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Gypsy Violin




6y Mary Ann Har6ar WouCdyou fike to know how to move your audience to tears, or compeCthem to h a p to theirfeet in thriChdappCause? For centuries these clbseCy guarded secrets of Gypsy viofininsts have been handeddownfrom one generation to the next. Now, you too can commandyour instrument's epressive powers with Gyspy Violin. 0 1997 BY MEL BAY PUBLICATIONS. INC.. PACIFIC. MO 83088. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. INTERNATIONALCOPYRIGHT SECURED. B.M.I. MADE AND PRINTED IN U.S.A. Ylslt ue on me Web at -Emell us st 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 .................................................................. H o w to Use this B o o k As you read this book you'll encounter terms, including those boldand italicized in the text, both new and familiar. Many denote the numerous articulations and other devices that give this music its appealing passion, variety, and contrast in texture, timbre, dynamics, and tempo. Look them up in the Glossary to learn how you can transform your playing into sheer enchantment! 1 Ta6h of Contents 1 How to Use this Book ...................................................................................................................... Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................. 2 The Gypsy Touch .............................................................................................................................4 Practice Tips .................................................................................................................................... 4 The Violin ........................................................................................................................................ 5 About the Recordings ...................................................................................................................... 5 Acknowledgments ........................................................................................................................... 6 Dedication ........................................................................................................................................ 7 The h e s A Minor-Universal Gypsy W e s 8 ....................................................................................... The B w o Kinokio A Minor-Russian h e s ......................................................................................................12 Turquoise Bracelets (Beryuzoviye Kalyechke) My Gypsy Girl (Moye Tziganochki) Kalinka D Mior-Russian l h e s ......................................................................................................16 Dark Eyes (Otchi Tchornyin) Two Guitars (Dve Guitari) G MinorIG Major-Romanian h e s .................................................................................20 Hora from Bucovina (Hora Bucovinei) G Mqjor Hora D Minorm Major-Romanian and Bessarabian W e s ....................................................24 I L i e Dances from $omleean (Drag Mi Jocul $omlean) D Major Hora Bessarabian Girl (Bessarabyanka) E Mior-Romanian Medley #1 ..........................................................................................34 Kamnes Whistling Hora (Fiittyhora) E Minor-Romanian Medley #2 ..........................................................................................39 Moldavian Hora Romanlan Train Song B Mior-Romanian h e s .................................................................................................. 44 B Minor Hora Cigarettes (Papirossen) ............................................................................................................50 Doda F#Minor-Romanian h e .................................................................................................. 51 7BRomanian lhne March Hora (Hora Maworillui) E Minor-Hungarian Medley .............................................................................................. 56 The Old Gypsy (A VCn Cighny) Swallows Flying (Repiil a Szan) Hungarian Gypsy Practice Tune ....................................................................................... 61 The Rajko School Song A Minor-Hungarian Medley #1 ......................................................................................... 64 The Loveliest Girl in the World (Csak egy Kisleny van a VilAgon) The Cottage with the Green Window Frames (Zoldablakos Kicsi Hiz) Go Ahead Bug, Sting Me! (Csipd Meg, Bogar!) Beautiful Rose (SzCp a R6zsim) C MajorIC MinorIA Minor-Hungarian Medley .............................................................. 73 Beautiful Blue Eyes (Am SzCp) Hey Delade Dobra Dobra MezosCgi Hora (Mezosfgi TBnc) C Major Friss D-Hungarian Medley ..........................................................................................................83 Your Red Polka Dot Dress (Piros Pettyes Ruhiskadhan) The Wheat and Barley are Scarce (Ritka Btiaa, Ritka ~ r ~ a ) Casino (Kaszin6) Csardas D MinorlD Major-Hungarian Tunes ................................................................................. 91 Abandoned (Elhagyatva) Clarinet (Klarinht) Cserdas A Minor-Hungarian Medley #2 ......................................................................................... 98 If You Love Me, Never Leave (Fa Leszek, ha FBnak vagy Viriiga) No More Grey-Haired Ladies for Me (Nem Kell a Szoke) Sziireti Dance (Sziireti Tinc) A Minor-Hungarian Medley #3 ........................................................................................ 108 Gloomy Sunday (Somoru Vasharnop) The Horse's Head Can Handle My Sorrow (Nagy a Feje, Busculon a L6) Invitation to Dance (Most Kezdodik a Tinc) Hungarian Kesergo ............................................................................................................112 Bihari Kesergo G Minor-Hungarian Medley .............................................................................................. 119 The Forest is Even Prettier in the Fall (Sz15p az Erdo ijszel is SzCp) Your Blue Eyes are Stunning (Jaj de KCt Szhp Szeme van Maganak) Heavenly (Istenes) Csardis . )uick Rcfcrence Key .......................................................................................................................I22 . ;lossary ........................................................................................................................................... 124 I o~hliographyand About the Author ................................................................................................. I3 I The Gypsy Touch Gypsies have swift, typically uncalloused fingers and alight touch with both hands. Feel the sensation of the strings with your left fingerpads. The fleshy portion of the finger is employed in Gypsy Violin to execute all manner of slides, vibrato, trills, and grace notes. The cobra-like left-hand finger action in fast passages emphasizes the reflexive release more than the strike. The fingers of the bow hand are flexible and the bow hair loose. Feel the bow hair against the string through your right-hand fingers. Try twisting your wrist counterclockwiseto minimize the participation of all but the index (and second) finger(s). Additionally, you can hold the bow close to the fingertips for dexterity, and play on the edge of the hair. J The defaultprirds a n d h n n o n y bowstroke (. ) has more separation between the notes than the singing, classical detach6 or the fiddle sawstroke. Combine th ' " ' ' I I t t tttt I I I I t t , 1 tttt t I I I " I I 4 I I t t tttt I 1- I Dm sul ponticello ii.; ,? g.~ .. . ., $7 8: i.. < ".. Dm n r ad lib. 31 Slow and deliberate After therlrbato intro. this number kicks into a hriskclip. hreakiris te~llpoh r the stately section B. The high E string "whistle" is the song's signature. Note the variation on this.sliditrg up to the high E h;~rn~onic and then h;sk do~vnfrom it on the reverse bow. like a "chirp."Bass andrlrytl~nrplay one downheat and one oftbrut to the h;~rin B. which soes into 4N time (twice as slow us A). Revert to cut tinle where indicated and for the repeilt of A. Y A fcB " I 7F 2 D , I I U * -r 9 i. Bass and rhylhm n Medium tempo - An abbreviated doina section would often be inserted into the middle of a Romanian hora such as this "Fiittyhora." In this Hungarian Gypsy version, however, the added middle section increases tempo, while featuring the flashy pedal tone we've dubbed the "Kalisky riff." Play the idiomatic Hungarian dotted rhythm first appearing in bar two with a short, accented eighth note. The hannony C in bar 12 of section B may be hilled with the lower finger. B. Faster Fastest E 0 , E Em . Improvise This is a joc from Moldavia. 1~~14Vamp g: HEm We dubbed this the "Romanian 'Orange Blossom Special"' after its American counterpart. In section A. dc a left-handpizzicato on the open E while bowing on the D string. A second melody instrument can echo the first and third bars of B (plus their following downbeats), over the second and fourth bars. Fast Em Vamp Ir Tacet WEm n B Minor-Komanian Tunes The bass can do a chromatic rundown from B (0. Bb. A, G#)Ibur tin~esduring [he introducto~yvamp. 'l'l~e doirra section (C and C') nlainlains the same lenlpo as the preceding verse. Spccd up at D if you darc! Em # F 7 Brn ! Hungarian Gypsies created this fast hora from the Russian Jewish street song "Papirossen," about a cold and lonely orphan selling cigarettes on the street comer. Note the harmonization of the C and D sections, the walking bass line over the long E' in sections A and B, and the rhythm stops in section C.We play this with the format: AABBCCDDCAB. Fast Brn 8 vamp m I Yl &I I I I Brn BOB@ F #. 7 I12. 11. 1st time only V (i. i). Count this Romanian 718 tune "Dear Aunt" 1 - 2 4 1-2 1-2 You can play the trilled F's slightly sharp, trilling with the half step above. The G in bars four and 12 can also lean to the sharp side. Use theportato bowing in bars 7, 8, A d 15. F#Minor-Romanian a n e This showy fast number is named "Hora Martigorlilui" aflcr little brightly colored ribbon lapcl decorations omanians exchange during their spring festival in March. Not for the I'ainl of heart. i t moves along at a brisk tempo. Unusual rhythms andcharzges give this tune an ccccntricquality. Sections B and D contain 5- and 10- bar .limses, respectively. Rhythmplayers, note the accented, syncopated stops in B, and the tricky progression hercand # Isection C. Bass players, note the walkirzg bass Iirzes in sections A and C, and Ieadirlgtorzes including the rniscd f o ~ ~ r t h ~[ljill scction C. bar three. Chcck the tritonc drops in section D! The song goes through four scalar permutations, beginning with the predominantly harrrzonic rninor form ! f ~ # Section . B switches to A major. Note the leadirzgtorzes to the third ( ~ to4 c#)and fifth (D#to E). Section C 1t:;es thc F# Rornaniarz rninor scale. Section D is in A major, its melody punctuated by the Dl tritone. Usc ihe sautille' bowing throughout, except on the D section melody. Watch for tricky leading tones throughout, resulting in raised fingerings where you might not expect them. iiau thcm in your head before playing. In section A, use your fourth finger or open string as indicated, to place your string crossings conveniently on the bent. In scction B, bar two, the open Epedaltones facilitate the followingskifts to third, then fifthposition. Be sure to land on these positions with a raised second fingcr. In scction C, bar three, land on third position :xtep to second position. Stay there until bar 10. BX withit raised second fingcr. I n bar four shift backonly a half Pay particular attention to the trills in bars 3,7, and I I of this section. Slow practice with a metronome, and a good accent on that downbow will help nail this syncopation. Play that note shol-t and use sufficient bow on the following quarter note to return you to your optimumsautille'spot in the bow. The section D melody is played entirely s u l G, shifting as indicated between first, second, third, and fifth positions. Note the expressive slides in bars 12. 18, and 22. Another melody instrument can play thc little answers at the end of each phrase. After the transitional C#7 trill, pick up the reprise even faster! # Fast F m or: F#m or: Bm Tacet E Ninor-Hungarian Nedhy The contrruy motion in the walking bass line in sections C and C', upbow staccato chromatic glissando near the end and several varieties of expressive slides throughout, give this Hungarian standard "A V6n Cighy", polish and enduring appeal. Theportamenlo in bar three ascends from the starting note of theshif, whereas the first one in bar 15 slides into the target note. The second one in bar 15 (in the reverse direction) combines both types. Bar three's Am6 is replaced with F#'on its repeat in bar seven. n a tempo n . Am" n 1 t . D7m , Am A d A b Am% A l) 4 3 + f f I I I # I I I I Tacet Solo Cadenza ad lib. 7 - G rit. e- I I I I e. I - - Each section of this selection "Repiil a Szh" accelerates from a deliberate beginning (with walking buss lines) t o w s tempo by bar eight of that section. The accompaniment begins with a lyric tdragatb or clarinet line, changing to harmony and finally konfm rhythm. Medium tempo Fast m-. accel - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - .- Medium tempo ~7 B~/A B~/G B7m # Em I-.--- ..~............. l U u -2 Fast Em n - 1 - I - - I Am n - - i n .-- 7 " ---- L n 1 r ~~ ~ I I I n ~ I . . . .~ &--- czz+ 1 - Mediuin tempo accel. throughout j 1 * or: This simplecsdrdds medley begins with a folk song rather than a hallgat6. This opener, "Csak egy Kislhy van aVilAgon,"gained fame as the interludein Sarasate's "Zigeunerweisen." Gypsy embellishments include the^#' at the end of bar eight, and the 8va variation in the last four bars. El Rubato Am n E~ Am ( A ~ ) S U ~ As Dm l-7 %k ~ k ~ t t t a gwithi s this ( j % ~uWiin~lb~g~ n !Fra~nisc; Play this verbunk, "Zoldablakos Kicsi Hiz." with a little give-and-take to the melodic rhythm. March tempo - In thisjiiss "Csipd Meg, Bogar!," "sting" the accented notes. The trill on the third finger high C in bar six of the B section can be executed with the second finger, B. Bass and rhythm hold one long note per two bars on all the A sections. Bass players can walk the bass lines up or down on the E7 chords. LiIFast ! j We arranged this friss "SzCp a R6zsBm." as a duet. If you play it twice, both violins can play section A pizzicato the second time around. Note the contrary motion in bars two and five of the B and B' parts, and the melody's accented D#tritone over the A" in the 10th bars of those sections. Fast n 11 (2nd rime pizz.) I 1 I 1 (arco) - - Dispensing with thehallgatd, this set of Hungarian Gypsy renditions kicks off with two popular Hungarian drinking songs, starting with this verbunk "Aza Sztp". Pick up the tempo and switch tofrks bass and rhythm patterns. - c cfi CIA " 3 CK; The bass plays whole notes on the first four bars of A and A'. Note the bass and rhythm section stops at the beginning of sections B and B'. - CIA CK; This finalfiks is an instrumental dance from the Hungarian-speaking MezosLg region of Transylvania. The second violin switches from harmony to kontra for this last tune. The A melody can be played under B by another instrument. - Another instrument can improvise eighth note lines over this melody. The bass can walk up or down from G7 to C on the first and second endings. - M c Fast 7 This medley shows examples of kontra, beginning with this hallgat6 "Piros Pettyes Ruhiskadban." Rubato ad lib. - G e wfieat a d ~ a r are b ~carce This verbunk "Ritka B6za. Ritka Arpa" uses bothdolled rhythms typical of Hungarian music. Thisfriss "Kaszin6 Cshdis" displays three different kontra strokes: plain offieat, syncopated, and fourto-a-bow.In section D, contrast is created by thead lib. question and answer phrases, and thebass andrhythm held notes. The bass plays whole notes in bars one through four of that section. Fast Medium tempo A Solo cadenza ad lib. 0 Minor/@ Major-Nungarian Tunes Section B's tonally rich descending double-stop progression in this quintessential Hungarian lament "Elhagyatva"can elicit tears. Use the slide with a shake liberally. You can ritard the upbow staccato at the end of A', changing it into aflying staccato and then aflying spiccato, for added emphasis. M r Rubato A ad lib, 0 E~ -3I - 4 d I Q A / '. 2 I u t 3 0 7 I 1 a*. O Eaug 3 .a. a A aug e 9 0 & - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -0- - - - - - - - - -1- - D n 2 +' I d Tacet n ~m (b5) ++ +G u P 2 I 1 fen. + f 1 1 I staccato/spiccato I . L ten. > Tacet 2 3 2 v 3 2 " e i , A I , , II I Tacet n P- I Tacet Dm 3 - I E i 2 4 7 3 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 ten. F'O& - -Gm Dm -------------------1 g I =@a" Tacet I EF-FfiFk -. LtJk-n -- - 1 I s , I I -3- , , , , n v s jf 3 I I Y ~ 3 s FHaF I l l -3- 2 9 One of the most popular selections in the Hungarian Gypsy repertoire, the "Klarinet Csirdis" has countless variations. Start slow and gradually pick up speed. The rlrytlrrrr sectiorr stops in the reprise add variety. Slow m n Variation 1 n Alternate Variation 1 - Variation 2 D Variation 3 D Variation 4 n Reprise Tacet -A Minor-Hungarian Mehey #2 The poignant hallgatd "Fa Leszek, ha Finak vagy Viriga" is arranged here as a duet. Artificial harmonics embellish section C. Slow A" n a tempo a tempo ~ r n ~ The graceful opening of this tune "Nem Kell a Szoke" embellishes the actual theme (stated in bars 9-10 + one beat). You can start deliberately and increase speed to a little faster than medium tempo by bar nine. The lead or rhythmcan show off byarpeggiuting the A'chordneartheend of sections B and B', followed by a pregnant pause while the violin plays the ensuing three pickup notes. a tempo - Tacer ICtI. Here are three choruses of "Sziireti TBnc" so you can get a feel for repeating a tune several times. The first eight bars of A2 in this f h s are similar to those of B2 in "Invitation to Dance" (A Minor-Hungarian Medley #3). Play bars one through two and five through six of section B4 using theporfuto bowstroke. Bass plays the first eight bars of all the B sections with that same stroke. Deliberate ,, - Fast CI I4 ,.I accel. throughout section Am Em Am) A Minor-Hungarian Medley #3 - - Billie Holiday introduced this Hungarian "suicide song," "Somoru Vasharnop" to American audiences before the Second World War. We favor this version for its walking bass line, and its plunge to a chilling Bb trirone over thedominant chord before the final resolution. Gypsies vary the tune by playing it in the E string stratosphere, in fingered harmonics or in double stops. Be creative! m Slow rit. . E aug 9' 7 Am i 1 - The title "Nagy a Feje, B6sc61on a M" refers to the composer's horse, whose large head, already hanging down, seems much more capable of carrying his troubles than his own. Medium tempo A" n We present a full three-chorus version of this showyfriss "Most Kezdodik a TBnc" as an exampleof varying a piece over several repetitions. The swooping, soaring variation covers a wide range, contrasting melodic register and direction. The first eight bars of section B2 are similar to those of A2 in "Sziireti Tbnc" (A Minor-Hungarian Medley #2). The ghost note open E's in A and A' facilitate shifh'ng. The trilled C's in section B can be executed with the lower neighbor, B. Hungarian Kesergo The Gypsy composer J h o s Bihari travelled and played in Hungary in the early 1800's. One Gypsy violinist I knew used this showpiece, which hecalled "CsermAk"(pronounced "Chef-mak"), after the Gypsy composer Antal Csermak (1774?-1822), for his daily warm-up. It's a good representation of the various techniques and textures you'll find throughout the Gypsy violin repertoire. The timing in the richdoublestopadlib introduction isextremely flexible, as you can hear on thecompanion recording. This legato solo section segues with a long, contrasting upbowflying staccato/spiccato and harmonic, to the sul G leap opening the hallgat6. The contrast of the A major/F# minor keys in the hallgat6 (A and B sections) is echoed, after the verbunk's varied open Epedal tone display, in the finalfriss. Ricochet the pickup to the f k s (section D); drop the bow on the string from the air. Rubato ad lib. Solo cadenza Tacet 3 88 s broader 7 3 7 -3- Tacet v A Tacet Tacet ,7 n r I Tacet broader I I I I c rit A A I I 2. c 18 I1 r ~ . I broader A n a tempo 1 2 - PO "The Gypsy artist is one who takes the theme ofa song ordance, just like the text ofa discussion, asapoeticmemorial, and who moves andflutters round this notion, of which he never loses sight, in the course ofhis improvisation. Most admired of all is one who lavishly enriches his own subject with runs, appoggiaturas, leaps, tremolos, chord stopping, diatonic and chromatic scales... " -Franz List 5; Minor-Hungarian Medhy Forest isEven m e t t h r in tfie Faa$ We thank Monitor Records for permission to use Hungarian Gypsy Bela Babai's version of this cscirdas format set, replete with expressiveslides, fingerings, and bowings. This first number "Szep az Erdo Oszel is Szep" uses the old Hungarian song form where the second phrase repeats the first a fourth or fifth higher. Rubato ad l i b TourBlue Eyes are Stunning - Play this middle tune ':Jajde K i t SzCp Szeme van M6ganak with a littlerubato. Bass and rhythm play one do\vnbeat and one offbeat respectively, to the bar, except as noted. Medium tempo Gm rit. a tempo Gm u a tempo Gm A " a tempo Gm I _ J I _ I - rit. * I I _ I You may recognize the theme of this"1stenes Csirdds" popularized by Brahms in his "Hungarian Dance#] ." Start this tune slowly,accelerating to a moderatef h s tempo by bar 15 of A. From there you can continue speeding up, to a frenzy at B. (You can also then break tempo and start B, with its openingportato bowing, deliberately and accelerate to its fifth bar.) Slow Fast ( ~ m )6 Cm 11 2. 11. Gm Gm n 1 Fine Quick Rgjerence Key o d ,J is often played (seecrescendo). d, J are generally played - - inmediumto fast tempo tunes. Combine thedetache'porte'with thesemistaccato for the basicpn'mcis bowstroke. ml can be played . . . . (spiccato or sautille'), particularly in a fks. JJJJ Spiccato or sautilld .% 1 staccato 1 Semi-staccato 1 1) Detachdportd; 2) Brush stroke (can also be slurred). , ,t - Portato. (Standard bowings for bass and konfra.) J Standard konfra offbeat bowing. J ,t - J (I J l Slurred notes with a break between themcreated by stopping, or bouncing the bow. Sometimes used for compensatory bowing, to reverse direction. Staccato,flying staccato, orflying spiccato. Used as a flourish in cadenzas. -' - 111 Ricochet Small notes with stems reversed indicate a line played by another instrument. Extended beam. Keep repeating the included notes a d lib. , +7 j9,JI (b) (b) Diamond head notes above the staff indicate rhythm variants to be played by the rhythm section, and bass where appropriate. Grace notes ,J, Ghost note (#) Courtesy accidental 1 1 Play the note somewhat flat or sharp. 122 Leff-handpizzicato I \ ,/ ~ r & e nchord Slide in the direction indicated. \ ,,f Slide with a shake > Accent Crescendo -====== I====- Decrescendo 7 Used here to indicate lift the bow (and usually retake it in the same direction). // cutoff Fermata Rehearsal Iefferindicating a main section. Rehearsal letter indicating a variation of the designated section. [All $ Rehearsal lefter indicating one of multiple variations of a section. Coda 8va. an octave higher. 8vb. an octave lower. Accel. Accelerando. Steadily accelerate the tempo. Accent ( > ). Use bow speed and a forefinger "bite" to achieve this effect. Ad lib. Ad libitum "at pleasure." You are free to interpret this passage as you please. Arpeggiate. Play the notes of achordin sequence, one note at a time, (reversing direction if desired). An arpeggio can span from several notes to several octaves. A tempo. Resume previous tempo. Augmented (aug). A dominant chord with a raised fifth. Bass. In theGypsy ensemble it is typically a bowed upright string bass. Players generally use the German bow hold. On slow and rubato numbers it holds sustained tones with the konfra, either legato or fremolo. On march tempo (verbunk) pieces it bows on the beat with the kontm two or four half notes to the bow, using the detachiporte' orporfato bowing. (See 'The Wheat and Barley are Scarce" for an example.) On medium tempo andfast pieces, it usually plays quarter notes on the beat, detache'porte', alternating with the konfra's offieat. This can be varied with the quarter note two- or four-to-a-bowportato bowing, especially on walking bass lines. (See "Casino Cshdis" for an example.) Broken chord ( ). Start the chord on the lower strings, then cross to the upper ones. Cadenza. A flashy show-off section for the violin. Changes. Chords in the progression played by the rhythm section. Changes are indicated in this book above the melody line. A number after a chord indicates the inclusion of that scale degree. Chord. Two or more notes played simultaneously. (See changes, broken chord.) Chromatic. By half steps. Chromatic glissando. A succession of chromatic notes played in glissando. Play it with the pad of single finger. stopping intermittently to articulate each pitch as you open the forearm to move down the fingerboard (or viceversa). Often combined with the upbow or downbow staccato. Cimbalom (pronounced "cheem'-ba-lohm"). Like a large hammered dulcimer, it plays both lead and accompaniment in the Gypsy ensemble. Coda ($ ). A tag after the end of a song. If you see the two coda symbols. jump from the first to the second the last time through, to end the song. The standard coda at the end of a csdrdds medley is the chords IV-V-I, everyone playing on the beat. An example is written out in "Bessarabian Girl." You can end any fast song with a similar coda. Colla parte. Follow the lead, particularly with regard to tempo nuances. Contrary motion An alternative to parallel harmony; the harmony moves in the opposite direction from the melody. This can also apply to bass and rhythm. Courtesy accidental (h). (b), or (#).A natural, flat, or sharp placed in parenthesis as a reminder to resume playing that pitch as indicated by the key signature. Crescendo (). TheGypsy crescendo isespecially effectiveon along noteof ahallgatd or thedoina section of a Romanian hora. Use an upbow if possible, conserving of the stroke; then speed - the bow at the beginning up the bow to maximize dynamic power as you approach the frog. C s h r d h (pronounced "char'-dahsh"). 1) The Hungarian popular song group and Gypsy medley form, named after the roadside inns hosting Hungary's famous couple dance by the same name. Its three sections, hallgatd, verbunk, a n d m s , progress from slow, medium to fast respectively. Most of the Hungarian medleys in this volume follow the CsArdis format. 2) AfXss. Cutoff (1). "Train tracks." Stop abruptly. - D.C. Da capo "from the head." Take it again from the top. Decrescendo ( ). Decrease volume. (See also crescendo.) Deliberate. Medium tempo or less, with emphasis. 1 Detach6 port6 ( ). Stress the beginning of each note with increased speed and a slight forefinger nudge; then release. This is sometimes accompanied by a broadening of the tempo. The bass and kontra often employ this stroke. (See alsoportato.) Diatonic. Scale-wise. Diminished ( ' ). A chord (or portion thereof), comprised of four intervals of a minor third. Doina. A wailing Romanian lament stressing repeated notes, functionally similar to the Hungarian hallgatd. We've included it in its popular accelerated and abbreviated form as an interlude in fast numbers. Dominant (e.g., E7). The V7 chord. It resolves to the root, or I chord. n is sometimes interpreted as Dotted. derive from the Hungarian language. n or m . a n d J J sometimes as J. )or ) J.. The latter rhythms Double, triple, and quadruple stops. Two or more notes played simultaneously. They can be used to fatten the sound in the melody, or to create arhythm part (see kontra), and can be improvised using your harmonic ear and knowledge. n Downbow staccato ( JJ flying spiccato.) -' ). A group of notes playedstaccato, on one downbow. (See alsoflyingstaccato, Fast. Here refers to f h s tempo (half note = 120-200) and style. Fermata ( A ). "Bird's eye." Hold the note. Fine. The end. If you see this in the middle of a song, keep going and end at this point when the song repeats. 'm u Flying staccato ( ). A series of notes taken on one bow, skipping the bow slightly between them and attacking each with a slight forefinger pinch..(See alsoflying spiccato, ricochet.) mm ). A series of notes taken on one bow, bouncing the bow between them and attacking Flying spiccato ( each with a slight forefinger pinch. (See alsoflying staccato, ricochet.) Fraigish. Probably the most popular Klezmer scale. It's the harmonic minor in the key of the song, starting on its fifth scale degree and played over the dominant chord. Friss. "Fresh." A Hungarian fast number in cut time (half note = mm 120-200):The final section of a c s a ' f i medley. It often starts out slow, accelerating deliberately tof k s tempo in the first eight-sixteen bars. It can continue to accelerate from there to the end. The general rule of thumb is to play the f k s as fast as you can, spiccato or sautillk. i J i J The standard f h s bassL4ontra rhythm is 7 $ 7 $ (See "Casino Csftrdiis" for an example.) In generalfkses end with acoda (see). In acodaand insectionspunctuatedby rhythmicstops.everyone plays his part of thechord on the beat. Ghost note (J). Play the note so rapidly and lightly as to be barely audible. Ghost notes are sometimes used to reverse the bowing or facilitate shifts, or as ornaments. Glissando ( \ ,/ ). A slide spanning a large interval. (See also chromatic glksando.) Grace note ( J ). A very quick note (often found in pairs or groups) preceding and usually connected to the main note. You can play grace notes in Gypsy music liketrilk, by widening the vibrato andlor throwing theentire hand forward from the (somewhat collapsed) wrist. For our purposes here, you can execute a grace note with any finger above the main note. For example: a note played by the first finger is often ornamented by tapping the third or even the fourth finger. Gypsy violin. The playing style of Gypsy violinists, which hes evolved from entertainment at slavas to commercial performances and recordings sold worldwide. Charaeterid by its adaptation of the surrounding culture's repertoire to its exprerrive style, it is most acclaimed in its urban Hungarian form. Gypsy violinists. A Gypsy who plays the above-mentioned style. Major current and recent artists play on recordings and in restaurants of large cities. They include members of Balogh, Horvath, Lakatos. Mirando, and Nemeth families. Hallgat6. A soulful, rubato slow number, often the first in a csa'raiis medley. Long notes are stretched, with a concurrent crescendo and intensification of vibrato. They are contrasted with swift connecting passages of short notes played with tiny strokes. The accompanying instruments hold long chordr, the kontra sometimes preceding the changes with a string of quick chromatic or diatonic passing tones. (See "Your Red Polka Dot Dress" for an example.) 1 d). Harmonic ( , 1) Natural harmonic: a fractional node on a string which, when touched lightly, produces an upper partial of its fundamental pitch. 2) Artificial harmonic: a fingered harmonic, which can be produced for any note by putting the first or second finger on that note, and simultaneously lightly touching the note a fourth or fifth above, to produce a pitch two octaves or an octave and a fifth respectively, higher. Playing a melody, or portion thereof, in harmonics, is a favorite Gypsy variation. Harmonic minor. Natural minor scale with a raised seventh degree, creating an interval of minor third between the sixth and seventh degrees, - and a half step from the seventh to the tonic. (See alsomelodic minor.) These intervals give Gypsy music much of its harmonic flavor. Harmony. The first harmony typically follows the lead in generally parallel motion a third or sixth below, conforming harmonically to chord and passing tones. Chord alterations are sometimes used, especially to maintain a consistent interval between the two voices. A second harmony would follow suit below the first. The resultant occurrences of parallel fourth or fifths may sound new to you. as classical composers usually took great pains to avoid this type of voice-leading; however, it is idiomatic to this folk style. Other options include: I) confrarymofion; 2) playing the hannony above the melody, or; 3) sustained notes. The harmony player sometimes switches intervals (e.g., from a third to asixth) between his part and the adjacentone for more consonance. Harmony parts can require advanced technique (to fit the melody intervallically) and an experienced ear. Novices are often showcased on the melody, while more seasoned players handle the backup. We've included a few examples of harmony (among them the CIC MinodA Minor Hungarian Medley) as well as konfra, and invite you to create your own. Hora. A broad term encompassing many Eastern European dance types. Here it refers to either a joc or a fasf Romantic circle dance. Play the fast hora as you would afriss. Romanian tunes, including this type, often have an odd number of measures in one or more phrases. Improvisation. Varying a selection by substituting one's own notes, chords, expressive devices or mangements. The Gypsy style is highly improvisatory and the material herein represents examples and suggestions only. Joc. Refers here to a slow hora in three, originating in Romania and popularized by Klezmer musicians. The dotted half note equals about mm 40. Not to confuse it with the waltz, the bass and rhythm section play only on beats one and three. Kesergo. A concert piece in csdrdrfs format, progressing from slow to fast. Key.The tonality of a piece, governed by the major or minor scale upon which it is based. Gypsy music is created for the violin by violinists, to lie naturally under the fingers and bow. Tunes are typically rendered in those keys corresponding to the open strings, and their relative minors (GtEm, D/Bm, A F # ~E). , Klezmer. JewishlYiddish music of Eastern Europe. Kontra. Part or all of the rhythm section of the Gypsy ensemble. These musicians play double stops, mostly on the two lower strings of the violin, or on the viola. The player turns his instrument sideways as much as 90' to facilitate this, supporting its neck on the inside of the left wrist and resting his chin on its side. On slow and rubafo pieces the kontra holds sustained chords, either legato or fremolo. An example is written out in "Your Red Polka Dot Dress." It sometimes precedes the changes with a string of quick chromatic or diatohic passing tones. Formarch (verbunk) tempo pieces, itjoins the bass, connecting two or four half notes to a bow on the beat using theporfafo bowing. (See "The Wheat and Barley are Scarce" for an example.) Onmedium tempo andfasf pieces, it usually playsoffleaf quarternotes. (Exceptions includecodas, and sections punctuated by rhythmic stops where it plays on the beat with the bass.) This can be varied (particularly when simulating a walking bass line) with the quarter note four-to-a-bowporlofo bowing. (See "Casino CsArdk," for an example.) The konfra pinch hits for the bass if none is available, using the same bowing and playing the bass notes within its usual double-stop progression. Leading tone. A half step below a chord tone; e.g., the seventh degree of a major scale, which resolves to the tonic. Left-hand pizzicato ( ). Pluck the string with the left hand. Legato. Smooth, sustained bowing. Major 7th (M7).A major chord in which the seventh degree is included. March tempo. See verbunk. Medium tempo. Here means half note = mm 70-1 10 or so in cut time. 127 Melodic minor. Minor scale with the sixth and seventh degrees raised on the ascent and lowered on the descent. (See also harmonic minor.) Naturale. Resume playing without the preceding special effect(s). Offbeat ( $ the beat. J J $ ). A kontra rhythm, particularly forfast passages, alternating with the bass notes played on Move the bow back and forth, between only the first two to six inches from the frog, by swiftly bending and flexing your fingers. Release, barely leaving the string, after every stroke, allowing the notes to resonate. Keep your right wrist and fingers loose. The bow hair may turn outward. Pedal tone. A repeated tone, alternating with other notes. (See "Whistling Hora" and "Bihari KesergB".) Gypsy violinists often use open strings as pedal tones, as a shifCing device. Pizz. Pizzicato. Pluck the string (See also lef-handpiuicalo.) Portamento. "Carrying" the sound from one note to the next. An expressive slide during a shift. Can be done: 1) from the starting note; 2) into the target note, or; 3) both. (See 'The Old Gypsy.") Portato (& J! ). Like thedetache'porte', except that two or more notes are taken in one bow. In such a series of connected notes, nudge the beginning of each with the forefinger, stressing it with increased speed, then release. Primarily a konpa and bass bowing. Positions. These expedite navigating the instrument. Gypsy violinists use half position and the even numbered positions as well as the more familiar odd numbered ones. (See also shifts.) Prim& (pronounced "pree'-mahsh"). The lead violinist and spokesman of a Gypsy ensemble. Rall. Rallentando. Slow down gradually. Rehearsal letters ( ). These divide the piece into sections to facilitate finding your place. I Replacement fingerings ( J expressive articulation. I J ). Use different fingers for adjacent repetition(s) of a note. This gives the note an Reprise. Recapitulation of the opening section of a number. Rhythm section. The konpa (See for a discussion of what to play) andlor any other rhythm instruments in the ensemble such as guitar, accordion, piano, or cimbalom. m , Ricochet ( ). 'Throw" the bow, so it bounces for two or more successive notes taken in one stroke. (Seeflying staccalo, flying spiccalo.) Rit. Ritardando. Slow down. Rom. Romani, or Gypsy people, who migrated from northern India, spreading throughout Europe and Eastern Europe. Romanian minor. Hannonic minor with araised fourth (alrilone from the root), creating a total of two minor thirds and four half steps in the scale. Romanians use many variants of this scale in their music. Rubato. Stretch the long notes and quicken the short ones. Used predominantly in the hallgatd. (See "Your Red Polka Dot Dress" for an example.) -! SautilM ( ISS]). Springing bow. Bounce the stick, keeping the hair in contact with the string. Semi-staccato ( ). Separate the notes, in the same manner as slaccalo, but with less punctuation. 128 Sempre. "Always," "still." Keep doing [the previous instruction]. Shifts can be accomplished in several ways in addition to the standard shift: by portamento, by replacement fingerings, and by interspersing an open string as a ghost note orpedaltone while shifting. Half step shifts are sometimes used. (See alsopositions.) Simile. Continue playing in the same manner. Slava. A Gypsy feast for a saint's day wedding or other festivity. Funerals are also important social functions. Rom travel across entire countries to congregate at such events, celebrating or grieving with abandon. Their music, essential to these gatherings, exudes life and love. , Slides ( \ / ). Range from barely perceptible to very drawn out, particularly when leading to certain long notes. In the latter case, youcan "sit on" the startingnoteof theslide withno inflection, beforecommencing upordown the string, gradually increasing the speed of the slide, intensity of vibrato and bow speed for acrescendo as you approach the target note. Slides between two notes can be done with the starting note finger, the target note finger, or both. You can often slide into a note preceded by a rest. A note followed by a rest can sometimes end with a downward slide. (See also: glissando, chromatic glissando, portamento, and slide wifh a shake.) Slide with a shake ( \ ,/). Shake your whole hand to create a wide vibrato while sliding. (See "Abandoned.") Solo. I) Unaccompanied or with minimal accompaniment. 2) Without harmony part. nn Spiccato ( . . . . ).Bounce the bow anywhere from the balance point (six to eight inches from the frog) to the upper half of the bow, depending on speed and volume. (See alsoflyingspiccato.) Staccato ( J ). Separate the notes by stopping the bow on the string between them. (See also: semi-staccato, upbow skizccati, and downbow staccato.) Sul G, D, A, or E. On the [G, D, A, or E] string. Used for richer timbre, or for ease of fingering Sul ponticello. "At the bridge." Play near the bridge for a whistling sound. Tacet. No chord. Rhythm and bass silent. TBragat6. A hybrid of the clarinet and oboe, often found in Hungarian Gypsy ensembles. Ten. Tenuto. Stress and elongate the note. Tremolo ( B ). Shake the bow back and forth on the string(s) as fast as possible, Tritone. The interval of an augmented fourth (diminished fifth). Trill ( k).The Gypsy trill differs from the standard classical trill in the following regards: Standard trill: "Main note" finger anchors to the string while the trilling finger rapidly lifts and strikes independently. Gypsy trill: Trilling finger anchors to the "main note" finger. With a somewhat collapsed wrist, wave the hand to widen the vibrato. This rocks both fingers back and forth together, bringing the trilling finger into rapid periodic contact with the string, simultaneously producing vibrato and trill for a liquid sound. A trill can range in length anywhere from two oscillations to the entire duration of a long note. The latter can begin slowly and deliberately with the standard trill, gradually accelerating and widening into the Gypsy trill. When trilling a note falling on the fourth finger, trill with the third. (Occasionally other fingers execute an inverted trill.) 129 m. - Y Upbow staccato ( 4 . . spiccato.) , . , ) A group of notes playedstaccato, on one upbow. (See also/lyingstaccnlo,flying Vamp. Bass (oil beat) and rhythm section (off beat) alone lay down a preparatory rhythm for a lead entrance. (See "Besserabian Girl," for examples.) Verbunk. a.k.a. "Lassu." A military-style tune in march time (half note = mm 100 or so ) patterned after historic army recruiting songs. It is often the middle section of acscfrdcfs medley. The default bass and konfra bowing pattern is two or four half notes to a bow, on the beat, using theportato bowing. (See 'The Wheat and Barley are Scarce" for an example.) Vibrato.The basic Hungarian Gypsy vibratois fast and wide. Favorthe backswing onto the padof your finger. Your thumb can even leave the neck. This technique can make lesser quality instruments sound more resonant. The nervous reflex action of the Gypsy vibrato also forms the basis forgrace notes and hills. Remember to vibrato on harmonics. Use this particularly effective vibrato technique on long notes: begin with none at all and then increase intensity by progressing from slow to fast, and narrow to wide or the reverse. (See also crescendo.) This is a typical Romanian ornament, vibrato being used otherwise sparingly in this style. Voice-leading. The progression of vertical intervals from one chord into the next. Walking bass line. Progresses diatonically andlor chromatically. Widespread throughout Eastern European music, this technique creates a smooth progression betweenchords. We've written out some examples (e.g., "Swallows t lasting Flying.") and invite your bass player to create more. These work particularly well o v e r d o m i ~ nchords two or more bars. It can walk in half notes in a mediumor fasttempo number. It can also walk in half or whole notes over asustained chord. And it can walk repeated quarter notes in pairs or groups of four notes to the bow, using theportdo bowing. Blom. Eric. Grove's Dictionary ofMusic and Musicians. St. Martin's Press. New York, New York, 1961 Casey, Betty. International Folk Dancing U.S.A. Doubleday & Company. Garden City, New York, 1981. Galamian, Ivan. Principles of Violin Playing and Teaching. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1985. Harbar, M.A. A Dark Flame Still Burning. Strad Magazine. Orpheus Publications, Ltd., London, England, May 1993. Marre, Jerry. Producer/Director, The Romany Trail (Video). Harcourt Films, Shanachie Records. Newton, N.J.. 1992. Sbosi, Bblint. Folk Music-Hungarian Musical Idiom. Franklin Printing House, Budapest, Hungary, 1986. Sbosi, Bblint. Gypsy Music. Franklin Printing House, Budapest, Hungary, 1978. Westrup & Harrison. The New College Encyclopedia of Music. W.W. Norton & Company. New York, New York. 1976. Mary Ann Harbar apprenticed with native Gypsy violinists after earning her Bachelor's degree and teaching credential in music from the University of Calfornia. For two decades she and her husband Greg Harbar have entertained sophisticated international audiences studded with royalty, heads of state, and stars, with their Houston, TX band. The Gypsies. 131