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Synchronous Code Sample - Cisco Solution Partner Program


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Unified Communications Manager Serviceability AXL (SXML) Interface Update for releases 8.6(x) & 9.0 Erick Burgess, Product Manager CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA Housekeeping  We value your feedback- don't forget to complete your online session evaluations after each session & the Overall Conference Evaluation which will be available online from Thursday  Visit the World of Solutions and Meet the Engineer  Visit the Cisco Store to purchase your recommended readings  The following content is protected under our Master Cisco Developer Partner Not-to-Disclose Agreement  Use of recording devices is not permitted  Please set your mobile devices to vibrate/silent  Get ready for an exciting session After the event don’t forget to visit Cisco Live Virtual: CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA Required GAAP Reconciliation and Forward-Looking Statements  The Cisco products, service or features identified in this document may not yet be available or may not be available in all areas and may be subject to change without notice. Consult your local Cisco business contact for information on the products or services available in your area. You can find additional information via Cisco’s World Wide Web server at Actual performance and environmental costs of Cisco products will vary depending on individual customer configurations and conditions. CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA Agenda  What’s New in Unified CM 8.6(x) ‒ Where to find information  What’s New in Unified CM 9.0(x) ‒ Platform Administrative Web Service ‒ AXIS Upgrade, New WSDL in Document/Literal format ‒ RisPort Device Query limit from 200 to 1000 ‒ SNMP and Alarm Configuration via AXL ‒ Multiple Syslog Destinations ‒ Real Time Monitoring Tool – SIP Call Trace Enhancements ‒ MultiTier CAC Reports ‒ Native Call Queuing Performance Counters ‒ Locations CAC Performance Counters  Q&A CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA Unified CM 8.6(x) Updates CiscoLive 8.6(1) Updates are posted here: For 8.6(2) Updates, refer to the Release Notes posted here: Platform Administrative Web Services Interface (PAWS) Available in release 9.0(1) Platform Administrative Web Service Executive Summary  New “upgrade orchestration features” • PAWS-Interface: developer-ready Cisco UC software version management interface Cisco or CDN partner utility/console talking to PAWS API • PAWS-Management: Cisco branded “console” application that uses PAWS-I  Value / Strategic Fit: “Multi-cluster upgrade” for large multi-sitedistributed deployments … … • Address key customer use cases PAWS “CUP” Nodes CUCM Nodes “Cluster-based upgrade” for super-clusters … “Upgrade Orchestration” to reduce complexity • Reduce upgrade hassles – lower upgrade costs, risk, and travel requirements CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. SME Nodes Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 8 Platform Administrative Web Service What is PAWS?  Allows applications to initiate and monitor upgrades on multiple UC Clusters from a single management client via the PAWS-I API  Facilitates large scale deployments/upgrades  New public interface in Unified CM 9.0(1)  XML/SOAP based on AXIS 2.0  WSDL in doc/literal format which aligns with the Unified CM Administrative and Service XML interfaces as well as the UC Gateway Services interface  Native support for Visual Studio 2010 & .Net v2/3/4 CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 9 Platform SOAP Services allow you to:  Inspect & Inventory ‒ Hardware Model, Active/Inactive Version, and Install Options ‒ Installed Products Unified Communication Manager (CUCM) IM/Presence Services (IM/Presence) Session Manager Enterprise (SME) ‒ Upgrade State (error, cancelled, downloading, installing, etc)  Upgrade ‒ Test install/upgrade file for validity ‒ Filter a list of install/upgrade files ‒ Prepare Upgrade (Download Upgrade Files) ‒ Start Upgrade  Switch Version / Restart Server CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 10 PAWS Supported Applications CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 11 Example: Managing a Cluster Upgrade with PAWS CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 12 Access the list of PAWS Services  Make sure PAWS Service is running  Access to Service List requires authentication via Platform Administrator credentials  Display available services via: https:///platform-services/services/listServices CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 13 Platform Administrative Web Service Available Services and Access to the WSDL  Request WSDL for client stub generation https:///platformservices/services/?wsdl  Call a service https:///platformservices/services/ CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 14 Interacting with the PAWS Service Support for Synchronous and Asynchronous Calls  Each PAWS service can be invoked either: ‒ Synchronously – In a Blocking client manner ‒ Asynchronously – In a Non-Blocking client/server manner  Each PAWS service implements an asynchronous IN-OUT message exchange protocol (MEP)  MEP is SOAP-based and must use well-formed SOAP messages CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 15 Interacting with the PAWS Service Using Synchronous Calls  Client application POSTs a request and waits for a response  Synchronous Calls ‒ Open a socket to requested service ‒ Wait for a response before closing the socket ‒ Can waste server resources during lengthy operations  Request can “timeout” while waiting for a response when requests take a long time to complete ‒ Downloading an upgrade file ‒ Running a server upgrade CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 16 Interacting with the PAWS Service Using Asynchronous Calls  Client application POSTs a request and response is sent to a ‘callback server’  Asynchronous calls ‒ Do not wait for a response to close the socket ‒ Contain a WS-Addressing endpoint reference (reply-to URL) ‒ Acknowledged with HTTP 202 return code before calling desired service  Once the service completes, a response is sent to the provided endpoint ‒ Responses include result code, messages, and any available results ‒ MessageID in request is returned with the response to relate the request and response messages  Maximum of 3 concurrent requests are allowed on a given server ‒ Additional requests queued up to 60 seconds before being rejected  Callback server must be available or the response is lost CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 17 Selecting Sync vs Async Behavior  Key to selecting between Synchronous and Asynchronous behavior is the element ‒ request always includes of a “callback” server  Synchronous callback ‒ Provide the synchronous callback address:  Asynchronous callback ‒ Provide the address of your application’s callback server: http://:/servlet/WSACallBackHandler CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 18 Choosing Sync or Async Calls Which one should you use?  Applications can use any Resource synchronously or asynchronously ‒ Choice depends upon application requirements and programmer comfort  Following Resources should typically be called asynchronously: ‒ UpgradeFilterService: upgradeFilter ‒ UpgradeProgressStageService: getUpgradeProgress ‒ CancelUpgradeService: cancelUpgrade ‒ PrepareUpgradeService: prepareRemoteUpgrade ‒ StartUpgradeService: startUpgrade CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 19 PAWS Service Example  APIVersionService ‒ Single Resource: getAPIVersion ‒ Can be called synchronously or asynchronously ‒ Good idea to validate API Version before proceeding  Currently available API Version: ‒ API Version is first public version in UC Manager 9.0  Upcoming slides show the difference between using getAPIVersion synchronously and asynchronously CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 20 Synchronous Example of getAPIVersion Application Interaction with PAWS Service CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 21 Synchronous Code Sample getAPIVersion Request urn:getAPIVersion uuid:63e5d8ca-dcac-40af-916bd32ec3382d0f CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 22 Synchronous Code Sample getAPIVersion Request urn:getAPIVersion uuid:63e5d8ca-dcac-40af-916burn:getAPIVersion d32ec3382d0f xmlns:wsa=""> services/services/APIVersionService.APIVersionServiceHttpSoap11Endpoint CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 23 Synchronous Code Sample getAPIVersion Request urn:getAPIVersion uuid:63e5d8ca-dcac-40af-916b d32ec3382d0f uuid:63e5d8ca-dcac-40af-916b-d32ec3382d0f CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 24 Synchronous Code Sample getAPIVersion Response urn:getAPIVersionResponse uuid:63e5d8ca-dcac-40af-916b-d32ec3382d0f internal.request.complete CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 25 Synchronous Code Sample getAPIVersion Response urn:getAPIVersionResponse urn:getAPIVersionResponse uuid:63e5d8ca-dcac-40af-916b-d32ec3382d0f uuid:63e5d8ca-dcac-40af-916b-d32ec3382d0f internal.request.complete internal.request.complete CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 26 Asynchronous Example of getAPIVersion Application Interaction with PAWS Service CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 27 Asynchronous Code Sample getAPIVersion Request urn:getAPIVersion uuid:63e5d8ca-dcac-40af-916bd32ec3382d0f ns1:LocalPart CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 28 Asynchronous Code Sample getAPIVersion Request urn:getAPIVersion uuid:63e5d8ca-dcac-40af-916bd32ec3382d0f urn:getAPIVersion ns1:LocalPart xmlns:wsa=""> services/services/APIVersionService.APIVersionServiceHttpSoap11Endpoint CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 29 Asynchronous Code Sample getAPIVersion Request urn:getAPIVersion uuid:63e5d8ca-dcac-40af-916b d32ec3382d0f uuid:63e5d8ca-dcac-40af-916b-d32ec3382d0f ns1:LocalPart ns1:LocalPart CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 30 Asynchronous Code Sample getAPIVersion Response urn:uuid:0F61829901A8890A521333714855344 urn:getAPIVersionResponse uuid:63e5d8ca-dcac-40af-916b-d32ec3382d0f internal.request.complete CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 31 Asynchronous Code Sample getAPIVersion Response urn:uuid:0F61829901A8890A521333714855344 urn:uuid:0F61829901A8890A521333714855344 urn:getAPIVersionResponse uuid:63e5d8ca-dcac-40af-916b-d32ec3382d0f urn:getAPIVersionResponse uuid:63e5d8ca-dcac-40af-916b-d32ec3382d0f internal.request.complete internal.request.complete CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 32 Available PAWS Resources PAWS - Resources Service Name Method Name Description getAPIVersion Returns the API version of PAWS SOAP services CancelUpgradeService cancelUpgrade Cancels an upgrade or COP file installation previously started via startUpgrade Should be called asynchronously ClusterNodesService getClusterNodes getMyClusterNode DeploymentModeService getDeploymentMode setDeploymentMode Return the deployment mode information Set the deployment mode HardwareModelService getHardwareModel Returns hardware information like model and serial number APIVersionService MaintenanceService CiscoLive12 Returns information on all cluster nodes Return information from node request sent to MaintenanceService is not supported in Release 9.0 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 34 PAWS - Resources Service Name Method Name getActiveOptions getInactiveOptions OptionsService Description Returns installed options on the active partition Returns installed options on the inactive partition Downloads and prepares an upgrade or PrepareRemoteUpgradeService prepareRemoteUpgrade COP file for installation Should be called asynchronously ProductService RestartSystemService RestartSystemStatusService StartUpgradeService CiscoLive12 getInstalledProducts getProductName Returns the list of deployed products Returns the overall product name restartSystem Reboots the system without switching partitions getRestartSystemStatus Gets the status of the last restartSystem startUpgrade © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Starts the upgrade or COP file installation previously prepared via prepareRemoteUpgrade Should be called asynchronously Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 35 PAWS - Resources Service Name Method Name SwitchVersionService switchVersions Description Activates and boots the inactive partition SwitchVersionStatusService getSwitchVersionStatus Gets the status of the last switchVersions UpgradeFilterService upgradeFilter Returns a list of valid files from the provided list of files - use when locating valid files in a particular S/FTP directory Should be called asynchronously UpgradeValidService isUpgradeValid Determines if a file is valid - use when validating a user selected file UpgradeStageService CiscoLive12 getUpgradeStage © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Returns the current overall upgrade or COP file install stage like downloading, validating, and in progress Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 36 PAWS - Resources Service Name UpgradeTypeService Method Name Description getUpgradeType Returns the type of the current upgrade - currently this service can only be called after upgrade has started. Returns detailed progress information only while an upgrade or COP file installation UpgradeProgressStageService getCurrentUpgradeProgressStage is in progress Should be called asynchronously VersionService CiscoLive12 getActiveVersion getInactiveVersion © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Returns active product version Returns inactive product version Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 37 PAWS Result Codes and Error Handling PAWS Result Codes Result Code Meaning internal.request.complete For services with separate status methods (e.g. switch & restart) - the request has been started For services without separate status methods - the request completed successfully internal.request.complete.message Same as internal.request.complete but the response includes messages for the end user internal.request.failed CiscoLive12 The request failed - ignore any results and show returned messages © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 39 PAWS SOAP Layer Messages  Messages generated by the SOAP services layer Key Meaning error.soap.internal Error when a SOAP service experiences an unexpected problem. error.remote.throttled Error when the request was denied due to throttling. error.validation.invalid Validation error - required data is not valid. error.validation.maxlength Validation error - required data is too big. error.validation.minlength Validation error - required data is too small. error.validation.range Validation error - required data is not within a certain range. error.validation.required Validation error - required data is missing. error.validation.mustbe Validation error - required data must be a specific value to be valid. CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 40 Status Value Messages  Restart and Switch Version Statuses Key Meaning internal.request.processing The restart/switch version is still in progress internal.request.complete The restart/switch version has completed error.undetermined.result The restart/switch version status cannot be determined - can happen for a few seconds immediately after a restart or switch version is scheduled and while the server is offline rebooting CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 41 Upgrade Stages Key Meaning upgrade.stage.cancelled Cancelled upgrade.stage.checksumming Calculating File Checksum upgrade.stage.completed Completed upgrade.stage.configuring Configuring (only set if someone is using the OS Admin or CLI to install an upgrade or COP file) upgrade.stage.determining.files Determining Valid Files (only set if someone is using the OS Admin or CLI to install an upgrade or COP file upgrade.stage.downloading Downloading File upgrade.stage.error Error (indicates failure) upgrade.stage.installing Installing File upgrade.stage.none None upgrade.stage.validating Validating File upgrade.stage.validated File Validated CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 42 Exploding Some PAWS Myths  Does not reduce elapsed time to “write the bits” ‒ Minor time savings from task concurrency if you sequence tasks correctly  Does not do platform migrations ‒ e.g. MCS to MCS, MCS to UCS, UCS to UCS  Does not handle IP address or hostname changes  Does not auto-poll or download upgrade files from  Does not auto-distribute upgrade files to app nodes  Does not auto-update … programming has to be “started”; then the PAWS-enabled application automates it CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 43 Additional Information  PAWS will be a public interface in the UC 9.0(1) release  Enables Cisco UC software version management to be integrated with third-party Serviceability consoles  New Developer Portal ‒ ‒ Launch June 2012 ‒ Developer Guide & API Reference ‒ Resources used for a typical upgrade ‒ Request/Response code examples ‒ Sample application ‒ Discussion Forums CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 44 Unified CM 9.0(1) (Q2CY2012) Service XML New/Changed Features Serviceability 9.0 Updates  AXIS Upgrade, New WSDL in Document/Literal format  RisPort Device Query limit from 200 to 1000  SNMP and Alarm Configuration via AXL  Platform Administrative Web Service  Multiple Syslog Destinations  Real Time Monitoring Tool – SIP Call Trace Enhancements  MultiTier CAC Reports  Native Call Queuing Performance Counters  Locations CAC Performance Counters CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA AXIS 2.0  AXIS2 was introduced in 2004 and SXML is still on version 1.2 and needs to be upgraded.  AXIS2 is faster compared to earlier versions of AXIS (source:  AXIS2 has a lower memory foot print (source: CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA Doc/Literal WSDL format  Service XML has been upgraded to use the AXIS 2 framework. AXIS 2 is faster and has a smaller memory footprint  WSDL has been upgraded to support the widely accepted Document/Literal format ‒ Aligns with the Unified CM Administrative XML and Platform Administrative Web Service interfaces, as well as the UC Gateway Services interface which also support the same document/literal format  Native support for Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 2/3/4.x frameworks  Backward compatibility will be maintained for two releases  Unified CM 9.x & 10.x will support both RPC/encoded and Document/literal WSDL formats  Unified CM 11.0(1) will only support Document/Literal format CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA AXIS Upgrade, New WSDL  All currently available Serviceability XML APIs moved to AXIS 2.0 and supports Doc/Literal WSDL format ‒ Risport2 ‒ PerfmonPort2 ‒ CDRonDemand2 ‒ LogCollectionPort2 ‒ ControlServicesPort2  Backward compatibility supported – existing Serviceability XML APIs continue to be available (rpc/encoded WSDL) ‒ Riport70 ‒ PerfmonPort ‒ CDRonDemand ‒ LogCollectionPort ‒ ControlServicesPort CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA RisPort Device Query limit  The maximum number of returned devices has been increased from 200 to 1000 per request  Allows for faster retrieval of device information using RisPort API  RisPort reply can contain up to three device status information messages for each device. ‒ Example: ‒ Phone_A is currently registered to Unified CM_A ‒ Phone_A was unregistered from Unified CM_B ‒ Phone_A was unregistered from Unified CM_C CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA SNMP Configuration API  Allows AXL applications to remotely configure SNMP (v1/v2/v3)  Supports all SNMP configuration settings currently available via Serviceability SNMP pages. For example: • Notification destination • Community String • SNMP users CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA Alarm Configuration API  Allows AXL applications to remotely configure alarms  Supports all Alarm configurations currently on the Serviceability Alarm Configuration page including Remote Syslog Destination  Add up to 5 Remote Server Names for a Remote Syslog CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA Multiple Syslog destinations  Unified CM now supports multiple syslog destinations ‒ Forward Syslogs to up to 5 remote servers ‒ Forward Alarms to up to 5 remove servers ‒ Syslog destination can be configured via AXL Interface  Alarm Configuration  Enterprise Service Parameter : Remote Syslog Server Name CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA SIP Session Trace Enhancements  Session Trace feature traces all calls and generates SIP message ladder or sequence diagrams for SIP calls  Shows termination cause codes for all calls.  Accelerates troubleshooting  Diagrams can be viewed/saved as html files  Enterprise Parameter enables/disables Call Tracing globally  SIP Session Trace Tool supports the ability to trace calls using local log files as the source  Serviceability RTMT tool generates SIP diagrams from saved SDI/SDL and call log files  RTMT supports both interleaved and non-interleaved tracing formats of SDI/SDL logs  Calling and Called Device Name information is now reported by the SIP Session Trace tool CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA RTMT – SIP Call Tracing enhancements CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA Session Trace Sample Output CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA MultiTier Call Admission Control (CAC)  Enhanced Location CAC support for Video calls Unified CM 7.x/8.x capacity: 2 video calls 2 1 capacity: 2 video calls capacity: 2 video calls 1 packets dropped 1 no packets dropped 2 packets dropped 2 no packets dropped 3 packets dropped 3 call rejected no packets dropped no packets dropped 2 10.10.10.* network CiscoLive12 10.10.20.* network 10.10.20.* network 10.10.20.* network 1 Unified CM 9.0 1 2 10.10.10.* network © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 3 1 2 10.10.10.* network Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 3 MultiTier CAC – Serviceability Reports  Complete Topology Report ‒ Enables the Administrator to view the Topology Data ‒ List Location, Neighbors, Edge bucket size  Edge Discrepancy Report ‒ Lists conflicts in edge bucket size configured ‒ Conflicts can be in audio/video/immersive bucket sizes  Path Subset Reports ‒ List all paths between locations ‒ Sorted based on edge weight ‒ Show Bandwidth used, bandwidth available etc  Dynamic Data Report ‒ List active calls between two given locations, bandwidth used, bandwidth available etc. © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA CiscoLive12 MultiTier CAC: Topology report CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA Locations Bandwidth Manager (LBM) Performance Counters • Location Counters moved from “Cisco CallManager” object to “Cisco Locations LBM” Counter Name Description CallsInProgress This represents the number of calls currently in progress on this Unified CM. BandwidthAvailable This represents the current bandwidth available in a given location. VideoBandwidthAvailable This represents the bandwidth currently available for video in the location where the video call participant resides VideoBandwidthMaximum This represents the maximum bandwidth available for video in the location where the video call participant resides. OutOfResources CiscoLive12 This represents the total number of times that a call on this CallManager through the location failed due to lack of bandwidth. © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA Locations Bandwidth Manager Performance Counters Counter Name Description VideoOutOfResources ImmersiveVideoBandwidthMaximum This represents the maximum bandwidth available for video in the location where the video call participant resides. ImmersiveVideoBandwidthAvailable This represents the bandwidth currently available for video in the location where the video call participant resides ImmersiveOutOfResources CiscoLive12 This represents the total number of failed video calls in the location where the video call participant resides. This represents the total number of failed video calls in the location where the video call participant resides. © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA Native Call Queuing  Queue (hold) callers while they wait for an employee to become available  Play Announcements & Music in Queue “Thank you for calling” “Please hold a moment” “Your call will be answered in the order in which it was received”  Longest call waiting distribution  Login/logout of queues and view queue information on Cisco IP Phones  Enhanced call detail records and monitoring tools  Enhances Unified CM Hunt Group feature CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Unified CM Subscriber Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA Serviceability • Call Detail Records have been enhanced to indicate: ‒ Queue flag – indicates if the call was queued ‒ Queue time – cumulative queue time prior to call answered • New serviceability counters have been added to monitor queue performance; includes alarms and alerts with configurable thresholds. CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA Native Call Queuing Performance Counters Counter Name & Type Description QAnnouncementError (Historical, Cumulative) Number of announcement errors which have occurred for queued calls since the last time the system was rebooted. QCallsAbandoned (Historical, Cumulative) Number of calls which were queued, but disconnected prior to being answered by a hunt member or redirected normally since the last time the system was rebooted. QCallsQueued (Real-time) QCallsRingNoAnswer (Historical, Cumulative) CiscoLive12 Number of calls currently in queue. Number of calls which were not answered after being routed to a line group member since the last time the system was rebooted © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA Native Call Queuing Performance Counters Counter Name & Type QLongestCallWaiting (Real-time) MaxQDepthExceeded (Historical, Cumulative) CiscoLive12 Description Time (in seconds) of the longest call waiting currently in queue Number of occurrences when a call was routed to an alternate destination after the maximum number of callers allowed in queue was reached since the last time the system was rebooted MaxQWaitTimerExceeded (Historical, Cumulative) Number of occurrences when a call was routed to an alternate destination after the maximum wait time in queue was reached since the last time the system was rebooted LineGroupMembersAvailable (Real-time) Number of idle (on-hook) line group members (DNs) currently eligible to receive calls from the queuingenabled hunt pilot © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA Questions? Complete Your Online Session Evaluation  Give us your feedback and you could win fabulous prizes. Winners announced daily.  Receive 20 Passport points for each session evaluation you complete.  Complete your session evaluation online now (open a browser through our wireless network to access our Don’t forget to activate your Cisco Live Virtual account for access to portal) or visit one of the Internet stations throughout the Convention all session material, communities, and on-demand and live activities throughout Center. the year. Activate your account at the Cisco booth in the World of Solutions or visit CiscoLive12 © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Developer Network - Partner NDA 67 Presentation_ID © 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public