Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region VIII Division of Leyte Palompon National High School Senior High School val East! "entral II Palompon! Leyte MIDTERM EXAMINATION 21 CENTURY LITERATURE OF THE PHILS AND THE WORLD st
Name#$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$% Name#$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%rade rade Level & 'a(or#$$$$$$$$$$$$Date#$$$$$$$$ 'a(or#$$$$$$$$$$$$Date#$$$$$$$$
Inst Instru ruct ctio ion# n# Enci Encirc rcle le the the let lette terr of the the corr correc ectt ans* ans*er er)) +) ,he period period *hich *hich brought brought liberal liberal ideas ideas and internati internationali onalism sm to literature) literature) a) Pre-co Pre-colon lonial ial Period Period b) .meric .merican an "oloni "olonial al Period Period c) Spanish "olonial Period d) "ontemporary Period /) . long narrative narrative poem poem about about the death death of "hrist) "hrist) a) Sina0u Sina0ulo lo b) Pasyon Pasyon c) Sars*e Sars*ela la
d) 1orido 1orido
2) . metrical tale *ritten *ritten in octosyllabic octosyllabic 3uatrains) 3uatrains) a) 1orido 1orido b) .*it c) poem poem d) Sars*e Sars*ela la 4) ,he first 5ilipino 5ilipino short short story *ritten in English English)) a) 6lue 6lue 6lood 6lood of the 6ig .stan .stanaa b) Dead Dead Stars Stars c) ,his 'iss Pathuphats d) %oodbye! 5lipper 7) ,he period of Literatu Literature re *here *here ,heatre ,heatre *as introd introduced) uced) a) .merican .merican "olonial "olonial Period Period b) Spanish Spanish "olonial "olonial Period Period c) "ontemporary Period d) Pre-colonial Period 8) . form of literatur literaturee *hich deals deals *ith *ith heroism heroism and bravery bravery of a character character)) a) Legend Legend b) 5ol0 5ol0 Song Song c) Epic Epic d) 5ables 5ables 9) . period *herein free verses verses and modern modern short short stories stories *here *here introduced) introduced) a) "ontem "ontempor porary ary Period Period b) Spanis Spanish h "olon "olonial ial Period Period c .merican "olonial Period d) Pre-"olonial Period :) . literary form form *hich *hich is typically typically a debate debate song song performed performed by a man man and a *oman) a) Harana Harana b) 6alita* 6alita* c) .*it d) Sars*el Sars*elaa ;) . literary period period centered centered on the literary literary *or0sho *or0shops ps and literary consciousness) a) .merican .merican colonial colonial Period b) Spanish Spanish "olonial "olonial Period c Pre-colonial Period d) "ontemporary Period
. fol0 narrative *hich presents misleading or pu==ling 3uestion to be solved or guessed for entertainment purposes) a) Proverbs b) 5ables c) riddles d) Epic ++) ,he author>s main idea or the underlying meaning in a piece of *riting) a) "onflict b) Resolution c) Setting d) theme +/) ,he series of events or arrangement of events that develops ideas in a drama or a story) a) "onflict b) Plot c) Setting d) E?position +2) . literary genre *hich focuses on characters and plots than the sounds and pattern) a) Poetry b) Prose c) Non-5iction d) Drama +4) . standard of good literature *hich deals *ith being timeless and timely of a *ritten *or0) a) .rtistry b) Permanence c) Spiritual Value d) @niversality +7) . literary genre *hich focuses on sounds and typically follo*s specific patterns) a) Prose b) Narrative c) Poetry d) 5iction +8) ,he .uthor of the 6isayan short story APamatoB) a) .le(andro .badilla b) 'erlie .lunan c) Eugenio Viacrusis d) La0ambini Sitoy +9) ,he main idea of the short story A,his 'iss PathuphatsB) a) vie*s about foreign Products b) discrimination against people *ho have blac0 comple?ion c) .cculturation and "olonial 'entality d) "hange of attitude due to discrimination +:) . short story *hich manifests the individual>s point of vie* and a reflection of personal observations and e?periences on ho* homose?uals are treated in the society) a) Pamato b) %eyluv c) 'ga 'ata sa Dagat d) Visayan Love +;) ne of the standards of good literature *hich is associated *ith its emotional po*er) a) .rtistry b) @niversality c) Permanence d) Suggestiveness /<) . literary *riter *ho advocated modernism in his poetry) a) Cose %arcia Villa b) .le(andro .badilla c) .ngela Victoria d) Pa= 'ar3ue= 6enite= /+) ,he prevailing feeling or atmosphere in a poem) a) ,heme b) "onflict c) mood
d) connotation
//) It is an element of a plot *here the conflict is slo*ly revealed) a) E?position b) rising action c) denouement d) falling action /2) ,he main character of Eugenio Viacrucis> story A'ga 'ata sa DagatB) a) 5elimon b) "arding c) 6en(ie d) Simon /4) ,he use of other bodily entities to describe specific *ords in poetry) a) Rhetorical devices b) metaphor c) imagery d) onomatopoeia /7)
,he main character of a story is called a) .ntagonist b) Protagonist c) .ntigonist
d) Protogonist
/8) ,he point of vie* used in the story A%eyluvB) a) 5irst person b) first person omniscient c) third person d) third person omniscient /9) ,he father of the Pampanga Literature) a) Vicente Sotto b) Cuan "risostomo Sotto c) .le(andro .badilla d) Pedro 6u0aneg /:) . small unit or group of lines in a poem) a) 'eter b) rhyme c) stan=a
d) rhyme scheme
/;) hat is the primary purpose of using imagery in a poem a) ,o enhance rhyming scheme b) ,o help create visual ideas through *ords) c) ,o create sounds in every line of the stan=as d) .ll of the above 2<) ,he ApamatoB in the story of 'erlie .lunan is used as a symbolism for a) "hildhood b) identity c) hometo*n of the author d) People of Duenas
.rrange the follo*ing in se3uence) Label each .-E) Elements of a Plot !1"!#$
%&a' n& Lam"an' !(")*$
$$$$$$$$ 5alling .ction
$$$$$$$ Lam-ang defeated the Igorots
$$$$$$$$ E?positionFIntroduction
$$$$$$$Lam ang bathe at the river
$$$$$$$$Rising .ction
$$$$$$$Lam-ang fell in love *ith Ines
$$$$$$$Lam-ang>s body parts *ere retrieved
$$$$$$$$ Lam-ang *ent to dive in the ocean
Prepared by# SRDG ') 'IN%.S". Literature ,eacher