: City Planning Greek architecture was mostly focused on public buildings City planning was based upon the inhabitants and the terrain : Aenus Athens Astacus Baris Calydon Dilphe Dion
entire development of Athens has originated from the acropolis. It is the focal point of Athens. The Acropolis Acropolis hill, so called c alled the "Sacred Rock" of Athens, is the most important site of the city. city.
is one of the oldest named city in the world having continuously inhabitated For at least 7000 years. Athens
began its achivements during the 5th century bc.
grew from its focal point , the acropolis, which became the ceremonial Center of the city-state , decked with temples including the parthenon. it
has an organic plan.
is the main entrance gate at athens.
was the center of athenian life.laid out 6th century bc.,northwest of the ac Ropolis,it was a square lined by public buildings,which served athens needs for Commerce and politics. Agora
placement of buildings were decided on natural factors such as the morphology morphology of the land . For
eg the theatres were generally built around a slope to provide natural seating.
agora was built over a flat surface.
houses were generally placed along the southern slope and part of acropolis facing the sea.
The placement of buildings were decided on natural factors such as the morpholo morphology gy of the land
For eg. The theatres were generally built around a slope to provide natural seating.
The Agora was built over a flat surface.
The houses were generally placed along the southern slope and part of Acropolis facing the sea.
concrete town planning appears to have existed; the streets of the city were in their majority narrow and irregular in shape, while the inhabitants built their houses arbitrarily Peisistratos
built the first wall around the city. This wall was almost circular and had eight gates. Many monuments were built on the Acropol Acropolis is For
the first time an underground aqueduct was constructed to bring water from mount Hymettus.
City rebuilt according to plan devised by Hippodamus Themistocles wall was built around the city. Athens soon prospered again.
Hippodamus o
Famous Greek intellectual who devised a five step plan to city planning. Five step plan
City was cut by several main streets crossing at right angles The resulting rectangles were subdivided into blocks The blocks were further subdivided into house plots Public buildings were placed accordingly to avoid congestion The plan of the city was based on the particular terrain Hippodamos devised an ideal city to be inhabited by 50,000 people
He studied the functional problems of cities and linked them to the state administration system. As a result he divided the citizens into three classes (soldiers, artisans and 'husbandmen'), with the land also divided into three (sacred, public and private). The port of the harbour-town Peiraeus grew in importance. Ship sheds and dry docks were constructed for the warships. He planned the arrangement arrangement Peiraeus at Athens in the middle of of the fifth century century
streets of athens as narrow and tortuous , unpaved, unlighted and more like Chaos of mud and sewage than even the usual greek road.
Broad, straight streets Right angles Open space for development of agora