A Journey of Remembering
Copyright 2002, 2003 Wanda S. Runer Ackno!edgement"
My profound Thanks and Appreciation is given to those people that have helped bring Sacred Sa cred Breath through its long birthing process.
I would also like to acknowledge my appreciati a ppreciation on to all of my Reiki and on!Reiki teachers" and the many spiritual teachers teachers over the years. #ithout the touch of Spirit and all that have made this $ourney with me" I would not have found my Sacred Breath.
%ood &ay and Many Shared Blessings'
My profound Thanks and Appreciation is given to those people that have helped bring Sacred Sa cred Breath through its long birthing process.
I would also like to acknowledge my appreciati a ppreciation on to all of my Reiki and on!Reiki teachers" and the many spiritual teachers teachers over the years. #ithout the touch of Spirit and all that have made this $ourney with me" I would not have found my Sacred Breath.
%ood &ay and Many Shared Blessings'
My name is #anda Ru(ner" a native of the beautiful state of )irginia" *SA. I o(er this manual in hopes that for some" it will be a place of comfort" sharing of hearts and possibly a reawak reawakening ening to something that is deep within us all. A place of balance of breath breath ! body" mind" and spirit. The ability to heal ourselves is a natural and simple thing+ sadly we have allowe all owed d that ability ability to be lost. lost. ow more more than ever ever in this time time of changes" we need the ability to heal.
Sacred Br Sacr Brea eath th is ab abou outt ma many ny th thou ough ghts ts and cu cust stom oms" s" fo forr me it is shamanic in thought process for me" as I walk a shamanic path" to others other s it may be totall totally y di(er di(erent. ent. There Ther e are are no hard fast rule rules s $ust $ust some basics and each person that works with Sacred Breath brings with them their own spiritual thoughts,beliefs making it a system a personal $ourney personal $ourney of awakening a place within oneself oneself.. Although this is a self!healing system" it is also for healing others and our Mother -arth. The Sacred Breath $ourney began for me about thirty years ago" although the awakening to this system itself only began to manifest a few years ago. As a young woman I had began to uestion my faith due to a very deep and devastating devastating loss. /or a time" time" I don0t think that I believed in anything. I felt numb and unable to even give or receive love. So my need to understand whom I believed believed in or if I believed believed that %od even e1iste e1isted d was put to the test. test. I won0t tell tell you that it was an easy road" I went down many paths and turns seeking for answers to my 2whys3 2whys3 but I found my way way home. 4ver the years" years" I have spoken spoken to many people that do healing work and found that many had also been hurt deeply or su(ered su(ered loss in one way or another. another. Aft After er e1periencing e1periencing the e(ects of hands on healing for the 5rst time" I knew this was what I wanted to do.
6et me make an attempt at e1plaining e1actly what the Sacred Breath is an and d wh what at is no not" t" al alth thou ough gh my 5r 5rst st th thou ough ghts ts we werre th that at th this is wa was s another system of Reiki but have now reali7ed that it is not. Sacred Breath initiation takes us back to the beginning of time.. Before there ther e were any of us walking upon upon the mother. mother. I want to take you on walkabout with me" Together 5nding a part of ourselves that has been long forgotten or hidden from our memories" a place where we can re! connect to our sacred songs and dance into e1istence once again our ability to heal not only others and ourselves but to send healing to the
very core of the planet that we walk on" perhaps it will take closer to answers to some of our heart uestions. Sacred Breath is not about being religious" its not about a particular belief system but rather bringing us all together as one family. o pre$udice.. no color" no ethnic background.. $ust one family living upon the Mother0s back. Its about love" respect" sharing of hearts. #e Are 4ne.
I have studied many systems of hands on healing" both Reiki and non! Reiki systems. I will have to admit that sometimes we humans feel like more is better and that less is lacking" so why o(er something new. The answer to that is that this is certainly not new" it0s always been there. There is nothing more vital to life than breath" for without it.. #e cease to e1ist. There is nothing more vital to e1istence than being as one breath with the 8reator. This system although breathing properly is of greatest importance" what I am about to share with you goes beyond the physical. Sacred Breath is not about teaching you proper breathing techniues" its about touching" seeing and hearing the heart beat of the earth mother" herself9knowing the she lives.. She breathes and heals us. The space" and those that walk,crawl upon her" beneath her :grandmother earth;"
!>?A&. Sacred among the Shamanic members of ancient tribes" they were also used in rituals to contact e1tra!terrestrials" for visioning and for $ourneys by the shamanic members of the ancient tribes.
Along with the stones" and my drum which I play during initiation.. There is also a part of the ceremony where I give abreath over a golden eagle feather. As we all know here the *S.. to possess a golden eagle feather is illegal.. so it will not be an actual feather but rather a visioned on manifestion from the third eye. There are several artists that hand paint imitation eagle feathers and would be good to use or one could also use a wild turkey feather" which represents the 2earth eagle3. This decision of course is left up to each individual. *pon initiation" you will be attuned to the essence of the %olden -agle9 so if you choose to do so" an actual feather is not needed.
Signicance of the o!den +ag!e The %46&- -A%6- is the most highly respected and sacred of birds. Soaring high" he delivers prayers to the %reat Spirit" returning with gifts and visions. To many" he is the @eeper of the -ast from whence comes dawn and illumination of darkness. The -agles keen eyes see in all directions" knowing both future and past. The breath movement over the ethereal feather brings the one receiving the attunement the ability to reath of the Rainbo?
7ind your"e!f a comfortab!e chair, p!ace or "pot. Again, it" a!ay" great hen you can ork out"ide in nature. *noing that i" not a!ay" po""ib!e.. "itting by a indo here the "un or moon can "hine on you i!! ork e!! a!"o.
ow follow the butter!meter piece of 4pal. #ood and seashells are more common 4pali7ed fossils. 4pal is much sought out for its abilities" because it contains the colors of every other gem" it can be used wherever another gem is called for in magick. 4pal is a noncrystalline form of uart7 that contains a small amount of water" because of all its other colors+ it is associated with all the planets. That is also true of the 8hakras. In fact" it is considered the best balancer of the 8hakras in all of nature. It is growing in popularity because the wearer feels so much more at ease with the world when wearing it. 4pal reuires more care than other gems. If it loses water" it can crack and change.
8+AR/ The Birthstone of June is known for giving purity" 5delity" gentleness and tears of $oy or sorrow.
&'AR4H The Nuart7 8rystal is an opaue" transluscent crystal. This crystal can appear in all colors of the spectrum. The crystal itself embodies the power of energy" psychic ability" meditation"healing" protection" astral travel" vision and scrying. &'AR4H)R%S+ This crystal has a soft pink hue. Rose Nuart7 is never truly clear" but is a milky pink color. Small stones often appear almost clear. Rose Nuart7 is used to bring love to the wearer or 5delity in e1isting relationships. Because of its power to bring love" it is often combined with a grounding gem such as =ematite. In the physical area" it aids the kidneys and circulatory system+ it is also used as an aid to promote fertility. Some sources listed are as associated with the Sun while others the Moon. It encourages peaceful and loving feelings" it promotes beauty and love of ones self and of others. It is also used for de!stressing and is e1cellent for a friend or family member who is e1periencing profound grief over the loss of a loved one. &'AR4H)S$%*+ The color of this crystal is translucent gray,black. It looks like clear Nuart7 that has been infused with a heavy dose of soot. It is another energy generator and a protective stone.
R1%G%C1R%S#4+ Rhodochrosite is variegated pink and wither. It is the energi7er of the stone family. If you are feeling a little tired" let this stone help you out. R1%G%=#4+ Rhodonite is a reddish stone with black veins. It is often worn to calm or center. It has the ability to shut o( some peoples psychic abilities. This allows them to escape from constant psychic sensations+ this is a reason it is also used when trying to meditate. Some sources list as an aid to building self!esteem and con5dence. Rhodonite is often used as an aid to the nervous
system and both the thyroid and pituitary glands. Strangely" it is associated with the planet Mars. Sources say it is a metamorphic from of impure limestones. It forms faceted crystals that should be highly pri7ed if you can 5nd even one.
R' The Birthstone for July is brilliant red. Ruby is a stone everyone knows. It has always been associated with wealth and protection. Ruby is worn to bring wealth via business and not by things such as gambling. The protection it o(ers is from illness although some sources also list its ability to be a psychic protector. More commonly using it clearness as a scrying stone uses it to detect psychic dangers. Ruby is now grown. The resulting gems are as good in their magick as the natural stones. This gem is said to give boldness" courage" loyalty and charity. Some say it is also responsible for anger" cruelty and misery. SARG%=I This is said to be the true Birthstone of August before the $ewelers changed it to peridot. Sardony1 gives intellectual power and can be used in magickal rites. SA881#R+ The Birthstone of September is a deep royal blue. This gem gives loyalty" contentment" peace and humility. It brings forth $ustice and truth.
S=%W7/A*+ %S#G#A= Snow" ? F L then P" Q F O. There must be at least a 5ve 5ve day space space between the two sets. It is given separately from from the Sacred Sacred Breath initiation. initiati on. ou can either use it with the system or without. ou ou would also be given my lineage for the -thereal attunments" so there would actually be two lineages given to those that choose or feel called to
work with crystals and feel they would bene5t from this additional system. There is no charge for this. Through attunement you gain access to a speci5c crystals energy and can channel it by intention. These ethereal crystals are much stronger than those found in earth. It can be done in person or as with other modalities be done by distant sendings. ou are attuned to the following stonesE AMB-R" Amethyst" Auamarine" Aventurine Dink Beryl :also known as Morganite;" Blue 6ace Agate" Botswana Agate" %reen 8alcite 8arnelian" 8hrysocolla" 8itrine" 8learn Nuart7 -merald" =ematite" Red Jasper Malachite" Rose Nuart7" Ruby Sodalite" Turuois
+thera! Cry"ta!" D))B DrereuisiteE -thereal 8rystals >!?!L Ale1andrite" Ama7onite" A7urite Bloodstone" %old 8alcite" /ire 4pal /luorite" Red %arnet" Jade 6apis 6a7uli" Moldavite" Moonstone Deridot" Dyrite" Blue Saphire ellow Sapphire" Black Tourmaline" )iolet Tourmaline" Dink Tourmaline" &ouble Terminated 8lear Nuart7
Anima! $edicine4otem"
Below I have listed some of the animals,totem,animals guides that can assist us in our goal of healing others and ourselves. This is presented
$ust as a 2taste3 as were the other o(erings that can and do work well with your basic hands on healing systems. My suggestion is that if any of the 2add3 ons peak your interest or you feel drawn too then pursue further studies. There is a wealth of information to be had through books" the internet and perhaps you will be one of those that will work with a physical teacher.
-agle :Spirit;" =awk :Messenger;" -lk :Stamina;" &eer :%entleness;" Bear :Introspection;" Snake :Transmutation;" Skunk :Reputation;" 4tter :#oman Medicine;" Butter. The set comes with beautifully illustrated cards and a book on descriptions and how to use them. 4riginally there were PP cards but have increased to a set of Q? presently.
Working ith Co!or" for 1ea!ing Work
@io!et< )iolet is at the opposite end of the spectrum from red. %ood for mental disorders" the nervous system" female complaints. #ndigo< %ood for emotional problems" deafness" and especially good for the eyes" even cataracts. !ue< %ood for cuts and burns" also for rheumatism. It also acts as an antiseptic and cooling agent. -1cellent for in. 8andles for the four directions of -ast" South" #est and orth are freuently used and are always done when I do an attunement both in person and at a distance. I also use a candle representing Spirit" which is traditionally for me white or )iolet.
The /our &irections There are many di(erent variances in what colors represent the four directions or four winds" for Sacred Breath I use the colors designated by the 6akota Siou1.
-ast U ellow #est U Black orth ! Red #hite U South %reen U -arth Blue U Sky
Alternative to these colors" you will also 5nd widely used these colorsE
Girecti Co!o +!eme on r nt =%R4 ree +arth 1 n e!!o +AS4 Air S%'41 Red 7ire W+S4 !ue Water
ou can also alternatively use a chakra colored candle... these can be found in many metaphysical store and or grocery stores as an all in one candle" or simply use all white candles. 8andles of course are only an option that you may or may not want to use. Remembering that each comes to Sacred Breath with their own religious beliefs or spirituality. So" try to be considerate and not impose too much of your own personal practices.
?. 8leanse the area or 2smudge3 using sage" cedar or a choosing of your nwn. I also elect to use a smudging ceremony to clear myself and the initiate prior to beginning. I will give an additional handout for this procedure for those that wish to have it. It is the intent that is the underlying purpose of doing this. If not using a smudge material" than use by words. I place a protective circle around this area and send out any negative energy from around us. I always 5nd that using incense is nice" but be sure to ask prior to using it if the initiate is sensitive to fragrances. Appropriate music is also nice as sound does a(ect our ability to rela1 and open. 4nly have it loud enough that it can be
faintly heard. If you are working outside" have a portable chair for the initiate to sit in.
L. As one that follows a Shamanic path" I used my drum at this time. It is used as a form of prayer,meditation prior to beginning the initiation. I 5rst o(er up my drum to %reat Spirit,Mother -arth. This of course is an option and not reuired for others who do not follow the same path as I. ou may create your own meditation to use. P. 8all upon whomever you call to in prayer. %reat Spirit,%od,%oddess and ask they $oin you in this attunement" leading support and protection.
. =ave your initiate sit in a chair :feet together ! not crossed; and to get in a comfortable position with their hands palms up at the heart chakra. I also let the initiate know that should they like to have a crystal or tool charged during the initiation" they may place it under their chair. 4ften time" they will use a crystal and use it during their 5rst healing sessions with others. B. 8ome up to face the initiate and say their name out loud" asking permission to pass this initiation. =ave them answer out loud. V. Dlace either two ethereal moui stones or the physical stones. The female stone in the right hand or dominate hand of the male and the male in the right or dominate hand of the female" then moving the hands to the initiates lap. At the closing of the initiation" the initiate is ethereally attuned to the moui stones that they may use them in their healing practice with the physical stones are not available. In the manual will be an e1planation about these stone" also known as Shaman stones.
. Dlace both hands on the initiate0s head to achieve an energetic report with him,her. . Say mentally" I initiate you :name; into the energies and healing of the Sacred Breath. May you use this energy in a manner that it has been given. May your heart be touched as you re!connect with that part of you that has been lost from your conscious memory.
F0. Take the initiates hands and close them together" leaving the two stones in place" bringing them up to the heart chakra" 62
5ngertips up. This unites the male,female unity,energies. Take a deep breath in to the count of 5ve9holding your breath to the count of 5ve and breathing out across their 5ngertips to the count of 5ve" with the 5fth breath emptying the lungs. >>.
Repeat step at each of the seven chakras.
F2. Dlace their hands back at the heart chakra and once again" I take a feather and have it $ust above the initiate0s hands.. then blowing across the feather and 5ngertips and then moving back a few steps from the initiate" ask that they take in a deep breath... counting to themselves one to 5ve... holding their breath for a time that they can comfortably do and then releasing the breath in one continuous movement. #hile they are taking this breath" see the breath entering the heart place as a pink light or P. Tell the new initiated Master,=ealer to sit with their eyes closed,rela1ed and to open them and get up when they are ready to do so. >Q.
%o to each of the four corners e1tinguishing each candle :snung not blowing; ending with the candle representing Spirit... or if possible allowing it to burn itself out.
To all the newly attuned Master,=ealers" May your $ourney continue to unfold many new things and that you share with others the Sacred Breath... the place of remembering.
4hi" i!! conc!ude the initiation ceremony.
At this time" you would pass out the certi5cates and any gifts that you wish to give the initiate... i.e. a feather... a crystal or stone. It is not of course mandatory to do so.
It0s also nice to have a small amount of time to visit with the new initiates and possibly some refreshments.
HH Special otesE The feather that I use for the initiation is a %olden -agle /eather.. of course we all reali7e that in the *S" it is illegal to possess a golden eagle feather or any bird of prey.. the feather that I use is a 2Spirit /eather3 meaning that it is a gift from %reat Spirit.. it lives with the heart space. Since the shaman stones are not always available and perhaps cost prohibited" along with you initiation.. you are ethereally attuned to the stones and the essence of the %olden -agle.
This attunement is made available as an e1ample" you can of course create your own within the guidelines that have been given with this manual. It does not reuire an elaborate ceremony. I am one that does en$oy it but you are not reuired to do so. If you are doing this ceremony at a distance" you would use 2intent3 or you may do as I do and still perform a ceremony very much done as above.. /rom this time forward.. you carry with you the ability to blow the breath of the sacred places. The breath of the -arth" Air" /ire and #ater9 The four winds" the winds of change and healing. They are made to cross in the sacred center.. The place of Spirit.
KK #t i" reLue"ted that any attunement" gi5en by the ne!y attuned $a"ter1ea!er" keep a record of a!! "tudent" attuned to Sacred reath. # keep a book of regi"try number" a""igned and date" of attunement".