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Sptatls2 9th

atls post test




1. Which followin following g LEAST diagnost diagnostic ic esophagea esophageall intubation ?  ETT above carina on chest x- ray 2. Which follow following ing signs signs denitive denitive airwa airwa in trau!a patient?  severe maxillofacial fractures  Twent"seven patient in#ured aircraft aircraft local 3.  Twent"seven airport. $rincipal triage?  produce the greates number of survivor based on available resources 4. State!ent correct? Cerebral contusions  may coalesce to form an intracerebral hematoma 5. An 1%"earold& shot& bullet wound right clavicula and right posterior a'illar line& T( 11)*)& +) beat& ,, -& airwas and double /0 line& ne't appropriate step?  obtain a portable chest x-ray 6. A "ear"old& falling * !eters 2) feet3 landing straddle on a face& perineu! reveals e'tensive ech!osis& blood 4AE& initial diagnostic stud for evaluation urinar trac5 ?  retrograde urethrography . 6eurogenic shoc5 following classic characteristic e'cept which ? narro!ed pulse pressure ". 7ollowing false concerning ,h isoi!!uni8ation  in pregnant trau!a ?  #h immunoglobulin therapy should be administered to pregnant females !ho have sustained a gunshot !ound to the leg 1%"ear"old !otorcclist& !assive facial in#uries $. 1%"ear"old in a head crash with pic5 up& 19):%%& ;; beats& ,, 2* labored and sonor& <=S & orotracheal intubation unsuccesfull& be apatic& best procedure?  surgical cricothyroidotomy 1).29"ear"old partial and full thic5ness burn involving *)> right ar! and hand& circu!ferential circu!ferential burn& pulse absent right wrist and not detected b (oppler e'a!ination& rst step !anage right upper?  escharotomy 7ollowing sign chst '"ra patient a blunt %%.  in#ur suggest aortic rupture E=E$T which ?  mediastinal emphysema 12.-)"ear"old wo!an fell down four stairs l anding on concrete. @ncon scious for 9 &i!utes after the fall& full consciousness during 1) !inute transport the hospital& <=S 19& co!plaint is a slight headache& -) !inute she unresponsive <=S * left pupil is large ?  an epidural hematoma 1-.2"ear"old !ale pedestrian& struc5 auto!obile& ad!it E!er(eptt 1 hour after in#ur& %):*)& 1) beat& ,, -*& lethargic& o'gen face !as5& 2 /0 line& & weight %) 5 g 1)9:9& 1-9 beat& cateter urine 2) !l dar5& received 1))) !l ,L$ar5land guide esti!ate crstalloid Fuid ne't % hours ? %222 ml -1.- Gear"old fe!ale !otor crash& tal5ing& voice  is hoarse& bruishing chest and anterior nec5& ne't step? mas)   oxygen by non-rebreathing  T,@E ?  x-ray of the chest and pelvic are important in the initial evaluation -*.-9"ear"old fe!ale fall down stairs& e'tensive bruising face and head& 12) beat& +):)& ,, 2*& condition !ost readil?  hypovolemia from abdominal or pelvic in(ury Which following T,@E cranial anato!? 3. the choroid plexus !hich produced cerebrospinal 'uid lies in the lateral and third ventricles.  -%.22"ear"old wo!an fall s5iing& present spine board cervical collar& o'gen !as5 9 Lp!& double /0& <=S 12& 1-9:*& 1)9 beat& ,, 1+. 4anage ? CT of the head and repeat C, -+.A oung !ale fall 9 !eters 1* feet3 fro! roof& respond pain b pushing our hand& opening ees& verbali8ing inappropriate words& pupil eHual& !ost i!portant step?  immediate intubation to protect his air!ays )./n a patient with a spinal cord in#ur& sacral sparing?  is a good prognostic sign.