Time and effort if put together, definitely leads to success. I still remember that Friday night, I was debugging a hospital management project. I didn’t realize how the night drifted off so quickly, but finally I arrived at the solution. These comprehensive efforts were aptly rewarded when my project was implemented for a cardiac clinic. This experience in developing a client server based system infused into my mind the love for computers over electronics, and aspired me to delve into the field of software engineering. 81.57% 81.57 % in my seco secondary ndary school admitted me into Electronics Electronics & Telecommunic Telecommunication ation Engineering at one of the ranked colleges in ……, …….Education Society Polytechnic (VESP). Here He re I re reali alise sed d th the e im impor porta tanc nce e of Mi Micr crop opro roce cess ssor ors, s, Sa Satel telli lite te Ne Netw twor orks ks,, an and d Mo Mobil bile e Communication etc. in today’s environment. The final year project “Cordless FM transmitter and Receiver” was concentrated on wireless communication. Knowing the importance of computers in today’s world, I enrolled into NIIT, a pioneer in providing software education in India. Here I learned operating systems like UNIX, Win NT, Linux, Programming languages like c, c++, Java, developer tools like Visual Basic, Microsoft Foundation Classes, DBMS like SQL server, Sybase and 32 bit windows architecture. The final semester project was to develop & to simulate day to day operations in a hospital. This project took me to the top of the class where the project was much appreciated by the centre head and the dean himself, because it facilitates all the functionalities that can be found in a medium sized hospital. My teachers encouraged me to present this project to the hospital manager of Varun Cardiac Clinic (VCC). Finally after 2 months of interaction with doctors and managers of the hospital, I developed a real life time system by employing 3 assistant programmers. I got plenty of exp exper erie ienc nce e no nott onl only y in de deali aling ng wi with th cli clien ents ts,, bu butt al also so in wo work rk man manag ageme ement nt an and d tim time e management, as I was simultaneously studying in the diploma co llege too. The natural progression after diploma was pursuing a Bachelors of Engineering degree in El Elec ectr troni onics cs at …… …………… …………… …………… ……………E ……Eng ngin inee eeri ring ng Co Coll lleg ege. e. El Elect ectri rical cal Ne Netw twor orks ks,, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Systems, Robotics, Data and Digital Communications all gave me a sound idea of the technological advances in the modern world. My final year projec pro jectt “Inv “Invent entory ory and Stores Stores Con Control trol”, ”, deve develop loped ed in a GUI envi environm ronment ent focu focuss ssed ed on the inventory system. My joy knew no bounds when I heard that the project was successfully tested by experts and is replacing the older version in the college. I believe that experience plays a key role in one’s career. I was lucky enough to meet Mr. Adnan Sami, a Senior ERP consultant at Oracle Apps, Japan, over Internet who gave me an opportunity to work on a live project for DSP Meryll Lynch Global Integrated Solutions Ltd as an offshore development from Feb 99 to Jul 99. Here I learned, how the sub division system software of a huge company is integrated under a common head, so that the system works smoothly and leads to an efficient outcome. Working with international members of the team was simply fantastic. Although I programmed on a small part of a huge system, I played an important part as a team member who was always ready for more work. This has always been my motto "Work is Worship". These experiences had tuned me to the workings of a large corporate and have also polished my computer know-how. I am extremely proud to state that I am the only one from the entire ent ire college who has worked on an international level. Mast Ma ster’ er’s s fr from om yo your ur Un Unive ivers rsit ity y wi will ll no nott on only ly imp impart art a so soun und d ed educ ucati ation on in la late test st technologies, but will also push me ahead in the computing world. My intentions, my dreams, my goals are clear, I look forward to become an ERP Consultant with software giants like Arthur & Anderson Consulting, Oracle Apps. etc. and I am sure a good education, infrastructure and opportunities that come my way, will help me in achieving my goals. I have always tried my best to achieve optimised and unconventional solutions in order to build a rising success.