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Bmi Asia Pacific Oil And Gas Insight March 2016

BMI Oil and Gas Insight March 2016 Sulaiman BMI Oil and Gas Insight March 2016 Sulaiman


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3  Asia Oil & Gas  JAPAN the coming months, consistent with the government's ongoing efforts to liberalise the downstream sector ( see 'Eased Import Restrictions To Improve Downstream Efciency', July 16 2015 ). Rened Fuels Consumption Growth To Cool In contrast, the pace of consumption growth for rened fuels is set to slow markedly over the next ve years. Although the sheer size the Chinese market will see it remain a sizable consumer of rened fuels; we forecast China's fuels demand to see an average growth rate of 1.8% per annum over 2016-2020, compared with 5.0% seen over 2011-2015. This trend looks set to continue over the coming years, as the Chinese economy continues to shift away from an investment- driven model to a consumption-driven one. This aligns with our Country Risk team's expectation for China's economic woes to persist, which will weigh on Chinese demand for rened fuels over the next few years ( see 'High Frequency Data: Economy Continues To Cool', December 3 2015 ). Diesel demand growth in particular is set to underwhelm due to a sharp slowdown in manufacturing and industrial activity. Nevertheless, we note that China's gasoline demand will remain relatively intact amid a broader slowdown in its fuels demand. In September 2015, the government halved the tax on purchases of small-cars (vehicles with engine capacity of 1.6 litres or less) until end-2016, which has led car sales through the rst 11 months of 2015 to increase 3.3% y-o-y, according to data from the China As- sociation of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM). Our Autos team expects this uptrend in sales to persist through to 2020, as consumer appetite for big-ticket items such as cars gradually recovers, sup- porting sustained gasoline demand from the transportation sector. Political Backing Positive For Gas Demand We retain our positive outlook towards China's gas consumption growth prospects over the next ve years, as the government con - tinues to take positive steps to increase the prominence of gas in its domestic energy mix. A case in point is the recent slashing of gas prices for businesses and industrial users, with access to cheaper gas expected to stimulate greater demand among the country's industrial users, who even with previously high domestic gas prices accounted for nearly two-thirds of total gas demand ( see 'Pricing Reform Boost Gas Consumption Outlook', November 19 2015 ). Furthermore, growing international pressure to reduce green- house gas emissions will see China introduce several policies in favour of greater gas use in the power sector, while curbing the use of more pollutive-fuels such as oil and coal. Moreover, China plans to stop approving new coal mining projects for three years starting in March 2016. Although it remains to be seen how effective such a policy would prove in practice – due to coal's large presence in the country's total power mix – it is indicative of the government's rm support behind a shift to cleaner energy sources and thus pose upside risk to our already optimistic forecasts. JAPAN Nuclear Return To Weigh On Gas Demand  BMI View:   The recent court ruling in favour of Kansai Electric's  plans to restart its nuclear reactors at the Takahama and Oi nuclear  power plants is in line with our downbeat outlook towards Japan's long-term natural gas consumption outlook, which we forecast to decline by 2.8% over 2015-2025. We forecast Japan's natural gas demand to fall in the latter half of our forecast period to 2025, as the gradual return of nuclear energy erodes the share of natural gas in Japan's power mix. According to our data, we estimate that Japan will consume about 129.2bn cubic metres (bcm) of natural gas in 2016, which will fall to 124.7bcm by 2025. Nuclear Return To Alleviate Import Reliance Our long-held view for nuclear energy to make a gradual return into Japan's power mix over 2015-2024 was vindicated on December 24 2015, when the Fukui District Court of Japan overturned an injunc- tion that had stunted the restart of two nuclear reactors at Kansai Electric Power Company 's Takahama power plant. Moreover, the court also rebuffed a request for an injunction to block the restart of a further two reactors at the rm's Oi nuclear plant, paving the way for these reactors to recommence operations over the coming years. This supports our bearish long-term natural gas consumption forecast for Japan, as a broad energy sector reform being undertaken by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe seeks to reduce the country's elevated dependence on imported thermal fuels following the aftermath of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster ( see 'Nuclear Restarts Will  Reduce Dependence On LNG Imports', July 10 2015 ).. Passenger Car Sales To Rebound China – Passenger Car Sales & % chg y-o-y e/f = BMI estimate/forecast. Source: CAAM, BMI  Policy Changes To Support Gas Demand Growth China – Natural Gas Consumption & % y-o-y e/f = BMI estimate/forecast. Source: EIA, BMI  4  Asia Oil & Gas  SOUTH KOREA However, we highlight that continued public opposition to large- scale nuclear restarts will likely see the government to miss out on its ambitious aim to generate about 20.0-22.0% of total electricity from nuclear energy by 2030. Nevertheless, we expect to see be- tween one and three reactors to come back online annually over the next 10 years. At the time of writing, our Power team expects the share of nuclear energy in Japan's total generation mix to increase from 0.5% to 11.6% over 2015-2025 while gas generation falls ( see 'Nuclear Back In The Power Mix, But Opposition To Remain High',  August 11 2015 ). LNG Imports Remain At Risk  While the revival of nuclear generation could help to reduce Japan's import bill and cut carbon emissions, we highlight that a signicant decline in Japan's gas requirements could see the country struggle to consume all of its contracted LNG volumes over the coming years, especially with a slew of new long-term supply deals signed with export ventures in the US and Australia set to kick in over 2015-2018. In such a scenario, Japan could explore the option of re-selling surplus cargoes back to the export market. While gas off-take could be limited amid an increasingly oversupplied global LNG market and a structural slowdown in LNG demand in certain major consumer markets in the Asia-Pacic, we highlight that positive gas consump - tion growth in many of the region's emerging economies, notably China, could help to absorb some of the excess supplies ( see 'Low Oil Prices Underline Bearish Production Outlook', December 23 2015 ). SOUTH KOREA  Gas Demand To Fall Amid Nuclear Resurgence  BMI View:   South Korea's natural gas demand is set to fall by 6.8% over 2015-2024, as the availability of cheaper power sources such as nuclear energy and coal erode the share of gas generation in the power sector. We forecast South Korea's natural gas consumption to fall by 6.8% over 2015-2024 from 45.4bn cubic metres (bcm) to 42.3bcm. This will be a result of the increasing prominence of cheaper power sources, such as nuclear energy and coal, which will weigh on gas demand in the power sector. Our subdued outlook is broadly aligned with the muted view held by the South Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, which estimates that the country's gas consumption could drop by 5.0% from current levels over the 15 years to 2029. South Korea's natural gas consumption enjoyed a period of strong growth between 2011 and 2013, after two large-scale incidents – the Fukushima crisis in 2011 and the Yonggwang nuclear power plant scandal in 2012 – brought the safety of the country's existing nuclear infrastructure into question. This forced the government to ramp-up reliance on imported LNG to make up for the loss in nuclear power generation output. However, a gradual reduction in stigma towards nuclear energy in recent years has led South Korea's gas demand to contract by 7.0% over 2014-2015, as some nuclear power plants which were previously shut down resumed operations. This is a trend we see continuing through to 2024, as govern- ment efforts to utilise cheaper energy sources for power generation allows for cost-competitive nuclear energy and even coal to gain prominence over gas over the coming years. This aligns with our Power team's view that a signicant pipeline of new nuclear builds will gradually come online over the coming years, despite the fact that public sentiment towards nuclear still remains rather downbeat ( see 'Coal-Heavy, But Small Wind Gains', December 1 2015 ). Long-Term LNG Deals Remain At Risk  While we expect South Korea to remain a sizeable importer of LNG over the next decade, projections for diminishing gas demand suggests that the country will have less appetite for the traditional long-term, large-volume gas contracts with international suppliers, Takahama Return Adds Long-Term Downside Japan – Natural Gas Consumption & chg y-o-y e/f = BMI estimate/forecast. Source: EIA, BMI  Gas Demand To See Steady Downtrend South Korea – Natural Gas Consumption e/f = BMI estimate/forecast. Source: EIA, BMI  5  Asia Oil & Gas  INDIA in favour of greater contract exibility. Furthermore, we highlight that falling gas demand increases the risk of an oversupply in the domestic market, which could see South Korea seek to re-route sur- plus cargoes or renegotiate existing deals ( see 'LNG Deal Provides Short-Term Reprieve', November 12 2015 ). INDIA  Rajasthan Redevelopment Plan To Slow Crude Decline  BMI View:   Greater implementation of enhanced oil recovery tech - niques and redevelopment works at some of India's key oil produc - ing assets will help to partially slow the rate of decline in India's domestic crude oil production. We currently anticipate production to decline at an average rate of 1.1% per annum over the next 10 years. We maintain our view that India's oil production is set to fall steadily over the next decade as natural declines at existing elds weigh on overall production. However, we note that implementa- tion of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques and redevelop- ments of existing projects will help to partially slow the rate of decline. At the time of writing, we forecast India's crude oil and liquids production to decrease at an average rate of 1.1% per an- num over 2015-2024, from 845,720 barrels per day (b/d) in 2015 to 772,860b/d in 2024. India's crude oil production has been on a persistent downtrend since 2011, largely due to natural declines at mature elds and limited development of new upstream assets. As such, rms have been relying on creative measures to sustain output levels at existing elds in order to meet growing domestic demand. One such measure is set to be Cairn India 's USD760mn EOR and redevelopment programme in Block RJ-ON-90/1, Rajasthan. On December 15 2015, the rm disclosed plans to drill 450 new exploration and development wells over the course of the next 12 months, while applying full-eld polymer EOR techniques at the Mangala and Bhagyam oilelds to arrest natural declines. The Ra -  jasthan block is already one of India's largest oil producing provinces with average daily production of about 300,000b/d of crude oil, or equivalent to about 27.7% of India's domestic crude oil production in 2015. Cairn estimates that its programme could increase the block's production by nearly two-thirds in the coming years. Project Economics Favour Cairn While the continued slump in oil prices dampens rms' appetite for expensive projects, we remain positive towards Cairn's project given favourable project economics. Crucially, redevelopment works within the block will be able to leverage off existing infrastructure, which will help to reduce cost and make the project more attractive compared to greeneld developments. As such, although an exact project timeline is not available, we have accounted for the likely uptick in production from Rajasthan in our forecasts. Long-Term Decline To Persist However, while the additional volumes will offer some support to output over the coming years, it will not be sufcient to reverse the long-term downtrend in India's overall oil production. Despite a strong pipeline of exploration projects in India, bringing new production sources online remains challenging due to bureaucratic delays and continued oil price weakness. Moreover, the country's largely state- controlled upstream segment deters large-scale foreign investment. In this respect, incremental reforms enacted under Prime Minister Narendra Modi poses small upside risk to our forecasts. For instance, in November 2014, the government passed a law to provide greater scal and regulatory stability and allow for the monetisation of several discoveries that had been previously deemed stranded (as the operator failed to notify the government of the discovery within the requisite time period). Additionally, more exible licensing terms under the new open acreage licensing policy (OALP) have been designed to entice greater international oil company participation in future block offers, though this will hinge on whether the government is able to introduce a fair and attractive revenue-sharing model for licensees. Shale Gas And CBM To Remain Underdeveloped  BMI View:    India's plans to develop its large and untapped coal bed methane and shale resources will be hindered by low state-set gas  prices and cheap energy alternatives. India's shale gas and coal-bed methane (CBM) will remain under- developed as long as alternative energy sources, such as LNG im- ports and coal, continue to be competitively priced. Nevertheless, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government is exploring ways to attract investments into India's unconventional resources, to ease a mounting dependence on imported fuels. EOR Insufcient To Stem Decline India – Crude Oil Production & % y-o-y f = BMI forecast. Source: Ministry Of Petroleum & Natural Gas, EIA, BMI  Growing Natural Gas Decit India – Dry Natural Gas Production & Consumption f = BMI forecast. Source: National sources, BMI  6  Asia Oil & Gas  PAKISTAN Untapped Resources Could Satisfy Natural Gas Decit India's yawning natural gas decit provides the impetus for increas - ing production from untapped resources. We forecast natural gas consumption to grow at an average of 4.9% per year, far higher than the 0.6% average annual growth rate of natural gas production. As such, the shortfall in domestic production will more than double from 25 billion cubic metres (bcm) in 2016 to 56bcm in 2025, demanding rising imports of LNG. According to reports, India aims to raise the share of natural gas in the energy mix to 20.0% by 2020, up from 6.0% in 2013. This dovetails with the pledge India made at UN COP21 to reduce carbon intensity – up to 35.0% by 2030 compared to 2005 levels. Devel- opment of India's large and untapped shale and CBM technically recoverable resources, which the US Energy Information Adminis- tration estimates to be 2,700bcm and anywhere between 250bcm and 2,600bcm, respectively, would help the country meet these targets, while softening reliance on imported LNG. Technical And Pricing Challenges Remain However, it is unlikely that the domestic shale and CBM resources will be developed on any scale sufcient to substantially reduce the country's reliance on LNG imports. First, very little is known about the geology; early exploration will be high cost and entail high capital outlays. Indian national oil companies have neither the technical nor nancial capabilities to drive the unconventional sec - tor independently and substantial private sector involvement would be needed. Furthermore, high population densities, infrastructural bottlenecks, water constraints and environmental concerns are all barriers to exploration and development. Second, the domestic price cap on natural gas has stunted investments in the upstream sector. Various pricing reforms are under review, but price increases are highly sensitive politically. For example, a price reform that would have allowed a portion of output from deepwater, ultra-deepwater and high-temperature, high-pressure elds to be sold at market prices has been stalled since 2014 ( see 'Stalled Price Reform Reinforces Bearish Gas Outlook',  June 25 2015 ). Third, ample cheap alternative energy supplies such as LNG imports and coal will undercut the impetus for the government to revise these gas prices. In such a situation, the political cost of reforming the domestic price cap mechanism, and consequently raising the state-set gas prices, may outweigh the potential benets in the shorter term. As such, coal will undoubtedly stay as the dominant fuel in India's energy mix due to its cost-competitiveness. Despite concerns over carbon emissions and pollution, its share of the national electricity generation will decline only marginally from 66.6% to 65.9% over the next decade, whereas the share for natural gas will rise from 12.3% to 12.7%. Given that energy affordability is a priority, the prospect of broader coal-to-gas switching remains limited. PAKISTAN Exploration Pipeline Poses Long-Term Reserves Upside  BMI View: Pakistan's proved crude oil and natural gas reserves will remain on a downtrend over 2016-2025. This will be a result of extensive tapping of existing reserves amid a dearth of new sig - nicant discoveries, which will ensure the country remains depend  - ent on imports. We highlight that the country's strong exploration  pipeline and vast shale resources potential pose long-term upside risk to our forecasts. We forecast Pakistan's hydrocarbon reserves to decline strongly over 2016-2025, as extensive tapping of existing reserves will not be offset by new signicant discoveries. At end-2015, the country's total reserves were estimated at around 400mn barrels (bbl) for crude oil and 707.9bn cubic metres (bcm) for natural gas by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). However, on ac- count of rising production, we anticipate these gures to decline to 151.6mn bbl and 423.8bcm, respectively, by the end of our forecast period in 2025. Pakistan Will Remain A Net Importer A combination of factors, including positive economic perfor- mance, growing shift to oil-based fuels in the transportation sector and improving gas pipeline connectivity will lead a 34.8% and 11.0% increase in Pakistan's rened fuels and natural gas demand, respectively, over the next decade. As this growth collides with diminishing reserves and an unimpressive production growth outlook, Pakistan will remain dependent on imports through our forecast period to 2025. Nevertheless, we highlight that the long-term risks to our reserves Coal To Stay Dominant India – Electricity Generation (TWh) f = BMI forecast. Source: National sources, BMI  Large Discoveries Needed To Reverse Decline Pakistan – Proven Crude Oil & Natural Gas Reserves f = BMI forecast. Source: EIA, BMI  7  Asia Oil & Gas  MYANMAR forecasts lie to the upside, supported by the strong pipeline of ex- ploration projects in Pakistan's prospective acreages. According to our Upstream Projects Database, there are currently 16 projects in the exploration phase together with seven discoveries (albeit small) made in 2015 alone, any of which could uncover additional reserves and boost domestic supplies. The Pakistani government has been actively trying to incentivise rms to push forward with development plans at existing discov - eries amid slowing upstream activities due to low oil prices. On September 1 2015, the government hiked gas prices for domestic consumers and industrial users. This in turn allows it to pay rms more for gas and thus, encourage greater investment in the country's upstream segment even as global prices remain persistently weak in line with low oil prices ( see 'Price Hike No Panacea For Gas Shortfall', September 9 2015 ). Myriad Headwinds Stunt Shale Develop- ment Further upside risk could also come from greater exploitation of Pakistan's signicant shale oil and gas reserves. According to a  joint study conducted by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources (MPNR) and the US Agency for International Develop- ment in 2014, Pakistan's recoverable shale reserves were estimated at around 58.0bn bbls for oil and 6.0trn cubic metres for gas, most of which are dispersed across the Sembar and Ranikot formations in the Lower Indus basin. However, signicant challenges remain to large- scale domestic shale development – these include an unfavourable geology, sharp decit in physical infrastructure and scarcity of local water resources, which drive up project cost and undermine potential investment in shale-related projects in the Pakistani upstream. MYANMAR Long-Term Fuels Demand Growth Outlook Remains Bullish  BMI View:  Myanmar's rened fuels consumption is set to nearly double over 2015-202 4, driven by a strong growth in its vehicle eet and air travel growth, which will increase demand for transport- related fuels in the automotives and aviation sectors. We forecast Myanmar's rened fuels consumption to increase at an average rate of 6.0% over 2015-2024, from 45,300 barrels per day (b/d) in 2015 to hit 74,390b/d by 2024. This increase will be a result of an upsurge in demand for automotive fuels, notably gasoline and diesel, from the transport sector, underpinned by solid economic performance and strong growth in its vehicle eet. Additionally, the country's expanding tourism sector will drive up demand for jet fuel. Rising Car Ownership A Boon For Automo- tive Fuels Demand A key driver of rened fuels consumption in Myanmar will be the strong growth in its vehicle eet over the coming years. According to gures from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations-Japan Transport (AJTP) Information Center, the country's total vehicle eet is forecast to expand by 18.7% per annum over 2015-2020, which will increase demand for transport-related fuels. A large Transport-Related Fuels To Drive Consumption Growth Myanmar – Refned Fuels Consumption & % y-o-y e/f = BMI estimate/forecast. Source: EIA, BMI  KEY DISCOVERIES IN 2015 Name Date Type of Project Companies TAL BlockMay-15Natural GasPakistan Petroleum, Pakistan Oil and Gas Development Chak Naurang South ProspectJul-15OilOil And Gas Development Company Limited Gambat South Block (2568-18)Aug-15Oil, Gas & Conden- sate Pakistan Petroleum Khewari LicenceSep-15GasOGDCL Karak BlockSep-15Oil, Gas & Conden- sate MOL Pakistan Oil and Gas, Mari Petroleum Company Limited Block 2568-13 (Hala)Sep-15Gas & CondensatePakistan Petroleum, Mari Petroleum Company Limited Dhok Sultan BlockDec-15OilPakistan Petroleum, Government Holding Private Limited Source: BMI Upstream Projects Database 8  Asia Oil & Gas  AUSTRALIA part of this trend will be driven by a growing appetite among the Burmese consumers for big ticket items such as cars, alongside a solid economic performance – which will see yearly real GDP growth average 7.7% over the next decade ( see 'Economy Poised For Take-Off', December 8 2015 ). Jet Fuel Demand To Increase Moreover, demand for jet fuel in Myanmar is anticipated to nearly double over the next 10 years, as the number of inbound interna- tional visitors to the country increases amid a gradually improving political outlook ( see 'NLD Landslide A Boon, But Plenty Of Chal - lenges Ahead', November 13 2015 ). Our data show that total tour- ist arrivals to Myanmar will see average annual growth of 11.5% over 2015-2020, which in turn will contribute to greater need for aviation fuels in the three international airports: Yangon, Mandalay and Naypyidaw. Some rms such as Singapore-based Puma Energy have already made inroads into the growing Burmese fuels market. In September 2015, the rm entered into a joint venture (JV) with state-owned enterprise Myanma Petroleum Products Enterprise  to import and distribute jet fuel to the country's 11 airports. The JV will also invest up to USD77mn to improve the country's vastly underdevel- oped fuels pipeline network (a major hindrance to domestic fuels consumption growth), posing further upside risk to our already upbeat long-term outlook towards Myanmar's jet fuel demand growth, which we forecast to increase from 2,570b/d in 2015 to 4,220b/d by 2024.  AUSTRALIA  NWS Expansion Offers Post- 2019 Gas Upside  BMI View: The Woodside-led development plan at the NWS project is aligned with our positive outlook towards Australia's gas produc - tion growth to over the next four years, which we forecast to see average annual growth rate of 11.0% over 2015-2019. We highlight that an increasingly oversupplied global LNG market could render  nding buyers for new gas volumes challenging. We maintain our positive view for Australia's gas production over 2015-2019, which we forecast to see average annual growth of 11.0%, from 65.2bn cubic metres (bcm) in 2015 to 101.4bcm in 2019. This growth will be underpinned by a ramp-up in output from gas developments associated with large LNG export projects set to come online over the next two to three years. Australia's already positive short-to-medium term natural gas production outlook received a further boost, following the Decem- ber 11 2015 announcement by Woodside Petroleum  of its plans to develop untapped resources at its North West Shelf (NWS) Project. This will see the rm, together with joint venture (JV) partners BHP   Billiton , BP , Chevron Australia , Japan Australia LNG  and Shell Australia  invest approximately USD2.0bn over the coming years to develop gas resources in the Greater Western Flank. The development plan – dubbed the Greater Western Flank Phase 2 (GWF-2) Project – will involve the drilling of eight additional wells in the Lady Nora, Pemberton, Sculptor, Rankin, Keast and Dockrell gas elds, targeting combined 2P gas resources of about 45.3bcm across the area. The outlook for the project remains bright, given existing production facilities and infrastructure will reduce the time and cost needed to bring commercial production online. The JV estimates the project will take about three to four years. The completion of the GWF-2 project will further boost output from the NWS project, which is already Australia's largest oil and gas development project with annual production capacity of about 22.2bcm, or equivalent to 34.0% of the country's total gas output in 2015. Finding Buyers Could Prove Challenging That said, we highlight that the growing oversupply in the global LNG market – partly driven largely by Australian mega LNG export ventures – could render nding buyers for any additional gas volumes challenging. We expect global LNG demand growth to remain subdued over the coming years, which may prove insuf- cient to absorb the barrage of new supplies coming online through to the end of the decade ( see 'Oil And Gas: Key Themes For 2016',  December 11 2015 ). This will keep a lid on prices and feed buyers' growing prefer- ence for greater contract exibility ( see 'Weak Demand Sties  LNG Growth', November 11 2015 ). Growing competition in the LNG export market, coupled with sluggish domestic gas demand growth in Australia, could potentially weigh on the JV's decision and delay progress. Though project economics, leveraging existing infrastructure, will make the development more attractive than new greeneld plants. Export Projects Underpin Buoyant Gas Outlook  Australia – Natural Gas Production & % chg y-o-y e/f = BMI estimate/forecast. Source: DIIS, EIA, BMI  9  Asia Oil & Gas  NEW ZEALAND © 2016 Business Monitor International Ltd. All rights reserved. All information, analysis, forecasts and data provided by Business Monitor International Ltd is for the exclusive use of subscribing persons or organisa- tions (including those using the service on a trial basis). All such content is copyrighted in the name of Business Monitor International Ltd, and as such no  part of this content may be reproduced, repackaged, copied or redistributed without the express consent of Business Monitor International Ltd. All content, including forecasts, analysis and opinion, has been based on information and sources believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of  publishing. Business Monitor International Ltd makes no representation of warranty of any kind as to the accuracy or completeness of any information  provided, and accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage resulting from opinion, errors, inaccuracies or omissions affecting any part of the content. Analysts: Marina Petroleka, Christopher Haines, Emma Richards, Mara Roberts, Peter Lee, Charles Swabey Sub-Editor:  Elizabeth Carroll Subscriptions Manager:  Yen Ly Production:  Ravinder Singh Rawat Copy Deadline:  27 January 2016 NEW ZEALAND Shell's Potential Exit Aligns With Bearish Upstream Outlook   BMI View:   Shell's potential exit from its exploration plays in New  Zealand's frontier basins aligns with our bearish outlook for the country's long-term crude oil and natural gas growth prospects. We forecast oil and gas production to fall by 37.3% and 10.1%, respectively, over 2015-2024. Supermajor Royal Dutch Shell 's potential exit from its explora- tion plays in New Zealand's frontier basins aligns with our bearish outlook towards the country's long-term hydrocarbon production forecasts over the next 10 years. Following an initial period of steady growth, we expect both domestic production of crude oil and natural gas to begin to fall from 2017 and 2021, respectively, as natural declines begin to weigh on overall output while the cur- rent slowdown in exploration limit opportunities to discover new sources of production growth. On December 10 2015, Shell announced that it is embarking on a strategic review of its upstream assets in New Zealand, as part of a broader multi-year divestment plan as it streamlines its businesses in response to the current low oil prices. While it remains unclear exactly what the rm intends to do, the rm's recent disengagements from high-risk, non-core ventures in the Arctic and several oil-sand projects in Canada suggest that Shell's strategy of moving away from projects which it deems to be unpalatable amid the current lower oil price environment could very well be replicated in New Zealand. Production To Continue At Key Fields At present, Shell has a sizable presence in the New Zealand upstream, with majority stakes in the country's largest gas producing elds such as the Pohokura, Maui and the Kapuni elds. According to the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (NZMBIE), these elds accounted for about 70.0% of the country's total gas output in 2014, with recent upgrades at the Pohokura eld supporting this gure to increase further in the coming years. Given the elds' criti - cal importance to meeting New Zealand's energy demand, coupled with ongoing production and access to existing infrastructure, it is likely that normal eld operations will continue irrespective of Shell's decision. That said, we do acknowledge that even in the event that the rm decides to pare down or even wholly sell-off its stakes, nding potential suitors could prove challenging, as New Zealand's small domestic consumer base and remote location from export markets offer little opportunities for material growth and limited investor appeal. Exploration Slowdown To Increase Imports In contrast, Shell's potential exit from its exploration ventures in the Great South and the New Caledonia basins offshore Southland and North Island, respectively, could exacerbate an already downbeat outlook for exploration prospects in New Zealand. This will see New Zealand's heavy reliance on production from the Taranaki basin deepen over the coming years, rendering the country increas- ingly dependent on liquid fuels imports to meet domestic demand over the coming years ( see 'Exploration Slowdown Deepens Import  Dependency', May 27 2015 ). At the time of writing, our data show that New Zealand's import requirements will grow by 35.5% over 2015-2024, from about 64,080 barrels per day (b/d) in 2015 to 86,810b/d in 2024. Natural Declines Inevitable New Zealand – Crude OIl & Natural Gas Production f = BMI forecast. Source: NZMBIE, EIA, BMI