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Binary Symmetric Book 3 (holy Quran)

Qur'ān is the book of Allāh that was announced by revelations to Muhammad (p.b.u.h), Prophet, in 23 years of his prophet hood. It starts with the opening chapter al-Fatiḥa and ended with the chapter of al-Nas. Since the revelations were made it has been transmitted from one generation to another by way of both in written and orally. The announcer in the Qur'ān is invariably Allāh. Again, the import that is included in word as well as the composition of the words is belonging to Allāh. God’s final revelations, the Holy Qur'ān was sent down in verses (ayas). Preservation of the verses that were sent down in a healthy manner, and consequently the concern for not a single verse to be missed from the Holy Qur'ān encircled Prophet Mohammad, before anyone else, who was charged directly with such revelation. Such concern of the Holy Prophet came into existence along with the initial verses. This solicitousness drives the Holy Prophet to memorize the verses immediately by murmuring while they were read by the angel. The awareness of the sole discretion for the process following the revelations of the verses stimulates a feeling of great responsibility. In a short time, His God relieved him on this particular matter in one of the initial verses by stating that; لا تحرك به لسانك لتعجل به ۝ إن علينا جمعه وقرءانه “Move not your tongue concerning (the Qur'ān) to make haste therewith. To gather it and make it read certainly belongs us” Thus, the exalted Allāh announced firsthand that he has undertaken gathering of the Holy Qur'ān and transmitting it to mankind as Holy Qur'ān. The exalted Allāh provided protection for Qur'ān that He never had made it before for the books of local religions just because it is the source of the right way of a universal religion that will last until doomsday. إنا نحن نزلنا الذكر وإنا له لحافظون. “Verily, We, it is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Qur'ān) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption)” Then, we might say that Qur'ān, in every respect, is under the protection of Allāh. It will be transmitted to the next generations just as had been done to our generation by Him. The reality that Holy Qur'ān will be kept away from any kind of shame and defect is declared by the creator (like this) as follows: لا يأتيه الباطل من بين يديه ولا من خلفه تنزيل من حكيم حميد. “Falsehood cannot come to it from before it or behind it, (it is) sent down by the All-Wise, Worthy of all praise ” The foregoing explanations indicate that, regardless from the course of the historical process, the Holy Qur'ān is always under the supervision of the Mighty God, and must be revered as such. Another particular subject which should not also be disregarded is the fact that Holy Qur'ān introduced itself as a book. Such introduction is an important presumption on that Holy Qur'ān shall not remain as a scattered material in pages, and turn to become a book by causing all of its pages to be brought together. The Mighty God’s emphasis of a “book” with respect to Holy Qur'ān, which is referred at most the verses should be assessed properly. In order to comprehend this subject matter, one should consider how the concept of the book takes place in the culture of mankind. Every author has full understanding such that, everybody may have beneficial accumulation of information with respect to his/her experiences and the knowledge. However, arrangement of such knowledge in an order to put them into writing is not that easy thus, many intellectuals are not copyright owners. The presumption that the fact of “order and arrangement” which human beings give importance in their publications might be disregarded in the Holy Book of Deity God would be irrelevant. From this perspective, there is nothing precluding the Mighty God’s emphasis of a “book” for the Holy Qur'ān, considered as an indicator of His order and arrangement. As a matter of fact, the first verse of the


