Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Four Decades of Research into the Augmentation Techniques of Savonius Wind Turbine Rotor
Nur Alom
Trainee Teacher Department of Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology Meghalaya Shillong – Shillong – 793003, 793003, India E-mail:
[email protected]
Ujjwal K. Saha
Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Guwahati- 781039, India E-mail:
[email protected]
The design and development of wind turbines is increasing throughout the world to offer electricity without paying much to the global warming. The Savonius wind turbine rotor, or simply the Savonius rotor, is a drag-based device that has a relatively low efficiency. A high negative torque produced by the returning blade is a major drawback of this rotor. Despite having a low efficiency, its design simplicit y, low cost, easy installation, good starting ability, relatively low operating speed and independency to wind direction are its main rewards. With the goal of improving its power coefficient (C ( C P ), ), a considerable amount of investigation has JERT-17-1620
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
been reported in the past few decades where various design modifications are made by altering the influencing parameters. Concurrently, various augmentation techniques have also been used to improve the rotor performance. performance . Such augmenters reduce the negative torque and improve the self-starting capability while maintaining a high rotational speed of the rotor. The C P of of the conventional Savonius rotors lie in the range of 0.12-0.18, however, with the use of augmenters, it can reach up to 0.52 with added design complexity. This article attempts to give an overview of the various augmentation techniques used in Savonius rotor over the last four decades. Some of the key findings with the use of these techniques have been addressed and makes an attempt to highlight the future direction of rese arch. Keywords: Savonius rotor, blade profiles, augmentation techniques, torque coefficient, power coefficient, tip-speed ratio.
1. Introduction
The Savonius rotor is a sort of vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT ). ). A conventional turbine rotor, mounted on a rotating shaft or framework, consists of several semicircular blades. The rotor system may either be ground stationed or fastened in a floating system. The system. The Savonius rotor, invented by the Finnish the Finnish engineer Sigurd Sigurd Johannes Savonius in 1925 [1, 2], is one of the simplest type of wind turbine. Aerodynamically, it Aerodynamically, it is a drag a drag based based device, and consists of two or three scoops (also known as buckets or blades). The top view of a 2-bladed rotor looks like an ‘S’ shape in cross section [3-4] [3-4].. The rotor blades experience less drag when moving against the wind than when it moves with the wind due to their curved shape. The differential drag force makes the rotor to spin. Since the Savonius rotor is a drag-based machine, it extracts lesser wind energy than a similarly sized lift-based devices like Darrieus rotor and horizontal-axis wind turbine ( HAWT ) [5] [5].. The HAWT s are actually acknowledged for their reasonably higher C P than than the Savonius VAWT s, s, and fundamentally have been used for power
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
been reported in the past few decades where various design modifications are made by altering the influencing parameters. Concurrently, various augmentation techniques have also been used to improve the rotor performance. performance . Such augmenters reduce the negative torque and improve the self-starting capability while maintaining a high rotational speed of the rotor. The C P of of the conventional Savonius rotors lie in the range of 0.12-0.18, however, with the use of augmenters, it can reach up to 0.52 with added design complexity. This article attempts to give an overview of the various augmentation techniques used in Savonius rotor over the last four decades. Some of the key findings with the use of these techniques have been addressed and makes an attempt to highlight the future direction of rese arch. Keywords: Savonius rotor, blade profiles, augmentation techniques, torque coefficient, power coefficient, tip-speed ratio.
1. Introduction
The Savonius rotor is a sort of vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT ). ). A conventional turbine rotor, mounted on a rotating shaft or framework, consists of several semicircular blades. The rotor system may either be ground stationed or fastened in a floating system. The system. The Savonius rotor, invented by the Finnish the Finnish engineer Sigurd Sigurd Johannes Savonius in 1925 [1, 2], is one of the simplest type of wind turbine. Aerodynamically, it Aerodynamically, it is a drag a drag based based device, and consists of two or three scoops (also known as buckets or blades). The top view of a 2-bladed rotor looks like an ‘S’ shape in cross section [3-4] [3-4].. The rotor blades experience less drag when moving against the wind than when it moves with the wind due to their curved shape. The differential drag force makes the rotor to spin. Since the Savonius rotor is a drag-based machine, it extracts lesser wind energy than a similarly sized lift-based devices like Darrieus rotor and horizontal-axis wind turbine ( HAWT ) [5] [5].. The HAWT s are actually acknowledged for their reasonably higher C P than than the Savonius VAWT s, s, and fundamentally have been used for power
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
generation [6] [6].. However, the Savonius VAWT s have various important rewards than the HAWT s owing to their lesser fixing and preservation costs, and the direction independency [7-12].. Additionally, these rotors also do not need a yaw control mechanism and over speed [7-12] controller [13 [13]. ]. These benefits make them attractive and appropriate for many applications. But the main disadvantage of the Savonius rotor is that it produces negative torque in some rotational cycle of the rotor, and as a result, the net positive torque of the rotor gets reduced [14-17 14-17]. ]. To improve its performance, various blade profiles such as semicircular [18-22], Bach [23], [23], Benesh Benesh [24], [24], twisted [25], elliptical [23, 26-27], fish-ridged rotor [28] [28],, modified Bach type [14], Bronzinus [29], airfoil shape blade [30], [30], multiple quarter [31 [31], ], multiple miniature semicircular [32 [32], ], and spline spline [33] have been evolved. Besides using these blade profiles, the various augmentation techniques have also been used to decrease the negative torque produced by the rotor. Several such techniques find their applications, notable among them are V-shape wedge deflector, curtains, concentrated and oriented jets, multi-staging, nozzle, venting slot, deflecting plate, guide vane and others [4, others [4, 8-11, 14-16]. 1.1 Aim of the present study
Since its inception, several wind tunnel experiments have been carried and are being conducted to estimate the performance characteristics of Savonius rotor. The main objectives in these studies have been to optimize the various parameters of the rotor for attaining suitable design configurations. It is only during the last few decades that the investigators have started following numerical studies with various numerical methods, optimization techniques [34 [34]] and soft-computing techniques to arrive at the same objectives. Though the experimental researches have exposed more precise findings, however, the numerical researches have provided the liberty to conduct an extensive study with reduced experimental intimidations and costs. Recently, Akwa et al. [17] and [17] and Roy and Saha [18] have [18] have provided a complete knowledge and beneficial evidence on the various aspects of Savonius rotors. Till
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
date, various turbulence models and soft-computing techniques have been used by various researchers to improve the efficiency of the rotor. As stated previously, various blade profiles have been developed, and at the same time, various augmentation techniques have also been employed to improve the all-round performance of the rotor. Uniting the past experimental and numerical investigations, this review work tries to make an analysis on the various augmentation techniques applied [35-47] and makes recommendation of the future studies.
1.2 Evolution of Savonius blade profiles
To improve the performance of Savonius rotors, few noticeable investigations are found on the use of dissimilar category of blade shapes such as conventional semicircular , Bach, Benesh, twisted, elliptical, fish-ridged rotor, modified Bach, Bronzinus, airfoil shape blade, multiple quarter, multiple miniature semicircular and spline. All these blade profiles are illustrated in Fig.1. The performance indices of these blade profiles are shown in Table 1. Rudimentary investigation with an elliptical profile has demonstrated its energy capturing potential, hence, an improved C P than the conventional rotor [23]. In a separate numerical study, an elliptical profile of different design has shown a performance improvement of 10.7% over the semicircular profile [26]. At a later stage, Alom et al. [27] optimized the elliptical profile numerically and found a performance gain of 18.18% than the semicircular bladed Savonius rotor. Thus, it clear that the elliptical-bladed rotor can be a strong contender in the future designs of Savonius rotor. 1.3 Geometric parameters
Despite having a low efficiency, the Savonius rotor has become popular for its good starting ability, design simplicity, and low cost.
However, its performance can be improved by
optimizing the basic parameters like aspect ratio, overlap ratio, gap ratio, Reynolds number, and number rotor blades [25]. The aspect ratio ( AR =H/D) of the rotor is defined as the ratio
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
of rotor height ( H ) to the overall diameter of the rotor ( D). This is illustrated in Fig. 2. Because of the consequence of blade tips, the Savonius rotors have low losses at high ARs [15]. A small rotor diameter always causes a fast diverging of airflow. When the diameter of the rotor increases, the produced torque also increases, whereas the rotational speed of the rotor decreases, and vice versa [17, 18]. The overlap ratio ( = e/d ) is defined as the ratio of overlap distance between the two blades (e) to the chord length of the blade (d ). A rotor with an overlapping proves to have a better starting characteristic than the one without overlapping. This is mainly caused by the improved pressure on the concave part of the returning blade due to the flow through the overlap distance [17, 18]. The gap ratio (ε s = e/s) of the rotor is defined as the ratio of separation gap between the rotor blades ( s) to the chord length of the blade (d ). When the spacing between the blades are large, the wind does not strike properly on the concave side of returning blade, ther eby reducing the net power of rotor [17]. By keeping a proper gap ratio, the torque coefficient of the rotor can be enhanced as much as by 25%. An end plate as shown in Fig. 2 is the simplest attachment that can be added to improve its performance. The plates at the rotor tops avoid the escape of wind from the concave side of the rotor blades, keeping the pressure difference between concave and convex side of the buckets at satisfactory levels over the height of the rotor [ 15]. The Reynolds number is the most important non-dimensional parameter for defining the flow characteristics of fluid flow conditions. It is reported that when the Reynolds number increases, the separation of boundary layer takes place on the lower side of returning blade of the rotor. This reduces the drag force on the returning blade considerably, and on the other hand, the lift force augments the power of the rotor when the rotor angles are oriented at 0⁰ or 180⁰ [17, 18].
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
1.4 Performance parameters
The performance of the Savonius rotor is estimated from the power and torque coefficients [11, 15, 33, 48-49]. The power coefficient (C P ) of the Savonius rotor is defined as the ratio of the power generated by the rotor to the available wind power and is given by
C p
Pturbine P available
T s 1 2
2 NT
1 2
The C P is usually estimated from field or wind tunnel tests, and with the help of numerical techniques that solve the conservation equations of the wind flow [7, 35]. It has been proved that a turbine can have the maximum possible C P of 59.3%. This limit is termed as the Betz Limit.
The torque coefficient (C T) is defined as the ratio of the actual torque produecd by the turbine (T turbine) to the theoretical torque available in the wind (T available) and can be expressed by
Tturbine T avaialble
T turbine 1 2
F r p 1 2
Under static condition, the net rotor torque is termed as static torque which is mostly responsible for the starting capability of the rotor. However, at rotating condition, the net rotor torque is termed as dynamic torque and is mostly responsible for its power converting capability [18]. The high static torque coefficient of the Savonius rotor plays a crucial role in improving the starting capability of vertical-axis Darrie us rotor [18, 50, 51].
The tip speed ratio (TSR), a significant dimensionless parameter for relating the performance of a Savonius rotor, is defined as the ratio of rotor tip speed ( u) to the free stream wind speed (V ) [52]. It is important to find the optimum TSR to get the maximum power output of the
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
rotor. It is found that with the addition of load, the revolving speed of the rotor decreases, and therefore, with the increase of TSR, the C T decreases. However, the performance is optimum at the intermediate range of TSR [26].
1.5 Aerodynamic parameters – Drag and lift
The drag force ( D) is usually defined as the force parallel to the direction of the incoming airflow; whereas the lift force ( L) is defined as the force perpendicular to the direction of incoming airflow [53] and is a consequence of pressure differential spreading between the upper and lower blade surfaces (Fig. 3). Based on the rotor blade design, the VAWT s are classified into lift- and drag-type devices. Savonius and Sistan rotors are drag-based VAWT s; whereas H- and Darriues rotors, composed of airfoil shaped blades, are lift-based VAWT s. In the lift-based turbines, the pressure differential between the blade surfaces creates the aerodynamic lift that causes the turbine to rotate. In comparison to the lift-based VAWT s, the drag-based VAWT s have shown better self-starting capabilities, however, their efficiencies are found to be lower [17, 18].
Moreover, their vertical rotational axis allows them to be
installed in multiple configurations in a restricted place. These turbines equipped with an energy storage system can be used at the top of buildings or communication towers or at the hilly locations for decentralized small-scale electricity generation [5]. The windmills and pumping devices, in general, have low-speed drag-based rotors, though the recent rotors for electricity generation are of high-speed lift-type. When the swept area is same, the power extracted by a lift-based rotor is generally greater than the power extracted from a drag-based rotor. However, for electricity generation, it becomes essential that the generator driving shaft works at a significant speed (1000 or 1500 rpm). This together with the much higher aerodynamic efficiency of lift-based rotor indicates that the drag-based rotors are not favored for electricity production [54].
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
2. Augmentation techniques
The Betz limit shows the maximum productivity of a wind turbine to be 59.3%, however, this limit can be exceeded by an augmentation system. An augmenter concentrates the wind flow and increases the mass flow through its area [16]. Since the power generated by a wind turbine is proportional to the cube of the incoming wind speed, a slight increase in the incoming wind speed can significantly improve the turbine performance. The wind pressure exerted to the concave part of the returning blade of a Savonius rotor produces a high negative torque and this drops its total power. By means of an augmenter, the negative drag of the rotor is decreased by avoiding the air from striking the returning blade of the rotor. The starting capability of the Savonius rotor is improved with the aid of these techniques. Hitherto, several augmentation techniques like V-shaped deflector, nozzle, multi-staging, twisted blades, valve, curtain plates, windshields, obstacle shield, venting slot, flat plate shield, concentrator, flaps and guide vanes and others ( Fig. 4) have been used to improve the C P .
It was sometime around 1978 that Alexander and Holownia [46] used a combination of flat and a circular shields (Fig.4a) and reported a maximum C P of 0.243. Morcos et. al. [55] also used a wind shields in front of the rotor and reported a maximum C P of 0.34 (Fig. 4b). Ogawa et al. [56] and Huda et al. [57] also used the deflector plate (Fig.4c) and reported a maximum C P of 0.212 and 0.21, respectively. When multiple flaps are used in a rotor blade instead of one without the flaps, the negative drag of the rotor is reduced [58] (Fig. 4d). The use of Vshaped wedge deflector (Fig. 4e) at the upstream of the rotor harnessed about 19.7% more power than a standard rotor without a deflector [21]. Shikha et al.[8] used a convergent nozzle (Fig. 4f ) at the front of advancing blade of a 6-bladed Savonius rotor to enhance the power extraction at low wind speeds. The use of two-stage rotor (Fig. 4g) developed an
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
improved torque and power coefficients in comparison to a single-stage rotor [59]. Twisted bladed (Fig. 4h) rotor has proved to have a better self-starting capacity than the semicircular bladed rotor [25]. Again, the use of valves (Fig. 4i) in semicircular blades reduces the negative torque on the rotor [60]. Circular windshield (Fig. 4j) has been also employed to reduce the wind pressure that exerts on the returning (or driven) blade of the rotor [61]. The use of curtain plate (Fig. 4k ) at the rotor front allows a maximum amount of wind to impinge on the advancing blade thereby reducing the negative torque [10]. It is reported that the use of obstacle shield (Fig. 4l) at the front of returning blade improves the rotor performance up to 30% [9]. Golecha et al. [62] used a deflector plate (Fig. 4m) in front of the advancing blade and reported a 50% increase in performance than the semicircular bladed rotor. It was also reported that with the use of shield (Fig. 4n) in a 6-bladed Savonius rotor, the C P could reach upto 0.52 [37]. Abraham et al. [11] studied the effect of venting (Fig. 4o) on a Savonius rotor both experimentally and numerically to reduce drag on the returning blade. Roy et al. [14] employed concentrators (Fig. 4p) in the rotor front and reported a maximum C P of 0.32. Guide vane (Fig. 4q) also improves the performance of the rotor [15]. The conveyor-deflector curtain (Fig. 4r ) in a conventional Savonius rotor improved the C P up to 0.30 [30]. The summary of various augmentation techniques employed till date with their corresponding C pmax is shown in Table 2 in a chronological manner. These techniques are discussed briefly in the following section.
2.1 Wind shields
The obstacle shields are usually installed ahead of the returning blade of the rotor. This may be of flat or circular type or both to decrease the active pressure on it. Alexander and Holownia [46] performed experiments in a low-speed wind tunnel and found a performance improvement 74% with a shielded Savonius rotor of high AR (Fig. 4a). Morcos et. al. [55] also used similar type of shields to cover the returning blade of the rotor and reported a
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
maximum C P of 0.34 (Fig. 4b). Hu et al. [61] carried out a numerical simulation using RNG k-ε turbulence model around a conventional Savonius rotor with a circular shield. The simulation was carried out for different inclination angle, β = -90ᵒ, -45ᵒ, 0ᵒ, 15ᵒ, 30ᵒ, 45ᵒ and 60ᵒ to optimize β (Fig. 4j), and found an improvement of 107% at β = 30ᵒ. Similarly, Mohamed et al. [9, 63] used the obstacle shield (Fig. 4l) in front of the returning blade to reduce the negative torque of the rotor. It was reported that optimally placed ( β = 100.83ᵒ) obstacle shield improves the C P by 27.3% for the 2-bladed system at TSR= 0.7 (Fig. 5).
2.2 Deflector plates
Usually, the deflecting plate is placed in front of the returning blade (Fig. 4c) to reduce the reverse force acting on it [56, 57, 62]. In this regard, Ogawa et al. [47, 56] carried out several wind tunnel experiments with a rotor set at =0.20, and by varying the deflector angle ( β ) in the range 0-75ᵒ. They found the C P to improve by 27% at β = 30ᵒ (Fig. 6). Interestingly, in the recent past, the deflector plates have also been used in water turbine applications where Golecha et al. [62] performed experiments with a modified Savonius rotor in an open water channel at a Reynolds number of 1.32 x 10 5. Eight various location of the plate was used by varying the geometric parameters viz., X 1, X2, and Y1, and by fixing Y 2 at 145 mm (Fig. 4m); whereas X1, X2, and Y1 are varied in the range of 135 – 230 mm, 135 – 230 mm and 0 – 108 mm, respectively. Thus, the deflector plate angle ( β ) is influenced by these parameters. The least value is selected such that the plate does not block the end plates of the turbine during rotation. It was reported that the deflector plate located at the optimum location (X 1=152 mm X2 =135 mm, Y 1= 55 mm and β = 101ᵒ) improved the C P up to 50% at TSR= 0.82.
2.3 Slatted blades
In 1991, Reupke and Probert [58] proposed the practice of multiple flaps instead of using a continuous rotor blade (Fig. 4d). These flaps are open when moving into the wind, thus JERT-17-1620
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
reducing the negative drag force on the rotor blades. The flaps are hinged in place of the curved parts of the blades to augment its harnessing effectiveness. The flaps open automatically when the rotor advance towards the wind thereby exerting more wind pressure on the advancing blade. Due to this, the static torque of the rotor is enhanced significantly. The investigation has been made with sixteen-hinged and thirty-two-hinged flaps in a 2 bladed rotor system. This rotor system demonstrated a better static torque than the conventional Savonius rotor; however, its performance was found inferior. The efficiency of the flapped system (modified Savonius) was found to be 5% as compared to the efficiency of 18% of a conventional system (Fig. 7). The modified system, thus, was found unacceptable for harnessing power. Tabassum and Probert [64] has used four hinged flaps in a Bach type rotor and found an improvement of 35% in the static torque in comparison to the original rotor of similar geometry under identical wind speed of 6.67 m/s (Fig. 8). The torque produced in the complete rotation is found to be positive, which is not the case with the semicircular-bladed rotor without flaps. This reduced the amplitude of oscillation in the average torque produced during the complete rotation of the turbine.
2.4 V-shaped deflectors
In practice, the V- shaped deflector is placed in front of the Savonius rotor ( Fig.4e), so that the wind flow resistance is encountered by the returning blade of the rotor. A series of wind tunnel experiments have been carried out by varying the deflector wedge semi-angle between 5-45ᵒ. With the optimally inclined deflector, the rotor extracts about 20% more power than the conventional Savonius rotor (Fig. 9). Such an important enhancement, achieved by a simple design, recommends that the practice of partly blocked wedges is extremely suitable. When the deflector plate is placed in the optimal location with wedge semi-angle of 37 ᵒ, the rotor operates over a wider range of TSR [21].
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
2.5 Nozzles
The application of nozzle is another idea to magnify the wind velocity before it encounters the blades of a Savonius rotor [8]. When a convergent nozzle (Fig. 4f ) is employed, the negative torque of the rotor is reduced and the effective wind speed is augmented. Wind tunnel experiments with five nozzle models are conducted for 2-, 4- and 6-bladed conventional Savonius rotor having overlap ratios of 1/3 and 1/6. The wind velocity at the nozzle inlet is varied from V1 = 0.6 to 0.9 m/s to amplify the outlet velocity to V 2 = 3 to 3.5 m/s when the length of the nozzle is 55 cm. When the nozzle length is increased to 80 cm, the inlet velocities are varied from V1 = 0.6 to 0.8 m/s to obtain outlet velocities from V 2 = 2 to 2.9 m/s. The 6-bladed Savonius rotor is found to enhance the power extraction at low wind speed under the application of convergent nozzle at the rotor front. 2.6 Multi-staging
The conventional Savonius rotor mainly has two disadvantages on torque characteristics. Firstly, it has a large fluctuation of torque at some initial rotation of the turbine, and secondly, it has some angular positions where the torque becomes negative or even very small thereby reducing the rotor performance. As a result, the starting torque of a conventional Savonius rotor would be so low that the rotor cannot start on its own. Hence, to improve its static torque characteristics, staging of rotor (Fig. 4g) has been done [4, 43, 57, 59, 65] . As the staging of rotor is increased from 1 to 2, the C P becomes higher; but when the number of staging is increased from 2 to 3, the C P reduces due to the increased inertia of the rotor. Wind tunnel experiments demonstrates the optimal number of staging of the rotor to be 2 [ 65]. The C P for 2- and 3-stages conventional rotor is found to be 0.29 and 0.23, respectively [65]. This is accomplished by setting the phase lift at an angle 90ᵒ to each other for the 2-stage, and at 120ᵒ for the 3-stage rotor, as shown in (Fig. 10). These arrangements increase the starting
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
capability of the rotor. Hayashi et al. [4] noticed that a lower peak C P of a 3-stage rotor in comparison to its corresponding single-stage rotor. Staging results in the reduction of AR of the individual stages of a 3-stage rotor as compared to that of a single-stage design. The 3stage rotors are better at low wind speeds as they have the uniform coefficient of static torque. Experimentally it has been reported that the multi-staging has shown a reduction of power and dynamic torque for the same rotor. Thus, the multi-staging of rotors seems to provide a better starting ability at low speeds with some reduction in performance [66].
2.7 Twisted blades
The twisted bladed rotor (Fig. 4h) is used in order to reduce the negative torque and to improve the self-starting characteristics of a single-stage Savonius rotor system [6, 25, 60, 65-67]. Wind tunnel experiments are carried out for twisted bladed rotor at a fixed twist angle 10.28ᵒ and varying the gap width (i.e., separation gap) from S = 14 to 67 mm [25]. The aerodynamic performance of these blades has been evaluated based on starting torque, power output and the rotational speed at various twist angles and gap widths. Later experimental investigation with a twisted-bladed rotor (twist angle is 12.5ᵒ) shows a C P of 0.19 as opposed to Cp of 0.18 for the conventional Savonius rotor [60, 65]. Kamoji et al. [66] investigated a twisted-bladed rotor with a twist angle of 90ᵒ in a low-speed wind tunnel. The experiments were conducted by varying from 0.0 to 0.16 and the AR from 0.88 to 1.2. The maximum C P of the twisted bladed rotor ( AR=0.88) was found to be 0.179 at = 0.0 when the Reynolds number was 1.5 x10 5. Experimental investigation demonstrated a higher potential of the twisted bladed rotor in terms of smooth running, higher C P and self-starting capability than that of the semicircular-bladed rotor (Fig. 11).
2.8 Valves
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
This new concept (Fig. 4i) has been incorporated in a twisted bladed Savonius rotor and is named as the Valve-Aided Twisted Savonius (VATS ) rotor [60, 65]. The rotor with valves has been tested in a low-speed wind tunnel to calculate its performance. The mechanism is found to be independent of wind directions, and shows suitable for large machines. When the blade advances towards the wind, the valve opens automatically due to the wind pressure and hence experiences a lower flow resistance. The valve gets closed automatically by the centrifugal force during the power-harnessing part of the c ycle. This technique significantly improves the static torque of the rotor. Keeping the simplicity of the rotor intact, the VATS rotor can increase the power coefficient. VATS mechanism also helps to make direction independence of the rotor. In addition to this, damage to the rotor at high speed can be reduced. In the mechanism of VATS , a small deflecting plate is hinged on the concave side of the rotor blade in front of a hole. When the wind is on the concave side, this deflecting plate is enforced to cover the hole. But when this blade returns with its convex side to the wind, the hole is uncovered, allowing more air to flow. As a result, it reduces the drag on the returning blade and increases the performance without significantly disturbing the simplicity of the rotor. It is found that when the blade is oriented at α = 0° (Fig. 4i), the valve is aligned with the wind and is thus oriented at α =0° in the coordinate system with the valve surface coinciding with the wind flow direction. Again, when the rotor is at α = 90°, the valve is perpendicular to the flow giving a maximum drag force. The orientation of α = 180° is similar to the orientation of α = 0°. The centrifugal force is self-regulating of orientation, and it is a function of the mass of the valve, its radius of rotation and the angular velocity. Properly aligned valves with minimum frictional losses would improve the performance of VATS mechanism. Saha et al. [65] also used valves in twisted as well as in semicircular bladed rotors. The 2-stage 3-bladed Savonius rotor with valves has demonstrated higher C P than the rotor without valves (Fig. 12).
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
2.9 Guide box
About a decade ago, Irabu and Roy [68] used the guide box tunnel augmentation technique to improve the output power and to prevent the rotor from a wind disaster. The guide box tunnel is a passage in which the test rotor is involved. In order to adjust the input power, the area ratio between the inlet and outlet is varied from 0.3 to 0.7 [68]. Various experiments were conducted at Reynolds number of 6.05 x10 4 and 9.08 x 10 4 to obtain the adequate configuration that would provide the maximum C P . It was found that the maximum C P with guide box of the area ratio 0.43 was increased by 1.5 times in 3-bladed system, and 1.23 times in the 2-bladed system. Further, with the use of guide box tunnel there was no negative torque in the complete rotation of the rotor when the guide box entrance opening angle was in between 60ᵒ to 90ᵒ.
2.10 Curtain plates
Altan and Atilgan [10, 69] used a novel arrangement of curtains at the rotor front with the intention of improving its performance by preventing the negative torque that opposes the rotor rotation. Experiments with three different curtains, oriented at varying inclinations ( Fig. 4k ) were carried out in a low-speed wind tunnel with =0.15 and the gap distance of 2.6 cm. The highest rotor power has been found from curtain 1 ( α = 45ᵒ and β = 15ᵒ) at around 8 W. There was 16% improvement of performance in case of curtain 1 as compared to curtainless rotor (Fig. 13).
2.11 Shield
Sometime during 2011, Emmanuel and Jun [37] used a different type of shield arrangement (Fig. 4l) in a six-bladed Savonius rotors. This arrangement is slightly different from the types used by Alexander and Holownia [46], Morcos et al. [55] and Hue et al. [61]. The goal of the investigators [37] was to suppress the pressure exerted on the convex part of the rotor. In this JERT-17-1620
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
connection, various configurations of the six-bladed rotor have been examined using 2D unsteady simulation with RNG k-ε turbulence model. In the study, the six-bladed rotor without shield is found to have lower efficiency but still higher than a conventional two bladed Savonius rotor. The six-bladed rotor with shields and with stator have indicated maximum C P of around 0.4 and 0.5, respectively, however this occurs at dissimilar TSRs (Fig.14).
2.12 Venting slots
Abraham et al. [11] and Plourde et al. [70] have used venting slots which is found more effective and simpler in design than the valves used by the past investigators [65, 70]. The rotors have been tested without and with venting slots to minimize the thrust loading on the returning blade. Wind tunnel experimentations are carried out to determine the power vs. load parameterized with various wind speeds. At each wind speed, the generator is connected to a resistive load that could be effortlessly varied. The load resistances have been varied from 20 Ω to approximately 1000 Ω to determine the resulting power curve (Fig.15). They have observed a very weak dependence on electrical load for the unvented and uncapped case, however, the performance is found strongly linked to the electrical system for the capped and vented case. This suggests that the electrical system should be designed appropriately while linking to the rotor.
Inspired by the work of Abraham et al. [11] and Plourde et al. [70], Alom and Saha [71] used the venting slots on a two-bladed semicircular Savonius rotor. In order to arrive at the optimum position of the venting slots, three different configurations are designed and tested numerically (Fig. 16). The 2D unsteady simulation is carried out using SST k -ω turbulence model at = 0.20. Among the configurations studied, Design -II at TSR = 0.80 has shown a maximum C P of 0.292 (Fig. 17). There is an improvement of 7.53% with this design over the
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
semicircular profile. In Design-II, the magnitude of velocity on the concave side of returning bucket is found more in comparison to the semicircular profile (Figure 18). 18). Thus, it is clear from this numerical investigation that the venting slots, as demonstrated in Fig. 16b, 16b, can be used in an advanced blade profile (such as the recent elliptical type) to bring more effectiveness into the rotor design. 2.13 Concentrators
Roy et al. [14] have studied and investigated the performance and starting characteristics of Savonius rotor employing concentrators (Fig. ( Fig. 19), 19), a technique similar to those of nozzle (Fig. ( Fig. 4f ) and curtain plates (Fig. (Fig. 4k ). ). This augmenter is used so that the major portion of the wind is incident on the concave side of the rotor. The experiments are conducted in a low speed wind tunnel at the wind velocity of 6.2 m/s, where loads are applied progressively with respected to the corresponding rotational speeds. With the augmenters placed α = 40°, and β and β =10°, the rotor obtains a peak C P of of 0.32, a value competitive to that of a lift-type turbine. This shows an overall performance improvement of 47.5% as compared to a semicircular bladed Savonius rotor without concentrators concentrators (Fig. ( Fig. 20). 20). 2.14 Guide vane
The main idea of using guide vane in Savonius rotor is to improve the wind harvesting capacity of incoming air at the cost of structural complexity. Three designs, as illustrated in Fig. 21, 21, have been investigated by El-Askary et al. [15 15]. ]. The purpose is to minimize the negative torque and increase the exerted positive torque by guiding the incoming air effectively and smoothly. In this context, the Design-III is found to give an adequate developing length and reduced entrance effect. Numerical analysis using FVM solver solver Ansys Fluent with SST k-ω k-ω turbulence model is carried out for each of the design. As seen from Fig. 22,, the Design-III shows a peak C P of 0.52 at TSR 22 TSR = 2.2. The novel designs needs more
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Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
special treatments from the point of noise generation as they produced robust vortex shedding and large eddies behind and around the rotors.
3. Wind tunnel tests at a glance
Wind tunnel experiments of model turbines represent an inexpensive and effective way for examining the wind turbine aerodynamics saving expenses, time, and uncertainties related to full-scale experimentation. As evident from the present review work, wind tunnels (both open and closed-circuit types) have been used extensively to evaluate the performance characteristics of augmented Savonius rotors. Tests have been carried out by employing multi-staging, venting slots, oriented jet, wind shields, deflector plates, valves either in front of the returning blade or inbuilt into the rotor blades. The summary of these tests in augmented rotors is shown in Table 3.
4. Numerical studies at a glance
The flow field around a Savonius rotor is time dependent in nature; and flow separation and vortex formation are common phenomena. Therefore, the complex unsteady flow characteristics around the rotor is often impossible to explore over the classical aerodynamic tools such as blade element theory. Several numerical techniques such as FVM , finite difference method (FDM ) and finite element method (FEM ) have been used for discretizing the governing equations around the rotor, however, the FVM is preferred due to complex numerical geometry. On the other hand, FVM hand, FVM based based commercial codes (e.g., ANSYS Fluent, CFX , Star CCM+) have CCM+) have shown an outstanding potential for predicting the flow behavior and performance of Savonius rotor. In the numerical methods, the selection of turbulence models (S-A S-A model, realizable k-ϵ, k-ϵ, standard k-ϵ, k-ϵ, RNG k -ε, k -ω transition , k-ω k-ω SST, v 2-f ) and the selection grid size around the rotor are the most important criteria [62-80] [62-80].. The various numerical methods used in augmented Savonius rotors are summarized in Table 4.
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Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
5 Conclusions
Wind turbine designers are always being challenged to search for the resolution to use a smaller wind rotor in harvesting a higher power output while maximizing the cost saving and simplifying the structural complexity. Lesser self-starting capacity, poor starting torque, and lesser coefficient of power, are some of the main drawbacks of Savonius VAWTs. VAWTs. It is proven that the augmentation techniques increase the self-starting capability and C P of Savonius rotors. This review article makes an attempt to analyze the four decades of research into the augmented Savonius rotors. The key findings along with direction of research are summarized below:
The augmentation techniques (with additional cost and complexity to the rotor system) enhance the self-starting capability, amplify the wind speed, improve the visual impact, prevent blade cracking, and stop bird assaults. Other advantages include mounting of additional features to the system such as rainwater harvester and solar panel.
The augmenters such as V-shaped wedge deflector, curtain, obstacle shield, shields reduce the exerted wind pressure on the returning blade of rotor and hence raise the net positive torque. With the use of deflector plate at the rotor front, the C P can be enhanced up to 20-50% than a rotor without the deflector. On the other hand, the use of shield in a six-bladed Savonius rotor can improve the C P up to 0.50. These augmenters do not offer much structural complexity to the rotor system.
With the employment of guide box tunnel and convergent nozzle, the C P of a semicircular-bladed rotor may increase up to 1.5 and 3 times. The convergent nozzle cuts down the negative torque and increases the wind harvesting capacity of the turbine rotor. The guide box increases the rotor system complexity resulting a lesser
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Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
C P , however, the nozzle makes the rotor lesser complex with a gain in C P . An optimally designed guide vane can bring a maximum C P of 0.52, however, there is a chance of strong vortex shedding and high wake is generated around and behind the rotor leading to high noise generation.
The use of hinged flaps in a Bach type Savonius rotor can increase the static torque by 35% relative to the one without flaps. However, the hinged flaps increase the structural design complexity of the rotor system.
The venting-slots, if properly designed and oriented, can raise the C P by 7.5% over the conventional rotor without slots. The performance is found to be maximum when the venting slot is oriented at 30ᵒ above and below the central axis of the rotor blade. The venting slots are easier to be incorporated in rotor blades.
Among the blade profiles evolved, the elliptical-bladed Savonius rotor has proved to harness wind energy more efficiently. The gain in C P for an optimally designed elliptical-bladed rotor profile is found 18.18% higher than a semicircular-bladed Savonius rotor.
The foregoing analysis suggests the use of deflector plate(s), valves and especially the venting slots in an elliptical-bladed rotor to improve the C P without bringing much complexity to the turbine system. The location of augmenters in the elliptical-bladed rotor blades can be optimized with the help of numerical methods followed by wind tunnel experiments.
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Latin letters A
Swept area (m2)
Aspect Ratio
Power coefficient
Dynamic torque coefficient
Static torque co-efficient
Rotor diameter (m)
Drag force (N)
End plate diameter of the rotor (m)
Chord length of the blade (m)
Overlap distance between rotor blades (m)
Rotor height (m)
Turbulence kinetic energy (m2/s2)
Lift force (N)
Rotor rotational speed (rpm)
Number of time step
P available
Power available in the wind (W)
P turbine
Power produced by the turbine rotor (W)
Separation gap/ gap width (m)
T available
Theoretical torque available in the wind (N.m)
T turbine
Actual torque produced by the turbine rotor (N.m)
Static torque (N-m)
Rotor tip speed (m/s)
Wind velocity (m/s)
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Greek letters α, β
Angle of curtain plate (degree)
Overlap ratio
Energy dissipation rate
ε s
Gap ratio
Rotor blade angle (degree)
Dynamic viscosity (N-s/m2)
Kinematic viscosity (m2/s)
Density of air (kg-m3/s)
Specific dissipation rate
Abbreviations ANN
Artificial Neural Network
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Finite Difference Method
Finite Element Method
Finite Volume Method
Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine
Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes
Response Surface Method
Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equations
SIMPLE Consistent
Spalart and Allmaras
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Shear Stress Transport
Tip Speed Ratio
Valve-Aided Twisted Savonius
Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
With Valves
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Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
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Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
List of Figures
Fig. 1 Various blade profiles used for Savonius rotors. Fig. 2 Basic parameters of Savonius rotor Fig. 3 Lift and drag force on Savonius rotor Fig. 4 Various types of augmentation techniques. Fig. 5 C P vs TSR for obstacle and without obstacle [9] Fig. 6 Cp vs TSR for various deflector azimuthal angle [47] Fig. 7 Cp vs TSR for various flaps [58] Fig. 8 Static torque vs angle of rotation for various flaps [64] Fig. 9 Cp vs various deflector plate angle[21] Fig. 10 Cp vs velocity for various configurstion [65] Fig. 11 RPM vs velocity for various gap width of twisted bladed rotor [25] Fig. 12 C P vs velocity for various valve aided Savonius rotor [65] Fig. 13 Power vs RPM for various curtain design [10] Fig.14 Variation of C P with TSR for various rotor configurations [37] Fig. 15: Variation of power vs wind speeds for a vented and c apped rotor [11]. Fig.16 Vents at three different positions on the semicircular-bladed profiles [71] Fig.17 Variation of C P with TSR [71] Fig.18 Velocity contour of the conventional Savonius rotor [71]. Fig.19 Orientation of the concentrators [14] Fig.20 C P vs TSR at various orientations of the concentrators [14] Fig.21 Different guide vane designs by El-Askary et al. [15] Fig.22 C P vs TSR for various guide vane position [15]
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
List of Tables
Table 1 Performance of various Savonius rotor profiles Table 2 Various augmentation techniques and observation Table 3 Literature reported experimental work on augmentation techniques. Table 4 Literature reported numerical work on augmentation techniques.
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Table 1: Performance of various Savonius rotor profiles
I nvestigator(s)
Blade profi le
C Pmax
Alexander and Holownia [46]
Owaga et al. [47]
Grinspan et al. [25]
Kacprzak et al. [23]
Song et al. [28]
Kacprzak et al. [23]
Banerjee et al. [26]
Roy et al. [14]
Modified Bach
Roy et al. [14]
Roy profile (New)
Gerardo and Molfino [29]
Tartuferi et al. [30]
Airfoil shape
Alom et al. [27]
Sharma and Sharma [31]
quarter 0.2266
semicircular Sharma and Sharma [32]
miniature 0.226
semicircular Mari et al. [33]
Downloaded From: on 12/26/2017 Terms of Use:
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Table 2: Various augmentation techniques and observation
I nvestigators
Augmenter used
Alexander and Holownia [46]
Wind shields
C Pmax = 0.243
Morcos et al. [55]
Wind shields
C Pmax = 0.34
Ogawa et al. [56]
Deflector plate
C Pmax = 0.212
Reupke and Probert [58]
Slatted blade
C Pmax = 0.18
Shaughnessy and Probert [21]
V-shaped deflector
19.7% increase of C P from the conventional rotor.
Huda et al. [57]
Deflector plate
20% increase of C P from the conventional rotor.
Shikha et al. [8]
Increase of wind speed by 2 to 3 times.
Menet [59]
Improved C P than the single stage rotor.
Grinspan et al. [25]
Twisted blade
C Pmax = 0.1159
Rajkumar and Saha [60]
Reduces negative torque.
Irabu and Roy [68]
Guide box tunnel
Increase in C P by 1.5 times for 3-bladed and 1.23 times for 2-bladed rotors.
Hu et al. [61]
Circular shield
Reduces wind pressure on the returning blade.
Altan and Atilgan [10]
Curtain design
C Pmax = 0.38
Mohamed et al. [9]
Obstacle shielding
C Pmax = 0.258
Golecha et al. [62]
Deflector plate
50% increase of C P from the conventional rotor.
Emmanuel and Jun [37]
C Pmax = 0.50
Abraham et al. [11]
Venting slots
Reduces negative torque.
Roy et al. [14]
C Pmax = 0.33
El-Askary et al. [15]
Guide vane
C Pmax = 0.52
Tartuferi et al. [30]
Conveyor-deflector curtain
C Pmax = 0.30
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Table 3: Literature reported experimental work on augmentation techniques.
Augmentation Techniques
Rotor dimensions (H ×D) ( m×m)
No. of blades
Hayashi et al. [4]
0.23×0.33 0.074 × 0.184
C T is higher in the single stage rotor than the 3-stage rotor
Frikha et al. [43]
0.20 × 0.173
C P increases with the increase of number of stages.
Menet [59]
0.1025 × 0.445
2, 3
Golecha et al. [62]
0.170 × 0.245
Saha et al. [65]
0.173 × 0.109 0.122 × 0.077 0.10 × 0.063
2, 3
Kamoji et al. [72]
0.208 × 0.208 0.226 × 0.113 0.289 × 0.096
Static C T is lower in 3-stage rotor than the 1- and 2-stages rotor.
1.1 × 1.32
Reduces the negative torque
0.230 × 0.209
Improved C P in 2-stage, 2-bladed rotor than the single stage rotor. The single-stage modified Savonius rotor is found better as compared to two- and three-stage modified Savonius rotors. C Pmax = 0.29 for 2-stage, 2-bladed rotor. C Pmax = 0.26 for 2-stage, 3-bladed rotor. C Pmax = 0.23 for 3-stage, 2-bladed rotor. C Pmax = 0.20 for 3-stage, 3-bladed rotor.
Venting slot
Abraham et al. [11]
Oriented jet
Roy et al. [14]
Wind shields
Alexander and Holownia [46]
0.46 × 0.19
C Pmax = 0.234
Shaughnessy and Probert [21]
0.58 × 0.45
19.7% increase of C P from the conventional rotor.
Ogawa et al. [56]
0.175 × 0.3
C Pmax = 0.212
Huda et al. [57]
0.185 × 0.32
20% increase of C P from the conventional rotor.
Golecha et al. [62]
0.170 × 0.245
Rajkumar and Saha [60]
0.220 × 0.250
50% increase of C P from the conventional rotor. Reduces negative torque.
Altan and Atilgan [69]
0.32 × 0.32
Deflector plate
C Pmax = 0.23
The optimum curtain angle has been found as α = 45ᵒ and β = 15ᵒ
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Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Table 4: Literature reported numerical work on augmentation techniques.
Augmentation Techniques
Obstacle shield
Mohamed et al. [9]
Abraham et al. [11]
CF D methodology FVM with 2D realizable k-ϵ model 2D and 3D k-ω SST model
No. of
2, 3
Venting slot
C Pmax = 0.258 Reduces the negative torque. 7.53% increase of C P
Alom and Saha [71]
2D k-ω SST model
from conventional rotor without venting slots
Guide vane
El-Askary et al. [15]
2D k-ω SST model
C Pmax = 0.52 for DesignIII
Fluent & Matlab, v2-f , Tartuferi et al. [30]
FVM and RSM turbulence flow
20% more power than the conventional rotor.
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Table 4: Literature reported numerical work on augmentation techniques.
Augmentation Techniques
Obstacle shield
Mohamed et al. [9]
Abraham et al. [11]
CF D methodology FVM with 2D realizable k-ϵ model 2D and 3D k-ω SST model
No. of
2, 3
Venting slot
C Pmax = 0.258 Reduces the negative torque. 7.53% increase of C P
Alom and Saha [71]
2D k-ω SST model
from conventional rotor without venting slots
Guide vane
El-Askary et al. [15]
2D k-ω SST model
C Pmax = 0.52 for DesignIII
Fluent & Matlab, v2-f , Tartuferi et al. [30]
20% more power than the conventional rotor.
turbulence flow
Six-bladed rotor with Wind shield
Enamuel and Jun [37]
2D RNG k-ε
2, 6
shield and stator is found better. The dynamic C T and the
Frikha et al. [43]
FVM with 3D
modified k-ϵ model
C P enhanced as the number of stage increased.
Altan and Atilgan [69]
FVM with 2D standard k-ϵ model
The optimum curtain 2
angle has been found at α = 45ᵒ and β = 15ᵒ
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 1: Various blade profiles used for Savonius rotors.
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 2: Basic parameters of Savonius rotor
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 3: Lift and drag force on Savonius rotor
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 4: Various types of augmentation techniques.
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 5: C P vs TSR for obstacle and without obstacle [9]
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 6: Cp vs TSR for various deflector azimuthal angle [47]
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 7: Cp vs TSR for various flaps [58]
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 8: Static torque vs angle of rotation for various flaps [64]
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 9: Cp vs various deflector plate angle[21]
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 10: C P vs velocity for various configurstion [65]
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 11: RPM vs velocity for various gap width of twisted bladed rotor [25]
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 12: C P vs velocity for various valve aided Savonius rotor [65]
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 13: Power vs RPM for various curtain design [10]
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 14: Variation of C P with TSR for various rotor configurations [37]
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 15: Variation of power vs wind speeds for a vented and capped rotor [11].
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 16: Vents at three different positions on the semicircular-bladed profiles [71]
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 17: Variation of C P with TSR [71]
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 18: Velocity contour of the conventional Savonius rotor [71].
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 19: Orientation of the concentrators [14]
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 20: C P vs TSR at various orientations of the concentrators [14]
Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Received November 05, 2017; Accepted manuscript posted December 19, 2017. doi:10.1115/1.4038785 Copyright (c) 2017 by ASME
Figure 21: Different guide vane designs by El-Askary et al. [15]