ACTINOMYCES ISRAELII Israeli soldier. G(+) branching ila!en"o#s rod ("ree branches). obliga"e anaerobe !as$. na"#ral lora in !o#"h % &a' "ra#!a (&a' 'ra) s"ar"s as ainless l#! "hen inades as sin#s "rac"s drain "hro#gh s$in(drain) 'i"h s#l#r *ello' gran#les (*ello' roc$s). T is enicillin encil.
,ACILL-S ANTRA/IS G(+) rod0 1ing An"hra2s A/. S"anding in a blac$ eschar 'i"h er*"he!a"o#s ring. Large bacilli in 2bocar li$e2 chains % chain o boa"s. Encas#la"ed in ar!or % #ni3#e ea"#res o "he cas#le cas#le is !ade o ol* 4 ol* 4 ro"ein and so is "he lea"her ar!or. Obliga"e aerobe % air bello'. 5or!s sores % 'aln#"s. "'o "oins6 le"hal ac"or (eo"oin0 cleaes !a $inase0 "iss#e necrosis % blac$ eschar) and ede!a ac"o ac"orr shield (increases cAM7 cAM700 "en"s). 8ool sor"ers disease ro! sores % shee. A6 #l!onar* he!orrhage #l!onar* he!orrhage % on i!aging loo$s li$e 'idenened !edias"in#! % 'ide !as" on shi. T is lo#ro3#inolone (lo'er)0 ne" is do*c*cline (c*cling).
,ACILL-S CER-S G(+) rod0 also sore or!ing % 'aln#"s. rehea"ing rice oer ire and o!i"ing % ood oisoning.
,ARTONELLA ENSLAE ca" scra"ch eer0 ,ART "he leoard. G(%) b#" is#ali9ed on 'ar"harin s"arr* siler s"ain (s"arr* (s"arr* nigh" ain"ing). Ca" scra"ch eer e er ca#ses s'elling o l*!h l*!h nodes (she has l*!h nodes balling in her i"s) i"s) and "his haens in i!!# i!!#ne ne co!o"en" co!o"en" eole. In i!!#neco!ro!ised *o# ge" bacillar* angio!a"oses (cane) 'i"h raised red asc#lar lesions all oer s$in (so""ed (so""ed robe) hard "o "ell "his ro! 1aosis sarco!a0 do s"arr* siler s"ain. T is do*CYCLINE 'heel0 !aCRO8lides can also be #sed.
,OR4ETELLA 7ERT-SSIS G(%)coccobacilli. s"a*ing in a ,OaR4ing ho#se. highl* con"agio#s0 a""aches "o !#cosa b* i!brae he!aggl#"anin he!aggl#"anin illi (s"rea!ers). 7ers#ssis "oin ri,O8sila"es Gi (GI in a bo'0 i" disables "he inhibi"or) and i" increases cAM7 (ca! o#"side). 4oesn2" inade and ca#ses !assie l*!hoc*"osis0 ocorn 8,Cs. Aden*l*l c*lcase "oin ac"s li$e AC and ca#ses an increase in cAM70 also ("he sa!e 'a* E5 "oin in an"hra did0 sheild is on "he 'all). Tracheal "oin da!ages cilia"ed cells in res "rac" ("racheal "rac"or !o'ing grass). in Ca"arhal s"age c#nc"ia in&ec"ion and lacri!a"ion0 aro*s!al s"age is co#ghing 'i"h 'hooing0 "hen conalescen" conale scen" s"age is grad#al red#c"ion in s*"o!s. -sed "o be called "he :;; da* co#gh b
nd is hear" bloc$ ro! !*ocardi"is and a bila"eral acial als* (bells)0 =rd is !igra"or* ar"hri"is o large &oin"s (arro' in !oing "arge"2s $nee) and so!e s#b"le CNS eec"s li$e encehaloa"h* (arro' in head). T do*CYCLING #nic*cle % la"er resen"a"ion !a* re3#ire ceTRIA/one.
bo"h STA7 SA7RO and E7I4ERMI4IS ca"alase (+)0 #rease (+) (a!!onia sra* bo""le)0 Coag (%) &ello is no" clo""ed
,R-CELLA ,R-CE ar!s. G(%). resoroir is ar! ani!als % seera"e secies or co's and igs and goa"s. li$el* rancher0 ar!er0 sla#gh"erho#se0 !il$ cons#!er. I" is ac#l"a"ie in"racell#lar0 can reen" hagol*so9o!e #sion and lie in !acrohage (oen barn door). S"ar"s 'i"h non% seciic #nd#lan" (hills) eer chills anoreia (ar!er #n'ell). b degrees. GI "rac" o chic$ens is B: so#rce (chic$en roas"). blood* diarrhea red s"ools. M#s"ache is co!!a shaed li$e "he bac"eria. bl#e ring o oidase (+). Inasie and *o# can ge" bac"ere!ia ro! i" % bear c#b inading cooler. reac"ing b* $nee sl a is reac"ie ar"hri"is. Sa#sage lin$ aro#nd leg is g#illane barre % de!*elina"ion o eriheral neres ca#sing ascendign aral*sis0 sa#sage lin$s are ne#rons 'i"h !*elin.
charac"eris"ics shared b* CLAMI4IA and CLAMI4O7ILA ira"es o cla! island. Obliga"e in"racell#lar bS (+)... as all en"erobac"er !o"ile bac"eria are % i" !eans i" gro's blac$ colonies on hec"o and agar la"e (blac$ la"e). Encas#la"ed b* glass. acid labile0 easil* degraded in s"o!ach and need a "on "o ca#se inec"ion... so i *o# are on 77Is *o# are !ore s#sce"ible "o inec"ion (le!on;F ear inec" G(%). T6 a!oacillin and cla#lanic acid
ENTERO,ACTER CLOACAE ENTERO4ACTYL. 5l*ing@!o"ile. -rease (%)0 no" being sra*ed 'i"h i".
!oreella ca"arhalis
ENTEROCOCC-S (eaecalis0 eaeci#!) G(+) cocciS"o "he 5EES0 CALI5ornia ca#c#s (eaecalis0 eaeci#!). Gro's in .HFNaCl (resis" "he .H). ,ile resis"an" boo"s. 24o - hear" "rees26 - is -TIs0 hear" is endocardi"is0 "rees is biliar* "ree. 4angero#s nosoco!ial inec"ion is RE anco!*cin resis"an" en"erococci % resis"ing anco an % b#" *o# can #se "he olice LINE9olid or "igec*cline. (side no"e6 This is "he ar"is" or!erl* $no'n as Gro# 4 s"re0 is ga!!a he!ol*"ic. S"re bois is also Gro# 4 s"re b#" is bile and sal" sensi"ie % i *o# hae i"0 chec$ or colon cancer.) ENTEROEMORRAGIC E.COLI0 EEC Mos" co!!onl* "rans!i""ed b* #ndercoo$ed !ea"0 ca#ses blood* diarrhea ($e"ch# and red s"ool). EEC is "he onl* e..coli "ha" does no" er!en" sorbi"ol (soda is sorbi"ol ree). Shigga%li$e "oin aec"s ;S riboso!e li$e shigga "oin did (she%gorilla ha* !eal "o*). "his can ca#se he!ol*"ic #re!ic s*ndro!e (-S) a 'ee$ a"er diarrhea. Shigga li$e "oin ca#ses endo"hlial da!age incl#ding in glo!er#lo#s o $idne* (glo!er#lo#s s"ra') and 'as"e o la"ele"s (bas$e" o la"es) b* da!aging endo"heli#! and ca#sing la"ele" aggrega"ion. Lo' la"ele" co#n". 8here "he* aggrega"e "he* l*se R,Cs crea"ing he!ol*sis and hel!e" cells (oing R,C balloon). The sero"*e !os" li$el* "o ca#se EEC is ;:HD6D an"igen (rice sign).
ENTEROTO/OGENIC E.COLI0 ETEC0 "raelers Trael@"r#c$. 'a"er dr#c$ b%:J !on"hs (cos" o cherries). T is be"a lac"a! an"ibio"ic % !eningi"is or s*s"e!ic is ceTRIA/one 'i"h ria!in or close con"ac"s ($id 'i"h rile). (s6 (+)3#ell#ng0 la"e aggl#"ina"ion0 has illi0 L7S0 IgA ro"ease0 ol*ribi"ol cas#le (7R7))
ELICO,ACTER 7YLORI G(%) co!!a shaed0 h elicobac"er helico"er. Mo"ile b* lagella (roeller). 7ilo" cleaning 'indo' 'i"h -rease (+) sra* bo""le (i" sli"s a!!onia in"o #rease and CO> "o red#ce acidi"* and lie in "he s"o!ach)0 -rease brea"h "es" and "es"ing or #rease on gas"ric bios*. M#s"ache o c#red rod%ness. Oidase (+) bl#e ring. Ca#ses d#odenal #lcers (b#lle" holes)0 adenocarceno!a o "he s"o!ach (crab is as"rological sign or cancer) or MALTo!a (!#co#s associa"ed l*!hoid "iss#e ('ies !#co#s o 'indo's 'i"h "iss#es and "osses "he! "o garbage). T is "rile "hera* (77I + bo!b s3#ishing gas line0 A!!o A!oicillin0 !aCRO8lide seciicall* CLEARi"hro!*cin)
1LE,SIELLA 7NE-MONIAE 1LE,%"ailed dino. i!!obile. "hree si$es 'i"h As6 Alcoholics0 Asira"ion0 Abscesses. S"# on shell o bac$ is ol*saccharide cas#le0 encas#la"ed. c#rran" &ell* s#"#!. /ra* sho's cai"ar* lesion % co!!onl* con#sed 'i"h T,. -rease (+) a!!onia is being sra*ed s" a" "his one. (s6 (+)3#ell#ng rn0 !#coid colonies)
LEGIONELLA Siler s"ain on shi0 G(%) b#" #se siler s"ain "o is#ali9e. Agar is b#ered coal 'i"h c*s"ein and iron (ssc*s"ein 'i"h coal iles and iron anchor). Oidase (+) bl#e ring. 7on"iac eer is "he old on"iac s"ea!ing. Legionairres is !ore deadl* "han 7on"iac0 !ore co!!on in s!o$ers0 a"*ical ne#!on!ia0 on ra* is a"ch* inil"ra"e 'si"h consolida"ion in one lobe (bl#e rin" ra*). h*ona"re!ia (losing sal") ne#ro s*!"o!s incl#de headache and con#sion (sailor holding head) and diarrhea (diarrhea ain on "he sai lor). igh eer on diarrhea g#*. Labs incl#de raid #rine an"igen "es" (sailor eeing in 'a"er). T 'i"h lo'er3#inolones (lo'er) or !aCRO8lides. (s6 ac#l"a"ie in"racell#lar0 lies in 'a"er)
"he "roics are a S-Rers OASis@le"oSIRa in"erOgAnS. ende!ic in "roical regions. siroche"e and !a* be described as 3#es"ion !ar$ shaed. 5o#nd in roden"s and dogs an d ecre"ed in #rine (ani!al #rine) and 'e ge" i" in 'a"er (s#rer). earl* sign is l# and eer and connc"ial redness 'i"h no #ss (rose* s#nglasses). 8eils disease ('hale) in i"s !os" 'ors" or! % goes "hro#gh bod* in blood (R,Cs in"er"#bes) and ca#ses renal da!age (r#bber ding* shaed li$e a $idne*) and &a#ndice (*ello' s#i").
san"a2s LIST@LISTeria. narro' 9one o he!ol*sis@be"a he!ol*"ic b#lb. ac#l"a"ie in"racell#lar % !o"ile e"racell#larl* b* "#!bling (G(+) rods "#!bling do'n "ree) and in"racell#larl* i" "raels b* ac"in roc$e"s (roc$e" in sac$). Lies in cold "e!s so is o#nd in #nas"e#ri9ed !il$ and cheeses. ca"alase (+) ca". 7regos are !os" li$el* "o ge" i" % in earl* rego i" abor"s0 in la"e rego i" ca#ses !eningi"s in ne 'born (!eningi"is hel!e"0 =rd !os" co!!on ca#se). T is AM7icillin (a!).
MYCO,ACTERI-M LE7RAE #schia on acid as" s"ain 'i"h carbol #schin (#schia g#n). Tassles 'i"h "'o "ails loo$ li$e !*colic acid 'hich is 'ha" s"ains #schia0 g#n is acid as"es" dra' in "he 'es". ice and sno' b. (+)lero!in "es" !eans (+) leros* and "heir bod* can igh" i" correc"l*. In cell > "here are Th> cells as ro!inan" resonse in blood0 inec"ion no" con"ained (risoner brea$ing o#") % in "his or! *o# ge" s*!!e"ricneroa"h* ins"oc$ing gloe a""ern and lesions all oer b#" es e"ensor s#races and e"re!i"ies % roo#nd acial deor!i"* % lion acies. T o Th: "*e re3#ires dasone (de#"*) and ria!in (rile) or !on"hs. Th> "*e is bo"h o "hose l#s CLO5a9a!ine clo"h ('hi"e clo"h) or >%H *ears.
MYCO,ACTERI-M T-,ERC-LOSIS #schia on acid as" s"ain 'i"h carbol #schin (#schia g#n). Tassles 'i"h "'o "ails loo$ li$e !*colic acid 'hich is 'ha" s"ains # schia0 g#n is acid as"es " dra' in "he 'es". C#l"#res reall* slo'l* on Lo'ens"ein ?ensen !edia (S"ore na!e). Obliga"e aerobe bello'. Cord ac"or a gl* coliid ro"ec"s bac"eria ro! being des"ro*ed b* increasin g TN5 alha and ac"ia"e !acrohages "o !a$e a gran#lo!a... and i" !a$es "he! "a$e on a seran"ine shae (roe). S#la"ides are also a ir#lence ac"or and "he* allo' T, "o lie in !acrohages b* reen"ing l*so9o!e #sion (s#rs are s#la"ides0 clo#ds behind hi! are hagoso!es and l*so9o!es loa"ing aro#nd). Trans!i""ed b* res drole"s and lies in !acrohages (!acrohage cage). Ghon co!le is lo'er lobe 'i"h so!e hilar l*!h nodes calciied (cac"#s and g#n ghon s"ore). Casea"ing gran#lo!as (bro$en car" #ll o T-,ERc#lso s o"a"os). In $ids0 ri! ar* inec"ion o"en resoles "o beco!e la"en" inec"ion 'i"h ibrosis ($id sleeing in ibro#s #rla sac$). l#! b* $id is (+)774 "es" 'hich can also haen ro! ,CG accine !ade ro! a""en#a"ed !*cobac"eri#! bois. Miliar* T, is di#se inec"ion (Mille" silling all oer)0 o"en"iall* deadl* (s$#ll). Reac"ia"ion in H%:;F o la"en" "s0 #s#all* in i!!#ne co!ro!ised b 'ee$s in"o inec"ion 'hich can lead "o R,C l*sis (#c$s). Ea"on2s agar (ea" on ice sign). T !aCRO8lides.
NISSERIA GONNOREA A" Gon9o2s nigh" cl#b. MAC is here "o re!ind #s o co!!on ea"#res (IgA ro"ease0 co!!on in MAC deicien" eole0 G(%) dilococci0 Oidase (+)0 chocola"e agar0 7N0 "ha*er !ar"in0 i!brae de!ons"ra"e an"igenic aria"ion). 5lir"ing 'i"h "he lad* a" "he bar (ST4). The* li$e "o inade oll*!orhon#clear l*!hoc*"es0 7MN (chairs 'i"h "'o illo's are dilococci in a 7MN). ,ro$en glass @ no cas#le. !ales6 -re"hri"is0 ros"a"i"is0 orchi"is. e!ales6 7I4 (la! is #"er#s 'i"h "#bes and candles are inla!!a"ion0 candle 'a is 'hi"e #r#len" discharge % "hic$er !ore r#r#len" "han in chla!*dia). I i" sreads "o "he eri"one#! is called 5i"9 #gh C#r"is s*ndro!e0 adhesions "o lier0 "he* are called iolin s"rings (5C band and iolinis" cr#shed). crac$ed $nee o s"a"#e is se"ic ar"hri"is. I rego gies i" "o bab*6 #r#len" connc"ii"is in irs" ie da*s o lie (chla!*dia is #s#all* dela*ed and s"ar"s aro#nd D da*s % here "he !o"her is coering "he babies e*es 3#ic$l*). T6 ceTRIA/one or gon and a9i"hro degrees0 lagella !o"ile0 elas"ase0 l#orescen" #nder -)
RIC1ETSIA 7RO8AE1II 7ROball 7ROa9e$ii. in a s"adi#! % obliga"e in"racell#lar. 'hi"e b%: da*s0 rash s"ar"s on an$les and 'ris"s and !oes !edial. headache eer and !*algias.
SALMONELLA ENTERITI4IS chic$en @ #ndercoo$ed chic$en. inla!!a"or* diarrhea0 la!e. T*e III secre"ion s*s"e!0 ro"ein de"ec"s e#$ar*o"es and secre"es a ro"ein "ha" hels 'i"h inec"ii"* (secre"ion@bas"er). 5ac#l"a"ie in"racell#lar 'i"hin !acrohages (cages).
SALMONELLA TY7I harbored in G-LLbladder. T*hoid Mar* 'as a coo$ and "he seag#ll is 'earing an aron0 red so"s are rose so"s !ac#les on bell* "s ge". This is "he !os" co!!on ca#se o os"eo!*eli"is in "s 'i"h sic$le cell. seag#ll 'i"h sic$le and bon* ish ace. ea so# diarrhea is 'ha" " diarrhea loo$s li$e. T is 'i"h lo#ro3#inolone lo'er. 5ac#l"a"ie in"racell#lar 'i"hin !acrohages (cage in ne" scene).Lie a""en#a"ed accine.
SERRATIA MARCESCENS TRICERRATIA"os. charging @ !o"ile. er!en" lac"ose0 in$ colonies on !ac$on$e* agar (in$ !il$)...serra"ia does i" slo'l* so so!e"i!es i" sho's # (%) on "es" b#" s"ands o#" b* !a$ing a red ig!en". -rease (%)0 no" being sra*ed 'i"h i". SIGELLA SONNEI and SIGELLA 4YSENTERIAE G(%) Rod0 she gorrilla@shigella. green "#"# or!s green colonies on he$"oin agar. i!!o"ile % chained do'n. acid s"abile (s"able 'hen 'al$ing oer acid) % onl* need a e' "o ge" inec"ion0 li$e :;%:;;. ind#ces M cells in e*ers a"ches "o hagoc*"ose "he! and "hen escaes beore being ea"en and ge"s aro#nd b* ac"in roc$e"s (gorilla shoo"ing o#" o cannon a" M)..."his !a$es i" ac#l"a"ie in"racell#lar. once on "he o"her side0 inades l*!hoid "iss#e and en"eroc*"es. Inasion leads "o blood in s"ool and l*!hoc*"es (red s"ool is blood* diarrhea0 ire is inla!!a"or* diarrhea). In $ids ($id ring !as"er)0 "his can ca#se he!ol*"ic #re!ic s*ndro!e (-S) a 'ee$ a"er diarrhea. Once i" inades i" releases shigga "oin ca#sing endo"hlial da!age incl#ding in glo!er#lo#s o $idne* (glo!er#lo#s 'hi) and #ses # la"ele"s (sinning la"es) b* da!aging endo"heli#! and ca#sing la"ele" aggrega"ion. Lo' la"ele" co#n". 8here "he* aggrega"e "he* l*se R,Cs crea"ing he!ol*sis and hel!e" cells (oing R,C balloon). Shigga "oin binds "o "he ;S or"ion o riboso!es and inhibi"s "ransla"ion (;sec "i!er). I" has a "*e = secre"ion s*s"e! ("#r$e* bas"er). Sonnei is !ore co!!on "han d*sen"eriae
STA7 A-RE-S G(+) robe0 golden rod b;> in"o 'a"er)0 Coag#lase (+) % clo" in "he red sea0 be"a he!ol*"ic b#lb0 "all !an is !anni"ol er!en"ing "#rns in$ agar *ello' so *ello' o#"i". A on s"a is ro"ein A is a "oin in "he 'all "ha" binds "he 5c region o an"ibodies i" does "his "o reen" osoni9a"ion and hagoc*"osis. 7a"ch* inil"ra"es in ne#!onia (3#il") % icosahedrin la!s reresen" cas#le on a ir#s b= alen" accine ' 'ee$s a"er inec"ion calendar. R5 onl* a"er har*ngi"is scar0 glo!er#lonehri"is a"er i!e"igo ace cr#s" or har*ngi"is scar. Earl* "rea"!en" can reen" R5 b#" no" glo!er#lonehri"is % een "ho#gh he has "he enicillin encil. S"re"ol*cin O ca#ses l*sis o R,Cs is lea$* &ell* O don#"s. S"re"o$inase hosha"es "hings (li$e coner"ing las!inogen"o las!in "o l*se clo"s). T'is"s are 4NAases. ,aci"racin sensi"ie basse" ho#nd can ge" on co#n"er. An"is"re"ol*sin O Ab "i"er is lad* 'i"h Ab "ongs chec$ing s"re"ol*cin O don#"s. (s "rans!i""ed b* res drole"s0 s"re"ol*sins0 raid s"re "es"0 gro' on blood agar)
STRE7 IRI4ANS G(+) cocci0 Green Alha $nigh" "o#rna!en"0 alha he!ol*"ic. No ar!or "o encas#la"e i". Ob"ochin resis"an" % &es"ers !as$. ,ile resis"an" don$e* boo"s. 4en"al caries % don$e* "ee"h. Co!!onl* aec"s da!aged ales0 #s#all* !i"ral (!a*be ro! rhe#!a"ic hear" disease % !i"er oe ha" ro! s"re *ogenes). 7la"e sheild % adheres "o la"ele"s ia de"rans !ade ro! gl#cose (dec$s in his hands).
a" allid#! obsera"or*. siroche"e and !a* be described as siraling (siral gala* and s"aircase). 4ar$ield !icrosco* o s'ab o s$in lesion "o see i" (dar$ield gala*). #s#all* d b* blood "es" ins"ead0 4RL "o screen is no" seciic. conir!a"or* "es" is 5TA%Ab "es" and is seciic. 7ri!ar* s"ages (:s" *ear0 on "o loor) are ri!ar*0 earl*0 and earl* la"en" is a ainless cahncre a co#le 'ee$s a"er inec"ion0 da!ages neres (hallic s#ndial s"abbing hi! in "he b#""). Gro#nd leel obsera"or* is secondar* s"age is s*s"e!ic0 !ac#loa#lar rash eer*'here incl#ding hands<ee" 'ee$s "o !on"hs la"er0 cond*lo!a la"a (la" "oed lo"s o b#!s)0 *o# can is#ali9e ro! cond*lo!a la"a lane" "hro#gh dar$ ield !icrosco*. O#"side is "er"iar* s"age (g#!!a cra"ers on !oon0 aor"i"is o ascending aor"ic ane*#ris! "ree bar$ing0 'hen asoasor#! are da!aged0 roo"s o "ree are da!aged. Also "abes dorsalis o os"erior col#!ns. Also Arg*l Rober"son #ils "ha" acco!oda"e b#" don2" reac" "o ligh") and congeni"al (cons"alla"ion o s*!"o!s6 saber ends near shins0 saddle nose on horse0 $ids shiering "o reresen" h#"chison "ee"h and !#lberr* !olars and ear!#s or deaness). T is enicillin encil % i allergic desensi"i9e "he! irs". ?arisch%erhei!er Rn is d*ing siroche"es releasing shi" and ca#sing eer and chills (ire ice ball in s$*).
I,RIO COLERAE 7ARAAEMOLYTIC-S ILNI5IC-S G(%) co!!a shaed0 . Colonel Cholera2s base cAM7. M#s"ache o co!!a% shaed. 7ro#se rice 'a"er diarrhea % rice a""* o#"ho#se % ecal oral oor 'a"er sani"a"ion. Ma is 'ind* GI "rac" and rier beds are !#cosa0 ra " reresen"s one bac"eria0 a""ached b* roe "o 'all b#" does no" inade. A""aches b* i!brae "o ganglioside rece"ors in cell 'all and s"ar"s "o secre"e cholera "oin. The "oin increases cAM7 (!a sa*s ,ASE cAM7) b* inding and con"i"#a"iel* "#rning on AC b* Gs a"h'a* ("ear GaS canis"ers). The 2,ASE in 2,ASE cAM72 s"ands or "he ac " "ha" Cholera is acid labile so *o# need seeral organis!s "o be inec"ed (le!ons). Oidase (+) bl#e ring. T is oral reh*dra"ion 'i"h elec"rol*"es % Colonel drin$ing 'a"er. (non%cholera ibrios con"a!ina"e o*s"ers and seaood)
*ersin2s e" sho. red G(%)0 rod (so!e sa* biolar s"aining). ENglish TERRier #*@EN TERocoli"ica. 7ood all oer % "rans!i""ed "hro#gh #* eces. !os"l* aec"s $ids la*ing 'i"h #* oo ("oddler) also "rans!i"ed "hro#gh c on"a!ina"ed !il$ rod#c"s (bo""le). Resis"an" "o cold "e!s0 can gro' een in ridge. biolar s"aining s"ains s"rongl* on bo"h ends0 loo$s $inda li$e sae"* in (sae"* in). encas#la"ed0 g lass do!e. Ca#ses inasie diarrhea0 red s"ool0 b