Omni Om niSc Scan an SX \ MX MX2 2 Trai Traini ning ng Prog Program ram Phased Array Probes Chris Magruder
OmniSc OmniScan an SX \ MX2 Train Training ing – Phased Phased Array Array Probe Probes s Overvi Overview ew
Material in this section of the training program is a summary of phased array probes typically used in OmniScan SX\MX2 applications. The information is taken primarily from of the Olympus probe catalog and is intended to provide an overview of the various probe features that t hat optimize different applications.
OmniSc OmniScan an SX \ MX2 Train Training ing – Phased Phased Array Array Probe Probes s Overvi Overview ew
Material in this section of the training program is a summary of phased array probes typically used in OmniScan SX\MX2 applications. The information is taken primarily from of the Olympus probe catalog and is intended to provide an overview of the various probe features that t hat optimize different applications.
OmniSc OmniScan an SX \ MX2 Traini Training ng – Phased Phased Array Array Probes Probes Over Overvie view w cont. cont.
Phased array probes come in a variety of shapes and sizes for different applications. The most common types are listed below. Typical array probes from Olympus have a frequency range between 1-13 MHz and have between 8-256 elements. The number of total elements of the probe is limited by the second number in the instrument configuration. (32:128) The maximum number of elements of a probe used with an OmniScan MX2 is 128 and maximum for an OmniScan SX is currently 64. There are 4 primary 1D probe types for use with OmniScan SX\MX2 applications: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Angle be beam pr probes. Curved pr probes. Imme Im mers rsio ion/ n/St Stra raig ight ht be beam am prob probes es.. Inte Integr grat ated ed wed wedge ge prob probes es..
OmniSc OmniScan an S SX X \ MX2 Train Training ing – 1D Linea Linearr Array Array Probe Probes s
1D Linear array probes are the most widely used for industrial inspection and the only type that is supported directly in the OmniScan SX\MX2 software (Wizards). Phased array probes other than 1D linear must use focal laws generated from an external calculator for import into MX2.
OmniScan SX \ MX2 Training – 1D Linear Array Probes cont.
1D linear array probes are defined by the following parameters: – – – – –
Size or “Pitch” of the elements. (.25-2mm) Number of elements. (8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256) Frequency. (1-17 MHz) Radius focused or flat. Reference point. (Only required for use without wedge and does not affect PA calculator)
OmniScan SX \ MX2 Training – 1D Linear Array Probes cont.
The dimensional parameters of a 1D linear phased array probe are defined as follows:
A = Aperture. Total length of all elements in active plane. (Pitch X element count) H = Element height in the passive plane. Also called element elevation. P = Pitch. Center to center distance between two adjacent elements. E = Size. The width of an individual element. G = Gap. The spacing between two adjacent elements.
OmniScan SX \ MX2 Training – 1D Linear Array Probes - Aperture
The OmniScan SX\MX2 probe database includes the pitch and total elements to prevent configurations that exceed the capacity of the instrument. The number of elements available for 1 focal law and the total number of elements available on the probe are directly related to the instrument configuration. (16:16, 16:64, 32:128, etc.) This is covered in a later section.
A = Aperture. Total length of all elements in active plane. (Pitch X element count) H = Element height in the passive plane. Also called element elevation. P = Pitch. Center to center distance between two adjacent elements. E = Size. The width of an individual element. G = Gap. The spacing between two adjacent elements.
OmniScan SX \ MX2 Training – 1D Linear Array Probes – Element Pitch
The pitch of the probe is directly related to the maximum size (Aperture) of the beam based on the available pulsers of the acquisition module. (16:64, 32:32, etc.) Below are two low frequency deep penetration probes that differ in both pitch and total number of elements. (A4 and A5) Only a 32:XXX acquisition module can utilize all 32 elements of the A5 probe for a sector scan. More elements of a smaller size increase beam steering limits, energy, and focusing. (32X .75mm = 24mm aperture) A 16:XXX acquisition module can create a larger aperture using the A4 probe because the pitch is larger. Larger element pitch reduces beam steering. Fewer elements reduces focus. (16X 2mm = 32mm)
OmniScan SX \ MX2 Training – 1D Linear Array Probes – Pitch cont.
Most probe\wedge combinations for angle beam inspection are designed for a steering range of approximately 30-75 degrees. As the size of the element pitch is reduced, beam steering is improved. Defining the limits of any probe\wedge combination with respect to beam steering is dependent on many factors including sound path required for the application, size of reflector, and what is an acceptable Ascan signal to noise ratio for any one customer. For this reason, the OmniScan SX\MX2 software does not attempt to limit or predict acceptable steering limits in the software.
OmniScan SX \ MX2 Training – 1D Linear Array Probes – Element Wiring
1D linear array probes have elements aligned in one axis and are numbered 1-16, 1-32, etc. so the element wiring direction is known to the user and the probe can be installed correctly in the system or on the wedge. Some Olympus probes have an arrow to indicate the direction of element wiring and no numbers are present. The probe element wiring can be reversed in the software. This is a function of the wedge orientation and is explained in another section.
OmniScan SX \ MX2 Training – Advanced Probes – Element Wiring cont.
1.5D and 2D matrix arrays are more complex and must identify the probe in in more than one axis. Below is an example of a quad 1.5D array using a 4X7 element configuration. All matrix array probes wired into one phased array connector. This type of probe can only be used in the OmniScan SX\MX2 by importing the focal laws from an external focal law calculator via the flashcard.
OmniScan SX \ MX2 Training – 1D Linear Array Probes – Aperture
The total number of elements that can be used with the OmniScan SX\MX2 or any phased array system is dependent on the pulser configuration. (XX:128, XX:64, XX:32, etc.) The second of the two numbers is relevant for total element utilization. Example: The image below is of a 32 element phased array probe using one sector scan group. The minimum module configuration to perform this inspection using all elements would be a 32:32 module. A 16:32 instrument using the same probe is capable of only ½ the maximum aperture and can use any 16 of the available 32 elements.
OmniScan SX \ MX2 Training – 1D Linear Array Probes – Total Elements
Example: The image below is of a scanner with two 5L64-A2 probes. Each probe contains 64 elements requiring a minimum pulser configuration of XX:128. A 16:128 pulser configuration can fully utilize all elements in both probes. Any one A-scan or focal law would have a maximum aperture of 9.6mm (16 X .6mm) A 32:128 pulser configuration can fully utilize both probes. Any one A-scan or focal law would have a maximum aperture of 19.2mm (32 X .6mm)
OmniScan SX \ MX2 Training – 1D Linear Array Probes – Frequency
Most ultrasonic flaw detection is performed with probe frequencies between 210MHz although manufacturing is available from 1-17MHz. As with conventional probes, frequency selection is a compromise between sensitivity and penetration. The probe frequency has a significant affect on the near field length and is directly related to the maximum focal distance of any probe. Lower frequency probes provide better penetration and are necessary on materials like SS304 and SS316. When the probe frequency is known, the filters and pulse width can be automatically set.
OmniScan SX \ MX2 Training – 1D Linear Array Probes – Internal Radius
An inner radius curvature in a 1D linear array combines mechanical beam focusing in the passive axis with phased array beam steering and focusing in the active axis. Internally focused probes are becoming more widely used, especially for pipeline and small diameter piping inspections. Passive axis
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training – 1D Linear Probes – Internal Radius cont.
The primary benefit of the internally focused array is to improve length sizing on the C-scan and B-scan. For girth weld inspection in the axial axis, the smaller the diameter of the pipe, the greater the distortion of reflected sound from the curved pipe inner surface resulting in the over sizing of defects on the C-scan and B-scan. (Length sizing) The Cobra, Pipe Wizard, in-line manufacturing, and other inspections systems use mechanically focused probes for improved results. C-scan length sizing with flat 1D probe.
C-scan length sizing with internal radius focused 1D probe.
OmniScan SX\MX2 – 1D Linear Probes – Olympus Probe Definition
The Olympus probe definition is below and can be found in the Olympus probe catalog.
OmniScan SX\MX2 – 1D Linear Probes – Olympus Probe Housings
Olympus probes are sold with common housings to minimize the amount of wedges and accessories. Below is pictured a standard 5L64-A2 probe that uses the same housing as the 2.25L64-A2. All A2 probes are compatible with A2 wedges and are listed in the OmniScan SX\MX2 database independently to account for different pitch and position.
OmniScan SX\MX2 – 1D Linear Probes – Olympus Probe Cable Options
Olympus phased array probes are not consumables and have a very low fail rate. Cable lengths come in standard 2.5 and 5 meters lengths and can be made to order. Common sources of failure due to misuse and abuse are the cable and cable connection to the housing. Care should be taken not to bend it excessively beyond 90 degrees or allow excessive weight on the cable. Due to the number of micro solder connections and coaxial cables, probe cables cannot easily be repaired. Cables for most probe models are available with optional armor shielding.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training – 1D Probes – Probe Management in OmniScan
The OmniScan MX2 has options for both single or multiple phased array probe inspections but only one standard 64 or 128 pin connector on the instrument. The OmniScan SX is limited to single probe, single group inspection only. For multi-probe phased array inspections a Y splitter or adapter is required to split the one connector into two separate connectors as pictured below. 128
65-128 1-64
TOFD = 127,128
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training – 1D Probes – Probe Management in OmniScan
In addition to multi-probe phased array inspection these accessories also support conventional UT inspections by using pulsers from the 64 or 128 element phased array connector or a dedicated lemo or BNC connector on the instrument. These are necessary for a variety of both dedicated and complimentary conventional UT applications including TOFD. This hardware is explained in detail in a later section and can be found in the Olympus industrial scanners catalog.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training – 1D Probes - Universal Probes
Universal probes such as A10, A11, A12, And A14 are designed for hand scanning or automated inspections for a wide range of applications including weld inspection and corrosion monitoring. Pitch and frequency make these probes ideal for thicknesses in carbon steel up to 100mm for new construction and in-service inspection. Specific scanner adapters for automated inspections and low profile wedges to reduce the need for diameter contouring and improve stability.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training – 1D Probes - Small Footprint Probes
Small footprint and access probes such as the A00, A0, A15 and NW1\2\3 are designed for confined areas and difficult access inspections. Small footprint wedges with low profile attachment points and optimized design for the elements to be as close to the wall of the housing as possible. Typical applications include aerospace inspections and composite inspections where near wall coverage is required.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training – 1D Probes - Deep Penetration Probes
Deep penetration probes such as the A3, A4, and A5 are designed for heavy wall inspections and coarse grain materials. Typical applications include the inspection of large plates, castings, and forgings where maximum penetration and power is needed. Large element pitch and elevation with low frequency options make the deep penetration probes ideal for stainless steel and course grain material inspection over long sound paths.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training – 1D Probes - Pipeline Weld Probes
Pipe Wizard probes such as the PWZ series are the workhorse of the Olympus pipeline phased array systems. Typical applications include high speed precision inspection using zone discrimination and amplitude techniques on pipeline girth welds. Suitable for manual and automated inspections. Specialized wedges used with the PWZ include carbide wear pins and irrigation channels. Internal radius focusing for improved length sizing of pipeline flaws. Short front cable exit available for scanner accommodation.
5L32-PWZ3 probe used for inspection of 8 inch X 20mm piping.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training - Small Diameter CCEV Piping Probes - Cobra
Probes for the Cobra scanner are optimized for the small piping diameter inspection. The Olympus CCEV probes have an internal radius of 35mm and are suitable for thickness range of approximately 4-25mm. Low profile element design when used with the Olympus Cobra scanner system need only 12mm pipe to pipe clearance. Available in a range of frequencies for carbon steel and austenitic material inspection.
5L16CCEV-A15 for inspection of 5mmX70mm SS304 piping.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training - Immersion Probes
Olympus immersion probes are designed to be used with a water wedge or in an immersion tank. Typical applications include thin plate or tubing inspection, composite inspection, inline thickness testing, and any immersion application. Acoustic impedance matching layer for water. Linear scanning allow coverage of 3090mm in one line scan. Corrosion resistant steel casing and waterproof up to 1meter under water.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training - 1D Linear Power Piping Crack Sizing Probes
Designed to be used with the OmniScan SX\MX2, Olympus offers 4 different housing types with compatible wedges for shear and longitudinal wave inspection of stainless and carbon steel power piping. 1.5 - 5 MHz Frequency and a range of pitch and apertures for manual crack detection and sizing. Small footprint wedges and ergonomic probe casings for hand scanning and access in small spaces and on small diameters for precision measurement.
SS304 2mm SDH depth of 38mm
SS304 2mm SDH depth of 6mm
SS304 ID notch - 68mm X 33 inch diameter.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training - Dual Matrix TRL Array Probes
Dual matrix array TRL probes perform a similar function as the conventional version. Two arrays in a pitch catch configuration provide maximum beam steering and focus, elimination of interference echo, and reduction of background noise. Typical applications include austenitic stainless steels, dissimilar metal welds, inconel welds, cladded components, coverage across the weld for one sided inspections, and the most difficult materials to penetrate. Squint and roof angle on the wedges that acoustically insulate the transmitter and receiver allow maximum signal to noise in course grained materials.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training - Dual Matrix TRL Array Probes cont.
Designed for longitudinal inspection with a steering range of 3080 degrees and capable of a beam skew of +/- 20 degrees from the center of the probe. Low frequency (1.5-2.25MHz) for maximum penetration of difficult materials such as spun cast stainless steels and inconel. Requires 32:64PR minimum pulser configuration. Available in custom aperture, configuration and frequency.
-15 Skew
0 Skew
+15 Skew
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training - 2D Matrix Array Probes
2D matrix arrays allow off axis beam skew up to 90 degrees. Replacement of mechanical skews for transverse defect detection. Inspection of austenitic materials, dissimilar metal welds, and deep penetration applications. Frequencies available from 1.5 -12MHz. Standard and custom element pitch and configuration available. Full line of standard compatible wedges available. Custom and contoured wedges available upon request.
High frequency (10 MHz) 2D array inspection of creep damage in HAZ of weld.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training - 2D Matrix Array Probes ID Notch detected at 0 degree beam skew
0 degree
ID Notch detected at 60 degree beam skew
60 degrees
ID Notch detected at 90 degree beam skew
90 degrees
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training - 1D Linear Curved Array Probes
Typical applications include inspection of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) corners for composite delamination. Acoustic impedance matching layer for water. Corrosive resistant stainless steel casings waterproof up to 1 meter. Full line of adjustable immersion wedges.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training - Olympus Probe Catalog
Presented in this training is only a sample of Olympus probe manufacturing capability. The complete Olympus probe catalog, probe specific information and application notes can found on the Olympus web site at
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training - Olympus Probe Specification Conformance
Olympus probes are delivered from the factory with a specification sheet that includes test parameters, test results, and acceptance criteria for the following parameters: – – – – – – –
Median waveform. Median waveform FFT. -6dB center frequency average. -6 dB percent bandwidth. Peak to peak sensitivity. -20 dB pulse width. -40 dB pulse width.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training - Probe Conformance – Median Waveform
The median waveform graph displays a typical median pulse-echo response from the test target from one element. Half of the return pulses from the probe elements will have a peak – peak voltage greater than or equal to the median element (35 below). The other half will have a smaller value. Return pulse duration is shown on the horizontal axis in microseconds and amplitude is shown on the vertical axis in voltage.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training - Probe Conformance – Median Waveform FFT
The median waveform FFT graph shows the calculated spectrum for the median waveform over a range of zero MHz to twice the probes frequency for 1 representative element that represents the median curve.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training - Probe Conformance -6 dB Center Freq Average
The -6 dB center frequency bar graph displays a calculated center frequency value for each of the probe’s elements spectrum (FFT) data at the -6 dB level. The average value of all the probe’s elements is displayed at the top of the graph.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training - Probe Conformance -6 dB % Bandwidth
The -6 dB bandwidth bar graph displays a calculated percent bandwidth value for each of the probe’s elements. This value is determined by using the length (In frequency) of an imaginary line intersecting a given element’s spectrum (FFT) data at the -6 dB level. The average value of all the probe’s elements is displayed at the top of the graph.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training - Probe Conformance – Peak to Peak Sensitivity
The peak to peak sensitivity bar graph displays a value for each of the probe’s elements representing the sensitivity of the probe. This value is calculated by using the magnitude of the excitation test pulse sent to each element and the peak to peak voltage measurement of that element’s pulse echo return from the test target. The reported value is -20 multiplied by the log of the ratio of these two magnitudes. The average value of all the probe’s elements is displayed at the top of the graph.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training - Probe Conformance – Pulse Width
The various pulse width bar graphs display values representing the axial resolution of the elements pulse echo returns at various levels such as -20 dB, -30 dB, and -40 dB. These values are calculated by measuring the return pulse's width in nanoseconds at the desired level. Axial resolution is an important measure of the ability to distinguish individual pulse returns from one another during normal probe operation. The average value of all the probe’s elements is displayed at the top of the graph.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training - 1D Linear Probes – Dead Elements
A dead element refers to a dead ultrasonic channel. The OmniScan MX2 uses modules that can have 32, 64, or 128 channels meaning they could support a probe with the same amount of elements. Cause of dead elements or channels is in the array housing, the probe side connector, the cable, the instrument side connector, or a pulser in the instrument. Water intrusion, excessive voltage, cable damage, etc can result in dead elements. Dead elements can have an adverse effect on beam formation. A procedure or the ability to calibrate or achieve satisfactory A-scan is what determines the limit. Elements and pulsers are checked by programming a single focal law or A-scan for each individual element in the probe and visualizing the S-scan. This allows both the elements of the probe, the cable, and the instrument pulsers to be verified.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training - Olympus Probe Warranty
Olympus guarantees probes for one year against material and manufacturing defects. The complete probe warranty is available on the probe specifications sheets and the Olympus probe catalog.
OmniScan Probe Manufacturing Facility – State College, PA
Olympus probe shop is a 7000 Sq Ft state of the art manufacturing facility located in State College, PA. With over 30 employees utilizing the latest piezocomposite technology the Olympus probe shop are world leaders in standard off the shelf probes and custom complex matrix arrays.
OmniScan Probe Manufacturing Facility – State College, PA cont.
Stream lined design and production engineering for reduced lead times and cost. Industry leading quality standards. Custom probe accommodation and engineering assistance for application development. Production super cells for lean manufacturing. Olympus global sales distribution network and support centers.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training – Probe Management in the Instrument
Olympus probes are delivered with a proprietary connector that contains a chip for auto detection of probe model and parameters in the OmniScan SX\MX2 software. Probes can also be manually selected from an editable database of all common Olympus probe models. For multi-probe inspection auto probe detect must be off and the probes selected manually from the database.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training – Probe Management in the Instrument
The probe sub menu in the OmniScan SX\MX2 software is available in two places: 1. The group set up wizard. 2. The group probe and part sub menu.
When probe auto detect is on the probe selection is disabled and all probe parameters are available based from the chip in the probe. With auto detect off the probe selection is enabled and the probe may be selected manually or created and saved in the OmniScan SX\MX2 software.
OmniScan SX\MX2 Training – Probe Management in the Instrument
Question: What are the essential parameters of 1D linear array probe that are required by the OmniScan SX\MX2 software? – – – – –
Probe model number. Element pitch. Element quantity. Reference point. Frequency.
Answer: All of the above.