This Employment Contract made and entered into this ___ of____, 2014 in ____ City, by and between: _____________, _____________, Filipino, of legal age and with residence residence and postal address at _________, _________, hereinafter hereinafter referred to as the “EMPLOYEE “EMPLOYEE”. and ECUMENICAL INSTITUTE FOR LABOR, EDUCATION AND RESEARCH (EILER) , a non-stock, non-profit corporation duly organized and registered under the laws of the Philippines with address at 15 Anonas St. Unit D-24 Casal Building, Barangay Quirino 3-A, Project 3, Quezon City, represented herein by its EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, ANNA LEAH ESCRESA-COLINA , hereinafter referred to as “EILER “EILER”. ”. WITNESSSETH: thatWHEREAS, EILER is in need to of a ___________ for the BATA BALIKESKWELA PROJECT hereinafter referred to as the PROJECT; WHEREAS, the EMPLOYEE has signified his willingness and warranted his qualification for the job; WHEREAS, EILER warrants that this Employment Contract is compliant with the minimum requirements of the Labor Code and stands in deference and is superseded by the laws as stated in the Labor Code of the Philippines; (DELETE IF NOT NECESSARY) WHERAS, employment with EILER shall be for the duration of the PROJECT or from _____________ to _____________; NOW THEREFORE , in consideration of the foregoing, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, accepted and agreed to, EILER and the EMPLOYEE, intending to be legally bound, agree to the terms set forth below. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: PRE-EMPLOYMENT REQUIREMENTS:
Employment shall commence upon completion of the pre-employment requirements such as:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Recommendation Letter from local community-based partners of EILER Letter of Application to EILER and Bio-data with 2x2 most recent colored photo; Resignation Letter and Employee Clearance from previous employer; Photocopy of SSS Membership E-1 & Tax Identification Number (if available); Loan Balance from any SSS office and Pag-ibig Loan Voucher (for those with outstanding SSS Salaray and Pag-ibig Loans);
For services rendered, the EMPLOYEE shall be assured of being paid the following remuneration and benefits: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Monthly pay of ___________ (PHP_____________); Service Incentive Leave (SIL) of five (5) days after one year of service; 13th Month Pay; and, SSS/PAG-IBIG Membership and Philhealth Coverage.
TIMESHEET SUBMISSION: EILER requires a timesheet submission every 15 th and end of the month. Failure to submit the timesheet promptly could cause disruption of EILER’s accounting procedures and would mean considerable delay in the release of EMPLOYEE’s salary.
Your salary shall be paid through the joint bank account created by EILER specifically for the PROJECT, every 15 th and 30th of the month in the following sums: 1. ___________ (PHP_____________) on the 15 th; and, 2. ___________ (PHP_____________) on the 30 th.
LEAVE BENEFITS: EMPLOYEE is entitled to five (5) days Service Incentive Leave as mandated by the Labor Code, the following shall be the terms in using your Service Incentive Leaves:
1. SIL credits are not commutable to cash; 2. SIL shall be forfeited if you are terminated for cause; and,
3. Should you resign, EILER shall pay you the money equivalent of your SIL credits.
Any EMPLOYEE who plans to be absent or late for work must call or notify his/her immediate supervisor in the place of assignment at the earliest possible time.
The EMPLOYEE, designated as _______________ shall undertake the following tasks and responsibilities: (ENUMERATE HERE)
TASKS AND DUTIES OF EILER: EILER on the other hand, shall perform the following, to ensure expediency and efficiency in EMPLOYEE’s performance of the aforementioned tasks : (ENUMERATE HERE)
During the period of EMPLOYEE’s employment, he/she shall strictly abide with the existing policies, rules and regulations of EILER and the Project where such EMPLOYEE is assigned, such as, but not limited to: 1. Observance of courtesy to beneficiaries, and team members of the PROJECT. 2. EMPLOYEE’s agreement to r ecord his/her time in and out in EMPLOYEE’s Daily Time Record card. 3. Notification of the supervisor or the Project Coordinator in case of sickness or emergencies wherein such EMPLOYEE could not report for work. This is for proper recording and disposition of EILER. EMPLOYEE is encouraged to accomplish and file a Leave Application prior to such absence. 4. Proper use of Project Partner’s equipment and other related materials and facilities are enjoined. Engaging in private trading and activities, such as foreign exchange dealings, merchandizing of goods and food stuff, real estate brokering,
money lending, or car renting or brokering on Project Partner’s premises is prohibited.
The EMPLOYEE must also understand and agree that the employment subject of this Contract shall be considered ended/terminated or you may be the subject of a recall under any of the following conditions: 1. Voluntary resignation. EMPLOYEE is required to submit a letter of resignation at least fifteen (15) days prior to the effectivity of the resignation. 2. Expiration of contract with EILER as indicated in this document. 3. Completion of the Project with Project Partners and beneficiaries. 4. Commission of acts endangering the interest and security of EILER, the Project Partner , such as drug abuse, dishonesty, theft or any form of deception or fraud. 5. Conduct and behavior that maligns the image of EILER or the Project Partner , or inimical to the morale and harmonious relationship of the employees of EILER, the Project Partner and their beneficiaries (unbecoming behavior, unreasonable insubordination, improper acts such as drunkenness, gambling, excessive borrowing of money, or failure to pay debts, gossiping and revealing confidential information or documents without clearance from EILER and the Project Partner , immorality or disgraceful conduct in the course of business transactions,, undesirable and unprofessional conduct, solicitation of fees, gifts or other valuable items in the course of official duties and indiscriminate and unofficial use of office equipment, supplies and facilities. 6. Gross violation of important rules and regulations of EILER and the Project Partner . 7. Loss of confidence by supervisors or Project Head 8. Unsatisfactory performance rating in your assigned work
The EMPLOYEE shall experience no diminution in salary and benefits already agreed upon on this document, and any increase or additions in such in practice shall be impliedly and constructively deemed incorporated in this Employment Contract as provided under the Labor Code.
All changes to this employment contract must be agreed upon mutually by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , parties herein affixed their signatures on the date and place above written.
(Name of Employee)
Signed in the presence of: