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Bengali Rohingya Terrorists Movement

The Bengali( Rohingya) have been terrorists since 1942. The statement that "Rohingyas" become terrorists because of oppression and discrimination against Rohingyas is wrong as "Rohingyas" has been...




It is undeniable truth the so-called Rohinga aka Bengali originated from the near-at-hand Bengali land of over population and grinding poverty . They only bring chaos and destruction to the neighboring host countries like Burma and India . They are parasites to any civilized societies. Watch the mass illegal migration from Bangladesh to Assam, North East INDIA and Rakhine, West MYANMAR ASSAM - THE SILENT GENOCIDE Islamic Invasion of INDIA 2012 eyewitnesses on Rohingya criminals against native Rakhine, Burma Events have been well witnessing that that Rohingyas or Bengali Muslims are radical Islam or jihadists! They are only thinking to make population grow, relocating into other countries for the propagation of Islam. Bengali (Rohingyas) Muslims do not respect the law of the host country Burma and insult Burmese culture. According to the Islamic law, they have four wives and multi-kids system. Their reproductive rate, which approaches 6.08/family although one sees families of 8-80 children. The reproductive rate of the Burmese is about 2.06 trending toward 2. These cultural differences are greatly resented by the natives and are a root cause of the problem. The huge population increase has brought considerable pressure on limited resources in a poor, agricultural/fishing area and is the simmering source of resentment. Burmese government has attempted to limit their reproductive rate with legislation, which has not worked. Salafi Islamic influence has increased considerably resulting in more mosques, Islamic schools, beards, threats and attempts to expand the Islamic influence, forced conversions of Buddhist women, making Rhankine Buddhists feel unsafe in their own communities. As is true in many Asian countries, birth does not automatically confer citizenship. The parents have to be documented citizens and the Bengali Muslims have no documents. So, they are considered illegal aliens and resented. Rohingya supporters (UN, HRW,UNHCR, INGO..) have blamed the Burmese government for not doing more about the uprising, but it is not possible for a government to legislate what is in people's hearts. This is a brutal situation for both sides. The Bengali (Rohingyas) Muslims have reproduced at a horrible birth rate, far outstripping that of the Buddhists in a province of limited resources . They are creating their own problems. Attitude of Bangladeshi Government The government of Bangladesh is actually encouraging Bangladeshi influx into India and Burma, there is no doubt that the government looks at this phenomenon and makes no effort to prevent it. Successive heads of the government including Sheikh Hasina and Gen. Ershad have flatly denied the very existence of the problem. On the other hand, certain intellectuals of Bangladesh have been propagating the concept of "Lebensraum", a German word meaning "Living Space", for the exploding population of Bangladesh. According to Sadeq Khan, a former Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh, writing in "Holiday", (Oct. 18, 1991) "the natural trend of population overflow from Bangladesh is towards the sparsely populated lands of neighboring countries. Here is the link Bangladesh PM admits Rohingya Muslims are NOT from Burma THE BASIC TRUTH The basic truth (with real history and facts) is that the Buddhist Rakhine people are under a real and brutal Bengali(Rohingya) campaign to seize their centuries old cultural homeland and turn it into an Islamic State, without other people or religions tolerated. This has already happened in parts of Rakhine State near the Bangladesh border in the area of Maungdaw and Buthidaung. The Rakhine have never taken over or invaded other lands - they have lived in their ancient homeland continuously. The Buddhist Rakhine people have suffered massive slaughters, and been forced and burned out of hundreds of towns and villages in the last 100 years. They know - from bitter experience that the Muslims have NO respect for the Buddhist people and culture, and will destroy any Buddhist temples, monasteries, and holy places - as has happened already in parts of Rakhine. The Rakhine people are in engaged in a struggle that is similar to other struggles in the area: Southern Thailand: about 6000 Thai Buddhist - including Buddhist monks tortured and beheaded - killed in recent years by fanatic Muslims trying to drive out and eliminate the Buddhist population, and turn southern Thailand into an independent Islamic state. Southern Philippines: constant kidnappings, beheadings, and killing of Christian Filipino's, goal to make an independent Islam-only separate country. Non-Muslim parts of Indonesia: hundreds of Christian churches burned and destroyed, Christian school girls beheaded walking to school, currently imams and leaders are calling for Indonesians to go wage holy war on the Burma. Bangladesh: 50 years ago it was about 28% Hindu, after forcing millions of Hindus to flee the Hindu population is less then 9%, and still becoming smaller. The small Buddhist population is treated terribly, and Buddhist temples and monasteries and homes are looted and burned. All the ancient temples, stupas, and ruins from nearly 2000 years of Buddhist kingdoms have been completely destroyed. As in other non-Muslim countries, Bengali ( Rohingya) Muslims are engaged in jihad in Myanmar to establish a Sharia state. The latest jihadi attack occurred in 9th October 2016 when the Bengali ( Rohingya) terrorists raided Myanmar's armory and subsequently a dozen of Myanmar security forces were killed and arms and ammunition were looted. The terrorists are now playing the victim hood card and Muslims all over the world are joining in the chorus of anti- Buddhist and anti-Myanmar demonstrations. Bengali (Rohingya) Terrorists movement The Bengali-Muslim ( Rohingya) have been terrorists since 1942. The statement that "Rohingya" become terrorists because of oppression and discrimination against Rohingya is wrong as "Rohingya" has been already terrorists before Burma military regime born in Burma. This is quoted from a British officer, at that time in 1942 (World War Two), who wrote a report: "I have been told the harrowing tales of cruelly and suffering inflicted on the Arakanese (Buddhist) villages in the Buthidaung area.About 30,000 Rakhine Buddhist were killed in this absolute genocide, and Most of their villages on the west bank of the Mayu river have been burnt and destroyed by the (Bengali-Muslim) V Force. In 1946 they (Bengali-Muslim) formed the Muslim Liberation Organization (MLO) and started their war. In 1948 they changed the name of the party to Mujahid Party, and the insurgency then became known as the Mujahidin Insurgency. (Mujahadin means: Muslim fighters engaged in a Jihad). ( Jihad means: holy war in the name of Islam). During the 1950's, the Rakhine identity's 'Rohingya' was hijacked by Mujahadin , and it started to spread around, slowly becoming a replacement word for Bengali-Muslim, or Chittagong-Muslim, but only much later it became the common name. In 1960 the Mujahid insurgency aka Rohingya Solidarity Organisation (RSO) was finally defeated by General Ne Win. Then the Muslim leadership realized that they needed a new story about the Muslims in Arakan - and they embraced a new identity - and they now called themselves 'Rohingya'. The Bengali-Muslim ( Rohingya) RSO terrorists have a long and well-documented history of attacking the Burmese security services in Maungdaw area. Bangladeshi Army Trained Rohingya Terrorists RSO on the Border in 2012. That murderous ambush on Burmese Army’s road-building crew on November 6,2012 by BengaliMuslim terrorists from RSO (Rohingya Solidarity Organization), the OIC-supported and Al-Qaedaaffiliated terrorist group based in Bangladesh, killed one engineering officer from Burma army. The Rohingya RSO terrorists have also kidnapped and beheaded three Burma army soldiers and fled back into Bangladesh. The cross-border terrorist attack took place in the Maungdaw Township of north Arakan. Bangladesh-trained and based RSO terrorists have been committing brutal cross-border raids inside Burma’s Arakan frequently. They ambushed on the Burmese police patrol inside Duchiyardan BengaliMuslim Village on 13 January 2014 and kidnapped, beheaded Burmese Police Sergeant Aung Kyaw thein . Aqa Mul Mujahidin (AMM) group linked to RSO and local Bengali terrorists provoked the attack on the police On October 9, 2016. They took 50 guns , ammunition and killed and beheaded nine policemen. International Crisis Group (ICG) has revealed that a well-funded armed Islamist group named Harakah al-Yaqin (Faith Movement, HaY) which is led by a committee of Rohingyas living in Saudi Arabia and is commanded on the ground by Rohingyas with international training and experience in modern guerrilla war tactics. They are using the human rights tactic as shield; but, they are definitely creating instability of the country and committed crime against humanity! Aqa Mul Mujahidin (AMM) group linked to RSO and named Harakah al-Yaqin (Faith Movement, HaY) have trained local Bengali Rohingya villagers in secret Maungdaw area since 2012 violence. Now they are called Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army ( ARSA). Bengali (Rohingya) Terrorists and Bengali (Rohingya) Right groups have the same goal. They are engaged in jihad in Burma to establish a Sharia state. It is not just race religion minority rights & so on. They are Islamist extremist groups. The 400 Rohingya rebels fighting the Myanmar Army, who receive funding from donors in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, neither depend on Rohingya villagers nor work with them. The conflict between Rakhine Buddhists and Bengali (Rohingya) Muslims in Myanmar resembles the Muslim insurgency that has been unfolding in southern Thailand since 2004 and brewing for much longer. Malay nationalists in the Thai provinces of Narathiwat, Pattani, and Yala have opposed Bangkok’s Buddhist rule since it absorbed the Sultanate of Patani in the 20th century. Muslim insurgency in southern Thailand have employed guerrilla warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and improvised explosive devices to harass Bangkok’s local proxies, such as Buddhist bureaucrats, policemen, politicians, and soldiers. According to the Crisis Group, the newfound Rohingya resistance movement, which the Myanmar government estimates at 400 strong, relies on the same tactics. At Maungdaw in the North of Rakhine ( Arakan ) State Myanmar, the bengali ( Rohingya ) terrorists are instructing the bengali ( Rohingya ) people how to make fire bomb with fueling bottle , how to make improvised explosive bombs anywhere and how to use to destroy the houses. Bengali Rohingya terrorists and Bengali Rohingya right groups fabricated stories with the use of social media and the internet while foreign new agencies spread bad news that was contrary to the ethics of the media by publishing one-sided accusations. The Rahine State Investigation commission members interviewd local Bengali Rohingyas including women,children and men to find out whether rapes were committed during the operations. On 11 December,2016, The Rahine State Investigation commission members interviewed Ma Jarmaliha exclusively and asked her whether she had been raped,other young women had been raped and whether she had witnessed such case but she answered that she had never been raped nor witnessed any case of rapes. A media team comprising local and foreign media visited Rakhine state from 19 to 22 December,2016 during their trip, that lady Ma Jarmaliha and Ma Norjan told the media that they had been raped by security forces. As a result,authorities visited and met the village administrator. Authorities also invited Ma Jarmaliha and Ma Norjan to the meeting but they did not come to the meeting and had escaped, according to the village administrator. Their neighbours told authorities that they had never heard of any rape in the village. The members of a delegation of nine foreign ambassadors visited and met the villagers in some impacted areas on November 2,2016 and November3,2016 . They asked the villagers holding the posters whether you know the meaning of the posters or not. The villagers answered that they did not know the meaning of the posters and they received the instruction through Viber mobile application. Watch Bengali Rohingya terrorists movement Video