i.e Al-Inaam Surah. • Al-Faitha is the preface of the holy Quran. • Five verses were reveled in the first wahy. • Namaz commanded in quran for 700 times. • Al-Imarn is the surah in which Hajj is commanded. • Al-Mudassar-2nd Revealed Surah. • Al-Muzammil- 3rd Revealed Surah. • Al-Tauba does not start with Bismillah. • Al-Namal contains two Bismillahs. • Three surah starts with curse. • 6666 is the number of Ayats. • 29 total number of Mukata’t. • Hazrat Usman was the first Hafiz of the Holy Quran. • Hazrat Khalid Bin Saeed, the first writer of Wahy. • Gap between first wahy and second wahy was 6 months. • 12 Ghazawahs described in Holy Quran. • Abdullah Ibn Abbas, the first commentator of the Quran and also known as interpreter of the Quaran. • In surah Al-Saf, Hoy prophet is addressed as Ahmed. • Ghar-e-Sor is mentioned in Surah Al-Tauba. • 4 Surhas start with Qul. (chkd) • Hazrat Umar proposed the compilation of Holy Quran. • Al- Nasr is known as Surah Widah. • First annulled order of holy quran was the transfer of Qibla. • The word Islam occurs 6 times in the Quran. • Abdul Malik Marwan applied the dots in the Holy Quran. • Hajjaj bin yousuf applied diacritical points in Quaran. • 8 Siparas starts with Bismillah. • 37 total number of surah in last parah. • Al- Baqrah and Surah Al-Nissa is spread over 3 Parahs. • Al-Falq and Al-Nas revealed at the same time. • 3 Surah stats with “Ya Ayananabiyau”. • City of Rome is mentioned in Holy Quran. • Surah Yaseen is known as Heart of Quran. • Suran Rehman is known as beauty of Quran. • Tafseer Ibn Kaseer was written by Hafiz Ismaeed Bin Umar-Imam Ud Din. • First revealed surah was Al Alaq, 96 in arrangement • Complete revelation in 23 years. • Subject of Holy Quran is Man. • Last Surah reveled in Al-Nasr. • Risalat means to convey message. • 25 prophets mentioned in holy Quran. • Holy Quran consist 105684 words and 3236700 letters. • Longest Ayat of Holy Quran is Ayatul Kursi. • 6 Surah start with the name of prophets. • Surah maryam wholly revealed for a woman. • In Bani Israeel and Al-Najaf the event of Miraj is explained. • Last revelation descended on 3rd Rabi-ul Awal and it was written by Abi- Bin Kab. (chk) • Language of Divine Books. • Taurat Hebrew • Injil Siriac • Zubur Siriac • Holy Quran Arabic. • Taurat was the first revealed book. • Holy Quran was reveled in 22y 5m 14 days. • There are 7 stages in Holy Quran. • Abdullah Ibn Abbas is called as leader of commentators. • Apollo 15 placed the copy of the Holy Quran on the moon. • Tarjama-ul-Quaran is written by Abdul-Kalam Azad. • Theodore Bailey in 1143 translated Holy Quran in Latin, for the first time. • First Muslim interpreter of Quran in English is Khalifa Abdul Hakeem. • Shah Waliullah Translated Holy Quran in Persian and Shah Rafiuddin in Urdu in 1776. • Hafiz Lakhvi translated Holy Quran in Punjabi. • Ross translated the Holy Quran in to English. • Surah Alaq was revealed on 18th Ramzan.(contradictory) • Number of Aayats in al-Bakar is 286. • Longest Makki Surah is Aaraf. • Second longest Surah is Ashrah/Al-Imran. • Surah Kausar has 3 Aayats. • First Surah compilation wise is Surah Fatiha. • Fatiha means opening. • Fatiha contains 7 aayats. • Fatiha is also called Ummul Kitab. • First surah revealed in Madina was surah Fatiha. • Surah Fatiha revealed twice-in Makkah & Madina. • Angles mentioned in Quran are7. • Meaning of Aayat is Sign. • Meaning of Hadith is to take. • Stone mentioned in Quran is ruby (Yaakut). • First Sajda occurs in 9th Para, Al-Inaam Surah. • Longest Surah (al-Bakr) covers 1/12th of Quran. • Madni Surahs are generally longer. • Madni Surahs consist of1/3rd of Quran. • Makki Surahs consist of2/3rd of Quran. • Surah Ikhlas is 112 Surah of Quran. • First complete Madni Surah is Baqarah. • Names of Quran mentioned in Quran is 55. • Surahs named after animals are 4 in number. • Namal means Ant. • Surah Inaam means Camel. • Surah Nahl means Honey bee. • Surah Ankaboot means spider. • The major part of Quran is revealed at night time. • Generally aayats of Sajida occur in Makki Surahs. • 10 virtues are blessed for recitation of one word of Quran. • Surah Anfal means Cave. • In Naml two bismillah occur (2nds one is at aayat no:30) • Surah Kahf means the cave. • Muzammil means Wrapped in garments. • Kausar means Abundance. • Nasr means Help. PROPHETS OF ISLAM • Adam was created on Juma day. • Adam landed in Sri Lanka on Adam’s Peak Mountain. • Adam is a word of Syriani language. • Adam had 2 daughters. • Kabeel killed Habeel because he wanted to marry Akleema. • The first person to be put into Hell will be Qaabil. • Adam had 3 sons. • Shees was youngest son of Adam. • Age of Adam at Sheesh’s birth was 130 years. • Adam walked from India to Makkah and performed forty Hajj. • Adam knew 100 000 languages. (Roohul Bayaan) • Abul Basher is called to Hazrat Adam. • Hazrat Adam built first mosque on earth. • Height of Adam was 90 feet. • Age of Adam at the time of his death 950 years. • Hazrat Adam’s grave is in Saudi Arabia. • Second prophet is Sheesh. • Sheesh passed away at the age of 912 years. • Noah got prophethood at the age of 40 • Noah’s ark was 400 x 100 yards area. • Ark of Noah stopped at Judi Mountain (Turkey). • Noah preached for 950 years. • Nation of Noah worshipped 5 idols. • Nation of Noah was exterminated through the flood. • Pigeon was sent for the search of land by Hazrat Nooh. • Noah was sent to Iraq. • 2242 years after Adam, Toofan-e-Noah occurred. • About 80 people were with him in the boat. • Duration of storm of Noah was for 6 months. • Noah lived for 950 years. • Nooh is called predecessor, Naji Ullah; Shaikh ul Ambiya. • Abu ul Bashr Sani is title of Noah. • After toofan-e-nooh , the city establish was Khasran • Ibrahim was thrown into the fire by the order of Namrud. • Hazrat Ibraheem intended to sacrifice Ismaeel at Mina. • Ibrahim was born at Amer near Euphrate (Iraq) • Ibraheem was firstly ordered to migrate to Palestine. • First wife of Ibraheem was Saarah. • Second wife of Ibraheem was Haajirah. • Azaab of mosquitoes was sent to the nation of Ibrahim • Abraham is called khalilullah, father of prophets and Idol Destroyer. • Age of Abraham at the time of his death 175 years. • Grave of Abraham is in Israel.(Syria chk it). • Ibrahim is buried at Hebron in Jerusalem. • Abrahem invented comb. • Hazrat Loot was contemporary of Hazarat Ibraheem • Abraham remained in fire 40 days. • Terah or Aazer was the father of Ibraheem. • Grave of Lut is in Iraq. • Luut died at Palestine and is buried at Hebron. • Ibraheem was the uncle of Luut. • Loot was maternal grandfather of Ayub. • Hazart Loot was the first to migrate. • Luut resided at Ur near Mesopotamia. • Luut migrated to Sodom and Gomorrah • Ismaeel is called Abu-al-Arab. • Mother of Ismaeel was Haajrah. • Ishaaq built boundaries of Masjid-e-Aqsaa. • Ishaaq was sent to Jews. • At Muqam-e-Ibraheem, there are imprints of Ibraheem. • Ibrahim was first person to circumcise himself and his son. • Sara wife of Ibrahim and mother of Ishaq was sister of Loot. • Hajra the wife of Ibrahim was daughter of Pharoah of Egypt. • Ibrahim was 86 years old when Ismael was born. • Ibrahim was ordered to migrate along with family to valley of Batha meaning Makkah. • Ibrahim was sent to Jordan after leaving Haajrah and Ismaeel • Age of Ibraheem at the birth of Ishaq was 100 years and of Saarah was 90 years. • First wife of Ibrahim resided at Palestine. • Ibrahim intended to sacrifice Ismaeel at Mina on 10th Zul Hajj. • As a result of sacrifice of Ismael, Ibrahim was gifted a baby from Saarah named Ishaq. • Zam Zam emerged from beneath the foot of Hazrat Ismaeel in the valley of Batha (Makkah). • Hazrat Ismail discovered Hajar-e-Aswad. • Ismaeel had 15 sons. • Zabeeullah and Abu al Arab are called to Hazrat Ismaeel. • Ismael divorced his wife being discourteous. • Jibrael brought sacred stone to Ismael. • Original colour of the sacred stone was white. • Gabriel gave the news of Ishaaq to Ibrahim. • Ishaq married Rebecca. • Old name of Makkah was Batha. • Hazrat Idress was expert in astronomy. • Uzair became alive after remaining dead for one hundred years. • Whale Swallowed Hazrat Younus (AS).(chk) • Hazrat Yaqub has the title of Israel • 1 Lac 24 thousand- total number of prophets. • Hazrat Idrees was the first who learnt to write. • How many Sahifay were revealed to Hazrat Idrees (AS)? 30 • Prophet Yahya A.S was sent to people of Jordan. • Hazrat Idrees (A.S) set up 180 cities. • Prophet Ishaq A.S lost his eye sight in old age. • Hazrat Dawood could mould iron easily with his hand. • The event of ring is related to Hazrat Sulaiman. • Hazarat Moosa(A.S) had impediment in his tongue • Moosa was granted 9 miracles. • Musa crossed the Red Sea. • The prophet mentioned in Quran for most of times is Moosa. • Ten commandments were revealed on Moosa. • Moosa died on Abareem mountain. • Grave of Musa is in Israel. • Teacher of Moosa was Shoaib. • Moosa was brought up by Aasia Bint Mozahim. • Elder brother of Moosa was Haroon. • Moosa had only one brother. • In Toowa valley Moosa was granted prophethood. • An Egyptian was killed by Moosa. • Haroon was an eloquent speaker. • Haroon is buried at Ohad. • Haroon & Musa both were prophets and contemporaries. • Prophet Ayub suffered from Skin Disease. • Hazrat Ayub was famous for his patience. • The miracle of Dromedary (camel) is concerned with Saleh • 4 prophets were sent to Bani Israeel. • 722 languages were understood by Hazrat Idrees. • Hazrat Saleh invented Soap. • Kalori: hill, from where Isa was lifted alive. • Zikraiya was carpenter. • Harzat Zikraiya was cut with the Saw. • Adam & Dawood are addressed as Khalifa in Quran. • Sulaiman & Dawood understood language of the birds. • The tree of date palm grew on the earth for the first time. • At Hanif mosque at Mina almost 70 prophets are buried. • Prophets attached with the profession of weaving are Adam, Idrees & Shaeet. • Hazrat younus was eaten by shark fish. • Younus prayed LAILAH ANTA SUBHANAK INI KUNTUM MINAZALIMIN in the belly of fish. • Grave of Dawood is in Israel. • Yahya’s tomb is in Damascus. • Bilal Habshi is buried in Damascus. • Prophet with melodious voice Dawood. • Alive prophets are Isa & Khizr. PROPHETS B • Zunoon (lord of fish) & Sahibul Hoot : Younus. • The prophet whose people were last to suffer divine punishment Saleh. • Suleiman died while standing with the support of a stick. • Ashab-e-Kahf slept for 309 years. • The number of Ashab-e-Kahf was 7. • Saleh invented soap. • Idrees was expert in astronomy. • Prophet before Muhammad was Isaac. • Hazrat Essa (A.S) was carpenter by profession. • Besides Essa, Yahya also got prophet hood in childhood. • Baitul Laham is the birth Place of Hazrat Essa (AS) is situated in Jerusalaem. • Isa would cure the victims of leprosy. • Zakria was contemporary of Isa. • Isa was the cousin of Yahya. • Romans kingdom was established in Palestine at Esa’s birth. • Romans were Atheists. • Ruler of Palestine at the birth of Esa was Herod. • Maryum grew up in the house of Zakaiyya. • Besides Esa , Adam was also a fatherless prophet. • Esa born at Bethlehem. • Esa was born in 4 B.C. • Yahaya was the precursor of Eessa. • Contemporary of Yahya was Eessa. • Yahya is buried at Syria. • Our prophet has the title Habibullah. • Prophet Dawood has the title Najeeb Ullah. • Prophet Jesus crist is called Rooh-ul-Ullah. • Tur-e-Sina was the mountain where Hazrat Musa (AS) received Allah’s message. • Hazrat Musa was Kalimullah. • Science, astronomy, writing with pen, sewing and weapons were made by Idrees first of all. • 30 Sahifay was revealed to Idrees. • Aad was the nation of Hood. • After seven day’s continuous rain and storm the nation of Hood destroyed. • Nation of Samood was preached by Salih. • Miracle of pregnant female camel was sent to Samood. • 3 Sahifay were revealed to Ibrahim. • Israel was the son of Ishaq. • Israel was 147 years old when Ishaq died. • Mountains would break by the miracle of Yaqoob. • Musa married the daughter of Shoaib. • Due to Zakria’s prayer Yahya was born. • Yousuf remained in jail for 10 years. • Yousuf and Yaqoob met each other after 40 years. • Yousuf was the son of Yaqoob. • Yousuf’s family was called the Israeelites. • Real brother of Yousuf was Bin Yamen. • Yousuf was sold as a slave in Egypt. • Yousuf had 12 brothers. • Yousuf was famous for his beauty & knew facts of dreams. • Mother of Yousuf was Rachel. • Yaqoob lost his eye-sight in memory of Yousuf. • Nation of Shoaib committed embezzlement in trusts. • Shoaib called Speaker of the Prophets.(Khateeb ul ambiya) • Shoaib got blinded for weeping over destruction of his nation. • Ilyas prayed for nation it rained after a period of 312 years. • Uzair reassembled all copies of Taurait. • Taloot was the father-in-law of Dawood. • Dawood was good player of flute. • Fountain of Copper flowed from Sulayman. • Woodpecker conveyed Sulayman’s message to Saba queen. • Younus remained in fish for 40 days. • King Herodus ordered the execution of Yahya. • Politus on Roman governor’s orders tried execution of Isa. • Dawood is called as Najeeb Ullah. • In quran ten commandments are named Awamir-i-Ashara. • Teacher of Hakeem Lukman was Dawood. • Prophets lifted alive Isa,Idrees&Ilyas. • Idrees was directed to migrate by Allah to Egypt. • Idrees was the first man to learn to write. • Idrees was taken alive to Heavens at the age of 365 Y. • Gnostics regarded Sheesh as a divine emanation. • Gnostics means Sheesinas and inhabited Egypt. • Idrees was sent to Gnostics. • Idol worship was forbidden by Idress to people. • Idress was special friend of one of the angels. • Idrees remained in 4th heaven. • Idreess died in the wings of the angel. • Pigeon was sent for the search of land by Noah. • Sam, Ham & Riyyafas were the children of Noah. • Bani Aad settled in Yemen. • Shaddad was famous king of Bani Aad. • Glorious palace near Adan built by Bani Aad was known as Garden of Iram. • Shaddad kingdom was extended to Iraq. • A violent storm was sent to Bani Aad. • Grave of Hood is at Hazarmoat. • Oman, Yemen & Hazarmoat are in Southern Arabia. • In Rajab, Arabs visit the grave of Hood. • Bani Samood lived in Wadi al-Qura & Wadi al-Hajr. • Wadi al-Qura, Wadi al-Hajr are in Syria & Hijaz. • Volcanic eruption was sent to Bani samood. • Contemporary of Ibrahim was Lut. • Hood was the uncle of Ibraheem. • A dreadful earthquake was sent to people of Luut. • Native area of Ibraheem was Mesopotamia. • Surname of Terah was Aazar. • Father of Yaaqoob and Esau was Ishaq. • Father-in-law of Ayyoob was Yaqoob. • Ishaq is buried in Palestine. • Age of Ishaq when he was blessed with twins was 60 Y. • Yunus was the twin brother of Yaaqoob. • Prophet bestowed with kingship of Allah: Dawood. • Dawood was a soldier of Talut. • Dawood lived in Bait-ul-Lahm. • Talut was also known as Saul. • Dawood is buried at Jerusalem. • Youngest son of Dawood was Sulaymaan. • Mother of Sulayman was Saba. • Sulayman ascended the throne of Joodia. • Sulaymaan was a great lover of horses. • The ruler of Yemen in the time of Sulayman was Saba. • Hud Hud informed Sulyman about the kingdom of Yemen. • Saba means Bilqees. • Whose kingdom came under a famine in the times of Ilyas: King of Ahab. • Ilyas’s nation worshipped idol namd Lal. • Ilyas disappeared mysteriously. • Successor of Ilyas was Al-ya-sah. • Cousin of Al-ya-Say who was prophet was Ilyas. • Uzair remained died for 100 years. • For 18 years Ayyoob suffered from skin disease. • Real name of Zull Kifl is Isaih and Kharqil bin Thauri. • Yunus died in Nineveh. • Father of Yahya was Zakariyya. • Trustee of Hekal was Zakiriyya. • Zakariya hid himself in the cover of the tree and was cut into two pieces by Jews. • Maryum lived at Nazareth before Esa’s birth. • Maryum migrated to Egypt after Esa’s birth. • Number of Hawarin of Moosa was 12. • Jews and Romans were worried about Esa’s influence. • First prophet to demarcate Masjid-e-Aqsaa was Ishaaq. • Dawood’s real name was Abar. • Ahsan ul Qasas is the life history of hazrat Yousif. • Nebuchadnezzer was ruler of Babylon, he founded Hanging garden which is one of the wonders of the world. • Qaidar was one of the sons of Ismail who stayed at Hijaz. • Idrees used the first pen. • Four Ambiyah are still physically alive they are Esa and Idrees in the skies and Khidr and Ilyaas are on the earth. To which Prophet the Zabur was revealed by Allah? A. Prophet Ibraheem (A.S) B. Prophet Dawood (A.S) C. Prophet Moosa (A.S) D. Prophet Essa (A.S) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2. Which companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of "The Sword of Allah)" A. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) B. Hazrat Omar Farooq (R.A) C. Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) D. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had how many sons? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had how many daughters? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 5. The real name of Imam Bukhari (R.A) is? A. Muhammad Bin Ismail B. Muhammad Ismail C. Muhammad Ibrahim D. Ismail bin Ibrahim Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 6. The Angel who delivered messages to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Allah was? A. Jibrael (A.S) B. Mikael (A.S) C. Israfeel (A.S) D. Izraeel (A.S) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. Which companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of "The lion of Allah"? A. Hazrat Omar Farooque (R.A) B. Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) C. Hazrat Hamza bin Abdul Mutlaib (R.A) D. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 8. The first Masjid (Mosque) on the surface of Earth is? A. Masjid-ul-Haram B. Masjid-e-Nabavi C. Masjid-e-Aqsa D. Quba Masjid Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. Name the wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who was daughter of Hazrat Omar Farooq (R.A)? A. Hazrat Aisha (R.A) B. Hazrat Juwairyyah (R.A) C. Hazrat Hafsah (R.A) D. Hazrat Maimoonah (R.A) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 10. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) married Khadija (R.A) at the age of? A. 23 years B. 25 years C. 27 years D. 30 years Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Umm-ul-Masakeen was the title given to one of the wives of the Prophet (SAW): A. Hazrat Hafsa benet Umar (R.A) B. Hazrat Zainab benet Jehash (R.A) C. Hazrat Safia (R.A) D. None of them Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. The relation between Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) was? A. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was father-in-law of Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) C. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was brother-in-law of Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) Answer & Explanation B. Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) was fatherin-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) D. Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) was brother-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 13. What was the relation between Prophet Ismail (A.S) and Prophet Ishaq (A.S) A. Father and son B. Uncle and nephew C. They were Brothers D. They were Cousins Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. First migration of the Compaions and relatives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was to? A. Makkah B. Madina C. Abyssinia (Ethiopia) D. Baghdad Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 15. Allah says, "Wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are mothers of believers" in which Surah? A. Surah Al-e-Imraan B. Surah Yaseen C. Surah Muhammad D. Surah Ahzaab Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 16. Khadija (R.A) passed away when she was ------ and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was ---------- years old? A. 58 - 43 B. 60 - 45 C. 63 - 48 D. 65 - 50 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 17. The Battle of Badr was fought in? A. 1 Hijri B. 2 Hijri C. 3 Hijri D. 4 Hijri Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 18. The Battle of Badr was fought in the month of? A. Ramadan B. Muharram C. Shawwal D. Rabi-ul-Awwal Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 19. Hazrat Khadija (R.A) bore all the children of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) except? A. Ibrahim (R.A) B. Abdullah (R.A) C. Hazrat Fatima (R.A) D. Hazrat Ruqaiyah (R.A) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 20. Qiblah was changed from Jerusalem to Khana-e-Kabba in? A. Ramdan 1 A.H B. Shaban 1 A.H C. Ramadan 2 A.H D. Shaban 2 A.H Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D The Saiful-Bahr Mission to intercept a caraven belonging to Quraish, occurrred in? A. Ramdan 1 A.H B. Shaban 1 A.H C. Ramadan 2 A.H D. Shaban 2 A.H Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 22. The color of the first flag, in the history of Islam was? A. White B. Black C. White and Black D. Green Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 23. The Nakhla Mission took place in? A. Rajab 1 A.H B. Shaban 1 A.H C. Rajab 2 A.H D. Shaban 2 A.H Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 24. The first invasion under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was? A. The invasion of Abwa or Waddan B. The invasion of Buwat C. The invasion of Safwan D. The invasion of Dhil-Ushairah Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 25. The phase of secret preaching lasted for ------------ years A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 26. Cave Hira is in the mountain? A. As-Safa B. Sil C. Uhud D. An-Noor Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 27. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived in Madina for -------- years. A. 8 B. 9 C. 10 D. 11 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 28. There were ----- men and ------ women in the first migration to Abyssinia. A. 6 ?10 B. 10 ?6 C. 4 ?12 D. 12 ?4 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 29. In the beginning of open preaching towards Islam, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stood up on Mount As-Safa one day and called out loudly "Ya Sabahah!". The meaning of Ya Sabahah is? A. Beginning B. Good morning C. To draw attention of others to some danger D. Come to the reliigion Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 30. During the phase of secret preaching, the meeting place of Muslims where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught newly converts, Islam and Islamic wisdom was? A. House of Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) B. House of Usman Ghani (R.A) C. House of Salman Farsi (R.A) D. House of Al-Arqam (R.A) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Al-Hudaibiyah Treaty was concluded in --------- Hijri. A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 32. Hamza bin Abdul-Mutalib (R.A) (Asadullah) was assassinated in the battle of ? A. Badr B. Uhud C. Khandaq D. Mu'tah Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 33. The ------- year of the Prophethood, was the year of grief. A. 7th B. 8th C. 9th D. 10th Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 34. The Battle of Uhud was fought in ------ A.D? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 35. The Battle of Uhud was fought in the month of? A. Ramadan B. Muharram C. Shawwal D. Rabi-ul-Awwal Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 36. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) granted a very special privilege, He said "May my father and mother be ransomed for you" to ---------? A. Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) B. Omar Farooq (R.A) C. Saad bin Abi Waqqas (R.A) D. Hamza bin Abdul-Mutalib (R.A) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 37. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is called with the name "Ahmed" in Surah? A. Ya-Seen B. Muhammad C. Saff D. Muzzammil Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 38. "Muhammad is the messenger of Allah" is stated in Surah? A. Ya-Seen B. Muhammad C. Muzammil D. Fath Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 39. Al-Hudaibiyah Treaty was scribed by? A. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) B. Hazrat Omar Farooq (R.A) C. Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A) D. Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 40. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sent his messengers to the kings beyond Arabia calling them to Islam. In order to authenticate the credentials of his messengers, a ------ seal was made. A. Golden B. Silver C. Metallic D. Wooden Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B The seal was engraved with the words ----------A. Allah Rasool, Muhammad-Vertically B. Allah, Rasool, Muhammad Horizontally C. Allah, Muhammad, Rasool-Vertically D. Allah, Muhammad, Rasool Horizontally Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 42. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sent his messengers to the kings beyound Arabia calling them to Islam in ---------. A. 5 A.H B. 6 A.H C. 7 A.H D. 8 A.H Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 43. The Khaibar was conquered in? A. Muharram 6 A.H B. Shawwal 6 A.H C. Muharram 7 A.H D. Shawwal 7 A.H Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 44. In the Battle of Uhud, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) selected ______ skillful archers to stay on a mountain (side). A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. 50 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 45. In the Battle of Uhud, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) selected skillful archers to stay on a mountain (side) under the command of? A. Abdullah bin Jubair (R.A) B. Saad bin Abi-Waqas (R.A) C. Amir Muawiyah (R.A) D. Hatib bin Abi Balta'ah (R.A) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 46. In the Battle of Uhud, Muslim army was re-attaacked from mountain (side) under the command of? A. Abdullah bin Zubair (R.A) B. Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) C. Abu Jahal D. Rustum Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 47. What was the relation between Prophet Moosa A.A) and Prophet Haroon A.S)? A. Uncle and nephew B. Father and son C. They were Brothers D. They were Cousins Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 48. One of the rulers Hazrat Muhammad wrote letters was Khosro Pervaiz. He was a? A. King of Rome B. King of Bahrain C. Emperor of Abyssinia D. Emperor of Persia Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 49. The relatives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the first migration to Abyssinia were ______. A. Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) and Aisha (R.A) B. Omar farooq (R.A) and Hafsa (R.A) C. Usman Ghani (R.A) and Ruqaiyah (R.A) D. Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) and Fatima (R.A) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 50. The Hijra Calender was innovated by -----------A. Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) B. Omar Farooq (R.A) C. Usman Ghani (R.A) D. Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Who established Stipends for the poor among the Jews and the Christians? A. Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) B. Omar Farooq (R.A) C. Usman Ghani (R.A) D. Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 52. Makkah was conquered in? A. Ramadan 8 A.H B. Shawwal 8 A.H C. Ramadan 10 A.H D. Shawwal 10 A.H Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 53. Ibrahim (R.A) was son of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The mother of Ibrahim (R.A) was? A. Hazrat Khadija (R.A) B. Hazrat Aisha (R.A) C. Hazrat Hafsa (R.A) D. Hazrat Maria (R.A) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 54. _______ wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH); the mothers of all Muslims died in the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 55. Fundamentals of Islam are in number? A. 4 B. 6 C. 5 D. 7 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 56. The word "Tehlil" means? A. Recitation of Kalima B. Recitation of Hadith C. Recitation of the Holy Quran D. None of A B & C Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 57. Namaz-e-Khasoof is related to? A. Lunar Eclipse B. Solar Eclipse C. Peace D. Rain Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 58. Namaz-e-Istasqa is related to? A. Peace for nation B. Blessing of Allah C. Rain D. All of them Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 59. When five prayers were made obligatory during the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH)? A. During the stay at Ghar-e-Sor B. Stay at Ghar-e-Hira C. At the occasion of Miraj D. None of them Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 60. For whom the Jumma is not compulsory? A. Women B. Men C. Children D. Disabled persons Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Name the two prayers which have no Azan? A. Zhur and Asar B. Jumma and Fijr C. Eid and Janaza D. Fijr and Isha Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 62. Wuzu has -------- Farz. A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 5 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 63. Namaz-e-Taraweeh is? A. Sunnat B. Farz C. Wajib D. None of them Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 64. When was the permission for Tayammum granted? A. 2 A.H B. 3 A.H C. 4 A.H D. 5 A.H Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 65. The rate and method of distribution of Zakat was determined at Madina in? A. 1 A.H B. 2 A.H C. 3 A.H D. 5 A.H Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 66. Word Zakat occurs in the Holy Quran for how many times? A. 33 B. 35 C. 38 D. 32 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 67. Who was first women Hafiz-e-Quran? A. Umal Mumneen Hazrat Hafsa (R.A) B. Umal Mumneen Hazrat Aysha (R.A) C. Umal Mumneen Hazrat Zainab (R.A) D. None of them Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 68. If a person has _________ gold Zakat is payable. A. 6 1/2 tolas B. 7 1/2 tolas C. 8 1/2 tolas D. 9 1/2 tolas Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 69. For payment of Zakat on silver the determined amount is? A. 52 1/2 tolas B. 51 1/2 tolas C. 50 1/2 tolas D. 40 1/2 tolas Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 70. Injunction of utilization of Zakat is in _________. A. Surah Kafirun B. Surah Ahzaab C. Surah-al Tauba D. Surah Baqra Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Number of heads for distribution of Zakat is ______. A. 7 B. 9 C. 10 D. 8 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 72. Zakat was made obligatory for the Muslims in ___________. A. 1 A.H B. 2 A.H C. 3 A.H D. 4 A.H Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 73. Amount of Zakat cannot be used in _________. A. Madrassah B. Mosque C. Hospital D. All of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 74. Namaz-e-Istasqa is offered with ________. A. Backside of hands upward B. Hands raised at the sides C. Backside of hands downward D. Hands downward at the sides Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 75. Total number of rakats in Farz prayers is ________. A. 45 B. 46 C. 47 D. 48 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 76. When did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) offered first Eid prayer? A. 1 A.H B. 2 A.H C. 3 A.H D. 4 A.H Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 77. How many conditions are for Namaz? A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 78. How many persons at least are required for a Jamat prayer? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 79. The Holy Prophet offered first Jumma prayer in? A. 2 A.H B. 3 A.H C. 1 A.H D. 4 A.H Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 80. Hajj means? A. To aim B. To intend C. To plan D. Be determine Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: When Hajj was made compulsory? A. 6 A.H B. 7 A.H C. 8 A.H D. 9 A.H Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 82. Hajj is not completed unless you go to? A. Makkah B. Madina C. Mina D. Arafat Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 83. For whom Hajj is compulsory? A. The rich B. The Poor C. Both A & B D. None of them Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 84. Arafat is about ----------- miles from Kaaba. A. 8 B. 10 C. 12 D. 22 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 85. When did Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail rebuilt Kaaba? A. 3000 years ago B. 3500 years ago C. 4000 years ago D. 4500 years ago Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 86. What was the age of our Prophet (PBUH) when the Arab tribes rebuilt Kaaba? A. 34 years B. 35 years C. 36 years D. 37 years Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 87. Hazrat Muhammad performed just one Hajj in 10 Hijri. How many camels did he sacrifice on that occasion? A. 53 B. 100 C. 63 D. 70 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 88. Which Surah of the Holy Quran Hajj is commanded? A. Al-Imran B. Al-Baqrah C. Al-Rehman D. Fatir Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 89. Umrah cab performed at anytime throughout the year except? A. 5th to 7th Zil-Hajj B. 9th to 11th Zil-Hajj C. 6th to 8th Zil-Hajj D. 8th to 10th Zil-Hajj Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 90. Muzdalifa is situated between? A. Mina and Kaaba B. Safa and Mina C. Mina and Arafat D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Which one is called Masha' ar-ul-Haram? A. Mina valley B. Muzdalifa Valley C. Arafat D. Madina valley Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 92. What is Istelam? A. Salam to Kaaba B. Salam to Hajre Aswad C. Kissing Hajre Aswad D. Praying at Muqam-e-Ibrahim Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 93. Qurbani (Holy Slaughtering) is made during Hajj at? A. Arafat B. Mina C. Muzdalifa D. Safa Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 94. Fast (Saum) in the month of Ramazan was made obligatory in the -------- A.H. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 95. In which Surah of the Holy Quran Fasting is commanded? A. Yousaf B. Yaseen C. Al-Baqarah D. Al-Nisa Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 96. Month of Ramzan is known as? A. Sayyed ul Ayyam B. Sayyed us Shahoor C. Both A & B D. None of them Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 97. _______ is the door for the fast observing people. A. Bab us Salah B. Bab ul Jihad C. Bab ul Haqq D. Bab ur Rayyan Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 98. What are the Ashras of Ramazan called? A. Ashra-e-Rehmat B. Ashra-e-Maghfirat C. Ashra-e-Nijat D. All of them Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 99. How many Ghazwat were fought in the month of ramazan? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 100. Jehad became mandatory in _____ Hijra. A. 1 AH B. 2 AH C. 3 AH D. 4 AH Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: In Arabic the word jihad translates as a noun meaning? A. Effort B. Fight back C. Struggle D. Resist Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 102. How many times the word jihad appears in the Holy Quran? A. 41 B. 42 C. 43 D. 44 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 103. Who collected Quranic verses in one place? He is also known as Jami-e-Quran. A. Hazrat Omar Farooque (R.A) B. Hazrat Abdullah ibne Abbas (R.A) C. Hazrat Abdullah ibne Masood (R.A) D. Hazrat Usman (R.A) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 104. A Verse of the Holy Quran indicates the name of? A. Hazrat Usman B. Hazrat Zaid C. Hazrat Saad D. Hazrat Muaaz Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 105. Who was the first writer of "Wahi" in Quraish? A. Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA) B. Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair (RA) C. Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA) D. Hazrat Ibn Masuod (RA) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 106. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) got the Quran compiled on the advice of? A. Hazrat Umar (R.A) B. Hazrat Uthman (R.A) C. Hazrat Ali (R.A) D. Hazrat Zaid (R.A) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 107. Surah Hajj consist of 10 Rukus and _______ Ayats. A. 70 B. 75 C. 78 D. 82 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 108. Surah Saba is? A. Makki B. Madni C. Both A and B D. None of them Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 109. In which Surah the of Holy Quran there is mention of Zulqarnain? A. A'ssuff B. Alkahaf C. Al Mujadala D. Yusuf Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 110. The word Muhammad (PBUH) as a name has been mentioned in Quran only? A. Two times B. Four times C. Six times D. Seven times Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah twice? A. Al Nehal B. Al Ahzaab C. Al Namal D. Al Noor Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 112. The longest Surah of the Qur'an is? A. Surah al Baqarah B. Surah al Imran C. Surah al Tauba D. Surah Younus Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 113. Al-Maeen is a Surah is which there are? A. 100 or more ayahs B. Simple orders C. Hard orders D. Less than 100 ayahs Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 114. QUBA mosque has been mentioned in? A. Surah al Tauba B. Surah Anfal C. Surah Dhuha D. Surah Al-Muzammil Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 115. The "IFK" event is described in the Qur'an in? A. Surah Noor B. Surah Tauba C. Surah Baqarah D. Surah Yaseen Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 116. MAUWAZATAIN means? A. A collection of Ahadith B. Two specific Surahs of Quran C. A book of Jaffariah fiqh D. A book of Hanafi fiqh Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 117. Sadaq-e-Eid-ul-Fitr was proclaimed in the year? A. 2 Hijri B. 3 Hijri C. 4 Hijri D. 5 Hijri Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 118. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) gave the key of Bait Ullah permanently to Hazrat? A. Hazrat Usman (RA) B. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) C. Hazrat Usman bin Talha (RA) D. Hazrat Huzaifa (RA) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 119. Which one of the following is included amongst the Ushera-e-Mubhashera? A. Saad Bin Ubaid B. Saad bin Abada C. Saad bin Abi Waqqas (R.A) D. Hazrat Junaid Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 120. The tile given to the pioneers of Islam was? A. Mushahidoon al Awwalum B. Muslimoon al Awwalun C. Assabiqoon al Awwalun D. Al-awwalun Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C The Master of Hazrat Bilal (RA) during embracing Islam was? A. Abu Jahal B. Ummayia Bin Harb C. Oqabah bin Abi al Mueet D. Ummayia bin Khalaf Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 122. Splitting of the moon occurred in? A. Arafat B. Mina C. Muzdalifa D. Haram e Pak Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 123. Makkah was conquered in? A. 5 A.H B. 10 A.H C. 2 A.H D. 8 A.H Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 124. Pious-Caliphate lasted for about? A. Eighteen Years B. Twenty Years C. Thirty Years D. Five Years Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 125. Who is called "saqi zam zam"? A. Hazrat Abbas (RA) B. Hazrat Hamza C. Hazrat Muaz bin Jabal (RA) D. Hazrat Muawiyah (RA) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 126. The Prophet made Hazrat Muaaz Bin Jabal the Governor of? A. Kufa B. Makkah C. Medina D. Yemen Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 127. When law of inheritence was revealed? A. Three Hijri B. Four Hijri C. Five Hijri D. Six Hijri Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 128. Who was the last Commander in Chief for Sirya-e-Mautah? A. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) B. Abdul Rehman bin Auf (R.A) C. Abdullah bin Rawaha (R.A) D. Zaid bin Harrisah (RA) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 129. The effective Zakat System can ensure the elimination of? A. Poverty B. Interest C. Class Distinction D. Ignorance Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 130. How many stages the Quran contains? A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum Previous 34 What was the name of faster sister of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? A. Hazrat Raqiyyah (R.A) B. Hazrat Salmah (R.A) C. Hazrat Mariah (R.A) D. Hazrat Shima (R.A) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 132. "Namaz-e-Istisqa" is prayer for: A. Rain B. Sleep C. Blessing of God D. Pardon Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 133. What is the number of Ramzan in the Islamic Calender? A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 134. Masjid Zu Qiblatain is situated in A. Madina B. Mukkah C. Taif D. Jabal-e-Noor Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 135. Who was a historian, Justice, Philosopher as well as a Politician? A. Shams ud Din bin Khaldun B. Abdul Rehman bin Khaldun C. Abu Bakar Muhammad Yahya D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 136. Ameen-ul-Umat is title of Hazrat: A. Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas (R.A) B. Hazrat Bilal (R.A) C. Abu-Ubaida bin Al Jarah (R.A) D. None of them Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Where Muhammad (PBUH) is buried? In Hujra of Hazrat Aaysha (R.A) 2. At what age Muhammad (PBUH) died? 63 years 3. What was the name of sword used by Muhammad (PBUH) in each war? Zulfiqar 4. On which day Muhammad (PBUH) used to wear new dress? Friday (Jumma-tul-Mubarak) 5. What the wives of Muhammad (PBUH) are called? Umm-ul-Momineen 6. Which was the last Ghazwa participated by Muhammad (PBUH)? Ghazwa-e-Tabook 7. How long Muhammad (PBUH) performed confidential preaching? 3 years 8. Which Qabila Muhammad’s (PBUH) mother belonged? Bani Zohra 9. What is the title of Hazrat Aaysha/ Siddiqua 10. Who is called Sha-er-e-Rasool? Hazrat Hassan-bin-Sabat 11. Which daughter of Abu Sufyan was married with Muhammad (PBUH)? Hazrat Um-e-Habiba (R.A) 12. How long Muhammad (PBUH) stayed at Medina? Ten years 13. Where the Roza-tul-Rasool is situated? Masjid-e-Nabvi (Medina Tayyaba) 14. Who are called Umm-ul-Momineen? The Holy wives of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) 15. Who are called Azwaj-ul-Muttaharaat? The Holy wives of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) 16. What is the literal meaning of Azwaj-ul-Muttaharaat? The pure wives 17. Who was the first wife of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? Hazrat Khadija (R.A) 18. Who was the last wife of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? Hazrat Mamoona (R.A) 19. Name the wife of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) who was the daughter of Hazrat Umar (R.A)? Hazrat Hafsa 20. Name the wife of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) who was the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)? Hazrat Aaysha (R.A) 21. Tahira was the surname of Hazrat Khadija (R.A) 22. Who was the eldest daughter of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? Hazrat Zainab (R.A) 23. Who was the husband of Hazrat Zainab (R.A)? Hazrat Abul A’as (R.A) 24. Name the granddaughter of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? Hazrat Ummamah (R.A) 25. Name the daughter of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and wife of Hazrat Usman (R.A)? Hazrat Ummay Kulsum (R.A), Hazrat Ruqia (R.A) 26. Hazrat Usman (R.A) did not participate in the battle of Badr due to illness of his wife. Hazrat Ruqia (R.A) 27. Name the daughter of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) who died on the day of victory in the battle of Badr? Hazrat Ruqia (R.A) 28. Name the daughter of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) who became wife of Hazrat Usman (R.A) after the death of Hazrat Ruqia (R.A)? Hazrat Ummmay Kulsum (R.A) 29. Name the youngest daughter of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? Hazrat Fatima (R.A) 30. When did Hazrat Fatima (R.A) marry with Hazrat Ali (R.A)? 2nd Hijri 31. Hazrat Qasim (R.A) the son of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was born………..years before Prophethood. 11 32. Name the grandson of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) who was the son of Hazrat Zainab (R.A)? Hazrat Ali bin Abul A’as (R.A) 33. Name the grandson of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) who was the son of Hazrat Ruqia (R.A)? Hazrat Abdullah (R.A) 34. Hazrat Hasan (R.A) and Hazrat Hussain (R.A) were the sons of Hazrat Ali (R.A) and Hazrat Fatima (R.A) 35. Who is known as Shabbar? Hazrat Hussain (R.A) 36. What is the meaning of Shabbar? Handsome 37. The word Shabbar is of …….language. Hebrew 38. Who was declared Khalifah after the death of Hazrat Ali (R.A)? Hazrat Hasan (R.A) 39. How many months Hazrat Hasan (R.A) remained as a Khalifah? Fourteen 40. Where Hazrat Hasan (R.A) was buried? Jannat-ul-Baq’ee 41. Who cared Hazrat Hussain (R.A) after the illness of his mother? Hazrat Ummay Fazal (R.A) 42. When the Karbala took place? 61 A.H 43. Karbala is located near the Euphrates river 44. Give the exact date and month of martyrdom of Hazrat Hussain (R.A)? 10 Muharram 45. Give the total number of sons of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? Hazrat Qasim (R.A) 46. Name the son of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) who died at the age of about 1 ½ years in 9 hijrah? Hazrat Ibrahim (R.A) 47. Which was the important coincidence on the death of Hazrat Ibrahim, the son of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? Solar Eclipse. • Laws about inheritance revealed in 3 A.H. • In 4th A.H wine was prohibited. • The order of Hijab for women reveled in 4th A.H. • Ablution made obligatory in 5th A.H. • In Surah Al-Nisa the commandment of Wuzu is present. • Procedure of ablution is present in Surah Maidah. • In 4 A.H Tayammum was granted. • Interest was prohibited in 8th A.H. Laws about orphanage revealed in 3 A.H. Laws about Zina revealed in 5 A.H. Laws about inheritance revealed in 3 A.H. . In 4th A.H wine was prohibited. The order of Hijab for women reveled in 4th A.H. Ablution made obligatory in 5th A.H In 4 A.H Tayammum was granted Last wahi came on3rd Rabiul Awal 11 A.D Last wahi came on3rd Rabiul Awal 11 A.D 2.4 General knowledge      World Geography Every Day Science World Organization Currency and Capitals First, Largest and Biggest \ Which of the following is not associated with the UNO? A. ILO B. WHO C. ASEAN D. All of the above Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: UNO: United Nations Organization ILO: International Labor Organization WHO: World Health Organization ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations The chairmanship/presidency of the UN Security Council rotates among the Council Members A. every 6 months B. every 3 months C. every year D. every month Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: The presidency of the United Nations Security Council rotates on a monthly basis alphabetically among all of the members based on their English name. Which of the following is not a chief organ of the United Nations Organisations? A. International Labour Organisation B. Security Council C. International Court of Justice D. General Assembly Permanent Secretariat to coordinate the implementation of SAARC programme is located at A. Dhaka B. New Delhi C. Colombo D. Kathmandu The Indian delegation to the first World Conference on Human Rights was led by A. Dr. Manmohan Singh B. Farooq Abdullah C. Dinesh singh D. Alam Khan The year 1995 is the Golden Jubilee year of which of the following international organisations? A. UNO B. NAM C. GATT (now WTO) D ASEAN A right ans The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is located at which of the following places? A. Geneva B. Rome C. Paris D. Vienna Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Amnesty International is an organisation associated with which of the following fields? A. Protection of Cruelty to animals B. Environment protection C. Protection of human rights D. Protection of historic monuments Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C The Halifax summit was that of A. G-7 countries B. Leaders of the NAM C. countries in favour of a common currency for Europe D. Palestinian and Israeli leaders Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A he office of the UN General Assembly is in A. Vienna B. New York C. Paris D. Zurich Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 11. Which is principal organ of the United Nations that as virtually accomplished its object? A. The Security Council B. The General Assembly C. The International Court of Justice D. The Trusteeship Council Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. The headquarters of the UNESCO is at A. Rome B. Geneva C. New York D. Paris Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 13. Which UN body deals with population problem? A. UNFPA B. UNDP C. UNICEF D. UNESCO Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: UNFPA = United Nations Fund for Population Activities. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. Besides UK, USA, Germany and Japan the G-7 countries includes A. Canada, France and Russia B. Canada, Italy and Netherlands C. France, Netherlands and Russia D. Canada, France and Italy Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 15. The headquarters of World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) is located in A. Paris B. Madrid C. New York D. Geneva Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D 16. SAARC is observing a decade(1991-2000) of which of the following? A. Girl child B. Literacy C. Health services to rural poor D. Shelter for all Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 17. The headquarters of Food and Agriculture Organisation is in A. Washington B. Paris C. Madrid D. Rome Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 18. Which of the following countries is not a member of Group 15 developing countries? A. Mexico B. Malaysia C. Brazil D. Bolivia Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 19. Which one of the following is not related to disarmament? A. SALT B. NPT C. CTBT D. NATO Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 20. Which of the following describe correctly the Group of Seven Countries (G-7)? A. They are developing countries B. They are industrialised countries C. They are holding Atomic Bomb technology D. They are countries who can launch their own satellites Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B 21. Which of the following is used as the logo of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)? A. Deer B. Panda C. Camel D. Lion Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 22. Which of the following countries is not a member of the G-8 group? A. Germany B. France C. Italy D. Spain Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 23. Pakistan which rejoined the Commonwealth, had pulled itself out of it in the year A. 1978 B. 1975 C. 1972 D. 1982 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 24. Which of the following countries is not a member of SAARC? A. Nepal B. Bangladesh C. Afghanistan D. Myanmar Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 25. The main aim of SAARC is A. Regional Cooperation B. Internal affairs C. Non-alignity D. Peaceful Coexistence Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: The International Human Rights Convention adopted by the United Nations in 1990 relates to A. disabled B. stateless persons C. migrant workers D. children Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 27. Who was the first Indian to be President of UN General Assembly? A. Mrs. Vijay Lakshmi Pandit B. Ramesh Bhandari C. Natwar Singh D. Krishna Menon Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 28. How many former republics of USSR have become members of the Commonwealth of Independent States? A. 11 B. 10 C. 12 D. 9 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 29. The five permanent members of UN security council are A. Japan, West Germany, USSR, UK and USA B. Canada, China, France, USSR and USA C. Germany, China, USSR, UK and USA D. China, France, USSR, UK and USA Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 30. When was the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) formed? A. 1985 B. 1982 C. 1986 D. 1987 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Which of the following is the headquarters of World Trade Organisation (WTO)? A. New York B. Geneva C. Madrid D. Paris Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 32. The international township built near Pondicherry in India in coloration with UNESCO is called A. Elbaville B. Auroville C. Gayaville D. Broadway Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 33. Which of the following is a cultural organisation? A. UNESCO B. ILO C. WHO D. FAO Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 34. The non-permanent members of the Security Council of the UN elected by the General Assembly for two years term at present include (2-year term which begins on the January 1, 2011) A. Japan, India, Hungary, Venezuela B. Morocco, Cape, Verde, Belgium, Russia C. Zimbabwe, Venezuela, India, France D. Colombia, Germany, India, Portugal, South Africa Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: For the 2-year term which begins on the January 1, 2011, the elected non-permanent members for this 2-year period will be Colombia, Germany, India, Portugal, and South Africa. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 35. Which of the following countries is not a member of G-15? A. Jamaica B. Indonesia C. Colombia D. Peru Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 36. The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP) is located at A. Manila B. Singapore C. Kuala lumpur D. Bangkok Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 37. Vietnam joined the U.N.O in the year A. 1977 B. 1970 C. 1976 D. 1974 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 38. The International Court of Justice is located at A. Geneva B. Hague C. Amsterdam D. Vienna Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 39. Which of the following international organisations has started the scheme 'Partnership for Peace' for a group of nations? A. Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) B. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP) C. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) D. Organisations of African Unity (OAU) Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 40. Which of the following pairs of country and the purpose for which U.N. Peace Keeping Force is maintained is correctly is correctly matched? A. Cyprus - to maintain peace between the two dominant ethnic groups in the country B. Mozambique - To supervise a referendum C. El Salvador - to deliver humanitarian aid D. Lebanon - For supervising a 1992 accord Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Which of the following is Human Rights Organisation? A. The French community B. The Organisation of African Unity C. The Arab League D. Amnesty International Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 42. The headquarters of International Atomic Energy Agency is located in A. Vienna B. London C. Geneva D. Washington Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 43. The head quarters of the International Red Cross is situated in A. Vienna B. Paris C. Hague D. Geneva Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 44. Which was the first country to withdraw from CENTO? A. Iraq B. Afghanistan C. Turkey D. U.K. Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 45. First Indian to make a speech in Hindi before the UN General Assembly is A. Moraji Desai B. A.B. Vajpayee C. Lal Bahadur Shastri D. Lal Krishna Advani Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B 51. The number of principal organs of UNO is A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 52. G-7 includes A. South Africa B. Australia C. India D. Italy Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 53. INTERPOL means A. International Political Conference B. International Criminal Police Organisation C. None of these D. International Association of Police Officers Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 54. The headquarters of U.N. is located in A. Rome B. Geneva C. New York D. Washington D.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 55. The SAARC movement was launched for A. political alliances B. regional cooperation C. cultural exchanges D. military strategy Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B 56. The headquarters of UNHCR is located at A. New York B. Rome C. Geneva D. London Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 57. Which of the following is a military alliance? A. NATO B. NAFTA C. EEC D. ASEAN Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 58. The headquarters of International Labour Organisation is at A. Paris B. New York C. Hague D. Geneva Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 59. The UNO was founded at A. Moscow B. London C. Paris D. San Francisco Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 60. The first General Secretary of UNO was A. Dag Hamarskjoeld B. U Thant C. Trygve Lie D. Kurt Waldheim Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C 61. The NAM summit which demanded expansion of the United Nations Security council had met at A. Tehran B. Cairo C. Harare D. Jakarta Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 62. Which of the following countries is not a member of a SAARC A. Sri Lanka B. Myanmar C. Maldives D. Bhutan Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 63. Where was the first ever security Council Summit meeting held in early 1992? A. New York B. Paris C. Geneva D. London Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 64. Which of the following country is not a member of G-7? A. Japan B. Russia C. France D. Italy Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 65. Which of the following is not an agency of U.N.? A. World Health Organisation B. Food and Agricultural Organisation C. International Committee of the Red Cross D. International Monetary Fund Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C 66. G-15 is a group of A. developing countries B. non-aligned countries C. developed countries D. companies Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: The G15, a group of 17 developing countries from Asia, Africa and Latin America, was set up to foster cooperation and provide input for other international groups, such as the World Trade Organization and the Group of Seven rich industrialized nations. The G15 focuses on cooperation among developing countries in the areas of investment, trade, and technology. The membership of the G15 has expanded to 18 countries, but the name has remained unchanged. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 67. The Indian Red Cross Society was established in the year A. 1932 B. 1920 C. 1945 D. 1890 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 68. SAARC was founded in A. New Delhi B. Geneva C. Dhaka D. Thimpu Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 69. Which organ of United Nations has ceased to be operational? A. Trusteeship Council B. Secretariat C. International Court of Justice D. Economic and Social Council Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 70. The member countries of NAFTA are A. USA and Canada B. USA, Canada and Mexico C. Canada and Mexico D. USA and Mexico Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B 71. India was elected as a President of General Assembly of the United Nations in 1953. Who occupied this office on behalf of India? A. S. Radha Krishnan B. Gopalswamy Iyyengar C. V.K. Krishna Menon D. Vijayalakshmi Pandit Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 72. United Nations adapted a Charter of Economic Rights in the year A. 1969 B. 1974 C. 1956 D. 1964 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 73. Which organ of the United Nations has ceased to be operational? A. Economic and Social Council B. International Court of Justice C. Trusteeship Council D. Secretariat Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: No answer description available for this question. Let us discuss. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 74. The United Nations is considered as a universal organisation. Which organ of rhe united nations fully represents the fact? A. The Economic and Social Council B. The Security Council C. The Secretariat D. The General Assembly Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D 1. The United Nations was founded on _________. A. March 24, 1945 B. October 24, 1945 C. March 24, 1949 D. October 24, 1950 2. Which country from the following is NOT the member of UNO? A. Vatican City B. Afghanistan C. North Korea D. Vaitnam 3. The International Court of Justice is located in _________. A. New York B. Washigton C. Geneva D. The Hague 4. There are __________ members of SAARC. A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 5. Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has __________ official languages. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 6. There are _________ non-permanent members of the security council. A. 5 B. 7 C. 10 D. 15 7. The currency of Indonesia is _________. A. rupiah B. dinar C. rangit D. riyal 8. The D-8 is an organization of eight ________ countries. A. developed B. developing C. Asian D. African 9. The European Union's working capital is in _________. A. London B. Lisbon C. Austria D. Brussels 10. The headquarter of NATO is located in _________. A. New York B. Paris C. Geneva D. Brussels 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.D 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.D 21.The motto of UNO is _________. A. It's your world! B. Life for All! C. Peace! D. Love and Peace! 22.The world's highest mountain is in __________. A. China B. Pakistan C. Nepal D. India 23.The headquarter of Red Cross is in _________. A. New York B. Washigton C. Geneva D. The Hague 24.World Trade Organization was established in __________. A. 1980 B. 1985 C. 1990 D. 1995 25.The North Atlantic treaty (NATO) was signed in __________. A. 1945 B. 1947 C. 1949 D. 1951 26.Which country, on the map of world, appears as "Long Shoe"? A. Portugal B. Italy C. Greece D. Hungary 27.Which from the following countries is NOT a member of D-8? A. India B. Pakistan C. Nigeria D. Turkey 28.The largest ocean of the world is __________. A. Atlantic B. Pacific C. Indian D. None of these 29.Which from the following countries does NOT yeild veto-power? A. United States B. United Kingdom C. Canada D. France 30.OIC changed its name from Organisation of the Islamic Conference to Organisation of Islamic Cooperation in _________. A. 1991 B. 1999 C. 2001 D. 2011 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. A C C D C B A B C D 21. The most powerful organ of United Nations is _________. A. General Assembly B. Security Council C. Secretariat D. International Court of Justice 22. The headquarter of Green Peace International is located in _________. A. Amserdam B. Geneva C. Lisbon D. Austria 23. 3 May is observed Internationally as _________. A. Labour Day B. Environment Day C. Earth Day D. Press Freedom Day 24. The Capital of Canada is __________. A. Tirane B. Ottawa C. Athens D. Luxembourg 25. Suez Canal is between __________. A. Arabian Sea and Red Sea B. C. D. Red Sea and North Sea Mediterranean Sea and North Sea Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea 26. The permanent Secretariat of SAARC is located in __________. A. Islamabad, Pakistan B. New Delhi, India C. Kathmandu, Nepal D. Colombo, Sri Lanka 27. Which from the following countries is NOT a member of European Union? A. Norway B. Ireland C. Malta D. Estonia 28. The currency of Israel is _________. A. Euro B. Shekel C. Forint D. Krone 29. The largest democratic country in the world is _________. A. United States B. United Kingdom C. China D. India 30. The permanent Secretariat of OIC is located in _________. A. Makkah B. Madina C. Jeddah D. Riyadh 21. B 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. D 30. C 31.The highest part of the Earth is __________ . 1. Mount Everest 2. K2 3. Norway 4. North Pole 32.The lowest part of the Earth is __________ . 1. Dead Sea 2. Mariana Trench 3. South Africa 4. South Pole 33.The deepest part of the Earth is __________ . 1. Dead Sea 2. Mariana Trench 3. South Africa 4. South Pole 34.The headquarter of Amnesty International is in _________. 1. Amserdam 2. Geneva 3. London 4. Berlin 35.The headquarter of Transparency International is in _________. 1. Amserdam 2. Geneva 3. London 4. Berlin 36.The biggest Island of the World is _________. 1. Iceland 2. Greenland 3. England 4. Sri Lanka 37.22 April is observed Internationally as _________. 1. Labour Day 2. Environment Day 3. Earth Day 4. Press Freedom Day 38.Yellow Sea lies between __________. 1. America and Canada 2. England and France 3. China and Korea 4. Norway and Sweden 39.The smallest Sea of the World is __________. 1. Dead Sea 2. Red Sea 3. Baltic Sea 4. Arabian Sea 40.World's famous bridge "Golden Gate" is in __________. 1. San Francisco 2. New Delhi 3. France 4. Sydney 31. A 32. A 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. B C D B C C C A 41. Which country is called "Land of thousand islands"? A. Malaysia B. Indonesia C. Ireland D. Finland 42. Indonesia is an archipelago comprising approximately __________ islands. A. 10,000 B. 12,500 C. 15,000 D. 17,500 43. Which country is called the "Land of Golden Fibre"? A. United States B. South Korea C. Bangladesh D. India 44. Which country is called the "Land of thousand Lakes"? A. Indonesia B. Finland C. Iceland D. Scotland 45. Vienna is the capital of _________. A. Austria B. Switzerland C. Cyprus D. Denmark 46. The capital of Czech Republic is? A. Nicosia B. Dublin C. Bern D. Prague 47. AFP is the news agency of _________. A. Germany B. France C. Syria D. Yemen 48. ANTARA is the news agency of _________. A. Indonesia B. C. D. Syria Yemen Jordan 49. Emirates is an airline of __________. A. Saudi Arabia B. Qatar C. UAE D. Malaysia 50. Qantas is an airline of __________. A. Saudi Arabia B. Australia C. UAE D. Malaysia 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. B D C B A D B A C B 51. The world's longest bridge, Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge, is in __________ . A. United States B. Russia C. China D. Canada 52. The world's longest bridge over water, Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, is in __________. A. United States B. Russia C. China D. Canada 53. What was the nationality of Alfred Nobel? A. American B. British C. German D. Swedish 54. The first Nobel Prize was awarded in __________ . A. 1895 B. 1901 C. 1907 D. 1913 55. The Nobel Prize has been awarded in __________ fields. A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 56. The Nobel Peace Prize 2012 in the field of "Peace" was awarded to? A. European Union (EU) B. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) C. Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) D. United Nations Security Council 57. SANA is the news agency of _________. A. Saudi Arabia B. UAE C. Syria D. Yemen 58. Saba is the news agency of _________. A. Indonesia B. Syria C. Yemen D. Jordan 59. KLM is an airline of __________. A. Australia B. Germany C. Netherlands D. Austria 60. Etihad Airways is an airline of __________. A. United Arab Emirates B. Qatar C. Russia D. Canada 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. C A D B B A C C C A 61. The Earth surface is divided in __________ Continents. A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 62. The Largest Continent (by Area) of the World is __________. A. Asia B. Europe C. Africa D. North America 63. The second Largest Continent (by Area) of the World is __________. A. Asia B. Europe C. Africa D. North America 64. The Smallest Continent (by Area) of the World is __________. A. Antarctica B. Australia C. Africa D. Europe 65. The Earth's Oceanic water is divided in __________ oceans. A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 66. The Earth's Largest ocean is __________ . A. Atlantic B. Arctic C. Indian D. Pacific 67. The Earth's second Largest ocean is __________ . A. Atlantic B. Arctic C. Indian D. Pacific 68. The Earth's Smallest ocean is __________ . A. Atlantic B. Arctic C. Indian D. Pacific 69. The world's Largest Lake is? A. Caspian Sea B. Lake Superior C. Lake Victoria D. Great Bear Lake 70. The hottest desert of the world is? A. Sahara Desert B. Arabian Desert C. Cholistan Desert D. Arctic Desert 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. C A C B A D A B A A 71. The first Secretary General of United Nations was? A. Dag Hammarskjold B. Kurt Walheion C. U Thant D. Trygue Lie 72. World War I was began in? A. 1912 B. 1914 C. 1916 D. 1918 73. World War I was end in? A. 1912 B. 1914 C. 1916 D. 1918 74. World War II was began in? A. 1935 B. 1937 C. 1939 D. 1941 75. World War II was end in? A. 1939 B. 1941 C. 1943 D. 1945 76. The world's deadliest conflict was? A. World War I B. World War II C. Mongol Conquests D. Taiping Rebellion 77. The Atomic Bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima on? A. 3 August 1945 B. 6 August 1945 C. 9 August 1945 D. 12 August 1945 78. What was the name of Atomic Bomb that dropped on the city of Hiroshima? A. Little Boy B. Fat Boy C. Little Man D. Fat Man 79. The Atomic Bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki on? A. 3 August 1945 B. 6 August 1945 C. 9 August 1945 D. 12 August 1945 80. What was the name of Atomic Bomb that dropped on the city of Nagasaki? A. Little Boy B. Fat Boy C. Little Man D. Fat Man 71. D 72. B 73. D 74. C 75. D 76. B 77. B 78. A 79. C 80. D 81.NATO is a/an __________ alliance. 1. military 2. economic 3. regional 4. cultural 82.The oldest news agency in the world is? 1. AFP 2. WAFA 3. BBC 4. CNN 83.The Suez Canal is in __________ . 1. Nigeria 2. Libya 3. Egypt 4. Palestine 84.The Delaware river is in __________ . 1. United States 2. Canada 3. China 4. United Kingdom 85.The main structural work of the Eiffel Tower was completed in? 1. 1883 2. 1885 3. 1887 4. 1889 86.The height of Eiffel Tower is __________ feet. 1. 1063 2. 1067 3. 1073 4. 1077 87.Reuters is the news agency of __________ . 1. United States 2. United Kingdom 3. France 4. Germany 88.WAFA is the news agency of __________ . 1. Palestine 2. Iraq 3. Qatar 4. Egypt 89.The capital of Saudi Arabia is? 1. Makkah 2. Madina 3. Taif 4. Riyadh 90.The currency of Qatar is? 1. Dollar 2. Dinar 3. Dirham 4. Riyal 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. A A C A D A B A D D 91. Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) was founded on __________ . A. September 25, 1966 B. September 25, 1967 C. September 25, 19698 D. September 25, 1969 92. The OIC was founded in __________ . A. Saudi Arabia B. Iraq C. Qatar D. Morocco 93. The 6th organ, "Trusteeship Council" of the United Nations suspended operation on November 01, 1994, with the independence of _________. A. Chad B. Sudan C. Palau D. Tunisia 94. The United Nations has __________ principal organs. A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 95. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was founded on __________ . A. 27 December 1944 B. 27 December 1945 C. 27 December 1946 D. 27 December 1947 96. The social network site "Twitter" was launched on __________ . A. July 15, 2003 B. July 15, 2004 C. July 15, 2005 D. July 15, 2006 97. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was formed in? A. 1958 B. 1960 C. 1962 D. 1964 98. 8 March is observed internationally as? A. Women's Day B. World Water Day C. World Health Day D. Human Rights Day 99. 22 March is observed internationally as? A. Women's Day B. World Water Day C. World Health Day D. Human Rights Day 100. 7 April is observed internationally as? A. B. C. D. Women's Day World Water Day World Health Day Human Rights Day 91. D 92. D 93. C 94. B 95. B 96. D 97. A 98. A 99. B 100. C 101. A. B. C. D. The soviet media theory had its roots in Italian Fascist philosophy Free enterprize approach of west German ideology Japanese imperialist edicts 102. A. B. C. D. The monetary unit of Bangladesh is Lek Taka Shilling Kyat 103. JEEVIKA, is the Rural Livelihoods project of which of the following State Governments A. West Bengal B. Punjab C. Bihar D. Uttar Pradesh 104. A. B. C. D. What is the capital of Vietnam Dhaka Ajmaan Hanoi none of these 105. A. B. C. D. Hitler party which came into power in 1933 is known as Labour Party Nazi Party Ku-Klux-Klan Democratic Party 106. A. B. C. D. For which of the following disciplines is Nobel Prize awarded Physics and Chemistry Physiology or Medicine Literature, Peace and Economics all of these 107. A. B. C. D. Garampani sanctuary is located at Diphu, Assam Junagarh, Gujarat Kohima, Nagaland Gangtok, Sikkim 108. Eritrea, which became the 182nd member of the UN in 1993, is in the continent of A. Asia B. Africa C. Europe D. Australia 109. A. B. C. D. The height of all 4 Minars of Badshai Mosque are 170 feet 172 feet 175 feet 177 feet 110. A. B. C. D. Grand Central Terminal, Park Avenue, New York is the world's largest railway station highest railway station longest railway station none of these 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. C B B C B D A B D A 111.Who made the design of Pakistan's first Stamp Ticket A. Rehmat Ali B. Abdur-rehaman Chugtai C. Waqar-ul-Hassan D. none of these 112. Which bay of the Atlantic, between northern Spain and western France, is noted for its rough seas and high tides A. Bay of Biscay B. Bay of Arizona C. Bay of northern hemisphere D. none of these 113. A. Thomas Cup is associated with which Game bedminton B. C. D. football hockey none of these 114. A. B. C. D. Largest Arms Importer of the World is Africa China India Bangladesh 115. A. B. C. D. Ariana is airlines of which country China Indonesia Pakistan Afghanistan 116. A. B. C. D. FFC stands for Foreign Finance Corporation Film Finance Corporation Federation of Football Council none of these 117. Jesus A. B. C. D. What name is given to members of the Roman Catholic Society of 118. A. B. C. D. Epsom (England) is the place associated with horse racing polo shooting snooker 119. A. B. C. D. Who was the first person to address the United Nations in Hindi A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Narendra Modi Atal Behari Vajpayee Manmohan Singh Jesus Jesuits both a and b none of these 120. The availability of cash and other cash-like marketable instruments that are useful in purchases and investments are commonly known as A. marketability B. cash crunch C. credit D. liquidity 121. B 122. B 123. A 124. C 125. D 126. B 127. 128. 129. 130. 121. A. B. C. D. B A C D When did Fatima Jinnah joined All India Muslim league 1939 1927 1947 1949 122. First human heart transplant operation conducted by Dr. Christian Bernard on Louis Washkansky, was conducted in A. 1968 B. 1967 C. 1958 D. none of these 123. A. B. C. D. Which sign of the zodiac is also called The Waterbearer Scorpio Leo Gemini Aquarius 124. A. Habeas Corpus Act 1679 states that no one was to be imprisoned without a writ or warrant stating the charge against him B. provided facilities to a prisoner to obtain either speedy trial or release in bail C. safeguarded the personal liberties of the people against arbitrary imprisonment by the king's orders D. all of these 125. Which of the following is NOT a missile developed by the Defence Research and Development. Organisation (DRDO) A. Shaurya B. Agni C. Pinaka D. Brahmos 126. The 3rd SAARC Ministerial Level Meet on Poverty held in which among the following countries A. Bangladesh B. India C. Nepal D. Buhtan 127. Which common childhood illness related to shingles is also called varicella A. measles B. mumps C. polio D. chickenpox 128. A. B. C. D. Of which Caribbean country is Montego Bay the main tourist centre Toronto New York Jamaica Paris 129. A. B. C. D. The name of which Roman god means 'shining father' in Latin mercury jupiter venus pluto 130. A. B. C. D. The largest peninsula in the world is Arabia Asia Africa Europe 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. A B D D A C D C B A The 16th NAM (Non-Aligned Movement) Summit 2012 was held in Tehran Delhi Singapore London 1. 2. 3. 4. 132. Which one of the following countries made an exit from Kyoto Protocol 1. France 2. India 3. Canada 4. China 133. 1. 2. 3. 4. 134. Quid-e-Azam's mother tongue was Gujrati Urdu Hindi none of these Which SAARC Member Country has Largest Literacy Rate 1. Bangladesh 2. Sri Lanka 3. China 4. Indonesia 135. 1. 2. 3. 4. Pakistan's National Flag was prepared by Abdur-rehaman Chugtai Liaqat Ali Chaudhary Rehmat Ali Ameer-ud-din Qadwai 1. 2. 3. 4. How many counters has each player in a game of backgammon 15 12 10 16 1. 2. 3. 4. Which Country is the Second largest Arms Exporter of the World India Russia China America 1. 2. 3. 4. Which is the largest Oil Producing Member Country of OPEC Kuwait Bahrain Qatar Saudi Arabia 1. 2. 3. 4. Which food item takes its name from the French for twice cooked burger pizza biscuit none of these 1. 2. 3. 4. Which Country has the oldest monarchy Turkey Japan Rome Ireland 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. A C A B D A B D C B ITAR-TASS is the news agency of which country 1. Russia 2. China 3. India 4. Afghanistan 142. 1. 2. 3. 4. Pakistan's standard time was suggested by Liaqat Ali Maulana Mazhar-ud-din Chaudhary Rehmat Ali Proffessor Muhammad Anwar 1. 2. 3. 4. Golf player Vijay Singh belongs to which country USA Fiji India UK 143. 144. Guarantee to an exporter that the importer of his goods will pay immediately for the goods ordered by him, is known as 1. Letter of Credit (L/C) 2. laissezfaire 3. inflation 4. none of these 145. 1. 2. 3. 4. 146. First Afghan War took place in 1838 1837 1839 1840 2. 3. 4. Gulf cooperation council was originally formed by Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates Second World Nations Third World Nations Fourth World Nations 1. 2. 3. 4. First China War was fought between China and Britain China and France China and Egypt China and Greek 1. 2. 3. 4. Pakistan's first coin was issued on 3rd june 1948 6th june 1949 3rd January 1948 none of these 1. 2. 3. 4. Attock fort was constructed by Jahangeer Aurangzeb Akbar none of these 1. 147. 148. 149. 150. 1. 2. 3. 4. Mancher lake situated in Sawat Dadu Muree Gilgit 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. A D B A C A A C C B 151. A. B. C. D. What are the flat, treeless plains of Argentina called Pampas Moss Lichen none of these 152. What name is given to the programs run by a computer, as opposed to the hardware A. program B. software C. input D. output 153. A. B. C. D. Who wrote David Copperfield Charles Dickens William Wordsworth Shakespeare none of these 154. A. B. C. D. The name of which animal is an Aboriginal term meaning 'no water' Rat Snake Koala Lizard 155. A. B. C. D. Which animal has the biggest eyes of any living creature Elephant Kangaroo Owl Horse 156. A. B. C. The Wrigley Building is located in which US city New York Chicago Hawai D. none of these 157. A. B. C. D. Which is known as City of Skyscrapers New York Paris Belgium Chicago 158. A. B. C. D. The capital of Canada is Toronto Brussels Ottawa Bogota 159. A. B. C. D. Driest place in the world is Death Valley(California) Sahara(Africa) Barmer(Rajasthan) none of these 160. A. B. C. D. Largest Museum in the world is in USA China Africa Europe 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. A B A C D B A C A A 161. A. B. C. D. World environment day is on 5th June 5th May 2 June 2 May 162. A. B. C. D. The world oldest known city is Tokyo Damascus Paris Beijing 163. A. B. Hindenburg Line is in between India and China Germany and Poland C. D. France and Germany India and Pakistan 164. A. B. C. D. Highest Dam in world is Hirakud Dam on the river Mahanadi-Orissa Bhakra Nangal on river Sutlej The Grande(Switzerland) none of these 165. A. B. C. D. The first prime minister of Bangladesh was Liaqat Ali Mujibur Rehman Yahya Khan Zia-ul-Haq 166. A. B. C. D. Headquarter of Ghandhara civilization is in Khatmandu Larkana Quetta Taxilla 167. A. B. C. D. Which country is largest in area China Canada Russia India 168. A. B. C. D. The largest planet is Jupiter Mercury Venus Earth 169. A. B. C. D. In which country did the rottweiler originate America Africa China Germany 170. A. B. C. D. Which colour is produced by adding together yellow and cyan Green Red Blue Pink 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. A B B C B D C 168. 169. 170. A D A 171. A. B. C. D. Where the biggest Salt Mine located in Pakistan Mangora Jhelum Sawat none of these 172. The most beautiful stone-Marble is extracted from which province of Pakistan A. Punjab B. Sindh C. NWFP D. Baluchistan 173. On which area of the moon did Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins make their landing on 20 July 1969 A. Sea of Tranquility B. unkonown place of moon C. centre of moon D. none of these 174. A. B. C. D. What name is more commonly given to a tree of the genus Taxus Oak Yew Plum Gum 175. A. B. C. D. The longest river in Pakistan is River Ravi River Sindh River Cheenab River Jehlum 176. A. B. C. D. In which cartoon series do the characters Chef and Cartman appear Tom and Jerry The Snow white Cindrella South Park 177. A. B. C. D. In which country is the port of Dieppe Turkey Germany France Italy 178. Nestle A. B. C. In which country are the headquarters of the multinational company Switzerland Venice Japan D. Norway 179. A. B. C. D. Which two primary colours are mixed to make purple red and green red and blue red and yellow red and white 180. A. B. C. D. What type of creature is a fulmar A reptile An insect A dog A bird 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. A C A B B D C A B D 181. A. B. C. D. Who was the first president of the United States of America George Washington George Harrison Robert Zemeckis none of these 182. A. B. C. D. Which is the national flower of Pakistan Lilly Rose Jasmine Tulip 183. A. B. C. D. Where is the tomb of Mughal Emperor Jahangir Sialkot Multan Lahore Karachi 184. Which city in Switzerland was the headquarters of the League of Nations A. Brussels B. Geneva C. Canberra D. none of these 185. At which sport have Keiji, Okada and Yuko Hasama been world champions A. Bedminton B. C. D. Polo Table tennis Karate 186. A. B. C. D. In which US state is the port of Tarpon Springs Florida Hawaii Virginia none of these 187. A. B. C. D. Ice cream was first produced in which country in the 17th century England Italy France Germany 188. A. B. C. D. The total Area of the Capital of Pakistan 'Islamabad' is 800 sq Km 850 sq Km 900 sq Km 907 sq Km 189. A. B. C. D. What is the official language of Mexico Spanish French Italian English 190. A. B. C. D. What is the standard monetary unit of Turkey Lira Penny Euro Dollar 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. A C C B D A B D A A 191. A. B. C. D. What is the capital of Queensland, Australia Brisbane Brussels Beijing Doha 192. A. B. C. D. In which century did the Crimean War take place 18th 19th 17th 16th 193. A. B. C. D. In which US state is the city of Tallahassee Virginia Hawai Florida none of these 194. A. B. C. D. Who starred as Superman in the 1970s and 1980s film series Christopher Reeve John Belushi Cilla Black none of these 195. A. B. C. D. Which is the national bird of Pakistan Markhor Parrot Pigeon Chakor 196. A. B. C. D. Who was the second wife of King Henry VIII of England Anne Boleyn Queen Elizabeth Lady Diana none of these 197. A. B. C. D. The Painted Desert lies in which US state Florida Arizona Hawaii Virginia 198. A. B. C. D. In which year did the Titanic sink on its maiden voyage 1913 1914 1912 1915 199. A. B. C. D. Which country is the world's largest producer of coffee Taiwan UK Brazil Switzerland 200. A. B. C. D. What is the capital of Libya Kabul Ajmaan Doha Tripoli 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. A B C A D A B C C D 201. A. B. C. D. What are the three main languages of Switzerland German, French and Italian German, French and English German, French and Spanish English, French and Italian 202. A. B. C. D. The Second largest city of Pakistan is Rawalpindi Lahore Multan Quetta 203. The large moon Miranda is a satellite of which planet of the solar system A. Neptune B. Pluto C. Uranus D. Jupiter 204. A. B. C. Of which country is Margrethe II the reigning queen Turkey Switzerland Denmark D. Italy 205. Mount Cook is the highest mountain of which nation in the South Pacific A. Canada B. Brazil C. Australia D. New Zealand 206. A. B. C. D. What sort of creature is a margay Dog Cat Bird Insect 207. In which European city are the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the Kremlin A. Moscow B. Paris C. Brussels D. Manchester 208. A. B. C. D. How many white stars are on the national flag of the USA 20 30 40 50 209. A. B. C. D. A howdah is a seat used for riding on the back of which animal Horse Bull Elephant Donkey 210. A. B. C. D. In which US state is the city of San Diego California Arizona Florida Virginia 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. A B C C D B A D C A 211. A. Who was the Greek goddess of war and wisdom Athena B. C. D. Lakshmi Ganga None of these 212. A. B. C. D. What is the world's largest living mammal Elephant Blue Whale Shark Giraffe 213. airport A. B. C. D. In 1976, Israeli troops stormed a hijacked plane at which Ugandan 214. Jordan A. B. C. D. What is the name of the large salty lake which lies between Israel and 215. A. B. C. D. In which sport is the term 'hookcheck' often used Polo Ice hockey Football Bedminton 216. A. B. C. D. Which river flows through the Sea of Galilee River Nile River Beijing River Jordan None of these 217. A. B. C. D. Gatun Lake is part of which canal Indus canal Pacific canal both a and b Panama Canal 218. A. B. C. D. In US politics, who carries the nickname 'the Veep' President General Secretory Vice-President Clerk 219. A. B. C. D. Which is Australia's largest city by population Sydney Melbourne Perth None of these Entebbe Turin Venice None of these Salt Lake Dead Sea Death Lake None of these 220. A. B. C. D. How many squares has a chessboard 24 52 45 64 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. A B A B B C D C A D 221. A. B. C. D. What colour is the ball worth three points in snooker Red Green Black Yellow 222. A. B. C. D. Which country is the most popular destination for foreign tourists France Germany Switzerland Australia 223. A. B. C. D. The Flathead Lake Monster is said to exist in which US state Florida Arizona Virginia Montana 224. A. B. C. D. Who wrote Arms and the Man and Man and Superman William Wordsworth Shakespeare George Bernard Shaw None of these 225. A. B. C. D. Which US president was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth Richard Branson Abraham Lincoln Nicholas Monsarrat George Bush 226. A. B. C. D. What sort of creature is a hairstreak Bird Butterfly Cat Dog 227. A. B. C. D. What number is between five and one on a dartboard 20 10 3 15 228. A. B. C. D. Which continent comprises the land around the South Pole Asia Africa Europe Antarctica 229. A. B. C. D. Which English romantic poet wrote Endymion William Wordsworth Shakespeare John Keats George Bernard Shaw 230. birds A. B. C. D. Which bird with a distinctive call lays its eggs in the nests of other 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. B A D C B B A D C D Who was the first Emperor in China Sun Yat Sen Kublai Khan Qin Shi Huagdi None of these 1. 2. 3. 4. Sparrow Parrot Humming bird Cuckoo 232. Which body of water separates the North Island and South Island of New Zealand 1. Bass Strait 2. Megellan Strait 3. Strait of Bonifacio 4. Cook Strait 233. To which country did the Dc-10 belong which exploded in air over Niger on September 19,1989 1. UK 2. Israel 3. Suriname 4. France 234. 1. 2. 3. 4. On Which sea is the island of Corfu situated Black sea Mediterranean sea Adriatic Sea Baltic Sea 1. 2. 3. 4. What was the United States largest single land acquisition Louisiana Purchase Garsden Purchase Alaska Maxican Cessation 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the second largest desert in the world after the Sahara desert Gobi Desert Arabian Desert Kalahari Desert Libyan Desert 235. 236. 237. for What country was Band Aid's 1984 record produced to raise money 1. 2. 3. 4. Bangladesh Ethiopia Kenya Morocco 238. For the Olympics and World Tournaments, the dimensions of basketball court are 1. 26 m x 14 m 2. 28 m x 15 m 3. 27 m x 16 m 4. 28 m x 16 m 239. 1. 2. 3. 4. Each year World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is celebrated on May 8 May 18 June 8 June 18 240. Who was the first U.S President who was not from Massachusetts or Virginia 1. James Madison 2. James Polk 3. Andrew Jackson 4. None of these 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. C D D C A 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. B B B A C 241. Federation Cup, World Cup, Allywyn International Trophy and Challenge Cup are awarded to winners of A. Tennis B. Volleyball C. Basketball D. Cricket 242. Famous sculptures depicting art of love built some time in 950 AD 1050 AD are A. Khajuraho temples B. Jama Masjid C. Sun temple D. Mahabalipuram temples 243. A. B. C. D. In what state is the geographic center of the United States located Montana North Dakota South Dakota Wyoming 244. A. B. C. D. Fire temple is the place of worship of which of the following religion Taoism Judaism Zoroastrianism (Parsi Religion) Shintoism 245. A. B. C. D. Who was the first cartoonist to win a Pulitzer Prize for a comic strip All Capp Berke Breathed Charles Schulz Garry Trudeau 246. in A. B. C. D. Georgia, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan became the members of UNO 247. A. B. C. D. Germany signed the Armistice Treaty on ____ and World War I ended January 19, 1918 May 30, 1918 November 11, 1918 February 15, 1918 248. A. During World War II, when did Germany attack France 1941 1992 1991 1993 1994 B. C. D. 1940 1942 1945 249. In what city did james Mclamore and David Edger ton open the first Burger King in 1954 A. Colorado Springs, Colorado B. Indianapolis, Indiana C. Sacramento, California D. Miami, Florida 250. A. B. Euclid was Greek mathematician Contributor to the use of deductive principles of logic as the basis of geometry C. Propounded the geometrical theorems D. All of these 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 1. 2. 3. 4. B A C C D A C B D D DRDL stands for Defence Research and Development Laboratary Department of Research and Development Laboratory Differential Research and Documentation Laboratary None of these 1. 2. 3. 4. In which future U.S state did Custer make his famous Last Stand Montana North Dakota Oklahoma Texas 1. 2. 3. 4. What author confessed' "My stories written when sober are stupid" Arthur conan Doyle Earnest Hemingway F. Scott Fitzgerald Leo Tolstoy 1. 2. 3. 4. What Kansas city's name means 'potato' in the Kansa language Abeline Topeka Omaha Wichita 252. 253. 254. 255. Who was the first Indian Chief of Army Staff of the Indian Army 1. 2. 3. 4. Gen. K.M. Cariappa Vice-Admiral R.D. Katari Gen. Maharaja Rajendra Singhji None of these 1. 2. 3. 4. How tall is the pitcher's mound in major League Baseball 6 inches 14 inches 18 inches 10 inches 1. 2. 3. 4. FRS stands for Fellow Research System Federation of Regulation Society Fellow of Royal Society None of these 256. 257. 258. What device's invention was the main reason for demise of the Pony Express 1. Radio 2. Telegraph 3. Telephone 4. Train 259. During World War I Germany was defeated in the Battle of Verdun on the western front and Romania declared war on the eastern front in the year 1. 1914 AD 2. 1915 AD 3. 1912 AD 4. 1916 AD 260. 1. 2. 3. 4. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 261. A. B. C. D. What is the highest peak in the 48 contiguous U.S states Mount Elbert Mount Rainier Mount Whitney Pikes Peak A A C B A D C B D C Hamid Karzai was chosen president of Afghanistan in 2000 2002 2001 2003 262. A. B. C. D. Durand Cup is associated with the game of Hockey Bedminton Football Volleyball 263. What playwright's The Glass Menagerie appeared on Broadway and was made into three movies A. Arthur Miller B. David Mamet C. Noel Coward D. Tennessee Williams 264. A. B. C. D. What was the first U.S city to host the winter Olympics Denver Lake Placid Salt Lake city Squaw Valley 265. A. B. C. D. Headquarters of UNO are situated at New York, USA Haque (Netherlands) Geneva Switzerland 266. A. B. C. D. Who was the first person to sail to the southern tip of Africa, in 1488 Ferdinand Magellan James Cook Bartholomew Dias None of these 267. A. B. C. D. First International Peace Congress was held in London in 1564 AD 1843 AD 1845 AD 1545 AD 268. What was the only Grand Slam event that eluded Monica seles in both 1991 and 1992 A. Australian open B. French open C. U.S open D. Wimbledon 269. A. B. C. D. Dr. Zakir Hussain was the first Muslim president of India first vice president of India first president of Indian National Congress first speaker of Lok Sabha 270. In Robinson Crusoe, what does the title character name the native he befriends A. B. C. D. Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. B C D B A C B D A C 271. A. B. C. D. Hockey was introduced in the Asian Games in 1958 in Tokyo 1962 in Jakarta 1966 in Bangkok 1970 in Bangkok 272. A. B. C. D. How many acres are in square mile 1.6 32 640 None of these 273. A. B. C. D. ESCAP stands for Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific European Society Council for Africa and Pacific Economic and Social Commission for Africa and Pacific None of these 274. A. B. C. D. Which U.S President was born the earliest James Madison George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson 275. A. B. C. D. Firdausi was a poet well known for his epic 'Shahnama' Both option A and B None of these 276. A. B. C. D. The Partridge Family TV show, what did the singing family travel in RV Van Station wagon Bus 277. A. B. C. D. Himalayan Mountaineering Institute is at Dehradun Darjeeling Marmago Dispur 278. A. B. C. D. Which position did Doug Harvey play in the NHL Center Right wing Left wing Defense man 279. in A. B. C. D. During the first crusade, crusaders reached Jerusalem and captured it 280. A. B. C. D. What was venetian artist Titian's last name Vecchietta Veneziano Vecellio None of these 1000 AD 1099 AD 1200 AD 1500 AD 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. A C A B C D B D B C 281. A. Free market is a condition in the international market where nations do not impose customs duty or other taxes on import of goods B. market where the price of a commodity is determined by free play of the forces of supply and demand C. ports that are exempted from payment of customs duty on articles of commerce, primarily to encourage tourism D. none of these 282. A. B. C. D. Which U.S. state has the second most area that is covered by water Florida Alaska Michigan Minnesota 283. East Timor, which became the 191st member of the UN, is in the continent of A. Asia B. Africa C. Europe D. South Africa 284. A. B. C. D. What was English trumpeter John Shore's claim to fame in 1711 Creator of the modern trumpet First trumpeter in an orchestra Inventor of the tuning fork Saved from a bullet by his trumpet 285. A. B. C. D. GNLF stands for Gorkha National Liberation Front Gross National Liberation Form Both option A and B None of these 286. What college's men's basketball team below is not nicknamed the Wildcats A. Arizona B. Cincinnati C. Kansas State D. Kentucky 287. A. Fa-Hien was the first Buddhist pilgrim of China to visit India during the reign of Chandragupta Vikramaditya B. the discoverer of Puerto Rico and Jamaica C. the first Buddhist pilgrim of India to visit China D. none of these 288. What is the title character's name in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice Shylock A. B. Bassanio C. Balthasar D. Antonia 289. A. B. C. D. Which U.S subway system has the most miles of track Boston New York San Francisco Washington, D.C 290. A. B. C. D. In 1967, which country below did not fight Isreal in the Six day war Egypt Jordan Lebanon Syria 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. B C A C A B A D D C 291. In which major U.S professional sport does the home team not usually wear white A. Major League Baseball B. National Basketball Association C. National Football League D. National Hockey League 292. A. B. C. D. Who was the gypsy heroine of The Hunchback of Notre Dame Daniella Esmeralda Gabriela Jasmine 293. How many continents border the Arctic Ocean A. B. C. D. 294. 1946 A. B. C. D. 2 4 5 3 Which U.S President first appeared on the face of the dime on Jan 30, Abraham Lincoln Franklin Roosevelt George Washington Thomas Jefferson 295. Who was the only golfer to win the British open in three different decades in the 20th century A. Bobby Jones B. Jack Nicklaus C. Gary Player D. None of these 296. A. B. C. D. What author's first novel was Hike and the Aeroplane Sinclair Lewis E.M. Forster Somerset Maugham Zane Grey 297. A. B. C. D. What profession was the first to accept what we now call tips Actors Plumbers Doctors Barbers 298. A. B. C. D. What was the first Peanuts television special A Charlie Brown Christmas A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving It's the Great Pumpkin None of these 299. How many no- hitters did Nolan Ryan throw in his career, the most by any Major League Baseball pitcher A. 4 B. 7 C. 5 D. 6 300. A. B. C. D. In which country are the aptly named Snowy Mountain located Australia Canada Russia Turkey 291. 292. C B 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. D B C A D A B A History Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). World History MCQs with Answers. General History MCQs. World History MCQs for beginners and Intermediate students. 1. Napoleon Bonaparte was a __________ military and political leader. A. American B. British C. German D. French 2. Adolf Hitler was a __________ military and political leader. A. American B. British C. German D. French 3. Napoleon Bonaparte was finally defeated at the _______ in June 1815. A. Peninsular War B. Invasion of Russia C. Battle of Waterloo D. Battle of Leipzig 4. World War II in Europe was outbreak by the German invasion of __________. A. Russia B. Poland C. Croatia D. France 5. United States was discovered by Christopher Columbus during his voyage in __________. A. B. C. D. 1486 1488 1490 1492 6. In United States, the Congress declared independence from Great Britain on __________ . A. B. C. D. July 4, 1774 July 4, 1775 July 4, 1776 July 4, 1777 7. North Atlantic Treaty of NATO was signed on _____ in Washington D.C. A. April 04, 1947 B. April 04, 1948 C. April 04, 1949 D. April 04, 1950 8. In the war of 1812 between 13 States of US and Great Britain; Britain set fire to White House in __________. A. B. C. D. April 1813 August 1813 April 1814 August 1814 9. World War I was lasted from? A. 1914 to 1918 B. 1913 to 1917 C. 1914 to 1917 D. 1913 to 1918 10.World War II was lasted from? A. 1939 to 1945 B. 1939 to 1944 C. 1937 to 1941 D. 1937 to 1939 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. D C C B D C C D A A 1. Severe deficiency of Vitamin D results in __________. A. scurvy B. rickets C. D. night blindness osteomalacia 2. People living in high altitudes (like mountains) usually have a _________. A. smaller number of Red Blood Cells B. larger number of Red Blood Cells C. smaller number of White Blood Cells D. larger number of White Blood Cells 3. The average adult has a blood volume of about __________ liters. A. 5 B. 5.5 C. 6 D. 6.5 4. The average internal temperature of human body is __________. A. 35 °C B. 36 °C C. 37 °C D. 38 °C 5. Vitamin __________ is needed for the formation of a light-sensitive pigment in the retina. A. A B. C C. D D. B complex 6. About __________ of the body weight of a mammal is water. A. 60% B. 65% C. 70% D. 75% 7. On wound __________ fight foreign particles, like bacteria. A. White Blood cells B. Red Blood Cells C. Platelets D. Plasma 8. Blood is carried towards the heart by __________. A. Arteries B. Capillaries C. Veins D. none of these 9. __________ is essential for the formation of haemoglobin. A. Calcium B. Iron C. Water D. Carbohydrates 10. ___________ are needed as a source of energy for the vital activities of the body. A. Calcium B. Iron C. Water D. Carbohydrates 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. D 11.Haemodialysis means cleaning of 1. urine 2. blood 3. glomerular filterate 4. coelomic fluid 12.Production of sweat and sebum is related with 1. skin 2. liver 3. lungs 4. GIT 13.The evaporative cooling in the respiratory tract of dogs is called 1. vasodilation 2. vasoconstriction 3. panting 4. all of these 14.Which of the following pathogen type cause disease that can be treated with antibiotics 1. bacteria 2. fungi 3. virus 4. none of these 15.Most cell membranes are composed principally of 1. DNA ad protein 2. protein and lipids 3. protein and chitin 4. protein and RNA 16.Normally, in the process of osmosis, the net flow of water molecules into or out of the cell depends upon differences in the 1. concentration of water molecules inside and outside the cell 2. concentration of enzymes on either side of the cell membrane 3. rate of molecular motion on either side of the cell membrane 4. none of these 17.Sodium ions are "pumped" from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration in the nerve cells of humans. This process is an example of 1. diffusion 2. passive transport 3. osmosis 4. active transport 18.Proteins are made from amino acids by the process of 1. hydrolysis 2. pinocytosis 3. dehydration synthesis 4. active transport 19.Which is an organic compound found in most cells 1. water 2. glucose 3. oxygen 4. sodium chloride 20.Which are the four most abundant elements in living cells 1. carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur 2. carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen 3. carbon, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus 4. carbon, sulfur, hydrogen, magnesium 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. B A C A B A D C B B 1. Each day human body breathe in __________ liters of air. A. 5,000 to 10,000 B. 10,000 to 15,000 C. 15,000 to 20,000 D. 20,000 to 25,000 2. The most abundant element in the universe is __________. A. Hydrogen B. Oxygen C. Carbon dioxide D. Silicon 3. The substance which increases the rate of chemical reaction is __________. A. B. C. D. Metal Catalyst Alloy Enzymes 4. The average human body contains about __________ gram of Sodium Chloride. A. 190 B. 210 C. 230 D. 250 5. pH is an abbreviation for? A. Power of Hydrogen B. Possibility of Hydrogen C. Population of Hydrogen D. Position of Hydrogen 6. The best soil pH value for most crops and plants is __________. A. 4.5 B. 5.5 C. 6.5 D. 7.5 7. __________ are biological catalysts. A. Enzymes B. Minerals C. Proteins D. Vitamins 8. The most abundant constituent in Air is __________. A. Oxygen B. Hydrogen C. Carbondioxide D. Nitrogen 9. Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different numbers of __________. A. Protons B. Electrons C. Neutrons D. Positron 10. Over __________ of the elements in the Periodic Table are Metals. A. 60% B. 65% C. 70% D. 75% 1. 2. 3. 4. C A B D 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A C A D C D 1. Which is the outermost planet in the solar system? A. Mercury B. Pluto C. Neptune D. Uranus 2. The SI unit of charge is __________. A. Ampere B. Coulomb C. Ohm D. Volt 3. Very High Frequency (VHF) have __________ wavelengths. A. shorter B. shortest C. longer D. longest 4. Long-sight defect could be corrected by using __________ lens. A. concave B. vonvex C. diverging D. none of these 5. Deficiency of Vitamin-A results in __________. A. night blindness B. rickets C. scurvy D. hair fall 6. For a fixed mass of gass at constant temperature, if we decrease volume, the pressure will _________. A. also decrease B. increase C. remains constant D. none of these 7. The lifespan of Red Blood Cells is __________ days. A. 60 B. 120 C. 180 D. 240 8. The density of water is __________. A. 1 g/cm3 B. 1.5 g/cm3 C. 2 g/cm3 D. none of these 9. Radioactivity was discovered by __________. A. Kelvin B. Thomson C. Rutherford D. Bacquerel 10. A device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy is called __________. A. motor B. generator C. moving-coil meter D. battery 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. C B A B A B B A D D 11. The Sun is a __________. A. Star B. Planet C. Asteroid D. Meteor 12. The average adult has a blood volume of about __________ liters. A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 13. The most abundant element in the universe is __________. A. Oxygen B. Hydrogen C. Carbon Dioxide D. Silicon 14. The most abundant element in the Earth's crust is __________. A. Oxygen B. Hydrogen C. Carbon Dioxide D. Silicon 15. Each day human body breathe in __________ liters of air. A. 5,000 to 10,000 B. 10,000 to 15,000 C. 15,000 to 20,000 D. 20,000 to 25,000 16. Deficiency of Vitamin-D results in __________. A. night blindness B. rickets C. scurvy D. hair fall 17. The SI unit of "pressure" is _________. A. pascal B. joule C. tesla D. henry 18. The most densest substance on the Earth is __________. A. Platinum B. Copper C. Steel D. Osmium 19. A camera uses a __________ to form an image. A. convex lens B. concave lens C. condenser lens D. none of these 20. Which from the following is NOT a conductor? A. Aluminium B. Silicon C. Graphite D. All are conductors 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. A B B A C B A 18. D 19. A 20. D 21.CNG stands for? 1. Converted Natural Gas 2. Conduced Natural Gas 3. Conducted Natural Gas 4. Compressed Natural Gas 22.Which from the following is true for "Sound"? 1. Sound cannot travel through a vaccum 2. Sound cannot travel through gases 3. Sound cannot travel through liquids 4. Sound cannot travel through solids 23.When white light is passed through a prism, it splits into __________ colours. 1. 5 2. 6 3. 7 4. 8 24.1 nanometer = ? 1. 10-3 meter 2. 10-6 meter 3. 10-9 meter 4. 10-12 meter 25.Instrument used for measuring very high temperature is __________. 1. Pyroscope 2. Pyrometer 3. Seismograph 4. Xylometer 26.Sound waves are _________ waves. 1. Transverse 2. Electromagnetic 3. Longitudinal 4. none of these 27.The lifespan of White Blood Cells is __________ day(s). 1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4 28.The fluid part of blood is known as __________. 1. plasma 2. platelets 3. blood cells 4. 29.X-rays were discovered by __________. 1. Rontgen 2. Thomson 3. Rutherford 4. Bacquerel 30.The speed of light is __________. 1. 280,000 km/s 2. 300,000 km/s 3. 320,000 km/s 4. none of these 21. D 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. A 29. A 30. B 31.During winter in cold countries, the __________ is mixed to melt the ice on the icy roads. 1. Salt 2. Chlorine 3. Carbon dioxide 4. Water 32.In a very low temperature which from the following will freeze at last? 1. River water 2. Canal water 3. Sea water 4. Water in a lake 33.The nearest planet to the Earth is _________. 1. Venus 2. Mercury 3. Mars 4. Moon 34.The planet that moves round the Sun at the highest speed is? 1. Jupiter 2. Venus 3. Mars 4. Mercury 35.In general, Comets have __________ orbits. 1. 2. 3. 4. Elliptical Highly elliptical Circular Parabolic 36.GPS is an abbreviation for? 1. Global Poles System 2. Global PolySiliconium Store 3. Global Positioning System 4. Global Position Structure 37.Oxidation is a chemical reaction involving the __________. 1. Gain of Electrons 2. Loss of Electrons 3. Gain of Protons 4. Loss of Protons 38.At night, Plants intake __________ and release __________. 1. Oxygen – Carbon dioxide 2. Carbon dioxide – Oxygen 3. Oxygen – Carbon monoxide 4. Carbon monoxide – Oxygen 39.Urine is produced in __________. 1. Kidneys 2. Lungs 3. Large intestine 4. Liver 40.Blood is cleaned by __________. 1. Lungs 2. Liver 3. Heart 4. Kidneys 31. A 32. C 33. A 34. D 35. B 36. C 37. B 38. A 39. A 40. D 41.he position of an element in the Periodic Table is determined by its __________ number. 1. Electron 2. Proton 3. Neutron 4. Positron 42.The salinity of sea water is determined by the amount of common salt (Sodium Chloride) in __________ of sea water. 1. 1 gram 2. 10 grams 3. 1 kg 4. 10 kg 43.The planet which is easily visible from the Earth is? 1. Mercury 2. Venus 3. Mars 4. Jupiter 44.The Great Spot is on the planet __________. 1. Saturn 2. Venus 3. Mars 4. Jupiter 45.The Great Spot is a __________. 1. Mountain 2. Desert 3. Frozen Carbon dioxide 4. Storm 46.The bodyguard of the Earth is __________ that save the Earth from many Comets and Asteroids. 1. Mars 2. Saturn 3. Uranus 4. Jupiter 47.1 light year = ? 1. 9.5x106 km 2. 9.5x109 km 3. 9.5x1012 km 4. 9.5x1018 km 48.The planets visible to us without using a telescope are __________. 1. 3 2. 4 3. 5 4. 6 49.According to Big Bang Theory, the Universe began about __________ billion years ago. 1. 10 – 20 2. 20 – 30 3. 30 – 40 4. 40 – 50 50.Biosensor is used to measure? 1. Blood glucose level 2. The body pH value 3. Amount of hemoglobin 4. Salinity in Urine 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. B C B D D D C C A A 51. Einstein’s famous equation which states that mass and energy are interchangeable is? A. B. C. D. E = mc2 E = cm2 M = ec2 M = ce2 52. The SI unit of electric current is? A. Coloumb B. Ampere C. Volt D. Watt 53. The principal constituent of the atmosphere of the Earth is? A. Oxygen B. Carbon C. Hydrogen D. Nitrogen 54. What is Dry Ice? A. Solid Oxygen B. Solid Carbon Dioxide C. Solid Hydrogen D. Solid Nitrogen 55. What are the primary colours? A. White, Black, Blue B. Red, Yellow, Blue C. Red, Orange, Blue D. Red, Green, Blue 56. Digestion of food is completed in the __________. A. small intestine B. C. D. large intestine stomach Liver 57. Carrot is good source of Vitamin? A. A B. B complex C. C D. D 58. For proper formation of teeth, __________ is essential. A. iodine B. copper C. fluorine D. iron 59. Deficiency of __________ causes loss of appetite and poor growth. A. zinc B. iodine C. copper D. iron 60. Meteorology is the study of? A. seasons B. atmosphere C. air and sounds D. winds and clouds 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. A B D B D A A C A B 61. The Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, by volume, is A. 0.03% B. 3% C. 13% D. 30% 62. Diamond is an allotropic form of A. Carbon B. Hydrogen C. Nitrogen D. Silicon 63. The SI unit of Heat is A. Watt B. Volt C. Joule D. Newton 64. The good sources of Vitamin-A are A. green leafy vegetables B. seeds C. fresh vegetables and fruits D. sea foods 65. The good sources of Vitamin-B Complex are A. green leafy vegetables B. seeds C. fresh vegetables and fruits D. sea foods 66. The good sources of Vitamin-C are A. green leafy vegetables B. seeds C. fresh vegetables and fruits D. sea foods 67. The good sources of iodine are A. green leafy vegetables B. seeds C. fresh vegetables and fruits D. sea foods 68. The gas, commonly known as “laughing gas”, is A. Cabon Dioxide B. Sulfur Dioxide C. Nitrous Oxide D. Sodium Oxide 69. The source of oxygen in photosynthesis is A. water B. salts C. minerals D. glucose 70. The instrument used to measure wind speed is A. Anemometer B. Barometer C. Hydrometer D. Hygrometer 71.A 72.A 73.C 74.A 75.B 76.C 77.D 78.C 79.A 80.A 71. The natural fats and oils are composed of A. Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen B. Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen C. Carbon, Oxygen and Nitrogen D. Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen 72. The energy value of food is measured in A. Joule B. Calories C. Tesla D. Proteins 73. Wind energy is the __________ energy. A. Potential B. Transverse C. Kinetic D. Mechanical 74. Who is considered the founder of meteorology? A. Aristotle B. Plato C. Einstein D. Newton 75. Water covers __________ of the Earth's surface. A. 60% B. 65% C. 70% D. 75% 76. In general, wind speed of 105–137 caused A. minor or no damage B. considerable damage C. severe damage D. extreme damage 77. Acid rain is mainly caused by emissions of __________ in the atmosphere. A. Sulfur Dioxide and Potassium Nitrate B. Sulfur and Charcoal C. Nitrogen Oxide and Potassium Nitrate D. Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide 78. About 50% of the Earth’s crust, including the waters on the Earth and atmosphere, is A. Oxygen B. Cabon Dioxide C. Silicon D. Clay 79. The fourth state of matter is A. Water B. Salts C. Vapours D. Plasma 80. The device used to convert Alternate Current into Direct Current is called A. Anemometer B. Battery C. Galvanometer D. Rectifier 81.A 82.B 83.C 84.A 85.C 86.A 87.D 88.A 89.D 90.D 81. In night, when photosynthesis is stopped, plants A. take in Carbon Dioxide B. take in Oxygen C. give off Carbon Dioxide D. give off Oxygen 82. During photosynthesis, plants A. take in Carbon Dioxide B. take in Oxygen C. give off Carbon Dioxide D. give off Oxygen 83. __________ are called the powerhouses of the cell. A. Mitochondria B. Vesicles C. Lungs D. Liver 84. Mitochondria contain their own supply of A. DNA B. Amino acids C. Vitamins D. Oxygen 85. The first chemical explosive, Gunpowder, is a mixture of A. Sulfur, Charcoal and Nitrogen Oxide B. Sulfur, Charcoal, and Potassium Nitrate C. Sulfur and Charcoal D. Charcoal and Potassium Nitrate 86. The number of oscillations per second is called the A. hertz B. waves C. pitch D. frequency 87. Sound waves from a loudspeaker are caused by A. frequency B. vibrations C. pitch D. amplitude 88. The guitar has __________ strings. A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 89. The device used to measure movements of the heart is A. Cardiograph B. Seismograph C. Hydrometer D. Hygrometer 90. The unit used to measure ‘Pressure’ is A. pascal B. newton C. watt D. tesla 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. C D A A B D B C A A 91. There are __________ methods of heat transfer. A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 92. Which from the following is NOT a method of heat transfer? A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. All are methods of heat transfer 93. If we heat one end of metallic rod, the other end gets hot. The method of heat transfer is A. B. C. D. Conduction Convection Radiation None of these 94. A person seated in front of a fire receives heat by A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. None of these 95. The unit used to measure ‘magnetic flux’ is A. pascal B. farad C. weber D. henry 96. Battery was invented by A. Volta B. Hero C. Fermi D. Maiman 97. The most abundant element in the earth's crust is oxygen. The second most abundant element in the earth's crust is A. B. C. D. Hydrogen Nitrogen Brass Silicon 98. The nearest planet to the Sun is A. Mercury B. C. D. Venus Mars Jupiter 99. Bronze is an alloy of A. Iron, Carbon B. Copper, Tin C. Nickel, Zinc D. Mercury, Lead 100. Molecules with identical molecular formulae but with different structural formulae are called A. B. C. D. Isotopes Isomers Electrode Compound 91. A 92. D 93. A 94. C 95. C 96. A 97. D 98. B 99. B 100. B 101. A. B. C. D. One way of transfer of heat energy is 'convection' which occurs in Liquids only Gasses only Liquids and gasses Liquids, gasses and solids 102. A. B. C. D. Which from the following is incompressible Solids Liquids Gasses All are compressible 103. The key factor in determining the weather is the quantity of ________ in the atmosphere. A. Water vapour B. Oxygen C. Carbondioxide D. Hydrogen 104. A. The entropy of the universe is Increasing B. C. D. Decreasing Constant None of these 105. Which from the following methods of heat transfer can take place in a vaccum? A. Canduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. All 106. A. B. C. D. Neutrons were discovered by Einstein James Chadwick F.W. Aston Rutherford 107. A. B. C. D. Mass Spectrograph was invented by Einstein James Chadwick F.W. Aston Rutherford 108. A. B. C. D. Nucleus was discovered by Einstein James Chadwick F.W. Aston Rutherford 109. A. B. C. D. Which is the process of science? Observation > Experiments > Hypothesis Hypothesis > Observations > Experiments Observation > Hypothesis > Experiments Experiments > Observations > Hypothesis 110. A. B. C. D. Salty water can be made pure by the method of filtration evaporation chromatography distillation 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. C B A A C B C D C D 111.The unit of efficiency is A. Volt B. Watt C. Joules D. None of these 112. A. B. C. D. Which from the following is NOT a stored energy? Thermal Gravitational Elastic potential energy Chemical 113. up as A. B. C. D. Energy can be converted from one form to another, but all energy ends 114. A. B. C. D. A battery converts ________ into electrical energy. Potential energy Chemical energy Nuclear energy Mechanical energy 115. A. B. C. D. Which from the following is NOT a renewable energy resource? Geothermal Biomass Solar Nuclear 116. A. B. C. D. Which from the following is NOT a non-renewable energy resource? Coal Natural gas Nuclear Geothermal 117. A. B. C. D. Current is the flow of Electrons Protons Neutrons Voltage 118. A. B. C. D. The unit of current is Volt Ampere Ohm Watt 119. A. B. C. To prevent electric shocks, a/an ________ is placed in the circuit. Amneter Voltmeter Fuse Kinetic energy Potential energy Heat energy Chemical energy D. Diode 120. A. B. C. D. Electrons were discovered by James Chadwick J.J. Thomson F.W. Aston Rutherford 111.D 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. A C B D D A B C B 121. A. B. C. D. When molten rock cools and solidifies, the ________ are formed. igneous rocks satimantary rocks metamorphet rocks none of these 122. A. B. C. D. Molten rock below the surface of the Earth is called? Lava Magma Crystals Granite 123. A. B. C. D. Molten rock above the surface of the Earth is called? Lava Magma Crystals Granite 124. A. B. C. D. The metal which is liquid at room temperature is? Zinc Nickol Lead Mercury 125. Between the melting point and boiling point of a substance, the substance is a? A. Solid B. Liquid C. Gas D. Crystal 126. A. The boiling point of alcohol is 78 oc B. C. D. 86 oc 94 oc 100 oc 127. A. B. C. D. The visible cloud of dust and gas in space is called? White Dwarf Supernova Nebula Galaxy 128. The average salinity of the Earth's oceans in 1 kilogram of sea water is about ________ grams of salt. A. 90 B. 25 C. 30 D. 35 129. A. B. C. D. The most abundant substance that constitutes the mass of the Earth is? Iron Oxygen Nitrogen Silicon 130. A. B. C. D. The Earth's atmosphere is divided into ________ main layers. 4 5 6 7 121. A 122. B 123. A 124. D 125. B 126. A 127. C 128. D 129. A 130. B 131. Rocks which are formed by high temperature and pressure on existing rocks over a period of time are called ________ rocks. 1. igneous 2. metamorphic 3. sedimentary 4. crystal 132. 1. 2. 3. 4. Marble and slate are examples of igneous rocks metamorphic rocks sedimentary rocks crystals 133. 1. 2. 3. 4. Sandstone and limestone are examples of igneous rocks metamorphic rocks sedimentary rocks crystals 134. Absolute zero, which is the lower limit of the thermodynamic temperature scale, is equivalent to ________ on the celsius scale. 1. -273 oc 2. 0 oc 3. 100 oc 4. 973 oc 135. The diameter of the Earth's equator is larger than the pole-to-pole diameter by 1. 40 km 2. 43 km 3. 46 km 4. 49 km 136. 1. 2. 3. 4. The Tectonic Plates of the Earth lies in Inner Core Outer Core Lithosphere Asthenosphere 1. 2. 3. 4. There are ________ major tectonic plates. 4 5 6 7 1. 2. 3. 4. The fresh water on the Earth is ________ of the total water. 2.5% 5% 7.5% 10% 1. 2. 3. 4. The Ozone Layer lies in the troposphere stratosphere mesosphere thermosphere 137. 138. 139. 140. 1. 2. 3. 4. 141. 142. 143. 144. The Earth's atmosphere is divided into ________ layers. 4 5 6 7 B B C A 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. B C D A B B 141. A. B. C. D. Which type of rock may contain fossils? Igneous Metamorphic Sedimentary Crystals 142. A. B. C. D. The mass is highly concentrated form of Weight Energy Force Momentum 143. The whole Earth can be covered by ________ geo-stationary satellites. A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 144. The ozone layer is at height of ________ kilometers from the surface of the Earth. A. 10 to 20 B. 20 to 30 C. 30 to 40 D. 40 to 50 145. A. B. C. D. The ozone layer was discovered by F.W. Aston and J.J Thomson Albert Einstein Rutherford Charles Fabry and Henri Buisson 146. A. B. C. D. The interior structure of the Earth is divided into ________ layers. 4 5 6 7 147. A. B. C. D. We live on the Earth's Inner core Outer core Crust Mantle 148. The thickest layer of the Earth is A. B. C. D. Crust Inner core Outer core Mantle 149. A. B. C. D. The outermost layer of the Earth is Crust Inner mantle Outer mantle Core 150. A. B. C. D. The Earth's crust ranges from ________ km in depth. 0-5 5-10 5-70 10-70 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 1. 2. 3. 4. C B A B D B C D A C The Earth's internal heat mainly comes from Liquid hydrogen Chemical reactions Radioactive decay Molecular kinetic energy 1. 2. 3. 4. There are different reasons on the Earth because of Rotation of the Earth Revolution of the Earth The Earth's axis is tilted The Earth's distance from the Sun 1. 2. 3. 4. On average, Air contains ________ % of water vapour. 1 3 5 7 152. 153. 154. Earth's troposphere extends from the Earth's surface to an average height of about ________ km. 1. 10 2. 12 3. 15 4. 17 155. 1. 2. 3. 4. The science of lightning is called Aerology Meteorology Electeorology Fulminology 1. 2. 3. 4. Ships use ________ to find the depth of the ocean beneath them. Pictches Echoes Frequencies None of these 156. 157. Molecules with identical molecular formulae but with different structural formulae are called 1. Isomers 2. Isotopes 3. Atomic number 4. Mass number 158. The anode is the electrode connected to the ________ terminal of a battery. 1. Positive 2. Negative 3. Neutral 4. Free 159. 1. 2. 3. 4. The unit used to measure humidity is Barometer Hydrometer Hygrometer Galvanometer 1. 2. 3. 4. Laser was invented by Volta Sturgeon Hero Maiman 160. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. C C A B D B A A C D The vernier calipers is used to measure 1. Length 2. Time 3. Temperature 4. Viscority 162. 1. 2. 3. 4. Atomic clock is used to measure ________ intervals of time. Very short Short Very long Long 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 tonne = ________ kg 100 400 1000 4000 1. 2. 3. 4. An instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure is Ammeter Manometer Galvanometer Barometer 1. 2. 3. 4. An instrument used to measure gas pressure is Ammeter Manometer Galvanometer Barometer 1. 2. 3. 4. Which electromagnetic wave has the longest wavelength? Gamma rays X-rays Microwaves Radio waves 1. 2. 3. 4. Which electromagnetic wave has the shortest wavelength? Gamma rays X-rays Microwaves Radio waves 1. 2. 3. 4. All electromagnetic waves have the same Frequency Amplitude Wavelength in vaccum Speed in vaccum 1. 2. 3. 4. The reflection of sound is called Frequency Vibration Echo Wave 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. An instrument used to measure electric current is called 1. Ammeter 2. Barometer 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 3. Galvanometer 4. Manometer A A C D B D A D C A 171. A. B. C. D. The SI unit of thermodynamic temperature is Celsius Fahrenheight Kelvin None of these 172. A. B. C. D. The shortest distance between crest to crest is called Phare thoughs Amplitude Wavelength 173. A. B. C. D. The speed of sound is fastest in Solids Liquids Gasses Vaccum 174. A. B. C. D. The speed of sound is slowest in Solids Liquids Gasses Vaccum 175. A. B. C. D. Radioactivity was discovered by Henri Becquerel Pierre Curie Marie Curie Rutherford 176. A. B. C. D. Which from the following has the greatest ionising power? Alpha particles Beta particles Gamma rays All three has same ionising power 177. A. B. Which from the following has the greatest penetrating power? Alpha particles Beta particles C. D. Gamma rays All three have same penetrating power 178. A. B. C. D. Which from the following has the greatest speed? Alpha Beta Gamma None 179. A. B. C. D. At night The land cools faster than the water in the sea The water in the sea cools faster than the land The land and the water in the sea cools together None of these 180. A. B. C. D. The chemical name of chalk is Sodium nitrate Zinc sulfate Sulphuric acid Calcium carbonate 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. C D A C A A C C A D 181. The branch of science which study the interaction between matter and radian energy is called A. Thermochemistry B. Polymer chemistry C. Spectroscopy D. Electrochemistry 182. A. B. C. D. The horizontal rows of the periodic table are called Groups Periods Sets Matrices 183. A. B. C. D. The vertical coloumns of the periodic table are called Groups Periods Sets Matrices 184. Which metallic element is liquid at room temperature? A. B. C. D. Zinc Nickel Lead Mercury 185. A. B. C. D. Which non-metallic element is liquid at room temperature? Bromine Flourine Chlorine Phosphorous 186. A. B. C. D. Battery charger converts electrical energy into ________ energy. Kinetic Potential Chemical Nuclear 187. A. B. C. D. A loudspeaker changes ________ energy into sound energy. Chemical Electrical Light Kinetic 188. A. B. C. D. The strongest part(s) of a magnet is/are North pole South pole North and south pole Median of north and south pole 189. A. B. C. D. Electromagnetic induction was discovered by Carnot Volta Faraday Bessel 190. A. B. C. D. Battery was invented by Carnot Volta Faraday Bessel 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. C B A D A C B C C B 191. The most abundant form of matter in the universe is A. B. C. D. Solid Liquid Gas Plasma 192. A. B. C. D. When gas is ionized, ________ forms. Molecule Element Plasma Current 193. A. B. C. D. Wind is caused by Difference in atmospheric pressure Difference in atmospheric temperature Rotation of the Earth Revolution of the Earth 194. A. B. C. D. Wind speed is measured by Anemometer Barometer Ceilometer Galvanometer 195. A. B. C. D. The fact that universe is expanding was discovered by Hahn Hubble Rontgen Rutherford 196. A. B. C. D. X-rays were discovered by Hahn Hubble Rontgen Rutherford 197. The Nobel prize in physics for the discovery of the law of photoelectric effect was awarded to A. Newton B. Einstein C. Rontgen D. Rutherford 198. A. B. C. D. The symbol of gold is Au Ag Fe Sg 199. A. B. C. D. Plaster of Paris is produced by heating Graphite Gypsum Zinc Lead 200. A. B. C. D. Which from the following is NOT true about Helium gas Colourless Odorless Tasteless Toxic 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. D C A A B C B A B D 201. A. B. C. D. Which is the largest excretory organ of the body lungs skin liver none of these 202. A. B. C. D. The brain is enclosed in a bony case called diaphragam vertebral column cranium vertebrae 203. A. B. C. D. Which is the bone that is present in forelimb radius femur ribs sternum 204. A. B. C. D. Which one is herbivore cat dog cow lion 205. A. B. C. D. Which structure helps in transport of water in plants phloem leaf bark xylem 206. A. B. C. D. The organisms that can make their own food are called producers consumers secondary consumers decomposers 207. A. B. C. D. Bacteria are eukaryotes prokaryotes non-living none of these 208. A. B. C. D. Bile juice is secreted by pancreas stomach intestine gall bladder 209. A. B. C. D. Which part of the blood cells provide immunity RBC WBC platelet blood plasma 210. A. B. C. D. Which structure prevent water loss in plants cuticle bark mesophyll leaf 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. B C A C D A B D B A 211. A. B. C. D. DNA structure was first described by Pasteur Robert Koch Watson and Crick Carlous Linnaues 212. A. B. C. D. Pollination is best defined as germination of pollen grains transfer of pollen from anther to stigma formation of pollen grains none of these 213. A. B. C. D. Movement of cell against concentration gradient is called active transport osmosis diffusion both b and c 214. A. B. C. D. One of the following is not a function of bones support production of blood cells protein synthesis muscle attachment 215. A. B. C. D. Plants absorb most part of water needed by them through their stem root hairs leaf bark 216. A. B. C. D. Highly intelligent mammals are rat bat dolphin elephant 217. A. B. C. D. Process of cell division take place by mitosis fertilization reproduction none of these 218. A. B. C. D. Prokaryotic cell lack nucleolus nuclear membrane both a and b none of these 219. A. B. C. D. Pulses are a good source of proteins carbohydrates vitamins minerals 220. A. B. C. D. Plants that grow in dry habitat are called hydrophytes xerophytes shrubs herbs 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. C B A C B C A C A B 221. A. B. C. D. Oxygen released in the process of photosynthesis comes from water oxygen carbon dioxide nitrogen dioxide 222. A. B. C. D. Phloem tissue is found in liver placenta plants none of these 223. Plant bends towards the source of light on account of the movement known as A. geotropism B. hydrotropism C. chemotropism D. phototropism 224. A. B. C. D. Animal lacks starch cellulose protein lipids 225. On which of the following plants did Gregor Mendal perform his classical experiment A. corn B. mustard C. pea D. sunflower 226. is A. B. C. D. Among the biotic components of the ecosystem, the producer system 227. A. B. C. D. Breeding and management of bees is known agriculture sericulture horticulture apiculture 228. A. B. C. D. Study of fossils is called psychology paleontology biodiversity haematology carnivores herbivores plants animals 229. A. B. C. D. Which is an example of fungi paramecium euglena penicillium octopus 230. A. B. C. D. The scientific name of human is Homo sapiens Homo habiscus Oriza sativa none of these 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. A C D B C C D B C A 231. A. B. C. D. Thread like structures in fungi are called mycelium hyphae sporangium spores 232. A. B. C. D. The smallest bacteria on earth is mycoplasma E.coli salmonella clostridium 233. A. B. C. D. Vaccine for rabies was developed by Robert Koch Robert Brown Pasteur none of these 234. A. B. C. D. Malaria is caused by mosquito plasmodium virus bacteria 235. A. B. C. D. Hepatitis is inflammation of stomach kidney lungs liver 236. A. B. C. D. Penicillin is obtained from soil bacteria fungi virus 237. A. B. C. D. Which one is endoparasite lice ticks virus tape worm 238. A. B. C. D. Fructose is pentose sugar hexose sugar heptose sugar none of these 239. A. B. C. D. Peptide bond is a C-N link N-H link C-O link N-O link 240. A. B. C. D. Which is correct about enzymes protein in nature speed up reaction denature at high temperature all of these 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. B A C B D C D A B D 241. A. B. C. D. Which is called power house of the cell golgi complex mitochondria nucleus endoplasmic reticulum 242. A. B. C. D. The structure that is absent in animal cell cell wall nulcleus centriole mitochondria 243. A. B. C. D. The non-protein part of enzyme is called co-enzyme activator cofactor substrate 244. A. B. C. Nucleic acid were first isolated by Erwin Chargaff Friedrich Miescher Rosalind Franklin D. none of these 245. A. B. C. D. One of the following is not pyrimidine thymine cytosine guanine uracil 246. A. B. C. D. Fructose is milk sugar cereal sugar aldo sugar keto sugar 247. A. B. C. D. Group of tissues doing a particular job organ system organelle individual 248. Members of the same species living in the same place at the same time make A. population B. ecosystem C. community D. trophic level 249. A. B. C. D. Which one is a leukocyte red blood cell plasma cell monocyte all of these 250. A. B. C. D. Which one of the following contain deoxygenated blood pulmonary artery hepatic artery left atrium none of these 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. B A C B C D A C C A 251. A. In most plants the food is transported in form of fructose B. C. D. sucrose starch glucose 252. cycle A. B. C. D. How many molecules of carbon dioxide are formed in one Kreb's 253. A. B. C. D. Which enzyme digest carbohydrates lipase proteases amylases none of these 254. A. B. C. D. The pancreas produce digestive enzymes and release in the stomach esophagus large intestine small intestine 2 4 6 1 255. Detail study of internal organs at level of tissue with the help of microscope is called A. histology B. anatomy C. physiology D. embryology 256. A. B. C. D. The exchange of chromosal segments i.e.crossing over occurs during first meiotic division mitotic division second meiotic division none of these 257. Many bacteria in our digestive system synthesize vitamins for example vitamin A. B1 B. B2 C. B12 D. B6 258. A. B. C. D. It is very serious disease of brain which is caused by fungi ring worm meningitis hepatitis none of these 259. A. B. C. They are widespread as protective coatings on fruits and leaves cholesterol waxes chitin D. all of these 260. food A. B. C. D. They are present in the underground parts of the plants and stored 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. B C C D A A C B B A 261. A. B. C. D. The simplest amino acid is alanine glycine valine phenylalanine 262. A. B. C. D. Accumulation of lipid molecules in brain cells lead to paralysis oedema mental retardation all of these 263. A. B. C. D. The life and activities of a cell is controlled by cytoplasm nucleus vacuole mitochondria 264. A. B. C. D. Flagella are composed of micro tubules micro filaments intermediate filaments glycoproteins 265. A. B. C. D. Tobacco mosaic virus was crystallized by Pasteur Chamberland Stanely Ivanowski 266. A. Non-enveloped naked viruses are known as prions leucoplast chromoplast chloroplast stem B. C. D. bacteriophages oncoviruses virions 267. A. B. C. D. Gram +ve bacteria on treatment with crystal violet dye give colour red green purple pink 268. A. B. C. D. Malarial parasite is injected into man as sporozoites merozoites zygote none of these 269. A. B. C. D. The terms procariotique and eucariotique were proposed by Whittaker Chatton Haeckel Margulis and Schwartz 270. A. B. C. D. The most common type of asexual reproduction in the fungi is fragmentation spore production budding binary fission 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. B C B A C D C A B B 271. A. B. C. D. Outside the thallus of Marchantia there are special structures called stem tuber rhizoids sporangium none of these 272. A. B. C. D. The vascular plants are termed as tracheophytes bryophytes pteridophytes all of these 273. In human beings influenza is caused by A. B. C. D. bacteria protist virus fungi 274. In many which phylum the body of an organisms is usually divided in there regions called head, thorax and abdomen A. echinodermata B. mollusca C. nematoda D. arthropoda 275. A. B. C. D. Snails belong to gastropods bivalves arthropods platyhelminthes 276. A. B. C. D. Amoeba moves in water with the help of locomotory organs called tube feet cilia pseudopodia flagella 277. A. B. C. D. Liver fluke is parasite in the liver of cattle sheep goat all of these 278. A. B. C. D. In all coelentrates endoderm give rise to nervous system digestive system reproductive system circulatory system 279. A. B. C. D. Higher vascular plants are also called flowering plants seed plants ferns none of these 280. The plants which produce embryo but lack vascular tissues and seeds are placed in A. bryophytes B. pteridophytes C. tracheophytes D. all of these 271. 272. 273. B A C 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. D A C D B B A 281. A. B. C. D. Which bone is called beauty bone in women sternum clavicle maxilla radius 282. A. B. C. D. Detachment of myosin head and actin in rigor mortis occurs due to stored ATP in body hypercalcemia autolysis in body hyperactivity of mitochondria 283. A. B. C. D. Release of the ovum from ovary is called fertilization ovulation implantation none of these 284. A. B. C. D. The foetus is protected from the mechanical damage by the cervix vagina uterus amniotic fluid 285. A. B. C. D. Rich source of energy in seimen is glucose fructose lactose sacrose 286. A. B. C. D. Sickle cell anemia was discovered by Vernon Ingram Sanger Miescher none of these 287. A. B. C. D. Earthworm lives in sea water moist soil fresh water none of these 288. Kangaroo has an abdominal pouch known as A. B. C. D. placenta guttural pouch marsupial all of these 289. A. B. C. D. The utilization of the products of digestion is called ingestion absorption assimilation both a and b 290. A. B. C. D. Parabronchi are present in cockroach frog fish birds 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. B C B D A A B C C D 291. A. B. C. D. The respiratory problem most common in smokers is tuberculosis emphysema asthma cancer 292. A. B. C. D. Water potential of pure water is zero one negative two 293. A. B. C. D. Bean shaped cells in plants are mesophyll cells xylem cells phloem cells guard cells 294. A. B. C. D. The normal pH of human blood is 6.4 7.0 7.4 7.5 295. Shrinkage of protoplast due to exosmosis of water is A. B. C. D. imbibition plasmolysis deplasmolysis adhesion 296. A. B. C. D. Artherosclerosis is a major condition leading to heart attack hypertension stroke tumor 297. A. B. C. D. Villi and microvilli increase digestion assimilation absorption ingestion 298. A. B. C. D. Splitting of glucose relates to respiration photorespiration glycolysis pyruvic acid 299. A. B. C. D. Reptiles hibernate during summer winter spring autumn 300. A. B. C. D. Which of the following plants are called arthrophytes sphenopsids lycopsids psilopsids pteropsids 11. Under the “Articles of Confederation” __________ . A. Centre had some extra power over states B. Centre had absolutely extra power over states C. States had some extra power over centre D. States had absolutely extra power over centre 12. According to Constitution President of the United States must at least of __________ years old. A. 18 B. 23 C. 35 D. 38 13. There are __________ states of the United States. A. 13 B. 28 C. 40 D. 50 14. American War of Independence was lasted from __________ to __________ . A. 1770 to 1775 B. 1775 to 1783 C. 1777 to 1785 D. 1783 to 1785 15. In the war of 1812 between 13 States of US and Great Britain; Britain set fire to White House in __________ . A. April 1813 B. August 1813 C. April 1814 D. August 1814 16. Who was the president of United States during World War-1? A. President Washington B. President Lincoln C. President Wilson D. President Kennedy 17. America conducted two Atom Bombs on Japan in World War-2. Who was the president of United States at that time? A. Harry S. Truman B. Dwight D. Eisenhower C. Herbert Hoover D. Lyndon B. Johnson 18. Who was the president of United States during Civil War? A. President Lincoln B. President Kennedy C. President F. Rossevelt D. President Wilson 19. The President of the United States who served for the longest term in office was? A. President Washington B. President F. Rossevelt C. President Lincoln D. President Kennedy 20. United States purchased Alaska from Russia in __________ . A. 1861 B. 1863 C. 1865 D. 1867 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. D C D B D C A A B D 11. The Congress declared independence from Great Britain on __________ . A. July 4, 1774 B. July 4, 1775 C. July 4, 1776 D. July 4, 1777 12. In 1787, The Constitutional Convention was convened in __________ . A. Washington B. New York C. Philadelphia D. Massachusetts 13. The Constitutional Convention was presided by __________ . A. George Washington B. Benjamin Franklin C. Alexander Hamilton D. Abraham Lincoln 14. __________ had to face the watergate scandal. A. President Harrison B. Ronald Reagan C. Jimmy Carter D. Richard Nixon 15. Watergate scandal was uncovered by the reporters of __________. A. Washington Post B. New York Times C. Wall street Journal D. none of these 16. The Commander in Chief of the Revolutionary Army was __________. A. President Washington B. President Lincoln C. President John Adams D. President Kennedy 17. North Atlantic Treaty of NATO was signed on _____ in Washington D.C. A. April 04, 1947 B. April 04, 1948 C. April 04, 1949 D. April 04, 1950 18. The Constitution of the United States was enforced on __________ . A. July 4, 1787 B. September 17, 1787 C. July 4, 1789 D. September 17, 1789 19. The President of the United States who served for the shortest term in office was? A. President Wilson B. President Nixon C. President Harrison D. President Kennedy 20. The capital of United States was moved from Philadelphia to Washington in _________. A. 1800 B. 1801 C. 1802 D. 1803 COUNTRY Afghanistan Albania Algeria Austria Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Belgium Benin Bhutan Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Cameroon Canada Countries, Capital and Currencies CAPITAL CURRENCY Kabul Afghani Tirana Lek Algiers Dinar Vienna Euro Baku Manat Manama Dinar Dhaka Taka Brussels Euro Porto - Novo CFA Frank Thimphu Ngultrum Bandar Seri Begawan Dollar Sofia Lev Ouagadougou CFA Frank Yaounde CFA Frank Ottawa Canadian dollar Chad Comoros Côte d'Ivoire Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Egypt Estonia Finland France Gabon Gambia Germany Greece Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Italy Jordan Kazakhstan Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Latvia Lebanon Libya Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Malaysia Maldives Mali Mauritania Morocco Mozambique Nepal Netherlands Niger Nigeria Norway Oman N,Djamina Moroni Abidjan Zagreb Nicosia Zagreb Copenhagen Djibouti Cairo Tallinn Helsinki Paris Libreville Banjul Berlin Athens Conakry Bissau Georgetown Budapest Reykjavik New Delhi Jakarta Tehran Baghdad Dublin Rome Amman Alma-Ata Kuwait City Bishkek Riga Beirut Tripoli Vilnius Luxembourg Valletta Kuala Lumpur Male Bamako Nouakchott Rabat Maputo Kathmandu The Hague Niamey Abuja Oslo Muscat CFA Frank CFA Frank CFA Frank Kuna Euro koruna Krone Frank Pound Euro Euro Euro CFA Frank Dalasi Euro Euro Frank Peso Dollar Forint Icelandic krona Rupee Ruphiah Rial Dinar Euro Euro Dinar Tenge Dinar Som Euro Pound Dinar Litas Euro Euro Ringgit Rufiyaa Frank Ouguiya Dirham Metical Nepalese rupee Euro CFA Frank Naira Norwegian krone Rial Pakistan Palestine Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Saudi Arabia Senegal Sierra Leone Slovakia Slovenia Somalia Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Sweden Syria Tajikistan Togo Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uzbekistan Yemen Islamabad Jerusalem (proclaimed) Ramallah (administrative) Warsaw Lisbon Doha Bucharest Riyadh Dakar Freetown Bratislava Ljubljana Mogadishu Madrid Colombo Khartoum Paramaribo Stockholm Damascus Dushounbe Loom Tunis Ankara Ashakhabad Kampala Abu Dhabi London Washington D.C. Tashkent Sanaa Rupee Israeli shekel Zloty Euro Riyal Leu Riyal CFA Frank Leone Euro Euro Shilling Euro Sri Lankan rupee Pound Guilder krona Pound Rouble CFA Frank Dinar Lira Manat Uganda Shilling Dirham Pound Dollar Som & Ruble North Yemeni Rial The World's famous NEWS Agencies.         AAP is the news agency of Australia AFP is the news agency of France ANTARA is the news agency of Indonesia IRNA is the news agency of Iran Reuters is the news agency of Britain Saba is the news agency of Yemen SANA is the news agency of Syria WAFA is the news agency of Palestine The World's famous Airlines.        Aeroflot is the airline of Russia Cathy Pacific is the airline of Hong Kong Emirates is the airline of UAE (United Arab Emirates) Etihad Airways is the airline of UAE (United Arab Emirates) KLM is the airline of Netherlands PIA is the airline of Pakistan Qantas is the airline of Australia Largest Countries (by Area) Russia Canada United States Ans Russia Largest Countries (by Population) China India United States Ans China Most Populous Cities of the World Shanghai, China Karachi, Pakistan Beijing, China THE LARGEST The Largest producer of Uranium is Kazakhstan The Largest emitter of Carbondioxide in the atmosphere is China >> View More THE LOWEST The Lowest part of the Earth is Dead Sea The Lowest temperature ever recorded on the Earth is -89.2 °C >> View More IMPORTANT HISTORICAL EVENTS The outbreak of World War II The World War II was began on 1 September 1939 when Germany attacked Poland, and the subsequent, after two days, on 3 September declaration of war on Germany by France and Great Britain. D-Day The D-Day (or Normandy landings) was a military operation through sea on 6 June 1944 by Allied forces against Germans in Normandy, France that cracked the German grip on western Europe. The Berlin Wall The Berlin Wall was constructed to cut off West Berlin from East Germany to stop mass migration from East to West Germany. The construction of the wall was began at midnight of 12 August 1961 and the migration was stopped on 13 August 1961. The Berlin Wall was fell on 9 November 1989. After the fall of Berlin Wall, East and West Germany reunified into a single German state on 3 October 1990. Important Personalities John Kerry The Secretary of States of United States. Joe Biden The Vice President of United States. Anders Rasmussen The Secretary General of NATO. Trygve Halvdan Lie (16 July 1896 - 30 December 1968) Trygve Lie was the first Secretary-General of the United Nations. He was Minister of Supplies of Norway, when in 1940 Germany invaded Norway. He ordered all Norwegian ships to sail to Allied ports. He served as Norwegian Foreign minister during the Norwegian government-in-exile in London. Nelson Mandela (18 July 1918 - 5 December 2013) Nelson Mandela was President of South Africa from 10 May 1994 to 14 June 1999. He was the first black president of South Africa. Nelson Mandela focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid which was a system of racial segregation in South Africa. George Washington (22 February 1732 - 14 December 1799) George Washington was Commander-in-Chief during the American Revolutionary War (or American War of Independence) which lasted from 1775 to 1783 between thirteen British colonies in the United States and Kingdom of Great Britain. He presided over the Constitutional Convention which convened in Philadelphia that drafted the Constitution of United States. After the ratification of the United States Constitution, he became the first president of the United States. He served as president from 30 April 1789 to 4 March 1797. Abraham Lincoln (12 February 1809 - 15 April 1865) Abraham Lincoln served as president of the United States from 4 March 1861 to 15 April 1865. He was president of the United States during Civil War which lasted from 1861 to 1865. He was re-elected in the US presidential election of 1864. He abolished slavery in the United States. He was assassinated on 14 April 1865 by John Wilkes Booth, an actor, and died on 15 April 1865. United Nations Organization (UNO) After the end of World War I (WWI) which lasted from 1914 to 1918, The League of Nations (LN) was formed in 1919. Its mission was to maintain world peace. But League of Nations was failed in preventing World War II (WWII) which lasted from 1939 to 1945. After the end of World War II The United Nations Organization UNO was founded on October 24, 1945 to replace the flawed League of Nations. Its principal mission is to maintain world peace, and to provide a platform for dialogue.          United Nations Key Facts Secretary General UNO is Ban Ki-moon of South Korea. The Secretary General is elected for a period of 5 years UNO was founded on October 24, 1945 The motto of UNO is "It's your world!" The Headquarter of UNO is in New York, USA With other main offices in Geneva, Nairobi, and Vienna. The UN General Assembly adopts the budget The UN General Assembly, on proposal of the Security Council, elects the UN Secretary General, decides on the admission of new members, elects the nonpermanent members of the Security Council, all members of Economic and Social Council, and the 15 judges of the International Court of Justice The UN Security Council is the most powerful organ, and is responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security UN Security Council has a total of 15 members: 5 permanent and 10 elected members The 5 permanent members of UN Security Council are China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries hold veto power  The 10 non-permanent members of UN Security Council are elected by the UN General Assembly for a period of 2 years. Currently the non-permanent members are: Angola, Chad, Chile, Jordan, Lithuania, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Spain and Venezuela.  UN Secretariat headed by Secretary General, supports the other UN bodies administratively  UN Economic and Social Council is responsible for cooperation between states on economic and social fields  The International Court of Justice has 15 judges elected for a period of 9 years. The ICJ is located in The Hague, Holland United Nation's principal organs UNO has five principal organs: 1. General Assembly 2. Security Council 3. Secretariat 4. Economic and Social Council 5. International Court of Justice The 6th organ, "Trusteeship Council" suspended operation on November 01, 1994, with the independence of Palau. United Nation's Agencies UNO has also 15 agencies and several programs and bodies to carry out its mission world wide. The prominent agencies are: World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Health Organization(WHO), World Food Programme (WFP) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). United Nation's Languages UNO has 6 official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. UN Members There are 193 member states of the United Nations. In addition to this, two countries hold the status of Observer States. Currently there are only two observer states: 1. Holy Sea (The permanent observer state of UNO) 2. Palestine Observer State is a status granted by a United Nations General Assembly resolution before granted them full membership. European Union (EU) The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union of European countries. The EU's working capital is Brussels, Belgium. EU members Currently the European Union has 28 member states. Croatia has become the 28th member of the European Union on 1 July 2013. The Euro currency is used by 19 out of 28 EU members. Lithuania has become the 19th member of the Eurozone by joining the zone on 1 January 2015.    The EU's working capital is Brussels, Belgium. The EU has 28 member states The Euro Currency is used by 19 of 28 EU members. EU MEMBERS, Capital and Currency COUNTRY CAPITAL CURRENCY Austria Vienna Euro Belgium Brussels Euro Bulgaria Sofia Lev Croatia Zagreb Kuna Cyprus Nicosia Euro Czech Republic Zagreb Koruna Denmark Copenhagen Krone Estonia Tallinn Euro Finland Helsinki Euro France Paris Euro Germany Berlin Euro Greece Athens Euro Hungary Budapest Forint Ireland Dublin Euro Italy Rome Euro Latvia Riga Euro Lithuania Vilnius Litas Luxembourg Luxembourg Euro Malta Valletta Euro Netherlands The Hague Euro Poland Warsaw Zloty Portugal Lisbon Euro Romania Bucharest Leu Slovakia Bratislava Euro Slovenia Ljubljana Euro Spain Madrid Euro Sweden Stockholm Krona United Kingdom London Pound North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty. In the treaty, NATO members agreed on a system of collective defence, that is, an armed attack against any member state would be considered an attack against them all. This treaty was signed on April 04, 1949 in Washington D.C. United States.    Secretary General NATO Jens Stoltenberg belongs to Norway. The headquarter of NATO is located in Brussels, Belgium. North Atlantic treaty was signed on April 04, 1949 in Washington D.C. United States NATO headquarter The headquarter of NATO is located in Brussels, Belgium. NATO members Currently NATO has 28 members. NATO MEMBERS, Capital and Currency COUNTRY CAPITAL CURRENCY Albania Tirane Lek Belgium Brussels Euro Bulgaria Sofia Lev Canada Ottawa Canadian dollar Croatia Zagreb Kuna Czech Republic Prague Koruna Denmark Copenhagen Krone Estonia Tallinn Euro France Paris Euro Germany Berlin Euro Greece Athens Euro Hungary Budapest Forint Iceland Reykjavik Icelandic krona Italy Rome Euro Latvia Riga Lats Lithuania Vilnius Litas Luxembourg Luxembourg Euro Netherlands The Hague Euro Norway Oslo Norwegian krone Poland Warsaw Zloty Portugal Lisbon Euro Romania Bucharest Leu Slovakia Bratislava Euro Slovenia Ljubljana Euro Spain Madrid Euro Turkey Ankara Turkish lira UK London Pound USA Washington D.C. Dollar Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) was founded on September 25, 1969 when Leaders of Muslim nations met in Rabat, Morocco. The OIC was formed as a symbol of Islamic unity and integrity of the Muslim world.       The secretary general of OIC is Iyad bin Amin Madani of Saudi Arabia. The Secretary General is elected for a period of 5 years OIC was founded on September 25, 1969 in Rabat, Morocco OIC permanent Secretariat is located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia The OIC has 57 member states. Palestine is the only member of OIC, who is not the member of UNO OIC changed its name from Organisation of the Islamic Conference to Organisation of Islamic Cooperation on June 28, 2011. Need for the establishment of OIC Turkey participated in the World War I (WWI) on the side of Axis Powers and was defeated. The Allies, then, signed the Treaty of Sevres with Turkey on August 10, 1920 which took away large slices of Ottoman territory and distributed them among the victors of war. India who had already occupied Jammu and Kashmir in 1948, attacked Pakistan in 1965. And, in 1967 Israel attacked 3 Arab countries: Egypt, Jordan and Syria. All these events demanded the collective voice of the Muslim world to safeguard their interests, and ensure security and progress. OIC languages OIC has 3 official languages: Arabic, English and French OIC Secretariat OIC permanent Secretariat is located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The current secretary general of OIC is Iyad bin Amin Madani of Saudi Arabia. The Secretary General is elected for a period of 5 years. OIC Members The OIC has 57 member states. Palestine is the only member of OIC, who is not the member of UNO. Palestine is an observing member of United Nations. OIC MEMBERS, Capital and Currencies COUNTRY CAPITAL CURRENCY Afghanistan Kabul Afghani Albania Tirana Lek Algeria Algiers Dinar Azerbaijan Baku Manat Bahrain Manama Dinar Bangladesh Dhaka Taka Benin Porto – Novo CFA Frank Brunei Bandar Seri Begawan Dollar Burkina Faso Ouagadougou CFA Frank Cameroon Yaounde CFA Frank Chad N,Djamina CFA Frank Comoros Moroni CFA Frank Côte d'Ivoire Abidjan CFA Frank Djibouti Djibouti Frank Egypt Cairo Pound Gabon Libreville CFA Frank Gambia Banjul Dalasi Guinea Conakry Frank Guinea-Bissau Bissau Peso Guyana Georgetown Dollar Indonesia Jakarta Ruphiah Iran Tehran Rial Iraq Baghdad Dinar Jordan Amman Dinar Kazakhstan Alma-Ata Tenge Kuwait Kuwait City Dinar Kyrgyzstan Bishkek Som Lebanon Beirut Pound Libya Tripoli Dinar Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Ringgit Maldives Male Rufiyaa Mali Bamako Frank Mauritania Nouakchott Ouguiya Morocco Rabat Dirham Mozambique Maputo Metical Niger Niamey CFA Frank Nigeria Abuja Naira Oman Muscat Rial Pakistan Islamabad Rupee Palestine Jerusalem (proclaimed) Ramallah (administrative) Israeli shekel Qatar Doha Riyal Saudi Arabia Riyadh Riyal Senegal Dakar CFA Frank Sierra Leone Freetown Leone Somalia Mogadishu Shilling Sudan Khartoum Pound Suriname Paramaribo Guilder Syria (suspended) Damascus Pound Tajikistan Dushounbe Rouble Togo Loom CFA Frank Tunisia Tunis Dinar Turkey Ankara Lira Turkmenistan Ashakhabad Manat Uganda Kampala Uganda Shilling United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi Dirham Uzbekistan Tashkent Som & Ruble Yemen Sanaa North Yemeni Rial South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was founded on December 08, 1985. SAARC is a regional alliance of South Asian countries. The idea of establishing a regional cooperation (SAARC) was put forward by former late president of Bangladesh, Ziaur Rehman.  Secretary General SAARC Arjun Bahadur Thapa belongs to Nepal. The Secretary General is appointed for a period of 3 years  The SAARC Charter requires the heads of state to meet once a year,  The 18th SAARC Summit was held from 26-27 of November 2014 in Kathmandu, Nepal.  The 19th SAARC Summit will be held in Islamabad, Pakistan in 2016. SAARC Members Currently SAARC has 8 members: 1. Afghanistan 2. Bangladesh 3. Bhutan 4. India 5. Maldives 6. Nepal 7. Pakistan 8. Sri Lanka SAARC Secretariat The SAARC Secretariat was established on January 16, 1987 in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. SAARC MEMBERS COUNTRY CAPITAL CURRENCY Afghanistan Kabul Afghani Bangladesh Bhutan India Maldives Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka Dhaka Thimphu New Delhi Male Kathmandu Islamabad Colombo Taka Ngultrum Rupee Rufiya Nepalese rupee Rupee Sri Lankan rupee Developing 8 Countries (D-8 Countries) The Developing 8 (D-8) is an organization of eight developing countries that have formed an economic development alliance. The objectives of D-8 Organization are to improve member states’ position in the world economy. The D-8 organization was founded on June 15, 1997 in Istanbul, Turkey by Necmettin Erbakan, former Turkish Prime Minister. D-8 Countries The D-8 are large Muslim population countries. The eight D-8 countries are: Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey. D-8 Priority Areas The five priority areas of D-8 are: 1. Trade 2. Agriculture and Food Security 3. Industrial Cooperation & SMES 4. Transportaion 5. Energy & Mineral D-8 Secretariat D-8 Secretariat is based in Istanbul, Turkey. Currently, Dr. Seyed Ali Mohammad Mousavi of Iran is the Secretary General of the D-8 Organization. D-8 MEMBERS COUNTRY CAPITAL CURRENCY Bangladesh Dhaka Taka Egypt Cairo Pound Indonesia Jakarta Rupiah Iran Tehran Rial Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Ringgit Nigeria Abuja Naira Pakistan Islamabad Rupee Turkey Ankara Lira   The D-8 organization was founded on June 15, 1997 in Istanbul, Turkey The D-8 organization was founded by former Turkish Prime Necmettin Erbakan  The D-8 countries are large Muslim population countries  The 8th D-8 summit was held in Islamabad, Pakistan on 21 November 2012. B. C. D. B. C. D. A. Sociology Cosmology Universology Petology Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. Surface temperature of Sun is about ? A. 5000 degree celsius 5500 degree celsius 6000 degree celsius 6500 degree celsius Answer: Option C Explanation: Surface temperature of Sun is about 6000 degree Celsius and temperature at the centre is around 15,000,000 degree Celsius. 2. How many types of Pastures is there ? A. two B. three C. four D. five Answer: Option A Explanation: Pastures can be divided in two types : 1. Tropical Pastures, 2. Temperate Pastures. 3. Autumnal Equinox occurs on ? A. September 22 B. September 23 C. October 22 D. October 23 Answer: Option B 4. "Marina Beach" is in ? A. Gujrat B. Tamil Nadu C. Odhisa D. Goa Answer: Option B 5. Diameter of Sun is ? A. 12 Lakh kms B. 13 Lakh kms C. 14 Lakh kms D. 15 Lakh kms Answer: Option C 1. Twelve constellations referred to as zodiac, are: A. Signs of Roman gods B. Imaginary region that encompasses the path of the planets C. A group of stars D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 2. Which of the following planets is known as "Mornong Star"? A. Mercury B. Venus C. Mars D. Saturn Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 3. Comets are celestial bodies moving around the solar system in: A. C. Eliptical or hyperbolical orbits, usually accompanied by a shinning tail Hyperbolic orbit always accompanied by a shinning head B. D. Eliptical orbits usually accompanied by long shinning tail Hyperbolic orbit without projecting any tail Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 4. The temperature of sun's outer surface is: A. 600 B. 6000 C. 500 D. 5000 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 5. Which planet of the solar system spins on its axis as the fastest rate? A. Mercury B. Earth C. Jupiter D. Saturn Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 6. Which among the following four planets is the biggest in size? A. Venus B. Mercury C. Earth D. Mars Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 7. How many years does Pluto take in revolving around the sun? A. 100 years B. 200 years C. 248 years D. 300 years Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 8. The term meteor is applied to an interplanetary body: A. C. After it enters the atmosphere of the earth After it enters the earth's atmosphere and lands on the surface of the earth without exploding in mid air B. D. After it enters the earth's atmosphere and explodes in the mid air as a ball of fire Before it enters the earth's atmosphere Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 9. Among the planets of the solar system, the one which has the longest period of rotation is: A. Mars B. Venus C. Saturn D. Pluto Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 10. Which one of the following statement regarding shooting stars is incorrect? A. They are meteors B. They are debris C. They emit light D. They are kind of stars Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A 11. Which planet is known as watery planet? A. Mercury B. Earth C. Mars D. Jupiter Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 12. Solar system was discovered by: A. Kepler B. Galileo C. Copernicus D. Plato Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 13. Huge congregation of stars that are held together by the force of ggravity are known as: A. Constellations B. Galaxies C. Comets D. Solar system Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 14. The unit of measuring distances betweenthe stars is known as: A. Galactic unit B. Light year C. Cosmic kilometre D. Steller mile Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 15. Which planet look reddish in the night sky? A. Mercury B. Mars C. Jupiter D. Saturn Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 16. The planets are kept in motion in their respective orbits by: A. Gravitation nad centrifugal force B. The rotation and density C. Their great size D. Rotation of sun on its axis. View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 17. The study of heavenly bodies is known as: A. Astrology B. Astrophysics C. Astronomy D. Geophysics Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 18. Supernova is: A. An asteroid B. A dying star C. A comet D. A black hole Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 19. The milky way extends through a distance of: A. One light-year B. 105 light-years C. 8 light-years D. 5010 light-hears Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 20. The altitudes of heavenly bodies appear to be greater than they actually are. This is due to : A. Atmospheric refraction B. Motions of the earth C. These are visible D. Vertical motions Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 21. The period of one revolution of sun around the centre of galaxy is called: A. Cosmic year B. Astronomical year C. Light year D. Parsec Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 22. Which of the following is concerned with the description and mapping of the main features of the universe? A. Cosmology B. Cosmography C. Astronomy D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 23. The same side of the moon always faces the earth because: A. Moon and earth have gravitational force B. Moon cannot change its position C. The period of rotation of the moon on its axis and period of revolution around the earth is almost the same D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 24. The light coming from stars gives the idea of their: A. Size B. Rotational speed C. Mass D. Density Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 25. The constellation of stars appears at different positions in the sky at different times during night mainly: A. Because earth rotates about its axis B. Because earth revolves around the sun C. Because of optical illusion D. Because celestial bodies are changing their position Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 26. The sunsports cause: A. Aurora australis and aurora borealis B. Magnetic storms on the surface of the sun C. Polar auroras D. All of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 27. "Parsec" is the unit of measurement of: A. Density of stars B. Orbital velocity of giant stars C. Astronomical distance D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 28. The distance of the nearest star besides the sun from the earth is: A. 3 light-years B. 4 light-years C. 5 light-years D. 6 light-years Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 29. Lunar-eclipse does not occur every month because: A. The sun's orbit is not always in the same plane as the moon B. The moon's orbit is not all the time in the same plane as the earth C. The moon revolves at a slower speed than the earth D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 30. Which of the following celestial bodies bear, 'The Sea of Tranquility' and 'The Ocean of Storms'? A. Mars B. Venus C. Moon D. Sun Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 31. The time required by moonlight to reach the earth is: A. One second B. 1.3 second C. 2 seconds D. 3 seconds Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 32. The brightest star in the sky is: A. Hayes B. Praesepe C. Sirius D. Sun Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 33. Lunar Sea refers to: A. A small sea on the moon B. gravitational attraction of the moon A sea on erth which experiences high tides due to C. A large water body illuminated by moonlight A dark plain on the moon D. Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 34. Lunar eelipse is caused when the: A. Moon comes between the sun and the earth B. moon Earth comes between the sun and the C. None of these Sun comes between the earth and the moon D. Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 35. The 'Solar Corona' mainly consists of: A. Cosmic rays B. Molten rays C. Molten lava D. Gases Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 36. Which two planets of the solar system have no satellites? A. Mercury and Venus B. Venus and Mars C. Mercury and Pluto D. Venus and Neptune Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 37. Which of the following gases is most predominant in the sun? A. Helium B. Hydrogen C. Nitorgen D. Ozone Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 38. The smallest planet is: A. Venus B. Mercury C. Pluto D. Uranus Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: 39. If there is no sun, the colour of the sky would be: A. OrangeB. Blue C. Yellow D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: 40. Which of the following planets is at the farthest distance from the earth? A. Neptune B. C. Pluto D. Mars Mercury Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A 41. The solar wind is composed of: A. Outward stream of protons on the sun surface B. Ionized gas C. Plasma D. All of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 42. Solar eclipse occurs when: A. Earth comes between sun and moon B. Moon is at right angle to earth C. Moon comes between sun and earth D. Sun comes between moon and earth Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 43. The largest planet of the solar system is: A. earth B. Mars C. Jupiter D. Saturn Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 44. Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the: A. Earth on the moon B. Earth on the sun C. Sun and the moon on earth D. Moon on earth Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 45. Which one of the following is not a satellite of Jupiter? A. Callisto B. Lo C. Eurpa D. Titan Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 46. Moon is called a satellite of the earth because A. It is much smaller than the earth B. It revolves around the sun C. It has no light of his own D. It produces tides on earth Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 47. Comets revolved around: A. Earth B. Sun C. Venus D. No single heavenly body Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 48. The position of a planet when it is nearest to the sun, is called: A. Perihelion B. Aphelion C. Apogee D. Perigee Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 49. Which of the following is known as the "Red Planet"? A. Mercury B. Mars C. Saturn D. Venus Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 50. Which planet is known as the Earth's Twin? A. Venus B. Mars C. Uranus D. Neptune Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: 51. The Saturn rings were discovered by: A. Copernicus B. Newton C. Galileo D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 52. Ilalley's comet appears once in a period of: A. 24 years B. 30 years C. 76 years D. 80 years Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 53. Jupiter is larger than the earth by about: A. 5 times B. 10 times C. 20 times D. 25 times Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 54. Lunar eclipse occurs on: A. New moon B. Full moon C. Half moon D. Quarter moon Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 55. Which one of the following planets takes the same number of days for rotation and revolution? A. Mars B. Venus C. Jupiter D. Saturn Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 56. The hottest planet is: A. Mercury B. Venus C. Jupiter D. Saturn Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 57. The distance between the earth and the sun in million kms is: A. 111 B. 149 C. 200 D. 188 Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 58. A terrestrial planet is a planet of: A. A dense, rocky body B. Low density balls of gas C. High density balls of gas D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 59. The planet having five moons is: A. Venus B. Mars C. Uranus D. Neptune Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 60. Planets nearest to the sun are: A. Mercury and Mars B. Mercury and Venus C. Earth and Mercury D. Mercury and Uranus Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B 61. Which of the following is brightest planet? A. Mercury B. Venus C. Mars D. Jupiter Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 62. The orbits of planets around the sun, or of satellites around the earth can be: A. Circular and elliptic B. Circular and hyperbolic C. Elliptic and parabolic D. Parabolic and hyperbolic Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 63. The fastest planet is: A. Saturn B. Jupiter C. Mercury D. Pluto Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 64. The planet that has no satellite is: A. Mars B. Uranus C. Pluto D. Neptune Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 65. The change in colour of stars arises due to: A. Variation in their distance from the earth B. Variation in their surface temperature C. Fluctuations in their composition and size D. Irregular absorption or scattering in earth's atmosphere Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 66. The North Star is a part of the constellation: A. Orion B. Big dipper C. Little dipper D. Cassiopsiea Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 67. The outermost layer of the sun is called: A. Lithosphere B. Chromospheres C. Corona D. Photosphere Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 68. The planet having the largest number of satellites in the solar system is: A. Mars B. Jupiter C. Saturn D. Uranus Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 69. An observer at a point on the earth where only the penumbra region of moon's shadow will move past, will observe a: A. Total solar eclipse B. Partial solar eclipse C. Total lunar eclipse D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 70. The radiant energy of the sun is transmitted in the form of: A. Particles B. Short waves C. Long waves D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: 71. The planet that lies at the outermost orbit of the solar system is: A. Saturn B. Pluto C. Mercury D. Neptune Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 72. Which of the following is the largest of the inner planets? A. Venus B. Mercury C. Mars D. Earth Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 73. Tides are the highest: A. When the earth is nearest to the sun B. When the earth is nearest to the moon C. When the sun, moon and earth are in line D. None of these Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 74. Which one of the following four planets is the biggest in size? A. Mercury B. Earth C. Venus D. Mars Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 75. Asteroids have their orbits between the planets: A. Mars and Jupiter B. Earth and Mars C. Jupiter and Saturn D. Mercury and Venus Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 76. Year is longest on: A. Mercury B. Earth C. Pluto D. Jupiter Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 77. The bright heavenly body with a long luminous tail is called A. A planet B. A constellation C. A comet D. A satellite Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 78. The four largest planets of the solar system in the descending order are: A. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune B. Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune C. Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter D. Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 79. On which of the following planets of the solar system does the sun rise in the west and set in the east? A. Mars B. Venus C. Jupiter D. Saturn Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: View Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum 80. The first satellite was launched by: A. France B. USSR C. USA D. UK Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation:  1. Study of the Universe is known as ? A. Sociology B. Cosmology C. Universology D. Petology Answer And Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: o View Answer o Comment on this question 2 2. Approximately how many Galaxies are there ? A. 10 Billion Galaxies B. 100 Billion Galaxies C. 1000 Billion Galaxies D. 10000 Billion Galaxies Answer And Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: o View Answer o Comment on this question 2 3. Big Bang theory explains ? A. Origin of Universe. B. Origin of Sun. C. Laws of physics. D. None of above. Answer And Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Big Bang theory explains explains origin of universe. It was formulated and proposed by the Belgian astronomer and cosmologist "Georges Lemaitre". o View Answer o Comment on this question 2 4. Big Bang was an explosion that occurred ? A. 10 Billion years ago B. 15 Billion years ago C. 20 Billion years ago D. 25 Billion years ago Answer And Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: o View Answer o Comment on this question 2 5. Which is correct order of solar system starting from Sun ? A. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune B. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus C. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus D. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Answer And Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: o View Answer o Comment on this question 2 6. Which Planet is dwarf planet A. Mercury B. Pluto C. Mars D. Uranus Answer And Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: Pluto is a dwarf planet. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are called terrestrial planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are called Gaseous planets. o View Answer o Comment on this question 2 7. Diameter of Sun is ? A. 12 Lakh kms B. 13 Lakh kms C. 14 Lakh kms D. 15 Lakh kms Answer And Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: "Size of sun compared to Earth" : Sun is thirteen lakh times as that of Earth.  8. Which are the main gases present in Sun ? A. Hydrogen and Helium B. Hydrogen and Argon C. Argon and Helium D. Hydrogen and Carbon Diaoxide Answer And Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: Sun is composed of 75 % of hydrogen and 26.5 % of Helium. o View Answer o Comment on this question 2 9. Surface temperature of Sun is about ? A. 5000 degree celsius B. 5500 degree celsius C. 6000 degree celsius D. 6500 degree celsius Answer And Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Surface temperature of Sun is about 6000 degree Celsius and temperature at the centre is around 15,000,000 degree Celsius. o View Answer o Comment on this question 2 10. Which planet is biggest in size in solar system ? A. Mercury B. Venus C. Neptune D. Jupiter Answer And Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: o View Answer o Comment on this question 2 11. Which planet is smallest in size in solar system ? A. Mercury B. Venus C. Mars D. Saturn Answer And Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: o View Answer o Comment on this question 2 12. Which planet is brightest ? A. Marcury B. Venus C. Mars D. Neptune Answer And Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: o View Answer o Comment on this question 2 13. Diameter of moon is ? A. 3375 km B. 3415 km C. 3425 km D. 3475 km Answer And Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: Diameter of moon is 3475 km and its circumference is 10864 km. o View Answer o Comment on this question 2 14. Which planet is also known as Red planet ? A. Mercury B. Mars C. Venus D. Jupiter Answer And Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation:  78. Which continent is also known as Dark Continent ? A. Asia B. Africa C. Europe D. Australia Answer And Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: o View Answer o Comment on this question 2 79. Which city is also known as "Windy City" ? A. Chicago B. Cape Town C. Oslo D. Tokyo Answer And Explanation Answer: Option A Explanation: o View Answer o Comment on this question 2 80. Which city is also known as "Eternal City" ? A. Cape Town B. Oslo C. Rome D. Tokyo Answer And Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: o View Answer o Comment on this question 2 81. Which country is also known as land of rising Sun ? A. India B. Japan C. China D. USA Answer And Explanation Answer: Option B Explanation: o View Answer o Comment on this question 2 82. Which among following is also known as "Island of pearls" ? A. Australia B. Madagascar C. Bahrain D. Saudi Arabia Answer And Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: Australia is also known as "Island Continent", Madagascar is also known as "Island of cloves". o View Answer o Comment on this question 2 83. "Durand Line" is boundary between ? A. India and Pakistan B. Germany and Poland C. India and China D. Pakistan and Afghanistan Answer And Explanation Answer: Option D Explanation: o View Answer o Comment on this question 2 84. "Oder Neisse Line" is boundary between ? A. India and Pakistan B. Germany and Poland C. D. France and Germany USA and Canada Answer And Explanation Answer: Option C Explanation: India and Pakistan have boundary named Radcliffe Line, Germany and Poland have boundary named "Hindenberg Line", USA and Canada have boundary named 49th Parallel. Note : India and China have boundary named Mac Mahon Line. List of Nobel Prize 2014 Winners Physics Chemistry Medicine Literature Peace Economics The Nobel Prize in Physics 2014 Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura Isamu Akasaki is a Japanese scientist Hiroshi Amano is a Japanese physicist Shuji Nakamura is a Japanese-American professor They awarded for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes which has enabled bright and energy-saving white light sources" The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 Eric Betzig, Stefan W. Hell and William E. Moerner Robert Eric Betzig is an American physicist based at the Janelia Farm Research Campus in Ashburn, Virginia Stefan Walter Hell is a Romanian-born German physicist William Esco Moerner is an American physical chemist They awarded for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy" The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2014 John O'Keefe, May-Britt Moser and Edvard I. Moser John O'Keefe,is an American-British neuroscientist and a professor at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and the Department of Anatomy at University College London. May-Britt Moser is a Norwegian psychologist, neuroscientist Edvard Ingjald Moser is a Norwegian psychologist, neuroscientist They awarded for their discoveries of cells that constitute a positioning system in the brain" The Nobel Prize in Literature 2014 Patrick Modiano Jean Patrick Modiano is a French novelist. He was awarded for the art of memory with which he has evoked the most ungraspable human destinies and uncovered the life-world of the occupation" The Nobel Peace Prize 2014 Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai Kailash Satyarthi is an Indian children's rights advocate and an activist against child labour. Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate They awarded the prize for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education" The Nobel Economics Prize 2014 Jean Tirole is a French professor of economics. He focuses on industrial organization, game theory, banking and finance, and economics and psychology. He was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his analysis of market power and regulation 1. The United Nations was founded on _________. A. March 24, 1945 B. October 24, 1945 C. March 24, 1949 D. October 24, 1950 2. Which country from the following is NOT the member of UNO? A. Vatican City B. Afghanistan C. North Korea D. Vaitnam 3. The International Court of Justice is located in _________. A. New York B. Washigton C. Geneva D. The Hague 4. There are __________ members of SAARC. A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 5. Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has __________ official languages. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 6. There are _________ non-permanent members of the security council. A. 5 B. 7 C. 10 D. 15 7. The currency of Indonesia is _________. A. rupiah B. dinar C. rangit D. riyal 8. The D-8 is an organization of eight ________ countries. A. developed B. developing C. Asian D. African 9. The European Union's working capital is in _________. A. London B. Lisbon C. Austria D. Brussels 10. The headquarter of NATO is located in _________. A. New York B. Paris C. Geneva D. Brussels ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQs 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. D 11. Which from the following countries has no armed forces? A. Niger B. Nigeria C. Iceland D. Latvia 12. Who is Secretary General of NATO? A. Lord Ismay B. Anders Fogh Rasmussen C. Willy Claes D. Hillary Clinton 13. 2016 Olympics will held in ________. A. London B. Rio de Janeiro C. Doha D. Beijing 14. 2022 FIFA world cup will held in _________. A. Qatar B. Russia C. UK D. not decided yet 15. European Union has __________ member states. A. 27 B. 28 C. 39 D. 30 16. The Euro currency is used by __________ countries. A. 17 B. 18 C. 19 D. 20 17. "Kashmir" is a disputed area between __________. A. India and Sri Lanka B. India and Bangladesh C. India and Pakistan D. Bangladesh and Pakistan 18. "Northern Cyprus" is a disputed area between __________. A. Cyprus and Czech Republic B. Cyprus and United Kingdom C. Cyprus and Greece D. Cyprus and Turkey 19. The secretary general of OIC is _________. A. Ahmed Saleem B. Syed Ali Mousavi C. Prince Salman D. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu 20. The official languages of NATO are ___________. A. English and French B. English and German C. English and Spanish D. English, French and German ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS QUIZ 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. B Croatia has become the 28th member of the EU on 1 July 2013. 16. B Lativa has become the 18th member of the Eurozone on 1 January 2014. 17. C 18. D 19. D 20. A 21. The Taj Mahal in India, was built by Mughal emperor __________. A. Aurangzaib B. Shah Jahan C. Akbar D. Humayun 22. The Sino-Indian War between China and India was occurred in __________. A. 1956 B. 1959 C. 1962 D. 1965 23. The 2013 Summer Universiade was held in ________. A. Moscow B. Kazan C. Astana D. Beijing 24. In London Olympics 2012, the most medals were won by _________. A. America B. Russia C. China D. United Kingdom 25. The River Thames is located in __________. A. England B. Scotland C. Ireland D. Finland 26. In London Olympics 2012, the gold medal, in Men's Field Hockey was won by __________. A. Germany B. Holland C. Australia D. India 27. The Most populous city in the world is __________. A. Beijing B. Buenos Aires C. Shanghai D. Tokyo 28. US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan is __________ . A. Seth Jones B. John Kerry C. Richard Holbrooke D. James Dobbins 29. The secretary general of OIC is _________. A. Ahmed Saleem B. Syed Ali Mousavi C. Prince Salman D. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu 30. The head of state of the United Kingdom is _________ . A. Queen Elizabeth I B. Queen Elizabeth II C. Queen Elizabeth III D. Queen Elizabeth IV ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS QUIZZES 21. B 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. A 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. D 30. B 31. US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan is __________ . A. James Dobbins B. John Kerry C. Joe Biden D. John Mccain 32. India has constructed Baglihar Dam on _________ River. A. Sindh B. Ravi C. Chenab D. Sutluj 33. The first Muslim Nobel Laureate was _________ . A. Anwar Sadat B. Dr. Abdul Salam C. Dr. Muhammad Younus D. Yasir Arafat 34. Qantas is an airline of __________ . A. Australia B. Sudan C. Malaysia D. France 35. AFP is a news agency of __________ . A. Switzerland B. France C. Germany D. Sweden 36. The oldest news agency in the world is _________ . A. AFP B. WAFA C. BBC D. CNN 37. The headquarter of Transparency International is located in _________. A. New York B. Washigton C. Paris D. Berlin 38. NATO is a/an __________ alliance. A. military B. economic C. regional D. cultural 39. The Suez Canal is in __________ . A. Nigeria B. Libya C. Egypt D. Palistine 40. The Suez Canal connects the __________ . A. Red Sea and the Arabian Sea B. Red Sea and the North Sea C. Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Sea D. Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea ANSWERS: WORLD AFFAIRS MCQs 31. A 32. C 33. A 34. A 35. B 36. A 37. D 38. A 39. C 40. D 41. World's oldest operational space launch facility is located in ________. A. America B. Russia C. Kazakhstan D. India 42. The first human who traveled into space was _________ . A. Neil Armstrong B. Yuri Gagarin C. Sergei Korolev D. John Glenn 43. In which country It is mandatory for all male citizens aged 18–27 to serve 1 year in Armed Forces? A. America B. Canada C. Russia D. Israel 44. Which country is the world's top supplier of weapons? A. America B. Russia C. Israel D. Germany 45. Which from the following countries is NOT the member of BRIC? A. America B. Russia C. China D. India 46. The President of India is __________ . A. Sonia Gandhi B. Dr. Abdul Kalam C. Chidambaram D. Pranab Mukherjee 47. The headquarter of Human Rights Watch is located in __________ . A. Washington B. New York C. Berlin D. Brussels 48. North Atlantic Treaty, that formed NATO, was signed in __________ . A. 1949 B. 1955 C. 1961 D. 1967 49. World War II began by German invasion on __________ . A. Russia B. France C. United Kingdom D. Poland 50. __________ has the world's largest natural gas reserves. A. Saudi Arabia B. Iran C. Russia D. Canada ANSWERS: WORLD AFFAIRS QUIZ 41. C 42. B 43. C 44. B 45. A 46. D 47. B 48. A 49. D 50. C 51. Secretary General UNO Ban-Ki-Mon belongs to __________. A. South Korea. B. North Korea C. Japan D. China 52. Currently, there are __________ member states of the United Nations. A. 190 B. 193 C. 196 D. 197 53. Currently, __________ countries hold the status of Observer States in the United Nations. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 54. There are __________ members of SAARC. A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 55. Secretary General SAARC Ahmed Salem belongs to __________. A. Pakistan B. India C. Maldives D. Bhutan 56. Which from the following countries does NOT yeild veto-power? A. United States B. United Kingdom C. Canada D. France 57. Which from the following countries is NOT a non-permanent member of Security Council. A. Rwanda B. Luxembourg C. Argentina D. Sweden 58. Al-Jazeera TV Channel belongs to ___________. A. Qatar B. Kuwait C. Egypt D. Bahrain 59. The newest member of the Eurozone is _______. A. Lativa B. Croatia C. Bulgaria D. Cyprus 60. The Iran–Pakistan gas pipeline is also called __________. A. friendship pipeline B. future pipeline C. peace pipeline D. unity pipeline ANSWERS: WORLD AFFAIRS QUIZZES 51. A 52. B 53. A 54. D 55. C 56. C 57. D 58. A 59. A 60. C 61. On 5 November 2013 __________ launched its first rocket to Mars. A. China B. Israel C. Iran D. India 62. On 1 December 2013 China launched its first __________ rover mission. A. Moon B. Mars C. Jupiter D. Earth 63. On 28 January 2013 __________ sent monkey into space. A. China B. Israel C. Iran D. India 64. Taksim Square is in ___________ . A. Cairo B. Istanbol C. Tripoli D. Damascus 65. Taliban opened their political office in ___________ . A. Riyad B. Dubai C. Doha D. Musqat 66. The Chelyabinsk Meteor hits __________ on 15 February 2013. A. America B. Canada C. Mexico D. Russia 67. ___________ bought Nokia Mobile business. A. Microsoft B. Google C. Yahoo D. AOL 68. ___________ bought Motorola Mobile business. A. Microsoft B. Google C. Yahoo D. AOL 69. Man Booker International Prize 2013 was won by __________ . A. Alice Munro B. Margaret Thatcher C. Lydia Davis D. Malala Yousafzai 70. Due to ammonia leak from a cold storage unit in __________ 15 people were killed. A. Shanghai B. Moscow C. Tokyo D. Toronto ANSWERS: MCQS OF CURRENT AFFAIRS 61. D 62. A 63. C 64. B 65. C 66. D 67. A 68. B 69. C 70. A 71. The fastest person of the world is __________ . A. Kim Collins B. Usain Bolt C. Dwain Chambers D. Justin Gatlin 72. The oldest tennis tournament in the world is __________ . A. Wimbledon B. French Open C. Australian Open D. US Open 73. The 2013 Wimbledon Championships Singles (Men) title was won by __________ . A. Roger Federer B. Rafael Nadal C. Novak Djokovic D. Andy Murray 74. The 2013 Wimbledon Championships Singles (Women) title was won by __________ . A. Serena Williams B. Marion Bartoli C. Maria Sharapova D. Ana Ivanovic 75. The fastest century record in ODI of Shahid Afridi was broken by __________ . A. Sachin Tendulkar B. Chris Gayle C. AB de Villiers D. Corey Anderson 76. The 2010 FIFA World Cup was won by ___________ . A. Brazil B. Germany C. Spain D. Argentina 77. The 2014 FIFA World Cup will be hosted by __________ . A. Brazil B. Russia C. Qatar D. France 78. The 2018 FIFA World Cup will be hosted by __________ . A. Brazil B. Russia C. Qatar D. France 79. The 2022 FIFA World Cup will be hosted by __________ . A. Brazil B. Russia C. Qatar D. France 80. The World Snooker Championship 2013 was won by __________ . A. Steve Davis B. Mark Williams C. Stephen Hendry D. Ronnie O'Sullivan ANSWERS: SPORTS QUIZ 71. B 72. A 73. D 74. B 75. D 76. C 77. A 78. B 79. C 80. D 81. The lowest temperature ever recorded on the Earth is __________ . A. -83.2 °C B. -86.2 °C C. -89.2 °C D. -92.2 °C 82. The lowest temperature was recorded in __________ . A. Antarctica B. Russia C. Canada D. Germany 83. The highest temperatures ever recorded on the Earth is ________. A. 56.7 °C B. 57.7 °C C. 58.7 °C D. 59.7 °C 84. The highest temperature was recorded in __________ . A. Los Angeles B. California C. Tripoli D. Doha 85. Who is Angela Merkel? A. Prime Minister of Germany B. Chancellor of Germany C. Prime Minister of France D. Chancellor of France 86. Who is François Hollande? A. President of Germany B. Prime Minister of Germany C. President of France D. Prime Minister of France 87. The current director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is __________ . A. James Clapper B. Thomas Donilon C. Denis McDonough D. John Brennan 88. On 27 February 2013 Iraq's state airline, after 20 years, begins flights to __________ . A. America B. Israel C. Iran D. Kuwait 89. The Nobel Prize for Peace 2013 was awarded to ___________ . A. Barak Obama B. Malala Yousafzai C. Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) D. United Nations Security Council 90. The Nobel Prize for Literature 2013 was awarded to ___________ . A. Margaret Thatcher B. Alice Munro C. Sir David Frost D. Peter O'Toole ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQs 81. C 82. A 83. A 84. B 85. B 86. C 87. D 88. D 89. C 90. B 91. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2013 was awarded to ___________ . A. Martin Karplus & Michael Levitt B. Francois Englert & Peter W. Higgs C. Thomas C. Sudhof & James E. Rothman D. Lars Peter Hansen & Robert J. Shiller 92. Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, is the wife of __________ . A. Prince Harry B. Prince Charles C. Prince William D. Prince George 93. The Sinai Peninsula is in __________ . A. Egypt B. Libya C. Jordan D. Syria 94. According to Forbes Magazine the most powerful man on the Earth is ________. A. Barack Obama B. Vladimir Putin C. Xi Jinping D. Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud 95. Angela Merkel was elected as Chancellor of Germany for the __________ time. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 96. The Prime Minister of Pakistan is __________ . A. Shahbaz Sharif B. Nawaz Sharif C. Asif Zardari D. Ishaq Dar 97. The President of Iran is __________ . A. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad B. Hassan Rouhani C. Mohammad Javad Zarif D. Ali Khamenei 98. The No.1 Tennis Player is __________ . A. Serena Williams B. Maria Sharapova C. Victoria Azarenka D. Venus Williams 99. The Defence Secretary of United States is __________ . A. John Kerry B. Hillary Clinton C. Chuck Hagel D. John McCain 100. The Currency of Lativa is __________ . A. Dollar B. Euro C. Lev D. Lek ANSWERS: MCQs OF CURRENT AFFAIRS 91. B 92. C 93. A 94. B 95. C 96. B 97. B 98. A 99. C 100. B 101. Which among the following countries has published the world's first Modern Slavery Bill, recently A. USA B. Britain C. Russia D. Switzerland 102. Recently, "Felipe VI" has been sworn in as the new king of A. France B. England C. Spain D. Germany 103. Who among the following has won the FIDE World Rapid Chess championship title, recently A. Magnus Carlesen B. Vishwanthan Anand C. Teimor Radjabov D. Fabiabi Caruana 104. Who among the following has been chosen as the next United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights by the U.N General Assembly A. Prince Zeid al Hussein B. Samuel Johnson C. San Antonio Spurs D. Martin Kaymer 105. Thomas Mueller, who scored the first hat-trick of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, represents which country A. France B. Italy C. Germany D. England 106. In which among the following countries Asia's first solar-wind power system has been inaugurated recently A. Bhutan B. China C. India D. Nepal 107. King Juan Carlos, who recently decided to abdicate, has been monarch of A. Belgium B. Denmark C. Luxembourg D. Spain 108. Which among the following institutes have gained the top slot in the inaugural "QS University Rankings: BRICS 2014" A. IIT Delhi B. Beijing Institute of Technology C. Moscow State University D. Tsinghua University of China 109. The winner of 20th Senior National Women's Football Championships is A. Mizoram B. Manipur C. Sikkim D. Odisha 110. Recently, India has become the permanent signatory of the Washington Accord. This accord is an international accreditation agreement for which among the following types of educational degrees A. Arts and Humanities B. Medical Science C. Engineering D. Social Sciences ANSWERS: LATEST CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS 101. B 102. C 103. A 104. A 105. C 106. D 107. D 108. D 109. B 110. C 111. Who on 20 April 2014 won the Monte Carlo Masters Tennis A. Roger Federer B. Stanislas Wawrinka C. Bob Bryan D. Ivan Dodi 112. Scientist of which University on 17 April 2014 designed the world's first floating nuclear plants A. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) B. Purdue University C. Wisconsin University D. University of Washington 113. Name the new book of Hillary Clinton that was due to released on 10 June 2014 A. Living History B. It Takes a Village C. Hard Choices D. A Terrible Beauty 114. What is the name of new Earth-size planet found in the habitable zone on 17 April 2014 A. KI-238 B. KEPLER-186f C. KOI-238 D. CHANDRA-186f 115. In April 2014, India became a net exporter of steel after how many years A. 5 years B. 3 years C. 7 years D. 6 years 116. Who won the Whangarei Rally of the FIA Asia Pacific Rally Championship held in New Zealand recently A. Jan Kopecky, Czech Republic B. Glenn Macneall, Australia C. Mark Pedder, Australia D. Gaurav Gill, India 117. Who won the OUE Singapore Badminton Open 2014 held in the third week of April 2014 A. Simon Santoso, Indonesia B. Deepika Pallikal, India C. Saina Nehwal, India D. Lee Chong Wei, Malaysia 118. According to the US Department of Homeland Security report released on 16 April 2014, temporary workers of which community accounted for the largest number of non-immigrants residing in the US in 2012 A. Chinese B. Mexican C. African D. Indian 119. Scientists of which University created the first 3D model of the malaria parasite genome in April 2014 A. Harvard University B. Indian Institute of Science C. University of California D. University of Washington 120. What is Bluefin 21 which was deployed on 14 April 2014 to find the remains of the missing Malaysian airplane MH370 in the Indian Ocean A. A submarine B. A robot submarine C. An undersea buoy D. A robot ANSWERS: LATEST CURRENT AFFAIRS QUIZ 111. B 112. A 113. C 114. B 115. D 116. D 117. A 118. D 119. C 120. B 121. Who has been appointed as the new Union Finance Secretary on 15 April 2014 A. Ashok Singhal B. Arvind Mayaram C. R P Watal D. Ravi Mathur 122. Which Indian agency has set up Sports Integrity Unit on 15 April 2014 to investigate cases related to fraud in sports A. Central Vigilance Commission B. Criminal Investigation Department C. Central Bureau of Investigation D. Union Ministry of Sports 123. Piramal Enterprises Ltd decided on 17 April 2014 to acquire 20 percent stake in which Indian company A. Vodafone India B. Shriram Capital C. Sundaram Finance D. Sun Pharma 124. What is the name of a new software app was developed to help the illiterate farmers A. Sandesh Pathak B. Messenger Reader C. Sandesh Vahak D. Padho Kishan 125. The European Parliament on 15 April 2014 approved the Banking Union reforms. In this context consider the following statements. (I). To establish a new oversight system known as the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) under the European Central Bank (ECB).(II). A fund of 55 billion euros (76 billion dollars) will be set up to cover the cost of closures. Which is/are correct A. I only B. II only C. Both I and II D. Neither I nor II 126. The world on 18 April 2014 celebrated the World Heritage Day to celebrate the International Day for Monuments and Sites. What is the theme for the year 2014 A. World Heritage Convention B. World Heritage and Sustainable Development C. Heritage of Commemoration D. None of the above 127. Name the person, who has been appointed as the 22nd Navy Chief of India A. Shekhar Sinha B. Sunil Lamba C. Satish Soni D. Robin K Dhowan 128. Google on 14 April 2014 bought a firm that is a maker of high-altitude solar-powered drones to bring internet access to the remotest parts of the world and also to solve problems related to it. Name the firm acquired by Google A. Solar Drone Company Ascenta B. Titan Aerospace C. DeepMind Technologies D. None of the above 129. Name the author of the book Crusader or Conspirator? Coalgate and other Truths A. PC Parekh B. Sanjaya Baru C. RK Yadav D. Nikhil Chandwani 130. Name the woman who has been recently appointed as the Next Chief Justice of Delhi High Court A. Justice Gita Mittal B. Justice Badar Durrez Ahmed C. Justice Reva Khetrapal D. Justice Gorla Rohini ANSWERS: LATEST CURRENT AFFAIRS QUIZZES 121. B 122. C 123. B 124. A 125. C 126. C 127. D 128. B 129. A 130. D 131. Supreme Court of India on 17 April 2014 said that the national auditor, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) is empowered to audit the revenues of A. Private Telecom Companies B. Private Electricity Companies C. Private Manufacturing Companies D. All the Private Companies 132. Iran is currently in negotiations with the so called P5+1 group over its nuclear programme. Which among the following country is denoted here as +1 A. UK B. Germany C. China D. Australia 133. Recently, Tennis player Maria Sharapova has claimed her second French Open title in 2014. Maria Sharapova is from A. United States B. Russia C. France D. Romania 134. A pacific island country has recently sued nine nuclear weapon states (including India in the International Court of Justice) over failure to disarm. Identify the country from the given options A. The Federated States of Micronesia B. Philippines C. Marshall Islands D. Kiribati 135. World's largest polluter country has recently decided that for the first time it will impose an absolute limit on its carbon emissions. This country is A. England B. India C. Japan D. China 136. Recently, Japanese firm Softbank has unveiled a robot which can read human emotions. The robot has been named as A. Humanoid B. Peeper C. Mindset D. Beetle 137. Recently, United States has unveiled a clean energy policy to cut carbon emission from existing power plants by 30 per cent by the year A. 2030 B. 2020 C. 2040 D. 2050 138. Who among the following has won the Ceat International Cricketer of the year award for 2013-14 A. M S Dhoni B. Shakib Al Hasan C. Virat Kohli D. Glenn Maxwell 139. Irish author Elimear McBride won the 2014 Bailey's women's prize for fiction for her novel A. Americanah B. The Goldfinch C. A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing D. Burial Rites 140. Indian Railways launched a portal on 15 April 2014 with an aim to improve energy efficiency in Indian Railways, which will facilitate railways in saving energy up to 15 percent by the year 2020. Name the portal A. AIMS B. RAILAIMED C. IRCTCSAVER D. RAILSAVER ANSWERS: LATEST MCQS OF CURRENT AFFAIRS 131. A 132. B 133. B 134. C 135. D 136. B 137. A 138. C 139. C 140. D 141. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) on 14 April 2014 released theTrends in world military expenditure, 2013. According to this the world military expenditure in real terms has declined since 2012 by A. 1.9 percent B. 2.9 percent C. 2.5 percent D. 3.0 percent 142. India born poet Vijay Seshadri on 14 April 2014 won the prestigious 2014 Pulitzer Prize in the poetry category for his collection of poems published in 2013. Name the collection of the poems for which he was awarded A. The Goldfinch B. Toms River: A Story of Science and Salvation C. The Internal Enemy: Slavery and War in Virgini D. 3 Sections 143. Supreme Court of India in its landmark judgment of 15 April 2014 recognised transgender as the third category of sex. In its judgement the Apex Court claimed transgenders as socially and economically backward. The decision came while hearing PIL (Public Interest Litigation) in which case A. Shatrughan Chauhan & Anr Vs Union of India & Ors B. National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) Vs Union of India & Ors C. Champakam Dorairajan Vs State of Madras D. S.R. Bommai Vs Union of India 144. Who won the Women's Champion Fiberlass Texas Open squash tournament held at Houston, United States on 14 April 2014 A. Charlotte Fish B. Jan Koukal C. Nour El Sherbini D. Svante Sandell 145. Along which coast of India a 45-day long ban on fishing was imposed from the midnight on 14 April 2014 A. East Coast B. West coast C. Along the coast of A & N Islands D. Both (a) & (b) 146. A state Government has refused to repatriate all the Bru refugees lodged in six Tripura relief camps within three months. Name the state that has refused to repatriate the Bru Refugees within 3 months A. Assam B. Sikkim C. Manipur D. Mizoram 147. Name the report released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which has highlighted that Arab countries will have to come up with bold economic policy reforms for economic stability and job creation A. Towards New Horizons-Arab Economic Transformation amid Political Transitions B. Arab Economic Transformation amid Political Transitions - the new Horizons C. New Horizons-Arab Economic Transformation amid Political Transitions D. None of the above 148. Who won the Millennium Technology Prize 2014 given in the second week of April 2014 A. Physicist Saul Perlmutter B. Chemist Roger S Goody C. Physicist Stuart Parkin D. None of the above 149. Name the renowned cinematographer and Dada Saheb Phalke awardee, who died on 7 April 2014 at his residence in Shankarapuram A. B. N. Sircar B. V K Murthy C. Pankaj Mullick D. Raichand Boral 150. Which country won the T20 Women Cricket World Cup 2014 A. England B. Australia C. New Zealand D. South Africa ANSWERS: LATEST WORLD AFFAIRS MCQS 141. A 142. D 143. B 144. C 145. A 146. D 147. A 148. C 149. B 150. B 151. Recently Iran and Pakistan conducted a Joint Military Exercise to promote the military cooperation between Tehran and Islamabad. Where was the exercise held A. Tehran B. Lahore C. Strait of Hormuz D. Aligoodarz 152. Who won the Singapore Open 2014 of badminton on 13 April 2014 A. Lee Chong Wei, Malaysia B. Saina Nehwal, India C. P V Sidhu, India D. Simon Santoso, Indonesia 153. Which Indian industrialist on 10 April 2014 was appointed as a member of the Board of Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) A. Mukesh Ambani B. N Narayan Murthy C. Ratan Tata D. Gautam Adani 154. Who has been re-elected as the Prime Minister of Hungary on 8 April 2014 for a consecutive second term A. Attila Mesterhazy B. Viktor Orban C. Gordon Bajnai D. Peter Medgyessy 155. Ernesto Gainza on 7 April 2014 set a new Guinness record for skydiving using the world's smallest parachute. He belongs to which country A. UAE B. UK C. USA D. Saudi Arabia 156. What is the name of the battery unveiled by an Israeli startup on 8 April 2014 that charges a smartphone in less than 30 seconds A. MamoDot B. SpeedoDot C. Nanodots D. Bulletdots 157. Name the first Indian cricketer, who has featured on the cover page of the Wisden Cricketers' Almanack published in London A. Sunil Gavaskar B. Kapil Dev C. Virat Kohli D. Sachin Tendulkar 158. World Bank on 9 April 2014 projected that the economic growth rate of India for the fiscal year 2014-2015 will be A. 5.5% B. 5.7% C. 6.1% D. 6.6% 159. The lawmakers of Spain on 8 April 2014 voted to reject the request by the authorities of a region to hold a referendum on independence on 9 November 2014. Name the region whose authorities have sent the referendum proposal A. Cantabria B. La Rioja C. Navarre D. Catalonia 160. Name the city which on 7 April 2014 received its first passenger train A. Dispur, the capital of Assam B. Itanagar the capital of Arunachal Pradesh C. Aizawl, the capital of Mizoram D. Agartala, the capital of Tripura ANSWERS: LATEST WORLD AFFAIRS QUIZ 151. C 152. D 153. C 154. B 155. A 156. C 157. D 158. A 159. D 160. B 161. Name the novel of Indian American novelist, Jhumpa Lahiri's that has been shortlisted for the 2014 Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction on 8 April 2014 A. Americanah B. The Undertaking C. Burial Rites D. Lowland 162. Iwao Hakamada, the Japanese boxer was recently awarded with an honorary championship belt by World Boxing Council (WBC). Hakamada was freed from death row on 27 March 2014 after how many years in prison following a murder conviction A. 28 B. 36 C. 48 D. 52 163. Name the team that won the 4th Hockey India Junior Men National Championship 2014 (Division A) by defeating Odisha 6-2 in the finals at Chennai, Tamil Nadu A. Punjab B. Jharkhand C. West Bengal D. Haryana 164. Who was recently crowned as the fbb Femina Miss India 2014 A. Navneer Kaur Dhillion B. Koyal Rana C. Jhataleka Malhotra D. Gail Nicole Da'Silva 165. India was defeated by Sri Lanka in the ICC Twenty World Cup 2014 final match at Shere Bangla stadium of Mirpur, Dhaka. Who captained the Sri Lankan side in the final A. Lasith Malinga B. Mahela Jayawardena C. Kumar Sangakkara D. Lahiru Thirimanne 166. Sri Lanka on 6 April 2014 won the ICC Twenty World Cup 2014 title after defeating India by six wickets in the final match at Shere Bangla stadium of Mirpur, Dhaka. Who was adjudged as the Man of the series of the tournament A. Lasith Malinga B. Virant Kohli C. Kumar Sangakkara D. MS Dhoni 167. Who won the Bahrain Grand Prix on 7 April 2014 A. Nico Rosberg B. Vettel C. Lewis Hamilton D. Nico Hulkenberg 168. Ebola detected recently in Guinea of African Continent is caused by A. Anopheles mosquito B. Fungi C. Bacteria D. Virus 169. Who discovered the non-insulin drug candidate for diabetic patients in the second week of April 2014 A. William Bayliss B. Murray Gell-Mann C. Arnab De D. Paul Dirac 170. Name the footballer who was named as the Professional Footballers’ Association Player of the Year at an award ceremony on 28 April 2014 in London A. Luis Suarez of Liverpool B. Cristiano Ronaldo of Manchester United C. Eden Hazard of Chelsea D. None of these ANSWERS: LATEST WORLD AFFAIRS QUIZZES 161. D 162. C 163. A 164. B 165. A 166. B 167. C 168. D 169. C 170. A 171. Name the recipient of the 2014 Canada India Foundation Chachalani Global Indian Award A. Deepak B. Ratan Tata C. NR Narayana Murthy D. Sam Pitroda 172. Supreme Court of India on 29 April 2014 rule designated an authority person to record statement of rape victims within 24 hours instead of police officials. Name the authority A. Judicial Magistrate B. Judge of a High Court C. Collector of the District D. None of the above 173. National Basketball Association (NBA) on 1 May 2014 banned Los Angeles Clippers owner for life and fined him 2.5 million dollars over an alleged racist remark on African-American spectators in the stand. Name the owner A. Michael Jordon B. Donald Sterling C. Bruce Levenson D. Michael Gearon 174. Name the Indian-American whose name was confirmed by US Senate as the federal judge in Illinois A. Vijay Gandhi B. Ami Bera C. Vijay K Nambiar D. Manish Shah 175. Name the city that on 1 May 2014 agreed to allow construction of a place of worship in form of a full-fledged Gurudwara in the city A. Johannesburg B. Cape Town C. Accra D. Kisumu 176. Which film got the highest awards in different categories in the IIFA Awards 2014 A. Chennai Express B. Bhaag Milkha Bhaag C. Shaadi ke Sideeffects D. Aashiqui 2 177. The US Green Building Council released the list of LEED outside United States, what is the rank of India A. Rank 1 B. Rank 5 C. Rank 3 D. Rank 7 178. Who is the President and CEO of the Nokia A. Satya Nadella B. Rakesh Agrawal C. S. D. Shibulal D. Rajeev Suri 179. Who won the Asian Continental Chess Championship 2014 A. Rustam Kasimdzhanov of Uzbekistan B. Adhiban of India C. Yu Yangyi of China D. Abhijeet Gupta of India 180. Sania and Cara Black of Zimbabwe together how many titles they won along with WTA Portugal Open 2014 A. 3 titles B. 5 titles C. 1 title D. 4 titles ANSWERS: LATEST MCQS OF WORLD AFFAIRS 171. C 172. A 173. B 174. D 175. A 176. B 177. C 178. D 179. B 180. A 181. Who won the women's doubles title at the WTA Portugal Open 2014 held in Portugal on 3 May 2014 A. Eva Hrdinova of Cezech and Valeria Solovyeva of Russia B. Sania Mirza of India and Cara Black of Zimbabwe C. Vera Dushevina of Russia and Arantxa Parra Santonja of Spain D. Hao-Ching Chan of Chinese Taipei and Liezel Huber of US 182. Name the Indian veteran trap shooter who on 2 May 2014 jumped to the third spot in the world rankings. He achieved the rank after winning gold at the ISSF World Cup in Tucson, USA, in March 2014 A. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore B. Abhinav Bindra C. Heena Sindhu D. Manavjit Singh Sandhu 183. President of India on 2 May 2014 conferred Gallantry Awards on 55 personnel for their distinguished service and bravery at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi. Who of the following is not the recipient of Kriti Chakras A. Balwinder Singh B. Bhrigu Nandan Choudhary C. Lohit Sonowal D. Bhupal Singh Chhantel Magar 184. Archaeologists have discovered a granary with walls of mud-bricks during just-concluded excavation at a Harappan civilisation site. The excavation work was done from January to April 2014. Name the place where the granary was discovered A. Dholavira B. Lothal C. Rakhigarhi D. Ganweriwala 185. Name the African country that will use India-made Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) in the countries Presidential Election, scheduled in November 2014 A. Namibia B. Mauritius C. Burundi D. Nigeria 186. Name the person who stepped down from his role as UN's Messenger of Peace amid the reports of his engagement with a human Rights lawyer A. Tom Hanks B. George Clooney C. Will Smith D. Bradley Cooper 187. Name the sports authority that on 29 April 2014 announced an increase of 10.8 percent in the total prize amount for the year A. International Cricket Association B. World Archery Federation C. Wimbledon D. Federation International de Football Association 188. Name the Indian who on 28 April 2014 won the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize for the year 2014 that is commonly called as the Green Nobel A. Helen Holden B. Ramesh Agrawal C. Rudi Putra D. Suren Gazaryan 189. Name the company that on 26 April 2014 completed the acquisition of Nokia's mobile handset business A. SAP based in Germany B. Adobe Systems based in the US C. Oracle based in the US D. Microsoft based in the US 190. Name the former American middleweight boxer, who died on 20 April 2014 following a battle with prostate cancer A. Tommy Morrison B. Rubin Hurricane Carter C. Ultimate Warrior D. Earl Weaver ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS 181. B 182. D 183. A 184. C 185. A 186. B 187. C 188. B 189. D 190. B 191. Name the publisher that will publish a book Hard Choices of Hillary Rodham Clinton A. Bloomsbury Publishing B. Simon & Shuster C. Harper Collins P D. Penguin Random House 192. The Supreme Court of India has directed that woman employee of the central government can get an uninterrupted leave for ________ years for childcare and it includes needs like examination and sickness A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four 193. Hero MotoCorp on 21 April 2014 announced that it has entered Bangladesh in two wheeler segment through a joint venture of 55:45 with a Bangladesh firm. Name it A. Tagaz B. Aftab Automobiles C. Nitol Niloy D. Walton Hi-Tech Industries 194. The Chariman of Rajya Sabha, Hamid Ansari in April 2014 administered oath to four members as Rajya Sabha member on four vacant seats of Odisha in his Chamber in Parliament House. One of the four members who took the oath of the Upper House of the Parliament is also a Chairman of IPL, name him A. AU Singh Deo B. Kalpataru Das C. Sarojini Hembram D. Ranjib Biswal 195. Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) on 23 April 2014 asked private telecom company to immediately withdraw its controversial advertisement on Pashmina Shawls. Name the company who has been asked A. Idea Cellular B. Vodafone C. Reliance D. Airtel 196. The All India Football Federation (AIFF) on 22 April 2014 launched the AIFF Academy Certification to set a standard of youth development in the country, through certification model. Which of the following is not a part of the Criteria of certification under which the academies will be assessed and certified A. Coaching staff and qualifications B. Facilities C. Training schedule, training sessions D. None of the above 197. What is the theme of the 2014 International Mother Earth Day A. Green Cities B. Stand-Up For Mother Earth C. Interactive Dialogue on Harmony with Nature D. None of the above 198. Gabriel Garcia Marquez died on 17 April 2014 in Mexico. In which field he received nobel price in 1982 A. Economy B. Chemistry C. Literature D. Physics 199. Who won inaugural Richmond Open 2014 of Squash A. Rachael Grinham B. Susan Devoy C. Tania Bailey D. Joshna Chinappa 200. Recently, European Parliament on 15 April 2014 approved the Banking Union reforms. The banking reforms will provide a set of rules to supervise the eurozone banks and deal with any future failures. What was the name given to the set of the rules A. Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) B. Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) C. Mechanism for the banking norms D. European banking standards ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS 191. B 192. B 193. C 194. D 195. A 196. D 197. A 198. C 199. D 200. A 201. Asian Bowling Federation 2014 was held on 19 April 2014. Who won the women's title A. Kritsanakorn Sangaroon B. Benchawan C. Tanaprang Sathean D. Angkana Netrviseth 202. BMW Malaysian Open 2014 held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 20 April 2014. Who won the tittle A. Magda Linette of Poland B. Zhang Shuai of China C. Dominika Cibulkova of Slovakia D. Donna Vekic of Croatia 203. World Malaria Day 2014 was celebrated on which day A. 25 March 2014 B. 25 April 2014 C. 20 April 2014 D. 20 March 2014 204. Who was appointed as India's first Ambassador to the separate Indian Mission to Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) & East Asia Summit A. Angkana Netrviseth B. Navneeth kumar C. Suresh Kumar Reddy D. Susan Devoy 205. Who won the Asian Continental Chess Championship 2014 A. Rustam Kasimdzhanov of Uzbekistan B. Adhiban of India C. Yu Yangyi of China D. Abhijeet Gupta of India 206. A professor of Indian origin was named as one of the ten Solar Champions of Change on 19 April 2014 for solar deployment across America by the White House. What is the name of the professor A. Navneeth kumar B. Sathya Nadella C. Rajendra Singh D. None of the Above 207. A company of US has developed a life-sized Atlas Anthropomorphic robot called Atlas as a part of a challenge to create a robot that could go at the places, which are dangerous to humans. Name the company that has developed the robot A. Boston Dynamics B. iRobot designs C. Robot Operating System D. Adept MobileRobots 208. The biennial conference of the 21-member Western Pacific Naval Symposium from 21 April to 25 April was held in which country A. Vietnam B. Singapore C. Papua New Guinea D. China 209. Name the first US male athlete to win the Boston Marathon in three decades (since 1983) A. Wilson Chebet B. Frankline Chepkwony C. Rita Jeptoo D. Meb Keflezighi 210. Name the team that replaced India from the top position in the rankings of ICC Twenty20 rankings released on 8 April 2014 A. England B. South Africa C. Sri Lanka D. Australia ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS 201. A 202. D 203. B 204. C 205. B 206. C 207. A 208. D 209. D 210. C 211. According to the latest available data as of June 2014, what was India's economic growth in 2013-14 A. 4% B. 4.7% C. 5.3% D. 5.7% 212. Who among the following is the current (June 2014) Prime Minister of Bhutan A. Jigme Thinley B. Kinzang Dorji C. Yeshey Zimba D. Tshering Tobgay 213. Recently, which country has announced it would start an anti-terrorism partnership fund, which will be used to help train other countries to take on rising extremism A. USA B. Russia C. France D. Canada 214. What is the name of NASA's Spectrograph launched recently to study birthplace of stars A. IUE B. CHESS C. WiSE D. NuSTAR 215. The 23rd World Economic Forum on East Asia was recently concluded in A. Thailand B. Philippines C. Vietnam D. Indonesia 216. Recently, which two countries have settled a maritime border dispute after 20 years of negotiations A. China and Japan B. China and Vietnam C. Philippines and Indonesia D. Vietnam and Indonesia 217. Which among the following project has been awarded the 2014 United Nations Public Service award, recently A. Mobile Seva project B. Kisan Card scheme C. PDS scheme D. C-DAC 218. Which among the following countries has won the AFC Women's Asian Football Cup 2014 A. Vietnam B. India C. Australia D. Japan 219. As per the latest data which country has replaced Mauritius as the top source of foreign direct investment into India A. Japan B. Saudi Arabia C. Singapore D. China 220. Which among the following countries has won the 2014-Uber Cup tournament A. China B. Pakistan C. Japan D. India ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS 211. B 212. D 213. A 214. B 215. B 216. C 217. A 218. D 219. C 220. A 221. Madhav Mantri, who passed away recently, was India's oldest A. Hockey Player B. Football Player C. Cricketer D. Tennis Player 222. Which among the following countries is hosting the 2014 Men's Hockey World Cup tournament A. Pakistan B. Netherland C. Germany D. Australia 223. Which among the following countries has won the South Asian Basketball Association Championship-2014 A. Bangladesh B. Maldives C. Sri Lanka D. India 224. Recently, which among the following countries has released postage stamps to commemorate the 100 years of India Cinema A. Brazil B. South Africa C. England D. France 225. Recently, the World-Anti Doping Agency (WADA) has banned inhalation of which gases after deciding it could be used to enhance athletics performance A. Xenon B. Neon C. Krypton D. Helium 226. Which city will host the 2015 European Games the inaugural edition of the European Games A. Paris B. Zurich C. Danube D. Baku 227. Recently, the first multilateral talk on Lethal Autonomous Weapons (LARs) or Killer robots was held at A. Zurich B. Geneva C. Moscow D. New York 228. What is the name of world's first electric aircraft which has successfully completed its maiden voyage, recently A. Flying Fan B. E-Fan C. Spark D. E-Ray 229. Which among the following countries has topped the list of World Mothers Index-2014 A. Australia B. Sweden C. Finland D. Britain 230. Who among the following has been named World Snooker Player of the Year A. Ronnie O'Sullivan B. James Wattana C. Steve Davis D. Mark Selby ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS 221. C 222. B 223. D 224. A 225. A 226. D 227. B 228. B 229. C 230. A 231. Who among the following has won the Spanish Grand Prix-2014 A. Romain Grosjean B. Nico Roseberg C. Lewis Hamilton D. Ssebastian Vettel 232. Recently, World Health Organisation has declared which disease as a public health emergency of international concern A. Tuberculosis B. Polio C. Malaria D. Encephalitis 233. Which among the following parties has won the national election of South Africa held recently A. African National Congress B. Democratic Alliance C. The Economic Freedom Fighter D. Democratic Social Party 234. Recently, United Nations has voted to establish a Medal for exceptional courage in the name of an unarmed UN peacemaker from Senegal A. Eugene-Richard Gasana B. Prince Zeid al Hussein C. Henry Dussent D. Mbaye Diagne 235. Recently, which among the following countries has imposed ban on import of chilli pepper from India A. Saudi Arabia B. Iran C. South Africa D. Chile 236. Who among the following has won men's single Mandrid Master title-2014 A. Kei Nishikori B. Roger Federer C. Rafael Nadal D. Andrew Murray 237. Recently, Tata Trust and which of the following banks signed a pact to work together for poverty alleviation and rural development A. State Bank of India B. Canara Bank C. HDFC Bank D. 238. The new protocol "Declaration on Automatic Exchange of Information in Tax Matters" on tax data exchanges has been signed recently in A. Geneva B. Paris C. Zurich D. Moscow 239. Which among the following countries will chair ASEAN for 2014 for the first time A. Myanmar B. Philippines C. Brunei D. Cambodia 240. Among the European Union Countries, the largest investment currently comes to India from A. France B. Germany C. Italy D. UK ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS 231. C 232. B 233. A 234. D 235. A 236. C 237. A 238. B 239. A 240. D 241. What is the name of India's own card payment network that has been dedicated to the nation, recently A. MoneyCard B. RuPay C. IndPay D. RupeeCard 242. As per the new study conducted by the World Health Organisation (WHO), which Indian city is considered to be most polluted in the world A. Raipur B. Bhopal C. Delhi D. Gwalior 243. In which of the following countries world's highest tunnel for high-speed train has been opened recently A. China B. Russia C. Japan D. Singapore 244. As per the latest study, which Jupiter's moon is believed to have club sandwich ocean capable of supporting life A. Europa B. Ganymede C. Callisto D. Adrastea 245. The Government of India is presently negotiating a bilateral Board Based Trade and Investment Agreement (BTIA) with A. MERCOSUR B. ASEAN C. SAARC D. European Union 246. Recently, World Health Organisation (WHO) has imposed international travel restriction on which of the following countries over polio fear A. Pakistan, Syria and Afghanistan B. Pakistan, Syria and Cameroon C. Pakistan, Syria and Nigeria D. None of these 247. According to latest World Bank report which of the following are the world's most expensive economies A. Switzerland and Norway B. Sweden and Norway C. Denmark and Norway D. Switzerland and Netherland 248. Recently, which among the following has become the world's first Island to secure a constant supply of electricity by combining wind and water power A. Victoria Island B. Honshu C. Sumatra D. El Hierro 249. Recently, scientists have created a world's first "solar" jet fuel under the project named "Solar-Jet" fuel by using A. Water and Hydrogen B. Water and Oxygen C. Water and Carbon dioxide D. Water and Nitrogen 250. What is the India's ranking in the latest Freedom of the Press Index - 2014 A. 56 B. 63 C. 89 D. 78 ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS 241. B 242. C 243. A 244. B 245. D 246. B 247. A 248. D 249. C 250. D 251. Former Indian Air Force Chief N K Browne has been appointed as India's next ambassador to A. Pakistan B. Netherland C. Australia D. Norway 252. According to World Bank report, India has replaced which among the following countries to become third largest economy based on purchasing power parity (PPP) A. Japan B. China C. Russia D. Singapore 253. The 2014 winner of prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize is A. Ramesh Agarwal B. Srinivas Acharya C. Raman Choudhary D. Sunil Nayak 254. The "Operation Clandestine Fox" which is in news recently, is a code name refers to A. Searching of missing Malaysian Flight in Indian Ocean B. Russian military exercise along Ukraine border C. A campaign to hack the Microsoft's internet explorer D. An operation by Indian force to check Bangladeshi migrants 255. Recently, which one of the following international groupings has temporarily banned the import of Alphonso Mango and four vegetables from India on poor quality issue A. SACU B. European Union C. MERCOSUR D. OPEC 256. Who among the following has been named as professional Footballers Association player of the year 2013 A. Eden Hazard B. Luis Suarez C. Steven Gerrand D. Daniel Sturridge 257. Recently, which of the following firm has acquired Nokia handset business in India A. Google B. Facebook C. Microsoft D. Motorola 258. Recently, NTT Docomo has announced its decision to exit its mobile phone joint venture with the Tata Group by selling its entire stake in the country. Docomo is a telecom company from which country A. China B. Singapore C. South Africa D. Japan 259. The world's first museum dedicated to the pro-democracy protests in Beijing Tiananmen Square has opened in A. Shanghai B. Hong Kong C. Bangkok D. New Delhi 260. The theme of "World Malaria Day-2014" is A. Invest in Future. Defeat Malaria B. Create Awareness, Curb Malaria C. No Mosquitoes No Malaria D. Say Good Bye to Malaria ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS 251. D 252. A 253. A 254. C 255. B 256. B 257. C 258. D 259. B 260. A 261. Recently, which South Asian country as signed a 10 year pact that would allow US military in that nation A. Thailand B. Afghanistan C. Philippines D. Japan 262. Which among the following state has been ranked top in creation of new jobs in the manufacturing sector as per the National Sample Survey latest data A. Gujrat B. West Bengal C. Karnataka D. Maharashtra 263. Recently, which of the following countries has decided to deploy drones to monitor and stop the poaching of elephants and rhinos in all its national parks and reserves A. Kenya B. South Africa C. Nigeria D. Uganda 264. Who among the following has been adjudged as outstanding "Asian Men's Player of the Year 2013" by Asian Squash Federation A. Ramit Tandon B. Mahesh Mangaonkar C. Harinderpal Sandhu D. Saurav Ghosal 265. A new economic term GIRO is being reporting in newspapers recently, what does GIRO stands for A. Government Internal Resource Order B. Government Internet Related Order C. Government Internal Revenue Order D. Government Internal Record Order 266. Recently, which among the following leading confectionary manufacturer has been renamed as Mondelez India Foods Limited A. Cadbury B. Nestle C. Nilagiris D. Mother Dairy 267. Who among the following has won World Women's Senior Snooker Championship-2014 A. Umadevi Nagaraj B. Chitra Magimairaj C. Shoba Krishnan D. Vidya Pillai 268. According to the Global Information Technology Report 2014, which country was placed first in terms of leveraging information and communication technologies (ICT) A. Finland B. Brazil C. Sweden D. Singapore 269. Recently, Viktor Orban has been re-elected as Prime Minister of which country A. Spain B. Holland C. Philippines D. Hungary 270. Which among the following is the NASA's moon probe, which recently crashed into the lunar surface thus ending its operation A. LCDEE B. LADEE C. LDCEE D. LEDCC ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS 261. C 262. B 263. A 264. D 265. C 266. A 267. B 268. A 269. D 270. B 271. Recently, which among the following countries has conducted "Maritime Cooperation2014" multilateral military exercise to celebrate 65th anniversary of its navy A. Russia B. Singapore C. India D. China 272. Recently, a product called "Palcohol" gained widespread attention worldwide. What does Palcohol refers to A. New kind of drug B. Powdered alcohol product C. Food capsules for astronauts D. Genetically modified food products 273. "Peace Angel 2014" is a joint military exercise concluded recently between which two countries A. China and Pakistan B. India and Bangladesh C. China and Bangladesh D. India and Pakistan 274. The "Yonaguni" island which is in news recently, is a inhabited island belongs to which country A. China B. Vietnam C. Japan D. Finland 275. The Pulitzer Prize for Fiction-2014 has been awarded to Donna Tartt, for her novel A. The Son B. The Woman Who Lost Her Soul C. The Goldfinch D. The Secret History 276. Which among the following has been named 2014 world car of the year A. Mazda 3 B. BMW 4 C. Audi A3 D. Duster 277. Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who passed away recently, was a famous novelist from A. Sri Lanka B. Colombia C. South Africa D. Singapore 278. Due to lack of funds, which among the following countries has withdrawn as the host of the 2019 Asian Games A. Vietnam B. Sri Lanka C. Cambodia D. Thailand 279. Recently, Justice G Rohini has became the first ever woman Chief Justice of A. Bombay High Court B. Karnataka High Court C. Madras High Court D. Delhi High Court 280. Recently, which of the following member countries of commonwealth organisation announced suspending of funding to the Commonwealth over rotating chair Sri Lanka's alleged rights abuses A. Canada B. India C. Singapore D. Pakistan ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS 271. D 272. B 273. A 274. C 275. C 276. C 277. B 278. A 279. D 280. A 281. Recently, India and which of the following countries have reached an agreement to include a new cross-boundary landscape in the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region A. Nepal and China B. Nepal and Bhutan C. Bhutan and Bangladesh D. Bangladesh and Nepal 282. The theme of "World Green Economy Summit-2014" which concluded at Dubai is A. Global Partnership, Sustainable Future B. Partnership for Better Future C. Global Partnership, Better Future D. Partnership for Sustainable Development 283. Manuel Valls has been recently appointed as Prime Minister of A. Italy B. Austria C. France D. Belgium 284. Recently, United Kingdom 2014 Asian award for outstanding achievement in sports was won by A. Virat Kohli B. R Ashwin C. Suresh Raina D. M S Dhoni 285. Recently, which of the following countries has overtaken South Africa to become Africa's largest economy A. Nigeria B. Ethiopia C. Kenya D. Egypt 286. Which of the following countries / regions was recently making news for "Sunflower Student Movement" A. Hong Kong B. Taiwan C. Tibet D. Australia 287. "Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca" has recently become the youngest-ever president of A. Namibia B. Maldives C. Malta D. Nigeria 288. Who among the following has become the first Indian piston shooter to be rank no.1 in the world ranking, recently A. Heena Sidhu B. Anjali Bhagwat C. Rani Sarnobat D. Annu Raj Singh 289. "Heartbleed" which is being reporting in newspapers recently, is a A. A new heart related disease B. Software bug C. Chemical weapon D. New variety of cherry 290. Recently, which one of the following countries was ordered to halt its whaling programme by the International Court of Justice A. Japan B. South Korea C. USA D. Australia ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS 281. B 282. A 283. C 284. D 285. A 286. B 287. C 288. A 289. B 290. A 291. In which among the following countries, the Multilateral Humanitarian Assistance / disaster relief (HA/DR) Exercise, KOMODO was conducted recently A. South Korea B. Indonesia C. Brunei D. New Zealand 292. Recently, two large industrial firms viz. Lafarge and Holcim announced plans for a merger. These two firms are specialized in production of A. Building Materials B. Engineering Goods C. Petrochemicals D. Home Appliances 293. Which among the following countries has won the coveted ICC Laureus Spirit of Sports award 2014 A. India B. Pakistan C. Afghanistan D. Australia 294. In context to astronomy, "Charkilo" which is in news recently is A. Meteorite B. Miniature Planet C. Asteroid D. Comet 295. Recently, which bank became the first state-run lender to allow withdrawal of funds to individuals from ATM's without an account in the bank A. United Bank Of India B. State Bank Of India C. Corporation Bank D. Bank Of India 296. Recently, WHO-India has launched IVR 2020 programme to protect and increase the number of A. One-horn Rhinos B. Tigers C. Indian Bustard D. Asiatic Lions 297. Recently, it was reported in newspaper that CERT-In has detected a new smartphone virus which can compromise the data stored on the user's phone. The virus is named as A. Killer B. Ebola C. Dendroid D. SmartX 298. Which among the following countries clinched the South Asian Handball Championship 2014 A. Bangladesh B. Afghanistan C. Pakistan D. India 299. The name of world's first gun for woman launched recently is A. Nirbheek B. Shravya C. Jhansi D. Kalpana 300. Which among the following national parks has been nominated to UNESCO's world heritage site status for 2014 A. Great Himalayan National Park B. Jim Corbett National Park C. Anshi National Park D. Bannerughatta National Park ANSWERS: CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQS 291. B 292. A 293. C 294. B 295. D 296. A 297. C 298. D 299. A 300. A 11. The motto of UNO is _________. A. It's your world! B. Life for All! C. Peace! D. Love and Peace! 12. The world's highest mountain is in __________. A. China B. Pakistan C. Nepal D. India 13. The headquarter of Red Cross is in _________. A. New York B. Washigton C. Geneva D. The Hague 14. World Trade Organization was established in __________. A. 1980 B. 1985 C. 1990 D. 1995 15. The North Atlantic treaty (NATO) was signed in __________. A. 1945 B. 1947 C. 1949 D. 1951 16. Which country, on the map of world, appears as "Long Shoe"? A. Portugal B. Italy C. Greece D. Hungary 17. Which from the following countries is NOT a member of D-8? A. India B. Pakistan C. Nigeria D. Turkey 18. The largest ocean of the world is __________. A. Atlantic B. Pacific C. Indian D. None of these 19. Which from the following countries does NOT yeild veto-power? A. United States B. United Kingdom C. Canada D. France 20. OIC changed its name from Organisation of the Islamic Conference to Organisation of Islamic Cooperation in _________. A. 1991 B. 1999 C. 2001 D. 2011 ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 11. A 12. C 13. C 14. D 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. D 21. The most powerful organ of United Nations is _________. A. General Assembly B. Security Council C. Secretariat D. International Court of Justice 22. The headquarter of Green Peace International is located in _________. A. Amserdam B. Geneva C. Lisbon D. Austria 23. 3 May is observed Internationally as _________. A. Labour Day B. Environment Day C. Earth Day D. Press Freedom Day 24. The Capital of Canada is __________. A. Tirane B. Ottawa C. Athens D. Luxembourg 25. Suez Canal is between __________. A. Arabian Sea and Red Sea B. Red Sea and North Sea C. Mediterranean Sea and North Sea D. Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea 26. The permanent Secretariat of SAARC is located in __________. A. Islamabad, Pakistan B. New Delhi, India C. Kathmandu, Nepal D. Colombo, Sri Lanka 27. Which from the following countries is NOT a member of European Union? A. Norway B. Ireland C. Malta D. Estonia 28. The currency of Israel is _________. A. Euro B. Shekel C. Forint D. Krone 29. The largest democratic country in the world is _________. A. United States B. United Kingdom C. China D. India 30. The permanent Secretariat of OIC is located in _________. A. Makkah B. Madina C. Jeddah D. Riyadh ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 21. B 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. D 30. C 31. The highest part of the Earth is __________ . A. Mount Everest B. K2 C. Norway D. North Pole 32. The lowest part of the Earth is __________ . A. Dead Sea B. Mariana Trench C. South Africa D. South Pole 33. The deepest part of the Earth is __________ . A. Dead Sea B. Mariana Trench C. South Africa D. South Pole 34. The headquarter of Amnesty International is in _________. A. Amserdam B. Geneva C. London D. Berlin 35. The headquarter of Transparency International is in _________. A. Amserdam B. Geneva C. London D. Berlin 36. The biggest Island of the World is _________. A. Iceland B. Greenland C. England D. Sri Lanka 37. 22 April is observed Internationally as _________. A. Labour Day B. Environment Day C. Earth Day D. Press Freedom Day 38. Yellow Sea lies between __________. A. America and Canada B. England and France C. China and Korea D. Norway and Sweden 39. The smallest Sea of the World is __________. A. Dead Sea B. Red Sea C. Baltic Sea D. Arabian Sea 40. World's famous bridge "Golden Gate" is in __________. A. San Francisco B. New Delhi C. France D. Sydney ANSWERS: GK QUIZ 31. A 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. D 36. B 37. C 38. C 39. C 40. A 41. Which country is called "Land of thousand islands"? A. Malaysia B. Indonesia C. Ireland D. Finland 42. Indonesia is an archipelago comprising approximately __________ islands. A. 10,000 B. 12,500 C. 15,000 D. 17,500 43. Which country is called the "Land of Golden Fibre"? A. United States B. South Korea C. Bangladesh D. India 44. Which country is called the "Land of thousand Lakes"? A. Indonesia B. Finland C. Iceland D. Scotland 45. Vienna is the capital of _________. A. Austria B. Switzerland C. Cyprus D. Denmark 46. The capital of Czech Republic is? A. Nicosia B. Dublin C. Bern D. Prague 47. AFP is the news agency of _________. A. Germany B. France C. Syria D. Yemen 48. ANTARA is the news agency of _________. A. Indonesia B. Syria C. Yemen D. Jordan 49. Emirates is an airline of __________. A. Saudi Arabia B. Qatar C. UAE D. Malaysia 50. Qantas is an airline of __________. A. Saudi Arabia B. Australia C. UAE D. Malaysia ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQS 41. B 42. D 43. C 44. B 45. A 46. D 47. B 48. A 49. C 50. B 51. The world's longest bridge, Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge, is in __________ . A. United States B. Russia C. China D. Canada 52. The world's longest bridge over water, Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, is in __________. A. United States B. Russia C. China D. Canada 53. What was the nationality of Alfred Nobel? A. American B. British C. German D. Swedish 54. The first Nobel Prize was awarded in __________ . A. 1895 B. 1901 C. 1907 D. 1913 55. The Nobel Prize has been awarded in __________ fields. A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 56. The Nobel Peace Prize 2012 in the field of "Peace" was awarded to? A. European Union (EU) B. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) C. Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) D. United Nations Security Council 57. SANA is the news agency of _________. A. Saudi Arabia B. UAE C. Syria D. Yemen 58. Saba is the news agency of _________. A. Indonesia B. Syria C. Yemen D. Jordan 59. KLM is an airline of __________. A. Australia B. Germany C. Netherlands D. Austria 60. Etihad Airways is an airline of __________. A. United Arab Emirates B. Qatar C. Russia D. Canada ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ 51. C 52. A 53. D 54. B 55. B 56. A 57. C 58. C 59. C 60. A 61. The Earth surface is divided in __________ Continents. A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 62. The Largest Continent (by Area) of the World is __________. A. Asia B. Europe C. Africa D. North America 63. The second Largest Continent (by Area) of the World is __________. A. Asia B. Europe C. Africa D. North America 64. The Smallest Continent (by Area) of the World is __________. A. Antarctica B. Australia C. Africa D. Europe 65. The Earth's Oceanic water is divided in __________ oceans. A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 66. The Earth's Largest ocean is __________ . A. Atlantic B. Arctic C. Indian D. Pacific 67. The Earth's second Largest ocean is __________ . A. Atlantic B. Arctic C. Indian D. Pacific 68. The Earth's Smallest ocean is __________ . A. Atlantic B. Arctic C. Indian D. Pacific 69. The world's Largest Lake is? A. Caspian Sea B. Lake Superior C. Lake Victoria D. Great Bear Lake 70. The hottest desert of the world is? A. Sahara Desert B. Arabian Desert C. Cholistan Desert D. Arctic Desert ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZZES 61. C 62. A 63. C 64. B 65. A 66. D 67. A 68. B 69. A 70. A 71. The first Secretary General of United Nations was? A. Dag Hammarskjold B. Kurt Walheion C. U Thant D. Trygue Lie 72. World War I was began in? A. 1912 B. 1914 C. 1916 D. 1918 73. World War I was end in? A. 1912 B. 1914 C. 1916 D. 1918 74. World War II was began in? A. 1935 B. 1937 C. 1939 D. 1941 75. World War II was end in? A. 1939 B. 1941 C. 1943 D. 1945 76. The world's deadliest conflict was? A. World War I B. World War II C. Mongol Conquests D. Taiping Rebellion 77. The Atomic Bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima on? A. 3 August 1945 B. 6 August 1945 C. 9 August 1945 D. 12 August 1945 78. What was the name of Atomic Bomb that dropped on the city of Hiroshima? A. Little Boy B. Fat Boy C. Little Man D. Fat Man 79. The Atomic Bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki on? A. 3 August 1945 B. 6 August 1945 C. 9 August 1945 D. 12 August 1945 80. What was the name of Atomic Bomb that dropped on the city of Nagasaki? A. Little Boy B. Fat Boy C. Little Man D. Fat Man ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUESTIONS 71. D 72. B 73. D 74. C 75. D 76. B 77. B 78. A 79. C 80. D 81. NATO is a/an __________ alliance. A. military B. economic C. regional D. cultural 82. The oldest news agency in the world is? A. AFP B. WAFA C. BBC D. CNN 83. The Suez Canal is in __________ . A. Nigeria B. Libya C. Egypt D. Palestine 84. The Delaware river is in __________ . A. United States B. Canada C. China D. United Kingdom 85. The main structural work of the Eiffel Tower was completed in? A. 1883 B. 1885 C. 1887 D. 1889 86. The height of Eiffel Tower is __________ feet. A. 1063 B. 1067 C. 1073 D. 1077 87. Reuters is the news agency of __________ . A. United States B. United Kingdom C. France D. Germany 88. WAFA is the news agency of __________ . A. Palestine B. Iraq C. Qatar D. Egypt 89. The capital of Saudi Arabia is? A. Makkah B. Madina C. Taif D. Riyadh 90. The currency of Qatar is? A. Dollar B. Dinar C. Dirham D. Riyal ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQS 81. A 82. A 83. C 84. A 85. D 86. A 87. B 88. A 89. D 90. D 91. Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) was founded on __________ . A. September 25, 1966 B. September 25, 1967 C. September 25, 19698 D. September 25, 1969 92. The OIC was founded in __________ . A. Saudi Arabia B. Iraq C. Qatar D. Morocco 93. The 6th organ, "Trusteeship Council" of the United Nations suspended operation on November 01, 1994, with the independence of _________. A. Chad B. Sudan C. Palau D. Tunisia 94. The United Nations has __________ principal organs. A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 95. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was founded on __________ . A. 27 December 1944 B. 27 December 1945 C. 27 December 1946 D. 27 December 1947 96. The social network site "Twitter" was launched on __________ . A. July 15, 2003 B. July 15, 2004 C. July 15, 2005 D. July 15, 2006 97. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was formed in? A. 1958 B. 1960 C. 1962 D. 1964 98. 8 March is observed internationally as? A. Women's Day B. World Water Day C. World Health Day D. Human Rights Day 99. 22 March is observed internationally as? A. Women's Day B. World Water Day C. World Health Day D. Human Rights Day 100. 7 April is observed internationally as? A. Women's Day B. World Water Day C. World Health Day D. Human Rights Day ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQS 91. D 92. D 93. C 94. B 95. B 96. D 97. A 98. A 99. B 100. C 101. The soviet media theory had its roots in A. Italian Fascist philosophy B. Free enterprize approach of west C. German ideology D. Japanese imperialist edicts 102. The monetary unit of Bangladesh is A. Lek B. Taka C. Shilling D. Kyat 103. JEEVIKA, is the Rural Livelihoods project of which of the following State Governments A. West Bengal B. Punjab C. Bihar D. Uttar Pradesh 104. What is the capital of Vietnam A. Dhaka B. Ajmaan C. Hanoi D. none of these 105. Hitler party which came into power in 1933 is known as A. Labour Party B. Nazi Party C. Ku-Klux-Klan D. Democratic Party 106. For which of the following disciplines is Nobel Prize awarded A. Physics and Chemistry B. Physiology or Medicine C. Literature, Peace and Economics D. all of these 107. Garampani sanctuary is located at A. Diphu, Assam B. Junagarh, Gujarat C. Kohima, Nagaland D. Gangtok, Sikkim 108. Eritrea, which became the 182nd member of the UN in 1993, is in the continent of A. Asia B. Africa C. Europe D. Australia 109. The height of all 4 Minars of Badshai Mosque are A. 170 feet B. 172 feet C. 175 feet D. 177 feet 110. Grand Central Terminal, Park Avenue, New York is the world's A. largest railway station B. highest railway station C. longest railway station D. none of these ANSWERS: MCQS GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 101. C 102. B 103. B 104. C 105. B 106. D 107. A 108. B 109. D 110. A 121. When did Fatima Jinnah joined All India Muslim league A. 1939 B. 1927 C. 1947 D. 1949 122. First human heart transplant operation conducted by Dr. Christian Bernard on Louis Washkansky, was conducted in A. 1968 B. 1967 C. 1958 D. none of these 123. Which sign of the zodiac is also called The Waterbearer A. Scorpio B. Leo C. Gemini D. Aquarius 124. Habeas Corpus Act 1679 A. states that no one was to be imprisoned without a writ or warrant stating the charge against him B. provided facilities to a prisoner to obtain either speedy trial or release in bail C. safeguarded the personal liberties of the people against arbitrary imprisonment by the king's orders D. all of these 125. Which of the following is NOT a missile developed by the Defence Research and Development. Organisation (DRDO) A. Shaurya B. Agni C. Pinaka D. Brahmos 126. The 3rd SAARC Ministerial Level Meet on Poverty held in which among the following countries A. Bangladesh B. India C. Nepal D. Buhtan 127. Which common childhood illness related to shingles is also called varicella A. measles B. mumps C. polio D. chickenpox 128. Of which Caribbean country is Montego Bay the main tourist centre A. Toronto B. New York C. Jamaica D. Paris 129. The name of which Roman god means 'shining father' in Latin A. mercury B. jupiter C. venus D. pluto 130. The largest peninsula in the world is A. Arabia B. Asia C. Africa D. Europe ANSWERS: QUIZ GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 121. A 122. B 123. D 124. D 125. A 126. C 127. D 128. C 129. B 130. A 131. The 16th NAM (Non-Aligned Movement) Summit 2012 was held in A. Tehran B. Delhi C. Singapore D. London 132. Which one of the following countries made an exit from Kyoto Protocol A. France B. India C. Canada D. China 133. Quid-e-Azam's mother tongue was A. Gujrati B. Urdu C. Hindi D. none of these 134. Which SAARC Member Country has Largest Literacy Rate A. Bangladesh B. Sri Lanka C. China D. Indonesia 135. Pakistan's National Flag was prepared by A. Abdur-rehaman Chugtai B. Liaqat Ali C. Chaudhary Rehmat Ali D. Ameer-ud-din Qadwai 136. How many counters has each player in a game of backgammon A. 15 B. 12 C. 10 D. 16 137. Which Country is the Second largest Arms Exporter of the World A. India B. Russia C. China D. America 138. Which is the largest Oil Producing Member Country of OPEC A. Kuwait B. Bahrain C. Qatar D. Saudi Arabia 139. Which food item takes its name from the French for twice cooked A. burger B. pizza C. biscuit D. none of these 140. Which Country has the oldest monarchy A. Turkey B. Japan C. Rome D. Ireland ANSWERS: QUIZZES GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 131. A 132. C 133. A 134. B 135. D 136. A 137. B 138. D 139. C 140. B 141. ITAR-TASS is the news agency of which country A. Russia B. China C. India D. Afghanistan 142. Pakistan's standard time was suggested by A. Liaqat Ali B. Maulana Mazhar-ud-din C. Chaudhary Rehmat Ali D. Proffessor Muhammad Anwar 143. Golf player Vijay Singh belongs to which country A. USA B. Fiji C. India D. UK 144. Guarantee to an exporter that the importer of his goods will pay immediately for the goods ordered by him, is known as A. Letter of Credit (L/C) B. laissezfaire C. inflation D. none of these 145. First Afghan War took place in A. 1838 B. 1837 C. 1839 D. 1840 146. Gulf cooperation council was originally formed by A. Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates B. Second World Nations C. Third World Nations D. Fourth World Nations 147. First China War was fought between A. China and Britain B. China and France C. China and Egypt D. China and Greek 148. Pakistan's first coin was issued on A. 3rd june 1948 B. 6th june 1949 C. 3rd January 1948 D. none of these 149. Attock fort was constructed by A. Jahangeer B. Aurangzeb C. Akbar D. none of these 150. Mancher lake situated in A. Sawat B. Dadu C. Muree D. Gilgit ANSWERS: QUIZ GK 141. A 142. D 143. B 144. A 145. C 146. A 147. A 148. C 149. C 150. B 151. What are the flat, treeless plains of Argentina called A. Pampas B. Moss C. Lichen D. none of these 152. What name is given to the programs run by a computer, as opposed to the hardware A. program B. software C. input D. output 153. Who wrote David Copperfield A. Charles Dickens B. William Wordsworth C. Shakespeare D. none of these 154. The name of which animal is an Aboriginal term meaning 'no water' A. Rat B. Snake C. Koala D. Lizard 155. Which animal has the biggest eyes of any living creature A. Elephant B. Kangaroo C. Owl D. Horse 156. The Wrigley Building is located in which US city A. New York B. Chicago C. Hawai D. none of these 157. Which is known as City of Skyscrapers A. New York B. Paris C. Belgium D. Chicago 158. The capital of Canada is A. Toronto B. Brussels C. Ottawa D. Bogota 159. Driest place in the world is A. Death Valley(California) B. Sahara(Africa) C. Barmer(Rajasthan) D. none of these 160. Largest Museum in the world is in A. USA B. China C. Africa D. Europe ANSWERS: QUIZZES GK 151. A 152. B 153. A 154. C 155. D 156. B 157. A 158. C 159. A 160. A 161. World environment day is on A. 5th June B. 5th May C. 2 June D. 2 May 162. The world oldest known city is A. Tokyo B. Damascus C. Paris D. Beijing 163. Hindenburg Line is in between A. India and China B. Germany and Poland C. France and Germany D. India and Pakistan 164. Highest Dam in world is A. Hirakud Dam on the river Mahanadi-Orissa B. Bhakra Nangal on river Sutlej C. The Grande(Switzerland) D. none of these 165. The first prime minister of Bangladesh was A. Liaqat Ali B. Mujibur Rehman C. Yahya Khan D. Zia-ul-Haq 166. Headquarter of Ghandhara civilization is in A. Khatmandu B. Larkana C. Quetta D. Taxilla 167. Which country is largest in area A. China B. Canada C. Russia D. India 168. The largest planet is A. Jupiter B. Mercury C. Venus D. Earth 169. In which country did the rottweiler originate A. America B. Africa C. China D. Germany 170. Which colour is produced by adding together yellow and cyan A. Green B. Red C. Blue D. Pink ANSWERS: GENERAL MCQS 161. A 162. B 163. B 164. C 165. B 166. D 167. C 168. A 169. D 170. A 171. Where the biggest Salt Mine located in Pakistan A. Mangora B. Jhelum C. Sawat D. none of these 172. The most beautiful stone-Marble is extracted from which province of Pakistan A. Punjab B. Sindh C. NWFP D. Baluchistan 173. On which area of the moon did Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins make their landing on 20 July 1969 A. Sea of Tranquility B. unkonown place of moon C. centre of moon D. none of these 174. What name is more commonly given to a tree of the genus Taxus A. Oak B. Yew C. Plum D. Gum 175. The longest river in Pakistan is A. River Ravi B. River Sindh C. River Cheenab D. River Jehlum 176. In which cartoon series do the characters Chef and Cartman appear A. Tom and Jerry B. The Snow white C. Cindrella D. South Park 177. In which country is the port of Dieppe A. Turkey B. Germany C. France D. Italy 178. In which country are the headquarters of the multinational company Nestle A. Switzerland B. Venice C. Japan D. Norway 179. Which two primary colours are mixed to make purple A. red and green B. red and blue C. red and yellow D. red and white 180. What type of creature is a fulmar A. A reptile B. An insect C. A dog D. A bird ANSWERS: GENERAL QUIZ 171. A 172. C 173. A 174. B 175. B 176. D 177. C 178. A 179. B 180. D 181. Who was the first president of the United States of America A. George Washington B. George Harrison C. Robert Zemeckis D. none of these 182. Which is the national flower of Pakistan A. Lilly B. Rose C. Jasmine D. Tulip 183. Where is the tomb of Mughal Emperor Jahangir A. Sialkot B. Multan C. Lahore D. Karachi 184. Which city in Switzerland was the headquarters of the League of Nations A. Brussels B. Geneva C. Canberra D. none of these 185. At which sport have Keiji, Okada and Yuko Hasama been world champions A. Bedminton B. Polo C. Table tennis D. Karate 186. In which US state is the port of Tarpon Springs A. Florida B. Hawaii C. Virginia D. none of these 187. Ice cream was first produced in which country in the 17th century A. England B. Italy C. France D. Germany 188. The total Area of the Capital of Pakistan 'Islamabad' is A. 800 sq Km B. 850 sq Km C. 900 sq Km D. 907 sq Km 189. What is the official language of Mexico A. Spanish B. French C. Italian D. English 190. What is the standard monetary unit of Turkey A. Lira B. Penny C. Euro D. Dollar ANSWERS: GENERAL QUIZZES 181. A 182. C 183. C 184. B 185. D 186. A 187. B 188. D 189. A 190. A 191. What is the capital of Queensland, Australia A. Brisbane B. Brussels C. Beijing D. Doha 192. In which century did the Crimean War take place A. 18th B. 19th C. 17th D. 16th 193. In which US state is the city of Tallahassee A. Virginia B. Hawai C. Florida D. none of these 194. Who starred as Superman in the 1970s and 1980s film series A. Christopher Reeve B. John Belushi C. Cilla Black D. none of these 195. Which is the national bird of Pakistan A. Markhor B. Parrot C. Pigeon D. Chakor 196. Who was the second wife of King Henry VIII of England A. Anne Boleyn B. Queen Elizabeth C. Lady Diana D. none of these 197. The Painted Desert lies in which US state A. Florida B. Arizona C. Hawaii D. Virginia 198. In which year did the Titanic sink on its maiden voyage A. 1913 B. 1914 C. 1912 D. 1915 199. Which country is the world's largest producer of coffee A. Taiwan B. UK C. Brazil D. Switzerland 200. What is the capital of Libya A. Kabul B. Ajmaan C. Doha D. Tripoli ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQS 191. A 192. B 193. C 194. A 195. D 196. A 197. B 198. C 199. C 200. D 201. What are the three main languages of Switzerland A. German, French and Italian B. German, French and English C. German, French and Spanish D. English, French and Italian 202. The Second largest city of Pakistan is A. Rawalpindi B. Lahore C. Multan D. Quetta 203. The large moon Miranda is a satellite of which planet of the solar system A. Neptune B. Pluto C. Uranus D. Jupiter 204. Of which country is Margrethe II the reigning queen A. Turkey B. Switzerland C. Denmark D. Italy 205. Mount Cook is the highest mountain of which nation in the South Pacific A. Canada B. Brazil C. Australia D. New Zealand 206. What sort of creature is a margay A. Dog B. Cat C. Bird D. Insect 207. In which European city are the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the Kremlin A. Moscow B. Paris C. Brussels D. Manchester 208. How many white stars are on the national flag of the USA A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. 50 209. A howdah is a seat used for riding on the back of which animal A. Horse B. Bull C. Elephant D. Donkey 210. In which US state is the city of San Diego A. California B. Arizona C. Florida D. Virginia ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQS 201. A 202. B 203. C 204. C 205. D 206. B 207. A 208. D 209. C 210. A 211. Who was the Greek goddess of war and wisdom A. Athena B. Lakshmi C. Ganga D. None of these 212. What is the world's largest living mammal A. Elephant B. Blue Whale C. Shark D. Giraffe 213. In 1976, Israeli troops stormed a hijacked plane at which Ugandan airport A. Entebbe B. Turin C. Venice D. None of these 214. What is the name of the large salty lake which lies between Israel and Jordan A. Salt Lake B. Dead Sea C. Death Lake D. None of these 215. In which sport is the term 'hookcheck' often used A. Polo B. Ice hockey C. Football D. Bedminton 216. Which river flows through the Sea of Galilee A. River Nile B. River Beijing C. River Jordan D. None of these 217. Gatun Lake is part of which canal A. Indus canal B. Pacific canal C. both a and b D. Panama Canal 218. In US politics, who carries the nickname 'the Veep' A. President B. General Secretory C. Vice-President D. Clerk 219. Which is Australia's largest city by population A. Sydney B. Melbourne C. Perth D. None of these 220. How many squares has a chessboard A. 24 B. 52 C. 45 D. 64 ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQS 211. A 212. B 213. A 214. B 215. B 216. C 217. D 218. C 219. A 220. D 221. What colour is the ball worth three points in snooker A. Red B. Green C. Black D. Yellow 222. Which country is the most popular destination for foreign tourists A. France B. Germany C. Switzerland D. Australia 223. The Flathead Lake Monster is said to exist in which US state A. Florida B. Arizona C. Virginia D. Montana 224. Who wrote Arms and the Man and Man and Superman A. William Wordsworth B. Shakespeare C. George Bernard Shaw D. None of these 225. Which US president was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth A. Richard Branson B. Abraham Lincoln C. Nicholas Monsarrat D. George Bush 226. What sort of creature is a hairstreak A. Bird B. Butterfly C. Cat D. Dog 227. What number is between five and one on a dartboard A. 20 B. 10 C. 3 D. 15 228. Which continent comprises the land around the South Pole A. Asia B. Africa C. Europe D. Antarctica 229. Which English romantic poet wrote Endymion A. William Wordsworth B. Shakespeare C. John Keats D. George Bernard Shaw 230. Which bird with a distinctive call lays its eggs in the nests of other birds A. Sparrow B. Parrot C. Humming bird D. Cuckoo ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQS 221. B 222. A 223. D 224. C 225. B 226. B 227. A 228. D 229. C 230. D 231. Who was the first Emperor in China A. Sun Yat Sen B. Kublai Khan C. Qin Shi Huagdi D. None of these 232. Which body of water separates the North Island and South Island of New Zealand A. Bass Strait B. Megellan Strait C. Strait of Bonifacio D. Cook Strait 233. To which country did the Dc-10 belong which exploded in air over Niger on September 19,1989 A. UK B. Israel C. Suriname D. France 234. On Which sea is the island of Corfu situated A. Black sea B. Mediterranean sea C. Adriatic Sea D. Baltic Sea 235. What was the United States largest single land acquisition A. Louisiana Purchase B. Garsden Purchase C. Alaska D. Maxican Cessation 236. What is the second largest desert in the world after the Sahara desert A. Gobi Desert B. Arabian Desert C. Kalahari Desert D. Libyan Desert 237. What country was Band Aid's 1984 record produced to raise money for A. Bangladesh B. Ethiopia C. Kenya D. Morocco 238. For the Olympics and World Tournaments, the dimensions of basketball court are A. 26 m x 14 m B. 28 m x 15 m C. 27 m x 16 m D. 28 m x 16 m 239. Each year World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is celebrated on A. May 8 B. May 18 C. June 8 D. June 18 240. Who was the first U.S President who was not from Massachusetts or Virginia A. James Madison B. James Polk C. Andrew Jackson D. None of these ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQS 231. C 232. D 233. D 234. C 235. A 236. B 237. B 238. B 239. A 240. C 241. Federation Cup, World Cup, Allywyn International Trophy and Challenge Cup are awarded to winners of A. Tennis B. Volleyball C. Basketball D. Cricket 242. Famous sculptures depicting art of love built some time in 950 AD - 1050 AD are A. Khajuraho temples B. Jama Masjid C. Sun temple D. Mahabalipuram temples 243. In what state is the geographic center of the United States located A. Montana B. North Dakota C. South Dakota D. Wyoming 244. Fire temple is the place of worship of which of the following religion A. Taoism B. Judaism C. Zoroastrianism (Parsi Religion) D. Shintoism 245. Who was the first cartoonist to win a Pulitzer Prize for a comic strip A. All Capp B. Berke Breathed C. Charles Schulz D. Garry Trudeau 246. Georgia, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan became the members of UNO in A. 1992 B. 1991 C. 1993 D. 1994 247. Germany signed the Armistice Treaty on ____ and World War I ended A. January 19, 1918 B. May 30, 1918 C. November 11, 1918 D. February 15, 1918 248. During World War II, when did Germany attack France A. 1941 B. 1940 C. 1942 D. 1945 249. In what city did james Mclamore and David Edger ton open the first Burger King in 1954 A. Colorado Springs, Colorado B. Indianapolis, Indiana C. Sacramento, California D. Miami, Florida 250. Euclid was A. Greek mathematician B. Contributor to the use of deductive principles of logic as the basis of geometry C. Propounded the geometrical theorems D. All of these ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQS 241. B 242. A 243. C 244. C 245. D 246. A 247. C 248. B 249. D 250. D 251. DRDL stands for A. Defence Research and Development Laboratary B. Department of Research and Development Laboratory C. Differential Research and Documentation Laboratary D. None of these 252. In which future U.S state did Custer make his famous Last Stand A. Montana B. North Dakota C. Oklahoma D. Texas 253. What author confessed' "My stories written when sober are stupid" A. Arthur conan Doyle B. Earnest Hemingway C. F. Scott Fitzgerald D. Leo Tolstoy 254. What Kansas city's name means 'potato' in the Kansa language A. Abeline B. Topeka C. Omaha D. Wichita 255. Who was the first Indian Chief of Army Staff of the Indian Army A. Gen. K.M. Cariappa B. Vice-Admiral R.D. Katari C. Gen. Maharaja Rajendra Singhji D. None of these 256. How tall is the pitcher's mound in major League Baseball A. 6 inches B. 14 inches C. 18 inches D. 10 inches 257. FRS stands for A. Fellow Research System B. Federation of Regulation Society C. Fellow of Royal Society D. None of these 258. What device's invention was the main reason for demise of the Pony Express A. Radio B. Telegraph C. Telephone D. Train 259. During World War I Germany was defeated in the Battle of Verdun on the western front and Romania declared war on the eastern front in the year A. 1914 AD B. 1915 AD C. 1912 AD D. 1916 AD 260. What is the highest peak in the 48 contiguous U.S states A. Mount Elbert B. Mount Rainier C. Mount Whitney D. Pikes Peak ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQS 251. A 252. A 253. C 254. B 255. A 256. D 257. C 258. B 259. D 260. C 261. Hamid Karzai was chosen president of Afghanistan in A. 2000 B. 2002 C. 2001 D. 2003 262. Durand Cup is associated with the game of A. Hockey B. Bedminton C. Football D. Volleyball 263. What playwright's The Glass Menagerie appeared on Broadway and was made into three movies A. Arthur Miller B. David Mamet C. Noel Coward D. Tennessee Williams 264. What was the first U.S city to host the winter Olympics A. Denver B. Lake Placid C. Salt Lake city D. Squaw Valley 265. Headquarters of UNO are situated at A. New York, USA B. Haque (Netherlands) C. Geneva D. Switzerland 266. Who was the first person to sail to the southern tip of Africa, in 1488 A. Ferdinand Magellan B. James Cook C. Bartholomew Dias D. None of these 267. First International Peace Congress was held in London in A. 1564 AD B. 1843 AD C. 1845 AD D. 1545 AD 268. What was the only Grand Slam event that eluded Monica seles in both 1991 and 1992 A. Australian open B. French open C. U.S open D. Wimbledon 269. Dr. Zakir Hussain was A. the first Muslim president of India B. first vice president of India C. first president of Indian National Congress D. first speaker of Lok Sabha 270. In Robinson Crusoe, what does the title character name the native he befriends A. Wednesday B. Thursday C. Friday D. Saturday ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQS 261. B 262. C 263. D 264. B 265. A 266. C 267. B 268. D 269. A 270. C 271. Hockey was introduced in the Asian Games in A. 1958 in Tokyo B. 1962 in Jakarta C. 1966 in Bangkok D. 1970 in Bangkok 272. How many acres are in square mile A. 1.6 B. 32 C. 640 D. None of these 273. ESCAP stands for A. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific B. European Society Council for Africa and Pacific C. Economic and Social Commission for Africa and Pacific D. None of these 274. Which U.S President was born the earliest A. James Madison B. George Washington C. John Adams D. Thomas Jefferson 275. Firdausi was A. a poet B. well known for his epic 'Shahnama' C. Both option A and B D. None of these 276. The Partridge Family TV show, what did the singing family travel in A. RV B. Van C. Station wagon D. Bus 277. Himalayan Mountaineering Institute is at A. Dehradun B. Darjeeling C. Marmago D. Dispur 278. Which position did Doug Harvey play in the NHL A. Center B. Right wing C. Left wing D. Defense man 279. During the first crusade, crusaders reached Jerusalem and captured it in A. 1000 AD B. 1099 AD C. 1200 AD D. 1500 AD 280. What was venetian artist Titian's last name A. Vecchietta B. Veneziano C. Vecellio D. None of these ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQS 271. A 272. C 273. A 274. B 275. C 276. D 277. B 278. D 279. B 280. C 281. Free market is A. a condition in the international market where nations do not impose customs duty or other taxes on import of goods B. market where the price of a commodity is determined by free play of the forces of supply and demand C. ports that are exempted from payment of customs duty on articles of commerce, primarily to encourage tourism D. none of these 282. Which U.S. state has the second most area that is covered by water A. Florida B. Alaska C. Michigan D. Minnesota 283. East Timor, which became the 191st member of the UN, is in the continent of A. Asia B. Africa C. Europe D. South Africa 284. What was English trumpeter John Shore's claim to fame in 1711 A. Creator of the modern trumpet B. First trumpeter in an orchestra C. Inventor of the tuning fork D. Saved from a bullet by his trumpet 285. GNLF stands for A. Gorkha National Liberation Front B. Gross National Liberation Form C. Both option A and B D. None of these 286. What college's men's basketball team below is not nicknamed the Wildcats A. Arizona B. Cincinnati C. Kansas State D. Kentucky 287. Fa-Hien was A. the first Buddhist pilgrim of China to visit India during the reign of Chandragupta Vikramaditya B. the discoverer of Puerto Rico and Jamaica C. the first Buddhist pilgrim of India to visit China D. none of these 288. What is the title character's name in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice Shylock A. B. Bassanio C. Balthasar D. Antonia 289. Which U.S subway system has the most miles of track A. Boston B. New York C. San Francisco D. Washington, D.C 290. In 1967, which country below did not fight Isreal in the Six day war A. Egypt B. Jordan C. Lebanon D. Syria ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQS 281. B 282. C 283. A 284. C 285. A 286. B 287. A 288. D 289. D 290. C 291. In which major U.S professional sport does the home team not usually wear white A. Major League Baseball B. National Basketball Association C. National Football League D. National Hockey League 292. Who was the gypsy heroine of The Hunchback of Notre Dame A. Daniella B. Esmeralda C. Gabriela D. Jasmine 293. How many continents border the Arctic Ocean A. 2 B. 4 C. 5 D. 3 294. Which U.S President first appeared on the face of the dime on Jan 30, 1946 A. Abraham Lincoln B. Franklin Roosevelt C. George Washington D. Thomas Jefferson 295. Who was the only golfer to win the British open in three different decades in the 20th century A. Bobby Jones B. Jack Nicklaus C. Gary Player D. None of these 296. What author's first novel was Hike and the Aeroplane A. Sinclair Lewis B. E.M. Forster C. Somerset Maugham D. Zane Grey 297. What profession was the first to accept what we now call tips A. Actors B. Plumbers C. Doctors D. Barbers 298. What was the first Peanuts television special A. A Charlie Brown Christmas B. A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving C. It's the Great Pumpkin D. None of these 299. How many no- hitters did Nolan Ryan throw in his career, the most by any Major League Baseball pitcher A. 4 B. 7 C. 5 D. 6 300. In which country are the aptly named Snowy Mountain located A. Australia B. Canada C. Russia D. Turkey ANSWERS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE MCQS 291. C 292. B 293. D 294. B 295. C 296. A 297. D 298. A 299. B 300. A ORGANIZATIONs Interpol was established in 1923 (1956) Common Wealth was established in 1931 UNO was established on 24 Oct 1945 Arab League was established in 1945 ICJ was established in 1945 UNICEF was established in 1946 NATO was established in 1949 UNHCR was established in 1950 SEATO was established in 1954 OPEC was established in 1960 NAM was established in 1961 ADB was established in 1966 ASEAN was established in 1967 OIC was established in 1969 SAARC was established in 1985 ECO was established in 1985 D8 was established in 1997 HQ of ADB Philippines/ Manila HQ of Arab League Cairo HQ of ASEAN Jakarta, founded at Bangkok HQ of Common Wealth London HQ of Amnesty International London HQ of D8 Turkey HQ of ECO Tehran HQ of ICJ Hague (Netherland) HQ of Red Cross & Red Crescent Geneva (Switzerland) HQ of ILO Geneva (Switzerland) HQ of WHO Geneva (Switzerland) HQ of WTO Geneva (Switzerland) HQ of UNHCR is in Geneva (Switzerland) HQ of Interpol Lyon (France) HQ of OIC Jeddah established in Rabat (Morocco) HQ of SAARC Katmandu- established at Dhaka HQ of NATO Brussels HQ of SEATO Manila UNO was formed at San Francisco HQ of UNDP New York (USA) HQ of Human Right Watch New York HQ of UNO New York Office of UN General Assembly is in New York HQ of UNICEF New York HQ of OPEC Vienna HQ of IAEA Vienna (Austria) HQ of Transparency International Berlin, Germany HQ of FAO Rome (Italy) HQ of IMF Washington (USA) HQ of World Bank or IBRD Washington (USA) HQ if UNESCO Paris (France) Human Rights Resolution was adopted by UN in 1945 1.1988 noble peace prize has been awarded to: a.Diego Cordovez b.Anwar Sadat c.United Nations 2.Dan Quayle is: a.Mexican footballer b.American Politician c.Prime Minister of Brazil 3.Gen. Augusto Pinochet is: a.Leader of Contrast in Nicaragua b.Military Dictator of el-Salvador c.President of Chile 4.Robert Mugabe is: 10.The Black Sea and the Mediterranean are conn by: a.Shattal Arab b.Dardanelles c.Strait of Gibraltar 1989 11.Which country makes the Entac Missiles: a.U.S.A. b.England c.France a.President of Zimbabwe b.President of Kenya c.Prime Minister of Angola 5.Sakharov is: a.Anti-Soviet Polish Leader b.Secretary General of the Hungarian Communist Party c.Soviet Nuclear Scientist 6.The last day of the Quaid-e-Azam was written by: a.M. A. H. Isphani b.Fatima Jinnah c.Col. Illahi Bukhsh (probably, iam not sure) 7.The new Olympic Champion in Hockey is: a.Australia b.West Germany c.England (during the year 1988) 8.The process of European integration is scheduled to be completed by: a.1990 b.1992 c.1994 (Do you have any idea about that? Wild guess is option c) 9.The Bofors Scandal occurred in: a.Italy b.India c.Japan 16.What is the actual name of F-16: a.Fighting Falcon b.Atomic Bomber c.Concord d.Jumbo Jet 17.“Daughter of the East” is an autobiography of: a.Fatima Jinnah b.Nusrat Bhutto c.Rana Liaquat Ali d.Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto 18.The Headquarters of Asian Development Bank is in: a.Tokyo b.Bangkok c.Manila d.Jakarta 19.Pakistan left CENTO in: a.1971 b.1975 c.1979 (when it was dissolved) d.1981 20.Gorbachev’s Peredyshka is: a.Free Trade b.Breathing space (I think, please comment) c.Terrorist Movement d.Non-Alignment 21.Premadasa is: a.President of Chile b.European Comedian c.Terrorist Movement d.President Sri Lanka 22.Sunsuke Uno is: a.Maker of Micro-Computers b.Prime Minister of Singapore c.Chinese Town d.Prime Minister of Japan 23.India launched its first Missile with the name of: a.Indira b.Verma c.Agni d.Monica 24.Who has been named as the first recipient of Gaddafi International Prize for Human d.U.S.S.R. 12.How many Radio Stations are in Pakistan: a.Twelve b.Sixteen c.Twenty (probably, I don’t know how many there in 1989) d.Twenty five 13.What is Cathay Pacific: a.Island b.Revolutionary leader c.Air line d.Newspaper 14.President of U.S.A. is: a.George Hubert Norman Bush b.George Hurbert Walker Bush c.George Thomas Ross Bush d.George Paul James Bush 15.The ‘Great Leap Forward’ was: a.American Policy towards Latin America b.Chinese Economic Programme c.Russian Diplomatic move d.Cuban Military Strategy 25.Literacy rate in Pakistan is: a.15% b.20% c.30% (probably, I am not sure) d.50% 26.How many people were stampeded in Football at Sheffield Hill Borough Stadium: a.38 b.67 c.95 d.110 27.Venezuela President is: a.Paul Alfonsin b.Daniel Ortega c.Carlos Andrez Perez d.Augusto Pinochet 28.Jabar-bin-Hayyan was a: a.Mathematician b.Astronomer c.Chemist d.Philosopher (actually he was an astronomer and philoso as well, but more famous for chemistry, so does that mean all the 3 are co options but option C is more suitable.) 29.Battle of Ohad was fought in: a.625 A.D. b.626 A.D. c.628 A.D. d.629 A.D. 30.How many times has Martina Navtatilova wo Wimbledon title: a.Six times b.Eight times c.Nine times d.Eleven times (counting both singles doubles titles won) 2005 31.The world’s oldest International Human Organization is: a.Amnesty International b.Freedom House Rights: a.Hosni Mubarak b.Nelson Mandela c.Rajiv Gandhi, d.Mrs. Margaret Thatcher 32The constitution of European Union has not been ratified by: a.Italy b.Netherlands c.France d.None of these 33.After United States, the largest contributor in the United Nations Budget is: a.Germany b.France c.U.K. d.None of these (Japan is and was in 2005 as well) 34.“Ariana” is an Airlines of: a.Australia b.Egypt c.Iran d.None of these 36.China’s fastest growing economy is facing a major challenge of: a.Population Explosion (not sure, major problem facing Chinese economy, as I found on the internet, was income inequalities, so I related it with population) b.Shortage of Energy c.Challenges of WTO regime d.None of these 37.U.S. president George Bush has created Millennium Challenge Account to: a.Improve national security network b.Provide financial aid to Iraq and Afghanistan c.Help poor countries pursuing democratic ideals d.None of these 38.38th parallel is a boundary line between: a.Canada and America b.North and South Vietnam c.Greek and Turkish Port of Cyprus d.None of these (its boundary line between North and South Koreas) 39.In which month does the U.N. General Assembly usually meet every year: a.January b.March c.September d.None of these 46.The largest Agency of FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) by area is: a.North Waziristan b.South Waziristan c.Khyber Agency d.None of these 47.Reuter’ is the news agency of: a.USA b.Germany c.UK d.None of these 48.SAARC Human Resource Development Center is located at: a.Delhi b.Colombo c.Karachi d.None of these (it is in Islamabad) c.Anti Slavery (probably, its older then the o two) d.None of these 40.Pakistan has recently been given observer stat a.Organization for Economic Cooperation Development (OECD) b.Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) c.Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) d.None of these 41.Pakistan and U.S. Navies recently conducted exercises in the Arabian Sea by the name: a.Optimum Impact b.Diver’s Move c.Inspired Union d.None of these 42.Which of the following Internet Search Engine introduce the World’s Biggest digital Library: a.Yahoo b.Google c.Gigablast d.None of these 43.The recently appointed United Nations Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres is the former Prime Minister of: a.Denmark b.Romania c.Canada d.None of these (he was prime ministe Portugal) 44.When a country grants another country MFN Favored Nations) status in mutual trade, it implies: a.Providing same trade concessions as are given to other countries without any discrimination b.Trade will be through exchange of Commo rather than foreign exchanges c.Imports and Exports payments will be in currencies only d.None of these 45.The programme “United Nations Mille Development Goals” is focusing on: a.Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger b.Achieve Universal Primary education c.Promote gender equality and empower women d.All of these 54.Zalmay Khalil is the US ambassador to: a.Iraq b.Syria c.Lebanon d.None of these 55.H5N1 is the name of a: a.Medicine b.Vaccine c.Virus d.None of these 56.Biman is the Airline of: a.Sri Lanka b.Nepal c.Bangladesh d.None of these 57.Which country’s border with Pakistan is Durand Line: a.Iran b.Afghanistan c.India d.None of these 49.Under “Vision 2025” WAPDA will construct SATPARA Dam on Indus river in: a.Balochistan b.NWFP c.Northern Areas d.None of these 2006 50.How many medals were won by Pakistan in the 18th Commonwealth games: a.3 b.5 c.7 d.None of these 51.The currency of China is: a.Rouble b.Yen c.Yuan d.None of these 52.In the absence of President, who becomes the acting President of Pakistan: a.Speaker of the National Assembly b.Chairman of the Senate c.Chief Justice of Pakistan d.None of these 53.Han Myung has become the First Woman Prime Minister of: a.South Korea b.North Korea c.Vietnam d.None of these 69.George Washington was the First President of USA. Who is the incumbent Vice President of America: a.Georgen Bush b.Gerlad Ford c.Dick Cheney (in 2006) d.None of these 70.Petronas towers are located in: a.Singapore b.Chicago c.Kuala Lumpur d.None of these 71.Name of the present UN Secretary General is: a.Kofi Annan b.Bon Ki Moon c.Batrus Ghali d.None of these 72.The length of common border between India and Pakistan is: a.900 miles b.1000 miles c.1100 miles d.None of these (its 1809 miles) 73. SAARC conference was held in 2004 at: a.Islamabad b.Kathmandu c.Colombo d.None of these 74.China became the member of World Trade Organization in: a.1998 b.2002 c.2004 d.None of these (China officially became 58.Xinhua is the news agency of: a.China b.Russia c.North Korea d.None of these 59.The Headquarters of the UN Security Coun located at: a.Washington b.Paris c.New York d.None of these 60.Who is the governor of the State Bank of Pakis a.Dr. Shamshad Akhtar (in 2006) b.Dr. Ishrat Hussain c.Sulman Shah d.None of these 61.Nobel prize for the year 2005 was awarded Elbardei together with: a.United Nations Educational Scientific and C Organization (UNESCO) b.International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA c.World Health Organization (WHO) d.None of these 62.Who is the United States, assistant secreta state for South Asian and Central Asian affairs: a.Riyan C. Crooker b.Nancy Powell c.Richard A. Boucher d.None of these 63.What was the magnitude of the Earthquake shook northern Pakistan and Azad Kashmir on October 8, 2005: a.5.7 b.7.5 c.7.7 d.None of these (correct is 7.6) 64.Rafiq Bahauddin al Hariri had been the Minister of: a.Libya b.Lebanon c.Syria d.None of these 65.Angela Merkel is: a.President of France b.First Lady of Britain c.Chancellor of Germany d.None of these 66.Fourth Estate applied to: a.Executive b.Secret Agency c.Press d.None of these 67.The “Spirit of Islam” author is: a.Sir Syed Ahmad Khan b.Syed Amir Ali c.Allama Iqbal d.None of these 69.How many members the National Security Cou (Pakistan) has: a.11 b.13 c.15 d.None of these 86.India has constructed ‘Baglihar Dam’ in occupi Kashmir’s district of: a.Udhumpur b.Doda c.Jammu member of WTO on 11-12-2001) 75.The number of players in each team of basketball game is: a.5 b.7 c.9 d.None of these 76.Which is the largest Surah of the Holy Quran: a.Surah Al-Imran b.Surah Al-Baqarah c.Surah Yaseen d.None of these 77.The Olympic games in 2004 were held in: a.Athens b.Sydney c.California 78.Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2006 was awarded to a.Dr. Mahatir Mohammad b.Dr. Mohammad Yunus c.Dr. Abdul Kalam d.None of these 79.Denzil Washington is renowned as: a.USA army general b.British Naval Commander c.Hollywood Actor d.None of these 80.The number of OIC member states is: a.55 b.57 c.59 d.None of these 81.Mahbub-ul-Haq Human Development Center is located at: a.Karachi b.Lahore c.Islamabad d.None of these 82.Hugo Chaves is the president of: a.Venezuela b.Brazil c.Bolivia d.None of these 83.What is the name of the only Pakistani who won a Nobel Prize: a.Dr. Ashfaq Ahmed b.Dr. Abdus-Salam c.Dr. Abdul Qadeer d.None of these 84.Maple leaf is the National emblem of: a.Germany b.China c.Canada d.None of these 85.Name of Bangladesh Parliament is: a.People National Assembly b.Majlis-i-Shoora c.Jatia Sangsad d.None of these 94.Former US Vice-President Al Gore has won Nobel Peace Prize 2007 for his campaign against: a.Child Labour b.Human Rights Violations c.Global Warming d.None of these 95.May 3, each year is Internationally observed as: d.None of these 87.‘Hamas’ was founded by: a.Yasser Arafat b.Ismail Haniye c.Khalid Meshaal d.None of these (it was founded by Sheikh A Yassin, Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi and Mohammad Taha) 88.Which of the following regions of Balochistan w irrigated through Kachi Canal Project: a.Quetta b.Zhob c.Nasirabad d.None of these 89.Transparency International is based in: a.New York b.London c.Berlin d.None of these 90.The largest source of electricity generati Pakistan comes through: a.Thermal b.Hydel c.Coal d.None of these 91.Pakistan’s largest export partner is: a.Saudi Arabia b.America c.Japan d.None of these 92.India is constructing Kishanganda Dam in: a.Jammu b.Sri Nagar c.Baramula d.None of these 93.WAFA is the news agency of: a.Syria b.Jordan c.Egypt d.None of these (it is the news agenc Palestine) 102.One US barrel is equal to: a.20 litres b.30 litres c.50 litres d.None of these (its equivalent to 159 litres) 103.Ringgit is the currency unit of: a.Singapore b.Philippines c.Malaysia d.None of these 104.Pakistan is the Chairman of: a.Non-Aligned movement b.SAARC c.Group of 77 d.None of these 105.The first President of America who made an o visit to Pakistan was: a.Richard Nixon b.Dwight D. Eisenhower c.Lyndon B. Johnson d.None of these 106.The ‘Aid to Pakistan Consortium’ meets every in: a.London b.New York c.Paris d.None of these 107.General Michael Hayden is the: a.President of Chile a.World Environment Day b.Human Rights Day c.Global Warming d.None of these (its knows globally as World Press Freedom Day) 96.The world’s largest producer of uranium is: a.Australia b.Canada c.South Africa d.None of these 97.The district of the country having lowest population density is: a.Khuzdar b.Kalat c.Kharan (with a population density of only 4 ppl/km2, Awaran and Chagai share the same with Kharan.) d.None of these 98.Qantas is an airlines of: a.USA b.Australia c.Singapore d.None of these 99.The first Muslim Nobel Laureate was: a.Anwar Sadaat of Egypt b.Yasser Arafat of Palestine c.Abdul Salam of Pakistan d.None of these 100.Darfur conflict is in: a.Somalia b.Sudan c.Liberia d.None of these 101.Parachinar is the main town of: a.Khyber Agency b.North Waziristan c.South Waziristan d.None of these (it’s capital town of Kurram agency) 110.What position Hu Jantao holds: a.General Secretary of Communist Party b.President of the Country c.Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ d.None of these 111.Who is the president of World Bank: a.Robert Brace Zoellick b.Robert Bruce Gate c.Robert Bruce Lohaf d.Bill Gates 112.Where is the headquarter of the Amnesty International located: a.Geneva b.London c.Paris d.New York 113.Asian Development Bank (ADB) was established in: a.1964 b.1966 c.1968 d.None of these 114.Who were the three statesmen who formulated Non-Aligned Movement (NAM): a.Gandhi, Nasser, Tito b.Nehru, Nasser, Tito c.Chou-en-Lai, Bhutto, Nehru d.Soe Karno, Nasser, Tito 115.The permanent Secretariat of SAARC is established at: a.Khatmandu b.Dhaka b.Defense Secretary of United States c.Commander NATO’s forces in Afghanistan d.None of these (he was director of the CIA) 108.Which of the following International Organiz has no formal structure and secretariat: a.Green Peace b.D-8 c.G-8 d.None of these 109.Who is Nicolas Sarkozy: a.German Chancellor b.Canadian President c.French President d.President of Georgia 118.In which month does the UN General Ass usually meet every year: a.August b.September c.October d.None of these 119.Which of the following countries have the po veto in the General Assembly of UNO: a.USA b.Russia c.China d.All of these 120.The term of office of a judge of the Interna Court of Justice is: a.5 years b.7 years c.9 years d.None of these 121.Alliance among India, Germany, Japan and to support each other’s bid for permanent seat on UN Security Council is called: a.Alliance 4 b.G 4 c.Big 4 d.None of these 122.The Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline is also k as: a.Friendly Pipeline b.Peace Pipeline c.Great pipeline d.None of these 123.The first parliamentary elections in Afgha were held in: a.2004 b.2005 c.2006 d.None of these (it was held in 1965 for the time, please consider reviewing) 124.Which is the National Flower of Pakistan: a.Tulip b.Rose c.Jasmine d.None of these 136) Silk Air is an airline of: a) Sri Lanka b) Switzerland c) Singapore d) China 137) Channel Tunnel is an under sea rail tunnel linki a) England and Ireland b) England and France c) F and Germany d) None of these. 138) The Strait of Malacca is the main shipping c between the India Ocean and: a) The North Pacific Ocean b) South Pacific Oc South Atlantic Ocean d) None of these 139) The recently published book " Between Dream Realities" is written by: c.Dehli d.Islamabad 116.Who was the founder of HAMAS in 1987: a.Sheikh Ahmed Yasin b.Yasser Arafat c.Abu Nidal d.None of these 117.How many official working languages recognized by UNO: a.8 b.6 c.4 d.None of these a) Shamshad Ahmad Khan b) Gohar Ayub c) Sah Yakoob Ali Khan d) None of these ( by Sirtaj Aziz) 140) The largest Agency of FATA by population is: a) Bajaur Agency b) North Wazirstan c) Waziristan d) None of these are 141) Which of the following categories of Nobel was established in 1968? a) Medicine b) Literature c) Economics d) None of t 142) Total cultivable Land of Pakistan is approximat a) 80 million hectares b) 120 million hectares million hectares d) None of these. 125.After ‘Pushtuns’, the largest ethnic group in 143) Who is Francois Fillon? a) Prime Minister of Italy b) President of Germa Afghanistan is: Foreign Minister of France d)None of a.Uzbeks b.Hazaras these (He was Prime Minister of France) c.Tajiks 144) The largest island in Indian Ocean is: d.None of these a) Sri Lanka b) Sumatra c) Madagascar d) None 126.The capital of Argentina is: 145) 3 May is observed Internationally as: a.Columbia a) Environment Day b) Population Day c)Press Fre b.Barcelona Day d) None of these c.Buenos Aires 146 2016 Summer Olympics will be held at: d.Peru 127.Which is the largest country in Africa: a) Sydney b) Madrid c) Chicago d) Rio de Janerio a.Sudan 147) Kyat is the currency of: b.Nigeria a) Nepal b) Myanmar c) Bhutan d) None c.Libya 148 Environment Treaty Kyoto Protocol will be e d.None of these in: a) 2012 b) 2014 c) 2015 d) None of these. 128.Name the currency of Sri Lanka: a.Rupiyah b.Lek c.Ringgit d.None of these 129: Which of the following countries is the world's largest emitter of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere? a) China b) America c) Russia d) India 130) Who is Stanley McChrystal? a) Commander US forces in Afghanistanb) Head of the US Central Command (CENTCOM) c) NATO Commander in Afghanistan d) None of these 131) The headquarters of Green Peace International is located at: a) Vancouver b) Amsterdam c) London d) Paris 132) The oldeest internet search engine among the following is: a) Google b) MSN Search c) Yahoo d) 133) The power generating capacity of Diamer-Basha Dam would be: a) 3450 MW b) 3800 MW c) 4500 MW d) None of these 134) ANTARA is the news agency of: a) Indonesia b) Malaysia c) Turkey d) None of the these 135) The largest opium producer province in Afghanistan is: a) Helmand b) Nangarhar c) Badakhshan d) None of these The largest gland of the body: Liver The largest organ of the body: Skin The longest bone of the body: Femur The total number of bones in the body: 206 The hardest bone of the body: Tooth The smallest bone of the body: Stapes Total number of muscles in the body: 600 The filter of the body: Kidney The pump of the Body: Heart Total number of bones in vertebral column: 33 The normal body temperature: 98.4 F (37 C) The normal respiratory rate of the Body: 16-18 per min The total volume of blood in body: 4-5 litres Total number of bones in face: 14 Vascular connection between foetus and uterus: Placenta INTERNATIONAL COUNTRIES INDEPENDENCE DAYS Many countries worldwide commemorate the date when they gained independence after being part of another state or colony. The annual holiday is called independence day and each country celebrates the specific date it achieved its freedom. Definition: Independence or National Days are perhaps the most important day for a country to commemorate as a national holiday. For many nations the date is the country's day of independence, often in hard fought battles to claim their freedom. Some national holidays commemorate a significant day in the history of the country, or the birth of a national hero who helped establish the day the country's independence was declared. The following list signifies the month each country listed below celebrates Independence Day, National Day or other significant day. January August Camaroon - January Haiti Western January Samoa - 1Dahomey 1Switzerland - January 1Upper Sudan - January 1Bolivia - Burma - January 4Jamaica - Chad - January Australia - August 11Ivory January 1 August Volta - 1 August August First Monday Coast - 26Singapore - 5 6 in August August August 7 9 Nauru - January 31 Ecuador - August 10 February Pakistan - August 14 Ceylon/Sri New Grenada - Lanka Zealand - February February February 4Republic 6India 7Cyprus - of Congo August August August 15 15 16 Iran - February Gambia - 11Gabon - February Saint Lucia - August 18Indonesia - February 17 August 22Afghanistan - 17 August 18 Dominican Republic - February 27 Rumania - August 23 March Uruguay - August 25 Wales - March 1Trinidad Morocco - March Mauritius - March Ireland - 17Libya - September 19Vietnam - March Greece - 25San Marino - Swaziland - April Brazil April 4Andorra - Senegal - April 4North Denmark - April Austria - Korea - 18El Leone - April September 9 9 Rica - September 15 Salvador - September 15 27Guatemala - September 15 27Honduras - September 15 September 15 27Nicaragua - Japan - April 29Mexico April 6 8 September April Netherlands - 3 7 September Togo The September 17Costa April Sierra September 16Bulgaria - April 3 September Hungary - April 2 September Bangladesh - March 26 Zimbabwe - 31 1 September 23Qatar - March Syria - August 12September March Pakistan - Tobago - 3Malaysia - August 31 March Liechtenstein - and 30Papua September New Guinea - 16 September 16 Israel - April or May Chile - September 18 May Belize - September 21 9Malta - September 21 September 22 Czechoslovakia Laos - May May Paraguay - 11Mali - May Israel - 14Saudi May Norway - 15Yemen - May Cuba - September 23 26 20October May Jordan - September 17Botswana - September 30 May Argentina - Arabia - 25People's Republic of China - October 1-2 25Nigeria - October 1 Guyana - May 26 Guinea - October 2 June Lesotho October Tunisia Italy Seychelles - May June June June Portugal - June Iceland - Independence June October 2Germany - June Sweden Philippines - 1Fiji - October 5Uganda 6Republic 10Spain Day June 12Zambia 17Iran - 4 7 3 October of China/Taiwan - October October October October 1990 9 10 12 24 26 Kuwait - June Luxembourg - 19South June Croatia - Vietnam - October 26 23St Vincent and Grenadines - October 27 June 25Turkey - October 29 Mozambique - June 25November Madagascar - June 26Algeria - November 1 27Panama - November 3 Djibouti - June Republic of Congo - June 30Dominica - Zaire - June 30 Soviet July Cambodia - November Union - 3 November 7 November 9 Burundi - July 1Angola - Canada - July 1Rhodesia - Rwanda - July 1Saudi Somalia - July 1Comoros - November 12 4Monaco - November 19 5Lebanon - November 22 6Suriname - November 25 United States of America - Venezuela - July July Malawi - July Argentina - July November November Arabia - 9Albania - Bahamas - July 10Mauritania - Mongolia - July 11Southern Sao Tome and France - July Iraq South Principe - November 12 November 28 November Yemen - 12Yugoslavia - 28 November November 29 29-30 14December July Colombia - 11 14Barbados - November 30 July Korea - July 11 July 17Central African Republic - December 1 20Thailand - December 5 Belgium - July 21Finland - December 6 Poland - July 22Tanzania - December 9 Egypt - July 23Upper Volta - December 11 Ethiopia - July 23Kenya - December 12 Liberia - July 26Niger - December 18 Maldive Islands - July 26Nepal - December 21 Peru - July 28 INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION An Independence Day celebration can include different events and festivities depending on the particular country that is celebrating. Many countries celebrate Independence Day with festive parades, firework displays and picnics. AMERICA INDEPENDENCE DAY The America Independence Day is also called July 4th or the Fourth Of July. The US celebrates the day that the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776 when they gained freedom from Great Britain. The United States Independence Day is a very important celebration for all Americans. The event is a national holiday that allows Americans all across the country to participate in the parades, family picnics and barbeques. The evening usually ends with a large fireworks display and the singing of popular patriotic songs. INDEPENDENCE DAY SONGS AND CAST Many countries sing an Independence Day Song to show their patriotism during this national holiday. For example, Chileans sing national songs called cuecas on September 18, Greeks sing Bouzouki songs on March 25 and Americans sing patriotic songs such as Stars & Stripes Forever, America the Beautiful and God Bless America. Many countries also celebrate their independence by staging plays. An Independence Day cast re-enacts the important events leading up to their country's freedom. HISTORY ON INDEPENDENCE DAY The history on Independence Day varies for each country. For example, the US used to consist of 13 colonies ruled by King George III of England. After years of unrest and threat of war, a committee was formed to draft an official Declaration of Independence. John Hancock was the last member to sign the document, and copies were distributed throughout the country the next day. The US proclaimed July 4 as their official Independence Day. Since the early 1800's, Americans have celebrated this important holiday with picnics, fireworks and barbeques.                                   A.P.W.A All Pakistan women association A.S.E.A.N Association of south east Asian association B.B.C British broad casting corporation B.C.C.P Board of control cricket in Pakistan C.B.R Central board of revenue C.E.N.T.O Central treaty organization C.I.A Central investigation agency. C.I.D Criminal investigation department. C.B.R Central board of revenue C.S.P Civil service of Pakistan. C.S.S Central superior services. C.T.B.T Comprehensive test ban treaty. D.I.G Deputy inspector general. F.A.N.A Federally administrated northern areas. F.A.T.A Federally administrated tribal G.D.P Gross domestic product of control cricket in Pakistan G.H.Q General head quarter. G.N.P Gross national product. P.A.T.A Provincially administrated tribal areas. F.I.R First information report. I.B.M International Business machines. I.S.P.R Inter services public relation. I.S.S.B Inter services selection board. K.K.H Karakorum Highway. M.B.A Master in business administration. M.B.B.S Bachelor in medicine and master in surgery. M.E.S Military engineering service. N.A.M Non aliened moment. N.A.T.O North Atlantic treaty organization N.E.W.S North east south west. N.O.C No objection certificate. O.I.C Organization of Islamic conference P.C.S Public service commission. S.A.A.R.C South Asian association for regional cooperation          S.E.A.T.O South east Asian treaty organization. S.S.G Special services Group. U.N.E.S.C.O United nations educational scientific cultural organization. U.N.I.C.E.F United nation international children emergency fund. U.N.O United Nation organization. U.S.A United states America W.A.P.D.A Water and power development authority. W.A.S.A Water and sanitation authority. W.T.O World trade organization. Past paper of Fia Inspector (investigation) Solved Past paper of Fia Inspector      –Allah tala ne sab se ziada apni naimato (blessings) ka izhar kis surah me farmaya hai ——————–surah rehman. –Allah Tala ke sab se ziada ehkamaat kis surah me farmaya ——————-.surah Baqrah. –nawab aye humare bhaag aye ka kiya matlab hai——————————-khush kismati. –zulfien bikhraye jo woh but (idol) sar e bazar chala shor utha maar chala mauz chala what is mauz i dont know but option. –israr e khudi ka english translation kis ne kiya—————prof Nicholson.  –phoot laina ka kiya matlab hai————–. origin  –monh rakhna ka kiya matlab hai——————-lahhaz rakhna.    –utha kar phaink do gali mein nai tehzeeb ke yeh andy hai gandy———————i wrote magrabi tehzeeb. –greeb ki bhi hoti hai ajab subha o shaam mein greeb se kiya murad hai——————i wrote musafir. –the train went tunnel—.  –she jumped the bus.  –write the meaning of sternnous———————strong.  –write the meaning of zest—————–.great enthusiasm and energy.  – collision—————.decision.  – accumulate————–collect.  – Detrimentle—————harmful.  – rancour——————–enmity.  –sab se ziada ahadees kis sahabi se marvi hain—————hazrat abu huraira.  –sabse pelay konsi surah ki ayaat nazil huen———————alaq 5 ayaay.  –pehla gazwa konsa tha—————————–abwa..  –largest island————————–greenland..  –largest peninsula———————arabia.  –ibne insha ki wajah e shahorat——————mazha nagari.  –C R formula prepared by————————–Rajagopalachari.  –malaria parasite —————–ronald ross.  –longest(largest) organ————–liver.  –kidney disease due to overdose of——————-vitamin c.  –largest muslim country in Africa by population is——————-Nigeria.  –noble peace prize decided by—————-oslo.  –highest literacy rate among SAARC——————srilanka.  –highest per capita income among SAARC——————india.  –largest producer of oil in OPEC countries—————–saudi arabia.  –bakhtar news agency of ———————afghanistan.  –Ariana is Airline of—————Afghanistan.  –cathy pacific——————is airline.  –ITAR-TASS news agency of—————russia.  –PPI————–pakistan press international.  –share of punjab in pakistan—————25.8%.  –Head Quarter of asian development bank is in—————manila.  –security council members are——————–15.  – ibne batuta came in india from——————-morroco.  –SCOUT established by —————–Robert Powall..  –who presided wavell plan——————–lord wavell.  –ch rehmat ali coin word pakistan in———————-1933.  –8 april 1950——————–liaqar-nehru pact.  –pedagogy——————–teaching.  –fasting became farz ——————-2 hijri.  --gazwa tabook———————9 hijri.  –who wrote hudaibiya—————–Hazart Ali (R.A).  –Khufiya Tableeg—————–3 yrs.  –hijri calender kis khalifa ne start kiya————————Hazrat Umar e farooq (R.A).  –mast tawakli was poet of———————balochi.  –After USA arms exporter——————-Russia.  –Oldest Anthem—————Japan.  –Kahuta Labortries————1976.  –Arbitrator In Indus basin treaty——–worlf bank.  –pakistan joined ILO————1949.  –Rapid means————quick.  –pinpoint 1st democracy———–brittain.  –thpmas cup—————–badminton.  –nuclear power plant in pakistan with help of —————–canada.  –capital of somalia————mogadishu.  –1st punjabi poet————–baba farid.  –legnth of great wall of china—————-2400km.  –Durand line damacrated in —————–1893.  –oldest monarchy———————-japan.  –first missile——————-hatf.  – Ringitt is the currency of ——Malaysia..  –Digital computer invented by————–John atanasoff.  –decimal system introduced in pakistan on 1st january———————-1961.  –mat karo ghor o fikr zara dekho……….allama iqbal ka yeh shair konsi si kitab se hai.  --demanded by—————sir sayyed ahmad khan.  –largest natural gas producer muslim country———————-iran.  –Google is a ———- search engine.  --.What is a pentagon?Defence head office of USA.  .--meaning of “Rapid”? fast.  --celebrity” mean? famous man.  .--tea pure … cup? into.  --Who founded Attock Fort.? Babur.  --Wheere is Chandka Medical college is in? Nawab Shaha..  --which is airline of Srilanka.? air lanka.  —Who wrote Path to pakistan ———————Ch khalique zaman.  —When Fatima Jinnah Joined AIML—————1940.  —Who prepared Pirpur report ———————Raja Syed Mehdi.  —When Qaid e Azam Met M.K Gandhi 1st time—————-1916 Lucknow(CHK).  —When Non party elections held————————————1985.  —When National Anthem Approved in————————–August 1954.   —Who is seceratry of state for india in cabinet mission————————–lord pathetic lawerance. —When water accord between provinces———————-1991.  —Where Rawal dam constructed on river——————-kurrang.  —Where is Green peace head quarter——————–amsterdam.  –Doab between river ravi and Chenab called ———————-rachna.  –Bala hisar fort built by————————–babar.     –who adminsitrated th oath of prime minister to liaqat ali khan————————– Muhamad ali jinnah.. —Where copper deposits in————————chagi. —Who supported pakistan resolution from sindh province by———————-abdullah haroon. —Where is banbhore site——————-thatta.  —Where is chandka medical college———————-larkana.  —Where are artificial forest are bieng maintained in————————–changa manga,.  —Which is pakistan’s 2nd largest foreign exchange earner crop———————rice.  —When ch rehmat ali coined word pakistan in NOW OR NEVER pamphlet in ————————1933. PPSC Assistant Superintendent Jail past Paper 1. Profane means a) Unholy b) Holy c) Lovely d) Ugly 2. Gorgeous means a) Glorious b) Splendor c) Worthy d) Costly 3. Theist means a) Believer b) Sectarian c) Scholar d) Worship 4. I am ignorant______ your faults. a) of b) in c) to d) on 5. I prefer milk _______ tea. a) to b) from c) for d) with 6. He is famous ____ his honesty. a) for b) in c) of d) to 7. I am keen_____ fashion. a) to b) for c) in d) to 8. Believe ______ Allah. a) in b) on c) at d) to 9. What is time _____ your watch. a) by b) in c) to d) on 10. I shall back____ you every time. a) up b) to c) of d) down 11. Lend a hand means. a) to help b) to lend money c) to talk d) to bring 12. Null and void means. a) void by law b) valid by law c) false d) True 13. Ins and outs means. a) explanation b) Expression c) impression d) Vision 14. Turn _____ the left. a) to b) on c) to d) with 15. He is lame ______ one leg. a) of b) with c) in d) to 16. He is kind ____ me. a) to b) on c) of d)for 17. I am sure ____ my success. a) of b) on c) in d) to 18. I am fond ____ football. a) Of b) in c) for d) at 19. Give ___ smoking. a) up b) to c) in d) for 20. Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah was the conqueror of_________ Egypt (a) Yarmuk (b) Iran c) Iraq (d) None of these. 21. The first mosque built for Muslims was: (a) Quba Mosque (b) Bait-ul-Maqdas (c) Nabvi Mosque (d) None of these 22. Musailma Kazzab was killed by: (a) Khalid bin Walid (b) Wahshi (c) Hazrat Abbas (d) None of these 23. At Qadsia ________ commanded the Muslim army. (a) Saad bin Abi Waqas (b) Khalid bin Waleed (c) Ikrama (d) None of these 24. Spain was conquered by: (a) Tariq bin Ziyad (b) Mohmud Ghaznawi (c) Musa bin Nusair (d) None of these 25. Which is the 3rd Sura in Al-Quran? (a) Aal-e-Imran (b) Al-Maida (c) An_Nisa (d) None of these 26. Khilafat-e-Rashida lasted for about: (a) 60 years (b) 30 years (c) 80 years (d) None of these 27. Baghdad was founded by: (a) Harun (b) Mansur (c) Mamun (d) None of these 28. Under which Caliph, Sindh was invaded by Muhammad bin Qasim in 711 AD? a) Muawiyah b) Al-Walid I c) Abdul Malik d)None of these 29. He was the Governor – General of Indo-Pakistan before Mountbatten: a) Lord Cruzan b) Lord Wavel c) Lord Minto d) Redclif 30. Election to the First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan took place in: a) 1947 b) 1946 c) 1954 d) 1971 31. First census of Pakistan was held in a) 1950 b)1951 ) c) 1954 d) 1955 32. State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated by Quaid in. a) June 1948 b) July 1948 c) July 1948d) Dec 1948 33. “The Myth of Independence” was written by a)I.H Qurashi b) Z.A. Bhutto c) Ayub Khsn d) G.W Chudhary 34. Liaqat Nehru Pact announced at Delhi in. a) April 1951 b) April 1950 c) April 1952 d) April 1953 35. Ghlam Muhammad dissolve the Constituent assembly on: a) 26th October, 1954 b) 24th October, 1954 c) 28th October, 1954 d) 27th October, 1954 36. Simla Deputation was led by a) Liaqat Ali b) Sir Agha Khan c) Ch. Rehmat Ali d) Waqarul Mulk 37. Separate electorate was awarded to Muslims in a)1916 b) 1909 c) 1919 d) 1932 38. “Comarade” was started by a)Allama Iqbal b) Moulana Muhammad Ali c) Zafar Ali Khan d) Sir.Syed Ali Khan 39. “Zamindar” was brought about by a)Iqbal b) Zafar Ali Khan c) Moulana Johar d) Ch.Rehamat Ali 40. Moplah rising in Malabar took place in a) 1926 b) 1921 c) 1922 d) 1923 41. Chauri Chaura incident took place in a) 1919 b) 1922 c) 1920 d) 1921 42. Simon Commission was sent to India in a) 1929 b) 1927 c) 1928 d) 1930 43. Dyarchy was scrapped in a) 1916 b) 1919 c) 1912 d) 1920 44. The Peking news was the first newspaper of the world. a)Myanmar b) china c) Japan d) S.Korea 45. “Plague” is a disease, which spreads by. a)Rabbit b) Rat c) Cat d) Dog 46. Where is Kallar Kahar situated? a)Rwalpindi b) Chakwal c) Jehlum d) Dina 47. Rohtas Fort” was constructed on the bank river of Jhelum by (on Sher Shah’s order). `a)Asfhani b) Todar Mal c) Miam Mir d) Abu Al Fazal 48. The capital of Argentina is. a)Khelat b) Buenos Aires c) Peraug d) Sydney 49. “ANTARA” is the news agency of. a) Sri Linka b) Russia c) Indonesia d) Malyshia 50. The river Danube rises in which country? a) France b) Denmark c) Germany d) U.K 51. “Silk Air” is an airline of. a) Germany b) Switzerland c) Singapore d) Vietnam 52. Of where is Amman the capital? a) Oman b) Qatar c) Jordan d) Lebanon 53. Apiphobia is a fear of what? a) Darkness b) Height c) Bees d) Birds 54. What is the national airline of Russia? a) Lufthansa b) Silk Air c) Aeroflot d) Attartas 55. What was the former name for Sri Lanka? a) Sri Bhagwan Pora b) Lanka c) Ceylon d) Adamia 56. Of where is Sofia the capital? a) Azerbijan b) Seyria c) Bulgaria d)Oman 57. Great victoria desert is present in a) Uganda b) Mangolia c) Australia d) China 58. Shahnama was written by: a) Zafar Ali Khan b) Abu Al Kalam Azad c) Firdausi d) Hafeez Jalandhri 59. “Paradise Regained and Paradise Last” written by a) Jan Austen b) Tolstoy c) John Milton d) Wolpert 60. The country known as the Land of White Elephant is a) Nepal b) Bangladesh c) Thailand d) Sri Lanka 61. FORMOSA is the old name of. a) Leobnan b) Japan c) Taiwan d) Vietnam 62. The coldest planet is a) Earth b) Venus c) Neptune d) Pluto 63. Unit of work in SI units is a) Watt b) Mole c) Joule d) Newton 64. ‘Broadway Street’ is famous for a) Newspaper b) Banking c) Cinema Halls d) Stock Exchange 65. Eagle is the national emblem of a) Turkey b) France c) Spain d) Germany 66. Hygrometer is used to measure: 67. a) Pressure b) Water c) humidity d) Air 68. The writer of The Spirit of Islam is a) Molana Muhammad Ali Johar b) Allama Iqbal c) Amir Ali d) Sir. Syed Ali Khan 69. Who wrote India wins Freedom? a) G.W Chudhary b) Stonly Wolpert c) Maulana Abu’al Kalam Azad d)Amir Ali 70. War and Peace book is written by a) Wolpert b) Richerd Nixon c) Leo Tolstoy d) Jan Austen 71. Pakistan’s second Governer General and 2nd Prime Minister was? a) Feroz Khan Noon b) Sikandar Mirza c) Khawaja Nazimuddin d) Chudhary Muhammad Ali 72. Syed Ameer Ali founded Muslim League’s branch at London in. a) 1905 b) 1907 c) 1908 d) 1909 73. Hottest place is Aziziyah in, a) Mangolia b) Iran c) Libya d) Egypt 74. National emblem of Pakistan is. a) Horse b) Star c) Eagle d) Cresent 75. Length of Indus River is a) 2400 km b) 2700 km c) 2800 km d) 2900 km 76. Saiful Maluk is near a) Chitral b) Gilgat c) Kaghan d) Naran 77. Qutab Minar is in a) Lahore b) Lakhnao c) Aagra d) Delhi 78. ‘City of flowers’ is called a) Muree b) Lahore c) Quetta d) Peshawar 79. Johor strait separates Malaysia from. a) Sri Lanka b) Nepal c) India d) Singapore 80. Malacca (Indonesia) strait separates Sumatra from Malay Peninsula. It is ______________strait in the world. a) Tallest b) Smallest c) Largest d) longest 81. First battle of Panipat was fought b/w __________ and Babur in 1526. a) Sher Shah Sori b) Ghiaasu Din Tughlaq c) Behlol Lodhi d) Ibrahim Lodhi 82. _______________ links Pacific Ocean with Atlantic Ocean. a) Lyloyed Canal b) Goti Canal c)Suez Canal d) Panama Canal 83. Taklimankan is desert in. a) Afghanistan b) Iraq c) Iran d) China 84. Cathy Pacific is an airline of. a) Japan b) S.Korea c) Vietnam d) Hong Kong 85. NAM was founded in a) 1969 b) 1963 c) 1962 d) 1961 86. SAARC was formed at ___________ in December, 1985. a) Chittagong b) Karachi c) New Dehli d) Dhaka 87. Ornithology is the Study of a) Mammals b) Animal c) Bees d) birds 88. Which of the following helps in clotting of blood? a) Vitamin C b) Vitamin A c) Vitamin D d) Vitamin K 89. Current GST rate a) 15% b) 18 % c) 16% d) 17% 90. Naqsh-e-Faryadi is written by a) Altaf Hussain Hali b) Mirza Ghalib c) Habib Jalib d) Faiz Ahmed Faiz 91. Theory of Evolution is by a) Adam Smith b) Karl Marx c) Newton d) Darwin 92. CM of Baluchistan a) Muhammad Khan Achakzai b) Parveez Khatak c) Syed Mehdi d) Abdul Malik Balooch 93. Speaker of NA a) Syed Naveed Qamar b) Rana Iqbal c) Fehmida Mirza d) Ayaz Sadiq 94. Chirman Senat 95. a) Ishaq Dar b) Itazaz Ehsan c) Raja Zafrul Haq d) Niyar Bukhari 96. Chirman PCB a) Ashraf b) Muhammad Qasim c) Javed Miandad d) Najam Sethi 97. Current Minister if defense a) Ch. Nisar Ali b) Farooq Sattar c) Rana Tanveer Ul Hassan d) Nawaz Shareef 98. Who is the governor general of Punjab a) Salman Taseer b) Latif Khosa c) Mian Ahmed Mahmood d) Ch.Sarwar 99. Total district of Punjab a) 28 b) 30 c) 37 d) 36 100.Kala Bagh Dam is in which District a) Mian Wali b) Nowshehra c) Mansehra d) Chakwal Labour Officer Past Papers 1-Right of Assciation is a —————————Fundamental right 2-Name ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN was given in which constitution———–1973 3-Objective resolution made part of ———–in 1985 4-P.M tenders his resignation to——-president 5-Parliamnet consists of———NA, Senate, President 6-how many amendments have been made in the constitution ——-19 7- who appoints the governors? president 8-senate is presided ———–Chairman Senate 9-lower house of the parliament———National Assembly 10- Cheif election commissioner office term—-3years 11-fundamental rights are enforcable by——- both Supreme court & high courts 12-in 1973 constituent committee consists of parties—–All parties 13-chlid labor is prohibited under———constitution u/art 11 14-what age of child not allowed for labour——–14 years 15-National reconciliation order enacted in the year——–2007 16-Census is made after——–once in a decade 17-Most speaking language in pakistan———punjabi 18-pak afghan relation severed ———after every 10 years 19-faiz Ahmen FAiz is———a poet 20-what is sahiwal——–a Division & district of punjab 21-largest coastal line of province——-balochistan 22-in which area sui gas was discoverd first time—–sibbi,sui, 1952 23-kashmir is important because——24- another name of hatf III missile——gazdnavi 25-IAEA hearquarter———-VIENNA 26-ILO headquarter——–Geneva, switzerland 27-Egypt in which continent—–Africa 28-Al-Azhar university in which country——-egypt 29-third world countries are———backward countires 30-Solar system was discovered by——— 31- who was the discoverer of radioactivity along with Marie Curie and Pierre Curie, for which all three won the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics? Antoine Henri Becquerel from france 32-who is current Secretary General of UN——-Ban ki moon 33-Alumni meanz———–old student 34-NPT stands for—–Non Proliferation Treaty 35 RAM stands for—–Random access memory 36- Computers main part—-CPU 37-Drone is detectd by——? 38-richest source of Vit D——cod liver oil 39-Hepatitis C disease of—-Liver 40-climbing on up hilly in bent condition makes the person——tired, stable, fast his speed 41-Artificial forest of pakistan—-Changa manga 42-impact of wuller barrage on pakistan? shortage of water+shortage of energy etc 43-Umul Quran is name of —Surah Fateha 44- who was called the brain of arab? hazrat amr bin-al-ass(r.a) 45-Most hafiz e quran were martyrd in ghazwa——yamamah 46-subject of Quran———–human 47-Ayat in Surah kouser—–3 48-last khutba was dilivered by Prophet (PBUH) on mountian ——-Safa 49-Zaboor was revealed on —–Hazrat Daud AS 50-Ist constitution in the world——-Misaq e Madina 51-Hijrat Habsha was ————social boycott 52-Mutafq Alai is———hadith in Bukhari & Muslim 53-number of prisoner in jang e badar—70 54-which one of following is kind of tax——ushr n zakat 55-zakat on diamond—2.5% 56- zakat on constrution of mosque is——-not 57- Emphasis of Madni surahs was on which topic? 58-Ghzwa furqan is another name of—-ghzwa badar 59-correct word—-formidable 60-chair synonym—seat 61-No sooner is followed by—–than 62-She resembles ————-to her mother or with his sister 63-noun of the word excite——excitement 64-person unable to pay his debt———insolvent 65-he brushed ____on my arguments 66-i am sick —–of …. 67-CBA is elected through—–secret balloting 68-labour court jurisdiction 69-NIRC power 70-congniznce by labour court in dayz—-what is google? a search engine 71-what will be the next number? 3,6,5,20,7,42,9,………? 72 72-what will be the next number? 4,5,7,11….? 19 73-1sq cm is equal to how many square mm? 100 74- 1 miligram gold is equal to how many milligram? 1000 75-if the 10% length of a road is 50m what will be its total length? 500m 76-the price of an article increase by 25% , who many % price decrease to remain the same old price of article? 20% 77-The writer of awaz dost is ? mukhtar masood 78-13-blue and white nile met at? sudan 79-freedom of trade is a? fundamental right 80-We are saved from ultraviolet rays of sun through? 81-What odor is mixed in natural gas? 82-Surah Ikhlas is called …..of Quran? 83-D.M.S (digital management system) consist of ? PPSC Zilledar Past Paper 1—Who wrote Path to pakistan ---------------------Ch khalique zaman 2—When Fatima Jinnah Joined AIML---------------1940 3—Who prepared Pirpur report ---------------------Raja Syed Mehdi 4—When Qaid e Azam Met M.K Gandhi 1st time----------------1916 Lucknow(CHK) 5—When Non party elections held------------------------------------1985 6—When National Anthem Approved in--------------------------August 1954 7—Who is seceratry of state for india in cabinet mission--------------------------lord pathetic lawerance 8—When water accord between provinces----------------------1991 9—Where Rawal dam constructed on river-------------------kurrang 10—Where is Green peace head quarter--------------------amsterdam 11--Doab between river ravi and Chenab called ----------------------rachna 12--Bala hisar fort built by--------------------------babar 13--who adminsitrated th oath of prime minister to liaqat ali khan-------------------------Muhamad ali jinnah 14—Where copper deposits in------------------------chagi 15—Who supported pakistan resolution from sindh province by----------------------abdullah haroon 16—Where is banbhore site-------------------thatta 17—Where is chandka medical college----------------------larkana 18—Where are artificial forest are bieng maintained in--------------------------changa manga, 19—Which is pakistan's 2nd largest foreign exchange earner crop---------------------rice 20—When ch rehmat ali coined word pakistan in NOW OR NEVER pamphlet in------------------------1933 21--C R formula prepared by--------------------------Rajagopalachari 22--malaria parasite -----------------ronald ross 23--longest(largest) organ--------------liver 24--kidney disease due to overdose of-------------------vitamin c 25--largest muslim country in Africa by population is-------------------Nigeria 26--noble peace prize decided by----------------oslo 27--highest literacy rate among SAARC------------------srilanka 28--highest per capita income among SAARC------------------india 29--largest producer of oil in OPEC countries-----------------saudi arabia 30--bakhtar news agency of ---------------------afghanistan 31--Ariana is Airline of---------------Afghanistan 32--cathy pacific------------------is airline 33--ITAR-TASS news agency of---------------russia 34--PPI--------------pakistan press international 35--share of punjab in pakistan---------------25.8% 36--Head Quarter of asian development bank is in---------------manila 37--security council members are--------------------15 38-- ibne batuta came in india from-------------------morroco 39--SCOUT established by -----------------Robert Powall 40--who presided wavell plan--------------------lord wavell 41--ch rehmat ali coin word pakistan in----------------------1933 42--8 april 1950--------------------liaqar-nehru pact 43--pedagogy--------------------teaching 44--fasting became farz -------------------2 hijri 45--gazwa tabook---------------------9 hijri 46--who wrote hudaibiya-----------------Hazart Ali (R.A) 47--Khufiya Tableeg-----------------3 yrs 48--hijri calender kis khalifa ne start kiya------------------------Hazrat Umar e farooq (R.A) 49--allah tala ne sab se ziada apni naimato (blessings) ka izhar kis surah me farmaya hai--------------------surah rehman 50--Allah Tala ke sab se ziada ehkamaat kis surah me farmaya------------------51--nawab aye humare bhaag aye ka kiya matlab hai-------------------------------khush kismati 51--zulfien bikhraye jo woh but (idol) sar e bazar chala shor utha maar chala mauz chala what is mauz i dont know but option were i marna ii saanp (snake) iii bhihoo iv zado kob mene zado kob lihka hai. 52--israr e khudi ka english translation kis ne kiya---------------prof Nicholson 53--phoot laina ka kiya matlab hai-------------54--monh rakhna ka kiya matlab hai-------------------lahhaz rakhna 55--utha kar phaink do gali mein nai tehzeeb ke yeh andy hai gandy---------------------i wrote magrabi tehzeeb 56--greeb ki bhi hoti hai ajab subha o shaam mein greeb se kiya murad hai------------------i wrote musafir 57--the train went tunnel--58--she jumped the bus 59--write the meaning of sternnous---------------------strong 60--write the meaning of zest----------------61-- collision--------------- 62-- accumulate--------------collect 63-- Detrimentle---------------harmful 64-- rancour--------------------enmity 65--sab se ziada ahadees kis sahabi se marvi hain---------------hazrat abu huraira 66--sabse pelay konsi surah ki ayaat nazil huen---------------------alaq 5 ayaay 67--pehla gazwa konsa tha-----------------------------abwa 68--largest island--------------------------greenland 69--largest peninsula---------------------arabia 70--ibne insha ki wajah e shahorat------------------mazha nagari 71--mast tawakli was poet of---------------------balochi 72--After USA arms exporter-------------------Russia 73--Oldest Anthem---------------Japan 74--Kahuta Labortries------------1976 75--Arbitrator In Indus basin treaty--------worlf bank 76--pakistan joined ILO------------1949 77--Rapid means------------quick 78--pinpoint 1st democracy-----------brittain 79--thpmas cup-----------------badminton 80--nuclear power plant in pakistan with help of -----------------canada 81--capital of somalia------------mogadishu 82--1st punjabi poet--------------baba farid 83--legnth of great wall of china----------------2400km 84--Durand line damacrated in -----------------1893 85--oldest monarchy----------------------japan 86--first missile-------------------hatf 87-- Ringitt is the currency of ------Malaysia88--Digital computer invented by-------------John atanasoff 89--decimal system introduced in pakistan on 1st january----------------------1961 90--mat karo ghor o fikr zara dekho..........allama iqbal ka yeh shair konsi si kitab se hai91-separate eletorate 1st time demanded by---------------sir sayyed ahmad khan 92--largest natural gas producer muslim country----------------------iran 93--Google is a ---------- search engine94.When Pakistan become member of CENTO? 95.What is a pentagon?Defence head office of USA 96. meaning of "Rapid"? fast 97."celebrity" mean? famous man. 98.tea pure ... cup? into 99."shahsh (mirror) may itarana " means? Who founded Attock Fort. Babur Wheere is Chandka Medical college is in Nawab Shaha. which is airline of Srilanka. air lanka what for IPP stand for Independent Power Producers. who is First Punjabi Poet Baba Farid 6.who translate Israre Khudi Prof. Arnold nay kia. Naib Tehsildar Papers 51-Who is the first Hafiz of the Holy Quran? a. Hazrat Hamza. B.Hazarat abu baker c.Hazrat usman d.Hazrat Ali 52- last surah of Quran ? a.Yaseen b. Al-Nass c. Al- Kausar d. Al-Baqrah 53-Surah Fatiha contains ---------------aayats. a.5 b.6 c.7 d. 8 54-The major part of Quran is revealed at ? a.morning time time c.evening time 56-First complete Madni Surah is ? d.night time b.Rehman c.Baqarah . 57- Jehad was allowed in? a.1st hijrah b. 2nd hijrah 58-Qibla changed in ? c.3rd hijrah d. 8 hijrah a.10 nabvi b 1st hijrah c. 2nd hijrah 59- Imam Bukhari died In ? a.232 b.244 d.9 nabvi c.252 d.256 60-Shab-e-Barat is celebrated on the -------- night of Shuban? a.10 b.12th c.14th d.15th 61-Osama Bin Laden: Date of Death? a.1 may 2011 b.2nd may 2011 c.3rd may 2011 d.4th may 2011 62-Jacob Zuma won elections in? a-South korea b-South America c. South Africa d. Muammar 63-G-20 Summit was held at Pittsburg, USA in Sep ? a.2005 b.2007 c.2009 d.2010 64- India will hold the Common Wealth Games in ? a.2007 b.2008 c.2009 d.2010 65-Timeline of withdrawal of forces from Iraq by Obama...? a.2009 b.2010 c.2011 d.2012 66-urdu mein nazam ka bani? a.wali dakni b.Nazir akbar abadi c.akhar rayaz 67-urdu mein maktoob naveesi ka aghaz kis nay kiya ? a.sir sayed ahmad khan b.shah wali c.ghalib 68-safer dar safer ka writer kon hai? a.Bano qudsya b.faiz c. ashfaq ahmad 69-baap ka ghuna kis na likhi ? a.hakeem shuja b.ahmad fraz c.qateel shifai 70-indlas main ajnabi,khana badosh ka writer kon hai ? a.javed ahmad b.imtiaz ali taj c.mustansar hussain tarar 71-Mirza Qutub ud din Aibak nazm_____ ka juzv hai. a.Israre khudi b.hali kay khatut c. Shahnama Islam 72.----------1911 mein Sialkot mein paida hue aur lahore mein wafat payi. a.faiz ahmad faiz b. ashfaq ahmad c.qateel shifai 73-Khakim ba'dehan mein khaakon ki tadaad? a.4 b.6 c.8 d.10 74-chand ham aser mash'hoor adeebon k____hain? a.Misry b.shair c. khaakay 75-Mushtaq Ahmad yousafi ki tanz o mizaah ki____kutab hain? a.2 b.3 c.5 76-barology ? of gravitation b. study of glands c. study of life. 77-Anemometer records? a. altitudes b. velocity of wind c. humidity. 78-measures viscosity of liquids by? a. Viscometer b.Pyrometer c.Dasymeter 79-1 horse power is equal to ? a.740.7waats b.742.7waats c.745.7 watts 80-Unit of magnetic flux is Weber? a. Tesla b. Becquerel c.Farad 81-Unit of electromotive force in ? a. Watts b.unit c. Volt. 82-Sunlight is composed of --------colours? a.five b. six 83-Optical fibers work on polarization of electromagnetic? a. waves b. waves c. energy 84-Weight of proton = 1.66 x 10 power ? a. -20 b. -27 kg c. -31 kg 85- One million cycles per second is called? a. carat b. m/s c. Megahertz. 86-NTP stand for ? a.non time permanent b.not time pick c.normal temperature pressure 87-BTU stand for? a.basic time unit b. base tempal unit c.british thermal unit 88-chose the correct speling ? a.Ingenuous b. Concientiousnes. C. Honearey. 89-Akhtar was broken --------from his old friend? a.with b.of c.away. 90-Cajole ? aynonyms a.warm b.doubtful c.lure 91-If 12 years are added to 2/3 age of Rani ,she will be 3 years older then today.what is rani,s present age? a.25 b.27 c.29 92-wich number will come next. 1,2,4,8,16,---a.26 b. 28 c.32 93-insert the missing numbers? 5 ? 14 10 9 7 a.18 b.16 c.12 94-The number , whose 7% of is 21 ,is? a.500 b.400 c.300 95-10 men can construct a building in 40 days .how long will it take 20 man to do this work ? a.20days b.30 days c.40 days. 96-what is the capital of the country Barbados ? a.Lisban b.Bridgetown c.Georgetown 97-what is the currency Belgium ? A.dollar b.Ruble c.belgian franc 98-what is the name of sayria’s news agency ? a.BELGA b.SANA c.DPA 99-New Zealand discovered in ? a.1436 b.1645 c.1642 100-There are how many muscles in human body ? a.600 b.580 c.680 PPSC Paper of Food Inspector Total Questions were 100,here are some questions 1) Meaning of Taq e Nisyaan par Rakhna------Bhol Jana 2) Who wrote "Maa G" Qudra tullah shahab 3)famous for Marsiya nigari-------Meer Anees 4)Dobtay ko tinkay ka sahara------ zarb o misal 5) Who is called Saifullah------- Khalid bin Waleed 6)Where is Ghar e Kahf ------7)Allah Talla k Siffati Naam-----99 8)Islamic Economy mn reerh ki Hadi-------Zakkat 9)Where is Molana Rumi's Tomb------Turkey 10)Dehr mn Ism e Muhammad sa ujala kr day Qaut ishq sa hr past ko bala kr day --------- Iqbal 11)Ki meray Katal k baad us na jafa sa toba haye us zod e pashemaan ka pashemaan hona...... ghalib 12 Akhri Maarka of hazrat Muhammad pbuh------ Tabook 13)Adbi personality of Sialkot after iqbal------------faiz ahmed faiz 14)Year of Death of Holy Prophet pbuh------11 hijri 15)Urdu is the word of --------Turkish language 16)CPU stands for--------central processing unit 17)IMF stands for ------- International monetary funds 18)most usage of search engine is ------Google 19)Ireland's currency-----20)Nepal's currency ----- rupee 21)Australia's capital------- Canberra 22)Turkey's Capital-------- Ankara 23)Women's Quota in National Assembly-------60 24)who appointed the chief justice-------president 25)Presidential order of Manoon Husain----12 26)Allocation of seats of national assembly in provinces----- in respect of population 27)Governor Punjab-----Ch Sarwar 28)First president of Muslim league----29)who led quite India movement-----Gandhi 30)Foundation year of Muslim league----1906 31)Allama iqbal's proposal for the first time publically in ------32)Who accepted Pakistan first time------Iran 33)Before whom the national anthem was sung first time---34)Quaid's 14-points was the response of ------Nehru's report 35)meaning of anonymous-----without name 36)Who was affiliated with tehreek e khilafat------Maulana M. Ali Johar Khan 37)When did Islamabad declared capital officially-----????? not confirmed but it did 1961 38)When the natural gas did was discovered in Pakistan-----1952 39)Where is Gawadar-----Baluchistan 40)Jerusalem's important for ---------- Muslim, Christians and Jews 41)Gaza City--------- Palestine 42)Khyber pass connects ------- Peshawar to Kabul 43)International Islamic university ------- Islamabad. 44)Biggest barrage ------Sukker barrage 45)First prime minister------- Liaquat Ali Khan 46)Reuters is ------- a news agency 47) Present hijri year-------1435 48)Who presented system of basic democracies------Ayub khan 49 Opposite of gloomy-----50) Meaning of barbaric--------cruel Inspector Cooperative Socities Past Papers 1—Who wrote Path to pakistan ———————Ch khalique zaman 2—When Fatima Jinnah Joined AIML—————1940 3—Who prepared Pirpur report ———————Raja Syed Mehdi 4—When Qaid e Azam Met M.K Gandhi 1st time—————-1916 Lucknow(CHK) 5When Non party elections held————————————1985 6—When National Anthem Approved in————————–August 1954 7—Who is seceratry of state for india in cabinet mission————————–lord pathetic lawerance 8—When water accord between provinces———————-1991 9—Where Rawal dam constructed on river——————-kurrang 10—Where is Green peace head quarter——————–amsterdam 11–Doab between river ravi and Chenab called ———————-rachna 12–Bala hisar fort built by————————–babar 13–who adminsitrated th oath of prime minister to liaqat ali khan————————–Muhamad ali jinnah 14—Where copper deposits in————————chagi 15—Who supported pakistan resolution from sindh province by———————-abdullah haroon 16—Where is banbhore site——————-thatta 17—Where is chandka medical college———————-larkana 18—Where are artificial forest are bieng maintained in————————–changa manga, 19—Which is pakistan’s 2nd largest foreign exchange earner crop———————rice 20—When ch rehmat ali coined word pakistan in NOW OR NEVER pamphlet in ————————1933 21–C R formula prepared by————————–Rajagopalachari 22–malaria parasite —————–ronald ross 23–longest(largest) organ————–liver 24–kidney disease due to overdose of——————-vitamin c 25–largest muslim country in Africa by population is——————-Nigeria 26–noble peace prize decided by—————-oslo 27–highest literacy rate among SAARC——————srilanka 28–highest per capita income among SAARC——————india 29–largest producer of oil in OPEC countries—————–saudi arabia 30–bakhtar news agency of ———————afghanistan 31–Ariana is Airline of—————Afghanistan 32–cathy pacific——————is airline 33–ITAR-TASS news agency of—————russia 34–PPI————–pakistan press international 35–share of punjab in pakistan—————25.8% 36–Head Quarter of asian development bank is in—————manila 37–security council members are——————–15 38– ibne batuta came in india from——————-morroco 39–SCOUT established by —————–Robert Powall 40–who presided wavell plan——————–lord wavell 41–ch rehmat ali coin word pakistan in———————-1933 42–8 april 1950——————–liaqar-nehru pact 43–pedagogy——————–teaching 44–fasting became farz ——————-2 hijri 45–gazwa tabook———————9 hijri 46–who wrote hudaibiya—————–Hazart Ali (R.A) 47–Khufiya Tableeg—————–3 yrs 48–hijri calender kis khalifa ne start kiya————————Hazrat Umar e farooq (R.A) 49–allah tala ne sab se ziada apni naimato (blessings) ka izhar kis surah me farmaya hai ——————–surah rehman 50–Allah Tala ke sab se ziada ehkamaat kis surah me farmaya——————51–nawab aye humare bhaag aye ka kiya matlab hai——————————-khush kismati 51–zulfien bikhraye jo woh but (idol) sar e bazar chala shor utha maar chala mauz chala what is mauz i dont know but option were i marna ii saanp (snake) iii bhihoo iv zado kob mene zado kob lihka hai. 52–israr e khudi ka english translation kis ne kiya—————prof Nicholson 53–phoot laina ka kiya matlab hai————– 54–monh rakhna ka kiya matlab hai——————-lahhaz rakhna 55–utha kar phaink do gali mein nai tehzeeb ke yeh andy hai gandy———————i wrote magrabi tehzeeb 56–greeb ki bhi hoti hai ajab subha o shaam mein greeb se kiya murad hai——————i wrote musafir 57–the train went tunnel— 58–she jumped the bus 59–write the meaning of sternnous———————strong 60–write the meaning of zest—————– 61– collision————— 62– accumulate————–collect 63– Detrimentle—————harmful 64– rancour——————–enmity 65–sab se ziada ahadees kis sahabi se marvi hain—————hazrat abu huraira 66–sabse pelay konsi surah ki ayaat nazil huen———————alaq 5 ayaay 67–pehla gazwa konsa tha—————————–abwa 68–largest island————————–greenland 69–largest peninsula———————arabia 70–ibne insha ki wajah e shahorat——————mazha nagari 71–mast tawakli was poet of———————balochi 72–After USA arms exporter——————-Russia 73–Oldest Anthem—————Japan 74–Kahuta Labortries————1976 75–Arbitrator In Indus basin treaty——–worlf bank 76–pakistan joined ILO————1949 77–Rapid means————quick 78–pinpoint 1st democracy———–brittain 79–thpmas cup—————–badminton 80–nuclear power plant in pakistan with help of —————–canada 81–capital of somalia————mogadishu 82–1st punjabi poet————–baba farid 83–legnth of great wall of china—————-2400km 84–Durand line damacrated in —————–1893 85–oldest monarchy———————-japan 86–first missile——————-hatf 87– Ringitt is the currency of ——Malaysia88–Digital computer invented by————–John atanasoff 89–decimal system introduced in pakistan on 1st january———————-1961 90–mat karo ghor o fikr zara dekho……….allama iqbal ka yeh shair konsi si kitab se hai91– separate eletorate 1st time demanded by—————sir sayyed ahmad khan 92–largest natural gas producer muslim country———————-iran 93–Google is a ———- search engine94.When Pakistan become member of CENTO? 95.What is a pentagon?Defence head office of USA 96. meaning of “Rapid”? fast 97.”celebrity” mean? famous man. 98.tea pure … cup? into 99”shahsh (mirror) may itarana ” means? Who founded Attock Fort. Babur Wheere is Chandka Medical college is in Nawab Shaha. which is airline of Srilanka. air lanka what for IPP stand for Independent Power Producers. who is First Punjabi Poet Baba Farid Deputy Superintendent Jail Paper 1 which planet is earth twin? a venus b mars c uranus d naptune 2 if there is no sun colour of sky would be? a black b grey c blue d white 3 which is second highest peak of pakistan? a k – 2 b nanaga perbat c nanda devi d terch mir 4 GATT headquarter is located in? a Ganeeva b Paris c Washington 5 changed name FORMOSA is? d Hagues a singapur b taiwan c malaysia d hong kong 6 which country is called land of mountains? a france b nepal c japan d norway 7 Cyprus is ? a colony b an ice land c penisulnia d city 8 the capital of poland is? a yangon b warsaw c bern d wellington 9 Dalasi is the currency of? a france b usa c gambia d chad 10 which one is papulation day? a 11 july b 12 july c 13 july d 14 july 11 the first secertery genral of UNO is? a Thant b Trygre lie c Kurat weldone d Sandome lee 12 which country has largest army? a usa b china c france d brazil 13 The first country to launch any vehicle in space? a usa b russia c france d uk 14 The father of homoeopathy is? a Hahnemann b Honeyman c Harvey d Harmon 15 The average age of Red Blood Cells is? a 110 days b 115 days c 120 days d 130 days 16 Sharm ul Sheikh is the sea port of? a red sea b arabian sea c meditarrian sea d black sea 17 To which country president of FIFA belongs? a France b Swizarland c UK d Brazil 18 One BTU is equal to? a 10.45 jole b 10.55 jole c 10.65 jole d 10.75 jole 19 when pakistan launched its first currecy note? a 9 july 1948 b 10 july 1948 c 11 july 1948 d 12 july 1948 20 Mycology is the study of ? a Birds b Animals c Fungus d Bactaria 21 MENA is the news agency of? a Egypt b France C Iran d Netherland 22 Pakistan shares a border with China? a 805 km b 585 km c 625 km d 505 km 23 Warsak dam is located in? a Punjab b Nwfp c Sindh d Baluchistan 24 Blood contains % water? a 80 % b 90% c 60% d 70% 25 First agricultural reforms in pakistan? a 1957 b 1958 c 1959 d 1960 26 How many districts is AJK? a 9 b 10 c 11 d 12 27 Largest Fort of Pakiastan? a rani kot fort b rohtas fort c akbar for d jahangeer fort 28 blue and white nile meet at? a cairo b atbara c khartom d wad medani 29 when third battle of panipat fought? a 1761 b 1764 c 1766 d 1769 30 how many total amendmates have been made in constitution till now? a 18 b 19 c 20 d 21 31 who is the youngest player to score a test century? a salim malik b zaheer abbas d muhamamd ashrufal d ricky ponting 32 who is crruent I G of punjab police? a javid malik b abdul hameed dogar c haji habib ullah d nadeem verik 33 the largest lake of pakistan is? a sta patra lake b mancher lake c kanjeer lake d lalu sar lake 34 san and haro are the famous rivers of? a hindu kash range b potwar platue c hamalaya range d baluchistan platue 35 when Hunza became a part of Pakistan? a 1970 b 1971 c 1974 d 1976 36 Lahore to Islamabad moterway is? a 330 km b 335 km c 345 km d 365 km 37 indicate the number pakistan area wise in the world? a 33th 38 b 34th c 35th d 36th an active group lamppost is found in? a india b bangladesh c iran d brazil 39 the worlds most tea importing country is? a chaina b russia c brazil d siri lanka 40 pakistan recognized people republic of china in? a 1949 41 b 1950 c 1951 d 1952 what is per capital income of pakistan? a 1073 dollar b 1225 dollar c 1480 dollar d 1569 dollar 42 when was colombo plane established? a 1950 b 1951 c 1952 d 1955 43 when liaaqat ali khan assessinated? a 16 october 1951 b 17 october 1951 c 18 october 1951 d 19 october 1958 44 the province with largest coastlines? a punjab b baluchistan c nwfp d sindh 45 ban ki mon is from? a south africa b south korea c norway d chaina 46 for printing large designs and amges we use? a laser printer b plotter c dot matrix d line printer 47 volatile memory is? a Rom b Ram c Prom d cache memory 48 the shortest period of time is? a nanosecond b picosecond c microsecond d millisecond 49 which one of the common protocols is used for E- MAIL? a ftp 50 b ppp c html d smtp the unit that control all parts of computer is? a CU B CPU C ALU D REGISTER 51 What is the synonym of Dynamic? a energetic b strong c necessary d pure 52 what is the synonym of Granish? a to harvest b decorate c select d pressure 53 what is antonym of allure? a repulse 54 a 56 develop c entice d decoy what is the antonym of zest? a restive 55 b b callous c indifference d distaste chose the correct spellings? apilogue b apilog c apilogui d apelogue the woman threw her coat on the chair and kicked a on b off c of d in ——- her shoes? 57 he was presented ——- the keys of the city? a with b in c for d to 58 we are moving ——- to the new examination system? a to 59 i hope to be back here a month ——–? b a after 60 a over b c hence at d in c thence d before a tall order? a task dificult to perform b a big problem c a royal summon d a big demand 61 allama iqbal nay kis year main p. h . d ki degree hasil ki? a 1906 b 1907 62 hindi ya hindvi kis zuban ko kaha jata tha? a urdu b farsi c 1908 c sanskrat d 1909 d arbi 63 Urdu nasar main sab say qadeen sanaf kon c hay? a dastan b pahelee c keh makrni d afsaana 64 Urdu ka pehla naval nagar kon hay? a parm chand b kirishan chand c dipty nazir ahmad d rajab ali sarwar baig 65 Subhay zindgi kis ki tasneef hay? a 66 a 67 rashad ul khairi b sar said c hakeem muhammd ali d mulana hali allam iqbal ki shairi ka majmoa Zaboray ajam kis san main shaiya hoa? 1926 b 1927 c 1928 mirza galib kab paida hoeay? d 1929 a 1798 68 b 1805 c 1797 d 1799 Shairay mazdor kis ko kaha jata hay? a ehsan danish b josh maleh abadi c ilama iqbal d akhtar sherani 69 Mian khoji kis nawal ka mashor kirdar hay? a mirat ul aroos b hussan ka dako c firdos e barian d ajaib nama 70 Naseem hijazi ki waja shuhrat kai hay? a jasoosi nawal b romantis nawal c tarikhi nawal d afsana nagari 71 pashto zuban k sab say baray shair kon hain? a ameer karor b baba rehman c khushhal khan khatak d preshan khatk 72 Naval kis zuban ka lafaz hay? a fransisi b germon c atalvi d arbi 73 Musadas k har band main kitnay misray hotay hain? a 4 b 6 c 8 d 9 74 allama iqbal nay qaiday azam ko jo khat likhay un ki tadad kia hay? a 10 b 75 mashhoor daram shakantla kis nay likha? a kali daas 15 c 20 b parem chan d 25 c jahan aara begum d raam gopal 76 urdu ka pehla sahibay devan shair kon tha? a meer taqi meer b vali dakni c quli qutab shah d galib 77 khan ki monas batain? a begam b khanam c khatoon d khain 78 a 79 Daira ki jama kia ha? dairay b darain umid bar aana ka kia matlab hay? a ulaad hona 80 a d dairaat d dawaear b aarzoo pori hona c bohat ziada dolat milna d khushi hasal hona allam ki mashoor nazam saqi nama ki riasat k baray main hay? kashmeer b punjab c gilgat d bangal 81 Quraan majeed k kul 56 naam hain kitnay naam sifati hain? a 82 a 83 a 53 b 54 c 52 d 55 madni sorah ki tadaad kia hay? 27 b 28 c 29 d 32 abu al bashar kis nabi ko kehtay hain? Hazrat Adam b Hazrat Esa c Hazrat Noah d Hazrat Mosa 84 Hazrat Jibraeel ka zikar Quraan pak main kitni baar aaya hay? a 4 85 Umal kitab kis sorah ko kehtay hain? a 86 b 5 sorah Fateha d 7 b sorah Yaseen c sorah Rehman d sorah Ikhlas 1/4 quraan kis surah ko kaha jata hay? a Al kafiroon 87 c 6 b Al zalzalal c Al Ikhlas d Al Naas kon say sahabi ko tarjuman ul quraan kaha jata hay? a hazrat abdullah bin masood hazrat abdullah bin abi bakar b hazrat abdullah bin abaas c hazrat abdullah bin umar d 88 kitab ul aasar kis ki tasneef hay? a imam abu hanifa b imam shafi 89 a c imam tirmazi d imam malik kon si qoom 7 din or 8 raatain aandhi ki waja say tabah hoe? qumay aad b qumay samood c qumay loot d qumay shoib 90 AAP (PBUH) k nana ka kia name tha? a wahab bin abad munaf b asad bin abad munaf c wahaab bin abad munaf d sohaib bin abad munaf 91 Aalania tableeg say pehlay kitnay log muslman hoeay thay? a 30 b 35 c 40 d 45 92 Hazrat Muhammad ( PBUH) nay kab muslamano ko hijraty habsha awal karnay ka hukam dya? a 4 nabvi 93 Chand k 2 tukray karnay ka waqia kab paish aya? a 2 nabvi b 94 Islam k pehlay parcham ka rang kia tha? a Black b 5 nabvi 3 nabvi b White c 6 nabvi d c 4 nabvi d c Yellow 7 nabvi 5 nabvi d Blue 95 Aap (PBUH) ka last Gazwa kon sa tha? a tabook b khandaq c ahzab d moota 96 Namazay Juma main Imam k siwa kitnay log honay chaheay? a 97 2 b 5 c 10 d 12 Gold ka nisab ay zakat grams main kitna hay? a 86.48 gram b 87.48 gram c 88.48 gram d 89.48 gram 98 a 99 a woman k kafan ki kitni sheets hoti hain? 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 sulah hudabia main jang bandi kitnay arsay k leay thi? 5 years b 10 years c 15 years d 20 years 100 Shahadat k waqat Hazrat Ali A.S ki age kitni the? a 63 years b 64 years c 65 years d 65 years Assistant Food Controller Paper 1. Which was Populous city of Pak at the time of creation 1947? 2. Who produce film on Quaid “Jinnah”? 3. Punjab Govt. installing Coal project with China at? 4. What is meant by FIQAH? 5. What is meant by INFAQ? 6. Who won last FIFA world cup? 7. Real name of Ibn-e-Safi? 8. Who wrote book “Jinnah to Zia”? 9. Shikwa or Jawab-e-Shikwa Iqbal ki kis book me he? 10. Think and Grow Rich is written by? 11. Second five year plan? 12. Last Umayyad Caliph was? 13. Headquarter of International Court of Justice? 14. Dick Cheney was the? 15. In 1909 which reforms were presented? 16. Where all RTC were held? 17. Where Quaid presented his 14 points? 18. Isa rul Sanadid wrote by ? 19. A tale of two cities related to? 20. Who was reltated to Russian revolution? 21. Which country head visit to Pakistan first? 22. Mountbaten succeeded by ? 23. Alexander the great invasion of india? 24. Davis cup is related to which game? 25. Pak won T20 in? 26. Who offered to become granter in Kashmir Issue recently? 27. China became independent country in? 28. Shikra famous for? 29. Which give portents? 30. Who is Jeo Baiden is ? 31. Ibrahim Lincon was the President of USA? 32. OIC 2nd summit in Pakistan? 33. Who got Lenin award? 34. Major object of Pak foreign Policy? 35. Best fore-import commodity item of Pakistan? 36. Largest industry of Pakistan? 37. Pakistan Only Voice President? 38. How many years Holly Prophet SAW spend in Makka? 39. Badar took place in? 40. Longest Surah in Quran? 41. First reveled Surah of Quran? 42. Urdu ki pehly nassri kitan? 43. Pakistan Purchase Gawadar from? 44. Captan cook was? 45. Accra is the capital of? 46. Currency of Australia? 47. Al Fateh-al-Sisi is is General of? 48. Faormusa is old name of? 49. Aung Sang Sui is leader of ? 50. Mayanmar is new name of ? 51. Abdullah bin Muhammad is the president of? 52. First women prime minister of World? 53. Union Jack is the flag of? 54. Which country celebrating 60ht victory against USA on 26 july 2013? 55. 1 trillion is equal to? 56. Abdullah Husaain Urdu k mashor? 57. How many articles for Muslims? 58. America Leavs Afghanistan in? 59. Russia Afghan War ended through? 60. Pakistan signed first agreement with USA? 61. KBG is the secret agency of? 62. Law of gravity by? 63. Capital of Morocco? 64. First translation of the Quran in which language? 65. First Urdu translation of Quran by? 66. Who collected the most Ahadees? 67. Last Month of Islamic calendar? 68. Ushar means? 69. Which is minimum worth of usher on well-irrigated land? 70. Vir Chakra is the highest military award of? 71. Wrong spelling72. Point the Finger to someone treated as? 73. Antonym described? 74. Meteorology is the study of? 75. Fort Bala Hassar is situated in? 76. National flower of Pakistan? 77. Which is human rights organization? 78. Who was the founder of Khaksar Tehreek? 79. Heathrow is the airport of? 80. India wins freedom written by? 81. Sind Tas agreement? 82. Largest building of the world? 83. Toba Tek Singh kis ne likhi? 84. Al Razi was a? 85. Animosity means? 86. Green eyed means? 87. One who always looks at the bright side of things called? 88. Majlis ia a Parliament of? 89. Which continent is most populated? 90. Zaboor revealed on? 91. Hyde Park related to? 92. Leading the day? 93. Pehla Sahb-e-Diwan Shair? 94. En me Zarbul Misal konsi he? 95. En Books me se kon si Fraz Ahmad Fraz kin he he? 96. Who called the Keats of Urdu poetry? 97. Meanings of Proletarian? Social Security Officer Paper 1. Battle of plasssey fought in?1757 2. Quaid-e- Azam resigned from Congress in? 1920 3. Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim League in?1913 4. Why Quaid-e-Azam asked for direct action day? 5. Founding Objective of Muslim League was? 6. Arya Samaaj was founded in? 7.Pakistan became UNO member in? 30 sep 1947 8. Who is foreign Minister of Pakistan?Hina Rabbani Khar 9. Shortest period of Governor General in Pakistan was of? 10. Name of Governor General after Nazim-ud-Din?ghulam muhammad 11. Boundary line b/w Pakistan and Afghanistan called?Durand Line 12. Which country is in East of Pakistan?India 13. Founder of Muhammadan educational conference in 1881? Syed Ahmed Khan 14. Who was viceroy at time of partition of Bengal? Lord Curzon 15. First Constitution of Pakistan was made in?23 March 1956 16. Highest civil award of Pakistan? Nishan-e-Pakistan or tamgha e jurat 17. Anjuman-i-Hamayat-i-islam was established in ? 1884 18. Liquat Nehru Pact? 8th April 1950 19. Mohenjodaro located in? Sindh 20 (a) Punjab (b) Sindh(c) Baluchistan (d)NWFP 21. fourteen Points was presented by Jinnah?1929 don’t remember exact date 22. Who was chairman of the Indo-Pakistan Boundary Commission? Sir Cyril Radcliffe 23. National Flower of Pakistan? Jasmine 24. National Animal of Pakistan? markhor GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 25. Gorbachev was the president of which country?USSR 26. UNO formed in? 24 oct 1945 27. Longest river of world? Nile 28. Largest Desert of world?Sahara 29. Largest island of world?Greenland 30. Largest ocean of world?Pacific Ocean 31. Capital of Argentina?Buneos Airus 32. Capital of Australia?Canberra 33. Nairobi is Capital of ?Kenya 34. Currency of Indonesia? Sen 35. Riyal is currency of? Saudi Arabia 36. CPU is abbreviation of? Central Processing Unit 37. UK stands for?United Kingdom 38. NATO stands for? NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION 39. ATM stands for? AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINE 40. Who wrote “Hayat Javeed”? biography of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan by Altaf Hussain Hal 41. Who wrote “Hamlet”? shakes pear 42. Who wrote “Paradise Lost”? John Milton 43. Who is writer of “Old man and the Sea”? earnest Hemingway 44. Shakespeare was a Writer of which Century? 16th Century 45. Who led Pakistani Cricket Team in World Cup 2011?Shahid Afridi 46. Old name of Myanmar? Burma 47. Spain literally mean? 48. (a) Rabbit (b) lion (c) lord (d) land of rabbits 49. Lionel Messy is a famous player of? (football) 50. Pakistan lies of the tropic zone of?North (a) South (b) West (c) East (d) North west 51. When Barack H. Obama was awarded with Noble Prize for peace? 2009 52. Cusec is unit for ? water level 53. Light Year is unit of? Distance 54. Who presented Law of Falling Bodies? Einstein 55. One Horse Power is equal to ___ watts? 746 56. Cathay Pacific is an airline of? Honkong 57. Which city lies in two continents?istanbul 58. which city is called city of canals? Venice 59. Only country within country? Vatican city 60. Boxing day is observed on in Australia? 26th Dec 61. How many Bons are in a human body? 206 ENGLISH (Antonyms) 62. Entice Repel 63. Mettle 64. Microcosm Macrocosm 65. Absurd 66. Modicum small amount (synonym) 67. imperious 68. Luxuriant 69. Memorable worth remembering 70. Impose enforce 71. (Prepositions) 72. Conscious of 73. Comply with 74. Conferred with 75. Deaf to 76. Daily exercise is beneficial _for________ health. (Correct the spellings) 77. (a) Schedule (b) 78. schizophrenia 79. We __were_____ waiting for two hours. (a) have been (b) was (c) had (d) 80. We ___visited_______ them yesterday. (a) will meat 81. see that __he will______ come in meeting. Islamiat 82. In beliver of mother, who is called “Umm-ul-Miskeen”?[Hazrat Zainab 83. In believer of mother, who is called “Tahirah”?…Hazrat Khadija (R.A) 84. Who was called Sword of Allah? Hazrat khalid bin waleed 85. Who built the kaaba for the first time? {Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)} 86. How old was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) when his mother died? (6 Years) 87. What is the name of the first mosque of Islam? (Masjid-e-Quba) 88. Which is the first Surah of Quran? (Surah Fatiha) 89. Total number of Chapters and verses in Quran? (30 chapters 6666) 90. How many Makki Surahs are there in Qur’an? (86) 91. How many sons Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S) had other than Hazrat yousaf (A.S)?11 92. Which important event mentioned in the quran occured one year before hijrah in makkah? (Miraj) 93. How many prophets are mention in Holy Quran? (25) 94. Name of the sixth kalimah? (Raddi Kufar) 95. Who was the commander of the infidels in Battle of Uhd? (Abu Sufyan) 96. The famous book of Fiqh ” Kitab-ul-Kharaj” was written by? 97. When the truce of Hudaibiya took place? 98. How many Asma-Al-Husna in last two verse of sura ” Al-Hashe”? (10) 99. ayat of Quran confirm the Islam Religion is a complete religion? (Surah Nahal) 100. Important event occur in 2 hjiri in Ramadan?ghazwa badar Inspector Cooperative Socities Past Papers 1.Where is kalabagh dam?on the Indus River at Kalabagh in Mianwali District 2.What was profession of fatimah Jinnah?dentist 3.when did Quaid e Azam joined Muslim Leaguel.?1913 4.Who is the president of India? Pertiba patil 5.IMF stands for? International monetary fund 6.GDP stands for? Gross Domestic Product 6.Where is head quarter of World Bank? Washington, DC 7.Where is Mohammad ali Gohar buried in? born in england and burried in Jerusalem(Baitul-Maqdus 8.Which country is in the north of Pakistan?...china 9.Pakistan major export is? cotton 10.Which is location of pakistan in asia regiön? south 11.Which is current Hijri year? cuurent 1433 AH 12.Safar taif mn hazur pak k sath kon sy shabi thy? zaid bin haras 13.Quran pak mn kis sahabi ka zikar h? zaid bin haras 14.Najashi k samnay kis sahabi ny taqreer ki? jafar tayyar 15.Where is wambildon tanis ground? england 16.How many seats in senate of pak? 104 17.Sad berg k writer ka name? sad barg, khusbo, parween shakar 18.Qurtaba ka qazi k writer ka name? imtiaz ali taj 19.Bait ul muqadas kis k dor mn fateh howa? hazrat umar 20.Gawadar kis province mein hai? Balochistan 21.Namaz e Juma kab farz hua? 1hijri 22.What is the Length of costal high way?771km 23.What is meaning of commence? begin 24.What is Renewable Source of energy? 25.Peyam-e-Mashriq written by? Allama iqbal 26.Dobtay ko Tenkay ka sahara Mohawra or zarbul missal? Zirbul misal 27.Shikwa poem of Iqbal is contained in which book? Bang e dara 28.Comrade news paper issued by?Muhammad ali johar 29.Most conductor of electircity iron/silvr/coper?coper 30.Vitaman which is taking from Sun light?D 31.Largest islamic country by Populatin is?Indonesia 32.No of Haroof-e-Muqatiyat are?29 33.Duration of Khalfat-e-rashida?30 years 34.How much Light speed is greater than sound speed?greater 35.inflation means? 36.Which is the famous city in the world?shanghai 37.Indus water treaty held in?1960 38. 18 is 75% of what ? 39. 20 boys and 28 girls find the percentage of girls ? 40. What percentage of 12 of 3 ? 41. What is word meaning of industrious? 42.It is 5 o clock watch? by. 43.He is blind ............. one eye?of 44.He is agreed ...... .. my proposal? to 45.10 3/7 is equal to ? 46) Kisi Ki Khas Wasaf Ki bina per usy kia Kehty Hain ?kuniat 47.Where is 10 Downing Street ? England PM David Cameron's home 48.All-India Muslim League founded at? DHAKA in 1906 49.Constipation (Kabaz), caused by? fiber deficiency. 50) Pitras Bukhari Ki Waja e Shorat?Mizah Nigari 51.Where is located Gomal university ?DI khan 52.Who was last viceroy of Hindustan?lord mount baten 53.Rasool Allah ki wafat kn se hijri ma hui?11hijri 54.Hazrat ibrahim a.s ka laqab? 55. .26divide 100= 103) Meaning Of "Tazbazab" 57.Fiscal year of pak : July 1 – June 30 58.Jews kis jaga zeyada rahty thy?taif 59.Pakistan's cultivated area?27% 60. What is the largest barrrage of Pakistan? Sakkhar 61.1st chief justice of pak? mian abdul Rashid 62.Pak joined UN in ? 1947 63. 8445 round off in 1000? 64) 2nd Round Table Conference Was Held In ?london 65) Tehzeeb Ul Ikhlaq Written By ?sir syed ahmad khan 66) Largest Employement Is In Which Sector ?agriculture 67) Largest industry ?cotton textile 68) Population Of Pakistan ?18 kror 69) Khyber Pass Connects Peshawar With ?kabul 70) who is Opposition Leader ?ch.nisar ali 71) Baba Farid Ganj Shakr Was Buried In ?pakpatan 72) Bhasha Dam IS In Which Provinc?Northern areas skrdu 73) Largest Food Crop OF Pakistan ?wheat 74) City, Famous For Handicraft And Glazed Pottery ?sialkot 75) Holes In Ozone Layer In Which region ?antarktica 76) Pakistan's Economy FAce Decline Due To ?all of abbove 77) Largest Industry of Pakistan ? 78) Largest City Of the World By population ?tokyo 79) Wrongly Spelt Nusrery, Liberery, Secondary, Primary 80) Begger, Liar, Controller, ....., 81) Tournament, Ornament, Goverment, Refreshment, 82) Parfect, Select, defect,....., 84) Enormous Means ? 85) Opposite Of Contract ? 86) Uncharged Particle Of Atom ?neutron 87) Speed Of Sound is..............Than Light ? 88) 5448 Rounded Off Nearest 1000 Is ? 89) If 42% of 550 Student Wish To go To College.How Many Wish To Attend The College ? 91) 3% of 12 is ? 92) A rectangle whose length is 16cm And Breadth 3cm, Its Total Area ? 93) In Mein Se "zarbul Misal" Kaunsi Hai i) eid KA Chand ii) Bhudi Ghodi Lal lagam (iii)Doobty Ko tinky Ka Sahara (iv)Apne Monh Mian Mithu? 94) Ghawaze Furqan kisy Kehty Hain ?ghazwa badar 95) Hijrat K Waqt Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W k Sath Kaun Tha ?hazrat abu bakar 96) Jid Ul Anbia Kinhuen Kehty Hain ?hazrat ibrahim 97) Pehli Wahi Me Total Kitni Ayat utrien ?5 98) Wibledon Grounds Are in ?england 99) Maximum Energy Is Given By Which Food Component ? 100) To Operate Copmuter Command given in Desired Way is Called ? PPSC DZO Past Paper 1- Minsk is the capital of? Belarus 2-baht is the currency of? Thailand 3-currency note 1st time used by? China 4-earth revolves around the sun from? West to east 5- The name of world highest waterfall is? Angel 6- Johor strait situated between? Malaysia and Singapore 7- Malacca strait situated between? Malysia & Indonesia 8- Karakum desert located in? Turkmenistan 9- Fleet street is famous for? newspapers 10-Sikandry Azam belong to which country? Macedonia 11-philately is the science of? stamp collection 12-smallest country of the world? Vatican 13-how many kg’s in one metric ton? 1000 14-one square foot is equal to? 144 sq inches 15- hydrometer is used for? specific gravity of liquid 16- which vitamin easily prepared in body? vitamin D 17- scurvy is due to lack of? (vitamin c) 18-which gas is commonly used in balloons? helium 19-the most abundant element in earth curst is? Oxygen (O)46.6% 2021- world oldest parliament is? Althing of Iceland 22-seattle is the seaport of? u.s.a 23-land of midnight sun is? Norway 24- land of free people is? Thailand 25- the lowest rainfall area in Pakistan is? nokhundi 26- Interfax is the news agency of? Russia 27- Heathrow is the seaport of? London 28- agro based industry is? poultry, fishery, livestock 29- Stonehenge is in? England 30- largest producer of uranium is? Canada 31- Nikke is the stock exchange of? Tokyo 32- which country is situated below the sea level? Netherlands 33-sharmusheikh is the seaport situated on? red sea 34-wheel is the symbol of? progress 35- who was the painter of Mona Lisa? Leonardo Davinci 36- one horse power is equal to? 746 watt 37-which of the following gas used in fire extinguished? carbon dioxide 38-gulam Muhammad barrage is on? Indus river 39- head marala is on? Chenab 40- Neza e Sultan is an extinct volcano located in Chagai District, Baluchistan, have deep resources of? sulfur 41- old citizen day celebrated on? 1st October 42- in which sea Cyprus present? Mediterranean 43- yellow sea is situated between? china/Korea 44- the largest nuclear plant is located at? ?????????????????????????????????? 45- which colour phosphorus used in matches? red 46- which gas is used in electric bulb? argon 47- oldest known element? copper 48- which shape of carbon used in lead pencils? graphite 49- basic component of all acid is? hydrogen 50- artificial silk is called? rayon 51- basic component of wood is? paper 52- where Darwin port? Australia 53- bar is the unit of? pressure 54- light year is the unit of? distance 55- famous library ?????????????????????? 56-lion is the emblem of? Sri Lanka 57-temple tree house is the official residence of? pm of Sri Lanka 5859-ping pong is the name of which game? table tennis 60- normal heart beat of adult is? 72-80 61-which gas is lightest? hydrogen 62-the important impact of inflation? decrease the value of currency 63-smallest ocean is? Arctic 64- longest land boundary between two countries? u.s.a and Canada 65-cortes is the parliament of? Spain 66- who many time the world zakat come in Quran? 82 67- who many time the word zakat come in Quran with namaz? 32 68- 7th month of Islamic calendar? rajab 69- when the complete orders among zakat announced? 9 hijra 70-sharia announced who many kind of people who are able to get zakat? 8 71-in which sura the orders of zakat described? sura tuba 72-four classes of zakat payer? metals, trading goods, animals, agriculture products 73-who is the writer of kitabul khiraj? imam Abu Yusuf 74-zakat derived from tazkiya meaning? to purify 75-the time period of tehsil committee member is? 3 years 76- which section of constitution of Pakistan gives protection of zakat council? ???????????????????????????????? 77- district zakat committee created under which section ? 16 78- who mange the account of federal zakat council? administrative general 79-auditor general gives his report to? parliament 80-total members of local committee? 9 81-when zakat ordinance promulgated? 20 June 1980 82-zakat is applicable on who many goats? 40 83- the usher of artificial land is? 1/20 84- the usher of natural land is? 1/10 85-the criteria of chairman of central council ex or in service judge of supreme court 86- who many women members in federal council? 2 87-administrator general is also? sectary of religious affairs 88- which people cannot get zakat? parents, children, etc 89- who appointed district chairman? provincial council 90-the people who collect zakat are called? ameeleen 91-mualafatil quloob are? new and needy Muslim 92- what meant of d-day? day upon which some significant event will occur or has occurred PPSC Lecturer Pakistan Studies Mcqs Paper 2015 1. Glaciers in Karakorum Range? Siachen 76 Km, Biafo 63 Km and one other. 2.Which ancient city was discovered by archaeologists in 1955. Kot Diji 3. Babusar Pass connects? Abbotabad & Gilgit 4. Who led Cabinet Mission Plan? Pathek Lawrance 5. The length of Makran Coastal Highway? 653 Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet . (1 x 20=20) COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FORRECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BS-17UNDERTHE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 2011ISLAMIAT (i)Mention the religious book(s) of Buddhism:(a)Weena Pataka(b)Sata Pataka(c)Abhi Dhaman Pataka(d)All of these(e)None of these(ii)What was thereligion of the majority of the Arabs before Islam?(a)Buddhism(b)Jewish(c)Idolatrous(d)Christianity(e) None of these (iii)Name of the son of Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S) whose off-springs are the Jews. (a)Tibrani(b)Yahooda(c)Ishaq (A.S)(d)Yousaf(A.S)(e) None of these (iv)Which book is called Old Testament?(a)Zuboor(b)Torait(c)Injeel(d)Quran(e) None of these (v)What was the total number of idols which were fixed around the Kaaba? (a)260(b)360(c)460(d)560(e) None of these (vi)Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was born about three thousands years, after:(a)Hazrat Ismaeel (A.S)(b)Hazrat Ibraheem (A.S)(c)Hazrat Moosaa (A.S)(d)Hazrat Eessaa (A.S)(e)None of these(vii)Who suggested name "Ahmad" for the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?(a)Hazrat Abdul Mutlib(b)Hazrat Abu Talib(c)Hazrat Abdullah(d)Hazrat Hamza (R.A)(e)None of these(viii)When Hazrat Umer (R.A) embraced Islam?(a)600 A.D(b)608 A.D(c)612 A.D(d)616 A.D(e)None of these(ix)Zou-Shadatain is title of Hazrat:(a)Khuzaima bin Sabit (R.A)(b)Huzaifa bin Yaman (R.A)(c)Ammar bin Yasir (R.A)(d)Ahmad bin Hanbal(e)None of these(x)Which country is known as the "land of prophets"?(a)Iraq(b)Saudi-Arabia(c)Palestine(d)syria(e)None of these(xi)What is Tahleel?(a)Recitation of 4th Kalima(b)Recitation of 3rd Kalima(c)Recitation of 2nd Kalima(d)Recitation of 1st Kalima(e)None of these ISLAMIAT Page 2of 2 PART-IINOTE : (i)PART-II is to be attempted on separate Answer Book. (ii)Attempt ONLY FIVEquestions from PART-II. All questions carry EQUAL marks.(iii)Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered. (xii)Name the 8th month of Islamic Calendar.(a)Rabi-ulAwal(b)Rajab(c)Ramzan(d)Shaban(e)None of these (xiii)9th Zil-Hajja is also called:(a)Yaum-e-Arfat (b)Waquf-e-Arafat(c)Yaum-e-Mina (d)Waqufee-Mina(e)None of these (xiv)Name the 1st man who issued regular order to collect and write Ahadis:(a)Hazrat Umer bin Khattab (R.A)(b)Hazrat Usman bin Affan (R.A)(c)Hazrat Ali bin Abu TAlib (R.A)(d)Hazrat Umer bin Abdul Aziz (R.A)(e)None of these (xv)The duration of third period of the compilation of Hadis is:(a)171 to 220 A.H.(b)171 to 221 A.H(c)171 to 222 A.H.(d)171 to 223 A.H.(e)None of these (xvi)Surah Hajj consists of 10 Rukus and _____ Ayats.(a)70(b)75(c)78(d)82(e)None of these (xvii)Surah Saba is:(a)Makki(b)Madni(c)Iraqi(d)Makki and Madni(e)None of these (xviii)Who considered the Quran as the creature of Allah? (a)Khawarji(b)Mo,atazila(c)Shami(d)Kufi(e)None of these (xix)To which tribe did Hazrat Khalid-bin-Waleed (R.A) belong?(a)Banu Ummayya(b)Banu Asad(c)Banu Zuhra(d)Banu Makhzoom(e) None of these (xx)Which sahabi was died in the hands of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the battle of Uhad? (a)Hazrat Haris-bin-Haris (R.A)(b)Hazrat Haris-bin-Azima (R.A)(c)Hazrat Haris-bin-Hassan (R.A)(d)Hazrat Haris-bin-Hakeem (R.A)(e)None of these Ministry of Defence Assistant Director(BPS-17) Mcqs Past Paper 01. The commander of English Army in 1857 war? Sir John Shore 02. In 1857 war at Jhansi the fight was led by whom? Rani Laxmi Bai 03. Viscount Canning appointed viceroy of Sub-continent? 1856 04. The revolt of 1857 started first ? Meeruth 05. The first bullet fired of 1857 ? 29th March 06. Who fired first bullet in 1857 war in Barik Pur city? Mangal Panday 07. Mangal Panday was executed by British on? April 18, 1857 08. In 1861 which Act was passed ?Indian Council Act 09. War of independence took place in ?1857 10. Reign of Lord Canning was from ? 1856-1862 11. A flaming splinter is thrust into a bottle of Oxygen, a bottle of Nitrogen, and a bottle of carbon dioxide. The Flame will go out in ??? Nitrogen and Carbon dioxide but not in oxygen. 12. As we climb up mountain, the atmospheric pressure will ? Decrease 13. Lead Ball falls through water more slowly than through air because? Of the viscous force in water 14. Water cannot be used to extinguish fire caused by electric current because? It may cause another short circuit. 15. In diesel engines ignition takes place by? Compression 16. Cloudy Nights are warmer because ? Clouds prevent radiation of heat 17. If we go to Himalayas, we feel breathless because? The density of air is much less on the hills so Oxygen content is reduced 18. Which sets of colour combinations is added in colour vision in T.V? Red Green & Blue. 19. A train goes past a railway station at a high speed. A young boy standing on the edge of platform is likely to ? Fall towards the Train. 20. Food is cooked quickly in a pressure cooker because? Boiling point of water is increased 21. A pressure cooker reduces cooking time because ? B.P of water inside the cooker is increased. 22. In an earthen pot cooling of water depends upon? Outside temperature and Wind. 23. In deserts clouds do not precipitate because of ? Low Humidity 24. Water helps in the metabolism process in the presence of ? Enzymes 25. An adult requires how many proteins daily? 50-100 grams 26. Calcium content is maximum in ? Maize 27. Proteins are required to make which of the followings? Antibodies, Hormones and connective tissues. 28. The proteins are made in the cells under the instructions of ? Genes 29. Lipids are obtained from ? Both plant and animal sources. 30. What does make the blood look Red? Haemoglobin Assistant Superintendent Jail Mcqs Past Paper KPK PSC 1. Oldest parliament 2. Chengwadae (Blue House) is official residence of 3. Last Afghan King was M Zahir shah 4. Chennai old name Madras 5. Oldest organization among these OIC, SAARC, D 8, ECO 6. Likud and Kadima parties Israel 7. Freedom in exile author Dalai Lama 8. Holland Parliament name 9 Naira is currency of Nigeria 10 Kip is currency o Laos 11 Cabinet missions negotiated with 12 Radcliff submitted partition formula to 13 Lucknow pact conceived by 14 2nd oic conference held In Lahore 15 Gen yaha hold elections in 1970 16 Gulab singh sold Kashmir on 75 lac rupees 17 in 1946 election AML won 90% seats in central assembly 18 Act 1919 is based on Chelmsford report 19 Simla deputations met with viceroy 20 cabinet mission plan headed by 21 moplah rebellion took place in Malabar 22 1st movement against British in India 23 cripss mission proposed dominion status or india 24 Vernacular press act passed by 25 UK PM in 1857 26 Syed book on similarity between Islam and Christianity 27 Sur syed became chief judge in 1846 28 sir syed started job as 29 Indian king who requested napoleon to help him in ousting British 30 1st bengal Governer general 31 babar laid foundation of mughal empire by defeating 32 who was a slave b4 he became a king …balban, iltimush, all of these 33 delhi sultanate ended due to invasion o 34 sultan who spread network of canals feroz shah tughlaq 35 ameer khesro was contemporary of all except……allaudin khilji, balban, iltimush 36 fouundation o 1st Turkish kingdom in india 37 ist muslim ruler in india 38 Prepostions Engilsh Parted from 39 no mineral to speak of 40 rains have set in 41 he is neglectful in his duties 42 he took offence in my remarks 43 take pride in 44 piety makes against happiness 45 give away prizes 46 train bound for Karachi’ 47 put out the light 48 seeking for wealth 49 subsequent upon 50 affection for grandchildren 51 addicted to 52 acquitted to (with charge of murder) 53 servant attending on him 54 deal in equal justice 55 broke off in middle of speech its broke down 56 abide by 57 good at French 58 writing essay with blue ink 59 complains of headache 60 who are Sahibain Abu Yusuf and Imam Shaibani 6 1 Zulqarnain is mentioned in Surah Saf 62 Hazrat Umar appointed as custodian of baitul maal 63 Bismillah comes twice in surah Namal 64 mashar ul haram is muzdalifa 65 qurbani is carried out in Mina 66 Istilam is kiising of Hajr e aswad 67 Gathering at Arafat is on 9th Zilhuja 68 Miraj took place from Makkah 69 suez canal connects red sea with mediterrian sea 70 Silicon Valley is in California 71 ist nobel winner from south asia rabindar nath tagore 72 saloos quran is sura baqara 73 country below sea level is UK, netherland, turkey , Italy 74 Primary colors are red, blue, green 75 battle of waterloo was fought In present day Belgium 76 pious calipath lasted for 30 years 77 salisbury is old name of Harare 78 malfunctioning of which organ causes diabetes liver, spleen or pancreas English 1. Loathe: Hate 2. Loath: Unwilling 3. Incite: Encourage or stir up 4. Insight: Understanding 5. Emand: 6. Amend: Changes 7. Hue: Colour 8. Hew: Grass (which is wrong) 9. Loan: Debut 10. Lone Solitary 11. Metal A metal 12. Mettle Spirit 13. Feign Pretend 14. Fain 15. Averse Opposed 16. Adverse Detachment 17. Industrious Hardworking 18. Industrial Related to Industry 19. Immoral Not moral 20. Unmoral Disconcerned 1Thick-Skinned: insensitive 2 Hand and Glove 3 Prime of Life: Youth 4 By Dint of: By means of 5 All in rage 6 steal the show: Best 7 Carried the Day: won 8 In the lurch 9 Get Behind: support 10 Hard and Fast: Strict 11 Spoke in the wheel: Obstruct Islamiat 1. Camel of the Prophet: Qaswa 2. Shortest term as Caliph: Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) 3. Longest term as Caliph: Hazrat Umar Bakr (R.A). (Hazart Usman (R.A) 4. When Did nimaz declared Faraz? Miraj 5. Aam ul Hizn, year of Grief? 10th Nabavi 6. who was Warqa bin Naufal? Christian 7. what happened on 13th Nabavi? ….. 8. Quran revealed on? Laila tul Qadar 9. Name of the First Ghazwa? Abwa 10. After how long Hazrat Yaqoob and Hazrat Yousaf met? 40 years 11. Number of years in prison by Hazrat Yousaf? 12. Who was the companion at the Hijrat? Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) 13. Who were Ashab as suffah? Muhajirs near masjid nabawi 14. Which Prophet had the Miracle to cure the Leprosy? Hazrat Isa (A.S) KPK PSC Assistant Superintendent Jail Past Paper Islamiat 1. Camel of the Prophet: Qaswa 2. Shortest term as Caliph: Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) 3. Longest term as Caliph: Hazrat Umar Bakr (R.A). (Hazart Usman (R.A) is the right answer) 4. When Did nimaz declared Faraz? Miraj 5. Aam ul Hizn, year of Grief? 10th Nabavi 6. who was Warqa bin Naufal? Christian 7. what happened on 13th Nabavi? ….. 8. Quran revealed on? Laila tul Qadar 9. Name of the First Ghazwa? Abwa 10. After how long Hazrat Yaqoob and Hazrat Yousaf met? 40 years (i am wrong i doubt) 11. Number of years in prison by Hazrat Yousaf? 5 12. Who was the companion at the Hijrat? Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) 13. Who were Ashab as suffah? Muhajirs near masjid nabawi 14. Which Prophet had the Miracle to cure the Leprosy? Hazrat Isa (A.S) English 1. Loathe: Hate 2. Loath: Unwilling 3. Incite: Encourage or stir up 4. Insight: Understanding 5. Emand: 6. Amend: Changes 7. Hue: Colour 8. Hew: Grass 9. Loan: Debut 10. Lone Solitary 11. Metal A metal 12. Mettle Spirit 13. Feign Pretend 14. Fain 15. Averse Opposed 16. Adverse Detachment 17. Industrious Hardworking 18. Industrial Related to Industry 19. Immoral Not moral 20. Unmoral Disconcerned Following were the idioms asked 1Thick-Skinned: insensitive 2 Hand and Glove 3 Prime of Life: Youth 4 By Dint of: By means of 5 All in rage 6 steal the show: Best 7 Carried the Day: won 8 In the lurch 9 Get Behind: support 10 Hard and Fast: Strict 11 Spoke in the wheel: Obstruct PUNJAB PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION WRITTEN EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS OF TEHSILDARS (BS-16) IN BOARD OF REVENUE PUNJAB-2012 SUBJECT: General Knowledge Paper Dated:28-12-2012 TIME ALLOWED--TWO HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS--100 Note. Total Questions were 100,,,these are recalled questions 1. On which river Warsak dam is built? 2. Which is Oldest democracy of the world? 3. Pedagogy is the study of? 4. Largest glacier of Pakistan is? 5. “the politics” written by? 6. Who was Founder of “Scout movement”? 7. How many times Pakistan become member of UN security council? 8. What is Meaning of “kerb”? 9. Which country has highest per capita income in SAARC? 10. Which country has highest literacy rate in SAARC? 11. 2nd largest weapon exporter in world after USA? 12. All india constitution committee in 1907 was headed by? 13. Who help Muhammad Ali Jinnah to formulate his 14 points? 14. In 1935 act, India was divided in how many provinces? 15. Who was Secretary of state of Britain in cabinet mission? 16. C.R formula was formulated by? 17. India independence act was passed by British parliament on which date? 18. Who translate Lahore resolution in Urdu? 19. “August Offer” made by? 20. Central National Muhamddan Association in 1877 established by? 22. Holy Prophet (PBUH) like to travel on which day? 23. To whom Holy Prophet (PBUH) said to learn Abrani language? 24. Which Tawaf known as Tawaf-e-qudum? 25. What is “quma” in prayer? 26. How many Surah of Holy Quran are on the name of Prophets? 28. Namaz e Khasoof is a prayer of? 29. Which is Ashra e Mubashra. 30. In which Ghazwa the Holy Prophet first time participated. 31. Which is the First sirya of Islam? 32. Who is called Um ul Masakeen? 33. Allah O Akbar, how many times is in Azan? 34. When swadeshi movement started. 35. When liaqat ali khan joined Muslim League? 36. When Fatima Jinnah joined Muslim League? 37. Siginificance of 21st annual session of Muslim League. 38. Who is Founder of congress 39. Who convinced quaid e azam to join Muslim League. 40. Comrade was started from which city? 41. Cawnpur Mosque incident in which year. 42. Why federal part of 1935 Act was not implemented? 43. who seconded Lahore Resolution from sindh? 44. Quit India Movement started in which year? 45. when Muslims celebrated Day of deliverance? 46. Significance of Gandhi-irwin pact. 47. First time Quaid e Azam met Gandhi in which city? 48. In 1913 quaid e azam joined Muslim league in which city. 49. Which organisation worked as third party in Indus-basin treaty. 50. Inventor of Digital computer. 51. Suez canal connects. 52. Shandur pass connects. 53. Where noble peace award held. 54. ariana is airline of? 55. Itar-tas is news agency of? 56. Largest oil producing country? 57. Oldest monarchy? 58. ''On China'' is written by? 59. Biggest importer of weapons? 60. From which disease most casuality occured? 61.Thomas Cup is associated with which Game..? 62.Ariana is Airlines of Which Country ? 63.ON CHINA book's author name , 64.k2 mountain is in which range, 65.largest gland of human body, 66.Science of population is called, 67.Members of UN security council . 78.Holy prophet stay at home of which Sahabi seceretly in the beginning of islam? 69.Al-bari mean? 70.Religion mean? 71.The holy Prophet stay how much time in taif? 72.WHO, ILO, UNH .....which is oldest ? 73.Non Cooperation movement was started in? 74.Partition of bengal made due to ? 75.Risala "now and never" was issued in the year? 76.Qaid nay kaun cy points nikalny par Nehro report accept krny ka kaha tha? 77.British parliament pak indian division accepted? 78.what was in communal award? 79.Jalia wala bagh ka sal btaey? 80.1913 ur 1916 mae quaid gandhi cy kaha milay thay? 81.Peer pur report who and when? Sample Paper Of Subject Specialist Pakistan Studies 1- when pakistan become the member of atomic club 1966 , 1974 , 1988, 1998 2- costal area of pakistan in mile 400, 500, 600, 650 3- Liaquat ali khan join AIML in 1922, 1925, 1928, 1930 4- shimla conference held in 1905, 1927, 1945, 1946 5- right hand man of quaid azam iqbal. liaquat, nishtar, nazimmudin 6- lord curzon assumed his office as Viceroy of India dec1898, jan 1899, dec1905, jan 1906 7-first president of AIML was prince karem agha khan , agha khan2 , aga khan3, musanul malik 8- AIML founded on 29dec, 30dec, 28 dec, 31dec 9-shimla deputation lead by aga khan, johar, musinulmalik. waqarul malik 10- who was the founder british indian association sir syed, syed amir ali, musinnulmalik. hali 11- british muhammadan association formed by Sir syed, syed ameer ali , altaf hussain hali, qasim nanatavi 12- AINC formed by Ghandi, hume, Nehru, banerji 13- what was the profession of Cyril Radcliffe Journalist, trader, politician, lawyer 14-when pakistan became SEATO member? 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956 15- when pakistan became CENTO member? 1954, 1950, 1956 ,1955 16- pakstan renounced SEATO 1965, 1971, 1972, 1973 17- when pakistan left CENTO 1972, 1973, 1978, 1979 18- when pakistan became member of NAM 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964 19- real founder of two nation theory Sir syed, allama iqbal, shah walliulla, ahmad sirhindi 20-When separate electoral for muslim accepted 1909, 1919, 1935, 1892 21- when system of Zakat introduced in pakistan 1962, 1973, 1977, 1980 22- area of bangal(1905) in mile before partition 2,40,000 3,14,000 1,89,000 1,40,000 23- when muslim women involved politics openly 1937, 1938, 1939 , 1940 24-1956 constitution abrogated by Ayub, sikandar, noon, sehrwardy 25- AIML celeberated day of deleverence 22dec1939, 21dec 1939, 23dec1939, 20dec1939 26-which state join pakistan bohpal, kasmir , haiderabad mamawadar 27- pakistani share in millitry assests after dividation 34% 66% 36% 64% 28- state bank of pakistan started with 3lac 30 lac 3 crore 30 crore 29-first country who accept pakistan britian, saudi arabia iran afghanistan 30- in the history of pakistan riots again qadiani occured first time in 1949, 1953 1955 1974 31- first session of constitutional assembly held in 10august1947, 11 august 12aug 14aug 32-islamabad became capital of pakistan 1960, 1962, 1964, 1955 33- shimla deputation darfat written by aga khan, johar, balgarami. mandal 34- president of khalafat committe first time muhammad ali johar, balgarami, mian shafi, seth chotani 35- who was the president of urdu defence society waqar-ui-malak musin-ul-malak sir syeed syed ameer ali 36- muhammadan educational conference founded in 1884, 1885, 1886, 1888 37- laylpur converted to faisalabad 1974, 1975, 1978, 1977 37- lahore resolution presented by a.k fazalul haq, quaid azam, liaquat ali, zafarulla 38- where refrendum held on the base of joining pakistan or india nwfp, jonagrah, bangal, sindh 39-pakistan first chief justice was a.b. rashed. zahid hussain, majida razvi, justice munir 40- length of pak afghan border in km 2150. 2250, 2350 2450 41 % kasmir area under indian control 35% 48 % 17 % 75% 42- which reservs present every province of pakistan coal, gipsam, iron, sulfer 43- in 1990’s where huge deposits of coal founded kalabagh, makarwal, tharparkar, dandoot 44-first lft. governer of new created east bangal lawrance, minto, curzon, Bampfylde 45- if muslims are monopolies then what are hindus non-polies,(other three option not in my mind ANSWERS 1- 1998 2- 650 mile 3- 1922(originally he joined 1923 but this was not present in options) 4- 1945 5- Liaquat ali khan 6- Jan1899 7- Aga khan3 8- 30dec1906 9- Aga khan 10- Sir syed 11- Syed amir ali 12- Hume 13- Lawyer 14- 1954 15- 1955 16- 1972 17- 1979 18- 1979( option was not present in paper) 19- Ahmad sirhindi 20- 1909 21- 1962 22- 1,89,000 sq mile 23- 1937 24- Sikandar mirza 25- 22dec 1939 26- Manawadar 27- 36% 28- 3 crore 29- Iran 30- 1953 31- 10 august 32- 1960 33- Balgarami 34- Sath chothani 35- Musin-ul- malik 36- 1886 37- 1977 38- A.k fazalul haq 39- Abdur rashed 40- 2250km 41- 48%( 35% under Pakistan and 17% under china) 42- Coal 43- Tharparkar 44- Bampfylde 45- polythiest Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) CSS Past Paper Of Islamiat 2013 Part-I Q.No.1. Select the best option/answer: 1. The largest Surah of the Quran is: a. Al-Baqrah b. Aali Imran c. Al-Taubah d. Surah Younus e. None of these 2. Fidk Garden was bestowed to the Holy Prophet (SAW) as: a. Fay b. Booty c. Gift d. Loan e. None of these 3. Arbeen is the book of Hadith in which there are: a. 40 Ahadith b. 50 Ahadith c. 30 Ahadith d. 20 Ahadith e. None of these 4. The heads of Zakat are: a. 8 b. 9 c. 7 d. 5 e. None of these 5. Mauwazatain mean: a. A Collection of Ahadith b. Two specific Surah of Quran c. A book of Jafferi Fiqh d. A book of Hanafi Fiqh e. None of these 6. The numbers of famous months are: a. 4 b. 6 c. 7 d. 2 e. None of these 7. Jabal-e-Noor is situated in: a. Arafat b. Ghar-i-Hira c. Ghar-i-Saur d. Madinah e. None of these 8. Which country is known as the “Land of Prophet”? a. Iraq b. Saudi Arabia c. Palestine d. Syria e. None of these 9. Zou-Shahadatein is the title of Hazrat: a. Khuzaima Bin Sabit (RA) b. Huzaifa Bin Yaman (RA) c. Ammar Bin Yasir (RA) d. Imam Abu Hanifa e. None of these 10. Sura Saba i: a. Makki b. Madani c. Iraqi d. Makki Madni e. None of these 11. Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah twice? a. Al-Nahal b. Al-Namal c. Al-Ahzab d. Al-Noor e. None of these 12. Imam-e-Darul-Hijra was a title of: a. Imam Ahmad b. Imam Maalik c. Imam Shafai d. Imam Muhammad e. None of these 13. Masjid Qiblatain is situated in: a. Madinah b. Makkah c. Taif d. Jabal e Noor e. None of these 14. Which is a religious book of Hinduism? a. Injeel b. Taurat c. Ramain d. Bibel e. None of these 15. The first Islamic month is: a. Muharram b. Zil Hajjah c. Safar d. Rajab e. None of these 16. Which was the total number of idols were in the Kaaba? a. 260 b. 360 c. 460 d. 560 e. None of these 17. Batha Valley is situated in: a. Makkah b. Madinah c. Iraq d. Jordan e. None of these 18. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) gave the key of Bait-Ullah permanently to: a. Ummrah bin Utba b. Hanzla bin Abil Amir c. Usman Bin Talha d. Abdullah bin Amir e. None of these 19. AshabusSabt mean: a. Jews b. Christians c. Muslims d. Sabieen e. None of these 20. The word Muhammad (SAW) as a name has been mentioned in Quran only: a. Two time b. Four time c. Six time d. Seven time e. None of these Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) CSS Past Paper Of Everyday Science 2013 PART-I Q.1 Select the best option and fill in the appropriate circle. 1. Who proposed the concept “All motion is relative”? a. Albert Einstein b. John Kepler c. Galileo Galilie d. None 2. The field of specialization of famous Muslim scientist Abu Usman Aljahiz was: a. Botany b. Zoology c. Astronomy d. None 3. Albatros is: a. A sea bird b. A beetle c. A fruit d. None 4. The sunlight can reach a depth of …….. meters in the ocean: a. 100 b. 80 c. 120 d. None 5. The biggest planet in our solar system is: a. Venus b. Pluto c. Jupiter d. None 6. The biggest species of the cat family is: a. Tiger b. Lion c. Leopard d. None 7. Which group of animals has heterogametic females? a. Domestic fowl b. Earthworm c. Rabbit d. None 8. The dominant phase of life cycle in these organism is haploid: a. Mosses b. Bacteria c. Protoza d. None 9. The atmosphere of moon consists of: a. 90% Hydrogen, 10% Nitrogen b. 80%Nitrogen, 20% Hydrogen c. 60% Nitrogen, 40%inert gases d. None 10. The chemical name of quartz is: a. Silicon Dioxide b. Stannous Oxide c. Aluminium Oxide d. None 11. Which month of calendar year can lack a new moon? a. December b. February c. May d. None 12. Deuterium differs from Hydrogen in having: a. Different atomic number but same atomic weight b. Different atomic number and different atomic weight c. Same atomic number and different atomic weight d. None 13. One of the following is a water soluble vitamin: a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin D c. Vitamin K d. None 14. Coulomb is the scientific unit to measure: a. Velocity b. Temperature c. Mass d. None 15. Equator passes through one of these countries: a. Saudi Arabia b. Italy c. Japan d. None 16. Anti Diuretic hormone is secreted by one of the following glands: a. Pituitary b. Pancreas c. Thyroid d. None 17. Basha Dam is to be constructed on: a. River Sutlaj b. River Jhelum c. River Chenab d. None 18. UV light falls in the category of: a. Ionizing Radiations b. Non Ionizing Radiation c. Visible light d. None 19. The earth’s ……………….is divided into 15 major plates of various sizes: a. Mesosphere b. Stratosphere c. Lithosphere d. None 20. One of these scientists formulated basic laws of Geometry: a. Pythagorus b. Archimedes c. Aristotle d. None 21. Phosphorus is an essential component of one of the following biological molecules: a. Amino acids b. Nucleic acids c. Carbohydrates d. None 22. He was the first scientist to prove that plants move around the sun: a. Archimedes b. Galileo Galilei c. John Kepler d. None 23. Atom is made up of ……….. different kinds of subatomic particles: a. Three b. Two c. Four d. None 24. Uranium is best used as nuclear fuel in one of the following forms: a. U 235 b. U 237 c. U 238 d. None 25. The alpha particles are compact clusters of: a. Electron and Proton b. Two Protons and two Neutrons c. Three protons and three Neutrons d. None 26. The Beta particles are fast moving a. Protons b. Electrons c. Neutrons d. None 27. One of the following countries produces maximum energy from atomic reactors: a. France b. USA c. UK d. none 28. The unit to measure the quantity of Ozone in atmosphere is a. Dobson b. Dalton c. Cuolomb d. none 29. The severity of 2005 earthquake in Pakistan on Richter scale was a. 6.9 b. 7.6 c. 7.1 d. none 30. Geiger-Muller counter is used to detect: a. Protons b. Neutrons c. Photons d. none 31. Vacuum tubes have been replaced by: a. Conductors b. Diodes c. Transistors 32. Dacron is a. Polyethylene b. Epoxy c. Polyamide d. none 33. It is a secondary plant nutrient: a. Nitrogen b. Phosphorus c. Sulphur d. none 34. An area of microbiology that is concerned with the occurence of disease in human population is a. Immunology b. Paracitology c. Epidemiology d. none 35. The number of electrons of a neutral atom is automatically known if one knows the: a. Atomic number b. Atomic weight c. Number of orbitals d. none 36. Which of the following is not an enzyme? a. Chemotrypsin b. Secretin c. Pepsin d. none 37. It is impossible for a type of O+ baby to have a type of ………….. mother: a. ABb. Oc. O+ d. none 38. Serum if blood plasma minus its: a. Calcium ions b. Clotting proteins c. Globulins d. none 39. The autonomic nervous system innervates all of these except: a. Cardiac muscles b. Skeletal muscles c. Smooth muscles d. none 40. The damage to the ………….. nerve could result in the defect of the eye movement: a. Optic b. Trigeminal c. Abducens d. none 41. Which of these is not a region of the spinal cord? a. Thoracic b. Pelvic c. Lumbar d. none 42. The shape of the external ear is due to: a. Elastic cartilage b. Fibrocartilage c. Articular cartilage d. none 43. The external surface of the stomach is covered by a. Mucosa b. Serosa c. Parietal peritoneum d. none 44. Which of the following is not a human organ system? a. Integumentary b. Muscular c. Epithelical d. none 45. Which of the following does not vary predictably with the depth of the aquatic environment? a. Salinity b. Temperature c. Penetration by sunlight d. none 46. The quantity of available nutrients ………….from the lower levels of the energy pyramids to the higher ones. a. Increases b. decreases c. remains stable d. none 47. Which of the following is not a major sub division of the biosphere? a. Hydrosphere b. Stratosphere c. Lithosphere d. none 48. Vaccination is synonomyous with ………….. immunity. a. Natural active b. Artificial passive c. Artificial active d. none 49. When a patient’s immune system becomes reactive to a drug, this is an example of: a. Super infection b. Drug resistance c. Allergy d. none 50. What is the smallest unit of heredity? a. Chromosomes b. Gene c. Nucleotides d. none Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) CSS Past Paper Of Current Affairs 2013 Part 1 (COMPULSORY) Answer given anywhere , other than OMR answer sheet, shall not be considered. 1: The international Day of Peace, sometimes unofficially known as world peace day, is observed annually on: a) 21st september b) 23rd september c) 12th October d) None of these. 2: International day for the Elimination of Violence against Racial Discrimination is observed annyally on: a) 23rd May b) 21st March c) 01st March d) None of these. 3: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is observed annually on: a) 25th December b) 23rd November c) 25th November d) None of these. 4: Marin Luther KIng, Jr.Was an clergyman, activist and leader. He is famous for: a) Civil rights Movement using non-violence disobedience in USA. b) Civil rights Movement using violence in South Africa c) Civil rights Movement using non-violence civil disbodience in India d) Civil rights Movement using non-violence in Costa Rica 5: Which of the following Country has absolutely no military forces? a) Costa Rica b) Japan c) Iceland d) None of these 6: NATO headquarters are located in: a) Birmingham b) Barcelona c) Baltimore d) None of these. 7: The SAARC is an organisation of South asian nations. Which of the following countries is not a member of SAARC? a) Maldives b) Myanmar c) Bhutan d) None of these. 8: The UNO uses the Human development Index to: a) predict, in order to prevent, which countries are most likely to engage in ethnic cleansing. b) demonstrate how well a country is providing for its people’s welfare and security. c) predict the %age of displaced people that will leave a failed state. d) prove that the Global South is not as poor as some have argued. 9: Which of the following states has not ratified teh Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty(CTBT)? a) Canada. b) France c) United States. d) None of these. 10: The most significant greenhouse gas is: a) Ozone b) ChloroFluorocarbons c) carbonDioxide d) None of these. 11: An Index that estimates the true rate of exchange among currencies is: a) Human Development Index. b) Exchange Rate. c) Purchasing Power Parity. d) None of these. 12: The idea that leaders initiate foreign conflicts in order to distract public opinion from controversial domestic policies is called: a) Diversionary Theory of war. b) Democratic peace Theory. c) Autocratic Rule d) None of these. 13: The lowest %age of internet users is found in: a) North America b) Africa c) Australia d) None of these. 14: The most prosperous member of global south, which have become important exporters and markets for the major industrialised countries are known as: a) Newly Industrialised countries. b) Developed Nations c) Asian Tigers d) None of these. 15: In international Relations, a global system containing two dominant powers is labelled with which of the terms? a) Bipolar b) Nationalist c) Isolationist d) None of these 16: The Axis powers in World War II did not include: a) Germany b) the Soviet Union c) Italy d) None of these 17: The position that a single dominant power can promote world peace came from : a) balance-of-power b) Socialist c) Hegemonic stability d) None of these 18: The US ambassador, J.Christopher Stevens was killed by millitants in : a) Tripoli, Libya b) Misrata, Libya c) Benghazi, Libya d) None of these 19: ——– explains how rational self-interested behaviour by individuals may have a destructive collective effect. a) Tragedy of the commons b) Population implosion. c) carrying capacity d) None of these 20: The process through which a country increases its capacity to meet its citizens’ basic human needs and raise their standard of living is called: a) Self-determination b) Democratisation c) Development d) None of these 76) Which of the following lake is most polluted lake in the world?d) Lake eire77) Tugela water fall is present in?b) South Africa78) Gota canal is the ship canal situated in ?c) SwedenGive synonyms of the following79. Assiduous(a) Idle (b) Diligent (c) Defective (d) Deficient80. Fuss(a) Effort (b) Unnecessary Excitement (c) Grief (d) Joy81. Placid(a) Repulsive (b) Horrid(c) Obnoxious (d) Calm82. Naïve(a) Simple (b) Artful (c) Adroit (d) Disingenuous83. Immaculate(a) Juvenile (b) Infinite (c) Flawless (d) Contaminated84. Collusion(a) Consistent (b) Conflict (c) Confrontation (d) ConnivanceGive antonyms of the following:85. Prosperity (a) Rich (b) ……. (c) …….. (d) Adversity 86. Conscientious (a) ……. (b) Care free (c) …….. (d) Careful 87. Scant (a) ……. (b) Slender (c) …….. (d) ……… 88. Tender (a) ……. (b) Kind (c) …….. (d) ……… 89. Author of “Paradise Lost & Paradise Regained” was: (a) Maxim Gorki (b) William Wordsworth (c) John Milton (d) Shelley90. Asgheri aur Akbari kis novel k do mash'hoor kirdar hain?(a) Tota Kahani (b) Aag ka dirya (c) Mira-Tul-Aroos (d) Raja Gidh 91. “Shikwa aur Jawab -eShikwa” Iqbal k konsay kalam main hain? (a) Bal-e-Jibreel (b) Armaghan-e-Hijaz (c) Zarb-e-Kaleem (d) Bang-e-Dara92. Altaf Hussain Hali kis k sha'agird thay?(a) Iqbal (b) Sir Sayyed (c) Zouq (d) Ghalib93. Waqa-e-Karbala kis hijri main howa?(a) 58 hijri (b) 54 hijri (c) 61 hijri (d) 50 hijri94. Drama kis zaban ka lafaz hai? (a) Lateeni (b) Farsi (c) Arabic (d) Greek 95. “Khateeb -ulAmnbia” kis paighmber ka laqab tha? (a) Hazrat Ibraheem (A.S) (b) Hazrat Noah (A.S) (c) Hazrat Moosa (A.S) (d) Hazrat Shoaib (A.S) 96. Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S) ki hum asar Malkah Sa'ba ka asal naam kia tha? (a) Maryam (b) Ammana (c)…….(d) Ba lqees97. (4-4)20+5 is equal to: (a) 25 (b) 20 (c) …….. (d) ……… 98. 2(13+10)-3(14-5) is equal to: (a) 19(b) 20 (c) ……… (d) ……… 99. There is 1kg and 792g of barrel oil in 2 containers, what will be the quantity if we divide it in 4 boxes:(a) 360g (b) 44 8g (c) 580g (d) ……… 100. If 15 men complete a work in 25 days, then 20 men will complete that work in how much days: (a) 12 days (b) 15 days (c) ……… (d) ………