Simultaneous Optimization of Several Response Variables GEORGE DERRINGER Batelle Columbu s Laboratori es, 505 Kin g Avenue, Avenue, Colu mbus, mbus, Ohi o 43201 43201
RONALD SUICH Calif orni a State State Un iversity, iversity, Ful lerton, Cali Cali for nia 92634 92634 A problem facing the product development community is the selection of a set of conditions which will result in a product with a desirable combination properties. This essentially is a problem involving the simultaneous optimization of several response variables (the desirable combination of properties) which depend upon a number of independent variables or sets of conditions. Harrington, among others, has addressed this problem and has presented a desirability function approach. This paper will modify his approach and illustrate how several response variables can be transformed into a desirability function, which can be optimized by univariate techniques. Its usage will be illustrated in the development of a rubber compound for tire treads.
Introduction common problem in product development involves the selection of a set of conditions, the X’s, which will result in a produce with a desirable combination of properties, the Y Essentially, this becomes a problem in the simultaneous optimization of the Y’s, or response variables, each of which depends upon a of independent variables, ,..,, As an example from the rubber industry, consider the problem of a tire tread compound. Here we have a number of response variables, such as PICO Abrasion Index, 200 percent modulus, elongation at break, and hardness. Each of these -response variables depends upon the ingredient variables, the X’s, such as hydrated silica level, silane coupling level, and sulfur level. We wish to select the levels for the X’s which will maximize the Y ‘s. Unfortunately, levels of the X’s which maximize might not even come close to maximizing
One approach to this problem has been through the use of linear programming. and Beaumont and Nicholson and described optimization schemes based upon the linear Dr. Derringer Pri Principal Res R esearch rch Scientist at Memorial I nstitute. Dr. is is an associate in in the Department of Management Sci Science.
programming model. However, a major disadvantage of these schemes is the philosophy upon which they are based. These methods involve optimization of one response variable subject to constraints on the remaining response variables. Often, however, the goal is the attainment of the best balance among several different response variables. In developing a compound for radiator hose, for example, it is more realistic to give water absorption, heat resistance, and tensile strength equal weights in the optimization than to optimize tensile strength while keeping the other properties within specified limits. Harrington presented an optimization scheme utilizing what he termed the desirability function. Gatza and gave a slight modification of Harrington’s function. We will employ a different form of this function and illustrate its use in the example of the development of a rubber compound for tire treads. In maximizing this function‘we will use a pattern search method similar to that presented by Hooke and Jeeves In addition, we will also plot this desirability function against two independent variables with the third held at its optimum level.
Development Suppose each of the response variables is related to the p independent variables by
KEY WORDS: Desirability, Multivariate, Optimization, Regression
J o u r n al o f Q u al i t y Tec h n o l o g y
..., i = j 1, 2,
Vol. 12, No. 4, October
Computer Program We have available, and will provide upon request, a copy of the FORTRAN computer program used to maximize in terms of the This program also enables one to generate a response surface of as a function of two of the independent variables, holding the other independent variables constant. This can then be used to obtain contour plots. It should be noted that any good optimization program may be used.
FIGURE 7. Contour Plots of D for Tread Example
optimum. For example, Figure 5 shows the plot of versus with held at its optimum, that is, = -0.868. All three of these plots show the surface to be relatively flat near the maximum, meaning that small departures from optimality of the X values would not appreciably decrease the desirability. Obviously, the approach utilized in this example is not the only possible approach. Another feasible method would involve studying the coefficients in the fitted equations and overlaying contour plots. However, the optimum reached in Table 3 did prove to be satisfactory from a production standpoint, although slight deviations from the optimum levels of the X’s were instituted for other reasons. This proved no great problem in this example, since the surface is relatively flat near the optimum.
Vol. 12, No. 4, O c t o b e r 1 9 80
The simultaneous optimization of several responses has often been accomplished by a miss approach. In such a procedure, numerous formulations are evaluated until one is found which is within all constraints. This becomes the “optimum” formulation. The desirability function approach is a considerable improvement over this method and usually not only requires fewer formulations to be evaluated but also results in more desirable property levels. Furthermore, the advantage of being able to plot the desirability surface to determine its sensitivity to small changes in the independent variables is significant. References 1.
P. E. and R. C., “The Use of Experimental Design and Computerized Data Analysis in Elastomer Development Studies,” Division of Rubber Chemistry, American Chemical Society Fall Meeting, Paper No. 6, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 3-6, 1972. 2. E. C. J R ., “The Desirability Function,” Industri al Quali ty Control, Vol. 21, No. 10, 1965, pp. 494498. 3. HARTMANN, N. E. and BEAUMONT , R. A., “Optimum Compounding by Computer,” Journal of the Institute of the Rubber I ndustry, Vol. 2, No. 6, 1968, pp. 272-275. 4. HOOKE, R. and J EEVES, T. A., Jour nal of the Association of Computing Machinery, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1962, 212. 5. NICHOLSON, T. A. J . and R. D., “Statistical and Optimization Techniques in the Design of Rubber Compounds,” Computer Aided Design, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1969, pp. 39-47.
Journal of Quality Technology