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-+32*$$*24%+ )*+,*$ 1. Upload the downloaded zip file to your server in the public_html directory. 2. Extract the zip file 3. Create a new database from your server mysql. 4. Create user to the database and link the database to the user. 5. Open the file database.php from the directory /application/config/database.php 6. Fill up these informations with your database hostname, database username, database password, database name respectively which you have created in the previous step. 7. Open the file routes.php from the directory /application/config/routes.php 8. Change default controller from ‘install’ to ‘login’
Now from server phpmyadmin go to your database. Select import and choose the file install.sql located in uploads/install.sql And you are ready to go now to browse the application. 10. Default admin credentials 11. Email:
[email protected] Password: 1234 9.
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