BS EN 15273-1:2009
Railway applications — Gauges Part 1: General — Common rules for infrastructure and rolling stock
ICS 45.020
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BS EN 15273-1:2009
National foreword This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 15273-1:2009. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee RAE/1, Railway applications, to Subcommittee RAE/001/-/12, Railway applications – Gauging. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Gauging practices used in Great Britain are documented in Railway Group Standards, published for the GB main line railway industry by Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited (RSSB), Railway Group Standards are freely available from The gauging practices used in Great Britain diverge significantly from the International Union of Railways (UIC) gauging practices used in much of the rest of Europe. Although BS EN 15273 Railway applications – Gauges defines a number of different gauging methodologies and applications, the underlying philosophy is that of the UIC method of gauging, which depends on the use of reference profiles. It should be noted, therefore, that BS EN 15273 and Railway Group Standards sometimes use the same terms, but with different meanings. The terminology used in one cannot therefore be used to interpret the requirements of the other.
Except where a decision has been made to adopt standard European gauges and to use the associated gauging techniques documented in BS EN 15273, the gauges and gauging practices used on the GB main line railway should continue to be those documented in Railway Group Standards. BS EN 15273 should be used where a decision has been made to adopt standard European gauges, and to use the associated gauging techniques. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 May 2010
Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication Date
© BSI 2010
ISBN 978 0 580 55703 3
Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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National Annex NA gives the definitions used in Great Britain for some of the key terms used in BS EN 15273.
BS EN 15273-1:2009
EN 15273-1
December 2009
ICS 45.020
English Version
Railway applications - Gauges - Part 1: General - Common rules for infrastructure and rolling stock Applications ferroviaires - Gabarits - Partie 1: Généralités Règles communes à l'infrastructure et au matériel roulant
Bahnanwendungen - Begrenzungslinien - Teil 1: Allgemeines - Gemeinsame Vorschriften für Infrastruktur und Fahrzeuge
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 3 October 2009. CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2009 CEN
All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members.
Copyright European Committee for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with CEN No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
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Ref. No. EN 15273-1:2009: E
BS EN 15273-1:2009 EN 15273-1:2009 (E)
Foreword..............................................................................................................................................................6 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................7 1
Scope ......................................................................................................................................................8
Normative references ............................................................................................................................8
Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................9
5 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6
Symbols and abbreviations ................................................................................................................17 Specific considerations for determination of parameters...............................................................30 Geometric overthrow...........................................................................................................................30 Geometric overthrow between the vehicle body..............................................................................30 Additional geometric overthrow due to the bogies..........................................................................31 Flexibility coefficient ...........................................................................................................................32 Dissymmetry ........................................................................................................................................33 Clearance between the wheelsets and the track ..............................................................................34 Additional overthrow ...........................................................................................................................35 Roll centre ............................................................................................................................................36
6 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 6.2 6.2.1 6.3 6.4
Gauges and gauging methods ...........................................................................................................36 General..................................................................................................................................................36 Static gauge..........................................................................................................................................38 Kinematic gauge ..................................................................................................................................38 Dynamic gauge ....................................................................................................................................39 Uniform structure gauge .....................................................................................................................40 Gauges and interoperability ...............................................................................................................40 Illustration and comparison of static and kinematic gauges in the transverse direction............40 Illustration of the dynamic gauge ......................................................................................................43 Other gauging methods ......................................................................................................................44 General..................................................................................................................................................44 Absolute gauging method ..................................................................................................................44 Comparative gauging method ............................................................................................................45
7 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4
Elements involved in the determination of a gauge.........................................................................46 General..................................................................................................................................................46 In the transverse direction..................................................................................................................46 In the vertical direction .......................................................................................................................48 Detailed analysis of the details to be shared between vehicle and infrastructure depending of the method of determination of each of the gauges ................................................49 In the transverse direction..................................................................................................................49 In the vertical direction .......................................................................................................................71 Contact ramps......................................................................................................................................83 Rail and rail brake zone.......................................................................................................................85
8 8.1 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2
Pantograph gauge ...............................................................................................................................89 Pantograph kinematic gauge..............................................................................................................89 General principle..................................................................................................................................89 Elements to be taken into account by the infrastructure ................................................................93 For the vehicle......................................................................................................................................94 Pantograph dynamic gauge................................................................................................................98 Values taken into account by the vehicle .........................................................................................98 Values taken into account by the infrastructure ..............................................................................98
Annex A (normative) Catalogue of gauges.....................................................................................................99
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A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4
Static gauges .......................................................................................................................................99 Kinematic gauges..............................................................................................................................100 Dynamic gauges ................................................................................................................................101 Uniform gauges .................................................................................................................................101
Annex B (normative) Reference profiles and associated rules for static gauges ...................................102 B.1 Static gauges G1 and G2 ..................................................................................................................102 B.1.1 Upper parts of static gauges G1 and G2.........................................................................................102 B.1.2 Lower parts of static gauges GIS1 and GIS2..................................................................................104 B.2 Static gauges GA, GB and GC .........................................................................................................107 B.2.1 Lateral part .........................................................................................................................................107 B.2.2 Static reference profiles for the upper parts ..................................................................................107 B.2.3 Associated rules................................................................................................................................108 B.3 Static gauge GB1 and GB2 ...............................................................................................................110 B.3.1 Lateral part .........................................................................................................................................110 B.3.2 Static reference profiles for the upper parts ..................................................................................110 B.3.3 Associated rules................................................................................................................................112 B.4 Static gauges OSJD ..........................................................................................................................113 B.4.1 General comment ..............................................................................................................................113 B.4.2 Static reference profiles for the upper parts ..................................................................................113 B.4.3 Associated rules................................................................................................................................116 B.4.4 Static reference profiles for the lower parts ...................................................................................116 B.5 Static gauge for the upper parts of W6a .........................................................................................118 B.5.1 Static reference profile for the upper parts of W6a .......................................................................118 B.5.2 Associated rules................................................................................................................................118 B.5.3 Taking the roll into account .............................................................................................................119 B.5.4 Infrastructure allowance in the transverse direction.....................................................................119 B.5.5 Vertical geometric overthrow upwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure ................119 B.5.6 Vehicle allowances in the transverse direction .............................................................................120 B.5.7 Vehicle allowances in the vertical direction ...................................................................................120 B.6 Static gauge for the upper parts of UK1 [B] ...................................................................................120 B.6.1 Static reference profile for the upper parts of UK1 [B]..................................................................120 B.6.2 Associated rules................................................................................................................................121 B.6.3 Taking the roll into account .............................................................................................................121 B.6.4 Infrastructure allowance in the transverse direction.....................................................................121 B.6.5 Vertical geometric overthrow upwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure ................121 B.6.6 Vehicle allowances in the transverse direction .............................................................................122 B.6.7 Vehicle allowances in the vertical direction ...................................................................................122 B.7 Static gauge FIN 1 .............................................................................................................................122 B.7.1 General comment ..............................................................................................................................122 B.7.2 Static reference profile for the upper parts ....................................................................................122 B.7.3 Associated rules................................................................................................................................124 B.7.4 Position of the platforms ..................................................................................................................124 Annex C (normative) Reference profiles and associated rules for kinematic gauges ............................126 C.1 Kinematic gauges G1 and G2...........................................................................................................126 C.1.1 Upper part of gauges G1 and G2 .....................................................................................................126 C.1.2 Gauges of the lower parts of GIC1, GIC2 ........................................................................................128 C.2 Kinematic gauges GA, GB and GC ..................................................................................................131 C.2.1 Lateral part .........................................................................................................................................131 C.2.2 Kinematic reference profiles for the upper parts ...........................................................................132 C.2.3 Associated rules................................................................................................................................132 C.3 Kinematic gauges GB1 and GB2 .....................................................................................................134 C.3.1 Lateral part .........................................................................................................................................134 C.3.2 Kinematic reference profiles for the upper parts ...........................................................................134 C.3.3 Associated rules................................................................................................................................135 C.4 Kinematic gauge GIC3 ......................................................................................................................137 C.4.1 Upper parts ........................................................................................................................................137 C.4.2 Reference profile for the lower parts...............................................................................................137 C.4.3 Associated rules................................................................................................................................138
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BS EN 15273-1:2009 EN 15273-1:2009 (E)
Kinematic gauge FR3.3 .....................................................................................................................138 Lateral part .........................................................................................................................................138 Kinematic reference profile for the upper parts .............................................................................138 Associated rules ................................................................................................................................139 Kinematic gauges BE1, BE2 and BE3 .............................................................................................140 Lateral part .........................................................................................................................................140 Kinematic reference profiles for the upper parts ...........................................................................140 Associated rules ................................................................................................................................143 Kinematic reference profiles for the lower parts............................................................................144 Kinematic gauges NL1 and NL2 .......................................................................................................145 Reference profiles of kinematic gauges NL1 and NL2...................................................................145 Associated rules ................................................................................................................................146 Kinematic gauges PTb, PTb+ and PTc ............................................................................................146 Lateral part .........................................................................................................................................146 Associated rules ................................................................................................................................148 Taking the roll into account..............................................................................................................149 Vertical geometric overthrow upwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure ................149 Kinematic reference profiles for the lower parts............................................................................149 Vertical geometric overthrow downwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure ...........150 Kinematic gauge DE1 ........................................................................................................................150 General................................................................................................................................................150 Kinematic reference profiles ............................................................................................................151 Associated rules ................................................................................................................................152 Taking the roll into account..............................................................................................................153 Vertical geometric overthrow downwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure ...........153 Kinematic gauge DE2 ........................................................................................................................153 General................................................................................................................................................153 Kinematic reference profiles ............................................................................................................154 Associated rules ................................................................................................................................155 Taking the roll into account..............................................................................................................155 Vertical geometric overthrow downwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure ...........156 Kinematic gauge DE3 ........................................................................................................................156 Kinematic reference profiles ............................................................................................................156 Associated rules ................................................................................................................................157
Annex D (normative) Reference profiles and associated rules for dynamic gauges .............................158 D.1 Dynamic gauge SEa and SEc ...........................................................................................................158 D.1.1 Dynamic reference profile SEa.........................................................................................................158 D.1.2 Dynamic reference profile SEc.........................................................................................................159 D.1.3 Associated rules ................................................................................................................................160 D.2 Dynamic gauge for the lower parts of W6a.....................................................................................161 D.2.1 Dynamic reference profile for the lower parts of W6a ...................................................................161 D.2.2 Associated rules ................................................................................................................................162 D.2.3 Infrastructure allowances in the transverse direction ...................................................................162 D.2.4 Infrastructure allowances in the vertical direction.........................................................................162 D.2.5 Vehicle allowances in the transverse direction..............................................................................163 D.2.6 Vehicle allowances in the vertical direction ...................................................................................163 D.3 Dynamic gauge UK1 ..........................................................................................................................163 D.3.1 Dynamic gauge for the lower parts of UK1[A] ................................................................................163 D.3.2 Associated rules ................................................................................................................................164 D.3.3 Taking the roll into account..............................................................................................................165 D.3.4 Infrastructure allowances in the transverse direction ...................................................................165 D.3.5 Infrastructure allowances in the vertical direction.........................................................................165 D.3.6 Vehicle allowances in the transverse direction..............................................................................165 D.3.7 Vehicle allowances in the vertical direction ...................................................................................166 D.4 Dynamic gauges for the upper parts of UK1 [D] ............................................................................166 D.4.1 Basic principle ...................................................................................................................................166 D.4.2 Dynamic reference profile for the upper parts of UK1[D]..............................................................167 D.4.3 Associated rules ................................................................................................................................167 D.4.4 Infrastructure allowances in the transverse direction ...................................................................168
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C.5 C.5.1 C.5.2 C.5.3 C.6 C.6.1 C.6.2 C.6.3 C.6.4 C.7 C.7.1 C.7.2 C.8 C.8.1 C.8.2 C.8.3 C.8.4 C.8.5 C.8.6 C.9 C.9.1 C.9.2 C.9.3 C.9.4 C.9.5 C.10 C.10.1 C.10.2 C.10.3 C.10.4 C.10.5 C.11 C.11.1 C.11.2
BS EN 15273-1:2009 EN 15273-1:2009 (E)
D.4.5 D.4.6 D.4.7
Infrastructure allowances in the vertical direction ........................................................................168 Vehicle allowances in the transverse direction .............................................................................168 Vehicle allowances in the vertical direction ...................................................................................168
Annex E (normative) Uniform gauges ..........................................................................................................169 E.1 General information on gauges GUC, GU1, GU2, UK1[D] and Z -GČD ........................................169 E.2 Uniform gauge GU1...........................................................................................................................169 E.2.1 Basic data...........................................................................................................................................170 E.3 Uniform gauge Z -GČD......................................................................................................................171 E.3.1 Uniform reference profile..................................................................................................................171 E.3.2 Basic data...........................................................................................................................................173 Annex F (normative) Specific rules in the vertical direction ......................................................................174 F.1 Passing over link spans onto ferries...............................................................................................174 F.2 Marshalling humps............................................................................................................................175 F.2.1 Agreement for the gauges of group G1, G2, GA, GB, GB1, GB2, GC, FR3.3, BE1, BE2, BE3, … ................................................................................................................................................175 F.2.2 Other agreements..............................................................................................................................178 Annex G (normative) Geometric overthrow to be considered in the additional overthrows for the turnouts ..............................................................................................................................................180 G.1 General ...............................................................................................................................................180 G.2 Turnout laid on a straight track .......................................................................................................180 G.2.1 Overthrow on the turnout route .......................................................................................................180 G.2.2 Overthrow on the through route ......................................................................................................181 G.3 Turnout laid on a curved track .........................................................................................................182 G.3.1 Overthrow on the turnout route .......................................................................................................182 G.3.2 Overthrow on the through route ......................................................................................................183 Annex H (normative) Rules relating to pantographs...................................................................................185 H.1 Catalogue of standard heads ...........................................................................................................185 H.2 Reference vehicle parameters .........................................................................................................185 H.3 Electrical insulating allowances ......................................................................................................186 H.4 Characteristics of the collection system ........................................................................................186 H.5 Specific cases ....................................................................................................................................187 H.5.1 Pantograph gauges linked to gauges BE1, BE2 and BE3.............................................................187 Annex I (normative) Rules relating to access steps and platform installation ........................................189 I.1 Actual and conventional gap between step and platform.............................................................189 I.1.1 Position of the platforms ..................................................................................................................191 I.1.2 Position of the steps .........................................................................................................................194 Annex J (informative) Widening of the vehicles as a function of the possibilities offered by the infrastructure .....................................................................................................................................196 J.1 General ...............................................................................................................................................196 J.2 Possible gain on the track centre side............................................................................................196 J.2.1 Basic principle ...................................................................................................................................196 J.2.2 Application .........................................................................................................................................198 J.3 Possible gain on the structure side.................................................................................................199 Annex K (normative) Application of the probability theory in conjunction with the limit values taking into account the oscillations and dissymmetry in the determination of allowance M1 ........................................................................................................................................................200 K.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................200 K.2 Reminder of some principles of the probability theory.................................................................200 K.3 Taking into account oscillations and dissymmetry in the determination of allowance M1 .......201 K.3.1 Additional comments ........................................................................................................................202 Annex L (informative) A–deviations..............................................................................................................204 Bibliography....................................................................................................................................................206
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BS EN 15273-1:2009 EN 15273-1:2009 (E)
Foreword This document (EN 15273-1:2009) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 256 “Railway applications”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN. This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by June 2010, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by June 2010. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CEN and/or CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
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BS EN 15273-1:2009 EN 15273-1:2009 (E)
Introduction This document is the first of a series of three parts of the European Standard covering gauges:
Part 1 covers general principles, phenomena shared by the infrastructure and by the rolling stock, reference profiles and their associated rules;
Part 2 gives the rules for dimensioning the vehicles as a function of their specific characteristics for the relevant gauge and for the related calculation method;
Part 3 gives the rules for dimensioning the infrastructure in order to allow vehicles built according to the relevant gauge taking into account the specific constraints to operate within it.
This standard defines the gauge as a one-to-one agreement between infrastructure and vehicle. The aim of this standard is to define the space to be cleared and maintained to allow the running of rolling stock, and the rules for calculation and verification intended for sizing the rolling stock to run on one or several infrastructures without interference risk. This standard defines the responsibilities of the following parties: a)
for the infrastructure: 1)
gauge clearance,
infrastructure monitoring.
for the rolling stock: 1)
compliance of the operating rolling stock with the gauge concerned;
maintenance of this compliance over time.
This standard includes a catalogue of various railway gauges implemented in Europe, some of which are required to ensure the interoperability, while others are related to more specific applications. This standard does not exclude the possibility of implementing other gauges not listed in the catalogue.
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This European Standard is applicable by authorities involved in railway operation and may also be applied for light vehicles (e.g. trams, metros, etc. running on two rails) and their associated infrastructure, but not for systems such as rail-guided buses. It allows vehicles and infrastructures to be dimensioned and their compliance to be checked relative to the gauging rules. For the rolling stock and for the infrastructure, this standard is applicable to new designs, to modifications and to the checking of vehicles and infrastructures already in use. This document EN 15273-1 covers:
the general principles;
the various elements and phenomena affecting the determination of gauges;
the various calculation methods applicable to the elements shared by the infrastructure and by the rolling stock;
the sharing rules for elements taken into account in calculations specific to the infrastructure and to the vehicle;
a catalogue of European gauges.
This document does not cover:
conditions to be met to ensure safety of passengers on platforms and of persons walking along the tracks;
conditions to be met by the fixed equipment maintenance machines in active position;
the space to be cleared for the running track of rubber-tyred metros and other vehicles;
rules applicable to extraordinary transportation, however some formulae may be used;
rules applicable to the design of the overhead line;
rules applicable to the design of the current collection on a third rail;
simulation methods for the running of vehicles, therefore, it does not confirm the validity of existing simulations;
verification rules of wagon loadings;
coding methods for combined transportation;
infrastructure gauges for very small curve radii (e.g. R < 150 m for gauge G1).
Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
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BS EN 15273-1:2009 EN 15273-1:2009 (E)
EN 14067-2, Railway applications — Aerodynamics — Part 2: Aerodynamics on open track EN 14067-3, Railway applications — Aerodynamics — Part 3: Aerodynamics in tunnels EN 14363, Railway applications —Testing for the acceptance of running characteristics of railway vehicles — Testing of running behaviour and stationary tests EN 15273-2, Railway applications — Gauges — Part 2: Rolling stock gauges EN 15273-3:2009, Railway applications — Gauges — Part 3: Structure gauges prEN 15313, Railway applications — In-service wheelset operation requirements — In-service and off-vehicle wheelset maintenance EN 50367, Railway applications — Current collection systems —Technical criteria for the interaction between pantograph and overhead line (to achieve free access) EN 50119, Railway applications — Fixed installations — Electric traction overhead contact lines
Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this European Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 (track) running surface virtual plane coplanar with the rail tops of a track 3.2 normal co-ordinates are measured in relation to the orthogonal axes defined in a transverse plane, normal to the longitudinal centreline of the rails in the nominal position on a theoretically perfect track One of these axes, commonly referred to as the horizontal axis, is coplanar with the running surface. The other axis, commonly referred to as the vertical axis, is perpendicular to the running surface and is equidistant from the rails.
For calculation purposes, the vertical axis is used as a common reference for the infrastructure and for the vehicle (see Figure 1).
Key 1 running surface 2 centreline of the vehicle and of the track Figure 1 — Reference axes
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3.3 gauge set of rules including a reference profile and its associated calculation rules allowing definition of the outer dimensions of the vehicle and the space to be cleared by the infrastructure NOTE
According to the calculation method implemented, the gauge will be a static, kinematic or dynamic one.
3.4 reference profile (RP) line specific to each gauge, representing the cross-section shape and used as a common basis to work out the sizing rules of the infrastructure and of the vehicle 3.5 upper parts, lower parts upper parts correspond to the upper zone of the gauge and the lower parts correspond to the lower zone of the gauge NOTE
The limit between the two parts is defined for each gauge.
3.6 associated rules mathematical laws associated with each reference profile in order to size the infrastructure or a vehicle 3.7 static gauge combination of the specific reference profile and its associated static rules
3.9 dynamic gauge combination of the specific reference profile and its associated dynamic rules 3.10 absolute gauging method directory of the reference position of structures along a given route and of the dynamic rules associated with this route 3.11 comparative gauging method set of rules allowing the comparing of the swept envelopes of various vehicles on the basis of their dynamic movements 3.12 geometric overthrow ( Dpli or Dpla ) difference between the distance, measured parallel to the running surface and in the transverse direction, of a part of the vehicle under consideration to the centre of a curved track or radius R and the distance of this same part, in the same conditions, to the centre of a straight track NOTE
See detailed explanation in 5.1.
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3.8 kinematic gauge combination of the specific reference profile and its associated kinematic rules
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3.13 flexibility coefficient ( s ) ratio of the angle η (between the body tilted on its suspension with the plane perpendicular to the running surface) to the angle canted track) NOTE
(between the running surface and the horizontal plane with the vehicle stationary on a
See detailed explanation in 5.2.
3.14 dissymmetry ( η 0 ) angle η0 that would be made by the centreline of the body of a stationary vehicle on a level track relative to the vertical in the absence of any friction. NOTE
See detailed explanation in 5.3.
3.15 clearance between wheelset and track (
l−d ) 2
transverse displacement of the wheelset in relation to the track centre. NOTE
See detailed explanation in 5.4.
3.16 transverse clearance between wheelset and body ( q + w ) sum of the amount "q" at the level of the axle boxes and of the amount "w " between the bogie frame and the body (see Figure 2)
Key 1
transverse clearance "q" between wheelset and bogie frame or between wheelset and body for vehicles not fitted with bogies
transverse clearance "w" between body and bogie
centre of wheelset Figure 2 — Transverse clearances q and
3.17 coefficient of displacement ( A ) parameter "A" to take into account the orientation of the bogie and body position as a result of the wheelset position on the track
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3.18 additional overthrow ( Si or Sa ) excess geometric overthrow of the vehicle beyond the reference profile NOTE
See detailed explanation in 5.5.
3.19 roll centre ( C ) rotational centre of the body NOTE
See detailed explanation in 5.6.
3.20 cant ( D ), ( Dth ), cant deficiency ( I ) and cant excess cant D is the difference in height of the centres of the two rails of a track at the level of the running surface. The theoretical equilibrium cant Dth is the cant for which the resultant of the centrifugal acceleration and gravity is perpendicular to the running surface at a given velocity. Cant deficiency I is the difference between the applied cant and the theoretical equilibrium cant:
I = Dth − D
A negative value of cant deficiency denotes cant excess. 3.21 quasi-static roll corresponds to the roll movements of the vehicle due to the roll of the sprung weight under the effect of the transverse accelerations due to gravity (see Figure 14 a)) or to the centrifugal force not compensated by the cant (see Figure 14 b)). This roll is referred to as quasi-static because it is determined for a moving vehicle on the basis of a transverse acceleration considered as steady and taking no account of the additional dynamic or random effects 3.22 random dynamic movements additional oscillations of the vehicle, in relation to its quasi-static position, generated by the interaction of the vehicle and the track resulting from the condition of the latter and the running speed. They are generated by the dynamic reactions of the vehicle due to some layout defects such as:
track geometry;
sudden layout variations in the vicinity of turnouts;
elastic deformation and the degradation of track due to traffic;
a sequence of rail joints generating resonance phenomena;
hunting movements;
effects of cross winds and aerodynamic phenomena
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3.23 pantograph gauges and interface with the overhead line specific reference profile combined with specific associated rules allowing verification that the pantograph head remains inside the allotted space, and location of infrastructure structures at a sufficient mechanical and electrical distance according to the pantograph head type used with live or insulated parts 3.23.1 pantograph gauge reference profile with its associated rules allowing verification that the pantograph head in a raised position remains within the allotted space (see Figure 3)
Key 1
track centreline
pantograph reference profile
displaced pantograph head
contact wire raised by the pantograph Figure 3 — Pantograph gauge
3.23.2 mechanical structure gauge reference profile and its associated rules allowing the definition of the space to be cleared by all the structures in order to ensure passage of the pantograph in raised position, taking account of the maintenance allowances and of the displacements considered by the infrastructure (see Figure 4)
Key mechanical structure gauge
pantograph reference profile
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Figure 4 — Mechanical structure gauge
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3.23.3 electrical insulating allowance clearance to be maintained between two parts at different potentials in given atmospheric conditions in order to ensure electrical insulation
3.23.4 electrical structure gauge reference profile and its associated rules allowing the definition of the space to be cleared taking account of the required electrical insulating allowance in relation to the live parts of the pantograph in the raised position (see Figure 5)
a) Pantographs fitted with insulated horns
b) Pantographs fitted with non-insulated horns
Key 1
pantograph reference profile
electrical structure gauge Figure 5 — Electrical structure gauge
3.23.5 gauge for live roof-mounted parts reduced gauge in relation to the maximum vehicle construction gauge taking account of a sufficient insulating clearance to the non-live parts of the infrastructure (see Figure 6) Live parts are electrically non-protected parts of the vehicle. They are not allowed to penetrate the hatched area.
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a) Pantograph with insulated horns
b) For pantographs fitted with non-insulated horns
Key 1
maximum vehicle construction gauge
space which shall not be penetrated by non-insulated parts likely to remain live
pantograph gauge
electrical insulating clearance Figure 6 — Gauge of live non-protected roof-mounted parts
3.24 reference vehicles theoretical or actual vehicles the parameters of which are used to establish the rules associated with a reference profile to obtain a gauge 3.25 maximum vehicle construction gauge maximum volume obtained by applying the associated rules giving reductions Ei and Ea to be subtracted in relation to the reference profile (see Figure 7)
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Key 1
reference profile
maximum vehicle construction gauge
effective construction gauge of the vehicle body
Ei transverse reduction in relation to the reference profile for cross-sections between bogie centres Ea transverse reduction in relation to the reference profile for cross-sections beyond bogie centres Figure 7 — Space available for the construction of a vehicle 3.26 structure gauge according to the application, the following definitions are used: 3.26.1 structure limit gauge defines the space not to be encroached upon at any time and fixes the limit for normal operation. It is used to ensure that structures allow free passage Consequently, no structure is allowed to penetrate this space at any time 3.26.2 structure installation limit gauge gives the space to be cleared taking into account a maintenance allowance defined according to the line speed and to the track quality at the time of the structure installation When maintenance allowances have been fully used, a mandatory minimum clearance shall always remain to allow the operation of the vehicles 3.26.3 structure installation nominal gauge in addition to maintenance allowances, the structure installation nominal gauge takes account of safety allowances and of reserved allowances defined for the infrastructure, e.g. of the running of special consignments, of line speed increase, strong cross winds, aerodynamic effects etc. 3.26.4 uniform structure gauge gauge of constant cross-section used for the infrastructure 3.27 swept envelope cross-section perpendicular to the running surface encompassing all the points swept by the vehicle under consideration with its dynamic displacements in any possible position combined with running and operating conditions on a track of a given quality NOTE
A series of swept envelopes makes it possible to determine the volume swept on a given route.
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Symbols and abbreviations
For the purposes of this European Standard, the symbols and abbreviations given in Table 1 are applicable. Table 1 — Symbols and abbreviations Symbol
Symbol number
Distance between end axles of vehicles not fitted with bogies or between bogie centres
Wheelbase "a" of the reference vehicle
Coefficient of displacement
Reduction allowed on the pantograph displacement value
Reduction allowed on the pantograph displacement value at the upper verification point
Reduction allowed on the pantograph displacement value at the lower verification point
Semi-width or distance parallel to the running surface, relative to the track centreline or of the vehicle
b 'q
Actual installation distance of the platforms, measured from the rail running edge
Thickness of the wheel flanges
bb max
Maximum thickness of the wheel flanges
bb min
Minimum thickness of the wheel flanges
bRP kin
Semi-width of the kinematic reference profile
bRP dyn
Semi-width of the dynamic reference profile
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Symbol number
bRP st
Semi-width of the static reference profile
bf max
Maximum back-to-back dimension
bf min
Minimum back-to-back dimension
Semi-spacing of side bearers
Semi-width of the infrastructure
bgap 0
Standard width of the gap between the platform and the step
bgap actual
Actual width of the gap between the platform and the step
Semi-width of the platform installation
Semi-width of the standard platform installation
Semi-width of the standard platform installation on the outside of a curve
Semi-width of the standard platform installation on the inside of a curve
Minimum semi-width of the platform installation gauge
Semi-width of the reference vehicle
Semi-width of reference vehicle No. 1
br 2
Semi-width of reference vehicle No. 2
br inf
Semi-width of the reference infrastructure
Semi-width of the vehicle
bveh (1)
Semi-width of vehicle 1
bveh ( 2)
Semi-width of vehicle 2
Semi-width of the pantograph head
Calculation constant
Roll centre
Reference profile
RP d dg a
Dimension over wheel flanges
Geometric overthrow of the vehicle on the outside of the curve
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Table 1 (continued)
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Symbol number
dg a max
Maximum geometric overthrow allowed on the outside of the curve
dg av
Vertical geometric overthrow on the outside of the curve
Geometric overthrow of the vehicle on the inside of the curve
dg i max
Maximum geometric overthrow allowed on the inside of the curve
Vertical geometric overthrow on the inside of the curve
Fixed cant value taken into account by agreement between the vehicle and the infrastructure with regard to the kinematic gauge
Equivalent cant
Structure limit cant
DL ( 2 )
Structure installation limit cant
Maximum cant
Dmax 0
Standard maximum cant to allow for enlargement of the kinematic gauge
Transverse displacement
Dpl akin
Transverse displacement towards the outside of the curve, taken into account for the kinematic gauge
Transverse displacement towards the outside of the curve, taken into account for the dynamic gauge
Transverse displacement towards the outside of the curve, taken into account for the static gauge
Transverse displacement taken into account for the kinematic gauge
Transverse displacement taken into account for the dynamic gauge
Transverse displacement of the vehicle A taken into account for the dynamic gauge
Transverse displacement of the vehicle B taken into account for the dynamic gauge
Transverse displacement towards the inside of the curve, taken into account for the kinematic gauge
Transverse displacement towards the inside of the curve, taken into account for the dynamic gauge
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Table 1 (continued)
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Table 1 (continued) Symbol
Symbol number
Transverse displacement towards the inside of the curve, taken into account for the static gauge
Transverse displacement taken into account for the static gauge
D add
Additional cant
Theoretical equilibrium cant
Vertical reduction on the outside of the curve
Vertical reduction on the inside of the curve
Offset of the characteristics
Offset of the pantograph at the upper verification point
Offset of the reference vehicle roof-mounted pantograph at the upper verification point
Offset of the pantograph due to the reference vehicle characteristics
Offset of the pantograph at the lower verification point
Offset of the reference vehicle roof-mounted pantograph at the lower verification point
Lowering of track components
Transverse reduction relative to the reference profile
Transverse reduction relative the reference profile for cross-sections beyond the axles or beyond the bogie centres
Transverse reduction
relative the reference profile for cross-sections between the axles or between the bogie centres Efra
Width to be cleared for the projection of collector shoes on the outside of a curve
Width to be cleared for the projection of collector shoes on the inside of a curve
Raising of the contact wire
f so
Raising of the contact wire at the lowest temperature, measured in relation to its position for the mean temperature
Contact wire sag. Initial sag including the sag between the hangers
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Table 1 (continued) Designation
Contact wire sag at the highest temperature, measured in relation to its position for the mean temperature
f wa
Wear of the head
f ws
Displacement caused by the head roll
Fixed value taken into account in the additional overthrows
Acceleration due to gravity
Centre of gravity of the body
Height in relation to the running surface
h' o
Maximum verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised position
h' u
Minimum verification height of the pantograph gauge in a raised position
Roll centre height
Value of hc used for the agreement between the vehicle and the infrastructure
Height of the reference profile
Effective height of the raised pantograph
Effective height of the raised pantograph plus the electrical insulation
Height of the contact wire
Maximum height available for the infrastructure below the lower horizontal line of the reference profile
Height of the lower horizontal line of the reference profile
Height of the lower horizontal line of the special reference profile of the lower parts for vehicles having to pass over marshalling humps and activated rail brakes
hmin( 2 )
Height of the lower horizontal line of the special reference profile of the lower parts for vehicles having to pass over marshalling humps and disengaged rail brakes
hmin RP
Height of the bottom corner of the reference profile
Height of the platform edge coping
heff elec hf
m m/s
1.085 2
1.086 1.087
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Symbol number
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Table 1 (continued) Symbol
Symbol number
Height of the platforms
Installation height of the lower pantograph joint in relation to the running surface
hu min
Minimum height specified for the vertical geometric displacements of the vehicle above the reference profile as a function of the vertical curve of the track
Height of the vehicle
Cant deficiency
I 'c
Intermediate cant deficiency value between 0 and Ic
I 'p
Intermediate cant deficiency value taken into account for tilting body vehicles
Maximum cant deficiency used by the infrastructure manager for his routes
I eq
Equivalent cant deficiency
I L (1)
Structure limit cant deficiency
I L ( 2)
Structure installation limit cant deficiency
I max
Maximum cant deficiency
I max 0
Standard maximum cant deficiency to take into account the suspension displacements with regard to the kinematic gauge
Fixed cant deficiency value taken into account by agreement between the vehicle and the infrastructure with regard to the kinematic gauge
Cant deficiency of tilting body vehicles
Additional cant deficiency
Minimum vertical reference clearances at the level of the side bearers
j 'a
Additional transverse clearances, towards the outside of the curve, relative to those of the reference vehicle
j 'i
Additional transverse clearances, towards the inside of the curve, relative to those of the reference vehicle
Actual vertical clearance at the level of the side bearers
Security coefficient irregularities
Quasi-static roll coefficient taken into account by the infrastructure
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Table 1 (continued) Symbol
Quasi-static roll coefficient taken into account for the pantograph reference profile
Symbol number 1.125
Track gauge, distance between the rail running edges
Width of tyre
Position of the check rail in relation to the rail running edge
Nominal track gauge
l max
Maximum track gauge
l act
Actual track gauge
Developed length of radius R1
l fl
Width of the flangeway in relation to the rail running edge
Standard distance between the centrelines of the rails of the same track
Mandatory allowance
M (1) kin
Mandatory allowance with regard to the kinematic gauge
M (1)d
Part of the mandatory allowance M(1) due to the loading dissymmetry and the suspension adjustment
M (1)dyn
Mandatory allowance with regard to the dynamic gauge
1 .138
M (1)osc
Part of the mandatory allowance M(1) due to the transverse oscillations of the vehicle with regard to the kinematic gauge
M (1)st
Mandatory allowance with regard to the static gauge
M ( 2)
Infrastructure maintenance allowance
Usable allowance with regard to the kinematic gauge
M ( 2) D kin
Part of the usable allowance M(2) due to the crosslevel errors TD with regard to the kinematic gauge
M ( 2) D
Part of the usable allowance M(2) due to the crosslevel errors TD with regard to the dynamic gauge
Usable allowance M(2) with regard to the dynamic gauge
M (1)
M ( 2 ) kin
M ( 2) dyn
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Table 1 (continued) Unit
Symbol number
Usable allowance with regard to the static gauge
Part of the usable allowance M(2) due to the transverse displacement of the track
M (3)
Additional infrastructure allowance
M fb
Vertical allowance for the passage onto ferries
Electrical insulation allowance
M osc (1)
Allowance for the dynamic roll due to the oscillations of vehicle No. 1
M osc ( 2)
Allowance for the dynamic roll due to the oscillations of vehicle No. 2
Reserve vertical allowance
M v (1)
Mandatory vertical allowance
M v ( 2)
Maintenance vertical allowance
M v(3)
Additional vertical allowance
Distance from the section under consideration to the adjacent end axle or to the closest pivot
n for the sections outside the axles or bogie centres
na of the reference vehicle
n for the sections between the axles or bogie centres
ni of the reference vehicle
Distance from the section under consideration to the adjacent end axle or to the closest pivot of the reference vehicle
Bogie wheelbase
Reduction at the upper verification point of the pantographs
Reduction at the upper verification point of the pantographs beyond the bogie centres
Reduction at the upper verification point of the pantographs between the bogie centres
Depth of the flangeway necessary to allow passage of the wheel flange
Reference vehicle bogie wheelbase
Reduction at the lower verification point of the pantographs
Symbol M ( 2)st
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Table 1 (continued) Symbol
Symbol number
Reduction at the lower verification point of the pantographs beyond the bogie centres
Reduction at the lower verification point of the pantographs between the bogie centres
Transverse clearance between wheelset and bogie frame, or wheelset and body for vehicles not fitted with bogies
Transverse clearance between wheelset and bogie frame, or wheelset of the reference vehicle
Displacement due to the quasi-static roll taken into account by the infrastructure outside the reference profile on the outside of the curve
Displacement due to the quasi-static roll taken into account by the infrastructure outside the reference profile on the inside of the curve
Displacement due to the complete quasi-static roll
Horizontal curve radius
Different curve radii used in junction work
Different curve radii used in junction work
Critical curve radius
Minimum curve radius
Radius corresponding to the maximum roll of a tilting body vehicle
Theoretical curve radius of junction work
Vertical curve radius
Minimum vertical curve radius
Rv min
Flexibility coefficient
Flexibility coefficient taken into account in the agreement between the vehicle and the infrastructure
s '0
Flexibility coefficient taken into account in the agreement between the vehicle and the infrastructure for the pantograph gauge
Limit value of the flexibility coefficient
Flexibility coefficient of the reference vehicle
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Table 1 (continued) Symbol
Symbol number
Allowed additional overthrow
Standard value of additional overthrow linked to the reference profile
S '0
Standard value of additional overthrow linked to the pantograph reference profile
S 'a
Allowed additional overthrow on the outside of the curve for pantographs
S 'i
Allowed additional overthrow on the inside of the curve for pantographs
Allowed additional overthrow on the outside of the curve
S a kin
Allowed additional overthrow on the outside of the curve with regard to the kinematic gauge
S a dyn
Allowed additional overthrow on the outside of the curve with regard to the dynamic gauge
S a st
Allowed additional overthrow on the outside of the curve with regard to the static gauge
S kin
Allowed additional kinematic gauge
S dyn
Allowed additional overthrow with regard to the dynamic gauge
Equivalent value of the flexibility coefficient
Allowed additional overthrow on the inside of the curve
S i kin
Allowed additional overthrow on the inside of the curve with regard to the kinematic gauge
Si dyn
Allowed additional overthrow on the inside of the curve with regard to the dynamic gauge
S i st
Allowed additional overthrow on the inside of the curve with regard to the static gauge
Allowed additional overthrow with regard to the static gauge
Pantograph flexibility coefficient
Reference vehicle pantograph flexibility coefficient
Construction tolerance of the vehicle in the transverse direction
Angle of dissymmetry, considered in ηor for poor load distribution
Track crosslevel errors between two maintenance periods
Track vertical tolerance
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Table 1 (continued) Symbol
Symbol number
Crosslevel error selected for calculation of oscillations caused by track irregularities
Installation tolerance of the platforms
Angle of dissymmetry, considered in η0r for poor suspension adjustment
Transverse displacement of the track between two periods of maintenance
Vehicle speed
Vehicle speed
V 'c
Intermediate value of the standard train speed
V 'p
Intermediate value of the tilting train speed
Fixed value
Fixed value considered at the upper verification point of the pantographs for a cant deficiency I0
max )
Fixed value considered at the upper verification point of the pantographs for a cant deficiency Imax
Fixed value considered at the lower verification point of the pantographs for a cant deficiency I0
max )
Fixed value considered at the lower verification point of the pantographs for a cant deficiency Imax
Transverse clearance between bogie and body
Transverse clearance between bogie and body varying as a function of the track curve radius
wa (R)
Transverse clearance between bogie and body towards the outside of the curve varying as a function of the track curve radius
wi (R)
Transverse clearance between bogie and body towards the inside of the curve varying as a function of the track curve radius
Transverse clearance between bogie and body of the reference vehicle
Distance taken into account from the point of origin O for the calculation of ev
Part of the quasi-static roll taken into account by the vehicle
Difference between the transverse roll based on the calculation and the actual roll of the upper verification point of the pantograph
VFo (I VFo (I
VFu (I VFu (I
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Table 1 (continued) Symbol
Symbol number
Difference between the transverse roll based on the calculation and the actual roll of the lower verification point of the pantograph
Fixed value available to the vehicle on the outside of the static reference profile to allow quasi-static roll of the vehicle
z kin
Quasi-static roll of the vehicle with regard to the kinematic gauge
Quasi-static roll of the vehicle with regard to the dynamic gauge
z p kin
Quasi-static roll of the tilting body vehicles with regard to the kinematic gauge
z p dyn
Quasi-static roll of the tilting body vehicles with regard to the dynamic gauge
Additional angle of roll of the body due to the clearance to the side bearers
α osc
Angle corresponding to the value Tosc expressed in millimetres
Angle of the inclined part of the pantograph head in relation to the horizontal
Angle made by the gangway between the platform and the ferry
Crossing angle of turnouts
Centrifugal acceleration
γ 'D
Centripetal acceleration due to the cant
γ 'I
Centrifugal deficiency
Fixed term corresponding to:
Additional width on the inside of the curve
Additional width on the outside of the curve
Vertical movement of the vehicle taken into account for the dynamic gauges
Fixed term corresponding to:
Angle of roll of the canted track
Value for the distance to the platform on the outside of the curve in relation to the gauge for the structures in the inclined position of value δ
Maximum value of δqa
δ qa δ qamax
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n a (a + n a ) −
n i (a + n i ) −
p2 4
p2 4
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1.247 1.248 1.249
BS EN 15273-1:2009 EN 15273-1:2009 (E)
Symbol number
Σ jst
Denotes the various indices that can accompany the value Σ with regard to the static gauge
Σ jkin
Denotes the various indices that can accompany the value Σ with regard to the kinematic gauge
Σ jdyn
Denotes the various indices that can accompany the value Σ with regard to the dynamic gauge
Sum of the limit verification values for the infrastructure with regard to the kinematic gauge
Σ 2 kin
Sum of the limit values of the infrastructure allowances with regard to the kinematic gauge
Σ 3kin
Sum of the nominal values of the allowances taken into account by the infrastructure with regard to the kinematic gauge
Σ 3kin a
Value Σ3kin taken into account on the outside of the curve
Σ 3kin i
Value Σ3kin taken into account on the inside of the curve
Σ '1kin
Value Σ1kin taken into account for verification of the structures
Σ ''1kin
Minimum value of Σ’1kin
Σ ' 2kin
Value Σ2kin taken into account for installation of the structures
Σ '' 2kin
Minimum value of Σ’2kin
Σ1kin (v)
Sum of the limit verification values for the infrastructure with regard to the kinematic gauge in the vertical direction
Σ 2 kin (v)i
Sum of the limit values of the infrastructure allowances with regard to the kinematic gauge in the vertical direction on the inside of the curve
Σ 2kin (v)a
Sum of the limit values of the infrastructure allowances with regard to the kinematic gauge in the vertical direction on the outside of the curve
Σ 3 kin (v)i
Sum of the nominal values of the infrastructure allowances with regard to the kinematic gauge in the vertical direction on the inside of the curve
Σ 3kin (v)a
Sum of the nominal values of the infrastructure allowances with regard to the kinematic gauge in the vertical direction on the outside of the curve
Sum of the limit verification values for the infrastructure with regard to the dynamic gauge
Σ 2 dyn
Sum of the limit values of the infrastructure allowances with regard to the dynamic gauge
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Table 1 (continued)
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Table 1 (continued)
Symbol number
Σ 3dyn
Sum of the nominal values of the infrastructure allowances with regard to the dynamic gauge
Sum of the values of the allowances taken into account by the infrastructure in the vertical direction
Angle made by the straight line joining the centre of gravity at the roll centre with the vertical
Angle of roll of the vehicle relative to the running surface
Angle of dissymmetry of a vehicle due to construction tolerances, to suspension adjustment and to unequal load distributions
Angle of dissymmetry of a vehicle in which the clearance to the side bearers does not exceed j
η 0r
Reference angle η0 taken into account in the agreement
Angle resulting tolerances
Angle resulting from the suspension tolerances of the reference vehicle
Pantograph construction and installation tolerance
Reference vehicle installation tolerance
Specific considerations for determination of parameters
5.1 5.1.1
Geometric overthrow Geometric overthrow between the vehicle body
To determine the geometric overthrow, the vehicle is considered to be ideally located with no clearance, in the median position on the track. If a vehicle is located on a curved track, the geometric effect generates a transverse overthrow " dgi " towards the inside of the curve for the parts between the bogie centres or between the wheelsets and a transverse overthrow " dg a " towards the outside of the curve for the parts in the overhang (see Figure 8).
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distance between the end axles or between the bogie centres
longitudinal position of the section considered outside the wheelsets or bogie centres
longitudinal position of the section considered between the wheelsets or between the bogie centres
dg a
geometric overthrow at the section position na
geometric overthrow at the section position ni
distance between the end axles of the bogie Figure 8 — Geometric overthrow of the vehicle on a curved track dg a =
ana + na 2 2R
dg i =
ani − ni 2 2R
It should be noted that these formulae are slightly simplified, but the error is less than
negligible taking into account the very high value of
n ²(a + n)² , which is 8R³
R³ .
Additional geometric overthrow due to the bogies
The bogies produce an additional geometric overthrow " dgi " towards the centre of the curve (see Figure 9).
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dgi geometric overthrow at the bogie centre
p distance between the end axles of the bogie Figure 9 — Geometric overthrow of the bogie on a curved track dg i =
p² 8R
Generally, The geometric overthrow on the inside of the curve
dg i =
p2 4
ani − ni 2 +
The geometric overthrow on the outside of the curve
dg a =
p2 4
These same formulae may also be used in the vertical plane to determine " dgiv " and " dg av "
ana + na 2 −
Flexibility coefficient
The flexibility coefficient
η δ
Figure 10 shows the roll due to the flexibility of the suspension.
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Key 1
normal to the running surface
centreline of the inclined body under the effect of a cant
roll centre
angle of roll of the canted track
roll centre height
η angle of roll of the vehicle relative to the running surface Figure 10 — Roll due to the flexibility of the suspension
The dissymmetry taken into account for calculating the roll of the vehicle is:
η0 = (1 + s)λ
The dissymmetry of the vehicle corresponds to angle λ and may be due to a structural imperfection, to poor adjustment of the suspension (set-up tolerances, etc.) and to an offset of the load (see Figure 11). Angle λ is the angle made by the straight line joining the centre of gravity to the roll centre with the vertical.
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Key C
roll centre
h height in relation to the running surface hc roll centre height G
centre of gravity of the body --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
λ angle made by the straight line joining the centre of gravity to the roll centre with the vertical η0 angle of dissymmetry due to construction tolerances, to suspension adjustment and to offset load distributions Figure 11 — Illustration of dissymmetry
Clearance between the wheelsets and the track
the value " l " of the track gauge is measured between the rail running edges 14 mm below the running surface and the value " d " of the dimension over wheel flanges at the limit of wear is measured 10 mm below the wheel tread (see Figure 12).
The values, d and l may vary from one network to another. The values d , l N , lmax relative to each case under study are listed in the catalogue of gauges standardized in Annex B, Annex C, Annex D and Annex E.
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Key 1 2 3
clearance between the wheelset and the track track centreline centreline of the wheelset
transverse displacement of the wheelset in relation to the track centreline
l −d 2
d dimension over wheel flanges l track gauge, distance between the rail running edges Figure 12 — Relative position between the wheelset and the track
Additional overthrow
Figure 13 shows the space reserved for additional overthrows Si and Sa in relation to the reference profile.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
reference vehicle running on the outer curved track reference vehicle running on the inner curved track outer curved track inner curved track reference profile of the inner curved track reference profile of the outer curved track additional overthrow "Sa" towards the outside of the outer curved track additional overthrow "Sa" towards the inside of the outer curved track additional overthrow "Sa" towards the outside of the inner curved track additional overthrow "Sa" towards the inside of the inner curved track
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Figure 13 — Additional overthrows in a curve
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Roll centre
The transverse displacement of the body makes it possible to determine a centreline XX’. When the body rolls, the centreline XX’ takes a position X1 X’1. The roll centre C is located at the intersection of centrelines XX’ and X1X’1 and its height hC in relation to the running surface is referred to as the height of the roll centre. The position of the roll centre may vary as a function of the load (see Figure 14).
a) vehicle stationary on a
b) vehicle running on a curve
canted curve
with cant deficiency
c) vehicle with dissymmetry
Key 1
transverse displacement of the body
running surface
roll centre Figure 14 — Roll of a vehicle around its roll centre
6 6.1
Gauges and gauging methods General
A gauge is an agreement for the division of responsibilities between the vehicle and the infrastructure (see Figure 15).
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Key A
maximum construction gauge for the vehicle
reference profile
structure gauge
widenings comprising "S, qs, z0, M1, M2, M3" established for the infrastructure
reductions "Ei or Ea" established for the vehicle
sum of the vehicle displacements and of the phenomena interacting with the infrastructure
vehicle Figure 15 — General illustration of the gauges
The basic elements required to establish an agreement are:
a reference profile;
one or more reference vehicles;
distribution of responsibilities to take into account the phenomena between the infrastructure and the vehicle;
the gauging rules for the infrastructure and for the vehicle;
the allowed additional overthrows "S" for the vehicle outside the reference profile.
Each agreement specifies that: For the vehicle, the maximum construction gauge is obtained by reducing the reference profile by a value
E = Dpl − S ,
in the knowledge that the vehicle undergoes displacements " Dpl " and that the infrastructure authorizes
additional overthrows " S " outside the reference profile.
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For the infrastructure, the structure limit gauge is obtained by adding the additional overthrows " S " and taking into account phenomena not included in the reference profile. In order to simplify matters, the infrastructure may also decide to apply a uniform structure installation gauge. The three types of agreement generally applied are commonly referred to as "static gauge", "kinematic gauge" and "dynamic gauge". 6.1.1
Static gauge
For the "static gauge", the infrastructure takes into account fixed allowances to cover certain dynamic displacements of the vehicle. The use of this type of gauge is restricted to vehicles in which the flexibility of the suspension is limited. The static gauging method only applies to vehicles in which the quasi-static roll " z kin " is not greater than the value " z 0 " specified below, the value of which is given in Annex B. Thus, for the vehicle:
the semi-width " bveh " of the vehicle under consideration is calculated on the basis of a static reference profile " bRP st " by adding the corresponding static additional overthrow " Sst " and subtracting the static
bveh ≤ bRP st + S st − Dplst
the vehicle takes no account of the dynamic uplift of the suspension.
For the infrastructure:
the enlargement for dynamic uplift and drop shall be taken into account by respectively adding to or subtracting from the height of the static reference profile.
The semi-width " binf " is defined by taking into account the fixed allowances established by the infrastructure. These fixed allowances shall be adequate to cover all the dynamic displacements of the vehicle not included inside the static reference profile. Considering that qsi = QD > D 0 and qsa = QI > I 0 , it is possible to verify that the allowances are adequate by applying the following formula:
binf ≥ bRP st + S st + z 0 + qsi qsa + M (1) d + M (1) osc + M ( 2)track + M ( 2) D + M (3)
the infrastructure specifies a vertical allowance to take account of the dynamic uplift of the suspension.
Kinematic gauge
For the "kinematic gauge", the infrastructure takes into account the dynamic displacements of the vehicle not exceeding certain values specified in the agreement. Any exceeding of the standard values is borne by the vehicle. Quasi-static roll is partially taken into account in the displacement " Dplkin " inside the reference profile.
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displacements " Dplst "
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The value " zkin " considered for this purpose inside the reference profile varies as a function of the vehicle suspension flexibility and characteristics under consideration. The calculation is based on a fixed cant or cant deficiency D0 or I 0 taken into account by the vehicle. As far as it is concerned, the infrastructure clears the complementary quasi-static roll
qsi or qs a on the basis
of the parameters of the reference vehicles included in the agreement and in the local track characteristics. Consequently, the kinematic gauging method is applicable to every vehicle irrespective of its suspension flexibility. Thus
the semi-width " bveh " of the vehicle under consideration is calculated on the basis of a kinematic reference profile " bRP kin " by adding the corresponding kinematic additional overthrow " S kin " and by subtracting the kinematic displacements " Dplkin ";
bveh ≤ bRP kin + S kin − Dpl kin
the semi-width " binf " of the corresponding infrastructure is calculated on the basis of the reference profile " bRP kin " by adding the kinematic additional overthrow " S kin ", the quasi-static roll qsi or qsa , the additional dynamic roll " M (1)
", the usable maintenance allowances " M ( 2)
" and a possible reserve " M ( 3) ".
binf ≥ bRP kin + S kin + qsi qsa + M (1) d + M (1) osc + M track + M ( 2) D + M (3) 6.1.3
Dynamic gauge
For the "dynamic gauge", the infrastructure does not take into account the vehicle displacements. All the displacements are managed by the vehicle on the basis of a track quality defined in the agreement. In the dynamic gauging method, all the displacements " Dpldyn " of the vehicle are determined by considering an equivalent cant " Deq ≥ Dmax + Dsup " or a cant deficiency " I eq ≥ I max + I sup " and are taken into account inside the dynamic reference profile. The values of Dsup and I sup are calculated in order to include the effects of the oscillations " M (1)osc " and the
T dynamic part s D (h − hc0 )> 0 of the crosslevel error " M ( 2) D " inside the reference profile. L The additional values Dsup and I sup correspond to the sum " Tosc + TD " with the possibility of varying the values as a function of the infrastructure criteria according to the track quality, speed and according to whether it is a matter of cant or cant deficiency. As far as it is concerned, the infrastructure takes into account the allowances M (1)d and M ( 2) outside the dyn dynamic reference profile. Therefore, the dynamic gauging method is applicable to all vehicles and enables their width to be optimized depending on the flexibility of their suspensions.
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the semi-width " bveh " of the vehicle under consideration is calculated on the basis of a dynamic reference profile " bRP dyn " by adding the corresponding dynamic additional overthrow " S dyn " and by subtracting the dynamic displacements " Dpldyn "
bveh ≤ bRP dyn + S dyn − Dpldyn
the semi-width " binf " of the corresponding infrastructure is calculated on the basis of the reference profile "
bRP dyn " by adding the dynamic additional overthrow " Sdyn ", the allowance M (1)d to cover the
η0 , the allowance M ( 2)dyn covering the transverse displacement of the track M ( 2 ) track and
T the geometric part h D of the crosslevel error M ( 2) D and a possible reserve M ( 3) . L
binf ≥ bRP dyn + S dyn + M (1) d + M ( 2) dyn + M ( 3) 6.1.4
Uniform structure gauge
The uniform structure gauge results from a numerical application officially comprising the maximum additional overthrows, the maximum allowed quasi-static effects and the infrastructure allowances. The uniform structure gauge is a nominal gauge to which the infrastructure does not add any additional overthrow or quasi-static effect. It is reserved solely for the infrastructure and the vehicle running on it shall be sized according to one of the static, kinematic or dynamic gauges. Generally, uniform gauges have a greater allowance between the vehicle and the structures in the large radii and on a straight track. This explains why zones reserved for the installation of the platforms may be located inside uniform gauges. 6.1.5
Gauges and interoperability
Static, kinematic and dynamic gauges ensure various levels of interoperability for the vehicles on all the infrastructures that have cleared the gauges of the same name.
the static gauge ensures interoperability of vehicles in which the roll due to the flexibility of the suspensions does not exceed a limit value specified in the agreement;
the kinematic gauge ensures interoperability of all types of vehicles;
the dynamic gauge ensures interoperability of vehicles on infrastructures that comply with the track quality specified in the agreement. --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
Illustration and comparison of static and kinematic gauges in the transverse direction
In spite of an equivalent composition of the constituents of a static gauge and a kinematic gauge of the same name, if the infrastructure allowances are limited, it is possible that they will not ensure that vehicles constructed to the kinematic gauge will be able to operate (see Figure 16 and Figure 17). For networks wanting to ensure full compatibility of their infrastructure, this comparison of static and kinematic gauges makes it possible to define a structure installation limit gauge on the basis of an existing static gauge.
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It shall be noted that the kinematic gauge applied by the infrastructure also allows the operation of vehicles constructed according to the static gauge. The kinematic reference profile corresponding to the original static gauge is obtained by the following relationship:
bRP kin = bRP st + St − S kin + z 0
Key A
maximum vehicle construction gauge
reference profile
track centreline
composition of constituents
zone "z0" of the infrastructure, made available to the vehicle with regard to the static gauge Figure 16 — Equivalence of the composition of constituents of static gauges and the corresponding kinematic gauges
The structure gauge allows interoperability to be achieved by including the roll qsi or qsa and the allowances as a function of the flexibility coefficient
s0 used for the kinematic gauge.
In the case of non-interoperable routes, it is recommended adopting the same principle, with the limit flexibility coefficient slim corresponding to the value z0. The allowances M (1)
M ( 2) kin and M (3) take into account various random phenomena that mean:
the infrastructure manager adopts the method of his choice:
either, fixed values based on his experience, his operational and maintenance rules;
or, a Gaussian probability and a security coefficient based on local running conditions;
∑1kin , the sum of the random elements taken into account for the limit verification;
∑ 2 kin , the sum of the elements taken into account for the structure installation limit gauge;
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∑ 3 kin , the sum of the elements taken into account for the structure installation nominal gauge;
recommended values are given in the Annex to EN 15273-3.
Key A
maximum vehicle construction gauge
reference profile
structure gauge
track centreline
structure installation limit gauge
envelope of the reference vehicle without using the maintenance allowances
structure installation nominal gauge
mandatory allowance " M (1)d "
mandatory allowance " M (1)osc "
usable allowance " M ( 2) D
usable allowance " M ( 2 ) track "
reserve allowance M ( 3) (this reserve may contain the aerodynamic allowances)
10 usable allowance
M ( 2) kin between the installation limit gauge and limit gauge
11 constituent determined by the infrastructure manager 12 constituent determined by the vehicle manager 13 structure limit gauge for a defined track quality and a given speed 14 infrastructure manager reserve Figure 17 — Illustration and comparison of the static and kinematic gauges
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Illustration of the dynamic gauge
Figure 18 illustrates the dynamic gauge.
Key A
maximum vehicle construction gauge
reference profile
structure gauge
track centreline
structure installation limit gauge
envelope of the reference vehicle without using the maintenance allowances
structure installation nominal gauge
mandatory allowance " M (1)d "
full quasi-static roll Q and mandatory allowance " M (1)osc " in
usable allowance " M ( 2) D
usable allowance " M ( 2 ) track "
reserve allowance M ( 3) (this reserve may contain the aerodynamic allowances)
10 usable allowance
M ( 2) kin between the installation limit gauge and limit position
11 constituent determined by the infrastructure manager 12 constituent determined by the vehicle manager 13 structure limit gauge for a defined track quality and a given speed 14 mandatory allowance " M (1)d " NOTE
The same principle may be applied in the vertical direction.
Figure 18 — Illustration of the dynamic gauge
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Other gauging methods
The following gauging methods do not use a reference profile nor a one-to-one agreement between the vehicle and the infrastructure. Therefore, they are not gauges. These methods are reserved for vehicles dedicated to specific routes. The "dynamic gauge" calculation formulae may be used for these applications.
Absolute gauging method
For the absolute gauging method, the vehicle relies on the position of the structures to define its own maximum construction gauge (see Figure 19). The minimum value of the allowances to be specified in relation to the actual semi-width of the infrastructure corresponds to the values taken into account by the infrastructure with respect to the dynamic gauge. The dynamic envelope of the vehicle under consideration is defined by a swept envelope as a function of the local running conditions, taking into account the corresponding dynamic displacements " Dpldyn ". Thus the semi-width " bveh " of the vehicle under consideration is calculated on the basis of the reference semiwidth of the infrastructure " br inf " by subtracting the allowances taken into account by the infrastructure
and the dynamic displacements " Dpldyn ";
bveh ≤ br inf − Dpldyn − M (1) − M ( 2) d
the minimum semi-width "
− M (3)
binf " allowed by the infrastructure is calculated on the basis of the reference
semi-width " br inf " by subtracting the usable allowance " M ( 2)dyn " any a possible reserve M(3). (18)
binf ≥ br inf − M ( 2)dyn − M (3) NOTE 1
If specified, the aerodynamic part of the allowance
M ( 3)
is not taken into account by the infrastructure in
it depends on the vehicle. NOTE 2
In certain cases, the absolute gauging method may also be used for the pantographs.
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binf ,
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Key A
maximum vehicle construction gauge
track centreline
mandatory allowance " M (1)d " for the dissymmetry
reserve allowance M ( 3)
usable allowance " M ( 2) D
usable allowance " M ( 2 ) track " for track tolerances and wear
usable allowance M ( 2) for infrastructure maintenance dyn
aerodynamic allowance
infrastructure manager reserve
" for crosslevel error
10 constituents determined by the infrastructure manager 11 constituents determined by the vehicle manager 12 infrastructure reference semi-width br inf 13 structure limit gauge for a specified track quality 14 swept envelope NOTE
The same principle may be applied in the vertical direction.
Figure 19 — Illustration of the absolute gauging method
Comparative gauging method
In the comparative gauging method, the vehicle relies on an existing vehicle already running on a given route to define the maximum vehicle construction gauge of a new vehicle under consideration. The comparative gauging method makes it possible to ensure that the envelope swept by a vehicle 1 is no bigger than that swept by a reference vehicle 2 already running on a specified route. --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
bveh (1) ≤ bveh ( 2) + Dpldyn ( 2) − Dpldyn (1)
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Elements involved in the determination of a gauge
This clause lists the elements to be taken into account to avoid any interference between the vehicle and the infrastructure and between the vehicles.
In the transverse direction
Table 2 gives the elements to be taken into account for the transverse direction. Table 2 — Elements to be taken into account for the transverse direction Static
the semi-width of the vehicle " bveh " at the point under consideration the transverse position of the structure " binf "
the track centres EA
the vehicle construction tolerances
the geometric overthrow " dgi or dg a " of the point under consideration as a function of the track curvature the effects of the transverse clearances between the body and bogie as a function of the curve radius A ⋅ w(R)
the effects of the transverse clearances between wheelset and bogie A ⋅ q the effects of the transverse clearances of the wheelsets on the track
l −d A max 2
EN 15273-3
EN 15273-3
EN 15273-3
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-2
the effect of track gauge widening
lactual − l N 2
the effect of roll " η 0 " due to vehicle dissymmetry
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Table 2 (continued) Static Vehicle
the effects of the roll of tilting vehicles the effect of the roll due the vertical clearance " J " at the position of the side bearers the horizontal component of the vehicle roll due to the excess cant or cant deficiency " Q " crosslevel error due to defects and tolerances " TD "
the transverse bending of the body
the infrastructure construction tolerances
the dynamic roll " M (1)osc " due to oscillations generated by the irregularities of the track for a reference quality and speed
the transverse displacement of the track between two maintenance periods "
Dynamic Vehicle
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-3
EN 15273-3
EN 15273-3
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In the vertical direction
Table 3 gives the elements to be taken into account for the vertical direction. Table 3 — Elements to be taken into account for the vertical direction Static Vehicle
Kinematic Vehicle
Dynamic Vehicle
the height of the point under consideration on the vehicle
the vertical position of the structure under consideration
the vertical geometric overthrow " dgiv or dg av " of the point under consideration as a function of the track curvature
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-2 EN 15273-3
EN 15273-2 EN 15273-3
EN 15273-3
vehicle construction tolerances
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-2
tolerance on the adjustment of the suspension (air, …)
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-2
tolerances on the positioning of the track " Ttrack "
EN 15273-3
EN 15273-3
EN 152733
crosslevel error due to defects and tolerances " TD "
track vertical tolerance " TN "
tolerances on the installation of the structures
EN 15273-3
EN 15273-3
EN 15273-3
Wear down to maintenance limits
wear of the wheels
wear of the rails
wear of the axle boxes
the EN 15273-2
EN 15273-2 EN 15273-3
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-2 EN 15273-3
EN 15273-2
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EN 15273-3 EN 15273-2
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Table 3 (continued) Static Vehicle wear of the suspension
Kinematic Infra
Dynamic Vehicle
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-3
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-3
EN 15273-2
EN 15273-2
Vertical displacements
deformation of the structures
EN 15273-2
suspension displacement
EN 15273-2
dynamic uplift of the suspension
Vertical displacements due to the roll of the vehicle and of the track the vertical component of the vehicle roll due to the cant excess or to the cant deficiency
the effect of the vehicle dissymmetry " η 0 "
EN 15273-3
EN 15273-3
EN 15273-2
the effect of the roll " J − j " of the frame due to the clearance of the side bearers
EN 15273-3
7.2 Detailed analysis of the details to be shared between vehicle and infrastructure depending of the method of determination of each of the gauges 7.2.1
In the transverse direction
Additional overthrows General rules
The additional overthrows " Si " allowed towards the inside of the curve may have different values to the additional overthrows " Sa " allowed towards the outside of the curve. Figure 20 illustrates the development of the additional overthrows in relation to the horizontal curve. It should be noted that according to the agreement, the value F either includes or not the clearances "q + w" of the reference vehicle in the semi-width br. In this case, the value F will be zero in the formulae for determination of the additional overthrow.
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The number of reference vehicles depends on the agreement associated with each gauge.
Key 1
reference vehicle n° 1 in which the semi-width corresponds to br1
reference vehicle n° 2 in which the semi-width corresponds to br2
semi-width of the reference profile or semi-width of the reference vehicle
1/Rc corresponds to a radius where the critical reference vehicle changes
1/∞ corresponds a straight line track
Figure 20 — Example of illustrating the development of the development of the additional overthrows in relation to the horizontal curve for a gauge using two reference vehicles According to the agreement associated with the gauge under examination, static, kinematic or dynamic, the value of the additional overthrow allowed at the outside of the reference profile takes into account the following values if they are not already included in the reference profile. The additional overthrows comprise three variable parts:
(ar nr ± nr ² ) ± pr ²
the geometric overthrows of the reference vehicle
dg i or dg a =
4 ;
lN − d " already present on a straight track to take into 2 account the transverse clearances qr + wr and the position of the wheelset on the track;
a permanent fixed value " F = ( A) qr + ( A) wr + ( A)
a variable part
lactual − l N depending on the curve dimension. 2
This leads to the following general formulae:
for the static gauge,
(atnir − nir ²) +
S i st = br +
pr ² 4 + F + lactual − l N − b RP st 2
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(ar nar + nar ²) −
S a st = br +
pr ² lactual − l N 4 +F+ − bRP st 2
for the kinematic gauge. The upper part of the kinematic reference profile also includes a value z0 relative to a part of the quasistatic roll.
( a r nir − nir ²) +
S i kin = br +
pr ² 4 + F + lactual − l N + z − b 0 RP kin 2
( ar nar + nar ²) −
S a kin = br +
pr ² 4 + F + lactual − l N + z − b 0 RP kin 2
for the dynamic gauge,
( a r nir − nir ²) +
S i dyn = br +
2R ( ar nar + nar ²) −
S a dyn = br +
pr ² 4 + F + lactual − l N − b RP dyn 2 pr ² 4 + F + lactual − l N − b RP dyn 2
Value of the additional overthrows applicable for the vehicle
It should be noted that to define new additional overthrows, these formulae shall be applied successively to each of the reference vehicles in order to take into account the largest additional overthrow values as a function of the radius.
The transition from one rule-set to the other as shown in Figure 20 corresponds to a critical radius that shall be checked when sizing new vehicles to be constructed. If the coefficient of displacement (A) > 1, the vehicle has to take into account the maximum value
l max to
include the increase in the transverse displacements due to the clearance of the wheelsets on the track. (Example l max = 1,465 mm for l N = 1,435 mm)
Value of the additional overthrows applicable to the infrastructure Additional overthrows on the track
The additional overthrows are those defined in above.
Additional overthrows in the points and crossing
In the additional overthrows defined in above, a geometric overthrow is considered
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(ar ni r − ni r ² ) + pr ²
4 for the value of S and dg = a i
dg i =
(ar na r + na r ² ) − pr ²
2R for the respective semi-width of each reference vehicle.
4 for the value of S and a value " b " a r
In the turnouts, the additional overthrow value aligns with the maximum values of " dgi + br " or " dg a + br " determined below. To obtain the additional overthrow value, the value " dgi + br " or " dg a + br " should be replaced by the new values in the formula for determining the additional overthrows specified in These values are determined from the worst case actual or theoretical reference vehicle values. The geometric overthrow depends on the exact shape of each type of turnout. In the turnouts, the two lines of rail are not exactly parallel and the trajectory of the vehicles may be defined in different ways. To find the maximum geometric overthrows " dgi " and " dg a ", reference should be made to the track centreline or to the rail line corresponding to the greatest crossing angle "β ". On the inside of the curve, " dgi " is calculated with the maximum wheelbase value " ar " of the various reference vehicles. On the outside of the curve, " dg a " of each reference vehicle corresponds to a constant value ∆ a = ar .nr + nr ² . (It should be noted that the value p is disregarded for this application) The most critical value of the overhang " nr " and corresponding wheelbase " ar " shall be determined for each reference vehicle.
nr =
− a r + a ² r + 4∆ a
Figure 21 illustrates operation with 3 reference vehicles for a curve exit:
1 zone swept by the vehicle 2 installation zone of the platforms and structures in general 3 track centreline Rth = theoretical radius of the turnout or of the actual track Figure 21 — Example of space to be cleared in the turnout
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The zone corresponding to the geometric displacements " dg a " under consideration corresponds to the overall envelope of the three curves ∆a(1), ∆a(2) and ∆a(3) of the 3 reference vehicles. The change of reference vehicle corresponds to points A, B, C and Y. Annex G gives the geometric overthrow calculation formulae as a function of the main types of turnouts.
Reference profile
The reference profile is the interface that is used as a basis for determining the infrastructure dimensions and the vehicle dimensions (see Figure 22). A reference profile generally comprises several parts each linked respectively to their own rules. A distinction is generally made between the lateral parts, the upper parts, the lower parts, the pantograph zone, the contact ramp zone and the wheel zone.
pantograph zone
upper part
lateral part
lower part
third rail zone
wheel zone
contact ramp zone Figure 22 — Parts of the reference profile
Flexibility coefficient (s)
EN 14363 gives the method for measuring the flexibility coefficient of vehicles.
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Quasi-static roll value Basic theory relating to transverse acceleration
The roll of the vehicle is due to the effect of the transverse acceleration on the suspension flexibility (see Figure 23). Centrifugal acceleration is linked to the running speed and the curve radius. Displacements linked to them depend solely on the part of the acceleration not compensated by the cant. Any vehicle running in a curve radius R at speed v is subjected to a centrifugal acceleration γ =
v2 the effect R
of which has to be limited. By giving a cant " D " on the track, the centrifugal acceleration effect is reduced by setting against it a gravity component "- γ 'D ". The resulting " γ ' I " corresponds to
v2 L −D gR
called "cant deficiency" as this is the value by which the cant is less than that required to compensate exactly for the centrifugal acceleration. --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
Figure 23 — Cant deficiency The formulae above are valid when the parameters are expressed in uniform units, i.e.:
D, I, L, R in m;
v in m/s;
g, γ, γ‘ in m/s .
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Expressing V in km/h gives v(m/s) = V(km/h)
The relationship I
v2L gR
1000 . 3600
I + D = 0,00786
V ²L R
Lateral overthrow due to body roll
The roll to be taken into account is the sum of: the quasi-static roll due to the transverse acceleration
Q = s0 ⋅
Dor I ⋅ h − hC L
the roll due to the dissymmetry and the side bearer clearance is given by the expression
tan η 0 ⋅ (h − hC )
the roll due to track defects corresponds to the sum of
M (1)
s = 0 Tosc (h − hc0 )> 0 L
T T and M ( 2) D = ( h ⋅ D ) + s0 ⋅ D ⋅ (h − hC 0 ) > 0 L L
Taking into account the roll with regard to the static gauge
For the static gauge, it is agreed that:
the value Q corresponding to the transverse acceleration, expressed in the form of or
Q = z0 + (qsi qsa )
is taken into account totally in the infrastructure allowances;
the roll due to the dissymmetry and to the side bearer clearances is taken into account by the infrastructure in the allowance M(1)d; the roll due track defects is taken into account by the infrastructure in the fixed allowances M(1)osc and M(2)D.
the infrastructure takes into account Q + M (1) d + M (1) osc + M ( 2 ) D in the fixed allowances specified by the network manager;
the vehicle does not take into account the roll.
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Taking into account the roll with regard to the kinematic gauge
For the kinematic gauge, it is agreed that:
the roll Q corresponding to the transverse acceleration, expressed in the form of
Q = z + (qsi qsa ) is
shared between the vehicle and the infrastructure. Thus
the value qsi = s0
D − D0 (h − hc 0 )≥0 (34) or qsa = s0 I − I 0 (h − hc 0 )≥0 L L
is taken into account by the infrastructure outside the reference profile;
the value
s ((D − D0 )or(I max − I 0 )) s(D orI ) s((Dmax − D0 )or(I max − I 0 )) z = 0 0 (h − hc ) >0 + (h − hc ) >0 − 0 max (h − hc0 ) >0 L L L >0
is taken into account by the vehicle running inside the kinematic reference profile; the roll due to the dissymmetry and to the side bearer clearances is shared between the infrastructure that takes into account a fixed value in its mandatory allowance (37)
M (1) d = tan η0 r ⋅ (h − hc 0 ) and the vehicle that takes into account of
η0 = η '0 + atan
[tan(η0 − η0 r )] ⋅ (h − hc 0 ) . It should be noted that in the cases
( J − j)>0 ⋅ (1 + s ) bG
formula (38)
where the angle η’0 corresponds to the dissymmetry of the vehicles in which the side bearer clearances do not exceed the value " j ";
the roll due to the track defects is taken into account by the infrastructure in the allowances
s0 Tosc (h − hc 0 )>0 L T T and M ( 2 ) D = ( h ⋅ D ) + s0 ⋅ D ⋅ ( h − hC 0 ) >0 L L M (1) osc =
(39) (40)
Overall or
the infrastructure takes into account ( qsi qs a ) + M (1) d + M (1) osc + M ( 2 ) D ;
the vehicle takes into account:
s(D I ) s (I − I ) s(I − I ) zkin = 0 0 (h − hc )>0 + {tan[η0 −η0r ]>0 }(h − hc )>0 + max 0 (h − hc )>0 − 0 max 0 (h − hc 0 )>0 (41) L L L >0 or
or in the case of wagons fitted with side bearers, the vehicle takes into account
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zkin =
ou s(D0 I0 ) (J − j)>0 s(I − I ) s (I − I ) (1+ s) −η0r (h − hc0 )>0 + max 0 (h − hc0 )>0 − 0 max 0 (h − hc0 )>0 (42) (h − hc )>0 + tanη0 + arctan L bG L L >0 >0
The term
z p kin relating to tilting trains and those subjected to I p ≥ I c , is defined in EN 15273-2 with no
amendment being made to the infrastructure.
Taking into account the roll with regard to the dynamic gauge
For the dynamic gauge, it is agreed that:
the roll Q corresponding to the transverse acceleration, expressed in the form of
Q = s⋅
Dor I ⋅ h − hc L
is taken into account totally by the vehicle;
the roll due the dissymmetry and to the side bearer clearances is shared between the infrastructure that takes into account a fixed value in its mandatory allowance (44)
M (1) d = tan η0 r ⋅ (h − hc 0 ) and the vehicle that takes into account
[tan(η0 − η0 r )] ⋅ (h − hc 0 ) . It should be noted that in the case of
wagons or vehicles fitted with side bearers, η0 is calculated by the formula
η0 = η '0 + atan
( J − j)>0 ⋅ (1 + s ) bG
where the angle η’0 corresponds to the dissymmetry of the vehicles in which the side bearer clearance does not exceed the value " j "; The roll due to the track defects is shared between the infrastructure which takes into account the direct effect of the defect track defects s ⋅
M (1) osc =
(h ⋅
TD ) and the vehicle which takes into account the amplification of the effect of the L
TD ⋅ ( h − hc 0 ) >0 due to the flexibility of the suspensions and the oscillations L
s0 Tosc (h − hc 0 )>0 L
In the calculation of the roll z dyn taken into account by the vehicle, an additional cant Dadd or cant deficiency I add corresponding to the effect of the track defects is added to the value D or I to obtain an equivalent cant
Deq = D + Dadd
or an equivalent cant deficiency
I eq = I + I add
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the infrastructure takes into account
the vehicle takes into account:
M (1) d + (h
TD ) L
s (Deq or I eq ) z dyn = + tan[η 0 − η 0 r ]>0 h − hc 0 L
and in the case of wagons fitted with side bearers, the vehicle takes into account: s (Deq or I eq ) ( J − j ) >0 z dyn = + tan η 0 + arctan L bG
The term z p
(1 + s ) − η 0 r h − hc 0 > 0
relating to tilting trains and those subjected to I p ≥ I c , is defined in EN 15273-2 with no
amendment being made to the infrastructure.
Mandatory allowance M(1)
The allowance M(1) comprises:
the allowance M(1)d corresponding to the roll η0r due to the dissymmetry and to the side bearer clearances;
M (1) d = tan η 0 r (h − hc 0 )
η 0 r = Tload + Tsusp
the allowance M(1)osc corresponding to the oscillations depending on the speed and quality of the track;
M (1) osc =
s0 Tosc (h − hc 0 )>0 L
The allowance M(1)osc may be calculated on the basis of an angle " α osc " expressed in millimetres of cant or additional cant deficiency, chosen by the infrastructure as a function of the track quality criteria, running speed and flexibility coefficient " s0 " agreed. With α osc
s0 Tosc L
as an example: L = 1,500 m, and s0 = 0,4
tan 0,6° ⋅ ( h − hc 0 ) =
0,4 ⋅ 0,039 ⋅ ( h − hc 0 ) 1,5
with Tosc = 0,039 m
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tan 0,1° ⋅ ( h − hc 0 ) =
0,4 ⋅ 0,007 ⋅ (h − hc 0 ) 1,5
with Tosc = 0,007 m i.e.:
that a crosslevel error Tosc = 0,039 m results in an oscillation of 0,6°;
that a crosslevel error Tosc = 0,007 m results in an oscillation of 0,1°.
The recommended values for Tcharge, Tsusp and Tosc are given in EN 15273-3. It should be noted that for the dynamic gauges, the value Tosc is between the value Dsup or I sup . For the static gauges,
M (1) st = M (1) kin
is between the fixed allowances established by the infrastructure. For the kinematic gauges,
M (1) kin = M (1) d + M (1) osc = (tanη 0 +
s0 (Tosc ))(h − hc 0 ) L
is taken care of by the infrastructure. For the dynamic gauges,
M (1) dyn = M (1) d = tan η 0 (h − hc 0 )
is taken care of by the infrastructure.
M (1) osc =
s0 (Tosc ).(h − hc 0 ) L
is taken into account by the vehicle in the roll z dyn .
Usable allowance M(2)
The allowance M(2) , fixed by the infrastructure manager, covers the displacements due to the allowable degradation of the track between two maintenance periods. These displacements are due to:
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transverse displacement "Ttrack " of the track in relation to its nominal position;
the dynamic and geometric effects of the crosslevel error "TD " in relation to the theoretical value of cant.
The values "TD " are fixed by the infrastructure as a function of the type of laying and quality of the track and the line speeds. For example: TD = 0,015 m for V > 80 km/h TD = 0,020 m for V ≤ 80 km/h
For the static gauges,
M ( 2 ) st = M ( 2 ) kin
is included in the fixed allowances specified by the infrastructure. --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
For the kinematic gauges,
M ( 2 ) kin = Ttrack + ( h ⋅
TD T ) + s0 ⋅ D ⋅ ( h − hc 0 ) >0 L L
is taken care of by the infrastructure,
with M ( 2 )
D kin
= (h ⋅
TD T ) + s0 ⋅ D ⋅ (h − hc 0 ) >0 L L
For the dynamic gauges,
M ( 2) dyn = Ttrack + (h ⋅
TD ) L
is taken care of by the infrastructure,
with M ( 2 )
D dyn
= (h ⋅
TD ) L
The additional
TD ⋅ ( h − hc 0 ) >0 L
is taken into account by the vehicle in the roll z dyn .
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Additional allowance M(3)
The allowance M(3) , fixed by the infrastructure manager, covers specific aspects regarding the use of vehicles or loads larger than those allowed by the gauge. Any additional values imposed by another regulation specific to the infrastructure may be included in this allowance. For high speed and very high speed lines, aerodynamic allowances may be taken into account. The aerodynamic allowances are fixed by the infrastructure based on the information in EN 14067-2 in the open air and in EN 14067-3 in tunnels and the consequences on the vehicle. In the specific case of the absolute gauging method, the aerodynamic allowance is taken into account by the vehicle.
Values to be cleared by the infrastructure with regard to the static gauge
In the static method, the infrastructure generally applies fixed allowances depending on experience. However, in order to ensure adequate clearance, these allowances may be verified according to the following method: For each reference profile height, there is an equivalent flexibility coefficient
z0 L or (h − hc 0 )( D0 I 0 )
the minimum value of which corresponds to the limit value of the flexibility vehicle in order to remain compatible with the infrastructure.
slim not to be exceeded by the
Thus, in addition to the clearance of the additional static overthrow and the value z0, the allowances M(1) and M(2) and the inclusion of the roll
qsa may be determined with the kinematic formulae. Value of the random phenomena Σ1kin, Σ2kin and Σ3kin to be cleared by the infrastructure with regard to the kinematic method
Nominal values
For the nominal installation of the structures, the infrastructure applies the nominal fixed allowances M(1), M(2) and M(3) or considers the simultaneous expression of various phenomena according to the following formulae:
∑ 3 kin (i / a ) = M (3) + Σ 2 kin (i / a )
If the allowance M(3) is limited to the normal consideration of phenomena,
(D − D0 )or (I − I 0 ) Tosc T T + ∑ 3kin (i / a ) = Ttrack + D h + s0 D (h − hc0 )>0 + s0 + tan η (h − hc0 )>0 0 r L L L L (69)
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seq =
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Limit values
General rules
For the structure installation limit value, the infrastructure applies the reduced fixed allowances M(1)kin and M(2)kin. It is assumed that the simultaneous expression of extreme values of all the phenomena is improbable and the values proposed below are applied. Compared to the random values, the infrastructure selects a coefficient (k ≥ 1) to obtain the safety level it wishes. Without a maintenance allowance, for the limit verification gauge:
∑1kin ( i / a )
² s0 ² ( ) ≥ k Tosc + (tan Tload ) + (tan Tadd )² ((h − hc 0 )>0 )² L
For the structure installation limit gauge with usable allowance for maintenance:
∑ 2 kin (i / a ) ≥ k T
2 track
² 2 TD TD s0 [h − hc 0 ]>0 + (Tosc ) + (tan Tload )² + (tan Tsusp )²((h − hc0 )>0 )² (71) + h + s0 L L L
The values given in EN 15273-3 are generally different for the inside and outside of the curve.
Taking the oscillations into account
Tests and Figure 24 have shown that account should be taken:
on the inside of the curve, of a maximum oscillation angle of 0,2° for vehicles running at low speed;
on the outside of the curve, of a maximum oscillation angle of 1° for des vehicles running at full speed;
for tracks that have been especially well maintained, the maximum oscillation angle may be reduced to 0,6° on the outside of the curve and on a straight track and to 0,1° on the inside of the curve.
When, for situations close to straight tracks, (I = D ≅ 0), this asymmetry means that the maximum value has to be considered, i.e. always maximum speed. In the diagram in Figure 24, this results in a flattening of the diagram on the inside of the curve from the intersection of the "outside curve" diagram with the centreline. This reasoning is confirmed by analysis of the tests that made it possible to assume that the 1° oscillations may appear from equilibrium speed upwards, a situation comparable to that of a straight track. From this, it is calculated that on the inside of the curves, the resulting dimension of the quasi-static roll and the oscillations cannot be less than 1°, on either side of the equilibrium position.
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It results from this that a structure shall theoretically be installed further from a straight track than from the inside of a track with a large curve radius. This results in an asymmetrical graph in Figure 24 according to which the structure is located on the cant side or cant deficiency side.
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Key 1
equilibrium position
oscillations considered on the outside of the curve and on a straight track
oscillations to be considered on the inside of the curve Figure 24 — Taking the oscillations into account
Also, by agreement, the kinematic reference profile includes a part of the quasi-static roll corresponding to D0 and
I 0 taken into account by the vehicle. Therefore, when D ≤ D0 or I ≤ I 0 , the theoretical dimension of the vehicle is reduced by a value equal to the value by which the flexibility coefficient increases. This reduction is less for rigid vehicles as their oscillations are also reduced in proportion. Therefore, it is assumed that in curves with very large radii, structures are installed nearer the tracks than in curves with I = I0 or D = D0. It should be noted that reduction of the allowances for the zones where D ≤ D0 or I ≤ I 0 , is only authorized in the case of the limit installation or verification gauge. This reduction is not allowed for the structure nominal installation (see Figure 25).
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Key 1
semi-width of the flexible vehicle
semi-width of the rigid vehicle
oscillations of the flexible vehicle
oscillations of the rigid vehicle
space recovered by the infrastructure if I or D is less than I0 or D0 Figure 25 — Illustration of the possible reduction of the value taken into account for the oscillations --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
As the three phenomena, quasi-static roll, oscillations and dissymmetry are rotations around the same axis, their effects may be contained in a term dependent on the flexibility as indicated in the formulae for Σ 2 cin (see Figure 26). If D
f D0 or if I f I 0 ,
the infrastructure takes over:
the additional quasi-static roll
on the basis of an agreed reference flexibility coefficient s0 and included in the value
] [
qsa = K (D − D60 ) (I − I 0 )
s0 [h − hc0 ]>0 L
the installation limit allowance Σ 2 cin or the limit verification allowance Σ1 kin comprising:
the dissymmetry effects
[(tan T
)² + (tan Tsusp )² ](h − hc 0 )>0 ;
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the oscillations 0 Tosc (h − hc 0 )>0 . L
If D ≤ D0 or if I ≤ I 0 , for the structure installation nominal gauge, the infrastructure does not drop below Σ 3 kin i or
For the exceptional case of existing situations, the installation limit gauge and the structure verification limit gauge assume that a part of the roll already taken into account by the vehicle but not used in reality is returned to the infrastructure. In the case of large radii where D ≤ D0 or I ≤ I 0 , and where the centrifugal transverse acceleration or acceleration due to gravity is negligible, the effect of the oscillations may be disregarded in the infrastructure allowances for the reasons indicated above. Thus, for the structure installation limit gauge, the infrastructure does not fall below the value Σ"2 kin i or
Σ"2 kina and for the verification limit gauge, the infrastructure does not fall below the value Σ"1kin i or Σ"1kina . Where
∑"1kin ( i / a ) = k
[(tan T
)² + (tan Tsusp )² ]((h − hc 0 )>0 )²
∑"2 kin (i / a ) = k T
2 track
T T ² + D h + s0 D [h − hc 0 ]>0 + (tan Tload ) + (tan Tsusp )² ((h − hc 0 )>0 )² L L
Therefore, when D ≤ D0 or I ≤ I 0 , it is assumed that the infrastructure recovers the negative part of
K (D − D0 ) or K (I − I 0 ) up to the limit cant D L 1 or DL 2 cant deficiency I L 1 or I L 2 . As the parameters involved in the calculations are different on the cant side and cant deficiency side, it has been agreed that on the cant side it is not permitted to fall below the minima Σ 2 kina − qs a and Σ1kina − qs a corresponding to the values Σ"2 kina and Σ"1kina .
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Σ 3kin a corresponding to D0 or I 0 .
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Figure 26 — Illustration of the principle of taking into account infrastructure allowances in the kinematic method The limits are as follows:
DL (1) = D0 +
Σ"2 kin −Σ' 2 kin,i
DL ( 2 ) =
Σ' 2 kin,a −Σ' 2 kin,i K
+ D0 − I 0
(77) Value of the random phenomena Σ1dyn, Σ2dyn and Σ3dyn to be cleared by the infrastructure with regard to the dynamic method Nominal values For the nominal installation of structures, the infrastructure applies the allowances M(1)dyn, M(2)dyn and M(3)dyn. The simultaneous expression of the various phenomena is considered according to the following formulae:
∑ 3 dyn(i / a ) = M (3) + Σ 2 dyn(ioua )
(78) Limit value For the structure installation limit value, the infrastructure applies reduced allowances M(1)dyn and M(2)dyn and it is considered that the simultaneous expression of the extreme values of all the phenomena is improbable.
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In comparison to the random values, the infrastructure selects a coefficient (k ≥ 1) to obtain the safety level it wishes. Without a maintenance allowance, for the limit verification gauge:
∑1dyn = k
))² + (tan (Tsusp ))² ]((h − hc 0 )>0 )²
For the structure installation limit gauge with usable allowance for the maintenance:
∑ 2 dyn = k T
2 track
T + D L
² h + (tan (Tload )) + (tan (Tsusp ))² ((h − hc 0 )>0 )²
The values given in EN 15273-3 are generally different for the inside of the curve and the outside of the curve.
Displacement value for the static gauging method
The displacement
Dpl st comprises:
geometric displacement;
wheelset clearance on the track;
transverse clearances.
Towards the inside of the curve:
p² ( A) l −d 4 + max ( A) + q ( A) + wi ( R ) ( A) 2R 2
ani − ni ² + Dpl i st =
Towards the outside of the curve:
p² ( A) l −d 4 + max ( A) + q ( A) + wi ( R ) ( A) + wa ( R ) ( A) 2R 2
an a + n a ² − Dpl a st =
Displacement value for the kinematic gauging method
The displacement
Dplkin comprises:
geometric displacement;
wheelset clearance on the track;
transverse clearances;
the quasi-static displacement.
Towards the inside of the curve:
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p² ( A) l −d 4 + max ( A) + q ( A) + wi ( R ) ( A) + z kin 2R 2
ani − ni ² + Dpli kin =
Towards the outside of the curve:
p² ( A) l −d 4 + max ( A) + q ( A) + wi ( R ) ( A) + wa ( R ) ( A) + z kin 2R 2
ana + na ² − Dpl a kin =
Displacement value for the dynamic gauging method
The displacement taken into account in the dynamic gauging method may be considered in two different ways. The conventional gauging that considers the maximum values increased to the extreme and simulation gauging that takes into account the actual behaviour of the vehicle in precise hypothetical operating cases. Conventional gauging
geometric displacement;
clearance of the wheelsets on the track;
dynamic transverse clearance;
the quasi-static displacement;
the consideration of allowances M (1) osc and M ( 2 ) D by a value added to the cant or to the cant deficiency.
Towards the inside of the curve:
p² ( A) l −d 4 + max ( A) + q ( A) + wi ( R ) ( A) + z dyn 2R 2
ani − ni ² + Dpl i dyn =
Towards the outside of the curve:
p² ( A) l −d 4 + max ( A) + q( A) + wi ( R ) ( A) + wa ( R ) ( A) + z dyn 2R 2
an a + n a ² − Dpl a dyn =
(86) Simulations Simulations are used to predict vehicle displacements more realistically than by calculation of the maximum geometric displacements. This allows the shape of the vehicle to be optimized.
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The displacement Dpl dyn comprises:
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This dynamic simulation gives a matrix of statistical data relating to the displacement of the vehicle in relation to the track centreline in various combinations of curve radius, cant deficiency as a function of speed and track quality.
Tilting trains
On principle, tilting trains are not interoperable. Their use is based on bilateral or multilateral agreements depending on a series of infrastructure parameters, a risk analysis of the behaviour of the vehicle in degraded mode and an examination of the behaviour during operation on transition curves. The basic principle of tilting vehicles and vehicles subjected to I p > I c is shown in Figure 27.
Key 1
straight track
transition zone
radius considered constant Figure 27 — Cant and cant deficiency
The cant D corresponds to the value The cant deficiency
I c corresponds to the value I max
The cant deficiency I p corresponds to the maximum allowable value maximum for tilting body trains. The values D ' ,
I ' c and I ' p are intermediate values generally attained in large radii.
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Radius R p is the radius from which the maximum values are obtained, in the knowledge that they remain constant if the radius continues to decrease. The infrastructures to be covered impose the value Dmax , I p maximum for the track stability and the minimum limit value
Ic to be met by the vehicle in the curve so that Ip
I 'c I c ≥ I ' p I p min with for example
Ic I p
= 0,6 whereas this value = 1 for classic vehicles. min
This is justified by the fact that: for a classic train,
(I 'c + D ') R
V 'c =
L² cV ² and I + D = 3,6² g R
for a tilting body train,
(I '
V 'p =
+ D ')
R c
V 'p V 'c
I ' p + D'
I 'c + D'
V ' p = V 'c
I ' p + D'
I 'c + D'
I'p Ip
I 'c D' ≈ Ic D
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Considering in general that:
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The first part of the formula translates the vehicle behaviour with constant
Ip Ic
The second part of the formula holds true in wide radius curves and for parabolic connections. In large radii and special connections, the proportionality is no longer ensured. It is stated that:
D' + D' D D' Ic + D' D
Ip V ' p = V 'c
from which is deduced that:
Ip + D
V ' p = V 'c
Ip + D
and that
Ip + D Ic + D
Ic I p
is a fixed value for each network.
Ic + D
Ic + D
= 0,160 m
= 1,18 therefore,
= 0,153 m
= 0,275 m
V ' p = 1,18V ' c
= 0,556 min
In the vertical direction Vertical displacements
Certain displacements relate to the vehicle or infrastructure alone and others are caused by the track-vehicle interaction. The way in which these displacements are taken into account depends on the gauging method used. Elements relating to the vehicle are covered by EN 15273-2 and elements relating to the infrastructure are covered by EN 15273-3. Account is to be taken:
of the wear of the wheels and various parts of the vehicle;
of the static or dynamic suspension displacement;
of the deformation of the vehicle structure;
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of the variations in height as a result of vehicle roll;
of the dynamic uplift of the suspension, except for static gauges where it is covered by the vertical allowances for the infrastructure;
of the other vertical displacements linked to specific technologies;
of the vertical geometric overthrow in gradient transitions (see 7.2.4.);
of the vertical effects of the roll due to quasi-static effects;
of a mandatory vertical allowance M v (1) to take account:
of the dynamic uplift of the suspension in the case of static gauges;
of the displacement of the track when the vehicle passes over it;
of the vertical geometric overthrows in the gradient transitions (see 7.2.4.);
of the vertical effects of the roll due to random effects TD , Tosc and η 0 ;
on electrified lines:
the vertical displacements of the overhead line as a function of the temperature and the temperature rise due to the current;
the dynamic oscillations of the overhead line when the pantographs pass along;
the electrical insulating distances;
a usable vertical allowance M v ( 2 ) to take account:
of the rail wear;
of the vertical displacements of the track during tamping levelling operations TN ;
of the local displacement of the track;
of the differential settlement of the track;
a reserve vertical allowance M v ( 3) as a function of local particularities taking account:
of the structural tolerances;
of the track-laying tolerances;
of the aerodynamic effects.
Taking the quasi-static roll into account Upper part
For the static gauge:
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for the lateral part and upper part of the reference profile, the vehicle does not take into account the effects of the roll. The roll is taken into account in the vertical allowances of the infrastructure upwards, outside the static reference profile.
For the kinematic gauge: the infrastructure takes into account a vertical addition to take into account the rolls.
The infrastructure takes into account the uplift of the vehicles and the vertical addition calculated with regard to the kinematic gauge.
The following phenomena shall be taken into account: on the outside of the curve and straight track
L bRP + 2 * T + bRP s ( D + T + T + T + T ) TN + D 0 D osc susp load L L
on the inside of the curve
L bRP − b 2 TN + * TD + RP s0 ( I + TD + Tosc + Tsusp + Tload ) L L
The coordinates of the point under consideration displaced in the swept zone by the roll effect shall be compared to the initial reference profile displaced transversely by qs i or qs a and the transverse allowances Σ1kin , Σ 2 kin or Σ 3 kin with Ttrack = 0 to determine the vertical supplement to be provided by the infrastructure to take account of the roll (see Figure 28).
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Key 1
vertical centreline
reference profile
reference profile displaced transversely without rotation from point Q to point Q’
structure installation limit gauge
line from point Q’ to the roll centre
angle –A of roll towards the outside
angle +A of roll towards the inside
arc of circle swept by the roll
summit of inclined reference profile
10 zone to be recovered by the infrastructure 11 additional zone to be cleared by the infrastructure Figure 28 — Addition to be cleared for the roll of the upper part of the gauge The vertical allowances shall take account of:
∑ 3kin ( v ) i = TN +
T TD L T bRP − + s0bRP D + osc + η 0 r L 2 L L
∑ 3kin ( v ) a = TN +
T TD L T bRP + + s0bRP D + osc + η 0 r L 2 L L
∑1kin ( v )
² s0 ² = k TN ² + (Tosc ) + (tan Tload ) + (tan Tsusp )² bCR ² L
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For the structure installation limit gauge with usable allowance for maintenance:
∑ 2 kin ( v )i
2 T2 L T 2 T 2 2 ∑ 2 kin ( v ) a = k TN ² + D bRP + + s02 bRP D2 + osc2 + (tan Tload ) + (tan Tsusp ) 2 L L L
For the dynamic gauge: the total roll is taken into account by the vehicle inside the dynamic reference profile.
Lower parts
2 T2 L T 2 T 2 2 = k TN ² + D bRP − + s02 bRP D2 + osc2 + (tan Tload ) + (tan Tsusp ) 2 L L L
For the static gauge: as the flexibility coefficient of vehicles constructed according to a static gauge is limited, the vertical effect of the roll in the lower parts is negligible. For the kinematic gauge: the total roll is taken into account by the vehicle inside the kinematic reference profile up to a conventional value Dmax 0 or I max 0 equivalent, the roll for I > Dmax 0 being negligible. For the dynamic gauge: the total roll is taken into account by the vehicle inside the dynamic reference profile.
Gradient transitions on the line
The longitudinal section, the vertical geometry of the track and the concave and convex gradient transitions result in vertical geometric overthrows (see Figure 29).
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Key 1
running surface
reference profile
infrastructure limit Figure 29 — Illustration of the vertical geometric overthrow
ani − ni ² + dg iv =
p² 4
an a + n a ² − dg av =
2 Rv min p² 4
2 Rv min
Generally, all the vehicles shall be capable of passing over gradient transitions of main lines, secondary lines and hump-avoiding lines without any part other than the wheel flanges dropping below the running surface. Also, with regard to the upper part of the gauge, the height of the structures shall be adapted to allow the operation of classic vehicles without any specific precautions being taken. This is why, on these "main" lines, the convex or concave vertical radius is never less than Rv min and the lower part of the reference profile has a minimum height hmin.
Upper vertical geometric overthrow
The upper vertical geometric overthrow is taken into account by the infrastructure up to the maximum allowable value of dgiv or dgav corresponding to the value hu min generated by the reference vehicle that operates the largest swept envelope. Compared to the upper part of the reference profile, the infrastructure shall raise the structures by a value equal to
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hu min Rvmin Rv
If for special vehicles, dgiv or dgav exceeds the value
hu min agreed with the infrastructure, the height of the
vehicle shall be reduced by
ei = dg iv − hu min
ea = dg av − hu min
Lower vertical geometric overthrow
The lower vertical geometric overthrow is taken into account in the sizing of the vehicle (see Figure 30). Generally, when a reference profile is used for sizing the vehicle, the lower horizontal of the profile of the lower parts is located at a minimum height hmin corresponding to the value dg av or dg iv of the worst case reference vehicle. The infrastructure shall refrain from installing fixed structures likely to affect the lower parts of the vehicle in the in the gradient transition zones or in the section of radii less than Rv min . On a flat track or if Rv ≥ Rvmin , the remaining free space below the vehicle outside the wheel zone is reserved for the infrastructure to install in it parts that, to ensure their operation, have to exceed the level of the rail.
Key 1
running surface
track centreline
reference profile
wheel zone
space reserved for the infrastructure if
contact ramp zone
Rv ≥ Rvmin
Figure 30 — Infrastructure zone above the running surface
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Thus, taking into account a reserve " M v " for the assembly tolerances and rail wear, in the vertical radii Rv ≥ Rvmin, the infrastructure has a maximum height
hmax = hmin −
hmin .Rv min − Mv Rv
in the horizontal lower part of the reference profile. For special vehicles, if dgiv or dgav exceeds hmin, the vehicle shall raise the lower part of the vehicle by
ei = dg iv − hmin
ea = dg av − hmin
to ensure that no part, other than the wheel flanges, falls below the running surface when Rv = Rvmin. For static gauges, it is assumed that the unsprung parts of the vehicles extend downwards by a value specified in the annex.
The same is true for low platforms, loading platforms and other structures installed below the steps in the reference profile as shown in Figure 31.
Key 1
running surface
low platform zone
reference profile
high platform and loading platform zone Figure 31 — Maximum height of the lower parts
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The height of the platforms shall be adapted to meet the requirement:
hq ≤ hRP −
hmin .Rv min − Mv Rv
Access to ferries
In order to be authorized to run a link span between a quayside and a ferry, it shall be ensured that no part of the vehicle body falls below a minimum height defined according to the requirements of EN 15273-2, taking into account displacements and a vertical allowance M fb and considering that the infrastructure shall ensure that no part extends beyond the running surface and that the angle at the ends of the ramp between the quayside and the ferry does not exceed the values of " α’’" given in Annex F.
Marshalling humps
Special marshalling hump reference profile
The rules concerning vertical transitions on marshalling humps are also regulated by the formulae for and
dg iv
dg av and height hmin of the lower part of the reference profile.
The rail brakes installed close to the marshalling humps in the concave vertical radius shall extend beyond the running surface to ensure they function correctly. In the activated position, the height profile with
hmax of the rail brakes is determined on the basis of a special reference
hmin (1) .
In the disengaged position, the height profile with
hmax of the rail brakes is determined on the basis of a special reference
hmin ( 2) .
Thus for vehicles having to pass over marshalling humps and rail brakes in the activated position, a special reference profile with hmin (1) shall be applied with its associated rules (see Figure 32), for vehicles having to pass over marshalling humps and rail brakes in the disengaged position, a reference profile with hmin ( 2) shall be applied with the same associated rules (see Figure 33).
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Key 1
running surface
track centreline
reference profile
wheel-brake interference zone into which no vehicle part may penetrate Figure 32 — Special reference profile of the lower parts for vehicles having to pass over marshalling humps and rail brakes in the activated position
Key 1
running surface
track centreline
reference profile
wheel-brake interference zone into which no part of the vehicle may penetrate Figure 33 — Special reference profile of the lower parts for vehicles having to pass over marshalling humps and rail brakes in the disengaged position
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BS EN 15273-1:2009 EN 15273-1:2009 (E) General rule to be observed by the infrastructure in the zone directly enclosing the marshalling hump No fixed structure may extend beyond the running surface in the convex radius zone
Rv constituting the top
of the hump. At the entry and exit of this convex radius, in the zone of the concave radii and tracks linked to the hump, the infrastructure has a maximum height hmax above the running surface to install the rail brakes and the parts that shall extend beyond the running surface to ensure that they function correctly. In the final metres to the approach of the point of origin of the transition "O" with the convex radius of the top of the hump, the height hmax intended for the infrastructure is reduced progressively by a value "ev" over a distance "X" between points A and B. --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
The distance "X" may vary depending on the planned usage for the marshalling hump and the gauge to which it is linked. For certain gauges, it may have been agreed that the infrastructure should not use the zone between points A and B; in this case, the infrastructure stops at A whilst keeping an adequate distance "X". Generally, whilst considering a vertical allowance " M v ", in the tracks enclosing the marshalling hump, the infrastructure has a maximum height
hmax (see Figure 34).
hmax = hmin − ev − M v
Key 1
free zone for infrastructure parts
lower horizontal of the reference profile
running surface Figure 34 — Zone enclosing the marshalling humps
The value
ev depends on the type of hump and the wheelbase a r of the reference vehicle under
consideration. Annex F gives the formulae to be applied for the calculation of
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ev as a function of the type of hump.
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General rule to be observed by the vehicle and by the infrastructure
For large-dimension vehicles in which the values
dg iv and dg av exceed the value hmin agreed on the basis of
the selected reference vehicle, the vehicle shall raise the parts below the frame by a value ei or ea to ensure that no part, other than the wheel flanges, falls below the running surface on the top of the hump and does not come into conflict with the parts installed by the infrastructure in the zones adjacent to the marshalling hump. Generally, compared to the lower horizontal of the reference profile located at height hmin , after taking into account all the displacements, to cross the top of the hump, the vehicle shall raise the parts below the frame by a value
ei = dg iv − hmin (114) with
dg iv =
a² + p² a 2 − Rv + Rv − ( − ni ) 2 8 Rv 2
and in order not to hit fixed installations in the concave radii
Rv enclosing the hump, the vehicle shall raise the
overhanging parts by a value
ea = dg av
ana + na ² − dg av =
p² 4
2 Rv min
In addition, with regard to the parts between the wheelsets or bogie centres, there shall be an extra check to access networks where the infrastructure uses the zone between points A and B. This is the case with gauges G1, G2, GA, GB, GB1, GB2, GC, FR3.3, BE1, BE2, BE3, … the lower parts shall be raised by the value
ei = dg iv − ev
if it is positive. The vertical geometric overthrow " dg iv " measured at a distance " x" from the origin "O" of the convex curve transition is calculated according to the formulae below, if n < a/2, in relation to wheelset M (see Figure 35).
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Figure 35 — Calculation in relation to wheelset M
dg iv =
(a − n − x )² n 2 Rv
if n > a/2, in relation to wheelsets N (see Figure 36).
Figure 36 — Calculation in relation to wheelset N
dg iv =
(n − x )² a − n 2 Rv
For passing over the top of the hump with no risk of contact under the frame, the vehicle shall apply:
ei =
a² + p² a 2 − Rv + Rv − ( − ni ) 2 − hmin 8 Rv 2
The values are given in Annex F. 7.2.3
Contact ramps
For vehicles intended to run on networks with contact ramps, a free space is specified in the lower horizontal of the reference profile at a height hmin = 100 mm (see Figure 37). This free space shall contain only the protrusions that shall come into contact with the ramps.
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Key 1
reference profile
running surface
track centreline
contact ramp zone
minimum height of the reference profile above the contact ramp zone
maximum authorized engagement of the contact brush hairs
semi-width of the zone to be cleared for contact ramps Figure 37 — Contact ramp zone
For the infrastructure
The contact ramps shall remain within a zone 0,250 m wide, centred on the track centreline and are never installed in curves of horizontal radius "R " less than 250 m and vertical radius "Rv " less than 500 m. The maximum height hmax available for installing the contact ramps takes into account a vertical allowance Mv for the assembly tolerances, rail wear and the vertical radius Rv.
hmax = hmin − --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
hmin .Rv min − Mv Rv
For the vehicle
The contact brush may drop down to 0,045 m in the zone specified for installing the contact ramps (see Figure 38). No part of the vehicle likely to fall to at least hmin = 0,100 m from the running surface shall be located at least 0,125 m from the track centreline, when the vehicle is installed on a track of curve radius R = 250 m and track gauge l max . The free space of 0,125 m on either side is specified for a contact brush width of 0,128 m.
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Key 1
zone of vehicle incapable of falling more than 0,100 m from the running surface
contact ramp Figure 38 — Space for contact ramps below vehicles
Rail and rail brake zone
Rail zone Measuring references
The dimensions of the parts of the gauge constituting the rail and wheel contact zone are measured:
for the infrastructure, on the active surface of the rail, as it is this surface that determines the end position of the wheels;
for the vehicle, at a vertical passing through the active point of the wheel (in principle 0,01 m below the running surface).
Zone swept by the wheel
The space swept by the wheel is determined on the basis of the standard flanges of which the minimum thickness is fixed at a value "bb" and of the minimum wheel pressing dimension bf min defined in prEN 15313.
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Figure 39 — Maximum flangeway width The maximum flangeway width " l fl " that the internal surface of a wheel may attain relative to the active surface of the wheel is equal to:
l fl =
l N bf min l −l − − bb min + actual N 2 2 2
Position of the check rails
By their function, the check rails operate to guide the wheels; therefore, they may partially occupy the flangeway defined above (see Figure 40). To determine the minimum distance to be maintained between the check rail and the rail running edge, it shall be noted that the wheels of 2-axle and rigid-frame long vehicles take on a certain angle relative to the rail and also that for all the vehicles with more than two axles, a certain allowance shall be reserved for installing median axles. The maximum distance shall be selected so that the crossing nose of a turnout does not risk being blunted by the wheel flanges. The check rails shall be positioned at a distance " lcr " relative to the rail running edge
l fl =
bf max defined in prEN 15313.
l N b f max − − bb max − r 2 2
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with the values
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Key 1
check rail Figure 40 — Position of the check rail
Projection on the outside of the rail
Depending on the network and the type of gauge used, the projection of the wheel tyre on the outside of the rail corresponds to l b − bb min relative to the rail running edge (see Figure 41). In the case of bogies with three or more axles, the projection determined in the agreement shall also take into account the geometric overthrow of the intermediate axles.
Key 1
projection relative to the rail running edge
rail running edge Figure 41 — Projection of the wheel on the outside of the rail
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Occupation of the space in the path of the wheel
In the zones close to the wheels, the vehicle parts may fall below the lower horizontal of the reference profile located at height hmin as long as they are within the wheel profile both in a curve and on straight track, failing which they would risk coming into contact with the fixed structures, particularly the junction work check rails. In addition, outside the end axles, the parts connected to the traction unit, such as guard-irons or sanders, shall not extend below h' min in order to not to risk making contact with the warning detonators.
Rail brakes and shunting devices
The rail brakes installed in the marshalling yards are of various designs. Generally, deceleration is attained by clamping the tyre between two jaws at the highest point possible. The height hmin to be considered for the rail brakes in the activated position is 0,125 m and 0,080 m in the disengaged position. The height reduction corresponding to
hmax = hmin −
hmin .Rv min − Mv Rv
is not applied for the rail brakes. No part of the infrastructure, other than retarders being retracted, shall penetrate into hatched zone no.1 (see Figure 42).
Key 1
retarder operation zone
arrow indicating the movement of the retarder when being retracted Figure 42 — Retarder operation zone
The infrastructure may install devices in a curve of radius R ≥ Rmin (150 m) whilst maintaining a constant distance relative to the inside edge of the rail (80 mm).
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The vehicle shall allow for the widening of the zone in order to clear the width E fri or E fra for the retraction of the retarders (see Figure 43). It should be noted that in the specific case of using shunting devices, the effect of the clearances q + w may be regarded as being negligible.
E fri = 0,080 + l max −
E fra = 0,080 + l max −
d + 2
d + 2
ani − ni ² +
p² 4
p² 4
2 Rmin an a + na ² − 2 Rmin
Key 1
track centreline on a curve
centreline of the vehicle Figure 43 — Widening of the retarder operation zone
Pantograph gauge
Pantograph kinematic gauge
General principle
Each electrification system (voltage – network) requires the use of a specific pantograph. The standardized heads are listed in EN 50367 and, therefore, the aim of applying these rules is:
to allow the designer of the vehicle to check that the space swept by the head fits the infrastructure gauge, and not to dimension the head width;
to allow the infrastructure to clear the space necessary depending on the head chosen.
The rules given in this standard take account of the mechanical and electrical aspects. --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
Elements in the transverse direction
In the transverse direction, the displacement depends on the following elements:
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the geometric overthrow in the curve dg i or dg a ;
the transverse clearances
the quasi-static roll
the transverse displacement " t " of the head raised to 6,5 m under the effect of a transverse force of 300 N;
the pantograph installation and construction tolerance " τ " between the centreline of the vehicle body and the centre of the head raised to 6,5 m in the absence of any stress;
the body suspension adjustment tolerance " θ " (angle expressed in radians);
the installation height " ht " of the lower pantograph joint relative to the running surface .
q + w( R ) +
l actual − d ; 2
I or D (h − hc) ; L
The transverse displacement is shared between vehicle and the infrastructure. A kinematic reference profile of the pantograph of semi-width bw + e p is thus established for the upper conventional height e po and for the conventional height e pu (see Figure 44).
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Key 1 2
pantograph horn transverse clearance of the reference vehicle
quasi-static roll s '0
qr + wr
I0 (h − hc0 ) L transverse displacement " t r " of the head under the effect of a 300 N force pantograph installation and construction tolerance " τr " suspension adjustment roll θ r ( h − hc0 )
semi-width of the reference profile
4 5
Figure 44 — Kinematic reference profile of the pantograph in the raised position The vehicle shall ensure that all the mechanical parts of the pantograph remain within this kinematic reference profile plus the additional overthrows. In addition to the reference profile and the additional overthrow, the infrastructure shall clear an adequate space to take into account the extra quasi-static roll due to a cant or cant deficiency greater than the value I 0 , add a possible electrical insulating allowance " Mi " where the head does not have any insulating horns and specify the allowances M (1) , M ( 2 ) and M ( 3) defined with regard to the kinematic gauge.
Elements in the vertical direction
The height " h f " to be considered to fit the gauge is that where the wire is the highest at rest during the year.
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This height depends on the overhead line suspension system generally at the lowest winter temperature, estimated by the infrastructure. In the raised position, the pantograph has a tendency to raise the contact wire by a value fs . Starting from this effective height
heff = h f + fs
allowance should be made for wear of the head " f wa " and its behaviour on its suspension " f ws " illustrated in Figure 45.
Key bw
semi-width of the head
displacement caused by the head roll
centreline of the vehicle
contact wire Figure 45 — Encroachment of the head beyond the contact plane
General illustration
Figure 46 shows all the phenomena to be considered with regard to the pantograph gauge.
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fwa wear of the head
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a) Pantograph
fitted with insulating horns
b) Pantograph fitted with non-insulating horns
overhead line fixing zone
contact wire raised by the pantograph up to height "heff"
electric structure gauge up to height "heff, elec"
reference profile
space to be cleared for de-energized structures (*)
raising of the contact wire "fs" and "fs0"
roll and wear of the head "fwa" and variable part of "fws" as a function of the transverse position of the contact wire
electrical insulating distance "Mi"
pantograph head
10 nominal theoretical initial position of the head 11 unraised contact wire taking into account overhead line sag fv and fw 12 transverse displacement "ep" (*)
the mechanical allowances M(1), M(2) and M(3) of the infrastructure not covered by the electrical insulating allowance should be added.
Figure 46 — Pantograph gauge 8.1.2
Elements to be taken into account by the infrastructure
The infrastructure pantograph gauge depends directly on the type of head authorized to be used. If the type of head used does not have insulating horns, an electrical insulating allowance " Mi " shall be added to the outside of the kinematic reference profile. A distinction is made principally between:
the space to be cleared for energized or electrically insulated structures.
The reference profile and its associated rules allow the definition of the space to be cleared for the passage of the pantograph in the raised position without an electrical insulating allowance. Thus
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binf ≥ RPkin + S '0 + s '0
I or D − I 0 (h − hc0 ) + M (1) d + M (1) osc + M ( 2 ) track + M ( 2 ) D + M (3) L
hinf ≥ hf + f s + f wa + f ws + M v
and the space to be cleared for de-energized structures.
The reference profile and its associated rules allow the definition of the space to be cleared taking into account the necessary electrical insulating allowance compared to the energized parts of the pantograph in the raised position. Thus
binf ≥ RPkin + S '0 + s '0
I or D − I 0 (h − hc0 ) +M i + M (1) d + M (1) osc + M ( 2 )track + M ( 2 ) D + M (3) L
heff ,elec ≥ hf + f s + f wa + f ws + M i + M v 8.1.3
For the vehicle
Gauge for pantographs in the raised position
The reference profile with its associated rules allows it to be checked that the head and its displacements remain within the space allocated to it. Transverse displacement values " ep " contained in RPkin : It should be noted that in this context of dimensioning the reference profile, as the additional overthrow S '0 is taken into account separately outside the profile, the geometric displacement dg i or dg a in a curve is not taken into consideration in value e p . The semi-width of the lower point of the reference profile of the pantographs located at height h'u is established on the basis of the conventional value:
e p ur = q r + w( R )
I + s' 0 0 (h'u −hco ) + L
h'u −htr t r h' o −htr
+ τ r ² + [θ r (h'u −hco )]² − Abt u
For heights greater than hu , the semi-width of the reference profile is equal to:
e p ur + K ' (h − h'u )
Values taken into account by the vehicle
Taking into account the random character of certain phenomena and experience, the vehicle takes into account a mean square for one part of the phenomena and applies a fixed reduction " Abt " based on experience. Thus, checking that the parts fit the pantograph gauge is carried out on the basis of the following values:
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the head fits the pantograph gauge if
e p o = q + w( R ) + s
e p u = q + w( R )
e p o ≤ e p or and if e p u ≤ e p ur with:
I0 (h' o −hc ) + t ² + τ² + [θ(h' o −hc )]² − Abt o L
I + s 0 (h'u −hc ) + L
h'u −ht t h'o −ht
+ τ² + [θ(h'u −hc )]² − Abtu
(136) Calculation formulae intended for verification of the vehicle for non-classic vehicles not subjected to Ip > Ic The pantograph fits the gauge if the value Po at height h' o or Pu at height h'u is not positive, in the knowledge that a fixed value " VF " is allocated to the corresponding part of the dimensions of the reference vehicle.
VF = e p r + Abt − (qr + wr )
For vehicles in which s ≤ s '0
For the pantographs located between the bogie centres:
ani − n i ² + Po i =
ani − n i ² + Pu i =
p² −∆ i 4 + j 'i + z '
p² −∆ i 4 + j 'i + z ' '
∆ i = a r nr − nr ² +
pr ² l −l = 2 S ' i − max N 4 2
j ' i = q + wi ( R ) − (q r + wr )
z' = s
I 0 (h' o −hc ) + t ² + τ² + [θ(h'o −hc )]² − VFo ( I 0 ) L
h' − h I ( h' − h ) z ' ' = s 0 u c + t u t + τ² + [θ(h'u −hc )]² − VFu ( I 0 ) L h' o −ht
For the pantographs located beyond the bogie centres:
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p² −∆ a l − d 2n a 4 + max . + j 'a + z ' 2R 2 a
ana + n a ² − Po a =
p² −∆ a l − d 2n a 4 + max . + j 'a + z' ' 2R 2 a
ana + n a ² − Pu a =
∆ a = a r nr + nr ² −
j'a = q
z' = s
l −l pr ² = 2 S 'a − max N 4 2
2n a + a n +a n + wa ( R ) a + wi ( R ) a − (q r + wr ) a a a
I 0 (h' o −hc ) + t ² + τ² + [θ(h'o −hc )]² − VFo ( I 0 ) L
h' − h I ( h' − h ) z ' ' = s 0 u c + t u t + τ² + [θ(h'u −hc )]² − VFu ( I 0 ) L h' o −ht
For vehicles in which s
f s '0
The kinematic reference profile is established for a quasi-static roll based on a cant or a cant deficiency value I 0 and a reference flexibility coefficient s '0 . The infrastructure clears the space necessary for I or D f I 0 but the value s '0 remains constant. In order to prevent a pantograph installed on a more flexible vehicle where s
f s '0 from projecting beyond the
space allocated to the vehicle, the following additional conditions based on the maximum cant or cant deficiency value shall be met. For the pantographs located between the bogie centres:
ani − n i ² + Po i =
2R ani − n i ² +
Pu i =
p² −∆ i 4 + j 'i + z '
p² −∆ i 4 + j 'i + z ' '
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∆ i = a r nr − nr ² +
pr ² l −l = 2 S ' i − max N 4 2
j ' i = q + wi ( R ) − (q r + wr )
z' = s
I max (h' o −hc ) + t ² + τ² + [θ(h'o −hc )]² − VFo ( I max ) L
h' − h I ( h' − h ) z ' ' = s max u c + t u t + τ² + [θ(h'u −hc )]² − VFu ( I max ) L h' o −ht
For the pantographs located beyond the bogie centres:
p² −∆ a l − d 2na 4 + max . + j 'a + z ' 2R 2 a
ana + n a ² + Po a =
p² −∆ a l − d 2 na 4 + max . + j 'a + z ' ' 2R 2 a
ana + n a ² + Pu a =
l −l pr ² = 2 S 'a − max N 4 2
2n a + a n +a n + wa ( R ) a + wi ( R ) a − (q r + wr ) a a a
I max (h' o −hc ) + t ² + τ² + [θ(h'o −hc )]² − VFo ( I max ) L
∆ a = a r nr + nr ² −
j'a = q
z' = s
h' − h I ( h' − h ) z ' ' = s max u c + t u t + τ² + [θ(h'u −hc )]² − VFu ( I max ) L h' o −ht
(161) Calculation formulae intended for the verification of the vehicle for tilting vehicles or for vehicles subject to Ip > Ic The spaces allocated to the pantographs installed on tilting vehicles are identical to those allocated to the pantographs installed on classic vehicles. The verification rules are contained in EN 15273-2 without any effect on the infrastructure except that the rules given in are also applicable.
Values taken into account by the infrastructure
Starting from the pantograph kinematic reference profile, the infrastructure clears:
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S 'i S ' a + s ' 0 *
( D − D0 I − I 0 ) >0 (h − hc 0 ) + Σj + M i L
The values taken into account are given in EN 15273-3.
Gauge for non-insulated live parts on vehicle roof
The gauge for non-insulated live parts on the vehicle roof is defined in EN 15273-2.
Pantograph dynamic gauge
Values taken into account by the vehicle
The displacement calculation shall be carried out on a straight track and in a curve. Verification shall be carried out up to the maximum raised height. On a straight track:
Dpl dyn =
I sup l max − d ( A) + q( A) + wα ( A) + s ⋅ ⋅ h − hc 2 1,500
+ (t − 0,030) + (τ − 0,010)
Towards the inside of the curve:
p² ( A) l −d 4 + max ( A) + q ( A) + wi( R ) ( A) + z dyn + (t − 0,030 ) + (τ − 0,010 ) (164) 2R 2
ani − ni ² + Dpli dyn =
Towards the outside of the curve:
p² ( A) l −d 4 + max ( A) + q( A) + wi( R ) ( A) + wa ( R ) ( A) + z dyn + (t − 0,030) + (τ − 0,010) (165) 2R 2
ana + n a ² − Dpla dyn =
The coefficients (A) are identical to those used for sizing the body. These displacements shall also be taken into account in the simulations for the pantograph in the raised position. The pantograph is acceptable if bw + Dpl dyn remains within the pantograph dynamic reference profile. 8.2.2
Values taken into account by the infrastructure
S 'i S 'a + Σjdyn + M i
The values taken into account are given in EN 15273-3.
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Starting from the pantograph dynamic reference profile, the infrastructure clears:
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Annex A (normative) Catalogue of gauges
The catalogue of gauges gives the reference profiles and the parameters of the rules associated with each part of the profile. This list is not exhaustive.
A.1 Static gauges Table A.1 lists the static gauges. Table A.1 — Static gauges Static gauge
Generally used for
G1, G2, GIS1 and GIS2
Static gauge G1 is generally used for the upper parts of interoperable international wagons in Europe except for the United Kingdom.
See B.1
Static gauge G2 is generally used for the upper parts of interoperable wagons on certain networks in Central Europe. Static gauge GIS1 is generally used for the lower parts of interoperable vehicles capable of being hump shunted.
Rules relating to gradient transitions, ferries and marshalling humps.
Annex F
Container transport.
Gauges GIS1 and GIS2 are applicable to the lower parts
Container traffic between France and Italy
Gauges GIS1 and GIS2 are applicable to the lower parts
The countries of Eastern Europe concerned with traffic of vehicles from the ex-Soviet Union
International traffic also intended to operate in the United Kingdom
UK1 [B]
Traffic also intended to operate in the United Kingdom
Rules relating to Finnish marshalling humps
Annex F
GA, GB and GC
GB1 and GB2
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Static gauge GIS2 is generally used for the lower parts of interoperable low-floor wagons not capable of being hump shunted.
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A.2 Kinematic gauges Table A.2 lists the kinematic gauges. Table A.2 — Kinematic gauges Kinematic gauge
Generally used for
G1, G2, GIC1 and GIC2
Kinematic gauge G1 is generally used for the upper parts of interoperable international wagons in Europe except for the United Kingdom.
See C.1
Kinematic gauge G2 is generally used for the upper parts of interoperable wagons on certain networks in Central Europe. Kinematic gauge GIC1 is generally used for the lower parts of interoperable vehicles capable of being hump shunted. Kinematic gauge GIC2 is generally used for the lower parts of interoperable low-floor wagons not capable of being hump shunted. Kinematic gauge GIC3 is generally used for the lower parts of low-floor special wagons intended for specific rolling road traffic Rules relating to gradient transitions, ferries and marshalling humps.
Annexe F
International container and swap body traffic and for interconnections between the conventional network and the European high speed network.
Gauges GIC1, GIC2 and GIC3 are applicable for the lower parts
Container traffic between France and Italy
Gauges GIC1, GIC2 and GIC3 are applicable to the lower parts
Kinematic gauge GIC3 is generally used for the lower parts of low-floor special wagons intended for specific rolling road traffic.
The French network
Gauge G1 is applicable for the lower parts
The Belgian network and its border interconnections
Gauge GIC2 relating to low-floor wagons is applicable to the lower parts of height less than 100 mm.
Figure C.4
GA, GB and GC
GB1 and GB2
BE1, BE2 and BE3
If it is more favourable to the vehicle, the additional space allocated in certain cases by gauge GIC2 between 100 mm and 315 mm high, may be used to define the maximum construction gauge. NL1, NL2
The Netherlands network
PTb, PTb+, PTc
The Portuguese network
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Table A.2 (continued) Kinematic gauge
Generally used for
The German network
The German network and border networks
The German network and border networks
A.3 Dynamic gauges Table A.3 lists the dynamic gauges. Table A.3 — Dynamic gauges Dynamic gauge
Generally used for
The Swedish network
The Swedish network
W6a – Lower parts)
United Kingdom
UK1[A] – Lower parts
United Kingdom
A.4 Uniform gauges Table A.4 lists the uniform gauges. Table A.4 — Uniform gauges Uniform gauge GUC
Generally used for The infrastructure of the European high speed network
See E.1 EN 15273-3
The infrastructure of certain networks such as Greece
E.2 EN 15273-3
The Netherlands network and routes intended for the operation of vehicles constructed according to kinematic gauge G2
The United Kingdom network
EN 15273-3
EN 15273-3
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Annex B (normative) Reference profiles and associated rules for static gauges
General comment as a practical measure to facilitate the reading of the standard:
the dimensions of the reference profiles are given in mm;
the values to be used in the formulae are given in m, unless otherwise indicated.
B.1 Static gauges G1 and G2 B.1.1 Upper parts of static gauges G1 and G2 B.1.1.1
Reference profiles for the lateral parts and upper parts
Figure B.1 shows the reference profile for static gauge G1. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
lower parts according to Figure B.3 or Figure B.4 Figure B.1 — Reference profile for static gauge G1
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Figure B.2 shows the reference profile for static gauge G2. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
lower parts according to Figure B.3 or Figure B.4 Figure B.2 — Reference profile for static gauge G2
Associated rules
Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
1,465 m;
1,5 m.
S ist = S ast =
Additional overthrows
∞ ≥ R ≥ 250
250 f R ≥ 150
3,75 l − 1,435 (B.1) + 0,045 + R 2
S ist =
50 l − 1,435 (B.2) − 0,140 + R 2
S ast =
60 l − 1,435 (B.3) − 0,180 + R 2
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The value
F = 0,045 m is included in the additional overthrow on the outside of the static reference profile.
Taking the roll into account
Table B.1 lists the values that take the roll into account. Table B.1 — Values to be taken into account for the roll Gauge
Z0 (m) for D0 or I0 equal to 0,050 m
0,430 to 1,169
1,170 to 3,220
0,430 to 1,169
1,170 to 3,220
s limit
For practical needs, in spite of the fact that theoretically the flexibility limit is 0,25, the use of gauges G1 and G2 is limited to the vehicles and loadings where the flexibility coefficient remains less than slim ≤ 0,2. B.
Vertical geometric overthrow upwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure
The infrastructure shall add 0,030 m to the height of the upper part of the static reference profile to take account of the dynamic uplift of the vehicle suspension in operation. The conventional values to be considered with regard to the vertical geometric overthrow are given in Annex F.
B.1.2 Lower parts of static gauges GIS1 and GIS2 B.1.2.1 Static reference profile for the lower parts giving the lower limit of vehicles passing over marshalling humps and rail brakes and other shunting and stopping devices Figure B.3 shows reference profile GIS1 of the lower parts of static gauge G1.
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Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
centreline of the reference profile
limit position of the outer surface of the wheel
theoretical maximum width of the flange profile, taking into account the possible angle of the wheelsets on the track
effective position of the inside surface of the tyre when the opposite wheel is in flange contact Figure B.3 — Reference profile GIS1 for the lower parts of static gauge G1
B.1.2.2 Static reference profile for the lower parts giving the lower limit of the low-floor special wagons not passing over the marshalling humps or the rail brakes in the activated position
Figure B.4 shows the reference profile GIS2 for the lower parts of static gauge G1 for the low-floor special wagons.
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Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
centreline of the reference profile
limit position of the outer surface of the wheel
theoretical maximum width of the flange profile, taking into account the possible angle of the wheelsets on the track
effective position of the inside surface of the tyre when the opposite wheel is in flange contact Figure B.4 — Reference profile GIS2 for the lower parts of static gauge G1 for the low-floor special wagons
B.1.2.3 B.
Associated rules Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
1,465 m;
1,5 m.
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Additional overthrows
S ist = S ast =
∞ ≥ R ≥ 250
250 f R ≥ 150
2,5 l − 1,435 (B.4) + R 2
The value
S ist =
50 l − 1,435 (B.5) − 0,190 + R 2
S ast =
60 l − 1,435 (B.6) − 0,230 + R 2
F = 0 m for the lower parts of the static reference profile.
Vertical geometric overthrow downwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure
It is allowed for the axle boxes and other unsprung parts not subjected to oscillations to project 0,015 m lower than the reference profile of the lower parts. The conventional values to be considered with regard to the vertical geometric overthrow are given in Annex F. B.
Taking the roll into account
The effects of the roll are included in the infrastructure allowances.
B.2 Static gauges GA, GB and GC B.2.1 Lateral part The reference profile and the rules for static gauge G1 are applicable below 3,220 m.
B.2.2 Static reference profiles for the upper parts Figure B.5 shows the reference profiles for static gauges GA, GB and GC.
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Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
Lower parts according to Figure B.3 or Figure B.4.
Figure B.5 — Reference profiles for static gauges GA, GB and GC
B.2.3 Associated rules B.2.3.1
Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
1,465 m;
1,5 m.
Additional overthrows for h ≥ 3,220 m
Table B.2 lists the additional overthrows for h ≥ 3,220 m.
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Table B.2 — Additional overthrows for h ≥ 3,220 m Gauge
3,22 ≤ h ≤ 3,85
∞ ≥ R ≥ 250
250 f R ≥ 150
Linear connection as a function of the height, corresponding to:
Linear connection as a function of the height, corresponding to:
Sist = S ast =
and GB
3,75 l − 1,435 + 0,045 + + 0,065k R 2
in a 250 m radius curve
3, 22 ≤ h ≤ 4,08 GA
S ist = S ast =
50 l − 1,435 − 0,140 + + 0,065k R 2
in a 250 m radius curve 50 l − 1,435 (B.10) − 0,075 + R 2
Sist = S ast =
20 l − 1,435 (B.9) + 0,045 + R 2
Sist = S ast =
S ist = S ast =
3,75 l − 1,435 + 0,045 + R 2
S ist =
50 l − 1,435 (B.12) − 0,140 + R 2
S ast =
60 l − 1,435 (B.13) − 0,180 + R 2
h ≥ 3,85 and GB
h ≥ 4,08 GC
The value
F = 0,045 m is included in the additional overthrow on the outside of the static reference profile.
With the following values: Gauge GA Height (m)
3,22 < h < 3,85
h − 3,22 (B.14) 0,63
Gauge GB
h ≥ 3,85 k =1
3,22 < h < 4,08 k=
h ≥ 4,08
h − 3,22 (B.15) 0,86
k =1
Taking the roll into account
Table B.3 lists the values that take the roll into account. Table B.3 — Values to take the roll into account Gauge
Z0 (m)
for D0 or I0 equal to 0,050 m
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s limit
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Table B.3 (continued) Gauge
Z0 (m)
for D0 or I0 equal to 0,050 m
s limit
Vertical geometric overthrow upwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure
for gauges GA and GB, 0,030 m shall be added to the height of the upper part of the reference profile to take into account the dynamic uplift of the suspension and the vertical oscillations of the vehicles during operation;
for gauges GC, 0,050 m shall be added to the height of the upper part to take into account the dynamic uplift of the suspension and the vertical oscillations of the vehicles during operation. The infrastructure shall also add the vertical dimensions of the upper part of the reference profile of
50 in the gradient R
transitions and the values defined in 7.2.2; the conventional values to be considered with regard to the vertical geometric overthrow are given in Annex F. --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
B.3 Static gauge GB1 and GB2 B.3.1 Lateral part The reference profile and the rules for static gauge G1 are applicable below 3,220 m.
B.3.2 Static reference profiles for the upper parts Figure B.6 shows the static reference profile GB1.
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Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
Lower parts according to Figure B.3 or Figure B.4
Figure B.6 — Static reference profile GB1 Figure B.7 shows static reference profile GB2. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
Lower parts according to Figure B.3 or Figure B.4.
Figure B.7 — Static reference profile GB2
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B.3.3 Associated rules B.3.3.1
Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
1,465 m;
1,5 m.
Additional overthrows for h ≥ 3,220 m
Table B.4 lists the additional overthrows for h ≥ 3,220 m.
3, 22 ≤ h ≤ 4,180
∞ ≥ R ≥ 250
250 f R ≥ 150
Linear connection as a function of the height, corresponding to:
Linear connection as a function of the height, corresponding to:
Sist = S ast =
and GB2
3,75 l − 1,435 + 0,045 + + 0,065k R 2
S ist = S ast =
(B.17) in a 250 m radius curve
(B.16) in a 250 m radius curve
3,22 ≤ h ≤ 4,320 GB1
Sist = S ast =
h ≥ 4,180
50 l − 1,435 − 0,140 + + 0,065k R 2
20 l − 1,435 (B.18) + 0,045 + R 2
Sist = S ast =
50 l − 1,435 (B.19) − 0,075 + R 2
With the following values: GB1
3.22 < h < 4,18 k=
The value
h − 3,22 0,96
h ≥ 4,18
3.22 < h < 4,32
k =1
h − 3,22 1,1
F = 0,045 m is included in the additional overthrow on the outside of the static reference profile.
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Table B.4 — Additional overthrows for h ≥ 3,220 m
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Taking the roll into account
Table B.5 lists the values that take the roll into account. Table B.5 — Values to take the roll into account Gauge
s limit
Vertical geometric overthrow upwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure
for static gauges GB1 and GB2, 0,030 m shall be added to the height of the upper part of the reference profile to take into account the dynamic uplift of the suspension of the vehicles during operation;
the conventional values to be considered with regard to the vertical geometric overthrow are given in Annex F.
B.4 Static gauges OSJD B.4.1 General comment These static reference profiles apply to the vehicle. Profiles 0-WM, 1-WM, 02-WM, 03-WM apply particularly to coaches and wagons.
As the OSJD apply fixed allowances for the infrastructure, the corresponding structure installation gauges 0-SM, 1-SM, 2-SM and 3-SM are given in EN 15273-3.
B.4.2 Static reference profiles for the upper parts Figure B.8 shows the static reference profile 0-WM.
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Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
only for signals installed on the vehicles Figure B.8 — Static reference profile for gauge 0-WM
Figure B.9 shows the static reference profile for gauge 1-WM. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface Figure B.9 — Static reference profile for gauge 1-WM
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Figure B.10 shows the reference profile for static gauge 02-WM. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
Gauge 02-WM of the OSJD corresponds to static gauge G2 used in Europe.
Figure B.10 — Reference profile for static gauge 02-WM Figure B.11 shows the reference profile for static gauge 03-WM. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
Gauge 03-WM of the OSJD corresponds to static gauge G1 used in Europe.
Figure B.11 — Reference profile for static gauge 03-WM
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B.4.3 Associated rules B.4.3.1
Basic data
1,520 m;
l max
1,546 m;
1,585 m.
Additional overthrows
Table B.6 lists the additional overthrows. Table B.6 — Additional overthrows
∞ ≥ R ≥ 100
03-WM, 02-WM and 0-WM
For heights
For heights
For heights
≥ 0,430 m
< 0,430 m
≥ 0,430 m
< 0,430 m
1,546 − d 2
For heights
The vertical dimensions of the wagons are determined taking into account the marshalling humps of which the convex vertical radius is 250 m. NOTE The value h ≥ 0,430 m.
F = 0,045 m is included in the additional overthrow on the outside of the static reference profile for
Taking the roll into account
The value slim it is not defined. B.4.3.4
Vertical geometric overthrow upwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure
B.4.4 Static reference profiles for the lower parts B.4.4.1
Figure B.12 shows the static reference profile for the lower parts of gauges 0-WM, 1-WM and 02-WM.
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Dimensions in millimetres
Figure B.12 — Static reference profile for the lower parts of gauges 0-WM, 1-WM and 02-WM Figure B.13 shows the static reference profile for the lower parts of gauge 03-WM. Dimensions in millimetres
The heights shall be reduced by 0,015 m for unsprung parts Key 1
running surface Figure B.13 — Static reference profile for the lower parts of gauge 03-WM
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Vertical geometric overthrow downwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure
B.5 Static gauge for the upper parts of W6a This gauge for the upper parts is used with the dynamic gauge for the lower parts of W6a shown in Annex D.
B.5.1 Static reference profile for the upper parts of W6a Figure B.14 shows the static reference profile for the upper parts of W6a. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface Figure B.14 — Static reference profile for the upper parts of W6a
B.5.2 Associated rules B.5.2.1
Basic data
1,435 m;
The vehicle considers that l max = l N :
all the effects of
l max − l N > 0 shall be taken into account by the infrastructure; 2
1,505 m.
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Additional overthrows
For heights greater than 1,000 m, the following table applies. B.
Additional overthrows for gauge W6a
∞ > R ≥ 200 Sist =
20,986 l − 1,435 + 0,0375 + R 2
Sast =
20,478 l − 1,435 + 0,0375 + R 2
200 > R ≥ 160 Reserved
B.5.3 Taking the roll into account Table B.7 lists the values that take the roll into account. Table B.7 — Values to take the roll into account Z0 (m)
For D0 or I0 = 0,150 m
z 0 = 0,051(
h − 1,000 ) (B.26) 2,080
h ≥ 1,000
B.5.4 Infrastructure allowance in the transverse direction Given that the value z 0 is established for D0 and I 0 = 0,150 m:
binf ≥ bCR + S i / ast + z 0 + Σ j
see EN 15273-3 for the value Σ j .
B.5.5 Vertical geometric overthrow upwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure For the static gauges W6a, 0,020 m shall be added to the height of the upper part of the reference profile to take into account the dynamic uplift of the vehicles when in operation. In gradient transitions and vertical radii, the infrastructure shall clear the space necessary for the geometric overthrow corresponding to the following values:
dg iv =
20,986 Rv
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dg av =
20,478 Rv
hinf ≥ hRP + dg iv / av + 0,020 + Σ v
see EN 15273-3 for value Σ v .
B.5.6 Vehicle allowances in the transverse direction
bveh ≤ bRP − Ei / ast − Tb
see EN 15273-2 for value Tb .
B.5.7 Vehicle allowances in the vertical direction
Rv min = 500 m hveh ≤ hRP − ei / ast − Tbv
see EN 15273-2 for value Tbv .
B.6 Static gauge for the upper parts of UK1 [B] This gauge for the upper parts is used with the dynamic gauge for the lower parts of UK1 [A] given in Annex D.
B.6.1 Static reference profile for the upper parts of UK1 [B] Figure B.15 shows the static reference profile for the upper parts of UK1 [B]. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface Figure B.15 — Static reference profile for the upper parts of UK1 [B]
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B.6.2 Associated rules B.6.2.1
Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
vehicle considers that l max = l N ;
l max − l N > 0 shall be taken into account by the infrastructure: 2
all the effects of
1,505 m. Additional overthrows
The following values apply for heights greater than 1,100 m. B.
Additional overthrows for gauge UK1 [B]
∞ ≥ R ≥ 160 Si st =
36,97 l − 1,435 + 0,100 + R 2
Sa st =
41,155 R
+ 0,100 +
l − 1,435
B.6.3 Taking the roll into account Table B.8 lists the values that take the roll into account. Table B.8 — Values to take the roll into account Z0 (m)
For D0 or I0 = 0,150 m 0
≥ 1,100
B.6.4 Infrastructure allowance in the transverse direction Given that the value z 0 is established for D0 and I 0 = 0,150 m,
binf ≥ bRP + S i / ast + z 0 + Σ j
see EN 15273-3 for value Σ j .
B.6.5 Vertical geometric overthrow upwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure In gradient transitions and vertical radii, the infrastructure shall clear the space necessary for the geometric overthrow corresponding to the following values:
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dg iv =
36,97 Rv
dg av =
41,155 Rv
hinf ≥ hRP + dg iv / av + 0,100 + Σ v
see EN 15273-3 for value Σ v .
B.6.6 Vehicle allowances in the transverse direction
bveh ≤ bRP − Ei / ast − Tb
see EN 15273-2 for la value Tb .
B.6.7 Vehicle allowances in the vertical direction
hveh ≤ hRP − ei / ast − Tbv
see EN 15273-2 for value Tbv .
B.7 Static gauge FIN 1 B.7.1 General comment These static reference profiles apply to the vehicle. As Finland applies fixed allowances for the infrastructure, the corresponding structure installation gauges are given in EN 15273-3.
B.7.2 Static reference profile for the upper parts Figure B.16 shows the reference profile of static gauge FIN 1.
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Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
vehicle gauge
gauge of vehicle A suitable for running on the routes listed in the Jtt (technical specifications relating to railway safety standards), where the structure gauge has been established
lower part (h ≤ 0,125 m) of the vehicle suitable for running over marshalling humps and rail brakes
lower part (h ≤ 0,100 m) of the vehicle unsuitable for running over marshalling humps and rail brakes, except for bogies of traction units
lower part (h ≤ 0,065 m) of the bogies of the traction unit unsuitable for running over marshalling humps and rail brakes
lights and rear-view mirrors in the figure
widening of gauge FIN 1 for the application of a national regulation to be specified
Figure B.16 — Reference profile for static gauge FIN 1
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B.7.3 Associated rules B.7.3.1
Basic data
1,524 m;
l max
1,544 m;
1,600 m.
Additional overthrows
Table B.9 lists the additional overthrows. Table B.9 — Additional overthrows Height (m)
l − lN 2
∞ ≥ R ≥ 150 (m)
h ≥ 0,600
h p 0,600
h p 0,330 for vehicles
Si st = Sa st =
36 + k (B.41) R
suitable for running over rail brakes
The value
is included in the additional overthrow on the outside of the static reference profile.
Taking the roll into account
All the roll is taken into account by the infrastructure on the outside of the reference profile. B.7.3.4
Vertical geometric overthrow upwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure
The fixed vertical allowances are applied by the infrastructure. See Annex F and the structure gauge in EN 15273-3.
B.7.4 Position of the platforms
binf = AT +
36 − Ttrack R
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Table B.10 lists the position of the platforms. Table B.10 — Position of the platforms Height
h f 1,300
0,600 p h ≤ 1,300
h ≤ 0,600
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Annex C (normative) Reference profiles and associated rules for kinematic gauges
General comment as a practical measure to facilitate the reading of the standard:
the dimensions of the reference profiles are given in mm;
the values to be used in the formulae are given in m, unless otherwise indicated.
C.1 Kinematic gauges G1 and G2 C.1.1 Upper part of gauges G1 and G2 The reference profiles and rules for kinematic gauges G1, G2 are applicable above 0,4 m. C.1.1.1
Kinematic reference profiles
Figure C.1 shows the reference profile of kinematic gauge G1. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1 2
running surface lower parts according to Figure C.3, Figure C.4 or Figure C.8 Figure C.1 — Reference profile of kinematic gauge G1
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Figure C.2 shows the reference profile of kinematic gauge G2. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
Lower parts according to Figure C.3, Figure C.4 or Figure C.8
Figure C.2 — Reference profile of kinematic gauge G2 C.1.1.2 C.
Associated rules Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
1,465 m;
1,5 m.
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Additional overthrows
Table C.1 lists the additional overthrows. Table C.1 — Formulae for
∞ ≥ R ≥ 250
250 f R ≥ 150
Si kin = Sa kin =
The value
s and qs of gauge G1
3,75 l − 1,435 (C.1) + R 2
Sikin =
50 l − 1,435 (C.2) − 0,185 + R 2
Sa kin =
60 l − 1,435 (C.3) − 0,225 + R 2
F = 0,045 m is included in the semi-width of the kinematic reference profile.
Vertical geometric overthrow upwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure
The conventional values to consider with regard to the vertical geometric overthrow are given in Annex F.
C.1.2 Gauges of the lower parts of GIC1, GIC2 C.1.2.1
Kinematic reference profiles
C. Kinematic reference profile for the lower parts corresponding to the lower limit of the vehicles passing over marshalling humps and rail brakes and other shunting or stopping devices
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Figure C.3 shows the reference profile for the lower parts of kinematic gauge GIC1. Dimensions in millimetres
Key zone for parts away from the wheels
zone for parts in the immediate proximity of the wheels
zone for retraction of standardized retarders
zone for wheels and other equipment coming into contact with the rail
zone occupied exclusively by the wheels
zone for rail brakes in the released position
limit, not to be exceeded, of the parts located outside the end axles (guard-irons, sanders, etc) for passing over detonators
maximum theoretical width of the flange profile in the case of the check rails
effective limit position of the wheel outer face and of the parts associated with the wheel
this dimension also shows the maximum height of standardized retarders used for scotching or slowing the vehicle
no vehicle part shall penetrate this zone
6 7
effective limit position of the wheel internal surface when the opposite wheel is in flange contact. This varies with track gauge widening widening for projection of standardized retarders
running surface
Figure C.3 — Reference profile for the lower parts of kinematic gauge GIC1
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C. Kinematic reference profile for the lower parts corresponding to the lower limit of vehicles not passing over either marshalling humps or rail brakes in the activated position Figure C.4 shows the reference profile for the lower parts of kinematic gauge GIC2. Dimensions in millimetres
Key a zone for parts away from the wheels b
zone for parts in the immediate proximity of the wheels
c d
zone for contact ramp brushes zone for wheels and other equipment coming into contact with the rails
zone occupied exclusively by the wheels
limit, not to be exceeded, of parts located outside the end axles (guard-irons, sanders, etc) for passing over detonators. However, this limit need not be adhered to by parts located between the wheels as long as these latter remain within the path of the wheel maximum theoretical width of the flange profile in the case of the check rails
effective limit position of the wheel outer face and of the parts associated with the wheel
when the vehicle is on a track of curve radius R = 250 m (minimum radius for contact ramp installation) and a track gauge of 1 465 mm, no part of the vehicle likely to fall to less than 0,100 m above the running surface, except for the contact brush, shall be less than 0,125 m from the track centreline. For parts located within the bogies, this dimension is 0,150 m
effective limit position of the wheel internal surface when the opposite wheel is in flange contact. This dimension varies with track gauge widening position running surface
Figure C.4 — Reference profile for the lower parts of kinematic gauge GIC2
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C.1.2.2 C.
Associated rules Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
1,465 m;
1,5 m.
Additional overthrows
Table C.2 lists the additional overthrows. Table C.2 — Additional overthrows of gauges GIC1 and GIC2 GIC1 and GIC2
∞ ≥ R ≥ 250
250 f R ≥ 150
Sikin =
7 l − 1,435 + R 2
Sa kin = --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
l − 1,435 2
Sikin =
30 l − 1,435 + 0,090 + R 2
Sa kin =
40 l − 1,435 + 0,117 + R 2
F = 0 m for the lower parts of the kinematic reference profile.
The value
Taking the roll into account
Table C.3 lists the values that take the roll into account. Table C.3 — Values to take the roll into account
η0 r
Vertical geometric overthrow downwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure
The conventional values to be considered with regard to the vertical geometric overthrow are given in Annex F.
C.2 Kinematic gauges GA, GB and GC C.2.1 Lateral part The reference profile and the rules for kinematic gauge G1 are applicable below 3,250 m.
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C.2.2 Kinematic reference profiles for the upper parts Figure C.5 shows the reference profiles for kinematic gauges GA, GB and GC.
Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
Lower parts according to Figure C.3, Figure C.4 or Figure C.8.
Figure C.5 — Reference profile of kinematic gauges GA and GB
C.2.3 Associated rules C.2.3.1
Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
1,465 m;
1,5 m.
Additional overthrows for h ≥ 3,250 m
Table C.4 lists the additional overthrows for h ≥ 3,250 m.
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Table C.4 — Formulae for Gauge
3,25 ≤ h ≤ 3,88 and GB
s of gauges GA and GB
∞ ≥ R ≥ 250
250 f R ≥ 150
Linear connection as a function of the height corresponding to:
Linear connection as a function of the height corresponding to:
Sist = Sast
3,25 ≤ h ≤ 4,11
3,75 l − 1,435 = + + 0,065k R 2
S ist = S ast =
50 l − 1,435 − 0,185 + + 0,065k R 2
in a 250 m radius curve
in a 250 m radius curve GA
Sist = Sast =
h ≥ 3,88
20 l − 1,435 (C.10) + R 2
Sist = S ast =
50 l − 1,435 (C.11) − 0,120 + R 2
and GB
h ≥ 4,11 GC
3,75 l − 1,435 + R 2 (C.12)
Si kin = Sa kin =
S ikin =
50 l − 1,435 (C.13) − 0,185 + R 2
Sa kin =
60 l − 1,435 − 0,225 + R 2 (C.14)
With the following values: Gauge GA Height (m) K
3,25 < h < 3,88
h − 3,25 0,63
Gauge GB
h ≥ 3,88 k =1
The value
3,25 < h < 4,11 k=
h ≥ 4,11
h − 3,25 0,86
k =1
F = 0,045 m is included in the semi-width of the kinematic reference profile.
Taking the roll into account
Table C.5 lists the values that take the roll into account.
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Table C.5 — Values to take the roll into account Height
η0 r
h ≤ 3,25
3,25 < h < 3,88
0,4 - 0,1 k
h ≥ 3,88
h ≤ 3,25
3,25 < h < 4,11
0,4 - 0,1 k
h ≥ 4,11
Vertical geometric overthrow upwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure
The conventional values to be considered with regard to the vertical geometric overthrow are given in Annex F.
C.3 Kinematic gauges GB1 and GB2 C.3.1 Lateral part The reference profile and the rules for kinematic gauge G1 are applicable below 3,250 m.
C.3.2 Kinematic reference profiles for the upper parts Figure C.6 shows the reference profile of kinematic gauge GB1.
Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
Lower parts according to Figure C.3, Figure C.4 or Figure C.8.
Figure C.6 — Reference profile of kinematic gauge GB1
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Figure C.7 shows the reference profile of kinematic gauge GB2. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
Lower parts according to Figure C.3, Figure C.4 or Figure C.8.
Figure C.7 — Reference profile of kinematic gauge GB2
C.3.3 Associated rules Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
1,465 m;
1,5 m.
Additional overthrows for h ≥ 3,250 m
Table C.6 lists the additional overthrows for h ≥ 3,250 m.
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Table C.6 — Additional overthrows for h ≥ 3,250 m
3,25 ≤ h ≤ 4, 21
∞ ≥ R ≥ 250
250 f R ≥ 150
Linear connection as a function of the height corresponding to:
Linear connection as a function of the height corresponding to:
Sist = S ast =
and GB2
3, 25 ≤ h ≤ 4,35
3,75 l − 1,435 + + 0,065k R 2
S ist = S ast =
in a 250 m radius curve
Sist = Sast =
h ≥ 4,21
50 l − 1,435 − 0,185 + + 0,065k R 2
in a 250 m radius curve
20 l − 1,435 (C.19) + R 2
Sist = S ast =
50 l − 1,435 (C.20) − 0,120 + R 2
With the following values: GB1
3,25 < h < 4,21 k=
The value
h ≥ 4,21
3,25 < h < 4,35
k =1
h − 3,25 (C.21) 0,96
h − 3,25 (C.22) 1,1
F = 0,045 m is included in the semi-width of the kinematic reference profile.
Taking the roll into account
Table C.7 lists the values that take the roll into account. Table C.7 — Values to take the roll into account Height --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
η0 r
h ≤ 3,25
3,25 < h < 4,21
0,4 - 0,1 k
h ≥ 4,21
h ≤ 3,25
3,25 < h < 4,32
0,4 - 0,1 k
Vertical geometric overthrow upwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure
The conventional values to be considered with regard to the vertical geometric overthrow are given in Annex F.
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C.4 Kinematic gauge GIC3 C.4.1 Upper parts Kinematic gauges G1, G2, GA, GB, GC, GB1 and GB2 are applicable above 0,4 m.
C.4.2 Reference profile for the lower parts Figure C.8 shows the reference profile for the lower parts of kinematic gauge GIC3. Dimensions in millimetres
Key a zone for parts away from the wheels b zone for parts in the immediate proximity of the wheels c zone for contact ramp brushes d zone for wheels and other equipment coming into contact with the rails e zone occupied exclusively by the wheels 1 limit, not to be exceeded, of parts located outside the end axles (guard-irons, sanders, etc) for passing over detonators. However, this limit need not be adhered to by parts located between the wheels as long as these latter remain within the path of the wheel 2 maximum theoretical width of the flange profile in the case of the check rails 3 effective limit position of the wheel outer face and of the parts associated with the wheel 4 when the vehicle is on a track of curve radius R = 250 m (minimum radius for contact ramp installation) and a track width of 1 , 465 mm, no part of the vehicle likely to fall to less than 0,100 m above the running surface, except for the contact brush, shall be less than 0,125 m from the track centreline. For parts located within the bogies, this dimension is 0,150 m 5 effective limit position of the wheel internal surface when the opposite wheel is in flange contact .This dimension varies with track gauge widening position 6 running surface 7 centreline of the reference profile 8 internal rail surface Figure C.8 — Reference profile for the lower parts of kinematic gauge GIC3
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C.4.3 Associated rules C.4.3.1
Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
1,465 m;
1,5 m.
Additional overthrows
Table C.8 lists the additional overthrows. Table C.8 — Additional overthrows for kinematic gauge GIC3 Height
h = 0,400 m
∞ ≥ R ≥ 250
250 f R ≥ 150
Sikin = Sakin =
0,400 < h < 0,250 h ≤ 0,250 m
Sikin =
50 l − 1,435 − 0,190 + R 2
Sa kin =
60 l − 1,435 − 0,230 + R 2
Point h = 0,400 and point h = 0,250 are connected by a straight line
Sikin =
2,5 l − 1,435 + R 2
Sa kin =
2,5 l − 1,435 + R 2
l − 1,435 2
Sikin =
37,5 l − 1,435 − 0,140 + R 2
Sa kin =
40 l − 1,435 − 0,160 + R 2
F = 0 m for the lower parts of the kinematic reference profile.
Vertical geometric overthrow downwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure
The conventional values to be considered with regard to the vertical geometric overthrow are given in Annex F.
C.5 Kinematic gauge FR3.3 C.5.1 Lateral part The reference profile and the rules for kinematic gauge G1 are applicable below 3,250 m.
C.5.2 Kinematic reference profile for the upper parts Figure C.9 shows the reference profile of kinematic gauge FR3.3.
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Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
reference profile
Lower parts according to Figure C.3, Figure C.4 or Figure C.8.
Figure C.9 — Reference profile of kinematic gauge FR3.3
C.5.3 Associated rules C.5.3.1
Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
1,465 m;
1,5 m.
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Additional overthrows
Table C.9 lists the additional overthrows. Table C.9 — Additional overthrows of kinematic gauge FR3.3 Height
h f 3,5
37,5 l − 1,435 (C.30) + R 2
Sikin = Sakin =
Linear connection between h = 3,25 and h = 3,5 m
h p 3,25
The value
250 f R ≥ 150
Sikin = Sakin =
3,25 ≤ h ≤ 3,5
∞ ≥ R ≥ 250
Sikin = Sakin =
37,5 l − 1,435 (C.31) + R 2
Linear connection between h = 3,25 and h = 3,5 m
3,75 l − 1,435 (C.32) + R 2
Si kin =
50 l − 1,435 (C.33) − 0,185 + R 2
Sa kin =
60 l − 1,435 (C.34) − 0,225 + R 2
F = 0,045 m is included in the semi-width of the kinematic reference profile.
Taking the roll into account
Table C.10 lists the values that take the roll into account.
η0 r
h ≤ 3,25
3,25 < h < 3,5
Linear connection
h ≥ 3,5
Vertical geometric overthrow upwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure
The conventional values to be considered with regard to the vertical geometric overthrow are given in Annex F.
C.6 Kinematic gauges BE1, BE2 and BE3 C.6.1 Lateral part C.6.2 Kinematic reference profiles for the upper parts Figure C.10 shows the reference profile for gauge BE1.
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Table C.10 — Values to take the roll into account
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Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
For the lower parts, the lower horizontal of the profile is extended as shown in Figure C.4.
Figure C.10 — Reference profile of gauge BE1
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Figure C.11 shows the reference profile of gauge BE2.
Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
For the lower parts, the lower horizontal of the profile is extended as shown in Figure C.4.
Figure C.11 — Reference profile of gauge BE2
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Figure C.12 shows the reference profile of gauge BE3. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
For the lower parts, the lower horizontal of the profile is extended as shown in Figure C.4
Figure C.12 — Reference profile of gauge BE3
C.6.3 Associated rules C.6.3.1
Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
1,465 m;
1,5 m.
Additional overthrows
For h f 1,170 m. Table C.11 lists the additional overthrows for h > 1,170 m.
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Table C.11 — Additional overthrows for h > 1,170 m Height
150 ≤ R p 162,5
162,5 ≤ R p 250
250 ≤ R p 400
400 ≤ R p ∞
40,5 l − 1,435 − 0,105 + R 2
40,5 l − 1,435 − 0,105 + R 2
28 l − 1,435 − 0,055 + R 2
6 l − 1,435 + R 2
60 l − 1,435 − 0,225 + R 2 (C.39)
The value
F = 0,045 m is included in the semi-width of the kinematic reference profile.
Table C.12 lists the additional overthrows for h ≤ 1,170 m. Table C.12 — Additional overthrows for h ≤ 1,170 m Height
165 f R ≥ 150
∞ ≥ R ≥ 1000
26,47 l − 1,435 − 0,0215 + R 2
26,47 l − 1,435 − 0,0215 + R 2
5 l − 1,435 + R 2
60 l − 1,435 − 0,225 + R 2 (C.43)
1000 f R ≥ 165
F = 0 m for the lower parts of the kinematic reference profile.
Taking the roll into account
Table C.13 lists the values that take the roll into account. Table C.13 — Values to take the roll into account
η0 r
Vertical geometric overthrow upwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure
The conventional values to be considered with regard to the vertical geometric overthrow are given in Annex F.
C.6.4 Kinematic reference profiles for the lower parts The rules relating to the lower parts of gauge G1 are applicable.
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For h ≤ 1,170 m.
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For heights less than 0,400 m, as a function of the radius, gauge G1 can be wider and, in this case, gauge G1 is used.
C.7 Kinematic gauges NL1 and NL2 C.7.1 Reference profiles of kinematic gauges NL1 and NL2 Figure C.13 shows the reference profile of kinematic gauge NL1. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
Lower parts according to Figure C.3 or Figure C.4.
Figure C.13 — Reference profile of kinematic gauge NL1
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Figure C.14 shows the reference profile of kinematic gauge NL2. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
Lower parts according to Figure C.3 or Figure C.4.
Figure C.14 — Reference profile of kinematic gauge NL2
C.7.2 Associated rules The associated rules are identical to those of kinematic gauge G1, except for value l max that may be reduced to 1,450 m.
C.8 Kinematic gauges PTb, PTb+ and PTc C.8.1 Lateral part C.8.1.1
Kinematic reference profiles for the upper parts
Figure C.15 shows the reference profile of kinematic gauge PTb. --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
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Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
Lower parts according to Figure C.18 or Figure C.19.
Figure C.15 — Reference profile of kinematic gauge PTb Figure C.16 shows kinematic profile of gauge PTb+. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
Lower parts according to Figure C.18 or Figure C.19.
Figure C.16 — Kinematic profile of gauge PTb+
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Figure C.17 shows the reference profile of gauge PTc. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
Lower parts according to Figure C.18 or Figure C.19.
Figure C.17 — Reference profile of gauge PTc
C.8.2 Associated rules --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
Basic data
1,668 m;
l max
1,698 m;
1,733 m.
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Additional overthrows
Table C.14 lists the additional overthrows. Table C.14 — Additional overthrows of kinematic gauges PTb, PTb+ and PTc
∞ ≥ R ≥ 250 h < 0,4m
0,4 ≤ h ≤ 0,7
0,700 < h <1,170
1,170 ≤ h ≤ 3,550
h ≥ 4,110 (PTb) or h ≥ 4,210 (PTb+)
3,75 l − 1,668 + R 2
23 l − 1,668 + 0,070 + R 2
32,5 l − 1,668 + 0,029 + R 2
32,5 l − 1,668 + 0,004 + R 2
20 l − 1,668 + R 2
F is included in the semi-width of the kinematic reference profile.
C.8.3 Taking the roll into account Table C.15 lists the values that take the roll into account. Table C.15 — Values to take the roll into account L
η0 r
C.8.4 Vertical geometric overthrow upwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure The conventional values to be considered with regard to the vertical geometric overthrow are given in Annex F.
C.8.5 Kinematic reference profiles for the lower parts Figure C.18 shows the lower zone not compatible with the marshalling humps. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface Figure C.18 — Lower zone not compatible with the marshalling humps
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Figure C.19 shows the lower zone compatible with the marshalling humps. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface Figure C.19 — Lower zone compatible with the marshalling humps
C.8.6 Vertical geometric overthrow downwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure The conventional values to be considered with regard to the vertical geometric overthrow are given in Annex F.
C.9 Kinematic gauge DE1 C.9.1 General As illustrated in Figure C.20, gauge DE1 is translated by an additional widening "∆b" added to gauge G1 or gauge G2. This addition "∆b" has a positive value for curve radii R < 500 m.
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Key 1
gauge G1 or G2
gauge DE1
∆b widening relative to gauge G1 or gauge G2 (see Table C.17) Figure C.20 — Illustration of gauge DE1
C.9.2 Kinematic reference profiles Figure C.21 shows the reference profile of kinematic gauge DE1.
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Dimensions in millimetres
Figure C.21 — Reference profile of kinematic gauge DE1 NOTE
The reference profile of kinematic gauge DE1 has been established for a curve radius R = 250 m.
This kinematic profile DE1 includes a roll
z0 =
s0 D0 (h − hc ) that varies as a function of the height, L
established on the basis of the values listed in Table in C.18.
C.9.3 Associated rules C.9.3.1
Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
1,465 m;
1,500 m.
Additional overthrows
Table C.16 lists the additional overthrows. Table C.16 — Additional overthrows R (m)
250 ≥ R ≥ 150 ∞ ≥ R ≥ 250
Additional overthrows applicable to the reference profile of kinematic gauge DE1
Sikin = Sa kin =
45,906 l − 1,435 − 0,1684 + R 2
Sikin = Sa kin =
35,906 l − 1,435 − 0,1283 + R 2
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From this, it results that for h = 1,815 m, the addition "∆b" relative to gauge G1 and gauge G2 is as listed in Table C.17. Table C.17 — Addition "∆b" relative to gauge G1 and G2 R
C.9.4 Taking the roll into account Table C.18 lists the values that take the roll into account. Table C.18 — Values to take the roll into account L
η0 r
C.9.5 Vertical geometric overthrow downwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure The conventional values to be considered with regard to the vertical geometric overthrow are given in Annex F.
C.10 Kinematic gauge DE2 C.10.1 General Gauge DE2 is generally used for double-decker coaches. For heights between 3,765 m ≤ h ≤ 4,335 m, gauge DE2 is located between gauge G2 and gauge DE3.
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C.10.2 Kinematic reference profiles Figure C.22 illustrates gauge DE2. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
reference profile of kinematic gauge G2
reference profile of kinematic gauge DE2
addition relative to gauge G2 Figure C.22 — Illustration of gauge DE2
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Coordinates of the points of the reference profile of kinematic gauge DE2 (see Table C.19): Table C.19 — Coordinates of the points of the reference profile of kinematic gauge DE2 hCRkin
C.10.3 Associated rules C.10.3.1 Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
1,465 m;
1,500 m.
C.10.3.2 Additional overthrows The additional overthrows Sikin and Sakin are identical to those of gauge G2.
C.10.4 Taking the roll into account For heights between 3,765 m ≤ h ≤ 4,335 m, see the following values in Table C.20.
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Table C.20 — Values for heights between 3,765 m ≤ h ≤ 4,335 m L
η0 r
For other heights, the rules for gauge G2 are applicable.
C.10.5 Vertical geometric overthrow downwards and vertical allowance of the infrastructure The conventional values to be considered with regard to the vertical geometric overthrow are given in Annex F.
C.11 Kinematic gauge DE3 C.11.1 Kinematic reference profiles Figure C.23 shows the reference profile of kinematic gauge DE3. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
Lower parts according to Figure C.3, Figure C.4 or Figure C.8
Figure C.23 — Reference profile of kinematic gauge DE3
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Reference profile of kinematic gauge G2 is applicable for heights less than 3,530 m.
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C.11.2 Associated rules The associated rules for gauges G1 and G2 are applicable.
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Annex D (normative) Reference profiles and associated rules for dynamic gauges
General comment as a practical measure to facilitate the reading of the standard:
the dimensions of the reference profiles are given in mm;
the values to be used in the formulae are given in m, unless otherwise indicated.
D.1 Dynamic gauge SEa and SEc D.1.1 Dynamic reference profile SEa Figure D.1 shows dynamic reference profile SEa.
Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
zone into which non-insulated parts likely to remain live shall not penetrate Figure D.1 — Dynamic reference profile SEa
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Figure D.2 shows the dynamic reference profile for the lower parts of gauge SEa and SEc. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
reference profile for vehicles not authorized to cross rail brakes
reference profile for vehicles authorized to cross rail brakes in the non-activated position
reference profile for vehicles authorized to cross rail brakes in the activated position Figure D.2 — Dynamic reference profile for the lower parts of gauge SEa and SEc
D.1.2 Dynamic reference profile SEc Figure D.3 shows the dynamic reference profile for gauge SEc. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
zone into which non-insulated parts likely to remain live shall not penetrate Figure D.3 — Dynamic reference profile for gauge SEc
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General comment: Vehicles authorized to operate alongside goods platforms shall not use the hatched zone between heights 0,770 m and 1,200 m.
D.1.3 Associated rules Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
1,465 m;
1,5 m.
Additional overthrows
Table D.1 lists the additional overthrows. Table D.1 — Additional overthrows
∞ ≥ R ≥ 200
The value
41 l − 1,435 (D.1) + R 2
Sa dyn
31 l − 1435 (D.2) + R 2
F = 0,035 m is included in the semi-width of the dynamic reference profile.
Taking the roll into account
Table D.2 lists the values that take the roll into account. Table D.2 — Values to take the roll into account L
η0 r
∞ ≥ R ≥ 275
Maximum allowed by the vehicle
275 f R ≥ 200
0,15 ( R − 50) 225
0,15 ( R − 50) 225
(D.4) or the maximum value allowed by the vehicle if it is lower
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Table D.2 (continued) L
R p 200
0,15 ( R − 50) 225
η0 r 1°
Vertical allowances of the infrastructure
D.2 Dynamic gauge for the lower parts of W6a This gauge of the lower parts is used with the static gauge of the upper parts of W6a listed in Annex B.
D.2.1 Dynamic reference profile for the lower parts of W6a Figure D.4 shows the dynamic reference profile for the lower parts of W6a. Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface Figure D.4 — Dynamic reference profile for the lower parts of W6a
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D.2.2 Associated rules Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
the vehicle considers that l max = l N ;
all the effects of
l max − l N > 0 are to be taken into account by the infrastructure; 2
1,505 m.
Additional overthrows applicable to the dynamic profile for the lower parts of W6a
Table D.3 lists the additional overthrows applicable to the dynamic profile for the lower parts of W6a. Table D.3 — Additional overthrows applicable to the dynamic profile for the lower parts of W6a
360 ≥ R ≥ 200
∞ ≥ R ≥ 360 0,280 ≤ h
S idyn = 0,0125 +
l − 1,435 2
S i dyn =
S adyn = 0,0125 +
l − 1,435 2
Sa dyn =
S i dyn =
h < 0,280
32 l − 1,435 − 0,0875 + R 2 (D.8)
27 l − 1,435 − 0,0625 + R 2 (D.10)
27 l − 1,435 − 0,0625 + R 2 (D.7)
≤ 1,000
200 ≥ R ≥ 160
S a dyn =
32 l − 1,435 − 0,0875 + R 2 (D.11)
S idyn = 0,0125 +
l − 1,435 2
S adyn = 0,0125 +
l − 1,435 (D.9) 2
Taking the roll into account
For the lower parts, the roll is taken into account by the vehicle inside the dynamic contour.
D.2.3 Infrastructure allowances in the transverse direction The position of the structures shall be such that:
binf ≥ bRP + S i / adyn + Σ jdyn
see EN 15273-3 for value Σ jdyn .
D.2.4 Infrastructure allowances in the vertical direction
hinf ≤ hRP − Σ v
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see EN 15273-3 for value Σ v .
D.2.5 Vehicle allowances in the transverse direction
bveh ≤ bRP − Ei / ast − Tb
see EN 15273-2 for value Tb .
D.2.6 Vehicle allowances in the vertical direction
Rv min = 500 m hveh ≥ hRP + dg iv / av + ∆hdyn + Tbv
see EN 15273-2 for values Tbv and ∆hdyn .
D.3 Dynamic gauge UK1 D.3.1 Dynamic gauge for the lower parts of UK1[A] D.3.1.1
Dynamic reference profile for the lower parts of UK1[A]
Figure D.5 shows the dynamic reference profile for the lower parts of UK1[A].
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Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
wheel and guard-iron zone
zone reserved for frangible steps only Figure D.5 — Dynamic reference profile for the lower parts of UK1[A]
It should be noted that in the event of a failure causing the deflation of the air suspension, the vehicle may exceed the reference profile by 0,025 m. This value is to be included in the infrastructure allowance. The vehicle shall also take into account the geometric effect of concave or convex minimum vertical radii Rv min = 500 m.
D.3.2 Associated rules D.3.2.1
Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
vehicle considers that ; l max = l N
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l max − l N > 0 shall be taken into account by the infrastructure; 2
all the effects of
L 1,505 m. D.3.2.2
Additional overthrows applicable to the dynamic profile for the lower parts of UK1[A]
Table D.4 lists the additional overthrows applicable to the dynamic profile for the lower parts of UK1[A]. Table D.4 — Additional overthrows applicable to the dynamic profile for the lower parts of UK1[A]
α ≥ R ≥ 360
0,179 ≤ h ≤ 1,100
Sidyn = 0,0125 +
l − 1,435 2
Si dyn =
25,949 l − 1,435 (D.17) − 0,0595 + R 2
Sa dyn = 0,0125 +
l − 1,435 2
Sa dyn =
25,949 l − 1,435 (D.19) − 0,0595 + R 2
h < 0,179
360 ≥ R ≥ 160
Sidyn = 0,0125 +
l − 1,435 2
Sa dyn = 0,0125 +
l − 1,435 2
F is included in the semi-width of the dynamic reference profile.
D.3.3 Taking the roll into account All the displacements are taken into account by the vehicle.
D.3.4 Infrastructure allowances in the transverse direction The position of the structures shall be such that:
binf ≥ bRP + S i / adyn + Σ jdyn
see EN 15273-3 for value Σ jdyn .
D.3.5 Infrastructure allowances in the vertical direction
hinf ≤ hRP − Σ v
see EN 15273-3 for value Σ v .
D.3.6 Vehicle allowances in the transverse direction
bveh ≤ bRP − Ei / ast − Tb
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see EN 15273-2 for value Tb .
D.3.7 Vehicle allowances in the vertical direction
Rv min = 500 m hveh ≥ hRP + dg iv / av + ∆hdyn + Tbv
see EN 15273-2 for values Tbv and ∆hdyn .
D.4 Dynamic gauges for the upper parts of UK1 [D] D.4.1 Basic principle The reference profile UK1[D] and its associated rules may generate several gauges. These gauges differ as a function of value Rmin established by the infrastructure for each track section. The value of the allowed additional overthrow Si / adyn at a critical point of the line is determined by formula D.28, starting from the semi-width of the existing infrastructure
binf and of radius R .
This conforms to the high-speed TSI of 12.09.2002.
Rmin (n · 1) may operate on track sections of Rmin (n ·2) ≥ Rmin (n ·1) and cannot operate on track sections of Rmin (n · 3) < Rmin (n ·1). A vehicle designed for a radius
Figure D.6 illustrates the dynamic gauges for the upper parts of UK1 [D].
Key 1
zone reserved for the vehicle
zone reserved for the infrastructure
additional overthrow
gauge Figure D.6 — Illustration of the dynamic gauges for the upper parts of UK1 [D]
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D.4.2 Dynamic reference profile for the upper parts of UK1[D] Figure D.7 shows the dynamic reference profile for the upper parts of UK1 [D].
Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface Figure D.7 — Dynamic reference profile for the upper parts of UK1 [D]
D.4.3 Associated rules D.4.3.1
Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
the vehicle considers that l max = l N ;
all the effects of
l max − l N > 0 are to be taken into account by the infrastructure; 2
1,505 m. Additional overthrows applicable to the dynamic profile for the upper parts of UK1[D]
Table D.5 lists the additional overthrows applicable to the dynamic profile for the upper parts of UK1[D].
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Table D.5 — Additional overthrows applicable to the dynamic profile for the upper parts of UK1[D]
α ≥ R ≥ R min Sidyn =
36,97 36,97 l − 1,435 − + R Rmin 2
Sa dyn =
41,155 41,155 l − 1,435 − + R Rmin 2
D.4.4 Infrastructure allowances in the transverse direction The position of the structures shall be such that:
binf ≥ bRP + S i / adyn + Σ jdyn
see EN 15273-3 for value Σ jdyn .
D.4.5 Infrastructure allowances in the vertical direction In gradient transition radii, the infrastructure shall clear the space necessary for geometric displacements corresponding to:
dg iv =
36,97 36,97 − R Rmin
and dg av =
41,155 41,155 − R Rmin
hinf ≥ hRP + dg iv / av + Σ v
see EN 15273-3 for value Σ v .
D.4.6 Vehicle allowances in the transverse direction
bveh ≤ bRP − Ei / adyn − Tb
see EN 15273-2 for value Tb .
D.4.7 Vehicle allowances in the vertical direction
hveh ≤ hRP + dg iv / av − dg iv / av − ∆hdyn − Tbv
see EN 15273-2 for values Tbv and ∆hdyn . NOTE
The first " + dg iv / av " refers to the formula defined in D.4.5 and the second term "
formula defined in
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− dg iv / av
" refers to the
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Annex E (normative) Uniform gauges
E.1 General information on gauges GUC, GU1, GU2, UK1[D] and Z -GČD Uniform gauges are structure gauges. They are listed in EN 15273-3. The vehicles are allowed according to Table E.1. Table E.1 — Vehicles Uniform gauge
Maximum allowable vehicle
See below
G2, NL1
E.2 Uniform gauge GU1 Figure E.1 shows the nominal structure profile of GU1.
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Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface Figure E.1 — Nominal structure profile of GU1
E.2.1 Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
1,465 m;
1,5 m.
For example, if:
Sa kin = Sikin = 0,015 +
1,465 − 1,435 = 0,030 m in a curve of radius R = 250 m; 2
Dmax = 0,150 m; I max = 0,150 m;
Σ 2 calculated for the track characteristics where V < 80 km/h (see Table E.2)..
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The kinematic profile derived from this uniform gauge by applying the structure installation limit kinematic rules – and to which the vehicle construction rules could apply - depends on the authorized minimum radius considered, the cant and cant deficiency.
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Table E.2 — Calculation of a reference profile for uniform gauge GU1 Height of the kinematic reference profile
Semi-width of the uniform gauge Reduction from the structure limit installation gauge to the reference profile of the vehicle according to formula
S a + K ( I − 0,050) + Σ 2 a
3 ,53
Semi-width of the kinematic reference profile that can be used by the vehicle
E.3 Uniform gauge Z -GČD E.3.1 Uniform reference profile Figure E.2 shows the gauge for Z -GČD structures.
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Dimensions in millimetres Left-hand side
Right-hand side
Key Left-hand side:
for all tracks (including in stations);
for the main tracks in stations and in the crossing zone (including in stations);
for main tracks in the points and crossing zone (e.g. marshalling yards);
for secondary tracks where passenger trains are likely to run.
A - B for structures and equipment located outside the outer track C - D for equipment located between tracks Right-hand side: —
for other tracks (outside stations) and crossing zones (including in stations);
— for other tracks (than the main tracks) in the points and crossing zone (e.g. marshalling yards) E – F for all structures and equipment TK
running surface Figure E.2 — Gauge for Z -GČD structures
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E.3.2 Basic data
1,435 m;
l max
1,470 m;
1,500 m;
250 m;
Rv min
2 500 m;
0,160 m;
I max
0,160 m.
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Annex F (normative) Specific rules in the vertical direction
Gradient transitions on the main track for gauges G1, G2, GA, GB, GB1, GB2, GC, FR3.3, BE1, BE2, BE3, … The minimum vertical radius Rv min = 625 m,
hmin = 0,080 m for the lower horizontal of the reference profile.
The minimum vertical radius Rv min = 500 m,
hmin ≥ 0,080 m outside the wheels for bRP ≥ 1,175 m.
The infrastructure shall also increase the vertical dimensions of the upper part of the reference profile by
50 in the gradient transitions, knowing that the value hu min = 0,100 m. R The value M v is defined by the infrastructure (see EN 15273-3).
F.1 Passing over link spans onto ferries The vertical allowance to be considered by the vehicle is at least M
= 0,060 m for coaches and 0,020 m for
wagons. The ferry ramp angle α' ' to be adhered to both by the infrastructure and by the vehicle used on this crossing is listed in Table F.1 below. Table F.1 — Ferry ramp angle CROSSING
α' '
Maximum angle of the movable gangway
Korsør – Nyborg
Reserved 2° 30’
Gedser – Warnermünde
3° 30’
Rødby Færge - Puttgarden
Sassnitz Hafen - Trelleborg
2° 30’
Villa S.G. – Messina
1° 30’
Reggio C. – Messina
1° 30’
Stockholm – Abo
Ystad – Swinoujscie
Trelleborg – Sassnitz
Trelleborg - Rostock
Malmö – Travemünde
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F.2 Marshalling humps F.2.1 Agreement for the gauges of group G1, G2, GA, GB, GB1, GB2, GC, FR3.3, BE1, BE2, BE3, … F.2.1.1
These gauges use two types of marshalling humps, the classic humps and special humps for low-floor wagons. With regard to the lower horizontal of the reference profile, for the two types of humps, the height hmin = 0,125 m is based on a reference vehicle with ar = 15,8 m. On the other hand, for calculating the height hmax reserved for the infrastructure, the value ev is calculated with different reference vehicles, ar = 17,8 m for the classic humps and ar = 15,8 m for the special humps for lowfloor wagons. F.2.1.2
Classic humps
Progressive reduction of hmax over a distance X = 3 m to allow for empty coaches, vans and empty or loaded wagons (see Figure F.1).
Key 1 vehicle 2 shunting gradient 3 classic hump 4 running surface 5 convex 6 concave a 115 mm or 125 mm b ei1 or e’i1 c 75 mm or 85 mm d 115 or 125 mm Figure F.1 — Classic hump The value ev is specified for reference vehicles with ar = 17,8 m.
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For the infrastructure, as the height difference is 0,040 m between point A and point B
ev = 0,040.
250 3 − x . Rv 3
For the vehicle:
for short vehicles with a ≤ 17,8 m; for crossing point A, which is the determining factor when n < (a-3)/3
ei =
n (a − n − 3)² a 500
for crossing point B, which is the determining factor when n ≥ (a-3)/3
ei =
(a − 3)³
for longer vehicles with a > 17,8 m; --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
for crossing point A, which is the determining factor when n < (a-3)/3
27 n n a² e' i = . .1 − − 0,040 . 4 a − 3 a − 3 3375
for crossing point B, which is the determining factor when n ≥ (a-3)/3
e' i =
a² − 0,040 3375
for crossing the top of the hump with the central part of the vehicle
ei = F.2.1.3
a² + p² a − 250 + 62500 − ( − ni ) 2 − 0,125 2000 2
Special humps for low-floor wagons
Progressive reduction hmax over a distance X = 5 m to allow, in addition to vehicles capable of passing over the classic humps, special wagons intended for combined rail-road traffic or pocket wagons (see Figure F.2).
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Key 1 vehicle 2 shunting gradient 3 classic hump 4 running surface 5
115 mm or 125 mm
ei2 or e’i2
75 mm or 85 mm (d = 3 m); 65 mm or 75 mm (d = 5 m)
115 mm or 125 mm Figure F.2 — Special hump for low-floor wagons
The value ev is specified for reference vehicles with ar = 15,8 m. For the infrastructure:
(15,80 − x )³ 250 ev = − 0,024 53325 Rv
For the vehicle:
for short vehicles with a ≤ 15,8 m; for crossing point A, which is the determining factor when n < (a-5)/3
ei =
n (a − n − 5)² a 500
for crossing point B, which is the determining factor when n ≥ (a-5)/3
ei =
(a − 5)³
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for longer vehicles with a > 15,8 m; for crossing point A, which is the determining factor when n < (a-5)/3 2
27 n n a² e' i = . .1 − − 0,050 . 4 a − 5 a − 5 3375
for crossing point B, which is the determining factor when n ≥ (a-5)/3
e' i =
a² − 0,050 3375
for crossing the top of the hump with the central part of the vehicle
ei =
a² + p² a − 250 + 62500 − ( − ni ) 2 − 0,125 2000 2
F.2.2 Other agreements F.2.2.1
Marshalling hump used in Finland
Figure F.3 shows the Finnish marshalling hump, rail brake position.
Figure F.3 — Finnish marshalling hump, rail brake position
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Figure F.4 shows the rail brake gauge on the approaches to the Finnish marshalling humps.
Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
running surface
maximum rail brake gauge
vehicle gauge
NOTE If the rail brake is installed on a curve, the values 1,385 m and 1,446 m are to be increased by the widening value 36/R.
Figure F.4 — Rail brake gauge on the approaches to the Finnish marshalling humps
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Annex G (normative) Geometric overthrow to be considered in the additional overthrows for the turnouts
G.1 General Application of Annex G is linked to when determining the additional overthrows in turnouts
G.2 Turnout laid on a straight track G.2.1 Overthrow on the turnout route G.2.1.1
Before the start of the switch
Figure G.1 shows the geometric overthrow before the start of the switch.
Figure G.1 — Geometric overthrow before the start of the switch If the radius of the turnout route is the same in the zone under examination ( R1 =
dg i =
R2 )
ni (a r − ni − x ) a r − ni − x + β ar 2R1
in the formula for Si. If the radii of the turnout route are different in the zone under examination ( R1 ≠
dg i =
ni (a r − ni − x )(a r − ni − x ) 1 + 1 ar 2 R1 2 R2
+ β
in the formula for Si.
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R2 )
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Beyond the start of the switch
Figure G.2 shows the geometric overthrow after the start of the switch.
Figure G.2 — Geometric overthrow after the start of the switch If the radii of the turnout route are the same in the zone under examination ( R1 =
dg i =
R2 )
ni ( a r − ni ) 2 R1
in the formula for Si. If the radii of the turnout route are different in the zone under examination ( R1 ≠
R2 )
1 1 dg i = ni (a r − ni ) + 2 R1 2 R2
in the formula for Si.
G.2.2 Overthrow on the through route Figure G.3 shows the geometric overthrow on the through route.
Figure G.3 — Geometric overthrow on the through route If the radius of the turnout route is the same in the zone under examination ( R1 =
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R2 )
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dg a =
nr (ar − nr − x ) (a r − nr − x ) + β ar 2R1
If the radii of the turnout route are different in the zone under examination ( R1 ≠
dg a =
nr (a r − nr − x )(a r − nr − x ) 1 + 1 ar 2 R1 2 R2
R2 )
+ β
G.3 Turnout laid on a curved track G.3.1 Overthrow on the turnout route If the radius of the turnout route is the same in the zone under examination ( R1 = G.3.1.1
R2 )
Before the start of the switch
Figure G.4 shows the geometric overthrow before the start of the switch.
Figure G.4 — Geometric overthrow before the start of the switch
dg i = G.3.1.2
a − ni − x ni ( a r − ni ) ni + (a r − ni − x ) r + β 2R ar 2 R1
Beyond the start of the switch
Figure G.5 shows the geometric overthrow after the start of the switch blade in the curve.
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Figure G.5 — Geometric overthrow after the start of the switch in the curve --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
1 a − ni − x 1 ni − (a r − ni − x ) r dg i = ni (a r − ni ) + − β 2 R1 2 R 2 R1 a r If the radius of the turnout route is the same in the zone under examination ( R1 ≠ G.
dg i =
R2 )
Before the start of the switch
a − ni − x n 1 ni (a r − ni ) ni 1 + (a r − ni − x ) r + β + i (a r − ni − x − LdR1 )² − 2R ar 2 R1 ar 2 R2 2 R1
Between the start of the switch and the end of radius R1
1 a −n − x a − ni 1 ni − (a r − ni − x ) r i (x + ni − LdR1 )² 1 − 1 (G.10) dg i = ni (a r − ni ) + − β + r 2 R1 ar 2 R 2 R1 a r 2 R 2 2 R1 G.
Beyond radius R1
1 a − n − x ar − ni 1 ni − (ar − ni − x) r i (x + ni − LdR1 )² − (x − LdR1 )² 1 − 1 (G.11) dgi = ni (ar − ni ) + − β + 2R 2R1 ar 2R1 ar 2R2 2R1 G.3.2 Overthrow on the through route The calculation is only to be done for points "P" located before the mathematical point of the switch. In the turnout, the value of the additional overthrow is that of the full curve C1. As long as the two wheelsets of the reference vehicle are in curve C1, point P describes a circle C2 that is concentric with C1, then when one of the wheelsets touches curve C of radius R, point P describes a curve of a complicated equation continuously approximating to C. Let S be the point of circle C2 located on the line of the centres CC2: this is the point where the distance between the two curves is the greatest; also, let T be the position of the end of the vehicle when the first wheelset reaches the mathematical point of the switch. The overthrow of the end of the vehicle relative to the curve will be at its maximum at point T if T is on the same side as C1 relative to S, i.e. if na < R1β. It will be at its maximum at point S in the opposite case if na > R1β. (R1 being the first radius of the turnout route when the turnouts are laid on a straight track) (see Figure G.6).
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Key a location of P Figure G.6 — Geometric overthrow on the through route in a curve The maximum value of the geometric overthrow dg a is given by the following formulae: G.3.2.1
If the radius of the turnout route is the same in the zone under examination ( R1 ≠
1 1 R1β ² + dg a = nr (nr + ar ) + 2 2 R 2 R1
R2 ) (G.12)
If nr < R1β
1 1 n² + nr β − r dga = nr (nr + ar ) + 2 R1 2 R 2 R1
If nr > R1β G.3.2.2
If the second radius of the turnout route is in the zone under examination ( R1 ≠
R2 )
If nr < R1β
1 n ² n (a − LdR1 )² 1 1 1 + nr β − r + r r dg a = nr (nr + a r ) + − 2 R1 ar 2 R 2 R1 2 R2 2 R1
if ar - LdR1 > 0 If nr > R1β
1 1 R1 β ² nr (a r − LdR1 + nr − R1 β )² 1 1 + dg a = nr (nr + a r ) + + − 2 R 2 R 2 ar 2 R 2 R 1 2 1 if ar – LdR1 + nr – R1β > 0
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Annex H (normative) Rules relating to pantographs
H.1 Catalogue of standard heads Except in special cases, the dimensions of the standard heads and the semi-width bw are listed in EN 50367. The head used by the vehicle shall be compatible with that taken into account by the infrastructure.
H.2 Reference vehicle parameters Table H.1 lists the reference vehicle parameters. Table H.1 — Reference vehicle parameters Gauges G1, G2, GA, GB, GB1, GB2, GC, ….
EN 50367
Gauges BE1, BE2 and BE3
0,880 m (3kV)
Dynamic gauges SEa, SEc 0,900 m
0,800 m (25kV) according to EN 50367
1,410 m
1,410 m
1,410 m
1,500 m
1,500 m
1,500 m
1,465 m
1,465 m
1,465 m
qr + wr
0,0375 m
0,065 m
s '0
I 0 ; D0
0,066 m
0,066 m
I max ; Dmax
0,200 m
0,200 m
hc 0
0,5 m
0,5 m
t τ
0,030 m
0,030 m
0,030 m
0,01 m
0,01 m
0,010 m
0,005 rad
0,005 rad
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Table H.1 (continued) Gauges G1, G2, GA, GB, GB1, GB2, GC, ….
Gauges BE1, BE2 and BE3
Dynamic gauges SEa, SEc
2,5 l − 1,435 2,5 l − 1,435 + + R 2 R 2
21 l − 1,435 + R 2
Verification height
6,5 m
6,5 m
5,9 m
epkin ( h 'u =5)
0,110 m
0,170 m
ep dyn (5,9) = Reserved
H.3 Electrical insulating allowances A distinction is made between two types of insulating allowances:
a fixed value used by the vehicle to define the zone of the non-insulated roof-mounted live parts;
a variable value used by the infrastructure depending on the environment of the live parts and their displacements.
Table H.2 lists the values of the two types of insulating allowances. Table H.2 — Values of the two types of insulating allowances Vehicle 25 kV AC
0,170 m
15 kV AC
0,150 m
3 kV DC
0,100 m
1,5 kV DC
0,100 m
750 V
Infrastructure EN 50119
H.4 Characteristics of the collection system Table H.3 lists characteristics of the collection system. Table H.3 — Characteristics of the collection system Vehicle
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0,060 m
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H.5 Specific cases H.5.1 Pantograph gauges linked to gauges BE1, BE2 and BE3 H.5.1.1
3 kV network
With regard to the Belgian network supplied with 3 kV, a specific gauge for the pantographs in the raised position is cleared by the infrastructure to permit the operation both of motor coaches fitted with pantographs 1,760 m wide ( bw = 0,880 m; ep o = 0,245 m and epu = 0,170 m) without an insulating horn, as shown in Figure H.1 with s ≤ 0,4 and a transverse clearance, q + w ≤ 0,065 m and of traction units fitted with pantographs 1,950 m wide with insulating horns, according to EN 50367 ( bw = 0,975 m; ep o = 0,170 m and
epu = 0,110 m) with s = 0,225 and a transverse clearance, q + w ≤ 0,0375 m as specified according to the rules of gauge G1. The specific reference profile in Figure H.2 is established for I 0 or D0 = 0,066 m and its associated rules allow the vehicle to verify that the 3 kV pantographs in the raised position fit the gauge. Dimensions in millimetres
Figure H.1 — Head 1,760 m wide
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Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1
centreline common to the vehicle and the track
kinematic reference profile ( bw = 0,880 m; ep o = 0,245 m and epu = 0,170 m) Figure H.2 — Kinematic reference profile for the 3 kV pantographs in the raised position for gauges BE1, BE2 and BE3
25 kV network
With regard to the Belgian network supplied with 25 kV, the infrastructure is cleared for the 1,600 m wide head ( bw = 0,800 m; ep o = 0,245 m and epu = 0,170 m) according to EN 50367 with s ≤ 0,4 and a transverse clearance q + w ≤ 0,065 m. The specific reference profile in Figure H.3 is established for I 0 or D0 = 0,066 m and its associated rules allowing the vehicle to verify that the 25 kV pantographs in the raised position fit the gauge. Dimensions in millimetres
s Figure H.3 — Kinematic reference profile for the 25 kV pantographs in the raised position for gauges BE1, BE2 and BE3 For tilting body vehicles, the rules of gauge G1 are applicable, but the formulae shall be adapted to take into account the difference in ep .
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Annex I (normative) Rules relating to access steps and platform installation
I.1 Actual and conventional gap between step and platform This annex only covers platforms of height greater than 0,400 m. Platforms of height less than 0,400 m are not taken into account given that, for these platforms, the horizontal gap is negligible or non-existent. Platforms are to be considered as structures that, to ensure their function, shall be located as close as possible to the stopping devices whilst allowing trains to pass at full speed. The platforms shall be installed according to the installation rules of the largest structure limit gauge cleared on the route while meeting the rules in force. The vehicle steps shall be positioned and dimensioned according to the rules set down in EN 15273-2, in compliance with the gauge used for the construction of the vehicle. The actual gap
bgap act varies greatly given that it depends on
any difference between the gauge used for the infrastructure and that used for the vehicle;
the effect of the curves and the transitions in plan view and in cross-section;
the presence of turnouts;
gauge widening, platform installation and maintenance tolerances;
the local allowances required by the infrastructure;
the effect of cant;
the random position of the vehicle relative to the track centreline;
the design of the vehicle;
the position of the doors;
the functional characteristics and clearance.
In practice, the actual gap may be greater than the conventional gap (see Figure I.1).
and also:
A conventional gap " bgap " imposed by the regulations in force shall be adhered to by the vehicle in relation to 0
the position of the platforms.
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For this:
the platform is considered to be a conventional distance
bq 0 i or bq 0 a from the centreline of the track,
corresponding to the structure installation limit dimension;
the vehicle is considered, stopped and perfectly centred on the track, without cant, while taking into account the geometric overthrow dg i or dg a in the middle of the step height in the minimum curve specified by the regulation in force;
the step tread is located at a distance
b from the centreline of the vehicle.
Figure I.1 — Illustration of the conventional gap
on the inside of the curve
bgap 0 = bq 0 i − b + dg a
for doors beyond the bogie centres; --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
bgap 0 = bq 0 i − b − dg i
for doors between the bogie centres;
on the outside of the curve
bgap 0 = bq 0 a − b + dg i
for doors between the bogie centres;
bgap 0 = bq 0 a − b − dg a
for doors beyond the bogie centres.
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I.1.1 Position of the platforms I.1.1.1
Actual position of the platforms
The platforms are installed at a distance bq from the track centreline, taking into account the widest gauge to be cleared (see Figure I.2).
bq lim needs to be cleared:
To fit the gauge, the limit value for the static gauge
bq lim = bRP st + S st + z 0 + qsi qs a + Σ 2 st + δ qa
for the kinematic gauge
bq lim = bRP kin + S kin + qsi qsa + Σ 2 kin + δ qa
for the dynamic gauge
bq lim = bRP dyn + S dyn + Σ 2 dyn + δ q a
δ q a = hec L ≤δ
(I.8) qa max
D δ q a = (hq − hmin CR ) L ≤ δ qa max
for platforms on the outside of the curve without edge copings.
for platforms on the outside of the curve with edge copings;
It should be noted that the value δ qa relating to the installed cant may be compensated for by a projecting edge coping extending the edge of the platform, overhanging the space required for the gauge roll, perpendicular to running surface. The part exceeding the maximum value δ qa allowed by the regulation in force shall be compensated for. The regulatory tolerances " Tq " required for installation and maintenance may be added to value bq . lim In order to fit both the structure limit gauge and the minimum possible gap, the distance bq shall be between the following limits:
bq lim ≤ bq ≤ bq lim + Tq
It is then assumed that:
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bq 0 ≤ bq
Key 1
track centreline
platform installation zone Figure I.2 — Position of the platforms
Where there are turnouts, the additional overthrows S st , S kin , S dyn and the quasi-static effect
or si
q sa shall be
adapted to the local situation. For practical control relative to the rail running edge, the infrastructure may verify the dimension
b' q = bq −
l actual 2
measured parallel to the running surface. The amount of the maintenance allowance M ( 2 ) used in Σ ( 2 ) depends on the regulation in force on the route concerned. The verification value Σ (1) shall be defined by the infrastructure. I.1.1.2 I.
Conventional position of the platforms Agreement
Within the framework of the conventional gap
bgap 0 , account is taken of a conventional value bq 0 in which the
presence of gauges of different widths, the presence of turnouts, the effect of the quasi-static roll
or i
qsa ,
the installation Tq and maintenance tolerances of the platforms, the value δ qa and gauge widening are not taken into account.
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Thus for the static gauge
bq 0 = bRP st + S st + z 0 + Σ 2 st
for the kinematic gauge
bq 0 = bRP kin + S kin + Σ 2 kin
for the dynamic gauge
bq 0 = bRP dyn + S dyn + Σ 2 dyn
Conventional values to be considered for the position of the platforms
General case for gauges G1, G2, GA, GB, GB1, GB2, GC, …
Platform height
h ≥ 0,400 m
R ≥ 250 m bq 0 = 1,650 +
3,75 R
Specific cases
For Finland
bq 0 = 1,800 +
36 R
36 R
3,75 + 0,0115 R
For Poland
bq 0 = 1,725 + For Italy
bq 0 = 1,650 +
For the United Kingdom (platforms 0,915 m high) Standard platforms
bq 0 = 1,4475 (I.19)
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360 m ≥ R ≥ 160 m
bq 0 = 1,3755 +
26 (I.20) R
∞ ≥ R ≥ 360m
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Platforms on routes operating with (Class 373) Eurostar vehicles.
∞ ≥ R ≥ 360m bq 0 = 1,4775 (I.21)
360 m ≥ R ≥ 160 m
bq 0 = 1,4055 +
26 (I.22) R
Platform on goods routes operating with containers 2,6 m wide.
Inside curve
bq0 = 1,4475 (I.23)
∞ ≥ R ≥ 360m Outside curve
bq0 = 1,4475 (I.25)
500 m ≥ R ≥ 160 m
bq0 = 1,3815 +
33 (I.24) R
360 m ≥ R ≥ 160 m
bq 0 = 1,3755 +
26 (I.26) R --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
∞ ≥ R ≥ 500m
For Belgium
R ≥ 1000m bq 0 = 1,650 +
5 (I.27) R
R < 1000m bq 0 = 1,650 +
26,47 − 0,0215 (I.28) R
For Sweden SEa and SEc
bq 0 = 1,670 +
41 R
on the inside of the curve,
bq 0 = 1,670 +
31 R
on the outside of the curve.
I.1.2 Position of the steps The steps shall be positioned in order to ensure the maximum conventional gap
bgap 0 in the curves between
the straight track and the minimum verification radius R specified in the regulation in force. The geometric overthrow of vehicle dg a or dg i , considered at mid-width of the step height in the curve shall not exceed:
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on the inside of the curve:
dg i max = bq 0i − b − bgap 0
for doors between the bogie centres,
dg a max = b + bgap 0 − bq 0 i
for doors beyond the bogie centres,
on the outside of the curve;
dg i max = b + bgap 0 − bq 0 a
for doors between the bogie centres,
dg a max = bq 0 a − b − bgap 0
for doors beyond the bogie centres.
Therefore, the positioning of the doors relative to the bogie centres may be limited; EN 15273-2 gives the rules to be followed for the design of the steps.
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Annex J (informative) Widening of the vehicles as a function of the possibilities offered by the infrastructure
J.1 General This annex is reserved for kinematic gauges in which the infrastructures may offer extra space for the vehicle. This annex authorizes the establishment of certain specific agreements with regard to limited interoperability on infrastructures that offer possibilities for widening the vehicles. This agreement requires a prior agreement of the infrastructure manager(s) concerned, regarding the application of specific maintenance rules for the minimum distances between the track centres, for the cant modification limits, for the structure limit position, etc. This agreement corresponds to a new, quite specific kinematic gauge and simultaneous operating restrictions with extraordinary transportation that generally already use this same reserve. The principle retained is to use the difference between the allowances taken into account by the infrastructure, either fixed or by calculation as a function of the reference vehicle parameters, and those effectively required for the vehicle under examination and in relation to those possibly already allowed for these same infrastructures. The reserve available for the vehicle shall exist both on the structure side and on the track centre side.
J.2 Possible gain on the track centre side J.2.1 Basic principle The following calculation method, taken from EN 15273-3, makes it possible to determine the sum of the safety allowances Σ' EA 2 capable of being used in the definition of the limit distance between the track centres (see Figure J.1):
(Σ' ) + (Σ' ) 2 2 ,i
2 2, a
with 2
T T 2 Σ' 2,i / a = k Ttrack + D h + s 0 D [h − hC 0 ]>0 + tg (Tsusp )[h − hC 0 ]>0 L L
] + [tg (T )[h − h ] ] 2
C 0 >0
s + 0 (Tosc )[h − hC 0 ]>0 L (J.2)
According to the principle explained in and the practical indications given in EN 15273-3, on a straight track,
∑ '2,i is considered to be equal to ∑ '2, a , and therefore, Σ' EA2 may be reduced to:
∑ ' EA 2 = ∑ '2, a 2
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Σ' EA 2 =
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Generally, this allowance is calculated for the height of point P. The values of the terms k, Ttrack, TD, Tsusp , Tload and Tosc shall be defined by the infrastructure. For information, some recommended values are given in A.3 of EN 15273-3:2009.
Figure J.1 — Limit distance between the track centres with allowance calculated on a straight track Where the infrastructure uses fixed allowances, Figure J.2 becomes:
Figure J.2 — Limit distance between the track centres on a straight track with fixed allowance
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J.2.2 Application J.2.2.1
Case of calculated allowances
Assuming that there is no cant difference ∆D having a negative effect on the value of the distance between the track centres along the route under consideration, the difference between the allowance obtained by the infrastructure for the height of point P and that calculated for any height with the parameters of the vehicle under examination provides a possibility of increasing the width of the vehicle for the height considered (see Figure J.3).
Key --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
allowance calculated with the parameters of the vehicle under examination
possibility of widening the vehicle for height h Figure J.3 — Possibility of widening the vehicle on the track centre side, in the case of calculated infrastructure allowances
2 2 T s T 2 2 2 Ttrack + D h P + s 0 D [h P − hC 0 ]>0 + tg (Tsusp )[h P − hC 0 ]>0 + [tg (Tload )[h − hC 0 ]> 0 ] + 0 (Tosc )[h P − hC 0 ]> 0 L L L (J.4) Re serve = k 2 2 2 TD TD s 2 2 2 [h − hC ]>0 + tg (Tsusp )[h − hC ]>0 + [tg (Tload )[h − hC ]>0 ] + (Tosc )[h − hC ]>0 − Ttrack + h + s L L L
Case of fixed allowances
Assuming that there is no cant difference ∆D having a negative effect on the value of the distance between the track centres along the route under consideration, the difference between the fixed allowance taken into account by the infrastructure and that calculated for any height with the parameters of the vehicle under examination provides a possibility of increasing the width of the vehicle for the height considered (see Figure J.4).
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Dimensions in millimetres
allowance calculated with the parameters of the vehicle under examination
possibility of widening the vehicle for height h Figure J.4 — Possibility of widening the vehicle on the track centre side, in the case of a fixed infrastructure allowance 2
T T 2 Re serve = ∑ 'EA 2 −k 2 Ttrack + D h + s D [h − hC ]> 0 + tg (Tsusp )[h − hC ]> 0 L L
] + [tg (T )[h − h ] ] 2
C >0
s + (Tosc )[h − hC ]> 0 (J.5) L
J.3 Possible gain on the structure side On the routes concerned, the infrastructure shall check the reserve available. The rules specified in this standard, and by EN 15273-3, regarding allowances M1, M2 and M3 of the kinematic gauge are applicable. The maintenance rules of the infrastructure shall be adapted to take into account the space given over to the vehicle.
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Annex K (normative) Application of the probability theory in conjunction with the limit values taking into account the oscillations and dissymmetry in the determination of allowance M1
K.1 Introduction This Annex K justifies the gauging method given in 7.2 and applied in Annex A of EN 15273-3:2009 for the kinematic gauge example. The same principle may also be applied to other types of gauges.
K.2 Reminder of some principles of the probability theory Given a random variable T1 satisfying the normal distribution law (Gauss' law) and whose distribution is symmetrical in relation to the value t1 = 0, when the standard deviation δ1 is selected as the x-axis unit, the value t1 of variable T1 has a probability as shown in Figure K.1.
Figure K.1 — Probability of value t1 t2
p(t1 ) =
1 − 21 e 2π
The reference to Gauss' law is perfectly normal here. It is shown that if a regular distribution law of the type shown in (a) opposite (very unfavourable case) is assumed, the conjunction of two similar independent elements obey a distribution law of type (b) opposite (2 straight lines). With 3 elements, the distribution is of type (c) 3 parabolic arcs tangential to each other. Beyond that, the resulting distribution becomes ever closer to the Gauss distribution. And the probability of having a value of T1 greater than t1 is:
p( t1 ) =
2π t 1
t2 − 2
dt =
1 1 − e 2 2π 0
t2 − 2
(tables give these values). If several independent random variables T1, T2, T3, ....... Tn each follow a normal law, each linear function of these variables also follows a normal law.
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If U is the resultant of these variables according to the relationship: U = T1 + T2 + T3 +.......+ Tn
and if T1....... Tn have a symmetrical distribution relative to the value 0, U follows a normal mean 0 and standard deviation law:
σ n = σ 12 + σ 22 +.......+σ 2n
Given t1 , t2 ....... tn of the values T1, T2....... Tn having the same probability of being exceeded:
t t = 2 =........ = n = k ⇔ P(t1 ) = P(t 2 ) =..... = P(t n ) = P(t )
the value u of U such that P( u) = P( t ) is
u = kσ u = k 2σ12 + k 2σ 22 +.........+ k 2σ n2 = t12 + t 22 +....... t n2
That is to say that, considering several independent random variables T1, T2 ,....... Tn with values t1, t2 ....... tn having the same probability P(t) of being exceeded, the value of the resultant U = T1 + T2 +.......+ Tn such that P( u) = P( t ) is
u = t12 + t 22 +....... t n2
Given two sets of n independent random variables (T1, T2....... Tn), (T’1, T’2....... T’n) with values t1 = t’1, t2 = t’2....... tn = t’n having the same probability P(t) of being exceeded. (b) (c) (a)
the value of the resultant U = (T1 + T2 +.......+ Tn ) + (T’1 + T’2 +.......+ T’n ) such that P( u) = P( t ) is:
2 1
+ t 22 +....... t n2 ) + ( t 1'2 + t 2'2 +....... t n' 2 ) =
2 1
+ t 22 +....... t n2 ) ⋅ 2
K.3 Taking into account oscillations and dissymmetry in the determination of allowance M1 The random displacements considered in this annex are:
= T1 – the transverse displacement of the track between two maintenance periods;
= T2 – cant defects (geometric effect and dynamic effect);
= T3 - oscillations (other than those generated by a crosslevel error);
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= T4 – the construction or adjustment dissymmetries of the vehicles;
= T5 – loading dissymmetries.
By way of example, applying the rules given in J.2.1 and J.2.2 to the limit values specified in EN 15273-3, these values will be taken at the height of 3,250 m above the running surface for v > 80 km/h on the outside of a curved track in a well-maintained condition.
4 t 2 = 0,01 ⋅ 3,250 + 0,015 ⋅ (3,250 − 0,5) = 0,0435 m 15 (effect of a crosslevel error of 0,015 m) 4 5 t 3 = 0,039 ⋅ (3,250 − 0,5) = 0,0286 m 15 ∑ t n = 0,1447 m 1 (effect of an oscillation angle of 0,6°) 4 t 4 + t 5 = 0,065 ⋅ (3,250 − 0,5) = 0,0476 m 15 (dissymmetries of 1°); (then the values to be taken are t 4 = 0,011 m ; t 5 = 0,0366 m t1 = 0,025 m
Although the above values are given as maxima, it is possible that they would be reached, even exceptionally exceeded; however, it can be regarded that exceeding these same values increased by 20 % is a highly improbable scenario. Their conjunction U would have the same reduced probability of exceeding:
u = 1,2 0,0252 + 0,04352 + 0,02862 + 0,0112 + 0,03662 = 0,083 m 5
which represents 57,4 % of the sum of the base values
∑ tn i.e. a reduction of approximately 40 %. 1
The rules given above in J.2.3 justify a greater reduction (60 %) for the calculation of the allowances relating to the space between the tracks. However, if one of the displacements is invalidated or its maximum value is reduced because of circumstances, the reduction percentages are noticeably smaller. The same is true if a point at a height less than that of the cantrail is considered.
K.3.1 Additional comments The oscillation values t3 due to the dynamic interaction of the track and the vehicle include those generated by the crosslevel error, already included in part in displacement T2. The maximum value indicated is therefore probably greater than that of the actual oscillations (other than those generated by a crosslevel error). As for values t4 and t5, the probability of their exceeding the overall limit of 1° should be zero for the infrastructure as the vehicle shall take into account any possibility of exceeding the angle η0 = 1°. The above consideration does not take account:
of the fact that a train stop on the inside track of a curve appears in the calculations as an certainty;
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of the fact that the crossing of a train at maximum speed with a train stopped at a reduced gauge point represents a reduced-probability conjunction;
of the fact that the probability of having the maximum additional overthrows Si or Sa decreases when leaving the basic radius of 250 m.
These comments are made for the sake of safety, more or less according to the parts of the tracks considered (radius, presence of stop signals...). They confirm the highly improbable character of exceeding 20 % (coefficient k = 1,2 in Annex A of EN 15273-3:2009) of the set of limit values introduced into the above calculation for the sake of safety.
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Annex L (informative) A–deviations
A-deviation: National deviation due to regulations, the alteration of which is for the time being outside the competence of the CEN/ CENELEC member
NOTE (from CEN/ CENELEC Internal Regulations Part 2: 2006, 2.17): Where standards fall under EU Directives, it is the view of the Commission of the European Communities (OJ No C 59, 9.3.1982) that the effect of the decision of the Court of Justice in case 815/79 Cremonini/Vrankovich (European Court Reports 1980, p. 3583) is that compliance with A-deviations is no longer mandatory and that the free movement of products complying with such a standard should not be restricted within the EU except under the safeguard procedure provided for in the relevant Directive.
The A-deviations in an EFTA country replace the provisions of the European Standard in the corresponding CEN/CENELEC country until they have been withdrawn. In view of the national laws in force, Switzerland requests the following A-deviations: In Switzerland, the dimensions of the gauges and their fields of application are defined in the executing provisions of the Railway ordinance (AB-EBV, SR 742.141.11 / - for the kinematic reference profiles in article 18.2/47.1 - for the structure gauge in article 18 - for the rolling stock gauge in article 47. According to these regulations, for all types of gauges (e.g. EBV O1, EBV O2, EBV O4), the associated rules of the kinematic reference profile correspond with EN 15273-1, Annex C, clause C.1.1 (especially with formulae C.1, C.2 and C.3) whatever the height h. The use of the rules for calculating the kinematic gauges for the upper parts (h above 3.250 m) given in EN 15273-1, Annex C, clause C.2.2 and C.2.3 (especially formulae C.8, C.9, C.10 and C.11) is not allowed in Switzerland. Therefore the compatibility of the EBV gauges with the international gauges of EN 15273-2 is as follows: Gauge G1: Trafficability without restriction. Gauge GA: Restricted trafficability within Gauge EBV O1. The formulae to be applied for the calculation of the kinematic rolling stock gauge (upper parts) are those associated with the G1 whatever the height h. The use of the exceptions for heights h above 3.250 m given in EN 15273-2, Annex B, clause B.3.3.1, B.3.4.1, B.3.5.1 and B.3.6.1 is not allowed in Switzerland. The standard loadings for gauge GA, defined in UIC-Leaflet 506, Annex B, clause B.1.1 are accepted in operation within Gauge EBV O1. Gauge GB: Restricted trafficability within Gauge EBV O2. The formulae to be applied for the calculation of the kinematic rolling stock gauge (upper parts) are those associated with the G1 whatever the height h. The use of the exceptions for heights h above 3.250 m given in EN 15273-2, Annex B, clause B.3.3.1, B.3.4.1,
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This European Standard falls under Directive 2008/57/EC.
BS EN 15273-1:2009 EN 15273-1:2009 (E)
B.3.5.1 and B.3.6.1 is not allowed in Switzerland. The standard loadings for gauge GB, defined in UIC-Leaflet 506, Annex B, clause B.1.2 are accepted in operation within Gauge EBV O2. Gauge GC: Trafficability without restriction within Gauge EBV O4. In dependence on the associated rules of the kinematic reference profile, the structure gauge (upper parts) for all types of gauges (e.g. EBV O1, EBV O2, EBV O4) is calculated according to EN 15273-3, Annex C, clause C.2.1, Table C.1 (respectively Annex C, clause C.2.3, Table C.4).
Justification To ensure the interoperability concerning the different gauges, the requirement of the executing provisions of the Railway ordinance (SR 742.141.11 / have also to be complied with in Switzerland.
The use of the formulae given in EN 15273-3, Annex C Table C.2 respectively Table C.3 (for height h above 3.250 m) is not allowed in Switzerland.
Switzerland never accepted the exceptions for height h above 3.250 m (especially for gauge GA and GB) according to UIC-Leaflet 506 which are described now in EN 15273-1, EN 15273-2 and EN 15273-3.
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GOST 9238-83, The structure and vehicle gauges for railways with track gauge of 1520 mm (rules applicable to the vehicles of international traffic towards the East of Finland)1)
UIC 503:2007, Continental wagons running in Great Britain (via the Channel Tunnel and on Network Rail Infrastructure) - General conditions (reference profile, axle-load, etc.) for the acceptance, in international traffic with Great-Britain, of 2-axle and bogie wagons registered with other UIC member RUs2)
UIC 505-4:1977, Effects of the application of the kinematic gauges defined in the 505 series of leaflets 2) on the positioning of structures in relation to the tracks and of the tracks in relation to each other
UIC 505-5:1977, Basic conditions common to leaflets 505-1 to 505-4; notes on the preparation and 2) provisions of these leaflets
UIC 505-6: 2006, General rules for interoperable rolling stock gauges (without unloading freight or 2) disembarking passengers) in cross-border traffic between UIC and OSJD
UIC 506 :1987, Rules governing application of the enlarged GA, GB and GC gauges
UIC 606-1:1987, Consequences of the application of the kinematic gauge defined by UIC Leaflets in 2) the 505 series on the design of the contact lines
UIC 608 :2003, Conditions to be complied with for the pantographs of tractive units used in 2) international services UIC 741 :2005, Passenger stations - Height of platforms - Regulations governing the positioning of 2) platform edges in relation to the track European Directive COST 335, Passengers' Accessibility of Heavy Rail Systems3)
1) May be purchased from: Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, Leninsky Prospekt, 9 RU-Moscow, V-49, GSP-1, 119991, Russia 2)
May be purchased from: Editions Techniques Ferroviaires (ETF), 16 rue Jean Rey, F-75015 Paris, France
3) May be purchased from: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, L2985 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
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National Annex (informative) Gauge Terms used in Great Britain Absolute gauging A full assessment of clearances on a section of track between the vehicle and fixed structures and between the vehicle and vehicles on adjacent tracks. Dynamic gauging A gauging method which uses a reference profile which encloses all likely vehicle suspension movements. Suspension movements are calculated dynamically, and are added to the geometry of the vehicle in order to ensure that the vehicle remains within the reference profile under the conditions specified by the associated rules. Gauge A gauge is a definition of the shape and size of specific vehicles or infrastructure. Gauging The process by which swept envelopes of a vehicle, or vehicle gauges are used to determine clearances on a section of track between the vehicle and fixed structures and between the vehicle and vehicles on adjacent tracks. Geometric gauge A gauge which is in the form of a drawn line. The associated rules may adjust the shape and size of the gauge line as a function of track features including, for example, curvature. Kinematic gauging A gauging method which uses a reference profile where allowance for vehicle suspension movements is calculated by empirical rules which do not take account of the vehicle mass. UIC gauging is the most common form of kinematic gauging. Although the term 'kinematic envelope' has been used in Great Britain for many years, it actually relates to the dynamic gauging method (see above). Reference profile The common gauge line on which gauges applicable to both vehicle and infrastructure are based. Static gauging A gauging method which uses a reference profile which does not enclose vehicle suspension movements. Its size and shape is therefore similar to the static size and shape of vehicles. A fixed allowance for suspension movements is contained within the associated rules, and forms part of the clearance between the reference profile and fixed structures and between the reference profile and vehicles on adjacent tracks.
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