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Organic - Fundamentals Of Organic Agriculture

Organic - Fundamentals of Organic Agriculture Plant growing Vegetables grow




A FUNDAMENTALS OF Organic Agriculture PM 1880 May 2003 Products labeled as “organic” meet strict legal requirements, including certification by a third party. What Is Organic Agriculture? According to the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), organic agriculture is “an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain, or enhance ecological harmony. The primary goal of organic agriculture is to optimize the health and productivity of  interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals, and people.” (NOSB, 2003) Though the term “organic” is defined by law (see “Legal” section on pages 3 and 4), the terms “natural” and “eco-friendly” are not. Labels that contain those terms may imply some organic methods were used in the production of the foodstuff but do not guarantee complete adherence to organic practices as defined by a law. Some products marketed as “natural” may have been produced with synthetic or manufactured products (those not considered to be “organic”), such as “natural beef.” While eco-labels are encouraged for producers interested in lowering synthetic inputs and farming with ecological principles in mind (biodiversity, soil quality, biological pest control), eco-labels are not regulated as strictly as USDA organic labels. The primary goal of organic agriculture is to optimize the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals, and people. 2 PAGE O In 2001, there were 2.3 million acres in organic production in the United States. FUNDAMENTALS OF Organic Agriculture T History Organic agriculture is the oldest form of  agriculture on earth. Farming without the use of petroleum-based chemicals (fertilizers and pesticides) was the sole option for farmers until after World War II. The war brought with it technologies that were useful to agricultural produc- tion. For example, ammonium nitrate used for munitions during World War II evolved into ammonium nitrate fertilizer; organophosphate nerve gas production led to the development of powerful insecticides. These tech- nical advances since World War II have resulted in significant economic benefits as well as environ- mental and social detriments. Organic agriculture seeks to use those advances that consistently yield benefits, such as new varieties of crops, precision agriculture technologies, and more efficient machinery, while discarding those methods that have led to negative impacts on society and the environment, such as pesticide pollution and insect pest resistance. Organic farming is considered a systems approach, where interactions between components (crops, animals, insects, soil) are as important as the whole farm itself. Instead of using synthetic fertilizers, organic farmers use crop rotations, cover crops, and com- post to maintain or enhance soil fertility. Also, instead of using synthetic pesticides, organic farmers employ biological, cultural, and physical methods to limit pest expansion and increase populations of beneficial insects. Genetically- modified organisms (GMOs), such as herbicide- resistant seeds and plants, as well as product ingredients, such as GM-lecithin, are disallowed in organic agriculture because they constitute synthetic inputs and pose unknown risks (see GMO discussion opposite). U.S. Statistics The USDA reported on organic produc- tion statistics in the United States (USDA-ERS, 2002). This census, conduct- ed in 2002, identified U.S. farmers who reported 2.5 million acres of land dedicated to organic production. This figure probably under-represents current production because many organic farm- ers produce their products organically, but sell less than $15,000 per year and are exempt from inspection (see “Organic Certification”), or do not label their product as organic and, in general, are direct marketing to a local customer. In 1999, Iowa farmers reported 150,000 acres of organic cropland to the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) survey. This increase in organic acreage in Iowa represents a doubling from the previous year and a sixfold increase since 1996. The U.S. organic industry continues to grow at a rate of 20 percent annually. Industry estimates placed it at $10 billion in 2001. The organic industry is a consumer-driven market. According to industry surveys, the largest purchasers of organic products are young people and college-educated consumers. Today we are faced with the unique opportunity to take advantage of a growing market demand and use the technologies developed over the past 50 years. More and more farmers are interested in the profitability and environmental benefits that organic systems yield. . . . the largest purchasers of organic products are young people and college-educated consumers.    W    A    S    H    I    N    G    T    O    N    S    T    A    T    E    U    N    I    V    E    R    S    I    T    Y 3 PAGE Organic produce has become a more visible menu item at restaurants around the world. W T W through conservation of food and nesting sites. Others import their fertility and pest management inputs. The philosophy of “input substitution” is discredited by many longtime advocates of organic agriculture. A truly sustainable method of organic farming would seek to eliminate, as much as possi- ble, reliance on external inputs. Organic Certification— Legalities and Logistics When Congress passed the Organic Food Production Act (OFPA) in 1990, it was heralded by many as the first U.S. law to regulate a system of  farming. This law can be accessed at the Web site OFPA requires that anyone selling products as “organic” must follow a set of prescribed practices that includes avoiding synthetic chemicals in crop and livestock production and in the manufacturing of processed products. Organic certification agencies were established in the United States to provide the required third-party certification. Some states, including Iowa, followed suit and established their own organic laws. In 1990 Iowa passed Chapter 190, World Statistics Worldwide consumption of organic products has experienced tremendous growth, often surpassing the U.S. figures of 20 percent annual gain. Much of  the increase in worldwide consumption has been fueled by consumers’ demand for GMO-free products. Because GMOs are disallowed in organic production and processing, organic products auto- matically are designated as GMO-free at the marketplace. European consumers have led the demand for organic products, particularly in coun- tries such as the Netherlands, Italy, and Austria. Two percent of all German farmland, four percent of  Italian farmland, and 10 percent of Austrian farm- land is managed organically. Prince Charles of  England has developed a model organic farm and has established a system of government support for farmers making the transition to organic produc- tion. Major supermarket chains and restaurants in Europe and the United States offer a wide variety of  organic products in their aisles and on their menus. Philosophy The motivations for organ- ic production include concerns about the econo- my, the environment, and food safety. Although all organic farmers avoid synthetic chemicals in their operations, they dif- fer in how they achieve the ideal system. Organic farmers span the spec- trum: some completely eschew external inputs and create on-farm sources of compost for fertiliza- tion and encourage the activity of beneficial insects The motivations for organic production include concerns about the economy, the environment, and food safety. 4 PAGE FUNDAMENTALS OF Organic Agriculture adopting the definition of  organic as prescribed in OFPA and establishing penalties for producers falsely identifying their products as organic. Iowa allows private certification agencies to operate in addition to its own certifi- cation program. This system is in contrast to that of California, for example, which relies on a private certifier, California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF), and that of Washington, which requires all farmers to be certified through the state. Inspection fees average $250 per year per farm to support the independent inspection structure. Additional fees are based on sales or individual acreage, depending upon the agency. After seven years of revisions, proposed rules implementing the federal OFPA law were promul- gated in 1997. However, these rules were revised and released in 2001. Federal rules require that all farmers who gross more than $5,000 per year from organic sales be certified through an agency accredited with the USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP). The small farmer exemption allows small-scale producers to receive the benefits of  premium prices (provided produce is raised organi- cally) while avoiding certification fees. This allowance may change in the future, however, and all farmers are encouraged to join a certifying association and a network of organic farmers. Certification Agencies Practicing in Iowa Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA)  Lincoln, Nebraska 402-477-2323 OCIA Chapter One–Central/Western Iowa 712-367-2442 OCIA Chapter Two–Northeast Iowa 507-583-4581 . . . all farmers are encouraged to join a certifying association and a network of organic farmers. I OCIA Chapter Three–Southeast Iowa 319-592-3266 OCIA Chapter Four–Northeast Iowa 641-435-2156 Farm Verified Organic, North Dakota 701-486-3578 Quality Assurance International (QAI)  San Diego 858-792-3531 California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF)  831-423-2263 Oregon Tilth  503-378-0690 Organic Labels In October 2002, the USDA began enforcing a set of  national standards that food labeled “organic” must meet, whether it is grown in the United States or imported from other countries. The use of the seal is voluntary, so some organic food products may not carry the new label, but all organic products will carry notification of third-party certification. Under the new standards, before a food can be labeled as organic, a government-approved certifier must inspect the farm where it is grown to ensure that it was raised according to USDA organic standards. In addition, companies that handle or process food labeled organic must be certified. The standards permit four different types of  organic labeling. Foods labeled “100 percent Organic” must contain 100 percent organically produced ingredients. Products labeled “Organic” must contain at least 95 percent organic ingredi- ents. Packages that state, “Made with Organic Ingre- dients” must contain at least 70 percent organic ingredients. Packages that claim their products have some organic ingredients may contain more than 30 percent of conventionally produced agricultural ingredients and/or other substances. 5 PAGE Added water and salt are not counted as organic ingredients. The use of the USDA Organic Seal can only be used on the 95% and 100% organic products. For more detailed information about the USDA organic labeling requirements or information on how to become certified organic, visit the following Web sites: State of Iowa Organic Certification Program IDALS began offering a state certification program in March 2000. Farmers may elect to use the state program in place of or in conjunction with a private certification agency. The state program will use similar rules and fee structures as private certification agencies operating in Iowa. For more information, contact Maury Wills, IDALS Organic Program, by telephone at 515-281-5783. Iowa State University Organic Agriculture Program Iowa State University operates the Organic Agriculture Program (OAP) to provide research information and extension presentations for Iowans. OAP holds field days, workshops, and an Iowa Communications Network (ICN) series on The new USDA organic label appears on all certified products in the U.S. organics every other year. For more information, contact Kathleen Delate, assistant professor in the departments of horti- culture and agronomy, 106 Horticulture Hall, Ames, Iowa 50011, by telephone at 515-294-7069, by FAX at 515-294-0730, or by e-mail at [email protected]. Required Certification Practices for Crops To sell a product as “organic” the crop must have been raised on land that no synthetic chemical (including fertilizers, her- bicides, insecticides, or fungicides) inputs were applied for three years prior to its harvest. In addition, no GMO crops (e.g., Roundup-Ready ® soybeans and Bt-corn ® ) are allowed in organic production. Split operations, which means conventional and organic fields are located on the same farm, are allowed by Iowa law, but they require special care. For example, a border of 25 feet is recommended between organic and conventional fields in mixed operations (see “Organic Soybean Production” section on page 10). Only naturally occurring materials are allowed in production and processing operations, and all treatments must be noted in farm records. A crop rotation plan must be in place to protect against pest problems and to maintain soil health. Row crops should be raised for no more than four out of five years, and the same row crop cannot be grown in consecutive years on the same land. Legumes (e.g., alfalfa, red clover, berseem clover, and hairy vetch) alone, or in combination with small grains (e.g., wheat, oats, and barley), should be rotated with row crops (corn, soybeans, amaranth, To sell a product as “organic” the crop must have been raised on land that no synthetic chemical (including fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, or fungicides) inputs were applied for three years prior to harvest. FUNDAMENTALS OF Organic Agriculture and vegetables) to ensure a healthy system (see “Soil Health” section, page 9). A typical six-year rotation in Iowa is corn (with a cover of winter rye)- soybeans-oats (with an underseeding of  alfalfa)-alfalfa-corn-soybeans. Horticul- tural crops should be rotated with a leguminous cover crop at least once every five years to enhance soil quality. Organic production specifically prohibits certain practices, such as the use of biosolids, or sewage sludge, due to concerns about bacterial and heavy metal contamination. Irradiated products also are prohibited because irradiated elements do not occur in nature. Examples of products used in organic crop production are described in the “Examples from the Field” on page 10. Required Certification Practices for Livestock Purchasing (or raising your own) parasite-free, organically-raised stock and providing access to ample pasture, water, and nutritional feed should allow for healthy organic livestock production. Livestock must receive 100 percent organic feed. Synthetic hormones and antibiotics are not permit- ted; however, the natural bacteria present in vaccinations is permissible. Synthetic parasiticides are not allowed; instead, organic farmers rely on natural parasiticides, such as diatomaceous earth (DE). Livestock must have access to pasture in order to be certified organic. Alternative health therapies, such as botanical remedies and muscle manipulation, are used by some organic livestock produc- ers. Organic cows must be raised as organic (following prior specifications) in the final trimester in order to sell calves as “organic.” Supplements (vitamins, minerals) must be approved by your certification agency and must not be listed as Prohibited Substances of  the National List ( nop/NationalList/ListHome.html). First Steps to Certification The first step in becoming certified for organic production is contacting a certification agency. By joining a local organic certification association, organic farmers may participate in various meetings, field days, and visits to organic farms. Certain sections of land can be converted (such as CRP) immediately into certified organic status if no syn- thetic chemicals (including Round-Up ® and fertilizers) have been applied for the previous three years. During the three-year transition to certified organic production, records should be kept on all substances applied to the land. An inspector will visit the farm in the third year (or the year the farmer anticipates selling his or her crop as organic) and review all records, crops, storage bins, and equipment used on the farm to assure compliance Organic crops are required to be grown in rotations, as demonstrated by the corn-soybean-oat-alfalfa rotation, shown at the I.S.U. Neely-Kinyon Farm. Organic livestock must be fed 100 percent organic feed and hay. The first step in making the transition to certified organic production is contacting a certification agency. 6 PAGE    K  .    D    E    L    A    T    E    K  .    D    E    L    A    T    E 7 PAGE Premium Prices According to the Organic Alliance (www.organical-, organic premiums range from 20 percent to 400 percent above conventional prices, depending on the season and availability of the product. As an example, premium prices for organic carrots have ranged from 27 percent in the summer growing season to 200 percent in the winter months. Most consumers relate their willingness to pay premium prices for food raised without synthetic chemicals to their concerns about food safety and the environment. Subsidies Although many European countries financially support their farmers’ organic production practices, the United States has made small gains in this area. In Iowa, the Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) offers organic farmers $50/acre during their transition to organic farming through the Environmental Quality Indicators Program (EQIP). and through the new organic cost-share programs with the 2002 Farm Bill. Check with local NRCS or FSA offices regarding deadlines and required documents. Other conservation practices used on organic farms (e.g., riparian buffer strips, filter strips, and crop rotations)also may qualify for cost sharing. A Farmers markets offer opportunities for small- and large- scale operations.    J  .    D    E    W    I    T    T with organic standards. The farmer will be issued a certificate upon completion of inspection and approval by the certification board. Certification fees are based on an inspection fee (average cost is $250/year) and anticipated acreage/livestock costs (average total fees are $3/acre). Marketing Although the organic industry began as a niche market, steady growth has led to its place as a seg- ment market since 1997. Theorganic dairy industry expanded by 73 percent from 1996 to 1997 and con- tinues to grow. Organic markets can be divided into indirect and direct markets. Indirect or whole- sale markets include coop- eratives, wholesale produce operations, brokers, and local milling operations for organic grains (see companies listed on page 14). Many supermarket chains buy directly from farmers (organic certifi- cates are required) or from wholesalers of organic products. Because meat now can be labeled as organic, the marketing of organic beef, pork, chicken, and lamb has been simplified significantly. Roadside stands, farmers markets, and commu- nity supported agriculture farms (CSAs) constitute the direct marketing end of the organic industry. There are approximately 1,000 CSAs across the United States. In CSAs, clients support a farm’s production by purchasing a share, which can range from $200 to $400/season. For each share, clients receive an average of 15 pounds of produce per week. For more information on CSAs, see the Iowa State University Extension publication on Iowa CSA Farms (PM 1693). Although the organic industry began as a niche market, steady growth has led to its place as a segment market since 1997. 8 PAGE FUNDAMENTALS OF Organic Agriculture The basis for all organic farming systems is the health of the soil. O Soil Health: The Basis for Organic Farming Organic farmers strive to maintain adequate fertility as well as biologically active soil with the microbial populations required for nutrient cycling. Crop rotation provides nutrients such as nitrogen from legume crops and carbonaceous biomass upon which beneficial soil microorganisms depend for survival. Naturally mined lime products, manure, and composted manure are the most common forms of soil amendments for organic operations. Iowa rules specify the number of months prior to harvest that manure should be applied to allow adequate decomposition and to avoid bacterial contamination of produce. Manure cannot be applied for a minimum of four months prior to the harvest of  horticultural crops and for three months prior to agronomic crop harvest. Raw manure cannot be applied to frozen or snow-covered ground. Composting, the pre- ferred method of stabilizing manure, is a controlled process in which nitrogen- containing materials are mixed with a carbon-con- taining source to produce a substance preferably in a carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C:N) of 30 to 1. Compost temperatures must reach 131–170°F for 15 days, and be turned a minimum of 5 times to aerate the pile. Additional information on composting practices is listed in the references. Though many soil amendments are available for organic farming, these materials must be natu- rally based. In addition to manure-based fertilizers, manyorganic farmers rely on fish emulsion and seaweed preparations to supply nitrogen and other Organic farmers strive to maintain adequate fertility as well as biologically active soil with the microbial populations required for nutrient cycling. 9 PAGE In trials at Iowa State University, organic peppers fertilized with compost produced equivalent yields compared with non-fertilized plants. Green lacewings are prominent predators on organic farms in Iowa. T commercial preparations of natural insect patho- gens, such as Bacillus  thuringiensis (Bt), which are used to manage pestiferous larvae such as corn borers. Botanical insecticides, such as neem and ryania, also are allowed in organic production, but as with all insecticides, they should be used only as a last resort. Although these materials are naturally based, some materials may affect natural enemies. Prevention is a cornerstone of organic farming. Only pest-free seeds and transplants should be brought onto organic farms. Physical and cultural methods are used to prevent pest infestations. Physical methods include the use of row covers for protection against insects, such as cabbage butterflies and aphids. Cultural methods include sanitation (destroying all infested plant material at season’s end) and resistant varieties. The varieties used in organic farming have been bred traditionally (i.e., no manipulated gene insertion or engineering involved) for insect, disease, and nematode resistance or tolerance. The basis of insect, disease, and nematode management in organic farming systems is the reliance on the inherent equilibrium in nature. elements. When phosphorus and potassium limit crop production, rock phosphate and naturally mined potassium chloride are allowed. It is imperative that organic farmers check with their certification agencies before applying any materials. Certification may be revoked for up to three years if a material contaminated with prohibited materials is applied. Pest Management: Working with Nature The basis of insect, disease, and nematode man- agement in organic farming systems is the reliance on the inherent equilibrium in nature. Most insect pests have natural enemies to keep their popula- tions in check. Natural enemies include insect predators (insects that consume part or all of pest insects), parasites (insects that use other insects to produce their offspring, thereby killing the pest insect in the process), and pathogens (diseases that kill or decrease the growth rate of insect pests). Predatory insects on organic farms include lady beetles, lacewings, and spiders. Parasitic insects include wasps and flies that lay their eggs in/on pest insects, such as larvae or caterpillars. Beneficial insects exist naturally on farms, or they can be purchased from commercial insectaries and released seasonally. Also available are    K  .    D    E    L    A    T    E    K  .    H    A    G    E    N 10 PAGE FUNDAMENTALS OF Organic Agriculture Propane flame burners can be used on organic farms to control weeds between and within rows. M Weed Management: Multiple Tactics Work Best Most organic farmers rely on multiple tactics for their weed management. Allelo- pathic crops, cultivation, mulching, and flame burn- ing are methods available to organic farmers. Depend- ing on the crop, cultivation offers the least labor- intensive method of weed management. Timely cul- tivation is key; weeds will proliferate without specific schedules. Propane flame burning is generally used in conjunction with Most organic farmers rely on multiple tactics for their weed management. Allelopathic crops, cultivation, mulching, and flame burning are methods available to organic farmers. Organic strawberries are commonly mulched with straw to prevent weeds and disease, aid in moisture retention and keep fruits free of soil particles. O cultivation, particularly during times of high field moisture. Mulching with straw or wood chips is a common practice in many horticultural operations. Mulch from organic farms is preferred to avoid any possibility of pesticide residues from conventional materials. If organic sources are not available, turning the mulch pile for several weeks prior to application is recommended (follow composting practices). Allelopathic crops, such as rye and oats, exude a chemical that mitigates against weed establishment and seedling vigor and are recommended between corn and soybean crops. Examples from the Field: Organic Soybean Production Preplanting and Seed Selection Organic soybeans were grown on approximately 60,000 acres in Iowa in 1998. Though the market remains strong for organic soybeans, determining your market should occur before any acreage is planned. Buyers will help determine the varieties their organic farmers should grow based on their needs. A list of some of the buyers operating in Iowa is included on page 14. All organic soybean varieties are bred for the food-based tofu or natto market (e.g., specific seed size and protein requirements). The ideal crop preceding soybeans is winter rye, an allelopathic crop, to help prevent weed establishment. In the spring, rye that is less than 8 inches in height can be killed with a field cultivator. If plants are taller, rye should be mowed or cut with a stalk chopper before cultivating or disking to kill the rye. A second cultivation may be necessary if  there are any remaining rye plants. Fall soil sampling will help determine if soil is adequate for soybean production. Adjustments to a    K  .    D    E    L    A    T    E    J  .    D    E    W    I    T    T 11 PAGE proper soil pH of 6.5 to 7.0 can be made through applications of lime in the fall or spring (usually Iowa soils do not require dolomitic lime). Phosphorus may also be required and can be supplied through composted manure or rock powders. Seeds are planted when the soil is adequately warmed for this tropical crop (usually around May 15), 1 inch deep, in a planting population ranging from 175,000 to 225,000 seeds/acre (depending on the variety). Seeds normally are planted in 30 or 36 inch rows, depending on planting/cultivating equipment specifications. Seeds planted in narrower rows have been attempted, but currently, the most economical method of weed management requires cultivators, which usually cannot fit narrow rows. Many organic farmers plant a cover crop of winter rye on ridges prior to their soybean crop to assist in erosion and weed prevention. Row cultivators are used two to three times to control weeds between rows. Rotary hoes or harrows are the first tillage operation used on organic farms. Pest Management Weed management is key to a successful organic crop. Three to five days after planting, fields are rotary-hoed at a slow speed (5 mph) to kill weeds in their initial germination or white-thread stage. A harrow also can be used at this stage. One week later, after soybeans have emerged, fields are hoed again at a faster speed (7–9 mph). Two- to three-row cultivations are a normal practice. The first cultiva- tion is at a slow speed, as soon as rotary-hoeing ends. The second cultivation is at mid-season at a faster speed to throw about one inch of soil around the base of plants. The third cultivation is at a slow speed (5 mph). Various attachments and plant protection devices can be added to cultivators (see the reference Steel in the Field, produced by the USDA Sustainable Agriculture and Research Education [SARE] Sustainable Agriculture Network, available from Iowa State University). Insects generally do not cause yield loss in organic soybeans. Occasional browsing by grass- hoppers, leafhoppers, and bean leaf beetles rarely Weed management is key to a successful organic crop.    K  .    D    E    L    A    T    E    K  .    D    E    L    A    T    E    K  .    D    E    L    A    T    E FUNDAMENTALS OF Organic Agriculture 12 PAGE surpasses economic threshold levels. An issue of growing importance, how- ever, is the relationship between the bean leaf beetle and a host of soybean seed diseases. Because the majority of organic soybeans are destined for the edible tofu market, a white seed color is required. Soybeans will enter the organic feed market at a reduced price if there is purple, brown, or tan staining from Cercospora, Fusarium, soybean mosaic virus, or bean pod mottle virus, transmitted by the bean leaf beetle. Although certain varieties appear to resist staining, high rainfall during pod set may create ideal conditions for the spread of the disease in any variety. Soybean cyst nematode has not been found to be a problem on organic farms. Several factors, including crop rotations and chemical exu- dates from crop residues and manure applications, may mitigate against nematode survival. Soil sam- pling two weeks prior to harvest is recommended to determine any possible nematode introductions. Non-GMO SCN-resistant varieties can be used if  infestations are detected. Harvesting and Storage Harvesting and storage of organic soybeans repre- sent the final key areas of concern in garnering premium prices. The contract will dictate the desired seed size, moisture content, and cleanliness of the soybean harvest. Certain weed seeds, such as nightshade, can stain soybeans and must be weeded from fields prior to harvest. In general, organic farmers plan for one hour of hand-weeding, or walking, for every acre of soybeans. It is imperative that separate combines are used for organic and conventional fields or combines undergo a thorough cleaning (a minimum of two hours) between conventional and organic fields. Iowa State University has a video describing the combine clean-out procedures (Combine Clean-Out Procedures for Identity-Preserved Grains, EDC-255). Harvesting and storing organic soybeans are important steps in collecting a premium price.    U    S    D    A    N    A    T    U    R    A    L    R    E    S    O    U    R    C    E    S    C    O    N    S    E    R    V    A    T    I    O    N    S    E    R    V    I    C    E If any GMO seeds are found in organic lots, the entire field can be rejected for organic certification. Certain specifications in combine settings must be followed in order to prevent any soil from contaminating the edible beans. Smooth plates, dual rotating screens, and slower speeds are used to avoid splitting seeds and lowering seed quality. Seed moisture also is a concern; seeds should be harvested at full size from 16–13 percent moisture to avoid cracking or shriveling in the case of immaturity. Because soybeans may not be sent to market for periods ranging from one week to six months (depending on the buyer’s scheduling), storage facilities are necessary. Again, separate storage facilities for conventional and organic crops are required. Proper seed moisture content should prevent the need for additional drying, but fans and drying facilities should be used to adjust for seasonal differences. Diatomaceous earth (DE) can be mixed in storage bins to prevent insect contami- nation. This substance is nontoxic to humans but damages the exoskeleton of insects and causes death. Moldy or “buggy” soybeans will be rejected. Many buyers require a sample of soybeans prior to accepting a load. Soybeans will be screened If any GMO seeds are found in organic lots, the entire field can be rejected for organic certification. 13 PAGE Table 1 Comparison of Organic and Conventional Clear-Hilum Soybean Economic Analysis, Greenfield, 1998 Production CostsOrganicConventional (actual cost per acre) Moldboard plowing$8.10$8.10 Disking4.004.00 Field cultivation (preplant)4.004.00 Fertilization00 Planting9.009.00 Seed31.6022.00 Herbicide010.38 Sprayer02.50 Rotary hoeing (2x)4.004.00 Row cultivating (2x)7.007.00 Hand-weeding14.0014.00 Combining21.0021.00 Hauling grain to market03.00 (FOB per contract) Total cost per acre$102.70$108.98 Returns$850.00$312.00 50 bu/A x $17.00/bu48 bu/A x $6.50/bu Profit per acre$747.30$203.02 Excluding price of landExcluding price of land Organic profit368% Table 2 Estimated Economic Analysis, Adjusting for On-Farm Costs in 1999 Production Costs OrganicConventional (per acre) Land$100$100 Certification fees$150 1999 Total costs per acre$217.70$208.98 1999 Returns$700$300 $14/bu x 50 bu/A$6/bu x 50 bu/A 1999 Profit/acre$482.30$91.02 based on size and will be tested for GMO contami- nation. Most buyers allow a certain percentage of  “clean-out” (generally less than 15 percent). Screened beans (small sized or split seeds) can enter the organic livestock feed market. Stained beans either can enter the organic livestock market or be blended into other clean streams (if less than 3 percent are stained). The staining does not affect the nutrition of the tofu or natto, but it can affect the texture and color. Economics Cost-of-production studies for organic and conven- tional tofu soybeans are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Costs for 1998 represent actual costs incurred at the Iowa State University Neely-Kinyon Farm. FUNDAMENTALS OF Organic Agriculture 14 PAGE Profiseed International, Inc. Hampton, IA 641-456-5955 Clarkson Grain Beardstown, IL 217-323-2350, 800-252-1638 Dunn International  Waterloo, IA 319-233-5504 Pattison Brothers  Fayette, IA 800-632-5952 Stonebridge Limited  Cedar Falls, IA 319-27 Sunrich  Hope, MN 800-342-6976 Microsoy Corporation Jefferson, IA 515-386-2100 Natural Products  Grinnell, IA 641-236-0852 Organic Valley/CROPP  (Coulee Region Organic Produce Pool) LaFarge, WI 608-625-2602 Iowa State found that pro- jected costs of production for similar operations were comparable in 1998. Selling price for organic crops represented 1998 prices (free on board [F.O.B.] or pick-up on the farm). Prices also reflect the obtainable price for certified organic crops or crops grown on land without synthetic chemicals for three years prior to harvest. Transition soybeans were sold for $10 per bushel in 1998, but because of the availability of organic soybeans in 1999, there were limited markets for transitional soybeans. Selling price for organic soybeans in 1999 averaged $14 per bushel. Averaging across all crops in a typical rotation for certified organic systems, Iowa State University research demonstrated a return of $300/acre. Soybeans currently are the most lucrative crop in the system, but new markets for non-GMO crops and alternative crops, such as organic dry beans, hay/silage/grain for organic dairies and equestrian centers, and medicinal/ culinary herbs, continue to grow. Buyers of Organic Grains, Produce, and Livestock Heartland Organic Marketing Cooperative  Stuart, IA 515-523-1888 Pacific Soybean and Grain San Francisco, CA 415-433-0867 Soybeans currently are the most lucrative crop in the system, but new markets for non-GMO crops and alternative crops, such as organic dry beans, hay/silage/grain for organic dairies and equestrian centers, and medicinal/culinary herbs, continue to grow. 15 PAGE O Examples from the Field: Organic Apple Production Organic apple production represents one of the most intensively managed organic systems. Because scab is the most destructive disease of  apples in Iowa, it is imperative that growers select disease-resistant varieties suitable for this state. Iowa State University has tested the following varieties and found them to be suitable: Jonafree, Redfree, Liberty, Freedom, Dayton, William’s Pride, Gold Rush, Enterprise, Priscilla, and Nova Easygro. Trees should be purchased from a reputable nursery and should be free of diseases and insects. Graft marks should be well above where trees will be placed (even with the soil surface). Trees should be planted in the spring after threat of frost has passed. Today, most growers are planting on dwarf  or semi-dwarfing root stocks. Trees can be trellised or planted in normal rows. Apple blossom thinning to increase size of harvested fruits is normally conducted by hand, but natural sprays are being used in large, commercial orchards in other parts of  the country. Pest management in apple orchards includes control of the plum curculio, apple maggot, codling Unblemished organic apples can be grown when growers employ rigorous pest management practices. moth, and leaf-eating larvae (caterpillars). Codling moth management includes pheromone traps or ties placed on branches, which emit a chemical that dis- rupts the mating ability of  the codling moth and leads to lower insect popula- tions. The plum curculio beetle can be controlled through physical means: teams of workers displace beetles by tapping trees with baseball bats or sticks wrapped in cotton cloth. Beetles drop from trees onto squares of white sheets placed under trees to be collected and burned or buried. Apple maggot flies are managed through the use of Stickem ® -coated plastic red balls resembling apples. Adult flies cue in on the shape of  the ball and attempt to oviposit eggs. Kaolin clay sprays, have proven successful in mitigating egg laying from the codling moth and plum curculio. This clay-based spray has been reported to lower plant pathogens affecting apple leaves, but our research has shown only insect control due to low disease pressure in our trials (Friedrich et al., 2003). Weeds are managed in tree middles by mowing ground covers, usually a mix of grass and legumes. Specialized mowers are available with articulated hydraulic arms to mow between trees within rows. Some growers use Weed Badgers ® to cultivate around trees, but caution must be used to avoid damage to trees and root systems. Protection from deer browsing can include perimeter fencing and/or individual cages when trees are young. Many growers employ alarms or dogs within their orchards to prevent deer attacks. Marketing of organic apples can occur through several channels—on-farm sales, CSAs, or directly to stores. Stores will require proof of organic certifi- cation if you wish to sell your fruit as “organic.” Organic apple production represents one of the most intensively managed organic systems.    K  .    D    E    L    A    T    E 16 PAGE References Bowman, G. (ed.). 1997. Steel in the Field—A farmer’s  guide to weed management tools. Sustainable Agriculture Network, USDA, National Agriculture Library, Beltsville, MD. Delate, K., C. Cambardella, K. Taylor, and B. Burcham. 1999. Comparison of organic and conventional rota-  tions at the Neely-Kinyon Long-Term Agroecological  Research (LTAR) site: First year results. Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture Annual Report, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. Friedrich, H., K. Delate, P. Domoto, G. Nonnecke and L. Wilson. 2003. Effect of organic pest management practices on apple productivity and apple food safety. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 21: 1–14. File: Agriculture 2 [C] . . . and justice for all The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its pro- grams and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Many materials can be made available in alternative formats for ADA clients. To file a complaint of discrimina- tion, write USDA, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Stanley R. Johnson, director, Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa. This research project is partially funded by the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University and the USDA-IFAFS Organic Agriculture Consortium. Prepared by  Kathleen Delate, Iowa State University. Edited by  Jean McGuire, ISU Extension Continuing Education & Communication Services. Illustrated by  Jane Lenahan. Designed by  Mary Sailer, Spring Valley Studio. Soil Web graphic on page 8 reprinted with permission from Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS). 2000. Soil  Biology Primer. Rev. ed. Ankeny, Iowa: Soil and Water Conservation Society. Some photos on the cover were provided courtesy of Iowa State University College of Agriculture and the USDA NRCS. For the latest on organic agriculture from Iowa State University go to L E O P O L D C E N T E R FUNDAMENTALS OF Organic Agriculture IDALS (Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship). 2000. Iowa Organic Certification and  Organic Standards. Des Moines, IA. NOSB (National Organic Standards Board), USDA-NOP, Rynk, R. 1992. On-Farm Composting Handbook. NRAES- 54. Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service. Ithaca, NY. Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN). 1998. Managing  cover crops profitably. 2nd Edition. Sustainable Agriculture Network, USDA National Agriculture Library, Beltsville, MD. USDA-ERS (Economic Research Service), www.ers.usda.- gov/Data/organic.