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Calculating Mortar Data

Calculating mortar data.




B-GL-385-015/PT-001 LAND FORCE INFANTRY INSTRUMENTS FOR CALCULATING MORTAR FIRING DATA (ENGLISH) (Supercedes B-GL-317-009/PT-Z01, 1989-10-13) WARNING ALTHOUGH NOT CLASSIFIED, THIS PUBLICATION, OR ANY PART OF IT, MAY BE EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE TO THE PUBLIC UNDER THE ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT. ALL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN MUST BE CLOSELY SCRUTINIZED TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT THE PUBLICATION OR ANY PART OF IT MAY BE RELEASED. Issued on the Authority of the Chief of the Land Staff OPI: DAD 4-2 2001-10-30 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data FOREWORD 1. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data is issued on the authority of the Chief of Land Staff. 2. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data is effective upon receipt. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data supercedes B-GL317-009/PT-Z01 dated Oct 89. 3. The French version of this publication is B-GL-385-015/PT002 Instruments pour calculer les donées de tir des mortiers. 4. Comments and suggestions for changes may be forwarded through the usual channels to Land Forces Doctrine and Training System, Directorate of Army Doctrine, Attention DAD 4-2. 5. Unless otherwise noted, masculine pronouns appearing herein refer to both genders. © 2001 MDN Canada i Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data PREFACE AIM 1. This publication has been issued for personnel who use and teach the use of the plotter and the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC). SCOPE 2. The purpose of this publication is to combine parts of the following two publications: a. B-GL-317-009/PT-000 The Mortar in Battle; and b. B-GL-317-009/PT-Z01 Mortar Computers. FORMAT 3. The content is given in the form of lesson plans to facilitate training and to ensure standard procedures for using instruments. Thus, units shall not alter or change procedures set out in this publication. Further, all instructors shall master the contents of the lessons and familiarise themselves with the instruments. SAFETY 4. The mortar and ammunition used can cause death or serious injuries to soldiers. It is important, therefore, that methods described in this publication always be applied exactly as given. 5. For safe use of the plotter, refer also to B-GL-304-003/TS001 Operational Training, Volume 3, Ranges and Training Safety. iii Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD.... .................................................................................I PREFACE Aim.........................................................................................iii Scope ......................................................................................iii Format ....................................................................................iii Safety......................................................................................iii CHAPTER 1 LESSON 1 MORTAR FIRE DATA CALCULATOR COMPONENTS OF THE MORTAR FIRE DATA CALCULATOR Enabling Objective .................................................................. 1 Main Teaching Points.............................................................. 1 Preparation............................................................................... 1 Conduct of the Lesson ............................................................. 2 Conclusion............................................................................. 13 LESSON 2 THE MORTAR FIRE DATA CALCULATOR PROGRAM Enabling Objective ................................................................ 14 Main Teaching Points............................................................ 14 Preparation............................................................................. 14 Conduct of the Lesson ........................................................... 15 Conclusion............................................................................. 23 LESSON 3 PREPARE THE MORTAR FIRE DATA CALCULATOR FOR FIRING Enabling Objective ................................................................ 24 Main Teaching Points............................................................ 24 Preparation............................................................................. 24 Conduct of the Lesson ........................................................... 25 Conclusion............................................................................. 29 v B-GL-385-015/PT-001 LESSON 4 PRODUCE FIRE DATA FOR A SIMPLE FIRE MISSION Enabling Objective ................................................................ 30 Main Teaching Points............................................................ 30 Preparation............................................................................. 30 Conduct of the Lesson ........................................................... 31 Conclusion............................................................................. 39 LESSON 5 PREPARING THE MORTAR FIRE DATA CALCULATOR FOR SAFETY Enabling Objective ................................................................ 40 Main Teaching Points............................................................ 40 Preparation............................................................................. 40 Conduct of the Lesson ........................................................... 41 Conclusion............................................................................. 50 LESSON 6 CHANGE PROCEDURES I AND II Enabling Objective ................................................................ 51 Main Teaching Points............................................................ 51 Preparation............................................................................. 51 Conduct of the Lesson ........................................................... 52 Conclusion............................................................................. 62 LESSON 7 CANCELLATION PROCEDURES AND ADJUSTING AN ERRING MORTAR Enabling Objective ................................................................ 63 Main Teaching Points............................................................ 63 Preparation............................................................................. 63 Conduct of the Lesson ........................................................... 64 Conclusion............................................................................. 67 vi Instruments for Calculating Mortar Fire LESSON 8 PRODUCE FIRE CONTROL DATA WITH THE MORTAR FIRE DATA CALCULATOR (MFDC) Enabling Objective ................................................................ 68 Main Teaching Points............................................................ 68 Preparation............................................................................. 68 Conduct of the Lesson ........................................................... 69 Conclusion............................................................................. 73 LESSON 9 PRODUCE POLAR FIRE MISSION DATA Enabling Objective ................................................................ 74 Main Teaching Points............................................................ 74 Preparation............................................................................. 74 Conduct of the Lesson ........................................................... 75 Conclusion............................................................................. 79 LESSON 10 ILLUMINATION AND CO-ORDINATED ILLUMINATION Enabling Objective ................................................................ 80 Main Teaching Points............................................................ 80 Preparation............................................................................. 80 Conduct of the Lesson ........................................................... 81 Conclusion............................................................................. 91 LESSON 11 REGISTER TARGETS AND OBSERVATION POSTS Enabling Objective ................................................................ 92 Main Teaching Points............................................................ 92 Preparation............................................................................. 92 Conduct of the Lesson ........................................................... 93 Conclusion........................................................................... 100 LESSON 12 ADJUST A GROUP OF TARGETS Enabling Objective .............................................................. 101 vii B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 101 Preparation........................................................................... 101 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 102 Conclusion........................................................................... 107 LESSON 13 LINEAR HE Enabling Objective .............................................................. 108 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 108 Preparation........................................................................... 108 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 109 Conclusion........................................................................... 115 LESSON 14 LINEAR SMOKE FIRE MISSIONS Enabling Objective .............................................................. 116 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 116 Preparation........................................................................... 116 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 117 Conclusion........................................................................... 120 LESSON 15 PRODUCE PLATOON LINEAR FIRE DATA WITH HE OR SMOKE Enabling Objective .............................................................. 121 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 121 Preparation........................................................................... 121 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 122 Conclusion........................................................................... 128 LESSON 16 RECORDING AND EXTRACTING DATA USING THE CARD READER Enabling Objective .............................................................. 129 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 129 Preparation........................................................................... 129 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 130 viii Instruments for Calculating Mortar Fire Conclusion........................................................................... 137 LESSON 17 ENTER METEOROLOGICAL MESSAGES Enabling Objective .............................................................. 138 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 138 Preparation........................................................................... 138 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 139 Conclusion........................................................................... 147 LESSON 18 PRODUCE SURVEY DATA WITH THE MORTAR FIRE DATA CALCULATOR Enabling Objective .............................................................. 148 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 148 Preparation........................................................................... 148 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 148 Conclusion........................................................................... 151 CHAPTER 2 LESSON 1 PLOTTER PREPARE THE PLOTTER FOR FIRING Enabling Objective .............................................................. 153 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 153 Preparation........................................................................... 153 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 154 Conclusion........................................................................... 160 LESSON 2 BALLITIC FIRING TABLES CONTENTS AND USE Enabling Objective .............................................................. 161 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 161 Preparation........................................................................... 161 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 162 Conclusion........................................................................... 164 ix B-GL-385-015/PT-001 LESSON 3 THE PIVOT METHOD Enabling Objective .............................................................. 165 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 165 Preparation........................................................................... 165 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 166 Conclusion........................................................................... 174 LESSON 4 ALTERNATIVE METHOD Enabling Objective .............................................................. 175 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 175 Preparation........................................................................... 175 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 176 Conclusion........................................................................... 182 LESSON 5 CONVERGE FIRE MISSION Enabling Objective .............................................................. 183 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 183 Procedure............................................................................. 183 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 184 Conclusion........................................................................... 187 LESSON 6 ADJUST AN ERRING MORTAR Enabling Objective .............................................................. 188 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 188 Preparation........................................................................... 188 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 189 Conclusion........................................................................... 192 LESSON 7 ENGAGE TWO TARGETS AT THE SAME TIME Enabling Objective .............................................................. 193 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 193 Preparation........................................................................... 193 x Instruments for Calculating Mortar Fire Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 194 Conclusion........................................................................... 195 LESSON 8 POLAR FIRE MISSION Enabling Objective .............................................................. 196 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 196 Preparation........................................................................... 196 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 197 Conclusion........................................................................... 203 LESSON 9 ILLUMINATION MISSION Enabling Objective .............................................................. 204 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 204 Preparation........................................................................... 204 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 205 Conclusion........................................................................... 209 LESSON 10 COORDINATED ILLUMINATION MISSION Enabling Objective .............................................................. 210 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 210 Preparation........................................................................... 210 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 211 Conclusion........................................................................... 213 LESSON 11 ADJUST A GROUP OF TARGETS Enabling Objective .............................................................. 214 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 214 Preparation........................................................................... 214 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 215 Conclusion........................................................................... 220 LESSON 12 LINEAR HE FIRE MISSION Enabling Objective .............................................................. 221 xi B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 221 Preparation........................................................................... 221 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 222 Conclusion........................................................................... 229 LESSON 13 LINEAR SMOKE FIRE MISSIONS Enabling Objective .............................................................. 231 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 231 Preparation........................................................................... 231 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 232 Conclusion........................................................................... 237 LESSON 14 PLATOON FIRE MISSIONS (FM) Enabling Objective .............................................................. 238 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 238 Preparation........................................................................... 238 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 239 Conclusion........................................................................... 243 LESSON 15 PRODUCE SURVEY DATA USING THE PLOTTER Enabling Objective .............................................................. 244 Main Teaching Points.......................................................... 244 Preparation........................................................................... 244 Conduct of the Lesson ......................................................... 245 Conclusion........................................................................... 248 xii Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1: HP 41CV Calculator with Overlay.................................. 4 Figure 1-2: HHP-16K EPROM Module............................................. 5 Figure 1-3: Accessories...................................................................... 9 Figure 1-4a: Met Messages (Front)................................................ 143 Figure 1-4b: Met Messages (Back) ................................................ 143 Figure 2-1: The Plotter................................................................... 156 Figure 2-2: Preparation of the Plotter—Pivot Method ................... 159 Figure 2-3: Production of Fire Control Data Using the Pivot Method ......................................................... 168 Figure 2-4: Note the Bearing of the Target. ................................... 171 Figure 2-5: Alternative Method ..................................................... 178 Figure 2-6: Alternative Method ..................................................... 178 Figure 2-7: Converge Table ........................................................... 185 Figure 2-8: Polar Fire Mission—Pivot Method. ............................ 198 Figure 2-9: Polar Fire Mission—Pivot Method ............................. 199 Figure 2-10: Range Spread............................................................. 206 Figure 2-11: Lateral Spread ........................................................... 207 Figure 2-12: Diamond Illumination ............................................... 208 Figure 2-13: Target List Form........................................................ 216 xiii Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data CHAPTER 1 MORTAR FIRE DATA CALCULATOR LESSON 1 COMPONENTS OF THE MORTAR FIRE DATA CALCULATOR ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC). MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Components of the MFDC: a. components of the MFDC; and b. maintaining the MFDC. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. One 40-minute period. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. a. MFDC complete, one per student; and b. 24 volt system. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; and B-GL-385-015/PT-001 1 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data b. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. 2 Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn its components and how to maintain the MFDC. c. Why. As a control post operator (CPO) you must know the components of the MFDC and how to maintain it. d. Where. During the course, on training and in battle. Stage 1—Components: a. The primary means of producing fire and survey data for mortars is the Hewlett-Packard (HP) 41CV manually operated programmable calculator. It is more accurate and faster than manual plotters; however, its efficiency depends on operator skill. When the operator knows how to use the calculator and makes correct entries using proper procedures, mistakes are avoided, particularly when operating without a printer, with no paper proof of calculator data; and b. The MFDC consists of the following major components: (1) HP 41CV Calculator; (2) HHP-16K Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM) Module; and (3) HP Printer. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator 10. 11. Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage II—HP 41CV Calculator: a. The liquid crystal display shows up to 10 figures with decimal and ± indicators. It operates from 0º C to 45º C. The indicators across the bottom enable a quick check of calculator status. They light up when engaged. b. BAT—indicates batteries are low. c. USER—indicates calculator is electronically disengaged from the emulator and is in the calculator mode. d. GRAD/RAD—when the Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM) is connected, the word GRAD appears. RAD is a function that does not apply at this time. e. SHIFT—indicates shift key pressed to use secondary key functions. f. 01234 FLAG STATUS—these characters should appear when the program is working; they show the position of data calculated in the EPROM, TGT I (target 1) or TGT II. g. PRGM—indicates that data is being calculated or withdrawn from EPROM. h. ALPHA—this is another mode indicator used to tell the user that these coloured letters or figures are being used. i. Accessory input/output ports are located at the top of the calculator. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 3 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data j. k. Power is supplied by one or more of: (1) four disposable batteries (Ever-ready E90 or Mallory MN 9100 type); (2) rechargeable battery pack; (3) a 24 volt system using Inverter Power Statics; and (4) 110 volt system or 220 volt system using the re-charger. The battery holder or rechargeable battery pack is inserted into the rear of the calculator. The calculator must be turned off to do this. If any of the batteries are inserted incorrectly the calculator may not turn on. Figure 1-1: HP 41CV Calculator with Overlay 12. 4 Confirmation of Stage II: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator 13. a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage III—Connecting Components: a. The HHP 16K EPROM module has three chips that contain the 81 mm mortar program. The program name, modifications and date of chip production are marked on the exterior. Ensure the calculator is turned off and insert the connector only into port number 3. b. The printer is designed for use with the HP-41CV and provides a written copy of all data and functions. Ensure the calculator and printer are turned off before inserting the connector into port number 4. CAUTION Always turn the MFDC off before connecting or disconnecting components. Failure to do so could damage both the calculator and the components. Figure 1-2: HHP-16K EPROM Module B-GL-385-015/PT-001 5 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 14. 15. 6 Confirmation of Stage III: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage IV—HP Printer Switches/Keys: a. “ON/OFF”—power switch. b. “PRINT MODE”—there are three printing modes: “MANUAL”, “NORMAL” and “TRACE.” The recommended mode is “NORMAL” and the auxiliary mode is “TRACE”. c. “PRINT INTENSITY”—five positions that control print quality. d. “PRINT”—prints specific contents in the system for non-81 mm mortar applications. For 81 mm mortar fire data, the “ALPHA” function is used. e. “PAPER ADVANCE”—paper advances continuously until key is released. f. “LIGHTS”. g. “POWER”—indicates power is on. h. “BATTERY”—indicates battery power is low with 10-15 minutes operating time left. i. “BATTERIES”—The rechargeable batteries supply power for sustained portable printing with time of operation dependent on battery condition. Ensure the printer is switched off and the AC adapter/recharger is disconnected prior to replacing batteries. Continued printing with the battery light on will damage the rechargeable batteries. j. Replacing the batteries: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator 16. 17. (1) ensure printer is turned off and adapter is unplugged; (2) turn printer over, push legs of battery holder toward the centre; (3) place your hand over the opening, turn printer over, and remove batteries and tongue; (4) insert new batteries, aligning them with springs in the compartment; and (5) insert door hinge in the battery compartment slot, close the tongue and latch by pushing legs outwards. Confirmation of Stage IV: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage V—Thermal Paper: a. This is a special heat-sensitive paper in 80-foot rolls. A blue marking appears as a warning that the end of the roll is near. The roll generally has enough paper left for finishing the mission. It is chemically treated on one side only. b. To load paper into the printer: (1) Turn printer on, open cover and remove the empty core from the paper well. (2) Remove the first 2 turns from the new roll to ensure the paper is neither torn nor ragged. It is important that the leading edge is straight. (3) Place the roll in the cover and push the leading edge into the slot at the bottom of the well, as far as it will go. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 7 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data (4) Press the paper advance key and hold down until the paper passes the top of the clear plastic tear-bar. (5) Close the cover and press R/S or PRINT key. If it is feeding but not printing, the paper is inverted and the roll must be reinserted. CAUTION To avoid damage to the printer, ensure that the charging unit is plugged into the printer before plugging in the adapter. 18. 19. 8 Confirmation of Stage V: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage VI—Accessories: a. Rechargeable Battery Charging Unit. This source of electricity enables using the calculator without plugging it in and the time available depends on the state of the batteries. b. Reserve Battery Charging Unit. When the power indicator light is on the unit is charging a battery. The unit will fully charge a printer battery in 14 to 16 hours. c. AC Re-charger Adapter. d. The above units are used to charge rechargeable batteries for the calculator and the printer. They can provide power to both components simultaneously. e. The universal plug fits the calculator, printer and reserve battery charging unit. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator f. The Calculator can operate on 110 volts in Canada and 220 volts in Europe. g. Card Reader. This component will write or read data stored on magnetic cards. It plugs into port number 4 of the calculator. The card reader is used to transfer information quickly and will be dealt with in greater detail in a subsequent lesson. The printer must be disconnected when the card reader is in use. h. Blank Magnetic Cards with Holders. These cards are used to store information such as target lists. Care must be taken not to foul the surface with fingerprints, dirt, etc. A card designed to clean the card reader is provided. This subject will be covered in greater detail during the lesson on the card reader. i. Vinyl Case. The case is designed to protect the calculator when it is not in the travel case. j. Travel Case. All components are carried in an aluminium case with two locking latches and fitted foam interior. The travel case has a carrying handle and detachable shoulder strap. Figure 1-3: Accessories B-GL-385-015/PT-001 9 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 20. 21. Confirmation of Stage VI: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage VII—Maintenance: a. Care and maintenance of the calculator. b. Recharge or replace batteries when the BAT indicator appears in the display. c. Protective cap should be placed on unused input or output ports so that no dust can penetrate and contaminate the terminals, resulting in poor functioning of the instrument. d. The contact area of all plug-in extensions must be kept free of obstructions. The plug-in extensions may be cleaned by brushing or blowing dirt out of the contact area. Do not use any liquid to clean them. CAUTION Be careful to avoid putting your fingers or any other object in any port. To do so could alter the continuous memory or damage the calculator. Only HP-41CV accessories are designed for plugging into the ports. 10 e. Extensions must be stored in a clean, dry place. f. Do not place plug-in extensions in a pocket unless they are protected. Static electricity could damage the extensions. g. To avoid damage to the calculator it must be turned off before inserting or removing any plug-in extension. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator h. Disposable batteries delivered with the calculator are not rechargeable, only the battery pack can be recharged. i. All information put into the calculator can be retained for 30-60 seconds by ensuring that the calculator is shut off when removing the batteries or battery pack. This is intended to provide ample time to change the batteries. j. If, after changing batteries, the calculator will not turn on, immediately remove the battery holder. Check the batteries for correct polarity and re-insert the battery holder. The calculator cannot be damaged by incorrect polarity; it simply will not function. k. When recharging the rechargeable battery pack, allow 14 to 16 hours for a full charge. The battery pack should be fully discharged before recharging. BAT will appear on the display to indicate that state. Premature recharging greatly reduces overall battery life and can be avoided by carrying a set of disposable batteries in a battery holder. If this condition occurs during a fire mission, the disposable batteries can be inserted quickly to maintain fire. l. The calculator is designed to withstand a number of disruptions. If a disruption does occur the most common symptom is a loss of keyboard control. To remedy that problem, remove the battery pack and re-insert it immediately. That will reset the calculator without causing MEMORY LOST (unless the cause was serious enough to produce that condition). If after several attempts the problem is not rectified, proceed as follows: (1) Ensure batteries are fresh, contacts are clean and properly installed, and ensure that all connections are fully inserted. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 11 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 22. (2) Turn calculator off then back on. If there is no response continue as follows. (3) Carry out the MEMORY LOST procedure. If it does not respond, continue as follows. (4) Remove batteries and allow the continuous memory to fully discharge for four to six hours. If, after reinstalling the batteries the display shows MEMORY LOST when the calculator is turned on, the calculator has been cleared and is ready for use. (5) If the calculator still does not respond, turn it in for repair. Printer Care and Maintenance: a. Keep the contact area of the printer plug free of obstructions. Should the contact area become dirty, carefully brush or blow the dirt out of it. Do not use any liquid to clean the printer contacts. b. As for the calculator, store the printer in a clean dry place. CAUTION Always ensure that the calculator and printer are turned off before connecting or disconnecting the printer plug. Failure to do so could damage both components. c. 12 If the printer seems to be operating correctly except for printing, check the following: (1) Ensure that the printer is in normal mode. (2) Ensure the printer and EPROM module plugs are inserted fully in the ports and that both printer and calculator are turned on. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator 23. 24. (3) Check the power indicators on both the calculator and printer to ensure there is enough power. If either one has inadequate power, the printer will not operate. (4) Check the calculator display for “OUT OF PAPER” message. If the printer runs out of paper it will stop printing. (5) Press PRINT then PAPER ADVANCE on the printer. If the paper advances, the printer is operating correctly. (6) If the paper is jammed, clear it by grasping the tape and pulling it forward or backward through the mechanism. Never insert tools or other objects into the mechanism. (7) If the problem persists, connect the printer to another calculator and a different printer to your calculator to determine which device needs repair. Turn in the malfunctioning device for repair. Confirmation of Stage VII: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 25. During this lesson you have learned the components of the calculator. As a CPO you must know how the components operate and carry out necessary maintenance to effectively produce fire data. 26. The next lesson will be … B-GL-385-015/PT-001 13 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 2 THE MORTAR FIRE DATA CALCULATOR PROGRAM ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC). MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. The MFDC program: a. “MASTER CLEAR” procedure; b. key function identification; c. overlay explanation; and d. determining program validity date. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Two 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. a. MFDC complete one per student; and b. 24 volt system. Training Aids: a. 14 chalkboard; and B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator b. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn the description and explanation for the 81 mm mortar program. c. Why. As a future control post operator (CPO), you will need to have the necessary knowledge to retrieve fire data for neutralising and/or destroying the objective. d. Where. During dry training, live firing and on the battlefield. Stage I—“MASTER CLEAR” Procedure: a. It is often necessary to clear the calculator’s memory of all data entered such as base plate positions, fire missions, target lists, observation posts, no fire areas, etc. To clear the memory, proceed as follows: (1) Turn the MFDC off. (2) Press and hold the CLEAR key (identified by the arrow pointing to the left). (3) Turn the MFDC on and release the CLEAR key. (4) The MFDC will display “MASTER CLEAR”. All data entered into the MFDC by the user has been cleared. The mortar program in the EPROM module is retained and cannot be erased. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 15 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 10. 11. Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage II—Identification of Key Functions: a. 16 We shall now see what happens with each key when the calculator is attached to the 81 mm EPROM. This is important because if we wish to carry out an exact function, for example fire missions, we must press the appropriate key on the calculator. We can see the effect of the keys in the following two ways: (1) Turn the calculator on and hold each key down. The function will appear in the display window. (2) The second method is to have the MFDC print out each key location and its function. Proceed as follows: (a) connect the EPROM module to the calculator (port 3); (b) connect the printer to the calculator (port 4); (c) turn the MFDC and printer ON; (d) turn the USER key on the calculator to OFF and press XEQ; (e) press the ALPHA key to ON (shows “ALPHA” in display); (f) use the blue letters on the key pad and spell PRKEYS; B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator b. 12. (g) press the ALPHA key to OFF (“ALPHA” leaves the displays); and (h) the MFDC will now print the location and function of each key. A number shows the location of a key, for example: 11 XROM “FM” indicates the first key in the higher row. There are eight rows of keys numbered 1 through 8 vertically and 1 through 4 or 5 horizontally. The printout of functions shows the following: NOTE When a minus sign appears the shift key must be pressed before the required key. 11 XROM “FM” 33 XROM “OPS” -11 XROM “TNFM” -33 XROM “MET” 12 XROM “TGC1” 34 XROM “TS” -12 XROM “BNG/RGE” 35 XROM “REG” 13 XROM “LC1” -35 XROM “DLT AMMO” -13 XROM “GRID” 43 XROM “REC” 14 XROM “DF 1” -51 XROM “M77” -14 XROM “CRD RDR” -52 XROM “C105” 15 XROM “NFZ” -63 XROM “C106” -15 XROM “CNC1” 71 XROM “C70A1” B-GL-385-015/PT-001 17 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 21 XROM “PM” -81 XROM “NM123” 22 XROM “TGC2” -82 XROM “25MM” 23 XROM “LC2” -23 XROM “CHG DATA” 24 XROM “DF2” -24 XROM “PL” 25 XROM “COR GRID” -25 XROM “CNC2” 32 XROM “IN/OUT” -32 XROM “SETUP” 13. When printing out the functions, it is very important to set the calculator to the USER position. 14. 15. 18 Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage III—Overlay Explanation: a. The MFDC has a removable plastic overlay that shows the operations for each specific key when the MFDC is attached to the mortar EPROM. When the function is written to the side of the key, SHIFT must be pressed first, to input that operation. b. “ON”—used to turn the MFDC on or off. Press for on then press again for off. c. “USER”—electronically disconnects the EPROM to perform calculator operations. It will show as an B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator indicator when another instrument is connected to the calculator and disappears when the other instrument is disconnected. d. “PRGM”—shows in view window when using the program. e. “ALPHA”—used to spell out words using the blue letters on the MFDC and also appears as an indicator when switched on. f. “FM” (Fire Mission)—used to enter FMs into the MFDC. Two targets can be engaged at one time under this key. TGT 1 (Target 1) and TGT 2 produce fire data from FM data for the selected target. g. -11 “TNFM” (Target Number Fire Mission)—used to gain fire data from pre-recorded targets stored in the MFDC. h. “TGC1” (Target Grid Corrections 1)—used to input target grid corrections into the MFDC as normally sent (Left, Right, Add, Drop). Produces fire data after corrections are input for TGT 1. i. -12 “BNG/RGE” (Bearings and Ranges)—used to obtain bearings and ranges to grid references from a known grid. j. “LC1” (Laser Corrections 1)—used to input laser corrections under Polar Missions TGT 1. k. -13 “GRID” (Grid)—used to gain 10 figure grid references by doing resections from one or two reference points. l. “DF1” (Distribution of Fire TGT 1)—used to input the distribution of fire to TGT 1, for example: LINEAR, HE (high explosive), WP (white phosphorous), Smoke, Converge, Circle, etc. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 19 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 20 m. -14 “CRD RDR” (Card Reader)—used to perform all Card Reader functions with the MFDC. n. “NFZ” ( No Fire Zones) — used to input No Fire Areas and No Fire Lines. o. -15 "CNC1”—used to cancel wrong corrections entered into TGT 1, will show what was cancelled. p. “PM” ( Polar Missions)—used to input Polar Missions. Two targets can be engaged at one time. q. “TGC2” (Target Grid Correction 2)—for correcting TGT 2. r. “LC2” (Laser Corrections 2)—used to input laser corrections for TGT 2. s. -23 “CHG DATA” (Change Data)—used to change adjusting mortar or direction during FMs. t. “DF2”—Distribution of fire for TGT 2. u. -24 “PL”—used to engage PLATOON SHOOTS under distribution of fire. v. “COR GRID” (Corrected Grid)—used to gain 10 figure Corrected Grid of targets. w. -25 “CNC2” (Cancel 2)—as for CNC1 except applied to TGT 2. x. “SHIFT” (gold colour)—enables using secondary functions found on the side of the calculator; for example: depress SHIFT and TNFM. y. “IN/OUT”—used to put mortars in and out of action, for example if number 4 mortar is out, data is not computed for that mortar. The loss of the mortar’s data is compensated for. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator z. -32 “SETUP” (Set up)—used to input Base Plate location in 6, 8 or 10 figure grids in the calculator memory; ARCS OF FIRE, ATTITUDE and SPREAD. aa. “OPS” (Observation posts)—used to store up to 10 Observation Post locations in 6, 8 or 10 figure grids in the calculator memory. ab. -33 “MET” (Meteorology)—used to input ballistic meteorological messages. ac. “TS” (Target Storage)—used to store up to 39 targets in 6, 8 or 10 figure grid in the calculator memory. ad. “REG” (Registration)—used to adjust fire data. ae. “DLT AMMO” (Delete Ammunition)—used to cancel ammunition. af. “CHS” (Change Sign)—used to enter minus signs used for target co-ordinate corrections or laser corrections and to put in left or drop corrections. ag. “REC” (Record)—used to record targets in calculator memory. ah. “ < ”—used to clear view window or to go back one figure at a time to correct errors. ai. Remaining keys are assigned to ammunition types as indicated on an overlay. Press SHIFT to access. aj. “R/S” ( Run/Stop)—used to impose a pause in the print-out during operations or to respond Yes or No to questions asked by MFDC; for example to answer No, press R/S once. To answer Yes, press any positive number first then R/S , for example 3 R/S. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 21 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 16. 17. Confirmation of Stage III: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage IV—Determining Program Validity Date: a. The mortar program stored in the EPROM module can be updated; therefore, there must be a means of verifying that the correct program is being used. There are two methods: (1) The data and program are recorded on a plastic shield attached to the EPROM box and must match the current program data. (2) If the plastic shield is missing, the program EPROM module burn dates can be retrieved as follows: (a) Turn MFDC off and disconnect the printer. (b) Turn MFDC on. (c) Press SHIFT and ENTER. “CAT” will appear on the viewer. (d) In sequence, rapidly press key number 2 and R/S. The date the program was burnt onto the chips will appear on the viewer, for example the date for MODE is 22 Sep 1993. NOTE If keys 2 and R/S are not pressed quickly enough the date will remain on the screen for less than one second. 22 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator 18. 19. Confirmation of Stage IV: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 20. During this lesson you have learned “MASTER CLEAR” procedure, seen key functions, explanation for the overlay and program validity. During use of the calculator (MFDC), you must know this and be able to operate the MFDC without the overlay, should it become lost or damaged. 21. The next lesson will be … B-GL-385-015/PT-001 23 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 3 PREPARE THE MORTAR FIRE DATA CALCULATOR FOR FIRING ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC) MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Prepare the MFDC for firing: a. set up for a Quick Fire Mission; b. set up using attitude line; and c. set up using layout. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. One 40-minute period. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. 24 a. MFDC complete one per student; and b. firing tables. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; and b. computer with PowerPoint®. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. Carry out MEMORY LOST procedure. c. What. You will learn to prepare your MFDC for quick fire missions by using attitude line and layout methods. d. Why. During training and especially in battle, the mortar platoon must occupy mortar positions in different types of situations and must be able to react quickly to all fire requests. As a control post operator (CPO) you must be competent in using the three methods for preparing your MFDC. e. Where. During dry training, live firing and in battle. Stage I—Set Up for Quick Fire Missions (Crash Action): a. In plotter operations, the CPO is required to set up the plotter to correspond to CPO base plate positions and to follow a set method for calculating accurate fire data. The same applies to the MFDC. The CPO must carry out set up procedures before accurate fire data can be produced. b. The first drill in set up, is for quick fire missions (FMs). This drill enhances the ability to produce fire data quickly when engaging targets of opportunity. Using this procedure, all data is based on the centre of the base plate position. This drill is particularly useful for crash action situations. c. The method is as follows: Turn the MFDC on using MEMORY LOST procedure. If you are using a printer, ensure that it is turned on. Proceed as follows: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 25 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data STAGE KEY DISPLAY 1. SHIFT/ SET “FIGS?” 2. 6 R/S 3. 004 723 R/S “SAFE ARC?” 4. FM “TGT 2” REMARKS Will accept grid in 6, 8 or 10 figures. “CHECK MET” CHECK MET is prompt only. Enter “BP GRID 6” 6 figure grid 004723. You can depart set up and go to FMs now. End of sequence. NOTE The “CHECK MET” display is a visual and audio reminder of meteorological conditions. 10. Using the above procedure, all data are based on the centre of the base plate position. 11. 12. Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage II—Set Up Using Attitude Line: a. 26 The attitude is the bearing from number 1 and number 4 mortars. Attitude provides greater accuracy when firing fire missions. The MFDC will prompt “ATTITUDE”. It will also prompt “SPREAD?”; if R/S is pressed, it will plot 30 metres between mortars. If the spread is greater or less than 30 metres, you enter the correct distance. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator NOTE The automatic 30 metres is called a default. b. Prepare MFDC using the following data. c. Carry out MEMORY LOST procedure: BP GRID ATT SPREAD 010 731 5700 Normal STAGE KEY DISPLAY 1. SHIFT/SET “FIGS?” Enter the number 6 2. 6 R/S “BP GRID 6” Enter 6 figure grid 010731 3. 010731 R/S “SAFE ARCS?” No 4. R/S “LAYOUT” No 5. R/S “ATTITUDE?” 6. 5700 R/S “SPREAD?” 7. R/S 13. 14. REMARKS Enter 5700 Normal 30 metres, thus no entry required. “NEXT DATA?” End of sequence. Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage III—Set Up Using Layout: a. This procedure is used when mortars are set up in other than a straight line, for example a dispersed gun position. It provides correct distribution of fire during fire missions. Enter the group centre as the BP GR (Base Plate, Grid Reference), then enter the bearing and the distance each mortar is from group centre. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 27 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data b. The following example illustrates the set up using layout procedure. c. Carry out MEMORY LOST procedure then enter the following data: BP GRID (GROUP SURVEY POINT (GSP)) 006 737 LAYOUT #1 #2 #3 #4 Bearing 3200 4800 6400 1600 Distance 30 30 30 30 STAGE KEY DISPLAY 1. SHIFT/ SET “FIGS?” Enter the number 6 2. 6 R/S “BP GRID 6” Enter 6 figure grid 006737 3. 006 737 R/S “SAFE ARC?” No 4. R/S “LAYOUT?” Yes 5. 3 R/S “#1 BEARING?” 3200 mils 6. 3200 R/S “DIST?” 30 metres 7. 30 R/S “#2 BEARING?” 4800 mils 8. 4800 R/S “DIST?” 30 metres 9. 30 R/S “#3 BEARING?” 6400 mils 10. 6400 R/S “DIST?” 30 metres 11. 30 R/S 12. 1600 R/S 13. 30 R/S d. 28 REMARKS “#4 BEARING” 1600 mils “DIST?” 30 metres End of sequence Post-crash Action Procedures (quick fire missions). The MFDC is extremely flexible. It is especially fast during crash action drills. The CPO, therefore, does not interrupt the procedure. Once the crash action drill is complete, and if the base plate position B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator is to remain occupied, the complete set up procedure must be used to produce more accurate fire. 15. 16. Confirmation of Stage III: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 17. In this lesson you have seen how to prepare your MFDC for quick fire missions using attitude, line and layout methods. As CPO you must be able to carry out these operations using different methods, so as to effectively and quickly engage any target. 18. The next lesson will be … B-GL-385-015/PT-001 29 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 4 PRODUCE FIRE DATA FOR A SIMPLE FIRE MISSION ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC). MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Produce fire data for a simple fire mission: a. fire data for engagement of simple fire missions (FMs); b. conversion of fire data from target grid corrections; c. fire data for circular fall of shot; d. fire data when smoke is used in adjust; e. fire data when HE is used in adjust; and f. fire data for the 25 mm. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Two 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 30 a. MFDC complete one per student; and b. fire mission proforma. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator 7. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; and b. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. Introduction: a. Review. Review set up procedure: BP GRID ATT SPREAD AMMO 004 723 5300 30 metres C 70 A1 b. What. You will learn how to produce fire data for engaging a target using HE and smoke rounds. c. Why. As a control post operator (CPO) you must be able to produce all types of fire data because different types of ammunition can be used in adjust. You should be able to change ammunition and produce correct data to quickly engage a target. d. Where. During the course, at your unit and in battle. 9. Stage I—Fire Data for Engagement of Simple Fire Missions: a. The target data sent by the Fire Controller (FC) must be processed to produce the fire data required for the mortar to put rounds on or near the target. Although the procedure differs from the plotter, the resulting information is the same. b. Producing initial fire data with the MFDC is quick and simple with its key-in procedure: FM 4 MOR GR 010737 DIR 5600 MG 3 RDS 3 AF B-GL-385-015/PT-001 31 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 1. FM “TGT NO 2?” FM can be fired under TGT 1 or 2; if TGT 2 go NO, if TGT 1 go YES. 2. R/S 3. 010737 R/S 4. C70A1 5. R/S “TGT 1 AJMOR?” 6. 3 R/S “SLCT CHARGE?” “TGT 1 GRID 6” Note: Continues to prompt for 6 figures. “SELECT AMMO” “TGT 2 AMMO?” NO unless on TGT 2; if 1 go YES. “MAP RANGE 1522” 7. R/S Go SHIFT then the AMMO KEY. “CHG 3 NO 3 BNG 0422 ELEV 1238 RANGE 1522 TOF 29.9” Enter the adjusting mortar for example mortar number 3. The MFDC selects the most central “SLCT CHARGE?” charge with elevation near 1100 mils (or enter charge required). MFDC now prints Fire Data. (TOF is Time of Flight) NOTE If the operator has already selected an ammunition type for the target, the MFDC then asks “FIRE DATA?”. If the operator presses R/S, a prompt to select an ammunition type for the target will appear. If the operator responds YES, the MFDC selects the best charge for the actual range and produces fire data. 10. 32 Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator 11. Stage II—Conversion of Fire Data From Target Grid Correction: a. The MFDC has produced sufficient fire data to place mortar rounds in the target area. The adjustment procedures are designed to place rounds on the target. The key procedure uses the same target grid corrections as the plotter. b. Set up as follows: BP GRID ATT SPREAD AMMO 103 765 2220 Normal C70A1 FM 4 MOR FIRE DATA GR 097 754 NO 2 DIR 3685 CHG 2 SECT DUG IN B 3697 4 RDS E 1313 2 AF R 1255 TOF 30.6 c. Corrections to target data for this exercise are: RIGHT 150, ADD 400, DROP 200, ADD 100, RIGHT 25. d. For training purposes do one correction at a time. STAGE KEY DISPLAY 1. TGC 1 “DIRECTION” 2. 3685 R/S “TGC 1 R/L” REMARKS If target number 2 press TGC 2. If RIGHT, enter correction and R/S. If left, enter correction the CHS (CHANGE SIGN) then R/S. If no correction R/S. For our example enter 150 RIGHT. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 33 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 3. 150 R/S “TGC 1 A/D” If ADD enter correction and R/S. If DROP enter correction, CHS then R/S, if no correction R/S. 4. R/S “NO 2 Prints fire data then goes back to “TGC 1 R/L” carry on with corrections or exit program. CHG 3 B 3818 E 1310 R1265” 5. “TGC 1 R/L” No correction. ADD 400, enter 400. 6. R/S “TGC 1 A/D” 7. 400 R/S “CHG 3 B 3786 E 1195 Prints fire data, and gives an audio and a visual warning when changing charge. R 1663” 8. “TGC 1 R/L” No correction. DROP 200, enter -200 CHS. 9. R/S “TGC 1 A/D” 10. -200 CHS R/S “B 3799 E 1174 R 1464” 11. “TGC 1 R/L” No correction. 12. R/S “TGC 1 A/D” ADD 100, enter 100. 13. 100 R/S “B 3792 RIGHT 25, enter 25. E 1226 R 1563 TGC 1 R/L” 14. 25 R/S “TGC 1 R/L” 15. R/S “B 3808 E 1225 No correction. Final correction now Fire for Effect (FFE). R 1566” 34 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator NOTE 1. This completes the established procedure for setting up and adjusting a simple fire mission and finally destroying the target. 2. If a change of charge is required after major corrections, the MFDC sounds an audio warning and displays “CHANGING CHG”. 12. Confirmation of Stage II: 13. a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage III—Produce Fire Data for Circular Fall of Shot: NOTE Keep the same FM and site. a. To produce a circular mission, the mortar line must be established using either attitude, line or layout methods. b. Under the distribution of fire (DF) key is a prompt for circle. When you answer YES, the MFDC will ask for “RADIUS?”. At that time you should enter the dimension asked by the FC or answer NO. The MFDC will then automatically produce circular fire data. STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 1. DF 1 “MORS R=1/L=2” 2. R/S “TGT1 AMMO 3. R/S “LIN HE?” No 4. R/S “LIN WP?” No Number 4 mortar C70A1” B-GL-385-015/PT-001 35 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 5. 6. 7. R/S R/S 3 R/S “CONVRG?” “CIRCLE?” “RADIUS?” No Yes If answer NO to radius, the MFDC allows an automatic distance of 40 metres. If larger is required, enter manually. 8. R/S 14. Fire for effect data produced all CHG 3: MORTAR BRG ELEV RANGE 15. 1 3803 1235 1723 2 3787 1232 1734 3 3813 1215 1788 4 3868 1217 1776 Confirmation of Stage III: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. 16. Stage IV—Produce Fire Data Using Smoke for Adjustment: a. It is very easy to produce initial fire data for a smoke target when smoke is used for adjustment. We proceed exactly the same way as for HE targets except, of course, we select C-106 ammunition. Carry out the following FM: BP GR ATT SPREAD AMMO 008 725 2100 Normal SMK C 106 FM 4 MOR GR 013 743 DIR 1900 SCREEN SMK 5 RDS 2 AF 36 FIRE DATA TGT 1 CHG 2 B 0284 E 1219 R 1865 TOF 32.7 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator b. 17. The production of fire data when smoke is used for adjusting is handled in the same way as a simple fire mission. It is a quick and effective method for quickly answering the fire controller’s fire orders. Confirmation of Stage IV: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. 18. Stage V—Production of Fire Data Using HE Shells for Adjusting: a. There is no problem in carrying out a smoke mission if HE shells are used for adjusting. This operation is handled in the usual manner but smoke ammunition is used for effective fire. However, if there are different type of ammunition on the line, for example C70A1 HE ammunition and C106 SMK, and the HE shells are used for adjusting, we would then have a problem. The method that we teach is quicker, using a MFDC key for the target number. It is important that the key for the second target is free for other targets, especially during fire planning: (1) Adjust as follows: BP GR ATT SPREAD AMMO 103 765 2220 Normal HE C70A1 SMK C106 FM 4 MOR GR 097 754 DIR 1600 BLINDING SMOKE 10 RDS 2 AF INITIAL FIRE DATA CHG 3 NO 2 B 3697 E 1313 R 1255 TOF 30.6 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 37 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data CORRECTIONS LEFT 200 CHG 3 NO 2 B 3785 E 1357 R1082 UP 200 CHG 3 B 3611 E 1380 R 0988 b. STAGE 1. The fire controller provides data for effective fire and converts that data into data for smoke ammunition: KEY DISPLAY SHIFT, C106 “TGT 2 AMMO?” 2. R/S “AJMOR 2?” 3. R/S “SLCT CHARGE?” 4. R/S TGT 1 CHG 1 NO 2 B 3611 E 1303 R 0988 TOF 26.7 38 Map range 0988 Fire Data appears. FIRE DATA FOR C 106: 19. REMARKS Confirmation of Stage V: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator 20. Stage VI—Produce Fire Data for 25 mm Ammunition. The MFDC can produce fire data for the 25-mm sabot. The CPO task does not change, the base plate position is converted to 1/10 and the rest remains the same. NOTE It should be noted that the distance to the target is in centimetres and not in metres. 21. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 22. During this lesson you have learned how to produce fire data for smoke shells when HE ammunition is used for adjusting. Remember that when smoke is used for adjusting the data is calculated the same way as for a simple fire mission. However, if HE ammunition is employed for adjusting, the data should be converted as for smoke ammunition being used. We have taught you the method that enables you to obtain the quickest fire data and provide maximum flexibility. 23. If the CPO must make a left or drop correction, he shall press the CHS key after entering the figures. You should always know the number of the target you are engaging. Ensure that all data are entered correctly because when the printer is disconnected there is no copy of the information. The choice of charge is a priority manual operation when there are restrictions to the charge. Your MFDC will select a charge where elevation will be mostly around 1100 mils. 24. The next lesson will be … B-GL-385-015/PT-001 39 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 5 PREPARING THE MORTAR FIRE DATA CALCULATOR FOR SAFETY ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC). MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Prepare the MFDC for safety: a. setting arcs of fire and maximum range; b. setting no-fire areas (NFA); c. setting base plate position safety; d. setting no-fire lines; and e. viewing and deleting no-fire lines (NFL)/no-fire zones (NFZ). PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Three 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 40 a. MFDC complete one per student; and b. firing table for C70A1 ammunition. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator 7. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; and b. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn how to prepare MFDC for safety. c. Why. Control post operators (CPOs) must be able to set arcs of fire and NFAs in the MFDC to ensure the safety of forward troops and observation posts (OPs). Safety limits depend on the operation and type of ammunition used. It is essential to enter all OPs and mortar sites, as NFAs. d. Where. During the course, at your unit and in battle. Stage I—Arcs of Fire and Maximum Range: a. Safety Arcs. When the safety prompt appears, enter the left arc, then the right arc and finally the maximum range, inserting the four figures for each if required. Adjust using techniques already taught, stopping at safety arc: BP GR ATT SPREAD 030 737 3200 b. Normal L OF ARC MAX RANGE AMMO 4925 RANGE R OF ARC CHG 4 4397 m C70A1 6230 The Range Safety Officer calculates arcs of fire in the usual manner. Note that the maximum charge to be fired for this example is Charge 4. Refer to firing tables and note that the maximum range for B-GL-385-015/PT-001 41 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data Charge 4 is 3225 metres. Record as maximum range. c. First, answer YES to the question “SAFE ARCS?”, give left arc and then enter 4925 metres, then 6230 for the right arc and 4397 metres for maximum range. That will complete that part of the exercise. During firing, the MFDC checks to ensure that all targets are inside the area. If a target is outside the area, the MFDC sounds an audio warning tone, prints the arcs then the map bearing (or maximum range to indicate outside safety). It then prompts “CONTINUE?”. d. The CPO can override safety by pressing 3 (YES) R/S and the MFDC will print the fire data. Safety has been disabled for this portion only. As the CPO carries on with corrections or a new mission, safety continues to be checked. Below is an example for a Target Outside Left of Arc and Beyond Maximum Range. C70A1 AMMUNITION FM 4 MOR: GR 004 740 DIR 4080 MG NOTE The MFDC indicates data outside the left of arc (DIR 4080 compared to the L OF ARC 4925). Press 3 R/S and it indicates data is outside the MAXIMUM RANGE. 3 RDS 2 AF PRESS “3 R/S” Fire Date TGT 1 CHG 4 B 4911 E 1105 R 2616 TOF 33.8 42 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator e. Set NFAs with MFDC. NOTE The MFDC maintains safety with a high degree of accuracy, producing fire with minimum delay. f. The MFDC plots and maintains ten NFAs in its memory. These are viewed, printed or deleted with key operations, already taught. To increase this distance to 390 metres (normal peacetime safety), enter the grid reference for the observation post as a 780 metres safety area and another for the mortar base plate position. The width of the line must be added to that distance. g. All fire data plotted and entered is checked to ensure that it is not in these zones. To shorten execution time, the fire zones are represented as squares and not as circles. If data plotted is in an NFA or on the wrong side of the fire line, the MFDC sounds a tone and prints a warning message for the operator. The operator can then cancel the fire mission or ask the MFDC to print fire data. h. “SAFETY OFF?” When the operator presses the NFA key, the MFDC prompts “SAFETY OFF?”. The MFDC is asking the operator if the safety check is to be suppressed. If the operator presses R/S, the safety check is left on. If he answers yes and presses 3 R/S, the safety check is removed. When the safety check is removed a small O will appear at the bottom of the screen to provide visual warning that the safety check is not being performed. With the safety check removed, fire data processing time is greatly reduced. i. Specific areas can be made and kept safe by the MFDC (such as OPs) by inserting the OP grid as an NFA. The area can be as wide as desired. First B-GL-385-015/PT-001 43 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data follow the normal technique and adjustments except that there is an OP at 011 750 that must be kept safe. KEY DISPLAY REMARKS NFZ “SAFETY OFF?” No R/S “INPUT?” Yes 3 R/S “NFL-1/NFA-2” 2 R/S “NFA NO?” Number 1 1 R/S “NFA GRD-6” Input Grid 011750 R/S “WIDTH?” “NFA NO?” 780 R/S NFA-2 This represents the diameter of the circle of the area to be kept safe. Normal peace time safety is 780 metres so for full safety we must enter 780 metres Now depart this routine NOTE 1. A hazard exists with NFAs as the MFDC will plot grids beyond the NFA, thus allowing overhead fire of the NFA. An independent safety check is required at all times. 2. A small O will appear at the bottom of the viewing screen to provide visual warning for the safety check. If there is no indicator, the safety check is at OFF and you are asked if you want to “CONTINUE”. 10. 11. 44 Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage II—Baseplate Position Safety: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator a. The MFDC will automatically enter a minimum of 400 metres safety for other ammunition. However, if the mortar line is prepared as a scattered position and if you enter the centre of the mortar position and the normal safety distance as an NFA of 780 metres, this will not cover mortars outside the position. Thus, to ensure complete safety for all mortars you must determine the width of the position and add to the 780 metres distance (safety diameter). b. Example: (1) Width of position: 90 + 780 = 870 metres safety. (2) That distance will be entered as NFA when the “WIDTH” appears. NOTE Remember that for safety you use the grid for the centre of the mortar emplacement and not the reference of the group survey point. 12. No Fire Lines (NFL): a. NFLs were designed to protect friendly troops and are usually used in conjunction with the Forward Edge of the Battle Area (FEBA). These are lines to indicate where no indirect fire unit can fire short of without approval from the supported arms commander. The MFDC can plot and maintain safety for up to 3 NFLs and will give the visual and audio warning if data is plotted short of the line or lines. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 45 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data NOTE If projectiles are about to be fired between the lines and the base plate the MFDC sounds a tone and prints a warning message. b. Procedure. NFLs are input, viewed and deleted in the same manner as NFAs. When entering the NFLs, the MFDC prompts the CPO for the starting and end points of the line. The starting point of the line must be entered as the lower numerical grid (west). If the operator enters the higher numerical grid first, the MFDC re-prompts for the end point grid. c. Enter the following NFLs: BP GR 0063 7187 ATT 4200 SPREAD 40 NFL 1 Start End GR 0008 7222 GR 0044 7242 NFL 2 Start End GR 0044 7242 GR 0076 7241 NFL 3 Start End GR 0076 7241 GR 0090 7216 STAGE KEY 1. NFZ 2. R/S 3. 3 R/S 4. 1 R/S “NFL NO?” 5. 1 “START GR” Enter first grid NFL 1 6. 0008 7222 R/S “END GR” Enter end grid NFL 1 7. 0044 7242 R/S “NFL NO?” NFL 2 46 DISPLAY REMARKS “SAFETY OFF?” No R/S “INPUT?” Yes 3 R/S “NFL-1 NFA-2” NFL-1 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Number 1 Mortar Fire Data Calculator STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 8. 2 R/S “START GR” Enter first grid NFL 2 9. 0044 7242 R/S “END GR” Enter last grid NFL 2 10. 0076 7241 R/S “NFL NO?” NFL 3 11. 3 R/S “START GR” Enter first grid NFL 3 12. 0076 7241 R/S “END GR” Enter last grid NFL 3 13. 0090 7216 R/S “NFL NO?” Proceed with FM NOTE NFLs can be used alone, in pairs or as in this example, in groups of three. 13. Confirmation of Stage II: 14. a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage III—Viewing and Deleting NFL/NFA: a. You may wish to see the data you have entered for example to ensure that they have been entered correctly or because the safety officer may ask you for a copy and you must extract it. Proceed as follows: STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 1. NFZ “SAFETY OFF?” No 2. R/S “INPUT?” No 3. R/S “VIEW?” Yes 4. 3 R/S “VIEW ALL?” Yes 5. 3 R/S “NFL=1/NFA=2” If you wish to see the NFLs, press 1 R/S. If you wish to see the NFA, press 2 R/S. Press 1 R/S now. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 47 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS “SORT NFLS?” The MFDC produces 10 figure grid references in numerical order because you answered yes to “SORT NFLS?” 6. 1 R/S 7. 3 R/S “DO NOT PRESS If you want to see the NFL again, answer NO R/S to the R/S WHILE question “SORT NFLS?”. SORTING NFLS” That will save a lot of time because the MFDC already “NFL NO 0001 has them in numerical order. START GRD 00080 72220 END GRD 00440 72420” “NFL NO 0002 START GRD 00080 72220 END GRD 00440 72420” b. STAGE To view only some NFL or NFA the method is the same if you answer NO R/S to the question “VIEW ALL?”. KEY 1. 48 DISPLAY “VIEW ALL” 2. R/S 3. 1 R/S 4. 1 R/S REMARKS No “NFL=1/NFA=2” Press the number of the NFL you want to view. “START NFL NO” If asked from what number you want to check. Enter 1 “END NFL NO” Asking to what number you want to see, if you want to see only to number 1, press R/S B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator STAGE KEY DISPLAY 5. R/S “NFL NO 0001 REMARKS It displays NFL No 0001 START GRD 00080 72220 END GRD 00440 72420” c. Cancelling. The reasons for cancelling NFL/NFA are as follows: d. (1) an observation post is no longer occupied; (2) the mortar group changes positions; or (3) troop movements to the front have changed. Procedures are as follows: STAGE KEY DISPLAY 1. “NFZ” “SAFETY OFF” No 2. R/S “INPUT? No 3. R/S “VIEW?” No 4. R/S “DELETE?” Yes 5. 3 R/S “NFL=1/NFA=2” 6. 1 R/S 7. 1 R/S “END NFL NO” 8. R/S “START NFL NO” 15. REMARKS If you want to cancel an NFL, press 1 R/S. If you want to cancel an NFA press 2 R/S. Press 1 R/S. “START NFL NO” Press the number of the NFL that you want to cancel Press R/S if you want to cancel only line 1 or enter the end number of the NFL you want to cancel Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and B-GL-385-015/PT-001 49 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 16. Safety regulations must be respected at all times. The MFDC accepts 10 safety areas. The CPO must however, remember that the instrument can carry out overhead fire and he must ensure that that type of mission is not fired during peacetime. The safety distance established for combat positions is 200 metres and the CPO must enter those positions as safety areas in order to preserve the applicable safety distance. The MFDC provides for 3 safety lines and the furthest co-ordinate west must always be entered first. Safety lines are displayed or cancelled in the usual way. They are useful for tactical matters and are issued by the supporting fire co-ordination centre. They cannot replace safety regulations at the mortar line and must not be established by the commander of the CPO group. The MFDC cannot automatically foresee the safety of the location because locations vary according to the extent and type of deployment. 17. 50 The next lesson will be … B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator LESSON 6 CHANGE PROCEDURES I AND II ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC) MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Change procedures I and II: a. changing direction; b. changing adjusting mortar; c. deleting ammunition; d. changing charge; e. producing fire data for converge targets; f. gaining corrected gird; g. recording targets; h. procedure to put mortars in/out of action; i. change 6 figure grid references to 8 or 10 figure grid references; and j. produce fire data for a maximum range target. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Three 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 51 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. a. MFDC complete one per student; b. fire mission proforma; and c. firing table. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; and b. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn Change Procedures I and II. c. Why. For various reasons the Fire Controller (FC) or control post operator (CPO) may change the mortar adjustment, its direction or change or delete ammunition. Also, the CPO must be able to register targets, obtain corrected GR, put the mortars out of action and produce fire data for converge targets. d. Where. During the course, at your unit or in battle. 9. Stage I—Changing Direction and the Adjusting Mortar; Deleting Ammunition and Maximum Range Targets: a. 52 During the adjustment or engagement of targets it may be necessary to change direction of the adjusting mortar. For example, a mortar may be put out of line because of a defect or the fire controller may change observation posts during adjustment. Further, if a type of ammunition is brought to the mortar line which is not part of the pre-programmed data, the CPO must still be able to process the fire mission. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator b. Changing Direction. When the FC changes position, he must send a new direction to be entered into the MFDC to produce correct data. Carry out MASTER CLEAR and the following set up: BP ATT SPREAD AMMO 006 723 4700 30 C 70 A1 FM 4 MOR GR 005 740 DIR 4800 BMP IN OPEN 2 RDS 4 AF Fire control orders LEFT 100 FIRE DATA CHG 4 B 6367 E 1316 R 1705 TOF 36.1 NO 4 B 6365 E 1335 The fire controller changes positions and gives the following corrections DIRECTION 5300, ADD 100 STAGE 1. KEY DISPLAY REMARKS SHIFT CNG “CNG ADJ MOR?” No 2. R/S “CNG DIR?” Yes 3. 3 R/S “CNG 2 DIR?” No 4. R/S “1 DIR?” 5. 5300 R/S “NEXT DATA” 6. Enter new direction now Continue with TGC 1 ADD 100 Final data: “TGT 1 CHG 4 B 6312 E 1325 R 1658” B-GL-385-015/PT-001 53 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data c. Changing the Charge. To change the charge, press for AMMO and enter the desired charge. STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 1. SHIFT, AMMO “TGT 2?” No 2. R/S “ADJ MOR?” No 3. R/S 4. 4 R/S “SLCT CHARGE?” Yes, enter 4 Fire Data is produced FIRE DATA CHG 3 B 6312 E 1196 R 1658 TOF 29.5 d. Changing Adjusting Mortar. To change the adjusting mortar, the FC will use the following procedure with the same location and ammunition (C70A1): SAME LOCATION AND C70A1 AMMO FM 4 MOR FIRE DATA GR 011 742 TGT 1 CHG 4 DIR 0850 NO 1 B 0240 SEC DUG IN E 1267 3 RDS R 1949 1 AF TOF 35.6 FIRE CONTROLLER ORDER: LEFT 100, CANCEL 1 AF, 2AF STAGE 1. KEY SHIFT CHG 2. 3. 3 R/S R/S DISPLAY “CHG ADJ MOR?” “TGT 2?” “TGT 1 MOR?” 4. 2 R/S “NEXT DATA” 54 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 REMARKS Yes No Enter the new ADJMOR now. Continue with TGC1 LEFT 100. Mortar Fire Data Calculator FIRE DATA NO 2 B 0240 E 1253 R 2016 e. Change Grid. To change co-ordinates from 6 to 8 or 10 figures, when your position is a 10 figure reference and your target is 6 or 8 figures, you must follow this procedure: STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 1. SHIFT/SET “FIG 6” Enter figure 8 or 10 2. 8 or 10 R/S The MFDC will accept 8 or 10 figures only. Continue operation. To return to 6 figures, follow the same procedure. f. Deleting Ammunition. This procedure is used to calculate bearing and range when ammunition is brought to the line which is not part of the preprogrammed data. This information is used in conjunction with the firing tables provided with the new type of ammunition. Then you execute the following sequences and when you have received the distance you will be able to find the elevation from the ammunition firing tables. (1) Prepare your MFDC with a base plate: BP GR ATT SPREAD AMMO 0000 9999 4700 Normal C 70 A1 Execute: FM 4 MOR GR 0350 9999 DIR 1600 2 AF CHG 6 B 1600 E 1174 R 3485 TOF 43.0 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 55 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 1. SHIFT/DLT “TGT 2?” 2. R/S 3. 3 R/S “NEXT DATA” 4. TGC 1 “DIRECTION” 5. TGC 1 “TGC 1 R/L” No 6. R/S “TGC 1 A/D” No 7. R/S No “DLT AMMO 1” Yes 1600 The MFDC now calculates the following data for you: TGT 1 NO 2 B 1600 R 3485 (2) g. Maximum Range Target: (1) To produce data for a maximum range target, you must: BP ATT SPREAD AMMO 104 762 1600 Normal C 70 A1 (2) 56 If you have to produce different types of fire, for example, linear fire, simply press the DF 1 (Distribution of Fire) or DF 2 keys and carry on as for a normal mission. The data applies only to the bearing and range for each mortar. You have received a mortar target (MT) and the MFDC tells you that it is out of range. Thus it gives you the maximum range for the ammunition and the target. To be able to engage at maximum range for the ammunition, proceed as follows: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator (a) enter DLT AMMUNITION and execute the MT; you will then receive the bearing and range; and (b) enter the bearing as direction and the correction “DOWN 1” of the maximum range, to bring the target into range. Example: maximum range Range requested 4700 metres 4699 metres Difference: 1 metre (3) 10. Press ammo C 70 A1 You received the same bearing and a different range. Replace the ammunition and you will be given complete data. Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. 11. Stage II—Production of Fire Data for Converged Targets, Corrected Grid, Registered Targets and Procedures for Mortar In/Out of Action: a. Producing Fire Data for Converged Targets: (1) To do a converge mission, the mortar line must be established either by an attitude line or by doing lay out data. (2) Under the DF key is a prompt for converge. When this prompt is answered, the MFDC automatically produces fire data to converge all weapons in action onto the target. BP ATT SPREAD AMMO 008 725 5300 Normal C 70 A1 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 57 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data FIRE DATA FM 4 MOR GR 013 743 DIR 1900 5 RDS CONVERGE 2 AF (3) STAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Once the target has been set and the order to converge has been received, the CPO presses DF 1 key. The MFDC will display the following data: KEY DF 1 R/S DISPLAY “MOR R-1/L-2” “TGT 1?” “AMMO C 70 A1” “LIN HE?” “LIN WP?” “CONVRG?” “FIRE DATA” R/S R/S R/S 3 R/S CHG B E R TGT 1 CHG 4 NO 2 B 0268 E 1283 R 1871 TOF 35.8 #1 4 0252 1282 1878 #2 4 0268 1283 1871 #3 4 0284 1285 1865 REMARKS No No No Yes #4 4 0300 1286 1859 NOTE The MFDC cannot produce converge data when set up for crash action. It will give you the same data as for the adjusting mortar. b. 58 Gaining Corrected Grids. The COR GRID (Corrected Grid) key enables the operator to view the corrected grid of any target at any time. The operator has the choice of three corrected grids and can select TGT 1 or TGT 2 from the current fire missions or select a target in the target record B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator registers. If the operator does not select a target number the corrected grid for TGT 1 is produced. The MFDC prints the corrected grid of the selected target in ten figures. Set up as follows: BP ATT SPREAD AMMO 103 765 2220 Normal C 70 A1 FM 4 MOR GR 097 754 DIR 3685 SEC DUG IN RDS FOR EFFECT 2 AF CORRECTIONS RIGHT 150, ADD 400 DROP 200 RIGHT 25, ADD 100 FINAL FIRE DATA TGT 1 CHG 3 B 3808 E 1225 R 1566 c. Gaining Corrected Grids. The CPO can obtain 10 figure grids at any time for a target being engaged, simply by pressing the COR GR key. That GR comes from the last mission used: STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 1. COR GR “TGT 1?” YES, if it is not then enter R/S and R/S target number 2 2. 3 R/S d. “0940775214” Note: The MFDC always displays 10 figure grids Recording Targets: (1) “TGT 2?” The MFDC prompts the CPO for the target whose data is to be recorded. If the operator responds YES, the MFDC records the data for TGT 2 otherwise, the data for TGT 1 is recorded. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 59 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data (2) ”TGT NO?” The MFDC prompts the CPO for the target number the data is to be stored under, from the target record registers. The map and corrected grids for the specified target are then stored in the target record registers. The MFDC gives a visual and audio warning if target numbers in the storage area are duplicated. BP ATT SPREAD AMMO 008 725 2100 Normal C 70 A1 FM 4 MOR GR 013 743 DIR 1900 5 RDS 2 AF (3) FIRE DATA TGT 1 CHG 4 NO 2 B 0284 E 1285 R 1865 TOF 35.8 FC sends “Record as ZM1001”: To record the previous mission, press the REC Key. STAGE KEY DISPLAY 1. REC “TGT 2?” 2. R/S “TGT NO?” 3. 1001 R/S e. No 1001 “NEXT DATA” Target data has been stored in memory. Mortars In/Out of Action: (1) 60 REMARKS When the plotter is used for HE linear missions or for deliberate smoke missions and a mortar is out of action for one reason or another, the linear mission is less effective. The CPO must then spend more time to readjust. The MFDC enables automatic compensation for out of action mortars. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator NOTE It is very important for the CPO to realise that the MFDC programs have been made for a group of four mortars. If the group contains only three mortars the CPO must tell the MFDC to place mortar number four out of action. The MFDC can then continue producing accurate fire for different fire missions. 12. 13. (2) IN/OUT key operation. (3) Mortar Out. When the CPO presses the IN/OUT key the MFDC will prompt “MORTAR OUT?”. If the response is YES the MFDC will prompt “MORTAR NO?”. The CPO then presses the key to match the number of the mortar that is out of action. (4) Mortar In. If the CPO does not respond YES to the prompt “MORTAR OUT?”, the MFDC will prompt “MORTAR IN?”. To put a mortar back in, the CPO must respond YES. The operator then presses the key to match the mortar number that is to be put back in. Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 61 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data CONCLUSION 14. Remember that the MFDC is flexible enough to produce adjusting procedures with much greater accuracy than the plotter, even when the adjusting mortar is changed, the fire controller changes direction or different ammunition is used, than that programmed into the data. It is important that the CPO practices on his own to ensure effective and safe work. Any error, regardless of complexity or importance, can result in the loss of human lives for own troops. If you have any doubt about the data, obtain confirmation by a method other than firing. 15. 62 The next lesson will be … B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator LESSON 7 CANCELLATION PROCEDURES AND ADJUSTING AN ERRING MORTAR ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC). MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Cancellation procedures and adjusting an erring mortar. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Two 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. a. MFDC complete one per student; b. fire mission proforma; and c. firing table. Training Aids: a. chalk board; and b. computer with PowerPoint®. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 63 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn how to adjust an erring mortar. c. Why. As a control post operator (CPO) you must know the procedure for correcting fire lines for an adjustment. d. Where. During the course, in your unit and in battle. 9. Stage I—Adjust an Erring Mortar by Cancelling a Previous Correction. Occasionally during firing, the line of fire may spread out. The CPO must be able to adjust an erring mortar after receiving adjusted lines of fire from the fire controller (FC); the CPO must know how to cancel previous corrections. BP 104 762 ATT 1600 FM 4 MOR GR 104 732 DIR 3040 BMP 5 RDS 2 AF SPREAD Normal AMMO C70A1 FIRE DATA NO 2 CHG 6 B 3195 E 1250 R 3000 TOF 44.0 CORRECTIONS: LEFT 50 DROP 50 B 3180 E 1258 R 2943 10. Cancelling Corrections. If target grid corrections are not required for this target, remove the LEFT 50, DROP 50 from the MFDC or any correction made to the last adjustment. Now to remove 64 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator LEFT 50, DROP 50 from the MFDC, press the CANCEL 1 or 2 key. Proceed as follows: STAGE 1. KEY SHIFT, CANCEL 1 2. 3. 4. 5. DISPLAY “CNC1” REMARKS Note the last entered correction was removed “R/L - 50” “A/D - 50” “CANCELLED” “NEXT DATA” NOTE To check that the last correction was cancelled note the initial fire data shown and proceed as indicated below. STAGE 1. 2. 3. 11. KEY TGC 1 R/S DISPLAY “TGC R/L” “TGC A” “CHG 6 BNG 3195 ELEV 1250” RANGE 3000” REMARKS No No Original task data is displayed Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. 12. Stage II—Adjust an Erring Mortar by Regular Grid Correction. a. BP GR 104 762 To adjust the line of fire for an erring mortar, the FC must send an individual correction for that mortar. ATT 1600 SPREAD Normal B-GL-385-015/PT-001 AMMO C-70 A1 65 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data FIRE DATA N0 2 CHG 5 B 3195 E 1250 R 3000 TOF 44.0 FM 4 MOR GR104 732 DIR 3040 BMP 5 RDS 2 AF b. 13. 66 Order from fire controller/right group adjust fire: (1) The number 4 fires out of phase and the FC sends individual corrections to adjust the line of fire. The most effective method consists of introducing the correction as a regular grid correction. The fire controller sends the following message to CPO: number 4, adjust lines of fire LEFT 50, DROP 50. (2) Fire data for mortar number 4 is: B 3180, E 1258, R 2943. (3) When mortar number 4 has provided the data, CPO orders adjustment of line of fire on bearing 3195. The number 4 then carried out the operations and when completed, reports “Line of fire adjust on B 3195”. (4) The CPO then reports to FC: “Lines of fire adjusted”. If further target grid corrections are requested on this target, use the CANCEL key as described in the cancelling correction paragraph. Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator 14. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 15. This lesson provides a quick method for adjusting erring mortars, cancelling last corrections introduced in the MFDC and ensuring that appropriate fire is directed on the target area. 16. The next lesson will be … B-GL-385-015/PT-001 67 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 8 PRODUCE FIRE CONTROL DATA WITH THE MORTAR FIRE DATA CALCULATOR (MFDC) ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC). MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Engage two targets simultaneously: a. produce fire data for executing two fire missions simultaneously; and b. produce fire data from target grid corrections. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Two 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. 68 a. MFDC complete one per student; and b. fire mission proforma. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; and b. computer with PowerPoint®. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will be taught how to produce fire data for engaging two targets simultaneously. c. Why. As the control post operator (CPO) you must be able to produce fire data on two targets simultaneously. d. Where. During the course, at your unit and in battle. 9. Stage I—Produce Fire Data for Executing Two Fire Missions Simultaneously: a. As we have seen we must process information received from the fire controller (FC) to produce fire data enabling the mortars to hit their target. We will now see how to handle two targets simultaneously. b. Fire data for executing two simple fire missions simultaneously: BP GR 999 722 c. ATT 5851 SPREAD 20 AMMO C 70 A1 Tasks: FM R SECT GR 023725 DIR 0670 1 SECT IN THE OPEN 5 RDS 2 AF B-GL-385-015/PT-001 69 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data FM L SECT: GR 009738 DIR 0170 MG NEST 5 RDS 3 AF d. Complete the task as already taught for target 1 (TGT 1). e. Give TGT 1 data: NO 2 CHG 5 B1469 E1271 R 2415 TOF 45.5 f. Produce data for the second task on TGT 2: STAGE 1. KEY FM DISPLAY “TGT 2?” 2. 3 R/S 3. 5. 009738 R/S SHIFT – C 70 A1 3 - R/S 6. 3 - R/S “TGT 2 GRD 6” “SELECT AMMO” “TGT 2 AMMO?” “TGT 2 AJMOR?” “SLCT CHG” 7. R/S 4. 70 “TGT 2 CHG4 NO3 B 0574 E 1281 R 1882 TOF 35.8” REMARKS Carry out second task on target 2 Continue in 6 figures Press shift and ammunition Answer yes Enter adjusting mortar, number 3 If R/S, the MFDC chooses the charge closest to 1100 mils elevation or, enter the required charge The MFDC now prints fire data B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator g. 10. If the operator has already chosen the type of ammunition for target number 2, the MFDC then asks “FIRE DATA?”. Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. 11. Stage II—Produce Fire Data From Target Grid Corrections: a. The MFDC can adjust two targets simultaneously. The procedure is similar to the one already seen for one target but requires special attention so as not to interchange corrections received from the FC: BP GR ATT SPREAD AMMO 904 508 4520 Normal C 70 A1 b. Carry out the following fire missions: FM L SECT GR 924531 DIR 6080 1 SECT IN THE OPEN 5 RDS 3 AF FM R SECT GR 918539 DIR 5880 1 STATIONARY BMP 5 RDS 1 AF FIRE DATA TGT 1 NO 3 CHG 6 B 0732 E 1241 R 3061 TOF 43.9 FIRE DATA TGT 2 NO1 CHG 6 B 0422 E 1193 R 3373 TOF 43.2 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 71 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data c. You receive the following corrections: Number 3 RIGHT50, ADD 200 Number 1 LEFT 100, DROP 200 Number 3 DROP 100 Number 1 ADD 100 Number 3 ADD 50, FFE Number 1 RIGHT 25, ADD 50, FFE “TGC 1” “TGC 2” “TGC 1” “TGC 2” “TGC 1” “TGC 2” NOTE Do one correction at a time for lesson purposes. STAGE 1. KEY TGC 1 DISPLAY “DIRECTION” 2. 3. 4. 6080—R/S 50—R/S 200—R/S “TGC 1 R/L” “TGC 1 A/D” “NO 3 CHG 6 B 0685 E 1218” 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 72 TGC 2 5880—R/S - 100— CHS—R/S - 200-CHSR/S “DIRECTION” “TGC 2 R/L” “TGC 2 A/D” TGC 1 R/S - 100— DHS—R/S “TGC 1 R/L” “TGC 1 A/D” “NO 3 CHG 6 B 0712 E 1227” “NO 1 CHG 6 B 0454 E 1224” B-GL-385-015/PT-001 REMARKS Enter direction 6080. If already done, MFDC goes to next stage Right 50 Add 200 Proceed with correction to L Section, Number 1 Enter direction 5880 Left 100 Drop 200 Proceed with correction to L Section, Number 3 No correction Drop 100 Proceed with correction number 1 Mortar Fire Data Calculator STAGE 12. 13. 14. 12. 13. KEY TGC 2 R/S 100—R/S 15. 16. 17. TGC 1 R/S 50 - R/S 18. 19. 20. TGC 2 25 - R/S 50 - R/S DISPLAY “TGC 2 R/L” “TGC 2 A/D” “NO 1 CHG 6 B 0428 E 1215” “TGC 1 R/L” “TGC 1 A/D” “NO 3 CHG 6 B 0699 E 1223” “TGC 2 R/L” “TGC 2 A/D” “NO 1 CHG 6 B 0420 E 1207” REMARKS No correction Add 100 Proceed with correction number 3 No correction Add 50, FFE Final data for L Section. Proceed correction R Section, Number 1 Right 25 Add 50, FFE Final data for R Section Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 14. During this lesson you have learned to produce fire data for two targets simultaneously. Remember the importance of making corrections for the correct target. 15. The next lesson will be … B-GL-385-015/PT-001 73 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 9 PRODUCE POLAR FIRE MISSION DATA ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC). MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Produce polar fire mission data: a. polar fire missions; b. polar fire missions with laser corrections; and c. polar fire missions with target grid corrections. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Two 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. 74 a. MFDC complete one per student; and b. fire mission proforma. Training Aids: a. chalk board; and b. computer with PowerPoint®. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn to carry out a polar fire mission with laser and target grid corrections. c. Why. When used in conjunction with the laser range finder and C5 prismatic compass, the MFDC is the fastest means available to us for accurately engaging targets, within the scope of polar fire missions. The second shot usually hits the target. d. Where. During the course, at your unit and in combat. 9. Stage I—Polar Fire Missions with Laser Corrections on Targets. BP GR 109 763 a. OP GR 099 751 ATT 2100 SPREAD Normal AMMO C 70 A1 Carry out the following fire mission: FM 4 MOR DIR 2700 R 2400 3 RDS 2 AF STAGE 1. 2. KEY PM R/S DISPLAY “TGT 2?” “TGT 1 OP C/S” “C 70 A1” “LIN HE?” 3. 4. 51 R/S 099 751 R/S “OP GRID 6” “TGT 1 DIR?” B-GL-385-015/PT-001 REMARKS No If OP is registered, give C/S. Otherwise enter OP C/S and OP gird Enter OP gird Enter direction to target 75 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data STAGE 5. KEY 2700 R/S DISPLAY “TGT DIST?” 6. 2400 R/S 7. 8. 9. SHIFT C70A1 R/S 2 R/S 10. R/S “SELECT AMMO” “TGT 2 AMMO?” “TGT 1 AJMOR?” “SLCT CHARGE?” “TGT 1 CHG 6 NO 2 B 3156 E 1200 R 3327 TOF 43.3” No Number 2 No b. The above is the procedure for producing polar fire mission data. c. Target Adjustment. Polar fire missions with laser corrections (LC) are our best tool because they usually enable us to hit the target with only one correction. d. The CPO receives the fire mission from the fire controller: FM 4 MOR: DIR 2940 R 2000 BMP 5 RDS 2 AF e. 76 REMARKS Enter distance to target C 70A1 FIRE DATA N0 2 CHG 5 B 3355 E 1125 R 3179 TOF 44.0 The fire controller shall now adjust the target and sends the following corrections: Direction 3000 and Range 2150, representing the distance from which the adjusted shell will fall. Let us now see key LC-1 or LC-2: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator STAGE 1. KEY LC 1 DISPLAY “LC 1 DIR?” 2. 3000 R/S “LC 1 DIST 1?” 3. 2150 R/S “TGT 1 CHG 6 B 3335 E 1202 LC 1 DIR?” REMARKS 3000 represents the direction from the OP to the shell burst 2150 represents the distance from the OP to the shell burst Continue corrections as ordered NOTE This program uses only one laser correction. That correction must always be cancelled if a second laser correction is applied. PRESS “SHIFT CANCEL” DIR 2800 DIST 2000 FIRE DATA TGT 1 CHG 5 B 3430 E 1094 R 3314 NOTE This method cannot be used with illuminating ammunition. The MFDC will sound an alarm and leave the program. 10. Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 77 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 11. Stage II—Polar Fire Mission Using Target Grid Correction: a. Data can be presented in two different ways. The first involves target grid corrections. Since you already know this method, you will be given the following fire mission from the fire controller (OP, GR 099 751): LFM 4 MOR DIR 2700 R 1800 MG 4 RDS 1 AF b. Polar fire missions with target grid corrections are faster than the classic method. Controllers can actually carry out their work in less time. The technique used with the MFDC is simple and target grid corrections are calculated in the usual fashion. Remember that the direction fed into the MFDC will be the target observation factor, in this case 2700 mils: CORRECTIONS LEFT 100, ADD 400 DROP 200 ADD 100 DROP 50, FFE 12. 13. FINAL FIRE DATA TGT 1 CHG 6 B 3168 E 1252 R 2984 FFE Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. 78 FIRE DATA TGT 1 CHG 6 B 3241 E 1277 R 2811 TOF 44.4 questions from the class; and B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 14. The MFDC, employed together with the laser range finder enables carrying out fire missions quickly and very accurately. Our potential for producing fire on the battlefield is thus considerably increased. 15. The next lesson will be … B-GL-385-015/PT-001 79 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 10 ILLUMINATION AND CO-ORDINATED ILLUMINATION ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC). MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Illumination and co-ordinated illumination: a. point; b. diamond; c. lateral spread; d. range spread; and e. co-ordinated illumination. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Three 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 80 a. MFDC complete one per student; and b. fire mission proforma. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator 7. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; and b. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn how to produce illuminating and co-ordinated illumination fire data. c. Why. One of the methods for illuminating the battlefield at night is provided by illuminating rounds using the mortar and by co-ordinated illumination using HE, to neutralise a target. As control post operator (CPO) you must be entirely familiar with all of these procedures. d. Where. During the course, at your unit and in battle. Stage I—Point Illumination: a. Illumination is an important part of the modern battlefield. The MFDC can produce the needed fire data quickly for point illumination, range spread, lateral spread, diamond and co-ordinated illumination with HE. b. Point Illumination. Illumination fire missions are calculated in the same manner as a simple HE mission, differences are that we use the TGC (Target Grid Correction) and DF (Distribution of Fire) keys. During this lesson data used for all illuminating fire missions are as follows: BP GR 1045 7652 ATT 2080 SPREAD Normal B-GL-385-015/PT-001 AMMO C105 81 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data FM 1 MOR GR 0980 7490 DIR 3465 ILLUM 5 RDS 2 AF c. Point illumination is calculated as follows: STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 1. 2. 3. FM R/S 0980 7490 R/S No Enter Grid C 105 4. 5. 6. SHIFT C 105 R/S 2 R/S 7. R/S “TGT 2?” “TGT 1 GRD 8” “SELECT AMMO” “TGT 2 AMMO?” “TGT 1 AJMOR?” “MAP GR 1747” “SLCT CHARGE?” “CHG 2 NO 2 B 3580 E 1217 R 1747 FUZE 30.4” d. You have now prepared the initial illuminating fire mission. Please note that fuze adjustment rather than time of flight is used. e. Proceed as follows when getting corrections for illuminations. Continue the mission: STAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 82 No 2 No KEY TGC 1 3465 R/S 50 R/S 200 R/S DISPLAY “DIRECTION?” “TGC 1 R/L” “TGC 1 A/D” “TGC 1 UP/DN” B-GL-385-015/PT-001 REMARKS 3465 LEFT 50 ADD 200 UP 100 Mortar Fire Data Calculator STAGE 5. KEY 100 R/S DISPLAY “TGT 1 CHG 2 NO 2 B 3542 E 1156 R 1941 FUZE 28.7 TGC 1 R/L” REMARKS Continue corrections until desired fire is obtained NOTE 1. The calculator keeps all height corrections in memory (higher or lower). 2. The MFDC will not accept an up or down (UP/DN) correction less than 50 metres. 3. Down corrections are input as for left or drop corrections. 4. The MFDC will not accept an up correction exceeding 900 metres. Thus, projectiles cannot explode before reaching the highest point of their trajectory. f. When the fire controller orders fire for effect, the last corrections given are to be used. g. When two mortar are assigned to the same illumination point, proceed as follows while preserving the indications from the preceding mission. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 83 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data STAGE 1. 2. KEY DF 1 1 R/S DISPLAY “MOR R-1/L-2” “TGT 1?” “AMMO C 105” 3. 4. 3 R/S “RANGE?” “SPREAD?” R/S “TGT 1” MOR NO CHG B E 1 2 3530 1030 2 2 3541 1247 REMARKS “MOR R-1” applies to the right section The term “L-2” applies to the left section. Use the right section This question concerns range; when not applicable, press 3 R/S key Concerns distance between projectiles. If the fire controller does not wish a 600 metre spread, he must specify or the default of 600 metres will be used. In this example use 600 metres. R 2246 1641 TOF 27.2 29.7 NOTE This data will put one round on the illumination point and one past it. 10. 84 Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator 11. Stage II—Range Spread: a. When we wish to produce illumination in depth in enemy territory, we must resort to range spread. This procedure is very helpful for tanks and antiarmour supporting fire. Proceed as follows (use point fire mission): STAGE 1. KEY DF 1 2. R/S DISPLAY “MOR R-1/L2” “TGT 1?” “AMMO C105 DMND” “RANGE?” 3. 3 R/S “SPREAD?” 4. R/S “TGT 1” MOR NO 1 2 3 4 CHG 5 5 5 5 B 3534 3543 3559 3594 E 1281 1359 1428 1491 REMARKS No No Yes Use normal 600 metre spread for this example R 2845 2241 1638 1035 TOF 43.7 44.8 45.8 46.6 NOTE The MFDC prints the fire data for the range spread with number 1 firing at the farthest point and number 4 firing at the closest point. 12. 13. Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage III—Lateral and Diamond Spread: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 85 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data a. When we wish to illuminate a company in depth, we use lateral spread. Using the same illuminating point as that given in paragraph 10, proceed as follows: STAGE 1. 2. KEY DF 1 R/S 3. 4. 5. R/S R/S 3 R/S DISPLAY “MOR R-1/L-2” “TGT 1?” “AMMO C 105 DMND” “RANGE?” “LAT?” “SPREAD?” 6. R/S “TGT 1” MOR NO 1 2 3 4 CHG 5 5 5 5 B 3972 3698 3401 3126 REMARKS No No No Yes Use Normal 600 metre spread E R TOF 1373 2125 45 1392 1962 45.3 1392 1958 45.3 1374 2114 45 NOTE Lateral spread is thus 1800 metres from the left mortar to the right mortar. 14. 15. Confirmation of Stage III: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage IV—Diamond: a. 86 We are frequently required to illuminate a large circular area rather than a linear target. To accomplish this, the diamond formation is used. Using data from paragraph 10, apply the following procedure: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator STAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. MOR NO 1 2 3 4 KEY DF 1 R/S R/S R/S CHG 5 5 5 5 B 3530 3698 3559 3416 DISPLAY REMARKS “MOR R-1/L-2” No “TGT 1?” Yes “AMMO C 105 DMND” “SPREAD?” Normal “TGT 1” E R TOF 1358 2246 44.8 1392 1962 45.3 1428 1638 45.8 1393 1950 45.3 NOTE Note on which point each mortar fire is directed. Although trajectories can cross occasionally, the differences in heights eliminates the probability of problems. Further, each projectile will burst 300 metres from the point to be illuminated with normal 600 metre spread between projectiles. In the case of the present mission, the rounds will reach 300 metres from the point to be illuminated, that is to say that the projectiles will fall 600 metres one from the other. 16. 17. (HE): Confirmation of Stage IV: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage V—Coordinated Illumination with High Explosive a. When the Fire Controller (FC) adjusts a target at night for HE, the FC must be able to see where the rounds impact. Therefore, co-ordination of firing an HE round with illumination is required. b. For this example, the position is located at the following grid and illuminating point is adjusted: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 87 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data BP GR 104 766 ATT 1725 SPREAD Normal FM 4 MOR GR 090 759 DIR 5600 MINE LAYING DETACHMENT N0 1 ILLUM 8 RDS DELAY IN EFFECT 3 RDS 1 AF AMMO C 70 A1 C105 FIRE DATA TGT 1 CHG 3 NO 1 B 4311 E 1366 R 1528 FUZE 37.5 NOTE Enter the same mission into Target 2 but use the HE ammunition instead of illumination and use number 2 mortar for adjustment. Fire details are shown below. AMMO C70 A1 TGT 2 CHG 2 B 4322 E 1277 R 1553 TOF 31.0 c. The CPO applies corrections as ordered. NOTE The illumination will be adjusted first, then the HE. ADJUST 1 DIR 5600 LEFT 100 ADD 200 UP 500 88 INITIAL FIRE DATA: TGT 1 CHG 2 NO 1 B 4408 E 1233 R 1691 FUZE 25.5 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator d. FC now orders CO-ORDINATED ILLUMINATION 15 SECONDS, 2 ADJUST FIRE. Apply these corrections: ADJUST 2 LEFT 100 ADD 400 DROP 200 ADD 100 DROP 50 DROP 25 CANCEL COORD ILLUM CONVERGE FFE e. FIRE DATA: TGT 2 CHG 3 NO 2 B 4520 E 1146 R 1806 FIRE DATA: B 4417 E 1177 R 1717 FIRE DATA: B 4470 E 1162 R 1760 FIRE DATA: B 4444 E 1170 R 1738 FIRE DATA: B 4430 E 1173 R 1728 The CPO now has all mortars fire at the target (except number 1 who puts on the HE fire data and then fires the effect ammunition). Remember that the CPO must be sure which mortar produces illuminating fire and what other mortar fires HE. If distribution of fire (DF) is required, calculate data using the appropriate DF key. The data from the last fire mission is used but the order is given to fire for effect with convergence. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 89 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data STAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MOR NO 1 2 3 4 KEY DF 2 R/S R/S R/S 3 R/S CHG B 3 4422 3 4430 3 4438 3 4446 DISPLAY “MOR R-1/L-2” “TGT 2?” “AMMO C 70 A1” “LIN HE?” “LIN WP?” “CONVRG?” “TGT #2” E R 1182 1701 1173 1728 1164 1754 1155 1781 REMARKS No No No Yes NOTE Important—co-ordinated illumination: 18. 19. 90 a. On the command FIRE FOR EFFECT, press the DF 1 or 2 key depending on the target you have, FM HE and make a circle using 4 mortars or any other figure requested. b. If the command is CONTINUED ILLUMINATION, FIRE FOR EFFECT, you proceed as follows: (1) place the illuminating adjusting mortar out of action; and (2) press DF for the requested figure but only for 3 mortars. Confirmation of Stage III: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 20. We have studied the procedure for producing quick and simple illumination. Do not forget during illuminating co-ordinated fire missions, you must ensure that the right corrections are applied to the right targets. 21. The next lesson will be… B-GL-385-015/PT-001 91 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 11 REGISTER TARGETS AND OBSERVATION POSTS ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC). MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Register targets and observation posts (OPs). a. input, view and delete OP lists; and b. input, view and delete target lists. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. One 40-minute period. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. 92 a. MFDC complete one per student; and b. fire mission proforma. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; and b. computer with PowerPoint®. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn how to record targets and OPs in the MFDC. c. Why. As control post operator (CPO) you must be able to register OP, and target lists for future use, such as for a fire plan or future engagement. d. Where. During the course, at your unit and in battle. Stage I—View and Delete OP Lists: a. The MFDC has the capacity to store 39 targets and 10 OPs in its continuous memory program. The targets can be stored by map grid or by polar coordinates so that pre-planned or adjusted targets can be stored and instantly recalled for fire data production under Target Number Fire Missions (TNFMs). All OPs in the area of operations can be stored and recalled for use when occupied by the Fire Controller (FC) (particularly when engaging laser missions). Regarding the list of OPs, the key OPS has three main calls: (1) data input; (2) view, and (3) delete. b. The OP program can store up to 10 OP locations in 6, 8 or 10 figure grids. The CPO can input, view or delete OPs in the program. c. 8 figure grids: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 93 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data BP GR 0350 7110 d. ATT 1600 SPREAD Normal AMMO C 70 A1 Use the following OPs: GR 0044 7202 GR 0045 7202 GR 0108 7258 GR 0210 7214 GR 0249 7282 GR 0346 7341 GR 0042 7576 GR 0137 7602 GR 0221 7540 GR 0246 7641 GR 9980 7334 e. OPs input procedure: STAGE 1. 2. KEY OPS 3 R/S DISPLAY “INPUT?” “OP C/S” 3. 1 R/S 4. 0044 7202 R/S “OP GRD 8” “OP C/S?” REMARKS Yes Accept up to four digit number Insert OP grid now Continue until all OPs entered; exit program anytime by pressing any other function key NOTE If the operator inputs a number which already has been stored, the MFDC warns “DUPLICATIONS” and prompts for a correct number. 10. 94 Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator 11. Stage II—View Op Storage: a. To view OPs in storage, the CPO must key OPS, R/S. The calculator asks “VIEW?”. Answer YES. If we answer NO, the calculator asks “DELETE?”. b. Viewing all Ops: STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 1. 2. 3. 4. OPS R/S 3 R/S 3 R/S “INPUT?” “VIEW?’ “VIEW ALL?” “SORT OPS” 5. 6. R/S “OP C/S” “OP GRID” No Yes Yes Sorts into numerical order Prints all OP Shows grid in the program c. d. To the question “VIEW?” (one OP), answer YES to the question “VIEW ALL?” (all OPs) answer NO. (1) To view just one OP, enter OP C/S and press R/S; the MFDC then prints the data and returns to start “OP C/S”. (2) When sorting, do not press R/S as errors can occur. Sorting OPs or targets can cause delay of operations up to 30 seconds. View one OP: STAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. KEY OPS R/S 3 R/S R/S 5. 1 R/S e. DISPLAY “INPUT?” “VIEW?” “VIEW ALL?” “START OP C/S” “END OP C/S” REMARKS No Yes No Give C/S To view just one OP enter OP number, press R/S; show data and it goes back to start “OP C/S”. To delete a number of OPs in numerical sequence enter the lowest number first (“START OP C/S”) B-GL-385-015/PT-001 95 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data and the highest number last (“END OP C/S”) and all will be deleted. f. Deleting OPs : STAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. KEY OPS R/S R/S 3 R/S 5. R/S 6. 10 R/S 12. 13. “START OP C/S” REMARKS No No Yes Enter lowest number to be deleted Enter highest number, if it is the only one to be deleted press R/S MFDC returns to start “OP C/S” Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage III—Input, Viewing and Deleting Target Lists: a. Targets can be stored by map gird or by polar coordinates. For the list of target co-ordinates, key TS (Target Storage). b. Input target lists: c. 96 DISPLAY “INPUT?” “VIEW?” “DELETE?” “START OP C/S” “END OP C/S” (1) “POLAR COORD?” (polar co-ordinates), or (2) “MAP COORD?” (grid co-ordinates). Input target grid co-ordinates. Use the following ten targets: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator TGT NO GRID 1001 0120 7314 1002 0139 7342 1003 0046 7400 1004 0106 7421 1005 0165 7502 TGT NO 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 STAGE 1. 2. KEY TS 3 R/S 3. R/S 4. 3 R/S DISPLAY “INPUT?” “POLAR COORD?” “MAP COORD?” “TGT NO?” 5. 1001 R/S “TGR GRD 8” 6. 0120 7314 R/S “TGT NO?” GRID 0250 7274 0083 7548 0083 7492 0283 7500 0253 7574 REMARKS Yes No Yes Input target number now Input target grid now Continue to input all targets as above NOTE 1. The calculator can memorize a list of 39 targets. If the operator enters a number already used, the calculator warns “DUPLICATIONS" and ask the question “TGT NO?”. 2. To depart this routine, press any other function key, for example FM. d. Input targets with polar co-ordinates. Example data is: OP NUMBER 15: GR 0250 7259 TARGET NUMBER 1111 1112 1113 1115 STAGE KEY DIRECTION DISTANCE 1625 1800 1500 1200 1000 2000 1500 1200 DISPLAY B-GL-385-015/PT-001 REMARKS 97 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data STAGE 1. 2. KEY TS 3 R/S 3. 3 R/S 4. 5. “OP GRD 8” “TGT NO?” 6. 1 R/S 0250 7259 R/S 1111 R/S 7. 1625 R/S “DIST?” 8. 1000 R/S “TGT NO?” e. 98 DISPLAY “INPUT?” “POLAR COORD?” “OP C/S?” “DIR?” REMARKS Yes Yes Input OP C/S. If not in storage, asks for OP Grid Enter grid now Asks for target number. Enter the direction now Enter the distance now Continue to enter all targets in the same manner. Viewing Targets. To view one or more targets from the memory, press on TS, when calculator asks “INPUT?” press R/S. When calculator asks “VIEW?”, answer YES. If we answer R/S (no), the calculator asks “DELETE?”. Now you can view one or all targets. STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 1. TS “INPUT?” No 2. R/S “VIEW?” Asks to view the targets; respond yes. 3. 3 R/S “VIEW ALL?” If just one target, no; if all, say yes. 4. R/S “MAP GRID?” If yes gives map grid; if no gives corrected grid. 5. 3 R/S “START TGT NO” To view just one target, press R/S, displays data and goes back to start target number B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator STAGE KEY DISPLAY 6. 1111 R/S “END TGT NO” 7. R/S “TGT NO 1111” 8. “MAP GRID” 9. “03499 72566” f. REMARKS Now view all targets: STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 1. TS “INPUT?” No 2. R/S “VIEW?" Yes 3. 3 R/S “VIEW ALL?” Yes 4. 3 R/S “MAP GRID?” Yes 5. 3 R/S “SORT TGT?” Asks if you want to see all targets in numerical order; answer YES. 6. 3 R/S “DO NOT PRESS R/S WHILE SORTING TGTS” Warning if R/S is pressed, error in computing data can occur. g. Deleting Targets. As indicated, targets can be deleted from memory when they are obsolete. Following is the procedure: STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 1. TS “INPUT?” No 2. R/S “VIEW?” No 3. R/S “DELETE?” Yes 4. 3 R/S “START TGT NO” Input the lowest target number to be deleted. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 99 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 5. 1111 R/S “END TGT NO” This is only one to be deleted so press R/S. 6. R/S “START TGT NO” If other targets are to be deleted, continue; if not, exit program. NOTE To delete a number of targets in numerical sequence, enter the lowest number first at “START TGT NO” and the highest number last at “END TGT NO”. All targets in between, including the numbers given, will be deleted. 14. 15. Confirmation of Stage III: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 16. Thirty-nine targets can be kept in the calculator’s memory and recalled for obtaining fire data. Ten observation posts can be memorised and recalled when engaging polar missions, thus accelerating CPO reaction for engaging targets quickly. 17. 100 The next lesson will be … B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator LESSON 12 ADJUST A GROUP OF TARGETS ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC) . MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Adjust a group of targets: a. silent registration; b. registration by fire; and c. adjusting fire data. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. One 40-minute period. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. a. MFDC complete one per student; and b. fire mission proforma. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; and b. computer with PowerPoint®. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 101 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. Produce fire data by silent registration, registering by fire and adjusting fire data. c. Why. To respond quickly to calls for fire on previously designated targets, the control post operator (CPO) must pre-compute and produce fire data for the targets. The CPO must also be able to register targets when fire is authorised. d. Where. During the course, at your unit and in battle. Stage I—Silent Registration: a. This method allows the operator to prepare all data for targets on the target list passed by radio (encoded) or by hand (written list or card reader card). Altitude is not used for the 81 mm program. NOTE Go MEMORY LOST then do the steps below. 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 102 TARGET LIST “GOOSE CHASE” 0120 7314 0139 7342 0046 7400 FINAL PROTECTIVE FIRE 0106 7421 0165 7502 0250 7274 0083 7492 0083 7548 0283 7500 0253 7574 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator BP GR 9980 7334 ATT 6400 SPREAD Normal STAGE 1. 2. KEY TNFM R/S DISPLAY “TGT 2?” “TGT NO?” 3. 1003 R/S 4. C70 A1 5. R/S 6. R/S “SELECT AMMO” “TGT 2 AMMO?” “TGT AJMOR?” “MAP RG 0944” “SLCT CHARGE?” 7. R/S REMARKS No Select target to be engaged (i.e., FPF 1003) Input desired ammunition here. Select ADJ MOR (In this example number 0) No “TGT 1 CHG2 NO 0 B 0800 E 1314 R 0933 TOF 26.3 NEXT DATA” Use this procedure for the remaining targets to finish silent registration. Although each target must be computed individually, it is still much faster than the manual methods. These targets have not been adjusted by fire so accurate fire still cannot be guaranteed. 8. 10. AMMO C 70 A1 Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 103 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 11. Stage II—Registration by Fire: a. In this operation, the Fire Controller (FC) either adjusts each target individually or, as a more practical method to conserve ammunition and maintain security, adjusts one target (or witness point) and uses the data to adjust the other targets. b. To adjust a witness point, do the following procedure using the GOOSECHASE Target List. c. Produce fire data for the following fire mission (ammunition C70 A1): FM 4 MOR TGT NO 1005 DIR 6315 ADJ REG PT 1 AF CORRECTIONS: LEFT 75 ADD 100 DROP 50 ADD 25 DATA FROM ZM 1001 TO ZM 1010 REF TGT: N0 1 CHG 5 B 0793 E 1253 R 2519 STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 1. REC “AF DATA?” No, this will be covered later. 2. R/S “TGT 1?” Yes. Use the fire data in TGT 1 (1005) to adjust the other targets. 3. 3 R/S “LEFT 0081” This is the adjustment made to move the fire. This is for the lowest numbered target to adjust (1001). “ADD 0068” “START TGT NO” 104 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 4. 1001 R/S “END TGT NO?” Highest numbered target to be adjusted and will include all between (1010). 5. 1010 R/S “1001” This shows that it is making the adjustment and shows each target as they are done. When it is finished, it will return to “NEXT DATA”. “1002 ( 1010” d. To view everything, key TS (Target Storage) and at the question “MAP GRID?”, answer NO. The calculator will display corrected data, indicating corrections. e. The new adjustments cancel the old and if we wish to cancel all adjustments we must: STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 1. REG “AF DATA?” Yes, AF (Adjust Fire) 2. 3 R/S “R/L AFD” AFD (Adjust Fire Data) Right/Left Corrections 3. R/S “A/D AFD” Add/Drop Corrections 4. R/S “RIGHT 0000 All targets return to target grid ADD 0000” 12. 13. Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage III—Adjusting Fire Data: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 105 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data a. During defensive operations the FC must frequently authorise fire corrections or engage a target of opportunity. To do this, he must move to an alternate position in order to protect the security of the main position. When the mission is ended, the collected fire data are calculated as previously explained. To learn how to adjust fire data obtained from another group mission, use RIGHT 125, ADD 100 and proceed as follows: STAGE KEY DISPLAY 1. REG “AF DATA?” Yes, adjust fire data is from another position 2. 3 R/S “R/L AFD?” Right/Left Correction 3. 125 R/S “A/D AFD?” Add/Drop Correction 4. 100 R/S “RIGHT 125” Restates full correction for confirmation. State the lowest numbered target (1001) “ADD 100” “START TGT NO” 5. 6. 1001 R/S “END TGT NO” REMARKS State the highest numbered target (1010) and all targets in between will be adjusted. As the MFDC adjusts each target, it will display which target is being adjusted at that time NOTES 1. If the user keys REG and answers no to the question “AF DATA?”, he must choose “TGT 1” or “TGT 2”. If he chooses “TGT NO?”, the displayed data will appear to him as having been corrected but it will not have been; 2. To verify if fire data have been corrected, press the key TS and use “VIEW ALL?”; press the R/S key after “MAP GRID” causing corrected grids for all targets to be displayed. 106 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator 14. 15. Confirmation of Stage III: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 16. In this lesson you have seen registration by fire and adjusting fire data. 17. The next lesson will be… B-GL-385-015/PT-001 107 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 13 LINEAR HE ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC). MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Linear HE: a. linear HE 2 mortar (left/right sections); b. linear HE 4 mortars; and c. linear HE alternative method. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. One 40-minute period. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. 108 a. MFDC complete one per student. b. fire mission proforma. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; and b. computer with PowerPoint®. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. Produce linear HE data with section, group and alternative method. c. Why. Enemy lines of advance or defensive positions are seldom parallel to our belts of fire; therefore, we must be prepared to match the belts of fire to a linear occupation of the ground so as to deliver the most effective fire possible on the target. d. Where. During the course, at your unit and in battle. Stage I—Linear HE 2 Mortars (Left/Right Sections): a. You have learned how to lay out linear HE so as to extract data with the plotter. Using the procedure for producing simple linear HE, you can enter the same data in the calculator. We begin with left/right sections fire missions (FMs) for 2 mortars. Explain and demonstrate: BP GR ATT SPREAD AMMO 006 725 0100 Normal C 70 A1 FM LEFT SECT GR 015 754 DIR 1700 COY IN THE OPEN RDS LINEAR 200 ATT 5300 3 AF b. Carry out the FM program as taught. Fire data are as follows: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 109 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data TGT 1 CHG 6 NO 3 B 0308 E 1247 R 3022 TOF 44.0 c. The fire controller orders fire for effect. Press key DF 1 (Distribution of Fire) (repeat). The calculator displays as follows: STAGE 1. KEY DF 1 DISPLAY “MORS R-1/L-2” 2. 2 R/S 3. 4. 5. 6. 3 R/S R/S 200 R/S 0100 R/S “TGT 1 AMMO C70A1” “LIN HE?” “ALT METHOD?” “LENGTH?” “ATTITUDE?” “TGT 1 CHG 6 NO 3 B 0301 E 1252 R 3120” “TGT 1 CHG 6 NO 4 B 0317 E 1265 R 2895” 110 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 REMARKS This refers to Right Section (R-1) or mortars 1 and 2. L-2 refers to Left Section or mortars 3 and 4. We want 3 and 4 so enter 2 R/S. It then asks “LIN HE?” Responds yes. No 200 0100 Data is then produced for mortars 3 and 4. Mortar Fire Data Calculator FM RIGHT SECT GR 011 747 DIR 1745 PL IN THE OPEN 5 RDS LIN 100 ATT 0700 1 AF FIRE DATA: TGT 1 CHG 5 NO 1 B 0225 E 1289 R 2301 TOF 45.7 FIRE DATA: TGT 1 TGT 1 CHG 6 CHG 5 NO 1 NO 2 B 0235 B 0217 E 1282 E 1301 R 2346 R 2226 10. 11. Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage II—Linear, 4 Mortars (Group): a. The exercise using the left or right section is complete. We now progress to group linear fire. Press key R/S display is “MOR L/R” and go directly to display “LIN HE?” and proceed as before: FM 4 MOR GR 018 745 DIR 1050 COY IN THE OPEN 5 RDS LINEAR 200 ATT 6400 2 AF B-GL-385-015/PT-001 111 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data INITIAL FIRE DATA: TGT 1 CHG 5 NO 2 B 0548 E 1282 R 2346 TOF 45.6 b. MORTAR B E R Then press key DF 1 until “LIN HE?” is displayed and input requested data according to FM. The linear HE fire data are as follows: 1 0521 1263 2460 2 0540 1277 2375 3 0561 1291 2290 4 0584 1304 2207 NOTE Press key “MEMORY LOST”. BP GR 006 722 ATT 5250 SPREAD Normal FM 4 MOR GR 012 744 DIR 5780 PL IN THE OPEN 5 RDS LINEAR 200 ATT 0800 4 AF INITIAL FIRE DATA: TGT 1 CHG 5 NO 4 B 0291 E 1294 R 2273 TOF 45.7 112 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 AMMO C 70 A1 Mortar Fire Data Calculator MORTAR B E R 12. 13. LINEAR HE FIRE DATA: 1 2 3 0273 0272 0270 1277 1287 1298 2375 2312 2249 4 0269 1308 2186 Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage III—Linear HE Alternative Method: a. When the CPO has selected the linear HE pattern, the MFDC prompts for the alternative method. If the FC presses on R/S, the calculator executes the program by asking “LENGTH?”. Through the alternative method, the MFDC produced fire data for a linear pattern along the line between target 1 and target 2 by computing the length and attitude from the grid references of both targets. In this event, target engagement corresponds only to ammunition constants that were used to calculate fire data. For example if you asked for smoke ammunition, your calculated data corresponds to smoke. NOTE Enter key “MEMORY LOST”. b. BP GR 107766 To compute the linear HE alternative method, the FC must adjust both edges of the linear as target 1 and target 2. The CPO then proceeds with Linear HE alternative method under DF1, answering YES to “LIN HE?” and “ALT METHOD?”. Do the following exercise: OP GR 115 764 ATT 2210 SPREAD Normal B-GL-385-015/PT-001 AMMO C 70 A1 113 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data FM 4 MOR GR 085 732 DIR 3800 MOR #1 R 200, ADD 100 MOR #4 L 200, DROP 100 VEHICLE CONVOY 4 RDS LINEAR AMC 1 AND 4 AF (1) First compute initial fire data for mortar 1, target 1. Do not forget to apply correction: TGT 1 CHG 6 NO1 B 3823 E 1045 R 4151 TOF 41.1 (2) FC for control post operator (CPO) mortar 1 register as right extremity. (3) Then calculate fire data for mortar 4 for target 2. Do not forget to apply correction: TGT 2 CHG 6 NO4 B 3745 E 1087 R 3955 TOF 40.5 114 (4) FC for CPO mortar 1 as extreme left. (5) Press key DF1 and answer YES to “LIN HE?” and “ALT METHOD?”: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 1. DF 1 “MORS R-1/L-2” No 2. R/S “TGT 1 AMMO C70 LIN HE?” Yes 3. 3 R/S “ALT METHOD?” Yes 4. 3 R/S MORTAR B E R 14. 15. 1 3823 1045 4151 2 3798 1060 4083 3 3772 1074 4017 4 3745 1087 3955 Confirmation of Stage III: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 16. Note that the enemy does not always deploy so that HE fire produces a target that is parallel to the line of the mortars. Consequently, we must be able to obtain the fire data taking into account other attitudes than that of the group. Thanks to the calculator, our options are greatly increased and we can quickly obtain more accurate fire data. 17. In this lesson you will have seen how to produce of linear HE fire data with section, group and alternative methods. 18. The next lesson will be… B-GL-385-015/PT-001 115 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 14 LINEAR SMOKE FIRE MISSIONS ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC). MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Linear Smoke Fire Missions (FM): a. linear smoke 2 mortars (left/right sections); and b. linear smoke 4 mortars (group). PREPARATION 3. Time Required. One 40-minute period. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. 116 a. MFDC complete one per student; and b. fire mission proforma. Training Aids: a. chalk board; and b. computer with PowerPoint®. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. Produce linear smoke fire data with the MFDC using section, group and alternative methods. c. Why. When the smoke pattern is selected, the MFDC distributes fire evenly on a line along the attitude input by the control post operator (CPO), beginning at the target grid. The distance between rounds is equal to the length less 200 metres divided by the number of mortars in action. If there is only one mortar in action the MFDC fires the round on the adjusted point of origin. d. Where. During the course, at your unit and in battle. 9. Stage I—Linear Smoke Fire, 2 Mortars (Left/Right Sections): NOTE One mortar can smoke off an area of 200 metres. The largest linear WP a 4-mortar group can cover is 800 metres. Usually one HE round is used to adjust fire and the controller adjusts fire to the point of origin. The following set-up procedure is used to obtain linear smoke fire data: BP GR 006 722 ATT 5220 SPREAD Normal B-GL-385-015/PT-001 AMMO C 70 A1 C 106 117 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data FM SECT/LEFT GR 011 741 DIR 0270 PL POSN TO SCREEN SMOKE 5 RDS LINEAR 200 ATT 5400 3 AF INITIAL FIRE DATA: CHG 4 NO3 B 0270 E 1265 R 1962 TOF 35.6 CORRECTIONS ADD 100 B 0270 E 1243 R 2062 FFE DROP 50 B 0270 E 1254 R 2012 a. Change ammunition to C106 and extract data; b. Key on DF 1 (Distribution of Fire) then on R/S until “LIN WP?” is displayed. Answer YES by keying on 3 R/S; then enter length 200 R/S and attitude 5400 R/S. Smoke data are: NO 3 CHG 3 B 0270 E 1297 R 2012 c. Linear smoke FM (group): FM 4 MOR GR 004 700 DIR 4600 SCREEN SMK 10 RDS LINEAR 800 ATT 0200 4 AF d. 118 NO 4 CHG 3 B 0191 E 1286 R 2078 HE FIRE DATA CHG 5 B 3273 E 1302 R 2224 TOF 45.8 Change ammunition for C106, extract data. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator e. MORTAR CHG B E R f. Fire controller orders FFE (fire for effect). Now press DF 1 key and R/S until “LIN SMK?” appears. Answer YES and enter length 800 R/S and attitude 0200 R/S. Following are linear smoke data: 1 3 3312 1264 2195 2 3 3285 1310 1939 3 3 3250 1353 1685 4 3 3202 1393 1433 Linear smoke fire mission (group): FM 4 MOR GR 028 750 DIR 6400 BLIND SMK 10 RDS LIN 600 ATT 4000 1 AF HE FIRE DATA CHG 6 NO 1 B 0666 E 1163 R 3550 TOF 42.8 g. MORTAR CHG B E R The fire controller orders fire for effect: LINEAR WP FIRE DATA: 1 2 3 6 6 6 0666 0667 0668 1234 1259 1282 3550 3359 3168 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 4 6 0669 1305 2977 119 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data NOTE 1. The mortar fire data calculator will recover data for four mortars even if the linear is 600 metres. If we wish to introduce only 1 to 3 mortars, we must resort to the subprogram IN/OUT (mortars out of action) and suppress mortar number 4 to obtain correct dispersion for the other three. Obviously, mortar number 4 must be re-introduced when the mission is completed. 2. Mortars can be put in action (IN) or out of action (OUT) according to the length of the line of fire. The procedure for introducing data is simple and quickly gives linear smoke fire. 10. 11. Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 12. The enemy does not always deploy to present a parallel objective to the base plate. Thus, to produce effective fire we must modify the belts of fire. Thanks to the MFDC it is much easier to obtain effective mortar fire where we take into account the enemy’s linear occupation of the ground. 13. 120 The next lesson will be… B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator LESSON 15 PRODUCE PLATOON LINEAR FIRE DATA WITH HE OR SMOKE ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC). MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Produce platoon linear fire data with HE or smoke: a. platoon linear HE fire; and b. platoon linear smoke fire. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Two 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. a. MFDC complete one per student, and b. fire mission proforma. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; and b. computer with PowerPoint®. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 121 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. 122 Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn to produce platoon fire data for linear HE and Smoke Fire Missions (FM). c. Why. As a control post operator (CPO), you must be able to produce linear fire data for HE and smoke at the platoon level because sometimes the belt of fire from a group of mortars will not be sufficient to neutralise the target. For that reason the platoon is required. d. Where. During the course, at your unit and in battle. Stage I—Platoon Linear High Explosive Fire: a. Platoon linear shoots are used when engaging targets that are longer than the belts of fire of a group of mortars. These shoots require close co-ordination between two mortar groups. b. Platoon linear HE is processed under the PL key and performs both senior and junior group duties. When PL is pressed, the MFDC prompts if fire data is to be produced as the junior group. If the CPO presses the R/S key, the calculator produces fire data for the senior group. c. The CPO has chosen a linear FM (LIN HE). The calculator then asks the length of the fire line. d. Platoon linear missions using the plotter are time consuming and can be confusing for the CPO. Using the MFDC the task is much faster and easier. The program is started with the key PL and the MFDC produces data for senior and junior groups. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator BP GR 006 722 ATT 5150 SPREAD Normal AMMO C 70 A1 THE TWO GROUPS MUST ENTER THE FM: FM PL INITIAL DATA: GR 017 745 CHG 5 DIR 1600 NO4 COY IN THE OPEN B 0472 LINEAR 1600 E 1247 ATT 1000 R 2555 5 RDS TOF 45.3 4 AF NOTE 1. The junior group does not require corrections, the senior group requires the following corrections: LEFT 25, ADD 25. FIRE DATA: NO 4 CHG 5 B 0477 E 1241 R 2588. 2. As soon as possible the senior group produces the corrected grid it is sent to the junior group. e. STAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Following is the procedure for a senior group linear fire. KEY Shift PL R/S R/S 3 R/S 1600 R/S 1000 DISPLAY “JUNIOR?” “TGT 2?” “TGT 1?” “AMMO C 70A1” “LIN HE?” “LENGTH?” “ATTITUDE?” “CHANGING B-GL-385-015/PT-001 REMARKS No No Prompt only Yes 1600 1000 123 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data STAGE 7. MORTAR CHG B E R KEY 1000 DISPLAY REMARKS “CHANGING CHG” MAP GR 3288 and prints fire data FIRE DATA FOR SENIOR GROUP: 1 2 3 5 5 5 0571 0544 0513 1100 1153 1199 3288 3052 2818 4 5 0477 1241 2588 GR 01725 74525 Attitude: 1000 (1) The senior group shall send this target data to the junior group. GR 01725 74525 Attitude: 1000 (2) Return to the PL key and answer YES to the "JUNIOR?". STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 1. SHIFT PL “JUNIOR?” Yes 2. 3 R/S “TGT GRD 1?” As for target data from senior group 3. 01725 “TGT 2 AMMO?” No “TGT 1 C70 A1” Yes 74525 R/S 4. R/S “LIN HE?” 5. 3 R/S “LENGTH?” 1600 6. 1600 R/S “ATTITUDE?” 1000 7. 1000 (3) 124 Prints fire data Junior group fire data: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator MORTAR CHG B E R f. FM PL BP GR ATT SPREAD AMMO 1 5 0441 1243 2578 2 5 0394 1280 2356 3 5 0337 1315 2140 4 5 0268 1346 1932 Now that you have studied the procedure for linear fire with one base plate, the following is the method for other positions. The two groups shall record the FM: SENIOR 006 722 5140 NORMAL C70A1 JUNIOR 024 722 4500 NORMAL C70A1 TARGET GR 017 745 DIR 0460 COY DIGGING IN 10 RDS LIN 1600 ATT 1000 4 AF INITIAL FIRE DATA: Senior Group CHG 5 NO 4 B 0472 E 1247 R 2555 TOF 45.3 CORRECTIONS: LEFT 25, ADD 75 THE JUNIOR GROUP IS NOT REQUIRED TO ENTER CORRECTIONS. Senior Group CHG 5 B 0462 E 1234 R 2630 INITIAL FIRE DATA: Junior GR CHG 5 NO 4 B 6118 E 1272 R 2405 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 125 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data MOR CHG B 1 5 E R COORD 10. 11. SENIOR 2 3 5 5 1 5 6094 JUNIOR 2 3 5 5 4 5 0558 0531 0499 0462 5998 5898 5796 1092 3325 1145 3090 1191 2585 1234 1260 1271 2630 2476 2410 01710 74578 1278 2367 1282 2348 Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage II—Platoon Linear With Smoke Shell: a. Linear = When the CPO has selected “LIN WP?”, the MFDC then prompts the CPO for the distance between rounds along the line of fire. SPREAD is used so rounds from two different groups will not cover the same area on the ground. The formula used for distance between shells is: Distance 9.5 BP GR 006722 b. For Example Linear = ATT 0125 BP GR GR 014734 DIR 4800 SCREEN SMK 10 RDS LIN 1400 ATT 5400 1 AF 126 4 5 600 = 63 metres 9.5 SPREAD Normal AMMO C 106 FIRE DATA NO1 CHG 2 B 0585 E 1312 R 1483 TOF 33.7 Proceed as for a smoke linear fire mission until the SPREAD stage. Enter distance 147 metres (1400/9.5) and attitude. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator FIRE DATA FOR SENIOR GROUP MORTAR 1 2 3 4 CHG 2 2 2 2 B 0585 0458 0331 0207 E 1312 1315 1312 1305 R 1483 1470 1480 1513 Data for target GR 00748 73836 Attitude 5400 c. Now calculate for the junior group: data for the target are: GR 00748 73836, attitude 5400. Press PL, answer the question “JUNIOR?”, and enter the 10-figure grid. Press on R/S for question “TGT 2 AMMO?” and “LIN HE?”. Answer yes to “LIN WP?”. To the question “SPREAD?”, enter 147 and enter attitude 5400 at “ATTITUDE?”. DATA FOR PLATOON LINEAR FIRE FOR JUNIOR GROUP MORTAR 1 2 3 4 CHG 2 2 2 2 B 0093 6392 6301 6218 E 1264 1246 1223 1196 12. 13. Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 127 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data CONCLUSION 14. With the use of the MFDC you are now able to rapidly produce accurate fire data to engage linear targets with high explosive or smoke shells. This increases your ability to support friendly troops in battle. 15. 128 The next lesson will be… B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator LESSON 16 RECORDING AND EXTRACTING DATA USING THE CARD READER ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC). MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Recording and extracting data using the card reader: a. description and maintenance of the card reader; b. writing data cards; c. reading data cards; and d. erasing data cards. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Two 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. a. MFDC complete one per student; and b. fire mission proforma. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; and B-GL-385-015/PT-001 129 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data b. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn how to write, read and delete the contents of cards. c. Why. During all phases of war, lists must be passed quickly and accurately. The calculator is provided with an accessory that can be used for this purpose. The card reader enables lists to be used swiftly and securely with the MFDC. It also enables the rapid storage of information in the calculator. d. Where. During the course, at your unit and in battle. Stage I—Description: a. The card reader is an accessory specifically designed for use with the MFDC. It provides virtually unlimited data and program storage through the use of small magnetic cards. b. It has an automatic power checking system to prevent operation if battery power is low. When “LOW BAT” appears on the display while operating the card reader, remove the card then replace the batteries. The MFDC has a heavy power requirement when the card reader is used. CAUTION Always ensure calculator and printer are turned off when connecting or disconnecting any accessories. Failure to do so could damage the equipment and alter or erase stored data. 130 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator c. When plugging in the card reader to port number 4, ensure the calculator is turned off. d. When removing the card reader grasp the body of the card reader with thumb and forefinger over the tabs on either side. Press on the tabs then pull the card reader straight back until the connector is free of the port. e. Magnetic Cards: (1) Information in the calculator can be magnetically recorded onto these cards then read back when needed. Each card has two tracks on the back (dark) and front (light) side that can be used to record what has been stored on the card, for example a target list. Lead pencils only should be used to identify the use. Permanent markers must be avoided. (2) The recorded information can be kept as a permanent list by clipping the appropriate corner. (3) The following is a guide to what can be stored on the cards: TARGET LISTS OBSERVATION POST LISTS SAFETY ZONES 10 targets per 1 card 10 OP on 1 card 10 NFZ and 3 NFL on 1½ cards (3 tracks) 20 targets on 2 cards 30 targets on 3 cards 39 targets on 4 cards f. Calculator Display. The following is shown on the calculator display when using the card reader. Press SHIFT then CARD RDR without attaching the card reader. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 131 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data DISPLAY FUNCTION (1) “NO CRD RDR” Indicates that the card reader is not attached. Attach the card reader, press again. Ensure calculator is switched OFF when plugging in. (2) “TGT LIST?” MFDC asks if this is a target list procedure. If no, press R/S. (2) “OP LIST?” MFDC asks if this is for OP lists. If no, press R/S. (3) “NFZ?” MFDC asks if this is for no fire zones (NFZ). If no, press R/S. (4) “AMMO?” Disregard as this particular function has been eliminated from the program. If R/S is keyed, the calculator returns to “TGT LIST?”. If you answered yes to question (2) or (3) or (4), the MFDC goes to: (5) “WRITE DATA?” MFDC asks if information is to be written. If yes, it will advance to: (6) “CLIPPED CARD?” MFDC asks if it is to write over a clipped card. If yes, operator can write over the recorded data on the card. If no, press R/S. (7) “EMPTY CARD” MFDC prompts for an empty card and when R/S is pressed, it will show which card and how many are needed , for example Card 1 of 8 Cards. (8) “READ DATA?” The calculator asks if one or more cards are to be read. If yes it displays “CARD”. Otherwise it remains at the function 132 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator DISPLAY FUNCTION “WRITE DATA?”. (9) “CARD” This will show “TGT OP” or “NFZ” in front of “CARD” to show which list it is ready to read. (10) “CARD ERROR” Indicates that the card is blank. (11) “CHECKSUM ERR” Indicates the card is damaged or dirty. (12) “MALFUNCTION” This indicates that the card reader is not working correctly. 10. Confirmation of Stage I: 11. a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage II—Maintenance: a. Keep contact area of the card reader plug free of obstructions. Should the contents become dirty, carefully blow out the dirt. Do not use any liquid to clear the contacts or the card reader. b. Store the card reader in a clean dry place; static electricity could damage it. c. Magnetic card maintenance: (1) Keep cards clean and free of oil, grease and dirt. If “CHECK SUM ERROR” is displayed, clean the card by rubbing the dark side gently against clean dry paper then re-enter. If the cards are extremely dirty, they may be cleaned with alcohol and a clean, soft cloth. Ensure the cards are dry before inserting. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 133 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data (2) The card reader has a recording head similar to a tape recorder. The card pack contains an abrasive cleaning card. If the head is dirty, the reading and recording of cards is not correct “MALFUNCTION” will appear on the display. If this occurs, use the cleaning card by running it through the card reader as indicated on the card. CAUTION Use of the cleaning card when the head is not dirty will reduce the useful life of the card reader since a minute layer will be removed from the head itself after each cleaning. d. 134 Improper card reader operation is checked as follows: (1) Ensure calculator is correctly assembled and ready for operation. (2) If display shows “LOW BAT” when a card is inserted, the batteries do not have enough power. Replace batteries or use an external power source. (3) If “MALFUNCTION” repeatedly shows, use the cleaning card to clean the head. (4) If this does not rectify it, use another card. If the difficulty persists, turn the card reader in for repair. e. “MALFUNCTION” will show if the card reader is operated outside the operating temperature specifications of 10º C to 45º C. f. Always insert the card firmly into the card reader. Cards must move freely past the heads. If a card is held back or bumped after the drive mechanism is engaged, the data could be misread or written incorrectly. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator 12. Confirmation of Stage II: 13. a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage III—Writing Data Cards: a. To record a target list proceed as follows: BP GR ATT SPREAD AMMO 0099 7315 1600 Normal C 70 A1 TARGET LIST OP LIST 1001 GR 0120 7314 1002 GR 0139 7342 1003 GR 0046 7400 1004 GR 0106 7421 1005 GR 0165 7502 1006 GR 0250 7274 1007 GR 0083 7492 1008 GR 0083 7548 1009 GR 0283 7500 1010 GR 0253 7574 1 GR 0045 7202 2 GR 0108 7258 3 GR 0210 7214 4 GR 0249 7282 5 GR 0346 7341 6 GR 0042 7576 7 GR 0137 7602 8 GR 0221 7540 9 GR 0246 7641 10 GR 9980 7334 b. STAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Attach the card reader to the calculator and turn the power on. Proceed as follows to register target lists: KEY SHIFT CARD RDR 3 R/S 3 R/S R/S R/S c. DISPLAY “TGT LIST?” REMARKS Yes “WRITE DATA?” “CLIPPED CARD?” “EMPTY CARD?” “CARD” “RDY __OF__” Yes No No Insert card Continue until all cards and tracks are completed. If you are using only one track of a card or less than eight cards, press R/S twice. This will return the B-GL-385-015/PT-001 135 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data MFDC automatically to “NEXT DATA”. The target lists are recorded. d. 14. Confirmation of Stage III: 15. a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage IV—Reading Data Cards: a. STAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 16. 136 To record OP lists or NFZs, follow the same steps. To retain a list permanently, clip the appropriate corner from the card. The following steps will enable you to register information in the calculator: KEY SHIFT CARD RDR 3 R/S R/S 3 R/S R/S DISPLAY “TGT LIST?” REMARKS Yes “WRITE DATA?” “READ DATA?” “TGT CARD” “CARD” No Yes Yes Insert first card “RDY__OF__” b. Continue to insert each track and card until all are read. If there are less than eight cards to read, press R/S twice to return to “NEXT DATA”. c. To ensure all data have been entered correctly, attach the printer and go to “VIEW ALL?” on the TS (Target Storage) key to get a written copy of the target list. d. OP and NFZ lists are done in this same manner. Ask all students to read the information on their cards (the list and initial targets apply). Confirmation of Stage IV: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator 17. a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage V—Erasing Data Cards: a. b. 18. 19. To prevent new and outdated data from becoming mixed or for security purposes, the cards may have to be erased. The following steps are to be followed: (1) Attach card reader. (2) Do MASTER CLEAR. (3) Follow the same steps as for writing data. With MASTER CLEAR the MFDC will erase rather than write. Ask candidates to erase information contained on cards. For verification purposes, cover the same steps as for reading data and have a list made of data on the cards. Confirmation of Stage V: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 20. In this lesson you have learned how to enter and erase data using the card reader. 21. The next lesson will be… B-GL-385-015/PT-001 137 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 17 ENTER METEOROLOGICAL MESSAGES ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC). MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Enter meteorological (met) messages: a. know the effects of met conditions; b. interpret met messages; c. enter met messages in the MFDC; and d. enter a new met message and return to standard met. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Two 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. a. MFDC complete one per student; and b. fire mission proforma. Training Aids: a. 138 chalkboard; and B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator b. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn how to enter and interpret the met message. c. Why. As a control post operator (CPO) you must be able to enter and delete met messages. While firing, the weather affects the fired round. To produce effective data with a minimum of shells, you must use the met message procedure. d. Where. During the course, at your unit and in battle. Stage I—Introduction: a. The data contained in firing tables are based on the atmospheric structure used by International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). The firing tables are arranged in sequence and formatted to coincide with the NATO met message. The NATO met message is usually transmitted using Form CF 82 (6/76), Canadian Forces Artillery Meteorological Message. b. We don’t usually consider the effects of weather in our capacity as mortar crew. Fire is simply adjusted to comply with changes in the weather. Following is an example demonstrating the effects of meteorological conditions and the amount of adjustments required for a target located at 3000 metres. At that distance the normal height of a mortar shell is 2700 metres. If you do not take a 27 knot tail wind into account for example, the round would be 196 metres out of the target area. By introducing data from a met message into the B-GL-385-015/PT-001 139 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data calculator, we can compensate for unusual conditions and obtain effective fire data. For example, for a fire table, ammunition Charge 6 and 3000 metres (correction factors established) you subtract 5.4 m per knot if there is a tail wind. Consequently, if the wind is blowing at 27 knots, you multiply 27 by 5.4 and subtract the product from the initial distance. c. Interpreting Met Messages. Met messages are received and read back on the mortar radio net. For an inexperienced person all of these figures mean very little or nothing. However, each set of figures in a message has a specific ballistic meteorological meaning. Following is an example of a physical ballistic met message: MET B3 4 458 664 21 030 4 005 002 1 00 34 03 2 01 36 15 3 02 39 20 4 03 42 25 5 04 48 27 6 05 48 27 7 06 50 28 8 07 50 28 990 994 004 016 019 019 019 019 012 010 001 992 989 000 000 000 NOTE Sending the MET message format: d. Explanation of message: MET - indicates that the transmission is a met message; Bindicates that the message is a ballistic met message; 3indicates message is for surface to surface fire; 4indicates the octant of the globe that the message applies to; 140 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator 458 664 21 030 - 4005 002 - is the latitude of the centre of the area of applicability (nearest tenth of a degree); is the longitude of the centre of area of applicability; is the day of the month; is the nearest tenth of an hour in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) (the hour the period of validity begins). is the duration of validity in hours; is the altitude in tens of metres of the met stations above mean sea level (MSL); and is the atmospheric pressure at MSL. e. Note that the following line of the message begins with 00. When the CPO receives a met message, that line is always included but the line must start with 01 when we use a MFDC; f. Each group of numbers between the line 00 and 07 represent a height; g. Line 00 34 03 990 012: 00 01 02 0304050607 34 represents the standard height above ground 200 m 500 m 1000 m 1500 m 2000 m 3000 m 4000 m is the direction in hundreds of mils from which the ballistic wind is blowing. 03 ballistic wind speed to the nearest knot (3 knots). 990 ballistic air temperature to the nearest 0.1 percent of standard. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 141 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 012 - 142 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 ballistic air density to the nearest 0.1 percent of the standard. Mortar Fire Data Calculator ARTILLERY METEOROLOGICAL MESSAGE MESSAGE METEOROLOGIQUE D’ARTILLERIE TYPE OF/DE MESSAGE Anti-aircraft Anti-avion Surface-to-Surface Sol-Sol Computer Calculateur OCTANT METB2 OR METCM Q XXXXXX LINE WIND – VENT HAUTEUR DES ZONES (MÈTRES) LIGNE DIRECTION BALLISTIC MESSAGE MESSAGE BALISTIQUE Line Noo Ligne N ZZ Zone No No de Zone ZnZn COMPUTER MESSAGE MESSAGE DESTINÉ AU CALCULATEUR Surface En Surface 200 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 Serial: No : Date : Time: Heure : DATE VALID PERIOD PÉRIODE DE VALIDITÉ LaLaLa LoLoLo METB3 MET ZONE HEIGHTS (METRES) CENTRE OF APPLICABILITY CENTRE DE LA ZONE DE VALIDITÉ YY Begins Début GoGoGo MDP - PRMS HEIGHT ALTITUDE In – En déca- mètres PRESSURE - PRESSION PPP (METB2) PPP (METB2) PdPdPd (METCM) Duration Durée G hhh WIND REMARKS - OBSERVATIONS TEMPERATUR E TEMPÉRATUR E DENSITY OR PRESSURE - MASSE SPEC. OU PRESSION Percentage of Standard Pourcentage du standard TTT ∆∆∆ DIRECTION DU VENT 100's mils en 100m / dd SPEED VITESSE Knots En noeuds FF 10's mils En 10m / Knots En noeuds 1/10° K In – En millibars degrees degrés ddd FFF TTTT PPPP Do not transmit Ne pas transmettre 00 200 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 19000 20000 Sent by: Transmis par : Recv by: Reçu par : TO: À: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 99999 or 9 METCM only/seulement CHECKWORD CODE DE VÉRIFICATION 99999 For abbreviations/codes See REVERSE side Pour abréviations et codes voir endos Figure 1-4a: Met Messages (Front) B-GL-385-015/PT-001 143 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data Octant LaLaLa LoLoLo XXXXXX YY GoGoGo G MDP hhh PPP PdPdPd ZZ ZnZn dd ddd FF FFF TTT TTTT ∆∆∆ PPPP Latitude 0 - North 1 - North 2 - North 3 - North 45 - South 6 - South 7 - South 8 - South 9 - Use with XXXXXX Latitude, to 0.1° Longitude, to 0.1° Location, clear or code Date of Month (GMT), referred to by GoGoGo Time Valid Period Begins to 0.1 hours (GMT) Valid Period Duration 0 - duration unspecified 1 - 1 hour 2 - hours etc. 8 - 8 hours 9 - 12 hours Mean Datum Plain MDP Height, decametres MDP Pressure, to 0.1% of standard MDP Pressure, millibars Ballistic Line Number Zone Number Ballistic Wind Direction, to nearest 100 mils Zone Mean Wind Direction, to nearest 10 mils Ballistic Wind Speed, knots Zone Mean Wind Speed, knots Ballistic Temperature, to 0.1% of standard Zone Mean Virtual Temperature, to 0.1° K Ballistic Density, to 0.1% of standard Zone Mid-Height Pressure, in millibars Figure 1-4b: Met Messages (Back) 144 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Longitude 0° - 90° W 90° - 180° W 180° - 90° E 90° - 0° E 0° - 90° W 90° - 180° W 180° - 90° E 90° - 0° E Mortar Fire Data Calculator 10. Confirmation of Stage I: 11. a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage II—Entering a Met Message in the Calculator: BP GR ATT SPREAD AMMO 030 737 1600 Normal C 70 A1 a. Enter the following fire missions: TARGET NO. 1 FM 4 MOR GR 004 740 DIR 6400 PL 3 RDS 1 AT b. DATA WITHOUT MET NO 1 CHG 5 B 4919 E 1244 R 2573 TOF 45.2 DATA TARGET NO. 2 WITHOUT MET FM 4 MOR NO 2 GR 026 761 CHG 5 DIR 0550 B 6238 VEH ON E 1268 ROAD R 2431 3 RDS TOF 45.5 2 AF Entering a met message in the calculator. We first enter the line. LINE 01 R/S 36 15 994 010 R/S LINE 02 R/S 39 20 004 001 R/S LINE 03 R/S 42 25 016 992 R/S LINE 04 R/S 48 27 019 989 R/S LINE 05 R/S 48 27 019 000 R/S LINE 06 R/S 50 28 019 000 R/S LINE 07 R/S 50 28 019 000 R/S STAGE 1. 2. 3. KEY MET 3 R/S 1 R/S 4. 36159 94010 R/S DISPLAY “MET MESSAGE?” “MET LINE NO?” “01 DD FF TTT PPP” “MET LINE NO?” B-GL-385-015/PT-001 REMARKS Yes Enter 1 Enter line 01 from above 145 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data STAGE 5. c. KEY 2 R/S REMARKS Continue until all lines have been entered and go to TGC 1 and 2 to receive FM data The preceding table represents fire on a target number 1 in a head wind and on target number 2 in a crosswind. This example illustrates the effect of weather under unusual conditions. Enter the last two fire missions, taking into account weather data and note the difference. TARGET NO. 1 FM 4 MOR GR 004 740 DIR 6400 PL 3 RDS 1 AF DISPLAY “02 DD FF TTT PPP” DATA WITH DATA WITH TARGET NO. 2 MET MET NO 1 FM 4 MOR NO 2 CHG 5 GR 026 761 CHG 5 B 4924 DIR 0550 B 6283 E 1219 VEH ON E 1264 R 2710 ROAD R 2452 3 RDS TOF 45.5 2 AF NOTE From one to seven message lines can be entered into the calculator. 12. Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. 13. Stage III—Entering New Met Message and Returning to Standard Met: a. 146 Standard Met. Weather conditions seldom remain stable for extended periods of time, so the CPO must B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator be able to change met information entered in the MFDC. There are three methods of changing the met: 14. 15. (1) Input a new met message, which automatically cancels the previous information. (2) To return to standard met, press SHIFT then MET, MFDC will display “MET MESSAGE?” Respond NO by pressing R/S; MFDC will show “NEXT DATA”. Met has been removed from the program. All other data is then processed with standard met. (3) The last method for deleting a met message is to do the MEMORY LOST. This method must not be used if all other data in the MFDC must be maintained. Confirmation of Stage III: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 16. This lesson covered the procedures to enter ballistic met messages in the MFDC. Additional time spent with these calculations results in economy of ammunition and time because fewer adjustments to fire are required. 17. The next lesson will be… B-GL-385-015/PT-001 147 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 18 PRODUCE SURVEY DATA WITH THE MORTAR FIRE DATA CALCULATOR ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Survey a base plate position. MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Produce survey data with the Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC) to include: a. produce bearing and range; b. resection with two reference points; and c. grid with one reference point. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Three 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Demonstration/Performance. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: MFDC complete one per student. 7. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; and b. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. Introduction: a. 148 Review. As required. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator 9. b. What. To teach production of survey data. c. Why. As a control post operator (CPO) you must be able to use the survey program to produce data to accurately plot your location. As a Group Commander you must be able to accurately gain survey data for the production of fire. d. Where. During the course, in the unit and in battle. Stage I—To Determine the Bearing and Range: a. Introduction. In order to make the best use of the MFDC’s accuracy, the Group Commander must ensure that the base plate grid is as accurate as possible. To aid him, the MFDC has the ability to determine the bearing and range between two points and the grid of a point from one or two known locations. b. Bearing and Range. When it is necessary to determine the bearing and range between two known points follow the sequence as shown below: STAGE 1. KEY SHIFT, B&R DISPLAY “FIGS?” 2. 8 R/S 3. 4. 00477204 R/S 01727400 R/S “REF P GRD 8” “TGT GRD 8” “BNG 0578” “RGE 2325” “TGT GRD 8” 10. REMARKS This shows if it has not received previous instructions. Use 8 figures for this example. Enter the grid of first reference point. Input the other grid. This is for other targets or points from the same reference point in Step 2. Confirmation Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 149 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 11. Stage II—Grid With One or Two References Points: a. Grid. When determining exact locations working directly on a map has many built in possibilities for error ( pencil thickness, inaccurate plotting on a map, etc). The MFDC can reduce or eliminate them. b. Enter grid: (1) Point 1 GR 1601 3955 DIR 2870. (2) Point 2 GR 1624 5213 DIR 1575. DISPLAY REMARKS STAGE KEY 1. SHIFT, GRID 2. 3 R/S 3. 8 R/S 150 “2 REF PTS?” Are two reference points being used? (For this example yes). “FIGS?” Shows if not already indicated (use eight figure for the example). “REF 1 GRD 8” Enter grid of first reference point. Note: This must always be the most westerly point. 4. 16013955 R/S “REF 2 GRD 8” Enter grid of second reference point. 5. 16245213 R/S 6. 2870 R/S 7. 1575 R/S “REF 1 DIR” Enter direction to first reference point. “REF 2 DIR?” Enter direction to second reference point. “TGT Gives a ten figure grid GRID1182252022” of location and the “RGE 1 13156” distance to reference points 1 and 2. “RGE 2 4419” B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Mortar Fire Data Calculator c. To do the same for one reference point, do the following procedure: (1) grid of the reference point GR 01187314, DIR 3882. STAGE KEY DISPLAY REMARKS 1. SHIFT, GRID “2 REF PTS?” No, to this question. 2. R/S “FIGS?” 3. 8 R/S 4. 01187314 R/S “DIR?” 5. 3882 R/S “DIST?” 6. 1275 R/S “TGT GRD” “REF P GRD 8” Enter the grid of the reference point. “00389 72140” 12. 13. Enter bearing from reference point to you or to the target (back bearing if you are determining your location). This is the location of the target or your location. Confirmation Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 14. Effective mortar fire depends largely on the accuracy of the base plate, target and observation post locations. The MFDC can greatly aid with these calculations. 15. Your next lesson will be … B-GL-385-015/PT-001 151 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data CHAPTER 2 PLOTTER LESSON 1 PREPARE THE PLOTTER FOR FIRING ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the plotter. MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Prepare the plotter for firing: a. description; b. maintenance; c. preparation for the pivot method; and d. preparation for the alternative method. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Two 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: a. one plotter per candidate; b. firing tables; and c. cleaning materials. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 153 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 7. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; b. large-scale plotter; c. firing tables; and d. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. 154 Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn the preparation of the plotter for firing. c. Why. So that, as a control post operator (CPO), you can perform your work correctly and produce accurate fire control data. d. Where. On the course, at your unit and in combat. Stage I—Description: a. Description. As has already been seen, there is a clear difference between the fire orders given to the CPO by the fire controller (FC) and passed to the CPO and those given to the mortar by the CPO. The orders have to be converted by the CPO with the mortar computer or the plotter. As the mortar computer is a machine, it is liable to mechanical breakdowns. As CPO, you must therefore know all aspects of producing fire control data using the plotter. b. With the mortar, the plotter is used to calculate fire control data and convert the fire controller’s orders into: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter CHARGE BEARING ELEVATION c. Components. The plotter includes five main parts: (1) The Bag. It is mounted in a bag with a strap and containing pockets for maps, papers, firing fans and registration table. (2) The Base. The base represents 1000 metre plotting grids subdivided into 100 metre squares. A line, which goes from the centre point to the top of the base, is called the indicator line. This line is numbered from 1 to 6 to indicate the distance from the position of the pivot point. (3) The Rotating Disk. The rotating disk turns on the base by means of a pivot. The outside edge of the disk is graduated in mils from 0 - 6400 mils, numbered every 100 mils and marked every 10 mils. (4) Firing Fans. These are various types of fans depending on the ammunition you use. Their usefulness is to determine the charge and elevation for the various firing ranges. (5) Registration Table. Allows the CPO to register target data and have them within reach. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 155 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data Figure 2-1: The Plotter 10. Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. 11. Stage II—Maintenance. The plotter is made of plastic and scratches easily, especially underneath the disk. If dirt is allowed to accumulate on the plotter, it very quickly becomes unusable. The CPO must make sure to follow these instructions: a. 156 Before Use. The plotter must be clean and free of dirt, especially sand. The disk must be removed and carefully cleaned. Typewriter cleaners are suitable B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter for removing marks, but liquid silicon may be used. Dry it with a flannel cloth or paper towel. 12. 13. b. During Use. Only graphite, omnichrome or fine point pencils erasable with water are recommended for use. To erase, do not use materiel such as rubber to erase ink but only silicon. When the plotter is not being used for a short period of time, make sure it is placed in a safe place so no one sits or walks on it. c. After Use. Clean it properly and dry it thoroughly before putting it away. Always put it away flat in a cool, dry and protected place. Do not expose it to the sun or place it near the heater of a vehicle. Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage III—Preparation of the Plotter: a. Introduction. There are two methods of preparing the plotter, the pivot method and the alternative method. b. The Pivot Method. The pivot method consists of making the grid lines of the base correspond to the grid lines on the map, so that the position of the mortars corresponds to the pivot. You must proceed as follows: (1) Determine the position of the mortars on the map with a six-figure grid reference, for example 150 650. (2) Make the pivot of the plotter coincide with the map (grid reference) (see Figure 2-2). (3) Note the easting at the top of the indicator line, for example 150. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 157 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data (4) Note the northing facing the line 1600-4800 for example, 650. (5) Once the starting point has been entered on the plotter as indicated above, number the other lines. (6) Easting: move towards the east from 150 - 160, 170, 180, etc. and vice versa towards the west -140, 130, 120, etc. (7) Northing: move towards the north from 650 - 660, 670, 680, etc. and vice versa towards the south, - 640, 630, 620, etc. (8) Later, the CPO can enter on the disk data such as safety limits in future periods, arcs of fire, etc. (9) The CPO must then install the appropriate firing fan, if applicable. The practice base plate will be: 114 506 998 107 123 124 c. Alternative Method. When the mortars must be moved large distances, the pivot method cannot be used because it takes too much time. Then proceed as follows: (1) 158 In choosing the grid references to determined the starting point, the firing CPO must allot 3000 metres to the area not covered by the disk, otherwise the line of departure would not be covered. To do this, it suffices to add or subtract 3000 metres to or from the place on the map where the mortar was originally. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter (2) Determine the position of the mortar and assign it a six-figure grid reference. Mark it on the plotter as one would do on a map and draw a mortar symbol. The point of the symbol indicates the exact position. (3) Once the above preparation has been completed, it is no longer necessary to change the numbering of the grid lines during the operation. You have only to erase the former mortar positions and trace the new ones as on a map. Figure 2-2: Preparation of the Plotter—Pivot Method 14. Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and B-GL-385-015/PT-001 159 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data b. 15. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 16. You have just learned how to describe and maintain the plotter and also how to prepare for firing using the pivot and alternative methods. 17. 160 The next lesson will be… B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter LESSON 2 BALLITIC FIRING TABLES CONTENTS AND USE ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the plotter. MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Ballistic Firing Tables contents and use: a. elevation; b. time of flight; c. adjustment of fuzes; and d. weather data. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. One 40-minute period. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. a. one plotter per candidate; b. firing tables; and c. cleaning materials. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; B-GL-385-015/PT-001 161 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data b. large-scale plotter; c. firing tables; and d. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn how to use the ballistic firing tables. c. Why. As a control post operator (CPO), on certain occasions it will be impossible for you to use the fan, due to: the type of ammunition or the information on the weather or on the beaten zone requested by the FC or for reasons of safety. The CPO must be able to extract the information from these tables to produce fire for effect (FFE). d. Where. On the course, at your unit and in combat. 9. Stage I—Ballistic Firing Tables. Modern artillery and mortar ammunition was developed with variable propulsion systems (charges) for accuracy and to reduce the risk of detection by radar. During the development of the ammunition, firing trials were conducted to find what range a round could reach with various charges and elevations. This information and other relevant information, such as the effects of the weather, are compiled in booklet form called Ballistics Firing Tables: 162 a. The firing tables are prepared in a standard format containing introduction, body and appendices. b. Introduction. Contains a list of conversion factors, symbols and abbreviations. It also gives a basic description and technical data by which the fire control data are produced. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter c. d. Body. The main part of the firing tables, containing all the information the CPO needs to produce fire for effect, namely: (1) At the top of the page, there are the firing table number, the type of ammunition, the muzzle velocity (MV) and the charge number. (2) The rest of the page is divided into columns. The number of columns varies according to the firing tables: (a) column I—the range; (b) column II—the elevation for this charge at the given range; (c) column III—indicates the time of flight for the charge and range; (d) column IV—the maximum altitude (maximum northing); and (e) column V—contains the probable error calculated for various ranges. (3) One can also find the information on the corrections for increasing the range. (4) Additional Data. The additional data that firing tables contain are the probable errors and information on the trajectory. As in the basic firing tables, column I indicates the range in a sequence of numbers, indicating the functions then the content based on the type of ammunition and its nationality. Appendices. These are usually found in American firing tables and follow the body. They provide the information for determining the altitude of the trajectory with various charges and ranges. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 163 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data NOTE When selecting the charge, one must take the one which is as close as possible to an elevation of 1100 mils. 10. 11. e. Adjustment of the Fuze. When firing illumination you must detemine the adjustment of the fuze, which is found under the column FUZE SETTING of the illumination ammunition table. This adjustment is written in seconds and tenths of seconds, corresponding to the marking on the fuze on the round. f. Meteorological Data. These are contained in the firing tables and take into account the atmospheric structure, atmospheric pressure, air temperature, etc. These data will be useful when you use the mortar compter. Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 12. During this lesson you have seen firing tables. As CPO it is important to be able to read and interpret firing tables. Remember, in choosing your charge, think about the elevation which must be as close as possible to 1100 mils. Do not forget that the Time of Flight (TOF) is only sent for the first round and in seconds. 13. 164 The next lesson will be... B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter LESSON 3 THE PIVOT METHOD ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the plotter. MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. The pivot method: a. produce the fire control data for simple fire missions; and b. conversion of fire control data using target grid correction. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Two 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. a. one plotter per candidate; b. firing tables; and c. cleaning materials. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; b. large-scale plotter; B-GL-385-015/PT-001 165 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data c. firing tables; and d. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn how to produce bearings and elevations using the pivot method. c. Why. As a control post operator (CPO), you must be able to place a target grid reference correctly and to find its bearing and the range to produce initial fire control data. d. Where. On the course, at your unit and in combat. Stage I—Produce Fire Control Data: a. Having completed the preparation of the plotter, the CPO must have a grid reference and a direction in conjunction with a fire mission (FM). Before engaging a target he must transfer the data onto the plotter and convert them into fire control data for the mortar line. PRODUCTION OF FIRE CONTROL DATA USING THE PIVOT METHOD BP GR PIVOT 150 650 166 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter THE FIRE CONTROLLER (FC) SENDS THE FOLLOWING FM: FM 4 MOR GR 167 675 DIR 1220 SECTION DUG IN 5 ROUNDS AF b. The procedure is as follows: (1) Turn the disk until the O is directly above the indicator line. (2) Reading the base as you would do for a map, locate the target grid reference and mark a small + on the disk directly above the grid reference. This is the fall of shot of the first round; enter a small “1”. (3) Turn the disk until the + (the target) is on the indicator line. Count the distance in metres from the pivot to the target; you now have the range from the target. (4) The + is on the indicator line. Note the bearing of the target according to the graduation in mils on the disk. (5) Turn the disk until you can read the direction against the indicator line at the top of the plotter. Extend the graduation line in mils up to the matt surface of the disk and enter the direction D. (6) The data for the first target is now placed on the plotter. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 167 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data Figure 2-3: Production of Fire Control Data Using the Pivot Method 10. 168 Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; b. questions to the class; and c. important points: (1) make sure that the O is right on the indicator line; (2) mark the target as small as possible and mark it using a figure (+); and (3) check your work. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter 11. Stage II—Conversion of Fire Control Data. a. We have determined the bearing and range of the target. Now, to find the rest of the data, you must use the firing tables: BP GR PIVOT AMMUNITION 150 650 C 70 A1 FM 4 MOR GR 177 676 DIR 1020 SEC DUG IN 3 ROUNDS FM 4 MOR 3 ROUNDS CHG 6 BNG 0819 ELEVATION 1131 RANGE 3750 COMDT 4 AF AF b. Using the above data, go to the firing tables, find the range you have placed and find the elevation closest to 1100 mils. In this case, the elevation is 1090 mils, charge 6. The CPO can also at this time find the time of flight (37 seconds) and the PEr (probable error: 30 x 10). He writes his data on the fire control data form and gives it to the mortar line (except the Time of Flight and PEr). NOTE The firing tables are graduated in 25-metre increments. You must take the average to give yourself an even more accurate elevation. c. For the fire control data of a simple smoke fire mission (FM) you do the same as for HE. Do the following FM: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 169 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data BP GR PIVOT 150 650 AMMUNITION C106 FM 4 MOR GR 164 665 DIR 0430 BLINDING SMOKE 2 ROUNDS AF d. 170 The Firing Fan. When British L19 A3/A4 and L15 A3/A4 ammunition is used, the CPO can use the associated firing fan. The procedure is the following: (1) turn the fan until one of the charges intercepts the targets; (2) select the charge to have the greatest flexibility; (3) to find the bearing, look directly above the fan and read the bearing; (4) to find the elevation, read where the mark + comes into contact with one of the lines of the charge chosen on the fan; and (5) for the time of flight (TOF) and the other data, the firing tables must be used. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter Figure 2-4: Note the Bearing of the Target BP GR PIVOT 150 650 FM 4 MOR: GR 172 680 DIR 2910 SEC DUG IN 3 ROUNDS AF 12. AMMUNITION C 70 A1 FM 4 MOR 3 ROUNDS CHG 6 BNG 0645 ELEVATION 1135 (RANGE 3725) Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and B-GL-385-015/PT-001 171 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data b. 13. questions to the class. Stage III—Target Grid Corrections: a. Now you have received the initial fire control data of the shot on or near the target. However, due to certain factors, the shot will need to be adjusted. The corrections come from the FC and are as follows: LEFT, RIGHT, ADD, DROP, UP, DOWN BP GR PIVOT 150 650 FM 4 MOR GR 158 674 DIR 6300 SEC IN OPEN 3 ROUNDS AF b. AMMUNITION C 70 A1 FM 4 MOR 3 ROUNDS CHG 4 BNG 0328 ELEVATION 1132 (RANGE 2525) AF Now here is the procedure: (1) The direction which was sent in the initial order will be marked on the side of the disk with an arrow and the letter D, then turn the disk to the indicator line. (2) All corrections are made from the direction and last target marked. THE FC SENDS THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: LEFT 100 ADD 400 (3) 172 Proceed as follows: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter (a) make sure the direction is on the indicator line; (b) from the initial target + , count the number of squares to find the range LEFT 100 and ADD 400, mark it with a +, then mark a small 2; and (c) check for accuracy. NOTE Use the vertical and horizontal lines to help you and proceed in the same way as with the initial round to find the data. THE FIRE CONTROL DATA ARE: C70 A1 CHG 4 BNG 0237 ELEVATION 1026 RANGE 2875 THE FC SENDS THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: RIGHT 50 DROP 200 THE FIRE CONTROL DATA ARE AS FOLLOWS: CHG 4 BNG 0280 ELEVATION 1083 RANGE 2700 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 173 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data NOTE When you select the charge and the elevation, stay with the same charge as that of the original FM. Do not go to another charge if it is near 1100 mils, for example CHG 4, and for smoke ammuntion, corrections are done in the same way as for HE. 14. 15. Confirmation of Stage III: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 16. During this lesson, you have learned how to produce and convert fire control data using the pivot method. Do not forget it is very important for all problems to be checked for accuracy of fire control data. 17. 174 The next lesson will be ... B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter LESSON 4 ALTERNATIVE METHOD ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the plotter. MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Alternative method: a. produce fire control data for simple fire missions (FMs); and b. convert fire control data from target grid corrections. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Two 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. a. one plotter per candidate; b. firing tables; and c. cleaning materials. Training Aids: a. large-scale plotter; and b. computer with PowerPoint®. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 175 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. Introduction: 9. a. Review. As required. b. What. In this lecture you will learn how to produce fire control data using the alternative method and report for simple HE and smoke FM. c. Why. As a control post operator (CPO) you must be able to place a target grid reference correctly and find its bearing and range to produce fire control data. d. Where. During the course, at your unit or in combat. Stage I—Produce Fire Control Data: a. Having completed the preparation of the plotter, the CPO is ready to receive a fire mission. Before engaging the target the CPO must convert the target grid reference into firing data. ALTERNATIVE BP GR DIRECTION AMMUNITION 150650 NE C-70 A1 b. Production of alternative method fire control data: THE FIRE CONTROLLER (FC) SENDS THE FOLLOWING FIRE MISSION: FM 4 MOR GR 167675 DIR 1220 SEC DUG IN 5 ROUNDS AF 176 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter c. Sequence to follow: (1) place the ZERO of the rotating disk on the indicator line; (2) reading the base, locate the target grid and place an X; (3) enter 1 for the first round; (4) turn the disk until the target and the position of the mortar are equidistant from the indicator line; (5) read the bearing on the indicator line; (6) find the range by counting the 100 metre lines to the target; (7) convert the range into charge and elevation using the firing table; (8) gather the data and pass the fire order to the mortar line; and (9) mark the direction of the fire mission and place it on the indicator line. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 177 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data Figure 2-5: Alternative Method Figure 2-6: Alternative Method (Close-up) 178 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter NOTE To read the bearing and the range, the position of the mortars must be always at the bottom of the rotating disk. To read the corrected GR, you bring the ZERO of the disk onto the indicator line. FM 4 MOR GR 167675 DIR 1220 SEC DUG IN 5 ROUNDS AF FIRE CONTROL DATA: FM 4 MOR 5 ROUNDS CHG 5 BNG 0609 ELEVATION 1159 (RANGE 3025) 3 AF d. Production of alternative method fire control data (enter), sequence to follow based on the alternative method: (1) A simpler method consists of keeping the bearing of the target on the indicator line. (2) Enter the range from the target on the indicator line based on the pivot. (3) You may use the firing fan because you will be working with the pivot method. (4) All corrections will be entered according to the pivot method. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 179 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 10. 11. (5) To find the corrected GR, you must place the direction on the indicator line, count the distance which separates the last shot and the first shot and enter this information based on the first shot of the alternative method. (6) Place the ZERO of the disk on the indicator line and read the corrected GR. Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage II—Conversion of Fire Control Data: a. You have received all the fire control data but the shot does not hit the target and it must be corrected. TARGET GRID CORRECTIONS, ALTERNATIVE METHOD. BP GR ALTERNATIVE DIRECTION AMMUNITIO N 200680 NW C106 FM 4 MOR GR 199 702 DIR 0300 SEC IN OPEN SMOKE 3 ROUNDS FM 4 MOR SMOKE 3 ROUNDS CHG 2 BNG 6354 ELEVATION 1124 (RANGE 2200) 3 AF 3 AF b. Sequence to follow: (1) 180 bring the direction onto the indicator line; B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter (2) the FC sends you a correction: LEFT 400 ADD 100 (3) based on round 1, you count the distance given to the left and up; (4) mark the round X 2; (5) turn the disk until shot number 2 and the position of the mortars are equidistant from the indicator line; (6) read the bearing on the indicator line; (7) count the distance to the shot and find the charge and elevation: CHG 2 BNG 6211 ELEVATION 1035 (RANGE 2450) (8) c. 12. place the direction on the indicator line. Target grid references, alternative method 2 (enter): (1) the corrections are applied in the same manner as for the alternative method, except that you use the indicator line according to the pivot method; and (2) the firing fan can be used if it corresponds to the type of ammunition. Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 181 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 13. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 14. During this lesson, you have learned how to produce fire control data with alternative methods I and II. 15. 182 The next lesson will be… B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter LESSON 5 CONVERGE FIRE MISSION ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the plotter. MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Converge fire mission: a. converge tables; and b. converge procedure. PROCEDURE 3. Time Required. One 40-minute period. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. a. one plotter per candidate; b. firing tables; and c. cleaning materials. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; b. large-scale plotter; c. firing tables; and B-GL-385-015/PT-001 183 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data d. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. 184 Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. Obtain fire control data for a converge mission. c. Why. In order to be able to engage a target requiring a heavy volume of fire on a relatively small area. d. Where. On the course, at your unit and in combat. Stage I—Converge Tables: a. The fire controller (FC) often finds himself in the presence of small targets, requiring a heavy volume of fire. To do this, he must concentrate all his mortars on the beaten zone of one mortar. That is, he must converge his mortars on the adjustment point when firing for effect. b. Converge Table. The converge table has been designed to be able to converge up to 4 mortars on the same target. As you know, there are usually 30 metres between mortars for a total of 90 metres of front for 1 group. Look at your firing table and you will notice on the left the ranges of 500 to 5600 metres. Also, the amount of mils which you will have to remove or add in order to converge. c. Each column represents a mortar from 1 to 3 over 90 metres of space. The adjustment mortar is 0. d. On the same table there is 20 metre distance between mortars which is used in the same manner as the 30 metre table. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter MOR # 1 METRES 20 2 3 MOR # 1 2 3 30 40 60 60 90 METRES 20 30 40 60 60 90 500 40 60 80 120 120 180 3100 6 10 12 20 18 30 600 33 50 66 100 99 150 3200 6 9 12 18 18 27 700 29 43 58 86 87 129 3300 6 9 12 18 18 27 800 25 38 50 76 75 114 3400 6 9 12 18 18 27 900 22 33 44 66 66 99 3500 6 9 12 18 18 27 1000 20 30 40 60 60 90 3600 6 8 12 16 18 24 1100 18 27 36 54 54 81 3700 5 8 10 16 15 24 1200 17 25 34 50 51 75 3800 5 8 10 16 15 24 1300 15 23 30 46 45 69 3900 5 8 10 16 15 24 1400 14 21 28 42 42 63 4000 5 8 10 16 15 24 1500 13 20 26 40 39 60 4100 5 7 10 14 15 21 1600 13 18 26 36 39 54 4200 5 7 10 14 15 21 1700 12 17 24 34 36 51 4300 5 7 10 14 15 21 1800 11 17 22 34 33 51 4400 5 7 10 14 15 21 1900 11 15 22 30 33 45 4500 4 7 8 14 12 21 2000 10 15 20 30 30 45 4600 4 7 8 14 12 21 2100 10 14 20 28 30 42 4700 4 6 8 12 12 18 2200 9 13 18 26 27 39 4800 4 6 8 12 12 18 2300 9 13 18 26 27 39 4900 4 6 8 12 12 18 2400 8 13 16 26 24 39 5000 4 6 8 12 12 18 2500 8 12 16 24 24 36 5100 4 6 8 12 12 18 2600 8 12 16 24 24 36 5200 4 6 8 12 12 18 2700 7 11 14 22 21 33 5300 4 6 8 12 12 18 2800 7 10 14 20 21 30 5400 4 5 8 10 12 15 2900 7 10 14 20 21 30 5500 4 5 8 10 12 15 3000 7 10 14 20 21 30 5600 5 5 8 10 12 15 Figure 2-7: Converge Table B-GL-385-015/PT-001 185 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 10. 11. Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage II—Produce Fire Control Data for Converged Fire: a. Procedure. On the order “CONVERGE”, the control post operator (CPO) acknowledges receipt. Using the bearing and distance from the adjustment mortar he finds the bearing for the other mortars using the converge table. NOTE 1. The charge and elevation for all mortars remains the same. (Give the individual bearings for each mortar). 2. The mortars to the left of the adjustment mortar— you add—the tubes move to the right. 3. The mortars to the right of the adjustment mortar—you subtract—the tubes move to the left. b. Sequence to follow: (1) the order “CONVERGE” is given to a group of 4 mortars, (reference: review fire mission); (2) the adjustment mortar is number 3, its bearing is 0071 mils and the range is 3050 metres, rounded to 3100 metres; and (3) calculate the bearings using the Converge Table beginning with number 1: True bearing Number 3 = 0071 mils, Range = 3100 metres, and Movement = 10 mils for 30 metres 186 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter Bearing Number 1: 0071 - 20 = 0051 mils Bearing Number 2: 0071 - 10 = 0061 mils Bearing Number 4: 0071 + 10 = 0081 mils. 12. 13. Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 14. You have seen the converge tables and the converge procedure. You must always remember that: 15. a. the left mortars—you add; b. the right mortars—you subtract; and c. the bearing of the adjustment mortar does not change. The next lesson will be... B-GL-385-015/PT-001 187 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 6 ADJUST AN ERRING MORTAR ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the plotter. MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Adjust an erring mortar: a. adjust an erring mortar—control post operator (CPO); and b. adjust an erring mortar—using mortar number 1. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. One 40-minute period. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. 188 a. one plotter per candidate; b. firing tables; and c. cleaning materials. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; b. large-scale plotter; c. firing tables; and B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter d. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn how to adjust an erring mortar. c. Why. As a CPO, you must know the procedure for adjusting the line of fire of an erring mortar. This procedure is quick and accurate and removes the possibility of placing a mortar out. d. Where. On the course, at your unit and in combat, you must know this procedure which can save human lives. Stage I—Adjustment of an Erring Mortar: a. It happens that during firing, the belt of fire becomes convergent, in other words not parallel. The lines of fire must be parallel for fire for effect (FFE) to be produced. When the fire controller (FC) notices that one of his mortars is erring, he could correct it individually and thus make the rounds explode at the intended place in the belt of fire. That mortar would then have fire control data different from the others, which must absolutely be avoided. If it is a directional aiming error, it could be corrected by making sure that all mortars had the same fire bearing in their sights, in which case not only would their parallel lines of fire be reestablished but maintained. b. Communication Procedure with Respect to the FC and the Mortar to be Adjusted. Produce the fire control data for adjusting an erring mortar from the FC to the CPO: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 189 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 1. FC—mortar number 1 erring, number 1 LEFT 100 - 1 AF CPO—say again word for word Result: "Fire is good" FC—right group AF (to confirm firing) CPO—say again word for word FC number 1, adjusted line of fire CPO—say again word for word 2. From the CPO to mortar number 1: CPO—adjusted line of fire on bearing No 1—say again word for word No 1—line of fire adjusted on bearing CPO—say again word for word From the CPO to the FC: CPO—line of fire adjusted FC—say again word for word 3. c. After the target adjustment has been completed, the FC must check the belt of fire before engaging with FFE. d. After completing 1 round FFE, the FC determines that this belt of fire is not parallel. Then he will order individual conduct for that mortar: (1) order by the FC: NUMBER 1 MORTAR ERRING, NUMBER 1 LEFT 100 OVER. The CPO must: (a) make sure that the direction is on the proofline; (b) place the correction left 100; and (c) obtain the fire control data and fire the round. BEARING 0169 CHARGE 4 ELEVATION 1090 190 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter e. f. If additional corrections are necessary, the CPO will make them in the normal manner and will fire the round. In that case, the FC is satisfied and will give the following order: ADJUSTED LINE OF FIRE. The CPO must then: (1) repeat the order; (2) give the order to the number 1 ADJUSTED LINE OF FIRE ON BEARING 0196; and (3) erase the adjustments for that mortar. Action on the Mortar Line. After number 1 has received the order ADJUSTED LINE OF FIRE on bearing 0196, he must proceed as follows: (1) Check the aiming of his mortar and make the necessary corrections. (2) Without changing the aiming of his mortar, loosen the screw of the large and small reading scales. He will adjust these so that the bearing given is aligned with the index of the bearings and will tighten the screw again and read the new reading. (3) He thus gives the reading on the sight of a deviation corresponding to the difference between the former bearing and the new one: Former: 0196 After adjustment: 0169 27 mils, change of reading (4) If the new reading is lower than the former one, he will increase the difference of the readings from all other sight checks. If the new one is higher, he will subtract. (5) When all these corrections are complete, he will report to the CPO MORTAR B-GL-385-015/PT-001 191 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data NUMBER__ , LINE OF FIRE ADJUSTED ON BEARING ___. 10. 11. Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. NOTE If the new bearing is higher than the preceding one, the reading will be smaller and vice versa. CONCLUSION 12. You have seen the procedure by the CPO and the number 1 for adjusting an erring mortar. As CPO you must know these procedures to make sure of having a proper line of fire. 13. 192 The next lesson will be... B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter LESSON 7 ENGAGE TWO TARGETS AT THE SAME TIME ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the plotter. MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Engage two targets at the same time. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Two 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. a. one plotter per candidate; b. firing tables; and c. cleaning materials. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; b. large-scale plotter; c. firing tables; and d. computer with PowerPoint®. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 193 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. 194 Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. In this lesson, you will learn to engage two targets at the same time. c. Why. During the course, it will be necessary to produce fire control data for engaging more than one target and as control post operator (CPO) you must be able to carry out this task with accuracy. d. Where. On the course, at your unit and in combat. Stage I—Engaging Two Targets: a. The engagement of several targets by a group of mortars will take place especially during registration fire or a fire plan. b. The procedure to follow is simple except that the CPO must be very vigilant in producing fire control data because poor data for a target can result in loss of life. c. With the plotter, it is possible for a single group to engage several targets at once. d. When producing fire data, it is important to identify each target properly, either by: (1) using different colours; or (2) writing the target numbers. e. For the engagement of the targets to be effective, it is necessary to have proper fire control. The FC will use the order AT MY COMMAND. f. Targets may be registered beforehand by: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter g. (1) using the list of targets; (2) during previous fire when care has been taken to name the target; or (3) again during immediate fire. The production of fire control data does not change according to the methods already taught. NOTE You may adjust on a target and make the corrections on your list of targets. 10. 11. Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 12. In this lesson, you have seen how to engage several targets with the plotter. As CPO you must be able to produce fire control data for several targets. 13. The next lesson will be… B-GL-385-015/PT-001 195 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 8 POLAR FIRE MISSION ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the plotter. MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Polar fire mission. a. pivot method; b. laser corrections; c. target grid corrections; and d. alternative method. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Two 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. 196 a. one plotter per candidate; b. firing tables; and c. cleaning materials. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; b. large-scale plotter; B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter c. firing tables; and d. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn how to produce fire control data for a polar fire mission. c. Why. As a control post operator (CPO), you must be in a position to produce these fire control data quickly. If everything is correct, a polar mission is more accurate and saves time and ammunition. d. Where. During the course, at your unit and in combat. Stage I—Pivot Method: a. The use of laser and the plotter produces a more accurate fire in a shorter time, using less ammunition. To do this, the bearing of the location and the observation post (OP) must be extremely accurate. b. Before the CPO can produce the fire control data for a polar fire mission, he must know and mark the location of the OP. In this case, the OP is at GR 009 741. Carry out the following fire mission: BP GR PIVOT 993 725 OP 009 741 FM 4 MOR DIR 0600 RANGE 1400 SEC DUG IN 2 ROUNDS AF B-GL-385-015/PT-001 AMMUNITION C 70 A1 197 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data c. Proceed as follows: (1) make sure the OP is properly marked; (2) place the direction (0600) on the indicator line; (3) from the OP, find the range (1400) in a straight line; (4) place your target on the indicator line and read your bearing (0724); and (5) find the distance (3646) between the target and the pivot and use the fan or the firing tables to determine the elevation and the charge. Figure 2-8: Polar Fire Mission—Pivot Method 198 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter Figure 2-9: Polar Fire Mission—Pivot Method CHG 6 BNG 0724 ELEVATION 1148 RANGE: 3650 NOTE Check your work for accuracy. d. Laser Corrections. If the round does not hit the target, the FC will fire the laser at the explosion and send a correction and a range from the shot: Direction 0440 Range 1550 e. Proceed as follows: (1) Place the direction 0440 on the indicator line. (2) Count the distance 1550 from the OP and mark with a dot. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 199 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data (3) Turn the disk so that the initial mark and the second mark are in line horizontally. (4) Count the distance between the 2 marks. (5) Move the second mark to the opposite side of the first, counting the same distance, and erase the second mark. THE FIRE CONTROL DATA ARE: CHG 6 BNG 0797 ELEVATION 1166 RANGE 3550 (6) This correction method will only be used with the polar fire mission (FM). For other FMs the FC must use target grid corrections. To go to the target grid corrections, mark the original direction (0600) and make the normal corrections to the first mark made on the plotter: LEFT 50 CHG 6 BNG 0783 ELEVATION 1166 RANGE 3550 10. 11. Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage II—Alternative Method: a. 200 As CPO, you must be in a position to produce fire control data using the alternative method. You may be called on to produce data based on an alternative position (in defence) or during mobile operations: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter ALTERNATIVE BP GR 023 695 OP 005 696 DIRECTIO N NW AMMUNITION C 70 A1 FM 4 MOR DIR 5650 RANGE 1800 PL IN TRENCH 5 ROUNDS MIXED FUZE 1 AF b. To apply the initial fire control data, proceed as follows: (1) make sure the position of the OP is properly marked; (2) turn the disk until the direction (5650) can be read on the indicator line; (3) from the OP, count the range (1800 metres) upward and mark the target; (4) turn the disk to align the location of the mortars and the target making sure that the mortars are towards the bottom; (5) read the bearing on the indicator line; and (6) count the distance from the mortars to the target and find the charge and the elevation. FM 4 MOR 5 ROUNDS MIXED FUZE CHG 6 BNG 5253 ELEVATION 1202 RANGE 3325 1 AF B-GL-385-015/PT-001 201 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data c. Laser Corrections. The FC will fire the laser onto the explosion and send the following corrections: DIR 5600 RANGE 1700 d. Proceed as follows: (1) Turn the disk until the direction (5600 mils) can be read on the indicator line. (2) From the OP, count the distance (1700 metres) and mark it as 2. (3) Turn the disk and align the initial mark and the second mark horizontally. Use the grid references to help you. (4) Count the distance between the 2 marks and enter the second at the same distance on the opposite side, in line with the initial mark. Erase the second mark. (5) Turn the disk to align the position of the mortars and the mark, read the bearing on the indicator line. (6) Count the distance between the mortars and the second mark and find the charge and elevation. (7) Check your work and send your data to the mortar line. (8) If there are other target grid corrections, they must be sent using the target grid references: CHG 6 BNG 5288 ELEVATION 1190 RANGE 3400 202 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter RIGHT 50 ADD 25 FFE Corrected GR: 9931 7112 12. 13. BNG 5304 ELEVATION 1190 RANGE 3400 Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 14. In this lesson, you have learned how to produce fire control data for a polar fire mission with the pivot method and the alternative method. As CPO, you must know the proper procedure to be in a position to engage targets quickly and effectively. 15. The next lesson will be… B-GL-385-015/PT-001 203 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 9 ILLUMINATION MISSION ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the plotter. MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Illumination mission: a. point; b. diamond; c. lateral spread; and d. range spread. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Two 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. a. one plotter per candidate; b. firing tables; and c. cleaning materials. Training Aids: a. 204 chalkboard; B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter b. large-scale plotter; c. firing tables; and d. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn how to produce the fire control data for point, diamond, lateral spread and range spread illumination fire missions (FMs). c. Why. As a control post operator (CPO), you may have to produce fire control data in order to illuminate an area in certain situations. d. Where. On the course, at your unit and in combat. Stage I—Point Illumination: a. point illumination is done in the same manner as a simple HE and smoke FM, except that you will have a fuze to adjust so that the illumination is produced at the right height; b. each time you will have an up or down 100 metre correction, you remove or add 1 second; for each 50 metre correction this will be .5 seconds; c. if you have a down correction, you have to add; d. if you have an up correction, you have to subtract; e. corrections of more than 200 metres and less than 50 metres in height are not effective; and f. you must monitor the seconds on the ups and downs to fire for effect. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 205 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 10. Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. 11. Stage II—Range Spread. The CPO carries out the normal adjustment then, on the order FIRE FOR EFFECT, brings his adjustment point to the indicator line and traces 4 dots from the adjustment point up and down, one at 300 and the other at 600 from the first: 600 300 ADJUSTING POINT 300 600 4 3 2 1 Figure 2-10: Range Spread 12. 206 Confirmation of Stage II: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. 13. Stage III—Lateral Spread. The CPO begins with a normal adjustment then, on receiving the order FIRE FOR EFFECT, makes his trace on the indicator line and places two dots 300 metres from the adjustment point and two other dots 600 metres from the first two dots in order to have 600 metres between each two rounds. 600 300 300 600 ADJUSTING POINT 4 3 2 1 Figure 2-11: Lateral Spread 14. Confirmation of Stage III: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 207 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. 15. Stage IV—Diamond Illumination. The CPO carries out the normal adjustment then, on the order FIRE FOR EFFECT, brings his adjustment point to the indicator line and traces 4 dots up and down, to the left and to the right, 300 metres from the adjustment point: ADJUSTING POINT 300 300 300 300 4 3 2 1 Figure 2-12: Diamond Illumination 16. Confirmation of Stage IV: a. 208 questions from the class; and B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter b. 17. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 18. During this lesson, you have seen point illumination, diamond spread, range spread and lateral spread. Remember that the initial mark is from the adjustment point. For length and width, there are 600 metres between mortars. 19. The next lesson will be... B-GL-385-015/PT-001 209 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 10 COORDINATED ILLUMINATION MISSION ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the plotter. MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Coordinated illumination mission: a. conventions; and b. co-ordinated illumination procedure. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Three 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. 210 a. one plotter per candidate; b. firing tables; and c. cleaning materials. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; b. large-scale plotter; c. firing tables; and B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter d. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn how to produce fire control data for a co-ordinated illumination fire mission (FM). c. Why. In order to illuminate a sector so that the fire controller (FC) can adjust with HE onto a target. d. Where. During the course, at your unit and in combat. Stage I—Convention: a. Co-ordinated illumination is point illumination combined with a target for HE or smoke rounds. The illuminating is adjusted first, followed by the HE on the target. b. Once the illuminating has been adjusted, the FC will give the order CO-ORDINATED ILLUMINATION __ SECONDS, the point illumination is marked with a circle and the mortar number, for example +2 and the fire control data for the adjustment of the HE are calculated. NOTE The grid reference becomes the adjustment point for the HE and the correction the adjustment point for the illuminating. c. The adjustment is now carried out on the target. The interval sent in the order is the time of illumination of the adjustment round from beginning until it is B-GL-385-015/PT-001 211 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data effective on the terrain. Thus, the interval must be compared with the illuminating fuze and the time of flight (TOF) of the HE round. For example: Fuze: HE TOF: Interval: 36.7 (Fuze time) + 15.0 (Interval) =51.7 (+15) 36.7 seconds 39.0 seconds 15.0 seconds (1) add the interval ordered by the FC to the time of the fuze; and (2) subtract the smaller of the two times, HE or fuze of the other, to obtain the firing interval for the HE round. 51.7 (+15) - 39.0 (Smaller number, that is the HE TOF) =12.7 (Difference) Fuze HE TOF: Interval: 28.5 (Fuze) + 10.0 (Interval) = 38.5 (+10) 10. 212 12.7 seconds after firing the illuminating round you fire the HE round. 28.5seconds 41.0seconds 10.0seconds 41.0 (HE TOF) - 38.5 (Smaller number, fuze plus the interval) = 2.5 (Difference) Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 The HE round will be fired 2.5 seconds before the illuminating one. Plotter 11. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 12. During these two periods, you have learned co-ordinated illumination. Remember on the adjustment of the illuminating to raise, you reduce the time of the fuze, and to lower, you increase your fuze time. To obtain the interval between the illuminating and the HE, it is the difference, (which must be positive) of either: 13. a. illumination fuze time plus the interval required, minus the HE TOF; or b. HE TOF minus illumination fuze time plus the interval required. The next lesson will be... B-GL-385-015/PT-001 213 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 11 ADJUST A GROUP OF TARGETS ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the plotter. MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Adjust a group of targets: a. adjustment procedure by target grid; b. adjustment procedures by polar grid references; c. silent registration; and d. registration by fire. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Two 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. 214 a. one plotter per candidate; b. firing tables; and c. cleaning materials. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; b. large-scale plotter; c. firing tables; and B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter d. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. Introduction: a. What. You will learn how to use the various adjustment procedures as well as registration methods. b. Why. As a control post operator (CPO), you can prepare the fire control data for a list of targets for combat manoeuvres. c. Where. During the course, at your unit, and in combat. 9. Stage I—Silent Registration. This method is used when it is essential for reasons of safety, economy of ammunition or for surprise effect. Here is how to proceed based on the mortar position: a. The fire controller FC sends a messenger to carry a list of targets to the CPO or the order group or transmits it by radio. If by radio, all the grid references must be transmitted in code or with a secure transmission system. For example by radio: 53A this is 51 C List of targets—over GR (coupled) GR (coupled) GR (coupled) FINAL PROTECTIVE FIRE GR (coupled) Register in sequence/or from ZM 1001 to ZM 1004—over 53 A—Say again and end with wait—over. b. On receipt, the CPO decodes the grid references. Then in the normal manner he finds the charge, bearing and elevation for each target, notes this information and assigns them a number on the B-GL-385-015/PT-001 215 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data registration list. Then he transmits the target numbers to the FC as follows: 51C this is 53A Targets registered in sequence from ZM 1001 to ZM 1004 - over NOTE If it is a final defensive fire target, the CPO must first decode it, find the data, give them to the mortar line and then decode the others. 1. LIST OF TARGET NOS/NAMES: ___________________ 2. FC C/S _____________________ LOCATION_____________________ 3. WEF ________________________ TO______________________________ 4. SHEET____________OF______ _________SHEET___________________ SER TARGET NO FIRE UNIT LOCATION CHARGE BEARING ELEVATION REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Figure 2-13: Target List Form 216 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter 10. 11. Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage II—Registration by Fire: a. For registration by fire, the CPO carries out the fire mission in the normal manner. The use of the word “registration” notifies him that corrections may apply to targets registered silently. When the FC has completed the adjustment, he will give the order ADJUST FIRE CONTROL DATA. Concerning a series of specific targets, the registration point must not be more than 1000 metres from the targets. BP GR PIVOT OP AMMUNITION 943 667 963 667 C 70 A1 FC 53A this is 51C FM 1 MOR GR 952 696 DIR 1050 OVER REGISTRATION POINT AF CORRECTION RIGHT 100 DROP 100 ADJUST FIRE CONTROL FROM ZM 1001 TO ZM 1005 b. CPO CHG: 5 BNG: 0307 ELEVATION: 1159 RANGE: 3025 DATA CHG: 5 BNG: 0309 ELEVATION: 1184 RANGE: 2900 To apply the adjustment of the data to the targets registered silently, the CPO must proceed as follows: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 217 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data (1) place the disk at zero on the centre line; (2) note the relationship between the final correction and the initial grid references, for example if the total correction is left 35, reduce 135; NOTE Never erase or lose the grid references of the initial targets. 12. 13. 218 (3) prepare the data for the FINAL DEFENSIVE FIRE first and make sure always to have 10 rounds ready; (4) without moving the disk, apply the correction left 35, reduce 135, to all targets; (5) note the grid corrections for each target; (6) find the data; and (7) inform the FC and the fire support coordination centre (FSCC) when the data have been adjusted. Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage III—Adjustment Procedure with Polar GR: a. When the adjustment procedure with polar GR is used, it is more accurate and takes much less time for the adjustment. b. Procedure: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter Ser 1. (1) mark the OP and the target in the normal manner for the polar corrections; (2) mark the normal corrections; and (3) as soon as the point is registered as a GR, place the O on the centre line and record or note the corrections which apply to every target. List of targets: BP GR PIVOT OP AMMUNITION 458 162 482 174 C 70 A1 Tgt No Fire Unit 1100 53 Locationof Chg Bearing Elevation Range Targets DIR 0400 Remarks 6 0936 1174 3500 6 1388 1161 3575 4 0353 1083 2700 Final defensive fire 5 0710 1105 3275 Defensive Fire RANGE:1000 2. 1101 53 DIR: 2000 RANGE: 1200 3. 1102 53 DIR: 5550 RANGE: 2000 4. 1103 53 DIR 6180 RANGE:1350 14. 15. Confirmation of Stage III: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 219 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data CONCLUSION 16. In this lesson you have seen the procedures of silent registration and registration by fire, and the adjustment procedure with polar GR. 17. 220 The next lesson will be… B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter LESSON 12 LINEAR HE FIRE MISSION ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the plotter. MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Linear HE fire mission: a. b. linear HE with the target grid: (1) with 2 or 4 mortars; (2) pivot method; and (3) alternative method. linear HE with polar GR: (1) with 2 or 4 mortars; (2) pivot method; and (3) alternative method. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Three 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: a. one plotter per candidate; B-GL-385-015/PT-001 221 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 7. b. firing tables; and c. cleaning materials. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; b. large-scale plotter; c. firing tables; and d. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. Introduction: a. What. Use the plotter for a linear HE target. b. Why. In order to be able to engage a target which is on the ground at a different angle than the mortars. c. Where. On the course, to the unit and in combat. Stage I—Engaging a Linear Target: a. 222 Introduction. To engage a linear target, in his initial order the control post operator (CPO) will be given the orientation, size and linear order. The orientation of the target can be sent in both directions, because the adjustment is made to the centre of the target. The CPO will obtain all the data in the normal manner for adjustment. When he receives the order FIRE FOR EFFECT, (FFE) he will proceed as follows: BP GR PIVOT AMMUNITION 993 725 C 70 A1 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter FM 4 MOR GR 003748 DIR 0320 SEC DUG IN 5 ROUNDS FM 4 MOR 5 ROUNDS CHG 4 BNG 0418 ELEVATION 1137 RANGE 2508 1 AF LIN 200 ORIEN 5420 1 AF CORRECTION RIGHT 100 BNG 0458 ELEVATION 1133 RANGE 2520 DROP 50, FFE BNG 0461 ELEVATION 1147 RANGE 2470 FFE MORTAR CHG BNG ELEVATION RANGE b. 1 4 0502 1152 2450 2 4 0474 1146 2475 3 4 0447 1146 2475 4 4 0420 1139 2500 The procedure for engaging with 2 and 4 mortars is: (1) Pivot the disk in the direction representing the orientation. Based on the adjustment point, trace the lower and higher dots by taking half, and distributing the other mortars in the interval. (2) Let us take a linear target 200 x 100 metres. The CPO must mark 100 metres above and 100 metres below the adjustment point, B-GL-385-015/PT-001 223 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data place the other mortars in the interval, pivot the disk until the dots are oriented in the direction of firing and number the mortars from right to left. Then he must prepare and transmit the fire control data to the mortar line. (3) To obtain the bearings of each mortar, the CPO will calculate the bearings of mortars number 1 and 4 according to the plotter and will divide the difference by the number of mortars minus one, then will add the result obtained to each mortar starting from the left, for example: Bearing Number 1 = 0420 Bearing Number 4 = 0502 Difference = 82 Divided by 3 = 27 mils (4) Adding 27 mils to mortar number 1, we obtain the bearing of number 2, namely 0447, and by doing the same with mortar number 2 we obtain the bearing of number 3, namely 474 mils. NO 1 BNG 0420 NO 2 BNG 0447 NO 3 BNG 0474 NO 4 BNG 0502 (5) To calculate the elevation, the CPO can follow the following method, for example: Elevation Number 1 Elevation Number 4 Difference Divided by 3 224 = 1146 = 1158 =12 =4 mils B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter NO 1 NO 2 NO 3 NO 4 ELEVATION 1146 ELEVATION 1150 ELEVATION 1154 ELEVATION 1158 NOTE You can also use the plotter to find the bearings and elevations. 10. Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. 11. Stage II—Alternative Method of Adjustment. When the fire controller (FC) cannot determine the exact length and/or orientation of a linear target, the adjustment must be performed as follows: a. The FC adjusts the fire with number 1 and gives the order REGISTER AS RIGHT EDGE. b. The FC adjusts with number 4 and gives the order “Register as left edge”, this can be done at the same time. c. The FC gives the order FIRE FOR EFFECT (FFE). d. The CPO pivots the disk until the dots are oriented in the direction and arranges numbers 1 and 4, and calculates their bearings and elevations. e. If the FC asks for the orientation of the target, the CPO can give it to him by referring to the plotter by aligning the right and left edges vertically. The orientation can be read on the indicator line. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 225 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data Calculating the distance between the 2 flanks gives us the length of the linear. BP GR PIVOT 993 725 FM 4 MOR GR 984 745 DIR 0200 NO 4 G 300 COY DUG IN AMMUNITION C 70 A1 FM 4 MOR 10 ROUNDS CHG 4 BNG 5869 ELEVATION 1211 RANGE 2193 AMC 1 AF (at my command) 10 ROUNDS LINEAR AMC 1 AND 4 AF CORRECTION NUMBER 4: RIGHT 100 BNG 5898 ELEVATION 1182 RANGE 2325 DROP 50, REGISTER AS LEFT EDGE. NOTE The CPO will fire a shot. BNG 5883 ELEVATION 1194 RANGE 2275 CORRECTION NUMBER 1: CHG 4 BNG 5969 ELEVATION 1211 RANGE 2200 226 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter RIGHT 300 CHG 4 BNG 6092 ELEVATION 1249 RANGE 2025 LEFT 50 CHG 4 BNG 6070 ELEVATION 1244 RANGE 2050 DROP 50, “REGISTER AS RIGHT EDGE”: CHG 4 BNG 6058 ELEVATION 1249 RANGE 2025 FFE 10 ROUNDS MORTAR 1 2 3 4 CHG 4 4 4 4 BNG 6058 5999 5941 5883 ELEVATION 1249 1230 1212 1194 RANGE 2025 3000 2175 2275 12. Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 227 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 13. Stage III—Polar Procedure. Polar procedure with the pivot method and the alternative method, for a linear HE are detailed below: a. pivot method: BP GR PIVOT OP AMMUNITION 993 725 016 742 C 70 A1 FM 4 MOR DIR 1600 RANGE 0900 COY DUG IN 10 ROUNDS FM 4 MOR 10 ROUNDS CHG 6 BNG 1103 ELEVATION 1153 RANGE 3625 1 AF LIN 600 ORIEN 0200 1 AF CORRECTIONS: DIR 1650 RANGE 1100 FFE MORTAR CHG BNG ELEVATION RANGE b. 228 BNG 1061 ELEVATION 1178 RANGE 3475 1 6 1131 1210 3285 2 6 1087 1188 3411 alternative method: B-GL-385-015/PT-001 3 6 1043 1166 3543 4 6 0999 1144 3682 Plotter FM 4 MOR DIR 5700 RANGE 1000 PL DUG IN NO 4 LEFT 100 FM 4 MOR 5 ROUNDS CHG 5 NO 1BNG 0613 ELEVATION 1149 RANGE 3075 NO 1 RIGHT 100 5 ROUNDS LIN AMC 1 and 4 AF NO 4 BNG 0594 ELEVATION 1188 RANGE 2875 NUMBER 4 REGISTER AS LEFT EDGE. NUMBER 1 REGISTER AS RIGHT EDGE, FIRE FOR EFFECT. MORTAR CHG BNG ELEVATION RANGE 14. 15. 1 5 0613 1149 2975 2 5 0608 1162 2950 3 5 0601 1175 2925 4 5 0594 1188 2875 Confirmation of Stage IV: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 16. During this lesson, you have seen how to produce the fire control data for a linear HE with the grid and polar procedure, using the pivot and alternative methods. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 229 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 17. Remember that the order LINEAR FFE must be given by the FC before applying the procedure. 18. 230 The next lesson will be… B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter LESSON 13 LINEAR SMOKE FIRE MISSIONS ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the plotter. MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Linear smoke fire missions: a. b. linear smoke with the target grid, including: (1) 2 or 4 mortars; (2) pivot method; and (3) alternative method. linear smoke with polar grid references, including: (1) 2 or 4 mortars; (2) pivot method; and (3) alternative method. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Two 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: a. one plotter per candidate; B-GL-385-015/PT-001 231 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 7. b. firing tables; and c. cleaning materials. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; b. large-scale plotter; c. firing tables; and d. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn to produce fire control data for a linear smoke fire mission (FM) with the pivot method and the alternative method, for polar FMs and with target grid. c. Why. When you act as a control post operator (CPO), you must be in a position to carry out a linear smoke FM with the proper fire control data in order to engage a linear target. d. Where. During the course, at your unit and in combat. 9. Stage I—Pivot Method. This method is used to provide a smokescreen for the infantry. The adjustment point differs from the one for linear HE. The fire controller (FC) makes the adjustment on a starting point and gives the order FIRE FOR EFFECT (FFE). At that point, the CPO always marks upward in the direction of the orientation. A group of mortars can produce a screen effective up to 800 metres. We will carry out a smoke fire mission using the pivot method (C106 ammunition): 232 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter BP GR PIVOT 143 515 FM 4 MOR GR 158 529 DIR 6000 BLINDING SMOKE 4 ROUNDS AMMUNITION C 106 FM 4 MOR SMOKE 4 ROUNDS CHG 2 BNG 0835 ELEVATION 1167 RANGE 2052 4 AF LIN 600 ORIEN 3200 4 AF FFE INTERVAL 25 SECONDS. MORTAR CHG BNG ELEVATION RANGE 10. 1 2 1101 1260 1700 2 2 1001 1235 1803 3 2 0913 1204 1921 4 2 0835 1167 2052 The procedure for a linear smokescreen is: a. the CPO receives from the FC ___QUICK ROUNDS FOLLOWED BY ___ ROUNDS FFE, INTERVAL 25 SECONDS; b. the CPO must then follow the following procedure: (1) on receiving the FFE, the CPO will order AMC ___ QUICK ROUNDS, FOLLOWED BY ___ ROUNDS FFE, INTERVAL 25 SECONDS; (2) before that, the CPO turns the disk on the orientation and spaces the 200 metre dots upwards; (3) turns the disk in the direction of firing; and B-GL-385-015/PT-001 233 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data (4) 11. prepares the fire control data and communicates them to the line, for example: MOR 1 BNG 6075 ELEVATION 1069 MOR 2 BNG 6050 ELEVATION 1107 MOR 3 BNG 6025 ELEVATION 1145 MOR 4 BNG 6001 ELEVATION 1184 Confirmation of Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. NOTE The orientation of a linear smoke will be determined in relation to the wind direction, our troops on the ground, and the part to be screened/blinded. 12. Stage II—Alternative Method. The alternative method is carried out with the same rules as the pivot method: 234 BP GR ALTERNATIVE DIRECTION AMMUNITION 173 545 SW C-106 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter FM 4 MOR GR 153 534 DIR 4300 BLINDING SMOKE 10 ROUNDS FM 4 MOR SMOKE 10 ROUNDS CHG 2 BNG 4288 ELEVATION 1100 RANGE 2275 1 AF LIN 600 ORIEN 0800 1 AF MORTAR CHG BNG ELEVATION LEFT 100 FFE, 25 SECONDS 1 2 2 2 4343 4294 1100 1210 3 2 4266 1154 4 2 4328 1260 RANGE 2286 2100 1709 13. 14. 1900 Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage III—Polar Procedure: a. Pivot method when used with the polar grid references is carried out with the same rules. BP GR PIVOT 143 515 OP 153 520 FM 4 MOR DIR 6400 RANGE 1500 BLINDING SMOKE 5 ROUNDS LIN 800 ORIEN 4800 1 RT AMMUNITION C106 FM 4 MOR SMOKE 5 ROUNDS CHG 2 BNG 0472 ELEVATION 1116 RANGE 2225 1 AF B-GL-385-015/PT-001 235 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data FFE, 10 SECONDS MORTAR CHG BNG ELEVATION RANGE b. 1 2 0472 1116 2225 2 2 0358 1147 2125 3 2 0233 1164 2050 4 2 0102 1183 2000 Alternative method: BP GR ALTERNATIVE 143 515 OP 153 520 DIRECTIO N SW FM 4 MOR DIR 2130 RANGE 1400 BLINDING SMOKE 3 ROUNDS AMMUNITIO N C-106 FM 4 MOR SMOKE 3 ROUNDS CHG 3 BNG 1690 ELEVATION 1258 RANGE 2225 4 AF LIN 800 ORIEN 2050 4 AF FFE, 25 SECONDS MORTAR CHG BNG ELEVATION RANGE 15. 236 1 3 1784 1096 2975 2 3 1759 1157 2725 Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 3 3 1728 1210 2475 4 3 1690 1258 2225 Plotter CONCLUSION 16. During this lesson, you have seen the pivot method and the alternative method used for linear smoke with grid and polar FMs. It is very important of know these procedures when HE and smoke rounds are used. 17. The next lesson will be… B-GL-385-015/PT-001 237 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 14 PLATOON FIRE MISSIONS (FM) ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Produce fire control data with the plotter. MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Platoon fire missions (FM) to include: a. coordinated fire; and b. linear with HE rounds and smoke rounds. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Two 40-minute periods. 4. Method. Theoretical and practical. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. 238 a. one plotter per candidate; b. firing tables; and c. cleaning materials. Training Aids: a. chalkboard; b. large-scale plotter; c. firing tables; and B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter d. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. You will learn to produce fire control data for coordinated and linear platoon FMs. c. Why. As a control post operator (CPO), you must know and correctly apply the procedures for producing the fire control data for various platoon shoots. d. Where. During the course, at your unit, and in combat. Stage I—Platoon Coordinated Fire Mission: a. All platoon FMs will be asked for in passing by the fire support co-ordination centre (FSCC). If the two groups are in direct support, the fire controller (FC) may ask the mortar groups directly for his platoon FM. b. The first group which receives and answers the FC becomes the senior group. The group which joins to complete the platoon FM becomes the junior group. c. The senior group adjusts the target in the normal manner. As soon as the adjustment has been completed, it sends the junior group the grid references corrected to 8 figures, and the junior group finds the fire control data for its group. d. As soon as the 2 groups report that they are ready, the FC gives both groups the fire order. e. Do the problem on the plotter and in solving it, make the two groups different. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 239 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data BP GR 52 123 456 BP GR 53 126 459 52A, 53A this is 51C PL FM GR 142 474 DIR 1780 COY DUG IN 10 ROUNDS 52A 4 AF AMMUNITION C70A1 CPO CHG 4 BNG 0833 ELEVATION 1211 RANGE 2200 4 AF CORRECTIONS: 240 ADD 200 CHG 4 BNG 0903 ELEVATION 1182 RANGE 2325 DROP 100 BNG 0869 ELEVATION 1200 RANGE 2250 ADD 50 BNG 0886 ELEVATION 1194 RANGE 2275 f. As soon as the FC has finished his adjustment, he will send at my command (AMC), fire for effect (FFE). g. The CPO of the senior group (53A) sends the Corrected GR of the last correction at that time. The corrected GR are sent in 8 figures: (1) 53A this is 52A (2) Corrected GR: 1434 4737 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter (3) The CPO of 52A then produces the fire control data and sends them to his group: CHG 4 BNG 0873 ELEVATION 1083 RANGE 2709 h. 10. As soon as both groups are ready, the CPO reports to the FC. Confirmation of Stage I: 11. a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage II—Platoon Linear HE Fire Mission: a. FC (51B) Sequence. The FC asks for his fire mission from the CPO of call sign (c/s) 52A. Call sign 52A becomes senior, c/s 53 junior, for example: CPO (52A) CPO (53A) 52A-53A this is 51B PL FM OVER 52A PL FM OUT 53A RECEIVED OUT FSCC GR 123 456 DIR 1450 OVER 52A GR 123 456 DIR 1450 OUT 53A RECEIVED OUT PL DUG IN 52A PL DUG IN 53A RECEIVED 51 RECEIVED LINEAR 1000 ORIENTATION 0700 LINEAR 1000 OUT OUT 5 ROUNDS 5 ROUNDS 52A, 1 AF 1 AF OVER OUT ORIENTATION 0700 b. Call sign 52A, the senior group, acknowledges receipt of the whole fire mission. c. Call sign 53A and c/s 51 acknowledge receipt by: “c/s__ received, out”. B-GL-385-015/PT-001 241 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 12. 13. 242 d. The FC will adjust firing to the centre of the target with the number 1 of c/s 52 and will give the order AMC FIRE FOR EFFECT. e. The CPO c/s 52A will transmit the corrected grid reference to c/s 53A in 8 figures. f. The two CPOs will produce their data as follows using the linear HE method: (1) the senior group will take 500 metres above the adjustment point; (2) the junior group will take 500 metres below; and (3) when the two groups have reported READY, the FC will give the order: FIRE. Confirmation of Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage III—Platoon Linear Smoke Fire Mission: a. Deliberate smoke is used when the area to be covered has a wide front which you cannot be cover with a section or a group using the quick procedure. b. The procedure for conducting a deliberate engagement is similar to the one used for a quick engagement except that the FC must say so in his fire distribution order (senior group and junior group). This is given in his fire order. c. Adjustment. The FC adds the point about the wind direction for the screen. There is no need to be accurate because the screen will cover the distance and the whole front to be covered. The adjustment usually will be made with instantaneous HE B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter ammunition to save the smoke as a surprise and make it possible to smoke off the sector. 14. 15. d. Tester. A tester smoke round will only be used if the wind direction and strength cannot readily be defined. This use must be in accordance with the supported troops commander because there will no longer be any tactical surprise. The order to test with a smoke round is: SMOKE IN ADJUST. e. Linear smoke differs from linear HE in that the length is divided by 7 (as there are 8 mortars total) with the junior group marking the corrected GR, dividing the length by 7 and marking the senior group, then marking its group above, using the calculation for the spacing between each two mortars. Confirmation of Stage III: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 16. You have learned to produce fire control data for platoon FMs. This is very useful, especially in fire plans. 17. The next lesson will be... B-GL-385-015/PT-001 243 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data LESSON 15 PRODUCE SURVEY DATA USING THE PLOTTER ENABLING OBJECTIVE 1. Survey a base plate position. MAIN TEACHING POINTS 2. Produce survey data using the plotter to include: a. prepare plotter for survey; and b. sequence. PREPARATION 3. Time Required. Two 40-minute lessons. 4. Method. Demonstration/performance. 5. Administration. 6. Stores: 7. 244 a. plotter; b. protractor; c. pens; and d. survey data. Training Aids: a. blackboard; b. large scale plotter; and B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter c. computer with PowerPoint®. CONDUCT OF THE LESSON 8. 9. Introduction: a. Review. As required. b. What. During these periods, you will learn how to produce survey data with the plotter. c. Why. If your Mortar Fire Data Calculator (MFDC) breaks down, you’ll have to produce accurate survey data of the base plate position for the control post operator (CPO). The only way to accurately do it is by using the plotter. d. Where. During your reconnaissance and preparation of the base plate position before day or night firing. You will use the skills taught in this lecture during this course, back in your home unit, and ultimately in an operational theatre. Stage I—Set Up The Plotter: a. In order to produce survey data with the plotter you have to convert your plotter to read 100 and 10 metres instead of the usual 1,000 and 100 metres. b. To do so, you have to change the numbers representing 100 metres in your grid reference, instead of changing the numbers representing 1,000 metres as is done when you set up your plotter for firing, for example with GR 352 068: (1) at the top of your plotter you should write: 352, 353, 354, etc from Left to Right, and on the side it should be: 068, 069, 070, etc. from bottom to top; B-GL-385-015/PT-001 245 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data (2) 10. 11. check your map to see what will be your general direction of survey. c. Write your grids and place your Recorded Survey Point (RSP) in such a way that the direction you will proceed will not take you outside of your plotter. If you do get a distance/direction that takes you outside of your plotter, you must note the GR of your last surveyed point, clean your plotter, remark the grids on it, re-plot the noted GR and then continue. You can plot your RSP at + or - 1 metre by judging the last number in the small square. Ensure plotter is set on a bearing of 0 mils on the center line whenever plotting or reading GR’s. For example the RSP GR is at 12345 67890. You will be proceeding in a westerly direction. Pivot point should be GR 123 678. d. You are now ready to start your survey. Confirm Stage I: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Stage II—Sequence to Follow: a. Once you have set up your plotter and plotted your RSP, it is time to commence plotting of survey data. Point Number 1—Direction 1700 mils, Distance 180 metres. Place the direction (1700 mils) on the center line of the plotter, and going up, calculate the distance and mark a small dot exactly vertical of the RSP point, 180 metres up. Your protractor can be used as a guide to ensure your plot is exactly vertical. To determine the 10 figure GR of that point, turn the plotter wheel so the center line reads 0 mils, and read the GR: 23635 78883. NOTE Remember that the squares represent 100 and 10 metres. 246 B-GL-385-015/PT-001 Plotter b. To carry on the survey to the second point, your data will be calculated from the last point plotted, NOT from the RSP. For example: Direction 0200 mils, Distance 120 metres. c. Turn the plotter wheel until the direction (0200 mils) is read on the center line. As before, 120 metres directly vertical from your last point plotted, will be your new point. Plot it and determine the 10 figure GR. d. Then to get the data for the 4 mortars proceed as follows: (1) First, the exact bearing and distance to all 4 mortars must be known, whether it is taken from 2 or more points. The 4 mortars must be plotted on the plotter. (2) From that point, you will determine the bearing and distance to each mortar. Since the bearing is from the Group Surveyed Point (GSP) to the mortar (not the record), align your number 1 mortar and the GSP, so that the number 1 mortar is directly vertical over the GSP plot. (3) Note the bearing indicated on the centerline of the plotter wheel. Measure the distance from the GSP to the number 1 mortar. NOTE You now have the datas for all 4 mortars. (4) Repeat the same operation for all mortars. (a) number 1 mortar direction— 1390 mils—distance—180 metres GR 23726 79218; B-GL-385-015/PT-001 247 Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data 12. 13. (b) number 2 mortar direction— 1600 mils, distance—130 metres GR 23680 79181; (c) number 3 mortar direction— 1950 mils, distance—90 metres GR 23635 79151; (d) number 4 mortar direction— 2650 mils, distance—75 metres GR 23589 79117. Confirm Stage II: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. Final Confirmation: a. questions from the class; and b. questions to the class. CONCLUSION 14. In this lecture you have learned how to determine survey data with the plotter in case of the MFDC malfunction. 15. 248 The next lesson will be… B-GL-385-015/PT-001