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Big Data

Data Science




Big Data at Work: Dispelling the Myths, Uncovering the Opportunities Featuring Babson College Professor Tom Davenport, author of Big Data at Work: Dispelling the Myths, Uncovering the Opportunities MARCH 3, 2014 In collaboration with Questions? To ask a question … click on the “question icon” in the lower-right corner of your screen. OCTOBER 17, 2012 Presentation Download Link Click on the double  links icon here to  download the  presentation  materials. OCTOBER 17, 2012 Follow the Conversation on Twitter Use #HBRwebinar @HBRExchange MARCH 3, 2014 Big Data at Work: Dispelling the Myths, Uncovering the Opportunities Thomas Davenport President’s Distinguished Professor Management and Information Technology Babson College Author of Big Data at Work: Dispelling the Myths, Uncovering the Opportunities MARCH 3, 2014 #HBRwebinar @HBRExchange Big Data at Work: Dispelling the Myths, Uncovering the Opportunities Thomas Davenport President’s Distinguished Professor Management and Information Technology Babson College Author of Big Data at Work: Dispelling the Myths, Uncovering the Opportunities MARCH 3, 2014 #HBRwebinar @HBRExchange Big Data @ Work Thomas H. Davenport Babson/MIT/International Institute for Analytics Harvard Business Review Videocast March 3, 2014 What’s New About Big Data?  My definition Too big for a single server Too unstructured for a relational database Too fast-moving to fit into a warehouse  Need data scientists to manipulate it  A variety of new technologies to manage it  Requires a new approach to management and decision-making Evidence-based, fast, continuous decisions 8 | 2013 © Thomas H. Davenport All Rights Reserved What to Do with All This Stuff? Global data storage Exabyte Global data storage Exabytes 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2005 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 2015 About 0.5% of this data is analyzed in any way! SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute ; Digital Universe Study, IDC 9 Industries and Their Use of Big Data Extensive Data Streams from Operations/ Customer Relationships Underachieving Big Data Competitors Telecom Investments Health Care Disadvantaged CPG Overachieving Limited Limited Extensive Use of Data for Decision-Making and Products/Services 10 Functions and Their Use of Big Data Extensive Data Streams from Operations/ Customer Relationships Underachieving Big Data Competitors Finance, Sales Marketing HR Disadvantaged Operations Overachieving Limited Limited Extensive Use of Data for Decision-Making and Products/Services 11 What Can You Do with Big Data?  Save money with big data technologies (Citi)  Make the same decisions faster (Caesars, UPS)  Make new types of decisions (United Health, Schneider)  Develop new products and services (Nest/Google, GE, Monsanto) 12 How to Prospect for Big Data Projects Big pile of data Big pile of business/customer problems 13 Where Are Your Big Data Applications? Discovery Production Cost savings Faster decisions New decisions Products/services 14 Who’s in Charge? Discovery Production Cost savings IT innovation IT operations Faster decisions Analytics group Business unit/function New decisions Analytics group Business unit/function Products/services R&D/product devt Product devt/mgt 15 Building Big Data Capabilities Data . . . . . . . . big, small, structured, unstructured Enterprise . . . . . . . .integrated big and small data analytics Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .passion and commitment Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . where to start? Technology. . . . . . . . new architectures Analysts . . . . . data scientists 16 Actions in Each DELTTA Category  Data  More external, all types combined  Enterprise  One analytics leader, one support group  Leadership  Experimentation, deliberation, investment  Targets  Get something going that matters  Technology  Hadoop etc., multiple storage options  Analysts  Different roles and tracks, but everybody together 17 Big Data Technologies  Hadoop, Pig, Hive, etc. for spreading big data processing across massively parallel servers  In-memory processing, in-database analytics  Machine learning for rapid model generation and testing  Natural language processing  Visual analytics software  Storage and processing options  Hadoop  Traditional data warehouse or mart  Discovery platform  Cloud-based analytics 18 Who Is Working with Big Data? Small startups  On West or E. Coasts  In online, media, healthcare  Big data only  Product/service focus Big firms  Traditional or online businesses  Variety of industries  Big + small data analytics  Need new management model for the combination 19 Analytics 1.0 Traditional Analytics 1.0  Primarily descriptive analytics and reporting  Internally sourced, relatively small, structured data  “Back room” teams of analysts  Internal decision support focus  Slow models and decisions 20 Analytics 2.0 The Big Data Era 2.0  Complex, large, unstructured data about customers  New analytical and computational capabilities  “Data Scientists” emerge  Online firms create data-based products and services  Online data tracked relentlessly 21 Analytics 3.0 Fast, Pervasive Analytics at Scale 3.0  A seamless blend of traditional analytics and big data  Analytics integral to the business, everybody’s job  Rapid, agile insight and model delivery  Analytical tools available at point of decision  Companies use analytics for decisions at scale and analytics-based products and services TODAY 22 3.0 Obstacles  Front-line workers who don’t want analytics and big data to tell them how to do their jobs  Product managers who don’t understand data products  Customers and partners who think they own the data  Internal managers and customers who don’t understand analytics  Managers who don’t like “black box” decisions 23 3.0 Companies, Old and New Centenarians  Procter & Gamble (177)  Schneider Electric (171)  GE (121)  JP Morgan Chase (119)  Ford (111)  UPS (108) Youngsters  Intuit (31)  Google (16)  LinkedIn (11)  EnerNOC (13)  Facebook (10)  Foundation Medicine (5)  Zillow (9) 24 25 | 2014 © Thomas H. Davenport All Rights Reserved Questions? To ask a question … click on the “question icon” in the lower-right corner of your screen. OCTOBER 17, 2012 Thank you for joining us! This webinar was made possible by the generous support of SAS. Learn more at MARCH 3, 2014 In collaboration with