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Validation Part2




Supplementary Training Modules on Good Manufacturing Practice Validation WHO Technical Report Series, No. 937, 937, 2006. 2006. Annex 4. Validation | Slide 1 of 48 Validation  Part 1. General overview on qualification and validation  Part 2. Qualification of HVAC and water w ater systems  Part 3. Cleaning validation validation  Part 4. Analytical method validation  Part 5. Computerized system validation  Part 6. Qualification of systems and equipment  Part 7. Non sterile product process validation Validation | Slide 2 of 48 Supplementary Training Modules on Good Manufacturing Practice Qualification of HVAC and water systems Part 2 WHO Technical Report Series, No. 937, 2006. Annex 4. Appendix 1 and 2 Validation | Slide 3 of 48 HVAC Objectives  To understand key issues in  – commissioning,  – qualification and   – maintenance of  HVAC and Water systems 8. Validation | Slide 4 of 48 HVAC Documentation requirements to assist in commissioning, qualification and maintenance q Description of design, installation and functions q Specifications, Specification s, requirements q Manuals q Operating procedures q Instructions for performance control, monitoring and records q Maintenance instructions and records q Training of personnel ― Validation | programme and records Slide 5 of 48 HVAC Commissioning  Precursor to qualificatio qualification n  Includes setting up, balancing, adjustment and testing of entire HVAC system to ensure it meets m eets requirements in URS and capacity  Acceptable tolerances for parameters  Training of personnel 8.1.1, 8.1.4, 8.1.5 Validation | Slide 6 of 48 HVAC Commissioning (2) Records and data maintained include:  Installation records – documented evidence of measure capacities of the system  Data: design and measurement for, e.g. air flow, system pressures  O&M manuals, schematic drawings, protocols, reports 8.1.2, 8.1.3, 8.1.6 Validation | Slide 7 of 48 HVAC Qualification  Validation is an extensive exercise  Qualification of the HVAC system is one component in the overall approach that covers premises, systems/utilities, equipment, processes, etc.  See also full guidelines on "Validation" in WHO TRS, No. 937, 2005, Annex 4  Risk based approach for HVAC qualification 8.2.1 Validation | Slide 8 of 48 HVAC Qualification (2)  Described in a Validation Master Plan (VMP)  VMP to include the nature and extent of tests, and protocols  DQ, IQ, OQ, and PQ  Risk analysis to determine critical and non-critical parameters, components, subsystems and controls 8.2.2 – 8.2.5 Validation | Slide 9 of 48 HVAC Qualification (3)  Direct impact components and critical parameters should be included  Non-critical systems and components are subjected to Good Engineering Practices (GEP)  Acceptance criteria and limits defined in design stage  Design conditions, normal operating ranges, operating ranges, alert and action limits 8.2.5 – 8.2.11 Validation | Slide 10 of 48 HVAC   Design conditions and normal  operating  ranges set to achievable limits A C T I O N L IM IM I T A C T I O N L IM IM I T A L E R T LIL I M I T A L E R T LIL I M I T D e s i g n C o n d i tit i o n OOS results recorded  N o r m a l O p e r a tit i n g R a n g e O p e r a t ini n g R a n g e - V a l idi d a t e d A c c e p t a n c e C r it e rir i a 8.2.12 – 8.2.15 Validation | Slide 11 of 48 HVAC Qualification – examples of aspects to consider   DQ – Design of the system, URS  – (e.g. components, type of air treatment needed, materials of construction)  IQ – Verify installation  – E.g. relevant components, ducting, filters, controls, monitors, sensors, etc.  – Includes calibration where relevant  Validation | Slide 12 of 48 HVAC Qualification (4) Typical parameters to be included in qualification (based on risk assessment):  Temperature  Relative humidity  Supply, return and exhaust air quantities  Room air change rates  Room pressures (pressure differential differentials) s) 8.2.17 Validation | Slide 13 of 48 HVAC Qualification (5) Typical parameters to be included in qualification (based on risk assessment) (2):  Room clean-up rate  Particulate matter, microbial matter (viable and non-viable)  HEPA filter penetration tests  Containment system velocity  Warning/alarm systems 8.2.17 Validation | Slide 14 of 48 HVAC Qualification (6) Conduct of the tests:  Time intervals and procedure to be defined by the manufacturer   Influenced by the type of facility and level of protection  See also ISO 14644 for methods of testing  Requalification,, and change control Requalification 8.2.18 – 8.2.20, 8.2.9 Validation | Slide 15 of 48 HVAC Qualification (7)  Tests performed according to protocols and procedures for  the tests  Results recorded and presented in report (source data kept)  Traceability, e.g. devices and standards st andards used, calibration records; and conditions specified Validation | Slide 16 of 48 HVAC Schedule of tests to t o demonstrate continuing compliance Test Parameter  Objective Maximum time interval  Test procedure*  and key aspects Particle count test Verifies cleanliness 6 months or 12 months depending on Class Particle counter. Readings and positions Air pressure difference Absence of crosscontamination 12 months Measure pressure difference Airflow volume Verify air change rates 12 months Measure supply and return air, calculate air change rate Airflow velocity Verify unidirectional 12 months airflow and or  containment condition Velocity measurement 8. Table 3 *Test procedure as per ISO 14644 Validation | Slide 17 of 48 HVAC Recommended Recommende d optional strategic tests Test Parameter  Objective Maximum time interval  Test procedure*  and key aspects Filter leakage Verify filter integrity 12 months Filter media and filter  seal integrity Containmentt leakage Containmen Verify absence of  cross-contamination 12 months Airflow direction and pressure differential Recovery (time) Verify clean-up time 12 months Time taken maximum 15 minutes Airflow visualization Verify required airflow patterns 12 months Airflow direction, documented evidence *Test procedure as per ISO 14644 Validation | Slide 18 of 48 8. Table 3 HVAC Cleanroom monitoring programme (1)  Routine monitoring programme as part of quality assurance  Additional monitoring and triggers, e.g. 1. Shutdown 2. Replacement of filter elements 3. Maintenance of air-handling systems 4. Exceeding of established limits Validation | Slide 19 of 48 HVAC Cleanroom monitoring programme (2) Particles and Microbiological contaminants q Number of points/locations for monitoring determined, specified, documented in procedure and or protocol q Sufficient time for exposure, and suitable sample size q Identification and marking of sampling points q Definition of transport, storage, and incubation conditions q Results to reflect the procedure/protocol followed followed q Define alert and action limits as a function of cleanliness zone/class See also ISO 14644 Validation | Slide 20 of 48 HVAC Cleanroom monitoring programme (3) Cleanrooms should be monitored for microorganisms and particles air  Example of a sampling point Validation | Slide 21 of 48 HVAC Definition of Conditions as built at rest in operation air  air  air  Validation | Slide 22 of 48 HVAC Qualification – examples of aspects to consider in qualification (OQ, PQ) Uni-directional airflow / LAF Test Turbulent / mixed airflow Differential pressure on filters 2 2 Room differential pressure N/A 2, 3 Airflow velocity / uniformity 2, 3 Optional Description 1 := As built (ideally used to perform IQ) 2 = At rest (ideally used to to perform OQ) OQ) 3 = Operational (ideally (ideally used to perform perform PQ) Airflow volume / rate 2 2 Parallelism 2 N/A Airflow pattern 2 3 Validation | Slide 23 of 48 HVAC Qualification – examples of aspects to consider in qualification (OQ, PQ) Uni-directional airflow / LAF Test Turbulent / mixed airflow Description Recovery time N/A 2 1 := As built (ideally used to perform IQ) Room classification (airborne particle) 2 2,3 2 = At rest (ideally used to to perform OQ) OQ) Temperature, humidity N/A 2,3 3 = Operational (ideally (ideally used to perform perform PQ) Validation | Slide 24 of 48 HVAC Maintenance  Procedure, programme and records for planned, preventative maintenance  – e.g. Cleaning of filters, calibration of devices  Appropriate training for personnel  Change of HEPA filters by suitably trained persons  Impact of maintenance on:  – Product quality   – Qualification Validation | Slide 25 of 48 8.3.1 – 8.3.5 HVAC Inspecting the air-handling system q Verification of design documentation, including ® description of installation and functions ® specification of the requirem requirements ents q Operating procedures q Maintenance instructions q Maintenance records q Training logs q Environmentall records Environmenta q Discussion on actions if OOS O OS values q On site verification (walking around the site) Validation | Slide 26 of 48 HVAC Conclusion Air-handling systems: q Play a major role in the quality of pharmaceuticals q Should be designed properly, by professionals q Should be treated as a critical system s ystem Validation | Slide 27 of 48 HVAC Further proceedings This series of explanations will now be followed by: q Group discussion, with a simple exercise q Short test Validation | Slide 28 of 48 HVAC Group Session S a m p li n g Rooom S e r v i c e C o r rir i d o r   ( c o n t a in s V a c u u m & R O w a t e r s u p p ly ) AirShow er  W a re h o u s e W e ig h in g     2     k    c    o     L T a b le t 1 T a b le t 2 L iq u id s M ix S o ftg e l C a p su le P a c kin g    r     i     A     1     k    c    o     L     /     A C l e a n C o rr i d o r   Emergency Exit A ir Lo ck 3 S t e r il e e y e d ro p s dispensing & a c e p t i c fi ll i n g | M a le Change 2 Slide 29 of 48 F e m a le Change 2 Packed Goods Q u a r a n t ini n e M a le Change 1 E q u i p m e n t W a sh Validation 2 Stage personnel e n t ryr y f o r   eyedrops F e m a le Change 1 A ir Lo ck 4 P r im a r y & S e c o n d a r y Packing S e rv ic e R o o m HVAC Group Session – modified layout S a m p l ini n g Rooom 20Pa 0Pa S e rv i c e C o rri d o r   ( c o n t a in s V a c u u m & R O w a t e r s u p p ly ) 30Pa AirShow er  20Pa 10Pa W a re h o u s e     2 W e ig h Booth 20Pa 30Pa Post Staging T ablet 1 30Pa T ablet 2 S o f tgt g e l C a p s u l e P a c kin g Liquids M ix     L     A 15Pa     M 0Pa 15Pa 30Pa Air Lo ck     1     L 15Pa     A     M 30Pa C l e a n C o r ri d o r   Emergency Exit 20Pa PA L 40Pa M A L 3 40Pa S t e r il e e y e d ro p s dispensing & a s c e p t ic f i ll in g 20Pa M a le Change 2 F e m a le Change 2 10P a 60Pa M A L 4 15Pa E q u i p m e n t W a sh 50Pa Change 50Pa 10P a M a le Change 1 F e m a le Change 1 10Pa Packed Goods Q u a r a n ti n e Air Lock 4 0Pa MAL = Material Air Lock PAL = Personnel Air Lock Validation | Slide 30 of 48 0Pa Secondary P a c ki n g 20P a P r im a r y Packing 30P a S e rv ic e R o o m 0Pa Supplementary Training Modules on Supplementary Good Manufacturing Practice Commissioning, Qualification and validation of Water  systems WHO Technical Report Series No 929, 2005. Annex 3 Validation | Slide 31 of 48 HVAC Objectives  To understand key issues in  – commissioning,  – qualification and   – maintenance of  HVAC and Water  Water systems systems 7. Validation | Slide 32 of 48 Water for Pharmaceutical Use Objectives To discuss the operational considerations of water systems including: q Start up, commissioning and qualification q Monitoring q Maintenance q System reviews 7. Validation | Slide 33 of 48 Water for Pharmaceutical Use Start up and commissioning  Precursor to qualification and validation  Should be planned, well defined, well documented  Includes setting to work  Includes system set-up  Includes recording of system performance parameters  Controls loop tuning 7.1 Validation | Slide 34 of 48 Water for Pharmaceutical Use Qualification  WPU systems are "direct impact systems"  Therefore stages to be considered in qualification should include DQ, IQ, OQ, PQ  DQ: Design review influenced by source water and required water quality  IQ: Installation verification of the system 7.2 Validation | Slide 35 of 48 Water for Pharmaceutical Use Qualification  OQ: operational qualification  Presentation focusing on PQ  PQ demonstrates consistent and reliable performance of the system  Three phase approach recommended over extended period – proves reliability and robustness 7.2 Validation | Slide 36 of 48 Water for Pharmaceutical Use Phase 1 (1)  A test period of 2–4 weeks - monitoring the system intensively  System to operate continuously without failure or performance deviation The following should be included in the testing approach:  Undertake chemical and microbiological testing in accordance with a defined plan 7.2  Validation | Slide 37 of 48 Water for Pharmaceutical Use Phase 1 (2)  Sample daily:  – incoming feed-water   – after each step in the purification process  – each point of use and at other defined sample points  Develop:  – appropriate operating ranges  – and finalize operating, cleaning, sanitizing and maintenance  procedures 7.2  Validation | Slide 38 of 48 Water for Pharmaceutical Use Phase 1 (3)  Demonstrate production and delivery of product water of the t he required quality and quantity  Use and refine the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for  operation, maintenance, sanitization and troubleshooti troubleshooting ng  Verify provisional alert and action levels  Develop and refine test-failure procedure 7.2 Validation | Slide 39 of 48 Water for Pharmaceutical Use Phase 2  (1)  A further test period of 2–4 weeks – further intensive monitoring monitoring the system  Deploying all the refined SOPs after the satisfactory completion of phase 1  Sampling scheme generally generally the same as in phase 1  Water can be used for manufacturing purposes during this phase 7.2 Validation | Slide 40 of 48 Water for Pharmaceutical Use Phase 2  (2) Demonstrate:  Consistent operation within established ranges  Consistent production and delivery delivery of water w ater of the required quantity and quality when the system is operated in accordance with the SOPs. 7.2 Validation | Slide 41 of 48 Water for Pharmaceutical Use Phase 3  Over one year after the satisfactory completion of phase 2  Water can be used for manufacturing purposes during this phase Demonstrate:  – extended reliable performance  – that seasonal variations are evaluated   Sample locations, sampling frequencies and tests should be reduced to the normal routine pattern based on established procedures proven during phases 1 and 2 7.2 Validation | Slide 42 of 48 Water for Pharmaceutical Use Ongoing system monitoring  After Phase 3 – system review needed  Based on review including results, establish a routine monitoring plan  Monitoring to include a combination of on-line monitoring and offline sample testing  Data analysed for trends 7.3 Validation | Slide 43 of 48 Water for Pharmaceutical Use Ongoing system monitoring (2)  Monitoring parameters to include:  – flow, pressure, temperature, conductivity, TOC   Samples taken:  – From points of use, and specific sample points  – In a similar way how water is used in service  Tests to include physical, chemical c hemical and microbial attributes 7.3 Validation | Slide 44 of 48 Water for Pharmaceutical Use Maintenance A controlled, documented maintenance programme covering:  Defined frequency with plan and instructions  Calibration programme  SOPs for tasks  Control of approved spares  Record and review of problems and faults during maintenance Validation 7.4 | Slide 45 of 48 Water for Pharmaceutical Use System review  WPU (PW, HPW and WFI) systems to be reviewed at appropriate regular intervals  Review team includes engineering, QA, operations and maintenance 7.5  Validation | Slide 46 of 48 Water for Pharmaceutical Use System review (2)  The review to cover, e.g.  – changes made since the last review;  – system performance performance;;  – reliability;  – quality trends;  – failure events;  – investigations;  – out-of-specification out-of-specifications s results from monitori monitoring; ng;  – changes to the installation;  – updated installation documentation;  – log books; and   – the status of the current SOP lists Validation | Slide 47 of 48 7.5  Validation  Validation Group session | Slide 48 of 48