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PRIMARY PRIMARY beep NEW 8 431300 154100 712611 2 Contents Introduction 2 Introduction 3 Contents 9 Student’s material 14 Teacher’s material Beep is a new 6 level course for Primary Education based on the guiding principle that all contexts and situations where our learners encounter the language should be meaningful and relevant to them and draw on their own worlds, both real and imaginary. 19 Richmond Primary Readers 20 Dictionaries 21 My First Grammar & My Next Grammar 22 Target KET for Schools & Target PET 23 Online services 24 Richmond Publishing offices In addition to activities such as surveys, pair work and personalised writing, Beep offers an enjoyable experience for the students through songs, chants, stories and games. This range of fun activities caters for different learning styles and preferences and humour is always an important element at all points in the course. (Available in 2011 for levels 1 & 2 of Primary) reader book beep 2 Brendan Dunne Contents Level 1 Language Syllabus Level 1 Target Vocabulary 0 Hello! Numbers: 1 to 10 Colours: red, yellow, blue, orange, green, pink, purple Target Structures Hello! What’s your name? My name’s … Level 1 Target Vocabulary Target Structures 5 In the house Rooms: living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, hall, garden Where’s my book? It’s in the kitchen. Furniture: table, chair, bath, bed Where’s the spider? It’s in/on the table. Prepositions: in, on Phonics Tongue Twister: B 1 At school What’s this? It’s a … Classroom objects: book, ruler, pen, pencil, pencil case, sharpener, school I’ve got a pink pencil. bag, rubber, glue, crayon 6 My body Body parts: head, arms, hands, legs, knees, hair, feet, toes, nose, ears, eyes, mouth Phonics Tongue Twister: P Imperatives: Stamp your feet, clap your hands, turn around, touch your toes,wave your arms, shake your hands, nod your head. My hair is blue, I’ve got a green mouth Phonics Tongue Twister: T 2 My family Family: granny, grandad, mum, dad, brother, sister This is my mum. How old are you? I’m seven. Phonics Tongue Twister: M 3 Perfect pets Animals: dog, cat, goldfish, hamster, rabbit, parrot, rat, frog Is it black? Is it a cat? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Colours: black, white, grey, brown Imperatives: Jump! Run! Catch! Stand up! Sit down! Go to sleep! 7 My favourite food Food: pizza, spaghetti, chicken, apples, bananas, oranges, cake, yoghurt, sandwiches, cheese, bread, sausages, juice, milk 8 At the seaside boat, sand castle, lighthouse, crab, sea, shark, dolphin, seagull, shell I like apples. / I don’t like cake. Do you like cheese? Phonics Tongue Twister: Ch What can you see? I’m hungry. Feelings: happy, sad, scared, bored, hungry Phonics Tongue Twister: S Phonics Tongue Twister: R 4 My toys Toys: kite, train, car, teddy, ball, plane, Have you got a teddy? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. doll, bike, computer game Festivals Halloween, Christmas, Easter Colour adjective + noun: a red kite, a pink doll Phonics Tongue Twister: C 2 3 3 reader book beep 2 Brendan Dunne Contents Level 2 Language Syllabus Level 2 Target Vocabulary Welcome back! Favourite colours, food and pets. Target Structures How are you? I’m fine, thanks. Level 2 Target Vocabulary Target Structures 5 Jobs bus driver, chef, doctor, fire fighter, footballer, musician, nurse, pilot He’s a … She’s a … He has got a … She has got a … What’s your favourite … ? Phonics Tongue Twister: F 1 Time for school bin, board, bookcase, computer, cupboard, door, plant, teacher, window Where’s the hamster? It’s under the plant. 6 My free time dancing, drawing, listening to music, painting, playing computer games, playing football, reading, watching TV 7 The school garden Arrot, cauliflower, grapes, peas, potato, pumpkin, strawberry, tomato, watermelon How many can you see? Numbers: 1 to 20 Phonics Tongue Twister: G 8 The school show do gymnastics, do karate, juggle, play, basketball, play the recorder, ride a bike, rollerblade, sing Can you ride a bike? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. Festivals Christmas, Halloween, Carnival How do you spell … ? behind, in, on, under Phonics Tongue Twister: D coat, dress, hat, jacket, jeans, jumper, What are you wearing? shoes, shorts, T-shirt, trousers I’m wearing … Are you drawing? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Phonics Tongue Twister: W The alphabet 2 My clothes What are you doing? I’m reading. Colour adjective + noun: green shoes They’re small and purple. Phonics Tongue Twister: J 3 The weather cloudy, cold, It’s hot, raining, snowing, What’s the weather like? sunny, windy It’s cold. Is it cold? I can play the guitar. I can’t walk on my hands. Put your hat on. I’m on holiday. Phonics Tongue Twister: Z Phonics Tongue Twister: H 4 Animals bird, crocodile, elephant, lion, monkey, penguin, snake, tiger, zebra It can fly. It can’t jump. climb, fly, jump, run, swim Can it swim? Phonics Tongue Twister: L 2 4 3 Level 3 Language Syllabus Level 3 Target Vocabulary Starter Unit: The alphabet Numbers: 1 to 20 Colours 1 School Target Structures What’s your name? How old are you? I’m eight. Classroom objects: book, pen, ruler, pencil, pencil case, sharpener, schoolbag, rubber I’ve got two pencils. Prepositions: in, on, under, behind, next to, opposite It’s in the schoolbag. Have you got a sharpener? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. Level 3 Target Vocabulary Target Structures 5 Nature Park Animals: wolf, bear, squirrel, fish, spider, snake, eagle, butterfly It’s got wings. It hasn’t got legs. Animal body parts: wings, legs, tail, claws Can it fly? Yes, it can. / No, it can’t. Phonics Tongue Twister 6 After School Phonics Tongue Twister 2 My Day Routines: get up, brush my teeth, have a shower, get dressed, have breakfast, go to school What time is it? It’s seven o’clock. It’s half past seven. Days of the week I get up at half past seven. Phonics Tongue Twister 3 Story World Story characters: prince, princess, giant, dragon, witch, dwarf, superhero, pirate Adjectives: tall, short, fat, thin, scary, strong Sports: tennis, football, basketball, cycling, gymnastics, rollerblading, skiing, swimming 7 Transport Transports: car, boat, ship, bike, helicopter, train, plane, bus Adjectives: slow, fast, old, new, big, small Where is Olga? She’s in the kitchen. Phonics Tongue Twister It’s fast. Is it slow? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Phonics Tongue Twister Numbers: 10 to 100 8 Holiday Fun Holiday activities: camping, sailing, snorkeling, surfing, eating ice cream, playing frisbee, making sand castles, taking photos Do you like sailing? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I like/don’t like taking photos Phonics Tongue Twister He likes tennis. She doesn’t like cycling. She can ride a bike. What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s playing the guitar. Term Revision His eyes are blue. Her hair is pink. Term Revision 4 Sports Parts of the house: hall, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, garden, living room He’s tall. She’s short. Phonics Tongue Twister Free time activities: making models, playing cards, singing, dancing, reading, gardening, doing jigsaws, playing the guitar Term Revision Phonics Tongue Twister 2 3 5 reader book beep 2 Brendan Dunne Contents Level 4 Language Syllabus Level 4 Target Vocabulary Target Structures Starter Unit: Review of Beep! 3 vocabulary 1 School Timetable School subjects: Maths, Spanish, On Monday, I’ve got/haven’t got P.E., Music, Science, Art, I.T., English Maths. Review of Beep! 3 structures Level 4 Target Vocabulary Target Structures 5 My Friends Adjectives and body parts: long hair, brown eyes She’s got long hair. He likes/doesn’t like swimmimg. Days of the week Hobbies What have you got on Friday? Phonics Tongue Twister 6 My Town Places in town: museum, cinema, swimming pool, library There is a library. Is there a cinema? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t 2 Adventure Camp Camp activities: canoeing, riding a horse, cooking sausages, singing songs What’s he doing? He is canoeing. He isn’t cooking sausages. Is she riding a horse? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. Term Revision Phonics Tongue Twister 3 Seasons Seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter I go to the beach. I don’t eat ice cream. 7 Birthdays Weather: hot, cold My favourite season is spring. Clothes: scarf, boots, swimsuit, shorts (Review: jacket, jeans, jumper, trousers, What’s the weather like in winter? shorts, dress, T-shirt, shoes, hat, coat) It’s cold and rainy. What’s the weather like today? It isn’t snowing. Toys and gadgets: Computer game, DVD, scooter, camera, watch 8 My Day Phonics Tongue Twister Term Revision 4 The Café Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December Daily routines: have lunch, go home, have dinner, do my homework, go to bed When’s your birthday? It’s in June. What do you want for your birthday? I want a DVD. I don’t want a watch. What time is it? It’s quarter past/to ten. It’s seven o’clock. It’s half past one. What time do you have lunch? At half past one. Numbers 1 to 100 Food: salad, rice, chicken, grapes, bread I do my homework at seven o’clock. How much is it? It’s five pounds/euros. Can I have a …, please? Yes, here you are. Term Revision Adjectives: cheap, expensive 2 6 3 Level 5 Language Syllabus Level 5 Target Vocabulary Target Structures Starter Unit: Review of Beep! 4 vocabulary Review of Beep! 4 structures 1 My Day Routine verbs: have lunch, do homework, go to bed Times: Quarter past / to + Review of o’clock and half past What time is it? Level 5 Target Vocabulary Target Structures 5 My Friends Adjectives: fit, funny, tidy, untidy, bossy, trendy, talkative, clever, friendly Comparatives of 1-syllable adjective: Jan is taller than Eric. Miriam is faster than Suzie. Present Simple: What time do you have lunch? At half past one. I do my homework at seven o’clock. 2 Food Sugar, bread, peaches, nuts, mushrooms Recipe instructions: wash, cut, mix, etc. 3 Stay Healthy Animals: blue whale, turtle, octopus, orca, crab, etc. Present Simple with they: They lay eggs. They don’t eat plants Countables and uncountables Have got + some/any Have we got any sugar? Yes, we have/ No, we haven’t. We’ve got some oranges. / We haven’t got any cheese. Do exercise, sleep eight hours, eat fruit, clean my teeth at night, walk to school, etc. 6 Ocean World Term Revision 7 Family Album Family members: cousin, aunt, uncle, grandson, granddaughter 8 A day in the country Windmill, river, bridge, hill, field, fence, gate, etc. Was / were / wasn’t / weren’t + adjectives: funny, noisy, shy, untidy, tidy Adverbs of frequency: always / sometimes /never I sometimes ride my bike at the weekend. Go around, through, under, over, along Possessives: our/their Term Revision 4 Our Town Library, sports centre, museum, bus station, park, cinema, etc. Where is the museum? It’s opposite/next to/between… Term Revision Suggestions: Let’s go to the park. Why don’t we go swimming? 2 3 7 reader book beep 2 Brendan Dunne Contents Level 6 Language Syllabus Level 6 Target Vocabulary Target Structures Starter Unit: Review of key vocabulary from Beep! 5 Review of key language from Beep! 5 1 On-line! Computer verbs: chant, send, text, write, search, play, surf Level 6 Target Vocabulary Target Structures 5 Busy Weekends Activities: go bowling, see a film, eat pizza, call a friend, etc. Past simple irregulars: Went, saw ate, made, etc. 6 People in History Inventions and artefacts Regular past simple: discovered invented played painted climbed Geography: River, desert, mountain, ocean, etc. Superlatives (+ comparatives review) With questions and short answers Grammar: Like + verbing Computer nouns: e-mail, text, web-page, screen, keyboard, mouse, etc. 2 Hobbies Hobby vocabulary: Guitar, stamps, karate suit, football cards, dancing shoes, etc. Present continuous We’re surfing the net They’re chatting How often do you… practise guitar / go to karate, etc. Term Revision 3 Earth Day Materials: glass, paper, cardboard, plastic, metal, newspapers, magazines Imperatives positive and negative: Verbs: reduce, recycle, reuse Present continuous: I’m taking these glass bottles to the recycling bank. Don’t drop litter! Turn off the tap! Term Revision 4 Jobs 7 World Records The longest river 8 My Cool Summer Job titles: astronaut, vet, musician, etc. The highest mountain Present simple / continuous contrast Items that you might use on summer holiday: Surfboard, snorkel, camera, mountain bike, etc. + Clothes revision Going to I’m not going to go swimming. I’m going to ride my bike. I’m not going to do any homework. I’ve got a new tracksuit/some new sandals etc. He usually wears a uniform. Today he’s wearing overalls. Term Revision 2 8 3 Student’s material STUDENT’S BOOK POP-OUTS The pop-outs in the Student’s Book are mini-versions of the stories in the units. The children make a Story booklet to take home and share with their parents. There are also pop-outs of some flashcards for revision games featuring key vocabulary. PRIMARY student’s book beep1 Brendan Dunne Robin Newton PRIMARY 6 3 4 2 BEEP 1 Unit 1 Story beep 2 8 student’s book 1 5 7 BEEP 1 Unit 8 Vocabulary Brendan Dunne Robin Newton 9 Student’s material Sample Unit: Student’s Book 1, Unit 1 The method comprises 8 lessons as follows Lesson 2: Grammar Presentation Lesson 1: Presentation of the vocabulary 1. At school LESSON 1 3 L”is†e> an∂ tracæ. Lesson 3: New vocabulary and grammatical structures are worked with simultaneously LESSON 2 1.13 LESSON 3 5 Tracæ an∂ sa¥. 1.11 rule® I†ªfi å rule®. pe> gluæ 6 L”iste> an∂ chan†. Wha†ªfi thifi? penci¬ schoo¬ ba@ 1.17 crayo> ? sharpene® penci¬ casæ 2 L”iste>, fin∂ an∂ sa¥. LESSON 4 1.15 ? rubbe® Let’s share! 7 L”is†e> to t™æ stor¥. 2 1 1 L”is†e>, poin† an∂ ®eπea†. Lesson 4: Vocabulary and grammar are practised through a story 1 2 6 5 4 L”is†e>, sa¥ an∂ numbe®. boo§ 1.14 H’e¥, wha†´fi thifi? Do yo¤ know? I†ªfi å pe>. No, no, no! 1.12 5 6 H’e¥, wha†ªfi thifi? —a> yo¤ guesfi? I†ªfi å rule®. Yefi, yefi, yefi! 3 7 8 4 7 8 9 A variety of entertaining, simple activities to present the vocabulary 10 New grammatical structures are usually presented through fun activities (games, dialogues, role-play...) before moving on to more controlled activities. Before starting the story, students do a preliminary activity. This includes a dictionary with images of the main vocabulary they will find in the story. Lesson 5: Vocabulary revision and introduction of a new structure 8 L”is†e> an∂ stic§. 1 LESSON 5 1.18 2 Lesson 7: PHONICS Lesson 6: CLIL LESSON 6 10 L”oo§ an∂ sa¥. 3 Beep’s world! Lesson 8: EVALUATION Unit 1 Test LESSON 7 Name: 12 L”is†e>. 1 3 1.21 Name: Class: 3 1.23 4 Unit 1 Test Class: 1 2 Jiμ Jenn¥ Luc¥ 2 9 L”is†e> an∂ sin@. 1.19 4 L”e†ªfi bæ friendfi, L”e†ªfi sharæ ou® thingfi, —laπ you® handfi an∂ sin@, sin@, sin@. 1 I†ªfi å rubbe®. 2 I†ªfi å crayo>. 3 I†ªfi å penci¬ casæ. 11 10 1 2 Listen and tick (✓) the school objects. (Track 1.23) Count the objects and match the puzzle pieces. 12 3 4 πenci¬ © Santillana Educación SL./Richmond Publishing 2011 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Santillana Educación SL./Richmond Publishing 2011 PHOTOCOPIABLE 11 R”ea∂, stic§ an∂ tracæ. 15 Look at the sequence and colour the picture that comes next. Join the numbers then trace over the word. 16 Chants, songs and listening activities to revise vocabulary and introduce new structures. An initial look at the area of the syllabus related to the unit theme. For example: Arts & Crafts. A comic is used to introduce and work with phonics or simply to revise the vocabulary and key structures in an enjoyable way. Each unit has its own evaluation sheets. 11 Student’s material ACTIVITY BOOK 1. At school 3 Dra∑ an∂ tracæ. 1 Tracæ an∂ matc™. 1 Sample Unit: Activity Book 1, Unit 1 penci¬ schoo¬ ba@ rule®2 pe> penci¬ Wha†ªfi thifi? schoo¬ ba@ boo§ crayo> rubbe® gluæ rubbe® gluæ . sharpener ruler sharpener ruler rule® Wha†ªfi thifi? I†ªfi å activity book crayo> 2 sharpene® PRIMARY boo§ L”oo§ an∂ writæ. 3 I†ªfi å . 4 Tracæ an∂ writæ. 5 Tracæ, I†ªfi åmatc™ penci¬.an∂ colou®. Wha†´fi thifi? Wha†ªfi thifi? Wha†ªfi thifi? I†ªfi å rubbe® penci¬ casæ sharpene® 2 I†ªfi å . 1 3 . 4 boo§ 5 5 6 beep1 Brendan Dunne Robin Newton Review 6 Fin∂, circlæ an∂ writæ. PRIMARY activity book beep 2 1 r s p z r m g gl¤æ 2 3 5 4 6 u r e p u a l l e n e b c u e z t n b r e r i b c e a t t a o i r y i p h o l o o p Picture dictionary o x k e b n u 8 boo§ 7 crayo> gluæ pe> penci¬ penci¬ casæ rubbe® rule® schoo¬ ba@ sharpene® 9 Brendan Dunne Robin Newton 10 12 3.1 å sharpene®. I†ªfi I†ªfiå penci¬ casæ. I†ªfi å sharpene®. I†ªfi å pe>. I†ªfi å schoo¬ ba@. I†ªfi å rule®. 7 READER AND CD PRIMARY CD Read about the main characters in a new story accompanied by audio material. • The Teacher’s Resource book includes optional worksheets. • These can be used in class or as homework. reader • • This includes the songs and stories in the Student’s Book. • It also includes the soundtrack of the Picture Dictionary in the Activity Book. beep1 Brendan Dunne PRIMARY reader beep2 Brendan Dunne STUDENT’S CD-ROM Students are given an interactive CD-ROM with activities to help them revise the vocabulary at home in an enjoyable way with the help of the Student’s Book. 13 Teacher’s material ep1 ne TEACHER’S BOOK Sample Unit: Teacher’s Book 1, Unit 1 In full colour and easy to use, the Teacher’s Book includes the Student’s Book pages and the solved Activity Book pages. Lesson 1A PRIMARY Teacher’s notes Student’s Book, page 5 teacher’s book Objectives To say the colours. To recognize the classroom objects. To play a card game. Target language Vocabulary: pencil, rubber, pen, sharpener, book, ruler, pencil case, school bag; red, pink, blue, yellow, green, purple Materials classroom objects in a bag Unit 1 poster CD Getting started Show the children the classroom objects and say the name of each one. Ask the children to repeat the words collectively as a group. Put the classroom objects in the bag and slowly take one out and ask the children to name it. T: What’s this? SS: A (pencil). Display the poster and ask a child to come to the front and point to one of the objects. T: Point to the (rubber). Repeat with the rest of the vocabulary. Finally, ask the children to say the colours of the classroom objects. T: What colour is this (ruler)? S: (Blue). Student’s Book page 1 Listen, point and repeat. 1.11 Ask the children to look at the picture in Activity 1. Point to the classroom objects one by one and ask the children to say the words. Play the recording and the children point to the corresponding pictures. Play the recording again and the children repeat the words. Encourage all the children to participate. Hold up the book and ask children the names of the objects. 2 Listen, find and say. 1.12 The children look at the picture in Activity 1. Explain that they are going to hear the words of the classroom objects and that they must find them in the picture. Play the recording and the children find the object in the picture and say the corresponding number. Repeat until all the children have had the opportunity to locate an object. Say a colour and the children name the object: T: It’s (purple). SS: It’s the (ruler). Finishing off Slowly draw a classroom object on the board. The children try and guess what is being drawn before it is finished. The children can also take turns to draw on the board. Transcripts Listen, point and repeat. beep1 1.11 Listen, find and say. 1.12 Pencil Book It’s yellow. It’s a sharpener. It’s green. It’s a book. Rubber Ruler It’s pink. It’s a rubber. It’s blue. It’s a pen. Pen Pencil case It’s red. It’s a pencil. Sharpener School bag It’s purple. It’s a ruler. It’s yellow and green. It’s a pencil case. Susan Bolland Explain to the children that they have to focus on the picture in order to find the relevant information. It’s blue and pink. It’s a school bag. Lesson 1B Activity Book, page 5 PRIMARY 34 35 Objectives teacher’s book To recognize and say the target vocabulary. To write the target vocabulary. Target language Vocabulary: pencil, rubber, pen, sharpener, book, ruler, pencil case, school bag Materials classroom object flashcards Playing card pop-outs Unit 1 Activity Book page Getting started Show the classroom object flashcards one at a time and ask the children, as a group, to name them. Then, hold out the flashcards face down and ask a child to come to the front, choose a card and name it. Repeat with other children. If there are children who still need help, then ask them to repeat the word several times. Say the first sounds of the word so that the child can guess what it is and finish off the word. 1 Trace and match. Ask the children to look at Activity 1. Firstly, ask the children to say the names of the objects and then to trace the words. Once they have traced the words ask them to match the words with the objects in the picture. Go round the classroom to give help where needed and positive encouragement. Play a card game. Pop-outs 1 Ask the children to find their playing card pop-outs for Unit 1 (or hand out photocopies of the Teacher’s Resource Book, page 95). The children play in pairs. They put all their cards face down on the table. They take it in turns to turn over two cards. If the cards are the same the child says the word and keeps the pair. If the cards are different, the child turns the cards back over and the other child has a turn. Finishing off Hide a classroom object flashcard behind your back and the children take turns to guess what it is. Continue until the children have guessed all the objects. Then ask volunteers to take over your role. Teacher’s notes beep 2 Susan Bolland The children trace the words of the classroom objects which gives them an opportunity to reinforce the words they are learning. 36 14 The children play a game as a class and also in pairs. They learn social skills regarding games, such as, following accepted rules and taking turns. 37 Clearly organised with well differentiated, easy to see sections. Cambridge Young Learner’s Exams type activities are highlighted throughout. Lesson 2A Student’s Book, page 6 Objectives To say the target vocabulary. To use simple structures. Target language Vocabulary: pencil, rubber, pen, sharpener, book, ruler, pencil case, school bag Structures: What’s this? It’s a … Materials classroom objects in a bag puppet CD tarted uppet to take the clas ’s this? The children a Getting ng sta s started tar ta arrted te ed Use the e puppet to take the classroom obje objects out of the bag, one by one and say: What’s this? The children answer the q question with a full answer: It’s a (sharpener). ener). Repeat several times until all the t children have named an object. 3 Listen ten and d trace. trace e Ask the children hild to look l k at A Activity i i 3 3. P Point i to Ruby and ask what she is holding. Point to Lee and ask if the children know what he is doing. Explain that he is trying to guess what is in the bag. Play the recording and ask the children to listen. The children then trace the words in the speech bubble. Play the recording again and the children look at the words as they listen. 4 Listen, say and number. 1.14 Ask the children to look at Activity 4. Explain that they are going to listen to some children playing the game from Activity 3. They must write the corresponding number next to the object. Play the recording and ask the children to listen. Play the recording again and this time the children write the numbers. Play the recording again so the children can check their answers. Finishing off The children can play the game from the activity in pairs. Demonstrate by inviting a child to the front of the class. Ask them to close their eyes and then give them an object to feel, ask: What’s this? S: It’s a (ruler). The children get into pairs and take turns asking and answering the questions about their classroom objects. The basic competences developed in each lesson are at the bottom of the page. Transcripts Trace and listen. Ruby: What’s this? Includes transcripts of all the recordings for each lesson within each lesson plan Lee: It’s a ruler. 1.13 Listen, say and number. 4 Ruby: What’s this? Lee: It’s a rubber. 2 Ruby: What’s this? Lee: It’s a pencil case. 5 Lee: What’s this? Ruby: It’s a pen. 3 Lee: What’s this? Ruby: It’s a book. 38 1.14 1 Lee: What’s this? Ruby: It’s a pencil. Remind children that the dotted letters are to help them improve their handwriting. Tell them that presentation is an important aspect of their school work. The children will gain confidence in their improving ability to express themselves in English. 39 15 Teacher’s material ep1 ne TEACHER’S RESOURCE BOOK + CD Numerous photocopiable worksheets to meet every need and enrich your classes: Unit 1 DVD Story Let’s share! Name: • Celebrations and festivals. • DVD activities. • Diagnostic and Unit tests, End of year tests... • Reinforcement, consolidation and extension sheets at 3 levels. • Newcomers worksheets. • Phonics worksheets. • Reading and Writing worksheets for the Cambridge Young Learner’s Exams. • Trinity and Cambridge exam tips. • Lesson B Arts & Crafts worksheets. • Richmond Primary Readers worksheets. Class: PRIMARY MARY 1 Name: Class: 1 Unit 1 Phonics πe> / πenci¬ πenci¬Name:caßæ / schoo¬ ba@ crayo> / rub∫e®Class: Name: 1 gl¤æ / ru¬e® 2 Thifi ifi å πe> Thifi ifi å 21 Thifi ifi å . Thifi ifi å . boo§ 3 1 2 o>æ πenci¬ caßæ . ifi 1 Look, read and circle. 2 Look, count and write. a®æ . a®æ . a®æ Unit 1 Reading and Writing . a®æ Name: . a®æ 1 Thifi ifi å πe>.. Look and read; then write. Look, count and write. 1 2 pi@ Name: 5 1 1.23 Look and circle. Find and colour. Class: Thifi ifi å rub∫e®. Thifi ifi å sharπe>e®. crayo> par§ Unit 1 Test © Santillana Educación SL./Richmond Publishing 2011 PHOTOCOPIABLE Class: 9 7 2 Thifi ifi å ru¬e®. —harl^æ an∂ R”ub¥ a®æ a† —harliæªfi houßæ. T™e®æ a®æ fou® rub∫erfi o> t™æ tab¬æ. T™æ πe> ifi blac§. R”ub¥ªfi go† å boo§. beep2 Susan Bolland 16 1 2 14 Look and read, then put a tick (✓) or a cross (✗) in the box. Look and read, then write yes or no. 1 2 © Santillana Educación SL./Richmond Publishing 2011 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 © Santillana Educación SL./Richmond Publishing 2011 PHOTOCOPIABLE teacher’s resource book The®æ The®æ The®æ The®æ The®æ The®æ πenci¬ 2 caßæ gl¤efi sharπe>erfi paπe® © Santillana Educación SL./Richmond Publishing 2011 PHOTOCOPIABLE rub∫erfi bookfi πenfi The CD includes PDFs and Word documents of all photocopiable worksheets as well as an image bank so that teachers can create their own worksheets, etc. πenci¬ Watch the DVD and number; then watch again and circle the differences. beep1 PRIMARY . ru¬e® © Santillana Educación SL./Richmond Publishing 2011 PHOTOCOPIABLE . Class: 1 Unit 1 Extension © Santillana Educación SL./Richmond Publishing 2011 PHOTOCOPIABLE teacher’s resource book Unit 1 Reinforcement Listen and tick (✓) the school objects. (Track 1.23) Count the objects and match the puzzle pieces. 15 POSTERS Vocabulary is presented on the front. BEEP, THE PUPPET 8 posters per level, one per unit. Beep’s world! THE FIRST PUPPET WHICH SPEAKS ENGLISH IN CLASS! 1.21 Hello girls! Hello boys! It’s time for school! Look! Now a boy is asking a question. pe> Can I go to the toilet? Can I go to the toilet? What’s the magic word? Later… Look at that boy! He’s looking in the dictionary! Does he know the magic word? Can I go to the toilet? rule® Hey! The magic word is PLEASE! gluæ What’s the magic word? What’s the magic word? What’s the magic word? Oh no! Oh dear! Everyone is going to the toilet! Can I go to the toilet… PLEASE? Thank you! schoo¬ ba@ rubbe® Yes! sharpene® Ah, fantastic! Now we know the magic word! Tonguæ twiste® It’s interactive: The teacher records the messag messages and answers that the ro robot repeats on demand. crayo> penci¬ 1.22 Pick up! Pick up the pink and purple pencils! Pick up the pink and purple pencils, Peter! Pick up the pink and purple pencils, Peter!… Pleeeease! EAN: 8431300114746 BEEP 1 © Santillana Educación S.L. / Richmond Publishing 2011 The back side is the Beep comic including a text and a tongue twister to practise the phonics. What’s the magic word? boo§ penci¬ casæ Unit 1 At school ol CLASS CDS Complete audio with a selection of songs and chants, listening activities and stories for each unit. It offers a range of possibilities, ideal for practising the language in class in an different way. enjoyable and diffe DVD Animated stories from each unit of the Student’s Book and eight sections presenting different themes with native children speaking in real situations. DVD worksheets are available in the Teacher’s Resource Book. 17 Teacher’s material ep1 PRIMARY Starters resources PRIMARY MARY ne flashcards mil§ Story card 1 1.17 Narrator: Charlie and Ruby are at school. Primary Charlie: Oh no! My sharpener! Each flashcard pack consists of wordcards and picture cards. an dm ixe d by T om á s Rub io © Richmond Publishi aE llan anti ng - S c du ac . .L ,S ión 8 431300 125 087 Re co rd ed a nd m i xe db y To más c ca du aE llan anti Rubio g-S © Richmond Publishin ,S ión . .L CAMBRIDGE YOUNG LEARNERS EXAMS: STARTERS, MOVERS, FLYERS For teachers wanting to prepare their pupils for these exams. On the reverse side of the card is the transcript. • Test-type activities for practice before the exam. • Each exam has its own CD-ROM: Starters, Movers and Flyers • The activities can be printed or you can work with them online. • It also includes a digital flashcard bank. A new toolbar to personalize the Beep i-books! TEACHER’S I-SOLUTIONS PACK Apart from having all the course components digitalized and integrated activity by activity, you will now also be able to: Contains 2 CD-ROMs for each level: 18 rd ed beep 2 A set of story cards of the stories for each unit of the Student’s Book. 88 flashcards per level Primary 8 431300 125 063 Re co STORY CARDS FLASHCARDS Interactive YLE Practice Flyers Primary Unit 1 Let’s share! BEEP 1 © Santillana Educación S.L. / Richmond Publishing 2011 beep 2 story cards PRIMARY Interactive YLE Practice Movers Teacher’s i-book: Student’s CD-ROM: • Digital version of the Student’s Book. • • Digital version of the Activity Book. • Digital version of the Teacher’s Book. • Digital version of the Teacher’s Resource Book. • Digital posters and flashcards. Interactive activities for revising the Student’s Book vocabulary in a fun way. • Insert your own notes • Insert links to websites • Insert all sorts of files: videos, audio, images, Word documents, Power points… • Highlight, write and colour. This new toolbar also offers the possibility to use the i-books with a projector or tablet. Susan B Richmond Primary Readers “When the pleasure of reading meets the needs of English learning” RICHMOND PRIMARY READERS ARE NOW AVAILABLE ON THE APPLE STORE! The Richmond Primary Readers is an original series of 18 titles covering the 6 levels of Primary. The series is fully mapped to the Cambridge Young Learners’ Exams and comes with extra teaching resources. Key features include: 13/2/09 20:44:20 • Engaging illustrations using a variety of different styles. • Humorous stories which appeal to each age group, with different levels of language. PRIMARY READERS Mole at the Seaside • CALLUM THE CATERPILLAR • MOLE AT THE SEASIDE • SID THE BUBBLEGUM KID * Julie Davies • Original stories. • WAGGLES * • A picture dictionary at the end of each book. • THE MAGIC CARPET • An audio CD to allow for listening and reading practice. • SMELLYBEAR • TEAMWORK • OZZIE AND SUMMER SUN • GRANDAD’S JUMPER * PRIMARY READERS • John Foley • FREE CD INSIDE 23/3/09 13:47:56 Worksheets available for all titles. You can download them from our website in the Resources section: The animated version of the story offers an excellent didactic activity for the class. DVD for selected titles available for the teacher. • PEDRO’S PROYECT • C.C. GOES TO INDIA • TOBY AND THE MAGIC TRAIN * • MYSTERY ISLAND PRIMARY READERS The Christmas Mouse FREE CD INSIDE 23/3/09 13:34:34 158623_Serigrafí 5/5/09 21:23:50 PRIMARY READERS Wendy Superfine Footprints in the Forest The Magic Carpet 5/5/09 21:19:43 158634_Serigrafí 5/5/09 21:34:50 nd mo hi ng is PRIMARY READERS bl Pu Callum the Caterpillar 11:55:34 es er ve d. ww w. ich ® /© PRIMARY READERS PRIMARY READERS Sa n 8 431300 049482 till a na E duc ació rrol n, S.L. 200 Produced by E 9. s Film ,S .L. lr Al h ig Mystery Island cació hm ond es er ve d. ww w. ric rr n, S.L. 200 Produced by E 9. ll nde lt hm o is bl Pu elt.c om hm ond ric i ch nd mo bl Pu is till ana Edu cació rrol n, S.L. 200 Produced by E 9. 8 431300 049499 Sa n s Film ,S .L. lr Al till ana Edu cació rrol n, S.L. 200 Produced by E 9. s Film ,S .L. lr Al h ig r ts ric nd mo yR db 8 431300 049505 Sa n /© es er ve d. ww w. ich ishe Publ FREE CD INSIDE /© ® hm o yR db hi ng PRIMARY READERS ® NOT NOW ROBBIE * ric hi ng Pedro’s Project hi ng • .com Edu A .L. s, S ilm ol F ishe FREE CD INSIDE PRIMARY READERS sr ht rig Publ till ana THE ROCK POOL nde lt Sa n RUBBISH RIVALS • es er ve d. ww w. elt.c om /© 8 431300 049475 is is bl Pu ® bl Pu nd mo hi ng Teamwork nd mo 21:29:43 ich 5/5/09 yR db i ch yR db 158645_Serigrafí • PRIMARY READERS ishe Julie Davies Marla Bentley A HOME FOR MATILDA * r ts Publ FREE CD INSIDE ishe Publ Ozzie and Summer Sun Mystery Island es er ve d. ww w. 9/3/09 THE CHATROOM • nde lt 158693_Serigrafí hm o 22:06:32 • 21:26:34 ric 18/3/09 yR db 5/5/09 PRIMARY READERS .com 158608_Serigrafí .com Susan House ishe Publ i be ® /© 8 431300 049529 Sa n till ana Edu cació rrol n, S.L. 200 Produced by E 9. s Film ,S .L. lr Al sr ht ig * Only available in digital version on the App Store. sr ht ig FREE CD INSIDE 19 d ’b k beep 2 Brendan Dunne Robin Newton Dictionaries RICHMOND PICTURE DICTIONARY A pictorial English dictionary for Primary school students with more than 1,500 words. • • • • English-Spanish and English-Catalan editions. Full-colour illustrations. Definition and translation of all words. Alphabetical or topic search. RICHMOND MINI DICTIONARY 266195_C.indd 1 PUBLISHING Richmond Mini Dictionary Español t Inglés English t Spanish 27/5/09 08:37:44 Español-Inglés / English-Spanish It contains: • • • 33,000 words, sentences and examples Includes a mini travel guide with useful phrases All the essential vocabulary you need 324354_C.indd 1 27/5/09 08:40:21 613 maravilloso; to feel ~ sentirse espléndido Marxism [mɑksizm, Am: mɑrk-] RICHMOND POCKET DICTIONARY Richmond Pocket Dictionary Español t Inglés English t Spanish 60,000 words, phrases and examples 70,000 translations Coloured head-words to make finding the right word easier Full-page colour pictures and maps “False friends” section 1D" 20 • • • • • NE t 1C HO T1 t SM" R A bilingual dictionary designed as a practical, portable and concise tool. An essential aid to the understanding and use of English and Spanish. 16#-*4)*/( CD-ROM INSIDE n no pl marxismo m Marxist [mɑksist, Am: mɑrk-] adj marxista masculine [mskjlin] adj a. LING masculino masculinity [mskjlinti, Am: mskjlin ti] n masculinidad f mash [mʃ] vt machacar; to ~ potatoes hacer puré de patatas mask [mɑsk, Am: msk] I. n a. fig máscara f; (only covering eyes ) antifaz m; oxygen ~ máscara de oxígeno II. vt enmascarar; to ~ the statistics ocultar las estadísticas mason [meisn] n 1. Am (bricklayer ) albañil m 2. (freemason ) masón, -ona m, f masonry [meisnri] n no pl 1. (stonework ) mampostería f 2. (freemasonry ) masonería f masquerade [mɑskreid] I. n mascarada f II. vi to ~ as sth hacerse pasar por algo mass [ms] n no pl 1. a. PHYS masa f 2. (large quantity ) montón m; to be a ~ of contradictions estar lleno de contradicciones Mass [ms] n misa f; to attend ~ ir a misa; to celebrate a ~ oficiar una misa massacre [mskr, Am: -k ] I. n masacre f II. vt masacrar massage [msɑd , Am: m-] I. n masaje m; water ~ hidromasaje m II. vt dar masajes a; fig manipular massive [msiv] adj enorme; ~ amounts of money grandes cantidades de dinero mass media n the ~ los medios de comunicación de masas mast [mɑst, Am: mst] n NAUT mástil m master [mɑstr, Am: mst ] I. n 1. (of house ) señor m; (of slave ) amo m 2. (one who excels ) maestro m; ~ craftsman maestro 3. (instructor ) instructor m; dancing/singing ~ instructor de baile/canto 4. (master copy ) original m II. vt 1. (cope with ) Marxism – mate vencer; to ~ one’s fear of flying superar el miedo a volar 2. (become proficient at ) dominar mastermind [mɑstmaind, Am: mst -] I. n cerebro m II. vt planear masterpiece n obra f maestra Master’s n, Master’s degree n máster m ? En Gran Bretaña se llama Master’s degree al grado académico que se obtiene al finalizar una carrera tras la defensa de una tesina (dissertation). El Master’s degree recibe distintos nombres según las disciplinas: MA (Master of Arts), MSc (Master of Science), Mlitt (Master of Letters) y Mphil (Master of Philosophy). Sin embargo en Escocia con la expresión MA se designa un primer grado académico. mastery [mɑstri, Am: mst -] n no pl (skill ) maestría f masturbation [mstbeiʃn, Am: -t -] n no pl masturbación f mat [mt] n (on floor ) estera f; (decorative ) tapiz m; bath ~ alfombra f de baño match1 [mtʃ] <-es> n cerilla f, cerillo m Méx match2 [mtʃ] I. n 1. (competitor ) contrincante mf; to be a good ~ for sb poder competir con alguien; to meet one’s ~ encontrar la horma de su zapato 2. SPORTS partido m 3. (similarity ) to be a good ~ combinar bien II. vi armonizar III. vt 1. (have same colour ) hacer juego con 2. (equal ) igualar mate1 [meit] I. n 1. ZOOL (male ) macho m; (female ) hembra f 2. Brit, Aus (friend ) amigo, -a m, f 3. Brit, Aus, inf (form of address ) compadre m 4. NAUT oficial m de abordo; first/ second ~ primer/segundo oficial II. vi aparearse III. vt aparear Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Oo TAKE ADVANTAGE OF AN EXTENDED VERSION ON THE DICTIONARY ON CD-ROM: Pp Qq Rr • Designed for intuitive search: headwords and full text search • Compatible with PC, PDA and Smartphone Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz My First Grammar & My Next Grammar Complete grammar course for the 6 levels of Primary Education. It can be used in class together with any English coursebook or as homework. Easy and entertaining, this course motivates children and their efforts are rewarded. • My First Grammar for Primary 1st, 2nd and 3rd • My Next Grammar for Primary 4th, 5th and 6th Student's Book Student's Book Student's Book For the student • Student’s Book • Workbook • Review quiz al the beginning of each lesson For the teacher • Games, fun activities and comics at the end of each unit • • Two Progess Tests per level. Teacher’s Book 21 fl h d Target KET for Schools and Target PET with Class Audio CD eep 2 ic hm d Pu bli shi ng/S antillana Educac ión S.L ., 20 09 . 4 51 59 © R on 2 The new Target series from Richmond contains two brand new exam courses to help students pass Cambridge ESOL’s KET for Schools exam and the PET exam. PET TARGET CLASS AUDIO KET TARGET TARGET KET FOR SCHOOLS Sue Ireland Joanna Kosta KET KET TARGET TARGET FOR SCHOOLS TEACHER’S BOOK with Class Audio CD Patricia Chappell Mark Lloyd FOR SCHOOLS PET TARGET KET TARGET WORKBOOK Sue Ireland Joanna Kosta 945173_C.indd 1 17/2/09 17:30:40 STUDENT’S BOOK FOR SCHOOLS R ic hm on d Pu bli shi ng/S antillana Educac ión S.L ., 20 09 . 45 16 Sue Ireland Joanna Kosta © One of the first exam preparation courses for the Cambridge ESOL’s new KET for Schools exam, written especially for 11- to 14-year-olds. 36 TARGET PET CD-ROM includes innovative Exam Trainer with step-by-step guide to the exam WORKBOOK FOR SCHOOLS 945114_C.indd 1 17/2/09 16:43:15 CD-ROM A brand new course, offering fresh new material which are perfect for both teenagers and young adults. 945103_Caratula.indd 1 17/2/09 17:26:25 CLASS AUDIO PET TARGET PET TARGET • • • • • • Authentic exam practice written by experienced writers. Essential exam-taking tips and strategies including a comprehensive Exam guide. Easy-to-teach topic-based lessons with focused vocabulary and grammar practice. Modern design with texts and topics specially chosen to appeal young people. Innovative Exam Trainer CD-ROM with an animated step-by-step guide to each part of the exam. Also available: Target FCE. 945151_C.indd 1 EXAM WEBSITE • • • • 22 Includes additional exam practice material. Unique video of mock speaking exam for class analysis or individual use. Exam training advice to optimise examination performance. Downloadable and customisable course transcripts and vocabulary lists. 10/2/09 19:01:33 TEACHER’S BOOK Patricia Chappell Mark Lloyd 945195_C.indd 1 945206_Seri.indd 1 5/3/09 22:30:40 6/3/09 15:26:20 ctivity book beep 2 Brendan Dunne Robin Newton RICHMOND WEBSITE E-RICHMOND TIMES Visit our website and discover the resources available for your class: Richmond Publishing has developed a magazine dedicated to English teachers with: • • • • Online Services Throughout the year, you will find thematic resources for your class. Be the first one to be informed of new titles. Follow the agenda of Richmond Teacher’s Training Events organized across the country. Download the class curricular programmes. • • • • • • Interactive activities (for the computer and the digital whiteboard). Photocopiable Resources Activities adapted to students academic levels. News from the world of education. Ideas and tips. A place to share and exchange experiences with other teachers. E-VOCACIÓN We invite you to discover e-vocación, an exclusive program for Richmond Publishing customers, tailored to your needs, preferences and leisure time. In e-vocación, you will enjoy: • • The Teacher´s Library with all the resources you need to optimize your work in class. Promotions, awards and exclusive discounts for your leisure time. Join the community of EFL teachers on Facebook! Set up innovative networks with your colleagues • • • • Enjoy authentic communication Share experiences Get to know the latest news on education Be informed on congresses and other events. Find us on YouTube and view videos demonstrating new teaching tools, explore some new interactive resources or share entertaining and instructive videos with your fellow colleagues! Discover more information in If you want to receive our free newsletter informing you of each new publication, join the Mailing List of Richmond Spain: 23