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Fred Betzner - Symbol_dice_reading





SYMBOL DICE READING By Fred Betzner Symbol Dice Reading Introduction When I first saw “Rory’s Story Cubes” in the toy section of a department store, I immediately recognized potential for a psychic reading tool. An online search revealed other people who had the same thought, but I couldn’t find any detailed advice regarding the psychic meaning for the cubes. Therefore, I created my own, which I am now sharing in this written work. The Th e advertising on this product states that there ther e are 10,077,696 possible combinations of pictures. That means, the odds of someone in a group requiring the same reading is nearly impossible. Originally, I thought I was on to something different, but I wasn’t sure how it would be received. I have been using this approach for some time, and I find itit has great appeal to the client you are reading. The benefit that I originally foresaw was portability, portability, as this takes up little pocket space, since it is essentially just dice. Through application for real life people, I also started to realize the depth the reading could take. In other words, the reading could be kept short if the situation required, or expanded to a much longer reading if time permitted. I may be biased, but I think this has an impact similar to the Tarot, as it gives the client and reader multiple images to absorb and contemplate. Palm reading is popular with many reader’s, especially in strolling situations, simply because you carry nothing. In my opinion, the symbol dice are easier to carry than your Tarot deck, and gives a visual that palm reading doesn’t. Although, I also love u sing both of them. It will be necessary for you to learn this technique, but please don’t be dissuaded by  that statement, because this system can be learned lear ned by anyone that can read in a relatively brief time. With these tools, you can easily make back your investment in one or two readings. Let me expand on that thought. Once learned you could earn a living from this for the rest of your life. That isn’t arrogance on my part, it is true. Put in the effort, and you will have a unique skill. Experienced readers will pick this up quickly, however, I have attempted to be extremely clear for those who are new to giving readings. If you are completely new to giving readings, this is designed d esigned for a ten to fifteen minute read ings; this delivery. It doesn’t matter if  you call them spiritual, psychic, or intuitive readings; method can be applied quickly, and expanded upon as you gain more experience. As in any “reading” technique, you may wish to practice this on family and friends, before charging a fee. Once you are a re confident, a strolling gig would be the perfect venue for initial earnings. You will need to purchase to the special spec ial set of dice, but they are very reasonable. reasonab le. The specific product you need for this reading, is “Rory’s Story Cubes” . I found it online for under $9.00. There are similar products called, “Rory’s Story Cube  - Action ”, and another called “Voyage”. They do not match the contents of this reading. Someone may develop a reading from the other two products, but I personally didn’t find them as intriguing. Jot down a few the images described below before searching online and you will know you are buying the correct set of cubes. I also recommend adding two regular dice to the set you are using for readings, and I refer to this is my full set. The dice are used for a numerology reference, which provides a base interpretation for the other symbols. Later I mention the idea of a partial set, in which I sometimes use one regular die. The numerology interpretations that I use are detailed below, and I believe these are quite common. There are some variations out there, and if you have a variation, it will still work. Rather than full sentences, I am describing each number with key thoughts that you should mentally absorb. In actual delivery, I first comment on the number achieved by the dice or die. We always reduce the number to match the concept associated with each number, and this becomes to overall theme for the reading. For example, if your client released the dice with a two and a four showing on the numbered dice, you would say something like the following: “Interesting, you revealed a two and a four with your numbered dice, so your number of the moment is a six. Six is a number of adjustments indicating a need for a shifting of focus and effort. Not that you need to change chan ge every aspect of your life, but one or more aspects need to be addressed. This is a very good admonition, and should not create any apprehension for you. If you begin to consider honestly the areas of your current situation, the universe will speak to you within your own thoughts, and reveal the things that could be adjusted in order to optimize your contentment and help you reach your highest level of achievement. Health and personal wellness are always enhanced when all aspects of the life experience are aligned. Healthy relationships typically flow from a life that is fully in tune with aspects of inner peace. People we care about can have their life enriched through our peaceful emotions. Many people even experience financial benefits by making simple life adjustments. Now, let us examine the symbols and see how they relate to adjustments.” That short paragraph, when translated to speech, accomplishes several things. First, it sets a tone for the rest of the reading. I have found that this format helps the client relax.  judgmental, and helpful. helpful. No No “apprehension” “apprehension” is They sense that this is going to be non- judgmental, necessary. It takes me approximately a minute and a half to verbally repeat the sentences above, so if you are doing a ten minute reading, you are well on your way to satisfying your client. Secondly, it gives the opportunity for ob serving the client. Watch how they react. Notice positive or negative facial expressions or body language. Thirdly, it speaks to three common areas of life in a subtle manner. At least I believe it to be subtle. The common life situations are, relationships, health, and money. Cold readers often attempt to evaluate clients by age, gender, etc. One of the reasons for this is so so that they may estimate which of those areas the greatest concern for the client are. In my initial comments about their chosen number I touch on those areas in admittedly vague phrases. By observing how the client reacts to each aspect as it is mentioned, you may gain a clue about their greatest concern. But don’t worry if you don’t get a nonverbal hint, just carry on with an attitude of confidence. confidence . Many clients volunteer their area of concern, such as, “I’m having a problem with my boyfriend.” Or, “I have some health issues going on.” If all else fails suggest an area of need, or simply ask. Number 1 BEGINNINGS – NEW BIRTH- FIRST STEPS. “This is fascinating! The number one has been presented to you, and it refers to a beginning. Of course this may be revealed in many forms. It may take a literal direction and refer to a new birth, or some encouragement in the figurative sense, such as a new work venture. Your personal application will be revealed with greater clarity by the symbols that coincide with this number. First steps can often indicate an important new relationship of some type, or the prelude p relude to greater financial security. In many cases it is the beginning of enhanced health and peace of mind. Let us examine the connection with your symbols. Number 2 POLARITY – OPPOSING FORCES – SCALES- BALANCE This provokes wonderful possibilities. The number two is essentially aligned with the concept of balance. A set of scales sca les is the perfect imagery associated with the number two, the type usually seen with the image of justice. At times the number two directs our thought and effort toward opposing forces, and brining balance to a relationship. Your specific images will clarify the particular direction intended, but often achieving balance in any area enhances our daily walk. A sense of inner peace can often resolve physical problems and lead to better health. A sense s ense of balancing the personal life can alleviate negative financial issues as well. Let us see the direction your predetermined symbols take us. Number 3 EXPRESSION – CREATIVITY- COMMUNICATION This is extremely appealing! The number three is aligned with the concept of creativity. Typically this is a sense of expression or perhaps communication of some nature. This would be an excellent opportunity opportun ity to renew an activity you formally enjoyed, perhaps something with an artistic association. Your particular images will help clarify the intended message, however, an effort toward greater creativity often results in increased financial benefits. In many cases inspired communication has a positive effect on our relationships and even our health. Let us see how the symbols illuminate these concepts. Number 4 FOUNDATION – SUPPORT – PRISON – STAGNATION  A vital human reality! The number four relates to our personal foundations, and the principles and people that support and define our values. At times this can also point to state of stagnation, as if something figuratively is confining us, as in the image of four walls in a prison cell. Typically, this will relate back to foundational teachings that are revealed as negative and binding. The remaining symbols will provide direction as to whether the focus being encouraged is one of strengthening the valuable, or escaping the negative. Either of these is essentially positive, and often can lead to a healthier relationship or increased physical well-being. Firming up our primary positive teachings may also lead to enhanced financial f inancial security. Let us see what is revealed by b y your special images. Number 5 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS – RESEARCH AND RESOURCES The number five reveals an essential ess ential human exercise! That has to do with asking questions and finding answers. Sometimes this is expressed by the term “research and resources”. At times, before an answer can be found, some assistance is needed in order to ask the correct questions. Your personal symbols will clarify this for you as we connect them with questions and answers. Whether we need help with a health issue or our financial issues, asking clear questions will lead us to inspired choices. This also relates to our personal relationships, in the sense of making them better and deeper. Now, let us see what your reveal about your questions. Number 6 ADJUSTMENTS – SHIFTING – UNCONDITIONAL LOVE Interesting, you revealed a two and a four with your numbered dice, so your number of the moment is a six. Six is a number of adjustments indicating a need for a shifting of focus and effort. Not that you need to change every aspect of your life, but one or more aspects need to be addressed. This is a very good admonition, and should not create any apprehension for you. If you begin to consider honestly the areas of your current situation, the universe will speak to you within your own thoughts, and reveal the things that could be adjusted in order to optimize your contentment and help you reach your highest level of achievement. Health and personal wellness are always enhanced when all aspects of the life experience are aligned. Healthy relationships typically flow from a life that is fully in tune with aspects of inner peace. People we care about can have their life enriched through our peaceful emotions. Many people even experience financial benefits by making simple life adjustments. Now, let us examine the symbols and see how they relate to adjustments. Number 7 FAITH – HIGHER POWERS  – QUESTIONING BELIEF This is very stimulating indeed, and an important area of life. The number seven is associated with higher powers or aspects of faith. This could include deepening our personal belief system or questioning the concepts concep ts in which we have placed p laced our faith. Everyone has placed faith or trust in something, even if they do not think of it as a s faith. For example, we are placing faith in a chair cha ir to support us when we sit down. Now, we will see how this connects with the symbols you have been given. Number 8 EXPLOSIVE POWER – REGENERATION- THE OCCULT One of the most powerful numbers in the numerological system. This number is always revealed as a prelude to some type of explosive powerful experience. The concept of regeneration is usually associated with the number eight, as if you can anticipate a renewed sense of life physically and or emotionally. In a moment we will connect this with your personal images, and this will clarify the area or area where renewal will take place. This may be in the area of a revived relationship, or an increased financial blessing. Number 9 CONCLUSIONS – COMPLETION – COLLECTIONS Magnificent! The number nine is associated with completion, often times this will precede clarification of conclusions you have been seeking, clear answers to needs as it were. It is also associated with the concept of collections, in the sense of something that due you finally coming through. The symbols before befo re you will likely clarify this, but I have a sense that some expected or hoped for conclusion comes to your mind. Is that something in which you can relate? (All numbers greater than a single digit are added together until reaching a single digit.  Although not applied in this context, this can be done with with a number of any length. Just keep adding until a single number is reached. In the case of ten, it has a special significance.) Number 10 – REBIRTH – RESTART - A HIGHER VIBRATION OF NUMBER ONE.  An exciting numerological revelation. The number one is considered a higher vibration of the number one. And it refers to a new beginning. Of course course this may be revealed in many forms. It may take a literal direction and refer to a new birth, or some encouragement in the figurative sense, such as a new work venture. Your personal application will be revealed with greater clarity by the symbols that coincide with this number. First steps can often indicate an important new relationship of some type, or the prelude to greater financial security. In many cases it is the beginning of enhanced health and peace of mind. Let us examine the connection with your symbols. Number 11 – READ AS TWO. Number 12 – READ AS THREE. The Symbol dice. If you will lay out the nine dice from Rory’s Story Cubes you will be able to look at the image as you read my suggested reading. I have numbered these one to nine, but that is just a random choice on my part for learning purposes. If you line them with the following images before you, they match up with the suggestion that follow: House, lock, letter, world, key, beetle, drama, book, alien face. For each symbol, I suggest several applications, if you wish to write your own interpretations. I follow that with my typical reading. After sharing each symbol, I have some comments about presentation. Cube number one House (Possible Applications - Memories of home – A house is not a home- Desire to renew feelings of safety) My initial impression is that a house is not necessarily a home. But, I do get a sense you have strong feelings from your childhood. You have a general sense of contentment, but at times you find yourself thinking about aspects of home life, and a sensation of safety. There are memories that warm your spirit, but at times you find some memories troubling. Light (Possible Applications – Creativity – Drive away the dark – Perseverance) There is some goal or desire in your life that remains unfinished. The message for you from this image is encouraging you to mentally men tally turn the light on regarding the goal goa l you want and hope to accomplish. Aligned with that is the concept of perseverance. As history tells us, Edison didn’t invent the light bulb, but he did perfect it, making it commercially available. I sense you have some undeveloped that will benefit those around you. This is something you have thought about in the past, but fully committed to achieving. Sleep (Possible Applications – Rest – Dreaming – Peace – Escape from the world) You are being directed to renew your focus on an unfulfilled dream you have had for some time. The sleep imagery here is a reminder that thinking about your dream passively is not enough to make your dream come true. Metaphorically speaking, this is a wakeup call. You need to flesh out the details and act upon them as an old saying states, “a dream without effort is simply a wish.” Although the symbol reflects rest or sleep, it is literally a call to action. Voice (Possible Applications – Lack of words or meaning – Someone who will not listen  – Empty words from someone) My reading of this for you personally, is that this refers to someone you were unable to reach with your attempts at dialog. You spoke with clarity, but they would not listen. This has been an occasional recollection for you that has caused some degree of discomfort. The message is simple, let this situation rest as you have done all that you can. It will be sometime in the future, but your efforts will be rewarded with an unexpected conclusion. Clock (Possible Applications – Deadlines – Expectations – Wakeup call – Time past/wasted) This is an alert to a time sensitive issue you need to consider. It indicates a deadline, dead line, currently or upcoming, but this is not so much a warning as it is an encouragement. encour agement. The sense I am getting for you, is that all resources are at your disposable, so you can proceed with the necessary actions without stress. You have the information you need, and simple need to work your plan. A positive outcome is assured.  Arrow (Possible Applications – Defense – Skill – Target goals – Providing basic needs) The meaning of the above as applied to you personally, indicates a goal, either curre nt or future. You may feel a bit overwhelmed, but there is no need. The imagery translates into a progressive set of needs. Acquire the equipment or tools. Add practice and experience. Gain the skill or refined ability. Aim for you target or goal. You will be successful in the end. Cube number two. Lock (Possible Applications - Locked out emotionally  – Need for key  – Someone with a closed mind.) This is a figurative message relating to a relationship you feel is no longer available to you, leaving you feeling as if the person p erson has locked you out. You find yourself yourse lf wondering at times whether you should take some action in an attempt to restore the relationship. The message I am getting for you personally, is that you need to move on at the moment. I do sense a resolution in this matter at some time in the future, but this will come to pass without major effort on your part. par t. Rather, an ongoing openness from you to the person will be sufficient on your part. Does this make sense to you? Footprint (Possible Applications – Our past – Impressions left – Where we have been – Basic/bare) The visual of the footprint encourages us to examine the past, and the impression impress ion we left behind. Notice, that the depiction isn’t a shoe print, or any other man made covering for the foot. And our footprint, like a fingerprint is unique to us alone. Generally speaking, you have come to terms with your past, and moved forward. At times though you find yourself thinking about the path not taken, and what impressions you have left behind. I sense that there is one particular issue that you privately seek to resolve, is this something you are aware of at this time? Flame (Possible Applications – Warmth – Comfort – Stories told – Childhood/youth – Camping) This symbolizes your desire for the innocence of youth. Specifically, you have an occasional longing for the honest relationships of the past. I sense you are being encouraged to reach out to someone from your past, someone with which you had an emotional connection. This is a thought you have had at times, but not acted upon, so this represents a call to action. Now would be a perfect time to reconnect. Lamb (Possible Applications- Gentleness – Following – Submission – Sacrifice) The lamb is figurative of innocence and gentleness, and carries an aspect of following. This isn’t always easy for you, as you demonstrate strong elements of leadership. However, there is a benefit to being the lamb when the circumstance calls for it, and that being one of fellowship and collective support. This isn’t a call for you be submissive in every area of life, but a calling for you to connect with a support group that makes you feel safe. Magnet (Possible Applications – Attraction either negative or positive  – Temptation) My impression is that there is something you are drawn to that you would like to escape. You feel that this represents a powerful po werful magnetic temptation that is very hard for you to resist. You are being directed to identify iden tify the elements of this temptation that seem to control your response, and turn this around. In other terms, control this before you give in it. Develop a plan of avoidance and escape. Mailbox flag – looks like the letter ”L” . (Possible Applications – Waiting for a response  – Sending a message – Message not being received) This is symbol depicts a mailbox flag. It represents a message that you have sent to someone, but it has yet to get through. I expect this has a romantic connection of some kind? Does this make sense to you? you ? It is a call to rethink this situation, and attempt to communicate one more time in Cube number three. Message –letter (Possible Applications – Good news- A message that needs to be sent) The letter is a message of good news that will be coming to you. I get a strong sense that this is personally rewarding, and finances have a part in this, but beyond that I feel the indication of physical and emotional wellness. This would be a good time to focus on the good around you, count your blessings, and be prepared for more. Pyramid (Possible Applications – Travel – Memorial – Past actions) The depiction of the pyramid represents something that has been covered up, some past that has been buried. As massive as the pyramids are, they are essentially tombs or some would say memorials. Almost everyone has something in the past they wish to forget, but I believe this represents a situation where someone is keeping something from you, and they have gone to great length to bury the facts. Tower (Possible Applications (Defense – Safety – Isolation) The tower symbolizes isolation, and often unfounded fear. Most of us have had some element of anxiety of anxiety that has no basis in reality, but I think this refers to someone in your life, not you primarily. There is someone who has ha s isolated you. Does this make sense? The tower only has one door in, and forcing it will not work. This is hard but you must wait until they open the door. Rainbow (Possible Applications - Calm- Conclusions- Promise- Prosperity) You are figuratively facing an emotional storm, or soon will be, but the good news is that this situation will soon be coming to an end. The encouragement from the rainbow is one of conclusion and calm. You won’t see a literal rainbow, but you feel a strong sense of emotional peace internally when the calm in in your life is restored. Tree (Possible Applications Growth- Life- Oxygen- Shade- Protection) The tree represents the growth you have experienced in your personal life, and the people who have benefited from your life. Literally, the tree gives off oxygen, shade, protection, and sometimes nourishment. Symbolically, you have been and are now the tree in the life of others. When you are honest ho nest with yourself, you wonder if others have appreciated all that you have provided. But, like the tree you stand firm and do what comes naturally. This is a message of personal encouragement and actually a form of blessing in which you can take comfort. Eye (Possible Applications Vision- Introspection- Look beyond) The image of the eye is an encouragement to look within, and do some introspective evaluating. Some of the things that have bothered you do not deserve attention. Think them through and let them go, then you can move to a state of greater contentment. Then your vision will be clearer and genuine. Cube number four. World (Possible Applications Finding your place in the world- Yours for the taking) The world encourages us to look beyond the narrow confines of our life, and see the greater picture. A call for you to expand your horizons, and see that there is an entire world of possibilities.  All of the the resource’s resource’s you need need are there, you you only need need to adjust adjust your vision. You must look beyond yourself and see the possibilities available to you. Plane (Possible Applications- A trip they are considering – A visit from someone) This is very, very good. The symbol of the plane indicates that someone is coming to you. You are not aware of this, but it will happen soon, perhaps in a few months, at the most. I sense nothing but good feelings stemming from this, so look forward. This visit will be a source of encouragement and contentment. Smile (Possible Applications – A happy event coming  – Don’t worry –  Someone will give you a smile) This isn’t actually a good thing, but it is an essential albeit difficult message. There is someone who smiles at you on the outside, but inwardly they are not your friend. I think you are aware of this person, but you need to be on guard over the next few months. I’m getting a  sense of peace from thin now, so I expect this warning was sufficient. Building (Possible Applications – Place of isolation  – Institution – Corporate decisions) I am reading this as it applies to you personally and the building here represents some faceless entity which is creating a struggle for you. They are generating negative situations that effect your sense of contentment. The word for you is perseverance, stick to your rights, and you will prevail in this situation. Flashlight (Possible Applications Man-made- Artificial- Shines light in places where no natural light exists) Unlike natural light, the flashlight represents light directed by the human hand. Your message, indicates a need for you to shine light on something only you can illuminate. I am getting the sense that involves a relationship, and something has not been revealed. Figuratively, you must shine a light on areas that are a bit uncomfortable but necessary. Don’t fear the facts, for they will bring you peace.  Apple (Possible Applications The apple has been associated with temptation, perhaps erroneously, but none the less true. This indicates some type of temptation you struggle with on occas ion. Mentally, you resist, but emotionally you feel weak. A planned response re sponse is indicted for you to be successful in this matter. Cube number five. Key (Possible Applications – The opening – Future rewards – Door to the unknown The key represents an upcoming answer to a situation. It is the thought that you have been searching to find, an essential fact that will soon be revealed to you. The feeling that you have been locked out of a situation will soon be a thing of the past. The answer will come to you very soon. Star (Possible Applications – Shining influence – Make a wish or wish coming true) The star here is a shooting star, and depicts the conclusion of some task or mission. It signifies a sense of fulfillment, and traditionally carried the idea of renewed life or resurrection as it were. So it is encouraging you to expect an ending, en ding, and new beginning. Along with this thought, it often represents help, often from an unexpected source. Question mark (Possible Applications – Seeking an answer – Questioning authority) This is an indication of a lingering question you have had. There has been a reluctance on your part to inquire about this issue, but this indicates that the time is right. My impression is that this relates to issue of health. Does that make sense? If not for you, then perhaps someone close to you. Hesitate no longer on this issue. Tipi, (also tepee and teepee) (Possible Applications Basic feelings of safety  – Need to move on) The Native American tepee was a temporary dwelling, which could easily be moved to another location. One of the things that set it apart was the presence of smoke flaps, so it was a place of of warmth and safety. There is an area of life, life, a place where your your mind dwells on occasion, but a reluctance for change holds you back. This is encouraging you move on with the promise of continued wellbeing and security. Fountain (Possible Applications – Blessing – Abundance – Beauty) The fountain is not a result of natural circumstances, but rather it is created by human design. It is suggestive of a human outpouring of emotion that overflows with beauty and delight. The image here is encouraging you yo u take deliberate action in order ord er to bring inner peace and wellbeing to yourself yours elf and others. This will bring you to a balanced and healthy emotional state. Frown (Possible Applications (Sadness – Feeling sad for no reason) Through no intention on your part, someone close to you is going be upset with you. This is directing you to prepare for this moment by thinking through a calm response, and kind words to defuse the situation. This will happen soon, perhaps in the next week or two, but no lasting negative effects will come of this circumstance. Cube number six. Beetle (Possible Applications – Destructive forces – Positive outcomes) This depicts the boll weevil, which feeds on cotton plants, and at one point in history devastated parts of the United States. In time, however, it forced economic diversification, thereby forcing alternatives that were better. You are going to face something in the near future that will seem hurtful at first, but will eventually bring blessing. Powers against you will appear be hurtful, but this will ultimately result in healing. Die (Possible Applications – Half of the expected  – The number one on top) Notice the top number of this symbol is the number one, o ne, and it depicts a single die. Not everyone is aware of this, but the opposite dies of a die always add up to the number seven. The number seven is associated with higher powers or aspects of faith. Your message is simple. Focus on yourself more than you have allowed yourself, not selfishly of course, but in a healthy manner. Give consideration to the belief system that has enriched your life, and feel a sense of renewal. Magnifying glass (Possible Applications – Self-examination – Research) The magnifying glass is a simple way to examine something with greater focus and clarity. This is an encouragement for you to realize that with your own resources you can look at your problems and see clearly where the truth lies, and what action needs to be taken. Shadow (Possible Applications – Phobia(s) – Dark area of life) Our shadow represents us, but it doesn’t define us.  It is tied to us, but it has no essence, no thought, and no inherent reality. It speaks to dark areas that touch our lives, and sometimes are frightening. You are being encouraged that you can control the darkness, it doesn’t control you. And, that the dark realities of the world can be contained by our own personal power. Hand (Possible Applications – Friendship – Sign of peace) The open and empty hand is symbolic of peace and often friendship. From Fro m ancient times showing an empty hand was symbolic of the absence a bsence of a weapon. There The re is a friend that feels as empty this hand and is hoping you will reach out. This friend is a little private, and even though she wants you to reach out she will not ask. I have a sense that you know who this this is and what to do in response. Turtle (Possible Applications- Progress- Persistence – Pacing –Winning) The turtle symbolizes persistence, longevity and wisdom. You shouldn’t feel anxiety about retreating into your shell on occasion, o ccasion, as it is natural and provides provide s a sense of protection. However, you must not retreat permanently. It also suggests that you need to take it slow in some situation or relationship in your you r life. Progress may seem slow slo w at times, but it is sure and safe. Cube number seven. Drama – Two mask’s (Possible Applications – Unnecessary drama – Someone hiding behind a mask figuratively) There is a person in your life that is attempting to bring unnecessary drama into your life. This is a situation that you cannot ignore. You will need to confront the person with a calm spirit, but be very clear to them that you cannot invest yourself emotionally emot ionally in their drama. This will cause some tension in the relationship but eventually lead to a better rapport in the future. Fish (Possible Applications - Look beneath the surface – Symbol of the emotions) Water represents the fluid nature of emotions, and fish are creatures that are natural na tural to that environment. As humans we often only stay on the surface of the emotional depths, so you are being encouraged to take on the nature of the fish with your emotions. Dive in emotionally is a good way to express this message. Don’t fear exploration of your feelings. Parachute (Possible Applications - Safety/rescue- Secret access- Counter Gravity-Slow our descent.) The essential task of the parachute is getting a person safely on the ground, but it also gives you an unusual perspective, in the manner of a view from above. This symbol is often seen as a spiritual message, sometimes angelic. The Th e message you are be being ing sent is telling you to move away from the world and feel safe in doing so, but also take the time to see what is approaching, and choose your destination wisely. Keyhole (Possible Applications – Locked out – Hidden facts) This reflects a situation where you feel locked out by someone or something. The keyhole is symbolic of the unknown, and an image of you peering at what is beyond. Looking beyond the door through the keyhole is terribly limited. Someone on the other side must open the door and allow a llow you in. This will involve you initiating a conversation or outreach, then the door will be opened. Sunflower (Possible Applications – Seeking the light  – Personal growth) The sunflower moves itself toward the sun so it can get the maximum benefit from the sun rays. This is symbolic of spiritual faith, and the search for higher truth. We follow fo llow our belief system as the sunflower moves to face the life-giving rays of the sun. This is the message for you. If you will return to the truths that have always nourished you inwardly, and follow your heart, you will be successful. s uccessful. Chaos/multiple arrows (Possible Applications – Pulled in many directions  – Unreasonable expectation from others) You are being pulled in multiple directions by some situation, and you feel as if you’re being pulled apart emotionally and spiritually. You need to pull back, and reevaluate your priorities. Set aside all the things pulling at a t you, and look within yourself, and remember your foundational teachings that have always sustained you in the past. Cube number eight. Book (Possible Applications – Study – Research – Personal history) The book is telling you that the answer to a current situation will be revealed through study and research. A spark spa rk of inspiration is often desired, but figuratively figura tively the inspiration in this circumstance will come through perspiration. Persevere and apply the necessary effort, and change will be the result. Bridge (Possible Applications – Safe travel – Bridge over troubled water) The water represents some situation you are facing or will soon face that is an obstacle to your wellbeing. The bridge represents a path of safety and security over any troubling waters. The bridges were built b uilt for us by someone else, and the bridge you will seek is found in someone who has the knowledge and resources you need to reach the other side. In other words, fulfill your goal.  Abacus (Possible Applications – Back to basics – Calculating the resources) The message here is simple. In order for your life to add up, you need to get back to basics. Figuratively speaking, you need to go back to the beginning, and think on basics for a while. Finding the root of the problem will you lead you to your “happy place.” Moon (Possible Applications – (New beginning- A light in the darkness) This is a crescent moon symbolizes a new beginning and following the dream dr eam you have had for some time. Historically, many farmers planted their crop u nder a crescent moon, as they saw it as a sign of blessing. It is time for you to take action on your dream. Magic wand (Possible Applications – Look for the magic in life  – Possession of a powerful force) This wand is one used by a stage magician, and the message differs from traditional interpretation. The use of the wand in performance is typically misdirection. It draws attention away from what is really happening. This represents someone in the circle of your life who is hiding something from you. Beware of the misdirection being used against you. Bee (Possible Applications – Productivity – Achieving the impossible) Two elements from the bee are immediately applicable to your situation. The collective work they perform, and the fact they fly even though science has said they should not be able fly at all. You are facing a situation that seems impossible, but you you will work with others and be successful. Don’t stress over this, as it will be very natural. Cube number nine.  Alien (Possible Applications –Unexpected//Unwelcome visitor – Phobia – Distractions from reality) The message of the alien image involves an unexpected visitor into your life. Initially, you will be reluctant to respond to this person, and will ask a number of private questions before you respond. Ultimately, this will become a good experience for you that will be beneficial to your health. Lightning (Possible Applications – Flash in the pan  – Warning of the storm) In the literal sense, lighting is frightening to some and encouraging to others. Fugitively speaking it is intended to immediately get our attention, and make u s react. My impression is that there is a relationship issue that has been neglected, and you are being called to take action. Imagine the jolt the lighting has, and move to action. Phone (Possible Applications – Need to communicate – A call that needs to be made) This is a very good image. I my experience it has always indicted an upcoming call with good news. I expect this will come to you in the next week. Scales (Possible Applications – Justice – Balancing life) The image of the scales can have many applications, but I am getting one in particular for you today. You have been trying to balance particular areas of your life, and it doesn’t seem to be working. Just as the scales cannot balance themselves, you will need to take away and add where necessary. This includes your time, finances, and emotional investment. Direction (Possible Applications – A different direction  – A side issue tripping you up) This particular arrow is representative of taking a new direction. Notice it is actually askew. Within the square area on the die, it doesn’t point up, down, left or right. It is telling you to seek some contentment in a new direction. It is a wonderful time for you to start something you have always wanted to do, but never got around to it. Cane (Possible Applications – Support – Temporary help) The cane is often associated with senior friends, but the message for you is a bit more basic. The cane represents something or someone you have been leaning on, and it is time to stand on your own. Recognize that figuratively you are well, so stand tall and take control. Presentational points You may have noticed that I occasionally included the phrase, “Does this make sense to you?” This or a question question similar is asked in order to gain a response  from the client. Many readers feel they need to keep talking without pause, but I don’t work that way. I like to illicit feedback, as it helps my presentation. The client will often provide you with direction and focus for the reading. What if a client say’s, “No that’s wrong, that doesn’t apply to me at all!” Stay calm. Say something like the following, “I’m sorry you don’t sense the connection with that symbol, but that is the message I’m getting. Perhaps, it’s speaking to some future situation.” At this point move on to another symbol. Be aware of possible connections. If a person rolls the mail box flag (Looks like an “L”) and the letter symbol, point to this as a double message concerning upcoming information. Or, if they roll a five on the regular dice indicating questions and answers, then the question mark, emphasize the significance that message. If your client is wearing a cross or crucifix, it may be an excellent opportunity to tie in the religious element reflected in many of the life issues that come up. But be cautious. In some situations, you will be working with people coming from a variety of philosophies.  A person wearing a cross may may tell you, you, “Divination “Divination is condemned condemned by by God in the Bible.” Bible.” Obviously, that is not the time or place for a theological debate. I usually say, “I understand”, then move on. If somehow you are pressured to proceed with a reading for someone religiously opposed, simply point out that the symbols reflect aspects of life, I suggest you avoid predictions, and simply discuss the images as encouragements. For those who are uncomfortable with the “psychic” role, this can be presented as a form of personal assessment. Simply point out that the symbols represent common areas of life, which can teach us something new about ourselves. Avoid the predictions, emphasis the common areas of life. At times I have given people a basic meaning from the image, and allowed them to interpret and apply the concept to their own lives. I recommend that you purchase some heavy cloth table napkins, and that you carry one of these with you when you plan to perform. You can lay one of down on practically any surface and have a nice soft area for the client to “drop” the dice. It also makes for an aesthetically pleasing display, and creates a confined focus area for the reading. I prefer a light blue color, as I think it provides a pleasing contrast with the symbol dice. With this preparation, you can do a reading at a banquet table, a picnic table, or a concrete table. In the last paragraph I used the word “drop” in reference to client laying them out on the napkin or other surface. The action I want the client to replicate is more of a gentle dumping of the symbol dice onto the surface of the napkin. The following is an example of what I ask the client to do. “ Please Please take these cubes into your cupped hands. Now, please close your hands up, and gently shake them, in order to mix the cubes. Please don’t drop them on the napkin, but rest your cupped hands on the surface and allow the cubes to slowly roll out. ( If you are working with someone who is favorable favorab le to the reading, a true believer if you will, you can include something like this.  As you gently shake the cubes, envision your personal energy influencing the cubes, being absorbed by them. ”  Why do I do it this way? I want this controlled release in order to keep the cubes from being scattered, and perhaps falling to the floor. In some situations, the person may be older, perhaps a bit frail, so I want them to concentrate. In many venues, you will be working with people who have been drinking. d rinking. I think you can grasp my logic. I mentioned earlier the idea of splitting up the set. In this I use one regular die and four fou r or five of the symbol dice. With practice, you will find that this is still enough to give a ten or fifteen minute reading. And, you will probably develop a preference for specific dice, and have favorite symbols to read. I hope that you enjoy this presentation, and that you find it personally and financially rewarding! Thank you, Fred Betzner