MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Q: for upgrading of positions of teacher and other teaching related positions thru the Equivalents Record Forms (ERFs), the following are the three (3) required documents except for one? a. Three (3) copies of fully accomplished ERF b. b. One (1) original and one (1) duplicate copy of Official Transcript of Records with S.O. Number Num ber for private schools, and Board Referendum/Resolution Referendum/Resolution Number for public schools. For teachers who are non-teacher education graduates, units earned in education should be included in the Transcript of Records c. c. One (1) original and one (1) duplicate copy of Certification from the Registrar as to the MA units/degree earned by the teacher (if public school) d. One (1) original and one (1) duplicate copy of NBI clearance Record Answer: D NBI clearance is not a requirements for upgrading of positions of teacher and other teaching related positions. Only new teachers are required to submit NBI clearances. Q: Only teachers with at least Very Satisfactory Performance should be recommended for upgrading. The latest Performance Rating should be indicated on the ERF. a. b. c. d.
Yes, even satisfactory performance can be recommended for upgrading No! Only outstanding performance should be indicated on the ERF Yes, at least he / she meet the Very Satisfactory Performance No! Performance rating is not a requirement for upgrading
Answer: C Only teachers with at least Very Satisfactory Performance should be recommended for upgrading. The latest Performance Rating should be indicated on the ERF.
MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Q: RA 660 lets you choose among the following options to let you enjoy a new beginning except for one: a. b. c. d.
Automatic Pension Initial three-year lump sum “Take All Retirement” mode 5-Year Lumpsum
Answer: C RA 1616 provides for a gratuity benefit for retiring members who will qualify under this retirement mode. The gratuity is payable by the last employer. The employee shall also be entitled to a Refund of Retirement Premiums paid, personal share with interest and government share without interest. Since RA 1616 is considered as the “Take All Retirement” mode, it provides the following benefits: 1. Gratuity payable by the last employer based on the total creditable service converted into gratuity months multiplied by the highest compensation received. The gratuity months shall be computed as follows: Years of Service First 20 years 20 years to 30 years Over 30 years
Gratuity Months one (1) month salary 1.5 months salary two (2) months salary
(There is no limit to the amount of gratuity benefit.) and Refund of retirement premiums consisting of personal contributions of the employee plus interest, and government share without interest, payable by the GSIS.
RA 660 lets you choose among the following options to let you enjoy a new beginning: Option 1: Automatic Pension - Under this option, pensioners below 60 years old may choose to receive either an automatic monthly pension for life or an option Erich D. Garcia Ed.D | NQESH REVIEWER FOR DEPED PAMPANGA
MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES to avail of a lump sum. The lump sum, which can be requested every six months, means they can receive their one-year worth of monthly pension in advance for a period of five years. On the sixth year, they will start receiving their lifetime monthly pension. Option 2: Initial three-year lump sum - For those who are at least 60 years old but less than 63 years on date of retirement, the benefit is a 3-year lump sum. The subsequent two -year lump-sum shall be paid to the retiree on his 63rd birthday. If the retiree is still living after the 5-year guaranteed period, he shall be entitled to a monthly pension for life. Option 3: 5-Year Lumpsum - For those who are 63-65 years old, they can avail of a five-year lump sum then after five years, they will receive a monthly pension for life. Q: Retiring under RA 660 requires the following except one: a.
The retiree's last 3 years of service prior to retirement must be continuous, except in cases of death, disability, abolition, and phase- out of position due to reorganization. b. the last three years of service of a retiree need not to be continuous c. His/her appointment status must be permanent in nature. d. He/she must meet the age and service requirements under the "Magic 87" formula. Based on the formula, a retiree’s age and years in service should be added up and should total at least 87. Answer: B The last three years of service of a retiree need not to be continuous is under RA 8291. Only two things should be considered: age and the length of service.
FOR RETIREMENT UNDER REPUBLIC ACT 660 1. The retiree's last 3 years of service prior to retirement must be continuous, except in cases of death, disability, abolition, and phase- out of position due to reorganization. 2. His/her appointment status must be permanent in nature.
MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES 3. He/she must meet the age and service requirements under the "Magic 87" formula. Based on the formula, a retiree’s age and years in service should be added up and should total at least 87.
Q: Mrs. Gaddi has a salary grade of 11 step 8. She has reached the maximum step increment of her salary. Is Automatic Upgrading of Position applicable to her case? a. Yes, she just need to prepare the necessary documents for ERF b. No! If she uses her step increment ERF for 20 years upgrading will be denied. c. Yes, Thru justification letters d. No! Even if she retires from the service. Answer : B Automatic Upgrading of Position for eligible Public school teachers through Equivalent Record Form(ERFs) scheme- Automatic Position upgrading are granted to Teacher I who have rendered 20 years or more with satisfactory teaching service without the need for filing an application for ERF upgrading. In this case, ERF is possible if she didn’t apply the step increment on her salary for 20 years. The government does not allowed double compensation on his employees. There is still a way: Enroll in a graduate school, earned at least 22 units and seek ERF as Teacher II. Q: Service credits maybe granted to the following activities except for one: a. Services rendered during calamity and rehabilitation when schools are used as evacuation centers b. Services rendered in connection with the conduct of remedial classes during the summer or Christmas vacation or outside of regular school days c. Attendance rendered during K to 12 seminars fully funded by the government during vacation d. Services rendered during registration and election days as long as these are mandated duties under existing laws Erich D. Garcia Ed.D | NQESH REVIEWER FOR DEPED PAMPANGA
Answer: C A seminar fully funded by government is not entitled to service credit even if it is held during the summer vacation or during weekends. SERVICE CREDITS MAYBE GRANTED TO THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES ONLY: a. Services rendered during registration and election days as long as these are mandated duties under existing laws; b. Services rendered during calamity and rehabilitation when sc hools are used as evacuation centers; c. Services rendered in connection with the conduct of remedial classes during the summer or Christmas vacation or outside of regular school days; d. Services rendered in connection with early opening of the school year e. Services rendered during school sports competitions held outside of regular school days; f. Service rendered by those who train teachers in addition to their normal teaching loads; g. Teaching over load not compensated by honoraria; h. Teaching in non-formal education classes carrying a normal teaching load; i. Work done during regular school days if these are in addition to the normal teaching load; j. Conduct of testing activities held outside of school days; and k. Attendance / participation in special DepEd projects and activities which are short term in duration such as English, Science and Math mentors training, Curriculum writing workshop, planning workshop, etc.,.if such are held during the summer vacation or during weekends. Q: Service credits be granted to teachers except for one? a. Services rendered during registration and election day b. Services rendered during calamity and rehabilitation c. Services rendered during school sports competitions held inside of regular school days d. Teaching over load not compensated by honoraria
MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Answer : C Services rendered during school sports competitions held should be outside of regular school days; Service credit will only apply if the activity falls on Saturday or Sunday. Q: The following are desirable attitudes toward our work except for one? a. b. c. d.
our work is the source of basic needs “My bread and butter” My part time job for selling goods the expression of our talent a source of advancement and growth
Q: Teachers are covered by monetary benefits except for one? a. b. c. d.
Birthday treat Special hardship allowance Hardship duty pay Cash allowance to teachers
Answer : A Birthday Treat is not a monetary benefits. Teacher’s may be given a treat by co worker within their school but DepEd does not have a monetary benefits to subsidies your birthday. Nevertheless GSIS never fail to greet you on your birthday same as your family and friends. The following are the monetary benefits of teachers; 1. Special hardship allowance- teachers exposed to hardship in commuting to the place of work as determined by the secretary of education shall be compensated hardship allowance equivalent to at least 25% of their monthly salary. 2. Hardship duty pay- this refers to compensation premium or allowance paid to officials and employees actually assigned or stationed in a work area that exposed them to great danger, occupational risk or perils to life.
MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES 3. Productivity incentive benefits- the incentive pay shall be based on individual personnel productivity and performance as evaluated and determined by the head of the respective offices. 4. Cash allowance to teachers- the provision for cash allowance to teachers for the purchase of chalk, erasers, forms and other classroom supplies and materials directly used shall be paid only to classroom teachers. 5. Year – end bonus and cash gift- all government personnel, whether appointive or elective under regular, temporary or casual status, and contractual personnel whose employment is in the nature of a regular employee, who are still in the service as of October 31,each year are granted year-end bonus and cash gift.
Q: Any person who has been permanently appointed to a position in the career service and who has, through no delinquency or misconduct, been separated therefrom, may be reinstated to a position in the same level for which he is qualified. a. b. c. d.
Certification Promotion Transfer Reinstatement
Answer: D Reinstatement. - Any person who has been permanently appointed to a position in the career service and who has, through no delinquency or misconduct, been separated therefrom, may be reinstated to a position in the same level for which he is qualified.
Q: It is a movement from one position to another which is of equivalent rank, level, or salary without break in service involving the issuance of an appointment. a. b. c.
Certification Promotion Transfer Erich D. Garcia Ed.D | NQESH REVIEWER FOR DEPED PAMPANGA
Answer : C Transfer. - A transfer is a movement from one position to another which is of equivalent rank, level, or salary without break in service involving the issuance of an appointment. It shall not be considered disciplinary when made in the interest of public service, in which case, the employee concerned shall be informed of the reasons therefor. If the employee believes that there is no justification for the transfer, he may appeal his case to the Commission. The transfer may be from one department or agency to another or from one organizational unit to another in the same department or agency: Provided, however, That any movement from the non-career service to the career service shall not be considered a transfer.
Q: It is an appointment through _______________ to a position in the civil service, except as herein otherwise provided, shall be issued to a person who has been selected from a list of qualified persons certified by the Commission from an appropriate register of eligible, and who meets all the other requirements of the position. a. b. c. d.
Certification Promotion Transfer Reinstatement
Answer : A Appointment through certification. - And appointment through certification to a position in the civil service, except as herein otherwise provided, shall be issued to a person who has been selected from a list of qualified persons certified by the Commission from an appropriate register of eligibles, and who meets all the other requirements of the position.
MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES All such persons must serve a probationary period of six months following their original appointment and shall undergo a thorough character investigation in order to acquire permanent civil service status. A probationer may be dropped from service status. A probationer may be dropped from the service for unsatisfactory conduct or want of capacity any time before the expiration of the probationary period: Provided, That such action as appealable to the Commission. Q: It is a movement from one position to another with an increase in duties and responsibilities as authorized by law and usually accompanied by an increase in pay. The movement may be from one department or agency to another, or from one organizational unit to another in the same department or agency. a. b. c. d.
Certification Promotion Transfer Reinstatement
Answer : B Promotion. - A promotion is a movement from one position to another with an increase in duties and responsibilities as authorized by law and usually accompanied by an increase in pay. The movement may be from one department or agency to another, or from one organizational unit to another in the same department or agency. Q: Does the regional director have the authority to hire a public school teacher in his region? Why or why not? a. Yes, it’s what we called prerogative power of the Regional Director b. No! Only the Schools Division Superintendent has the power to hire place and evaluate c. No! The Schools Division Superintendent or thru the ASDS has the power to hire place and evaluate d. Yes, Specially with tag items from the congressman Answer: C
MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES No. Because the power to hire, place and evaluate all employees in the division both teaching and non-teaching personnel except for the assistant division superintendent is expressly vested upon the schools division superintendent. Q: The Name of persons who have been appointed permanently to positions in the career service and who have been separated as a result of reduction in force and/or reorganization, shall be entered in a li st from which selection for reemployment shall be made. a. b. c. d.
Reinstatement Reemployment Detail Reassignment
Answer : B Reemployment. - Names of persons who have been appointed permanently to positions in the career service and who have been separated as a result of reduction in force and/or reorganization, shall be entered in a list from which selection for reemployment shall be made.
Q: It is the movement of an employee from one agency to another without the issuance of an appointment and shall be allowed, only for a limited period in the case of employees occupying professional, technical and scientific positions. a. b. c. d.
Reinstatement Reemployment Detail Reassignment
Answer : C Detail. - A detail is the movement of an employee from one agency to another without the issuance of an appointment and shall be allowed, only for a limited period in the case of employees occupying professional, technical and scientific positions. If the employee believes that there is no justification for the detail, he may appeal his case to the Commission. Pending appeal, the Erich D. Garcia Ed.D | NQESH REVIEWER FOR DEPED PAMPANGA
MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES decision to detail the employee shall be executory unless otherwise ordered by the Commission.
Q: An employee may be reassigned from one organizational unit to another in the same agency: Provided, that it shall not involve a reduction in rank, status or salary. a. b. c. d.
Reinstatement Reemployment Detail Reassignment
Answer : D Reassignment. - An employee may be reassigned from one organizational unit to another in the same agency: Provided, that such reassignment shall not involve a reduction in rank, status or salary. Q: A _____________ appointment shall be issued to a person who meets all the requirements for the positions to which he is being appointed, including the appropriate eligibility prescribed, in accordance with the provisions of law, rules and standards promulgated in pursuance thereof. a. b. c. d.
Temporary Contractual Permanent Substitute
Answer : C Permanent status. - A permanent appointment shall be issued to a person who meets all the requirements for the positions to which he is being appointed, including the appropriate eligibility prescribed, in accordance with the provisions of law, rules and standards promulgated in pursuance thereof.
MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Q: A ______________appointment. - In the absence of appropriate eligible and it becomes necessary in the public interest to fill a vacancy, this appointment shall be issued to a person who meets all the requirements for the position to which he is being appointed except the appropriate civil service eligibility. a. b. c. d.
Temporary Contractual Permanent Substitute
Answer : A Temporary appointment. - In the absence of appropriate eligibles and it becomes necessary in the public interest to fill a vacancy, a temporary appointment shall be issued to a person who meets all the requirements for the position to which he is being appointed except the appropriate civil service eligibility: Provided, That such temporary appointment shall not exceed twelve months, but the appointee may be replaced sooner if a qualified civil service eligible becomes available.
Q: How many days should an administrative case against the officer or employee under preventive suspension is serving if not finally decided by the disciplining authority? a. b. c. d.
15 days 30 days 45 days 90 days
Answer: D When the administrative case against the officer or employee under preventive suspension is not finally decided by the disciplining authority within the period of ninety (90) days after the date of suspension of the respondent who is not a presidential appointee, the respondent shall be automatically reinstated in the service: Provided, That when the delay in the disposition of the case is due to the
MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES fault, negligence or petition of the respondent, the period of delay shall not be counted in computing the period of suspension herein provided.
The following are exempted from the operation of the rules on nepotism except for one? a. persons employed in a confidential capacity, b. teachers, physicians c. Secretaries, under secretaries d. members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines: Answer: C The following are exempted from the operation of the rules on nepotism: (1) persons employed in a confidential capacity, (2) teachers, (3) physicians, and (4) members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines: Provided, however, That in each particular instance full report of such appointment shall be made to the Commission.
Q: An Act granting priority to residents, municipality or city, where the school is located in the appointment or assignment of classroom public school teachers. a. b. c. d.
RA # 4672 RA # 7079 RA # 8190 RA # 4670
Answer : C RA # 8190 It is an act granting priority to residents of the Barangay, Municipality or City where the school is located, in the appointment or assignment of cl assroom public school teachers. Q: Level of position which is coterminous with that of the appointing authority. a.
Non-Career Service Erich D. Garcia Ed.D | NQESH REVIEWER FOR DEPED PAMPANGA
First Level Second Level Third Level
Answer : A Non-Career Service coterminous with the appointing authority
Q: There is a decrease in enrolment. A teacher needs to be audited. What should the principal consider in determining the excess teacher? 1. Performance 3. Seniority
2. Qualification 4. Vacancy
A. 1 and 2 B. 1 and 3 C. 2 and 3 D. 3 and 4 Answer: D Seniority and Vacancy
MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES (Topics/References: DECS Manual, Magna Carta for Public School Teacher) Personnel Management General Categories of services in government based on Executive Order 292. Career Service – based on merit and fitness determined as far as practicable by comepetitive examinations, as based on highly technical qualifications. Any person appointed to positions in the career service has the opportunities for the advancement of high career positions and enjoy security of tenure.
MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Three major Levels of career service position a. First Level – The nature of work is sub-professional or non-supervisory. It includes electrical, crafts, trade and custodial positions, entrance to which requires less than four years of college work. b. Second Level – Include professional, technical and scientific positions which involve professional, technical and scientific work in non-supervisory or supervisory capacity and requires at least 4 years of college work. Principal and teachers fall in this level. c. Third Level - cover those in the Career Executive Service which include: undersecretary, assistant secretary, bureau director, assis tant regional director, chief department service, schools division superintendent, assistant school division superintendent and other officials of equivalent rank
EMPLOYMENT PROCESS Stage 1. Recruitment Pursuant to R.A 7041, Vacant positions in all levels in the career service are published in the: - Bulletin of Vacancies in the Civil Service; and - In the newspaper of wide circulation These are likewise posted in at least three (3) conspicuous places in the office for the 10 working days (CSC-MC No. 20, s. 2002) Stage 2: Selection Selection of DepEd employees and teachers is based on the principle of merit, competence, fitness and quality and it is open to all, regardless of gender, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity or political affiliation. RANKING Determining Factors in Ranking Erich D. Garcia Ed.D | NQESH REVIEWER FOR DEPED PAMPANGA
MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Performance 2. Education and Training 3. Experience and Outstanding Accomplishment 4. Psycho-Social Attributes and Personality Traits 5. Potential For teachers, ranking is school based. Committees School Committee – chaired by the school head or department head. Receive all application and validates the documents submitted by the applicants. Division Sub-Committee – evaluates the applicants, observes the teaching demonstration and conducts interview to the applicants Division Selection Committee- administer written examination, consolidates individual ratings and makes the final ranking of all applicants for inclusion to the RQA (Registry of Qualified Applicants) for submission and approval of the Superintendent. Pooling – A registry of qualified applicants for every elementary school and for every secondary schools is done in every division office and provide a copy also for Regional Director. Stage 3: Appointment NATURE OF APPOINTMENT a. Original Appointment – refers to the initial entry into the career and noncareer service. b. Promotion – refers to the advancement from one position to another with an increase of duties and responsibilities and usually corresponds to an increase in salary. c. Transfer – refers to movement from one position to another, which is equivalent in rank, level or salary without break in service. Other Nature of Appointment d. Reemployment e. Reappointment f. Reinstatement g. Renewal Erich D. Garcia Ed.D | NQESH REVIEWER FOR DEPED PAMPANGA
MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES h. Change of Status i. Demotion j. Reclassification EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF TEACHERS a. Regular Permanent Status – issued to a teacher who meets all the requirements in the position b. Provisional Status – issued to a teacher who meets all the requirements of the position except eligibility. c. Substitute Status – issued to a teacher when the regular incumbent of the position is temporarily unable to perform the duties of the position. TEACHERS LEAVE From the Magna Carta of Public School Teachers (R.A. 4670) 1. Teachers are not entitled to the usual vacation and sick leave credits but proportional vacation pay (PVP) during Summer and Christmas Vacation 2. Study leave -Teachers who have at least seven (7) years of con tinuous service may be entitled to study leave of absence with pay not exceeding in one (1) school year. 3. Maternity Leave Every woman in the government service who has rendered an aggregate of two or more years in service, in addition to the vacation and sick leave granted to her is entitled to a maternity leave of 60 days with full pay. Paternity Leave (RA 8187) A married male employee is entitled to paternity leave of seven (7) working days for his first (4) deliveries of his legitimate spouse with whom he is living.
MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Q: How would you differentiate reclassification from upgrading of teacher position? Answer: Reclassification as defined under PD985 involves a change in the classification either as a results of change in its duties and responsibilities sufficient to warrant placing the position is a different class, or a results of a re-evaluation of a position without significant change in its duties and responsibilities. Upgrading involves the reallocation of the salary grade assignment of positions to a higher salary grade without change in its duties and responsibilities.