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Business Plan Format




TITLE PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgement List of Exhibits List of Tables List of Schedules CHAPTER I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A.

Introduction B. Name of Company And Nature of Business C. Company Vision / Mission Statement D. Company Objectives E. Feasibility Criteria • Market Aspect • Technical Aspect • Management Aspect • Financial Aspect F. Limitations of the Project CHAPTER II MANAGEMENT INFORMATION A. Form Of Business Organizations B. Pre-Operating Activities C. Company Structure / Organization D. Project Timetable CHAPTER III MARKET INFORMATION A. Industry Background B. Demand and Supply Analysis C. Competition Analysis D. Company Projection E. Marketing Program CHAPTER IV TECHNICAL INFORMATION A. Production / Manufacturing / Service Process B. Production / Service Facilities C. Sources and Cost of Raw Materials D. Waste Disposal Program CHAPTER V FINANCIAL INFORMATION A. Introduction B. Financial Assumptions C. Financial Statements

their location. whichever – just be consistent) Appendix Description “A” Securities and Exchange Registration (example only) “B” Bureau of Internal Revenue Forms (example only) “C” -and so on – identifies the different forms needed by Your company . Schedules of Graphs under this chapter) A. capitalization or investment or partners and /or total investment of your company.……. mention your competitors – direct. • Technical Aspect – explain briefly the technical process/stages. etc. if any. location of your business. quantify the demand of your target market. shoe profitability of product by return of investment (ROI).. brand name of your product. like : • Market Aspect . Description of the project (name of your company and the reason for the name. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (this contains the highlights/summary of your entire business plan. another page for the list of Tables. CHAPTER I 1. time frame. After you Table of Contents. Financial Analysis CHAPTER VI SOCIAL DESIRABILITY ASPECT Bibliography Appendices or (Annexes. is there shortage in supply. return on equity (ROE). when to start the business. D. indirect or potential. Form of Business Ownership – sole propriety. your sales projection. (how much is the pre- . start with the list of Exhibits. is it easy to process the product or deliver the service? Total cost of machines or equipment needed. MANAGEMENT of the Project (with schedules. and another page for the list of Schedules.) B. minus the table of graph.identify and quantify your market. etc. is the technology available and can be taught locally? When will you break-even in terms of volume of production? • Management Aspect – type of business ownership specialization of owners. reason for the name.D. Objective(s) of the Company (what does your company and / or your product want to attain – both short and long range) C. II. and the benefits your product can give to your target market. and so on. partnership. Limitations of the Project Study – extent of your study. Start Your Chapter I – Executive Summary Notes on the Final Copy of Business Plan Title Page (Name of Project: In partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements In [see the other sheet] Acknowledgement (the person who assisted you in the completion of your project) Table of Contents (refer to the other sheet) – do not forget your page number. no Tables. Feasibility of the project – summarize your findings. main objective or vision of your company. Tables. Figures and or Exhibits) A. • Financial – mention total project cost.

operating cost). growth of market segment. each stage or process. Supply Analysis – identify your competitors. insurance. data for the last five years are recommended. Waste Disposal – identify pollutants and how you will control such. office supplies. C.justify how you wil reach your target market by explaining your campaign what channel of distribution will you use? Will promote your company and/or your product through advertisement.) with the appropriate narrative explanation. III Market Information (with Schedules. banner. the unit of each and its depreciation cost. . reason/s for the name of the company and / or the brand name of the product. IV TECHNICAL INFORMATION (with schedules. mark and attach your survey form as appendix or annex.). if any cost in acquiring such. show the cost and time spent. your competitors’ prices. B. distribution channel. and if so attach and mark samples as exhibit. will you apply for a loan? If so. location. leaflets. Tables. machines. schedules of different expenses (salaries and wages. Project Timetable – different activities that will transpire when and how long will it take before project will operate. your share in the market (using pie-chart). show the gap between supply and demand. show interest payment and amortization of such. identify the source of your data. C. B.O) and under the staffing requirement. E. etc. show tables or charts to substantiate your data. pie chart to shoe competitors market share. if any. capital contribution of owner or each Partner. your prices and that of your competitors. chemical properties. Marketing Program . provision for additional positions in the future. etc. Schedule of the total cost per promotion and its equivalent annual (first to fifth year) expense. gov’t laws. office location or address. young. characteristics (male. etc. discuss the different activities (registration. rules and regulations. etc. active. arrangement of machines and equipment. explain the cost per product. telephone.). Production/Service Facilities – plant layout. and/or Exhibits) A. Vision / mission of the company. Competition Analysis – competitors’ advantage/s over your product. logo and its explanation. etc. location. Figures and/or Exhibits) A. C. D. Utilities – expenses on the consumption of lights water. D. etc. Use Gantt chart or PERT network to summarize. food. D. etc. etc. etc. service. PhilHealth. Pre-Operating Activities – before the start of normal business operations.) of your target market. (monthly then annual) E. SSS. use 3-column to identify each position and salary. figures. etc. professionals. etc. Raw Materials – availability and identify the substitute materials. etc. Tables. office layout. Company structure / organization – show table of organization (T. You may add your company policies. Product Stages/Process – product description. etc. survey. B. details of expenses incurred. objectives of the company (short and long Range). Demand Analysis – quantify the demand by checking appropriate Government agency (secondary data) to determine the market size. job description and job specifications. explanation of your 5-year projected sales (monthly the annual). etc. BIR. Industry Background – brief explanation on the industry trend (example of industry: banking.

Only Exhibits). Summary of Assumptions – taken from the different schedules under the different chapters of your Business plan. Annexes (will include your registration. etc. 1st year of operation to 5th year. schedule of production. VI SOCIAL DESIRABILITY STUDY – effects of the project on the community. growth over time. permits. break-even point/sales/volume. B. return of equity. List of Charts. List of Exhibits of Figures -Do not forget your page numbers – You may now start your Chapter I – Project Summary. balance sheet. etc. return of investment. pamphlets. GOOD LUCK . Identify the programs for the community.) Annexes Description “A” (description of annexes or appendix) page number ----“B” ------and so on ---Separate page after the enumeration of Annexes is your List of Schedules List of Tables. A. that you have read). D. Financial Statement s – 1-5 years Income Statement. C. cash flow statement. A. economy. society. Is it beneficial to the people? Community? B. Financial Analysis – liquidity/cash solvency. Bibliography (books. And so on. Introduction – reiterate total investment and total project cost.V FINANCIAL INFORMATION (No schedules.