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Chem1031 Study Notes For Unsw

Study notes for all of Higher Chemistry A at UNSW.




CHEM1031 Study Notes Assumed Knowledge Acid - proton donor Base - proton acceptor Acidic oxides (non-metals) react with water to make acids or bases to form salts (CO 2). Basic oxides (metals) react with acids to form salts but do not react with alkaline solutions (CuO, e 2O!). Amphoteric oxides (Al, "n, #b, $n) react with acids or bases to form salts. %eutral oxides (CO, % 2O) don&t react. acid ' metal  2 ' salt acid ' carbonate  CO 2 ' 2O ' salt Gases *istin+uishin+ properties of +ases er compressible /ow rapidl tak take shap shape e of and and 0ll 0ll a co cont ntai aine nerr (li1 (li1ui uids ds onl onl tak take shape) expand and contract with temperature chan+es (more so than li1uids, solids is near ne+li+ible) in0nitel expandable (unlike li1uids, solids) low densit as ariables Pressure (#a) 3for 3force ce4a 4arrea ea.. *ue *ue to part partic icle less in moti motion on,, co coll llid idin in+ + with with 2 momentum into each other and walls. 5#a 3 5%4m  3 564m! (5% 3 5k+m4s2) 5atm 3 789mm+4:orr >anometer - measures di?erence in pressure 3 595!2;#a 3 595.!2;k#a 595.!2;k #a 3 5.95!2;bar 3 5<.7psi • • • • • • • Barometer - measures atmospheric pressure • #a+e 5 Volume (m! - 59!=) Olier Bo+danoski • • number4Amount (mass - k+, moles) Temperature (alwas in @elin absolute temperature)  :hese are dependent upon each other in the three mpirical as =aws Boyle’s Boyle’s aw - V ! (or #55 3 #22) - as pressure increases, olume decreases (or 3 ) - as tem emp per erat atur ure e C"a#le C"a#les’ s’ aw aw - V ! T (or increases, olume increases (also o a a-=us -=ussa sac& c&ss - foun found d when when A$ogad# ad#o’s o’s aw (als +ase +asess rea eact cted ed olu olume metr tric ic rati ratios os wer were sm smal alll whol whole e numbers - a stochiometric ratio) % V ! n (or 3 ) - as the number of moles increases, so does the olume Combinin+ Bole&s and Charles& =aw or 3 PV ! T  Combinin+ all three forms the &deal Gas aw PV ! nT • • • or Constant mol-5 PV ' n(T where D 3 Eniersal as 3 F.!5<; 6 mol mol-5 @ -5 ($G) 3 9.9 9.9F2 F29; 9;7 7 = atm @ -5 $tandard :emperature and #ressure ($:#) 9 oC (27!.5;@) and 5 bar (5.99H59 (5.99H59;#a or 9.IFatm). 5 mole of +as at $:# is 22.7=. Je can also sub in n3m4> and densit (K - rho) 3 m4 to inte+rate other alues. )alton’s aw o* Pa#t+al P#essu#es - in a mixture of +ases, total pressure is the sum of the pressure each +as would exert if  alon al one e un unde derr th the e sam ame e co con ndi diti tion onss (ass ssu umi min n+ the +as ase es ar are e independent and do not react) # : 3 #a ' #b ' #c ' L Mole ,#a-t+on - for each component A in a mixture, the mole fraction is (a alue between 9 and 5 - not percenta+e - to express the Mpercenta+eN of moles of that substance in a mixture) A 3 #artial #ressure of A #A 3 A# : ach +as also obes the Gdeal as =aw independentl as if  the took up all the olume, and hence were # :3#A'#B, #A3nD: and #B3nD:. oweer these conclusions in the 57 th-5Ith  centur, and it wasn&t until the 5I th-29th centur that a theor of atoms be+an to form, so these laws all looked at macroscopic ideas, in/uenced b what we know to be properties of microscopic atoms. @inetic :heor of ases mole molecu cule le siPe siPe is ne+l ne+li+ i+ib ible le co comp mpar ared ed to dist distan ance ce between them mole molecu cule less moe moe ra ran ndoml doml  in strai trai+h +htt line liness in all directions at arious speeds forces forces of attrac attractio tion4r n4repu epulsio lsion n are are ne+li ne+li+ib +ible le (becau (because se the are er weak) except in collisions • • • #a+e 2 Olier Bo+danoski • • number4Amount (mass - k+, moles) Temperature (alwas in @elin absolute temperature)  :hese are dependent upon each other in the three mpirical as =aws Boyle’s Boyle’s aw - V ! (or #55 3 #22) - as pressure increases, olume decreases (or 3 ) - as tem emp per erat atur ure e C"a#le C"a#les’ s’ aw aw - V ! T (or increases, olume increases (also o a a-=us -=ussa sac& c&ss - foun found d when when A$ogad# ad#o’s o’s aw (als +ase +asess rea eact cted ed olu olume metr tric ic rati ratios os wer were sm smal alll whol whole e numbers - a stochiometric ratio) % V ! n (or 3 ) - as the number of moles increases, so does the olume Combinin+ Bole&s and Charles& =aw or 3 PV ! T  Combinin+ all three forms the &deal Gas aw PV ! nT • • • or Constant mol-5 PV ' n(T where D 3 Eniersal as 3 F.!5<; 6 mol mol-5 @ -5 ($G) 3 9.9 9.9F2 F29; 9;7 7 = atm @ -5 $tandard :emperature and #ressure ($:#) 9 oC (27!.5;@) and 5 bar (5.99H59 (5.99H59;#a or 9.IFatm). 5 mole of +as at $:# is 22.7=. Je can also sub in n3m4> and densit (K - rho) 3 m4 to inte+rate other alues. )alton’s aw o* Pa#t+al P#essu#es - in a mixture of +ases, total pressure is the sum of the pressure each +as would exert if  alon al one e un unde derr th the e sam ame e co con ndi diti tion onss (ass ssu umi min n+ the +as ase es ar are e independent and do not react) # : 3 #a ' #b ' #c ' L Mole ,#a-t+on - for each component A in a mixture, the mole fraction is (a alue between 9 and 5 - not percenta+e - to express the Mpercenta+eN of moles of that substance in a mixture) A 3 #artial #ressure of A #A 3 A# : ach +as also obes the Gdeal as =aw independentl as if  the took up all the olume, and hence were # :3#A'#B, #A3nD: and #B3nD:. oweer these conclusions in the 57 th-5Ith  centur, and it wasn&t until the 5I th-29th centur that a theor of atoms be+an to form, so these laws all looked at macroscopic ideas, in/uenced b what we know to be properties of microscopic atoms. @inetic :heor of ases mole molecu cule le siPe siPe is ne+l ne+li+ i+ib ible le co comp mpar ared ed to dist distan ance ce between them mole molecu cule less moe moe ra ran ndoml doml  in strai trai+h +htt line liness in all directions at arious speeds forces forces of attrac attractio tion4r n4repu epulsio lsion n are are ne+li ne+li+ib +ible le (becau (because se the are er weak) except in collisions • • • #a+e 2 Olier Bo+danoski +as particle collisions are perfectl elastic k a Q absolute temperature  :his explains Bole&s =aw as less less space means more *#e.uent collisions, and hence hi+her pressure (as collisions result in a force applied), and Charles& =aw as increasin+ temperature, kinetic ener+ (molec (molecule ule speed) speed) incre increase ases, s, so collis collision ionss become become more more *#e.uent and with g#eate# *o#-e. @inetic theor states  k a is onl dependent on temperature, not +as tpe, and di?erence +ases at the same temperature hae the same aera+e kinetic ener+. As R k 3 mS242, heaier +ases will trael more slowl with the same ener+. Gt can be found that (don&t need to know deriation) Rk 3 %A is Ao+adro&s number. Demember this is per molecule, so to 0nd per mole multipl b Ao+adro&s number. Combinin+ this with our other formula for Rk Date of as >oement >oement Srms 3 Doot-mean-s1uare (rms) simpl means we hae s1uare-rooted the mean alue. E/us+on - escape of molecules throu+h a hole of molecular dimensions (assumin+ no collisions between molecules) )+/us+on - mixin+ of +ases until the mixture is homo+eneous Esin+ the aboe rate and these ideas (in di?usion it could be two +ases reactin+ and producin+ a colour located at a particular point and speeds) we can determine molecular mass. G#a"am’s aw - :he rates of e?usion (and di?usion) of two +ase +asess at the the sa same me temp temper erat atur ure e and and pres pressu surre are are ine iners rsel el  propo proporti rtiona onall to the s1uar s1uare e roots roots of their their densit densities ies (note (note time time is inersel proportional to rate) 3 3 3 All +ases are actuall non-ideal all particles do hae olume - becomes si+ni0cant at hi+h hi+h pres pressu surre (rea (reall olu olume me T idea ideall olu olume me as idea ideall olume hits Pero) the hae attractie forces - si+ni0cant at low temperatures (real olume U ideal olume as particles are are brou brou+h +htt to+e to+eth ther er +ase +asess with with low low inte intera rato tomi micc dispersion forces like e do not experience this) partic particles les do intera interact ct - ne+li+ ne+li+ibl ible e at hi+h hi+h temper temperatu ature re (enou+h ener+ to keep bonds apart), but si+ni0cant at other temperatures (real pressure U ideal +as pressure as ther there e ar are e les less molec olecu ules les - chem chemic ical all l bond bonded ed to+ether - and hence less collisions) All known life depends upon the atmosphere, howeer the atmosphere doesn&t hae a de0nite end, with IIV within !9km, Mouter spaceN at W59,999km. • • • • • Atom+- St#u-tu#e #a+e ! Olier Bo+danoski Onl alence electrons determine chemical properties, and hence isotopes hae nearl identical chemical properties. =i+ht is electroma+netic radiation (a self-sustainin+ oscillation of electric and ma+netic fields), and is characterised b its fre1uenc (X - nu P or sec-5) or waelen+th (Y m or an+strom3Z359 -59m), which are related b c3XY, with isible li+ht bein+ !.I-7.9 59-7m, whilst +amma ras are around 59 -52m and lon+ radio waes 59 <. Mono-"#omat+- (ad+at+on - a selection of one fre1uenc (in practicalit, a narrow band of fre1uencies) for arious scienti0c measurements Poly-"#omat+- (ad+at+on - consistin+ of man fre1uencies =i+ht has tpical wae-like properties (refraction, di?raction and interference), howeer also exhibits the photoelectric e?ect, discoered in 5FF7 b ertP who found li+ht could e[ect electrons from the surface of a metal, and a current could /ow to another electrode in a acuum. e also found it re1uired a threshold fre1uenc that was dependent on the tpe of metal used which was independent of the intensit, howeer once aboe the threshold fre1uenc the intensit increased current siPe, and the ener+ of the electrons emitted depended on the fre1uenc. Gn 5I9;, instein realised li+ht comes in packets or 1uanta (+ot %oble #riPe in 5I25), where each 1uantum of ener+ is proportional to fre1uenc  3 hX where h 3 #lanck&s constant 3 8.828H59-!< 6s A photon with enou+h ener+ could be absorbed and e[ect an electron, producin+ a current, and onl one with enou+h ener+ could oercome the attraction of the atom, the remainder ener+ bein+ conerted to kinetic ( k  3 hX-J).  :he ener+ of a particular orbital can be found b the Ddber+ 1uation 3 D where D 3 Ddber+ constant for  (on data sheet) n5 3 lower shell n2 3 upper shell or hdro+en the shell is a +ood indicator of electron ener+  3 -D4n2 Jhite (polchromatic) li+ht passin+ throu+h a +as composed of sin+le atoms +as lines (or speci0c fre1uencies) remoed, formin+ an aso#t+on se-t#um (the release of the photons once electrons fall is in all directions, and hence much weaker at the detectin+ screen a prism can be used to distin+uish between colours). Jhen heatin+ a +as b electrical dischar+e, it produces these series of lines in an em+ss+on se-t#um. :his is because electrons occup discrete ener+ states that the moe up or down. :he spectra ar with the +as used and pressure (proximit alters ener+ of shells). #a+e < Olier Bo+danoski =man 3 E Balmer 3 isible li+ht #aschen 3 GD  :he alue of n for each ener+ leel4shell is the #+n-+al .uantum nume#. :he g#ound state is an atom&s lowest state, howeer it can under+o transitions to hi+her e2-+ted states b heatin+ or collidin+ ener+eticall with other bodies. :hese are unstable and result in the lowerin+ of ener+ leels b emission of  photons. Complete remoal of an electron means the electron has been moed to n3\. :he ener+ re1uired to moe a alence electron upwards is called the ionisation ener+. $olutions to the S-"#d+nge# e.uat+on hae exact analtical forms for the hdro+en atom ]^3^ where ] 3 amiltonian (an operator that corresponds to the total ener+ of the sstem - encompasses nature of proton and electron particles and their Coulombic attraction _the electrostatic attraction or repulsion between protons and electrons`)  3 ener+ of the state (a constant of proportionalit) ^ (psi) 3 the waefunction An ei+enstate (or orbital) is an allowed ener+ (or shell) under the contraints of the $chrdin+er e1uation (labelled b 1uantum numbers - the are the outcomes or results when solin+ the e1uation). :hese are wae-like states with !* shape and amplitude (this form is a direct conse1uence of the $chrdin+er e1uation. :he electron densit (probabilit of an electron bein+ at a certain point) is +ien b the s1uare of the waefunction (howeer the eisenber+ uncertaint principle limits the abilit to know both the position and ener+ (thus speed) of a 1uantum particle like an electron) ^^ ^2 As the electron could be at an distance from the nucleus (althou+h further is less probable, the olume with a I9V chance of an electron bein+ there is called the ounda#y su#*a-e, and this surface is thou+ht of as the spatial limit of the atomic orbital. :here are four 1uantum numbers to label each electron #+n-+al .uantum nume# (n) - 5, 2, !, L, \ a4+mut"al 5angula# momentum6 .uantum nume# (l) - 9, 5, 2, L, (n-5) magnet+- .uantum nume# (ml) - 9, 5, 2, L, l (but counted from ne+atie to positie -l, -l'5, L, 9, L, l-5, l) s+n .uantum nume# (ms) -  A set of orbitals with the same n are called a s"ell (in hdro+en all orbitals are in the same shell as there is one electron), and a set of orbitals with the same n and l are part of the same sub-shell, labelled b letters (called orbital smbols) if l39  s o#+tal if l35  it&s a  o#+tal Demember $padoof if l32  it&s a d o#+tal = • • • • • • • #a+e ; Olier Bo+danoski if l3!  it&s an * o#+tal then +, h, i and so on  :his is written as (n)(orbital smbol)no. of  electrons e.+. 2s2 s orbitals are sphericall smmetric, howeer the inner orbitals often de/ect the outer orbitals (b Coulombic repulsion) resultin+ in their electron densities peakin+ further awa. p orbitals consist of two lobes of  electron densit on opposite sides of  the nucleus with a nodal plane (Pero electron densit) between them. As there are three ml alues, there are three tpes of orbitals px, p and pP. d orbitals hae either a cloerleaf shape (d x, dP, dxP, dx - ) or two lobes and a torus (d P ). • • 2 2 2  :he Coulombic attraction between the nucleus and electrons leads to a contraction of shells as ou moe to the ri+ht of the periodic table, re1uirin+ more ener+ to pull the electron out due to the increasin+ nu-lea# -"a#ge. >ulti-electron atoms are more dicult to obtain analtical solutions of throu+h the $chrdin+er e1uation as the electrons repel each other, howeer we can still approximate orbitals that resemble the hdro+en atom. :hese repulsions are considered ele-t#on+- s"+eld+ng, and do not a?ect the electrons of an outer shell e1uall s electrons of an outer shall hae at least one smaller lobe of densit closer to the nucleus (inside the re+ion of  shieldin+ electron) and hence are less a?ected as the are more often closer in and not further out the e?ect is smaller for p orbitals, then d, then f, and so on  :hus the de+ree of shieldin+ +oes sUpUdUf (opposite is de+ree of penetration) • • • #a+e 8 Olier Bo+danoski Jhen determinin+ electron con0+uration (a particular arran+ement of electrons), orbitals 0ll up from lowest ener+ to hi+hest, and this can be remembered b the 0lin+ from the top ri+ht (0rst arrow, then second, and so on).  :he au*au (buildin+ up) principle assembles atoms b addin+ one electron for eer proton (and usuall neutron) into the lowest ener+ orbital free. :his follows two rules Paul+ e2-lus+on #+n-+le - two electrons cannot hae all the same 1uantum numbers (and hence a maximum of two electrons in the same sub-orbital (same m l), hain+ two di?erent m s) Hund’s #ule - in a subshell of orbitals (same l or orbital smbol, but di?erent ml) electrons distribute one electron in each orbital ali+nment (the 0rst spin 1uantum number) before the +o back and 0ll it up the remainin+ orbital ali+nments with the other 1uantum number o the onl exception is when ou can +et a half-0lled instead of a nearl 0lled as that is more stable, and this onl occurs in two transition metals and the ones below them (roup G and G) Cr (Chromium) _Ar`inimise formal char+es (formal char+e 3 no. of  alence electrons - number assi+ned in =ewis structure, where lone pair32, bond35 summin+ the formal char+es +ies the oerall char+e if unable to balance formal char+es, ne+atie char+es +o on most electrone+atie, positie char+es on least electrone+atie) lements in the third period and below can hae an e2anded $alen-e s"all  due to the aailabilit of d orbitals. Gn contrast, some elements (B, Be, Al) cannot form =ewis octets in certain circumstances, and become ele-t#on de7-+ent se-+es, not hain+ a total of F electrons (e.+. BeCl2 or BeCl!). $ome molecules are stable with an odd number of electrons, leain+ an unpaired *#ee #ad+-al ele-t#on (e.+. %O2). Jhen completin+ =ewis structures, there ma be more than one wa to minimise formal char+es, and this is called #esonan-e, written as shown in the No9 o*  Geomet#+-al dia+ram (or in one structure Name Pa+#s S"ae and statin+ how man other 2 (A2) =inear structures possible). %ote no electron pair is [umpin+ all the wa around, but instead ! (A!) :ri+onal the [ump from the atom to #lanar bein+ bonded and back. Gn realit the bonds do not /ip back and worth, and each %O bond len+th is somewhere  :etrahedr < (A ) < between a sin+le and double al bond (approximatel calculated b aera+in+ the ; (A;) len+ths in one of the Axial3+ree  :ri+onal resonance structures). n Biprami  :o 0nd !* shape, we 1uatorial d use Valen-e S"ell Ele-t#on 3blue #a+e 59 8 (A8) Octahedr Olier Bo+danoski al Pa+# (euls+on 5VSEP(6, which uses =ewis structures and the repulsion of bonded (B#) or lone pairs (=#) of electrons. $#D makes no distinction between sin+le, double or triple bonds. Gnstead of a bond to a new atom, a blue or +reen sphere could also represent a lone pair. :he +eneral form of a central atom (A) surrounded b other atoms () is A n, or if there are lone pairs (), An-mm  where n is the number of electron pairs (bonded and4or lone), m is the number of =#.  :his +eometr is modi0ed due the hierarch of electron pair repulsions (from stron+est to weakest) =#=#T=#B#TB#B#. :his means two nei+hbourin+ pairs will de/ect, and dependin+ on what is surroundin+ it, ma cause the an+le to widen (and shorten the others). Onl in repulsion are multiple bonds considered multiple bonds are shorter and fatter clouds of electrons, and thus hae stron+er repulsion than sin+le bonds. Because lone pairs can replace outer atoms, and the take the place furthest from other lone pairs and bonded pairs, the actual shape of the molecule is di?erent to its +eometr (hain+ one or more outer atoms remoed). Comou nd Class Geomet#y A< tri+onal planar tetrahedral tetrahedral tri+onal bipramid A!2 tri+onal bipramid A2 A! A22 S"ae E2am le )+ol e Mome nt bent $O2  es tri+onal pramidal bent seesaw (remoe e1uatorial)  :-shaped (remoe two e1uatorials) %! 2O  es es $<  es Cl!  es G!tri+onal A2! linear (triiodid %o bipramid e) A; octahedral s1uare pramid Cl;  es A<2 octahedral s1uare planar e< %o A dipole moment (j, measured in coulomb metres C m oerall asmmetric distribution of electron densit) onl occurs in atoms where the outer atoms are identical and pull in a net direction, or hae di?erent electrone+atie char+es (bein+ di?erent atoms) sucient enou+h to produce a dipole moment, howeer this is not somethin+ we particular care about (onl the shape part). >olecules with a dipole ali+n in an electrical 0eld (as opposites attract). *ipole moments tpicall span 9-7H59-!9C m, and the alues are directl related (but not exactl proportional) to electrone+atiit di?erence. Gn $#D, resonance should be treated with an aera+e ond o#de# (bein+ 5.! in %O!-), and these are treated as one bond, but #a+e 55 Olier Bo+danoski when lookin+ at repulsions as an intermediate between a sin+le bond and double bond. Gn lar+er molecules like hdrocarbons, $#D rules appl to each central atom (each carbon in the case of  hdrocarbons), and the should be treated independentl. $#D produces 1uite accurate results, except for transition metals and some other molecules, howeer we don&t need to know these.  :he an+les in $#D do not match up those in the arin+ orbital ali+nments (which are often at I9o  to each other) and hence a new model formed b Valen-e Bond T"eo#y 5VBT6 is re1uired. As electrons can be considered waes, their orbitals hae wae-like properties, and orbital interactions are analo+ous to the superimposition of  waes. :hat is, when two atoms bond and oerlap sli+htl, the electron densit is the sum of the two parts. :he new orbital is a composite of the old orbital, and is called "y#+d+sat+on. :his leads to the e1ualisation of ener+ies of the alence orbitals (as the become one orbital) and allows for the +reatest possible number of unpaired electrons for bondin+. %ote how positie (blue) with positie enhances the 0nal blue (as the are bein+ added constructie), whilst when added to a ne+atie (pink) it is destructie. Also note that the number of  orbitals remains the same (in this case three p&s and one s), and the notation in that the three ! p&s become p . Oerall in methane Outer atoms (that aren&t hdro+en) also hbridise before bondin+ (e.+. C2Cl2 - both chlorines hbridise !s and !p orbitals to +enerate sp!-chlorine).  :his has been for four electron pairs, howeer in cases like B! there are onl three bonds to be made as there are onl three free alence electrons, and so an sp2-orbital is made (with one electron within each box, and the composite bein+ an electron from the /uorine). oweer, as one p-orbital ali+nment is i+nored (sa pP) it does not conform to the #a+e 52 Olier Bo+danoski new ener+ orbital and remains empt at a sli+htl hi+her ener+ state. :his atomic p P orbital remains acant. $imilarl in BeCl2, as onl two orbitals are re1uired, the 2s and 2px hbridise to form sp and leain+ a acant 2p  and 2pP (note how because hbridisation occurs in the alence shell there is no number outside of the hbrid orbital). Hy#+d+sa t+on Sets o*  Ele-t#ons 5ea-" gold loe6 :nused %o#+tals Geomet 5lue;+n #y <6 sp 2 2 linear sp2 ! 5 tri+onal planar sp! < 9 tetrahed ral )+ag#am $ets of electrons is the number of lone pairs plus the number of atoms it is bonded to (so multiple bonds count as much as sin+le bonds). Gn elements below the 2 nd period, d orbitals come necessar to form sp!d and so on.  :o use B: we 5. draw =ewis dot structure 2. appl $#D to determine shape !. choose the hbridisation model that 0ts (sp, sp2, sp!) <. construct -bondin+ assembl from partiall filled unhbridised p-orbitals Je can extend the B: model to account for double or triple bonds usin+ the unused p-orbitals. or example, in ethene #a+e 5! Olier Bo+danoski  :he electron in the second bond of the double bond sits in the 2p P orbital, and these two ad[acent orbitals form a =%ond, which accounts for the second bond. %ormal, direct sin+le bonds (called >%ond) hae far +reater orbital oerlap, and hence are stron+er. Gn addition, the closer the ener+ies between the bonds the stron+er the -bond. -bonds hae poorer orbital oerlap and hence weaker bondin+, and the lie around the -bond. Gn a triple bond, there are two -bonds (in addition to the -bond) which occur at I9 o  to each other. Gn resonance structures these are called delo-al+sed =%onds. Gn lar+er molecules such as #Cl ; (tri+onal bipramid) and $ 8 (octahedral) hbridisation can +o beond s- and p-orbitals, and into d-orbitals. or example, in $8, the sulfur must be able to present 8 free places to bond with, and hence one s orbital, three p orbitals and two d orbitals are used to make sp!d2. E2tended =%ond+ng  or extended -orbital oerlap occurs when two sets of -bonds are close to each other (as in butadiene, C23C-C3C 2, or +rapheme, where alternatin+ double bonds result in extended -bonds), allowin+ it to conduct electricit due to the delocalisation of electrons (that is, a lar+er -cloud of electrons). oweer this cannot be explained b B:, and hence we use another new model. Mole-ula# ?#+tal 5M?6 T"eo#y is used to account for this, in addition to the structure of molecules like diborane (in dia+ram), and the apparent parama+netism of some simple molecules like O 2, when it is predicted the should be diama+netic. Gn >O :heor, eer two atomic alence orbitals that combine form another two orbitals (unlike B: where onl one was formed, and hence the are di?erent). >O :heor is based upon the oerlap of atomic orbitals. Atomic orbitals (AOs) are mathematical probabilit for re+ions of electron densit (determined b s1uarin+ the waefunction), and as the are waes hae positie and ne+atie amplitude, which simpl tell us the side the electron is on. Bein+ waes, when combinin+ the can be constructie when in phase (called ond+ng - when two like si+ns combine) or #a+e 5< Olier Bo+danoski destructie when out of phase ( ant+ond+ng - when two opposite si+ns combine positie and ne+atie). B: does not account for antibondin+. :hese can be calculated for  2 b the e1uations ^bond 3 (^(5s)A ' ^(5s)B) ^antibond  ' (^(5s)A - ^(5s)B)  :his can be shown dia+rammaticall Antibondin+ orbitals (indicated b an asterisk  after the ) alwas hae one more node than their bondin+ counterparts. Gn the bondin+ of 2, two e1ual-ener+ orbitals (5s) can produce either a bond (which has a lower ener+, and hence is more stable) or antibond (which has a hi+her ener+ and is less stable). :his new electron con0+uration is written as 5s . As there are onl two electrons, it is 0lled from the bottom 0rst, and as 5s  is more stable it is 0lled 0rst (labelled as 5s  as there are two electrons). Bond order is also rede0ned Bond Order 3 Gn the case of 2, as there are two bondin+ electrons and no antibondin+ electrons, bond order 3 (2-9)42 3 5. Gf bond order is 9, there is no bond (as can be seen in the case of e 2 below, howeer e 2' does exist). Gt cannot be U9 (as bondin+ electrons alwas 0ll 0rst).  :his has all been for elements in the 0rst period, but it works much the same in the second period (in the dia+ram the p-orbitals hae been +eneralised, howeer if it was period 2 ou would use 2p P, 2p, 2p, 2p, 2p and 2p). or formalit&s sake, p P is used for horiPontal -bonds, whilst px  and p are used for ertical bonds. %ote how the number of  nodes is the same before and afterwards in constructie, and there is one more in destructie.  :his model can be used to explain the parama+netism of ox+en as usin+ the aufbau principle (and abidin+ b #auli&s xclusion #rinciple and und&s Dule) we +et lone electrons that aren&t paired. 2 2 #a+e 5; Olier Bo+danoski  :his is di?erent to B: as in B: electrons are inoled from the be+innin+ in the hbridisation of orbitals (whilst now the are considered two at a time), and hence we neer think of an MemptN hbridised orbital (whilst >O theor re1uires un0lled or partiall un0lled antibondin+ orbitals), and there is no >O anti-bondin+ e1uialent in B:.  :he bond order in >O is analo+ous to sin+le, double and triple bonds in more simple bondin+ theories, so as bond order increases, bond ener+4enthalp (the ener+ re1uired to break the bond) also increases as there are more bonds to break, howeer bond len+th decreases due to electrostatic attraction Bond Order  Bond ner+  Bond =en+th   :here are two critical factors that determine whether an >O will form and how stable the bondin+ orbital will be (or how unstable to antibondin+ orbital is) 5) de+ree of oerlap (more oerlap (T-bonds)3+reater bondin+4antibondin+ character) 2) similarit in ener+ies of contributin+ orbitals (a 5s orbital will form a lower ener+ bondin+ orbital or een a hi+her ener+ anti-bondin+ orbital with another 5s rather than +oin+ with a 2s) nd 2 period elements often exist as "omonu-lea# d+atom+-s (=i2, B2, etc. - all except Be and %e as antibondin+ cancels with bondin+). oweer, b this theor, B 2 should be diama+netic when it shows parama+netic properties. :his is because the 2s and 2p orbitals are similar in radii, and hence ener+ies, causin+ some oerlap (particularl in those before and includin+ %) resultin+ in o#+tal m+2+ng (or s-p hbridisation) and - crossoer. =i and Be are done normall, but B, C and % hae a =G##* -bondin+ and -bondin+ order, so the -bond is actuall filled up first. :his stabilises the  2s (s& is [ust the diamond of orbitals 2nd shell, so alence), whilst destabilisin+ the 2p (from the 2p P orbital), or in other words causes them to moe further apart in ener+. As the resultin+ orbitals are not deried from one atomic orbital from each atom in the bond, the labels s and  are used to show the predominant tpe. As shown in the dia+ram of  ener+ leels, mixin+ occurs most where the ener+ies are closest. Gt is important to note that the number of  molecular orbitals is #a+e 58 Olier Bo+danoski e1ual to the number of atomic orbitals that made them, the bondin+ orbitals are lower than the atomic orbitals from which the were formed whilst antibondin+ is hi+her. Gt follows both #auli exclusion principle and und&s rule, and the form best when composed of  atomic orbitals of like ener+ies. Gn heteronuclear diatomics, the more electrone+atie atom will hae lower atomic orbital ener+ies (as ener+ies are ne+atie and it re1uires more ener+ to pull out an atom). :he bi++er the di?erence in ener+ies (or electrone+atiit), the +reater the chance of orbital mixin+ (so %O does not hae orbital mixin+, whilst CO does) as the di?erent orbitals (e.+. the 5s of one and the 2pP of another) are likel to cross. Additionall, if both atoms are below nitro+en (as in C%-) there will also be orbital mixin+. Another means of deducin+ this is b considerin+ what somethin+ is isoelectronic (hain+ the same electron con0+uration) with. $o CO would be the same as %2, and hence has orbital mixin+. &nte#mole-ula# ,o#-es  :he state of a substance (the boilin+4meltin+ point) depends on the stren+th and nature of the forces between atoms4molecules of a substance )+se#s+on *o#-es - a molecule with no e#manent dipole that can become temporaril polar when collisions induce unsmmetrical electron distributions (distortions of the electron cloud), occurrin+ in all molecules polarisabilit is the ease of  distortion and determines the stren+th of the force, increasin+ with the number of electrons present (as more electrons means lar+er molecule which means less electrone+atie) molecular shape also determines stren+th of the force, with a hi+her $A ratio (so more $A) bein+ hi+her forces as the are more polarisable )+ole%d+ole - two molecules with e#manent dipole moments attract each other b the approach of  oppositel char+ed ends, which can be caused b asmmetric structure or peripheral atoms of di?erin+ electrone+atiit, and we label this with  ' and - or an arrow pointin+ from positiene+atie with a perpendicular line throu+h it at the positie end Hyd#ogen ond+ng - the stron+est intermolecular force is the result of a dipole-dipole interaction between a stron+l polarised  (due to hi+h electrone+atiit of  O4%4-) and an O, % or  (note re1uires two of these hi+h electrone+atiit atoms, one to create the dipole, the other to bond with it is almost 59H stron+er than other intermolecular forces, dominatin+ molecular properties (eident in binar compounds as boilin+ point increases drasticall despite smaller molecular siPe) has the form donor-qqqacceptor (the donor makes the  ', • • • #a+e 57 Olier Bo+danoski and the acceptor has a lone pair of electrons for attraction) Non%&deal Gases  :he ideal +as laws make two assumptions there is no attractie force between atoms4molecules the olume of the atoms4molecules is ne+li+ible Gn a compressibilit isotherm (+raph), we can plot the +as e1uation ratio (which should alwas be 5 in an ideal +as) a+ainst pressure. At 9 pressure, the ratio is 5, howeer as it increases it deiates below 5 as intermolecular forces pla a role, attractin+ the molecules and reducin+ olume, and hence the ratio. oweer, as olume of the total +as decreases the olume of each particle becomes si+ni0cant, stoppin+ the olume from becomin+ an smaller until the ratio be+ins to increase (as pressure is still increasin+ but olume isn&t decreasin+ as much) so it surpasses 5. Gn noble +ases, there are so few intermolecular forces (as molecules are monatomic and hence dispersion forces small), so the don&t reall dip down. Gf forces aren&t as stron+ (for example, less aailable alence electrons in % 2 and C< compared to halo+ens), then the dip down is not as stron+. Gf the olume of the molecules is lar+er, then the e?ects of olume push up the ratio faster as the come into pla with a lar+er e?ect sooner.  :o correct for this, we use the an der Jaals e1uation • •  :he pressure correction term (0rst bracket) takes into account the intermolecular forces (note a 3 stren+th of intermolecular forces lar+er a means stron+er added as pressure increases). :he olume correction (second bracket) accounts for the molecular olume (note b 3 olume of +as molecules lar+er b means lar+er molecules, less free olume subtracted as free olume decreases). #a+e 5F Olier Bo+danoski Both meltin+ and boilin+ point can be used as measures of  intermolecular forces. At the boilin+ point of a substance, the intermolecular attractie forces balance with the kinetic ener+ of  the substance, and if this occurs at #35.95!H59 ; #a (5atm) it is the no#mal o+l+ng o+nt. At the meltin+ point, the kinetic ener+ ener+ies of the molecules are at a point where solidi0cation and li1uidation are e1uall possible (also with a no#mal melt+ng o+nt).  :hus the rates of escape and capture from a phase depends on the kinetic ener+ and intermolecular forces, lar+er intermolecular forces producin+ hi+her points. Condensed P"ases o* Matte# Sol+ds hae 0xed shape, hi+h densit and low compressibilit due to the stron+ bondin+ between the atoms. :he atoms ma pack in a crstalline solid (lon+ ran+e order) like silica41uartP, or irre+ularl to +ie an amorphous solid (disorder) like +lass. Mole-ula# or atom+- solids are made of coalentl bonded atoms or free atoms, held to+ether b dispersion forces, dipole forces and4or hdro+en bondin+, and their meltin+ point is dependent on these forces (althou+h it is +enerall low). Atomic solids are held to+ether b [ust dispersion forces. Netwo#E=:G#= the @ alues to+ether. A small @ means the e1uilibrium faours the reactants, whilst a lar+e @ means the e1uilibrium faours the products. :he aboe formula can also be done in terms of pressure for a has (as pressure is proportional to concentration as #3nD: and we can diide b  to +et #3cD:), +iin+ us @ p  (note this number will be di?erent to @ c but works similarl). :o conert between them, sub in the alternate alue (from #3cD:) into the e1uilibrium constant expression (the bit @ e1uals) aboe, then simplif, which can be used to show (althou+h ou can [ust do this 0rst principles) @ p 3 @ c (D:)n+ where n+ 3 total mol(products) - total mol(reactants) %ote that the units of D chan+e with the units used. Gn hetero+eneous e1uilibria (where the reactants are not all in the same phase), if pure solids or li1uids are present the are not included in the e1uilibrium constant expressions (as the hae a concentration of 5). :herefore, as the e1uilibrium is independent of the amount of solids present, arin+ amounts will render the same pressure and concentration.  :he #ea-t+on .uot+ent  (v) is calculated in exactl the same as @, except it uses the current concentrations rather than the concentrations at e1uilibrium.  :o calculate concentrations from the e1uilibrium constant use GC b writin+ out the chemical reaction and then underneath write the 5) &nitial concentrations 2) Chan+e in concentrations (b workin+ out which wa the reaction will +o, then addin+ or subtractin+ a multiple of x that re/ects the stochiometr of that substance in the e1uation) !) E1uilibrium 3 Gnitial ' Chan+e (+ies concentrations at e1uilibrium) <) Esin+ these alues as our concentrations, sub into the e1uilibrium constant expression, let it e1ual our @  alue, then sole for x (if ou hae a 1uadratic, 0nd which alue is impossible - a ne+atie alue means the reaction +oes the other wa and ma be impossible, or alues bi++er than the amount of what ou are subtractin+ from are impossible too) ;) $ubstitute in x to 0nd 0nal concentrations  :o aoid hain+ to sole complex calculations, we can use small x approximations that is, lettin+ x39 when subtractin+ from lar+er numbers (rule of thumb is when xU;V of this lar+er number). Gf @ c is small (e.+. 59-F), the amount of product produced (x) is small compared to the amount of reactants left, so we can approximate it to 9 on the denominator. =ikewise, if @ c is lar+e, then it is likel it will be small on the top. #a+e 2< Olier Bo+danoski e C"atel+e#’s P#+n-+le states Gf a chan+e is imposed on a sstem at e1uilibrium, the position of  the e1uilibrium will shift in a direction that tends to reduce that chan+e. Je can induce this in three di?erent was Con-ent#at+on - chan+in+ the concentration of the reactants or products chan+es the alue of v if vU@, more products need to be formed and the reaction will shift to the ri+ht, whilst if vT@, it will shift to the ri+ht (this can also be used to predict which wa a reaction will +o) P#essu#e - note three e?ects (works similarl to concentration) addin+4remoin+ +as or product (same e?ect as o doin+ so in terms of concentration as # Q c) o chan+in+ the olume of the container (note in dia+ram %O2 diminishes twice as fast as % 2O<) o addin+ an inert +as ( N? as whilst it E,,ECT chan+es total pressure of  the sstem, it has no e?ect on the partial pressures of each species doesn&t increase number of collisions) Teme#atu#e - determine if reaction is endothermic or exothermic (U9  exothermic), then treat heat as part of the reaction b addin+ it to the appropriate side (endothermic is release, so add to products) disturbin+ e1uilibrium b chan+in+ temperature is fundamentall di?erent as it chan+es the e1uilibrium constant, related b the an&t o? e1uation which can be inte+rated (this can be used to calculate a new @ note in an exothermic reaction, increasin+ temperature will make a smaller @) • • • Addin+ a catalst will +reatl accelerate a reaction without bein+ consumed, howeer the do not appear in the 0nal oerall reaction and therefore cannot a?ect the e1uilibrium position of the reaction, onl the rate of the reaction. :he do this b proidin+ an alternate reaction path4mechanism with a lower actiation ener+. :his is important for all modern chemical products, like the production of  ammonia for fertiliser (#t catalst), remoin+ %O in ehicle exhaust (#d oxide), and crackin+ petroleum (Peolite), and the are important in biolo+. #a+e 2; Olier Bo+danoski A-+ds and Bases A##"en+us&s de0nition of an acid was that it contains an  that ionises in water to +ie an  ' ion, whilst a base contains an O that ionises in water to +ie an O - ion, howeer this didn&t explain %!  bein+ basic. B#nsted%ow#y &s de0nition is that an acid is a proton donor, and thus a base is a proton acceptor, and thus the products are also con[u+ate acids and bases themseles (as the species are in e1uilibrium). Jater is uni1ue as it is amphiprotic4amphoteric, actin+ as both acid and base. At 2; oC, the e1uilibrium constant (also called the auto#otolys+s -onstant *o# wate# due to its self-ionisation) for pure water is @ w 3 _!O'`_O-` 3 59-5< ' as a bare proton doesn&t reall exist, but it is sol$ated b surroundin+ water (all the exact nature of it is still the sub[ect of  research) and forms hdro+en bonds with the ox+en from other water4hdronium molecules. 1uilibrium constant alues ar from 59-29 to 59!9, and due to its lar+e breadth, we use the lo+ scale (and appl a ne+atie to make the small alues we commonl deal with positie). ence p 3 -lo+_!O'` (or _!O'` 3 59-p) pO 3 -lo+_O-` p@ a 3 -lo+@ a rom this we can show that because _ !O'`_O-` 3 59-5< H ; ?H ' 1 $tron+ acids and bases dissociate completel in water (use arrow, not e1uilibrium), and hence their con[u+ate species do not react to an measureable extent with water. Jeak acids and bases react with water but dissociate incompletel as an e1uilibrium is established, and hence hae the e1uilibrium constants (acidit constant) #a+e 28 Olier Bo+danoski (basicit constant) Acids are stron+er (easier to remoe protons) with a hi+her @ a but lower p@ a, and similarl bases are stron+er with a hi+her @ b and lower p@ b. or an acid and its con[u+ate base (or this could be written ice ersa base with con[u+ate acid - same thin+) A ' 2O  A- ' !O' @ a A- ' 2O  A ' O - @ b 22O  !O' ' O- @ a H @ b 3 @ w 3 59-5<  :herefore K a ; K  ' K w ' 1 >an acids (particularl or+anic ones) hae more than one proton that can react with water, and hence are oly#ot+-. As the protons ma hae di?erent bond stren+ths, the hae di?erent alues for p@ a. :hose attached to more electrone+atie atoms (like ox+en) will hae a lower p@ a and hence dissociate more (as the O can then -bond with !O'42O, 0llin+ in this space and limitin+ the abilit of an ' to come back and bond, and thus makin+ it a stron+ acid). en when there are identical protons, the p@ a for remoin+ the 0rst is di?erent to the second (as the molecule is now sli+htl ne+atie and has a ti+hter control on its  '). :hese are written as p@ a (5), p@ a (2), and so on. Jhilst in the form A - (losin+ a proton in a diprotic acid), the become amphiprotic (becomin+ either  2A or A2-), and ou can determine whether the will +o acidic or basic b lookin+ at the p@ a (2) and p@ b (5< - p@ a (5)), conertin+ to @ a and @ b, and then the lar+er e1uilibrium constant will win out (as it produces more of those products), determinin+ if it is an acid or base. w+tte#+ons are molecules that contain both positie and ne+atie char+es (that do not combine), makin+ it oerall neutral (e.+. the amino acid +lcine). :his means it has both an acidic and a basic end. Jhen lookin+ at the p of salts, consider the anion and cation di?erentl. Gf the form part of a stron+ acid or base, the anion or cation (respectiel), the will be extremel weak con[u+ates, and hence not react with water nor alter p. Jeak acids and bases hae moderate-stron+ con[u+ates, which can raise or lower the p. oweer if both ions are weak, then we need to consider their @&s (%O: p@), and the one with the +reater e1uilibrium constant will produce more product and hence determine if it is acidic or basic (that is, if @ a T @ b, it is acidic). %ote that when solin+ e1uilibriums with acids and bases, we can onl make a small x approximation for _A` when the initial _A` is <99H@ a. Also, if the concentration of the acid or base is less than 59-;, then the autoprotolsis of water must be considered, and rather than usin+ the initial _ !O'` or _O-` of water as 9 (as we hae been approximatin+), we must now use 59 -7. Consider C!COO (a1) '  2O (l)  !O' (a1) ' C!COO- (a1). Gf we were the add C!COO%a, be =e Chatelier&s principle, the e1uilibrium will shift left to minimise the chan+e, and hence will #a+e 27 Olier Bo+danoski moe awa from disassociation and alwas tend towards neutral.  :his is shift in e1uilibrium is called the -ommon +on e/e-t. Dearran+in+ our e1uilibrium constant expression for @ a in terms of !O' and takin+ the -lo+ of both sides we +et the Hende#son%Hasselal-" e.uat+on which tells use directl the p (useful for common ion e?ect uses initial conc.) p 3 p@ a ' lo+ 3 p@ a ' lo+  :he common ion e?ect also proides the basis of u/e#s. Consider A ' 2O  A- ' !O' A- ' 2O  A ' OAddin+ a small amount of base (O -) or acid (!O') will result in the e1uilibrium shiftin+ in the other direction (howeer 2O concentration increasin+ is irreleant as it is a li1uid and hence its concentration is alwas 5), and thus minimisin+ the disturbance of  the acid or base. :he p of a bu?er can be calculated usin+ the enderson-asselbalch e1uation (or GC, but takes lon+er). :here are man important bu?ers in nature, for example the blood bu?er between carbonic acid and hdro+en carbonate (p@ a38.<), hdro+en phosphate and dihdro+en phosphate (p@ a37.2), and amino acids (which act as an acid, p@ a7 as arious). Blood outside the ran+e 7.2-7.8 is smptomatic, and fatal outside of 8.I-7.I. :o +et within these ran+es, _base` 3 59H_acid` (so p is correct for endersonasselbalch e1uation). An mixture of weak acid and con[u+ate base (or ice ersa) will produce a bu?er, howeer the capacit of the solution to resist a p chan+e depends on the relatie concentrations. :he bu?er is most stable the weak acid and con[u+ate base are added in e1ual concentrations as deiations on either side (addin+ either one) will be e1ual. :hus from the enderson-asselbalch e1uation, H'K a.  :itrations are used to determine the concentration of an unknown solution b reactin+ a known olume with a standard solution (known concentration) of a reactant. Esuall the standard solution is in the burette and titrates a known olume that has been pipetted into a conical /ask. :he e1uialence point is the point at which ou hae the same number of moles of added O - or !O' (dependin+ on what ou are titratin+) as the amount of acid or base (respectiel) that ou had initiall. Gn stron+ acid-stron+ base4stron+ base-stron+ acid titrations it is 7, in weak acidstron+ base titrations it is T7, whilst in weak base-stron+ acid titrations it is U7. alfwa to the e1uialence point, the current _acid`3_base` (as half of the acid has been reacted into its con[u+ate base), meanin+ p3p@ a and hence it is a bu?er. #a+e 2F Olier Bo+danoski Acid-base indicators are weak acids or bases that chan+e colour with p, +enerall occurrin+ at p 3 p@ a (indicator)  5 (e.+. phenolphthalein has a p@ a  of I.<). :he react with water (or the solution) to +ain or lose protons and hence chan+e colour. :he p@ Gn or endpoint should be close to the e1uialence point in a titration, and as little indicator used as possible is better to aoid chan+in+ the p. A ew+s acid is an electron-pair acceptor (inerse of proton donor), whilst a =ewis base is an electron-pair donor (inerse of proton acceptor), howeer the stren+ths of  these acids and bases aren&t as readil 1uanti0ed as Brnstedy=owr counterparts. T"e#mo-"em+st#y  :hermochemistr is the stud of ener+ chan+e in a chemical reaction, which helps us understand the direction of chemical chan+e (includin+ how to approach e1uilibrium) and how much ener+ it takes to drie a chemical reaction. %ote 5 calorie 3 <.5F<6 (the ener+ re1uired to heat 5+ of  2O b  5oC), whilst 5 Calorie35999 calories. eat is the amount of ener+ transferred between two ob[ects, whilst absolute4thermodnamic temperature is what can actuall be measured (in @). or example, heatin+ two di?erentl siPed bodies of water with the same amount of ener+ will result in a hi+her temperature in the smaller one. $imilarl, di?erent materials will ield di?erent temperatures for the same ener+. System - the reaction (or thin+) we are interested in (open sstems can pass ener+4mass across boundaries into surroundin+s, whilst closed sstems can pass ener+ but not mass, whilst isolated sstems cannot pass either mass or ener+) Su##ound+ngs - eerthin+ else (we onl worr about this if  a?ected b the sstem, like in thermal contact) :n+$e#se  - sstem ' surroundin+s Bounda#y  - the place where the ener+ (e.+. heat) /ows across  :here are four thermodnamic state functions (onl depend on current state, not a?ected b how it cam to be or will be, hence the chan+e in each is onl dependent on 0nal-initial, not the pathwa taken as opposed to at" functions that depend on the pathwa taken, like heat and work, as some method ma re1uire more of one or the other) &nte#nal Ene#gy (E) - sum of nuclear, electronic, ibrational, rotational, translational and interaction ener+ies of  all the indiidual particles in a sample of matter absolute E cannot be measured, onl E (in the cases shown due to bond ener+ies) • #a+e 2I Olier Bo+danoski • • • () - related to the heat absorbed or produced in a chemical sstem, determined b measured temperature chan+e under constant pressure Ent#oy  ($) - measure of the number of was ener+ is distributed throu+hout a chemical sstem (related to enthalp) G+s *#ee ene#gy () - relates enthalp and entrop Ent"aly  :he ,+#st aw o* T"e#modynam+-s states E 3 1 ' w where 1 3 heat absorbed b the sstem (6) w 3 work done b the sstem (6) Jork is the ener+ re1uired to moe somethin+ a+ainst a force. :his ener+ can be electrical, li+ht, sprin+ ener+ or piston ener+ (the main focus of thermochemistr). Gn pistons, if a compressed +as is placed under a piston, it will expand to atmospheric pressure and moe the piston up. ence work is dependent upon the chan+e in olume of the pistons and the opposin+ pressure, +ien b w 3 -p (don&t think we need to use this).  :his comes from the conseration of ener+, as ener+ cannot be lost or +ained, simpl transferred, and hence is used in the form of heat or moement. eat can be determined from temperature b 1 3 c: where c 3 heat capacit (dependent upon both the tpe and amount of substance present). or pure substances 1 3 mc: 1 3 nC: where c 3 speci0c heat capacit (64@4+) C 3 molar heat capacit (64@4mol) Dearran+in+ E 3 1 - p +ies us the ent"aly or "eat o*  #ea-t+on  (31) 3 E (or ) ' # >an chemical reactions occur under constant pressure (not constant olume) like laborator experiments in open containers, biolo+ical reactions in liin+ sstems, atmospheric reactions and combustion reactions that aren&t in closed sstems, so measurin+ the heat chan+e would +ie , not E. Calo#+met#y can a bomb calorimeter to measure E (usuall for combustion reactions) b hain+ a thermall insulated constant olume from the rest of the unierse and a known heat capacit (and hence we can predict the e?ect of the surroundin+s). Alternatiel, to measure  b hain+ constant pressure, we can use a Mco?ee#a+e !9 Olier Bo+danoski cupN calorimeter that is also thermall insulted, and usuall used for li1uids in heat of dissolution, heat capacit of solids and a1ueous reactions. Je can hae enthalp of aporisation (apT9 as ou hae to oercome intermolecular forces) is the ener+ re1uired to +o from li1uid to +as (in 64mol), enthalp of combustion (cU9 as ou are releasin+ ener+ b formin+ new bonds) is burnin+ in ox+en, and enthalp of  atomisation (atomT9 as ou hae to put in ener+ to break the bonds) is splittin+ a substance into each indiidual atom (not een into  2, but 2). Atomisation enthalpies can be found b summin+ all the indiidual bond enthalpies. Gn an chemical reaction (assumin+ states remain the same), such as combustion, we can approximate the enthalp b 0ndin+ the atomisation enthalp and then addin+ the ne+atie alues of the product&s bond enthalpies (basicall 0nal-initial but usin+ an alternate pathwa). :his is Hess’s aw if ou add up chemical e1uations to form a new oerall e1uation, then the oerall enthalp is the sum of the indiidual enthalpies. oweer in this case it is onl approximate as bond ener+ies depend on the entire molecule, not [ust the two atoms inoled, and the alues on tables are mere aera+es (for example we would predict CClBr 2 wouldn&t decompose in the stratosphere as bond ener+ies appear hi+her than the ener+ of the li+ht there, but in actualit the bond ener+ies are lower). $o instead of usin+ bond enthalpies (which are hard to measure as isolated atoms in the +as are dicult to measure experimentall), we use atoms in the state the are most commonl found in, or their standa#d state, occurrin+ at 5 bar (59 ; #a), 2IF@  and 5>, and this is denoted b a o (e.+. o). %ow we use ent"aly@"eat o* *o#mat+on (f o). or an element in its standard state (e.+. O2 (+), e (s)),  f o 3 9. Gn this, we look at the ener+ re1uired to make the products and subtract the ener+ re1uired to make the reactants r 3  f  (products) -   f  (reactants) Je can use this to predict the properties of di?erent substances, for example the thermite reaction (e 2O! ' 2Al) is hi+hl exothermic so we know the safet precautions to use. :he thermite reaction is used to weld railroad tracks (when there is no electricit), and a ariant is used as an i+niter for rocket fuel. A spontaneous reaction means once it has started it will continue on its own, whilst a non-spontaneous reaction must constantl hae ener+ applied for it to run, or otherwise it will stop.  is not the onl criterion for spontaneit (despite most exothermic reactions (U9) bein+ spontaneous, and the more exothermic the more i+orous), as endothermic reactions like that between barium hdroxide and ammonium nitrate can also be spontaneous. :he other criterion is ent#oy. #a+e !5 Olier Bo+danoski Gf we look at 2O (s)  2O (l), 38.92k64mol (hence endothermic, add heat to left). At :T27!@, it will shift to the ri+ht, whilst below this it will shift left. :his is because ener+ (heat) is /owin+ from the surroundin+s to the sstem (or ice ersa), and this ener+ /ow is ke to understandin+ spontaneous chan+e. ntrop is the tendenc for ener+ to spread out as far as possible (so hain+ a hot ob[ect next to a cold one will result in ener+ moin+ from the hot to the cold until the are e1ual - a result of random probabilit, like di?usion). :he ener+ can spread out in two main was the molecules themseles moe further apart, or the ener+ is spread across more molecules. :herefore entrop is +reater in +as T solid particles spread further solution T solid ' li1uidener+ localised in solid spreads +as ' li1uid T solution ener+ spreads een further in +as C28 T C< more bonds to spread ener+ across !mol T 2mol entrop Q amount (spreads across more molecules) 29@T59@ more kinetic ener+3collisions, spreads ener+ %ote that phase (position entrop) tends to dominate molecular complexit, as the molecules can spread further apart. @nowin+ which is +reater, we can deduce whether the $ of a reaction will be positie or ne+atie (b doin+ 0nal-initial). Standa#d ent#o+es ($9) are the entrop chan+e from :39@ (where $39) to :32IF@ (2; oC). Je can 0nd entrop b $ 3  :he propensit for ener+ to spread out is known in the Dnd aw o* T"emodynam+-s $unierse  3 $sstem ' $surroundin+s or an spontaneous process, $ unierse T 9. Esin+ data from tables (hain+ f 9 in k64mol and $ 9 in 64@4mol - D>>BD E%G:$), we can then determine the di?erence between reactants and products, and hence if a reaction will be spontaneous at 2IF@. Esin+ the aboe alue of $ for surroundin+s, and usin+ 13, it can be shown that for a spontaneous process  3 sstem - :$sstem U 9  :his is called G+s ,#ee Ene#gy, a measure of the spontaneit of a process and the useful ener+ aailable from it. or A== chemical reactions, a +raph of  a+ainst the mole fraction of a reactant4product will hae a minimum, and that minimum occurs at e1uilibrium. As U9 for an spontaneous reaction, this makes sense as  will onl decrease. Gf the sstem does not form an #a+e !2 Olier Bo+danoski e1uilibrium, it will [ust be a strai+ht line from the reactant to product (and dependin+ on which direction it +oes it could be dia+onall up, down, or horiPontal like water +oin+ between solid and li1uid at 9oC. As we can see in this case of the e1uilibrium, when one side has a hi+her alue of 9 than the other, it MraisesN the +raph and the e1uilibrium shifts towards the reactants (as more ener+ is re1uired to shift towards the raised end). Gf less raised, the e1uilibrium will be more centred, and alwas below both sides. :he relationship between o and the e1uilibrium constant (@) is o 3 -D: ln(@) where D 3 uniersal +as constant (64mol4@ - make sure  uses same units) Jhen roT9, @U5, and the reactants are faoured, shown in the +raphs. Gal$an+- Cells  :he concept of oxidation from reactions with ox+en, in which the metal was oxidised to form an ionic compound (althou+h ori+inall thou+ht to be e1ual sharin+ of electrons, howeer we now know electron densit is hi+her on the ox+en). Oxidation is loss, reduction is +ain (of electrons). %ote that the reducin+ a+ent reduces the other species and it itself is oxidised (and ice ersa). Gn oxidation, the oxidation number decreases, whilst in reduction the oxidation number decreases (oxidation numbers are also used for coalent substances but are not ionic char+e, onl used for conenience). Oxidation numbers are used for namin+ compounds, deducin+ properties and identifin+ redox reactions. ree elements are neutral, and therefore hae oxidation numbers of 9, as do neutral molecules, but the parts within those molecules and ions are e1uialent to the ionic char+e (or char+e it would be if ionic), includin+ the si+n. :hen follow the rules in this order 5.  is alwas -5 2. roup 5 is alwas '5, roup 2 alwas '2 !. O is usuall -2 (except in peroxides where it is -5) <. alo+ens are usuall -5 ;.  is -5 with metals and '5 with non-metals  :o balance redox reactions we 5. *etermine half-reactions 2. Balance atoms and char+es a. Balance atoms other than O and  b. Balance O b addin+ 2O c. Balance  b addin+ ' d. Balance char+e b addin+ e!. >ultipl each half-reaction b an inte+er for the same number of e<. Add half-reactions (includin+ states), cancel excess, check balanced a. Gf basic, add O- to cancel ' (cancel an additional 2O) #a+e !! Olier Bo+danoski  :he actiit series shows the order of  most likel to be oxidised (or more correctl, the stron+est reducin+ a+ents). :he hi+her species on the reactiit series determines the direction of the spontaneous reaction. Gn redox reactions, electrons are transferred from one element to another, and we can harness these electrons b separatin+ the half-reactions in a gal$an+- -ell. As electrons are +ained (reduction) throu+h the circuitr in the cathode, cations in the solution bump into these electrons and become part of the solid.  :he opposite occurs at the anode. :he shorthand nomenclature for standard cell notation is (note it shows the direction of reactions4/ow of electrons the middle salt brid+e ) Esin+ a table of cell potentials ( 9 ( or 64C - the number of   [oules transported b 5 amp in 5 second)), we can add the cell potentials to+ether to 0nd the oerall potential of the reaction b determinin+ their direction, balancin+ electrons and summin+. A spontaneous reaction alwas has  9T9. :he tables proided are for reduction potentials (not oxidation), so eerthin+ will be backwards and upside down from $C. %ote that unlike the e1uilibrium constant, this does not depend on the stoichiometr, and hence multiplin+ b a speci0c number does not chan+e the cell potential. Jhen the electrodes themseles are part of  the chemical reaction, the are called a-t+$e ele-t#odes. Je can also use inert materials like +raphite (often used for halo+en +ases) or platinum, called +na-t+$e ele-t#odes. :he conduct electrons, but do not partake in the reaction. enerall their reactions inole a +as or another ion. lectrodes are alwas placed on outside of the shorthand notation, re+ardless if actie or inactie. Gnitiall a standard hdro+en electrode was used to make measurements o?, howeer this is dicult to replicate accuratel (as concentration ma ar with the +as), so it was initiall replace with a normal and then saturated calomel electrode, howeer this contained mercur, so now we use a siler4siler chloride standard electrode, where 939.22. Esin+ a number line, and knowin+ which reaction is more positie, we can deduce the other electrode&s standard potential. As concentration a?ects cell potential, we use a standard concentration in 9, bein+ 5>. arin+ the concentration will inole =e Chatelier&s principle, and if it shifts to the ri+ht the cell potential #a+e !< Olier Bo+danoski will increase, whilst shiftin+ to the left it will decrease. :his is 1uanti0ed in the Ne#nst E.uat+on cell 3 9 - H ln(v) where cell 3 the maximum potential a cell can +enerate () 9   3 cell potential if c35> D 3 F.!5< 64@4mol (uniersal +as constant - note units)  : 3 temperature (@) n 3 number of electrons transferred per mole of rea+ent  3 arada constant 3 I8) and measurin+ the cell potential. :his is how p meters work (comparin+ 2' (a1, 5>) ' 2e 2 (+) or more commonl a siler4siler chloride reference to an unknown solution and measurin+ current can be used to calculate concentration and hence p). A similar thin+ can be done with other ions for ion selectie electrodes (to measure the concentration of particular ions). Concentration cells are also used in nere si+nallin+, ion pumps across cell membranes, and ener+ production and stora+e in cells. orcin+ the electrons in the opposite direction (that is, a+ainst the spontaneous reaction) is called ele-t#olys+s, formin+ an ele-t#olyt+-ell. As oxidation alwas occurs at the anode, the anode is now the other electrode which is becomin+ positie (as it is now losin+ electrons). Gn a +alanic cell, the anode was alread ne+atie, and electrons /owed from it to the cathode. → #a+e !; Olier Bo+danoski ,a#aday’s ,+#st aw o* Ele-t#olys+s states that the mass of  a substance (m in +rams) liberated at an electrode durin+ electrolsis is proportional to the 1uantit of char+e (1 in Coulombs) passin+ throu+h the electrolte m Q 1 ,a#aday’s Se-ond aw o* Ele-t#olys+s  states the number of Coulombs needed to liberate one mole of di?erent products occurs in whole number ratios 1 3 Gt (G in amps, t in seconds). Je can diide this 1 (C) b arada&s constant (C4mol) to 0nd the number of moles of electrons, which can be used to deduce the number of moles of a substance bein+ reduced or oxidised.  :here are three main classes of batteries P#+ma#y Batte#+es - non-reersible (can&t char+e) o )#y Cell - carbon cathode coated in >nO 2  (with +raphite powder for conductiit), a paste of % %O2 cathode ,uel Cells - fuels4chemicals can constantl be passed into the batter reactants are burnt (oerall like combustion), o howeer the two half reactions (anode  2, C<, etc. cathode O2 ' <' '