Method Statement For Installation of DBs, SMDBs and MDBs. 1. Introduction and Scope
This statement is written for the purpose of establishing method and procedures for the Installation of DBs, SMDBs and MDBs. 2. Applicable Projects Specification
Section: SWITCB!"#D DIST#IB$TI!% &"%'(S "%D MCCs. Di)ision: I%ST"(("TI!% Sub Di)ision: Subdi)ision 3. Location of Activity
(ow *oltage #oom and 'lectrical #ooms 4. Health and Safety Haards
Speci+c safet measures ha)e to follow as applicable, and all the safet measures are co)ered separatel in the pro-ect safet plan. !. "peration
Materials: Materials used will be as per the material submittal appro)ed b the engineer and will be as per the appro)ed drawings in coordination with other ser)ices.
Storage / Protection: Protection : DBs, SMDBs, and MDBs and "ccessories shall be unloaded with care to a)oid an damages. If the are shipped in pac0s or pallets, each pac0 of pallet shall be lifted indi)iduall with suitable lifting e1uipment. ')er precaution shall be ta0en to preser)e their cleanliness before installation. Store in accordance with manufacturer2s instructions, &roperl protected from construction acti)ities and weather conditions.
Installation: a.
To ma0e ma0e sure sure that that the the ent entir ire e ins insta tall llat atio ion n is is in in conf confor orma manc nce e and and in in accordance with the design intent of the pro-ect for the 'lectrical and (ow *oltage Sstem in addition to the speci+cation and as per appro)ed shop drawings and compl with llo ocal and In International S Sttandards.
"ll "ll the the swit switch chbo boar ards ds shal shalll be be fab fabri rica cate ted d at at the the manu manufa fact ctur urer er2s 2s wor0s.
Befo Before re beg begin inni ning ng inst instal alla lati tion on in in an an area area,, e4a e4ami mine ne all all par parts ts of the ad-oining wor0s into which applicable wor0 is to be placed.
Should an condition be found which will pre)ent the proper e4ecution of the wor0, installation shall not proceed in that area until such conditions are corrected b the contractor. e.
5i4 all e1uipment independentl of wiring sstem. $se cadmium of 6inc electroplated bolts, nuts, washers and screw.
Mount single DB at 788mm from +nish 9oor le)el to top of e1uipment, unless shown otherwise on drawing schedules.
'nsures that clearance in front of switchgear is not less than m, or as indicated.
%umber terminals, cables and component parts to correspond with manufacturer ha)e certi+ed drawings.
Terminate &*C, SW" &*C and MICS cables inside enclosure b securing cables to switchboards with gland brac0et; and enclosure with glanding plates or fabricated steel e4tension bo4es.
5or 9ush installation, DB2s all conductors shall terminate behind the board in an adaptable bo4. 5or surface mounting, trun0ing shall be +4ed between the board and ceiling or 9oor le)el, or conduit run directl into Trun0ing which pre)ent correct installation of the Trun0ing lid. "de1uate earth continuit shall be made between the )arious components.
#. $esponsibilities 1.
Project %ana&er
To ensure that all the preparation and application wor0s are carried out according to the Contract Speci+cation.
To ensure that the progressing of wor0s is carried out according to the planned program and as per the appro)ed method statement.
To ensure that all e1uipment and material re1uired e4ecuting the wor0 are a)ailable according to the planned Construction &rogramme.
To co
Wooden hammer
5lat +le
Screw dri)ers
!pen and bo4 spanners
Crimping tool
1/. Health and Safety
Strictl follow as per the manufacturer2s ealth and Safet recommendations for handling and use of the materials. 'nsure all in)ol)ed personal shall be aware of the same. 11. Supportin& 0ocu)entation
This method Statement should be read in con-unction with the below referenced documentations. •
IT& for "nti termite Treatment
Insulation #esistance and continuit Test #eport
13. 0istribution
Cop of this method statement shall be issued to the following for information action comments: .
&ro-ect Manager
Site 'ngineer
Inspection And Test Plan For Installation of DBs, SMDBs and MDBs
ITP Claus e No
Insection T!e of Descritio Insectio n n
Testing %erif!ing / "eference "e#uirement/ Control Document $ccetance Data Forms Criteria
#e)iew of Document s
Design drawings, "uthorities Departments #e1uirement s.
Design and Drawings
Material "ppro)al
Design Drawings
"ppro)ed #e)iew of Drawing Document and s Speci+cati on
Chec0 Switchgear installation and cable termination s.
*isual, Insulation "ppro)ed #esistance Method and Statement Continuit Test#eport
*isual, Insulation #e1uest for #esistance "ppro)ed inspection and Drawing of wor0s Continuit Test report.
"ll the Drawings
Should be as per the appro)ed drawing and Speci+cation &roperlocation installation, termination etc Material should ha)e minimum status of %! !b-ection with comments
Submittals Documents
"ppro)ed Drawing Method Statement
%o obstructions (e)el, and it is "ppro)ed in proper Drawings position
Method Statement for Installation of GI Conduits & Accessories
1. Purpose
2. Scope 3. Legislation and Code of Practice 4. Reference 5. Definitions 6. Resources 6.1. Equipment 6.2. Safety of Equipment’s 7. Safety Precautions 7.1. Construction Hazards 7.2. Personal Protective Equipment 7.. Safety !rainin" and Emer"ency procedures 7.#. $irst %id .Detailed Construction Se!uence "#et$odology% &.1. Procedure &.Construction Progra' '.1 House(eepin"
'.2 Protection of E)ecuted *or(s '. +esponsi,ilities '.# +ecords
1(.)nspection and *esting 11.Related +or's 12.,ttac$'ents 1. Purpose
!-is document descri,es t-e met-odolo"y of nstallation of / conduits and accessories for t-e pro0ect and to ensure t-at all concerned persons are familiar it- t-e sequence of activities utilization of resources and e)ecution of t-e or(s in compliance it- applica,le Safety and 3uality Procedures and Pro0ect 4ocuments and Specification.
2. Scope of Works For Installation of GI Conduits !-is met-od statement is intended to outline t-e activities and t-e met-ods used for t-e nstallation of / conduits and accessories. %ll activities ill ,e carried out in accordance it- t-e contract details and in full compliance to t-e Contract Specifications and documents. %ll or( it-in t-e ri"-ts5of5ay of t-e standards and specifications ill ,e done in compliance it- requirements issued ,y aut-orities.
3. Legislation and Code of Practice •
All related codes and standards referenced in the project electrical specications.
4. Reference •
Contract Specications
Approved Drawins
5. Definitions
6. Resources
6.1. Equipment !ools !" .
D#SC$IPTI"! Bendin %achine Die sets Meas&rin tape Screw driver Chal' %ate thread "il Drill %achine Screw driver
6.2 Safety of Equipment’s ecessary measures ill ,e ta(en for t-e safety of t-e equipment and any ot-er or(s affected ,y t-e or(s su,0ect of t-is document. +elevant entities -ic- mi"-t require protection include any suc- or(s in t-e vicinity of t-e area of or( or on t-e service access or disc-ar"e pat-. !-e construction team ill ensure t-at any suc- requirements are documented. 7. Health Safet! & the "n#ironment
!-e -azards identified a,ove ill ,e controlled under t-e overall Pro0ect Safety Plan -ic- is a separate document communicated to all parties on t-e pro0ect. 7.2. Personal Protecti-e !uip'ent "tic/ as appropriate%
!-e or(s su,0ect of t-is document requires t-at t-e PPE must ,e used as required. 7.3. Safety *raining and 'ergency procedures
8efore commencin" any or(s all employees ill attend a site safety induction trainin" to ensure all safety measures are understood and implemented and to cover specific procedures in case of emer"ency. f necessary practical trainin" e)ercises ill ,e conducted on escape routes si"na"e evacuation and rescue. 7.4. +irst ,id
Prior to t-e commencement of or( arran"ements ill ,e made for medical facilities and medical personnel to ,e availa,le from prompt attention to t-e in0ured person. !-e contractor’s ve-icle assi"ned to t-e 0o, site ill ,e used for transportin" t-e in0ured person to t-e first aid station and to t-e nearest -ospital -en required.
. Detailed Construction Se!uence "#et$odology% .1. Procedure •
Ta'e the followin drawins approved for constr&ction.
(I cond&its la)o&t co%plete with section details.
M#P coordination drawin co%plete with section details.
Architect&ral Drawin
*. Chec' the ro&te of (I cond&itin to %a'e s&re that it is free fro% de+ris and o+str&ction of an) other activit). . Arrane sca-oldin of s&cient heiht which is chec'ed +) sca-oldin inspector/ safet) ocer +efore &sin the sa%e for installation. 0. Mar' the reference points on wall/ col&%n as per civil architect&ral drawin. 1. Identif) the circ&it start point and end points to %ar' the cond&it ro&te as per approved drawins. 2. Ma'e hole in wall/concrete &sin drill %achine for rawal pl&, 3 rawal pl& inside hole and then 3 +ase of saddle +) screw ever) %eter span. 4. 5se reco%%ended and approved (I cond&itin 6 +ends as per site condition and drawin. $e%ove sharp ede of c&t lenth of cond&it +) lin. 7. Install cond&its and all accessories as per approved shop drawin and tiht with saddle and screw, %a'e joints &sin threaded ttins. 8. Installation of (I cond&its shall +e chec'ed +) internal 9&alit) enineer as per drawins and 9&alit) of installation +efore o-erin cons<ant/client for inspection.
:. Cond&its are not to cross pipe shafts, vents or openin. *;.Additional threaded c&ts on (I cond&its are to +e painted with C cond&its and +o3es shall +e s&+%itted one da) prior to the cons<ant.
11. Related Forms
As per re9&ired for%s, fro% %ain contractor
12. ,ttac$'ents •
$is' Assess%ent
Method State%ent For Installation "f #%erenc) ?ihtin S)ste%
!-e ,elo met-od statement descri,es some standard operatin" steps to install t-e emer"ency li"-tin" system for any (ind of pro0ect t-e met-od statement can ,e modified as per different pro0ect requirements. *e -ave "iven t-is as a "eneral "uide and manufacturer instruction and site specific specification s-ould ,e folloed -ile doin" t-e installation of e'ergency lig$ting. !-e!ools "enerally required for installation of emer"ency li"-tin". 1. 4rill mac-ine . Porta,le electric drill 0. $or'lift #. Step ?adder ;. Sca-oldin Platfor% 6. Diital M<if&nction tester 7. Spirit ?evel, @ater t&+e 6 Pl&%+ &. a%%er '. ac'saw *;.Mar'er and Mas'in tape
Method Statement for installation of emer$enc! li$htin$ *. #3posed cond&its shall +e (I and parallel with or at riht anles to +&ildin line, +ea%s, or ceilin. For all chane in direction s)%%etrical +ends or %etal +o3es to +e &sed. . Approved e%erenc) lihtin ca+lin i.e. FP ;; will +e &sed onl). 0. @herever the e%erenc) lihtin ca+le passes thro&h walls, =oors, =oor screeds, +ric's walls etc a s&ita+le sleeve shall +e provided. 1. Before ter%inatin the ca+les ins&lation test will +e carried o&t. 2. 5nifor% color codin shall +e &sed thro&ho&t the installation. 4. Connections to the ter%inals shall +e tihtened to avoid an) loose connections, and earth connection points sho&ld +e clean in order to provide ood electrical cond&ctivit) path. 7. #ns&re the installation of l&%inaries as per approved shop drawins, #3it lihts shall +e installed as per approved drawins on all escape ro&tes and their orientation sho&ld +e perfect i.e. sho&ld +e visi+le fro% all sides and e3it direction to +e proper. 8. Install all safet) l&%inaries to cover the specic ha