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Java Software Solutions Foundations Of Program Design Eighth ...

gLobaL ediTion Java Software Solutions Foundations of Program Design eighTh ediTion John Lewis • William Loftus java TM Eighth Edition SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS ... 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1—DOC—14 13 12 11 10 ISBN 10: 1292018232 ISBN 13: 978-1-29-201823-2 (Print) ISBN 13: 978-1-29-206977-7 (PDF) This book is ...


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gLobaL ediTion Java Software Solutions Foundations of Program Design eighTh ediTion John Lewis • William Loftus java TM Eighth Edition SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS FOUNDATIONS OF PROGRAM DESIGN Global Edition JOHN LEWIS Virginia Tech • WILLIAM LOFTUS Accenture • Global Edition contributions by Mohit Tahiliani NITK Surathkal Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Editor-in-Chief: Editorial Assistant: Vice President, Marketing: Marketing Manager: Marketing Coordinator: Vice President, Production: Managing Editor: Production Project Manager: Head, Learning Asset Acquisition, Global Edition: Acquisitions Editor, Global Edition: Project Editor, Global Edition: Senior Operations Supervisor: Marcia Horton Michael Hirsch Stephanie Sellinger Patrice Jones Yezan Alayan Kathryn Ferranti Vince O’Brien Jeff Holcomb Marilyn Lloyd Laura Dent Karthik Subramaniun Anuprova Dey Chowdhuri. Alan Fischer Manufacturing Buyer: Art Director: Cover Designer: Lisa McDowell Linda Knowles Shree Mohanambal Inbakumar/Lumina Datamatics, Inc. Image Permission Coordinator: Rita Wenning Cover Photograph: Eugene Sergeev/Shutterstock Media Editor: Daniel Sandin Media Project Manager: Wanda Rockwell Full-Service Project Management: Harleen Chopra, Cenveo® Publisher Services Composition: Cenveo Publisher Services Printer/Binder: Courier Kendallville Cover Printer: Courier Kendallville Text Font: Sabon LT Std Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world Visit us on the World Wide Web at: © Pearson Education Limited 2015 The rights of John Lewis and William Loftus to be identified as the authors of this work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Authorized adaptation from the United States edition, entitled Java Software Solutions: Foundations Of Program Design, 8th edition, ISBN 978-0-13-359495-9, by John Lewis and William Loftus, published by Pearson Education © 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmittedin any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, withouteither the prior written permission of the publisher or a license permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, LondonEC1N 8TS. All trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.The use of any trademark in this text does not vest in the author or publisher any trademark ownership rights in such trademarks, nor does the use of such trademarks imply any affiliation with or endorsement of this book by such owners. Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear below, or on appropriate page within text. Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and other countries. This book is not sponsored or endorsed by or affiliated with the Microsoft Corporation. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Typeset in 8 Sabon LT Std by Cenveo Publishing Services Printed and bound by Courier Kendallville The publisher’s policy is to use paper manufactured from sustainable forests. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1—DOC—14 13 12 11 10 ISBN 10: 1292018232 ISBN 13: 978-1-29-201823-2 (Print) ISBN 13: 978-1-29-206977-7 (PDF) This book is dedicated to our families. Sharon, Justin, Kayla, Nathan, and Samantha Lewis and Veena, Isaac, and Dévi Loftus This page is intentionally left blank. Preface Welcome to the Eighth Edition of Java Software Solutions: Foundations of Program Design. We are pleased that this book has served the needs of so many students and faculty over the years. This edition has been tailored further to improve the coverage of topics key to introductory computing. New to This Edition The biggest updates to this edition include the following: ■ Updated all graphical screen shots. ■ Added additional screen shots to show interface options. ■ Revised end-of-chapter exercises and programming projects. ■ Revised all code for consistent spacing issues. ■ Improved discussions of Java translation, text file I/O, and other topics. Feedback from both instructors and students continues to make it clear that we have hit the mark with the overall vision of the book. The emphasis remains on presenting underlying core concepts in a clear and gradual manner. The Graphics Track sections in each chapter still segregate the coverage of graphics and graphical user interfaces, giving extreme flexibility in how that material gets covered. The casual writing style and entertaining examples still rule the day. The displays of screen shots for graphics-based programs, including programs with graphical user interfaces, have all been updated. The previous versions were dated in terms of the look-and-feel. We also updated some as needed to improve pedagogy. On some graphics programs, we added additional screen shots in situations where it was beneficial to see how the program window looks under different situations or window sizes. We also focused on the end-of-chapter exercises and programming projects in this revision. We added, subtracted, and modified these to provide an appropriate and updated set. Throughout the book, the examples had become inconsistent in some issues related to the use of white space. We carefully went through each example and code fragment to ensure that a consistent and appropriate style was applied. Finally, as always, we improved discussions throughout the book, sometimes in minor ways, and a few include significant improvements. In particular, the discussion of Java translation was updated in Chapter 1 and throughout to focus 5 6 prEfacE on term JVM rather than the less helpful term interpreter. The figure related to the translation process was also updated. The text file I/O discussion was also updated, along with its example. cornerstones of the Text This text is based on the following basic ideas that we believe make for a sound introductory text: ■ ■ ■ ■ True object-orientation. A text that really teaches a solid object-oriented approach must use what we call object-speak. That is, all processing should be discussed in object-oriented terms. That does not mean, however, that the first program a student sees must discuss the writing of multiple classes and methods. A student should learn to use objects before learning to write them. This text uses a natural progression that culminates in the ability to design real object-oriented solutions. Sound programming practices. Students should not be taught how to program; they should be taught how to write good software. There’s a difference. Writing software is not a set of cookbook actions, and a good program is more than a collection of statements. This text integrates practices that serve as the foundation of good programming skills. These practices are used in all examples and are reinforced in the discussions. Students learn how to solve problems as well as how to implement solutions. We introduce and integrate basic software engineering techniques throughout the text. The Software Failure vignettes reiterate these lessons by demonstrating the perils of not following these sound practices. Examples. Students learn by example. This text is filled with fully implemented examples that demonstrate specific concepts. We have intertwined small, readily understandable examples with larger, more realistic ones. There is a balance between graphics and nongraphics programs. The VideoNotes provide additional examples in a live presentation format. Graphics and GUIs. Graphics can be a great motivator for students, and their use can serve as excellent examples of object-orientation. As such, we use them throughout the text in a well-defined set of sections that we call the Graphics Track. This coverage includes the use of event processing and GUIs. Students learn to build GUIs in the appropriate way by using a natural progression of topics. The Graphics Track can be avoided entirely for those who do not choose to use graphics. chapter Breakdown Chapter 1 (Introduction) introduces computer systems in general, including basic architecture and hardware, networking, programming, and language translation. Java is introduced in this chapter, and the basics of general program development, prEfacE as well as object-oriented programming, are discussed. This chapter contains broad introductory material that can be covered while students become familiar with their development environment. Chapter 2 (Data and Expressions) explores some of the basic types of data used in a Java program and the use of expressions to perform calculations. It discusses the conversion of data from one type to another and how to read input interactively from the user with the help of the standard Scanner class. Chapter 3 (Using Classes and Objects) explores the use of predefined classes and the objects that can be created from them. Classes and objects are used to manipulate character strings, produce random numbers, perform complex calculations, and format output. Enumerated types are also discussed. Chapter 4 (Writing Classes) explores the basic issues related to writing classes and methods. Topics include instance data, visibility, scope, method parameters, and return types. Encapsulation and constructors are covered as well. Some of the more involved topics are deferred to or revisited in Chapter 6. Chapter 5 (Conditionals and Loops) covers the use of boolean expressions to make decisions. Then the if statement and while loop are explored in detail. Once loops are established, the concept of an iterator is introduced and the Scanner class is revisited for additional input parsing and the reading of text files. Finally, the ArrayList class introduced, which provides the option for managing a large number of objects. Chapter 6 (More Conditionals and Loops) examines the rest of Java’s conditional (switch) and loop (do, for) statements. All related statements for conditionals and loops are discussed, including the enhanced version of the for loop. The for-each loop is also used to process iterators and ArrayList objects. Chapter 7 (Object-Oriented Design) reinforces and extends the coverage of issues related to the design of classes. Techniques for identifying the classes and objects needed for a problem and the relationships among them are discussed. This chapter also covers static class members, interfaces, and the design of enumerated type classes. Method design issues and method overloading are also discussed. Chapter 8 (Arrays) contains extensive coverage of arrays and array processing. The nature of an array as a low-level programming structure is contrasted to the higher-level object management approach. Additional topics include commandline arguments, variable length parameter lists, and multidimensional arrays. Chapter 9 (Inheritance) covers class derivations and associated concepts such as class hierarchies, overriding, and visibility. Strong emphasis is put on the proper use of inheritance and its role in software design. Chapter 10 (Polymorphism) explores the concept of binding and how it relates to polymorphism. Then we examine how polymorphic references can be accomplished using either inheritance or interfaces. Sorting is used as an example of polymorphism. Design issues related to polymorphism are examined as well. 7 8 prEfacE Chapter 11 (Exceptions) explores the class hierarchy from the Java standard library used to define exceptions, as well as the ability to define our own exception objects. We also discuss the use of exceptions when dealing with input and output and examine an example that writes a text file. Chapter 12 (Recursion) covers the concept, implementation, and proper use of recursion. Several examples from various domains are used to demonstrate how recursive techniques make certain types of processing elegant. Chapter 13 (Collections) introduces the idea of a collection and its underlying data structure. Abstraction is revisited in this context and the classic data structures are explored. Generic types are introduced as well. This chapter serves as an introduction to a CS2 course. Supplements Student Online resources These student resources can be accessed at the book’s Companion Website, ■ Source Code for all the programs in the text ■ Links to Java development environments ■ VideoNotes: short step-by-step videos demonstrating how to solve problems from design through coding. VideoNotes allow for self-paced instruction with easy navigation including the ability to select, play, rewind, fast-forward, and stop within each VideoNote exercise. Margin icons in your textbook let you know when a VideoNote video is available for a particular concept or homework problem. Instructor resources The following supplements are available to qualified instructors only. Visit the Pearson Education Instructor Resource Center lewis for information on how to access them: ■ Presentation Slides—in PowerPoint. ■ Solutions—includes solutions to exercises and programming projects. ■ ■ Test Bank with powerful test generator software—includes a wealth of free response, multiple-choice, and true/false type questions. Lab Manual—lab exercises are designed to accompany the topic progression in the text. prEfacE features Key concepts. Throughout the text, the Key Concept boxes highlight fundamental ideas and important guidelines. These concepts are summarized at the end of each chapter. Listings. All programming examples are presented in clearly labeled listings, followed by the program output, a sample run, or screen shot display as appropriate. The code is colored to visually distinguish comments and reserved words. Syntax Diagrams. At appropriate points in the text, syntactic elements of the Java language are discussed in special highlighted sections with diagrams that clearly identify the valid forms for a statement or construct. Syntax diagrams for the entire Java language are presented in Appendix L. Graphics Track. All processing that involves graphics and graphical user interfaces is discussed in one or two sections at the end of each chapter that we collectively refer to as the Graphics Track. This material can be skipped without loss of continuity, or focused on specifically as desired. The material in any Graphics Track section relates to the main topics of the chapter in which it is found. Graphics Track sections are indicated by a brown border on the edge of the page. Summary of Key concepts. The Key Concepts presented throughout a chapter are summarized at the end of the chapter. Self-review Questions and answers. These short-answer questions review the fundamental ideas and terms established in the preceding section. They are designed to allow students to assess their own basic grasp of the material. The answers to these questions can be found at the end of the book in Appendix N. Exercises. These intermediate problems require computations, the analysis or writing of code fragments, and a thorough grasp of the chapter content. While the exercises may deal with code, they generally do not require any online activity. programming projects. These problems require the design and implementation of Java programs. They vary widely in level of difficulty. VideoNotes. Presented by the author, VideoNotes explain topics visually through informal videos in an easy-to-follow format, giving students the extra help they need to grasp important concepts. Look for this VideoNote icon to see which in-chapter topics and end-of-chapter Programming Projects are available as VideoNotes. Software failures. These between-chapter vignettes discuss real-world flaws in software design, encouraging students to adopt sound design practices from the beginning. acknowledgments I am most grateful to the faculty and students from around the world who have provided their feedback on previous editions of this book. I am pleased to see 9 10 prEfacE the depth of the faculty’s concern for their students and the students’ thirst for knowledge. Your comments and questions are always welcome. I am particularly thankful for the assistance, insight, and attention to detail of Robert Burton from Brigham Young University. For years, Robert has consistently provided valuable feedback that helps shape and evolve this textbook. Brian Fraser of Simon Fraser University also has recently provided some excellent feedback that helped clarify some issues in this edition. Such interaction with computing educators is incredibly valuable. I also want to thank Dan Joyce from Villanova University, who developed the Self-Review questions, ensuring that each relevant topic had enough review material, as well as developing the answers to each. I continue to be amazed at the talent and effort demonstrated by the team at Pearson. Matt Goldstein, our editor, has amazing insight and commitment. His assistant, Kelsey Loanes, is a source of consistent and helpful support. Marketing Manager Yez Alayan makes sure that instructors understand the pedagogical advantages of the text. The cover was designed by the skilled talents of Joyce Wells. Scott Disanno, Marilyn Lloyd, and Kayla Smith-Tarbox led the production effort. The Addison-Wesley folks were supported by a phenomenal team at Cenveo Publisher Services including Jerilyn Bockorick for the interior design and Harleen Chopra for project management. We thank all of these people for ensuring that this book meets the highest quality standards. Special thanks go to the following people who provided valuable advice to us about this book via their participation in focus groups, interviews, and reviews. They, as well as many other instructors and friends, have provided valuable feedback. They include: Elizabeth Adams Hossein Assadipour David Atkins Lewis Barnett Thomas W. Bennet Gian Mario Besana Hans-Peter Bischof Don Braffitt Robert Burton John Chandler Robert Cohen Dodi Coreson James H. Cross II Eman El-Sheikh Sherif Elfayoumy James Madison University Rutgers University University of Oregon University of Richmond Mississippi College DePaul University Rochester Institute of Technology Radford University Brigham Young University Oklahoma State University University of Massachusetts, Boston Linn Benton Community College Auburn University University of West Florida University of North Florida prEfacE Christopher Eliot Wanda M. Eanes Stephanie Elzer Matt Evett Marj Feroe John Gauch Chris Haynes James Heliotis Laurie Hendren Mike Higgs Stephen Hughes Daniel Joyce Saroja Kanchi Gregory Kapfhammer Karen Kluge Jason Levy Peter MacKenzie Jerry Marsh Blayne Mayfield Gheorghe Muresan Laurie Murphy Pacific Dave Musicant Faye Navabi-Tadayon Lawrence Osborne Barry Pollack B. Ravikumar David Riley Bob Roos Carolyn Rosiene Jerry Ross Lane Patricia Roth Carolyn Schauble Arjit Sengupta Bennet Setzer Vijay Srinivasan Stuart Steiner Katherine St. John Alexander Stoytchev Ed Timmerman Shengru Tu Paul Tymann John J. Wegis University of Massachusetts, Amherst Macon State College Millersville University Eastern Michigan University Delaware County Community College, Pennsylvania University of Kansas Indiana University Rochester Institute of Technology McGill University Austin College Roanoke College Villanova University Kettering University Allegheny College Dartmouth College University of Hawaii McGill University Oakland University Oklahoma State University Rutgers University Lutheran University Carleton College Arizona State University Lamar University City College of San Francisco University of Rhode Island University of Wisconsin (La Crosse) Allegheny College University of Hartford Community College Southeastern Polytechnic State University Colorado State University Georgia State University Kennesaw State University JavaSoft, Sun Microsystems, Inc. Eastern Washington University Lehman College, CUNY Iowa State University University of Maryland, University College University of New Orleans Rochester Institute of Technology JavaSoft, Sun Microsystems, Inc. 11 12 prEfacE Ken Williams Linda Wilson David Wittenberg Wang-Chan Wong North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University Dartmouth College Brandeis University California State University (Dominguez Hills) Thanks also go to my friends and former colleagues at Villanova University who have provided so much wonderful feedback. They include Bob Beck, Cathy Helwig, Anany Levitin, Najib Nadi, Beth Taddei, and Barbara Zimmerman. Special thanks go to Pete DePasquale of The College of New Jersey for the design and evolution of the PaintBox project, as well as the original Java Class Library appendix. Many other people have helped in various ways. They include Ken Arnold, Mike Czepiel, John Loftus, Sebastian Niezgoda, and Saverio Perugini. Our apologies to anyone we may have omitted. The ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) is a tremendous resource. Their conferences provide an opportunity for educators from all levels and all types of schools to share ideas and materials. If you are an educator in any area of computing and are not involved with SIGCSE, you’re missing out. Pearson Education wishes to thank Arup Bhattacharjee, Soumen Mukherjee and Raghavan for reviewing the Global Edition. Contents preface chapter 1 5 Introduction 27 1.1 computer processing Software Categories Digital Computers Binary Numbers 28 29 31 33 1.2 Hardware components Computer Architecture Input/Output Devices Main Memory and Secondary Memory The Central Processing Unit 36 37 38 39 43 1.3 Networks Network Connections Local-Area Networks and Wide-Area Networks The Internet The World Wide Web Uniform Resource Locators 46 46 1.4 The Java programming Language A Java Program Comments Identifiers and Reserved Words White Space 52 54 56 57 60 1.5 program Development Programming Language Levels Editors, Compilers, and Interpreters Development Environments Syntax and Semantics Errors 62 62 65 66 67 68 48 49 50 51 13 14 cONTENTS 1.6 chapter 2 Object-Oriented programming Problem Solving Object-Oriented Software Principles 70 71 72 Data and Expressions 83 2.1 character Strings The print and println Methods String Concatenation Escape Sequences 84 84 86 89 2.2 Variables and assignment Variables The Assignment Statement Constants 91 91 93 95 2.3 primitive Data Types Integers and Floating Points Characters Booleans 97 97 99 100 2.4 Expressions Arithmetic Operators Operator Precedence Increment and Decrement Operators Assignment Operators 101 101 102 106 107 2.5 Data conversion Conversion Techniques 109 111 2.6 Interactive programs The Scanner Class 113 113 2.7 Graphics Coordinate Systems Representing Color 118 118 120 2.8 applets Executing Applets Using the Web 121 124 2.9 Drawing Shapes The Graphics Class 125 125 Software failure: NASA Mars Climate Orbiter and Polar Lander 137 cONTENTS chapter 3 chapter 4 Using classes and Objects 139 3.1 creating Objects Aliases 140 142 3.2 The String class 144 3.3 packages The import Declaration 148 150 3.4 The Random class 152 3.5 The Math class 155 3.6 formatting Output The NumberFormat Class The DecimalFormat Class The printf Method 158 158 160 161 3.7 Enumerated Types 164 3.8 Wrapper classes Autoboxing 167 169 3.9 components and containers Frames and Panels 169 170 3.10 Nested panels 174 3.11 Images 177 Writing classes 185 4.1 classes and Objects revisited 186 4.2 anatomy of a class Instance Data UML Class Diagrams 188 193 193 4.3 Encapsulation Visibility Modifiers Accessors and Mutators 195 196 197 4.4 anatomy of a Method The return Statement Parameters 198 200 201 15 16 cONTENTS Local Data Bank Account Example 201 202 4.5 constructors revisited 207 4.6 Graphical Objects 208 4.7 Graphical User Interfaces 217 4.8 Buttons 218 4.9 Text fields 222 Software failure: Denver Airport Baggage Handling System chapter 5 conditionals and Loops 231 233 5.1 Boolean Expressions Equality and Relational Operators Logical Operators 234 235 236 5.2 The if Statement The if-else Statement Using Block Statements Nested if Statements 239 242 245 249 5.3 comparing Data Comparing Floats Comparing Characters Comparing Objects 252 252 253 254 5.4 The while Statement Infinite Loops Nested Loops The break and continue Statements 256 260 262 265 5.5 Iterators Reading Text Files 267 268 5.6 The arrayList class 271 5.7 Determining Event Sources 274 cONTENTS 5.8 check Boxes and radio Buttons Check Boxes Radio Buttons Software failure: Therac-25 chapter 6 chapter 7 More conditionals and Loops 277 277 281 293 295 6.1 The switch Statement 296 6.2 The conditional Operator 300 6.3 The do Statement 301 6.4 The for Statement The for-each Loop Comparing Loops 305 308 310 6.5 Drawing with Loops and conditionals 311 6.6 Dialog Boxes 317 Object-Oriented Design 327 7.1 Software Development activities 328 7.2 Identifying classes and Objects Assigning Responsibilities 329 331 7.3 Static class Members Static Variables Static Methods 331 332 332 7.4 class relationships Dependency Dependencies Among Objects of the Same Class Aggregation The this Reference 336 336 Interfaces The Comparable Interface The Iterator Interface 348 353 354 7.5 336 342 346 17 18 cONTENTS chapter 8 7.6 Enumerated Types revisited 355 7.7 Method Design Method Decomposition Method Parameters Revisited 358 359 364 7.8 Method Overloading 369 7.9 Testing Reviews Defect Testing 371 372 372 7.10 GUI Design 375 7.11 Layout Managers Flow Layout Border Layout Grid Layout Box Layout 376 378 382 385 387 7.12 Borders 391 7.13 containment Hierarchies 395 Software failure: 2003 Northeast Blackout 403 arrays 405 8.1 array Elements 406 8.2 Declaring and Using arrays Bounds Checking Alternate Array Syntax Initializer Lists Arrays as Parameters 407 410 415 415 416 8.3 arrays of Objects 418 8.4 command-Line arguments 428 8.5 Variable Length parameter Lists 430 8.6 Two-Dimensional arrays Multidimensional Arrays 434 438 cONTENTS 8.7 polygons and polylines The Polygon Class 439 442 8.8 Mouse Events 444 8.9 Key Events 453 Software failure: LA Air Traffic Control chapter 9 Inheritance 469 9.1 creating Subclasses The protected Modifier The super Reference Multiple Inheritance 470 473 476 479 9.2 Overriding Methods Shadowing Variables 481 483 9.3 class Hierarchies The Object Class Abstract Classes Interface Hierarchies 484 486 487 489 9.4 Visibility 489 9.5 Designing for Inheritance Restricting Inheritance 492 493 9.6 The component class Hierarchy 494 9.7 Extending adapter classes 497 9.8 The Timer class 501 Software failure: Ariane 5 Flight 501 chapter 10 467 polymorphism 511 513 10.1 Late Binding 514 10.2 polymorphism via Inheritance 515 19 20 cONTENTS chapter 11 10.3 polymorphism via Interfaces 528 10.4 Sorting Selection Sort Insertion Sort Comparing Sorts 530 531 537 538 10.5 Searching Linear Search Binary Search Comparing Searches 539 539 541 545 10.6 Designing for polymorphism 545 10.7 Event processing 547 10.8 file choosers 548 10.9 color choosers 551 10.10 Sliders 553 Exceptions 563 11.1 Exception Handling 564 11.2 Uncaught Exceptions 565 11.3 The try-catch Statement The finally Clause 566 570 11.4 Exception propagation 571 11.5 The Exception class Hierarchy Checked and Unchecked Exceptions 575 578 11.6 I/O Exceptions 579 11.7 Tool Tips and Mnemonics 583 11.8 combo Boxes 590 11.9 Scroll panes 595 11.10 Split panes 598 cONTENTS chapter 12 chapter 13 recursion 609 12.1 recursive Thinking Infinite Recursion Recursion in Math 610 610 611 12.2 recursive programming Recursion vs. Iteration Direct vs. Indirect Recursion 612 615 615 12.3 Using recursion Traversing a Maze The Towers of Hanoi 616 617 622 12.4 recursion in Graphics Tiled Pictures Fractals 627 627 630 collections 643 13.1 collections and Data Structures Separating Interface from Implementation 644 644 13.2 Dynamic representations Dynamic Structures A Dynamically Linked List Other Dynamic List Representations 645 645 646 651 13.3 Linear Data Structures Queues Stacks 653 653 654 13.4 Non-Linear Data Structures Trees Graphs 657 657 658 13.5 The Java collections apI Generics 660 660 21 22 cONTENTS appendix a Glossary 667 appendix B Number Systems 691 appendix c The Unicode character Set 699 appendix D Java Operators 703 appendix E Java Modifiers 709 appendix f Java coding Guidelines 713 appendix G Java applets 719 appendix H regular Expressions 721 appendix I Javadoc Documentation Generator 723 appendix J The paintBox project 729 appendix K GUI Events 741 appendix L Java Syntax 745 appendix M The Java class Library 759 appendix N answers to Self-review Questions 761 Index 815 cONTENTS VideoNote Overview of program elements. comparison of Java IDEs. Examples of various error types. Developing a solution for pp 1.2. Example using strings and escape sequences. review of primitive data and expressions. Example using the Scanner class. Example using drawn shapes. Developing a solution of pp 2.10. creating objects. Example using the random and Math classes. Example using frames and panels. Developing a solution of pp 3.6. Dissecting the Die class. Discussion of the account class. Example using an extended Jpanel. Overview of GUI development. Developing a solution of pp 4.2. Examples using conditionals. Examples using while loops. Examples using check boxes and radio buttons. Developing a solution of pp 5.4. Examples using for loops. Developing a solution of pp 6.2 Exploring the static modifier. Examples of method overloading. Discussion of layout managers. Developing a solution of pp 7.1. 55 67 69 80 89 102 117 127 135 141 155 176 184 190 204 208 217 228 247 259 281 290 306 322 331 370 382 400 23 24 cONTENTS Overview of arrays. Discussion of the Lettercount example. Example using rubberbanding and arrays. Developing a solution of pp 8.5. Overview of inheritance. Example using a class hierarchy. Example using the Timer class. Developing a solution of pp 9.11. Exploring the firm program. Sorting comparable objects. Developing a solution of pp 10.1. proper exception handling. Exploring GUI design details. Developing a solution of pp 11.1. Tracing the MazeSearch program. Exploring the Towers of Hanoi. Developing a solution of pp 12.1. Example using a linked list. Implementing a queue. Developing a solution of pp 13.3. 409 414 449 462 475 487 501 509 516 532 560 571 587 606 620 623 639 646 654 664 Credits Cover: © Eugene Sergeev/Shutterstock 01-2 Screenshots reprinted with permission from Apple, Inc. 02-SF NASA Earth Observing System 03-3 Java API doucumentation. Used by permission of Oracle Corporate Counsel 04-SFd Susan Van Etten/PhotoEdit 05-SF-b David Joel/Stone/Getty Images 07-SF-c-1 and 07-SF-c-2 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 08-SF-a Matthew McVay/Getty Images 09-SF-e Mario Fourmy/REA/Redux Pictures Listing 10.13 Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken (1916) Display Listing 11.13 © MShieldsPhotos/Alamy M.1 UNF02-01, UNF11-01, UNF12-01 John Lewis © Microsoft Corporation. Used with permission from Microsoft. MICROSOFT AND/OR ITS RESPECTIVE SUPPLIERS MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE DOCUMENTS AND RELATED GRAPHICS PUBLISHED AS PART OF THE SERVICES FOR ANY PURPOSE. ALL SUCH DOCUMENTS AND RELATED GRAPHICS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT AND/OR ITS RESPECTIVE SUPPLIERS HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT AND/ OR ITS RESPECTIVE SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF INFORMATION AVAILABLE FROM THE SERVICES. THE DOCUMENTS AND RELATED GRAPHICS CONTAINED HEREIN COULD INCLUDE TECHNICAL INACCURACIES OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. CHANGES ARE PERIODICALLY ADDED TO THE INFORMATION HEREIN. MICROSOFT AND/OR ITS RESPECTIVE SUPPLIERS MAY MAKE IMPROVEMENTS AND/ OR CHANGES IN THE PRODUCT(S) AND/OR THE PROGRAM(S) DESCRIBED HEREIN AT ANY TIME. PARTIAL SCREEN SHOTS MAY BE VIEWED IN FULL WITHIN THE SOFTWARE VERSION SPECIFIED. 25 This page is intentionally left blank. Introduction Chap t e r 1 O b j e C t i v e s ● Describe the relationship between hardware and software. ● Define various types of software and how they are used. ● Identify the core hardware components of a computer and explain their roles. ● Explain how the hardware components interact to execute programs and manage data. ● Describe how computers are connected into networks to share information. ● Introduce the Java programming language. ● Describe the steps involved in program compilation and execution. ● Present an overview of object-oriented principles. This book is about writing well-designed software. To understand software, we must first have a fundamental understanding of its role in a computer system. Hardware and software cooperate in a computer system to accomplish complex tasks. The purpose of various hardware components, and the way those components are connected into networks, are important prerequisites to the study of software development. This chapter first discusses basic computer processing and then begins our exploration of software development by introducing the Java programming language and the principles of objectoriented programming. 27 28 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Computer processing All computer systems, whether it’s a desktop, laptop, tablet, smart phone, gaming console, or a special-purpose device like a car’s navigation system, share certain characteristics. The details vary, but they all process data in similar ways. While the majority of this book deals with the development of software, we’ll begin with an overview of computer processing to set the context. It’s important to establish some fundamental terminology and see how key pieces of a computer system interact. A computer system is made up of hardware and software. The hardware components of a computer system are the physical, tangible pieces that support the computing effort. They include chips, boxes, wires, keyboards, speakers, disks, memory cards, USB flash drives (also called jump drives), cables, plugs, printers, mice, monitors, routers, and so on. If you can physically touch it and it can be considered part of a computer system, then it is computer hardware. The hardware components of a computer are essentially useless without instructions to tell them what to do. A program is a series of A computer system consists of instructions that the hardware executes one after another. Software hardware and software that work in concert to help us solve problems. consists of programs and the data those programs use. Software is the intangible counterpart to the physical hardware components. Together they form a tool that we can use to help solve problems. K e Y C O n C e pt The key hardware components in a computer system are ■ central processing unit (CPU) ■ input/output (I/O) devices ■ main memory ■ secondary memory devices Each of these hardware components is described in detail in the next section. For now, let’s simply examine their basic roles. The central processing unit (CPU) is the device that executes the individual commands of a program. Input/output (I/O) devices, such as the keyboard, mouse, and monitor, allow a human being to interact with the computer. Programs and data are held in storage devices called memory, which fall into two categories: main memory and secondary memory. Main memory is the storage device that holds the software while it is being processed by the CPU. Secondary memory devices store software in a relatively permanent manner. The most important secondary memory device of a typical computer system is the hard disk that resides inside the main computer box. A USB flash drive is also an important secondary memory device. A typical USB flash drive cannot store nearly as much information as a hard disk. USB flash drives have the advantage of portability; they can be removed temporarily or moved from computer to computer as needed. Another portable secondary memory device is the compact disc (CD). 1 . 1 Computer Processing Figure 1.1 A simplified view of a computer system Figure 1.1 shows how information moves among the basic hardware components of a computer. Suppose you have an executable program you wish to run. The program is stored on some secondary memory device, such as a hard disk. When you instruct the computer to execute your program, a copy of the program is brought in from secondary memory and stored in main memory. The CPU reads the individual program instructions from main memory. The CPU then executes the instructions one at a time until the program ends. KeY COnCept The CPU reads the program The data that the instructions use, such as two numbers that will instructions from main memory, be added together, also are stored in main memory. They are either executing them one at a time until brought in from secondary memory or read from an input device the program ends. such as the keyboard. During execution, the program may display information to an output device such as a monitor. The process of executing a program is fundamental to the operation of a computer. All computer systems basically work in the same way. software Categories Software can be classified into many categories using various criteria. At this point we will simply differentiate between system programs and application programs. The operating system is the core software of a computer. It performs two important functions. First, it provides a user interface that allows the user to interact with the machine. Second, the operating system manages computer resources such as the CPU and main memory. It determines when programs are allowed to run, where they are loaded into memory, and how hardware devices communicate. It is the operating system’s job to make the computer easy to use and to ensure that it runs efficiently. KeY COnCept Several popular operating systems are in use today. The Windows operating system was developed for personal computers by Microsoft, which has captured the lion’s share of the operating systems market. The operating system provides a user interface and manages computer resources. 29 30 Chapter 1 Introduction Various versions of the Unix operating system are also quite popular, especially in larger computer systems. A version of Unix called Linux was developed as an open source project, which means that many people contributed to its development and its code is freely available. Because of that, Linux has become a particular favorite among some users. Mac OS X is an operating system used for computing systems developed by Apple Computers. Operating systems are often specialized for mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. The iOS operating system from Apple is used on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. It is similar in functionality and appearance to the desktop Mac OS, but tailored for the smaller devices. Likewise, Windows Phone is the version of the Windows operating system from Microsoft used in their phones. Android is a Linuxbased mobile operating system developed by Google and used on many phones. An application (often shortened in conversation to “app”) is a generic term for just about any software other than the operating system. Word processors, missile control systems, database managers, Web browsers, and games all can be considered application programs. Each application program has its own user interface that allows the user to interact with that particular program. The user interface for most modern operating systems and applications is a graphical user interface (GUI, pronounced “gooey”), which, as the name implies, makes use of graphical screen elements. Among many others, these elements include ■ windows, which are used to separate the screen into distinct work areas ■ icons, which are small images that represent computer resources, such as a file ■ menus, checkboxes, and radio buttons, which provide the user with selectable options ■ sliders, which allow the user to select from a range of values ■ buttons, which can be “pushed” with a mouse click to indicate a user selection The mouse is the primary input device used with GUIs; thus, GUIs are sometimes called point-and-click interfaces. The screen shot in Figure 1.2 shows an example of a GUI. The interface to an application or operating system is an important part of the software because it is the only part of the program As far as the user is concerned, the with which the user interacts directly. To the user, the interface is interface is the program. the program. Throughout this book we discuss the design and implementation of graphical user interfaces. K e Y C O n C e pt The focus of this book is the development of high-quality application programs. We explore how to design and write software that will perform calculations, make decisions, and present results textually or graphically. We use the Java programming language throughout the text to demonstrate various computing concepts. 1 . 1 Computer Processing F igure 1.2 An example of a graphical user interface (GUI) Digital Computers Two fundamental techniques are used to store and manage information: analog and digital. Analog information is continuous, in direct proportion to the source of the information. For example, an alcohol thermometer is an analog device for measuring temperature. The alcohol rises in a tube in direct proportion to the temperature outside the tube. Another example of analog information is an electronic signal used to represent the vibrations of a sound wave. The signal’s voltage varies in direct proportion to the original sound wave. A stereo amplifier sends this kind of electronic signal to its speakers, which vibrate to reproduce the sound. We use the term analog because the signal is directly analogous to the information it represents. Figure 1.3 graphically depicts a sound wave captured by a microphone and represented as an electronic signal. KeY COnCept Digital technology breaks information into discrete pieces and represents those pieces as numbers. The music on a compact disc is stored digitally, as a series of numbers. Each number represents the Digital computers store information by breaking it into pieces and representing each piece as a number. 31 32 Chapter 1 Introduction Sound wave Figure 1.3 Analog signal of the sound wave A sound wave and an electronic analog signal that represents the wave voltage level of one specific instance of the recording. Many of these measurements are taken in a short period of time, perhaps 44,000 measurements every second. The number of measurements per second is called the sampling rate. If samples are taken often enough, the discrete voltage measurements can be used to generate a continuous analog signal that is “close enough” to the original. In most cases, the goal is to create a reproduction of the original signal that is good enough to satisfy the human senses. Figure 1.4 shows the sampling of an analog signal. When analog information is converted to a digital format by breaking it into pieces, we say it has been Information can be lost between samples Analog signal Sampling process Sampled values Figure 1. 4 12 11 39 40 7 14 47 Digitizing an analog signal by sampling 1 . 1 Computer Processing H i , 72 105 Figure 1.5 44 32 72 H e a t h e r. 101 97 116 104 101 114 46 Text is stored by mapping each character to a number digitized. Because the changes that occur in a signal between samples are lost, the sampling rate must be sufficiently fast. Sampling is only one way to digitize information. For example, a sentence of text is stored on a computer as a series of numbers, where each number represents a single character in the sentence. Every letter, digit, and punctuation symbol has been assigned a number. Even the space character is assigned a number. Consider the following sentence: Hi, Heather. The characters of the sentence are represented as a series of 12 numbers, as shown in Figure 1.5. When a character is repeated, such as the uppercase 'H', the same representation number is used. Note that the uppercase version of a letter is stored as a different number from the lowercase version, such as the 'H' and 'h' in the word Heather. They are considered separate and distinct characters. Modern electronic computers are digital. Every kind of information, including text, images, numbers, audio, video, and even program instructions, is broken into pieces. Each piece is represented as a number. The information is stored by storing those numbers. binary numbers A digital computer stores information as numbers, but those numbers are not stored as decimal values. All information in a computer is stored and managed as binary values. Unlike the decimal system, which has 10 digits (0 through 9), the binary number system has only two digits (0 and 1). A single binary digit is called a bit. All number systems work according to the same rules. The base value of a number system dictates how many digits we have to work with and indicates the place value of each digit in a number. The decimal number system KeY COnCept is base 10, whereas the binary number system is base 2. Appendix B Binary is used to store and move contains a detailed discussion of number systems. information in a computer because Modern computers use binary numbers because the devices that store and move information are less expensive and more reliable if they have to represent only one of two possible values. Other the devices that store and manipulate binary data are inexpensive and reliable. 33 34 Chapter 1 Introduction than this characteristic, there is nothing special about the binary number system. Computers have been created that use other number systems to store and move information, but they aren’t as convenient. Some computer memory devices, such as hard drives, are magnetic in nature. Magnetic material can be polarized easily to one extreme or the other, but intermediate levels are difficult to distinguish. Therefore, magnetic devices can be used to represent binary values quite effectively—a magnetized area represents a binary 1 and a demagnetized area represents a binary 0. Other computer memory devices are made up of tiny electrical circuits. These devices are easier to create and are less likely to fail if they have to switch between only two states. We’re better off reproducing millions of these simple devices than creating fewer, more complicated ones. Binary values and digital electronic signals go hand in hand. They improve our ability to transmit information reliably along a wire. As we’ve seen, an analog signal has continuously varying voltage with infinitely many states, but a digital signal is discrete, which means the voltage changes dramatically between one extreme (such as +5 volts) and the other (such as –5 volts). At any point, the voltage of a digital signal is considered to be either “high,” which represents a binary 1, or “low,” which represents a binary 0. Figure 1.6 compares these two types of signals. As a signal moves down a wire, it gets weaker and degrades due to environmental conditions. That is, the voltage levels of the original signal change slightly. The trouble with an analog signal is that as it fluctuates, it loses its original information. Since the information is directly analogous to the signal, any change in the signal changes the information. The changes in an analog signal cannot be recovered because the degraded signal is just as valid as the original. A digital signal degrades just as an analog signal does, but because the digital signal is originally at one of two extremes, it can be reinforced before any information is lost. The voltage may change slightly from its original value, but it still can be interpreted correctly as either high or low. The number of bits we use in any given situation determines the number of unique items we can represent. A single bit has two possible values, 0 and 1, and Analog signal Figure 1 . 6 Digital signal An analog signal vs. a digital signal 1 . 1 Computer Processing therefore can represent two possible items or situations. If we want to represent the state of a light bulb (off or on), one bit will suffice, because we can interpret 0 as the light bulb being off and 1 as the light bulb being on. If we want to represent more than two things, we need more than one bit. Two bits, taken together, can represent four possible items because there are exactly four permutations of two bits: 00, 01, 10, and 11. Suppose we want to represent the gear that a car is in (park, drive, reverse, or neutral). We would need only two bits, and could set up a mapping between the bit permutations and the gears. For instance, we could say that 00 represents park, 01 represents drive, 10 represents reverse, and 11 represents neutral. In this case, it wouldn’t matter if we switched that mapping around, though in some cases the relationships between the bit permutations and what they represent are important. Three bits can represent eight unique items, because there are KeY COnCept eight permutations of three bits. Similarly, four bits can represent 16 There are exactly 2N permutations of items, five bits can represent 32 items, and so on. Figure 1.7 shows N bits. Therefore, N bits can represent up to 2N unique items. the relationship between the number of bits used and the number of items they can represent. In general, N bits can represent 2N unique items. For every bit added, the number of items that can be represented doubles. 1 bit 2 items 2 bits 4 items 3 bits 8 items 4 bits 16 items 0 00 000 0000 00000 10000 1 01 001 0001 00001 10001 10 010 0010 00010 10010 11 011 0011 00011 10011 100 0100 00100 10100 101 0101 00101 10101 110 0110 00110 10110 111 0111 00111 10111 1000 01000 11000 1001 01001 11001 1010 01010 11010 1011 01011 11011 1100 01100 11100 1101 01101 11101 1110 01110 11110 1111 01111 11111 Figure 1.7 5 bits 32 items The number of bits used determines the number of items that can be represented. 35 36 Chapter 1 Introduction We’ve seen how a sentence of text is stored on a computer by mapping characters to numeric values. Those numeric values are stored as binary numbers. Suppose we want to represent character strings in a language that contains 256 characters and symbols. We would need to use eight bits to store each character because there are 256 unique permutations of eight bits (28 equals 256). Each bit permutation, or binary value, is mapped to a specific character. How many bits would be needed to represent 195 countries of the world? Seven wouldn’t be enough, because 27 equals 128. Eight bits would be enough, but some of the 256 permutations would not be mapped to a country. Ultimately, representing information on a computer boils down to the number of items there are to represent and determining the way those items are mapped to binary values. selF-review QuestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 1.1 What is hardware? What is software? SR 1.2 What are the two primary functions of an operating system? SR 1.3 The music on a CD is created using a sampling rate of 44,000 measurements per second. Each measurement is stored as a number that represents a specific voltage level. How many such numbers are used to store a three-minute long song? How many such numbers does it take to represent one hour of music? SR 1.4 What happens to information when it is stored digitally? SR 1.5 How many unique items can be represented with the following? a. b. c. d. SR 1.6 1.2 2 4 5 7 bits bits bits bits Suppose you want to represent each of the 50 states of the United States using a unique permutation of bits. How many bits would be needed to store each state representation? Why? hardware Components Let’s examine the hardware components of a computer system in more detail. Consider the desktop computer described in Figure 1.8. What does it all mean? Is the system capable of running the software you want it to? How does it compare with other systems? These terms are explained throughout this section. 1 . 2 Hardware Components Figure 1.8 The hardware specification of a particular computer Computer architecture The architecture of a house defines its structure. Similarly, we use the term computer architecture to describe how the hardware components of a computer are put together. Figure 1.9 illustrates the basic architecture of a generic computer system. Information travels between components across a group of wires called a bus. Figure 1.9 Basic computer architecture 37 38 Chapter 1 Introduction K e Y C O n C e pt The core of a computer is made up of main memory, which stores programs and data, and the CPU, which executes program instructions one at a time. The CPU and the main memory make up the core of a computer. As we mentioned earlier, main memory stores programs and data that are in active use, and the CPU methodically executes program instructions one at a time. Suppose we have a program that computes the average of a list of numbers. The program and the numbers must reside in main memory while the program runs. The CPU reads one program instruction from main memory and executes it. If an instruction needs data, such as a number in the list, to perform its task, the CPU reads that information as well. This process repeats until the program ends. The average, when computed, is stored in main memory to await further processing or long-term storage in secondary memory. Almost all devices in a computer system other than the CPU and main memory are called peripherals; they operate at the periphery, or outer edges, of the system (although they may be in the same box). Users don’t interact directly with the CPU or main memory. Although they form the essence of the machine, the CPU and main memory would not be useful without peripheral devices. Controllers are devices that coordinate the activities of specific peripherals. Every device has its own particular way of formatting and communicating data, and part of the controller’s role is to handle these idiosyncrasies and isolate them from the rest of the computer hardware. Furthermore, the controller often handles much of the actual transmission of information, allowing the CPU to focus on other activities. Input/output (I/O) devices and secondary memory devices are considered peripherals. Another category of peripherals consist of data transfer devices, which allow information to be sent and received between computers. The computer specified in Figure 1.8 includes a network card, also called a wireless network interface controller (WNIC), which connects to a radio-based computer network. In some ways, secondary memory devices and data transfer devices can be thought of as I/O devices because they represent a source of information (input) and a place to send information (output). For our discussion, however, we define I/O devices as those devices that allow the user to interact with the computer. input/Output Devices Let’s examine some I/O devices in more detail. The most common input devices are the keyboard and the mouse or trackpad. Others include ■ bar code readers, such as the ones used at a retail store checkout ■ microphones, used by voice recognition systems that interpret voice commands ■ ■ virtual reality devices, such as handheld devices that interpret the movement of the user’s hand scanners, which convert text, photographs, and graphics into machinereadable form 1 . 2 Hardware Components ■ cameras, which capture still pictures and video, and can also be used to process special input such as QR codes Monitors and printers are the most common output devices. Others include ■ plotters, which move pens across large sheets of paper (or vice versa) ■ speakers, for audio output ■ goggles, for virtual reality display Some devices can provide both input and output capabilities. A touch screen system can detect the user touching the screen at a particular place. Software can then use the screen to display text and graphics in response to the user’s touch. Touch screens have become commonplace for handheld devices. The desktop computer described in Figure 1.8 includes a monitor with a 17-inch diagonal display area. It makes use of liquid crystal display (LCD) technology, unlike the older cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors that required substantial voltage and generally were not portable. A picture is represented in a computer by breaking it up into separate picture elements, or pixels. The monitor might display a grid of 1280 by 1024 pixels. Representing and managing graphical data is discussed in more detail in Chapter 2. Main Memory and secondary Memory Main memory is made up of a series of small, consecutive memory locations, as shown in Figure 1.10. Associated with each memory location is a unique number called an address. 4802 Addresses 4803 Data values are stored in memory locations. 4804 4805 4806 4807 4808 Large values are stored in consecutive memory locations. 4809 4810 4811 4812 Figure 1.10 Memory locations KeY COnCept An address is a unique number associated with a memory location. 39 40 Chapter 1 Introduction Unit Symbol Number of Bytes 0 byte 2 =1 10 kilobyte KB 2 = 1024 megabyte MB 2 = 1,048,576 gigabyte GB 2 = 1,073,741,824 terabyte TB 2 = 1,099,511,627,776 petabyte PB 2 = 1,125,899,906,842,624 Fig u r e 1 . 1 1 20 30 40 50 Units of binary storage When data is stored in a memory location, it overwrites and destroys any information that was previously stored at that location. However, the process of reading data from a memory location does not affect it. On many computers, each memory location consists of eight bits, or one byte, of information. If we need to store a value that cannot be represented in a single byte, such as a large number, then multiple, consecutive bytes are used to store the data. The storage capacity of a device such as main memory is the total number of bytes it can hold. Devices can store thousands or millions of bytes, so you should become familiar with larger units of measure. Because computer memory is based on the binary number system, all units of storage are powers of two. A kilobyte (KB) is 1024, or 210, bytes. Some larger units of storage are a megabyte (MB), a gigabyte (GB), a terabyte (TB), and a petabyte (PB) as listed in Figure 1.11. It’s usually easier to think about these capacities by rounding them off. For example, most computer users think of a kilobyte as approximately one thousand bytes, a megabyte as approximately one million bytes, and so forth. K e Y C O n C e pt Main memory is volatile, meaning the stored information is maintained only as long as electric power is supplied. Many personal computers have four gigabytes of main memory, or RAM, such as the system described in Figure 1.8 (we discuss RAM in more detail later in this chapter). A large main memory allows large programs or multiple programs to run efficiently, because they don’t have to retrieve information from secondary memory as often. Main memory is usually volatile, meaning that the information stored in it will be lost if its electric power supply is turned off. When you are working on a computer, you should often save your work onto a secondary memory device such as a USB flash drive in case the power goes out. Secondary memory devices are usually nonvolatile; the information is retained even if the power supply is turned off. 1 . 2 Hardware Components The cache is used by the central processing unit (CPU) to reduce the average access time to instructions and data. The cache is a small, fast memory that stores the contents of the most frequently used main memory locations. Contemporary CPUs include an instruction cache to speed up the fetching of executable instructions and a data cache to speed up the fetching and storing of data. The most common secondary storage devices are hard disks and USB flash drives. A typical USB flash drive stores between 1 GB and 256 GB of information. The storage capacities of hard drives vary, but on personal computers, capacities typically range between 120 GB and 500 GB, such as in the system described in Figure 1.8. Some hard disks can store 2 TB of data. A USB flash drive consists of a small printed circuit board carrying the circuit elements and a USB connector, insulated electrically and protected inside a plastic, metal, or rubberized case, which can be carried in a pocket or on a key chain, for example. A disk is a magnetic medium on which bits are represented as magnetized particles. A read/write head passes over the spinning disk, reading or writing information as appropriate. A hard disk drive might actually contain several disks in a vertical column with several read/write heads, such as the one shown in Figure 1.12. To get an intuitive feel for how much information these devices can store, consider that all the information in this book, including pictures and formatting, requires about 7 MB of storage. Magnetic tapes also have been used as secondary storage but are considerably slower than hard disk and USB flash drives because of the way information is accessed. A hard disk is a direct access device since the read/write head can move, in general, directly to the information needed. A USB flash drive is also a direct access Read/write head Disks Figure 1.12 A hard disk drive with multiple disks and read/write heads 41 42 Chapter 1 Introduction device, but nothing moves mechanically. The terms direct access and random access are often used interchangeably. However, information on a tape can be accessed only after first getting past the intervening data. A tape must be rewound or fast-forwarded to get to the appropriate position. A tape is therefore considered a sequential access device. For these reasons, tapes largely have fallen out of use as a computing storage device, just as audio cassettes have been supplanted by compact discs. Two other terms are used to describe memory devices: random access memory (RAM) and read-only memory (ROM). It’s important to understand these terms because they are used often and their names can be misleading. The terms RAM and main memory are basically interchangeable, describing the memory where active programs and data are stored. ROM can refer to chips on the computer motherboard or to portable storage such as a compact disc. ROM chips typically store software called BIOS (basic input/output system) that provide the preliminary instructions needed when the computer is turned on initially. After information is stored on ROM, generally it is not altered (as the term read-only implies) during typical computer use. Both RAM and ROM are direct (or random) access devices. A CD-ROM is a portable secondary memory device. CD stands for compact disc. It is called ROM because information is stored The surface of a CD has both permanently when the CD is created and cannot be changed. Like smooth areas and small pits. A pit represents a binary 1 and a smooth its musical CD counterpart, a CD-ROM stores information in binary area represents a binary 0. format. When the CD is initially created, a microscopic pit is pressed into the disc to represent a binary 1, and the disc is left smooth to represent a binary 0. The bits are read by shining a low-intensity laser beam onto the spinning disc. The laser beam reflects strongly from a smooth area on the disc but weakly from a pitted area. A sensor receiving the reflection determines whether each bit is a 1 or a 0 accordingly. A typical CD-ROM’s storage capacity ranges between 650 and 900 MB. K e Y C O n C e pt Variations on basic CD technology emerged quickly. Most personal computers are equipped with a CD-Recordable (CD-R) drive. A CD-R can be used to create a CD for music or for general computer storage. Once created, you can use a CD-R disc in a standard CD player, but you can’t change the information on a CD-R disc once it has been “burned.” Music CDs that you buy are pressed from a mold, whereas CD-Rs are burned with a laser. A CD-Rewritable (CD-RW) disc can be erased and reused. It can be reused because the pits and flat surfaces of a normal CD are simulated on a CD-RW K e Y C O n C e pt by coating the surface of the disc with a material that, when heated A rewritable CD simulates the pits to one temperature becomes amorphous (and therefore nonreflective) and smooth areas of a regular CD and when heated to a different temperature becomes crystalline (and by using a coating that can be made therefore reflective). The CD-RW media doesn’t work in all players, but amorphous or crystalline as needed. CD-RW drives can create both CD-R and CD-RW discs. 1 . 2 Hardware Components CDs were initially a popular format for music; they later evolved to be used as a general computer storage device. Similarly, the DVD format was originally created for video and is now making headway as a general format for computer data. DVD once stood for digital video disc or digital versatile disc, but now the acronym generally stands on its own. A DVD has a tighter format (more bits per square inch) than a CD and can therefore store much more information. DVDROMs eventually may replace CD-ROMs completely because there is a compatible migration path, meaning that a DVD drive can read a CD-ROM. Similar to CD-R and CD-RW, there are DVD-R and DVD-RW discs. The drive listed in Figure 1.8 allows the user to read and write CD-RW discs and read DVD-ROMs, including the ability to play music CDs and watch DVD videos. The speed of a CD or DVD is expressed in multiples of x, which represents a data transfer speed of 153,600 bytes of data per second for a CD; nine times that speed, or about 1.5 megabytes of data per second, for a DVD; and three times the speed of a DVD, or 4.5 megabytes of data per second, for a Blu-ray disc. The drive described in Figure 1.8 has a maximum data access speed of 16x, or about 72 MB of data per second. A dual-layer Blu-ray disc has a storage capacity of 50 GB. The capacity of storage devices changes continually as technology improves. A general rule in the computer industry suggests that storage capacity approximately doubles every 18 months. However, this progress eventually will slow down as capacities approach absolute physical limits. the Central processing unit The central processing unit (CPU) interacts with main memory to perform all fundamental processing in a computer. The CPU interprets and executes instructions, one after another, in a continuous cycle. It is made up of three important components, as shown in Figure 1.13. The control unit coordinates the processing steps, the registers provide a small amount of storage space in the CPU itself, and the arithmetic/logic unit performs calculations and makes decisions. The registers are the smallest, fastest cache in the system. The control unit coordinates the transfer of data and instructions between main memory and the registers in the CPU. It also coordinates the execution of the circuitry in the arithmetic/logic unit to perform operations on data stored in particular registers. In most CPUs, some registers are reserved for special purposes. For example, the instruction register holds the current instruction being executed. The program counter is a register that holds the address of the next instruction to be executed. In addition to these and other special-purpose registers, the CPU also 43 44 Chapter 1 Introduction CPU Arithmetic/logic unit Bus Main memory Control unit Registers Figure 1 . 1 3 CPU components and main memory contains a set of general-purpose registers that are used for temporary storage of values as needed. The concept of storing both program instructions and data together in main memory is the underlying principle of the von Neumann architecture of computer design, named after John von Neumann, a Hungarian-American mathematician who first advanced this programming concept in 1945. These computers continually follow the fetch-decode-execute cycle depicted in Figure 1.14. An instruction is fetched from main memory at the address stored in the program counter and is put into the instruction register. The program counter is incremented K e Y C O n C e pt at this point to prepare for the next cycle. Then the instruction is The fetch-decode-execute cycle decoded electronically to determine which operation to carry out. forms the foundation of computer Finally, the control unit activates the correct circuitry to carry out processing. the instruction, which may load a data value into a register or add two values together, for example. The CPU is constructed on a chip called a microprocessor, a device that is part of the main circuit board of the computer. This board also contains ROM chips Decode the instruction and increment program counter Fetch an instruction from main memory Execute the instruction Figure 1.14 The continuous fetch-decode-execute cycle 1 . 2 Hardware Components and communication sockets to which device controllers, such as the controller that manages the video display, can be connected. Another crucial component of the main circuit board is the system clock. The clock generates an electronic pulse at regular intervals, which synchronizes the events of the CPU. The rate at which the pulses occur is called the clock speed, and it varies depending on the processor. The computer described in Figure 1.8 includes an Intel Core i7 processor that runs at a clock speed of 3.07 gigahertz (GHz), or approximately 3.1 billion pulses per second. The speed of the system clock provides a rough measure of how fast the CPU executes instructions. Similar to storage capacities, the speed of processors is constantly increasing with advances in technology. s e l F - r e v iew QuestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 1.7 How many bytes are in each of the following? a. 3 KB b. 2 MB c. 4 GB SR 1.8 How many bits are there in each of the following? a. 8 bytes b. 2 KB c. 4 MB SR 1.9 The music on a CD is created using a sampling rate of 44,000 measurements per second. Each measurement is stored as a number that represents a specific voltage level. Suppose each of these numbers requires two bytes of storage space. How many MB does it take to represent one hour of music? SR 1.10 What are the two primary hardware components in a computer? How do they interact? SR 1.11 What is a memory address? SR 1.12 What does volatile mean? Which memory devices are volatile and which are nonvolatile? SR 1.13 Select the word from the following list that best matches each of the following phrases: controller, CPU, main, network card, peripheral, RAM, register, ROM, secondary a. Almost all devices in a computer system, other than the CPU and the main memory, are categorized as this. 45 46 Chapter 1 Introduction b. c. d. e. f. g. 1.3 A device that coordinates the activities of a peripheral device. Allows information to be sent and received. This type of memory is usually volatile. This type of memory is usually nonvolatile. This term basically is interchangeable with the term “main memory.” Where the fundamental processing of a computer takes place. networks A single computer can accomplish a great deal, but connecting several computers together into networks can dramatically increase productivity and facilitate the sharing of information. A network consists of two or more computers connected together so they can exchange information. Using networks has become the normal mode of commercial computer operation. New technologies are K e Y C O n C e pt emerging every day to capitalize on the connected environments of A network consists of two or more modern computer systems. computers connected together so that they can exchange information. Figure 1.15 shows a simple computer network. One of the devices on the network is a printer, which allows any computer connected to the network to print a document on that printer. One of the computers on the network is designated as a file server, which is dedicated to storing programs and data that are needed by many network users. A file server usually has a large amount of secondary memory. When a network has a file server, each individual computer doesn’t need its own copy of a program. network Connections If two computers are directly connected, they can communicate in basically the same way that information moves across wires inside a single machine. When File server Shared printer Figur e 1 . 1 5 A simple computer network 1 . 3 Networks Figure 1.16 47 Point-to-point connections connecting two geographically close computers, this solution works well and is called a point-to-point connection. However, consider the task of connecting many computers together across large distances. If point-to-point connections are used, every computer is directly connected by a wire to every other computer in the network. A separate wire for each connection is not a workable solution because every time a new computer is added to the network, a new communication line will have to be installed for each computer already in the network. Furthermore, a single computer can handle only a small number of direct connections. Figure 1.16 shows multiple point-to-point connections. Consider the number of communication lines that would be needed if two or three additional computers were added to the network. These days, local networks, such as those within a single building, often use wireless connections, minimizing the need for running wires. Compare the diagrams in Figure 1.15 and Figure 1.16. All of the computers shown in Figure 1.15 share a single communication line. Each computer on the network has its own network address, which uniquely identifies it. These addresses are similar in concept to the addresses in main memory except that they identify individual computers on a network instead of individual memory locations inside a single computer. A message is sent across the line from one computer to another by specifying the network address of the computer for which it is intended. Sharing a communication line is cost effective and makes adding new computers to the network relatively easy. However, a shared line introduces delays. The computers on the network cannot use the communication line at the same time. They have to take turns sending information, which means they have to wait when the line is busy. KeY COnCept Sharing a communication line creates delays, but it is cost effective and simplifies adding new computers to the network. One technique to improve network delays is to divide large messages into segments, called packets, and then send the individual packets across the network intermixed with pieces of other messages sent by other users. The packets are collected at the destination and reassembled into the original message. This situation is similar to a group of people using a conveyor belt to move a set of boxes from one place to another. If only one person were allowed to use the conveyor belt at a time, and that person had a large number of boxes to move, 48 Chapter 1 Introduction the others would be waiting a long time before they could use it. By taking turns, each person can put one box on at a time, and they all can get their work done. It’s not as fast as having a conveyor belt of your own, but it’s not as slow as having to wait until everyone else is finished. local-area networks and wide-area networks A local-area network (LAN) is designed to span short distances and connect a relatively small number of computers. Usually a LAN connects the machines in only one building or in a single room. LANs are convenient to install and manage and are highly reliable. As computers became increasingly small and versatile, LANs provided an inexpensive way to share information K e Y C O n C e pt A local-area network (LAN) is an throughout an organization. However, having a LAN is like having effective way to share information a telephone system that allows you to call only the people in your and resources throughout an own town. We need to be able to share information across longer organization. distances. A wide-area network (WAN) connects two or more LANs, often across long distances. Usually one computer on each LAN is dedicated to handling the communication across a WAN. This technique relieves the other computers in a LAN from having to perform the details of long-distance communication. Figure 1.17 shows several LANs connected into a WAN. The LANs connected by a WAN are often owned by different companies or organizations and might even be located in different countries. One computer in a LAN LAN Long-distance connection Figur e 1 . 1 7 LANs connected into a WAN 1 . 3 Networks The impact of networks on computer systems has been dramatic. Computing resources can now be shared among many users, and computer-based communication across the entire world is common. In fact, the use of networks is now so pervasive that some computers require network resources in order to operate. the internet Throughout the 1970s, an agency in the Department of Defense known as the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) funded several projects to explore network technology. One result of these efforts was the ARPANET, a WAN that eventually became known as the Internet. The Internet is a network of networks. The term Internet comes from the WAN concept of internetworking—connecting many smaller networks together. From the late 1980s through the present day, the Internet has KeY COnCept grown incredibly. In 1983, there were fewer than 600 computers The Internet is a wide-area network connected to the Internet. At the present time, the Internet serves (WAN) that spans the globe. billions of users worldwide. As more and more computers connect to the Internet, the task of keeping up with the larger number of users and heavier traffic has been difficult. New technologies have replaced the ARPANET several times since the initial development, each time providing more capacity and faster processing. A protocol is a set of rules that governs how two things communicate. The software that controls the movement of messages across the Internet must conform to a set of protocols called TCP/IP (pronounced by spelling out the letters, T-C-P-I-P). TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol, and IP stands for Internet Protocol. The IP software defines how information is formatted and transferred from the source to the destination. The TCP software handles problems such as pieces of information arriving out of their original order or information getting lost, which can happen if too much information converges at one location at the same time. Every computer connected to the Internet has an IP address that uniquely identifies it among all other computers on the Internet. An example of an IP address is Fortunately, the users of the Internet rarely have KeY COnCept to deal with IP addresses. The Internet allows each computer to be Every computer connected to the given a name. Like IP addresses, the names must be unique. The Internet has an IP address that Internet name of a computer is often referred to as its Internet uniquely identifies it. address. An example of Internet address is The first part of an Internet address is the local name of a specific computer. The rest of the address is the domain name, which indicates the organization to which the computer belongs. For example, is the domain name for the network of computers at Virginia Tech, and hector is the name of a particular computer on 49 50 Chapter 1 Introduction that campus. Because the domain names are unique, many organizations can have a computer named hector without confusion. Individual departments might be assigned subdomains that are added to the basic domain name to uniquely distinguish their set of computers within the larger organization. For example, the cs.vt. edu subdomain is devoted to the Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech. The last part of each domain name, called a top-level domain (TLD), usually indicates the type of organization to which the computer belongs. The TLD edu typically indicates an educational institution. The TLD com often refers to a commercial business. Another common TLD is org, usually used by nonprofit organizations. Other top-level domains include biz, info, jobs, and name. Many computers, especially those outside of the United States, use a country-code top-level domain that denotes the country of origin, such as uk for the United Kingdom or au for Australia. When an Internet address is referenced, it gets translated to its corresponding IP address, which is used from that point on. The software that does this translation is called the Domain Name System (DNS). Each organization connected to the Internet operates a domain server that maintains a list of all computers at that organization and their IP addresses. It works somewhat like telephone directory assistance in that you provide the name, and the domain server gives back a number. If the local domain server does not have the IP address for the name, it contacts another domain server that does. The Internet has revolutionized computer processing. Initially, the primary use of interconnected computers was to send electronic mail, but Internet capabilities continue to improve. One of the most significant uses of the Internet is the World Wide Web. the world wide web The Internet gives us the capability to exchange information. The World Wide Web (also known as WWW or simply the Web) makes the exchange of information easy for humans. Web software provides a common user K e Y C O n C e pt interface through which many different types of information can be The World Wide Web is software that accessed with the click of a mouse. makes sharing information across a network easy for humans. The Web is based on the concepts of hypertext and hypermedia. The term hypertext was coined in 1965 by Ted Nelson. It describes a way to organize information so that the flow of ideas was not constrained to a linear progression. Paul Otlet (1868–1944), considered by some to be the father of information science, envisioned that concept as a way to manage large amounts of information. The underlying idea is that documents can be linked at various points according to natural relationships so that the reader can jump from one document to another, following the appropriate path for that reader’s needs. When other media components are incorporated, such as graphics, sound, animations, and video, the resulting organization is called hypermedia. 1 . 3 Networks The terms Internet and World Wide Web are sometimes used interchangeably, but there are important differences between the two. The Internet makes it possible to communicate via computers around the world. The Web makes that communication a straightforward and enjoyable activity. The Web is essentially a distributed information service and is based on a set of software applications. It is not a network. Although it is used effectively with the Internet, it is not inherently bound to it. The Web can be used on a LAN that is not connected to any other network or even on a single machine to display HTML documents. A browser is a software tool that loads and formats Web documents for viewing. Mosaic, the first graphical interface browser for the Web, was released in 1993. The designer of a Web document defines to other Web information that might be anywhere on the Internet. Some of the people who developed Mosaic went on to found the Netscape Communications Corporation and create the Netscape Navigator browser. Popular contemporary browsers include Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Google Chrome, and Opera. A computer dedicated to providing access to Web documents is called a Web server. Browsers load and interpret documents provided by a Web server. Many such documents are formatted using the HyperText Markup Language (HTML). The Java programming language has an intimate relationship with Web processing, because links to Java programs can be embedded in HTML documents and executed through Web browsers. We explore this relationship in more detail in Chapter 2. uniform resource locators Information on the Web is found by identifying a Uniform Resource Locator (URL, pronounced by spelling out the letters U-R-L). A URL uniquely specifies documents and other information for a browser to obtain and display. The following is an example URL: The Web site at this particular URL is the home of the well-known Google search engine, which enables you to search the Web for information using particular words or phrases. A URL contains several pieces of information. The first piece is a protocol, which determines the way the browser transmits and processes information. The second piece is the Internet address of the machine on which the document is stored. The third piece of information is the file name or resource of interest. If no file name is given, as is the case with the Google URL, the Web server usually provides a default page (such as index.html). KeY COnCept A URL uniquely specifies documents and other information found on the Web for a browser to obtain and display. 51 52 Chapter 1 Introduction Let’s look at another example URL: In this URL, the protocol is http, which stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol. The machine referenced is www (a typical reference to a Web server), found at domain Finally, photos-and-video/photogallery/photo-day represents a file (or a reference that generates a file) to be transferred to the browser for viewing. Many other forms for URLs exist, but this form is the most common. selF-review QuestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 1.14 What is a file server? SR 1.15 What is the total number of communication lines needed for a fully connected point-to-point network of five computers? Six computers? SR 1.16 Describe a benefit of having computers on a network share a communication line. Describe a cost/drawback of sharing a communication line. SR 1.17 What is the etymology of the word Internet? SR 1.18 The TCP/IP set of protocols describes communication rules for software that uses the Internet. What does TCP stand for? What does IP stand for? SR 1.19 Explain the parts of the following URLs: a. b. 1.4 the java programming language Let’s now turn our attention to the software that makes a computer system useful. A program is written in a particular programming language that uses specific words and symbols to express the problem solution. A programming language defines a set of rules that determines exactly how a programmer can combine the words and symbols of the language into programming statements, which are the instructions that are carried out when the program is executed. Since the inception of computers, many programming languages have been created. We use the Java language in this book to demonstrate various programming concepts and techniques. Although our main goal is to learn these underlying software development concepts, an important side effect will be to become proficient in the development of Java programs. Java is a relatively new programming language as compared with many others. It was initiated in 1991 by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems as one of his 1 . 4 The Java Programming Language many set-top box projects. The language initially was called Oak, then Green, and ultimately Java. Java was introduced to the public in 1995 and has gained tremendous popularity since. In 2010, Sun Microsystems was purchased by Oracle. There are variations of the Java Platform, including the Standard Edition, which is the mainstream version of the language and the associated tools; the Enterprise Edition, which includes extra libraries to support large-scale system development; and the Micro Edition, which is specifically for developing software for portable devices such as cell phones. This book focuses on the Standard Edition. Furthermore, the Java Standard Edition has gone through several revisions over the years, extending its capabilities and making changes to certain aspects of it. The table below lists the versions and some of the new features. Note that they changed the numbering technique with version 5. The contents of this book are appropriate for version 5 or later. Version Year New Features 1.0 1996 Initial deployment 1.1 1997 Inner classes 1.2 1998 Collections framework, Swing graphics 1.3 2000 Sound framework 1.4 2002 Assertions, XML support, regular expressions 5 2004 Generics, for-each loop, autoboxing, enumerations, annotations, variable-length parameter lists 6 2006 GUI improvements, various library updates 7 2010 Use of strings in a switch, other language changes 8 2014 (Probable) Lambda expressions, date and time API Some parts of early Java technologies have been deprecated, which means they are considered old-fashioned and should not be used. When it is important, we point out deprecated elements and discuss their preferred alternatives. One reason Java attracted some initial attention was because it was the first programming language to deliberately embrace the concept of writing programs (called applets) that can be executed using the Web. Since then, the techniques for creating a Web page that has dynamic, functional capabilities have expanded dramatically. Java is an object-oriented programming language. Objects are the fundamental elements that make up a program. The principles of object-oriented software development are the cornerstone of this book. We explore object-oriented programming concepts later in this chapter and throughout the rest of the book. KeY COnCept This book focuses on the principles of object-oriented programming. 53 54 Chapter 1 Introduction l i s t i n g 1 . 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the basic structure of a Java application. //******************************************************************** public class Lincoln { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Prints a presidential quote. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("A quote by Abraham Lincoln:"); System.out.println("Whatever you are, be a good one."); } } O u t p u t A quote by Abraham Lincoln: Whatever you are, be a good one. The Java language is accompanied by a library of extra software that we can use when developing programs. This software is referred to as the Java API, which stands for Application Programmer Interface, or simply the standard class library. The Java API provides the ability to create graphics, communicate over networks, and interact with databases, among many other features. The Java API is huge and quite versatile. We won’t be able to cover all aspects of the library, though we will explore several of them. Java is used in commercial environments all over the world. It is one of the fastest growing programming technologies of all time. So not only is it a good language in which to learn programming concepts, it is also a practical language that will serve you well in the future. a java program Let’s look at a simple but complete Java program. The program in Listing 1.1 prints two sentences to the screen. This particular program prints a quote by Abraham Lincoln. The output is shown below the program listing. 1 . 4 The Java Programming Language All Java applications have a similar basic structure. Despite its small size and simple purpose, this program contains several important features. Let’s carefully dissect it and examine its pieces. The first few lines of the program are comments, which start KeY COnCept with the // symbols and continue to the end of the line. Comments Comments do not affect a program’s don’t affect what the program does but are included to make the processing; instead, they serve to program easier to understand by humans. Programmers can and facilitate human comprehension. should include comments as needed throughout a program to clearly identify the purpose of the program and describe any special processing. Any written comments or documents, including a user’s guide and technical references, are called documentation. Comments included in a program are called inline documentation. The rest of the program is a class definition. This class is called Lincoln, though we could have named it just about anything we wished. The class definition runs from the first opening brace ({) to the final closing brace (}) on the last line of the program. All Java programs are defined using class definitions. Inside the class definition are some more comments describing the purpose of the main method, which is defined directly below the comments. A method is a group of programming statements that is given a name. In this case, the name of the method is main and it contains only two programming statements. Like a class definition, a method is also delimited by braces. All Java applications have a main method, which is where processing begins. Each programming statement in the main method is executed, one at a time in order, until the end of the method is reached. Then the program ends, or terminates. The main method definition in a Java program is always preceded by the words public, static, and void, which we examine later in the text. The use of String and args does not come into play in this particular program. We describe these later also. The two lines of code in the main method invoke another method called println (pronounced print line). We invoke, or call, a method when we want it to execute. The println method prints the specified characters to the screen. The characters to be printed are represented as a character string, enclosed in double quote characters ("). When the program is executed, it calls the println method to print the first statement, calls it again to print the second statement, and then, because that is the last line in the main method, the program terminates. The code executed when the println method is invoked is not defined in this program. The println method is part of the System.out object, which is part of the Java standard class library. It’s not technically part of the Java language, but is always available for use in any Java program. We explore the println method in more detail in Chapter 2. VideoNote Overview of program elements. 55 56 Chapter 1 Introduction Comments Let’s examine comments in more detail. Comments are the only language feature that allows programmers to compose and communicate their thoughts independent of the code. Comments should provide insight into the programmer’s original intent. A program is often used for many years, and often many modifications are made to it over time. The original programmer often will not remember the details of a particular program when, at some point in the future, modifications are required. Furthermore, the original programmer is not always available to make the changes; thus, someone completely unfamiliar with the program will need to understand it. Good documentation is therefore essential. As far as the Java programming language is concerned, the content of comments can be any text whatsoever. Comments are ignored by the computer; they do not affect how the program executes. The comments in the Lincoln program represent one of two types of comments allowed in Java. The comments in Lincoln take the following form: // This is a comment. This type of comment begins with a double slash (//) and continues to the end of the line. You cannot have any characters between the two slashes. The computer ignores any text after the double slash to the end of the line. A comment can follow code on the same line to document that particular line, as in the following example: System.out.println("Monthly Report"); // always use this title The second form a Java comment may have is the following: /* This is another comment. */ This comment type does not use the end of a line to indicate the end of the comment. Anything between the initiating slash-asterisk (/*) and the terminating asterisk-slash (*/) is part of the comment, including the invisible newline character that represents the end of a line. Therefore, this type of comment can extend over multiple lines. No space can be between the slash and the asterisk. If there is a second asterisk following the /* at the beginning of a comment, the content of the comment can be used to automatically generate external documentation about your program by using a tool called javadoc. More information about javadoc is given in Appendix I The two basic comment types can be used to create various documentation styles, such as: 1 . 4 The Java Programming Language 57 // This is a comment on a single line. //----------------------------------------------------------// Some comments such as those above methods or classes // deserve to be blocked off to focus special attention // on a particular aspect of your code. Note that each of // these lines is technically a separate comment. //----------------------------------------------------------/* This is one comment that spans several lines. */ Programmers often concentrate so much on writing code that they focus too little on documentation. You should develop good commenting practices and follow them habitually. Comments should be well written, often in complete sentences. They should not belabor the obvious but should provide appropriate insight into the intent of the code. The following examples are not good comments: System.out.println("hello"); // prints hello System.out.println("test"); // change this later The first comment paraphrases the obvious purpose of the line and does not add any value to the statement. It is better to have no comment than a useless one. The second comment is ambiguous. What should be changed later? When is later? Why should it be changed? KeY COnCept Inline documentation should provide insight into your code. It should not be ambiguous or belabor the obvious. identifiers and reserved words The various words used when writing programs are called identifiers. The identifiers in the Lincoln program are class, Lincoln, public, static, void, main, String, args, System, out, and println. These fall into three categories: ■ ■ ■ words that we make up when writing a program (Lincoln and args) words that another programmer chose (String, System, out, println, and main) words that are reserved for special purposes in the language (class, public, static, and void) While writing the program, we simply chose to name the class Lincoln, but we could have used one of many other possibilities. For example, we could have called it Quote, or Abe, or GoodOne. The identifier args (which is short for 58 Chapter 1 Introduction abstract default goto* package this assert do if private throw boolean double implements protected throws break else import public transient byte enum instanceof return true case extends int short try catch false interface static void char final long strictfp volatile class finally native super while const* float new switch continue for null synchronized Fi g u r e 1 . 1 8 Java reserved words arguments) is often used in the way we use it in Lincoln, but we could have used just about any other identifier in its place. The identifiers String, System, out, and println were chosen by other programmers. These words are not part of the Java language. They are part of the Java standard library of predefined code, a set of classes and methods that someone has already written for us. The authors of that code chose the identifiers in that code—we’re just making use of them. Reserved words are identifiers that have a special meaning in a programming language and can only be used in predefined ways. A reserved word cannot be used for any other purpose, such as naming a class or method. In the Lincoln program, the reserved words used are class, public, static, and void. Throughout the book, we show Java reserved words in blue type. Figure 1.18 lists all of the Java reserved words in alphabetical order. The words marked with an asterisk have been reserved, but currently have no meaning in Java. An identifier that we make up for use in a program can be composed of any combination of letters, digits, the underscore character (_), and the dollar sign ($), but it cannot begin with a digit. Identifiers may be of any length. Therefore, total, label7, nextStockItem, NUM_BOXES, and $amount are all valid identifiers, but 4th_word and coin#value are not valid. Both uppercase and lowercase letters can be used in an identifier, and the difference is important. Java is case sensitive, which means that two identifier names that differ only in the case of their letters are considered to be different identifiers. Therefore, total, Total, ToTaL, and TOTAL are all different identifiers. As you can imagine, it is not a good idea to use multiple identifiers that differ only in their case, because they can be easily confused. 1 . 4 The Java Programming Language identifier Java Letter Java Letter Java Digit An identifier is a letter followed by zero or more letters and digits. A Java Letter includes the 26 English alphabetic characters in both uppercase and lowercase, the $ and _ (underscore) characters, as well as alphabetic characters from other languages. A Java Digit includes the digits 0 through 9. Examples: total MAX_HEIGHT num1 Keyboard System Although the Java language doesn’t require it, using a consistent KeY COnCept case format for each kind of identifier makes your identifiers easier Java is case sensitive. The uppercase to understand. There are various Java conventions regarding identiand lowercase versions of a letter are distinct. fiers that should be followed, though technically they don’t have to be. For example, we use title case (uppercase for the first letter of each word) for class names. Throughout the text, we describe the preferred case style for each type of identifier when it is first encountered. While an identifier can be of any length, you should choose your names carefully. They should be descriptive but not verbose. You should avoid meaningless names such as a or x. An exception to this rule can be made if the short name is actually descriptive, such as using x and y to represent (x, y) coordinates on a twodimensional grid. Likewise, you should not use unnecessarily long names, such as the identifier theCurrentItemBeingProcessed. The name currentItem would serve just as well. As you might imagine, the use of identifiers that are verbose is a much less prevalent problem than the use of names that are not descriptive. You should always strive to make your programs as readable as possible. Therefore, you should always be careful when abbreviating words. You might think curStVal is a good name to represent the current stock value, KeY COnCept but another person trying to understand the code may have trouble Identifier names should be descripfiguring out what you meant. It might not even be clear to you two tive and readable. months after writing it. 59 60 Chapter 1 Introduction l i s t i n g 1 . 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates a poorly formatted, though valid, program. //******************************************************************** public class Lincoln2{public static void main(String[]args){ System.out.println("A quote by Abraham Lincoln:"); System.out.println("Whatever you are, be a good one.");}} O u t p u t A quote by Abraham Lincoln: Whatever you are, be a good one. white space All Java programs use white space to separate the words and symbols used in a program. White space consists of blanks, tabs, and newline characters. The phrase “white space” refers to the fact that, on a white sheet of paper with black printing, the space between the words and symbols is white. The way a programmer uses white space is important because it can be used to emphasize parts of the code and can make a program easier to read. K e Y C O n C e pt Appropriate use of white space makes a program easier to read and understand. Except when it’s used to separate words, the computer ignores white space. It does not affect the execution of a program. This fact gives programmers a great deal of flexibility in how they format a program. The lines of a program should be divided in logical places, and certain lines should be indented and aligned so that the program’s underlying structure is clear. Because white space is ignored, we can write a program in many different ways. For example, taking white space to one extreme, we could put as many words as possible on each line. The code in Listing 1.2, the Lincoln2 program, is formatted quite differently from Lincoln but prints the same message. K e Y C O n C e pt You should adhere to a set of guidelines that establish the way you format and document your programs. Taking white space to the other extreme, we could write almost every word and symbol on a different line with varying amounts of spaces, such as Lincoln3, shown in Listing 1.3. All three versions of Lincoln are technically valid and will execute in the same way, but they are radically different from a reader’s point of view. Both of the latter examples show poor style and make 1 . 4 The Java Programming Language l i s t i n g 1 . 3 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates another valid program that is poorly formatted. //******************************************************************** public class Lincoln3 { public static void main ( String [] args ) { System.out.println ( "A quote by Abraham Lincoln:" ) ; System.out.println ( "Whatever you are, be a good one." ) ; } } O u t p u t A quote by Abraham Lincoln: Whatever you are, be a good one. the program difficult to understand. You may be asked to adhere to particular guidelines when you write your programs. A software development company often has a programming style policy that it requires its programmers to follow. In any case, you should adopt and consistently use a set of style guidelines that increase the readability of your code. s e l F - r e v iew QuestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 1.20 When was the Java programming language developed? By whom? When was it introduced to the public? SR 1.21 Where does processing begin in a Java application? 61 62 Chapter 1 Introduction SR 1.22 What do you predict would be the result of the following line in a Java program? System.out.println("Hello"); // prints hello SR 1.23 What do you predict would be the result of the following line in a Java program? // prints hello System.out.println("Hello"); SR 1.24 Which of the following are not valid Java identifiers? Why? a. b. c. d. e. f. RESULT result 12345 x12345y black&white answer_7 SR 1.25 Suppose a program requires an identifier to represent the sum of the test scores of a class of students. For each of the following names, state whether or not each is a good name to use for the identifier. Explain your answers. a. b. c. d. x scoreSum sumOfTheTestScoresOfTheStudents smTstScr SR 1.26 What is white space? How does it affect program execution? How does it affect program readability? 1.5 program Development The process of getting a program running involves various activities. The program has to be written in the appropriate programming language, such as Java. That program has to be translated into a form that the computer can execute. Errors can occur at various stages of this process and must be fixed. Various software tools can be used to help with all parts of the development process as well. Let’s explore these issues in more detail. programming language levels Suppose a particular person is giving travel directions to a friend. That person might explain those directions in any one of several languages, such as English, 1 . 5 Program Development Russian, or Italian. The directions are the same no matter which language is used to explain them, but the manner in which the directions are expressed is different. The friend must be able to understand the language being used in order to follow the directions. Similarly, a problem can be solved by writing a program in one of many programming languages, such as Java, Ada, C, C++, C#, Pascal, and Smalltalk. The purpose of the program is essentially the same no matter which language is used, but the particular statements used to express the instructions, and the overall organization of those instructions, vary with each language. A computer must be able to understand the instructions in order to carry them out. Programming languages can be categorized into the following four groups. These groups basically reflect the historical development of computer languages. ■ machine language ■ assembly language ■ high-level languages ■ fourth-generation languages In order for a program to run on a computer, it must be expressed in that computer’s machine language. Each type of CPU has its own language. For that reason, we can’t run a program specifically written for a Sun Workstation, with its Sparc processor, on a Dell PC, with its Intel processor. Each machine language instruction can accomplish only a simple task. For example, a single machine language instruction might copy a value into a register or compare a value to zero. It might take four separate machine language instructions to add two numbers together and to store the result. However, a computer can do millions of these instructions in a second, and therefore many simple commands can be executed quickly to accomplish complex tasks. KeY COnCept All programs must be translated to a particular CPU’s machine language in order to be executed. Machine language code is expressed as a series of binary digits and is extremely difficult for humans to read and write. Originally, programs were entered into the computer by using switches or some similarly tedious method. Early programmers found these techniques to be time consuming and error prone. These problems gave rise to the use of assembly language, which replaced binary digits with mnemonics, short English-like words that represent commands or data. It is much easier for programmers to deal with words than with binary digits. However, an assembly language program cannot be executed directly on a computer. It must first be translated into machine language. Generally, each machine language assembly language assembly language assembly language instruction corresponds to an equivalent instruction. Therefore, similar to machine language, each instruction accomplishes only a simple operation. Although is an improvement over machine code from a programmer’s 63 64 Chapter 1 Introduction High-Level Language a + b Assembly Language Machine Language 1d [%fp–20], %o0 ... 1d [%fp–24], %o1 1101 0000 0000 0111 add %o0, %o1, %o0 1011 1111 1110 1000 1101 0010 0000 0111 1011 1111 1110 1000 1001 0000 0000 0000 ... Figure 1.19 A high-level expression and its assembly language and machine language equivalent perspective, it is still tedious to use. Both assembly language and machine language are considered low-level languages. Today, most programmers use a high-level language to write software. A high-level language is expressed in English-like phrases, and High-level languages allow a prothus is easier for programmers to read and write. A single high-level grammer to ignore the underlying language programming statement can accomplish the equivalent of details of machine language. many—perhaps hundreds—of machine language instructions. The term high-level refers to the fact that the programming statements are expressed in a way that is far removed from the machine language that is ultimately executed. Java is a high-level language, as are Ada, C++, Smalltalk, and many others. K e Y C O n C e pt Figure 1.19 shows equivalent expressions in a high-level language, assembly language, and machine language. The expressions add two numbers together. The assembly language and machine language in this example are specific to a Sparc processor. The high-level language expression in Figure 1.19 is readable and intuitive for programmers. It is similar to an algebraic expression. The equivalent assembly language code is somewhat readable, but it is more verbose and less intuitive. The machine language is basically unreadable and much longer. In fact, only a small portion of the binary machine code to add two numbers together is shown in Figure 1.19. The complete machine language code for this particular expression is over 400 bits long. A high-level language insulates programmers from needing to know the underlying machine language for the processor on which they are working. But high-level language code must be translated into machine language in order to be executed. Some programming languages are considered to operate at an even higher level than high-level languages. They might include special facilities for automatic report generation or interaction with a database. These languages are called fourth-generation languages, or simply 4GLs, because they followed the first three generations of computer programming: machine, assembly, and high-level. 1 . 5 Program Development errors Edit and save program Figure 1.20 Translate program into executable form errors Execute program and evaluate results Editing and running a program editors, Compilers, and interpreters Several special-purpose programs are needed to help with the process of developing new programs. They are sometimes called software tools because they are used to build programs. Examples of basic software tools include an editor, a compiler, and an interpreter. Initially, you use an editor as you type a program into a computer and store it in a file. There are many different editors with many different features. You should become familiar with the editor you will use regularly because it can dramatically affect the speed at which you enter and modify your programs. Figure 1.20 shows a very basic view of the program development process. After editing and saving your program, you attempt to translate it from high-level code into a form that can be executed. That translation may result in errors, in which case you return to the editor to make changes to the code to fix the problems. Once the translation occurs successfully, you can execute the program and evaluate the results. If the results are not what you want, or if you want to enhance your existing program, you again return to the editor to make changes. The translation of source code into (ultimately) machine language for a particular type of CPU can occur in a variety of ways. A compiler is a program that translates code in one language to equivalent code in another language. The original code is called source code, and the language into which it is translated is called the target language. For many traditional compilers, the source code is translated directly into a particular machine language. In that case, the translation process occurs once and the resulting executable program can be run whenever needed on any computer using that type of CPU. An interpreter is similar to a compiler but has an important difference. An interpreter interweaves the translation and execution activities. A small part of the source code, such as one statement, is translated and executed. Then another statement is translated and executed, and so on. One advantage of this technique is that it eliminates the need for a separate compilation phase. However, the program generally runs more slowly because the translation process occurs during each execution. 65 66 Chapter 1 Introduction Java Source Code Java Compiler Java Bytecode Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Figure 1.21 K e Y C O n C e pt A Java compiler translates Java source code into Java bytecode, a low-level, architecture-neutral representation of the program. The Java translation and execution process The process generally used to translate and execute Java programs combines the use of a compiler and an interpreter. This process is pictured in Figure 1.21. The Java compiler translates Java source code into Java bytecode, which is a representation of the program in a lowlevel form similar to machine language code. A Java interpreter called the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) executes the Java bytecode. The difference between Java bytecode and true machine language code is that Java bytecode is not tied to any particular processor type. This approach has the distinct advantage of making Java architecture neutral, and therefore easily portable from one machine type to another. The only restriction is that there must be a JVM on each machine. Since the compilation process translates the high-level Java source code into a low-level representation, the interpretation process by the JVM is far more efficient than interpreting high-level code directly. Executing a program by interpreting its bytecode is still slower than executing machine code directly, but it is fast enough for most applications. Development environments A software development environment is the set of tools used to create, test, and modify a program. Some development environments are available for free while others, which may have advanced features, must be purchased. Some environments are referred to as 1 . 5 Program Development integrated development environments (IDEs) because they integrate various tools into one software program and provide a convenient graphical user interface. Any development environment will contain certain key tools, such as a Java compiler and interpreter. Some will include a debugger, which helps you find errors in a program. Other tools that may be included are documentation generators, archiving tools, and tools that help you visualize your program structure. Included in the download of the Java Standard Edition is the Java Software Development Kit (SDK), which is sometimes referred to simply as the Java Development Kit (JDK). The Java SDK contains the core development tools needed to get a Java program up and running, but it is not an integrated environment. The commands for compilation and interpretation are executed on the command line. That is, the SDK does not have a GUI. It also does not include an editor, although any editor that can save a document as simple text can be used. VideoNote Comparison of Java IDEs. One of the most popular Java IDEs is called Eclipse (see Eclipse is an open source project, meaning that it is developed by a wide collection of programmers and is available for free. Other popular Java IDEs include jEdit (, DrJava (, jGRASP (, and BlueJ ( Various other Java development environments are available. A Web search will unveil dozens of them. The choice of which development environment to use is important. The more you know about the capabilities of your environment, the more productive you can be during program development. KeY COnCept Many different development environments exist to help you create and modify Java programs. syntax and semantics Each programming language has its own unique syntax. The syntax rules of a language dictate exactly how the vocabulary elements of the language can be combined to form statements. These rules must be followed in order to create a program. We’ve already discussed several Java syntax rules. For instance, the fact that an identifier cannot begin with a digit is a syntax rule. The fact that braces are used to begin and end classes and methods is also a syntax rule. Appendix L formally defines the basic syntax rules for the Java programming language, and specific rules are highlighted throughout the text. During compilation, all syntax rules are checked. If a program is not syntactically correct, the compiler will issue error messages and will not produce bytecode. Java has a similar syntax to the programming languages C and C++, and therefore the look and feel of the code is familiar to people with a background in those languages. The semantics of a statement in a programming language define what will happen when that statement is executed. Programming languages are generally 67 68 Chapter 1 Introduction unambiguous, which means the semantics of a program are well defined. That is, there is one and only one interpretation for each statement. On the other hand, the natural languages that humans use to communicate, such as English and Italian, are full of ambiguities. A sentence can often have two or more different meanings. For example, consider the following sentence: Time flies like an arrow. The average human is likely to interpret this sentence as a general observation: that time moves quickly in the same way that an arrow Syntax rules dictate the form of moves quickly. However, if we interpret the word time as a verb (as in a program. Semantics dictate the meaning of the program statements. “run the 50-yard dash and I’ll time you”) and the word flies as a noun (the plural of fly), the interpretation changes completely. We know that arrows don’t time things, so we wouldn’t normally interpret the sentence that way, but it is a valid interpretation of the words in the sentence. A computer would have a difficult time trying to determine which meaning is intended. Moreover, this sentence could describe the preferences of an unusual insect known as a “time fly,” which might be found near an archery range. After all, fruit flies like a banana. K e Y C O n C e pt The point is that one specific English sentence can have multiple valid meanings. A computer language cannot allow such ambiguities to exist. If a programming language instruction could have two different meanings, a computer would not be able to determine which one should be carried out. errors Several different kinds of problems can occur in software, particularly during program development. The term computer error is often misused and varies in meaning depending on the situation. From a user’s point of view, anything that goes awry when interacting with a machine can be called a computer error. For example, suppose you charged a $23 item to your credit card, but when you received the bill, the item was listed at $230. After you have the problem fixed, the credit card company apologizes for the “computer error.” Did the computer arbitrarily add a zero to the end of the number, or did it perhaps multiply the value by 10? Of K e Y C O n C e pt course not. A computer follows the commands we give it and operThe programmer is responsible for ates on the data we provide. If our programs are wrong or our data the accuracy and reliability of a inaccurate, then we cannot expect the results to be correct. A common program. phrase used to describe this situation is “garbage in, garbage out.” You will encounter three kinds of errors as you develop programs: ■ compile-time error ■ run-time error ■ logical error 1 . 5 Program Development The compiler checks to make sure you are using the correct synKeY COnCept tax. If you have any statements that do not conform to the syntactic A Java program must be syntactically rules of the language, the compiler will produce a syntax error. The correct or the compiler will not procompiler also tries to find other problems, such as the use of incomduce bytecode. patible types of data. The syntax might be technically correct, but you may be attempting to do something that the language doesn’t semantically allow. Any error identified by the compiler is called a compile-time error. If a compile-time error occurs, an executable version of the program is not created. The second kind of problem occurs during program execution. It is called a run-time error and causes the program to terminate abnormally. For example, if we attempt to divide by zero, the program will “crash” and halt execution at that point. Because the requested operation is undefined, the system simply abandons its attempt to continue processing your program. The best programs are robust; that is, they avoid as many run-time errors as possible. For example, the program code could guard against the possibility of dividing by zero and handle the situation appropriately if it arises. In Java, many run-time problems are called exceptions that can be caught and dealt with accordingly. The third kind of software problem is a logical error. In this case, the software compiles and executes without complaint, but it produces incorrect results. For example, a logical error occurs when a value is calculated incorrectly or when a graphical button does not appear in the correct place. A programmer must test the program thoroughly, comparing the expected results to those that actually occur. When defects are found, they must be traced back to the source of the problem in the code and corrected. The process of finding and correcting defects in a program is called debugging. Logical errors can manifest themselves in many ways, and the actual root cause might be difficult to discover. s e l F - r e v iew QuestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 1.27 We all know that computers are used to perform complex jobs. In this section, you learned that a computer’s instructions can do only simple tasks. Explain this apparent contradiction. SR 1.28 What is the relationship between a high-level language and a machine language? SR 1.29 What is Java bytecode? SR 1.30 Select the word from the following list that best matches each of the following phrases: assembly, compiler, high-level, IDE, interpreter, Java, low-level, machine a. A program written in this type of language can run directly on a computer. VideoNote Examples of various error types. 69 70 Chapter 1 Introduction b. Generally, each language instruction in this type of language corresponds to an equivalent machine language instruction. c. Most programmers write their programs using this type of language. d. Java is an example of this type of language. e. This type of program translates code in one language to code in another language. f. This type of program interweaves the translation of code and the execution of the code. SR 1.31 What do we mean by the syntax and semantics of a programming language? SR 1.32 Categorize each of the following situations as a compile-time error, run-time error, or logical error. a. Misspelling a Java reserved word. b. Calculating the average of an empty list of numbers by dividing the sum of the numbers on the list (which is zero) by the size of the list (which is also zero). c. Printing a student’s high test grade when the student’s average test grade should have been output. 1.6 Object-Oriented programming As we stated earlier in this chapter, Java is an object-oriented (OO) language. As the name implies, an object is a fundamental entity in a Java program. This book is focused on the idea of developing software by defining objects that interact with each other. The principles of object-oriented software development have been around for many years, essentially as long as high-level programming languages have been used. The programming language Simula, developed in the 1960s, had many characteristics that define the modern OO approach to software development. In the 1980s and 1990s, object-oriented programming became wildly popular, due in large part to the development of programming languages such as C++ and Java. It is now the dominant approach used in commercial software development. One of the most attractive characteristics of the object-oriented approach is the fact that objects can be used quite effectively to represent real-world entities. We can use a software object to represent an employee in a company, for instance. We’d create one object per employee, each with behaviors and characteristics that we need to represent. In this way, object-oriented programming allows us to map 1 . 6 Object-Oriented Programming our programs to the real situations that the programs represent. That is, the object-oriented approach makes it easier to solve problems, which is the point of writing a program in the first place. Let’s discuss the general issues related to problem solving, and then explore the specific characteristics of the object-oriented approach that helps us solve those problems. KeY COnCept Object-oriented programming helps us solve problems, which is the purpose of writing a program. problem solving In general, problem solving consists of multiple steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Understanding the problem. Designing a solution. Considering alternatives to the solution and refining the solution. Implementing the solution. Testing the solution and fixing any problems that exist. Although this approach applies to any kind of problem solving, it works particularly well when developing software. These steps aren’t purely linear. That is, some of the activities will overlap others. But at some point, all of these steps should be carefully addressed. The first step, understanding the problem, may sound obvious, but a lack of attention to this step has been the cause of many misguided software development efforts. If we attempt to solve a problem we don’t completely understand, we often end up solving the wrong problem or at least going off on improper tangents. Each problem has a problem domain, the real-world issues that are key to our solution. For example, if we are going to write a program to score a bowling match, then the problem domain includes the rules of bowling. To develop a good solution, we must thoroughly understand the problem domain. The key to designing a problem solution is breaking it down into manageable pieces. A solution to any problem can rarely be expressed as one big task. Instead, it is a series of small cooperating tasks that interact to perform a larger task. When developing software, we don’t write one big program. We design separate pieces that are responsible for certain parts of the solution, and then integrate them with the other parts. KeY COnCept Program design involves breaking a solution down into manageable pieces. Our first inclination toward a solution may not be the best one. We must always consider alternatives and refine the solution as necessary. The earlier we consider alternatives, the easier it is to modify our approach. Implementing the solution is the act of taking the design and putting it in a usable form. When developing a software solution to a problem, the implementation 71 72 Chapter 1 Introduction stage is the process of actually writing the program. Too often programming is thought of as writing code. But in most cases, the act of designing the program should be far more interesting and creative than the process of implementing the design in a particular programming language. At many points in the development process, we should test our solution to find any errors that exist so that we can fix them. Testing cannot guarantee that there aren’t still problems yet to be discovered, but it can raise our confidence that we have a viable solution. Throughout this text we explore techniques that allow us to design and implement elegant programs. Although we will often get immersed in these details, we should never forget that our primary goal is to solve problems. Object-Oriented software principles Object-oriented programming ultimately requires a solid understanding of the following terms: ■ object ■ attribute ■ method ■ class ■ encapsulation ■ inheritance ■ polymorphism In addition to these terms, there are many associated concepts that allow us to tailor our solutions in innumerable ways. This book is designed to help you evolve your understanding of these concepts gradually and naturally. This section provides an overview of these ideas at a high level to establish some terminology and provide the big picture. We mentioned earlier that an object is a fundamental element in a program. A software object often represents a real object in our problem domain, such as a bank account. Every object has a state and a set of behaviors. By “state” we mean state of being—fundamental characteristics that currently define the object. For example, part of a bank account’s state is its current balance. The behaviors of an object are the activities associated with the object. Behaviors associated with a bank account probably include the ability to make deposits and withdrawals. In addition to objects, a Java program also manages primitive data. Primitive data includes fundamental values such as numbers and characters. Objects usually represent more interesting or complex entities. 1 . 6 Object-Oriented Programming An object’s attributes are the values it stores internally, which may be represented as primitive data or as other objects. For example, a bank account object may store a floating point number (a primitive value) that represents the balance of the account. It may contain other attributes, such as the name of the account owner. Collectively, the values of an object’s attributes define its current state. KeY COnCept Each object has a state, defined by its attributes, and a set of behaviors, defined by its methods. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, a method is a group of programming statements that is given a name. When a method is invoked, its statements are executed. A set of methods is associated with an object. The methods of an object define its potential behaviors. To define the ability to make a deposit into a bank account, we define a method containing programming statements that will update the account balance accordingly. An object is defined by a class. A class is the model or blueprint from which an object is created. Consider the blueprint created by an architect when designing a house. The blueprint defines the important characteristics of the house—its walls, windows, doors, electrical outlets, and so on. Once the blueprint is created, several houses can be built using it, as depicted in Figure 1.22. In one sense, the houses built from the blueprint are different. They are in different locations, have different addresses, contain different furniture, and are inhabited by different people. Yet in many ways they are the “same” house. The Figure 1.22 A class is used to create objects just as a house blueprint is used to create different, but similar, houses. 73 74 Chapter 1 Introduction layout of the rooms and other crucial characteristics are the same in each. To create a different house, we would need a different blueprint. A class is a blueprint of an object. It establishes the kind of data an object of that type will hold and defines the methods that represent the behavior of such objects. However, a class is not an object any more than a blueprint is a house. In general, a class contains no space to store data. Each object has space for its own data, which is why each object can have its own state. K e Y C O n C e pt A class is a blueprint of an object. Multiple objects can be created from one class definition. Once a class has been defined, multiple objects can be created from that class. For example, once we define a class to represent the concept of a bank account, we can create multiple objects that represent specific, individual bank accounts. Each bank account object would keep track of its own balance. An object should be encapsulated, which means it protects and manages its own information. That is, an object should be self-governing. The only changes made to the state of the object should be accomplished by that object’s methods. We should design objects so that other objects cannot “reach in” and change their states. Classes can be created from other classes by using inheritance. That is, the definition of one class can be based on another class that already exists. Inheritance is a form of software reuse, capitalizing on the similarities between various kinds of classes that we may want to create. One class can be used to derive several new classes. Derived classes can then be used to derive even more classes. This creates a hierarchy of classes, where the attributes and methods defined in one class are inherited by its children, which in turn pass them on to their children, and so on. For example, we might create a hierarchy of classes that represent various types of accounts. Common characteristics are defined in high-level classes, and specific differences are defined in derived classes. Polymorphism is the idea that we can refer to multiple types of related objects over time in consistent ways. It gives us the ability to design powerful and elegant solutions to problems that deal with multiple objects. Some of the core object-oriented concepts are depicted in Figure 1.23. We don’t expect you to understand these ideas fully at this point. Most of this book is designed to flesh out these ideas. This overview is intended only to set the stage. 1 . 6 Object-Oriented Programming A class defines a concept Multiple encapsulated objects can be created from one class Bank Account John's Bank Account Balance: $5,257 Classes can be organized into inheritance hierarchies Bill's Bank Account Balance: $1,245,069 Account Charge Account Bank Account Savings Account Figure 1.23 Mary's Bank Account Balance: $16,833 Checking Account Various aspects of object-oriented software s e l F - r e v iew QuestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 1.33 List the five general steps required to solve a problem. SR 1.34 Why is it important to consider more than one approach to solving a problem? Why is it important to consider alternatives early in the process of solving a problem? SR 1.35 What are the primary concepts that support object-oriented programming? 75 76 Chapter 1 Introduction summary of Key Concepts ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ A computer system consists of hardware and software that work in concert to help us solve problems. The CPU reads the program instructions from main memory, executing them one at a time until the program ends. The operating system provides a user interface and manages computer resources. As far as the user is concerned, the interface is the program. Digital computers store information by breaking it into pieces and representing each piece as a number. Binary is used to store and move information in a computer because the devices that store and manipulate binary data are inexpensive and reliable. There are exactly 2N permutations of N bits. Therefore, N bits can represent up to 2N unique items. The core of a computer is made up of main memory, which stores programs and data, and the CPU, which executes program instructions one at a time. An address is a unique number associated with a memory location. Main memory is volatile, meaning the stored information is maintained only as long as electric power is supplied. The surface of a CD has both smooth areas and small pits. A pit represents a binary 1 and a smooth area represents a binary 0. A rewritable CD simulates the pits and smooth areas of a regular CD by using a coating that can be made amorphous or crystalline as needed. The fetch-decode-execute cycle forms the foundation of computer processing. A network consists of two or more computers connected together so that they can exchange information. Sharing a communication line creates delays, but it is cost effective and simplifies adding new computers to the network. A local-area network (LAN) is an effective way to share information and resources throughout an organization. The Internet is a wide-area network (WAN) that spans the globe. Every computer connected to the Internet has an IP address that uniquely identifies it. Summary of Key Concepts ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The World Wide Web is software that makes sharing information across a network easy for humans. A URL uniquely specifies documents and other information found on the Web for a browser to obtain and display. This book focuses on the principles of object-oriented programming. Comments do not affect a program’s processing; instead, they serve to facilitate human comprehension. Inline documentation should provide insight into your code. It should not be ambiguous or belabor the obvious. Java is case sensitive. The uppercase and lowercase versions of a letter are distinct. Identifier names should be descriptive and readable. Appropriate use of white space makes a program easier to read and understand. You should adhere to a set of guidelines that establish the way you format and document your programs. All programs must be translated to a particular CPU’s machine language in order to be executed. High-level languages allow a programmer to ignore the underlying details of machine language. A Java compiler translates Java source code into Java bytecode, a lowlevel, architecture-neutral representation of the program. Many different development environments exist to help you create and modify Java programs. Syntax rules dictate the form of a program. Semantics dictate the meaning of the program statements. The programmer is responsible for the accuracy and reliability of a program. A Java program must be syntactically correct or the compiler will not produce bytecode. Object-oriented programming helps us solve problems, which is the purpose of writing a program. Program design involves breaking a solution down into manageable pieces. Each object has a state, defined by its attributes, and a set of behaviors, defined by its methods. A class is a blueprint of an object. Multiple objects can be created from one class definition. 77 78 Chapter 1 Introduction exercises EX 1.1 Describe the hardware components of your personal computer or of a computer in a lab to which you have access. Include the processor type and speed, storage capacities of main and secondary memory, and types of I/O devices. Explain how you determined your answers. EX 1.2 Why are magnetic devices considered as effective means of representing the binary values? EX 1.3 How many bits are required to uniquely represent each of the following? a. 4 items b. 16 items c. 32 items d. 128 items e. 512 items f. 2048 items EX 1.4 Assuming there are 366 days in a year, how many bits would be needed to store each day of the year? Why? EX 1.5 If all rainbow colors are to be represented by a unique bit pattern, how many bits would be needed to store each color? Why? EX 1.6 What is the usage of each of the following elements in a Graphical User Interface (GUI)? a. windows b. icons c. buttons d. sliders EX 1.7 Explain the difference between CD-Recordable disc (CD-R) and CD-Rewritable disc (CD-RW). EX 1.8 A DVD is a secondary memory device like CD but it can store more information. Why? EX 1.9 Determine how your computer, or a computer in a lab to which you have access, is connected to others across a network. Is it linked to the Internet? Draw a diagram to show the basic connections in your environment. Exercises EX 1.10 What is the significance of a Domain Name System (DNS) in the Internet? What would happen without a DNS? EX 1.11 What is the total number of communication lines needed for a fully connected point-to-point network of eight computers? Nine computers? Ten computers? What is a general formula for determining this result? EX 1.12 Explain the difference between a web browser and a web server. EX 1.13 List and explain the parts of the URLs for: a. your school b. the Computer Science department of your school c. your instructor’s Web page EX 1.14 Give examples of the three categories of Java identifiers and explain the differences between them. EX 1.15 Which of the following are valid Java identifiers? a. Remainder b. 9_multiple c. addTwoIntegers d. PI_VALUE e. highestof3 f. sum&product g. diff_&_div EX 1.16 Which of the following valid Java identifier clearly represents the “current item being processed”? a. curIt b. cItem c. currentItem EX 1.17 What is a method in Java programming language? EX 1.18 Differentiate between Java bytecode and machine language code. EX 1.19 What do we mean when we say that the English language is ambiguous? Give two examples of English ambiguity (other than the example used in this chapter) and explain the ambiguity. Why is ambiguity a problem for programming languages? 79 80 Chapter 1 Introduction EX 1.20 Identify which of the following lead to: a compile-time error, run-time error, or logical error. a. writing print1n when you should have written println b. forgetting a } at the end of a method body c. calculating sum of numbers instead of product of numbers d. typing a , instead of a . in System.out.println e. forgetting to put an end of line character. f. subtracting a variable by itself in the denominator programming projects PP 1.1 Enter, compile, and run the following program: public class Mystery { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Does this print \non one line???"); } } PP 1.2 VideoNote Developing a solution for PP 1.2. Introduce the following errors, one at a time, to the program from PP 1.1. Record any error messages that the compiler produces. Fix the previous error each time before you introduce a new one. If no error messages are produced, explain why. Try to predict what will happen before you make each change. a. change Test to test b. change Emergency to emergency c. remove the first quotation mark in the string d. remove the last quotation mark in the string e. change main to man f. change println to bogus g. remove the semicolon at the end of the println statement h. remove the last brace in the program Programming Projects PP 1.3 Write a program that prints on separate lines, the name of your favorite book, its author, category, price, and total number of pages. Label each piece of information in the output. PP 1.4 Write a program that prints a list of two or three games that you enjoy. Print the name and number of players in the game. PP 1.5 Write a program that prints any two idioms of your choice. Label the priority. PP 1.6 Write a program that prints the outline of a house using tilde (~) characters. PP 1.7 Write a program that prints one of your favorite phrase and its meaning. PP 1.8 Write a program that prints the proverb Work is Workship: a. on three lines, one word per line, with each word justified to the left. b. on two lines, two words on first line. c. inside a box made up of the characters $ and #. PP 1.9 Write a program that prints the following hourglass shape. Don’t print any unneeded characters. (That is, don’t make any character string longer than it has to be.) ######### ####### ##### ### # ### ##### ####### ######### 81 82 Chapter 1 Introduction PP 1.10 Write a program that displays the word “HI” in large block letters. Make each large letter out of the other character as shown below: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Data and Expressions Chap t e r 2 O b j e C t i v e s ● Discuss the use of character strings, concatenation, and escape sequences. ● Explore the declaration and use of variables. ● Describe the Java primitive data types. ● Discuss the syntax and processing of expressions. ● Define the types of data conversions and the mechanisms for accomplishing them. ● Introduce the Scanner class to create interactive programs. ● Explore basic graphics concepts and the techniques for drawing shapes. ● Introduce the concept of a Java applet. This chapter explores some of the basic types of data used in a Java program and the use of expressions to perform calculations. It discusses the conversion of data from one type to another and how to read input interactively from the user running a program. This chapter also begins the Graphics Track for the book, in which we introduce the concepts of graphical programming, explore the relationship between Java and the Web, and delve into Java’s abilities to manipulate color and draw shapes. 83 84 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions 2.1 Character strings In Chapter 1 we discussed the basic structure of a Java program, including the use of comments, identifiers, and white space, using the Lincoln program as an example. Chapter 1 also included an overview of the various concepts involved in object-oriented programming, such as objects, classes, and methods. Take a moment to review these ideas if necessary. A character string is an object in Java, defined by the class String. Because strings are so fundamental to computer programming, Java provides the ability to use a string literal, delimited by double quotation characters, as we’ve seen in previous examples. We explore the String class and its methods in more detail in Chapter 3. For now, let’s explore the use of string literals in more detail. The following are all examples of valid string literals: "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog." "602 Greenbriar Court, Chalfont PA 18914" "x" "" A string literal can contain any valid characters, including numeric digits, punctuation, and other special characters. The last example in the list above contains no characters at all. the print and println Methods In the Lincoln program in Chapter 1, we invoked the println method as follows: System.out.println("Whatever you are, be a good one."); This statement demonstrates the use of objects. The System.out object represents an output device or file, which by default is the monitor screen. To be more precise, the object’s name is out and it is stored in the System class. We explore that relationship in more detail at the appropriate point in the text. The println method is a service that the System.out object performs for us. Whenever we request it, the object will print a character string to the screen. We can say that we send the println message to the System.out object to request that some text be printed. Each piece of data that we send to a method is called a parameter. In this case, the println method takes only one parameter: the string of characters to be printed. 2 . 1 Character Strings The System.out object also provides another service we can use: the print method. The difference between print and println is small but important. The println method prints the information sent to it, then moves to the beginning of the next line. The print method is similar to println, but does not advance to the next line when completed. Key CONCept The print and println methods represent two services provided by the System.out object. The program shown in Listing 2.1 is called Countdown, and it invokes both the print and println methods. Carefully compare the output of the Countdown program, shown at the bottom of the program listing, to the program code. Note that the word Liftoff is printed on the same line as the first few words, even though it is printed using the println method. Remember that the println method moves to the beginning of the next line after the information passed to it has been printed. L i s ti N G 2 . 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the difference between print and println. //******************************************************************** public class Countdown { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Prints two lines of output representing a rocket countdown. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.print("Three... "); System.out.print("Two... "); System.out.print("One... "); System.out.print("Zero... "); System.out.println("Liftoff!"); // appears on first output line System.out.println("Houston, we have a problem."); } } O u t p u t Three... Two... One... Zero... Liftoff! Houston, we have a problem. 85 86 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions string Concatenation A string literal cannot span multiple lines in a program. The following program statement is improper syntax and would produce an error when attempting to compile: // The following statement will not compile System.out.println("The only stupid question is the one that is not asked."); When we want to print a string that is too long to fit on one line in a program, we can rely on string concatenation to append one string to the end of another. The string concatenation operator is the plus sign (+). The following expression concatenates one character string to another, producing one long string: "The only stupid question is " + "the one that is not asked." The program called Facts shown in Listing 2.2 contains several println statements. The first one prints a sentence that is somewhat long and will not fit on one line of the program. Since a character literal cannot span two lines in a program, we split the string into two and use string concatenation to append them. Therefore, the string concatenation operation in the first println statement results in one large string that is passed to the method to be printed. Note that we don’t have to pass any information to the println method, as shown in the second line of the Facts program. This call does not print any visible characters, but it does move to the next line of output. So in this case calling println with no parameters has the effect of printing a blank line. The last three calls to println in the Facts program demonstrate another interesting thing about string concatenation: Strings can be concatenated with numbers. Note that the numbers in those lines are not enclosed in double quotes and are therefore not character strings. In these cases, the number is automatically converted to a string, and then the two strings are concatenated. Because we are printing particular values, we simply could have included the numeric value as part of the string literal, such as: "Speed of ketchup: 40 km per year" Digits are characters and can be included in strings as needed. We separate them in the Facts program to demonstrate the ability to concatenate a string and a number. This technique will be useful in upcoming examples. As you can imagine, the + operator is also used for arithmetic addition. Therefore, what the + operator does depends on the types of data on which it 2 . 1 Character Strings L i s ti N G 2 . 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of the string concatenation operator and the // automatic conversion of an integer to a string. //******************************************************************** public class Facts { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Prints various facts. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { // Strings can be concatenated into one long string System.out.println("We present the following facts for your " + "extracurricular edification:"); System.out.println(); // A string can contain numeric digits System.out.println("Letters in the Hawaiian alphabet: 12"); // A numeric value can be concatenated to a string System.out.println("Dialing code for Antarctica: " + 672); System.out.println("Year in which Leonardo da Vinci invented " + "the parachute: " + 1515); System.out.println("Speed of ketchup: " + 40 + " km per year"); } } O u t p u t We present the following facts for your extracurricular edification: Letters in the Hawaiian alphabet: 12 Dialing code for Antarctica: 672 Year in which Leonardo da Vinci invented the parachute: 1515 Speed of ketchup: 40 km per year 87 88 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions operates. If either or both of the operands of the + operator are strings, then string concatenation is performed. The Addition program shown in Listing 2.3 demonstrates the distinction between string concatenation and arithmetic addition. The Addition program uses the + operator four times. In the first call to println, both + operations perform string concatenation, because the operators are executed left to right. The first operator concatenates the string with the first number (24), creating a larger string. Then that string is concatenated with the second number (45), creating an even larger string, which gets printed. In the second call to println, we use parentheses to group the + operation with the two numeric operands. This forces that operation to happen first. Because both operands are numbers, the numbers are added in the arithmetic L i s t i N G 2 . 3 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the difference between the addition and string // concatenation operators. //******************************************************************** public class Addition { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Concatenates and adds two numbers and prints the results. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("24 and 45 concatenated: " + 24 + 45); System.out.println("24 and 45 added: " + (24 + 45)); } } O u t p u t 24 and 45 concatenated: 2445 24 and 45 added: 69 2 . 1 Character Strings 89 sense, producing the result 69. That number is then concatenated with the string, producing a larger string that gets printed. We revisit this type of situation later in this chapter when we formalize the precedence rules that define the order in which operators get evaluated. escape sequences Because the double quotation character (") is used in the Java language to indicate the beginning and end of a string, we must use a special technique to print the quotation character. If we simply put it in a string ("""), the compiler gets confused because it thinks the second quotation character is the end of the string and doesn’t know what to do with the third one. This results in a compile-time error. To overcome this problem, Java defines several escape sequences to represent special characters. An escape sequence begins with the backslash character (\), which indicates that the character or characters that follow should be interpreted in a special way. Figure 2.1 lists the Java escape sequences. Meaning \b backspace \t tab \n newline \r carriage return \" double quote \' single quote \\ backslash fiGure 2.1 Java escape sequences Example using strings and escape sequences. Key CONCept An escape sequence can be used to represent a character that would otherwise cause compilation problems. The program in Listing 2.4, called Roses, prints some text resembling a poem. It uses only one println statement to do so, despite the fact that the poem is several lines long. Note the escape sequences used throughout the string. The \n escape sequence forces the output to a new line, and the \t escape sequence represents a tab character. The \" escape sequence ensures that the quote character is treated as part of the string, not the termination of it, which enables it to be printed as part of the output. Escape Sequence VideoNote 90 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions L i s t i N G 2 . 4 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of escape sequences. //******************************************************************** public class Roses { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Prints a poem (of sorts) on multiple lines. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Roses are red,\n\tViolets are blue,\n" + "Sugar is sweet,\n\tBut I have \"commitment issues\",\n\t" + "So I'd rather just be friends\n\tAt this point in our " + "relationship."); } } O u t p u t Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, But I have "commitment issues", So I'd rather just be friends At this point in our relationship. seLf-review QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 2.1 What is a string literal? SR 2.2 What is the difference between the print and println methods? SR 2.3 What is a parameter? SR 2.4 What output is produced by the following code fragment? System.out.println("One "); System.out.print("Two "); System.out.println("Three "); 2 . 2 Variables and Assignment SR 2.5 What output is produced by the following code fragment? System.out.print("Ready "); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Set "); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Go "); SR 2.6 What output is produced by the following statement? What is produced if the inner parentheses are removed? System.out.println("It is good to be " + (5 + 5)); SR 2.7 What is an escape sequence? Give some examples. SR 2.8 Write a single println statement that will output the following exactly as shown (including line breaks and quotation marks). “I made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it short.” Blaise Pascal 2.2 variables and assignment Most of the information we manage in a program is represented by variables. Let’s examine how we declare and use them in a program. variables A variable is a name for a location in memory used to hold a data value. A variable declaration instructs the compiler to reserve a portion of main memory space large enough to hold a particular type of value and indicates the name by which we refer to that location. Key CONCept A variable is a name for a memory location used to hold a value of a particular data type. Consider the program PianoKeys, shown in Listing 2.5. The first line of the main method is the declaration of a variable named keys that holds an integer (int) value. The declaration also gives keys an initial value of 88. If an initial value is not specified for a variable, the value is undefined. Most Java compilers give errors or warnings if you attempt to use a variable before you’ve explicitly given it a value. The keys variable, with its value, could be pictured as follows: keys 88 91 92 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions Local variable Declaration Type Variable Declarator final ; , variable Declarator Identifier = Expression Array Initializer A variable declaration consists of a Type followed by a list of variables. Each variable can be initialized in the declaration to the value of the specified Expression. If the final modifier precedes the declaration, the identifiers are declared as named constants whose values cannot be changed once set. Examples: int total; double num1, num2 = 4.356, num3; char letter = 'A', digit = '7'; final int MAX = 45; L i s t i N G 2 . 5 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the declaration, initialization, and use of an // integer variable. //******************************************************************** public class PianoKeys { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Prints the number of keys on a piano. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) 2 . 2 Variables and Assignment L i s ti N G 2 . 5 continued { int keys = 88; System.out.println("A piano has " + keys + " keys."); } } O u t p u t A piano has 88 keys. In the PianoKeys program, two pieces of information are used in the call to the println method. The first is a string, and the second is the variable keys. When a variable is referenced, the value currently stored in it is used. Therefore, when the call to println is executed, the value of keys, which is 88, is obtained. Because that value is an integer, it is automatically converted to a string and concatenated with the initial string. The concatenated string is passed to println and printed. A variable declaration can have multiple variables of the same type declared on one line. Each variable on the line can be declared with or without an initializing value. For example: int count, minimum = 0, result; the assignment statement Let’s examine a program that changes the value of a variable. Listing 2.6 shows a program called Geometry. This program first declares an integer variable called sides and initializes it to 7. It then prints out the current value of sides. The next line in main changes the value stored in the variable sides: sides = 10; This is called an assignment statement because it assigns a value to a variable. When executed, the expression on the right-hand side of the assignment operator (=) is evaluated, and the result is stored in the memory location indicated by the variable on the left-hand side. In this example, the expression is simply a number, 10. We discuss expressions that are more involved than this in the next section. 93 94 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions L i s t i N G 2 . 6 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of an assignment statement to change the // value stored in a variable. //******************************************************************** public class Geometry { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Prints the number of sides of several geometric shapes. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { int sides = 7; // declaration with initialization System.out.println("A heptagon has " + sides + " sides."); sides = 10; // assignment statement System.out.println("A decagon has " + sides + " sides."); sides = 12; System.out.println("A dodecagon has " + sides + " sides."); } } O u t p u t A heptagon has 7 sides. A decagon has 10 sides. A dodecagon has 12 sides. K e y C O N C e pt Accessing data leaves it intact in memory, but an assignment statement overwrites the old data. A variable can store only one value of its declared type. A new value overwrites the old one. In this case, when the value 10 is assigned to sides, the original value 7 is overwritten and lost forever, as follows: After initialization: sides 7 After first assignment: sides 10 2 . 2 Variables and Assignment 95 basic assignment Identifier = Expression ; The basic assignment statement uses the assignment operator (=) to store the result of the Expression into the specified Identifier, usually a variable. Examples: total = 57; count = count + 1; value = (min / 2) * lastValue; When a reference is made to a variable, such as when it is printed, the value of the variable is not changed. This is the nature of computer memory: Accessing (reading) data leaves the values in memory intact, but writing data replaces the old data with the new. The Java language is strongly typed, meaning that we are not Key CONCept allowed to assign a value to a variable that is inconsistent with its We cannot assign a value of one type declared type. Trying to combine incompatible types will generate to a variable of an incompatible type. an error when you attempt to compile the program. Therefore, the expression on the right-hand side of an assignment statement must evaluate to a value compatible with the type of the variable on the left-hand side. Constants Sometimes we use data that is constant throughout a program. For instance, we might write a program that deals with a theater that can hold no more than 427 people. It is often helpful to give a constant value a name, such as MAX_OCCUPANCY, instead of using a literal value, such as 427, throughout the code. The purpose and meaning of literal values such as 427 is often confusing to someone reading the code. By giving the value a name, you help explain its role in the program. Constants are identifiers and are similar to variables except that they hold a particular value for the duration of their existence. Constants are, to use the English meaning of the words, not variable. Their value doesn’t change. Key CONCept Constants hold a particular value for the duration of their existence. In Java, if you precede a declaration with the reserved word final, the identifier is made a constant. By convention, uppercase letters are used when naming constants to distinguish them from regular variables, and individual words are 96 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions separated using the underscore character. For example, the constant describing the maximum occupancy of a theater could be declared as follows: final int MAX_OCCUPANCY = 427; The compiler will produce an error message if you attempt to change the value of a constant once it has been given its initial value. This is another good reason to use constants. Constants prevent inadvertent coding errors because the only valid place to change their value is in the initial assignment. There is a third good reason to use constants. If a constant is used throughout a program and its value needs to be modified, then you have to change it in only one place. For example, if the capacity of the theater changes (because of a renovation) from 427 to 535, then you have to change only one declaration, and all uses of MAX_OCCUPANCY automatically reflect the change. If the literal 427 had been used throughout the code, each use would have to be found and changed. If you were to miss any uses of the literal value, problems would surely arise. seLf-review QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 2.9 What is a variable declaration? SR 2.10 Given the following variable declarations, answer each question. int count = 0, value, total; final int MAX_VALUE = 100; int myValue = 50; a. b. c. d. How many variables are declared? What is the type of these declared variables? Which of the variables are given an initial value? Based on the above declarations, is the following assignment statement legal? Explain. myValue = 100; e. Based on the above declarations, is the following assignment statement legal? Explain. MAX_VALUE = 50; SR 2.11 Your program needs a variable of type int to hold the number of CDs in a music collection. The initial value should be zero. Write a declaration statement for the variable. SR 2.12 Your program needs a variable of type int to hold the number of feet in a mile (5,280). Write a declaration statement for the variable. SR 2.13 Briefly describe three reasons for using a constant in a program instead of a literal value. 2 . 3 Primitive Data Types 2.3 97 primitive Data types There are eight primitive data types in Java: four subsets of integers, two subsets of floating point numbers, a character data type, and a boolean data type. Everything else is represented using objects. Let’s examine these eight primitive data types in some detail. integers and floating points Java has two basic kinds of numeric values: integers, which have no fractional part, and floating points, which do. There are four integer data types (byte, short, int, and long) and two floating point data types (float and double). All of the numeric types differ by the amount of memory space used Key CONCept to store a value of that type, which determines the range of values Java has two kinds of numeric that can be represented. The size of each data type is the same for values: integer and floating point. all hardware platforms. All numeric types are signed, meaning that There are four integer data types and two floating point data types. both positive and negative values can be stored in them. Figure 2.2 summarizes the numeric primitive types. Recall from our discussion in Chapter 1 that a bit can be either a 1 or a 0. Because each bit can represent two different states, a string of N bits can be used to represent 2N different values. Appendix B describes number systems and these kinds of relationships in more detail. When designing programs, we sometimes need to be careful about picking variables of appropriate size so that memory space is not wasted. This occurs in situations where memory space is particularly restricted, such as a program that runs on a personal data assistant (PDA). In such cases, we can choose a variable’s data type accordingly. For example, if the value of a particular variable will not Type Storage Min Value Max Value byte 8 bits –128 127 short 16 bits –32,768 32,767 int 32 bits –2,147,483,648 2,147,483,647 long 64 bits –9,223,372,036,854,775,808 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 float 32 bits Approximately –3.4E+38 with 7 significant digits Approximately 3.4E+38 with 7 significant digits double 64 bits Approximately –1.7E+308 with 15 significant digits Approximately 1.7E+308 with 15 significant digits fiGure 2.2 The Java numeric primitive types 98 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions vary outside of a range of 1 to 1000, then a two-byte integer (short) is large enough to accommodate it. On the other hand, when it’s not clear what the range of a particular variable will be, we should provide a reasonable, even generous, amount of space. In most situations, memory space is not a serious restriction, and we can usually afford generous assumptions. Note that even though a float value supports very large (and very small) numbers, it has only seven significant digits. Therefore, if it is important to accurately maintain a value such as 50341.2077, we need to use a double. As we’ve already discussed, a literal is an explicit data value used in a program. The various numbers used in programs such as Facts and Addition and PianoKeys are all integer literals. Java assumes all integer literals are of type int, unless an L or l is appended to the end of the value to indicate that it should be considered a literal of type long, such as 45L. Likewise, Java assumes that all floating point literals are of type double. If we need to treat a floating point literal as a float, we append an F or f to the end of the value, as in 2.718F or 123.45f. Numeric literals of type double can be followed by a D or d if desired. Decimal integer Literal 0 1-9 0-9 L l An integer literal is composed of a series of digits followed by an optional suffix to indicate that it should be considered a integer. Negation of a literal is considered a separate operation. Examples: 5 2594 4920328L The following are examples of numeric variable declarations in Java: int answer = 42; byte smallNumber1, smallNumber2; long countedStars = 86827263927L; float ratio = 0.2363F; double delta = 453.523311903; 2 . 3 Primitive Data Types Characters Characters are another fundamental type of data used and managed on a computer. Individual characters can be treated as separate data items, and, as we’ve seen in several examples, they can be combined to form character strings. A character literal is expressed in a Java program with single quotes, such as 'b' or 'J' or ';'. You will recall that string literals are delineated using double quotation marks, and that the String type is not a primitive data type in Java; it is a class name. We discuss the String class in detail in the next chapter. Note the difference between a digit as a character (or part of a string) and a digit as a number (or part of a larger number). The number 602 is a numeric value that can be used in an arithmetic calculation. But in the string "602 Greenbriar Court" the 6, 0, and 2 are characters, just like the rest of the characters that make up the string. The characters we can manage are defined by a character set, which is simply a list of characters in a particular order. Each programming language supports a particular character set that defines the valid values for a character variable in that language. Several character sets have been proposed, but only a few have been used regularly over the years. The ASCII character set is a popular choice. ASCII stands for the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. The basic ASCII set uses seven bits per character, providing room to support 128 different characters, including: ■ uppercase letters, such as 'A', 'B', and 'C' ■ lowercase letters, such as 'a', 'b', and 'c' ■ punctuation, such as the period ('.'), semicolon (';'), and comma (',') ■ the digits '0' through '9' ■ the space character, ' ' ■ ■ special symbols, such as the ampersand ('&'), vertical bar ('|'), and backslash ('\') control characters, such as the carriage return, null, and end-of-text marks The control characters are sometimes called nonprinting or invisible characters because they do not have a specific symbol that represents them. Yet they are as valid as any other character and can be stored and used in the same ways. Many control characters have special meaning to certain software applications. As computing became a worldwide endeavor, users demanded a more flexible character set containing other language alphabets. ASCII was extended Key CONCept to use eight bits per character, and the number of characters in the set Java uses the 16-bit Unicode characdoubled to 256. The extended ASCII contains many accented and ter set to represent character data. diacritical characters used in languages other than English. 99 100 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions However, even with 256 characters, the ASCII character set cannot represent the world’s alphabets, especially given the various Asian alphabets and their many thousands of ideograms. Therefore, the developers of the Java programming language chose the Unicode character set, which uses 16 bits per character, supporting 65,536 unique characters (and techniques that allow even more characters to be represented using multiple bytes). The characters and symbols from many languages are included in the Unicode definition. ASCII is a subset of the Unicode character set, comprising the first 256 characters. Appendix C discusses the Unicode character set in more detail. A character set assigns a particular number to each character, so by definition the characters are in a particular order. This is referred to as lexicographic order. In the ASCII and Unicode ordering, the digit characters '0' through '9' are continuous (no other characters intervene) and in order. Similarly, the lowercase alphabetic characters 'a' through 'z' are continuous and in order, as are the uppercase alphabetic characters 'A' through 'Z'. These characteristics make it relatively easy to keep things in alphabetical order. In Java, the data type char represents a single character. The following are some examples of character variable declarations in Java: char topGrade = 'A'; char symbol1, symbol2, symbol3; char terminator = ';', separator = ' '; booleans A boolean value, defined in Java using the reserved word boolean, has only two valid values: true and false. A boolean variable is usually used to indicate whether a particular condition is true, but it can also be used to represent any situation that has two states, such as a light bulb being on or off. A boolean value cannot be converted to any other data type, nor can any other data type be converted to a boolean value. The words true and false are reserved in Java as boolean literals and cannot be used outside of this context. The following are some examples of boolean variable declarations in Java: boolean flag = true; boolean tooHigh, tooSmall, tooRough; boolean done = false; seLf-review QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 2.14 What is primitive data? How are primitive data types different from objects? 2 . 4 Expressions SR 2.15 How many values can be stored in an integer variable? SR 2.16 What are the four integer data types in Java? How are they different? SR 2.17 What type does Java automatically assign to an integer literal? How can you indicate that an integer literal should be considered a different type? SR 2.18 What type does Java automatically assign to a floating point literal? How can you indicate that a floating point literal should be considered a different type? SR 2.19 What is a character set? SR 2.20 How many characters are supported by the ASCII character set, the extended ASCII character set, and the Unicode character set? 2.4 expressions An expression is a combination of one or more operators and operands that usually perform a calculation. The value calculated does not have to be a number, but it often is. The operands used in the operations might be literals, constants, variables, or other sources of data. The manner in which expressions are evaluated and used is fundamental to programming. For now we will focus on arithmetic expressions that use numeric operands and produce numeric results. Key CONCept Expressions are combinations of operators and operands used to perform a calculation. arithmetic Operators The usual arithmetic operations are defined for both integer and floating point numeric types, including addition (+), subtraction (–), multiplication (*), and division (/). Java also has another arithmetic operation: The remainder operator (%) returns the remainder after dividing the second operand into the first. The remainder operator is sometimes called the modulus operator. The sign of the result of a remainder operation is the sign of the numerator. Therefore: Operation Result 17 % 4 1 -20 % 3 -2 10 % -5 0 3 % 8 3 101 102 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions VideoNote Review of primitive data and expressions. As you might expect, if either or both operands to any numeric operator are floating point values, the result is a floating point value. However, the division operator produces results that are less intuitive, depending on the types of the operands. If both operands are integers, the / operator performs integer division, meaning that any fractional part of the result is discarded. If one or the other or both operands are floating point values, the / operator performs floating point division, and the fractional part of the result is kept. For example, the result of 10/4 is 2, but the results of 10.0/4 and 10/4.0 and 10.0/4.0 are all 2.5. A unary operator has only one operand, while a binary operator has two. The + and - arithmetic operators can be either unary or binary. The binary versions accomplish addition and subtraction, and the unary versions represent positive and negative numbers. For example, -1 is an example of using the unary negation operator to make the value negative. The unary + operator is rarely used. Java does not have a built-in operator for raising a value to an exponent. However, the Math class provides methods that perform exponentiation and many other mathematical functions. The Math class is discussed in Chapter 3. Operator precedence Operators can be combined to create more complex expressions. For example, consider the following assignment statement: result = 14 + 8 / 2; K e y C O N C e pt Java follows a well-defined set of precedence rules that governs the order in which operators will be evaluated in an expression. The entire right-hand side of the assignment is evaluated, and then the result is stored in the variable. But what is the result? If the addition is performed first, the result is 11; if the division operation is performed first, the result is 18. The order of operator evaluation makes a big difference. In this case, the division is performed before the addition, yielding a result of 18. Note that in this and subsequent examples, we use literal values rather than variables to simplify the expression. The order of operator evaluation is the same if the operands are variables or any other source of data. All expressions are evaluated according to an operator precedence hierarchy that establishes the rules that govern the order in which operations are evaluated. The arithmetic operators generally follow the same rules you learned in algebra. Multiplication, division, and the remainder operator all have equal precedence and are performed before (have higher precedence than) addition and subtraction. Addition and subtraction have equal precedence. 2 . 4 Expressions Any arithmetic operators at the same level of precedence are performed left to right. Therefore, we say the arithmetic operators have a left-to-right association. Precedence, however, can be forced in an expression by using parentheses. For instance, if we really wanted the addition to be performed first in the previous example, we could write the expression as follows: result = (14 + 8) / 2; Any expression in parentheses is evaluated first. In complicated expressions, it is good practice to use parentheses, even when it is not strictly necessary, to make it clear how the expression is evaluated. Parentheses can be nested, and the innermost nested expressions are evaluated first. Consider the following expression: result = 3 * ((18 – 4) / 2); In this example, the result is 21. First, the subtraction is performed, forced by the inner parentheses. Then, even though multiplication and division are at the same level of precedence and usually would be evaluated left to right, the division is performed first because of the outer parentheses. Finally, the multiplication is performed. After the arithmetic operations are complete, the computed result is stored in the variable on the left-hand side of the assignment operator (=). In other words, the assignment operator has a lower precedence than any of the arithmetic operators. The evaluation of a particular expression can be shown using an expression tree, such as the one in Figure 2.3. The operators are executed from the bottom up, creating values that are used in the rest of the expression. Therefore, the operations lower in the tree have a higher precedence than those above, or they are forced to be executed earlier using parentheses. + a Evaluating a + (b – c) / d – b fiGure 2.3 / d c An expression tree 103 104 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions Precedence Level Operator 1 + unary plus – unary minus * multiplication / division % remainder + addition – subtraction + string concatenation = assignment 2 3 4 fiGure 2.4 Operation Associates R to L L to R L to R R to L Precedence among some of the Java operators The parentheses used in expressions are actually operators themselves. Parentheses have a higher precedence than almost any other operator. Figure 2.4 shows a precedence table with the relationships between the arithmetic operators, parentheses, and the assignment operator. Appendix D includes a full precedence table showing all Java operators. For an expression to be syntactically correct, the number of left parentheses must match the number of right parentheses and they must be properly nested. The following examples are not valid expressions: result = ((19 + 8) % 3) – 4); // not valid result = (19 (+ 8 %) 3 – 4); // not valid Keep in mind that when a variable is referenced in an expression, its current value is used to perform the calculation. In the following assignment statement, the current value of the variable count is added to the current value of the variable total, and the result is stored in the variable sum: sum = count + total; The original value contained in sum before this assignment is overwritten by the calculated value. The values stored in count and total are not changed. The same variable can appear on both the left-hand side and the right-hand side of an assignment statement. Suppose the current value of a variable called count is 15 when the following assignment statement is executed: count = count + 1; 2 . 4 Expressions Because the right-hand expression is evaluated first, the original value of count is obtained and the value 1 is added to it, producing the result 16. That result is then stored in the variable count, overwriting the original value of 15 with the new value of 16. Therefore, this assignment statement increments, or adds 1 to, the variable count. Let’s look at another example of expression processing. The program in Listing 2.7, called TempConverter, converts a particular Celsius temperature value to its equivalent Fahrenheit value using an expression that computes the following formula: Fahrenheit = L i s ti N G 9 Celsius + 32 5 2 . 7 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of primitive data types and arithmetic // expressions. //******************************************************************** public class TempConverter { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Computes the Fahrenheit equivalent of a specific Celsius // value using the formula F = (9/5)C + 32. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { final int BASE = 32; final double CONVERSION_FACTOR = 9.0 / 5.0; double fahrenheitTemp; int celsiusTemp = 24; // value to convert fahrenheitTemp = celsiusTemp * CONVERSION_FACTOR + BASE; System.out.println("Celsius Temperature: " + celsiusTemp); System.out.println("Fahrenheit Equivalent: " + fahrenheitTemp); } } O u t p u t Celsius Temperature: 24 Fahrenheit Equivalent: 75.2 105 106 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions Note that in the temperature conversion program, the operands to the division operation are floating point literals to ensure that the fractional part of the number is kept. The precedence rules dictate that the multiplication happens before the addition in the final conversion computation. The TempConverter program is not very useful because it converts only one data value that we included in the program as a constant (24 degrees Celsius). Every time the program is run it produces the same result. A far more useful version of the program would obtain the value to be converted from the user each time the program is executed. Interactive programs that read user input are discussed later in this chapter. increment and Decrement Operators There are two other useful arithmetic operators. The increment operator (++) adds 1 to any integer or floating point value. The two plus signs that make up the operator cannot be separated by white space. The decrement operator (--) is similar except that it subtracts 1 from the value. They are both unary operators because they operate on only one operand. The following statement causes the value of count to be incremented: count++; The result is stored back into the variable count. Therefore, it is functionally equivalent to the following statement, which we discussed in the previous section: count = count + 1; The increment and decrement operators can be applied after the variable (such as count++ or count--), creating what is called the postfix form of the operator. They can also be applied before the variable (such as ++count or --count), in what is called the prefix form. When used alone in a statement, the prefix and postfix forms are functionally equivalent. That is, it doesn’t matter if you write count++; or ++count; However, when such a form is written as a statement by itself, it is usually written in its postfix form. When the increment or decrement operator is used in a larger expression, it can yield different results depending on the form used. For example, if the variable 2 . 4 Expressions count currently contains the value 15, the following statement assigns the value 15 to total and the value 16 to count: total = count++; However, the following statement assigns the value 16 to both total and count: total = ++count; The value of count is incremented in both situations, but the value used in the larger expression depends on whether a prefix or postfix form of the increment operator is used. Because of the subtle differences between the prefix and postfix forms of the increment and decrement operators, they should be used with care. As always, favor the side of readability. assignment Operators As a convenience, several assignment operators have been defined in Java that combine a basic operation with assignment. For example, the += operator can be used as follows: total += 5; This performs the same operation as the following statement: total = total + 5; The right-hand side of the assignment operator can be a full expression. The expression on the right-hand side of the operator is evaluated, then that result is added to the current value of the variable on the left-hand side, and that value is stored in the variable. Therefore, the following statement: total += (sum - 12) / count; is equivalent to: total = total + ((sum - 12) / count); Many similar assignment operators are defined in Java, including those that perform subtraction (-=), multiplication (*=), division (/=), and remainder (%=). The entire set of Java operators is discussed in Appendix D. All of the assignment operators evaluate the entire expression on the righthand side first, then use the result as the right operand of the other operation. Therefore, the following statement: result *= count1 + count2; 107 108 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions is equivalent to: result = result * (count1 + count2); Likewise, the following statement: result %= (highest - 40) / 2; is equivalent to: result = result % ((highest - 40) / 2); Some assignment operators perform particular functions depending on the types of the operands, just as their corresponding regular operators do. For example, if the operands to the += operator are strings, then the assignment operator performs string concatenation. seLf-review QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 2.21 What is the result of 19%5 when evaluated in a Java expression? Explain. SR 2.22 What is the result of 13/4 when evaluated in a Java expression? Explain. SR 2.23 If an integer variable diameter currently holds the value 5, what is its value after the following statement is executed? Explain. diameter = diameter * 4; SR 2.24 What is operator precedence? SR 2.25 What is the value of each of the following expressions? a. b. c. d. e. f. 15 + 7 * 3 (15 + 7) * 3 3 * 6 + 10 / 5 + 5 27 % 5 + 7 % 3 100 / 2 / 2 / 2 100 / ( 2 / 2) / 2 SR 2.26 For each of the following expressions state whether they are valid or invalid. If invalid, explain why. a. b. c. d. result result result result = = = = ( ( ( ( 5 5 5 5 + + + + 2 2 2 2 ); * ( 15 - 3 ); (; ( 4 ) ); 2 . 5 Data Conversion SR 2.27 What value is contained in the integer variable result after the following sequence of statements is executed? result result result result = = = = 27; result + 3; result / 7; result * 2; SR 2.28 What value is contained in the integer variable result after the following sequence of statements is executed? int base; int result; base = 5; result = base + 3; base = 7; SR 2.29 What is an assignment operator? SR 2.30 If an integer variable weight currently holds the value 100, what is its value after the following statement is executed? Explain. weight -= 17; 2.5 Data Conversion Because Java is a strongly typed language, each data value is associated with a particular type. It is sometimes helpful or necessary to convert a data value of one type to another type, but we must be careful that we don’t lose important information in the process. For example, suppose a short variable that holds the number 1000 is converted to a byte value. Because a byte does not have enough bits to represent the value 1000, some bits would be lost in the conversion, and the number represented in the byte would not keep its original value. A conversion between one primitive type and another falls into one of two categories: widening conversions and narrowing conversions. Widening conversions are the safest because they usually do not lose information. They are called widening conversions because they go from one data type to another type that uses an equal or greater amount of space to store the value. Figure 2.5 lists the Java widening conversions. For example, it is safe to convert from a byte to a short because a byte is stored in 8 bits and a short is stored in 16 bits. There is no loss of information. All widening conversions that go from an integer type to another integer type, or from a floating point type to another floating point type, preserve the numeric value exactly. 109 110 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions From To byte short, int, long, float, or double short int, long, float, or double char int, long, float, or double int long, float, or double long float or double float double fiGu r e 2 . 5 Java widening conversions Although widening conversions do not lose any information about the magnitude of a value, the widening conversions that result Narrowing conversions should be in a floating point value can lose precision. When converting from avoided because they can lose information. an int or a long to a float, or from a long to a double, some of the least significant digits may be lost. In this case, the resulting floating point value will be a rounded version of the integer value, following the rounding techniques defined in the IEEE 754 floating point standard. K e y C O N C e pt Narrowing conversions are more likely to lose information than widening conversions are. They often go from one type to a type that uses less space to store a value, and therefore some of the information may be compromised. Narrowing conversions can lose both numeric magnitude and precision. Therefore, in general, they should be avoided. Figure 2.6 lists the Java narrowing conversions. An exception to the space-shrinking situation in narrowing conversions is when we convert a byte (8 bits) or short (16 bits) to a char (16 bits). These are still From To byte char short byte or char char byte or short int byte, short, or char long byte, short, char, or int float byte, short, char, int, or long double byte, short, char, int, long, or float fiGu r e 2 . 6 Java narrowing conversions 2 . 5 Data Conversion considered narrowing conversions, because the sign bit is incorporated into the new character value. Since a character value is unsigned, a negative integer will be converted into a character that has no particular relationship to the numeric value of the original integer. Note that boolean values are not mentioned in either widening or narrowing conversions. A boolean value cannot be converted to any other primitive type and vice versa. Conversion techniques In Java, conversions can occur in three ways: ■ assignment conversion ■ promotion ■ casting Assignment conversion occurs when a value of one type is assigned to a variable of another type during which the value is converted to the new type. Only widening conversions can be accomplished through assignment. For example, if money is a float variable and dollars is an int variable, then the following assignment statement automatically converts the value in dollars to a float: money = dollars; Therefore, if dollars contains the value 25, after the assignment, money contains the value 25.0. However, if we attempt to assign money to dollars, the compiler will issue an error message alerting us to the fact that we are attempting a narrowing conversion that could lose information. If we really want to do this assignment, we have to make the conversion explicit by using a cast. Conversion via promotion occurs automatically when certain operators need to modify their operands in order to perform the operation. For example, when a floating point value called sum is divided by an integer value called count, the value of count is promoted to a floating point value automatically, before the division takes place, producing a floating point result: result = sum / count; A similar conversion is taking place when a number is concatenated with a string. The number is first converted (promoted) to a string, then the two strings are concatenated. Casting is the most general form of conversion in Java. If a conversion can be accomplished at all in a Java program, it can be accomplished using a cast. A cast is a Java operator that is specified by a type name in parentheses. It is placed in 111 112 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions front of the value to be converted. For example, to convert money to an integer value, we could put a cast in front of it: dollars = (int) money; The cast returns the value in money, truncating any fractional part. If money contained the value 84.69, then after the assignment, dollars would contain the value 84. Note, however, that the cast does not change the value in money. After the assignment operation is complete, money still contains the value 84.69. Casts are helpful in many situations where we need to treat a value temporarily as another type. For example, if we want to divide the integer value total by the integer value count and get a floating point result, we could do it as follows: result = (float) total / count; First, the cast operator returns a floating point version of the value in total. This operation does not change the value in total. Then, count is treated as a floating point value via arithmetic promotion. Now the division operator will perform floating point division and produce the intended result. If the cast had not been included, the operation would have performed integer division and truncated the answer before assigning it to result. Also note that because the cast operator has a higher precedence than the division operator, the cast operates on the value of total, not on the result of the division. seLf-review QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 2.31 Why are widening conversions safer than narrowing conversions? SR 2.32 Identify each of the following conversions as either a widening conversion or a narrowing conversion. a. b. c. d. e. int to long int to byte byte to short byte to char short to double SR 2.33 Assuming result is a float variable and value is an int variable, what type of variable will value be after the following assignment statement is executed? Explain. result = value; 2 . 6 Interactive Programs 113 SR 2.34 Assuming result is a float variable that contains the value 27.32 and value is an int variable that contains the value 15, what are the values of each of the variables after the following assignment statement is executed? Explain. value = (int) result; SR 2.35 Given the following declarations, what result is stored by each of the following assignment statements. int iResult, num1 = 17, num2 = 5; double fResult, val1 = 12.0, val2 = 2.34; a. b. c. d. e. 2.6 iResult fResult fResult fResult iResult = = = = = num1 / num2; num1 / num2; val1 / num2; (double) num1 / num2; (int) val1 / num2; interactive programs It is often useful to design a program to read data from the user interactively during execution. That way, new results can be computed each time the program is run, depending on the data that is entered. the Scanner Class The Scanner class, which is part of the Java API, provides convenient methods for reading input values of various types. The input could come from various sources, including data typed interactively by the user or data stored in a file. The Scanner class can also be used to parse a character string into separate pieces. Figure 2.7 lists some of the methods provided by the Scanner class. Key CONCept The Scanner class provides methods for reading input of various types from various sources. We must first create a Scanner object in order to invoke its methods. Objects in Java are created using the new operator. The following declaration creates a Scanner object that reads input from the keyboard: Scanner scan = new Scanner(; This declaration creates a variable called scan that represents a Scanner object. The object itself is created by the new operator and a call to a special method 114 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions Scanner(InputStream source) Scanner(File source) Scanner(String source) Constructors: sets up the new scanner to scan values from the specified source. String next() Returns the next input token as a character string. String nextLine() Returns all input remaining on the current line as a character string. boolean nextBoolean() byte nextByte() double nextDouble() float nextFloat() int nextInt() long nextLong() short nextShort() Returns the next input token as the indicated type. Throws InputMismatchException if the next token is inconsistent with the type. boolean hasNext() Returns true if the scanner has another token in its input. Scanner useDelimiter(String pattern) Scanner useDelimiter(Pattern pattern) Sets the scanner's delimiting pattern. Pattern delimiter() Returns the pattern the scanner is currently using to match delimiters. String findInLine(String pattern) String findInLine(Pattern pattern) Attempts to find the next occurrence of the specified pattern, ignoring delimiters. fiGure 2 . 7 Some methods of the Scanner class 2 . 6 Interactive Programs called a constructor to set up the object. The Scanner constructor accepts a parameter that indicates the source of the input. The object represents the standard input stream, which by default is the keyboard. Creating objects using the new operator is discussed further in the next chapter. Unless specified otherwise, a Scanner object assumes that white space characters (space characters, tabs, and new lines) are used to separate the elements of the input, called tokens, from each other. These characters are called the input delimiters. The set of delimiters can be changed if the input tokens are separated by characters other than white space. The next method of the Scanner class reads the next input token as a string and returns it. Therefore, if the input consisted of a series of words separated by spaces, each call to next would return the next word. The nextLine method reads all of the input until the end of the line is found, and returns it as one string. The program Echo, shown in Listing 2.8, simply reads a line of text typed by the user, stores it in a variable that holds a character string, then echoes it back to the screen. The import statement above the definition of the Echo class tells the program that we will be using the Scanner class in this program. The Scanner class is part of the java.util class library. The use of the import statement is discussed further in Chapter 3. Various Scanner methods such as nextInt and nextDouble are provided to read data of particular types. The GasMileage program, shown in Listing 2.9, reads the number of miles traveled as an integer, and the number of gallons of fuel consumed as a double, then computes the gas mileage. L i s ti N G 2 . 8 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of the nextLine method of the Scanner class // to read a string from the user. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; public class Echo { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Reads a character string from the user and prints it. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) 115 116 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions L i s t i N G 2 . 8 continued { String message; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter a line of text:"); message = scan.nextLine(); System.out.println("You entered: \"" + message + "\""); } } O u t p u t Enter a line of text: Set your laser printer on stun! You entered: "Set your laser printer on stun!" As you can see by the output of the GasMileage program, the calculation produces a floating point result that is accurate to several decimal places. In the next chapter we discuss classes that help us format our output in various ways, including rounding a floating point value to a particular number of decimal places. L i s t i N G 2 . 9 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of the Scanner class to read numeric data. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; public class GasMileage { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Calculates fuel efficiency based on values entered by the // user. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) 2 . 6 Interactive Programs L i s ti N G 2 . 9 continued { int miles; double gallons, mpg; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter the number of miles: "); miles = scan.nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter the gallons of fuel used: "); gallons = scan.nextDouble(); mpg = miles / gallons; System.out.println("Miles Per Gallon: " + mpg); } } O u t p u t Enter the number of miles: 328 Enter the gallons of fuel used: 11.2 Miles Per Gallon: 29.28571428571429 A Scanner object processes the input one token at a time, based on the methods used to read the data and the delimiters used to separate the input values. Therefore, multiple values can be put on the same line of input or can be separated over multiple lines, as appropriate for the situation. In Chapter 5 we use the Scanner class to read input from a data file and modify the delimiters it uses to parse the data. Appendix H explores how to use the Scanner class to analyze its input using patterns called regular expressions. s e L f - r e v iew QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 2.36 Identify which line of the GasMileage program does each of the following. a. Tells the program that we will be using the Scanner class. b. Creates a Scanner object. c. Sets up the Scanner object scan to read from the standard input stream. d. Reads an integer from the standard input stream. VideoNote Example using the Scanner class. 117 118 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions SR 2.37 Assume you already have instantiated a Scanner object named myScanner and an int variable named value as follows in your program: Scanner myScanner = new Scanner(; int value = 0; Write program statements that will ask the user to enter their age, and store their response in value. 2.7 Graphics Graphics play a crucial role in computer systems. Throughout this book we explore various aspects of graphics and discuss how they are accomplished. In fact, the last one or two sections of each chapter are devoted to graphics topics. We refer to this as the Graphics Track through the book. These sections can be skipped without losing continuity through the rest of the text, incorporated into the K e y CONCept regular flow of the chapters, or explored as a group. Graphical data is represented by dividing it into many small pieces called pixels. A picture, like all other information stored on a computer, must be digitized by breaking the information into pieces and representing those pieces as numbers. In the case of pictures, we break the picture into pixels (picture elements). A pixel is a tiny region that represents a very small piece of the picture. The complete picture is stored by storing the color of each individual pixel. A digitized picture can be reproduced when needed by reassembling its pixels. The more pixels used to represent a picture, the more realistic it looks when it is reproduced. The number of pixels used to represent a picture is called the picture resolution. The number of pixels that can be displayed by a monitor is called the monitor resolution. A black and white picture can be stored by representing each pixel using a single bit. If the bit is 0, that pixel is white; if the bit is 1, it is black. Figure 2.8 shows a black and white picture that has been stored digitally and an enlargement of a portion of that picture, which shows the individual pixels. Coordinate systems When drawn, each pixel of a picture is mapped to a pixel on the monitor screen. Each computer system and programming language defines a coordinate system so that we can refer to particular pixels. A traditional two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system has two axes that meet at the origin. Values on either axis can be negative or positive. The Java 2 . 7 Graphics fiGure 2.8 A digitized picture with a small portion magnified programming language has a relatively simple coordinate system in which all of the visible coordinates are positive. Figure 2.9 compares a traditional coordinate system to the Java coordinate system. Each point in the Java coordinate system is represented using an (x, y) pair of values. The top-left corner of any Java drawing area has coordinates (0, 0). The x-axis coordinates get larger as you move to the right, and the y-axis coordinates get larger as you move down. Key CONCept Java’s coordinate system has the origin in the upper-left corner and all visible coordinates are positive. As we’ve seen in previous examples, a Java program does not have to be graphical in nature. However, if it is, each graphical component in the program has its x X Axis (0,0) Y Axis y (x,y) X Axis (0,0) Y Axis fiGure 2.9 A traditional coordinate system and the Java coordinate system 119 120 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions own coordinate system, with the origin (0, 0) in the top-left corner. This consistent approach makes it relatively easy to manage various graphical elements. Note that Java lets you specify coordinates that are not visible on the screen, including negative values. If you draw or place components at those coordinates, though, they won’t be seen by the user. representing Color Color pictures are divided into pixels, just as black and white pictures are. However, because each pixel can be one of many possible colors, it is not sufficient to represent each pixel using only one bit. There are various ways to represent the color of a pixel. Let’s briefly discuss one popular technique. Every color can be represented as a mix of three primary colors: red, green, and blue. In Java, as in many other comColors are represented in Java using puter languages, colors are specified by three numbers that an RGB value—three values that repare collectively referred to as an RGB value. RGB stands for resent the contributions of the primary colors red, green, and blue. Red-Green-Blue. Each number represents the contribution of a primary color. Using one byte (eight bits) to store each of the three numbers, the numbers can range from 0 to 255. The level of each primary color determines the overall color. For example, high values of red and green combined with a low level of blue results in a shade of yellow. K e y CONCept Color Object RGB Value black 0, 0, 0 blue 0, 0, 255 cyan Color.cyan 0, 255, 255 gray Color.gray 128, 128, 128 dark gray Color.darkGray 64, 64, 64 light gray Color.lightGray 192, 192, 192 green 0, 255, 0 magenta Color.magenta 255, 0, 255 orange 255, 200, 0 pink 255, 175, 175 red 255, 0, 0 white Color.white 255, 255, 255 yellow Color.yellow 255, 255, 0 fiGure 2 . 1 0 Predefined colors in the Color class 2 . 8 Applets In Java, a programmer uses the Color class, which is part of the java.awt package, to define and manage colors. Each object of the Color class represents a single color. The class contains several instances of itself to provide a basic set of predefined colors. Figure 2.10 lists the predefined colors of the Color class. It also contains methods to define and manage many other colors. Key CONCept The Color class contains several predefined colors that are commonly used, and can be used to define many others. s e L f - r e v iew QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 2.38 How can a black and white picture be represented using 1s and 0s? SR 2.39 Three corners of a rectangle drawn using the Java coordinate system have coordinates (3, 4), (3, 7), and (8, 7). What are the coordinates of the fourth corner? SR 2.40 Two corners of a square drawn using the Java coordinate system have coordinates (5, 10) and (8, 10). What are the coordinates of the other two corners? SR 2.41 How many bits are needed to store a color picture that is 300 pixels wide and 200 pixels high? Assume color is represented using the RGB technique described in this chapter and that no special compression technique is used. 2.8 applets There are two kinds of Java programs: Java applets and Java applications. A Java applet is a Java program that is intended to be embedded into an HTML document, transported across a network, and executed using a Web browser. A Java application is a stand-alone program that can be executed using a Java interpreter. All programs presented thus far in this book have been Java applications. Key CONCept Applets are Java programs that are usually transported across a network and executed using a Web browser. The Web enables users to send and receive various types of media, such as text, graphics, and sound, using a point-and-click interface that is extremely convenient and easy to use. A Java applet was the first kind of executable program that could be retrieved using Web software. Java applets are considered just another type of media that can be exchanged across the Web. Though Java applets are generally intended to be transported across a network, they don’t have to be. They can be viewed locally using a Web browser. For that matter, they don’t even have to be executed through a Web browser at all. A tool in Sun’s Java Software Development Kit called appletviewer can be used to interpret and execute an applet. We use appletviewer to display applets in this book. However, 121 122 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions usually the point of making a Java applet is to provide a link to it on a Web page and allow it to be retrieved and executed by Web users anywhere in the world. Java bytecode (not Java source code) is linked to an HTML document and sent across the Web. A version of the Java interpreter embedded in a Web browser is used to execute the applet once it reaches its destination. A Java applet must be compiled into bytecode format before it can be used with the Web. There are some important differences between the structure of a Java applet and the structure of a Java application. Because the Web browser that executes an applet is already running, applets can be thought of as a part of a larger program. As such they do not have a main method where execution starts. The paint method in an applet is automatically invoked by the applet. Consider the program in Listing 2.10, in which the paint method is used to draw a few shapes and write a quotation by Albert Einstein to the screen. The two import statements at the beginning of the program explicitly indicate the packages that are used in the program. In this example, we need the JApplet L i s t i N G 2 . 1 0 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates a basic applet. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JApplet; import java.awt.*; public class Einstein extends JApplet { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Draws a quotation by Albert Einstein among some shapes. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void paint(Graphics page) { page.drawRect(50, 50, 40, 40); // square page.drawRect(60, 80, 225, 30); // rectangle page.drawOval(75, 65, 20, 20); // circle page.drawLine(35, 60, 100, 120); // line page.drawString("Out of clutter, find simplicity.", 110, 70); page.drawString("-- Albert Einstein", 130, 100); } } 2 . 8 Applets L i s ti N G 2 . 1 0 continued D i s p L a y class, which is part of the javax.swing package, and various graphics capabilities defined in the java.awt package. Chapter 3 explores import statements further. A class that defines an applet extends the JApplet class, as indicated in the header line of the class declaration. This process is making use of the objectoriented concept of inheritance, which we discussed in Chapter 1 and explore in more detail later in the book. Applet classes must also be declared as public. The paint method is one of several applet methods that have particular significance. It is invoked automatically whenever the graphic elements of the applet need to be painted to the screen, such as when the applet is first run or when another window that was covering it is moved. Note that the paint method accepts a Graphics object as a parameter. A Graphics object defines a particular graphics context with which we can interact. The graphics context passed into an applet’s paint method represents the entire applet window. Each graphics context has its own coordinate system. In later examples, we will have multiple components, each with its own graphics context. A Graphics object allows us to draw various shapes using methods such as drawRect, drawOval, drawLine, and drawString. The parameters passed to the drawing methods specify the coordinates and sizes of the shapes to be drawn. We explore these and other methods that draw shapes in the next section. 123 124 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions executing applets using the web In order for the applet to be transmitted over the Web and executed by a browser, it must be referenced in a HyperText Markup Language (HTML) document. An HTML document contains tags that specify formatting instructions and identify the special types of media that are to be included in a document. A Java program is considered a specific media type, just as text, graphics, and sound are. An HTML tag is enclosed in angle brackets. The following is an example of an applet tag: This tag dictates that the bytecode stored in the file Einstein.class should be transported over the network and executed on the machine that wants to view this particular HTML document. The applet tag also indicates the width and height of the applet. There are other tags that can be used to reference an applet in an HTML file, including the tag and the tag. The tag is actually the tag that should be used, according to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). However, browser support for the tag is not consistent. For now, the most reliable solution is to use the tag. Note that the applet tag refers to the bytecode file of the Einstein applet, not to the source code file. Before an applet can be transported using the Web, it must be compiled into its bytecode format. Then, as shown in Figure 2.11, the document can be loaded using a Web browser, which will automatically interpret and execute the applet. Java Source Code Java Compiler Java Bytecode Internet Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Web Browser with JVM Remote Computer fiGure 2.11 The Java translation and execution process, including applets 2 . 9 Drawing Shapes s e L f - r e v iew QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 2.42 What is the difference between a Java application and a Java applet? SR 2.43 When is an applet’s paint method invoked? SR 2.44 What is wrong with the following HTML applet tag? Explain. 2.9 Drawing shapes The Java standard class library provides many classes that let us present and manipulate graphical information. The Graphics class is fundamental to all such processing. the Graphics Class The Graphics class is defined in the java.awt package. It Key CONCept contains various methods that allow us to draw shapes, Most shapes can be drawn filled (opaque) or unfilled (as an outline). including lines, rectangles, and ovals. Figure 2.12 lists some of the fundamental drawing methods of the Graphics class. Note that these methods also let us draw circles and squares, which are just specific types of ovals and rectangles, respectively. We discuss additional drawing methods of the Graphics class later in the book at appropriate points. The methods of the Graphics class allow us to specify whether we want a shape filled or unfilled. An unfilled shape shows only the outline of the shape and is otherwise transparent (you can see any underlying graphics). A filled shape is solid between its boundaries and covers any underlying graphics. All of these methods rely on the Java coordinate system, which we discussed earlier in this chapter. Recall that point (0,0) is in the upper-left corner, such that x values get larger as we move to the right, and y values get larger as we move down. Any shapes drawn at coordinates that are outside the visible area will not be seen. Key CONCept A bounding rectangle is used to define the position and size of curved shapes such as ovals. Many of the Graphics drawing methods are self-explanatory, but some require a little more discussion. Note, for instance, that an oval drawn by the drawOval method is defined by the coordinate of the upper-left corner and dimensions that specify the width and height of a bounding rectangle. Shapes with curves, such 125 126 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions void drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) Paints a line from point (x1, y1) to point (x2, y2). void drawRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) Paints a rectangle with upper left corner (x, y) and dimensions width and height. void drawOval(int x, int y, int width, int height) Paints an oval bounded by the rectangle with an upper left corner of (x, y) and dimensions width and height. void drawString(String str, int x, int y) Paints the character string str at point (x, y), extending to the right. void drawArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle) Paints an arc along the oval bounded by the rectangle defined by x, y, width, and height. The arc starts at startAngle and extends for a distance defined by arcAngle. void fillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) Same as their draw counterparts, but filled with the current foreground color. void fillOval(int x, int y, int width, int height) void fillArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle) Color getColor() Returns this graphics context's foreground color. void setColor(Color color) Sets this graphics context's foreground color to the specified color. fiGure 2 . 1 2 K e y CONCept An arc is a segment of an oval beginning at a specific start angle and extending for a distance specified by the arc angle. Some methods of the Graphics class as ovals, are often defined by a rectangle that encompasses their perimeters. Figure 2.13 depicts a bounding rectangle for an oval. An arc can be thought of as a segment of an oval. To draw an arc, we specify the oval of which the arc is a part and the portion of the oval in which we’re interested. The starting point 2 . 9 Drawing Shapes width height fiGure 2.13 An oval and its bounding rectangle of the arc is defined by the start angle and the ending point of the arc is defined by the arc angle. The arc angle does not indicate where the arc ends, but rather its range. The start angle and the arc angle are measured in degrees. The origin for the start angle is an imaginary horizontal line passing through the center of the oval and can be referred to as 0°, as shown in Figure 2.14. Every graphics context has a current foreground color that is used whenever shapes or strings are drawn. Every surface that can be drawn on has a background color. The foreground color is set using the setColor method of the Graphics class, and the background color is set using the setBackground method of the component on which we are drawing, such as the applet. Listing 2.11 shows an applet called Snowman. It uses various drawing and color methods to draw a winter scene featuring a snowman. Review the code carefully to note how each shape is drawn to create the overall picture. Note that the snowman figure is based on two constant values called MID and TOP, which define the midpoint of the snowman (left to right) and the top of the drawArc (10, 10, 60, 30, 20, 90) 110° 90° <10, 10> 20° 90° height 30 20° 0° width 60 fiGure 2.14 An arc defined by an oval, a start angle, and an arc angle VideoNote Example using drawn shapes. 127 128 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions L i s t i N G 2 . 1 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates basic drawing methods and the use of color. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JApplet; import java.awt.*; public class Snowman extends JApplet { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Draws a snowman. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void paint(Graphics page) { final int MID = 150; final int TOP = 50; setBackground(Color.cyan); page.setColor(; page.fillRect(0, 175, 300, 50); page.setColor(Color.yellow); page.fillOval(-40, -40, 80, 80); // ground // sun page.setColor(Color.white); page.fillOval(MID-20, TOP, 40, 40); page.fillOval(MID-35, TOP+35, 70, 50); page.fillOval(MID-50, TOP+80, 100, 60); page.setColor(; page.fillOval(MID-10, TOP+10, 5, 5); page.fillOval(MID+5, TOP+10, 5, 5); // head // upper torso // lower torso // left eye // right eye page.drawArc(MID-10, TOP+20, 20, 10, 190, 160); page.drawLine(MID-25, TOP+60, MID-50, TOP+40); page.drawLine(MID+25, TOP+60, MID+55, TOP+60); page.drawLine(MID-20, TOP+5, MID+20, TOP+5); page.fillRect(MID-15, TOP-20, 30, 25); } } // smile // left arm // right arm // brim of hat // top of hat 2 . 9 Drawing Shapes L i s ti N G 2 . 1 1 continued D i s p L a y snowman’s head. The entire snowman figure is drawn relative to these values. Using constants like these makes it easier to create the snowman and to make modifications later. For example, to shift the snowman to the right or left in our picture, only one constant declaration would have to change. s e L f - r e v iew QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 2.45 What is a bounding rectangle? SR 2.46 Assuming you have a Graphics object called page, write a statement that will draw a square with a side length of 50, such that its upperleft corner is at point (16, 12). SR 2.47 Assuming you have a Graphics object called page, write a sequence of statements that will draw a blue rectangle with a height of 20 and a width of 40, such that its upper-left corner is at point (30, 35). 129 130 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions SR 2.48 What would be the result of making each of the following changes separately to the Snowman program? You may make the change, compile and run the program, and observe and report the results. Briefly explain what you observe. a. The value of MID is set to 120 instead of 150. b. The value of TOP is set to 25 instead of 50. c. Just before the last two statements of the program (the statements that draw the hat), we include the statement page.setColor(; d. In the statement that creates the smile, the 190 is changed to a 10. e. Just before the statement that creates the upper torso, the foreground color is set to cyan. It is set back to white immediately after the upper torso is created. Summary of Key Concepts summary of Key Concepts ■ ■ ■ ■ The print and println methods represent two services provided by the System.out object. An escape sequence can be used to represent a character that would otherwise cause compilation problems. A variable is a name for a memory location used to hold a value of a particular data type. Accessing data leaves it intact in memory, but an assignment statement overwrites the old data. ■ We cannot assign a value of one type to a variable of an incompatible type. ■ Constants hold a particular value for the duration of their existence. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Java has two kinds of numeric values: integer and floating point. There are four integer data types and two floating point data types. Java uses the 16-bit Unicode character set to represent character data. Expressions are combinations of operators and operands used to perform a calculation. Java follows a well-defined set of precedence rules that governs the order in which operators will be evaluated in an expression. Narrowing conversions should be avoided because they can lose information. The Scanner class provides methods for reading input of various types from various sources. Graphical data is represented by dividing it into many small pieces called pixels. Java’s coordinate system has the origin in the upper-left corner and all visible coordinates are positive. Colors are represented in Java using an RGB value—three values that represent the contributions of the primary colors red, green, and blue. The Color class contains several predefined colors that are commonly used, and can be used to define many others. Applets are Java programs that are usually transported across a network and executed using a Web browser. Most shapes can be drawn filled (opaque) or unfilled (as an outline). A bounding rectangle is used to define the position and size of curved shapes such as ovals. An arc is a segment of an oval beginning at a specific start angle and extending for a distance specified by the arc angle. 131 132 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions exercises EX 2.1 What is the difference between the literals 4, 4.0, '4', and "4"? EX 2.2 Explain the following programming statement in terms of objects and the services they provide: System.out.println("I gotta be me!"); EX 2.3 What output is produced by the following code fragment? Explain. System.out.println("Welcome!"); System.out.print("This is an art of printing in "); System.out.println("Java programming."); System.out.print("More "); System.out.print("to "); System.out.println("follow."); EX 2.4 Is the following program statement wrong? If so, how can it be fixed? System.out.println("The solution is here.\n"); EX 2.5 What output is produced by the following statement? Explain. System.out.println("50 plus 25 is " + 50 + 25); EX 2.6 What is the output produced by the following statement? Explain. System.out.println("He thrusts his fists\n\tagainst" + "the post\nand still insists\n\the sees the \"ghost\""); EX 2.7 What value is contained in the integer variable count after the following statements are executed? count count count count EX 2.8 = = = = 4; count % 4; count * 10; count + 10; What value is contained in the floating point variable area after the following statements are executed? area = 3.14; area = area / 10; area = area * 0.5; Exercises EX 2.9 What value is contained in the integer variable sum after the following statements are executed? sum sum sum sum = 15; = sum % 3; += 500; *= 2; EX 2.10 Write three different program statements that decrement the value of an integer variable highest. EX 2.11 Given the following declarations, what result is stored in each of the listed assignment statements? int iResult, num1 = 25, num2 = 40, num3 = 17, num4 = 5; double fResult, val1 = 17.0, val2 = 12.78; a. iResult b. fResult c. iResult d. fResult e. fResult f. fResult g. iResult h. fResult i. fResult j. fResult k. iResult l. fResult m. fResult n. iResult o. iResult p. iResult q. iResult = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = num1 / num4; num1 / num4; num3 / num4; num3 / num4; val1 / num4; val1 / val2; num1 / num2; (double) num1 / num2; num1 / (double) num2; (double) (num1 / num2); (int) (val1 / num4); (int) (val1 / num4); (int) ((double) num1 / num2); num3 % num4; num2 % num3; num3 % num2; num2 % num4; EX 2.12 For each of the following expressions, indicate the order in which the operators will be evaluated by writing a number beneath each operator. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. a a a a a a a – – + + / % % b b b b b b b – + / / * / % c c c c c c c – – / * * * % d d d d d d d 133 134 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions h. a – (b – c) – d i. (a – (b – c)) – d j. a – ((b – c) – d) k. a % (b % c) * d * l. a + (b – c) * d – m. (a + b) * c + d * n. (a + b) * (c / d) e e e % e EX 2.13 Explain the role played by the Web in the translation and execution of some Java programs. EX 2.14 Compare and contrast a traditional coordinate system and the coordinate system used by Java graphical components. EX 2.15 How many bits are needed to store a color picture that is 400 pixels wide and 250 pixels high? Assume color is represented using the RGB technique described in this chapter and that no special compression is done. EX 2.16 Assuming you have a Graphics object called page, write a statement that will draw a line from point (20, 30) to point (50, 60). EX 2.17 Assuming you have a Graphics object called shape, write a statement that will draw a square with a height of 100, such that its upper-left corner is at point (35, 50). EX 2.18 Assuming you have a Graphics object called page, write a statement that will draw a circle centered on point (50, 50) with a radius of 20 pixels. EX 2.19 The following lines of code draw the eyes of the snowman in the Snowman applet. The eyes seem centered on the face when drawn, but the first parameters of each call are not equally offset from the midpoint. Explain. page.fillOval(MID-10, TOP+10, 5, 5); page.fillOval(MID+5, TOP+10, 5, 5); programming projects PP 2.1 Create a revised version of the Lincoln program from Chapter 1 to print the quotation inside a box made up of character ^. PP 2.2 Write a program that reads four integers and prints the sum of their squares. PP 2.3 Write a program that reads three floating point numbers and prints the cube of their average. Programming Projects PP 2.4 135 Write a program that prompts for and reads a course name, its credits and reference book. Then print the following paragraph, inserting the appropriate data: This semester, a new course on course_name has been added to the curriculum. It consists of credits credits and the reference book for this course is reference_book. PP 2.5 Create a version of the UnitConverter application to convert from inches to foot. Read the inches value from the user. PP 2.6 Write a program that converts grams to pounds. (One pound equals 453.592 grams.) Read the grams value from the user as a floating point value. PP 2.7 Write a program that prompts for and reads integer values for typing speed and number of characters in the document, then prints the time required to type them as a floating point result. PP 2.8 Write a program that reads values representing the weight in kilograms, grams, and milligrams and then prints the equivalent weight in milligrams. (For example, 1 kilogram, 50 grams, and 42 milligrams is equivalent to 10,50,042 milligrams.) PP 2.9 Create a version of the previous project that reverses the computation. That is, read a value representing the weight in milligrams, then print the equivalent weight as a combination of kilograms, grams, and milligrams. (For example, 90,70,056 milligrams is equivalent to 9 kilograms, 70 grams, and 56 milligrams.) PP 2.10 Write a program that determines the value of the coins in a jar and prints the total in dollars and cents. Read integer values that represent the number of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. PP 2.11 Write a program that prompts for and reads a double value representing a monetary amount. Then determine the fewest number of each bill and coin needed to represent that amount, starting with the highest (assume that a ten-dollar bill is the maximum size needed). For example, if the value entered is 47.63 (fortyseven dollars and sixty-three cents), then the program should print the equivalent amount as: 4 1 2 2 1 ten dollar bills five dollar bills one dollar bills quarters dimes VideoNote Developing a solution of PP 2.10. 136 Chapter 2 Data and Expressions 0 nickles 3 pennies PP 2.12 Write a program that prompts for and reads two integers representing the length and breadth of a rectangle, then prints its perimeter and area. PP 2.13 Write a program that prompts for and reads the circumference of a circle as a floating point value (double), then prints the radius of the circle. PP 2.14 Create a revised version of the Snowman applet with the following modifications: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Add two red buttons to the upper torso. Make the snowman frown instead of smile. Move the sun to the upper-right corner of the picture. Display your name in the upper-left corner of the picture. Shift the entire snowman 20 pixels to the right. PP 2.15 Write an applet that draws the Big Dipper. Add some extra stars in the night sky. PP 2.16 Write an applet that draws some balloons tied to strings. Make the balloons various colors. PP 2.17 Write an applet that draws the Olympic logo. The circles in the logo should be colored, from left to right, blue, yellow, black, green, and red. PP 2.18 Write an applet that draws a house with a door (and doorknob), windows, and a chimney. Add some smoke coming out of the chimney and some clouds in the sky. PP 2.19 Write an applet that displays a business card of your own design. Include both graphics and text. PP 2.20 Write an applet that displays your name in shadow text by drawing your name in black, then drawing it again slightly offset in a lighter color. PP 2.21 Write an applet that shows a pie chart with eight equal slices, all colored differently. sOftware faiLure Nasa Mars Climate Orbiter and polar Lander what happened? As part of a series of missions exploring Mars, NASA launched the Mars Climate Orbiter in December, 1998, and the Mars Polar Lander in January, 1999. The two-spacecraft mission was designed to observe the atmospheric conditions on Mars through each of its seasons. The orbiter and the lander would have collected data about temperature, dust, water vapor, clouds, and the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) added and removed from the Martian pole regions. After its nine-month journey, the orbiter arrived at Mars in September, 1999, and fired its main engines to establish an orbit. The orbiter passed behind the planet (from Earth’s perspective) five minutes later as planned, but NASA could not reestablish contact with it after expecting it to emerge. Review of the data showed that the altitude of the orbiter when it was entering orbit was only 57 kilometers, whereas the planned altitude was 140 kilometers. The minimum survivable altitude was between 85 and 100 kilometers. NASA concluded that the orbiter was destroyed by atmospheric friction. Artist’s conception of the Mars Climate Orbiter ■ The polar lander arrived at Mars in December, 1999, and all of the data indicated it was on target to make a successful soft landing within 10 kilometers of the target landing site on the Martian south pole. However, NASA lost contact with the lander just after it entered the atmosphere. Multiple attempts to reestablish contact with it over the following weeks and months were unsuccessful. The total project cost for the orbiter and lander was $327.6 million. what Caused it? The root cause of the orbiter’s problem was an embarrassing communication issue. The software that guided the navigation of the spacecraft used imperial units of measure (pound-force), while the spacecraft itself expected the data in metric units (newtons). Therefore the desired navigation changes and the actual effects were off by a factor of 4.45. This mismatch resulted in part because one team based in Colorado lead the efforts on the spacecraft, while a Californiabased team managed issues of navigation. 137 138 Software Failure The cause of the lander’s communication problem is unresolved but is not believed to be related to the orbiter’s problem. The investigation concluded that the most likely cause was a software error that mistook the vibration caused by the deployment of the lander’s legs for the vibration caused by actually landing on the planet’s surface. That mistake would have caused the lander’s descent engines to cut off while it was still 40 meters above the ground. Other problem scenarios are possible, however. Lessons Learned The mismatch of units in the Mars Climate Orbiter shows that seemingly obvious problems can be overlooked in a highly complex system. Mistakes are inevitable, but processes must be in place to catch them before they become critical. The investigation concluded that, in this case, the system for tracking and doublechecking interconnected elements between subsystems was not robust enough. There was also inconsistent training of and communication with new members of the team, and some communication lines were too informal. In short, the mission lacked a rigorous total-system view that would have led to the discovery of the mismatched units problem before it was too late. It’s difficult to draw strong conclusions from the lander’s problem given that the cause is not clearly understood. The fact that it remains an open question underscores the need for more evaluation, simulation, and testing in situations where critical resources are at stake. Source: Using Classes and Objects Chap t e r 3 O b j e C t i v e s ● Discuss the creation of objects and the use of object reference variables. ● Explore the services provided by the String class. ● Describe how the Java standard class library is organized into packages. ● Explore the services provided by the Random and Math classes. ● Discuss ways to format output using the NumberFormat and DecimalFormat classes. ● Introduce enumerated types. ● Discuss wrapper classes and the concept of autoboxing. ● Introduce components and containers used in graphical user interfaces. ● Describe a label component and the use of images. This chapter further explores the use of predefined classes and the objects we can create from them. Using classes and objects for the services they provide is a fundamental part of object-oriented software and sets the stage for writing classes of our own. In this chapter, we use classes and objects to manipulate character strings, produce random numbers, perform complex calculations, and format output. This chapter also introduces the concept of an enumerated type, which is a special kind of class in Java, and discusses the concept of a wrapper class. In the Graphics Track of this chapter, we lay the foundation for developing graphical user interfaces for our programs and discuss how to display images. 139 140 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects 3.1 Creating Objects At the end of Chapter 1 we presented an overview of object-oriented concepts, including the basic relationship between classes and objects. Then in Chapter 2, in addition to discussing primitive data, we provided some examples of using objects for the services they provide. This chapter explores these ideas further. In previous examples, we’ve used the println method many times. As we mentioned in Chapter 2, the println method is a service provided by the System.out object, which represents the standard output stream. To be more precise, the identifier out is an object variable that is stored in the System class. It has been predefined and set up for us as part of the Java standard class library. We can simply use it. In Chapter 2 we also used the Scanner class, which represents an object that allows us to read input from the keyboard or a file. We created a Scanner object using the new operator. Once the object was created, we were able to use it for the various services it provides. That is, we were able to invoke its methods. Let’s carefully examine the idea of creating an object. In Java, a variable name represents either a primitive value or an object. Like variables that hold primitive types, a variable that refers to an object must be declared. The class used to define an object can be thought of as the type of an object. The declarations of object variables have a similar structure to the declarations of primitive variables. Consider the following two declarations: int num; String name; The first declaration creates a variable that holds an integer value, as we’ve seen many times before. The second declaration creates a String variable that holds a reference to a String object. An object variable doesn’t hold an object itself, it holds the address of an object. Initially, the two variables declared above don’t contain any data. We say they are uninitialized, which can be depicted as follows: num – name – As we pointed out in Chapter 2, it is always important to make sure a variable is initialized before using it. For an object variable, that means we must make sure it refers to a valid object prior to using it. In most situations, the compiler will issue an error if you attempt to use a variable before initializing it. 3 . 1 Creating Objects 141 An object variable can also be set to null, which is a reserved word in Java. A null reference specifically indicates that a variable does not refer to an object. Note that, although we’ve declared a String reference variable, no String object actually exists yet. The act of creating an object using the new operator is called instantiation. An object is said to be an instance of a particular class. To instantiate an object, we can use the new operator, which returns the address of the new object. The following two assignment statements give values to the two variables declared above: num = 42; name = new String("James Gosling"); After the new operator creates the object, a constructor is invoked to help set it up initially. A constructor is a special method that has the same name as the class. In this example, the parameter to the constructor is a string literal that specifies the characters that the string object will hold. After these assignments are executed, the variables can be depicted as: num KeY CONCept The new operator returns a reference to a newly created object. 42 name "James Gosling" Since an object reference variable holds the address of the object, it can be thought of as a pointer to the location in memory where the object is held. We could show the numeric address, but the actual address value is irrelevant— what’s important is that the variable refers to a particular object. After an object has been instantiated, we use the dot operator to access its methods. We’ve used the dot operator many times already, such as in calls to System.out.println. The dot operator is appended directly after the object reference, followed by the method being invoked. For example, to invoke the length method defined in the String class, we can use the dot operator on the name reference variable: count = name.length() The length method does not take any parameters, but the parentheses are still necessary to indicate that a method is being invoked. Some methods produce a value that is returned when the method completes. The purpose of the length method of the String class is to determine and return the length of the string (the number of characters it contains). In this example, the returned value is assigned to the variable count. For the string "James Gosling", the length method returns 13, which VideoNote Creating objects. 142 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects includes the space between the first and last names. Some methods do not return a value. Other String methods are discussed in the next section. The act of declaring the object reference variable and creating the object itself can be combined into one step by initializing the variable in the declaration, just as we do with primitive types: String title = new String("Java Software Solutions"); Even though they are not primitive types, character strings are so fundamental and so often used that Java defines string literals delimited by double quotation marks, as we’ve seen in various examples. This is a shortcut notation. Whenever a string literal appears, a String object is created automatically. Therefore the following declaration is valid: String city = "London"; That is, for String objects, the explicit use of the new operator and the call to the constructor can be eliminated. In most cases, we will use this simplified syntax. aliases Because an object reference variable stores an address, a programmer must be careful when managing objects. First, let’s review the effect of assignment on primitive values. Suppose we have two integer variables, num1, initialized to 5, and num2, initialized to 12: num1 5 num2 12 In the following assignment statement, a copy of the value that is stored in num1 is stored in num2: num2 = num1; The original value of 12 in num2 is overwritten by the value 5. The variables num1 and num2 still refer to different locations in memory, and both of those locations now contain the value 5: num1 5 num2 5 3 . 1 Creating Objects 143 Now consider the following object declarations: String name1 = "Ada, Countess of Lovelace"; String name2 = "Grace Murray Hopper"; Initially, the references name1 and name2 refer to two different String objects: name1 "Ada, Countess of Lovelace" name2 "Grace Murray Hopper" Now suppose the following assignment statement is executed, copying the value in name1 into name2: name2 = name1; This assignment works the same as the integer assignment—a copy of the value of name1 is stored in name2. But remember, object variables hold the address of an object, and it is the address that gets copied. Originally, the two references referred to different objects. After the assignment, both name1 and name2 contain the same address and therefore refer to the same object: name1 "Ada, Countess of Lovelace" name2 The name1 and name2 reference variables are now aliases of each other because they are two names that refer to the same object. All references to the object originally referenced by name2 are now gone; that object cannot be used again in the program. KeY CONCept Multiple reference variables can refer to the same object. One important implication of aliases is that when we use one reference to change an object, it is also changed for the other reference because there is really only one object. Aliases can produce undesirable effects unless they are managed carefully. All interaction with an object occurs through a reference variable, so we can use an object only if we have a reference to it. When all references to an object are lost (perhaps by reassignment), that object can no longer contribute to the program. The program can no longer invoke its methods or use its variables. At this point the object is called garbage because it serves no useful purpose. Java performs automatic garbage collection. When the last reference to an object is lost, the object becomes a candidate for garbage collection. Occasionally, behind the scenes, the Java environment executes a method that “collects” all the 144 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects objects marked for garbage collection and returns their memory to the system for future use. The programmer does not have to worry about explicitly reclaiming memory that has become garbage. self-review QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 3.1 What is a null reference? SR 3.2 What does the new operator accomplish? SR 3.3 Write a declaration for a String variable called author, and initialize it to the string "Fred Brooks". Draw a graphic representation of the variable and its value. SR 3.4 Write a code statement that sets the value of an integer variable called size to the length of a String object called name. SR 3.5 3.2 What is an alias? How does it relate to garbage collection? the String Class Let’s examine the String class in more detail. Figure 3.1 lists some of the more useful methods of the String class. Once a String object is created, its value cannot be lengthened or shortened, nor can any of its characters change. Thus we say that a String object is immutable. However, several methods in the String class return new String objects that are the result of modifying the original string’s value. Note that some of the String methods refer to the index of a particular character. A character in a string can be specified by its position, or index, in the string. The index of the first character in a string is zero, the index of the next character is one, and so on. Therefore, in the string "Hello", the index of the character 'H' is zero and the character at index four is 'o'. Several String methods are exercised in the program shown in Listing 3.1. As you examine the StringMutation program, keep in mind that this is not a single String object that changes its data; this program creates five separate String objects using various methods of the String class. Originally, the phrase object is set up: phrase "Change is inevitable" 3 . 2 The String Class String(String str) Constructor: creates a new string object with the same characters as str. char charAt(int index) Returns the character at the specified index. int compareTo(String str) Returns an integer indicating if this string is lexically before (a negative return value), equal to (a zero return value), or lexically after (a positive return value), the string str. String concat(String str) Returns a new string consisting of this string concatenated with str. boolean equals(String str) Returns true if this string contains the same characters as str (including case) and false otherwise. boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String str) Returns true if this string contains the same characters as str (without regard to case) and false otherwise. int length() Returns the number of characters in this string. String replace(char oldChar, char newChar) Returns a new string that is identical with this string except that every occurrence of oldChar is replaced by newChar. String substring(int offset, int endIndex) Returns a new string that is a subset of this string starting at index offset and extending through endIndex-1. String toLowerCase() Returns a new string identical to this string except all uppercase letters are converted to their lowercase equivalent. String toUpperCase() Returns a new string identical to this string except all lowercase letters are converted to their uppercase equivalent. figUre 3.1 Some methods of the String class 145 146 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects l i s t i N g 3 . 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of the String class and its methods. //******************************************************************** public class StringMutation { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Prints a string and various mutations of it. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { String phrase = "Change is inevitable"; String mutation1, mutation2, mutation3, mutation4; System.out.println("Original string: \"" + phrase + "\""); System.out.println("Length of string: " + phrase.length()); mutation1 mutation2 mutation3 mutation4 = = = = phrase.concat(", except from vending machines."); mutation1.toUpperCase(); mutation2.replace('E', 'X'); mutation3.substring(3, 30); // Print each mutated string System.out.println("Mutation System.out.println("Mutation System.out.println("Mutation System.out.println("Mutation #1: #2: #3: #4: " " " " + + + + mutation1); mutation2); mutation3); mutation4); System.out.println("Mutated length: " + mutation4.length()); } } O U t p U t Original string: "Change is inevitable" Length of string: 20 Mutation #1: Change is inevitable, except from vending machines. Mutation #2: CHANGE IS INEVITABLE, EXCEPT FROM VENDING MACHINES. Mutation #3: CHANGX IS INXVITABLX, XXCXPT FROM VXNDING MACHINXS. Mutation #4: NGX IS INXVITABLX, XXCXPT F Mutated length: 27 3 . 2 The String Class After printing the original phrase and its length, the concat method is executed to create a new string object referenced by the variable mutation1: mutation1 "Change is inevitable, except from vending machines." Then the toUpperCase method is executed on the mutation1 object, and the resulting string is stored in mutation2: mutation2 "CHANGE IS INEVITABLE, EXCEPT FROM VENDING MACHINES" Notice that the length and concat methods are executed on KeY CONCept the phrase object, but the toUpperCase method is executed on Usually a method is executed on a the mutation1 object. Any method of the String class can be particular object, which affects the executed on any String object, but for any given invocation, a results. method is executed on a particular object. The results of executing toUpperCase on mutation1 would be very different from the results of executing toUpperCase on phrase. Remember, each object has its own state, which often affects the results of method calls. Finally, the String object variables mutation3 and mutation4 are initialized by the calls to mutation2.replace and mutation3.substring, respectively: mutation3 "CHANGX IS INXVITABLX, XXCXPT FROM VXNDING MACHINXS" mutation4 "NGX IS INXVITABLX, XXCXPT F" s e l f - r e v iew QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 3.6 Assume s1, s2, and s3 are String variables initialized to "Amanda", "Bobby", and "Chris", respectively. Which String variable or variables are changed by each of the following statements? a. b. c. d. SR 3.7 System.out.println(s1); s1 = s3.toLowerCase(); System.out.println(s2.replace('B', 'M')); s3 = s2.concat(s1); What output is produced by the following code fragment? String s1 = "Foundations"; String s2; System.out.println(s1.charAt(1)); s2 = s1.substring(0, 5); System.out.println(s2); 147 148 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects System.out.println(s1.length()); System.out.println(s2.length()); SR 3.8 Write a statement that prints the value of a String object called title in all uppercase letters. SR 3.9 Write a declaration for a String variable called front, and initialize it to the first 10 characters of another String object called description. 3.3 packages We mentioned earlier that the Java language is supported by a standard class library called the Java API that we can make use of as needed. Let’s examine that idea further. A class library is a set of classes that supports the development of programs. A compiler or development environment often comes A class library provides useful supwith a class library. Class libraries can also be obtained separately port when developing programs. through third-party vendors. The classes in a class library contain methods that are often valuable to a programmer because of the special functionality they offer. In fact, programmers often become dependent on the methods in a class library and begin to think of them as part of the language. However, technically, they are not in the language itself. K e Y C O N C e pt The String class, for instance, is not an inherent part of the Java language. It is part of the Java standard class library that can be found in any Java development environment. The classes that make up the library were created by employees at Sun Microsystems, the people who created the Java language. The class library is made up of several clusters of related classes, which are often referred to as the Java APIs, which stands for application programming interfaces. For example, we may refer to the Java Database API when we’re talking about the set of classes that helps us write programs that interact with a database. Another example of an API is the Java Swing API, which refers to a set of classes that defines special graphical components used in a graphical user interface. Often the entire standard library is referred to generically as the Java API. K e Y C O N C e pt The Java standard class library is organized into packages. The classes of the Java standard class library are also grouped into packages. Each class is part of a particular package. The String class, for example, is part of the java.lang package. The System class is part of the java.lang package as well. We mentioned in Chapter 2 that the Scanner class is part of the java.util package. The package organization is more fundamental and language-based than the API names. Though there is a general correspondence between package and API names, the groups of classes that make up a given API might cross packages. 3 . 3 Packages Package Provides support to java.applet Create programs (applets) that are easily transported across the Web. java.awt Draw graphics and create graphical user interfaces; AWT stands for Abstract Windowing Toolkit. java.beans Define software components that can be easily combined into applications. Perform a wide variety of input and output functions. java.lang General support; it is automatically imported into all Java programs. java.math Perform calculations with arbitrarily high precision. Communicate across a network. java.rmi Create programs that can be distributed across multiple computers; RMI stands for Remote Method Invocation.  Enforce security restrictions. java.sql Interact with databases; SQL stands for Structured Query Language. java.text Format text for output. java.util General utilities. javax.swing Create graphical user interfaces with components that extend the AWT capabilities. javax.xml.parsers Process XML documents; XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. figUre 3.2 Some packages in the Java API Figure 3.2 describes some of the packages that are part of the Java API. These packages are available on any platform that supports Java software development. Some of these packages support highly specific programming techniques and will not come into play in the development of basic programs. Various classes of the Java API are discussed throughout this book. For convenience we include in the book some documentation (like Figure 3.2) on the classes we’ll use, but it’s also very important for you to know how to get more information about the Java API classes. The online Java API documentation is an invaluable resource for any Java programmer. It is a Web site that contains pages on each class in the standard Java API, listing and describing the methods in each one. Figure 3.3 shows one page of this documentation. Links on the side allow you to examine particular packages and jump to particular classes. Take some time 149 150 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects figUre 3.3 A page from the online Java API documentation to get comfortable navigating this site and learning how the information is organized. The entire set of Java API documentation can be downloaded so that you have a local copy always available, or you can rely on the online version. the import Declaration The classes of the java.lang package are automatically available for use when writing a Java program. To use classes from any other package, however, we must either fully qualify the reference or use an import declaration. Recall that the example programs that use the Scanner class include an import declaration. When you want to use a class from a class library in a program, you could use its fully qualified name, including the package name, every time it is referenced. For example, every time you want to refer to the Scanner class that is defined in the java.util package, you could write java.util.Scanner. However, completely specifying the package and class name every time it is needed quickly becomes tiring. Java provides the import declaration to simplify these references. 3 . 3 Packages The import declaration specifies the packages and classes that will be used in a program so that the fully qualified name is not necessary with each reference. As we’ve seen, the following is an example of an import declaration: import java.util.Scanner; This declaration asserts that the Scanner class of the java.util package may be used in the program. Once this import declaration is made, it is sufficient to use the simple name Scanner when referring to that class in the program. If two classes from two different packages have the same name, import declarations will not suffice because the compiler won’t be able to figure out which class is being referenced in the flow of the code. When such situations arise, which is rare, the fully qualified names should be used in the code. Another form of the import declaration uses an asterisk (*) to indicate that any class inside the package might be used in the program. Therefore, the following declaration allows all classes in the java.util package to be referenced in the program without qualifying each reference: import java.util.*; If only one class of a particular package will be used in a program, it is usually better to name the class specifically in the import declaration. However, if two or more will be used, the * notation is usually fine. The classes of the java.lang package are automatically imported because they are fundamental and can be thought of as basic extensions to the language. Therefore, any class in the java.lang package, such as System and String, can be used without an explicit import declaration. It’s as if all program files automatically contain the following declaration: KeY CONCept All classes of the java.lang package are automatically imported for every program. import java.lang.*; s e l f - r e v iew QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 3.10 What is a Java package? SR 3.11 What does the package contain? The javax.swing package? SR 3.12 What package contains the Scanner class? The String class? The Random class? The Math class? SR 3.13 Using the online Java API documentation, describe the Point class. SR 3.14 What does an import statement accomplish? SR 3.15 Why doesn’t the String class have to be specifically imported into our programs? 151 152 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects 3.4 the Random Class The need for random numbers occurs frequently when writing software. Games often use a random number to represent the roll of a die or the shuffle of a deck of cards. A flight simulator may use random numbers to determine how often a simulated flight has engine trouble. A program designed to help high school students prepare for the SATs may use random numbers to choose the next question to ask. The Random class, which is part of the java.util class, represents a pseudorandom number generator. A random number generator picks a number at random out of a range of values. A program that serves this role is technically pseudorandom, because a program has no means to actually pick a number randomly. A pseudorandom number generator performs a series of complicated calculations, based on an initial seed value, and produces a number. Though they are technically not random (because they are calculated), the values produced by a pseudorandom number generator usually appear random, at least random enough for most situations. Figure 3.4 lists some of the methods of the Random class. The nextInt method can be called with no parameters, or we can pass K e Y C O N C e pt A pseudorandom number generator performs a complex calculation to create the illusion of randomness. it a single integer value. The version that takes no parameters generates a random number across the entire range of int values, including negative numbers. Usually, though, we need a random number within a more specific range. For instance, to simulate the roll of a die, we might want a random number in the range of 1 to 6. The nextInt method returns a value that’s in the range from 0 to one less than its parameter. For example, if we pass in 100, we’ll get a return value that is greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 99. Random() Constructor: creates a new pseudorandom number generator. float nextFloat() Returns a random number between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive). int nextInt() Returns a random number that ranges over all possible int values (positive and negative). int nextInt(int num) Returns a random number in the range 0 to num-1. figUre 3 . 4 Some methods of the Random class 3 . 4 The Random Class Note that the value that we pass to the nextInt method is also the number of possible values we can get in return. We can shift the range as needed by adding or subtracting the proper amount. To get a random number in the range 1 to 6, we can call nextInt(6) to get a value from 0 to 5, and then add 1. The nextFloat method of the Random class returns a float value that is greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0. If desired, we can use multiplication to scale the result, cast it into an int value to truncate the fractional part, and then shift the range as we do with integers. The program shown in Listing 3.2 produces several random numbers in various ranges. l i s ti N g 3 . 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the creation of pseudo-random numbers using the // Random class. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Random; public class RandomNumbers { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Generates random numbers in various ranges. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { Random generator = new Random(); int num1; float num2; num1 = generator.nextInt(); System.out.println("A random integer: " + num1); num1 = generator.nextInt(10); System.out.println("From 0 to 9: " + num1); num1 = generator.nextInt(10) + 1; System.out.println("From 1 to 10: " + num1); 153 154 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects l i s t i N g 3 . 2 continued num1 = generator.nextInt(15) + 20; System.out.println("From 20 to 34: " + num1); num1 = generator.nextInt(20) - 10; System.out.println("From -10 to 9: " + num1); num2 = generator.nextFloat(); System.out.println("A random float (between 0-1): " + num2); num2 = generator.nextFloat() * 6; // 0.0 to 5.999999 num1 = (int)num2 + 1; System.out.println("From 1 to 6: " + num1); } } O U t p U t A random integer: 1773351873 From 0 to 9: 8 From 1 to 10: 6 From 20 to 34: 20 From -10 to 9: -6 A random float (between 0-1): 0.71058085 From 1 to 6: 3 self-review QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 3.16 Given a Random object called rand, what does the call rand.nextInt() return? SR 3.17 Given a Random object called rand, what does the call rand.nextInt(20) return? SR 3.18 Assuming that a Random object has been created called generator, what is the range of the result of each of the following expressions? a. b. c. d. generator.nextInt(50) generator.nextInt(5) + 10 generator.nextInt(10) + 5 generator.nextInt(50) – 25 3 . 5 The Math Class 155 SR 3.19 Assuming that a Random object has been created called generator, write expressions that generate each of the following ranges of integers, including the endpoints. Use the version of the nextInt method that accepts a single integer parameter. a. 0 to 30 b. 10 to 19 c. −5 to 5 3.5 the Math Class The Math class provides a large number of basic mathematical functions that are often helpful in making calculations. The Math class is defined in the java.lang package of the Java standard class library. Figure 3.5 lists several of its methods. All the methods in the Math class are static methods (also called class methods), which means they can be invoked through the name of the class in which they are defined, without having to instantiate an object of the class first. Static methods are discussed further in Chapter 6. The methods of the Math class return values, which can be used in expressions as needed. For example, the following statement computes the absolute value of the number stored in total, adds it to the value of count raised to the fourth power, and stores the result in the variable value: KeY CONCept All methods of the Math class are static, meaning they are invoked through the class name. value = Math.abs(total) + Math.pow(count, 4); Note that you can pass an integer value to a method that accepts a double parameter. This is a form of assignment conversion, which was discussed in Chapter 2. The Quadratic program, shown in Listing 3.3, uses the Math class to compute the roots of a quadratic equation. Recall that a quadratic equation has the following general form: ax2 + bx + c The Quadratic program reads values that represent the coefficients in a quadratic equation (a, b, and c), and then evaluates the quadratic formula to determine the roots of the equation. The quadratic formula is: roots = + b2 –4ac –b _ 2a VideoNote Example using the Random and Math classes. 156 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects static int abs(int num) Returns the absolute value of num. static double acos(double num) static double asin(double num) static double atan(double num) Returns the arc cosine, arc sine, or arc tangent of num. static double cos(double angle) static double sin(double angle) static double tan(double angle) Returns the angle cosine, sine, or tangent of angle, which is measured in radians. static double ceil(double num) Returns the ceiling of num, which is the smallest whole number greater than or equal to num. static double exp(double power) Returns the value e raised to the specified power. static double floor(double num) Returns the floor of num, which is the largest whole number less than or equal to num. static double pow(double num, double power) Returns the value num raised to the specified power. static double random() Returns a random number between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive). static double sqrt(double num) Returns the square root of num, which must be positive. figUr e 3 . 5 Some methods of the Math class Note that this program assumes that the discriminant (the value under the square root) is negative. If it’s not negative, the results will not be a valid number, which Java represents as NAN, which stands for Not A Number. In Chapter 5 we will see how we can handle this type of situation gracefully. 3 . 5 The Math Class l i s ti N g 3 . 3 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of the Math class to perform a calculation // based on user input. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; public class Quadratic { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Determines the roots of a quadratic equation. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { int a, b, c; // ax^2 + bx + c double discriminant, root1, root2; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter the coefficient of x squared: "); a = scan.nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter the coefficient of x: "); b = scan.nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter the constant: "); c = scan.nextInt(); // Use the quadratic formula to compute the roots. // Assumes a positive discriminant. discriminant = Math.pow(b, 2) - (4 * a * c); root1 = ((-1 * b) + Math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a); root2 = ((-1 * b) - Math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a); System.out.println("Root #1: " + root1); System.out.println("Root #2: " + root2); } } 157 158 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects l i s t i N g 3 . 3 continued O U t p U t Enter the coefficient of x squared: 3 Enter the coefficient of x: 8 Enter the constant: 4 Root #1: -0.6666666666666666 Root #2: -2.0 self-review QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 3.20 What is a class method (also called a static method)? SR 3.21 What is the value of each of the following expressions? a. b. c. d. e. f. Math.abs(10) + Math.abs(-10) Math.pow(2, 4) Math.pow(4, 2) Math.pow(3, 5) Math.pow(5, 3) Math.sqrt(16) SR 3.22 Write a statement that prints the sine of an angle measuring 1.23 radians. SR 3.23 Write a declaration for a double variable called result and initialize it to 5 raised to the power 2.5. SR 3.24 Using the online Java API documentation, list three methods of the Math class that are not included in Figure 3.5. 3.6 formatting Output The NumberFormat class and the DecimalFormat class are used to format information so that it looks appropriate when printed or displayed. They are both part of the Java standard class library and are defined in the java.text package. the NumberFormat Class The NumberFormat class provides generic formatting capabilities for numbers. You don’t instantiate a NumberFormat object by using the new operator. Instead, you request an object from one of the static methods that you invoke through the class name itself. Figure 3.6 lists some of the methods of the NumberFormat class. 3 . 6 Formatting Output String format(double number) Returns a string containing the specified number formatted according to this object's pattern. static NumberFormat getCurrencyInstance() Returns a NumberFormat object that represents a currency format for the current locale. static NumberFormat getPercentInstance() Returns a NumberFormat object that represents a percentage format for the current locale. figUre 3.6 Some methods of the NumberFormat class Two of the methods in the NumberFormat class, getCurrencyInstance and getPercentInstance, return an object that is used to format numbers. The getCurrencyInstance method returns a formatter for monetary values, and the getPercentInstance method returns an object that formats a percentage. The format method is invoked through a formatter object and returns a String that contains the number formatted in the appropriate manner. The Purchase program shown in Listing 3.4 uses both types of formatters. It reads in a sales transaction and computes the final price, including tax. l i s ti N g 3 . 4 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of the NumberFormat class to format output. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; import java.text.NumberFormat; public class Purchase { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Calculates the final price of a purchased item using values // entered by the user. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) 159 160 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects l i s t i N g 3 . 4 continued { final double TAX_RATE = 0.06; // 6% sales tax int quantity; double subtotal, tax, totalCost, unitPrice; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; NumberFormat fmt1 = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); NumberFormat fmt2 = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); System.out.print("Enter the quantity: "); quantity = scan.nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter the unit price: "); unitPrice = scan.nextDouble(); subtotal = quantity * unitPrice; tax = subtotal * TAX_RATE; totalCost = subtotal + tax; // Print output with appropriate formatting System.out.println("Subtotal: " + fmt1.format(subtotal)); System.out.println("Tax: " + fmt1.format(tax) + " at " + fmt2.format(TAX_RATE)); System.out.println("Total: " + fmt1.format(totalCost)); } } O U t p U t Enter the quantity: 5 Enter the unit price: 3.87 Subtotal: $19.35 Tax: $1.16 at 6% Total: $20.51 the DecimalFormat Class Unlike the NumberFormat class, the DecimalFormat class is instantiated in the traditional way using the new operator. Its constructor takes a string that represents the pattern that will guide the formatting process. We can then use the 3 . 6 Formatting Output DecimalFormat(String pattern) Constructor: creates a new DecimalFormat object with the specified pattern. void applyPattern(String pattern) Applies the specified pattern to this DecimalFormat object. String format(double number) Returns a string containing the specified number formatted according to the current pattern. figUre 3.7 Some methods of the DecimalFormat class format method to format a particular value. At a later point, if we want to change the pattern that the formatter object uses, we can invoke the applyPattern method. Figure 3.7 describes these methods. The pattern defined by the string that is passed to the DecimalFormat constructor can get fairly elaborate. Various symbols are used to represent particular formatting guidelines. The pattern defined by the string "0.###", for example, indicates that at least one digit should be printed to the left of the decimal point and should be a zero if the integer portion of the value is zero. It also indicates that the fractional portion of the value should be rounded to three digits. This pattern is used in the CircleStats program, shown in Listing 3.5, which reads the radius of a circle from the user and computes its area and circumference. Trailing zeros, such as in the circle’s area of 78.540, are not printed. the printf Method In addition to print and println, the System class has another output method called printf, which allows the user to print a formatted string containing data values. The first parameter to the method represents the format string, and the remaining parameters specify the values that are inserted into the format string. For example, the following line of code prints an ID number and a name: System.out.printf("ID: %5d\tName: %s", id, name); The first parameter specifies the format of the output and includes literal characters that label the output values as well as escape characters such as \t. The pattern %5d indicates that the corresponding numeric value (id) should be printed in a field of five characters. The pattern %s matches the string parameter 161 162 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects l i s t i N g 3 . 5 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the formatting of decimal values using the // DecimalFormat class. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class CircleStats { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Calculates the area and circumference of a circle given its // radius. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { int radius; double area, circumference; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter the circle's radius: "); radius = scan.nextInt(); area = Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 2); circumference = 2 * Math.PI * radius; // Round the output to three decimal places DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("0.###"); System.out.println("The circle's area: " + fmt.format(area)); System.out.println("The circle's circumference: " + fmt.format(circumference)); } } O U t p U t Enter the circle's radius: 5 The circle's area: 78.54 The circle's circumference: 31.416 3 . 6 Formatting Output name. The values of id and name are inserted into the string, producing a result such as: ID: 24036 Name: Larry Flagelhopper The printf method was added to Java to mirror a similar function used in programs written in the C programming language. It makes it easier for a programmer to translate (or migrate) an existing C program into Java. Older software that still has value is called a legacy system. MainKeY CONCept taining a legacy system is often a costly effort because, among other The printf method was added to things, it is based on older technologies. But in many cases, mainJava to support the migration of taining a legacy system is still more cost effective than migrating it legacy systems. to new technology, such as writing it in a newer language. Adding the printf method is an attempt to make such migrations easier, and therefore less costly, by providing the same kind of output statement that C programmers have come to rely on. However, using the printf method is not a particularly clean object-oriented solution to the problem of formatting output, so we avoid its use in this book. s e l f - r e v iew QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 3.25 Describe how you request a NumberFormat object for use within a program. SR 3.26 Suppose that in your program you have a double variable named cost. You want to output the value stored in cost formatted as the currency of the current locale. a. Write a code statement that declares and requests a NumberFormat object named moneyFormat that can be used to represent currency in the format of the current locale. b. Write a code statement that uses the moneyFormat object and prints the value of cost, formatted as the currency of the current locale. c. What would be the output from the statement you wrote in part (b) if the value in cost is 54.89 and your computer’s locale is set to the United States? What if your computer’s locale is set to the United Kingdom? SR 3.27 What are the steps to output a floating point value as a percentage using Java’s formatting classes? SR 3.28 Write code statements that prompt for and read in a double value from the user, and then print the result of taking the square root of the absolute value of the input value. Output the result to two decimal places. 163 164 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects 3.7 enumerated types Java provides the ability to define an enumerated type, which can then be used as the type of a variable when it is declared. An enumerated type establishes all possible values of a variable of that type by listing, or enumerating, them. The values are identifiers and can be anything desired. For example, the following declaration defines an enumerated type called Season, whose possible values are winter, spring, summer, and fall: enum Season {winter, spring, summer, fall} There is no limit to the number of values that you can list for an enumerated type. Once the type is defined, a variable can be declared of that type: Season time; K e Y C O N C e pt Enumerated types are type-safe, ensuring that invalid values will not be used. The variable time is now restricted in the values it can take on. It can hold one of the four Season values, but nothing else. Java enumerated types are considered to be type-safe, meaning that any attempt to use a value other than one of the enumerated values will result in a compile-time error. The values are accessed through the name of the type. For example: time = Season.spring; Enumerated types can be quite helpful in situations in which you have a relatively small number of distinct values that a variable can assume. For example, suppose we wanted to represent the various letter grades a student could earn. We might declare the following enumerated type: enum Grade {A, B, C, D, F} Any initialized variable that holds a Grade is guaranteed to have one of those valid grades. That’s better than using a simple character or string variable to represent the grade, which could take on any value. Suppose we also wanted to represent plus and minus grades, such as A– and B+. We couldn’t use A– or B+ as values, because they are not valid identifiers (the characters '-' and '+' cannot be part of an identifier in Java). However, the same values could be represented using the identifiers Aminus, Bplus, etc. Internally, each value in an enumerated type is stored as an integer, which is referred to as its ordinal value. The first value in an enumerated type has an ordinal value of 0, the second one has an ordinal value of 1, the third one 2, and so on. The ordinal values are used internally only. You cannot assign a numeric value to an enumerated type, even if it corresponds to a valid ordinal value. 3 . 7 Enumerated Types An enumerated type is a special kind of class, and the variables of an enumerated type are object variables. As such, there are a few methods associated with all enumerated types. The ordinal method returns the numeric value associated with a particular enumerated type value. The name method returns the name of the value, which is the same as the identifier that defines the value. Listing 3.6 shows a program called IceCream that declares an enumerated type and exercises some of its methods. Because enumerated types are special types of classes, they are not defined within a method. They can be defined either at the class level (within the class but outside a method), as in this example, or at the outermost level. We explore enumerated types further in Chapter 6. l i s ti N g 3 . 6 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of enumerated types. //******************************************************************** public class IceCream { enum Flavor {vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, fudgeRipple, coffee, rockyRoad, mintChocolateChip, cookieDough} //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates and uses variables of the Flavor type. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { Flavor cone1, cone2, cone3; cone1 = Flavor.rockyRoad; cone2 = Flavor.chocolate; System.out.println("cone1 value: " + cone1); System.out.println("cone1 ordinal: " + cone1.ordinal()); System.out.println("cone1 name: " +; System.out.println(); System.out.println("cone2 value: " + cone2); System.out.println("cone2 ordinal: " + cone2.ordinal()); System.out.println("cone2 name: " +; 165 166 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects l i s t i N g 3 . 6 continued cone3 = cone1; System.out.println(); System.out.println("cone3 value: " + cone3); System.out.println("cone3 ordinal: " + cone3.ordinal()); System.out.println("cone3 name: " +; } } O U t p U t cone1 value: rockyRoad cone1 ordinal: 5 cone1 name: rockyRoad cone2 value: chocolate cone2 ordinal: 1 cone2 name: chocolate cone3 value: rockyRoad cone3 ordinal: 5 cone3 name: rockyRoad self-review QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 3.29 Write the declaration of an enumerated type that represents movie ratings. SR 3.30 Suppose that an enumerated type called CardSuit has been defined as follows: enum CardSuit {clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades} What is the output of the following code sequence? CardSuit card1, card2; card1 = CardSuit.clubs; card2 = CardSuit.hearts; System.out.println(card1); System.out.println(; System.out.println(card1.ordinal()); System.out.println(card2.ordinal()); SR 3.31 Why use an enumerated type such as CardSuit defined in the previous question? Why not just use String variables and assign them values such as "hearts"? 3 . 8 Wrapper Classes 3.8 wrapper Classes As we’ve discussed previously, Java represents data by using primitive types (such as int, double, char, and boolean) in addition to classes and objects. Having two categories of data to manage (primitive values and object references) can present a challenge in some circumstances. For example, we might create an object that serves as a container to hold various types of other objects. However, in a specific situation, we may want it to hold a simple integer value. In these cases we need to “wrap” a primitive value into an object. A wrapper class represents a particular primitive type. For instance, the Integer class represents a simple integer value. An object created from the Integer class stores a single int value. The constructors of the wrapper classes accept the primitive value to store. For example: Integer ageObj = new Integer(40); Once this declaration and instantiation are performed, the ageObj object effectively represents the integer 40 as an object. It can be used wherever an object is needed in a program rather than a primitive type. KeY CONCept A wrapper class allows a primitive value to be managed as an object. For each primitive type in Java there exists a corresponding wrapper class in the Java class library. All wrapper classes are defined in the java.lang package. Figure 3.8 shows the wrapper class that corresponds to each primitive type. Note that there is even a wrapper class that represents the type void. However, unlike the other wrapper classes, the Void class cannot be instantiated. It simply represents the concept of a void reference. Primitive Type Wrapper Class byte Byte short Short int Integer long Long float Float double Double char Character boolean Boolean void Void figUre 3.8 Wrapper classes in the Java API 167 168 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects Integer(int value) Constructor: creates a new Integer object storing the specified value. byte byteValue() double doubleValue() float floatValue() int intValue() long longValue() Return the value of this Integer as the corresponding primitive type. static int parseInt(String str) Returns the int corresponding to the value stored in the specified string. static String toBinaryString(int num) static String tohexString(int num) static String toOctalString(int num) Returns a string representation of the specified integer value in the corresponding base. figUre 3 . 9 Some methods of the Integer class Wrapper classes also provide various methods related to the management of the associated primitive type. For example, the Integer class contains methods that return the int value stored in the object and that convert the stored value to other primitive types. Figure 3.9 lists some of the methods found in the Integer class. The other wrapper classes have similar methods. Note that the wrapper classes also contain static methods that can be invoked independent of any instantiated object. For example, the Integer class contains a static method called parseInt to convert an integer that is stored in a String to its corresponding int value. If the String object str holds the string "987", the following line of code converts the string into the integer value 987 and stores that value in the int variable num: num = Integer.parseInt(str); The Java wrapper classes often contain static constants that are helpful as well. For example, the Integer class contains two constants, MIN_VALUE and MAX_VALUE, that hold the smallest and largest int values, respectively. The other wrapper classes contain similar constants for their types. 3 . 9 Components and Containers autoboxing Autoboxing is the automatic conversion between a primitive value and a corresponding wrapper object. For example, in the following code, an int value is assigned to an Integer object reference variable: Integer obj1; int num1 = 69; obj1 = num1; // automatically creates an Integer object The reverse conversion, called unboxing, also occurs automatically when needed. For example: Integer obj2 = new Integer(69); int num2; num2 = obj2; // automatically extracts the int value Assignments between primitive types and object types are generally incompatible. The ability to autobox occurs only between primitive types and corresponding wrapper classes. In any other case, attempting to assign a primitive value to an object reference variable, or vice versa, will cause a compile-time error. KeY CONCept Autoboxing provides automatic conversions between primitive values and corresponding wrapper objects. s e l f - r e v iew QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 3.32 How can we represent a primitive value as an object? SR 3.33 What wrapper classes correspond to each of the following primitive types: byte, int, double, char, and boolean? SR 3.34 Suppose that an int variable named number has been declared and initialized and an Integer variable named holdNumber has been declared. Show two approaches in Java for having holdNumber represent the value stored in number. SR 3.35 Write a statement that prints out the largest possible int value. 3.9 Components and Containers In the Graphics Track sections of Chapter 2 we introduced the Java capabilities to draw shapes using the Graphics and Color classes from the Java standard class library. We also defined the concept of an applet, a Java program that is intended to be embedded in a Web page and executed through a browser. Recall that, in contrast to applets, Java applications are stand-alone programs that are not executed through the Web. 169 170 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects Most of the example programs we’ve looked at so far have been Java applications. More specifically, they have been command-line applications, which interact with the user only through simple text prompts. A Java application can have graphical components as well. Throughout the rest of the book, in the Graphics Track sections at the end of each chapter, we will explore the capabilities of Java to create programs with graphical user interfaces (GUIs). In this chapter we establish the basic issues regarding graphics-based applications. A GUI component is an object that represents a screen element that is used to display information or to allow the user to interact with the program in a certain way. GUI components include labels, buttons, text fields, scroll bars, and menus. Java components and other GUI-related classes are defined primarily in two packages: java.awt and javax.swing. (Note the x in javax.swing.) The Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) was the original Java GUI package. It still contains many important classes, such as the Color class that we used in Chapter 2. The Swing package was added later and provides components that are more versatile than those of the AWT package. Both packages are needed for GUI development, but we will use Swing components whenever there is an option. K e Y CONCept Containers are special GUI components that hold and organize other components. A container is a special type of component that is used to hold and organize other components. Frames and panels are two examples of Java containers. Let’s explore them in more detail. frames and panels A frame is a container that is used to display GUI-based Java applications. A frame is displayed as a separate window with its own title bar. It can be repositioned on the screen and resized as needed by dragging it with the mouse. It contains small buttons in the corner of the frame that allow the frame to be minimized, maximized, and closed. A frame is defined by the JFrame class. A panel is also a container. However, unlike a frame, it cannot be displayed on its own. A panel must be added to another container for K e Y C ONCept it to be displayed. Generally a panel doesn’t move unless you A frame is displayed as a separate move the container that it’s in. Its primary role is to help window, but a panel can be displayed organize the other components in a GUI. A panel is defined only as part of another container. by the JPanel class. We can classify containers as either heavyweight or lightweight. A heavyweight container is one that is managed by the underlying operating system on which the program is run, whereas a lightweight container is managed by the Java program itself. Occasionally this distinction will be important as we explore GUI development. A frame is a heavyweight component, and a panel is a lightweight component. 3 . 9 Components and Containers Heavyweight components are more complex than lightweight components in general. A frame, for example, has multiple panes, which are responsible for various characteristics of the frame window. All visible elements of a Java interface are displayed in a frame’s content pane. Generally, we can create a Java GUI-based application by creating a frame in which the program interface is displayed. The interface is often organized onto a primary panel, which is added to the frame’s content pane. The components in the primary panel are often organized using other panels as needed. Containers are generally not useful unless they help us organize and display other components. Let’s examine another fundamental GUI component. A label is a component that displays a line of text in a GUI. A label can also display an image, a topic discussed later in this chapter. Usually, labels are used to display information or identify other components in the GUI. Labels can be found in almost every GUI-based program. Let’s look at an example that uses frames, panels, and labels. When the program in Listing 3.7 is executed, a new window appears on the screen displaying a phrase. The text of the phrase is displayed using two label components. The labels are organized in a panel, and the panel is displayed in the content pane of the frame. The JFrame constructor takes a string as a parameter, which it displays in the title bar of the frame. The call to the setDefaultCloseOperation method determines what will happen when the close button (the X) in the corner of the frame is clicked. In most cases we’ll simply let that button terminate the program, as indicated by the EXIT_ON_CLOSE constant. A panel is created by instantiating the JPanel class. The background color of the panel is set using the setBackground method. The setPreferredSize method accepts a Dimension object as a parameter, which is used to indicate the width and height of the component in pixels. The size of many components can be set this way, and most also have setMinimumSize and setMaximumSize methods to help control the look of the interface. The labels are created by instantiating the JLabel class, passing to its constructor the text of the label. In this program, two separate label components are created. Containers have an add method that allows other components to be added to them. Both labels are added to the primary panel and are from that point on considered to be part of that panel. The order in which components are added to a container often matters. In this case, it determines which label appears above the other. Finally, the content pane of the frame is obtained using the getContentPane method, immediately after which the add method of the content pane is called to 171 172 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects l i s t i N g 3 . 7 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of frames, panels, and labels. //******************************************************************** import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Authority { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Displays some words of wisdom. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Authority"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JPanel primary = new JPanel(); primary.setBackground(Color.yellow); primary.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 75)); JLabel label1 = new JLabel("Question authority,"); JLabel label2 = new JLabel("but raise your hand first."); primary.add(label1); primary.add(label2); frame.getContentPane().add(primary); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } D i s p l a Y 3 . 9 Components and Containers add the panel. The pack method of the frame sets its size appropriately based on its contents—in this case the frame is sized to accommodate the size of the panel it contains. This is a better approach than trying to set the size of the frame explicitly, which should change as the components within the frame change. The call to the setVisible method causes the frame to be displayed on the monitor screen. The Authority program is not interactive. In general, labels do not allow the user to interact with a program. We will examine interactive GUI components in the next chapter. However, you can interact with the frame itself in various ways. You can move the entire frame to another point on the desktop by grabbing the title bar of the frame and dragging it with the mouse. You can also resize the frame by dragging the bottom-right corner of the frame. Note what happens when the frame is made wider: the second label pops up next to the first label. Every container is managed by an object called a layout manager that determines how the components in the container are laid out. The layout manager is consulted when important things happen to the interface, such as when the frame is resized. KeY CONCept Every container is managed by a layout manager. Unless you specify otherwise, the components in a panel will try to arrange themselves next to one another in a row, and a component will move down to the next row only when the width of the panel won’t accommodate it. Experiment with this program to see how the layout manager changes the organization of the labels as the window size is changed. Layout managers are discussed in more detail in the Graphics Track sections of Chapter 7. s e l f - r e v iew QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 3.36 What is the difference between a frame and a panel? SR 3.37 Select the term from the following list that best matches each of the following phrases: container, content pane, frame, heavyweight, label, layout manager, lightweight, panel a. A component that is used to hold and organize other components. b. A container displayed in its own window with a title bar. c. Its primary role is to help organize other components in a GUI; it must be added to another container to be displayed. d. This type of component is managed by the underlying operating system. e. This type of component is managed by the Java program itself. f. The part of a frame that displays visible elements. 173 174 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects g. A component that displays a line of text in a GUI. h. Determines how the components in a container are arranged on the screen. SR 3.38 Run the Authority program. Describe what happens if you resize the frame by dragging the bottom-right corner towards the right. Explain. SR 3.39 Which of the following statements best describes how the GUI of the Authority program is constructed? ■ ■ ■ ■ A frame is added to a panel, which is added to two labels. Labels are added to a panel, which is added to the content pane of a frame. Frames, panels, and labels are added to the foreground. A panel displays two labels to the user. SR 3.40 What is the result of separately making each of the following changes to the Authority program? You may make the change, compile and run the program, and observe and report the results. Briefly explain what you observe. a. The dimensions passed to the setPreferredSize method are (300, 300) instead of (250, 75). b. The background color is set to black instead of yellow. c. The order of the two label instantiation statements is reversed (i.e., first you create label2 as a new JLabel, passing it the string "but raise your hand first.", and then you create label1 as a new JLabel, passing it the string "Question authority,"). d. The order of the two primary add statements is reversed (i.e., first you add label2 to the primary panel, and then you add label1). 3.10 Nested panels In the previous section, we saw an example in which two labels were contained in a panel that was contained in a frame. Such relationships make up the containment hierarchy of an interface, which can be as intricate as needed to create the visual effect desired. K e Y CONCept Panels can be nested to create an intricate containment hierarchy of components. In particular, it is common to have multiple layers of nested panels to organize and group components in various ways. While you shouldn’t include unnecessary components in the containment hierarchy, don’t hesitate to include extra scaffolding in the creation of an interface to help achieve the effect you want. 3 . 1 0 Nested Panels The program in Listing 3.8, NestedPanels, creates two subpanels, each containing a label. Both subpanels are put onto another panel, which is then added to the content pane of the frame. l i s ti N g 3 . 8 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates a basic component hierarchy. //******************************************************************** import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class NestedPanels { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Presents two colored panels nested within a third. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Nested Panels"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // Set up first subpanel JPanel subPanel1 = new JPanel(); subPanel1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150, 100)); subPanel1.setBackground(; JLabel label1 = new JLabel("One"); subPanel1.add(label1); // Set up second subpanel JPanel subPanel2 = new JPanel(); subPanel2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150, 100)); subPanel2.setBackground(; JLabel label2 = new JLabel("Two"); subPanel2.add(label2); // Set up primary panel JPanel primary = new JPanel(); primary.setBackground(; primary.add(subPanel1); primary.add(subPanel2); 175 176 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects l i s t i N g 3 . 8 continued frame.getContentPane().add(primary); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } D i s p l a Y Note that the primary panel in the program was not explicitly sized. It sized itself as needed to accommodate the two panels contained in it. Also note that the subpanels have a buffer around them through which the blue of the primary panel can be seen. Such spacing is a function of the layout manager that is used to govern the container and the characteristics set for the components themselves. These issues are explored further in later Graphics Track sections. VideoNote Example using frames and panels. As you did with the previous example, execute and experiment with this one. Resize the frame to see the effect on the components. Note that the size of the subpanels stays fixed, and that the orientation of the two panels changes depending on the width of the primary panel (which expands as the frame expands). After you are comfortable with the way the components are laid out relative to each other, change the background color of all panels to the same color (say, green) to see how the distinction between panels can be invisible if the interface is designed accordingly. self-review QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 3.41 What is the containment hierarchy of a Java graphical user interface? SR 3.42 In the NestedPanels program, how many panels are created? What are the names of the panel variables? 3 . 1 1 Images SR 3.43 In the NestedPanels program, which panels are added to another panel? Which panel are they added to? Which panel is explicitly added to the content pane of the frame? 3.11 images Images often play an important role in graphics-based software. Java has the ability to use JPEG and GIF images in various ways. The Graphics class contains a drawImage method that allows you to draw the image just as you would draw a shape or character string. An image can also be incorporated into a label component. Let’s explore the relationship between images and labels in more detail. As we’ve seen in previous sections, a label defined by the JLabel class can be used to provide information to the user or to describe other components in an interface. A JLabel can also contain an image. That is, a label can be composed of text, an image, or both. KeY CONCept A label can contain text, an image, or both. The ImageIcon class is used to represent an image that is included in a label. The ImageIcon constructor takes the name of the image file and loads it into the object. ImageIcon objects can be made using either JPEG or GIF images. The alignment of the text and image within the label can be set explicitly, using either the JLabel constructor or specific methods. Similarly, we can set the position of the text relative to the image. The LabelDemo program shown in Listing 3.9 displays several labels. Each label shows its text and image in different orientations. The third parameter passed to the JLabel constructor defines the horizontal positioning of the label within the space allowed for the label in the panel. The SwingConstants interface contains several constants used by various Swing components, making it easier to refer to them. The orientation of the label’s text and image is explicitly set using the setHorizontalTextPosition and setVerticalTextPosition methods. As shown in the case of the first label, the default horizontal position for text is on the right (image on the left), and the default vertical position for text is centered relative to the image. Don’t confuse the horizontal positioning of the label in the container with the setting of the orientation between the text and the image. The third parameter of the constructor determines the first, and the explicit method calls determine the second. By putting an image in a label, it becomes part of a component that gets laid out with all other components in a container, instead of being drawn in a particular place. This is an appropriate design decision: whether to draw an image using 177 178 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects l i s t i N g 3 . 9 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of image icons in labels. //******************************************************************** import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class LabelDemo { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates and displays the primary application frame. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Label Demo"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon("devil.gif"); JLabel label1, label2, label3; label1 = new JLabel("Devil Left", icon, SwingConstants.CENTER); label2 = new JLabel("Devil Right", icon, SwingConstants.CENTER); label2.setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.LEFT); label2.setVerticalTextPosition(SwingConstants.BOTTOM); label3 = new JLabel("Devil Above", icon, SwingConstants.CENTER); label3.setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.CENTER); label3.setVerticalTextPosition(SwingConstants.BOTTOM); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setBackground(Color.cyan); panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 250)); panel.add(label1); panel.add(label2); panel.add(label3); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } 3 . 1 1 Images l i s ti N g 3 . 9 continued D i s p l a Y the drawImage method of the Graphics class or to use a label to display an image. Your choice should be based on the particular needs of the program. s e l f - r e v iew QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 3.44 How many frames, panels, image icons, and labels are declared in the LabelDemo program? SR 3.45 Consider one of the label instantiation statements from the LabelDemo program: label2 = new JLabel("Devil Right", icon, SwingConstants.CENTER); Explain the role of each of the three parameters passed to the JLabel constructor. 179 180 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects SR 3.46 What is the result of separately making each of the following changes to the LabelDemo program? You may make the change, compile and run the program, and observe and report the results. Briefly explain what you observe. a. Change the third parameter of each of the three JLabel constructor calls to SwingConstants.LEFT. b. Change the horizontal text position of label2 from LEFT to RIGHT. c. Change the horizontal text position of label2 from LEFT to BOTTOM. d. Change the vertical text position of label3 from BOTTOM to CENTER. Summary of Key Concepts summary of Key Concepts ■ The new operator returns a reference to a newly created object. ■ Multiple reference variables can refer to the same object. ■ Usually a method is executed on a particular object, which affects the results. ■ A class library provides useful support when developing programs. ■ The Java standard class library is organized into packages. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ All classes of the java.lang package are automatically imported for every program. A pseudorandom number generator performs a complex calculation to create the illusion of randomness. All methods of the Math class are static, meaning they are invoked through the class name. The printf method was added to Java to support the migration of legacy systems. Enumerated types are type-safe, ensuring that invalid values will not be used. A wrapper class allows a primitive value to be managed as an object. Autoboxing provides automatic conversions between primitive values and corresponding wrapper objects. Containers are special GUI components that hold and organize other components. A frame is displayed as a separate window, but a panel can be displayed only as part of another container. Every container is managed by a layout manager. Panels can be nested to create an intricate containment hierarchy of components. A label can contain text, an image, or both. exercises EX 3.1 Write statements that convert and print the lower case letters in the String computer to upper case letters. EX 3.2 Write statements that extract the substring Moon from the String FullMoonDay and print it. 181 182 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects EX 3.3 Declare a String variable named str and initialize it to contain the same characters as a String object called name, except in all uppercase characters. EX 3.4 Write a declaration for a String variable called change and initialize it to the characters stored in another String object called original with all 'e' characters changed to 'j'. EX 3.5 What output is produced by the following code fragment? String str1, str2, str3; str1 = "She sells sea shells in sea"; str2 = "shore" str3 = str1.concat(str2); System.out.println (str3.chatAt(5)); EX 3.6 What is the effect of the following import statement? import java.awt.*; EX 3.7 Assuming that a Random object has been created called generator, what is the range of the result of each of the following expressions? a. b. c. d. e. EX 3.8 Write code to declare and instantiate an object of the Random class (call the object reference variable rand). Then write a list of expressions using the nextInt method that generates random numbers in the following specified ranges, including the endpoints. Use the version of the nextInt method that accepts a single integer parameter. a. b. c. d. e. f. EX 3.9 generator.nextInt(20) generator.nextInt(8) + 1 generator.nextInt(12) + 2 generator.nextInt(35) + 10 generator.nextInt(100) − 50 0 to 10 0 to 400 1 to 10 1 to 400 25 to 50 -10 to 15 Write an assignment statement that computes the square root of var1, subtracts it from var2 and assigns the result to var3. EX 3.10 Write a single statement that computes and prints the fifth power of sum. Programming Projects EX 3.11 Write code statements to create a DecimalFormat object that will round a formatted value to four decimal places. Then write a statement that uses that object to print the value of result, properly formatted. EX 3.12 Write code statements that prompt for and read a double value from the user, and then print the result of raising that value to the fourth power. Output the results to three decimal places. EX 3.13 Write a declaration for an enumerated type that represents the months of the year. programming projects PP 3.1 Write a program that prompts for and reads the user’s city and country (separately). Then print a string composed of the first two letters of the user’s country, followed by a comma and then followed by user’s city, followed by a random number in the range 1 to 100 which represents the pin code of the city. Similar patterns of representation are sometimes used to store user’s address when a new account is registered. PP 3.2 Write a program that prints the square of the product. Prompt for and read three integer values and print the square of the product of all the three integers. PP 3.3 Write a program that creates and prints a random phone number of the form XXX–XXX–XXXX. Include the dashes in the output. Do not let the first three digits contain an 8 or 9 (but don’t be more restrictive than that), and make sure that the second set of three digits is not greater than 655. Hint: Think through the easiest way to construct the phone number. Each digit does not have to be determined separately. PP 3.4 Write a program that reads an integer value and prints the value e raised to the power of that number. For example, if the number is 2, the program would print 7.389056 (where, e = 2.71828). PP 3.5 Write a program that reads the (x, y) coordinates for two points which form a straight line. Compute the slope of the line using the following formula: y2 - y1 Slope (m) = x - x 2 1 183 184 Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects PP 3.6 VideoNote Developing a solution of PP 3.6. Write a program that reads the radius of a sphere and prints its volume and surface area. Use the following formulas. Print the output to four decimal places. r represents the radius. 4 Volume = pr3 3 Surface Area = 4pr2 PP 3.7 Write a program that reads the two sides and the height of a trapezoid from the user. Compute the area of the trapezoid using the formula given below, in which h represents the vertical height of the trapezoid and a and b represent the two sides of a trapezoid. Print the area to two decimal places. (a + b) *h 2 Write a program that generates two random integers in the range 1 to 20, inclusive, and displays the sine and cosine of the sum of those two integers. Area = PP 3.8 PP 3.9 Write a program that generates a random integer base (b), height (h) and a side (a) for a parallelogram in the range 10 to 30, inclusive, and then computes the area and perimeter of the parallelogram. Area = base * height Perimeter = 2(a + b) PP 3.10 Write a program that displays a frame containing three labels that displays the name of the city, country and its pin code. Ensure that the labels change their orientation when the size of the window is increased or decreased. PP 3.11 Write a program that displays a frame containing six panels. Each panel should contain exactly one image (use six unique images of your choice). Allow all the panels to change the size as needed and set different background colors for each of the six panels. Experiment with the size of the window to see the images change orientation. Make sure you understand why the application behaves as it does. PP 3.12 Modify the NestedPanels program so that it displays four panels within a fifth, each with a different color and a different label. Writing Classes Chap t e r 4 O b j e C t i v e s ● Discuss the structure and content of a class definition. ● Establish the concept of object state using instance data. ● Describe the effect of visibility modifiers on methods and data. ● Explore the structure of a method definition, including parameters and return values. ● Discuss the structure and purpose of a constructor. ● Explore the creation of graphical objects. ● Introduce the concepts needed to create an interactive graphical user interface. ● Explore some basic GUI components and events. In Chapter 3, we used classes and objects for the various services they provide. That is, we used the predefined classes in the Java API that are provided to us to make the process of writing programs easier. In this chapter, we address the heart of object-oriented programming: writing our own classes to define our own objects. This chapter explores the basics of class definitions, including the structure of methods and the scope and encapsulation of data. The Graphics Track sections of this chapter discuss how to write classes that have graphical representations and introduce the issues necessary to create a truly interactive graphical user interface. 185 186 Chapter 4 Writing Classes 4.1 Classes and Objects revisited In Chapter 1, we introduced basic object-oriented concepts, including a brief overview of objects and classes. In Chapter 3, we used several predefined classes from the Java standard class library to create objects and use them for the particular functionality they provided. In this chapter, we turn our attention to writing our own classes. Although existing class libraries provide many useful classes, the essence of object-oriented program development is the process of designing and implementing our own classes to suit our specific needs. Recall the basic relationship between an object and a class: a class is a blueprint of an object. The class represents the concept of an object, and any object created from that class is a realization of that concept. For example, from Chapter 3 we know that the String class represents a concept of a character string, and that each String object represents a particular string that contains specific characters. Let’s consider another example. Suppose a class called Student represents a student at a university. An object created from the Student class would represent a particular student. The Student class represents the general concept of a student, and every object created from that class represents an actual student attending the school. In a system that helps manage the business of a university, we would have one Student class and thousands of Student objects. Recall that an object has a state, which is defined by the values of the attributes associated with that object. The attributes of a student may include the student’s name, address, major, and grade point average. The Student class establishes that each student has these attributes. Each Student object stores the values of these attributes for a particular student. In Java, an object’s attributes are defined by variables declared within a class. An object also has behaviors, which are defined by the operations associated with that object. The operations of a student would include the ability to update that student’s address and compute that student’s current grade point average. The Student class defines the operations, such as the details of how a grade point average is computed. These operations can then be executed on (or by) a particular Student object. Note that the behaviors of an object may modify the state of that object. In Java, an object’s operations are defined by methods declared within a class. Figure 4.1 lists some examples of classes, with some attributes and operations that might be defined for objects of those classes. It’s up to the program designer to determine what attributes and operations are needed, which depends on the purpose of the program and the role a particular object plays in that purpose. Consider other attributes and operations you might include for these examples. 4 . 1 Classes and Objects Revisited Class Attributes Operations Student Name Address Major Grade point average Set address Set major Compute grade point average Rectangle Length Width Color Set length Set width Set color Aquarium Material Length Width Height Set material Set length Set width Set height Compute volume Compute filled weight Flight Airline Flight number Origin city Destination city Current status Set airline Set flight number Determine status Employee Name Department Title Salary Set department Set title Set salary Compute wages Compute bonus Compute taxes figure 4.1 Examples of classes and some possible attributes and operations s e l f - r e v iew QuestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 4.1 What is an attribute? SR 4.2 What is an operation? SR 4.3 List some attributes and operations that might be defined for a class called Book that represents a book in a library. SR 4.4 True or False? Explain. a. We should use only classes from the Java standard class library when writing our programs—there is no need to define or use other classes. b. An operation on an object can change the state of an object. c. The current state of an object can affect the result of an operation on that object. d. In Java, the state of an object is represented by its methods. 187 188 Chapter 4 Writing Classes 4.2 anatomy of a Class In all of our previous examples, we’ve written a single class containing a single main method. These classes represent small but complete programs. These programs often instantiated objects using predefined classes from the Java class library and used those objects for the services they provide. Those predefined classes are part of the program too, but we never really concern ourselves with them other than to know how to interact with them. We simply trust them to provide the services they promise. Let’s look at another, similar example. The RollingDice class shown in Listing 4.1 contains a main method that instantiates two Die objects (as in the singular of dice). It then rolls the dice and prints the results. It also calls several other methods provided by the Die class, such as the ability to explicitly set and get the current face value of a die. l i s t i n g 4 . 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the creation and use of a user-defined class. //******************************************************************** public class RollingDice { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates two Die objects and rolls them several times. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { Die die1, die2; int sum; die1 = new Die(); die2 = new Die(); die1.roll(); die2.roll(); System.out.println("Die One: " + die1 + ", Die Two: " + die2); die1.roll(); die2.setFaceValue(4); 4 . 2 Anatomy of a Class l i s ti n g 4 . 1 continued System.out.println("Die One: " + die1 + ", Die Two: " + die2); sum = die1.getFaceValue() + die2.getFaceValue(); System.out.println("Sum: " + sum); sum = die1.roll() + die2.roll(); System.out.println("Die One: " + die1 + ", Die Two: " + die2); System.out.println("New sum: " + sum); } } O u t p u t Die One: Die One: Sum: 5 Die One: New sum: 5, Die Two: 2 1, Die Two: 4 4, Die Two: 2 6 The primary difference between this example and previous examples is that the Die class is not a predefined part of the Java class library. We have to write the Die class ourselves, defining the services we want Die objects to perform, if this program is to compile and run. Every class can contain data declarations and method declarations, as depicted in Figure 4.2. The data declarations represent the data that will be stored in each object of the class. The method declarations define the services that those objects will provide. Collectively, the data and methods of a class are called the members of a class. The classes we’ve written in previous examples follow this model as well, but contain no data at the class level and contain only one method (the main method). We’ll continue to define classes like this, such as the RollingDice class, to define the starting point of a program. True object-oriented programming, however, comes from defining classes that represent objects with well-defined state and behavior. For example, at any given moment a Die object is showing a particular Key COnCept The heart of object-oriented proface value, which we could refer to as the state of the die. A Die gramming is defining classes that object also has various methods we can invoke on it, such as the represent objects with well-defined ability to roll the die or get its face value. These methods represent state and behavior. the behavior of a die. 189 190 Chapter 4 Writing Classes int size, weight; char category; double value, cost; Data declarations Method declarations figure 4.2 The members of a class: data and method declarations The Die class is shown in Listing 4.2. It contains two data values: an integer constant (MAX) that represents the maximum face value of the die, and an integer variable (faceValue) that represents the current face value of the die. It also contains a constructor called Die and four regular methods: roll, setFaceValue, getFaceValue, and toString. You will recall from Chapters 2 and 3 that constructors are special methods that have the same name as the class. The Die constructor gets called when the new operator is used to create a new instance of the Die class. The rest of the methods in the Die class define the various services provided by Die objects. VideoNote Dissecting the Die class. We use a header block of documentation to explain the purpose of each method in the class. This practice is not only crucial for anyone trying to understand the software, it also separates the code visually so that it’s easy for the eye to jump from one method to the next while reading the code. Figure 4.3 lists the methods of the Die class. From this point of view, it looks no different from any other class that we’ve used in previous examples. The only important difference is that the Die class was not provided for us by the Java API. We wrote it ourselves. The methods of the Die class include the ability to roll the die, producing a new random face value. The roll method returns the new face value to the calling method, but you can also get the current face value at any time using the getFaceValue method. The setFaceValue method sets the face value explicitly, as if you had reached over and turned the die to whatever face you wanted. The toString method of any object gets called automatically whenever you pass the object to a print or println method to obtain a string description of the object 4 . 2 Anatomy of a Class l i s ti n g 4 . 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents one die (singular of dice) with faces showing values // between 1 and 6. //******************************************************************** public class Die { private final int MAX = 6; private int faceValue; // maximum face value // current value showing on the die //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets the initial face value. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Die() { faceValue = 1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Rolls the die and returns the result. //----------------------------------------------------------------public int roll() { faceValue = (int)(Math.random() * MAX) + 1; return faceValue; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Face value mutator. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void setFaceValue(int value) { faceValue = value; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Face value accessor. //----------------------------------------------------------------public int getFaceValue() 191 192 Chapter 4 Writing Classes l i s t i n g 4 . 2 continued { return faceValue; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns a string representation of this die. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String toString() { String result = Integer.toString(faceValue); return result; } } to print. Therefore it’s usually a good idea to define a toString method for most classes. The definitions of these methods have various parts, and we’ll dissect them as we proceed through this chapter. For the examples in this book, we usually store each class in its own file. Java allows multiple classes to be stored in one file. If a file contains multiple classes, only one of those classes can be declared using the reserved word public. Furthermore, the name of the public class must correspond to the name of the file. For instance, class Die is stored in a file called Die() Constructor: Sets the initial face value of the die to 1. int roll() Rolls the die by setting the face value to a random number in the appropriate range. void setFaceValue(int value) Sets the face value of the die to the specified value. int getFaceValue() Returns the current face value of the die. String toString() Returns a string representation of the die indicating its current face value. figur e 4 . 3 Some methods of the Die class 4 . 2 Anatomy of a Class 193 instance Data Note that in the Die class, the constant MAX and the variable faceValue are declared inside the class but not inside any method. The location at which a variable is declared defines its scope, which is the area within a program in which that variable can be referenced. By being declared at the class level (not within a method), these variables and constants can be referenced in any method of the class. Attributes such as the variable faceValue are called instance Key COnCept data because new memory space is reserved for that variable every The scope of a variable, which detertime an instance of the class is created. Each Die object has its mines where it can be referenced, own faceValue variable with its own data space. That’s how each depends on where it is declared. Die object can have its own state. We see that in the output of the RollingDice program: one die has a face value of 5 and the other has a face value of 2. That’s possible only because the memory space for the faceValue variable is created for each Die object. We can depict this situation as follows: die1 faceValue 5 die2 faceValue 2 The die1 and die2 reference variables point to (that is, contain the address of) their respective Die objects. Each object contains a faceValue variable with its own memory space. Thus each object can store different values for its instance data. Java automatically initializes any variables declared at the class level. For example, all variables of numeric types such as int and double are initialized to zero. However, despite the fact that the language performs this automatic initialization, it is good practice to initialize variables explicitly (usually in a constructor) so that anyone reading the code will clearly understand the intent. uMl Class Diagrams Throughout this book, we use UML diagrams to visualize relationships among classes and objects. UML stands for the Unified Modeling Language, which has become the most popular notation for representing the design of an objectoriented program. Several types of UML diagrams exist, each designed to show specific aspects of object-oriented programs. We focus primarily on UML class diagrams in this book to show the contents of classes and the relationships among them. 194 Chapter 4 Writing Classes RollingDice Die faceValue : int main(args: String [] ) : void figure 4.4 K e y C O n C e pt A UML class diagram helps us visualize the contents of and relationships among the classes of a program. roll() : int setFaceValue(int value) : void getFaceValue() : int toString() : String A UML class diagram showing the classes involved in the RollingDice program In a UML diagram, each class is represented as a rectangle, possibly containing three sections to show the class name, its attributes (data), and its operations (methods). Figure 4.4 shows a class diagram containing the classes of the RollingDice program. The arrow connecting the RollingDice and Die classes in Figure 4.4 indicates that a relationship exists between the classes. A dotted arrow indicates that one class uses the methods of the other class. Other types of object-oriented relationships between classes are shown with different types of connecting lines and arrows. We’ll discuss these other relationships as we explore the appropriate topics in the book. Keep in mind that UML is not designed specifically for Java programmers. It is intended to be language independent. Therefore the syntax used in a UML diagram is not necessarily the same as Java. For example, the type of a variable is shown after the variable name, separated by a colon. Return types of methods are shown the same way. UML diagrams are versatile. We can include whatever appropriate information is desired, depending on the goal of a particular diagram. We might leave out the data and method sections of a class, for instance, if those details aren’t relevant for a particular diagram. UML diagrams allow you to visualize a program’s design. As our programs get larger, made up of more and more classes, these visualizations become increasingly helpful. We will explore new aspects of UML diagrams as the situation dictates. self-review QuestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 4.5 What is the difference between an object and a class? SR 4.6 Describe the instance data of the Die class. SR 4.7 Which of the methods defined for the Die class can change the state of a Die object—that is, which of the methods assign values to the instance data? 4 . 3 Encapsulation SR 4.8 What happens when you pass an object to a print or println method? SR 4.9 What is the scope of a variable? 195 SR 4.10 What are UML diagrams designed to do? 4.3 encapsulation We mentioned in our overview of object-oriented concepts in Chapter 1 that an object should be self-governing. That is, the instance data of an object should be modified only by that object. For example, the methods of the Die class should be solely responsible for changing the value of the faceValue variable. We should make it difficult, if not impossible, for code outside of a class to “reach in” and change the value of a variable that is declared inside that class. This characteristic is called encapsulation. An object should be encapsulated from the rest of the system. It should interact with other parts of a program only through the specific set of methods that define the services that that object provides. These methods define the interface between that object and the program that uses it. Key COnCept An object should be encapsulated, guarding its data from inappropriate access. Encapsulation is depicted graphically in Figure 4.5. The code that uses an object, sometimes called the client of an object, should not be allowed to access variables directly. The client should call an object’s methods, and those methods then interact with the data encapsulated within the object. For example, the main method in the RollingDice program calls the roll method of the Die objects. The main method should not (and in fact cannot) access the faceValue variable directly. Object Interface Client Methods Data figure 4.5 A client interacting with the methods of an object 196 Chapter 4 Writing Classes In Java, we accomplish object encapsulation using modifiers. A modifier is a Java reserved word that is used to specify particular characteristics of a programming language construct. In Chapter 2 we discussed the final modifier, which is used to declare a constant. Java has several modifiers that can be used in various ways. Some modifiers can be used together, but some combinations are invalid. We discuss various Java modifiers at appropriate points throughout this book, and all of them are summarized in Appendix E. visibility Modifiers Some of the Java modifiers are called visibility modifiers because they control access to the members of a class. The reserved words public and private are visibility modifiers that can be applied to the variables and methods of a class. If a member of a class has public visibility, it can be directly referenced from outside of the object. If a member of a class has private visibility, it can be used anywhere inside the class definition but cannot be referenced externally. A third visibility modifier, protected, is relevant only in the context of inheritance. We discuss it in Chapter 9. K e y C O n C e pt Instance variables should be declared with private visibility to promote encapsulation. Public variables violate encapsulation. They allow code external to the class in which the data is defined to reach in and access or modify the value of the data. Therefore, instance data should be defined with private visibility. Data that is declared as private can be accessed only by the methods of the class. The visibility we apply to a method depends on the purpose of that method. Methods that provide services to the client must be declared with public visibility so that they can be invoked by the client. These methods are sometimes referred to as service methods. A private method cannot be invoked from outside the class. The only purpose of a private method is to help the other methods of the class do their job. Therefore, they are sometimes referred to as support methods. The table in Figure 4.6 summarizes the effects of public and private visibility on both variables and methods. Giving constants public visibility is generally considered acceptable because, although their values can be accessed directly, they cannot be changed because they were declared using the final modifier. Keep in mind that encapsulation means that data values should not be able to be changed directly by another part of the code. Because constants, by definition, cannot be changed, the encapsulation issue is largely moot. UML class diagrams can show the visibility of a class member by preceding it with a particular character. A member with public visibility is preceded by a plus sign (+), and a member with private visibility is preceded by a minus sign (-). public private Variables Violate encapsulation Enforce encapsulation Methods 4 . 3 Encapsulation Provide services to clients Support other methods in the class figure 4.6 197 The effects of public and private visibility accessors and Mutators Because instance data is generally declared with private visibility, a class usually provides services to access and modify data values. A method such as getFaceValue is called an accessor method because it provides read-only access to a particular value. Likewise, a method such as setFaceValue is called a mutator method because it changes a particular value. Key COnCept Most objects contain accessor and mutator methods to allow the client to manage data in a controlled manner. Often, accessor method names have the form getX, where X is the value to which it provides access. Likewise, mutator method names have the form setX, where X is the value they are setting. Therefore, these types of methods are sometimes referred to as “getters” and “setters.” For example, if a class contains the instance variable height, it might also contain the methods getHeight and setHeight. Note that this naming convention capitalizes the first letter of the variable when used in the method names, which is consistent with how method names are written in general. Some methods may provide accessor and/or mutator capabilities as a side effect of their primary purpose. For example, the roll method of the Die class changes the faceValue of the die and returns that new value as well. Therefore, roll is also a mutator method. Note that the code of the roll method is careful to keep the face value of the die in the valid range (1 to MAX). Service methods must be carefully designed to permit only appropriate access and valid changes. This points out a flaw in the design of the Die class: there is no restriction on the setFaceValue method—a client could use it to set the die value to a number such as 20, which is outside the valid range. The code of the setFaceValue method should allow only valid modifications 198 Chapter 4 Writing Classes to the face value of a die. We explore how that kind of control can be accomplished in the next chapter. self-review QuestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 4.11 Objects should be self-governing. Explain. SR 4.12 What is the interface to an object? SR 4.13 What is a modifier? SR 4.14 Why might a constant be given public visibility? SR 4.15 Describe each of the following: a. b. c. d. 4.4 public method private method public variable private variable anatomy of a Method We’ve seen that a class is composed of data declarations and method declarations. Let’s examine method declarations in more detail. As we stated in Chapter 1, a method is a group of programming language statements that is given a name. A method declaration specifies the code that is executed when the method is invoked. Every method in a Java program is part of a particular class. When a method is called, the flow of control transfers to that method. One by one, the statements of that method are executed. When that method is done, control returns to the location where the call was made and execution continues. The called method (the one that is invoked) might be part of the same class as the calling method that invoked it. If the called method is part of the same class, only the method name is needed to invoke it. If it is part of a different class, it is invoked through the name of an object of that other class, as we’ve seen many times. Figure 4.7 shows the flow of execution as methods are called. We’ve defined the main method of a program many times in previous examples. Its definition follows the same syntax as all methods. The header of a method includes the type of the return value, the method name, and a list of parameters that the method accepts. The statements that make up the body of the method are defined in a block delimited by braces. The rest of this section discusses issues related to method declarations in more detail. 4 . 4 Anatomy of a Method Method Declaration Type Modifier Identifier Parameters Throws Clause Method Body void parameters ( ) Type Identifier , A method is defined by optional modifiers, followed by a return Type, followed by an Identifier that determines the method name, followed by a list of Parameters, followed by the Method Body. The return Type indicates the type of value that will be returned by the method, which may be void. The Method Body is a block of statements that executes when the method is invoked. The Throws Clause is optional and indicates the exceptions that may be thrown by this method. Example: public void instructions(int count) { System.out.println("Follow all instructions."); System.out.println("Use no more than " + count + " turns."); } main doThis helpMe obj.doThis(); helpMe(); figure 4.7 The flow of control following method invocations 199 200 Chapter 4 Writing Classes the return statement The return type specified in the method header can be a primitive type, class name, or the reserved word void. When a method does not return any value, void is used as the return type, as is always done with the main method. The setFaceValue method of the Die class also has a return type of void. A method that returns a value must have a return statement. When a return statement is executed, control is immediately returned to the statement in the calling method, and processing continues there. A return statement consists of the reserved word return followed by an expression that dictates the value to be returned. The expression must be consistent with the return type in the method header. The getFaceValue method of the Die class returns an int value that represents the current value of the die. The roll method does the same, returning the new value to which faceValue was just randomly set. The toString method returns a String object. A method that does not return a value does not usually contain a K e y C O n C e pt The value returned from a method must be consistent with the return type specified in the method header. return statement. The method automatically returns to the calling method when the end of the method is reached. Such methods may contain a return statement without an expression. It is usually not good practice to use more than one return statement in a method, even though it is possible to do so. In general, a method should have one return statement as the last line of the method body, unless that makes the method overly complex. The value that is returned from a method can be ignored in the calling method. For example, in the main method of the RollingDice class, the value that is returned return statement return ; Expression A return statement consists of the return reserved word followed by an optional Expression. When executed, control is immediately returned to the calling method, returning the value defined by Expression. Examples: return; return distance * 4; 4 . 4 Anatomy of a Method from the roll method is ignored in several calls, while in others the return value is used in a calculation. Constructors do not have a return type (not even void) and therefore cannot return a value. We discuss constructors in more detail later in this chapter. parameters As we defined in Chapter 2, a parameter is a value that is passed into a method when it is invoked. The parameter list in the header of a method specifies the types of the values that are passed and the names by which the called method will refer to those values. The names of the parameters in the header of the method declaration are called formal parameters. In an invocation, the values passed into a method are called actual parameters. The actual parameters are also called the arguments to the method. A method invocation and definition always give the parameter list in parentheses after the method name. If there are no parameters, an empty set of parentheses is used, as is the case in the roll and getFaceValue methods. The Die constructor also takes no parameters, although constructors often do. The formal parameters are identifiers that serve as variables inside Key COnCept the method and whose initial values come from the actual parameters When a method is called, the actual in the invocation. When a method is called, the value in each actual parameters are copied into the parameter is copied and stored in the corresponding formal paramformal parameters. eter. Actual parameters can be literals, variables, or full expressions. If an expression is used as an actual parameter, it is fully evaluated before the method call and the result is passed as the parameter. The only method in the Die class that accepts any parameters is the setFaceValue method, which accepts a single int parameter. The formal parameter name is value. In the main method, the value of 4 is passed into it as the actual parameter. The parameter lists in the invocation and the method declaration must match up. That is, the value of the first actual parameter is copied into the first formal parameter, the second actual parameter into the second formal parameter, and so on, as shown in Figure 4.8. The types of the actual parameters must be consistent with the specified types of the formal parameters. Other details regarding parameter passing are discussed in Chapter 7. local Data As we described earlier in this chapter, the scope of a variable or constant is the part of a program in which a valid reference to that variable can be made. A variable 201 Chapter 4 Writing Classes Method Declaration Method Invocation 202 figure 4.8 ch = obj.calc (25, count, "Hello"); char calc (int numl, int num2, String message) { int sum = numl + num2; char result = message.charAt (sum); return result; } Passing parameters from the method invocation to the declaration can be declared inside a method, making it local data as opposed to instance data. Recall that instance data is declared in a class but not inside any particular method. Local data has scope limited to only the method in which it is declared. The variable result declared in the toString method A variable declared in a method is of the Die class is local data. Any reference to result in any other local to that method and cannot be method of the Die class would have caused the compiler to issue an used outside of it. error message. A local variable simply does not exist outside of the method in which it is declared. On the other hand, instance data, declared at the class level, has a scope of the entire class; any method of the class can refer to it. K e y C O n C e pt Because local data and instance data operate at different levels of scope, it’s possible to declare a local variable inside a method with the same name as an instance variable declared at the class level. Referring to that name in the method will reference the local version of the variable. This naming practice obviously has the potential to confuse anyone reading the code, so it should be avoided. The formal parameter names in a method header serve as local data for that method. They don’t exist until the method is called, and they cease to exist when the method is exited. For example, the formal parameter value in the setFaceValue method comes into existence when the method is called and goes out of existence when the method finishes executing. bank account example Let’s look at another example of a class and its use. The Transactions class shown in Listing 4.3 contains a main method that creates a few Account objects and invokes their services. 4 . 4 Anatomy of a Method l i s ti n g 4 . 3 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the creation and use of multiple Account objects. //******************************************************************** public class Transactions { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates some bank accounts and requests various services. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { Account acct1 = new Account("Ted Murphy", 72354, 102.56); Account acct2 = new Account("Jane Smith", 69713, 40.00); Account acct3 = new Account("Edward Demsey", 93757, 759.32); acct1.deposit(25.85); double smithBalance = acct2.deposit(500.00); System.out.println("Smith balance after deposit: " + smithBalance); System.out.println("Smith balance after withdrawal: " + acct2.withdraw (430.75, 1.50)); acct1.addInterest(); acct2.addInterest(); acct3.addInterest(); System.out.println(); System.out.println(acct1); System.out.println(acct2); System.out.println(acct3); } } O u t p u t Smith balance after deposit: 540.0 Smith balance after withdrawal: 107.75 72354 69713 93757 Ted Murphy Jane Smith Edward Demsey $132.90 $111.52 $785.90 203 204 Chapter 4 Writing Classes VideoNote Discussion of the Account class. The Account class, shown in Listing 4.4, represents a basic bank account. It contains instance data representing the account number, the account’s current balance, and the name of the account’s owner. Note that instance data can be an object reference variable (not just a primitive type), such as the account owner’s name, which is a reference to a String object. The interest rate for the account is stored as a constant. The constructor of the Account class accepts three parameters that are used to initialize the instance data. The deposit and withdraw methods perform the basic l i s t i n g 4 . 4 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a bank account with basic services such as deposit // and withdraw. //******************************************************************** import java.text.NumberFormat; public class Account { private final double RATE = 0.035; // interest rate of 3.5% private long acctNumber; private double balance; private String name; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up the account by defining its owner, account number, // and initial balance. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Account(String owner, long account, double initial) { name = owner; acctNumber = account; balance = initial; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Deposits the specified amount into the account. Returns the // new balance. //----------------------------------------------------------------public double deposit(double amount) 4 . 4 Anatomy of a Method l i s ti n g 4 . 4 continued { balance = balance + amount; return balance; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Withdraws the specified amount from the account and applies // the fee. Returns the new balance. //----------------------------------------------------------------public double withdraw(double amount, double fee) { balance = balance - amount - fee; return balance; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Adds interest to the account and returns the new balance. //----------------------------------------------------------------public double addInterest() { balance += (balance * RATE); return balance; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns the current balance of the account. //----------------------------------------------------------------public double getBalance() { return balance; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns a one-line description of the account as a string. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String toString() { NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); return acctNumber + "\t" + name + "\t" + fmt.format(balance); } } 205 206 Chapter 4 Writing Classes transactions on the account, adjusting the balance based on the parameters. There is also an addInterest method that updates the balance by adding in the interest earned. These methods represent valid ways to change the balance, so a classic mutator such as setBalance is not provided. The status of the three Account objects just after they were created in the Transactions program could be depicted as follows: acctNumber acct1 balance 72354 102.56 name acct2 "Ted Murphy" acctNumber 69713 balance 40.00 name acctNumber acct3 balance "Jane Smith" 93757 759.32 name "Edward Demsey" The various methods that update the balance of the account could be more rigorously designed. Checks should be made to ensure that the parameter values are valid, such as preventing the withdrawal of a negative amount (which would essentially be a deposit). This processing is discussed in the next chapter. self-review QuestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 4.16 Why is a method invoked through (or on) a particular object? What is the exception to that rule? SR 4.17 What does it mean for a method to return a value? SR 4.18 What does the return statement do? SR 4.19 Is a return statement required? 4 . 5 Constructors Revisited 207 SR 4.20 Explain the difference between an actual parameter and a formal parameter. SR 4.21 Write a method called getFaceDown for the Die class that returns the current “face down” value of the die. Hint: On a standard die, the sum of any two opposite faces is seven. SR 4.22 In the Transactions program: a. How many Account objects are created? b. How many arguments (actual parameters) are passed to the withdraw method when it is invoked on the acct2 object? c. How many arguments (actual parameters) are passed to the addInterest method when it is invoked on the acct3 object? SR 4.23 Which of the Account class methods would you classify as accessor methods? As mutator methods? As service methods? 4.5 Constructors revisited As we stated in Chapter 2, a constructor is similar to a method that is invoked when an object is instantiated. When we define a class, we usually define a constructor to help us set up the class. In particular, we often use a constructor to initialize the variables associated with each object. A constructor differs from a regular method in two ways. First, the name of a constructor is the same name as the class. Therefore, the name of the constructor in the Die class is Die, and the name of the constructor in the Account class is Account. Second, a constructor cannot return a value and does not have a return type specified in the method header. Key COnCept A common mistake made by programmers is to put a void return A constructor cannot have any return type on a constructor. As far as the compiler is concerned, putting type, even void. any return type on a constructor, even void, turns it into a regular method that happens to have the same name as the class. As such, it cannot be invoked as a constructor. This leads to error messages that are sometimes difficult to decipher. Generally, a constructor is used to initialize the newly instantiated object. For instance, the constructor of the Die class sets the face value of the die to 1 initially. The constructor of the Account class sets the values of the instance variables to the values passed in as parameters to the constructor. We don’t have to define a constructor for every class. Each class has a default constructor that takes no parameters. The default constructor is used if we don’t 208 Chapter 4 Writing Classes provide our own. This default constructor generally has no effect on the newly created object. self-review QuestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 4.24 What are constructors used for? SR 4.25 How are constructors defined? 4.6 graphical Objects Some objects have a graphical representation, meaning that their state and behaviors include information about what the object looks like visually. A graphical object might contain data about its size and color, for instance, and it may contain methods to draw it. In Chapter 3 we instantiated and used graphical components such as frames, panels, labels, and images. Certainly these components can be considered graphical objects. This section examines some of them in more detail and explores how to define our own objects that have graphical characteristics. The program in Listing 4.5 displays a smiling face and a text caption. The main method in the SmilingFace class does not deal with all of those details, however. Instead, the main method sets up the frame for the program and uses it to display an instantiation of the SmilingFacePanel class. The SmilingFacePanel class is shown in Listing 4.6. It defines two constants on which the drawing is based (BASEX and BASEY), a constructor that sets up the key aspects of the panel, and a method called paintComponent that draws the face that we see when the program is executed. In this case, instead of adding GUI components to this panel, we are simply drawing on it. Note that the SmilingFacePanel class extends the JPanel class. As we mentioned in Chapter 2 in our discussion of applets, the extends clause establishes an inheritance relationship. The SmilingFacePanel class inherits the characteristics of the JPanel class. That is, a SmilingFacePanel is a JPanel. At this point, that’s all you really need to know about inheritance, which is discussed in further detail in Chapter 9. VideoNote Example using an extended JPanel. The constructor of the SmilingFacePanel class sets the background color and preferred size of the panel, as well as setting the panel’s default font. Note that these calls are not made to some other object, as we did in Chapter 3 when we created a separate JPanel object. When a method is called without being invoked through a particular object, you can think of it as the object “talking to itself.” The calls in the constructor are made to the object represented by the SmilingFacePanel class. 4 . 6 Graphical Objects l i s ti n g 4 . 5 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of a separate panel class. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JFrame; public class SmilingFace { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates the main frame of the program. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Smiling Face"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); SmilingFacePanel panel = new SmilingFacePanel(); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } D i s p l a y 209 210 Chapter 4 Writing Classes l i s t i n g 4 . 6 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of a separate panel class. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JPanel; import java.awt.*; public class SmilingFacePanel extends JPanel { private final int BASEX = 120, BASEY = 60; // base point for head //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up the main characteristics of this panel. //----------------------------------------------------------------public SmilingFacePanel() { setBackground(; setPreferredSize(new Dimension(320, 200)); setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 16)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Draws a face. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void paintComponent(Graphics page) { super.paintComponent(page); page.setColor(Color.yellow); page.fillOval(BASEX, BASEY, 80, 80); // head page.fillOval(BASEX-5, BASEY+20, 90, 40); // ears page.setColor(; page.drawOval(BASEX+20, BASEY+30, 15, 7); page.drawOval(BASEX+45, BASEY+30, 15, 7); page.fillOval(BASEX+25, BASEY+31, 5, 5); page.fillOval(BASEX+50, BASEY+31, 5, 5); // eyes // pupils page.drawArc(BASEX+20, BASEY+25, 15, 7, 0, 180); page.drawArc(BASEX+45, BASEY+25, 15, 7, 0, 180); // eyebrows 4 . 6 Graphical Objects l i s ti n g 4 . 6 continued page.drawArc(BASEX+35, BASEY+40, 15, 10, 180, 180); page.drawArc(BASEX+20, BASEY+50, 40, 15, 180, 180); // nose // mouth page.setColor(Color.white); page.drawString("Always remember that you are unique!", BASEX-105, BASEY-15); page.drawString("Just like everyone else.", BASEX-45, BASEY+105); } } The paintComponent method accepts a Graphics object as a parameter, which, as we discussed in Chapter 2, represents the graphics context for a component. Graphics are drawn on the panel by making method calls to the panel’s graphics context (the page parameter). Every JPanel object has a paintComponent method that automatically gets called to draw the panel. In this case we are adding to the definition of paintComponent—telling it that in addition to drawing the background of the panel, it should also draw the face and words as defined by the various calls made in the paintComponent method. The first line of the paintComponent method is a call to super.paintComponent, which represents the regular JPanel version of the paintComponent method, which handles the painting of the background. We will almost always use this as the first line of code in a paintComponent method. Let’s look at another example. The Splat class shown in Listing 4.7 contains a main method that creates and displays the frame for the program. Visually, this l i s ti n g 4 . 7 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of graphical objects. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class Splat { 211 212 Chapter 4 Writing Classes l i s t i n g 4 . 7 continued //----------------------------------------------------------------// Presents a collection of circles. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Splat"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.getContentPane().add(new SplatPanel()); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } D i s p l a y program simply draws a few filled circles. The interesting thing about this program is not what it does, but how it does it—each circle drawn in this program is represented by its own object. The main method instantiates a SplatPanel object and adds it to the frame. The SplatPanel class is shown in Listing 4.8. Like the SmilingFacePanel class in the previous example, the SplatPanel class is derived from JPanel. It holds as instance data five Circle objects, which are instantiated in the constructor. 4 . 6 Graphical Objects l i s ti n g 4 . 8 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of graphical objects. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class SplatPanel extends JPanel { private Circle circle1, circle2, circle3, circle4, circle5; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Creates five Circle objects. //----------------------------------------------------------------public SplatPanel() { circle1 = new Circle(30,, 70, 35); circle2 = new Circle(50,, 30, 20); circle3 = new Circle(100, Color.cyan, 60, 85); circle4 = new Circle(45, Color.yellow, 170, 30); circle5 = new Circle(60,, 200, 60); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 200)); setBackground(; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Draws this panel by requesting that each circle draw itself. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void paintComponent(Graphics page) { super.paintComponent(page); circle1.draw(page); circle2.draw(page); circle3.draw(page); circle4.draw(page); circle5.draw(page); } } 213 214 Chapter 4 Writing Classes The paintComponent method in the SplatPanel class draws the panel by calling the draw method of each circle. Essentially, the SplatPanel class asks each circle to draw itself. The Circle class is shown in Listing 4.9. It defines instance data to store the size of the circle, its (x, y) location, and its color. These values are set using the constructor, and the class contains all the appropriate accessor and mutator methods. The draw method of the Circle class simply draws the circle based on the values of its instance data (its current state). l i s t i n g 4 . 9 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a circle with a particular position, size, and color. //******************************************************************** import java.awt.*; public class Circle { private int diameter, x, y; private Color color; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up this circle with the specified values. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Circle(int size, Color shade, int upperX, int upperY) { diameter = size; color = shade; x = upperX; y = upperY; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Draws this circle in the specified graphics context. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void draw(Graphics page) { page.setColor(color); page.fillOval(x, y, diameter, diameter); } 4 . 6 Graphical Objects l i s ti n g 4 . 9 continued //----------------------------------------------------------------// Diameter mutator. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void setDiameter(int size) { diameter = size; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Color mutator. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void setColor(Color shade) { color = shade; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// X mutator. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void setX(int upperX) { x = upperX; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Y mutator. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void setY(int upperY) { y = upperY; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Diameter accessor. //----------------------------------------------------------------public int getDiameter() { return diameter; } 215 216 Chapter 4 Writing Classes l i s t i n g 4 . 9 continued //----------------------------------------------------------------// Color accessor. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Color getColor() { return color; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// X accessor. //----------------------------------------------------------------public int getX() { return x; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Y accessor. //----------------------------------------------------------------public int getY() { return y; } } The Splat program embodies fundamental object-oriented thinking. Each circle manages itself and will draw itself in whatever graphics context you pass it. Each Circle object maintains its own state. The Circle class is defined in a way that can be used in other situations and programs. self-review QuestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 4.26 Where is the “content” of the panel created in the SmilingFace program defined? SR 4.27 In the SmilingFace program, when and how is the paintComponent method of the panel object invoked? SR 4.28 Write code that will add a pair of eyeglasses to the smiling face. SR 4.29 Rewrite the constructor for the Circle class so that it generates a circle with a random diameter that is between 20 and 200 inclusive for the Circle object it sets up. The other attributes of the circle should be provided as parameters to the constructor. 4 . 7 Graphical User Interfaces 4.7 graphical user interfaces In Chapters 2 and 3 we introduced a few key components that are helpful in the design of graphics-based programs. What we need now is true user interaction, which is the heart of a graphical user interface (GUI). This section introduces the concepts needed to create interactive GUI-based programs. It lays the groundwork for all GUI discussions throughout the book. At least three kinds of objects are needed to create a graphical user interface in Java: ■ components ■ events ■ listeners As we mentioned in Chapter 3, a GUI component is an object that defines a screen element to display information or allow the user to interact with a program in a certain way. Examples of GUI components include push buttons, text fields, labels, scroll bars, and menus. A container is a special type of component that is used to hold and organize other components. We’ve already used containers such as frames and panels and explored the use of labels as well. An event is an object that represents some occurrence in which we may be interested. Often, events correspond to user actions, such as pressing a mouse button or typing a key on the keyboard. Most GUI components generate events to indicate a user action related to that component. For example, a button component will generate an event to indicate that the button has been pushed. A program that is oriented around a GUI, responding to events from the user, is called event-driven. A listener is an object that “waits” for an event to occur and responds in some way when it does. We must carefully establish the relationships among the listener, the event it listens for, and the component that will generate the event. Key COnCept A GUI is made up of components, events that represent user actions, and listeners that respond to those events. For the most part, we will use components and events that are predefined by classes in the Java class library. We will tailor the behavior of the components, but their basic roles have been established. We will, however, write listener classes to perform whatever actions we desire when events occur. Specifically, to create a Java program that uses a GUI, we must: ■ ■ ■ instantiate and set up the necessary components, implement listener classes that define what happens when particular events occur, and establish the relationship between the listeners and the components that generate the events of interest. VideoNote Overview of GUI development. 217 218 Chapter 4 Writing Classes In some respects, once you have a basic understanding of event-driven programming, the rest is just detail. There are many types of components you can use that produce many types of events that you may want to acknowledge. But they all work in the same basic way. They all have the same core relationships to one another. The following sections introduce some more components and present examples of GUI-based programs that allow true user interaction. self-review QuestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 4.30 What is the relationship between an event and a listener? SR 4.31 Can we add any kind of listener to any component? Explain. 4.8 buttons The PushCounter program shown in Listing 4.10 presents the user with a single push button (labeled “Push Me!”). Each time the button is pushed, a counter is updated and displayed. l i s t i n g 4 . 1 0 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates a graphical user interface and an event listener. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JFrame; public class PushCounter { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates the main program frame. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Push Counter"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); 4 . 8 Buttons l i s ti n g 4 . 1 0 continued frame.getContentPane().add(new PushCounterPanel()); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } D i s p l a y The components used in this program include a button, a label to display the count, a panel to organize the GUI, and a frame to display the panel. The panel is defined by the PushCounterPanel class, shown in Listing 4.11. A push button is a component that allows the user to initiate an action with a press of the mouse. There are other types of button components that we explore in later chapters. A push button is defined by the JButton class. l i s ti n g 4 . 1 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates a graphical user interface and an event listener. //******************************************************************** import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class PushCounterPanel extends JPanel { private int count; private JButton push; private JLabel label; 219 220 Chapter 4 Writing Classes l i s t i n g 4 . 1 1 continued //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up the GUI. //----------------------------------------------------------------public PushCounterPanel() { count = 0; push = new JButton("Push Me!"); push.addActionListener(new ButtonListener()); label = new JLabel("Pushes: " + count); add(push); add(label); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 40)); setBackground(Color.cyan); } //***************************************************************** // Represents a listener for button push (action) events. //***************************************************************** private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener { //-------------------------------------------------------------// Updates the counter and label when the button is pushed. //-------------------------------------------------------------public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { count++; label.setText("Pushes: " + count); } } } The PushCounterPanel constructor sets up the GUI. The call to the JButton constructor takes a String parameter that specifies the text shown on the button. The button and the label are added to the panel. The only event of interest in this program occurs when the button is pushed. To respond to the event, we must create a listener object for that event, so we must write a class that represents the listener. 4 . 8 Buttons A JButton generates an action event when it is pushed. Therefore the listener class we write will be an action event listener. In this program, we define a class called ButtonListener to represent the listener for this event. We could write the ButtonListener class in its own file, Key COnCept or even in the same file but outside of the PushCounterPanel Listeners are often defined as inner class. However, then we would have to set up a way to classes because of the intimate relationship between the listener and the communicate between the listener and the components of GUI components. the GUI that the listener updates. Instead, we define the ButtonListener class as an inner class, which is a class defined within another class. As such, it automatically has access to the members of the class that contains it. You should create inner classes only in situations in which there is an intimate relationship between the two classes and in which the inner class is not accessed by any other class. The relationship between a listener and its GUI is one of the few situations in which an inner class is appropriate. Listener classes are written by implementing an interface, which is a list of methods that the implementing class must define. The Java standard class library contains interfaces for many types of events. An action listener is created by implementing the ActionListener interface; therefore, we include the implements clause in the ButtonListener class. Interfaces are discussed in more detail in Chapter 7. The only method listed in the ActionListener interface is the actionPerformed method, so that’s the only method that the ButtonListener class must implement. The component that generates the action event (in this case, the button) will call the actionPerformed method when the event occurs, passing in an ActionEvent object that represents the event. Sometimes we will use the event object, and other times it is simply sufficient to know that the event occurred. In this case, we have no need to interact with the event object. When the event occurs, the listener increments the count and resets the text of the label by using the setText method. Remember, we not only have to create a listener for an event, we must also set up the relationship between the listener and the component that will generate the event. To do so, we add the listener to the component by calling the appropriate method. In the PushCounterPanel constructor, we call the addActionListener method, passing in a newly instantiated ButtonListener object. Review this example carefully, noting how it accomplishes the three key steps to creating an interactive GUI-based program. It creates and sets up the GUI components, creates the appropriate listener for the event of interest, and sets up the relationship between the listener and the component that will generate the event. 221 222 Chapter 4 Writing Classes self-review QuestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 4.32 What type of event does a push button (a JButton object) generate? SR 4.33 How would you change the PushCounterPanel class so that instead of displaying a count of how many times the button was pushed, it displays a count “trail”? After one push, it displays "01"; after two pushes, it displays "012"; after five pushes, it displays "012345"; and so on. 4.9 text fields Let’s look at another example that uses another component: a text field. The Fahrenheit program shown in Listing 4.12 presents a GUI that includes a text field into which the user can type a Fahrenheit temperature. When the user presses the Enter (or Return) key, the equivalent Celsius temperature is displayed. The interface for the Fahrenheit program is set up in the FahrenheitPanel class. The text field is an object of the JTextField class. The JTextField constructor takes an integer parameter that specifies the size of the field in number of characters based on the current default font. The text field and various labels are added to the panel to be displayed. Remember that a panel is governed by a layout manager called flow layout, which puts as many components on a line as it can fit. So if you resize the frame, the orientation of the labels and text field may change. We examine layout managers in detail in Chapter 7, providing more options for controlling the layout of the components. If the cursor is currently in the text field, the text field component generates an action event when the Enter or Return key is pressed. Therefore, we need to set up a listener object to respond to action events. As we did in the PushCounter program in the previous section, we define the listener as an inner class that implements the ActionListener interface. The text field component calls the actionPerformed method when the user presses the Enter key. The method first retrieves the text from the text field by calling its getText method, which returns a character string. The text is converted to an integer using the parseInt method of the Integer wrapper class. Then the method performs the calculation to determine the equivalent Celsius temperature and sets the text of the appropriate label with the result. Note that a push button and a text field generate the same kind of event: an action event. So an alternative to the Fahrenheit program design is to add a JButton object to the GUI that causes the conversion to occur when the user uses the mouse to press the button. For that matter, the same listener object can be 4 . 9 Text Fields l i s ti n g 4 . 1 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of text fields. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JFrame; public class Fahrenheit { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates and displays the temperature converter GUI. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Fahrenheit"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); FahrenheitPanel panel = new FahrenheitPanel(); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } D i s p l a y 223 224 Chapter 4 Writing Classes l i s t i n g 4 . 1 3 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of text fields. //******************************************************************** import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class FahrenheitPanel extends JPanel { private JLabel inputLabel, outputLabel, resultLabel; private JTextField fahrenheit; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up the main GUI components. //----------------------------------------------------------------public FahrenheitPanel() { inputLabel = new JLabel("Enter Fahrenheit temperature:"); outputLabel = new JLabel("Temperature in Celsius: "); resultLabel = new JLabel("---"); fahrenheit = new JTextField(5); fahrenheit.addActionListener(new TempListener()); add(inputLabel); add(fahrenheit); add(outputLabel); add(resultLabel); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 75)); setBackground(Color.yellow); } //***************************************************************** // Represents an action listener for the temperature input field. //***************************************************************** private class TempListener implements ActionListener 4 . 9 Text Fields l i s ti n g 4 . 1 3 continued { //-------------------------------------------------------------// Performs the conversion when the enter key is pressed in // the text field. //-------------------------------------------------------------public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { int fahrenheitTemp, celsiusTemp; String text = fahrenheit.getText(); fahrenheitTemp = Integer.parseInt (text); celsiusTemp = (fahrenheitTemp-32) * 5/9; resultLabel.setText(Integer.toString(celsiusTemp)); } } } used to listen to multiple components at the same time. So the listener could be added to both the text field and the button, giving the user the option. Pressing either the button or the Enter key will cause the conversion to be performed. These variations are left as programming projects. s e l f - r e v iew QuestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 4.34 Describe what happens within the Fahrenheit program when a user types a number into the text box and presses the Enter key. SR 4.35 Change the FahrenheitPanel class so that when the user enters a number in the text field a statement appears in the form “X degrees Fahrenheit = Y degrees Celsius” below the text field. For example, if the user enters 223, the statement “223 degrees Fahrenheit = 106 degrees Celsius” appears instead of “Temperature in Celsius: 106”. 225 226 Chapter 4 Writing Classes summary of Key Concepts ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The heart of object-oriented programming is defining classes that represent objects with well-defined state and behavior. The scope of a variable, which determines where it can be referenced, depends on where it is declared. A UML class diagram helps us visualize the contents of and relationships among the classes of a program. An object should be encapsulated, guarding its data from inappropriate access. Instance variables should be declared with private visibility to promote encapsulation. Most objects contain accessor and mutator methods to allow the client to manage data in a controlled manner. The value returned from a method must be consistent with the return type specified in the method header. When a method is called, the actual parameters are copied into the formal parameters. A variable declared in a method is local to that method and cannot be used outside of it. A constructor cannot have any return type, even void. A GUI is made up of components, events that represent user actions, and listeners that respond to those events. Listeners are often defined as inner classes because of the intimate relationship between the listener and the GUI components. exercises EX 4.1 For each of the following pairs, identify which one represents a class and which one represents an object of that class? a. b. c. d. e. Weekdays, Friday Java, Language Bird, Eagle Bob, Employee Student, Alice Programming Projects EX 4.2 List some attributes and operations that might be defined for a class called WindowPane that represents a window pane. EX 4.3 List some attributes and operations that might be defined for a class called Examination that represents a school examination. EX 4.4 List some attributes and operations that might be defined for a class called Course that represents a college course (not a particular offering of a course, just the course in general). EX 4.5 Write a method called synonyms that prints at least two synonyms of a word when invoked. The method should accept no parameters and return no value. EX 4.6 Write a method that accepts two integers and returns the first integer raised to the power of second integer. EX 4.7 Write a method called random100 that returns a random integer in the range of 1 to 100 (inclusive). EX 4.8 Write a method called randomInRange that accepts two integer parameters representing a range. The method should return a random integer in the specified range (inclusive). Assume that the first parameter is greater than the second. EX 4.9 Write a method called randomColor that creates and returns a Color object that represents a random color. Recall that a Color object can be defined by three integer values between 0 and 255, representing the contributions of red, green, and blue (its RGB value). EX 4.10 Suppose you have a class called Movie. Write a constructor for the class that initializes the title and director instance variables based on parameters passed to the constructor. EX 4.11 Suppose you have a class called Child with an instance data value called age. Write a getter method and a setter method for age. EX 4.12 Draw a UML class diagram that shows the relationships among the classes used in the Transactions program. EX 4.13 Draw a UML class diagram that shows the relationships among the classes used in the PushCounter program. EX 4.14 Draw a UML class diagram that shows the relationships among the classes used in the Fahrenheit program. 227 228 Chapter 4 Writing Classes programming projects PP 4.1 Write a class called NumberOfGoals that represents the total number of goals scored by a football team. The NumberOfGoals class should contain a single integer as instance data, representing the number of goals scored. Write a constructor to initialize the number of goals to zero. Write a method called setGoal that increments the value by one whenever a goal is scored, and another method called getGoal that returns the total number of goals scored so far. Finally, create a driver class called GoalTracker that creates a few NumberOfGoals objects and tests their methods. PP 4.2 Write a class called BitValue that represents binary digits that can be set to true or false. Create a driver class called Bits whose main method instantiates and sets a few bits to true. PP 4.3 Write a class called Circle that contains instance data that represents the circle’s radius. Define the Circle constructor to accept and initialize the radius, and include getter and setter methods for the radius. Include methods that calculate and return the circumference and area of the sphere. Include a toString method that returns a one-line description of the circle. Create a driver class called MultiCircle, whose main method instantiates and updates several Circle objects. [Circumference = 2pr and Area = pr2]. PP 4.4 Write a class called Dog that contains instance data that represents the dog’s name and age. Define the Dog constructor to accept and initialize instance data. Include getter and setter methods for the name and age. Include a method to compute and return the age of the dog in “person years” (seven times the dog’s age). Include a toString method that returns a one-line description of the dog. Create a driver class called Kennel, whose main method instantiates and updates several Dog objects. PP 4.5 Write a class called Phone that contains instance data that represents the make, model, and year of the phone. Define the Phone constructor to initialize these values. Include getter and setter methods for all instance data, and a toString method that returns a one-line description of the phone. Add a method called isObsolete that returns a boolean indicating if the phone is obsolete (if it is more than 10 years old). Create a driver class called PhoneCheck, whose main method instantiates and updates several Phone objects. VideoNote Developing a solution of PP 4.2. Programming Projects PP 4.6 Write a class called Shelf that contains instance data that represents the length, breadth, and capacity of the shelf. Also include a boolean variable called occupied as instance data that represents whether the shelf is occupied or not. Define the Shelf constructor to accept and initialize the height, width, and capacity of the shelf. Each newly created Shelf is vacant (the constructor should initialize occupied to false). Include getter and setter methods for all instance data. Include a toString method that returns a one-line description of the shelf. Create a driver class called ShelfCheck, whose main method instantiates and updates several Shelf objects. PP 4.7 Write a class called Laptop that contains instance data for the laptop model, make, purchaser, and purchase year. Define the Laptop constructor to accept and initialize this data. Include setter and getter methods for all instance data. Include a toString method that returns a nicely formatted, multi-line description of the laptop purchase. Create a driver class called LaptopRecords whose main method instantiates and updates several Laptop objects. PP 4.8 Write a class called Course that represents a course offered to students. It should contain instance data that represents the course title, course code, credits and course Instructor’s name. Define the Course constructor to accept and initialize all instance data. Include getter and setter methods for all instance data. Include a toString method that returns a one-line description of the course. Create a driver class called CourseDetails whose main method instantiates and updates several Course objects. PP 4.9 Using the Die class defined in this chapter, write a class called PairOfDice, composed of two Die objects. Include methods to set and get the individual die values, a method to roll the dice, and a method that returns the current sum of the two die values. Create a driver class called RollingDice2 to instantiate and use a PairOfDice object. PP 4.10 Write a class called BarChart that compares the data using a bar graph representation. Allow the parameters to the constructor to specify the bar’s width and height. Every bar in the graph must have the same color for clear representation of the data. Create a program that draws bars of random size. PP 4.11 Write a program that displays a graphical, seating chart for a berth reservation. Create a class called Passenger (as in one who travels) 229 230 Chapter 4 Writing Classes that stores the passenger’s name, gender, and the berth location. A berth is graphically represented as a rectangle, color-coded by gender, with the gender letter printed in the rectangle. PP 4.12 Create a class called Marble that represents one marble of a particular color and diameter. Write a program that draws a few marbles on the floor. PP 4.13 Create a class called Star that represents a five-pointed star. Let the constructor accept the width of the star and the coordinates of the star’s top point. Write a program that draws a sky containing stars of various sizes. PP 4.14 Modify the Fahrenheit program from this chapter so that it displays a button that, when pressed, also causes the conversion calculation to take place. That is, the user will now have the option of either pressing Enter in the text field or pressing the button. Have the listener that is already defined for the text field also listen for the button push. PP 4.15 Write an application that displays two buttons and a label. One button when pushed, multiplies a numeric value (initially 10) with 0 and the other button resets the value to 10. PP 4.16 Write an application that presents three buttons and a label. Label the buttons Add, Subtract and Multiply respectively. Display a numeric value (initially 1) using the label. Each time any button is pushed, perform an appropriate operation by a value of 5. Example: if Add button is pushed, add 5 to the numeric value. PP 4.17 Write an application that draws a traffic light and uses a push button to change the state of the light. Derive the drawing surface from the JPanel class and use another panel to organize the drawing surface and the button. PP 4.18 Develop a program that implements a prototype user interface for composing an email message. The application should have text fields for the To, CC, and Bcc address lists and subject line, and one for the message body. Include a button labeled Send. When the Send button is pushed, the program should print the contents of all fields to standard output using println statements. sOftware failure Denver airport baggage handling system what happened? The designers of the Denver International Airport had big plans to automate the handling of luggage. With as much as a mile to cover between the airport gates and terminals, the hope was to develop a system that whisked your luggage from the check-in counter to the departing plane and from an arriving plane to baggage collection with minimal human intervention. They thought the system would result in fewer flight delays, less waiting at luggage carousels, and reduced labor costs. The system was designed and created in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Approximately 26 miles of track were constructed to move bags up and down inclines in gray carts under the control of a central computer. However, the planned March 1994 opening of the airport was delayed continuously due to failures in the baggage system. During tests, bags were misloaded and misrouted. They fell out of carts when making turns. The system loaded bags into carts that already were full and unloaded them onto belts already jammed with luggage. Bags were damaged by being wedged under carts and dropped onto concrete floors. The automated baggage-handling system in Denver resulted in lost luggage and mangled packages. ■ The airport finally opened for business in February of 1995. At that point, only one airline—United—agreed to use the automated system. This was a strippeddown version of the system, used only for outgoing flights. No other airline used the system at all. They opted for humans driving luggage carts, just as most airports do today. United finally gave up using the system in 2005. The original cost of the system was $186 million. The delays cost $1 million a day, surpassing the original costs. When United opted to abandon the system in 2005, it did so despite having a lease on the system through 2025 at $60 million per year. 231 232 Software Failure what Caused it? The fiasco this project represents is considered to be one of the greatest software engineering and overall system-design failures in history. There were many individual issues that contributed to the problems, but in general, the designers simply had too much faith in the technology they were using. They didn’t factor in errors and inefficiencies that always occur in a complex system. The individual problems included the fact that the software misinterpreted data from photoelectric eyes and, therefore, did not detect a pile of existing bags. When the system was restarted after it crashed, it lost information about the status of carts and didn’t know which ones were full or not. Sharp corners were not factored in correctly regarding the speed of the conveyors, resulting in spilled carts. A telescoping belt loader called the lizard tongue—designed to reach into a planes cargo hold and pick up bags without human assistance—failed completely. lessons learned A project of this scope should not be attempted without many localized tests on the technologies in use. The failures were often a result of multiple variables caused by the system as a whole in operation. When the system was designed in the late 1980s, it relied on a centralized mainframe to control the system. Such an approach seems ridiculous in today’s world of distributed processing, but it is a good example of how a large system can be obsolete by the time it is developed. Today, human baggage handlers with handheld scanners result in a far more fast and accurate delivery system than the best goals of the planned automated system. Source: The International Herald Tribune Conditionals and Loops Chap t e r 5 O b j e C t i v e s ● Define the flow of control through a method. ● Explore boolean expressions that can be used to make decisions. ● Perform basic decision making using if statements. ● Discuss issues pertaining to the comparison of certain types of data. ● Execute statements repetitively using while loops. ● Discuss the concept of an iterator object and use one to read a text file. ● Introduce the ArrayList class. ● Explore more GUI components and events. All programming languages have statements that allow you to make decisions to determine what to do next. Some of those statements allow you to repeat a certain activity multiple times. This chapter discusses key Java statements of this type and explores issues related to the comparison of data and objects. It begins with a discussion of boolean expressions, which form the basis of any decision. The Graphics Track sections of this chapter explore some new components and events. 233 234 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops 5.1 boolean expressions The order in which statements are executed in a running program is called the flow of control. Unless otherwise specified, the execution of a program proceeds in a linear fashion. That is, a running program starts at the first programming statement and moves down one statement at a time until the program is complete. A Java application begins executing with the first line of the main method and proceeds step by step until it gets to the end of the main method. Invoking a method alters the flow of control. When a method is called, control jumps to the code defined for that method. When the method completes, control returns to the place in the calling method where the invocation was made, and processing continues from there. Within a given method, we can alter the flow of control through the code by using certain types of programming statements. Statements that control the flow of execution through a method fall into two categories: conditionals and loops. K e y C O N C e pt Conditionals and loops allow us to control the flow of execution through a method. A conditional statement is sometimes called a selection statement, because it allows us to choose which statement will be executed next. The conditional statements in Java are the if statement, the if-else statement, and the switch statement. We explore the if statement and the if-else statement in this chapter and cover the switch statement in Chapter 6. Each decision is based on a boolean expression (also called a condition), which is an expression that evaluates to either true or false. The result of the expression determines which statement is executed next. The following is an example of an if statement: if (count > 20) System.out.println("Count exceeded"); K e y C O N C e pt An if statement allows a program to choose whether to execute a particular statement. The condition in this statement is count > 20. That expression evaluates to a boolean (true or false) result. Either the value stored in count is greater than 20 or it’s not. If it is, the println statement is executed. If it’s not, the println statement is skipped and processing continues with whatever code follows it. The need to make decisions like this comes up all the time in programming situations. For example, the cost of life insurance might be dependent on whether the insured person is a smoker. If the person smokes, we calculate the cost using a particular formula; if not, we calculate it using another. The role of a conditional statement is to evaluate a boolean condition (whether the person smokes) and then to execute the proper calculation accordingly. 5 . 1 Boolean Expressions A loop, or repetition statement, allows us to execute a programming statement over and over again. Like a conditional, a loop is based on a boolean expression that determines how many times the statement is executed. Key CONCept A loop allows a program to execute a statement multiple times. For example, suppose we wanted to calculate the grade point average of every student in a class. The calculation is the same for each student; it is just performed on different data. We would set up a loop that repeats the calculation for each student until there are no more students to process. Java has three types of loop statements: the while statement, the do statement, and the for statement. Each type of loop statement has unique characteristics that distinguish it from the others. We cover the while statement in this chapter and explore do loops and for loops in Chapter 6. The boolean expressions on which conditionals and loops are based use equality operators, relational operators, and logical operators to make decisions. Before we discuss the conditional and loop statements in detail, let’s explore these operators. equality and relational Operators The == and != operators are called equality operators. They test whether two values are equal or not equal, respectively. Note that the equality operator consists of two equal signs side by side and should not be mistaken for the assignment operator that uses only one equal sign. The following if statement prints a sentence only if the variables total and sum contain the same value: if (total == sum) System.out.println("total equals sum"); Likewise, the following if statement prints a sentence only if the variables total and sum do not contain the same value: if (total != sum) System.out.println("total does NOT equal sum"); Java also has several relational operators that let us decide relative ordering between values. Earlier in this section, we used the greater than operator (>) to decide if one value was greater than another. We can ask similar questions using various operators. In Java, relational operators are greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or equal to (>=), and less than or equal to (<=). Figure 5.1 lists the Java equality and relational operators. 235 236 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops Operator == equal to != not equal to < <= > >= Figure 5 . 1 Meaning less than less than or equal to greater than greater than or equal to Java equality and relational operators The equality and relational operators have precedence lower than the arithmetic operators. Therefore, arithmetic operations are evaluated first, followed by equality and relational operations. As always, parentheses can be used to explicitly specify the order of evaluation. We’ll see more examples of relational operators as we examine conditional and loop statements throughout this chapter. Logical Operators In addition to the equality and relational operators, Java has three logical operators that produce boolean results. They also take boolean operands. Figure 5.2 lists and describes the logical operators. The ! operator is used to perform the logical NOT operation, which is also called the logical complement. The logical complement of a boolean value yields its opposite value. That is, if a boolean variable called found has the value false, then !found is true. Likewise, if found is true, then !found is false. The logical NOT operation does not change the value stored in found. A logical operation can be described by a truth table that lists all possible combinations of values for the variables involved in an expression. Because the logical Operator Description Example ! logical NOT ! a true if a is false and false if a is true && logical AND a && b true if a and b are both true and false otherwise || logical OR a || b true if a or b or both are true and false otherwise Fi g u r e 5 . 2 Result Java logical operators 5 . 1 Boolean Expressions Figure 5.3 a !a false true true false Truth table describing the logical NOT operator NOT operator is unary, there are only two possible values for its one operand: true or false. Figure 5.3 shows a truth table that describes the ! operator. The && operator performs a logical AND operation. The result is true if both operands are true, but false otherwise. Compare that to the result of the logical OR operator (||), which is true if one or the other or both operands are true, but false otherwise. The AND and OR operators are both binary operators since each uses two operands. Therefore, there are four possible combinations to consider: both operands are true, both are false, one is true and the other false, and vice versa. Figure 5.4 depicts a truth table that shows both the && and || operators. The logical NOT has the highest precedence of the three logical operators, followed by logical AND, then logical OR. Consider the following if statement: if (!done && (count > MAX)) System.out.println("Completed."); Under what conditions would the println statement be executed? The value of the boolean variable done is either true or false, and the NOT operator reverses that value. The value of count is either greater than MAX or it isn’t. The truth table in Figure 5.5 breaks down all of the possibilities. An important characteristic of the && and || operators is that they are “short-circuited.” That is, if their left operand is sufficient to decide the boolean result of the operation, the right operand is not evaluated. This situation can occur with both operators, but for Figure 5.4 a b a && b a || b false false false false false true false true true false false true true true true true Key CONCept Logical operators are often used to construct sophisticated conditions. Truth table describing the logical AND and OR operators 237 238 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops done count > MAX !done !done && (count > MAX) false false true false false true true true true false false false true true false false Figure 5 . 5 A truth table for a specific condition different reasons. If the left operand of the && operator is false, then the result of the operation will be false no matter what the value of the right operand is. Likewise, if the left operand of the || is true, then the result of the operation is true no matter what the value of the right operand is. Sometimes you can capitalize on the fact that the operation is short-circuited. For example, the condition in the following if statement will not attempt to divide by zero if the left operand is false. If count has the value zero, the left side of the && operation is false; therefore. the whole expression is false and the right side is not evaluated. if (count != 0 && total/count > MAX) System.out.println("Testing."); You should consider carefully whether or not to rely on these kinds of subtle programming language characteristics. Not all programming languages work the same way. As we have stressed before, you should favor readability over clever programming tricks. Always strive to make it clear to any reader of the code how the logic of your program works. seLF-review QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 5.1 What is meant by the flow of control through a program? SR 5.2 What type of conditions are conditionals and loops based on? SR 5.3 What are the equality operators? The relational operators? The logical operators? SR 5.4 Given the following declarations, what is the value of each of the listed boolean expressions? int value1 = 5, value2 = 10; boolean done = true; 5 . 2 The if Statement a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. 239 value1 <= value2 (value1 + 5) >= value2 value1 < value2 / 2 value2 != value1 !(value1 == value2) (value1 < value2) || done (value1 > value2) || done (value1 < value2) && !done done || !done ((value1 > value2) || done) && (!done || (value2 > value1)) SR 5.5 What is a truth table? SR 5.6 Assuming done is a boolean variable and value is an int variable, create a truth table for the expression: (value > 0 ) || !done SR 5.7 Assuming c1 and c2 are boolean variables, create a truth table for the expression: (c1 && !c2) || (!c1 && c2) 5.2 the if statement We’ve used a basic if statement in earlier examples in this chapter. Let’s now explore it in detail. An if statement consists of the reserved word if followed by a boolean expression, followed by a statement. The condition is enclosed in parentheses and must evaluate to true or false. If the condition is true, the statement is executed and processing continues with the next statement. If the condition is false, the statement is skipped and processing continues immediately with the next statement. Figure 5.6 shows this processing. Key CONCept Proper indentation is important for human readability; it shows the relationship between one statement and another. Consider the following example of an if statement: if (total > amount) total = total + (amount + 1); In this example, if the value in total is greater than the value in amount, the assignment statement is executed; otherwise the assignment statement is skipped. Note that the assignment statement in this example is indented under the header line of the if statement. This communicates that the assignment statement 240 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops condition evaluated true false statement Figu r e 5 . 6 The logic of an if statement is part of the if statement; it implies that the if statement governs whether the assignment statement will be executed. Although this indentation is extremely important for the human reader, it is ignored by the compiler. The example in Listing 5.1 reads the age of the user and then makes a decision as to whether to print a particular sentence based on the age that is entered.The Age program echoes the age value that is entered in all cases. If the age is less than the value of the constant MINOR, the statement about youth is printed. If the age is equal to or greater than the value of MINOR, the println statement is skipped. In either case, the final sentence about age being a state of mind is printed. L i s t i N g 5 . 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of an if statement. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; public class Age { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Reads the user's age and prints comments accordingly. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { final int MINOR = 21; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; 5 . 2 The if Statement L i s ti N g 5 . 1 continued System.out.print("Enter your age: "); int age = scan.nextInt(); System.out.println("You entered: " + age); if (age < MINOR) System.out.println("Youth is a wonderful thing. Enjoy."); System.out.println("Age is a state of mind."); } } O u t p u t Enter your age: 40 You entered: 40 Age is a state of mind. Let’s look at a few more examples of basic if statements. The following if statement causes the variable size to be set to zero if its current value is greater than or equal to the value in the constant MAX: if (size >= MAX) size = 0; The condition of the following if statement first adds three values together, then compares the result to the value stored in numBooks: if (numBooks < stackCount + inventoryCount + duplicateCount) reorder = true; If numBooks is less than the other three values combined, the boolean variable reorder is set to true. The addition operations are performed before the less than operator, because the arithmetic operators have a higher precedence than the relational operators. Assuming generator refers to an object of the Random class, the following if statement examines the value returned from a call to nextInt to determine a random winner: if (generator.nextInt(CHANCE) == 0) System.out.println("You are a randomly selected winner!"); 241 242 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops The odds of this code picking a winner are based on the value of the CHANCE constant. That is, if CHANCE contains 20, the odds of winning are 1 in 20. The fact that the condition is looking for a return value of 0 is arbitrary; any value between 0 and CHANCE-1 would have worked. the if-else statement Sometimes we want to do one thing if a condition is true and another thing if that condition is false. We can add an else clause to an if statement, making it an if-else statement, to handle this kind of situation. The following is an example of an if-else statement: if (height <= MAX) adjustment = 0; else adjustment = MAX - height; If the condition is true, the first assignment statement is executed; if the condition is false, the second assignment statement is executed. Only one or the other will be executed, because a boolean condition evaluates to either true or false. Note that proper indentation is used again to communicate that the statements are part of the governing if statement. K e y C O N C e pt An if-else statement allows a program to do one thing if a condition is true and another thing if the condition is false. if statement if ( Expression ) Statement else Statement An if statement tests the boolean Expression and, if true, executes the first Statement. The optional else clause identifies the Statement that should be executed if the Expression is false. Examples: if (tal < 7) System.out.println("Total is less than 7."); if (firstCh != 'a') count++; else count = count / 2; 5 . 2 The if Statement The Wages program shown in Listing 5.2 uses an if-else statement to compute the proper payment amount for an employee. In the Wages program, if an employee works over 40 hours in a week, the payment amount takes into account the overtime hours. An if-else statement is used to determine whether the number of hours entered by the user is greater than 40. If it is, the extra hours are paid at a rate one and a half times the normal rate. If there are no overtime hours, the total payment is based simply on the number of hours worked and the standard rate. Let’s look at another example of an if-else statement: if (roster.getSize() == FULL) roster.expand(); else roster.addName(name); L i s ti N g 5 . 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of an if-else statement. //******************************************************************** import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Scanner; public class Wages { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Reads the number of hours worked and calculates wages. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { final double RATE = 8.25; // regular pay rate final int STANDARD = 40; // standard hours in a work week Scanner scan = new Scanner(; double pay = 0.0; System.out.print("Enter the number of hours worked: "); int hours = scan.nextInt(); 243 244 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops L i s t i N g 5 . 2 continued System.out.println(); // Pay overtime at "time and a half" if (hours > STANDARD) pay = STANDARD * RATE + (hours-STANDARD) * (RATE * 1.5); else pay = hours * RATE; NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); System.out.println("Gross earnings: " + fmt.format(pay)); } } O u t p u t Enter the number of hours worked: 46 Gross earnings: $404.25 This example makes use of an object called roster. Even without knowing what roster represents, or from what class it was created, we can see that it has at least three methods: getSize, expand, and addName. The condition of the if statement calls getSize and compares the result to the constant FULL. If the condition is true, the expand method is invoked (apparently to expand the size of the roster). If the roster is not yet full, the variable name is passed as a parameter to the addName method. The program in Listing 5.3 instantiates a Coin object, flips the coin by calling the flip method, then uses an if-else statement to determine which of two sentences gets printed based on the result. L i s t i N g 5 . 3 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of an if-else statement. //******************************************************************** 5 . 2 The if Statement L i s ti N g 5 . 3 continued public class CoinFlip { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates a Coin object, flips it, and prints the results. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { Coin myCoin = new Coin(); myCoin.flip(); System.out.println(myCoin); if (myCoin.isHeads()) System.out.println("You win."); else System.out.println("Better luck next time."); } } O u t p u t Tails Better luck next time. The Coin class is shown in Listing 5.4. It stores two integer constants (HEADS and TAILS) that represent the two possible states of the coin, and an instance variable called face that represents the current state of the coin. The Coin constructor initially flips the coin by calling the flip method, which determines the new state of the coin by randomly choosing a number (either 0 or 1). The isHeads method returns a boolean value based on the current face value of the coin. The toString method uses an if-else statement to determine which character string to return to describe the coin. The toString method is automatically called when the myCoin object is passed to println in the main method. using block statements We may want to do more than one thing as the result of evaluating a boolean condition. In Java, we can replace any single statement with a block statement. 245 246 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops L i s t i N g 5 . 4 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a coin with two sides that can be flipped. //******************************************************************** public class Coin { private final int HEADS = 0; private final int TAILS = 1; private int face; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up the coin by flipping it initially. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Coin() { flip(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Flips the coin by randomly choosing a face value. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void flip() { face = (int) (Math.random() * 2); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns true if the current face of the coin is heads. //----------------------------------------------------------------public boolean isHeads() { return (face == HEADS); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns the current face of the coin as a string. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String toString() { String faceName; 5 . 2 The if Statement L i s ti N g 5 . 4 continued if (face == HEADS) faceName = "Heads"; else faceName = "Tails"; return faceName; } } A block statement is a collection of statements enclosed in braces. We’ve used these braces many times in previous examples to enclose method and class definitions. The program called Guessing, shown in Listing 5.5, uses an if-else statement in which the statement of the else clause is a block statement. If the guess entered by the user equals the randomly chosen answer, an appropriate acknowledgment is printed. However, if the answer is incorrect, two statements are printed, one that states that the guess is wrong and one that prints the actual answer. A programming project at the end of this chapter expands the concept of this example into the Hi-Lo game. Note that if the block braces were not used, the sentence stating that the answer is incorrect would be printed if the answer was wrong, but the sentence revealing the correct answer would be printed in all cases. That is, only the first statement would be considered part of the else clause. Remember that indentation means nothing except to the human reader. Statements that are not blocked properly can lead to the programmer making improper assumptions about how the code will execute. For example, the following code is misleading: if (depth >= UPPER_LIMIT) delta = 100; else System.out.println("WARNING: Delta is being reset to ZERO"); delta = 0; // not part of the else clause! The indentation (not to mention the logic of the code) implies that the variable delta is reset to zero only when depth is less than UPPER_LIMIT. However, without using a block, the assignment statement that resets delta to zero is not governed by the if-else statement at all. It is executed in either case, which is clearly not what is intended. VideoNote Examples using conditionals. 247 248 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops L i s t i N g 5 . 5 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of a block statement in an if-else. //******************************************************************** import java.util.*; public class Guessing { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Plays a simple guessing game with the user. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { final int MAX = 10; int answer, guess; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; Random generator = new Random(); answer = generator.nextInt(MAX) + 1; System.out.print("I'm thinking of a number between 1 and " + MAX + ". Guess what it is: "); guess = scan.nextInt(); if (guess == answer) System.out.println("You got it! Good guessing!"); else { System.out.println("That is not correct, sorry."); System.out.println("The number was " + answer); } } } O u t p u t I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Guess what it is: 7 That is not correct, sorry. The number was 5 5 . 2 The if Statement A block statement can be used anywhere a single statement is called for in Java syntax. For example, the if portion of an if-else statement could be a block, or the else portion could be a block (as we saw in the Guessing program), or both parts could be block statements. For example: if (boxes != warehouse.getCount()) { System.out.println("Inventory and warehouse do NOT match."); System.out.println("Beginning inventory process again!"); boxes = 0; } else { System.out.println("Inventory and warehouse MATCH."); warehouse.ship(); } In this if-else statement, the value of boxes is compared to a value obtained by calling the getCount method of the warehouse object (whatever that is). If they do not match exactly, two println statements and an assignment statement are executed. If they do match, a different message is printed and the ship method of warehouse is invoked. Nested if statements The statement executed as the result of an if statement could be another if statement. This situation is called a nested if. It allows us to make another decision after determining the results of a previous decision. The program in Listing 5.6, called MinOfThree, uses nested if statements to determine the smallest of three integer values entered by the user. Carefully trace the logic of the MinOfThree program, using various input sets with the minimum value in all three positions, to see how it determines the lowest value. An important situation arises with nested if statements. It may seem that an else clause after a nested if could apply to either if statement. For example: if (code == 'R') if (height <= 20) System.out.println("Situation Normal"); else System.out.println("Bravo!"); 249 250 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops L i s t i N g 5 . 6 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of nested if statements. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; public class MinOfThree { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Reads three integers from the user and determines the smallest // value. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { int num1, num2, num3, min = 0; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter three integers: "); num1 = scan.nextInt(); num2 = scan.nextInt(); num3 = scan.nextInt(); if (num1 < num2) if (num1 < num3) min = num1; else min = num3; else if (num2 < num3) min = num2; else min = num3; System.out.println("Minimum value: " + min); } } O u t p u t Enter three integers: 45 22 69 Minimum value: 22 5 . 2 The if Statement Is the else clause matched to the inner if statement or the outer if Key CONCept statement? The indentation in this example implies that it is part of In a nested if statement, an else the inner if statement, and that is correct. An else clause is always clause is matched to the closest matched to the closest unmatched if that preceded it. However, if unmatched if. we’re not careful, we can easily mismatch it in our mind and misalign the indentation. This is another reason why accurate, consistent indentation is crucial. Braces can be used to specify the if statement to which an else clause belongs. For example, if the previous example should have been structured so that the string "Bravo!" is printed if code is not equal to 'R', we could force that relationship (and properly indent) as follows: if (code == 'R') { if (height <= 20) System.out.println("Situation Normal"); } else System.out.println("Bravo!"); By using the block statement in the first if statement, we establish that the else clause belongs to it. s e L F - r e v iew QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 5.8 What output is produced by the following code fragment given the assumptions below? if (num1 < num2) System.out.print(" red "); if ((num1 + 5) < num2) System.out.print(" white "); else System.out.print(" blue "); System.out.println(" yellow "); a. Assuming the value of num1 is 2 and the value of num2 is 10? b. Assuming the value of num1 is 10 and the value of num2 is 2? c. Assuming the value of num1 is 2 and the value of num2 is 2? SR 5.9 How do block statements help us in the construction of conditionals? SR 5.10 What is a nested if statement? SR 5.11 For each assumption, what output is produced by the following code fragment? 251 252 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops if (num1 >= num2) { System.out.print(" red "); System.out.print(" orange "); } if ((num1 + 5) >= num2) System.out.print(" white "); else if ((num1 + 10) >= num2) { System.out.print(" black "); System.out.print(" blue "); } else System.out.print(" yellow "); System.out.println(" green "); a. Assuming the value of num1 is 5 and the value of num2 is 4? b. Assuming the value of num1 is 5 and the value of num2 is 12? c. Assuming the value of num1 is 5 and the value of num2 is 27? SR 5.12 Write an expression that will print a message based on the value of the int variable named temperature. If temperature is equal to or less than 50, it prints “It is cool.” on one line and “Dress warmly.” on the next. If temperature is greater than 80, it prints “It is warm.” on one line and “Dress coolly.” on the next. If temperature is in between 50 and 80, it prints “It is pleasant.” on one line and “Dress pleasantly.” on the next. 5.3 Comparing Data When comparing data using boolean expressions, it’s important to understand some nuances that arise depending on the type of data being examined. Let’s look at a few key situations. Comparing Floats An interesting situation occurs when comparing floating point data. Two floating point values are equal, according to the == operator, only if all the binary digits of their underlying representations match. If the compared values are the results of 5 . 3 Comparing Data 253 computation, it may be unlikely that they are exactly equal even if they are close enough for the specific situation. Therefore, you should rarely use the equality operator (==) when comparing floating point values. A better way to check for floating point equality is to compute the absolute value of the difference between the two values and compare the result to some tolerance level. For example, we may choose a tolerance level of 0.00001. If the two floating point values are so close that their difference is less than the tolerance, then we are willing to consider them equal. Comparing two floating point values, f1 and f2, could be accomplished as follows: if (Math.abs(f1 - f2) < TOLERANCE) System.out.println("Essentially equal."); The value of the constant TOLERANCE should be appropriate for the situation. Comparing Characters We know what it means when we say that one number is less than another, but what does it mean to say one character is less than another? As we discussed in Chapter 2, characters in Java are based on the Unicode character set, which defines an ordering of all possible characters that can be used. Because the character 'a' comes before the character 'b' in the character set, we can say that 'a' is less than 'b'. We can use the equality and relational operators on character data. For example, if two character variables ch1 and ch2 hold two characters, we might determine their relative ordering in the Unicode character set with an if statement as follows: Key CONCept The relative order of characters in Java is defined by the Unicode character set. if (ch1 > ch2) System.out.println(ch1 + " is greater than " + ch2); else System.out.println(ch1 + " is NOT greater than " + ch2); The Unicode character set is structured so that all lowercase alphabetic characters ('a' through 'z') are contiguous and in alphabetical order. The same is true of uppercase alphabetic characters ('A' through 'Z') and characters that represent digits ('0' through '9'). The digits precede the uppercase alphabetic characters, which precede the lowercase alphabetic characters. Before, after, and in between these groups are other characters. See the chart in Appendix C for details. Remember that a character and a character string are two different types of information. A char is a primitive value that represents one character. A character string is represented as an object in Java, defined by the String class. While comparing strings is based on comparing the characters in the strings, the comparison is governed by the rules for comparing objects. 254 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops Comparing Objects The Unicode relationships among characters make it easy to sort characters and strings of characters. If you have a list of names, for instance, you can put them in alphabetical order based on the inherent relationships among characters in the character set. However, you should not use the equality or relational operators to compare String objects. The String class contains a method called equals that returns a boolean value that is true if the two strings being compared contain exactly the same characters and is false otherwise. For example: if (name1.equals(name2)) System.out.println("The names are the same."); else System.out.println("The names are not the same."); K e y C O N C e pt The compareTo method can be used to determine the relative order of strings. Assuming that name1 and name2 are String objects, this condition determines whether the characters they contain are an exact match. Because both objects were created from the String class, they both respond to the equals message. Therefore, the condition could have been written as name2.equals(name1), and the same result would occur. It is valid to test the condition (name1 == name2), but that actually tests to see whether both reference variables refer to the same String object. For any object, the == operator tests whether both reference variables are aliases of each other (whether they contain the same address). That’s different from testing to see whether two different String objects contain the same characters. Keep in mind that a string literal (such as "Nathan") is a convenience and is actually a shorthand technique for creating a String object. An interesting issue related to string comparisons is the fact that Java creates a unique object for string literals only when needed. That is, if the string literal "Hi" is used multiple times in a method, only one String object is created to represent it. Therefore, the conditions of both if statements in the following code are true: String str = "software"; if (str == "software") System.out.println("References are the same"); if (str.equals("software")) System.out.println("Characters are the same"); The first time the string literal "software" is used, a String object is created to represent it and the reference variable str is set to its address. Each subsequent time the literal is used, the original object is referenced. 5 . 3 Comparing Data To determine the relative ordering of two strings, use the compareTo method of the String class. The compareTo method is more versatile than the equals method. Instead of returning a boolean value, the compareTo method returns an integer. The return value is negative if the String object through which the method is invoked precedes (is less than) the string that is passed in as a parameter. The return value is zero if the two strings contain the same characters. The return value is positive if the String object through which the method is invoked follows (is greater than) the string that is passed in as a parameter. For example: int result = name1.compareTo(name2); if (result < 0) System.out.println(name1 + " comes before " + name2); else if (result == 0) System.out.println("The names are equal."); else System.out.println(name1 + " follows " + name2); Keep in mind that comparing characters and strings is based on the Unicode character set (see Appendix C). This is called a lexicographic ordering. If all alphabetic characters are in the same case (upper or lower), the lexicographic ordering will be alphabetic ordering as well. However, when comparing two strings, such as "able" and "Baker", the compareTo method will conclude that "Baker" comes first because all of the uppercase letters come before all of the lowercase letters in the Unicode character set. A string that is the prefix of another, longer string is considered to precede the longer string. For example, when comparing the two strings "horse" and "horsefly", the compareTo method will conclude that "horse" comes first. s e L F - r e v iew QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 5.13 Why must we be careful when comparing floating point values for equality? SR 5.14 How do we compare strings for equality? SR 5.15 Write an equals method for the Die class of Section4.2. The method should return true if the Die object it is invoked on has the same facevalue as the Die object passed as a parameter, otherwise it should return false. SR 5.16 Assume the String variables s1 and s2 have been initialized. Write an expression that prints out the two strings on separate lines in lexicographic order. 255 256 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops 5.4 the while statement As we discussed in the introduction of this chapter, a repetition statement (or loop) allows us to execute another statement multiple times. A while statement is a loop that evaluates a boolean condition just as an if statement does and executes a statement (called the body of the loop) if the condition is true. However, unlike the if statement, after the body is executed, the condition is evaluated again. If it is still true, the body is executed again. This repetition continues until the condition becomes false; then processing continues with the statement after the body of the while loop. Figure 5.7 shows this processing. while statement switch ( Expression ) { } Switch Case The while loop repeatedly executes the specified Statement as long as the boolean Expression is true. The Expression is evaluated first; therefore the Statement might not be executed at all. The Expression is evaluated again after each execution of Statement until the Expression becomes false. Example: while (total > max) { total = total / 2; System.out.println("Current total: " + total); } condition evaluated true false statement Fig u r e 5 . 7 The logic of a while loop 5 . 4 The while Statement The following loop prints the values from 1 to 5. Each iteration through the loop prints one value, then increments the counter. int count = 1; while (count <= 5) { System.out.println(count); count++; } Key CONCept A while statement executes the same statement until its condition becomes false. Note that the body of the while loop is a block containing two statements. The entire block is repeated on each iteration of the loop. Let’s look at another program that uses a while loop. The Average program shown in Listing 5.7 reads a series of integer values from the user, sums them up, and computes their average. We don’t know how many values the user may enter, so we need to have a way to indicate that the user has finished entering numbers. In this program, we designate zero to be a sentinel value that indicates the end of the input. The while loop continues to process input values until the user enters zero. This assumes that zero L i s ti N g 5 . 7 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of a while loop, a sentinel value, and a // running sum. //******************************************************************** import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Scanner; public class Average { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Computes the average of a set of values entered by the user. // The running sum is printed as the numbers are entered. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { int sum = 0, value, count = 0; double average; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; 257 258 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops L i s t i N g 5 . 7 continued System.out.print("Enter an integer (0 to quit): "); value = scan.nextInt(); while (value != 0) { count++; // sentinel value of 0 to terminate loop sum += value; System.out.println("The sum so far is " + sum); System.out.print("Enter an integer (0 to quit): "); value = scan.nextInt(); } System.out.println (); if (count == 0) System.out.println("No values were entered."); else { average = (double)sum / count; DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("0.###"); System.out.println("The average is " + fmt.format(average)); } } } O u t p u t Enter an integer (0 to The sum so far is 25 Enter an integer (0 to The sum so far is 189 Enter an integer (0 to The sum so far is 175 Enter an integer (0 to The sum so far is 259 Enter an integer (0 to The sum so far is 271 Enter an integer (0 to The sum so far is 236 Enter an integer (0 to The average is 39.333 quit): 25 quit): 164 quit): -14 quit): 84 quit): 12 quit): -35 quit): 0 5 . 4 The while Statement 259 is not one of the valid numbers that should contribute to the average. A sentinel value must always be outside the normal range of values entered. Note that in the Average program, a variable called sum is used to maintain a running sum, which means it is the sum of the values entered thus far. The variable sum is initialized to zero, and each value read is added to and stored back into sum. VideoNote Examples using while loops. We also have to count the number of values that are entered so that after the loop concludes we can divide by the appropriate value to compute the average. Note that the sentinel value is not counted. Consider the unusual situation in which the user immediately enters the sentinel value before entering any valid values. The if statement at the end of the program avoids a divide-by-zero error. Let’s examine yet another program that uses a while loop. The WinPercentage program shown in Listing 5.8 computes the winning percentage of a sports team based on the number of games won. We use a while loop in the WinPercentage program to validate the input, meaning we guarantee that the user enters a value that we consider to be valid. In this example, that means that the number of games won must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to the total number of games played. The while loop continues to execute, repeatedly prompting the user for valid input, until the entered number is indeed valid. L i s ti N g 5 . 8 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of a while loop for input validation. //******************************************************************** import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Scanner; public class WinPercentage { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Computes the percentage of games won by a team. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { final int NUM_GAMES = 12; int won; double ratio; 260 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops L i s t i N g 5 . 8 continued Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter the number of games won (0 to " + NUM_GAMES + "): "); won = scan.nextInt(); while (won < 0 || won > NUM_GAMES) { System.out.print("Invalid input. Please reenter: "); won = scan.nextInt(); } ratio = (double)won / NUM_GAMES; NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Winning percentage: " + fmt.format(ratio)); } } O u t p u t Enter the number of games won (0 to 12): -5 Invalid input. Please reenter: 13 Invalid input. Please reenter: 7 Winning percentage: 58% We generally want our programs to be robust, which means that they handle potential problems as elegantly as possible. Validating input data and avoiding errors such as dividing by zero are situations that we should consciously address when designing a program. Loops and conditionals help us recognize and deal with such situations. infinite Loops It is the programmer’s responsibility to ensure that the condition of a loop will eventually become false. If it doesn’t, the loop body will execute forever, or at least until the program is interrupted. This situation, referred to as an infinite loop, is a common mistake. 5 . 4 The while Statement The following is an example of an infinite loop: int count = 1; while (count <= 25) // Warning: this is an infinite loop! { System.out.println(count); count = count - 1; } If you execute this loop, you should be prepared to interrupt it. On most systems, pressing the Control-C keyboard combination (hold down the Control key and press C) terminates a running program. In this example, the initial value of count is 1, and it is decremented in the loop body. The while loop will continue as long as count is less than or equal to 25. Because count gets smaller with each iteration, the condition will Key CONCept always be true, or at least until the value of count gets so small that We must design our programs carean underflow error occurs. The point is that the logic of the code is fully to avoid infinite loops. clearly wrong. Let’s look at some other examples of infinite loops: int count = 1; while (count != 50) count += 2; // infinite loop In this code fragment, the variable count is initialized to 1 and is moving in a positive direction. However, note that it is being incremented by 2 each time. This loop will never terminate because count will never equal 50. It begins at 1 and then changes to 3, then 5, and so on. Eventually it reaches 49, then changes to 51, then 53, and continues forever. Now consider the following situation: double num = 1.0; while (num != 0.0) // infinite loop num = num - 0.1; Once again, the value of the loop control variable seems to be moving in the correct direction. And, in fact, it seems like num will eventually take on the value 0.0. However, this loop is infinite (at least on most systems), because num will never have a value exactly equal to 0.0. This situation is similar to one we discussed earlier in this chapter when we explored the idea of comparing floating point values in the condition of an if statement. Because of the way the values are represented in binary, minute computational errors occur internally, making it problematic to compare two floating point values for equality. 261 262 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops Nested Loops The body of a loop can contain another loop. This situation is called a nested loop. Keep in mind that for each iteration of the outer loop, the inner loop executes completely. Consider the following code fragment. How many times does the string "Here again" get printed? int count1, count2; count1 = 1; while (count1 <= 10) { count2 = 1; while (count2 <= 50) { System.out.println("Here again"); count2++; } count1++; } The println statement is inside the inner loop. The outer loop executes 10 times, as count1 iterates between 1 and 10. The inner loop executes 50 times, as count2 iterates between 1 and 50. For each iteration of the outer loop, the inner loop executes completely. Therefore the println statement is executed 500 times. As with any loop situation, we must be careful to scrutinize the conditions of the loops and the initializations of variables. Let’s consider some small changes to this code. What if the condition of the outer loop were (count1 < 10) instead of (count1 <= 10)? How would that change the total number of lines printed? Well, the outer loop would execute 9 times instead of 10, so the println statement would be executed 450 times. What if the outer loop were left as it was originally defined, but count2 were initialized to 11 instead of 1 before the inner loop? The inner loop would then execute 40 times instead of 50, so the total number of lines printed would be 400. Let’s look at another example that uses a nested loop. A palindrome is a string of characters that reads the same forward or backward. For example, the following strings are palindromes: ■ radar ■ drab bard ■ ab cde xxxx edc ba ■ kayak ■ deified ■ able was I ere I saw elba 5 . 4 The while Statement Note that some palindromes have an even number of characters, whereas others have an odd number of characters. The PalindromeTester program shown in Listing 5.9 tests to see whether a string is a palindrome. The user may test as many strings as desired. The code for PalindromeTester contains two loops, one inside the other. The outer loop controls how many strings are tested, and the inner loop scans L i s ti N g 5 . 9 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of nested while loops. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; public class PalindromeTester { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Tests strings to see if they are palindromes. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { String str, another = "y"; int left, right; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; while (another.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) // allows y or Y { System.out.println("Enter a potential palindrome:"); str = scan.nextLine(); left = 0; right = str.length() - 1; while (str.charAt(left) == str.charAt(right) && left < right) { left++; right--; } System.out.println(); 263 264 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops L i s t i N g 5 . 9 continued if (left < right) System.out.println("That string is NOT a palindrome."); else System.out.println("That string IS a palindrome."); System.out.println(); System.out.print("Test another palindrome (y/n)? "); another = scan.nextLine(); } } } O u t p u t Enter a potential palindrome: radar That string IS a palindrome. Test another palindrome (y/n)? y Enter a potential palindrome: able was I ere I saw elba That string IS a palindrome. Test another palindrome (y/n)? y Enter a potential palindrome: abcddcba That string IS a palindrome. Test another palindrome (y/n)? y Enter a potential palindrome: abracadabra That string is NOT a palindrome. Test another palindrome (y/n)? n 5 . 4 The while Statement through each string, character by character, until it determines whether the string is a palindrome. The variables left and right store the indexes of two characters. They initially indicate the characters on either end of the string. Each iteration of the inner loop compares the two characters indicated by left and right. We fall out of the inner loop when either the characters don’t match, meaning the string is not a palindrome, or when the value of left becomes equal to or greater than the value of right, which means the entire string has been tested and it is a palindrome. Note that the following phrases would not be considered palindromes by the current version of the program: ■ A man, a plan, a canal, Panama. ■ Dennis and Edna sinned. ■ Rise to vote, sir. ■ Doom an evil deed, liven a mood. ■ Go hang a salami; I’m a lasagna hog. These strings fail our current criteria for a palindrome because of the spaces, punctuation marks, and changes in uppercase and lowercase. However, if these characteristics were removed or ignored, these strings read the same forward and backward. Consider how the program could be changed to handle these situations. These modifications are included as a programming project at the end of the chapter. the break and continue statements Java includes two statements that affect the processing of conditionals and loops. When a break statement is executed, the flow of execution transfers immediately to the statement after the one governing the current flow. For example, if a break statement is executed within the body of a loop, the execution of the loop is stopped and the statement following the loop is executed. It “breaks” out of the loop. In Chapter 6 we’ll see that using the break statement is usually necessary when writing switch statements. However, it is never necessary to use a break statement in a loop. An equivalent loop can always be written without it. Because the break statement causes program flow to jump from one place to another, using a break in a loop is not good practice. You can and should avoid using the break statement in a loop. A continue statement has a related effect on loop processing. The continue statement is similar to a break, but the loop condition is evaluated again, and the loop body is executed again if it is still true. Like the break statement, the continue statement can always be avoided in a loop, and for the same reasons, it should be. 265 266 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops seLF-review QuestiONs ( see answers in Appendix N) SR 5.17 What is an infinite loop? Specifically, what causes it? SR 5.18 What output is produced by the following code fragment? int low = 0, high = 10; while (low < high) { System.out.println(low); low++; } SR 5.19 What output is produced by the following code fragment? int low = 10, high = 0; while (low <= high) { System.out.println(low); low++; } SR 5.20 What output is produced by the following code fragment? int low = 0, high = 10; while (low <= high) { System.out.println(low); high = high − low; } SR 5.21 What output is produced by the following code fragment? int low = 0, high = 10, mid; while (low <= high) { mid = low; while (mid <= high) { System.out.print(mid + " "); mid++; } System.out.println(); low++; } SR 5.22 Assume the int variable value has been initialized to a positive integer. Write a while loop that prints all of the positive divisors of value. For example, if value is 28, it prints divisors of 28: 1 2 4 7 14 28 5 . 5 Iterators SR 5.23 Assume the int variable value has been initialized to a positive integer. Write a while loop that prints all of the positive divisors of each number from one to value. For example, if value is 4, it prints divisors of 1: 1 divisors of 2: 1 2 divisors of 3: 1 3 divisors of 4: 1 2 4 5.5 iterators An iterator is an object that has methods that allow you to process Key CONCept a collection of items one at a time. That is, an iterator lets you step An iterator is an object that helps through each item and interact with it as needed. For example, your you process a group of related goal may be to compute the dues for each member of a club or print items. the distinct parts of a URL. The key is that an iterator provides a consistent and simple mechanism for systematically processing a group of items. Since it is inherently a repetitive process, it is closely related to the idea of loops. Technically an iterator object in Java is defined using the Iterator interface, which is discussed in Chapter 7. For now, it is simply helpful to know that such objects exist and that they can make the processing of a collection of items easier. Every iterator object has a method called hasNext that returns a boolean value indicating if there is at least one more item to process. Therefore the hasNext method can be used as a condition of a loop to control the processing of each item. An iterator also has a method called next to retrieve the next item in the collection to process. There are several classes in the Java standard class library that define iterator objects. One of these is Scanner, a class we’ve used several times in previous examples to help us read data from the user. The hasNext method of the Scanner class returns true if there is another input token to process. And, as we’ve seen previously, it has a next method that returns the next input token as a string. The Scanner class also has specific variations of the hasNext method, such as the hasNextInt and hasNextDouble methods, which allow you to determine if the next input token is a particular type. Likewise, as we’ve seen, there are variations of the next method, such as nextInt and nextDouble, which retrieve values of specific types. When reading input interactively from the standard input stream, the hasNext method of the Scanner class will wait until there is input available, then return true. That is, interactive input read from the keyboard is always thought to have 267 268 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops more data to process—it just hasn’t arrived yet until the user types it in. That’s why in previous examples we’ve used special sentinel values to determine the end of interactive input. However, the fact that a Scanner object is an iterator is particularly helpful when the scanner is being used to process input from a source that has a specific end point, such as processing the lines of a data file or processing the parts of a character string. Let’s examine an example of this type of processing. reading text Files Suppose we have an input file called urls.inp that contains a list of URLs that we want to process in some way: The program shown in Listing 5.10 reads the URLs from this file and dissects them to show the various parts of the path. It uses a Scanner object to process the input. In fact, it uses multiple Scanner objects—one to read the lines of the data file and another to process each URL string. L i s t i N g 5 . 1 0 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of Scanner to read file input and parse it // using alternative delimiters. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; import*; public class URLDissector { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Reads urls from a file and prints their path components. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { 5 . 5 Iterators L i s ti N g 5 . 1 0 continued String url; Scanner fileScan, urlScan; fileScan = new Scanner(new File("urls.inp")); // Read and process each line of the file while (fileScan.hasNext()) { url = fileScan.nextLine(); System.out.println("URL: " + url); urlScan = new Scanner(url); urlScan.useDelimiter("/"); // Print each part of the url while (urlScan.hasNext()) System.out.println(" " +; System.out.println(); } } } O u t p u t URL: URL: info gnu.html URL: calendar URL: undergraduate about URL: watch?v=EHCRimwRGLs 269 270 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops There are two while loops in this program, one nested within the other. The outer loop processes each line in the file, and the inner loop processes each token in the current line. The variable fileScan is created as a scanner that operates on the input file named urls.inp. Instead of passing into the Scanner constructor, we instantiate a File object that represents the input file and pass it into the Scanner constructor. At that point, the fileScan object is ready to read and process input from the input file. If for some reason there is a problem finding or opening the input file, the attempt to create a File object will throw an IOException, which is why we’ve added the throws IOException clause to the main method header. (Processing I/O exceptions is discussed further in Chapter 11.) The body of the outer while loop will be executed as long as the hasNext method of the input file scanner returns true—that is, as long as there is more input in the data file to process. Each iteration through the loop reads one line (one URL) from the input file and prints it out. For each URL, a new Scanner object is set up to parse the pieces of the URL string, which is passed into the Scanner constructor when instantiating the urlScan object. The inner while loop prints each token of the URL on a separate line. K e y C O N C e pt The delimiters used to separate tokens in a Scanner object can be explicitly set as needed. Recall that, by default, a Scanner object assumes that white space (spaces, tabs, and new lines) is used as the delimiters separating the input tokens. That works in this example for the scanner that is reading each line of the input file. However, if the default delimiters do not suffice, as in the processing of a URL in this example, they can be changed. In this case, we are interested in each part of the path separated by the slash (/) character. A call to the useDelimiter method of the scanner sets the delimiter to a slash prior to processing the URL string. If you want to use more than one alternate delimiter character, or if you want to parse the input in more complex ways, the Scanner class can process patterns called regular expressions, which are discussed in Appendix H. seLF-review QuestiONs ( see answers in Appendix N) SR 5.24 Devise statements that create each of the following Scanner objects. a. One for interactive input, which reads from b. One that reads from the file “info.dat”. c. One that reads from the String variable infoString. SR 5.25 Assume the Scanner object fileScan has been initialized to read from a file. Write a while loop that calculates the average number of characters per line of the file. 5 . 6 The ArrayList Class 5.6 271 the arrayList Class Now that we have a loop in our arsenal of programming statements, let’s introduce a very useful class for managing a set of objects. The ArrayList class is part of the java. util package of the Java standard class library. An ArrayList object stores a list of objects and allows you to refer to each one by an integer index value. We will often use loops to scan through the objects in the list and deal with them in one way or another. Internally, the ArrayList class manages the list using a programKey CONCept ming construct called an array (hence the name). Arrays are discussed An ArrayList object stores a list in detail in Chapter 8, but we don’t have to know the details of arrays of objects and lets you access them to make use of an ArrayList object. The ArrayList class is part of using an integer index. the Java Collections API, a group of classes that serve to organize and manage other objects. We discuss collection classes further in Chapter 13. Figure 5.8 lists several methods of the ArrayList class. You can add and remove elements in various ways, determine if the list is empty, and obtain the number of elements currently in the list, among several other operations. Note that the ArrayList class refers to having elements of type E. That is a generic type (the E stands for element), which is determined when an ArrayList object is created. So you don’t just create an ArrayList object, you create an ArrayList object that will store a particular type of object. The type parameter for a given object is written in angle brackets after the class name. So we can talk about an ArrayList object that manages a list of String objects, or an ArrayList that manages a list of Book objects. You can create an ArrayList without specifying the type of element, in which case the ArrayList stores Object references, which means that you can put any type of object in the list. This is usually not a good idea. The point of being able to commit to storing a particular type in a given ArrayList object lets the compiler help you check that only the appropriate types of objects are being stored in the object. Key CONCept When an ArrayList object is created, you specify the type of element that will be stored in the list. The index values of an ArrayList begin at 0, not 1. So conceptually, for example, an ArrayList of String objects might be managing the following list: 0 1 2 3 4 "Bashful" "Sleepy" "Happy" "Dopey" "Doc" Also note that an ArrayList stores references to objects. You cannot create an ArrayList that stores primitive values such as an int. But that’s where wrapper classes come to the rescue again. For example, you can create an ArrayList or an ArrayList as appropriate. 272 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops ArrayList() Constructor: creates an initially empty list. boolean add(E obj) Inserts the specified object to the end of this list. void add(int index, E obj) Inserts the specified object into this list at the specified index. void clear() Removes all elements from this list. E remove(int index) Removes the element at the specified index in this list and returns it. E get(int index) Returns the object at the specified index in this list without removing it. int indexOf(Object obj) Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified object. boolean contains(Object obj) Returns true if this list contains the specified object. boolean isEmpty() Returns true if this list contains no elements. int size() Returns the number of elements in this list. Figure 5.8 Some methods of the ArrayList class. The program shown in Listing 5.11 instantiates an ArrayList called band. The method add is used to add several String objects to the end of the ArrayList in a specific order. Then one particular string is deleted and another is inserted at a particular index. As with any other object, the toString method of the ArrayList class is automatically called whenever it is sent to the println method, which prints all of the elements surrounded by square brackets. The while loop at the end of the program explicitly prints each element on a separate line. L i s t i N g 5 . 1 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of a ArrayList object. //******************************************************************** 5 . 6 The ArrayList Class L i s ti N g 5 . 1 1 continued import java.util.ArrayList; public class Beatles { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Stores and modifies a list of band members. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList band = new ArrayList(); band.add("Paul"); band.add("Pete"); band.add("John"); band.add("George"); System.out.println(band); int location = band.indexOf("Pete"); band.remove(location); System.out.println(band); System.out.println("At index 1: " + band.get(1)); band.add(2, "Ringo"); System.out.println("Size of the band: " + band.size()); int index = 0; while (index < band.size()) { System.out.println(band.get(index)); index++; } } } O u t p u t [Paul, Pete, John, George] [Paul, John, George] At index 1: John Size of the band: 4 Paul John Ringo George 273 274 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops seLF-review QuestiONs SR 5.26 What are the advantages of using an ArrayList object? SR 5.27 What type of elements does an ArrayList hold? SR 5.28 Write a declaration for a variable named dice that is an ArrayList of Die objects. SR 5.29 What output is produced by the following code fragment? ArrayList names = new ArrayList(); names.add("Andy"); names.add("Betty"); names.add(1, "Chet"); names.add(1, "Don"); names.remove(2); System.out.println(names); 5.7 Determining event sources In Chapter 4 we began our exploration of creating programs with a truly interactive graphical user interface (GUI). You’ll recall that interactive GUIs require that we create listener objects and set up the relationship between listeners and the components that generate the events of interest. Let’s look at an example in which one listener object is used to listen to two different components. The program represented by the LeftRight class, shown in Listing 5.12 displays a label and two buttons. When the left button is pressed, the label displays the word Left, and when the right button is pressed, the label displays the word Right. The LeftRightPanel class, shown in Listing 5.13, creates one instance of the ButtonListener object, then adds that listener to both buttons. Therefore, when either button is pressed, the actionPerformed method of the ButtonListener class is invoked. On each invocation, the actionPerformed method uses an if-else statement to determine which button generated the event. The getSource method is called on the ActionEvent object that the button passes into the actionPerformed method. The getSource method returns a reference to the component that generated the event. The condition of the if statement compares the event source to the reference to the left button. If they don’t match, then the event must have been generated by the right button. 5 . 7 Determining Event Sources L i s ti N g 5 . 1 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of one listener for multiple buttons. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JFrame; public class LeftRight { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates the main program frame. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Left Right"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.getContentPane().add(new LeftRightPanel()); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } D i s p L a y 275 276 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops L i s t i N g 5 . 1 3 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of one listener for multiple buttons. //******************************************************************** import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class LeftRightPanel extends JPanel { private JButton left, right; private JLabel label; private JPanel buttonPanel; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up the GUI. //----------------------------------------------------------------public LeftRightPanel() { left = new JButton("Left"); right = new JButton("Right"); ButtonListener listener = new ButtonListener(); left.addActionListener(listener); right.addActionListener(listener); label = new JLabel("Push a button"); buttonPanel = new JPanel(); buttonPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 40)); buttonPanel.setBackground(; buttonPanel.add(left); buttonPanel.add(right); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 80)); setBackground(Color.cyan); add(label); add(buttonPanel); } 5 . 8 Check Boxes and Radio Buttons L i s ti N g 5 . 1 3 continued //***************************************************************** // Represents a listener for both buttons. //***************************************************************** private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener { //-------------------------------------------------------------// Determines which button was pressed and sets the label // text accordingly. //-------------------------------------------------------------public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (event.getSource() == left) label.setText("Left"); else label.setText("Right"); } } } We could have created two separate listener classes, one to listen to the left button and another to listen to the right. In that case, the actionPerformed method would not have to determine the source of the event. Whether to have multiple listeners or determine the event source when it occurs is a design decision that should be made depending on the situation. Note that the two buttons are put on the same panel called buttonPanel, which is separate from the panel represented by the LeftRightPanel class. By putting both buttons on one panel, we can guarantee their visual relationship to each other even when the frame is resized in various ways. For buttons labeled Left and Right, that may be important. 5.8 Check boxes and radio buttons A push button, as defined by the JButton class, is only one kind of button that we can use in a Java GUI. Two other kinds are check boxes and radio buttons. Let’s look at these in detail. Check boxes A check box is a button that can be toggled on or off using the mouse, indicating that a particular boolean condition is set or unset. For example, a check box 277 278 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops labeled Collate might be used to indicate whether the output of a print job should be collated. Although you might have a group of check boxes indicating a set of options, each check box operates independently. That is, each can be set to on or off and the status of one does not influence the others. The program in Listing 5.14 displays two check boxes and a label. The check boxes determine whether the text of the label is displayed in bold, italic, both, or neither. Any combination of bold and italic is valid. For example, both check boxes could be checked (on), in which case the text is displayed in both bold and italic. If neither is checked, the text of the label is displayed in a plain style. The GUI for the StyleOptions program is embodied in the StyleOptionsPanel class shown in Listing 5.15. A check box is represented by the JCheckBox class. When a check box changes state from selected (checked) to deselected (unchecked), or vice versa, it generates an item event. The ItemListener interface contains a single method called itemStateChanged. In this example, we use the same listener object to handle both check boxes. L i s t i N g 5 . 1 4 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of check boxes. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JFrame; public class StyleOptions { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates and presents the program frame. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Style Options"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); StyleOptionsPanel panel = new StyleOptionsPanel(); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } 5 . 8 Check Boxes and Radio Buttons L i s ti N g 5 . 1 4 continued D i s p L a y L i s ti N g 5 . 1 5 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of check boxes. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class StyleOptionsPanel extends JPanel { private JLabel saying; private JCheckBox bold, italic; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up a panel with a label and some check boxes that // control the style of the label's font. //----------------------------------------------------------------public StyleOptionsPanel() { saying = new JLabel("Say it with style!"); saying.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 36)); bold = new JCheckBox("Bold"); bold.setBackground(Color.cyan); 279 280 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops L i s t i N g 5 . 1 5 continued italic = new JCheckBox("Italic"); italic.setBackground(Color.cyan); StyleListener listener = new StyleListener(); bold.addItemListener(listener); italic.addItemListener(listener); add(saying); add(bold); add(italic); setBackground(Color.cyan); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 100)); } //***************************************************************** // Represents the listener for both check boxes. //***************************************************************** private class StyleListener implements ItemListener { //-------------------------------------------------------------// Updates the style of the label font style. //-------------------------------------------------------------public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event) { int style = Font.PLAIN; if (bold.isSelected()) style = Font.BOLD; if (italic.isSelected()) style += Font.ITALIC; saying.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", style, 36)); } } } This program also uses the Font class, which represents a particular character font. A Font object is defined by the font name, the font style, and the font size. The font name establishes the general visual characteristics of the characters. We are using the Helvetica font in this program. The style of a Java font can be plain, 5 . 8 Check Boxes and Radio Buttons bold, italic, or bold and italic combined. The check boxes in our GUI are set up to change the characteristics of our font style. The style of a font is represented as an integer, and integer constants defined in the Font class are used to represent the various aspects of the style. The constant PLAIN is used to represent a plain style. The constants BOLD and ITALIC are used to represent bold and italic, respectively. The sum of the BOLD and ITALIC constants indicates a style that is both bold and italic. The itemStateChanged method of the listener determines what the revised style should be now that one of the check boxes has changed state. It initially sets the style to be plain. Then each check box is consulted in turn using the isSelected method, which returns a boolean value. First, if the bold check box is selected (checked), then the style is set to bold. Then, if the italic check box is selected, the ITALIC constant is added to the style variable. Finally, the font of the label is set to a new font with its revised style. Note that, given the way the listener is written in this program, it doesn’t matter which check box was clicked to generate the event. Both check boxes are processed by the same listener. It also doesn’t matter whether the changed check box was toggled from selected to unselected or vice versa. The state of both check boxes is examined if either is changed. radio buttons A radio button is used with other radio buttons to provide a set of mutually exclusive options. Unlike a check box, a radio button is not particularly useful by itself. It has meaning only when it is used with one or more other radio buttons. Only one option out of the group is valid. At any point in Key CONCept time, one and only one button of the group of radio buttons is Radio buttons operate as a group, selected (on). When a radio button from the group is pushed, providing a set of mutually exclusive the other button in the group that is currently on is automatioptions. cally toggled off. The term “radio buttons” comes from the way the buttons worked on an old-fashioned car radio. At any point, one button was pushed to specify the current choice of station; when another was pushed, the current one automatically popped out. The QuoteOptions program, shown in Listing 5.16, displays a label and a group of radio buttons. The radio buttons determine which quote is displayed in the label. Because only one of the quotes can be displayed at a time, the use of radio buttons is appropriate. For example, if the Comedy radio button is selected, the comedy quote is displayed in the label. If the Philosophy button is then pressed, the Comedy radio button is automatically toggled off and the comedy quote is replaced by a philosophical one. VideoNote Examples using check boxes and radio buttons. 281 282 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops L i s t i N g 5 . 1 6 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of radio buttons. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JFrame; public class QuoteOptions { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates and presents the program frame. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Quote Options"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); QuoteOptionsPanel panel = new QuoteOptionsPanel(); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } D i s p L a y 5 . 8 Check Boxes and Radio Buttons The QuoteOptionsPanel class, shown in Listing 5.17, sets up and displays the GUI components. A radio button is represented by the JRadioButton class. Because the radio buttons in a set work together, the ButtonGroup class is used to define a set of related radio buttons. Note that each button is added to the button group, and also that each button is added individually to the panel. A ButtonGroup object is not a container to organize and display components; it is simply a way to define the group of radio buttons that work together to form a set of dependent options. The ButtonGroup object ensures that the currently selected radio button is turned off when another in the group is selected. A radio button produces an action event when it is selected. The actionPerformed method of the listener first retrieves the source of the event using the getSource method and then compares it to each of the three radio buttons in turn. Depending on which button was selected, the text of the label is set to the appropriate quote. L i s ti N g 5 . 1 7 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of radio buttons. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class QuoteOptionsPanel extends JPanel { private JLabel quote; private JRadioButton comedy, philosophy, carpentry; private String comedyQuote, philosophyQuote, carpentryQuote; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up a panel with a label and a set of radio buttons // that control its text. //----------------------------------------------------------------public QuoteOptionsPanel() { comedyQuote = "Take my wife, please."; philosophyQuote = "I think, therefore I am."; carpentryQuote = "Measure twice. Cut once."; 283 284 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops L i s t i N g 5 . 1 7 continued quote = new JLabel(comedyQuote); quote.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 24)); comedy = new JRadioButton("Comedy", true); comedy.setBackground(; philosophy = new JRadioButton("Philosophy"); philosophy.setBackground(; carpentry = new JRadioButton("Carpentry"); carpentry.setBackground(; ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); group.add(comedy); group.add(philosophy); group.add(carpentry); QuoteListener listener = new QuoteListener(); comedy.addActionListener(listener); philosophy.addActionListener(listener); carpentry.addActionListener(listener); add(quote); add(comedy); add(philosophy); add(carpentry); setBackground(; setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 100)); } //***************************************************************** // Represents the listener for all radio buttons. //***************************************************************** private class QuoteListener implements ActionListener { //-------------------------------------------------------------// Sets the text of the label depending on which radio // button was pressed. //-------------------------------------------------------------public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { Object source = event.getSource(); 5 . 8 Check Boxes and Radio Buttons L i s ti N g 5 . 1 7 continued if (source == comedy) quote.setText(comedyQuote); else if (source == philosophy) quote.setText(philosophyQuote); else quote.setText(carpentryQuote); } } } Note that unlike push buttons, both check boxes and radio buttons are toggle buttons, meaning that at any time they are either on or off. The difference is in how they are used. Independent options (choose any combination) are controlled with check boxes. Dependent options (choose one of a set) are controlled with radio buttons. If there is only one option to be managed, a check box can be used by itself. As we mentioned earlier, a radio button, on the other hand, makes sense only in conjunction with one or more other radio buttons. Also note that check boxes and radio buttons produce different types of events. A check box produces an item event, and a radio button produces an action event. The use of different event types is related to the differences in button functionality. A check box produces an event when it is selected or deselected, and the listener could make the distinction if desired. A radio button, on the other hand, produces an event only when it is selected (the currently selected button from the group is deselected automatically). 285 286 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops summary of Key Concepts ■ ■ Conditionals and loops allow us to control the flow of execution through a method. An if statement allows a program to choose whether to execute a particular statement. ■ A loop allows a program to execute a statement multiple times. ■ Logical operators are often used to construct sophisticated conditions. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Proper indentation is important for human readability; it shows the relationship between one statement and another. An if-else statement allows a program to do one thing if a condition is true and another thing if the condition is false. In a nested if statement, an else clause is matched to the closest unmatched if. The relative order of characters in Java is defined by the Unicode character set. The compareTo method can be used to determine the relative order of strings. A while statement executes the same statement until its condition becomes false. ■ We must design our programs carefully to avoid infinite loops. ■ An iterator is an object that helps you process a group of related items. ■ ■ ■ ■ The delimiters used to separate tokens in a Scanner object can be explicitly set as needed. An ArrayList object stores a list of objects and lets you access them using an integer index. When an ArrayList object is created, you specify the type of element that will be stored in the list. Radio buttons operate as a group, providing a set of mutually exclusive options. exercises EX 5.1 What happens in the MinOfThree program if two or more of the values are equal? If exactly two of the values are equal, does it matter whether the equal values are lower or higher than the third? Exercises EX 5.2 What is wrong with the following code fragment? Rewrite it so that it produces correct output. if (total == MAX) if (total < sum) System.out.println("total == MAX and < sum."); else System.out.println("total is not equal to MAX"); EX 5.3 What is wrong with the following code fragment? Will this code compile if it is part of an otherwise valid program? Explain. if (length = MIN_LENGTH) System.out.println("The length is minimal."); EX 5.4 What output is produced by the following code fragment? float product = 100.05, data = 21.75; if (product < data + 50) System.out.println("One is printed!"); System.out.println("Two is printed!"); System.out.println("Three is printed!"); EX 5.5 What output is produced by the following code fragment? int highest = 625, num1 = 25, num2 = 50, num3 = 25; if (highest >= num1 * num3) { if (num1 != num2) System.out.println("One is printed!"); System.out.println("Two is printed!"); } System.out.println("Three is printed!"); EX 5.6 Put the following list of strings in lexicographic order as if determined by the compareTo method of the String class. Consult the Unicode chart in Appendix C. "fred" "Ethel" "?-?-?-?" "{([])}" "Lucy" "ricky" "book" "******" "12345" " " 287 288 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops "HEPHALUMP" "bookkeeper" "6789" ";+ min) { max -= min; System.out.println(max); } EX 5.8 What output is produced by the following code fragment? int par1 = 1, par2 = 129; while (par2 > par1) { if (par1 != 0) System.out.println(par1); par1 *= 2; } EX 5.9 What is wrong with the following code fragment? What are three distinct ways it could be changed to remove the flaw? count = 50; while (count >= 0) { System.out.println(count); count = count + 1; } EX 5.10 Write a while loop that verifies that the user enters a positive integer value. EX 5.11 Write a code fragment that reads and prints integer values entered by a user until a particular sentinel value (stored in SENTINEL) is entered. Do not print the sentinel value. EX 5.12 Write a method called remainder that accepts two integers, divides them if second integer is not zero and returns the value. EX 5.13 Write a method called largerSum that accepts three floating point parameters (of type double) and returns true, if the sum of first two parameters is less than the third, and false, otherwise. Programming Projects EX 5.14 Write a method called complexEquation that accepts three integer parameters and returns true, if the first parameter is not equal to the second and the product of the first two parameters is equal to the third, and false, otherwise. EX 5.15 Write a method called isAlpha that accepts a character parameter and returns true if that character is either an uppercase or lowercase alphabetic letter. EX 5.16 Write a method called floatEquals that accepts three floating point values as parameters. The method should return true if the first two parameters are equal within the tolerance of the third parameter. EX 5.17 Write a method called isIsosceles that accepts three integer parameters that represent the lengths of the sides of a triangle. The method returns true if the triangle is isosceles but not equilateral (meaning that exactly two of the sides have an equal length), and false otherwise. EX 5.18 Explain what would happen if the radio buttons used in the QuoteOptions program were not organized into a ButtonGroup object. Modify the program to test your answer. programming projects PP 5.1 Write a program that reads an integer value from the user representing a year. The purpose of the program is to determine if the year is a leap year (and therefore has 29 days in February) in the Gregorian calendar. A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4, unless it is also divisible by 100 but not 400. For example, the year 2003 is not a leap year, but 2004 is. The year 1900 is not a leap year because it is divisible by 100, but the year 2000 is a leap year because even though it is divisible by 100, it is also divisible by 400. Produce an error message for any input value less than 1582 (the year the Gregorian calendar was adopted). PP 5.2 Modify the solution to the previous project so that the user can evaluate multiple years. Allow the user to terminate the program using an appropriate sentinel value. Validate each input value to ensure it is greater than or equal to 1582. PP 5.3 Write a program that calculates and prints, the sum and product of all the digits in an integer value read from the keyboard. 289 290 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops PP 5.4 Write a program that plays the Hi-Lo guessing game with numbers. The program should pick a random number between 1 and 100 (inclusive), then repeatedly prompt the user to guess the number. On each guess, report to the user that he or she is correct or that the guess is high or low. Continue accepting guesses until the user guesses correctly or chooses to quit. Use a sentinel value to determine whether the user wants to quit. Count the number of guesses and report that value when the user guesses correctly. At the end of each game (by quitting or a correct guess), prompt to determine whether the user wants to play again. Continue playing games until the user chooses to stop. PP 5.5 Create a ChangeCase program which considers a string as an input from the user and identifies whether the characters of the string are in uppercase or lowercase, then changes all the lowercase characters, if any, to uppercase and vice versa. PP 5.6 Design a Person class similar to the Coin class defined in this chapter. Then design and implement a driver class called SelectPerson whose main method creates two Person objects, then randomly selects a gender in both to see in which object a female gender is selected two times in a row. Consider the possibility that they might tie. Print the results of each selection and then print the object name which comes up first with the female gender being selected twice, consecutively. PP 5.7 Write a program that plays the Rock-Paper-Scissors game against the computer. When played between two people, each person picks one of three options (usually shown by a hand gesture) at the same time, and a winner is determined. In the game, Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beats Paper, and Paper beats Rock. The program should randomly choose one of the three options (without revealing it), then prompt for the user’s selection. At that point, the program reveals both choices and prints a statement indicating if the user won, the computer won, or if it was a tie. Continue playing until the user chooses to stop, then print the number of user wins, losses, and ties. PP 5.8 Design and implement an application that simulates an odd slot machine in which five numbers between 1 and 100 are randomly selected and printed side by side. Print an appropriate statement if all five of the numbers are odd, or if any one of the numbers is odd. Continue simulating until the user chooses to stop. VideoNote Developing a solution of PP 5.4. Programming Projects PP 5.9 Modify the Account class from Chapter 4 so that the withdraw method prevents the withdrawal of a negative number from the account of the user. PP 5.10 Modify the Account class from Chapter 4 so that it permits the transfer of money from one account to another. Perform a validity check to ensure that the transferred amount is less than the current balance of the account from which it is being transferred. PP 5.11 Using the PairOfDice class from PP 4.9, design and implement a class to play a game called Pig. In this game, the user competes against the computer. On each turn, the current player rolls a pair of dice and accumulates points. The goal is to reach 100 points before your opponent does. If, on any turn, the player rolls a 1, all points accumulated for that round are forfeited and control of the dice moves to the other player. If the player rolls two 1s in one turn, the player loses all points accumulated thus far in the game and loses control of the dice. The player may voluntarily turn over the dice after each roll. Therefore, the player must decide to either roll again (be a pig) and risk losing points, or relinquish control of the dice, possibly allowing the other player to win. Implement the computer player such that it always relinquishes the dice after accumulating 20 or more points in any given round. PP 5.12 Design and implement a program to process golf scores. The scores of four golfers are stored in a text file. Each line represents one hole, and the file contains 18 lines. Each line contains five values: par for the hole followed by the number of strokes each golfer used on that hole. Store the totals for par and the players in an ArrayList. Determine the winner and produce a table showing how well each golfer did (compared to par). PP 5.13 Design and implement a program that compares two text input files, line by line, for equality. Print any lines that are not equivalent. PP 5.14 Design and implement a program that counts the number of double values in two text files. Produce a table listing the values you identify as double values from each input file. PP 5.15 Design and implement a program that counts the number of punctuation marks in a text input file. Produce a table that shows how many times each symbol occurred. 291 292 Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops PP 5.16 Modify the StyleOptions program in this chapter to allow the user to specify the size of the font. Use a text field to obtain the size. PP 5.17 Develop a simple tool for calculating basic statistics for a segment of text. The application should have a single window with a scrolling text box (a JTextArea) and a stats box. The stats box should be a panel with a titled border, containing labeled fields that display the number of words in the text box and the average word length, as well as any other statistics that you would like to add. The stats box should also contain a button that, when pressed, recomputes the statistics for the current contents of the text field. sOFtware FaiLure therac-25 what happened? The Therac-25 was a radiation therapy machine used to deliver targeted electron or X-ray beams in order to destroy cancerous tissue. While in use, hundreds of patients were given proper treatments using this device. But in six documented cases from 1985 to 1987, the Therac-25 delivered an overdose of radiation resulting in severe disability and death. In a typical treatment, the patient lies down and the operator adjusts the machine to target the appropriate area of the body. The operator sets the parameters of the treatment on the machine’s computer console and pushes a button to deliver the radiation. Patients are told that a typical side effect is minor skin discomfort similar to that of a mild sunburn. In the accident cases, some patients reported feeling a “tremendous force of heat” or an “electric tingling shock.” In one case, the patient lost the use of her shoulder and arm and had to have her left breast removed because of the radiation damage. Several others died of radiation poisoning. The amount of radiation delivered is measured in rads (radiation absorbed dose). A standard treatment is around 200 rads. It’s estimated that the accidents caused 20,000 rads to be administered. what Caused it? Radiation therapy machines deliver precise amounts of targeted radiation. ■ The operators were told the Therac-25 had so many safety precautions that it would be “virtually impossible” to overdose a patient. But part of the software used in the Therac-25 was reused from an earlier version of the machine that had included many hardware-based safety precautions. Thus, the hardware features 293 294 Software Failure had masked problems with the underlying software. The safety features of the Therac-25 were dominantly software-based, and the lurking problems emerged. It turned out that if the operator mistyped a parameter and then corrected it in a particular way, the software allowed the machine to deliver the maximum radiation dose without diffusing it properly. It was such a strange error that technicians testing the machine failed to reproduce the problem. At one point, one of the machines that had clearly caused an overdose was put back into service after technicians could find nothing wrong with it. Analysts say that the software problems were only part of the reason the accidents occurred. While there were fundamental programming errors, there was also inadequate attention to safety issues in general. And one reason the machines were used for so long was that the problems were not reported as accurately and thoroughly as they should have been. Lessons Learned Software safety is the dominant issue in this case. When human lives are on the line, it’s difficult to imagine not doing everything possible to ensure that your software is as robust as possible. It comes down to risk analysis. How much are you willing to risk that a particular piece of software you’re developing still contains an error? For many applications, a problem might cause inconvenience to the user and may have business implications, but other applications literally have people’s lives at stake. This case is also an example of the difficulty of isolating the problem. For hundreds of patients, the Therac-25 provided excellent treatment. One of the initial complaints was dismissed without proper investigation or reporting. Later, when a problem had clearly occurred, it could not be replicated. This was an example of a truly exceptional situation—one that does not occur usually or under normal circumstances. Source:, IEEE Computer More Conditionals and Loops chap t e r 6 o b j e c t i v e s ● Examine conditional processing using switch statements. ● Discuss the conditional operator. ● Examine alternative repetition statements: the do and for loops. ● Draw graphics with the aid of conditionals and loops. ● Explore the use of dialog boxes. In Chapter 5 we examined the if statement for making decisions and the while statement for looping. This chapter explores several additional statements in Java for performing similar tasks. In particular, in this chapter we’ll explore the switch statement, which allows us to choose among several paths of execution based on a specific value. We’ll also explore the do and for loops, which provide logical processing and/or syntax that distinguish them from the while loop. These alternative statements differ in key details, and any particular situation may lend itself to the use of one over another. The Graphics Track sections of this chapter explore the use of conditionals and loops to control our graphics and examine the purpose and use of dialog boxes. 295 296 chapter 6 More Conditionals and Loops 6.1 the switch statement Another conditional statement in Java is called the switch statement, which causes the executing program to follow one of several paths based on a single value. Similar logic could be constructed with multiple if statements, but in the cases where it is warranted, a switch statement usually makes code easier to read. The switch statement evaluates an expression to determine a value and then matches that value with one of several possible cases. Each case has statements associated with it. After evaluating the expression, control jumps to the statement associated with the first case that matches the value. Consider the following example: switch (idChar) { case 'A': aCount = aCount + 1; break; case 'B': bCount = bCount + 1; break; case 'C': cCount = cCount + 1; break; default: System.out.println("Error in Identification Character."); } First, the expression is evaluated. In this example, the expression is a simple char variable called idChar. Execution then transfers to the first statement after the case value that matches the result of the expression. Therefore, K e y c o N c e pt if idChar contains an 'A', the variable aCount is incremented. If it A switch statement matches a contains a 'B', the case for 'A' is skipped and processing continues character or integer value to one of where bCount is incremented. Likewise, if idChar contains a 'C', several possible cases. that case is processed. If no case value matches that of the expression, execution continues with the optional default case, indicated by the reserved word default. If no default case exists, no statements in the switch statement are executed and processing continues with the statement after the switch statement. It is often a good idea to include a default case, even if you don’t expect it to be executed. When a break statement is encountered, processing jumps to the statement following the switch statement. A break statement is usually used to break out of each case of a switch statement. Without a break statement, processing continues into the next case of the switch. Therefore, if the break statement at the end of the 'A' case in the previous example was not there, both the aCount and bCount 6 . 1 The switch Statement variables would be incremented when the idChar contains an 'A'. Usually we want to perform only one case, so a break statement is almost always used. Occasionally, though, the “pass through” feature comes in handy. Key coNcept A break statement is usually used at the end of each case alternative of a switch statement. You’ll remember that the break statement was briefly mentioned in Chapter 5, because it could be used in other types of loops and conditionals. We warned then that such processing is usually unnecessary and its use is considered by many developers to be bad practice. The switch statement is the exception to this guideline. Using a break statement is the only way to make sure the code for only one case is executed. switch statement switch ( Expression ) { } Switch Case switch case case Expression default : 297 : Block Statement The switch statement evaluates the initial Expression and matches its value with one of the cases. Processing continues with the Statement corresponding to that case. The optional default case will be executed if no other case matches. Example: switch (numValues) { case 0: System.out.println("No values were entered."); break; case 1: System.out.println("One value was entered."); break; case 2: System.out.println("Two values were entered."); break; default: System.out.println("Too many values were entered."); } The expression evaluated at the beginning of a switch statement must be of type char, byte, short, or int. As of Java 7, a switch can also be performed on a String. But a switch expression cannot be a boolean or a floating point value. Furthermore, the value of each case must be a constant; it cannot be a variable or other expression. This limits the situations in which a switch statement is appropriate. But when it is appropriate, it usually makes the code easier to read and understand. 298 chapter 6 More Conditionals and Loops Note also that the implicit boolean condition of a switch statement is based on equality. The expression at the beginning of the statement is compared to each case value to determine which one it equals. A switch statement cannot be used to determine other relational operations (such as less than), unless some preliminary processing is done. For example, the GradeReport program in Listing 6.1 prints a comment based on a numeric grade that is entered by the user. L i s t i N G 6 . 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of a switch statement. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; public class GradeReport { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Reads a grade from the user and prints comments accordingly. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { int grade, category; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter a numeric grade (0 to 100): "); grade = scan.nextInt(); category = grade / 10; System.out.print("That grade is "); switch (category) { case 10: System.out.println("a perfect score. Well done."); break; case 9: System.out.println("well above average. Excellent."); break; case 8: System.out.println("above average. Nice job."); break; 6 . 1 The switch Statement L i s ti N G 6 . 1 continued case 7: System.out.println("average."); break; case 6: System.out.println("below average. You should see the"); System.out.println("instructor to clarify the material " + "presented in class."); break; default: System.out.println("not passing."); } } } o U t p U t Enter a numeric grade (0 to 100): 86 That grade is above average. Nice job. In GradeReport, the category of the grade is determined by dividing the grade by 10 using integer division, resulting in an integer value between 0 and 10 (assuming a valid grade is entered). This result is used as the expression of the switch, which prints various messages for grades 60 or higher and a default sentence for all other values. Note that any switch statement could be implemented as a set of nested if statements. However, nested if statements quickly become difficult for a human reader to understand and are error prone to implement and debug. But because a switch can evaluate only equality, sometimes nested if statements are necessary. It depends on the situation. s e L f - r e v iew QUestioNs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 6.1 When a Java program is running, what happens if the expression evaluated for a switch statement does not match any of the case values associated with the statement? SR 6.2 What happens if a case in a switch statement does not end with a break statement? SR 6.3 What is the output of the GradeReport program if the user enters 72? What if the user enters 46? What if the user enters 123? 299 300 chapter 6 More Conditionals and Loops SR 6.4 Transform the following nested if statement into an equivalent switch statement. if (num1 == 5) myChar = 'W'; else if (num1 == 6) myChar = 'X'; else if (num1 == 7) myChar = 'Y'; else myChar = 'Z'; 6.2 the conditional operator The Java conditional operator is similar to an if-else statement in some ways. It is a ternary operator because it requires three operands. The symbol for the conditional operator is usually written ?:, but it is not like other operators in that the two symbols that make it up are always separated. The following is an example of an expression that contains the conditional operator: (total > MAX) ? total + 1 : total * 2; K e y c o N c e pt Preceding the ? is a boolean condition. Following the ? are two expressions separated by the : symbol. The entire conditional expression returns the value of the first expression if the condition is true, and returns the value of the second expression if the condition is false. The conditional operator evaluates to one of two possible values based on a boolean condition. Keep in mind that this example is an expression that returns a value. The conditional operator is just that, an operator, not a statement that stands on its own. Usually we want to do something with that value, such as assign it to a variable: total = (total > MAX) ? total + 1 : total * 2; The distinction between the conditional operator and a conditional statement can be subtle. In many ways, the ?: operator lets us form succinct logic that serves as an abbreviated if-else statement. The previous statement is functionally equivalent to, but sometimes more convenient than, the following: if (total > MAX) total = total + 1; else total = total * 2; 6 . 2 The Conditional Operator Let’s look at a couple more examples. Consider the following declaration: int larger = (num1 > num2) ? num1 : num2; If num1 is greater than num2, the value of num1 is returned and used to initialize the variable larger. If not, the value of num2 is returned and used to initialize larger. Similarly, the following statement prints the smaller of the two values: System.out.println("Smaller: " + ((num1 < num2) ? num1 : num2)); The conditional operator is occasionally helpful to evaluate a short condition and return a result. It is not a replacement for an if-else statement, however, because the operands to the ?: operator are expressions, not necessarily full statements. Even when the conditional operator is a viable alternative, you should use it carefully because it may be less readable than an if-else statement. s e L f - r e v iew QUestioNs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 6.5 What is the difference between a conditional operator and a conditional statement? SR 6.6 Write a declaration that initializes a char variable named id to 'A' if the boolean variable first is true and to 'B' otherwise. SR 6.7 Express the following logic in a succinct manner using the conditional operator. if (val <= 10) System.out.println("The value is not greater than 10."); else System.out.println("The value is greater than 10."); 6.3 the do statement Remember from Chapter 5 that the while statement first examines its condition, then executes its body if that condition is true. The do statement is similar to the while statement except that its termination condition is at the end of the loop body. Like the while loop, the do loop executes the statement in the loop body until the condition becomes false. The condition is written at the end of the loop to indicate that it is not evaluated until the loop body is executed. Note that the body of a do loop is always executed at least once. Figure 6.1 shows this processing. 301 302 chapter 6 More Conditionals and Loops statement true condition evaluated false fi G U r e 6 . 1 The logic of a do loop The following code prints the numbers from 1 to 5 using a do loop. Compare this code with the similar example in Chapter 5 that uses a while loop to accomplish the same task. int count = 0; do { count++; System.out.println(count); } while (count < 5); Note that the do loop begins simply with the reserved word do. The body of the do loop continues until the while clause that conA do statement executes its loop tains the boolean condition that determines whether the loop body body at least once. will be executed again. Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether a line of code that begins with the reserved word while is the beginning of a while loop or the end of a do loop. K e y c o N c e pt Let’s look at another example of the do loop. The program called ReverseNumber, shown in Listing 6.2, reads an integer from the user and reverses its digits mathematically. Do statement do Statement while ( Expression ) ; The do loop repeatedly executes the specified Statement as long as the boolean Expression is true. The Statement is executed at least once, then the Expression is evaluated to determine whether the Statement should be executed again. 6 . 2 The Conditional Operator Example: do { System.out.print("Enter a word:"); word =; System.out.println(word); } while (!word.equals("quit")); L i s ti N G 6 . 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of a do loop. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; public class ReverseNumber { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Reverses the digits of an integer mathematically. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { int number, lastDigit, reverse = 0; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter a positive integer: "); number = scan.nextInt(); do { lastDigit = number % 10; reverse = (reverse * 10) + lastDigit; number = number / 10; } while (number > 0); System.out.println("That number reversed is " + reverse); } } 303 304 chapter 6 More Conditionals and Loops L i s t i N G 6 . 2 continued o U t p U t Enter a positive integer: 2896 That number reversed is 6982 The do loop in the ReverseNumber program uses the remainder operation to determine the digit in the 1’s position, then adds it into the reversed number, then truncates that digit from the original number using integer division. The do loop terminates when we run out of digits to process, which corresponds to the point when the variable number reaches the value zero. Carefully trace the logic of this program with a few examples to see how it works. If you know you want to perform the body of a loop at least once, then you probably want to use a do statement. A do loop has many of the same properties as a while statement, so it must also be checked for termination conditions to avoid infinite loops. seLf-review QUestioNs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 6.8 Compare and contrast a while loop and a do loop. SR 6.9 What output is produced by the following code fragment? int low = 0, high = 10; do { System.out.println(low); low++; } while (low < high); SR 6.10 What output is produced by the following code fragment? int low = 10, high = 0; do { System.out.println(low); low++; } while (low <= high); SR 6.11 Write a do loop to obtain a sequence of positive integers from the user, using zero as a sentinel value. The program should output the sum of the numbers. 6 . 4 The for Statement 6.4 the for statement The while and the do statements are good to use when you don’t initially know how many times you want to execute the loop body. The for statement is another repetition statement that is particularly well suited for executing the body of a loop a specific number of times that can be determined before the loop is executed. Key coNcept A for statement is usually used when a loop will be executed a set number of times. The following code prints the numbers 1 through 5 using a for loop, just as we did using other loop statements in previous examples: for (int count=1; count <= 5; count++) System.out.println(count); The header of a for loop contains three parts separated by semicolons. Before the loop begins, the first part of the header, called the initialization, is executed. The second part of the header is the boolean condition, which is evaluated before the loop body (like the while loop). If true, the body of the loop is executed, followed by the execution of the third part of the header, which is called the increment. Note that the initialization part is executed only once, but the increment part is executed after each iteration of the loop. Figure 6.2 shows this processing. initialization condition evaluated true false statement increment fiGUre 6.2 The logic of a for loop 305 306 chapter 6 More Conditionals and Loops VideoNote Examples using for loops. A for loop can be a bit tricky to read until you get used to it. The execution of the code doesn’t follow a “top to bottom, left to right” reading. The increment code executes after the body of the loop even though it is in the header. In this example, the initialization portion of the for loop header is used to declare the variable count as well as to give it an initial value. We are not required to declare a variable there, but it is common practice in situations where the variable is not needed outside of the loop. Because count is declared in the for loop header, it exists only inside the loop body and cannot be referenced elsewhere. The loop control variable is set up, checked, and modified by the actions in the loop header. It can be referenced inside the loop body, but it should not be modified except by the actions defined in the loop header. for statement for ( ; For Init ; Expression for init ) Statement For Update for Update Local Variable Declaration Statement Expression Statement Expression , , The for statement repeatedly executes the specified Statement as long as the boolean Expression is true. The For Init portion of the header is executed only once, before the loop begins. The For Update portion executes after each execution of Statement. Examples: for (int value=1; value < 25; value++) System.out.println(value + " squared is " + value*value); for (int num=40; num > 0; num-=3) sum = sum + num; The increment portion of the for loop header, despite its name, could decrement a value rather than increment it. For example, the following loop prints the integer values from 100 down to 1: for (int num = 100; num > 0; num--) System.out.println(num); 6 . 4 The for Statement In fact, the increment portion of the for loop can perform any calculation, not just a simple increment or decrement. Consider the program shown in Listing 6.3, which prints multiples of a particular value up to a particular limit. The increment portion of the for loop in the Multiples program adds the value entered by the user after each iteration. The number of values printed per line is controlled by counting the values printed and then moving to the next line whenever count is evenly divisible by the PER_LINE constant. L i s ti N G 6 . 3 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of a for loop. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; public class Multiples { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Prints multiples of a user-specified number up to a user// specified limit. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { final int PER_LINE = 5; int value, limit, mult, count = 0; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter a positive value: "); value = scan.nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter an upper limit: "); limit = scan.nextInt(); System.out.println(); System.out.println("The multiples of " + value + " between " + value + " and " + limit + " (inclusive) are:"); for (mult = value; mult <= limit; mult += value) { System.out.print(mult + "\t"); 307 308 chapter 6 More Conditionals and Loops L i s t i N G 6 . 3 continued // Print a specific number of values per line of output count++; if (count % PER_LINE == 0) System.out.println(); } } } o U t p U t Enter a positive value: 7 Enter an upper limit: 400 The multiples of 7 between 7 and 400 (inclusive) are: 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98 105 112 119 126 133 140 147 154 161 168 175 182 189 196 203 210 217 224 231 238 245 252 259 266 273 280 287 294 301 308 315 322 329 336 343 350 357 364 371 378 385 392 399 The Stars program in Listing 6.4 shows the use of nested for loops. The output is a triangle shape made of asterisk characters. The outer loop executes exactly 10 times. Each iteration of the outer loop prints one line of the output. The inner loop performs a different number of iterations depending on the line value controlled by the outer loop. Each iteration of the inner loop prints one star on the current line. Writing programs that print variations on this triangle configuration are included in the programming projects at the end of the chapter. the for-each Loop A variation of the for statement, often called the for-each loop, is particularly helpful in situations that involve iterators. In Chapter 5 we discussed that some 6 . 4 The for Statement L i s ti N G 6 . 4 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of nested for loops. //******************************************************************** public class Stars { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Prints a triangle shape using asterisk (star) characters. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { final int MAX_ROWS = 10; for (int row = 1; row <= MAX_ROWS; row++) { for (int star = 1; star <= row; star++) System.out.print("*"); System.out.println(); } } } o U t p U t * ** *** **** ***** ****** ******* ******** ********* ********** objects are considered to be iterators, which have hasNext and next methods to process each item from a group. If an object has implemented the Iterable interface, then we can use a variation of the for loop to process items using a simplified syntax. 309 310 chapter 6 More Conditionals and Loops K e y coNcept The for-each version of a for loop simplifies the processing of all elements in an Iterable object. An ArrayList object is an Iterable object. Therefore, for example, if library is an ArrayList object (that is, an ArrayList that manages Book objects), we can use a for loop to process each Book object in the collection as follows: for (Book myBook : library) System.out.println(myBook); This code can be read as follows: for each Book in library, print the book object. The variable myBook takes the value of each Book object in the collection in turn, and the body of the loop can process it appropriately. That succinct for-each loop is essentially equivalent to the following: Book myBook; while (bookList.hasNext()) { myBook =; System.out.println(myBook); } This version of the for loop can also be used on arrays, which are discussed in Chapter 8. We use the for-each loop as appropriate in various situations throughout the rest of the book. comparing Loops The three basic loop statements (while, do, and for) are functionally equivalent. Any particular loop written using one type of loop can be written using either of the other two loop types. Which type of loop we use depends on the situation. As we mentioned earlier, the primary difference between a while loop and a do loop is when the condition is evaluated. If we know we want to execute the loop body at least once, a do loop is usually the better choice. The body of a while loop, on the other hand, might not be executed at all if the condition is initially false. Therefore, we say that the body of a while loop is executed zero or more times, but the body of a do loop is executed one or more times. A for loop is like a while loop in that the condition is evaluated before the loop body is executed. We generally The loop statements are functionuse a for loop when the number of times we want to iterate ally equivalent. Which one you use through a loop is fixed or can be easily calculated. In many should depend on the situation. situations, it is simply more convenient to separate the code that sets up and controls the loop iterations inside the for loop header from the body of the loop. K e y coNcept 6 . 5 Drawing with Loops and Conditionals s e L f - r e v iew QUestioNs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 6.12 When would we use a for loop instead of a while loop? SR 6.13 What output is produced by the following code fragment? int value = 0; for (int num = 10; num <= 40; num += 10) { value = value + num; } System.out.println(value); SR 6.14 What output is produced by the following code fragment? int value = 0; for (int num = 10; num < 40; num += 10) { value = value + num; } System.out.println(value); SR 6.15 What output is produced by the following code fragment? int value = 6; for (int num = 1; num <= value; num ++) { for (int i = 1; i <= (value — num); i++) System.out.print(" "); for (int i = 1; i <= ((2 * num) — 1); i++) System.out.print("*"); System.out.println(); } SR 6.16 Assume die is a Die object (as defined in Section 4.2). Write a code fragment that will roll die 100 times and output the average value rolled. 6.5 Drawing with Loops and conditionals Conditionals and loops greatly enhance our ability to generate interesting graphics. The Bullseye program shown in Listing 6.5 draws a target. The drawing actually occurs in the BullseyePanel class, shown in Listing 6.6. The paintComponent of the BullseyePanel class uses an if statement to alternate the colors between black and white. Note that each ring is actually drawn as a filled circle (an oval of equal width and length). Because we draw the circles on top of each other, the inner circles 311 312 chapter 6 More Conditionals and Loops L i s t i N G 6 . 5 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of loops to draw. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JFrame; public class Bullseye { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates the main frame of the program. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Bullseye"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); BullseyePanel panel = new BullseyePanel(); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } D i s p L a y 6 . 5 Drawing with Loops and Conditionals L i s ti N G 6 . 6 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of conditionals and loops to guide drawing. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JPanel; import java.awt.*; public class BullseyePanel extends JPanel { private final int MAX_WIDTH = 300, NUM_RINGS = 5, RING_WIDTH = 25; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up the bullseye panel. //----------------------------------------------------------------public BullseyePanel() { setBackground(Color.cyan); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300,300)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Paints a bullseye target. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void paintComponent(Graphics page) { super.paintComponent(page); int x = 0, y = 0, diameter = MAX_WIDTH; page.setColor(Color.white); for (int count = 0; count < NUM_RINGS; count++) { if (page.getColor() == // alternate colors page.setColor(Color.white); else page.setColor(; page.fillOval(x, y, diameter, diameter); 313 314 chapter 6 More Conditionals and Loops L i s t i N G 6 . 6 continued diameter -= (2 * RING_WIDTH); x += RING_WIDTH; y += RING_WIDTH; } // Draw the red bullseye in the center page.setColor(; page.fillOval(x, y, diameter, diameter); } } cover the inner part of the larger circles, creating the ring effect. At the end, a final red circle is drawn for the bull’s-eye. Let’s look at another example. Listing 6.7 shows the Boxes class, which instantiates and displays BoxesPanel, shown in Listing 6.8. The purpose of this program is to draw several randomly sized rectangles in random locations. If the width of a rectangle is below a certain thickness (5 pixels), the box is filled with the color yellow. If the height is less than the same minimal thickness, the box is filled with the color green. Otherwise, the box is drawn, unfilled, in white. L i s t i N G 6 . 7 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of loops to draw. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JFrame; public class Boxes { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates the main frame of the program. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Boxes"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); 6 . 5 Drawing with Loops and Conditionals L i s ti N G 6 . 7 continued BoxesPanel panel = new BoxesPanel(); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } D i s p L a y L i s ti N G 6 . 8 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of conditionals and loops to guide drawing. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JPanel; import java.awt.*; import java.util.Random; 315 316 chapter 6 More Conditionals and Loops L i s t i N G 6 . 8 continued public class BoxesPanel extends JPanel { private final int NUM_BOXES = 50, THICKNESS = 5, MAX_SIDE = 50; private final int MAX_X = 350, MAX_Y = 250; private Random generator; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up the drawing panel. //----------------------------------------------------------------public BoxesPanel() { generator = new Random(); setBackground(; setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 300)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Paints boxes of random width and height in a random location. // Narrow or short boxes are highlighted with a fill color. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void paintComponent(Graphics page) { super.paintComponent(page); int x, y, width, height; for (int count = 0; count < NUM_BOXES; count++) { x = generator.nextInt(MAX_X) + 1; y = generator.nextInt(MAX_Y) + 1; width = generator.nextInt(MAX_SIDE) + 1; height = generator.nextInt(MAX_SIDE) + 1; if (width <= THICKNESS) // check for narrow box { page.setColor(Color.yellow); page.fillRect(x, y, width, height); } else if (height <= THICKNESS) // check for short box { 6 . 6 Dialog Boxes L i s ti N G 6 . 8 continued page.setColor(; page.fillRect(x, y, width, height); } else { page.setColor(Color.white); page.drawRect(x, y, width, height); } } } } 6.6 Dialog boxes A component called a dialog box can be helpful to assist in GUI processing. A dialog box is a graphical window that pops up on top of any currently active window so that the user can interact with it. A dialog box can serve a variety of purposes, such as conveying some information, confirming an action, or allowing the user to enter some information. Usually a dialog box has a solitary purpose, and the user’s interaction with it is brief. Key coNcept A dialog box is a pop-up window that allows brief, specific user interaction to provide information or verify an action. The Swing package of the Java class library contains a class called JOptionPane that simplifies the creation and use of basic dialog boxes. Figure 6.3 lists some of the methods of JOptionPane. static String showInputDialog(Object msg) Displays a dialog box containing the specified message and an input text field. The contents of the text field are returned. static int showConfirmDialog(Component parent, Object msg) Displays a dialog box containing the specified message and Yes/No button options. If the parent component is null, the box is centered on the screen. static void showMessageDialog(Component parent, Object msg) Displays a dialog box containing the specified message. If the parent component is null, the box is centered on the screen. fiGUre 6.3 Some methods of the JOptionPane class 317 318 chapter 6 More Conditionals and Loops The basic formats for a JOptionPane dialog box fall into three categories. A message dialog box simply displays an output string. An input dialog box presents a prompt and a single input text field into which the user can enter one string of data. A confirm dialog box presents the user with a simple yes-or-no question. Let’s look at a program that uses each of these types of dialog boxes. Listing 6.9 shows a program that first presents the user with an input dialog box that requests the user to enter an integer. After the user presses the OK button on the input dialog box, a second dialog box (this time a message dialog box) appears, informing the user whether the number entered was even or odd. After the user dismisses that box, a third dialog box appears, to determine whether the user would like to test another number. If the user presses the button labeled Yes, the series of dialog boxes repeats. Otherwise the program terminates. L i s t i N G 6 . 9 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of the JOptionPane class. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class EvenOdd { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Determines if the value input by the user is even or odd. // Uses multiple dialog boxes for user interaction. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { String numStr, result; int num, again; do { numStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter an integer: "); num = Integer.parseInt(numStr); result = "That number is " + ((num%2 == 0) ? "even" : "odd"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, result); again = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Do Another?"); } while (again == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION); 6 . 6 Dialog Boxes L i s ti N G 6 . 9 continued } } D i s p L a y The first parameter to the showMessageDialog and the showConfirmDialog methods specifies the governing parent component for the dialog box. Using a null reference as this parameter causes the dialog box to appear centered on the screen. Many of the JOptionPane methods allow the programmer to tailor the contents of the dialog box. Furthermore, the showOptionDialog method can be used to create dialog boxes that combine characteristics of the three basic formats for more elaborate interactions. 319 320 chapter 6 More Conditionals and Loops summary of Key concepts ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ A switch statement matches a character or integer value to one of several possible cases. A break statement is usually used at the end of each case alternative of a switch statement. The conditional operator evaluates to one of two possible values based on a boolean condition. A do statement executes its loop body at least once. A for statement is usually used when a loop will be executed a set number of times. The for-each version of a for loop simplifies the processing of all elements in an Iterable object. The loop statements are functionally equivalent. Which one you use should depend on the situation. A dialog box is a pop-up window that allows brief, specific user interaction to provide information or verify an action. exercises EX 6.1 How many iterations will the following for loops execute? a. b. c. d. e. f. EX 6.2 for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { } for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { } for (int i = 5; i < 20; i++) { } for (int i = 20; i > 0; i--) { } for (int i = 1; i < 20; i = i + 2) { } for (int i = 1; i < 20; i *= 2) { } What output is produced by the following code fragment? for (int highest = 1000; highest > 100; highest = highest / 2) System.out.println(highest); EX 6.3 What output is produced by the following code fragment? for (int count = 1; count <= 100; count += 4) if (count %3 == 0) System.out.println(count); Exercises EX 6.4 Transform the following while loop into an equivalent do loop (make sure it produces the same output). int num = 1; while (num < 20) { num++; System.out.println(num); } EX 6.5 Transform the while loop from the previous exercise into an equivalent for loop (make sure it produces the same output). EX 6.6 Write a do loop that verifies that the user entered value is a multiple of 3. EX 6.7 Write a for loop to print the even numbers from 150 down to 50 (inclusive). EX 6.8 Write a for loop to print the odd multiples of 5 from 1 to 100. EX 6.9 Write a code fragment that reads 15 floating point values from the user and prints the lowest and the highest value entered. EX 6.10 Write a code fragment that determines whether the last character of the String object called text is character ‘n’ or not. EX 6.11 Write a code fragment that prints the characters stored in a String object called str backward. EX 6.12 Write a code fragment that prints every other character in a String object called word starting with the first character. EX 6.13 Write a method called multiplesOfFive that prints the first 5 multiples of 5 (starting with 5). The method takes no parameters and doesn’t return anything. EX 6.14 Write a method called alarm that prints the string "Alarm!" multiple times on separate lines. The method should accept an integer parameter that specifies how many times the string is printed. Print an error message if the parameter is less than 1. EX 6.15 Write a method called average25 that returns the average of the integers from 1 to 25, inclusive. EX 6.16 Write a method called sumRange that accepts two integer parameters that represent a range. Issue an error message and return zero if the second parameter is less than the first. Otherwise, the method should return the sum of the integers in that range (inclusive). 321 322 chapter 6 More Conditionals and Loops EX 6.17 Write a Boolean method called startT that accepts a String parameter and returns true if the string starts with “T”, otherwise returns false. EX 6.18 Write a method called reverse that accepts a String parameter and returns a string that contains the characters of the parameter in reverse order. Note that there is a method in the String class that performs this operation, but for the sake of this exercise, you are expected to write your own. programming projects VideoNote Developing a solution of PP 6.2 PP 6.1 Write a program that reads an integer value and prints the average of all odd integers between 0 and the input value, inclusive. Print an error message if the input value is less than 0. Prompt accordingly. PP 6.2 Write a program that reads a string from the user and prints it one character per line. PP 6.3 Write a program that produces a table of random workload assignments, representing the workload assigned to 10 employees on every weekday. PP 6.4 Write a program that prints the first few verses of the traveling song “One Hundred Bottles of Beer.” Use a loop such that each iteration prints one verse. Read the number of verses to print from the user. Validate the input. The following are the first two verses of the song: 100 bottles of beer on the wall 100 bottles of beer If one of those bottles should happen to fall 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer If one of those bottles should happen to fall 98 bottles of beer on the wall PP 6.5 Using the PairOfDice class from PP 4.9, write a program that rolls a pair of dice 1000 times, counting the number of box cars (two sixes) that occur. PP 6.6 Using the Person class from Chapter 5, write a program called SelectPerson whose main method selects a person 25 times Programming Projects and counts how many times each gender is selected. Print the results. PP 6.7 Create modified versions of the Stars program to print the following patterns. Create a separate program to produce each pattern. Hint: Parts b, c, and d require several loops, some of which print a specific number of spaces. a. ********** ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** * b. * ** *** **** ***** ****** ******* ******** ********* c. ********** ********* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** ********** * d. * *** ***** ******* ********* ********* ******* ***** *** * PP 6.8 Write a program that prints a table showing a subset of the Unicode characters and their numeric values. Print five number/ character pairs per line, separated by tab characters. Print the table for numeric values from 32 (the space character) to 126 (the ~ character), which corresponds to the printable ASCII subset of the Unicode character set. Compare your output to the table in Appendix C. Unlike the table in Appendix C, the values in your table can increase as they go across a row. PP 6.9 Write a program that reads three strings from the user, then determines and prints how many times the letters ‘e’ appears in the first string, ‘t’ appears in the second string and ‘n’ appears in the third string. Have a separate counter for each letter. PP 6.10 Write a program that prints the verses of the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” in which each verse adds one line. The first two verses of the song are: On the 1st day of Christmas my true love gave to me A partridge in a pear tree. On the 2nd day of Christmas my true love gave to me Two turtle doves, and A partridge in a pear tree. Use a switch statement in a loop to control which lines get printed. Hint: Order the cases carefully and avoid the break statement. Use a separate switch statement to put the appropriate 323 324 chapter 6 More Conditionals and Loops suffix on the day number (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.). The final verse of the song involves all 12 days, as follows: On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me Twelve drummers drumming, Eleven pipers piping, Ten lords a-leaping, Nine ladies dancing, Eight maids a-milking, Seven swans a-swimming, Six geese a-laying, Five golden rings, Four calling birds, Three French hens, Two turtle doves, and A partridge in a pear tree. PP 6.11 Write a program that draws 25 vertical, randomly spaced parallel lines of fixed length. PP 6.12 Write a program that displays a checkerboard with 64 squares, alternating white and black. PP 6.13 Write a program that draws the side view of stair steps from the lower left to the upper right. PP 6.14 Write a program that draws 100 circles of random color and random diameter in random locations. Ensure that in each case the entire circle appears in the visible area of the applet. PP 6.15 Write a program that draws 5 concentric squares of random length. PP 6.16 Write a program that draws a brick wall pattern in which each row of bricks is offset from the row above and below it. PP 6.17 Write a program that draws a quilt in which a simple pattern is repeated in a grid of squares. PP 6.18 Modify the previous problem such that it draws a quilt using a separate class called QuiltPattern that represents a particular pattern. Allow the constructor of the QuiltPattern class to vary some characteristics of the pattern, such as its color scheme. Instantiate two separate QuiltPattern objects and incorporate them in a checkerboard layout in the quilt. PP 6.19 Write a program that draws a simple fence with vertical, equally spaced slats backed by two horizontal support boards. Behind Programming Projects the fence show a simple house in the background. Make sure the house is visible between the slats in the fence. PP 6.20 Write a program that draws a rainbow. Use tightly spaced concentric arcs to draw each part of the rainbow in a particular color. PP 6.21 Write a program that draws 20,000 points in random locations within the visible area. Make the points on the left half of the panel appear in red and the points on the right half of the panel appear in green. Draw each point by drawing a line with a length of only one pixel. PP 6.22 Write a program that draws 5 rectangles of random size in random locations. Fill the one with largest area in green. PP 6.23 Write a program that uses dialog boxes to obtain three integer values (one dialog box for each), and displays the average and square of the average of the values. Use another dialog box to see whether the user wants to continue. PP 6.24 Revise ChangeCase program of PP 5.5 so that it uses dialog boxes to obtain the input string, displays the modified string, and prompts the user to continue. PP 6.25 Write a class called Card that represents a standard playing card. Each card has a suit and a face value. Create a program that deals five random cards. 325 This page is intentionally left blank. Object-Oriented Design chap t e r 7 o b j e c t i v e s ● Establish key issues related to the design of object-oriented software. ● Explore techniques for identifying the classes and objects needed in a program. ● Discuss the relationships among classes. ● Describe the effect of the static modifier on methods and data. ● Discuss the creation of a formal object interface. ● Further explore the definition of enumerated type classes. ● Discuss issues related to the design of methods, including method overloading. ● Explore issues related to the design of graphical user interfaces, including layout managers. This chapter extends our discussion of the design of object-oriented software. We first focus on the stages of software development and the process of identifying classes and objects in the problem domain. We then discuss various issues that affect the design of a class, including static members, class relationships, interfaces, and enumerated types. We also explore design issues at the method level and introduce the concept of method overloading. A discussion of testing strategies rounds out these issues. In the Graphics Track sections of this chapter, we focus on GUI design concepts, including layout managers and containment hierarchies. 327 328 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design 7.1 software Development activities Creating software involves much more than just writing code. As the problems you tackle get bigger, and the solutions include more classes, it becomes crucial to carefully think through the design of the software. Any proper software development effort consists of four basic development activities: ■ establishing the requirements ■ creating a design ■ implementing the design ■ testing It would be nice if these activities, in this order, defined a step-by-step approach for developing software. However, although they may seem to be sequential, they are almost never completely linear in reality. They overlap and interact. Let’s discuss each development activity briefly. Software requirements specify what a program must accomplish. They indicate the tasks that a program should perform, not how it performs them. Often, requirements are expressed in a document called a functional specification. We discussed in Chapter 1 the basic premise that programming is really about problem solving; we create a program to solve a particular problem. Requirements are the clear expression of that problem. Until we truly know what problem we are trying to solve, we can’t actually solve it. The person or group who wants a software product developed (the client) will often provide an initial set of requirements. However, these initial requirements are often incomplete, ambiguous, and perhaps even contradictory. The software developer must work with the client to refine the requirements until all key decisions about what the system will do have been addressed. Requirements often address user interface issues such as output format, screen layouts, and graphical interface components. Essentially, the requirements establish the characteristics that make the program useful for the end user. They may also apply constraints to your program, such as how fast a task must be performed. A software design indicates how a program will accomplish its requirements. The design specifies the classes and objects needed in a program and defines how they interact. It also specifies the relationships among the classes. Low-level design issues deal with how individual methods accomplish their tasks. A civil engineer would never consider building a bridge without designing it first. The design of software is no less essential. Many problems that occur in software are directly attributable to a lack of good design effort. It has been shown time and again that the effort spent on the design of a program is well worth it, saving both time and money in the long run. 7 . 2  Identifying Classes and Objects During software design, alternatives need to be considered and explored. Often, the first attempt at a design is not the best solution. Fortunately, changes are relatively easy to make during the design stage. 329 Key concept The effort put into design is both crucial and cost effective. Implementation is the process of writing the source code that will solve the problem. More precisely, implementation is the act of translating the design into a particular programming language. Too many programmers focus on implementation exclusively when actually it should be the least creative of all development activities. The important decisions should be made when establishing the requirements and creating the design. Testing is the act of ensuring that a program will solve the intended problem given all of the constraints under which it must perform. Testing includes running a program multiple times with various inputs and carefully scrutinizing the results. But it means far more than that. We revisit the issues related to testing in Section 7.9. s e l F - r e v iew Questions (see answers in Appendix N) SR 7.1 Name the four basic activities that are involved in a software development process. SR 7.2 Who creates/specifies software requirements, the client or the developer? Discuss. SR 7.3 Compare and contrast the four basic development activities presented in this section with the five general problem-solving steps presented in Chapter 1 (Section 1.6). 7.2 identifying classes and objects A fundamental part of object-oriented software design is determining the classes that will contribute to the program. We have to carefully consider how we want to represent the various elements that make up the overall solution. These classes determine the objects that we will manage in the system. One way to identify potential classes is to identify the objects discussed in the program requirements. Objects are generally nouns. You literally may want to scrutinize a problem description, or a functional specification if available, to identify the nouns found in it. For example, Figure 7.1 shows part of a problem description with the nouns circled. Of course, not every noun in the problem specification will correspond to a class in your program. This activity is just a starting point that allows you to think about the types of objects a program will manage. Key concept The nouns in a problem description may indicate some of the classes and objects needed in a program. 330 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design The user must be allowed to specify each product by its primary characteristics, including its name and product number. If the bar code does not match the product, then an error should be generated to the message window and entered into the error log. The summary report of all transactions must be structured as specified in section 7.A. Figure 7.1 A partial problem description with the nouns circled Remember that a class represents a group of objects with similar behavior. A plural noun in the specification, such as products, may indicate the need for a class that represents one of those items, such as Product. Even if there is only one of a particular kind of object needed in your system, it may best be represented as a class. Classes that represent objects should generally be given names that are singular nouns, such as Coin, Student, and Message. A class represents a single item from which we are free to create as many instances as we choose. Another key decision is whether to represent something as an object or as a primitive attribute of another object. For example, we may initially think that an employee’s salary should be represented as an integer, and that may work for much of the system’s processing. But upon further reflection we might realize that the salary is based on the person’s rank, which has upper and lower salary bounds that must be managed with care. Therefore the final conclusion may be that we’d be better off representing all of that data and the associated behavior as a separate class. Given the needs of a particular program, we want to strike a good balance between classes that are too general and those that are too specific. For example, it may complicate our design unnecessarily to create a separate class for each type of appliance that exists in a house. It may be sufficient to have a single Appliance class, with perhaps a piece of instance data that indicates what type of appliance it is. Then again, it may not. It all depends on what the software is intended to accomplish. In addition to classes that represent objects from the problem domain, we likely will need classes that support the work necessary to get the job done. For example, in addition to Member objects, we may want a separate class to help us manage all of the members of a club. Keep in mind that when producing a real system, some of the classes we identify during design may already exist. Even if nothing matches exactly, there may be an old class that’s similar enough to serve as the basis for our new class. The 7 . 3  Static Class Members 331 existing class may be part of the Java standard class library, part of a solution to a problem we’ve solved previously, or part of a library that can be bought from a third party. These are all examples of software reuse. assigning responsibilities Part of the process of identifying the classes needed in a program is the process of assigning responsibilities to each class. Each class represents an object with certain behaviors that are defined by the methods of the class. Any activity that the program must accomplish must be represented somewhere in the behaviors of the classes. That is, each class is responsible for carrying out certain activities, and those responsibilities must be assigned as part of designing a program. The behaviors of a class perform actions that make up the functionality of a program. Thus we generally use verbs for the names of behaviors and the methods that accomplish them. Sometimes it is challenging to determine which is the best class to carry out a particular responsibility. Consider multiple possibilities. Sometimes such analysis makes you realize that you could benefit from defining another class to shoulder the responsibility. It’s not necessary in the early stages of a design to identify all the methods that a class will contain. It is often sufficient to assign primary responsibilities and consider how those responsibilities translate to particular methods. s e l F - r e v iew Questions (see answers in Appendix N) SR 7.4 How can identifying the nouns in a problem specification help you design an object-oriented solution to the problem? SR 7.5 Is it important to identify and define all of the methods that a class will contain during the early stages of problem solution design? Discuss. 7.3 static class Members We’ve used static methods in various situations in previous examples in the book. For example, all the methods of the Math class are static. Recall that a static method is one that is invoked through its class name, instead of through an object of that class. Not only can methods be static, but variables can be static as well. We declare static class members using the static modifier. VideoNote Exploring the static modifier. 332 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design Deciding whether to declare a method or variable as static is a key step in class design. Let’s examine the implications of static variables and methods more closely. static variables So far, we’ve seen two categories of variables: local variables that are declared inside a method, and instance variables that are declared in a class but not inside a method. The term instance variable is used, because each instance of the class has its own version of the variable. That is, each object K e y c o n c e pt A static variable is shared among all has distinct memory space for each variable so that each object can instances of a class. have a distinct value for that variable. A static variable, which is sometimes called a class variable, is shared among all instances of a class. There is only one copy of a static variable for all objects of the class. Therefore, changing the value of a static variable in one object changes it for all of the others. The reserved word static is used as a modifier to declare a static variable as follows: private static int count = 0; Memory space for a static variable is established when the class that contains it is referenced for the first time in a program. A local variable declared within a method cannot be static. Constants, which are declared using the final modifier, are often declared using the static modifier. Because the value of constants cannot be changed, there might as well be only one copy of the value across all objects of the class. static Methods In Chapter 3 we briefly introduced the concept of a static method (also called a class method). Static methods can be invoked through the class name. We don’t have to instantiate an object of the class in order to invoke the method. In Chapter 3 we noted that all the methods of the Math class are static methods. For example, in the following line of code the sqrt method is invoked through the Math class name: System.out.println("Square root of 27: " + Math.sqrt(27)); The methods in the Math class perform basic computations based on values passed as parameters. There is no object state to maintain in these situations; therefore, there is no good reason to create an object in order to request these services. A method is made static by using the static modifier in the method declaration. As we’ve seen many times, the main method of a Java program must be declared with the static modifier; this is done so that main can be executed by the interpreter without instantiating an object from the class that contains main. 7 . 3  Static Class Members Because static methods do not operate in the context of a particular object, they cannot reference instance variables, which exist only in an instance of a class. The compiler will issue an error if a static method attempts to use a nonstatic variable. A static method can, however, reference static variables, because static variables exist independent of specific objects. Therefore, the main method can access only static or local variables. The program in Listing 7.1 instantiates several objects of the Slogan class, printing each one out in turn. At the end of the program it invokes a method called getCount through the class name, which returns the number of Slogan objects that were instantiated in the program. l i s t i n g 7 . 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of the static modifier. //******************************************************************** public class SloganCounter { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates several Slogan objects and prints the number of // objects that were created. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { Slogan obj; obj = new Slogan("Remember the Alamo."); System.out.println(obj); obj = new Slogan("Don't Worry. Be Happy."); System.out.println(obj); obj = new Slogan("Live Free or Die."); System.out.println(obj); obj = new Slogan("Talk is Cheap."); System.out.println(obj); obj = new Slogan("Write Once, Run Anywhere."); System.out.println(obj); 333 334 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design l i s t i n g 7 . 1 continued System.out.println(); System.out.println("Slogans created: " + Slogan.getCount()); } } o u t p u t Remember the Alamo. Don't Worry. Be Happy. Live Free or Die. Talk is Cheap. Write Once, Run Anywhere. Slogans created: 5 Listing 7.2 shows the Slogan class. The constructor of Slogan increments a static variable called count, which is initialized to zero when it is declared. Therefore, count serves to keep track of the number of instances of Slogan that are created. The getCount method of Slogan is also declared as static, which allows it to be invoked through the class name in the main method. Note that the only data referenced in the getCount method is the integer variable count, which is static. As a static method, getCount cannot reference any nonstatic data. The getCount method could have been declared without the static modifier, but then its invocation in the main method would have to have been done through an instance of the Slogan class instead of the class itself. l i s t i n g 7 . 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a single slogan string. //******************************************************************** public class Slogan { private String phrase; private static int count = 0; 7 . 3  Static Class Members l i s ti n g 7 . 2 continued //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up the slogan and counts the number of // instances created. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Slogan(String str) { phrase = str; count++; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns this slogan as a string. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String toString() { return phrase; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns the number of instances of this class that have been // created. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static int getCount() { return count; } } s e l F - r e v iew Questions (see answers in Appendix N) SR 7.6 What is the difference between a static variable and an instance variable? SR 7.7 Assume you are defining a BankAccount class whose objects each represent a separate bank account. Write a declaration for a variable of the class that will hold the combined total balance of all the bank accounts represented by the class. SR 7.8 Assume you are defining a BankAccount class whose objects each represent a separate bank account. Write a declaration for a variable of the class that will hold the minimum balance that each account must maintain. SR 7.9 What kinds of variables can the main method of any program reference? Why? 335 336 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design 7.4 class relationships The classes in a software system have various types of relationships to each other. Three of the more common relationships are dependency, aggregation, and inheritance. We’ve seen dependency relationships in many examples in which one class “uses” another. This section revisits the dependency relationship and explores the situation where a class depends on itself. We then explore aggregation, in which the objects of one class contain objects of another, creating a “has-a” relationship. Inheritance, which we introduced in Chapter 1, creates an “is-a” relationship between classes. We defer our detailed examination of inheritance until Chapter 9. Dependency In many previous examples, we’ve seen the idea of one class being dependent on another. This means that one class relies on another in some sense. Often the methods of one class will invoke the methods of the other class. This establishes a “uses” relationship. Generally, if class A uses class B, then one or more methods of class A invoke one or more methods of class B. If an invoked method is static, then A merely references B by name. If the invoked method is not static, then A must have access to a specific instance of class B in order to invoke the method. That is, A must have a reference to an object of class B. The way in which one object gains access to an object of another class is an important design decision. It occurs when one class instantiates the objects of another, but that’s often the basis of an aggregation relationship. The access can also be accomplished by passing one object to another as a method parameter. In general, we want to minimize the number of dependencies among classes. The less dependent our classes are on each other, the less impact changes and errors will have on the system. Dependencies among objects of the same class In some cases, a class depends on itself. That is, an object of one class interacts with another object of the same class. To accomplish this, a method of the class may accept as a parameter an object of the same class. Designing such a class drives home the idea that a class represents a particular object. 7 . 4  Class Relationships The concat method of the String class is an example of this situation. The method is executed through one String object and is passed another String object as a parameter. For example: str3 = str1.concat(str2); The String object executing the method (str1) appends its characters to those of the String passed as a parameter (str2). A new String object is returned as a result and stored as str3. The RationalTester program shown in Listing 7.3 demonstrates a similar situation. A rational number is a value that can be represented as a ratio of two integers (a fraction). The RationalTester program creates two objects representing rational numbers and then performs various operations on them to produce new rational numbers. l i s t i n g 7 . 3 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Driver to exercise the use of multiple Rational objects. //******************************************************************** public class RationalTester { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates some rational number objects and performs various // operations on them. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { RationalNumber r1 = new RationalNumber(6, 8); RationalNumber r2 = new RationalNumber(1, 3); RationalNumber r3, r4, r5, r6, r7; System.out.println("First rational number: " + r1); System.out.println("Second rational number: " + r2); if (r1.isLike(r2)) System.out.println("r1 and r2 are equal."); else System.out.println("r1 and r2 are NOT equal."); r3 = r1.reciprocal(); System.out.println("The reciprocal of r1 is: " + r3); 337 338 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design l i s t i n g r4 r5 r6 r7 = = = = 7 . 3 continued r1.add(r2); r1.subtract(r2); r1.multiply(r2); r1.divide(r2); System.out.println("r1 System.out.println("r1 System.out.println("r1 System.out.println("r1 + * / r2: r2: r2: r2: " " " " + + + + r4); r5); r6); r7); } } o u t p u t First rational number: 3/4 Second rational number: 1/3 r1 and r2 are NOT equal. The reciprocal of r1 is: 4/3 r1 + r2: 13/12 r1 - r2: 5/12 r1 * r2: 1/4 r1 / r2: 9/4 The RationalNumber class is shown in Listing 7.4. Keep in mind as you examine this class that each object created from the RationalNumber class represents a single rational number. The RationalNumber class contains various operations on rational numbers, such as addition and subtraction. l i s t i n g 7 . 4 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents one rational number with a numerator and denominator. //******************************************************************** public class RationalNumber { private int numerator, denominator; 7 . 4  Class Relationships l i s ti n g 7 . 4 continued //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up the rational number by ensuring a nonzero // denominator and making only the numerator signed. //----------------------------------------------------------------public RationalNumber(int numer, int denom) { if (denom == 0) denom = 1; // Make the numerator "store" the sign if (denom < 0) { numer = numer * -1; denom = denom * -1; } numerator = numer; denominator = denom; reduce(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns the numerator of this rational number. //----------------------------------------------------------------public int getNumerator() { return numerator; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns the denominator of this rational number. //----------------------------------------------------------------public int getDenominator() { return denominator; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns the reciprocal of this rational number. //----------------------------------------------------------------public RationalNumber reciprocal() { return new RationalNumber(denominator, numerator); } 339 340 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design l i s t i n g 7 . 4 continued //----------------------------------------------------------------// Adds this rational number to the one passed as a parameter. // A common denominator is found by multiplying the individual // denominators. //----------------------------------------------------------------public RationalNumber add(RationalNumber op2) { int commonDenominator = denominator * op2.getDenominator(); int numerator1 = numerator * op2.getDenominator(); int numerator2 = op2.getNumerator() * denominator; int sum = numerator1 + numerator2; return new RationalNumber(sum, commonDenominator); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Subtracts the rational number passed as a parameter from this // rational number. //----------------------------------------------------------------public RationalNumber subtract(RationalNumber op2) { int commonDenominator = denominator * op2.getDenominator(); int numerator1 = numerator * op2.getDenominator(); int numerator2 = op2.getNumerator() * denominator; int difference = numerator1 - numerator2; return new RationalNumber(difference, commonDenominator); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Multiplies this rational number by the one passed as a // parameter. //----------------------------------------------------------------public RationalNumber multiply(RationalNumber op2) { int numer = numerator * op2.getNumerator(); int denom = denominator * op2.getDenominator(); return new RationalNumber(numer, denom); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Divides this rational number by the one passed as a parameter // by multiplying by the reciprocal of the second rational. //----------------------------------------------------------------- 7 . 4  Class Relationships l i s ti n g 7 . 4 continued public RationalNumber divide(RationalNumber op2) { return multiply(op2.reciprocal()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Determines if this rational number is equal to the one passed // as a parameter. Assumes they are both reduced. //----------------------------------------------------------------public boolean isLike(RationalNumber op2) { return ( numerator == op2.getNumerator() && denominator == op2.getDenominator() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns this rational number as a string. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String toString() { String result; if (numerator == 0) result = "0"; else if (denominator == 1) result = numerator + ""; else result = numerator + "/" + denominator; return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Reduces this rational number by dividing both the numerator // and the denominator by their greatest common divisor. //----------------------------------------------------------------private void reduce() { if (numerator != 0) { int common = gcd(Math.abs(numerator), denominator); numerator = numerator / common; denominator = denominator / common; } 341 342 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design l i s t i n g 7 . 4 continued } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Computes and returns the greatest common divisor of the two // positive parameters. Uses Euclid's algorithm. //----------------------------------------------------------------private int gcd(int num1, int num2) { while (num1 != num2) if (num1 > num2) num1 = num1 - num2; else num2 = num2 - num1; return num1; } } The methods of the RationalNumber class, such as add, subtract, multiply, and divide, use the RationalNumber object that is executing the method as the first (left) operand and the RationalNumber object passed as a parameter as the second (right) operand. The isLike method of the RationalNumber class is used to determine if two rational numbers are essentially equal. It’s tempting, therefore, to call that method equals, similar to the method used to compare String objects (discussed in Chapter 5). In Chapter 9, however, we will discuss how the equals method is somewhat special due to inheritance, and that it should be implemented in a particular way. So to avoid confusion we call this method isLike for now. Note that some of the methods in the RationalNumber class, including reduce and gcd, are declared with private visibility. These methods are private because we don’t want them executed directly from outside a RationalNumber object. They exist only to support the other services of the object. aggregation Some objects are made up of other objects. A car, for instance, is made up of its engine, its chassis, its wheels, and several other parts. Each of these K e y c o n c e pt other parts could be considered a separate object. Therefore we can An aggregate object is composed say that a car is an aggregation—it is composed, at least in part, of of other objects, forming a has-a other objects. Aggregation is sometimes described as a has-a relarelationship. tionship. For instance, a car has a chassis. 7 . 4  Class Relationships In the software world, we define an aggregate object as any object that contains references to other objects as instance data. For example, an Account object contains, among other things, a String object that represents the name of the account owner. We sometimes forget that strings are objects, but technically that makes each Account object an aggregate object. Aggregation is a special type of dependency. That is, a class that is defined in part by another class is dependent on that class. The methods of the aggregate object generally invoke the methods of the objects from which it is composed. Let’s consider another example. The program StudentBody shown in Listing 7.5 creates two Student objects. Each Student object is composed, in part, of two Address objects, one for the student’s address at school and another for the student’s home address. The main method does nothing more than create the Student objects and print them out. Once again we are passing objects to the println method, relying on the automatic call to the toString method to create a valid representation of the object that is suitable for printing. The Student class shown in Listing 7.6 represents a single student. This class would have to be greatly expanded if it were to represent all aspects of a student. We deliberately keep it simple for now so that the object aggregation is clearly shown. The instance data of the Student class includes two references to Address objects. We refer to those objects in the toString method as we create a string representation of the student. By concatenating an Address object to another string, the toString method in Address is automatically invoked. l i s ti n g 7 . 5 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of an aggregate class. //******************************************************************** public class StudentBody { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates some Address and Student objects and prints them. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { Address school = new Address("800 Lancaster Ave.", "Villanova", "PA", 19085); Address jHome = new Address("21 Jump Street", "Blacksburg", "VA", 24551); 343 344 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design l i s t i n g 7 . 5 continued Student john = new Student("John", "Smith", jHome, school); Address mHome = new Address("123 Main Street", "Euclid", "OH", 44132); Student marsha = new Student("Marsha", "Jones", mHome, school); System.out.println(john); System.out.println(); System.out.println(marsha); } } o u t p u t John Smith Home Address: 21 Jump Street Blacksburg, VA 24551 School Address: 800 Lancaster Ave. Villanova, PA 19085 Marsha Jones Home Address: 123 Main Street Euclid, OH 44132 School Address: 800 Lancaster Ave. Villanova, PA 19085 l i s t i n g 7 . 6 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a college student. //******************************************************************** public class Student { private String firstName, lastName; private Address homeAddress, schoolAddress; 7 . 4  Class Relationships l i s ti n g 7 . 6 continued //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up this student with the specified values. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Student(String first, String last, Address home, Address school) { firstName = first; lastName = last; homeAddress = home; schoolAddress = school; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns a string description of this Student object. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String toString() { String result; result = firstName + " " + lastName + "\n"; result += "Home Address:\n" + homeAddress + "\n"; result += "School Address:\n" + schoolAddress; return result; } } The Address class is shown in Listing 7.7. It represents a street address. Note that nothing about the Address class indicates that it is part of a Student object. The Address class is kept generic by design and therefore could be used in any situation in which a street address is needed. l i s ti n g 7 . 7 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a street address. //******************************************************************** public class Address { 345 346 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design l i s t i n g 7 . 7 continued private String streetAddress, city, state; private long zipCode; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up this address with the specified data. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Address(String street, String town, String st, long zip) { streetAddress = street; city = town; state = st; zipCode = zip; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns a description of this Address object. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String toString() { String result; result = streetAddress + "\n"; result += city + ", " + state + " " + zipCode; return result; } } The more complex an object, the more likely it will need to be represented as an aggregate object. In UML, aggregation is represented by a connection between two classes, with an open diamond at the end near the class that is the aggregate. Figure 7.2 shows a UML class diagram for the StudentBody program. Note that in previous UML diagram examples and in Figure 7.2, strings are not represented as separate classes with aggregation relationships, though technically they could be. Strings are so fundamental to programming that often they are represented as though they were a primitive type in a UML diagram. the this reference Before we leave the topic of relationships among classes, we should examine another special reference used in Java programs called the this reference. The word this is a reserved word in Java. It allows an object to refer to itself. As we have discussed, a nonstatic method is invoked through (or by) a particular object 7 . 4  Class Relationships Student StudentBody + main (args : String[]) : void firstName : String lastName : String homeAddress : Address schoolAddress : Address + toString() : String Address streetAddress : String city : String state : String zipCode : long + toString() : String Figure 7.2 A UML class diagram showing aggregation or class. Inside that method, the this reference can be used to refer to the currently executing object. For example, in a class called ChessPiece there could be a method called move, which could contain the following line: if (this.position == piece2.position) result = false; In this situation, the this reference is being used to clarify which position is being referenced. The this reference refers to the object through which the method was invoked. So when the following line is used to invoke the method, the this reference refers to bishop1: bishop1.move(); However, when a different object is used to invoke the method, the this reference refers to that object. Therefore, when the following invocation is used, the this reference in the move method refers to bishop2: bishop2.move(); 347 348 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design Often, the this reference is used to distinguish the parameters of a constructor from their corresponding instance variables with the same names. For example, the constructor of the Account class was presented in Chapter 4 as follows: public Account(String owner, long account, double initial) { name = owner; acctNumber = account; balance = initial; } When writing that constructor, we deliberately came up with different names for the parameters to distinguish them from the instance variables name, acctNumber, and balance. This distinction is arbitrary. The constructor could have been written as follows using the this reference: public Account(String name, long acctNumber, double balance) { = name; this.acctNumber = acctNumber; this.balance = balance; } In this version of the constructor, the this reference specifically refers to the instance variables of the object. The variables on the right-hand side of the assignment statements refer to the formal parameters. This approach eliminates the need to come up with different yet equivalent names. This situation sometimes occurs in other methods but comes up often in constructors. selF-review Questions (see answers in Appendix N) SR 7.10 Describe a dependency relationship between two classes. SR 7.11 Explain how a class can have an association with itself. SR 7.12 What is an aggregate object? SR 7.13 What does the this reference refer to? 7.5 interfaces We’ve used the term interface to refer to the set of public methods through which we can interact with an object. That definition is consistent with our use of it in this section, but now we are going to formalize this concept using a particular language construct in Java. 7 . 5  Interfaces l i s ti n g 349 7 . 8 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents the interface for an object that can be assigned an // explicit complexity. //******************************************************************** public interface Complexity { public void setComplexity(int complexity); public int getComplexity(); } A Java interface is a collection of constants and abstract methods. An abstract method is a method that does not have an implementation. That is, there is no body of code defined for an abstract method. The header of the method, including its parameter list, is simply followed by a semicolon. An interface cannot be instantiated. Key concept An interface is a collection of abstract methods and therefore cannot be instantiated. Listing 7.8 shows an interface called Complexity. It contains two abstract methods: setComplexity and getComplexity. An abstract method can be preceded by the reserved word abstract, though in interfaces it usually is not. Methods in interfaces have public visibility by default. A class implements an interface by providing method implementations for each of the abstract methods defined in the interface. A class that implements an interface uses the reserved word implements followed by the interface name in the class header. If a class asserts that it implements a particular interface, it must provide a definition for all methods in the interface. The compiler will produce errors if any of the methods in the interface are not given a definition in the class. The Question class, shown in Listing 7.9, implements the Complexity interface. Both the setComplexity and getComplexity methods are implemented. They must be declared with the same signatures as their abstract counterparts in the interface. In the Question class, the methods are defined simply to set or return a numeric value representing the complexity level of the question that the object represents. Note that the Question class also implements additional methods that are not part of the Complexity interface. Specifically, it defines methods called getQuestion, getAnswer, answerCorrect, and toString, which have nothing to do with the interface. The interface guarantees that the class implements certain methods, 350 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design l i s t i n g 7 . 9 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a question (and its answer). //******************************************************************** public class Question implements Complexity { private String question, answer; private int complexityLevel; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up the question with a default complexity. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Question(String query, String result) { question = query; answer = result; complexityLevel = 1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets the complexity level for this question. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void setComplexity(int level) { complexityLevel = level; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns the complexity level for this question. //----------------------------------------------------------------public int getComplexity() { return complexityLevel; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns the question. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String getQuestion() { return question; } 7 . 5   Interfaces l i s ti n g 7 . 9 continued //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns the answer to this question. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String getAnswer() { return answer; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns true if the candidate answer matches the answer. //----------------------------------------------------------------public boolean answerCorrect(String candidateAnswer) { return answer.equals(candidateAnswer); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns this question (and its answer) as a string. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String toString() { return question + "\n" + answer; } } but it does not restrict it from having additional ones. It is common for a class that implements an interface to have other methods. Listing 7.10 shows a program called MiniQuiz, which uses some Question objects. An interface and its relationship to a class that implements it can be shown in a UML class diagram. An interface is represented similarly to a class node except that the designation <> is inserted above the interface name. A dotted arrow with a closed arrowhead is drawn from the class to the interface that it implements. Figure 7.3 shows a UML class diagram for the MiniQuiz program. Multiple classes can implement the same interface, providing alternative definitions for the methods. For example, we could implement a class called Task that also implements the Complexity interface. In it we could choose to manage the complexity of a task in a different way (though it would still have to implement all the methods of the interface). A class can implement more than one interface. In these cases, the class must provide an implementation for all methods in all interfaces listed. To show that 351 352 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design l i s t i n g 7 . 1 0 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of a class that implements an interface. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; public class MiniQuiz { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Presents a short quiz. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { Question q1, q2; String possible; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; q1 = new Question("What is the capital of Jamaica?", "Kingston"); q1.setComplexity(4); q2 = new Question("Which is worse, ignorance or apathy?", "I don't know and I don't care"); q2.setComplexity(10); System.out.print(q1.getQuestion()); System.out.println(" (Level: " + q1.getComplexity() + ")"); possible = scan.nextLine(); if (q1.answerCorrect(possible)) System.out.println("Correct"); else System.out.println("No, the answer is " + q1.getAnswer()); System.out.println(); System.out.print(q2.getQuestion()); System.out.println(" (Level: " + q2.getComplexity() + ")"); possible = scan.nextLine(); if (q2.answerCorrect(possible)) System.out.println("Correct"); else 7 . 5   Interfaces l i s ti n g 7 . 1 0 continued System.out.println("No, the answer is " + q2.getAnswer()); } } o u t p u t What is the capital of Jamaica? (Level: 4) Kingston Correct Which is worse, ignorance or apathy? (Level: 10) apathy No, the answer is I don't know and I don't care a class implements multiple interfaces, they are listed in the implements clause, separated by commas. For example: class ManyThings implements Interface1, Interface2, Interface3 { // contains all methods of all interfaces } In addition to, or instead of, abstract methods, an interface can also contain constants, defined using the final modifier. When a class implements an interface, it gains access to all the constants defined in it. The interface construct formally defines the ways in which we can interact with a class. It also serves as a basis for a powerful programming technique called polymorphism, which we discuss in Chapter 10. the Comparable interface The Java standard class library contains interfaces as well as classes. The Comparable interface, for example, is defined in the java.lang package. The Comparable interface contains only one method, compareTo, which takes an object as a parameter and returns an integer. The intention of this interface is to provide a common mechanism for comparing one object to another. One object calls the method and passes another as a parameter as follows: if (obj1.compareTo(obj2) < 0) System.out.println("obj1 is less than obj2"); 353 354 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design <> Complexity + getComplexity () : int + setComplexity (int) : void MiniQuiz + main (args : String[]) : void Question + + + + Figure 7.3 getQuestion () : String getAnswer () : String answerCorrect (String) : boolean toString() : String A UML class diagram for the MiniQuiz program As specified by the documentation for the interface, the integer that is returned from the compareTo method should be negative if obj1 is less than obj2, 0 if they are equal, and positive if obj1 is greater than obj2. It is up to the designer of each class to decide what it means for one object of that class to be less than, equal to, or greater than another. In Chapter 5, we mentioned that the String class contains a compareTo method that operates in this manner. Now we can clarify that the String class has this method because it implements the Comparable interface. The String class implementation of this method bases the comparison on the lexicographic ordering defined by the Unicode character set. the Iterator interface The Iterator interface is another interface defined as part of the Java standard class library. It is used by a class that represents a collection of objects, providing a means to move through the collection one object at a time. 7 . 6   Enumerated Types Revisited In Chapter 5 we defined the concept of an iterator, using a loop to process all elements in the collection. Most iterators, including objects of the Scanner class, are defined using the Iterator interface. The two primary methods in the Iterator interface are hasNext, which returns a boolean result, and next, which returns an object. Neither of these methods takes any parameters. The hasNext method returns true if there are items left to process, and next returns the next object. It is up to the designer of the class that implements the Iterator interface to decide the order in which objects will be delivered by the next method. We should note that, according to the spirit of the interface, the next method does not remove the object from the underlying collection; it simply returns a reference to it. The Iterator interface also has a method called remove, which takes no parameters and has a void return type. A call to the remove method removes the object that was most recently returned by the next method from the underlying collection. s e l F - r e v iew Questions (see answers in Appendix N) SR 7.14 What is the difference between a class and an interface? SR 7.15 Define a Java interface called Nameable. Classes that implement this interface must provide a setName method that requires a single String parameter and returns nothing, and a getName method that has no parameters and returns a String. SR 7.16 True or False? Explain. a. A Java interface can include only abstract methods, nothing else. b. An abstract method is a method that does not have an implementation. c. All of the methods included in a Java interface definition must be abstract. d. A class that implements an interface can define only those methods that are included in the interface. e. Multiple classes can implement the same interface. f. A class can implement more than one interface. g. All classes that implement an interface must provide the exact same definitions of the methods that are included in the interface. 7.6 enumerated types revisited In Chapter 3 we introduced the concept of an enumerated type, which defines a new data type and lists all possible values of that type. We gave an example that defined an enumerated type called Season, which was declared as follows: enum Season {winter, spring, summer, fall} 355 356 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design We mentioned that an enumerated type is a special kind of class, and that the values of the enumerated type are objects. The values are, in fact, instances of its own enumerated type. For example, winter is an object of the Season class. Let’s explore this concept a bit further. Suppose we declare a variable of the Season type as follows: Season time; K e y c o n c e pt The values of an enumerated type are static variables of that type. Because an enumerated type is a special kind of class, the variable time is an object reference variable. Furthermore, as an enumerated type, it can be assigned only the values listed in the Season definition. These values (winter, spring, summer, and fall) are actually references to Season objects that are stored as public static variables within the Season class. Thus we can make an assignment such as the following: time = Season.spring; Now let’s take this idea a step further. In Listing 7.11 we redefine the Season type, giving it a more substantial definition. Note that we still use the enum reserved word to declare the enumerated type, and we still list all possible values of the type. In addition, in this definition we add a private String called span, a constructor for the Season class, and a method named getSpan. Each value in the list of values for the enumerated type invokes the constructor, passing it a character string that is then stored in the span variable of each value. l i s t i n g 7 . 1 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Enumerates the values for Season. //******************************************************************** public enum Season { winter ("December through February"), spring ("March through May"), summer ("June through August"), fall ("September through November"); private String span; 7 . 6   Enumerated Types Revisited l i s ti n g 7 . 1 1 continued //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up each value with an associated string. //----------------------------------------------------------------Season(String months) { span = months; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns the span message for this value. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String getSpan() { return span; } } The main method of the SeasonTester class, shown in Listing 7.12, prints each value of the Season enumerated type, as well as the span statement for each. Every enumerated type contains a static method called values that returns a list of all possible values for that type. This list is an iterator, so we can use the enhanced version of a for loop to process each value. l i s ti n g 7 . 1 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of a full enumerated type. //******************************************************************** public class SeasonTester { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Iterates through the values of the Season enumerated type. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { 357 358 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design l i s t i n g 7 . 1 2 continued for (Season time : Season.values()) System.out.println(time + "\t" + time.getSpan()); } } o u t p u t winter spring summer fall December through February March through May June through August September through November K e y c o n c e pt We can add attributes and methods to the definition of an enumerated type. In addition to the list of possible values defined in every enumerated type, we can include any number of attributes or methods of our own choosing. This provides various opportunities for creative class design. selF-review Question (see answer in Appendix N) SR 7.17 Using the enumerated type Season as defined in this section, what is the output from the following code sequence? Season time1, time2; time1 = Season.winter; time2 = Season.summer; System.out.println(time1); System.out.println(; System.out.println(time1.ordinal()); System.out.println(time2.getSpan()); 7.7 Method Design Once you have identified classes and assigned basic responsibilities, the design of each method will determine how exactly the class will define its behaviors. Some methods are straightforward and require little thought. Others are more interesting and require careful planning. An algorithm is a step-by-step process for solving a problem. A recipe is an example of an algorithm. Travel directions are another example of an algorithm. Every method implements an algorithm that determines how that method accomplishes its goals. 7 . 7   Method Design An algorithm is often described using pseudocode, which is a mixture of code statements and English phrases. Pseudocode provides enough structure to show how the code will operate, without getting bogged down in the syntactic details of a particular programming language or becoming prematurely constrained by the characteristics of particular programming constructs. This section discusses two important aspects of program design at the method level: method decomposition and the implications of passing objects as parameters. Method Decomposition Occasionally, a service that an object provides is so complicated that it cannot reasonably be implemented using one method. Therefore we sometimes need to decompose a method into multiple methods to create a more understandable design. As an example, let’s examine a program that translates English sentences into Pig Latin. Key concept A complex service provided by an object can be decomposed to make use of private support methods. Pig Latin is a made-up language in which each word of a sentence is modified, in general, by moving the initial sound of the word to the end and adding an “ay” sound. For example, the word happy would be written and pronounced appyhay and the word birthday would become irthdaybay. Words that begin with vowels simply have a “yay” sound added on the end, turning the word enough into enoughyay. Consonant blends such as “ch” and “st” at the beginning of a word are moved to the end together before adding the “ay” sound. Therefore the word grapefruit becomes apefruitgray. The PigLatin program shown in Listing 7.13 reads one or more sentences, translating each into Pig Latin. The workhorse behind the PigLatin program is the PigLatinTranslator class, shown in Listing 7.14. The PigLatinTranslator class provides one fundamental service, a static method called translate, which accepts a string and translates it into Pig Latin. Note that the PigLatinTranslator class does not contain a constructor because none is needed. l i s ti n g 7 . 1 3 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the concept of method decomposition. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; 359 360 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design l i s t i n g 7 . 1 3 continued public class PigLatin { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Reads sentences and translates them into Pig Latin. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { String sentence, result, another; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; do { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Enter a sentence (no punctuation):"); sentence = scan.nextLine(); System.out.println(); result = PigLatinTranslator.translate(sentence); System.out.println("That sentence in Pig Latin is:"); System.out.println(result); System.out.println(); System.out.print("Translate another sentence (y/n)? "); another = scan.nextLine(); } while (another.equalsIgnoreCase("y")); } } o u t p u t Enter a sentence (no punctuation): Do you speak Pig Latin That sentence in Pig Latin is: oday ouyay eakspay igpay atinlay Translate another sentence (y/n)? y Enter a sentence (no punctuation): Play it again Sam That sentence in Pig Latin is: ayplay ityay againyay amsay Translate another sentence (y/n)? n 7 . 7  Method Design l i s ti n g 7 . 1 4 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a translator from English to Pig Latin. Demonstrates // method decomposition. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; public class PigLatinTranslator { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Translates a sentence of words into Pig Latin. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static String translate(String sentence) { String result = ""; sentence = sentence.toLowerCase(); Scanner scan = new Scanner(sentence); while (scan.hasNext()) { result += translateWord(; result += " "; } return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Translates one word into Pig Latin. If the word begins with a // vowel, the suffix "yay" is appended to the word. Otherwise, // the first letter or two are moved to the end of the word, // and "ay" is appended. //----------------------------------------------------------------private static String translateWord(String word) { String result = ""; if (beginsWithVowel(word)) result = word + "yay"; else if (beginsWithBlend(word)) 361 362 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design l i s t i n g 7 . 1 4 continued result = word.substring(2) + word.substring(0,2) + "ay"; else result = word.substring(1) + word.charAt(0) + "ay"; return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Determines if the specified word begins with a vowel. //----------------------------------------------------------------private static boolean beginsWithVowel(String word) { String vowels = "aeiou"; char letter = word.charAt(0); return (vowels.indexOf(letter) != -1); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Determines if the specified word begins with a particular // two-character consonant blend. //----------------------------------------------------------------private static boolean beginsWithBlend(String word) { return ( word.startsWith("bl") || word.startsWith("sc") || word.startsWith("br") || word.startsWith("sh") || word.startsWith("ch") || word.startsWith("sk") || word.startsWith("cl") || word.startsWith("sl") || word.startsWith("cr") || word.startsWith("sn") || word.startsWith("dr") || word.startsWith("sm") || word.startsWith("dw") || word.startsWith("sp") || word.startsWith("fl") || word.startsWith("sq") || word.startsWith("fr") || word.startsWith("st") || word.startsWith("gl") || word.startsWith("sw") || word.startsWith("gr") || word.startsWith("th") || word.startsWith("kl") || word.startsWith("tr") || word.startsWith("ph") || word.startsWith("tw") || word.startsWith("pl") || word.startsWith("wh") || word.startsWith("pr") || word.startsWith("wr") ); } } 7 . 7  Method Design The act of translating an entire sentence into Pig Latin is not trivial. If written in one big method, it would be very long and difficult to follow. A better solution, as implemented in the PigLatinTranslator class, is to decompose the translate method and use several other support methods to help with the task. The translate method uses a Scanner object to separate the string into words. Recall that one role of the Scanner class (discussed in Chapter 3) is to separate a string into smaller elements called tokens. In this case, the tokens are separated by space characters so we can use the default white space delimiters. The PigLatin program assumes that no punctuation is included in the input. The translate method passes each word to the private support method translateWord. Even the job of translating one word is somewhat involved, so the translateWord method makes use of two other private methods, beginsWithVowel and beginsWithBlend. The beginsWithVowel method returns a boolean value that indicates whether the word passed as a parameter begins with a vowel. Note that instead of checking each vowel separately, the code for this method declares a string that contains all the vowels, and then invokes the String method indexOf to determine whether the first character of the word is in the vowel string. If the specified character cannot be found, the indexOf method returns a value of 21. The beginsWithBlend method also returns a boolean value. The body of the method contains only a return statement with one large expression that makes several calls to the startsWith method of the String class. If any of these calls returns true, then the beginsWithBlend method returns true as well. Note that the translateWord, beginsWithVowel, and beginsWithBlend methods are all declared with private visibility. They are not intended to provide services directly to clients outside the class. Instead, they exist to help the translate method, which is the only true service method in this class, to do its job. By declaring them with private visibility, they cannot be invoked from outside this class. If the main method of the PigLatin class attempted to invoke the translateWord method, for instance, the compiler would issue an error message. Figure 7.4 shows a UML class diagram for the PigLatin program. Note the notation showing the visibility of various methods. Whenever a method becomes large or complex, we should consider decomposing it into multiple methods to create a more understandable class design. First, however, we must consider how other classes and objects can be defined to create better overall system design. In an object-oriented design, method decomposition must be subordinate to object decomposition. 363 364 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design PigLatinTranslator PigLatin + main (args : String[]) : void Figure 7.4 + translate (sentence : String) : String — translateWord (word : String) : String — beginsWithVowel (word : String) : boolean — beginsWithBlend (word : String) : boolean A UML class diagram for the PigLatin program Method parameters revisited Another important issue related to method design involves the way parameters are passed into a method. In Java, all parameters are passed by value. That is, the current value of the actual parameter (in the invocation) is copied into the formal parameter in the method header. We mentioned this issue in Chapter 4; let’s examine it now in more detail. Essentially, parameter passing is like an assignment statement, assigning to the formal parameter a copy of the value stored in the actual parameter. This issue must be considered when making changes to a formal parameter inside a method. The formal parameter is a separate copy of the value that is passed in, so any changes made to it have no effect on the actual parameter. After control returns to the calling method, the actual parameter will have the same value as it did before the method was called. However, when we pass an object to a method, we are actually passing a reference to that object. The value that gets copied is the address of the object. Therefore, the formal parameter and the actual parameter become aliases of each other. If we change the state of the object through the formal paramK e y c o n c e pt When an object is passed to a eter reference inside the method, we are changing the object referenced method, the actual and formal by the actual parameter, because they refer to the same object. On parameters become aliases. the other hand, if we change the formal parameter reference itself (to make it point to a new object, for instance), we have not changed the fact that the actual parameter still refers to the original object. The program in Listing 7.15 illustrates the nuances of parameter passing. Carefully trace the processing of this program and note the values that are output. The ParameterTester class contains a main method that calls the changeValues method in a ParameterModifier object. Two of the parameters to changeValues are Num objects, each of which simply stores an integer value. The other parameter is a primitive integer value. 7 . 7  Method Design l i s ti n g 7 . 1 5 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the effects of passing various types of parameters. //******************************************************************** public class ParameterTester { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up three variables (one primitive and two objects) to // serve as actual parameters to the changeValues method. Prints // their values before and after calling the method. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { ParameterModifier modifier = new ParameterModifier(); int a1 = 111; Num a2 = new Num(222); Num a3 = new Num(333); System.out.println("Before calling changeValues:"); System.out.println("a1\ta2\ta3"); System.out.println(a1 + "\t" + a2 + "\t" + a3 + "\n"); modifier.changeValues(a1, a2, a3); System.out.println("After calling changeValues:"); System.out.println("a1\ta2\ta3"); System.out.println(a1 + "\t" + a2 + "\t" + a3 + "\n"); } } o u t p u t Before calling changeValues a1 a2 a3 111 222 333 Before changing the values: f1 f2 f3 111 222 333 365 366 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design l i s t i n g 7 . 1 5 continued After changing the values: f1 f2 f3 999 888 777 After calling changeValues: a1 a2 a3 111 888 333 Listing 7.16 shows the ParameterModifier class, and Listing 7.17 shows the Num class. Inside the changeValues method, a modification is made to each of the three formal parameters: the integer parameter is set to a different value, the value stored in the first Num parameter is changed using its setValue method, and a new l i s t i n g 7 . 1 6 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the effects of changing parameter values. //******************************************************************** public class ParameterModifier { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Modifies the parameters, printing their values before and // after making the changes. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void changeValues(int f1, Num f2, Num f3) { System.out.println("Before changing the values:"); System.out.println("f1\tf2\tf3"); System.out.println(f1 + "\t" + f2 + "\t" + f3 + "\n"); f1 = 999; f2.setValue(888); f3 = new Num(777); System.out.println("After changing the values:"); System.out.println("f1\tf2\tf3"); System.out.println(f1 + "\t" + f2 + "\t" + f3 + "\n"); } } 7 . 7  Method Design l i s ti n g 7 . 1 7 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a single integer as an object. //******************************************************************** public class Num { private int value; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up the new Num object, storing an initial value. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Num(int update) { value = update; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets the stored value to the newly specified value. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void setValue(int update) { value = update; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns the stored integer value as a string. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String toString() { return value + ""; } } Num object is created and assigned to the second Num parameter. These changes are reflected in the output printed at the end of the changeValues method. However, note the final values that are printed after returning from the method. The primitive integer was not changed from its original value, because the change was made to a copy inside the method. Likewise, the last parameter still refers to its original object with its original value. This is because the new Num object created in the method was referred to only by the formal parameter. When 367 368 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design the method returned, that formal parameter was destroyed and the Num object it referred to was marked for garbage collection. The only change that is “permanent” is the change made to the state of the second parameter. Figure 7.5 shows the step-by-step processing of this program. a1 STEP 1 STEP 2 Before invoking changeValues tester.changeValues (a1, a2, a3); a2 a3 111 f1 222 f2 a1 333 f3 a2 111 f1 a3 222 f2 333 f3 111 a1 STEP 3 STEP 4 f1 = 999; f2.setValue (888); a2 111 f1 a3 222 f2 a1 333 f3 111 f1 999 a2 888 f2 f3 STEP 6 f3 = new Num (777); a2 111 f1 333 999 STEP 5 a1 a3 a3 888 f2 999 After returning from changeValues a1 333 f3 a2 111 f1 a3 888 f2 333 f3 777 = Undefined Figure 7.5 Tracing the parameters in the ParameterTesting program 7 . 8  Method Overloading s e l F - r e v iew Questions (see answers in Appendix N) SR 7.18 What is method decomposition? SR 7.19 Answer the following questions about the PigLatinTranslator class. a. No constructor is defined. Why not? b. Some of the defined methods are private. Why? c. A Scanner object is declared in the translate method. What is it used to scan? SR 7.20 Identify the resultant sequence of calls/returns of PigLatinTranslator support methods when translate is invoked with the following actual parameters. a. "animal" b. "hello" c. "We are the champions" SR 7.21 How are objects passed as parameters? 7.8 Method overloading As we’ve discussed, when a method is invoked, the flow of control transfers to the code that defines the method. After the method has been executed, control returns to the location of the call and processing continues. Often the method name is sufficient to indicate which method is being called by a specific invocation. But in Java, as in other object-oriented languages, you can use the same method name with different parameter lists for multiple methods. This technique is called method overloading. It is useful when you need to perform similar methods on different types of data. The compiler must still be able to associate each invocation to a specific method declaration. If the method name for two or more methods is the same, additional information is used to uniquely identify the version that is being invoked. In Java, a method name can be used for multiple methods as long as the number of parameters, the types of those parameters, and/or the order of the types of parameters is distinct. For example, we could declare a method called sum as follows: public int sum(int num1, int num2) { return num1 + num2; } Key concept The versions of an overloaded method are distinguished by the number, type, and order of their parameters. 369 370 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design Then we could declare another method called sum, within the same class, as follows: public int sum(int num1, int num2, int num3) { return num1 + num2 + num3; } Now, when an invocation is made, the compiler looks at the number of parameters to determine which version of the sum method to call. For instance, the following invocation will call the second version of the sum method: sum(25, 69, 13); A method’s name, along with the number, type, and order of its parameters, is called the method’s signature. The compiler uses the complete method signature to bind a method invocation to the appropriate definition. The compiler must be able to examine a method invocation to determine which specific method is being invoked. If you attempt to specify two method names with the same signature, the compiler will issue an appropriate error message and will not create an executable program. There can be no ambiguity. Note that the return type of a method is not part of the method signature. That is, two overloaded methods cannot differ only by their return type. This is because the value returned by a method can be ignored by the invocation. The compiler would not be able to distinguish which version of an overloaded method is being referenced in such situations. The println method is an example of a method that is overloaded several times, each accepting a single type. The following is a partial list of its various signatures: VideoNote ■ println(String s) Examples of method overloading. ■ println(int i) ■ println(double d) ■ println(char c) ■ println(boolean b) The following two lines of code actually invoke different methods that have the same name: System.out.println("Number of students: "); System.out.println(count); The first line invokes the version of println that accepts a string. The second line, assuming count is an integer variable, invokes the version of println that accepts an integer. 7 . 9   Testing We often use a println statement that prints several distinct types, such as: System.out.println("Number of students: " + count); Remember, in this case the plus sign is the string concatenation operator. First, the value in the variable count is converted to a string representation, then the two strings are concatenated into one longer string, and finally the definition of println that accepts a single string is invoked. Constructors can be overloaded, and often are. By providing multiple versions of a constructor, we provide multiple ways to set up an object. s e l F - r e v iew Questions (see answers in Appendix N) SR 7.22 How are overloaded methods distinguished from each other? SR 7.23 For each of the following pairs of method headers, state whether or not the signatures are distinct. If not, explain why not. a. String describe(String name, int count) String describe(int count, String name) b. void count( ) int count( ) c. int howMany(int compareValue) int howMany(int ceiling) d. boolean greater(int value1) boolean greater(int value1, int value2) SR 7.24 The Num class is defined in Section 7.7. Overload the constructor of that class by defining a second constructor which takes no parameters and sets the value attribute to zero. 7.9 testing The term testing can be applied in many ways to software development. Testing certainly includes its traditional definition: the act of running a completed program with various inputs to discover problems. But it also includes any evaluation that is performed by human or machine to assess the quality of the evolving system. These evaluations should occur long before a single line of code is written. The goal of testing is to find errors. By finding errors and fixing them, we improve the quality of our program. It’s likely that later on someone else will find any errors that remain hidden during development. The earlier the errors are found, the easier and cheaper they are to fix. Taking the time to uncover problems as early as possible is almost always worth the effort. 371 372 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design Running a program with specific input and producing the correct results establishes only that the program works for that particular Testing a program can never guaraninput. As more and more test cases execute without revealing errors, tee the absence of errors. our confidence in the program rises, but we can never really be sure that all errors have been eliminated. There could always be another error still undiscovered. Because of that, it is important to thoroughly test a program in as many ways as possible and with well-designed test cases. K e y c o n c e pt It is possible to prove that a program is correct, but that technique is enormously complex for large systems, and errors can be made in the proof itself. Therefore, we generally rely on testing to determine the quality of a program. After determining that an error exists, we determine the cause of the error and fix it. After a problem is fixed, we should run previous tests again to make sure that while fixing the problem we didn’t create another. This technique is called regression testing. reviews One technique used to evaluate design or code is called a review, which is a meeting in which several people carefully examine a design document or section of code. Presenting our design or code to others causes us to think more carefully about it and permits others to share their suggestions with us. The participants discuss its merits and problems, and create a list of issues that must be addressed. The goal of a review is to identify problems, not to solve them, which usually takes much more time. A design review should determine whether the requirements have been addressed. It should also assess the way the system is decomposed into classes and objects. A code review should determine how faithfully the design satisfies the requirements and how faithfully the implementation represents the design. It should identify any specific problems that would cause the design or the implementation to fail in its responsibilities. Sometimes a review is called a walkthrough, because its goal is to step carefully through a document and evaluate each section. Defect testing Since the goal of testing is to find errors, it is often referred to as defect testing. With that goal in mind, a good test is one that uncovers any deficiencies in a program. This might seem strange, because we ultimately don’t want to have problems in our system. But keep in mind that errors almost certainly exist. Our testing efforts should make every attempt to find them. We want to increase the 7 . 9   Testing reliability of our program by finding and fixing the errors that exist, rather than letting users discover them. 373 Key concept A good test is one that uncovers an error. A test case consists of a set of inputs, user actions, or other initial conditions, along with the expected output. A test case should be appropriately documented so that it can be repeated later as needed. Developers often create a complete test suite, which is a set of test cases that covers various aspects of the system. Because programs operate on a large number of possible inputs, Key concept it is not feasible to create test cases for all possible input or user It is not feasible to exhaustively test actions. Nor is it usually necessary to test every single situation. a program for all possible input and Two specific test cases may be so similar that they actually do not user actions. test unique aspects of the program. To do both would be a wasted effort. We’d rather execute a test case that stresses the program in some new way. Therefore we want to choose our test cases carefully. To that end, let’s examine two approaches to defect testing: black-box testing and white-box testing. As the name implies, black-box testing treats the thing being tested as a black box. In black-box testing, test cases are developed without regard to the internal workings. Black-box tests are based on inputs and outputs. An entire program can be tested using a black-box technique, in which case the inputs are the userprovided information and user actions such as button pushes. A test case is successful only if the input produces the expected output. A single class can also be tested using a black-box technique, which focuses on the system interface (its public methods) of the class. Certain parameters are passed in, producing certain results. Black-box test cases are often derived directly from the requirements of the system or from the stated purpose of a method. The input data for a black-box test case are often selected by defining equivalence categories. An equivalence category is a collection of inputs that are expected to produce similar outputs. Generally, if a method will work for one value in the equivalence category, we have every reason to believe it will work for the others. For example, the input to a method that computes the square root of an integer can be divided into two equivalence categories: nonnegative integers and negative integers. If it works appropriately for one nonnegative value, it will likely work for all nonnegative values. Likewise, if it works appropriately for one negative value, it will likely work for all negative values. Equivalence categories have defined boundaries. Because all values of an equivalence category essentially test the same features of a program, only one test case inside the equivalence boundary is needed. However, because programming often produces “off by one” errors, the values on and around the boundary should be tested exhaustively. For an integer boundary, a good test suite would include at least the exact value of the boundary, the boundary minus 1, and the boundary 374 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design plus 1. Test cases that use these cases, plus at least one from within the general field of the category, should be defined. Let’s look at an example. Consider a method whose purpose is to validate that a particular integer value is in the range 0 to 99, inclusive. There are three equivalence categories in this case: values below 0, values in the range of 0 to 99, and values above 99. Black-box testing dictates that we use test values that surround and fall on the boundaries, as well as some general values from the equivalence categories. Therefore, a set of black-box test cases for this situation might be: −500, −1, 0, 1, 50, 98, 99, 100, and 500. White-box testing, also known as glass-box testing, exercises the internal structure and implementation of a method. A white-box test case is based on the logic of the code. The goal is to ensure that every path through a program is executed at least once. A white-box test maps the possible paths through the code and ensures that the test cases cause every path to be executed. This type of testing is often called statement coverage. Paths through code are controlled by various control flow statements that use conditional expressions, such as if statements. In order to have every path through the program executed at least once, the input data values for the test cases need to control the values for the conditional expressions. The input data of one or more test cases should cause the condition of an if statement to evaluate to true in at least one case and to false in at least one case. Covering both true and false values in an if statement guarantees that both the paths through the if statement will be executed. Similar situations can be created for loops and other constructs. In both black-box and white-box testing, the expected output for each test should be established prior to running the test. It’s too easy to be persuaded that the results of a test are appropriate if you haven’t first carefully determined what the results should be. selF-review Question (see answer in Appendix N) SR 7.25 Select the term from the following list that best matches each of the following phrases: black-box, defects, regression, review, test case, test suite, walkthrough, white-box a. Running previous test cases after a change is made to a program to help ensure that the change did not introduce an error. b. A meeting in which several people collectively evaluate an artifact. c. A review that steps carefully through a document, evaluating each section. d. The goal of testing is to discover these. 7 . 1 0  GUI Design e. A description of the input and corresponding expected output of a code unit being tested. f. A set of test cases that covers various aspects of a system. g. With this testing approach, test cases are based solely on requirement specifications. h. With this testing approach, test cases are based on the internal workings of the program. 7.10 gui Design As we focus on the details that allow us to create GUIs, we may sometimes lose sight of the big picture. As we continue to explore GUI construction, we should keep in mind that our goal is to solve a problem. Specifically, we want to create software that is useful. Knowing the details of components, events, and other language elements gives us the tools to put GUIs together, but we must guide that knowledge with the following fundamental ideas of good GUI design: ■ Know the user. ■ Prevent user errors. ■ Optimize user abilities. ■ Be consistent. Key concept The design of any GUI should adhere to basic guidelines regarding consistency and usability. The software designer must understand the user’s needs and potential activities in order to develop an interface that will serve that user well. Keep in mind that, to the user, the interface is the software. It is the only way the user interacts with the system. As such, the interface must satisfy the user’s needs. Whenever possible, we should design interfaces so that the user can make as few mistakes as possible. In many situations, we have the flexibility to choose one of several components to accomplish a specific task. We should always try to choose components that will prevent inappropriate actions and avoid invalid input. For example, if an input value must be one of a set of particular values, we should use components that allow the user to make only a valid choice. That is, constraining the user to a few valid choices with, for instance, a set of radio buttons is better than allowing the user to type arbitrary and possibly invalid data into a text field. We cover additional components appropriate for specific situations in this chapter. Not all users are alike. Some are more adept than others at using a particular GUI or GUI components in general. We shouldn’t design with only the lowest common denominator in mind. For example, we should provide shortcuts whenever reasonable. That is, in addition to a normal series of actions that will allow a user to accomplish a task, we should also provide redundant ways to accomplish the same 375 376 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design task. Using keyboard shortcuts (mnemonics) is a good example. Sometimes these additional mechanisms are less intuitive, but they may be faster for the experienced user. Finally, consistency is important when dealing with large systems or multiple systems in a common environment. Users become familiar with a particular organization or color scheme; these should not be changed arbitrarily. selF-review Questions (see answers in Appendix N) SR 7.26 What general guidelines for GUI design are presented in this section? SR 7.27 Why is a good user interface design so important? 7.11 layout Managers In addition to the components, events, and listeners that comprise the backbone of a GUI, the most important activity in GUI design is the use of layout managers. A layout manager is an object that governs how components are arranged in a container. It determines the size and position of each component and may take many factors into account to do so. Every container has a default layout manager, although we can replace it if we prefer another one. A container’s layout manager is consulted whenever a change to the visual appearance of its contents might be needed. When the size of a container is adjusted, for The layout manager of a container determines how components are example, the layout manager is consulted to determine how visually presented. all of the components in the container should appear in the resized container. Every time a component is added to a container, the layout manager determines how the addition affects all of the existing components. K e y concept K e y concept When changes occur, the components in a container reorganize themselves according to the layout manager’s policy. The table in Figure 7.6 describes several of the predefined layout managers provided by the Java standard class library. Every layout manager has its own particular properties and rules governing the layout of components. For some layout managers, the order in which you add the components affects their positioning, whereas others provide more specific control. Some layout managers take a component’s preferred size or alignment into account, whereas others don’t. To develop good GUIs in Java, it is important to become familiar with features and characteristics of various layout managers. We can use the setLayout method of a container to change its layout manager. We’ve done this a few times in previous examples. For example, the following 7 . 1 1  Layout Managers Layout Manager Description Border Layout Organizes components into five areas (North, South, East, West and Center). Box Layout Organizes components into a single row or column. Card Layout Organizes components into one area such that only one is visible at any time. Flow Layout Organizes components from left to right, starting new rows as necessary. Grid Layout Organizes components into a grid of rows and columns. GridBag Layout Organizes components into a grid of cells, allowing components to span more than one cell. Figure 7.6 Some predefined Java layout managers code sets the layout manager of a JPanel, which has a flow layout by default, so that it uses a border layout instead: JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Let’s explore some of these layout managers in more detail. We’ll focus on the most popular layout managers at this point: flow, border, box, and grid. The class presented in Listing 7.18 contains the main method of an application that demonstrates the use and effects of these layout managers. Key concept The layout manager for each container can be explicitly set. The LayoutDemo program introduces the use of a tabbed pane, a container that allows the user to select (by clicking on a tab) which of several panes is currently visible. A tabbed pane is defined by the JTabbedPane class. The addTab method creates a tab, specifying the name that appears on the tab and the component to be displayed on that pane when it achieves focus by being “brought to the front” and made visible to the user. Interestingly, there is an overlap in the functionality provided by tabbed panes and the card layout manager. Similar to the tabbed pane, a card layout allows several layers to be defined, and only one of those layers is displayed at any given point. However, a container managed by a card layout can be adjusted only under program control, whereas tabbed panes allow the user to indicate directly which tab should be displayed. In this example, each tab of the tabbed pane contains a panel that is controlled by a different layout manager. The first tab simply contains a panel with an introductory message, as shown in Listing 7.19. As we explore each layout manager in more detail, we examine the class that defines the corresponding panel of this program and discuss its visual effect. 377 378 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design l i s t i n g 7 . 1 8 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of flow, border, grid, and box layouts. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.*; public class LayoutDemo { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up a frame containing a tabbed pane. The panel on each // tab demonstrates a different layout manager. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Layout Manager Demo"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JTabbedPane tp = new JTabbedPane(); tp.addTab("Intro", new IntroPanel()); tp.addTab("Flow", new FlowPanel()); tp.addTab("Border", new BorderPanel()); tp.addTab("Grid", new GridPanel()); tp.addTab("Box", new BoxPanel()); frame.getContentPane().add(tp); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } Flow layout Flow layout is one of the easiest layout managers to use. The JPanel class uses flow layout by default. Flow layout puts as many components as possible on a row, at their preferred size. When a component cannot fit on a row, it is put on the next row. As many rows as needed are added to fit all components that have been added to the container. Figure 7.7 depicts a container governed by a flow layout manager. The class in Listing 7.20 represents the panel that demonstrates the flow layout in the LayoutDemo program. It explicitly sets the layout to be a flow layout 7 . 1 1  Layout Managers l i s ti n g 7 . 1 9 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents the introduction panel for the LayoutDemo program. //******************************************************************** import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class IntroPanel extends JPanel { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up this panel with two labels. //----------------------------------------------------------------public IntroPanel() { setBackground(; JLabel l1 = new JLabel("Layout Manager Demonstration"); JLabel l2 = new JLabel("Choose a tab to see an example of " + "a layout manager."); add(l1); add(l2); } } D i s p l a y 379 380 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design Component 1 Component 2 Component 3 Component 4 Figure 7.7 l i s t i n g Flow layout puts as many components as possible on a row 7 . 2 0 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents the panel in the LayoutDemo program that demonstrates // the flow layout manager. //******************************************************************** import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class FlowPanel extends JPanel { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up this panel with some buttons to show how flow layout // affects their position. //----------------------------------------------------------------public FlowPanel() { setLayout(new FlowLayout()); setBackground(; JButton JButton JButton JButton JButton b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 = = = = = new new new new new JButton("BUTTON JButton("BUTTON JButton("BUTTON JButton("BUTTON JButton("BUTTON 1"); 2"); 3"); 4"); 5"); 7 . 1 1  Layout Managers l i s ti n g 7 . 2 0 continued add(b1); add(b2); add(b3); add(b4); add(b5); } } D i s p l a y (though in this case that is unnecessary, because JPanel defaults to flow layout). The buttons are then created and added to the panel. The size of each button is made large enough to accommodate the size of the label that is put on it. As we mentioned earlier, flow layout puts as many of these 381 382 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design VideoNote Discussion of layout managers. buttons as possible on one row within the panel, and then starts putting components on another row. When the size of the frame is widened (by dragging the lower-right corner with the mouse, for example), the panel grows as well, and more buttons can fit on a row. When the frame is resized, the layout manager is consulted and the components are reorganized automatically. Note that on each row the components are centered within the window by default. The constructor of the FlowLayout class is overloaded to allow the programmer to tailor the characteristics of the layout manager. Within each row, components are either centered, left aligned, or right aligned. The alignment defaults to centered. The horizontal and vertical gap size between components also can be specified when the layout manager is created. The FlowLayout class also has methods to set the alignment and gap sizes after the layout manager is created. border layout A border layout has five areas to which components can be added: North, South, East, West, and Center. The areas have a particular positional relationship to each other, as shown in Figure 7.8. The four outer areas become as big as needed in order to accommodate the component they contain. If no components are added to the North, South, East, or West areas, these areas do not take up any room in the overall layout. The Center area expands to fill any available space. A particular container might use only a few areas, depending on the functionality of the system. For example, a program might use only the Center, South, and West areas. This versatility makes border layout a very useful layout manager. The add method for a container governed by a border layout takes as its first parameter the component to be added. The second parameter indicates the area to which it is added. The area is specified using constants defined in the BorderLayout class. Listing 7.21 shows the panel used by the LayoutDemo program to demonstrate the border layout. North West Center East South Figure 7.8 Border layout organizes components in five areas 7 . 1 1  Layout Managers l i s ti n g 7 . 2 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents the panel in the LayoutDemo program that demonstrates // the border layout manager. //******************************************************************** import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class BorderPanel extends JPanel { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up this panel with a button in each area of a border // layout to show how it affects their position, shape, and size. //----------------------------------------------------------------public BorderPanel() { setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setBackground(; } } JButton JButton JButton JButton JButton b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 = = = = = new new new new new JButton("BUTTON JButton("BUTTON JButton("BUTTON JButton("BUTTON JButton("BUTTON add(b1, add(b2, add(b3, add(b4, add(b5, BorderLayout.CENTER); BorderLayout.NORTH); BorderLayout.SOUTH); BorderLayout.EAST); BorderLayout.WEST); 1"); 2"); 3"); 4"); 5"); 383 384 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design l i s t i n g 7 . 2 1 continued D i s p l a y In the BorderPanel class constructor, the layout manager of the panel is explicitly set to be border layout. The buttons are then created and added to specific panel areas. By default, each button is made wide enough to accommodate its label and tall enough to fill the area to which it has been assigned. As the frame (and the panel) is resized, the size of each button adjusts as needed, with the button in the Center area filling any unused space. Each area in a border layout displays only one component. That is, only one component is added to each area of a given border layout. A common error is to add two components to a particular area of a border layout, in which case the first component added is replaced by the second, and only the second is seen when the container is displayed. To add multiple components to an area within a border layout, we first add the components to another container, such as a JPanel, then add the panel to the area. 7 . 1 1  Layout Managers Note that although the panel used to display the buttons has a green background, no green is visible in the display for Listing 7.21. By default there are no horizontal or vertical gaps between the areas of a border layout. These gaps can be set with an overloaded constructor or with explicit methods of the BorderLayout class. If the gaps are increased, the underlying panel will show through. grid layout A grid layout presents a container’s components in a rectangular grid of rows and columns. One component is placed in each grid cell, and all cells are the same size. Figure 7.9 shows the general organization of a grid layout. The number of rows and columns in a grid layout is established using parameters to the constructor when the layout manager is created. The class in Listing 7.22 shows the panel used by the LayoutDemo program to demonstrate a grid layout. It specifies that the panel should be managed using a grid of two rows and three columns. As buttons are added to the container, they fill the grid (by default) from left to right and top to bottom. There is no way to explicitly assign a component to a particular location in the grid other than the order in which they are added to the container. The size of each cell is determined by the container’s overall size. When the container is resized, all of the cells change size proportionally to fill the container. If the value used to specify either the number of rows or the number of columns is zero, the grid expands as needed in that dimension to accommodate the number of components added to the container. The values for the number of rows and columns cannot both be zero. Component 1 Component 2 Component 3 Component 4 Component 5 Component 6 Component 7 Component 8 Component 9 Component 10 Component 11 Component 12 Figure 7.9 Grid layout creates a rectangular grid of equal-sized cells 385 386 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design l i s t i n g 7 . 2 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents the panel in the LayoutDemo program that demonstrates // the grid layout manager. //******************************************************************** import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class GridPanel extends JPanel { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up this panel with some buttons to show how grid // layout affects their position, shape, and size. //----------------------------------------------------------------public GridPanel() { setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 3)); setBackground(; JButton JButton JButton JButton JButton add(b1); add(b2); add(b3); add(b4); add(b5); b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 } } = = = = = new new new new new JButton("BUTTON JButton("BUTTON JButton("BUTTON JButton("BUTTON JButton("BUTTON 1"); 2"); 3"); 4"); 5"); 7 . 1 1  Layout Managers l i s ti n g 7 . 2 2 continued D i s p l a y By default, there are no horizontal and vertical gaps between the grid cells. The gap sizes can be specified using an overloaded constructor or with the appropriate GridLayout methods. box layout A box layout organizes components either vertically or horizontally, in one row or one column, as shown in Figure 7.10. It is easy to use, yet when combined with other box layouts, it can produce complex GUI designs similar to those that can be accomplished with a GridBagLayout, which in general is far more difficult to master. When a BoxLayout object is created, we specify that it will follow either the X axis (horizontal) or the Y axis (vertical), using constants defined in the BoxLayout class. Unlike other layout managers, the constructor of a BoxLayout takes as its 387 388 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design Component 1 Comp 2 Component 1 Comp 2 Comp 3 Comp 3 Figure 7.10 Box layout organizes components either vertically or horizontally. first parameter the component that it will govern. Therefore a new BoxLayout object must be created for each component. Listing 7.23 shows the panel used by the LayoutDemo program to demonstrate the box layout. Components in containers governed by a box layout are organized (top to bottom or left to right) in the order in which they are added to the container. There are no gaps between the components in a box layout. Unlike previous layout managers we’ve explored, a box layout does not have a specific vertical or horizontal gap that can be specified for the entire container. Instead, we can add invisible components to the container that take up space between other components. The Box class, which is also part of the Java standard class library, contains static methods that can be used to create these invisible components. The two types of invisible components used in the BoxPanel class are rigid areas, which have a fixed size, and glue, which specifies where excess space in a container should go. A rigid area is created using the createRigidArea method of the Box class, and takes a Dimension object as a parameter to define the size of the invisible area. Glue is created using the createHorizontalGlue method or createVerticalGlue method, as appropriate. Note that in our example, the space between buttons separated by a rigid area remains constant even when the container is resized. Glue, on the other hand, expands or contracts as needed to fill the space. A box layout—more than most of the other layout managers—respects the alignments and the minimum, maximum, and preferred sizes of the components it governs. Therefore, setting the characteristics of the components that go into the container is another way to tailor the visual effect. 7 . 1 1  Layout Managers l i s ti n g 7 . 2 3 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents the panel in the LayoutDemo program that demonstrates // the box layout manager. //******************************************************************** import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class BoxPanel extends JPanel { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up this panel with some buttons to show how a vertical // box layout (and invisible components) affects their position. //----------------------------------------------------------------public BoxPanel() { setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); setBackground(; JButton JButton JButton JButton JButton b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 = = = = = new new new new new JButton("BUTTON JButton("BUTTON JButton("BUTTON JButton("BUTTON JButton("BUTTON 1"); 2"); 3"); 4"); 5"); add(b1); add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 10))); add(b2); add(Box.createVerticalGlue()); add(b3); add(b4); add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 20))); add(b5); } } 389 390 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design l i s t i n g D i s p l a y 7 . 2 3 continued 7 . 1 2  Borders s e l F - r e v iew Questions (see answers in Appendix N) SR 7.28 When is a layout manager consulted? SR 7.29 How does the flow layout manager behave? SR 7.30 Describe the areas of a border layout. SR 7.31 What effect does a glue component in a box layout have? 7.12 borders Java provides the ability to put a border around any Swing component. A border is not a component itself but rather defines how the edge of any component should be drawn and has an important effect on the design of a GUI. A border provides visual cues as to how GUI components are organized and can be used to give titles to components. Figure 7.11 lists the predefined borders in the Java standard class library. The BorderFactory class is useful for creating borders for components. It has many methods for creating specific types of borders. A border is applied to a component by using the component’s setBorder method. Key concept Borders can be applied to Swing components to group objects and focus attention. The program in Listing 7.24 demonstrates several types of borders. It simply creates several panels, sets a different border for each, and then displays them in a larger panel by using a grid layout. Border Description Empty Border Puts buffering space around the edge of a component, but otherwise has no visual effect. Line Border A simple line surrounding the component. Etched Border Creates the effect of an etched groove around a component. Bevel Border Creates the effect of a component raised above the surface or sunken below it. Titled Border Includes a text title on or around the border. Matte Border Allows the size of each edge to be specified. Uses either a solid color or an image. Compound Border A combination of two borders. Figure 7.11 Component borders 391 392 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design l i s t i n g 7 . 2 4 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of various types of borders. //******************************************************************** import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; public class BorderDemo { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates several bordered panels and displays them. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Border Demo"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 2, 5, 10)); panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(8, 8, 8, 8)); JPanel p1 = new JPanel(); p1.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(, 3)); p1.add(new JLabel("Line Border")); panel.add(p1); JPanel p2 = new JPanel(); p2.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder()); p2.add(new JLabel("Etched Border")); panel.add (p2); JPanel p3 = new JPanel(); p3.setBorder(BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder()); p3.add(new JLabel("Raised Bevel Border")); panel.add(p3); JPanel p4 = new JPanel(); p4.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder()); p4.add(new JLabel("Lowered Bevel Border")); panel.add(p4); JPanel p5 = new JPanel(); 7 . 1 2  Borders l i s ti n g 7 . 2 4 continued p5.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Title")); p5.add(new JLabel("Titled Border")); panel.add(p5); JPanel p6 = new JPanel(); TitledBorder tb = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Title"); tb.setTitleJustification(TitledBorder.RIGHT); p6.setBorder(tb); p6.add(new JLabel("Titled Border(right)")); panel.add(p6); JPanel p7 = new JPanel(); Border b1 = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(, 2); Border b2 = BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(); p7.setBorder(BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(b1, b2)); p7.add(new JLabel("Compound Border")); panel.add(p7); JPanel p8 = new JPanel(); Border mb = BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(1, 5, 1, 1,; p8.setBorder(mb); p8.add(new JLabel("Matte Border")); panel.add(p8); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } Let’s look at each type of border created in this program. An empty border is applied to the larger panel that holds all the others, to create a buffer of space around the outer edge of the frame. The sizes of the top, left, bottom, and right edges of the empty border are specified in pixels. The line border is created using a particular color and specifies the line thickness in pixels (3 in this case). The line thickness defaults to 1 pixel if left unspecified. The etched border created in this program uses default colors for the highlight and shadow of the etching, but both could be explicitly set if desired. A bevel border can be either raised or lowered. The default coloring is used in this program, although the coloring of each aspect of the bevel can be tailored as 393 394 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design l i s t i n g 7 . 2 4 continued D i s p l a y desired, including the outer highlight, inner highlight, outer shadow, and inner shadow. Each of these aspects could be a different color if desired. A titled border places a title on or around the border. The default position for the title is on the border at the top-left edge. Using the setTitleJustification method of the TitledBorder class, this position can be set to many other places above, below, on, or to the left, right, or center of the border. A compound border is a combination of two or more borders. The example in this program creates a compound border using a line border and an etched border. The createCompoundBorder method accepts two borders as parameters and makes the first parameter the outer border and the second parameter the inner border. Combinations of three or more borders are created by first creating a compound border using two borders, then making another compound border using it and yet another one. 7 . 1 3  Containment Hierarchies A matte border specifies the sizes, in pixels, of the top, left, bottom, and right edges of the border. Those edges can be composed of a single color, as they are in this example, or an image icon can be used. Borders should be used carefully. They can be helpful in drawing attention to appropriate parts of your GUI and can conceptually group related items together. However, if used inappropriately, they can also detract from the elegance of the presentation. Borders should enhance the interface, not complicate or compete with it. s e l F - r e v iew Questions (see answers in Appendix N) SR 7.32 What is the role of the BorderFactory class? SR 7.33 List and briefly describe each of the border types presented in this section. 7.13 containment hierarchies The way components are grouped into containers, and the way those containers are nested within each other, establishes the containment hierarchy for a GUI. We introduced this concept in Chapter 3. By carefully designing the containment hierarchy, a GUI can be tailored to have a precise visual effect. For any Java program, there is generally one primary container, called a toplevel container, such as a frame or applet. The top-level container of a program often contains one or more other containers, such as panels. These panels may contain other panels to organize the other components as desired. Each container can have its own layout manager. The final appearance of a GUI is a function of the layout managers chosen for each of the containers and the design of the containment hierarchy. Many combinations are possible, and there is rarely a single best option. As always, we should be guided by the desired system goals and general GUI design guidelines. Key concept A GUI’s appearance is a function of the containment hierarchy and the layout managers of each container. Figure 7.12 shows a GUI application that has been annotated to describe its containment hierarchy. Several components used in this program have been discussed previously in this text; others are discussed in later chapters. Note that in many cases, the use of some containers is not obvious just by looking at the GUI. A panel, in particular, is invisible unless we draw attention to it in some way, such as by giving it a border. We can also use invisible components to provide specific spacing between components. These elements are all part of the containment hierarchy, even though they are not visible to the user. 395 396 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design The entire interface is governed by a border layout with a panel in each area. West: four smaller panels in a vertical box layout. One panel for each label/text field combination and another for the gender radio buttons Figure 7 . 1 2 East: two labels, a slider, and a combo box with vertical spacing in a box layout North: two labels Center: several check boxes, a label, and a text field South: two buttons preceded by horizontal glue in a box layout The containment hierarchy of a GUI JFrame JPanel Entire Interface (Border Layout) JPanel North - Title and Directions (Vertical Box Layout) JPanel West - Name and Gender (Vertical Box Layout) JPanel Center - Hobbies (Vertical Box Layout) JCheckBox (quantity : 6) JLabel JLabel JPanel First Name (Horizontal Box Layout) JPanel Last Name (Horizontal Box Layout) JPanel East - Age and Salary (Vertical Box Layout) JLabel JButton JSlider JButton JLabel JLabel Glue JTextField JComboBox JPanel Middle Initial (Horizontal Box Layout) JPanel Gender (Vertical Box Layout) JLabel JLabel JLabel JRadioButton JTextField JTextField JTextField JRadioButton Figure 7 . 1 3 JPanel South - Clear and Submit (Horizontal Box Layout) The containment hierarchy tree 7 . 1 3  Containment Hierarchies A particular program’s containment hierarchy can be represented as a tree structure, such as the one shown in Figure 7.13. The root of the tree is the toplevel container. Each level of the tree shows the containers and components held in the containers of the level above. When changes are made that might affect the visual layout of the components in a program, the layout managers of each container are consulted in turn. The changes in one may affect another. These changes ripple through the containment hierarchy as needed. s e l F - r e v iew Questions (see answers in Appendix N) SR 7.34 What is the containment hierarchy for a GUI? SR 7.35 Draw the containment hierarchy tree for the LeftRight application GUI presented in Chapter 5. 397 398 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design summary of Key concepts ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The effort put into design is both crucial and cost effective. The nouns in a problem description may indicate some of the classes and objects needed in a program. A static variable is shared among all instances of a class. An aggregate object is composed of other objects, forming a has-a relationship. An interface is a collection of abstract methods and therefore cannot be instantiated. The values of an enumerated type are static variables of that type. We can add attributes and methods to the definition of an enumerated type. A complex service provided by an object can be decomposed to make use of private support methods. When an object is passed to a method, the actual and formal parameters become aliases. The versions of an overloaded method are distinguished by the number, type, and order of their parameters. ■ Testing a program can never guarantee the absence of errors. ■ A good test is one that uncovers an error. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ It is not feasible to exhaustively test a program for all possible input and user actions. The design of any GUI should adhere to basic guidelines regarding consistency and usability. The layout manager of a container determines how components are visually presented. When changes occur, the components in a container reorganize themselves according to the layout manager’s policy. The layout manager for each container can be explicitly set. Borders can be applied to Swing components to group objects and focus attention. A GUI’s appearance is a function of the containment hierarchy and the layout managers of each container. Exercises exercises EX 7.1 Write a method called product that accepts four integer parameters and returns their product as an integer. EX 7.2 Overload the product method of Exercise 7.1 such that if five integers are provided as parameters, the method returns the product of all five. EX 7.3 Overload the product method of Exercise 7.1 to accept six integer parameters and return their product. EX 7.4 Write a method called doubleConcat that takes a String and an integer as parameters. Return a String that consists of the string parameter concatenated with itself twice the number times, where number is an integer parameter. For example, if the parameter values are "hello" and 1, the return value should be "hellohello". Return the original string if the integer parameter is less than 1. EX 7.5 Overload the doubleConcat method from Exercise 7.4 such that if the integer parameter is not provided, the method returns the string itself without concatenation. For example, if the string is "hello", the return string is also "hello". EX 7.6 Write a method called drawCircle that draws a circle based on the method’s parameters: a Graphics object through which to draw the circle, two integer values representing the (x, y) coordinates of the center of the circle, another integer that represents the circle’s radius, and a Color object that defines the circle’s color. The method does not return anything. EX 7.7 Overload the drawCircle method of Exercise 7.6 such that if the Color parameter is not provided, the circle’s color will default to black. EX 7.8 Overload the drawCircle method of Exercise 7.6 such that if the radius is not provided, a random radius in the range 10 to 100 (inclusive) will be used. EX 7.9 Overload the drawCircle method of Exercise 7.6 such that if both the color and the radius of the circle are not provided, the color will default to red and the radius will default to 40. EX 7.10 Discuss the manner in which Java passes parameters to a method. Is this technique consistent between primitive types and objects? Explain. EX 7.11 Explain why a static method cannot refer to an instance variable. 399 400 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design EX 7.12 Can a class implement two interfaces that each contains the same method signature? Explain. EX 7.13 Create an interface called Visible that includes two methods: makeVisible and makeInvisible. Both methods should take no parameters and should return a boolean result. Describe how a class might implement this interface. EX 7.14 Draw a UML class diagram that shows the relationships among the elements of Exercise 7.13. EX 7.15 Imagine a game in which some game elements can be broken by the player and others can’t. Create an interface called Breakable that has a method called break that takes no parameters and another called broken that returns a boolean result indicating whether that object is currently broken. EX 7.16 Create an interface called VCR that has methods that represent the standard operations on a video cassette recorder (play, stop, etc.). Define the method signatures any way you desire. Describe how a class might implement this interface. EX 7.17 Draw a UML class diagram that shows the relationships among the elements of Exercise 7.16. EX 7.18 Draw the containment hierarchy tree for the LayoutDemo program. EX 7.19 What visual effect would result by changing the horizontal and vertical gaps on the border layout used in the LayoutDemo program? Make the change to test your answer. EX 7.20 Write the lines of code that will define a compound border using three borders. Use a line border on the inner edge, an etched border on the outer edge, and a raised bevel border in between. programming projects PP 7.1 Modify the Account class from Chapter 4 so that it also permits an account to be opened with just a name and an account number, assuming an initial balance of zero. Modify the main method of the Transactions class to demonstrate this new capability. PP 7.2 Modify the Student class presented in this chapter as follows. Each student object should also contain the scores for three tests. Provide a constructor that sets all instance values based on parameter values. Overload the constructor such that each test score is assumed to be initially zero. Provide a method VideoNote Developing a solution of PP 7.1. Programming Projects called setTestScore that accepts two parameters: the test number (1 through 3) and the score. Also provide a method called getTestScore that accepts the test number and returns the appropriate score. Provide a method called average that computes and returns the average test score for this student. Modify the toString method such that the test scores and average are included in the description of the student. Modify the driver class main method to exercise the new Student methods. PP 7.3 Write a class called Course that represents a course taken at a school. Represent each student using the modified Student class from the previous programming project. Use an ArrayList in the Course to store the students taking that course. The constructor of the Course class should accept only the name of the course. Provide a method called addStudent that accepts one Student parameter. Provide a method called average that computes and returns the average of all students’ test score averages. Provide a method called roll that prints all students in the course. Create a driver class with a main method that creates a course, adds several students, prints a roll, and prints the overall course test average. PP 7.4 Modify the RationalNumber class so that it implements the Comparable interface. To perform the comparison, compute an equivalent floating point value from the numerator and denominator for both RationalNumber objects, then compare them using a tolerance value of 0.0001. Write a main driver to test your modifications. PP 7.5 Write a Java interface called Priority that includes two methods: setPriority and getPriority. The interface should define a way to establish numeric priority among a set of objects. Design and implement a class called Task that represents a task (such as on a to-do list) that implements the Priority interface. Create a driver class to exercise some Task objects. PP 7.6 Modify the Task class from PP 7.5 so that it also implements the Complexity interface defined in this chapter. Modify the driver class to show these new features of Task objects. PP 7.7 Modify the Task class from PPs 7.5 and 7.6 so that it also implements the Comparable interface from the Java standard class library. Implement the interface such that the tasks are ranked by priority. Create a driver class whose main method shows these new features of Task objects. 401 402 chapter 7   Object-Oriented Design PP 7.8 Write a Java interface called Lockable that includes the following methods: setKey, lock, unlock, and locked. The setKey, lock, and unlock methods take an integer parameter that represents the key. The setKey method establishes the key. The lock and unlock methods lock and unlock the object, but only if the key passed in is correct. The locked method returns a boolean that indicates whether or not the object is locked. A Lockable object represents an object whose regular methods are protected: if the object is locked, the methods cannot be invoked; if it is unlocked, they can be invoked. Write a version of the Coin class from Chapter 5 so that it is Lockable. PP 7.9 Write a version of the Account class from PP. 5.9, so that it is Lockable as defined by PP 7.8. PP 7.10 Write a new version of the PigLatin program so that it uses a GUI. Accept the sentence using a text field and display the results using a label. PP 7.11 Modify the IntroPanel class of the LayoutDemo program so that it uses a box layout manager. Use invisible components to put glue above and below the two labels, and a rigid area between them. PP 7.12 Modify the QuoteOptions program from Chapter 5 to change its visual appearance. Present the radio buttons in a vertical column with a surrounding border to the left of the quote label. PP 7.13 Write a program that displays a numeric keypad that might appear on a phone. Above the keypad buttons, show a label that displays the numbers as they are picked. To the right of the keypad buttons, include another button to clear the display. Use a border layout to manage the overall presentation, and a grid layout to manage the keypad buttons. Put a border around the keypad buttons to group them visually, and a border around the display. PP 7.14 Write a program that helps a pizza restaurant take orders. Use a tabbed pane for different categories of food (pizza, beverages, special items). Collect information about quantity and size. Display the cost of the order as information is gathered. Use appropriate components for collecting the various kinds of information. Structure the interface carefully using the containment hierarchy and layout managers. soFtware Failure 2003 northeast blackout what happened? On August 14, 2003, the largest electrical blackout in American history hit the northeastern United States and parts of Canada. Several metropolitan areas were affected, including New York, Cleveland, Detroit, Toronto, and Ottawa. Within a span of three minutes, 21 power plants had shut down, affecting approximately 50 million people. The typical problems resulted in the blackout areas. Lack of traffic lights caused traffic problems. Trains and elevators were stuck. Airports delayed flights. Water pressure that relied on electric pumps failed. Cell phone usage was disrupted. (Wired telephone usage was still available, but it was overtaxed during the emergency.) Internet traffic slowed due to downed servers and the attempt to reroute messages. Some incidents of looting were reported. The northeastern United States before and after the blackout. ■ Estimates place the total financial cost of the blackout anywhere between $4 and $8 billion. Nine people died from various causes related to the blackout. what caused it? Many sources of the problem were blamed during the early hours and days after the blackout. Because of the heightened consciousness after the September 11, 2001 attacks, authorities were quick to rule out terrorism. Downed trees and lightning strikes throughout the affected region were blamed. Officials even considered---but quickly ruled out---the “Blaster” computer worm that was spreading at the time. Over the course of the next few months, a task force sorted out the issues. The initial cause was determined to be in Akron, Ohio, where the FirstEnergy Corp. had failed to keep trees near the power lines trimmed appropriately. On August 14, 2003, tree limbs caused three power lines to fail simultaneously. When such failures occur, the operators at the power control center are responsible for keeping the load balanced. In this case, they failed to do so, because the computer-based alarm system that would have informed them of the problem failed to operate correctly. The load imbalance quickly spread to neighboring power plants, resulting in the cascading blackout. So although there were various contributing factors, a big part of the problem was the failure of the alarm system. This issue eventually was traced to a race condition bug in the computer General Electric Energys used to monitor alarms. 403 404 Software Failure A race condition in a computer program occurs when two or more processes running concurrently access some shared data. One modifies the data after another has read it, and they both continue processing under the wrong assumptions. In this case, three power lines failing simultaneously caused the race condition that caused the alarm system to fail, which went unnoticed by the operators. Resulting problems caused the entire system to crash shortly thereafter. The backup system crashed for the same reasons. After the bug was discovered, GE issued a patch to correct it. lessons learned The problems of this event stemmed not from a lack of power but on the inability to get the power where it was needed. This blackout highlighted the poor infrastructure of power lines that exist and the danger of relying on voluntary rules for maintaining the reliability of the power grid. Regarding the software culpability, race conditions are a known source of failure in concurrent systems and must be tested for thoroughly. Formal analysis is warranted in situations like this one where so much is at stake. Sources:, Arrays Chap t e r 8 O b j e C t i v e s ● Define and use arrays for basic data organization. ● Discuss bounds checking and techniques for managing capacity. ● Discuss the issues related to arrays as objects and arrays of objects. ● Explore the use of command-line arguments. ● Describe the syntax and use of variable-length parameter lists. ● Discuss the creation and use of multidimensional arrays. ● Explore mouse and keyboard events. In our programming efforts, we often want to organize objects or primitive data in a form that is easy to access and modify. The ArrayList class, explored in Chapter 5, was used for exactly that purpose. As the class name implies, an ArrayList is implemented using arrays, which are programming constructs that group data into lists. In this chapter we’ll explore the details of arrays, which are a fundamental component of most high-level languages. In the Graphics Track sections of this chapter, we explore methods that let us draw complex multisided figures and examine the events generated by the mouse and the keyboard. 405 406 Chapter 8 Arrays 8.1 array elements An array is a simple but powerful programming language construct used to group and organize data. When writing a program that manages a large amount of information, such as a list of 100 names, it is not practical to declare separate variables for each piece of data. Arrays solve this problem by letting us declare one variable that can hold multiple, individually accessible values. An array is a list of values. Each value is stored at a specific, numbered position in the array. The number corresponding to each position is called an index or a subscript. Figure 8.1 shows an array of integers and the indexes that correspond to each position. The array is called height; it contains integers that represent several peoples’ heights in inches. In Java, array indexes always begin at zero. Therefore the value stored at index 5 is actually the sixth value in the array. The array shown in Figure 8.1 has 11 values, indexed from 0 to 10. K e y C O N C e pt An array of size N is indexed from 0 to N–1. To access a value in an array, we use the name of the array followed by the index in square brackets. For example, the following expression refers to the ninth value in the array height: height[8] According to Figure 8.1, height[8] (pronounced height-sub-eight) contains the value 79. Don’t confuse the value of the index, in this case 8, with the value stored in the array at that index, in this case 79. height index 0 69 1 61 2 70 3 74 4 62 5 69 6 66 7 73 8 79 9 62 10 70 value of height[5] FigUre 8.1 An array called height containing integer values 8 . 2 Declaring and Using Arrays The expression height[8] refers to a single integer stored at a particular memory location. It can be used wherever an integer variable can be used. Therefore you can assign a value to it, use it in calculations, print its value, and so on. Furthermore, because array indexes are integers, you can use integer expressions to specify the index used to access an array. These concepts are demonstrated in the following lines of code: height[2] = 72; height[count] = feet * 12; average = (height[0] + height[1] + height[2]) / 3; System.out.println("The middle value is " + height[MAX/2]); pick = height[rand.nextInt(11)]; Arrays are stored contiguously in memory, meaning that the elements are stored one right after the other in memory just as we picture them conceptually. This makes an array extremely efficient in terms of accessing any particular element by its index. Internally, to determine the address of any particular element, the index is multiplied by the size of each element, and added to the memory address of the starting point of the array. That’s why array indexes begin at zero instead of one— to make that computation as easy as possible. So from an efficiency point of view, it’s as easy to access the 500th element in the array as it is to access the first element. s e L F - r e v ieW QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 8.1 What is an array? SR 8.2 How is each element of an array referenced? SR 8.3 Based on the array shown in Figure 8.1, what are each of the following? a. b. c. d. e. f. 8.2 height[1] height[2] + height[5] height[2 + 5] the value stored at index 8 the fourth value height.length Declaring and Using arrays In Java, arrays are objects. To create an array, the reference to the array must be declared. The array can then be instantiated using the new operator, which allocates memory space to store values. The following code represents the declaration for the array shown in Figure 8.1: int[] height = new int[11]; 407 408 Chapter 8 Arrays The variable height is declared to be an array of integers whose type is written as int[]. All values stored in an array have the same In Java, an array is an object that type (or are at least compatible). For example, we can create an must be instantiated. array that can hold integers or an array that can hold strings, but not an array that can hold both integers and strings. An array can be set up to hold any primitive type or any object (class) type. A value stored in an array is sometimes called an array element, and the type of values that an array holds is called the element type of the array. K e y C O N C e pt L i s t i N g 8 . 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates basic array declaration and use. //******************************************************************** public class BasicArray { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates an array, fills it with various integer values, // modifies one value, then prints them out. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { final int LIMIT = 15, MULTIPLE = 10; int[] list = new int[LIMIT]; // Initialize the array values for (int index = 0; index < LIMIT; index++) list[index] = index * MULTIPLE; list[5] = 999; // change one array value // Print the array values for (int value : list) System.out.print(value + " "); } } O U t p U t 0 10 20 30 40 999 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 8 . 2 Declaring and Using Arrays Note that the type of the array variable (int[]) does not include the size of the array. The instantiation of height, using the new operator, reserves the memory space to store 11 integers indexed from 0 to 10. Once an array is declared to be a certain size, the number of values it can hold cannot be changed. The example shown in Listing 8.1 creates an array called list that can hold 15 integers, which it loads with successive increments of 10. It then changes the value of the sixth element in the array (at index 5). Finally, it prints all values stored in the array. Figure 8.2 shows the array as it changes during the execution of the BasicArray program. It is often convenient to use for loops when handling arrays, because the number of positions in the array is constant. Note that a constant called LIMIT is used in several places in the BasicArray program. This constant is used to declare the size of the array and to control the for loop that initializes the array values. The iterator version of the for loop is used to print the values in the array. Recall from Chapter 5 that this version of the for loop extracts each value in the The array is created with 15 elements, indexed from 0 to 14 After three iterations of the first loop After completing the first loop After changing the value of list[5] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 10 1 10 1 10 2 2 20 2 20 2 20 3 3 3 30 3 30 4 4 4 40 4 40 5 5 5 50 5 999 6 6 6 60 6 60 7 7 7 70 7 70 80 8 80 0 8 8 8 9 9 9 90 9 90 10 10 10 100 10 100 11 11 11 110 11 110 12 12 12 120 12 120 13 13 13 130 13 130 14 14 14 140 14 140 FigUre 8.2 The array list as it changes in the BasicArray program VideoNote Overview of arrays. 409 410 Chapter 8 Arrays specified iterator. Every Java array is an iterator, so this type of loop can be used whenever we want to process every element stored in an array. The square brackets used to indicate the index of an array are treated as an operator in Java. Therefore, just like the + operator or the <= operator, the index operator ([]) has a precedence relative to the other Java operators that determines when it is executed. It has the highest precedence of all Java operators. bounds Checking The index operator performs automatic bounds checking, which ensures that the index is in range for the array being referenced. Whenever a reference to an array element is made, the index must be greater than or equal to zero and K e y C O N C e pt less than the size of the array. For example, suppose an array called Bounds checking ensures that an prices is created with 25 elements. The valid indexes for the array index used to refer to an array eleare from 0 to 24. Whenever a reference is made to a particular element is in range. ment in the array (such as prices[count]), the value of the index is checked. If it is in the valid range of indexes for the array (0 to 24), the reference is carried out. If the index is not valid, an exception called ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown. Of course, in our programs we’ll want to perform our own bounds checking. That is, we’ll want to be careful to remain within the bounds of the array and process every element we intend to. Because array indexes begin at zero and go up to one less than the size of the array, it is easy to create off-by-one errors in a program, which are problems created by processing all but one element or by attempting to index one element too many. One way to check for the bounds of an array is to use the length constant, which is held in the array object and stores the size of the array. It is a public constant and therefore can be referenced directly. For example, after the array prices is created with 25 elements, the constant prices.length contains the value 25. Its value is set once when the array is first created and cannot be changed. The length constant, which is an integral part of each array, can be used when the array size is needed without having to create a separate constant. Remember that the length of the array is the number of elements it can hold, thus the maximum index of an array is length-1. Let’s look at another example. The program shown in Listing 8.2 reads 10 integers into an array called numbers, and then prints them in reverse order. Note that in the ReverseOrder program, the array numbers is declared to have 10 elements and therefore is indexed from 0 to 9. The index range is controlled in the for loops by using the length field of the array object. You should carefully set the initial value of loop control variables and the conditions that terminate loops to guarantee that all intended elements are processed and only valid indexes are used to reference an array element. 8 . 2 Declaring and Using Arrays L i s ti N g 8 . 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates array index processing. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; public class ReverseOrder { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Reads a list of numbers from the user, storing them in an // array, then prints them in the opposite order. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(; double[] numbers = new double[10]; System.out.println("The size of the array: " + numbers.length); for (int index = 0; index < numbers.length; index++) { System.out.print("Enter number " + (index+1) + ": "); numbers[index] = scan.nextDouble(); } System.out.println("The numbers in reverse order:"); for (int index = numbers.length-1; index >= 0; index--) System.out.print(numbers[index] + " "); } } O U t p U t The size of the Enter number 1: Enter number 2: Enter number 3: Enter number 4: array: 10 18.36 48.9 53.5 29.06 411 412 Chapter 8 Arrays L i s t i N g 8 . 2 continued Enter number 5: 72.404 Enter number 6: 34.8 Enter number 7: 63.41 Enter number 8: 45.55 Enter number 9: 69.0 Enter number 10: 99.18 The numbers in reverse order: 99.18 69.0 45.55 63.41 34.8 72.404 29.06 53.5 48.9 18.36 The LetterCount example, shown in Listing 8.3, uses two arrays and a String object. The array called upper is used to store the number of times each uppercase alphabetic letter is found in the string. The array called lower serves the same purpose for lowercase letters. Because there are 26 letters in the English alphabet, both the upper and lower arrays are declared with 26 elements. Each element contains an integer that is initially zero by default. The for loop scans through the string one character at a time. The appropriate counter in the appropriate array is incremented for each character found in the string. L i s t i N g 8 . 3 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the relationship between arrays an strings. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; public class LetterCount { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Reads a sentence from the user and counts the number of // uppercase and lowercase letters contained in it. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { final int NUMCHARS = 26; 8 . 2 Declaring and Using Arrays L i s ti N g 8 . 3 continued Scanner scan = new Scanner(; int[] upper = new int[NUMCHARS]; int[] lower = new int[NUMCHARS]; char current; int other = 0; // the current character being processed // counter for non-alphabetics System.out.println("Enter a sentence:"); String line = scan.nextLine(); // Count the number of each letter occurrence for (int ch = 0; ch < line.length(); ch++) { current = line.charAt(ch); if (current >= 'A' && current <= 'Z') upper[current-'A']++; else if (current >= 'a' && current <= 'z') lower[current-'a']++; else other++; } // Print the results System.out.println(); for (int letter=0; letter < upper.length; letter++) { System.out.print((char)(letter + 'A')); System.out.print(": " + upper[letter]); System.out.print("\t\t" + (char)(letter + 'a')); System.out.println(": " + lower[letter]); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Non-alphabetic characters: " + other); } } 413 414 Chapter 8 Arrays L i s t i N g 8 . 3 continued O U t p U t Enter a sentence: In Casablanca, Humphrey Bogart never says "Play it again, Sam." A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z: 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a: b: c: d: e: f: g: h: i: j: k: l: m: n: o: p: q: r: s: t: u: v: w: x: y: z: 10 1 1 0 3 0 2 1 2 0 0 2 2 4 1 1 0 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 3 0 Non-alphabetic characters: 14 VideoNote Discussion of the LetterCount example. Both of the counter arrays are indexed from 0 to 25. We have to map each character to a counter. A logical way to do this is to use upper[0] to count the number of 'A' characters found, upper[1] to count the number of 'B' characters found, and so on. Likewise, lower[0] is used to count 'a' characters, lower[1] is 8 . 2 Declaring and Using Arrays used to count 'b' characters, and so on. A separate variable called other is used to count any nonalphabetic characters that are encountered. Note that to determine if a character is an uppercase letter we used the boolean expression (current >= 'A' && current <= 'Z'). A similar expression is used for determining the lowercase letters. We could have used the static methods isUpperCase and isLowerCase in the Character class to make these determinations but didn’t in this example to drive home the point that because characters are based on the Unicode character set, they have a specific numeric value and order that we can use in our programming. We use the current character to calculate which index in the array to reference. We have to be careful when calculating an index to ensure that it remains within the bounds of the array and matches to the correct element. Remember that in the Unicode character set, the uppercase and lowercase alphabetic letters are continuous and in order (see Appendix C). Therefore, taking the numeric value of an uppercase letter such as 'E' (which is 69) and subtracting the numeric value of the character 'A' (which is 65) yields 4, which is the correct index for the counter of the character 'E'. Note that nowhere in the program do we actually need to know the specific numeric values for each letter. alternate array syntax Syntactically, there are two ways to declare an array reference in Java. The first technique, which is used in the previous examples and throughout this text, is to associate the brackets with the type of values stored in the array. The second technique is to associate the brackets with the name of the array. Therefore, the following two declarations are equivalent: int[] grades; int grades[]; Although there is no difference between these declaration techniques as far as the compiler is concerned, the first is consistent with other types of declarations. The declared type is explicit if the array brackets are associated with the element type, especially if there are multiple variables declared on the same line. Therefore we associate the brackets with the element type throughout this text. initializer Lists You can use an initializer list to instantiate an array and provide the initial values for the elements of the array. It is essentially the same idea as initializing a variable of 415 416 Chapter 8 Arrays K e y C O N C e pt An initializer list can be used to instantiate an array object instead of using the new operator. a primitive data type in its declaration except that an array requires several values. The items in an initializer list are separated by commas and delimited by braces ({}). When an initializer list is used, the new operator is not used. The size of the array is determined by the number of items in the initializer list. For example, the following declaration instantiates the array scores as an array of eight integers, indexed from 0 to 7 with the specified initial values: int[] scores = {87, 98, 69, 87, 65, 76, 99, 83}; An initializer list can be used only when an array is first declared. The type of each value in an initializer list must match the type of the array elements. Let’s look at another example: char[] vowels = {'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U'}; In this case, the variable vowels is declared to be an array of five characters, and the initializer list contains character literals. The program shown in Listing 8.4 demonstrates the use of an initializer list to instantiate an array. arrays as parameters K e y C O N C e pt An entire array can be passed as a parameter, making the formal parameter an alias of the original. An entire array can be passed as a parameter to a method. Because an array is an object, when an entire array is passed as a parameter, a copy of the reference to the original array is passed. We discussed this issue as it applies to all objects in Chapter 7. A method that receives an array as a parameter can permanently change an element of the array, because it is referring to the original element value. The method cannot permanently change the reference to the array itself, because a copy of the original reference is sent to the method. These rules are consistent with the rules that govern any object type. An element of an array can be passed to a method as well. If the element type is a primitive type, a copy of the value is passed. If that element is a reference to an object, a copy of the object reference is passed. As always, the impact of changes made to a parameter inside the method depends on the type of the parameter. We discuss arrays of objects further in the next section. 8 . 2 Declaring and Using Arrays L i s ti N g 8 . 4 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of an initializer list for an array. //******************************************************************** public class Primes { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Stores some prime numbers in an array and prints them. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { int[] primeNums = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19}; System.out.println("Array length: " + primeNums.length); System.out.println("The first few prime numbers are:"); for (int prime : primeNums) System.out.print(prime + " "); } } O U t p U t Array length: 8 The first few prime numbers are: 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 s e L F - r e v ieW QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 8.4 What is an array’s element type? SR 8.5 Describe the process of creating an array. When is memory allocated for the array? SR 8.6 Write an array declaration to represent the ages of all 100 children attending a summer camp. SR 8.7 Write an array declaration to represent the counts of how many times each face appeared when a standard six-sided die is rolled. 417 418 Chapter 8 Arrays SR 8.8 Explain the concept of array bounds checking. What happens when a Java array is indexed with an invalid value? SR 8.9 What is an off-by-one error? How does it relate to arrays? SR 8.10 Write code that increments (by one) each element of an array of integers named values. SR 8.11 Write code that computes and prints the sum of the elements of an array of integers named values. SR 8.12 What does an array initializer list accomplish? SR 8.13 Can an entire array be passed as a parameter? How is this accomplished? 8.3 arrays of Objects In the previous examples in this chapter, we used arrays to store primitive types such as integers and characters. Arrays can also store references to objects as elements. Fairly complex information management structures can be created using only arrays and other objects. For example, an array could contain objects, and each of those objects could consist of several variables and the methods that use them. Those variables could themselves be arrays, and so on. The design of a program should capitalize on the ability to combine these constructs to create the most appropriate representation for the information. Keep in mind that the array itself is an object. So it would be appropriate to picture an array of int values called weight as follows: weight 125 182 160 104 147 K e y C O N C e pt Instantiating an array of objects reserves room to store references only. The objects that are stored in each element must be instantiated separately. When we store objects in an array, each element is a separate object. That is, an array of objects is really an array of object references. Consider the following declaration: String[] words = new String[5]; 8 . 3 Arrays of Objects The variable words is an array of references to String objects. The new operator in the declaration instantiates the array and reserves space for five String references. This declaration does not create any String objects; it merely creates an array that holds references to String objects. Initially, the array looks like this: words — — — — — After a few String objects are created and put in the array, it might look like this: words “friendship” “loyalty” “honor” — — The words array is an object, and each character string it holds is its own object. Each object contained in an array has to be instantiated separately. Keep in mind that String objects can be represented as string literals. So the following declaration creates an array called verbs and uses an initializer list to populate it with several String objects, each instantiated using a string literal: String[] verbs = {"play", "work", "eat", "sleep"}; The program called GradeRange shown in Listing 8.5 creates an array of Grade objects, then prints them. The Grade objects are created using several new operators in the initialization list of the array. The Grade class is shown in Listing 8.6. Each Grade object represents a letter grade for a school course and includes a numerical lower bound. The values for the grade name and lower bound can be set using the Grade constructor, or using appropriate mutator methods. Accessor methods are also defined, as is a toString method to return a string representation of the grade. The toString method is automatically invoked when the grades are printed in the main method. Let’s look at another example. Listing 8.7 shows the Movies class, which contains a main method that creates, modifies, and examines a DVD collection. 419 420 Chapter 8 Arrays L i s t i N g 8 . 5 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of an array of objects. //******************************************************************** public class GradeRange { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates an array of Grade objects and prints them. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { Grade[] grades = { new Grade("A", 95), new Grade("A-", 90), new Grade("B+", 87), new Grade("B", 85), new Grade("B-", 80), new Grade("C+", 77), new Grade("C", 75), new Grade("C-", 70), new Grade("D+", 67), new Grade("D", 65), new Grade("D-", 60), new Grade("F", 0) }; for (Grade letterGrade : grades) System.out.println(letterGrade); } } O U t p U t A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF 95 90 87 85 80 77 75 70 67 65 60 0 8 . 3 Arrays of Objects L i s ti N g 8 . 6 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a school grade. //******************************************************************** public class Grade { private String name; private int lowerBound; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up this Grade object with the specified // grade name and numeric lower bound. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Grade(String grade, int cutoff) { name = grade; lowerBound = cutoff; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns a string representation of this grade. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String toString() { return name + "\t" + lowerBound; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Name mutator. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void setName(String grade) { name = grade; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Lower bound mutator. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void setLowerBound(int cutoff) { lowerBound = cutoff; } 421 422 Chapter 8 Arrays L i s t i N g 8 . 6 continued //----------------------------------------------------------------// Name accessor. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String getName() { return name; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Lower bound accessor. //----------------------------------------------------------------public int getLowerBound() { return lowerBound; } } L i s t i N g 8 . 7 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of an array of objects. //******************************************************************** public class Movies { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates a DVDCollection object and adds some DVDs to it. Prints // reports on the status of the collection. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { DVDCollection movies = new DVDCollection(); movies.addDVD("The Godfather", "Francis Ford Coppola", 1972, 24.95, true); movies.addDVD("District 9", "Neill Blomkamp", 2009, 19.95, false); movies.addDVD("Iron Man", "Jon Favreau", 2008, 15.95, false); movies.addDVD("All About Eve", "Joseph Mankiewicz", 1950, 17.50, false); movies.addDVD("The Matrix", "Andy & Lana Wachowski", 1999, 19.95, true); 8 . 3 Arrays of Objects L i s ti N g 8 . 7 continued System.out.println(movies); movies.addDVD("Iron Man 2", "Jon Favreau", 2010, 22.99, false); movies.addDVD("Casablanca", "Michael Curtiz", 1942, 19.95, false); System.out.println(movies); } } O U t p U t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My DVD Collection Number of DVDs: 5 Total cost: $98.30 Average cost: $19.66 DVD List: $24.95 $19.95 $15.95 $17.50 $19.95 1972 2009 2008 1950 1999 The Godfather District 9 Iron Man All About Eve The Matrix Francis Ford Coppola Neill Blomkamp Jon Favreau Joseph Mankiewicz Andy & Lana Wachowski Blu-ray Blu-ray ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My DVD Collection Number of DVDs: 7 Total cost: $141.24 Average cost: $20.18 DVD List: $24.95 $19.95 $15.95 $17.50 $19.95 $22.99 $19.95 1972 2009 2008 1950 1999 2010 1942 The Godfather District 9 Iron Man All About Eve The Matrix Iron Man 2 Casablanca Francis Ford Coppola Neill Blomkamp Jon Favreau Joseph Mankiewicz Andy & Lana Wachowski Jon Favreau Michael Curtiz Blu-ray Blu-ray 423 424 Chapter 8 Arrays Each DVD added to the collection is specified by its title, director, year of release, purchase price, and whether or not it is in Blu-ray format. Listing 8.8 shows the DVDCollection class. It contains an array of DVD objects representing the collection. It maintains a count of the DVDs in the collection and their combined value. It also keeps track of the current size of the collection array so that a larger array can be created if too many DVDs are added to the collection. L i s t i N g 8 . 8 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a collection of DVD movies. //******************************************************************** import java.text.NumberFormat; public class DVDCollection { private DVD[] collection; private int count; private double totalCost; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Creates an initially empty collection. //----------------------------------------------------------------public DVDCollection() { collection = new DVD[100]; count = 0; totalCost = 0.0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Adds a DVD to the collection, increasing the size of the // collection array if necessary. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void addDVD(String title, String director, int year, double cost, boolean bluray) { if (count == collection.length) increaseSize(); collection[count] = new DVD(title, director, year, cost, bluray); 8 . 3 Arrays of Objects L i s ti N g 8 . 8 continued totalCost += cost; count++; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns a report describing the DVD collection. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String toString() { NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); String report = "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"; report += "My DVD Collection\n\n"; report += "Number of DVDs: " + count + "\n"; report += "Total cost: " + fmt.format(totalCost) + "\n"; report += "Average cost: " + fmt.format(totalCost/count); report += "\n\nDVD List:\n\n"; for (int dvd = 0; dvd < count; dvd++) report += collection[dvd].toString() + "\n"; return report; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Increases the capacity of the collection by creating a // larger array and copying the existing collection into it. //----------------------------------------------------------------private void increaseSize() { DVD[] temp = new DVD[collection.length * 2]; for (int dvd = 0; dvd < collection.length; dvd++) temp[dvd] = collection[dvd]; collection = temp; } } 425 426 Chapter 8 Arrays The collection array is instantiated in the DVDCollection constructor. Every time a DVD is added to the collection (using the addDVD method), a new DVD object is created and a reference to it is stored in the collection array. Each time a DVD is added to the collection, we check to see whether we have reached the current capacity of the collection array. If we didn’t perform this check, an exception would eventually be thrown when we try to store a new DVD object at an invalid index. If the current capacity has been reached, the private increaseSize method is invoked, which first creates an array that is twice as big as the current collection array. Each DVD in the existing collection is then copied into the new array. Finally, the collection reference is set to the larger array. Using this technique, we theoretically never run out of room in our DVD collection. The user of the DVDCollection object (the main method in this case) never has to worry about running out of space, because it’s all handled internally. Figure 8.3 shows a UML class diagram of the Movies program. Recall that the open diamond indicates aggregation. The cardinality of the relationship is also noted: a DVDCollection object contains zero or more DVD objects. The toString method of the DVDCollection class returns an entire report summarizing the collection. The report is created, in part, using calls to the toString method of each DVD object stored in the collection. Listing 8.9 shows the DVD class. DVDCollection Movies – collection : DVD[] – count : int – totalCost : double + main (args : String[]) : void + addDVD(title : String, director : String, year : int, cost : double, blueray : boolean) : void + toString() : String – increaseSize() : void 1 * DVD – – – – – title : String director : String year : int cost : double blueray : boolean + toString() : String FigUre 8.3 A UML class diagram of the Movies program 8 . 3 Arrays of Objects L i s ti N g 8 . 9 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a DVD video disc. //******************************************************************** import java.text.NumberFormat; public class DVD { private String title, director; private int year; private double cost; private boolean bluray; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates a new DVD with the specified information. //----------------------------------------------------------------public DVD(String title, String director, int year, double cost, boolean bluray) { this.title = title; this.director = director; this.year = year; this.cost = cost; this.bluray = bluray; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns a string description of this DVD. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String toString() { NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); String description; description = fmt.format(cost) + "\t" + year + "\t"; description += title + "\t" + director; if (bluray) description += "\t" + "Blu-ray"; return description; } } 427 428 Chapter 8 Arrays seLF-revieW QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 8.14 How is an array of objects created? SR 8.15 Suppose team is an array of strings meant to hold the names of the six players on a volleyball team: Amanda, Clare, Emily, Julie, Katie, and Maria. a. Write an array declaration for team. b. Show how to both declare and populate team using an initializer list. SR 8.16 Assume Book is a class whose objects represent books. Assume a constructor of the Book class accepts two parameters—the name of the book and the number of pages. a. Write a declaration for a variable named library that is an array of ten books. b. Write a new statement that sets the first book in the library array to "Starship Troopers", which is 208 pages long. 8.4 Command-Line arguments The formal parameter to the main method of a Java application is always an array of String objects. We’ve ignored that parameter in previous examples, but now we can discuss how it might occasionally be useful. The Java run-time environment invokes the main method when an application is submitted to the interpreter. The String[] paramCommand-line arguments are stored eter, which we typically call args, represents command-line arguin an array of String objects and ments that are provided when the interpreter is invoked. Any extra are passed to the main method. information on the command line when the interpreter is invoked is stored in the args array for use by the program. This technique is another way to provide input to a program. K e y C O N C e pt The program shown in Listing 8.10 uses command-line arguments to print a nametag. It assumes the first argument represents some type of greeting and the second argument represents a person’s name. If two strings are not provided on the command line for the NameTag program, the args array will not contain enough (if any) elements, and the references in the program will cause an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException to be thrown. If extra information is included on the command line, it will be stored in the args array but ignored by the program. 8 . 4 Command-Line Arguments L i s ti N g 8 . 1 0 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of command line arguments. //******************************************************************** public class NameTag { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Prints a simple name tag using a greeting and a name that is // specified by the user. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(); System.out.println(" " + args[0]); System.out.println("My name is " + args[1]); } } O U t p U t > java NameTag Howdy John Howdy My name is John > java NameTag Hello Bill Hello My name is Bill Remember that the parameter to the main method is always an array of String objects. If you want numeric information to be input as a command-line argument, the program has to convert it from its string representation. You also should be aware that in some program development environments, a command line is not used to submit a program to the interpreter. In such situations, the command-line information can be specified in some other way. Consult the documentation for these specifics if necessary. 429 430 Chapter 8 Arrays seLF-revieW QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 8.17 What is a command-line argument? SR 8.18 Write a main method for a program that outputs the sum of the string lengths of its first two command-line arguments. SR 8.19 Write a main method for a program that outputs the sum of the values of its first two command-line arguments, which are integers. 8.5 variable Length parameter Lists Suppose we wanted to design a method that processed a different amount of data from one invocation to the next. For example, let’s design a method called average that accepts a few integer values and returns their average. In one invocation of the method, we might pass in three integers to average: mean1 = average(42, 69, 37); In another invocation of the same method, we might pass in seven integers to average: mean2 = average(35, 43, 93, 23, 40, 21, 75); To accomplish this, we could define overloaded versions of the K e y C O N C e pt A Java method can be defined to accept a varying number of parameters. average method, but that would require that we know the maxi- mum number of parameters there might be and create a separate version of the method for each possibility. Alternatively, we could define the method to accept an array of integers, which could be of different sizes for each call. But that would require packaging the integers into an array in the calling method and passing in one parameter. Java provides a way to define methods that accept variable-length parameter lists. By using some special syntax in the formal parameter list of the method, we can define the method to accept any number of parameters. The parameters are automatically put into an array for easy processing in the method. For example, the average method could be written as follows: public double average(int ... list) { double result = 0.0; if (list.length != 0) 8 . 5 Variable Length Parameter Lists { int sum = 0; for (int num : list) sum += num; result = (double)sum / list.length; } return result; } Note the way the formal parameters are defined. The ellipsis (three periods in a row) indicates that the method accepts a variable number of parameters. In this case, the method accepts any number of int parameters, which it automatically puts into an array called list. In the method, we process the array normally. We can now pass any number of int parameters to the average method, including none at all. That’s why we check to see if the length of the array is zero before we compute the average. The type of the multiple parameters can be any primitive or object type. For example, the following method accepts and prints multiple Grade objects (we defined the Grade class earlier in this chapter): public void printGrades(Grade ... grades) { for (Grade letterGrade : grades) System.out.println(letterGrade); } A method that accepts a variable number of parameters can also accept other parameters. For example, the following method accepts an int, a String object, and then a variable number of double values that will be stored in an array called nums: public void test(int count, String name, double ... nums) { // whatever } The varying parameters must come last in the formal arguments. A single method cannot accept two sets of varying parameters. Constructors can also be set up to accept a varying number of parameters. The program shown in Listing 8.11 creates two Family objects, passing a varying number of strings (representing the family member names) into the Family constructor. 431 432 Chapter 8 Arrays L i s t i N g 8 . 1 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of a variable length parameter list. //******************************************************************** public class VariableParameters { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates two Family objects using a constructor that accepts // a variable number of String objects as parameters. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { Family lewis = new Family("John", "Sharon", "Justin", "Kayla", "Nathan", "Samantha"); Family camden = new Family("Stephen", "Annie", "Matt", "Mary", "Simon", "Lucy", "Ruthie", "Sam", "David"); System.out.println(lewis); System.out.println(); System.out.println(camden); } } O U t p U t John Sharon Justin Kayla Nathan Samantha Stephen Annie Matt Mary Simon Lucy Ruthie Sam David 8 . 5 Variable Length Parameter Lists L i s ti N g 8 . 1 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of variable length parameter lists. //******************************************************************** public class Family { private String[] members; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up this family by storing the (possibly // multiple) names that are passed in as parameters. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Family(String ... names) { members = names; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns a string representation of this family. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String toString() { String result = ""; for (String name : members) result += name + "\n"; return result; } } The Family class is shown in Listing 8.12. The constructor simply stores a reference to the array parameter until it is needed. By using a variable-length parameter list for the constructor, we make it easy to create a family of any size. s e L F - r e v ieW QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 8.20 How can Java methods have variable-length parameter lists? SR 8.21 Write a method called distance that accepts a multiple number of integer parameters (each of which represents the distance of one leg of a journey) and returns the total distance of the trip. 433 434 Chapter 8 Arrays SR 8.22 Write a method called travelTime that accepts an integer parameter indicating average speed followed by a multiple number of integer parameters (each of which represents the distance of one leg of a journey) and returns the total time of the trip. 8.6 two-Dimensional arrays The arrays we’ve examined so far have all been one-dimensional arrays in the sense that they represent a simple list of values. As the name implies, a twodimensional array has values in two dimensions, which are often thought of as the rows and columns of a table. Figure 8.4 graphically compares a one-dimensional array with a two-dimensional array. We must use two indexes to refer to a value in a two-dimensional array, one specifying the row and another the column. Brackets are used to represent each dimension in the array. Therefore the type of a two-dimensional array that stores integers is int[][]. Technically, Java represents two-dimensional arrays as an array of arrays. A two-dimensional integer array is really a one-dimensional array of references to one-dimensional integer arrays. The TwoDArray program shown in Listing 8.13 instantiates a twodimensional array of integers. As with one-dimensional arrays, the size of the dimensions is specified when the array is created. The size of the dimensions can be different. Nested for loops are used in the TwoDArray program to load the array with values and also to print those values in a table format. Carefully trace the processing to see how the nested loops eventually visit each element in the two-dimensional array. Note that the outer loops are governed by table.length, which represents the number of rows, and the inner loops are governed by table[row].length, which represents the number of columns in that row. one dimension FigUre 8.4 two dimensions A one-dimensional array and a two-dimensional array 8 . 6 Two-Dimensional Arrays L i s ti N g 8 . 1 3 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of a two-dimensional array. //******************************************************************** public class TwoDArray { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates a 2D array of integers, fills it with increasing // integer values, then prints them out. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { int[][] table = new int[5][10]; // Load the table with values for (int row=0; row < table.length; row++) for (int col=0; col < table[row].length; col++) table[row][col] = row * 10 + col; // Print the table for (int row=0; row < table.length; row++) { for (int col=0; col < table[row].length; col++) System.out.print(table[row][col] + "\t"); System.out.println(); } } } O U t p U t 0 10 20 30 40 1 11 21 31 41 2 12 22 32 42 3 13 23 33 43 4 14 24 34 44 5 15 25 35 45 6 16 26 36 46 7 17 27 37 47 8 18 28 38 48 9 19 29 39 49 435 436 Chapter 8 Arrays As with one-dimensional arrays, an initializer list can be used to instantiate a two-dimensional array, where each element is itself an array initializer list. This technique is used in the SodaSurvey program, which is shown in Listing 8.14. L i s t i N g 8 . 1 4 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of a two-dimensional array. //******************************************************************** import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class SodaSurvey { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Determines and prints the average of each row (soda) and each // column (respondent) of the survey scores. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { int[][] scores = { {3, 4, 5, 2, 1, 4, 3, 2, 4, 4}, {2, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2, 2}, {3, 5, 4, 5, 5, 3, 2, 5, 5, 5}, {1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4} }; final int SODAS = scores.length; final int PEOPLE = scores[0].length; int[] sodaSum = new int[SODAS]; int[] personSum = new int[PEOPLE]; for (int soda=0; soda < SODAS; soda++) for (int person=0; person < PEOPLE; person++) { sodaSum[soda] += scores[soda][person]; personSum[person] += scores[soda][person]; } DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("0.#"); System.out.println("Averages:\n"); 8 . 6 Two-Dimensional Arrays L i s ti N g 8 . 1 4 continued for (int soda=0; soda < SODAS; soda++) System.out.println("Soda #" + (soda+1) + ": " + fmt.format((float)sodaSum[soda]/PEOPLE)); System.out.println(); for (int person=0; person < PEOPLE; person++) System.out.println("Person #" + (person+1) + ": " + fmt.format((float)personSum[person]/SODAS)); } } O U t p U t Averages: Soda Soda Soda Soda #1: #2: #3: #4: Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Person 3.2 2.6 4.2 1.9 #1: 2.2 #2: 3.5 #3: 3.2 #4: 3.5 #5: 2.5 #6: 3 #7: 2 #8: 2.8 #9: 3.2 #10: 3.8 Suppose a soda manufacturer held a taste test for four new flavors to see how people liked them. The manufacturer got 10 people to try each new flavor and give it a score from 1 to 5, where 1 equals poor and 5 equals excellent. The twodimensional array called scores in the SodaSurvey program stores the results of that survey. Each row corresponds to a soda and each column in that row corresponds to the person who tasted it. More generally, each row holds the responses that all testers gave for one particular soda flavor, and each column holds the responses of one person for all sodas. 437 438 Chapter 8 Arrays The SodaSurvey program computes and prints the average responses for each soda and for each respondent. The sums of each soda and person are first stored in one-dimensional arrays of integers. Then the averages are computed and printed. Multidimensional arrays An array can have one, two, three, or even more dimensions. Any array with more than one dimension is called a multidimensional array. It’s fairly easy to picture a two-dimensional array as a table. A three-dimensional array could be drawn as a cube. However, once you are past three dimensions, multidimensional arrays might seem hard to visualize. Yet, consider that each subsequent dimension is simply a subdivision of the previous one. It is often best to think of larger multidimensional arrays in this way. For example, suppose we wanted to store the number of students attending universities across the United States, broken down in a meaningful way. We might represent it as a four-dimensional array of integers. The first dimension represents the state. The second dimension represents the universities in each state. The third dimension represents the colleges in each university. Finally, the fourth dimension represents departments in each college. The value stored at each location is the number of students in one particular department. Figure 8.5 shows these subdivisions. Two-dimensional arrays are fairly common. However, care should be taken when deciding to create multidimensional arrays Using an array with more than two in a program. When dealing with large amounts of data that are dimensions is rare in an objectmanaged at multiple levels, additional information and the methods oriented system. needed to manage that information will probably be required. It is far more likely, for instance, that in the previous example, each state would be represented by an object, which may contain, among other things, an array to store information about each university, and so on. K e y C O N C e pt There is one other important characteristic of Java arrays to consider. As we established previously, Java does not directly support multidimensional state university college department FigUre 8.5 Visualization of a four-dimensional array 8 . 7 Polygons and Polylines arrays. Instead, they are represented as arrays of references to array objects. Those arrays could themselves contain references to other arrays. This layering continues for as many dimensions as required. Because of this technique for representing each dimension, the arrays in any one dimension could be of different lengths. These are sometimes called ragged arrays. For example, the number of elements in each row of a two-dimensional array may not be the same. In such situations, care must be taken to make sure the arrays are managed appropriately. s e L F - r e v ieW QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 8.23 How are multidimensional arrays implemented in Java? SR 8.24 A two-dimensional array named scores holds the test scores for a class of students for a semester. Write code that prints out a single value that represents the range of scores held in the array. It prints out the value of the highest score minus the value of the lowest score. Each test score is represented as an integer. 8.7 polygons and polylines Arrays are helpful when drawing complex shapes. A polygon, for example, is a multisided shape that is defined in Java using a series of (x, y) points that indicate the vertices of the polygon. Arrays are often used to store the list of coordinates. Polygons are drawn using methods of the Graphics class, similar to how we draw rectangles and ovals. Like these other shapes, a polygon can be drawn filled or unfilled. The methods used to draw a polygon are called drawPolygon and fillPolygon. Both of these methods are overloaded. One version uses arrays of integers to define the polygon, and the other uses an object of the Polygon class to define the polygon. We discuss the Polygon class later in this section. In the version that uses arrays, the drawPolygon and fillPolygon methods take three parameters. The first is an array of integers representing the x coordinates of the points in the polygon, the second is an array of integers representing the corresponding y coordinates of those points, and the third is an integer that indicates how many points are used from each of the two Key CONCept arrays. Taken together, the first two parameters represent the A polyline is similar to a polygon (x, y) coordinates of the vertices of the polygons. A polygon is always closed. A line segment is always drawn from the last point in the list to the first point in the list. except that a polyline is not a closed shape. 439 440 Chapter 8 Arrays Similar to a polygon, a polyline contains a series of points connected by line segments. Polylines differ from polygons in that the first and last coordinates are not automatically connected when it is drawn. Since a polyline is not closed, it cannot be filled. Therefore there is only one method, called drawPolyline, used to draw a polyline. As with the drawPolygon method, the first two parameters of the drawPolyline method are both arrays of integers. Taken together, the first two parameters represent the (x, y) coordinates of the end points of the line segments of the polyline. The third parameter is the number of points in the coordinate list. The program shown in Listing 8.15 uses polygons to draw a rocket. In the RocketPanel class, shown in Listing 8.16, the arrays called xRocket and yRocket define the points of the polygon that make up the main body of the rocket. The first point in the arrays is the upper tip of the rocket, and they progress clockwise from there. The xWindow and yWindow arrays specify the points for the polygon that form the window in the rocket. Both the rocket and the window are drawn as filled polygons. L i s t i N g 8 . 1 5 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of polygons and polylines. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JFrame; public class Rocket { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates the main frame of the program. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Rocket"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); RocketPanel panel = new RocketPanel(); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } 8 . 7 Polygons and Polylines L i s ti N g 8 . 1 5 continued D i s p L a y L i s ti N g 8 . 1 6 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of polygons and polylines. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JPanel; import java.awt.*; public class RocketPanel extends JPanel { private int[] xRocket = {100, 120, 120, 130, 130, 70, 70, 80, 80}; private int[] yRocket = {15, 40, 115, 125, 150, 150, 125, 115, 40}; private int[] xWindow = {95, 105, 110, 90}; private int[] yWindow = {45, 45, 70, 70}; 441 442 Chapter 8 Arrays L i s t i N g 8 . 1 6 continued private int[] xFlame = {70, 70, 75, 80, 90, 100, 110, 115, 120, 130, 130}; private int[] yFlame = {155, 170, 165, 190, 170, 175, 160, 185, 160, 175, 155}; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up the basic characteristics of this panel. //----------------------------------------------------------------public RocketPanel() { setBackground(; setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 200)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Draws a rocket using polygons and polylines. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void paintComponent(Graphics page) { super.paintComponent(page); page.setColor(Color.cyan); page.fillPolygon(xRocket, yRocket, xRocket.length); page.setColor(Color.gray); page.fillPolygon(xWindow, yWindow, xWindow.length); page.setColor(; page.drawPolyline(xFlame, yFlame, xFlame.length); } } The xFlame and yFlame arrays define the points of a polyline that are used to create the image of flame shooting out of the tail of the rocket. Because it is drawn as a polyline, and not a polygon, the flame is not closed or filled. the polygon Class A polygon can also be defined explicitly using an object of the Polygon class, which is defined in the java.awt package of the Java standard class library. Two versions of the overloaded drawPolygon and fillPolygon methods take a single Polygon object as a parameter. 8 . 7 Polygons and Polylines Polygon() Constructor: Creates an empty polygon. Polygon(int[] xpoints, int[] ypoints, int npoints) Constructor: Creates a polygon using the (x, y ) coordinate pairs in corresponding entries of xpoints and ypoints. void addPoint(int x, int y) Appends the specified point to this polygon. boolean contains(int x, int y) Returns true if the specified point is contained in this polygon. boolean contains(Point p) Returns true if the specified point is contained in this polygon. Rectangle getBounds() Gets the bounding rectangle for this polygon. void translate(int deltaX, int deltaY) Translates the vertices of this polygon by deltaX along the x axis and deltaY along the y axis. FigUre 8.6 Some methods of the Polygon class A Polygon object encapsulates the coordinates of the polygon sides. The constructors of the Polygon class allow the creation of an initially empty polygon or one defined by arrays of integers representing the point coordinates. The Polygon class contains methods to add points to the polygon and to determine whether a given point is contained within the polygon shape. It also contains methods to get a representation of a bounding rectangle for the polygon, as well as a method to translate all of the points in the polygon to another position. Figure 8.6 lists these methods. s e L F - r e v ieW QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 8.25 What is a polyline? How do we specify its shape? SR 8.26 What is the difference between a polygon and a polyline? SR 8.27 What is the result of separately making each of the following changes to the RocketPanel class? You may make the change, compile and run 443 444 Chapter 8 Arrays the program, and observe and report the results. Briefly explain what you observe. a. Change the page.drawPolyline method call to a page. fillPolygon method call. b. Change the fillPolygon parameter xWindow.length() to the numeric literal "2". c. Switch the x and the y values in each of the arrays. For example, yWindow becomes {95, 105, 110, 90}. d. A new, filled yellow polygon is drawn first with coordinates (0, 100), (100, 0), (200, 100), and (100, 200). e. A new, filled yellow polygon is drawn last with coordinates (0, 100), (100, 0), (200, 100), and (100, 200). 8.8 Mouse events Let’s examine the events that are generated when using a mouse. Java divides these events into two categories: mouse events and mouse motion events. The table in Figure 8.7 defines these events. When you click the mouse button over a Java GUI component, three events are generated: one when the mouse button is pushed down (mouse pressed) and two when it is let up (mouse released and mouse clicked). A mouse click is defined as pressing and releasing the mouse button in the same location. If you press the mouse button down, move the mouse, and then release the mouse button, a mouse clicked event is not generated. Mouse Event Description mouse pressed The mouse button is pressed down. mouse released The mouse button is released. mouse clicked The mouse button is pressed down and released without moving the mouse in between. mouse entered The mouse pointer is moved onto (over) a component. mouse exited The mouse pointer is moved off of a component. Mouse Motion Event Description mouse moved The mouse is moved. mouse dragged The mouse is moved while the mouse button is pressed down. FigUre 8. 7 Mouse events and mouse motion events 8 . 8 Mouse Events A component will generate a mouse entered event when the mouse pointer passes into its graphical space. Likewise, it generates a mouse exited event when the mouse pointer leaves. Mouse motion events, as the name implies, occur while the mouse is in motion. The mouse moved event indicates simply that the mouse is in motion. The mouse dragged event is generated when the user has pressed the mouse button down and moved the mouse without releasing the button. Mouse motion events are generated many times, very quickly, while the mouse is in motion. Key CONCept Moving the mouse and clicking the mouse button generate events to which a program can respond. In a specific situation, we may care about only one or two mouse events. What we listen for depends on what we are trying to accomplish. The Dots program shown in Listing 8.17 responds to one mouse event. Specifically, it draws a green dot at the location of the mouse pointer whenever the mouse button is pressed. The main method of the Dots class creates a frame and adds one panel to it. That panel is defined by the DotsPanel class shown in Listing 8.18. L i s ti N g 8 . 1 7 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates mouse events. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JFrame; public class Dots { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates and displays the application frame. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Dots"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.getContentPane().add(new DotsPanel()); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } 445 446 Chapter 8 Arrays L i s t i N g 8 . 1 7 continued D i s p L a y L i s t i N g 8 . 1 8 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents the primary panel for the Dots program. //******************************************************************** import import import import java.util.ArrayList; javax.swing.JPanel; java.awt.*; java.awt.event.*; public class DotsPanel extends JPanel { private final int SIZE = 6; // radius of each dot 8 . 8 Mouse Events L i s ti N g 8 . 1 8 continued private ArrayList pointList; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up this panel to listen for mouse events. //----------------------------------------------------------------public DotsPanel() { pointList = new ArrayList(); addMouseListener(new DotsListener()); setBackground(; setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 200)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Draws all of the dots stored in the list. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void paintComponent(Graphics page) { super.paintComponent(page); page.setColor(; for (Point spot : pointList) page.fillOval(spot.x-SIZE, spot.y-SIZE, SIZE*2, SIZE*2); page.drawString("Count: " + pointList.size(), 5, 15); } //***************************************************************** // Represents the listener for mouse events. //***************************************************************** private class DotsListener implements MouseListener { //-------------------------------------------------------------// Adds the current point to the list of points and redraws // the panel whenever the mouse button is pressed. //-------------------------------------------------------------public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) { pointList.add(event.getPoint()); repaint(); } 447 448 Chapter 8 Arrays L i s t i N g 8 . 1 8 continued //-------------------------------------------------------------// Provide empty definitions for unused event methods. //-------------------------------------------------------------public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event) {} public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent event) {} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent event) {} } } The DotsPanel class keeps track of a list of Point objects that represent all of the locations at which the user has clicked the mouse. A Point class represents the (x, y) coordinates of a given point in two-dimensional space. It provides public access to the instance variables x and y for the point. Each time the panel is painted, all of the points stored in the list are drawn. The list of Point objects is maintained as an ArrayList object. More precisely, the type of the pointList object is ArrayList, specifying that only Point objects can be stored in that ArrayList. To draw the points, we use a for loop to iterate over all the points stored in the list. The listener for the mouse pressed event is defined as a private inner class that implements the MouseListener interface. The mousePressed method is invoked by the panel each time the user presses down on the mouse button while it is over the panel. A mouse event always occurs at some point in two-dimensional space, and the object that represents that event keeps track of that location. In a mouse listener, we can get and use that point whenever we need it. In the Dots program, each time the mousePressed method is called, the location of the event is obtained using the getPoint method of the MouseEvent object. That point is stored in the ArrayList, and the panel is then repainted. K e y C ONCept A listener may have to provide empty method definitions for unheeded events to satisfy the interface. Note that, unlike the listener interfaces that we’ve used in previous examples that contain one method each, the MouseListener interface contains five methods. For this program, the only event in which we are interested is the mouse pressed event. Therefore, the only method in which we have any interest is the mousePressed method. However, 8 . 8 Mouse Events implementing an interface means we must provide definitions for all methods in the interface. Therefore we provide empty methods corresponding to the other events. When those events are generated, the empty methods are called, but no code is executed. In Chapter 9 we discuss a technique for creating listeners that lets us avoid creating such empty methods. Let’s look at an example that responds to two mouse-oriented events. The RubberLines program shown in Listing 8.19 draws a line between two points. The first point is determined by the location at which the mouse is first pressed down. The second point changes as the mouse is dragged while the mouse button is held down. When the button is released, the line remains fixed between the first and second points. When the mouse button is pressed again, a new line is started. The panel on which the lines are drawn is represented by the RubberLinesPanel class shown in Listing 8.20. Because we need to listen for both a mouse pressed event and a mouse dragged event, we need a listener that responds to both mouse events and mouse motion events. Note that the listener class in this example implements both the MouseListener and MouseMotionListener interfaces. It must therefore implement all methods of both interfaces. The two methods of interest, mousePressed and mouseDragged, are implemented to accomplish our goals, and the other methods are given empty definitions to satisfy the interface contract. When the mousePressed method is called, the variable point1 is set. Then, as the mouse is dragged, the variable point2 is continually reset and the panel repainted. Key CONCept Rubberbanding is the graphical effect caused when a shape seems to expand as the mouse is dragged. Therefore, the line is constantly being redrawn as the mouse is dragged, giving the appearance that one line is being stretched between a fixed point and a moving point. This effect is called rubberbanding and is common in graphical programs. Note that, in the RubberLinesPanel constructor, the listener object is added to the panel twice: once as a mouse listener and once as a mouse motion listener. The method called to add the listener must correspond to the object passed as the parameter. In this case, we had one object that served as a listener for both categories of events. We could have had two listener classes if desired: one listening for mouse events and one listening for mouse motion events. A component can have multiple listeners for various event categories. Also note that this program draws one line at a time. That is, when the user begins to draw another line with a new mouse click, the previous one disappears. This is because the paintComponent method redraws its background, eliminating the line every time. To see the previous lines, we’d have to keep track of them, perhaps using an ArrayList as was done in the Dots program. This modification to the RubberLines program is left as a programming project. VideoNote Example using rubberbanding and arrays. 449 450 Chapter 8 Arrays L i s t i N g 8 . 1 9 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates mouse events and rubberbanding. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JFrame; public class RubberLines { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates and displays the application frame. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Rubber Lines"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.getContentPane().add(new RubberLinesPanel()); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } D i s p L a y 8 . 8 Mouse Events L i s ti N g 8 . 2 0 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents the primary drawing panel for the RubberLines program. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JPanel; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class RubberLinesPanel extends JPanel { private Point point1 = null, point2 = null; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up this panel to listen for mouse events. //----------------------------------------------------------------public RubberLinesPanel() { LineListener listener = new LineListener(); addMouseListener(listener); addMouseMotionListener(listener); setBackground(; setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 200)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Draws the current line from the initial mouse-pressed point to // the current position of the mouse. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void paintComponent(Graphics page) { super.paintComponent(page); page.setColor(Color.yellow); if (point1 != null && point2 != null) page.drawLine(point1.x, point1.y, point2.x, point2.y); } //***************************************************************** // Represents the listener for all mouse events. //***************************************************************** 451 452 Chapter 8 Arrays L i s t i N g 8 . 2 0 continued private class LineListener implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener { //-------------------------------------------------------------// Captures the initial position at which the mouse button is // pressed. //-------------------------------------------------------------public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) { point1 = event.getPoint(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------// Gets the current position of the mouse as it is dragged and // redraws the line to create the rubberband effect. //-------------------------------------------------------------public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event) { point2 = event.getPoint(); repaint(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------// Provide empty definitions for unused event methods. //-------------------------------------------------------------public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event) {} public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent event) {} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent event) {} public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent event) {} } } seLF-revieW QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 8.28 What is a mouse event? SR 8.29 What sequence of mouse events is generated when the mouse button is clicked over a GUI component and then released? SR 8.30 What sequence of mouse events is generated when the mouse button is clicked over a GUI component, the mouse is moved so it is no longer over that component, and then the mouse button is released? 8 . 9 Key Events SR 8.31 Which mouse events are responded to in the Dots program? Which are responded to in the RubberLines program? SR 8.32 Suppose you are creating a GUI to support a program that plays Tic-Tac-Toe against the user. Describe how your program might respond to various mouse events. 8.9 Key events A key event is generated when a keyboard key is pressed. Key events allow a program to respond immediately to the user while he or she is typing or pressing other keyboard keys such as the arrow keys. If key events are being processed, the program can respond as soon as the key is pressed; there is no need to wait for the Enter key to be pressed or for some other component (like a button) to be activated. Key CONCept Key events allow a program to respond immediately to the user pressing keyboard keys. The Direction program shown in Listing 8.21 responds to key events. An image of an arrow is displayed, and the image moves across the screen as the arrow keys are pressed. Actually, four different images are used, one each for the arrow pointing in each of the primary directions (up, down, right, and left). The DirectionPanel class, shown in Listing 8.22, represents the panel on which the arrow image is displayed. The constructor loads the four arrow images, one of which is always considered to be the current image (the one displayed). The current image is set based on the arrow key that was most recently pressed. For example, if the up arrow is pressed, the image with the arrow pointing up is displayed. If an arrow key is continually pressed, the appropriate image “moves” in the appropriate direction. The arrow images are managed as ImageIcon objects. In this example, the image is drawn using the paintIcon method each time the panel is repainted. The paintIcon method takes four parameters: a component to serve as an image observer, the graphics context on which the image will be drawn, and the (x, y) coordinates where the image is drawn. An image observer is a component that serves to manage image loading; in this case we use the panel as the image observer. The private inner class called DirectionListener is set up to respond to key events. It implements the KeyListener interface, which defines three methods that we can use to respond to keyboard activity. Figure 8.8 lists these methods. Specifically, the Direction program responds to key pressed events. Because the listener class must implement all methods defined in the interface, we provide empty methods for the other events. 453 454 Chapter 8 Arrays L i s t i N g 8 . 2 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates key events. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.JFrame; public class Direction { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates and displays the application frame. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Direction"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.getContentPane().add(new DirectionPanel()); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } D i s p L a y 8 . 9 Key Events L i s ti N g 8 . 2 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents the primary display panel for the Direction program. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class DirectionPanel extends JPanel { private final int WIDTH = 300, HEIGHT = 200; private final int JUMP = 10; // increment for image movement private final int IMAGE_SIZE = 31; private ImageIcon up, down, right, left, currentImage; private int x, y; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up this panel and loads the images. //----------------------------------------------------------------public DirectionPanel() { addKeyListener(new DirectionListener()); x = WIDTH / 2; y = HEIGHT / 2; up = new ImageIcon("arrowUp.gif"); down = new ImageIcon("arrowDown.gif"); left = new ImageIcon("arrowLeft.gif"); right = new ImageIcon("arrowRight.gif"); currentImage = right; setBackground(; setPreferredSize(new Dimension(WIDTH, HEIGHT)); setFocusable(true); } 455 456 Chapter 8 Arrays L i s t i N g 8 . 2 2 continued //----------------------------------------------------------------// Draws the image in the current location. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void paintComponent(Graphics page) { super.paintComponent(page); currentImage.paintIcon(this, page, x, y); } //***************************************************************** // Represents the listener for keyboard activity. //***************************************************************** private class DirectionListener implements KeyListener { //-------------------------------------------------------------// Responds to the user pressing arrow keys by adjusting the // image and image location accordingly. //-------------------------------------------------------------public void keyPressed(KeyEvent event) { switch (event.getKeyCode()) { case KeyEvent.VK_UP: currentImage = up; y -= JUMP; break; case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: currentImage = down; y += JUMP; break; case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: currentImage = left; x -= JUMP; break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: currentImage = right; x += JUMP; break; } repaint(); } 8 . 9 Key Events L i s ti N g 8 . 2 2 continued //-------------------------------------------------------------// Provide empty definitions for unused event methods. //-------------------------------------------------------------public void keyTyped(KeyEvent event) {} public void keyReleased(KeyEvent event) {} } } The KeyEvent object passed to the keyPressed method of the listener can be used to determine which key was pressed. In the example, we call the getKeyCode method of the event object to get a numeric code that represents the key that was pressed. We use a switch statement to determine which key was pressed and to respond accordingly. The KeyEvent class contains constants that correspond to the numeric code that is returned from the getKeyCode method. If any key other than an arrow key is pressed, it is ignored. void keyPressed(KeyEvent event) Called when a key is pressed. void keyReleased(KeyEvent event) Called when a key is released. void keyTyped(KeyEvent event) Called when a pressed key or key combination produces a key character. FigUre 8.8 The methods of the KeyListener interface 457 458 Chapter 8 Arrays Key events fire whenever a key is pressed, but most systems enable the concept of key repetition. That is, when a key is pressed and held down, it’s as if that key is being pressed repeatedly and quickly. Key events are generated in the same way. In the Direction program, the user can hold down an arrow key and watch the image move across the screen quickly. The component that generates key events is the one that currently has the keyboard focus. Usually the keyboard focus is held by the primary “active” component. A component usually gets the keyboard focus when the user clicks on it with the mouse. The call to the setFocusable method in the panel constructor sets the keyboard focus to the panel. The Direction program sets no boundaries for the arrow image, so it can be moved out of the visible window, then moved back in if desired. You could add code to the listener to stop the image when it reaches one of the window boundaries. This modification is left as a programming project. seLF-revieW QUestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 8.33 What is a key event? SR 8.34 Answer the following questions about our Direction program. a. b. c. d. e. Which key pressed events are responded to? Which key pressed events are not responded to? What is the key code for the up-arrow key? In what file do we store the left-arrow image? Which image is displayed when the program begins? Summary Key Concepts 8 . 1ofArray Elements summary of Key Concepts ■ An array of size N is indexed from 0 to N−1. ■ In Java, an array is an object that must be instantiated. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Bounds checking ensures that an index used to refer to an array element is in range. An initializer list can be used to instantiate an array object instead of using the new operator. An entire array can be passed as a parameter, making the formal parameter an alias of the original. Instantiating an array of objects reserves room to store references only. The objects that are stored in each element must be instantiated separately. Command-line arguments are stored in an array of String objects and are passed to the main method. A Java method can be defined to accept a varying number of parameters. Using an array with more than two dimensions is rare in an object-oriented system. A polyline is similar to a polygon except that a polyline is not a closed shape. Moving the mouse and clicking the mouse button generate events to which a program can respond. A listener may have to provide empty method definitions for unheeded events to satisfy the interface. Rubberbanding is the graphical effect caused when a shape seems to expand as the mouse is dragged. Key events allow a program to respond immediately to the user pressing keyboard keys. exercises EX 8.1 Which of the following are valid declarations? Which instantiate an array object? Explain your answers. int primes = {2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11}; float elapsedTimes[] = {11.47, 12.04, 11.72, 13.88}; int[] scores = int[30]; int[] primes = new {2,3,5,7,11}; 459 459 460 Chapter 8 Arrays int[] scores = new int[30]; char grades[] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'f'}; char[] grades = new char[]; EX 8.2 Describe five programs that would be difficult to implement without using arrays. EX 8.3 Describe how an element in an array is accessed in memory. For example, where is myArray[25] stored in memory? EX 8.4 Describe what problem occurs in the following code. What modifications should be made to it to eliminate the problem? float[] values = {5.2, 10.5, 15.1, 20.87, 25.23, 30.01}; for (int total = values.length - 1; total >= 1; total--) System.out.println(values[total]); EX 8.5 Write an array declaration and any necessary supporting classes to represent the following statements: a. students’ names for a class of 25 students b. students’ test grades for a class of 40 students c. credit-card transactions that contain a transaction number, a merchant name, and a charge d. students’ names for a class and homework grades for each student e. for each employee of the L&L International Corporation: the employee number, hire date, and the amount of the last five raises EX 8.6 EX 8.7 Write code that sets each element of an array called items to twice the value in that array element. Write code that prints half of the values stored in an array called items from front. EX 8.8 Write code that sets every element of a boolean array called multiples to true, whose position in the array is a multiple of 3. EX 8.9 Write a method called averageArray that accepts an array of integers and returns the average of the values stored in the array. EX 8.10 Write a method called switchThem that accepts two integer arrays as parameters and switches the contents of the arrays. Take into account that the arrays may be of different sizes. EX 8.11 Describe a program for which you would use the ArrayList class instead of arrays. Describe a program for which you would use arrays instead of the ArrayList class. Explain your choices. EX 8.12 What would happen if, in the Dots program, we did not provide empty definitions for one or more of the unused mouse events? Programming Projects EX 8.13 The Dots program listens for a mouse pressed event to draw a dot. How would the program behave differently if it listened for a mouse released event instead? A mouse clicked event? EX 8.14 What would happen if the call to super.paintComponent were removed from the paintComponent method of the DotsPanel class? Remove it and run the program to test your answer. EX 8.15 What would happen if the call to super.paintComponent were removed from the paintComponent method of the RubberLinesPanel class? Remove it and run the program to test your answer. In what ways is the answer different from the answer to Exercise 8.13? EX 8.16 Create a UML class diagram for the Direction program. programming projects PP 8.1 Write a program that reads an arbitrary number of even integers that are in the range 2 to 100 inclusive and counts how many occurrences of each are entered. Indicate the end of the input by an odd integer. After all input has been processed, print all of the values that were entered by the user along with the number of occurrences. PP 8.2 Modify the program from PP 8.1 so that it works for odd numbers and indicates end of input by an even integer. PP 8.3 Write a program that creates a histogram that allows you to visually inspect the score distribution of a set of students. The program should prompt the user to enter an arbitrary number of integers that are in the range 0 to 100 inclusive; then produce a chart similar to the one below that indicates how many students scored in the range 91 to 100, 81 to 90 and so on. Print one hash for each student in that range. 91 81 71 61 51 41 31 21 11 0 - 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 | | | | | | | | | | ### ####### ########## ##### ## # ## 461 462 Chapter 8 Arrays PP 8.4 The lines in the histogram in PP 8.3 will be too long if a large number of students score in the same range. Modify the program so that it prints a hash for every three students in each range. Ignore leftovers. For example, if a range has 11 students, print three hashes in that row. If a category has 2 students, do not print any hashes in that row. PP 8.5 Write a program that computes and prints the mean and standard deviation of a list of integers x1 through xn. Assume that there will be no more than 50 input values. Compute both the mean and standard deviation as floating point values, using the following formulas. VideoNote Developing a solution of PP 8.5. a Xi n mean 5 a Å i51 n sd 5 i51 n 1 Xi 2 mean 2 2 PP 8.6 The L&L Bank can handle up to 30 customers who have savings accounts. Design and implement a program that manages the accounts. Keep track of key information and allow each customer to make deposits and withdrawals. Produce appropriate error messages for invalid transactions. Hint: You may want to base your accounts on the Account class from Chapter 4. Also provide a method to add 3 percent interest to all accounts whenever the method is invoked. PP 8.7 The programming projects of Chapter 4 discussed a Card class that represents a standard playing card. Create a class called DeckOfCards that stores 52 objects of the Card class. Include methods to shuffle the deck, deal a card, and report the number of cards left in the deck. The shuffle method should assume a full deck. Create a driver class with a main method that deals each card from a shuffled deck, printing each card as it is dealt. PP 8.8 Write a program that reads a sequence of up to 20 pairs of employee names and IDs. Store the data in an object designed to store a first name (string), last name (string), and an employee ID (integer). Assume each line of input will contain two strings followed by an integer value, each separated by a tab character. Then, after the input has been read in, print the list in an appropriate format to the screen. Programming Projects PP 8.9 Modify the program you created in PP 8.8 to accomplish the following: ■ ■ Support the storing of additional employee information: designation (string), department (string), experience (integer), and 10-digit phone number (long integer, contains area code and does not include special characters such as '(', ')', or '-'). Store the data in an ArrayList object. PP 8.10 Use the Question class from Chapter 7 to define a Quiz class. A quiz can be composed of up to 25 questions. Define the add method of the Quiz class to add a question to a quiz. Define the giveQuiz method of the Quiz class to present each question in turn to the user, accept an answer for each one, and keep track of the results. Define a class called QuizTime with a main method that populates a quiz, presents it, and prints the final results. PP 8.11 Modify your answer to PP 8.10 so that the complexity level of the questions given in the quiz is taken into account. Overload the giveQuiz method so that it accepts two integer parameters that specify the minimum and maximum complexity levels for the quiz questions and presents only questions in that complexity range. Modify the main method to demonstrate this feature. PP 8.12 Design a class that represents a star with a specified radius and color. Use a filled polygon to draw the star. Design and implement a program that draws 10 stars of random radius in random locations. PP 8.13 Design a class that represents the visual representation of a car. Use polylines and polygons to draw the car in any graphics context and at any location. Create a main driver to display the car. PP 8.14 Modify the solution to PP 8.13 so that it uses the Polygon class to represent all polygons used in the drawing. PP 8.15 Modify the QuoteOptions program from Chapter 5 so that it provides three additional quote options. Use an array to store all of the quote strings. PP 8.16 Write a program that draws 20 circles, with the radius and location of each circle determined at random. If a circle does not overlap any other circle, draw that circle in black. If a circle overlaps one or more other circles, draw it in cyan. Use an array to store a representation of each circle, then determine the color of each circle. Two circles overlap if the distance between their center points is less than the sum of their radii. 463 464 Chapter 8 Arrays PP 8.17 Write a program that draws a checkerboard with five red and eight black checkers on it in various locations. Store the checkerboard as a two-dimensional array. PP 8.18 Modify the program from PP 8.17 so that the program determines whether any black checkers can jump any red checkers. Under the checkerboard, print (using drawString) the row and column position of all black checkers that have possible jumps. PP 8.19 Modify the RubberLines program from this chapter so that it shows all of the lines drawn. Show only the final lines (from initial mouse press to mouse release), not the intermediate lines drawn to show the rubberbanding effect. Hint: Keep track of a list of objects that represent the lines similar to how the Dots program kept track of multiple dots. PP 8.20 Write a program that counts the number of times the mouse has been clicked. Display that number in the center of the window. PP 8.21 Write a program that creates a polyline shape dynamically using mouse clicks. Each mouse click adds a new line segment from the previous point. Include a button below the drawing area to clear the current polyline and begin another. PP 8.22 Write a program that draws a circle using a rubberbanding technique. The circle size is determined by a mouse drag. Use the original mouse click location as a fixed center point. Compute the distance between the current location of the mouse pointer and the center point to determine the current radius of the circle. PP 8.23 Write a program that serves as a mouse odometer, continually displaying how far, in pixels, the mouse has moved (while it is over the program window). Display the current odometer value using a label. Hint: As the mouse moves, determine the current position and compare it to the last position of the mouse. Use the distance formula to see how far the mouse has traveled, and add that to a running total distance. PP 8.24 Write a program whose background changes color depending on where the mouse pointer is located. If the mouse pointer is on the left half of the program window, display red; if it is on the right half, display green. PP 8.25 Write a class that represents a spaceship, which can be drawn (side view) in any particular location. Create a program that displays the spaceship so that it follows the movement of the Programming Projects mouse. When the mouse button is pressed down, have a laser beam shoot out of the front of the spaceship (one continuous beam, not a moving projectile) until the mouse button is released. PP 8.26 Write a program that helps a hospital analyze the flow of patients through the emergency room. A text input file contains integers that represent the number of patients that entered the emergency room during each hour of each day for four weeks. Obtain the input file name from a command line argument. Read the information and store it in a three dimensional array. Then analyze it to compare the total number of patients per week, per day, and per hour. Display the results of the analysis. PP 8.27 Modify the Direction program from this chapter so that the image is not allowed to move out of the visible area of the panel. Ignore any key event that would cause that to happen. PP 8.28 Modify the Direction program from this chapter so that, in addition to responding to the arrow keys, it also responds to four other keys that move the image in diagonal directions. When the 't' key is pressed, move the image up and to the left. Likewise, use 'u' to move up and right, 'g' to move down and left, and 'j' to move down and right. Do not move the image if it has reached a window boundary. 465 This page is intentionally left blank. sOFtWare FaiLUre La air traffic Control What happened? At about 5 pm on Tuesday, September 14, 2004, the Los Angeles air trafficcontrol center suddenly lost voice contact with 400 planes they were tracking in the southwestern United States. The Voice Switching and Control System (VSCS), designed by the Harris Corp. of Melbourne, Florida, had unexpectedly shut down. Then the backup system designed to take over when such a failure occurred crashed within a minute after it was activated. Without the controller’s guidance, planes began coming dangerously close to each other, resulting in several near misses. Collisions were avoided due in part to the quick thinking of some controllers, who used their cell phones to alert other traffic-control centers and the airlines. But the main reason the incident wasn’t a disaster was the on-board collision avoidance systems now found in commercial jets. These systems track the transponders of nearby aircraft and give emergency instructions to the pilots to climb or descend at the last minute. It’s likely that several midair collisions would have resulted if the problem had occurred 10 to 15 years earlier, before planes had such avoidance systems. Air traffic controllers in action, using voice and imaging systems. ■ What Caused it? Officially, the incident was blamed on human error. The FAA reported that the problem was “not the result of system reliability” and would have been avoided if FAA procedures had been followed. The key procedure in this case requires that the voice switching system be rebooted every 30 days. The root cause, however, was traced to a software problem. The VSCS relies on a subsystem that periodically runs built-in tests. A countdown timer in the subsystem is used to determine when the tests will run. The timer counts down in milliseconds, starting at the highest numeric value that the system could handle: 232. That’s just over four billion milliseconds. It takes just under 50 days for the timer to go from 232 down to zero. Unfortunately, when the timer reaches zero, the tests cannot be run, and the system shuts down. By rebooting the system every 30 days, the timer is reset almost three weeks before it expires. 467 468 Software Failure The FAA first discovered the problem when it ran tests on the system in the field. It ran for 49.7 days, and then crashed. After rebooting, everything seemed fine. When a similar crash happened with another system, the FAA instituted the 30-day reboot procedure. After the incident in Los Angeles, the issue was tracked down, and a software patch was created to fix the problem. Now the system periodically resets the counter without the need for human intervention. Lessons Learned In this situation, the problem (if not its implications) was known beforehand. Harris (the manufacturer) knew about the potential for the timer to expire but hadn’t determined the impact it might have on the system. The FAA discovered the problem during tests---although not the root cause. Instead of delving further, they instituted a human-based, manual solution---the ultimate “when in doubt, reboot” scenario. It’s true that the problem would have been avoided if the FAA procedures had been followed, but that’s of little comfort when the software can make such procedures unnecessary. It’s also true that the incident would have been negligible if the backup system had not failed. Having redundant backup systems would lessen the chance of complete failure. In this case, though, the bottom line is that thorough testing and investigation would have brought the problem to light. In safety-critical systems, nothing less should be acceptable. Source: IEEE Spectrum, November 2004 Inheritance Chap t e r 9 O b j e C t i v e s ● Explore the derivation of new classes from existing ones. ● Define the concept and purpose of method overriding. ● Discuss the design of class hierarchies. ● Discuss the issue of visibility as it relates to inheritance. ● Explore the ability to derive one interface from another. ● Discuss object-oriented design in the context of inheritance. ● Describe the inheritance structure for GUI components. ● Explore the creation of listeners by extending adaptor classes. This chapter explains inheritance, a fundamental technique for organizing and creating classes. It is a simple but powerful idea that influences the way we design object-oriented software and enhances our ability to reuse classes in other situations and programs. In this chapter we explore the technique for creating subclasses and class hierarchies, and we discuss a technique for overriding the definition of an inherited method. We examine the protected modifier and discuss the effect all visibility modifiers have on inherited attributes and methods. Finally, we discuss how inheritance affects various issues related to graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Java, such as the ability to extend an adaptor class to create a listener. 469 470 Chapter 9   Inheritance 9.1 Creating subclasses In our introduction to object-oriented concepts in Chapter 1. we presented the analogy that a class is to an object what a blueprint is to a house. In subsequent chapters we’ve reinforced that idea, writing classes that define a set of similar objects. A class establishes the characteristics and behaviors of an object but reserves no memory space for variables (unless those variables are declared as static). Classes are the plan, and objects are the embodiment of that plan. Many houses can be created from the same blueprint. They are essentially the same house in different locations with different people living in them. Now suppose you want a house that is similar to another but with some different or additional features. You want to start with the same basic blueprint but modify it to suit new, slightly different, needs. Many housing developments are created this way. The houses in the development have the same core layout, but they have unique features. For instance, they might all be split-level homes with the same basic room configuration, but some have a fireplace or full basement while others do not, or an upgraded gourmet kitchen instead of the standard version. It’s likely that the housing developer commissioned a master architect to create a single blueprint to establish the basic design of all houses in the development, then a series of new blueprints that include variations designed to appeal to different buyers. The act of creating the series of blueprints was simplified since they all begin with the same underlying structure, while the variations give them unique characteristics that may be important to the prospective owners. K e Y C O N C e pt Inheritance is the process of deriving a new class from an existing one. Creating a new blueprint that is based on an existing blueprint is analogous to the object-oriented concept of inheritance, which is the process in which a new class is derived from an existing one. Inheritance is a powerful software development technique and a defining characteristic of object-oriented programming. Via inheritance, the new class automatically contains the variables and methods in the original class. Then, to tailor the class as needed, the programmer can add new variables and methods to the derived class or modify the inherited ones. K e Y C O N C e pt One purpose of inheritance is to reuse existing software. In general, new classes can be created via inheritance faster, easier, and cheaper than by writing them from scratch. Inheritance is one way to support the idea of software reuse. By using existing software components to create new ones, we capitalize on the effort that went into the design, implementation, and testing of the existing software. Keep in mind that the word class comes from the idea of classifying groups of objects with similar characteristics. Classification schemes often use levels of classes that relate to each other. For example, all mammals share certain 9 . 1  Creating Subclasses characteristics: They are warmblooded, have hair, and produce milk to feed their young. Now consider a subset of mammals, such as horses. All horses are mammals and have all of the characteristics of mammals, but they also have unique features that make them different from other mammals such as dogs. If we translate this idea into software terms, an existing class called Mammal would have certain variables and methods that describe the state and behavior of mammals. A Horse class could be derived from the existing Mammal class, automatically inheriting the variables and methods contained in Mammal. The Horse class can refer to the inherited variables and methods as if they had been declared locally in that class. New variables and methods can then be added to the derived class to distinguish a horse from other mammals. The original class that is used to derive a new one is called the parent class, superclass, or base class. The derived class is called a child class, or subclass. Java uses the reserved word extends to indicate that a new class is being derived from an existing class. KeY CONCept Inheritance creates an is-a relationship between the parent and child classes. The process of inheritance should establish an is-a relationship between two classes. That is, the child class should be a more specific version of the parent. For example, a horse is a mammal. Not all mammals are horses, but all horses are mammals. For any class X that is derived from class Y, you should be able to say that “X is a Y.” If such a statement doesn’t make sense, then that relationship is probably not an appropriate use of inheritance. Let’s look at an example. The program shown in Listing 9.1 instantiates an object of class Dictionary, which is derived from a class called Book. In the main method, three methods are invoked through the Dictionary object: two that were declared locally in the Dictionary class and one that was inherited from the Book class. The Book class (see Listing 9.2) is used to derive the Dictionary class (see Listing 9.3) using the reserved word extends in the header of Dictionary. The Dictionary class automatically inherits the definition of the setPages and getPages methods, as well as the pages variable. It is as if those methods and the pages variable were declared inside the Dictionary class. Note that, in the Dictionary class, the computeRatio method explicitly references the pages variable, even though the variable is declared in the Book class. Also note that although the Book class is needed to create the definition of Dictionary, no Book object is ever instantiated in the program. An instance of a child class does not rely on an instance of the parent class. Inheritance is a one-way street. The Book class cannot use variables or methods that are declared explicitly in the Dictionary class. For instance, if we created an object from the Book class, it could not be used to invoke the setDefinitions method. This restriction makes sense, because a child class is a more specific 471 472 Chapter 9   Inheritance L i s t i N G 9 . 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of an inherited method. //******************************************************************** public class Words { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Instantiates a derived class and invokes its inherited and // local methods. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { Dictionary webster = new Dictionary(); System.out.println("Number of pages: " + webster.getPages()); System.out.println("Number of definitions: " + webster.getDefinitions()); System.out.println("Definitions per page: " + webster.computeRatio()); } } O u t p u t Number of pages: 1500 Number of definitions: 52500 Definitions per page: 35.0 version of the parent class. A dictionary has pages, because all books have pages; but although a dictionary has definitions, not all books do. Inheritance relationships are often represented in UML class diagrams. Figure 9.1 shows the inheritance relationship between the Book and Dictionary classes. An arrow with an open arrowhead is used to show inheritance in a UML diagram, with the arrow pointing from the child class to the parent class. 9 . 1  Creating Subclasses L i s ti N G 9 . 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a book. Used as the parent of a derived class to // demonstrate inheritance. //******************************************************************** public class Book { protected int pages = 1500; //---------------------------------------------------------------// Pages mutator. //---------------------------------------------------------------public void setPages(int numPages) { pages = numPages; } //---------------------------------------------------------------// Pages accessor. //---------------------------------------------------------------public int getPages() { return pages; } } the protected Modifier As we’ve seen, visibility modifiers are used to control access to the members of a class. This effect extends into the process of inheritance as well. Any public method or variable in a parent class can be explicitly referenced by name in the child class and through objects of that child class. On the other hand, private methods and variables of the parent class cannot be referenced in the child class or through an object of the child class. However, if we declare a variable with public visibility so that a derived class can reference it, we violate the principle of encapsulation. Therefore, Java provides a third visibility modifier: protected. Note that the variable pages is declared with protected visibility in the Book class. When a variable or method is 473 474 Chapter 9   Inheritance L i s t i N G 9 . 3 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a dictionary, which is a book. Used to demonstrate // inheritance. //******************************************************************** public class Dictionary extends Book { private int definitions = 52500; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Prints a message using both local and inherited values. //----------------------------------------------------------------public double computeRatio() { return (double) definitions/pages; } //---------------------------------------------------------------// Definitions mutator. //---------------------------------------------------------------public void setDefinitions(int numDefinitions) { definitions = numDefinitions; } //---------------------------------------------------------------// Definitions accessor. //---------------------------------------------------------------public int getDefinitions() { return definitions; } } declared with protected visibility, a derived class can reference it. And protected visibility allows the class to retain some encapsulation properties. The encapsulation with protected visibility is not as tight as it would be if the variable or method were declared private, but it is better than if it were declared public. Specifically, a 9 . 1  Creating Subclasses 475 Book # pages : int + setPages(numPages : int) : void + getPages() : int Words Dictionary – definitions : int + computeRatio() : double + main (args : String[]) : void FiGure 9.1 + setDefinitions (numDefinitions : int) : void + getDefinitions () : int A UML class diagram showing an inheritance relationship variable or method declared with protected visibility may be accessed by any class in the same package, in addition to being accessible by any derived classes. The relationships among all Java modifiers are explained completely in Appendix E. KeY CONCept Protected visibility provides the best possible encapsulation that permits inheritance. In a UML diagram, protected visibility can be indicated by preceding the protected member with a hash mark (#). The pages variable of the Book class has this annotation in Figure 9.1. Each variable or method retains the effect of its original visibility modifier. For example, the setPages method is still considered to be public in its inherited form in the Dictionary class. Let’s be clear about our terms. All methods and variables, even those declared with private visibility, are inherited by the child class. That is, their definitions exist and memory space is reserved for the variables. It’s just that they can’t be referenced by name. This issue is explored in more detail in section 9.4. Constructors, however, are not inherited. Constructors are special methods that are used to set up a particular type of object, so it doesn’t make sense for a class called Dictionary to have a constructor called Book. But you can imagine that a child class may want to refer to the constructor of the parent class, which is one of the reasons for the super reference, described next. VideoNote Overview of inheritance. 476 Chapter 9   Inheritance the super reference K e Y C O N C e pt A parent’s constructor can be invoked using the super reference. The reserved word super can be used in a class to refer to its parent class. Using the super reference, we can access a parent’s members. Like the this reference, what the word super refers to depends on the class in which it is used. One use of the super reference is to invoke a parent’s constructor. Let’s look at an example. Listing 9.4 shows a modification of the original Words program from Listing 9.1. Similar to the original version, we use a class called Book2 L i s t i N G 9 . 4 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of the super reference. //******************************************************************** public class Words2 { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Instantiates a derived class and invokes its inherited and // local methods. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { Dictionary2 webster = new Dictionary2(1500, 52500); System.out.println("Number of pages: " + webster.getPages()); System.out.println("Number of definitions: " + webster.getDefinitions()); System.out.println("Definitions per page: " + webster.computeRatio()); } } O u t p u t Number of pages: 1500 Number of definitions: 52500 Definitions per page: 35.0 9 . 1  Creating Subclasses L i s t i N G 9 . 5 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a book. Used as the parent of a derived class to // demonstrate inheritance and the use of the super reference. //******************************************************************** public class Book2 { protected int pages; //---------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up the book with the specified number of // pages. //---------------------------------------------------------------public Book2(int numPages) { pages = numPages; } //---------------------------------------------------------------// Pages mutator. //---------------------------------------------------------------public void setPages(int numPages) { pages = numPages; } //---------------------------------------------------------------// Pages accessor. //---------------------------------------------------------------public int getPages() { return pages; } } (see Listing 9.5) as the parent of the derived class Dictionary2 (see Listing 9.6). However, unlike earlier versions of these classes, Book2 and Dictionary2 have explicit constructors used to initialize their instance variables. The output of the Words2 program is the same as it is for the original Words program. 477 478 Chapter 9   Inheritance L i s t i N G 9 . 6 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a dictionary, which is a book. Used to demonstrate // the use of the super reference. //******************************************************************** public class Dictionary2 extends Book2 { private int definitions; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up the dictionary with the specified number // of pages and definitions. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Dictionary2(int numPages, int numDefinitions) { super(numPages); definitions = numDefinitions; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Prints a message using both local and inherited values. //----------------------------------------------------------------public double computeRatio() { return (double) definitions/pages; } //---------------------------------------------------------------// Definitions mutator. //---------------------------------------------------------------public void setDefinitions(int numDefinitions) { definitions = numDefinitions; } //---------------------------------------------------------------// Definitions accessor. //---------------------------------------------------------------- 9 . 1  Creating Subclasses L i s ti N G 9 . 6 continued public int getDefinitions() { return definitions; } } The Dictionary2 constructor takes two integer values as parameters, representing the number of pages and definitions in the book. Because the Book2 class already has a constructor that performs the work to set up the parts of the dictionary that were inherited, we rely on that constructor to do that work. However, since the constructor is not inherited, we cannot invoke it directly, and so we use the super reference to get to it in the parent class. The Dictionary2 constructor then proceeds to initialize its definitions variable. In this case, it would have been just as easy to set the pages variable explicitly in the Dictionary2 constructor instead of using super to call the Book2 constructor. However, it is good practice to let each class “take care of itself.” If we choose to change the way that the Book2 constructor sets up its pages variable, we would also have to remember to make that change in Dictionary2. By using the super reference, a change made in Book2 is automatically reflected in Dictionary2. A child’s constructor is responsible for calling its parent’s constructor. Generally, the first line of a constructor should use the super reference call to a constructor of the parent class. If no such call exists, Java will automatically make a call to super() at the beginning of the constructor. This rule ensures that a parent class initializes its variables before the child class constructor begins to execute. Using the super reference to invoke a parent’s constructor can be done only in the child’s constructor, and if included it must be the first line of the constructor. The super reference can also be used to reference other variables and methods defined in the parent’s class. We use this technique in later sections of this chapter. Multiple inheritance Java’s approach to inheritance is called single inheritance. This term means that a derived class can have only one parent. Some object-oriented languages allow a 479 480 Chapter 9   Inheritance Car Truck PickupTruck FiGure 9.2 A UML class diagram showing multiple inheritance child class to have multiple parents. This approach is called multiple inheritance and is occasionally useful for describing objects that are in between two categories or classes. For example, suppose we had a class Car and a class Truck and we wanted to create a new class called PickupTruck. A pickup truck is somewhat like a car and somewhat like a truck. With single inheritance, we must decide whether it is better to derive the new class from Car or Truck. With multiple inheritance, it can be derived from both, as shown in Figure 9.2. Multiple inheritance works well in some situations, but it comes with a price. What if both Truck and Car have methods with the same name? Which method would PickupTruck inherit? The answer to this question is complex, and it depends on the rules of the language that supports multiple inheritance. The designers of the Java language explicitly decided not to support multiple inheritance. Instead, we can rely on interfaces to provide the best features of multiple inheritance without the added complexity. Although a Java class can be derived from only one parent class, it can implement multiple interfaces. Therefore, we can interact with a particular class in specific ways while inheriting the core information from one parent class. seLF-revieW QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 9.1 Describe the relationship between a parent class and a child class. SR 9.2 How does inheritance support software reuse? SR 9.3 What relationship should every class derivation represent? SR 9.4 What does the protected modifier accomplish? SR 9.5 Why is the super reference important to a child class? SR 9.6 Define a class SchoolBook2 that extends Book2 to include an attribute indicating the age (4 through 16) that a book targets. The constructor accepts the age as a parameter. The class also provides a level 9 . 2  Overriding Methods 481 method that returns a string as follows: “Pre-school” if the target age is 4 through 6, “Early” if the target age is 7 through 9, “Middle” if the target age is 10 through 12, and “Upper” if the target age is 13 through 16. SR 9.7 9.2 What is the difference between single inheritance and multiple inheritance? Overriding Methods When a child class defines a method with the same name and signature as a method in the parent class, we say that the child’s version overrides the parent’s version in favor of its own. The need for overriding occurs often in inheritance situations. KeY CONCept A child class can override (redefine) the parent’s definition of an inherited method. The program in Listing 9.7 provides a simple demonstration of method overriding in Java. The Messages class contains a main method that instantiates two objects: one from class Thought and one from class Advice. The Thought class is the parent of the Advice class. L i s ti N G 9 . 7 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of an overridden method. //******************************************************************** public class Messages { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates two objects and invokes the message method in each. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { Thought parked = new Thought(); Advice dates = new Advice(); parked.message(); dates.message(); } } // overridden 482 Chapter 9   Inheritance L i s t i N G 9 . 7 continued O u t p u t I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe. Warning: Dates in calendar are closer than they appear. I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe. Both the Thought class (see Listing 9.8) and the Advice class (see Listing 9.9) contain a definition for a method called message. The version of message defined in the Thought class is inherited by Advice, but Advice overrides it with an alternative version. The new version of the method prints out an entirely different message and then invokes the parent’s version of the message method using the super reference. The object that is used to invoke a method determines which version of the method is actually executed. When message is invoked using the parked object in L i s t i N G 9 . 8 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a stray thought. Used as the parent of a derived // class to demonstrate the use of an overridden method. //******************************************************************** public class Thought { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Prints a message. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void message() { System.out.println("I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a " + "parallel universe."); System.out.println(); } } 9 . 2   Overriding Methods L i s ti N G 9 . 9 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents some thoughtful advice. Used to demonstrate the use // of an overridden method. //******************************************************************** public class Advice extends Thought { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Prints a message. This method overrides the parent's version. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void message() { System.out.println("Warning: Dates in calendar are closer " + "than they appear."); System.out.println(); super.message(); // explicitly invokes the parent's version } } the main method, the Thought version of message is executed. When message is invoked using the dates object, the Advice version of message is executed. A method can be defined with the final modifier. A child class cannot override a final method. This technique is used to ensure that a derived class uses a particular definition of a method. Method overriding is a key element in object-oriented design. It allows two objects that are related by inheritance to use the same naming conventions for methods that accomplish the same general task in different ways. Overriding becomes even more important when it comes to polymorphism, which is discussed in Chapter 10. shadowing variables It is possible, although not recommended, for a child class to declare a variable with the same name as one that is inherited from the parent. Note the distinction between redeclaring a variable and simply giving an inherited variable a particular value. If a variable of the same name is declared in a child class, it is called a shadow variable. It is similar in concept to the process of overriding methods but creates confusing subtleties. 483 484 Chapter 9   Inheritance Because an inherited variable is already available to the child class, there is usually no good reason to redeclare it. Someone reading code with a shadowed variable will find two different declarations that seem to apply to a variable used in the child class. This confusion causes problems and serves no useful purpose. A redeclaration of a particular variable name could change its type, but that is usually unnecessary. In general, shadowing variables should be avoided. seLF-revieW QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 9.8 Why would a child class override one or more of the methods of its parent class? SR 9.9 True or False? Explain. a. A child class may define a method with the same name as a method in the parent class. b. A child class can override the constructor of the parent class. c. A child class can override a final method of the parent class. d. It is considered poor design when a child class overrides a method from the parent class. e. A child class may define a variable with the same name as a variable in the parent class. 9.3 Class hierarchies A child class derived from one parent can be the parent of its own child class. Furthermore, multiple classes can be derived from a single parent. Therefore, inheritance relationships often develop into class hierarchies. The diagram in Figure 9.3 shows a class K e Y C O N C e pt The child of one class can be the parent of one or more other classes, creating a class hierarchy. Animal Reptile Snake FiGure 9.3 Bird Lizard Parrot Mammal Horse Bat A UML class diagram showing a class hierarchy 9 . 3  Class Hierarchies 485 hierarchy that includes the inheritance relationship between the Mammal and Horse classes. There is no limit to the number of children a class can have or to the number of levels to which a class hierarchy can extend. Two children of the same parent are called siblings. Although siblings share the characteristics passed on by their common parent, they are not related by inheritance, because one is not used to derive the other. In class hierarchies, common features should be kept as high in the hierarchy as reasonably possible. That way, the only characteristics explicitly established in a child class are those that make the class distinct from its parent and from its siblings. This approach maximizes the potential to reuse classes. It also facilitates maintenance activities, because when changes are made to the parent, they are automatically reflected in the descendants. Always remember to maintain the is-a relationship when building class hierarchies. The inheritance mechanism is transitive. That is, a parent passes along a trait to a child class, and that child class passes it along to its children, and so on. An inherited feature might have originated in the immediate parent or possibly several levels higher in a more distant ancestor class. KeY CONCept Common features should be located as high in a class hierarchy as is reasonably possible. There is no single best hierarchy organization for all situations. The decisions you make when you are designing a class hierarchy restrict and guide more detailed design decisions and implementation options, so you must make them carefully. Earlier in this chapter we discussed a class hierarchy that organized animals by their major biological classifications, such as Mammal, Bird, and Reptile. However, in a different situation, the same animals might logically be organized in a different way. For example, as shown in Figure 9.4, the class hierarchy might be organized around a function of the animals, such as their ability to fly. In this case, a Parrot class and a Bat class would be siblings derived from a general FlyingAnimal class. This class hierarchy is as valid and reasonable as the original one. The needs of the programs that use the classes will determine which is best for the particular situation. FlyingAnimal Parrot F iGure 9.4 Bat Mosquito An alternative hierarchy for organizing animals 486 Chapter 9   Inheritance the Object Class In Java, all classes are derived ultimately from the Object class. If a class definition doesn’t use the extends clause to derive itself explicitly from another class, then that class is automatically derived from the Object class by default. Therefore, the following two class definitions are equivalent: class Thing { // whatever } and class Thing extends Object { // whatever } K e Y C O N C e pt All Java classes are derived, directly or indirectly, from the Object class. K e Y C O N C e pt Because all classes are derived from Object, all public methods of Object are inherited by every Java class. They can be invoked through any object created in any Java program. The Object class is defined in the java.lang package of the Java standard class library. Figure 9.5 lists some of the methods of the Object class. As it turns out, we’ve been using Object methods quite often in our examples. The toString method, for instance, is defined in the Object class, so the toString method can be called on any object. As we’ve seen several times, when a println method is called with an object parameter, toString is called to determine what to print. The toString and equals methods are inherited by every class in every Java program. Therefore, when we define a toString method in a class, we are actually overriding an inherited definition. The definition for toString that is provided by the Object class returns a string containing the boolean equals(Object obj) Returns true if this object is an alias of the specified object. String toString() Returns a string representation of this object. Object clone() Creates and returns a copy of this object. FiGure 9 . 5 Some methods of the Object class 9 . 3  Class Hierarchies 487 object’s class name followed by a numeric value that is unique for that object. Usually, we override the Object version of toString to fit our own needs. The String class has overridden the toString method so that it returns its stored string value. We are also overriding an inherited method when we define an equals method for a class. As we’ve discussed previously, the purpose of the equals method is to determine whether two objects are equal. The definition of the equals method provided by the Object class returns true if the two object references actually refer to the same object (that is, if they are aliases). Classes often override the inherited definition of the equals method in favor of a more appropriate definition. For instance, the String class overrides equals so that it returns true only if both strings contain the same characters in the same order. abstract Classes An abstract class represents a generic concept in a class hierarchy. An abstract class cannot be instantiated and usually contains one or more abstract methods, which have no definition. We’ve discussed abstract methods in Chapter 7 when they are used to define a Java interface. An abstract class is similar to an interface in some ways. However, unlike interfaces, an abstract class can contain methods that are not abstract. It can also contain data declarations other than constants. A class is declared as abstract by including the abstract modifier in the class header. Any class that contains one or more abstract methods must be declared as abstract. In abstract classes (unlike interfaces), the abstract modifier must be applied to each abstract method. A class declared as abstract does not have to contain abstract methods. KeY CONCept An abstract class cannot be instantiated. It represents a concept on which other classes can build their definitions. Abstract classes serve as placeholders in a class hierarchy. As the name implies, an abstract class represents an abstract entity that is usually insufficiently defined to be useful by itself. Instead, an abstract class may contain a partial description that is inherited by all of its descendants in the class hierarchy. Its children, which are more specific, fill in the gaps. Consider the class hierarchy shown in Figure 9.6. The Vehicle class at the top of the hierarchy may be too generic for a particular application. Therefore we may choose to implement it as an abstract class. In UML diagrams, abstract class names are shown in italic. Concepts that apply to all vehicles can be represented in the Vehicle class and are inherited by its descendants. That way, each of its descendants doesn’t have to define the same concept redundantly (and perhaps inconsistently). For example, we may say that all vehicles have a particular speed. Therefore we declare a speed variable in the Vehicle class, and all specific vehicles below it in the hierarchy VideoNote Example using a class hierarchy. 488 Chapter 9   Inheritance Vehicle Car FiG u r e 9 . 6 Boat Plane A vehicle class hierarchy automatically have that variable because of inheritance. Any change we make to the representation of the speed of a vehicle is automatically reflected in all descendant classes. Similarly, we may declare an abstract method called fuelConsumption, whose purpose is to calculate how quickly fuel is being consumed by a particular vehicle. The details of the fuelConsumption method must be defined by each type of vehicle, but the Vehicle class establishes that all vehicles consume fuel and provides a consistent way to compute that value. Some concepts don’t apply to all vehicles, so we wouldn’t represent those concepts at the Vehicle level. For instance, we wouldn’t include a variable called numberOfWheels in the Vehicle class, because not all vehicles have wheels. The child classes for which wheels are appropriate can add that concept at the appropriate level in the hierarchy. There are no restrictions as to where in a class hierarchy an abstract class can be defined. Usually they are located at the upper levels of a class hierarchy. However, it is possible to derive an abstract class from a nonabstract parent. Usually, a child of an abstract class will provide a specific definition for an abstract method inherited from its parent. Note that this is just a specific case of overriding a method, giving a different definition than the one the parent provides. If a child of an abstract class does not give a definiK e Y C O N C e pt tion for every abstract method that it inherits from its parent, then A class derived from an abstract parent must override all of its parent’s the child class is also considered abstract. abstract methods, or the derived class will also be considered abstract. Note that it would be a contradiction for an abstract method to be modified as final or static. Because a final method cannot be overridden in subclasses, an abstract final method would have no way of being given a definition in subclasses. A static method can be invoked using the class name without declaring an object of the class. Because abstract methods have no implementation, an abstract static method would make no sense. Choosing which classes and methods to make abstract is an important part of the design process. You should make such choices only after careful consideration. By using abstract classes wisely, you can create flexible, extensible software designs. 9 . 4  Visibility 489 interface hierarchies The concept of inheritance can be applied to interfaces as well as classes. That is, one interface can be derived from another interface. These relationships can form an interface hierarchy, which is similar to a class hierarchy. Inheritance relationships between interfaces are shown in UML diagrams using the same connection (an arrow with an open arrowhead) as they are with classes. KeY CONCept Inheritance can be applied to interfaces so that one interface can be derived from another. When a parent interface is used to derive a child interface, the child inherits all abstract methods and constants of the parent. Any class that implements the child interface must implement all of the methods. There are no visibility issues when dealing with inheritance between interfaces (as there are with protected and private members of a class), because all members of an interface are public. Class hierarchies and interface hierarchies do not overlap. That is, an interface cannot be used to derive a class, and a class cannot be used to derive an interface. A class and an interface interact only when a class is designed to implement a particular interface. s e L F - r e v ieW QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 9.10 Draw a UML class diagram showing an inheritance hierarchy containing classes that represent different types of food. Show some appropriate variables and method names for at least two of these classes. SR 9.11 What is the significance of the Object class? SR 9.12 Which is the only Java class that does not have a parent class? Explain. SR 9.13 What is the role of an abstract class? SR 9.14 Why is it a contradiction to define a final, abstract class? SR 9.15 What is an interface hierarchy? 9.4 visibility As we discussed earlier in this chapter, all variables and methods, even private members, that are defined in a parent class are inherited by a child class. They exist for an object of a derived class, even though they can’t be referenced directly. They can, however, be referenced indirectly. KeY CONCept Private members are inherited by the child class, but cannot be referenced directly by name. They may be used indirectly, however. Let’s look at an example that demonstrates this situation. The program shown in Listing 9.10 contains a main method that instantiates a Pizza 490 Chapter 9   Inheritance L i s t i N G 9 . 1 0 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates indirect access to inherited private members. //******************************************************************** public class FoodAnalyzer { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Instantiates a Pizza object and prints its calories per // serving. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { Pizza special = new Pizza(275); System.out.println("Calories per serving: " + special.caloriesPerServing()); } } O u t p u t Calories per serving: 309 object and invokes a method to determine how many calories the pizza has per serving due to its fat content. The FoodItem class shown in Listing 9.11 represents a generic type of food. The constructor of FoodItem accepts the number of grams of fat and the number of servings of that food. The calories method returns the number of calories due to fat, which the caloriesPerServing method invokes to help compute the number of fat calories per serving. The Pizza class, shown in Listing 9.12, is derived from the FoodItem class, but it adds no special functionality or data. Its constructor calls the constructor of FoodItem using the super reference, asserting that there are eight servings per pizza. The Pizza object called special in the main method is used to invoke the method caloriesPerServing, which is defined as a public method of FoodItem. Note that caloriesPerServing calls calories, which is declared with private visibility. Furthermore, calories references the variable fatGrams and the constant CALORIES_PER_GRAM, which are also declared with private visibility. 9 . 4   Visibility L i s ti N G 9 . 1 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents an item of food. Used as the parent of a derived class // to demonstrate indirect referencing. //******************************************************************** public class FoodItem { final private int CALORIES_PER_GRAM = 9; private int fatGrams; protected int servings; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up this food item with the specified number of fat grams // and number of servings. //----------------------------------------------------------------public FoodItem(int numFatGrams, int numServings) { fatGrams = numFatGrams; servings = numServings; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Computes and returns the number of calories in this food item // due to fat. //----------------------------------------------------------------private int calories() { return fatGrams * CALORIES_PER_GRAM; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Computes and returns the number of fat calories per serving. //----------------------------------------------------------------public int caloriesPerServing() { return (calories() / servings); } } 491 492 Chapter 9   Inheritance L i s t i N G 9 . 1 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a pizza, which is a food item. Used to demonstrate // indirect referencing through inheritance. //******************************************************************** public class Pizza extends FoodItem { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up a pizza with the specified amount of fat (assumes // eight servings). //----------------------------------------------------------------public Pizza(int fatGrams) { super(fatGrams, 8); } } Even though the Pizza class cannot explicitly reference calories, fatGrams, or CALORIES_PER_GRAM, they are available for use indirectly when the Pizza object needs them. A Pizza object cannot be used to invoke the calories method, but it can call a method that can. Note that a FoodItem object was never created or needed. seLF-revieW QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 9.16 Are all members of a parent class inherited by the child? Explain. SR 9.17 Could the Pizza class refer to the variable servings explicitly? What about the calories method? Explain. 9.5 K e Y C O N C e pt Software design must carefully and specifically address inheritance. Designing for inheritance As a major characteristic of object-oriented software, inheritance must be carefully and specifically addressed during software design. A little thought about inheritance relationships can lead to a far more elegant design, which pays huge dividends in the long term. 9 . 5  Designing for Inheritance 493 Throughout this chapter, several design issues have been addressed in the discussion of the nuts and bolts of inheritance in Java. The following list summarizes some of the inheritance issues that you should keep in mind during the program design stage: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Every derivation should be an is-a relationship. The child should be a more specific version of the parent. Design a class hierarchy to capitalize on reuse and potential reuse in the future. As classes and objects are identified in the problem domain, find their commonality. Push common features as high in the class hierarchy as appropriate for consistency and ease of maintenance. Override methods as appropriate to tailor or change the functionality of a child. Add new variables to the child class as needed, but don’t shadow (redefine) any inherited variables. Allow each class to manage its own data. Therefore use the super reference to invoke a parent’s constructor and to call overridden versions of methods if appropriate. Use interfaces to create a class that serves multiple roles (simulating multiple inheritance). Design a class hierarchy to fit the needs of the application, with attention to how it may be useful in the future. Even if there are no current uses for them, override general methods such as toString and equals appropriately in child classes so that the inherited versions don’t cause unintentional problems later. Use abstract classes to specify a common class interface for the concrete classes lower in the hierarchy. Use visibility modifiers carefully to provide the needed access in derived classes without violating encapsulation. restricting inheritance We’ve seen the final modifier used in declarations to create constants many times. The other uses of the final modifier involve inheritance and can have a significant influence on software design. Specifically, the final modifier can be used to curtail the abilities related to inheritance. Earlier in this chapter, we mentioned that a method can be declared as final, which means it cannot be overridden in any classes that extend the one it is in. A final method is often used to insist that particular functionality be used in all child classes. KeY CONCept The final modifier can be used to restrict inheritance. 494 Chapter 9   Inheritance The final modifier can also be applied to an entire class. A final class cannot be extended at all. Consider the following declaration: public final class Standards { // whatever } Given this declaration, the Standards class cannot be used in the extends clause of another class. The compiler will generate an error message in such a case. The Standards class can be used normally, but it cannot be the parent of another class. Using the final modifier to restrict inheritance abilities is a key design decision. It should be done in situations in which a child class could possibly be used to change functionality that you, as the designer, specifically want to be handled a certain way. This issue comes up again in the discussion of polymorphism in Chapter 10. seLF-revieW QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 9.18 What does it mean for an inheritance derivation to represent an is-a relationship? SR 9.19 Where should common features of classes appear in a class hierarchy? Why? SR 9.20 How can you define a class with multiple roles? SR 9.21 Why should you override the toString method of a parent in its child class, even when the method is not invoked through the child by your current applications? SR 9.22 How can the final modifier be used to restrict inheritance? Why would you do this? 9.6 the Component Class hierarchy K e Y CONCept The classes that represent Java GUI components are organized into a class hierarchy. All of the Java classes that define GUI components are part of a class hierarchy, shown in part in Figure 9.7. Almost all Swing GUI components are derived from the JComponent class, which defines how all components work in general. JComponent is derived from the Container class, which in turn is derived from the Component class. You’ll recall that there are two primary GUI APIs used in Java: the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) and the Swing classes. The AWT is the original set of 9 . 6  The Component Class Hierarchy Component Container JComponent JPanel AbstractButton JLabel JTextComponent JTextField JButton JToggleButton JCheckBox FiGure 9.7 JRadioButton Part of the GUI component class hierarchy graphics classes in Java. Swing classes were introduced later, adding components that provided much more functionality than their AWT counterparts. We use Swing components in our examples in this book. In the component class hierarchy, some Swing classes are ultimately derived from AWT classes. Both Container and Component are original AWT classes. The Component class contains much of the general functionality that applies to all GUI components, such as basic painting and event handling. So although we may prefer to use some of the specific Swing components, they are based on core AWT concepts and respond to the same events as AWT components. Because they are derived from Container, many Swing components can serve as containers, though in most circumstances those abilities are curtailed. For example, we’ve seen that a JLabel object can contain an image, but it cannot be used as a generic container to which any component can be added. Many features that apply to all Swing components are defined in the JComponent class and are inherited into its descendants. For example, we have the 495 496 Chapter 9   Inheritance ability to put a border on any Swing component (as we saw in Chapter 6). This ability is defined once in the JComponent class and is inherited by any class that is derived, directly or indirectly, from it. Some component classes, such as JPanel and JLabel, are derived directly from JComponent. Other component classes are nested further down in the inheritance hierarchy structure. For example, the AbstractButton class is an abstract class that defines the functionality that applies to all types of GUI buttons. JButton is derived directly from it. However, note that JCheckBox and JRadioButton are both derived from a class called JToggleButton, which embodies the common characteristics for buttons that can be in one of two states. The set of classes that define GUI buttons shows once again how common characteristics are put at appropriately high levels of the class hierarchy rather than duplicated in multiple classes. The world of text components demonstrates this as well. The JTextField class that we’ve used in previous examples is one of many Java GUI components that support the management of text data. They are organized under a class called JTextComponent. Keep in mind that there are many GUI component classes that are not shown in the diagram in Figure 9.7. In previous chapters we’ve extended the component class hierarchy further by defining panel and applet classes of our own using inheritance. By extending the JPanel or JApplet class, we create our own classes that automatically have all the characteristics of those components. Sometimes we then overrode the definition of a method, such as the paintComponent method, to behave in a particular way. Creating our own panel and applet classes is a classic use of inheritance, allowing the parent class to shoulder the responsibilities that apply to all of its descendants. For example, the JApplet class is already designed to handle all of the details concerning applet creation and execution. An applet interacts with a browser, can accept parameters through HTML code, and is constrained by certain security limitations. The JApplet class already takes care of these details in a generic way that applies to all applets. The applet class that we write (the one derived from JApplet) is ready to focus on the purpose of that particular program. In other words, the only issues that we address in our applet code are those that make it different from other applets. seLF-revieW QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 9.23 True or False, based on the GUI component class hierarchy diagram displayed in this section. a. A JCheckBox object is a JToggleButton. b. A JCheckBox object is an AbstractButton. c. A JTextField object is a JLabel. 9 . 7  Extending Adapter Classes d. A JComponent object is a JPanel. e. A JToggleButton object is a JButton. f. A JRadioButton is a Component. SR 9.24 What benefits do you derive by having your applet class extend the Java library’s JApplet class? 9.7 extending adapter Classes In previous event-based examples, we’ve created the listener classes by implementing a particular listener interface. For instance, to create a class that listens for mouse events, we created a listener class that implements the MouseListener interface. As we saw in the Dots and RubberLines programs in Chapter 8, a listener interface often contains event methods that are not important to a particular program, in which case we proKeY CONCept vided empty definitions to satisfy the interface requirement. A listener class can be created by An alternative technique for creating a listener class is to deriving it from an event adapter extend an event adapter class. Each listener interface that conclass. tains more than one method has a corresponding adapter class that already contains empty definitions for all of the methods in the interface. To create a listener, we can derive a new listener class from the appropriate adapter class and override any event methods in which we are interested. Using this technique, we no longer need to provide empty definitions for unused methods. The program shown in Listing 9.13 displays a panel that responds to mouse click events. Whenever the mouse button is clicked over the panel, a line is drawn from the location of the mouse pointer to the center of the panel. The distance that line represents in pixels is displayed. The listener class is implemented as an inner class of the OffCenterPanel class, shown in Listing 9.14. Instead of implementing the MouseListener interface directly as we have done in previous examples, this listener extends the MouseAdapter class, which is defined in the java.awt.event package of the Java standard class library. The MouseAdapter class implements the MouseListener interface and contains empty definitions for all of the mouse event methods. In our listener class, we override the definition of the mouseClicked method to suit our needs. Because we inherit the other empty methods corresponding to the rest of the mouse events, we don’t have to provide our own empty definitions. Because of inheritance, we now have a choice when it comes to creating event listeners. We can implement an event listener interface, or we can extend an event adapter class. This is a design decision that should be considered carefully. The best technique depends on the situation. 497 498 Chapter 9   Inheritance L i s t i N G 9 . 1 3 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of an event adapter class. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.*; public class OffCenter { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates the main frame of the program. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Off Center"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.getContentPane().add(new OffCenterPanel()); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } D i s p L a Y 9 . 7   Extending Adapter Classes L i s ti N G 9 . 1 4 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents the primary drawing panel for the OffCenter program. //******************************************************************** import import import import java.awt.*; java.awt.event.*; java.text.DecimalFormat; javax.swing.*; public class OffCenterPanel extends JPanel { private final int WIDTH=300, HEIGHT=300; private private private private DecimalFormat fmt; Point current; int centerX, centerY; double length; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up the panel and necessary data. //----------------------------------------------------------------public OffCenterPanel() { addMouseListener(new OffCenterListener()); centerX = WIDTH / 2; centerY = HEIGHT / 2; fmt = new DecimalFormat("0.##"); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(WIDTH, HEIGHT)); setBackground(Color.yellow); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Draws a line from the mouse pointer to the center point of // the panel and displays the distance. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void paintComponent(Graphics page) { super.paintComponent(page); 499 500 Chapter 9   Inheritance L i s t i N G 9 . 1 4 continued page.setColor(; page.drawOval(centerX-3, centerY-3, 6, 6); if (current != null) { page.drawLine(current.x, current.y, centerX, centerY); page.drawString("Distance: " + fmt.format(length), 10, 15); } } //***************************************************************** // Represents the listener for mouse events. Demonstrates the // ability to extend an adapter class. //***************************************************************** private class OffCenterListener extends MouseAdapter { //-------------------------------------------------------------// Computes the distance from the mouse pointer to the center // point of the applet. //-------------------------------------------------------------public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) { current = event.getPoint(); length = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((current.x-centerX), 2) + Math.pow((current.y-centerY), 2)); repaint(); } } } seLF-revieW QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 9.25 What is an adapter class? SR 9.26 Is an OffCenterPanel object a JPanel? Is it a JComponent? Is it a Container? Is it an Object? Explain. SR 9.27 In the private listener class defined for the RubberLinesPanel class in Chapter 8, five empty mouse event methods were included. Why are there no such methods included for the private OffCenterListener class defined in this section? 9 . 8  The 9.8 Timer Class the Timer Class A timer object, created from the Timer class of the javax. swing package, can be thought of as a GUI component. However, unlike other components, it does not have a visual representation that appears on the screen. Instead, as the name implies, it helps us manage an activity over time. KeY CONCept A Timer object generates action events at regular intervals and can be used to control an animation. A timer object generates an action event at regular intervals. To perform an animation, we set up a timer to generate an action event periodically, then update the animation graphics in the action listener. The methods of the Timer class are shown in Figure 9.8. The program shown in Listing 9.15 displays the image of a smiling face that seems to glide across the program window at an angle, bouncing off of the window edges. The constructor of the ReboundPanel class, shown in Listing 9.16, creates a Timer object. The first parameter to the Timer constructor is the delay in milliseconds. The second parameter to the constructor is the listener that handles the action events of the timer. The constructor also sets up the initial position for the image and the number of pixels it will move, in both the vertical and horizontal directions, each time the image is redrawn. Timer(int delay, ActionListener listener) Constructor: Creates a timer that generates an action event at regular intervals, specified by the delay. The event will be handled by the specified listener. void addActionListener(ActionListener listener) Adds an action listener to the timer. boolean isRunning() Returns true if the timer is running. void setDelay(int delay) Sets the delay of the timer. void start() Starts the timer, causing it to generate action events. void stop() Stops the timer, causing it to stop generating action events. FiGure 9.8 Some methods of the Timer class VideoNote Example using the Timer class. 501 502 Chapter 9   Inheritance L i s t i N G 9 . 1 5 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates an animation and the use of the Timer class. //******************************************************************** import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Rebound { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Displays the main frame of the program. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Rebound"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.getContentPane().add(new ReboundPanel()); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } D i s p L a Y 9 . 8   The L i s t i N G Timer 9 . 1 6 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents the primary panel for the Rebound program. //******************************************************************** import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class ReboundPanel extends JPanel { private final int WIDTH = 300, HEIGHT = 100; private final int DELAY = 20, IMAGE_SIZE = 35; private ImageIcon image; private Timer timer; private int x, y, moveX, moveY; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up the panel, including the timer for the animation. //----------------------------------------------------------------public ReboundPanel() { timer = new Timer(DELAY, new ReboundListener()); image = new ImageIcon("happyFace.gif"); x = 0; y = 40; moveX = moveY = 3; setPreferredSize(new Dimension(WIDTH, HEIGHT)); setBackground(; timer.start(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Draws the image in the current location. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void paintComponent(Graphics page) { super.paintComponent(page); image.paintIcon(this, page, x, y); } Class 503 504 Chapter 9   Inheritance L i s t i N G 9 . 1 6 continued //***************************************************************** // Represents the action listener for the timer. //***************************************************************** private class ReboundListener implements ActionListener { //-------------------------------------------------------------// Updates the position of the image and possibly the direction // of movement whenever the timer fires an action event. //-------------------------------------------------------------public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { x += moveX; y += moveY; if (x <= 0 || x >= WIDTH-IMAGE_SIZE) moveX = moveX * -1; if (y <= 0 || y <= HEIGHT-IMAGE_SIZE) moveY = moveY * -1; repaint(); } } } The actionPerformed method of the listener updates the current x and y coordinate values, then checks to see if those values cause the image to “run into” the edge of the panel. If so, the movement is adjusted so that the image will make future moves in the opposite direction horizontally, vertically, or both. Note that this calculation takes the image size into account. The speed of the animation in this program is a function of two factors: the pause between the action events and the distance the image is shifted each time. In this example, the timer is set to generate an action event every 20 milliseconds, and the image is shifted 3 pixels each time it is updated. You can experiment with these values to change the speed of the animation. The goal should be to create the illusion of movement that is pleasing to the eye. 9 . 8   The s e L F - r e v ieW QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 9.28 What does a Timer object do? SR 9.29 List each of the Timer methods used in the Rebound program and describe how they are used. SR 9.30 Describe how you would change the ReboundPanel class to provide each of the following changes to the Rebound program: a. b. c. d. e. The smiling face moves faster. The smiling face moves slower. A different image bounces around. Larger “jumps” are made by the smiling face. Each time the smiling face “hits” a window edge it speeds up. Timer Class 505 506 Chapter 9   Inheritance summary of Key Concepts ■ Inheritance is the process of deriving a new class from an existing one. ■ One purpose of inheritance is to reuse existing software. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Inheritance creates an is-a relationship between the parent and child classes. Protected visibility provides the best possible encapsulation that permits inheritance. A parent’s constructor can be invoked using the super reference. A child class can override (redefine) the parent’s definition of an inherited method. The child of one class can be the parent of one or more other classes, creating a class hierarchy. Common features should be located as high in a class hierarchy as is reasonably possible. All Java classes are derived, directly or indirectly, from the Object class. The toString and equals methods are inherited by every class in every Java program. An abstract class cannot be instantiated. It represents a concept on which other classes can build their definitions. A class derived from an abstract parent must override all of its parent’s abstract methods, or the derived class will also be considered abstract. Inheritance can be applied to interfaces so that one interface can be derived from another. Private members are inherited by the child class, but cannot be referenced directly by name. They may be used indirectly, however. ■ Software design must carefully and specifically address inheritance. ■ The final modifier can be used to restrict inheritance. ■ ■ ■ The classes that represent Java GUI components are organized into a class hierarchy. A listener class can be created by deriving it from an event adapter class. A Timer object generates action events at regular intervals and can be used to control an animation. Exercises exercises EX 9.1 Draw a UML class diagram showing an inheritance hierarchy containing classes that represent different types of clocks. Show the variables and method names for two of these classes. EX 9.2 Show an alternative diagram for the hierarchy in Exercise 9.1. Explain why it may be a better or worse approach than the original. EX 9.3 Draw a UML class diagram showing an inheritance hierarchy containing classes that represent different types of cars, organized first by manufacturer. Show some appropriate variables and method names for at least two of these classes. EX 9.4 Show an alternative diagram for the hierarchy in Exercise 9.3 in which the cars are organized first by type (sports car, sedan, SUV, etc.). Show some appropriate variables and method names for at least two of these classes. Compare and contrast the two approaches. EX 9.5 Draw a UML class diagram showing an inheritance hierarchy containing classes that represent different types of airplanes. Show some appropriate variables and method names for at least two of these classes. EX 9.6 Draw a UML class diagram showing an inheritance hierarchy containing classes that represent different types of trees (oak, elm, etc.). Show some appropriate variables and method names for at least two of these classes. EX 9.7 Draw a UML class diagram showing an inheritance hierarchy containing classes that represent different types of payment transactions at a store (cash, credit card, etc.). Show some appropriate variables and method names for at least two of these classes. EX 9.8 Experiment with a simple derivation relationship between two classes. Put println statements in constructors of both the parent and child classes. Do not explicitly call the constructor of the parent in the child. What happens? Why? Change the child’s constructor to explicitly call the constructor of the parent. Now what happens? 507 508 Chapter 9   Inheritance programming projects PP 9.1 Write a class called MonetaryCoin that is derived from the Coin class presented in Chapter 5. Store an integer in the MonetaryCoin that represents its value and add a method that returns its value. Create a main driver class to instantiate and compute the sum of several MonetaryCoin objects. Demonstrate that a monetary coin inherits its parent’s ability to be flipped. PP 9.2 Design and implement a set of classes that define the employees of a hospital: doctor, nurse, administrator, surgeon, receptionist, janitor, and so on. Include methods in each class that are named according to the services provided by that person and that print an appropriate message. Create a main driver class to instantiate and exercise several of the classes. PP 9.3 Design and implement a set of classes that define various types of reading material: books, novels, magazines, technical journals, textbooks, and so on. Include data values that describe various attributes of the material, such as the number of pages and the names of the primary characters. Include methods that are named appropriately for each class and that print an appropriate message. Create a main driver class to instantiate and exercise several of the classes. PP 9.4 Design and implement a set of classes that keeps track of various sports statistics. Have each low-level class represent a specific sport. Tailor the services of the classes to the sport in question, and move common attributes to the higher-level classes as appropriate. Create a main driver class to instantiate and exercise several of the classes. PP 9.5 Design and implement a set of classes that keeps track of demographic information about a set of people, such as age, nationality, occupation, income, and so on. Design each class to focus on a particular aspect of data collection. Create a main driver class to instantiate and exercise several of the classes. PP 9.6 Design and implement a set of classes that define a series of three-dimensional geometric shapes. For each, store fundamental data about their size and provide methods to access and modify this data. In addition, provide appropriate methods to compute each shape’s circumference, area, and volume. In your design, consider how shapes are related and thus where inheritance can Programming Projects 509 be implemented. Create a main driver class to instantiate several shapes of differing types and exercise the behavior you provided. PP 9.7 Design and implement a set of classes that define various types of electronics equipment (computers, cell phones, pagers, digital cameras, etc.). Include data values that describe various attributes of the electronics, such as the weight, cost, power usage, and the names of the manufacturers. Include methods that are named appropriately for each class and that print an appropriate message. Create a main driver class to instantiate and exercise several of the classes. PP 9.8 Design and implement a set of classes that define various courses in your curriculum. Include information about each course such as the title, number, description, and department that teaches the course. Consider the categories of classes that constitutes your curriculum when designing your inheritance structure. Create a main driver class to instantiate and exercise several of the classes. PP 9.9 Modify the Rebound program from this chapter such that when the mouse button is clicked the animation stops, and when it is clicked again the animation resumes. PP 9.10 Write a program that displays an animation of a car (side view) moving across the screen from left to right. Create a Car class that represents the car (or use one that was created for a programming project in Chapter 8). PP 9.11 Write a program that displays an animation of a horizontal line segment moving across the screen, eventually passing across a vertical line. As the vertical line is passed, the horizontal line should change color. The change of color should occur while the horizontal line crosses the vertical one; therefore, while crossing, the horizontal line will be two different colors. PP 9.12 Write a program that plays a game called Catch-the-Creature. Use an image to represent the creature. Have the creature appear at a random location for a random duration, then disappear and reappear somewhere else. The goal is to “catch” the creature by pressing the mouse button while the mouse pointer is on the creature image. Create a separate class to represent the creature, and include in it a method that determines if the location of the mouse click corresponds to the current location of the creature. Display a count of the number of times the creature is caught as well as the number of misses. VideoNote Developing a solution of PP 9.11. 510 Chapter 9   Inheritance PP 9.13 Write a program that works as a stopwatch. Display the time in seconds to one decimal place and update it every 0.1 seconds. Include buttons that allow the user to start and stop the time and reset the display to zero. Arrange the components to present a nice interface. Hint: Use the Timer class to control the timing of the stopwatch. sOFtWare FaiLure ariane 5 Flight 501 What happened? Ariane 5 is an expendable launch system designed by the European Space Agency (ESA) to deliver payloads into earth orbit. On June 4, 1996, the first flight of the rocket (Flight 501) exploded 37 seconds after liftoff. The control system had malfunctioned, causing the rocket to veer off course. Strong aerodynamic forces caused the main portion of the rocket to break apart. An on-board monitor detected the break up and initiated an automatic destruct system to destroy the vehicle in the air. Flight 501 was carrying four unmanned spacecraft designed to study the magnetic field of the Earth. The rocket’s destruction resulted in a complete loss of the payload at an estimated cost of $370 million. The first flight of the Ariane 5 rocket exploded shortly after liftoff. ■ What Caused it? The Ariane 5 rocket reused some of the software that was used to control its predecessor, the Ariane 4. That software contained a segment for converting a floating-point number to a signed 16-bit integer. On Flight 501, this value was outside of the range that a 16-bit integer could represent, causing an overflow error. In the Ariane 4, the converted value had always been small enough to avoid this problem. The overflow error would have been caught by an exception handler, but that part of the system had been disabled for efficiency reasons. The error occurred almost simultaneously in both the main and backup computers, causing them to shut down. This led to the rocket veering off course and its destruction. Lessons Learned The success of the Ariane 4 gave the designers of the Ariane 5 confidence in the software. Therefore, minimal testing was done for some parts of the system. The potential problem had always existed in the previous system, but the data (which represented a measurement) was always small. The varying parameters of the new system were not taken into account. So while the root cause was a software bug, 511 512 Software Failure the failure resulted from changes in the dynamics of the system and its environment. It is a failure of design and testing---more so than a software bug. Better reactions to such a problem would have been helpful as well. The exception handling system, if left in place, could have handled the problem more gracefully, rather than simply shutting down the control computer. Ironically, in this case, the measurement in question wasn’t even needed after liftoff. Sources: IEEE Software, Polymorphism Chap t e r 10 O b j e C t i v e s ● Define polymorphism and explore its benefits. ● Discuss the concept of dynamic binding. ● Use inheritance relationships to create polymorphic references. ● Use interfaces to create polymorphic references. ● Explore sorting and searching using polymorphic implementations. ● Discuss object-oriented design in the context of polymorphism. ● Discuss the processing of events as an example of polymorphism. ● Examine more GUI components. This chapter discusses polymorphism, another fundamental principle of object-oriented software. We first explore the concept of binding and discuss how it relates to polymorphism. Then we examine how polymorphic references can be accomplished using either inheritance or interfaces. Design issues related to polymorphism are examined. The Graphics Track of this chapter discusses how event processing in a graphical user interface is an example of polymorphism. We also examine several new GUI components. 513 514 Chapter 10 Polymorphism 10.1 Late binding Often, the type of a reference variable matches the class of the object to which it refers exactly. For example, consider the following reference: ChessPiece bishop; The bishop variable may be used to point to an object that is created by instantiating the ChessPiece class. However, it doesn’t have to. The variable type and the object it refers to must be compatible, but their types need not be exactly the same. The relationship between a reference variable and the object it refers to is more flexible than that. K e y C O N C e pt A polymorphic reference can refer to different types of objects over time. The term polymorphism can be defined as “having many forms.” A polymorphic reference is a reference variable that can refer to different types of objects at different points in time. The specific method invoked through a polymorphic reference can change from one invocation to the next. Consider the following line of code: obj.doIt(); If the reference obj is polymorphic, it can refer to different types of objects at different times. So if that line of code is in a loop, or if it’s in a method that is called more than once, that line of code could call a different version of the doIt method each time it is invoked. At some point, the commitment is made to execute certain code to carry out a method invocation. This commitment is referred to as binding a method invocation to a method definition. In many situations, the binding of a method invocation to a method definition can occur at compile time. For polymorphic references, however, the decision cannot be made until run time. The method definition that is used is based on the object that is being referred to by the reference variable at that moment. This deferred commitment is called late binding or dynamic binding. It is less efficient K e y C O N C e pt than binding at compile time, because the decision must be made The binding of a method invocation to its definition is performed at run during the execution of the program. This overhead is generally time for a polymorphic reference. acceptable in light of the flexibility that a polymorphic reference provides. We can create a polymorphic reference in Java in two ways: using inheritance and using interfaces. Let’s look at each in turn. 1 0 . 2 Polymorphism via Inheritance 515 seLF-review QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 10.1 What is polymorphism? SR 10.2 Why is compile time binding considered more efficient than dynamic binding? 10.2 polymorphism via inheritance When we declare a reference variable using a particular class name, it can be used to refer to any object of that class. In addition, it can also refer to any object of any class that is related to its declared type by inheritance. For example, if the class Mammal is the parent of the class Horse, then a Mammal reference can be used to refer to any object of class Horse. This ability is shown Key CONCept in the following code segment: A reference variable can refer to any Mammal pet; Horse secretariat = new Horse(); pet = secretariat; // a valid assignment object created from any class related to it by inheritance. The reverse operation, assigning the Mammal object to a Horse reference, can also be done but it requires an explicit cast. Assigning a reference in this direction is generally less useful and more likely to cause problems, because although a horse has all the functionality of a mammal (because a horse is-a mammal), the reverse is not necessarily true. This relationship works throughout a class hierarchy. If the Mammal class were derived from a class called Animal, the following assignment would also be valid: Animal creature = new Horse(); Carrying this to the limit, an Object reference can be used to refer to any object, because ultimately all classes are descendants of the Object class. An ArrayList, for example, uses polymorphism in that it is designed to hold Object references. That’s why an ArrayList that doesn’t specify an element type can be used to store any kind of object. In fact, a particular ArrayList can be used to hold several different types of objects at one time, because, by inheritance, they are all Object objects. The reference variable creature can be polymorphic, because at any point in time it can refer to an Animal object, a Mammal object, or a Horse object. Suppose that all three of these classes have a method called move that is implemented in different ways (because Key CONCept The type of the object, not the type of the reference, is used to determine which version of a method to invoke. 516 Chapter 10 Polymorphism the child class overrode the definition it inherited). The following invocation calls the move method, but the particular version of the method it calls is determined at run time: creature.move(); When this line is executed, if creature currently refers to an Animal object, the move method of the Animal class is invoked. Likewise, if creature currently refers to a Mammal object, the Mammal version of move is invoked. Likewise if it currently refers to a Horse object. Of course, since Animal and Mammal represent general concepts, they may be defined as abstract classes. This situation does not eliminate the ability to have polymorphic references. Suppose the move method in the Mammal class is abstract and is given unique definitions in the Horse, Dog, and Whale classes (all derived from Mammal). A Mammal reference variable can be used to refer to any objects created from any of the Horse, Dog, and Whale classes, and can be used to execute the move method on any of them. Let’s look at another situation. Consider the class hierarchy shown in Figure 10.1. The classes in it represent various types of employees that might be employed at a particular company. Let’s explore an example that uses this hierarchy to pay a set of employees of various types. The Firm class shown in Listing 10.1 contains a main driver that creates a Staff of employees and invokes the payday method to pay them all. The program output includes information about each employee and how much each is paid (if anything). The Staff class shown in Listing 10.2 maintains an array of objects that represent individual employees of various kinds. Note that the array is declared to hold StaffMember references, but it is actually filled with objects created from several other classes, such as Executive and Employee. These classes are all descendants of the StaffMember class, so the assignments are valid. The staffList array is filled with polymorphic references. VideoNote Exploring the Firm program. The payday method of the Staff class scans through the list of employees, printing their information and invoking their pay methods to determine how much each employee should be paid. The invocation of the pay method is polymorphic, because each class has its own version of the pay method. The StaffMember class shown in Listing 10.3 is abstract. It does not represent a particular type of employee and is not intended to be instantiated. Rather, it serves as the ancestor of all employee classes and contains information that applies to all employees. Each employee has a name, address, and phone number, so variables to store these values are declared in the StaffMember class and are inherited by all descendants. 1 0 . 2 Polymorphism via Inheritance Firm + main (args : String[]) : void StaffMember Staff # name : String # address : String # phone : String – staffList : StaffMember[] + payday() : void + toString() : String + pay() : double Employee Volunteer # socialSecurityNumber : String # payRate : double + pay() : double + toString() : String + pay() : double Executive Hourly – bonus : double – hoursWorked : int + awardBonus (execBonus : double) : void + pay() : double + addHours (moreHours : int) : void + pay() : double + toString() : String Figure 10.1 A class hierarchy of employees The StaffMember class contains a toString method to return the information managed by the StaffMember class. It also contains an abstract method called pay, which takes no parameters and returns a value of type double. At the generic StaffMember level, it would be inappropriate to give a definition for this method. 517 518 Chapter 10 Polymorphism L i s t i N g 1 0 . 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates polymorphism via inheritance. //******************************************************************** public class Firm { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates a staff of employees for a firm and pays them. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { Staff personnel = new Staff(); personnel.payday(); } } O u t p u t Name: Sam Address: 123 Main Line Phone: 555-0469 Social Security Number: 123-45-6789 Paid: 2923.07 ----------------------------------Name: Carla Address: 456 Off Line Phone: 555-0101 Social Security Number: 987-65-4321 Paid: 1246.15 ----------------------------------Name: Woody Address: 789 Off Rocker Phone: 555-0000 Social Security Number: 010-20-3040 Paid: 1169.23 ----------------------------------Name: Diane Address: 678 Fifth Ave. Phone: 555-0690 1 0 . 2 Polymorphism via Inheritance L i s ti N g 1 0 . 1 continued Social Security Number: 958-47-3625 Current hours: 40 Paid: 422.0 ----------------------------------Name: Norm Address: 987 Suds Blvd. Phone: 555-8374 Thanks! ----------------------------------Name: Cliff Address: 321 Duds Lane Phone: 555-7282 Thanks! ----------------------------------- L i s ti N g 1 0 . 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents the personnel staff of a particular business. //******************************************************************** public class Staff { private StaffMember[] staffList; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up the list of staff members. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Staff() { staffList = new StaffMember[6]; staffList[0] = new Executive("Sam", "123 Main Line", "555-0469", "123-45-6789", 2423.07); 519 520 Chapter 10 Polymorphism L i s t i N g 1 0 . 2 staffList[1] = "555-0101", staffList[2] = "555-0000", continued new Employee("Carla", "456 Off Line", "987-65-4321", 1246.15); new Employee("Woody", "789 Off Rocker", "010-20-3040", 1169.23); staffList[3] = new Hourly("Diane", "678 Fifth Ave.", "555-0690", "958-47-3625", 10.55); staffList[4] = new Volunteer("Norm", "987 Suds Blvd.", "555-8374"); staffList[5] = new Volunteer("Cliff", "321 Duds Lane", "555-7282"); ((Executive)staffList[0]).awardBonus(500.00); ((Hourly)staffList[3]).addHours(40); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Pays all staff members. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void payday() { double amount; for (int count=0; count < staffList.length; count++) { System.out.println(staffList[count]); amount = staffList[count].pay(); // polymorphic if (amount == 0.0) System.out.println("Thanks!"); else System.out.println("Paid: " + amount); System.out.println("-----------------------------------"); } } } 1 0 . 2 Polymorphism via Inheritance L i s ti N g 1 0 . 3 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a generic staff member. //******************************************************************** abstract public class StaffMember { protected String name; protected String address; protected String phone; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up this staff member using the specified // information. //----------------------------------------------------------------public StaffMember(String eName, String eAddress, String ePhone) { name = eName; address = eAddress; phone = ePhone; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns a string including the basic employee information. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String toString() { String result = "Name: " + name + "\n"; result += "Address: " + address + "\n"; result += "Phone: " + phone; return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Derived classes must define the pay method for each type of // employee. //----------------------------------------------------------------public abstract double pay(); } 521 522 Chapter 10 Polymorphism However, the descendants of StaffMember each provide their own specific definition for pay. By defining pay abstractly in StaffMember, the payday method of Staff can polymorphically pay each employee. This is the essence of polymorphism. Each class knows best how it should handle a specific behavior; in this case, paying an employee. Yet in one sense it’s all the same behavior—the employee is getting paid. Polymorphism lets us treat similar objects in consistent but unique ways. The Volunteer class shown in Listing 10.4 represents a person that is not compensated monetarily for his or her work. We keep track only of a volunteer’s basic information, which is passed into the constructor of Volunteer, which in turn passes it to the StaffMember constructor using the super reference. The pay method of Volunteer simply returns a zero pay value. If pay had not been L i s t i N g 1 0 . 4 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a staff member that works as a volunteer. //******************************************************************** public class Volunteer extends StaffMember { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up this volunteer using the specified // information. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Volunteer(String eName, String eAddress, String ePhone) { super(eName, eAddress, ePhone); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns a zero pay value for this volunteer. //----------------------------------------------------------------public double pay() { return 0.0; } } 1 0 . 2 Polymorphism via Inheritance overridden, the Volunteer class would have been considered abstract and could not have been instantiated. Note that when a volunteer gets “paid” in the payday method of Staff, a simple expression of thanks is printed. In all other situations, where the pay value is greater than zero, the payment itself is printed. The Employee class shown in Listing 10.5 represents an employee that gets paid at a particular rate each pay period. The pay rate, as well as the employee’s Social Security number, is passed along with the other basic information to the Employee constructor. The basic information is passed to the constructor of StaffMember using the super reference. The toString method of Employee is overridden to concatenate the additional information that Employee manages to the information returned by the parent’s version of toString, which is called using the super reference. The pay method of an Employee simply returns the pay rate for that employee. The Executive class shown in Listing 10.6 represents an employee that may earn a bonus in addition to his or her normal pay rate. The Executive class is derived from Employee and therefore inherits from both StaffMember and Employee. The constructor of Executive passes along its information to the Employee constructor and sets the executive bonus to zero. A bonus is awarded to an executive using the awardBonus method. This method is called in the Staff constructor for the only executive that is part of the staffList array. Note that the generic StaffMember reference must be cast into an Executive reference to invoke the awardBonus method (which doesn’t exist for a StaffMember). The Executive class overrides the pay method so that it first determines the payment as it would for any employee, then adds the bonus. The pay method of the Employee class is invoked using super to obtain the normal payment amount. This technique is better than using just the payRate variable, because if we choose to change how Employee objects get paid, the change will automatically be reflected in Executive. After the bonus is awarded, it is reset to zero. The Hourly class shown in Listing 10.7 represents an employee whose pay rate is applied on an hourly basis. It keeps track of the number of hours worked in the current pay period, which can be modified by calls to the addHours method. This method is called from the payday method of Staff. The pay method of Hourly determines the payment based on the number of hours worked and then resets the hours to zero. 523 524 Chapter 10 Polymorphism L i s t i N g 1 0 . 5 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a general paid employee. //******************************************************************** public class Employee extends StaffMember { protected String socialSecurityNumber; protected double payRate; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up this employee with the specified // information. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Employee(String eName, String eAddress, String ePhone, String socSecNumber, double rate) { super(eName, eAddress, ePhone); socialSecurityNumber = socSecNumber; payRate = rate; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns information about an employee as a string. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String toString() { String result = super.toString(); result += "\nSocial Security Number: " + socialSecurityNumber; return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns the pay rate for this employee. //----------------------------------------------------------------public double pay() { return payRate; } } 1 0 . 2 Polymorphism via Inheritance L i s ti N g 1 0 . 6 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents an executive staff member, who can earn a bonus. //******************************************************************** public class Executive extends Employee { private double bonus; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up this executive with the specified // information. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Executive(String eName, String eAddress, String ePhone, String socSecNumber, double rate) { super(eName, eAddress, ePhone, socSecNumber, rate); bonus = 0; // bonus has yet to be awarded } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Awards the specified bonus to this executive. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void awardBonus(double execBonus) { bonus = execBonus; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Computes and returns the pay for an executive, which is the // regular employee payment plus a one-time bonus. //----------------------------------------------------------------public double pay() { double payment = + bonus; bonus = 0; return payment; } } 525 526 Chapter 10 Polymorphism L i s t i N g 1 0 . 7 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents an employee that gets paid by the hour. //******************************************************************** public class Hourly extends Employee { private int hoursWorked; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up this hourly employee using the specified // information. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Hourly(String eName, String eAddress, String ePhone, String socSecNumber, double rate) { super(eName, eAddress, ePhone, socSecNumber, rate); hoursWorked = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Adds the specified number of hours to this employee's // accumulated hours. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void addHours(int moreHours) { hoursWorked += moreHours; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Computes and returns the pay for this hourly employee. //----------------------------------------------------------------public double pay() { double payment = payRate * hoursWorked; hoursWorked = 0; return payment; } 1 0 . 2 Polymorphism via Inheritance L i s ti N g 1 0 . 7 continued //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns information about this hourly employee as a string. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String toString() { String result = super.toString(); result += "\nCurrent hours: " + hoursWorked; return result; } } s e L F - r e v iew QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 10.3 How does inheritance support polymorphism? SR 10.4 Suppose the class MusicPlayer is the parent of the class CDPlayer. Is the following sequence of statements legal? Explain. MusicPlayer mplayer = new MusicPlayer(); CDPlayer cdplayer = new CDPlayer(); mplayer = cdplayer; SR 10.5 Suppose the class MusicPlayer is the parent of the class CDPlayer. Is the following sequence of statements legal? Explain. MusicPlayer mplayer = new MusicPlayer(); CDPlayer cdplayer = new CDPlayer(); cdplayer = mplayer; SR 10.6 How is overriding related to polymorphism? SR 10.7 Why is the StaffMember class in the Firm example declared as abstract? SR 10.8 Why is the pay method declared in the StaffMember class, given that it is abstract and has no body at that level? SR 10.9 Which pay method is invoked by the following line from the payday method of the Staff class? amount = staffList[count].pay(); 527 528 Chapter 10 Polymorphism 10.3 polymorphism via interfaces Now let’s examine how we can create polymorphic references using interfaces. As we’ve seen many times, a class name can be used to An interface name can be used to declare the type of an object reference variable. Similarly, an interdeclare an object reference variable. face name can be used as the type of a reference variable as well. An interface reference variable can be used to refer to any object of any class that implements that interface. K e y C O N C e pt Suppose we declare an interface called Speaker as follows: public interface Speaker { public void speak(); public void announce(String str); } The interface name, Speaker, can now be used to declare an object reference variable: Speaker current; K e y C O N C e pt An interface reference can refer to any object of any class that implements that interface. The reference variable current can be used to refer to any object of any class that implements the Speaker interface. For example, if we define a class called Philosopher such that it implements the Speaker interface, we can then assign a Philosopher object to a Speaker reference as follows: current = new Philosopher(); This assignment is valid, because a Philosopher is a Speaker. In this sense the relationship between a class and its interface is the same as the relationship between a child class and its parent. It is an is-a relationship. And that relationship forms the basis of the polymorphism. The flexibility of an interface reference allows us to create polymorphic references. As we saw earlier in this chapter, using inheritance, we can create a polymorphic reference that can refer to any one of a set of objects as long as they are related by inheritance. Using interfaces, we can create similar polymorphic references among objects that implement the same interface. For example, if we create a class called Dog that also implements the Speaker interface, it can be assigned to a Speaker reference variable as well. The same reference variable, in fact, can at one point refer to a Philosopher object and then later refer to a Dog object. The following lines of code illustrate this: 1 0 . 3 Polymorphism via Interfaces Speaker guest; guest = new Philosopher(); guest.speak(); guest = new Dog(); guest.speak(); In this code, the first time the speak method is called, it invokes the speak method defined in the Philosopher class. The second time it is called, it invokes the speak method of the Dog class. As with polymorphic references via inheritance, it is not the type of the reference that determines which method gets invoked; it is based on the type of the object that the reference points to at the moment of invocation. Note that when we are using an interface reference variable, we can invoke only the methods defined in the interface, even if the object it refers to has other methods to which it can respond. For example, suppose the Philosopher class also defined a public method called pontificate. The second line of the following code would generate a compiler error, even though the object can in fact respond to the pontificate method: Speaker special = new Philosopher(); special.pontificate(); // generates a compiler error The problem is that the compiler can determine only that the object is a Speaker, and therefore can guarantee only that the object can respond to the speak and announce methods. Because the reference variable special could refer to a Dog object (which cannot pontificate), it does not allow the invoca- tion. If we know in a particular situation that such an invocation is valid, we can cast the object into the appropriate reference so that the compiler will accept it, as follows: ((Philosopher)special).pontificate(); As we can with polymorphic references based in inheritance, an interface name can be used as the type of a method parameter. In such situations, any object of any class that implements the interface can be passed into the method. For example, the following method takes a Speaker object as a parameter. Therefore both a Dog object and a Philosopher object can be passed into it in separate invocations: public void sayIt(Speaker current) { current.speak(); } Key CONCept A parameter to a method can be polymorphic, giving the method flexible control of its arguments. 529 530 Chapter 10 Polymorphism Using a polymorphic reference as the formal parameter to a method is a powerful technique. It allows the method to control the types of parameters passed into it, yet gives it the flexibility to accept arguments of various types. seLF-review QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 10.10 How can polymorphism be accomplished using interfaces? SR 10.11 Suppose that the Speaker interface and the Philosopher and Dog classes are as described in this section. Are the following sequences of statements legal? Explain. a. Speaker current = new Speaker(); b. Speaker current = new Dog(); c. Speaker first, second; first = new Dog(); second = new Philosopher(); first.speak(); first = second; d. Speaker first = new Dog(); Philospher second = new Philosopher(); second.pontificate(); first = second; e. Speaker first = new Dog(); Philospher second = new Philosopher(); first = second; second.pontificate(); first.pontificate(); 10.4 sorting Let’s examine a problem that lends itself to a polymorphic solution. Sorting is the process of arranging a list of items in a well-defined order. For example, you may want to alphabetize a list of names or put a list of survey results into descending numeric order. Many sorting algorithms have been developed and critiqued over the years. In fact, sorting is considered to be a classic area of study in computer science. This section examines two sorting algorithms: selection sort and insertion sort. Complete coverage of various sorting techniques is beyond the scope of this 1 0 . 4 Sorting text. Instead we introduce the topic and establish some of the fundamental ideas involved. We do not delve into a detailed analysis of the algorithms but instead focus on the strategies involved and general characteristics. selection sort The selection sort algorithm sorts a list of values by successively putting particular values in their final, sorted positions. In other words, for each position in the list, the algorithm selects the value that should go in that position and puts it there. Let’s consider the problem of putting a list of numeric values into ascending order. The general strategy of selection sort is: Scan the entire list to find the smallest value. Exchange that value with the value in the first position of the list. Scan the rest of the list (all but the first value) to find the smallest value, then exchange it with the value in the second position of the list. Scan the rest of the list (all but the first two values) to find the smallest value, then exchange it with the value in the third position of the list. Continue this process for all but the last position in the list (which will end up containing the largest value). When the process is complete, the list is sorted. Figure 10.2 demonstrates the use of the selection sort algorithm. 3 9 6 1 2 1 9 6 3 2 1 2 6 3 9 1 2 3 6 9 1 2 3 6 9 Scan right starting with 3. 1 is the smallest. Exchange 1 and 3. Scan right starting with 9. 2 is the smallest. Exchange 9 and 2. Scan right starting with 6. 3 is the smallest. Exchange 6 and 3. Scan right starting with 6. 6 is the smallest. Exchange 6 and 6. Figure 10.2 Selection sort processing 531 532 Chapter 10 Polymorphism Let’s look at an example. The program shown in Listing 10.8 uses a selection sort to arrange a list of Contact objects into ascending order. Listing 10.9 shows the Sorting class. It contains two static sorting algorithms. The PhoneList program uses only the selectionSort method. The other method is discussed later in this section. The selectionSort method accepts an array of Comparable objects to sort. Recall that Comparable is an interface that includes only one method, compareTo, which is designed to return an integer that is less than zero, equal to zero, or greater than zero if the executing object is less than, equal to, or greater than the object to which it is being compared, respectively. Any class that implements the Comparable interface must define the compareTo method. Therefore any such object can be compared to another object to determine their relative order. The selectionSort method is polymorphic. Note that it doesn’t refer to Contact objects at all and yet is used to sort an array of Contact objects. The selectionSort method is set up to sort any array of objects, as long as those objects can be compared to determine their order. You can call selectionSort multiple times, passing in arrays of different types of objects, as long as they are Comparable. Each Contact object represents a person with a last name, a first name, and a phone number. Listing 10.10 shows the Contact class. K e y C O N C e pt Implementing a sort algorithm polymorphically allows it to sort any comparable set of objects. The Contact class implements the Comparable interface and therefore provides a definition of the compareTo method. In this case, the contacts are sorted by last name; if two contacts have the same last name, their first names are used. The implementation of the selectionSort method uses two for loops to sort the array. The outer loop controls the position in the array where the next smallest value will be stored. The inner loop finds the smallest value in the rest of the list by scanning all positions greater than or equal to the index specified by the outer loop. When the smallest value is determined, it is exchanged with the value stored at the index. This exchange is done in three assignment statements by using an extra variable called temp. This type of exchange is often called swapping. VideoNote Sorting Comparable objects. Note that because this algorithm finds the smallest value during each iteration, the result is an array sorted in ascending order (that is, smallest to largest). The algorithm can easily be changed to put values in descending order by finding the largest value each time. Also note that we’ve set up the sorting methods to sort arrays of objects. Therefore, if your goal is to sort an array of a primitive type, such as an array of integer values, they would have to be put into an array of Integer objects to be processed. All of the wrapper classes implement the Comparable interface. 1 0 . 4 Sorting L i s ti N g 1 0 . 8 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Driver for testing a sorting algorithm. //******************************************************************** public class PhoneList { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates an array of Contact objects, sorts them, then prints // them. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { Contact[] friends = new Contact[8]; friends[0] friends[1] friends[2] friends[3] friends[4] friends[5] friends[6] friends[7] = = = = = = = = new new new new new new new new Contact("John", "Smith", "610-555-7384"); Contact("Sarah", "Barnes", "215-555-3827"); Contact("Mark", "Riley", "733-555-2969"); Contact("Laura", "Getz", "663-555-3984"); Contact("Larry", "Smith", "464-555-3489"); Contact("Frank", "Phelps", "322-555-2284"); Contact("Mario", "Guzman", "804-555-9066"); Contact("Marsha", "Grant", "243-555-2837"); Sorting.selectionSort(friends); for (Contact friend : friends) System.out.println(friend); } } O u t p u t Barnes, Sarah Getz, Laura Grant, Marsha Guzman, Mario Phelps, Frank Riley, Mark Smith, John Smith, Larry 215-555-3827 663-555-3984 243-555-2837 804-555-9066 322-555-2284 733-555-2969 610-555-7384 464-555-3489 533 534 Chapter 10 Polymorphism L i s t i N g 1 0 . 9 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the selection sort and insertion sort algorithms. //******************************************************************** public class Sorting { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sorts the specified array of objects using the selection // sort algorithm. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void selectionSort(Comparable[] list) { int min; Comparable temp; for (int index = 0; index < list.length-1; index++) { min = index; for (int scan = index+1; scan < list.length; scan++) if (list[scan].compareTo(list[min]) < 0) min = scan; // Swap the values temp = list[min]; list[min] = list[index]; list[index] = temp; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sorts the specified array of objects using the insertion // sort algorithm. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void insertionSort(Comparable[] list) { for (int index = 1; index < list.length; index++) { Comparable key = list[index]; int position = index; 1 0 . 4 Sorting L i s ti N g 1 0 . 9 continued // Shift larger values to the right while (position > 0 && key.compareTo(list[position-1]) < 0) { list[position] = list[position-1]; position--; } list[position] = key; } } } L i s ti N g 1 0 . 1 0 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a phone contact. //******************************************************************** public class Contact implements Comparable { private String firstName, lastName, phone; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up this contact with the specified data. //----------------------------------------------------------------public Contact(String first, String last, String telephone) { firstName = first; lastName = last; phone = telephone; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns a description of this contact as a string. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String toString() { return lastName + ", " + firstName + "\t" + phone; } 535 536 Chapter 10 Polymorphism L i s t i N g 1 0 . 1 0 continued //----------------------------------------------------------------// Returns true if the first and last names of this contact match // those of the parameter. //----------------------------------------------------------------public boolean equals(Object other) { return (lastName.equals(((Contact)other).getLastName()) && firstName.equals(((Contact)other).getFirstName())); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Uses both last and first names to determine ordering. //----------------------------------------------------------------public int compareTo(Object other) { int result; String otherFirst = ((Contact)other).getFirstName(); String otherLast = ((Contact)other).getLastName(); if (lastName.equals(otherLast)) result = firstName.compareTo(otherFirst); else result = lastName.compareTo(otherLast); return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// First name accessor. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Last name accessor. //----------------------------------------------------------------public String getLastName() { return lastName; } } 1 0 . 4 Sorting insertion sort The Sorting class also contains a method that performs an insertion sort on an array of Comparable objects. If used to sort the array of Contact objects in the PhoneList program, it would produce the same results as the selection sort did. However, the logic used to put the objects in order is different. The insertion sort algorithm sorts a list of values by repetitively inserting a particular value into a subset of the list that has already been sorted. One at a time, each unsorted element is inserted at the appropriate position in that sorted subset until the entire list is in order. The general strategy of insertion sort is: Begin with a “sorted” list containing only one value. Sort the first two values in the list relative to each other by exchanging them if necessary. Insert the list’s third value into the appropriate position relative to the first two (sorted) values. Then insert the fourth value into its proper position relative to the first three values in the list. Each time an insertion is made, the number of values in the sorted subset increases by one. Continue this process until all values are inserted in their proper places, at which point the list is completely sorted. The insertion process requires that the other values in the array shift to make room for the inserted element. Figure 10.3 demonstrates the behavior of the insertion sort algorithm with integers. 3 is sorted. Shift nothing. Insert 9. 3 9 6 1 2 3 and 9 are sorted. Shift 9 to the right. Insert 6. 3 9 6 1 2 3, 6 and 9 are sorted. Shift 9, 6, and 3 to the right. Insert 1. 3 6 9 1 2 1, 3, 6 and 9 are sorted. Shift 9, 6, and 3 to the right. Insert 2. 1 3 6 9 2 All values are sorted. 1 2 3 6 9 Figure 10.3 Insertion sort processing 537 538 Chapter 10 Polymorphism Similar to the selection sort implementation, the insertionSort method uses two for loops to sort the array. In the insertion sort, however, the outer loop controls the index in the array of the next value to be inserted. The inner loop compares the current insert value with values stored at lower indexes (which make up a sorted subset of the entire list). If the current insert value is less than the value at position, that value is shifted to the right. Shifting continues until the proper position is opened to accept the insert value. Each iteration of the outer loop adds one more value to the sorted subset of the list, until the entire list is sorted. Comparing sorts There are various reasons for choosing one sorting algorithm over another, including the algorithm’s simplicity, its level of efficiency, and the amount of memory it uses. An algorithm that is easier to understand is also easier to implement and debug. However, often the simplest sorts are the most inefficient ones. Efficiency is usually considered to be the primary criterion when comparing sorting algorithms. In general, one sorting algorithm is less efficient than another if it performs more comparisons than the other. There are several algorithms that are more efficient than the two we examined, but they are also more complex. Both selection sort and insertion sort have essentially the same level of efficiency. Both have an outer loop and an inner loop with similar properties, if not purposes. The outer loop is executed once for each value in the list, and the inner loop compares the value in the outer loop with most, if not all, of the values in the rest of the list. Therefore, both algorithms perform approximately n2 number of comparisons, where n is the number of values in the list. We say that both selection sort and insertion sort are algorithms of order n2. More efficient sorts perform fewer comparisons and are of a smaller order, such as n log2 n. Because both selection sort and insertion sort have the same general efficiency, the choice between them is almost arbitrary. However, there are some additional issues to consider. Selection sort is usually easy to understand and will often suffice in many situations. Further, each value moves exactly once to its final place in the list. That is, although the selection and insertion sorts are equivalent (generally) in the number of comparisons made, selection sort makes fewer swaps. seLF-review QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 10.12 Describe the Comparable interface. SR 10.13 Show the sequence of changes the selection sort algorithm makes to the following list of numbers: 5 7 1 8 2 4 3 1 0 . 5 Searching SR 10.14 Show the sequence of changes the insertion sort algorithm makes to the following list of numbers: 5 SR 10.15 7 1 8 2 4 3 In what way are the sort methods defined in this chapter polymorphic? SR 10.16 Which is better: selection sort or insertion sort? Explain. 10.5 searching Like sorting, searching for an item is another classic computing problem, and also lends itself to a polymorphic solution. Searching is the process of finding a designated target element within a group of items. For example, we may need to search for a person named Vito Andolini in a club roster. The group of items to be searched is sometimes called the search pool. The search pool is usually organized into a collection of objects of some kind, such as an array. Whenever we perform a search, we must consider the possibility that the target is not present in the group. Furthermore, we would like to perform a search efficiently. We don’t want to make any more comparisons than we have to. In this section we examine two search algorithms, linear search and binary search. We explore versatile, polymorphic implementations of these algorithms and compare their efficiency. Linear search If the search pool can be examined one element at a time in any order, one straightforward way to perform the search is to start at the beginning of the list and compare each value in turn to the target element. Eventually, either the target element will be found or we will come to the end of the list and conclude that the target doesn’t exist in the group. This approach is called a linear search, because it begins at one end and scans the search pool in a linear manner. This process is depicted in Figure 10.4. When items are stored in an array, a linear search is relatively simple. The program shown in Listing 10.11 is similar to the PhoneList program from the previous section. It begins with the same, unsorted array of Contact objects. It then performs a linear search for a contact and prints the result. Then it calls the selectionSort method, which was discussed in the previous section, to sort the contacts. It then searches for another contact using a binary search, which is discussed later in this section. 539 540 Chapter 10 Polymorphism start Figure 10.4 L i s t i N g A linear search 1 0 . 1 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Driver for testing searching algorithms. //******************************************************************** public class PhoneList2 { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates an array of Contact objects, sorts them, then prints // them. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { Contact test, found; Contact[] friends = new Contact[8]; friends[0] friends[1] friends[2] friends[3] friends[4] friends[5] friends[6] friends[7] = = = = = = = = new new new new new new new new Contact("John", "Smith", "610-555-7384"); Contact("Sarah", "Barnes", "215-555-3827"); Contact("Mark", "Riley", "733-555-2969"); Contact("Laura", "Getz", "663-555-3984"); Contact("Larry", "Smith", "464-555-3489"); Contact("Frank", "Phelps", "322-555-2284"); Contact("Mario", "Guzman", "804-555-9066"); Contact("Marsha", "Grant", "243-555-2837"); test = new Contact("Frank", "Phelps", ""); found = (Contact) Searching.linearSearch(friends, test); if (found != null) System.out.println("Found: " + found); else 1 0 . 5 Searching L i s ti N g 1 0 . 1 1 continued System.out.println("The contact was not found."); System.out.println(); Sorting.selectionSort(friends); test = new Contact("Mario", "Guzman", ""); found = (Contact) Searching.binarySearch(friends, test); if (found != null) System.out.println("Found: " + found); else System.out.println("The contact was not found."); } } O u t p u t Found: Phelps, Frank 322-555-2284 Found: Guzman, Mario 804-555-9066 Listing 10.12 shows the Searching class. It contains two static searching algorithms. In the linearSearch method, the while loop steps through the elements of the array, terminating either when the target is found or the end of the array is reached. The boolean variable found is initialized to false and is only changed to true if the target element is located. Note that we’ll have to examine every element before we can conclude that the target doesn’t exist in the array. On average, the linear search approach will look through half the data before finding a target that is present in the array. The linearSearch method is implemented to process an array of Comparable objects. For this algorithm, however, which relies only on the equals method, that restriction is not necessary. binary search If the elements in an array are sorted, in either ascending or descending order, then our approach to searching can be much more efficient than the linear search algorithm. A binary search eliminates large parts of the search pool with each comparison by capitalizing on the fact that the search pool is ordered. 541 542 Chapter 10 Polymorphism L i s t i N g 1 0 . 1 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the linear search and binary search algorithms. //******************************************************************** public class Searching { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Searches the specified array of objects for the target using // a linear search. Returns a reference to the target object from // the array if found, and null otherwise. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static Comparable linearSearch(Comparable[] list, Comparable target) { int index = 0; boolean found = false; while (!found && index < list.length) { if (list[index].compareTo(target) == 0) found = true; else index++; } if (found) return list[index]; else return null; } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Searches the specified array of objects for the target using // a binary search. Assumes the array is already sorted in // ascending order when it is passed in. Returns a reference to // the target object from the array if found, and null otherwise. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static Comparable binarySearch(Comparable[] list, Comparable target) { int min=0, max=list.length-1, mid=0; boolean found = false; 1 0 . 5 Searching L i s ti N g 1 0 . 1 2 continued while (!found && min <= max) { mid = (min+max) / 2; if (list[mid].compareTo(target) == 0) found = true; else if (target.compareTo(list[mid]) < 0) max = mid-1; else min = mid+1; } if (found) return list[mid]; else return null; } } Consider the following sorted array of integers: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10 12 18 22 31 34 40 46 59 67 69 72 82 84 98 Suppose we were trying to determine if the number 67 is in this list. Initially, the target might be anywhere in the list, or not at all. That is, at first, all items in the search pool are viable candidates. Instead of starting the search at one end or the other, a binary search begins in the middle of the sorted list. If the target element is not found at that middle element, then the search continues. The middle element of this list is 46, which is not our target, so we must search on. However, since the list is sorted, we know that if 67 is in the list, it will be in the later half of the array. All values at lower indexes are less than 46. Thus, with one comparison, we’ve taken half of the data out of consideration, and we are left with the following viable candidates: Viable Candidates 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10 12 18 22 31 34 40 46 59 67 69 72 82 84 98 543 544 Chapter 10 Polymorphism To search the remaining candidates, we once again examine the “middle” element. The middle element is 72, and thus we have still not found the target. But once again, we can eliminate half of the viable candidates (those greater than 72) and we are left with: Viable Candidates 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10 12 18 22 31 34 40 46 59 67 69 72 82 84 98 Employing the same approach again, we select the middle element, 67, and find the element we are seeking. If it had not been our target, we would have continued with this process until we either found the value or eliminated all possible data. With each comparison, a binary search eliminates approximately half of the remaining data to be searched (it also eliminates the middle element as well). That is, a binary search eliminates half of the data with the first comparison, another quarter of the data with the second comparison, another eighth of the data with the third comparison, and so on. The binary search approach is pictured in Figure 10.5. The binarySearch method from the Searching class performs a binary search by looping until the target element is found or until the viable candidates drop to zero. Two integer indexes, min and max, are used to define the portion of the array that is still considered viable. When min becomes greater than max, then the viable candidates have been exhausted. On each iteration of the loop, the midpoint is calculated by dividing the sum of min and max by two. If there are currently an even number of viable candidates, and thus two “middle” values, this calculation discards the fractional remainder and picks the first of the two. If the target element is not found, the value of min or max is modified to eliminate the appropriate half of the viable candidates. Then the search continues. start Figure 10.5 A binary search 1 0 . 6 Designing for Polymorphism Comparing searches As far as the search algorithms go, there is no doubt that the binary search approach is far more efficient than the linear search. However, the binary search requires that the data be sorted. So once again, the algorithm to choose depends on the situation. If it’s relatively easy to keep the data sorted, or if there will be a lot of searching, it will likely be more appropriate to use a binary search. On the other hand, a linear search is quite simple to implement and may be the best choice when long-term efficiency is not an issue. s e L F - r e v iew QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 10.17 Given the following list of numbers, how many elements of the list would be examined by the linear search algorithm to determine if each of the indicated target elements are on the list? 15 a. b. c. d. 21 4 17 8 27 1 22 43 57 25 7 53 12 16 17 15 16 45 SR 10.18 Describe the general concept of a binary search. SR 10.19 Given the following list of numbers, how many elements of the list would be examined by the binary search algorithm to determine if each of the indicated target elements are on the list? 1 4 7 8 12 15 16 17 21 22 25 27 43 53 57 a. 17 b. 15 c. 57 d. 45 10.6 Designing for polymorphism We’ve been evolving the concepts underlying good software design throughout this book. For every aspect of object-oriented software, we should make decisions, consciously and carefully, that lead to well-structured, flexible, and elegant code. We want to define appropriate classes and objects, with proper encapsulation. We want to define appropriate relationships among the classes and objects, including leveraging the powerful aspects of inheritance when possible. Now we can add polymorphism to our set of intellectual tools for thinking about software design. 545 546 Chapter 10 Polymorphism Polymorphism provides a means to create elegant versatility in our software. It allows us to apply a consistent approach to inconsistent but related behaviors. We should try to find opportunities in our software systems that lend themselves to polymorphic solutions. We should seek them out, actively and deliberately, before we begin to write code. K e y C O N C e pt Polymorphism allows us to apply a consistent approach to inconsistent behaviors. Whenever you find situations in which different types of objects perform the same type of behavior, there is an opportunity for a polymorphic solution. The more experience you get, the easier it will be to detect such situations. See if you recognize the opportunity for polymorphism in the following situations: ■ Different types of vehicles move in different ways. ■ All business transactions for a company must be logged. ■ All products produced by a company must meet certain quality standards. ■ A hotel needs to plan their remodeling efforts for every room. ■ A casino wants to analyze the profit margin for their games. ■ ■ A dispatcher must schedule moving vans and personnel based on the job size. A drawing program allows the user to draw various shapes. K e y C O N C e pt We should hone our design senses to identify situations that lend themselves to polymorphic solutions. The common theme in these examples is that the same basic behavior applies to multiple objects, and those behaviors are accomplished differently depending on the specific type of object. Every circle is drawn using the same basic techniques and information, which is different from the information needed and the steps taken to draw a rectangle. Yet both types of shapes get drawn. Different, but similar. Polymorphic. The example of a drawing program is explored in more detail in the PaintBox case study presented in Appendix J. It follows the refinement of a large program through various stages of its development. The heart of its design is a polymorphic approach to handling the various types of shapes that the user can draw. Once a polymorphic situation is identified, the specifics of the design can be addressed. In particular, should you use inheritance or interfaces as the mechanism to define polymorphic references? The answer to that question lies in the relationships among the different types of objects involved. If those objects can be related naturally by inheritance, with true is-a relationships, then polymorphism via inheritance is probably the way to go. But if the main thing the objects have in common is their need to be processed in a particular way, then perhaps using an interface to create the polymorphic references is the better solution. 1 0 . 7 Event Processing s e L F - r e v iew QuestiONs (see answers in Appendix N) SR 10.20 Suppose you are designing classes for a banking-related system. Both checking accounts and savings accounts require deposit and withdraw operations. You decide to provide these behaviors using polymorphism. Which polymorphic mechanism (inheritance or interfaces) is best suited for this situation? Provide support for your choice. SR 10.21 Suppose you are designing classes to help create aquarium-based screen savers. At times, you will want some aquarium objects to “float” from wherever they are to the top of the tank. You decide to provide this behavior using polymorphism. Which polymorphic mechanism (inheritance or interfaces) is best suited for this situation? Provide support for your choice. SR 10.22 Suppose you are designing classes to support the modeling of rain forest environments. Animal objects, such as butterflies and monkeys, need to grow older periodically. You decide to provide this behavior using polymorphism. Which polymorphic mechanism (inheritance or interfaces) is best suited for this situation? Provide support for your choice. 10.7 event processing Let’s revisit the concept of event processing in a Java GUI and see how it relates to polymorphism. As we’ve seen many times in previous examples, in order to respond to an event, we must establish a relationship between an event listener object and a particular component that may fire the event. We establish the relationship between the listener and the component it listens to by making a method call that adds the listener to the component. For example, suppose a class called MyButtonListener represents an action listener. To set up a listener to respond to a JButton object, we might do the following: JButton button = new JButton(); button.addActionListener(new MyButtonListener()); Once this relationship is established, the listener will respond whenever the button fires an action event (because the user pressed it). Now think about the addActionListener method carefully. It is a method of the JButton class, which was written by someone at Sun Microsystems years ago. On the other hand, we might have written the MyButtonListener class today. So how can a method written years ago take a parameter whose class was just written? 547 548 Chapter 10 Polymorphism K e y CONCept Establishing the relationship between a listener and the component it listens to is accomplished using polymorphism. The answer is polymorphism. If you examine the source code for the addActionListener method, you’ll discover that it accepts a parameter of type ActionListener, the interface. Therefore, instead of accepting a parameter of only one object type, the addActionListener method can accept any object of any class that implements the ActionListener interface. All other add listener methods work in similar ways. The JButton object doesn’t know anything particular about the object that is passed to the addActionListener method, except for the fact that it implements the ActionListener interface (otherwise the code wouldn’t compile). The JButton object simply stores the listener object and invokes its actionPerformed method when the event occurs. In Chapter 9 we discussed that we can also create a listener by extending an adapter class. Well, it turns out that using an adapter class isn’t really a new way to create a listener after all. Each adapter class is written to implement the appropriate listener interface, providing empty methods for all event handlers. So by extending an adapter class, the new listener class automatically implements the corresponding listener interface. And that is what really makes it a listener such that it can be passed to an appropriate add listener method. Thus, no matter how a listener object is created, we are using polymorphism via interfaces to set up the relationship between a listener and the component it listens to. GUI events are a wonderful example of the power and versatility provided by polymorphism. 10.8 File Choosers K e y CONCept A file chooser allows the user to browse a disk and select a file to be processed. Dialog boxes were introduced in Chapter 6. We used the JOptionPane class to create several dialog boxes to present information, accept input, and confirm actions. The JFileChooser class represents another specialized dialog box, a file chooser, which allows the user to select a file from a hard disk or other storage medium. You have probably run many programs that allow you to open a file using a similar dialog box. The program shown in Listing 10.13 uses a JFileChooser dialog box to select a file. This program also demonstrates the use of another GUI component, a text area, which is similar to a text field but can display multiple lines of text at one time. After the user selects a file using the file chooser dialog box, the text contained in that file is displayed in a text area. 1 0 . 8 File Choosers L i s ti N g 1 0 . 1 3 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of a file chooser and a text area. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; import*; import javax.swing.*; public class DisplayFile { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Opens a file chooser dialog, reads the selected file and // loads it into a text area. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Display File"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JTextArea ta = new JTextArea(20, 30); JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); int status = chooser.showOpenDialog(null); if (status != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) ta.setText("No File Chosen"); else { File file = chooser.getSelectedFile(); Scanner scan = new Scanner(file); String info = ""; while (scan.hasNext()) info += scan.nextLine() + "\n"; ta.setText(info); } frame.getContentPane().add(ta); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } 549 550 Chapter 10 Polymorphism L i s t i N g 1 0 . 1 3 continued D i s p L a y The file chooser dialog box is displayed when the showOpenDialog method is invoked. It automatically presents the list of files contained in a particular directory. The user can use the controls on the dialog box to navigate to other directories, change the way the files are viewed, and specify which types of files are displayed. The showOpenDialog method returns an integer representing the status of the operation, which can be checked against constants defined in the JFileChooser class. In this program, if a file was not selected (perhaps by pressing the Cancel button), a default message is displayed in the text area. If the user chose a file, it is opened and its contents are read using the Scanner class. Note that this program assumes the selected file contains text. It does not catch any exceptions, so if the user selects an inappropriate file, the program will terminate when the exception is thrown. A text area component is defined by the JTextArea class. In this program, we pass two parameters to its constructor, specifying the size of the text area in terms of the number of characters (rows and columns) it should display. The text to display is set using the setText method. 1 0 . 9 Color Choosers A text area component, like a text field, can be set so that it is either editable or noneditable. The user can change the contents of an editable text area by clicking on the text area and typing with the keyboard. If the text area is noneditable, it is used to display text only. By default, a JTextArea component is editable. A JFileChooser component makes it easy to allow users to specify a specific file to use. Another specialized dialog box—one that allows the user to choose a color—is discussed in the next section. 10.9 Color Choosers In many situations, we may want to give the user of a program the ability to choose a color. We could accomplish this in various ways. For instance, we could provide a list of colors using a set of radio buttons. However, with the wide variety of colors available, it’s nice to have an easier and more flexible technique to accomplish this common task. A specialized dialog box, often referred to as a color chooser, is a graphical component that serves this purpose. Key CONCept A color chooser allows the user to select a color from a palette or use RGB values. The JColorChooser class represents a color chooser. It can be used to display a dialog box that lets the user click on a color of choice from a palette presented for that purpose. The user could also specify a color using RGB values or other color representation techniques. The program shown in Listing 10.14 uses a color chooser dialog box to specify the color of a panel that is displayed in a separate frame. After a color has been chosen. the new color is displayed in the primary frame and another dialog box (this one was created using JOptionPane as discussed in Chapter 6) is used to determine if the user wants to change the color again. If so, another color chooser dialog box is displayed. This cycle can continue as long as the user desires. Invoking the static showDialog method of the JColorChooser class causes the color chooser dialog box to appear. The parameters to that method specify the parent component for the dialog box, the title that appears in the dialog box frame, and the initial color showing in the color chooser. By using the variable shade as the third parameter, the color initially showing in the color chooser when it first appears will coincide with the current color of the panel. 551 552 Chapter 10 Polymorphism L i s t i N g 1 0 . 1 4 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of a color chooser. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class DisplayColor { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Presents a frame with a colored panel, then allows the user // to change the color multiple times using a color chooser. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Display Color"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JPanel colorPanel = new JPanel(); colorPanel.setBackground(Color.white); colorPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 100)); frame.getContentPane().add(colorPanel); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); Color shade = Color.white; int again; do { shade = JColorChooser.showDialog(frame, "Pick a Color!", shade); colorPanel.setBackground(shade); again = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Display another color?"); } while (again == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION); } } 1 0 . 10 Sliders L i s ti N g 1 0 . 1 4 continued D i s p L a y 10.10 sliders A slider is a component that allows the user to specify a numeric value within a bounded range. A slider can be presented either vertically or horizontally and can have optional tick marks and labels indicating the range of values. Key CONCept A slider lets the user specify a numeric value within a bounded range. A program called SlideColor is shown in Listing 10.15. In one sense, this program is an improvement over the DisplayColor program from the previous section in that it allows the user to constantly change the displayed color without using a color chooser each time. This program presents three sliders that control the RGB components of a color. The color specified by the values of the sliders is shown in a square that is displayed to the right of the sliders. The SlideColorPanel class shown in Listing 10.16 is a panel used to display the three sliders. Each is created from the JSlider class, which accepts four parameters. The first determines the orientation of the slider using one of two JSlider constants (HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL). The second and third parameters specify the maximum and minimum values of the slider, which are set to 0 and 255 for each of the sliders in the example. The last parameter of the JSlider 553 554 Chapter 10 Polymorphism L i s t i N g 1 0 . 1 5 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of slider components. //******************************************************************** import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class SlideColor { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Presents a frame with a control panel and a panel that // changes color as the sliders are adjusted. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Slide Colors"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.getContentPane().add(new SlideColorPanel()); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } D i s p L a y 1 0 . 10 Sliders L i s ti N g 1 0 . 1 6 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents the slider control panel for the SlideColor program. //******************************************************************** import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; public class SlideColorPanel extends JPanel { private JPanel controls, colorPanel; private JSlider rSlider, gSlider, bSlider; private JLabel rLabel, gLabel, bLabel; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up the sliders and their labels, aligning them along // their left edge using a box layout. //----------------------------------------------------------------public SlideColorPanel() { rSlider = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 0, 255, 0); rSlider.setMajorTickSpacing(50); rSlider.setMinorTickSpacing(10); rSlider.setPaintTicks(true); rSlider.setPaintLabels(true); rSlider.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); gSlider = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 0, 255, 0); gSlider.setMajorTickSpacing(50); gSlider.setMinorTickSpacing(10); gSlider.setPaintTicks(true); gSlider.setPaintLabels(true); gSlider.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); bSlider = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 0, 255, 0); bSlider.setMajorTickSpacing(50); bSlider.setMinorTickSpacing(10); bSlider.setPaintTicks(true); bSlider.setPaintLabels(true); bSlider.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); 555 556 Chapter 10 Polymorphism L i s t i N g 1 0 . 1 6 continued SliderListener listener = new SliderListener(); rSlider.addChangeListener(listener); gSlider.addChangeListener(listener); bSlider.addChangeListener(listener); rLabel = new JLabel("Red: 0"); rLabel.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); gLabel = new JLabel("Green: 0"); gLabel.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); bLabel = new JLabel("Blue: 0"); bLabel.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); controls = new JPanel(); BoxLayout layout = new BoxLayout(controls, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS); controls.setLayout(layout); controls.add(rLabel); controls.add(rSlider); controls.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 20))); controls.add(gLabel); controls.add(gSlider); controls.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 20))); controls.add(bLabel); controls.add(bSlider); colorPanel = new JPanel(); colorPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 100)); colorPanel.setBackground(new Color(0, 0, 0)); add(controls); add(colorPanel); } //***************************************************************** // Represents the listener for all three sliders. //***************************************************************** private class SliderListener implements ChangeListener { private int red, green, blue; 1 0 . 10 Sliders L i s ti N g 1 0 . 1 6 continued //-------------------------------------------------------------// Gets the value of each slider, then updates the labels and // the color panel. //-------------------------------------------------------------public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent event) { red = rSlider.getValue(); green = gSlider.getValue(); blue = bSlider.getValue(); rLabel.setText("Red: " + red); gLabel.setText("Green: " + green); bLabel.setText("Blue: " + blue); colorPanel.setBackground(new Color(red, green, blue)); } } } constructor specifies the slider’s initial value. In our example, the initial value of each slider is zero, which puts the slider knob to the far left when the program initially executes. The panel called colorPanel is used to display the color specified by the sliders by setting its background color. Initially, the settings of the sliders are all zero, which correspond to the initial color displayed (black). The JSlider class has several methods that allow the programmer to tailor the look of a slider. Major tick marks can be set at specific intervals using the setMajorTickSpacing method. Intermediate minor tick marks can be set using the setMinorTickSpacing method. Neither is displayed, however, unless the setPaintTicks method, with a parameter of true, is invoked as well. Labels indicating the value of the major tick marks are displayed if indicated by a call to the setPaintLabels method. Note that in this example, the major tick spacing is set to 50. Starting at zero, each increment of 50 is labeled. The last label is therefore 250, even though the slider value can reach 255. 557 558 Chapter 10 Polymorphism A slider produces a change event, indicating that the position of the slider and the value it represents has changed. The ChangeListener interface contains a single method called stateChanged. In the SlideColor program, the same listener object is used for all three sliders. In the stateChanged method, which is called whenever any of the sliders is adjusted, the value of each slider is obtained, the labels of all three are updated, and the background color of the display panel is revised. It is actually only necessary to update one of the labels (the one whose corresponding slider changed). However, the effort to determine which slider was adjusted is not warranted. It’s easier—and probably more efficient—to update all three labels each time. Another alternative is to have a unique listener for each slider, though that extra coding effort is not needed either. A slider is often a good choice when a large range of values is possible but strictly bounded on both ends. Compared to alternatives such as a text field, sliders convey more information to the user and eliminate input errors. Exercises summary of Key Concepts ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ A polymorphic reference can refer to different types of objects over time. The binding of a method invocation to its definition is performed at run time for a polymorphic reference. A reference variable can refer to any object created from any class related to it by inheritance. The type of the object, not the type of the reference, is used to determine which version of a method to invoke. An interface name can be used to declare an object reference variable. An interface reference can refer to any object of any class that implements that interface. A parameter to a method can be polymorphic, giving the method flexible control of its arguments. Implementing a sort algorithm polymorphically allows it to sort any comparable set of objects. Polymorphism allows us to apply a consistent approach to inconsistent behaviors. We should hone our design senses to identify situations that lend themselves to polymorphic solutions. Establishing the relationship between a listener and the component it listens to is accomplished using polymorphism. A file chooser allows the user to browse a disk and select a file to be processed. A color chooser allows the user to select a color from a palette or use RGB values. A slider lets the user specify a numeric value within a bounded range. exercises EX 10.1 Draw and annotate a class hierarchy that represents various types of faculty at a university. Show what characteristics would be represented in the various classes of the hierarchy. Explain how polymorphism could play a role in the process of assigning courses to each faculty member. 559 560 Chapter 10 Polymorphism EX 10.2 Draw and annotate a class hierarchy that represents various types of animals in a zoo. Show what characteristics would be represented in the various classes of the hierarchy. Explain how polymorphism could play a role in guiding the feeding of the animals. EX 10.3 Draw and annotate a class hierarchy that represents various types of sales transactions in a store (cash, credit, etc.). Show what characteristics would be represented in the various classes of the hierarchy. Explain how polymorphism could play a role in the payment process. EX 10.4 What would happen if the pay method were not defined as an abstract method in the StaffMember class of the Firm program? EX 10.5 Explain how a call to the addMouseListener method represents a polymorphic situation. EX 10.6 Draw the containment hierarchy tree for the SlideColor program. programming projects VideoNote Developing a solution of PP 10.1. PP 10.1 Modify the Firm example from this chapter such that it accomplishes its polymorphism using an interface called Payable. PP 10.2 Modify the Firm example from this chapter such that all employees can be given different vacation options depending on their classification. Provide a method called vacation that returns the number of vacation days a person has. Give all employees a standard number of vacation days (14), then override the method in the various employee classes as appropriate. Modify the driver program to demonstrate this new functionality. PP 10.3 Implement the Speaker interface described in Section 10.3, and create three classes that implement Speaker in various ways. Create a driver class whose main method instantiates some of these objects and tests their abilities. PP 10.4 Rewrite the Sorting class so that both sorting algorithms put the values in descending order. Create a driver class with a main method to exercise the modifications. PP 10.5 Modify the Movies program from Chapter 8 so that it keeps the DVDs sorted by title. PP 10.6 Write a program that graphically displays the processing of a selection sort. Use bars of various heights to represent the values Programming Projects being sorted. Display the set of bars after each swap. Put a delay in the processing of the sort to give the human observer a chance to see how the order of the values changes. PP 10.7 Repeat PP 10.6 using an insertion sort. PP 10.8 Write a program that combines the functionality of the StyleOptions and QuoteOptions programs from Chapter 5. That is, the new program should present the appropriate quote (using radio buttons) whose style can be changed (using checkboxes). Also include a slider that regulates the size of the quotation font. Design the containment hierarchy carefully and use layout managers as appropriate to create a nice interface. PP 10.9 Design and implement an application that draws the graph of the equation ax2 + bx + c, where the values of a, b, and c are set using three sliders. 561 This page is intentionally left blank. Exceptions Chap t e r 11 O b j e C t i v e s ● Discuss the purpose of exceptions. ● Examine exception messages and the call stack trace. ● Examine the try-catch statement for handling exceptions. ● Explore the concept of exception propagation. ● Describe the exception class hierarchy in the Java standard class library. ● Explore I/O exceptions and the ability to write text files. ● Create GUIs using mnemonics and tool tips. ● Explore additional GUI components and containers. Exception handling is an important part of an object-oriented software system. Exceptions represent problems or unusual situations that may occur in a program. Java provides various ways to handle exceptions when they occur. We explore the class hierarchy from the Java standard library used to define exceptions, as well as the ability to define our own exception objects. This chapter also discusses the use of exceptions when dealing with input and output, and examines an example that writes a text file. The Graphics Track sections of this chapter explore some special features of Swing components, as well as a few additional components and containers. 563 564 Chapter 11   Exceptions 11.1 exception handling As we’ve discussed briefly in other parts of the text, problems that arise in a Java program may generate exceptions or errors. An exception is an object that defines an unusual or erroneous situation. An exception is thrown by a program or the run-time environment and can be caught and K e y C O n C e pt handled appropriately if desired. An error is similar to an exception Errors and exceptions are objects that represent unusual or invalid except that an error generally represents an unrecoverable situation processing. and should not be caught. Java has a predefined set of exceptions and errors that may occur during the execution of a program. Problem situations represented by exceptions and errors can have various kinds of root causes. Here are some situations that cause exceptions to be thrown: ■ Attempting to divide by zero. ■ An array index that is out of bounds. ■ A specified file that could not be found. ■ A requested I/O operation that could not be completed normally. ■ An attempt was made to follow a null reference. ■ An attempt was made to execute an operation that violates some kind of security measure. These are just a few examples. There are dozens of others that address very specific situations. As many of these examples show, an exception can represent a truly erroneous situation. But as the name implies, they may simply represent an exceptional situation. That is, an exception may represent a situation that won’t occur under usual conditions. Exception handling is set up to be an efficient way to deal with such situations, especially given that they don’t happen too often. We have several options when it comes to dealing with exceptions. A program can be designed to process an exception in one of three ways. It can: ■ not handle the exception at all, ■ handle the exception where it occurs, or ■ handle the exception at another point in the program. We explore each of these approaches in the following sections. seLF-review QUestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 11.1 What is the difference between an error and an exception? SR 11.2 In what ways might a thrown exception be handled? 1 1 . 2 Uncaught Exceptions 11.2 Uncaught exceptions If a program does not handle the exception at all, it will terminate abnormally and produce a message that describes what exception occurred and where it was produced. The information associated with an exception is often helpful in tracking down the cause of a problem. Let’s look at the output of an exception. The program shown in Listing 11.1 throws an ArithmeticException when an invalid arithmetic operation is attempted. In this case, the program attempts to divide by zero. Because there is no code in this program to handle the exception explicitly, it terminates when the exception occurs, printing specific information about the exception. Note that the last println statement in the program never executes, because the exception occurs first. L i s ti n g 1 1 . 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates an uncaught exception. //******************************************************************** public class Zero { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Deliberately divides by zero to produce an exception. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { int numerator = 10; int denominator = 0; System.out.println(numerator / denominator); System.out.println("This text will not be printed."); } } O U t p U t Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero at Zero.main( 565 566 Chapter 11   Exceptions The first line of the exception output indicates which exception was thrown and provides some information about why it was The messages printed when an thrown. The remaining lines are the call stack trace; they indicate exception is thrown provide a where the exception occurred. In this case, there is only one line in method call stack trace. the call stack trace, but there may be several depending on where the exception originated. The first trace line indicates the method, file, and line number where the exception occurred. The other trace lines, if present, indicate the methods that were called to get to the method that produced the exception. In this program, there is only one method, and it produced the exception; therefore there is only one line in the trace. K e y C O n C e pt The call stack trace information is also available by calling methods of the exception class that is being thrown. The method getMessage returns a string explaining the reason the exception was thrown. The method printStackTrace prints the call stack trace. seLF-review QUestiOn (see answer in Appendix N) SR 11.3 True or False. Explain. a. An exception and an error are the same thing. b. An attempt to divide by zero will cause an exception to be thrown. c. If a program does not handle a raised exception, the exception is ignored and nothing happens. d. If a program does not handle an exception, a message related to the exception will be produced. e. A call stack trace shows the sequence of method calls that led to the code where an exception occurred. 11.3 the try-catch statement Let’s now examine how we catch and handle an exception when it is thrown. The try-catchstatement identifies a block of statements that may throw an exception. A catch clause, which follows a try block, defines how a particular kind of exception is handled. A try block can have several catch clauses associated with it. Each catch clause is called an exception handler. When a try statement is executed, the statements in the try block are executed. If no exception is thrown during the execution of the try block, processing continues with the statement following the try statement (after all of the catch clauses). This situation is the normal execution flow and should occur most of the time. 1 1 . 3 The try-catch Statement If an exception is thrown at any point during the execution of the try block, control is immediately transferred to the appropriate catch handler if it is present. That is, control transfers to the first catch clause whose exception class corresponds to the exception that was thrown. After executing the statements in the catch clause, control transfers to the statement after the entire try-catch statement. Key COnCept Each catch clause handles a particular kind of exception that may be thrown within the try block. Let’s look at an example. Suppose a hypothetical company uses codes to represent its various products. A product code includes, among other information, a character in the tenth position that represents the zone from which that product was made, and a four-digit integer in positions 4 through 7 that represents the district in which it will be sold. Due to some reorganization, products from zone R are banned from being sold in districts with a designation of 2000 or higher. The program shown in Listing 11.2 reads product codes from the user and counts the number of banned codes entered. try statement try Block catch ( Type finally Identifier ) Block Block A try statement contains a block of code followed by one or more catch clauses. If an exception occurs in the try block, the code of the corresponding catch clause is executed. The finally clause, if present, is executed no matter how the try block is exited. Example: try { System.out.println(Integer.parseInt(numString)); } catch (NumberFormatException exception) { System.out.println("Caught an exception."); } finally { System.out.println("Done."); } 567 568 Chapter 11   Exceptions L i s t i n g 1 1 . 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of a try-catch block. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; public class ProductCodes { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Counts the number of product codes that are entered with a // zone of R and and district greater than 2000. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { String code; char zone; int district, valid = 0, banned = 0; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter product code (XXX to quit): "); code = scan.nextLine(); while (!code.equals("XXX")) { try { zone = code.charAt(9); district = Integer.parseInt(code.substring(3, 7)); valid++; if (zone == 'R' && district > 2000) banned++; } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException exception) { System.out.println("Improper code length: " + code); } catch (NumberFormatException exception) { System.out.println("District is not numeric: " + code); } 1 1 . 3 The try-catch Statement L i s ti n g 1 1 . 2 continued System.out.print("Enter product code (XXX to quit): "); code = scan.nextLine(); } System.out.println("# of valid codes entered: " + valid); System.out.println("# of banned codes entered: " + banned); } } O U t p U t Enter product code (XXX to quit): TRV2475A5R-14 Enter product code (XXX to quit): TRD1704A7R-12 Enter product code (XXX to quit): TRL2k74A5R-11 District is not numeric: TRL2k74A5R-11 Enter product code (XXX to quit): TRQ2949A6M-04 Enter product code (XXX to quit): TRV2105A2 Improper code length: TRV2105A2 Enter product code (XXX to quit): TRQ2778A7R-19 Enter product code (XXX to quit): XXX # of valid codes entered: 4 # of banned codes entered: 2 The programming statements in the try block attempt to pull out the zone and district information, and then determine whether it represents a banned product code. If there is any problem extracting the zone and district information, the product code is considered to be invalid and is not processed further. For example, a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException could be thrown by either the charAt or substring methods. Furthermore, a NumberFormatException could be thrown by the parseInt method if the substring does not contain a valid integer. A particular message is printed depending on which exception is thrown. In either case, since the exception is caught and handled, processing continues normally. Note that, for each code examined, the integer valid is incremented only if no exception is thrown. If an exception is thrown, control transfers immediately to the appropriate catch clause. Likewise, the zone and district are tested by the if statement only if no exception is thrown. 569 570 Chapter 11   Exceptions the finally Clause K e y C O n C e pt The finally clause is executed whether the try block is exited normally or because of a thrown exception. A try-catch statement can have an optional finally clause. The finally clause defines a section of code that is executed no matter how the try block is exited. Most often, a finally clause is used to manage resources or to guarantee that particular parts of an algorithm are executed. If no exception is generated, the statements in the finally clause are executed after the try block is complete. If an exception is generated in the try block, control first transfers to the appropriate catch clause. After executing the exception-handling code, control transfers to the finally clause and its statements are executed. A finally clause, if present, must be listed following the catch clauses. Note that a try block does not need to have a catch clause at all. If there are no catch clauses, a finally clause may used by itself if that is appropriate for the situation. seLF-review QUestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 11.4 What is a catch clause? SR 11.5 What is a finally clause? SR 11.6 What output is produced by the following code fragment under each of the stated conditions? try { review.question(); } catch (Exception1 exception) { System.out.println("one caught"); } catch (Exception2 exception) { System.out.println("two caught"); } finally { System.out.println("finally"); } System.out.println("the end"); a. No exception is thrown by the review.question() method. 1 1 . 4 Exception Propagation 571 b. An Exception1 exception is thrown by the review.question() method. c. An Exception2 exception is thrown by the review.question() method. d. An Exception3 exception is thrown by the review.question() method. 11.4 exception propagation If an exception is not caught and handled where it occurs, control is immediately returned to the method that invoked the method that produced the exception. We can design our software so that the exception is caught and handled at this outer level. If it isn’t caught there, control returns to the method that called it. This process is called propagating the exception. This propagaKey COnCept tion continues until the exception is caught and handled or until it is If an exception is not caught and passed out of the main method, which terminates the program and handled where it occurs, it is propaproduces an exception message. To catch an exception at an outer gated to the calling method. level, the method that produces the exception must be invoked inside a try block that has catch clauses to handle it. The Propagation program shown in Listing 11.3 succinctly demonstrates the process of exception propagation. The main method invokes method level1 in the ExceptionScope class (see Listing 11.4), which invokes level2, which invokes level3, which produces an exception. Method level3 does not catch and handle the exception, so control is transferred back to level2. The level2 method does not catch and handle the exception either, so control is transferred back to level1. Because the invocation of level2 is made inside a try block (in method level1), the exception is caught and handled at that point. Note that the output does not include the messages indicating that the methods level3 and level2 are ending. These println statements are never executed, because an exception occurred and had not yet been caught. However, after method level1 handles the exception, processing continues normally from that point, printing the messages indicating that method level1 and the program are ending. Note also that the catch clause that handles the exception uses the getMessage and printStackTrace methods to output that information. The stack trace shows the methods that were called when the exception occurred. VideoNote Proper exception handling. 572 Chapter 11   Exceptions L i s t i n g 1 1 . 3 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates exception propagation. //******************************************************************** public class Propagation { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Invokes the level1 method to begin the exception demonstration. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { ExceptionScope demo = new ExceptionScope(); System.out.println("Program beginning."); demo.level1(); System.out.println("Program ending."); } } O U t p U t Program Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 beginning. beginning. beginning. beginning. The exception message is: / by zero The call stack trace: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero at ExceptionScope.level3( at ExceptionScope.level2( at ExceptionScope.level1( at Propagation.main( Level 1 ending. Program ending. 1 1 . 4 Exception Propagation L i s ti n g 1 1 . 4 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates exception propagation. //******************************************************************** public class ExceptionScope { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Catches and handles the exception that is thrown in level3. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void level1() { System.out.println("Level 1 beginning."); try { level2(); } catch (ArithmeticException problem) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("The exception message is: " + problem.getMessage()); System.out.println(); System.out.println("The call stack trace:"); problem.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(); } System.out.println("Level 1 ending."); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Serves as an intermediate level. The exception propagates // through this method back to level1. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void level2() { System.out.println("Level 2 beginning."); level3(); System.out.println("Level 2 ending."); } 573 574 Chapter 11   Exceptions L i s t i n g 1 1 . 4 continued //----------------------------------------------------------------// Performs a calculation to produce an exception. It is not // caught and handled at this level. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void level3() { int numerator = 10, denominator = 0; System.out.println("Level 3 beginning."); int result = numerator / denominator; System.out.println("Level 3 ending."); } } K e y C O n C e pt A programmer must carefully consider how and where exceptions should be handled, if at all. A programmer must pick the most appropriate level at which to catch and handle an exception. There is no single best answer as to how to do this. It depends on the situation and the design of the system. Sometimes the right approach will be not to catch an exception at all and let the program terminate. seLF-review QUestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 11.7 What happens if an exception is not caught? SR 11.8 How would the result of the Propagation program change if the following code fragment was placed in the level2 method just before the call to the level3 method? int num = 10, den = 0; int res = num / den; SR 11.9 How would the result of the Propagation program change if the following code fragment was placed in the level2 method just after the call to the level3 method? int num = 10, den = 0; int res = num / den; 1 1 .5 The Exception Class Hierarchy 11.5 the exception Class hierarchy The classes that define various exceptions are related by inheritance, creating a class hierarchy that is shown in part in Figure 11.1. The Throwable class is the parent of both the Error class and the Exception class. Many types of exceptions are derived from the Exception class, and these classes also have many children. Though these high-level classes are defined in the java.lang package, many child classes that define specific exceptions are part of several other packages. Inheritance relationships can span package boundaries. Object Throwable Error Exception LinkageError ThreadDeath VirtualMachineError AWTError RunTimeException ArithmeticException IndexOutOfBoundsException NullPointerException IllegalAccessException NoSuchMethodException ClassNotFoundException FigUre 11.1 Part of the Error and Exception class hierarchy 575 576 Chapter 11   Exceptions We can define our own exceptions by deriving a new class from Exception or one of its descendants. The class we choose as the parent depends on what situation or condition the new exception represents. K e y C O n C e pt A new exception is defined by deriving a new class from the Exception class or one of its descendants. L i s t i n g The program in Listing 11.5 instantiates an exception object and throws it. The exception is created from the OutOfRangeException class, which is shown in Listing 11.6. Note that this exception is not part of the Java standard class library. It was created to represent the situation in which a value is outside a particular valid range. 1 1 . 5 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the ability to define an exception via inheritance. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Scanner; public class CreatingExceptions { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates an exception object and possibly throws it. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) throws OutOfRangeException { final int MIN = 25, MAX = 40; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; OutOfRangeException problem = new OutOfRangeException("Input value is out of range."); System.out.print("Enter an integer value between " + MIN + " and " + MAX + ", inclusive: "); int value = scan.nextInt(); // Determine if the exception should be thrown if (value < MIN || value > MAX) throw problem; System.out.println("End of main method."); } } // may never reach 11.5 The Exception Class Hierarchy L i s ti n g 1 1 . 5 continued O U t p U t Enter an integer value between 25 and 40, inclusive: 69 Exception in thread "main" OutOfRangeException: Input value is out of range. at CreatingExceptions.main( After reading in an input value, the main method evaluates it to see whether it is in the valid range. If not, the throw statement is executed. A throw statement is used to begin exception propagation. Because the main method does not catch and handle the exception, the program will terminate if the exception is thrown, printing the message associated with the exception. We create the OutOfRangeException class by extending the Exception class. Often, a new exception is nothing more than what you see in this example: L i s ti n g 1 1 . 6 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents an exceptional condition in which a value is out of // some particular range. //******************************************************************** public class OutOfRangeException extends Exception { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up the exception object with a particular message. //----------------------------------------------------------------OutOfRangeException(String message) { super(message); } } 577 578 Chapter 11   Exceptions an extension of some existing exception class that stores a particular message describing the situation it represents. The important point is that the class is ultimately a descendant of the Exception class and the Throwable class, which gives it the ability to be thrown using a throw statement. The type of situation handled by this program, in which a value is out of range, does not need to be represented as an exception. We’ve previously handled such situations using conditionals or loops. Whether you handle a situation using an exception or whether you take care of it in the normal flow of your program is an important design decision. Checked and Unchecked exceptions Some exceptions are checked, whereas others are unchecked. A checked exception must either be caught by a method or it must be listed in the throws clause of any method that may throw or propagate it. A throws clause is appended to the header of a method definition to formally acknowledge that the method will throw or propagate a particular exception if it occurs. An unchecked exception requires no throws clause. The only unchecked exceptions in Java are objects of type K e y C O n C e pt RuntimeException or any of its descendants. All other exceptions are considered checked exceptions. The main method of the CreatingExceptions program has a throws clause, indicating that it may throw an OutOfRangeException. This throws clause is required because the OutOfRangeException was derived from the Exception The throws clause on a method header must be included for checked exceptions that are not caught and handled in the method. class, making it a checked exception. seLF-review QUestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 11.10 What is a checked exception? SR 11.11 True or False? Explain. a. b. c. d. e. An ArithmeticException is an Exception. An ArithmeticException is Throwable. An ArithmeticException is a checked exception. A NoSuchMethodException is a checked exception. We can create our own exceptions by extending the Exception class. f. A throws clause must be appended to the header of a method definition if the method may potentially throw an ArithmeticException. SR 11.12 What happens if the input to the CreatingExceptions program is 42? What if it is −3? 1 1 .6 I/O Exceptions 11.6 579 i/O exceptions Processing input and output is a task that often produces unforeseeable situations, leading to exceptions being thrown. Let’s explore some I/O issues and the problems that may arise. A stream is an ordered sequence of bytes. The term stream comes from the analogy that as we read and write information, the data flows from a source to a destination (or sink) as water flows down a stream. The source of the information is like a spring filling the stream, and the destination is like a cave into which the stream flows. Key COnCept A stream is a sequential sequence of bytes; it can be used as a source of input or a destination for output. In a program, we treat a stream as either an input stream, from which we read information, or as an output stream, to which we write information. A program can deal with multiple input and output streams at one time. A particular store of data, such as a file, can serve either as an input stream or as an output stream to a program, but it generally cannot be both at the same time. There are three streams that are referred to as the standard I/O streams. They are listed in Figure 11.2. The System class contains three object variables (in, out, and err) that represent the three standard I/O streams. These references are declared as both public and static, which allows them to be accessed directly through the System class. Key COnCept Three public reference variables in the System class represent the standard I/O streams. Throughout this book we’ve been using the standard output stream, with calls to System.out.println for instance. We’ve also used the standard input stream to create a Scanner object when we want to process input read interactively from the user. The Scanner class manages the input read from the standard input stream in various ways that makes our programming tasks easier. It also processes various I/O exceptions internally, creating an InputMismatchException when needed. The standard I/O streams, by default, represent particular I/O devices. typically represents keyboard input, whereas System.out and Standard I/O Stream Description Standard input stream. System.out Standard output stream. System.err Standard error stream (output for error messages) FigUre 11.2 Standard I/O streams 580 Chapter 11   Exceptions System.err typically represent a particular window on the monitor screen. The System.out and System.err streams write output to the same window by default, though they could be set up to write to different places. The System.err stream is usually where error messages are sent. In addition to the standard input streams, the package of the Java API provides many classes that let us define streams with particular characteristics. Some of the classes deal with files, others with memory, and others with strings. Some classes assume that the data they handle consists of characters, whereas others assume the data consists of raw bytes of binary information. Some classes provide the means to manipulate the data in the K e y C O n C e pt stream in some way, such as buffering the information or numberThe Java class library contains many ing it. By combining classes in appropriate ways, we can create classes for defining I/O streams with objects that represent a stream of information that has the exact various characteristics. characteristics we want for a particular situation. The broad topic of Java I/O, along with the sheer number of classes in the package, prohibits us from covering it in detail in this book. Our focus for the moment is on I/O exceptions. Many operations performed by I/O classes can potentially throw an IOException. The IOException class is the parent of several exception classes that represent problems when trying to perform I/O. An IOException is a checked exception. As described earlier in this chapter, that means that either the exception must be caught, or all methods that propagate it must list it in a throws clause of the method header. Because I/O often deals with external resources, many problems can arise in programs that attempt to perform I/O operations. For example, a file from which we want to read might not exist; when we attempt to open the file, an exception will be thrown, because that file can’t be found. In general, we should try to design programs to be as robust as possible when dealing with potential problems. We’ve seen in previous examples how we can use the Scanner class to read and process input read from a text file. Now let’s explore an example that writes data to a text output file. Suppose we want to test a program we are writing, but don’t have the real data available. We could write a program that generates a test data file that contains random values. The program shown in Listing 11.7 generates a file that contains random integer values within a particular range. It also writes one line of standard output, confirming that the data file has been written. 1 1 . 6 I/O Exceptions L i s t i n g 1 1 . 7 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates I/O exceptions and the use of a character file // output stream. //******************************************************************** import java.util.Random; import*; public class TestData { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates a file of test data that consists of ten lines each // containing ten integer values in the range 10 to 99. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { final int MAX = 10; int value; String fileName = "test.txt"; PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter(fileName); Random rand = new Random(); for (int line=1; line <= MAX; line++) { for (int num=1; num <= MAX; num++) { value = rand.nextInt (90) + 10; outFile.print (value + " "); } outFile.println (); } 581 582 Chapter 11   Exceptions L i s t i n g 1 1 . 7 continued outFile.close(); System.out.println("Output file has been created: " + fileName); } } O U t p U t Output file has been created: test.txt The constructor of the PrintWriter class accepts a string representing a file name to be opened as a text output stream. Like the System.out object, a PrintWriter object has print and println methods that can be used to write the data to the file. The data that is contained in the file test.txt after the TestData program is run might look like this: 85 90 93 15 82 79 52 71 70 98 74 57 41 66 22 16 67 65 24 84 86 61 91 79 18 81 64 41 68 81 98 47 28 40 69 10 85 82 64 41 23 61 27 10 59 89 88 26 24 76 33 89 73 36 54 91 42 73 95 58 19 41 18 14 63 80 96 30 17 28 24 37 40 64 94 23 98 10 78 50 89 28 64 54 59 23 61 15 80 88 51 28 44 48 73 21 41 52 35 38 Note that in the TestData program, we have eliminated explicit exception handling. That is, if something goes wrong, we simply allow the program to terminate instead of specifically catching and handling the problem. Because all IOExceptions are checked exceptions, we must include the throws clause on the method header to indicate that they may be thrown. For each program, we must carefully consider how best to handle the exceptions that may be thrown. This requirement is especially important when dealing with I/O, which is fraught with potential problems that cannot always be foreseen. The TestData program uses nested for loops to compute random values and write them to the output file. After all values are printed, the file is closed. 1 1 . 7 Tool Tips and Mnemonics Output files must be closed explicitly to ensure that the data is retained. In general, it is good practice to close all file streams explicitly when they are no longer needed. s e L F - r e v iew QUestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 11.13 What is a stream? SR 11.14 What are the standard I/O streams? SR 11.15 What Stream class object have we been using explicitly throughout this book? SR 11.16 An I/O exception, the InputMismatchException, will occur during the main method of the CreatingExceptions program (see Listing 11.5) if the user enters an alphabetic character. Why doesn’t the main method definition include a throws InputMismatchException clause? SR 11.17 An I/O exception, the FileNotFoundException, will occur during the main method of the TestData program if the test.txt is not writable. Why doesn’t the main method definition include a throws FileNotFoundException clause? SR 11.18 What is the purpose of the close method of the PrintWriter class? 11.7 tool tips and Mnemonics Let’s take a look at a some special features that can be used with any Swing component. Appropriate application of these features can enhance the user interface and facilitate the use of the components. This section describes the use of tool tips and mnemonics, as well as the ability to disable components, then explores an example that uses these features. Any Swing component can be assigned a tool tip, which is Key COnCept a short line of text that will appear when the cursor is rested Tool tips and mnemonics can momentarily on top of the component. Tool tips are usually enhance the functionality of a graphical user interface. used to inform the user about the component, such as the purpose of a button. A tool tip can be assigned using the setToolTipText method of a Swing component. For example: JButton button = new JButton("Compute"); button.setToolTipText("Calculates the area under the curve."); 583 584 Chapter 11   Exceptions When the button is added to a container and displayed, it appears normally. When the user rolls the mouse pointer over the button, hovering there momentarily, the tool tip text pops up. When the user moves the mouse pointer off of the button, the tool tip text disappears. A mnemonic is a character that allows the user to push a button or make a menu choice using the keyboard in addition to the mouse. For example, when a mnemonic has been defined for a button, the user can hold down the ALT key and press the mnemonic character to activate the button. Using a mnemonic to activate the button causes the system to behave just as it would if the user had used the mouse to press the button. A mnemonic character should be chosen from the label on a button or menu item. Once the mnemonic has been established using the setMnemonic method, the character in the label will be underlined to indicate that it can be used as a shortcut. If a letter is chosen that is not in the label, nothing will be underlined and the user won’t know how to use the shortcut. You can set a mnemonic as follows: JButton button = new JButton("Calculate"); button.setMnemonic('C'); When the button is displayed, the letter C in Calculate is underlined on the button label. When the user presses ALT-C, the button is activated as if the user had pressed it with the mouse. Some components can be disabled if they should not be used. A disabled component will appear “grayed out,” and nothing will happen if the user attempts to interact with it. To disable and enable components, we invoke the setEnabled method of the component, passing it a boolean value to indicate whether the component should be disabled (false) or enabled (true). For example: JButton button = new JButton("Do It"); button.setEnabled(false); Disabling components is a good idea when users should not be allowed to use the functionality of a component. The grayed appearance of the disabled component is an indication that using the component is inappropriate (and, in fact, impossible) at the current time. Disabled components not only convey to the user which actions are appropriate and which aren’t, they also prevent erroneous situations from occurring. K e y COnCept Components should be disabled when their use is inappropriate. Let’s look at an example that uses tool tips, mnemonics, and disabled components. The program in Listing 11.8 presents the image of a light bulb and provides a button to turn the light bulb on and a button to turn the light bulb off. 1 1 . 7 Tool Tips and Mnemonics There are actually two images of the light bulb: one showing it turned on and one showing it turned off. These images are brought in as ImageIcon objects. The setIcon method of the label that displays the image is used to set the appropriate image, depending on the current status. This processing is controlled in the LightBulbPanel class shown in Listing 11.9. L i s ti n g 1 1 . 8 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates mnemonics and tool tips. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class LightBulb { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up a frame that displays a light bulb image that can be // turned on and off. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Light Bulb"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); LightBulbPanel bulb = new LightBulbPanel(); LightBulbControls controls = new LightBulbControls(bulb); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setBackground(; panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); panel.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 20))); panel.add(bulb); panel.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 10))); panel.add(controls); panel.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 10))); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } 585 586 Chapter 11   Exceptions L i s t i n g 1 1 . 8 continued D i s p L a y L i s t i n g 1 1 . 9 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents the image for the LightBulb program. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class LightBulbPanel extends JPanel { private boolean on; private ImageIcon lightOn, lightOff; private JLabel imageLabel; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Constructor: Sets up the images and the initial state. //----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 . 7 Tool Tips and Mnemonics L i s t ing 11.9 continued public LightBulbPanel() { lightOn = new ImageIcon("lightBulbOn.gif"); lightOff = new ImageIcon("lightBulbOff.gif"); setBackground(; on = true; imageLabel = new JLabel(lightOff); add(imageLabel); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Paints the panel using the appropriate image. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void paintComponent(Graphics page) { super.paintComponent(page); if (on) imageLabel.setIcon(lightOn); else imageLabel.setIcon(lightOff); } //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets the status of the light bulb. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void setOn(boolean lightBulbOn) { on = lightBulbOn; } } The LightBulbControls class shown in Listing 11.10 is a panel that contains the on and off buttons. Both of these buttons have tool tips assigned to them, and both use mnemonics. Also, when one of the buttons is enabled, the other is disabled, and vice versa. When the light bulb is on, there is no reason for the On button to be enabled. Likewise, when the light bulb is off, there is no reason for the Off button to be enabled. VideoNote Exploring GUI design details. 587 588 Chapter 11   Exceptions L i s t i n g 1 1 . 1 0 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents the control panel for the LightBulb program. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class LightBulbControls extends JPanel { private LightBulbPanel bulb; private JButton onButton, offButton; //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up the lightbulb control panel. //----------------------------------------------------------------public LightBulbControls(LightBulbPanel bulbPanel) { bulb = bulbPanel; onButton = new JButton("On"); onButton.setEnabled(false); onButton.setMnemonic('n'); onButton.setToolTipText("Turn it on!"); onButton.addActionListener(new OnListener()); offButton = new JButton("Off"); offButton.setEnabled(true); offButton.setMnemonic('f'); offButton.setToolTipText("Turn it off!"); offButton.addActionListener(new OffListener()); setBackground(; add(onButton); add(offButton); } //***************************************************************** // Represents the listener for the On button. //***************************************************************** private class OnListener implements ActionListener { 1 1 . 7 Tool Tips and Mnemonics L i s ti n g 1 1 . 1 0 continued //-------------------------------------------------------------// Turns the bulb on and repaints the bulb panel. //-------------------------------------------------------------public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { bulb.setOn(true); onButton.setEnabled(false); offButton.setEnabled(true); bulb.repaint(); } } //***************************************************************** // Represents the listener for the Off button. //***************************************************************** private class OffListener implements ActionListener { //-------------------------------------------------------------// Turns the bulb off and repaints the bulb panel. //-------------------------------------------------------------public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { bulb.setOn(false); onButton.setEnabled(true); offButton.setEnabled(false); bulb.repaint(); } } } Each button has its own listener class. The actionPerformed method of each sets the bulb’s status, toggles the enabled state of both buttons, and causes the panel with the image to repaint itself. Note that the mnemonic characters used for each button are underlined in the display. When you run the program, note that the tool tips automatically include an indication of the mnemonic that can be used for the button. s e L F - r e v iew QUestiOns (see answers in Appendix N) SR 11.19 What is a tool tip? SR 11.20 What is a mnemonic and how is it used? SR 11.21 Why might you want to disable a component? 589 590 Chapter 11   Exceptions SR 11.22 Identify the class(es) and the line(s) of code from the class(es) that provide each of the following for the Lightbulb program. a. The background is black. b. The message "Turn it off!" appears when you put the mouse over the off button. c. An off bulb will turn on if the user enters ALT-n. d. The on button is grayed out when the bulb is turned on. e. Originally the bulb is on. 11.8 Combo boxes A combo box allows the user to select one of several options from a “drop down” menu. When the user presses a combo A combo box provides a drop down box using the mouse, a list of options is displayed from menu of options for the user. which the user can choose. The current choice is displayed in the combo box. A combo box is defined by the JComboBox class. K e y COnCept A combo box can be either editable or uneditable. By default, a combo box is uneditable. Changing the value of an uneditable combo box can be accomplished only by selecting an item from the list. If the combo box is editable, however, the user can change the value either by selecting an item from the list or by typing a particular value into the combo box area. The options in a combo box list can be established in one of two ways. We can create an array of strings and pass it into the constructor of the JComboBox class. Alternatively, we can use the addItem method to add an item to the combo box after it has been created. A JComboBox can also display ImageIcon objects as options as well. The JukeBox program shown in Listing 11.11 demonstrates the use of a combo box. The user chooses a song to play using the combo box and then presses the Play button to begin playing the song. The Stop button can be pressed at any time to stop the song. Selecting a new song while one is playing also stops the current song. The JukeBoxControls class shown in Listing 11.12 is a panel that contains the components that make up the jukebox GUI. The constructor of the class also loads the audio clips that will be played. An audio clip is obtained first by creating a URL object that corresponds to the wav or au file that defines the clip. The first two parameters to the URL constructor should be "file" and "localhost", respectively, if the audio clip is stored on the same machine on which the program is executing. Creating URL objects can potentially throw a checked exception; therefore they are created in a try block. However, this program assumes the audio clips will be loaded successfully and therefore does nothing if an exception is thrown. 1 1 . 8 Combo Boxes L i s ti n g 1 1 . 1 1 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of a combo box. //******************************************************************** import javax.swing.*; public class JukeBox { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Creates and displays the controls for a juke box. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Java Juke Box"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JukeBoxControls controlPanel = new JukeBoxControls(); frame.getContentPane().add(controlPanel); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } D i s p L a y Once created, the URL objects are used to create AudioClip objects using the static newAudioClip method of the JApplet class. The audio clips are stored in an array. The first entry in the array, at index 0, is set to null. This entry corresponds to the initial combo box option, which simply encourages the user to make a selection. 591 592 Chapter 11   Exceptions L i s t i n g 1 1 . 1 2 //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis and Loftus // // Represents the control panel for the juke box. //******************************************************************** import import import import import java.awt.*; java.awt.event.*; javax.swing.*; java.applet.AudioClip;; public class JukeBoxControls