ALT ALT-C 2006 Research Paper Format Template Authors:
Martin Lindner Research Studios Austria / eLearning Environments (Innsbruck)
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Use Your Tool, Your Mind Will Follow. Learning in Immersive Micromedia & Microknowledge Environments Abstract E-learning has been suffering from a special kind of Digital Divide. Web-based media are developing much faster than institutions, staff and learners can adapt. They are taking on a life of their own, calling for new roles and practices, and even new communities and personas. To understand the new Web, the traditional tool paradigm has to be complemented by a media paradigm. It has to be conceptualized not only as a technological and educational infrastructure, but as a complex and dynamic ecosystem based on microcontent: very small pieces, loosely joined, permanently rearranging to form volatile knowledge clouds, and making necessary new forms of microlearning. Introduction Most concepts of computer-supported learning are still based on a tool-paradigm. A digital device, application or technology is seen as a medium for delivering precast instructional content faster, cheaper, better managed managed and better targeted. Apparently this approach had not been working too well: In the last years it has been many times declared that “e-learning is dead” (e.g. Adkins 2003; Cross 2004; Leinonen 2004), both in corporate and academic contexts. Ironically, when the term “eLearning” had been coined in 1998, it initally had stood itself for an explicit counterdraft to the static, restricted and overly formalized “computer based training” that afterwards widely has just been transformed to “web-based training” plus “Learning Management Systems”(Cross 2004). “E-learning is dead! Long live e-learning!” Both Jay Cross and Leinonen give their hard verdicts the traditional dialectical twist. There really seems to be something like an inherent promise enclosed within digital networked media that inevitably is leading to visions of a different “learning in a digital age” (Siemens 2005). And though e-learning as we know it may not have been a success story, these visions have to be taken earnestly. The problem is how to translate them into practice. And it is not only visions. There is also a purely pragmatic necessity. Undeniably there is a “loss of education quality” the partisans of the pre-digital world are mourning about (Hirshheim 2005). But there simply is no way back. As we will all be even more immersed in the digital media environment, there just is no choice. People must learn, and as digital media have become ubiquitous, they must learn using digital media – or not learn at all (Neuhold/Lindner 2006). This paper argues that for an adequate conecept of future e-learning a radical radical change of perspective is needed. needed. It is not a matter of choosing, or discarding, discarding, digital digital networked technologies as tools, or as the plural of of medium – it is a matter matte r of recogniz rec ognizing ing them as media (as a mass noun), that is as an immersive and all-pervasive environment in the sense of Marshall McLuhan. Becoming media, tools and technologies are taking on a life of their own and transform not only the character of content and user’s roles, but even of social and cultural structures. One main aspect of this is fragmentation. Content, attention, communications, roles, even of (pre-digital) communities and identities … all seems to be falling into small digital fragments, loosely joined and permanently rearranging to form a multitude of new patterns, tasks and threads. We have to learn to live – and learn – in a micromedia cosmos. This paper will first have a look at the technological characteristics and properties of “microcontent” and “micromedia” – two terms only recently coined as a reaction to significant changes in the way digital content is produced, received, used and re-used over the Web. It
will be argued that from this some important conclusions can be drawn regarding the changing nature of processes of (micro-)knowledge acquisition and (micro-)learning. Special attention will be turned to the changing effects of micromedia on learner’s roles and attitudes – not only, and not in the first instance, relating to “geeks”, the “digital natives” or the “Net Generation”, but to the “digital immigrants” of all ages which seem to be still representing the mainstream mainstream of knowledge workers – and (at least in Austria) students too. to o. The next section will take a deeper view of some exemplary technologies and concepts representing the general trend towards microcontent-based communication and information, beyond the usual discussion of blogs, wikis and podcasting. Arguing from a perspective of “Computational Humanities”, the interesting theoretical applications of some new web-based applications and technologies will be outlined. The last section will turn back to the educational field to discuss emerging concepts of “elearning 2.0”, “nanolearning” and “microchunk learning” and to sketch out some consequences for future (micro-)knowledge acquisition and (micro-)learning. The paper concludes with a summary and a look at prospects for future developments.
1. “Micromedia” and “microcontent”: Some definitions 1.1 “Micromedia” Two independent definitions of “micromedia” have been given until now. Lev Manovich, a leading theorist in digital media studies, distinguishes two movements: one that is driven by broadband and multimedia technologies “toward ‘more’ – more resolution, better color, better visual fidelity, more bandwidth, more immersion”, and one that is on the contrary “characterized by low resolution, low fidelity, and slow speeds” (Manovich 2000). Manovich prophesized that what he called “minimalist media or micro-media” would “not only successfully compete with macro-media but may even overtake it in popularity”. In this perspective, micromedia is not just a poor, less satisfactory early stage of rich "macromedia", but a remarkably stable cultural form of its own right that has just been moving "from platform to platform", from earliest PCs to early game consoles, from the early Internet to web-enabled cell phones. The main advantage seems to be casualness. Micromedia can be easily integrated in complex multitasking media environments, while macromedia demand the full attention and involvement of the user. The more recent, quite influential definition is the recent technological trend of the so-called “Web 2.0” (see the Wikipedia-entry of the same title for a first orientation) and the parallel development toward a highly dynamic, open and fragmented digital “attention economy”. In this sense, “micromedia” are digital atomized media “that can be consumed in unbundled microchunks and aggregated and reconstructed in hyperefficient ways.” (Haque 2005) Both perspectives are compatible. While Manovich was first looking at technological constraints of micromedia devices to discover a (selbständig) segment of digital media culture, Haque is noticing the emerging new habits and practices of broadband users who are simultaneously using many applications, looking for informations of diefferent kinds and following multiple communication threads. And both are emphasizing the future key role of cell phones.
2. Microcontent In “micromedia” environments, content necessarily becomes “microcontent”. This complementary term has been coined in 2003 describe the same phenomenon from a pragmatic IT-perspective:
“Microcontent is information published in short form, with its length dictated by the constraint of a single main topic and by the physical and technical limitations of the software and devices that we use to view digital content today. We've discovered in the last few years that navigating the web in meme-sized chunks is the natural idiom of the Internet.” (Dash 2003) Anil Dash is a programmer and Vice President of a company whose innovative products (Movable Type, True Type) have been largely responsible for the weblog-boom between 2002 and 2005. But the importance of the “microcontent”-concept “microcontent”-concept goes far beyond blogs – they just were (and still are to some extent) something like the main laboratory of the newly emerging, microcontent-based media landscape of the “Web 2.0”. “Microcontent” is referring to basic, usually very small units of digital information that are not locked in “documents” or “web pages”, individually addressible via “permalinks” and therefore allowing use and re-use in much more loosley structured and volatile volatile (macro-)containers and (macro-)contexts (Lindner 2005, Leene 2005).
2. Mainstream micro-learners “There is a world of difference between the modern home environment of integrated electric [digital] information and the classroom [respectively the office].” The diagnosis stems from McLuhan (McLuhan/Fiore 2001), the founding father of media studies. His remarks about the impact of “electric media” on education and the turn to “everyday learning” are still well imaginable in one of the more recent publications on “digital minds”, the “Net Generation” or digital digital knowledge workers (e.g. Negroponte 1995, Tapscott 1997, Prensky 2001 and 2004, Alexander 2004, Oblinger/Oblinger 2005, Jones et. al. 2005, Levy 2004, Johnson-Eilola 2005). The authors agree in that one of the main main characteristics of those students and workers is the ever diminishing attention span. They are used to receiving information really fast. They like to multitask. They prefer graphics or text chunks that can be scanned at one glance and random, hypermedial access to information. They function best when networked. They want to be engaged, expect instant feedback and quickly loose interest when forced to remain passive. And the borders between private life and work, and games and ‘serious work’, get blurred. Basically, this is true, and most of it can be connected to the trend toward micromedia. But those patterns of a new digital life- and workstyle are in no way exclusive to geeks, hackers and “digital natives”. The virtuosos of “life hacking” and the “re-mix culture” are a minority within the “Net Generation”. In Austria at least, the majority still doesn’t know any HTML, is not very skilled at navigating and searching the Web and lacking the kind of digital literacy needed for blogging. The same goes obviously for the average Microsoft Office worker – he is still quite different from the type of advanced “symbolic-analytic worker” Johnson-Eilola (2005) describes as not merely using, but inhabiting information. The interesting thing is that most of the characteristics listed above can also be applied to the mainstream of students and digital workers, who are checking the e-mail-box more than one time per day, are searching with Google, heavily using cell phones for lots of short calls to keep in permanent permanent contact with their peers, or just pkeeping pkeeping more than one window open on the PC. The transition tra nsition to digital micromedia environments environments is fully fully under way. way. The so-called “information overload” is in fact the consequence of the confrontation of old media behavioral patterns and new media content, and in the case of t he “attention crisis” it is just just the other o ther way round. The difference between the mainstream and the avant-garde of media users (or media beings) is mostly that the latter are not just experiencing the general fragmentization of information and communication, but also develop positive strategies to cope with this: re-framing, reconstructing and re-using microcontent, integrating it into new kinds of patterns and threads.
But increasingly this has not just been left to individual media competencies. In the last years a new wave of new online applications and services to support this has emerged.
3. Micromedia Technologies To escape the hype-speak of the net-visionaries one has to look closely at the level where things really are happening. And this is not in the first place “the people”, as is often stated, but applications and interfaces: “Use your media tool, your mind will follow,” to bend a famous famous pop culture-quote. culture-quo te. Not No t only communit communities ies are to a wide extent “built by software”, as a renowned software developer has put it (Spolsky 2003), but identities, knowledge knowledge and learning experiences too. In the last years educational theory (like Humanities in general) has been staggering behind the dynamical changes of Web technologies and practices. The real innovations in Computational Humanities or Cultural Informatics have been made by small teams of programmers experimenting with technologies with wide theoretical implications: the blogosphere, wiki based collaborative texts, “folksonomies” and the like. These plain and simple online applications, interfaces and services not only “put the users in the center” but in fact transform them by small software implementation details that result in big differences in the way the community (the individual, the knowledge worker, the learner …) develops, behaves, and feels. The focus on microcontent is the common denominator. A closer look on the main groups of applications shows some fundamental characteristics of the new micromedia environments that have to be understood t o create c reate new kinds kinds of microlearning microlearning experiences. experiences. (a) “Point of Presence”: The basic interface interface metaphors of the Web Web are about to change. Up t o now we have still “pages” that are “read” and “sites” and “portals” that are “visited”. Webshops and marketplaces supplement this by a rudimentary personalized cockpit-type of interface, where users do not have to “go there and get it”, but feel like “being in control”. But the immersive “Web 2.0” interfaces take another radical step further: a point of presence, to borrow a term from network technology. Now users experience data really like a digital extension of mind: like being surrounded by a cloud of microcontent dynamically gathering and re-structuring in every moment. In the “Come to Me” Web (Vander Wal 2006) the desired information/communication/content is brought to the screen in an instant. And as the screen itself is changing from a window or a cockpit’s radar screen to a projection screen of the digital mind, this is obviously changing the role of future learners in a fundamental way. (b) “Digital Life Aggregators”: The new point-of-presence-interfaces are typically designed with much white space. They are blank, because the users are expected to “write themselves into existence”, as David Weinberger (2002b) has put it. And now it is not only writing anymore, but doing a collage of quotations, links and annotations. New software applications support these practices. They encourage users to aggregate and re-mix all all kinds kinds of microcontent, from texts to pictures and audio-clips. The general tendency of micromedia seems points to a fundamental shift in the external and internal representation of the self, from being controlled and stable (like in a homepage) to taking on a vague and dynamic shape (like in a weblog). (c) “Micro-conversations”: From the beginning, “social” applications like newsgroups and email have been the real “killer applications” of the Web. “The Web is a conversation”, as Weinberger (2002) has put it. “Social Software” was developed (see Allen 2004) that is supposed to extend people’s social abilities and needs into the virtual world. But even “Friend of a friend”(FOAF)-services like MySpace or LinkedIn LinkedIn that are building on this metaphor are only as “social” as the early “live webcams”, uploading one photo every fifteen minutes, were “live”. Social software is not an extension of real world relationships and entities. “Online
conversations” are made of digital texts with links, written and read by loners staring at a screen. Even if one is communicating with the own family via social software, it feels different and creates new and different roles and personas. From a micromedia point of view it is therefore more interesting to ask how exactly the asymmetric threads of loosely connected micro-statements micro-statements from different different sources do somehow get to form networked “conversations”. “conversations”. From that new ways of designing and re-framing microcontent into more complex patterns could be derieved. (d) “Ubiquitous Web”: A new ecosystem is created, as microcontent-based media rip the traditional containers – digital “documents”, “web pages” and databases – into pieces (Weinberger 2002a). In this respect “multitasking” is not a bad habit of online addicts, but a natural reaction to the multiple options of consuming, producing and re-using microcontent on the web. And it is not restricted to the networked PC: The “attention crisis” is a symptom of the multimedia lifestyle that is already realizing an “ubiquitous Web”, integrating the PC, the Web, audiovisual media and, increasingly, increasingly, mobile phones (Rheingold ( Rheingold 2003). Different Different media and platforms converge into one digital wireless environment accessible from different devices and platforms. Microlearning will have to adress this new environment. (e) “Background media”: From the micromedia perspective the web-enabled phones play a most interesting part in this. They are “background devices” devices” (Schick 2005) that seem to create a different layer of the mediasphere. While the user’s focus is elsewhere, they are always there, in a state of latency, until a call or an SMS is coming in and one can make the choice to bring it into the foreground . This is pointing to a new way of experiencing information, beyond the old push/pull-model, and relevant also to the Web. In a way the essence of microcontent and micromedia can be studied best when looking at mobile content: How does it have to be designed, connected and clustered to form a rich information or knowledge environment? At present there is little semantically rich mobile microcontent to speak of, mainly because of the “walled garden”-strategies of mobile service providers and the extreme diversity of mobile operating systems. In opposition to the situation in the Web, mobile e-learning here actually plays the role of a precursor. Projects and applications like Yiibu ( or Knowledge Pulse ( try to build on the new characteristics of mobile micromedia. (e) “Knowledge Clouds”: In a micromedia environment the character of information and knowledge itself is changing. Fixed macro-structures get replaced by loosely coupled, open and dynamic micro-structures that form different kinds of semantic patterns. It can be compared to the difference between a book, made up of complex, highly structured and specific argumentation threads, and publishing an unordered collection of short excerpts and notes lying around the author’s desk. The “texts” are being formed on the spot, here and now, while with every change of context and every re-use not only the fragment itself is getting semantically enriched, but the whole semiosphere is charged with new meaning. This basic cognitive and cultural mechanism can be modeled by new micromedia technologies to create “InfoClouds” (Vander Wal 2005). The resulting “metaweb” finally leads to a new form of externalized knowledge centered not in the mind of the knower, but “in the Web”. This is the common denominator of techno-cultural concepts like “The Wisdom of Crowds” and “folksonomies”. The resulting microknowledge is instant, connective and “messy knowledge” (Downes 2005b, Siemens 2004, Price 2005).
4. Microlearning concepts and strategies 4.1 Microlearning, Nanolearning, E-learning 2.0 Microlearning is a term used in the e-learning context for a learner’s short interaction with a learning matter broken down to very small bits of content. At present this term is not clearly
defined. Learning processes that have been called “microlearning” can cover a span from some seconds (e.g. in mobile learning) to 15 minutes (learning objects sent as e-mails). The notion of microlearning raises the question of adequate pedagogy and didactics. In a wider sense the term that can be used to describe the way more and more people are actually doing informal learning and gaining knowledge in Microcontent and Micromedia/Multitasking environments, increasingly based on Web 2.0 and Wireless Web Web technologies. te chnologies. Microlearning in that sense is closely related to the concept of “E-learning 2.0” as it has been brilliantly formulated by Downes (2005a), but as at term/buzzword has been much disputed. The rather small difference lies in a perspective that is focusing on microcontent as a definable elementary unit of the new micromedia ecosystem. It is not so much questioning supposed cognitive cognitive or social structures, but the semantic structures and the didactical concepts emerging emerging from the interplay of micro-technologies and the use of micromedia. “Microlearning content” is different from the old concept of “learning objects”. It is rather the ‘drops in the sea of information’ than the old and famous ‘Lego building block’ concept Hodgins (2001) had been simultaneously (and contradictory) been using. Microlearning is especially different from the old e-learning concepts of “Just-in-time learning” and “Learning on demand” that even the pioneers of e-learning (like Levy, Hodgins, Cross, Adkins) fused with the sharp-sighted anticipation of future media practices. And at least partly this is still the case in the recent attempt a ttempt of Masie (2005) to introduce “Nano Learning”. But Masie is probably right in insisting that this is a new “learning trend”, as the atomization of learning beyond the learning object (Menell 2005) seems to be a necessary consequence from the evolution of digital media environments.
4.2 Microlearning Spaces: “Die LMS Die!” The space for living, working and learning created by microcontent-based media makes it very difficu difficult lt to introduce the walled, static, macro-structured and control-orientated Learning Learning Management Systems (LMS) that both academic and corporate institutions still prefer. Even much more loosely structured and learner-centered architectures of Personal Learning Learning Environments (PLEs) that have recently been proposed are still trying to separate kind of separate “learnlands” from the “Wild Web” – be it on the desktop (the PLE project at Bolton University) or on the campus (Brown 2005). The ELGG platform is special in being a kind of blog-based social software PLE taylored for educational purposes that on one side is modeled after successful Web 2.0 applications and on the other side allows integration with structured Open Source LMSs. Notable Not able is also also the integration of an e-portofolio-feature e-por tofolio-feature that is not meant to measure measure student achieveme achievement nt but a pre-configured pre-configured space that should should do what blogs do out there in the Wild Web: Web: gradually gra dually building building up a digital body of knowledge. kno wledge. In the upcoming micromedia environment, in which all educational systems are embedded and will have to compete, there always will remain a structural tension. Basically LMS/PLE platforms may work if (a) used to sustain the community/connectivity of a very intensive, but short-term "real world"-course, or o r (b) if they are the virtual extension extension of very dedicated dedicated “communities of subject” (like it is the case with the ELGG community itself), or (c) if they are – in a corpora te context – a fully fully integrated integrated part of a wider workplace-related Intranet and therefore do not feel like a separated “learning space”. But the basic question prevails: To what degree a microlearni microlearning ng environme environment nt can, or should, should, be pre-structured pre-struc tured and kept separate, and at which point locking the microcontent in and blocking the micromedia-flow will lead to the dead and deserted deserte d ecosystem of the average Blackboard LMS. It has even been argued that any such artificially constructed environments are misguided from the start (the headline used by Blackall 2005 is “Die LMS Die! You Too, PLE!”).
The resulting very intense and important discussion is way to complex to summarize here (Blackall 2005, Cormier 2005, Wilson 2005). But Blackall’s position has been acknowledged by Downes as a logical consequence of the E-learning 2.0 approach, calling for “a more generic application that performed the same function”. In general educational platforms will always work only to the degree the free flow of microcontent in and out of the system is allowed.
5. Future prospects for microlearning Microlearning is not a special educational strategy in the first place, but something necessarily happening in converging micromedia environments. People are not swimming in data, like Hodgins (2001) suggested, but in microcontent. To the degree people are leaving their desktop to live and work on the Web they cannot help microlearning. That is why Google has sometimes been called the most effectice e-learning tool yet existing. This informal microlearning has to be taken as a precondition for all future designs of elearning experiences. Some of these will still be macro-structured, relying on courses and/or on Learning Object repositories of some kind. But in any case they will be only successful if they integrate into the “real digital world” of the Web as seamlessly as possible. This micromedia ecosystem can be thought of as falling into different layers, the basic one being being that of “wild “wild microcontent” (Lindner (Lindner 2005), as opposed to t o more structured layers layers like the attempts att empts being being made at creating cre ating intutive intutive standards for “structured content” or “microformats” (Rieger 2005, for discussion see Boyd 2005). What kind of role learning objects in the traditional sense can play in such an environment is intensely discussed (Downes 2005, Wilson 2005b). Microlearning will have to be casual, transcending the outdated push/pull paradigm. If one is swimming in microcontent setting the focus of attention is less a matter of pulling or getting something something pushed pushed at but of bringing bringing microcontent microcontent to t o the background to the foreground, or reverse. Microlearning will have to be more than sending multiple-choice drill to mobile phones on the one side or just dissolving learning as a whole in a vague concept of “informal learning is everywhere”. To find appropriate designs for interfaces and flows, spaces and paths, patterns patte rns of re-framing and reconstruction for future microlearni microlearning ng experiences experiences a lot of analytical and experimental work will have to be done. And finally microlearning will have to be based on a new, deeper understanding of microknowledge that has to start from the findings of Weinberger (2002), Siemens (2004) and Downes (2005b) about the connective nature of digital knowledge and then further progressing to the “clouds of knowing” (Edwards 2005). Microknowledge and Microlearning rely on fast circulation and a permanent process of semantical enrichment: “It's not content, or o r even context, but process pr ocess that gets us where we are ar e going. ... Smallness Smallness is increasingly important in all data flows, and learning is simply another kind of dataflow. … Knowledge vapor is simply learning liberated, in its smallest possible components.” (Parkin 2005)
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