Wazifa Names Of God
March 2018 -
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When adopting a particular Name as Wazeefah (which one intends to recite daily) add before the Name and
illiminate the . For example will be said as and not 1. Allah THE NAME OF ALLAH Allah is Al-ism Al-a’zam, the greatest name which contains all the divine attributes and is the sign of the essence and cause of all existence. Allah does not resemble in any way any of His creation. Allah is Allah’s name only. Nothing else can assume this name or share it. Whoever reads this name of Allah 1,000 times daily, all doubts and uncertainties will be removed from his heart and, instead, determination and faith will become inborn in him - Insha-Allah. 2. Ar- Rahmaan THE COMPASSIONATE He is the One who wills Mercy and good for all creation, at all times, He pours upon all creation infinite bounties. If this ism is recited 100 times daily after every salaah, if Allah wills, hard heartedness and negligence will be removed from the readers heart. 3. Ar-Raheem THE MOST MERCIFUL He is the source of infinite mercy and benificence, who rewards with eternal gifts the one who uses his bounties for the good. If recited daily after every salaah 100 times, the reciter will be safeguarded against all calamities, and maladies and the entire creation will become affectionate towards him insha-Allah. 4. Al-Malik THE SOVEREIGN He is the owner and ruler of the entire universe, visible and invisible, and of all creation, from before the beginning and after the end. If read abundantly each day after Zawaal, the reader will be given abundant wealth insha-Allah.
5. Al-Quddus THE HOLY ONE & ONE WHO IS FREE FROM ALL BLEMISHES He is the most pure one, devoid of all Blemish, Shortcoming, Weakness, Heedlessness and Error. Allah will cure from all spiritual sickness the one who recites this name abundantly each day. 6. As-Salaam THE GIVER OF PEACE OR ONE WHO IS IMMUNED FROM ALL DISTRESSES He is the One who saves the believing servants from all dangers, bringing them peace, blessings and security of paradise. Anyone who recites this ism continually, Allah will protect him from all calamities and maladies. If said 115 times and blown on a sick person, Insha-Allah, Allah will restore his health. 7. Al-Mu’min GIVER OF PEACE He is the illuminator of the light of faith in hearts. He is the Comforter, the Protector of the ones who take refuge in Him. Whoever says this Name 630 times in times of fear, Allah will protect him from all calamities, mishaps and losses. If anoyone writes it (on paper or by engraving it on a silver ring) and keeps it with hiim (as ta’weez), his physical and spiritual safety will remain the responsibility of Allah. 8. Al-Muhaymin THE GIVER OF PROTECTION He is the Protector and the Guardian. He is the One who sees to the growth of His creation, leading them where they are destined to go. Anyone who offers 2 rakaat salaah after ghusl and reads with sincerity this Ism 100 times, Allah will purify him physically as well as spiritually. Also, Allah will acquaint one with the unseen if one reads it 115 times. 9. Al-A’zeez THE MIGHTY He is the victorious One whom no force can overwhelm. There is no strength in this universe that can stand before His will.
his awe and magnificence will become inborn in the hearts of people . Al-Mutakabbir THE SELF GLORIOUS He is the greatest. The constant reciter of this Beautiful Name will be granted honour and greatness.Anyone who says this Ism 40 times each day for 40 days. If read 41 times daily with constancy. If read continually before any task. Al-Khaaliq THE CREATOR He is the one who creates from nothing. Anyone who recites this Name of Allah 100 times for 7 days.Insha-Allah. on all occassions. 13. but everything in accordance with everything else. He establishes how. conditions and sustenance of all that He has created. Allah will grant him honour and self sufficiency. who shows His greatness in everything. Anyone who says this Ism 226 times each morning and each evening will be safeguarded against the oppression of tyrants and despots. when and where creation will take place. 11.inshaAllah. it will be accomplished .Insha-Allah. Allah will appoint and angel who will worship Allah continuously on his behalf. If a barren woman fasts for 7 days and each day. If anyone engraves it on a silver ring and wears it. the one who can enforce His will without any opposition. And one who forms the habit of its continuous recital. Al-Baari ONE WHO GIVES LIFE He is the one who orders His creation with perfect harmony . 12. 10. Allah will grant her male children . after making iftaar with water reads twenty one times. Al-Jabbaar THE OVERPOWERING LORD He is the repairer of the broken. creating at the same time the states.Insha-Allah. the completer of the lacking. will be safeguarded against all adverstities . . the reader will become selfsufficient and will attain honour if he is treated with dishonour.not only each thing within itself.
Insha-Allah. Nothing can escape Him. For particular need to be fulfilled. Al-Ghaffaar EXCEEDINGLY FORGIVING He is the One who accepts repentance and forgives. Allah’s love will become inborn in his heart. If a barren woman fasts for 7 days and each day. instead. observe sajdah 3 times in the courtyard of the house or Masjid (Mosque) and then lift your hands (as in Du'a) and recite this name of Allah 100 times.14. Al-Wahhaab THE BESTOWER If a poverty stricken person recites this name of Allah continuously or writes it and keeps it on him (as Taaweez) or recites this name of Allah 40 times in the last sajdah of Salaat-ud-Doha (Chast prayer). without using any model. 15. Al-Qahhaar ONE WHO HAS CONTROL OVER ALL THINGS He is the ever dominating One. who has surrounded all His creation from without and within with His irresistable power. Any person who recites this Ism 100 times after Jumu’ah salaah will soon begin to perceive Allah’s forgiveness. Sustenance is needed to maintain the creation (both physical and spiritual sustenance). 17. 16. he will be freed from the love of this world and. Allah will fulfill your need. . Insha-Allah. Al-Musawwir FASHIONER OF SHAPES He is the one who. One who is fully inclined towards this world should say this Ism continually: if Allah wills. after making iftaar with water reads twenty one times. Al-Razzaaq THE SUSTAINER AND PROVIDER He is the Sustainer. Allah will grant her male children . And anyone who says daily after Asr salaah. shapes everything in the most perfect shape. Allah will free him from poverty in an unexpected and amazing manner. Allah will include him amongst those whom He has forgiven. 18.Insha-Allah.
21. This must be done daily. 22. All existence is in the power of Allah. sickness and poverty will never ener his home. their heart will be filled with the Ma’rifah (cognizance) of Allah. . will be safeguarded against hunger. tied and hardened. injuries. He knows what has happened. These are manifestations of His attribute Al-Baasit. The life on this planet is a test for us. and what will happen from the beginning to the end. joy. Whoever writes (with saffron or by mere action of ones finger) this Ism of Allah on four morsels of bread (roti) each day for 4 days and eats them. Insha-Allah his heart will be illuminated with the “Noor” of Imaan. Thereafter pass the hands across the face (as when finishing dua): Insha-Allah self-sufficiency and independence will be granted by Allah. the Easer of all that is locked. Allah will open the gates of knowledge & wisdom for them. what is happening.Anyone who blows in all four corners of his house after saying this Name 10 times in each corner before Fajr. 20. but Allah does not test his servants above their ability. Anyone who places both hands on his bosom after Fajr salaah & says this name 70 times. Al-A’leem THE ALL KNOWING He is the One who knows all. pain etc. and ease after difficulties. Al-Qaabid THE STRAIGHTENER OF SUSTENANCE He is the One who constricts. Al-Fattaah REMOVER OF DIFFICULTIES & GIVER OF DECISIONS He is the Opener & the Solver. Anyone who recites this name much. thirst. (Note: begin from the right hand corner while facing Qiblah) 19. Moreover. Lift the hands towards the heavens (as in dua) after Salaatud Doha(Chast) and say this Name 10 times. Allah will open for him the doors of rizq (sustenance). relief. – Insha-Allah. Al-Baasit THE STRAIGHTENER OF SUSTENANCE He is the one who releases abundance.
6. Lift the hands towards the heavens (as in dua) after Salaatud Doha(Chast) and say this Name 10 times. and ease after difficulties. will gain victory over his enemy – if Allah wills. Al-Muzil THE GIVER OF DISHONOUR . Ar-Raafi’ THE EXALTER Allah most high is the One who raises His creatures to honour and fame and who can cast them down to the lowest of the low. joy. 23.Insha-Allah. Allah will fulfil all his needs and remove all his difficulties – Insha-Allah. These are manifestations of His attribute Al-Baasit. Allah will grant him self-sufficiency and independence of the entire creation – Insha-Allah. Thereafter pass the hands across the face (as when finishing dua): Insha-Allah self-sufficiency and independence will be granted by Allah. Any person who says this Ism 100 times in the middle of the 14th night of every lunar month. This must be done daily. 24. One who fasts for 3 days and on the fourth day says this Beautiful Name 70 times while sitting in seclusion. THE ONE WHO HUMBLES AND LOWERS Allah most high is the One who raises His creatures to honour and fame and who can cast them down to the lowest of the low. Anyone who say this Name 500 times. 25. Al-Baasit THE STRAIGHTENER OF SUSTENANCE He is the one who releases abundance. Allah will grant the reader honour and reverance . If this beautiful name of Allah is said 40 times after Maghrib on every Monday and Friday. Al-Khaafid HE IS THE ABASER. relief.22. Al-Mu’iz THE GIVER OF HONOUR He is the One who honours and the One who humiliates.
27. Allah will grant strength to his eye-sight and light (noor) to his heart . 30. Al-Baseer THE SEER OR ONE WHO SEES ALL THINGS He is the One who is all-seeing. Al-A’dl THE JUST . one may observe sajdah wherein one may invoke Allah’s help against ones enemy by actually mentioning his name in sajdah thus: “O Allah! Protect me from the evils of Zaid or Bakar. Allah will cause his heart to perceive all secrets and to be filled with noor. the footsteps of ants and atoms moving through the void. And anyone who says this Ism on Friday night in such a manner that he grows euphoric and ecstatic then Allah will cherish his heart with manifestations and inspirations. and executes His justice. As-Sami’ THE ALL HEARING He is the one who hears all – that which comes from the lips.He is the One who honours and the One who humiliates. Al-Hakam MAKER OF IMMUTABLE JUDGEMENTS He is the One who orders. the rustling of leaves in the wind. 28. One who says this Name 100 times after Jumu’ah prayers constantly. If there is a particular enemy whom one fears then after saying the Name in the manner mentioned above. is felt by the hearts. 29. all there is. Whoever makes dua for protection after saying this Ism 75 times. passes through the minds. One who say this beautiful Name 500 or 50 times on Thursday after offering salatudDoha (Chast). oppressors and enemies . One who says this Beautiful Name 99 times while in the state if wudu during the last protion of the night. It is necessary that no talking is done during the course of reciting it. He sees all that has passed. Allah will protect him from the evils of envious persons. all his duaas will be assuredly granted – Insha-Allah.Insha-Allah. Allah will favour him with His special blessings – Insha-Allah.” If Allah wills he will be granted protection. He is the bringer of justice and truth.Insha-Allah. and all there will be until the end of time. He judges. If anyone reads it 100 times on a Thursday between the Sunnah and Fardh of Fajr.
Allah will cause the entire creation to become subservient to him – Insha-Allah. Any person who has an insatiable desire for pleasures should read this Ism constantly. He is the one who knows the finest details of beauty. Al-Lateef MOST AFFECTIONATE OR KNOWER OF INNERMOST SECRETS He is the most delicate. giving time to the sinner to realise his guilt and ask for forgiveness in order that He may forgive him rather than punish him. He is the one whose cognisance reaches the deepest. Whoever reads this Name 133 times daily. Al-Haleem THE CLEMENT He is forbearing in the punishment of the guilty. misery. Justice secures peace. where neither human intelligence nor His angels can penetrate. loneliness or any adversity at all should make wudhu in the proper manner and offer 2 rakaat salaah and then bearing in mind the objective (like deliverance from adversity) say this Ism 100 times: Allah will surely grant him deliverance – Insha-Allah. 31. gentle. sickness. wisdom. and consumes it. Anyone who inscribes (with saffron or by the mere action of ones finger) this Name of Allah on 20 pieces of bread (roti) on the day or night of Jumu’ah. then the quality of ‘barakah’ will be imparted to such a thing and it will be safeguarded against all calamities. Al-Azeem THE CLEMENT . soaked in water and then the same water sprinkled on anything or rubbed onto something. Anyone who reads this Name continually for seven days will begin to perceive hidden secrets. Al-Khabeer ALL KNOWING He is the one who is aware of the hidden inner occurrences in everything. 33. The finest of His beauties are hidden in the secrets of the beauties of the soul. beautiful one. hidden corners of His kingdom. darkest. If this Ism is written on paper.He is the absolute justice. Insha-Allah he will soon be freed from such base desires. Allah will grant abundance in his rizq (sustenance) and cause all his tasks to be accomplished without difficulties. 34. and divine light. 32. fine. Allah the just is the enemy of tyrants. Anyone involved in poverty. He waits. balance order and harmony.
Al-Ghafoor FORGIVING He is the most forgiving one. whose greatness stretches from before the beginning until after the end. physical spiritual. 37. will be exalted. granted affluence. and all his desires will be fullfilled . He veils our faults from the eyes of other men. 35. Al-Kabeer MOST GREAT OR INFINITE He is the greatest. His nearness and farness and His being high cannot be measured by the limits of human intellect. One who repeats this Name frequently all his maladies. . Thankfulness is to return good with good. Al-Ali ي HIGHLY GRATEFUL He is the highest One. Insha-Allah. Anyone who reads this name daily and constantly. and keeps with him a written copy of it. mental etc. in realms where our sight cannot reach and of which our minds cannot conceive. Allah will forgive all his past sins and any sins that he may commit in the future. sorrow and grief will be removed – Insha-Allah. deliverance will be granted soon. He is higher than the whole of the created universe. Read this Name 41 times daily for any difficulties – financial.Insha-Allah. This is His grandeur as much as we can understand it.He is the greatest on the earth below and in the heavens above. from the angels and relieves us from the suffering of continual remembrance of our faults. 38. Ash-Shakoor HIGHLY GRATEFUL He is the one who repays a good deed with a much greater reward. It is related in a hadith that anyone who says thrice يwhile in sajdah. The reciter of this beautiful Name of Allah will be graced with great honour and dignity – Insha-Allah. 36. He is greater than that. There is no difference for Him between the creation of an atom and the infinite – seeming universe. Moreover Allah will give barakah in his wealth and offsprings. He is the absolute and perfect greatness.
repeat ي seventy times in the morning and seventy times at night for eight days starting from Thursday. rank and dignity – Insha-Allah. Al-Jaleel GLORIOUS OR ONE WITH AN AXALTED POSITION He is the lord of majesty and might. Anyone who blows in a bowl of water after repeating this Ism 7 times. cloth etc. . Al-Hafeez THE PROTECTOR He is the one who remembers all that was and all that is. 39. will be protected from all hazards. His eternity bears no resemblance to any energy. Al-Muqeet THE GIVER OF SUSTENANCE AND STRENGTH He is the nourisher of all creation. 41. Allah creates the nourishment of His creatures before He creates them.If anyone who is dismissed from his post.000 times. Insha-Allah protection will be granted against the evil of such a person or thing. The one who recites this Name of Allah constantly and keeps with him a written copy of this Ism. losses and harmful things – Insha-Allah.) on which this Ism is inscribed with saffron or musk Allah will give him honour. Al-Haseeb THE RECKONER OR ONE WHO SUFFICES FOR EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING He is the one who takes account of all and everything that His creation does or is subjected to. Anyone who keeps with him anything (paper. His might and His greatness. greatness. matter or time. he will be re-instated to his post and moreover graced with honour and dignity – Insha-Allah. and then drinks water from it himself or allows someone else to drink from it or to take a deep breath from such a bowl then all their desires will soon be fulfilled – Insha-Allah. No one can take away the nourishment destined for each element of creation. 40. 42. keeping in His divine protection all that there will be. fasts for seven days and each day repeats this Ism 1. When in fear of any human being or anything.
There is no doubt or uncertainty in His knowledge. nor does it have an end. through which He forgives when He could punish. Al-Hakeem THE WISE He is the perfectly wise. in His knowledge and in His deeds. mercy. Allah is closer to His creatures than they are to themselves. Al-Kareem BENEVOLENT He is the generous One. generosity and all other beautiful attributes are infinite. Al-Waasi THE LENIENT He is the limitless vastness. Al-Raqeeb THE CARETAKER He is the One who watches everything. Anyone whose particular task does not seem to be accomplished should . He is not any closer to a saint than He is to you or a mustard seed. He should also continue reading this Ism at all times so as to remain safeguarded at all times. always. Allah will open him the doors of knowledge and wisdom. 45. His greatest generosity is His Mercy.43. 46. Anyone desiring spiritual and material self-sufficiency and independence should repeat this Ism over and over. 47. Al-Mujeeb THE ANSWERER OF DUAAS He is the one who responds to all the needs of His servants. power. This scrutiny of every detail in the existence of all creation is in part protective. Anyone who repeats this Ism constantly. 44. whose knowledge. The constant reciter of this Ism will soon perceive that all his duaas are being granted. Anyone wishing to be revered and honoured by the Ulama and Pious people should continue saying this Name until they fall asleep. Anyone who desires that his family and wealth be protected from destruction and calamities should repeat this Ism each day 7 times and blow on them.
48. no power can touch Him. He will soon be cured – Insha-Allah. their difference and dispute will soon be settled and a strong bond of love and affection will result between the spouses – Insha-Allah.000 times and blows on food. yet He is closer to His servants than their own souls. Soon they will become obedient – Insha-Allah. 14th and 15th of the lunar month and after breaking fast repeat this Ism profusely and blow in water and drink such water. His state is pure perfection. repeat this Ism 21 times and blow on them. while placing his hand on their foreheads. Soon will this task be accomplished InshaAllah. 50. Al-Baaith THE RESURRECTOR OF THE DEAD He is the raiser from the dead. His acts are pure wisdom. and such food is consumed by him and his wife together. 52. leprosy etc. No hand reaches Him. Ash-Shaheed OMNIPRESENT He is the one who witnesses all that happens everywhere at all times.Insha-Allah.repeat this Ism frequently and constantly. Al-Wadud MOST LOVING He is the one who loves His good servants. should fast on the 13th. at bedtime. Al-Haq THE TRUTH . 49. his heart will become alive with knowledge and wisdom . Anyone who has contracted a fatal disease such as pox. 51. Anyone wishing that his disobedient wife or children become obedient. Allah will give life back to all creation on the day of judgement. Anyone who repeats this Ism 1. Anyone who. places his hand on his bosom and says this name 101 times. He is the only one who is worthy of love. Al-Majeed MOST VENERABLE Allah most high is glorious and majestic in the whole of His creation and beyond. should.
Al-Wakeel THE PROVIDENT Allah is the ultimate and faithful trustee. Anyone genuinely oppressed or victimised should read this Ism profusely with view to counteracting the oppressor. 55.Allah is the truth. 56. She will soon become of good character – Insha-Allah. None can be saved from this strength. Soon. whose being is ever unchanged. Any lady whose breasts do not yield milk. peace and success in their affairs in this world and in the hereafter. . but He is the one who does everything. If anyone’s wife is of ill character. He will be protected from all calamities – Insha-Allah. no force can oppose it and nothing can weaken it. place such paper on his palms and lift it toward the heavens and make dua. will the missing person return or the stolen goods be recovered – free from any harm or damage – Insha-Allah. Anyone fearing any calamity caused by an act of God should say this Ism repeatedly. Anyone whose family member is missing or has absconded or anyone whose belongings are stolen should inscribe on all 4 corners of a square paper and at the time of Sehri. but nothing can replace Him nor can stand on its own without being dependent on Him. Al-Qawi ALMIGHTY Allah is the most strong one. He can create a billion universes with the same ease with which He creates a blade of grass. (This should never be done if circumstances do not warrant it). this Ism should be recited constantly while in her presence. Allah will render him protection – Insha-Allah. He eliminates their difficulties and gives them guidance. Al-Wali ي THE PATRON Allah is the protecting friend of His good servants. 53. Men think that they are able to do. Al-Mateen THE INVINCIBLE Allah is perfect in His strength and His firmness. He possesses all strength. the inexhaustible. should be made to drink water wherein the inscription was soaked. 54. He can replace everything in the universe. Her Breasts will abound in milk – Insha-Allah.
When any person is lost. all his evil habits and bad qualities will change into good habits – Insha-allah. while placing his hand on the stomach of his pregnant wife. respect. Anyone. will cause Allah to make the entire creation subservient to the reciter – Insha-Allah. then this name should be repeated 70 times in each corner of the house during the night when everyone is asleep. all that exist praise Allah with their tongues. Al-Muhsi ي THE KEEPER OF COUNTS Allah is the possessor of all quantitative knowledge. 59. Should anyone recite in seclusion this Ism 93 times for 45 days. with their action. 61. He is the only one who is worthy of devotion. thankfulness and praise. Al-Mu’eed ONE WHO HAS THE POWER TO CREATE AGAIN Allah is the restorer of the things that He has created and destroyed. He knows the number of all existence in the universe down to the number of breaths exhaled and inhaled by each of His creatures. The recital of this Ism 20 times daily and blowing on twenty pieces of bread and consuming it. He will either return within 7 days or his whereabouts will be known within that period – Insha-Allah. 58.57. Al-Mubdi THE ORIGINATOR Allah is the originator of all. who. repeats this Ism 99 times at the time of Sehri. He creates without model or material. or simply by their very existence. Al-Hameed THE PRAISEWORTHY Allah is most praiseworthy. 60. He sees and knows everything in its reality. neither will she have a miscarriage nor will she give birth prematurely – Insha-Allah. Al-Muhyi ي THE GIVER OF LIFE .
62. Anyone who has no control over his Nafs should place his hand on his bosom and continue saying this Ism before he falls asleep. Anyone who says this Ism continually will attain honour and dignity amongst people – Insha-Allah. if such water is given to a person who is ill.Allah is the giver of life to things without life.000 times daily. 64. Alternatively. The body is temporal. he will be cured – Insha-Allah. His existence depends upon none other than Himself. Al-Mumeet THE GIVER OF DEATH Allah is the creator of death. Al-Haiy ي THE EVERLASTING Allah is the perfectly alive and ever living one. his lethargy and laziness will vanish – Insha-Allah. Anyone who continues to say from after Fajr unitll after sunrise. The sick should constantly say ي or alternatively it could be said over and over and blown on a person who is ill. he will soon be cured from his illness – Insha-Allah. Allah is the one who has created life and who has created death. All existence is always comprehended in His action. no one else can do that. will be safeguarded against all obstacles and bondages – Insha-Allah. Anyone desiring sound health should say this Ism 3. he will be given the strength to control his self. the soul is eternal. If a sick person writes this Ism in a bowl with musk and rose water and then washes such inscription with water and drinks the water. 63. Allah is cognizant of all. and all actions are His. Anyone who says ي 89 times and blows on himself. Al-Qayyum THE SUSTAINER OF LIFE Allah is the ever self-existing one upon whom the existence of all depends. Man is made of a combination of the flesh and the soul. Anyone saying it constantly in seclusion will become affluent and wealthy –Insha-Allah. If Allah wills. All that is known and will be known is within His knowledge. All who are alive will certainly die. . His health will be restored – Insha-Allah.
who shows infinite generosity and munificence to those close to Him.65. Anyone desiring good and pious children should inscribe this Ism (on paper. in His attributes. Al-Maajid THE ALL EXCELLENT AND THE ONE WITH VENERATION Allah is the most glorious.Insha-Allah. As-Samad FREE FROM WANT Allah is the satisfier of all needs. Al-Waajid THE ALL PERFECT Allah finds and obtains whatever He wishes whenever He wishes.000 times daily. or in His beautiful Names. attributes and their relations to any and all are united. the food eaten will become a source of strength. He has no equal. It is even superfluous to use the word “FIND” because all is in His presence at all times. illumination and Noor for his heart . . 68. Anyone who continues to say this name while having meals. and all is in need of Him. 67. Al-Waahid THE ONE Allah is one. Anyone who says this Name of Allah in seclusion to such an extent amd in such a manner that he becomes euphoric. Anyone who desires that the fear and love for the creation be driven out of his heart should recite this Ism 1. the only place of support where one may go to rid oneself of all trouble and to receive all that one needs through the blessings of this name. He is the sole recourse. then the Light and noor of Allah will soon become evident in his heart – Insha-Allah. 66. Al-Ahad THE ONE UNEQUALLED He is the unity in which all names. in His actions. cloth etc) and keep it with him all the time. in His orders. none like Him nor any partner in His essence.
bringing some above and ahead of others. 72. 69. Al-Qaadir THE ALL POWERFUL Allah is the all-powerful who does what He wills the way He wills. battle of Jihaad. Anyone who continues to recite this Name after awakening. 71. and delays advancement. Allah bestows power upon things on earth and in heaven. Anyone saying this Ism constantly while in state of Wudu will soon become independent of the entire creations – Insha-Allah. and uses them in accordance with His all-pervasive wisdom and will. or says it 20 times. Anyone who says this Ism abundantly at the time of war. And one who says this Ism at all times will become obedient and subservient to Allah – Insha-Allah. says this Ism 100 times. Allah will have all his tasks fulfilled efficiently – Insha-Allah. Al-Muakhkhir ONE WHO CAUSES RETARDATION Allah is He who leaves whomever He wills behind. And if it is said 41 times before undertaking a difficult task. from nothing. 70. Allah advances the chosen among His creation. He said “be” and it became. the difficulty will be removed – Insha-Allah. Allah will humble and disgrace his enemies (provided he is justified).Anyone who places his head in Sajdah at the time of Sehri and repeats this Ism 115 times or 125 times will be granted spiritual and physical truthfulness – Insha-Allah. He created the universe by Himself. . Al-Muqaddim ONE WHO CAUSES ADVANCEMENT Allah brings forward whomever He wills. with neither materials nor model. after offering 2 rakaat salaah. Al-Muqtadir POWERFUL Allah is the one who creates all power and has total control over all power. Anyone who. Allah will give courage (to make advances) and he will be safeguarded from the enemy – Insha-Allah.
he will soon return to his people safe and sound – Insha-Allah. but He is apparent to those ho seek to know Him by the wisdom and reason that Allah has bestowed upon them.000 times daily. will soon become dear and favourite to Allah – InshaAllah. 73. As He has no beginning. 75. . Anyone wishing that (i) the love for Allah becomes firmly established in his heart. Al-Awwal THE FIRST Allah is the first.000 times on a Friday. He is the last in the sense that the circle of existence begins and ends with Him. One who recites it 100 times daily with constancy. There is none like Him. then he should say this Ism 1. the mind the understanding of the created one are limited. His firstness means that there is none prior to Him. 74. (iii) compensation should be made for all his sins.The frequent reciter of this Ism will soon resort to genuine repentance. And if any wayfarer (musafir) says it 1. that He is self-existent. Az-Zaahir THE OBVIOUS Allah is the manifest one. He is eternal. that all comes from Him and that He is the cause of all that became. Allah will cause his sight and heart to be filled with light and noor. Al-Aakhir THE LAST Allah is the last. (iv) he dies in the state of Iman. He has no end. Anyone desirous of male children should say this Ism 40 times daily for 40 days. His existence is both manifest and hidden. His need will soon be fulfilled – Insha-Allah. Al-Baatin THE LATENT Allah is the hidden one. Allah most high is hidden from those who seek to see by means of their senses. The one who repeats this Ism 500 times daily after Ishraaq. 76. To truly know the creator is not possible because the knowledge. (ii) the love for anything or anyone besides Allah be driven out of his heart.
Al-Bar THE GOOD Allah is the perfect doe of good. . 79. The woman who recites it much during her menstruations will soon find relief from all ailments Insha-Allah. If one wishes to subdue another. comfort and ease. 78. committing adultery or indulging in any other evils should recite this Ism 7 times daily. As the needs of His creation increase. His riches increase.Insha-Allah. Allah will grant the child protection from calamities until puberty. He loves for His servants only good. As He gives from His inexhaustible treasures. The reciter of this name will soon find all his problems solved. He will soon receive guidance . His bounties increase. Moreover a strong bond of love and affection will result between him and Allah . Anyone who reads it 7 times and blows on his or her child soon after birth. If it is inscribed in a new earthen tumbler or jug.Insha-Allah. At-Tawwaab THE OFT RETURNING Allah is He who constantly turns man to repentance. 77. Al-Muta’ali ي FAR ABOVE THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE ENTIRE CREATION Allah is the Supreme One. Anyone in the habit of taking intoxicants. All good and bounty come from Him. Excessive recitation is very effective in expelling from the heart the love for this world. will soon begin to perceive the deeper secrets of Allah. and the water is then sprinkled in the house then such a house will be safeguarded against all calamities – Insha-Allah.Anyone who says this Ism 33 times daily. and then the same tumbler filled with water. Anyone who is desirous that Allah guides him to seek sincere repentance should read this beautiful Name 360 times daily after Salaatud-Doha (Chast). one should say it 11 times. His greatness grows. Anyone who recites this Ism repeatedly will be safeguarded from all unexpected calamities. Al-Waali ي ONE WHO EXERCISE RESPONSIBILITY OVER ALL THINGS Allah is the sole manager and governor of the whole creation. 80.
but hasn’t the power to do so should read this Ism continually for 3 Fridays. Anyone who desires that his anger be subdued. 83. Alternatively.e. the ones who revolt. In spite of His ability to see our sins. the eliminator of sins. the reader will soon be freed from his oppression – Insha-Allah. Anyone who is justified and desires to take revenge against his enemy. if someone recites it as shown above. Allah will forgive the one who recites this Ism abundantly – Insha-Allah. 84. 81. the fact that He chooses to forgive proves His infinite mercy and clemency. He shares neither the ownership nor the power. then this name of Allah 10 times. 82. Maalik-ul-Mulk POSSESSOR OF SOVEREIGNTY Allah is the eternal owner of His kingdom. Al-Muntaqim ONE WHO TAKES RETRIBUTION Allah is the great avenger. He erases their sins. Ar-Rauf THE KIND Allah is all clement. . raving in their unconsciousness and egotism. his anger will soon be subdued – Insha-Allah. Allah Himself will take revenge on his behalf – Insha-Allah. One who desires that the entire creation becomes affectionate towards him and vice versa should recite this Ism repeatedly. Durood) 10 times. He accepts their recognition of their sins as repentance. and blows on an angry man. of His being just. Al-A’fuw ONE WHO PARDONS Allah is the forgiver. If this name is said 10 times in the presence of a tyrant. of His being able to punish. should recite first salawaat (i. tyrannising Allah’s servants and His creation. He does not often punish the ones who deny.Anyone who desires that all his tasks be accomplished without any difficulty should read this Ism abundantly. government or guardianship of the universe with anyone. Allah punishes those who persist in revolting. creating disharmony.
85. Al-Muqsit THE JUST Allah is the one who acts and distributes in justice and fairness. His essence and attributes have no relationship to anything else. one finger should be closed until all ten fingers are closed. earthquake. . things whose nature. shape and colour are different. it will be acquired – InshaAllah. sunsets. size. 88. Thereafter the hands should be passed across the face (as when completing dua). plants and animals. earths. 87. Allah will protect him from evil doubts created by the shaytaan. Zul-Jalaal-e wal-Ikraam MAJESTIC AND BENEVOLENT Allah is the Lord of Majesty and bounty. Al-Jaami THE ASSEMBLER Allah is the gatherer of whatever He wishes. wherever He wishes. seas. Allah has gathered together within this universe spaces. Someone whose existence and perfection depend on another needs to earn that existence. seas. Allah is the owner of all majesty. 86. There is no perfection that does not belong to Him nor any blessing or honor that comes from other than Him. galaxies-stars. self-sufficiency and independence – Insha-Allah. neither does He need to earn. flowers – and also the eyes to see. If it is read 700 times for a purpose. If anyone’s family or relatives are scattered (due to war. How harmonious and balanced is the creation: all the beauties in heaven and earth-mountains. But this should be enumerated with the fingers in such a way that with each reading.) he should bath at the time of Dhoha (Chast) and lifting the gaze towards the heavens say this Ism 10 times. floods etc. Al-Ghani ي FREE FROM NEED Allah is the rich one who is self sufficient. One who recites this Ism daily with constancy.The constant reader of this Ism will be granted wealth. dignity and self-sufficiency – Insha-Allah. Only Allah needs not. By doing so the dispersed members of his family will soon come together – Insha-Allah. The constant reciter of this Ism will be granted honour.
Allah has created man as the best of his creation and He has bestowed upon him gifts which render him unique and superior to the rest of creation. An-Naafi ONE WHO CONFERS BENEFITS Allah is the creator of good. will be safeguarded against all physical and spiritual calamities. Ha has also taught us to opt for the good and escape the evil. He renders whomever He wishes rich and whomever He wishes poor.If anyone recites this Ism 70 times daily. This should be done after Fajr or Esha salaah. Al-Mughni ي SUPPLIER OF NEEDS TO OTHERS Allah is the enricher. Ha has given us power of discrimination. If one has any dispute with ones spouse one should recite this Ism 20 times while lying down on the bed: Insha-Allah. The constant reciter of this Ism will be safeguarded against all calamities – Insha-Allah. Anyone who says this Ism 100 times on the eve of Jumu’ah. If recited for any legitimate purpose.to be soon relieved of the difficulty .111 times. If recited for any legitimate purpose. Allah will grant him Barakah in wealth and self sufficiency .Insha Allah. instead love and affection will result. Anyone involved in any physical or spiritual sickness or other difficulty should say this name much & blow on the entire body . given us a will and freedom to choose. it will materialise – Insha-Allah. 89. the dispute will be settled and.insha Allah. Al-Maani THE HINDERER Allah is the one who averts harm from His creation. Ad-Daar ONE WHO CAN CAUSE LOSS Allah is the creator of the harmful and evil as He is the creator of the good and beneficial. it will materialise – Insha-Allah 91. . 90. 92. he will be granted both material as well as spiritual wealth – Insha-Allah. Anyone who reads the Salawaat (Durood) 11 times before and after saying this Ism 1. This will also draw him near to Allah – Insha-Allah. But Surah Muzammil should also be recited with it.
his heart will become illuminated with the noor and light of Allah – Insha-Allah. 95. or boarding any conveyance should read this Ism abundantly: he will be safeguarded against all hazards – if Allah wills. Everything He creates is a wonder since He originated it from nothing. having created it without model or material. Al-Baaqi ي THE ETERNAL . Anyone wishing for a particular task to be accomplished should say ‘Ya-Badee-ulAjaa’ibi-bil-Khayri-ya-Badee’u’ 1. 93. He does not need previous knowledge to think. to figure things out. Al-Haadi ONE WHO GIVES GUIDANCE Allah is the one who creates guidance.Anyone embarking a ship. If read 41 times before a task. Allah will grant him complete guidance and associate him with the devout and pious – Insha-Allah. but one is not certain as to its feasibility then one should say this Ism before falling asleep: one will receive guidance in ones sleep by way of a dream – Insha-Allah. If a person in grief should recite 1. leading his servants to good.001 times . Any person who says this Ism 1001 times after reciting Surah Nur. 94. to first investigate. If said prior to intercourse. Allah will grant them good and pious children – Insha-Allah. it will be accomplished efficiently – Insha-Allah. benficence and the satisfaction of their needs. and recites this Name several times and then passes both hands on his face (as when completing dua). An-Nur THE LIGHT Allah is the light that is shed upon the whole creation. making it apparent.200 times: before the passing of 12 days his task will be accomplished – Insha-Allah. Allah will soon grant him relief from his misery. Al-Badee’u THE DEVISER Allah is the Originator of the creation. 96. Likewise if someone is involved in difficulties or is perturbed…if a particular venture is to be undertaken. That light is the light that brought existence out of the darkness of non-existence. Anyone who lifts both hands (as in dua) whilst lifting the gaze towards the heavens.
perturbations and disturbances should repeat this name 1. He has neither beginning nor end. Allah will grant protection and accept all the virtuous deeds of one who says this Ism 1. In His wisdom He leads all matters to their finality in a perfect way and order. But Allah the everlasting one will still exist. 98. It is He who exists after all existence disappears. 99. Anyone who does not have the know how about a particular task or is unable to work out plans for a certain task should say this Name 1. one should read it daily. earlier or later than is determined for it to be. grief. hardships and calamities. in His dealings with His creation. The creation will end. Anyone who repeats this Name 100 times before sunrise will be safeguarded against all calamities for the remainder of the day. Moreover the reader will die as a Mu’min – Insha-Allah. Anyone who desires to be safeguarded against perplexities.Allah is the everlasting one whose existence in the future is forever. In His creation as in His actions.020 times: he will soon find relief and be granted peace and contentment of heart – Insha-Allah. As-Sabur MOST FORBEARING Allah is the most patient one. and time with it. Ar-Rasheed ONE WHO GUIDES ALONG THE PATH OF VIRTUE OR ONE WHO LOVES VIRTUE AND PIETY Allah is the righteous teacher who ordains righteousness for all creatures.000 times between Maghrib and Isha. Allah will cause his enemies not to utter a single word against him. nothing is either bigger or smaller. 97. If this name is repeated 100 times at sunrise. For financial progress and safety against all mishaps. . Any person in difficulty should repeat this Ism 1.000 times between Maghrib and Isha. to whom everything is left after its temporal possessors are gone. The plan and scheme will soon become evident for him either by way of a dream or by instinct. better or worse.000 times on the night of Jumuah. Moreover. it is He to whom all existence returns. protection will be given against all sorrows. Al-Waaris THE SUPPORTER OF ALL OR ONE WHO REMAINS ALIVE EVEN AFTER EVRYONE OR EVERYTHING DIES Allah is the ultimate inheritor.
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