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1c Basics Camera Training 2009




Optical The Basics of camera technology Video Operational LDK TRAINING CENTER Training Department Grass Valley Cameras Basics The Basics of Camera Technology Page  of 49 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 The Basics of camera technology Preface LDK TRAINING CENTER With the development of technologies and endeavors to reduce production costs, various advanced functions, originally available only on high-end video cameras, have been introduced to a wider range of professional video cameras, designed to target larger markets with their versatility. Thus, it has become imperative for those involved in the marketing and sales activities of such video cameras to understand these functions, as well as become familiar with the meanings of the related terminology. Having considered this background, we have created “The Basics of Camera Technology” a useful document that provides comprehensive explanations of all the camera terminologies we consider to be significant. These terms have been carefully selected and placed into four categories: Optical System, CCD & Video Basics, Video Functions, Operational Functions (Camera-Basestation) This allows readers to quickly find relevant information according to the terminology in question. We hope this document will be helpful in your business. Serveral items from this manual are copied and pasted from Google search results and Wikipedia. Training Center Breda. Jan Paul Campman Page  of 49 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 The Basics of camera technology The Basics of camera technology Optical Optical System (CCD) The Basics of camera technology The Basics of camera technology Operational Functions (Camera Mon. Menu) Video Video Functions (Scene) Operational The Basics of camera technology LDK TRAINING CENTER Basics CCD & Video Basics Page  of 49 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 LDK TRAINING CENTER The Basics of camera technology Page  of 49 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 The Basics of camera technology Table of Contents Flare (also page 38) F-Number Focal Length 11 12 12 Prism (Color splitter) White Shading Zoom 15 16 16 CCD & Video Basics IT / Interline Transfer FT / Frame Transfer The Pixel Sub Pixels (DPM) Formats 4:3 / 16:9 Video modes Interlace or Progresive Sensor Speed versus Camera Output 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 23 3:2 pulldown explained Analog Video RGB to Y to R-Y/B-Y Analog Video RGB to Y to R-Y/B-Y Analog Video SD&HD (Y and Colour Bars) Analog Video CVBS The step from Analog to Digital HD serial output formats 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Video Functions Color temperature and White Balance Auto White Balance & Continuesly Detail & H/V Ratio Level Dependency Noise Slicer or Crispening Soft Detail Detail Level Equalizer Skin (Color) Detail correction Flare Flare adustment 32 33 34 35 35 35 36 37 38 38 Black Press/Stretch Gain Knee & Auto Knee Dynamical True Color Knee Gamma correction Matrix Secondary Color Correction White Shading White limitter Saturation 39 39 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 Black Balance 38 Operational Functions (Camera Monitoring menu) VF Contour Focus Assist Zebra Still under development ! Centre Cross ! Iris / Focus Indication ! Box Downright ! Save Area & type ! Marker type 48 48 48 49 ------ ! Indicators White / Black ! Display ! Menu & Info time ! Rotary Speed ! VF Notch ! Ratio Ext and VF ------- Basics 13 13 14 14 15 Video Iris Light and Color MTF ( Modulation Dept.) Neutral Density Filters Optical Lowpass filter Operational 8 9 10 10 11 LDK TRAINING CENTER Optical System Angle of View Chromatic Aberration. Color Temperature Depth of Field Back Focus Optical Last update Sept. 2008 Page  of 49 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 LDK TRAINING CENTER The Basics of camera technology Page  of 49 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 The Basics of camera technology Optical The Basics of camera technology Video Operational LDK TRAINING CENTER Basics Optical System (CCD) Page  of 49 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 The Basics of camera technology When shooting a landscape with a camera, as in figure A, there is a certain range that will be displayed on a picture monitor. Angle of view indicates the displayable range of the image (plane) measured by the angle from the center of the lens to the width of the image in the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal directions. These are called, the horizontal angle of view, vertical angle of view, and diagonal angle of view, respectively. Angle of view becomes narrow when a telephoto lens is used. On the other hand, angle of view becomes wider with a wide-angle (that is why it is called “wide-angle”). Consequently, the wider the angle of view is, the wider the displayable range becomes. The angle of view depends on image size, so lenses intended for 2/3-inch and 1/2-inch CCD cameras have different focal lengths. Operational Video Basics Optical Angle of View Training Center Breda Angle of view can be derived from the following equation. Page  of 49 w = 2tan-1 y/2f w: Angle of view y: Image size (width of the image in horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction.) f: Focal length The Basics of camera technology Recent technology has made it possible to effectively reduce chromatic aberration of a video camera lens. This is achieved by combining a series of converging and diverging lenses with different refraction characteristics to compensate for the aberration. The use of crystalline substances such as fluorite has been practiced to offset the aberration and accordingly the locus of the image reproduced. All color cameras are designed to operate at a certain color temperature. For example, Grass-Valley professional video cameras are designed to be color balanced at 3200 K (white balance: refer to “White Balance” ). This is the color temperature for indoor shooting when using common halogen lamps. However, the camera must also provide the ability to shoot under color temperatures other than 3200 K. For this reason, a number of selectable color conversion filters are placed before the prism (refer to “Prism” ) system. These filters optically convert the spectrum distribution of the ambient color temperature (illuminant) to that of 3200 K, the camera’s operating temperature. For example, when shooting under an illuminant of 5600 K, a 5600 K color conversion filter is used to convert the incoming light’s spectrum distribution to that of approximately 3200 K. Your question now may be, “why do we need color conversion filters if we can correct the change of color temperature electrically (white balance)?”. The answer is quite simple. White balance (refer to “White Balance” ) electrically adjusts the amplitudes of the red (R) and blue (B) signals to be equally balanced to the green (G) by use of video amplifiers. We must keep in mind that using electrical amplification will result in degradation of signal-to-noise ratio. Although it may be possible to balance the camera for all color temperatures using the R/G/B amplifier gains, this is not practical from a signal-tonoise ratio point of view, especially when large gain up (refer to “Gain” ) is required. The color conversion filters reduce the gain adjustments required to achieve correct white balance. Training Center Breda Operational Video Basics When light passes through glass, the path it follows is ‘refracted’ or gets bent. The amount of refraction depends on the light’s wavelength, which determines its color. This also holds true for lenses used in a video camera lens. The difference in refraction from color to color directly results in each color light (in a color camera RGB) forming focus on a different image plane. For example, if one color is in focus on the CCD imager, the other colors will be slightly out of focus and look less sharp. This phenomenon is more noticeable in lenses with longer focal lengths, and results in deterioration of the edges of the image. Optical Chromatic Aberration Page  of 49 The Basics of camera technology Training Center Breda Operational Video Basics Optical Color Temperature Page 10 of 49 The color reproduced by a camera largely depends on the color of the light source (or the illuminant) under which the camera is used. This is sometimes difficult to understand because the human eye is adaptive to changes in the light source’s color and the color of an object will always look the same under any light source: sunlight, halogen lamps, candlelight etc. The color of light source is defined by using heated carbon (black body absorbing all radiation without transmission and reflection) as a reference. When heating a piece of carbon,it will start glowing and emitting light when it reaches a certain absolute temperature (expressed in Kelvin or (K)). The spectral distribution of the light emitted from the light source is determined by its corresponding absolute temperature, known as color temperature. Since, cameras cannot adapt automatically to the color temperature of the light source, it is essential to select the appropriate color conversion filter (refer to “Color Conversion Filters” ) for the shooting environment in order to obtain accurate color reproduction. The combination of electronic White Balance (refer to “White Balance” ) with appropriate color conversion filter selection will create more accurate color reproduction. Light Source Skylight Color Temp. (approx.) 12000 K - 18000 K Noon Sunlight Sunrise and Sunset 12V Halogen lamp 4900 K - 5800 K 3000 K 3200 K Candlelight 2900 K Depth of Field When focusing a lens on an object, there is a certain distance range in front of and behind the object that also comes into focus. Depth of field indicates the distance between the closest and furthest object that are in focus. When this distance is long, the depth of field is “deep” and when short, the depth of field is “shallow”. Needless to say, any object outside the depth of field (range) will be out of focus and look blurred. Depth of field is governed by the three following factors: 1)The larger the iris F-number (refer to “F-number” ) (stopping down the amount of incident light), the deeper the depth of field. 2)The shorter the focal length of the lens, the deeper the depth of field. 3)The further the distance between the camera and the subject, the deeper the depth of field. Thus depth of field can be controlled by changing these factors, allowing the camera operator creative shooting techniques. The Basics of camera technology 1. Set the iris to manual. 2. Set the zoom to manual. 3. Open the iris to 1.4 or its widest aperature. If the illumination on the test chart is too bright for the open iris, reduce the light or move the chart to a darker area. 4. Turn the zoom barrel to extreme telephoto. 5. Focus on the chart. 6. Set the zoom to wide angle. 7. Loosen the back focus ring retaining knob. 8. Adjust the back focus ring for the sharpest focus. 9. Repeat steps 4 through 8 until focus is consis tently sharp. 10. When it is, tighten the back focus ring retaining knob to secure the ring. Note: Most lenses are at their sharpest focus at about a middle iris position like F5.6. Flare Flare is a phenomenon that is likely to occur when strong light passes through the camera lens. Flare is caused by numerous diffused reflections of the incoming light inside the lens. This results in the black level of each red, green and blue channel being raised, and/or inaccurate color balance between the three channels. On a video monitor, flare causes the picture to appear as a misty image, sometimes with a color shade. In order to minimize the effects of flare, professional video cameras are provided with a flare adjustment function, which optimizes the pedestal level and corrects the balance between the three channels electronically. (see also page 38) Flare chart Basics Before starting, put the camera on a tripod and adjust your camera’s viewfinder so it is in sharp focus. Ideally, you’d want a test pattern chart (looks like a dart board) to be at least 75 feet/22 meter from the camera. Otherwise, as far as possible. If you don’t have a test chart, Use a page from a magazine. Video Adjusting the back focus Operational There are three flange-back standards for the bayonet mount system, 35.74 mm, 38.00 mm, and 48.00mm. Similar to flange-back is back focal length, which describes the distance from the very end of the lens (the end of the cylinder that fits into the camera mount opening) to the image plane. The back focal length of the camera is slightly shorter than its flange-back. Training Center Breda Flange-back is one of the most important matters to consider when choosing a lens. Flange-back describes the distance from the camera’s lens-mount reference plane (ring surface or flange) to the image plane (such as CCDs) as shown in the figure below. It is necessary to select a lens with the appropriate flange-back for the given camera. Flange-back is measured differently depending on whether the camera uses glass materials in its light path (like a prism: refer to “Prism” ) or not. 3-CCD cameras use this system to separate incoming light into their three primary color components, which are then captured by each associated CCD. Single CCD cameras, on the other hand, do not require this system. In a 3CCD camera, the flange-back additionally includes the distance that the light travels through its prism (the distance the light travels in the glass material, converted to the equivalent distance in air, plus the rest of the distance between the lens mount and CCD surface). In today’s camera systems, flange-back is determined by the lens-mount system that the camera uses. 3-CCD cameras use the bayonet mount system, while single CCD cameras use either the C-mount or CS-mount system. The flangeback of the C-mount and CS-mount systems are standardized as 17.526 mm and 12.5 mm respectively. Optical Flange-Back/Back Focal Length Sensor Internal Lenses Reflection DC/ Pedestal lift because of Lens Reflection Page 11 of 49 The Basics of camera technology F-number the sensitivity of the lens and camera, and this is achieved by a variable diaphragm within the lens (refer to “Iris” ). The lens iris ring is also calibrated in F-stops. These calibrations increase by a factor of 2 ,so lenses nvhhormally carry calibrations of 1.4, 2,2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, and 22. Since the amount of incoming light is proportional to the cross-sectional area, the brightness of an image is in inverse proportion to the second power of the F-number. Simply put, as the value of the F-number increases by one stop, the brightness will decrease to one half. a It is important to know that the F-number or F-stop is a key factor that affects the depth of field of the scene shot by the camera (refer to “Depth of Field” ). The smaller the F-number or F-stop becomes, the shallower the depth of field will become, and vice versa. Operational Video Basics Optical The maximum aperture of a lens indicates the amount of light that can be gathered by the lens and directed to the camera imager. A larger physical diameter lens will receive light over a wider area, and therefore is more efficient. The aperture is expressed as an F-number (or F-stop), where the numerical value of the F-number (F) is mathematically calculated by dividing the focal length (refer to “Focal Length” ) (f) by the effective aperture of the lens (D), as below: F = f/D This reciprocal relationship means that the smaller the Fnumber the “faster” the lens, and the higher the sensitivity it will provide on a camera. The maximum aperture F-number is labeled on the front of the lens, and is an important distinguishing factor when comparing lenses. In lenses used with TV cameras, a mechanism is required to reduce Training Center Breda Focal Length Page 12 of 49 Focal length describes the distance between the lens and the point where the light that passes through it converges on the optical axis. This point is where the lens is in focus and is called the focal point. To capture a focused image on a CCD imager, the focal point must coincide with the CCD imager plane by controlling the focus of the lens. Video camera lenses usually consist of a series of individual lenses for zooming and aberration-compensation purposes (refer to “Chromatic Aberration” ), and thus have a virtual focal point called the principal point. The Basics of camera technology Iris By opening and closing these diaphragms, the diameter of the opening (also called aperture) changes, thus controlling the amount of light that passes through it. The amount of the iris opening is expressed by its F-number (refer to “F-number” ). Basics Optical The amount of light taken into a camera and directed to its imager is adjusted by a combination of diaphragms integrated in the lens. This mechanism is called the lens iris and functions just like the pupil of the human eye. Operational This can be explained with a prism (refer to “Prism” ), in which the light that passes through it is separated into its individual light components - typically, the colors of the rainbow. Coming back to our main subject, the reason we see each object with a different color is because each object has different light-reflection/absorption characteristics. For example, a piece of white paper reflects almost all light colors and thus looks white. Similarly, a pure blue object only reflects the blue light (spectrum) and absorbs all other light colors. The light colors that each object reflects are governed by the characteristics of the surface of the objects. Training Center Breda The human eye is sensitive to light. Or in other words, the retina of the human eye reacts to light when we view objects. Technically, light consists of various electromagnetic waves each with a different wavelength. The human eye is only sensitive to electromagnetic waves whose wavelengths fall between approximately 380 and 760 nanometers. This range of electromagnetic waves is called the visible spectrum, and indicates the range of light that the human eye can see. To the human eye, each wavelength is viewed as a different light color. Light emitted from a typical light source (sunlight, fluorescence/halogen lamps) is a combination of a variety of different light colors, although the light source may seem to look white (or transparent). Video Light and Color Page 13 of 49 The Basics of camera technology Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) is an important index that indicates a lens’s capability of reproducing the contrast of picture details. MTF is measured as the lens’s contrast reproducibility, which is the capability of resolving the fine black and white vertical lines on a resolution chart. Since lenses are typically less sensitive to higher spatial frequencies (narrower black and white lines), the contrast reproducibility attenuates as the frequency increases. The MTF curve indicates this change, shown below as a graph with the spatial frequency on the horizontal axis and contrast reproducibility on the vertical axis. Note that the MTF value changes until it reaches a point where the lines can no longer be resolved. This point indicates the final resolving power of the lens, or the narrowest black and white lines that can be resolved. Needless to say, the higher the value of contrast reproducibility, the more faithfully contrast is reproduced at the given spatial frequency. This means that lenses with higher MTF values at each frequency reproduce contrast better. When choosing a television lens, it is equally important to inspect the characteristic of the MTF at the low to mid frequencies in addition to the lens’s final resolving power. This is because the low to mid frequency areas of a lens usually represent the main frequency areas used in the NTSC or PAL video signal (refer to “NTSC/PAL” ). It is essential to have a high response (close to 100%) in this area, otherwise the video picture will not be reproduced with sharp contrast. The figure below shows an example. Lens B is capable of resolving the image at higher spatial frequencies (detailed areas of the image) and may often be misevaluated to having more resolving power than Lens A. However, up to point X, Lens A has the higher resolving power, which can be of more importance in most camera applications. When choosing a lens, both its MTF curve and final resolving power must be considered with care depending on the application. Training Center Breda Operational Video Basics Optical MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) Page 14 of 49 Neutral Density (ND) Filters When shooting outdoors, the camera is often subjected to extreme highlights. In some cases, these highlights cannot be handled even with the smallest iris opening of the lens. For this reason a few types of selectable ND filters are placed before the prism (refer to “Prism” ) system with the color conversion filters (refer to “Color Conversion Filters” ). These ND filters attenuate the magnitude of incoming light to allow brighter images to be handled. The use of ND filters does not affect the color temperature (refer to “Color Temperature” ) of the incoming light since attenuation is uniform over the entire spectrum. ND filters may also be used to intentionally select a wider iris (refer to “Iris” ) opening. As the depth of field (refer to “Depth of Field” ) is in reverse proportion with the iris aperture (opening), the camera operator can intentionally defocus objects in front of and behind the object that is being shot using the appropriate ND filter. Clear 1/4ND 1/16ND 1/64ND The Basics of camera technology Due to the physical size and alignment of the photo sensors on a CCD imager, when an object with fine detail, such as a fine striped pattern is shot, a rainbow-colored pattern known as Moire may appear across the image. This tends to happen when the frequency of the lens’s incoming light exceeds the CCD’s spatial-offset frequency (refer to “Spatial Offset Technology” ) determined by the spacing between each photo sensor. In order to reduce such Moire patterns from appearing, optical low pass filters are used in CCD cameras. An optical low pass filter is placed in front of the CCD prism block and only allows light with relatively lower frequencies to pass through it. Since this type of filtering may also reduce picture detail, the characteristics of an optical low pass filter are determined with special care - to effectively reduce Moire, but without degrading the camera’s maximum resolving power. Optical Optical Low Pass Filter Video Operational For example, in the figure below, green is not reflected by any of the prisms and thus is directed straight to the green CCD. Red is not reflected at the surface of the second prism, but gets reflected at the third, and through one more reflection within the second prism, it is directed to the red CCD. Training Center Breda As explained in the section titled Additive Mixing (refer to “Additive Mixing” ), 3-CCD video cameras process color video signals by first separating the incoming light into the three primary colors, red, green, and blue. This is done by the camera’s prism system, which is an arrangement of three prisms. The prism system utilizes the different reflection characteristics that light has depending on its color or wavelength. Basics Prism Page 15 of 49 The Basics of camera technology White Shading is a phenomenon in which a green or magenta cast appears on the upper and lower parts of the screen, even when the white balance (refer to “White Balance”) is correctly adjusted in the center of the screen (shown below). White shading is seen in cameras that adopt a dichroic layer (used to reflect one specific color while passing other colors through) in their color separation system. In this system, the three primary colors (red, green, and blue) are separated using color prisms (refer to “Prism” ). The three-color prisms use a combination of total reflection layers and color selective reflection layers to confine a certain color. For example, the blue prism will confine only the blue light, and will direct this to the blue CCD imager. However, the color-filtering characteristics of each prism slightly change depending on the angle that the light enters (angle of incidence) each reflection layer. This angle of incidence causes different light paths in the multi-layer structure of the dichroic coating layer and results in the change of the spectral characteristics of the prism. This effect is seen as the upper and lower parts of the screen having a green or magenta cast even when the white balance is correctly adjusted in the center. White shading is more commonly due to the lens having an uneven transmission characteristic and is seen typically as the center of the image being brighter than the edges. This is corrected by applying a parabolic correction waveform to the variable gain amplifiers used for white balancing. Another cause of White Shading is uneven sensitivity of the photo sensor in the CCD array. In this case, the White Shading phenomenon is not confined in the upper and lower parts of the screen. Grass Valley high-end professional cameras are equipped with circuitry that manualy performs the proper adjustment to suppress the White Shading phenomenon. Training Center Breda Operational Video Basics Optical White Shading Page 16 of 49 Zoom Technically, ‘zoom’ refers to changing a lens’s focal length (refer to “Focal Length” ). A lens that has the ability to continually alter its focal length is well known as a zoom lens. Zoom lenses allow the cameraperson to change the angle of view (refer to “Angle of View” ). Changing the angle of view in turn changes the area of the image that is directed to the CCD image. For example, by zooming-in to an image (the lens’s telephoto position), less of the image will be directed to the lens and thus that area of the image will appear to be magnified. Zooming-out (wide angle position) means that more of the image is directed to the imager and thus, the image will look smaller. It also must be noted that the amount of light directed to the imager also changes when changing the zoom position. In the telephoto position, less light is reflected from the subject and directed through the lens, and thus the iris must be adjusted accordingly. Since chromatic aberration (refer to “Chromatic Aberration” )and other light-diffusion characteristics change when the focal length is changed, high-quality zoom lenses use a series of compensation lenses (which account for the higher purchasing cost). The correlation between the zooming ratio and angle of view can be described as shown in the figure below. Training Center Breda Operational Video Basics Optical The Basics of camera technology Page 17 of 49 Training Center Breda Operational Video Basics Optical The Basics of camera technology Page 18 of 49 Optical The Basics of camera technology The Basics of camera technology Analog to Digital Convertor 11 Analog Video Operational LDK TRAINING CENTER Basics CCD & Video Basics 01 10 Sample rate (frequency) Page 19 of 49 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 The Basics of camera technology The Sensor IT / FT P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Output to Pre processor FT / Frame Transfer. The expression Frame Transfer indicates that standard TV frames are transfered and delivered. However each transfer contains only 1 field and the next transfer contains the interlaced next field. Together a complete frame will be delivered from the sensor. If we like to store the whole chargepattern from the image area into the storage area then the same amount of pixels and TV lines must be available in the storage area. The construction of the storage area is indentical to that of the image. That means, that the separation gaps continue into the storage up to the bottom of the storage and stop just before the horizontal shiftregister (=Hor.SRG) The gate structure is also indentical, although the gate control for the image and storgage area are separate controllled. The physical size for the storage in the vertical derection can be made smaller in order to minimize the total chipsize. The Storage part is covered with a mask and no effect (light) from outside will enter this part. During the copying process from Image to Storage the mechanical shutter will cover the image for light from outside. Output to Pre processor Page 20 of 49 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Image CCDs are categorized into two types, depending on the CCD’s structure and the method used to transfer the charge accumulated at each photo site to the output. The IT (Interline-Transfer) CCD takes a structure such that the column of photo-sensing sites and vertical registers are arrayed alternately. The photo-sensing sites (so-called pixels) convert the incoming light into electrical charges over a 1/60-sec period (1/60 secfor NTSC, 1/50 sec for PAL) (refer to “NTSC/PAL” ). After this period, the accumulated charges are transferred to the vertical shift registers during the vertical blanking interval. The charges within the same line (the same row in the CCD array) are then shifted down through the vertical shift register in the same sequence and read into the horizontal register, line by line. Once a given line is read into the horizontal register, it is immediately read out (during the same horizontal interval) so the next scanning line can be read into the register. The only significant limitation in the IT imager structure is an artifact called vertical smear (refer to “Vertical Smear” ), which appears when the CCD is exposed to an extreme highlight. Smear appears as a vertical line passing through the highlight, often seen when shooting a bright object in the dark. This phenomenon is due to electric charges, accumulated in highly exposed photo sites, leaking into the vertical register before the transfer from the photo sites to the vertical register occurs. Storage Training Center Breda Operational Video Basics Optical IT / Interline Transfer. The Basics of camera technology Pixels and Sub pixels P P P P P P P P P P Pixel Load Shutter for DPM Time 20 ms 50Hz 16.6 ms 60Hz Combining Sub Pixels (DPM). Vertical SEPERATION GAPS (or Stop Diffusions) prevent mixing the charges in horizontal way the seperations are carried out by negative gates. All gates cover all vertical N-channel and diffusions, from the complete lefthand up to the most righthand side. Two different modes have to be destinguished for the 4x3 and 16x9 aspect ratios. In the HDTV FT sensor the mode 1080 and 720 are bassicly created with the same technology. see next page (Formats) Static Interlacing in 4x3 or 16x9 format. 4 or 3 (4:3 or 16:9) gates control all charge packets in one horizontal row. One of those gates is made negative (φ A1,5,9) all the others are biased positive. During the intergration of a field these levels are stable. At the end of the fieldtime all gates are controlled in order to transfer the whole chargepattern from IMAGE into the STORAGE. After this transfer the IMAGE is empty and can start intergrating the next field. When interlace format is used this must be opticaly just in between the previous field. If now (φ A3,7,11) are made negative with all the other gates set positive, the charges are converted out of light that is just in between the line of the previous field, allthough there is some overlap seen from the centers of the charges. So as a matter of fact we don’t have “geographical pixel “ , but we CREATE pixels by controlling the gatelevels. Shutter for DPM Drawing explanation: For 1/50 of a second (20ms for Pal) the light can enter the PIXEL. In FrameTransfer a mechanical shutter is used. This means that the LOAD time from the sensor is: PAL 20 ms - shutter = 20 - 2,3 ms is 17,67 ms NTSC 16.6ms - shutter = 16.6 - 1,8 ms is 14,73 ms Basics Light Separation gaps Separation gaps A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 N channels odd field only in Interlace mode N channels even field Sub pixels Pixel size 4:3 Video P Operational The amount of charge is depending on 3 factors. 1: Linear with the amount of light (LOAD) 2: Linear with the exposure or intergration time.(TIME) 3: Linear with the size of 1 element. This results in a gamma = 1 for sensors. P Training Center Breda Light can be explained as fast particles with energy: photons. Photons can enter the Nchannel and bump against a neutral atom. By this energy one or more electrons will come off. Now the atom becomes a postive ion. The electrons are attracted by the positive gate and move upwards and the positive ion is attracted by the negative voltage of the Psubstrate and moves downwards. In the junction area electrons from the Psubstrate will join these positive ions in order to make neutral atoms again. It looks like a glass of water the more light(water) the higher the level will be. Optical The Pixel (Frame Transfer) size 16:9 Page 21 of 49 The Basics of camera technology Training Center Breda Operational Video Basics Optical Formats. Thomson has always supported the imaging community’s search for an improved image quality and (HDTV) standards. Starting with the development, in the early 90’s, of a HDTV FTimager for the European standard and the LDK9000 camera system . This camera was used as a vehicle for many spatio temporal formats: 1152I50, 1080I60, 1035I60, 970I60, 576P50, 480P60, 480P30. The next step was the development of an LDK9000720P camera and FTimager. The first version was a 60 Hz one, soon to be extended to 72 Hz and 24 Hz. Starting with the DPM technology for FT-imagers the LDK2000 at 480P30 2 and 480I60 was developed. The temporal spectrum is extended with the LDK23 highspeed camera at 150 Hz and 180 Hz. The massive experience in imagers Video modes. The design goal for the Frame Transfer imager was to enable imaging in the following scanning formats: 1080P, 1080I, 720P, 480P, 480I constrained by an aspect ratio of 16:9, without prohibiting other aspect ratios, and an image diagonal which is 2/3” for all modes. The minimum number of pixels per column one needs to make a switchable imager possible is determined by what is known the least common multiple. This is a mathematical approach to find the smallest positive integer that is a multiple of all elements contained within a set of elements. It is the same as taking the maximum of all individual prime numbers in which the elements in a set are decomposed. Interlace / Progressive. In Interlace mode the picture is devided in two parts. 50Hz 625lines / 2 = 312,5 Odd and 312,5 Even lines. 60Hz 525lines / 2 = 262,5 Odd and 262,5 Even lines. IN HDTV Interlace modes 1080I 1080lines / 2 = 540 Odd and 540 Even lines. Page 22 of 49 (FT,DPM) and camera technology was put to a test in the development of the third generation multiformat HDTV cameras. An enabling technology is needed to merge 1080P, 1080I and 720P into one camera head that can be switched from one scanning format to the other without loss in image diagonal or viewing angle. This is found in the newly developed CCD imager based on the DPM Frame Transfer principle. It allows scanning of all the imaging formats natively. In HDTV Progressive mode 720P There are no Odd or Even lines used. The picture is created in one action In 50Hz Interlace mode the picture is created in 1/50 is 20 ms In 50Hz Progressive mode the picture is created in 1/25 is 40 ms So creating an image cell by grouping pixels in numbers of 4, 4320/4=1080 vertical image cells are generated. Combing them into 2 groups of 4 pixels, 4320/8=540 and by shifting 4 pixels each field 1080I is generated. Combining 6 pixels results in 4320/6=720P and 3 at a time 4320/3=1440P. With a 12 phase addressing system one could make super pixels of 3, 4, 6 or 8 pixels. An image cell is created through the addition of super pixels. 1080 I => 4320/8=540 1080 P => 4320/4=1080 720P => 4320/6=720 1080P => 4320/3=1440 Cinemascope mode 2,37:1 and only 1080 lines are used Optical The Basics of camera technology Vertical Interval Basics 1080i/p 1920 x 1080 720 P 1280 x 720 PAL-plus 1024 x 576 PAL 720 x 576 NTSC 640 x 480 Video Y/C - CRC Checksum Embedded Audio + Meta Data SAV Training Center Breda EAV Operational Horizontal Interval Page 23 of 49 The Basics of camera technology Sensor speed versus Camera Output. Training Center Breda Operational Video Basics Optical 1080 mode versus HD output >> Sensor speed 24 P 25 P 30 P 50 I 60 I 720 mode versus Sensor speed 24 P 25 P 30 P 50 P 60 P HD output >> 48 PsF 50 PsF 60 Psf mode 1 mode 2 24 P mode 0 mode 1 50Rep mode 1 mode 1 60Rep 50 I mode 0 50P 60 I mode 0 60P mode 2 mode 1 mode 0 mode 0 PsF = Progressive Segmented Frame I = Interlace P = Progresive mode 0 = Transparent mode 1 = Progr => Interlace (psf) mode 2 = 3:2 PullDown What is 3:2 pulldown? How do you stretch 24 frames of film onto 30 frames (60 fields of video)? You improvise. Basically, we stretch four film frames into ten video fields. Even if we simply doubled the film frames, we would still only have eight fields. So, we have to create two brand new video fields. In order to get the motion looking fluid, these new video fields are constructed using two different film frames. Confused? Take a look at the image below. Page 24 of 49 The Basics of camera technology Analog Video RGB to Y and to R-Y and B-Y Optical Question: How the ‘Y’ and colour difference signals are developed from camera outputs? Why is the ‘Y’ signal set = 0.3R+0.59G+0.11B? Basics We all know that Red, Green and Blue are the 3 primary colors. Why in many electronic equipments (including color TV), RGB are not the most common input signals? Instead, we see “Y”, “R-Y”, “G-Y” signals. Video In human eyes, the retinas have three types of cone cells for detecting different colors, namely, blue (447nm), green (540nm) and red (577nm). That’s why RGB are considered as the primary colors. However, the cone cells have different sensitivity to different colors. As a result, green color appears to be brighter than the red color and red color is brighter than the blue color for the same light intensity! When the color TV was developed, the signals were designed to be backward compatible with monochrome TV. In monochrome TV, there is only gray scale but the luminance (brightness) actually are representing how our eyes respond were we seeing the color object directly. So a green object is represented as brighter gray than a blue one on monochrome TV. And this is just exactly what “Y” is doing. Therefore, in the color TV system, “Y” is used as the luminance signal and people who are using monochrome TV can still receive color program by just using the “Y” signal. In order to encode the color messages, “R-Y” and “G-Y” are commonly used. They are called color difference signals. By using the above equation, R-Y = 1R - 1Y = 0.7R - 0.59G - 0.11B G-Y = 1G - 1Y = -0.3R - 0.41G - 0.11B “R-Y” and “G-Y” are chosen because it is easy to encode and decode using simple electronic circuits. (For example, to decode G, just add “Y” signal to “G-Y” signal in the final stage of decoding will be enough.) Training Center Breda Y = 0.3 R + 0.59 G + 0.11 B Operational Therefore, the luminance (Y) of a color is calculated as Of course, B-Y can be calculated by using “R-Y” and “G-Y”. Therefore, it is not necessary to have another signal “B-Y”. In conclusion, Y was used in order to have color TV system compatible with monochrome TV. The coefficients were chosen in order to emulate how the cone cells respond to different colors. And “Y”, “R-Y”, “G-Y” are nothing but just a transformation of “R”, “G”, “B” system. see next page for visual explanation using a Test signal (Colour Bar) Page 25 of 49 The Basics of camera technology Optical Analog Video SD based RGB to Y and to R-Y and B-Y 0mV Ref 0.299R R-Y Video Basics R 0mV Ref Training Center Breda Operational G 0.587XG 0mV Ref B-Y B 0.114XB 700mV PAL 714mV NTSC Y 0.299R + 0.587G + 0.114B Page 26 of 49 0mV Ref The Basics of camera technology Analog Video SD & HD based Y and Colour Bars 700mV PAL 714mV NTSC Optical Trying to visualize how Red, Green, Blue are combined to make real images is quite an awesome task, and certainly not easy to objectively analyse. Therefore a simple test signal is needed which will provide a full range of brightness, saturation and hue. The standard signal is called Colour Bars (see pictures) and incorporates all the primary and secondary colours along black and white. 0mV Ref Y 0.3R + 0.59G + 0.11B Basics Colour Bars has become the standard test signal for all of television and is used widely to test vision circuits, systems and tape. It is arranged so that it also provides a gray scale for the monochrome viewer. Grayscale Video Luminace (Y) Colour Bars is composed of a Red, Green and Blue elements. These can then be scaled and added to produce a Luminance (Y) signal. ColourBar Take care: There is a difference between SD and HD in this formule. Operational (Y+C) 00 % 700mV 700mV Ws Ws 66 % 46mV Ge 70 % 487mV  % 64mV Cy Ge 44 % 08mV G 0 % 0mV Pp  % 4mV R 9 % 4mV Cy 4 % 7mV G  % 0mV 8% 6mV B 0mV 00 % 700mV Pp 0% 0mV 00mV 0mV 6 % mV R % 8mV B 0% 0mV Sw 00mV SDTV Farbbalken 100/75 SDTV 576/50i - ITU-R BT.601-5: Y = 0,299 (R) + 0,587 (G) + 0,114 (B) = 1 Training Center Breda 700mV HDTV Farbbalken 100/75 HDTV 1080/50i - ITU-R BT.709-5: Y = 0,2126 (R) + 0,7152 (G) + 0,0722 (B) = 1 Page 27 of 49 The Basics of camera technology Analog Video Chroma (color) CVBS Composite video is often designated by the CVBS acronym, meaning any of “Color, Video, Blank and Sync”, “Composite Video Baseband Signal”, “Composite Video Burst Signal”, or “Composite Video with Burst and Sync”. It is usually in a standard format such as NTSC, PAL, or SECAM. It is a composite of three source signals called Y, U and V (together referred to as YUV) with sync pulses. Y represents the brightness or luminance of the picture and includes synchronizing pulses, so that by itself it could be displayed as a monochrome picture. U and V between them carry the color information. They are first mixed with two orthogonal phases of a color carrier signal to form a signal called the chrominance. Y and UV are then combined. Since Y is a baseband signal and UV has been mixed with a carrier, this addition is equivalent to frequency-division multiplexing. Training Center Breda Operational Video Basics Optical Composite video is the format of an analog television (picture only) signal before it is combined with a sound signal and modulated onto an RF carrier. Page 28 of 49 The amplitude of the modulation is proportional to the amount of color (or saturation), and the phase information denotes the tint (or hue) of the color. The horizontal blanking portion contains the horizontal synchronizing pulse (sync pulse) as well as the color reference (color burst) located just after the rising edge of the sync pulse (called the “back porch”). It is important to note here that the horizontal blanking portion of the signal is positioned in time such that it is not visible on the display screen. The Basics of camera technology The step from Analog to Digital Digital Output Formats. 01 Sample rate (frequency) Digital values representing Voltage levels Optical Analog 11 10 The more samples taken per second, the more accurate the digital representation of the sound can be. For example, the current sample rate for CD-quality audio is 44,100 samples per second is 44 Khz. the sample rate for SD Video is 18 or 27 MHz and the sample rate for HD Video is 74.25 MHz 2 bit 8 bit 10 bit 12 bit 14 bit 22 bits 28 bits 210 bits 212 bits 214 bits is 4 steps see drawing above. is 256 steps is 1024 steps is 4096 steps on 600% Video (6 x 700mV)/ 4096 = 1 mV for each bit is 16384 steps on 500% Video (5 x 700mV)/16384 = 0,25mV for each bit Video The sample rate is the number of samples of a signal that are taken per second to represent the event digitally. Basics Analog to Digital Convertor Next step is to make a serial signal from the parallel data signals (see next drawings for SD) Serializer Par/Ser Single Link. SD Standard Definition 270Mbit Serial Y/Cr/Cb 4:2:2 ( 10bit x 27Mb) The 27 MB/s, 10-bit parallel data is then loaded into a shift register, or serializer, where it is clocked out at a 270 Mb/s rate and scrambled for efficient transmission compliant with, in this example, standard definition ANSI / SMPTE 259M. ITU-R.BT-656 For SD 10bit x 27 Mhz = 270 Mbsec HD 20bit x 74 Mhz = 1,485 Gbsec Training Center Breda For SD 10bit x 27 Mhz HD 20bit x 74 Mhz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Operational 12 or 14 bits A/D conversion is used for the LDK video processing. 10 bits are used for external camera video processing (SDI outputs). Single Link. HD High Definition 1,5 Gbit Serial Y/Cr/Cb 4:2:2 ( 20bit x 74Mb) The 74 MB/s, 20-bit parallel data is then loaded into a shift register, or serializer, where it is clocked out at a 1.485 Mb/s rate and scrambled for efficient transmission compliant with, in this example, High definition ANSI / SMPTE 292M. Page 29 of 49 The Basics of camera technology Optical HD serial output types LDK 6000. Video proc. HD Standard LDK 6000 G 12Bit A/D 12Bit A/D 12Bit Gamma Knee Detail Matrix HD SDI Out 4:2:2 Y Y C RB C RB 1:1 HD SDI Out 4:2:2 HD VF Out analog RGB Link. Video proc. R RGB Mode G VIPER B A/D 12Bit A/D 12Bit A/D 12Bit Gamma Knee Detail Matrix LVDS Video HD SDI Out 4:2:2 SD CVBS Out Basics B A/D LVDS R HD SDI Output. HD SDI Output. R R G G B B 1:1 RGB/ YC HD SDI 1 Out 4:2:2 4:4:4 HD SDI 2 Out 0:2:2 HD SDI Out 4:2:2 SD CVBS Out R FILMSTREAM G VIPER B A/D 12Bit A/D 12Bit A/D 12Bit LOG Curve HD SDI Output. LINK 1 Out 4:4:4 not LINK 2 Out R G B DELOG Black/Gain Gamma Knee /Matrix Detail HD SDI Out 4:2:2 SD CVBS Out HD VF Out analog Video proc. R HD Stream VIPER G B A/D 12Bit A/D 12Bit A/D 12Bit HD Stream Link. LOG Curve + White Bal. Y LVDS Training Center Breda Dual Link. Video proc. LVDS Operational HD VF Out analog C RB HD SDI Output. 1:1 DELOG Black/Gain Gamma Knee /Matrix Detail HD SDI Out 4:2:2 HD SDI Out 4:2:2 HD SDI Out 4:2:2 SD CVBS Out HD VF Out analog Page 30 of 49 Video Functions Operational LDK TRAINING CENTER The Basics of camera technology Video Basics Optical The Basics of camera technology Page 31 of 49 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 The Basics of camera technology As mentioned in the section on Color Temperature (refer to “Color Temperature” ), video cameras are not adaptive to the different spectral distributions of each light source color. Therefore, in order to obtain the same color under each different light source, this variation must be compensated for electrically by adjusting the video amps of the camera. For example, imagine shooting a white object. The ratio between the red, green, and blue channels of the camera video output must be 1:1:1 to reproduce white. This ratio must stay the same under any light source (when shooting a white object). However, as in the earlier discussions of Color Temperature, the spectral distribution of light emitted from each light source differs. This also means that the spectral distribution of the light that reflects from the white object and enters the camera prism will also change according to the light source. As a result, the output of the three red, green, and blue CCDs will vary depending on the light source under which the white object is shot. For example, when the white object is shot under 3200 K, the signal output from the blue CCD will be very small while that of the red CCD will be very large. Training Center Breda Operational Video Basics Optical Color Temperatur and White Balance Page 32 of 49 This relation reverses for a 5600 K light source. As earlier mentioned, white can only be produced when the red, green, and blue video channels are balanced (R:G:B = 1:1:1), and therefore, electrical adjustments must be done at the CCD output. In the latter example (5600 K), the video amp of the blue CCD must be adjusted to have a gain smaller than 1, making the red, green, and blue signals equal in amplitude. This adjustment is called white balance. In brief, white balance refers to the adjustment of the video amps of the three CCDs, according to the color of the light source, to obtain a 1:1:1 ratio for the red, green, and blue signal levels in order to reproduce white. It is most important to note that, once white balance is adjusted, other colors come into balance as well. White balance should be adjusted frequently when the camera is used outdoors as color temperature changes rapidly with time. Note: in the figure, white balance for 3200 K seems to require more adjustment of the video amps than 5600 K. However, the video amps of most cameras are preset to operate on color temperatures around 3200 K, and less gain adjustment is required. The Basics of camera technology AWB (Auto White Balance) AWC stands for Auto White Continuesly. This feature can be considered an extension of AWB (refer to “AWB (Auto White Balance)” ) but with much more convenience. While Auto White Balance is used to set the correct color balance for one particular shooting environment or color temperature (refer to “Color Temperature” ), Auto Tracing White Balance corrects the color balance automatically and dynamically with any change in color temperature. For example, imagine shooting a scene that moves from indoors to outdoors. Since the color temperature of indoor lighting and sunlight is obviously different, the white balance must be changed accordingly. If Auto White Balance was used, the operator would have to activate it each time a small change was seen in the color temperature. The use of Auto White Continuesly eliminates this need, since the white balance will be automatically reset according to the change of color temperature. In other words, the white balance will automatically follow the change of color temperature. It must be noted however, that while Auto White Continuesly can be convenient, it does have limitations in the accuracy of white balance adjustments. Auto White Measuring Optical Before Auto White Video Basics After Auto White Operational AWC (Auto White Continuesly) Red Green Blue Training Center Breda Unlike the human eye, cameras are not adaptive to the changes in color temperature (refer to “Color Temperature” ) of different environments. For this reason, all professional cameras allow ‘White Balance’ adjustments to make a ‘white’ object always look white (refer to “White Balance” ). Auto White Balance is a feature that allows white balance to be automatically adjusted simply by the press of a switch. This feature comes in handy when there is not time for manual adjustments or for operators not familiar with white balance. Auto White Balance is often mistaken with Auto Tracing White Balance (ATW) (refer to “ATW (Auto Tracing White Balance)” ), a feature equipped in consumer video cameras. While ATW is ‘completely’ automatic and constantly adjusts the white balance in accordance with the change of the lighting environment, AWB is designed to set the correct color balance for only one particular environment. Therefore, the operator must activate it each time a small change is seen in the color temperature. This may sound somewhat inconvenient, however, AWB achieves much more accurate color reproduction as compared to ATW. AWB is achieved by framing the camera on a white object - typically a piece of white paper - that occupies more than 70% of the viewfinder display, and then pressing the AWB button located on the camera body. Page 33 of 49 The Basics of camera technology In all cameras, image enhancement is used as a method to improve picture sharpness. In brief, image enhancement raises the contrast at the darkto-light and light-to-dark transitions, making the edges of objects appear sharper than provided by the actual resolution of the camera. This process is applied electrically within the camera by overshooting the signal at the edges. In most professional cameras, image enhancement is applied to both vertical and horizontal picture edges. In camera terminology, this process is called ‘detail’. Detail level refers to the amount of image enhancement, or in other words, the amount of sharpness added to the picture. In most professional cameras, this can be altered with the detail-level control circuitry. It is worthwhile understanding how the horizontal detail signal is created. For simplicity, let’s examine how this is done in an analog detail-correction process. The original signal (a) is delayed by 50 nsec to obtain signal (b) and by 100 nsec to obtain signal (c). By adding (a) and (c) we have signal (d). The detail signal used for enhancement (signal (e)) is obtained by subtracting (d) from two times (b). This is further added to (b), completing the detail correction (f). The mechanism for creating the vertical detail signal is basically the same as horizontal detail correction. The only difference is that the delay periods for creating signals (b) and (c) are one horizontal scanning line and two horizontal scanning lines, respectively. Excessive detail correction will lead to an artificial appearance to the picture, as though objects have been “cut out” from the background. Training Center Breda Operational Video Basics Optical Detail (Contour) H/V Ratio As explained in the section on Detail Level (refer to “Detail Level” ), detail correction is applied to both horizontal and vertical picture edges using separate horizontal detail and vertical detail circuitries. H/V Ratio refers to the ratio between the amount of Page 34 of 49 detail applied to the horizontal and vertical picture edges. It is important to maintain the balance of the horizontal and vertical detail signals to achieve natural picture enhancement. H/V Ratio should thus be checked every time detail signals are added. The Basics of camera technology Detail functions With Details No Details Basics Noise Slicer or Crispening Soft Detail A small transision from black to white will have a small detail value added but big transision big detail levels. With the function Soft Detail it is possible to adjust or equalize the detail level from big details and match them to the small details Operational Video As mentioned in the section on Detail Level (refer to “Detail Level” ), detail signals are used to raise the contrast at the dark-to-light and light-to-dark transitions, making the edges of objects appear sharper both horizontally and vertically. Simply put, detail correction makes pictures look sharper than the actual resolution provided by the camera. However, since detail correction is applied to the entire picture, its use also emphasizes the noise of the picture, especially when the detail level is high. Noise slice / Crispening is a circuit implemented to avoid detail signals being generated around noise. By activating the Crispening function, detail signals with small amplitudes, which are most likely caused by noise, are removed from the signal. As shown in the figure below, in the Crispening process, only detail signals that exceed a designated threshold are utilized for image enhancement. Conversely, the detail signals with small amplitudes are regarded as noise and removed . Crispening allows detail to be adjusted without worrying about its influence over noise. Soft Detail ON Training Center Breda This is the Detail level related to Video level. Specfied is, by using the stairstep the first to steps don’t have detail information. The reason is that in this part of the signal the gamma curve (see gamma) is most active. When also detail is added to this part there will be to much noise visible. The level of this correction is adjustable. Optical Level Dependency Page 35 of 49 The Basics of camera technology This function makes it possible to adjust detail levels individual in five video amplitude ranges. (Together with the improved soft-detailss and noise slicer the detail can be adjusted in a much more flexible way.) The change of the detail level is linear between two consecutive detail levels (not available in all products) Operational Detail level: Video level: Knee Detail (level 1,2,3,4) White pos (82) Whitelevel (0-99) Mid pos (57) Mid level (0-99) Low-Mid pos (14) Low-Mid level (0-99) Black pos (3) Black level (0-99) Video Basics Optical Detail Level Equalizer 0 99 VF VIDEO menu: Training Center Breda Cont. level EQ Page 36 of 49 OFF = (Knee Contour: Off ) ON = Black level 0-99 (default 50) Low-Mid lev. 0-99 (default 50) Mid level 0-99 (default 50) White level 0-99 (default 50) Knee Cont. 1,2,3,4 (default 0) Black pos. 0-99 (default 3) Low-Mid pos.0-99 (default 14) Mid pos. 0-99 (default 57) White pos. 0-99 (default 82) The Basics of camera technology SKIN (color) Detail correction 1: Switch ON the function SKIN (1 or 2) detail 2: Start measuring procedue with SKIN window steps: a = Marker visible in Viewfinder b = Auto SKIN measurement is running 3: Select prefered color with the marker. Use Auto skin contour to change Automaticly the contour level in a selected colour range. Decreasing the contour level of a persons skin colour softens only the skin tones. But not only skin colours can be selected, for example, decrease the contour level of a soccer field to accentuate the soccer players or increase the skin contour level to accentuate a rough surface. Manual Skin contour. Use Manual skin contour to change with the controls from MCP /OCP /Menu menu the color location where detail is corrected. SKIN Color B or R = Color location SKIN Window B or R = Color area Skin View. Training Center Breda Auto Skin contour. Operational Video 4: Adjust level from SKIN detail. Basics The following steps are needed for this setup. Optical With the function SKIN contour it is possible to change the amount of detail in one of the colors. The name is based on the Skintone color but with the current technology it is also possible to make a sample of each color from the color circle. After a setup procedure it is possible to reduce the detail from a selected color sample. The SKIN VIEW function is available to see the result from the select color Location and Window. The detail reduction is only active in the coloured area. When using a B/W viewfinder this colored area is visible as Zebra pattern. Page 37 of 49 The Basics of camera technology Optical Flare Flare is a phenomenon that is likely to occur when strong light passes through the camera lens. Flare is caused by numerous diffused reflections of the incoming light inside the lens. This results in the black level of each red, green and blue channel being raised, and/or inaccurate color balance between the three channels. On a video monitor, flare causes the picture to appear as a misty image, sometimes with a color shade. In order to minimize the effects of flare, professional video cameras are provided with a flare adjustment function, which optimizes the pedestal level and corrects the balance between the three channels electronically. Flare chart Sensor Basics Internal Lenses Video Reflection DC/ Pedestal lift because of Lens Reflection Operational Flare adjustment The flare adjustment is related to the IRIS level. In the field it is very important to adjust the flare from the Red, Green and Blue channel. The procedure is explained in the Drawing Training Center Breda Check with a black area (10%) how the results are from Red, Green, Blue black level. 1: Cap the Lens and check the blacks 2: Open the lens + two stops extra Calibrate the black parts in the picture with the individuel flares from OCP or MCP. Red Green Blue 100 % Video Black level Red Green Blue 100 % Video Black level Black Balance To ensure accurate color reproduction from a camera, it is imperative that the camera reproduces a true black when the lens iris is closed, otherwise a colorcast may be seen. This requires accurate matching of the R, G, and B black levels. All LDK cameras are equiped with a dynamical black circuit where continuesly the black are controled. Page 38 of 49 Other cameras provide an Auto Black Balance function, which automatically closes the lens iris and balances the R, G, and B black levels when activated. The Autoblack feature that is available on the LDK camera (OCP MCP) is only a tool to bring the individual blacks (see next page) to the middle (50) position. The Basics of camera technology Black Stretch/Press Basics Optical Thus, professional video cameras, especially those used in broadcast stations, are required to have this capability to reproduce faithful black level stipulated by each broadcast station (different broadcast stations will have their own stipulations on the black level). Standard Video Setting Video setting corrected with Black Stretch Operational Video In LDK cameras, the gamma curve near the black signal levels can be adjusted using the Black Stretch feature. This feature is achieved without affecting the gamma curve of the mid-tone and high tones areas. Adjusting black stretch to obtain a steep gamma curve near the black signal levels allows more contrast to be seen in dark parts of the picture, thus resulting in better reproduction of picture detail. However, it must be noted that using a steep gamma curve near the black signal levels also results in the increase of noise, and black gamma must be adjusted with care. Conversely, black stretch can also be adjusted to reduce noise in dark picture areas but with the drawback of less contrast being seen. This feature is called Black Press. Reproduction of black is extremely important to obtain the desired color reproduction of entire images, accurately and faithfully. When shooting with a video camera in low-light conditions, a sufficient signal level can often not be obtained due to a lack of light directed to the imager. For such cases, video cameras have a Gain Up function, which electronically boosts the video signal to a sufficient level for viewing on a monitor or recording to a VTR. The Gain Up function usually offers several Gain Up values, which are selected by the operator depending on the lighting. It must be noted that choosing a large Gain Up value will result in degrading the S/N ratio, since noise is also boosted. Some cameras have a minus Gain Up setting to improve their S/N ratio. Training Center Breda Gain Page 39 of 49 The Basics of camera technology The video level from which signals are compressed is called the knee point. As shown in the figure, the video output above the knee point is compensated for to give a more gradual response. Thus some detail (contrast) can still be observed in the bright areas above the knee point, broadening the dynamic range of the camera. Sensor limit Video Output When we take a photo against a strong backlight, just like shooting a portrait picture in front of a sunlit window, we can still clearly see the subject’s face while being able to see the details of scenery outside the room. This is because the human eye can handle wide dynamic range (refer to “Dynamic Range” ). However, this is not easily done by video cameras because of the limited video-level dynamic range specified by the television standard. Therefore if the camera lens iris was adjusted for correct exposure of human skin tones, the bright areas of the image would not fit into the video-signal range and would be washed out. Vice versa, if the iris was adjusted for the bright areas, the video level of human skin tones would be very low and would look too dark. In order to obtain an image reproduction like the human eye, as naturally as possible, a function called ‘Knee Correction’ is widely used on today’s video cameras. Knee Correction is a function that compresses the wide dynamic video signals acquired by the imager (CCDs) into the limited video-level range specified by the television standard. Video Basics Optical Knee Correction 100% Video limit Slope Knee 50% Operational Auto Knee function A typical example is shooting an interior which includes a sunlit exterior seen through a window. or an exterior scene with clouds , This function applies only to video levels in excess of the knee point, the middle and low luminance parts remaining unchanged. Training Center Breda Conventional cameras only have a single knee point/slope (refer to “Knee Aperture” and “Knee Correction” ) characteristic. In contrast, the LDK Knee Processing system has Automatic knee point/slope characteristics. The camera intelligently monitors the brightness of all areas of the picture and adapts the knee point/ slope for optimum reproduction. Knee Off Page 40 of 49 Auto Knee ON The Basics of camera technology Dynamical True Color Knee Control The Basic manual controls on the control panels are Knee point and Knee slope. With MCP it is possible to select the compression source either Y or the max. signal from RGB (NAM) The Auto Knee function controls automatically the Knee slope depending on the picture contents. Basics Optical A full Dynamic highlight handling can be arranged with 12 bit A/D for 600% Two unique patented highlight circuits are used: Pivoting Knee and True Color Knee. Operational It is obvious that the gamma of a picture monitor CRT must be compensated for in order to faithfully reproduce pictures taken by the camera. Such compensation is called ‘gamma correction’. Properly speaking, gamma correction should be done within the picture monitor. However, this is done within the camera since it is more economically efficient to perform the correction within the cameras used by the broadcaster, rather than in the huge number of picture monitors that exist in the market. The goal in compensating (gamma correction) for the CRT’s gamma is to output a signal so that the light that enters the camera is in proportion to the brightness of the picture tube, as shown in (b). When the light that enters the camera is proportional to the camera output, it should be compensated for with an exponent of 1/ γ. This exponent γ ’(1/ γ) is what we call the camera’s gamma. The gamma exponent of a monitor is about 2.2. Thus the camera gamma to compensate for this is about 0.45 (1/2.2). Although gamma correction in the camera was originally intended for compensating for the CRT’s gamma, in today’s cameras, gamma can be adjusted to give the camera image a specific look. For example, a film-like look can be achieved by changing the settings of the camera’s gamma. Training Center Breda Gamma (γ ) is a numerical value that shows the response characteristics between the image brightness of an acquisition device (camera) or display device (CRT monitor) and its input voltage. In order to obtain faithful picture reproduction, the brightness of the picture must be in direct proportion to the input voltage. However, in CRTs used for conventional picture monitors, the brightness of the CRT and the input voltage retain a relationship with an exponential function, instead of a directly proportional relationship. As shown in (a), the beam current (which is in proportion to the CRT’s brightness) versus the input voltage rises as an exponential curve, in which the exponent is a factor larger than one. On the monitor screen, the dark areas of the signal will look much darker than they actually are, and bright areas of the signal will look much brighter than they should be. Technically, this relation is expressed in the following equation: I=CxEγ where I is the brightness, E is input voltage and C is a specific constant. The exponent in this equation is called the ‘gamma’ of the CRT. Video Gamma Correction Page 41 of 49 The Basics of camera technology Matrix Correction A sophisticated six-axis color matrix circuit effectively compensates optics-related color reproduction to ensure more natural, true-to-life tones. Several color matrix presets are provided to give you more creative control over the look and feel of your images. Video Basics Optical Color matrix SKIN Training Center Breda Operational Secondary Color Correction Here users can select specific colors in a scene and modify them as needed to enhance or highlight certain features within a shot. Color selection is divided into 16 vectors. Users can select the width or range of colors included in a selection, then choose the color they wish to modify. Up to three colors can be modified in a scene. Selected color changes can be saved with scene files during rehearsals then recalled during production. (not available in all products) Page 42 of 49 Range Width EBU The Basics of camera technology White limiter or White clip 106% 100% The standard LDK value is: 106% or in MCP / OCP 80 5 digits is 1 % level change. 100% Basics Optical A device which electronically limits the maximum “white” level of a video signal, in order to avoid “over-burned” images on the screen. Operational Video 75% White Shading When shooting a white object, the upper and lower portions of the screen may appear magenta or green while the central portion appears white, depending on the performance of the camera lens. This is called white shading. ( TV Cam ) See also the detailed explanation from page 16. + Sawtooth Parabol + = Correction Training Center Breda Signal with White shading = White shading corrected signal Page 43 of 49 The Basics of camera technology In color theory, saturation or purity is the intensity of a specific hue: A highly saturated hue has a vivid, intense color, while a less saturated hue appears more muted and grey. With no saturation at all, the hue becomes a shade of grey. Saturation is one of three components of the HSL color space and the HSV color space. The saturation of a color is determined by a combination of light intensity and how much it is distributed across the spectrum of different wavelengths. The purest colour is achieved by using just one wavelength at a high intensity such as in laser light. If the intensity drops the saturation also drops. To desaturate a color in a subtractive system (such as watercolor), the person can add white, black, gray, or the hue’s complement. Training Center Breda Operational Video Basics Optical Saturation Page 44 of 49 Training Center Breda Operational Video Basics Optical The Basics of camera technology Page 45 of 49 LDK TRAINING CENTER The Basics of camera technology Page 46 of 49 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 The Basics of camera technology RS-232 Rotary/push button Basics Camera number menu display Optical With Databoard basestation With OCP Operational Functions (Camera Monitoring Menu) Video Operational The Basics of camera technology LDK TRAINING CENTER Basestation menu Camera menu Page 47 of 49 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 101010 110011 100011 111000 The Basics of camera technology VF Detail VF Detail > 00 Optical The cameraman always need to created the best possible picture. There are some tools for him in the VF menu to set the level of the VF detail. With the VF Detail function in the menu it is possible to select the level of the VF only detail. So even when the main detail is switched off the camera man will have the possibility to add detail to his picture in the Viewer. VF Detail > 99 Basics In some version from the LDK camera also the VF boost is avialable Video Focus Assist In the HDTV systems it is quite difficult for the cameraman to find the optimum for the focus setting from the lens Focus Assist > OFF Operational With the Focus Asssist function it is possible that the electronics is helping the cameraman to find this optimum. For the highest frequencies in the picture you will find an crispening effect visible in VF. Focus Assist > ON Training Center Breda Crispening Zebra Zebra > OFF The Zebra is the indication for the cameraman related to the Video level in the picture. In the menu you will find the following settings Level = 60 - 90 % Video level setting. (diagram a) Band = level setting + and - 5% = 10% (diagram b) Contrast = Visibility from Zebra effect Zebra > ON 60-100% (a) (b) 60-100% & 80 +/- 5% Page 48 of 49 Zebra The Basics of camera technology Still in progress IRIS indication ZOOM indication 55 Optical F4 Basics Centre Cross ND filter 1/4 Video Message box Viewfinder markers Training Center Breda Go to the VF menu to select the markers you wish to see in the viewfinder. The following markers can be set up: • The Safe area marker encloses an area that represents 80% of the whole viewfinder picture area. This is the minimum area seen on a TV-set. • The Message box displays information messages.The length of time this box remains on the screen is set by the Info time item of the VF menu. • The Centre cross marks the centre of the picture. • The Cadre marker is a dotted white line or a shaded area that shows the limits of a 4:3 (15:9 or 14:9) picture. Exterior marker shading can also be selected. Operational Safe Area Page 49 of 49