What is warpage in Hypermesh…? Warpage is distortion of elements when there is curvature the elements are not perfectly along the curve.
Why meshing is needed..? Reduces the number equation to solve.
Just define the DOF…? Minimum number of parameters required to define the position of entity in a space.
What types of elements are created by meshing, Mention about three types..? Tria, Tetra, Hexa, Quad.
How u will justify that element size and quality of mesh is proportional..? Convergence test.
How much percentage of tria elements are allowed in structural or crash analysis…? 5%
What is the difference between coarse mesh and fine mesh how it will affect the analysis result..? In coarse mesh, mesh size is generally taken large so that results are obtained quickly with less accuracy. In fine mesh, size of mesh is taken small to obtain maximum accuracy but taking large calculation time.
What is node Node is coordinate location in a space where degrees of freedom are defined.
Short cut key for clearing the node…? Shift+F2
Short cut key for element edit in 2 dimensional mesh…? F6
What is the abbreviation of ANSYS..? Analysis System
What is difference between Ansys workbench and APDL…? Workbench has much more user friendly interface. Creating the models are faster and easier with workbench. On the other hand some commands are missing from workbench compared to the apdl, but it is possible to use "commands" tool on workbench which allows you to use apdl commands on workbench. It is also possible to export workbench models to apdl, which can be useful.
What is the abbreviation of APDL Ansys Product Design Language.
What are the key assumptions in ANSYS..? Geometry, Material property, Boundary Conditions, Fasteners
What is the difference between linear and nonlinear analysis…? In linear analysis stiffness of the material will not change when it is in loaded condition and coming to non-linear stiffness of the material will changed depend up on the geometric or material type.
How you will change te title of Job..? Utility menu – File – Change Title How you will control the mesh size in Ansys…? Pre-processor – Meshing – Size control – Manual Size…..
How you will define the type of element…? Pre-processor – Element type – Add/Edit/Delete What is coupled field Analysis..? A coupled-field analysis is an analysis that takes into account the interaction (coupling) between two or more disciplines (fields) of engineering. Mention one limitations of FEA Software..? 1. It does not provide exact solutions. 2. FEA packages are costly. 3. An inexperienced user can deliver incorrect answers, upon which expensive decisi ons will be based
What is full form of PRO – E..? and Developer Professional Engineer, Developer is PTC – Parametric technology Corporation
What are the file extensions given to sketches, parts, assemblies, drawings? A.Sketches – .sec, Parts- .prt, Assemblies- .asm, Drawings- .drw
What is the model tree? A. The model tree is a graphical representation of the features and/or components in the model.
List five uses of datum planes. A. Five uses of datum plane are as follows – Sketching plane, reference plane, dimension and alignment references, geometric tolerancing, creating cross sections.
List three uses of datum axes. A. Three uses of datum axes are as follow – Dimension and alignment references, centerlines on drawings, geometric tolerancing, coaxial hole.
List two uses of a datum coordinate system. A.Datum coordinate system is used While exporting to iges and stl.
Name a feature that can both add and remove material. A. Rounds and chamfers are the features which ca n both add or remove the material.
When do feature relation evaluate? A. When the feature regenerates.
List five uses of datum planes. A. Five uses of datam plane are as follows – Sketching plane, reference plane, dimension and alignment references, geometric tolerancing, creating cross sections.
List three uses of datum axes. A. Three uses of datum axes are as follow – Dimension and alignment references, centerlines on drawings, geometric tolerancing, coaxial hole.
What do you mean by Gateway Application in UG? Unigraphics functions are divided into applications of common capabilities, such as Modelling, NX Sheet Metal, Shape Studio, Drafting, Manufacturing, Assemblies etc. When you open Unigraphics, you are in the Gateway application because this application is a pre-requisite to all other application. What is Master Model Concept? The same model is used from conceptual design to the Drafting, Assembly, Analysis and Manufacturing. The idea of a virtual assembly taken to its logical conclusion leads to Master Model paradigm. If you change anything in Master Model, it will reflect in all other applications.
What do you mean by Team Centre? It is PDM (Product Data Management) software which helps the organisation effectively control the design, development, analysis, manufacturing throughout the product of life cycle.
How to convert a file created in mm to inches (conversion of units) in UG? We can convert a file created in mm to inches by using UG command prompt.ug_convert_part (space) -in (space) 1234.prt Note: Save your file where command prompt showing location; Example: - C: /users/username
What is meant by UDF? User defined feature is used to create the objects of different sizes in a single file. We can create our own form features that automate commonly used design elements. You can create and add the user defined features (UDFs) to target solids. You can define the shape and function of features, and create hierarchical libraries of features that are tailored to our need. What is the limit for Undo? We can use Undo for 222 times or until up to last time saved.
How many colours in are there in UG? There are 216 colours in UG.
How many Layers are there in UG? There are 256 Layers in UG. What are the different types of modelling? There are four types of modelling. 1. Solid Modelling 2. Feature Based Modelling 3. Free Form Modelling 4. Sheet Metal Feature Modelling
Software Developer of Unigraphics NX..? Siemens PLM Software.