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Remedial Test In Eapp- Humss





Laiya National High School – Senior High School Department First Periodic Test (Second Semester) English for Academic and Professional Prposes – H!"SS #eneral Directions$ Do as each item re%ires& 'n mltiple choice tests rite the letter of the correct anser *efore each nm*er& 1. In academic academic vocabulary, vocabulary, mortar words are are grammatical grammatical structures structures that help help in making discourse more efective. This statement is a. True b. False c. Irrelevant Irrelevant d. Immaterial Immaterial 2. “e died died at 1!"#$ on on February February %, %, 1%&'.( This is statement statement o)" o)" a. Fact b. *onvention *onvention c. +pinion d. re)erence re)erence -. hich o) the the )ollowing should a student student /+T do do when preparing preparing a report report on a lecture listened to0 a. tick tick to the the subect subect as much much as as possible. possible. b. 3se language language appropriate appropriate to the the de)ault de)ault audience. audience. c. Interpose his own view and and comment comment on matters e4trinsic e4trinsic to the the lecture. d. Include notes notes e4plaining e4plaining highly technical terms readers readers may may not grasp at once. '. hen an argument argument relies relies solely on the reputation reputation o) o) the person who said it and and not truly on its merits, 55555555555555 is committed. a. 6d ominem b. 6d 7ericundiam c. 6d 8aculum #. hich o) the the academic papers papers below below is most appropriate appropriate )or e4pressing e4pressing views views on movies watched, poems9stories read, and9or events attended or witnessed0 a. /ews report report c. :eaction eaction paper paper b. :eport :eport o) a lecture lecture listened to d. :e :eport port o) a ;global< trend !. The )allacy o) drawing conclusions conclusions )rom limited limited or inade=uate inade=uate evidence is is known as a. asty >eneral >enerali?at i?ation ion b. 6d ominem ominem c. lanting lanting @. The bulk o) o) a wellAorgani?ed wellAorgani?ed academic academic paper paper should be )ound in the the conclusion. conclusion.  This statement statement is" a. True b. False c. Irrelevant d. Immaterial For 8-12. Give fve uses o Taglish as stipulated in the lecture o Vicente L. Raael. Write our ans!ers in the "o#es provided "elo!. &. %. 1$. 11. 12. 1-. 1-. The The )al )alla lacy cy o) argu arguin ing g bas based ed on what what the the ma maor orit ity y wan wants ts and and not not on the the merits o) arguments is known as a. *onsensu *onsensus s >entium >entium b. Ignoran Ignorantiam tiam c. :eiBcatio eiBcation n 1'. 1'. “Car “Carly ly to bed bed and and ea earl rly y to to rise rise mak makes a man man heal health thy, y, we weal alth thy, y, and and wise wise.( .(  This is a statement statement o)" o)" a. Fact b. *onvention *onvention c. +pinion d. re)erence re)erence For 1$-18. %nu&erate fve glo"al trends that !ill a'ect the co&ing ears according to (a&es )ani*a. 1#. 1!. 1@. 1&. 1%. 6ssertions that states obligations, opinions, and9or courses o) action are statements o)" a. Fact b. *onvention c. +pinion d. re)erence 2$. ;1< That candidate comes )rom a rich )amily, and there)ore neither understands nor sympathi?es with the problems o) the poor. ;2< 6ll rich people do not understand or sympathi?e with the problem o) the poor. In this case, 2 is" a. 6ssumption b. Implication c. Irrelevant d. Fallacy 21. 6ssertions veriBable by direct observation, e4periments, or statistics are statements o)" a. Fact b. *onvention c. +pinion d. re)erence 22. Should you trust the testimony of this convicted criminal? What if he has vested interests in this case? hat )allacy is committed in this e4ample0 a. False dichotomy b. ad hominem c. composition d. genetic 2-. In academic writing, the de)ault audience o) the writer is a. the teacher b. other students c. the reading public d. the principal  Joash is a Filipino. All Filipinos are hospitable. Therefore, Joash must be 2'. hospitable. hat )allacy is committed in this e4ample0 a. False dichotomy b. ad hominem c. composition d. genetic 25. ou should release him from prison because he is the sole bread !inner of his family. They !ill all perish once he"s #one. hat )allacy is committed in this e4ample0 a. 6d misericordiam b. consensus gentium c. composition d. ad baculum For 2+-,1. ite t!o ideas on ederalis& given " en. /o*o 0i&entel. %#plain each "rie inside the "o#es provided or this purpose. 2$%2&. Tip '. 2(%)'. Tip 2. -2. hich o) the )ollowing should a student prepare when asked )or the practices held by a considerable )raction o) the society0 a. /ews report c. :eaction paper b. :eport o) a lecture listened to d. :eport o) a ;global< trend --. The subect o) a report is" a& a concept to be deBned c. convictions on an issue *& accurate rendering o) actuality d. reactions on things encountered -'. “The entire country should pull together in the traditional spirit o) bayanihan and practice energy conservation.( This is a statement o)" a. Fact b. *onvention c. +pinion d. re)erence -#. This principle o) academic writing re=uires te4ts to cite proo)s ;e.g. )acts, e4amples, and e4pert opinion< that will strengthen the thesis statement. a. Cfective use o) research c. *lear oint o) 7iew b. *orrect 66 tyle d. trong upport -!. This principle o) academic writing re=uires te4ts to have a clear goal, i.e., to answer the =uestion you posed as your topic. a. *lear goal b. Dogical +rgani?ation c. 6udience -@. “Ean belongs to class *ammalia, genus +ertebrata.  This is a statement o)" a. Fact b. *onvention c. +pinion d. re)erence -&. 6n assertion that states scientiBc )acts and dictionary deBnitions is known as a statement o)" a. Fact b. *onvention c. +pinion d. re)erence -%. ;1< igh grades are desirable, since they guarantee a good ob a)ter graduation. ;2< tudents should always strive )or high grades. In this case, 2 is an" a. Implication b. 6ssumption c. Irrelevant d. Fallacy -. As representatives of our people, !e must readily enact the reinstitution of the death penalty because that is !hat our citi/ens !ant0  The )allacy committed in this e4ample is" a. 6d misericordiam b. consensus gentium c. composition d. ad baculum 1apid urbani/ation !ill lar#ely determine the future of the !orld.  This is a '1. statement o)" a. Fact b. *onvention c. +pinion d. re)erence '2. It is a process that starts with posing a =uestion, problemati?ing a concept, evaluating an opinion, and ends in answering the =uestions, clari)ying the problem, and9or arguing )or a stand. a. 6cademic riting c. Technical riting b. Diterary riting d. ournalistic riting n '(&5, the 3hilippine economy re#istered a minus 54 #ro!th rate.  This is a '-. statement o)" a. Fact b. *onvention c. +pinion d. re)erence ''. 6 statement that must be true )or all others dependent on it to be true is called a9n a. 6ssumption b. Implication c. *ause d. Cfect '#. hen an argument unustly )avors a particular conclusion over another despite evidences, the )allacy o) 55555555555 is committed. a. asty >enerali?ation b. 6d ominem c. lanting d. ad baculum '!. In both bibliography and inAte4t citation, the 66 )ormat )ollows the GateA lace o) ublication se=uence. This statement is" a. True b. False c. Irrelevant d. Fallacy '@. ;1< rices o) basic commodities will decrease once oil prices decrease. ;2< Eanu)acturers will pass on the savings )rom their reduced energy bill to consumers. In this case, 2 is a9n" a. 6ssumption b. implication c. irrelevant d. )allacy '&. The logical conse=uence o) an assertion is also known as a9n a. 6ssumption b. Implication c. *ause d. Cfect '%. 6cademic vocabulary is disciplineAspeciBc, e.g., usage o) Cnglish terms such as “table( will difer )or mathematicians, businessmen and hoteliers. This statement is a. True b. False c. Fallacy d. Irrelevant #$. The use o) academic language necessitates that the students de)ault writing voice be a. active b. passive c. neither d. both #1. hen an argument uses violence or threats o) violence or unwarranted )orce, the )allacy o) 55555555 is committed. a. 6d ominem b. 6d 7ericundiam c. 6d 8aculum