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Circminimum Wages 2015-2016 Iranular Minimum Wages 2015-2016



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Dayarayan Auditing & Financial Services Firm Minimum Wages, SSO and Tax Salary for 1394 (March 21, 2015-March 21, 2016) Dayarayan Auditing & Financial Services Firm CIRCULAR ON MINIMUM WAGES AND INCREASE OF SALARIES IN 1394 (2015) According to Article 41 of the Labour Law, the Labour High Council has the obligation to fix the minimum wages in the beginning of each year and to determine the amount that must be added to the daily wage that was paid to an employee on the last day of the previous year. The Labour High Council (LHC), on March 14, 2015 decided that the minimum daily wage in the Iranian year 1393 (the year that started on March 21, 2015) shall be Rls. 237,475 Further, the LHC decided that 17% (Seventeen per cent) plus a daily must be added to the salaries and wages paid on the last day of the previous Iranian year 1393 (the wages on March 21, 2014). In addition to the above increase, those employees employed with an employer for one full year before the last day of the previous Iranian year 1394, shall be eligible to receive a daily sum of Rls.10, 000 in this Iranian year 1394 as annuity. Should an employee have a record of less than one full year of employment in the beginning of 1394 he/she shall be eligible to receive the above annuity soon after one full year of employment or one full year after annuity was adjusted last year in workshops governed by a job classification scheme. The following is the full translated text of the Circular issued by the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs notifying the Decree of the Labour High Council: The Office of the Minister of Cooperative, Labour and Social Affairs Circular No. 227413 issued on March 16, 2015 In implementation of Article 41 of the Labour Law, the Labour High Council held a meeting on March 15, 2015 in presence of the representatives of the government, the workers and employers to determine the minimum wages, in 1394. The following decisions were adopted by unanimous vote, in the said meeting, with due regard to the interests of workers, in order to bring their pay to the level of livelihood by taking into consideration the exigencies governing the economic entities, employers and the economic condition of the Iranian society: 1. From the beginning of the new Iranian year 1394 (March 21, 2015), the minimum wages of workers being subject to the provisions of the Labour Law, to be employed under definite or indefinite agreements shall be Rls.237,475 per day. Also, from the beginning of the Iranian year 1394, other wage levels must increase by 17% as compared with the last fixed wage or last basic salary (Article 36 of the Labour Law) paid in 1393. Note: However, according to the above increase, the daily wages of an employee may not of Labour high council for be less than Rls. 237,475, in any case. 2. A daily sum of Rls.10,000 shall also be payable to the workers, in 1394, if one year has passed since their employment or from the date their salary increased during last year. The said increase shall be known as annuity. Note 1- The above annuity shall be used also in determining the salaries of the workers working under job classification schemes approved by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The above figure must be inserted in Group I wages, in compliance with the instructions given by the Ministry of Labour in respect of job classification schemes. Note 2- Seasonal workers' wages, in 1394, shall increase in proportion with the duration of their service, during 1394. Note 3 – According to circular dated March 15, 2015 with regard to support skill axis and enjoying all workers and consequence and willingness of experienced workers), all workers (permanent & casual) that one year has passed since their employment or from the date their salary increased during last year both has received or not received services life will be eligible to receive base of services background shall be known annuity. 3. In order to supply the staple commodities to workers, from the beginning of the Iranian 1393, a monthly sum of Rls. 1,100,000 must be paid by employers, in respect of every worker (whether single or married) according to the Decree of the labour High Council dated October 13, 2008 to the workers as welfare benefit and incentive under Note (3), Article 36 of the Labour Law. 4. The regulations on the manner of increasing the wages set forth in Clause (1) and Note (1) of Clause (2) of this Circular in respect of those jobsites complying with a job classification scheme where the workers receive a compensation in respect of every piece they produce and the manner of increasing their grade, shall be in accordance with the pertinent instructions to be given by the Department General of Supervision of Compensatory Systems of this Ministry. 5. These regulations shall not apply to students who may become engaged in works temporarily in 1394 summer vacations. 6. The jobsites being subject to the provisions of the Labour Law, for the purpose of regulating payment of wages and benefits on the basis of efficiency and increased production and in order to create incentives among their workers may, in addition to implementation of this Decree, provide for payment of wages and benefits on the basis of collective agreements with their workers. Such agreements shall enter into force upon confirmation of same by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Ali Rabiei (Sgd.) * * * REGULATION ON THE MANNER OF IMPLEMENTATION OF LABOUR HIGH COUNCIL'S DECREE IN RESPECT OF PIECE WORK WORKERS. Circular No.245759 issued on March 17, 2015 In implementation of the provisions of Clause (4) of Circular No.227413 Dated March 17, 2015 issued by His Excellency, the Minister of Cooperative, Labour and Social Affairs in respect of a Decree of the Labour High Council dated March 15, 2015, the following provisions are hereby declared on the manner of implementation of the said Decree in respect of the workers who receive compensation on the basis of the number of their products. 1. The Manner of Calculation of the 17% Increase Set Forth in Clause (1) of the Circular Compensation made in respect of every piece of production to the workers in 1394 must be increased by adding 17% to the piece work compensation paid to all workers (whether working under an indefinite agreement or under a fixed time contract). Should the said workers receive a fixed amount, in addition to the piece work commission, also the said fixed amount must be increased by 17%. Note - In cases where the amount of compensation for production of a piece of product shall be determined on the basis of the fixed part of the wage i.e. the piece work commission shall be a percentage of the fixed amount, in such case only the fixed portion of the wage shall be subject to 17% increase (this being due to the fact that in the above case, also the piece work commission shall increase by 17%, ipso facto). Note- If the aggregate amount payable to a worker after the above increments shall be less than Rls. 237,475 per day, then the minimum amount of Rls. 237,475 per day must be paid. 2. Payment of Annuity In addition to increase in wages, piece work workers, whether working under job classification schemes or not, shall be eligible to receive the annuity payable to workers according to Clause (2) of Circular No.27413 dated March 16, 2015 of the Honorable Minister of Cooperative, Labour and Social Affairs. EsmaielZarifi Azad - Director General- Compensatory Systems * * * THE MANNER OF INCREASING THE WAGES OF WORKERS UNDER JOB CLASSIFICATION SCHEMES Circular No.245659 issued on March 17, 2015 The following are the regulations on the manner of increasing the wages of those workers who work in workshops having job classification schemes as provided under Clause (4) of Circular No. 227413 Dated March 16, 2015 issued by the Honorable Minister of Cooperative, Labour and Social Affairs subject to decide of Labour High Council dated March 15, 2015 relate to minimum daily wages: A.The Manner of Increasing Wages As of the beginning of the year 1394 (March 21, 2015) , the basic salaries and wages paid at the end of the Iranian year 1393 shall be increased by 17% . (The last basic daily wage paid in 1393×1.17)=1394 Basic Daily Wage Note 1- According to Clause (1) of the Circular, if the aggregate amount payable to a worker after the above increments shall be less than Rls.237,475 per day, then the minimum amount of Rls.237,475 per day must be paid. Note 2- Other items of wages, such as the wage allocable to grade, benefits for retention, annuity, hard work allowance, etc. must be increased by 17%, as of March 21, 2015, compared with payments at the end of 1393, in accordance with the applicable job classification scheme, or in accordance with the practice, in force, at the workshop concerned. Note 3- Also in implementation of Clause 1 of the Circular, the coefficient of the schedules of wages of job classification schemes shall be increased by 17%, as of March 21, 2015. Also, the wage allocable to grade, posting benefits, difficult conditions of work and retention benefits shall be subject to the said coefficient to be determined for 1394 (applicable exclusively to the workshops falling under the provisions of compulsory job classification). B. Provision for Enforcement of Note (1) of Clause (2) of the Circular Concerning Base Rate in 1394 The table of base rate in the 20 wage-groups in 1394 shall be as follows: In implementation of Note (1) of Clause ( 2) in Circular 227413 Dated March 16, 2015, all personnel who, by March 21, 2015 and thereafter shall have a job record of at least one year, or one year has passed since their last promotion, shall be granted one higher group, in proportion with their job category, with the calculation of the rate stipulated above. Note 1- The base wage payable in 1394 under the Table pertaining to this present Clause of this directive shall not be subject to the 17% increase. Table of Base Rates for Groups in All 20 Wage-groups (Rls. per day) Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Base Rate 10,000 10,200 10,400 10,600 10,800 11,000 11,200 11,400 11,600 11,800 Group 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Base Rate 12,000 12,400 12,800 13,200 13,600 14,000 14,400 14,800 15,200 15,600 Note 2- In implementation of the provisions of note (3) item (2) of Circular No.227413 dated March 16, 2015, all worker class with any kind of contract who have one year experience from March 21, 2015 or one year experience pasted in work shop (Factory) should be subject to receive basic rate even they has been settled their service life or termination benefits. C. Provisions for Enforcement of Clause 4 of the Circular Concerning Wages Rises Resulting from Promotion In all workshops operating under a Job Classification Scheme approved by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the manner of promotion and calculation of the wage increment resulting from such promotion shall be in accordance with the executive regulations and directive pertaining to job classification. Deductions to be made from annuities due to lack of the required education and degree shall be according to the attached schedule and table. In workshops devoid of a job classification scheme approved and accepted by the Ministry of Labour, the increase in wages resulting from job promotion shall be in accordance with the wage increment procedures of the workshop concerned. Esmaie lZarifi Azad - Director General- Compensatory Systems * * * SSO PREMIUM IN 1394 (21 March, 2015-21 March, 2016) According to Social Security Organization regulation, the amount of minimum salary and wages paid to a worker in 1394 (from March 21, 2015) shall be Rls.237, 475 per day. Therefore, SSO premium paid on the basis of a monthly salary less than Rls.7,124,250 (in months having 30 days ) and Rls.7,361,725 (in months having 31 days) shall not be acceptable to the SSO. Minimum SSO Premium Amounts: Rls. Number of days in Month 31 30 Minimum Monthly Salary 7% Premium Payable by Workers 515,320 426,237 20% Premium Payable by Employers 1,472,345 1,424,850 3% Unemployment Insurance Premium 220,851 213,727 Total Premium 3% Unemployment Insurance Premium Total Premium 1,545,962 1,496,092 1,446,222 15,459,225 14,960,925 14,462,227 7,361,725 2,208,517 7,124,250 2,137,275 According to the said Announcement, the maximum daily amount (SSO ceiling) of wages for Social Security Premiums for calculation purpose shall be Rls.1, 472,345 Therefore, and the maximum amount of premium for salaries higher than the above sum shall be as follows: Maximum SSO Premium Amounts: Rls. Number of days in Month 31 30 29 Maximum Monthly Salary 51,532,075 49,869,750 48,207,425 7% Premium Payable by Workers 3,607,245 3,070,882 3,374,519 20% Premium Payable by Employers 10,306,415 9,973,950 9,641,484 Tax Memo: VAT Changing. According to note (2) article (117) of fifth Social & Economic Plan Value Added Tax (VAT) Rate has been increase from 8% to 9% ( March 21,2015-march 21,2016) .VAT will be allocated between VAT , Municipally Tax (MT) that said Municipally Tax 3% and VAT Tax 6%that totally will be 9%. Iran National Tax Affairs (INTA) makes no reference to VAT and MT of fuel and tobacco products whilst were subject to 30% and 15% respectively. SALARY TAX RATES FOR THE IRANIAN YEAR 1392. According to Note (9) Budget Law 1394 the annual tax exemption has been approved as Rls.138, 000,000 .In accordance with the provisions of Articles 84 and 85 of the Direct Taxation Act and other regulations in force in 1394 (the Iranian year that started on March 21, 2015) shall be exempt from taxation up to the amount of Rls. 138,000,000 per year (Rls.11, 500,000 per month). After that till seven times more than this exemption the tax rate is 10% and all remind includes tax rate 20%. Salary Tax Table Executive March 21, 2015- March 21,2016 Monthly Salary Tax Tax Rate Monthly Annual 138,000,000 102.000.000 Basic exemption 10 --850,000 --10.200.000 240.000.000 10 2.000.000 24.000.000 30.000.000 360.000.000 10 3.000.000 36.000.000 50.000.000 480.000.000 10 4.000.000 48.000.000 600.000.000 828.000.000 10 10 5.000.000 6.900.000 60.000.000 82.800.000 More than 966,000,000 834.000.000 20 20 --7.000.000 --84.000.00 942.000.000 5.862.000.000 11.862.000.000 20 20 20 20 8.800.000 10.800.000 104.600.000 190.800.000 105.600.000 129.600.000 2.289.600.000 59.862.000.000 20 983.900.000 11.806.800.000 11.500.000 12.000.000 20.000.000 60.000.000 80.500.000 More than 80.500.000 81.000.000 90.000.000 100.000.000 500.000.000 Annual Salary Minimum wage comparison 2009-2015 in Iran Minimum wage Description Daily minimum wage(1) Monthly minimum wage (30 day) (2) Workers subsidy Housing allowance Family allowance (40,8643) (3) Hourly minimum wage Hourly Overtime wage Tax exception subject article 84 tax act SSO daily minimum wages SSO daily maximum wages(5) Minimum wage March 21,2015 Rls. Minimum wage March 21,2014 Rls. Minimum wage March 21,2013 Rls. Minimum wage March 21,2012 Rls. Minimum wage March 21, 2011 Rls. Minimum wage March 21,2010 Rls. 237,475 7,124,250 1,100,000 400,000 712,425 32,382 45,336 11,500,000 237,475 1,662,290 202,970 6,089,100 800,000 200,000 608,910 27,678 38,749 10,000,000 202,970 1,420,790 162,375 4,871,250 350,000 100,000 487,125 22,152 31,012 6,000,000 162,375 1,136,625 129,900 3,897,000 350,000 100,000 389,700 19,485 25,261 5,500,000 129,900 909,300 110,100 3,303,000 280,000 100,000 303,300 15,014 21,020 4,833,333 110,100 770,700 101,100 3,030,000 200,000 10,000 303,000 13,778 19,289 4,375,000 101,100 707,000 Minimum wage March 21,2009 Rls. 91,500 2,745,000 100,000 100,000 274,500 12,482 17,476 --- 91,500 640,500 (1) Article (7) of Labour law: The expression “employment contract” means a written or an oral agreement whereby a worker undertakes, in return for remuneration, to perform work for an employer for a fixed term or an indefinite period. Note 1: The maximum duration of a definite or fixed period in respect of types of work with an impermanent nature shall be determined by the Ministry of Cooperative, Labour and Social Affairs and approved by the Council of Ministers. Note 2: Where no period is specified in a contract for work which is permanent by nature, the contract shall be deemed to be permanent. Article (8) of Labour law: No stipulation in an employment contract or its subsequent revisions shall be binding if it is less favorable to the worker than the provisions of this Code. (According with vote no.179 dated Nov. 3,1996 of Administration High Court all labour contracts that period is specified, the contract is name temporary and non-permanent.) (2) - According to Note of article (37) Labour law : In months of 31 days, salary and allowances shall be calculated and paid to the worker on the basis of 31days (3)- According with Article 86 of Social security act Family allowance shall be paid exclusively up to two (2) children provided that: 3/1-The insured has a record of payment of premium for at least 720 working days. 3/2- The age of the children shall be less than 18 full years, or that they are exclusively engaged in studies (up to the completion of their studies), or that they are not able to engage in work due to a disease or loss of a limb as certified by the Medical Boards described in Article 91 of this Act. The amount of family allowance shall be equivalent to three times of the minimum daily wages of an ordinary laborer in different regions for each child every month (4)- The daily minimum & maximum wages includes SSO are respectively 237,475 (Monthly Rls.7, 124,250) and Rls. 1,662,290 (Monthly Rls. 49,868,700).(The SSO ceiling has been equal seven times of minimum wages).Please kindly note might be this would be change. (5)- According to Note(9) of Budget bill of 1394 annual tax exemption for the year begin March 21, 2015 will be equal Rls.138,000,000 ( Monthly Rls. 11,500,000). By: Dayarayan Auditing & Financial Services Firm Member of Iranian Association of Certified Public Accountants (IACPA) & Registered Audit firm in Iran Security & Exchange Organization. No.5 Mosayeri Ave. Fatemi Square Tehran 1415895141 Iran- [email protected] Tel: +9821-82134000 Fax: +9821- 88891178