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Transcript [email protected] Motolinia # 20 Col. Cimatario cp.76030, Querétaro, México. Tel.: +52 (442) 212 20 12 Fax: +52 (442) 212 01 06 2 Table of Contents Primary Standards Selection Guide . . . . . . . . 4 Why buy primary standards from Hart? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Quartz-Sheath SPRTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Tech tip: Not all platinum is the same . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Working Standard SPRT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Extended Range Metal-Sheath SPRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Tech tip: Maximize your SPRT’s performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Glass Capsule SPRTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Annealing Furnace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Triple Point of Water Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 TPW Maintenance Bath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 DC Bridge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Tech tip: The DC Advantage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ITS-90 Fixed-Point Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Bath Selection Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Buying the right bath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Deep-Well Compact Baths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Compact Baths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Tech tip: Bath fluid affects performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Why a Hart bath? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Really Cold Baths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Cold Baths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Hot Baths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Tech tip: Uncertainty evaluation and statistical process control with a bath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Really Hot Bath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Bath Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Deep-Well Baths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Tech tip: What is the uncertainty of my cell? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Tech tip: Viscosity matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Traceability and thermometric fixed-point cells . . . . . . . . 24 Freeze-Point Furnaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Mini Fixed-Point Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Mini TPW Maintenance Apparatus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Gallium Cell Maintenance Apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Mini Fixed-Point Cell Furnace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 LN2 Comparison Calibrators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 DC Resistance Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Standard AC/DC Resistors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Resistor Baths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Tech tip: Improving uniformity performance . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Constant Temperature Ice Bath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Tech tip: Preparing an ice bath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Avoid water problems in cold baths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Bath Fluids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Tech tip: Can’t a single fluid cover my bath’s entire range? 117 Controller For Rosemount-Designed Baths . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Benchtop Controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Thermometer Readout Selection Guide . . . . 36 Choosing the right temperature readout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Super-Thermometer Readouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Evaluating calibration system accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Reference Multimeter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 The Black Stack Thermometer Readout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Tweener Thermometer Readouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Handheld Thermometer Readouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Industrial Calibrator Selection Guide. . . . . . 120 Selecting a dry-well temperature calibrator . . . . . . . . . . 122 Metrology Well Calibrators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Micro-Baths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Eliminating sensor errors in loop calibrations . . . . . . . . 132 Field Dry-Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 A few dry-well dos and don’ts.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Industrial Dual-Block Calibrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Tech tip: Calibrate PRTs over their useful range . . . . . . . . . . 55 Tech tip: Readouts and probes should match. . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 High-Accuracy Dual-Well Calibrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 The DewK Thermo-Hygrometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Handheld Dry-Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Thermometer Probe Selection Guide . . . . . . 60 How accurate is that probe? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Secondary Standard PRTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Ultra High-Temp PRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Secondary Reference Temperature Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Tech tip: Interim checks save trouble later. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Sensible temperature specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Small Diameter Industrial PRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Precision Freezer PRT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Precision Industrial PRTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Fast Response PRTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 What are stem conduction errors and how can they create errors in calibration? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Thermistor Standards Probes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Tech tip: Thermistors make great reference thermometers! . 73 Secondary Reference Thermistor Probes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Tech tip: Handle your probe correctly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Thermistors: the under appreciated temperature standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Thermocouples 101... or, maybe... 401! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Type R and S Thermocouple Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 ERTCO LIG Thermometer Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Tech tip: What is a total-immersion thermometer? . . . . . . . . 81 Interface-it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Software Selection Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 MET/TEMP II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 TableWare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 LogWare and LogWare II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 LogWare III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Establishing traceability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Tech tip: Maximum accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Tech tip: The sometimes subtle art of specsmanship . . . . . . 141 Tech tip: Increase dry-well performance with a reference thermometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Zero-Point Dry-Well. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Tech tip: Keep it clean!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Thermocouple Furnace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Thermocouple Calibration Furnace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Portable IR Calibrators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 3-Point IR Calibrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Portable Lab Dry-Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Surface Calibrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Other Neat Stuff Selection Guide . . . . . . . . 153 External Battery Pack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Benchtop Temperature/Humidity Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 On rutabagas and their origins…. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Lab Humidity/Temp Recorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Fluke Hydra™ Series Data Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Temperature Calibration Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 NVLAP accreditation at Hart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Calibration Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Tech tip: ISO 17025 triggers changes in calibration interval management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Tech tip: Should I get a “system” cal? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Guidelines for Hart product specifications . . . . . . . . . . . 174 How to Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Hart Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 3 Primary Standards Selection Guide SPRTs Model 5681 RTPW Range 25.5 Ω –200 °C to 670 °C Page 8 5683 25.5 Ω –200 °C to 480 °C 5684 0.25 Ω 0 °C to 1070 °C 5685 2.5 Ω 5698 25.5 Ω 0 °C to 1070 °C –200 °C to 670 °C 5699 25.5 Ω –200 °C to 670 °C 11 5686 25.5 Ω 12 5695 25.5 Ω –260 °C to 232 °C –200 °C to 500 °C 10 Fixed-point cells Model 5901A-G 5901A-Q 5901C-G 5901C-Q 5901D-G 5901D-Q 5901B-G 5900 5904 5905 5906 5907 5908 5909 5924 5925 5926 5927A 5928 5929 5943 5901B 5914A 5915A 5916A 5917A 5918A 5919A 5944 5945 5946 5947 4 Primary Standards Description TPW Cell, 12 mm ID with handle, glass shell TPW Cell, 12 mm ID with handle, quartz shell TPW Cell, 13.6 mm ID with handle, glass shell TPW Cell, 14.4 mm ID with handle, quartz shell TPW Cell, 12 mm ID, glass shell TPW Cell, 12 mm ID, quartz shell TPW Cell, mini, glass shell TP Mercury, SST Freezing Point of Indium Freezing Point of Tin Freezing Point of Zinc Freezing Point of Aluminum Freezing Point of Silver Freezing Point of Copper Open Freezing Point of Indium Open Freezing Point of Tin Open Freezing Point of Zinc Open Freezing Point of Aluminum Open Freezing Point of Silver Open Freezing Point of Copper Melting Point of Gallium, SST Mini Triple Point of Water Mini Freezing Point of Indium Mini Freezing Point of Tin Mini Freezing Point of Zinc Mini Freezing Point of Aluminum Mini Freezing Point of Silver Mini Freezing Point of Copper Mini Freezing Point of Indium Mini Freezing Point of Tin Mini Freezing Point of Zinc Mini Freezing Point of Aluminum Temperature 0.01 °C 0.01 °C 0.01 °C 0.01 °C 0.01 °C 0.01 °C 0.01 °C –38.8344 °C 156.5985 °C 231.928 °C 419.527 °C 660.323 °C 961.78 °C 1084.62 °C 156.5985 °C 231.928 °C 419.527 °C 660.323 °C 961.78 °C 1084.62 °C 29.7646 °C 0.01 °C 156.5985 °C 231.928 °C 419.527 °C 660.323 °C 961.78 °C 1084.62 °C 156.5985 °C 231.928 °C 419.527 °C 660.323 °C Page 14 21 28 Primary Standards Selection Guide Apparatus Model 7012 Features/Use 7037 Maintains: triple point of water and gallium cells. Comparisons: –40 °C to 110 °C. Maintains: two TPW cells. Compact size, runs quietly. Comparisons: –5 °C to 110 °C. Maintains: triple point of mercury cell. Comparisons: –45 °C to 150 °C. 7312 7341 9210 9230 9260 Page 102 Maintains: triple point of water and gallium cells. Comparisons: –10 °C to 110 °C. 17 94 30 Maintains: mini triple point of water and mini gallium cells. Comparisons: –10 °C to 125 °C. Maintains: stainless steel gallium cell. Comparisons: 15 °C to 35 °C. Maintains: indium, tin, zinc, and aluminum cells. Comparisons: 50 °C to 680 °C. 31 32 9114 Maintains: indium, tin, zinc, and aluminum cells. Comparisons: 100 °C to 680 °C. 26 9115 Maintains: aluminum and silver cells. Comparisons: 550 °C to 1000 °C. 9116 Maintains: aluminum, silver, gold, and copper cells. Comparisons: 400 °C to 1100 °C. 9117 Anneals SPRTs, HTPRTs, and thermocouples to 1100 °C. Protects them against contamination from metal ions. 13 Boiling point of liquid nitrogen 7196 Affordable substitute for a triple point of argon system. Provides for low-temperature comparison calibrations at approximately –196 °C with uncertainties of 2 mK. 33 Resistance bridge 5581 1590 0.1 ppm accuracy for calibration of standard resistors and SPRTs. 13:1 measurement ratio allows resolution to 0.001 mK. 1 ppm accuracy for calibration of SPRTs and thermistors. 18 38 Standard resistors 742A 5430 Excellent performance without oil or air baths. Values from 10 ohm to 100 megohm. Highest stability oil-filled resistors (< 2 ppm/year drift). AC cal uncertainty to 3 ppm. 34 35 5 Why buy primary standards from Hart? Setting up a primary temperature standards lab is no small project. Decisions must be made about temperature range, uncertainty requirements, the types of standards you need, and the companies that can supply your standards. Whose products are reliable? Which company backs up its performance claims? Who provides after-sale support and training? Who really demonstrates the most integrity throughout your ownership experience? After all, substantial investments are being made, and in many cases the credibility of your lab can be affected by the outcome. So why does Hart Scientific claim to be the world’s best supplier of primary temperature standards? Because our products have been tested over and over again by national labs around the world and proven to outperform their specs. Because the people who design and build primary temperature standards at Hart have been designing and building primary temperature standards longer than any other supplier in the world. We not only manufacture primary standards, we perform basic research and innovate with new primary standards designs. No one else offers the high-quality training and postsale support that we do. No one! Metal fixed-point cells For realizing the ITS-90 temperature scale, Hart’s metal fixed-point cells provide performance you can trust, and we supply the data with each cell to prove it. Hart’s fixed-point cells benefit from more than 20 years of experience in research, design, and manufacturing. Three types of cells are available: traditional size cells, “mini” quartz cells, and new “mini” metalcased cells. All three provide outstanding performance. Each Hart cell is carefully assembled, tested, and supplied with an assay of metal-sample purity. Every traditionalsize cell further undergoes more rigorous testing to a CCT-based procedure in our NVLAP-accredited lab, where we realize at least three freezing curves and perform a detailed “slope analysis” to confirm cell purity. If you’d like this more thorough “slope analysis” for a “mini” quartz cell or new “mini” metal-cased cell, we offer that as an option. And if you still want more, we can also supply comparison data with our own reference cells that have been independently tested at NIST. No other commercial company has as much experience in the development of fixed-point cells as Hart does. Hart’s own Xumo Li was a key contributor to the development of the ITS-90 scale. That’s one reason you’ll find Hart cells in many of 6 Primary Standards the national metrology institutes around the world. Water triple point cells Like our metal fixed-point cells, Hart’s triple point of water cells come in traditional and “mini” quartz sizes, as well as small stainless steel, which can be realized in a dry-well calibrator. Our traditional cells have been tested at NIST (see chart on facing page) and are within a few micro-kelvin of NIST’s cells. If you’re new to primary temperature standards and are considering a water triple point cell, one of our cells is sure to meet your requirements. We offer training through our seminars, insurance for our glass cells, and our stainless steel cell just can’t be broken! Maintenance apparatus Maintaining fixed-point cells requires high-stability apparatus with tight gradient control so plateaus last longer and your work is more productive. Every Hart maintenance apparatus, including our metrology furnaces and fluid baths, uses temperature controllers designed and manufactured by Hart. These controllers are widely recognized for their unmatched stability and uniformity control. For metal fixed-point cells, choose from one-zone, three-zone, or heat-pipe furnaces for regular or mini cells. Optional equilibration blocks fit into the furnaces for annealing and comparison calibrations. Don’t let the competition try to tell you that a furnace fitted with process controllers can provide the same performance as a furnace fitted with controllers designed specifically for high-stability temperature control. With a Hart furnace you’ll get longer cell plateaus with smaller gradients than you will from any other furnace on the market. SPRTs SPRTs are the only acceptable ITS-90 interpolation devices from the triple point of hydrogen (13.8033 K) to the freezing point of silver (961.78 °C). While most SPRT manufacturers lost their design capabilities years ago, Hart continues to Why buy primary standards from Hart? Thermometry Traditionally, SPRT measurements have been made using expensive, difficult-touse bridges. If you need 1 ppm accuracy, there’s nothing that provides a better price/performance ratio than Hart’s 1590 Super-Thermometer. The 1590 SuperThermometer provides bridge accuracy at a fraction of the cost and provides a multitude of features that improve your productivity. With a Super-Thermometer, there is virtually no learning curve. It’s so easy to use that you’ll be making measurements within minutes after switching it on. If you truly need 0.1 ppm performance, the 5581 MIL Bridge offers conventional DC measurement for a wide range. It’s perfect for temperature metrology work and for labs looking to combine temperature with electrical resistance standards. Training Once you’ve determined which primary standards products you need and you’ve made a major investment, what about training and after-sales support? Hart’s temperature school offers a fun and unique seminar that provides all the answers to your toughest questions. Our Comparison of Hart TPW Cells with NIST TPW Cell s/n A-13-1286 NIST Cell 3 is used as a check and NIST Cell 4 is used as a reference 0.03 {R [cell X] / R [cell 4(1)] - 1} (d T /dW ) / mK develop new innovative designs with the lowest drift rates. Hart manufactures quartz SPRTs in four different temperature ranges, including capsule SPRTs for low temperatures, an ultra-stable SPRT for the range to 480 °C, and a new “working-standard” SPRT for the range to 660 °C. Our metal-sheath SPRTs include a 25.5-ohm, contamination-resistant SPRT. Hart SPRTs are the standards of choice for many national metrology institutes around the world. 0.02 0.01 Hart TPW Cell s/n 5901A-7-1022 Hart TPW Cell s/n 5901A-7-1024 0.00 NIST TPW Cell 3 A-13-1291 -0.01 NIST TPW Cell 4 A-13-1286 -0.02 -0.03 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 days of measurements 2½-day “Realizing and Approximating ITS-90” seminar provides all the theory and some first-rate practical, hands-on experience to get you started. You’ll learn some key temperature theory from former national lab scientists and take part in practical experiments with our lab staff. If you want more, talk to us about individual ITS-90 training, where you can work alongside our cal lab staff in Hart’s primary standards lab, performing practical realizations on the cells that you just purchased. We’ve been making and using primary temperature standards for many years, and we understand the issues you face in your lab. Our own lab is accredited (NVLAP lab code 200348-0) and our uncertainties are among the best in the world. When you buy primary standards, don’t compromise the quality of the products, the reputation of your supplier, or the level of service and training they can provide. Mingjian Zhao, Hart’s director of Primary Standards Engineering. 7 Quartz-Sheath SPRTs ● Drift rates as low as 0.0005 K ● Proprietary gas mixture ensures high stability ● Most experienced SPRT design team in the business Choosing the right platinum thermometer as your primary standard may be the most critical purchase decision in your lab. Unfortunately, other manufacturers are pretty secretive about how their SPRTs are made. They won’t tell you much more than you can already see by looking at one. Many of the leaders of a few decades ago have lost their original craftsmen and design scientists. Hart Scientific has one of only a few active SPRT design groups in the world today. So how do you know you’re making the best purchase? Self-proclaimed expertise shouldn’t convince you. You should expect some sound evidence that the company is qualified in the ongoing science of SPRT development. At Hart, we’ll tell you how we make an SPRT. We’ll let you talk to the people here who design, build, and calibrate SPRTs. Finally, when you buy one, if you don’t like it, we’ll take it back and return your money. Hart has four quartz-sheath SPRTs, covering the ITS-90 range of –200 °C to 1070 °C. The 5681 is used from –200 °C to the aluminum point at 660.323 °C. The 5683 is used from –200 °C to 480 °C with greater long term stability. The 5684 and the 5685 cover higher temperatures up to 8 Primary Standards 1070 °C and can be calibrated at the silver point. Yes, they have all the features you would expect in a world-class SPRT. They have gold-plated spade lugs, a strain-relieved four-wire cable, convection prevention disks, the finest quartz glass available, delustered stems, and the purest platinum wire available. The purity of a thermometer’s platinum wire is critical to meeting ITS-90 requirements. Platinum resistance is measured by the resistance ratio “W” at specified ITS-90 fixed points. Maintaining that purity over the life of the thermometer impacts long-term stability. The quartz glass tube of the SPRT should be properly sealed to prevent contamination of the platinum wire. Others use mechanical assemblies and epoxy seals. These introduce additional materials to the thermometer’s internal environment and can be prone to mechanical failure, risking exposure of the platinum to impurities. Theoretically, the best seal would be a direct seal between the quartz glass and the platinum wire. However, the quartz glass used in thermometer sheaths has a very small coefficient of expansion while platinum has a much larger coefficient of expansion. If you simply sealed the sheath’s glass to the platinum wire, these different rates of expansion would result in a poor seal as the assembly is exposed to changing temperatures. We’ve figured out a way to match the expansion coefficients of the glass sheath and the platinum wires. We do it by creating a graduating seal that’s made of 18 separate pieces of glass, each with a different coefficient of expansion. The expansion and contraction rate of the innermost piece of glass matches that of the platinum, resulting in an overall seal that prevents gas leakage and impurity penetration for at least 20 years. Fusing each piece of glass to the next is a painstaking process. Sure it costs us extra, but the results are worth it! There’s more! We use only pure quartz glass materials for the cross frames, disks, and tubes. We don’t use mica or ceramic materials. Additionally, we have a special glass-treating process to increase the resistance of the quartz to devitrification and remove more impurities than the typical cleaning process. We’ve done some research to find the best-performing balance of argon to oxygen in the tube. Some oxygen in the sheath is necessary to minimize the danger of the platinum being poisoned by foreign metals at high temperatures, but too much oxygen at temperatures below 500 °C accelerates the oxidation process affecting the integrity of the platinum. We’ve got a balance that provides exactly the right protection for the platinum. Each of these seemingly small things adds up to better uncertainties and less drift. 5681: –200 °C to 670 °C This 25-ohm thermometer is the workhorse of the ITS-90 ranges. It can be calibrated for any of the subranges from the triple point of argon to the freezing point of aluminum. The 5681 meets the ITS-90 requirements for resistance ratios as follows: W(302.9146 K) ≥ 1.11807 and W(234.3156 K) ≤ 0.844235 5683: –200 °C to 480 °C While SPRTs traditionally cover temperatures to the aluminum point (660 °C), most measurements occur between –100 °C and 420 °C. The 5683 SPRT covers this range and more, from –200 °C to 480 °C, and does so with long-term stabilities that extended range SPRTs can’t match. Typical drift is less than 0.5 mK after 100 hours at 480 °C. Quartz-Sheath SPRTs Specifications 5681 Temperature Range –200 °C to 670 °C 5683 5684 5685 –200 °C to 480 °C 0 °C to 1070 °C 0 °C to 1070 °C Nominal RTPW 25.5Ω 0.25Ω 2.5Ω Current 1 mA 10 mA 3 or 5 mA W(302.9146 K) ≥ 1.11807 and W(234.3156 K) ≤ 0.844235 Resistance Ratio Sensitivity W(302.9146 K) ≥ 1.11807 and W(1234.93 K) ≥ 4.2844 0.1Ω/ °C < 0.002 °C/100 hours at 661 °C (typically < 0.001 °C) Drift Rate 0.001Ω/ °C < 0.001 °C/100 hours at 480 °C (0.0005 °C typical) < 0.002 °C under 1 mA current Self-heating at TPW Reproducibility RTPW drift after Thermal Cycling < 0.002 °C under 10 mA current ±0.00075 °C or better ±0.0015 °C or better < 0.00075 °C < 0.0005 °C < 0.001 °C Diameter of Sensor Pt Wire Quartz glass cross Quartz glass strip with notches Quartz glass cross 0.07 mm (0.003 in) 0.4 mm (0.016 in) 0.2 mm (0.008 in) Quartz glass, Diameter: 7 mm (0.28 in), Length: 520 mm (20.5 in) 5684 and 5685: 0 °C to 1070 °C Quartz glass, Diameter: 7 mm (0.28 in), Length: 680 mm (26.8 in) W(1234.93 K) ≥ 4.2844 ITS-90 extended the use of the platinum thermometer from 630 °C to 962 °C. The 0.25-ohm HTPRT sensor uses a stripshaped support made from high-purity quartz glass. The 2.5-ohm model uses a quartz glass cross frame. Stability after thermal cycling is excellent, and the design is reasonably tolerant of vibration. Choose from 0.25-ohm or 2.5-ohm nominal RTPW values. In addition to meeting the resistance ratio requirements shown above, these thermometers meet the following additional criterion: After all, this really is about W! Ordering Information 5681-S SPRT 25.5Ω, 670 °C† 5683-S SPRT 25.5Ω, 480 °C†, Ultrastable 5684-S SPRT 0.25Ω, 1070 °C† 5685-S SPRT 2.5Ω, 1070 °C† † Maple carrying case included See page 164 for SPRT calibration options. 25.52160 25.52155 25.52150 Rtp (ohms) 25.52145 25.52140 25.52135 25.52130 25.52125 0.5 mK 25.52120 25.52115 At 675 °C At 720 °C At 250 °C At 450 °C At 675 °C 25.52110 0 250 < 0.002 °C under 3 mA current ±0.001 °C or better Sensor Support Protective Sheath 0.01Ω/ °C < 0.003 °C/100 hours at 1070 °C (typically < 0.001 °C) 500 750 1000 1250 Total Heated Time at Different Temperatures (hours) Not all platinum is the same Platinum resistance thermometers (PRTs) are made from a variety of platinum sensor wire. The differences in the wire affect the thermometers’ performance. The two most important variations are purity and thickness. According to IPTS-68 requirements, platinum purity was measured by its “alpha,” or average change of resistance per degree. Alpha 0.00385 was common for industrial thermometers, and alpha 0.003925 was common for SPRTs. ITS-90, in contrast, measures platinum quality with ratios (W) of their resistance at certain fixed points (gallium, mercury, and/or silver) to their resistance at the triple point of water (RTPW). Those meeting the ITS-90-specified ratios are considered SPRT quality. The thickness of the platinum wire affects its resistance and is indicated by a nominal resistance value at the triple point of water. The thicker the wire, the lower its nominal resistance. 100 ohms at RTPW is common for industrial sensors, and 25 ohms at RTPW is typical for SPRTs. Which is best for your application? All things equal, lower resistance PRTs are generally more stable because of their thicker sensor wire. However, lowresistance PRTs require higher resolution readout devices to handle the small changes in resistance per degree. The advantages gained by using low-resistance PRTs are not significant in most applications. If they’re needed, however, be sure you have the right device to read them. (See Hart readouts on page 36.) A typical stability graph of a 5681 SPRT (#71122). Units are calibrated or shipped to customers after about 250 hours of annealing. 9 Working Standard SPRT Specifications Temperature Range –200 °C to 670 °C Nominal RTPW 25.5Ω (±0.5Ω) Current 1.0 mA Resistance Ratios W(234.315K) ≤ 0.844235 W(302.9146K) ≥ 1.11807 Sensitivity 0.1Ω/ °C Drift Rate < 0.006 °C/100 hours at max temperature (typically < 0.003 °C) Self-heating at < 0.002 °C under 1 mA TPW current Reproducibility ±0.0015 °C or better ● Fully conforms to ITS-90 SPRT guidelines ● Drift rate typically less than 0.003 °C ● Multiple calibration options by fixed point ● Unmatched performance-to-price-ratio SPRTs. Art or science? It takes, in fact, quite a bit of both. The one thing not involved is mystery. That’s why Hart SPRTs always include detailed published specifications, including drift rates. Our newest SPRT is no exception. It was designed by the same Hart metrologists who have created a dozen different SPRT designs used in national labs around the world. And it performs just like we say it does. The 5698 Working Standard SPRT is a true SPRT. It meets the ITS-90 ratio requirements for SPRTs and includes a Hart-designed, completely strain-free platinum sensor. With a 485-mm quartz sheath, this 25-ohm SPRT covers a temperature range from –200 °C to 670 °C. Long-term drift, which we define as the change in output resistance at the triple point of water after 100 hours at 670 °C, is (after converting to temperature) less than 6 mK—typically less than 3 mK. The 5698 is the perfect companion to a Hart Super-Thermometer such as the 1590, which reads 25-ohm SPRTs to within 1 mK at 0 °C and includes a number of convenient features for working with SPRTs. Requiring 1 mA of excitation current, the 5698 can also be used easily with a Hart Black Stack, or even a ChubE4 Thermometer. If you need your SPRT calibrated by a reputable calibration lab, we offer appropriate calibration options by fixed-point in our NVLAP-accredited lab. Our calibration prices are as reasonable as our 10 Primary Standards instrument prices, so you get maximum value from your SPRT. Why buy critical temperature standards from companies unwilling to publish complete specifications? At Hart, we not only provide excellent post-purchase support so you have the best possible ownership experience, we also provide you all the information we can before you purchase—including detailed performance specifications. Maybe there is some art mixed with our science. But that doesn’t mean we keep secrets. Trust your lab standards to Hart Scientific. RTPW Drift After < 0.001 °C Thermal Cycling Diameter of Pt Sensor Wire 0.07 mm (0.003 in) Protective Sheath Quartz Glass Diameter: 7 mm (0.28 in) Length: 485 mm (19.1 in) Lead Wires Four sensor wires Ordering Information 5698-25 25Ω Working Standard SPRT† † Maple carrying case included See page 164 for SPRT calibration options. Extended Range Metal-Sheath SPRT At Hart, we use SPRTs every day. We design them, build them, calibrate them, use them as standards, and know what it takes to make a reliably performing instrument. Why buy from anyone else? Specifications Temperature Range –200 °C to 670 °C Nominal RTPW 25.5Ω (±0.5Ω) Current 1 mA Resistance Ratio W(302.9146K) ≥ 1.11807 W(234.3156K) ≤ 0.844235 Sensitivity 0.1Ω/ °C Drift Rate < 0.008 °C/year (< 0.003 °C/year typical) Repeatability < 1 mK Self-heating at < 0.001 °C under 1 mA TPW current ● Measures temperatures as high as 670 °C Reproducibility ±0.001 °C or better ● Inconel and platinum sheaths guard against contamination ● Less than 8 mK/year drift RTPW Drift After < 0.001 °C Thermal Cycling ● Fifth wire provides shielded ground SPRTs designed by Hart Scientific are known for their outstanding reliability and minimal long-term drift. They have been calibrated by national (and other primary) laboratories and proven repeatedly to outperform competitive models. Now Hart’s 5699 Extended Range MetalSheath SPRT combines all the advantages of a Hart-designed sensor with the protective sheathing materials that allow your SPRT to be used in virtually any furnace or bath with temperatures as high as 670 °C. Designed and manufactured by our primary standards metrologists, the strain-free sensing element in the 5699 meets all ITS-90 requirements for SPRTs and minimizes long-term drift. After one year of regular usage, drift is less than 0.008 °C (< 0.003 °C is typical). Even lower drift rates are possible depending on care and handling. A fifth wire for grounding is added to the fourwire sensor to help reduce electrical noise, particularly for AC measurements. Finally, you can get an improved version of an old industry-standard Inconelsheathed SPRT. The 5699 is constructed with a 0.219inch-diameter Inconel sheath for high durability and fast response times. Inside the sheath, the sensing element is protected by a thin platinum housing that shields the sensor from contamination from free-floating metal ions found within metal environments at high temperatures. Reduced contamination means a low drift rate—even after hours of use in metalblock furnaces at high temperatures. If you choose not to calibrate the 5699 yourself, a wide variety of options is conveniently available from Hart’s own primary standards laboratory, including fixed-point calibrations covering any range between –200 °C and 661 °C. Diameter of Pt Sensor Wire 0.07 mm (0.003 in) Lead Wires Four sensor wires plus grounding wire Protective Sheath Inconel Diameter: 5.56 mm ±0.13 mm (0.219 in ±0.005 in) Length: 482 mm (19 in) Insulation Resistance > 100 MΩ at 661 °C > 1000 MΩ at 20 °C Ordering Information Maximize your SPRT’s performance Amazingly high accuracies can be obtained from a good SPRT if it is handled correctly. Expanded uncertainties as low as a few tenths of a millikelvin at 0 °C are possible provided you do the following: ● ● ● Extended Range Metal-Sheath SPRT† † Maple carrying case included See page 164 for SPRT calibration options. See page 36 for optional readouts. 5699-S Avoid physical shock or vibration to your SPRT. An SPRT is a delicate instrument, highly susceptible to mishandling. Make a measurement at the triple point of water after each measurement. Use the resistance ratio (W) rather than the absolute resistance to calculate the temperature. Measure at two different input currents and extrapolate the results to determine the value at zero power. This will eliminate the oftenignored effects of self-heating. 11 Glass Capsule SPRTs Specifications Temperature Range 5686: –260 °C to 232 °C (13K to 505K) 5695: –200 °C to 500 °C (73K to 773K) Nominal RTPW 25.5Ω Resistance Ratio W(302.9146K) ≥ 1.11807 W(234.3156K) ≤ 0.844235 Drift Rate 5686: < 0.005 °C per year over the entire range 5695: < 0.01 °C per year over the entire range; typically 0.001 °C per year over a range of 100 °C Self-heating at < 0.002 °C under 1 mA TPW current Reproducibility ±0.001 °C or better RTPW Drift After < 0.001 °C Thermal Cycling ● Temperatures from –260 °C (13K) to 500 °C ● Stability typically 0.001 °C over a 100 °C range ● Miniature capsule package eliminates stem conduction Sometimes you would like to make SPRT measurements but traditional SPRTs are too long or awkward for a particular application. Hart Scientific makes two versions of our miniature glass capsule SPRTs, which are perfect for cryogenics, calorimetry, and other metrology work requiring small SPRTs. Both models are true SPRTs. The highpurity platinum wire is hand-wound on a glass cross frame in a strain-free design. The glass capsule is designed to match the thermal expansion of the platinum wire to ensure a true seal at all operating temperatures. The capsules are pressure sealed and come protected in their own maple cases. Both models comply completely with ITS-90 requirements for platinum purity including the following resistance ratio: Glass Sheath Platinum Helix 12 Primary Standards W(302.9146K) ≥ 1.11807 and W(234.3156K) ≤ 0.844235 The 5686 covers temperatures from –260 °C to 232 °C, so it’s perfect for cryogenic applications. It is 5.8 mm (.23 inches) in diameter and 56 mm (2.2 inches) long. The 5695 is designed for high-temperature applications requiring a small SPRT. Its unmatched range is from –200 °C to 500 °C and its size is 5.2 mm (0.2 inches) by 68 mm (2.7 inches). These SPRTs are small but meet customary SPRT performance for reproducibility, reliability, and stability. They solve many of the problems associated with taking precision measurements in situations unsuitable for traditionallength SPRTs. These are excellent calibration instruments. Sensor Support Glass-Platinum Seal Platinum Lead Wires Filling Gas 5686: helium 5695: argon and oxygen Lead Wires Four platinum wires, 30 mm long (1.18 in) Size 5686: 5.8 mm dia. x 56 mm long (0.23 x 2.2 in) 5695: 5.2 (±0.4) mm dia. x 68 mm long (0.2 [±0.016 in] x 2.7 in) Ordering Information 5686-B Glass Capsule SPRT, –260 °C to 232 °C† 5695-B Glass Capsule SPRT, –200 °C to 500 °C† † Maple carrying case included See page 164 for SPRT calibration options. Annealing Furnace As a manufacturer of SPRTs, Hart metrologists understand every aspect of SPRT use and calibration procedures, including the annealing process. We use this furnace in our own lab, so we know exactly how well it works. Specifications Temperature Range 300 °C to 1100 °C Stability ±0.5 °C Uniformity ±0.5 °C at 670 °C (over bottom 76 mm [3 in]) Power 230 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 12 A, 2500 W Display Resolution 0.1 °C below 1000 °C 1 °C above 1000 °C Display Accuracy ±5 °C Thermal Wells Five: 8 mm diameter x 430 mm long (0.31 x 16.9 in) Controller PID, ramp and soak programmable, thermocouple sensor Over-Temp Protection Separate circuit protects furnace from exceeding rated temperature limit Exterior Dimensions (HxWxD) 863 x 343 x 343 mm (34 x 13.5 x 13.5 in) Weight 28 kg (61 lb.) Communications RS-232 ● Ordering Information Guards against contamination ● Anneals both SPRTs and HTPRTs ● Fully programmable You’ve spent some serious money to equip your lab with some of the finest SPRTs in the world because they’re the most accurate temperature measurement instruments you can buy. Now that you’ve got them, part of your job is to keep them performing at their highest levels. You can do that with a Hart 9117 Annealing Furnace. All HTPRTs and SPRTs are subject to mechanical shock no matter how carefully you handle them. This shock changes the resistance characteristics of the platinum and shows up as temperature measurement errors. Annealing relieves the stress on the platinum sensor caused by mechanical shock and is recommended prior to any calibration of an SPRT. In addition to removing mechanical strain, annealing also removes the oxidation from sensors that have been used for 9117 2129 Annealing Furnace (includes 2129 Alumina Block) Spare Alumina Block, 5 wells long periods at temperatures between 200 °C and 500 °C. Oxidation impacts the purity of the element and therefore the accuracy of temperature readings. Oxide is easily removed by annealing at 670 °C for one or two hours. During the annealing process, contamination must be controlled. At temperatures above 500 °C, the lattice structure of a quartz sheath is transparent to metal ions. The thermometer must be cleaned and all contaminating materials removed from its sheath. Annealing should only be done in a furnace that’s designed to avoid emitting metal ions during its heating cycle. Hart solves this problem in its 9117 furnace by using an alumina block that is specially designed to guard against contamination. The furnace also has a programmable controller specifically designed for the annealing process. 13 Triple Point of Water Cells cells achieve this temperature with expanded uncertainties of less than 0.0001 °C and reproducibilities within 0.00002 °C. In simple terms, water cells are made from just glass and water, but there’s much more to it than that! For starters, that’s not just any water in there. Heavy water ● Easy-to-use, inexpensive standard with uncertainty better than ±0.0001 °C ● Four sizes and two shells (glass and quartz) to choose from ● Isotopic composition of Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water The triple point of water (TPW) is not only the most accurate and fundamental temperature standard available, it’s also one of the least expensive and simplest to use. Water cells are essential! Triple point of water cells fill four critical purposes. First, they provide the most reliable way to identify unacceptable thermometer drift between calibrations— including immediately after a calibration if the thermometer has been shipped. Interim checks are critical for maintaining confidence in thermometer readings between calibrations. Second, they provide a critical calibration point with unequaled uncertainties. Third, for users who characterize probes using ratios (that is, they use the ratios of the resistances at various ITS-90 fixed points to the resistance of the 14 Primary Standards thermometer at the triple point of water, indicated by “W”), interim checks at the triple point of water allow for quick and easy updates to the characterizations of critical thermometer standards, which can be used to extend calibration intervals. And lastly, the triple point of water is where the practical temperature scale (ITS-90) and the thermodynamic temperature scale meet, since the triple point of water is assigned the value 273.16 K (0.01 °C) by the ITS-90 and the Kelvin is defined as 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water. Good triple point of water cells contain only pure water and pure water vapor. (There is almost no residual air left in them.) When a portion of the water is frozen correctly and water coexists within the cell in its three phases, the “triple point of water” is realized. Hart water Hart cells contain carefully and repetitively distilled ocean water and are meticulously evacuated and sealed to maintain an isotopic composition nearly identical to the international standard, “Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water,” or “VSMOW.” The oxygen atoms found in most water are predominantly comprised of eight protons and eight neutrons (16O). Some oxygen atoms, however, have an extra neutron (17O) or two (18O). Similarly, the hydrogen atoms in water normally contain only a single proton (1H), but sometimes contain a neutron also (2H), resulting in “heavy” water. These isotopes coexist in varying proportions in ocean water, polar water, and continental water, with ocean water being the heaviest. The ITS-90 recommends that water cells be made from water with “substantially the isotopic composition of ocean water.” Research has shown that TPW errors associated with isotopic composition can be as large as 0.00025 °C. The uncertainty contribution due to the effect of deviation from VSMOW in Hart cells is less than ± 0.000007 °C. That’s seven microkelvin! Hart offers two options for verifying the isotopic composition of any purchased water cell, both at nominal costs. We can submit a sample of water taken from your own cell to a testing laboratory (after it was completely manufactured, so you get a valid comparison) and give you the test report. Or, we can send that water sample to you in a sealed ampoule for you to conduct your own tests. We can even provide multiple samples from the same cell (virtually as many as you’d like) so you can check for changes over time. Impurities Further, the potential for errors due to water impurity is even greater than the errors from isotopic composition. Hart cells undergo multiple distillation processes and utilize special techniques to retain water purity. Among other things, our primary standards scientists are able to connect quartz cells directly to the glass distillation system without using Triple Point of Water Cells coupling hardware that may invite contamination. Glass vs. quartz Most Hart water cells may either be purchased with borosilicate glass or with fused silica (“quartz”) housings. What’s the difference? Glass is less expensive than quartz, but it’s also more porous, allowing impurities to pass through it over time. Research indicates that glass cells generally drift about 0.000006 °C per year while quartz cells drift less. Many sizes Hart cells come in four general sizes. Models 5901A, 5901C, and 5901D each come in either quartz or glass shells and include 265 mm of thermometer immersion depth. The primary difference between these models (other than the arm on the 5901A) is the inside diameter of the probe well. (See chart on page 16 and note that the inside diameter of the 5901C cells varies with the shell material). A variety of baths is available, which can maintain the triple point within these cells for many weeks. Accredited (NVLAP) test certificates are available with any cell under our Model 1904-TPW. 5901A cells include an arm that can be used as a handle, a hook, or a McLeod gauge to demonstrate how much residual air is trapped in the cell. Carefully developed manufacturing processes at Hart keep the air bubble in a quartz cell as small as the air bubble in glass cells. A fourth size, the 5901B cell, comes in a glass version and is significantly smaller than the other cells. It is designed for use in our Model 9210 Maintenance The 2028 Dewar has inside dimensions of 20 cm by 50 cm (7.75 in x 19.5 in), and outside dimensions of 25 cm by 61 cm ( 9.75 in x 24 in). Apparatus, which automates the realization and maintenance of the TPW. The 9210-5901B combination is perfect for both calibrating thermometers and providing periodic checks of sensor drift. Ordering Information 5901A-G 5901A-Q Accessories 5901C-G For simplest realization of the TPW in our larger cells, the Model 2031 “Quick Stick” Immersion Freezer uses dry ice and alcohol to facilitate rapid formation of an ice mantle within the cell without requiring constant intervention while the mantle forms. For best results, use a 3901 bushing with your triple point of water cell. A bushing is used to improve the thermal contact between your SPRT and the ice mantle of your water triple point cell. Be sure to choose a bushing that matches the inner diameter of the reentrant well of the cell and the outer diameter of the SPRT. Additionally, a small piece of foam (<0.5 cm) may be placed beneath the bushing to isolate it from the bottom of the cell which research has shown is slightly colder than the rest of the cell. Insurance is also available for each water cell purchased from Hart. Water cells are not difficult to handle nor is the TPW difficult to realize, but they are delicate and accidents do happen. For a nominal fee, we’ll insure your cell in oneyear increments. If something goes wrong, just let us know and we’ll replace your cell. No questions asked. There is no tool available to temperature metrologists more valuable than a reliable triple point of water cell. Hart cells use the right water, right enclosures, and right manufacturing methods to ensure you get the best cells available in the world. 5901C-Q 5901D-G 5901D-Q 5901B-G 7012 7312 9210 2028 2031 1904-TPW INSU-5901 5901-ITST 5901-SMPL 3901-11 3901-12 3901-13 3901-21 3901-22 3901-23 TPW Cell, 12 mm ID with handle, glass shell TPW Cell, 12 mm ID with handle, quartz shell TPW Cell, 13.6 mm ID, glass shell TPW Cell, 14.4 mm ID, quartz shell TPW Cell, 12 mm ID, glass shell TPW Cell, 12 mm ID, quartz shell TPW Cell, mini, glass shell TPW Maintenance Bath (maintains four cells) TPW Maintenance Bath (maintains two cells) TPW (5901B-G) Maintenance Apparatus Dewar (for TPW ice bath) “Quick Stick” Immersion Freezer Accredited Cell Intercomparison TPW Cell Insurance, one-year Isotopic Composition Analysis, TPW Cell Water Sample, TPW Cell (comes in a sealed glass ampoule) TPW Bushing, 5901/5901A to 7.5 mm TPW Bushing, 5901/5901A to 5.56 mm (7/32 in) TPW Bushing, 5901/5901A to 6.35 mm (1/4 in) TPW Bushing, 5901C to 7.5 mm TPW Bushing, 5901C to 5.56 mm (7/32 in) TPW Bushing, 5901C to 6.35 mm (1/4 in) Accessories like the “Quick Stick” Immersion Freezer and 3901 bushings add simpler realization and improved thermal contact. 15 Triple Point of Water Cells 13.6 mm 12 mm 14.4 mm 420 mm 265 mm 420 mm 265 mm 265 mm 265 mm 420 mm 450 mm 12 mm 50 mm 5901A-G/Q 118 mm 180 mm 8 mm 60 mm 60 mm 60 mm 30 mm 5901C-G 5901C-Q 5901D-G/Q 5901B-G Specifications 5901A-G 5901A-Q 50 mm OD 12 mm ID 450 mm long 60 mm OD 13.6 mm ID 420 mm long 60 mm OD 14.4 mm ID 420 mm long Borosilicate Glass Fused Silica (Quartz) Borosilicate Glass 18 OVSMOW Effect of Deviation from VSMOW 16 Primary Standards 5901D-Q 5901B-G < 0.0002 °C 0.00005 °C 60 mm OD 12 mm ID 420 mm long 30 mm OD 8 mm ID 180 mm long 118 mm Fused Silica (Quartz) Borosilicate Glass Fused Silica (Quartz) Borosilicate Glass Ocean Water Source DVSMOW 5901D-G 265 mm Immersion Depth (water surface to well bottom) Material 5901C-Q 0.00002 °C Reproducibility Dimensions 5901C-G < 0.0001 °C Expanded Uncertainty (k=2) ±10 ‰ (±1 %) ±20 ‰ ±1.5 ‰ (±0.15 %) ±3 ‰ ±7 µK ±14 µK TPW Maintenance Bath Specifications Range –5 °C to 110 °C Stability ±0.001 °C at 0 °C (alcohol-water mix) ±0.004 °C at 30 °C (alcohol-water mix) Uniformity ±0.003 °C at 0 °C (alcohol-water mix) ±0.006 °C at 30 °C (alcohol-water mix) TPW Duration Six weeks, typical (assumes correctly formed ice mantle) Set-Point Accuracy ±0.05 °C at 0 °C Set-Point Repeatability ±0.01 °C Display Resolution ±0.01 °C Set-Point Resolution ±0.002 °C; 0.00003 °C in high-resolution mode Access Opening 121 x 97 mm (4.75 x 3.8 in) Immersion Depth 496 mm (19.5 in) Volume 2 ● Maintains TPW cells for up to two months ● Optional immersion freezer for simple cell freezing ● Independent cutout circuit protects cells from breaking For frequent use of traditional-size triple point of water cells, nothing helps save you time and hassle like a good maintenance bath. The 7312 Triple Point of Water Maintenance Bath keeps your cells up and running reliably for weeks at a time— even during heavy usage—and comes at a price you’ll love. The 7312 accommodates two TPW cells and includes three pre-cool wells for properly cooling probes prior to measurements within the cells. Stability and uniformity are each better than ±0.006 °C, so your cells stay usable for up to eight weeks. Whatever method you use for building your ice mantles, you can be assured they’ll last in a 7312 bath. An independent safety circuit protects your water cells from freezing and breaking by monitoring the temperature of the bath and shutting down its refrigeration system should the bath controller fail. Noise-reduction techniques in the manufacturing process ensure your bath doesn’t add excessive noise to your lab. With a temperature range from –5 °C to 110 °C, this bath can also be used for comparison calibrations—particularly of long-stem probes—or maintenance of gallium cells. An optional gallium cell holding fixture fits two cells, which, in a 7312 bath, can maintain their melting plateaus for up to two weeks. In fact, the 7312 is available with a time-saving 2031 “Quick Stick” Immersion Freezer so you can build your ice mantles quickly and hands-free. Just fill the 2031’s condensing reservoir with dry-ice and alcohol, insert it into the cell, and get some other work done while your ice mantle forms in less than an hour. (Alternatively, LN2 may be used.) If you’re using traditional-size TPW cells, don’t take the time to create an ice mantle only to watch it melt quickly as it sits in a bucket of ice. Maintain your cells the right way in a Hart 7312 TPW Maintenance Bath. 19 liters (5 gallons) Communications RS-232 included Power 115 VAC (±10 %), 60 Hz or 230 VAC (±10 %), 50 Hz, specify Size (HxWxD) 819 x 305 x 622 mm (12 x 24.5 x 32.25 in) Weight 34 kg (75 lb.) Ordering Information TPW Maintenance Bath (includes TPW Holding Fixture, MPGa Holding Fixture, and RS232 Interface) 2001-IEEE Interface, IEEE-488 2031 “Quick Stick” Immersion Freezer 7312 Hart’s 2031 “Quick Stick” Immersion Freezer offers unmatched convenience and simplicity in forming the triple point of water ice mantle. 17 Use TPW and ratio method to improve SPRT stability and accuracy Reprinted from Random News Introduction The Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer (SPRT) is the most accurate thermometer in the extended temperature range from –259 °C to 962 °C. The uncertainty of an SPRT can be as low as a few tenths of a millikelvin (mK). More and more metrologists are using SPRTs as reference standards to calibrate other types of thermometers or to achieve a high level of accuracy for any reason. However, the handling and use of an SPRT is as important to achieving a high level of accuracy as the design and performance of the SPRT itself. Several types of errors can corrupt SPRT measurements. Sometimes absolute resistance is used to calculate temperature instead of the resistance ratio. When absolute resistance is substituted for the resistance ratio, errors of more than 10 mK at 660 °C are common. In addition, even when the correct measurement and calculations are made, the resistance of the SPRT in the triple point of water should be determined immediately after a high accuracy measurement is made with the thermometer. The triple point of water measurement is often overlooked but is vital to accuracy. The relationship of the triple point of water measurement to SPRT accuracy is explained with a few key points. TPW and accuracy In general, SPRTs have excellent stability; however, a small drift in resistance might happen now and then, especially after transportation, thermal cycling, or accidental rough handling. A change as low as 1 ppm in resistance at about 660 °C (the freezing point of aluminum) will be equivalent to a change of 1.1mK in temperature. The stability required of a highquality standard resistor is about 1 ppm. The working and environmental conditions normally associated with a standard resistor are much better than the conditions usually found when working with an SPRT. So a few ppm of stability might be the best we can expect for most SPRTs. The ratio of two resistances of an SPRT based on two temperatures is much more stable than the stability expected when an absolute resistance at a single fixed temperature is used. For example, using only the freezing point of silver as a 18 Primary Standards reference point over a six year time frame, an SPRT exhibited a change of 5 ppm in its resistance [1]; this is equivalent to a change of 7.5mK in temperature. On the other hand, the change in the resistance ratio, W(961.78 °C) = R(961.78 °C)/R(0.01 °C) was within 1 ppm (a change of 2mK in temperature) across the same six-year period. This explains why the resistance ratio W(t) is specified by the International Temperature Scales since 1960 instead of the absolute resistance R(t). The best method for accomplishing this ratio is to use the Triple Point of Water as the second temperature because of its excellent stability and simplicity. It has been specified as a reference point for SPRTs since 1960 [2]. Thus, the highest SPRT accuracy possible is achieved when the resistance of an SPRT at the triple point of water (Rtp) is made immediately after a measurement at any other temperature. SPRT Precooling Access Hole Thermometer Guide Tube Water Vapor Borosilicate Glass Reentrant Thermometer Well Water from Ice Bath or Alcohol Water Solid (Ice) Water Liquid Metal Bushing Soft Pad Ice Bath or Maintenance Bath Cushion Use TPW and ratio method to improve SPRT stability and accuracy Use of the ratio method also reduces system error introduced by any electronic readout. This reduction in system error is important because as little as 0.7 PPM of error in resistance will cause an error of 1mK in temperature at 962 °C (see table below). Frequency of Rtp measurement When accuracy requirements don’t extend to the highest levels, Rtp may need measuring only once a day, every few days, or at some other suitable interval. How frequently Rtp needs measuring depends on several factors, such as acceptable uncertainty, the stability of the SPRT, the measuring temperature range, and the working conditions. If the required uncertainty is 1mK or so, Rtp measurement should follow each Rt measurement. If accuracy requirements are 20mK or more in a temperature range lower than 420 °C and the SPRT used is quite stable, the Rtp might be measured once a week. The stability over time of each SPRT must be measured, even when using SPRTs manufactured in the same lot from the same supplier. When temperature measurements are higher than 800 °C, it is better to measure the Rtp as soon as the SPRT cools down to room temperature. Whenever possible, an SPRT should cool down to at least 500 °C with a low cooling rate (about 100 °C per hour). Otherwise, the SPRT should be annealed before making a measurement at the triple point of water. A suitable annealing procedure is a two-hour anneal at 700 °C at the end of which the SPRT is allowed to cool to 450 °C over a period of about two and one half hours. After this initial cooling period, the SPRT can cool quickly to room temperature. Fast cooling from high temperatures above 500 °C may cause Temperature (°C) significant increases in Rtp because of the quenching-in effect on lattice defects found in platinum wire. This increase of Rtp could be as large as 30mK. Can the Rtp given in the “NIST Calibration Report” be used to calculate the ratio? Some metrologists may feel the Rtp measured by NIST is more accurate than that measured in their own lab, so they prefer to use the value for Rtp given in the “NIST Calibration Report” to calculate the resistance ratio in the interpolation equation. While it’s true that the accuracy of NIST’s measurements are generally much better than those done in other labs, the Rtp of your SPRT may have changed during transportation, so it should be measured again in your own lab. Furthermore, the Rtp should be measured using the same instrument and time frame as the Rt to reduce system error with the readout included in the measuring procedure. It is important to always use the same readout instrument to measure both Rt and Rtp. Avoiding mechanical strain and the annealing procedure An SPRT is a delicate instrument. Shock, vibration, or any other form of acceleration may cause strains that change its temperature-resistance characteristics. Even a light tap, which can easily happen when an SPRT is put into or taken out of a furnace or a triple point of water cell, may cause a change in Rtp as high as 1mK. Careless handling of an SPRT over the course of a year has resulted in Rtp increases equivalent to 0.1 °C. Annealing at 660 °C for an hour will relieve most of the strains caused by minor shocks and nearly restore the Rtp to its original value. If the maximum temperature limit for an SPRT is lower than 660 °C, it should be annealed at its maximum temperature. Such an annealing procedure is always advisable after any type of transportation. The annealing furnace should be very clean and free of metals, such as copper, iron, and nickel. SPRTs are contaminated when they are annealed in furnaces containing a nickel block, even when the SPRTs were separated from the nickel block by quartz sheaths [ 3 ]. Well designed, clean annealing furnaces are important for quality measurements with SPRTs. Conclusions SPRTs are among the finest temperature measuring devices known. However, high accuracy comes at a price and not just in terms of money. Patience, care and proper procedures are major factors in producing high quality measurements. Support instruments such as triple point of water cells are inexpensive and simple to use. Annealing is a well understood process. Uncompromised measurements are possible in almost every laboratory situation. References 1, Li, Xumo et al, Realization of the International Temperature Scale of 1990 between 0 °C and 961.78 °C at NIM, “Temperature, Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry,” Volume 6, Part 1, p. 193 (1992). 2, CGPM (1960): Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Onzieme Conference Generale des Poids et Mesures, pp. 124-133. 3, Li, Xumo et al, A New Type of High Temperature Platinum Resistance Thermometer, Metrologie, 18 (1982), p. 203. The temperature error caused by The resistance error equivalent an error of 1 PPM in resistance to an error of 1 mK in measurement (mK) temperature (PPM) –200 0.04 25.4 –100 0.14 6.9 0.01 0.25 4.0 232 0.51 2.0 420 0.74 1.4 660 1.1 0.9 962 1.5 0.7 19 DC Bridge Specifications Bridge Range/ Accuracy –0.001Ω to 0.01Ω: < 5 ppm 0.01Ω to 0.1Ω: < 0.5 ppm 0.1Ω to 1Ω: < 0.1 ppm 0.1Ω to 10 KΩ: < 0.1 ppm 10 KΩ to 10 KΩ: < 0.2 ppm Linearity 0.01 ppm Max Ratio 13:1 Test Currents 10 μA to 150 mA, 30-Volt compliance Current Reversal Automatic 4 to 1000 seconds Power 100, 120, 220, and 240 V (±10 %), 47–63 Hz, 180 VA Weight 60 lb. (27.3 kg) Dimensions 432 x 279 x 381 mm (WxHxD) (17 x 11 x 15 in) Scanner Inputs 20/10 Operation Matrix Thermal EMFs < 500 nanovolts ● Measurement uncertainty to ±0.025 mK Error < 20 nanovolts Contribution ● Uses conventional standard resistors Contact Ratings Relay 2-coil latching Max Carrying Current 2 A (AC/DC) (optional 30 A) Contact Resistance <0.007Ω Insulation Resistance >1012Ω Inputs and Outputs Tellurium Copper (rear panel) IEEE-488 24-pin IEEE-488 Weight 5313-001: 18 kg (40 lb.) 5313-002: 9 kg (20 lb.) Several companies manufacture high quality resistance bridges for both AC and DC applications that can take measurements at the 0.1 ppm level. Research has shown that all of them compensate well for any theoretical inaccuracies predicted in their design. We like the MI bridge because we feel confident about its measurements, and its software gives us more information than we can get from the other instruments. While it’s true we do use the other bridges for certain functions we undertake in our lab, including some experimental testing, we use the MI bridge every day for fixed-point calibrations of SPRTs. The 5581 Bridge performs a true autobalancing procedure to nine significant digits. As the check proceeds, the bridge steps through an internal comparison of the transformer’s windings, the results of which are recorded to track its performance over time. Another function of this bridge is its real-time uncertainty analysis program. In this mode, you enter external uncertainty factors such as the uncertainty of your resistor, and the 5581 combines your information with its own uncertainties to compute a system uncertainty for your measurement. 20 Primary Standards The optional Windows® compatible control software offers history logging and regression analysis, along with uncertainty analysis and the auto-self-check feature. The program also calculates standard deviations if you need them. You can enter coefficients for your SPRT and read temperature rather than resistance. Of course, if you prefer, you can operate the bridge manually. The choice is yours, but either way you’ll find this to be a great bridge to use. The DC Advantage AC bridges are more susceptible to electrical interference than DC bridges. Therefore, when AC furnaces are used, DC bridges are preferred. The likelihood of electrical interference increases at temperatures above the freezing point of Aluminum (660.323 °C), because the insulation resistance of the furnace and the SPRT decline significantly. Dimensions 5313-001: 432 x 279 x (WxHxD) 381 mm (17 x 11 x 15 in) 5313-002: 127 mm H (5 in) Ordering Information 5581 5313-001 5313-002 5313-003 5313-004 MI Bridge Scanner, 20 channels Scanner, 10 channels IOTech 488 Interface Card Windows Software ITS-90 Fixed-Point Cells Gallium cells ● Best cell uncertainties commercially available ● Every ITS-90 fixed point available from mercury to copper ● Plateaus last days (gallium for weeks and TPW for months) Gallium cells are a great reference for validation of instruments subject to drift (like SPRTs), and they’re important for calibrating sensors used near room or body temperatures, in environmental monitoring, and in life sciences applications. Hart’s 5943 Gallium Cell is sealed in a stainless steel envelope. High purity gallium (99.99999 %) is enclosed in a plastic and metal shell. The stainless steel container is then filled with pure argon gas at one standard atmosphere at the melting-point temperature. Gallium expands by 3.1 % when it freezes requiring the cell to have flexible walls. Unlike some manufacturers’ cells, which are made from PTFE enclosure materials, our cells don’t need pumping and refilling because they’re not gas permeable. In fact, we guarantee our cells will maintain their uncertainty of < 0.1 mK for at least five years. Realization and maintenance of the cell is automated with our 9230 Maintenance Apparatus (see page 31). This apparatus will provide melting plateaus up to eight days and a convenient control to automatically achieve a new melt plateau each week with an investment of just five minutes. Never has the maintenance of a world-class gallium cell been easier. ● Manufactured and tested by Hart’s primary standards scientists Water cells Hart scientists have designed and tested ITS-90 fixed-point cells for many years. Not only do we manufacture all the major fixed points, our metrologists have written extensively on the theory and use of cells and have created new designs covering a range of applications no other company can match. Our testing of fixed-point cells is also unmatched. The scope of our accreditation includes the testing of ITS-90 fixed-point cells. Each cell may be purchased with this intercomparison option, which includes comparing the equilibrium value of your cell against that of a reference Hart cell. Traditional freeze-point cells If you want true primary temperature standards capability, you want metal freezepoint cells that are very close to the theoretical freezing temperature and provide plateaus that are both stable and long lasting. Hart’s metal freeze-point cells are the culmination of more than 20 years of primary standards experience. No other company has as much experience in the development of metal fixed-point cells as Hart. That’s why you’ll find Hart cells in many national metrology institutes around the world. Each Hart cell is carefully constructed in our ultra-clean, state-of-the-art lab, using high-density, high-purity graphite crucibles containing metal samples with purity of at least 99.9999 % (six 9s) and, in many cases, 99.99999 % (seven 9s). The crucible is enclosed within a sealed quartz glass envelope that is evacuated and back-filled with high-purity argon gas. A special sealing technique is used to seal the cell at the freezing point. We measure and record for you the precise pressure of the argon gas to ensure the most accurate corrections for pressure. Once manufactured, all Hart cells are tested and supplied with an assay of metal-sample purity. Every traditional size ITS-90 cell further undergoes more rigorous testing in our primary standards lab where we realize melt-freeze curves and perform a detailed “slope analysis” to confirm cell purity. If you want more data, we’ll give you an optional intercomparison with our own reference cells. While simple ice baths are often used as a calibration point at 0 °C, their limitations include gradients, purity problems, repeatability issues, and variances in construction and measurement techniques. Triple point of water cells not only solve these problems; they represent the most used temperature on the ITS-90, and they’re inexpensive to own and use. Hart makes three traditional-size TPW cells (see page 14) that have been repeatedly proven in national labs to surpass their published uncertainty specification of ±0.0001 °C. Ice mantles may be formed using dry ice, LN2, or immersion freezers and can last for up to two months when maintained in our 7012 or 7312 baths. Open metal cells Made from the same materials and with the same manufacturing techniques as their sealed counterparts, Hart’s new series of “open” metal fixed-point cells include a high quality valve for connecting to a precision pressure-handling system within your lab. Using such a system, the cell can be evacuated, charged, and purged several times with a pure inert gas, then charged again to a regulated 21 ITS-90 Fixed-Point Cells Specifications Model Fixed Point Style Assigned Value ( °C) Outside Diameter Inside Diameter Total Outside Cell Height ‡ Depth Cell Uncertainty (mK, k=2) Certification (mK, k=2)† 5900 Mercury Stainless Steel –38.8344 31 mm 8.2 mm 470 mm 200 mm 0.2 0.25 5904 Indium Traditional Quartz Glass 156.5985 48 mm 8 mm 285 mm 195 mm 0.7 0.7 5905 Tin Traditional Quartz Glass 231.928 48 mm 8 mm 285 mm 195 mm 0.5 0.8 5906 Zinc Traditional Quartz Glass 419.527 48 mm 8 mm 285 mm 195 mm 0.9 1.0 5907 Aluminum Traditional Quartz Glass 660.323 48 mm 8 mm 285 mm 195 mm 1.3 1.8 5908 Silver Traditional Quartz Glass 961.78 48 mm 8 mm 285 mm 195 mm 2.4 4.5 5909 Copper Traditional Quartz Glass 1084.62 48 mm 8 mm 285 mm 195 mm 10.1 12.0 5924 Indium Open Quartz Glass 156.5985 50 mm 8 mm 596 mm 195 mm 0.7 0.7 5925 Tin Open Quartz Glass 231.928 50 mm 8 mm 596 mm 195 mm 0.5 0.8 5926 Zinc Open Quartz Glass 419.527 50 mm 8 mm 596 mm 195 mm 0.9 1.0 5927A-L Aluminum Open Quartz Glass (long) 660.323 50 mm 8 mm 696 mm 195 mm 1.3 1.8 5927A-S Aluminum Open Quartz Glass (short) 660.323 50 mm 8 mm 596 mm 195 mm 1.3 1.8 5928 Silver Open Quartz Glass 961.78 50 mm 8 mm 696 mm 195 mm 2.4 4.5 5929 Copper Open Quartz Glass 1084.62 50 mm 8 mm 696 mm 195 mm 10 12.0 5943 Gallium Stainless Steel 29.7646 38.1 mm 8.2 mm 250 mm 168 mm 0.1 0.1 † Certifications at lower uncertainties are available for national laboratories. ‡ Depth is measured from the bottom of the thermometer well to the top of the pure reference material. pressure level while measurements are made with the cell. Once assembled and tested, each Hart ITS-90 open cell further undergoes more rigorous testing in our lab, unlike cells from some manufacturers who provide their open cells as a kit of parts, without any test data. Because open cells allow users to measure the pressure within the cell, uncertainties due to pressure corrections may be minimized. Use of open cells is now being suggested by the CCT, and open cells can be used for demanding temperature-versus-pressure applications, as well as precision SPRT calibrations. The height of these cells has been extended to allow easy access to the gas valve while the cells are in use. Pure quartz-wool insulation and four high-purity graphite discs prevent heat loss from the metal sample to the pressure regulation system while optimizing vertical temperature gradients within the cell. Each cell has an outside diameter of 50 mm (2 inches) and a height of 600 mm (23.5 inches)—(silver and copper cells are 700 mm [27.6 inches] tall). 22 Primary Standards When it comes to primary temperature standards, Hart supplies more equipment than all of our competitors combined. If your goal is to reduce uncertainty, start by buying from the company that supports its products better than any other metrology company in the world. Why trust your primary standards to any other company? Ordering Information 5900 5904 5905 5906 5907 5908 5909 Mercury Cell, Stainless Steel Indium Cell, Traditional Quartz Glass Tin Cell, Traditional Quartz Glass Zinc Cell, Traditional Quartz Glass Aluminum Cell, Traditional Quartz Glass Silver Cell, Traditional Quartz Glass Copper Cell, Traditional Quartz Glass 5924 5925 5926 5927A-L 5927A-S 5928 5929 5943 2068-D Indium Cell, Open Quartz Glass Tin Cell, Open Quartz Glass Zinc Cell, Open Quartz Glass Aluminum Cell, Open Quartz Glass, Long Aluminum Cell, Open Quartz Glass, Short Silver Cell, Open Quartz Glass Copper Cell, Open Quartz Glass Gallium Cell, Metal Cased Stand, Fixed-Point Cell, Black Delron ITS-90 Fixed-Point Cells Direct Comparison of Hart Scientific Ga Cell (s/n Ga-7010) with NIST Reference Ga Cell (Ga 98-1) 1.118 101 5 1.118 101 3 1.118 101 1 NIST Ga 98-1, set #1 Hart Ga-7010, set #1, -0.07 mK NIST Ga 98-1, set #2 Hart Ga-7010, set #2, -0.05 mK W(Ga) 0.10 mK 1.118 100 9 1.118 100 7 1.118 100 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 number of readings Direct Comparison of Hart Scientific Sn Cell (s/n Sn-8014) with NIST Reference Sn Cell (Sn 88A) 1.892 591 2 1.892 591 0 1.892 590 8 NIST Sn 88A, set #1 W(Sn) 1.892 590 6 Hart Sn 8014, set #1, -0.25 mK 0.27 mK Open cells allow users to minimize the uncertainty from pressure corrections by regulating cell pressures themselves. NIST Sn 88A, set #2 1.892 590 4 Hart Sn 8014, set #2, -0.24 mK 1.892 590 2 1.892 590 0 1.892 589 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 number of readings What is the uncertainty of my cell? Fixed-point cells are standards which embody reproducible physical phenomena. The uncertainty associated with these standards can be viewed in two ways. The first way is based on the purity of the constituent components only. Unfortunately, most of the assays provided by manufacturers of pure metals are not of sufficient quality to make a determination of the purity of the supplied metal to the level of uncertainty required. To be used in realizing the ITS-90, it would typically be necessary to have a high quality traceable assay capable of verifying 99.9999% purity or better. Even with an assay, additional evidence of the purity is necessary. This evidence includes an analysis of the slope of the freezing and melting curves and a comparison against another cell which makes similar or better claims of purity. Finally, because the temperature of a fixed point cell is defined at one atmosphere, pressure traceability is required as well. The second approach to fixed-point uncertainties is similar but shifts the emphasis away from the traceable assay and derives its traceability through inter-comparison with another traceable fixed-point cell. In this case, the assay and the slope analysis become the supporting evidence for the observed difference against the traceable cell. This second approach represents actual observed performance in a laboratory rather than unproved claims and weakly justified hopes. This approach is particularly important with sealed cells because there is no way to verify the pressure within a sealed cell after it has been sealed. Hart’s published specs are guaranteed and can be verified through an optional accredited certification in our primary temperature lab. Are the values assigned to your fixed-point cells traceable? 23 Traceability and thermometric fixed-point cells Reprinted from Random News What is an intrinsic standard? Intrinsic standards are defined by the NCSL as “standard(s) recognized as having or realizing, under prescribed conditions of use and intended application, an assigned value the basis of which is an inherent physical constant or an inherent and stable physical property.” Thermometric fixed-point cells are included in the NCSL “Catalog of Intrinsic and Derived Standards.” Some other well-known intrinsic standards include the Josephsonarray voltage standard, the Quantum Hall resistance standard, and the Cesium atomic frequency standard. The definitions themselves do not directly address the issues of uncertainty, traceability, or accreditation. However, in the case of thermometric fixed points, these issues are covered in the notes to the definition. The notes indicate that the value is assigned by consensus and need not be established through calibration. The uncertainty is said to have two fundamental components: (a) that associated with its consensus value, and (b) that associated with its construction and application. Traceability and stability are said to be established through verification at appropriate intervals. Verification can either be based upon application of a consensus approved test method or through intercomparison. Furthermore, the intercomparison may be accomplished with standards in a local quality control system or external standards including national and international standards. Do fixed-point cells fit the definition? The basic parameter of the cell, the phase transition, is believed to be an inherent and stable physical property of the cell when used under prescribed conditions. The generally accepted values for the temperatures of the phase transitions along with corrections due to pressure and hydrostatic head are assigned by the Sealed metal freeze-point cells ITS-90, the current temperature scale adopted by the BIPM. From the values given and by taking a few measurements, the theoretical temperature of the phase transition can be calculated. Also defined by the ITS-90 is the intended application, namely, as defining thermometric fixed points to be used in conjunction with an appropriate interpolation instrument and associated equations. Finally, the conditions of use are described by supplementary information to the ITS-90 as well as a significant body of literature. Although not everyone agrees on the exact procedures, for the most part, they are quite well understood and accepted. It appears, then, that fixed-point cells can indeed be considered intrinsic standards. However, several issues arise: First, the ITS-90 discusses fixed points based on phase transitions of pure substances. An ideal substance behaves differently than the real materials that we are able to obtain. The departure depends on the impurity content of the sample once it is assembled into a cell. For very highly pure materials, the slope of the plateau can be used to approximately determine the purity, but the absolute temperature remains difficult to predict. Second, the ITS-90 does not directly specify an optimum cell design, furnace or cryostat design, or minimum purity requirements. Quite to the contrary, many designs and options are presented in the literature. Although experiment results may suggest one design over another, the conclusions regarding uncertainty are not always clear. Third, the measurement results obtained from a cell are highly dependent upon experimental conditions. Having a good cell is only part of the exercise. Verification via SPRT Verification via Industry Intercomparison NIST MAP Cell Certification Uncertainty for Cells maybe no maybe yes Traceability for Cells maybe no maybe yes Laboratory Apparatus yes yes yes maybe Laboratory Equipment yes yes yes maybe Issue SPRT Calibration Procedure Evaluation Computation Evaluation 24 Primary Standards no maybe yes no maybe maybe yes no no maybe yes no Traceability and thermometric fixed-point cells fixed-point cells, we may be justified in using a calibrated SPRT to verify the performance of our cells. Many laboratories (several accredited) use this method with success. Traceability can easily be demonstrated and the uncertainty analysis is straightforward. On the other hand, if we have spent tens of thousands of dollars on a system to calibrate SPRTs and these SPRTs are used for critical measurements, the NIST MAP program is a very good option, provided we qualify. Finally, if we wish to provide cell certifications, we will require a set of certified reference cells along with a robust uncertainty evaluation. At Hart, we use a combination of all three methods. Fourth, since a thermometer always measures its own temperature, the thermometer must be able to come to thermal equilibrium with the cell. This is affected by the cell, its apparatus, the thermometer, and the technique used to realize the phase transition. Finally, since we wish to perform traceable calibrations, knowing only the theoretical temperature is not adequate. To certify or not to certify? So, how do we demonstrate that our cells embody the ITS-90 definitions and how do we establish traceability? Before we tackle those points, there are three issues that we must consider. First, whatever method we choose, we must perform a robust uncertainty analysis on our measurements. The uncertainty associated with the temperature of the phase transition is only one component among many that should be considered. Second, statistical process control (SPC) is critical whenever the measurement relies upon physical processes (such as the realization of a phase transition). Through SPC, we can quantify the repeatability of our process and show that the test experiment represents the process. Third, although SPRTs and sealed cells can be used as transfer standards, intercomparison of fixed-point cells over long distances is problematic. That having been said, the simplest method is to perform measurements in your cells using a calibrated SPRT. If the uncertainty of the measurement is sufficiently small, the temperature can then be shown to be within the estimated uncertainty based upon the theoretical considerations of the cell construction. In the case of low purity cells (five 9s or lower), it may be appropriate to “assign” a temperature and uncertainty to the realization obtained from the cell. These methods may be considered the least robust and will typically result in the largest uncertainties, but they can be shown to be traceable determinations. A similar but more complicated method is to intercompare calibration results with peer laboratories or a reference laboratory using a suitable transfer standard. Although this type of analysis cannot directly “certify” the performance of a fixed-point cell, it will show your laboratory’s capability to calibrate SPRTs using them. In many cases, this is what you are attempting to illustrate. A well-designed intercomparison will evaluate the results of the calibration, the raw and intermediate data, and the computations. Much insight can be obtained from such scrutiny. Water triple point cells Conclusion and recommendations NIST offers a measurement assurance program (MAP) to satisfy this need. Finally, the cells can be tested by an experienced laboratory that has the capability to provide traceable results with uncertainties in the neighborhood of your requirements. If the laboratory performing the test is using its own equipment and apparatus, this type of test will show the performance of the cell only. Additional experiment and uncertainty evaluation may be required for use in your laboratory. Also, this method will not illustrate your laboratory’s ability to use the cells properly. The major advantage of this method is that it can provide the lowest overall uncertainty. Often, this is referred to as “direct comparison.” So, what should we do? Only a few years ago, it was considered acceptable to use a fixed-point cell with plateau analysis to show that the cell was behaving itself. This approach has proven to be inadequate as our understanding evolves and we try to improve our laboratories. Moreover, laboratory accreditation requires that we follow rigorous procedures in evaluating our uncertainties. If our uncertainties approach National Metrology Institute level, our data and analysis must justify this. And, the fixed-point cell is a critical component in the uncertainty evaluation. The intrinsic standard argument provided by the NCSL does state that some level of intercomparison is necessary. Presumably, the NCSL expects the intercomparison to be appropriate to the uncertainty claimed and based on the most current practices. We must choose the method that makes economic sense and that satisfies our requirements. For example, if we are calibrating secondary PRTs using mini So, are fixed point cells intrinsic standards or certified artifacts? It really doesn’t matter. Both viewpoints require testing and traceability. Both approaches require rigorous uncertainty analysis that must satisfy the scrutiny of our accreditation assessors, our customers, and our peers. And each perspective can be logically justified. At Hart, we treat some as intrinsic standards and others as certified artifacts. Our uncertainty analyses are as rigorous as we can make them and we welcome comment from our peers. Additionally, the NIST thermometry staff is available to assist in the development of uncertainty budgets, meeting traceability and accreditation requirements, as well as unique testing requirements. Finally, we use the approach that will result in the lowest uncertainties for a given set of equipment and techniques. After all, isn’t that what it’s all about? 25 Freeze-Point Furnaces require the user to remove the hot and fragile tin cell from the furnace by hand before cooling. In a Hart furnace, you simply turn on your gas, monitor your cell during its supercool, and turn the gas off when the freeze begins. The 9114 is a three-zone furnace with the best in Hart digital controller technology. Hart designs and builds proprietary controllers that have a reputation of being the best in the business. All of our fixedpoint furnaces use them to achieve excellent stability and uniformity. For easy access and visibility, all three zones are controlled from the top of the unit. The primary controller can be set in 0.01 °C increments, and actual temperature is readable to two decimal places. The freezing and melting process can be automated using eight preset, userprogrammable temperature settings. The top and bottom zones are slaved to the primary zone using differential thermocouples. A high-temperature PRT acts as the main control sensor for the best accuracy, sensitivity, and repeatability. 9115A ● Designed for long plateaus ● Automated controllers, RS-232 included ● Top access to high-stability Hart controllers ● External cooling coils Several companies manufacture freezepoint furnaces. Most of these furnaces are of adequate theoretical design and of reasonable quality. Most are priced similarly. However, there is a difference that can’t be seen from specifications or price, and that’s how well the furnace performs with the freeze-point cells they’re designed to maintain. Establishing and maintaining a freezepoint plateau is what these furnaces are supposed to be about. Nothing they do is more important than this performance issue. Hart Scientific makes three freezepoint furnaces that, when combined with Hart freeze-point cells, produce the longest plateaus in the industry. A Hart furnace and cell can establish plateaus that range from 24 to 40 hours or more. Fixed-point furnaces can also be used for comparison calibrations and for annealing. In these processes, stability and uniformity are very important, and nothing speaks more about stability and uniformity than the length of the plateaus 26 Primary Standards produced by the furnace. No other furnace beats a Hart furnace where it counts. All three of these furnaces have external cooling coils for circulation of tap water at less than 60 PSIG and approximately 0.4 GPM to reduce heat load to the lab. They also come with RS-232 ports and have equilibration blocks available for comparison calibrations. IEEE-488 interface packages are also available, if that’s your preference. One of Hart’s three fixed-point furnace models will meet your needs. Remember, the length of the plateau is the best measure of a furnace’s performance. Call us for performance data on actual cell freezes and test data on furnace gradients. 9114 This furnace has a range of 100 °C to 680 °C, which includes the indium, tin, zinc, and aluminum fixed points, all in one furnace. The 9114 furnace has an inlet for use of clean dry air or inert gas to initiate the supercool of a tin cell. Other furnaces The 9115A Sodium Heat Pipe Furnace is specifically designed for maintenance of aluminum and silver freeze-point cells. It has a temperature range of 550 °C to 1000 °C with gradients of less than ±0.1 °C throughout. The sodium heatpipe design provides a simple, yet uniform, single heating zone that ensures very uniform changes in states during heating and cooling. Melting, freeze initiation, and plateau control for a variety of freeze-point cells are possible by entering up to eight setpoints, ramp rates, and soak times. The controller displays temperature in degrees C or F, and temperature feedback is done via a thermocouple. Freeze-point plateaus of 8 to 10 hours are typical, and 24 hours are possible under controlled conditions. External cooling coils are included for circulation of tap water to reduce chassis temperature and heat load to the lab. Temperature cutouts protect your SPRTs and the furnace from exposure to excessive temperatures. 9116 Designed to be used with thermocouples and HTSPRTs the 9116 can reach temperatures up to 1100°C. Primarily designed for use at the copper point, the 9116 may also be optimized at the factory for silver and aluminum fixed points. However to calibrate probes less than ~25 inches in length a 9114 must be used instead. Freeze-Point Furnaces Specifications 9114 9115A 9116 Temperature Range 100 °C to 680 °C 550 °C to 1000 °C 400 °C to 1100 °C ±0.03 °C ±0.25 °C ±0.5 °C ±0.05 °C (±0.1 °C in the preheat well) +0.1 °C less than +0.5 °C Temperature Stability Temperature Uniformity Set-Point Accuracy ±0.5 °C Set-Point Resolution 0.01 °C 0.1 °C Display Resolution 0.01 °C 0.1 °C below 1000 °C 1 °C above 1000 °C ±5 °C ±10 °C Thermal Safety Cutout Accuracy Heater Power ±3.0 °C End Zones: 1000 W each (at 230 VAC nominal) Primary Zone: 1500 W 2500 W End Zones: 800 W each (at 230 VAC nominal) Primary Zone: 900 W Exterior Dimensions (HxWxD) 838 x 610 x 406 mm (33 x 24 x 16 in) Power Requirements 230 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 1 Phase, 12 A maximum Weight 92 kg (203 lb.) The freezing and melting process may be automated using eight preset, userprogrammable temperature settings. The top and bottom zones are slaved to the primary zone using differential thermocouples. A thermocouple acts as the main control sensor for the best accuracy, sensitivity, and repeatability. The 9116 has all of the standard features found on other Hart freeze-point furnaces, including external cooling coils and an RS-232 port. 82 kg (180 lb.) 68 kg (150 lb.) Ordering Information 9114 2125 2126 2940-9114 2127-9114 2941 9115A 2940-9115 9116 2940-9116 2127-9116 Metrology Furnace (includes Cell Support Container) IEEE-488 Interface (9114 only) Comparison Block, 9114 Cell Support Container, 9114 Alumina Block, 9114 Mini Freeze-Point Cell Basket Adapter Sodium Heat Pipe Furnace (includes Cell Support Container) Cell Support Container, 9115A Three-Zone Freeze-Point Furnace (includes Cell Support Container) Cell Support Container, 9116 Alumina Block, 9116 Protect platinum thermometers from metal ion contamination with a low-cost alumina block. Specifications - 2127 Dimensions 2127-9114: 54 x 510 mm (2 x 20 in) 2127-9116: 54 x 510 mm (2 x 20 in) Wells Three: 8 mm ID x 488 mm (0.31 x 19.2 in) Immersion Protection Last 156 mm (6.1 in) in alumina Well-to-Well Uniformity 10 mK at 660 °C in 9114 Temperature Range Up to 1100 °C 27 Mini Fixed-Point Cells Metal-cased cells Metal-cased cells can also be used in the 9260 maintenance furnace. Because they use stainless steel cases, these cells are easier to use and transport without the same risk of breakage. You’ll notice that we have designed the metal cased cells with more immersion depth to give even better uncertainty too! You’ll find these cells easier to use than you expect. You can have a free copy of Xumo Li’s paper comparing freeze-point measurements with meltingpoint measurements, and if you want a high level of training in using metal freeze-point cells, you can attend one of Hart’s in-depth training classes held in our lab in Utah. Ordering Information Mini Pyrex® Triple Point of Water Cell 5914A Mini Quartz Indium Cell 5915A Mini Quartz Tin Cell 5916A Mini Quartz Zinc Cell 5917A Mini Quartz Aluminum Cell 5918A Mini Quartz Silver Cell 5919A Mini Quartz Copper Cell 5944 Mini Metal Cased Indium Cell 5945 Mini Metal Cased Tin Cell 5946 Mini Metal Cased Zinc Cell 5947 Mini Metal Cased Aluminum Cell 9210 Mini TPW Maintenance Apparatus (see page 30) 9260 Mini Fixed-Point Furnace (for In, Sn, Zn, Al cells—see page 32) Each mini cell includes a 2942-9260 mini cell basket. Indium, tin, zinc, and aluminum mini quartz cells each include a 2940-9260 mini cell basket. Both basket styles adapt the cell to Hart’s 9260 Mini Fixed-Point Furnace. 5901B-G ● Lower uncertainties than comparison calibrations ● All ITS-90 fixed points from TPW to copper ● Reduced equipment and annual recalibration costs If cuteness were reason enough to buy a product, Hart’s Mini Fixed-Point Cells would win you over easily. But there’s a much better reason to buy them: they give you the least expensive, easiest-touse fixed-point standards for your lab. Mini cells eliminate the need for comparison calibrations. Temperatures of fixed-point cells are constant and intrinsic, so only the electrical parameters of the sensor under calibration need to be read. If you’re calibrating industrial thermometers, thermocouples, or thermistors and want the most accurate calibration possible, these mini cells will give it to you. If you need a wide range of temperatures, mini cells cover the triple point of water (0.01 °C) and every ITS-90 point from indium (156.5985 °C) to copper (1084.62 °C). Fixed-points made simple With mini cells, realization and maintenance are simple. Mini TPW cells can be automatically realized and maintained in our 9210 Maintenance Apparatus (page 30). Realizing the triple point of water takes only five minutes, but the plateaus last all day. The realization and maintenance of indium, tin, zinc, and aluminum cells are 28 Primary Standards likewise automated through our 9260 Mini Fixed-Point Cell Furnace (page 32). Work with them at their designated freeze point, or use them at their melting point to simplify the calibration process even further. We published a paper, “The Comparison Between the Freezing Point and Melting Point of Tin,” to help you understand and benefit from the easier procedure of using the melting point of your standard. These mini cells are made from the same materials and with the same procedures as their full-size counterparts. In fact, they can achieve nearly the same uncertainty levels as Hart’s traditional fixed-point cells. Probes as short as 229 mm (9 in) work with these cells. The specifications table (at right) gives you the immersion depth and uncertainty for each cell. In addition to high-accuracy calibrations of RTDs and PRTs, these cells are perfect for validating the accuracy of SPRTs. If you’re doing comparison calibrations with SPRTs, then you know the importance of occasionally checking their accuracy between their own recalibrations. Because these cells are easy to use and maintain, verification checks are simple and convenient. Mini Fixed-Point Cells Specifications Uncertainty (mK) k=2 Model Number Fixed-Point Temperature ( °C) Outside Diameter Inside Diameter Total Cell Height Immersion Depth1 Cell Only Simple Realization2 0.5 2 5901B-G Water T. P. 0.01 30 mm 8 mm 170 mm 117 mm 0.2 5914A Indium F. P. 156.5985 43 mm 8 mm 214 mm 140 mm 1.0 2.0 5915A Tin F. P. 231.928 43 mm 8 mm 214 mm 140 mm 1.4 3.0 5916A Zinc F. P. 419.527 43 mm 8 mm 214 mm 140 mm 1.6 4.0 5917A Aluminum F. P. 660.323 43 mm 8 mm 214 mm 140 mm 4.0 10.0 5918A Silver F. P. 961.78 43 mm 8 mm 214 mm 140 mm 7.0 n/a 5919A Copper F. P. 1084.62 43 mm 8 mm 214 mm 140 mm 15.0 n/a 5944 Indium F. P. 156.5985 41.3 mm 7.8 mm 222 mm 156 mm 0.7 1.4 5945 Tin F. P. 231.928 41.3 mm 7.8 mm 222 mm 156 mm 0.8 1.6 5946 Zinc F. P. 419.527 41.3 mm 7.8 mm 222 mm 156 mm 1.0 2.0 5947 Aluminum F. P. 660.323 41.3 mm 7.8 mm 222 mm 156 mm 2.0 4.0 1 Distance from the bottom of the central well to the surface of the pure metal. 2 “Cell Only” refers to the expanded uncertainty of the cell when realized by traditional methods and maintained using traditional maintenance devices. “Simple Realization” refers to the expanded uncertainty of the cell when realized using practical methods (melting points instead of freezing points or slush ice instead of an ice mantle, for example) and maintained using Hart’s 9210 and 9260 mini cell maintenance apparatus. Tin Cell Comparison 1.8927015 1.8927005 W(Sn) 1.8926995 Sn-15001 (Mini) Sn-05009 0.5 mK 1.8926985 Sn-05008 1.8926975 Sn-05008 1.8926965 Sn-05009 1.8926955 Sn-15001(Mini) 1.8926945 Sn-05008 Sn-05009 Sn-15001 The Melting Curve of Tin, Mini-Cell Sn-S-01, 4/29–5/3/97 4.7675 Rt/Rs 4.7674 4.7673 4.7672 4.7671 4.7670 4/29/97 14:22 4/29/97 21:31 4/30/97 4:40 4/30/97 11:50 4/30/97 18:57 5/1/97 2:05 5/1/97 9:12 5/1/97 16:20 5/1/97 23:27 5/2/97 6:35 5/2/97 13:42 5/2/97 20:50 5/3/97 3:57 Date and Time 29 Mini TPW Maintenance Apparatus Specifications Temperature Range Ambient Operating Range Stability Vertical Gradient Plateau Duration Resolution Display Scale Immersion Depth Stabilization Time Preheat Wells Fault Protection Display Accuracy Comparison Block ● Easy preprogrammed realization ● Inexpensive fixed-point solution ● Training takes just a few hours If the reason you don’t use fixed-point cells is because they’re too expensive or too difficult to use, you haven’t heard of Hart’s mini fixed-point apparatus. The triple point of water (0.01 °C) is one of the most important temperatures on the ITS-90. Unfortunately, realizing and maintaining triple point of water cells hasn’t always been convenient or costeffective. Because ITS-90 calibrations require frequent measurements at the triple point of water, and because the triple point of water is often used as a statistical check against the drift of a temperature standard, it is important to be able to realize and maintain well-constructed triple point of water cells easily. Hart’s 9210 TPW Maintenance Apparatus provides built-in programming for the simple supercool-and-shake realization and maintenance of our 5901B Mini TPW Cell. Simply insert the cell, enter the “freeze” mode through the front-panel buttons, have your morning cup of coffee, and when the 9210 audibly alerts you, remove the Mini TPW Cell and give it a shake to initiate freezing a portion of the 30 Primary Standards water. Re-insert the cell, change the program mode to “maintain,” and you’ve got 0.01 °C for the rest of the day with uncertainty of only ±0.0005 °C. Precision-machined thermal blocks can also be used to take advantage of the excellent stability and uniformity of the 9210 for performing comparison calibrations. Multi-hole and custom blocks are available with 178 mm (7 in) depths. Well-to-Well Gradient (in comparison block) Heating Time Cooling Time Comm. Power Requirements Exterior Dimensions (HxWxD) Weight –10 °C to 120 °C 5 °C to 45 °C ±0.02 °C ±0.05 °C over 100 mm at 0 °C 6–10 hours, typical 0.01 ° (0.001 ° in program mode) °C or °F, switchable 171 mm (6.75 in) in optional comparison block 15 minutes nominal 3 wells (for 3.18, 6.35, or 7.01 mm probes [0.125, 0.25, 0.276 in]) Adjustable software cutout using control probe; separate circuit thermocouple cutout for maximum instrument temperature ±0.25 °C Three multi-hole blocks, blanks, and custom blocks available ±0.02 °C Ambient to 100 °C: 45 min. Ambient to –5 °C: 25 min. RS-232 included 115 VAC (±10 %), 60 Hz, 1.5 A, or 230 VAC (±10 %), 50 Hz, 0.75 A, 170 W 489 x 222 x 260 mm (19.25 x 8.75 x 10.25 in) 7 kg (15.5 lb.) with block Ordering Information Mini TPW Maintenance Apparatus 5901B Mini TPW Cell 1904-TPW Accredited Cell Intercomparison 3110-1 Comparison Insert, Blank 3110-2 Comparison Insert A, holes at 1.6 mm, 3.2 mm, 4.76 mm, 6.35 mm, 9.5 mm, and 12.7 mm (1/16, 1/8, 3/16, 1/4, 3/8, and 1/2 in) 9210 3110-3 3110-4 Comparison Insert B, 2 holes at 4.76 mm (3/16 in), 2 at 6.35 mm (1/4 in), and 2 at 9.5 mm (3/8 in) Comparison Insert C, 6 holes at 6.35 mm (1/4 in) Call for other comparison insert options. Gallium Cell Maintenance Apparatus Specifications Temperature Range 15 °C to 35 °C Ambient Operating Range 18 °C to 28 °C Stability ±0.02 °C Vertical Gradient < 0.03 °C over six inches during cell maintenance Plateau Duration Five days, typical Resolution 0.01 ° (0.001 ° in program mode) Display Scale °C or °F, switchable Immersion Depth 220 mm (8.75 in) in gallium cell Stabilization Time Preprogrammed Preheat Wells 2 ● One week plateau duration ● No hassle automatic realizations ● Used daily in our Primary Lab The gallium melting point (29.7646 °C) is a critical temperature. Thermometers used in life science, environmental monitoring, and many other applications depend on it for accurate calibrations. Lab standards rely on it as an ITS-90 check standard and as a means of measuring drift between calibrations. Hart Scientific now makes it easy to use. The new 9230 Gallium Maintenance System works with Hart’s Model 5943 Stainless Steel Gallium Cell to provide melting plateaus that last a week, with results approaching what can be achieved in a Hart maintnance bath. Not a day. Not a day-and-a-half. One week. The Model 5943 Stainless Steel Gallium Cell holds a gallium sample that is 99.99999+ % pure. The gallium is sealed in a Teflon envelope in a high purity argon atmosphere, which is itself sealed inside a stainless steel housing. This double-sealing method reduces leaching into the gallium sample and ensures a life of ten years or longer for the cell. Fault Protection Heating/cooling rate cutout Display Accuracy ±0.05 °C at 29.76 °C Comparison Block Contact Hart Well-to-Well Gradient (in comparison block) n/a Heating Time Preprogrammed Cooling Time Preprogrammed Comm. RS-232 included Power 115 VAC (±10 %), 60 Hz, Requirements 1.5 A, or 230 VAC (±10 %), 50 Hz, 0.75 A, 175 W Exterior Dimensions (HxWxD) 489 x 222 x 260 mm (19.25 x 8.75 x 10.25 in) Weight 8.2 kg (18 lb.) without cell Ordering Information 9230 Gallium Cell Maintenance Apparatus 5943 Stainless Steel Gallium Cell 1904-Ga Accredited Cell Intercomparison 31 Mini Fixed-Point Cell Furnace Specifications Temperature Range Ambient Operating Range Stability Vertical Gradient Plateau Duration Resolution Display Scale Immersion Depth Stabilization Time Preheat Wells Fault Protection Display Accuracy Comparison Block ● Good introduction to fixed-point calibration ● User friendly and inexpensive Hart’s 9260 Mini Fixed-Point Cell Furnace provides a fixed-point system that cuts in half the financial investment required to do fixed-point calibrations and virtually all the time and training required by traditional systems. This furnace costs less than half of a large furnace and works with indium, tin, zinc, and aluminum cells to cover all ITS90 fixed points from 156.5985 °C to 660.323 °C. The cells themselves, using a smaller volume of 99.9999 % pure metal, also cost much less. But cost is only a part of the issue. The 9260 makes using fixed points easy. Simply insert the cell at the end of the day and let it sit overnight. The next morning, initialize the built-in software routine for your specific cell. Come back in an hour, verify the stability of the cell, and you can take measurements for the rest of the day from a near-perfect temperature source! The built-in software lets you choose between using melting-point curves or freezing-point curves for each metal. The ITS-90 calls for freezing points, but melting points are easier to realize, and the difference in uncertainty (less than 2 mK for most applications) is generally 32 Primary Standards Well-to-Well Gradient (in comparison block) Heating Time insignificant. In fact, the difference between using traditional cells at their freezing points and Hart’s mini cells at their melting points is not significant for most labs in most applications. Comparison blocks are also available for the 9260 for high-precision comparison calibrations at high temperatures. Two blocks are available with a variety of pre-drilled wells in addition to blank or custom blocks. Well depth is 229 mm (9 in). 50 °C to 680 °C 5 °C to 45 °C ±0.03 °C to 300 °C ±0.05 °C above 300 °C Top and bottom zones adjustable by offset 6–10 hours typical 0.01 ° °C or °F, switchable 229 mm (9 in) 15 minutes nominal 2 Sensor burnout and short protection, over-temperature thermal cutout ±0.2 °C to 300 °C ±0.3 °C to 450 °C ±0.5 °C to 680 °C Two multi-hole blocks, blanks, and custom blocks available ±0.02 °C 1.25 hrs. from 25 °C to 680 °C Cooling Time 10.5 hrs. from 680 °C to 100 °C Comm. RS-232 included Power 115 VAC (±10 %), 60 Hz, 11 Requirements A, or 230 VAC (±10 %), 50 Hz, 6 A, specify, 1200 W Exterior 489 x 222 x 260 mm Dimensions (19.25 x 8.75 x 10.25 in) (HxWxD) Weight 20.5 kg (45 lb.) with block Ordering Information 9260 5914A 5915A 5916A 5917A 5944 5945 5946 5947 2940-9260 Mini Fixed-Point Furnace Mini Quartz Indium Cell Mini Quartz Tin Cell Mini Quartz Zinc Cell Mini Quartz Aluminum Cell Metal Cased Mini Indium Cell Metal Cased Mini Tin Cell Metal Cased Mini Zinc Cell Metal Cased Mini Aluminum Cell Container, Mini-Cell Support, 9260 2942-9260 1904-X 3160-1 3160-2 3160-3 Container, SST Mini-Cell Support, 9260 Accredited Cell Intercomparison Comparison Insert, Blank Comparison Insert, 7 holes at 6.35 mm (1/4 in) Comparison Insert, 2 holes at 3.2 mm (1/8 in), 2 at 4.76 mm (3/16 in), 2 at 6.35 mm (1/4 in), 2 at 9 mm (9/32 in), and 2 at 9.5 mm (3/8 in) Call for other comparison insert options. LN2 Comparison Calibrators Calibrated SPRT SPRT Being Calibrated Insulated Lid Liquid Nitrogen Block Support Rod Super-Insulated Dewar Oxygen-Free Copper Block Aluminum Cover ● Low-cost calibrations to –196 °C ● Simple to use ● Uncertainty less than 2 mK If you need to do calibrations at the triple point of argon but don’t want the complexity and cost of using an argon triple point cell, Hart’s Model 7196 LN2 Comparison Calibrators will solve your problems. And they do it for less than half the price of other argon triple point simulators. The nominal boiling point of nitrogen is –196 °C at one atmosphere of pressure. The defining triple point of argon is –189.3442 °C. While there is a difference between the nominal boiling point of nitrogen and the argon triple point, the difference can be corrected for 51 mm (2 in) dia. mathematically, and an uncertainty of less than 2 mK from the actual argon triple point is achievable. Hart’s LN2 Comparison Calibrators consist of a super-insulated glass dewar, a high-purity copper block, and a precision-fit lid. The dewar is filled with LN2 and the copper block is suspended in it; an SPRT is inserted into the block and a calibration is performed against your own calibrated SPRT. The Model 7196-4 includes four 8 mm (0.315 in) wells. The 7196-13 includes five 8 mm (0.315 in) wells and eight 6.35 mm (0.25 in) wells. 5 wells at 8 mm (0.315 in) 89 mm (3.5 in) dia. Hart’s LN2 Comparison Calibrators are neither expensive nor complicated to use. If you need supporting data or would like to discuss the theory of operating an LN2 Comparison Calibrator, call Hart Scientific today. (Or come to one of our training courses, and we’ll show you.) Specifications Temperature Nominal –196 °C depending on atmospheric pressure Thermal Wells 7196-4: four 8 mm (0.32 in) I.D. wells 7196-13: five 8 mm (0.32 in) I.D. wells, eight 6.35 mm (0.25 in) I.D. wells Both blocks: 275 mm immersion from top of lid to bottom of well, 150 mm immersion into copper block Dimensions 180 mm O.D. x 385 mm high Stability Typically better than 2 mK Uniformity < 0.4 mK between holes Volume 3.5 liters of liquid nitrogen Evaporation Approx. 25 mm (1 in) per 45 minutes Ordering Information 7196-4 4 wells at 8 mm (0.315 in) 8 wells at 6.35 mm (0.25 in) 7196-13 LN2 Comparison Calibrator, 4 holes LN2 Comparison Calibrator, 13 holes 33 DC Resistance Standards standards, which lists corrections in 0.5 °C increments, this uncertainty can be reduced. Care has been taken to reduce resistance changes brought about by thermal and mechanical shock. Retrace (shift in resistance) is typically less than 2 ppm after cycling between 0 °C and 40 °C. Each of these resistors comes with a NVLAP-accredited report of calibration from Fluke. Accredited recalibrations are available from either Fluke or Hart. Ordering Information 742A-1 Resistor, DC Standard, 1Ω 742A-10 Resistor, DC Standard, 10Ω 742A-25 Resistor, DC Standard, 25Ω 742A-100 Resistor, DC Standard, 100Ω 742A-1K Resistor, DC Standard, 1 KΩ 742A-10K Resistor, DC Standard, 10 KΩ 742A-100K Resistor, DC Standard, 100 KΩ Convenient air resistors don’t require oil or air baths ● Calibrate resistance thermometers and other devices ● Includes NIST-traceable calibration data with uncertainty to 1 ppm ● Easily transported for on-site resistance calibration Resistor, DC Standard, 10 MΩ 1960 The Fluke 742A Series covers values from 1 ohm all the way to 100 megohm. These are the finest-quality air resistors you can buy. They’re durable, easy to maintain, and easy to use. Their excellent temperature stability allows them to be used from 18 °C to 28 °C with typically less than 2 ppm degradation. Using the calibration table supplied with the Specifications Model Nominal Value Ω Stability, ppm 6 Months Stability, ppm 12 Months Max Change, ppm from 23 °C ±5 °C (±ppm) Calibration Uncertainty, ±ppm 742A-1 1 5 8 3.0 1.0 742A-10 10 5 8 3.0 1.0 742A-25 25 5 8 3.0 1.0 742A-100 100 4 6 3.0 1.0 742A-1K 1K 4 6 2.0 1.5 742A-10K 10K 2.5 4 1.5 1.0 742A-100K 100K 4 6 2.0 2.5 742A-1M 1M 6 8 2.0 5.0 742A-10M 10M 6 9 3.0 10.0 34 Primary Standards Resistor, DC Standard, 1 MΩ 742A-10M 742A-7002 Transit Case ● Do you need high-accuracy working standards for precise, on-site resistance calibrations? If you’d like to avoid maintaining traditional standard resistors in oil baths, Hart has a complete assortment of DC air resistors manufactured by Fluke, with Fluke’s proprietary tellurium-copper five-way binding posts. 742A-1M Cal, DC Standard Resistor Standard AC/DC Resistors Specifications Tolerance 10 ppm Calibration Uncertainty AC: 3 ppm (10 KΩ: 4 ppm) DC: 1 ppm (optional) Long-Term Stability 2 ppm/year Temperature Coefficient 2 ppm/ °C Recommended 1Ω: 100 mA Current 10Ω: 32 mA 25Ω: 20 mA 100Ω: 10 mA 1 KΩ: 3 mA 10 KΩ: 1 mA Maximum Current 1Ω: 1 A 10Ω: 320 mA 25Ω: 200 mA 100Ω: 100 mA 1 KΩ: 32 mA 10 KΩ: 10 ma AC/DC Transfer 0.1 ppm Error (at 90 Hz) Ordering Information ● Long-term stability better than 2 ppm/year (< 1 ppm typical) ● Traceable AC and DC calibrations available ● National lab design proven for more than 25 years National laboratories around the world have long relied on the standard AC/DC resistors manufactured by Tinsley. Whether they’re used in thermometry or electrical applications—with AC or DC bridges—these resistors perform better than any other AC/DC resistors available. Six resistors in Hart’s 5430 series cover resistance values from 1 ohm to 10,000 ohms. Each one has an actual resistance within 10 ppm of its nominal value and holds its resistance within 2 ppm per year. Each resistor comes with a Tinsley certificate on AC performance, traceable to NPL in the UK, including calibration uncertainty of 3 ppm. Additionally, Hart can provide an optional DC certificate, traceable to NIST and NVLAP accredited, with uncertainty below 1 ppm. Designed originally by a national lab, Tinsley resistors are bifilar wound to minimize reactance and are filled with oil to minimize both time- and temperaturecaused instabilities. AC/DC transfer error at 90 Hz is only 1 ppm. For maintaining your oil resistors, Hart provides baths that range from 51- to 167-liter capacity with enough inside shelf space to maintain all your standard resistors. Our 7009, 7015, and 7108 models maintain your resistors with exceptional stability (see page 110). In our lab, we use both AC and DC bridges in addition to Super-Thermometers. We calibrate SPRTs in fixed points, and we calibrate reference resistors. We use standard resistors every day, and we understand the value of being able to rely on resistors that won’t drift. Tinsley makes the best AC/DC resistors around, and Hart makes the best maintenance baths. Ask people who know. Then don’t compromise. 5430-1 Resistor, AC/DC Standard, 1Ω 5430-10 Resistor, AC/DC Standard, 10Ω 5430-25 Resistor, AC/DC Standard, 25Ω 5430-100 Resistor, AC/DC Standard, 100Ω 5430-200 Resistor, AC/DC Standard, 200Ω 5430-400 Resistor, AC/DC Standard, 400Ω 5430-1K Resistor, AC/DC Standard, 1 KΩ 5430-10K Resistor, AC/DC Standard, 10 KΩ 1960 Cal, DC Standard Resistor See page 110 for standard resistor maintenance bath options. 35 Thermometer Readout Selection Guide Readouts Model Probe Types Accuracy at 0 °C 1575A SPRTs, PRTs, Thermistors ±0.001 °C Features 4 ppm accuracy; resolution to 0.0001 °C for SPRTs and 0.00001 °C for thermistors; 2 channels; add 10 more channels with a mux. Page 1590 SPRTs, PRTs Thermistors ±0.00025 °C 1 ppm accuracy; patented DWF connectors; color display; add up to 50 channels with muxes. 1560 Accepts any combination of the modules below; all are easily added to and removed from the 1560 base. 2560 SPRTs, PRTs ±0.005 °C 2 channels of 25Ω or 100Ω PRTs. 2561 HTPRTs ±0.013 °C 2 channels to 1200 °C. 2562 PRTs ±0.01 °C 8 channels of 2-, 3-, or 4-wire RTDs. 2563 Thermistors ±0.0013 °C 2 channels of resolution to 0.0001 °C. 2564 Thermistors ±0.0025 °C 8 channels for data acquisition. 2565 Thermocouples ±0.05 °C 2566 Thermocouples ±0.1 °C Reads any combination up to 12 channels of virtually any type of TC. 2567 1000Ω PRTs ±0.006 2 channels of high-resistance PRTs. 2568 1000Ω PRTs ±0.01 8 channels of high-resistance PRTs. 1529 PRTs, Thermistors, Thermocouples ±0.006 °C (PRT) Four channels can all be measured simultaneously; batterypowered; logs up to 8,000 readings; flexible display. 49 1502A PRTs ±0.006 °C Resolution of 0.001 °C and accuracy to match; uses ITS-90, IPTS-68, CVD, or DIN (IEC 751) conversions. 52 1504 Thermistors ±0.002 °C Reads thermistors from 0 to 500 KΩ; uses Steinhart-Hart and CVD. 1521 PRTs, Thermistors ±0.025 °C Battery-powered, handheld thermometer; INFO-CON connector reads coefficients without programming. 1522 PRTs, Thermistors ±0.025 °C Stores up to 10,000 readings, plus 100 more on demand; reads PRTs and thermistors (calibrated or uncalibrated) interchangeably. 38 44 Reads most TC types with 0.0001 mV resolution. 54 Thermo-hygrometer Model Product Features 1620A The “DewK” Thermo-Hygrometer Two chanels measure ambient temperature to ±0.125 °C and %RH to ±1.5 %. Onboard memory holds up to two yeares of time/date-stamped readings. Visual and audio alarms. Detachable sensors contain their own calibration data for easy recalibrations. Wired and wireless networking options. Page 57 Reference multimeter Model Product Features 8508A Fluke Reference Multimeter True ohms measurement. 20 amp current measurement. Stores up to 100 PRT coefficients. 36 Thermometry Page 43 Choosing the right temperature readout When you’re performing temperature calibrations, the right choice of readout for your reference probe and units under test is critical. Consider the following: Accuracy Most readout devices for resistance thermometers provide a specification in parts per million (ppm), ohms, and/or temperature. Converting ohms or ppm to temperature depends on the thermometer being used. For a 100Ω probe, 0.001Ω equals 0.0025 °C at 0 °C. One ppm would be the same as 0.1 mΩ or 0.25 mK. You should note whether the specification is “of reading” or “of full range.” One ppm of reading at 100Ω is 0.1 mΩ. However, 1 ppm of full range, where full range is 400Ω, is 0.4 mΩ. When reviewing accuracy specifications, remember the readout uncertainty can be a small contribution to total uncertainty and that it may not make economic sense to buy the lowest uncertainty readout. A 0.1 ppm bridge may cost $40,000, whereas a 1 ppm Super-Thermometer costs less than half that. Yet the bridge offers very little improvement—in this case, 0.000006 °C (see below). Measurement errors When making high-accuracy resistance measurements, be sure the readout is eliminating thermal EMF errors within the measurement system. A common technique for removing EMF errors uses a switched DC or low-frequency AC current supply. Resolution Having 0.001 ° resolution does not mean the unit is accurate to 0.001 °. In general, a readout accurate to 0.01 ° should have a resolution of at least 0.001 °. Display resolution is important when detecting small temperature changes—for example, when monitoring the stability of a calibration bath. Linearity Most manufacturers provide an accuracy specification at one temperature (typically 0 °C), but it’s important to know the accuracy over your working range. The accuracy of the readout will vary depending on the measurement. The uncertainty could be larger at the temperature you’re measuring than it is at 0 °C. Be sure the manufacturer provides an accuracy specification that covers your working range. Stability Stability is important, since you’ll be making measurements in a wide variety of ambient conditions and over varying lengths of time. Be sure to review the temperature coefficient and long-term stability specifications. Make sure the variations in your ambient conditions will not affect the readout’s accuracy. Be wary of the supplier who quotes “zero drift” specifications. Every readout has at least one drift component. resistance traceability. Most countries that have traceable AC measurements rely on AC resistors calibrated with 10 times the uncertainty of the readout or bridge, which significantly increases the system measurement uncertainty. Convenience features Because the push for increased productivity is endless, you’ll need a readout with as many time-saving features as possible. Some important ones to look for are direct display in temperature rather than just raw resistance or voltage, acceptance of a wide variety of thermometer types, ease of use for a short learning curve, channel expansion capability through multiplexers, and digital interface (and software) options that allow for automation of measurements and calibrations. Calibration Some readout specifications state “no recalibration necessary.” However, ISO guides require the calibration of all measuring equipment. Look for a readout that can be calibrated through its front panel without special software. Also avoid readouts that still use manual potentiometer adjustments or that need to be returned to the factory for recalibration. Most DC readouts are calibrated using high-stability DC standard resistors. Calibration of AC readouts is more complicated, requiring a reference inductive voltage divider and accurate AC standard resistors. Traceability Traceability of DC readout measurements is extremely simple through well-established DC resistance standards. Traceability of measurements from AC readouts and bridges is more problematic. Many countries have no established AC Sources of Uncertainty - Comparison Calibration of PRTs from –196 °C to 420 °C SPRT 0.001000 °C 0.001000 °C 1 ppm Super-Thermometer (1 ppm) 0.000250 °C n/a 0.1 ppm Bridge n/a 0.000025 °C Bath Uniformity / Stability 0.005000 °C 0.005000 °C Estimated Total Uncertainty (k=2)* 0.005105 °C 0.005099 °C *RSS, assuming uncertainty components were statistically evaluated. So, for a mere additional $30,000 you can buy a bridge and improve your system uncertainty by a whopping 0.000006 °C. We suggest you stick with a Super-Thermometer and treat your boss to dinner with the money you save. 37 Super-Thermometer Readouts 2 ● Accuracy to 4 ppm (0.001 °C) or 1 ppm (0.00025 °C) 1590 ● Bridge-level performance at less than half the cost ● Accepts 0.25-ohm through 100-ohm SPRTs plus thermistors ● Includes all temperature functions and stores setups The 1590 Super-Thermometer II has all of the features of the 1575A, plus it has the unbeatable accuracy of 1 ppm and a color screen that tilts to create the best viewing angles. With all of these features, it’s still less than half the price of a bridge. In many labs with standards that require the use of bridges, Super-Thermometers have been accepted as an alternative to bridges because they are a combination of bridge technology and microprocessor-based solid-state electronics—and they’re much easier to use. Both Hart Super-Thermometers come with an accredited calibration. Hart’s Super-Thermometers are recognized in metrology laboratories around the world for their ease of use and reliable accuracy. The Model 1575A Super-Thermometer is accurate to 0.001 °C. The Model 1590 Super-Thermometer II is accurate to 0.00025 °C, or 1 ppm. Both Super-Thermometers are perfectly suited for SPRT calibrations. These are the best lab instruments to take advantage of SPRT accuracy. They’re easy to use, they read temperature directly, they have automated data collection, they automatically calculate constants for ITS90, and both of them are priced at less than half the price of the competitors’ resistance bridges. Of course, there’s more. Bridges Resistance bridges are one of the most expensive pieces of lab equipment you can buy. Most sell for $30,000 to $50,000. The resistance bridge market is very small, and there’s hardly any competition. There’s nothing to control the price except your willingness to pay. Resistance bridges are difficult to use. Their learning curve is long and complex, which means you’ll spend plenty of time 38 Thermometry learning to master one. Time spent learning costs you money, and costs multiply if you have to train other people! So why buy a bridge if you have a legitimate alternative? If 1 ppm accuracy gets the job done, the easiest and cheapest way to do it is with one of Hart’s Super-Thermometers. 1575A The 1575A Super-Thermometer is a bestselling thermometer because of its ease of use, high accuracy, built-in software, and reasonable price. Temperature is read directly on the display in your choice of scales. There are no manual resistance-to-temperature conversions. Resistance is converted to temperature for you using the ITS-90 algorithm in any one of the instrument’s ranges. Up to 16 independent sets of probe characterizations can be stored in the 1575A’s memory. Switch SPRTs and simply call up its reference identification number. Forget the extensive, time-consuming setup required by resistance bridges. Read the features common to both units and you’ll understand why each is a great buy. Accuracy The typical benchtop thermometer has an error level 5 to 10 times larger than the Super-Thermometer, and 20 to 40 times higher than a Super-Thermometer II. With common 25- or 100-ohm SPRTs, the 1575A Super-Thermometer achieves ±0.002 °C accuracy and ±0.001 °C accuracy with a calibrated external standard resistor. The 1590 Super-Thermometer II is even better with ±0.00025 °C accuracy. ITS-90 specifies the use of 2.5-ohm and 0.25-ohm SPRTs as high-temperature standards up to the silver point (962 °C). This very small resistance is difficult to measure and is commonly done only with resistance bridges. The Super- Super-Thermometer Readouts Thermometers address ITS-90 problems directly and are absolutely the most costeffective solution available. In addition, resolution with a 25-ohm SPRT is 0.0001 °C. Comparison calibrations or calibrations against primary standard fixed points are easily performed. Both instruments have two channels for handling two probes at once. Display and record actual temperatures or choose to read the difference between the two directly from the screen. Both Super-Thermometers have their own on-board resistors. Each is a highstability, low thermal coefficient, four-terminal resistor for each of the resistance ranges of the thermometer: 0.25 ohms, 2.5 ohms, 10 ohms, 25 ohms, 100 ohms, and thermistor ranges. Resistors are housed in an internal temperature-controlled oven. Can it get any better? Well, actually it does. DWF connectors Hart’s patented Model 2392 DWF Connector is unique in the industry (U.S. Patent 5,964,625). Each one is machined from solid brass and then plated with gold. DWF Connectors accept banana plugs, spade connectors, or bare wires. Banana plugs are inserted in the top. Bare wires go in one of the four side holes and are held in place by a springloaded pressure plate. Spade connectors are inserted between the top of the connector and pressure plate and are held in place the same as bare wire. The connections are solid and difficult to dislodge. Bare wire and spade connectors require nothing more than pushing the DWF Connector in. There’s nothing to screw down or tighten. Hart’s patented DWF Connectors—so easy to use you’ll never want to use anything else. directly. For IPTS-68 enter R0, ALPHA, DELTA, A4, and C4. Temperature can be converted from IPTS-68 to ITS-90 automatically at your request. Calendar-Van Dusen equations are also provided in an automated mode. Thermistor probes are characterized by coefficients of a logarithmic polynomial. Save money and use low-cost, rugged thermistor standards for ±0.001 °C accuracy in the low-temperature regions. Other thermometers don’t do all this. Measurements can be displayed as temperatures in °C, K, or °F and as resistance in ohms or a ratio of probe resistance to reference resistance. The current source is controllable between 0.001 mA and 15 mA with a resolution of 0.2 %. Integration time and digital filtering are programmable to optimize resolution, stability, and response. Datalogging and memory functions store measurements, and each thermometer has its own 3.5-inch disc drive for archiving data. The display is a backlit LCD for visual display of information. It has an RS-232, an IEEE-488, and a parallel printer port. These Super-Thermometers are based on DC electronics, thus eliminating the problems with national lab certification for AC bridges and the removal of quadrature interference from AC-heated fixedpoint furnaces. Read about the complete Theory of Operation of Hart Super-Thermometers at Multiplexers If two channels aren’t enough, add 10 more with a Mighty-Mux featuring Hart’s handy DWF connectors. In fact, add up to 50 more channels to the 1590. The Model 2575 provides 10 more channels for use with a 1575. For the 1590, the Model 2590 Mighty-Mux II has a cascading ability that lets you have up to 50 channels by chaining more than one Mux together, and you can now set continuous constant current levels on each channel to avoid self-heating effects. Whatever your application, a Mighty-Mux will make it easier and more efficient. Both units have low thermal EMF relays that are hermetically sealed and magnetically shielded. You’re making true four-wire measurements with a floating guard and support for up to 20 mA of drive current. Add 10 channels to a 1575A Super-Thermometer with a 2575 Mighty-Mux. Or add up to 50 channels to a 1590 Super Thermometer II with 10-channel 2590 Mighty-Mux II multiplexers. the resistance measurement. However, DMMs require separate high-stability current sources, and you have to make EMF offsets, worry about a scheme to switch between forward and reverse current during the measurement, and devise a switch to get a second channel for an external standard resistor. Once you’ve done all of this, you still have to convert resistance to temperature with tedious manual calculations. Super-Thermometers do all of this automatically. Super-Thermometers vs. everything else There really isn’t anything else to compare to the 1590 and 1575A. No other readout is this easy to use. You’ll be doing calibrations with it the first day you receive it, not the first day after the training program is over. Ordering Information 1575A 2575 1590 2590 742A-25 Super-Thermometer Multiplexer, 1575 Super-Thermometer II Multiplexer, 1590 742A-100 Standard DC Resistor, 100Ω Standard DC Resistor, 25Ω Other features Super-Thermometers convert resistance to temperature using your choice of ITS90 or IPTS-68. ITS-90 requires no conversions; just enter your coefficients Super-Thermometers vs. digital multimeters Good eight-and-a-half-digit multimeters might give you accuracy to ±0.005 °C in 39 Super-Thermometer Readouts Customize your display 1: 23.47005 C SAMPLE MENU SAMPLING CHANNEL 1 23.47005 C HISTORY(-1) 100.26375 C MEMORY -76.79325 C T-MEMORY 0.00563 C SPREAD 0.00201 C STD OVEN: ON 4-7-97 CHANNEL MENU DEV 4:53pm MEMORY MENU PROBE MENU DISPLAY MENU SYSTEM MENU The graphic screen is easily modified to include information that fits your application or preferences. Under the display menu you select up to five lines of onscreen information from 19 different options including: T-MEMORY T(1) - T(2) MAXIMUM MINIMUM SPREAD AVERAGE STD DEV Current value minus the value in memory Channel one minus channel two Peak reading since last reset Lowest value since last reset Maximum difference between readings Computes average of previous samples Computes standard deviation of previous samples Probe setup 1:39.371592 Ω SAMPLING CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 2 PROBE2 SELECT CHAN 2 SELECT PROBE EDIT PROBE SERIAL #: 2 CONVERSIN ITS-90 REFERENCE: 100Ω CURRENT: 1.000 mA LOW RANGE: 93K - 273K CAL PROBE PROBE DISPLAY Each probe’s information is identified by its unique serial number for assignment to a specific channel. You select the desired resistance-to-temperature conversion formula, set the probe constants, and select the reference resistor and the drive current. A total of 16 probe setups are stored in internal memory. An unlimited number can be stored to disk and selected when needed. After a probe’s information is entered the first time, the Super-Thermometer is immediately set to match that probe by simply selecting the probe’s serial number. RETURN Automatic calculation of constants 1: 1.1587391 W SAMPLING CHANNEL 1 CAL TPW CAL ITS-90 Zn CALIBRATION CHANNEL 1 PROBE 1 W(Zn): 2.56891730 MEASURING W: 2.56893941 PRESS ENTER TO ACCEPT The Super-Thermometers automatically calculate the required constants for the ITS-90 temperature conversion. Connect your uncalibrated standards probe to the 1590, measure the resistance at the fixed-points or against a calibrated standard, and the 1590 stores the resistance readings and automatically derives the correct constants. You don’t need a calculator and a pad of paper. The SuperThermometers enter the constants directly to the probe setup, saving you time and preventing error in the manual entry of constants. RETURN The triple point of water 1: 0.01009 C SAMPLING CHANNEL 1 CAL TPW CAL ITS-90 TPW CALIBRATION ENTER THE IMMERSION DEPTH IN mm TO CORRECT FOR HEAD PRESSURE OR ENTER 0. DEPTH: 0 Take a reading in the TPW cell just prior to each new measurement. The SuperThermometers store the current RTPW value and reference it during the conversion from resistance to temperature. This eliminates two sources of measurement error. The drift of RTPW in the SPRT is removed, and the error of the on-board reference resistors is canceled. For convenience and maximum precision, you can even enter the immersion depth of your SPRT in the cell to correct for hydrostatic head. RETURN Graphing feature 1: 17.63723 C SAMPLING CHANNEL 1 18.15211 CHANNEL MENU SAMPLE MENU MEMORY MENU PROBE MENU DISPLAY MENU 17.22978 40 Thermometry SYSTEM MENU The Super-Thermometers feature real-time, on-scale graphing for monitoring fluid bath stabilization or realizing metal fixed-point plateaus. Simply monitor the graph for stability on one or multiple channels and take your readings in resistance, temperature, or the ratio to the triple point of water. The 3.5-inch disc drive stores readings in an ASCII format for spreadsheet or graphing use. Graphing resolution limits can be manually entered, or maximum resolution is automatically set as the readings stabilize over time. Temperature measurement labs save time by not monitoring or taking data every few seconds. Super-Thermometer Readouts Specifications 1590 1575A Nominal Resistance Accuracy (of indicated value) Equivalent Temp. Value, at 0 °C Nominal Resistance Accuracy (of indicated value) Equivalent Temp. Value, at 0 °C Transfer Accuracy (using external reference resistor) 0.25 2.5 25 100 10 K 40 ppm 20 ppm 4 ppm 4 ppm 10 ppm 0.01 °C 0.005 °C 0.001 °C 0.001 °C 0.00025 °C (thermistor at 25 °C) 0.25 2.5 25 100 10 K 20 ppm 5 ppm 1 ppm 1 ppm 5 ppm 0.005 °C 0.00125 °C 0.00025 °C 0.00025 °C 0.000125 °C (thermistor at 25 °C) Absolute Accuracy (using internal reference resistor) 0.25 2.5 25 100 10 K 100 ppm 40 ppm 8 ppm 8 ppm 20 ppm 0.025 °C 0.01 °C 0.002 °C 0.002 °C 0.0005 °C (thermistor at 25 °C) 0.25 2.5 25 100 10 K 40 ppm 20 ppm 6 ppm 6 ppm 10 ppm 0.01 °C 0.005 °C 0.0015 °C 0.0015 °C 0.00025 °C (thermistor at 25 °C) Typical Resolution 0.25 2.5 25 100 10 K 10 ppm 5 ppm 1 ppm 1 ppm 3 ppm 0.0025 °C 0.00125 °C 0.00025 °C 0.00025 °C 0.000075 °C (thermistor at 25 °C) 0.25 2.5 25 100 10 K 10 ppm 2 ppm 0.5 ppm 0.5 ppm 2 ppm 0.0025 °C 0.0005 °C 0.000125 °C 0.000125 °C 0.00005 °C (thermistor at 25 °C) Resistance Range 0Ω to 500 KΩ Internal Reference Resistors 1Ω, 10Ω, 100Ω, 10 KΩ Minimum Measurement Period 2 seconds Current Source 0.001 mA to 15 mA, programmable –5 to +5 V Analog Output Monochrome LCD with CCFT backlight Display Color LCD with CCFT backlight 100–125/200–250 VAC (user switchable), 50/60 Hz, 1 A Power Size/Weight 178 mm H x 516 mm W x 320 mm D (7.0 x 20.3 x 12.6 in) / 16 kg (35 lb.) Calibration Includes NIST-traceable accredited calibration Specifications - Multiplexers Channels 2575: 10 2590: 10 per unit, cascade up to 5 units for 50 channels Connector 4-wire plug, floating guard Terminals Gold-plated Hart DWF Connectors Relays Low thermal EMF, hermetically sealed, magnetically shielded Contact Resistance < 0.1Ω Isolation 1 x 1012 between relay legs Channel Selection Manual or auto Current Capability 20 mA Current Levels 1575A: Current on active channel only 1590: Standby current 1 mA, 0.5 mA, or 10 μA on all channels Power Via connection to 1575A or 1590 Size ( HxWxD ) 178 x 516 x 320 mm (7 x 20.3 x 12.6 in) 41 Evaluating calibration system accuracy Is your calibration system accurate enough? Obviously, a measurement device such as a PRT can be no more accurate than the system used to calibrate it. You wouldn’t use a dry-well and a hand-held multimeter to calibrate an SPRT, right? After listing the factors that contribute error to a PRT (which might include drift, hysteresis, repeatability, resistance shunting, and others in addition to the calibration uncertainty), it is clear that the accuracy of the calibration system must be much better than the desired accuracy of the PRT. But exactly how accurate does it need to be? Test uncertainty ratio Ideally, metrologists evaluate all the sources of uncertainty, including uncertainty in calibration, and make sure the combined uncertainty is within the limits required for the application. However, this approach might require too much effort, and in many cases some of the sources of error, or values for their uncertainties, cannot be known. For an alternative, we might assume that the calibration uncertainty should be less than some particular fraction of the specification—below an established test uncertainty ratio (TUR). This approach is quite simple and is widely used. A commonly used TUR, as given by the ANSI/NCSL Z540 standard, is 4 to 1, meaning the uncertainty of the system used to calibrate a measurement device should be no greater than 25 % of the desired accuracy of the device. So, if we want a PRT to be accurate to ±0.1 °C, its calibration should have an uncertainty of ±0.025 °C or better. Uncertainty components Once we’ve established a required uncertainty for our calibration system, how do we determine if our system meets this requirement? What we first need to do is list all the sources of uncertainty, and then assign reasonable values to them. Some of the uncertainties that might apply in a PRT calibration system would be those associated with the reference thermometer calibration, reference thermometer stability, thermometer readouts, bath uniformity, immersion effects, electrical and thermal noise (including bath stability), and day-to-day process variations. Some of these can be evaluated statistically, by making repeated measurements and calculating the standard deviation of the measurements. This is often designated as a type A evaluation. Others might just be assumed from the best information 42 Thermometry available, such as manufacturer’s specifications. This is a type B evaluation. Readout uncertainty Readout uncertainty is often simply obtained from the manufacturer’s specifications. But what do we do if the readout’s specs are in resistance and we need an uncertainty in terms of temperature? We have to do a little conversion by dividing the resistance spec by the slope of the PRT’s resistance-temperature curve. Suppose we are using a readout that has a spec of 6 ppm (of reading) and we are measuring a temperature near 420 °C with a 100Ω PRT. The resistance at this temperature would be about 257Ω, and from the T vs. R table for the PRT we see that the resistance changes about 0.35Ω/ °C near 420 °C. So, the spec of the readout converted to temperature for this measurement is u(readout ) = (6 ⋅ 10−6 )( 257Ω ) = 0.0044° C 0.35 Ω ° C The same type of calculation can be used for thermocouples, using a readout’s voltage accuracy spec and the thermocouple’s T vs. mV slope at the measured temperature. However, with a thermocouple we also need to consider the uncertainty of the reference junction temperature, along with the T vs. mV slopes at the measured temperature and the reference junction temperature. Now, with no information that indicates otherwise, we should assume that the error from the readout is equally likely to be anywhere within the specification—that is, it follows a uniform distribution. To be able to compare and combine uncertainty components, they must all be stated as standard deviations. To convert the spec of the readout (now in terms of temperature) to an equivalent standard deviation, we divide by 3, which makes 0.0025 °C for the PRT readout example above. Combining uncertainties With a list of uncertainties, we can now combine them to get the uncertainty of our calibration system. The easiest way to combine them would be to simply add them up. However, this would give us a number that is probably much larger than the actual uncertainty. If our uncertainty components are independent, the correct way to combine them is using the rootsum-squares formula: u( system ) = u a2 + u b2 + u c2 +K This will give us the best estimate of the standard deviation of the total error in our calibration system. But then we’ll want to apply a coverage factor. We don’t want the error in our system to be within our limits just some of the time, but we’d rather it be within the limits most of the time. So we would multiply the standard uncertainty by a coverage factor k, such as k=2, to give an expanded uncertainty. The components of uncertainty and the resulting expanded uncertainty for a typical PRT calibration system are shown in the table below. Uncertainties for a PRT calibration system, at 420 °C Reference SPRT calibration 0.0030 °C Reference SPRT stability 0.0005 °C Thermometer readout, SPRT 0.0025 °C Thermometer readout, PRT 0.0025 °C Bath uniformity 0.0025 °C Immersion effects 0.0015 °C Thermal (bath stability) and electrical noise 0.0006 °C Process variability 0.0030 °C Combined and expanded uncertainty, k=2 0.0126 °C For further information on evaluating uncertainty, recommended sources are ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement or ANSI/NCSLI U.S. Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement and ISO/IEC 17025. You might also consider attending one of our seminars, where we spend time discussing uncertainty in measurements and allow you to have all your questions answered. Reference Multimeter use. The menu structures have been designed especially for metrology applications, so you can focus on getting the best possible measurements without needing to work through complex sequential or multi-instrument setups, or having to repeatedly reference supporting documentation. Specifications DC Voltage 0 to ±1050 V 1 Year Spec: ±3 ppm of rdg† AC Voltage 2 mV to 1050 V, 1 Hz to 1 MHz 1 Year Spec: ±65 ppm of rdg† DC Current 0 to ±20 A 1 Year Spec: ±12 ppm of rdg† AC Current 2 μA to 20 A, 1 Hz to 100 kHz 1 Year Spec: ±200 ppm of rdg† Resistance 0 to 20 GΩ, ±7.5 ppm of rdg Power Voltage: 90–130 V or 180–260 V Frequency: 47–63 Hz Consumption: 37 VA ● True Ohms measurement ● 20 amp current measurement Weight 11.5 kg 25.5 lb.() ● Stores up to 100 PRT coefficients Size (HxWxD) 88 x 427 x 487 mm (3.5 x 16.8 x 19.2 in) At last, now there’s a meter designed specifically for the measurement challenges faced by metrologists. The Fluke 8508A Reference Multimeter is simply the best you can buy. Not only does it provide the performance required for complex measurement tasks, it is also extremely easy to use. Moreover, it is specified in a way that lets you really understand the uncertainties of the measurements you make. Accuracy and stability The Fluke 8508A features 8.5 digit resolution, exceptional linearity, and extremely low noise and stability, producing superior accuracy specifications as low as 3 ppm over one year. But measurements need to be repeatable, and the 8508A delivers that as well, with 24-hour stability as low as 0.5 ppm and a 20-minute stability of 0.16 ppm. This stability is maintained over a wide operating temperature range and achieved without requiring routine auto-cal or selfcalibration, which can compromise measurement traceability and history. What’s more, Fluke publishes a detailed 8508A Extended Specifications Brochure on that specifies in absolute and relative terms, allowing you to replace Fluke’s calibration uncertainty with those that represent traceability available locally. Functional and versatile The Fluke 8508A lets you handle a wide range of applications and achieve your measurement requirements with a single instrument. In addition to AC and DC voltage, AC and DC current, resistance and frequency, the 8508A also includes a host of other features designed to increase the range of measurements you can make. True Ohms measurement using current reversal techniques improves the accuracy of your resistance measurements. The PRT temperature readout extends the 8508A’s functionality into precision temperature metrology. The Lo Current Ohms feature reduces measurement errors due to self-heating within the device being measured. A dual input channel ratio feature, under GPIB control, enables the 8508A to be used as a simple, fast, automated transfer standard. High current measurement (up to 20 A) extends the operational range to address your multi-product calibrator workload. Up to 200 V compliance on resistance ranges gives you greater scope to measure high resistances with greater accuracy. † Best guaranteed specification within measurement category. Ordering Information Reference Multimeter Reference Multimeter with Front and Rear 4 mm binding posts and rear input ratio measurement 8508ALEAD Lead kit including two pairs of 1 m six-wire PtFe cable terminated with gold flashed spaces connectors and 4 mm plugs 5626-15-S Secondary PRT 5699-S Extended Range PRT Y8508 Rack-Mount Kit Y8508S Rack-Mount Slide Kit 8508A 8508A/01 Easy to use A clear control structure with Dual Paramatrix™ LCD displays and contextsensitive menus provides an intuitive interface that makes the 8508A easy to 43 The Black Stack Thermometer Readout 2 ● Reads SPRTs, RTDs, thermistors, and thermocouples ● Any configuration you like up to eight modules ● High-accuracy reference thermometer (to ±0.0013 °C) ● Automates precision data acquisition Hart’s Black Stack thermometer has established itself as one of the most versatile, cost-effective, and accurate readouts in the world. Nothing about this instrument says ordinary. Traditionally, thermometers were square boxes configured to do one particular job—such as read a calibrated PRT. However, if you also wanted to measure thermistors, you had to buy another instrument that could do this specific task. Some thermometers can do multiple jobs, but they’re expensive, complex, and difficult to use. You’re paying for functions you don’t need and may never use. The Black Stack solves these problems and more. The 1560 Black Stack can be any kind of thermometer you want it to be, and it works in three distinctive ways. It’s a reference thermometer with a NIST traceable calibration; it’s an automated calibration system reading your reference probe and sensors you’re testing; or it’s a high-accuracy data 44 Thermometry acquisition system. And it does these functions better than any other thermometer currently on the market. The Stack consists of up to eight different modules that fit together to do any type of thermometry you choose. You can buy all of them, or any combination of them, and change the Stack and its functions anytime you want. Each module stacks behind the preceding one, and when you add a module, the Stack’s software automatically reconfigures itself to include all of the new functions supplied by that module. There’s nothing to take apart. No boards need to be installed. There’s no software to load, and nothing has to be calibrated. Just stack a new module onto the back of the previous modules and you’re ready to use the Black Stack and all of its remarkable features. Hart’s 9935 LogWare II makes the Black Stack an even more powerful data acquisition tool. LogWare II provides graphical and statistical analysis of each channel you’re measuring (up to 96 with the Black Stack). And with alarms that can be customized, delayed start times, and selectable logging intervals, LogWare II turns the Black Stack into the most powerful temperature data acquisition tool on the market. (See page 87.) The base unit The Stack starts with a base module. It consists of two parts: a display with the main processor and a power supply. The base module supplies power, communication management, and software coordination for all of the other modules. It has the display, control buttons, and RS-232 port built-in. Each base module can handle eight thermometer modules stacked behind it with a maximum of 96 sensor inputs. The base module never needs calibration and performs its own diagnostic self-test each time it powers up. The thermometer characteristics of each base module are defined by the thermometry modules stacked behind it. The modules There are nine thermometry modules: an SPRT module, a high-temp PRT module, a PRT scanner module, a standards thermistor module, a thermocouple scanner The Black Stack Thermometer Readout module, a thermistor scanner module, a precision thermocouple module, and two 1000-ohm PRT modules. Each module has its own processor and connects to the stack on a proprietary digital bus. Each retains its own calibration data and performs all analog measurement functions within the module. SPRT module 2560 The SPRT module reads 10-ohm, 25-ohm, and 100-ohm four-wire RTDs, PRTs, and SPRTs with very high accuracy. It turns the Stack into a first-rate reference thermometer with an accuracy to ±0.005 °C. The 2560 has two input channels so you can collect data with two reference sensors, or you can do comparison calibrations of one sensor against a calibrated reference sensor. Temperature conversion features include direct resistance measurement, ITS90, W(T90), IPTS-68, Callendar-Van Dusen, or an RTD polynomial conversion. The user-changeable default values for the CVD conversion fit the 100-ohm, 0.00385 ALPHA sensor described by IEC751. The SPRT modules can be used one at a time or combined together in any combination for reading up to 16 different reference thermometers. If you stack an SPRT module with a scanner module, you can test multiple sensors against your reference. Unlike other competitive instruments, our PRT Scanner Module operates with or without the two-channel SPRT module. If you can think of a way to use a reference thermometer, you can do it with the Stack. High-temp PRT module 2561 This module reads 2.5-ohm and 0.25ohm four-wire HTPRTs and RTDs. The complete resistance range covers up to 5ohm sensors with applications as high as 1200 °C. The temperature conversion features are the same as for the SPRT module, and like the SPRT module, the connectors are gold plated. PRT scanner 2562 This module reads eight channels of two-, three-, or four-wire 100-ohm PRTs or RTDs. The accuracy is ±0.01 °C at 0 °C for calibration of industrial sensors. The common industrial RTD can be read with the default values in the CVD temperature conversion for fast setup of industrial applications, or you can enter individual probe constants for higher accuracy data acquisition. Each module connects and disconnects easily from the Black Stack with just two screws. Standards thermistor module 2563 Special low-drift thermistors are becoming increasingly popular as reference probes in applications with modest temperature ranges up to 100 °C. This module has a temperature accuracy of ±0.0013 °C at 0 °C with a resolution of 0.0001 °C. The 2563 Thermistor Module has two input channels. It displays direct resistance in ohms or converts directly to a temperature readout using either the Steinhart-Hart equation or a higher-order polynomial. A polynomial interpolation function calculates the points between your measurements. Type R, type S, and gold-platinum conversions accept complete polynomial calibration coefficients. Additionally, a thermocouple conversion function calculates temperature by interpolating from a table. You enter the temperature in degrees C and the corresponding voltage for your specific sensor from 1 to 10 temperatures. Interpolation is performed between the entered points. Thermistor scanner module 2564 This module is usable with any type of thermistor but has eight channels instead of the two channels found on the Standards Thermistor Module and operates with or without the Standards Thermistor Module. This module’s accuracy is ±0.0025 °C at 0 °C for all eight channels. The eight channels make the 2564 module an excellent data acquisition tool. It can be used in research work or for verification of biomedical equipment such as DNA sequencing apparatus. Thermocouple scanner module 2566 This module has 12 channels and reads K, J, T, S, R, B, E, and N thermocouples. (Support for C and U type thermocouples is available. Download the application note Using Hart Readouts with TungstenRhenium and other Thermocouples from Each channel can be set to read a different type of thermocouple. All temperature readings are performed in exactly the same manner as with the 2565 module. The connectors on the scanner module are special dual connectors that accept both the common miniature and standard thermocouple connectors. If you want to use screw terminals, use the appropriately-sized connector with the hood removed. Precision thermocouple module 2565 This precision thermocouple module reads any type of thermocouple, including type S platinum thermocouples and gold-platinum thermocouples for standards work. This two-channel module has internal reference junction compensation, or you can use an external source for even greater accuracy. All the standard ANSI thermocouple types are preprogrammed; however, you can choose a conversion method and then enter the probe characteristics of your sensor, creating a system-calibrated channel. The 2565 module accepts up to three calibration points for error adjustment in the individual sensor. 1000-ohm PRT modules 2567 and 2568 For 1000-ohm PRTs, these modules provide all the same great features as the 2560 and 2562 Modules. The two-channel 2567 Module has a resistance range of 0 to 4000 ohms and is accurate to ±0.006 °C at 0 °C. The 2568 Module reads up to eight 1000-ohm PRTs and at 0 °C is accurate to ±0.01 °C. Don’t use an ohmmeter or multimeter to read your 45 The Black Stack Thermometer Readout connectors on the front panel. The front panel had to be easy to read, with all features including programming done on the front panel, and the programming taking advantage of the graphical capability of the display. The software had to be as creative and as versatile as the instrument. It had to be easy to use and, if at all possible, even fun to use. And finally, it had to be very accurate. The shape of the Black Stack facilitates the function and usability of the instrument. And it is unbelievably functional and fun to use. The only way you’ll truly understand what we’re talking about is to get one and try it. Hundreds of customers, including many national standards labs, already have it! The Black Stack is the perfect foundation to build a totally automated calibration system with Hart heat sources and 9938 MET/TEMP II software (see page 83). No programming or system design nightmares. 1000-ohm PRTs when you can use a Black Stack loaded with convenient temperature functions. Extended communications module 3560 Need more communications options? The 3560 module adds an IEEE-488 (GPIB) interface, a Centronics printer interface, and analog output via a DC signal (±1.25 VDC). Features common to all modules The 1560 Black Stack is an incredible thermometer. You buy only the modules you need for the work you are doing. If your work changes, simply order the modules with the functions you need and slip them onto the back of the Stack. Your thermometer changes its software, display, and method of operation to match the new functions you’ve added. Remember, you never have to open the case to add modules. There’s no software to load. It’s all automatic. Each module stores its own calibration internally, so you can add or change modules without recalibrating the whole stack. Module calibration is digital and is performed manually through the base’s front panel or over the RS-232 link. If your lab has the capability, you can calibrate modules yourself. If not, send them to us with or without your base unit and we’ll recalibrate them. Hart calibrations are accredited. The LCD screen has multiple methods of displaying data, including a graphical strip chart recorder. The graphical capability of the Black Stack makes testing temperature stability easier than ever. 46 Thermometry Vertical scaling and graph resolution are automatic. The Stack has high-accuracy, twochannel capability or multi-channel functionality if you need it. Its memory stores the most recent 1000 readings, or you can send your data to your PC through the RS-232 port. Each data point is time and date stamped. An IEEE-488 port is optional. With the Black Stack you can read data almost anyway you like—in ohms, millivolts, or temperature, according to your application and preference. Remember, this thermometer’s calibration is traceable to NIST. Its accuracy is as high as ±0.0013 °C, depending on the module and sensor you’re using. Hey! Why did you make it look like that?! We get asked this question a lot! There are several reasons for the shape of the Black Stack. When we started the design process on the Black Stack, we wanted a unique instrument that was a true technological leap in thermometry. Incremental improvements are okay sometimes, but if you’re going to lead the industry, you might as well go out and lead it. Here are some of the design criteria we started with. The new thermometer had to be capable of transforming itself into any kind of thermometry instrument the customer wanted, and it had to do this without having to open the box, replace boards, or set up anything. All connections needed to be easily accessible from the front of the instrument, with no The Black Stack Thermometer Readout Specifications Model 1560 Base Unit Power: 100 to 240 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz, nominal; Attachable Modules: up to 8; Display: 4.25 in x 2.25 in LCD graphics, LED backlight, adjustable contrast and brightness; Automatic Input Sequencing: 1 to 96 channels; Communications: RS-232; Non-volatile Memory: channel sequence, probe coefficients; Minimum Sample Time: 2 seconds. Extended Communication Module 3560 The Extended Communication Module adds additional communication interface capability to the system. This module includes a GPIB (IEEE-488) interface, Centronics printer interface, and analog output. The GPIB interface connects the 1560 to a GPIB bus. GPIB can be used to control any function of the 1560 and read measurement data. The printer interface allows the 1560 to send measurement data directly to a printer. The analog output sources a DC signal (±1.25 VDC) corresponding to the value of a measurement. Resistance modules Input Channels Resistance Range Basic Resistance Accuracy Resistance Resolution Temperature Range Equivalent Temperature Accuracy† ±20 ppm of reading (0.0005Ω at 25Ω, 0.002Ω at 100Ω) 0.0001Ω –260 °C to 962 °C ±50 ppm of reading (0.00013Ω at 2.5Ω) 0.00001Ω ±40 ppm of reading (0.004Ω at 100Ω) Temperature Resolution Excitation Current ±0.005 °C at 0 °C ±0.007 °C at 100 °C 0.0001 °C 1.0 mA, 1.4 mA 0 °C to 1200 °C ±0.013 °C at 0 °C ±0.018 °C at 100 °C 0.001 °C 3.0 mA, 5.0 mA 0.0001Ω –200 °C to 850 °C ±0.01 °C at 0 °C ±0.014 °C at 100 °C 0.0001 °C 1.0 mA, 1.4 mA ±50 ppm of reading (0.5Ω at 10 KΩ) 0.1Ω –60 °C to 260 °C ±0.0013 °C at 0 °C ±0.0015 °C at 75 °C 0.0001 °C 2 μA, 10 μA ±100 ppm of reading (1Ω at 10 KΩ) 0.1Ω –60 °C to 260 °C ±0.0025 °C at 0 °C ±0.003 °C at 75 °C 0.0001 °C 2 μA, 10 μA ±25 ppm of reading (0.025Ω at 1 KΩ) 0.001Ω –260 °C to 962 °C ±0.006 °C at 0 °C ±0.009 °C at 100 °C 0.0001 °C 0.1 mA, 0.05 mA ±40 ppm of reading (0.04Ω at 1 KΩ) 0.001Ω –200 °C to 850 °C ±0.01 °C at 0 °C ±0.014 °C at 100 °C 0.0001 °C 0.1 mA, 0.05 mA Millivolt Resolution Temperature † Accuracy, Ext. CJC Temperature † Accuracy, Int. CJC Temperature Resolution ±0.002 mV 0.0001 mV ±0.05 °C ±0.1 °C 0.001 °C ±0.004 mV 0.0001 mV ±0.1 °C ±0.3 °C 0.001 °C SPRT Module 2560 2 0Ω to 400Ω High-Temp PRT Module 2561 2 0Ω to 25Ω PRT Scanner 2562 8 0Ω to 400Ω Standards Thermistor Module 2563 2 0Ω to 1 MΩ Thermistor Scanner 2564 8 0Ω to 1 MΩ 1000Ω PRT Module 2567 2 0Ω to 4 KΩ 1000Ω PRT Scanner 2568 8 0Ω to 4 KΩ Thermocouple modules Input Channels Millivolt Range Millivolt Accuracy Precision Thermocouple Module 2565 2 –10 to 100 mV Thermocouple Scanner 2566 12 –10 to 100 mV † Temperature accuracy depends on probe type and temperature. 47 The Black Stack Thermometer Readout Ordering Information 1560 Black Stack Readout Base Unit 2560 SPRT Module, 25Ω and 100Ω, 2-channel 2561 High-Temp PRT Module, 0.25Ω to 5Ω, 2-channel 2562 PRT Scanner Module, 8-channel 2563 Standards Thermistor Module, 2-channel 2564 Thermistor Scanner Module, 8channel 2565 Precision Thermocouple Module, 2-channel 2566 Thermocouple Scanner Module, 12-channel 2567 SPRT Module, 1000Ω, 2channel 2568 PRT Scanner Module, 8-channel, 1000Ω 3560 Extended Communications Module 9935-S LogWare II, Multi Channel, Single User 9935-M LogWare II, Multi Channel, Multi User 9302 Case (holds 1560 and up to five modules) Probes 5610-6-X 5610-9-X 5642-X 5615-6-X 5615-9-X 5615-12-X 5626-12-X 5626-15-X 5628-12-X 5628-15-X Thermistor Probe (0.125 in dia x 6 in), 0 °C to 100 °C Thermistor Probe (0.125 in dia x 9 in), 0 °C to 100 °C Standards Thermistor Probe Secondary Standard PRT, (0.188 x 6.0 in), –200 to 300 °C Secondary Standard PRT, (0.188 x 9.0 in), –200 to 420 °C Secondary Standard PRT, (0.250 x 12.0 in), –200 to 420 °C Secondary Standard PRT (0.25 in dia x 12 in), 100Ω, –200 °C to 661 °C Secondary Standard PRT (0.25 in dia x 15 in), 100Ω, –200 °C to 661 °C Secondary Standard PRT (0.25 in dia x 12 in), 25Ω, –200 °C to 661 °C Secondary Standard PRT (0.25 in dia x 15 in), 25Ω, –200 °C to 661 °C HEATER POWER HEATER OFF SET DOWN UP POWER HEATER OFF SET DOWN EXIT UP UP EXIT ON HART SCIENTIFIC High Precision Bath HART SCIENTIFIC ON HART SCIENTIFIC High Precision Bath HEATER 48 Thermometry POWER OFF SET DOWN UP EXIT ON High Precision Bath HART SCIENTIFIC Calibrated Standards Probe The Black Stack as a High-Accuracy Reference Thermometer Use the Black Stack with a calibrated standards probe. Using multiple modules, you can have one instrument read a standards probe in each bath or furnace in your lab. Thermocouple Scanning Module PRT Scanning Module Thermistor Scanning Module SPRT/PRT Module Reference Thermometer Multiplexer DMM 1560 Base Unit Cold Junction Compensation Reference Probe Probes Under Test Reference Probe Probes Under Test The Black Stack as an Automated Calibration System The 1560 reads sensors under calibration. Traditional techniques require a reference thermometer, digital multimeter, scanner, and cold junction compensation for thermocouples. With the Black Stack, one instrument does the whole job. X = termination. Specify “B” (bare wire), “D” (5-pin DIN for Tweener Thermometers), “G” (gold pins), “I” (INFO-CON for 1521 or 1522 Handheld Thermometers), “J” (banana jacks), “L” (mini spade lugs), “M” (mini banana jacks), or “S” (spade lugs). See pages 60 to 80 for more probes. Spare connector kits 2380-X Miniature Thermocouple Connector, 12 pcs. (X = TC type. Choose from K, T, J, E, R, S, N, or U) 2381-X Standard Thermocouple Connector, 12 pcs. (X = TC type. Choose from K, T, J, E, R, S, N, or U) 2382 RTD/Thermistor Connector, 8 pcs. (Fits 2562, 2564, and 2568 modules) POWER OFF SET DOWN EXIT ON High Precision Bath The Black Stack as a High-Accuracy Data Acquisition System Use the 1560 in research work or critical production roles. With calibrated probes attached, the 1560 calibrates or verifies the performance of ovens, incubators, DNA sequencers, baths, or process equipment. Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout 2 ● Four channels for PRTs, thermistors, and thermocouples ● Displays eight user-selected data fields from any channel ● Logs up to 8,000 readings with date and time stamps ● Battery provides eight hours of continuous operation So you need multiple channels, battery power, outstanding accuracy, and the ability to read many different sensor types—but you don’t need all the power of a 1 ppm Super-Thermometer. We have the answer for you. Hart’s 1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer gives you four channels, three major sensor types, lab-quality accuracy, and a ton of great features, all at a price you’ll love. Inputs The Chub-E4 has four inputs for reading four different sensors simultaneously, and we’ll configure those inputs in any of three different ways according to your preference. Choose four channels of thermocouple inputs, four channels of PRT/thermistor inputs, or two channels of each. With this thermometer, reading thermocouples, PRTs, and thermistors accurately from the same device is no problem. 100-ohm, 25-ohm, or 10-ohm PRTs and RTDs are read using ITS-90, IEC-751 (DIN), or Callendar-Van Dusen conversion methods. Typical accuracies include ±0.004 °C at –100 °C and ±0.009 °C at 100 °C. Thermistor readings are converted using the Steinhart-Hart polynomial or standard YSI-400 curve and are as accurate as ±0.0025 °C at 25 °C with resolution of 0.0001 °. Thermocouple inputs read all the common thermocouple types, including B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T, and Au-Pt, and allow you to choose between internal and external reference junction compensation. Typical accuracy for a type J thermocouple at 600 °C is ±0.35 °C using internal reference junction compensation and not including the thermocouple. (Support for C and U type thermocouples is available. Download the application note Using Hart Readouts with Tungsten-Rhenium and other Thermocouples from PRTs and thermistors connect easily to the 1529 using Hart’s patented mini DWF connectors, which accept bare wire, spade lug, or mini banana plug terminations. Thermocouples connect using standard or miniature terminations. Measurements are taken each second and can be taken simultaneously or sequentially. A special high-speed mode allows measurements on one channel to be taken at the rate of 10 per second. Display If you think three sensor types and four inputs sounds versatile, wait until you see the display panel on the Chub-E4. Displaying measurements in °C, °F, K, ohms, or millivolts and choosing temperature resolution from 0.01 to 0.0001 are just the beginning. You can also select any eight items from our long list of displayable data fields to view on-screen. Choose statistical functions such as averages, standard deviations, and spreads; choose probe information such as probe type and serial number; choose T1–T2 functions using inputs from any two channels; or choose utility functions such as the date, time, and battery power level. You can even save up to 10 screen configurations for easy recall. The push of a single front-panel button also brings up a simple menu system to easily guide you through all the internal setup and memory options of the 1529. Probe coefficients, sample intervals, communication settings, password 49 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout settings, and a host of other functions are all easily accessible. Communications The memory and communications capabilities of the Chub-E4 make it perfect for benchtop thermometry, on-site measurements, lab calibration work, and remote data logging. Optional software packages from Hart make this one of the most powerful thermometers on the market. With battery power and memory to store up to 8,000 measurements (including date and time stamps) at userselected intervals, the 1529 has plenty of data logging capability. Store 100 individual measurements or any number of automatic log sessions (up to 8,000 readings), each tagged with an identifying session label. Fourteen different logging intervals may be selected, from 0.1 second to 60 minutes. With Hart’s 9935 LogWare II (page 87), data may be quickly downloaded to your PC for complete graphical and statistical analysis. Separate log sessions may even be automatically downloaded to separate files based on session labels. With this software, the 1529 can even be used for real-time data logging. Log four channels at once directly to your PC with virtually no limit to the number of data points you take. You can analyze data, set alarm events, and even set delayed start and stop times. With MET/TEMP II software, the ChubE4 may be integrated into a completely automated calibration system. Use one input for your reference thermometer and calibrate up to three other thermometers automatically (see page 83). An RS-232 port is standard on every unit. An IEEE488 port is optional. FLUKE CORPORATION HART SCIENTIFIC DIVISION + – CHANNEL CONFIGURATION CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 1 AMP 14.5–16 V CHARGING POWER RS-232 IEEE-488 (option) FUSES INTERNAL - 1 A T 125 V Choose from three combinations of inputs: 2 PRT/Thermistor and 2 TC or 4 PRT/Thermistor or 4 TC. PRTs and thermistors connect easily with Hart’s patented mini-DWF connectors, which accept bare wire, spade lug, or banana plug terminations. The Chub-E4 reads 2-, 3-, or 4-wire PRTs with either 25or 100-ohm nominal resistance values. A grounding terminal is also included. Thermocouple receptacles accept both standard and miniature connectors. The Chub-E4 reads thermocouple types B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T, and Au-PT. More great features Did we forget some aspect of versatility on this thermometer? No! The 1529 runs on AC power from 100 to 240 volts, DC power from 12 to 16 volts, or off its internal nickel-metal-hydride battery for eight hours between charging. The standard battery charges in less than three hours and lasts through 500 charge/recharge cycles. If you want to rack-mount your ChubE4, we’ve even got a rack-mount kit for you. This unit fits on your benchtop, in your instrument rack, and even in your hand. Of course, all the reference thermometers you might need for your 1529 are available from Hart, including secondary standard PRTs, standard thermistors, and noble-metal thermocouples. Carrying 50 Thermometry cases and even a serial printer for direct printer output are also available. We’ve said it before and we’ll keep saying it: Hart Scientific simply makes the best thermometer readouts in the world. No one else gives you a comparable combination of accuracy, versatility, productivity-enhancing features, and price. No one. Get a Chub-E4 and just enjoy everything it’ll do for you. You’ll love it. Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout PRT / RTD Specifications Inputs Thermistor Thermocouple 2 channels PRT/thermistor and 2 channels TC, or 4 channels PRT/thermistor, or 4 channels TC, specify when ordering; PRT/thermistor channels accept 2, 3, or 4 wires; TC inputs accept B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T, and Au-Pt TC types. (Support for C and U type thermocouples is available. Download the application note Using Hart Readouts with Tungsten-Rhenium and other Thermocouples from Temperature Range –189 °C to 960 °C –50 °C to 150 °C –270 °C to 1800 °C Measurement Range 0 to 400 Ω 0 to 500 KΩ –10 to 100 mV ITS-90, IEC-751 (DIN “385”), CallendarVan Dusen Steinhart-Hart, YSI-400 NIST Monograph 175, 3-point deviation function applied to NIST 175, 6th-order polynomial ±0.004 °C at –100 °C ±0.006 °C at 0 °C ±0.009 °C at 100 °C ±0.012 °C at 200 °C ±0.018 °C at 400 °C ±0.024 °C at 600 °C ±0.0025 °C at 0 °C ±0.0025 °C at 25 °C ±0.004 °C at 50 °C ±0.010 °C at 75 °C ±0.025 °C at 100 °C Ext. RJC Int. RJC B at 1000 °C ±0.6 °C ±0.6 °C E at 600 °C ±0.07 °C ±0.25 °C J at 600 °C ±0.1 °C ±0.35 °C K at 600 °C ±0.15 °C ±0.4 °C N at 600 °C ±0.15 °C ±0.3 °C R at 1000 °C ±0.4 °C ±0.5 °C S at 1000 °C ±0.5 °C ±0.6 °C T at 200 °C ±0.1 °C ±0.3 °C 0.001 ° 0.0001 ° 0.01 to 0.001 ° 0Ω to 20Ω: ±0.0005Ω 20Ω to 400Ω: ±25 ppm of rdg. 0Ω to 5 KΩ: ±0.5Ω 5 KΩ to 200 KΩ: ±100 ppm of rdg. 200 KΩ to 500 KΩ ±300 ppm of rdg. –10 to 50 mV: ±0.005 mV 50 to 100 mV: ±100 ppm of rdg. (Internal RJC: ±0.25 °C) Characterizations Temperature Accuracy (meter only) Temperature Resolution Resistance/Voltage Accuracy 16 °C to 30 °C Operating Range 0.1 second to 1 hour; inputs may be read sequentially or simultaneously at 1 second or greater interval Measurement Interval 1 mA, reversing Excitation Current 2 and 10 μA, automatically selected n/a 33 x 127 mm (1.3 x 5 in) backlit LCD graphical display Display Display Units °C, °F, K, Ω, KΩ, mV Data Logging Up to 8,000 time- and date-stamped measurements can be logged 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, or 60 seconds; 2, 5, 10, 30, or 60 minutes Logging Intervals Moving average of most recent 2 to 10 readings, user selectable Averaging Probe Connection Patented DWF Connectors accept mini spade lug, bare-wire, or mini banana plug terminations Universal receptacle accepts miniature and standard TC connectors RS-232 included, IEEE-488 (GPIB) optional Communications AC Power 100–240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 0.4 A DC Power 12–16 VDC, 0.5 A (battery charges during operation from 14.5 to 16V DC, 1.0A) NiMH, 8 hours of operation typical without backlight, 3 hours to charge, 500 cycles Battery 102 x 191 x 208 mm (4.0 x 7.5 x 8.2 in) Size (HxWxD) 2 kg (4.5 lb.) Weight See pages 60 to 80 Probes from Hart Calibration Accredited NIST-traceable resistance calibration and NIST-traceable voltage calibration provided Ordering Information Chub-E4 Thermometer, 2 TC and 2 PRT/Thermistor inputs 1529-R Chub-E4 Thermometer, 4 PRT/Thermistor inputs 1529-T Chub-E4 Thermometer, 4 TC inputs 2506-1529 IEEE Option 9322 Rugged Carrying Case, holds 1529 and four probes up to 12” long 9323 Soft Carrying Case 1529 2513-1529 Rack-Mount Kit 9935-S LogWare II, Multi Channel, Single User 9935-M LogWare II, Multi Channel, Multi User 2375 Thermal Serial Printer, with paper, AC adapter, cable, battery pack 2362 Spare AC Adapter, 15 V 51 Tweener Thermometer Readouts Battery option If you want freedom from AC power in the field or on the plant floor, order Model 2502 and we’ll install a DC power board in your Tweener. Then you can connect your own 12-volt DC power or order Hart’s 9313 Battery Pack. Our battery gives you three to eight hours between charges. It includes a charger and a nylon pouch with a belt clip. Calibration choices 3 ● Two Tweeners to choose from—reading PRTs or thermistors ● Battery packs available ● Best price/performance package One of Hart’s best-selling products is the Tweener thermometer, and there’s a reason. No other company, not one, has a thermometer that comes close to the performance and features of the Tweener for anywhere near its price. 1502A Tweener PRT Readout The 1502A Tweener features accuracy up to ±0.006 °C (the 1504 is even more accurate, up to ±0.002 °C). In addition, it reads 100-ohm, 25-ohm, and 10-ohm probes, has a resolution of 0.001 °C across its entire range, and is the smallest unit in its class. It also has an optional battery pack for completely portable operation. Each Tweener is programmable to match a probe’s constants for maximum linearity and accuracy. All probe constants and coefficients are programmed through simple, front-panel keystrokes. Temperature is displayed in °C, °F, K, or resistance in ohms. The 1502A accurately measures the resistance of the probe and then converts the resistance to a temperature value using its built-in algorithms. For convenience, the 1502A reads the common industrial grade IEC-751 or “385” ALPHA RTD without any programming. Enter the actual R0 and ALPHA of the individual probe for increased accuracy. For maximum accuracy, use the ITS90 formulas. The Tweener accepts the subranges 4 and 6 through 11. ITS-90 formulas reside in the Tweener’s firmware. If your probe has been calibrated for any of the above 52 Thermometry subranges of the ITS-90, you simply enter the coefficients directly into your Tweener. Each thermometer comes complete with an RS-232 interface for automation of temperature data collection, calibrations, or process control functions. An IEEE-488 interface is available as an option. The 1502A is calibrated digitally using the front-panel buttons. You never have to open the box to calibrate it. This calibration protocol further reduces the cost of the 1502A. It goes where you go and works the way you want it to. 1504 Tweener Thermistor Readout If you need more accuracy in a limited temperature range, the Model 1504 Tweener gives it to you as a thermistor readout. Thermistors are less fragile than PRTs and less likely to be impacted by mechanical shock. Thermistors are more sensitive to temperature, have faster response times, and come in many shapes for different applications. Typical accuracy of a 1504 is ±0.002 °C with a resolution of 0.0001 °C. Software With our 9934 LogWare, both Tweener models may be used for real-time data acquisition. Collect data and analyze it graphically or statistically. Additionally, Tweeners may be used as reference thermometers with our MET/TEMP II software. (See our software section starting on page 82.) Each Tweener and its accompanying probe (sold separately) have their own individual calibration reports. Overall system error can be calculated from the individual errors, rendering the added cost of system data unnecessary. However, for those requiring it, system data is available at two or more temperatures of your choice. (See calibration options on page 164.) The thermistor version of the “Tweener” gives you more variety in sensor configurations and even higher accuracy over a limited temperature range. Tweener Thermometer Readouts 1502A Specifications † 1504 –200 °C to 962 °C (–328 °F to 1764 °F) Any thermistor range 0Ω to 400Ω, auto-ranging 0Ω to 1 MΩ, auto-ranging Nominal RTPW: 10Ω to 100Ω RTD, PRT, or SPRT Thermistors ITS-90 subranges 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 IPTS-68: R0, α, δ, a4, and c4 Callendar-Van Dusen: R0, α, δ, and β Steinhart-Hart thermistor polynomial Callendar-Van Dusen: R0, α, δ, and β 0Ω to 20Ω: 0.0005Ω 20Ω to 400Ω: 25 ppm 0Ω to 5 KΩ: 0.5Ω 5 KΩ to 200 KΩ: 100 ppm 200 KΩ to 1 MΩ: 300 ppm Temperature Accuracy ±0.004 °C at –100 °C ±0.006 °C at 0 °C ±0.009 °C at 100 °C ±0.012 °C at 200 °C ±0.018 °C at 400 °C ±0.024 °C at 600 °C ±0.002 °C at 0 °C ±0.002 °C at 25 °C ±0.004 °C at 50 °C ±0.010 °C at 75 °C ±0.020 °C at 100 °C (Using 10 KΩ thermistor sensor, α=0.04. Does not include probe uncertainty or characterization errors.) Operating Temperature Range 16 °C to 30 °C 13 °C to 33 °C 0Ω to 20Ω: 0.0001Ω 20Ω to 400Ω: 0.001Ω 0Ω to 10 KΩ: 0.01Ω 10 KΩ to 100 KΩ: 0.1Ω 100 KΩ to 1 MΩ: 1Ω Temperature Range Resistance Range Probe Characterizations Resistance Accuracy (ppm of reading) † Resistance Resolution 0.001 °C 0.0001 °C 0.5 and 1 mA, user selectable, 2 Hz 2 and 10 μA, automatically selected Temperature Resolution Excitation Current 1 second Measurement Period Exponential, 0 to 60 seconds time constant (user selectable) Digital Filter Probe Connection 4-wire with shield, 5-pin DIN connector Communications RS-232 serial standard IEEE-488 (GPIB) optional Display 8-digit, 7-segment, yellow-green LED; 0.5-inch-high characters Power 115 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 1 A, nominal 230 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 1 A, nominal, specify 61 x 143 x 181mm (2.4 x 5.6 x 7.1 in) Size (HxWxD) 1.0 kg (2.2 lb.) Weight Accredited NIST-traceable calibration provided Calibration Probes from Hart See pages 62 to 68 See pages 70 to 75 † Temperature ranges and accuracy may be limited by the sensor you use. Ordering Information 1502A 1504 2502 2505 2506 2507 2508 9934-S 9934-M 9313 9301 Tweener PRT Readout Tweener Thermistor Readout DC Power Option Spare Connector IEEE Option Mini-Printer Serial Cable Kit LogWare, Single Channel, Single User LogWare, Single Channel, Multi User Battery Pack Carrying Case, fits Tweener and 12 in probe System Cal Report, Thermistors (see pages 164 to 167) 1930 System Cal Report, PRT (see pages 164 to 167) See pages 60 to 80 for a selection of probes to use with Tweeners and other Hart readouts. 1935 53 Handheld Thermometer Readouts curves, RTDs can be read using the common DIN 43760 (IEC 751) curve and thermistors can be read using the YSI 400 curve. INFO-CON Connectors ● Read PRTs/RTDs to ±0.025 °C and thermistors to ±0.005 °C ● Model 1522 stores multiple data sets totaling 10,000 readings ● INFO-CON connector allows interchangeable use of calibrated probes ● INFO-CON eliminates errors from programming probe data With the Super-Thermometer, Black Stack, and Tweener thermometers, Hart established itself as the clear product leader for thermometer readouts. Our pattern of offering more power and more versatility for less money is indisputable. Another case in point: Hart offers the two most powerful handheld thermometers in the world. The Models 1521 and 1522 are the first standards thermometers to fit into a battery-powered handheld package. They’re as accurate as ±0.005 °C! You’ll only find this level of accuracy in large desktop units that cost three times more. It’s no wonder we call the 1521 the Little Lord Kelvin of thermometry. Fitting easily into your hand and weighing only 0.4 kg (1 pound), these thermometers can go anywhere. And when they get there, you can have total confidence in the accuracy of your measurements. The 1522 has the power of a full data logger, with memory to hold 10,000 readings. Probes The 1521 and 1522 read both Pt-25 and Pt-100 RTDs as well as thermistors. PRTs and RTDs, with their wide temperature ranges and stabilities, have long 54 Thermometry been favored as temperature standards. From –200 °C to 100 °C, the 1521 reads PRTs accurately to ±0.025 °C. Even at 800 °C these are high-precision readouts, accurate to ±0.1 °C. Ultra-stable thermistors offer excellent stability and even greater accuracies over a more narrow range—typically from about –10 °C to 110 °C. At temperatures below 50 °C, these Handheld Thermometers read thermistors to ±0.005 °C. Accuracy at 100 °C is ±0.02 °C. While a small number of handheld thermometers on the market offer 0.01 ° resolution, they fail to provide the accuracy necessary for the last digit to be meaningful. Hart’s Handheld Thermometers let you select resolution from 0.1 ° to 0.001 ° and offer the accuracy to support even 0.001 ° resolution. Of course, the 1521 and 1522 let you match the exact resistance-versus-temperature characteristics of an individually calibrated probe. This is true standards thermometry. Hart’s Handheld Thermometers read ITS-90, Callendar-Van Dusen, or Steinhart-Hart coefficients for maximum system accuracy. These are real algorithms, not approximating conversion methods or electronic look-up tables. If you want to use common industrial Probes attach to the 1521 and 1522 using Hart’s own “INFO-CON” connector. The INFO-CON (partially based on U.S. Patent 5,857,777) allows you to change the probes you use without requiring you to reprogram your readout. A memory chip in the INFO-CON stores all the critical information about your probe, including its serial number, recall date, and calibration constants. When you connect your probe, the 1521 automatically recognizes whether you’re using an RTD or thermistor and downloads the calibration constants and type of conversion specific to your probe. It also checks the recall date stored in the INFO-CON to verify it has not expired. To dedicate a single probe to your readout, disable the password-protected interchangeability function and your thermometer will read only the probe you specify. Forget entering calibration constants yourself, and don’t worry about the mistakes that can so easily occur during that process. You don’t even need to select your sensor type. It’s all stored in the INFO-CON. Just plug in your probe and you’re ready to take readings. It doesn’t get any easier. Information is loaded into the memory of the INFO-CON by Hart when you purchase a probe or have a probe recalibrated by Hart. Alternatively, you may load your own information into an INFO-CON through the Handheld Thermometer or through Model 9934 LogWare (see page 87). If you’d like to use a Hart Handheld Thermometer with probes you already own, no problem! Spare connectors are available. They easily connect to your probes, and you can program them yourself. 1521 Little Lord Kelvin The 1521 Little Lord Kelvin uses a menu system for convenient access to all functions. Calibration and sensor programming functions are password protected to help prevent unauthorized access. “Min” and “Max” functions store the lowest and highest readings since the last reset. The “Hold” function freezes and stores the current reading (up to six may be stored) for later recall. And the “Delta” function computes the difference between the current reading and a reference value, which may be recorded at any time. Handheld Thermometer Readouts Each thermometer comes complete with rechargeable nickel-metal-hydride batteries, an AC adapter/charger, an RS232 cable for connecting to your PC, and a spare INFO-CON connector. Every unit also includes a NIST-traceable calibration with actual resistance measurements for your individual meter at ten points—four representing typical RTD values and six representing typical thermistor values. A wide variety of standards-quality probes are available from Hart in many different shapes, sizes, and price ranges. Please refer to our selection of probes on page 60. The uncertainty of your probe should be added to the uncertainty of the meter to compute total system uncertainty. CO N The Model 1522 Little Lord Logger has all the power and great features of the 1521 plus the ability to log data. Two data acquisition modes are included. In “Auto Logging” mode, the 1522 can store up to 10,000 measurements at user-selected intervals, including the value, unit of measure, date, and time of each measurement. If you need more than one data set, stop recording any time and record as many sets as you like up to a total of 10,000 values. Once the 10,000 value limit is reached, recording stops, so data is never lost unless you tell the 1522 to clear its log. Tells your 1521/1522 the serial number and recall date of the attached probe so you never have to worry about using a probe that is overdue for calibration. O- 1522 Little Lord Logger F IN Handheld Thermometers make excellent reference standards for field calibrations. Stores (in a memory chip) the characterization constants for your RTD or thermistor so there’s no need to enter them manually or download them from a PC. Tells your 1521/1522 whether it’s connected to an RTD or thermistor. No need to tell your readout what to do. Allows you to change probes easily. Simply plug in the new probe and the 1521/1522 is “married” to it with all the relevant data. The 1522 also holds as many as 25 data labels in its memory so that each set of data can be uniquely tagged. Simply select one of the 25 labels you’ve created before recording data. This label is then recorded with each measurement. In “Demand Logging” mode, up to 100 individual measurements can be recorded, each one tagged with one of the 25 data labels. Whether you need a lot of measurements from one source or single measurements from many sources, the 1522 is a powerful data recording tool. With Hart’s 9934 LogWare software (see page 87), data management is easy. Data sets gathered remotely through the 1522 can be easily downloaded to a PC either as a single file or as individual files for each data set. Link the LLL to your PC through a serial cable to send data as ASCII or binary files. View the data, graph it, or apply alarms. With LogWare you can record data in real time either from a 1522 or 1521 Thermometer. One company consistently delivers powerful metrology products that make your life easier. Ask other companies about their handheld thermometers. Ask them about their thermometers that are accurate to within a few millikelvin and that record data at the touch of a button. Then ask them to give it all to you in one package. Hart Scientific does—at a price you’ll love. Call us today and get the most powerful handheld thermometers in the world. LogWare software can be used to graphically and statistically analyze data logged to the Model 1522 LLL. LogWare can also turn either Handheld Thermometer into a real-time datalogger. Calibrate PRTs over their useful range Most people use their platinum resistance thermometers over a temperature range that is smaller than the total operable range published by the instrument’s manufacturer. When recalibrating a PRT, select the calibration range based on the intended use rather than on the manufacturer’s maximum range specifications. This will save you money because calibrations over a wider span usually require more temperature points, and therefore cost more. It will also reduce the wear and tear on your probe and result in better measurements since PRTs are generally more stable when used over a narrow range. 55 Handheld Thermometer Readouts Specifications Ordering Information Pt 25 to Pt 100 Thermistor –200 °C to 962 °C –50 °C to 150 °C Resistance Range 0Ω to 400Ω 0Ω to 500 KΩ Characterizations ITS-90, IEC-751 (DIN “385”), Callendar-Van Dusen Temperature Accuracy (meter only) Sensor Type Temperature Range Excitation Current 1521 Handheld Thermometer Readout, Little Lord Kelvin 1522 Handheld Logging Thermometer Readout, Little Lord Logger Steinhart-Hart thermistor polynomial, YSI 400 (2252 ohms) 9934-S LogWare, Single Channel, Single User –200 °C to 100 °C: ±0.025 °C 100 °C to 400 °C: ±0.05 °C 400 °C to 800 °C: ±0.1 °C 800 °C to 962 °C: ±0.15 °C 0 °C to 50 °C: ±0.005 °C 50 °C to 75 °C: ±0.01 °C 75 °C to 100 °C: ±0.02 °C 9934-M LogWare, Single Channel, Multi User 2370 Spare RS-232 Cable 0.5 mA 5 μA 2371 Spare INFO-CON Connector 2373 Probe Termination Adapter, INFO-CON to spade lug 2375 Mini Thermal Printer, includes power supply, battery pack, paper, adapter, cable 0 °C to 40 °C Operating Range 0.001 ° Temperature Resolution 1 second Measurement Period 1- to 60-second exponential filter 2378 Paper, 2375 Printer Probe Connection INFO-CON Connector 9321 Soft Carrying Case, 1521/1522 Communications RS-232 9318 Hard Carrying Case, fits 1521/1522 and a 12 in probe 2601 Probe Carrying Case 2521 Battery Pack, 1521/1522 2361 Spare AC Adapter, 12 V Digital Filter Memory Stores 6 readings in “Hold” mode Logs 10,000 readings in “Auto Logging” mode; logs 100 readings in “Demand Logging” mode. Memory holds up to 25 data labels that may be attached to Demand Log readings or Auto Log data sets. Display 6-digit, 7-segment LCD with 16x1 alphanumeric Power Rechargeable nickel-metal-hydride batteries (AC adapter included) Size (HxWxD) 20 x 11 x 4 cm (7.75 x 4.2 x 1.5 in) 0.4 kg (1 lb.) Weight Probes from Hart Calibration See page 60 for precision PRTs and thermistors Accredited 10-point, NIST-traceable resistance calibration provided Readouts and probes should match Digital thermometer readouts measure resistance, voltage, and sometimes connector temperature (in the case of TCs). The displayed temperature is always a computed result—not a direct measurement! Pretty simple, right? The trouble is that the readout will perform the calculation even if all of the information upon which the calculation is based is wrong or missing. And the error may not always be obvious. 56 Thermometry Before making a measurement, check the readout and ensure that the coefficients, excitation current, and reference junction settings are correct. While you’re at it, check the sample timing, statistics, and filtering. You’ll save yourself a lot of trouble and be much happier with the results. The Model 9318 Hard Carrying Case protects your Handheld Thermometer, a probe, and all your accessories. The DewK Thermo-Hygrometer connectivity over the internet, so you can monitor critical conditions while you’re away. Cables running along the floor can be a safety hazard, and cables hanging from the ceiling and walls are an eyesore. With the DewK, your wireless dreams will come true when you connect your computer through an RF modem up to 100 ft away, without the clutter of all the extra cables! Finally, if you need a printout, send data to a printer through the RS-232 interface in real time. Math and statistical functions In addition to temperature and humidity, the DewK calculates dew point, heat index, and rates of change for both temperature and humidity, without the need to buy additional software. Min, max, and a variety of other statistics are also calculated and can be shown on-screen. Daily summary statistics, including min, max, and maximum rates of change are stored for the most recent sixty days. Calibrated sensors ● ● ● ● ● ● over its calibrated range of 15 °C to 35 °C. Relative humidity readings are to ± 2 %RH from 20 %RH to 70 %RH. All DewK sensors come with NVLAP accredited certificates of calibration for both temperature and humidity, complete with data and NIST traceability. Hart provides exceptional uncertainties, including total test uncertainty ratios better than 3:1 for both temperature and relative humidity—even for the high-accuracy sensors! Both sensors can also measure temperature below their respective calibrated ranges to 0 °C and above their respective calibrated ranges to 50 °C with typical accuracy of ± 0.5 °C. And RH readings from 0 %RH to 20 %RH and from 70 %RH to 100 %RH are typically within ± 3 %. With the DewK you get two for the price of one. Having inputs for two sensors, each measuring both temperature and relative humidity, one DewK can monitor two locations at the same time. Both sensors can be run via extension cables to remote locations up to 100 feet away, or one sensor can be directly mounted to the top of the DewK. Each sensor is calibrated for both temperature and humidity at Fluke’s Hart Scientific Division. The calibration constants assigned to the sensors reside in a memory chip located inside the sensor housing, so sensors may be used interchangeably between different DewKs, and the recalibration of sensors doesn’t require an accompanying DewK. Sensors may also be assigned a unique identifier (up to 16 characters) to facilitate record keeping by matching the sensor identifier with the collected data. Each DewK ships with one sensor, with additional sensors available from Hart. Spare sensors may also be purchased as a kit, which includes a case for the sensor, a wall mounting bracket, and a 25-foot extension cable. Ethernet and wireless capability Memory The DewK gives you all the communications options you expect, and then some. With its built-in Ethernet RJ45 jack, multiple DewKs can be monitored from the same screen using our new LogWare III client-server software. Ethernet also gives you the possibility for remote The DewK has enough on-board memory to store up to 400,000 date- and timestamped data points. That’s two years’ worth of data for both measurements from two sensors if readings are taken every ten minutes! Superior accuracy NEW! Network enabled Powerful logging and analysis tools Two interchangeable calibrated sensors Huge memory NEW! Upgraded software Two years ago the 1620 DewK revolutionized environmental monitoring for calibration labs, but it just got better. Wait until you hear about the 1620A! Now you can easily monitor and record conditions throughout your entire facility with the DewK’s new Ethernet and wireless connections, and set your upgraded LogWare III software to notify you immediately of changing conditions. You’ll still have the superior convenience, dependability, and NIST-traceable accuracy of a 1620, but your 1620A will give you the added accessibility and peace of mind you’ve been looking for. Accuracy Two types of sensors are available from Hart, and the DewK may be originally purchased with either one. The high-accuracy sensor (“H” model) reads temperature to ± 0.125 °C over a calibrated range of 16 °C to 24 °C. Relative humidity readings are to ± 1.5 %RH from 20 %RH to 70 %RH. The standard-accuracy sensor (“S” model) reads temperature to ± 0.25 °C 57 The DewK Thermo-Hygrometer Alarms and battery backup Alarm settings can be set up quickly in the DewK based on temperature, the rate of change in temperature, RH, the rate of change in RH, and instrument fault conditions. Alarms can be both visual (flashing display) and audible (beeping). Likewise, alarm settings can be set up and events triggered in LogWare III. The DewK is also equipped with a 0 to 12 volt alarm output that can trigger a process control system. A backup battery shuts down the DewK’s display but maintains measurements for up to 16 hours in the event of a power failure. One very cool display Want to view data from across the room? Want to view data from two temperature and two humidity inputs simultaneously? Want to view data graphically, statistically, or both? At the same time?! The DewK does everything you could want— or at least everything we could think of. Up to sixteen different display setups can be stored and recalled at the touch of a single button. And all 16 can be easily modified, so you get exactly what you want. Confidence Fluke’s Hart Scientific Division supplies the world’s finest measurement laboratories with world-class temperature standards. We not only measure temperature and humidity better than anybody, we make temperature measurements functional and productive. Don’t compromise on your lab standards. Measure with confidence. Partner with Hart Scientific. 58 Thermometry The DewK lets you view data just about any way you like it. Both graphical data and statistical data can be shown for temperature and humidity from one or two inputs. Modifying any of the standard screens is easily done, so you see exactly what you want—no more, no less. LogWare III If you really want to get the most out of your DewK, LogWare III is an investment worth every penny. As client-server or stand-alone software, it remotely monitors and logs an unlimited number of concurrent log sessions into a single database. That means data from many DewKs can be managed in real time via Ethernet, RS-232, or wireless connections. LogWare III allows you to customize your graph trace color, alarms, and statistics as you go. You can start/stop log sessions and modify sample intervals from your computer. LogWare III supports “hot-swapping,” which allows you to remove and replace sensors without shutting down the log session. LogWare III also supports security features such as passwords for individual users or groups/teams, a built-in administrator account, pre-defined user groups, and customizable permissions. Never again be the last to know about a problem. Customizable e-mail settings allow you to send e-mails to designated recipients, including cell phones and PDA’s, when a log session begins, ends, or is aborted; when the DewK’s battery is low; when a sensor calibration is due; or when a temperature/humidity alarm is exceeded. If you cannot be reached via email, you can always arrange to be paged instead. Data stored on the DewK can be imported into the software, which is a handy feature when power outages disable the network. Are you ready for a deep dive into your data? Historical data can be viewed by sensor (model/serial number) location, or log session and displayed in a spreadsheet-style grid. Logged data can also be exported to HTML, RTF or ASCII text for use in your analytical software, or simply print historical data and graphs. Customizable graphs in LogWare III with zooming capability are an easy way to analyze your data history, and data points that need to be explained can be highlighted, annotated, and referred to later. LogWare III statistics include min, max, spread, average, and standard deviation functions, and printed reports keep track of the number of temperature and humidity measurements that were found to be out of tolerance. For previously stored data, LogWare allows on-screen viewing of raw data. It also exports data easily to file formats that can be viewed in Excel or other common spreadsheet and database programs. It’s hard to say which is more versatile: the DewK or LogWare III. This could well be the amazingest combination we’ve ever produced! The DewK Thermo-Hygrometer Specifications Ordering Information 1622A-H Operating Range 0 °C to 50 °C (32 °F to 122 °F); 0 %RH to 100 %RH Calibrated Temperature Accuracy (“H” Model) ± 0.125 °C from 16 °C to 24 °C (± 0.225 °F from 60.8 °F to 75.2 °F) Calibrated temperature Accuracy (“S” Model) ± 0.25 °C from 15 °C to 35 °C (± 0.45 °F from 59 °F to 95 °F) Calibrated RH Accuracy (“H” Model) ± 1.5 %RH from 20 %RH to 70 %RH Calibrated RH Accuracy (“S” Model) ± 2 %RH from 20 %RH to 70 %RH Expected Extrapolated Performance (Uncertified) ± 0.5 °C (± 0.9 °F) outside calibrated range ± 3 %RH outside calibrated range Delta Temperature Accuracy ± 0.025 °C for ± 1 ° changes within 15 °C to 35 °C (± 0.045 °F for ± 1 ° changes within 59 °F to 95 °F) Temperature Resolution User selectable up to 0.001 °C/°F on front-panel display (0.01° recorded) Delta Humidity Accuracy ± 1.0 %RH for ± 5 % changes within 20 %RH to 70 %RH RH Resolution User selectable up to 0.01 % on front-panel display (0.1 % recorded) Inputs Up to two sensors, measure temperature and relative humidity, detachable, cable-extendable, interchangeable, self-contained calibrations, may be assigned unique 16-character identifications Display 240 x 128 graphics monochrome LCD, displays password-protected temperature/humidity data graphically, numerically, and statistically (one or both channels); 16 pre-defined, user-changeable screen setups Memory 400,000 typical individual date/time-stamped readings Alarms Password-protected visual, audible, and external alarms for temperature, temperature rate, RH, RH rate, and fault conditions Alarm Port Output 2.5 mm two-conductor subminiature plug, 0 V normal, 11 to 12 V active, sources up to 20 mA Connectivity Ethernet, RS-232, RF (optional) Ethernet RJ45 jack, 10 Base-T or 100 Base-TX; static or dynamic (DHCP client) IP address assignment 2626-S Web Page Embedded web page interface features: instrument identification, measurements, password-protected terminal page; can be disabled 2627-S Wireless Option Requires wireless modem. 802.15.4 (underlies Zigbee), 2.4 GHz frequency, 1 mW transmit power, 30 m (100 ft) typical unobstructed range; can be disabled Mounting Wall mounted (hardware included) or set on a bench top Power 12 V dc from external 100 to 240 V dc power supply 2633-USB Battery Backup Standard 9 V battery enables continued measuring during power disruptions 2633-232 Size (DewK) (HxWxD) 125 mm x 211 mm x 51 mm (4.9 x 8.3 x 2.0 in) Size (Sensors) (LxDia) 79 mm x 19 mm (3.1 x 0.75 in) Weight 0.7 kg (1.5 lb) Calibration Certificate of NIST-traceable NVLAP accredited temperature and humidity calibration included; As Found and As Left data supplied at three temperature points and three humidity points each at 20 °C (68 °F); Complies with NCSL/ISO/IEC 17025:2000 and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994 LogWare III (Optional Software) 1621A-H 1620A-H Requirements include: Microsoft® Windows® 2000 (SP4) or XP (SP2) operating system, IBM compatible Intel Pentium® IV 1 GHz PC processor or better, 512 Mb RAM (1Gb or more recommended), 200 Mb HDD space for installation (additional free space recommended for data storage), CD-ROM drive for installation 1622A-S 1621A-S 1620A-S 2626-H 2627-H 2633-RF 2628 2629 9328 2607 2361 9936A The “DewK” Thermo-Hygrometer, USB Wireless High-Accuracy Value Kit (includes 1621AH Value Kit, 2633-RF, and 2633-USB) The “DewK” Thermo-Hygrometer, High-Accuracy Value Kit (includes 1620A-H and 2627-H below, and 9936A LogWare III single-PC license) The “DewK” Thermo-Hygrometer, High-Accuracy (includes one high-accuracy sensor, wall mount bracket, and RS-232 cable) The “DewK” Thermo-Hygrometer, USB Wireless Standard-Accuracy Value Kit (includes 1621A-S Value Kit, 2633-RF, and 2633-USB) The “DewK” Thermo-Hygrometer, Standard-Accuracy Value Kit (includes 1620A-S and 2627-S below, and 9936A LogWare III single-PC license) The “DewK” Thermo-Hygrometer, Standard-Accuracy (includes one standard-accuracy sensor, wall mount bracket, and RS-232 cable) Spare Sensor, high-accuracy Spare Sensor Kit (includes high-accuracy sensor, sensor case, sensor wall mount bracket, and 7.6 m [25 ft] extension cable) Spare Sensor, standardaccuracy Spare Sensor Kit, (includes standard-accuracy sensor, sensor case, sensor wall mount bracket, and 7.6 m [25 ft] extension cable) Wireless Option (requires wireless modem) Wireless Modem, USB to wireless Wireless Modem, RS-232 to wireless Cable, Sensor Extension, 7.6 m (25 ft) Cable, Sensor Extension, 15.2 m (50 ft) Protective Case for 1620A and two sensors Protective Case for spare sensor Spare Power Supply, 100 to 240 V ac LogWare III Software (Single License) For more ordering information on 9936A LogWare III license and upgrade options see page 88. 59 Thermometer Probe Selection Guide PRTs Model Secondary Standards PRTs 5626 † Range Size Calibration Uncertainty Page –200 °C to 661 °C 305 or 381 x 6.35 mm (12 or 15 x 0.25 in) ±0.004 °C at 0 °C 62 305 or 381 x 6.35 mm (12 or 15 x 0.25 in) ±0.004 °C at 0 °C 5624 High Temperature PRT Secondary Reference PRTs 5615-6 –200 °C to 661 °C 0 °C to 1000 °C 508 x 6.35 mm (20 x 0.25 in) ±0.004 °C at 0 °C 63 –200 °C to 300 °C 152 x 4.76 mm (6 x 0.188 in) ±0.010 °C at 0 °C 64 5615-9 –200 °C to 300 °C 229 x 4.7 mm (9 x 0.188 in) ±0.010 °C at 0 °C 5615-12 –200 °C to 420 °C 305 x 6.35 mm (12 x 0.25 in) ±0.010 °C at 0 °C Small Diameter Industrial PRTs 5618B-6 –200 °C to 300 °C 152 x 3.2 mm (6 x 0.125 in) ±0.010 °C at 0 °C 5618B-9 –200 °C to 500 °C 229 x 3.2 mm (9 x 0.125 in) ±0.010 °C at 0 °C 5618B-12 –200 °C to 500 °C 305 x 3.2 mm (12 x 0.125 in) ±0.010 °C at 0 °C –200 °C to 156 °C 152 x 6.35 mm (6 x 0.25 in) ±0.010 °C at 0 °C 68 69 5628 Precision Freezer PRT 5623B Precision Industrial PRTs 5627A-6 –200 °C to 300 °C 152 x 4.7 mm (6 x 0.187 in) ±0.025 °C at 0 °C 5627A-9 –200 °C to 300 °C 229 x 4.7 mm (9 x 0.187 in) ±0.025 °C at 0 °C 5627A-12 –200 °C to 420 °C 305 x 6.35 mm (12 x 0.25 in) ±0.025 °C at 0 °C Fast Response PRTs 5622-05 –200 °C to 350 °C 100 x 0.5 mm ±0.040 °C at 0 °C 5622-10 –200 °C to 350 °C 100 x 1.0 mm ±0.040 °C at 0 °C 5622-16 –200 °C to 350 °C 200 x 1.6 mm ±0.040 °C at 0 °C 5622-32 –200 °C to 350 °C 200 x 3.2 mm ±0.040 °C at 0 °C 67 70 Thermistors Thermistor Standards 5640 0 °C to 60 °C 229 x 6.35 mm (9 x 0.25 in) ±0.0015 °C 5641 0 °C to 60 °C 114 x 3.2 mm (4.5 x 0.125 in) ±0.001 °C 5642 0 °C to 60 °C 229 x 3.2 mm (9 x 0.125 in) ±0.001 °C 5643 0 °C to 100 °C 114 x 3.2 mm (4.5 x 0.125 in) ±0.0025 °C 5644 0 °C to 100 °C 229 x 3.2 mm (9 x 0.125 in) ±0.0025 °C Secondary Thermistor Probes 5610 0 °C to 100 °C 152 or 229 x 3.2 mm (6 or 9 x 0.125 in) ±0.01 °C 5611A 0 °C to 100 °C 1.5 mm (0.06 in) tip dia. ±0.01 °C 5611T 0 °C to 100 °C 28 x 3 mm (1.1 x 0.12 in) ±0.01 °C 5665 0 °C to 100 °C 76 x 3.2 mm (3 x 0.125 in) ±0.01 °C Type R and S Thermocouple Standards 5649/5650-20 0 °C to 1450 °C 508 x 6.35 mm (20 x 0.25 in) ±0.7 °C at 1100 °C 5649/5650-20C 0 °C to 1450 °C 508 x 6.35 mm (20 x 0.25 in) ±0.7 °C at 1100 °C 5649/5650-25 0 °C to 1450 °C 635 x 6.35 mm (20 x 0.25 in) ±0.7 °C at 1100 °C 5649/5650-25C 0 °C to 1450 °C 635 x 6.35 mm (20 x 0.25 in) ±0.7 °C at 1100 °C 72 74 Thermocouples 80 Other 381 mm (15 in) length –38 °C to 405 °C –36 °F to 761 °F † Calibration uncertainty includes short-term repeatability. It does not include long-term drift. Glass Thermometers 60 Probes 0.1 °C Divisions 0.2 °F Divisions 81 How accurate is that probe? At Hart, we field inquiries every day about reference thermometers. Inevitably, as a particular thermometer is discussed, the same bottom-line question is asked: “How accurate is it?” The purest metrology answer to this question is, at best, disconcerting: “Nobody knows until you re-calibrate it— after you’ve used it.” While this is probably the best answer that can be given, it’s not very helpful when you’re trying to select the right thermometer. So if you’d like an idea of accuracy before you buy a thermometer, here are five things to consider. Calibration One of the most important contributors to the accuracy of your reference thermometer is the way it was calibrated. Not all calibrations are equal. Calibrations by fixed points are generally better than calibrations by comparison. Calibrations limited to a narrow temperature range are better than calibrations done over a needlessly wide range. Calibrations by people who know what they’re doing are better than calibrations by people who don’t. Your calibration should describe the method used, state the uncertainty or test-uncertainty-ratio of the calibration, include a calibration report that meets your quality standards and demonstrates traceability to a national laboratory, and be done by an accredited lab or company you trust. The uncertainty of your probe’s own calibration is the first element of accuracy to consider. Short-term stability (repeatability) Just because your thermometer has been well calibrated doesn’t mean it repeats each identical measurement perfectly. Limitations on the abilities and physical purity of the sensing element and other materials used in the construction of the thermometer prohibit perfect repeatability. Different types of thermometers made by different manufacturers have varying susceptibilities to errors from hysteresis, oxidation, and other sources of instability. Thermocouples, for example, are inherently less repeatable than referencegrade thermistors. Strain-free SPRTs are more repeatable than industrial RTDs. The point is that short-term instabilities cannot be “calibrated out” and must be considered as an additional source of uncertainty. Long-term stability (drift) Long-term stability, or “drift,” is a critical specification for any reference thermometer. Many causes of short-term instability grow worse as a thermometer’s thermal history increases. Normal wear and tear takes its toll on even the best sensing elements and affects their output. It’s important to note that “normal wear and tear,” in this case, should be defined in the specification. For example, a drift specification may be stated as “less than 2 mK after 100 hours at 661 °C” (such as on page 9) or as “±0.025 °C at 0 °C per year maximum, when used periodically to 400 °C” (such as on page 64). If your intended use of the thermometer is more or less strenuous than what the manufacturer states, you may anticipate correspondingly more or less drift. Many causes of long-term drift can be periodically addressed and, to some extent, removed. The effects of oxidation, for example, can be largely removed by occasional annealing at high temperatures. Annealing, itself, however, adds more high-temperature history to the sensor and should not be done needlessly. One of the reasons the drift specification is so important is that it helps identify how long you can use your thermometer between recalibrations. Be wary of suppliers who don’t provide a drift specification. etc.) must be added to the uncertainty of the actual thermometer when considering total accuracy. No electrical thermometer (PRT, thermistor, thermocouple, etc.) generates a direct temperature reading. The resistance or voltage must always be interpreted (and usually fitted to an equation), and there are always errors inherent in this process. In the final analysis... In the end, the fact remains that the metrologist is right. You won’t know how accurately your thermometer has performed until you recalibrate it. The moral is simple: consider all the appropriate performance specifications, use the thermometer correctly and carefully, and recalibrate it soon to verify its performance. As recalibrations yield positive results and confidence in an instrument grows, calibration intervals can be extended and maintenance costs decreased. If you’re buying from the right manufacturer and handling your thermometer correctly, you’ll find it not uncommon to experience much better results than what the manufacturer has specified. Usage You won’t find a specification to account for all the ways a reference thermometer can be misused (or even abused), but in evaluating specifications it must be understood that the manufacturer has made assumptions regarding how its instrument will be used. At Hart, we tend to write “looser” specifications to allow for instruments being used in less ideal conditions than those under which we use them. Not every manufacturer does so. Typical examples of misuse include inadequate immersion depth, subjection to mechanical or thermal shock, inadequate thermal contact against the subject being measured, use outside the specified temperature range, and extended use at extreme ends of the temperature range. Before assuming your thermometer will perform the way the manufacturer says it will, satisfy yourself that it will be used within the manufacturer’s intended parameters. Display accuracy The uncertainty of the thermometer’s readout device (bridge, DMM, Black Stack, 61 Secondary Standard PRTs Specifications Temperature –200 °C to 661 °C Range ● Range to 661 °C ● Meets all ITS-90 requirements for resistance ratios ● RTPW drift < 20mK after 500 hours at 661 °C Hart’s high-temp secondary standards fill the gap between affordable, but temperature-limited secondary PRTs and more expensive, highly accurate SPRTs. If you’re using block calibrators, furnaces, or temperature points above normal PRT temperatures (420 °C), then these two PRTs are for you. The 5626 is nominally 100Ω and the 5628 is nominally 25.5Ω. Both instruments have a temperature range of –200 °C to 661 °C. They make great working or check standards for calibration work up to the aluminum point. Using a regular PRT at temperatures above 500 °C exposes the platinum to contamination. If the PRT is used as a reference or calibration standard, contamination is a major problem. SPRTs, which are more expensive and delicate, can 65 mm (2.5") handle the higher temperatures, but with greater risk to the instrument due to shock, contamination, or mishandling. The 5626 and 5628 are designed to reduce the contamination risk through the use of internal protection while not impairing performance. In addition to the right measurement performance and durability, a PRT for secondary applications should be priced affordably. Hart’s new PRTs are inexpensive and come with an accredited calibration. The calibration comes complete with ITS-90 constants and a resistanceversus-temperature table. Check the temperature range, check the stability, check the price! Who else gives you this much quality, performance, and value for your money? No one! Inconel Sheath Terminal Box Gold-Plated Terminals Lead Wire ≈2 meters (6') »152 mm (6") 62 Probes 0 °C to 80 °C RTPW 5626: 100Ω (±1Ω) 5628: 25.5Ω (±0.5Ω) W(Ga) ≥ 1.11807 Calibration Uncertainty (k=2) ±0.006 °C at –200 °C ±0.004 °C at 0 °C ±0.009 °C at 420 °C ±0.014 °C at 661 °C Stability 5626: ±0.003 °C 5628: ±0.002 °C Long-Term Drift 5626: < 0.03 °C/500 hours at 661 °C 5628: < 0.02 °C/500 hours at 661 °C Immersion At least 12.7 cm (5 in) recommended Sheath Inconel™ 600 Lead Wires 4-wire Super-Flex PVC, 22 AGW Termination Gold-plated spade lugs, or specify Size 6.35 mm dia. x 305 mm, 381 mm, or 508 mm (0.25 x 12, 15, or 20 in) standard, custom lengths available Calibration Accreditated calibration from Fluke Hart Scientific Ordering Information 5626-12-X High-temp PRT, 100Ω, 305 mm (12 in) 5626-15-X High-temp PRT, 100Ω, 381 mm (15 in) 5626-20-X High-temp PRT, 100Ω, 508 mm (20 in) 5628-12-X High-temp PRT, 25.5Ω, 305 mm (12 in) 5628-15-X High-temp PRT, 25.5Ω, 381 mm (15 in) 5628-20-X High-temp PRT, 25.5Ω, 508 mm (20 in) 2609 Spare Case Appropriate case included with purchase of 5626 or 5628 PRT. 305, 381, or 508, mm (12", 15", or 20") Strain Relief Handle Temp. 6.35 mm (.25") X = termination. Specify “B” (bare wire), “D” (5-pin DIN for Tweener Thermometers), “G” (gold pins), “I” (INFO-CON for 1521 or 1522 Handheld Thermometers), “J” (banana plugs), “L” (mini spade lugs), “M” (mini banana plugs), or “S” (spade lugs). Ultra High-Temp PRT Specifications Range 0 °C to 1000 °C Calibration Uncertainty ±0.004 °C at 0 °C ±0.020 °C at 962 °C Long-term Drift (Rtpw) <0.01 °C at 0 °C/100 hours at 1000 °C <0.06 °C at 0 °C/1000 hours at 1000 °C Short-term Stability ±0.005 °C Immersion <153 mm (6 in) at 700 °C Rtpw 10 ohm (±1 ohm) Hysteresis <0.005 °C from 0 °C to 1000 °C Thermocycling <0.01 °C, 10 cycles from 0 to 1000 °C Current 1 mA Size 6.35 mm (0.25 in) O.D. Length 508 mm (20 in) ● Temperature range of 0 °C to 1000 °C Sheath Material Alumina ● Calibration uncertainty of ±0.004 °C at 0 °C Weight 1 kg (2 lb.) ● Long-term drift of 0.01 °C at 0 °C after 100 hours at 1000 °C Calibration ● Designed by Hart’s primary standards design team Included 1913-6 fixedpoint calibration At Hart, we receive many requests for precision PRT accuracy at thermocouple temperatures. Until now metrologist have settled for expensive, high-temperature SPRTs or inaccurate thermocouples for high-temperature measurement. We’re pleased to introduce the world’s finest high-temperature secondary PRT, our Model 5624. Ideal for use as a reference thermometer in high-temperature furnaces, the 5624 can reach a temperature of 1000 °C with long-term drift at 0 °C of only 10 mK! Due to Hart Scientific’s proprietary sensor design, this PRT has shortterm stability of 5 mK, and an immersion requirement of less than 153 mm (6 in) at 700 °C. The 5624 is assembled in an alumina sheath that is 508 mm (20 in) long and 6.35 mm (0.25 in) in diameter. Several termination configurations can be selected to match different thermometer readouts. Each 5624 comes with a NISTtraceable, NVLAP-accredited (lab code 200348-0) fixed-point calibration from 0 °C to 962 °C. That’s a fixed-point calibration! The 5624 also comes in a protective carrying case. Ordering Information 5624-20-X Probe, 1000 °C, 10 ohm PRT, 6.35 mm x 508 mm (0.25 in x 20 in), (includes 2609 case) X = termination. Specify “B” (bare wire), “D” (5-pin DIN for 1502A), “G” (gold pins), “I” (infocon for 1521/1522), “J” (banana plugs), “L” (mini spade lugs), “M” (mini banana plugs, or “S” (spade lugs). 1913-6 2609 Cal, SPRT by Fixed Point, 0 °C to 962 °C Case, PRT, Plastic 63 Secondary Reference Temperature Standards ● Affordable wide-range accuracy ● Excellent stability ● Reference-grade platinum sensing element ● NVLAP-accredited calibration included, lab code 200706-0 For years, you’ve relied on our 5612, 5613, and 5614 Secondary Reference Probes. These field-durable, lab-accurate PRTs have been replaced by the 5615, which comes with a NVLAP accredited calibration. The 5615-12 is a Platinum Resistance Thermometer (PRT) with an Inconel™ 600 sheath that’s 305 mm (12 in) long and 6.35 mm (0.250 in) in diameter. It is a secondary reference temperature standard designed to bridge the gap between the highest laboratory standards and industrial or second-tier lab locations. It has short-term accuracy of ±0.013 °C at 0.01 °C. The element is constructed of reference-grade platinum wire (99.999 % pure) for excellent stability. The wire is wound in a coil and placed in a mandrel where it’s uniformly supported in a manner that virtually eliminates hysteresis. The electrical configuration is a four-wire current-potential hookup that eliminate the effects of lead-wire resistance. These Inconel™-sheathed probes have a fully supported sensing element, making them more durable than SPRTs. The element is protected in an 64 Probes ultrahigh-purity ceramic case with a hermetic glass seal to improve output stability by locking out moisture and contaminants. This probe comes calibrated with ITS90 coefficients, making it compatible with many excellent readout devices, including Hart’s 1529 Chub-E4, 1560 Black Stack, and 1502A Tweener. It bridges the gap between a 100-ohm industrial RTD and an SPRT. For those needing faster thermal response, or where diameter and immersion depth are problems, order the 56159 or 5615-6. These probes are excellent reference probes for comparison calibrations in a Hart dry-well. The sheaths of the 5615-6 and 5615-9 are 4.76 mm (0.188 in) in diameter. A printout of sensor resistance is provided in 1 °C increments for each probe. The 5615-9 and 5615-12 are calibrated from –196 °C to 420 °C. The 5615-6 is calibrated to 300 °C. We’ve tested many of the probes on the market. We’ve used them in our manufacturing facility and tested them in the lab, and this is an excellent secondary standards PRT. Other instruments on the market are priced much higher, have lower stability, or are of lower quality. Remember, these are reliable instruments and each probe comes with its own individual NVLAP-accredited calibration, lab code 200706-0. Ordering Information 5615-6-X Secondary Standard PRT, 4.76 mm x 152 mm (0.188 x 6.0 in), –200 °C to 300 °C 5615-9-X Secondary Standard PRT, 4.76 mm x 229 mm (0.188 x 9.0 in), –200 °C to 420 °C 5615-12-X Secondary Standard PRT, 6.35 mm x 305 mm (0.250 x 12.0 in), –200 °C to 420 °C 2601 Probe Carrying Case X = termination. Specify “B” (bare wire), “D” (5-pin DIN for Tweener Thermometers), “G” (gold pins), “I” (INFO-CON for 1521 or 1522 Handheld Thermometers), “J” (banana plugs), “L” (mini spade lugs), “M” (mini banana plugs), or “S” (spade lugs). Secondary Reference Temperature Standards Specifications Temperature range 5615-12 and 5615-9: –200 °C to 420 °C 5615-6: –200 °C to 300 °C Nominal resistance at 0 °C 100 Ω ± 0.10 Ω Temperature coefficient 0.0039250 Ω/Ω/°C [1] See footnote Accuracy [2] Short-term repeatability [3] ±0.013 °C at 0.010 °C ±0.01 °C at 0.010 °C Drift Sensor length 28 mm (1.1 in) Sensor location 6.9 mm ± 3.3 mm from tip (0.27 in ± 0.13 in) Sheath diameter tolerance ±0.127 mm (±0.005 in) Sheath material Inconel™ 600 Minimum insulation resistance 1000 MΩ at 23 °C Transition junction [4] temperature range –50 °C to 200 °C Transition junction dimensions 71 mm x 13 mm dia (2.8 in x 0.5 in) Maximum immersion length 5615-6: 102 mm (4 in) 5615-9: 178 mm (7 in) 5615-12: 254 mm (10 in) Response time [5] 9 seconds typical Self heating (in 0 °C bath) 50 mW/°C Lead-wire cable type Teflon™ insulated with Teflon™ jacket, 22 AWG Lead-wire length 183 cm (72 in) Lead-wire temperature range –50 °C to 200 °C Calibration NVLAP-accredited calibration included, lab code 200706-0. Please see calibration uncertainty table and its explanation of changeable uncertainties. [1] “Accuracy” is a difficult term when used to describe a resistance thermometer. The simplest way to derive “accuracy” is to combine the probe drift specification and calibration uncertainty with readout accuracy at a given temperature. [2] Three thermal cycles from min to max temp, includes hysteresis, 99.9 % confidence [3] After 100 hrs at max temp, 99.9 % confidence [4] Temperatures outside this range will cause irreparable damage. For best performance, transition junction should not be too hot to touch. [5] Per ASTM E 644 NVLAP† Calibration Uncertainty Expanded Temperature Uncertainty (k=2) –196 °C 0.024 °C –38 °C 0.011 °C 0 °C 0.010 °C 200 °C 0.018 °C 420 °C‡ 0.029 °C Calibration uncertainties depend on the uncertainties of the lab performing the calibration. Subsequent calibrations of this probe performed with different processes, at different facilities, or with changed uncertainty statements may state different uncertainties. † Lab code 200706-0 ‡ 5615-6 excluded Interim checks save trouble later You spend good money getting your reference standards calibrated. How can you be sure that they continue to measure accurately prior to their next calibration? One way is to periodically compare them to other reference standards with higher accuracy. Such a test is called an interim check. An interim check that most of us are familiar with is the use of a water triple point cell to check the stability of a PRT. The ISO 17025 suggests the use of interim checks as a quality safeguard. Do this regularly, keep good records, and you may improve your accuracy by more than a factor of 10. And if you find a problem, you’ll be glad you found it sooner rather than later! 65 Sensible temperature specifications Based on an article from Random News Specifications are used to quantify the performance of platinum resistance thermometers (PRTs) and are often the main determinant in the customer's probe choice. Therefore marketers sometimes use a tactic called "specmanship" to artificially enhance their PRT's performance. "Specmanship" is defined as presenting instrument specifications in a misleading fashion. PRT specmanship can come in many forms. Here are some of the most common we see in the temperature world: Incomplete specifications Completeness means providing all the information necessary for a user to form proper expectations of PRTs performance over its intended range and for its intended purpose. A specification only given at one temperature point gives little indication of the PRT's performance over its full range. It is usually not practical to define specifications in every detail at every increment over its range (or for every imaginable application). However, this is no excuse for intentionally omitting or relocating critical specifications in an effort to give a false impression of performance. Make sure specifications provide all the information needed to adequately predict performance over your intended range of use. Drift is more important than many people realize, and they often fail to give it the consideration it deserves. The amount your probe drifts affects how often it must be recalibrated. Drift can be monitored by periodically measuring the probe's resistance shift at the triple point of water (TPW), or 0.01 °C. Misuse of "typical" and "best performance" Unfortunately, manufacturers are not bound by a common standard defining how to derive or present specifications. Ideally, manufacturers are adequately conservative when publishing specifications so that actual performance is better than the stated specifications. This should be done not only to provide a high level of confidence to the user when they validate the PRT's performance, but also to account for applications that may not be "typical" or that don't fit the "best performance" criteria. It is important to realize that when a manufacturer qualifies a specification with the words like "typical", "as good as" or "depends on actual use" that they 66 Probes are not guaranteeing the specification. This is not to say that such terms may never be used. The term "typical" may be used in literature to give users a general indication of performance on non-critical specifications that have several variables. For example, the term "typical" can provide the user with an indication of performance when that performance is more within the user's control than the manufacturer's. However use of such terms may be an indication that inadequate testing has been performed, or that an attempt is being made to exaggerate the actual performance of the majority of instruments being produced. These terms and others like them may be stated so the manufacturer may publish the most attractive specification possible while trying to build a defensible position for when the probe does not perform to the stated specification. Don't be fooled by exaggerated performance specifications. Ask for a guarantee. Declaring specifications that are difficult to interpret or apply Not enough can be said for clearly stated specifications that are easy to interpret and apply. Some specmanship artisans ambiguously represent specifications so customers are left to their own interpretation of the specification and how to apply it. Once a customer has clarified the "true" meaning, he or she often finds the specification is not based on the general application-thus, rendering it useless. Properly written specifications should therefore apply to the anticipated application. If you ever see a specification that you do not understand, please ask. Otherwise, you may be misunderstanding a critical part of your probe's performance. Conclusion Specmanship exists in the temperature calibration market today. We suggest a thorough examination of PRT specifications on completeness and application use. We understand that thorough specifications can be challenging to develop, but we excuse no one, including ourselves. If you see a chance for us to improve the presentation of our specifications, please let us know! Small Diameter Industrial PRT Specifications Resistance Nominal 100Ω at 0 °C Temperature 0.003923Ω/Ω/ °C nominal Coefficient Temperature –200 °C to 500 °C Range (–200 °C to 300 °C for 5618B-6-X) Drift Rate ±0.1 °C when used periodically to 500 °C Sheath Material 316 SST Leads 22 AWG Teflon, 6’ Termination Specify Hysteresis Less than 0.01 °C at 0 °C when using –196 °C and 420 °C as the end points. Time Constant 9 seconds max for 63.2 % Thermal EMF Less than 25 mV at 420 °C ● Small diameter sheath, 3.2mm (0.125 in) ● Excellent stability ● Includes ITS-90 coefficients ● NVLAP-accredited calibration from –200 °C to 500 °C, lab code 200706-0 For secondary level performance with full ITS-90 calibration, Hart’s 5618B series PRTs are an excellent choice for critical temperature measurements. Featuring a 3.2 mm diameter (1/8 in) sheath, these industrial standards probes have reduced response time without compromising precision. This small diameter 5618B probe works well in many applications where immersion depth is limited. Larger diameter probes give more measurement error in short immersion depth applications because they conduct more heat between ambient and the sensor. With each probe you will receive a full NVLAP-accredited calibration report, lab code 200706-0. On the report you’ll get the test data and the ITS-90 calibration coefficients that you can easily input into your Hart thermometer. If you are using a 1521 Handheld Thermometer readout, we’ll program the coefficients directly into your INFO-CON connector. The 5618B is also a great probe to use for calibrating your Hart 9132 or 9133 infrared calibrators. In fact, these IR black body heat sources were designed to be calibrated with this type of probe. Now you can calibrate these targets in your own lab! For use from –200 °C to 500 °C (the six-inch model goes to 300 °C), you won’t find a better industrial standard in this configuration than our 5618B. We recommend using the 5618B PRTs with the 1521, 1522, 1502A, 1529, or 1560 thermometer readouts. Ordering Information Calibration Includes manufacturer’s NVLAP-accredited calibration w/ITS-90 coefficients, R vs. T values in 1 °C increments, lab code 200706-0 Size 5618B-12: 305 mm L x 3.2 mm dia. (12 x 1/8 in) 5618B-9: 229 mm L x 3.2 mm dia. (9 x 1/8 in) 5618B-6: 152 mm L x 3.2 mm dia. (6 x 1/8 in) Probe † Accuracy (includes calibration uncertainty and shortterm stability) ±0.05 °C over entire range † “Accuracy” is a difficult term when used to describe a resistance thermometer. The simplest way to derive “accuracy” is to combine the probe drift specification and calibration uncertainty with readout accuracy at a given temperature. † 5618B-12-X 305 mm (12 in) Small Diameter Probe 5618B-9-X 229 mm (9 in) Small Diameter Probe 5618B-6-X 152 mm (6 in) Small Diameter Probe 2601 Probe Carrying Case X = termination. Specify “B” (bare wire), “D” (5-pin DIN for Tweener Thermometers), “G” (gold pins), “I” (INFO-CON for 1521 or 1522 Handheld Thermometers), “J” (banana plugs), “L” (mini spade lugs), “M” (mini banana plugs), or “S” (spade lugs). NVLAP Calibration Uncertainty Expanded Temperature Uncertainty (k=2) –196 °C 0.024 °C –38 °C 0.011 °C 0 °C 0.010 °C 200 °C 0.018 °C 420 °C‡ 0.029 °C Calibration uncertainties depend on the uncertainties of the lab performing the calibration. Subsequent calibrations of this probe performed with different processes, at different facilities, or with changed uncertainty statements may state different uncertainties. † Lab code 200706-0 ‡ 300 °C for 5618B-6 67 Precision Freezer PRT Specifications ● Fully immersible probe assembly to –200 °C ● NVLAP-accredited calibration, lab code 200706-0 ● Accuracy to ±0.05 °C over the full range If you need a precision measurement at low temperatures, do not look any further than Hart Scientific. The 5623B, precision “freezer probe,” is specially sealed from the sensing element to the end of the probe cable, preventing ingress of moisture when exposed to temperatures as low as –200 °C. The entire assembly withstands temperatures over its full range (–200 °C to 156 °C), which is ideal for verification of freezers or autoclaves where a thermowell isn’t available. The 5623B assembly can be fully immersed in fluids when the application may require use in a liquid bath. The 5623B is available in a 6.35 mm (0.25 in) dia. × 125 mm (6 in) long Inconel™ sheath. With calibration uncertainty of only ± 0.010 °C at 0 °C, the 5623B is just right as a secondary standard for calibration of other process sensors. 68 Probes Most Hart Scientific readouts make an excellent companion for the 5623B. We recommend the use of the 1521, 1522, 1502A, 1529, or 1560 thermometer readouts. With each 5623B, you receive a full NVLAP-accredited calibration report, lab code 200706-0. This report includes test data and ITS-90 calibration coefficients to enter into your Hart Scientific thermometer readout. Ordering Information 5623B-6-X Freezer Probe, RTD 6.35 mm dia. x 152 mm (1/4 in x 6 in), –200 °C to 156 °C 2601 Probe Carrying Case X = termination. Specify “B” (bare wire), “D” (5-pin DIN for Tweener Thermometers),”G” (gold pins), “I” (INFO-CON for 1521 or 1522 Handheld Thermometers), “J” (banana plugs), “L” (mini spade lugs), “M” (mini banana plugs), or “S” (spade lugs). Resistance Nominal 100Ω (±0.1Ω) Temperature Coefficient 0.003925 Ω/Ω/°C nominal Temperature Range –200 °C to 156 °C Transition Temperature –200 °C to 156 °C Drift Rate ±0.01 °C per year maximum at 0 °C, when used periodically at max temperature Sheath Material Inconel™ 600 Leads Teflon™-insulated, silverplated stranded copper, 22 AWG. Termination Specify. See ordering information. Calibration Includes manufacturer’s NVLAP-accredited, lab code 200706-0, calibration and table with R vs. T values in 1 °C increments from –200 °C to 156 °C. ITS-90 coefficients included. Probe ±0.05 °C over the full range † Accuracy (includes calibration uncertainty and shortterm stability) Cable Length 6.7 meters (20 ft) Size 6.35 mm (0.25 in) dia. x 152 mm (6 in) † “Accuracy” is a difficult term when used to describe a resistance thermometer. The simplest way to derive “accuracy” is to combine the probe drift specification and calibration uncertainty with readout accuracy at a given temperature. NVLAP† Calibration Uncertainty Expanded Temperature Uncertainty (k=2) –196 °C 0.024 °C –38 °C 0.011 °C 0 °C 0.010 °C 100 °C 0.018 °C 200 °C 0.018 °C Calibration uncertainties depend on the uncertainties of the lab performing the calibration. Subsequent calibrations of this probe performed with different processes, at different facilities, or with changed uncertainty statements may state different uncertainties. † Lab code 200706-0 Precision Industrial PRTs Specifications Resistance Nominal 100Ω Temperature 0.00385 Ω/Ω/ °C nominal Coefficient Temperature –200 °C to 420 °C Range (5627A-6 and 5627A-9 to 300 °C; transition and cable temperature: 0 °C to 150 °C) ● Vibration and shock resistant ● 19 mm (3/4-inch) bend radius for increased durability ● NVLAP-accredited calibration included, lab code 200706-0 When buying a PRT, performance isn’t the only criterion you need to look at. The real issues are price-to-accuracy and price-to-durability ratios. 5627A probes have a temperature range up to 420 °C and an accuracy as good as ±0.025 °C. They come in three different lengths. (Both six- and nineinch models cover –200 °C to 300 °C.) Each instrument is shipped with its ITS90 coefficients and a calibration table in 1 °C increments. One of the best features of this sensor is that it conforms to the standard 385 curve, letting you use your DIN/IEC RTD meters fully. Why use a probe that’s less accurate than your meter? The 5627A is manufactured using a coil suspension element design for increased shock and vibration resistance. It has a mineral-insulated sheath with a minimum bend radius of 19 mm (3/4inch) for flexibility and durability. (Bend, if any, should be specified at time of order.) Six- and nine-inch 5627As are calibrated at –196 °C, –38 °C, 0 °C, 200 °C, and 300 °C. For 12-inch versions the point at 300 °C is replaced by a calibration point at 420 °C. Each probe is individually calibrated and includes a NVLAP-accredited report of calibration from the manufacturer, lab code 200706-0. This probe is an excellent value. It has the price-to-accuracy and price-to-durability ratios you should demand in every PRT you buy! Ordering Information Secondary PRT, 152 mm x 4.7 mm (6 x 3/16 in), –200 °C to 300 °C 5627A-9-X Secondary PRT, 229 mm x 4.7 mm (9 x 3/16 in), –200 °C to 300 °C 5627A-12-X Secondary PRT, 305 mm x 6.35 mm (12 x 1/4 in), –200 °C to 420 °C 2601 Probe Carrying Case 5627A-6-X Drift Rate ±0.13 °C at 0 °C after 1000 hours at 400 °C Sheath Material 316 Stainless Steel Leads Teflon™-insulated, nickelplated stranded copper, 22 AWG Termination Specify. See Ordering Information. Time Constant Four seconds maximum for 63.2 % response to step change in water moving at 3 fps. Bending Radius Sheath may be ordered with a bend on a minimum radius of 19 mm (3/4 in) except for 50 mm (2 in) area of sheath near tip. (Hart lab requires 20 cm [8 in] of unbent sheath to re-calibrate.) Calibration Includes manufacturer’s NVLAP-accredited (lab code 200706-0) calibration and table with R vs. T values in 1 °C increments from –196 °C to 500 °C (to 300 °C for 5627A-6 and 5627A-9). ITS-90 coefficients included. Immersion At least 100 mm (4 in) recommended Accuracy (includes calibration uncertainty and shortterm stability) ±0.050 °C at –196 °C ±0.050 °C at 0 °C ±0.051 °C at 200 °C ±0.055 °C at 420 °C Size 5627A-12:12 in L x 1/4 in Dia. 5627A-9: 9 in L x 3/16 in Dia. 5627A-6: 6 in L x 3/16 in Dia. X = termination. Specify “B” (bare wire), “D” (5-pin DIN for Tweener Thermometers), “G” (gold pins), “I” (INFO-CON for 1521 or 1522 Handheld Thermometers), “J” (banana plugs), “L” (mini spade lugs), “M” (mini banana plugs), or “S” (spade lugs). 69 Fast Response PRTs Specifications Temperature –200 °C to 350 °C Range Nominal RTPW 100Ω Sensor Four “385” platinum wires Calibrated Probe Accuracy (includes calibration uncertainty and shortterm stability) 5622-05 and 5622-10: ±0.04 °C at –200 °C ±0.04 °C at 0 °C ±0.09 °C at 200 °C ±0.09 °C at 300 °C 5622-16 and 5622-32: ±0.04 °C at –200 °C ±0.04 °C at 0 °C ±0.045 °C at 200 °C ±0.055 °C at 300 °C Uncalibrated DIN/IEC Class A; DIN/IEC ±0.15 °C at 0 °C Conformity ● Time constants as fast as 0.4 seconds ● Available as DIN/IEC Class A PRTs or with NVLAP-accredited calibration, lab code 200348-0 ● Small probe diameters ranging from 0.5 mm to 3.2 mm For special temperature measurement applications requiring fast response or short immersion over a wide temperature range, Hart’s new 5622 series PRTs are the perfect solution. Made by Netsushin, one of the world’s leading PRT manufacturers, this series includes four models with stainless steel sheaths ranging from 0.5 to 3.2 mm (0.02 to 0.125 in) in diameter. Because these high-quality wire-wound sensors come in small packages, heat transfer to the sensors occurs quickly. Time constants from 0 °C to 100 °C are as fast as 0.4 seconds. Immersion requirements for these probes is also a plus, ranging from just 10 mm to 64 mm (0.4 to 2.5 inch), depending on the model. Getting into shallow or tight places is not a problem. And because these probes can handle temperatures from –200 °C to 350 °C, they’re more versatile than most thermistors. 5622 PRTs come with two calibration options. Uncalibrated, each of these probes conforms to DIN/IEC Class A requirements with accuracy of ±0.15 °C at 0 °C and ±0.55 °C at 200 °C and –200 °C. Alternatively, any 5622 PRT may be purchased with a 1923-4-N ITS-90 NVLAPaccredited comparison calibration (lab code 200348-0) that includes seven points from –197 °C to 300 °C. With 70 Probes calibration, short-term accuracies are achieved as good as ±0.04 °C at 0 °C. Readout options for the Model 5622 PRTs include Hart’s Little Lord Kelvin and Little Lord Logger Handheld Thermometers (page 54) as well as the 1502A Tweener Thermometer (page 52). Each of these readouts will read your PRT as a standard DIN/IEC probe or as an individually calibrated PRT. Whatever your thermometry requirements are, come to Hart. No one else offers a wider range of standards-quality reference thermometers than Hart. Time Constant (63.2 %) From 0 °C to 100 °C: 5622-05: 0.4 seconds 5622-10: 1.5 seconds 5622-16: 3.0 seconds 5622-32: 10 seconds (90 %) Immersion Depth 5622-05: 10 mm (0.4 in) 5622-10: 20 mm (0.8 in) 5622-16: 32 mm (1.25 in) 5622-32: 64 mm (2.5 in) Thermal EMF 20 mV at 350 °C Sheath 316 SST 5622-05: 100 x 0.5 mm (4 x 0.02 in) 5622-10: 100 x 1.0 mm (4 x 0.04 in) 5622-16: 200 x 1.6 mm (8 x 0.06 in) 5622-32: 200 x 3.2 mm (8 x 0.13 in) Cable PVC, 4-wire cable, 2 meters long, 90 °C max temp Ordering Information 5622-05-X Fast Response PRT, 0.5 mm (0.02 in) 5622-10-X Fast Response PRT, 1.0 mm (0.04 in) 5622-16-X Fast Response PRT, 1.6 mm (0.06 in) 5622-32-X Fast Response PRT, 3.2 mm (0.13 in) (All models come without calibration unless calibration purchased separately.) 1923-4-N 2601 NVLAP-accredited Calibration, PRT Comparison, –196 °C to 300 °C, lab code 200348-0 Probe Carrying Case X = termination. Specify “B” (bare wire), “D” (5-pin DIN for Tweener Thermometers), “G” (gold pins), “I” (INFO-CON for 1521 or 1522 Handheld Thermometers), “J” (banana plugs), “L” (mini spade lugs), “M” (mini banana plugs), or “S” (spade lugs). What are stem conduction errors and how can they create errors in calibration? Reprinted from Random News Stem conduction is heat conduction along the length of a thermometer. When the heat source temperature and the handle, or cable end, of the thermometer are at different temperatures, stem conduction happens. This difference produces a sensor reading that’s different from the actual heat source temperature. Two thermometers side by side in the same heat source with stems made of different materials may read two different temperatures. The following chart illustrates the stem conduction effect. Five different, but high quality, thermometers were tested in a liquid bath at 80 °C. The test was performed by immersing each of the thermometers to a specific depth. Since each thermometer or probe had design differences, including the length of sensor and the diameter, the immersion was adjusted for those variables. Immersion Depth = Sensor Length + X Diameters Temperatures were normalized at SL + 20 Diameters. The results show that thermometers 1 and 2 read nearly the same temperature values for each depth, while thermometers 3, 4, and 5 read very different temperatures with less immersion depth. This illustrates stem conduction effects. This simple test has many implications for the work you do. How much immersion depth do you need for your sensors? Factors that impact stem conduction error Remember the heat conduction formula: Q = (K x A x Delta T)/d Q = heat, K = thermal conductance factor, A = cross sectional area, Delta T is the temperature difference between the sensor and ambient, and d is the immersion depth. Knowing that an increase of Q will increase the error of the measurement, consider each of the components of this equation. Delta T Delta T refers to the temperature difference between the heat source and the ambient temperature. Calibrations are usually made over wide temperature ranges. Stem conduction errors increase directly with this temperature difference as our equation suggests. Thermal conductance factor A high thermal resistance (hence low conductance value) helps to isolate the temperature sensor against the conduction of heat to the ambient air (or viceversa). The material type and diameter of lead wires, the sheath thickness, and materials of construction all factor into this. The copper lead of a type T thermocouple is clearly a high thermal conductor for a given diameter of wire and may need to be compensated for in some way. Probe 5 in our test had a heavy walled sheath. The effect of the heat conducted along this sheath contributed to the errors. A related factor for quartz sheaths is light piping. Depth Many factors influence the errors related to stem conduction but few are as easy to control as depth. The equation shows that the other effects can be reduced by increasing the value of immersion depth. Immerse the thermometer as far as possible while still keeping all the test and reference sensors as close together as practical. Remember not to cook the connection or handle end of the thermometer. In our example, we used a liquid bath for our heat source. If you’re using a drywell or furnace, stem conduction errors are greater and more difficult to manage. The formula given in this brief, simple discussion of stem conduction error can be used as a general rule-of-thumb for figuring immersion depth. You should do some similar experiments with your own sensors to establish their stem conduction errors. Thermometers with low stem conduction errors make good references for checking the uniformity of heat sources. Cross sectional area Whatever the heat conduction coefficient of the stem material, the bigger the crosssectional area of the stem, the more heat conduction, and the greater the error. Using the diameter to determine immersion depth helps compensate for this. However, a calibration comparison of two thermometers of vastly different stem diameters may actually require the smaller one to be placed at the same depth as the larger one so both sensors are at the same temperature. Labs calibrating short, large diameter sensors find it very difficult to obtain a high accuracy calibration because of the dominating effect of stem conduction. Temperature error at 80 °c due to stem conduction, degrees C Depth Probe 1 Probe 2 Probe 3 SPRT, Inconel Sheath, SPRT, Quartz Sheath, SPRT, Inconel Sheath, 5.5 mm Dia 7 mm Dia 6.3 mm Dia. 50 mm SL 29 mm SL 29 mm SL Probe 4 Secondary, Inconel Sheath, 6.3 mm Dia. 41 mm SL Probe 5 Secondary, Inconel Sheath, 6.3 mm Dia. 38 mm SL SL+20D 0 0 0 0 0 SL+17.5D 0 0 –0.001 –0.002 –0.002 SL+15D 0 0 –0.005 –0.003 –0.003 SL+12.5D –0.002 –0.002 –0.010 –0.005 –0.005 SL+10D –0.002 –0.001 –0.015 –0.010 –0.050 SL+7.5D –0.004 –0.003 –0.020 –0.050 –0.100 SL+5D –0.007 –0.005 –0.050 –0.130 –0.430 71 Thermistor Standards Probes ● Accuracy to ±0.001 °C ● Affordable system accuracy to ±0.004 °C or better ● NIST-traceable calibration included from manufacturer; accredited Hart calibration optional If you want a high-accuracy probe with excellent stability at a great price, the Model 5640-series Thermistor Standards Probes give you all three in a great package. Why pay for an SPRT when you can get ±0.001 °C accuracy from 0 °C to 60 °C in a calibrated thermistor probe for about one-third the cost of an uncalibrated SPRT alone? Each probe uses an ultra-stable glass thermistor enclosed in a thin-wall stainless steel tube. The basic semiconductor element is a bead of manganese, nickel, and cobalt oxides mounted on 0.1 mm platinum wires. For long-term stability, the thermistor is aged at various temperatures for 16 weeks. During the aging process, verification of the probe’s stability is done to ensure performance to published specs. The 5640, 5641, and 5642 thermistor probes are designed for the temperature range of 0 °C to 60 °C. The 5643 and 72 Probes 5644 probes span the 0 °C to 100 °C temperature range. They offer stability of either ±0.002 °C or ±0.005 °C. These stability levels are guaranteed for one full year. Precision calibration, traceable to NIST, is provided with each probe. A computer-generated table in increments of 0.01 °C is furnished with each calibration based on the formula: B C D R = exp⎛⎜ A + + 2 + 3 ⎞⎟ ⎝ T T T ⎠ The constants for the formula are obtained from a polynomial regression performed on the calibration data obtained. Over the range of 0 °C to 60 °C, calibration is performed at the triple point of water (0.01 °C) and 15 °C, 25 °C, 30 °C, 37 °C, 50 °C and 60 °C. For the 0 °C to 100 °C temperature range, the additional calibration points of 80 °C and 100 °C are used. Each probe is individually calibrated and includes a report of calibration from the manufacturer. Contact Hart for calibration in Hart’s NVLAP accredited lab. Thermistor standards are rugged, precision sensors suitable for use as secondary or working temperature standards for laboratory metrology applications. Because they generally are not affected by shock and vibration, you can use them in the most difficult field environments without worrying about calibration integrity. Combine these probes with Hart’s 1560 Black Stack thermometer to read directly in °C, °F, or K. This combination gives you resolution of 0.0001 degrees and total system accuracy is better than ±0.004 °C. Compare the cost of a 5640 calibrated probe and a Black Stack thermometer to the cost of one uncalibrated SPRT. Between 0 °C and 100 °C, nothing beats the value of the 5640 Series Thermistors. Thermistor Standards Probes Length (See Specs) Swaged Hub Diameter (See Specs) Strain Relief Shield Lug Lead Wire ≈2 meters (6') ≈152 mm (6") Gold-Plated Terminals Specifications Wires Nominal Resistance at 25 °C 4 4.4 kΩ n/a 4 5 kΩ n/a 4 4 kΩ ±0.0015 °C ±0.0025 °C 4 10 kΩ ±0.0015 °C ±0.0025 °C 4 10 kΩ † Model Diameter x Length Range Drift °C/Year Accuracy (Mfr.) 0–60 °C 60–100 °C 5640 6.35 x 229 mm (0.25 x 9 in) 0 °C–60 °C ±0.005 °C ±0.0015 °C n/a 5641 3.18 x 114 mm (0.125 x 4.5 in) 0 °C–60 °C ±0.002 °C ±0.001 °C 5642 3.18 x 229 mm (0.125 x 9 in) 0 °C–60 °C ±0.002 °C ±0.001 °C 5643 3.18 x 114 mm (0.125 x 4.5 in) 0 °C–100 °C ±0.005 °C 5644 3.18 x 229 mm (0.125 x 9 in) 0 °C–100 °C ±0.005 °C † Does not include long-term drift. Ordering Information 5640-X 5641-X 5642-X 5643-X 5644-X Standards Thermistor Probe Standards Thermistor Probe Standards Thermistor Probe Standards Thermistor Probe Standards Thermistor Probe X = termination. Specify “B” (bare wire), “D” (5-pin DIN for Tweener Thermometers), “G” (gold pins), “I” (INFO-CON for 1521 or 1522 Handheld Thermometers), “J” (banana plugs), “L” (mini spade lugs), “M” (mini banana plugs), or “S” (spade lugs). Thermistors make great reference thermometers! Contrary to some traditional belief, reference-grade thermistors do indeed make great temperature standards. Consider: ● ● ● Stability. Today’s glass-encapsulated thermistors are well sealed to prevent sensor oxidation and drift. In fact, standards-level thermistors usually won’t drift more than a few millidegrees in a year. Accuracy. Thermistors are easier (than PRTs) to read accurately because of their larger base resistance and large change in resistance-per-degree. It’s common to get meaningful and repeatable readings from a thermistor with resolution of 0.0001 °C. Durability. While a bare thermistor bead can be fairly delicate, a properly constructed stainless steel-sheathed thermistor probe can be more rugged than a PRT or SPRT. For about the same cost of a secondary level PRT, you can buy a well-calibrated standards thermistor probe with accuracy and stability that rivals an SPRT. You can also save wear and tear on your SPRT by using a thermistor over the 0 °C to 100 °C temperature range. See the article Thermistors: the under appreciated temperature standards on page 76 for a more detailed examination on this subject. 73 Secondary Reference Thermistor Probes If your application involves frequent handling, you'll be especially interested to know thermistors are less susceptible to mechanical shock than PRTs. The bottom line may be better accuracy in fieldwork. Additionally, higher base resistance and larger resistance coefficients make it easier to achieve precision readings with thermistors, so better resolution and accuracy are possible for a lower cost. All of these thermistors have a negative temperature coefficient of resistance (NTC). For additional information about thermistors, please see “Thermistors: the underappreciated temperature standards” on page 76.) Readouts ● Short-term accuracy to ± 0.01 °C; one-year drift < ± 0.01 °C ● Accredited NVLAP calibration optional ● Flexible Teflon and silicone coated fast-response models ● Rugged polished stainless steel sheaths Hundreds of thousands of thermistors are sold every year, but only a few have the stability necessary for use as high-accuracy thermometry standards. If you're looking for economical lab-grade thermistor probes for accurate work across a narrow temperature range, Hart's Secondary Reference Series thermistor probes are the best you can buy. These thermistors are available in a variety of sheath materials appropriate for your specific application. In addition to our metal-sheathed probes, we offer flexible Teflon encapsulated and silicone coated thermistors that have smaller tips and can measure those places where even a metal-sheathed thermistor can't reach. Teflon encapsulated thermistor The 5611T is an especially versatile Teflon coated thermistor probe. With a Teflon encapsulated tip that is just 3 mm (0.12 in) in diameter and a Teflon coating that makes it impervious to most liquids, the Teflon Probe is handy for measuring in a wide variety of applications, including bio-pharmaceuticals. It's even immersible to nearly 20 feet and flexible enough that you could roll it up into a ball in your hand if you wanted to! The 5611T's thermistor bead is encapsulated in a Mylar sleeve that is encapsulated inside a Teflon sleeve. The Teflon sleeve is then melted around the 74 Probes Teflon-insulated cable, forming a moisture-proof seal. Stainless steel sheathed thermistors Our stainless steel metal-sheath probes include our 5610-6 and 5610-9 immersion probes, as well as our 5665 fully immersible probe. These probes are great for measuring in air, liquid or soil. Silicone coated thermistor With a diameter at the tip of just 1.5 mm (0.06 in), the 5611A's tip has the smallest diameter of any of our secondary reference thermistors and can fit nearly anywhere. Its faster response time, flexible sheath, and silicone coating make the 5611A great for use in many applications. However, applications involving silicone oil could damage the thermistor and should be avoided. Higher performance All of Hart's secondary reference thermistors have small diameters and very small sensing elements, which means they require far less immersion than a PRT to avoid errors caused by stem effect. Self heating is usually negligible, giving them an advantage when taking measurements in air. Their small size also improves response time, allowing measurements to be taken more quickly. These probes come in a complete assembly ready for use, and each works well with the uncertainties of our thermometer readouts: the 1504 Tweener, the 1521 and 1522 Handheld Thermometers, the 1529 Chub-E4, the 1560 Black Stack, and the 1575A and 1590 SuperThermometers. These probes provide most accurate readings when coupled with a 2563 Standards Thermistor Module or 1590 Super-Thermometer, but they are most portable when used with a 1521 Little Lord Kelvin. Calibrated accuracy What's more, the Secondary Reference Series Thermistors are accurate to ± 0.01 °C and cover the temperature range of 0 °C to 100 °C. They come with a NIST-traceable calibration and a resistance-versus-temperature table printed in 0.1 °C increments that can be interpolated to 0.0001 °C. NVLAP accredited calibrations as single thermistors or as systems combined with their readouts, are also available. No other sensors can match the accuracy and price combination of these highaccuracy thermistor probes. Try one and you'll agree. Secondary Reference Thermistor Probes Specifications Resistance Nominal 10,000Ω at 25 °C Range 0 °C to 100 °C Calibration R vs. T table with 0.1 °C increments, interpolation equation furnished Calibration Uncertainty Table and equation are accurate to ±0.01 °C Drift Better than ±0.01 °C per year Repeatability Better than ±0.005 °C Size and Construction See illustrations below. Termination Specify when ordering. Ordering Information 5610-6-X 152 mm (6 in) Immersion Probe 5610-9-X 229 mm (9 in) Immersion Probe 5611A-11X Silicone-Bead Probe 5611T-X Teflon Probe 5665-X Miniature Immersion Probe 1925-A Calibration, 100 ° span, 6 points over span, NVLAPaccredited 1935-A System calibration, 100 ° span, 6 points over span, NVLAPaccredited 2601 Probe Carrying Case X = termination. Specify “B” (bare wire), “D” (5-pin DIN for Tweener Thermometers), “G” (gold pins), “I” (INFO-CON for 1521 or 1522 Handheld Thermometers), “J” (banana plugs), “L” (mini spade lugs), “M” (mini banana plugs), or “S” (spade lugs). Handle your probe correctly Good thermometer handling procedures help maintain calibration accuracy. Here are a few pointers. Don’t ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Don’t subject a PRT to physical shock or vibration. Don’t bend a probe that is not designed for bending. Don’t subject a thermometer to sudden extreme temperature changes. Don’t install compression fittings on a probe sheath. Don’t subject a thermometer to temperatures outside its range. Don’t subject a thermometer’s transition junction, handle, or lead wires to temperatures outside their ranges (which likely differ from the thermometer’s range). Don’t immerse the probe past the bottom of its handle. Do ● ● ● ● ● Do immerse a probe to at least its minimum immersion depth. Do allow the thermometer time to stabilize before taking readings. Do use the proper current to prevent self-heating errors. Do check your probe’s RTPW value frequently. Do test the shunt resistance of your probe periodically. (Shunt resistance is the resistance between the probe sensor and the probe sheath.) 75 Thermistors: the under appreciated temperature standards Reprinted from Random News Thermistors don’t make good temperature standards? Yes they do. You’ve probably seen sensor comparison charts published by magazines and probe manufacturers. They’re typically found in articles and application notes intended to help you select the correct sensor for various applications. In thermistor charts you regularly find the authors listing poor linearity and poor long-term stability as disadvantages. These are the reasons you most often hear repeated when someone believes a thermistor isn’t a good thermometry standard. Linearity Let’s look at non-linearity first. With today’s powerful microprocessor-based readouts, non-linearity isn’t really an issue. As long as the resistance vs. temperature curve of the sensor is very predictable, or repeatable, the sensor can make accurate measurements when used with a readout designed to deal with the non-linearity. The Steinhart-Hart equation or resistance look-up tables are commonly used by instruments to accurately convert resistance to temperature. Stability Poor long-term stability has been the main concern about thermistors. Changes in the physical composition of the semiconductor can result in either an increase or a decrease in the resistance of the thermistor. Oxidation of the semiconductor materials contributes to this change. For example, a common additive in thermistors is copper oxide, which has poor stability in the presence of oxygen. Problems with changing contact resistance sometimes result from thermal stress or insufficient strain relief between the thermistor body and its leads. While these potential problems occasionally occur in the lower-cost thermistor devices, they are not common in thermistors which are hermetically sealed in glass. Sealing the thermistor eliminates oxygen transfer to the semiconductor and prevents resistance shifts. The rate at which the resistivity of a thermistor will change in the presence of oxygen increases with increasing temperature. Consequently, the use of a hermetic seal permits operation of the bead at higher temperatures. The glass seal also provides an adequate strain relief for the lead-to-ceramic contact on many thermistor styles. NBS Study Between 1974 and 1976, the National Bureau of Standards conducted a study on the stability of thermistors. The results demonstrated no significant drift for beadin-glass thermistors. Non-glass-sealed disk type thermistors showed definite drift that increased as the test temperature increased. Later, J.A. Wise of the National Institute of Standards and Technology conducted another investigation that was published at the Seventh International Temperature Symposium in Toronto. Her study included newer, glass-sealed disk thermistors, as well as bead-in-glass thermistors. This time, the disk type faired nearly as well as the bead type. These extensive studies conclude that a super-stable glass-sealed thermistor will typically drift only 0.001 °C to 0.002 °C per year. This level of stability is comparable, and, in fact better, than some SPRTs on the market today. However, a calibrated reference probe made with this type of thermistor costs between $500 and $1400 depending on its range and stability. An uncalibrated SPRT costs about $3,000. The thermistor probe is priced at the same level as a secondary PRT probe while delivering 10 to 20 times better annual stability. Though many applications may not require high stability performance and many thermistors may not be suitable for standards thermometry, this does not mean all thermistors are not suitable. The same is true for platinum resistance thermometers. Most industrial RTDs are not suitable for standards work. This doesn’t mean that a properly constructed PRT or SPRT is a bad standard. Durability Another interesting point is the fragility of the sensor. Sometimes thermistors are criticized as being too fragile. While a bare bead thermistor is fairly delicate, a properly constructed stainless steelsheathed probe is surprisingly rugged when compared to a PRT or SPRT. The platinum resistance element in an SPRT or PRT is far more susceptible to mechanical shock than its thermistor counterpart. While the bumps and taps of everyday handling can impact the strain relief and contact resistance of the PRT, the same level of mechanical shock will not change the base resistance in a thermistor probe. The thermistor is recommended where frequent handling is expected. Temperature range The only real limitation of thermistors in metrology applications is temperature range. Currently, the most common ranges for super-stable thermistors suitable for metrology lie between 0 °C and 110 °C. Of course, a large percentage of all measurement applications fall between these two temperatures. An excellent strategy is to use a thermistor for work in this range and a PRT for work beyond that range. This reduces the handling of the PRT and the likelihood that a shift in base resistance will occur. Other advantaes Thermistors typically have larger base resistance and resistance change-per-degree than PRTs. This makes it easier to Thermometer readouts ASL F700 Hart 1575 SuperThermometer Hart 1590 SuperThermometer ASL F18 No† Yes Yes No ±0.0013 °C ±0.001 °C ±0.00025 °C ±0.000125 °C ±0.0001 °C 0.0001 °C 0.00025 °C 0.000075 °C 0.00005 °C 0.0001 °C ASL F250 Hart 1504 Tweener Hart 1560 Black Stack No† Yes Yes Meter Accuracy at 25 °C ±0.01 °C ±0.003 °C Resolution 0.001 °C 0.0001 °C Model Thermistors? † † We realize this chart compares apples to oranges. That’s because our competitors don’t make thermistor readouts. So, to be fair, we’ve shown the best published specs from the closest competition. All their specs assume a 25Ω or 100Ω platinum resistance thermometer. 76 Probes Thermistors: the under appreciated temperature standards Hart’s 1504 Tweener reads thermistors accurately to ±0.003 °C. read their resistance precisely. It also contributes to a thermistor’s ability to provide better resolution than a PRT. It is common to get meaningful and repeatable readings of temperature change to 5 places past the decimal. The size of a thermistor bead is also considerably smaller than the size of a PRT. In a stainless steel sheath, the thermistor is much less affected by stemconduction than a PRT. In many applications, a large PRT probe is simply too large. For example, the testing or calibration of biomedical devices and analytical instruments frequently requires a sensor smaller than even the bare PRT element, not to mention its tubular packaging. Offthe-shelf thermistor standards are available in diameters of only 1.8 mm (0.07 in) with small gauge leads. Tremendous flexibility is possible in custom packaging thermistors for surface, air, and liquid measurements. While Hart manufactures reference PRTs and SPRTs, we do not make thermistors. Still, we feel it’s important to promote their virtues because their unique advantages can contribute significantly to metrology and calibration work. For this reason, each of Hart’s thermometer readouts is available with the ability to read thermistors. When you’re considering the purchase of a readout, check into the possibility of reading thermistors. If the salesman tells you a thermistor isn’t a good standard, you’ve just had a good indication of the company’s credibility. 77 Thermocouples 101... or, maybe... 401! Reprinted from Random News Thermocouples are the most commonly used temperature sensors in the world. If you’re a thermocouple user, particularly of reference thermocouples, there are a few things you should know. It is easy to be led into believing that accurate measurements with a thermocouple (two dissimilar pieces of wire joined together at a common junction) are as simple to get as reading a number off a digital display. Thermocouples react to temperature gradients by generating a voltage. The accuracy of converting that voltage into a temperature is determined by the condition of the thermocouple, the measurement technique used, the characteristics (or “type”) of the thermocouple, and its calibration. If you don’t know how a thermocouple senses temperature, you probably make mistakes in using them. The junction between the two dissimilar metals of a thermocouple does not produce the voltage that is measured across the ends of its lead wires. Thermocouples use the relationship between temperature and electricity that was first observed in 1821 by Thomas Seebeck. The so-called “Seebeck effect,” which describes how thermal energy is converted into electrical energy, does not require two dissimilar metals to be joined together. Consider two parallel, electrically unconnected wires that are each extending from left to right. The first wire is pure platinum, and the second is a platinumrhodium alloy. If the temperature at the left end of the wires is different from the temperature at the right end of the wires, then there is an electric potential difference (voltage) between the left and right ends of the wires. However, the voltage across the pure platinum will be different than the voltage across the platinum alloy. For a single wire, we call this voltage the absolute Seebeck emf. In practice, this voltage can never be measured directly. However, once an electrical connection is made, for example, by making a junction at the right end by touching the two wires together (see the schematic drawings), what is known as a thermocouple is produced. Then, the potential difference measured across the open ends, on the left, depends on the temperature difference between the right and left ends of the thermocouple. If the voltage and reference temperature on the left is known, then the measurement temperature on the right can be 78 Probes Thermocouple with no reference junction VJ1(TJ) Vo=VTC(TTC)+[VJ1(TJ)+VJ2(TJ)] + – + VTC(TTC) VJ2(TJ) 100°C – 20°C Thermocouple with reference junction + Vo=VTC(TTC) + – 20°C VTC(TTC) 100°C – 0 °C VJ2(0 °C) VJ1(0 °C) [VJ1(0 °C)+VJ2(0 °C)=0] Electrical schematic drawings of thermocouples with and without a reference junction. calculated. Yet, without an accurate reference temperature, making huge measurement errors is as easy as reading numbers off a digital display! If you don’t know what a reference junction is, you need to find out. There are a number of ways to obtain an accurate reference temperature. The exact manner chosen depends on the desired accuracy, budget, available equipment, and expertise of the user. On one end of the thermocouple is the measurement junction; the reference junction (if there is one) is on the other end. Generally, a reference junction consists of two copper or platinum wires (with very similar absolute Seebeck emfs) that are electrically connected to the thermocouple. The reference junction is usually placed in an ice bath, which keeps it at a constant known temperature of 0.000 °C ±0.002 °C if you’re following the ASTM procedure E 563-97 for constructing a proper ice bath. Voltage measurements are then taken across the copper wires, which now reside at a known temperature, rather than at the thermocouple wires. If a thermocouple does not have a reference junction, it is necessary to use some sort of electronic reference junction compensation (RJC—or “CJC” for “cold junction compensation”). The meter measures the temperature at the “cold” end of the thermocouple. From this temperature, a voltage offset is calculated. The voltage offset is then added to the voltage measured by the meter and the total voltage is used to calculate the temperature. You may have to choose how the readout or simulator device generates this offset. The wrong choice could mean an error as large as 25 °C. Isn’t “homogeneity” a property of milk? Imperfections in thermocouple wire may produce undesired results in temperature measurements. Thermocouple wires that are free from these imperfections are called homogenous. This means that the composition of the wire is exactly the same from end to end. A new thermocouple ought to be homogenous. An old thermocouple may not be. Thermocouples attached to extension wires are not homogenous and the practice of adding extension wires, for laboratory calibrations, should be avoided. Thermocouple wire that has been kinked or exposed to temperatures, pressures, or chemical environments for which they are not designed may also behave unpredictably because of reductions in homogeneity. However, if a thermocouple is not homogenous (i.e. where a reference junction has been soldered to it) and the temperature is kept constant along the heterogeneous section (i.e. the reference junction is placed in an ice bath), then the previously described errors will be greatly minimized. Manufacturers of thermocouples usually anneal new thermocouple wire electrically to relieve the mechanical strain Thermocouples 101... or, maybe... 401! Measuring Junction Sheath Strain Relief 5649 SN:1234 Thermocouple Wire with Silicone Rubber Jacket Copper Wire with Silicone Rubber Jacket Red (+) Black (–) Reference (or Cold) Junction Typical thermocouple construction with a reference or cold junction. introduced during manufacturing. Also, it is not unusual for laboratories to anneal thermocouples before attempting an accurate calibration. No one knows for sure whether annealing will help when other factors such as contamination have affected homogeneity. If annealing cannot restore a thermocouple to a homogeneous state, then it should be replaced rather than recalibrated. Homogeneity is often the leading source of error in thermocouple measurements and the leading reason the thermocouple should be thrown away. The lifetime of a thermocouple is affected by its time exposed to extreme temperatures, quenching, vacuum, harsh chemical environments, and mechanical work on the wires. Be sure to use the correct type and gauge of thermocouple for your application. For example, certain types of thermocouples may be better suited for a particular chemical environment than others. Noble metal thermocouples will make the best reference thermocouples because of their stability over time compared to other thermocouples. A large diameter thermocouple will last longer at elevated temperatures, but a smaller diameter thermocouple will experience less immersion related error. To sheath or not to sheath? Some thermocouples come with a sheath. Sheaths may be ceramic, glass, or metal. The purpose of a sheath is to protect the thermocouple from its environment. Sheaths do not improve performance, and, in fact, thermocouples with sheaths are less responsive and require more immersion than do similar unsheathed thermocouples. However, using a sheath is preferred to contaminating or mechanically damaging a thermocouple and is therefore a good choice for many applications. Of course, taking everything into consideration, the decision to replace or recalibrate a thermocouple (and how often to recalibrate) is ultimately yours—you being most familiar with its behavior during actual usage conditions. To calibrate or replace? Thermocouple types are defined by a particular emf-temperature relationship within a specified limit of error. However, they can be calibrated to achieve results that are more accurate. When a manufacturer makes a set of thermocouples from a particular batch of wire, a sample from that group may be calibrated as representative of the entire group. Individual thermocouple calibrations may achieve more accurate results than a batch calibration. Thermocouples may be calibrated in a laboratory or in situ. In situ calibrations are recommended for base metal thermocouples. That is because when they are used in a particular application, errors due to changes in the properties of the thermocouple occur that are difficult to reproduce in a laboratory. An in situ calibration is performed using a new thermocouple while the old thermocouple is still in use. Once located side by side, the difference in the indications of the two thermocouples (old and new) allows the user to determine the tolerance status of the old thermocouple. 79 Type R and S Thermocouple Standards Specifications Range 0 °C to 1450 °C Type Platinum/13 %Rhodium vs. platinum (type R) Platinum/10 %Rhodium vs. platinum (type S) Calibration Wire spool sampling method by fixed point (optionally available by fixed point for individual thermocouples) Calibration ±0.5 °C to 1100 °C Uncertainty ±3.0 °C to 1450 °C (k=2) Hot 6.35 mm (0.25 in) diameter; Junction see Ordering Information for Sheath lengths Dimensions ● Designed by Hart’s primary standards design team ● Two sizes available, each with or without reference junction ● Calibration uncertainty of ±0.5 °C to 1100 °C, ±3 °C to 1450 °C Made from the finest platinum and platinum-rhodium alloy, the Type R and Type S Thermocouples cover a temperature range of 0 °C to 1450 °C with uncertainties as good as 0.15 °C over most of that range. With four different models for each type, we have the thermocouple to fit your application. The measuring junction of both the 5649 and the 5650 is encased in a 0.25inch (6.35 mm) alumina sheath that can be ordered in lengths of 20 or 25 inches (50.8 or 63.5 cm) to fit the specific requirements of your application. A reference, or “cold,” junction may also be ordered. The reference junction uses a stainless steel sheath and is 8.25 inches long (21 cm) by 0.188 inches in diameter (4.8 mm). The thin diameter minimizes the immersion depth needed, but the extra length ensures you can get all the immersion you like. Special tin-plated, solid-copper connecting wires with ultra-low EMF properties are used to help retain the integrity of your measurement junction where the probe attaches to your micro voltmeter or Hart Black Stack. Each probe comes from a spool of wire that has been sample tested using fixedpoint standards to ensure uncertainties less than 0.5 °C up to 1100 °C. From 1100 °C to 1450 °C, the uncertainty increases linearly to 3.0°C. If you need greater accuracy, order an individual calibration with fixed-point standards to reduce uncertainties to ±0.15 °C up to 962°C, ±0.25 °C up to 1100 °C, and increasing linearly to ±2.0 °C at 1450 °C. The probe assembly can be easily disassembled for performing your own barewire calibrations. Reference 4.8 mm dia. x 210 mm long Junction (0.188 x 8.25 in) Sheath Dimensions Long-Term Stability Short-Term ±0.2 °C to 1100 °C Stabilities ±0.6 °C to 1450 °C Immersion At least 152 mm (6 in) recommended Protective Case Model 2609 case included Weight 1 kg (2 lb.) Ordering Information 5649-20-X 5649-20CX 5649-25-X 5649-25CX 5650-20-X 5650-20CX 0.25" dia. (6.35 mm) Measurement Junction 5650-25-X 5650-25CX 20" or 25" (508 or 635 mm) 28" (713 mm) 0.188 dia. (4.8 mm) 8.25" (207 mm) 54" (1372 mm) Reference Junction ±0.5 °C to 1100 °C ±2.0 °C to 1450 °C (over one year depending on usage) Type R TC, 508 mm (20 in) Type R TC, 508 mm (20 in), with reference junction Type R TC, 635 mm (25 in) Type R TC, 635 mm (25 in), with reference junction Type S TC, 508 mm (20 in) Type S TC, 508 mm (20 in), with reference junction Type S TC, 635 mm (25 in) Type S TC, 635 mm (25 in), with reference junction X = termination. Specify “B” (bare wire), “W” (generic copper-to-copper TC connector), or “R” (standard Type R/S TC connector). Models with reference junctions should not specify “R” and models without reference junctions should not specify “W”. 1918-B Four-point calibration by fixed point (Sn, Zn, AI, Ag). Extrapolated to 1450 °C. Note: Calibration uncertainty for individually calibrated 5650s by fixed point is ±0.25 °C below 1100 °C and ±2.0 °C above 1100 °C. 2609 case included with new models. 2609 80 Probes Spare Case (for 635 mm [25 in] long TC) ERTCO LIG Thermometer Sets Specifications Mercury-in-glass, total immersion Length 179 mm Diameter 7–8 mm Accuracy ±1 scale division Calibration NIST traceable with data & corrections Scale Divisions 62C-66C 0.1 °C 67C, 68C 0.2 °C 69C, 70C 0.5 °C 62F-66F 0.2 °F 67F, 68F 0.5 °F 69F, 70F 1.0 °F Type Ordering Information 62-70C-FC ERTCO LIG Thermometer Set 62-70F-FC ERTCO LIG Thermometer Set What is a total-immersion thermometer? Cat. No 62-70C-FC 62-70F-FC No. of Thermometers 9 9 Need LIG thermometers? ERTCO models are manufactured in accordance with ASTM precision specifications and provide accurate and reproducible measurements. These total-immersion thermometers are perfect for critical temperature measurements or as calibration standards. When used properly, these instruments typically have errors of less than ±0.01 % of scale. Each one is accurate to ±1 scale division, and stem diameters vary from 7 mm to 8 mm. These thermometers are 379 mm (14.9 in) long. Individual serial numbers are given to each unit. Every LIG thermometer is given a NIST-traceable calibration. Data includes the ice-point reading, five calibration points, tabulated corrections (to onetenth of the smallest scale division) for each calibration point, the serial and test number of the NIST standard, and test notes. ASTM Nos. 62C–70C 62F–70F Ranges Covered –38 °C to 405 °C –36 °F to 761 °F Choose a set of total-immersion thermometers from ERTCO and put them on the same order as your other Hart instruments. Like always, we’ll take care of your customer service needs. Each set contains nine thermometers. Here are the individual ranges: 62C 63C 64C 65C 66C 67C 68C 69C 70C –38 °C to 2 °C –8 °C to 32 °C 25 °C to 55 °C 50 °C to 80 °C 75 °C to 105 °C 95 °C to 155 °C 145 °C to 205 °C 195 °C to 305 °C 295 °C to 405 °C 62F 63F 64F 65F 66F 67F 68F 69F 70F –36 °F to 35 °F 18 °F to 89 °F 77 °F to 131 °F 122 °F to 176 °F 167 °F to 221 °F 203 °F to 311 °F 293 °F to 401 °F 383 °F to 581 °F 563 °F to 761 °F A total immersion thermometer is one that is designed to be immersed to the point of reading. When measuring a temperature toward the top of the thermometer’s range, the thermometer will be almost completely immersed. When calibrating a total-immersion thermometer, deep baths are required (see page 94). We also recommend a fluid level adapter. This will bring the fluid level of your bath up to your eye level for more accurate reading of the LIG thermometer. A “partial-immersion” thermometer only requires immersion part way no matter where the mercury level is. The manufacturer usually marks this immersion point on the thermometer. For “complete-immersion” thermometers, the entire thermometer must always be immersed. This can be rather tricky to read if the mercury level is several inches below the level of the fluid you are measuring. If you use completeimmersion thermometers often, you may wish to get a Hart bath with a built-in window. Call us for details. 81 Software Selection Guide Model Name Description 9930 Interface-it Windows-based interface to all Hart dry-wells and baths that include an RS-232 port (virtually all units). Provides access to all controller functions and the ability to graphically monitor the temperature displayed on the heat source. Page 82 9938 MET/TEMP II Complete calibration system software. Communicates with Hart thermometers & heat sources to control & take readings. Generates calibration constants and reference tables. Now works with Fluke MET/TRACK! 83 9933 TableWare Generates calibration constants and reference tables based on calibration data entered by the user. 86 9934 LogWare Turns any 1-channel Hart thermometer readout (1521, 1502, 1504, etc.) into a real-time datalogger. Includes flexible graphing functions as well as statistics for logged data. Also provides programming, downloading, and data analysis tool for Hart logging thermometers. 87 9935 LogWare II Graphical data analysis software for multi-channel thermometers (1529, 1560, 1575A, 1590). Works in real-time or from downloaded data sets. 9936A LogWare III Database-oriented real-time temperature and humidity logging software for the 1620/5020A and 1620A “DewK” Thermohygrometers. Also includes tools for downloading, importing, exporting, and analyzing logged data. 88 Interface-it ● Free with nearly every Hart heat source ● Provides PC access to Hart controller functions ● Graphically displays heat source temperatures The Hart Scientific 9930 Interface-it software package and a serial cable are included with almost every Hart dry-well and bath that has an RS-232 interface. The 9930 lets you use your own PC to 82 Software access many of the instrument’s functions including set-points, temperature units, scan functions, ramp and soak program (if included in dry-well’s or bath’s firmware), duty cycle, proportional band, and more! Calibration constants can also be accessed, but access can be limited using a password. Interface-it also lets you log readings to a text file, and perform fully automated thermal switch tests with dry-wells that support this feature. Interface-it can do this and more, all from your PC! You have probably seen so-called automation software packages from other companies with fewer features than you get with our free Interface-it software. Don’t have an RS-232 (COM) port on your computer? No problem. Using a USB to RS-232 converter, you can add a virtual COM port to any computer. Contact an Application Specialist for more details and recommendations. Interface-it is free software. New updates are always posted on our web site and can be downloaded and installed in a few minutes. Remember to check our web site regularly to obtain the latest version of the software including known bug fixes, new features, and support for new instruments. If you need more features, such as fully automated sensor calibration or data logging software, check out our entire list of functional logging and calibration software. Ordering Information 9930 2383 Interface-it Software USB to RS-232 Adapter MET/TEMP II Thermometer Readouts ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 1590 Super-Thermometer II (With up to five 2590 Mighty-Mux II’s optional) 1575A Super-Thermometer (2575 Mighty-Mux optional) 1560 Black Stack (with any combination of modules) 1529 Chub-E4 Readout 1502, 1503, 1504 Tweener Readouts 1521, 1522 Handheld Readouts Fluke Hydra series dataloggers Heat Sources ● All Hart baths with RS-232 All Hart dry-wells with RS-232, including 9112 & 9114 furnaces ● All Hart Metrology Wells ● Fluke dry-block models 514, 515, 517, 518 ● Any other heat source (temperatures must be set manually) Did we mention that MET/TEMP II also works with the Fluke Hydra Series II data loggers? You can even calibrate heat sources such as Hart dry-wells and micro-baths with this software. A new feature now allows MET/TEMP II to interface with the 1620 “DewK” Thermo-Hyrometer to record ambient temperature and humidity conditions during the test process. MET/TEMP II also lets you perform semi-automated fixed-point calibrations. The software allows you to program soak times in the cell before taking readings. You may even mix fixed points with comparison points in the same calibration. Of course, we also include fixed-point information on the new report layout. If you use the 1560 Black Stack, you can simultaneously calibrate up to 64 RTDs, 64 thermistors, 96 thermocouples, or any combination. That’s a lot of sensors. MET/TEMP II allows you to track the model and serial numbers, calibration and due dates of all test equipment and sensors under test. Optionally, this data may be synchronized with information in your MET/TRACK database. MET/TEMP II also stores customer names and addresses for printing on reports. With MET/TEMP II, you make your own choices regarding precision and throughput. When setting up tests, you specify the required stability level at each set-point to ensure that readings are taken only under the conditions you require. You’ll get the exact level of precision you want based on the equipment you have and the calibration time you set ● ● Fully automated calibration of RTDs, TCs, thermistors, and many heat sources ● Calibrates up to 100 sensors at up to 40 points ● Performs coefficient calculations and generates tables and reports ● Includes optional integration with Fluke’s MET/TRACK database Few things matter in your work more than productivity. And few things can help make you more productive than well-written automation software. We’ve got the world’s best temperature calibration automation software—exactly what you need to be productive. It’s Windows® based and it’s easy to use. You may be familiar with the Hart automation software duo Calibrate-it and Generate-it. Now both come in a single package. We call it MET/TEMP II! Written by the same Hart Scientific temperature experts that brought you the original Calibrate-it and Generate-it software, this new package interfaces with Fluke’s MET/TRACK software—the industry standard for asset management. Calibrating sensors manually is expensive because of labor costs. It takes roughly four hours to calibrate a sensor at three points, then another hour on top of that for paperwork to document the temperature data and to create the certificate. This is much too time-consuming. Now there’s a better way. With MET/TEMP II, you simply place your test sensors in a heat source, connect them to a readout, enter your setup information, and start the test. Sometime ® later, hit your print button, take the reports out of your printer, sign them, and ship the sensors back to your customer. Your customers will love the fast turnaround. It’s your choice. Spend four hours the old way and handle everything manually, or fifteen minutes with our software and have plenty of time to read your e-mail. This software package tests thermocouples (all types), RTDs, SPRTs, thermistors, and even liquid-in-glass thermometers (LIGs). Virtually any sensor with a resistance or voltage output can be tested, up to 100 sensors at a time. They don’t even have to be the same type. You can select as few as 1 or as many as 40 temperatures at which to test your sensors. Nobody makes more ultra-stable heat sources and thermometer readouts for temperature calibration work than Hart Scientific. MET/TEMP II can use nearly every one of them. You don’t need to worry about special software drivers for each different piece of equipment. Just plug and play. Use MET/TEMP II with these instruments: 83 MET/TEMP II MET/TEMP II will interface with MET/TRACK to record calibration and maintenance history, traceability information, and even the location of your thermometer readouts and heat sources. Use it with MET/TRACK and watch your productivity take a big step up. Calibration reports are automatically created from your setup data and test results. Each report conforms completely to the requirements of ANSI/NCSL Z540-1. It’s fast, it’s accurate, and it’s complete. MET/TEMP II even allows you to print your company’s logo on the report! This is true Windows® software. It runs on Windows® 9x/ME/2000/NT/XP and includes a context-sensitive online help system. Just click the help button (or press F1) from any screen and you’ll get the information you need. When you experience the interface of this software, you’ll agree nothing could be easier. The MET/TEMP II Coefficients and Tables application (formerly Generate-it) is included and contains utilities for data analysis. It can calculate coefficients and residuals for each sensor tested. Tables can be generated with temperature versus-resistance, temperature-versus-ratio, or temperature-versus-EMF data. Each table can be generated in °C, °F, or K and in increments from 0.01 to 100. For PRTs, MET/TEMP II can calculate coefficients for ITS-90, IPTS-68, Callendar-Van Dusen, and polynomial functions. For thermistors, it can calculate coefficients for polynomial functions, including Steinhart-Hart. Thermocouple coefficients can be calculated for types B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T, and AuPt. This software even allows you to verify that the appropriate temperatures are used to calculate coefficients. Need subranges in ITS-90? No problem. Want to print tables for any temperature range and in any incremental MET/TEMP II software can be used with any Hart thermometer readout, and it controls any combination of Hart dry-wells and baths. Choose from more than 9 readouts and 40 heat sources to calibrate up to 100 sensors automatically. Whether you need 1 mK accuracy for advanced metrology work or 1 °C accuracy for industrial sensors, Hart has the equipment to fit your application. It also provides quick and accurate generation of sensor coefficients and tables. amounts? No problem. Need to generate formatted reports that conform to ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 with your own logo? No problem. Data can also be exported to spreadsheets or other statistical analysis software as comma-delimited or tabdelimited text. MET/TEMP II does all of that and more, but best of all it does it automatically. There’s not much you could ever want to do that this package won’t do. This is real calibration software, not merely a data acquisition package with a fancy name! Other software packages work with one or two instruments; they won’t control the wide variety of heat sources our software does. Other software doesn’t fully automate the calibration process. Control dry-wells, baths, readouts, and the entire calibration process. Store data on test equipment and on sensors under test. When you’ve got more work to do than you can do in a 12-hour day, and you still need some time to visit accounting to straighten out a few things, MET/TEMP II will take care of business for you. Go home. Spend some time with your kids. Play a game of golf. It’s your choice how you spend your time! MET/TEMP II can do all of this using a single RS-232 (COM) port. Hardware is included to connect up to 6 interfaced instruments to the PC. Additional null-modem cables are required to connect instruments to the hardware (not included). Don’t forget to order additional cables! Don’t have an RS-232 (COM) port Test information screen. Instrument configuration screen. Set-point configuration screen. 84 Software MET/TEMP II on your computer? No problem. Using a USB to RS-232 converter, you can add a virtual COM port to any computer. Contact an Application Specialist for more details and recommendations. In order to interface MET/TEMP II with the MET/TRACK database, you must have MET/TRACK v7.01 or later and you must purchase and apply a MET/TEMP II license to the MET/TRACK database (sold separately). Download a free working demo version from our web site today! Remember to check our web site regularly to obtain the latest Service Releases and updates for the software including known bug fixes, new features, and support for new instruments. Updates are always posted on our web site and can typically be downloaded and installed in a few minutes. Report of Calibration Model: Serial: Description: 5614 365232 Probe, Secondary Standard Calibration Range: Received Condition: Current: Procedure: LIC-9938 2383 MET/TEMP II Software (package includes CD-ROM, RS232 multiplexer box, adapter, and PC cable) MET/TRACK License USB to RS-232 Adapter Customer: Our Customer One Customer Way Technology Drive Any Town, USA 23456 Full New 1.0 mA HST000 - 0 The above referenced instrument was calibrated by direct measurement of generated temperatures using the reference standards listed in the "Test Equipment" table at the bottom of this report. The internal calibration coefficients and the data abtained are shown on page 2. A Test Uncertainty Ratio (TUR) of at least 4:1 was maintained unless otherwise indicated. This calibration is traceable to NIST or natural physical constants and is in compliance with ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 and MIL-STD 45662A. Nominal (Set-point) (C) Actual Value (Reference) (C) -25.00 0.01 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 125.00 Ordering Information 9938 Report No: CE200206126-002 Page 1 of 1 Temp Tech Co. 105 Celcius Drive Out Town, USA 34567-8998 UUT (Test Sensor) (Ohms) -24.9697 0.0100 25.0155 49.9895 75.0045 99.9692 124.9835 Measurement Uncertainty (C) 89.2564 100.0235 110.2354 123.5642 132.2514 138.2563 145.0251 0.050 0.010 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 Method of Realization COMP TP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP Test Equipment Manufacturer Model Description Serial Number Recall Date Hart Scientific, Inc. Hart Scientific, Inc. 1529 5614 A23564 360984 6/30/2002 1/17/2003 Hart Scientific, Inc. Hart Scientific, Inc. 5901 9105 "Chub-E4" Thermometer 2-RTD/2-TC Secondary Reference Temperature Std., 1/4" x 12" TPW Drywell, Low-Temperature 123456 A23765 2/1/2003 NCR Notes: This test was performed in accordance with the test procedure indicated above. Calibration Date: Recall Date: Temperature: Humidity: Customer Order: 6/3/2002 6/3/2003 21 C 25% 54543-544S Technician: ________________________ Cal E. Breight Approved By: ________________________ This report shall not be reproduced except in full without written approval of Temp Tech Co.. MET/TEMP II software creates test reports that fully comply with ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 requirements. Among the features included in each report are report numbers, pagination, test procedure numbers, test data, stated uncertainties, and test results shown as tolerances. Two locations are also available on the report for special notes. 85 TableWare ● Calculates coefficients for RTDs, thermistors, and thermocouples ● Generates three types of temperature tables ● Easy-to-use, time-saving interface ● Outputs to ASCII text file or printed report Okay, you know about the benefits of our MET/TEMP II software, but you didn’t order your Hart instruments with RS-232 ports, or maybe you’ve made the mistake of buying less capable products. Well, you don’t need to worry, because we’ve got something for you, too! Our TableWare software package does almost everything that MET/TEMP II’s Coefficients and Tables Application does, but allows you to manually enter the data. It still saves you time and money on your calculations, so it’s a great buy. TableWare calculates coefficients for RTDs, thermistors, and thermocouples. It supports ITS-90, IPTS-68, Callendar-Van Dusen, and polynomial equations, including standard thermocouple types. It calculates coefficients using either direct or over-determined solutions and calculates residuals at each data point. TableWare also generates temperature-versus-resistance, temperature-versus-ratio, and temperature-versus-EMF tables at increments down to 0.01. And it includes functions for importing and exporting data and tables for use with other data analysis programs. You simply enter or import the raw resistance or voltage data from your calibrations. TableWare generates coefficients, calculates residual values, and generates useful tables. TableWare is reasonably priced and works the way you do. Ordering Information 9933 2383 Input screen. 86 Software TableWare Software USB to RS-232 Adapter LogWare and LogWare II multiple log sessions. LogWare lets you download your data into individual log sessions and view each one separately. Store readings from your freezers, ovens, chambers, and anywhere else you need to record temperature, bring it back to your PC (through a standard serial cable or infrared dongle), and LogWare will separate each log session into individual data sets. You don’t have to load the text file into your spreadsheet and try to figure out which data points went with which log session. LogWare does all that for you. LogWare also gives you the ability to make configuration changes to your thermometer readout. Program your probe coefficients, write calibration data to your meter, set password-protected parameters, and access other tools specific to your thermometer readout all from your PC. Get the most out of your readout with LogWare. If you don’t agree this is the best temperature acquisition system for your application, send it back and we’ll refund your money. Buy it today and try it out at no risk. ● Turns any Hart thermometer readout into a real-time datalogger ● Calculates statistics and displays customized graphs ● User-selectable alarms, delayed start times, and sample intervals ● Two versions for single-channel or multi-channel thermometer readouts Turn any Hart thermometer readout into a real-time datalogger with one of Hart’s LogWare software packages. Whether you use our 9934 LogWare with a singlechannel thermometer readout or 9935 LogWare II with one of Hart’s multi-channel readouts, you’ll agree that this is the Alarm settings screen. easiest data acquisition program you’ve ever used. LogWare lets you acquire data to your PC graphically and store it to a text file. It also performs statistical functions automatically on each data set. LogWare was designed specifically for temperature data acquisition. Set high and low alarm conditions, program a delayed start time, store a data log for a fixed number of readings or length of time, program the acquisition interval from 1 second to 24 hours, and let the software record the data you need the way you need it. During a log session you can view the data in a time/temperature trend graph while the data points are stored to a file on your PC. Output the graph to your printer, view the test points from a spreadsheet, or review the pertinent log statistics once your log is completed. With LogWare II you can collect and view data from up to 96 probes. With Hart’s 1522 Litle Lord Logger and 1529 Chub-E4 thermometer readouts, there’s even more you can do. Both readouts store thousands of data points in Ordering Information 9934-S 9934-M 9935-S 9935-M 2383 LogWare, Single Channel, Single User LogWare, Single Channel, Multi User LogWare II, Multi Channel, Single User LogWare II, Multi Channel, Multi User USB to RS-232 Adapter 87 LogWare III ● Supports Ethernet, 802.15.4 wireless, and RS-232 communication ● Contacts users via email to PDAs and cell phones ● Shows real-time or historical data using customized graphs ● Seamlessly integrates with MET/CAL LogWare III is a Windows® application that retrieves, stores, and analyzes data from the Hart’s 1620A “DewK” ThermoHygrometer. As client-server or standalone software, it remotely monitors and logs an unlimited number of concurrent log sessions into a single database. That means data from many DewKs can be managed in real time via Ethernet, RS232, or wireless connections. Data may be logged from one or both of a DewK’s sensors, providing up to two temperature and two humidity inputs for each DewK. LogWare III allows you to customize your graph trace color, alarms, and statistics as you go. You can start/stop log sessions and modify sample intervals from your computer. LogWare III supports “hot-swapping,” allowing you to remove and replace sensors without shutting down the log session. LogWare III also supports security features such as passwords for individual users or groups/teams, a built-in administrator account, pre-defined user groups, and customizable permissions to ensure the integrity of all stored data. Never again be the last to know about a problem. Customizable email settings allow you to send emails to designated Manage user accounts Temperature alarm e-mail 88 Software recipients, including cell phones and PDA’s, when a log session begins, ends, or is aborted; when the DewK’s battery is low; when a sensor calibration is due; or when a temperature/humidity alarm is exceeded. If you cannot be reached via email, you can always arrange to be paged instead. Data stored on the DewK can be imported into the software, which is a handy feature when power outages disable the network. Are you ready for a deep dive into your data? Historical data can be viewed by sensor (model/serial number) location, or log session and displayed in a spreadsheet-style grid. Logged data can also be exported to HTML, RTF, or ASCII text for use in your analytical software, or simply print historical data and graphs. Customizable graphs in LogWare III with zooming capability are an easy way to analyze your data history, and data points that need to be explained can be highlighted, annotated, and referred to later. LogWare III statistics include min, max, spread, average, and standard deviation functions, and printed reports keep track of the number of temperature and humidity measurements that were found to be out of tolerance. Ordering information 9936A 9936A-L1 9936A-L5 9936A-L10 9936A-LST 9936A-UPG LogWare III Software (Single License) 1-Pack License, LogWare III Software 5-Pack License, LogWare III Software 10-Pack License, LogWare III Software Site License, LogWare III Software 9936A Software Upgrade from version 1.x Establishing traceability Reprinted from Random News Prior to the start of any Olympic Games, a flame is passed from torch to torch in an unbroken chain from Athens, Greece, to the hosting country. Similarly, you can imagine a value from a standard at a national laboratory transferred in an unbroken chain of comparisons from one reference standard to another until the value from the national standard has been transferred to a device in your own laboratory. Traceability is defined as the “property of the result of a measurement or the value of a standard whereby it can be related to stated references, usually national or international standards, through an unbroken chain of comparisons all having stated uncertainties.” (Quite a mouthful for some of us!) For purposes of addressing our myth, we point out two critical parts of this definition: “an unbroken chain of comparisons” (as illustrated by the Olympic flame) and “having stated uncertainties.” The ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (the “GUM”) gives general rules for expressing uncertainties and says that any documentation supporting a claim of traceability for a measurement result should include explicitly stated uncertainties. Therefore, claims of traceability and uncertainty calculations are inseparable. But be aware: it is the responsibility of the person or lab making the claim of traceability to be able to support that claim. It’s not the responsibility of the national lab. Traceability cannot be achieved simply by following a particular procedure or by using a certain piece of equipment. Nor does sending equipment to a national or accredited lab guarantee traceability. NIST, for example, says, “Although the measurement results in a calibration or measurement certificate can be considered to be ‘certified’ by NIST to be traceable to NIST reference standards at the time the measurements were performed, NIST cannot ‘certify’ that those measurement results are valid after an instrument or artifact or reference material has left NIST” (from NIST web site, emphasis added). NIST clearly makes the point that the responsibility of verifying the continuing validity of a result of a measurement belongs to the user of that result. So how do you “verify continuing validity” and ensure traceability? NIST recommends establishing your own measurement assurance program, or “MAP.” A MAP involves characterizing the transfer instrument, standard, or system for which traceability is desired and establishing measurement assurance charts (indicating associated values and uncertainties.) Take the example of a system in which calibrations of PRTs are performed in a bath using an SPRT as the reference thermometer. The SPRT might be characterized by monitoring its triple point of water value before and after each use of the SPRT. Using this data, you can establish a measurement assurance chart that would allow trends to be analyzed and any changes in the characteristics of the reference to be captured. At the same time, incorporate a check standard into the measurement process. A measurement assurance chart characterizing the measurement system would allow the tracking of any changes in the system and the quantification of uncertainties in the system. With this MAP in place and the system and transfer standard both characterized, you are now in a position to send your reference out for calibration. When it returns with its new calibration certificate, you are able to quantifiably verify the integrity of your calibration and measurement system by continuing your MAP. This provides support to your claim of traceable measurement results. (After all, how can you claim traceability if you can’t prove that your standard is behaving the same now as it was at the time it was calibrated?) Your analysis of the data collected in a MAP should include an evaluation of the uncertainty associated with your measurement results and any changes that may have occurred to the transfer standard during use (in our example, an SPRT). For traceability to exist, many believe that a transfer instrument, standard, or system must continually produce results, that demonstrate a consistently quantifiable uncertainty. A measurement assurance program is the tool for the job. It may seem like a large investment of time and resources, but the investment is small compared to the cost of a recall or the loss of a customer. 89 Bath Selection Guide Compact series Model Range Stability Depth 6330 35 °C to 300 °C ±0.005 °C at 100 °C ±0.015 °C at 300 °C 234 mm 9.25 in Features Small benchtop footprint. Optional cart includes storage space. Page 7320 –20 °C to 150 °C ±0.005 °C at –20 °C ±0.005 °C at 25 °C 234 mm 9.25 in Small 9.2-liter (2.4-gallon) tank. Uniformity ±0.005 °C. 7340 –40 °C to 150 °C ±0.005 °C at –40 °C ±0.005 °C at 25 °C 234 mm 9.25 in Low temperature calibrations. Metrology-level performance. 7380 –80 °C to 100 °C ±0.006 °C at –80 °C ±0.010 °C at 0 °C 178 mm 7 in Achieves –80 °C in less than 130 minutes. Quiet operation. 7312 –5 °C to 110 °C ±0.001 °C at 0 °C 496 mm 19.5 in Maintains two TPW cells. Compact, quiet. 17 6331 40 °C to 300 °C ±0.007 °C at 100 °C ±0.015 °C at 300 °C 457 mm 18 in 18 in of depth with just 16 liters of fluid. RS-232 included. 94 7321 –20 °C to 150 °C ±0.005 °C at –20 °C ±0.005 °C at 25 °C 457 mm 18 in Perfect for LIG thermometers with optional kit. Quiet operation. 7341 –45 °C to 150 °C ±0.005 °C at –40 °C ±0.005 °C at 25 °C 457 mm 18 in Fast temperature changes. Access opening accommodates many thermometers. 7381 –80 °C to 110 °C ±0.006 °C at –80 °C ±0.005 °C at 0 °C 457 mm 18 in Stability of ±0.006 °C or better over full range. Compatible with MET/TEMP II software. 96 Standard baths Model Range Stability Depth Features Page 7060 –60 °C to 110 °C ±0.0025 °C at –60 °C ±0.0015 °C at 25 °C 305 mm 12 in Reaches –60 °C with standard refrigeration. 100 7080 –80 °C to 110 °C ±0.0025 °C at –80 °C ±0.0015 °C at 25 °C 305 mm 12 in Best combination of stability and ultralow temperatures. 7100 –100 °C to 110 °C ±0.008 °C at –100 °C 337 mm 13.25 in No external cooling for –100 °C. 7008 –5 °C to 110 °C ±0.0007 °C at 25 °C 331 mm 13 in Large tank for larger mass immersion. Maintains standard resistors. 7011 –10 °C to 110 °C ±0.0008 °C at 0 °C ±0.0008 °C at 25 °C 305 mm 12 in Self-contained refrigeration. Best-priced ultrastable, cooled bath. 7012 –10 °C to 110 °C ±0.0008 °C at 0 °C ±0.0008 °C at 25 °C 457 mm 18 in Maintains up to 4 WTP cells for weeks. Large access: 162 x 292 mm (6.3 in x 11.5 in). 7037 –40 °C to 110 °C ±0.002 °C at –40 °C ±0.0015 °C at 25 °C 457 mm 18 in Lowest-temperature deep-well bath. Mercury cell maintenance bath. 7040 –40 °C to 110 °C ±0.002 °C at –40 °C ±0.0015 °C at 25 °C 305 mm 12 in Self-contained single-stage refrigeration. Digital controller. 6020 40 °C to 300 °C ±0.001 °C at 40 °C ±0.005 °C at 300 °C 305 mm 12 in Broad range to 300 °C. Optional RS-232 and IEEE-488 interface. 6022 40 °C to 300 °C ±0.001 °C at 40 °C ±0.005 °C at 300 °C 464 mm 18.25 in Deep tank for SPRT or LIG thermometers. Optional fluid level adapter. 6024 40 °C to 300 °C ±0.001 °C at 40 °C ±0.005 °C at 300 °C 337 mm 13.25 in Larger access opening and tank size for higher throughput. 6050H 40 °C to 550 °C ±0.002 °C at 200 °C ±0.007 °C at 500 °C 305 mm 12 in Better stability than sand baths. High temperatures, low gradients. 90 Baths 102 104 106 Bath Selection Guide Special application Model Range Stability Depth Features Page 6054 50 °C to 300 °C ±0.003 °C at 100 °C ±0.005 °C at 300 °C 610 mm 24 in Maintains constant fluid level. 108 6055 200 °C to 550 °C ±0.003 °C at 200 °C ±0.01 °C at 550 °C 432 mm 17 in Includes LIG sighting channel. 7007 –5 °C to 110 °C ±0.001 °C at 0 °C ±0.003 °C at 100 °C 610 mm 24 in Large, 7-inch-diameter working space. 7009 0 °C to 110 °C ±0.0007 °C at 25 °C 331 mm 13 in Largest capacity with 4.8-cubic foot (167-liter) working area and 0.7 mK stability. 7015 0 °C to 110 °C ±0.0007 °C at 25 °C 331 mm 13 in Ultrastable for maintaining resistors. Large access and workspace. Splash- and spill-resistant lid. 7108 20 °C to 30 °C ±0.004 °C 203 mm 8 in Peltier cooling means no compressor and quieter performance. Maintains standard resistors. 0 °C ±0.002 °C 203 mm 8 in Easy and affordable zero-point source for calibrating temperature sensors. 7911A2 110 112 Other Item Description Page Bath Accessories Stands, rods, and clamps to suspend and support your probes and thermometers 107 Bath Fluids Silicone oils, salt, and cold fluids in convenient, small quantities. 114 Rosemount Bath Controllers Model 7900 controller designed by Hart integrates the features of Hart’s 2100 controller and can be used in place of the Rosemount 915 controller with Rosemount-designed baths. 118 Hart Bath Controllers Model 2100 and 2200 controllers can be integrated with homemade baths or other heat sources to achieve performance levels approaching Hart baths. 119 Note: See page 130 for portable Micro-Baths. 91 Buying the right bath During a European trip we visited a lab struggling through the lab accreditation process. The hold-up was their bath. They had already tested baths from two manufacturers. The first bath didn’t meet specs and the maker would not rectify the situation, so the bath was returned. The second bath maker delivered a working bath, but when the accreditation auditor tested the bath he downgraded the lab’s accuracy class because they couldn’t meet the required stability and uniformity levels. Most bath manufacturers tell you as little as possible about their baths’ performance. In fact, a few years ago one of our competitors used to tell people that high bath stability wasn’t even necessary for accurate calibrations. Some still don’t publish stability specs, and some are so elusive about the meaning of their specs that you can only conclude they’ve got something to hide. Lab accreditation Accreditation guidelines published by NVLAP specify that the temperature stability and uniformity of the bath fluid should be at least 10 times better than the required uncertainty of the sensor being calibrated. If you’re testing a sensor with a modest specification of ±0.1 °F over its whole range, your bath must be stable and uniform to ±0.01 °F. Translated to Celsius, this figure becomes ±0.005 °C, and you find yourself in need of a bath with performance to the third decimal place at each of the temperatures you must test. Several issues are involved in selecting a bath, and each item impacts your calibrations. Stability Stability is a measure of the bath’s control performance. How well does it maintain a constant temperature? Short-term instability is normally seen as an oscillation around the control point with its peaks defined in a “2-sigma” or “±” statement. If the temperature of the bath fluid is changing during your measurements, you can’t get reliable calibration results. Short-term stability is therefore absolutely crucial. Ask about short-term stability and define short-term as lasting at least 15 minutes. Less than that can prove very frustrating. Long-term stability (over several hours, days, or weeks) is a convenience issue. If your work requires an exact or absolute value, say 25.000 °C, and the bath has long-term drift, you must readjust the control set-point and wait for 92 Baths Deviations from a central reference temperature taken in water with a 1/4-inch-diameter PRT at 25 °C. equilibration (attainment of short-term stability) before each use. So you really need to know both short-term and longterm stability before you know if a bath will meet your needs. Long-term instability normally takes the form of drift in a single direction, but in some baths it may be seen as a long-term oscillation. A bath’s stability will vary at different temperatures. Most baths perform best at temperatures close to ambient. The colder or hotter the set-point, the less stability. Too many sellers give you only one spec at or near ambient. Some give a single stability spec and don’t ever mention that it applies only to one temperature or a narrow range. Ask about stability over the whole range that interests you. Bath fluid also affects stability. The higher a fluid’s viscosity and the lower its heat capacity, the larger the effect on stability. In addition to asking the temperature, ask what fluid was used when the spec was taken. For example, at 37 °C a bath will be more stable with water as the medium. If you’re going to use oil, expect somewhat larger instability. If your oil has high viscosity at 37 °C, expect even greater degradation in stability. Uniformity A bath can have good stability but poor uniformity. The bath must be homogenous in temperature throughout the test zone where you’ll make your comparison measurements. When you place two or more thermometers in the fluid, they should be at the same temperature during your measurement. The uniformity spec defines the peak value for this error source. The more probes you’re testing, the larger the test zone, and the more important uniformity becomes. Uniformity depends mostly on the mixing of the bath fluid. Does the bath use a circulator pump for mixing? If it does, are there thermal flow patterns in the bath that interfere with uniformity? Ask about both vertical and horizontal gradients. In a laminar flow bath (one where the fluid is stirred in a circular pattern), there may be no horizontal gradient, but because the fluid is not mixed vertically, there are gradients between different depths in the bath. This is a problem if your reference probe and the probes under test are not the same length. For example, if you’re testing 3-inch-long probes and your standard is a 19-inch SPRT, you’ve got a problem. You can only immerse the test probes to 3 inches, but if you immerse the SPRT to only 3 inches you don’t have sufficient depth to avoid stem effects and light piping that will affect the measurement made by the SPRT. If you properly immerse the SPRT and your bath suffers from vertical gradients, you won’t be measuring the temperature at the 3-inch depth of your probes under test. Equilibration blocks Accreditation guidelines recommend the use of a metal equilibration block to improve short-term stability during the measurement. It’s certainly true that a block can increase the stability of your measurements. Buying the right bath Temperature range The advertised temperature range of a bath is not necessarily the practical usable range. For example, a bath with a published range of –80 °C to 150 °C can be a bit misleading. The bath may operate over that temperature range, but currently there’s no fluid to match that whole range. Those fluids that perform best at –80 °C will evaporate too rapidly long before they get to 100 °C, much less 150 °C. An oil bath with an advertised range of 35 °C to 300 °C will be limited by the silicone oil you put in it. A good 300 °C oil will be too viscous to deliver good performance below about 80 °C, so with that fluid the bath’s range is 80 °C to 300 °C. In another example, a Hart salt bath works quite well at 40 °C with the right fluid. But salt is molten only above 150 °C. In addition to fluid, other factors mechanically limit a bath’s range. These include refrigeration, insulation, heater types, and other design issues. Refrigeration gases break down above 150 °C, thus limiting the life of the system. If a refrigerated bath is advertised with a higher range, ask if you must remove the cooling coil above a certain temperature. Some baths are advertised with ranges from –80 °C to 300 °C in a single bath. However, the refrigeration gases or coils must be removed before going to the higher end of the temperature range. Stability at 25°C 24.986 24.984 Competitor's Bath 24.982 Temperature However, a block can be inconvenient. The fixed location and diameter of its holes eliminate the flexibility of a bath to readily test any size or shape of thermometer. You’ll need a new block for each probe type. Placing the probes in the block and the block in the bath is somewhat less convenient than simply dipping the probes directly in the liquid. Blocks also oxidize, and silicone oil will thicken and stick in the bottom of the holes. Regular cleaning is required to ensure continued performance levels. If you’re testing many probes at a time, a block may not even work for you. It would be difficult to construct a block to properly test 20 thermometers at a time. Evaluate your bath purchase on specifications taken directly in the bath’s fluid. If you’re given performance graphs, ask if a block was used. In your lab you can always add a block for the most critical measurements. Remember: the bath that performs the best without a block will also be the bath that performs the best with a block. 24.980 24.978 Hart Bath 24.976 24.974 24.972 24.970 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Time (minutes) Hart baths can achieve stability better than 1 mK for extended periods of time. We could probably design a single bath that could operate from –100 °C to 500 °C. Besides the high price for such a bath, there would be no point. You would have to drain, clean, and refill the bath at least three times during a calibration run in order to cover that range. The best solution to cover –100 °C to 500 °C is at least three baths with three different fluids. This way each bath design is optimized for performance in the range of the fluid you would use. You’ll get the best stability and uniformity while tripling your throughput. Can you ask too many questions? It’s not likely that a manufacturer will have a test file covering every temperature and fluid combination that interests you, but you can look for representative numbers. How many numbers will they give you? The more the better. If a salesman says his bath’s stability spec of ±0.005 °C applies to the whole range, ask for a graph at several temperatures. If you’re buying a bath for use at 300 °C and the maker can’t give you performance data above 100 °C, you need to be skeptical. If a salesman talks about “calibration accuracy” instead of bath performance, ask for specific stability and uniformity data taken in the bath fluid. Finally, ask for a money-back guarantee of the performance. If you can’t get what you need from the bath when it’s in your lab, you need to know your supplier will be there for you. 93 Deep-Well Compact Baths are automatically balanced to match the set-point temperature you’re working at. Connect any of these baths to a Hart thermometer readout and Hart’s industryleading MET/TEMP II temperature calibration software, and you’ll be performing automated probe calibrations within minutes from switch-on. Want to optimize your bath for calibrating liquid-in-glass thermometers? Simple. With the optional LIG Thermometer Calibration Kit, you get an easy-to-install fluid level adapter tube that raises the meniscus of the bath fluid to within about 12 mm (0.5 in) of the top surface of the bath itself. The kit also includes a thermometer carousel that fits onto the top of the fluid level adapter tube and holds up to ten LIG thermometers in place. A magnifying scope (8X) is also available that mounts to the front of any Deep-Well Compact Bath so you can clearly see the liquid level of your thermometer against its temperature scale. Like all Hart baths, these units come with a report of test that includes one hour of stability data and a verification of set-point accuracy. A convenient overflow reservoir captures any excess fluid resulting from fluid expansion, allowing the trapped fluid to be reused following subsequent fluid contraction. A drain is also provided for easily emptying the bath’s tank when needed. ● 457 mm (18 in) of depth with just 15.9 liters (4.2 gal) of fluid ● Perfect for liquid-in-glass thermometers with optional LIG kit ● Fast, quiet, compact (yet deep!), and economical Need a bath with a lot of immersion depth, great stability, and a low price tag? How about one that minimizes fluid costs, changes temperatures quickly, and runs quietly? Hart’s new Deep-Well Compact Bath series features four models covering temperatures from –80 °C to 300 °C. Each model includes a 457 mm (18inch) deep tank to accommodate longstem PRTs, SPRTs, and liquid-in-glass (LIG) thermometers. Access openings are 120 by 172 mm (4.7 in by 6.8 in) so you can calibrate many thermometers simultaneously. Yet only 15.9 liters (4.2 gallons) of fluid are needed to get all the benefits Deep-Well Compact Baths offer. Using Hart’s own best-in-class temperature controller, these baths deliver the performance you need for confidence in your calibrations. The 7381 (–80 °C to 110 °C) features both stability and uniformity better than ±0.007 °C over its entire range. The 7341 and 7321 (–45 °C to 94 Baths 150 °C and –20 °C to 150 °C, respectively) are stable to ±0.005 °C and uniform to ±0.007 °C at temperatures below ambient. And finally, the 6331 provides stability and uniformity from ±0.007 °C to ±0.025 °C over its range from 40 °C to 300 °C. Be sure to understand the performance of the temperature calibration equipment you buy. Some manufacturers offer only limited (and often difficult to interpret) specifications. The table at right includes stability and uniformity values for the entire range of each bath—and tells you what fluid we used in the measurements. If that’s still not enough, give us a call and we’ll be happy to explain anything—and share data with you. Hart’s control system automatically adds refrigeration when you need to cool down quickly, and shuts down refrigeration when you need to heat up quickly. For maximum stability, refrigeration levels The 2019-DCB Liquid-in-Glass Thermometer Calibration Kit includes a carousel which holds up to 10 thermometers and an adapter tube which raises the bath fluid level to within 5–15 mm of the thermometers’ readings. The 2069 Magnifier Scope mounts easily to the front of any Deep-Well Compact Bath to provide magnification of 8X or greater. Deep-Well Compact Baths Specifications Range 6331 7321 7341 7381 35 °C to 300 °C –20 °C to 150 °C –45 °C to 150 °C –80 °C to 110 °C Stability ±0.007 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) ±0.010 °C at 200 °C (oil 5017) ±0.015 °C at 300 °C (oil 5017) ±0.005°C at –20°C (ethanol) ±0.005°C at –45°C (ethanol) ±0.006°C at –80°C (ethanol) ±0.005°C at 25°C (water) ±0.005°C at 25°C (water) ±0.005°C at 0°C (ethanol) ±0.007°C at 150°C (oil 5012) ±0.007°C at 150°C (oil 5012) ±0.005°C at 100°C (oil 5012) Uniformity ±0.007 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) ±0.017 °C at 200 °C (oil 5017) ±0.025 °C at 300 °C (oil 5017) ±0.007 °C at –20 °C (ethanol) ±0.007 °C at –45 °C (ethanol) ±0.007 °C at –80 °C (ethanol) ±0.00 7 °C at 2 5°C (water) ±0.007 °C at 25 °C (water) ±0.007 °C at 0 °C (ethanol) ±0.010°C at 150 °C (oil 5012) ±0.010 °C at 150 °C ±0.007 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) (oil 5012) Heating Time † Cooling Time† 130 minutes, from 40 °C to 300 °C (oil 5017) 120 minutes, from 25 °C to 150 °C (oil 5012) 120 minutes, from 25 °C to 150 °C (oil 5012) 60 minutes, from 25 °C to 100 °C (oil 5012) 14 hours, from 300 °C to 100 °C (oil 5017) 110 minutes, from 25 °C to –20 °C (ethanol) 130 minutes, from 25°C to –45°C (ethanol) 6 hours, from 25 °C to –80 °C (ethanol) 15–20 minutes Stabilization Time Temperature Setting Digital display with push-button data entry Set-Point Resolution 0.01°; 0.00018° in high-resolution mode Display Resolution 0.01° Digital Setting Accuracy ±1°C Digital Setting Repeatability ±0.01°C 120 x 172 mm (4.7 x 6.8 in) Access Opening 457 mm (18 in) without Liquid-in-Glass Thermometer Cal Kit 482 mm (19 in) with Liquid-in-Glass Thermometer Cal Kit Depth 304 stainless steel Wetted Parts † 115 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 115 VAC (±10 %), 60 Hz, 14 115 VAC (±10 %), 60 Hz, 16 14.8 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 50 Hz, A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 50 Hz, 50/60 Hz, 7.4 A, specify 7 A, specify 8 A, specify Power 230 VAC (±10 %), 50 or 60 Hz, specify, 10 A 15.9 liters (4.2 gal) Volume 1067 x 356 x 788 mm (940 mm from floor to tank access opening) [42 x 14 x 31 in (37 in from floor to tank access opening)] Size (HxWxD) 33 kg (72 lb.) Weight Automation Package 47 kg (103 lb.) 48 kg (105 lb.) 76 kg (167 lb.) Interface-it software and RS-232 included (IEEE-488 optional) † Rated at nominal 115 V (or optional 230 V) Ordering Information 6331 7321 7341 7381 2012-DCB 2020-6331 Deep-Well Compact Bath, 40 °C to 300 °C Deep-Well Compact Bath, –20 °C to 150 °C Deep-Well Compact Bath, –45 °C to 150 °C Deep-Well Compact Bath, –80 °C to 110 °C‡ Spare Access Cover, Plastic, 7321, 7341, 7381 Spare Access Cover, Stainless Steel, 6331 Liquid-in-Glass Thermometer Calibration Kit (includes bath adapter tube and thermometer carousel) 2069 8X Magnifier Scope, with mounts 2001-IEEE IEEE-488 Interface 2027-DCBW TPW Holding Fixture (7321, 7341, 7381) 2027-DCBM Mercury TP Holding Fixture (7341) 2019-DCB 95 Compact Baths two-sigma stability of ±0.006 °C when it gets there. The 7380 is a true metrology bath, not a chiller or circulator. With uniformity to ±0.008 °C, comparison calibration of temperature devices can be performed with high precision. Each bath includes an RS-232 serial interface and our Model 9930 Interface-it software for controlling your bath from a PC. With a Hart Scientific thermometer readout, such as a Black Stack, and our MET/TEMP II software, automated calibrations can run unattended. Hart Scientific doesn’t make chillers, circulators, or so-called utility baths, and utility bath manufacturers don’t make metrology baths. Use the right tools for your work and reap the best possible results. Baths from Hart Scientific are the most stable and uniform of any you’ll find. They’ll give you results no other bath can. ● Stability and uniformity each better than ±0.008 °C ● Metrology-level performance in lab-friendly sizes ● Convenient use on benchtops or on matching carts When you only need a circulator or utility bath to control a process within a few degrees or to maintain biological test samples, talk to a utility bath manufacturer. But when you’re doing precision thermometer testing, and stability and uniformity are critical to the success of your work, talk to us. Hart Scientific has been making the world’s best-performing temperature baths for almost two decades. With our proven heating/cooling designs and hybrid analog-digital controller, Hart baths apply the most effective technologies that are commercially feasible. These four compact baths are no exception. 6330 This bath delivers all the high temperatures you need up to 300 °C (572 °F). With stability and uniformity at 300 °C better than ±0.015 °C and ±0.020 °C respectively, calibrations can easily be performed at this high temperature with total uncertainty better than ±0.05 °C. At lower temperatures, stability and uniformity are even better. The 6330 is only 12 inches wide and less than 19 inches tall, so it fits easily 96 Baths onto a benchtop without consuming precious space. An optional cart with casters and a storage area raises the 6330 to a convenient height when used on a floor and provides an extra cabinet for lab supplies. With built-in handles, it even lifts easily onto and off of its cart or benchtop. No matter where you want to use this bath—or even if you want to move it around—the 6330 gets there hassle-free. 7320 and 7340 Also featuring large work areas, our Model 7320 and 7340 baths cover your needs for low temperature calibrations. The 7320 covers a range from –20 °C to 150 °C and the 7340 reaches even colder temperatures to –40 °C. Below 0 °C, these baths maintain an impressive stability of ±0.005 °C with uniformities better than ±0.006 °C. No utility bath performs as well as Hart’s compact baths below 0 °C or at critical room and body temperatures—or even at important higher temperatures such as 100 °C and 122 °C. 7380 For ultracold temperatures, the 7380 reaches –80 °C quickly and maintains a With an optional floor cart (including locking casters), your bath can easily be moved to any place you need it. (Available for the 6330, 7320, or 7340. Casters included on the 7380.) Bath fluid affects performance Hart determines its bath specifications by using selected fluids for particular temperatures. Your application, however, may require different fluids over different temperatures. Considering that fluid characteristics change with temperature, some care must be taken to apply general specifications to your own application. For example, Hart often uses water to spec baths at 25 °C. The properties of viscosity, thermal conductivity, and heat capacity make water an ideal fluid at 25 °C. However, if you want to cover a range from –5 °C to 110 °C, water just won’t work. Hart’s 5010 silicone oil fluid will more than adequately cover that range, but it may not perform as well as water at 25 °C. Carefully testing the fluid you use over the range you use can tell you what you need to know for your uncertainty budget. Compact Baths 6330 7320 7340 7380 35 °C to 300 °C –20 °C to 150 °C –40 °C to 150 °C –80 °C to 100 °C Specifications Range Stability ±0.005 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) ±0.005 °C at –20 °C (ethanol) ±0.005 °C at –40 °C (ethanol) ±0.006 °C at –80 °C (ethanol) ±0.010 °C at 200 °C (oil 5017) ±0.005 °C at 25 °C (water) ±0.005 °C at 25 °C (water) ±0.010 °C at 0 °C (ethanol) ±0.015 °C at 300 °C (oil 5017) ±0.007 °C at 150 °C ±0.007 °C at 150 °C ±0.010 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) (oil 5012) (oil 5012) Uniformity ±0.007 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) ±0.005 °C at –20 °C (ethanol) ±0.006 °C at –40 °C (ethanol) ±0.008 °C at –80 °C (ethanol) ±0.015 °C at 200 °C (oil 5017) ±0.005 °C at 25 °C (water) ±0.005 °C at 2 5 °C (water) ±0.012 °C at 0 °C (ethanol) ±0.020 °C at 300 °C (oil 5017) ±0.010 °C at 150 °C ±0.010 °C at 150 °C ±0.012 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) (oil 5012) (oil 5012) Heating Time † 250 minutes, from 35 °C to 300 °C (oil 5017) 80 minutes, from 25 °C to 150 °C (oil 5012) 60 minutes, from 25°C to 150°C (oil 5012) 25 minutes, from 25 °C to 100 °C (oil 5010) n/a 100 minutes, from 25°C to –20°C (oil 5012) 110 minutes, from 25°C to –40°C (ethanol) 130 minutes, from 25 °C to –80 °C (ethanol) Cooling Time 15–20 minutes Stabilization Time Digital display with push-button data entry Temperature Setting 0.01°; 0.00018° in high-resolution mode Set-Point Resolution 0.01° 0.01° Display Resolution Digital Setting Accuracy ±0.5°C Digital Setting Repeatability ±0.01°C Access Opening 94 x 172 mm (3.7 x 6.8 in) 86 x 114 mm (3.25 x 4.5 in) Working Area 81 x 133 mm (3.2 x 5.25 in) 86 x 114 mm (3 x 4 in) 234 mm (9.25 in) 178 mm (7 in) Depth 304 stainless steel Wetted Parts 115 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 7 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 3.5 A, specify Power 115 VAC (±10 %), 60 Hz, 15 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 50 Hz, 8 A, specify, 1400 VA 9.2 liters (2.4 gal) Volume Size (WxDxH) 115 VAC (±10 %) 60 Hz, 16 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 50 Hz, 8 A, specify 4 liters (1 gal) 305 x 546 x 470 mm (12 x 21.5 x 18.5 in) off cart; 305 x 546 x 819 mm (12 x 21.5 x 32.25 in) on cart 305 x 622 x 584 mm (12 x 24.5 x 23 in) off cart; 305 x 622 x 819 mm (12 x 24.5 x 32.25 in) on cart 305 x 610 x 762 mm (12 x 24 x 30 in) 19 kg (42 lb.) 35.4 kg (78 lb.) 52 kg (115 lb.) Weight Automation Package Interface-it software and RS-232 included (IEEE-488 optional) † Rated at nominal 115 V (or optional 230 V) Ordering Information 6330 Compact Bath, 35 °C to 300 °C 7340 2020-6330 Spare Access Cover, SST, 6330 2076-6330 Floor Cart, 6330 (343 mm [13.5 in] H) 2001-IEEE IEEE-488 Interface 7320 Compact Bath, –20 °C to 150 °C 2020-7320 Spare Access Cover, SST, 7320/7340 2076-7320 Floor Cart, 7320/7340 (229 mm [9 in] H) 2001-IEEE IEEE-488 Interface Compact Bath, –40 °C to 150 °C 2020-7320 Spare Access Cover, SST, 7320/7340 2076-7320 Floor Cart, 7320/7340 (229 mm [9 in] H) 2001-IEEE IEEE-488 Interface 7380 Compact Bath, –80 °C to 100 °C 2020-7380 Spare Access Cover, SST, 7380 2125-C IEEE-488 Interface (RS-232 to IEEE-488 converter box) 97 Why a Hart bath? Hart Scientific is the recognized leader in the design and manufacture of temperature calibration baths, with more Hart baths in calibration laboratories worldwide than any other bath supplier. We’ve achieved this position through delivering baths with a measurable difference. Hart baths were designed specifically for metrology, not adaptations of equipment designed for biology and chemistry laboratories. Hart baths provide performance you can trust and here’s why. Range of baths Four types of baths are available: standard baths, compact baths, deep-immersion compact baths, and standard resistor baths. The wide range of baths means you’ll absolutely find a bath to meet your application needs and your budget, whether you’re working in a primary standards laboratory or an industrial workshop. Standard baths, a favorite with National Metrology Institutes (NMI), are uniformity and a large working volume, up to 27.5 in x 22 in x 13 in. Controllers available for the range –100 °C to 550 °C and offer milli-Kelvin stability and uniformity. Hart standard baths have larger well openings than other baths. This makes them an excellent choice for sensor manufacturers and others that test large batches of sensors or special probes of unusual size and shape. If you don’t need the performance of a Hart standard bath, the Hart compact baths are the perfect alternative with ranges from –80 °C to 300 °C, more portability, and smaller fluid volumes. The deep-immersion versions offer a full 457 mm (18 in) of immersion depth with an optional fluid-level adaptor for calibration of total and partialimmersion liquid-in-glass thermometers. For maintaining your standard resistors for electrical or temperature calibration work, a Hart resistor bath will provide unmatched stability and 98 Baths The first step in evaluating a bath is to look at its temperature controller. We designed our own proprietary control technology to deliver stability to ±0.0001 °C with user convenience and productivity features. Our hybrid analog and digital design is unique. Set-point resolution is 0.01 °C (0.002 °C on some models), and our “Super-Tweak” resolution mode offsets the set-point so you can adjust the bath set-point to 0.00018 °! If you need a bath set to exactly 25.000 °C, a Hart bath gets you there with less effort than any other bath. Eight of your most frequently used set-point temperatures are stored for quick recall and faster bath setup. Temperature can be easily switched between Celsius and Fahrenheit. Safety cutout temperatures are also set on the LED display. Hart baths are each fitted with a highstability PRT or thermistor as the control sensor. Our controller uses special noiserejection techniques to allow us to measure the very tiny resistance changes required for this level of bath stability. In this design we use current reversal techniques to cancel thermal EMF measurement errors. Custom, high-precision, lowcoefficient resistors aid the short- and long-term stability of the temperature setting, and advanced filtering techniques force out line noise along with stray EMI and RFI. A proportional, integrating control function directs power to the bath heaters. Factory tuning eliminates most overshoot and allows the bath to achieve maximum stability within 10 to 15 minutes after reaching the set-point temperature. Other bath manufacturers use off-theshelf process controllers, which just plain can’t provide the low-noise, low-resistance measurement necessary for milliKelvin stability and uniformity over a bath’s working range. Automation For improved productivity, automation is essential. You can select from an RS-232 interface or IEEE-488. The RS-232 packages come complete with 9930 Interfaceit software so you can immediately start controlling your bath from a PC without any software programming skills. With optional 9938 MET/TEMP II software, connect any Hart bath with an RS232 interface to a Hart thermometer readout and you can perform fully automated probe calibrations. Hart’s compact baths use an automatic control for refrigeration power. However, the higher performance standard baths Why a Hart bath? use a heating/cooling equilibrium design that’s unique in the industry. A manual valve adjusts the cooling power to properly balance the refrigeration against the active control of the resistance heaters. Hart’s standard bath interface packages include automated valves to make these adjustments automatically by your PC. Heat-port technology A major factor in Hart’s standard bath performance is our heat-port technology. The cooling coil and the heater are sandwiched to the outside of the bath’s stainless steel tank. The tank bottom becomes the heat port with most of the heat entering and exiting the bath through a single location. Providing well-designed insulation around the tank minimizes other heat leaks. Mixing For mixing the bath fluid, Hart uses a carefully balanced stirring mechanism. The number of propellers and the pitch of the blades are adjusted to thoroughly mix the bath medium and eliminate both horizontal and vertical gradients. We don’t use circulating pumps because the tubular inlet and outlet design cause thermalflow patterns in the bath that create unnecessary gradients. Our mixing scheme and the size and shape of our tanks all combine to deliver great performance. All our baths use tanks made of heavy-gauge stainless steel that is fabricated and welded in our own factory so we can control quality. After more than 20 years we haven’t had a single Hart bath weld develop a leak. Maintenance Hart baths are easy to maintain because our stirrer motors last longer and there are no pumps to unclog or repair. Our tanks are easier to clean because they allow 100 % drainage of bath fluid. Since the stirrer motors are direct drive, you won’t have to buy a supply of belts just to perform your calibrations. These are the reasons we sell more temperature calibration baths than anybody else. And remember, if you don’t find a bath in the catalog to meet your exact needs, talk to us. Chances are we’ve built one. STIR MOTOR OUTER SHELL INSULATION STAINLESS STEEL TANK STIR GUARD PROPELLER HEAT IN HEAT OUT HEATER THERMAL INTEGRATOR COOLING COIL COOLING PLATE “Standard Bath” construction. 99 Really Cold Baths Ordering Information 7060 7080 7100 2001-7060 2001-7080 2001-7100 2001-IEEE 2010 2007 2011 2009 2016-7060 2016-7080 2019-7100 2069 2030 Standard Bath, –60 °C to 110 °C Standard Bath, –80 °C to 110 °C Standard Bath, –100 °C to 110 °C Automation Package for 7060 Automation Package for 7080 Automation Package for 7100 Add for IEEE-488 (requires Automation Package) Access Cover, 127 x 254 mm (5 x 10 in), Lexan Access Cover, 127 x 254 mm (5 x 10 in), Stainless Steel Access Cover, 184 x 324 mm (7.25 x 12.75 in), Lexan Access Cover, 184 x 324 mm (7.25 x 12.75 in), Stainless Steel Fluid Level Adapter, 7060 Fluid Level Adapter, 7080 Fluid Level Adapter, 7100 8X Magnifier Scope, with mounts Fast-Start Cooler Stir Motor Adapter Stirrer or Pump Motor ● Self-contained refrigeration—no LN2 or chiller required ● Temperatures as low as –100 °C in real metrology baths ● Best stability and uniformity available at –60 °C and below ● Large working areas for increased throughput Do you need a bath that chills below –40 °C to temperatures as low as –60 °C or even –100 °C? Would you like a bath that reaches those temperatures without using any external coolants? Hart has a variety of baths that meet these temperature requirements and give you the best stability in the industry. These baths are completely self-contained. They require no auxiliary cooling fluids or devices to achieve their set-point temperatures. Using Hart’s unique “heatport” design, stability at –100 °C is ±0.008 °C. No other company makes a bath that can match a Hart bath’s performance, and Hart baths are backed by our guarantee that if they don’t perform exactly the way we say they will, we’ll take them back. No arguments. No ifs, ands, or buts. 100 Baths Automate each of these baths with an interface package and Hart’s 9930 Interface-it software. If you want to completely automate the entire calibration process, see the description of Hart’s MET/TEMP II software package on page 83. Forget commodity-like utility baths! They’re not designed for high performance calibration needs. And be careful of companies that advertise performance specifications they don’t meet. It’s easy to write down numbers; it’s more difficult to meet them with an instrument. Remember, if our baths don’t perform the way we say they will, just send them back. Our equipment won’t disappoint you. Test Well 13.5" Deep The 2016 fluid level adapter circulates fluid to the top of the bath access to give as much immersion as possible for LIG thermometers. Really Cold Baths 7060 7080 7100 –60 °C to 110 °C –80 °C to 110 °C –100 °C to 110 °C Stability ±0.0025 °C at –60 °C (methanol) ±0.002 °C at 0 °C (methanol) ±0.0015 °C at 25 °C (water) ±0.003 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) ±0.0025 °C at –80 °C (methanol) ±0.0015 °C at 0 °C (methanol) ±0.0015 °C at 25 °C (water) ±0.003 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) ±0.008 °C at –100 °C (methanol) Uniformity ±0.005 °C at –60 °C (methanol) ±0.005 °C at 0 °C (methanol) ±0.003 °C at 25 °C (water) ±0.005 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) ±0.007 °C at –80 °C (methanol) ±0.005 °C at 0 °C (methanol) ±0.003 °C at 25 °C (water) ±0.005 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) ±0.005 °C at –100 °C (methanol) Specifications Range Temperature Setting Digital display with push-button data entry Set-Point Resolution 0.01 °C; high-resolution mode, 0.00007 °C 0.01 °C Display Resolution ±1 °C Digital Setting Accuracy ±0.01 °C Digital Setting Repeatability Heaters Access Opening Depth 500 and 1000 Watts 350 and 700 Watts 127 x 254 mm (5 x 10 in) 98 mm diameter (3.8 in) 305 mm (12 in) 406 mm (16 in) 304 stainless steel Wetted Parts Power Volume Weight Size (HxWxD) Automation Package 230 VAC (±10 %), 50 or 60 Hz, 13 A, single phase, specify frequency 230 VAC (±10 %), 50 or 60 Hz, 12 A, specify frequency 27 liters (7.2 gallons) 18 liters (4.8 gallons) 159 kg (350 lb.) 182 kg (400 lb.) 1168 x 775 x 483 mm (46 x 30.5 x 19 in) 1270 x 813 x 483 mm (50 x 32 x 19 in) Interface-it software and an RS-232 computer interface are available for setting the bath temperature via an external computer. For IEEE-488, add 2001-IEEE to the automation package. 101 Cold Baths ● Stability to ±0.0007 °C ● Best digital temperature controller available ● “Super Tweak” function provides set-point resolution to 0.00003 °C ● Excellent for maintaining fixed-point cells Hart Scientific’s temperature calibration baths are known around the world as the best calibration baths made. If you’re looking for a cold bath, no one gives you more choices than Hart. These five baths operate at temperatures as low as –40 °C, and each one is built using CFC-free refrigerants. Hart’s proprietary controller design and unique tank construction produce bath stabilities to ±0.001 °C or better. These baths are so stable and uniform that national labs use them for comparison calibrations and fixed-point cell maintenance. Each bath (except the 7011) is fully automatable with a bath interface package and Hart’s MET/TEMP II automation software package described on page 83. When we automate a bath, we automate it completely with computer-controlled solenoid 102 Baths valves for precision balancing of the heating and cooling system. MET/TEMP II performs all calibration tasks automatically, using your PC. With a Hart cold bath, you can forget external coolants. Internal refrigeration systems are all that’s needed to reach each bath’s coldest temperature. Most cold baths may be ordered with an optional pumping lid for supplying external cooling requirements. Each bath has unique characteristics that make it perfect for specific jobs. Some baths are excellent for SPRTs, some are great with thermistors, and some are perfect for maintaining triple point of water cells. A 7008IR bath can even be used to maintain the temperature of a blackbody cone. This Hart Model 7008-IR features a NIST-designed cone-shaped target. Regardless of your application, Hart has a bath that gets the job done, and done better than anyone else can do it. Call us today and tell us about your application. Cold Baths 7008 Specifications 7040 7037 7012 7011 –5 °C to 110 °C –40 °C to 110 °C –10 °C to 110 °C Stability ±0.0007 °C at 25 °C (water) ±0.001 °C at 25 °C (mineral oil) ±0.002 °C at –40 °C (ethanol) ±0.0015 °C at 25 °C (water) ±0.003 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) ±0.0008 °C at 0 °C (ethanol) ±0.0008 °C at 25 °C (water) ±0.003 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) Uniformity ±0.003 °C at 25 °C (water) ±0.004 °C at 25 °C (mineral oil) ±0.004 °C at –40 °C (ethanol) ±0.002 °C at 25 °C (water) ±0.004 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) ±0.003 °C at 0 °C (ethanol) ±0.002 °C at 25 °C (water) ±0.004 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) Range Digital display with push-button data entry Temperature Setting 0.002 °C; highresolution mode, 0.00003 °C Set-Point Resolution 0.01 °C; high-resolution mode, 0.00007 °C 0.01 °C Display Resolution ±1 °C Digital Setting Accuracy ±0.01 °C Digital Setting Repeatability ±0.005 °C 500 and 1000 Watts Heaters Access Opening (call for customs) 324 x 184 mm (12.75 x 7.25 in) 127 x 254 mm (5 x 10 in) Depth 331 mm (13 in) 305 mm (12 in) 162 x 292 mm (6.38 x 11.5 in) 127 x 254 mm (5 x 10 in) 457 mm (18 in) 305 mm (12 in) 304 stainless steel Wetted Parts Power 0.002 °C; high-resolution mode, 0.00003 °C 115 VAC (±10 %), 60 Hz, 14 A or 230 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz, 8 A, specify 115 VAC (±10 %), 60 Hz, 16 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 50 or 60 Hz, 9 A (specify voltage and frequency) 115 VAC (±10 %), 60 Hz, 14 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 50 Hz, 7 A, specify Volume 42 liters (11.2 gal) 27 liters (7.2 gal) 42 liters (11.2 gal) Weight 61 kg (135 lb) 63.5 kg (40 lb) 68 kg (150 lb) Size (HxWxD) 610 x 775 x 483 mm (24 x 30.5 x 19 in) 622 x 768 x 483 mm (24.5 x 30.25 x 19 in) Automation Package Interface-it software and RS-232 computer interface are available for setting the bath temperature via an external computer. For IEEE-488, add the 2001-IEEE to the automation package. (Interfaces not available for Model 7011.) 775 x 768 x 483 mm (30.5 x 30.25 x 19 in) 27 liters (7.2 gal) 56.7 kg (125 lb) 762 x 686 x 401 mm (30 x 27 x 15.8 in) 559 x 686 x 401 mm (22 x 27 x 15.8 in) Ordering Information 7008 7011 7012 7037 7040 2001-7008 2001-7012 2001-7037 2001-7040 2001-IEEE 2007 Standard Bath, –5 °C to 110 °C, high capacity Standard Bath, –10 °C to 110 °C Standard Bath, –10 °C to 110 °C, deep Standard Bath, –40 °C to 110 °C, deep Standard Bath, –40 °C to 110 °C Automation Package for 7008 Automation Package for 7012 Automation Package for 7037 Automation Package for 7040 Add for IEEE-488 (requires Automation Package) Access Cover, 127 x 254 mm (5 x 10 in), Stainless Steel (7011, 7040) 2010 2010-5 2011 2016-7008 2016-7011 2016-7012 2016-7037 2016-7040 2071 2073 2027-5901 Access Cover, 127 x 254 mm (5 x 10 in), Lexan (7011, 7040) Access Cover, 162 x 292 mm (6.38 x 11.5 in), Lexan (7037) Access Cover, 184 x 324 mm (7.25 x 12.75 in), Lexan (7008) Fluid Level Adapter, 7008 Fluid Level Adapter, 7011 Fluid Level Adapter, 7012 Fluid Level Adapter, 7037 Fluid Level Adapter, 7040 Bath Cart, 7011, 7012 (312 mm [12.3 in] H) Bath Cart, 7008, 7037, 7040 (216 mm [8.5 in] H) TPW Holding Fixture (7012, 7037) 2069 7008IR 2033 8X Magnifier Scope, with mounts 7008, modified to accept an IR cone IR Cone (NIST design) 103 Hot Baths Uncertainty evaluation and statistical process control with a bath 2 ● Large-capacity tanks for higher productivity ● Calibrations up to 300 °C ● Built-in cooling coils for extended low range ● Stability to ±0.001 °C Comparison calibrations require a heat source that’s stable and uniform, and for moderately high temperatures nothing provides a better heat source than a Hart oil bath. Hart oil baths are stable to ±0.001 °C and do not require calibration blocks or use of special calibration techniques to achieve that stability. The specifications of all Hart baths are “true” specifications representing the performance you can expect to achieve in your lab under your operating conditions. Other companies advertise specs that they know you will never see in your lab. When their baths fail to perform, they blame it on you. Hart baths are built using a unique tank design that guarantees the best uniformity possible in a liquid bath. This, coupled 104 Baths with the industry’s best-selling digital bath controller, achieves uncompromised performance and ease of use. Not only does Hart’s digital controller have features like its “Super-Tweak” high-resolution mode so you can dial in the exact temperatures you want, it also lets you completely automate the calibration process using your PC and Hart’s 9938 MET/TEMP II software (see page 83). You’ll love these baths, and once you’ve got one you’ll never buy anything else. There’s a bath to match any temperature range, depth, price, and performance you need. Considerable emphasis is placed on uncertainty analysis and statistical process control (SPC) in the calibration lab. If you’re using a calibration bath in your process, you may be wondering how to include the bath in the process evaluation. Basically, there are three approaches. The first is to “calibrate” the bath to ensure that it meets published specifications and include the published specifications with the “type B” uncertainties in your evaluation just as you might do with any other instrument. The second approach is to thoroughly test the bath stability and uniformity, perform statistical analysis of the results’ uncertainties, and include the results with the “type A” uncertainties in your evaluation. This is often a better method and will provide more realistic results. The third avenue is to use a “check standard” instrument in the process in such a way that the bath characteristics are included in the check-standard data, which is evaluated statistically and included with the “type A” evaluation. This approach is somewhat more timeconsuming but will provide realistic results. When used in conjunction with the second method above, the best results will be obtained. Hot Baths 6020 Specifications 6022 6024 † 40 °C to 300 °C Range Stability ±0.001 °C at 40 °C (water) ±0.003 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) ±0.005 °C at 300 °C (oil 5017) Uniformity ±0.002 °C at 40 °C (water) ±0.004 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) ±0.012 °C at 300 °C (oil 5017) Temperature Setting Digital display with push-button data entry Set-Point Resolution 0.01 °C; high-resolution mode, 0.00018 °C 0.01 °C Display Temperature Resolution ±1 °C Digital Setting Accuracy ±0.02 °C Digital Setting Repeatability 350 and 1050 watts Heaters 127 x 254 mm (5 x 10 in) Access Opening (call for custom openings) 305 mm (12 in) Depth 27 liters (7.2 gallons) 42 liters (11.2 gallons) 32 kg (70 lb.) Weight Automation Package 337 mm (13.25 in) 115 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 10 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 5 A, specify Power Size (HxWxD) 464 mm (18.25 in) 304 stainless steel Wetted Parts Volume 184 x 324 mm (7.25 x 12.75 in) 648 x 406 x 508 mm (25.5 x 16 x 20 in) 36 kg (80 lb.) 813 x 406 x 508 mm (32 x 16 x 20 in) 699 x 483 x 584 mm (27.5 x 19 x 23 in) Interface-it software and RS-232 computer interface are available for setting bath temperature via remote computer. For IEEE-488, add the 2001-IEEE to the automation package. † External cooling required for operation below 40 °C. Cooling coils are built into the bath walls. Tubing ports are accessible at the back of the bath for circulating chilled fluid or shop air to boost cooling. Ordering Information Standard Bath, 40 °C to 300 °C Standard Bath, 40 °C to 300 °C, deep 6024 Standard Bath, 40 °C to 300 °C, high capacity 2001-6020 Automation Package for 6020 2001-6022 Automation Package for 6022 2001-6024 Automation Package for 6024 2001-IEEE Add for IEEE-488 (requires Automation Package) 6020 6022 Access Cover, 127 x 254 mm (5 x 10 in), SST (6020, 6022) 2009 Access Cover, 184 x 324 mm (7.25 x 12.75 in), Stainless Steel (6024) 2070 Bath Cart, 6020, 6022 (312 mm [12.3 in] H) 2072-2450 Bath Cart, 6024 (216 mm [8.5 in] H) 2007 2023 2024 2069 Fast-Start Heater, 419 mm (16.5 in) (6022) Fast-Start Heater, 343 mm (13.5 in) (6020, 6024) 8X Magnifier Scope, with mounts Periodic bath testing All calibration apparatus should either be tested or calibrated. Calibration baths are no different. Although the accuracy is often of secondary importance, bath instability and non-uniformity directly affect calibration uncertainties. To ensure continued performance, these bath characteristics should be tested periodically. The tests should be carried out at all temperatures commonly used and under typical conditions. Additionally, since the goal of the tests is to determine the contribution to uncertainty, these tests should be conducted only over the “calibration zone” used in your process, not over the entire zone available. The tests can be conducted with several sensors or with a single sensor moved from one location to the next. Map the differences and include them in your uncertainty analysis. In most cases, with a Hart bath, the values observed will be significantly smaller than the published specifications. 105 Really Hot Bath Specifications Range 180 °C to 550 °C Stability ±0.002 °C at 200 °C (salt) ±0.004 °C at 300 °C (salt) ±0.008 °C at 550 °C (salt) Uniformity ±0.005 °C at 200 °C (salt) ±0.020 °C at 550 °C (salt) Temperature Setting Digital display with pushbutton data entry Set-Point Resolution 0.01 °C; high-resolution mode, 0.00018 °C Display Temperature Resolution 0.01 °C Digital Setting ±1 °C Accuracy Digital Setting ±0.02 °C Repeatability ● Eliminates messy sand baths ● Electronically adjustable temperature cutouts ● Stability of ±0.008 °C at 550 °C You’ll find more Hart baths in national calibration labs than any other brand, and there’s a reason for that. No one else can match the stability, uniformity, and performance of a Hart bath, and we absolutely guarantee it. This model is designed for high-temperature work—up to 550 °C. Most labs use this as a salt bath for calibration of thermocouples, RTDs, and SPRTs. In fact, this bath is so good you can even do comparison calibrations of SPRTs with it. The bath is stable to ±0.005 °C or better at 300 °C. Hart is the only company that offers complete automated calibration software packages that work with the bath interface option. Our optional software is not just a data acquisition package; it actually controls the calibration, including bath temperatures. Choose the model that most closely matches your needs. These baths are compatible with salt for higher temperatures and also with oils for lower temperatures. Hart sells a complete selection of salt and fluids for your bath. You can find 106 Baths these on page 114. Salt baths offer better performance and less mess than sand baths. SPRT comparison calibrations in a sand bath aren’t reliable the way they are in a Hart salt bath. All options, including the automation interface package, are available for the 6050H. It is the finest-quality salt bath you can buy! If you need to reach the maximum temperature possible in a salt bath, the Hart 6050H goes to 550 °C and is 10 to 100 times more stable than alternative calibration devices. It is 305 mm (12 in) deep and has a 127 x 254 mm (5 x 10 in) well opening for easy access. Ports in the rear of the bath access cooling coils if you want to cool the bath rapidly with external fluids. Heaters 400, 1200, and 2000 Watts Access Opening 127 x 254 mm (5 x 10 in) Depth 305 mm (12") Wetted Parts 304 stainless steel Power 230 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 10 A Volume 27 liters (7.1 gal), requires 50 kg (112 lb) of bath salt Weight 82 kg (180 lb.) Size (HxWxD) 724 x 518 x 622 mm (28.5 x 20.4 x 24.5 in) Automation Package Interface-it software and RS-232 computer interface are available for setting bath temperature via remote computer. For IEEE488, add the 2001-IEEE to the automation package. Ordering Information 6050H 2001-6050 2001-IEEE 2014 2196 5001 2023 2069 Standard Bath, 60 °C to 550 °C (includes cart) Automation Package for 6050H Add for IEEE-488 (requires Automation Package) Spare Access Cover Holding Fixture, 13 probes, 127 x 254 mm (5 x 10 in) Bath Salt, 56.8 kg (125 lb.) Fast-Start Heater, 419 mm (16.5 in) 8X Magnifier Scope, with mounts Bath Accessories Mechanical support for probes When setting up a new calibration bath, you need a way to suspend your probes in the bath fluid. We recommend our modular mechanical support systems. Made of fine-quality steel and machined parts, these support components combine in hundreds of ways to solve almost any probe suspension problem. Single probe kit Our single probe kit is a good way to get started. It has one medium clamp, one 10-inch rod, one bosshead, and one Vbase for holding one probe. (See photo below.) Economy kit Our economy kit includes two V-bases, one 29-inch stainless steel rod, two 23inch rods, five bossheads, two microclamps, and one medium clamp. This will build a bench-mounted frame for suspending one rod and three clamps over a bath opening. Simply add to your setup as needed. Choose from any of the listed accessories. Individual hardware Our selection of clamps and stands provides a simple way to hold probes and thermometers in baths during calibration. System components can be assembled in a number of ways to suit individual needs. Select clamps, rods, bossheads, and bases to fit your individual needs. Ordering Information Selected kits Model Single probe kit Includes: 1 medium clamp, 1 10-inch rod, 1 bosshead, and 1 V-base 2051 Economy kit Includes: 2 V-bases, 1 29-inch stainless steel rod, 2 23-inch rods, 5 bossheads, 2 micro-clamps, and 1 medium clamp 2050 Individual hardware Micro-clamps Holds thermometers and probes with diameters to 0.75 inch. 2055 (Pkg. of 2) Medium clamp Holds diameters up to 1.75 inches. 2056 (Pkg. of 1) Non-slip tape Increases grip on clamps and bossheads. 2057 (1 roll) Stainless steel rods Used to assemble supports, frameworks, or scaffolds. 2058 10" (Pkg. of 1) 2059 20" (Pkg. of 1) 2060 23" (Pkg. of 1) 2061 29" (Pkg. of 1) Single Probe Kit. Bossheads Clamps two rods at right angles. Also attaches clamps 2062 (Pkg. of 5) to rods. Screw bases Holds one rod and is screwed to the surface of your bench or bath lid. 2.5-inch-diameter base; screws included. 2063 (Pkg. of 4) V-base Holds one rod. Weighted for excellent stability. 2.2 pounds (1 kg). 2064 (Pkg. of 1) Large V-base Same as above but larger. Recommended for holding SPRTs and large probes. 4.4 pounds (2 kg). (May be too large for some baths.) 2065 (Pkg. of 1) 107 Deep-Well Baths Carousel is completely constructed of stainless steel and has an elevated handle for rotating your thermometers to the viewing position. These deep-well baths are built to the same performance standards as all Hart baths, which means you can’t find another bath that has better stability or uniformity. Ordering Information 7007 6054 6055 2001-7007 2001-6054 2001-6055 2001-IEEE 2018 2069 ● Constant liquid levels through concentric-tube design ● Special design for sighting LIG thermometers ● Depth up to 24 inches (61 cm) ● Optional interface packages control all settings The Hart Models 7007, 6054, and 6055 have extra-deep wells for use with liquid-in-glass thermometers, SPRT calibrations, or other thermometry work requiring extra tank depth. They were originally designed for NIST. Well depths vary from 17 to 24 inches to eliminate stem conduction effects in probes that require more than 12 inches of immersion. Originally developed for a national standards lab, these baths are optimized for the visual calibration of liquid-in-glass thermometers. The 7007 is designed for the temperature range of –5 °C to 110 °C, has built-in refrigeration, and is 24 inches deep. The 6054 covers the temperature range of 50 °C to 300 °C and is also 24 inches 108 Baths deep. The 6055 is engineered for the temperature range of 200 °C to 550 °C with salt and is 17 inches deep. Specific size differences and various specifications are shown in the comparison table. The Model 6055, operating up to 550 °C, uses molten salts with a pumping system for maintaining the necessary consistent fluid level required for liquidin-glass thermometer calibrations. A viewing channel is built into the top cover for a clear visual path to your glass thermometers. The 6055 also has an optional thermometer carousel for holding several glass thermometers in the correct calibration position without exposing them to the hot salts in the bath. The Model 2018 Refrigerated Deep-Well Bath Mid-Range Deep-Well Bath Hi-Temp Deep-Well Bath Automation Package for 7007 Automation Package for 6054 Automation Package for 6055 Add for IEEE-488 (requires Automation Package) Carousel Holding Fixture for 6055 LIG Telescope with Mounting, 8X magnification Model 2018 carousel for protecting your glass thermometers. Deep-Well Baths 7007 Specifications 6054 6055 –5 °C to 110 °C 50 °C to 300 °C 200 °C to 550 °C Stability ±0.001 °C at 0 °C (ethanol) ±0.003 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) ±0.003 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) ±0.005 °C at 300 °C (oil 5017) ±0.003 °C at 200 °C (salt) ±0.01 °C at 550 °C (salt) Uniformity ±0.004 °C at 0 °C (ethanol) ±0.007 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) ±0.007 °C at 100 °C (oil 5012) ±0.015 °C at 300 °C (oil 5017) ±0.005 °C at 200 °C (salt) ±0.010 °C at 550 °C (salt) Range Digital display with push-button data entry Temperature Setting Set-Point Resolution 0.002 °C, high res. 0.00003 °C ±1 °C Digital Setting Accuracy ±0.005 °C Digital Setting Repeatability Heaters Working Area Depth Volume Size (DxWxH) Distance from Line of Sight to Top of Fluid Automation Package ±0.01 °C 250 to 1000 W 250 to 1000 W 225 to 1800 W 178 mm dia. (7 in) 196 mm dia. (7.7 in) 107 mm dia. (4.2 in) 610 mm (24 in) deep, 178 mm dia. (7 in), removable polycarbonate cover 610 mm deep (24 in), 196 mm dia. (7.7 in), removable SST lid 432 mm deep (17 in), 107 mm dia. (4.2 in), removable SST lid, special viewing channel for LIG sighting 230 VAC (±10 %), 50 or 60 Hz, 14 A (Specify frequency, contact Hart if CE mark required.) 230 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 10.7 A 230 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 7.8 A 42 liters (11.2 gal.) 50 liters (13.2 gal.) 19.8 liters (5.2 gal., 43 kg [95 lb.] of bath salt) 470 x 775 x 194 mm to working surface (18.5 x 30.5 x 47 in), 1397 mm (55 in) to top of stir motor, 914 mm (36 in) to control panel 572 x 762 x 1219 mm to working surface (22.5 x 30 x 48 in), 1422 mm (56 in) to top of stir motor box, 914 mm (36 in) to control panel 572 x 775 x 1219 mm to working surface (22.5 x 30.5 x 48 in), 1524 mm (60 in) to top of stir motor box, 914 mm (36 in) to control panel 304 stainless steel Wetted Parts Power 0.01 °C, high res. 0.00018 °C 0.01 °C Display Temperature Resolution 9.5 mm (3/8 in) 15.9 mm (5/8 in) Interface-it software and RS-232 computer interface are available for setting bath temperature via remote computer. For IEEE-488, add the 2001-IEEE to the automaton package. Viscosity matters Viscosity is a measure of resistance to fluid flow. The temperature homogeneity, or uniformity, within a bath is directly related to the ability of the stirrer to circulate the fluid around the tank. Any resistance to that fluid circulation will impede the mixing and transfer of heat throughout the bath that is necessary to establish temperature uniformity. In general, the lower the viscosity, the better. Kinematic viscosity is measured in centistokes (cs). Water at 20 °C has a viscosity of about 1 cs. A viscosity of less than 10 cs will give good performance. As a rule of thumb, as viscosities approach 50 cs (less for a Micro-Bath), uniformity in particular can be degraded. Keeping probes close together can stretch the useful viscosity range of a fluid. 109 Resistor Baths ● Three size options for any quantity of resistors ● Stability to ±0.0007 °C ● Set-point resolution to 0.00003 °C ● Minimal long-term drift Regardless of the size and number of standard resistors you have to maintain, Hart has a bath that will do the job for you. Choose one of the three models described here or call us for information on other sizes. Like all Hart baths, these resistor baths have unbeatable stability and uniformity. No other baths limit long-term and shortterm drift—as well as gradients—better than these baths. Hart’s proprietary controller senses temperature changes as small as 0.00001 °C. This controller is the industry’s best-selling temperature calibration controller for bath retrofits because it improves the stability of almost every other poorly performing bath. So why not buy the best to begin with? 110 Baths This is truly a quality resistor bath, and it’s backed by Hart’s industry-leading service. 7009 Each bath can be delivered with any size resistor rack you want (a standard model is included with each bath), and the Model 7015 has several other special features that make your work easier. 7015 The 7015 has a 95-liter tank and a temperature range of 0 °C to 110 °C. It’s stable to ±0.0007 °C. It has a one-piece stainless steel lid designed to drain spills and splashes back into the bath as you remove resistors. It has a large access opening to make handling large resistors, like the Thomas design standard resistors, easier. The tank has an electrically isolated resistor shelf. This is a large bath with a tank 27½ inches long by 22 inches wide. It has a temperature range of 0 °C to 110 °C and a stability of ±0.0007 °C. For a bath this size and with these specs, it is priced extremely well. The Model 7009’s large tank can handle many resistors of any size. 7108 This is the quietest resistor bath you’ve ever heard. The 7108 uses thermoelectric (Peltier) modules to provide heating and cooling over its range from 20 °C to 30 °C. Without a compressor, noise is dramatically reduced. Power requirements are also lower, so you save money running the bath and add less heat load to your lab. With a 51-liter (13.2-gal) tank, the 7108 holds plenty of resistors. A large Resistor Baths Specifications Range 7015 7009 7108 0 °C to 50 °C 0 °C to 50 °C 20 °C to 30 °C Stability at 25 °C Uniformity ±0.0007 °C (water) ±0.001 °C (mineral oil 5011) ±0.002 °C (water) ±0.004 °C (mineral oil 5011) ±0.003 °C at 25 °C (water) ±0.005 °C at 25 °C (mineral oil 5011) ±0.005 °C (water) ±0.008 °C (mineral oil 5011) Temperature Setting Digital display with push-button data entry Set-Point Resolution 0.002 °C; high-resolution mode, 0.00003 °C 0.01 °C Display Resolution ±1 °C Digital Setting Accuracy ±0.5 °C ±0.01 °C Digital Setting Repeatability 500 and 1000 Watts Heaters 100 to 200 Watts Cooling Capacity Access Opening Bath Chamber Dimensions (HxWxD) (unobstructed space) Peltier heating/cooling 100 W in ambient 23 °C 699 x 279 mm (27.5 x 11 in) 699 x 559 mm (27.5 x 22 in) 356 x 356 mm (14 x 14 in) 699 x 279 x 330 mm (27.5 x 11 x 13 in) 669 x 559 x 330 mm (27.5 x 22 x 13 in) 356 x 203 x 355 mm (14 x 8 x 14 in) 330 mm (13 in) 203 mm (8 in) 304 stainless steel Tank: 304 stainless steel Resistor rack: hard-anodized, perforated aluminum Depth Wetted Parts Factory-set high temperature Safety Cutout n/a 115 VAC (±10 %), 60 Hz, 15 A or 230 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz, 8 A, specify 230 VAC (±10 %), 50 or 60 Hz, 12 A (specify frequency) 115 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 3 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 1.6 A, specify Volume 95 liters (25 gallons) 167 liters (44 gallons) 51 liters (13.2 gallons) Weight 141 kg (310 lb.) 150 kg (330 lb.) 35 kg (75 lb.) 1219 x 1118 x 559 mm (48 x 44 x 22 in) 1092 x 1130 x 864 mm (43 x 44.5 x 34 in) 489 x 413 x 559 mm (19.25 x 22 x 25 in) Power Size (HxWxD) Automation Package Interface-it software and RS-232 computer interface are available for setting the bath temperature via an external computer. (Both come standard with a 7108.) For IEEE-488, add the 2001-IEEE to the automation package. 14" x 14" (356 x 356 mm) access opening allows you to easily move resistors in and out of the bath. A resistor rack comes with each unit that fits across the bottom of the tank. Made from hard-anodized perforated aluminum, this rack maintains the necessary electrical isolation between your resistors. Hart baths have been used in primary temperature and electrical labs for years. Why shouldn’t they be? They’re the most stable baths in the world. Now they’re even better. Try one. Ordering Information 7015 7009 7108 2001-7015 2001-7009 2001-IEEE 5011-18.9L 5011-3.8L Resistor Bath Resistor Bath, high capacity Resistor Bath, Peltier-cooled, includes RS-232 Automation Package for 7015 Automation Package for 7009 Add for IEEE-488 (requires Automation Package) Fluid, Mineral Oil, 18.9 L (5 gal.) Fluid, Mineral Oil, 3.8 L (1 gal.) Improving uniformity performance Want to reduce your bath uncertainties? Non-uniformity can be a significant factor in calibration uncertainty. Our uniformity specs cover the entire working volume of the bath. The “working volume” is typically one inch from all of the walls and three inches below the fluid surface. For better results, keep your probes close together and adequately immersed. Bath uniformity is better within a small portion of the bath than it is over the entire working volume. Keeping probe tips close and adequately immersed can improve uniformity performance beyond the published specification. Leave about one-half inch of space around each probe to permit adequate fluid flow. Any more than that is unnecessary. 111 Constant Temperature Ice Bath Specifications Uniformity ±0.002 °C† Stability ±0.002 °C† Optimal Temp. 64 mm dia. x 203 mm D Zone (2.5 x 8 in) 185 mm dia. x 490 mm D (7 x 19 in) Size Tank Capacity 5 Liters, 150 mm dia. x 300 mm D (6 x 12 in) Weight 13.5 lb. (6.1 kg) Power 115 VAC (±10 %), 60 Hz, 1 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 50 Hz, 0.5 A † based on a properly made ice bath mixture Ordering Information 7911A2 2 ● Lower uncertainty zero-point (to ±0.002 °C uniformity) ● Affordable—amazing price for this uniformity and stability ● Many probes can be checked/calibrated at once Take a look at this easy and affordable zero-point source for calibrating temperature sensors—the Hart Scientific 7911A2 Constant Temperature Ice Bath! Now you can attain lower uncertainties from a simple ice bath! Most people don’t realize just how much uncertainty a stationary ice mixture in a typical ice bath can have. Pockets of non-uniform temperature will wreak havoc on your calibration uncertainties. With a stirred ice bath, the uniformity and stability can easily drop to ±0.002 °C. Now that’s more like it! The 7911A2 has a 5-liter tank with a depth of 12 inches. This gives you an optimal calibration zone of 2.5" diameter by 8" deep—enough space to calibrate several probes at once, including oddshaped or short probes. Think how many thermocouple cold junctions you could put in this bath! As with all Hart products, the model 7911A2 Constant Temperature Ice Bath is manufactured according to a proven design using the best components. The vacuum-insulated stainless steel dewar is used to give your ice-point realization longevity (a well-prepared ice 112 Baths bath can be used for several hours without attention). We use a Rosemount-designed “flow chute” stirring mechanism to saturate the bath water with air as it stirs. Having the same concentration of air in the mixture each time increases the repeatability of the ice point. Using pure distilled or demineralized water for bath fluid and ice, you’ll consistently produce a 0 °C calibration environment with up to ±0.002 °C accuracy. For thermometer calibrations or for a thermocouple cold junction temperature source, if you want the best ice bath results, use the best equipment available— get the Hart 7911A2! Constant Temperature Ice Bath Preparing an ice bath You wouldn’t think that making a good, repeatable ice bath would be a difficult thing. Well, it’s not if you follow some simple procedures, which you can find in the ASTM Standard Practice E563. Those are too detailed to cite here, but here are some quick thoughts: ● ● By always following the same procedure and using the same source for both water and ice, you’ll improve the repeatability of the temperature you achieve. Remember that any impurities in the ice and water you use will affect the ice bath temperature. Pure distilled, demineralized, or deionized water is recommended for realizing the true ice point temperature, 0 °C. Avoid water problems in cold baths Reprinted from Random News Halocarbon, methanol, ethanol, silicone oils, ethylene glycol, and Fluorinert are common bath fluids used at cold temperatures. Under ideal conditions, they make excellent heat transfer fluids for calibrations. But how are their heat transfer characteristics affected by water and how does this occur? When a bath is operated at low temperatures, moisture condenses on exposed cold metal surfaces. This moisture accumulates until gravity causes it to run or drip into the bath fluid. Water may also be absorbed directly into the fluid from the surrounding air, particularly when ambient conditions are high in humidity. Small amounts of water in most bath fluids will usually not affect the bath’s performance in any noticeable way. However, as more water accumulates, the bath’s performance will deteriorate. The water converts to small ice crystals, the viscosity of the fluid increases, and the result is a degradation in the stability and uniformity characteristics of the bath. Obviously, this is a bigger problem in areas with higher humidity. Condensed moisture affects various fluids in different ways. For example, ethylene glycol (mixed in a 1:1 ratio with water) is the least affected by an increase in water content. Alcohols such as ethanol or methanol absorb water and have a high tolerance for moisture in the short term, but will exhibit poorer performance as water content continues to increase. Silicone oils, on the other hand, do not absorb water at all, which can allow excessive water to freeze on exposed cold metal surfaces. When this occurs, the oil is somewhat protected, but a new problem arises when the ice formations act as a thermal barrier or insulator and the conductive characteristics of the bath’s walls are compromised. This can result in a bath failing to reach its lowest rated temperatures and, in severe cases, can impede or even completely stop the stirring of the fluid. Condensation Ice Formation So, what to do? Here are a few suggestions: ● Always keep the bath’s access cover in place, especially when operating the bath below room temperature. The idea here is to prevent the wet room air from circulating throughout the tank area and depositing its moisture in the bath. ● If the bath is equipped with a rubber fill-hole stopper, a hole may be drilled through the stopper through which a metal tube can be inserted to supply dry air or nitrogen. The pressure should be adjusted just enough to maintain a positive pressure flow. ● With oils, the water can be boiled off periodically at 100°C. ● Alcohols must simply be replaced when they become saturated with water. Maintaining the bath fluid (by keeping it as dry and clean as possible) and following moisture prevention techniques will help ensure your bath keeps running at top performance. 113 Bath Fluids increases as the fluid’s temperature decreases (and vice versa). Bath fluids which are too viscous create strain on stirring and pumping mechanisms and don’t adequately transfer heat uniformly from temperature sources to thermometers. Hart recommends using fluids with less than 50 centistokes viscosity, which is reflected in the usable ranges we state for each fluid. Less than 10 centistokes viscosity, however, is ideal. Low-uncertainty calibrations require a homogeneous temperature within the “calibration zone” of a bath. High-viscosity fluids promote unwanted temperature gradients. Flash points The bad news is there’s a lot to know about selecting a proper bath fluid—and there’s a lot to understand about how to correctly use it. The good news is we’re in our fourth decade of working with a very wide variety of fluids and we’ve already done a lot of the homework for you! On the following pages you’ll find a list of fluids (including granular bath salt) offered by Hart Scientific. We offer most of them in a variety of different container sizes, so please select the packaging you prefer. (If you order 100 liters in a oneliter size, you’ll get 100 separately packaged liters.) You’ll also find a chart, which graphically indicates usable ranges and some other important facts about each fluid. First, though, let’s get you acquainted with some of the important things to know about selecting and using various bath fluids. Usable range Hart Scientific defines the “usable range” of a bath fluid as the range of temperatures over which a fluid can safely provide a good environment in which to compare thermometers. The ranges we define for each fluid may be different 114 Baths than what the manufacturers of those fluids specify. That’s simply because we’re taking the application (thermometer testing in baths) into account. Range can be limited by viscosity, flash points, freeze points, boiling points, evaporation rates, propensity to gel (or polymerize), etc. Safety-related issues should never be discounted. Unfortunately, no magic fluid exists to cover extremely wide temperature ranges. We wish one did! Most fluids cover smaller ranges than we’d like. Ideally, you have a separate bath for every common temperature point you use – to eliminate fluid changes and time for baths to change temperature and to maximize throughput. Viscosity Viscosity is a measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow—we often think of it simply as “thickness.” Kinematic viscosity is the ratio of absolute viscosity to density and is measured in “stokes” (at a specific temperature), which are commonly divided by 100 to give us more helpful “centistokes.” The higher the number of centistokes, the more viscous (or thick) a fluid is. Viscosity is always stated at a specific temperature (often at 25 °C) and This is the temperature at which an adequate mixture of fluid vapor and air will ignite if in the presence of a spark or flame. (The vapor may even stop burning if the flame is removed.) There are two ways to measure flash points. With the “open cup” method, neither the fluid nor the air around it is enclosed, so there is a higher ratio of air to fluid vapor. With the “closed cup” method, the fluid, fluid vapor, and air are enclosed. Closed cup flash points are typically lower than open cup flash points. Also, fluid manufacturers list flash points in various places. On MSDS, the flash point is often given non-specifically to fit into a classification scheme used for hazard control. Actual product specification sheets usually give more specific information. For example, the flash point of one silicone oil is listed on its MSDS as “> 101.1 °C,” whereas a more specific “211 °C cc” is listed on its specification sheet. For Hart fluids that have flash points, we list the closed cup method and limit the upper end of the fluid’s range to slightly below the flash point. Heat capacity Specific heat is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit of a substance by 1 °C. The higher the heat capacity, the more difficult it is to raise a fluid’s temperature, therefore it is both slower and more stable. Thermal conductivity Thermal conductivity is a fluid’s ability to transfer heat from one molecule to another. The better the heat transfer, the quicker the fluid will heat or cool. Better thermal conduction improves bath uniformity. Bath Fluids Expansion All fluids have a coefficient of thermal expansion. This coefficient tells how much a fluid’s volume will change (expand or contract) with changes in temperature. Fluid expansion has important ramifications for safety, cleanliness, and care of equipment. If baths are filled too high with a fluid at a low temperature and then heated without regard to volume increase, they can obviously spill. Also, if the fluid in a bath is allowed to run too low, it can leave bath heaters exposed, which can damage them. Specific gravity The specific gravity is the ratio of a fluid’s density to that of water. The higher the specific gravity, the more dense (and heavy) a fluid is. If the fluid is too heavy, it may not work well in a bath equipped with a pump mechanism or circulator. Vapor pressure Vapor pressure is (at least for our purposes here) the temperature at which the rate of evaporation of that fluid equals the rate at which the fluid’s vapor is condensing back into the fluid—i.e. the two are at equilibrium. Raising the temperature increases a fluid’s vapor pressure over ambient pressure, thereby driving vapor into the air. Fluids that have low vapor pressures (such as alcohols and water) evaporate quickly and require frequent replenishment. Furthermore, rapid evaporation at the fluid surface has a cooling effect on the fluid, making temperature control more difficult, especially with an uncovered bath. Such fluids generally are only suitable for low temperature use. In some cases, vapors in the air can provide a health hazard and should be carefully vented. Gelling (polymerization) Here’s an area that can get people into trouble! Given enough time, temperature, and catalysts, silicone oils will eventually polymerize. That is, they’ll suddenly turn into a molasses-like “goop,” doubling in volume and making an unpleasant mess. Oxidation is the root cause. While silicone oils may be used safely to near their flash points, susceptibility to polymerization increases with use above their oxidation points, which we list for each silicone oil. To delay polymerization, limit a bath’s time above a fluid’s oxidation point, have it idle below its vapor point when not being used, keep contaminants out of the oil (including salts, other oils, and oxidizers), and change your oil if it becomes too dark, too viscous, or too unstable in temperature. Water There are a few things to understand about water in non-water baths. First, never introduce water into a salt or hot oil bath as this can be extremely dangerous. Second, water may condense in an oil bath being used at low temperatures, particularly where there is high ambient humidity. The water can freeze to cooling surfaces and cause bad stirring conditions. Occasionally the water needs to be boiled off. Lastly, alcohols absorb water. This isn’t all bad. In fact 5 % water in methanol will allow methanol to be used at –100 °C. Also, water that is absorbed will not freeze onto cooling surfaces. However, when too much water is absorbed, the alcohol becomes saturated and a slurry forms, impeding stability and uniformity. At that point, the fluid needs to be changed. Ventilation Always use good ventilation with baths that will prevent bath users from breathing fumes from bath fluids. Suction devices that open near the bath’s access opening and exit out of doors are best. Oil vapor can settle on the surfaces of the eyes which causes some discomfort. Silicone oils can create benzine and formaldehyde as they break down at high temperatures—i.e. at about the flash point or above. Keep baths sealed up as much as possible to prevent fumes from coming into the work space. This will help with safety but will also increase the lifetime of the oil and improve performance of the bath. Safety Nothing is more important when working around a bath than to follow good safety practices. Here are some important recommendations: ● Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment. This may include gloves, aprons, and face shields of adequate covering and material for the temperatures being worked with. ● Understand the fluids you’re using. MSDS sheets from manufacturers can be very helpful. Product specification sheets from manufacturers often include helpful information not in the MSDS. ● Ventilate appropriately, as mentioned above. ● Never mix fluids or put any chemicals into the fluid. ● Never put anything into bath fluid which could potentially cause a physical or chemical reaction. ● Never allow water to come into contact with hot salts or oils. (If a Specifications Model # 5019 5022 5023 5020 5010 5012 5013 5014 5017 5011 5001 Fluid Halocarbon 0.8 Cold Bath Fluid Dynalene HF/LO* HFE Cold Bath Fluid Ethylene Glycol (Mix 1:1 with water) Silicone Oil Type 200.05 Silicone Oil Type 200.10 Silicone Oil Type 200.20 Silicone Oil Type 200.50 Silicone Oil Type 710 Mineral Oil Bath Salt, 125 lb.‡ Potassium Nitrate 53 % Sodium Nitrite 40 % Sodium Nitrate 7 % § † Usable Range –100 °C to 70 °C –65 °C to 58 °C –75 °C to 100 °C –30 °C to 90 °C FlashPoint n/a 60 °C n/a n/a –40 °C to 130 °C –30 °C to 209 °C 10 °C to 230 °C 30 °C to 278 °C 80 °C to 300 °C 10 °C to 175 °C 180 °C to 550 °C 133 °C 211 °C 232 °C 280 °C 302 °C 177 °C n/a § Atmospheric pressure affects the usable ranges of some fluids. The temperatures quoted are at sea level. Flash point is the temperature at which a vapor (not the fluid) will ignite if exposed to an open flame. When the flame is removed, the vapor will stop burning. (Open cup method.) *Electrical resistivity is greater than 20 MΩ-cm. ‡ 125 lb. bath salt fills a 30-liter (7.9-gallon) tank. † Material Safety Data Sheets available at 115 Bath Fluids ● ● ● ● ● ● ● fire-extinguishing sprinkler system is triggered and sends water into salt and hot oil baths, the situation can become literally explosive.) Only place clean thermometers into bath fluids. Never operate a bath on or around combustible materials. Keep the area around baths clean. Keep appropriate fire extinguishing equipment nearby. Ensure that all personnel who operate with or near baths understand the precautions that should be taken around them and how to deal with emergencies. Abide by federal, state, and local laws regarding the storage and disposal of hazardous or flammable bath fluids. Do not use or store bath salt in or around flammable materials. While Hart 5001 Bath Salt is not flammable, it supports combustion of other flammable materials such as wood or cardboard. Do not use bath salt for applications outside of thermometer calibrations. Avoid using fluids above their flash points. Special safety considerations should be used for alcohols since their flash points are typically below room temperatures. Ordering Information 5001 Bath Salt 5001 5010 Silicone Oil Bath Salt, 125 lb (fills a 30 liter [7.9 gal] tank) 5010-1L Silicone Oil Type 200.05, –40 °C to 130 °C, 1 liter (0.26 gal) 5010-3.8L Silicone Oil Type 200.05, –40 °C to 130 °C, 3.8 LITERS (1 GAL) 5010-18.9L Silicone Oil Type 200.05, –40 °C to 130 °C, 18.9 liters (5 gal) 5011 Mineral Oil 5011-1L Mineral Oil, 10 °C to 175 °C, 1 liter (0.26 gal) 5011-3.8L Mineral Oil, 10 °C to 175 °C, 3.8 liters (1 gal) 5011-18.9L Mineral Oil, 10 °C to 175 °C, 18.9 liters (5 gal) 5012 Silicone Oil 5012-1L Silicone Oil Type 200.10, –30 °C to 209 °C, 1 liter (0.26 gal) 5012-3.8L Silicone Oil Type 200.10, –30 °C to 209 °C, 3.8 liters (1 gal) 5012-18.9L Silicone Oil Type 200.10, –30 °C to 209 °C, 18.9 liters (5 gal) 5013 Silicone Oil 5013-1L Silicone Oil Type 200.20, 10 °C to 230 °C, 1 liter (0.26 gal) 5013-3.8L Silicone Oil Type 200.20, 10 °C to 230 °C, 3.8 liters (1 gal) 5013-18.9L Silicone Oil Type 200.20, 10 °C to 230 °C, 18.9 liters (5 gal) 5014 Silicone Oil 5014-1L Silicone Oil Type 200.50, 30 °C to 278 °C, 1 liter (0.26 gal) 5014-3.8L Silicone Oil Type 200.50, 30 °C to 278 °C, 3.8 liters (1 gal) 5014-18.9L Silicone Oil Type 200.50, 30 °C to 278 °C, 18.9 liters (5 gal) 5017 Silicone Oil 5017-1L Silicone Oil Type 710, 80 °C to 300 °C, 1 liter (0.26 gal) 5017-3.8L Silicone Oil Type 710, 80 °C to 300 °C, 3.8 liters (1 gal) 5017-18.9L Silicone Oil Type 710, 80 °C to 300 °C, 18.9 liters (5 gal) 5019 Halocarbon Fluid 5019-1L Halocarbon 0.8 Cold Bath Fluid, –100 °C to 70 °C, 1 liter (0.26 gal) 5019-3.8L Halocarbon 0.8 Cold Bath Fluid, –100 °C to 70 °C, 3.8 liters (1 gal) 5019-18.9L Halocarbon 0.8 Cold Bath Fluid, –100 °C to 70 °C, 18.9 liters (5 gal) 5020 Ethylene Glycol 5020-1L Ethylene Glycol (Mix 1:1 with Water), –30 °C to 90 °C, 1 liter (0.26 gal) 5020-3.8L Ethylene Glycol (Mix 1:1 with Water), –30 °C to 90 °C, 3.8 liters (1 gal) 5020-18.9L Ethylene Glycol (Mix 1:1 with Water), –30 °C to 90 °C, 18.9 liters (5 gal) 5022 Dynalene HF/LO Fluid 5022-1L Dynalene HF/LO, –65 °C to 58 °C, 1 liter (0.26 gal) 5022-3.8L Dynalene HF/LO, –65 °C to 58 °C, 3.8 liters (1 gal) 5022-18.9L Dynalene HF/LO, –65 °C to 58 °C, 18.9 liters (5 gal) 5023 HFE Cold Bath Fluid 5023-1L HFE Cold Bath Fluid, –75 °C to 100 °C, 1 liter (0.26 gal) 116 Baths 5023-3.8L HFE Cold Bath Fluid, –75 °C to 100 °C, 3 liters (1 gal) 5023-18.9L HFE Cold Bath Fluid, –75 °C to 100 °C, 18.9 liters (5 gal) Bath Fluids –100°C 0°C Silicone Oil 5017 PP Silicone Oil 5012 PP Silicone Oil 5010 PP HFE 7500 5023 600°C FL 232°C FL 211°C 10 CS FL 133°C 10 CS EP 100°C EP Mineral Oil 5011 FL 177°C 10 CS Water FR BP FL 12°C FR (Pure) 10 CS FR Dynalene HF/LO 5022 500°C FL 280°C 10 CS 10 CS Ethylene Glycol (50/50 with H2O) 5020 400°C FL 302°C 10 CS 10 CS Ethanol 300°C 10 CS PP Silicone Oil 5013 Methanol 200°C PP Silicone Oil 5014 Halocarbon 5019 100°C BP FL 16°C BP 10 CS 10 CS Bath Salt 5001 FL 60°C FR Decomposition Starts Legend Shaded area represents usable range of fluid starting at 50 centistokes. Lighter shading represents decreasing viscosity, while vaporization and decomposition increase. Black area represents liquid range with excessive viscosity. BP - Boiling Point CS - Centistokes EP - Evaporation Point (fluid loss due to evaporation) FL - Flash Point FR - Freeze Point PP - Pour Point Range over which a fume hood is recommended. Can’t a single fluid cover my bath’s entire range? So, you want to cover the entire temperature range of your bath with one fluid? That would be nice. Unfortunately for all of us, this is often not possible. All fluids have temperature range limits for a variety of reasons. The properties of certain fluids just don’t hold still over temperature. Not only do you have problems with freezing and boiling, but viscosity changes, evaporation, and flash points create limits for a fluid’s useful temperature range. The result is that one fluid may not cover the range you need within a single bath, leaving you with a choice between inconvenient fluid changes or multiple temperature-dedicated baths. 117 Controller For Rosemount-Designed Baths Specifications Temperature –100 °C to 550 °C Control Range 2 Optional Ranges None Stability ±0.003 (±0.001 typical) Stabilization Time 30 minutes Display Accuracy ±1 °C Cooling Control LN2 – automatic Heating Control 2-position, firmware or user controlled Firmware High-Temp Cutout Yes, volatile, programmable (independent of the controller) Hardware High-Temp Cutout Thermocouple controlled Memory Non-volatile; 8 programmable set-points, each with ramp and soak features Programmable 1 to 500 minutes Soak Time ● All the features of the Hart 2100 Controller ● Installs easily Control Sensor 100-ohm PRT; alpha = 0.00385 ● Two independent over-temperature cutout circuits Interface RS-232 and IEEE standard Software Interface-it Operating Temperature 5 °C to 50 °C Operating Voltage 115 VAC (±10 %), 60 Hz CE Mark Contact Hart Hart’s bath controllers have long been recognized as the finest in the world. They’re the most popular retrofit controller in the industry, and now they’re available for Rosemount baths. The Model 7900 Controller installs easily and can replace the Rosemount Model 915 for all Rosemount bath models. This controller uses the same circuitry as Hart’s 2100 Controller to achieve longlasting stabilities of ±0.001 °C or better. Special noise-rejection techniques allow the 7900 to measure the very tiny resistance changes required for this level of stability. AC bridges are used within the controller to cancel thermal EMFs. Custom high-precision resistors contribute to short- and long-term stability and advanced filtering techniques force out troublesome line noise. The Model 7900 includes a special circuit that monitors the controller’s microprocessor and automatically resets it if its operations are interrupted. Two separate cutout systems are also included for keeping your bath’s temperature within its normal range. A software cutout uses an adjustable high-temperature limit that can be easily accessed through the front panel and set 118 Baths to match the requirements of your bath fluid. Should the control sensor measure a temperature beyond this upper limit, heating is shut down. If the bath’s temperature falls below its normal operating range, the heaters are turned on and the LN2 cooling shut off. A second, independent hardware cutout monitors the bath’s temperature with a thermocouple and shuts down all heating and LN2 cooling if the bath’s temperature rises above its range. These cutout features, combined with the superior reliability and long-term stability performance of the 7900, allow you to run your system for as long as you like between shut-downs—365 days a year, if you wish. Your bath can be ready for you to take measurements the minute you walk into your lab each day. Current Rating 20 amps max. Dimensions (WxHxD) 311 x 114 x 279 mm (12.25 x 4.5 x 11 in) Weight 4 kg (9 lb.) Installation Freestanding or rack mounted with optional hardware Ordering Information 7900-B 7900-T 2079 Controller, Rosemount-Designed Baths, bottom stirred (includes control probe and thermocouple cutout) Controller, Rosemount-Designed Baths, top stirred (includes control probe and thermocouple cutout) Rack-Mount Kit Benchtop Controllers Specifications 2 ● Most stable temperature controllers available ● Resolution as high as 0.00018 °C ● RS-232 interface included for automating applications It’s no secret why Hart’s temperature baths are the most stable baths in the world. In fact, right on page 98 of this catalog we explain that Hart baths use Hart temperature controllers, and they’re flat out the best anywhere. If you’re using a homemade bath—or worse, a bath built by one of our competitors—there’s a good chance you can drastically improve its performance by using one of Hart’s two temperature controllers. The 2100 controller can sense and respond to temperature changes as low as 0.00001 °C, which means you can enjoy stabilities better than ±0.001 °C in a mechanically sound bath. The 2100 has set-point resolution of 0.002 °C using a thermistor input and 0.01 °C using an RTD input. In high-resolution mode you can adjust the set-point in increments smaller than 0.0002 °C. Actual display resolution is 0.01 °C. Power output is provided on a standard IEC female power receptacle. An auxiliary power output provides constant line voltage to equipment accessories such as stirrers. The 2200 controller is smaller and lighter than the 2100 and uses an RTD input to provide stabilities as good as ±0.015 °C. Resolution is 0.01 °C and temperature range is –100 °C to 800 °C. If operated from any line power between 100 and 230 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz, the 2200 will supply up to 10 amps power output on a standard IEC female power receptacle. Both models are programmed using the front-panel buttons and also come with an RS-232 interface. Either of these benchtop controllers can turn an average temperature bath into a true calibration tool. Call us and tell us your application. We’ll help you pick the best controller for your situation. Temperature 2100: –100 °C to 670 °C Range 2200: –100 °C to 800 °C Control 2100: ±0.0005 °C to Stability ±0.002 °C 2200: ±0.005 °C to ±0.02 °C (depends on system design) Display ±1.0 °C without system Accuracy calibration (with probes shown below) Display 0.01 ° Resolution Set-Point 2100: 0.0002 ° in high-resoResolution lution mode 2200: 0.01 ° Auxiliary 2100: 100–125 nominal VAC and Heater or 230 nominal VAC (interOutput nally switchable), 50/60 Hz, 10 A max. 2200: 100–230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 10 A max. Heater Solid-state relay Output Dimensions 2100: 72 x 172 x 250 mm (HxWxD) (2.83 x 6.75 x 9.86 in) 2200: 72 x 114 x 178 mm (2.85 x 4.5 x 7 in) Probes 2620: RTD, 280 x 4.8 mm (11 x 0.187 in), –100 to 550 °C 2622: RTD, 229 x 4.8 mm (9 x 0.187 in), –100 to 550 °C 2624: RTD, 356 x 4.8 mm (14 x 0.187 in), –100 to 550 °C 2611: Thermistor, 229 x 5.5 mm (9 x 0.218 in), –10 °C to 110 °C (2100 controller only) 5635: Type K thermocouple, 406 x 4.7 mm (16 x 0.187 in), 1100 °C for cutout Automation Both models include Hart’s Software 9930 Interface-it software package (see page 82) Ordering Information 2100-P 2100-T 2200 2125 2611 5635-S 2620 2622 2624 Controller, PRT Controller, Thermistor Controller, PRT IEEE-488 Interface Thermistor Probe Thermocouple Cutout Probe RTD Probe, 11 in RTD Probe, 9 in RTD Probe, 14 in 119 Industrial Calibrator Selection Guide Micro-Baths Model Range Accuracy Description/Features Page 6102 Micro-Bath 35 °C to 200 °C 95 °F to 392 °F ±0.25 °C World’s smallest calibration bath. Stability to ±0.02 °C. Stirred 2.5-inch-diameter tank. 130 7102 Micro-Bath –5 °C to 125 °C 23 °F to 257 °F ±0.25 °C Portable bath to –5 °C. No refrigeration—solid-state cooling. Stability to ±0.015 °C. 7103 Micro-Bath –30 °C to 125 °C –22 °F to 257 °F ±0.25 °C Ultracold Micro-Bath reaches –30 °C. No refrigeration or external cooling needed. Stability to ±0.03 °C. Description/Features Page World’s smallest dry-well. Fixed block with 4-inch well depth. Four hole patterns available. 142 Handheld dry-wells Model Range Accuracy 9100S Handheld Dry-Well 35 °C to 375 °C 95 °F to 707 °F ±0.25 °C at 100 °C ±0.5 °C at 375 °C 9102S Handheld Dry-Well –10 °C to 122 °C 14 °F to 252 °F ±0.25 °C Handheld unit cools to –10 °C. Two 0.5-inch-diameter, removable sleeves. Field dry-wells Model Range Accuracy Description/Features Page 9009 Dual-Block Calibrator –15 °C to 350 °C 5 °F to 662 °F Cold block: ±0.2 °C Hot block: ±0.6 °C Dual-block industrial dry-well. Each block has two wells with removable sleeves. Water- and air-tight enclosure. 138 9103 Field Dry-Well –25 °C to 140 °C –13 °F to 284 °F ±0.25 °C Small, lightweight field calibrator reaches –25 °C. Stability to ±0.02 °C. Calibrates up to six probes at once. 134 9140 Field Dry-Well 35 °C to 350 °C 95 °F to 662 °F ±0.5 °C Portable field calibrator. Choose from four multi-hole, removable inserts. 9141 Field Dry-Well 50 °C to 650 °C 122 °F to 1202 °F ±0.5 °C to 400 °C ±1 °C to 650 °C High-temp field calibrator. Interface-it software and RS-232 included. Extremely small and fast for temperature range. 35 °C to 400 °C 95 °F to 752 °F ±0.5 °C to 200 °C ±1.0 °C to 400 °C Calibrates surface sensors. Plate stability of ±0.3 °C. 152 3125 Surface Calibrator Infrared calibrators Model Range Accuracy Description/Features Page 9132 50 °C to 500 °C 122 °F to 932 °F ±0.5 °C at 100 °C ±0.8 °C at 500 °C Certifies most handheld pyrometers. Short heating and cooling times. 148 9133 –30 °C to 150 °C –22 °F to 302 °F ±0.4 °C Calibrates at cold temperatures. Gets to desired temperature quickly. 50 °C, 100 °C, 150 °C 122 °F, 212 °F, 302 °F ±1 °C 9135 3-Pt. IR Calibrator 120 Industrial Easiest to use IR calibrator. Three set-points—all reached quickly. 150 Industrial Calibrator Selection Guide Metrology Wells Model Range Accuracy 9170 –45 °C to 140 °C (–49 °F to 284 °F) ±0.1 °C 9171 –30 °C to 155 °C (–22 °F to 311 °F) ±0.1 °C 9172 35 °C to 425 °C (95 °F to 797 °F) ±0.1 °C at 100 °C ±0.15 °C at 225 °C ±0.2 °C at 425 °C 9173 50 °C to 700 °C (122 °F to 1292 °F) ±0.2 °C at 425 °C ±0.25 °C at 660 °C Description/Features Page Best-performing industrial heat sources (accuracy, stability, uniformity) in the world. Immersion depth to 203 mm (8 in). Optional ITS-90 reference input reads PRTs to ±0.006 °C. Temperature range from –45 °C to 700 °C. 125 Zero point dry-well Model Range Stability Description/Features Page 9101 0 °C 32 °F ±0.05 °C Solid-state cooling. Replaces messy ice baths—easy to operate. Three wells, each 6 inches deep. 144 Range Stability Description/Features Page 9011 Hot Block 50 °C to 670 °C 122 °F to 1238 °F ±0.15 °C at 100 °C ±0.65 °C at 600 °C Cold Block –30 °C to 140 °C –22 °F to 284 °F Dual block dry-well Model Combined ranges from –30 °C to 670 °C. 1 unit – 2 blocks. Two independent temperature controllers (hot and ±0.25 °C (insert wells) cold side). ±0.65 °c (fixed wells) Stability: ±0.01 °C. Multi-hole inserts hold up to 8 probes at once. 140 Portable lab dry-wells Model Range Stability Description/Features Page 9007 –40 °C to 140 °C –40 °F to 284 °F ±0.15 °C –40 °C with solid-state Peltier cooling. Rugged truck-, plane-, and sea-worthy enclosure. 151 Range Stability Description/Features Page 9150 Thermocouple Furnace 150 °C to 1200 °C 302 °F to 2192 °F ±0.5 °C Benchtop thermocouple furnace. Interchangeable insert sleeves. Fast heating and cooling. 145 9112B Calibration Furnace 300 °C to 1100 °C 572 °F to 2012 °F ±0.1 °C Standard block fits five probes. Accommodates long probes. Gradients less than ±0.3 °C at 1000 °C. 146 Furnaces Model 121 Selecting a dry-well temperature calibrator Dozens of dry-well manufacturers around the world are producing hundreds of different models of dry-wells. How do you know which will perform best and which is best suited for your work? Here are ten important things to keep in mind. Understand your needs The remaining nine items will be pretty worthless to you without this one. Drywells have many characteristics. For you to know which ones will be most important to you, you need to understand how you intend to use your dry-well. Will it be in a lab environment or in the field? What temperatures will you need? What kind of throughput do you need? Do you want to maximize throughput through speed or through capacity? How accurate are the thermometers you’ll be testing in your dry-well—i.e. how accurate does your dry-well need to be? Will you rely on the dry-well’s display for a reference or will you use an external thermometer? How long are the thermometers you’ll be placing inside the dry-well? Will you be calibrating short or odd-shaped sensors that are better served in a liquid bath? Will you wish to automate your dry-well calibrations? Et cetera. Temperature range Ideally, your dry-wells cover all temperatures at which your thermometers need to be calibrated—with a little room to spare. If you have too much room to spare, you’re probably over-spending. Be careful when evaluating low-limit specifications. “–40 °C” is not the same as “–40 °C below ambient.” Reliability The more frequently you run your dry-well from one extreme end of its temperature range to the other, the shorter the life of your dry-well will be. This is especially true for “cold” dry-wells, which rely on thermo-electric cooling. The life of those devices is shortened by extreme cycling and by excessive use at the high end of the dry-well’s range. If your application would require either of these usage patterns, consider an additional unit for high temperatures—or buy the extended warranty option. Watch for blocks and inserts made from degradable material. Copper, for example, has great thermal properties—except that copper inserts oxidize rapidly and flake apart as a result of thermal history at extreme temperatures. 122 Industrial A large variety of dry-well calibrators from which to choose may make finding the right one for your applications and use a little overwhelming. Read this article and find out what you should be considering for your next calibrator purchase. Accuracy Four things to know here. First, the internal control sensor in your dry-well (which feeds your dry-well’s display) is fairly inexpensive and does not have the robust performance characteristics of a good reference thermistor or PRT (or noble-metal thermocouple, as the case may be). If it’s an RTD (most are), it’s subject to shift from mechanical shock and may exhibit poor hysteresis. On the other hand, it may be perfectly adequate for your application. Second, the control sensor and display system were probably calibrated against a high-quality PRT. However, that PRT was inserted into a particular well at a particular depth and contains a particular sensor construction. The specific thermal and mechanical characteristics of that PRT (sensor length, sensor location, lead-wire conductivity, etc.) were essentially “calibrated into” your dry-well. So, unless you’re calibrating an identically-constructed sensor inserted in the same place as the one that calibrated your dry-well, the accuracy of your display may not be quite what you think it is. Third, external references are generally more accurate than internal references. External probes share with probes under test a more common “point of view” of a block’s temperature than does the internal control sensor. But beware of built-in electronics for external reference sensors and how they are specified. Many have poor resolution and do not accept calibration constants for specific reference thermometers. Be sure also to consider both the reference probe and the electronics that read it. A dry-well that has built-in electronics is probably only specifying the accuracy of reading the probe—not of the probe itself. Fourth, there’s a lot more to accuracy than the calibrated internal sensor or a calibrated external reference. You also need to consider—depending on your particular use of the dry-well—the next five items below (stability, axial gradients, radial gradients, loading effects, and hysteresis). Stability The European Co-operation for Accreditation (“EA”), in their document EA-10/13, defines “stability” as temperature variation “over a 30-minute period.” Be careful not to over-rely on your dry-well’s display to indicate stability. The resolution of the display and the filtering techniques it uses may limit its ability to show instability. And the stability of the control sensor has limited relevance to the stability at the bottom of whatever well you’re using. Selecting a dry-well temperature calibrator Radial (or “well-to-well”) gradients Temperature Stability Measurement Temperature Deviation, °C 100.145 100.140 2 Sigma = ±0.009°C 100.135 100.130 100.125 100.120 100.115 100.110 Peak to Peak = 0.026°C Peak = 0.026°C / 2 = ±0.013°C 100.105 0:35 0:33 0:34 0:30 0:32 0:28 0:29 0:26 0:27 0:23 0:24 0:21 0:22 0:19 0:20 0:16 0:17 0:14 0:15 0:11 0:13 0:09 0:10 0:07 0:08 0:04 0:05 0:02 0:03 0:00 0:01 100.100 Time Don’t be afraid to ask for stability information and documentation to help in your decision making. Also, remember that long-term stability or “drift,” in the control sensor requires the dry-well’s display to be periodically re-calibrated. How long should you wait between re-calibrations? That depends on the dry-well and how it is used. The best advice is to start with short calibration intervals (3-6 months) and then to lengthen the intervals as the dry-well demonstrates ability to “hold” its calibration. Axial (or “vertical”) gradients (sweet spots) Because the top end of a dry-well is directly (or most closely) exposed to the ambient environment, the temperature at that end of the dry-well is closer to ambient temperature and less stable than is the bottom end of the well. It’s just physics. According to EA guidelines, dry-wells should have a “zone of sufficient temperature homogeneity of at least 40 mm (1.5 in) in length.” Axial gradients create significant problems when comparing two probes inserted to different depths (should be avoided!), when comparing two probes at the same depth but with different sensor constructions, and when comparing to the displayed temperature a probe which is at a different depth or of a different construction than the probe used to calibrate the display. Axial gradients can be minimized through design techniques such as block mass and depth, insulation, multiple-zone controlling, and use of profiled or imbalanced heating. It can also be measured, though it is difficult to separate a measurement of vertical gradients from the stem effects inherent in the probe making the measurements. Radial or Well-to-Well Gradients Axial or Vertical Gradients Radial gradients limit the usefulness of comparing a probe in one well to a probe in another well. While the control sensor of the dry-well is measuring temperature at one fixed location, temperatures may vary within different measuring wells due to variations in the distances between wells and heaters and in variations in hole patterns and how heat flows into and around those holes. In some cases, the temperature in a specific well may even differ depending on how the insert is rotated within the block. (To make sure we all understand terms the same way, “block” refers to the fixed mass of metal, usually containing or surrounded by heating elements; “insert” refers to a metal mass that is removable from the fixed block; and “well” or “hole” refers to the boring in either the insert or the well into which thermometers are introduced.) To further complicate things, it is difficult to compare a probe of one diameter in one well against a probe of another diameter in another well. Probes with more thermal conductivity draw more influence from the ambient environment into the block. For that reason alone, large-diameter probes (10 mm [3/8 in] in diameter) are often ill-suited for calibration in dry-wells. Loading effects Speaking of heat draw (or “heat suck” as we call it in Utah), the more probes that are inserted into a dry-well, the more heat that will be drawn away from or into the dry-well, depending on its temperature relative to ambient. The displays of dry-wells are typically calibrated when loaded with the one probe that is calibrating it. Adding more probes may cause a larger difference between the control sensor and any one of the probes inside the block. Such effects are easily measured by adding probes and noting the change in reading to the first probe. Design characteristics of dry-wells (block mass, well depth, insulation, and multiple-zone temperature control) can minimize loading effects, as can the use of small-diameter probes. The deeper a probe is inserted into a dry-well, the better also. Hysteresis Axial and radial gradients are important considerations in your calibration process. Hysteresis is the difference in a drywell’s actual temperature resulting from the direction from which that temperature was approached. It is greatest at the mid-point of a dry-well’s range. For example, a dry-well with a range of 35 °C 123 Selecting a dry-well temperature calibrator to 600 °C will have a different temperature at 300 °C when 300 °C was approached from a colder temperature than when 300 °C was approached from a higher temperature. It is a characteristic of the internal control sensor used in the dry-well. The impact of this is eliminated when comparing a test probe to a reference probe, but should be understood when comparing against the unit’s calibrated display. Immersion depth Probe immersion errors (or “stem conduction” errors) can be huge. They vary not only with the dry-well, but with the probe being placed in the dry-well. Different probes utilize different designs and The availability of a variety of blocks or inserts can enhance the flexibility of your calibrator and allow for multiple calibrations at one time. Probe Under Test External Reference Thermometer Probe construction techniques, including the size and location of the sensor within the probe assembly and the type and size of the lead wires used in the probe. Therefore different probes have different immersion characteristics. These characteristics can be tested by noting the change in readings from a probe at various depths within the same temperature. Generally speaking, deeper wells do a better job of eliminating the “stem effects” in probes due to inadequate immersion. Separate “top zone” temperature control of a dry-well also helps minimize stem effect. If you use probes that are too short to adequately reach the homogeneous measurement zone (usually at the bottom) of the dry-well, consider using a bath instead. At a minimum, be sure to compare it to another probe inserted to the same depth in another well. (See illustration at left) Flexibility Maximum accuracy for short probes can be obtained by comparing to a similar probe at the same well depth. 124 Industrial Speed issues aside at the moment, the most “flexible” dry-wells provide for a removable, multi-hole insert. Multi-hole inserts can accommodate larger numbers of probes of varying sizes. Be sure when considering the number of wells in a block and the spacing between them, to consider the size of the hubs or handles of the probes that will be used inside the well. While it may appear that two probes can fit snugly near each other in a block or insert, their handles may actually get in the way of each other. Also, avoid using home-made inserts which may be made from materials incompatible with the block material of the dry-well. And recognize that when comparing two probes in a dry-well, they should both be inserted into the same mass. If one is in a fixed block well and another is in the well of a removable insert, significant gradients may exist between the two. Functionality Size, weight, speed, and capacity all involve important tradeoffs—against each other—and against many of the performance characteristics just described. For example, a large, deep thermal mass may provide the most capacity, least gradients, and best stability, but it probably won’t be very small, light, or fast. Generally speaking, the fastest, lightest drywells provide the poorest performance. High speed and high stability are also difficult to get in the same block design. This is why it’s important to understand how your dry-well will be used and the characteristics of the probes you’ll be calibrating in it. In the end, it’s those probes you’ll be calibrating which should make the decision for you as to whether to use a bath, a metrology well, or a field dry-well. Metrology Well Calibrators (By the way, Metrology Wells are the only products on the market supported by published specifications addressing every performance category in the EA-10/13. Our specs aren’t just hopes or guidelines. They apply to every Metrology Well we sell.) Display accuracy ● Best-performing industrial heat sources (accuracy, stability, uniformity) in the world ● Immersion depth to 203 mm (8 in) ● Optional ITS-90 reference input reads PRTs to ±0.006 °C ● Temperature range from –45 °C to 700 °C Every once in a while, a new product comes around that changes the rules. It happened when we introduced handheld dry-wells. It happened when we introduced Micro-Baths. Now we’ve combined bath-level performance with dry-well functionality and legitimate reference thermometry to create Metrology Wells. With groundbreaking new proprietary electronics from Fluke’s Hart Scientific Division (patents pending), Metrology Wells let you bring lab-quality performance into whatever field environment you might work in. New analog and digital control techniques provide stability as good as ±0.005 °C. And with dual-zone control, axial (or “vertical”) uniformity is as good as ±0.02 °C over a 60 mm (2.36 in) zone. (That’s 60 mm!) Such performance doesn’t exist anywhere else outside of fluid baths. In short, there are six critical components of performance in an industrial heat source (which the European metrology community explains, for example, in the document EA-10/13): calibrated display accuracy, stability, axial (vertical) uniformity, radial (well-to-well) uniformity, impact from loading, and hysteresis. We added a seventh in the form of a legitimate reference thermometer input and created an entirely new product category: Metrology Wells. Dry-wells are typically calibrated by inserting a calibrated PRT into one of the wells and making adjustments to the calibrator’s internal control sensor based on the readings from the PRT. This has limited value because the unique characteristics of the reference PRT, which essentially become “calibrated into” the calibrator, are often quite different from the thermometers tested by the calibrator. This is complicated by the presence of significant thermal gradients in the block and inadequate sensor immersion into blocks that are simply too short. Metrology Wells are different. Temperature gradients, loading effects, and hysteresis have been minimized to make the calibration of the display much more meaningful. We use only traceable, accredited PRTs to calibrate Metrology Wells and our proprietary electronics consistently demonstrate repeatable accuracy more than ten times better than our specs, which range from ±0.1 °C at the most commonly used temperatures to ±0.25 °C at 661 °C. For even better accuracy, Metrology Wells may be ordered with built-in electronics for reading external PRTs with ITS-90 characterizations. (See sidebar, Built in Reference Thermometry, on page 126.) Stability Heat sources from Hart have long been known as the most stable heat sources in the world. It only gets better with Metrology Wells. Both low-temperature units (Models 9170 and 9171) are stable to ±0.005 °C over their full range. Even the 700 °C unit (Model 9173) achieves stability of ±0.03 °C. Better stability can only be found in fluid baths and primary fixedpoint devices. The “off-the-shelf controllers” used by most dry-well manufacturers simply can’t provide this level of performance. Axial uniformity The EA-10/13 document suggests that dry-wells should include a zone of maximum temperature homogeneity, which extends for 40 mm (1.54 in), usually at the bottom of a well. Metrology Wells, 125 Metrology Well Calibrators The Model 9170 is 160 mm (6.3 in) deep to facilitate temperature of –45 °C. Built-in reference thermometry! Fluke’s Hart Scientific Division has been making the world’s best thermometer readout devices for quite some time. Our Super-Thermometer, Black Stack, and Tweener thermometers are well-known everywhere. Now we’re making our proprietary Tweener measurement circuitry available directly in a heat source—our new Metrology Wells. This optionally built-in input accepts 100-, 25-, and 10-ohm PRTs. It reads thermometer probes accurately from ±0.006 °C at 0 °C to ±0.027 °C at 661 °C, not including errors from the probe. It is compatible with every PRT sold by Hart and connects to Metrology Wells via a 5-pin DIN connector. Two things dramatically differentiate the Tweener circuit from the however, combine our unique electronics with dual-zone control and more well depth than is found in dry-wells to provide homogeneous zones over 60 mm (2.36 in). Vertical gradients in these zones range from ±0.02 °C at 0 °C to ±0.4 °C at 700 °C. What’s more, Metrology Wells actually have these specifications published for each unit, and we stand by them. We even offer a specially-constructed PRT for testing axial uniformity (models 5662 and 5663). Radial uniformity Radial uniformity is the difference in temperature between one well and another well. For poorly designed heat sources, or when large-diameter probes are used, these differences can be very large. For Metrology Wells, we define our specification as the largest temperature difference between the vertically homogeneous zones of any two wells that are each 6.4 mm (0.25 in) in diameter or smaller. The cold units (9170 and 9171) provide radial uniformity of ±0.01 °C and the hot units (9172 and 9173) range from ±0.01 °C to ±0.04 °C (at 700 °C). Loading Loading is defined as the change in temperature sensed by a reference thermometer inserted into the bottom of a well after the rest of the wells are filled with thermometers, too. 126 Industrial measurement electronics built into many dry-wells. First, it accepts unique ITS-90 characterization coefficients from reference thermometers, which allow you to take full advantage of the accuracies of those thermometers. Second, it comes with a traceable, accredited calibration, providing you full confidence in the integrity of its measurements. Nothing beats a Hart Metrology Well for industrial thermal performance. And nothing beats a Tweener measurement for built-in reference thermometry. For Metrology Wells, loading effects are minimized for the same reasons that axial gradients are minimized. We use deeper wells than found in dry-wells. And we utilize proprietary dual-zone controls. Loading effects are as minimal as ±0.005 °C in the cold units. Hysteresis Thermal hysteresis exists far more in internal control sensors than in good-quality reference PRTs. It is evidenced by the difference in two external measurements of the same set-point temperature when that temperature is approached from two different directions (hotter or colder) and is usually largest at the midpoint of a heat source’s temperature range. It exists because control sensors are typically designed for ruggedness and do not have the “strain free” design characteristics of SPRTs, or even most PRTs. For Metrology Wells, hysteresis effects range from 0.025 °C to 0.07 °C. Immersion depth Immersion depth matters. Not only does it help minimize axial gradient and loading effects, it helps address the unique immersion characteristics of each thermometer tested in the heat source. Those characteristics include the location and size of the actual sensor within the probe, the width and thermal mass of the probe, and the lead wires used to connect the sensor to the outside world. Metrology Wells feature well depths of 203 mm (8 in) in the Models 9171, 9172, and 9173. Other great features A large LCD display, numeric keypad, and on-screen menus make use of Metrology Wells simple and intuitive. The display shows the block temperature, built-in reference thermometer temperature, cutout temperature, stability criteria, and ramp rate. The user interface can be configured to display in English, French, or Chinese. All four models come with an RS-232 serial interface and the Model 9930, Interface-it software. All are also compatible with Model 9938 MET/TEMP II software for completely automated calibrations of RTDs, thermocouples, and thermistors. Even without a PC, Metrology Wells have four different preprogrammed calibration tasks that allow up to eight temperature set points with “ramp and soak” times between each. There is an automated “switch test” protocol that zeros in on the “dead-band” for thermal switches. And a dedicated °C/ °F button allows for easy switching of temperature units. Any of six standard inserts may be ordered with each unit, accommodating a variety of metric- and imperial-sized probe diameters. (See illustration at right.) And Metrology Wells are small enough and light enough to go anywhere. 9170 The Model 9170 achieves the lowest temperatures of the series, reaching –45 °C in normal room conditions. The 9170 is stable to ±0.005 °C over its full temperature range (up to 140 °C) and has 160 mm (6.3 in) of immersion depth. With axial uniformity of ±0.02 °C and radial uniformity of ±0.01 °C, this model delivers exceptional uncertainty budgets and is perfect for a variety of pharmaceutical and other applications. 9171 If you need more depth, the Model 9171 provides 203 mm (8 in) of immersion over temperatures from –30 °C all the way to 155 °C with full-range stability of ±0.005 °C. Just like the 9170, this drywell has exceptional axial and radial uniformity. The display of the 9171 is calibrated to an accuracy of ±0.1 °C over its full range. 9172 The Model 9172 provides temperatures from 35 °C to 425 °C with a calibrated Metrology Well Calibrators 1/4 in 3/16 in 3/8 in 1/4 in 1/8 in 1/4 in Insert “A” 1/4 in 3/16 in 3/8 in 3/8 in 3/16 in 1/4 in Insert “B” The Metrology Well family consist of four models (Model 9170, 9171, 9172, and 9173) which, combined, cover a temperature range of -45 °C to 700 °C. 1/4 in 1/4 in 1/4 in 1/4 in 1/4 in 1/4 in Insert “C” 4 mm 3 mm 6 mm 6 mm 3 mm 4 mm Insert “D” 3 mm 10 mm 0.25 in 8 mm 4 mm 6 mm Insert “E” 3 mm 4 mm display accurate to ±0.2 °C at 425 °C. In addition to exceptional accuracy, the 9172 is stable from ±0.005 °C to ±0.01 °C, depending on temperature. With 203 mm (8 in) of immersion, the 9172 significantly reduces stem conduction errors at high-temperatures. 9173 4 mm 0.25 in 6 mm Metrology Well displays offer all the information needed to perform calibrations—control and reference probe temperatures, heating and cooling status, set-point temperature, stability criteria, and more. uncertainty budgets for calibrations of thermometers at high temperatures. Of course, there’s still a place in the world for dry-wells or “dry block” calibrators. In fact, Hart makes and will continue to make some of the best performing, portable, fast dry-wells in the world. There’s still nothing better for a quick test of industrial temperature sensor performance. We just can’t resist the urge, though, to keep coming up with breakthrough product designs that can dramatically impact the ways people work and the results they see. For the absolute best performance in a portable temperature source, Metrology Wells raise the standard to an entirely new level. 3 mm Insert “F” For work between 50 °C and 700 °C, the Model 9173 provides unmatched performance. The 9173 has a display accuracy of ±0.25 °C at 700 °C and an immersion depth of 203 mm (8 in). Stability and uniformity performance of this unit are enough to dramatically reduce 127 Metrology Well Calibrators Specifications Range (at 23 °C ambient) Display Accuracy Stability Axial Uniformity (60 mm) Radial Uniformity Loading Effect (with a 6.35 mm reference probe and three 6.35 mm probes) 9170 9171 9172 9173 –45 °C to 140 °C (–49 °F to 284 °F) –30 °C to 155 °C (–22 °F to 311 °F) 35 °C to 425 °C (95 °F to 797 °F) 50 °C to 700 °C (122 °F to 1292 °F) ±0.1 °C full range ±0.1 °C at 100 °C ±0.15 °C at 225 °C ±0.2 °C at 425 °C ±0.2 °C at 425 °C ±0.25 °C at 660 °C ±0.005 °C full range ±0.005 °C to 100 °C ±0.008 °C to 225 °C ±0.01 °C to 425 °C ±0.005 °C to 100 °C ±0.01 °C to 425 °C ±0.03 °C to 700 °C ±0.05 °C at 100 °C ±0.1 °C at 225 °C ±0.2 °C at 425 °C ±0.1 °C at 100 °C ±0.25 °C at 425 °C ±0.4 °C at 700 °C ±0.01 °C at 100 °C ±0.02 °C at 225 °C ±0.025 °C at 425 °C ±0.01 °C at 100 °C ±0.025 °C at 425 °C ±0.04 °C at 700 °C ±0.01 °C full range ±0.02 °C at 425 °C ±0.04 °C at 700 °C 0.04 °C 0.07 °C ±0.1 °C at –45 °C ±0.04 °C at –35 °C ±0.02 °C at 0 °C ±0.07 °C at 140 °C ±0.01 °C full range ±0.02 °C at –45 °C ±0.005 °C at –35 °C ±0.01 °C at 140 °C ±0.005 °C at –30 °C ±0.005 °C at 0 °C ±0.01 °C at 155 °C 0.025 °C Hysteresis Well Depth ±0.025 °C at –30 °C ±0.02 °C at 0 °C ±0.07 °C at 155 °C 160 mm (6.3 in) † 203 mm (8 in) 0.001 °C Resolution Display LCD, °C or °F, user-selectable Key Pad Ten key with decimal and +/- button. Function keys, menu key, and °C / °F key. Cooling Time 44 min: 23 °C to –45 °C 19 min: 23 °C to –30 °C 19 min: 140 °C to 23 °C 30 min: 23 °C to –30 °C 25 min: 155 °C to 23 °C 220 min: 425 °C to 35 °C 100 min: 425 °C to 100 °C 235 min: 700 °C to 50 °C 153 min: 700 °C to 100 °C Heating Time 32 min: 23 °C to 140 °C 45 min: –45 °C to 140 °C 44 min: 23 °C to 155 °C 56 min: –30 °C to 155 °C 27 min: 35 °C to 425 °C 46 min: 50 °C to 700 °C 15 kg (33 lb) 15 kg (33 lb) 366 x 203 x 323 mm (14.4 x 8 x 12.7 in) Size (HxWxD) Weight Power 15 kg (33 lb) 115 VAC (±10 %), or 230 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 1025 W RS-232 Interface with 9930 Interface-it control software included Computer Interface Traceable Calibration (NIST) 13.2 kg (29 lb) 115 VAC (±10 %), or 230 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 550 W Data at –45 °C, 0 °C, 50 °C, 100 °C, and 140 °C Data at –30 °C, 0 °C, 50 °C, 100 °C, and 155 °C Data at 100 °C, 150 °C, 250 °C, 350 °C, and 425 °C Data at 100 °C, 200 °C, 350 °C, 500 °C, and 660 °C † Calibrated to 660 °C; reference thermometer recommended at higher temperatures. Specifications Built-in Reference Input Temperature Range –200 °C to 962 °C (–328 °F to 1764 °F) Resistance Range 0 Ω to 400 Ω, auto-ranging Characterizations ITS-90 subranges 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 Callendar-Van Dusen (CVD): R0, α, β, δ 0 Ω to 20 Ω: 0.0005 Ω 20 Ω to 400 Ω: 25 ppm Resistance Accuracy Temperature Accuracy (does not include probe uncertainty) Resistance Resolution Measurement Period Probe Connection Calibration 128 Industrial 10 PRTs: ±0.013 °C at 0 °C ±0.014 °C at 155 °C ±0.019 °C at 425 °C ±0.028 °C at 700 °C 25 and 100 PRTs: ±0.007 °C at –100 °C ±0.006 °C at 0 °C ±0.011 °C at 155 °C ±0.013 °C at 225 °C ±0.019 °C at 425 °C ±0.027 °C at 661 °C 0 Ω to 20 Ω: 0.0001 Ω 20 Ω to 400 Ω: 0.001 Ω 1 second 4-wire with shield, 5-pin DIN connector NVLAP accredited (built-in reference input only), NIST-traceable calibration provided Metrology Well Calibrators Ordering Information - 9170 Ordering Information - 9172 9170-X Metrology Well, –45 °C to 140 °C, w/INSX 9172-X Metrology Well, 35 °C to 425 °C, w/INSX 9170-X-R Metrology Well, –45 °C to 140 °C, w/INSX, w/Built-In Reference 9172-X-R Metrology Well, 35 °C to 425 °C, w/INSX, w/Built-In Reference 9170-INSA Insert “A” 9170, Al, Misc Holes 9172-INSA Insert “A” 9172, Brass, Misc Holes 9170-INSB Insert “B” 9170, Al, Comparison Holes 9172-INSB Insert “B” 9172, Brass, Comparison Holes 9170-INSC Insert “C” 9170, Al, 0.25-inch Holes 9172-INSC Insert “C” 9172, Brass, 0.25inch Holes 9170-INSD Insert “D” 9170, Al, Metric Comparison Holes 9172-INSD Insert “D” 9172, Brass, Metric Comparison Holes 9170-INSE Insert “E” 9170, Al, Misc Metric Holes, w/0.25-inch Ref Hole 9170-INSF Insert “F” 9170, Al, Metric Comparison Holes, w/0.25-inch Ref Hole 9170-INSZ 9172-INSE Insert “E” 9172, Brass, Misc Metric Holes, w/0.25-inch Ref Hole 9172-INSF Insert “F” 9172, Brass, Metric Comparison Holes, w/0.25inch Ref Hole 9172-INSZ Insert “Z” 9172, Brass, Blank Insert “Z” 9170, Al, Blank Ordering Information - 9171 Metrology Well, –30 °C to 155 °C, w/INSX 9173-X Metrology Well, 50 °C to 700 °C, w/INSX 9171-X-R Metrology Well, –30 °C to 155 °C, w/INSX, w/Built-In Reference 9173-X-R Metrology Well, 50 °C to 700 °C, w/INSX, w/Built-In Reference 9171-INSA Insert “A” 9171, Al, Misc Holes 9173-INSA Insert “A” 9173, Al-Brnz, Misc Holes 9171-INSB Insert “B” 9171, Al, Comparison Holes 9173-INSB Insert “B” 9173, Al-Brnz, Comparison Holes 9171-INSC Insert “C” 9171, Al, 0.25-inch Holes 9173-INSC Insert “C” 9173, Al-Brnz, 0.25inch Holes 9171-INSD Insert “D” 9171, Al, Comparison Metric Holes 9173-INSD Insert “D” 9173, Al-Brnz, Comparison Metric Holes Insert “E” 9171, Al, Misc Metric Holes, w/0.25-inch Ref Hole 9171-INSF Insert “F” 9171, Al, Metric Comparison Holes, w/0.25-inch Ref Hole 9171-INSZ 9170-CASE Case, Carrying, 9170–3 Metrology Wells 9170-DCAS Case, Transportation with Wheels, 9170–3 Metrology Wells Ordering Information - 9173 9171-X 9171-INSE All Metrology Wells X in the above model numbers to be replaced with A, B, C, D, E, or F as appropriate for the desired insert. See the illustration on page 127 and listing below. 9173-INSE Insert “E” 9173, Al-Brnz, Misc Metric Holes, w/0.25-inch Ref Hole 9173-INSF Insert “F” 9173, Al-Brnz, Metric Comparison Holes, w/0.25inch Ref Hole 9173-INSZ Insert “Z” 9173, Al-Brnz, Blank Insert “Z” 9171, Al, Blank 129 Micro-Baths compressor-free. That’s right—no heavy, noisy compressor to lug around. We achieve our temperature range and stability with only one moving part. This means more durability and less weight. Hart manufactures and sells temperature calibration baths of every size and shape, and now we have the smallest and lightest baths in the industry to go with the dozens of other models we make. Look at the specs, price, and value of these portable instruments and you’ll know why Hart Scientific is the numberone company in this business. A Micro-Bath’s 48 mm (1.9 in) diameter tank lets you calibrate just about any size industrial sensor. ● World’s smallest portable calibration baths ● Calibrates sensors of any size or shape ● Stability to ±0.015 °C ● Ranges from –30 °C to 200 °C Need portability and extreme stability? Hart Micro-Baths have both. We invented the Micro-Bath. And, while many have tried to duplicate it, none of them use proprietary Hart Scientific controllers, so none of them deliver performance like a Hart bath. Micro-Baths can be used anywhere for any type of sensor. The 6102 weighs less than 4.5 kg (10 lb.), with the fluid. It’s lighter and smaller than most dry-wells, has a spill-proof lid, and is easier to carry than your lunch. You can take it where you need to go without carts or excessive effort. Micro-Baths can even be transported with the fluid in them. Wherever you go with your MicroBath, you can count on its performance. Each model is stable to ±0.03 °C or better, depending on the fluid you use. Uniformity is ±0.02 °C or better for low uncertainties using a reference thermometer. Display accuracy has been improved to ±0.25 °C for quick calibrations without a reference thermometer. In short, you get the stability and precision of a liquid bath in a dry-well-sized package. Don’t be fooled by competitors who pour oil into a dry-well and call it a bath. Hart 130 Industrial Micro-Baths are maximized for true fluidbath performance. With a 48 mm (1.9-inch) diameter, 140 mm (5.5-inch) deep tank, a MicroBath can calibrate any type of sensor including short, square, or odd-shaped sensors. The problems of fit and immersion are virtually eliminated by using a fluid medium rather than a dry-block calibrator. Micro-Baths are perfect for liquid-inglass and bimetal thermometers. The 6102 has a temperature range from 35 °C to 200 °C, the 7102 covers –5 °C to 125 °C, and the 7103 extends from –30 °C to 125 °C. Stability, uniformity, and accuracy specifications cover the entire range for each bath, not just the best temperature. All Micro-Baths have RS-232 ports, come with our Interface-it software, and can be used with Hart’s MET/TEMP II software (described on page 83). Also included are contacts to calibrate a thermal switch, eight set-point memory storage, ramp-rate adjust, and over-temperature safety cutout. You may have noticed we haven’t touted our CFC-free refrigeration. Yes, cold Micro-Baths are CFC-free, and also Micro-Baths 6102 7102 7103 35 °C to 200 °C (95 °F to 392 °F) –5 °C to 125 °C (23 °F to 257 °F) –30 °C to 125 °C (–22 °F to 257 °F) ±0.02 °C at 100 °C (oil 5013) ±0.03 °C at 200 °C (oil 5013) ±0.015 °C at –5 °C (oil 5010) ±0.03 °C at 121 °C (oil 5010) Specifications Range ±0.25 °C Accuracy Stability Uniformity ±0.02 °C Resolution 0.01 °C/°F ±0.03 °C at –25 °C (oil 5010) ±0.05 °C at 125 °C (oil 5010) 5 °C to 45 °C Operating Temperature Heating Time 25 °C to 200 °C: 40 minutes 25 °C to 100 °C: 30 minutes 25 °C to 100 °C: 35 minutes Cooling Time 200 °C to 100 °C: 35 minutes 25 °C to 0 °C: 30 minutes 25 °C to –20 °C: 45 minutes 64 mm dia. x 140 mm deep (2.5 x 5.5 in) (access opening is 48 mm [1.9 in] in diameter) Well Size 14 x 26 x 20 cm (5.5 x 10.38 x 8 in) 18 x 31 x 24 cm (7.2 x 12 x 9.5 in) 23 x 34 x 26 cm (9 x 13.2 x 10.5 in) Weight 4.5 kg (10 lb.) with fluid 6.8 kg (15 lb.) with fluid 9.8 kg (22 lb.) with fluid Volume 0.75 L (1.6 pints) 0.75 L (1.6 pints) 1.0 L (2.11 pints) 115 VAC (±10 %), 2.3 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 1.1 A, switchable, 50/60 Hz, 270 W 115 VAC (±10 %), 1.8 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 0.9 A, switchable, 50/60 Hz, 200 W 94–234 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 400 W Size (WxHxD) Power RS-232 included with free Interface-it software Computer Interface NIST-Traceable Calibration Data at 50 °C, 100 °C, 150 °C, and 200 °C Ordering Information - 6102 6102 2082-M 2083 5013-1L 9310 3320 Micro-Bath, 35 °C to 200 °C (includes a transport seal lid and a 2082-M test lid) Spare test lid 76 mm (3 in) tank extension adapter (affects stability, uniformity, and range at extreme temperatures) Silicone oil, type 200.20, 1 liter (usable range: 10 °C to 230 °C) Carrying Case Spare Stir Bar, Micro-Bath Data at –5 °C, 25 °C, 55 °C, 90 °C, and 121 °C Ordering Information - 7102 7102 2082-P 2083 5010-1L 9311 3320 Micro-Bath, –5 °C to 125 °C (includes a transport seal lid and a 2082-P test lid) Spare test lid 76 mm (3 in) tank extension adapter (affects stability, uniformity, and range at extreme temperatures) Silicone oil, type 200.05, 1 liter (usable range: –40 °C to 130 °C) Carrying Case Spare Stir Bar, Micro-Bath Data at –25 °C, 0 °C, 25 °C, 50 °C, 75 °C, 100 °C, and 125 °C Ordering Information - 7103 7103 2085 5010-1L 9317 3320 Micro-Bath, –30 °C to 125 °C (includes a transport seal lid and a 2085 test lid) Spare test lid Silicone oil, type 200.05, 1 liter (usable range: –40 °C to 130 °C) Carrying Case Spare Stir Bar, Micro-Bath 131 Eliminating sensor errors in loop calibrations Calibrating a loop is more than just 4 mA to 20 mA—Eliminating sensor errors in loop calibrations Temperature plays an important role in many industrial and commercial processes. Examples may include pharmaceutical sterilization, metal heattreatment, cold storage verification, and atmospheric and oceanographic research. In all temperature measurement applications, the sensor strongly affects the results. The majority of process temperature measurements are performed using a sensor, commonly an RTD or thermocouple, connected to a transmitter. See Figure 1 for a diagram of a typical temperature measurement system. Traditional process verification only considers calibration of the transmitter— ignoring the sensor. Although this method is more time efficient and convenient than performing a loop calibration, traditional process verification leaves out the sensor which is the largest contributor of error. Rosemount Inc. uses the following example to help customer’s understand the significant performance improvement possible when using a calibrated sensor. The Model 644H Smart Temperature Transmitter uses a calibrated or matched sensor that has unique calibration constants which characterize its performance throughout its temperature range. Table 1 shows the difference in accuracy between two identical IEC751 Pt100 sensors and the only difference between the two sensors is the calibration of the probe. Combining the capabilities of the Fluke744 Documenting Process Calibrator with Hart Scientific’s dry-wells or MicroBaths gives you ability test the entire loop. Below are some examples of how to use this equipment to get the most out of your temperature measurement and control loop. Figure 1. Diagram of a typical process temperature measurement system Simply connect the Fluke 744 to a Hart Scientific dry-well or Micro-Bath by way of a serial RS-232 interface cable (part number 211108). The 744 will control the dry-well to easily source the desired temperature with a single button press. This connection is pictured in Figure 2 below. Calibrating and adjusting 4-20 mA transmitter loops In many process applications, the instrumentation of choice for temperature measurements is a transmitter that accepts the output from the temperature sensor and drives a 4-20 mA signal back to the PLC, DCS, or indicator. To test this type of measurement loop, the RTD sensor is removed from the process and inserted into the dry-block calibrator. The mA connections from the transmitter are connected directly to the Documenting Process Calibrator. See Figure 2 for an example of this test configuration. Once connections are made, you can use the Fluke 744 to set the test Table 1. System Accuracy Comparison Measuring 150 °C Using A Pt100 (IEC751) RTD with a transmitter Span of 0 to 200 °C Standard RTD Characterized RTD Rosemount Model 644H ±0.15 °C Rosemount Model 644H ±0.15 °C Standard RTD ±1.05 °C Matched (Calibrated) RTD ±0.18 °C Total System ±1.06 °C Total System ±0.23 °C Total System Accuracy calculated using RSS statistical method 132 Industrial Figure 2. Hart Scientific 9141 and Fluke 744 calibrating a 4-20 mA transmitter and temperature sensor Eliminating sensor errors in loop calibrations Summary Using a dry-well in combination with a process calibrator allows measurement systems to be verified and adjusted to optimize measurement performance. By verifying the entire measurement system, unique characteristics of the sensor can be combined with the measurement electronics to minimize measurement error. This can result in a significant reduction in measurement errors. The Fluke 744 Documenting Process Calibrator combined with a Hart Scientific dry-well makes this process faster and easier. parameters for an automated test and collect as found data. Figure 3 gives an example of typical test data. Figure 4. Figure 3. After collecting as found data, you can make an adjustment at the zero and span values to get the as left data. The zero (Lower Range Value, LRV) or span (Upper Range Value, URV) values are measured by the 744. If you’re using a transmitter with HART communication capabilities, the 744 can allow you to make these adjustments directly. With an analog transmitter, you will need to mechanically adjust the zero and span when sourcing the appropriate temperature values. Calibrating and adjusting measurement systems using characterized sensors and calibration constants More recent transmitter designs feature correction or linearization algorithms that can accommodate calibrated temperature sensors. For example, Platinum RTDs typically use the Callendar-Van Dusen (CVD) equation for linearizing the sensor’s output. Another method of reducing uncertainty in measurement systems is to characterize the temperature sensor, calculate correction coefficients, and load these correction coefficients into the transmitter. The Fluke 744 connected with a drywell can collect the sensor resistance or voltage information to characterize the sensor. Hart Scientific’s TableWare allows you to enter in the sensor data and calculates the calibration coefficients (see Figures 4 and 5). The coefficients calculated from TableWare are then entered into the transmitter. The transmitter is able to linearize the data to match the characteristics of the probe. Figure 6. Figure 5. 133 Field Dry-Wells Hart dry-wells are easy to calibrate. You don’t even have to open the case. This means less maintenance costs and less down time when they do need calibration. Our Interface-it software lets you adjust set-points and ramp rates, log drywell readings to a file, create an electronic strip chart, and perform thermal switch testing with data collection. The software is written for Windows and has a great graphical interface. Regardless of whether you want basic software or a completely automated calibration system, we’ve got what you want. Read about all our great packages starting on page 82. Every dry-well we ship is tested at our factory, and every unit comes with a NIST-traceable calibration. There’s no extra charge for the report, because we consider it an essential ingredient in our quality program. You shouldn’t have to pay extra for calibration procedures we perform anyway. 9103 ● Lightweight and very portable ● Accuracy to ±0.25 °C ● RS-232 and Interface-it software included ● Easy to recalibrate If you’ve been using dry-well calibrators for field work, you know there’s a lot more to a dry-well than its temperature range and stability. Size, weight, speed, convenience, and software are also significant. Field dry-wells need to be portable, flexible, and suitable for high-volume calibrations or certifications. If they’re not, you’ll soon forget about the great stuff the sales rep told you and realize what you’ve really bought. At Hart Scientific, we use dry-wells every day in our manufacturing and calibration work, and we know what makes a dry-well easy and productive to use— which is exactly how users describe our series of field dry-wells. These dry-wells work for you instead of the other way around. These three units beat every other comparable dry-well in the industry in performance, size, weight, convenience, ease of calibration, software, and price. In addition, the heating and cooling rate of each of these dry-wells is adjustable from the front panel, thermal switches can be checked for actuation testing, and multiple-hole inserts are available for a variety of probe sizes. The 9103 covers below-ambient temperatures as low as –25 °C. The 9103 is stable to ±0.02 °C, and its display is calibrated to an accuracy of ±0.25 °C at all temperatures within its range. In just eight minutes, 0 °C is reached, and 100 °C is reached in six minutes, so your time is spent calibrating—not waiting. The 9103 reaches temperatures 50 °C below ambient, so –25 °C is reached under normal ambient conditions. Our competitors like to advertise their units as reaching –45 °C when they really mean –45 °C below ambient, which typically means it will go to –20 °C. Our unit does not require you to work in a walk-in freezer to achieve its full advertised range. Choose one of three removable inserts sized for probes from 1/16 inch to 1/2 inch in diameter. Insert A handles a full range of probe sizes with a single well of each size. Insert B features two wells each of 3/8, 1/4, and 3/16 inches in Interchangeable Insert Options Insert “A” 1/16" (1.6 mm) 1/2" (12.7 mm) Insert “B” 1/4" (6.35 mm) 3/8' (9.5 mm) Insert “C” 1/4" ( 6.35 mm) 3/8" (9.5 mm) Insert “D” 3 mm 6 mm 6 mm 1/4" (6.35 mm) 3/16" (4.8 mm) 1/8" (3.2 mm) 3/16" (4.8 mm) 4 mm When ordering, replace the “X” in the model number with the appropriate insert letter. Order additional inserts as your applications require. 134 Industrial 4 mm 3 mm Field Dry-Wells 9103 9140 9141 –25 °C to 140 °C (–13 °F to 284 °F) at 23 °C ambient 35 °C to 350 °C (95 °F to 662 °F) 50 °C to 650 °C (122 °F to 1202 °F) Accuracy ±0.25 °C ±0.5 °C (holes greater than 1/4" [6.35 mm]: ±1 °C) ±0.5 °C to 400 °C; ±1.0 °C to 650 °C (holes greater than 1/4": ±2 °C) Stability ±0.02 °C at –25 °C ±0.04 °C at 140 °C ±0.03 °C at 50 °C ±0.05 °C at 350 °C ±0.05 °C at 100 °C ±0.12 °C at 500 °C ±0.12 °C at 650 °C ±0.1 °C between similarly sized wells ±0.1 °C with similarly sized wells ±0.1 °C below 400 °C, ±0.5 °C above 400 °C with similarly sized wells Heating Times 18 minutes from ambient to 140 °C 12 minutes from ambient to 350 °C 12 minutes from ambient to 650 °C Cooling Times 20 minutes from ambient to –25 °C 15 minutes from 350 °C to 100 °C 25 minutes from 650 °C to 100 °C Specifications Range Well-to-Well Uniformity Stabilization Time 7 minutes Immersion Depth 124 mm (4.875") Insert A, B, C, or D included (specify when ordering) Inserts 31.8 mm dia. x 124 mm (1.25 x 4.88 in) Outside Insert Dimensions RS-232 included with free Interface-it software (Model 9930) Computer Interface Power Size (WxHxD) Weight NIST-Traceable Certificate 28.5 mm dia. x 124 mm (1.12 x 4.88 in) 115 VAC (±10 %), 1.3 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 0.7 A, switchable, 50/60 Hz, 150 W 115 VAC (±10 %), 4.4 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 2.2 A, switchable, 50/60 Hz, 500 W 115 VAC (±10 %), 8.8 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 4.4 A, switchable, 50/60 Hz, 1000 W 143 x 261 x 245 mm (5.63 x 10.25 x 9.63 in) 152 x 86 x 197 mm (6 x 3.375 x 7.75 in) 109 x 236 x 185 mm (4.3 x 9.3 x 7.3 in) 5.7 kg (12 lb.) 2.7 kg (6 lb.) 3.6 kg (8 lb.) Data at –25 °C, 0 °C, 25 °C, 50 °C, 75 °C, 100 °C, and 140 ° Data at 50 °C, 100 °C, 150 °C, 200 °C, 250 °C, 300 °C, and 350 °C Data at 100 °C, 200 °C, 300 °C, 400 °C, 500 °C, and 600 °C diameter for doing comparison calibrations. Insert C has six 1/4-inch-diameter wells for multiple probe calibrations, and Insert D has three pairs of metric sized wells. 9140 The 9140 has a temperature range of 35 °C to 350 °C, and it reaches its maximum temperature in 12 minutes. At six pounds, it’s small enough to easily carry in one hand. It’s truly a unique innovation in dry-wells. The unit has a stability of ±0.05 °C or better and a uniformity of at least 0.4 °C in the largest-diameter wells and 0.1 °C in the smaller wells. Despite its small size, this unit performs. Use the display, calibrated to ±0.5 °C, as your reference, or use an external thermometer for maximum calibration accuracy. With three removable inserts to choose from, the 9140 is as versatile as it is fast. 9141 Here’s an upright unit you’re going to love. It does calibrations up to 650 °C, weighs only eight pounds, and heats up to 650 °C in only 12 minutes—12! This dry-well does everything but get legs and walk to the job for you. (And we’re working on one that does that too.) This four-inch-wide dry-well is amazing. You can control all functions from the front panel or hook it up to your PC with its built-in RS-232 port. And just like the 9140, it works with all of our software described on page 82. It has three removable well inserts available, an optional carrying case, a NIST-traceable calibration, and the best price in the industry. Ordering Information 9103-X Dry-Well (specify X, X = A, B, C, or D included insert) 3103-1 Insert, blank 3103-2 Insert A 3103-3 Insert B 3103-4 Insert C 3103-6 Insert D 9316 Rugged Carrying Case 9140-X Dry-Well (specify X, X = A, B, C, or D included insert) 3140-1 Insert, blank 3140-2 Insert A 3140-3 Insert B 3140-4 Insert C 3140-6 Insert D 9308 Rugged Carrying Case 9141-X Dry-Well (specify X, X = A, B, C, or D included insert) 3141-1 Insert, blank 3141-2 Insert A 3141-3 Insert B 3141-4 Insert C 3141-6 Insert D 9309 Rugged Carrying Case 135 A few dry-well dos and don’ts... Reprinted from Random News In the world of industrial temperature calibration, few instruments are as valuable as a good dry-well calibrator. Drywells offer portability, durability, accuracy, and stability for a wide range of industrial calibration applications. They are also very convenient, have a quick response, and are easy to use. Because dry-wells can be so durable and reliable, we can sometimes forget how important it is to invest in their proper care and maintenance. A good dry-well calibrator can cost thousands of dollars to purchase, so a little time and effort to keep it in proper working condition is usually well worth it. Over the years, our technicians have encountered odd cases of service and repair ranging from simple misunderstandings of how a dry-well works to complete misuse and abuse. The following list of Dos and Don’ts were derived from these actual cases, which we’ve lumped into five categories. First things first Do... ... read the User Guide and become familiar with the instrument’s features and controller settings. Features vary from one dry-well to another. You may discover the dry-well can do things that may save you a lot of time. ...learn what “normal” operation of the dry-well is, so you can recognize whether it is acting “abnormal.” Read the instrument’s specifications to understand the typical heating/cooling 136 Industrial times, stability and accuracy specifications, typical overshoot, etc. ...verify the dry-well is in spec before using it, especially after it has been shipped, transported, or has been in storage for a long period of time. ... make periodic checks a part of your routine to ensure the dry-well is reading and controlling accurately. ...make sure the dry-well’s calibration constants match the values listed on the most recent Report of Calibration if it does not appear to be in spec. Don’t... ...attempt to change any controller settings, such as Scan Rate, Proportional Band, Approach, and Cut-out, without understanding what affect they have on instrument performance. ...assume the dry-well readings are always correct (see “periodic checks” above). Even though they are very durable and reliable, dry-wells can go out of calibration if not handled or cared for properly. Use as intended Do... ...use the correct voltage supply. Some dry-wells come with “universal” power supplies that can be used from 94 VAC to 230 VAC, but many are still dedicated to a single voltage. ...allow adequate ventilation and air flow around the dry-well, especially when operating at extreme temperatures. Placing other instruments or objects too close to the dry-well can cause inadequate air flow and prevent the dry-well from performing well. ...remove any ice/frost build-up regularly when operating at cold temperatures. Set the dry-well to a “hot” temperature regularly to evaporate any moisture that may be present in the wells. Don’t... ...attach external devices such as cooling fans in an attempt to improve performance. Changing the air flow may adversely affect the instrument’s calibration and stability. a dry-well at sub-freezing temperatures for extended periods of time (to prevent ice/frost build-up). Watch those inserts! Do... ...clean any debris from sensors and inserts prior to inserting them into wells. Inserts are designed to fit snugly to maximize thermal conductivity. Even a very small particle can cause an insert to become stuck. ...regularly remove oxidation or other build-up from inserts and wells. Use a Scotch-Brite pad or other fine abrasive material to clean them. ...use the provided insert removal tool to remove inserts from the wells. ...use proper personal protective equipment when removing extremely hot or cold inserts. ...remove inserts and probes from the wells when storing the dry-well for long periods. ...remove and dispose of any thermal grease (if used) from inserts and wells frequently. (Note that dry-wells are designed to be used dry and the use of thermal grease is not recommended.) Thermal grease can break down in a short time and effectively glue the inserts to the well. Don’t... ...twist or rotate the dry-well’s block to accommodate specific needs. This may cause the heater and/or internal sensor wires to break. ...drop, pound, or force inserts or sensors into the wells. ...introduce foreign objects into the wells, including food-yes, food. ...use inserts that are not made of the same type of metal as the block, unless specified by the manufacturer. Dissimilar metals expand and contract at different rates. Metals also melt at unique temperatures. A few dry-well dos and don’ts... ...attempt to use homemade inserts. Custom inserts are available and are relatively inexpensive. ...use oil or other fluids to attempt to increase thermal conductivity. Many dry-wells do not have sealed wells, and the fluids can leak into the drywell and destroy the heaters, insulation, fans, and possibly the electronics. Transportation Do... ...use the handle provided to lift and carry the dry-well. ...remove inserts, external sensors, and other objects from the wells during transport. ...use adequate packaging materials when shipping the dry-well. Consider using a padded carrying case. Don’t... ...attempt to disassemble and repair the dry-well yourself. Most dry-wells contain non-serviceable parts. Don’t... ...drop, run over, or violently shake (or vibrate) the dry-well. Dry-wells may be durable, but don’t push it (and remember, the internal control sensor is still subject to mechanical shock). ...immerse the dry-well in any fluids or liquids. It’s a dry-well. Preventative maintenance and calibration Do... ...keep your dry-well clean. You can generally use compressed air to remove dust, dirt, and other debris from the fans, electronics, and the wells. Remember to protect yourself with appropriate clothing and eye protection. ...clean your inserts and wells regularly, as mentioned above. ...calibrate the dry-well on a regular interval, if required. the nearest service center for information on how to get your drywell serviced and/or calibrated by trained, knowledgeable technicians. ... change the controller’s calibration constants from the values indicated on the most recent Report of Calibration. ...attempt to perform a calibration without becoming familiar with how to do it or without the proper equipment. Read the appropriate sections of the User Guide for more information on performing calibrations. 137 Industrial Dual-Block Calibrator Two blocks in one unit, a total range of –15 °C to 350 °C, portability, durability, versatility, performance, and automation. Hart Scientific delivers it all. The 9009 is built into a small, lightweight, rugged enclosure that holds everything you need and comes in black or yellow. 9009 Calibration Wells Removable insert sleeves 1/2" O.D. x 4" deep (13 mm x 102 mm) Each block contains two wells, which accept removable inserts. A 1/4” and a 3/16” insert are included for each block. Additional sizes (including custom sizes) are available. ● Temperatures from –15 °C to 350 °C in one unit ● Two wells in each block for simultaneous comparison calibrations ● Rugged, lightweight, watertight enclosure Hart’s 9009 Industrial Dual-Block Calibrator lets you calibrate at hot and cold temperatures at the same time. Double your productivity or cut your calibration time in half—either way you look at it, your infield temperature calibrations just got easier. The 9009 includes two independently controlled temperature blocks. The hot block provides temperatures from 50 °C to 350 °C, while the cold block covers the range –15 °C to 110 °C. Each block is controlled by a precision Hart Scientific temperature controller. These aren’t some off-the-shelf controllers we glued into a box. These are Hart Scientific controllers from the leading temperature company in the world. Each temperature block includes two wells with removable inserts. You can calibrate four probes at once, or you can calibrate two probes at the same time with an external reference (like Hart’s 1521 Little Lord Kelvin Thermometer on page 54), or you can use the two temperature wells to get quick “zero” and “span” references for transmitter calibrations. 138 Industrial Need portability and durability? The 9009 is housed in a tough Pelican™ case that is both airtight and watertight. It’s a small package weighing only 10 pounds, yet it fits everything you need, including a power cord and four extra inserts. Inserts are available to accommodate sensors of any size from 1/16" (1.6 mm) to 7/16” (11.1 mm). This rugged system can go anywhere. Of course, the 9009 also delivers the performance you expect from a Hart Scientific temperature source. The cold block is calibrated to within ±0.2 °C with stability of ±0.05 °C. The hot block’s display is accurate to ±0.6 °C with stability of ±0.05 °C. A NIST-traceable calibration is included for each of the two test blocks. For use with automated systems, the 9009 comes with an RS-232 connection and our Model 9930 Interface-it software, which allows you to control and monitor temperatures from your PC. For completely automated calibrations, Hart’s MET/TEMP II software (page 83) also integrates with the 9009. Industrial Dual-Block Calibrator Hot Block Cold Block 50 °C to 350 °C (122 °F to 662 °F) –15 °C to 110 °C (5 °F to 230 °F) (–8 °C [18 °F] with hot block at 350 °C [662 °F]) Specifications Range ±0.6 °C Accuracy ±0.2 °C ±0.05 °C Stability ±0.1 °C Well-to-Well Uniformity 0.1 ° Display Resolution Heating Times 10 minutes from 25 °C to 350 °C Cooling Times 30 minutes from 350 °C to 100 °C 15 minutes from 25 °C to 110 °C 16 minutes from 25 °C to –15 °C 8 minutes Stabilization Times 4" (102 mm) Well Depth Removable Inserts Two 6.4 mm (1/4 in) and two 4.8 mm (3/16 in) inserts included; see Ordering Information for other available inserts Computer Interface RS-232 included with free Interface-it software Power 115 VAC (±10 %), 3 A, or 230 VAC (±10 %), 2 A, specify, 50/60 Hz, 280 W Size (HxWxD) 178 x 267 x 248 mm (7 x 10.5 x 9.75 in) 4.5 kg (10 lb.) Weight NIST-Traceable Calibration Data at 50 °C, 100 °C, 150 °C, 200 °C, 250 °C, 300 °C, and 350 °C Ordering Information 9009-X 3102-0 3102-1 3102-2 3102-3 3102-4 3102-5 3102-6 3102-7 3102-8 Industrial Dual-Block Dry-Well (X = case color. Specify “B” for black or “Y” for yellow.) Includes two 1/4 in (6.4 mm) and two 3/16 in (4.8 mm) inserts. Insert, Blank Insert, 1/16 in (1.6 mm) Insert, 1/8 in (3.2 mm) Insert, 3/16 in (4.8 mm) Insert, 1/4 in (6.4 mm) Insert, 5/16 in (7.9 mm) Insert, 3/8 in (9.5 mm) Insert, 7/16 in (11.1 mm) Insert, 5/32 in (4 mm) Data at –8 °C, 0 °C, 25 °C, 50 °C, 75 °C, 100 °C, and 110 °C Maximum accuracy To get the most accurate calibrations possible from a dry-well calibrator, you should use an external reference thermometer. If, however, you are not using an external reference, there are a few important things you should keep in mind. First, you are using a reference. You’re comparing the reading of your test probe against the display of the dry-well. The dry-well display is based on its own control sensor, usually located at the bottom of the well. Therefore, to make the best comparison, your test probe should be inserted to the same depth as the control sensor. This was the method used when the drywell’s display was calibrated at the factory. Second, your test probe should fit snugly into one of the test wells. Again, this is how it was originally calibrated at the factory. If your probe is too loose, thermal contact is poor and a large error has been introduced. Custom inserts are available to help solve this problem. Third, you should not introduce fluids into the wells of a dry-block in an attempt to improve thermal contact. It is too dangerous. If thermal contact is so poor that you’re thinking about doing this, consider buying a fluid bath instead. Micro-Baths are available that are just as portable and easy to use as dry-wells. The point is that the accuracy specs of your dry-well are based upon how the manufacturer calibrates it. If you’re relying on those specs, you need to use the drywell the same way they do—with a good, snug fit at the bottom of the well. 139 High-Accuracy Dual-Well Calibrator 3/16" (4.8 mm) Cold Block 1/8" (3.2 mm) Hot Block Removable Insert Well 1.25" (32 mm) I.D. 1/4" (6.35 mm) Removable Insert Well 1.45" (37 mm) I.D. 3/16" (4.8 mm) Insert “A” 1/4" (6.35 mm) 1/16" (1.6 mm) 1/2" (12.7 mm) 3/8" (9.5 mm) 3/16" (4.8 mm) 1/8" (3.2 mm) Insert “B” 1/4" (6.35 mm) 3/16" (4.8 mm) 3/8" (9.5 mm) 3/8" (9.5 mm) 3/16" (4.8 mm) 1/4" (6.35 mm) ● Combined ranges for calibrating from –30 °C to 670 °C; one unit—two blocks ● Two independent temperature controllers (hot and cold side) ● Stability to ±0.02 °C ● Multi-hole wells calibrate up to eight probes simultaneously To give you the widest temperature range available in a dry-well calibrator, we’ve combined two of our most popular units. The 9011 allows temperature probes to be calibrated from –30 °C to 670 °C in a single unit. The 9011 features two independently controlled temperature wells, which makes calibrating RTDs and thermocouples faster than ever. While readings are being taken at one temperature, the other well can be ramping up or down to the next point. Checking the zero and span points of temperature transmitters is a breeze. The cold block can even be used as a zero-point reference for a thermocouple making measurements in the hot block. The 9011 is a high-accuracy unit that is capable of laboratory as well as field calibrations. Stabilities to ±0.02 °C are possible, and display accuracy is better than ±0.25 °C. Using multi-hole interchangeable inserts, you can calibrate more probes at the same time. With a single RS-232 port for both wells, you can automate your calibration work and be even more efficient. Add on Hart’s 140 Industrial 9938 MET/TEMP II software and totally automate your calibrations of RTDs, thermocouples, and thermistors. Every dry-well we ship from the factory includes a full NIST-traceable calibration report with test data for each well at each point. There’s no extra charge for the report or the test readings from your unit. We also include your choice of multi-hole inserts. If you don’t find one that suits your applications, we’ll provide a blank sleeve or have a custom one made. At Hart, we continually develop new industrial calibration tools that make your work easier and better. We gave you the first handheld dry-well, the first MicroBath, and now we’re giving you the widest ranging dry-well available. Whatever your temperature application, Hart has a solution. Insert “C” 1/4" (6.35 mm) Cold block insert shown (Hot block “C” insert includes eight 1/4" wells) Insert “D” 3 mm 4 mm 6 mm 6 mm 4 mm 3 mm High-Accuracy Dual-Well Calibrator Hot Block Cold Block 50 °C to 670 °C (122 °F to 1238 °F) –30 °C to 140 °C (–22 °F to 284 °F) Accuracy ±0.2 °C at 50 °C ±0.4 °C at 400 °C ±0.65 °C at 600 °C ±0.25 °C (insert wells) ±0.65 °C (fixed wells) Stability ±0.02 °C at 100 °C ±0.06 °C at 600 °C ±0.02 °C at –30 °C ±0.04 °C at 140 °C Uniformity ±0.2 °C (±0.05 °C typical) ±0.05 °C (insert wells) ±0.25 °C (fixed wells) Well Depth 152 mm (6 in) 124 mm (4.875 in) Specifications Range 30 minutes 15 minutes 120 minutes from 660 °C to 100 °C 30 minutes from 140 °C to –30 °C 1 interchangeable well accommodates multi-hole insert 1 interchangeable well accommodates multi-hole insert, plus four outer wells, 1/4", 3/16", 3/16", and 1/8" Heating Time to Max. Cooling Times Well Inserts RS-232 interface included with Model 9930 Interface-it control software Computer Interface 115 VAC (±10 %), 10 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 5 A, switchable, 50/60 Hz, 1150 W Power 292 x 394 x 267 mm (11.5 x 15.5 x 10.5 in) Size (HxWxD) 16.4 kg (36 lb.) Weight NIST-Traceable Certificate (8 points) Data at 50 °C, 100 °C, 200 °C, 300 °C, 400 °C, 500 °C, 600 °C, and 660 °C Ordering Information 9011-X High-Accuracy Dual-Well Calibrator (specify X, X = A, B, C, or D included insert) 3109-0 Insert, Blank (Hot Side) 3109-1 Insert A, Miscellaneous (Hot Side) 3109-2 Insert B, Comparison (Hot Side) 3109-3 Insert C, Eight 1/4 in Wells (Hot Side) 3109-4 Insert D, Comparison - Metric (Hot Side) 3103-1 Insert, Blank (Cold Side) 3103-2 Insert A, Miscellaneous (Cold Side) 3103-3 Insert B, Comparison (Cold Side) 3103-4 Insert C, Six 1/4 in Wells (Cold Side) 3103-6 Insert D, Comparison - Metric (Cold Side) 2125-C IEEE-488 Interface (RS-232 to IEEE-488 converter box) 9319 Large Instrument Case Data at –30 °C, 0 °C, 25 °C, 50 °C, 75 °C, 100 °C, 125 °C, and 140 °C The sometimes subtle art of specsmanship “Specsmanship” is the careful wording of performance specifications to provide the expectation of better performance than practically achievable. We see this often as we work with customers who are comparing our products against others. Hart’s philosophy is to provide meaningful, clearly written specifications that provide verifiable and guaranteed performance. Unfortunately, all manufacturers don’t seem to share our approach, particularly when it comes to heat sources such as baths and dry-wells. Here are some terms to watch out for: “Typical” or “best” - While “typical” or “best” specifications may provide useful information, they offer no guarantee that the unit you buy is “typical” or capable of providing the “best” performance as listed. For calibration applications, worst-case or guaranteed performance specifications are required that include all natural variations in the product. “Typical” or “best” specifications are fine if accompanied by a guaranteed specification. If they’re not, be sure you ask! “Relative” accuracy - “Relative” accuracy specs attempt to remove errors associated with the test standards or reference thermometers used in a heat source. This assumes that references contribute no measurement errors—an impossibility! Some may argue that “relative” specs allow the customer to add the error of their reference to obtain a complete specification unique to their situation. And we would agree, but the fact that the specification excludes these errors is too often relegated to the fine print and is simply misleading to less-informed readers. One thing’s for sure. You can’t directly compare “relative” specs to “absolute” specs, since the components of “relative” specs comprise a subset of the components of “absolute” specs. “Comprehensive evaluation reports” - Evaluation reports are a very important method of determining the performance of a unit or sample of units. Evaluation reports can be misleading, however, if they are used to infer the performance of an entire population of instruments, or more importantly, the unit you are purchasing. Evaluation reports only provide information regarding the units that were evaluated and the conditions present during the evaluation. It takes extensive engineering analysis to use this information to produce a specification of performance that applies to all units being produced. Be sure whatever specs you rely on are the ones the manufacturer guarantees and will stand behind. If you ever have a question about Hart’s specifications, please talk to us and we’ll gladly help you understand the performance you can expect from our products. 141 Handheld Dry-Wells Increase dry-well performance with a reference thermometer 2 ● Smallest dry-wells in the world ● Proprietary Hart Scientific controller ● Accuracy to ±0.25 °C, stability of ±0.05 °C at 0 °C ● RS-232 interface with Hart Interface-it software Hart’s line of portable dry-wells is incredible. They’re the smallest, lightest, and most portable dry-wells in the world. And now they’re better than ever! To increase the performance of a block calibrator and the accuracy level of your calibrations, add a reference thermometer to your system. The Tweener Thermometers and Handheld Thermometers on pages 52–56 can bring your NISTtraceable uncertainty from ±0.5 °C to ±0.05 °C. Using a comparison technique, users insert both the test and reference probe into the same block at the same time, which yields a much better calibration. Both probes, if inserted at the same depth with similar size and diameters, will be sensing more of the same temperature than a single probe inserted and compared to the sensor that feeds the display. Tweener and Handheld Thermometers are used with a high-accuracy reference PRT or thermistor calibrated to the ITS-90 scale and included with a certificate and calibration coefficients. We designed many of our field calibrators with removable insert sleeves that have multiple holes drilled for use with a reference thermometer system. ±0.25 °C to ±0.5 °C and stability ranges from ±0.07 °C to ±0.3 °C, depending on set-point temperature. 9102S Dry-Well 9100S Dry-Well Since we introduced the world’s first truly handheld dry-well, many have tried to duplicate it. Despite its small size (57 mm [2¼ in] high and 127 mm [5 in] wide) and light weight, the 9100S outperforms every dry-well in its class in the world. It’s simple and convenient, too. Anyone can learn to use one in less than 15 minutes. It has a range to 375 °C (707 °F) and is perfect for checking RTDs, thermocouples, and small bimetal thermometers in the field. Plug it in, switch it on, set the temperature with the front-panel buttons, and insert your probe into the properly sized well. Compare the reading of your device to the display temperature or to an external reference, and the difference is the error in your device. With a proprietary Hart Scientific temperature controller, the 9100S has a display resolution of 0.1 degrees. Display accuracy ranges from 142 Industrial For work in the temperature range of –10 °C to 122 °C, Hart’s Model 9102S dry-well is another first in the industry, featuring display accuracy of ±0.25 °C. This dry-well is only four inches high and six inches wide, achieves temperatures as low as –10 °C, includes a NISTtraceable calibration, and is stable to ±0.05 °C. The Model 9102S is excellent for dial gauges, digital thermometers, bulb switches, and other sensors that need calibration below ambient. The 9102S has two wells so you can use one for a reference thermometer to increase accuracy. Both wells are 12.7 mm (1/2 in) in diameter, and each has inserts available for almost any sensor size. The 9102S also has a battery pack option that gives you approximately four hours of field use when AC power is unavailable. Model 9102S shown with battery pack, which includes a battery, carrying bag, cables, and charger. Take the 9100S anywhere. It’s the smallest dry-well in the world. Handheld Dry-Wells 9100S 9102S 35 °C to 375 °C (95 °F to 707 °F) –10 °C to 122 °C (14 °F to 252 °F) at 23 °C ambient Specifications Range Accuracy ±0.25 °C at 50 °C; ±0.25 °C at 100 °C; ±0.5 °C at 375 °C ±0.25 °C Stability ±0.07 °C at 50 °C; ±0.1 °C at 100 °C; ±0.3 °C at 375 °C ±0.05 °C ±0.2 °C with sensors of similar size at equal depths within wells Well-to-Well Uniformity ambient to 375 °C: 9.5 minutes Heating Times 7 minutes 375 °C to 100 °C: 16 minutes ambient to 0 °C: 10 minutes 102 mm (4 in); 1.6 mm (1/16 in) hole is 89 mm (3.5 in) deep 102 mm (4 in) N/A Available in sizes from 1.6 mm (1/16 in) to 11.1 mm (7/16 in) [6.4 mm (1/4 in) and 4.8 mm (3/16 in) included] 115 VAC (±10 %), 1.5 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 0.8 A, specify, 50/60 Hz, 175 W 94-234 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 60 W; or 12 VDC 57 x 125 x 150 mm (2.25 x 4.9 x 5.9 in) 99 x 140 x 175 mm (3.9 x 5.5 x 6.9 in) 1 kg (2 lb. 3 oz.) 1.8 kg (4 lb.) Cooling Times Well Depth Removable Inserts Power ambient to 100 °C: 10 minutes 5 minutes Stabilization Size (HxWxD) Weight RS-232 included with free Interface-it software Computer Interface Data at 50 °C, 100 °C, 150 °C, 200 °C, 250 °C, 300 °C, and 375 °C NIST-Traceable Calibration Data at –10 °C, 0 °C, 25 °C, 50 °C, 75 °C, 100 °C, and 122 °C 9100S Fixed-Block Options Block “A” Block “B” Block “C” Block “D” 1/4" (6.4 mm) 1/8" (3.2 mm) 3 mm 3/16" (4.8 mm) 3/8" (9.5 mm) 5/32" (4 mm) 6 mm 1/2" (12.7 mm) (accepts 9102S inserts) 3/16" (4.8 mm) 6 mm 3/16" (4.8 mm) 3/16" (4.8 mm) 1/16" (1.6 mm) 4 mm 1/8" (3.2 mm) 1/4" (6.4 mm) 4 mm 3 mm 9100S fixed-block options. Order number 9100S-A, 9100S-B, 9100S-C, or 9100S-D for the desired block option. 9102S Calibration Wells Removable insert sleeves 1/2" O.D. x 4" deep (13 mm x 102 mm) Ordering Information - 9100S 9100S-A 9100S-B 9100S-C 9100S-D 9300 HDRC Handheld Dry-Well A HDRC Handheld Dry-Well B HDRC Handheld Dry-Well C HDRC Handheld Dry-Well D Rugged Carrying Case Ordering Information - 9102S 9102S 3102-0 3102-1 3102-2 3102-3 3102-4 3102-5 3102-6 3102-7 3102-8 9308 HDRC Handheld Dry-Well Insert, blank Insert, 1/16 in (1.6 mm) Insert, 1/8 in (3.2 mm) Insert, 3/16 in (4.8 mm) Insert, 1/4 in (6.4 mm) Insert, 5/16 in (7.9 mm) Insert, 3/8 in (9.5 mm) Insert, 7/16 in (11.1 mm) Insert, 5/32 in (4 mm) Carrying Case 9102S block configuration. Instrument includes 1/4" and 3/16" inserts. Order additional sizes as needed. 143 Zero-Point Dry-Well Specifications Temperature Range 0 °C (32 °F) Stability ±0.005 °C Total Instrument Error ±0.02 °C, typical; ±0.05 °C max. (18–25 °C ambient) Stabilization Time Approx. 30 minutes (the ready lamp indicates stable control at 0 °C) Temperature Coefficient ±0.005 °C/ °C amb. Size (HxWxD) 311 x 216 x 150 mm (12.25 x 8.5 x 6 in) Power 115 VAC (±10 %), 1 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 0.5 A, specify, 50/60 Hz, 125 W Well Dimensions 2 wells 6.4 mm dia. x 152 mm D (0.25 x 6 in), 1 well 7 mm dia. x 152 mm D (0.28 x 6 in). Includes one set of telescoping inserts to provide various smaller diameters Weight 5.4 kg (12 lb.) 2 ● Bath-quality stability in a portable ice-point reference ● Easy recalibration for long-term reliability ● Ready light frees user’s time and attention ● Solid-state cooling technology Have you been thinking about buying a zero-point dry-well? Forget those uglylooking units the competition makes. You can get a great looking and great performing zero-point dry-well from Hart Scientific. The Hart 9101 has three test wells for inserting more than one probe at a time. All three wells are stable to ±0.005 °C. One well accommodates changeable inserts for varying probe diameters. The Model 9101 takes advantage of the latest solid-state cooling technology rather than relying on older, less reliable sealed-water-cell devices. This eliminates the possibility that the sealed water cell will freeze and burst while transporting the unit to field locations. And our solid-state cooler is run by an adjustable electronic controller that can be recalibrated in your lab for convenient recertification. Simply place a certified standards thermometer in one of the wells and, if needed, tweak the 9101 controller until the standards thermometer reaches equilibrium at 0 °C. Since the unit is completely selfcontained and doesn’t require any user settings, you can run it on demand for 144 Industrial NIST-Traceable Data at 0 °C Calibration Ordering Information 9101 instant access to an accurate, traceable zero point. Set it up with the reference junction of a thermocouple for high-accuracy thermocouple measurements. Less costly than refrigerated baths, more accurate and less problematic than ice baths, and more durable and better looking than competitive units using sealed-water cells, the Hart 9101 ZeroPoint Dry-Well is a great choice for any calibration lab! 2130 9325 Zero-Point Dry-Well (includes one set of telescoping inserts to provide various smaller diameters) Spare Well-Sizing Tube Set Rugged Carrying Case Keep it clean! Be sure to keep those dry-well inserts and blocks clean. They’ll perform better and be easier to use (not to mention they’ll look better). As needed, you should: ● ● ● Clean off any oxidation that has built up in the dry-well block or on an insert. Oxidation can make inserts difficult to remove. It can also cause probes not to fit properly. This oxidation occurs more rapidly at higher temperatures and in humid environments. It will clean up nicely with a Hart 2037 Dry-Well Cleaning Kit. Remove any foreign substances in the wells that can make operation difficult. Never intentionally put a foreign substance into a dry-well. Not only can you make probes and inserts difficult to remove, but you may also cause damage to the unit. If you’re tempted to pour a fluid into a dry-well, stop. Give us a call and we’ll set you up with a proper fluid bath. Clean probes before inserting them into the dry-well as a preventative measure. Thermocouple Furnace Specifications ● Low-cost thermocouple furnace ● NIST-traceable calibration included ● RS-232 port standard Temperature Range 150 °C to 1200 °C (302 °F to 2192 °F) Display Resolution 0.1 ° to 999.9 ° 1 ° above 1000 ° Stability ±0.5 °C Display Accuracy ±5 °C Well Diameter 1.25" (32 mm) Well Depth 140 mm (5.5 in); (101 mm [4 in] removable insert plus 38 mm [1.5 in] insulator) Heating Time 35 minutes to 1200 °C Cooling Time 140 minutes with block Well-to-Well Uniformity ±0.5 °C to ±1.0 °C (Insert “C” at 1200 °C) Stabilization 20 minutes Power 115 VAC (±10 %), 10.5 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 5.2 A, switchable, 50/60 Hz, 1200 W Size (HxWxD) 315 x 208 x 315 mm (12.4 x 8.2 x 12.4 in) Weight 13 kg (28 lb.) NIST-Traceable Data at 150 °C, 300 °C, Calibration 450 °C, 600 °C, 800 °C, 1000 °C, and 1200 °C Ordering Information You told us you weren’t satisfied with the competition’s furnaces for checking industrial thermocouples. You said you wanted something new and more convenient to use—and you wanted it at a lower price than any other furnace available. Well, we’ve got what you asked for, and it’s the Model 9150 Thermocouple Furnace from Hart Scientific. With a stability of ±0.5 °C, it has a temperature range to 1200 °C and a display accuracy of ±5 °C across its entire range. With interchangeable temperature blocks, you can check thermocouples as small as 1/16 of an inch in diameter. The 9150 works with 115 or 230 VAC power. The 9150 Thermocouple Furnace uses Hart’s own microprocessor-based controller for great stability and set-point accuracy. It has a removable well insert for versatility. It has rapid cool-down and heat-up times. And it comes with an RS232 port for connection to a PC. You can now afford to check your thermocouples with this excellent costeffective instrument. Why pay more for features you don’t need and can’t use? Each unit is factory-calibrated and comes with test data and a calibration traceable to NIST. 9150-X 3150-2 3150-3 3150-4 3150-6 9315 Thermocouple Furnace (specify X, X = A, B, C,or D included insert) Insert A Insert B Insert C Insert D Rugged Carrying Case 9150 Interchangeable Insert Options Insert “A” 1/16" (1.6 mm) 1/2" (12.7 mm) Insert “B” 1/4" (6.35 mm) 3/16" (4.8 mm) 3/8' (9.5 mm) Insert “C” 1/4" ( 6.35 mm) 3/8" (9.5 mm) Insert “D” 3 mm 4 mm 6 mm 6 mm 3/8" (9.5 mm) 1/4" (6.35 mm) 1/8" (3.2 mm) 3/16" (4.8 mm) 1/4" (6.35 mm) 3/16" (4.8 mm) 4 mm 3 mm 145 Thermocouple Calibration Furnace stabilization. The assembly makes use of two smaller alloy blocks as thermal barriers and heat sinks. Guide tubes connect the blocks and guide your probes to the heart of the block. A thermal shield at the front of the assembly prevents heat loss at the front of the furnace. Multiple probe calibrations The standard furnace block accepts up to four probes under test and one reference probe. The four test holes take 1/4-inchdiameter probes, and the reference hole accepts the slightly larger and typical standard type S thermocouple or an SPRT. Custom isothermal blocks can handle a specific number of probes with different diameters and depths. Call our sales department for a custom quote. Microprocessor control ● Combined stability and uniformity better than ±0.4 °C ● RS-232 serial interface standard ● High capacity for simultaneous comparison calibrations ● CE compliant Need the most accurate thermocouple calibrations possible? The Hart Model 9112B Thermocouple Furnace gives you a broad temperature range to 1100 °C, stability up to ±0.05 °C, and all at an excellent price. In addition, you can take advantage of optional MET/TEMP II software that completely automates the furnace and calibration processes. Alternative calibration tools such as a sand bath or fluidized alumina bath have been used for calibrations up to 700 °C but with very poor comparative performance. Gradients of several degrees are common in a sand bath, along with poor stability, resulting in low-accuracy calibrations. Sand baths are also known to create a troublesome dust problem. Why buy poor performance and lab pollution? Calibration furnaces are an excellent alternative to sand baths, especially for thermocouples, RTDs, and optical fiber probes. With a five-hole standard block and custom blocks available, the 9112B doesn’t limit the size and shape of sensors you can calibrate the way other furnaces do. In addition, most calibration furnaces have poor stability. 146 Industrial Automation software Hart’s 9938 MET/TEMP II software lets you use your PC to automate your calibrations. Not only does the software operate the furnace, it also automates Hart readouts along with the calibration procedures. Read more about our software packages starting on page 82. Unique engineering The 9112B employs a special heater design for temperature uniformity and rapid heat rates. The heaters are embedded in a refractory ceramic-fiber material, forming a two-piece heating assembly. A quartz tube lines the entire test zone of the furnace, insulating the isothermal block and your work from the high-power heater windings while supporting the block and further equalizing temperature distribution. The isothermal block assembly is machined from a high-nickel-content alloy for good thermal conductivity and resistance to high-temperature oxidation. The central block is sized for optimum balance between sufficient mass for good stability/uniformity and small enough mass for rapid heating/cooling and A microprocessor-based digital temperature controller makes set-point adjustments fast and easy. Both set and actual temperatures are simultaneously displayed for your convenience. A fast pushbutton adjustment is used for manual temperature settings. The controller is factory tuned for best performance between 300 °C and 1100 °C when the tuning function is set for automatic conformity to the set-point requirements. When using the furnace below 300 °C, controller adjustments are made to achieve high stability. The isothermal block design and the controller auto-tuning combine to give you metrology-level performance. The “B” block delivers uniformity of ±0.1 °C at the low end and ±0.3 °C or better at the high-temperature end. The stability figures quoted in our specification table are for mid-term to long-term stability. Short-term stability during a comparison calibration is even better. Wide-range and high-temperature calibration work are now easier and more affordable due to Hart’s innovative 9112B design. Thermocouples, RTDs, and other sensors are all calibrated with a greater level of confidence and accuracy. Thermocouple Calibration Furnace Specifications Range 300 °C to 1100 °C (572 °F to 2012 °F) Stability ±0.05 °C at 300 °C ±0.1 °C at 700 °C ±0.1 °C at 1100 °C Uniformity ±0.1 °C at 300 °C ±0.2 °C at 700 °C ±0.3 °C at 1100 °C Heating Rates 25 °C to 900 °C: 35 minutes 900 °C to 1100 °C: 3 hours Cooling Rates Nom. at 800 °C: ≥300 °C/hour Nom. at 600 °C: ≥180 °C/hour 16" Quartz Tube Isothermal Block Back Front Cutout Probe Control Probe Guide Tubes Stabilization Typically 2 hours midrange, Time slower at low-temperature end (4 hours), faster at hightemperature end Interface RS-232 included on all units Outside Dimensions (HxWxD) 457 x 356 x 660 mm (18" H x 14" W x 26" D) Thermal Block 406 mm (16 in) immersion; includes four wells at 6.35 mm (1/4 in) and one well at 7.11 mm (0.28 in) Weight 33 kg (72.5 lb.) with block Power 230 VAC (±10 %), 50/60 Hz, 16 A, 3700 W Heater 3700 W NISTTraceable Calibration Data at 420 °C Sectional Side View Ordering Information 9112B-B Calibration Furnace (includes standard 406 mm [16 in] block) Call for custom inserts. 147 Portable IR Calibrators temperature display—it’s factory calibrated to be within ±0.4 °C (±0.7 °F). No other IR calibrators give you this level of precision in such compact packages. Whatever your temperature application, trust a Hart product to solve it. Large target for calibrating all IR thermometer types. ● Certify IR pyrometers from –30 °C to 500 °C (–22 °F to 932 °F) ● Large 57 mm (2.25 in) blackbody target ● RTD reference well for high precision ● Small, compact design Whether you’re using in-line or handheld infrared pyrometers, you need good calibration standards to verify their accuracy. Our new portable IR calibrators provide stable blackbody targets for calibrating noncontact IR thermometers from –30 °C to 500 °C. These new units feature a large, temperature controlled blackbody target with a diameter of 57 mm (2.25 in), which offers a large field of view area for optical variations in infrared thermometers. The emissivity of the isothermal target is set at 0.95 (±0.02 %), and the target temperature can be controlled in set-point increments of 0.1 ° from –30 °C to 500 °C. For even higher precision, a well is located directly behind the blackbody surface for contact calibration of the blackbody. These units are as easy to use as “point and shoot.” Simply set the desired blackbody temperature from the convenient front panel control buttons, wait a few minutes for equilibrium, and point the gun at the target. The radiated energy from the blackbody is measured by your IR thermometer. Simply compare its reading to the display on the blackbody and record the difference. 148 Industrial 9132 For IR calibrations above normal ambient, the 9132 provides a stable blackbody target up to 500 °C (932 °F). With accuracy to ±0.5 °C and stability to ±0.1 °C, this new portable IR unit can certify most handheld pyrometers. Short heating and cooling times mean you won’t have to wait long to get your work done. From room temperature to 500 °C the 9132 will be stable within 30 minutes. You won’t find a more compact IR calibrator. 9133 If you’re calibrating IR guns at cold temperatures, you’ll love our new 9133. With solid-state cooling technology, this new IR calibrator reaches –30 °C (22 °F) in normal ambient conditions. With a conveniently located dry gas fitting on the front bezel, ice build up on the target can be avoided. At the upper end of its range, the 9133 provides stable temperatures to 160 °C (320 °F). With heating and cooling times of about 15 minutes from ambient to either extreme, the 9133 gets you to temperature quickly and performs when it gets there. Compare your IR devices to the The 9133 includes a quick-attach fitting on the front bezel for dry air purging, which eliminates ice Portable IR Calibrators Specifications 9133 9132 Ordering Information –30 °C to 150 °C at 23 °C ambient (–22 °F to 302 °F at 73 °F ambient) 50 °C to 500 °C (122°F to 932°F) 9132 9308 Accuracy ±0.4 °C (±0.72 °F) ±0.5 °C at 100 °C (±0.9°F at 212°F) ±0.8 °C at 500 °C (±1.4 °F at 932 °F) 9133 9302 Stability ±0.1 °C (±0.18 °F) ±0.1°C at 100°C (±0.18°F at 212°F) ±0.3°C at 500°C (±0.54°F at 932°F) Temperature Range 0.95 (±0.02 from 8 to 14 μm) 0.1 ° Resolution Heating Time 15 minutes (25 °C to 150 °C) 30 minutes (50 °C to 500 °C) Cooling Time 15 minutes (25 °C to –20 °C) 30 minutes (500 °C to 100 °C) Computer Interface Power Size (HxWxD) Weight NIST-Traceable Contact Calibration Portable IR Calibrator, –30 °C Rugged Carrying Case, 9133 57 mm (2.25 in) Target Size Target Emissivity Portable IR Calibrator, 500 °C Rugged Carrying Case, 9132 RS-232 I/O included with 9930 Interface-it software 115 VAC (±10 %), 1.5 A, or 230 VAC (±10 %), 1.0 A, switchable, 50/60 Hz, 200 W 115 VAC (±10 %), 3 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 1.5 A, switchable, 50/60 Hz, 340 W 152 x 286 x 267 mm (6 x 11.25 x 10.5 in) 102 x 152 x 178 mm (4 x 6 x 7 in ) 4.6 kg (10 lb) 1.8 kg (4 lb) Data at –30°C, 0°C, 25°C, 75°C, 100°C, 125°C, and 150°C Data at 50°C, 100°C, 200°C, 250°C, 300°C, 400°C, and 500°C 149 3-Point IR Calibrator Specifications 2 ● Fast and easy IR calibrations ● Three temperatures available: 50 °C, 100 °C, and 150 °C ● NIST-traceable calibration included Checking the accuracy of your infrared thermometer is now easier than it’s ever been. Hart’s 9135 IR Calibrator gives you fast, easy, and inexpensive verification of your handheld infrared meters. The 9135 includes three set-points at 50 °C, 100 °C, and 150 °C. Simply select a temperature, wait for the ready light to come on, aim your thermometer at the 1.5-inch-diameter blackbody, and take a reading. Set-points can be reached in less than five minutes, and stabilization time is only three minutes. It doesn’t get any easier—or any faster. Accuracy at any of the 9135’s three set-points is better than ±1 °C, and stability is within ±0.1 °C. Each unit comes with a calibration certificate showing data at each of the three temperatures at 150 Industrial Range 50 °C, 100 °C, 150 °C (122 °F, 212 °F, 302 °F) Accuracy ±1 °C Stability ±0.1 °C Heating Time 25 °C to 150 °C: 3 min., typical Cooling Time 150 °C to 50 °C: 25 min., typical Stabilization Time 3 minutes, typical Blackbody Diameter 38 mm (1.5 in) Blackbody Emissivity 0.95 ±0.02, 8–14 nm Size (HxWxD) 46 x 112 x 198 mm (1.8 x 4.4 x 7.8 in ) Weight 0.7 kg (1.5 lb) Power 115 VAC (±10 %), 1.0 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 0.5 A, specify, 50/60 Hz, 125 W NIST-Traceable Data at 50 °C, 100 °C, and Contact 150 °C Calibration Ordering Information 9135 9308 no extra charge. Emissivity of the blackbody target is 0.95 ±0.02. At less than two inches thick and weighing less than two pounds, the 9135 is absolutely portable. It fits easily into a tool kit for on-site calibrations. Use it to check an IR thermometer at one temperature or to estimate its span error by checking at 50 °C and 150 °C. All of our handheld dry-block calibrators are fast, small, and easier to use than any other manufacturer’s dry-well. Now we’re doing the same for IR thermometer users. Nobody else makes products that more directly meet your needs than Hart Scientific. 3-Point IR calibrator Rugged Carrying Case Portable Lab Dry-Well Specifications Range –40 °C to 140 °C at 25 °C Accuracy ±0.15 °C Stability ±0.02 °C Heating Times 25 °C to 140 °C: 20 min. Cooling Times 25 °C to –40 °C: 25 min. Stabilization 10 minutes Test Wells 19 mm dia. x 152 mm deep (3/4 x 6 in) Communications RS-232 and IEEE-488 Enclosure Meets Type II, Class 3, Style D requirements of MIL-T-28800 Power 115 VAC (±10 %), 3 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 1.5 A, switchable, 50/60 Hz, 560 W Size (HxWxD) 35.1 x 27.4 x 42.9 cm (13.8 x 10.8 x 16.9 in) Designed for on-ship and on-the-go lab applications Weight 16.3 kg (36 lb.) ● Covers –40 °C to 140 °C NIST-Traceable Calibration Data at –40 °C, 0 °C, 25 °C, 75 °C, and 140 °C ● Includes three-inch and six-inch calibration zones 2 ● This calibrator, designed for the U.S. Navy, covers temperatures from –40 °C to 140 °C, delivers the performance you’ll only find in true lab standards, and comes in a totally portable case. If your work involves ocean vessels, aircraft, or service trucks, Hart’s Portable Lab DryWell was designed for you. The 9007 covers –40 °C to 140 °C. No external cooling is needed, so you get –40 °C in normal ambient. Set-point accuracy is ±0.15 °C and stability is better than ±0.02 °C. This dry-well comes with a unique calibration at the full, six-inch depth of the well and at a three-inch depth for short probes. Coefficients for each calibration are stored in the dry-well and can be easily selected from the top-panel control buttons to match the length of the probe being tested. Encased in an all-aluminum enclosure that is durable, waterproof, and meets the standards of MIL-T-28800, the 9007 comes with both RS-232 and IEEE-488 interface connections. A wide variety of inserts are available covering probe diameters from 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) to 5/8 inch (15.9 mm). Ordering Information 9007 3107-2000 3107-2063 3107-2125 3107-2156 3107-2188 3107-2250 3107-2313 3107-2375 3107-2500 3107-2625 3107-2901 3107-2902 Portable Lab Dry-Well, –40 °C to 140 °C, 1/4 in (6.36 mm) insert Blank insert 1/16 in Insert (1.6 mm) 1/8 in Insert (3.2 mm) 5/32 in Insert (4 mm) 3/16 in Insert (4.8 mm) 1/4 in Insert (6.35 mm) 5/16 in Insert (7.9 mm) 3/8 in Insert (9.5 mm) 1/2 in Insert (12.7 mm) 5/8 in Insert (15.9 mm) 1 User-Specified Hole 2 User-Specified Holes 151 Surface Calibrator Specifications ● Calibrates surface sensors up to 400 °C ● Uses Hart 2200 Controller for excellent accuracy and stability ● NIST-traceable calibration included Surface probes are difficult to calibrate because it’s hard to find a flat, heated surface that’s stable and uniform. Hart’s new Model 3125 Surface Dry-Well takes advantage of our proprietary Model 2200 Temperature Controller (page 119) and gives you the best possible conditions for calibrating surface sensors. Why buy a non-temperature calibration device designed for test tube sterilization or PC board repair when you can have a true calibration instrument? The 3125 has a uniform surface temperature and reaches temperatures as high as 400 °C. The test surface is milled aluminum for an absolutely smooth and true calibration work area with maximum thermal conductivity. The 12.25-square-inch test surface is large enough to calibrate more than one sensor at a time. The 3125 can be used with a reference surface sensor or PRT. PRTs (3/16" diameter, such as the 5612 on page 64) may be inserted through a drilled hole into the center of the block for use as reference thermometers or for easy recalibration of the unit’s display. With an accuracy of ±0.5 °C to 200 °C and ±1 °C to 400 °C, you can calibrate 152 Industrial almost any surface probe, thermistor, thin film sensor, RTD, thermocouple, ribbon sensor, or surface mount cutouts, fuses, and switches. Stability is within ±0.3 °C at 400 °C and uniformity within the center three inches of the surface is ±0.6 °C at 200 °C. Don’t buy “make-do” hot plates when you can have a legitimate calibration tool. Temperature Range 35 °C to 400 °C (95 °F to 752 °F) Display Accuracy ±0.5 °C to 200 °C ±1.0 °C to 400 °C Stability ±0.2 °C to 300 °C ±0.3 °C to 400 °C Resolution 0.01 ° Uniformity ±0.3 °C at 100 °C ±0.6 °C at 200 °C ±0.9 °C at 300 °C ±1.4 °C at 400 °C Heating Time 25 °C to 400 °C: 22 minutes Cooling Time 400 °C to 100 °C: 65 minutes Stabilization Time 8 minutes Controller Hart Model 2200, microprocessor based, with RS232 (see page 119) Readout °C or °F, switchable Sensor RTD, 100Ω Heater 325-watt, solid-state controlled Surface Plate 6061 aluminum; top surface machine finished to 0.0008 mm (0.000032 in), 96 mm (3.8 in) diameter accessible Power 115 VAC (±10 %), 2.8 A or 230 VAC (±10 %), 1.4 A, specify, 50/60 Hz, 325 W Weight 3.2 kg (7 lb.) with 2200 Controller NIST-Traceable Data at 50 °C, 120 °C, Calibration 190 °C, 260 °C, 330 °C, and 400 °C Ordering Informaiton 3125 Surface Calibrator, (includes detachable Hart Model 2200 Controller) Other Neat Stuff Selection Guide Cool lab products Product 9320A Battery Pack 5121 Bench-Top Temperature /Humidity Generator 5109 Lab Humidity/Temperature Recorder 2620A Hydra™ Series Data Acquisition Features Provides 115 V ac or 12 V dc power portablility Full range accuracy ±0.5 %RH. Large working volume for optimal throughput. NIST-developed two-pressure principal. High-accuracy wall-mount recorder. Environmental condition recording for increased ISO compliance. 20 universal channels. Precision measurements. Quick setups with menu-driven software. Page 153 154 Three seminars covering topics from industrial field calibrations to primary standards lab calibrations. Each course mixes lectures, demonstrations, hands-on exercises, and question/answer sessions. Instructors include leading metrology experts with a wide variety of applications experience. Calibration services for SPRTs, RTDs, thermocouples, and thermistors. Calibrations by fixed point and by comparison. Recalibrations of Hart dry-wells and thermometers. Theoretical and practical publications on temperature calibration. ISO 9000 Guidelines, NIST Technical notes, and other technical papers. 159 157 158 And there’s more... Seminars Cal Lab Services Books and Standards 164 168 External Battery Pack before you start the job. The 9320A comes with an ac charger that recharges the battery pack from a standard wall outlet, and a dc charging cable to recharge the unit from the battery of a truck or car. What's more, you'll also get jumper cables, a handy light, and an air compressor too! Don't be sorry. Get a 9320A of your own. Suggested Run Times ● Powers 115 V ac or 12 V dc products almost anywhere ● 3-digit battery status display ● Audible alarm signals overheat and under voltage conditions Are you having trouble finding a power outlet? Hart's 9320A external battery pack solves your problem. Plug your 115 V ac or 12 V dc powered calibration equipment into the 9320A for hours of useful operation. Don't get caught halfway through your work, only to find your battery pack just ran out of power. With the 3-digit battery status display on the front of the 9320A, you'll know how much time you're battery's got even 1502A Tweener 36 Hours 1521 LLK 1522 LLL 36 Hours 1529 Chub-E4 Run Time 16 Hours 1620A DewK Run 36 Hours Time 9102S Handheld Dry-Well Run Time 4 Hours 9135 Run Time 3 Hours Ordering Information 9320A External Battery Pack Specifications 115 ± 10 V ac RMS, 60 Hz ± 4 Hz AC Output Internal Battery 12 V dc Voltage (nominal) DC Power Socket (maximum continuous load) 12 A with automatic reset Fuse (internal) 2 x 25 A or 1 x 50 A Internal Battery Type Sealed, AGM (absorbed glass mat) lead acid Internal Battery Capacity (minimum) 20 Ah Internal Battery CCA Rating 200 CCA Operating Temperature Range 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F) Air Compressor Pressure 250 PSI Nozzle Adapter (for air compressor) Two nozzle adapters, one sports needle adapter Size (HxWxD) 24.1 cm x 40.8 cm x 20.3 cm (9.5 x 16 x 8 in) Weight 10.5 kg (23 lb) 153 Benchtop Temperature/Humidity Generator ● Full range accuracy ±0.5 %RH ● Large working volume for optimal throughput ● NIST-developed two-pressure principal ● RS-232 interface and ControLog automation software included Tired of outsourcing your humidity calibrations? Why not buy a temperature/humidity generator and calibrate your humidity probes, data loggers, and chart recorders yourself? It’s simple with the 5121 manufactured for Hart by Thunder Scientific. The 5121 is a self-contained generator that measures and controls humidity with high accuracy to ±0.5 % and a large working volume of 15" x 15" x 12" (381 x 381 x 305 mm). Not only does it calibrate humidity probes but also entire chart recorders, data-loggers, and hygrometers (if the probe is not detachable, which is often the case). 5121 uses a “two-pressure” generation principal, which was originally developed by NIST and involves saturating 154 Other Neat Stuff a stream of air with water vapor at a known temperature and pressure. Relative humidity of the saturated air can be directly calculated through the following formula: %RH = fs e s Pc ⋅ ⋅ ⋅100 fc e c Ps To generate a known humidity, the 5121 controls the pressure ratio (Pc/Ps), utilizing an enhancement factor ratio (fs/fc) and the effective degree of saturation (es/ec). Humidity generated by this method is only dependant upon precision measurements of temperature and pressure, so the need to use an expensive chilled-mirror hygrometer as a reference is eliminated, reducing the cost of ownership. The 5121 generates RH with an accuracy of 0.5 % over the range 0 °C to 70 °C and 10 %RH to 98 %RH. Chamber temperature accuracy is an amazing 0.06 °C. With this performance, you can calibrate ambient-measuring, temperature-probes! To assist with your own calibration uncertainty analysis, be sure to visit the Hart website and download a copy of the 5121 series evaluation report that includes the detailed temperature and humidity uncertainty analysis. How about operating the 5121? It’s so easy you’ll be performing humidity calibrations minutes from switch-on. The generator is supplied as standard with all the equipment you’ll need. Simply connect the generator to a clean, oil-free air supply, fill up the water reservoir, and plug it in; then place your chart recorders, data-loggers, or humidity sensors into the chamber, close the door, and program the desired temperature and humidity through the easy-to-use front panel display. You’ll quickly be at set point and recording your calibration data! The front panel display provides loads of useful information, including chamber humidity and flow rates, as well as the saturation and chamber temperatures and pressures. If you’re looking for improved productivity in your humidity calibrations, try ControLog™ software, which allows you to program a series of humidity and temperature set-points, and automatically steps through the set-points to maintain stable calibration conditions for defined periods of time. What could be easier? The 5121 series is a favorite with many national labs around the world, all branches of the U.S. military, and most of the major humidity sensor manufacturers. We use a 5121 at Hart for calibration support of our environmental monitoring systems around our cal labs and in manufacturing. It performs reliably day-in and day-out. In fact, we like our 5121 so much, we wanted to offer one to you. So, if you calibrate humidity systems, visit with Hart and check out the 5121. You’ll be glad you did! Benchtop Temperature/Humidity Generator Specifications Relative 10 % to 98 % Humidity Range Relative Humidity Resolution 0.02 % Relative Humidity Accuracy ±0.5 % Chamber Temperature Range –10 °C to 70 °C Chamber Temperature Resolution 0.02 ° Chamber Temperature Uniformity ±0.1 °C Chamber Temperature Accuracy 0.06 °C Gas Flow Rate Range 5 to 20 slpm Gas Type Air or Nitrogen Heating/Cooling 0.4 °C per minute Rate Interface RS-232, Software ControLog™ and HumiCalc® included Chamber Dimensions 381 x 381 x 305 mm (15 x 15 x 12 in) Power, Chamber 100/120V at 15A, 50/60Hz 200/240v at 8A, 50/60Hz Power, Compressor 100/120V at 5A, 50/60Hz 200/240V at 2.5A, 50/60Hz Air Supply Clean, oil-free, instrument air at 175 psiG and 20 slpm Calibration NIST traceable temperature & humidity calibration with certificate & data Warranty 12-months, parts-andlabor ControLog™ software can completely automate the operation of your 5121. Run a single set-point or quickly create a profile with a series of set-point/time values and let your 5121 run unattended. ControLog™ collects data and includes a report editor for semi-custom reports. It can operate your system in a variety of modes including %RH, Frost Point, Dew Point, PPMv, and PPMw. HumiCalc® software makes simple work of complex humidity conversions. A typical calculation requires only a temperature, a pressure, and one known humidity parameter. HumiCalc® then computes all the final humidity values for you and can export them to a spreadsheet. Ordering Information 5121 Humidity Generator, 2500ST (LT)(TPA) 155 On rutabagas and their origins… Reprinted from Random News Every now and again a new customer of ours comes across a reference in our literature to rutabagas and, after giving up on trying to find a connection between rutabagas and temperature calibration, asks us in desperation what it could possibly mean. So we figure it’s time for a very brief history lesson. Once upon a time, many years ago, a respected competitor of ours made a statement about temperature calibration being more than a business to them, it was their “hobby.” That got us thinking. Would our customers prefer to work with temperature experts who seem virtually obsessed by their work? Or would they prefer temperature experts who can relate to them on common-sense issues and who are willing to discuss whether that last digit of resolution is really meaningful to their application or not? Now, don’t get me wrong. We love every milli- and micro-Kelvin we’ve ever met (and we strive to meet more every day), but we never want to get so wrapped up in them that we fail to respond to the needs of our customers—like wanting to talk to a helpful person on the phone or get a quick turnaround on a calibration. Or maybe have some decent equipment to work with so they can get their work done and enjoy getting to the end of the day. So, we decided that farming was our hobby. And, since growing things in Utah isn’t easy (there’s a reason why most of the first people to get here kept going west!), we picked the hardiest piece of vegetation we could think of. Rutabagas are so tough, you probably couldn’t get one through airport security these days. But that’s not the point. 156 Other Neat Stuff Rutabagas remind us that we’re not the only ones in the world and we need to be good neighbors—down-to-earth, “everyday” kind of people—willing to be flexible, eager to help rather than just “sell,” and capable of admitting when we’re wrong (which we sometimes are). And that’s the history of it. We don’t sprinkle rutabagas all over everything we do. But we keep them around enough to remind us that we serve the temperature community and don’t try to run it. Has it done any good? Well, You’re the ultimate judge of that. For our part, we remain focused on being a customerfriendly, service-oriented business. We’ve added staff to our customer service and applications groups, we’ve expanded (and are still expanding) our NVLAP-accredited calibration services, and we’ve brought our service turnaround times to an all-time best. We hope the impact of those improvements is making your lives better. And that you’ll tell us if it isn’t. In the meantime, when you spot a rutabaga in our catalog or on our web site, just remember, that’s our way of reminding ourselves that you come first. Because if we forget that, we’re going to be spending more time growing rutabagas in the dessert than even we would like. Lab Humidity/Temp Recorder Specifications ● Document lab conditions for quality audits ● Note current RH and temperature for your cal certificates ● Calibrate the detachable probe in Hart’s 5110 RH calibrator Need an excellent eight-inch chart recorder for collecting data on lab humidity and temperature? The Model 5109 Chart Recorder from Dickson gets the job done for you at a reasonable price. The Model 5109 records humidity and temperature, or temperature and dew point. It’s a microprocessor-based unit with a battery backup so you don’t lose important data if the power fails. Read the temperature and humidity directly from the digital display without having to look at the circular chart. Change the readout from °F to °C, set high/low alarms, and change the recording times to 1-, 7-, or 31-day intervals from the front panel. Each recorder comes with two pens, an AC adapter, and a box of charts containing the range –20 °F to 120 °F for seven-day intervals. There’s an optional 10-foot extension cable for locating the sensor away from the recorder or to assist in calibrating the sensor. Longer cables, up to 100 feet, are also available. The Model 5109 is accurate to ±1.0 °C and ±2 % between 0 and 60 %RH and 3 % between 61 and 95 %RH. Temperature User selectable: –20 °F to Ranges 120 °F, 40 °F to 110 °F, –20 °C to 50 °C, 5 °C to 40 °C Temperature ±1.8 °F (±1.0 °C) Accuracy Humidity 0 to 95 % (non-condensing) Range Humidity ±2 % between 0 and Accuracy 60 %RH, ±3 % between 61 and 95 %RH (at 73 °F, 23 °C) Display 1 °F (1 °C), 1 %RH Resolution Chart Size 8" diameter (203 mm) Temperature Thermistor Sensor Humidity Thin film capacitor Sensor Recording User-selectable, 1-, 7-, and Time 31-day Power 120 VAC adapter with four D batteries for backup power Body 267 x 335 x 71 mm Dimensions (10.5 x 13.2 x 2.8 in) Probe 23.4 mm dia. x 150 mm long Dimensions ( 0.92 x 5.9 in) Weight Approx. 3.2 kg (7 lb.) Mounting Portable or wall mountable Calibration Manufacturer’s 1-point NISTtraceable calibration included Alarms Audio/visual high and low alarms Response Temperature: 30 seconds for Time a 63 % step change at 1 cfm, RH: 20 seconds for a 63 % step change at 1 cfm Operating 10 %RH to 90 %RH, Range (Body) 32 °F to 122 °F (0 °C to 50 °C) Ordering Information RH/Temp Recorder (includes certificate of NIST-traceable calibration and one set of 5311-C417 charts) 5109-220 RH/Temp Recorder, 220 V 5311-001 10 ft. Probe Cable 5311-002 Pens, pkg. of 6 5311-003 AC Adapter, 220 V 5311-005 50 ft. Probe Cable 5311-006 100 ft. Probe Cable 5311-XXXX Charts See table at right. 1980 Calibration by Hart, see page 164 5109 Replace XXXX in Model 5311-XXXX with code from this table (60 charts per package): Temperature 24-Hour Range Chart –20 °F to 120 °F C415 40 °F to 110 °F C476 –20 °C to 50 °C C472 5 °C to 40 °C C478 7-Day Chart C417 C477 C473 C479 31-Day Chart C480 C481 C482 C483 157 Fluke Hydra™ Series Data Acquisition and precision. Both models include Hydra Logger software and are also compatible with Hart’s MET/TEMP II software. The 2620T and 2635T are just two examples of what can happen when two premier manufacturers combine forces to bring you the best solutions available. More innovative ideas are on the way from Hart and Fluke. Specifications DC Volts 90 mV to 150/300 V (±0.018 %) AC Volts 90 mV to 150/300 V (±0.013 %) Resistance 300Ω to 10 MΩ (±0.013 %) Frequency 15 Hz to 1 MHz (±0.05 %) RTD (PT100) –200 °C to 600 °C (±0.05 °C) Thermocouples J, K, T, R, S, B, N, E, C –270 °C to 2640 °C (±0.15 °C), thermocouple dependent Power 96 to 264 V AC 9 to 16 V DC Precision measurements Weight 3.0 kg (6.5 lb.) Quick setups with menu-driven software Size 292 x 215 x 89 mm (11.5 x 8.5 x 3.5 in) ● 20 universal channels ● ● Many of our customers collect and monitor data about temperature and other parameters as well. Thanks to our partnership with Fluke Corporation, we can offer you a wide selection of data acquisition equipment, including the versatile Hydra Series of portable data loggers and recording thermometers. The Hydra Series is available in three models to fit many application requirements. The 2620A Hydra Data Acquisition Unit is a compact front end for use with your PC. The portable 2625A Hydra Data Logger features non-volatile memory that stores more than 42,000 readings for stand-alone applications. And the 2635A Hydra Data Bucket™, with its removable memory card for data and setup storage, is the most versatile model—ideal for remote monitoring applications. All models are easy to set up and reconfigure from the front panel. Additionally, all units have universal signal conditioning. The RS-232C interface enables control from a host computer. An optional GPIB/IEEE-488 interface is available for the 2620A only. The Fluke 2620T and 2635T Recording Thermometers are precision 20-channel temperature recording and logging instruments that deliver up to 0.1 ° 158 Other Neat Stuff accuracy for temperature monitoring and calibration applications. Based on Fluke’s popular 20-channel Hydra Series II data loggers, these units are matched with a precision PRT probe from Hart and calibrated as a system for maximum accuracy Ordering Information 2620A 2620A/05 2620A-100 2620A-101 2620T 2625A 2635A 2635A-1MB 2635A-2MB 2635A-4MB 2635A-901 2635A-902 2635T 2600A-101 Hydra Data Acquisition Unit Hydra Data Acquisition Unit with IEEE-488 interface Extra I/O Connector Set Current Shunt Set 0-100 mA (12/set) Recording Thermometer Hydra Data Logger Hydra Data Bucket (256 KB memory card) Hydra Data Bucket (1 MB memory card) Hydra Data Bucket (2 MB memory card) Hydra Data Bucket (4 MB memory card) Hydra Logger Software Hydra Logger with Trend Link Recording Thermometer with memory card Extra PRT Probe, 100Ω, with soft case Hydra 2635A Memory Card Specifications 256 KB Memory 4 Channels Scanning: Card Size 8900 scans 10 Channels Scanning: 4800 scans 20 Channels Scanning: 2710 scans 1 MB Memory Card Size 4 Channels Scanning: 36,860 scans 10 Channels Scanning: 19,860 scans 20 Channels Scanning: 11,210 scans 2 MB Memory Card Size 4 Channels Scanning: 74,110 scans 10 Channels Scanning: 39,910 scans 20 Channels Scanning: 22,550 scans 4 MB Memory Card Size 4 Channels Scanning: 149,039 scans 10 Channels Scanning: 80,251 scans 20 Channels Scanning: 45,359 scans Temperature Calibration Training How about a little education? Hart Scientific can provide it for you through our courses in temperature calibration. Each one of these classes has been specifically designed for the work you do. You’ll hear from some of the best metrologists in the world, as well as from applications specialists, metrology scientists, and equipment designers. You’ll get hands-on experience and demonstrations to support many of the techniques taught in each class. You’ll also get a chance to tour our calibration laboratory and primary standards lab, and you’ll have chances to get all your questions answered by any of our world-class instructors. Our courses have become known as the standard for temperature calibration “Temperature measurement is one of my weak areas, where I have a tendency to question my techniques. I have greater confidence now since the seminar.” training. Most classes sell out long before the registration deadline. Attendees tell us they like our classes more than any others they’ve attended. Our casual atmosphere makes learning these challenging concepts enjoyable. We absolutely guarantee that if you come to one of our classes we’ll make it one of the most memorable experiences that you have ever had in continuing education! And these classes meet your lab accreditation needs. Courses Industrial Temperature Calibration ● Course length: 2½ days ● Class size: 25 This one is about fundamentals. We’ll explore the theory and practice of temperature measurement and calibration across an accuracy range of 1 °C to 0.1 °C. In this class we go directly to the center of industrial temperature calibration and accuracy issues. We focus on practical applications and hands-on experience with classroom discussion of the theory behind the technique. We’ll show you how to calibrate thermocouples, thermistors, PRTs, LIG thermometers, and anything else you can think of. We’ll explain how to properly use heat sources such as dry-wells and portable baths to achieve the accuracy Tom, Mingjian, Mike, Rick, Ron, and Ruth share their seminar notes. you need with the least amount of anxiety over your technique. Whether you’re new to temperature “The course was very informative, with enough technical content—yet not overbearing.” calibration or you’ve been performing field calibrations for years, you’ll go home more confident and ready to expand your role in calibration. Temperature Metrology Course length: 2½ days ● Class size: 25 ● This is an intermediate course in practical lab skills for comparison calibrations of various sensor types, along with other calibration techniques for greater accuracy. You’ll leave knowing how to use SPRTs and other high-accuracy standards to keep your working standards performing at their highest levels. Comparison calibration labs need practical information on how to implement ITS-90, and you’ll get it from this course. Come and talk with people who know the theory and practice of calibrating everything you see on a daily basis. Not only will they teach you technique, they’ll explain the logic behind what they’re teaching. You’ll learn more than you thought possible in only a couple of days. We’ll address the world of accuracy from 0.1 °C to 0.01 °C. Are you working on laboratory accreditation? In this course we also discuss accreditation and compliance, especially dealing with ISO 17025 issues. Not only will we cover actual calibration techniques, we’ll show you how various instruments such as readouts, drywells, and calibration baths work and why they work the way they do. You’ll learn how to pick the right equipment for any calibration, how to verify the uncertainty of what you are doing, and the most cost-effective approach for specific jobs. Bring your questions; we’ll answer them better than anybody ever has. “I learned enough to more than justify the cost of the seminar. I’ve got a start now for implementing changes for the better in our lab.” 159 Temperature Calibration Training Course Industrial Calibration Qualifications and Prerequisites None Typical Uncertainties ±5 °C to ±0.1 °C Discussed Coverage of Fixed Brief introduction to Points water triple point cells; demonstration of mini WTP cells. Realizing and Approximating ITS-90 ● Course length: 2½ days ● Class size: 25 Buckle up because this is the big one. This is the only course of its kind that is this thorough on realizing and approximating ITS-90. We cover it all! In this class we’re going to take you on an adventure from 0.01 °C all the way to 0.001 °C, and beyond. We’ll explore SPRT calibrations using fixed-point cells; we’ll teach you the proper way to use a water triple point cell and how often to use it to verify the calibration of your working standards. We’ll show you everything that impacts SPRTs and other laboratory standards down to 0.1 mK. “I liked the detail of technical information without much of a sales pitch. It gave me many ideas to use. I also enjoyed the light, casual attitude.” You’ll learn how SPRTs get contaminated and how to stop it. We’ll demonstrate the usage of fixed-point cells and explain all the alternative methods for using fixed points in your lab. Don’t just bring your questions; bring the hardest, most unusual temperature calibration questions you can think of. We’ll answer them. Nobody explains the problems, theories, and techniques of 1 mK work better than we do! Previous attendees from some of the best labs in the world tell us that what we’re promising you is what we delivered to them. It’s two-and-a-half days of temperature calibration camp at its best! 160 Other Neat Stuff Temperature Metrology Some experience in sensor calibrations ±0.5 °C to ±0.005 °C Theory, demonstrations, and hands-on experience with water triple point cells. ITS-90 Seminar Some experience with comparison calibration techniques; some familiarity with the ITS-90 ±0.1 °C to ±0.001 °C Theory of all ITS-90 fixed points; demonstrations of WTP freeze and tin and gallium realizations. How do I register? Call us at… (801) 763-1600 (800) 438-4278 Fax us at… (801) 763-1010 E-mail us at… [email protected] or register online at… Remember, you can check our web site for dates and times of classes. Once you register, we’ll send you the necessary visitor information on where to stay and how to get here. We’re located just 40 minutes from Salt Lake City International Airport with plenty of inexpensive hotels nearby. Want to learn how to use Hart products? Would you like to learn how they work and how you can get the most out of them? Would you like to send your staff to be trained on Hart instruments? While our seminars offer two-anda-half days of theory, demonstrations, hands-on exercises, and panel discussions, our Product Training Sessions give you up to two full days of additional hands-on experience. These post-seminar classes are broken into four half-day sessions covering thermometers, baths, drywells, and software. Product Training Sessions are held during the same week as our seminars, so they provide the perfect follow-up to our regular seminar course work. The enrollment fee includes all four of the half-day sessions. These sessions offer the perfect opportunity to learn to maximize the advantages you get from Hart products. You’ll leave knowing exactly how to use your favorite temperature calibration products, how to achieve the best results from them, and how to get the most productivity out of your calibration work. An experienced product group expert at Hart Scientific guides each Product Training Session. Enrollment is limited so everyone gets plenty of time with the equipment and no one lacks individual attention. You’re guaranteed to get all your questions answered. Each session includes experience with a large number of products that represent Hart’s entire line for that particular product group. In the thermometer session, for example, you’ll get to work (and play) with a Little Lord Logger, a Chub-E4, a Black Stack, and a Super-Thermometer. Likewise for the other sessions. You just need to register to enjoy using the best temperature calibration products in the world. Try them out and you’ll understand what we mean. Temperature Calibration Training Industrial Temperature Calibration, course outline Temperature Metrology, course outline Realizing and Approximating ITS-90, course outline An introduction to the basic principles and techniques for testing or calibrating common sensors and thermometers. An intermediate course in practical lab skills for comparison calibration of thermistors, RTDs, thermocouples, and other thermometers. An advanced seminar in temperature metrology. Overview ■ ■ ■ ITS-90, international agreements Terminology review Traceability & hierarchy Realizing ITS-90 introduction ■ Introduction to temperature metrology ■ ■ Scales, ITS-90, and fixed points Uncertainty and traceability ■ Fixed-point fundamentals ■ Unit under test fundamentals ■ ■ Types, characteristics, and limitations Thermometer configurations ■ Thermometer types ■ ■ Calibration methods ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Simulators Reference heat sources Reference thermometers Introduction to accuracy How accuracy is determined Error sources Special cases and challenges ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Learn the characteristics and applications Heat sources Thermometers and readouts Standards—what is suitable as a reference ■ ■ ■ ■ Quality issues—ISO 17025, Z540, reports, record keeping Math applications Introduction to high-precision equipment Q&A with the experts Demonstrations ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Thermistors & PRTs Thermocouples—ASTM, spool testing LIG—ASTM—specific requirements ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Test uncertainty ratios Error budgeting Profiling a heat source Mathematics Maintaining your standards ■ ■ Frequency of calibration Uncertainty analysis and SPC Compliance issues ■ ■ Reports, tables—pleasing the auditor ISO/IEC17025, incorporating the new reqirements SPRTs and HTPRTs Annealing procedures Approximating the scale ■ Choosing to do comparison calibrations Techniques ■ ■ ■ Optimizing your measurement ■ In-depth review of each fixed point Equipment: cells, apparatus, bridges Methodology, procedures, and demos Resistance thermometers Common calibration techniques Case studies Other issues Heat sources Readouts Fixed-point vs. thermodynamic scale Uncertainties Practical fixed-point realization Components of uncertainty Calibration equipment ■ SPRTs, PRTs, RTDs, and thermistors Thermocouples—noble vs. base metal Liquid-in-Glass—procedures for accuracy Reference thermometers History of ITS-90 Learn how and why the scale changed Getting the most accuracy How to select calibration points Choosing a technique and demos Equipment ■ ■ ■ PRTs and thermistors Heat sources: LN2, furnaces, baths Readouts: DMMs, “thermometers” Uncertainty ■ ■ Error analysis and uncertainty Statistical process control Demonstrations Demonstrations Product Training Software training—you’ll learn how to… ■ ■ ■ ■ automate control of your heat sources automate calibrations entirely generate probe data easily log temperature data and analyze it You’ll use… ■ ■ 9938 MET/TEMP II 9935 LogWare II Thermometer training—you’ll learn how to… ■ ■ ■ use the menu systems for each readout match a probe to a readout select the best probe and handle it correctly ■ get the most productivity from your readout You’ll use… ■ ■ ■ ■ 1522 Little Lord Logger 1529 Chub-E4 1560 Black Stack 1590 Super-Thermometer II Dry-well training—you’ll learn how to… ■ ■ ■ ■ use all dry-well controller functions recalibrate your own dry-well use a reference thermometer maximize dry-well productivity ■ ■ ■ ■ field dry-wells handheld dry-wells Micro-Baths Interface-it software Bath training—you’ll learn how to… ■ ■ ■ ■ profile a bath to minimize uncertainty use different types of bath fluids use Hart bath controllers get the most from a reference thermometer You’ll use… ■ ■ ■ Model 7380 –80 °C Bath Model 6022 Oil Bath Model 1590 Super-Thermometer II You’ll use… ■ lab dry-wells 161 NVLAP accreditation at Hart In November 2000, Hart Scientific’s temperature laboratory became officially accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP lab code 200348), which operates under the umbrella of NIST, the national metrology institute of the United States. Hart’s lab accreditation was renewed for two years in early 2003. An abbreviated reproduction of our new scope of accreditation under ISO/IEC 17025 can be found on our web site at NVLAP has signed Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs) with the Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC). Signatories to the ILAC agreement include most of the world’s developed nations (see sidebar on following page). In short, Hart’s lab is recognized as an accredited laboratory in most countries in the world. What is accreditation? Accreditation is the unbiased assessment by a third party of a laboratory’s quality program and technical capabilities. The third party assesses the laboratory against a recognized standard. In December 1999, the new standard, ISO/IEC 17025, “General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories,” was adopted and has now replaced ISO Guide 25 as the accepted standard for accredited test and measurement laboratories. Accreditation indicates that a laboratory has demonstrated that it functions within the parameters of the standard. While accreditation is not a guarantee of a laboratory’s performance, it does provide a means for determining the laboratory’s competence to perform particular types of tests or calibrations. The technical evaluation during an accreditation includes a review (by experts in the relevant discipline) of calibration procedures, calibration standards, traceability, uncertainty analysis, actual results, and statistical process control. Laboratory accreditation has been a requirement in many countries for years. Nationally recognized accreditation bodies have provided customers with confidence in calibration certificates and reports by employing generally established standards set by the European (CEN) or international (ISO) standardization bodies. Accreditation in the United States is voluntary. Nevertheless, as more companies become ISO 9000 certified, accreditation is becoming a more common practice in the United States. 162 Other Neat Stuff What is the scope of hart’s accreditation? The scope of Hart’s accreditation is intended to satisfy the traceability and other requirements for ongoing company operations, research requirements, and customer support for both primary and secondary thermometry. In the United States, NVLAP and A2LA have already accredited hundreds of calibration laboratories. Hart’s laboratory, however, is accredited for some of the lowest uncertainties of all commercial laboratories in the world. The following areas are included within Hart’s scope of accreditation: ● Thermometric fixed-point cell certification ● SPRT calibration by fixed point ● Noble-metal thermocouple calibration by fixed point ● PRT calibration ● Thermistor calibration ● Reference resistor calibration (DC) ● Digital thermometer readout calibration ● Digital thermometer / probe system calibration What’s in it for you? First, since accreditation involves a thirdparty assessment of a laboratory’s QA program and technical capabilities, it provides an impartial viewpoint of the competency of the laboratory. It also provides an unbiased assessment of the laboratory’s standards, procedures, personnel qualifications, and traceability to an appropriate national laboratory. In the United States, this means traceability of all standards to NIST. By showing traceability to NIST, we show traceability directly to the ITS-90. In short, accreditation offers a lab’s customers a high level of confidence in its quality and technical abilities. Second, because ISO 9000 includes calibration requirements, many companies include accreditation for calibration suppliers as a mandatory part of their QA system. Often, accredited suppliers need only remit a copy of their accreditation scope in order to become an approved vendor. This eliminates the need for time-consuming, expensive audits and other supplier evaluation methods. Further, in cases where customers’ audits are still necessary, the audits run smoother when accredited suppliers are used. Third, accreditation has benefits for international customers. All recognized accreditation bodies have adopted ISO/IEC 17025 as the basis for accreditation of calibration and testing laboratories. Because these accreditations are based on the same standards, countries may enter into MRAs whereby an accreditation body in one country recognizes the accreditations done by a fellow MRA signatory in another country. This has the NVLAP accreditation at Hart effect of easing some of the barriers that have historically hindered the flow of calibrated instruments across borders. What’s in it for us? Customer demand for laboratory accreditation has been rising for years. With many companies requiring their calibration services suppliers to be accredited, this demand is starting to reach a critical level. By becoming accredited, Hart is better positioned to serve a wide variety of customers. Additionally, the time and costs associated with providing repetitive audits to numerous customers will decline with accreditation. Perhaps the single greatest benefit of accreditation to Hart is the accreditation process itself. Hart employs some of the world’s leading temperature metrologists. One such expert, Tom Wiandt, has done an outstanding job running our calibration lab since 1996. However, the opportunity to receive evaluation and criticism from industry peers is extremely valuable. Both the QA systems and the technical operating procedures were thoroughly examined. Issues were discussed and For the Scope of Accreditation Under NVLAP Lab Code 200348-0 are available for review on our web site at Take a look. We make the world’s finest temperature calibration equipment, and we know how to use it. We used it, in fact, to get our accreditation. Trust your critical calibration work to an accredited laboratory. recommendations made and implemented. While the lab was already excellent, it is now the best it’s ever been, and we have independent confirmation that we are qualified to do what we say we can do. In the end, accreditation benefits both the accredited lab and its customers. Our processes and systems have been validated, our stated uncertainties scrutinized, and our traceability examined. At the same time, customers’ confidence in our lab’s quality system and technical capabilities has been independently substantiated. The complete scope, ranges, and uncertainties of Hart’s accreditation Signatory organizations to the ILAC MRA Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada China, Hong Kong China, People’s Republic of Chinese Taipei Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan NATA BMWA BeltestOBE/BK O CGCRE SCC HKAS [email protected] CNAL CNLA CAI DANAK FINAS COFRAC DACH DAP DAR DASMIN DATech DKD NABL BSN NAB ISRAC SINAL IAJapan [email protected] Japan Korea, Republic of Netherlands New Zealand Norway Portugal Singapore Slovakia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand United Kingdom USA USA USA Viet Nam JAB KOLAS RvA IANZ NA IPQ SAC SNAS SANAS ENAC Swedac SAS TISI UKAS A2LA ICBO NVLAP VILAS 163 Calibration Services Hart’s American Fork calibration crew: (left to right) Tom Wiandt, Steve Claxton, Mike Coleman, Tom Harper, Jeff Nelson, and Roger Sims. American Fork, Utah lab Hart’s NVLAP accredited Metrology Laboratory (lab code 200348) in American Fork, Utah provides temperature calibrations from approximately –200 °C to 1000 °C using fixed-point and comparison methods. Our accredited uncertainties are among the lowest commercially available anywhere in the world. Our prices are very competitive and our turnaround times are excellent. Our reports are comprehensive and include as-found and as-left data as well as pass/fail criteria (where applicable) and a concise statement of the method used. Calibrations performed at Hart are traceable to NIST and meet the new ISO 17025 requirements as described in the following pages. For fixed-point calibrations, we use Hart fixed-point cells and apparatus, Hart SPRTs as check standards, and conventional DC bridges with DC standard resistors. Our fixed-point calibration procedures are based on CCT procedures, so you can be confident that the technique is current, correct, and thorough. For comparison calibrations, we use Hart baths, Hart SPRTs, and Hart readouts. We use several different techniques to minimize uncertainties while maximizing efficiency to keep the costs as low as possible without compromising quality. 164 Other Neat Stuff All Hart-manufactured instruments (except SPRTs and some thermocouples, which come uncalibrated) are certified before they are shipped to you. We don’t simply provide a “certificate of conformance” with a couple of NIST numbers like some other manufacturers and then sock you with a high fee if you require a proper calibration. We are the laboratory of choice for many of our customers because they know that they can depend on us for correct, complete, and on-time calibrations at reasonable prices. Norwich, England lab In 2003, after extensive planning and a significant capital investment, Hart Scientific opened a primary temperature calibration laboratory in Europe. This new lab in Norwich, England, will service the precision temperature calibration needs of customers in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The UK lab uses the same great Hart fixed point cells, furnaces, baths, and thermometers used in the American Fork, Utah lab. We even have similarly excellent metrology experts in this lab. Watch for us to also have UKAS accreditation here soon, with similar uncertainties to that of Hart’s American Fork, Utah lab! Alison Shrimpling manages Hart’s new European Primary Temperature Laboratory in Norwich, UK. Calibration Services SPRT calibration by ITS-90 fixed point NVLAP accredited All calibrations in this section include the following: (1) calibration at two levels of current and extrapolation to zero power, (2) ITS-90 deviation function coefficients and interpolation tables for the nominal current calibration and the zero-power calibration in W vs. T90, and (3) analysis for compliance to ITS-90 criteria for a standard interpolating instrument of the ITS-90. This represents our best measurement capability(BMC) for SPRTs. Recommended when you absolutely must have the best uncertainty possible. Only Excellent SPRTs qualify. Temperature Uncertainty ITS-90 Fixed Points Used Order No. Temperature Subranges –197 °C (LN2) 0.6 mK –38.8344 °C (TPHg) 0.4 mK –200 °C to 660 °C 4, 7 comp at NBPLN2, TPHg, TPW, FPSn, FPZn, FPAl 1910-4-7 0.010 °C (TPW) 0.2 mK –200 °C to 420 °C 4, 8 comp at NBPLN2, TPHg, TPW, FPSn, FPZn 1910-4-8 29.7646 °C (MPGa) 0.4 mK –200 °C to 232 °C 4, 9 comp at NBPLN2, TPHg, TPW, FPIn, FPSn 1910-4-9 156.599 °C (FPIn) 0.9 mK –40 °C to 660 °C 5, 7 1910-5-7 TPHg, TPW, MPGa, FPSn, FPZn, FPAl 231.928 °C (FPSn) 0.9 mK –40 °C to 157 °C 5, 10 1910-5-10 TPHg, TPW, MPGa, FPIn 419.527 °C (FPZn) 1.1 mK 660.323 °C (FPAl) 2.1mK 0 °C to 660 °C 7 1910-7 TPW, FPSn, FPZn, FPAl 961.78 °C (FPAg) 10.0 mK 0 °C to 420 °C 8 1910-8 TPW, FPSn, FPZn SPRT calibration by ITS-90 fixed point NVLAP accredited All calibrations in this section include the following: (1) calibration at two levels of current and extrapolation to zero power, (2) ITS-90 deviation function coefficients and interpolation tables for the nominal current calibration and the zero-power calibration W vs. T90, and (3) analysis for compliance to ITS-90 criteria for a standard interpolating instrument of the ITS-90. Recommended for working standard SPRTs, when slightly larger uncertainties are acceptable. Temperature Uncertainty ITS-90 Fixed Points Used Order No. Temperature Subranges –197 °C (LN2) 1.0 mK –38.8344 °C (TPHg) 0.8 mK 1911-4-7 –200 °C to 660 °C 4, 7 comp at NBPLN2, TPHg, TPW, FPSn, FPZn, FPAl 0.010 °C (TPW) 0.5 mK 1911-4-8 –200 °C to 420 °C 4, 8 comp at NBPLN2, TPHg, TPW, FPSn, FPZn 29.7646 °C (MPGa) 0.8 mK 1911-4-9 –200 °C to 232 °C 4, 9 comp at NBPLN2, TPHg, TPW, FPIn, FPSn 156.599 °C (FPIn) 1.5 mK 1911-5-7 –40 °C to 660 °C 5, 7 TPHg, TPW, MPGa, FPSn, FPZn, FPAl 231.928 °C (FPSn) 1.5 mK 1911-5-10 –40 °C to 157 °C 5, 10 TPHg, TPW, MPGa, FPIn 419.527 °C (FPZn) 1.8 mK 1911-7 0 °C to 660 °C 7 TPW, FPSn, FPZn, FPAl 660.323 °C (FPAl) 3.0 mK 1911-8 0 °C to 420 °C 8 TPW, FPSn, FPZn SPRT calibration by ITS-90 fixed point NVLAP accredited All calibrations in this section include the following: (1) ITS-90 deviation function coefficients and interpolation table for the nominal current calibration W vs. T90, and (2) analysis for compliance to ITS-90 criteria for a standard interpolating instrument of the ITS-90. This larger uncertainty SPRT calibration is still better than most offered in the industry, and is easier on the wallet. Recommended for any SPRT. Temperature Uncertainty ITS-90 Fixed Points Used Order No. Temperature Subranges –197 °C (LN2) 2.0 mK –38.8344 °C (TPHg) 2.0 mK 1912-4-7 –200 °C to 660 °C 4, 7 comp at NBPLN2, TPHg, TPW, FPSn, FPZn, FPAl 0.010 °C (TPW) 2.0 mK 1912-4-8 –200 °C to 420 °C 4, 8 comp at NBPLN2, TPHg, TPW, FPSn, FPZn 29.7646 °C (MPGa) 2.0 mK 1912-4-9 –200 °C to 232 °C 4, 9 comp at NBPLN2, TPHg, TPW, FPIn, FPSn 156.599 °C (FPIn) 3.0 mK 1912-5-8 –40 °C to 420 °C 5, 8 TPHg, TPW, MPGa, FPSn, FPZn 231.928 °C (FPSn) 4.0 mK 1912-5-9 –40 °C to 232 °C 5, 9 TPHg, TPW, MPGa, FPIn, FPSn 419.527 °C (FPZn) 6.0 mK 1912-5-10 –40 °C to 157 °C 5, 10 TPHg, TPW, MPGa, FPIn 660.323 °C (FPAl) 8.0 mK 1912-7 0 °C to 660 °C 7 TPW, FPSn, FPZn, FPAl 1912-8 0 °C to 420 °C 8 TPW, FPSn, FPZn Precision PRT calibration by ITS-90 fixed point NVLAP accredited All calibrations in this section include the following: (1) ITS-90 deviation function coefficients and interpolation tables for the nominal current calibration in resistance vs. T90. Recommended for high quality, secondary standard PRTs only. Hart models 5626, 5628, and 5614 qualify. Temperature Uncertainty ITS-90 Order No. Temperature Subranges Fixed Points Used –197 °C (LN2) 6.0 mK –100 °C 10.0 mK 1913-4-7 –200 °C to 660 °C 4, 7 comp at NBPLN2, comp at –100 °, TPHg, TPW, FPIn, FPSn, –38.8344 °C (TPHg) 6.0 mK FPZn, FPAl 0.010 °C (TPW) 4.0 mK 1913-4-8 –200 °C to 420 °C 4, 8 comp at NBPLN2, comp at –100 °, TPHg, TPW, FPIn, FPSn, 156.599 °C (FPIn) 6.0 mK FPZn 231.928 °C (FPSn) 6.0 mK 1913-4-9 –200 °C to 232 °C 4, 9 comp at NBPLN2, TPHg, TPW, FPIn, FPSn 419.527 °C (FPZn) 9.0 mK 1913-5-8 –40 °C to 420 °C 5, 8 TPHg, TPW, FPIn, FPSn, FPZn 660.323 °C (FPAl) 14.0 mK 1913-5-9 –40 °C to 232 °C 5, 9 TPHg, TPW, FPIn, FPSn 1913-7 0 °C to 660 °C 7 TPW, FPIn, FPSn, FPZn, FPAl 1913-8 0 °C to 420 °C 8 TPW, FPIn, FPSn, FPZn, 165 Calibration Services Precision PRT calibration by comparison NVLAP accredited All calibrations in this section include the following: (1) ITS-90 deviation function coefficients, and (2) interpolation table in 1-degree increments in terms of resistance vs. T90. Recommended for high quality, secondary standard PRTs, where higher uncertainty is acceptable. Hart models 5626, 5628, 5612, 5613, and 5614 qualify. Temperature Uncertainty Order No. Temperature Comparison Points Used –200 °C 10 mK 1922-4-R –200 °C to 500 °C –197.0 °C, –100 °C, –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C, –100 to –50 °C 10 mK 419.5 °C, 500 °C –50 to 0 °C 8 mK –200 °C to 420 °C –197.0 °C, –100.0 °C, –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C, 1922-4-8 0.010 °C 6 mK 419.5 °C 0 to 200 °C 9 mK 1922-D-R –100 °C to 500 °C –100.0 °C, –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C, 419.5 °C, 500 °C 200 to 300 °C 12 mK 300 to 400 °C 14 mK –100 °C to 420 °C –100.0 °C, –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C, 419.5 °C 1922-D-8 400 to 550 °C 16 mK –40 °C to 420 °C –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C, 419.5 °C 1922-5-8 –40 °C to 232 °C –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C 1922-5-9 1922-R 0 °C to 500 °C 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C, 419.5 °C, 500 °C 0 °C to 420 °C 1922-8 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C, 419.5 °C PRT (RTD) calibration by comparison NVLAP accredited All calibrations in this section include the following: (1) fitted results with an appropriate equation and (2) interpolation table in 1-degree increments in terms of resistance vs. T90. Recommended for all industrial level PRT (RTD) probes. Hart models 5627, 5622, and 5618A qualify. Temperature Uncertainty Order No. Temperature Comparison Points Used –200 °C 25 mK 1923-4-R –200 °C to 500 °C –197.0 °C, –100.0 °C, –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C, –100 to –50 °C 25 mK 419.5 °C, 500 °C –50 to 0 °C 25 mK 1923-4-8 –200 °C to 420 °C –197.0 °C, –100.0 °C, –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C, 0.010 °C 10 mK 419.5 °C 0 to 200 °C 25 mK 1923-4-N –200 °C to 300 °C –197.0 °C, –100.0 °C, –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C, 200 to 300 °C 25 mK 300 °C 300 to 400 °C 40 mK 400 to 550 °C 50 mK 1923-4-9 –200 °C to 232 °C –197.0 °C, –100.0 °C, –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C 1923-D-8 –100 °C to 420 °C –100.0 °C, –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C, 419.5 °C 1923-D-N –100 °C to 300 °C –100.0 °C, –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C, 300 °C 1923-D-9 –100 °C to 232 °C –100.0 °C, –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C 1923-5-8 –40 °C to 420 °C –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C, 419.5 °C 1923-5-N –40 °C to 300 °C –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C, 300 °C 1923-5-9 –40 °C to 232 °C –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C 1923-N 0 °C to 300 °C 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C, 300 °C 1923-9 0 °C to 232 °C 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C 1923-10 0 °C to 157 °C 0.01 °C, 100 °C, 156.6 °C Precision thermistor calibration by comparison NVLAP accredited All calibrations in this section include the following: (1) polynomial solution with coefficients in Steinhart-Hart or third order, and (2) bound interpolation table in 0.01- or 0.1-degree increments (depending upon span of calibration) in terms of resistance vs. T90. Order the 1925-A for secondary thermistors with 100 °C range, like the Hart 5610 & 5611 probes. The 1925-B&C calibrations are recommended for very high accuracy thermistor standards like the Hart 5640-44 series probes. Order No. Temperature Comparison Points Used Uncertainty (k=2) 1925-A 100 °C span 6 points over span 10 mK 1925-B 60 °C span 7 points over span 1.5 mK 1925-C 100 °C span 11 points over span 2.5 mK 1925-D 10 °C span 4 points over span <10 mK 166 Other Neat Stuff Calibration Services Noble-metal thermocouple calibration by ITS-90 fixed point NVLAP accredited All calibrations in this section include the following: (1) ITS-90 polynomial coefficients in accordance with NIST Monograph 175, and (2) bound interpolation table in 1-degree increments in terms of EMF vs. T90. Recommended for high quality thermocouple standards. Order 1918-A for Au/Pt thermocouple standards, 1918-B for Type S and Type R standards. Order No. Temperature Fixed Points Used Uncertainty (k=2) Extrapolated Uncertainty (k=2) 1918-A 0 °C to 1000 °C FPSn, FPZn, FPAl, FPAg 0.02 °C 0.025 °C (Gold/pt) 1918-B 0 °C to 1450 °C FPSn, FPZn, FPAl, FPAg 0.15 °C 2 °C (Type S–R) Requirements for thermocouples: Must have very clean, unbroken (even uncracked) sheaths, have at least 20” long sheath length, and have at least 36” lead length. Please call our customer service department for clarification if needed. Precision digital thermometer system calibration by comparison NVLAP accredited All calibrations in this section include as-found data, as-left system data, and adjustments. Systems are calibrated as systems and not as individual components (probe and readout). Uncertainties are similar to those listed on the opposite page, depending on the system being calibrated. Consult Hart’s customer service group for temperature ranges not listed here. An additional fee is charged for non-standard temperature points requested. Order No. Temperature Comparison Points Used 1930-4-R –200 °C to 500 °C –197.0 °C, –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 231.9 °C, 419.5 °C, 500.0 °C 1930-4-8 –200 °C to 420 °C –197.0 °C, –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 231.9 °C, 419.5 °C 1930-D-8 –100 °C to 420 °C –100.0 °C, –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 231.9 °C, 419.5 °C 1930-5-8 –40 °C to 420 °C –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 231.9 °C, 419.5 °C 1930-5-9 –40 °C to 232 °C –38.8 °C, 0.01 °C, 156.6 °C, 231.9 °C 1930-8 0 °C to 420 °C 0.01 °C, 231.9 °C, 419.5 °C 1935-A 100 °C span 6 points over span 1935-B 60 °C span 7 points over span 1935-C 100 °C span 11 points over span Fixed point cell direct comparison NVLAP accredited Comparison to a Hart working standard fixed-point cell. A comprehensive calibration report is included. (For Best Measurement Capability comparisons, please call Hart.) Order No. ITS-90 Fixed Point Cell Uncertainty (k=2) 1904-Hg TPHg 0.25mK 1904-Tpw TPW 0.10mK 1904-Ga MPGa 0.10mK 1904-In FPIn 0.70mK 1904-Sn FPSn 0.80mK 1904-Zn FPZn 1.00mK 1904-Al FPAl 1.80mK 1904-Ag FPAg 4.50mK ISO 17025 triggers changes in calibration interval management The ISO 17025 views calibration interval management as the responsibility of the customer rather than the calibration supplier. As a result, when you contact us to arrange for recalibration of your instruments, our customer service representative will ask you what interval you wish to set. If no interval is selected, the calibration report will show the due date as “Not Defined.” In the case of new instruments, we will set the initial interval based on manufacturer’s recommendations (including our own if Hart is the manufacturer) unless we are instructed otherwise. Remember, although manufacturers may provide advice regarding calibration intervals, cal labs accredited under ISO 17025 may not. You have the choice and responsibility to determine the calibration cycle for your instruments. Should I get a “system” cal? Traditionally, readouts and probes are calibrated individually. This is generally best because the instruments are specified individually, traceability is straightforward, and it permits interchangeability. However, in some circumstances system calibrations can prove beneficial. For example, if the probe and readout are “married” and are both stable performers, it is often faster and cheaper to have them calibrated as a system rather than individually. As-found data is obtained in temperature units and traceability is established through the system. As long as interchangeability is not required, this approach can prove beneficial when used judiciously. DC resistance calibration NVLAP accredited Your DC resistors are compared to Hart’s standard resistors. A comprehensive calibration report is included. Order No. Resistance Range Uncertainty (k=2) 1960 0.35 ppm 1 - 10 Ohm 1960 10 - 100 Ohm 0.45 ppm 1960 100 - 1000 Ohm 0.60 ppm 1960 1000 - 10000 Ohm 0.70 ppm 167 Publications Have you read a good book lately? Would you like something to relax with after work? We’ve got a few books we can recommend for you that will answer your most demanding questions, whether you need to be introduced to temperature metrology or you’re ready to challenge its deepest theories. Don’t let other calibration professionals get ahead of you, and don’t wait until the movie comes out—read these books now! Even if you are not going to read any of these, you need them on your bookshelf so everybody will think you read them. There’s no better way to make others think you’re ahead of the game. Traceable Temperatures: An Introduction to Temperature Measurement and Calibration J. V. Nicholas and D. R. White; John Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edition, 2001, 400 pages. Available at or your local bookstore. This book is a 1994 edition written by two New Zealand metrologists. It covers traceability, uncertainties, the temperature scale, calibration, PRTs, LIGs, thermocouples, and radiation. While easy to read, this book is thorough and contains many small bits of information that are useful. If you’re learning calibration for the first time or refreshing your memory, Traceable Temperatures will work for you. Temperature Measurement Bela G. Laptak, editor; Chilton Book Company, 1993, 131 pages. Available at or your local bookstore. The chapters in this book were provided by a number of authors and edited by Laptak. This is basically an entry-level text that covers basic theory without rigorous math. It’s suitable for industrial technicians and managers needing a solid but elementary understanding of different devices for temperature measurement. Temperature Measurement and Control J. R. Leigh; IEE Control Engineering Series 33, 1988, 189 pages. Available at or your local bookstore. This book has several elementary chapters on temperature, thermocouples, thermistors, and other common industrial sensor types. It also looks at heat sources and gives basic information on the differences and uses of heat sources. Half of the text is devoted to temperature control thermometry and tends to be more in-depth than the other chapters. 168 Other Neat Stuff Fundamentals of Test and Measurement Instrumentation Keith R. Cheatle, 2006, published by the Instrumentation Society of America (ISA), 329 pages. Available from the ISA. This book focuses on the practical application of test instrumentation and emphasizes the importance of creating a "measurement system" that involves components, installation, wiring, and calibration. The design, application and calibration of systems for measuring pressure, temperature, flow, force, displacement, and vibration will also be covered. Emphasis is placed on the calibration of test instrumentation including detailed information about calibration equipment, methods, and records. Temperature: Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry Dean C. Ripple, editor, AIP Conference Proceedings 684, American Institute of Physics 2003, Volume 7, 1187 pages. Available at or your local bookstore. This two-part set is made of many in-depth papers written at the expert level. Part 1 covers thermodynamic temperature determinants, temperature scales, fixed points, resistance thermometry, and thermocouples. Part 2 covers radiation thermometry, temperature control, electronic thermometry, and calibration methods. Techniques for Approximating the International Temperature Scale of 1990 Published by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, July 1990, 205 pages, reprinted 1997. Available from the BIPM. Maybe you’ve heard of the Blue and Red Books. This is the Blue Book. It’s a simple, practical guide to producing accurate measurements that approximate the ITS-90. The key word is approximating. Most labs don’t need to reach the absolute highest levels of accuracy defined and directed by ITS-90. Secondary laboratories doing comparison calibrations will find this book to be a very useful resource. Supplementary Information for the International Temperature Scale of 1990 Published by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, December 1990, 185 pages, reprinted 1997. Available from the BIPM. This is the Red Book. It contains the text of the ITS-90 and all of the required supplemental information available at the time of printing. It covers fixed points, platinum resistance thermometry, gas thermometry, and radiation thermometry and is a must have for all labs. Publications Annual Book of ASTM Standards Calibration: Philosophy in Practice Vol. 14.03, Sec. 14 Temperature Measurement, ASTM, 570 pages. Available at or your local bookstore. Second Edition, Fluke Corporation, 1994. Available at or your local bookstore. The Annual Book of ASTM Standards consists of 72 volumes divided among 16 sections. This one is volume 14.03, Temperature Measurement. While this book may not be the first book on temperature measurement, it’s really, really close. There are too many tables and too many papers to list. What else needs to be said? Join the club and get your copy today. Manual on the Use of Thermocouples in Temperature Measurement PCN 28-012093-40, ASTM Manual 12, fourth edition, 1993, 290 pages. Available at or your local bookstore. If you want to know about thermocouples, you’ll find it in this book. It’s sponsored by the ASTM Committee E-20 on temperature measurement. It covers thermocouples from A to Z. In addition to theoretical information, it covers temperature uncertainty and supplies a number of reference tables for key thermocouple information. Guidelines for Realizing the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90), NIST Technical Note 1265 B. W. Mangum and G. T. Furukawa; NIST, 1990, 176 pages. Available from NIST. This publication includes, in detail, everything you need to know about the ITS-90. From 0.65 K upward, the authors explain how to realize the scale and offer measurement procedures for all the various subranges within the scale. For the portion of the scale relating to platinum resistance thermometers, computational examples are included for determining thermometer coefficients. If you’re serious about realizing points within the ITS-90, this technical note is a must. ANS/ISO/IEC 17025, 2005 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration laboratories Available from NCSLi or your ISO literature supplier. A must have! The new 2005 Standard is now required by worldwide accreditation bodies. It replaces the ISO guide 25 and 17025, 1999 incorporating ISO 9000, 2001 applicable requirements. Your lab’s calibration certificates will be more widely accepted when you adopt the 17025 standard. This is not a temperature calibration book. It primarily discusses DC and low-frequency measurements, and it describes primary and secondary standards as they apply to electrical measurements. The book also has chapters on lab management. While there’s no discussion of temperature calibration, the chapters on DC ratios and AC lore might be interesting to metrologists working with resistance bridges. However, these chapters are not for beginners. Water Vapor Measurement: Methods and Instrumentation Pieter R. Wiederhold; Marcel Dekker, 1997, 357 pages. Available at or your local bookstore. Recommended by Thunder Scientific and including a floppy disk with General Eastern’s Humidity Units Conversion Program, this text is well organized, well illustrated, and an excellent read. It discusses all aspects of humidity measurement and instrumentation, including rudiments and theory, common applications, advantages and limitations of frequently used sensors and techniques, and guidelines for installation, maintenance, and calibration. A must-read if you’re new to humidity calibrations! Temperature-Electromotive Force Reference Functions and Tables for the LetterDesignated Thermocouple Types Based on the ITS-90, NIST Monograph 175 G. W. Burns, M. G. Scroger, and G. F. Strouse; NIST 1993, 630 pages. Available from NIST. If you work with thermocouples, you rely on published reference functions and temperatureEMF tables. Are you using the right ones? When the International Temperature Scale of 1990 and the new representation of the volt came into effect in 1990, it became necessary to restate all thermocouple reference functions and tables to match the new definitions. ANSI/NCSL Z540 (threevolume set) Published by the National Conference of Standards Laboratories, 214 pages. Available from NCSLi. This three-volume set is an absolute must. Based on ISO Guide 25 and only 13 pages long, the Z540-1, Calibration Laboratories and Measuring and Test Equipment—General Requirements, establishes quality standards for calibration labs. The accompanying Handbook for the Interpretation and Application of Z540-1 is an invaluable companion text. And the Z540-2, U.S. Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, explains all the rules for evaluating uncertainties. 169 Index 1502A Tweener PRT Readout . . . . . . . . . . 53 1504 Tweener Thermistor Readout . . . . . . 53 1521 Handheld Thermometer . . . . . . . . . . 56 1522 Handheld Logging Thermometer. . . . 56 1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer, 2 TC and 2 PRT/Thermistor inputs . . . . . . . . . . . 51 1529-R Chub-E4 Thermometer, 4 PRT/Thermistor inputs . . . . . . . . . . . 51 1529-T Chub-E4 Thermometer, 4 TC inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 1560 Black Stack Readout Base Unit . . . . . 48 1575A Super-Thermometer . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 1590 Super-Thermometer II . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 1620A-H The “DewK” Thermo-Hygrometer, High-Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 1620A-S The “DewK” Thermo-Hygrometer, Standard-Accuracy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 1621A-H The “DewK” Thermo-Hygrometer, High-Accuracy Value Kit . . . . . . . . . 59 1621A-S The “DewK” Thermo-Hygrometer, Standard-Accuracy Value Kit . . . . . . 59 1622A-H The “DewK” Thermo-Hygrometer, USB Wireless High-Accuracy Value Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 1622A-S The “DewK” Thermo-Hygrometer, USB Wireless Standard-Accuracy Value Kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 2001-6020 Automation Package for 6020105 2001-6022 Automation Package for 6022105 2001-6024 Automation Package for 6024105 2001-6050H Automation Package for 6050H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 2001-6054 Automation Package for 6054108 2001-6055 Automation Package for 6055108 2001-7007 Automation Package for 7007108 2001-7008 Automation Package for 7008103 2001-7009 Automation Package for 7009111 2001-7012 Automation Package for 7012103 2001-7015 Automation Package for 7015111 2001-7037 Automation Package for 7037103 2001-7040 Automation Package for 7040103 2001-7060 Automation Package for 7060100 2001-7080 Automation Package for 7080100 2001-7100 Automation Package for 7100100 2001-IEEE Interface, IEEE-488 . . . 17, 95, 97, 100, 103, 105 - 106, 108, 111 . . . . 2007 Access Cover, 5 x 10 in, SST . 100, 103, 105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2009 Access Cover, 184 x 324 mm (7.25 x 12.75 in), Stainless Steel . . . . 100, 105 2010 Access Cover, 5 x 10 in, Lexan 100, 103 2010-5 Access Cover, 6.38 x 11.5 in, Lexan (7037) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 2011 Access Cover, 184 x 324 mm (7.25 x 12.75 in), Lexan. . . . . . . . . . . 100, 103 2012-DCB Spare Access Cover, Plastic, 7321, 7341, 7381 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 2014 Spare Access Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 2016-7008 Fluid Level Adapter, 7008. . . 103 2016-7011 Fluid Level Adapter, 701. . . . 103 2016-7012 Fluid Level Adapter, 701. . . . 103 2016-7037 Fluid Level Adapter, 7037. . . 103 2016-7040 Fluid Level Adapter, 7040. . . 103 2016-7060 Fluid Level Adapter, 7060. . . 100 2018 Carousel Holding Fixture for 6055. . 108 2019-7080 Fluid Level Adapter, 7080. . . 100 2019-7100 Fluid Level Adapter, 7100. . . 100 170 Other Neat Stuff 2019-DCB Liquid-in-Glass Thermometer Calibration Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 2020-6330 Spare Access Cover, SST, 633097 2020-6331 Spare Access Cover, Stainless Steel, 6331. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 2020-7320 Spare Access Cover, SST, 7320/7340. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 2020-7380 Spare Access Cover, SST, 738097 2023 Fast-Start Heater, 16.5 in . . . 105 - 106 2024 Fast-Start Heater, 13.5 in (6020, 6024) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 2027-5901 TPW Holding Fixture (7012, 7037) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 2027-DCBM Mercury TP Holding Fixture (7341) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 2027-DCBW TPW Holding Fixture (7321, 7341, 7381) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 2028 Dewar (for TPW ice bath) . . . . . . . . . 15 2030 Fast Start Cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 2031 “Quick Stick” Immersion Freezer . 15, 17 2033 IR Cone (NIST design) . . . . . . . . . . . 103 2068-D Stand, Fixed-Point Cell, Black Delron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2069 8X Magnifier Scope 95, 100, 103, 105 106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2069 LIG Telescope with Mounting, 8X magnification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 2070 Bath Cart, 6020, 6022 (312 mm 12.3 in H) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 2071 Bath Cart, 7011, 7012 (312 mm 12.3 in H) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 2072 Bath Cart, 6024 (216 mm 8.5 in H)105 2073 Bath Cart, 7008, 7037, 7040 (216 mm 8.5 in ) H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 2076-6330 Floor Cart, 6330 (343 mm 13.5 in H) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 2076-7320 Floor Cart, 7320/7340 (229 mm 9 in H) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 2079 Rack-Mount Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 2082-M Spare test lid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 2082-P Spare test lid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 2083 Tank extension adapter. . . . . . . . . . 131 2085 Spare test lid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 2100-P Controller, PRT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 2100-T Controller, Thermistor . . . . . . . . . 119 2125 IEEE-488 Interface . . . . . . . . . . 27, 119 2125-C IEEE-488 Interface (RS-232 to IEEE488 converter box). . . . . . . . . . 97, 141 2126 Comparison Block, 9114 . . . . . . . . . . 27 2127-9114 Alumina Block, 9114 . . . . . . . 27 2127-9116 Alumina Block, 9116 . . . . . . . 27 2129 Spare Alumina Block, 5 wells . . . . . . 13 2130 Spare Well-Sizing Tube Set. . . . . . . 144 2196 Holding Fixture, 13 probes, 5 in x 10 in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 2200-P Controller, PRT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 2361 Spare AC Adapter, 12 V. . . . . . . . . . . 56 2361 Spare Power Supply, 100 to 240 V ac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 2362 Spare AC Adapter, 15 V. . . . . . . . . . . 51 2370 Spare RS-232 Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 2371 Spare INFO-CON Connector . . . . . . . . 56 2372 Probe Termination Adapter, INFO-CON to spade lug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 2375 Mini Thermal Printer . . . . . . . . . . 51, 56 2378 Paper, 2375 Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 2380-X Miniature Thermocouple Connector48 2381-X Standard Thermocouple Connector 48 2382 RTD/Thermistor Connector . . . . . . . . 48 2383 USB to RS-232 Adapter . . . . 82, 85 - 87 2502 DC Power Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 2505 Spare Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 2506 IEEE Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 2506-1529 IEEE Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 2507 Mini-Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 2508 Serial Cable Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 2513-1529 Rack-Mount Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 2521 Battery Pack, 1521/1522 . . . . . . . . . 56 2560 SPRT Module, 25Ω and 100Ω, 2channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 2561 High-Temp PRT Module, 0.25Ω to 5Ω, 2-ch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 2562 PRT Scanner Module, 8-channel . . . . 48 2563 Standards Thermistor Module, 2channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 2564 Thermistor Scanner Module, 8-channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 2565 Precision Thermocouple Module, 2channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 2566 Thermocouple Scanner Module, 12channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 2567 SPRT Module, 1000Ω, 2-channel . . . 48 2568 PRT Scanner Module, 8-channel, 1000Ω 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2575 Multiplexer, 1575 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2590 Multiplexer, 1590 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2600A-101 Extra PRT Probe, 100Ω, with soft case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 2601 Probe Carrying Case . . . 56, 67 - 70, 75 2607 Protective Case for spare sensor . . . . 59 2609 Case, PRT, Plastic . . . . . . . . 62 - 63, 80 2611 Thermistor Probe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 2620 RTD Probe, 11 in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 2620A Hydra Data Acquisition Unit . . . . . 158 2620A/05 Hydra Data Acquisition Unit with IEEE-488 interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 2620A-100 Extra I/O Connector Set. . . . . 158 2620A-101 Current Shunt Set 0-100 mA 158 2620T Recording Thermometer . . . . . . . . 158 2622 RTD Probe, 9 in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 2624 RTD Probe, 14 in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 2625A Hydra Data Logger . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 2626-H Spare Sensor, high-accuracy. . . . . 59 2626-S Spare Sensor, standard-accuracy . 59 2627-H Spare Sensor Kit, high-accuracy . . 59 2627-S Spare Sensor Kit, standard-accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 2628 Cable, Sensor Extension, 7.6 m (25 ft) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 2629 Cable, Sensor Extension, 15.2 m (50 ft) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 2633-232 Wireless Modem, RS-232 to wireless . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 2633-RF Wireless Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 2633-USB Wireless Modem, USB to wireless . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 2635A Hydra Data Bucket (256 KB memory card). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 2635A-1MB Hydra Data Bucket (1 MB memory card). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 2635A-2MB Hydra Data Bucket (2 MB memory card). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 2635A-4MB Hydra Data Bucket (4 MB memory card). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Index 2635A-901 Hydra Logger Software . . . . . 158 2635A-902 Hydra Logger with Trend Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 2635T Recording Thermometer with memory card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 2940-9114 Cell Support Container, 9114 . 27 2940-9115 Cell Support Container, 9115 . 27 2940-9116 Cell Support Container, 9116 . 27 2940-9260 Container, Mini-Cell Support, 9260 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2941 Mini Freeze-Point Cell Basket Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2942-9260 Container, SST Mini-Cell Support, 9260 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3102-0 Insert, blank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 3102-0 Insert, Blank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 3102-1 Insert, 1/16 in (1.6 mm) . . . 139, 143 3102-2 Insert, 1/8 in (3.2 mm) . . . . 139, 143 3102-3 Insert, 3/16 in (4.8 mm) . . . 139, 143 3102-4 Insert, 1/4 in (6.4 mm) . . . . 139, 143 3102-5 Insert, 5/16 in (7.9 mm) . . . 139, 143 3102-6 Insert, 3/8 in (9.5 mm) . . . . 139, 143 3102-7 Insert, 7/16 in (11.1 mm) . . 139, 143 3102-8 Insert, 5/32 in (4 mm) . . . . . 139, 143 3103-1 Insert, blank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 3103-1 Insert, Blank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 3103-2 Insert A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135, 141 3103-3 Insert B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135, 141 3103-4 Insert C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 3103-4 Insert C, Six 1/4 in Wells (Cold Side) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 3103-6 Insert D, Comparison - Metric (Cold Side). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 3107-2000 Blank insert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 3107-2063 1/16 in Insert (1.6 mm). . . . . 151 3107-2125 1/8 in Insert (3.2 mm). . . . . . 151 3107-2156 5/32 in Insert (4 mm) . . . . . . 151 3107-2188 3/16 in Insert (4.8 mm). . . . . 151 3107-2250 1/4 in Insert (6.35 mm). . . . . 151 3107-2313 5/16 in Insert (7.9 mm). . . . . 151 3107-2375 3/8 in Insert (9.5 mm). . . . . . 151 3107-2500 1/2 in Insert (12.7 mm). . . . . 151 3107-2625 5/8 in Insert (15.9 mm). . . . . 151 3107-2901 Insert, 1 User-Specified Hole. 151 3107-2902 Insert, 2 User-Specified Holes 151 3109-0 Insert, Blank (Hot Side) . . . . . . . . 141 3109-1 Insert A, Miscellaneous (Hot Side) 141 3109-2 Insert B, Comparison (Hot Side) . . 141 3109-3 Insert C, Eight 1/4 in Wells (Hot Side) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 3109-4 Insert D, Comparison - Metric (Hot Side). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 3110-1 Comparison Insert, Blank. . . . . . . . 30 3110-2 Comparison Insert A . . . . . . . . . . . 30 3110-3 Comparison Insert B. . . . . . . . . . . . 30 3110-4 Comparison Insert C. . . . . . . . . . . . 30 3125 Surface Calibrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 3140-1 Insert, blank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 3140-2 Insert A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 3140-3 Insert B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 3140-4 Insert C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 3140-6 Insert D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 3141-1 Insert, blank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 3141-2 Insert A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 3141-3 Insert B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 3141-4 Insert C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 3141-6 Insert D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 3150-2 Insert A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 3150-3 Insert B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 3150-4 Insert C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 3150-6 Insert D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 3160-1 Comparison Insert, Blank. . . . . . . . 32 3160-2 Comparison Insert . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3160-3 Comparison Insert . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3320 Spare Stir Bar, Micro-Bath . . . . . . . . 131 3560 Extended Communications Module . . 48 3901-11 TPW Bushing, 5901/5901A to 7.5 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3901-12 TPW Bushing, 5901/5901A to 5.56 mm (7/32 in) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3901-13 TPW Bushing, 5901/5901A to 6.35 mm (1/4 in) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3901-21 TPW Bushing, 5901C to 7.5 mm . 15 3901-22 TPW Bushing, 5901C to 5.56 mm (7/32 in) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3901-23 TPW Bushing, 5901C to 6.35 mm (1/4 in) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3-Point IR Calibrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 5001 Bath Salt, 125 lb. . . . . . . . . . . 106, 115 5010 Silicone Oil Type 200.05 . . . . . . . . . 115 5010-1L Silicone oil, type 200.05, 1 liter 131 5011 Mineral Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 5011-18.9L Fluid, Mineral Oil, 18.9 L (5 gal.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 5011-3.8L Fluid, Mineral Oil, 3.8 L (1 gal.)111 5012 Silicone Oil Type 200.10 . . . . . . . . . 115 5013 Silicone Oil Type 200.20 . . . . . . . . . 115 5013-1L Silicone oil, type 200.20, 1 liter 131 5014 Silicone Oil Type 200.50 . . . . . . . . . 115 5017 Silicone Oil Type 710 . . . . . . . . . . . 115 5019 Halocarbon 0.8 Cold Bath Fluid. . . . 115 5020 Ethylene Glycol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 5022 Dynalene HF/LO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 5023 HFE Cold Bath Fluid. . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 5109 RH/Temp Recorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 5109-220 RH/Temp Recorder, 220 V . . . 157 5121 Humidity Generator, 2500ST. . . . . . 155 5311-001 10 ft. Probe Cable . . . . . . . . . . 157 5311-002 Pens, pkg. of 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 5311-003 AC Adapter, 220 V . . . . . . . . . 157 5311-005 50 ft. Probe Cable . . . . . . . . . . 157 5311-006 100 ft. Probe Cable . . . . . . . . . 157 5311-XXXX Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 5313-001 Scanner, 20 channels . . . . . . . . 20 5313-002 Scanner, 10 channels . . . . . . . . 20 5313-003 IOTech 488 Interface Card . . . . 20 5313-004 Windows Software . . . . . . . . . . 20 5340-1 Resistor, AC/DC Standard, 1Ω . . . . 35 5430-10 Resistor, AC/DC Standard, 10Ω . . 35 5430-100 Resistor, AC/DC Standard, 100Ω 35 5430-10K Resistor, AC/DC Standard, 10 KΩ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 5430-1K Resistor, AC/DC Standard, 1 KΩ . 35 5430-200 Resistor, AC/DC Standard, 200Ω 35 5430-25 Resistor, AC/DC Standard, 25Ω . . 35 5430-400 Resistor, AC/DC Standard, 400Ω 35 5581 MI Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 5610-6-X Thermistor Probe . . . . . . . . . 48, 75 5610-9-X Thermistor Probe . . . . . . . . . 48, 75 5611A-11X Silicone-Bead Probe . . . . . . . . 75 5611T-X Teflon Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 5615-12-X Secondary Standard PRT . . 48, 64 5615-6-X Secondary Standard PRT . . . 48, 64 5615-9-X Secondary Standard PRT . . . 48, 64 5618B-12-X 305 mm (12 in) Small Diameter Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 5618B-6-X 152 mm (6 in) Small Diameter Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 5618B-9-X 229 mm (9 in) Small Diameter Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 5622-05-X Fast Response PRT. . . . . . . . . . 70 5622-10-X Fast Response PRT. . . . . . . . . . 70 5622-16-X Fast Response PRT. . . . . . . . . . 70 5622-32-X Fast Response PRT. . . . . . . . . . 70 5623B-6-X Freezer Probe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 5624-20-X Probe, 1000 °C, 10 ohm PRT, 6.35 mm x 508 mm (0.25 x 20 in) . . . . . . 63 5626-12-X Secondary Standard PRT . . 48, 62 5626-15-S Secondary PRT. . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 5626-15-X High-temp PRT, 100Ω, 381 mm (15 in) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 5626-15-X Secondary Standard PRT . . . . . 48 5626-20-X High-temp PRT, 100Ω, 508 mm (20 in) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 5627A-12-X Secondary PRT . . . . . . . . . . . 69 5627A-6-X Secondary PRT . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 5627A-9-X Secondary PRT . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 5628-12-X Secondary Standard PRT . . 48, 62 5628-15-X Secondary Standard PRT . . 48, 62 5628-20-X High-temp PRT, 25.5Ω, 508 mm (20 in) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 5635-S Thermocouple Cutout Probe. . . . . 119 5640-X Standards Thermistor Probe . . . . . 73 5641-X Standards Thermistor Probe . . . . . 73 5642-X Standards Thermistor Probe . . 48, 73 5643-X Standards Thermistor Probe . . . . . 73 5644-X Standards Thermistor Probe . . . . . 73 5649-20CX Type R TC, 20 in x 1/4 in, with reference junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 5649-20CX Type R TC, 508 mm (20 in), with reference junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 5649-20-X Type R TC, 508 mm (20 in) . . . 80 5649-25CX Type R TC, 635 mm (25 in), with reference junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 5649-25-X Type R TC, 635 mm (25 in) . . . 80 5650-20CX Type S TC, 508 mm (20 in), with reference junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 5650-20-X Type S TC, 508 mm (20 in) . . . 80 5650-25CX Type S TC, 635 mm (25 in), with reference junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 5650-25-X Type S TC, 635 mm (25 in) . . . 80 5665-X Miniature Immersion Probe . . . . . . 75 5681-S SPRT 25.5Ω, 670 °C. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5683-S SPRT 25.5Ω, 480 °C. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5684-S SPRT 0.25Ω, 1070 °C . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5685-S SPRT 2.5Ω, 1070 °C. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5686-B Glass Capsule SPRT, –260 °C to 232 °C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 5695-B Glass Capsule SPRT, –200 °C to 500 °C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 5698-25 25Ω Working Standard SPRT . . . 10 5699-S Extended Range Metal-Sheath SPRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 5699-S Extended Range PRT . . . . . . . . . . . 43 5900 Mercury Cell, Stainless Steel . . . . . . . 22 5901A-G TPW Cell, 12 mm ID with handle, glass shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 5901A-Q TPW Cell, 12 mm ID with handle, quartz shell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 171 Index 5901B Mini Pyrex® Triple Point of Water Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 5901B-G TPW Cell, mini, glass shell . . . . . 15 5901C-G TPW Cell, 13.6 mm ID, glass shell15 5901C-Q TPW Cell, 14.4 mm ID, quartz shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 5901D-G TPW Cell, 12 mm ID, glass shell . 15 5901D-Q TPW Cell, 12 mm ID, quartz shell 15 5901-ITST Isotopic Composition Analysis, TPW Cell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 5901-SMPL Water Sample, TPW Cell . . . . . 15 5904 Indium Cell, Traditional Quartz Glass. 22 5905 Tin Cell, Traditional Quartz Glass. . . . 22 5906 Zinc Cell, Traditional Quartz Glass . . . 22 5907 Aluminum Cell, Traditional Quartz Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 5908 Silver Cell, Traditional Quartz Glass. . 22 5909 Copper Cell, Traditional Quartz Glass 22 5914A Mini Quartz Indium Cell . . . . . . 28, 32 5915A Mini Quartz Tin Cell . . . . . . . . . 28, 32 5916A Mini Quartz Zinc Cell. . . . . . . . . 28, 32 5917A Mini Quartz Aluminum Cell . . . . 28, 32 5918A Mini Quartz Silver Cell. . . . . . . . . . . 28 5919A Mini Quartz Copper Cell . . . . . . . . . 28 5924 Indium Cell, Open Quartz Glass . . . . . 22 5925 Tin Cell, Open Quartz Glass . . . . . . . . 22 5926 Zinc Cell, Open Quartz Glass . . . . . . . 22 5927A-L Aluminum Cell, Open Quartz Glass, Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 5927A-S Aluminum Cell, Open Quartz Glass, Short. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 5928 Silver Cell, Open Quartz Glass . . . . . . 22 5929 Copper Cell, Open Quartz Glass . . . . . 22 5943 Gallium Cell, Metal Cased . . . . . . . . . 22 5943 Mini Metal Cased Gallium Cell. . . . . . 31 5944 Mini Metal Cased Indium Cell . . . 28, 32 5945 Mini Metal Cased Tin Cell . . . . . . 28, 32 5946 Mini Metal Cased Zinc Cell . . . . . 28, 32 5947 Metal Cased Mini Aluminum Cell. . . . 32 5947 Mini Metal Cased Aluminum Cell. . . . 28 6020 Standard Bath, 20 °C to 300 °C . . . 105 6022 Standard Bath, 20 °C to 300 °C, deep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 6024 Standard Bath, 20 °C to 300 °C, high capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 6050H Standard Bath, 60 °C to 550 °C . . 106 6054 Mid-Range Deep-Well Bath . . . . . . 108 6055 Hi-Temp Deep-Well Bath . . . . . . . . 108 6102 Micro-Bath, 35 °C to 200 °C . . . . . . 131 6330 Compact Bath, 35 °C to 300 °C . . . . . 97 6331 Deep-Well Compact Bath, 40 °C to 300 °C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 7007 Refrigerated Deep-Well Bath. . . . . . 108 7008 Standard Bath, –5 °C to 110 °C, high capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 7008IR 7008, modified to accept an IR cone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 7009 Resistor Bath, high capacity . . . . . . 111 7011 Standard Bath, –10 °C to 110 °C. . . 103 7012 Standard Bath, –10 °C to 110 °C, deep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 7012 TPW Maintenance Bat . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 7015 Resistor Bath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 7037 Standard Bath, –40 °C to 110 °C, deep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 7040 Standard Bath, –40 °C to 110 °C. . . 103 7060 Standard Bath, –60 °C to 110 °C. . . 100 172 Other Neat Stuff 7080 Standard Bath, –80 °C to 110 °C. . . 100 7100 Standard Bath, –100 °C to 110 °C. . 100 7102 Micro-Bath, –5 °C to 125 °C . . . . . . 131 7103 Micro-Bath, –30 °C to 125 °C . . . . . 131 7108 Resistor Bath, Peltier-cooled . . . . . . 111 7196-13 LN2 Comparison Calibrator, 13 holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 7196-4 LN2 Comparison Calibrator, 4 holes 33 7312 TPW Maintenance Bath. . . . . . . . 15, 17 7320 Compact Bath, –20 °C to 150 °C . . . . 97 7321 Deep-Well Compact Bath, –20 °C to 150 °C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 7340 Compact Bath, –40 °C to 150 °C . . . . 97 7341 Deep-Well Compact Bath, –45 °C to 150 °C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 7380 Compact Bath, –80 °C to 100 °C . . . . 97 7381 Deep-Well Compact Bath, –80 °C to 110 °C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 742A-1 Resistor, DC Standard, 1Ω . . . . . . . 34 742A-10 Resistor, DC Standard, 10Ω. . . . . 34 742A-100 Resistor, DC Standard, 100Ω . . 34, 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742A-100K Resistor, DC Standard, 100 KΩ 34 742A-10K Resistor, DC Standard, 10 KΩ . . 34 742A-10M Resistor, DC Standard, 10 MΩ . 34 742A-1K Resistor, DC Standard, 1 KΩ . . . . 34 742A-1M Resistor, DC Standard, 1 MΩ . . . 34 742A-25 Resistor, DC Standard, 25Ω. . 34, 39 742A-7002 Transit Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 7900B Controller, Rosemount-Designed Baths, bottom stirred. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 7900-T Controller, Rosemount-Designed Baths, top stirred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 7911A2 Constant Temperature Ice Bath . 112 8508A Reference Multimeter . . . . . . . . . . . 43 8508A/01 Reference Multimeter with Front and Rear 4 mm binding posts and rear input ratio measurement . . . . . . . . . 43 8508ALEAD Lead kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 9007 Portable Lab Dry-Well, –40 °C to 140 °C, 1/4 in (6.36 mm) insert . . . . . . . . . 151 9009 Industrial Dual-Block Dry-Well . . . . 139 9011 High-Accuracy Dual-Well Calibrator 141 9100S-A HDRC Handheld Dry-Well A . . . 143 9100S-B HDRC Handheld Dry-Well B . . . 143 9100S-C HDRC Handheld Dry-Well C . . . 143 9100S-D HDRC Handheld Dry-Well D . . . 143 9101 Zero-Point Dry-Well . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 9102S HDRC Handheld Dry-Well . . . . . . . 143 9103 Dry-Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 9103-6 Insert D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 9112B Calibration Furnace (includes standard 406 mm 16 om block) . . . . . . . . . 147 9114 Metrology Furnace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 9115 Sodium Heat Pipe Furnace. . . . . . . . . 27 9116 Three-Zone Freeze-Point Furnace . . . 27 9117 Annealing Furnace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 9132 Portable IR Calibrator, 500 °C . . . . . 149 9133 Portable IR Calibrator, –30 °C . . . . . 149 9135 3-Point IR calibrator . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 9140 Dry-Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 9141 Dry-Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 9150 Thermocouple Furnace . . . . . . . . . . 145 9170-CASE Case, Carrying, 9170–3 Metrology Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9170-DCAS Case, Transportation with Wheels, 9170–3 Metrology Wells . 129 9170-INSA Insert “A”, 9170 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9170-INSB Insert “B”, 9170 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9170-INSC Insert “C”, 9170 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9170-INSD Insert “D”, 9170 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9170-INSE Insert “E”, 9170 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9170-INSF Insert “F”, 9170 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9170-INSZ Insert “Z”, 9170 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9170-X Metrology Well, –45 °C to 140 °C, w/INSX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9170-X-R Metrology Well, –45 °C to 140 °C, w/INSX, w/Built-In Reference . . . . 129 9171-INSA Insert “A”, 9171 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9171-INSB Insert “B”, 9171 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9171-INSC Insert “C”, 9171 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9171-INSD Insert “D”, 9171 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9171-INSE Insert “E”, 9171 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9171-INSF Insert “F”, 9171 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9171-INSZ Insert “Z”, 9171 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9171-X Metrology Well, –30 °C to 155 °C, w/INSX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9171-X-R Metrology Well, –30 °C to 155 °C, w/INSX, w/Built-In Reference . . . . 129 9172-INSA Insert “A”, 9172 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9172-INSB Insert “B”, 9172 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9172-INSC Insert “C”, 9172 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9172-INSD Insert “D”, 9172 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9172-INSE Insert “E”, 9172 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9172-INSF Insert “F”, 9172 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9172-INSZ Insert “Z”, 9172 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9172-X Metrology Well, 35 °C to 425 °C, w/INSX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9172-X-R Metrology Well, 35 °C to 425 °C, w/INSX, w/Built-In Reference . . . . 129 9173-INSA Insert “A”, 9173 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9173-INSB Insert “B”, 9173 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9173-INSC Insert “C”, 9173 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9173-INSD Insert “D”, 9173 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9173-INSE Insert “E”, 9173 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9173-INSF Insert “F”, 9173 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9173-INSZ Insert “Z”, 9173 . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9173-X Metrology Well, 50 °C to 700 °C, w/INSX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 9173-X-R Metrology Well, 50 °C to 700 °C, w/INSX, w/Built-In Reference . . . . 129 9210 Mini TPW Maintenance Apparatus . . 15, 28, 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9230 Gallium Cell Maintenance System . . . 31 9260 Mini Fixed-Point Furnace . . . . . . 28, 32 9300 Rugged Carrying Case . . . . . . . . . . . 143 9301 Carrying Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 9302 Case (holds 1560 and up to five modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 9302 Rugged Carrying Case . . . . . . . . . . . 149 9303 Rugged Carrying Case . . . . . . . . . . . 135 9308 Rugged Carrying Case . 135, 143, 149 150 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9310 Carrying Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 9311 Carrying Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 9313 Battery Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 9315 Rugged Carrying Case . . . . . . . . . . . 145 9316 Rugged Carrying Case . . . . . . . . . . . 135 9317 Carrying Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 9318 Hard Carrying Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 9319 Large Instrument Case. . . . . . . . . . . 141 9320A External Battery Pack . . . . . . . . . . 153 Index 9321 Soft Carrying Case, 1521/1522. . . . . 56 9322 Rugged Carrying Case . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 9323 Soft Carrying Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 9325 Rugged Carrying Case . . . . . . . . . . . 144 9328 Protective Case for 1620A and two sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 9930 Interface-it Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 9933 TableWare Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 9934-M LogWare, Single Channel, Multi User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53, 56, 87 9934-S LogWare, Single Channel, Single User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53, 56, 87 9935-M LogWare II, Multi Channel, Multi User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 51, 87 9935-S LogWare II, Multi Channel, Single User 48, 51, 87 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9936A LogWare III Software (Single License) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59, 88 9936A-L1 1-Pack License, LogWare III Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 9936A-L5 5-Pack License, LogWare III Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 9936A-LST Site License, LogWare III Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 9936A-UPG 9936A Software Upgrade from version 1.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 9938 MET/TEMP II Software. . . . . . . . . . . . 85 9963A-L10 10-Pack License, LogWare III Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 External Battery Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 S F Secondary Reference Temperature Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Secondary Reference Thermistor Probes. . . 74 Secondary Standard PRTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Selecting a dry-well temperature calibrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Sensible temperature specifications . . . . . . 66 Small Diameter Industrial PRT. . . . . . . . . . . 67 Software Selection Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 SPRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 10 - 12 Standard AC/DC Resistors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 stem conduction errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Super-Thermometer Readouts . . . . . . . . . . 38 Surface Calibrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Fast Response PRTs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Field Dry-Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Fluke Hydra™ Series Data Acquisition. . . . 158 Freeze-Point Furnaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 G Gallium Cell Maintenance Apparatus . . . . . 31 Glass Capsule SPRTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Guidelines for Hart product specifications. 174 H Handheld Dry-Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Handheld Thermometer Readouts. . . . . . . . 54 High-Accuracy Dual-Well Calibrator . . . . . 140 Hot Baths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 How accurate is that probe? . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 How do I register? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 How to Order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 I Industrial Calibrator Selection Guide. . . . . 120 Industrial Dual-Block Calibrator . . . . . . . . 138 INSU-5901 TPW Cell Insurance, one-year . 15 Interface-It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 ITS-90 Fixed-Point Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 L A few dry-well dos and don’ts... . . . . . . . . 136 Annealing Furnace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Avoid water problems in cold baths . . . . . 113 Lab Humidity/Temp Recorder . . . . . . . . . . 157 LIC-9938 MET/TRACK License . . . . . . . . . . 85 LN2 Comparison Calibrators . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 LogWare I and II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 B M A Bath Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Bath Fluids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Bath Selection Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Benchtop Controllers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Benchtop Temperature/Humidity Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Built-In Reference Thermometry! . . . . . . . 126 Buying the right bath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 C Calibration Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Choosing the right temperature readout . . . 37 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout . . . . . . . . . 49 Cold Baths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Compact Baths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Constant Temperature Ice Bath. . . . . . . . . 112 Controller For Rosemount-Designed Baths 118 D DC Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 DC Resistance Standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Deep-Well Baths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Deep-Well Compact Baths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 E Eliminating sensor errors in loop calibrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 ERTCO LIG Thermometer Sets . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Establishing traceability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Evaluating calibration system accuracy. . . . 42 Extended Range Metal-Sheath SPRT . . . . . 11 MET/TEMP II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Metrology Well Calibrators . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Micro-Baths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Mini Fixed-Point Cell Furnace . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Mini Fixed-Point Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Mini TPW Maintenance Apparatus . . . . . . . 30 N NVLAP accreditation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 NVLAP Accreditation at Hart . . . . . . . . . . . 162 O Ordering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Other Neat Stuff Selection Guide . . . . . . . . 153 P Portable IR Calibrators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Portable Lab Dry-Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Precision Freezer PRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Precision Industrial PRTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Primary Standards Selection Guide . . . . . . . . 4 T TableWare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Temperature Calibration Training . . . . . . . 159 The Black Stack Thermometer Readout . . . 44 The DewK Thermo-Hygrometer . . . . . . . . . 57 Thermistor Standards Probes . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Thermistors: the under appreciated temperature standards . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Thermocouple Calibration Furnace . . . . . . 146 Thermocouple Furnace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Thermocouples 101... or, maybe... 401! . . . 78 Thermometer Probe Selection Guide. . . . . . 60 Thermometer Readout Selection Guide . . . . 36 TPW and ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 TPW Maintenance Bath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Traceability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Triple Point Of Water Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Tweener Thermometer Readouts . . . . . . . . 52 Type R and S Thermocouple Standards . . . 80 U Ultra High-Temp PRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 V VSMOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 W Why a Hart bath? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Why buy primary standards from Hart? . . . . 6 Working Standard SPRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Y Y8508 Rack-Mount Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Y8508S Rack-Mount Slide Kit. . . . . . . . . . . 43 Z Zero-Point Dry-Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Q Quartz-Sheath SPRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 R Really Cold Baths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Really Hot Bath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Reference Multimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Resistor Baths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 rutabagas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 173 Guidelines for Hart product specifications Not all manufacturers list the same specifications for similar products. Worse, not all manufacturers mean the same thing when they do. To help explain our specs, we offer the following guidelines. (Since these are “guidelines” and not complete explanations, please contact us if you’d like any additional explanation.) Thermometer probes Calibration uncertainty - This is the uncertainty with which a thermometer was calibrated and does not include all aspects of a thermometer’s performance. This specification can sometimes be improved by limiting the calibration of the thermometer to a narrower range or by calibrating it with fixed-point devices. Stability or repeatability - Many thermometers include a stability spec separate from calibration uncertainty and long-term drift. This value includes all the uncertainties other than calibration uncertainty and long-term drift. Probe accuracy - For some probes, calibration uncertainty and short-term stability have been combined. This is the uncertainty of the thermometer without considering long-term drift effects. Drift rate - With use, particularly at high temperatures, resistance thermometers drift. Oxidation and handling are two of the biggest causes. Some drift effects can be reversed through annealing. Drift specs are usually limited by a given amount of time at high temperatures. With proper handling and less exposure to extreme temperatures, drift can be much less than the specification. Immersion - The immersion requirement of a thermometer is difficult to state. The requirement changes with the medium in which the thermometer is immersed, the amount of thermal contact with the medium, and the difference between the medium’s temperature and ambient temperature. Our specifications are therefore general guidelines assuming use in a typical fluid bath or in a drywell with excellent thermal contact in typical ambient conditions. Thermometer readouts Temperature range - Because thermometer readouts are really ohm- or voltmeters, their “temperature” range is limited to their resistance or voltage range. The temperature ranges provided are guidelines. In most cases, the temperature range of the probe becomes the real limiting factor. 174 Resistance (voltage) accuracy - The “accuracy” of a readout is best stated by the accuracy with which it reads resistance or voltage. This is because all measurements are made in resistance or voltage and then translated into temperature using a user-selected conversion method. (The conversion algorithms in Hart readouts have been validated; no significant errors result from the mathematics in the conversion.) Readouts typically have different accuracies for different resistance or voltage ranges. The temperature and type of probe being used must be considered when computing the accuracy of the readout. Our spec is for one year, based on a rectangular probability distribution. Temperature accuracy - These numbers are guidelines only and do not include the accuracy of the probe. Because readouts do not measure temperature directly, their true accuracy can only be stated in terms of resistance or voltage. To determine temperature accuracy, the type and temperature of the probe must be considered. Operating temperature range - The accuracy of a resistance device depends on ambient temperatures. Accuracy specifications assume the unit is within its operating temperature range. A readout operating in the center of this range is more accurate than one operating on the edge, but both will meet the given specifications. Readouts will function outside the range but with less accuracy. Baths Stability - All stability numbers are “2sigma” figures. This means that two times the standard deviation of a bath’s temperature (over at least 30 minutes) will fall within the stated specification. Because bath stability varies with temperature and the fluid being used, these variables are also specified. Uniformity - This is defined as the largest two-minute-average temperature difference found between two locations within the bath’s working area (which is defined as 1 inch from the bottom and sides of the bath and 3 inches below the fluid’s surface). Limiting work to an even smaller area can further reduce the temperature differences experienced during calibration. Uniformity is heavily dependent on the fluid being used. Our specs reference fluids that might commonly be used at the temperatures in question. Digital setting accuracy - The control probes used in fluid baths are not calibrated and are accurate to 0.5 °C or 1.0 °C. (External references are preferred for determining a bath’s temperature.) Most baths, however, include set-point resolution to less than 0.001 °C. Dry-wells Accuracy - The control sensors—and therefore the displays—of industrial calibrators are calibrated using a calibrated reference thermometer. Reliance on this accuracy depends on using the calibrator in a similar fashion to how it was calibrated—using 6.35 mm (1/4 in) (in most cases) probes inserted snugly to the bottom of the well. Stability - Stability numbers are “2sigma” figures. This means that two times the standard deviation of a dry-well’s temperature (over at least 30 minutes) will fall within the specification. Well-to-well uniformity - This is the maximum temperature difference between two wells, assuming probes of similar size (less than 6.35 mm [1/4 in]) and construction are inserted to the full immersion depth of the dry-well. Certificates and reports Calibrated thermometer probes come with a report of calibration including data at various temperatures, depending on the instrument. Whether or not the report of calibration comes from Hart (and was therefore an accredited calibration under Hart’s NVLAP scope) or from the thermometer’s manufacturer (and therefore may not have been an accredited cal) depends on the model of the probe and whether it is being purchased new or being sent to Hart for recalibration. Consult this catalog, and if you have remaining questions, contact Hart’s service group. All Hart thermometer readouts, whether new instruments or recalibrated instruments, come with a Hart NVLAP report of calibration with data at a number of resistance or millivolt values, depending on the instrument. All Hart dry-wells and Micro-Baths, new or recalibrated, come with a Hart report of calibration that does not fall within Hart’s NVLAP scope and includes data at a number of temperatures, depending on the instrument. All Hart fluid baths come with a report of test that does not fall within Hart’s NVLAP scope and includes stability data. How to Order Contacting Hart Toll-Free (800) 438-4278 Phone: (800) GET-HART (U.S. only) Regular Phone: (801) 763-1600 Email: [email protected] Fax: (801) 763-1010 Internet: Regular Hart Scientific Mail: 799 East Utah Valley Drive American Fork, UT 84003-9775 Outside the U.S., please contact your local representative. If you’re not sure who that is, contact us directly (see list above) and we’ll be happy to point you in the right direction. Application assistance We know how to measure temperature and we know how to calibrate thermometers, so put our knowledge to work for you! Call us, email us, fax us… whatever. No matter how strange your application, our applications specialists are ready to discuss your needs and provide recommendations. Pricing, delivery, and quotes Current price lists are available on request. Depending on the product, you should allow anywhere from one week to 90 days for delivery. Custom orders may take longer. Your local distributor (outside the U.S.) or our Applications Specialists in American Fork can provide quotes with pricing and delivery for specific requests. Specifications We reserve the right to change any specification published in this catalog without notice. Since the catalog is published at infrequent intervals, these changes are reflected in current product user manuals. All products will conform to specifications effective at the time of order. Purchase orders We require written purchase orders prior to shipment, but can schedule production for some items as soon as we have a PO number. Note: due to ISO/IEC Guide 17025 requirements, we do not begin any calibration that falls within the scope of our NVLAP accreditation without a written PO in hand, which we can review in its entirety. Please mail, email, or fax your PO to the above address or number. Shipping We quote and ship F.O.B. American Fork, Utah, so shipping charges are prepaid by us and added to your invoice. We also use the carrier of our choice, which may be UPS, Fed Ex, an air express carrier, or anyone else we believe handles our product well. If you wish to specify a carrier or wish to have the shipping charges billed direct to you through your carrier, that’s fine—just send us all the appropriate information before we ship. Some fixed-point cells must be handcarried and cannot be shipped. You may pick these up yourself or we will deliver them and bill you for the cost of delivery. These arrangements need to be made at the time of ordering. Along with shipping charges, we prepay and add insurance unless you specifically request us not to—but then you accept all risk of shipping damage. (When Hart is paying for shipping charges and not billing the customer—such as for in-warranty service returns—we self-insure against shipping damage.) Items returned to Hart from outside the U.S. for service should not be subject to import duties when we return them to you— provided you returned them to us correctly. Consequently, if we are billed for duties, we will pass the charge through to you. Warranty All products are warranted for parts and labor for one year, except where longer warranties are indicated by our warranty symbols: 2 3 Please be careful with your temperature instruments. Metal-sheathed thermometers can be as susceptible to mechanical shock as are quartz-sheathed thermometers. And even dry-wells, which include embedded control PRTs, are susceptible to mechanical shock. It doesn’t have to look damaged to be damaged. Here’s what our warranty does not include. We don’t include consequential damage or damage from abuse, misuse, or neglect. We don’t include shipping charges (except the cost of returning a warranty to you). And we don’t warrant calibrations once an instrument has left our control. Remember—particularly with thermometers!— we warrant parts and labor. We do not warrant calibrations. Hart Service There are three requirements for working in Hart’s service organization. First, you have to be technically competent and have a thorough understanding of Hart products, how they work, and the applications they’re used in. Second, you have to be exceptionally reasonable and have a sense of fairness. And third, you have to be a customer champion (without violating point #2). Our simple “policy” of treating people fairly, admitting when we’ve erred, and always maintaining the highest integrity is what guides us. I hope this is what you experience when you deal with Hart Scientific. (And if you feel otherwise, don’t hesitate to let us know. You can reach me at [email protected], and you can reach our worldwide service manager at [email protected].) If you need calibration or repair services—or just have questions about how to use your Hart products—don’t hesitate to contact us. We can be reached at (800) 438-4278 (in the U.S.), (801) 763-1600 (from anywhere), [email protected], or by fax at (801) 763-1010. For those of you outside the U.S., we are bringing this world-class service to you. We have established Hart service centers in Europe (one in Eindhoven, Netherlands, and one in Norwich, UK), in Singapore, and in China. We are also working on more extensive training for local service desks. Your local Hart representative will have more information on who in your region you should contact for Hart service. You are also welcome to contact us directly (see above) and we’ll get you to the right people. 175 CEDE S.A. Componentes Electrónicos y Dispositivos Especiales s.a. de c.v Motolinia # 20 Col. Cimatario cp.76030, Querétaro, México. [email protected] Tel.: +52 (442) 212 20 12 Fax: +52 (442) 212 01 06 ©2006 Fluke Corporation. 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