ATENEO DE ILOILO Santa Maria Catholic School High School Department Science Program
Pison Avenue, Brgy. San Rafael, Mandurriao, Iloilo City Musical Tesla Coil: Manipulating Electric Currents to Make Music
An Investigative Project
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements Requ irements in Physics Submitted to: Engr. Herman M. Lagon, Ph.D. Submitted by: Jozelle Jan Alpanghe Baquiano Gershom Sabueso Dureza Jenson Patrimonio Espanta Rolando Mallare Nielo III Andrea Mae Sorongon Solas
MARCH 2012
II ATENEO DE ILOILO Santa Maria Catholic School High School Science Program Pison Ave., San Rafael Mandurriao, Iloilo City
APPROVAL SHEET This Investigative Project entitled ―Musical Tesla Coil: Manipulating Electric Currents to Make Music‖ in partial fulfillm ent of the requirements in Physics IV, has been examined,
accepted and approved. Investigators
Jozelle Jan Alpanghe Baquiano Member
Jenson Patrimonio Espanta Member
Rolando Mallare Nielo Member
Andrea Mae Sorongon Solas Member
Gershom Sabueso Dureza Leader
Approved by:
Date of Approval:
II ATENEO DE ILOILO Santa Maria Catholic School High School Science Program Pison Ave., San Rafael Mandurriao, Iloilo City
APPROVAL SHEET This Investigative Project entitled ―Musical Tesla Coil: Manipulating Electric Currents to Make Music‖ in partial fulfillm ent of the requirements in Physics IV, has been examined,
accepted and approved. Investigators
Jozelle Jan Alpanghe Baquiano Member
Jenson Patrimonio Espanta Member
Rolando Mallare Nielo Member
Andrea Mae Sorongon Solas Member
Gershom Sabueso Dureza Leader
Approved by:
Date of Approval:
Gershom Sabueso Dureza, Andrea Mae Sorongon Solas, Jozelle Jan Alpanghe Baquiano, Rolando Mallare Nielo, Jenson Patrimonio Espanta Musical Tesla Coil Investigative Project ATENEO DE ILOILO Santa Maria Catholic School High School Department Pison Ave., San Rafael Mandurriao, Iloilo City 2012 Tesla Coils had been considered as a new step to transmitting electricity without wires and thus becoming an object of fascination over the world. That fascination had also found its way to the researchers wanting to create their own. Its abilities to transform ordinary power into high frequencies to be able to create music and light fluorescent bulbs pushed the researchers to investigate how it really works. The objective of the study was to test manipulation of high frequency electric currents in order to create ―sounds‖ from the device, which was measured through the length of the arc of the Tesla Coil, weight of the metallic torus and the number of coils. To examine and discover the different factors, the investigators used dB meter to measure the pitch of the discharged current and is translated into notes through its top load. The investigators formulated several hypotheses regarding the topic in order to help them arrive at conclusions. Each hypothesis was tested several times until the researchers arrived at a result wherein it can become a basis which variables are to be changed to further improve their experiment. After the testing, it was found out that the investigation was a failure f ailure because of certain discrepancies and errors in determining the materials and assembling it. The investigation was also withdrawn due to the dangers that the investigators failed to review. The materials used by the investigators were bought from D’Jeans Electrical Shop. These aided the investigators in fulfilling their goal in answering the question: ―What are the factors that will affect the voltage and the pitch produce by a tesla coil? ‖ From the findings of the researchers, they were able to construct a plasma ball instead of having the original musical tesla coil as planned.
IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We, the researchers, would like to express our deepest and utmost gratitude and appreciation to the following people who, in one way or another, have helped in making this study possible and complete: First to Engr. Herman Magbanua Lagon, our Physics teacher, for the consultations, assistance, and inspiration he has given to us. We thank him for the tips on how to improve our project. We are really grateful for his patience and considerations to us despite our shortcomings. With his assistance we were able to learn new concepts and things that we could use in our life. Mrs. Marilyn Pineda, the school’s laboratory in charge, for letting us borrow hard
bound Investigations and a 9,000V transformer in order for us to finish the project. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Baquiano, parents of Jozelle Baquaino, for accommodating us in their home during the testing of our project. Mr. Donald Patrimonio for helping us design, ground and construct the tesla coil. D’Jeans Electrical Supply for supplying us wit h our materials and helping us
make the Tesla coil. The Electricians in D’Jean s Electrical Supply for helping us construct and
connect electrical parts of the Tesla Coil. The Investigator’s parents, for their unending moral support, and for allowing us
to finish our Investigation during weekends. Our Alma Mater, Ateneo de Iloilo, for exposing us to the hardships and joys of completing an investigative study. We would like to thank the school for giving us this chance to be able to further improve our scientific skills. Last, but most importantly to God Almighty for keeping us steadfast and patient throughout the investigation.
V TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page……………………………………………………………………………….… i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………………………………………………………ii ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………………….iii TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………… iv
Chapter 1: Introduction …………………………………………………………….… 1 Background of the Study …....................................................... ...............................1
Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………… .1 Hypotheses……………………………………………………………………………… .2 Significance of the Study……………………………………………………………….. 2 Scope and Delimitations……………………………………………………………….. 2 Definition of terms………………………………………………………………………. 3
Chapter II: Review of Related Literature ………………………………………….. 5 Chapter III: Methodology…………………………………………………………….. Materials…………………………………………………………………………………. Procedures……………………………………………………………………………….
Chapter IV: Results and Analysis ……………………………………………………… Chapter V: Conclusions and Recommendations ……………………………………. BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………………………… APPENDICES…...................................................................................................... Financial Report…………………………………………………………………………. Photo Gallery…………………………………………………………………………….
VI CHAPTER 1 Introduction
Background of the Study
Nowadays, electricity plays a big role in the society. In fact it is involved in almost anything, and became the part of everyday use. But, before these electronics are at hand, it started with the invention of circuit boards, electronic chips and most of all, transformers. Transformers are the ones which converts electricity to the right voltage for a certain appliance. That is the reason why before the electronics will work, electricity go through these transformers in order to regulate the voltage to be used, to absorb the excess voltage and increase the efficiency of the electronics used. In this study, the researchers choose Musical Tesla Coil. Like the tesla coil, it is an air-core transformer and also called resonant transformer circuit that has an air, rather than iron, core is used to produce high voltages at high frequencies alternating current (AC) electricity higher than other electrical discharges. What makes the researchers' curiosity provoked them is when they discovered the sounding property of the tesla coil. As a one of the instruments that gives not only breakthroughs, the study of Musical Tesla Coil gives knowledge that will answer on how it works and how it can explain the interaction of electromagnetism and sound. Musical Tesla Coil, is not just a good example of a scientific instrument but also an entertainment and exhibit tool, in reflection on the breakthrough of the technology today. In line with that, the researchers hope to develop a small scale Tesla Coil that can create music through shooting high frequency currents. However, in this study the researchers also want to develop a Tesla Coil which can control its current discharge and create music according to the user’s will. The study was inspired by a well -known
movie, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, especially during the part when the protagonist was able to create music from the electricity being released by the Tesla Coil. Statement of the Problem
After days of deciding for the investigative project, the researchers come up with the problem: What are the factors that will affect the voltage and the pitch produce by a tesla coil?
VII Hypotheses
In view of the preceding question, the following hypotheses are advanced: 1) The longer the height of the coil, the lower the voltage will be produced by the top load. 2) The more number of turns on the coils made in the secondary coil, the higher the voltage it releases. 3) The bigger the top load, the greater the voltage and the higher the pitch produced. Significance of the Study
Students are the ones who would benefit from the results of the study. Musical Tesla Coil is not just a tangible instrument that will amaze students but also to learn and encourage them to explore the fields of electromagnetism, sound and its relationship. Teachers are be benefited too in a way that it can be a good instrument that would help the teachers in giving new ideas and interest in the discussion, for this works hand in hand about the abilities of electromagnetism and its works. Physics Enthusiasts and Future investigators can also use the study. With these, both will have an ideas and knowledge about the abilities of the Tesla coil and its related works of electromagnetism. Scopes and Delimitation
The general of the study is to gather information about how Musical Tesla Coil works in producing sound using electrical currents and what can electricity do for our society. This study covers the concept about electromagnetism, sound and its relationship. All these apply these ideas in conducting study on the Musical Tesla Coil. However, this study aims to produce only a small scale Tesla Coil. It is only limited to small experimentations due to the incorporation of home-made materials into
VIII the making of the Tesla Coil, which may result to slight inaccuracy. The study also needs the help of experts and a good place in order to promote safety and to help in the construction and experimentation of the Tesla coil. This study may also be used for further improvement of the Tesla coil. Investigators are to test their set-up from a certain distance away from the Tesla coil to avoid accidents fr om happening. Definition of terms
1. Electric Current Electric current is any movement of electric charge carriers, such as subatomic charged particles (e.g., electrons having negative charge, protons having positive charge), ions (atoms that have lost or gained one or more electrons), or holes (electron deficiencies that may be thought of as positive particles)( Ebchecked/topic/182467/electric-current an online encyclopedia that explains the concept about electric current) In this study, electric current that flows out from the power source. It will be altered and will be tried to manipulate in order to create music. 2. Power Supply A power supply is a device that supplies electrical energy to one or more electric loads. A regulated power supply is one that controls the output voltage or current to a specific value; the controlled value is held nearly constant despite variations in either load
source( An online dictionary that explains the concept about power supply). In this study, it is the power source to operate the tesla coil. The variety of some power supply will be used to manipulate the electric in the contraption. 3. Top Load Top Load is a donut or toroid shape part of the tesla coil. It acts as a capacitor in the circuit( - a site that gives plan and construction of a tesla coil) In this study, it is the crucial part of the Tesla Coil. This head part of the tesla coil , which is dependent on electrc current received, use to distribute electric charges to create musical tone. 4. Pitch
IX Pitch is the highness or lowness of a sound; dependent on the frequency of the sound. (Ferrer and Ungson,(2010) Science, Environment, Technology and Society : Physics, p 549) In this study, it is the intensity of the sound produce by the Musical Tesla Coil. 5. Height Height is the altitude; distance from top to bottom.(Merriam-Webster, Webster's Vest Pocket Dictionary, p.146) In this study, it is the tallness needed by the tesla coil in order to receive the desired voltage to the top load. 6. Voltage Voltage is a quantity or amount of volts or electric current.(Merriam-Webster, Webster's Vest Pocket Dictionary, p.353) In this study, the amount of volts received by the the top load in order to produce sound 7. Tesla Coil Tesla coil is an electrical device that generates extremely high voltages, usually for the purpose of creating dramatic electric arcs and lightning effects or for producing xrays. Tesla coils use step-up transformers to boost the voltage of a power supply and build up large charges in a capacitor. A spark gap periodically shorts out the capacitor, releasing its charge in huge current flows that generate extremely high voltages (up to ten
( an online dictionary that explain the concept about tesla coil) In this study, it will be used as a tool of creating music through its capability of shooting high frequency currents. 8. Coil Coil is a structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series of loops. (Merriam-Webster’s Intermediate Dictionary. Merriam -Webster, Incorporated. 2004) In this study, coil is referred to the number of turns of wires wound around the core. The wire that will be used by the group is a 24-gauge. The primary coil will be represented by a 2 inch PVC pipe coupling and was attached to the middle portion of the secondary coil. The secondary coil will be wound around a cylinder cardboard and both will be painted with varnish for further insulation. This is one of the independent variables.
CHAPTER 2 Review on the Related Literature
This part of the study presents the conceptual literature and related studies about the factors affecting the Musical Tesla Coil. These reviews are intended to facilitate deeper understanding of the investigation Related Concepts
A. Discovery of the Tesla coil
Tesla Coil was invented by Nikola Tesla, a Siberian-American physicist, electrical engineer and inventor. From the Academic American Encyclopedia, it says that he devised the alternating- current systems that underlie the modern electrical power industry. As a result, he invented some equipment, including the Tesla Coil, which is a kind of transformer, gives him aid in researching on high-voltage electricity and wireless. Although he made little profit from his works, it gave way to some of what that world has now. According from the Article ―Nikola Tesla‖ on Encarta 2011, Tesla Coil, Tesla's
invention, has a combination of two circuits. Each circuit has a coil of wire, both wound together around a hollow tube. One of the coils is made of heavy wire and has just a few turns around the tube. The other circuit coil is made of finer wire wound many times around the tube. When an alternating current passes through, the coil of heavy wire , it produces a magnetic field. The magnetic field induces current in the fine wire. Because of the difference in the wire and number of turns, the frequency of the current in the finer coil is much higher, and the voltage is also higher in the finer coil. Using this device, Tesla produced an electric spark 41 m (135 ft) long in 1899. He also lit more than 200 lamps over the distance of 40 km (25 mi) without the use of intervening wires. The highfrequency current of a large Tesla coil can energizer the gas -filled tubes from a long distance. From, wherein it shows the knowledge of the group about Tesla coils, Tesla invented his coil with the intention of transmitting electricity through the air. He conducted much research in this area. Indeed he spent the majority of his career attempting to achieve wireless power. His setup was
XI simple. He purposed using a few coils spread across the globe to transmit electrical energy through the earth. Where ever power was needed one would need only a receiving coil to convert the power into a useful form. Tesla had some successes in this area but his investors found it impractical and refused to support further research. B. Applications of the Tesla Coil
After the discovery of the Tesla Coil, the applications about the tesla coil were felt in 1920's. According to, wherein Public Broadcasting Service introduces about Tesla coil, Tesla made an antenna of the highvoltage end of his secondary; it became a powerful radio transmitter. In fact, in the early decades of radio, most practicable radios utilized Tesla coils in their transmission antennas. Tesla himself used larger or smaller versions of his invention to investigate fluorescence, x-rays, radio, wireless power, biological effects, and even the electromagnetic nature of the earth and its atmosphere. Today, high-voltage labs often operate such devices, and amateur enthusiasts around the world build smaller ones to create arcing, streaming electrical displays —it is not difficult to reach a quarter million volts. (One of the very first particle accelerator designs, by Rolf Wideroe in 1928, generated its high voltage in a Tesla coil.) The coil has become a commonplace in electronics, used to supply high voltage to the front of television picture tubes, in a form known as the fly back transformer. C. Resonant Transformers
Musical Tesla Coil is a one of a Resonant Transformer. According to the, which Extremely Ingenious Engineering explains what resonant transformer is, resonance transformer converts a low-voltage DC input into a high-voltage periodic signal at frequencies up to a hundred kilohertz, essential for the resonant transformer effect. The transformer, using novel conversion circuitry can output DC or any other utilization voltage. This DC is input to the transformer, which is converted to a high-frequency driving signal, essential for the resonant condition to occur in the device. The high-power resonant transformer is driven at relatively high frequencies, up to a hundred kilohertz, made possible by advances in solid state power transistors. This driving signal initiates the resonant effect in the primary and secondary coils of the transformer, converting the input to a high-voltage signal at a comparatively high frequency, present on the device’s secondary coil.
XII The resonant transformer effect is an old technology renewed by the infusion of modern semiconductor technology. A novelty of resonant transformers is that the high voltage developed is a consequence of the resonant effect, rather than winding ratio of the coils. In fact, the early use of these devices was for the generation and transmission of radio. Once a high voltage is developed in the transformer, the output is pulled from the secondary coil by an output coil. The output is then converted into DC and then to any other utilization power by a novel rectifier arrangement. They envision this technology as useful to various manufacturing processes or power handling. One of the primary novelties of the device is the ability to output DC from a high-frequency power signal. The high voltage generation and electromagnetic field control technology from this device is also used in other EIE applications, notably the simultaneous transmission of power and data through the use of spatially distributed resonant transformers. This transformer can replace traditional transformers in a broad range of applications, including power distribution. D. Electromagnetism
Electromagnetism broadly refers to the properties of electric and magnetic fields. Many of the events witnessed on the show are a result of electromagnetic phenomena inherent to the Island. Electromagnetism is one of the DHARMA Initiative's fields of study (as stated in the Swan Orientation Film). The source of the electromagnetism on the Island is the Heart of the Island. The energy radiates to different areas around the Island which have been tapped by various groups of people, such as the DHARMA Initiative and Claudia's people. Related Studies
A. William Duddell's “Musical Arcs”
Musical Arcs is also known as plasma speaker, a related study of musical tesla coil. According to showng by the APS (American Physical Society) about Duddell's work, by 1900, the streets of London were lit entirely by electric means. The lamps did not use incandescent light bulbs, however, even though Thomas Edison had invented them by then. Those bulbs were very new, still quite inefficient, and too dim to illuminate London’s
dark streets and alleyways,
although they proved ideal for indoor lighting. So London
XIII street lamps used carbon arc lamps, generating light via a continuous electric sparks. The effect had
been known since the early 1800s, when scientists started
building the first large batteries and noticed that electric current jumped across a gap in a circuit from one electrode to another, producing a brilliant light in the process. British chemist Humphrey Davy is credited with inventing the arc lamp. In 1809, he connected two wires to a battery, and used charcoal strips as electrodes. This created a sufficiently intense light for illumination, and Davy’s arc lamp became a popular
component of his public lectures. Arc lamps were not immediately suitable for street lighting. They required large batteries or generators, and the batteries depleted quickly because of the large currents used. So arc lamps were costly to operate, and the light fluctuated far too wildly to be of practical use. The intense heat of the arc also ate away the electrodes until the gap became too great for a spark to jump across. Generators became widely available in the 1840s, and Russian inventor Paul Jablochkoff devised a version in 1870 that used two parallel carbon rods to lengthen the service life. Arc lighting debuted in Paris in June 1878 as part of an exposition, and soon found its way to London and the US as well. Such systems required daily maintenance by a small army of technicians, and arc lamps weren’t practical for indoor use, but the only real remaining problem was a
constant humming noise –a byproduct of the generated sparks. An English physicist named William Duddell set out to find a solution, and ended up inventing the first fully electrical instrument. Born in 1872, Duddell was privately educated in both England and France, but his knowledge of electricity came not from formal studies, but from a natural curiosity about how things worked. He was apprenticed to an electronics shop as a teenager, eventually teaching at the City and Guilds Institute in London, where he received much of his education. He had a knack for invention, too, building an Oscillograph capable of photographic recording and observing of oscillating frequency waveforms; a thermogalvanometer to measure very low currents; and a magnetic standard, the better to calibrate ballistic galvanometers of the era. Modified versions of his thermogalvanometer are still used today. In 1899, Duddell decided to tackle the humming problem in London streetlights. A few years earlier, a German scientist named Dr. Simon had noticed that an electric arc could ―sing‖ if one modulated the voltage to its power source. It is unclear whether Duddell knew of Simon’s work, but he conducted numerous experiments of his own. He
XIV also discovered that varying the voltage powering the lamps allowed him to control the audio frequencies via a resonating circuit. This did not eliminate the humming problem he had set out to solve, but it did give Duddell an idea. By attaching a makeshift keyboard, he was able to produce musical notes. This led to his invention of the ―singing arc,‖ which he first exhibited to a group of electrical engineers in 1899. Nature reported
on the invention in 1900. It was not the first such electric instrument. Back in 1761, a Parisian inventor named J.B. Delaborde built an electronic harpsichord. There was also a musical telegraph from 1876 and an electro-mechanical piano from 1867. The availability of components like solenoids and motors led to many versions of electromechanical instruments. However, the ―singing arc‖ was the first electronic instrument that could be heard without an amplifier. And those who witnessed Duddell’s demonstration of his
invention noticed another peculiar effect: nearby arc lamps
that used the
power source also played the ―music‖ being generated by the singing arc. But despite the fact that he toured the country demonstrating his invention, Duddell’s ―singing arc‖ amounted to little more than an amusing novelty of engineering.
He never developed it further, or patented his invention, which is a shame, because several scientists speculated about the potential for playing music over London’s lighting
network, based on that unusual effect. Later inventors realized that the device could be used as a radio transmitter just by attaching an antenna. The other major electric instrument that appeared around the same time was the Telharmonium. It was patented in 1897 and built in 1906 by Thaddeus Cahill. The Telharmonium relied upon an array of 145 large rotary generators (dynamos) to create alternating currents at different audio frequencies, and then used acoustic horns and telephone receivers to convert those waveforms into sound. He even managed to construct a network of wires so that people in New York City could subscribe to his Telharmonic transmissions. The instrument was far too bulky to enjoy widespread use –it weighed 200 tons and was 60 feet long, easily filling a room, and cost $200,000 to build – but even though the prototype has been lost, it is recognized as a precursor to such instruments as electronic organs, synthesizers and similar technologies commonly used today. Duddell went on to serve as president of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, and was elected to the Royal Society in 1907. In his later years he took on secret research for the US government. Alas, Duddell died young, at the age of 45. England’s Institute of
XV Physics named its Duddell Medal in his honor, awarded to scientists who have made contributions to the advancement of the knowledge of physics. And electric instruments revolutionized the music industry. Today, modern music makers are hearkening back to the past, creating music with ―singing Tesla coils‖ and similar technologies. Duddell
would have approved. B. The Tesla Magnifying Transmitter
The Magnifying Transmitter by Nikola Tesla is another kind electromagnetic instrument. According to, wherein Jean-Louis Naudin discusses The Magnifying Transmitter, Tesla said that Tesla Magnifying Transmitter: "...It is a resonant transformer with a secondary in which the parts charged to a high potential, are of considerable area and arranged in space along ideal enveloping surfaces of very large radii of curvature, and at proper distances from one another thereby insuring a small electrical surface density everywhere so that no leak can occur even if the conductor is bare. It is suitable for any frequency, from a few too many thousands of cycles per second, and can be used in the production of currents of tremendous volume and moderate pressure, or of smaller amperage and immense electro-motive force. The maximum electric tension is merely dependant on the curvature of the surfaces on which the charged elements are situated and the area of the latter." In the Tesla's Magnifying transmitter, the energy is continuously bounced back and forth between the earth and the reflecting capacitance at a rate timed to a natural rate of the earth. Nikola Tesla has said in a patent about improvements relating to the Transmission of Electrical energy. He said that ".....Stated otherwise, the terrestrial conductor is thrown into resonance with the oscillations impressed upon it just like a wire. More than this, a number of facts ascertained by me clearly show, that the movement of electricity through it follows certain laws with nearly mathematical rigor. For the present it will be sufficient to state, that the earth behaves like a perfectly smooth or polished conductor of inappreciable resistance, with capacity and self-induction uniformly distributed along the axis of symmetry of waves propagation and transmitting slow electrical oscillations without sensible distortion and attenuation. Besides the above, three requirements seem to be essential to the establishment of the resonating condition. First, the earth's diameter passing through the pole should be an odd multiple of
XVI the quarter wave-length, that is, of the ratio between the velocity of light and four times the frequency of the currents. Second, it is necessary to employ oscillations, in which the rate of radiation of energy into space in the form of Hertzians or electromagnetic waves is very small. To give an idea I would say, that the frequency should be smaller than twenty thousand per second, through shorter waves might be practicable. The lowest frequency would appear to be six per second, in which case there will be but one node, at or near the ground plate, and, paradoxical as it may seem, the opposite the transmitter. With oscillations still slower the earth, strictly speaking, will not resonate, but simply act as capacity, and the variation of potential will be more or less uniform over its entire surface. The most essential requirement is, however, that irrespective of frequency, the wave or wave train should continue for a certain interval of time, which he have estimated to be not less than 1/12-or probably 0.08484-of a second, and which is taken in passing to, and returning from the region diametrically opposite the pole, over the earth's surface, with a mean velocity of about 471,240 kilometers per second. He added that to produce an electrical movement of the required magnitude it is desirable to charge the terminal as highly as possible, for while a great quantity of electricity may also be displaced by a large capacity charged to low pressure, there are disadvantages met with in many cases when the former is made too large. The chief of theses are due to the fact that an increase of the capacity entails a lowering of the frequency impulses or discharges and diminution of energy of vibration. With these gathered information, the researchers are challenged to find the similar data and observation during the experimentation, in order to enhance the upcoming projects. These researches and reference motivate to bring progress and welfare to all investigative project and breakthroughs in the future. .
XVII CHAPTER 3 Methodology
This chapter describes the research methodology. It consists of the list of materials and equipments to be used and the procedures that will be sequence according to the order of the hypothesis stated in the study. Materials
This investigation used the following materials for th e study: 1. Power Supply
15. Pliers
2. AC Line Filter
16. Measuring tape
3. PFC capacitor
17. Screwdrivers
4. NST filter
18. Sockets
5. Spark Gap
19. Wrench
6. Primary Capacitors
20. Epoxy
7. NST Protection
21. Copper wire (60 m)
8. Plywood (3' X 3')
22. Db meter
9. Ground Rod
23. Step up Transformer
10. Power Switch
24. Magnetic wire
11. Soldering iron and solder
25. Electrical wire
12. Digital Voltmeter
26. Light bulb
13. Drill
27. Fluorescent
14. Wire cutters
28. Rubber tape
These materials were all purchased at ACE Hardware and D’Jeans’ Electrical Supply while some were bought from Manila or were be provided by the experts. Overall, the project costs 2150 pesos. Procedures Creating the Primary Coil
Typically 1/4 inch copper tubing is used to make the primary coil. The researchers used a flat copper ribbon to save space leaving about 1/4 inch spacing between turns. This prevents arcing and allows space for a tap point. The primary coil can be constructed on just about any non conductive material, in this case, the plywood.
XVIII The material should be strong enough to support the weight of the copper. Plastic wire ties with notches every 1/4 inch are attached to the primary coil to help it stay in place. If you get copper tubing or wire that is coiled or wound on a spool do not unwind it before making the primary coil. Use the natural shape of the coil to help do the winding. Try not to straighten and bend the tubing or wire too much as this will cause to harden. Then a strike ring is attached about 2 inches above the outer most turn this ring stops arcs from the top load from reaching the primary coil. An arc strike to the primary coil can produce a voltage spike large enough to kill the primary caps and / or NSTs. The ring should not be completely closed. One end should attach to the secondary earth ground. Smaller coils that do not produce arcs long enough to reach the primary coil do not require a strike ring, although it never hurts to have one. Secondary Coil
The secondary wire is typically thin (22 AWG to 28 AWG) magnet wire wound on a PVC form. The researchers aimed for about 1000 coils on the secondary coil. The secondary coil is usually wound on PVC pipe, although cardboard or most other non-conductive materials can be used. Make sure the PVC pipe should be clean and dry. Do not use pipes with the metal strip as the metal strip quickly shorts out the coil. Do away with any metal screws, bolts, plates on the secondary. A non-conductive nylon bolt was used to attach the top load to the secondary coil. Start by securing the end of the magnet wire a few inches from the end of the PVC. Secure the wire with tape or drilling a couple small holes in the PVC and threading the wire through. Be sure to leave about a foot or two of magnet wire unwound on the end. Have some tape handy to easily hold the wire for rest breaks or untangling. Be careful not to leave any space between the windings. Keep some tension on the wire as you wind it. Tape the ends of the magnet wire down when finished and leave a couple feet of extra wire until only a couple of inches is left to the top load. Wound the coil slowly and if possible by hand to make sure that the coils don’t overlap each other on each turn. The researchers used thin gloves to protect them from any form of injury while winding the coil on the PVC Top Load
The most common method of toroid construction is to wrap aluminum dryer duct around an aluminum pie pan. You can also use a spun aluminum toroid. A top load can be made of practically anything with a smooth shape covered in aluminum foil
XIX The size of the top load and the amount of power applied dictates the size and number of arcs that the Tesla coil produces. If the top load is small, then it produces numerous simultaneous, shorter arcs. As the size of the top load is increased the number of arcs are be reduced and the arc length increases. If the toroid is too large the field strength would not be strong enough to allow arcs to breakout. Placing a sharp pointed object like a thumb tack (called a break out point) on the toroid creates a disruption in the field and allows the arc to break out from the break out point. Generally the diameter of the toroid ring should be about the same as the secondary coil, meaning a secondary coil wound on 4 inch PVC pipe should use 4 inch diameter dryer duct. The overall diameter of the toroid should be about 4 times the ring diameter, so 4 inch diameter dryer duct should be wrapped around an 8 inch pie pan for a total overall diameter of 16 inches. Wiring
The researchers are referring the wiring system on coil_construction.gif in the appendix, wherein, using soldering iron, solder and plywood is to wire up the materials to be place in the contraption with copper wires as a connector to the equipment. Grounding
After wiring, grounding is next. The grounding rod should be pound on the ground as close as possible to the Tesla coil generally 6 or 8 foot minimum depth is recommended. The location is near the power supply and the secondary coil Adjusting Gaps
The researchers are taking care of the widths of all the spark gaps in the Tesla coil needs to be carefully adjusted for optimum performance. The Battery should be disconnected and adjust the spark gap to its width. After adjusting, the researchers check again if it its voltage goes to its right path or not in short circuit. Otherwise, the procedures are to be repeated until it would be in correct circuit Tuning
Before running the coil the researchers need to tune it. Tuning refers to the process of adjusting the resonant frequencies of the whole circuit to the same frequency; the researchers are doing the process of tuning to get the longest possible arcs, in order to hear the sound. The typical tuning procedure is to tap the primary coil at the suggested number of turns and run the coil checking for the arc length.
XX Testing of Hypothesis 1:
The researchers, used 2 kinds of coils, the primary and secondary coil in different sizes, labeled 0.25m-coil -A, 0.50m-coil-B and 0.75m-coil C. The voltage was measured with voltmeter along on the earth ground. The length of the primary and secondary coil was recorded with different combinations. Then, the researchers recorded the data on this table. Testing of Hypothesis 2:
The researchers are going to perform tuning. Tuning refers to the process of adjusting the resonant frequencies of the whole circuit to the same frequency. The researchers are doing the process of tuning to get the longest possible arcs, in order to hear the sound. The typical tuning procedure is to tap the primary coil at the suggested number of turns and run the coil checking for the arc length. The turns that were 400, 600 and 800 turns then, using the voltmeter, the researchers measured the voltage on the earth ground. After testing the hypothesis, the researchers recorded the voltage of the coil release. The researchers advise everyone that they should always maintain proper distance from the tesla coil since it emits electricity in high voltage and may cause severe damage, even death to the person testing. Testing of Hypothesis 3:
Using the 0.2 kg, 0.4 kg and 0.6 kg of the top load, the researchers are to measure its radius and solve to its voltage. Likewise on Hypothesis 3, the testing is to put the top load on and to record the data soon as the coil was turned on. Then the researchers recorded the data, using the voltmeter and DB meter, in the table below.
XXI CHAPTER 4 Results and Analyses
This chapter analyzes and interprets the data revealed in the study. This investigation was aimed to answer this question: What are the factors that will affect the voltage and the pitch produce by a Tesla coil? Here, the results of the investigators will be presented in the same sequence as stated in the hypotheses and procedures. Below is the table that contains the result of the height of the coil and the voltage produced by the top load. Table 1: Length of the coils vs. Voltage
Length of
Length of
Primary Coil
Coil (m)
Trial 1(V)
Trial 2 (V)
Trial 3 (V)
Total Average
In the table on top, it shows that as length of the primary and secondary coil increases the voltage of the arc released lessens. This is because the electricity had to pass by a lot of coils before it reaches the top load and thus releasing only that certain amount of voltage. Although the same electric current was released, the voltage was found to be slightly lower because the electrons were moving slowly as it reaches the top load. However, the researchers found out that there was some inconsistency with the construction of the set up since the diameter of the PVC pipe where the secondary coil was wound was different from each other, thus proving that the data recorded above may be wrong and crude. This is because according to research, the size of the secondary coil is generally governed by the power output of the power supply. For an average sized Tesla coil
XXII (about 1kW) a 4 inch to 6 inch diameter secondary coil is advisable. Smaller coils should have about 3 inch to 4 inch
Set-up 1 with 0.25 m Primary Coil
diameter, while larger coils should
V o l t a g e
R e l e a s e d
have at least a 6 inch diameter.
The height to width ratio (also
known as the aspect ratio) is
important. The height of the coil
should be about 4 or 5 times the
diameter in an average sized
0 1
secondary coil on a 1kW Tesla
Number of Trials
coil with a 4 inch diameter should
be about 16 to 20 inches high. Smaller coils should have a height to width ratio close to 6, while larger coils should be close to 3. Figure 1 shows the set-up 1 with 0.25 m primary coil. Series 1 represents the setup 1.1 where in the secondary coil also measures 0.25 m in height. Series 2 is set-up 1.2 wherein the secondary coil measures 0.5 m and series 3 is set-up 1.3 where the secondary coil measures 0.75 m in height. It basically shows that as the length of the secondary coil increases, the average, or the final voltage released decreased significantly. The same results have been observed with the other set-ups and shows that when the length of the primary coil is increased, the voltage released decreases but then again, this data is crude due to the inconsistency of the independent variables. Table 2: Electric Current (V)
Number of turns
Trial 1(V)
Trial 2 (V)
Trial 3 (V)
Total Average
The table on top shows that the more number of turns of the coil in the secondary coil, the higher the voltage was released by the top load. The researchers noted that if each of the primary coil used is the same in number of turns, which is 400, the greater number of turns in the secondary coil, the greater it will produce voltage.
XXIII 5000 4000 3000 2000
Series3 Average Number Trial 1(V) Trial 2 (V) Trial 3 (V) of turns
Hypothesis 3: The bigger the top load, the greater the voltage and the higher the pitch produced.
Using the 0.2 kg, 0.4 kg and 0.6 kg of the top load, the researchers are to measure its radius and solve to its voltage. Likewise on Hypothesis 3, the testing is to put the top load on and to record the data soon as the coil will be turn on. Then the researchers are going to record the data, using the voltmeter and DB meter, in the table below. Table 3: The Size of the Top Load vs. Voltage and Pitch
Trial 1(V)
Trial 2 (V)
Trial 3 (V)
Top load In Mass (kg)
Total Average
Pitch (dB)
Voltage Pitch Voltage Pitch Voltage Pitch (V)
ce (m) 0.09
0.2 0.4 0.6 This table shows that the top load with a heavier mass created the greatest voltage and the one with the smallest mass created the highest pitch. The researchers noted that there is little to no effect of the top load to its voltage and its pitch. It is supposed to be the frequency of the sound that is to be tested in order to manipulate the tones created by the musical tesla coil.
XXIV CHAPTER 5 Conclusions and Recommendations
Based on the results of the investigation conducted, the following conclusions were derived: 1. There is a significant relationship between the height and the diameter of the shaft of the secondary coil as it creates a higher voltage. Also the length of the secondary coil is generally governed by the power of the power supply. But according to the recorded data, as the length of the primary coil increases the voltage released decreases which goes the same with the secondary coil. However, there was a discrepancy noted during the testing and tabulating of the data, due to the inconsistency of the independent variables. Therefore hypothesis 1 is rejected due to unsure data. 2. There is a significant relationship between the numbers of turns of the coil in the secondary coil and the voltage released. The second testing was also inconsistent and the hypothesis cannot be proven properly due to incomplete and seemingly contradicting data. Therefore, hypothesis 2 is also rejected. 3. There is a significant relationship between the mass of the top load and the pitch the arc releases. The inverse proportionality shows that as the mass of the top load increases, the pitch of the arc decrease and vice versa. However, not enough data was gathered to support this statement. Therefore hypothesis 3 is partially not rejected. Based on the aforementioned findings and conclusions, the investigators generally conclude that an efficient design for the Tesla coil should be properly planned and the independent variables should be consistent with each other. Thus the investigation was a failure. The researchers later recommended the following for the improvement of the Musical Tesla Coil: 1. For the students, the researchers recommend that they should never ever waste time and space when they want to investigate about the Tesla coil, because it is not an easy topic to dwell on. They should know all the components and its dynamics in order to create a Musical Tesla Coil. 2. For the future researchers, the present researchers recommend that they should learn to sort out their priorities and should always be a chapter ahead. They should also make sure to schedule early testing dates as to avoid cramming. 3. For the future researchers, they also should explore the idea of finding other factors that can affect the musical Tesla Coil. They should not limit their
XXV understanding that all things are possible. They should be well rounded and equipped with the factors that may affect and lead the investigation into a failure. Also in testing the contraption, the future researchers should be ready with the possible incidents that can happen, like untimely explosion of the capacitors and transformer. They should always check the safety of the contraption before testing it as to avoid unlikely accidents.
XXVI BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Arc Attack . (n.d.). Retrieved August 6, 2011, from 2. Audio File . (n.d.). Retrieved August 6, 2011, from The Audio Advisor: 3. Baker, C. (n.d.). The Synth . Retrieved August 6, 2011, from Open Labs: 4. Blinder, S. (n.d.). Series RLC Circuits . Retrieved August 6, 2011, from Wolfram Demonstrations Project 5. Bloch, T. (2004). The Ondes Martenot . Retrieved August 6, 2011, from Thomas Bloch: musician performer of rare instruments: 6. Burnett, R. (2001). Solid State Tesla Coil . Retrieved August 6, 2011, from Richie's Tesla Coil Web pag 7. Busoni, F. (1962). Sketch of a New Aesthetic of Music. New York: Dover Publications. 8. Clemens, j. (n.d.). Csounds . Retrieved August 6, 2011, from 9. Cloutier, S. (n.d.). Pulse Width (Duration) Modulators- updated for Solid State Devices . Retrieved Au6, 2011, from Class E radio: 10. Cross Sound . (2010, August 12). Retrieved August 6, 2011, from Scientists of Sounds: Everything You Wanted to Know About Speakers . (1998). Retrieved August 6, 2011, from DJ Society 11. History of Electronic Music: The demise of the Telharmonium . (n.d.). Retrieved August 6, 2011, fromMusic Technology Musician: 12. Hunt, O. (2008). Plasma Sonic Speaker . Retrieved August 6, 2011, from HV Labs: 13. Jermanis, B. (n.d.). Coil Capacitance . Retrieved August 6, 2011, from Nikola Tesla and My Thoughts: 14. Johnson, D. G. (2009, March 11). Tesla Coil Impedance. Retrieved August 6, 2011, from 15. Lossius, T. P. (2006). JAMOMA: A Modular Standard for Structuring Patches in Max. Retrieved August 6, 2011, from 16. Lux, J. (1998, january 24). Medhurst's Formulas for celf capacitance of air-core coil . Retrieved August 6, 2011, from 17. MacDonald, C. L. (2009). Catapults, Corked Bats, and Tesla Coils: Finding the Truth. Worcester: Worcester Polytechnic Institute. 18. Matmos. (n.d.). Retrieved August 6, 2011, from 19. Olson, L. (2001). The Family of Direct Radiators . Retrieved August 6, 2011, from Nutshell High Fidelity:
XXVII APPENDICES Break down of Expenses PVC
Magnetic Wire
Electrical wire
Light bulb
Rubber tape
Grand Total: 2150 Php
Jozelle Jan Alpanghe Baquiano Member
Jenson Patrimonio Espanta Member
Rolando Mallare Nielo Member
Andrea Mae Sorongon Solas Member
Gershom Sabueso Dureza Leader
Name: ANDREA MAE SOLAS Address: Lot 5, Ivy Street, Phase 2, NHA Mandurriao, Iloilo City Age: 16 Gender: Female Date of Birth: September 19, 1995 Place of Birth: Iloilo Mission Hospital Nationality: Filipino Height: 5’8 Weight: 823.2 N Landline: N/A Email:
[email protected] Parents Father’s Name: Arturo Solas Jr. Age: 48 Occupation: Ship Captain Mother’s Name: Luisa Sorongon Solas
Age: 48 Occupation: Business Entrepreneur Languages Spoken: English, Hiligaynon, Filipino Religion: Roman Catholic Skills: photo editing, singing, fashion designing Hobbies: blogging, writing, photography Career Ambition: Surgeon Schools Attended New Lucena Central School Assumption Convent
Ateneo de Iloilo
Grade/Year Level Nursery-Kinder 1
School Year 1998-1999
Prep-Grade 6
1st year -4th year
Remarks Honor Student Blue Star Awardee 5 Honorable Mention Mariale Contributor Chinese Honor Student, OBKBVM- Knight Armsmeister; Knight Quarter Master, Lady Bannerman, Vinculum Editor/Staff Member th
Previous Investigative Projects/Research Papers Year Level Name of Project st 1 year Incombustible Paper nd 2 year Effects of Worms to Plant Growth rd 3 year Biodegradable Plastic th 4 year Tesla Coil
Name: ROLANDO MALLARE NIELO III Address: Yulo Drive Arevalo, Iloilo City Age:16 Gender: Male Date of birth: October 24, 1995 Place of birth: St.Paul’s Hospital Nationality: Filipino Height: 5‖8 Weight: 637 N Landline: 337-1844 Email:
[email protected] Parents Father’s Name: Rolando F. Nielo II Age: 46 Occupation: Provincial Accountant Mother’s Name: Tina M. Nielo
Age: 43 Occupation: DSWD Employee Languages Spoken: English, Hiligaynon, Tagalog Religion: Roman Catholic Skills: reading, cooking, drawing, sketching Hobbies: playing basketball, playing football, listening to music, surfing the net, exercise, singing Career Ambition: to be a successful architect, engineer and CPA. Schools Attended Doane Baptist School Assumption Ateneo de Iloilo – SMCS
Grade/Year Level Nursery - Prep
School Year 1998 - 2001
Grade 1 - 2 Grade 3 - 6
2001 - 2002 2003 - 2008
Ateneo de Iloilo – SMCS
1st year – 4th year
2008 - 2011
Remarks 3rd Honors Accelerated Graduate Honor Student Graduated with honors Honor Student Boy Scout’s Member Debate Club Member
Previous Investigative Projects/Research Papers Year Level Name of Project 2008 – 2009 Effect of Salty Water to the Growth of Fishes 2009- 2010 Paper Wall Tile 2010 – 2011 Anti-septic properties of Malunggay to Staphylococcus Aureus 2011 – 2012 Tesla Coil
Name: JOZELLE JAN ALPANGHE BAQUIANO Address: 17 Quezon Street Arevalo Iloilo City Age: 16 Gender Female date of birth October 17,1995 Place of birth St. Paul’s Hospital Nationality Filipino Height 5’ Weight 529.2 N Landline 3363149/3370705 Email:
[email protected] Parents Father’s Name: Alan Baquiano Age: 46 Occupation Businessman Mother’s Name: Josette Baquiano
Age: 46 Occupation: Businesswoman Languages Spoken: English, Tagalog, Hiligaynon, Chinese Religion: Roman Catholic Skills: Volleyball, Table Tennis, Hobbies: Reading, Playing Volleyball, Playing Table Tennis, Surfing the Net, Baking Career Ambition: To be a successful doctor Schools Attended Balm of Gilead Learning Center Ateneo de Iloilo SMCS Ateneo de Iloilo
Grade/Year Level Nursery - Prep
School Year 1998-2001
Grade 1- Grade6
1st year – 4th yr
Honor Student – Chinese, Vice President – Kulinarya , 4th year representative – Book Club, volleyball varsity player
Previous Investigative Projects/Research Papers Year Level Name of Project 2008 – 2009 Combustible Paper(Integrated Science) 2009 - 2010 The Effect of Vitamin C to Koi Fish (Biology) 2010 -2011 Liquefied Fish Guts as Fertilizers (Chemistry) 2011 - 2012 Musical Tesla Coil(Physics)
Name: JENSON PATRIMONIO ESPANTA Address: Sto. Nini Sur Arevalo Iloilo City Age: 17 Gender Male date of birth June 12 1998 Place of birth Doctor’s Hospital Nationality Filipino Height 5’6 Weight 764.4 N Landline Email: Parents Father’s Name: Noel D. Espanta Age:50 Occupation mother’s Name: Mary Jean t. Patrimonio
Age:51 Occupation: Cashier Languages Spoken: English, Chinese, bisaya, tagalog Religion: Roman Catholic Skills: badminton, biking, basketball Hobbies: surfing internet, reading Career Ambition: to be captain Schools Attended Ateneo De Iloilo Ateneo De Iloilo Ateneo De Iloilo
Grade/Year Level Nursery-prep Grade 1-Grade 6 1st yr-2nd yr
School Year 1998-2001 2001-2008 2008-2009
Previous Investigative Projects/Research Papers Year Level Name of Project st 1 year Rechargeable Flash Light nd 2 year Preserve the pork by honey rd 3 year Bio fuel th 4 year Tesla coil
Name: GERSHOM SABUESO DUREZA Address: San Antonio, San Miguel, Iloilo Age: 15 Gender male date of birth August 18, 1996 Place of birth Tondo, Manila Nationality: Filipino Height: 5’7‖ Weight: 676.2 Landline: 882-0058 Email:
[email protected] Parents Father’s Name: Gil Dureza Age 57: Occupation Seaman mother’s Name: Evelyn Dureza
Age: 51 Occupation: Housewife Languages Spoken: English, Filipino Religion: Catholic Skills: Scrabble, Word Factory Hobbies: Drawing, Reading Career Ambition Chemist, Engineer Schools Attended Warner Christian Academy Bethel Luther School Colegio de las Hijas de Jesus (CHJ) Ateneo de Iloilo – SMCS
Grade/Year Level Preschool
School Year 1999 -2000
Remarks 4th Honor
Nursery, Grade 3
2000 – 2005
Grade 4- Grade 6
2005 – 2008
1st yr – 2nd yr HS
Honorable Mention (all school level) Honorable Mention Diligent Award Honorable Mention
Previous Investigative Projects/Research Papers Year Level Name of Project st 1 Year Honey as Pervavative for Meat nd 2 Year Eggshell as an Alternative for Plants rd 3 Year Vegetable Oil as an Biofuel th 4 Year Musical Tesla Coil : Manipulating Music
INITIAL TESTING USING PLASMA BULB. This is a picture of the plasma emitted by the tesla coil at initial testing. This was done before the actual testing to make sure that the tesla coil is working.
SECONDARY TESTING. This is a picture of Jenson holding a fluorescent bulb that touches the coils and made the fluorescent light up. This only proves that in the coil, there is electricity running. It can also be noticed that the plasma bulb did not light up, this is because the electricity is used before it reaches the plasma bulb.
ASSEMBLY. This picture shows Jenson attaching the make shift transistor to the tesla coil.
ASSEMBLY. This picture shows Rolando, Jenson and Jozelle attaching the main parts of the tesla coil to the plywood. Mainly, the transformer, the coil and the wires.
BURNT PLASMA BULB. This picture shows the burnt side of the plasma bulb after an attempt of increasing the voltage. The plasma bulb could not accommodate the high voltage thus it was burnt.
ATTACHING THE WIRES. This picture shows the wire being attached to the transformer.
COMPLETE. This picture shows the completely assembled tesla coil base.
PVC PIPE and COILS. This picture shows the top of the tesla coil without the plasma ball nor the top load. A masking tape was used to secure the end of the coil.