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Basement Standard




DRAFT MALAYSIAN STANDARD 08D031R0 m en t STAGE : DELIBERATION STAGE(30.20) DATE : 01/02/2011 - 31/03/2011010 Fo rP ub lic C om PLANNING AND DESIGNING FOR BASEMENT PARKING - CODE OF PRACTICE OFFICER/SUPPORT STAFF: (LHT / ) ICS: 91.010.01; 93.010 Descriptors: building, civil engineering, parking © Copyright 2011 DEPARTMENT OF STANDARDS MALAYSIA 08D031R0 CONTENTS Page Committee representation.......................................................................................................... ii Foreword ....................................................................................................................................iii Introduction........................................................................................................................ 1 1 Scope ................................................................................................................................ 1 2 Normative reference .......................................................................................................... 1 3 Terms and definitions ........................................................................................................ 1 4 General planning and design ............................................................................................ 5 5 Flood prone areas ........................................................................................................... 18 6 Parking management ...................................................................................................... 21 C Determination of flood proofing elevation and criteria for allowable maximum flood depth...............................................................................................................19 rP ub lic Table 1 om m en t 0 Figure 1 Minimum clear heights ............................................................................................... 6 Figure 2 Minimum distance at parking entrances and exits from road intersections............... 7 Fo Figure 3 Gradient at the entry/exit areas ................................................................................. 8 Figure 4 Driveway clearance.................................................................................................... 9 Figure 6 Barriers setback ....................................................................................................... 10 Figure 7 Ramp Grades(above) and Ramp Transition (below)............................................... 11 Figure 8 Illustration of the FPE design requirement .............................................................. 19 © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved i 08D031R0 Committee representation The Industry Standards Committee on Building, Construction and Civil Engineering (ISC D) under whose authority this Malaysian Standard was adopted, comprises representatives from the following organisations: m en t Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia Department of Irrigation and Drainage Department of Standards Malaysia Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers Jabatan Bekalan Air Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia Jabatan Kerajaan Tempatan Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan Malaysian Timber Industry Board Master Builders Association Malaysia Ministry of International Trade and Industry Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia SIRIM Berhad (Secretariat) The Chartered Institute of Building Malaysia The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia Universiti Sains Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia C Fo rP ub lic Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia IKRAM QA Services Sdn Bhd Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia KLCC Projek Berhad Master Builders Association Malaysia Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia Putrajaya Holdings Sdn Bhd SIRIM Berhad (Secretariat) SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia The Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia Universiti Teknologi MARA om The Technical Committee on Building Design and Construction which recommended the adoption of the ISO Standard as Malaysian Standard consists of representatives from the following organisations: The Working Group on Planning and Designing for Basement Parking - Code of practice which developed this Malaysian Standard consists of representatives from the following organisations: Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia Department of Irrigation and Drainage IKRAM QA Services Sdn Bhd Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia (Cawangan Arkitek) Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia (Cawangan Elektrik) Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia (Cawangan Mekanikal) Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia SIRIM Berhad (Secretariat) The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia The Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia ii © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 08D031R0 FOREWORD This Malaysian Standard was developed by the Working Group on Planning and Designing for Basement Parking - Code of practice under the authority of the Industry Standard Committee on Building, Construction and Civil Engineering Fo rP ub lic C om m en t Compliance with a Malaysian Standard does not itself confer immunity from legal obligations. © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved iii 08D031R0 PLANNING AND DESIGNING FOR BASEMENT PARKING CODE OF PRACTICE 0 Introduction Basement car parks constitute an important component of metropolitan infrastructure as daily influx of urban workers and city dwellers require large number of parking facilities. Basement car parks will continue to be built, especially for high rise buildings, in highly urbanised areas. However, in recent years, a number of basement car parks have been flooded due to river over spilling and urban flash floods. Great losses have been inflicted upon property owners and hundreds of car owners. Moreover, lives were at stake during these flooding incidences. Scope t 1 Normative reference C 2 om m en This standard specifies the requirements for general planning, designing and operation maintenance of basement parking which included underground multilevel parking and sub basement parking for the 3 tonnes vehicles. This Malaysian Standard serves as the code of practice for provision of safe, secure and flood-free parking. The standard also describes basic parking design which includes flood mitigation, fire protection, electrical and mechanical requirements. rP ub lic The following normative references are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative references (including any amendments apply) a) MS 983; b) MS 619 3 Fo c) Uniform Building by Laws 1984 Terms and definitions For the purpose of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 Annual return interval (ARI) The average elapsed time in years between floods of a given size occurring. 3.2 basement Storey entirely below the ground level. 3.3 basement parking The parking space that operates below the ground level. © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 1 08D031R0 3.4 break glass A manual device to trigger the fire alarm. 3.5 dead-end limit An area from which escape is possible in one direction only and in an open plan includes any points from which the direct routes to alternatives exists subtend and angle of less than 45°. 3.6 dry riser A vertical water main which is normally dry, of an appropriate size, and fitted with hydrant outlets which can be charged with water by the Fire authority’s pumps via a fire service inlet and shall comply with UBBL 1984. escape route en t 3.7 3.8 om m A route by which persons in any storeys of building may reach a place of safety outside the building and may include a room, doorway corridor, stair way, or other means of passage not being revolving door, lift or escalator. escape staircase rP ub 3.9+ emergency lighting lic C A staircase designated as a recognised means of access into the building for firemen in the event of a fire. Lighting fixture which light up upon failure normal lighting to facilitate evacuation. 3.10 fire compartmentation Fo Any parts of a building which is separated from all other parts by one or more compartment walls or compartment floors or by both such walls and floors and for the pupose of the part, if any part of the top storey of a building is within a compartment shall also include any room space above such part of the top storey. 3.11 fireman’s intercom A communication system for fireman to use during fire. 3.12 fire fighting lobby A lobby separated from the storey it serves by construction of a fire resistance period of at least half hour, directly accessible from a fire fighting staircase and a fire lift and containing a dry and wet riser. 2 © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 08D031R0 3.13 fireman’s switch A switch located adjacent to the fire lift by the designated floor to enable the fire brigade to gain control of the fire lifts. 3.14 flood door Flood proof door providing complete protection while still allowing access under normal condition. 3.15 flood gate t Mechanical gate designed to stop water flow from entering the underground parking. en 3.16 flood proofing elevation (FPE) om m A level before a flood event happen, which the level protect against the damaging effects of floods. 3.17 flood risk assessment (FRA) 3.18 hydrologic computation lic C A study of the chance of experiencing a flood, expressed in terms of the return period. 3.19 hydrograph rP ub Calculation of the rainfall and runoff process and relates to the derivation of hydrograph for given floods. Fo A graph that shows for a particular location, the variation with time of discharge (discharge hydrograph) or water level (stage hydrograph)during a course of a flood. 3.20 hydraulic computation Calculation of water flow; in particular the evaluation of flow parameters. 3.21 lift pit Chamber below floor level underneath the lift system. 3.22 parking area Area that is prepared and intended for the parking of vehicles. 3.23 parking bay Area that is prepared and intended for the parking of single vehicle. © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 3 08D031R0 3.24 public address (PA) system A system for making public announcement. 3.25 ramp Length of inclined surface that provides access between two levels. 3.26 road marking Line, symbol or other mark on a road surface intended to regulate, warn, guide or inform users. 3.27 signage en t Device on which a sign is conveyed. m 3.28 smoke extractor om An exhaust fan to extract smoke from building. 3.29 smoke lobby lic C A protected lobby being the approach to a staircase and which acts as a fire and smoke check between a strorey and the staircase. rP ub 3.30 speed hump A raised area across a roadway with a rounded top to slow down vehicles gently the speed of vehicles. 3.31 speed bump Fo A significantly smaller size than speed hump with a rounded top to slow down abruptly the speed of vehicles. 3.32 sprinkler system installation An installation of water supplies, pump, pipes, valves and delivery points so arranged as to automatically detect a fire and attack it with water, sound an alarm and installed in accordance with the current FOC rules for automatic installations or other approved standards. 3.33 sub-basement Storey partially below ground level. 3.34 submersible pump The pump which operates underwater. 4 © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 08D031R0 3.35 sump Recess or small chamber into which liquid is drained to facilitate its removal. 3.36 wet riser Any permanently charged vertical water main installed for fire- fighting purpose, of an appropriate size and fitted with connections suitable for use by the Fire authority and to comply with the UBBL 1984. 4 General planning and design Planning requirement m 4.1 en t This section outlines the planning and design requirements for basement car parking. The factors such as area and site location, the arrangement of car parking spaces, type of traffic involved, public amenities shall be considered. om 4.1.1 Generally the planning of the basement parking shall consider the following criteria; safety in use, clear visibility, parking space marking to enable drivers to remember the location of their vehicles , integration into the context of town planning, ventilation and lighting. lic C 4.1.2 Traffic flow lane including ingress, egress and within the basement parking shall be conducive and safe to the user. Traffic flow including ingress and egress of the basement parking shall not cause any congestion to any traffic. rP ub 4.1.3 Provision for pedestrian movement in the car park shall be provided. Such provisions shall include safety, conducive and convenient to the pedestrian. 4.2 Fo 4.1.4 Parking structures of three stories or more shall incorporate at least two units of Passenger elevators. Additional elevators are required for a structure accommodating 500 or more parking stalls. Basic design requirement Parking structures should be designed as an integral component of the coordinated site plan and architectural theme. 4.2.1 Structural requirement The requirement of structural design for basement parking which include foundation, beams, columns, and slabs shall accommodate vehicle circulation and parking. The standard substructure foundation shall comply with the good engineering practice. 4.2.2 Location of support columns. The edge of structure support columns shall be located a minimum of 0.8 m and a maximum of 1.2 m from the parking aisle and shall not be located within the area of a parking stall. Distance between columns shall be assured to fit the maximum amount of vehicles. © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 5 08D031R0 4.2.3 Internal circulation. Where possible, the internal circulation of vehicles in a parking structure should be designed to flow in a counter-clockwise direction. 4.2.4 Drainage Proper floor drainage shall be taken into consideration to avoid water ponding. A minimum of slope of 1.5% shall be applied. Trench drains with appropriate covers shall be provided at all vehicle entrance/exit points, sand and oil traps at all storm drain discharge points, and floor area drains at every low point for water runoff . 4.2.5 Sustainability. Traffic management m 4.2.6 en t Buildings use resources such as energy, water and raw materials, should be considered in minimizing their impact on the environment. Minimum clear heights C 4.2.7 om Traffic management strategy around and to the building shall be considered to maintain smooth flow and does not cause long periods of idle standing in the parking area. Fo rP ub lic The minimum clear height from the floor to the lowest ceiling structure, support beam, or overhead fixture, such as a conduit, pipeline, signage, lighting, or any other obstruction mounted shall be not less than 2.3 m. Figure 1. Minimum clear heights 6 © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 08D031R0 4.2.8 Disabled requirement The requirement for disabled person facilities shall be provided in accordance with the requirement of MS 1331 and MS 1184. 4.2.9 Vehicular entrance and exit lanes Entrances and exits should be designed to allow for easy maneuverability of vehicle traffic. Vehicle entrance and exit shall be visible and easily identifiable. Entrances and exits shall have clear lines of sight. Consideration shall be given to acceleration/deceleration lanes on busy streets. Cross traffic at entry/exits shall be avoided. The minimum distance at parking entrances and exits from road intersections shall not be less than 30 m.(see Figure 2) en t Provisions should be made to allow for installation of access control equipment. All entrance/exit medians must be able to accommodate automatic or manually operated booths. Fo rP ub lic C om m Any access control equipment where provided shall be located 12m from the road intersection or far enough away from the street to allow at least one vehicle behind the vehicle in service position (at ticket dispenser, card reader or cashier booth) without blocking the street/side walk (see Figure 2) Figure 2. Minimum distance at parking entrances and exits from road intersections The gradient at the entry/exit areas where the parking control equipment is provided shall not be more than 3%. All exits shall be provided minimum 6 m of car landing.(see Figure 3) © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 7 08D031R0 Figure 3. Gradient at the entry/exit areas Appropriate number of entry/exit lanes shall be provided to meet the peak traffic volumes. Queuing analysis shall be made to determine sufficient entry and exit capabilities. t Pedestrian/vehicular conflicts shall be avoided. Pedestrian walkway shall be provided adjacent to entry/exit lanes. Location of stairs/elevator shall take into consideration the pedestrian crossing the aisles to main entrance en 4.2.10 Parking bay layout om m Parking efficiency shall be calculated considering the total parking structure size including the stairs and elevators and non parking ramps. C The number of car parking bays shall be provided and complied to local authority requirement. rP ub 4.2.11 Parking space geometrics lic In general 32.5 m² per vehicle shall be used as the basis for calculation to determine the parking area which includes space for access, sight lines, turning and maneuvering. Parking space dimensions shall be as follows; Space Size 2.5m x 5.5m Motorcycle 0.7m x 2.2m Minimum lateral car parking 2.5 x 6.0m Fo Standard space 4.2.12 Stalls The area within stalls shall be flat and free from column, kerbs and other encumbrances. Each stall has to be marked on the surface of the parking area. 4.2.13 Driveway All beams at driveways shall not be more than 150 mm from the soffit of the above slab. Any driveway providing access to a parking structure shall have a minimum width of 9m. If a toll or fee booth is located in the driveway area, the driveways on either side of the booth shall have a minimum width of 4.3 m. A sidewalk with a minimum width of 2 m shall be provided adjacent to the entrance driveway. Figure 4 8 © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved m Figure 4. Driveway clearance en t 08D031R0 om The dead end driveways is permissible provided driveways width shall not less than 10 m allow turning and maneuvering. C All the structures along the car parking spaces shall be setback 600 mm away from the building. Fo rP ub lic When the side of any parking stall abuts a building, fence, wall, support column or other obstruction which would interfere in any way with access to a motor vehicle, the width of the stall shall be at least 3m (see Figure 5). Figure 5. Parking setback © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 9 08D031R0 4.2.14 Barriers t Where cars are parked face to face, or where parking bays butting the structure, wheel kerb shall be provided at least 1.1 m away transverse barriers about 100 mm high shall be used as frontal stops. (see Figure 6 en Figure 6. Barriers setback m 4.2.15 Aisle width om Aisle width shall be as follows; One direction Traffic 90 6.0m 7.3m 60 4.8m 6.7m 4.2m 6.7m lic C Parking angle 30 Lateral 3.7m 6.0m 3.7 6.0 m Fo 4.2.16 Ramp rP ub 45 Two Direction Traffic Ramps provided shall conform to the following minimum design standard as follows; a) Parking floor and ramp grades. The parking areas of sloped floor parking structures shall not exceed a grade of five (5) percent as measured across the width of a 90 degree parking stall. The grade of a straight internal ramp shall not exceed fifteen (15) percent. The grade of a circular ramp shall not exceed twelve (12) percent as measured at the outside ramp wall. b) Ramp transitions. All ramps shall be provided with transition zones at the top and bottom and every floor levels of the ramp. Ramps with a grade of ten (10) percent or less shall have a transition zone at least 3m in length. Ramps with a grade of greater than ten (10) percent shall have transition zones at least 5 m in length. The grade of a transition zone landing shall not exceed 1/2 the grade of the ramp it serves. (see Figure 7) 10 © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved C om m en t 08D031R0 lic Figure 7. Ramp Grades(above) and Ramp Transition (below) rP ub 4.2.15 Turning circle Inner turning circle shall not be less 11.7 m with an additional 1.0 m for vehicle front overhang. 4.2.17 Ramps widths Ramp system Fo Clear ramps width shall be as follows: Width Gradients Straight ,parallel and continuous 3 m per lane Not more than 15% Curves ,spiral 3.7 m per lane Transverse gradient more than 4% a) A horizontal run of more than 5 m shall be included between an area carrying general traffic and ramp more than 5% gradient. For car ramps the run must be more than 3 m long, with ramps up to 10%; b) Minimum inside radius of lane shall be 5.0 m; c) Ramp for two routes for two ways shall be separated by a kerb that is 0.15 m high and 0.5 m wide; and © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 11 08D031R0 d) Both sides of guard-wall of ramps are recommended split or wheel curve to be splayed corner intended preventing vehicles from being damaged as a result of friction between two ends of the walls, and towards to ends of the walls alone. 4.2.18 Pedestrian pathway Provision for pedestrian movement in the car park must be provided. Such provision shall include safety, comfort and convenience to the pedestrian. The pedestrian path shall be routed and designed so as to provide maximum degree of separation between pedestrian and vehicular circulation. Pedestrian path provided shall be 600 mm width and shall be adequately marked. 4.2.19 Speed bump en t Speeds bump shall be provided for the purpose of slowing traffic in the parking area to reduce the negative effects of traffic flow, alter driver behavior, and improve safety for other users. m The design and installation of this speed bump shall refer to local authority regulation. om 4.2.20 Other facilities and requirements C A main lobby shall provide the facilities such as public phones, automatic pay machines, rubbish bins, an office/kiosk/control room furnished with toilets and lockers (for staffs), CCTV, communication system (telephone & intercom) store. lic 4.2.21 Mirrors for sight distance. 4.3 rP ub Blind corners shall be provided with viewing mirrors maintained in a position and condition to provide adequate sight distance Signage and wayfinder Fo Signage should indicate all major internal pedestrian access points as well as external major roads and buildings. The treatment shall include a coordinated interior sign program designed to identify parking levels and locate stairwells, elevators, phones, exits and other interior features. Signage and way finder shall comply in accordance to MS 983. 4.3.1 The designation of parking zone shall be recognizable and easily remembered. 4.3.2 Signages shall be adequate, clear, visible and shall be placed in a strategic location. 4.3.3 All symbols and words shall be clear and easy to read, using suitable colours and measurements. Pavement markings shall be reflective paint and traffic control signage is usually reflective metal signs with minimum 150 mm high letters. 4.4 Electrical requirements 4.4.1 12 General requirements; All electrical equipment and fittings shall be of water resistant type. © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 08D031R0 conduit. All cabling and wiring, whether for electrical or other services shall be in concealed All distribution boards, switches, switch socket outlets and other electrical appliances shall be install at least 1450mm above floor level. Back up supply from generator set shall be provided if necessary. Sufficient number of power point shall be provided at strategic place for maintenance purpose. General lighting en 4.4.2 t Fireman switch shall be provided at staircase in accordance with the requirement of Uniform Building By Law (UBBL) 1984 The concept of energy saving and efficiency shall be considered in the lighting C system om m The illumination levels shall generally be in accordance with the IES Codes, CIBSE Code for Interior Lighting and Lighting Guide 3 (LG3) and MS 1525. 4.4.3 rP ub lic The switching of these lights shall be by automatic time switches complete with 24 hours spring reserve and manual override or by other appropriate methods. Depending on the functions of the departments/areas, some of the light fittings shall be connected to the essential circuits Emergency lighting Fo Self contained emergency lights with sufficient lighting level for normal operation (100 -150 lux at parking bay and 250lux-300 lux at entrance and exit door) shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of statutory authority. Self contained emergency light with or without KELUAR sign shall be complete with maintenance-free high temperature rated sealed nickel cadmium battery, solid state automatic charger, changeover device, fluorescent lamp, indicator lamp, test switch and interior disconnecting switch. The battery shall be fully rechargeable to its operational capacity in not more than 24 hour after discharge. Low volt cut off safety feature shall be incorporated to prevent over discharge of battery. The response time for non maintained emergency luminaires shall be less than 5 sec upon failure of the normal lighting. The minimum battery capacity shall not be less than 6 Ah and 3 h battery reserve 4.4.4 Public address system Suitable central Public Address (P.A) systems with speakers installed at the parking area, staircases, exit routes, and any other locations shall be provided. The P.A system shall © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 13 08D031R0 be divided into zones shall be separately wired such that message can be given to the individual zone or selected zones or the entire premise as necessary. The P.A. system shall provide sound level of at least 60 dB (A) at 1000 Hz at each loudspeaker. The system shall incorporate an automatic level controller with dynamic range of at least 30 dB (A). The amplifier shall be capable of operating into open fault or short circuit without damage to the amplifier. Overriding facility shall be provided for connecting the public address system to the fireman emergency announcement system so that the system can be used by the fire brigade when necessary. The PA system shall conduct simultaneous multiple paging to designated zones. The system can conduct concerted evacuation, zone by zone / floor by floor as programmed during emergency. All primary power supplies for the system shall be alternating current at 240V 50Hz, and automatically working on 24V dc in case of mains power failure en t 4.4.5 Mechanical requirements m Pump requirement Installation of one duty and one standby (diesel engine or essential power) of submersible pump complete with a control system which shall operate on the basis of set level of water to start and stop the operation of the pump. The system shall be able to operate automatically or manually as follows: lic C i) om Pumping system shall be provided to control level of water flowing into the basement parking. The system shall include the followings: rP ub a) During automatic mode, pump will operate whenever the system detect the rise of water level in the sump has reached the certain level setting in the system; Fo b) During manual mode, pump will operate whenever switch is manually on. For this purpose, a sump is required for the purpose of placing the pump into the sump. The design of the specific size of the sump and the pumping water flow rate shall be determined by the calculation of the speed and the amount of flood water flowing into the sump; c) The sump shall be equipped with steel ladder and well covered with galvanized steel plate of minimum thickness 4 mm; d) The control panel of the pump shall be located at the higher level and safe from the flood level preferably at the pump room which house the flood control centre; e) Electrical cabling and wiring for the pumping system shall be of water proofing type; f) The extraction water shall be channel to the proper designated drainage meaning for the flood control purposed to avoid the water flowing back into the basement parking; g) Lift pit at the basement parking shall be also equipped with the automatic pumping system to avoid the risk of the pit filling with water during flood; and h) Routine maintenance and schedule inspection (periodically test run the pump) shall be carried out to ensure the system in the good working condition at any time. 14 © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 08D031R0 ii) The special attention shall be given at: a) pump operation and control panel; b) the cleanliness of the sump from any debris or rubbish; c) regularly cleaning the pump filter to avoid choking; and d) the overall function of pump system and control panel in the good working condition. 4.5 Lift requirement The requirement of lift requirement for basement parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirement of Uniform Building By Law 1984. t Siren (exit route) en 4.6 om m The flood warning siren system shall be provided which triggered upon the activation of pump to alarm the rise of water level has reached the designated critical level at the basement parking. The warning siren shall be installed at all exit route as well as control room. 4.7 Fire Protection Requirements lic C Proper scheduled maintenance and inspection as well as schedule testing of the system shall be done to ensure the system in the working condition at all time. rP ub The requirement of fire protection system for basement parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirement of Uniform Building By Law 1984 and related Malaysian Standards. 4.7.1 Fo Requirement for Fire fighting’s compartmentation, fire fighting equipment and ventilation. Compartmentation a) if the building (basement) height is less than 28 meters, the area will be no limit 3 but the volume shall be 21,000 m (but if it is sprinkler basement, the volume 3 can be up to 42000 m ) ; b) if the building (basement) height is more than 28 meters, the area shall be 2 1000m and the volume will be no limit ; c) Fire Doors and Roller-shutter shall be provided. No obstructions or vehicle parked is allowed underneath the roller-shutter; and d) Fire Dampers shall be provided if there is any ducting involving. Smoke-lobby A smoke-lobby shall be provided at the escape staircase. © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 15 08D031R0 Dead-end Limit Dead-end limit is 15 meters from a remote distance. Travel Distance a) Travel Distance is allowed for 45 meters from the remote distance; and b) the distance between the fire fighting lobbies shall not more than 45 meters. No Obstruction or Vehicle at/to Escape Route No obstruction or vehicle parked is allowed near to escape route (Fire Fighting Lobby or Escape Staircase) within 6 meters to the doors. en t Fire-fighting Lobby and Equipment if the basement is more or at 9 meters deepest, a Fireman’s Lift with firefighting equipments shall be provided – such as wet riser, dry riser and escape staircase; and b) the fire-fighting lobby shall be natural or mechanical ventilated. om m a) C Escape Staircase lic 7.1 the escape staircase shall be natural or mechanical ventilated ; and rP ub 7.2 the design must follow and comply with occupancy load calculation. 4.7.2 Fire fighting’s equipment Portable fire extinguisher Fo Sprinkler System a) A sprinkler shall be provided if it is a single storey basement car 3 park and the volume is more than 7000 m ; b) A sprinkler shall be provided if it is multi stories basement car park 2 and the area is more than 1000 m per storey; and c) However, sprinkler will not be necessary, if 40% or more natural ventilation been provided (shall be cross ventilation and if there are any). Wet Risers System If there are a Fire Fighting Lobby and Wet Risers System for the whole building, the system shall be provided at the basement parking. 16 © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 08D031R0 Dry Risers System If there are a Fire Fighting Lobby and Dry Risers System for the whole building, the system shall be provided at the basement parking. Hose-reel System A hose-reel shall be provided at any circumstances. “KELUAR” Signs a) a KELUAR signs with an arrows shall be provided within the escape route and in accordance with MS 983; and b) Details specification as per 5.4.2 en t Emergency Lighting om b) details specification as per 4.4.3 . Fire-mans’ Intercom m a) an Emergency Lights shall be provided and in accordance with MS 619; C Shall be provided at Fire Fighting’s Lobby – if there are any. lic Fire-mans’ Switch rP ub Shall be provided at Fire Fighting’s Staircase if the parking area is more than 2 929m . Break Glass A Break Glass shall be provided at any circumstances. Fo 4.7.3 Ventilation: Natural and Mechanical Ventilation Mechanical Ventilation shall be provided if natural ventilation is less than 5%. Fresh-air Intake and Smoke-extractor a) fresh-air intake at 6 air exchange at least shall be provided at all time ; and b) smoke-extractor at 12 air exchange or more shall be provided during an emergency. © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 17 08D031R0 5 Flood prone areas Parking areas which are classified as flood prone areas or having 50 years return cycle shall be assessed as follows; 5.1 Flood risk assessment Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) is required to assess the flooding potential as well as flood depth and flood proofing elevation (FPE) at the entrance/exit point of the basement car park with respect to the design flood level at the main drain or river system. The assessment process would require hydrologic and hydraulic computation to be performed to determine the flood level and FPE at the entrance/exit point of the basement car park. 5.1.1 General design requirements en t For all new buildings with basement car parks, the elevation of the entrance/exit to the basement car parks shall be: m a) Not lower than 1 meter above the 100-year ARI flood level; or om b) Not lower than 0.5 meter above the 200-year ARI flood level. rP ub lic C If the above criteria cannot be fulfilled for reasons that cannot be avoided or for existing buildings where the entrance/exit level of the basement car parks cannot be raised to meet the above requirement, flood proofing measures are required based on the design guidelines and requirements stipulated below. In all circumstances, approval from relevant authorities and agencies is required. For deriving FPE, the maximum flood depth calculated shall be based on either 100-year or 200-year ARI flood event with respect to the alternative to be adopted from Table 1. For new buildings, the maximum flood depth allows for flood proofing measures shall not exceed 1 meter for 100-year ARI flood event or 1.5 meter for 200-year ARI flood event; however, in unavoidable case, the building owners shall seek Authority approval in the preliminary planning to allow for greater flood depth to be adopted. The FPE to be adopted shall refer to Table 1 and Figure 8. ii) For existing buildings, the maximum flood depth allows for flood proofing shall be the full flood depth computed based on the existing drainage system and the FPE adopted from Table 1 and Figure 8. 18 Fo i) © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 08D031R0 Table 1. Determination of flood proofing elevation and criteria for allowable maximum flood depth Item Description 1 FPE Adopted At The Entrance /Exit Point of Basement Carpark 2 Allowable Maximum Flood Depth For Flood Proofing Measures for a new building Allowable Maximum Flood Depth For Flood Proofing Measures for Computed Computed an existing building Alternative 2 (200-Yrs ARI Flood Level) FPE = CFL + 0.5m < 1m < 1.5m Full Flood Depth Full Flood Depth en t 3 Alternative 1 (100-Yrs ARI Flood Level) FPE = CFL + 1m rP ub lic C om m Note. CFL - Computed Flood Level at the entrance / exit point of the basement carpark. The design requirements considered in deriving the FPE are as follow: Figure 8. Illustration of the FPE design requirement Hydrologic computation Fo 5.1.2 The estimation of the design flood discharge for the drainage system shall be carried out based on methods described in Chapter 14 of MSMA Manual (DID, 2000). This is to facilitate the subsequent hydraulic computation to obtain the flood level at the entrance/exit point of the basement car park. 5.1.3 Hydraulic computation The calculation of flood levels for the drainage system shall be carried out based on hydraulic routing described in MSMA Manual. The analysis must take into consideration the backwater effects or tidal influence from the main stream and should ignore the existence of any flood bund at the main stream assuming that the bund has been breached or overtopped during the flood. The hydraulic computation can be carried out using appropriate engineering software as highlighted in MSMA Manual. © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 19 08D031R0 5.1.4 Determination of flood proofing elevation (FPE) Once the drainage system for the building has been sized up, the PFE can be determined as follows: a) determine the 100-Yrs or 200-Yrs ARI design flood discharge of the main drain/river depending on the alternative adopted by the designer; b) determine or obtain from the Authority the relevant design flood level of the main drain/river at the building discharge point; c) with items (i) and (ii), carry out hydraulic routing to determine the flood level/depth at the entrance/exit point of the basement car park taking into consideration the backwater effect; d) with the flood level, determine the FPE as prescribed in Table 1; and Flood proofing measures m 5.1.5 en t e) based on the FPE, select the suitable flood proofing measures for the building. C om The function of Flood Proofing Measures installed at a basement car park is mainly to prevent the intrusion of flood water into the car park area during a flood event. The measure that is commonly adopted in Malaysia is the installation of a floodgate, which comprises of a mechanical device system that can be set for automatic or manual closure when flood level exceeds critical level at the entrance/exit point of basement car park. The factors to be considered in designing the floodgate are as follows: lic a) The required speed of gate closure with respect to the rate of rise of flood water; c) rP ub b) The closure of the gates shall not be blocked by any structures or cars; The closure shields shall not block doors from opening when shields are in place (therefore necessary to check direction and distance that all doors swing); Fo d) The size of the entrance/exit opening (vertical lifting gate is preferred for opening more than 3m wide); e) Installation requirement; f) All material used to fabricate the gate shall be durable and non-corrosive; g) All gates shall be designed to withstand the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces; h) The minimum design safety factor shall be 2; i) All gates are preferred to have flush sill to avoid tripping; j) Aesthetics; and k) Reasonable installation and maintenance cost. 20 © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 08D031R0 The floodgate can be of the following type: Type 1 : Hinged floodgate Type 2 : Sliding floodgate Type 3 : Lift-Out floodgate (stop log) Type 4 : Vertical Type 5 : Lift-Up floodgate Type 6 : Self-Closing floodgate Type 7 : Flood door en t (Note. A brief description of the above gates is in Attachment 2) Parking management C 6 om m As an alternative to floodgates, the designer can opt for raised ramp approach in which the existing ramp at the entrance/exit point will be raised to the required flood proofing level. This approach is applicable where space is not a constraint. Flood proofing measures using sand bags can also be considered if the depth between the FPE and the level of existing ramp at the entrance/exit point is small. 6.1 Public notice rP ub lic The building owner shall ensure and be responsible for proper management of the basement parking. The management of basement parking shall include the followings: Notice to be displayed at strategic places and shall contain the following information: Fo a) basement management organisations; b) designated person incharge; and c) 6.2 necessary contact number Maintenance The building owner shall carry out periodic inspection and routine maintenance to ensure all the requirements in this Code of Practice are complied at all time. 6.3 Control of security & safety The management shall ensure the safety and security of the basement parking are properly controlled. 24 h surveillance shall be provided. All the security and safety systems are linked to the control centre which shall be properly managed. © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 21 08D031R0 6.3.1 User security Closed Circuit television (CCTV ) The CCTV shall be provided for basement parking. The security camera shall be weathered proof type for external areas and localised by zoning and installed at strategic area. The camera shall be installed with the sensor so that the appropriate camera will be activated to zoom to the location concerned. Control console shall be located inside the control room and shall be provided at other suitable location. Intercom Fo rP ub lic C om m en t If provided, the Intercom should be located at accessible location for emergency purposes and connected to control room. 22 © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 08D031R0 Annex 1 Fo rP ub lic C om m en t The flow chart in Figure 2 illustrates the foregoing procedure. Flow Chart for Determining Flood Proofing Elevation and Measures © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 23 08D031R0 en t Annex 2 Flooddoor Fo rP ub lic C om m Hinged Type Floodgate 24 Flooddoor © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 08D031R0 Annex 3 Submersible Pump Maintenance Schedule No. Parameter Frequency Daily Test run the system for manual and automatic operation Monthly 3 Bolts and nut Tighten as necessary 3 Month 4 Seals,gland Check leakage’s Monthly 5 Bearing and moving parts Lubricate with oil or grease 3 Month 6 Pump filter Clean to avoid choking Monthly 7 6 Electrical cable and wiring Level control Electrode Good condition Working condition 7 8 9 Good condition Working condition Clean and good condition 3 Month 3 Month Monthly Good condition Monthly 11 Pipe works, fitting, pipe support Electric motor/diesel engine Carbon brushes and slip ring of all motors Battery and battery charger for Diesel engine Diesel Tank & diesel level Good condition Monthly 12 Sump en C om m 3 Monthly 3 Month lic 10 t Clean and Good condition 2 General condition of the equipment Pump-set control starter panel Clean from any debris and rubbish rP ub 1. Item Monthly Ventilation Fan Maintenance Schedule No. Parameter Frequency General condition of the equipment Fan control starter panel Clean and good condition Daily Test run the system for manual and automatic operation Monthly Tightness and Good condition Daily 4 Bolt & nuts, connection suspension rod,rubber mounting Fan blade Not blocking, continuous rotation/functionality Weekly 5. Bearing and moving parts Lubricate with oil or grease 3 Month 6 7 Electrical cable and wiring Electric motor Good condition Working condition 3 Month 3 Month 8 Belting Tension and condition 3 month 9 Ductwork Leak,damage,corrosion 3 Month 2 3 Fo 1. Item © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 25 08D031R0 Warning Sirens No. Item Parameter Frequency General condition of sirens Clean and good condition Daily 2 control panel Test run the system for manual and automatic operation Monthly 3 Electrical cable and wiring Good condition 3 Month Fo rP ub lic C om m en t 1. 26 © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved 08D031R0 Periodical maintenance schedule for electrical system SCHEDULE WORK DESCRIPTION W M Q HY Y 1.0 DISTRIBUTION BOARD 1.1 Inspect the conditions of DB box for any damages. 1.2 Ensure danger sign and schematic is provided. X 1.3 Inspect & ensure fiber board is available in the MCB board. X 1.4 Tighten the fuse holder X 1.5 Tighten the base and termination X 1.6 Test the fuse continuity X 1.7 Inspect and clean the internal part of DB 1.8 Test the ELCB/RCCB tripping in good working order 1.9 Check the earth & neutral link in good conditions and tighten all screw. 2.0 MINIATURE CURRENT CIRCUIT BREAKER 2.1 Clean the arc chute and arc contactor. 2.2 Clean all insulated area. 2.3 Inspect and tighten all the cable connection and termination. 2.4 Test tripping mechanism to be in good condition. 2.5 Check the MCCB for any burnt smell, excessive heat, unusual humming sound, etc 2.6 Inspect the MCCB for the presence of any dust and water condensation 3.0 TRUNKING AND CABLE TRAY 3.1 Inspect & ensure that trunking/cable tray in a clean and dry conditions. 3.2 Inspect and ensure no water or water mark in the trunking. 3.3 Test the cable insulation & position of all cable to be in parallel. 3.4 Inspect the trunking/cable tray bracket support. X 3.5 Ensure the trunking/cable tray hung & fixed properly. X 3.6 Inspect earth continuity, copper tape/link still intact. X 4.0 LIGHT FITTING 4.1 rP ub ITEM Inspect fitting & clean the cover and tube. 4.2 Inspect & ensure that the tube is not blinking. X 4.3 Inspect & ensure there is no dark spot/ring at tube end. X 4.4 Inspect & ensure that no sign of oily at tube end. 4.5 Inspect the conditions of capasitor. X 4.6 Inspect ballast as per manufacturer recommendation. X 4.7 Ensure no humming sound from the ballast. 4.8 Inspect the starter to be in good conditions. 4.9 Tighten all the connection of the base and termination. 5.0 SWITCH & SOCKET OUTLET Ensure a safe spacing between electrcal switch/socket outlet from the water outlet. 5.1 X X X X t X en X X X C om m X X Fo lic X © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved X X X X X X X 27 08D031R0 Periodical maintenance schedule for electrical system (continued) ITEM WORK DESCRIPTION 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Ensure no sgn of damage/faulty visually Open, clean & tighten all the connection to the base and terminal Inspect & tighten any loose switch/socket outlet at the partition. Inspect any burn marks on the cable of the termination. Inspect visually any sign of melting/burn marks at the surface of switch & socket outlet. X en m om C lic rP ub Fo 28 HY X X X t 5.6 SCHEDULE W M Q X © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved Y Acknowledgements Members of Technical Committee on Building Design and Construction Ar Steven Thang Boon Ann (Chairman) Mr Luqmanul Hakim Tarmizi (Secretary) Ir M. Ramuseren Engr Yahya Ariffin Mr Wan Zaidi Wan Isa/ Mr Zulkafli Sidek/ Mr Shaharudin Tuan Ali Ms Yong Razidah Rashid/ Ms Norlina Awang Ms Norzarina Zakaria Mr Quah Beng Teong Mr Abdul Rahman Mahmud Ms Siti Aisah Md Lasim Mr Mustaffa Al Bakri Saidin Ir David Ng Shiu Yuen Brig Gen Sr Mohd Amin Mohd Din Assoc Prof Jamaluddin Mohd Aris/ Mr Wan Zulkifali Wan Mohd Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia SIRIM Berhad Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia IKRAM QA Services Sdn Bhd Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia C om m en t Jabatan Perkhidmatan Pembentungan Master Builders Association Malaysia Putrajaya Holding Sdn Bhd Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia The Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia Universiti Teknologi MARA lic Members of Working Group on Planning and Designing for Basement Parking - Code of practice Jabatan Kerja Raya (Cawangan Arkitek) SIRIM Berhad Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia Department of Irrigation and Drainage IKRAM QA Services Sdn Bhd Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia rP ub Ar Mariani Noor Suhud (Chairman) Mr Luqmanul Hakim Tarmizi (Secretary) Ms Nor Hamiza Zahar Fo Mr Azman Said Engr Yahya Ariffin Mr Mohd Hassim Mastuki/ Mr Jamri Masran/ Mr Abdul Hadi Abdullah Ir Hanizan Shaffii Ir Zulkifli Abd Rashad/ Mr Azizul Rahim Mohamad Zulkifli Ms Siti Maslina Zarmani Ar Steven Thang Boon Ann Ir Tan Chioo Bin Assoc Prof Sr Zaiton Yaacob Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia (Cawangan Elektrikal) Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia (Cawangan Mekanikal) Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia The Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved