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Introduction 'he p#rpose of this &allation is to doment the design of a padeye. 'his spreadsheet was deeloped primarily to satisfy the re*#irements of $eferen&e 34 5dwin P $#sso and $#dolph A "all4 6 Systemati& Approa&h to Lifting 5ye )esign6
Applied Loading 'he lifting loads were determined from a lift analysis whi&h &onsidered a load fa&tor of 2., applied to the str#&t#re graity loads4 in order to determine the design load to be #sed for the padeye design. From SACS analysis of bridge lift: Padeye design load 72.2 kips
2.0 2.0
Pad Padeye eye Con Conig igur urat atio ion n 'he prin&ipal feat#res of the padeye are shown below4 while details hae been in&l#ded on drawing 8S5$' )$AW89 8%(5$.
$ 2r
b (
$ h
A h
t ' p p t '
where: S WL b $ h r $ ' p t ' h b &
safe working load angl angle e fro from m hor hori! i!on onta tal l "ole radi#s Cheek plate radi#s %ain plate radi#s %ain %ain plat plate e thi& thi&kn knes ess s Cheek plate thi&kness 'otal pl plate thi&kness (ase width )ist )istan an&e &e from from edge edge of tape taperr to to &en &ente terr of of hol hole e )ist )istan an&e &e from from base base of plat plate e to to &en &entter of hole hole
Sw e a p
Chee Cheek k plat plate e weld weld leg leg %ain pla platte to to &h &heek plate &le &lea aran& an&e 'aper angle Sha&kle pin diameter
'he dimension ' sho#ld e*#al +, - /0 of sha&kle 1aw width.
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'he pin hole diameter4 d4 sho#ld be 3;6 greater than the sele&ted sha&kle pin si!e 'he main plate radi#s is appro
sho#ld be less than or e*#al to the plate thi&kness ='p>. ?+.3 kips 3.,/ short tons se 9-23?, Crosby 2-in&h sha&kle4 &apa&ity 37 tons4 sha&kle pin si!e $efer to http:;;&atalog.the&rosbygro#p.&om;maininterfa&e.htm
Sha&kle load
in Sha&kle 1aw width A 2.?2 'otal padeye width sho#ld be between in Sha&kle pin si!e ) 3.+?, Pin hole diameter sho#ld be 2.,+? "ole radi#s 3.,?3 in so main plate radi#s sho#ld be appro +, degrees 3.,@7 radians kips "ori!ontal n-Plane Component kips erti&al n-Plane Component
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$earing Stress (earing Allowable C 3
3.7 ksi ?2.@ ksi ,.+, EH
(earing P;='Gp> Allowable ,.F y
3,.3 ksi 3@.@ ksi ,.+ EH
Shear P;=@=r-$ h >GtJ2=$-$ h >G' p > Allowable ,.@F y
Shear Stress Shear Allowable C 2
Tensile Stress From Se&tion )?.2 of ASC4 the distan&e #sed in &allations4 a&ross the hole4 is the minim#m of @ times the plate thi&kness at the pinhole or 3.+ times the hole diameter. 'ensile stress .7 ksi 5ffe&tie width ?.? in Plate thi&kness 2.? in Allowable stress 3+.2 ksi C ? ,.+,, EH %eld Stress Load on one weld Weld Shear
F w C @
?+.3 kips +. ksi ,./,, in 23., ksi 7,., ksi ,.?2+ EH
'ensile P;=5ffe&tie width G plate thi&kness>
Allowable ,.@/F y
Weld load F P;2 =ass#me ea&h weld takes f#ll load> Weld Shear F;=2 pr G=,.7,7GSw >> fillet weld si!e Allowable ,.?F #w 57,II 5le&trodes4 #ltimate strength
Co&'ined Stress 'he a ; ' P h2
where C represents the distan&e of an element from the ne#tral a ; ' P h
'he ma;2> J K==f a J f b >;2>2 J f 2 3;2 and the ma;2>2 J f 2 3;2
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'he following table shows the al#es of the a ,.,, ,.3, ,.2, ,.?, ,.@, ,./, %AI
23.+ ksi 3@.@ ksi
Stresses &allated at Se&tion (-(. 'ension Shear f f f fa fb C C ma< ma< =ksi> =ksi> =ksi> =ksi> =ksi> @.2 ,., ?.7 +.@ ,.2 @.2 ,.2 @.2 -3./ ?./ /.3 ,.2@ ?. ,.2+ @.2 -?.3 ?.3 ?.7 ,.37 ?.3 ,.22 @.2 -@.+ 2.? 2.2 ,.3, 2.@ ,.3+ @.2 -+.3 3.? ,.7 ,.,? 3.+ ,.33 @.2 -7.7 ,., ,., ,.,, 3.7 ,.32 ,.2 ,.2
Allowable ,.+F y Allowable ,.@F y
C =in> ,.,, ,.3, ,.2, ,.?, ,.@, ,./,
Stresses &allated at Se&tion A-A. 'ension Shear f f f fa fb C C ma< ma< =ksi> =ksi> =ksi> =ksi> =ksi> @.2 ,., ?.7 +.@ ,.2 @.2 ,.2 @.2 -,.7 ?./ /.7 ,.2+ ?. ,.27 @.2 -3./ ?.3 @.7 ,.22 ?.@ ,.2? @.2 -2.2 2.? ?.+ ,.3+ 2.+ ,.3 @.2 -?., 3.? 2.3 ,.3, 3./ ,.3, @.2 -?.7 ,., ,./ ,.,2 ,.? ,.,2 ,.2 ,.2
(ut)o Plane $ending Che&k o#t-of plane bending at se&tion A-A4 whi&h is the worst &ase s&enario4 ignoring the g#sset plates. n addition as the padeyes are aligned with th e slings4 take a minim#m load of /0 of the total applied load. 8ote that this o#t of plane st ress is &ombined with the inplane bending stress and tensile stress &allated aboe. E#t-of-plane load P L Leer arm4 & (ending moment4 % Se&tion mod#l#s S E#t-of-plane bending stress Allowable E#t-of-plane bending stress ; allowable
?.+ kips ?. in [email protected] in-kips 2./ in? /. ksi 27., ksi ,.23 EH
=P ; 2,>
S#m of ratios
,.@3 EH
=3;+ h' 2 p > =% ; S> =,.7/ Fy>
For o#t-of-plane bending at the (-( a sho#ld be less than or e*#al to the plate thi&kness ='p>. ?./2 kips 3.7+ short tons se 9-23?, Crosby 2-in&h sha&kle4 &apa&ity ?/ tons4 sha&kle pin si!e $efer to http:;;&atalog.the&rosbygro#p.&om;maininterfa&e.htm
Sha&kle load SWL
in Sha&kle 1aw width A ?.2/, 'otal padeye width sho#ld be between in Sha&kle pin si!e ) 2.?,, Pin hole diameter sho#ld be 2./,, "ole radi#s 3.2/, in so main plate radi#s sho#ld be appro +, degrees 3.,@7 radians kips "ori!ontal n-Plane Component kips erti&al n-Plane Component
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$earing Stress (earing Allowable C 3
?.2 ksi @/., ksi ,.,72 EH
(earing P;='Gp> Allowable ,.F y
/., ksi 2,., ksi ,.2@ EH
Shear P;=@=r-$ h >GtJ2=$-$ h >G' p > Allowable ,.@F y
Shear Stress Shear Allowable C 2
Tensile Stress From Se&tion )?.2 of ASC4 the distan&e #sed in &allations4 a&ross the hole4 is the minim#m of @ times the plate thi&kness at the pinhole or 3.+ times the hole diameter. 'ensile stress /.@ ksi 5ffe&tie width 3.@ in Plate thi&kness ,. in Allowable stress 22./ ksi C ? ,.2? EH %eld Stress Load on one weld Weld Shear
F w C @
?./ kips 3.+ ksi ,./,, in 23., ksi 7,., ksi ,.,77 EH
'ensile P;=5ffe&tie width G plate thi&kness>
Allowable ,.@/F y
Weld load F P;2 =ass#me ea&h weld takes f#ll load> Weld Shear F;=2 pr G=,.7,7GSw >> fillet weld si!e Allowable ,.?F #w 57,II 5le&trodes4 #ltimate strength
Co&'ined Stress 'he a ; ' P h2
where C represents the distan&e of an element from the ne#tral a ; ' P h
'he ma;2> J K==f a J f b >;2>2 J f 2 3;2 and the ma;2>2 J f 2 3;2
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'he following table shows the al#es of the a ,.,, ,.3, ,.2, ,.?, ,.@, ,./, %AI
?,., ksi 2,., ksi
Stresses &allated at Se&tion (-(. 'ension Shear f f f fa fb C C ma< ma< =ksi> =ksi> =ksi> =ksi> =ksi> 2. ,., 2./ @.? ,.3@ 2. ,.3@ 2. ,.3 2.@ @.? ,.3@ 2. ,.3@ 2. ,.2 2.3 @.3 ,.3@ 2.+ ,.3? 2. ,.? 3.+ ?. ,.3? 2.2 ,.33 2. ,.@ ,. ?./ ,.32 3. ,., 2. ,./ ,., ?.@ ,.33 3.7 ,., ,.3@ ,.3@
Allowable ,.+F y Allowable ,.@F y
C =in> ,.,, ,.3, ,.2, ,.?, ,.@, ,./,
Stresses &allated at Se&tion A-A. 'ension Shear f f f fa fb C C ma< ma< =ksi> =ksi> =ksi> =ksi> =ksi> 2. ,., 2./ @.? ,.3@ 2. ,.3@ 2. ,.3 2.@ @.? ,.3@ 2. ,.3@ 2. ,.2 2.3 @.3 ,.3@ 2.+ ,.3? 2. ,.? 3.+ ?. ,.3? 2.2 ,.33 2. ,.@ ,. ?./ ,.32 3. ,., 2. ,./ ,., ?.@ ,.33 3.7 ,., ,.3@ ,.3@
(ut)o Plane $ending Che&k o#t-of plane bending at se&tion A-A4 whi&h is the worst &ase s&enario4 ignoring the g#sset plates. n addition as the padeyes are aligned with th e slings4 take a minim#m load of /0 of the total applied load. 8ote that this o#t of plane st ress is &ombined with the inplane bending stress and tensile stress &allated aboe. E#t-of-plane load P L Leer arm4 & (ending moment4 % Se&tion mod#l#s S E#t-of-plane bending stress Allowable E#t-of-plane bending stress ; allowable
,.@ kips 3. in ,.+ in-kips ,.2 in? ?.7 ksi ?7./ ksi ,.3, EH
=P ; 2,>
S#m of ratios
,.23 EH
=3;+ h' 2 p > =% ; S> =,.7/ Fy>
For o#t-of-plane bending at the (-( a