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Database Fundamentals Handout

Database Fundementals




Database Fundamentals Version: ESSENCEOFDBASE/PPT/0604/1.0 Date: 08-07-04 Cognizant Technology Solutions 500 Glen Pointe Center West Teaneck, NJ 07666 Ph: 201-801-0233 ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved Database Fundamentals TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ............................................................................................................................6 About this Module...................................................................................................................6 Target Audience .....................................................................................................................6 Module Objectives ..................................................................................................................6 Pre-requisite...........................................................................................................................6 Chapter 1: Database System.......................................................................................7 Learning Objectives ................................................................................................................7 What is a Database System?...................................................................................................7 Components of a Database System .........................................................................................8 Types of Databases .............................................................................................................. 11 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 12 Test your Understanding ....................................................................................................... 12 Chapter 2: Database Design .....................................................................................13 Learning Objectives .............................................................................................................. 13 Introduction to Database Design............................................................................................ 13 The Design process .............................................................................................................. 13 Semantic modeling concepts ................................................................................................. 14 Assertions ............................................................................................................................ 14 Convertibility......................................................................................................................... 15 Relatability ........................................................................................................................... 15 Object relativity..................................................................................................................... 16 Aggregation.......................................................................................................................... 17 Grouping.............................................................................................................................. 17 Database modeling ............................................................................................................... 17 The entity/ relationship model ................................................................................................ 18 Functional data modeling ...................................................................................................... 21 Semantic objects .................................................................................................................. 22 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 24 Test your Understanding ....................................................................................................... 25 Chapter 3: Relational Database Concepts ............................................................27 Learning Objectives .............................................................................................................. 27 ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 2 Database Fundamentals Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 27 Headings and bodies ............................................................................................................ 28 Base relations and views ....................................................................................................... 29 Relational data integrity......................................................................................................... 31 Entity integrity....................................................................................................................... 32 Referential integrity............................................................................................................... 32 Relational data manipulation.................................................................................................. 33 The RESTRICT operation ..................................................................................................... 33 The PROJECT operation....................................................................................................... 35 The TIMES operation............................................................................................................ 36 The JOIN Operation .............................................................................................................. 37 The UNION operator ............................................................................................................. 41 The MINUS Operator ............................................................................................................ 43 The INTERSECT Operator.................................................................................................... 44 The DIVIDE Operator............................................................................................................ 44 Transforming an E/R model into a relational database............................................................. 46 Normalization ....................................................................................................................... 53 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 60 Test your Understanding ....................................................................................................... 61 Chapter 4: Structured Query Language.................................................................63 Learning Objectives .............................................................................................................. 63 Introduction to SQL ............................................................................................................... 63 Query Processing ................................................................................................................. 63 Test your Understanding ....................................................................................................... 65 Chapter 5: Traditional Database Models ...............................................................66 Learning Objectives .............................................................................................................. 66 Hierarchic database design principles .................................................................................... 66 Implementing a hierarchic schema ......................................................................................... 67 Hierarchic data retrieval ........................................................................................................ 68 Hierarchic data updating ....................................................................................................... 69 Network databases ............................................................................................................... 71 Implementing a network schema............................................................................................ 72 Network data retrieval ........................................................................................................... 73 ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 3 Database Fundamentals Network Updating ................................................................................................................. 74 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 76 Test your Understanding ....................................................................................................... 76 Chapter 6: Object Oriented Databases...................................................................78 Learning Objectives .............................................................................................................. 78 The motivation behind object-oriented database systems........................................................ 78 Object-oriented concepts....................................................................................................... 79 Inheritance ........................................................................................................................... 80 Generalization and specialization........................................................................................... 81 Aggregation.......................................................................................................................... 82 Object-oriented data modeling summary ................................................................................ 82 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 84 Test your Understanding ....................................................................................................... 84 Chapter 7: Distributed Databases ...........................................................................85 Learning Objectives .............................................................................................................. 85 Aim of a Distributed Database System ................................................................................... 85 Implementation of a Distributed Database System .................................................................. 86 Distributed Query Processing ................................................................................................ 88 Types of Distributed System.................................................................................................. 88 Non-distributed Multi Database System.................................................................................. 91 Shared Resources System.................................................................................................... 91 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 93 Know your Understanding ..................................................................................................... 93 Chapter 8: Internal Management..............................................................................95 Learning Objectives .............................................................................................................. 95 Computer file management and DBMS .................................................................................. 95 Tuning at the internal level..................................................................................................... 99 Hashing ............................................................................................................................. 102 Clusters ............................................................................................................................. 103 SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... 104 Test your Understanding ..................................................................................................... 104 Chapter 9: Database Trends ...................................................................................106 Learning Objectives ............................................................................................................ 106 ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 4 Database Fundamentals Overview............................................................................................................................ 106 Data Warehousing .............................................................................................................. 106 Creating and Maintaining a Data Warehouse........................................................................ 108 Data Mining ........................................................................................................................ 110 SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... 110 Test your Understanding ..................................................................................................... 111 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................112 WEBSITES ........................................................................................................................ 112 BOOKS.............................................................................................................................. 112 PRESENTATION................................................................................................................ 112 STUDENT NOTES: .....................................................................................................113 ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 5 Database Fundamentals Introduction About this Module This course provides students with the basic knowledge and skills that are needed to understand the need for databases and how they can design them. Target Audience Entry Level Trainees Module Objectives The Objective of this course is to Explain the benefits of a database system. List the components of the database system and their functions. Explain the different types of databases. After Completion of this module, the trainee will be able to: Understand what is a Database System Explain briefly different types of Database Systems Be able to create a Database environment with ER Modelling Have a broad overview on Relational Database Management System Have an introduction to Structured Query Language Be aware of the new trends in Database Pre-requisite Basic knowledge of data and files. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 6 Database Fundamentals Chapter 1: Database System Learning Objectives At the end of this Chapter you will: ?? Understand what is a Database System ?? Know how files are organized ?? Appreciate the advantages of using a DBMS over a traditional file system ?? Be aware of the Database Architecture What is a Database System? Any computer based information system where the data that supports that system may be “shared” is called a Database system. Here “shared ”implies the data can be used by a wide variety of applications. Computers store data in files where a file is a collection of records on a common theme. Example A book file can consist of book records and each record can have fields for ISBN number, Title and Author. In a database system, files are integrated so that data within them may be shared by an indeterminate set of applications Importance of a database system: Example: A firm wants to computerize its stock control system. It needs to create an application for the Production dept that used a stock file consisting of stock records with the following fields: Stock No Description Level Re_order_Level Unit cost. The Sales dept likewise has a system to maintain an invoice file with the following fields: Customer_name Credit_limit. Address Invoice_no ItemNo Description Amount Item_cost order_cost The Finance dept has a credit control system with a customer file with the following fields: CustomerName Invoice_no Order_cost Payment_Received Credit_Limit. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 7 Database Fundamentals In the above we notice a Redundancy factor (same data stored in different files) which is dangerous for the following reasons: a. AMBIGUITY. Is the StockNo in the Stock file the same as ItemNo in the Invoice file. b. INCONSISTENCY. If the price of a stock changes in one system, will it be reflected in the other dept’s? c. WASTED EFFORT. Creating records with data to support a particular application when the data already exists is a waste of time, effort and money. In the above we find three systems working against each other instead of working in an integrated manner. These problems can be avoided by associating the data together within a database system. All the data that supports a set of applications is stored just once within a single Database. The applications can access those parts of the database that they require. This eliminates Redundancy. Components of a Database System The primary difference of database system from a regular file processing system is that a database system allows the same data to be used in many ways and the use of the data is not tied down to one application. This is achieved by removing the responsibility for creating and maintaining the stored data away from the individual applications and passing this to an underlying layer of software known as DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (DBMS). This acts as a layer between the users of applications and the data. Level Re_order_level Stock control system Stockno/itemno Description Unit/item_cost Order processing system Customer _name Address Invoice_no Amount Order_cost Credit_limit Finanace control system Payment_received FIG1.1 SHARING DATA AMONGST APPLICATIONS ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 8 Database Fundamentals The important thing is that different applications can access different parts of what is now a common set of files. Example: The stock control system will access only the stock file; the order processing system can access parts of the stock, customers and invoice files whilst also maintaining the orders file. The finance system can access parts of invoices and customers files. Each application will need a subset of the entire set of data controlled by the system. This subset is often refered to as a VIEW. Individual items of data may have a different look according to the view through which they are accessed. i.e what may be a decimal in one view may be treated as an integer in another. Different names may be ascribed to the same data. Thus, Item no and Stock no may refer to the same data NOTE: A DBMS must be capable of supporting multiple views of the same dataset. CONCURRENCY: The ability of data being, not only shared amongst applications , but also it being used by different applications at the same time, is called CONCURRENCY. Concurrency has to be controlled else data can be corrupted, if for instance, one application updating a piece of data while it is being used by another concerned with file management. In some systems the host system is bypassed and the DBMS directly accesses and organizes the ‘raw’data stored on the disk. A DBMS has facilities for: a. The sharing and integration of data between different applications. b. The ability to support multiple views of the same data. c. Controlled concurrent access to data. d. Ensures the security and integrity of data. The components that make up a database system are: a) Users: The people who make use of the data. b) Applications: Programs used by the users who require data from the system. c) The DBMS: Software that controls all access to the data. d) The data: The raw data held in computer files. e) The host system: The computer system on which the files are held. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 9 Database Fundamentals Expanding the FIG1.1 We get FIG1.2. FIG1.2 AN INTEGRATED DATABASE SYSTEM At the bottom level we have the data stored in a set of physical files. At the top we have the applications with their views of the same physical data. To have an interface between the physical storage and the logical versions as represented by the set of views, the DBMS must be internally layered. FIG1.3 portrays the various layers of the DBMS. FIG 1.3 THE LAYERING OF A DATABASE SYSTEM The conceptual layer is a logical description of all the data within the system and has the following characteristics: ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 10 Database Fundamentals 1.It is a logical description of data and is independent from any considerations of how the data is actually stored. 2.It is complete as it has a description of the entire data content of the database. NOTE: For performance reasons, the separation of the DBMS from the underlying host system is usually adapted, with the DBMS itself taking on many of the host system operations. FIG1.4 LAYERING OF A DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Types of Databases 1. HIERARCHICAL This is a one to many data tree structure and explores from a parent to one or more children in the data tree. 2. NETWORK This is a many to many data connection and it does not expect a parent -child relationship but the connections have to be explicitly defined. 3. RELATIONAL The data connections follow a tabular structure where data are stored in rows and columns. The relations are understood by values and references automatically. 4.OBJECT-ORIENTED This tells us about the behavior of data which is not addressed in the Relational model. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 11 Database Fundamentals SUMMARY A database system provides the means by which access to a set of data may be shared and integrated amongst a set of applications. The components of a database system are the users, the applications , the DBMS, the host system and the data. A DBMS should be arranged in layers where there exits a single ‘logical’ layer which supports the various views of the data and which has a one-to-one map to the stored data. Access may or may not be via the host operating system. The major DBMS models are HIERARCHICAL, NETWORK, RELATIONAL and OBJECTORIENTED. Test your Understanding 1. What are the facilities that a database management system should provide? 2. What are the layers of a DBMS? 3. What are the main differences in the basic data models supported by Hierarchical, Network, Relational and Object-oriented models. 4. A hospital uses computers to monitor and calculate costs of patient care. The computer system maintains files with the following details: Patient file: Patient Id, Patient name, Home Address, Ward, Date of admission, date of release, conditions diagnosed, consultant, treatments received (each with date, drug id, drug name, amount and the name of the Nurse giving the treatment) Ward file: ward Sister, names of assigned nurses, and names of patients. Doctor file: consultant Id, consultant name, and names of patients. Nurse file: nurse Id, nurse name, ward, treatments administered (each with a date, drugId, drug name, dosage and name of the patient receiving the treatment) Drug file: Drug Id, drug name, recommended dosage. a) Identify the redundancies that exist in these files. What problems might arise from these redundancies? b) Suggest a reorganization of these files so that redundancy may be eliminated. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 12 Database Fundamentals Chapter 2: Database Design Learning Objectives After completing this module, you will be able to: ?? Have the ability to model an application system based on the E-R Modelling approach. ?? Understand the Relational Database concepts like Normalization, Data Integrity, and Relational Operations like Union, Intersection etc. ?? Be able to Design Relational Databases based on E-R Models or System Requirements for an application. Introduction to Database Design Database design is fundamental to the study of databases. Semantic modeling is the process by which we attempt to model 'meaning' in a database. The Design process For any system, we must first identify its data requirements and then organize it into the types of data object that can be represented by the type of database management system that we are using. For instance, with a relational database, we need to organize the data into relational tables. A network database will require the data to be organized into record sets and connecting ownership links. Having identified out set of database objects, we can produce our conceptual schema for the database. However, with larger systems, a preceding stage design is required. This is known as the 'conceptual design'. A conceptual design attempts to present a logical model of a database at a higher level than a conceptual schema. Such a model is known as the 'conceptual model' of the database. Conceptual models are derived using some form of methodology for 'semantic modeling'. Semantic modeling is concerned with the creation of models that represent the meaning of data. There are various semantic modeling methodologies for the design of databases. They share the same general aims: a. They can be used to model many different types of database system. b. They are capable of capturing and representing more of the semantic requirements of a database than those allowed by the 'classic' database models. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 13 Database Fundamentals c. They can be used as a convenient form of communicating database requirements. Aim 1 above allows for a certain amount of DBMS independence. With a well-defined conceptual model, it becomes possible for a database user to choose between the various types of system available for implementing a database and even to change the system if it is found to be unsuitable. The second aim is a particularly important feature. The classic approaches to implementing a DBMS are very constrained in terms of their semantic power. For the final aim, the design of large databases is typically a team effort and ideally should involve the end users of a system as well as the technical specialists charged with its implementation. A large database will also have a life beyond its initial implementation. It is therefore important that its design is well documented and understandable. The process of designing a large database can therefore be broken down into two basic stages: a. Capture the database users' requirements and represent these in the form of a conceptual model. b. Convert the conceptual model to a conceptual schema that can be implemented on give DBMS. The real physical design stage is where a Database Administrator, behind the scenes, will configure and tune a database system so that certain logical structures (e.g. relations in a relational database) are stored in a particular physical manner. Semantic modeling concepts When designing a database, we aim at the construction of a representation of some part of the real world, which has a meaning for its users. Semantics is the discipline of dealing with the relationships between 'words' and the real world items that words refer to. Database semantics are concerned with the relationship between a given set of data and the real world items that this dataset represents. Assertions An assertion is a 'fact' that is true according to the semantics of the given system. For instance, suppose we defined a type of object in a database that we called a 'body' and we said that a 'body' may have properties such as 'head', 'trunk', 'hands', 'My body has small feet' and so on. If we attempted to make an assertion such as 'My body has a large wheelbarrow' we would be contradicting the type definition for 'body', as there is no reference to 'wheelbarrow' as being a property of 'body'. This assertion would be rejected. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 14 Database Fundamentals We could not represent an assertion such as 'My body has 10 fingers' despite its truth in the real world because our type definition does not include the property 'finger'. This, however, is only important of the database user wanted to store information about fingers. Convertibility Suppose we formalized our type definition for 'body' thus: Type body = head, trunk, hands, arms, feet This gives us a format for making assertions about bodies such as: Abdul; large head, small trunk, 2 hands, long arms, 1 foot Note that this assertion is identical to the previous one. We have no way of knowing whether this is different subject with the same name and property values or whether this is the same subject as before who has been erroneously introduced a second time. All assertions are unique .In our bodies database we might introduce a property 'Body_Number', with no two subjects having the same Body_Number. Thus the assertions: Abdul: Body_Number 1, large head, small trunk, 2 hands, long arms, 1 foot. Abdul: Body_Number 2, large head, small trunk, 2 hands, long arms, 1 foot. Would satisfy the convertibility rule as they are both unique. The possible confusion regarding whether the given properties refer to the same body is removed by means of the Body_Number. If we had a data type 'Monkey' which also had the properties Body_Number, head, trunk, arms, hands, ’ feet', then we would have to regard the type Monkey as the same as the type Body as their is nothing to differentiate them. Relatability Suppose we had a database in a travel agent's office which stored details of bookings and holidays according to the following type definitions: Type Booking = Customer, Holiday, Payments_Received Type Holiday = HolidayRefNo, Resort, Cost, Depature_Date ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 15 Database Fundamentals The relatability rule states that each value we use to establish such a relationship must be related to one and only one instance in the related type. In other words, in this example, a Booking instance may refer to only one Holiday. Object relativity In our example above, 'Holiday' exists both as a property of 'Booking' and as a type in its own right. The object relativity principle states that 'type' and 'property' are just different interpretations of the same object. Generalization and Specialization Generalization is the process by which we take a series of object types and associate them together in a generalized type. Take the following type: Type secretary = employee_number, department, start_date, typing_speed Type programmer = employee_number, department, start_date, grade We might deduce that there are certain properties (employee _ number, department, start_date) that are common to all employees in a firm. If this were the case, we could make explicit the fact that secretaries and programmers were both the same type of object by introducing a 'supertype' employee: Type employee = employee_number, department, start_date Secretary and Programmer would then become subtypes: Type secretary = IS-A-employee, typing_speed Type programmer = IS-A-employee, grade IS-A makes explicit that secretary and programmer objects are also employee objects. Thus, a given instance of a secretary may at some points be regarded as an employee and at other times as a secretary who also happens to be an employee. This allows us to define general semantics that we would wish to apply to all employees and particular semantics to particular types of employee. Specialization is the inverse of generalization. We may have started from a generalized type 'employee' and then specialized into particular types of employee. Having performed our generalization, we may introduce a new specialization, for example: Type house_staff = IS-A-employee. House_staff_role. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 16 Database Fundamentals Aggregation Aggregation is the process by which we take a series of otherwise independent types and associate them together in an aggregated type, for example: type engine = engine no, factory, date_of_manufacture, engine_type type body = style, no_of_doors, batch_no, factory type wheelset = batch_no, source, wheel_type type suspension_system = product_no, factory type car = engine, body, wheels, suspension_system The type ‘car” consists of objects that are in no way related to each other but which may be put together to make another type of object. This association may be represented by making an explicit IS-PART-OF extension to our definitions, for example: Type engine = engine_no, factory, date_of_manufacture, engine_type, IS-PART-OF car Grouping A TYPE-OF association between two objects represents grouping. When we say engine ISPART-OF car, we assign an engine to a particular car. A given set of engines will have the same basic given design. A TYPE-OF association can represent this. TYPE-OF association takes a set of objects and associates them with one particular object of a related type. We could create a type that records different sorts of engine design, for example: Type engine_type = capacity, no_of_cylinders, camshaft_type And then explicitly associate all engines together that share the same design characteristics: Type engine = engine_no, factory, date_of_manufacture, TYPE-OF-engine_type, IS-PART- OF-car This represents the idea that we can have many instances of the same object, with each of these instances in some way being unique. Database modeling In this section, we shall briefly examine some major forms of conceptual modeling. We shall apply each type of model to the same basic scenario as follows: The Rock Solid Banking Corporation stores details of its accounts with the following information for each account: Customer Details (Reference_Number, Name, Address, Status), Account_Number, Balance. Accounts may be of two types: deposit and current. Customers may have any number of accounts. Account numbers uniquely identify an account. More than one ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 17 Database Fundamentals customer may share an account. Each customer has a unique reference number. Each account is handled at a distinct branch of the bank. Branch details include Branch Name, Address and Manager. No two branches have the same name. The entity/ relationship model Entity/relationship modeling is an approach to semantic modeling originally defined by Chen (1976) and very much refined since. It is not without its deficiencies, but it has the benefit of being relatively simple and highly applicable to business-type scenarios such as the one above. It is probably, in An E/R model of a database has three fundamental components: Entities: These are items in the real world that are capable of a unique existence. In the above scenario, accounts, customers and branches would be example of entities. An entity is represented in an E/R diagram by means of a box labeled with the name of the entity (Figure 2.1) BANK CUSTOMER ACCOUNT Figure 2.1 Entities Attributes: These are the things that describe an entity. They are represented by labeled ovals attached to an entity. A simple attribute would be the name of a customer, the manager of a branch, the balance of an account (Figure 2.2). Attributes may be multi-valued. For instance, if a customer could have two addresses. We would have shown this by drawing a double oval around Address. Key attribute: A very important attribute is the key attribute. A key attribute is that part of an entity which gives it a unique identity. Reference_number for CUSTOMER, In our scenario above, the key attributes are Account_No for ACCOUNT and Branch_Name for BRANCH. We underline key attributes as shown in Figure 2.2. Key attributes need not be simple attributes. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 18 Database Fundamentals FIG 2.2ENTITIES WITH ATTRIBUTES Relationships: A relationship represents the interaction between entities. It is diagrammatically represented by means of a diamond connecting the entities participating in the relationship. A relationship has a ‘degree’ indicating the number of entities participating in the relationship and each interaction has cardinality. In our scenario above we have an interaction between accounts and customers and another one between accounts and branches. As each of these interactions involves two entities, they have a degree of two. We have said that an account is handled by one branch. Assuming that a branch may have any number of accounts, we have a many-to-one (M1) cardinality between accounts and branches (Figure 2.3). Handles Bank 1 Account M Figure 2.3 A 1-M cardinality. As an account may be shared by a number of customers and a customer have may accounts, we have a many-to-many (M-N) cardinality for the relationship. One-to-one cardinalities are possible. For instance, we might need to treat MANAGER as a separate entity. If a manager can ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 19 Database Fundamentals only manage one branch, then we would have a one-to-one relationship between MANAGER and BRANCH. The E/R diagram shown in Figure 2.4 could represent our scenario above. Relationships may in themselves become entities. Take the relationship between ACCOUNT and CUSTOMER. Figure 2.4 An entity/ relationship data model 1 1 Figure 2.5 A weak entity Suppose for share accounts we wish to record the date each time a given customer was allocated to a given account. This means that the relationship itself now has an attribute (‘Date of Registration’). We must now represent the relationship as an Entity in its own right (Figure 2.5). Now how the M-N cardinality has been replaced by two 1-M cardinalities indicating that ACCOUNT may have many registrations, one for each customer, and that CUSTOMER may ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 20 Database Fundamentals have many registrations, each one for a unique account. Note also how we have drawn a double box around Registration. This is because it is a special type of entity known as a ‘Weak Entity’. The most important extension to E/R modeling is the notion of sub typing and its refinements. In our first diagram we failed to show that accounts might be of two types (deposit or current). It is possible to do this using the method below. FIG 2.6 SUBTYPING IN AN E/R DIAGRAM In Figure 2.7 we show MANAGER as a subtype of EMPLOYEE who supervises other employees. We can also show that one (and one only) of the Employees at a given branch may be a manager by making the ‘employed at’ relationship a three-way (‘ternary’) between one manager, one branch and a set of employees. Figure 2.7 Further sub typing with a ternary relationship Functional data modeling A mathematical function is an entity that, given certain argument values, will yield result. With a functional data model (FDM), we model the database as a series of functions which are applied to ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 21 Database Fundamentals entities to return information. Thus, an FDM has two basic modeling primitives: a function and an entity. An entity may be ‘primitive’ or ‘abstract’. Primitive entities are items such as text strings and numbers. Abstract entities are types that correspond to real world items. FDM diagrams can be drawn which bear a superficial similarity to E/R diagrams, except that the relationship between one entity and another in represented as a function. Relationships between entities are indicated by applying a function to an entity which in itself yields an entity Example: HAS(CUSTOMER) -- > > ACCOUNT BELONGS_TO(EMPLOYEE) - - > > BRANCH The first of these yields the accounts held by a customer. The second yields the branch where EMPLOYEE is located. Semantic objects In Figure 2.8 we have drawn semantic object diagrams to represent the CUSTOMER, BRANCH and ACCOUNTS objects. In BRANCH, we have a series of simple attributes: Branch Name, Address and Manager. Note how we have given each one a cardinality of 1, 1. This determines the minimum and maximum occurrences of an attribute within an object; 1, 1 means that branch must have at least one and at most one Branch Name. Branch Name also has ID indicated next to it, showing that this is used as an identifier for the object. ID is underlined in this instance, showing that it must have a unique value. In semantic object diagrams, the identifying attribute need not necessarily be unique. We also have an object type attribute ‘Account’ indicated by the rectangle with cardinality 0, N. This means that they are associated with a branch at least zero and possibly many accounts. Attributes that can take on more than one value are called multivalued. In the object CUSTOMER we have a group attribute ‘Address’. Here a line is drawn around the group showing those attributes that contribute to the address. Each attribute within the group must have cardinality as well as Cardinality for the group as a whole. CUSTOMER IDRefNo 1, 1 Address Street 1, 1 State 1, 1 1, 1 ACCOUNT BRANCH ID AccNo.1, 1 ID Branch Name 1, 1 Balance 1, 1 Address 1, 1 BRANCH 1, 1 Manager 1, 1 CUSTOMER 1, N ACCOUNT 0, N ACCOUNT 1, N ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 22 Database Fundamentals Figure 2.8 Semantic objects If a customer could have more than one address, we would give the group, as a whole a cardinality of 1, N. Again we have an object attribute ‘Account’. We have given this a cardinality of 1, N indicating that a customer must have at least one account and possibly many. With ACCOUNT, we have simple attributes ‘AccNo’ and ‘Balance’. We have an object attribute ‘Customer’. This has a 1, N cardinality, indicating that an account is associated with at least one and possibly may CUSTOMER objects. With semantic objects, whenever an object attribute appears in one object, that object must appear as an attribute in the other object, completing the relationship. Thus, because ACCOUNT appears as an attribute of CUSTOMER and BRANCH, then CUSTOMER and BRANCH must appear as attributes of ACCOUNT. As we noted in the section on E/R modeling, when two objects such as CUSTOMER and ACCOUNT are associated together, we may wish to record values pertinent to that association. In figure 2.9, we have an association object (‘Registration’) which has an attribute to record the date when a particular customer became connected to a particular account. CUSTOMER and ACCOUNT now have REGISTRATION as an object type attribute. The cardinalities indicate that accounts and customers may have many registrations, but each registration pertains to precisely one customer and one account. Semantic object diagrams can also encompass sub classing allowing for specialization and generalization. In Figure 2.10 we have slightly altered the diagram for BRANCH to include employee objects and a manager object. We have introduced objects for employees and managers and used special notation to indicate a subtype relationship between EMPLOYEE and MANAGER. In this instance, instead of a cardinality, we have placed 0, ST next to the manager attribute in EMPLOYEE. This indicates that MANAGER is a subtype of EMPLOYEE. The ‘0’ indicates that an employee need not be a manager. Figure 2.9 introducing an association object CUSTOMER ACCOUNT REGISTRATION ID AccNo. 1, 1 Date_of_Reg 1, 1 Street 1, 1 Balance 1, 1 CUSTOMER 1, 1 Street 1, 1 BRANCH ACCOUNT 1, 1 ACCOUNT 1, N REGISTRATION 1, N ID RefNo. 1, 1 Adress REGISTRATION 1, N ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 23 Database Fundamentals BRANCH EMP MANAGER ID Branch Name 1, 1 ID EmpNo 1, 1 EMP P Address 1, 1 Insur_No 1, 1 Grade 1, 1 ACCOUNT 0, N Name 1, 1 EMP 1, N BRANCH 1, 1 MANAGER 1, 1 MANAGER 0, ST BRANCH 1, 1 Figure 2.10 Sub typing with semantic objects EMP ID Emp No 1, 1 Insur_No 1, 1 TECHNICAL 0, ST CLERICAL 0, ST 0, 1, 1 Figure 2.10 Disjoint subtypes with semantic objects In MANAGER, we place ‘P’ next to the employee attribute, indicating that the employee object is the ‘Parent’ of MANAGER, that is all the characteristics of an employee also apply to a manager. Note how we have introduced connections between BRANCH and EMP and BRANCH and MANAGER showing that a branch may have may employees but just one manager. SUMMARY ?? Database design is the process by which the requirements of a database are modelled prior to implementation. ?? The conceptual model of a database is a logical data model independent of any particular form of implementation. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 24 Database Fundamentals ?? There are various approaches to conceptual modelling, all of which incorporate certain aspects of semantic data modelling. ?? Semantic data modelling proposes concepts such as assertions, convertibility, reliability and object relativity to enable useful and accurate conceptual models to be built. ?? Generalization, specialization aggregation and grouping are important aspects of object relativity that a conceptual model should attempt to represent. ?? The entity/relationship model enables conceptual models to be built using entities and the relationships between them. It represents these using diagrams. ?? Functional data modelling uses both diagrams and notation to represent a data base as a series of mathematical functions. ?? Semantic object modelling uses diagrams to represent a database as a series of interacting semantic objects. ?? Each of the above approaches to conceptual modelling can represent most of the important semantic modelling concepts with varying degrees of ease. Test your Understanding Assignment 1 1. Here is a restatement of the scenario at the EverCare County General Hospital as set out in Chapter 1, except using narrative rather than file descriptions: At the EverCare County General Hospital, patients are admitted and given a unique Patient Id. We record their name, home address and date of admission. They are assigned to a ward and to a consultant. They may then be diagnosed a set of conditions. Whilst in our care, they will receive a set of treatments. Each treatment will have a date and details of the nurse administering the treatment, the drug being administered and the dosage. Drugs have a unique Drug Id, a name and a recommended dosage (which may not be the same as the dosage given in individual treatments). Nurses have a Nurse Id and a name and are assigned to a ward. Each ward has a Sister (who is a nurse). Consultants have a Doctor Id and a name. i. Represent the above scenario as (a) a set of entities and relationships; (b) a set of semantic objects. ii. A refinement is required of the above scenario. Consultants are either physicians or surgeons. Wards are either medical (meaning that all patients within them are assigned to ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 25 Database Fundamentals physicians) or surgical (meaning that all patients within them are assigned to surgeons). Extend your answers to 1(a) and 1(b) using subsets and/or subtypes where necessary. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 26 Database Fundamentals Chapter 3: Relational Database Concepts Learning Objectives At the end of this Chapter you will: ?? Describe the major characteristics of a relational database. ?? Explain the major components of relational theory, namely relational data structures, relational data manipulation and relational data integrity. ?? Understand the meaning of the terms ‘minimally relational’, relationally complete’ and ‘fully relational’. ?? Transform an E/R model of a database into a relational database consisting of a set of tables ?? Use normalization techniques to ensure that a given set of tables is and efficient implementation of a relational database. Introduction There are three main components of relational theory: data structures, data manipulation and data integrity. We will examine each of these in turn. In a relational database, all data is stored in simple two-dimensional tables known as relations. In Table 3.1 we have an example of a relation that stores data regarding a number of employees in a firm. Broadly speaking, a relation equates approximately (though not necessarily precisely) to an entity in an entity/relationship diagram. Table 3.1 A relation Example: Employee Table - EMP EMP # EMP NAME DEPT NAME GRADE 1 F Jones SALES 6 2 P Smith ACCOUNTS 6 3 K Chan SALES 4 6 J Peters SALES 5 9 S Abdul ACCOUNTS 3 ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 27 Database Fundamentals All items that have the same characteristics are stored in the same relation. The characteristics of an item are represented by the column headings (EMPNO, EMPNAME, DEPTNAME, GRADE) at the head of the table. The occurrences of this particular item (EMP) are represented by the rows of data underneath the column headings. The meaning of each row is quite easy to interpret: for example, the first row represents an EMP with an EMPNO of 1, an EMPNAME P Jones, a DEPTNAME of SALES and a GRADE of 6. This table has a number of features that all tables must have in a relational database. Headings and bodies A tuple is an ordered list of values. The meaning of each value is determined by its position in the tuple. Thus in the first tuple the first value (1) represents the EMPNO, the second value (P Jones) represents the EMPNAME and so on. The number of tuples in a relation determines its cardinality. Thus, we have a relation with a cardinality of five. Table 3.2 adding a tuple EMP # EMP NAME DEPT NAME GRADE SKILLS 1 F Jones SALES 6 (German) 2 P Smith ACCOUNTS 6 (Typing,Shorthand, French) 3 K Chan SALES 4 (German, French) 6 J Peters SALES 5 (French, Typing) 9 S Abdul ACCOUNTS 3 (French, German, COBOL) We now represent SKILL as atomic, with each row on the SKILLs table the possession of one skill by one employee. If an employee has three skills, then this is represented by three tuples in the SKILLs table. When defining an attribute, we must not only state its domain, but also state whether or not its domain includes the value NULL. If not, then all tuples in the Table 3.4 An acceptable relation with atomic values EMP # SKILL ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 28 Database Fundamentals 1 German 2 Typing 2 Shorthand 2 French 3 German 3 French 6 French 6 Typing 9 French 9 German 9 COBOL 5 Piano Table 3.5 adding a tuple with a null value EMPNO EMPNAME DEPTNAME GRADE EMPNO 1 F Jones SALES 6 1 2 P Smith ACCOUNTS 6 2 3 K Chan SALES 4 3 6 J Peters SALES 5 6 9 S Abdul ACCOUNTS 3 9 5 J Lewis RESEARCH 5 5 10 J Major 1 10 Given relation must have a value for that attribute. Clearly, those attributes that give a unique identity to a tuple should never be allowed to take a null value, such as EMPNO in the EMP relation. Base relations and views A base relation is the lowest level of data representation available to the relational database user. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 29 Database Fundamentals A view may be simple subset of a base relation. Table 3.6 shows a view SALES which is a subset of the EMP relation. Views may combine data from more than one table as well as being subsets. Table 3.8 gives a view combining the EMPNAME attribute from EMP with just those tuples in SKILL of employees who can speak German. Table 3.6 A simple view EMP EMPNO EMPNAME DEPTNAME GRADE 1 F Jones SALES 6 3 K Chan SALES 4 6 J Peters SALES 5 Table 3.7 A more refined view SALES_1 EMPNO EMPNAME GRADE EMPNO 1 F Jones 6 1 2 K Chan 4 2 6 J Peters 5 6 We could then create a view as in Table 3.9 where we combine the data from SALES_1 with the data from GERMAN_SPEAKERS to show all employees in SALES who can speak German. Table 3.8 A view from two base tables GERMAN_SPEAKERS EMPNO EMPNAME 1 F Jones 3 K Chan 9 S Abdul Table 3.9 a View derived from 2 views ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 30 Database Fundamentals GERMAN_ SALES_SPEAKERS EMPNO EMPNAME 1 F Jones 3 K Chan Relational data integrity Keys There are three types of key in a relational database: candidate keys, primary keys and foreign keys. A candidate key is an attribute or set of attributes that can be used to identify uniquely each tuple in a relation. For instance, EMPNO is clearly a candidate key for the table EMP. Each row in EMP has a different EMPNO value. Sometimes attributes may be combined to identify tuples. In the SKILLs table, EMPNO values are no unique to any row; neither are the values under SKILL. However, if no employee can have the same skill twice, then each row will have a unique value for the combination of EMPNO and SKILL. This is what we call a composite candidate key. A Primary key is a special form of candidate key. It may be possible to have more than one candidate key for a relation. For instance, we would introduce an attribute TAX_NUMBER to our EMP table for the purposes of attaching an employee to a unique tax reference number elsewhere. If TAX_NUMBER was unique to each employee, then we would have two candidate keys. In this situation, where we have alternate candidate keys, we must nominate one of them to be the primary key. Nominating an attribute or set of attributes as the primary key has particular implications for that attribute set (see below). A table may have any number of candidate keys, but must have one, and only one, primary key. When there is only one candidate key in a table, then it is by default the primary key. A foreign key is an attribute (or set of attributes) that exists in more than one table and which is the primary key for one of those tables. EMPNO exists in both the SKILLs and the EMP tables. As it is the primary key for EMP, it therefore exists as a foreign key on SKILLs. Foreign keys are very important in relational databases. They are the major means by which data in one table may be related to data in another table. We can relate the rows in EMP to the corresponding rows in SKILLs by means of the EMPNO foreign key in SKILLs. When we do this, we say that we are establishing a relationship between the two tables. In order that relationships are valid, we must apply certain rules to the use of foreign keys. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 31 Database Fundamentals Entity integrity Entity integrity is concerned with the reality of a database. The definition of an entity is an item which is capable of an independent existence. A base relation consists of a set of tuples, all of which have the same attributes. In our EMP table, all rows must have a value for EMPNO. In the SKILLs table where the primary key is composite, every row must have a value for both EMPNO and SKILL. Thus entity integrity requires that every attribute that participates in a primary key is not allowed to take a null value. To summarize, entity integrity requires that the value NULLmay not be assigned to any attribute that forms part of a primary key. Referential integrity Referential integrity concerns the use of foreign keys. In our SKILLs table, EMPNO exists as a foreign key for EMP. How do we ensure that only valid EMP references are made in this table? We do this by applying the referential integrity rule. Referential integrity states that every non-null value that exists in a foreign key attribute must also exist in the relation for which it is the primary key. Thus, we may not have any EMPNO values in SKILLs that do no also exist in EMP. This way, all references from SKILLs to EMP are valid. We can only enter up SKILL values for employees that actually exist. Restrict. With this strategy, we ban any alterations to a primary key if there are foreign key references to it. Thus, if we wanted to remove EMPNO 1 from the EMP table, or alter the value of EMPNO 1 from 1 to 7, we would not be allowed to do this. We could only delete or change EMPNO values for those employees who did not have an entry in the SKILLs table. Cascade. In this case, we ‘cascade’ the effect of the operation on the original row to all rows in all tables that reference it. If we wished to delete the row for EMPNO 1 from EMP, then we would also have to delete all rows with EMPNO 1 from the SKILLs table. If we change any EMPNO value in EMP, then we must change the corresponding EMPNO values in a SKILLs. Set to null. In this case, we allow the update or deletion to take place in the original table, but in order to maintain referential integrity, we set all corresponding foreign key values to null. In the example above, this would in fact have the effect of deleting rows from the SKILLs table as EMPNO is part of the primary key for SKILLs. A better example would be if we had another table DEPT as follows: DEPT ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 32 Database Fundamentals DEPTNAME MGR_EMPNO BUDGET SALES 3 200000 ACCOUNTS 2 5000000 RESEARCH 5 100 In this table, DEPTNAME is the primary key and it now exists as a foreign key in EMP. This means that if we were to change the name of the SALES Department, a ‘set to null’ strategy would cause all EMP rows with SALES as the DEPTNAME to have a null value entered. This would have no effect on the entity integrity of these rows, as DEPTNAME is not part of the primary key. To summarize, referential integrity requires that every foreign key value must reference a primary key value that actually exists, otherwise it must be set to null. Relational data manipulation One of the great benefits of relational databases is that data can be retrieved from any set of relational tables using a combination of just eight intuitively simple relational operations. The five basic operations of relational algebra are RESTRICT, PROJECT, TIMES, UNION and MINUS. There are additionally three derived operations: JOIN, INTERSECT and DIVIDE. The task of the SQL interpreter is to break the given SQL statement down into the series of algebraic operations that will build the dataset described by the statement. We will now describe the operations that comprise the relational algebra. The RESTRICT operation RESTRICT is frequently referred to as the relational SELECT. However, SELECT also exists as a command in SQL and had a far wider meaning in that language. To avoid confusion, we shall use the term RESTRICT when referring to the algebra. RESTRICT returns tuples from a relation. For instance, the operation: RESTRICT (EMP) : Will return all of the rows from the EMP table. RESTRICT may be used with conditions. The operation: ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 33 Database Fundamentals RESTRICT (EMP) DEPTNAME = ‘ACCOUNTS’ : Will return EMPNO EMPNAME DEPTNAME GRADE 2 P Smith ACCOUNTS 6 9 S Abdul ACCOUNTS 3 Representing all tuples with the DEPTNAME with the value ‘ACCOUNTS’. Constraints in relational operations may use a combination of conditions using the usual logical operations AND, OR and NOT. For instance, the operation: RESTRICT (EMP) DEPTNAME = ‘ACCOUNTS’ AND GRADE = 6; Will return EMPNO EMPNAME DEPTNAME GRADE 2 P Smith ACCOUNTS 6 Whereas: RESTRICT (EMP) DEPTNAME = ‘ACCOUNTS’ OR GRADE = 6 Will return: EMPNO EMPNAME DEPTNAME GRADE 1 F Jones SALES 6 2 P Smith ACCOUNTS 6 9 S Abdul ACCOUNTS 3 Giving the tuples for all employees whose DEPTNAME is ‘ACCOUNTS’ or whose GRADE IS 6. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 34 Database Fundamentals The PROJECT operation PROJECT is another operation, which can be used on single relations only. Whereas RESTRICT return sets of complete tuples, PROJECT returns tuples with a restricted set of attributes. For instance, the operation: PROJECT EMPNAME (EMP): EMPNAME F Jones P Smith K Chan J Peters S Abdul J Lewis J Major Representing the set of values under the attribute EMPNAME in EMP. Note how we had to provide as an argument the column over which we wished the PROJECTion to be performed. We can perform PROJECTs over sets of columns. For instance, the operation: PROJECT EMPNAME, DEPTNAME (EMP): EMPNAME DEPTNAME F Jones SALES P Smith ACCOUNTS K Chan SALES J Peters SALES S Abdul ACCOUNTS J Lewis RESEARCH J Major When using a relational operation, what is returned is a relation in the strict sense that is a set of tuples. Sets have no repeating items. Thus, the operation: ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 35 Database Fundamentals PROJECT DEPTNAME (EMP): Will return: DEPTNAME SALES ACCOUNTS RESEARCH Representing the set of values stored under this attribute. Although there are seven tuples in the original table, there are only three tuples in the result, representing the three distinct values under this attribute. There is one tuple in the EMP table with a NULL value for DEPTNAME. This is not represented in the PROJECT result, as this is a tuple with literally no (distinct) value for this attribute. Relational operations may be combined. If we wished to find the names of employees in the ACCOUNTS Department, we would specify: PROJECT EMPNAME (RESTRICT (EMP) DEPTNAME = ‘ACCOUNTS’) Giving EMPNAME P Smith S Abdul The TIMES operation The TIMES operation is also known as the PRODUCT operation. It returns the Cartesian product of two relations. By this, we mean that it takes two relations and returns a relation where every tuple in one relation is concatenated with every tuple in the other. The operation: EMP DEPT: Will give: EMPNO EMPNAME DEPTNAME GRADE DEPTNAME MGR_EMPNO BUDGET 1 F Jones SALES 6 SALES 3 200000 ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 36 Database Fundamentals 2 P Smith ACCOUNTS 6 SALES 3 200000 3 K Chan SALES 4 SALES 3 200000 6 J Peters SALES 5 SALES 3 200000 9 S Abdul ACCOUNTS 3 SALES 3 200000 5 J Lewis RESEARCH 5 SALES 3 200000 10 J Major 1 SALES 3 200000 1 F Jones SALES 6 ACCOUNTS 2 50000000 2 P Smith ACCOUNTS 6 ACCOUNTS 2 50000000 3 K Chan SALES 4 ACCOUNTS 2 50000000 6 J Peters SALES 5 ACCOUNTS 2 50000000 9 S Abdul ACCOUNTS 3 ACCOUNTS 2 50000000 5 J Lewis RESEARCH 5 ACCOUNTS 2 50000000 10 J Major 1 ACCOUNTS 2 50000000 1 F Jones SALES 6 RESEARCH 5 100 2 P Smith ACCOUNTS 6 RESEARCH 5 100 3 K Chan SALES 4 RESEARCH 5 100 6 J Peters SALES 5 RESEARCH 5 100 9 S Abdul ACCOUNTS 3 RESEARCH 5 100 5 J Lewis RESEARCH 5 RESEARCH 5 100 10 J Major 1 RESEARCH 5 100 With this operation, we have concatenated every tuple in the EMP table with every tuple in the DEPT table, resulting in a table with 21 tuples (seven rows EMP x 3 rows in DPT). The results of this example is not particularly useful in itself. A more useful result would be one where we concatenate each EMP tuple with just the DEPT tuple relating to the department to which the employee actually belongs. What we are describing here is a special form of the TIMES operation known as the JOIN. The JOIN Operation The JOIN operation is a refinement of the TIMES operation where the concatenation of the tuples is based on a given attributes, or set of attributes, from each of the two relations. The values in ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 37 Database Fundamentals the given attributes may be compared in order that some sort of constraint may be placed on the result. The most common form of join is the ‘natural join’. This is where two relations have a common attribute DEPTNAME. We can join these: NATURAL JOIN (EMP, DEPT) : Giving : EMPNO EMPNAME DEPTNAME GRADE MGR_EMPNO BUDGET 1 F Jones SALES 6 3 200000 2 P Smith ACCOUNTS 6 2 5000000 3 K Chan SALES 4 3 200000 6 J Peters SALES 5 3 200000 9 S Abdul ACCOUNTS 3 2 5000000 5 J Lewis RESEARCH 5 5 100 In this result, every EMP tuple has been joined with the DEPT tuple that has the same DEPTNAME value. We now have a genuinely useful result where we are expanding our information on employees with details of the department that each one belongs to. Note how we did not get a row for the last EMP relation in our result. This is because this EMP has a null value under DEPTNAME, meaning that there is no row in the DEPT table that it could join to. This is the standard form of JOIN, known as the ‘inner join’. However, there is also another form of JOIN known as the ‘outer join’. In this form of the join, any tuple that cannot be joined to a tuple in the corresponding table is displayed with null values in the ‘joined’ attributes, for example : NATURAL OUTER HJOIN (EMP , DEPT) : Giving ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 38 Database Fundamentals EMPNO EMPNAME DEPTNAME GRADE MGR_EMPNO BUDGET 1 F Jones SALES 6 3 200000 2 P Smith ACCOUNTS 6 2 5000000 3 K Chan SALES 4 3 200000 6 J Peters SALES 5 3 200000 9 S Abdul ACCOUNTS 3 2 5000000 5 J Lewis RESEARCH 5 5 100 10 J Major 1 Relations may be JOINED over any two attributes with ‘compatible’ domains. Another JOIN that we could perform is to compare EMPNO values in EMP with MGR_EMPNO values in DEPT. When the values are equal, this would tell us which employees are managers of their department: JOIN (EMP , DEPT) EMPNO = MGR_EMPNO : Giving ; EMPNO EMPNAME DEPTNAME GRADE MGR_EMPNO BUDGET 2 P Smith ACCOUNTS 6 2 5000000 3 K Chan SALES 4 3 200000 5 J Lewis RESEARCH 5 5 100 In this example, we perform a join of EMP and DEPT but specify that this join is to be done over EMPNO in EMP matching MGR_EMPNO in DEPT, rather than the natural join over DEPTNAME. The above examples are joins of two tables. Joins may be nested, enabling multi-table joins to be performed. For instance, suppose we had another table PURCHASES which recorded items of expenditure by individual departments, each item having an ORDER_NO, an AMOUNT and a DEPTNAME indicating the department raising the order: PURCHASES ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 39 Database Fundamentals ORDER_NO DEPTNAME AMOUNT 1 ACCOUNTS 2000 2 SALES 32000 3 RESEARCH 565 4 SALES 2450 6 REEARCH 245 In this table, ORDER_NO is the primary key and DEPTNAME is a foreign key into DEPT. If we wished to ascertain details of the employees responsible for raising these orders (i.e. the managers), we would have to perform a natural join PURCHASES with DEPT, and then join this with EMP thus: JOIN (EMP , (NATURAL JOIN DEPT, PURCHASES) ) EMPNO = MGR_EMPNO ; This would give us a rather wide table with a lot of columns. We could reduce the number of columns using a PROJECT on this operation thus. PROJECT EMPNAME, ORDERING, DEPTNAME, AMOUNT, BUDGET (JOIN (EMP, (NATURAL JOIN DEPT, PURCHASES ) ) EMPNO = MGR_EMPNO) ; Giving : EMPNAME ORDER_NO DEPTNAME AMOUNT BUDGET P Smith 1 ACCOUNTS 2000 5000000 K Chan 2 SALES 32000 200000 J Lewis 3 Research 565 100 K Chan 4 SALES 2450 200000 J Lewis 6 RESEARCH 245 100 We can further RESTRICT the result to just those managers who have exceeded their budget thus : ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 40 Database Fundamentals RESTRICT PROJECT EMPNAME, ORDER_NO, DEPTNAME, AMOUNT, BUDGET (JOIN (EMP, (NATURAL JOIN DEPT, PURCHASES) ) EMP = MGR_EMPNO) ) AMOUNT>BUDGET : Giving: J Lewis 3 Research 565 100 J Lewis 6 Research 245 100 RESTRICT, PROJECT and JOIN are fundamental relation operators, and in order to be minimally relational, a database system must provide the functionality of these three types of operation. The UNION operator The UNION operator is the standard mathematical set operator applied to relations, which in themselves are sets of tuples. With our example database, let us have two views based on employees’ skills derived from a JOIN of EMP and skills showing those employees with a language skill : GERMAN_SPEAKERS EMPNO EMPNAME 2 P Smith 3 K Chan 6 J Peters 9 S Abdul 1 F Jones FRENCH_SPEAKERS EMPNO EMPNAME 2 P Smith 3 K Chan ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 41 Database Fundamentals 6 J Peters 9 S Abdul These tables are clearly compatible. The UNION of these is obtained thus : GERMAN_SPEAKERS UNION FRENCH_SPEAKERS : Giving : EMPNO EMPNAME 1 F Jones 3 K Chan 9 S Abdul 2 P Smith 6 J Peters The view representing owners of the typing skill would be: TYPING EMPNO EMPNAME 2 P Smith 6 J Peters And the operation: GERMAN_SPEAKERS UNION TYPING ; Would give: EMPNO EMPNAME 1 F Jones 3 K Chan 9 S Abdul 2 P smith 6 J Peters ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 42 Database Fundamentals Which by coincidence, is the same result as the previous UNION of two different tables. As there are no tuples common to both tables, the result has five tuples (three from the first, two from the second). The operation: FRENCH_SPEAKERS UNION TYPING: Would give: EMPNO EMPNAME 2 P Smith 3 K Chan 6 J Peters 9 S Abdul Which is the same as the view FRENCH_SPEAKERS. This means that TYPING adds no extra tuples to the result, indicating that all employees with the typing skill also happen to speak French. The MINUS Operator MINUS is another set operator, which may be applied to compatible relation. Given two relations, the MINUS operator returns those tuples, which are only in the first relation. Those tuples, which are also in the second, are ‘subtracted’ from the result. The operation: GERMAN_SPEAKERS MINUS FRENCH_SPEAKERS: Would give : EMPNO EMPNAME 1 F Jones Indicating that EMPNO 1 is the only employee who speaks German, but not French. Indicating those employees who speak French but who cannot speak German. The operation: ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 43 Database Fundamentals FRENCH_SPEAKERS MINUS TYPING: Would give : EMPNO EMPNAME 3 K Chan 9 S Abdul Whereas : TYPING MINUS FRENCH_SKILLS : would give an empty set as there is no one in the Typing table who does not speak French. The INTERSECT Operator The INTERSECT operator returns tuples from two compatible relations that exists in both of these relations. The operation: GERMAN_SPEAKERS INTERSECT FRENCH_SPEAKERS: Would give : EMPNO EMPNAME 3 K Chan 9 S Abdul 2 P Smith 6 J Peters Showing those employees who speak both languages. If there are no tuples common to two relations, then the result is an empty set. For instance, GERMAN_SPEAKERS INTESECT TYPING would give an empty relation, showing that there is no one with both of these skills. The DIVIDE Operator The DIVIDE operator is another derived operator in that it can be built from the other operations. However, it is a very useful operator that is more conveniently regarded as an operation in its own right. DIVIDE is concerned with relations with overlapping attributes sets where the attributes of one relation are a subset of the attributes in the other. When we have two such relations, DIVIDE ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 44 Database Fundamentals returns all of the tuples in the first relation than can be matched against all of the values in the second (smaller) relation. For instance, let us take our SKILLS table as before and create a LANGUAGE SKILL table. The result of SKILL DIVIDE LANGUAGE_SKILL would be : EMPNO 9 This represents the only EMPNO value in SKILL that is associated in tuples with SKILL values that match all of the SKILL values in the LANGUAGE_SKILL relation. DIVIDE returns the nonoverlapping attributes. If we removed the tuples COBOL from the language skills, the result would be: EMPNO 3 9 As there would now only be two values under SKILL in LANGUAGE_SKILL (French and German), those EMPNO values that were associated in tuples with both of these would be returned. Two dividable tables SKILL LANGUAGE SKILLS EMPNO SKILL 1 German 2 Typing 2 Shorthand 2 French 3 German 3 French 6 French 9 Typing 9 COBOL 5 Piano SKILL French German COBOL ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 45 Database Fundamentals 3.4 Satisfying the relational definition To be minimally relational, a system must : At the lowest level available to the user, store all of its data in tables using simple domains. Provide the functionality of the RESTRICT, PROJECT and JOIN operators. To be rationally complete, a system must : Be minimally relational. Provide the functionality of UNION and MINUS To be rationally complete, a system must : Be minimally relational. Support entity and referential integrity Provide for user-defined domains. Transforming an E/R model into a relational database In E/R modeling, entities are characterized by their attributes. In a relational database, relational have attributes. The meaning of the term ‘ attribute’ in relational theory is slightly different to that in E/R modeling. In order to avoid confusion, we shall use the term ‘column’ in this section when referring to the attributes of a relation. The transformation of an E/R model into a relational database can be represented as a series of simple steps. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 46 Database Fundamentals FIG 2.2 Entities with attributes Step 1 For each ‘strong’ entity in the E/R model, create a base relation with a column for each simple attribute of that entity. The key attribute for the entity becomes the primary key of the relation. In Figure, we had BANK, CUSTOMER and ACCOUNT as entities. We would therfore create a relation for each of these entities. With BANK, we would have columns for BranchName, Address and Manager, with Branch Name being the primary Key. For account , we would have columns for AccNo and Balance, AccNo being the primary Key. In the case of a composite Key, we must have a column for each part of that Key, and then define that collection of columns to be the primary of the relation. Step 2 For each weak entity, create a relation consisting of all the simple attributes of that entity and also include columns for the primary Keys of those entities on whose existence it is dependent. In figure, we had the weak entity REGISTRATION with the single simple attribute ‘Date_of_Reg’. This entity participates in relationships with CUSTOMER and ACCOUNT. We must include in the relation REGISTRATION columns for AccNo indicating the Account and Ref No indicating the customer owning the account registration. Thus each tuple in the relation REGISTRATION will have three columns: AccNo, RefNo and Date_of_Reg. FIG 2.5 A weak entity Step 3 When two entity participate in a one-to-many(1-M) relationship, the relation representing the entity with the M(Many) cardinality must have a foreign Key column representing this relationship. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 47 Database Fundamentals There are a number of 1-M relationships in Chapter 2. The relationship between BANK and ACCOUNT in figure is 1-M, meaning that the relation for ACCOUNT must include Branch Name as a foreign Key. BANK ACCOUNT HANDLES 1 M FIG 2.3 A 1-M cardinality Step 4 When two entities participate in a 1-1 relationship, a foreign Key column must be include in the relation that represents one of those entities. In Figure, there exists a 1-1 relationship (‘managed-by’) between BANK and EMP, representing that bank has one employee that is the manager of that bank and that an employee may only manage one bank. We could either place a foreign Key EmpNo in the BANK relation to demonstrate this or place a foreign Key Branch Name in the relation EMP. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 48 Database Fundamentals According to step 3 above, we should be including Branch Name as a foreign Key in the EMP relation to represent the 1-M relationship ‘EMPLOYS’ between BANK and EMP. An entity is said to have a total participation in a relationship when member of that set must participate in it. Every bank must have a manager, whereas not all employees are manager. Thus, for BANK, the participation in the managed-by relationship is total, but not for Emp. In this case, it is better to put the foreign Key EmpNo in the BANK relation. Every tuple in the BANK relation will now have an EmpNo value indicating its manager. If instead we put a foreign Key ‘managed-by’ in the EMP relation that references Branch Name in the BANK relation, their would be a lot of EMP tuples with a null value for this columns as most employees are not manager. It is always best to minimize the use of null values in a relational database as they waste space and their meaning may be ambiguous. Thus, as a guideline, in a 1-1 relationship, the foreign Key should be included in the relation that represents the entity that is nearest to a total participant in the relationship. One further thing to note is that when a foreign Key represents a 1-1 relationship, the duplicate values for that Key must be disallowed. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 49 Database Fundamentals Step 5 When two entities participate in a many-t-many (M-M) relationship, then a relation must be created consisting of foreign Keys for the two relations representing the participating entities. FIG 2.4 AN ENTITY/RELATIONSHIP DATA MODEL The ‘has’ relationship in figure2.4 is M-N between CUSTOMER and ACCOUNT. In order to represent this, we need to create a relation HAS consisting of the columns RefNo (for CUSTOMER) and AccNo (for ACCOUNT). The primary Key for this table would be a composite of these two coulmns. Each tuple would thus be a pair of values matching the RefNo of a customer paired with an AccNo for an account that the customer owns. REFNO ACCNO 12345 56930 12345 87306 12345 56789 39205 56789 98508 56789 92056 56789 TABLE3.4 A RELATION REPRESENTING A M-N RELATIONSHIP A customer owning three accounts will have tuples in that relation with their RefNo. Likewise an account with four owners will generate four tuples with the AccNo paired with the RefNos of the four customers that account. This is shown in table above. Customer 12345 has three accounts, whereas account 56789 is shared by four customer ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 50 Database Fundamentals Step 6 Where an entity has a multi-valued attribute, create a relation with a column as a foreign Key to the relation that represents the entity and a coulmn for the multi-valued attribute. The primary Key is a composite of the two coulmns. Suppose we had an attribute Telephone_No for the entity CUSTOMER and that this attribute was multi-valued indicating that a customer may have a series of possible telephone number. We could not include this as a column in the CUSTOMER relation. Instead, we would have to create an extra relation(CUSTOMER_TELEPHONE) with the columns RefNo (foreign Key to Customer) and Telephone_No, the primary Key being a composite of these two columns. A tuple would be entered into this table for every telephone number relating to given customer. In table, customer 12345 has three telephone number whereas customer 67859 only has one. Implementing a multivalued attribute CUSTOMER_TELEPHONE REFNO TELEPHONE_NO 12345 687-69449 12345 687-09382 12345 02-578-59483 67859 657-03938 TABLE 3.5 IMPLEMENTING A MULTIVALUED ATTRIBUTE Step 7 When more than two entities participate in a relationship, then a relation must be created consisting of foreign Keys to those relation representing the entities participating in that relationship. Suppose that in our sample database we had a relationship ‘commends’ which was a ternary one between EMP, MANAGER and BRANCH to record the fact that a manager has commended a particular employee and, moreover, any manager can commend any employee at any branch regardless of whether that manager is the manager of the branch or whether the employee belong to that branch. This relationship has a single attribute ‘Date_of_Commendation’(Figure3.6). ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 51 Database Fundamentals FIG3.6M-N RELATION FIG 2.9 Further subtyping with a ternary relationship Step 8 Where a subtyping is ‘attribute defined’, create separate relations for each subtype consisting of those attributes which are peculiar to the given subtype. Suppose we had the following attributes for the employee entity and its subtypes. EMPLOYEE : EMPNO, EMPNAME, OFFICE, GRADE ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 52 Database Fundamentals EMP: EMPNO, FUNCTION MANAGER: EMPNO, PARKING_LOT It would now be sensible to create a relation EMPLOYEE consisting of those attributes that are common to all employees and then separate relations for EMP and MANAGER consisting those attributes that ate peculiar to their subtypes along with the primary key EMPNO which also acts as a foreign key to the supertype relation. We could implement this as a single relation, but this would result in attributes with a large number of null values (EMP- type tuples with no PARKING_LOT value, MANAGER- type tuples with no FUNCTION value). Normalization Data efficiency Normalization is a process by which we can ensure that the date structures in a relational database are ‘efficient’. A worked example of normalization We shall now examine the techniques of normalization by applying them to the example database; normalization tends to be used as a means of refining a database that has already been derived using a semantic modeling methodology such as E/R modeling. The Rock solid Banking Corporation stores details of its accounts with the following information for each account: Customer details (Reference, Number, Name, Address, Status), Account_Number, Balance. Accounts may be of two types: deposit and current. Customers may have any number of accounts. Accounts may be shared by a number of customers. Account numbers uniquely identify an account. Each customer has a unique reference number. Each account is handled at a distinct branch of the bank. Branch details include Branch Name, Address and Manager. No two branches have the same name. First normal form A relational database designer might intuitively decide to implement this as two relations: one for BANK containing details of all accounts held at each branch of the bank and one for CUSTOMER with a foreign key (AccNo) linking a customer to his or her account details. This would result in the representation with some sample data as shown in Table 3.5. We have a problem straightaway with this representation in that it contradicts on of the basic tenets of a relational database by using multi valued attributes (ACCNO in CUSTOMER, ACCNO, BALANCE and TYPE in BANK). We say that this is a completely unnormalized database. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 53 Database Fundamentals Normalization theory consists of a number of definitions of what are termed ‘normal forms’. The most basic normal form is first normal form (INF). First normal form requires that all attribute domains in a relational database must include only sample, non-dividable values and that every attribute value in every tuple must be a single value from its domain. A INF representation of Table 3.5 is given in Table 3.6. The representation is now valid in terms of basic relational theory, but is a poor representation with a lot of redundancy and the potential for anomalies as described in the previous section. A better (higher’) normal form is required. Table 3.5 An unnormalized database BANK Branchname Address Manager_ Accno Balance Type {120768, (234.56, 678453 456.78, ‘C’ 348973} 12567.56) ‘C’ ) {987654 (789.65 {‘C’ {745363} -23.67) ‘D’ } No Crawley Bugstone 1, High Street 12, Low Street 1768 9823 - (‘D’ CUSTOMER REFNO NAME ADDRESS STATUS ACCNO 2345 P. Abdul 23, High Street Business 120678, 348973} 7645 K Peters 45, The Ash Domestic {987654 {745363} 8764 P Jones 17, Low Street Business 678453 348973} ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 54 Database Fundamentals Table 3.6 An normalized database in 1NF BANK Branchname Address Manager_ Accno Balance Type No Crawley 1, High Street 1768 120768 234.56, ‘D’ Crawley 1, High Street 1768 678453 -456.78, ‘C’ 12567.56 ‘C’ 789.65 ‘C’ -23.67 ‘D’ Crawley 1, High Street 1768 348973 Bugstone 12, Low Street 9823 987654 Bugstone 12, Low Street 9823 745363 CUSTOMER REFNO NAME ADDRESS STATUS ACCNO 2345 P. Abdul 23, High Street Business 120678 2345 P. Abdul 23, High Street Business 348973 7645 K Peters 45, The Ash Domestic 987654 8764 P Jones 17, Low Street Business 745363 8764 P Jones 17, Low Street Business 678453 8764 P Jones 17, Low Street Business 348973 Functional dependency and second normal form The concept of functional dependency is central to normalization theory. For example, take the attribute BRNCHNAME in the relation BANK. A bank branch only has one address. Thus each BRANCHNAME value has associated with it one, and only one, ADDRESS. Each branch also has exactly one manager. Thus we can say: BRANCHNAME-----> ADDRESS BRANCHNAME-----> MANAGER_NO A more abbreviated form of this is to say: ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 55 Database Fundamentals A BRANCHNAME value may be associated with any number of ACCNO values, any number of BALANCE values and up to two TYPES of deposit. These attributes are not therefore functionally dependent (FD) on BRANCHNAME. However, given a particular ACCNO, there will be one BALANCE and one TYPE value. Therefore, we can say: ACCNO--? BALANCE, TYPE Moreover, because accounts cab only be kept at one branch, the following FDs also hold: ACCNO--? BRANCHNAME, ADDRESS, MANAGER_NO In the CUSTOMER relation, we readily deduce the following FDs: REFNO-? NAME, ADDRESS, STATUS If an account can only be owned by one customer, then we might want to establish FDs on ACCNO. However, there is an instance of an account (348973) being owned by two different customers. If this is valid, (i.e. an M-N relationship exists between CUSTOMER and ACCOUNT) then there is nothing in this relation that is functionally dependent upon ACCNO. A superkey exists when combination of values for a particular set of attributes can occur once. A superkey for any relation is the set of all of its attributes. A candidate key is a superkey that has no redundancy, we mean a superkey with attributes with it that could be removed but it would still be able to give a unique identity to each tuple. A candidate key is a non-reducible (i.e. minimal set of attributes that gives a unique identity to a tuple.) A nonkey attribute is an attribute that is not part of a candidate key. Thus in BRANCH, attributes BRANCHNAME, ADDRESS, MANAGER_NO, the BALANCE and TYPE are nonkey attributes. IN CUSTOMER, the attributes NAME, ADDRESS and STATUS are nonkey attributes. We need to decompose CUSTOMER into : CUSTOMER REFNO NAME ADDRESS STATUS 2345 P. Abdul 23, High Street Business 7645 K Peters 45, The Ash Domestic 8764 P Jones 17, Low Street Business ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 56 Database Fundamentals CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT REFNO ACCONO 2345 120678 2345 348973 7654 987654 8764 745363 8764 678453 Third normal form The BRANCH relation has a dingle-attribute primary key (ACCNO)> It follows therefore that all non-key attributes must be fully functionally dependent upon it. However, we have a problem with this relation in that BRANCH information is replicated for all accounts at a particular branch When we find a transitive dependency, we must remove those attributes that have a transitive dependency. The attribute on which the dependence exists becomes the primary key for the new relation and remains as foreign key in the original relation, allowing the tuples to be reconstituted as before using a natural join. Thus, the BRANCG relation decomposes into: Branchname Address Manager_No Crawley 1, High Street 1768 Bugstone 12, Low Street 9823 ACCOUNT Accno Balance Type Branchname 120768 234.56 ‘D’ Crawley 678453 -456.78 ‘C’ Crawley 348973 12567.56 ‘C’ Crawley 987654 789.65 ‘C’ Bugstone -23.67 ‘D’ Bugstone 745363 ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 57 Database Fundamentals There is inevitable replication of data under foreign key attributes, representing data-defined groupings of tuples, for example all accounts belonging to Crawley will have the foreign key value of Crawley in their tuple. Suppose we wanted to have a scheme whereby the same course can be delivered at different times by different tutors. This could give us the following relation: COURSE COURSENO COURSENAME TUTOR TIME 1264 French Pt 1 J LeClerc 19.00 1265 French Pt 2 J LeClerc 18.00 1266 French Pt 3 P. simpson 19.00 1562 Spanish Pt 1 K Lopez 17.00 1563 Spanish Pt 2 K Lopez 18.00 1564 Spanish Pt 3 K Rodriguez 17.00 1264 French Pt 1 P Simpson 18.00 1264 French Pt 1 J Leclerc 17.00 CURSENO would no longer be the primary key for this table. Instead, because or tutor cannot be expected to teach two different courses at the same time, we would have a candidate key of TUTOR, TIME, giving the following FDs. TUTOR, TIME-? COURSENO, COUURSENAME COURSENO-? COURSENAME The FD of COURSENAME on COURSENO is now transitive, meaning that we need to divide our relation into two thus: COURSE COURSENO COURSENAME TUTOR 1264 French Pt 1 J LeClerc 1265 French Pt 2 J LeClerc ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 58 Database Fundamentals 1266 French Pt 3 P. Simpson 1562 Spanish Pt 1 K Lopez 1563 Spanish Pt 2 K Lopez 1564 Spanish Pt 3 K Rodriguez OFFERING COURSENO TUTOR TIME 1264 J LeClerc 19.00 1266 P. simpson 19.00 1562 K Lopez 17.00 1563 K Lopez 18.00 1564 K Rodriguez 17.00 1264 P Simpson 18.00 1264 J Leclerc 17.00 We might now decide to include information regarding the room that a course was delivered in. If every tutor had their own room where they did all of their teaching, we would have the following dataset: OFFERING COURSENO TUTOR TIME ROOM 1264 J LeClerc 19.00 E12 1266 P. simpson 19.00 138 1562 K Lopez 17.00 139 1563 K Lopez 18.00 139 1564 K Rodriguez 17.00 E14 1264 P Simpson 18.00 138 1264 J Leclerc 17.00 E12 We now have a problem because rooming information is now replicated. We decompose the offering relation into; ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 59 Database Fundamentals OFFERING COURSENO TUTOR TIME 1264 J LeClerc 19.00 1266 P Simpson 19.00 1562 K Lopez 17.00 1563 K. Lopez 18.00 1564 K Rodriguez 17.00 1264 P Simpson 18.00 1264 J LeClerc 17.00 TUTOR_ROOM TUTOR ROOM J Leclerc E12 P Simpson 138 K Lopez 139 K Rodriguez E14 An overview of the relational database design process Normalization was originally proposed as the defining methodology for designing relational databases. The most widespread and convenient form of designing a relational database is to use a form of E/R modeling for the original design, transform the E/R model to derive a set of relations. SUMMARY Relational database is the most commonly used type of database at the present time. Data is stored in a relational database in two-dimensional tables using simple domains. Integrity of a relational database is maintained by the entity and referential integrity rules. Access to data in a relational database is provided by the relational algebra, which consists of a restricted set of operations. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 60 Database Fundamentals There are levels of conformance to the relational model which different systems satisfy An entity/relationship model of a database can be transformed into a relational database using, at most, eight steps. Functional dependencies in a relation must be identified in order that its normal form can be deduced. A relational database can be regarded as efficient when all of its relations are minimally in 3NF should be decomposed into this state unless there exists a very good reason not to. Test your Understanding Assignment 2 1. Examine the following set of relations: CUSTOMERS FLIGHTS CUSTNO CUSTNAME 1 P Jones 2 H Chan 4 S Abdul 6 K Smith 7 N Le Mer FlightNo Destination Day Time Cost FL2X Paris Tuesday 1400 78.95 HK101 Hong Kong Sunday 0900 525.00 JX74 Bahrain Monday 1300 275.75 RESERVATIONS CUSTNO FLIGHTNAME 1 FL2X 1 HK101 2 HK101 6 JX74 7 JX74 1 JX74 ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 61 Database Fundamentals 1. Identify the primary keys and the foreign keys apparent in the above relations. 2. Give examples of data that could be entered into these relations that would make them contradict referential and/or entity integrity 3. What difficulty might arise if we were to delete one of the flights? What are the alternative strategies that we could employ to counteract this? 4. Specify the operations in the relational algebra necessary to: (a) Find the tuple of the customer whose CUSTNO is 4. (b) Generate a list of flight destinations (c) Find the destination of flight JX74. (d) Build a table that shows the CUSTNOs of customers for each flight reservations as well as the flight information. (e) Build a table with the columns CUSTMANE, FLIGHTNO, (f) DESTINATION, DAY, TIME relating to each reservation made. (g) Find the CUSTNOs for FLIGHTNO HK101 and JX74 (h) Find the CUSTNOs for customers who are on flight HKI101, but not on JX74. (i) Find the names of customers who have made a reservation for all flights. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 62 Database Fundamentals Chapter 4: Structured Query Language Learning Objectives At the end of this Chapter you will: ?? Write simple SQL queries ?? Get familiar with the various relational operations such as SELECT, PROJECT and JOIN Introduction to SQL SQL stands for "Structured Query Language". This language allows us to pose complex questions of a database. It also provides a means of creating databases. SQL very widely used. Many database products support SQL, this means that if learn how to use SQL you can apply this knowledge to MS Access or SQL Server or to Oracle or Ingres and countless other databases. SQL works with relational databases. A relational database stores data in tables (relations). A database is a collection of tables. A table consists a list of records - each record in a table has the same structure, each has a fixed number of "fields" of a given type. The SQL has several parts: a) DML – The Data Manipulation Language (DML) b) DDL – The Data Definition Language (DDL) c) Embedded and dynamic SQL d) Security e) Transaction management f) Client-server execution and remote database access Query Processing Parsing: The parser converts a query, submitted by a database user and written in a high-level language, into an algebraic operators expression. Optimization: It is the key module for query processing design. It receives the expression and builds a good execution plan. The plan determines the order of execution of the operators and selects suitable algorithms for implementation of the operators. Code Generation for the Query: The planned code is built with the aim of retrieving the result of the query with high performance. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 63 Database Fundamentals Code execution by Database Processor: the execution engine module that delivers the result for the user executes the query plan. Result of the Query. The SQL statement performs the 3 basic types of operation : as shown below Example: Table Name: CIA Name REGION AREA POPULATION GDP Yemen Middle East 527970 14728474 23400000000 Zaire Africa 2345410 44060636 18800000000 Zambia Africa 752610 9445723 7900000000 Zimbabwe Africa 390580 11139961 17400000000 The table has over 250 records, of which the last few are being shown above. This simple query shows the population and GDP of Brazil. SELECT population, gdp FROM cia WHERE name='Brazil' ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 64 Database Fundamentals This more complex query shows number of countries and the total population of each region in descending order of population SELECT region, COUNT(name), SUM(population) FROM cia GROUP BY region ORDER BY 3 DESC SQL also has commands to create tables, to add records, to delete records and to change the value of fields of existing records; you can specify read and write permissions for other users; you can commit and roll back transactions; you can add and delete fields from existing tables, specify indexes and create views. Test your Understanding Assignment 3 1. The following Data show the details of the FLIGHT table. FLIGHT_NO ORI DES ORIG_TIME DEST_TIME M FARE 101 FLG PHX 10 :00 12:00 S 48.5 102 PHX MPS 14:00 15:45 L 156 103 MPS PHX 16:00 18:30 D 156 104 PHX FLG 06:00 08:00 S 48.5 15 PHX LAX 13:23 14:55 B 49 17 PHX LAX 22:00 23:20 B 49 31 PHX LAX 17:25 18:25 S 49 Using the same Table called Flight write the following Queries. a. Execute a select statement to select all rows from the flight table that originate in Phoenix. Note that alpha literals must be in quotes and the code for Phoenix is PHX. Remember anything in quotes is case sensitive. Use the Describe command to get the attribute names on flight. b. Execute a select statement to select the flight number, the origination airport, and the origination time from the flight table. c. Execute a select statement to select the flight number, the destination airport and the destination arrival time for all flights that originates in Phoenix. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 65 Database Fundamentals Chapter 5: Traditional Database Models Learning Objectives At the end of this Chapter you will: ?? Describe the main features of the hierarchic and network database models. ?? Be able to design a simple database upon hierarchic and network lines. ?? Explain how data is retrieved from these types of system. ?? Assess the shortcomings and advantages of these types of database model. Hierarchic database design principles A hierarchic database system is one that is built as a tree of related record types. All hierarchic databases have one, and only one ‘root’ record type. This root records type may participate in one-to-many relationships with any number of ‘child’ record types. Fig4-1 A root record with child records. Fig. 4.2. Child record types with descendants. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 66 Database Fundamentals It is only capable of showing one type of relationship (1-M) and that all relationships must work in one direction only towards a single root entity. If the customer has accounts at more than one branch, then the record will have to make multiple appearances under different roots. Implementing a hierarchic schema A hierarchic database schema consists of a simple series of record descriptions, each of which includes a reference to the ‘owner’ of that record. DBNAME = BANKSYSTEM RECORD TYPE = BANK FILDS BRANCHENAME = CHAR20 ADDRESS – CHAR 30 MANAGER_NO = INTEGER RECORD TYPE = ACCOUNT PARENT = BANK FIELDS ACCNO = INTEGER UNIQUE BALANCE = FLOAT ACC_TYPE = CHAR 1 RECORD TYPE = EMP PARENT = BANK FIELDS EMPNO = INTEGER UNIQUE INS_NO = CHAR 9 EMPNAME = CHAR 30 ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 67 Database Fundamentals RECORD TYPE = CUSTOMER PARENT = ACCOUNT FIELDS REFNO = INTEGER NAME = CHAR 20 ADDRESS = CHAR 30 STATUS = CHAR 8 Figure 4.4 A hierarchic database definition. The idea of relating two records together in a database schema by means of common data values is simply not present in a hierarchic system. This has the following implications for data integrity in a hierarchic system: 1. No Child record may exist without a parent. 2. When a parent record is removed, then all of its child records are automatically removed. 3. Any changes to a parent record are, by implication, cascaded to the information that is stored about its child records. Hierarchic data retrieval Operators in a hierarchic system work on a ‘record at a time’ basis, meaning that each activation of an operator retrieves just one record. To retrieve a set of records requires a retrieval operation to be applied repetitively. The simplest retrieval operation is GET FIRST, meaning ‘get the first record’. To find the name of a branch with a given address, we would say: GET FIRST bank WHERE bank.address = ’12 Low Street’; PRINT bank.branchname; ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 68 Database Fundamentals This operation reads all BANK type records until it finds one satisfying the given condition. This operation examines the root set of records in our system. It is possible to perform a direct access operation on records below the root. The details of an account could be retrieved thus: GET FIRST account WHERE account.accno = 67843; PRINT account.balance, account.type; This second command will examine all of the account records starting from the first account under the first branch and read all account records from that point onwards until it finds an account with the given ACCNO value. To display the details of the customers, who own a particular account, we would start the search at a level lower. This command retrieves customer details for the account 678543: GET FIRST account WHERE account.accno = 678543; GET NEXT WITHIN PARENT customer; WHILE DB_ STATUS_OK PRINT; GET NEXT WITHIN PARENT customer END-WHILE Hierarchic data updating To insert data into a hierarchic database, it is necessary to build a data record with the required values and then insert it under the required owner record. For instance, to insert a new account at the Grawley branch, we need to do the following: account.accno = 929292; account.balance = 0.00; account.type = ‘C’; INSERT account WHERE bank.branchname = ‘Crawley’; To enter a customer for this account, we would say: ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 69 Database Fundamentals customer.refno = 2394; = ‘LA Parath’; Customer.status = ‘Business’; INSERT customer WHERE account.accno = 929292; Both of these INSERT operations would fail if there were no parent record with the existing search condition. To update a record, we need to find the record to be updated and then change the relevant values. To change the address of a customer, we would say; GET HOLD FIRST customer WHERE refno = 2345; Cusomter.address = ‘PO Box 457, Kellysville’; REPLACE; To delete a record, we locate it and then simply give the DELETE command, for example: GET HOLD FIRST customer WHERE customer refno = 2345; DELETE; This would simply delete the first customer with this reference number. If this customer was attached to many accounts and we wished to delete all record of their existence, we would need a loop: GET HOLD FIRST customer WHERE customer.refno = 2345; WHILE DE_STATUS_OK DELETE; GET HOLD NEXT customer WHERE Customer.refno = 2345; ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 70 Database Fundamentals END_WHILE Network databases A major disadvantage of hierarchic databases is that they are only capable of representing 1-M relationships that emanate in a single line from a root record type. A network database consists primarily of a collection of record types. Record types are associated together by links. A link represents a 1-M relationship between a record of one type (‘the owner’) and a set of records of another type (‘the members’). The major difference between hierarchic and network systems is that there is no constraint on the number of direction of links that may be established between record types. The need for a root record type is removed and record sets are free to participate in any number of 1-M relationships. In Figure 4.5, we have a network database where BANK is participating ina1-M relationship with ACCOUNT. This is indicated by the direction of the arrow from BANK to ACCOUNT. We also have an arrow going from CUSTOMER to REGISTRATION, indicating a 1-M relationship and likewise from ACCOUNT to REGISTRATION. Fig4.5 A Simple Network database Figure4.6 A network database with multiple link types ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 71 Database Fundamentals Implementing a network schema A network database schema consists of a series of record type declaration and set declarations that establish the links between record types. The most important difference between this code and that used to implement the hierarchic system is the absence of any ownership references within the record declarations. Instead, we have ‘set’ declarations to represent the relationships between record types. The OWNER IS X MEMBER IS Y syntax establishes a 1-M relationship between X and Y which is physically implemented as a chain of connecting pointers between an owner record and its ‘ownees’. SCHEMA NAME BANK SYSTEM. RECORD BANK. FLD BRANCHNAME CHAR(20) DUPLICATES NOT ALLOWED. FLD BANK-ADDRESS CHAR(30) RECORD ACCOUNT. FLD ACCNO INTEGER(6) DUPLICATES NOT ALLOWED. FLD TYPE CHAR(1) FLD BALANCE FLOAT(10, 2) RECORD CUSTOMER. FLD REFNO FLD NAME FLD CUST-ADDRESS FLD STATUS INTEGER(4) DUPLICATES NOT ALLOWED CHAR(20) CHAR (30) CHAR(8) SET BANK-ACCOUNTS. OWNER IS BANK MEMBER IS ACCOUNTMANDATORY AUTOMATIC ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 72 Database Fundamentals SET ACCOUNT-OWNER OWNER IS A ACCOUNT MEMBER IS REGISTRATION MANDATORY AUTOMATIC SET CUSTOMER-ACCOUNTS OWNER IS CUSTOMER MEMBER IS REGISTRATION OPTIONAL MANUAL SET BANK-FILE OWNER IS SYSTEM MEMBER IS BANK SET CUSTOMER-FILE OWNER IS SYSTEM MEMBER IS CUSTOMER Figure 4.8 A network schema Network data retrieval Network data retrieval operates work on a ‘record at a time’ basis. As with a hierarchic system, an operation has to be applied repetitively to retrieve a set of records. The programmer has to be able to ‘navigate’ the database to the actual record that is required. This record will be within a set of records of the given type, and the process of navigation may require following ownership and membership links between different sets and within a set of records. The process of retrieving a record consists of two stages. 1. Use the FIND operator to navigate the database to a particular record. The address of this record becomes the CRU. 2. Use the GET operator to retrieve the record located by the CRU. The simplest form of retrieval is the location of a single record within a SYSTEM-owned set. For instance, to retrieve the name of a bank with a given address, we require the following routine: BANK, ADDRESS: = ’12 Low Street’; ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 73 Database Fundamentals FIND ANY BANK USING ADDRESS; IF DB_STATUS_OK GET BANK; PRINT BANK. BRANCHNAME END-IF; The FIND ANY operator locates the first record within the given set that satisfies the given constraint. A DB_STATUS flag is required in case the operation has failed to locate any such record, leaving the CRU in an undermined state. If the CRU does have a determined state (that is, record has been located), then the GET operator is activated to return the record located via the CRU. Network Updating The updating of data in a network database requires a record to be built and then navigation to the point where the update must take place. With SYSTEM-owned sets, this is relatively straightforward. For instance, to create a new customer record, we can simply say: CUSTOMER.NAME: = ‘K Chan’; CUSTOMER.ADDRESS: = 57, Peterlee Road’; CUSTOMER.REFNO: = ‘9182’; CUSTOMER.STATUS: = ‘Domestic’; STORE CUSTOMER; The STORE operator automatically causes the insertion of the given customer into the SYSTEMowned set CUSTOMER-FILE. Navigation as such is not necessary here. To change the details of a customer, some navigation is required. For instance, the alternation if a customer’s address would require the following: CUSTOMER.NAME = ‘P Jones’ FIND FOR UPDATE ANY CUSTOMER WITHIN CUSTOMER-FILE USING NAME; GET CUSTOMER; CUSTOMER.ADDRESS: = 23, Pipe Hayes’; ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 74 Database Fundamentals MODIFY CUSTOMER; To create a new account, we need to find the set of accounts belonging to a branch and then insert it into that set thus: BANK.BRANCHNAME: = ‘Crawley’; ACCOUNT.ACCNO: = 929292; ACCOUNT.BALANCE: = 0.00; ACCOUNT.TYPE: = ‘C’; FIND ANY BANK WITHIN ABANK-FILE USING BRANCHNAME; IF DB_STATUS _OK FIND LAST WITHIN BANK-ACCOUNTS; STORE ACCOUNT END-IF; Deleting a record is performed using the ERASE operator: CUSTOMER.NAME ‘ ‘P Jones’ FIND FOR UPDATE ANY CUSTOMER WITHIN CUSTOMER-FILE USING NAME; ERASE CUSTOMER; This will only delete the first customer found with this name. If we wished to delete all customers with this name, we require a loop: CUSTOMER.NAME = ‘P Jones’ FIND FOR UPDATE FIRST CUSTOMER WITHIN CUSTOMER-FILE UAING NAME; WHILE DB_STSTUS_OK ERASE CUSTOMER; FIND FOR UPDATE NEXT WITHIN CUSTOMER-FILE USING NAME END-WHILE; Each of these examples will only succeed if the given customers did not currently own any registrations. ERASE needs to be qualified in order to specify what should be done in the case of a record that ‘owns’ other records: ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 75 Database Fundamentals ERASE PERMANENT: deletes a record along with all records that belong to sets that it owns whose membership is MANDATORY. Members of set that it owns whose membership is OPTIONAL are disconnected but not deleted. ERASE SELECTIVE: deletes a record, all records insets that it owns whose membership is MANDATORY and all records in sets that it owns whose membership is OPTIONAL and which do not participate in any other sets. ERASE ALL: deletes a record along with all records in all sets that this record own, regardless of whether membership is OPTIONAL or MANDATORY. SUMMARY ?? Hierarchic and network databases implement a database as a collection of record types associated together in a series of 1-M relationships. ?? In a hierarchic system, the terminology ‘parent’ and ‘child’ is used to describe that 1- M tie between record types. ?? In a hierarchic system, there exists one root record type. All other record types must have exactly one parent and must be linked either directly or indirectly to the root record type. ?? In a network system, 1-M relationships are characterized by sets which connect an ‘owner’ with its ‘members’. There is no restriction on the number of set connections that may be established between and within record types. ?? In a network system, record types that are the approximate equivalent of weak entities may be established to represent M-N relationships between record types. ?? Hierarchic and network systems both manipulate data on a ‘record at a time’ basis. Hierarchic operations are characterized by tree handling, network operations are typically navigational in character. Test your Understanding 1. Here is a restatement of the EverCare Country General Hospital scenario: ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 76 Database Fundamentals At the EverCare Country General Hospital, patients are admitted and given a unique Patient Id. We record their name, home address and date of admission. They are assigned to a ward and to a consultant. They may then be diagnosed a set of conditions. Whilst in our care, they will receive a set of treatment. Each treatment will have a data and details of the nurse administering the treatment, the drug being administered and the dosage. Drugs have a unique Drug Id, a name and a recommended dosage (which may not be the same as the dosage given in individual treatments). Nurses have a Nurse Id and a name and are assigned to a ward. Each ward has a Sister (who is a nurse). Consultants have a Doctor Id and a name. Using this and the E/R diagram that you drew for Exercise 1 (a) in chapter 2, draw a diagram of record sets and links to show how this would be represented as a network database. Write a network database schema to implement your answer to question 1 above. Write commands based on your schema to: a. Find the name of the patient with ID ‘12345’; b. List the conditions diagnosed for patient ‘12345’; c. Find the names of patients assigned to the consultant with the name “Dr Fleischman’; d. Find the names of all drugs administered to patients assigned to ‘Dr Fleischman’; ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 77 Database Fundamentals Chapter 6: Object Oriented Databases Learning Objectives At the end of this Chapter you will be able to: ?? List the main benefits and drawbacks of object-oriented databases. ?? Define the main characteristics of an object-oriented database system. ?? Outline the main stages in designing and implementing a simple object-oriented database. The motivation behind object-oriented database systems A data processing application is characterized by the use of files of data that are manipulated to meet a given set of requirements. The hierarchic, network and relational technologies all represent different approaches to the integration of what are, in essence, simple files of data to satisfy a mix of applications. The types of situation where relational databases are perceived to be weak are those where the data objects are complex and require a large amount of semantic information to be encapsulated within them. Typical application areas include: a. Multimedia databases which require the storage of segments of sound, pictures and text and the ability to associate them together in a consistent manner. b. Geographic information systems which require the storage of different types of mapping and statistical data which may be subdivided into and collated from overlapping regions c. Design databases that store diagrams and data regarding complex components that may be associated together into further complex components. A given design may itself mutate through various versions and stages. Table 5.1.A relational table for storing diagrams Diagrams DiagramID Creation_Date Drawing Table 5.2. Diagrams database with subtyping ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 78 Database Fundamentals Diagrams DiagramID Creation_Date Drawing Base_Length Angle 1 Triangles DiagramID Angle 2 Equilaterals DiagramID Base_length Rectangles DiagramID Base_Length Side_Length Squares DiagramID Base_Length Table 5.3 Complex diagrams of differing types Complex_Diagram_Type_1 (composed of 3 diagrams) DiagramID Creation_ID_1 Creation_ID_2 Creation_ID_3 Complex_Diagram_Type_2 (composed of 2 diagrams) DiagramID Creation_ID_1 Creation_ID_2 Object-oriented concepts What is an object? The concept of an object comes from the field of object-oriented programming (OPP). In an OPP environment, the 'world' consists of objects. An object has the following characteristics: a. It has a unique, unchanging identity. b. It belongs to a class c. It may send messages to other objects. d. It has an internal state. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 79 Database Fundamentals The behavior and structure of an object in an OPP environment is determined entirely by its class. Object classes An object class has an interface and a private area. The interface of an object is that which is visible to other objects. It consists of two parts: Class properties. To a very limited extent, these are analogous to the attributes of a relation, for example a person has a name, address, telephone number, marital status and so on. However, they can also include things like explicit links to other objects, or they could even be virtual properties (e.g. 'Age' being derived from 'Date_of_Birth). There is no limitation placed on how properties may be structured or associated together. Properties may in themselves to objects, allowing for the building of composite objects. The property values of an object cannot be manipulated directly. They can only be accessed via the methods associated with its class. Class methods. Messages are passed to an object class via its methods of its class. These usually take the form of operations and functions that may be parameterized. Objects in a given class may only be accessed or operated on via its methods. At the interface level, all that is visible is the name of each method and its required parameters. The private area is that part of the class definition which is not visible to other objects. It contains the code that makes the methods work. An important OPP concept is that of 'encapsulation'. Briefly, this means that everything about an object is encapsulated within its class definition. It can only be accessed through its interface and its behavior is entirely defined by its class. Inheritance This is a very important OPP concept. It is somewhat analogous to subtyping and supertyping. We can say that an object class is 'inherited from' another object class. For instance, we may define the classes 'Male' and 'Female' as inherited from 'Person'. This means that everything that characterizes the Person class also exists in the Male and Female classes; thus they have a common set of properties and methods. We may add further properties and methods to these classes that extend their definition beyond that of a person. We can also 'overload' 'person' methods. For instance, the 'Marry' method on the class 'Female' may be rewritten to assign a married surname and a maiden name. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 80 Database Fundamentals Multiple inheritance is where a class inherits from more than one class, for example a 'Technical Manager' inheriting from the classes 'Technician' and 'Manager'. Moving on from this brief overview of the object-oriented paradigm, we shall examine what is meant by the term 'object-oriented database'. What is an object-oriented database? An object-oriented database management system (OODBMS) is a database system that allows objects to be stored and shared between different applications. In an object-oriented database system, objects may be 'persistent'. By ' persistent', we mean that an object has a life that extends beyond the program that creates it. Other programs may retrieve and use such objects and even destroy them. An object-oriented database system must minimally have the following features: a. A database language that enables the declaration of object classes as described above and the subsequent creation, storage, retrieval and deletion of objects. b. An object store may be accessed by different applications. In order that stored objects may be uniquely identified, every object in the object store must have an object identifier (OID). This is different to the primary key concept in relational databases. A primary key is a collection of attributes that uniquely identify a tuple. A primary key value may change 9e.g. an employee changing his or her EMPNO). In an object-oriented system, the OLD is typically a 64- or 128-bit string that never changes once assigned to an object. An object may still have a set of properties that behave like a primary key in a relational database. This depends entirely on how its class is defined. The handling of OLDs is entirely governed by the OODBMS. The OODBMS relates objects to OIDs and is responsible for their storage and retrieval. Generalization and specialization Generalization is the process by which we identify object classes with similar properties and from these similarities abstract a superclass. With our diagram database, we might have started by identifying classes for triangles, squares, rectangles and circles and from these abstracting a diagram superclass consisting of those properties common to all diagrams. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 81 Database Fundamentals Specialization is the converse of generalization. Starting with 'Diagram' as a superclass, we may then identify subclasses for different types of diagram, each sharing the common properties and methods of a diagram but having additional properties and/or methods that are unique to each class. FIG 5.3 A simple generalization hierarchy Aggregation Aggregation is the process hereby object classes may be associated together to form an "Aggregate' class. Object-oriented data modeling summary The transformation of a semantic object model into an object-oriented database requires the following : a. For each semantic object, create an object class. b. Where a parent/subtype relationship is identified between two semantic objects, implement an inheritance connection between the object class representing the subtype and the object class representing the parent. c. Implement aggregate and association type semantic objects as aggregate object classes. d. Maintain the integrity of cardinalities between semantic object, the grouping of semantic objects and disjoint subtyping using methods. e. Classes that have common properties and methods may be abstracted together into superclasses with associated inheritance chains. A short critique of object-oriented database system Briefly, the shortcomings can be summarized as follows. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 82 Database Fundamentals a. The absence of a well defined unifying field of theory. Relational databases benefit from having a relatively precise definition of what it means to be 'relational;. Objects-oriented databases, being an adaptation of a programming paradigm, are not so precisely defined, leaving many implementers coming up with varying interpretations of what an object-oriented database actually is. This presents confusion regarding terminology. The users of objectoriented databases frequently find that they are confronted by a raft of new concepts every tie they come to a new system. Database interoperability is a major problem for object-oriented systems. b. The absences of a formally defined database design methodology such normalization. There is very little to guide the designer of an object-oriented system as to the optimal way of designing an object-oriented database, resulting in potentially highly inefficient systems. c. The absence of ad hoc queries facilities.) Objects can only be accessed through pre-defined methods. If the method does not exists for building a particular dataset, than the 'casual' user cannot access such a dataset, even though the data may exist within the database objects. Contrast this with an SQL- based relational database where a user with SQL knowledge (or, more typically, using a tool that provides a 'user-friendly' front end for generating SQL queries) can build any dataset from that part of the database to which the user is granted access. d. The absence of general integrity rules. Data integrity can be enforced in an object-oriented system, but this relies entirely on individual programmers being able to write the appropriate methods. All data integrity becomes ad hoc. System -wide integrity rules such as entity and referential integrity that can be consistently understood by users and supported by the underlying DBMS simply do not exist. e. Navigational queries. In the section on ONTOS, we did not present an example of a data query method. This is because the reader would have had to understand a considerable amount of C++ in order to make sense of such a method. Object-oriented languages such as C++ typically access sets of stored objects using loops retrieving 'one object at a time'. Connections between objects are usually established via chains of pointers. The programmer writing such a method has therefore to 'navigate' along pointer chains that connect the objects that contain the data to satisfy a given query. This lead to a navigational form of databases querying that is highly reminiscent of the worst features of network databases. This is clearly a giant step backwards. f. The handling of object identifiers (OIDs). Again, this suffers from a lack of consistent interpretation. Locating objects via OIDs rather that by key values adds a significant querying overhead. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 83 Database Fundamentals SUMMARY ?? Object-oriented database systems represent an attempt to apply the object-oriented programming paradigm to database technology. ?? An object-oriented database consists of objects belonging to classes. ?? An object's behavior is entirely governed by its class membership. ?? The process of object-oriented database design is based around the identification of object classes. Test your Understanding 1. Here is a restatement of the scenario at the EverCare Country General Hospital as set out in Chapter 2: At the EverCare Country General Hospital, patients are admitted and given a unique Patient Id. We record their name, home address and date of admission. They are assigned to a ward and to a consultant. They may then be diagnosed a set of conditions. Whilst in our care, they will receive a set of treatments. Each treatment will have a data and details of the nurse administering the treatment, the drug being administered and the dosage. Drugs have a unique Id, a name and a recommended dosage (which may not be the same as the dosage given in individual treatments). Nurses have a Nurse Id and a name and are assigned to a ward. Each ward has a Sister (who is a nurse). Consultants have a Doctor Id and a name. a. Identify the object classes that can be derived from the above scenario. b. For each object class identified, list the properties of that class. c. For each object class identified, list the functions that would be required to establish relationships between classes (e.g. a function 'Patients_assigned' that yields the patients assigned to a consultant). ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 84 Database Fundamentals Chapter 7: Distributed Databases Learning Objectives At the end of this Chapter you will be able to: ?? Define the main characteristics of a distributed database system ?? Explain the main problems associated with successfully implementing a distributed database system. ?? Describe alternative means of sharing data between databases. Aim of a Distributed Database System A distributed database system is a collection of logically related databases that co-operate in a ‘transparent manner’-each user in the system may access the data within all the databases as if they are in a single database. Distributed databases have a number of databases on a number of machines that are connected over a computer network. Users and application should be able to access data without having to know where in the network it is located so that data may be moved around the network without rewriting the applications. This is called ‘location independence’. In a large enterprise that operates across a number of sites, there will be geographically dispersed database users. In a traditional environment, there is a single database with remote terminals at each site accessing that database. The disadvantages of this are: a. High communications overhead. A large amount of data transference is involved, which is costly and slow. b. An overworked central machine exacerbating performance problems. c. Over reliance on a central site. If the machine fails, the entire corporate becomes unavailable. The solution to this is to physically partition the database to be dispersed across a number of sites. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 85 Database Fundamentals The advantages of this are: a. Reduced communication overhead as most of the data access is local and saves expense while improving performance. b. Improved processing power. . A collection of machines services the same database. c. If a machine fails then the only part of the system affected is in the local site. d. The database is brought nearer to the users. Implementation of a Distributed Database System Fragmentation It is the process by which files are subdivided and dispersed across a number of sites. The two types of fragmentation are: a. Horizontal fragmentation—A relation is subdivided into subsets of tuples with each site storing a particular subset. b. Vertical fragmentation—A relation is subdivided according to its attributes. Replication Data replication is the storage of the same data at more than one site ; reasons could be performance, availability and security. Performance will fall if sites have to constantly access data that is held remotely. The removal of reliance on a central site increases the availability of the database. If remote access is frequent and one of the sites holding a popular section of the dataset fails, then availability becomes compromised, with parts of the operational data required by individual sites being rendered unavailable. There may be parts of the data that are crucial for the security. Each site will have its own security facilities for ensuring the recovery of lost data. This is enhanced if the data is held and secured at more than one site. Update Propagation In a non-replicated system, update propagation is not a consideration, as only one copy exists of each item of data. When an application at one site updates data that is held at another site, some form of protocol must exist to ensure that all of the available copies of that data are consistent. In a distributed environment using replication, individual systems must be able to issue networkwide locks when replicated data is being altered. In this way when, when one site is updating an ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 86 Database Fundamentals item of replicated data, then it becomes locked at all the sites. If the update fails at one site, then a network –wide rollback must be issued to undo it at all the sites where it has been committed. Without these safeguards, different sites may be using different versions of the same data. When a system-wide update is being done, if one of the sites is not able to complete the commit owing to local system failure, then that part of the database remains locked to all sites. Primary copy strategy Here every database object that is replicated is assigned a site that is designated to hold the ‘primary copy’ of that object. When a system –wide update is performed, the site that holds the primary copy issues the system –wide locks. Once the primary site commits, then the update operation is regarded as complete. This implies that other sites that manage to commit will use the database object as if it had been altered elsewhere. Sites with local problems that are unable to complete the commit are locked out locally from using that particular object and they do not affect the functioning of the other sites. Two-phase commit in the two-phase commit, one site takes responsibility of co-ordination of commits. Phase one the coordinating site sends the update information and a ‘ready to commit?’ request all sites holding a copy of the database object to be updated. Each site performs a check as to whether it can do the commit and sends back a ‘YES ’or ’NO’ signal. Phase -two: if a site sends a ‘NO’ signal, then the coordinating site issues a system wide ’Abort’, meaning that all sites will discard the update information and proceed as if the ‘commit ’warning signal had never been sent. If they all signal ’YES’ then a system-wide ‘commit’ is issued once a site has performed the commit, it can now regard it as complete and release all local locks. Catalogue management A database management system maintains a data dictionary (catalog) that describes all data objects stored and managed by the system. The various approaches that can be taken to the storage and management of the catalog: a. Completely dispersed. Here each site has catalog details for those parts of the distributed database that are stored locally at that site. The problem with this is for each access to a nonlocal data, a site must examine the catalogs of all other sites until the relevant data is found and this can lead to performance problems when non-local data access is required. b. Completely replicated. Here every site has a complete copy of the entire system catalog that speeds up the non-local data access, but for a new data object created or deleted at one site then this update must be propagated to all other catalogs within the system. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 87 Database Fundamentals c. Centralized. Here with local data dictionaries, there exists at one site a catalog of all data available within the system. Access to non-local data is performed by looking it up at this site. If the machine maintaining the central catalog were to fail then all access to non-local data will be impossible. d. Persistent identifiers. Here when a data object is created at a site it is given a logical identifier that is exported to the data dictionaries of all other sites. This identifies the site where it was created. The birth site catalog entry of an object keeps take track of where it is stored. For eg if a relation is moved from its birth site to another site, the catalog entry at its birth site is altered to record its new location. It is also added to the local data dictionary of the site where it is now stored. Any other site that needs that object will first examine the catalog entry at its birth site and use the information stored there to find the object itself. If the object were to move again, it would get deleted from the data dictionaries at the site it is leaving , added to the data dictionary of its new site and have the catalog entry at its birth site altered to record its new location. This means that objects become un-locatable if their birth site has failed. Distributed Query Processing In a distributed database system, the processing of queries that require the examination of data stored across different sites can pose problems. Ideally a distributed system must maintain records of the datasets held at each site in order that the best strategy for servicing a query may be deduced. Query servicing must also take advantage of fragmentation. When joining data at more than one site, one strategy for reducing data transference costs is that of the semi-join. With this strategy, we send the joining attribute from one site to another, perform the join with the relevant rows and send back the attributes required by the query to the first site where the join can now be completed. Types of Distributed System Distributed database system may be classified into two types: a. Homogeneous b. Heterogeneous A homogeneous distributed database system (FIG6.1) is one where every site has the same type of database management system. Each site will need a layer to be added to the local software to handle network communication and database management facilities. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 88 Database Fundamentals Fig6.1 HOMOGENEOUS DISTRIBUTED DATABASE SYSTEM. A heterogeneous system is one that associates more than one type of database. The form of implementing will vary according to the degree of heterogeneity. Suppose we have two sites having relational database but supplied by different vendors (eg. ORACLE and INFORMIX). If the ORACLE site wished to access and use the database at the INFORMIX site as if it were part of an ORACLE distributed database it will have to supply a ‘gateway ’to the INFORMIX site. A gateway is a layer of software that enables one product to ‘look like’another. An INFORMIX/ORACLE gateway enables an INFORMIX database to ‘look like’ an ORACLE database. Amongst other things it maps between INFORMIX and ORACLE data types, mappings between the SQL dialects used by the two products, protocols for synchronizing locking and committing routines .The gateway will sit on top of the INFORMIX making it look like an ORACLE site. In this way, a similar, but not identical, DBMS can participate in an otherwise homogeneous system.(FIG6.2) FIG6.2 HETEROGENEOUS DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM WITH A GATEWAY ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 89 Database Fundamentals The above solution enables applications at the ORACLE site to use the INFORMIX database as if it were part of a distributed ORACLE system. In order that applications at the INFORMIX site can use the ORACLE database as if it were part of a distributed INFORMIX system, an ORACLE/INFORMIX gateway will have to be supplied to the ORACLE site to sit between the local system and a layer of INFORMIX distributed database software. When a heterogeneous system is implemented using relational products built around SQL, it is feasible to develop gateways that provide a ‘seamless’ interface between the various systems. This helps all the sites to participate as members of the network, with all of the data objects available to all other sites. A federated database system is a collection of independent, locally controlled databases that allow partial and controlled sharing of data. This is achieved by the provision of a ‘federated database schema’ that provides description of data objects accessible to all sites in the system. In a heterogeneous system this will represent only a small subset of the entire data content of all the participating databases. Each local site will need an interface that maps objects from its local schema to the federated schema and vice versa. This provides the facility for the distributed system to be implemented that only handles data object from the federated schema and which communicates via the federated schema interface local to each site.(FIG6.3) FIG6.3 A FEDERATED HETEROGENEOUS DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 90 Database Fundamentals Non-distributed Multi Database System A true distribute database system provides a seamless integration between a collection of database systems held at a number of sites. There are other forms of multi-database cooperation. Client Server systems are famous in desktop microcomputers connected by a LAN. In such environments machines can be classified as ‘clients’or’servers.’ A client provides a ‘front end’ (user interface –SQL generator, report generator) to a database. When a client requires a database service it sends a request to the server. A server is a machine where a DBMS is mounted and data is stored. This is a ‘back end’. The client machines will need an interface that enables network data transfer to take place between their local application and the network. The server needs an interface that helps data transfer between the network and DBMS (FIG6.4). The advantage of this is that the workload is off the server and is exported to the clients. The server becomes a dedicated machine. Considerations of managing the user interface, graphics, processing the application logic and are exported to the client. There may be more than one server on a network, a client may be able to access more than one database. In such a case the client will have to provide a network address of the relevant server when sending a request. Shared Resources System This is an evolution of the C/S environment. Each client not only runs front-end applications but also has its own DBMS.All that resides on the server is the raw data on the disk. In this way, the same data can support a set of databases. The individual databases do not inter-cooperate in the manner of a distributed system. Once data is retrieved from the data repository, its consistency across platforms cannot be maintained. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 91 Database Fundamentals FIG6.4 A CLIENT/SERVER ARCHITECTURE Client a. Manages user interface b. Accepts user data c. Processes application logic d. Generates database requests e. Transmits database requests to server f. Receives results from server g. Formats results according to the application logic ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 92 Database Fundamentals Server a. Accepts database requests b. Processes database requests: c. Performs integrity checks d. Handles concurrent access e. Optimizes query f. Perform security checks g. Enacts recovery routines h. Transmits results of database requests to clients SUMMARY ?? A distributed database system is a collection of co-operating autonomous databases systems that can be used as if they were a single database. ?? Distributed database systems are required to have strategies for the handling of data fragmentation, data replication, update propagation, catalog management and distributed query processing. ?? Distributed databases may be implemented across systems using a homogeneous architecture. In the case of heterogeneous systems gateways must be provided between the various systems ?? Client/server and shared resource systems also provide multi-database environments. Know your Understanding 1. Here is a restatement of the Ever care county general hospital scenario is: At the EverCare County General Hospital, patients are admitted and given a unique Patient Id. We record their name, home address and date of admission. They are assigned to a ward and to a consultant. They may then be diagnosed a set of conditions. receive a set of treatments. Whilst in our care, they will Each treatment will have a date and details of the nurse administering the treatment, the drug being administered and the dosage. Drugs have a unique Drug Id, a name and a recommended dosage (which may not be the same as the dosage given in individual treatments). Nurses have a Nurse Id and a name and are assigned to a ward. Each ward has a Sister (who is a nurse). Consultants have a Doctor Id and a name. Suppose that amongst other database objects, we have implemented a patients table and a consultants table. The consultants table is held at a central site whereas the patients table has ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 93 Database Fundamentals been horizontally fragmented and stored at three different sites (central, siteA, siteB) with no replication. Certain distributed characteristics of the tables are as follows: a) Consultants (central site) 100 rows, average row size 256 bytes b) Patients (central site) 250 rows, average row size 512 bytes c) Patients (siteA) 1000 rows, average row size 512 bytes d) Patients (siteB) 2500 rows, average row size 512 bytes e) All consultant rows contain a Doctor_id (6bytes) and a Doctor_name (30bytes) f) All patient rows contain a patient_id (12bytes) and a Doctor_id (6bytes) and a patient_ name (30bytes). Consider the following query: SELECT PATIENT_ID, PATIENT_NAME FROM PATIENTS P, CONSULTANTS C WHERE P.DOCTOR_ID=C.DOCTOR-ID AND DOCTOR_NAME=’Dr.ZURELSKI’; Suppose there was one doctor with this name, and this doctor was responsible for 50 patients, distributed across all the sites. 1. What strategies could be adopted for servicing this query if it was executed? a) At the central site? b) At site B? 2.For each of the strategies that you have identified, calculate the amount of data transference involved. Use a semi-join where appropriate. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 94 Database Fundamentals Chapter 8: Internal Management Learning Objectives At the end of this Chapter you will be able to: ?? Describe the various components of a computer system that provide data storage facilities to a database management system. ?? Explain the ways in which a database management system and its host computer system intercommunicate. ?? Outline means by which the internal database structures may be tuned to enhance database Computer file management and DBMS Computer files are stored on external media such as disks and tape. Disk drives are known as direct access devices. This means that data can be directly retrieved from any part of a disk once its position on the disk is known. Tape drives are serial access devices, meaning that data can only be retrieved by searching from the start of the tape until the required data is found. Database systems by their very nature require the direct access facilities of disk-based storage. The handling of the input and output of data to and from external devices is one of the tasks of a computer's 'operating system'. An operating system is a set of semi-permanent programs that provide an interface between application programs and the computer hardware. It provides to the programs a range of services such as memory management and input/output,to an operating services. The main service that a DBMS will use is that of physical file handling. The parts of the operating system that are relevant to file handling are the file manager and the disk manager. When a computer reads data from, or writes data to, a disk, it does not read it as a simple stream of bytes. Instead, it retrieves it and writes it in fixed size segments. These segments are called 'pages' (or sometimes 'sectors' 'blocks' pr ' buckets'). A page is thus a 'unit of I/O' (Input/Output). Typically, such units are 2 or 4 kilobytes in size. A given system will have its own fixed pagesize. Thus, when data is written to a disk in a system using a 4K pagesize, 4K of data is transferred from the computer memory to disk. Likewise, performing a read from disk will result in 4K of data being transferred from the disk to the main memory. In such an environment, reading a 48K file will therefore require 12 'reads' ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 95 Database Fundamentals Each page stored on disk has a PageID, indicating where it is stored on the disk. This enables an updated page to be written back to disk in the precise location from where it was read. The disk manager is responsible for the management of PageIDs and has within it the device-specific code that enables the reading and writing of specific pages on disk. A file is a collection of pages. The management of files is the task of the file manager. When a computer file is created, it requires a set of pages. For instance, in a 4K-page environment, a 48K file will require 12 Pages of storage. When a file is created, the file manager needs to request a set of pages form disk manager. This set of pages if given a PageSetID. Each page is given a logical ID within its page set. By 'logical' we mean an ID that simply refers to its position within its page set. A file consisting of 12 pages will simply have its pages numbered 1 to 12. The file manager has no knowledge of where pages are physically stored. Instead it communicates with the disk manager, issuing read and writes requests for particular (logical) pages within particular page sets. It is the task of the disk manager to translate logical page requests into physical PageIDs that can be used to access particular pages. Typically, the disk manager will maintain a directory with all of the PgeSetIDs with pointers to the pages belonging to each page set. All code pertaining to the control of the disk device. ('device-specific code') can be entirely encapsulated within the disk manager. The DBMS communicates with the file manager. The logical data objects of the system, by the relations, objects, record sets and so on, need to be converted by the DBMS into requests for data from particular host system files. The file manager provides the database system with a given page, the database system is required to convert the date data from that page into the logical form required by the database users. This logical form is the lowest form of representation available to the database user. These internal communications are shown in figure. The neat separation of the file manager from to the DBMS does not always exist in practice. Many types of operating system do not provide file management facilities that are suitable for database applications. Many products instead bypass the file manager and communicate directly with the disk manager. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 96 Database Fundamentals The ORACLE DMBS is a relational system, which fully conform to the requirement that the lowest level of representation given to users of the database is that of a relational table. Schematically, everything is stored in tables. FIG7.2 DBMS/HOST SYSTEM INTERCOMMUNICATION ORACLE tables are associated together in an ORACLE tablespace. A tablespace is a purely logical structure consisting of ORACLE data blocks. An ORACLE data block is of a fixed size, usually 2K or 4K depending on the operating environment. An ORACLE database may have more than one tablespace. Each tablespace will occupy one or more physical files. When a user or an application creates a table, a given number of ORACLE data blocks are assigned from a tablespace to that table. When a row is inserted into a table, it is stored in the first available data block for that table. Depending on the size of a row, a data block may contain many rows. For example, in a table where each row took up 1K of data, each data block assigned to that table would contain up to four rows. When no more data can be fitted into the first data block assigned to a table, then it is marked ‘full’, and the next data block is assigned as the ‘first available block’. When all of the data blocks assigned to a table are full, then the ORACLE system may assign another set of data blocks to that table. As stated above, an ORACLE data block is a purely logical structure. managed entirely by the ORACLE DBMS software. It is maintained and The underlying operating system has no ‘knowledge’ of tables, tablespaces and ORACLE data blocks. The only thing that the operating system ‘sees’ is the set of physical files in which the ORACLE system stores its logical data blocks. An ORACLE data block may not even be the same size as the underlying system page. A tablespace may span more than one physical file. It is the task of the ORACLE system to translate user table and row requirements into internal ORACLE data block requests and then to ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 97 Database Fundamentals translate these data block requests into page requests from host system files that can be ‘understood’ by the host system file manage. Thus, with an ORACLE system, Figure 7.2. is expanded as in Figure 7.3. The DBMS now has two levels of intercommunication, one with the database user, the other with the underlying host system. The user is only able to view and use the database as if it were a set of tables. Users do have the facility to determine which tablespace a table is stored in and to request an initial allocation of data blocks. Beyond this, the system is opaque to the user. The precise management of tables and data blocks within a tablespace is the task of the ORACLE system itself (we shall exclude details of this). Tablespaces and data blocks are themselves logical structures that must be translated into a form that can be communicated to the underlying file manager. In certain environments, it is possible to ‘fine-tune’ an ORACLE database so that it can translate its data blocks requests directly into logical page requests that can be communicated directly to the underlying disk manager, thus bypassing the file manager software. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 98 Database Fundamentals Database tuning concerns the arrangement of a database system in order that it performs at its maximum speed. applications. Database tuning can be very difficult in a multi-user system with a mix of Configuring the database in a particular way may be beneficial to one set of applications, but can make things worse for another set. At this level, tuning can become as much of a political decision as a purely technical one. Tuning at the internal level Indexes Database indexes are an important means of speeding up access to sets of records. They are especially useful in relational systems where rows are stored in random sequence within a table. Take the set of rows in Figure 7.4. Imagine that each record required one ‘read’ operation. Take the following query: SELECT* FROM EMP WHERE BRANCH = ‘Amersham’: To find the data to service this query would require all of the seven rows to be read, checking each one in turn for B ‘ RANCH = Amersham’. The result will be a single row. This could be considerably speeded up by the use of an index over the attribute Branch. An index is an ordered set of values. It is somewhat analogous to an index in a book, which is an ordered set of words. EMP EMPNO NAME BRANCH 1 Sharif Crawley 6 Peters Dorking 4 Chan Crawley 3 Jones Crawley 7 Elliot Dorking 12 Mason Amersham 11 Simpson Dorking FIG 7.4 AN EMPLOYEE RELATION ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 99 Database Fundamentals In order to find a word in a book, the quickest way is to find it in the index. This will indicate the pages in the book where the word occurs. A database index will list the values for an attribute with pointers to the database pages containing the rows where each value occurs. If each row in our example relation took up exactly one page of I/O, a schematic index for BRANCH will look as follows. BRANCH_INDEX Amersham 6 Crawley 1, 3, 4 Dorking 2, 5, 7 To service the query above now only requires to rows to be read, the first one from the index, which points us directly to row 6 in the relation, which we then retrieve. In fact, in this simple example using the index will reduce the number of reads required for any set of branch rows. Finding all Crawley employees will require two reads of the index followed by three reads of the relation. The purpose of all database tuning is to reduce the amount of disk access required by the system. An index will be much smaller than the relation itself. Loading and reading the index will be much quicker than reading the relation. Having read the index, the system will then be able to retrieve only those pages containing the rows relevant to servicing the query. The smaller the set of records involved the greater the saving. The sorted nature of indexes makes them quicker to read. In Figure 7.5, we have a special form of layered index known as a ‘balanced tree’ (‘B-tree’). In a B-tree, the index is arranged in a tree with two types of page. At the lowest level is the ‘sequence set’ of pages. These contain pointers to the data blocks containing records with the given index values. Above the sequence set is the ‘index set’ of pages. These act as an iindex to the index’. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 100 Database Fundamentals FIG7.5 A B-TREE INDEX In the example given, each page contains just two addresses (realistically, thousands of addresses would be stored on each page-the important thing is that each page will have a limit to the number of addresses that can be stored). At the top level, we have a ‘root’ page with a root value and two pointers, one to the pages in the index set containing values higher than the ‘root’ value and the other to pages containing values lower than the root value. The next level represents a set of index pages, each with two values. By having two values, each page cam maintain three pointers, one to a page containing values lower than the lower value, one to a page containing values lower than the lower value, one to a page containing values between the lower and the higher value and a third to a page containing values equal to or more than the higher value. At the lowest level, we have the sequence set that directly indexes the data file itself. To find a record with a given value, the root is first examined and then the chain of pointers is followed to the page in the sequence set containing that value. This will point at the block in the data file containing the desired record. For example, to find record 17, this value is first compared with the root value. Being lower than the root value, we are guided to the first page in the index set. As 17 is higher than the higher value in this page, we thus follow the rightmost pointer, which guides us to the third page in the sequence set. This contains the value 17 and a pointer to the page on disk holding record 17. We call this a balanced tree because there are as many index values to the left of the root as there are to the right. One particular advantage of indexes is their application in existence tests. If a value does not exist in a file, it is far quicker to search for that value and establish its non-existence using an index rather than reading the entire file. Retrieving data of a sorted nature is also performed much more quickly using an index. Without an index, the entire file may have to be read many times over in order that its data may be displayed according to the order of some attribute value. Using an index, records may be simply retrieved in the order indicated in the index. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 101 Database Fundamentals Indexes do have drawbacks. They do in themselves take up space on disk. A file that has indexes on all of its attributes will effectively take up twice as much space on disk. More seriously, they incur an update overhead. SQL provides the CREATE INDEX command for declaring indexes, for example: CREATE INDEX EMP_BRANCH_INDEX ON EMP (BRANCH); In most systems, once an index is created, its use is transparent to the user. That is, the system will automatically use it to service any query that refers to the attribute over which the index was built without any intervention on the part of the database user. Hashing Hashing is a means of directly determining a page address for a given record without the overhead associated with indexes. With hashing, we use the data values associated with an item to determine where it is stored. Take, for instance, a file of employees, each with a unique six-figure identifying number. We could use this number to determine which page of the file an employee should be stored at, for example: Emp 100100 - - > store at Page 100100 in the Emp file Emp 342987 - - > store at Page 342987 in the Emp file The problem with this scheme is that it forces us to reserve 999, 999 pages for this file. All the unused employee numbers will result in unused pages. The main problems associated with hashed key files are those of overflow and underflow. There will be occasions when more records will be mapped to a page than can be held on that page. The typical solution to this is to set up an ‘overflow’ page containing records that cannot fit onto the page where they were originally assigned. When a record cannot be fitted onto a page, a pointer is left indicating the overflow page where it is actually stored. When retrieving such a record, the system performs the hash function to retrieve the overflow page to obtain the record. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 102 Database Fundamentals It may be the case that the overflow page itself fills up, leaving pointers to further overflow page. Sometimes, retrieve a record may involve a series of overflow page retrievals. Underflow is the converse of overflow. Just as some pages will get too full, other pages may be only partially full or even empty. This would be as a result of too few keys being generated that are mapped by the hash function to certain pages. The result of this is a wasted disk allocation. It is not uncommon for hashed filed to have a mixture of overflowed and underflow pages within them. This will result in ‘pointer chasing’ for many of the record retrievals alongside a large amount of unused disk space. Clusters Using our employee relation, we might anticipate that we would usually require the employees to be retrieved in branch order. We can achieve this efficiently by physically storing all of the employee rows in branch sequence. The result of this will be that the page set used to store the relation will effectively become to the same branch. We call each of these subsets a ‘cluster’. The clusters themselves will be in branch sequence. Figure 7.6 Clustered pages. Another form of clustering is ‘inter file’ clustering. This is where we store records from more than one logical database file in the same physical page. Taking our banking database, we may anticipate that we will frequently wish to perform a JOIN of the EMP and BRANCH relations. If we store these relations separately, then to perform the join, we will need to retrieve two separate page sets. We can speed up the servicing of this join by storing the relations in an interleaved manner, whereby each branch row is followed by the set of employee rows pertaining to that branch. In this way, when the system retrieves the pages for a ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 103 Database Fundamentals set of rows from the employee relation, it is also retrieving the data for the joining rows the BRANCH relation. In the same database, we could create another inter file cluster using the customer REFNO as the cluster key, whereby each set of rows from the ACCOUNTS relation is stored in a page with the joining customer row. In general, clusters should only be implemented when there is a type of query that they can improve which is overwhelmingly dominant in the use of the database. SUMMARY ?? Database files are stored in logical page sets. A database management system must communicate with the underlying host system in order that its page set requirements are serviced. ?? The underlying physical files that store a database need not equate directly to the internal file representations of the database system. It is the task of the DBMS to map its own internal page set handling to that of the underlying host system. ?? Indexes are a useful means of speeding up access to small set of records from large database files. They incur update overheads. ?? Hashed key functions provide fast direct access to individual records. They incur overflow and underflow overheads. ?? Intra file clustering concerns the physical arrangement of records within a file according to some logical criteria. It will speed up record access according to the given criteria. It incurs update overheads. ?? Inter file-clustering concerns the physical interleaving of associated records from different files. It will speed up join queries using these files. It will slow down other types of query, Test your Understanding 1. What is meant by the term “a unit of I/O’? 2. Explain the process by which a relational database management system is able to retrieve a tuple for a particular relation from disk. 3. List the types of situation where database indexes are of most use. 4. List the pitfalls associated with the use of database indexes. 5. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of hashed key retrieval. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 104 Database Fundamentals 6. Here is the flights/reservation database originally shown in Chapter 3: CUSTOMERS CUSTNO CUSTNAME 1 P Jones 2 H Chan 4 S Abdul 6 K Smith 7 N Le Mer FLIGHTS FLIGHTNO DESTINATION DAY TIME COST FL2X PARIS TUESDAY 1400 78.95 HK101 HONG KONG SUNDAY 0900 525.00 JX74 BAHRAIN MONDAY 1300 275.75 RESERVATIONS CUSTNO FLIGHTNO 1 FL2X 1 HK101 2 HK101 6 JX74 7 JX74 1 JX74 a. Suggest, which one of these attributes should be indexed. Justify your answer. b. What clusters could be built with this database? For each one, outline its advantages and disadvantages. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 105 Database Fundamentals Chapter 9: Database Trends Learning Objectives At the end of this Chapter you will be familiar with terms such as: ?? OLAP ?? Data warehousing ?? Data mining Overview Most database applications are characterized by a large number of transactions, each transaction making only small changes to operational data (On-Line Transaction Processing OLTP). Organizational decision-making requires comprehensive view of all aspects of an enterprise. Therefore many organizations have consolidated data warehouses containing data drawn from several OLTP systems managed by different business units, together with history and summary Information. Trend of building data warehouses is complemented by an increased emphasis on powerful analysis tools: a. On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) dominated by stylized queries that typically involves group-by and aggregate operators. b. Exploratory Data Analysis or Data Mining users look for interesting patterns in the data, queries are typically difficult to formulate, amount of data is to large to permit manual or even traditional statistical analysis. Important for industry, data warehousing is a big business: ?? $3.5 billion in 1997,over $8 billion in 1998 ?? Wal Mart maintains largest data warehouse,> 6Tb data, several hundred Mb added per day. Data Warehousing Basic idea: collect data under a unified schema at a single site in advance of queries. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 106 Database Fundamentals DW stores collection of diverse data ?? “Solution ”to the data integration problem ?? Single repository of all business related information Highly subject-oriented ?? Data collection occurs by subject, not by application ?? Collected data is used for OLAP and/or data mining Typical workloads involve ad hoc, fairly complex read-only queries; ?? Optimized differently from OLTP system User interfaces are aimed at executives and decision makers DW contains large volume of data (Gb,Tb) Information is non-volatile,i.e., ?? Contents are stable for a long period of time ?? Enables long analysis transactions ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 107 Database Fundamentals ?? Often updates are append only Time variant kept: history (set of snapshots) and time attributes are essential Creating and Maintaining a Data Warehouse Identify warehouse data and source data needed. ?? Grocery store chain: cashier sales DB, inventory DB, promotion history ?? Insurance Company: policy information,claims processing DB Creating a DW essentially is a data integration problem ?? Data extracted from operational databases is cleaned (minimize errors, fill missing information), and transformed to reconcile semantic mismatches. ?? Transforming is accomplished by defining a view over the tables in the data sources. But unlike a standard view, the view is stored (materialized in the DW. Data are loaded into the DW. Additional processing such as sorting, generating summary of data, data partitioning, and building indexes is performed. Because of the huge amount of data, loading can be a slow process (_ parallelism) Loaded data is periodically refreshed to reflect updates on the data sources. The problem of efficiently refreshing warehouse tables (which are materialized views over tables in the sources databases) is an important research topic. (_ Incremental maintenance of materialized views) Periodically purge data from the data warehouse that is too old (perhaps onto archival media). System catalogs associated with DW are used to keep track of data currently stored in DW; can be very large; typically managed by a separate database called metadata repository. While there have been attempts to make a relational database do online analytical processing (termed ROLAP), the fact is that the relational and OLAP engines are quite distinct in how they store and access data. Most often, a data warehouse uses a relational engine for its data management. The reasons for this are many, but the central driving force is that relational engines have the maturity and capability to handle the heavy load and storage requirements of very large data warehouses. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 108 Database Fundamentals The OLAP engines differ from their relational cousins in that they use a different object foundation. While the two-dimensional table is the main logical storage structure for the relational database, the OLAP engine uses (primarily) a three-dimensional cube structure with the third dimension most often being time. While OLAP databases can handle fairly large databases, their capabilities do not match that of relational engines when it comes to managing hundreds of gigabytes of data. They do, however, make excellent data mart candidates. OLAP – Online Analytical Processing OLAP applications are dominated by ad hoc, complex queries (involving group by and aggregation operators) Typical way to think about OLAP queries is in terms of a multidimensional model of data Multidimensional Data Model Focus is on collection of numeric measures each measure depends on a set of dimensions Example: A multidimensional dataset for Sales Underlying star schema Store (store id, name, address) Product (prod id, name, category) Date (time id, day, month, year) Sales (time id, store id, prod id, units sold) ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 109 Database Fundamentals View of data as multidimensional array is readily generalized to more than three dimensions. Every company conducting business inputs valuable information into transactional- oriented data stores. The distinguishing traits of these online transaction processing (OLTP) databases are that they handle very detailed, day- to-day segments of data, are very write-intensive by nature and are designed to maximize data input and throughput while minimizing data contention and resource-intensive data lookups. By contrast, a data warehouse is constructed to manage aggregated, historical data records, is very read- intensive by nature and is oriented to maximize data output. Usually, a data warehouse is fed a daily diet of detailed business data in overnight batch loads with the intricate daily transactions being aggregated into more historical and analytically formatted database objects. Naturally, since a data warehouse is a collection of business entity’s historical information, it tends to be much larger in terms of size than its OLTP counterpart. Data Mining Data Mining (DM) seeks to discover knowledge automatically, in the form of statistical rules and patterns or trends from (very) large databases. Can be combined with OLAP. It differs from machine learning in that it deals with large amounts of data, stored primarily on disk (rather than in main memory). Knowledge discovered from a database can be represented by a set of rules. Such rules can be discovered using one of two methods: ?? User is involved directly in the process of knowledge discovery ?? The DM system is responsible for automatically discovering knowledge from the database, by detecting patterns and correlations in the data. SUMMARY ?? Data warehousing is collection of data under a unified schema at a single site in advance of queries While a solid foundational design is extremely important to a data warehouse, it ranks second to clean, reliable data. Perhaps the most difficult task in initially creating, and maintaining, a data warehouse is ensuring the validity of the information stored within the database itself. The collecting and cleansing of data from many disparate enterprise systems is not an easy task, and a data warehouse project usually fails because the data cannot be validated and relied upon by the decision-makers using the warehouse itself. ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 110 Database Fundamentals ?? OLAP engine usually uses (primarily) a three-dimensional cube structure with the third dimension most often being time. Test your Understanding 1. How is a data warehouse different from a normal database? 2. How do data warehousing and OLAP differ? ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 111 Database Fundamentals REFERENCES WEBSITES Internet sites: BOOKS ?? Case*Method: Entity Relationship Modeling - Richard Barker ?? Data & Databases – Joe Celko ?? An Introduction to Database Systems – C. J. DateBook ?? The Data Modeling Handbook - Reingruber and Gregory Book ?? Data Modeling for Information Professionals – Bob SchmidtBook ?? Data Model Patterns – David C. Hay, Richard Barker PRESENTATION Database Fundamentals_presentation ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 112 Database Fundamentals STUDENT NOTES: ©Copyright 2004, Cognizant Academy, All Rights Reserved 113