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ISRAEL at EUROSATORY 2010 __________________________________________________________________________


At the forefront of electro-optics, ITL is an acknowledged industry leader, partnering with its customers in order to assure that all of its electro-optic solutions match the latest operational scenarios. Its electro-optic systems enable day/image intensified night vision, thermal imaging, target observation and acquisition, utilizing sophisticated software applications, video processing and design and implementing diodepumped laser technology based on Er:Glass. The company offers cooled 3-5 wavelength thermal imaging systems and uncooled 8-12 adverse environmental conditions. systems with high target resolution, improved transmittance, and superior performance under

Tactical Night Vision
ITL’s line of tactical night vision products range from battle-proven imageintensified monoculars to hand-held pocket scopes and mini-weapon sights for covert night observation and intelligence gathering.




Head-worn monocular or binocular created from two randomly selected monoculars.

Hand-held or headmounted monocular with built-in IR LED illuminator.

Weapon-mounted or hand-held system with X3, X4 or X6 magnification.  

Uncooled Thermal Observation
These compact, power-efficient uncooled thermal imagers of the “COYOTE” family are ideal for riflemen, marksmen and sharpshooters alike. Rugged and waterproof, these sturdy devices also fit in the palm of your hand.


to mid-range (50m to 2.000m). AZ.000m) LRFs. 25. Weapon-Mounted Aiming Lights These systems range from laser-based aiming lights to dual-wavelength aiming reflex sights and mini-reflex weapon aiming sight for high-precision fire support. friendly force signalling. weapon system and/or UAV payloads.ISRAEL at EUROSATORY 2010 __________________________________________________________________________         POCKET SCOPE Hand-held uncooled thermal imager for detecting and marking human and tank targets. and quick-response target hit.   . COBRA Hand -held LRF for ranges of 50-2000m.repetition rate LRFs. RANGER MR Short . with real. WEAPON SIGHT Weapon-mounted uncooled thermal night sight.time range.or closed-frame modules. in open.500 and 4. EL & self-position data RANGER LR and HR Long-range display. compact. The OEMs can be integrated as part of a multi-sensor suite. hand-held LRFs for the dismounted soldier and eye-safe OEM modules (“RANGER” family).000 and 30.000. MONOCULAR Thermal version of ITL’s highly popular MINI-N/SEAS tactical night vision system. single-pulse and 10Hz. Laser Range Finders (LRFs) ITL offers a variety of unique. (100m to 12.

covert IR and Dual wavelength models for short to long-range operation. Target Acquisition and Observation ITL’s range of systems includes advanced yet simple and lightweight systems for short. X4 or X6 magnification. MARS Unique combination of Reflex Sight with visible and covert IR aiming lights. RAPTOR Weapon . pan-and-tilt-mounted EXPLORER with C2 connectivity.mounted or hand-held system with X3.       HARRIER High resolution night thermal imager with three Fields of View or continuous zoom. CMOS day camera. EXPLORER RPM Remotely-operated. and 15m LRF.       . Whether hand-hand or tripod/pan-and-tilt system mounted. they are an ideal choice for tactical dismounted applications.           EXPLORER Binocular with thermal imager. GPS.ISRAEL at EUROSATORY 2010 __________________________________________________________________________   AIM Family Visible .and long-range day/night capabilities.

improved navigation and orientation.    . weapon stations and applications. light. they are designed for a variety of platforms.       SET BEAM Compact searchlight that emits a highpower.   PERIPHERAL SUITE Indispensable tool for AFV driver enabling 360° observation. image intensifierbased day/night binocular for ranges of 30–2000m. SCOUTER Man-portable. CTAS Unique add-on that transforms any LRF having RS-232/422 capabilities into a C2 acquisition system.ISRAEL at EUROSATORY 2010 __________________________________________________________________________   N/CROS Compact. focused long-range beam without causing a scattered-light effect. day/ night acquisition. Incorporated in ruggedized enclosures. fire direction & navigation system with north-finding option (RLG and CNFM) Vehicle-Mounted and Multiple-Sensor Suites ITL’s vehicle-mounted and multiple sensor suites serve as force multipliers in addressing the diverse challenges facing modern battlefields.

to create the ultimate system-of-systems. fire control. Integrated Networked Infantry Solutions (AISS) ITL’s Advanced Infantry Soldier System or AISS is a modular. target observation and acquisition. display. All solutions offer comprehensive ILS packages.ISRAEL at EUROSATORY 2010 __________________________________________________________________________   C4I ITL provides comprehensive solutions for data networking of maneuvering combat teams. with full weapon system integration and connectivity. including customized simulators. Mobile networked artillery layouts equipped with advanced C4I. reconnaissance. combining both hardware and software in weapon-integrated packages in response to 21st century challenges. observation. lightweight. interchangeable suite. modular. AISS combines vital combat building blocks – computing. AISS enables the following capabilities: • • • • • • • • Terrain Analysis Navigation Friendly-Force Tracking Rapid target acquisition Situational awareness Fire correction and support Remote briefing Debriefing     . field commander-assistant tool for situational awareness and integrated sensor operation at the tactical level.        BATTLE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS SUITES ARTILLERY Battle-proven systems that enables mastery of the entire Command and Control loop. monitoring and logistic capabilities. communication and navigation/orientation capabilities – in one.

ITL integrates sophisticated field-proven technological elements and commercial off-the-shelf products. regional and/or national level All solutions offer comprehensive ILS packages featuring a variety of maintenance support and training options. and acquisition • Provisions for identification and early warning • Mobile tactical packages for ground-. detection. mechanized and airborne observation.and coastal-based patrol and interception • Information and mission control centers and networks for crisis management at the municipal.     .ISRAEL at EUROSATORY 2010 __________________________________________________________________________   Emergency Response Solutions ITL’s solutions are designed to boost security and defense for more effective decision-making. marine. situational awareness and response. in one comprehensive package • Electro-optic sensors for stationary. including simulators.