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Ashtaka Varga

Vedic astrology compilation on Ashtakavarga




Ashtakavarga - An unique tool नस नोती पुनः कम वा मनुजा मंदाबध ु ाय : वसे शता: क लयग ु े सरलो यम न न चय: In the above sloka,Parasara says it is difficult for the people of kaliyuga who are of a lesser cognitive capalibility to understand the principles of astrology he said in his sastram .He himself proposed a shortcut method to apply the principles of astrology by giving us the system of predictions in Ashtaka Vargaadhyaa. Ashtakavarga System of prediction is an unique priceless tool propounded by Parasara Maharshi in his Parasara Hora sastram and is widely applicable for timing of events and having an exact overview of the life of any native who's horoscope is in question. He proposes that every planet in the horoscope of the native in question is a reference point and gives the benefic houses from each of such reference points. Ashtakavarga - Eight Sourced Strengths Analyzing a chart and making correct predictions requires mixing many different principles and making fine compromises and judgments. Sage Parasara said that it is difficult for even great Maharshis. In Kali Yuga, human beings become sinful and the sins kill their intelligence. Parasara said that the intellectual pygmies of Kali Yuga cannot cope with too many complicated principles and presented ashtakavarga as a simple technique that lets them make reasonable predictions without much fuss. Ashtaka means “consisting of eight” and varga means “a group”. Ashtakavarga is the system of analyzing a chart with respect to a group of 8 reference points. When we analyze the positions of planets with respect to lagna, we have the concept of good and bad placements. For example, Jupiter in the 9th from lagna will be well placed and Jupiter in the 3rd will be badly placed. Mars in the 3rd from lagna will be well placed and Mars in the 9th will be badly placed. However, lagna is not the only reference point in a chart. We have Sun and Moon. In fact, all the planets serve as reference points in a chart and they represent the sources of various energies that are present in a native. Based on the houses in which different planets are placed in transit, they can be benefic with respect to some energy sources and malefic with respect to some. If a transiting planet is benefic with respect to more energy sources, then it brings good results. So ashtakavarga is essentially a system that tells us the benefic positions of lagna and seven planets with respect to each other. This can be used to analyze the strength of a natal chart, but it is much more important in analyzing transits. Ashtakavarga The asthakavargas is a unique way of dividing each of the 12 rasis into eight sub divisions, based on the influence of the lagna and the 7 main planets on these 12 rasis. Rahu & Ketu are omitted in asthakavargas. Based on their individual positions in a horoscope, the lagna and the 7 main planets, contribute certain positive and negative influences on the 12 signs of the horoscope. These influences are called bindus and rekhas, which are positive and negative points. There is a confusion and controversy between South Indians and North Indians about the bindus and rekhas and which of them is benific and malefic. So lets simply call them positive points and negative points to avoid confusion. Benefic places for each planet The following is a tabulation of where each planet gives points from its natal placement, from all the other planets’ natal placements and from the Ascendant. This means the benefic and malefic places of a planet with reference to eight places - the places occupied by the seven planets and the Lagna at the time of birth. The following is a tabulation of where each planets give points from it’s natal placement, from all the other planets’ natal placements and from the Ascendant. The Sun's Ashtakavarga The Sun gives a point in the following houses (The benefic places of the Sun are) from himself, Mars and Saturn; the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th. From the Moon: 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th. From Mercury: 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th. From Jupiter: 5th, 6th, 9th, and 11th. From Venus: 6th, 7th and 12th. From the Ascendant: 3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th, 11th and 12th. The Moon's Ashtaka Varga The Moon gives a point to the following houses (The benefic places of the Moon are) from himself: 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th, and 11th. From the Sun: 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th. From Mars: 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th and 11th. From Mercury: 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th. From Jupiter: 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th. From Venus: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th. From Saturn: 3rd, 5th, 6th and 11th. From Ascendant: 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th. (Benefic places from Moon for each planet are the same as are taken in ordinary transit considerations). The Ashtakavarga of Mars Mars give a point to the following houses (The benefic places of Mars are) from himself: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th. From the Sun: 3rd, 5th, 6th, 10th and 11th. From the Moon: 3rd, 6th, and 11th. From Mercury: 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 11th. From Jupiter: 6th, 10th, 11th and 12th. From Venus: 6th, 8th, 11th, and 12th. From Saturn: 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th. From the Ascendant: 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th. The Ashtakavarga of Mercury Mercury gives a point to the following houses (The benefic places of Mercury are) from himself: 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th,10th, 11th and 12th. From the Sun: 5th, 6th, 9th, 11th, and 12th. From the Moon: 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 11th. From Mars and Saturn: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th. From Jupiter: 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th. From Venus: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, and 11th. From the Ascendant: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 11th. from Mars and Saturn in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th Signs(Yavanacharya) The Ashtakavarga of Jupiter Jupiter gives a point to the following houses (The benefic places of Jupiter are) from himself: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th, and 11th. From the Sun: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th. From the Moon: 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th. From Mars: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th. From Mercury: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th and 11th. From Venus: 2nd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, and 11th. From Saturn: 3rd, 5th, 6th and 12th. From the Ascendant: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th. The Ashtakavarga of Venus Venus gives a point to the following houses (The benefic place of Venus are) from himself: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th. From the Sun: 8th, 11th and 12th. From the Moon: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th. From Mars: 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 11th and 12th. From Mercury: 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th and 11th. From Jupiter: 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th. From Saturn: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th. From the Ascendant: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 11th. from Mars in the 3rd, 4th, 6th, 9th, 11th and 12th Signs (Yavanacharya) The Ashtakavarga of Saturn Saturn gives a point to the following houses (The benefic places of Saturn are) from himself: 3rd, 5th, 6th and 11th. From the Sun: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th. From the Moon: 3rd, 6th and 11th. From Mars: 3rd, 5th, 6th, 10th, 11th and 12th. From Mercury: 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th. From Jupiter: 5th, 6th, 11th and 12th. From Venus: 6th, 11th and 12th. From the Ascendant: 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th and 11th. from the ascending Sign in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 10th and 11th Signs (Yavanacharya) Thus have been described the benefic places of the planets; the other places are malefic (a). A place will produce benefic or malefic effects if it be more benefic for the planet than malefic or vice versa. For each planet, add up all of the points given and combine them into one chart. Each planet should have a chart with its corresponding Ashtakavarga points. In each house, the points will number between 0 and 8. 0 – 3 is inauspicious, 4 is average, and 5 – 8 is auspicious. These places are all with reference to the places occupied by the planets at the time of birth. The planets while passing through places which happen to be Upachaya houses (c) or which might be their own houses or their friendly or exaltation signs, (d) produce benefic effects fully if such houses or signs are more benefic for the planets than malefic; and planets while passing through places which happen to be Apachaya houses (e) or which might be their inimical or depression signs, produce malefic effects fully if such houses or signs be more malefic for the planets than benefic. (f ) Notes (a) For instance, the 3rd, 5th, 6th and 12th houses from himself are malefic places for the Sun. The 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th houses from Lagna are malefic places for the Moon, and so forth. (b) In preparing tables of Ashtakavarga, it is usual to mark the benefic places with dots and the malefic places with lines. We will put down the Ashtakavarga table for Mars in the following horoscope:- Lagna. Sun. Moon. Venus. Mercury. RASI CHAKRA. Jupiter. Mars. Saturn. 000 = 3 11111=5 000=3 11111 = 5 Mark the benefic places of Mars with dots and the malefic places with lines. The result will be found to be as follows:-- 000 = 3 11111 = 5 000 = 3 11111 = 5 000=3 11111 = 5 ASHTAKAVARGA OF MARS. 0000 = 4 1111=4 00000 = 5 111 = 3 00=2 111111=6 0=1 1111111=7 00000 = 5 1ll=3 00000 = 5 111=3 00=2 111111 = 6 The table means that while Mars moves through sign Aries for instance, the benefic effects will be § and the malefic effects will be 5/8. In other words, he produces malefic effects to the extent of 5/8 3/8 or f of his power. Similar remarks apply to the other places. (c) These are the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11 houses from the Lagna. Also from the Moon according to Sree Deva-keerti. (d) Or their Swakshetra or Mulatrikona houses also, according to Sree Devakeerti. (e) From the rising sign and from the Moon according to ditto. (f) So that, in the Ashtakavarga of Mars given above, Mars while passing through Capricorn (his Upachaya house) produces benefic effects fully and not to the extent of 2/8; and while passing through Gemini (his Auupa-chaya sign) he produces malefic effects fully and not to the extent of 2/8. N.B. - The Ashatakavarga tables are generally prepared with the number of benefic dots alone marked in them - the number representing the malefic lines being the difference between number 8 and the number of dots. The above table will then stand as follows:All these numbers represent the benefic dots. The A. V. tables are useful in the prediction of most of the important events of life. Regular treatises exist on this branch of horoscopy, which must be consulted for full particulars. We shall give here some of the uses of the A. V. tables. The tables prepared, as stated above, with figures representing benefic dots are subjected to two reductions or eliminations, known as Trikona and Ekadhipatya reductions-that is, of the figures in the triangular signs, and of the figures in the several pairs of signs forming the houses of the planets, from Mars to Saturn. 3. 3. 3. 3. 5. 2. 1. 5. 3. 4. 5. 2. Importance of Prastharashtaka Varga And Its Kakshya: Prasthar means spread, when we divide the sign in 8 parts. Each part is called a Kakshya of 3deg45min each and has been assigned a lord in the order of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon and Lagna. The order of planets is as per their motion in the zodiac starting from Saturn the slowest. When a Planet enters a sign, it first traverses in Saturn’s Kakshya, and then it enters Jupiter’s and so on. A total benefic point in a sign is called BAV, total bindus contributed by all planets. Whereas Prastar Chakra reveals which planet has contributed a bindu and which has not. A slow moving planet like Saturn takes 2.5 years to traverse a sign. Does it mean that the entire 2.5 years period will be bad if Saturn is not associated with good number of benefic points in that sign? No, Saturn will produce good results when passing through the Kakshya of those planets, which have contributed a bindu. Prastharashtakaka Varga can be used for the delineation of Dasha results and predicting the effects of transit. The timing of events can be narrowed down to as brief as possible with the help of Prastharashtakaka Varga and its Kakshya. Best Examples are Pt. J.L. Nehru when he became PM on 15.08.1947 or J.F. Kennedy of USA, when he became President on 05.11.1960 and many more. Samudaya or Sarvashtakvarga A table consisting of 12 houses and 7 planets i.e. of 84 squares (in which starting from lagna/ascendant & all seven planets together) is prepared by putting all the dots/zeroes and adding them together is known as Samudaya or Sarvashtakvarga. The total benefics should be written in each house along with the planets and zodiacal signs. Samudaya or Sarvashtakvarga can be prepared without the preparing of Bhinnashtakvarga with much less difficulty ‘Balo Balishtho’ (Prashna Marga Ch 32 sloka 59-60; Horasara Ch 17, sloka 73-74; Phaldeepika Ch 24, sloka 34-35 and Jataka Deshmarga Ch 9, sloka 35-36). Planets which are exalted in their own zodiacal signs, in friends house, in quadrants, trines and Upachayas (3, 6, 10 & 11) houses being strong etc, but if they have less than 28 benefic dots then they shall give adverse results. Weak planets such as 1. Owners of 6th 8th and 12th houses. 2. Planets of 6th 8th and 12th houses. 3. Debilitated planets, planets with malefic or in enemies house Have more than 28 benefic dots then they shall give benefic results. In the sarvastakavarga, signs having more than 30 bindus can be said to be the best (srestha); those getting between 25 and 30 - middling (madyama) and those below 25- worst (kasta). The best sign should be selected for all good work, journey etc. worst sign should be avoided. Person born in best signs can be taken for association. They will bring in good. Persons born in worst sign will be source of distress. For AV purpose each rasi is divided into 8 parts called Kakshas. Each kaksha has a span of 3 ̊45'. The 1st kaksha of each rasi is ruled by saturn, the 2nd by jupiter, 3rd by mars, 4th by sun, 5th by venus, 6th by mercury, the 7th by moon and the 8th by the lagna. Mainly 3 types of Ashtakavarga charts are used to study the effects of the planets. The 1st type are the Bhinnashtakavarga charts, prepared for the lagna and the 7 planets - total 8 charts are made. In the picture above we have given the Bhinnashtakavarga chart of sun - to the left side. The rasis are marked horizontally by the respective rasi numbers, i.e., 1 for Aries, 2 for Taurus etc. The 8 Kakshas are to be seen vertically. A Bhinnashtakavarga kaksha of any rasi can contain only one point. If a positive point is contributed by any planet in a kaksha it is marked by 1, if a negative one then by 0. So we can see that in the chart of the Bhinnashtakavarga of sun, in the sign Aries (under 1), saturn has contributed a positive point in the first kaksha, jupiter has contributed a negative point in the 2nd kaksha and so on. The total positive points contributed in Aries are 4. We can see the other signs similarly. The Bhinnashtakavarga charts of planets are very useful to study the transit effects of planets. For example sun transits a rasi for one month. But the results he gives are not uniform throughout the month. He produces good results while transiting the Kakshas where there is a positive point and if negative point is there he gives bad results. In this case while transiting the 1st kaksha of Aries, from 0 degrees to 3:45', he gives good results as saturn has contributed a positive point there. In the next kaksha, from 3:45 to 7:30', where there is a negative point contributed by jupiter, he gives bad results. As Aries has 4 positive and 4 negative points in suns BAV chart, suns transit results in Aries for the native of this chart are 50% good and 50% bad. When the sun transits Libra for one month its results are very bad as it has only 2 positive points. Suns transit of Sagittarius is the best with 6 PP. So a rasi with 4 good points gives medium results, better with more and worse with less. The good or bad effects will have a relation with the planet contributing the point, either positive or negative. They will have a link to its nature, house ownership etc. In similar fashion with the help of the BAV charts of the other planets we can study their transit effects. The sarvasthakavarga chart, to the right of suns BAV chart, is the combined detailed summary of how many positive points each of the 7 planets and lagna are contributing in all the rasis. The Samudaya Ashtakavarga chart below gives a brief at a glance idea of how many total good points are there in each house. Houses with 25 or more produce good results when planets transit them. If the points are below 25 then the results are negative. Ashtakavarga has many more applications. While analyzing the effects of a house, by studying how many total good and bad points are there, contributed by which planets, etc give several clues about the house effects. While studying the effects of a planet placed in a particular house, by studying in how many degrees he is placed in that house and in which planets kaksha, the points contributed by the planets in the kaksha, give us us predictive clues as to the planets nature results etc. Ashtakavarga is also employed to study longevity of a native by doing several complicated mathematical calculations and by doing trikona reductions etc. Even for those who know astrology, the Ashtakavarga is an advanced application. Secrets of Ashtakavarga revealed E K Dhilip Kumar, M.Sc., In most of the computer generated horoscope you may have seen a set of charts with 12 numbers in them. Normally we are used to seeing the names of planets (Grahas). So what are these numbers? Is this some kind of a numerical way of understanding our life? Yes it is. This is what the ancient masters of Astrology have often used while reading a chart and Maharshi Parasara calls it that part of Astrology that is more dependable and that which never fails. You may have seen several Ashtakavarga charts. Usually there is one for every planet. The chief amongst them is called the Sarva-ashtakavarga and is always the biggest chart when compared to the other Ashtakavarga charts. Sarva means a sum total of all others. Rahu and Ketu do not have separate Ashtakavarga charts as they are shadow planets. So you will have 7 plus 1 and that makes it 8. Most people have no idea it is one of the very useful information available in their horoscope. Many Astrologers ignore these valuable charts mainly because they do not have proper understanding of what they mean. For thousands of years the horoscope was cast manually and preparing these charts is tedious and hence the Astrologers did not have the patience to work out the Ashtakavarga charts. Since the Astrologer rarely uses them the clients may think that they are less important. What do these numbers represent? The aim of this article is to let you know in how many ways you can use the Ashtakavarga chart. Believe me; I am going to discuss only the simple methods that even a novice in Astrology can easily understand. First thing that you got to do is put the Ascendant (Lagna) mark on the Sarva-Ashtakavarga chart. Some computer printouts have the houses numbered already. In case it is not, you will have to number the Lagna as 1, and the next house as 2 and so on until you reach 12. You will have number them in clock-wise direction as we normally do in all the charts The 2nd thing that you need to do is note down the highest and the lowest number in the SarvaAshtakavarga. Note down the house number it corresponds to. If the lowest number is in the 5th house the ancient masters have advised us to start investigating the 5th house. The 5th house primarily deals with children. Perhaps there is something wrong with regard to children. It does not mean that there are heavy problems in matters pertaining to children. It is a pointer to you for further research on the house of children. If you find many other reasons then you should know that there is a great concern pertaining to children. In the following horoscope we see the 9th house has the lowest score. That means the weakest area is more likely to be the 9th house and its matters. From the 9th house several important things pertaining to luck can be known but the 9th house primarily deals with father, the head of the family. This person lost his father when he was just about 8 years old and had to be taken care by others. Does this mean that we have found a simple way of understanding Astrology? No. Other planetary positions and influence must also indicate problems related to father. However the Sarva-ashtakavarga is the 1st pointer. Once that is understood you need to further investigate the house under question from several other angles. One sparrow does not make summer is the golden advice in Astrology. A beginner in Astrology will hastily conclude as soon as he or she notes down just 1 combination supporting a clue. In the above horoscope you will note that Ketu the abortive planet is occupying the 9th house the house that deals with his father. Whichever houses (2 of them) falls on the RAHU-KETU axis the clue is that there is something negative or challenging in matters pertaining to the 2 houses. In this chart that axis falls on the 9thhouse. Rahu and Ketu generally work against Sun the planet that is related to Father. So Rahu or Ketu in the 9th house indicates usually some serious issues concerning father. Ketu in the 9th house is more harmful to father when compared to Rahu in the 9th. Also according to Maharshi Parasara Ketu rules Scorpio. So in the above horoscope, Ketu becomes the lord of the 8th house (bad house) occupying the 9th house (father). A house that is occupied by the lord of the 6th, or 8th or 12th house become weak. The 9th house lord Jupiter is placed in the 7th house from where Jupiter looks at the Lagna (Ascendant). So the person was taken good care of by another father-like person and hence found relief from the problem to a great extent. What else can be known from the Sarva-Ashtakavarga? In the Sarva-Ashtakavarga we need to first understand the following: Weakest house The house that has the lowest score is weak. Weak houses Less than 25 points. Medium houses 25-28 points Strong Greater than 28 points. Strongest house The house that has the strongest score is strong Please bear in mind that if you total all the points in the 12 houses you will get 337. If you get anything more or less than that, it means that there is something wrong with the calculations. If the number in the 1st house has a low score and if it is less than 25 then it means that the person cannot do his work or karma (purpose of life) without the support of others. He needs somebody to be with him all the time. These are the people who need partners. They need to wear the proper gems, do the remedies, and use the knowledge available through scientific Astrology. If the Lagna (1st house) has a very high score then such a person will love to work alone. If it is very high the person is likely to have high ego levels and yet ideally capable of working without any support. Most of these people are successful provided other planetary positions are promising. Similarly if the 12th house has a low score it is considered good because opportunities for loss or expense is likely to be fewer than it is for others around them. If the 12th house has the lowest number then it means that the person may be a miser or does not have the mind and opportunity to spend money. With regard to wealth the Sarva-ashtakavarga should be used in the following manner. If the following 4 conditions are met with in any horoscope then such a person will easily accumulate wealth. Before you begin to check out your horoscope first note down the values in 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th houses. The rules are: 1st house should have more than 28 points 12th house should have least of the 4 houses under consideration 11th house of gains should have more points than what is there in the 12th house. 10th house should have a score greater than 28 but less than what is there in the 11th house. Sarvashtaka Varga. The Ashtakavargas of the Sun and other planets considered separately are known as Bhinnashtaka vargas and their sum forms what is known as Sarvashtaka varga. In the latter, the figure in sign Aries is the sum of the figures in sign Aries in the several Bhinnashtaka vargas similarly, the figure in sign Taurus of S. A. V. is the sum of the figures in sign Taurus of the B. A. Vs. and the figures of the other signs may be similarly obtained. The total of these figures will always be 337 - this being the sum of the totals of the figures of the seven B. A. Vs. The latter figures are 48, 49, 39, 54, 56, 52 and 39 from the Sun to Saturn, Now, various events of life are predicted by means of the figures of the S. A. V. table. 1. If the figure in a particular sign exceed 30, then planets passing through it will produce benefic effects; if it be between 25 and 30, such effects will be neither good nor bad, and if the figure be less than 25, the effects will be bad. Again, all good works shall be commenced when the rising sign is one whose figure is largest in the S. A. V. table; and marriages and other connections, shall be formed with persons whose star is one of the stars of such sign. 2. As the 10th house represents labour, the 11th house gain, and the 12th loss, if the figure in the 11th house be greater than the figure in the 10th house and if the figure in the 12th house be smaller than the figure in the 11th house and if the figure in the ascendant be greater than the figure in the 12th house, the person will be happy and prosperous - the meaning is clear, the labour being slight, gain much and loss comparatively small. If the figures be otherwise, the person will be unhappy. 3. Excepting the 6th, 8th and 12th houses, of the remaining 9 houses, the significations of those where the figures are large will be in a condition of prosperity (Vide note (a) to Stanza 15, Chapter I (Definitions And Elementary Zodiacal Principles)). 4. Add together the figures of the four signs from Pisces, - Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini. Add also the figures of the four signs from Cancer and of the four signs from Scorpio. These three totals represent the three sections of a man's life. Whichever total is the largest, the corresponding division of life will be happy and prosperous. If three or more malefic planets occupy the four signs from Pisces, a person will suffer miseries in the 1st section of life; if they occupy the four signs from Cancer, the miseries will occur in the 2nd section, and if they occupy the four signs from Scorpio, then, in the 3rd section of life. If the planets in the several sections be benefic, the person will be happy; and if both malefic and benefic planets occupy the several sections, the effects will be both good and bad. 5. Add together the figures in the houses occupied by Saturn, L,agna and Mars. The sum will give the year in which a person will suffer from diseases and other miseries. 6. Add together the figures of houses occupied by Rahu, Mars and Saturn. The sum will give the year in which a person will suffer from poison, weapons and wounds. 7. Add together the figures of the signs occupied by benefic planets - The sum will give the year in which a person will get a son, wealth and the like. 8. Multiply the total of the figures of A. V. of the planet who is the lord of the 8th house from the Ascendant by the figure of the 8th house in S. A. V. table. Divide the product by 12; the remainder will give the Month from Aries in which a person dies (in the year of his death). In the same way, the month of death of a person's father may be ascertained by a similar calculation with reference to the 9th house and that of the mother with reference to the 4th house. 9. Find out from the S. A. V. table the powerful Dik or quarter. Cow sheds, rice fields, agricultural operations shall be conducted in such dik or quarter and the weak dik or quarter shall be rejected for all purposes. Again, Parasara in his Hora Sastra, a very voluminous work, has treated of 32 distinct processes for ascertaining the length of human life. They are: I. Pindayurdaya ... ... ... 12 II. Dhruvayurdaya or Naisargikayurdaya 4 III. Rasmikayurdaya IV. Amsakayurdaya ... ... ... 4 • • • • • • ... V. Ashtakavargayurdaya VI. Vishayayurdaya 4 ••• ••• 4 ••• ••• ••• 2 VII. Nakshatramsakayurdaya • • • • • • 2 Total... 32 I. Pindayurdaya. This is divided into 3 schools: (1) that of Yavanacharya (vide Stanza 1, Ch. 7), (2), that of Jeevasarma (vide Stanza 9, Ch. 7), (3), that of Badarayana according to which the maximum years of each planet when in his exaltation sign is one-seventh of 100 years. Each of these three schools has 4 sub-divisions: (a) The Neechardhaharana process according to which the maximum period is one-half at depression. (5) The Neechabhava process according to which the period vanishes at depression, (c) The Kritaharana process according to which the periods suffer reductions, (d) The Akritaharana process according to which the periods suffer no reductions. Thus Pindayurdaya is of 12 sorts. II. Dhruvayurdaya. This is otherwise known as Naisargikayurdaya (vide Stanza 9, Ch. 8). As stated above, there are 4 kinds of this depending on the 4 divisions mentioned above - (a), (6), (c) and (d). III. Rasmikayurdaya. According to this, the years of the planets from the Sun to Saturn are respectively 16, 20, 9, 8, 9, 25 and 26. There are 4 kinds of this as stated above. I V. Amsakayurdaya. This is Satyacharyar's method referred to at the end of Stanza 9, Ch. 7. This process, in certain cases, has to be varied into what is known as Prakramanugata method. The two processes again divide, each, into two parts known as Kritavriddhika and Akritavriddhika - i.e., the years are to be increased according to some and not to be increased according to others - Vide Parasara's Hora Sastra. Thus, we get 4 kinds of Amsakayurdaya. V. Ashta ka vargayurdaya. This process as stated above has to be varied into what is known as Prakramanugata method. The two processes, again divide, each, into two parts known as Kritavriddhi and Akritavriddhi as stated above - Vide Parasara's Hora. Thus, we get 4 kinds of Ashtakavargayurdaya. One of these 4 methods is given at the end of these notes. VI. Vishayayurdaya. This consists of two kinds - the one according to Parasara and the other as mentioned in a work named Prakriyamala. These partake of the nature of the Ash - takavarga process. VII. Nakshatramsakayurdaya. This is of two kinds - the one is known as the Kala - chakra process and the other as the Nakshtradasa. Thus 32 processes are mentioned by Parasara who, at the same time, states the particular cases to which each process is applicable. Of these 32 processes, Varaha Mihira lias mentioned the most important ones in Chapter VII (On Ayurdayaor The Determination Of The Length Of Life). For further particulars in Ayurdaya, the reader is referred to the works of Parasara and other writers. Interpretation of Horoscope through Ashtak Varga: While giving predictions in Ashtakvarga we have to see the bindus contributed by the planets as well as bindus contained in the rashis. If a planet has more than 5 bindus and rashi has more than 28 bindus in Sarvashtakvarga it gives excellent results by the house concerned. More bindus the planet has, better are the results. A planet even though it might be exalted or in its own house, cannot confer full benefits unless it has requisite number of bindus in the Ashtakvarga. Classical books say that when planets transit in the following houses they will give good results from Lagna, Moon and Sun lagnas:  Sun in 3 - 6 - 10 - 11 houses,  Moon in 1 - 3 - 6 - 7 - 11 houses,  Mars in 3 - 6 - 11 houses,  Mercury in 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 - 11 houses,  Jupiter in 2 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 11 houses, Venus in 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 - 9 - 11 - 12 houses, Saturn in 3 - 6 - 11 houses,  Rahu and Ketu in 3 - 6 - 11 houses. What happened if these above houses do not have good strength? To check the strength of the houses and Planets we use Ashtaka Varga to find out the strength. SAV is also known as Pindashtak varga or Sakalashak varga or Akhilashak varga or Vyuhashak varga or Mahashak varga or Samudayashak varga.   Important Points: 1. Total points in SAV are 337 and if we divide this figure by 12 then 28 points comes for each house. a) Any house is good if it has more than 30 points. If it has, less than 25 points, then that house becomes weak and will not give good result, when any planet transit in it. b) If points are in between 25 to 30 then it is neither good nor bad. c) For the period a malefic transits over a house containing <21 bindus, the annihilation of that house may be anticipated. d) Whenever a house containing more than30 bindus is traversed by planet, the favourable results pertaining to that house may be predicted in accordance with the significations and lordship of the planet. e) The planet becomes ineffective if it is associated with fewer bindus even if it is in exaltation, own house, Kendra or trikona position or in upachaya places from Lagna. f) Even planets in debilitation, inimical signs, 6th, 8th or 12th houses gain strength and confer favourable results if they are associated with more bindus. g) Planets associated with high bindus in the signs they own and where they are posited give good results in their dasha and antardasha. For accurate analysis, the Bhinnashtakvarga of the dasha lord should be considered. 2. If first, nine, ten and eleven houses having 30 or more than 30 points in these houses, then native will be wealthy. Some classical books say that native will become wealthy at the age of 37 years. If these houses contain <25 bindus, the man is poor, disease prone & subservient all his life. If these houses are associated with 21 or 22 points and malefic planets occupy trinal houses, the native is likely to be a begger. 3. If Lagna and fourth houses having 33 points and its lords have exchanged the house, then native will be wealthy. 4. Some says that number of points in the Lagna will be the age of years for the native to rise in life. 5. If 2nd house has more points from 12th house, then native is hardly spending any money for his enjoyment. He may making/ hoarding up his bank balance. 6. If 11th house has more points than the 10th house and 12th house has fewer points than the 11th house, moreover, lagna has more points than the 12th house, then the native enjoys all the material happiness in the life. 7. Make three sections of the horoscope: a) Pisces to Gemini: represents childhood b) Cancer to Libra: represents youth c) Scorpio to Aquarius: represents old age add up the bindus in each section. That section of life will be better off which throws up the highest total. Some opine that the three sections of life should commence from lagna. That section of life will be happy which contains benefics. Thus deficiency of bindus is compensated by presence of benefics. If bindus are low as well as malefics are present in a section of life, such a section will be miserable. 8. a) Add up the bindus from Lagna to the sign occupied by Saturn (both signs included). Multiply the total by 7 and divide by 27. The quotient represents the age at which the native suffers from sorrow, disease & dispute. b) The same results as in a) are obtained when the totalling is done counting from the sign occupied by Saturn and upto the Lagna (both signs included). c) Similar process as in a) & b) can be applied for other malefics such as Mars & Rahu to obtain a list of years inauspicious for the native. d) Take the reminder obtained in a) & b) and count from Ashwini. The resulting nakshatra when transited over by malefics will produce evil results. e) A similar set of calculations (& transits) can be done for benefics such as Jupiter & Venus to determine the auspicious years in which success, prosperity, marriage, birth of children and happiness will be enjoyed by the native. (In a) to e) above, consider only natural malefics & benefics and not functional). 9. Some classical books say that, add the points of lagna + 2 + 4 + 9 + 10 + 11 houses, if the total is more than 164, then native is wealthy. Same way, add the points of 6 + 8 + 12 houses. If the points are less than 76 then the income is more than the expenditure. It is not true now a days in our observation because 6th house is for competition or to fight back to gain some things, 8th house is for black money or inherited property, lottery, unearned income or gain all of sudden from shares etc and 12th house is gain from foreign country or multinational company. 10. If 11th house has more points than the 10th house, then the native’s gains are more than the effort and if 10th house has more points than the 11th house then it means that native do more struggle but get less gain or he gets opportunity but cannot avail it. 11. If the native has 12th stronger than 2nd, then the native will not undertake family business; he will try his luck abroad and find his pot of gold there. 12. If the 2nd house has more bindus than the 12th, the native has a tendency to hoard & accumulate rather than spend on enjoyments. Such people are extremely careful & discriminating shoppers as opposed to impulsive buyers. Sharper the difference between the two houses, more pronounced the result. 13. If in your Sarva-Ashtakavarga the points in the 11th house (the house of gains) is greater than 12th house (the house of loss) it is considered good as you have more gains than loss. If the points in the 12th house are greater than what is there on the 11th house then it means you spend more than you earn and this may lead you into a debt trap if a good Astrologer does not warn you of this possibility. Many people uselessly argue that only if they have the money they can spend. In today’s world of borrowing from banks and other people even without real income you can spend and soon into trouble. If 12th house has more points than 11th house, then it means (1) more expenses than earning, which means taking loans etc. (2) earning from foreign sources or country or working in multinational company. A native goes out of country only if his 4th house and its lord is afflicted and has PAC with 12th house or its lord. 14. If Lagna lord has exchanged places with the 4th lord and both houses have >33 bindus, the person will be as wealthy as a king and will have command over men. Presence or aspect of benefics on 4H or its lord adds strength to the 4H. It may compensate for the deficiency of bindus & vice versa. 15. Add the points of lagna + 4 +5 + 7 + 9 + 10 houses. This group is called inner self and add points of other group 2 + 3 + 6 + 8 + 11 + 12 houses; this group is called outer self. See which group has more points, if it is inner self, then native will make money and become wealthy by his good deeds, learning, knowledgeable and charitable. If outer self is stronger, then native, is greedy, deceitful, worried man and do cheating. 16. If Mars and Venus are in exalted sign, Saturn and Jupiter in Trikona house and lagna has 40 or more than 40 points, then native live like a king. 17. If lagna, Moon lagna, 10th and 11th houses have 30 points each and Jupiter having aspect on lagna or Moon lagna, then native lives like a king. 18. If Sun is in lagna with exalted sign and Jupiter with 40 points in 4th house, then native lives like a king. 19. If Sun and Jupiter are in exalted sign with 30 points and lagna has more points than other houses, then native will live like a king. 20. If 4th and 11th houses have 30 points each, then native will rise at the age of 40 years of life. 21. If Lagna and 9th house have 30 points, then native will rise at the age of 28 years of life. 22. If Mars and Venus are in exalted sign, Saturn in Aquarius Rashi and Jupiter with 40 points in Sagittarius Rashi in lagna, then native lives like a king. 23. If lagna, Moon Lagna and Sun lagna have 30 points, then native will rise by his own efforts. 24. If malefic planets Saturn, Rahu or Mars is placed in 8th house. The corresponding no of the SAV will be the age, when native will have bad time. 25. Same way if benefics are placed in Kendra or Trikona, the corresponding no of SAV will be the year of age when native will have good times. 26. If one house has the minimum bindus and the very next house has maximum, the native may experience sudden rise. If there is a sudden fall of bindus in the next adjacent house, the native may experience a sudden fall in life (at least in some aspects of life). When the difference in max & min points is moderate, the native leads steady & progressively prosperous life. If there are quantum jumps up or down at several places, the life of the native is also full of sharp ups and downs; now a king, then a pauper. 27. The directions indicated by different signs are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius: East Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn: North Gemini, Libra, Aquarius: West Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces: South Add together the points in the three signs indicating a direction. The direction having the highest total will yield prosperity. If benefics are associated with such a direction, the prosperity knows no bounds. The direction of the Lagna lord (or 10th lord)will indicate the livelihood. The direction of 8th lord points towards destruction. 28. Stronger direction is good to work from birthplace, 1) Add the points of 1+5+9 houses. It is called East direction 2) Add the points of 2+6+10 houses. It is called South direction 3) Add the points of 3+7+11 houses. It is called West direction 4) Add the points of 4+8+12 houses. It is called North direction See which group has more points. If native goes towards that direction from his birthplace, then native will have success in his job. 29: Sadhe Sati: If the Sarvashtak points in 12th, 1st & 2nd houses from the Moon are above 30, the native will experience excellent 7 1/2 years. If these points are low, say, 21, 22, 23 etc then the period will be bad. The period of transit of Saturn in the strong house will be better than the weaker house. In its entire sojourn over the 3 houses, whenever Saturn passes through the kakshya of a lord who has contributed a bindi in Saturn’s a.v., the results are favourable, otherwise not. 30. When a house is being transited by many planets simultaneously & it has good strength (>30 points), the planets multiply the good effects of the house. The nature of effects will be in accordance with where is this house from the natal positions of the transiting planets and what are their karakatwas. 31. A native should take loan or medicine (consult doctor), when sign having less point in SAV of his horoscope is rising for quick pay back or recovery respectively. 32. If the Moon is weak due to proximity with the Sun, the Moon-sign lord has few bindus (say 22) & is aspected by Saturn, the native may be possessed of & afflicted by evil spirits. Rahu’s influence will further confirm it. 33. Divide the horoscope into four groups and add the points of Dharam, Artha, Karama and Moksha houses like 1) 1 + 5 + 9 house is called BANDHU, 2) 2 + 6 + 10 houses is called SEVAKA, 3) 3 + 7 + 11 houses is called POSHAKA and 4) 4 + 8 + 12 houses are called GHATAKA. BANDHU: if this group has more points than the others, then native will be wealthy, doing right Karma, charitable. SEVAKA: native may be doing job, service, or money minded. POSHAKA: may be indursitest or factory owner or employer GHATAKA: native may be poor, beggar. Adding up bindus if you have your Bandhu score higher than the Sevaka that means you have independent source of living. If sevaka is higher than you lead a life of servitude that means you serve others. Similarly if Poshka is strong than ghatka it meansthe person is wealthy. If you have sevaka (Artha) strong that means person is wealthy. Friends and Foes The sum of bindus of the four trines (dharma, artha, kama, moksha) go by a specific name, the relationship between these set of houses give some vital clues on different areas of life. The specific set of houses are as follows Bandhuka: Sum of bindus of Lagna, 5th and 9th (Dharma Trikona). Bandhuka is derived from the word, bandhu, which means friends. Sevaka: Sum of bindus of 2nd, 6th and 10th (Artha Trikona). Sevaka means servants or the attitude to serve others. Poshaka: Sum of bindus of 3rd, 7th and 11th (Kama Trikona). Poshaka means the sustainer. Ghataka: Sum of bindus of 4th, 8th and 12th (Moksha Trikona). Ghataka means one who causes affliction. If the Ghataka number is highest, the native would be miserably poor. However, if it is less than Poshaka, then he would be wealthy. If the Bandhuka number is high, then the native will get help from friends, relatives, kith and kins. Similarly, if sevaka is high, then the person benefits from service or serving others. Thus the order of the four entities should be Poshaka > Bandhuka > Sevaka > Ghakata 34. Note down the points of Lagna and 7th house and see which house is stronger in between the two. Stronger house will control the partner. 35. Moon signs of the couple should have more than 28 points in each other’s horoscope in Rashi to have good and happy married life. 36. As per Mansaagri classical book and P.S. Sastry’s book, If any house has following points, It will give following result as per the nature of the planets and Kartatva of the house. It started from 14 point to 48 point. If 14 points: painful fear of death. If 15 points: fear from the Govt. If 16 points: Some misery. If 17 points: Disease or loss of place If 18 points: loss of money If 19 points: Quarrelsome and troubles from relatives. If 20 points: More expenditure, doing sinful acts. If 21 points: Disease, loss of money and gains. If22 points: loss of memory, weakness and troubles from relatives. If 23 points: Many worries, pains, loss of gains If 24 points: Loss of money all of sudden or over expenditure. If 25 points: Misfortune from planets and house Kartatva nature. If 26 points: Troublesome, dullness, fickle nature. If 27 points: Over expenditure, worry, anxiety and unclear mind. If 28 points: Gain of money but still not satisfied. If 29 points: the native receives respect. If 30 points: Auspicious results like native receives respect, honour and gain of wealth. If 31 to 33 points: the native does good things to others and receives respects and honour. If 34 to 40 points: Native gets all materials property. If 41 points: great wealth and many sources of income. If 42 points: Native gets all materials property, charitable, wealthy, loved by people. If 43 points: Native gets all materials property from many sources and happiness. If 44 to 45 points: Gains of wealth from many sources, receives honours and respects. If 46 to 47 points: Native has all best qualities, doing auspicious activities. If 48 and above points: Native has best qualities like a ruler, shows kindness to all, attached to Dharama, wise etc. House and Lords of the house Zodiacal sign rising at the eastern horizon or ascendant/lagna and its lord/lagnesh and the lords of the subsequent houses are to be noted. For each and every house a minimum number of benefic dots have been determined & they are as follows: House No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Benefic dots 25 22 29 24 25 34 19 24 29 36 54 16 Total 337 Any house containing benefic dots less than shown above will give that much less benefic result in proportion to the difference from the benefic dots. On the contrary if benefic dots are more than those shown above then the benefic results will be that much more in proportion. If these houses are aspected by benefic planets then the extent of benefic results will be much more. If instead it is aspected by malefic planet then the benefic results will get reduced. The houses which contain less than benefic dots shown above if aspected by malefic planet then the malefic results will be much more and if aspected by benefic planets then the malefic results will get reduced. Should such houses be aspected by benefic as well as malefic planets then the results would be mixed. Houses which contain 30 or more benefic dots give benefic results, houses with 25 to 30 benefic dots give average results and houses with less than 25 benefic dots shall give adverse results. Houses with 30 or more benefic dots should be taken into consideration for commencing good work. For travelling and other religious workhouses and ascendant with less than 25 benefic dots should be avoided. Ashtakavarga chart to be verified and find out the strenth of each houses. The important houses are 1st the Lagna, 2nd dhana sthana, 4th sukha sthana, 9 Bhagya sthana,10 Karma sthana and 11th Labha sthana. If the total of houses counting on 1st, 2nd, 4th, 9th, 10th and 11th comes above 170 means yoga for being rich and above 175 means yoga for very rich. If the total of 1st,9th and 11th is higher than that of 6th 8th and 12th a successful life is assured generally. And if 6, 8 and 12 is higher then full of struggle without much success. 1st house should be definitely higher than that of individually 6th, 8th or 12th for a smoother life. 9th luck, 10th karma, 11th labha and 12th expenses. All kendras and trikonas should have ashtakavarga strength other than 2nd and 11th. so 10th should be equal or more than 9th and 11th(income) should be more than 10th(Karma/profession) and 12th(expenses) should be less than 11(income) and then the horoscope promises for a steady finance life. Prakeerna Yogas In a native’s horoscope the special good/auspicious results can be known from the benefic dots in various houses. As for example, if the 12th house contains less number of benefic dots as compared to the 11th house then the native shall be rich. If the case is reverse then the native will always have economical difficulty. If the 11th house contains more numbers of benefic dots than the 10th house then the native will get more money than the efforts put in by him. In case the benefic dots in the 11th house are less than the 10th house then the native will get less money as compared to the efforts put in by him. In this way the difference in the benefic dots also give difference in results. Add up the benefic dots in the lagna/ascendant, 2nd house, 4th house, 9th house, 10th house and the 11th house. If the total is more than 164 then the native is happy and his income will be more than his expenses. Add up the benefic dots of the 6th house, 8th house and the 12th house. If the total is less than 76 then the income shall be more than expenses. If the total is more than 76 reverse is the case. Add the benefic dots in the lagna/ascendant, 4th house, 5th house, 7th house, 9th house and the 10th house. Add up the benefic dots of the remaining houses. If the first total is more than the second then the native is wise, doer of good deeds, satisfied and will be charitable. 1-5-9 Total benefic dots of these houses----------Bandhu 2-6-10 Total benefic dots of these houses----------Sewak 3-7-11 Total benefic dots of these houses----------Poshak 4-8-12 Total benefic dots of these houses----------Ghatak The names have been given as above. If the total of Poshak is more than Ghatak then the native is a rich man. If the total of Bandhu is more than Sewak then the native will do independent business and will have good colleagues/ associates. If the 11th house has more number of benefic dots than the 10th house but the 12th house has less benefic dots than those in the 11th house and the 10th house, and if the benefic dots in the lagna/ascendant is more than the 12th house then the native will be famous, rich and strong. The results will differ according to the difference in the number of benefic dots. Determining Important Ages Important ages are best explained by using an example. Let us take for our example Jupiter. To find the important ages for Jupiter, add up all the points in each house beginning with the Ascendant to the house that contains Jupiter. The total of those points will give an important age in the person’s life for Jupiterian things, like wealth, children, knowledge, religion or philosophy, finding a spiritual teacher, meeting one’s husband if the person in question is a woman. The second step is to add up all points from Jupiter to the Ascendant and that will also be a very important age for Jupiterian things. Then we combine all of the points we just added up and that will also be an important year for Jupiter. The ancient texts say that the ages of Saturn are the most important ages. These are the times the person meets with many Saturnian experiences. The person will experience long term, life changing events in these years. Successful Years Prepare Samudaya Ashtakvarga. Note the houses which have more number of benefic dots. Also note the houses with less number of benefic dots. Consider ascendant as the 1st year, 2nd house as the 2nd year in the same way the 12th house is the 12th year. Once again consider the ascendant as the 13th year. Now the houses which have more number of benefic dots will give good results as per their years, and the houses which have less number of benefic dots will give bad results. Ascendant thus, will indicate 25th year, 37th year, 49th year etc. Such method is known as determining “successful years”. In this we have considered Samudaya Ashtakvarga and the easy way of giving predictions without much difficulty. Thus we can give immediate general prediction without much effort. Auspicious Directions Each planet’s Ashtakavarga has auspicious directions. For example if Venus has the most Ashtakavarga points, in Libra and Pisces, then a person will have more luck with Venusian type things like romance, the bedroom and comfort from the directions of West and SE, because Libra rules the West and Pisces rules SouthEast. The directions are tabulated based upon the South Indian Rasi Chart and the movement of the Sun in the Northern Hemisphere. When the Sun is at the farthest North, it is in Cancer and Leo, when it is farthest South, when it is coldest, it is in Capricorn and Aquarius. There is another system as well that is based upon the elements – fire signs rule the East, earth signs rule the South, water signs rule the North and air signs rule the West. The auspicious directions method can be effective when used in relationship with your home. Another example would be Jupiter having the most Ashtakavarga points in Capricorn. In this case, keeping your valuable in the South of your home would increase your wealth. Directions Lagna/ascendant 12th house 11th house ---------------East 10th house 9th house 8th house----------------South 7th house 6th house 5th house----------------West 4th house 3rd house 2nd house----------------East Add up the benefic dots in the above houses as per the directions given. The direction which has the highest benefic dots indicates benefic results in that direction. The direction which has the least number of benefic dots indicates that the native will have loss in that direction. Hence the native should avoid that direction. The native shall benefit from staying in countries/region of the direction(s) which has maximum number of benefic dots, and also the direction in which the planets are exalted in their own zodiacal signs etc. The direction indicated by the group which has 2nd house is favourable for making money. The direction indicated by the group which has 8th house is the direction in which the native’s death takes place. Important Yoga’s-Luck Note the number of benefic dots in Lagna/Ascendant. If the native is born in Sampat Suchak yoga (indicating richness) then the native will after the age indicated by the benefic dots will get honour from government, money, son and higher education etc. Leader If the ascendant has 30 benefic dots and majority of planets are placed in the 9th and the 10th house then the native enjoys happy and relaxed life. If instead there are 35 benefic dots in the ascendant then the native is also leader amongst his family members. Judging Three Parts of Life Method 1: First Part: Sum of bindus of signs from Pisces to Gemini Second Part: Sum of bindus of signs from Cancer to Libra Last Part: Sum of bindus of signs from Scorpio to Aquarius The part of life marked by highest bindus indicate period of happiness and prosperity. On the contrary, the part having least number of bindus is marked by misery and diseases. Method 2: The Kendra, Panaphara and Apoklima rules the three parts of life namely the first, second and the last part. The sum total of bindus in these houses shall show prosperity in the concerned part of life. Match Making for marriage. In marriage if the Bride and Bridegroom have more than 30 benefic dots in their rashi (Moon sign) then they would have a happy married life and would be successful. If instead in the rashi or moon sign one has 30 or more and the other has 30 or less then their marriage will give mix results. It would be good in some aspect and bad in other aspect. In case they have 25 or less then 25 in their rashi or Moon sign then their marriage would be unhappy and a failure. It in the ashtakavarga of Venus, the 7th house from Venus contains a large number of bindus (positive units) and the wife is born in any of the asterisms of the Sun, then his wife will be as dear to him as life. Marriage Marriage of native takes place at the age indicated by the benefic dots in the house where Venus is placed. Wealth and Children Where Jupiter is placed then at the age indicated by the number of benefic dots in that house the native gets children and wealth. Education-Wisdom Similarly from Mercury one gets education, wisdom and fame. Judging volume of Income and Expenditure If the bindus in the 11th are greater than those in the 12th house, one will become wealthy; if they are less, then he will be poor. If the bindus in the 11th are more than the 10th, the native gains commensurating his effort, if not, then it would be lesser than the effort put in. Judging Volume of Income and Expenditure 1. The sum total of the bindus in the 2nd, 4th, 9th, 10th and 11th is known as Vittya. If the total exceeds 164, the native will be prosperous, otherwise his expenses would be high. If the value exactly equals 164, then the expenses would equal to the income. 2. The sum total of bindus in the 6th, 8th and the 12th houses is known as Teertha. If is is less than 76, income will be greater. However, if it exceeds 76, expenses would be greater. If it is 76, expenses would equal to the income. Minimum number of Bindus requires for prosperity of a Bhava In the sarvastakavarga, the minimum number of bindus required are: Lagna: 25; 2nd: 22; 3rd: 29; 4th: 24; 5th: 25; 6th: 34; 7th: 19; 8th: 24; 9th: 29; 10th: 36; 11th: 54; 12th: 16 If the number of bindus exceed the number mentioned above the bhava is strenthened. It is desired that the number in the good bhavas namely Lagna, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th should be more than the number mentioned whereas the number in the 6th, 8th or 12th should be lesser to be free from enmity/diseases/accidents etc; weaknesses/ debt etc and excessive expenses respectively. For a bhava to be really fruitful, the bhava must be aspected/ associated by the lord and/ or the karaka and/or the benefics. Along with this subhakartari yoga and placement of benefics in the kendra or kona from the bhava is also fruitful. Happiness and Wealth Do the same calculations for Moon and other benefic planets such as Jupiter, Venus and Mercury. Whenever benefic planets passes through the nakshatra obtained from the remainder or at the age indicated by the result of the division the native will get son, money and happiness. Judging Paternal Wealth 4th house is very important for Paternal wealth as it is the 8th house of inheritence from the house of father, namely the ninth house. This house along with the house of wealth, the second house, should have secured more than the minimum number of bindus for the native to be benefitted from paternal inheritence. Along with good bindus, the houses should not be afflicted by malefics and be fortified by benefics. Inheritance 1. If the 4th house has 24 or more benefic dots and then the house does not have any malefic planet or is not aspected by malefic planet. 2. And in the same way the 2nd house does not have malefic planet nor is it aspected by malefic planet and has 22 or more benefic dots. Any one of the above two combinations in the native horoscopes can give inheritance. Self Earning If the 10th house has 36 or more benefic dots and it does not have any malefic planet nor is it aspected by malefic planet then the native will be self made, will earn well and shall lead a happy life. Judging Self-earned wealth 10th house is the house of activity and fame, whereas the 11th is the house of gain of objectives as well as money. If the 10th house is fortified with good bindus (more than minimum stated) and influence of benefics, then the person earns vast wealth with self exertion. Similarly when 11th house is so fortified, then the native earns wealth commensurating the effort or even more. Gains If the 11th house has 54 benefic dots and it does not have any relation with malefic planet then the natives earns a lot without hard work. Sudden Monetary Gains If the ascendant has more than 25 benefic dots & the 9th house has more than 29 benefic dots and both these houses have no connection with malefic planet then such native gets sudden monetary gains. Affluence If the lord of the ascendant is in the 4th house and the lord of the 4th house is in the ascendant (Parivartan yoga-Exchange of the lords of the houses) and if the benefic dots are 33 in both the houses then the native shall have affluence and have kingly status. He will be best among the people. Are you going to be permanently wealthy? The rules are:  1st house should have more than 28 points  12th house should have least of the 4 houses under consideration  11th house of gains should have more points than what is there in the 12th house.  10th house should have a score greater than 28 but less than what is there in the 11th house. If the points in the 11th house are greater than the 10th, and if the 12th house has lesser points than what is found in the 11th, 10th and 1st house and if the 1st house has more than what is there in the 12th house then such a person will always remain wealthy. Let us first know why are we discussing these houses? The 1st house shows the level of confidence and also the health that is needed to make money. More the points here greater are the chances for getting rich or bouncing back to good times in case there has been a slip or a fall. The 12th house is called the house of loss. We need to know the score here to know the opportunities for losing money. If the 11th house is the house of gain. More the points here greater the opportunities for gaining and fulfillment of your desires. The 10th house is the house of work. We need to get the opportunity to work. If the score in the 10th house is low then it means our karma is not going to allow us the opportunity to work in the place that we like or want to. That is sure to bring down our wealth due to lack of job satisfaction. In the above chart that we first used, we find that the points in the Lagna is lower than 28. This person needs a partner and may not be able to work alone. The 10th house has 36 points and is lesser than that of the 11th house which has only 33 points. So the person has to work hard and get less money in return for the hard work. Such people should not try any short cuts and simply choose to live a life in which they work hard. However of all the 4 houses that we consider for determining the wealth level of a person (the 1st, 10th, 11th and 12th houses) we find that the lowest score is in the 12th house. That is a fortunate condition. So once the money is earned there are possibilities of retaining it and accumulation of wealth through hard work by taking the support of a partner is indicated. There are more than 100 ways of using the Ashtakavarga effectively but that is not discussed here because of limited space. Financial Gain If the benefic dots in the ascendant and the 11th house are more than 30 and if these benefic dots are same in both the houses then at the age indicated by the number of benefic dots the native will get financial gains from the King/Government. If in each of the first, fourth and the eleventh house the benefic dots are more than 30 then the native after the age of 40 will have commanding personality and will earn lots of money. Counting from ascendant and starting from the 4th house till the 9th house if all the 6 houses have benefic dots between 25 and 30 then the native shall after the age of 28 at any time will be as rich as King Kuber (King of wealth). If exalted Jupiter is in the 4th house and if there are 40 benefic dots, Sun in the ascendant of Aries and if Moon is in Capricorn then the native will be like King. If the ascendant has 40 benefic dots; Jupiter is in Sagittarius, Venus is in Pisces, Mars is exalted and Saturn is in Aquarius then such a native will be extremely rich and King of Ownership of Vehicles If the 4th house has 30 or more benefic dots and it is associated with benefic planets either by placement or aspect then the native owns vehicles. If the ascendant lord is in the 4th house containing more than 30 benefic dots then the native is happy and without any problems. Vargottam planet in any house that has more than 30 benefic points then the native shall have good results of that house in great extent. Upturn and Downturn In a horoscope there are minimum benefic points (for e.g. 18) in any house and the next house contains maximum benefic dots (for e.g. 35) Then all of a sudden the native experiences good luck or Upturn in his fortunes. On the contrary if any house contains maximum benefic dots (for e.g. 35) and the next house contains minimum benefic dots (for e.g. 18) then the native experiences all of a sudden bad luck or downturn in his fortunes. If in all the houses of horoscope there are benefic dots between 27 to 29 then the native leads happy and leisurely life through out his life span. Judging Years of Misfortune Find the total the bindus fromThe Ascendant to Saturn Saturn to the Ascendant The Ascendant to Mars Mars to the Ascendant In each case multiply the sum by 7 and divide the product by 27. The quotient will indicate the age when the native will be afflicted by diseases and other misfortunes. In the year represented by the bindus in the unfavourable house occupied by Rahu, the native will be affected by poison. Similarly the age shown by Mars will witness surgical operation, and the age shown by Saturn will indicate diseases and miseries. Thus if a house is afflicted by malefic in the horoscope, the effect of such affliction would be shown in the life of a person in the year shown by the sign, where the planet causing affliction is placed. Poisoning-Illness If Rahu is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house then the native is likely to be bitten by poisonous snake or can have food poisoning at the age shown by the number of benefic dots in those houses, and if in that year Rahu happens to transit the same house then it is definitely going to happen. If Mars is placed in any house then at the age indicated by the benefic dots in that house the native is likely to get injured by weapons. In the same way where Saturn is placed then at the age indicated by the number of benefic dots in that house the native is likely to get ill or there are sad occasions at that age. Poverty-Illness Take lagna/ascendant, 9th, 10th and 11th houses. If in each of these houses the benefic dots are less than 30 the native will be poor, ill and hot tempered. If in the above houses the benefic dots are between 19 and 22 and there are malefic planets in trines then the native lacks happiness. Timings for Good & Bad results: Disease-unhappy Starting from the ascendant till the house which has Saturn (both inclusive) add up the total number of benefic dots. Multiply this total by 7 and divide the result by 27. Note the remainder as well as the number obtained by the division. Count from Ashwini nakshatra to the nakshatra which coincides with the remainder. Whenever malefic planets are passing through that nakshatra the native gets major illness. If the native has malefic planets in the 5th house and the 9th house then such a native will have severe problems due to illness. Similar is also the case at the age as per the division number. Just as above, one should calculate starting from the house in which Saturn is placed till the ascendant. Difficulty due to Evil Spirits If the Moon is weak and if the Moon sign lord is having less than 25 benefic points and if Moon is fully aspected by Saturn (birth is on New Moon day and if Moon is aspected by Saturn) then that native is harassed by evil spirits. Longevity If the 12th house lord is in the lagna/ascendant in the zodiacal sign ruled by Saturn and if the ascendant lord and the lord of the 8th house are weak in strength then the native will live as much years as indicated by the benefic dots in the ascendant. Note this happens only in Capricorn and Aquarius ascendant. Determination of Longevity For determining the life span of the native the use of Samudaya/Sarvashtakvarga is of prime importance. Compare the benefic dots in the ascendant with those in the 8th house. Also compare the benefic dots placed in the Moon sign and the 8th house from the Moon sign. In case the benefic dots in the ascendant and the Moon sign are more than their corresponding 8th house then the native will have Deergha Aayush/Long life. If they are equal then the native will have average life span and if they are less then the native will have short life span. Judging Materialistic and Spiritualistic Nature Everyone in this world can broadly categorised into two categories, one who are driven towards material pursuits of wealth, power, pride etc and the others who are directed towards simple living, introspection, philanthropy and charity. This can be indicated by two sets of houses called the antarbhaga, which represent the spiritualistic kind and the bahirbhaga, which represent the materialistic kind. Antarbhaga: Sum of bindus of kona (5/9), Kendra (1/4/7/10) Bahirbhaga: Sum of bindus other than the kona and the kendras (2/3/6/8/11/12) Kings. If there are 30 or more benefic dots in the ascendant, 9th house, 10th house and the 11th house then such a native will be happy like a king all through out his life or shall have power and affluence like that of a king. Minister If the ascendant, Moon sign, 10th house and the 11th house; all these four have 30 or more benefic dots and if the ascendant is fully aspected by Jupiter then the native becomes minister or a chief minister of a state. YOGAS IN ASHTAVARGA In the horoscope the bhavas are divided into four categories. They are Kendras(1,4,7,10), Panaparas (2,5,8,11) and Apoklimas (3,6,9,12). Kendras represent first part of life Panaparas represent middle part and Apoklimas represent last part of life. Total the number of bindus in the SAV in all the three parts separately. That part of the life will be happy where the number of bindus is more when compared to other parts. Based on this different yogas are formed in the horoscope. Kahala Yoga: (2 < 3 < 1) If the bindus in the second part is less than third part and the number of bindus in the third are less than first part, Kahala yoga is formed. This yoga gives happiness and prosperity. Maddala Yoga: (More bindus in 2nd): When the number of bindus are more in second part than first and third parts, Maddala yoga is formed. This yoga gives interest in musical instruments, and happiness in the middle part of the life. Bheri Yoga: (1=2=3) If the number of bindus in the three parts are equal, Bheri yoga is formed. This is also called Sarvanga Yoga. This yoga gives happiness through out the life. Dhamaruka Yoga: (Less in 2nd) If the bindus in the second part are less than the first and third parts Dhamaruka yoga is formed. The life will be happy in the first and last phases of life. Veena Yoga: (1 >2 <3<1) When the number of bindus in first part is more than 2nd , the number of bindus in the 2nd are less than 3rd and the number of bindus in 3rd is less than 1st , Veena yoga is formed. This also indicates happiness and prosperity just like Kahala yoga. Iravata Yoga: (1>3) When the number of bindus are more than 3rd Iravata yoga is formed. Vaasi Yoga: (1<2=3) When the number of bindus in first part is less than second part and the number of bindus in the second are equal to third part, VAASI YOGA is formed. Information regarding zodiacal signs All the 12 zodiacal signs are divided into 3 parts. Each part contains benefic dots of 4 zodiacal signs. There are many ways given by our Rishis & Sages to form these divisions. Some of them are given below: 1. Aries to Cancer; Leo to Scorpio and Sagittarius to Pisces. 2. Aries to Cancer; Leo to Scorpio and Sagittarius to Pisces. Deduct from them the benefic dots from the 8th and the 12th house. 3. Pisces to Gemini; Cancer to Libra; Scorpio to Aquarius. 4. Ascendant to 4th house; 5th house to 8th house; 9th house to 12th house; 5. 12th house to 3rd house; 4th house to 7th house; 8th house to 11th house; 6. Kendrasthan/Quadrants (1,4,7 & 8);Panafars/Cadent houses (2,5,8 & 11); Apokilams/Succedent houses (3,6,9 & 12) From the above 6 different methods the 3rd one is more in use. If the first division has more benefic dots then the first 1/3rd life is a happy one. The 2nd division has more benefic dots then the middle 1/3rd life is a happy one. If the last division has more benefic dots then the last 1/3rd life is a happy one. If in all the three divisions it has nearly same number of benefic dots then the whole life is seamlessly a happy one. If in any division the benefic planets are placed then that part of the life is a happy one. If in any division the benefic as well as malefic planets are placed then that part of life gives mixed results. That division which contains malefic planets will be unhappy and sad one. Kaahal Yoga If the 3rd division is bigger than the 2nd division and the 2nd division is bigger than the first division then Kaahal yoga is generated. The result of this yoga is that as the age advances the life of the native gets better and better and he leads happy and prosperous life. Result of Mudal Yoga If the 2nd division is bigger than the 3rd and the 1st division then Mudal yoga is generated. The result of this is that the native will be fond of music and of witty nature. He will be happy & prosperous in the middle life. Bheri Yoga If all the 3 divisions are nearly same then Bheri Yoga is generated. Such a native’s whole life is nice and smooth. Result of Damar Yoga If the 2nd division is smaller then the 1st and the 3rd division then Damar yoga is generated. The result of this is that the native’s first and the last 1/3rd of the life is a happy one. Ashtak Varga in Astrology ASHT in Sanskrit means eight. Ashtakvarga denotes eight types ofenergies, which every planet in a horoscope generates with reference to itself, lagna and six other planets (Rahu & Ketu excluded). The energies released can be benefic or malefic. Ashtakvarga, though by itself, an independent system is an offshoot of Parashari system. It is easy to comprehend and gives snapshot, accurate and correctpredictions by pinpointing the main events in a horoscope. Its main strength is in timing of events by assessment of results of planets in transit. Calculation of AshtakVarga: The figures in Ashtakavarga of each planet are subject to two types of reductions. These reductions are made for calculating longevity and making other predictions. Its Reduction Rules:There are two types of reductions called Trikona and Ekadhipatya reduction which goes one after another i.e. Trikona then Ekadhipatya reduction.This order cannot be reversed. Twelve rashis are divided into four groups of trine (Trikona) rashis. Aries (1) its trine Leo (5) and Sagittarius (9) is 1st group called Fiery sign. Taurus (2)its trine Virgo(6) and Capricorn(10) is 2nd group called Earthy sign Gemini (3) its trine Libra (7) and Aquarius (11) is 3rd group called Airy sign. Cancer (4) its trine Scorpio (8) & Pisces (12) is 4th group called Watery Sign. Rules for Trikona (1st) Reduction: Trikona or Triangular Reductions. The Triangular signs are given in the notes above. 1. If the figures in three signs are unequal, deduct lowest from all the three and retains the remainder. 2. No reduction is to be carried out if any one of the three signs have '0'. 3. If figures in all signs are equal then eliminate all; make them equal to '0'. 4. If there are no figures in two signs then make third also '0'. (Some authorities do not accept this rule) Rules for Ekadhipatya (2nd) Reduction:After trikona reduction has been carried out, this would be next reduction. Ekadhipatya means ownership of two signs by a planet. Sun and Moon own one sign each, Cancer (4) & Leo (5). Therefore no reduction is to be carried out in these two signs. 1. No reduction is to be done a) If there are planets in both the signs owned by a planet. b) If there is a '0' (zero) in one of the two signs whether occupied or not. 2. If one sign is occupied and the other is not, then do one of the following:a) If the number in the occupied one is greater than that in the unoccupied one or equal to, then eliminate the latter. Make it '0' in unoccupied one. b) If the number in the occupied is lesser than that in the unoccupied one, then make the latter equal to the former.(Equal to occupied one) c) If the number is equal, eliminate the number in the unoccupied one to '0'. 3. If both the signs are unoccupied then:a) If the numbers are equal in both signs, eliminate the number & make it '0' b) If the numbers are not equal then convert the lager into smaller one. Caution:1, Apply 2b or 3b only when 1b is not applicable. 2, Rahu & Ketu are not taken into consideration as planets for this purpose. The figures in the signs Cancer and Leo, which are respectively the houses of the Moon and the Sun, are not subject to the Ekadhipatya reduction, as these planets have ownership of only one sign each. Illustration We will apply these rules to the A. V. table of Mars given already. Reduction No. I 3. 3. 3. 3. The figures in the Triangular signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are respectively 3. 4. 3,5, 2. Under rule (1) subtract 2 from each, and the resulting figures are 1, 3, 0. 5. 5. The figures in the triangular signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, are respectively 2. 1. 5. 2. 3, 2, 5. Applying rule (1), we get 1, 0, 3. The figures in the triangular signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are 3, 5, 3. Applying rule (1), we get 0, 2, 0. The figures in the triangular signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are 4, 1,3. Applying rule (1), we get 3, 0, 2. So that, the A. V. of Mars after the first reduction stands as follows:Reduction No. II. 2 1 1 0 0 A. V. of Mars after 3 This reduction should be made only to the figures re-ulting from Reduction No. I. 3 3 Reduction No. I. 0 0 2 0 Of Aries and Scorpio, the two houses of Mars, Aries is occupied and 2 1 1 0 Scorpio is unoccupied. The figures in them are 1, and o, respectively. Under rule (4), no reduction need be made. Taurus and Libra, the two houses of Venus, are both occupied; under rule (1), no reduction need be made. Gemini and Virgo, the two houses of Mercury, are both unoccupied; the 0 figures in them are o and o. Rule (4) applies, and there is no necessity for reduction. Of Pisces and Sagittari, the two houses of Jupiter, the former alone is occupied and the figures in them are 2 and o. Under rule (4), no reduction need be made. Of Aquarius and Capricorn, the two houses of Saturn, the latter alone is occupied and the figures in them are o and 3. Applying rule (4), no reduction need be made. The figures in Cancer and Leo, which are respectively the houses of the Moon and the Sun, are not subject to reduction - vide rule 5. These figures are 3 and 3. So that, after Reduction No. II, the A. V. table of Mars will stand thus:The total of figures after the two reductions is 15. Similarly, the A. V. tables of the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn may be reduced. We will now give some of the uses of these tables. 0 A. V. table of 3 Mars after Reductions I and II. 0 0 2 3 3 Shodhya Pinda:We shall here state the details of the Ashtakavarga process. After two reductions have been carried out the below two processes are to be carried out. 1. Rasi Gunakara or Rasi Multiplier:- Each rashi has a fixed number allotted to it. This is constant and cannot be changed. Rasi Gunakara or Zodical Factors. Aries ••• 7 Taurus • • • 10 Gemini ••• 8 Cancer ••• 4 Leo • • • 10 Virgo • • • 5 (6) as per PVRN Libra ••• 7 Scorpio ••• 8 Sagittarius • • • 9 Capricorn • • • 5 Aquarius • • • 11 Pisces • • • 12 2. Graha Gunakara:- Each planet(grah) has a constant planetary factor which also cannot be changed, and bindus after second reduction have to be multiplied with these factors. Graha Gunakara or Planetary Factors. The Sun ••• 5 The Moon • • • 5 Mars ••• 8 Mercury • • • 5 Jupiter • • 10 Venus • • • 7 Saturn ... 5 In each horoscope the number of bindus left in each rashi after two reductions is to be multiplied by the above two factors. First by rashi gunkara and then by separately by graham gunakara or planetary factor. The products of these two have to be added to get Shodhya Pinda. Rasi Pinda Calculation example Sign Rashi Gunakar Aries 7 Taurs 10 Gemini 8 Cancer 4 Leo 10 Virgo 5 Libra 7 Scorpio 8 Sagittarius 9 Capricorn 5 Aquarius 11 Pisces 12 Graha Pinda Calculation example Planet Sign Sun Taurus Moon Leo Mars Aries Mercury Aries Jupiter Taurus Venus Taurus Saturn Cancer Bindus Rashi Pinda 0 0 2 20 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 0 1 5 1 11 0 0 Sun’s Rashi Pinda 54 Graha Gunakar 5 5 8 5 10 7 5 Bindus Graha Pinda 2 10 1 5 0 0 0 0 2 20 2 14 0 0 Sun’s Graha Pinda 49 Shodhya Pinda Applications - General A. Take the Shodhya Pinda of the Sun. B. Multiply it by the bindus in the 9th sign from the Sun’s position in the Bhinnashtakvarga of the Sun before reductions. (When there is a zero in the relevant house, the take Shodhya Pinda itself). C. Divide the product by 27. D. Find out the remainder. (In case the remainder is zero then take 27 as the remainder). E. Count from Ashwini (as 1) upto the remainder to get to the required nakshatra. F. When Saturn transits the above nakshatra or its trines, then G. Anticipate a fatal period for the father of the native. To anticipate other events some of the factors from A to G, individually or collectively have to be changed. A, B & G undergo modifications such as 1. Instead of the Sun which is the karaka planet for father and the 9th which is the karaka house for father, one may take  The Moon & the 4th from the Moon for mother  Jupiter and 5th from Jupiter for progeny  Venus and the 7th from Venus for spouse  Mars and the 3rd from Mars for brothers  The Sun and the 8th from the Sun, for the native himself  Saturn and the 8th from Saturn, for the native himself 2. Normally the bindus are taken before the reductions but in some special formulae they are taken after reductions. C undergoes modifications such as 1. The division by 27 is for considering the transit of concerned planet over nakshatras. 2. The product is divided by 12 and the remainder is counted from Aries. The sign thus arrived at is for considering the transit of concerned planet (specially the sun) over the sign. 3. The lord of the sign arrived at in 2 indicates the dasha-antardashs in which the event may take place. D undergoes modifications such as 1. The most commonly used figure is the remainder which when counted from the specified reference point indicates the transit of the concerned planet over that nakshatra or rashi. 2. Sometimes, instead of the remainder, the quotient is used. But it is not for the transit consideration. Quotient gives the age of the person directly at which the event is likely to take place. E undergoes modifications such as 1. Most commonly the counting is done from Ashwini as the 1st nakshatra. 2. Often the counting is recommended from Krittika as the 1st nakshatra. 3. Some prescribe counting from Ashwini for Shukla Paksha birth and from Dhanistha for Krishna Paksha birth. 4. Another variation is to count from the nakshatra in which the transiting planet is natally placed. F & G undergoes modifications such as 1. The transit of malefics causes trouble. Generally Saturn can be replaced by Rahu and sometimes by Mars and Ketu also, for predicting evil results. The Sun’s transit gives results which will depend on other factors present. 2. The transit of benefics causes auspicious results. This is a general rule. Some formulae to follow are exception to the rule. Father’s Death The conditions besides the appropriate dashas that must be fulfilled for father’s death are transits over the nakshatra which result from the standard calculations: 1. Saturn’s transit: Sun’s a.v. bindus in the 9th from Sun multiplied by Sun’s Shodhya Pinda 2. Jupiter’s transit: Sun’s a.v. bindus in the 7th from Jupiter multiplied by Sun’s Shodhya Pinda 3. Sun’s transit: Sun’s a.v. bindus in the 7th from Sun multiplied by Sun’s Shodhya Pinda Divide the product by 27 and Count the remainder from Ashwini. For father’s death to take place, the above transits must simultaneously take place. If not then Saturn alone may cause distress or death to an elderly paternal relative. Or it may result into some quarrels with father. Mother’s death The transit of Saturn, Jupiter and the Sun calculated from the Moon’s a.v. and the Moon’s Shodhya Pinda will give rise to the time of the death of the native’s mother. The same principle using different karaka planets and karaka houses will apply to other relatives e.g. spouse, children, brothers etc. The periods in which the event may take place as revealed by different planets are Saturn’s transit: 12 months Jupiter’s transit: 5 months Sun’s transit: 1 month More information from the Ashtakavarga charts of all the 7 planets. Look at the individual ashtakavarga chart of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Example: Note which sign Sun occupies. Note the points scored in the sign that is occupied by Sun in the Ashtakavarga of Sun. If the point scored is high then the positive influences and traits that are associated with Sun will be more such a person. If the said planet is powerfully placed then the high score will amplify the result. If Sun is strong in the 10th house and also has a high score in ashtakavarga then the person will be a great politician because Sun is associated with politics. Or he will be some a VIP who commands a great deal of respect like the Sun because when the Sun appears other heavenly bodies in the sky disappear. In the example chart, the politician A has Sun in Capricorn with 7 points therein. In Sun Ashtakavarga, total points is always 48 points. 5 3 Lagna 3 3 3 Sun 4 Ashtakavarga 6 Sun 6 (Politician) 4 4 3 3 If a strong Moon is associated with a high score in the ashtakavarga of Moon then such a person will have a strong mind and will be known for that If Mars is similarly placed then the person will be great leader, commander or CEO. If the planet is Mercury then the person will write or talk so well that he will be known for such a capacity to communicate. If the planet is Jupiter then he will be known as a great consultant or teacher or Guru. If the planet is Venus the person will have the best of vehicles and live in a palace and be surrounded by beauty, women, perfume and expensive things all through his life. If the planet is Saturn then person will be a head of a large mass of people, an industrialist or own 100 acres of land etc. Example: First find out which sign Venus occupies in your basic horoscope (natal chart). Lets say it is Libra (Thula). Find out the score that Venus has obtained in Libra in the Ashtakavarga of Venus. If the score is 8, the person will live like a king, driving the best cars, always with the most beautiful women, and live in palace like property. Check this out, these rules never go wrong. Another approach is to find out using the 7 charts which planet has got the highest score in its Ashtakavarga. If that planet is Sun he will is likely to be a Sun dominated planet. That means he will be like a Sun, once he appears others fade away. If Venus is the planet such a person will be handsome, charming and be a natural cinema star. Such people will love music, dance and entertainment and spend a lot of time, money and energy on such things that are related to art and beauty. Use this approach for all the 7 planets and you will get to know more about the person and his luck areas. Effects of Ashtakavarga - From Saravali General Effects. If a planet is associated with 8 Bindus in the Sign occupied by it, even an ordinary person will become a king; with 7 Bindus fulfillment of all desires; with 6 Bindus fame and financial gains; with 5 Bindus happiness and friendship; with 4 Bindus eradication and misery; with 3 Bindus loss of money; with 2 Bindus worries; with 1 Bindu bodily emaciation and with the complete absence of Bindus there will be evils at all times. A. V. of the Sun. In the case of A. V. of the Sun,(a) multiply the total of the figures, after reductions, by the figure in the 9th house from the Sun in the A. V. Divide the product by 27 and take the remainder. Mark the asterism, counting the remainder from Aswini. When Saturn passes through such asterism or through its triangular asterisms, either a person's father or paternal uncle will die or suffer miseries, if the planetary dasa period at the time be a malefic one. (a) A. V, of a planet is the Ashtaka Varga of a planet before reduction! No work shall be commenced when the Sun passes through signs where there are no figures in A. V. of the Sun. During such periods, a person suffers from diseases, misery and quarrel. Multiply the total of the reduced figures by the figures in the 8th house from the Sun in the A. V. of the Sun. Divide the product by 12. The remainder represents the (month) sign from Aries, through which or through one of its triangular signs when the Sun passes, a person dies (in the year of his death). Add together the three figures in each of the 4 sets of the triangular signs Aries, Leo, Sagittari. etc. Find out which of these totals is the largest. Find out the Dik or quarter for the particular set of triangular signs giving the total - (vide note (f) to Stanza 19, Chapter II (Definitions And Elementary Planetary Principles)). The place of worship in the house of a person will be in such direction. Effects of the Sun's A.V. The Sun gives the following results when it is posited in or transits over a Sign containing 8 to 0 bindus: 8 Bindus wealth from the king; VA: High social or political status, great honours & wealth through royal or government favours, kingly glory 7 Bindus transcendental beauty, happiness and riches; Prestigious posts, valour & respect from others 6 Bindus increase of valour and fame; Physical fitness, acquisition of wealth and vehicles, charming personality 5 Bindus influx of money; Association with influential & pious people, educational attainments, learning 4 Bindus neither gainful nor losing; Mixed results, gain of money but immediate expenditure 3 Bindus fatigue due to (frequent) travels (or difficulties on account of travels, proneness to accidents and the like); Fatigue due to fruitless travel, bodily troubles, uneasy mind 2 Bindus fear of diseases; Disappointments, royal displeasure, sinful deeds, loss of money, theft 1 Bindu difficulties; Sickness, sorrows, worries 7 miseries and absence of Bindus death (or troubles of a very severe nature). Death or death like suffering 1. When the Sun transits a sign containing bindus 5 or above, that month is auspicious for a) marriage or similar ceremonies b) journey to distant places or pilgrimage c) performing religious, charitable or meritorious deeds d) any new venturesstarted The above activities should not be started when Sun transits a sign containing bindus 3 or below, if good results are to be ensured. 2. The native will enjoy great political power and eminence if the Sun as lagna lord is in a friendly sign having 5 or 6 bindus. 3. The native will have a sickly body if the lagna is occupied by the Sun, has only 2 or 3 bindus and is also in its place of debilitation. Aspect by a malefic would further aggravate the malady. 4. When the Sun associated with 5, 6, 7 or 8 bindus occupies a Kendra or a trikona, the native himself or his father will meet with death in 22nd, 35th, 30th or 36th year of the native. 5. Treat the 9th house from Sun as Lagna for father & all the considerations about father should be done from here e.g. 10th from the Sun should be examined for father’s wealth, 11th from the Sun represents father’s siblings, 12th from the Sun will be father’s house and 1st house will be father’s child, i.e. the self. 6. The direction indicated by the sign which has the maximum bindus in Sun’s A.V. is the direction in which deity of Siva should be installed for progress in spiritual matters. 1. Multiply the Sun’s Shodhya Pinda by the bindus (before reduction) in the 8th from the Sun and divide by 27. The reminder indicates the nakshatra which when transited by Saturn may prove fatal to the native himself. 2. Add up all the bindus in the Sun’s ashtakvarga after reductions. Multiply this sum by the bindus in the 9th (after reductions) from the Sun. (if the 9th from the Sun has zero bindus, take the sum only). Divide it by 27; reminder will determine the nakshatra (and its trines) which when transited by Saturn may turn out fatal for father or an elderly paternal relative. A. V. of the Moon. Multiply the total of the reduced figures by the figure in the 4th house from the Moon in A. V. of the Moon; divide the product by 27, take the remainder, and for it, find out the asterism from Aswini as before. When Saturn passes through such asterism or through its triangular asterisms, a person's mother dies or suffers miseries, if the planetary dasa period at the time be a malefic one. Multiply the total of reduced figures by the figure in the 8th house from the Moon in the A. V. of the Moon, 14 Divide the product by 27. Take the remainder, and for it find out the asterism from Aswini as before. When the Moon passes through it or through its triangular asterisms, there will be quarrel, anger and grief. No work shall be commenced when the Moon passes through signs in which there are no figures in the A. V. of the Moon. Find out the Dik or quarter as before and it will give the position of the bath-room in the house of a person. Effects of the Moon's A.V. Note the Bindus in the Sign occupied by the Moon. If she be associated with 8 Bindus, the native will enjoy affluence and pleasures; Extremely fortunate, great splendour & grace, high moral courage, fame 7 Bindus financial gains through robes, food, scented articles etc., Festivities, rich food, acquisition of fine apparels, proficiency in mantra-shastra 6 Bindus acquaintance with the virtuous; Contact with virtuous people, high ideals, equanimous mind 5 Bindus acquisition of courage and intelligence due to association with Brahmins (or the learned); Contentment & well being, moral courage 4 Bindus equilibrium of happiness and grief; Neither happy nor sorrowful 3 Bindus enmity with relatives; Discord with friends and relatives 2 Bindus separation from kith and kin and deprival of wealth; Separation from friends and relatives, quarrels due to wife or wealth, loss of money, affliction to mother 1 Bindu evils Danger from reptiles, unavoidable troubles and absence of auspicious pointsgrief and difficulties following excitement. Misery, anxiety, death or equivalent 1. Ceremonies like tonsure & betrothal should be done at the time when the Moon is passing over a sign having maximum bindus in its own ashtakvarga. This rule helps to find the muhurta. Find out the sign in which the Moon has got maximum bindus (6, 7 or 8). The people born under this sign (Lagna or Moon Lagna) will be helpful to the native, be they friends, superiors, subordinates, teachers, students, king or wife. 3. First sight in the morning: It is auspicious to have first sight of a person described in 2. Gift of clothes etc to such a person showers prosperity on the native. 4. a) Do not perform important ceremonies when the moon is bereft of bindus. b) Do not get into association with people whose Moon sign is associated with least bindus in the native’s chart. c) Avoid the person who is born under your weak sign. 5. The Moon associated with low bindus (0, 1, 2) annihilates the house where it is posited. This surely valid if in addition a) The moon does not occupy Kendra, trikona or 11H b) The Moon has no paksha bal. c) The Moon is in its sign of debilitation or in malefic signs / aspects 6. The house in which the Moon is associated with 4 or more bindus prospers well, provided that a) The Moon is waxing b) The Moon is in Kendra or trikona c) The Moon is in its sign of exaltation, own or friends’ sign 7. Such a spouse will bring prosperity after marriage who belongs to the janma-rashi corresponding to the sign having maximum bindus of the Moon in the a.v. chart of the native. 8. It is auspicious to have the janma-rashi of the spouse as the one which in the native’s chart contains a bindu contributed by the lord of kakshya occupied the Moon of the groom. 9. Since the Moon is the karaka of mother, the no. of her brothers & sisters can be found by the no. of bindus in the 4th house from the Moon. Bindus contributed by male planets indicate brothers and the rset sisters. 10. The Moon in the 6th or 11th associated with >6 bindus makes one rich and when Jupiter aspects such a Moon, philanthropic also. 11. When the Moon transits over the asterism occupied by the 8th lord from Moon or its trines, the native undergoes fruitless running around and may suffer from disease. 1. Sum up the figures in the Moon’s a.v. after reductions. Multiply this sum by the bindus in the 4th from the moon. Divide the product by 27 and find out the nakshatra by counting the reminder from Aswini. When Saturn transits over this nakshatra or its trines, the mother’s death may take place. A. V. of Mars. When Saturn passes through signs in which there are no figures in the A. V. of Mars, the person will suffer from diseases if Mars be powerful; and will die if Mars be weak and if he be not the lord of the Ascendant. Find out the Dik or quarter as before and it will give the position of the kitchen in a person's house. Effects of the A.V. of Mars. If Mars be associated with various benefic points, as denoted below in the Sign tenanted by him, the results due will be 8 Bindus acquisition of wealth and land and victory over foes; Victory over enemies, acquisition of landed property and eminence, riches 7 Bindus increase of fortunes and splendour; Royal favours, gain from the government 6 Bindus royal favours; Favours from the king, master or employer 5 Bindus increase of fame; Handsome looks & pleasant behaviour 4 Bindus equality of wealth and calamity; Pleasure & pain equally distributed at different times 3 Bindusseparation from co-born and conjugal partner; Separation from brothers & wife 2 Bindustroubles from king, fire and bilious disorders; Quarrel over money matters or coveted things, humiliation due to enemies 1 Bindu ulcer and stomachial diseases Wounds due to weapons, fire, operation, fever and absence of Bindus diseases of the eye and difficulties comparable to death. Stomach-troubles, eye disease, accidents, fainting and even death The Ashtakvarga of Mars gives fairly close assessment of the number of brothers & sisters, their prosperity, well-being and disposition towards the native. It is also a very important indication of landed property and other wealth. 1. The transit of Mars in a kakshya having a bindu in its own a.v. bestows the native with health & wealth, both. 2. The transit of Mars in a bindu-less kakshya causes indigestion, headache and diseases due to impurities of blood and imbalance of bile. 3. The best thing to do when Mars transits a sign having maximum number of bindus is to transact in land and gold etc for prosperity. 4. The no. of bindus, (before reductions) in the 3rd from Mars in Mars’ a.v.indicates the no. of brothers and sisters. The bindus contributed by male planets indicate brothers and rest sisters. The welfare of brothers (survival or prosperity) is indicated by the nature of planets that have contributed the bindus. Bindus contributed by the planets in debility or inimical signs should be eliminated. 5. When 8 bindus are associated with mars and it is exalted or is in own sign, identical with 9th, 4th, 1st or 10th house, the native becomes a multimillionaire. 6. If Mars associated with 4 or more bindus is in Lagna and the Lagna is either Aries, Scorpio, Leo, Sagittarius or Capricorn, the native becomes equivalent to a king. 7. Mars having 6 bindus posited in 6th house being the lord of the 2nd house will give many enemies to the person, but he will enjoy life to the hilt right from childhood. 8. If Aries is the Lagna and Mars with 1 to 3 bindus is posited in lagna, the Moon lagna, 9th or 10th house, the native goes as an adopted son. Such a Mars should also be in conjunction with lower class planets such as in debilitation. 9. If Mars or Saturn are in the 3rd from Lagna with 1 to 3 bindus, they cause loss of brothers. Their conjunction can also lead to a similar tragedy. 10. If Mars & Saturn are in 6-8 position from each other with 1 to 3 bindus each in Mars’ a.v., it indicates loss of brothers. A malefic in the 3rd from Lagna will make this doubly sure. 1. Multiply the bindus (before reduction) in the 3rd from Mars by the Shodhya Pinda of Mars and divide by 12. Count the reminder from Aries. When Jupiter transits this sign, the brothers will prosper or benefit through them may be expected. Which brother will prosper has to be found by other techniques. 2. Take the bindus in the 3rd from Mars and multiply by the bindus in the 8th from there. Divide by 12 and count the reminder from Aries. When the Sun transits that sign, it will cause affliction to brothers. A. V. of Mercury. When Saturn passes through signs in which there are no figures in the A. V. of Mercury, the person's son or friends will die. Find out the Dik or quarter as before and it will give the position of the play ground in the house of a person. Effects of Mercury's A.V. The effects of Mercury's association with various auspicious points in the Sign occupied by him will be 8 Bindus honour from the ruler; Honour from the rulers, all round good luck 7 Bindus wealth, knowledge and happiness; Wealth, happiness, learning, worry-less philanthropic living 6 Bindus success in all undertakings; Success in all ventures, ability to comprehend intricate and complex matters 5 Bindus new acquaintances; New acquaintances with important people 4 Bindus unemployment; Lack of enthusiasm and focus in life 3 Bindus mental worries on account of financial losses; Mental worries 2 Bindus enmity with wife, children and friends causing loss of courage and wisdom; Misunderstandings with family members, sickness due to imbalance of vata, pita or kappa (wind, bile or phlegm) 1 Bindu evils of all kinds Enforced confinement, tormented by enemies and absence of Bindus will bring about death. Loss of property through enemy intrigues, fear of death 1. Mercury’s transit in a kakshya having a bindu in its own a.v. grants happiness & sweets (sumptuous meals). The native engages himself in charitable deeds. 2. Mercury’s transit in a bindu-less kakshya causes quarrels, bad dreams, untimely meals and uneasy mental state. 3. Family welfare, maternal relations, equanimity of mind should be ascertained from the 4th house, literary talents and intellectual pursuits from 5th house and excellence of speech from 2nd house reckoned from Mercury. 4. 2nd house from Mercury should be strong to give proper expression to one’s thoughts by way of speech. a) If 2nd from Mercury does not have even 1 bindu, the person born may be dumb. This will come true if Mercury and 2nd from Lagna are also associated with very low bindus and in addition have other afflictions by malefics. b) if 2nd from Mercury contains 1, 2 or 3 bindus, the native will have unsteady and incoherent speech. c) if it contains 4, he will talk well but only when someone else has initiated the discussion; if 5 or 6, his speech will be praise-worthy and befitting the occasion. With 7 he will be a literary giant capable of composing poems and dramas extempore. 5. if 2nd from Lagna contains 7 bindus in Mercury’s a.v., the native will be a brilliant orator. (2nd from Me will always have <8 as Me does not contribute a bindu in its 2nd place). 6. In the 2nd from Mercury, if the bindus are donated by malefics, the native’s speech will be deceitful & arrogant. In contrast, the benefics give sweet, harmonizing speech. If the bindu is contributed by Sun: the speech is in the form of an imposing, wise counsel. Saturn: the speech is vile, deceptive, improper and at the wrong time. Mars: the speech is in vain-glorious and causes discord. Mercury: Sweet & clever speech Jupiter: Distinct & wise speech, full of erudition and knowledge of proper texts Venus: Charming & delightful speech. Moon: Powerless Moon causes speech that is sluggish and full of doubts. Strong Moon would cause it to be just the opposite. Note: Some prefer to take the above from lagna, rather than from the sign occupied by Me. 7. If Mercury is posited in a house having very low bindus, lack of intelligence and common-sense is the result. 8. Mental lassitude is the result of Mercury’s transit of a bindu-less sign. 9. If mercury is in the 4th or 6th from Saturn, associated with 5 or more bindus and the 2nd from Lagna is aspected or occupied by Jupiter, the native becomes an eminent astrologer. 10. If Ketu is in a sign which has at least 3 bindus in Mercury’s a.v. and it is in the 5th house or with 5th lord, the native acquires great proficiency in all branches of astrology. 11. Mercury well posited in a kendra or trikona associated with 5 bindus or more, conjunct with or aspected by Jupiter or Saturn, makes the native learned in scriptures. 12. If Mercury with 4 bindus is in Aries or Scorpio and happens to be in the Taurus or Libra navamsha and is aspected by Jupiter, the person is a born poet, dramatist or litterateur. 13. Mercury makes a person an incisive logician if it is associated with 5 bindus, is conjunct with Jupiter and has an association with Mars. 14. Find out the signs that are being aspected by Jupiter. Pick out the one which has 4 or more bindus in Mercury’s a.v. If education is started at the time when Mercury is transiting such a sign, even a relatively dull student acquires proficiency. 15. For receiving the blessings of Lord Vishnu, propitiations should be done at a time when that sign is rising which contains the highest bindus in the a.v. Mercury. 1. Take the bindus in the 10th from Mercury. Multiply by the Shodhya Pinda of Mercury and divide by 27. When Saturn passes through the nakshatra represented by the remainder counted from Ashwini, there may be losses in business or distress in service. Jupiter’s transit of the same nakshatra will give a boost to the career. 2. Take the bindus in the 2nd from Mercury. Multiply by the Shodhya Pinda of Mercury and divide by 12. Count upto the remainder from Aries. The dasha and antardasha of the lord of this sign or when Jupiter transits that sign the best time for learning new sciences or any branch of knowledge is indicated. Professions or assignments connected with Mercury e.g. authorship, ambassadorship, professorship, script-writing etc may land in the lap of the native at such times. 3. 4th from Mercury is taken for loss of relatives or friends in the standard formulae for Saturn’s transit. A. V. of Jupiter. The figure in the 5th house from Jupiter in the A. V. of Jupiter will give the number of sons of a person. The number of those meeting with early death will be the number of planets occupying inimical or depression signs. The Dik or quarter ascertained as before will give the position of the Treasury or Store-room. Effects of Jupiter's A.V. Based on the number of auspicious points, the Sign occupied by Jupiter will produce the following effects 8 Bindus spotless fame, happiness and growth of wealth; Power & celebrity status equal to a king, great wealth & happiness 7 Bindus fortunes and happiness; Happiness due to great fortune and children 6 Bindus acquisition of robes, conveyances, gold etc.; Expensive apparels, aristocratic coveyances, glittering jewellery 5 Bindus destruction of enemies and success in undertakings; Good friends, destruction of enemies or no enemies, success in various ventures 4 Bindus no loss, no gain; Sometimes happiness, sometimes sorrows 3 Bindus loss of hearing, sight and masculine vigour; Distress, ear trouble, loss of vitality 2 Bindus incurring royal wrath; Wrath of the rulers, loss of children 1 Bindu distress due to diseases Loss of wealth, persecution by enemies and absence of Bindus destruction of relatives, wealth and progeny. Deterioration of mental powers, wealth, possible death of children Recourse to Jupiter’s a.v. is taken when one wants to have general consideration about children 5th from Jupiter is examined for education, learning, religion, wealth and also children. 1. The transit of Jupiter in a kashya having a bindu in its own a.v. causes increase in prosperity, happiness and marital bliss.The native becomes capable of defeating enemies and enjoys good health. 2. Transit of Jupiter in a bindu-less kakshya causes misery, loss of wealth, health & fame. The native suffers from many obstacles while travelling and may have a fall from a vehicle. One tends to act or speak rashly and suffer the consequences. 3. Check the bindus in Jupiter’s a.v. in the sign occupied by the Sun. if this sign contains the least no. of bindus, the native is quite unfortunate, has to struggle hard to rise in life and generally meets with failures. 4. If the sign occupied by Jupiter contains 5 or more bindus and happens to be 6th , 8th or 12th house, the native is wealthy, long lived and victorious. 5. A person becomes a king or a business tycoon due to his own abilities if Jupiter is associated with 8 bindus. This happens only when Jupiter is fault-free (not combust, not in its debilitation or inimical sign) and is placed well in a Kendra or trikona. The extent of his clout will depend on whether the planet is in exaltation or own house and how it fares in other vargas etc. 6. A strong and well placed Jupiter having 5, 6 or 7 bindus conjunct with the Moon will endow the native with women, wealth & progeny to plenty. It is so due to the formation of a strong Gaj-kesari yoga. 7. One can find the number of children by checking the bindus in the 5th from Jupiter in Jupiter’s a.v. Out of these bindus one must expunge the bindus a) that have been contributed by Jupiter’s enemy b) that of a planet in combustion c) that of a planet in inimical house d) that of a planet which is in debilitation e) that of Saturn f) that of the enemy of 5th lord from Jupiter g) that of the debilitation lord of the 5th lord from Jupiter Note: In modern times many of these fumble 8. If the following 4 conditions are met in a chart there is no possibility of begetting children a) 5th house has aspects from malefics only, no benefics aspect it b) 5th house is occupied by an even sign c) Natal Moon occupies an even sign d) In the Sarvashtaka, the 5th house has less than 25 bindus Propitiatory rites may help if there are 1, 2 or 3 of these defects. These rites are fruitless if all the 4 defects are present. 9. Birth of children may be predicted during the transit of Jupiter in the following signs provided these signs carry high no. of bindus in Jupiter’s a.v. a) Rashi or navamsha sign of the 5th lord from Lagna b) Rashi or navamsha sign of the 5th lord from the Moon c) Rashi or navamsha sign of the 5th lord from Jupiter d) Rashi or navamsha of the Gulika since Jupiter has 5th, 7th & 9th aspects, one may consider the 5th, 7th & 9th signs from any of the above also. 10. a) In the horary chart fix up the position of Gulika. At the time of birth of a child, either the Sun, the Moon or Jupiter, whichever has the maximum bindus in its respective a.v. is found to be transiting Gulika or its trines. b) Birth of a child will take place when Jupiter will be transiting horary Lagna, its navamsha sign or their trines, depending on which sign contains the maximum bindus in Jupiter’s a.v. 11. A virtuous son will be born if the conception took place during the month which coincides with the Sun’s transit in the sign having highest bindus in Jupiter’s a.v. 12. When 5th lord is in 8th house or vice versa and neither lord has any connection with Jupiter, the native receives humiliation and persecution from his own children and grandchildren. 13. If 5th lord is afflicted by malefics and Jupiter, associated with 3 bindus or less, is hemmed between malefics, a son will be born who will be evil minded and a scourge to the family. 14. When the lord of the sign occupied by the 5th lord is associated with Jupiter and also has 4 or more bindus in Jupiter’s a.v., a son will be born in the family who will enhance the prestige of the family many folds. 15. If the sign rising at the time of sexual intercourse contains highest no. of bindus in Jupiter’s a.v., conception will most likely take place. 16. When the Sun transits those signs which have high number of bindus in Jupiter’s a.v., that is the time for performing auspicious ceremonies. Reverse of this must be avoided. 17. If the Jupiter fulfils the following 4 conditions, the native becomes a king of kings a) Jupiter should be associated with 4 or more bindus b) Jupiter & Venus should be in mutual association or aspect (conjunction or opposition) c) Jupiter should be in Kendra from Lagna. 18. If the lord of the sign occupied by Jupiter is well placed (in a kendra or trikona) and commands 4 or more bindus in Jupiter’s a.v., the native enjoys great riches and is extremely fortunate. 19. Great prosperity and power will be enjoyed by a person whose dispositor of Jupiter is exalted and associated with 5 or more bindus in Jupiter’s a.v. 1. Mutiply the sum of all bindus (after reductions) by the bindus (after reductions) in the 5th from Jupiter. Divide by 12 and count the remainder from Aries. The sign reveals the solar month of the birth of the child. 2. Find out the kakshya lord of the 5th lord from Jupiter. When Jupiter transits the sign occupied by the kakshya lord, a son will be born. 3. Multiply by 7 and divide by 27 the Shodhya Pinda of Jupiter. Count the remainder from Ashwini. When Jupiter transits this nakshatra, a child may be born. If the navamsha sign of Jupiter is stronger than its rashi, then counting should be done from Dhanistha. For another variation counting may be done from the nakshatra occupied by Jupiter. 4. Multiply by 4 and divide by 12 the Shodhya Pinda of Jupiter. The solar month corresponding to the remainder counted from Aries is the month of the birth of the child. 5. Multiply by 9 and divide by 12 the Shodhya Pinda of Jupiter. Count the remainder from Aries to get the ascendant of the son to be born. 6. Shodhya Pinda of Jupiter should be multiplied by the bindus in the 9th house in the case of a woman’s horoscope. Number of sons should be considered from the bindus in the 9th house and the characteristics of them from the planets that have donated the bindus. In a woman’s horoscope, the 5th house is the house of daughters. For a man, 5th house is for sons and the 9th for daughters. A. V. of Venus. A person will get a wife, lands and wealth when Venus passes through signs containing the largest figure in the A. V. of Venus after reduction. The Dik or quarter ascertained as before will give the position of the bed room. Effects of A.V. of Venus. The association of Venus with various number of Bindus will generate the under mentioned effects 8 Bindus enjoyments of all kinds and acquisition of robes, wife, scents, food, drinks etc.; The native enjoys all kinds of pleasures, sophisticated apparels, beautiful women, flowers exotic cuisines and intoxicating drinks 7 Bindus plentifulness of ornaments and pearls; Acquires precious stones, ornaments and jewellery 6 Bindus acquisition of a girl of choice; Meets loveable women or wife 5 Bindus association with friends; Association or contact with friends 4 Bindus equality of inauspicious and auspicious results; Mixed results, sometimes good, sometimes bad 3 Bindus enmity with people of his community and senior members of the village; Enmity with neighbours or local officials 2 Bindus displacement; Fall from position, demotion 1 Bindu phlegmatic disorders Phlegmatic troubles, fear from water and poison and absence of Bindus becoming a synonym of all kinds of evils. Catastrophes and calamities of all kinds 1. When Venus transits a kakshya having a bindu in its own a.v. the native gets higher status in society and recognition from the government. Physical enjoyments and bodily comforts are granted to him. He acquires health, wealth and knowledge. 2. When Venus transits a bindu-less kakshya it causes troubles through enemies, anxiety to or from women or wife (spouse), loss of wealth & property, affliction to the mind, unnecessary expenses and problems in journey. 3. During the transit of Venus over the sign having maximum bindus one should acquire bed and items related to bedroom, for prosperity & happiness. Performing marriage, learning music and acts ending in sexual activity may be commenced during such a transit. This period is also conducive to purchase of silken garments and vehicles. 4.The native having a well placed Venus in Kendras or trikonas, associated with 8 bindus will enjoy the use of many vehicles throughout his life, provided Venus is neither debilitated nor combust. If the bindus are 5, 6 or 7, the native will enjoy all comforts of life and will have much wealth. 5. If Venus with 5 bindus is placed in Aries or Scorpio and is aspected by benefics, it bestows on the native acquisition of wealth, property and vehicles. Placement of Venus in a Kendra or trikona adds to the above yoga. 6. Venus associated with 4 or more bindus, placed in a Kendra or trikona, unaspected by Mars causes early marriage. 7. If Venus is debilitated in rashi or navamsha, has 5 bindus and is aspected by Mars, early marriage is still possible. Note: When passion is low (due to debilitation of Venus) it needs to be ignited by Mars to create a desire for early marriage. With high level of passion (as in 6.), aspect of Mars may spoil it due to excessive lasciviousness or general maleficience. 8. A well placed dispositor of Venus, associated with 5 or more bindus in a.v. of Venus strengthens the result of Venus. 9. If the 7th lord has gone into the navamsha of Saturn or Mars and a) 7th house is aspected by either of them or b) 7th lord occupies the rashi of Saturn or Mars these conditions spell doom for the happiness of the man because his wife could be an adulterous woman. She may also be a servant. 10. If the Moon placed in the 7th or 12th house goes into a malefic navamsha and Venus is also associated with a malefic planet, the native comes to grief due to his misadventures with women. 11. Adultery committed by the wife is a distinct possibility if Venus is in Saturn’s navamsha and Mars is in Capricorn or Aquarius. Note: For 10 & 11 to come true, Venus should have 3 or less bindus. Otherwise these conditions might give the native an occupation where he interacts with sophisticated, technical & professional women e.g. in hospitals, cinema, T.V., dance, drama or other mass media activities. Absence or presence of Jupiter’s aspect in the above combination will make tangible difference. 12. If Venus associated with 4 or more bindus becomes exalted in navamsha and Mars aspects Venus, the native tends to act out his fantasies from a highly libidinous state of mind. 13. The native takes fancy to others’ women if Venus associated with 5 or more bindus is in the navamsha of Mars and Mars happens to be in its own sign. 14. To ensure happiness, good fortune and progeny one must bring the bride from a direction indicated by the sign having maximum bindus in the a.v. of Venus. 15. When the 7th house from Venus contains a bindu contributed by a planet that owns one’s birth constellation or its trine, the relationship between the husband and wife will be a very loving relationship. 16. In the 7th from Venus check out which planets have contributed a bindu each. Also note the wife’s birth star and match them as follows: a) if the bindu is contributed by the Sun and the birth star of the wife is in Krittika triad, she will be as dear to the husband as hos own soul. b) if by the Moon and the wife’s birth star is in Rohini triad, there is a great mental compatibility between the husband and the wife. c) if by Mars and the wife’s birth star is in Mrigashira triad, she will stand shoulder to shoulder with the husband in the battle of life. d) if by Mercury and the wife’s birth star is in Ashlesha triad, she will be obedient and agreeable. (intellectual compatibility) e) If by Jupiter and the wife’s birth star is in Punarvasu triad, she will get virtuous children. f) if by Venus and the wife’s birth star is in Bharani triad, she will have sexual appetite matching with the husband’s. Note: Since Venus does not contribute a bindu in the 7th from itself, consider 7th from Lagna. g) If by Saturn and the wife’s birth star is in Pushya triad, she will be willing to serve her husband like a slave. Apply the above rules on 7th from Lagna also. 17. For the welfare of the man, the bride chosen should satisfy one of the following conditions: a) she should have her Moon in a sign which has a bindu contributed by the 7th lord from Venus in the husband’s a.v. (for sexual compatibility) b) she should have her Moon in a sign which has the maximum bindus in husband’s i) a.v. of Moon (for mental compatibility) ii) Sarvashtakvarga (for general or overall compatibility) Note: For groom chck the girl’s chart similarly 18. The wife will have complexion, appearance and qualities according to a) navamsha lord of Venus b) navamsha lord of the Moon Her virtues will be in accordance with the 7th lord. 19. Comjugal bliss & prosperous family life are ensured when Venus with 5 or more bindus occupies a Kendra or trikona. 20. The wife abandons the native whose 5th & 7th lords are in trines to each other and Mars is in the 7th house from Lagna. 21. The wife is immoral when Mars or Saturn is in the 7th house and the 7th lord is in the navamsha Saturn or Mars in the husband’s chart. 22. If Venus is debilitated in rashi or navamsha and aspected Mars, there may be scandals about his wife. 23. Venus with 1 to 3 bindus in Saturn’s rashi or navamsha and having aspect of Mars, indicates an adulterous wife. 24. If the wife is from the direction represented by the sign having maximum bindus in the Lagnashtakvarga of the husband, the marriage brings great happiness, long life and good children. 25. A strong Venus is consideredto be necessary to have an attractive and charming personality. In natives having magnetic personality, their Lagna is geneally associated with high bindus in the a.v. of Venus. 1. Multiply the Shodhya Pinda of Venus by the bindus in the 7th from Venus. Divide by 27 and count the remainder from Ashwini. When Jupiter passes over this nakshatra, or its trines, marriage may take place. 2. Divide the above product by 12 instead of 27 and count the remainder from Aries to obtain the sign for Jupiter’s transit. The lord of such a sign will indicate the dasha & antardasha during which marriage may take place. 3. To find out the no. wives a man might have, check out the number of bindus in one of the following: a) the sign occupied by the lord of the 7th from Venus b) the sign occupied by the lord of the 9th from Venus c) the sign occupied by the lord of the 9th from Lagna or Moon d) exaltation sign of the 7th lord from Lagna. e) the debilitation sign of the 7th lord from Lagna. When the 7th lord from Lagna is strong, pick out from above the one that has maximum no. of bindus. If the 7th lord is weak, pick out the minimum. No. of bindus indicates the no. of wives. Ashtakavarga of Venus Happy Family Life: Venus with 5 or 6 bindus and in a kendra or Trikona results in a happy and prosperous family life.If this Venus is aspected by Mars,the wife will be from a noble family. Fine Vehicles: When Venus is in Lagna,4 th or the 10 th bhavas assosiated with 5 bindus and has an aspect from a benefic,the person will possess fine vehicles. Early Marraige: When Venus is in a Kendra except the 7th bhava or Trikona from the Lagna,associated with 5 or more bindus and is not aspected by Mars,the person will marry early in life. Difficulty in getting Married: When Venus with 5 bindus is in debilitation rasi or Navamsa and is connected with Mars by association or aspect,the person will undergo great difficulties to get married. Obstacles in Getting Married: Venus in a Trikona or the 2nd house from the lagna occupied or aspected by malefics will create many obstacles for marraige Good Fortune,Vehicles: If the lord of the sign occupied by Venus is in a Kendra or trikona from the lagna and associated with 5 bindus in the ashtakavarga of Venus,the person will possess wealth,lands,vehicles and good fortune. Ill treats Wife: If the lord of the house occupied by Venus is in the 6th or 8th house from Venus and is in trine to the Lagna,the person will illtreat his wife and become a pauper in course of time. A. V. of Saturn. In the A. V. of Saturn, add together the figures in the signs from the Ascendant to the house occupied by Saturn and also the figures in the signs from Saturn to the Ascendant. The two totals will give the years in which a person will suffer from diseases and from grief. Add the two totals; the sum will give the year in which a person's life will be in danger. A similar remark applies to the A. V. of Mars. When the Sun and the Moon pass through signs in which the figures are least in the A. V. of Saturn a person dies (in his year of death). The Dik or quarter ascertained as before gives the position of the spot where the sweepings are gathered. Effects of Saturn's A.V. If Saturn is associated with a certain number of Bindus, the effects due will be 8 Bindus lordship over villages, towns and people; Native becomes head of a township, leaders advance their careers 7 Bindus acquisition of female servants, asses and elephants; Gets female servants and load bearing animals like asses and camels. 6 Bindus gains from thieves, hunters and Army heads; Leader of gangsters or tribals 5 Bindus advent of wealth, corn and happiness; Great agricultural produce, gain of wealth causes happiness 4 Bindus happiness caused by association with others; Moderate mix of happiness & sorrow 3 Bindus destruction of progeny, wife, attendants and money; Loss of subordinates, women & wealth 2 Bindus imprisonment, emotions and diseases; Confinement, anxiety & disease, poverty 1 Bindu/absence of Bindus loss of wealth, family etc. 1-Impious deeds, sickness 0-Loss of all possessions, possibility of death or near equivalent affliction Note: Saturn cannot have 8 bindus where located. 8 may be understood as 7 and 7 as 6. May the astrologers be pleased with the Science of Astrology thus described by Kalyana Varma. Ancestors, like Paulasa, Vasishta, Romasa, Yavana, Badarayana, Sakthi, Atri, Bharadwaja, Viswamitra, Guna, Agnikesa, Garga, Parashara, Jeevasarma and a host of others have authored elaborate texts on astrology. The science of astrology thus deals with the good and bad in stock for an individual with Chitragupta (the official record keeper of Yama the God of Death noting down the virtues and vices of mankind). 1. Saturn’s transit in a kakshya having a bindu in its a.v. confers inheritance or legacy of wealth, royal favours, contact with influential people, landed property, religious rites, charities & increase in production. 2. Saturn’s transit in a bindu-less kakshya causes misery, royal displeasure, trouble from relations, accidental wounds caused by weapons, loss of wealth, mental disarray, loss of land and loss while travelling. 3. Whenever during the day that sign rises which contains minimum bindus in Saturn’s a.v., that time period will cause some irritation or the other to the native daily. The month corresponding to that sign by way of Sun’s transit may cause death or danger to health. 4. Saturn’s transit over the sign having no bindu in its own a.v. will cause worst results related to the house occupied by such a sign. 5. If the Sun & the Moon along with Saturn transit a bindu-less sign and appropriate maraca dashas are running, death may take place. 6. If exalted Saturn associated with 1, 2, 3 or 4 bindus is in a Kendra, any child born will be shortlived. 7. A powerful Saturn which is also associated with 5 or 6 bindus, in the Lagna causes a life of misery and loss of wealth, right from early childhood. But if Saturn is debilitated or in an inimical sign, associated with 5 or more bindus, the person has long life, has various modes of transport and is rich. The Moon should be in auspicious vargas. 8. When Saturn is combust or placed in an inimical sign in 5th house or Lagna, but is associated with 4 or 5 bindus, the native will be endowed with much wealth, female servants and camels (transport vehicles). If such a Saturn is associated with 8 bindus, it showers the leadership of several towns on the native; he will be a minister or M.P. or a District Magistrate well versed in diplomacy and administration; if bindus are 7, much wealth is to be enjoyed having been earned through trade or industry. 9. When Saturn is associated with 3 bindus, owns 9th & 10th houses and is placed in the 3rd, 6th or 11th house, the person enjoys kingly wealth & power. (Applicable to Taurus Lagna) 10. If Saturn associated with 4 bindus happens to be in the 2nd or 12th house identical with its own house and the other malefics have managed Kendra or trikona positions for themselves the native will lead a life of beggary. (applicable to Sagittarius & Pisces Lagnas?) (Note the peculiarity of rules 6 to 10. Bindu strength is the main consideration) 11. When the lord of the 8th house from Saturn (or Lagna) is combust or in inimical sign without any benefic aspect, the person will take to beggary as a means of livelihood. 12. When the lord of the 8th house from Saturn (or Lagna) is associated with 5 or more bindus and is powerful plus there is a benefic in the 8th house, the native leads a happy life. (The 8th house from Saturn (or Lagna) is the house of death. Its strength or weakness has life-long effects. 13. A foreign country is the place of death if Saturn is associated with 1 to 3 bindus. 14. A person has to live in a foreign country if Saturn associated with 2 or 3 bindus is in the 10th house or connected with the 10th lord. 15. If a Kendra (except Lagna) houses Saturn & the Moon and both are associated with 4 or more bindus, the combination causes immense riches. If they are in Lagna they cause extreme poverty. 16. If the lord of the 8th house is weakly disposed and Saturn and Mars are respectively in Aries & Capricorn, both having 4 bindus in saturn’s a.v., the person is poor and suffers from gout or rheumatism. 17. Examine saturn’s transit in Mars’ a.v. and vice versa. When either malefic transits a sign devoid of any bindu, a great catastrophe might strike. 18. Treat 3 bindus for Sa & Ma with respect as both have max 39 bindus. 1. If the sign occupied by Saturn and the 7th from it have no bindus after reductions, the death of the native will be untimely or unnatural and in a deserted place. If the two above signs have bindus and the donors are well placed and in friendly signs etc, the death will be in the presence of relatives and friends. 2. In the standard formulae, 8th from Saturn should be taken (8th from Sun is also taken) for Saturn’s transit. 3. Multiply the Shodhya Pinda of Saturn by a) no. of bindus (before reductions) in the house occupied by Jupiter. Divide the product by 12 and count upto remainder from Aries. Jupiter’s transit may cause native’s death. b) no. of bindus (before reductions) in the sign occupied by the Sun. Divide by 12 and count the remainder from Aries to find out the solar month in which the native may die. 4. Multiply the Shodhya Pinda of Saturn a) by 7 and divide by 27. Count from Ashwini b) by the no. of bindus in the house occupied by Saturn. Divide by 27& count from Ashwini c) add up the remainders in a) & b) and count from Ashwini When Saturn transits over any of the nakshatras calculated in a), b) & c) aboce, death of the native may be predicted. Saturn's Ashtakavarga 1.If Saturn occupies Lagna devoid of bindus in his own ashtakavarga,there will be either death or loss of wealth and suffering. 2.If Saturn,invested with 1 to 4 bindus,is in a kendra or is exalted,one will have short life. 3.When Saturn is in lagna,associated with 5 or 6 bindus,one will meet with all sorts of worries,financial upsets,etc from birth.If however Saturn associated with 5 or 8 bindus is debilitated or in an inimical sign,one will have a long life. 4.If Saturn is associated with 8 bindus,the native becomes head of a village panchayat or a muncipal commissioner or a mayor,if with 7 bindus,he will earn money by trade and allied activities. 5.If saturn is powerfully disposed in lagna,associated with 4 or 5 bindus one will always lead a life of sorrow,begging alms and suffering in travails. 6.When saturn is debilitated in navamsa and endowed with 5 or more bindus occupies lagna or the 5th house,one suffers from laryngeal troubles and poverty. will not live long but will become fortunate if saturn,endowed with 4 bindus but not exalted or occupying own house,is in lagna or the 4th. 8.If saturn endowed with 5 or more bindus is in a debilitated sign is occupying and exalted/own navamsa,one will live long,and possessed of wealth and happiness. 9.There will be influx of wealth through various sources,if saturn,endowed with 1 to 3 bindus,in his own house or navamsa,occupying a a quadrant or a trine. 10.kingship or an equal status will be the result when saturn as lord of 9th and 10th has 1 to 3 bindus and occupies the 3rd,6th or 11th house. Logevity calculation Multiply the several figures in the signs from Aries in the Ashtakavarga of the Sun by the figures of the Rasi Gunakara table respectively and add the products. Again, multiply the several figures in the signs occupied by the Sun and other planets by the figures of the Graha Gunakara table respectively and add the products. Add the two totals. Multiply the sum by 7, divide the product by 27. The quotient will give the years of the Sun. Multiply the remainder by 12 and divide the product by 27, the quotient will give the months. Multiply the remainder by 30 and divide the product by 27, the quotient will give the days. And similarly, find the Ghati - kas and Vighatikas. Thus, we have obtained the A. V, years of the Sun. Similarly, those of the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn may be obtained from the A. V. tables. Now, these periods are subject to the following reductions. 1. If a planet is accompanied by another planet in a sign, the amount of reduction is one - half of the period obtained. 2. If a planet occupy his depression sign, the amount of reduction is one-half. 3. If he be an Astangata planet, the amount of reduction is also one-half. 4. If he occupy an inimical sign, the amount is one-third. 5. If he occupy the visible hemisphere, the amount is one-half. 6. If he suffer defeat in conjunction, the amount is one-third. 7. In the case of the Sun and the Moon again, if these be of unusual appearance the amount is onethird. N.B. - Where several reductions have to be applied to the period of a planet, it will be enough if the largest of them alone be made. After making the several reductions, add up the resulting years of the planets, multiply the sum by 334 and divide the product by 365. The quotient will give the length of a person's life in years, months, days, etc. Again, in the A. V. of Saturn as before, multiply the figures of the several signs from Aries by the Zodiacal factors and add up the products. Multiply the figures in the several signs occupied by the Sun and other planets by the several planetary factors and add up the products. Add together the two totals. To the sum, add the sum of the figures resulting after making the Trikona and Ekadhipatya reductions to the figures of the A. V. of Saturn. Multiply the sum by the figure in the 8th house from the ascendant in the A. V. of Saturn; divide the product by 27; the quotient will also give the length of a person's life, provided such length is otherwise found to range between 34 and 66 years. The length of life will be 27 years less than the period obtained if the person's age is otherwise found to range from 1 to 33 years; and 27 years more than the period obtained if such length be found to range between 67 and 100 years and death will occur if the dasa period be a malefic one. There are brief processes for ascertaining by inspection whether the length of life of a person falls in the first, or the second or the third section of the maximum period of 100 years - Vide the Astrological Aphorisms of Jaimini. Hitherto, we have been dealing with the tables of the B. A. V. and S. A. V. prepared with the figures re-15 presenting the benefic planetary places. Tables can also be prepared with figures representing the malefic places of the planets (Vide, Note b, to Stanza 8). Special rules exist relating to the prediction of events of life with the help of the figures of these tables. The reader is referred to the works of Parasara. Bindus in a house 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Years 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 Months 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Days 2 1½ 1 ½ 7½ 0 0 0 0 1. Ashtakvarga bindu – method A correspondence of no. of bindusnin a house is established with the no. of years, months or days as in the table. Go over each house in the a.v. of a planet. Find out the age contributed by all the houses for that planet and reduce it to half. Similarly repeat the process for all the planets and the Lagna. Grand total will be the age of the native. 2. Bindus in the 8th house method Multiply the Shodhya Pindas of all seven planets by the bindus (before reduction) in the 8th house from Lagna in the respective a.v. of planets. Divide the products by 27. The quotient obtained reveals the years given by the planet. Their sum gives the total age. Expunge 100 if the total exceeds 100. Multiply by 324 and divide by 365 to convert the nakshatra years into solar years. 3. Shodhya Pinda method subject to modifications Take the Shodhya Pinda of a planet, multiply it by 7 and divide by 27. The quotient represents the period in years granted by a planet as age. a) If the quotient is <27 retain it as it is. b) If the quotient is between 27 and 54 subtract it from 54. c) If the quotient is between 54 & 81, subtract 54 from it and remainder is the age by that planet. d) If the quotient is between 81 & 108, subtract it from 108 and take the remainder as age. Reductions or Haranas i) If there are two or more planets in a sign, the term of life obtained as above should be reduced to half for each of the planets ii) If any planet is in debilitation or combustion, the years should be halved. Iii) Reduce the years by one third if the planet is in an inimical sign. iv) If any malefic planet is in the visible half of the zodiac reduce the years as follows: 12H: Full reduction 11H: Half reduction 10H: One third reduction 9H: One fourth reduction 8H: One fifth reduction 7H: One sixth reduction v) For benefics in the visible half, the reductions are half of those given above for malefics. vi) If a planet is defeated in graha yuddha one third must be deducted. vii) If the Sun or the Moon are in eclipse (in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu) within prescribed degrees) reduce the age by one third. Note: If more than one reduction is applicable to a planet, apply the highest reduction only. viii) Multiply by 324 and divide by 365 to convert the nakshatra years to solar years. 4. Sarvashtakvarga method a) Expunge multiples of 12 from the Sarvashtakvarga figures of each sign b) Carry out Trikona and Ekadhipatya Shodhanas. c) Calculate Rashi Pinda, Graha Pinda and their sum to get Shodhya Pinda. d) Multiply the Shodhya Pinda of Sarvashtakvarga by 7 and divide by 12. e) If the quotient is greater than 100, reduce it from 100. Otherwise retain as it is. f) Multiply the remainder by 324 and divide by 365 to get the solar years. As the different methods give different terms of life, one cannot rely upon these mathematical methods to find out longevity. The dasha analysis is a better pointer to longevity. Timing of events through Vimshottari, Ashtakvarga style While the mahadasha is based on Vimshottari, the antardasha may be one of the following: a) the common vimshottari antardasha b) the mahadasha divided into 8 equal parts in the same order as kakshyas, each part representing an antardasha c) the mahadasha divided into 12 equal parts starting from the house where the mahadasha lord is posited. Further subdivision of the above antardashas, in b) & c), can again be done on the basis of 8 equal parts and lords will be in the order of kakshyas. Mahadasha If the sign occupied by the dasha lord has >28 bindus in the Sarvashtaka and >4 bindus in its own a.v., the overall results will be favourable. If the dasha lord enjoys a bindu by the kakshya lord in the natal chart in its own a.v. the planet acquires intrinsic support to bestow favourable results. Antardasha 1. The additional factor to look is the bindus that the antara lord commands in the a.v. of the mahadasha lord to ascertain whether the latter is congenially disposed towards the former. Also check the bindus that the mahadasha lord has in the a.v. of the antara lord to establish the mutual relationship. If the bindus are more than optimum, favourable results may be expected, otherwise unfavourable. 2. The events to take place are signified by a) the houses owned by the antara lord b) the house occupied by the antara lord c) the houses whose lords have contributed a bindu each to the sign occupied by the antara lord in the a.v. of the mahadasha lord. 3.The results pertaining to the house lacking in bindus may get adverse results while the richer one may get favourable results or else the antardasha may be partly good or partly bad. 4. The mahadasha lord or the antara lord lose the blemish of being in dusthanas (6, 8 or 12) or place of debilitation etc if their bindu-wise strength is good. 5. The rajyogas and dhanyogas may slide down below normal due to the deficiency of bindus 7 vice versa. The dasha lord gives best result when it is fortified a bindu by the kakshya lord natally as well as in transit. Ashtakvarga Dasha The first dasha is of the planet which is the strongest of the lagna, the Moon and the Sun. The next dashas are of the planets that are in Kendra from the first dasha lord in the order of their strength; then the planets in panaphara houses; and lastly of the planets in apoklima houses from the first dasha lord. The strengths of the planets are their shadbhal strengths in rupas. The dasha period is equal to the longevity obtained in respect of the planet. The antardashas are as follows: a) Half of the main planet’s period is contributed by the planet which may be in conjunction with it. b) Next in sequence is the antardashas of planets in the 9th and 5th houses from the mahadasha lord in proportion of 1/3rd of its period. c) Next is of the planet in the 7th from the mahadasha lord in proportion of 1/7th of its period. d) ) Next is of the planet in the 8th & 4th from the mahadasha lord in proportion of 1/4th of its period. If there are more than one planet in a house, the antardasha of the strongest planet only should be taken into account. Kakshya for closer timing 1. When a planet transits a sign having high no. of bindus in its own a.v., the time has come for the fruition of the results pertaining to the house corresponding to that sign. 2. A further narrowing down of time of fruition of a promise in the horoscope is found by noticing the kakshya in which the planet is travelling. If the kakshya lord has contributed a bindu in the a.v. of the planet in that sign, then the auspicious results of the house corresponding to that sign will take place. 3. When more planets simultaneously transit the kakshyas of the planets that have contributed bindus in the respective a.v., increasingly good results may be obtained. When several planets pass through the kakshyas, the lords of which have not contributed a bindu, such a period can be devastating, especially if the dasha also is unfavourable. 4. A planet in transit in a sign offers results a) due to its karakatwa, e.g. Sun for father, sptritual matters, personal influence or royal favours. b) due to location from Lagna at the time of transit e.g. Jupiter in Sagittarius denotes 4th house for Virgo Lagna. c) due to location from the kakshya lord’s natal position as reference, e.g. Saturn transiting over Sagittarius in the kakshya of Mercury is 9th from Mercury since the natal pacement of Mercury is Aries. This transit of Saturn would cause results pertaining to the 9th house, the house of fortune. 5. When the transiting planet and the kakshya lords are friends, results are good, e.g. Sa & Me. 6. The transiting planet yields increasingly good results if it visits its friend’s sign, own sign, MT sign or its sign of exaltation. 7. Though the concept of planets transiting in different kakshyas applies to all planets, the analysis is more useful for slow moving planets like Sa & Ju (& Ra). Average time taken by planets to transit a kakshya is Sun: 3.8 d Jupiter: 45 d Mo: 6.8 h Venus: 2.3 d Mars: 7.1 d Saturn; 112 d Mercury: 22 h Rahu (Ketu): 70.8 d 8. Sadhe sati - In its entire sojourn over the 12th, 1st & 2nd houses from the natal Moon, whenever Saturn passes through the kakshya of a lord who has contributed a bindi in Saturn’s a.v., the results are favourable, otherwise not. 9. Dasha – find out the kakshyas occupied by the dasha (or antardasha) lords in the natal chart. If the kakshya lord has contributed a bindu in the respective dasha lord’s a.v. in the sign occupied by the lord in the natal chart, then the natural propensity of the dasha lord is to do good in its entire period. 10. Dasha lord’ transit – For more pointed timing of events, find out which kakshya the dasha lords are presently transiting and whether the kakshya lords have obliged by contributing a bindu or not in the sign being transited. When natal analysis & transit analysis both are positive, very good results of the dasha may be expected. 11. A native leads a smooth life with few ups & downs if majority of the planets in his nativity are in kakshyas whose lords have contributed a bindu in the a.v. of the planet concerned. Important Transits Ashtakavarga is an intricate method to determine the auspiciousness of the transits. It helps to understand for each Graha which portions of the 360 degree zodiac will be favorable and unfavorable for a particular person. Ashtakavarga is a very sophisticated and unique transit system. There is nothing else like it anywhere in the world. In Vedic Astrology, there is such a plethora of techniques to choose from. According to Parasara, to make the process of prediction a lot simpler, Ashtakavarga can be used. To practice Ashtakavarga effectively, it is important to be very familiar with the qualities and actions of each planet as a karaka and the qualities and actions of each house. This is the key. In Ashtakavarga, Varga charts are not used. Analysis of the chart and making the perfect predictions requires mixing of different methods of judging the horoscope. Ashtakavarga is the system of analyzing chart with respect to 8 reference points. In general, the chart is analyzed with only one reference point i.e. the rising ascendant. When the position of the planet is analyzed with respect to the Lagna we depict the good and bad placement of the planet. For example, Jupiter in the 9th is considered to be well placed while placement in the 3rd is considered to be bad. In the same way placement of Mars in the 3rd which is the Lagna ( rising ascendant) is considered to be good whereas placement in the 9th is considered to be bad. However, Lagna is not only the point of reference. The reference is also drawn from all the planets i.e. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. Based on the houses in which the different planets are placed in the transit the benefic and malefic results are drawn. Let us suppose that the Sun is in Cancer in the horoscope. After six months, Sun will not be in cancer but will be in Sagittarius or Capricorn and in each succeeding months the Sun transits in different angular positions with respect to its original position at birth and those of the other planets. The Ashtakavarga Table is prepared using dots and dash. To denote the benefic places in the Ashtakavarga table zero(0) i.e. dot is used. To denote the malefic places dot lines(--) dash is used. Planets in Upchaya ( 3,6,10,11) places, in friendly and own houses or exaltation signs produce benefic effects if such houses contain more benefic dots for the planets than malefic ones. When planets pass through Apchaya houses (1,2,4,5,7,8,9,12 from Lagna) or unfriendly or depression signs produce malefic effects fully. The Upchaya and Apchaya houses must be reckoned with respect to the Ascendant or Moon and not from other planetary positions. This Ashtakvarga table can be made clear by illustrating the position of the Sun in a horoscope. The Sun is considered auspicious in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses from himself. The same is the condition for Mars and Saturn. The Sun is auspicious in the 5th, 6th, 9th and 11th from Jupiter. The Sun is auspicious in 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th from moon. The Sun is auspicious in 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses from Mercury. The Sun is auspicious in 6th, 7th and 12th houses from Venus. The Sun is considered auspicious in 3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th, 11th and 12th. houses from asecendant. Hence, the total are 48 points. If the Sun is placed in Cancer in the birth chart then will mark dot i.e Zero(0) in houses i.e. Cancer, Leo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus. in the remaining houses we will place dash i.e. dot line(--). In the similar manner the tables for the Sun is drawn with reference to other planets and the Ascendant. This gives us eight tables. Now, finally the 9th table is made placing all the dots and dashes in various houses that is Aries, Taurus etc. More dots(0) in a house means more auspicious effects when Sun transits in that Rashi while more (--) means inauspicious effects during the Sun’s transits in that house. So, Ashtakavarga system is essentially the table that illustrates the position of Lagna and seven other planets with respect to each other and depicts the good and bad results in reference to the Gochar or transitions of the planets. This can be used to analyze the strength of the Natal chart and moreover it can also be used analyze the good and bad results of transits. The basic principle in Ashtakavarga is that each Graha in the natal chart acts like a lagna, and that the 12 houses can be counted from that Graha. Transitting Grahas pass through those 12 houses as counted from each of the natal Grahas. A number of tables detail for each natal Graha-transit Graha combination, which houses are favorable and which are unfavorable. Excluding Rahu and Ketu, but including the Ascendant, that gives 8 Lagnas to count from. A favorable place is marked with "Bindu" and an unfavorable place with a "Rekha". Every sign the transitting Graha could pass through is rated for all these 8 lagnas, getting a score between 0 and 8 Bindus. A sign with a score of 0 bindus would mean that the sign is in an unfavorable house position from the Lagna and all of the 7 natal Grahas, and the transit is highly unfavorable. In the other extreme, a sign with 8 bindus is favorable from all natal positions and the transit will be most favorable. The pattern is unique for each transitting Graha, so one and the same sign may be favorable for one but unfavorable for another Graha. When a table is made for a Graha in transit, showing the individual bindus for each sign from each natal Graha, it is called Bhinnashtakavarga. Bhinnashtakavarga for all the seven planets and the Lagna (ascendant) has been depicted in the Bhinnashtakavarga #1 and Bhinnashtakavarga #2 reports. When the Bindus are added up per sign, giving a score of 0-8, it is called Sarvashtakavarga. Finally, one can add up all Sarvashtakavarga scores for a particular sign, and get a score up to 56. This is called Samudayashtakavarga. It has been depicted in the Samudayashtakavarga report. A high score in samudayashtakavarga means that the average transit will be favorable in that sign. Because that sign also corresponds to a particular house in the natal chart, the corresponding house will be favorable as a result of "hosting" all those favorable transits. In summary, the purpose of Ashtakavarga is to identify favorable and unfavorable transits. As an extra feature it can be used to evaluate the auspiciousness/strength of the houses. Even though the bindus as obtained from the 8 points of reference are added up to one score, Ashtakavarga does consider them separate as well. Each sign is divided in 8 equal sections, "kakshas". Each kaksha is ruled by one Graha, in the order from slowest to fastest velocity. The first kaksha is ruled by Saturn, and when the transitting Graha passes through this kaksha, the bindu (or lack of bindu) as per the house position relative to the natal Saturn is felt. When the Graha passed through the second kaksha, ruled by Jupiter, that time will be good or bad according to the house position relative to natal Jupiter. A transit of a planet through a Sign has many layers of meanings. For example, when Jupiter is transiting a Sign, you judge the effect of Jupiter transiting to all the planets plus the Ascendant. You judge the transit of Jupiter to not only the natal Moon, as in Gochara, but also to the natal Sun, natal Mars, natal Mercury, natal Jupiter, natal Venus, natal Saturn and the Ascendant. The transit of Jupiter is judged from eight places, hence the name of Ashtaka (Eight) Varga (Divisions). A planet is favorable or unfavorable from where it is transiting from a particular planet. Ashtakavarga is more important than Gochara. It is a more precise measurement because it measures a planet’s strength from every planet, not just the Moon. Gochara is just 1/8 of Ashtakavarga. If a planet is transiting a house with high points in Ashtakavarga, but a bad house from the Moon (Gochara), then the results of Ashtakavarga trump the results obtained from Gochara. For example, Saturn transiting the 12th, 1st and 2nd from the Moon is considered inauspicious, but Saturn may be very auspicious in other respects, as in the case of Saturn transiting a house with high Ashtakavaraga points. In this case, Saturn would be able to perform very well and give auspicious results. Ashtakavarga takes a more accurate and holistic look at the transiting planets than just those transits from the natal Moon. A planet transits a sign. Based on this placement, it either receives a 1 or a 0 depending on whether it is auspicious or inauspicious from a certain planet. For example, Saturn transits Aries and in the birth chart, Saturn is in Cancer. Saturn in the 10th from itself is not auspicious, so Aries received 0 points. Whenever a planet is transiting a sign with low points, low points being below 4, it is always going to give trouble to that sign and trouble to the planet’s significations. 0, 1, 2, or 3 points = Bad; 4 points =Average; 5, 6, 7, or 8 points = Good. Jupiter will tend to have more than 4 pts in every sign. Saturn will rarely have more than 4. Jupiter and Venus are favorable in transit to most planets and Saturn is unfavorable in transit to most planets. When a planet transits a house where it gives more than 4 points, then it will affect that house and its inherent significations positively. The most important planets to watch for transits are Saturn, Jupiter, and the dasa lord. If you want to know about a specific area of life, like for example vehicles, you would also look at the transit of the house lord. For vehicles, watch the transit of the 4th lord and Venus. When these two planets transit houses that have 4 or more points, then you will have auspicious experiences with vehicles. When these two planets transit a house with 3 or less points, a person would have inauspicious experiences with vehicles. The house from the karaka is always a pertinent house. For example, Jupiter rules many things like wealth, income, children, well-being of the husband for a woman. The 2nd house is wealth, the 11th house is income, the 5th house is children and the 7th house is the husband. The 2nd house from Jupiter will be an important house for wealth. The 11th house from Jupiter will be an important house for income. The 5th house from Jupiter will be an important house for children. The 9th house from Jupiter will be an important house for knowledge. Let us say Jupiter is in Libra. So Scorpio will become an important house for wealth. However, in the Ashtakavarga system, it is a little more tricky than simply just looking at the house from the karaka. We must find the sensitive houses of transit for each planet. To do this, it is necessary to find something called the Yoga Pinda. It is a rather tedious process to do this by hand and most Vedic Astrological Software will calculate the yoga pinda. The method is also explained in BPHS in chapters 69 – 71. Continuing with Jupiter in Libra as our example, multiply the yoga pinda by the Ashtakavarga points in the sign from Jupiter you want to know about. If you want to know about wealth, take the Ashtakavarga points for Scorpio, the 2nd from Libra. If you want to know about children, take the Asktakavarga points for Aquarius, the 5th from Libra. Take the total of the Ashtakavarga points multiplied by the yoga pinda and divide by 12. The remainder is the number of the sign as counted from Aries. So any planet transiting that sign is a sensitive point when it comes to the significations of that house from the karaka. For example Jupiter has a Yoga pinda of 98. If we want to look at the income, we take the 11th from Jupiter and Jupiter is in a sign of Libra so the 11th from it is Leo. The Ashtaka for Jupiter in Leo is 4, so multiply 4 x 98 = 392. Now divide 392 by 12 = 32 and remainder is 8. So the 8th sign of Scorpio is a very sensitive place in respect to the income for planets to transit. A planet is going to have some effect transiting these sensitive houses based on the method shown above. What type of effect will they have? It depends upon the Ashtakavarga points that the planet has in that house. Using the example above, if a planet is transiting Scorpio and we want to know if that planet will harm or help the income, we look to see how many Ashtakavarga points that transiting planet is giving the sign of Scorpio. If it is over 4 points, then the planet will give beneficial results. If it is 3 or less, then there will be some stress experienced when dealing with income. The stress will be through its natural significations and through its lordship of house. For example, if it is Venus transiting Scorpio, then women, vehicles, students and/or the love life will cause stress to the income. Saturn and Jupiter transits are the ones you want to look at first. Saturn and Jupiter are planets that orient us toward our destiny. When Jupiter is transiting, then it is making us look forward to that realm of life and expanding that realm of life. Saturn transiting will force us to face that area of life and we will have a lot of responsibilities in that area of life even if we do not want them. Saturn is our duty and responsibilities and Jupiter is our excitement and hope. In any sign Jupiter is in, it will open us up to any possibilities of that house. Jupiter makes us expand in that direction. Saturn closes us off and narrows the path. As stated above, to ascertain if Saturn or Jupiter will be good in transit, you must assess the number of points the planet is giving to the Sign. Let’s take Venus for relationships. In this example, Venus occupies Aries, so we take the 7th from Venus which is Libra. The yoga pinda for Venus = 96. The Ashtakavarga points for Venus in Libra is 5. 5 x 96 = 480. Divide this by 12 = 40 and there is no remainder. If there is no remainder then we take 12 as the number of the sign. This is Pisces, therefore when planets are transiting Pisces, they influence the relationship life because Pisces is a sensitive house for relationships. The 2nd from Venus is healthy and nourishing food. The 4th from Venus is the swimming pool and interior decoration. 4th from Venus also has to do with automobiles. Home is 4th from Mars. Every planet is a karaka for a bhava but some are less important than others. When the Sun transits a sensitive bhava (house), that indicates the month that the relative event will happen. The Sun is a timing system. You can also use the Moon to time the event within 2 and a half days. Jupiter indicates the year that an event could happen. Saturn is important in timing when something leaves our life or when we are forced into responsibilities regarding the house from the karaka Saturn is transiting. When Saturn transits sensitive points, usually destiny will force a change on our lives. Mars shows when we have to fight for something. Venus shows when we relax and get nourished. Mercury will show when we will improve upon that thing. The Lagna can be used for timing the 2 hour period. Not only is the sign in question a sensitive point but also the trines to that sign. For example, for income, the sensitive sign for that is Scorpio, so Scorpio’s trines, Pisces and Cancer are also sensitive places for income. Also look at the Mahadasa lord and where he is transiting. He will have an important impact on life events. Treat it like Jupiter. He will stimulate and expand that house when the dasa lord passes through that house or its trines. Everything that has just been written about Ashtakavarga for the signs can also be applied to the Nakshatras. In the yoga pinda method of finding the sensitive Nakshatras, instead of dividing by 12 we divide by 27. Classical texts tell us to look at the 8th from Saturn. When a planets transits the sensitive signs for the 8th house from Saturn, it can be difficult time for the health and physical well-being of the native. Results of Planetary Transits If in a horoscope any of the houses contain benefic dots more than 28 then whenever a planet transits that house the native will experience the benefic results governed to that house and will be in proportion to the extent of the number of benefic dots. If the case is reverse i.e. if the benefic dots are less than 28 then during the transit of any planet through that house the native will experience the bad results governed by that house. Similarly if more number of planets is transiting the house then the native will experience the good or bad results in direct proportion to the amount of excess or less benefic dots. In the houses which contain more number of benefic dots, and if at the same time more number of planets are transiting those houses then any work commenced during that time will be successful. Whenever Sun passes through the house containing more number of benefic dots; in that month and in the same way determine the day by the passage of Moon if important works are commenced on that day it is certain that the works commenced shall be successful without any hindrance and shall give good results. Take the zodiacal sign in which there are maximum number of benefic dots; if one commences work during the rise of that zodiacal sign (rapt conjunction) one gets complete success. As the houses/zodiacal signs containing maximum number of benefic dots are good for certain work in the same way the houses/zodiacal signs containing minimum number of benefic dots are good for other work. For example, if the native wants to go for the examinations of certain disease or say if the native wants to borrow or lend money then if such act is done during the time those houses/zodiacal signs which contain minimum number of benefic dots are rising it will prove beneficial. Since such work gets destroyed in a short time. It means that the disease will get cured, money landed is returned or one is able to return the money if borrowed. The above points are very important in a man’s daily life. Can Ashtakavarga be related to Transit of Planets? Yes of course. Whenever a Transit of a major planet happens (Jupiter or Saturn) the first thing that you need to do is look into the relevant Ashtakavarga. If the score is low and position-wise the transit is unfavourable then surely the said transit will affect the person adversely. Following is the Ashtakvaraga of Saturn for person born in Virgo Moon Sign (Kanya Rasi). This means that the person will have Moon (Chandra) in Virgo which is the bottom right corner in any horoscope. Saturn Ashtakavarga 5 Libra 3 Leo 0 Virgo You may be aware that currently Saturn occupies Virgo (Kanya). So all the people born in the moon sign of Virgo is undergoing Sade-Sati (the popular 7 ½ years Sani). Will such a Saturn give the same level of difficulty for all the millions of people born in Virgo? No and that is because the Ashtakavarga scores are all different for all the people. In the above chart we find that in Virgo the score is 0. That means this person is going to have a tough time due to the transit of Saturn. In the next chart we see the Saturn Ashtakavarga for another person. Saturn Ashtakavarga 1 Leo 3 Libra 5 Virgo Moon For such a person, the current transit of Saturn will not cause the adverse results because this person has obtained 5 points in the sign of Virgo. Whereas the same person may have gone through much suffering during the previous transit of Saturn when Saturn occupied Leo (Simha). The score in the Saturn Ashtakavarga chart may vary from 0 to 7. So there are 8 scores possible in any house. If we consider all the millions of people born in the sign of Virgo we know that all of them are under the general challenging effects of Sade-Sati. But the Ashtakavarga scores will vary for all of them. The possibilities are 8 x 8 x 8 patterns and that is equal to 512. So there are 512 different groups within the millions of people born with Virgo as their Moon sign. That is why for some people the trouble starts as soon as Sade-Sati begins, for some it is in the middle part of the 7 ½ years phase and for some the challenges increase in the last part. Each part is approximately 2 ½ years. For some there will be no trouble because the 3 signs have points greater than 5. Such a person is likely to tell others that there is no such thing as Saturn effect or Sade-Sati not knowing that their own karma carried forward from past life actions has protected them. So here is the method. First determine if a transit is expected to be favourable or not. For example when the Transit of Jupiter happens on the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th or the 11th house it is said that such a transit is favorable. Once that is known check out from the Ashtakavarga of Jupiter and note down the score obtained in the sign that Jupiter has moved into. If the score is higher than 4 then the good transit of Jupiter will surely give good results. If the score is less than 4 then the promised good result may not happen. This approach can be used for any planet. However since the Transit of Jupiter and Saturn is the most often discussed transit at least you should have the Ashtakavarga of these 2 mighty planets. So the next time you study the effects of Transit of Saturn or Jupiter keep the Ashtakavarga charts in front of you or your Astrologer. Parasara In this method we can get to know the strengths of each planet and strengths of each bhava. Each planet can give a maximum of 8 benefic points and seven planets and treating lagna also as a planet as per Parasara, can give a maximum of 64 points to each bhava. The Bhava having more than 40 benefic points results in giving excellent results.The bhava having more than 35 points is good and the one having more than 30 points is average in giving the results.If the Benefic points is less than 30 then it results in struggles for the bhava in focus. For example: If the 10 th house of profession has more than 40 points and the 5 th house of power and intelligence has 30 points then we have to deduce that the native will have a stable career and will be in a supervisory role. The strengths of each bhava gives the exact nature of the results the native is going to derive. Examples: 1. If the native has 25 points in the 7th bhava then it is definite that he might face problems with his partners and spouse. If the native starts a partnership business then it is for sure that either he will be having trouble with his partners or he will be dominated by his partners resulting in dissatisfaction. 2. If the native has 40 points in his 8th house he will be definitely deriving benefits from insurance companies, will be having a rich spouse comparatively ,a long life, very good intuition and will not have any unexpected troubles all through his life. The results of each bhava can be thus derived. Astakavarga: A snapshot The following section provides methods to judge a horoscope with the help of Astakavarga. These are taken from Immortal Classic Prasna Margam and give vital clues to judge the horoscope of a native with a holistic view. I am sure the readers would not find it difficult to understand as they are pretty clear and concise. Ashtakavarga System - Some Observations An analysis of the Bhava chalita chart along with Ashtakavarga gives an excellent insight into the native's life. In continuation to my earlier post in this context i would like to put forth my experience on the use of this system.I can definitely say, simply reading the Sarvashtaka varga and the Bhinnashtakavarga scores one can easily determine the life pattern of the native in various perspectives whose chart is under study. My preferences : Software: Jagannatha Hora House system : Lagna is the middle point of the first house and Parasara's ashtaka varga principles. (Default Jagannatha Hora settings) I prefer to first, have a look at the Sarvaashtaka varga of the Bhava Chalita Chart and decide upon the class of the chart. The pointers to look for in any chart under study: 1.Sarvaashtakavarga scores of each of the bhavas are to be looked upon to see which bhava is the strongest and which is the weakest. The bhavas having weakest scores are the areas where the native will suffer in his life time.When will the effects be felt will have to be studied as per the transits and Vimsottari Dasa or the applicable conditional dasas. If the 10 th house has 40 or more points the native is definitely going to have positive results in his career.But if we study the 5th house of Power,along with the 10th house and if that too contains 40 points we can deduce the native will be in a high profile profession.The natives who have this kind of a combination are generally observed to be in Politics or IAS /IPS etc. In this context i would like to add that the concept of Bhavath Bhavam is very useful.I mean wealth of the spouse can be studied from the 8th as it is the 2nd house from the 7th. 8th house is also studied for longevity,debts,diseases,ill fame etc.If the house has more than 35 score then we can say that the spouse of the native will be moderately wealthy.If the native has 40 points in his second bhava and the 8 th house has 35 points then we can deduce that the native is more wealthier than his spouse. Also if the SAV strength of the Lagna is 35 and the same for the third bhava is 40, then the brother of the native will definitely be better than the native. If the SAV Strength of the 9th bhava is above 40 points signifies that the religious inclination of the native will be very high. 2.Bhinnashtakavarga scores of each planet The Sum of the Bhinnaashtakavarga strengths of Jupiter and Saturn if both put together is more than 8, then the native will be having more than satisfactory results overall in his life time,as both planets are the most influential planets in any horoscope. As per Krushna's Ashtakavarga system the planet having more than 4 points in its bhinnashtakavarga are to be treated as benefic/exalted planets irrespective of their placement. Bhinnashtakavarga scores also help in determining the nature of results the planet is inclined to give in its Vimsottari dasa.The planet having 6 points in its BAV will give results of an exalted planet its dasa.How ever this has to be studied along with other indicators like Ishta-Kashta Phala etc The above pointers give an insight into the life of the native as a whole. Ashtakavarga and Planetary Transits: Studying transits is not complete with out considering the bhinnashtakavarga strength of the planet under study.For example: If Saturn is transiting Aries and if it is 8th house from moon, its debilitation raasi and Saturn has 4 points in Aries,then we can deduce that Saturn is beneficial in 4 kakshyas out of the 8 kakshyas in raasi even though the transit of 8 th house is very bad. Saturn will be beneficial in the kakshyas of the planets who have contributed a point in that raasi. The sum of the Bhinnashtakavarga score of Jupiter and Saturn in the raasis in which they are in transit,gives the level of positive or negative trends in the natives life in that period. For example: Jupiter has 5 points in Aries where it is currently transiting and Saturn has 5 points in Virgo where it is currently transiting,the sum is 10 out of 16 which is 62.5% favourable trends in the current transit. Ashtakavarga and Rasi Dasas The SAV Score of the raasi whose dasa is running will greatly help in quantifying the results of that rasi. Ashtakavarga and Divisional charts: In my experience,the ashtakavarga system seems to work very well in the divisional charts too.For example, if Saturn is transiting a raasi containing 40 points in the D16 chart and has BAV of 4 points or more,the native will definitely acquire a vehicle. Divisional Charts - Transits - Ashtakavarga In my experience of reading into some considerable number of charts , i am of the view that Divisional charts are to be treated on par with the Rasi chart. These charts have to be used to analyse the different aspects of life of any native. Though not supported by any classic, i am of the view that Transits and ashtakavargas of Divisional charts have to be used in interpreting horoscopes. Example: Steve Jobs ,CEO Apple Inc (source from astro data bank,_Steve) Date of Birth: February 24, 1955 Time of Birth: 19:15 Place of Birth: San Francisco, California, USA Above are the D6, D10 and their ashtakavargas derived from the horoscope of Steve Jobs Ayanamsa Used : Lahiri Here i am trying to give an overview analysis of his chart using simple ashtakavarga techniques,D Charts and Saturn Transits.I am not analysing the chart from the vimsottari dasa point of view. Most of us would know that Steve Jobs has resigned from Apple in April this year as he is suffering from pancreatic Cancer. He has been dignosed with this disease in 2003 itself but could manage till now with a surgery & Liver transplantation. In 2003,Saturn was transiting Gemini. From the above D6 and D10 charts and their respective ashtakavarga it can seen that D6 has 33 SAV score in Gemini and D10 has 24 in Gemini when he was first diagnosed as having the disease.He had about 60% favourable transit in D6 and 43% favorable transit in D10.Hence even though he had health trouble he could overcome it by way of surgery and carry on. At present the transit of Saturn is in Virgo. In D6 he has a Score of 22 in virgo and in D10 he has a SAV Score of 23. These two scores clearly indicate his present problems health wise and also Career wise. In Raasi Chart too Virgo has an SAV Score of 24 showing turbulence in life in general. These indicators only give an overview and for specific results we have to make finer analysis based on Dasa and antar dasas. The period when Saturn transits a Raasi with more than 30 SAV score will be generally good . This is applicable for every Divisional chart as well. Ashtakavarga - Some important indications Following are some important indications from the Sarvashtakavarga and Bhinnashtakavarga charts which would be of use: 1. When Jupiter transits the rasi where in the Lagna/Ascendant has highest number of Bindus in its BAV would favour the native in acquiring wealth,children and knowledge Best times in the day for certain activities: 2. The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Sun rises is the best time to do fire rituals. 3. The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Moon rises is the best time to take upadesa of mantra. 4. The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Jupiter rises is the best time to do financial transactions and do activities related to Children. The time is also best for attending learning courses,visiting spiritual gurus. 5. The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Venus rises is the best time to plan outing for entertainment,for buying items of comfort and luxuries and vehicles. 6. The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Saturn rises is the best time to start work involving labour. 7. The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Mars rises is the best time to talk to younger Brothers,neighbours,play adventure sports. 8. The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of mercury rises is the best time for sending important communications. Buying Land 9. The direction indicated by the rasi having the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Mars is the best to buy lands. Indications from the Divisional Charts : Find out the aggregates of the BAV scores of all the Planets in each of the divisional charts. As each planet can have a maximum of 8 points,including lagna there would be 8 planets and the total would be 64.Find out the percentage which the aggregate BAV of Divisional chart holds to 64. You can judge which divisional chart is Strong. When Jupiter and Saturn transit the rasis which have the highest number of Bindus in the SAV of the Divisional chart,then that aspect of life represented by the Divisional chart will improve surely. Significations of that divisional chart would improve or suffer accordingly where in there is a jump up or drop down in the SAV scores of two rasis where there were transits of slow moving planets.The changes happen predominantly around the time of the transits. The best times in a person's life can be judged by the transits of slow moving planets through the rasis having highest number of bindus.For example,if the native has a SAV score of 40 in Cancer,Saturn's BAV score being 5,then Saturn's transit through the rasi would result in the native having very positive results with respect to the Bhava it represents in his chart. Muhurtha and Ashtakavarga : The rasi which has a kendra/Trikona relation with the natal ascendant of the native has to be fixed as Muhurtha lagna for the activity. The Rasi having more SAV Score would be more favourable. The Muhurtha lagna should have more than 30 SAV score. The tenth from the muhurtha lagna has to be checked for the SAV Score. If the score is more than 30, then the intended ritual would go on successfully and would give excellent results.The muhurtha had to be fixed such that the BAV Score of most of the planets are above 4.These indications are to be seen in addition to the other standard principles in fixing the Muhurtha. Importance of Muhurta in AshtakVarga: Ashtakvarga is the study of benefic / malefic positions of planet from eight different points. For example, when we say Ashtakvarga of Moon, it actually means a study of benefic positions of Moon from its position and other six sources i.e. Sat. Jup. Mars, Sun, Ven. Merc. And Lagna. Ashtakvarga is used to judge the strength of planet in transit taking natal chart as base, whether planet A is in favourable position from majority of other planets and Lagna. Classical writers even go to the extent of saying that even if a planet is placed in unfavourable position from natal Moon, it will give benefic results if it is strong in Ashtakvarga. This is because Ashtakvarga will take into account not only the favourable position from natal Moon but from other planets’ position also in the natal chart. For Muhurta purposes, one can prepare BAV and SAV from the Muhurta Horoscope and see that activity related houses should be strong in BAV and SAV. For marriage purpose one should ensure the strength of Lagna and 7th house. Similarly one should extend the rule for other Muhurta also. Ch. 53. AshtakaVarga 1. In order to evaluate the auspicious and inauspicious effects in day-to-day life due to planetary transits, Yavanacharyas have explained AshtakaVarga (which are detailed below). 9-10. The places mentioned above are auspicious for the various planets and the others are inauspicious. Planets transiting Signs with more benefic dots will reveal auspicious results, while inauspicious results will come to pass in case of transits in Signs with less benefic dots. Benefic results will be predominant, if these Signs happen to be exaltation, own, friendly etc. and malefic effects will be ordinary. Similarly in debilitation/inimical Signs, malefic results will be more and benefic effects will be ordinary. In giving transit effects, the Sun and Mars will be effective, while in the beginning of the Sign, Jupiter and Venus, while in the middle of the Sign and lastly Saturn and the Moon, while in the end of the Sign. Mercury is effective in his transit through the whole Sign. Ch. 54. Effects Of AshtakaVarga 1. Draw 13 horizontal lines intersected by 9 parallel (horizontally) lines (thus getting 96 squares) noting the names of the 12 Signs from Aries onwards in a rightward manner and the names of the 7 planets and Ascendant in the left hand side vertical columns. Mark the benefic dots for each planets' AshtakaVarga and malefic points (where benefic points are absent), as per the positions told earlier. Controversies: SarvashtakVarga, Total Bindus : 337/386 The controversy relates to the use of 337 or 386 bindus as the total points of SAV (Sarvashtakvarga). The difference comes up due to the inclusion or exclusion of Lagnashtak bindus, whose total points are 49, if added into 337 it becomes 386 points. There are two arguments viz; It should be included: Some Astrologers say that Rishi Prashar has given the Ashtakvarga of Lagna also just as he has given for seven planets, to make it a complete ASHTAK i.e. Eight. Ashtakvargas of the 7 planets does not make duplication since in Lagnashtak, the bindus are contributed by the planets in auspicious place from themselves rather than from Lagna. Lagnashtakvarga is necessary to determine total longevity since the years granted by each planet have to be supplemented by the years granted by Lagna also. It should not be included: In the BAV of each planet the auspicious place from Lagna has also been taken and the bindu added to it with each planet. Lagnashta bindus are almost the same as per given in table. If we include Lagnashtak bindu into SAV bindus then Lagna would be contributing twice which is an unwanted duplication. Lagna is a fixed point and does not transit from one sign to another like the planets do. If Lagnashtak bindu is added to SAV bindus then total points become 386 and the average points for each house will be 32 whereas if we take 337 points average points will be 28, which is accepted to most Astrologers and classical books as a magic figure. We have seen that if the native is running a good dasha and Saturn is transiting in a house with 25 points, we consider that transit will not be bad. Rashi Chart v/s Bhava (Chalit) Chart Some astrologers say that Ashtakvarga should be calculated from Bhava Chart rather than the Rashi Chart. This view has been advocated by Kalyan Verma and Gunakar. The exact degree of Lagna is middle of house and the house extends to 150 in both directions. This concept initiated by Shripati, often changes the house occupied by the planet in the bhava chart, more specially if the Lagna is in either low or high degrees. They say that how can the native has the same fate if Lagna with 10 or 290 is rising at the time of birth. Will the events experienced by both be the same? If not so, Ashtakvarga should be calculated on the basis of Bhava Chart and not Rashi Chart. Certain Yogas are formed with the help of Bhava alone and not Rashi, like Gaj Kesari Yoga etc.The case of twins born a few minutes apart enjoying different fates will be the example. The majority of astrologers does not pay much attention to Bhava Chart and give off their predictionsby seeing the Rashi Chart and the Divisional Chart. Ashtakvarga of Rahu Rishi Parashar has not taken into consideration Rahu’s Ashtakvarga since it is a shadowy planet and has not been allotted ownership of any sign. Probably for this reason, Rahu has not been included in the SAV along with other 7 planets nor has been given lordship of any KAKSHYA. At a later stage only in Shambhu Hora Prakash and some Yavanacharya advocated for it. And one wonders why these acharyas have not given any importance to Ashtakvarga of Ketu. Nevertheless, the BAV of Rahu could be used to see the transit of Rahu and also its Dasha, Antardasha as it commands a dasha of 18 years. But it should not be included in the SAV of 7planets as it is only a shadowy planet. Ashtakvarga Thumb Rules By Late C.S.Patel, India Translation: Dushyant Trivedi, India. Copy Editor: Shahina Begum Meah, U.K. C. S. Patel, how one can describe the Late 92 year old master who still lives among us. How many of us know of astrologers who have truly shared ‘Every Bit’ of their knowledge to all without consideration of caste, creed or sex. Without Vidya blocks of bow to me and only then I would teach, but yes he would test the honesty of the student and then share all. If there was one who understood the meaning of the word Vidya (Education) in its true esoteric and spiritual sense probably Mr Patel’s name would crop up instantly is what those who knew him would say. If Gujarati reading astrologers come forward for translation then many of his unpublished articles would be published here. Ashtakvarga Thumb Rules By Late C.S.Patel, India Translation: Dushyant Trivedi, India. Copy Editor: Shahina Begum Meah, U.K. [SA Publisher: This is an unpublished work of the man who introduced Ashtakvarga in its modern avatar to the Indian Astrological Community way back in 1957 from his path breaking book titled ‘Ashtakvarga’. It was such a path breaking book that whenever we would go and introduce us as friends of C S Patel to senior astrologers they would instantly say ‘Ohh Ashtakvarga’. This article was originally written in Guajarati language and would have not appeared in English, if it was not for the recent pointing out by his student Mr Upendra Singh Bhadoriya who readily gave his copy of the Guajarati printed work & translation by Mr Trivedi. We remain grateful to both of them. The most special part of this article by Late C. S. Patel is that at the end of the article in the paragraph ‘Successful Years’. You would find two marked sentences, one in maroon colour and the other in red colour. The maroon if you observe is the starting basis of Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi (BCP) that we wrote in Vol: 3 – Aug 08 – C. S. Patel Memorial Issue, which means Patel Saheb also knew about the BCP method at least to an extent. The sentence marked in Red is the research we ourselves had done using BCP method & combining it with Ashtakvarga and this was one of the 60 methods that we mentioned would be revealed at a later date, but it seems the 92 year old Master of Ashtakvarga had done that decades ago.] In this article dots or zeros are considered benefics and dash are considered malefic. In an Ashtakvarga horoscope if a planet is at the cusp at the beginning or the end of a zodiacal sign then the results obtained may be doubtful and so will be the case if in a Chalit horoscope when there are two houses in one zodiacal sign or one house containing two zodiacal signs. Hence astrologers are advised to consider the degreecal difference and the zodiacal sign of planets while giving predictions. Ashtakvarga horoscope which consists of 8 columns inclusive of lagna/ascendant and the final 9th column gives the total known as Samudaya Ashtakvarga or Sarvashtakvarga. Some astrologers give predictions based on Bhinnashtakvarga which does not include Lagnashtakvarga (benefic dots based on ascendant) where the total is 337 is not proper. On Ashtakavargas This section is from the book "The Brihat Jataka Of Varaha Mihira", by N. Chidambaram Aiyar.